Sunday, December 23, 2018



澳洲西澳省金伯利地區早年出土的一幅繪有袋鼠的岩石壁畫,經墨爾本大學的考古團隊利用放射性碳定年法測定出土現場的蜂巢後,證實該畫距今有1.73萬年歷史,是澳洲最古老的完整岩畫藝術。參與研究的西澳洲大學社會科學學院奧斯曼(Sven Ouzman)博士指出,今次出土的袋鼠岩畫,視覺表現上與可追溯到4萬多年前、東南亞島嶼出土的岩畫相似,表明澳洲原住民與其他地區的文化聯繫,有助進一步了解土著文化歷史。

The Magura Cave (BulgarianПещера Магурата) (from Romanian magura, "hill") is located in north-western Bulgaria close to the village of Rabisha, 25 km (16 mi) from the town of Belogradchik in Vidin Province. The prehistoric wall paintings of Magura have great resemblance with those of the Grotta dei Cervi in Italy, which are of exceptional expression and artistic depth and are considered the most significant works of art of the European Post-Paleolithic era.

The Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave in the Ardèche department of southern France is a cave that contains some of the best preserved figurative cave paintings in the world,[1] as well as other evidence of Upper Paleolithic life.[2] It is located near the commune of Vallon-Pont-d'Arc on a limestone cliff above the former bed of the Ardèche River, in the Gorges de l'Ardèche. Discovered on December 18, 1994, it is considered one of the most significant prehistoric art sites

European early modern humans (EEMH) in the context of the Upper Paleolithic in Europe refers to the early presence of anatomically modern humans in Europe. The term "early modern" is usually taken to include fossils of the BohunicianAhmarianAurignacianGravettianSolutrean and Magdalenian, extending throughout the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), covering the period of roughly 48,000 to 15,000 years ago.[1] The early presence from 45,000 years ago is informed by the dating of the Grotta del Cavallofossil in 2011, earlier literature also cites 40,000 or 35,000 years. The upper limit of 15,000 marks the transition to the European Mesolithic, depending on the region also given in the range of 12,000 to 10,000 years ago. Use of "Cro-Magnon" is mostly to times after the beginning of the Aurignacian proper, c. 37 to 35 ka.[2] Genetically, EEMH form an isolated population between 37 and 14 ka, with significant Mesolithic admixture from the Near East and Caucasus beginning around 14 ka.[1] The description as "modern" is used as contrasting with the "archaicNeanderthals who lived within Europe from 400,000 to 37,000 years ago. The term EEMH is equivalent to Cro-Magnon Man, or Cro-Magnons, a term derived from the Cro-Magnon rock shelter in southwestern France, where the first EEMH were found in 1868.

Archaeologists working in Indonesia say they have discovered the earliest artwork that depicts a story. It is a tale told in red pigment on a cave wall. The scene, in the scientists’ interpretation, shows supernatural people hunting wild animals.People living on the island of Sulawesi drew this image of pigs and horned animals as long as 44,000 years ago, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. Surrounding the animals are people — or humanlike figures. This artwork predates the charcoal cave art in Europe by thousands of years.Ancient Sulawesi people, like European cave painters, drew lots of wildlife. On the limestone walls, animals loom larger than the other characters, who are nearly as spindly as stick figures. In one section, those figures cluster in front of a buffalo. They appear to face off against the animal. Lines connect their small arms to the buffalo’s chest.

Creswell Crags is an enclosed limestone gorge on the border between Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, England, near the villages of Creswell and Whitwell. The cliffs in the ravine contain several caves that were occupied during the last ice age, between around 43,000 and 10,000 years ago. Its caves contain the northernmost cave art in Europe. The evidence of occupation found in the rich series of sediments that accumulated over many thousands of years is regarded as internationally unique in demonstrating how prehistoric people managed to live at the extreme northernmost limits of their territory during the Late Pleistocene period. The caves contain occupation layers with evidence of flint tools from the Mousterian, proto-Solutrean, Creswellian and Maglemosian cultures. They were seasonally occupied by nomadic groups of people during the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods. Evidence of Neolithic, Bronze Age, Roman and post-medieval activity has also been found there. There is evidence of Neanderthal occupation 50,000–60,000 years ago, a brief Gravettian occupation around 32,000 years ago and use of all the main caves during the Magdalenian around 14,000 years ago.[2] The site is open to the public and has a visitor centre with a small museum of objects associated with the caves, including a stuffed cave hyena.
- 專家在洞內仔細探索,結果發現多個同類符號,大部分是「VV」和「PM」,相信是拉丁文聖母瑪利亞的意思;亦有一些符號繪畫了對角線、迷宮和方盒,與十六至十八世紀英國人在房屋、教堂和洞穴入口等地方畫下、用來驅除疾病的符號相似。

Quisque is an extinct genus of prehistoric herring that lived during the Upper Miocenesubepoch. At least two species are known, Q. gilberti, from what is now Southern California, and Q. bakeri, from what is now Texas
- pro omnibus quisque is part of motto of badminton school, bristol

The Cretaceous ( /krɪˈt.ʃəs/krih-TAY-shəs) is a geological period that lasted from about 145 to 66 million years ago (mya). It is the third and final period of the Mesozoic Era, as well as the longest. The name is derived from the Latin creta, 'chalk'. It is usually abbreviated K, for its German translation Kreide.
- 日本岩手縣久慈市一個有八千五百萬年歷史的白堊紀後期地層中,前年七月採到一個內含疑似植物的琥珀。久慈市市長遠藤讓一上周四證實,琥珀中的植物是一種新型苔蘚,將有助了解恐龍時代苔蘚植物進化過程等問題。

The Middle Pleistocene is an unofficial sub-epoch in the international geologic timescale in chronostratigraphy. It is intended to be the second division of the Pleistocene Epoch within the ongoing Quaternary Period. It is currently estimated to span the time between 0.773 Ma (760,000 years ago) and 0.126 Ma (126,000 years ago), also expressed as 773–126 ka. It includes the transition in palaeoanthropology from the Lower to the Middle Palaeolithic over 300 ka.The Middle Pleistocene equates to the proposed Chibanian Age of the geologic time scale (GTS), preceded by the official Calabrian and succeeded by the proposed Tarantian.[1] The beginning of the Chibanian is the Brunhes–Matuyama reversal, when the Earth's magnetic field last underwent reversal.[3] It ends with the onset of the Eemian interglacial period (Marine Isotope Stage 5).The term Middle Pleistocene is currently in use as a provisional or "quasi-formal" designation by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). The International Chronostratigraphic Chart labels the last two Pleistocene divisions as Middle and Upper, spanning 773–126 ka and 126–11.7 ka, respectively.[1] While the two lowest ages of the Pleistocene, the Gelasian and the Calabrian have been officially defined to effectively constitute the Early Pleistocene sub-epoch, the Middle Pleistocene and Late Pleistocene have yet to be formally defined, along with consideration of a proposed Anthropocene sub-division of the Holocene.
- 日本地質學家早年千葉縣發現史前地磁逆轉的證據,向國際地質科學聯合會(IUGS)申請將該個約七十七萬年至十二萬年前的未命名時代,命名為「千葉期」。IUGS上周五正式通過提案,屬破天荒首次以日本地名命名地質年代,令日本地質學家大感振奮。地球四十六億年歷史以地質年代劃分,「期」是比「代」(古生代、中生代等)及「紀」(侏羅紀、白堊紀等)時長更短的單位,多數取自歐美地名,如格陵蘭期、牛津期等。今次「千葉期」擊敗同樣提交申請的意大利南部兩個地區,參與研究的茨城大學古地磁場學教授岡田誠不禁稱︰「總算達成了,感慨萬千。」

英國有考古學家前日發表報告,指早前在南美洲哥倫比亞的亞馬遜森林內,發現一幅長達13公里、規模宏大的史前岩畫。團隊指這個被稱為「古人的西斯廷教堂」岩畫藝術創作,最早可追溯到12,500年前,對研究亞馬遜森林的史前人類文明極具價值。領導發掘的埃克塞特大學的考古學家伊里亞特(Jose Iriarte)在報告中指,他們去年與哥倫比亞國立大學學者合作,在哥倫比亞的契利比克特國家公園內一個偏僻峭壁上,發現該幅巨型岩畫。岩畫上有大量以紅色顏料繪畫的已滅絕冰河時期生物,例如南美長毛象,現代駱駝家族成員美洲駝、巨大的樹懶等。畫中的大型動物許多都被高舉雙手的人包圍,似乎是在狩獵或宗教崇拜儀式。此外,岩畫上有不少人類手印,強化了這幅畫的價值。

In Old World archaeology, Mesolithic (Greek: μέσος, mesos "middle"; λίθος, lithos "stone") is the period between the Upper Paleolithic and the Neolithic. The term Epipaleolithic is often used synonymously, especially for outside northern Europe, and for the corresponding period in the Levant and Caucasus. The Mesolithic has different time spans in different parts of Eurasia. It refers to the final period of hunter-gatherer cultures in Europe and Western Asia, between the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and the Neolithic Revolution. In Europe it spans roughly 15,000 to 5,000 BP; in Southwest Asia (the Epipalaeolithic Near East) roughly 20,000 to 8,000 BP. The term is less used of areas further east, and not at all beyond Eurasia and North Africa. The type of culture associated with the Mesolithic varies between areas, but it is associated with a decline in the group hunting of large animals in favour of a broader hunter-gatherer way of life, and the development of more sophisticated and typically smaller lithic tools and weapons than the heavy chipped equivalents typical of the Paleolithic. Depending on the region, some use of pottery and textiles may be found in sites allocated to the Mesolithic, but generally indications of agriculture are taken as marking transition into the Neolithic. The more permanent settlements tend to be close to the sea or inland waters offering a good supply of food. Mesolithic societies are not seen as very complex, and burials are fairly simple; grandiose burial moundsare another mark of the Neolithic.
- The Pit–Comb Ware culture or Comb Ceramic culture was a northeast European characterised by its Pit–Comb Ware. It existed from around 4200 BCE to around 2000 BCE. The bearers of the Comb Ceramic culture are thought to have still mostly followed the Mesolithic hunter-gatherer lifestyle, with traces of early agriculture.
- When archaeologists were excavating a dry prehistoric lake bed in Motala, Sweden in 2009, they stumbled upon one of the most peculiar archaeological discoveries the world had seen – the so-called ‘Tomb of the Sunkenoffering or Sunken Skulls’, a collection of skulls dating back 8,000 years, which had been mounted on stakes. Located on the eastern shore of Lake Vättern in the south eastern corner of Sweden, in 2009, a new railway line was to be built over a site known as Kanaljorden, where there once was a shallow lake.  However, before construction could commence, an excavation had to be conducted on the dry riverbed to determine if anything archaeologically significant lay underneath. What archaeologists found was a mysterious site dated back to Sweden’s Mesolithic period.
- map
archaeologists have discovered a cache of butchered rhino bones and dozens of stone tools on the Philippines’s largest island, Luzon. The find pushes back the earliest evidence for human occupation of the Philippines by more than 600,000 years, and it has archaeologists wondering who exactly these ancient humans were—and how they crossed the deep seas that surrounded that island and others in Southeast Asia.

academic development
- [archaeo time travel]concepts of pre-historique or prehistoric did not in fact exist before 1830s


from prehistoric to historic
- About 12,000 years ago, natural changes to the climate made the world a much drier place. This is when the Sahara started to become a desert. Human beings were already widespread on all the continents (except Antarctica) but given the climactic conditions it became harder and harder for small groups to find the necessary supplies of food and water they needed. Most people on the planet migrated to places where there was water year round - the Nile Valley, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the land around the Yangtze River, and the land around the Indus and Ganges rivers. However, there were too many people to support a purely hunter - gatherer lifestyle. So, they learned to plant crops and breed animals instead of just harvesting and killing what was available. This led to a division of labour - in hunter gatherer societies everyone had the same job but some people would farm, others would make storage containers, some people would cook, and others just guarded everything from the remaining hunter-gatherers. They started to build permanent structures for housing, grain storage, and even just administrative purposes.Then people started writing things down. That’s what we call the “historic” era. Everything else is “pre-historic”.

- 日本岐阜縣博物館領導的研究團隊近日公布,早年在高山市莊川町的「手取群大黑谷層」發現的恐龍蛋殼化石,證實是日本境內最古老的同類化石,可追溯至距今約1.3億年前的白堊紀初期,為有助科學家釐清恐龍進化及生態的重要發現。

N korea
- 北韓官媒朝中社前日報道,金日成綜合大學的地質系研究小組近日在平安北道新義州市白土洞遺址,發現了1.3億年前中生代白堊紀時期的鳥類化石。領袖金正恩已命名該化石為「白土鳥」,將放在國內自然博物館展示。新義州一帶在1989年亦曾出土1.5億年前的鳥類化石,獲已故領袖金日成命名為「北韓始祖鳥」,並主張北韓是現代鳥類的發祥地。另外,平壤市大同江流域此前則出土舊石器時代文物,朝方主張「大同江文明」與埃及文明、美索不達米亞古文明、印度河流域文明及黃河文明同屬世界五大文明。

- [洋洋兔] 

  • 臘瑪古猿(類人猿) (about 8 m years ago) in yunnan
  • 元謀人 (1.7 million years ago) , 直立人 in yunnan, stone tools, make natural fire
  • 藍田人(1 million years ago), 直立人 in shaanxi, hunter gatherers

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