- 農業在全世界有四個獨立發展的中心先後出現 :距今一萬一千至一萬年出現的中東地區農業 , 相 當於今天土耳其 、伊朗 、伊拉克 、以色列 、約旦一 帶 ,栽培穀物為小麥 、大麥 、燕麥及豆類 ,馴化了 山羊 、綿羊等動物 ;距今大約九千年甚至更早 , 在 我們中國出現的農業 ,栽培穀物為稻 (大米)、 粟 ( 穀 ,小米)、 黍 (黏米 ,黃粱 )和其 他農作物 , 馴化了豬等動物 ;大致同時期 ,出現在太平洋巴布 亞新幾內亞島的農業 ,史前居民種植芋頭 、香蕉和 蔬菜乃至甘蔗 ,後來馴養了豬 ;距今五千至四千五 百年或更早些出現在中南美洲 ,種植玉米 、豆類 、 瓜類和畜養駝馬 。這四個中心被公認為 ﹁原中心 ﹂ ,他們土生土長的農業 ,向鄰近地區逐漸擴散 , 帶 動了全人類農業發展 。像有研究揭示 ,漢代水稻廣 為栽種後 ,逐漸向西傳播到印度 ,中世紀引入歐洲 南部 。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190428/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- first farmed in egypt
- symbol of tribe of joseph
Vernalization (from Latin vernus, "of the spring") is the induction of a plant's flowering process by exposure to the prolonged cold of winter, or by an artificial equivalent. After vernalization, plants have acquired the ability to flower, but they may require additional seasonal cues or weeks of growth before they will actually flower. Vernalization is sometimes used to refer to herbal (non-woody) plants requiring a cold dormancy to produce new shoots and leaves but this usage is discouraged. see also hkej 5feb18 shum article
- Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (Russian: Трофи́м Дени́сович Лысе́нко, Ukrainian: Трохи́м Дени́сович Лисе́нко; 29 September [O.S. 17 September] 1898 – 20 November 1976) was a Soviet agrobiologist. As a student Lysenko found himself interested in agriculture, where he worked on a few different projects, one involving the effects of temperature variation on the life-cycle of plants. This later led him to consider how he might use this work to convert winter wheat into spring wheat. He named the process "jarovization" in Russian, and later translated it as "vernalization".[1] Lysenko was a strong proponent of soft inheritance and rejected Mendelian genetics in favor of pseudoscientific ideas termed Lysenkoism.
- hkej 5feb18 shum article
- it increases the pH of acidic soil (the lower the pH the more acidic the soil); in other words, soil acidity is reduced and alkalinity increased[1]
- it provides a source of calcium and magnesium for plants
- it permits improved water penetration for acidic soils
- it improves the uptake of major plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) of plants growing on acid soils.
Hay is grass, legumes, or other herbaceous plants that have been cut and dried to be stored for use as animal fodder, particularly for large grazing animals raised as livestock, such as cattle, horses, goats, and sheep. However, it is also fed to smaller domesticated animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. Pigs may also be fed hay, but they do not digest it as efficiently as herbivores. Hay can be used as animal fodder when or where there is not enough pasture or rangeland on which to graze an animal, when grazing is not feasible due to weather (such as during the winter), or when lush pasture by itself would be too rich for the health of the animal. It is also fed when an animal is unable to access pasture, e.g. the animal is being kept in a stable or barn. Commonly used plants for hay include mixtures of grasses such as ryegrass (Lolium species), timothy, brome, fescue, Bermuda grass, orchard grass, and other species, depending on region. Hay may also include legumes, such as alfalfa (lucerne) and clovers (red, white and subterranean). Legumes in hay are ideally cut pre-bloom. Other pasture forbs are also sometimes a part of the mix, though these plants are not necessarily desired as certain forbs are toxic to some animals.Oat, barley, and wheat plant materials are occasionally cut green and made into hay for animal fodder; however they are more usually used in the form of straw, a harvest byproduct where the stems and dead leaves are baled after the grain has been harvested and threshed. Straw is used mainly for animal bedding. Although straw is also used as fodder, particularly as a source of dietary fiber, it has lower nutritional value than hay. 干草是指经过收割、干燥加工处理后的草料,以储备作动物饲料用途,特别是餵养畜类如马,山羊和绵羊等。干草还可作为宠物饲料,如兔子和豚鼠。猪也可以餵以干草,但它们对干草的消化并不是很好。在没有足够的草场或牧场或者天气恶劣的情况下,干草是较好的饲料来源。常见的干草来源植物包括牧场草的混合物,例如黑麦草、梯牧草、雀麦、牛毛草、狗牙根、果园草和其他本地物种。很多种类的干草还包括豆类,如苜蓿和三叶草,牧场里的花有时也是干草的一部分,但并非是豆类植物,理想的状态是在开花前就砍下来,没有必要包括花,花可能对动物有毒。干草裡的叶子和种子决定了干草的品质。农民尽量在种子还没有完全成熟时并且叶子处于最大的时候收割干草。收割下来的原料允许干燥,这样大量的水分被移除,但是叶子仍然足够强劲,使机器能将之从地上拾起来打包储存。Early farmers noticed that growing fields produced more fodder in the spring than the animals could consume, and that cutting the grass in the summer, allowing it to dry and storing it for the winter provided their domesticated animals with better quality nutrition than simply allowing them to dig through snow in the winter to find dried grass. Therefore, some fields were "shut up" for hay.[citation needed]Up to the end of the 19th century, grass and legumes were not often grown together because crops were rotated.[citation needed] However, by the 20th century, good forage management techniques demonstrated that highly productive pastures were a mix of grasses and legumes, so compromises were made when it was time to mow. Later still, some farmers grew crops, like straight alfalfa (lucerne), for special-purpose hay such as that fed to dairy cattle.Much hay was originally cut by scythe by teams of workers, dried in the field and gathered loose on wagons. Later, haying would be done by horse-drawn implements such as mowers. With the invention of agricultural machinery such as the tractor and the baler, most hay production became mechanized by the 1930s.After hay was cut and had dried, the hay was raked or rowed up by raking it into a linear heap by hand or with a horse-drawn implement. Turning hay, when needed, originally was done by hand with a fork or rake. Once the dried hay was rowed up, pitch forks were used to pile it loose, originally onto a horse-drawn cart or wagon, later onto a truck or tractor-drawn trailer, for which a sweep could be used instead of pitch forks.Loose hay was taken to an area designated for storage—usually a slightly raised area for drainage—and built into a hay stack. The stack was made waterproof as it was built (a skilled task) and the hay would compress under its own weight and cure by the release of heat from the residual moisture in the hay and from the compression forces. The stack was fenced from the rest of the paddock in a rick yard, and often thatched or sheeted to keep it dry. When needed, slices of hay would be cut using a hay knife and fed out to animals each day.On some farms the loose hay was stored in a barrack, shed, or barn, normally in such a way that it would compress down and cure. Hay could be stored in a specially designed barn with little internal structure to allow more room for the hay loft. Alternatively, an upper storey of a cow-shed or stable was used, with hatches in the floor to allow hay to be thrown down into hay-racks below.
- 橙剂(或称橘剂、落叶剂、枯叶剂、落叶橘)Agent Orange is a herbicide and defoliant chemical, one of the tactical use Rainbow Herbicides. It is widely known for its use by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971.Agent Orange was to a lesser extent used outside Vietnam. Land in neighbouring Laos and Cambodia was also sprayed with Agent Orange during the Vietnam War because forests on the border with Vietnam were used by the Vietcong. Some countries, such as Canada, saw testing, while other countries, such as Brazil, used the herbicide to clear out sections of land for agriculture.
terraced fields
- 坡嶺的陡斜,是地勢起伏導致。地勢起伏,乃地殼運動和風雨侵襲形成,早就不知存在了多少年。在這樣的地方開墾梯田,壘築壩子是其最關鍵一環。壩子,在魯南山區常見。丘陵、山區的梯田,必須有壩子支撐,才能成形。山村坐落的地方,處處是梯田,也處處見壩子。野外的壩子,隨遇而安,村裡人幾乎人人會壘。壘壩子不像壘牆,沒有整齊劃一的外觀尺度,唯一的要求就是穩固。在建築行當,壘牆有很多輔料可用,譬如鋼筋,譬如水泥。在村外的坡嶺上壘築壩子,只有一堆天然形成的亂石可用,頂多有個錘頭、鐵掀作幫手。在荒野中,壩子與梯田,是一卵雙胞的存在。想讓水土駐足,就得先在斜坡上築起一道道壩子。就像河道裡豎起的攔河壩,堵住水土去路。壩子的壘築,村裡沒有文字記載,都是父輩影響子代,言傳身受傳承下來的。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/03/12/b06-0312.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/10/12/a18-1012.pdf 廣東省內梯田,大多分佈在粵北、粵東、粵 西,原生態保持良好,優美的景色讓人驚喜。 相較於連山歐家梯田、連山黑山梯田、仁化扶 溪梯田、大埔坪山梯田,韶關乳源的必背梯田知 名度略遜一籌,但勝在足夠的原始和寧靜,尤其 是與依山而建的瑤寨相互映襯,別致的樹皮房、 竹房、依山臨澗的吊角樓,與瑤山豐收的金色稻 田交織,引人入勝。 必背瑤寨地處韶關乳源瑤族自治縣城的崇山峻 嶺中,因有小山形如鱉魚背,故名「鱉背」,由 於「鱉」字筆畫多難寫,以諧音「必」字代之, 改為「必背」。
- 高千穗町鄰近觀光勝地高千穗峽,以風景優美的梯田聞名。血案為當地帶來不安氣氛。一名的士司機表示,透過無線電得悉發生殺人事件,形容令人不寒而慄,又指政府呼籲民眾鎖好門窗、提高警覺。當地居民則表示,該區向來和平寧靜,很少發生罪案,如今爆出七屍兇殺案,居民都非常恐懼。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181128/00180_017.html
crop circles
- note the shape!!! https://wrzesnia.info.pl/artykul/nadarzyce-drugim-roswell-kregi-zbozowe-w-okolicach-wrzesni
fruit picking farms
Urban farming
- in Singapore and UK hkej 19jan15 a16
- economist 31aug19 "plant power" vertical farming "growing brighter" new ways to make vertical framing stack up
- companies
- www.parpot.kr
farming on sea, river
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190123/PDF/a14_screen.pdf 《山東省現代化海洋牧場建設綜合試點方案》日前正式獲國家批覆,山東成為國家唯一的海洋牧場建設綜合試點省份。該省將投資約53億元(人民幣,下同)建設山東省現代化海洋牧場,力爭經過3年試點,為全國提供可複製的「山東方案」。山東省發展改革委副主任梁文躍說,該省1月全面啟動試點工作,2021年上半年基本完成。
Gleaning is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers' fields after they have been commercially harvested or on fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest. It is a practice described in the Hebrew Bible that became a legally enforced entitlement of the poor in a number of Christian kingdoms.
- economist 22dec18 "to the last grain"
large scale program to increase farm produce
- The Virgin Lands Campaign (Russian: Освое́ние целины́, romanized: Osvoyeniye tseliny, lit. 'reclamation of tselina'; Kazakh: Tyń ıgerý, [təŋ ɪjɡeɾʏw]) was Nikita Khrushchev's 1953 plan to dramatically boost the Soviet Union’s agricultural production in order to alleviate the food shortages plaguing the Soviet populace.
community supported agriculture
- emerged in the west as early as 1960s
- first csa in hk - organic farm founded by chu pui-kwan, developed rapidly after financial storm in 1997, especially between 2000 and 2003, and 2007 and 8 (boom of ngos)
- in taiwan - taiwan rural front
farming - trivial
- 朱皇帝問甲乙:你們都從事什麼 職業啊?甲答:我從農。皇帝問:你 從事農業,知不知道稻稈和麥稈節的 區別?甲答:我知道。它們的稈是不 相同的,稻三節麥四節。皇帝再問: 稻和麥都是植物呀,為什麼節不同呢 ?甲答:稻春季播種,秋季收穫,一 共經歷三個季節,所以三節;麥則需 要四個季節,所以四節。皇帝自言自 語:你確實清楚農業生產的艱難。於 是授他官為某州知州。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191212/PDF/b9_screen.pdf
- looks like cucumber version of 蜜瓜
- 香港文匯報記者在東大橋村溫室大棚裏看到了趙雲勾畫的「花樣農業」,一步一景,一棚一春。趙雲說,羊角瓜、吊瓜市場價格在40元每公斤,草莓預計可以收益5萬元。瓜類6月上市,9月定植草莓。元旦草莓陸續上市,採摘期一直延續到次年的4月份。一棚一年都不閒。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/02/22/a18-0222.pdf
- it was a medieval tradition for newly wed to stay at home for a month and not go out, and the bride prepares wine from honey for the bridegroom - that is the origin of honeymoon
- https://www.quora.com/If-a-bee-gets-trapped-in-your-car-and-then-flies-out-a-long-way-from-home-will-it-join-another-hive
- people
- Anton Janša (c. 20 May 1734 – 13 September 1773) was a Carniolan apiaristand painter. Janša is known as a pioneer of modern apiculture and a great expert in the field. He was educated as a painter, but was employed as a teacher of apiculture at the Habsburg court in Vienna.He became famous for his lectures in which he demonstrated his knowledge of bees. He also wrote two books in German: Discussion on Bee-keeping (1771) and A Full guide to Bee-keeping. The latter was published in 1775, after his death. In his Full guide he noted: Bees are a type of fly, hardworking, created by God to provide man with all needed honey and wax. Amongst all God's beings there are none so hard working and useful to man with so little attention needed for its keep as the bee. The Empress Maria Theresa issued a decree after Janša's death obliging all teachers of apiculture to use his books.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191212/PDF/b9_screen.pdf 皇帝問:你是個 醫生,知不知道蜜也有苦的膽也有甜 的呢?乙答:蜂釀黃蓮花則蜜苦,猴 食果多則膽甜。皇帝自言自語:你的 植物動物知識還真豐富。於是授他為 太醫院使官。
- 五月廿日是斯洛文尼亞養蜂先驅揚沙(Anton Jansa)的生日,他在十八世紀率先採用現代養蜂技術。聯合國去年接納斯洛文尼亞建議,將每年這日定為世界蜜蜂日作紀念。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180522/00180_028.html
The trabucco (Italian pronunciation: [traˈbukko] or trabocco; in some southern dialects called travocc) is an old fishing machine typical of the coast of Abruzzi region (specially in the Trabocchi Coast or Costa dei Trabocchi) and also in the coast of Gargano, where it is protected as historical monuments by the homonym National Park. Spread along the coast of southern Adriatic especially in the Italian provinces of Chieti, Campobasso, and Foggia and also in some parts of the coast of southern Tyrrhenian Sea. According with some historians of Apulia, the trabuccco was invented in the region imported from Phoenicians. The earliest documented existence dates back to 18th century, during which Gargano fishermen, during that period sparsely populated, devised an ingenious technique of fishing which wasn't subject to weather conditions in the area. Trabucchi were built in the most prominent promontories jutting nets out to sea through a system of monumental wooden arms: a trabucco allows to fish without having to be submitted to sea conditions using the morphology of Gargano rocky coast. The trabucco is built with traditional wood Aleppo pine -the typical pine of Gargano and common throughout the South-Western Adriatic- because this material is virtually limitless (for his dissemination in the area) modeled, elastic, weatherproof and resistant to salt (trabucco must resist to strong Mistral usually blowing in these areas). Some trabucchi have been rebuilt in recent years, thanks to public funds.[3] However, since they lost their economic function in the past centuries when they were the main economical source of entire families of fishermen, trabucchi rose into the role of cultural and architectural symbols and tourist attraction.
The fishing technique, quite efficacious, is "on sight". It consists of intercepting, with wide nets, the flows of fish moving along the ravines of the coast. Trabucchi are located where the sea is deep enough (at least 6 meters), and are built on rocky peaks generally oriented southeast or north in order to exploit the favorable marine current. The net is lowered into the water through a complex system of winchesand, likewise, promptly pulled up to retrieve its catch. At least two men are entrusted with the tough task of operating the winches that maneuver the giant net. Small trabucchi of Abruzzo and Molise Coast are often electrically powered. The trabucco is managed at least by four fishermen called ""trabuccolanti"" who share the duties of watching the fish and maneuvering.
- 鯨扒是我們最期待的重頭戲,畢竟冰島是極少數可以合法食用鯨魚的國家,而且小鬚鯨(minke whale)在數量上是被列為「無危」的物種,儘管是殘忍的但也是難得的經歷。看起來無論是顏色還是外形都和牛扒一樣的鯨扒除了貴,着實沒有什麼特別之處,放入口中,與牛扒徹底無關,是醬料都蓋不住的海中生物的腥味,肉質粗硬,是無需再次嘗試的食物。 http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200518/PDF/b3_screen.pdf
hairy crabs
- 大閘蟹是中國美食之一,不過,大閘蟹因大量野生繁殖而被不少國家列為「入侵物種」。禁售大閘蟹的西班牙,警方近日搜查馬德里一個倉庫時,繳獲五百隻總重達八十公斤的大閘蟹,涉案華人目前正被調查。報道指,馬德里警方近日截查一輛駛往比斯開省首府畢爾巴鄂(Bilbao)的貨車,發現內藏十公斤大閘蟹,獲悉該批大閘蟹都是來自馬德里市郊科波卡葉哈一個倉庫。據了解,大閘蟹已被國際物種自然保護委員會(ISSG)列為「世界百種入侵物種」之一,會對當地自然生態環境造成破壞,其穴居性還會導致堤岸損壞和阻塞排水系統,而且會傳播疾病。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180724/00178_027.html
Callinectes sapidus (from the Greek calli- = "beautiful", nectes = "swimmer", and Latin sapidus= "savory"), the Blue Crab, Atlantic Blue Crab, or regionally as the Chesapeake blue crab, is a species of crab native to the waters of the western Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, and introduced internationally.
- [aranas] alimasag, or blue crab, is abundant in philippine waters, which is why alimasag nga may gata is featured using soft-shelled crab cooked in coconut milk
- https://www.ft.com/content/e7bd4094-ff34-11e6-96f8-3700c5664d30 Until two decades ago, these Chilean fishermen would not have bothered with squid. The prize then was mackerel and hake. Squid were considered dangerous because of the amount of water (and occasional sea lion) they bring up with the nets, enough to destabilise a boat in heavy waves. Poor families in Valparaíso ate enchiladas stuffed with loco, an abalone-like shellfish, sold from carts on street corners. The sea has changed, however. Overfishing is threatening once plentiful resources, and the communities that depended on them. Squid is just the latest and one of the last resources in the oceans to be exploited by humans.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2150956/how-chinas-squid-fishing-programme-squeezing-its-neighbours-and China has been accused of using its dominance of the world’s supply of squid to provide low-quality seafood to other countries and virtually monopolising the fishing in neutral waters.Critics have said China keeps high-quality squid for domestic consumption, exports lower-quality products at higher prices, overwhelms vessels from other countries in major squid breeding grounds, and is in a position to influence international negotiations about conservation and distribution of global squid resources for its own interest.Fishing ships from China have accounted for 50 to 70 per cent of the squid caught in international waters in recent years, effectively controlling the supply of the popular seafood, according to an estimate by the Chinese government.
- The coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch; Karuk: achvuun) is a species of anadromous fishin the salmon family, one of the several species of Pacific salmon. Coho salmon are also known as silver salmon or "silvers". The scientific species name is based on the Russiancommon name kizhuch (кижуч).
Historically coho, along with other species, has been a staple in the diet of several indigenous peoples, who would also use it to trade with other tribes farther inland. The coho salmon is also a symbol of several tribes, representing life and sustenance.
- 美國阿拉斯加州蘇厄德市每年都舉辦釣銀鮭魚大賽https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200821/00180_025.html
- [columbia river inter-tribal fish commission activity book] salmon is a central part of the cultures of pacific northwest tribes. They celebrate the return of salmon each year with great feasts, dancing, singing and celebrations. Important fish harvested include chinnok salmon, sockeye calmon, coho salmon, pacific lamprey.
- WyKanUshPum means "salmon people" in sahaptin, the common language family of yakama, warm springs, umatilla, and nez perce tribes
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/04/01/a19-0401.pdf 中集旗下中集來福士為Nordlaks Oppdrett AS建造的全球最大最先進的深水養殖工船「HAVFARM 1」31日舉行命名暨離港儀式。工船全長385米,型寬59.5米,總面積約等於4個標準足球場,由6座深水智能網箱組成,養殖規模可達1萬噸,約合200多萬尾三文魚。
Minnow is a general term for freshwater and saltwater fish, especially those used as bait fish or for fishing bait. More specifically, it refers to small freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae. They are also known in Ireland as pinkeens.
- The eel is a long, thin bony fish of the order Anguilliformes. Because fishermen never caught anything they recognised as young eels, the life cycle of the eel was a mystery for a very long period of scientific history. Although more than 6500 publications mention eels, much of their life history remains an enigma. The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) was historically the one most familiar to Western scientists, beginning with Aristotle, who wrote the earliest known inquiry into the natural history of eels. He speculated that they were born of "earth worms", which he believed were formed of mud, growing from the "guts of wet soil" rather than through sexual reproduction. One well-known place where glass eels are collected large-scale (for deli food and stocking) is Epney, on the Severn, in England. (Glass eels are a food item in Spain.)
- Spanish and Portuguese authorities announced Friday that they have taken down a criminal network that has been making large profits by smuggling glass eels to Asia. Authorities across the continent have been trying to tackle the smugglers, who take European glass eels to Asian countries, where they are raised into adults and their meat commands high prices for local delicacies. The trading of the European eel has been restricted since 2009 under the rules of the CITES convention for the international trade of endangered wildlife. The European Union has banned all exports outside the bloc and regulated internal sales, although an underground black market in eels has thrived in recent years. In the latest operation against the traffickers, four Chinese citizens, three Spaniards and three Moroccans were arrested in Spain in an operation coordinated by the European Union's police body, Europol.http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/business/article208119889.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2157599/eel-youre-eating-japan-it-may-have-been-smuggled-spain-and
- 歐洲刑警早前公布,去年秋季至今年春季起獲至少一千五百萬條瀕危的歐洲鰻苗,拘捕了一百五十三名走私疑犯。日本上周六迎來民眾有食鰻習俗的「土用丑日」,當地媒體聚焦在走私鰻苗的問題,引述歐洲刑警在倫敦舉行的永續鰻魚組織(SEG)活動上公布的數據,指過去一年有逾四百噸鰻苗抵達歐洲,估計其中有十噸左右、約三億多條被走私。據悉,假扮成旅客的走私犯常把偷捕得來的鰻苗裝入行李箱,從歐洲各地機場偷運他方。西班牙當局曾指出,走私鰻苗涉及在歐洲的亞洲人際網絡,包括中國人,他們在中國養殖走私鰻苗後再出口日本。中國海關資料顯示,中國前年向日本出口近二萬噸鰻魚產品。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190728/00180_014.html
- singtao 6aug19 a12 hk as a port for re-exports of 鰻苗
- 日本大阪四名男子今年一月涉嫌企圖從關西機場將瀕臨絕種的日本鰻幼魚,走私到香港,遭當地執法人員發現。大阪警方近日以違反關稅法為由,於疑犯寓所等地搜證。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200417/00180_034.html
- that coat of arms of german town ahlen is a bedecked eel with a crown and feathers
Bonitos are a tribe of medium-sized, ray-finned predatory fish in the family Scombridae – a family it shares with the mackerel, tuna, and Spanish mackerel tribes, and also the butterfly kingfish. Also called the Sardini tribe, it consists of eight species across four genera; three of those four genera are monotypic, having a single species each. Pacific and Atlantic bonito meat has a firm texture and a darkish color. The bonito has a moderate fat content. The meat of young or small bonito can be of lighter color, close to that of skipjack tuna, and is sometimes used as a cheaper substitute for skipjack, especially for canning purposes, and occasionally in the production of katsuobushi. Bonito may not be marketed as tuna in all countries, however. The Atlantic bonito is also found in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, where it is a popular food fish, eaten grilled, pickled (lakerda), or baked.
- 科學家在雲南保山高黎貢山怒江水系發現魚類新種--高黎貢鰋。該研究成果發表在Zoological Research上,並得到中科院東南亞生物多樣性研究中心、國家自然科學基金委、美國自然科學基金會的資助。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/12/03/a12-1203.pdf
Tilapia (/tɪˈlɑːpiə/ tih-LAH-pee-ə) is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish from the tilapiine cichlid tribe. Tilapia are mainly freshwater fish inhabiting shallow streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes, and less commonly found living in brackish water. Historically, they have been of major importance in artisanal fishing in Africa, and they are of increasing importance in aquaculture and aquaponics. Tilapia can become a problematic invasive species in new warm-water habitats such as Australia,[2] whether deliberately or accidentally introduced, but generally not in temperate climates due to their inability to survive in cold water.The aquaculture of Nile tilapia goes back to Ancient Egypt, where it was represented by the hieroglyph K1, of the Gardiner list.
- featured in wild israel documentary series
- china
- 有統計顯示,美國人最喜愛的水產品中,羅非魚連續10年上榜高居前五位。廣西羅非魚是輸美的主要水產品,但如今受中美貿易戰的影響,原本性價比超高的羅非魚也要面臨徵收高關稅。 北海市僑港鎮一家羅非魚養殖戶梁先生表示,由於中國羅非魚供應商多而散,一直以來,美國仗着自己的市場地位持續打壓羅非魚售價,而近幾年隨着地租、人工、飼料各種成本上漲,羅非魚的出口價一再跌破底線,美國消費都能以很優惠的價格吃到來自中國的優質羅非魚。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190711/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- 小時候吃得最多的魚是鯽魚,因為 父親喜歡釣魚,在傳說是岳飛洗馬的 「 洗馬池」 裏釣上來的都是鯽魚。生活在溫哥華,只有華人超市才有 活魚賣,活魚中最便宜的是鰂魚,就是 香港地名 「鰂魚涌」 的鰂魚。英文叫 Tilapia,我一直把牠當鯽魚,上網查看 才知是不同的兩種,牠們的樣子很相似 ,只覺鰂魚比家鄉的鯽魚較少骨。 鰂魚又依顏色分黑鰂、紅鰂兩種, 紅鰂每磅貴一元,其實味道無分別。內 子愛吃魚,她又省儉,總是買黑鰂。還 有剛 「上水」 的那種,即是已經死去的 ,每磅便宜兩元,吃起來也無大分別。 她認為吃魚最有益,見我吃得少, 總是要我多吃。而她最喜歡吮骨,是真 正的喜歡,不是禮讓。 近兩個月不知何故,超市的鰂魚絕 跡。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191017/PDF/b7_screen.pdf
Carp are various species of oily freshwater fish from the family Cyprinidae, a very large group of fish native to Europe and Asia.Various species of carp have been domesticated and reared as food fish across Europe and Asia for thousands of years. These various species appear to have been domesticated independently, as the various domesticated carp species are native to different parts of Eurasia. Aquaculture has been pursued in China for at least 2,400 years. A tract by Fan Li in the fifth century BC details many of the ways carp were raised in ponds. The common carp, Cyprinus carpio, is originally from Central Europe.[41] Several carp species (collectively known as Asian carp) were domesticated in East Asia. Carp that are originally from South Asia, for example catla (Gibelion catla), rohu (Labeo rohita) and mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus), are known as Indian carp. Their hardiness and adaptability have allowed domesticated species to be propagated all around the world. Although the carp was an important aquatic food item, as more fish species have become readily available for the table, the importance of carp culture in Western Europe has become less important. Demand has declined, partly due to the appearance of more desirable table fish such as trout and salmon through intensive farming, and environmental constraints. However, fish production in ponds is still a major form of aquaculture in Central and Eastern Europe, including the Russian Federation, where most of the production comes from low or intermediate-intensity ponds. In Asia, the farming of carp continues to surpass the total amount of farmed fish volume of intensively sea-farmed species, such as salmon and tuna.
- usa
- singtao 12aug19 c1 asian carp (as an invasive species) in USA
- Ojiya (小千谷市 Ojiya-shi), niigata is the home of japanese carp
- claypot carp a traditional new year dish https://www.scmp.com/video/asia/3047438/vietamese-prepare-claypot-carp-lunar-new-year-while-wearing-gas-masks
- china
- 穿城而過的黃河,不僅哺育了蘭州人民,滾滾而下的泥沙更造就「中國四大名魚」之一的黃河鯉。據了解,黃河流經黃土高原地帶,因而河水裹挾大量泥沙,使河水質地渾濁,泥沙中的微量元素養育了肥美、細嫩、鮮美的黃河鯉。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190704/PDF/b12_screen.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200116/PDF/b8_screen.pdf 家家謝灶過年,少不了買一條 鯉魚回來供神,鯉魚肥大,象徵 「 大利」 , 「鯉」 與 「利」 諧音,先 人選擇鯉魚,不作他想,很是聰明 大智。我們以鯉寓利,不止是金錢 財富,還包含順利之意,打工、創 業、營商的人都祈求 「順利」 ,先 人留下 「水利」 一詞,河道治理, 利及民生,做水利工程的人也崇拜 鯉魚。 「謝灶」 這一日,以鯉魚供 奉灶君老爺。家裏老人說,如今謝灶改用鯪 魚, 「壓年」 也用鯪魚代替了。鯉 魚難買,走幾處街市,魚檔不賣鯉 魚,問原因,魚販說沒有來貨,據 說珠三角一帶越來越少人願意養, 村人轉養價錢高的魚類。 老人家說,酒樓飯店也不賣鯉 魚了。從前有 「春鯿秋鯉」 之說, 香港人吃時令,入秋鯉魚肥,雌鯉 多卵,雄鯉長精,魚鱗下面含油脂 因此不去鱗。入秋開始,煲仔菜登 場,薑葱煀鯉魚煲風行數十年,九 龍廟街的飯店與食檔,夜市各式煲 仔菜上枱,菜式名稱以大字寫在牆 上,各式煲仔菜少說有三十多種, 獨不見薑葱煀鯉魚煲,好生奇怪, 這菜式似是被淘汰了。
- 蘇州城西有座瑞光寺,寺內塔 高數十丈。我(作者江盈科)在長 洲做縣令時,有許多人傳播這樣一 則消息:塔頂的空處,以前放有一 口缸,現在,缸裏突然出現了尺長 的鯉魚,大家都說神奇。 後來,寺廟有個姓林的看門人 這樣說原因:這其實沒什麼奇怪, 這魚是鸛鳥嘴裏掉出來的。那些在 塔頂做巢的鸛鳥,牠們要經常抓活 魚來餵小鸛,塔頂年久失修,每每 下雨,水就會滲透進缸內,鸛鳥銜 着小魚,偶爾也有掉下來的,牠們 也不去捉,時間長了,那些掉到缸 裏的魚就長大了。 派人上到塔頂一看,果然如 此。 塔頂的缸中,為什麼會突然出 現大鯉魚呢?http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200924/PDF/b4_screen.pdf
- The common carp or European carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a widespread freshwater fish of eutrophic waters in lakes and large rivers in Europe and Asia.
- hk
- 二十二年前,香 港慶祝回歸祖國活動 中,有一項徵聯比賽 ,至今仍記得以下這 副對聯:鯉門明月夜 ,虎塔沐朝暉。鯉門 ,指的是九龍東油塘 的鯉魚門,虎塔,是港島北大坑虎豹別 墅的白塔。鯉門、虎塔,皆曾為舊日香 港的八景之一。鯉魚門何以有鯉魚之名,已不可考 ,也許這個小半島曾經形似鯉魚而得名 ,然而,鯉魚門一帶經過歷次填海造地 ,早已再無鯉魚影子了。據說在上世紀 四十年代初,有一位洋作曲家狄桑夫人 ,路經香港時寫過一首《鯉魚門之歌》 ,還說了一個 「魚躍龍門」 的故事,頗 為有趣。 狄桑夫人認為,鯉魚門之得名,是 因為這裏盛產鯉魚,而鯉魚是中國人年 宴中的必備佳餚。 「鯉」 之諧音為 「利 」 ,鯉魚有吉祥幸運之意,因此, 「鯉 魚門」 就是 「大利之門」 了,云云。不 過,這位洋夫人大抵是不懂得,鯉魚( 學名Cyprinus carpio)只是一種淡水魚http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190914/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
鲱鱼 Herring are forage fish, mostly belonging to the family Clupeidae.
Herring often move in large schools around fishing banks and near the coast. The most abundant and commercially important species belong to the genus Clupea, found particularly in shallow, temperate waters of the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans, including the Baltic Sea, as well as off the west coast of South America. Three species of Clupea are recognised, and provide about 90% of all herrings captured in fisheries. Most abundant of all is the Atlantic herring, providing over half of all herring capture. Fishes called herring are also found in the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Bay of Bengal.Herring played a pivotal role in the history of marine fisheries in Europe,[2] and early in the 20th century, their study was fundamental to the evolution of fisheries science. These oily fish[5] also have a long history as an important food fish, and are often salted, smoked, or pickled. 日本では、広く食用されている。また、江戸時代・明治時代には鰊粕に加工され、肥料として用いられた。
-「Haring in het land, dokter aan de kant.」(只要有鯡魚,國家就不需要醫生。)這是荷蘭流傳的一句俗語。據統計,荷蘭人一年要吃掉七千六百萬條鯡魚,由此可見鯡魚在當地的絕對國民美食地位。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/culture/237141/2021/0222/554460.html
"Sardine" and "pilchard" are common names used to refer to various small, oily fish in the herring family Clupeidae.[2] The term "sardine" was first used in English during the early 15th century and may come from the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, around which sardines were once abundant.'Sardine' first appeared in English in the 15th century, a loanword from French sardine; derived from Latin sardina, from Ancient Greek σαρδίνη (sardínē) or σαρδῖνος (sardínos),[8] said to be from the Greek "Sardò" (Σαρδώ), indicating the island of Sardinia. Athenaios quotes a passage from Aristotle mentioning the fish sardinos, referring to the sardine or pilchard.[9] However, Sardinia is around 800 miles (1300 km) distant from Athens: Ernest Klein in his Etymological Dictionary of the English Language (1971) says: "It is hardly probable that the Greeks would have obtained fish from so far as Sardinia at a time relatively so early as that of Aristotle".Pilchard fishing and processing became a thriving industry in Cornwall (UK) from around 1750 to around 1880, after which it went into decline.
- [viu tv 鬼鬼地 煮 簋] chaochow chef mentioned that the fish is called 乌x
Sole is a fish belonging to several families. Generally speaking, they are members of the family Soleidae, but, outside Europe, the name sole is also applied to various other similar flatfish, especially other members of the sole suborder Soleoidei as well as members of the flounder family. In European cookery, there are several species which may be considered true soles, but the common or Dover sole Solea solea, often simply called the sole, is the most esteemed and most widely available.The word sole in English, French, and Italian comes from its resemblance to a sandal, Latin solea.[2][3] In other languages, it is named for the tongue, e.g. Greek: γλώσσα, German: Seezunge, Dutch: zeetong or tong, Hungarian: nyelvhal, Spanish: lenguado, Arabic: إلسان الثور Elsan Eth-thawr (for the common sole) literally meaning 'the tongue of ox' in Qosbawi accent.英名のSoleや学名のSoleaは「靴底」を意味する語であり、日本の地方名にも同義のものが多い。例えば、九州の有明海・八代海沿岸地域では「くちぞこ」・「つぞこ」と呼び[3]、岡山県や香川県など瀬戸内地方では主にアカシタビラメを中心に「ゲタ」と呼ばれる。山口県ではアカシタビラメを「レンチョウ」と呼び煮付けなどにする。それ以外の地方名としては新潟県周辺での「ねずり」・「ねずら」などがある。(体を倒して海底を這うように泳ぐことから、寝擦の意である)因魚身扁平,貌似舌頭(廣東地區稱為「脷」),故稱為龍脷或龍脷魚(有時也寫作「龍利魚」)
- Sole meunière (aka sole à la meunière) is a classic French fish dish consisting of sole, preferably whole (gray skin removed) or fillet, that is dredged in flour, pan fried in butter and served with the resulting brown butter sauce, parsley and lemon. "meuniere" itself means "miller's wife"
鲻鱼又名:乌支、九棍、葵龙、田鱼、乌头、乌鲻、脂鱼、白眼、丁鱼、黑耳鲻。 The flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) is an important food fish species in the mulletfamily Mugilidae. The flathead grey mullet is an important food fish around the world, and it is both fished and farmed.The roe of this mullet is salted, dried, and compressed to make a specialty food across the world, such as Greek avgotaraho, Taiwanese Wuyutsu, Korean eoran, Japanese karasumi, Italian bottarga, Turkish Haviar and Egyptian batarekh. In Egypt, the fish itself is salted, dried, and pickled to make fesikh. 已孕雌魚的卵巢及魚卵統稱「烏魚子」,是鹽漬水產加工食品。雄魚的精巢是一道名菜,即烏魚鰾,肉質美味,加酒紅燒,或是煮湯,甚至煮麻油烏魚皆適宜。
- specialty in taizhou, suzhou province, china
- 上世紀五六十年代,筆者在上環出 生而成長於漁港筲箕灣。讀小學時有 很多同學是漁民子弟,故很早知道有 種小魚叫鱭魚。時至今日牠還是下價 魚呢!數十年來筆者未吃過鱭魚,故 從不知其味道如何。 首嘗鮮甜味道如夢初醒 直至今年盂蘭節初期,到銅鑼灣避 風塘三角天后廟船拍攝漁民燒衣做盂 蘭,在午飯期間才第一次嘗到鱭魚的 味道,真是大吃一驚更有如夢初醒之 感!因為那十多條魚身修長約5寸, 每條重約2許的銀白小魚只用蒜頭 豆豉來蒸,竟然魚肉細嫩魚味鮮甜, 有些更在皮肉之間滲出黃油再添香 滑,但每斤魚只賣二三十元而已!長洲除漁民外,其他島民也愛吃鱭 魚的,故在街市魚檔一定找到鱭魚蹤 影。有西式快餐店則以油炸香脆的去 骨鱭魚條及啤酒吸引西方遊人,也有 傳統食肆以油鹽水煮鱭魚配白飯作套 餐招徠,潮州人則以鱭魚隔水蒸炊作 魚飯,擱涼成凍魚再蘸些普寧醬來吃 更覺美味! 鱭魚又稱鯔魚,廣泛分布於熱帶及 亞熱帶海域,是沿海中上層魚類,活 躍於鹹淡水交界的海灣河口,以浮游 生物為主要食糧。長洲位於香港西 面,較近珠江出口浮游生物豐富,故 魚蝦海產也較鮮甜好味。 在香港鱭魚有多個品種,常見有青 鱭、銀鱭、紅眼鱭、鳥頭鱭及蜆鱭 等。蜆鱭又稱蜆魚或犬魚,可能因口 音關係將蜆說成犬音。有人說蜆鱭是 最好吃的。有漁諺曰: 「冬前鱸魚冬 後鱭」,冬季是鱭魚產卵期,這時候 無論蒸煮煎炸,鱭魚都肉質嫩滑肥美 多脂鮮甜可口,只要新鮮什麼品種鱭 魚都好食的!http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202011/1104/HA16B04CX01_HKCD.pdf
- https://www.hk-fish.net/tc_chi/marine_fauna_database/fish_search_list.php?family=232
イコクエイラクブカ(異国永楽鱶)はドチザメ科に属するサメの一種。 The school shark (Galeorhinus galeus) is a houndshark of the family Triakidae, and the only member of the genus Galeorhinus. Common names also include tope shark, snapper shark, and soupfin shark.The school shark has a widespread distribution and is found mainly near the seabed around coasts in temperate waters, down to depths around 800 m (2,600 ft). It occurs in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, where it is uncommon and the Southwest Atlantic where it occurs between Patagonia and southern Brazil. It also occurs around the coast of Namibia and South Africa. It is present in the NorthWESt Pacific where it occurs between British Columbia and Baja California, and in the Southeast Pacific off Chile and Peru. It also occurs round the southern coasts of Australia, including Tasmania, and New Zealand.
- The meat of the school shark is consumed in Andalusian cuisine, where it is usually known as cazón. Among recipes are the traditional cazón en adobo in the mainland, and tollos in the Canary Islands. In Mexican cuisine, the term cazón refers to other species, and is prepared similarly. In the United Kingdom, the flesh is sometimes used in "fish and chips" as a substitute for the more usual cod or haddock.[8] In Greek cuisine, it is known as galéos (γαλέος) and usually is served with skordaliá(σκορδαλιά), a dip made of mashed potatoes or wet white bread, with mashed garlic and olive oil.
- a delicacies of campeche, mexico
- in tabasco, mexio, the fish is served with squash
The eulachon (/ˈjuːləkɒn/; Thaleichthys pacificus; also spelled oolichan /ˈuːlɪkɑːn/, ooligan /ˈuːlɪɡən/, hooligan /ˈhuːlɪɡən/), also called the candlefish, is a small anadromous ocean fish, a smelt found along the Pacific coast of North America from northern California to Alaska.The name "candlefish" derives from it being so fat during spawning, with up to 15% of total body weight in fat, that if caught, dried, and strung on a wick, it can be burned as a candle. This is the name most often used by early explorers. The name eulachon (occasionally seen as oolichan, oulachon, and uthlecan) is from the Chinookan language and the Chinook Jargon based on that language. One of several theories for the origin of the name of the state of Oregon is that it was a corruption from the term "Oolichan Trail", the native trade route for oolichan oil. The unrelated sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria is also called "candlefish" in the United Kingdom.
- The hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), also known as a quahog (/ˈk(w)oʊhɒɡ/; or quahaug), round clam or hard-shell (or hard-shelled) clam, is an edible marine bivalve mollusc that is native to the eastern shores of North America and Central America from Prince Edward Island to the Yucatán Peninsula. It is one of many unrelated edible bivalves that in the United States are frequently referred to simply as clams, as in the expression "clam digging". Older literature sources may use the systematic name Venus mercenaria; this species is in the family Veneridae, the venus clams.In fish markets, there are specialist names for different sizes of this species of clam. The smallest legally harvestable clams are called countnecks or peanuts, next size up are littlenecks, then topnecks. Above that are the cherrystones, and the largest are called quahogs or chowder clams.
- Rhode Island is situated right in the middle of "quahog country" and has supplied a quarter of the U.S.'s total annual commercial quahog catch. The quahog is the official shellfish of the U.S. state of Rhode Island. The species has also been introduced and is farmed on the Pacific coast of North America and in Great Britain and continental Europe. It reproduces sexually by females and males shedding gametesinto the water.
- 名前を漢字で記すと本美之主貝となる。これはローマ神話の美の女神であるウェヌス女神からのエポニムで命名されたビーナス属 Venus に当て字された美之主に由来する(本来は北海道に生息するビノスガイ(M. stimpsoni)に与えられた名称であった)。現在の学名では当てはまらないように見えるが、和名の命名時には本種がビーナス属に分類されていた。現在はメルケナリア属 Mercenaria に分類が変更されている[4]。
- homarus americanus
- commerical fishing of lobsters started in maine in 1850, and maine remained the largest exporter in US.
- used by us indigenous tribes as fertilizers; considered as food for poor people in 17thc, mainly used for feeding prisoners and "contract staff"
Crayfish are freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters (to which they are related). They are also known as crawfish, crawdads, freshwater lobsters, mountain lobsters, mudbugs, or yabbies. Taxonomically, they are members of the superfamilies Astacoidea and Parastacoidea. They breathe through feather-like gills. Some species are found in brooks and streams where fresh water is running, while others thrive in swamps, ditches, and paddy fields. Most crayfish cannot tolerate polluted water, although some species such as Procambarus clarkii are hardier. Crayfish feed on animals and plants, either living or decomposing, and detritus.The name "crayfish" comes from the Old French word escrevisse (Modern French écrevisse). The word has been modified to "crayfish" by association with "fish" (folk etymology).[2] The largely American variant "crawfish" is similarly derived. Some kinds of crayfish are known locally as lobsters,[4] crawdads,[5] mudbugs,[5] and yabbies. In the Eastern United States, "crayfish" is more common in the north, while "crawdad" is heard more in central and southwestern regions, and "crawfish" further south, although considerable overlaps exist.
- https://spritmuseum.se/en/drinking-songs/the-history-of-the-snaps-song/
The purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, lives along the eastern edge of the Pacific Ocean extending from Ensenada, Mexico to British Columbia, Canada. This sea urchin species is deep purple in color, and lives in lower inter-tidal and nearshore sub-tidal communities. Its eggs are orange when secreted in water.[2] January, February, and March function as the typical active reproductive months for the species. Sexual maturity is reached around two years.
- 美國加州海域的紫海膽數量較二○一四年銳增一百倍,吞噬大片海藻林,情況向北延伸至俄勒岡州的珊瑚礁脈。海藻消失破壞海洋生態鏈,令沿岸生物失去食物來源,恐釀生態災難。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191026/00180_026.html
- annals of agriculture
- PAN pesticide database http://www.pesticideinfo.org/
- World crop protection news https://www.agra-net.net/agra/agrow/markets-regulatory/south-america/
- The Paris International Agricultural Show (French: Salon International de l'Agriculture, or SIA) is an annual agricultural show and trade fair, that takes place at the end of February or beginning of March at the Paris expo Porte de Versailles in Paris, France. It is one of the world’s largest and most important agricultural shows, drawing larger crowds than any other in Paris except the Foire de Paris.This event was first held in 1870 as the Concours général agricole (CGA, "General Agricultural Show"). Its name was changed in 1964,[2] but the Concours still exists and is one of the fair's main attractions.Le salon est organisé par le CENECA (Centre national des expositions et des concours agricoles), en partenariat avec le ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Agro-alimentaire et de la Forêt. Le ministre de l'Agriculture en fonction est le principal décisionnaire sur le Salon international de l'agriculture dont il fixe les dates par arrêté ministériel. Le CENECA regroupe diverses organisations professionnelles du monde agricole, de l’agroalimentaire et du monde rural. La ville de Paris et les pouvoirs publics sont propriétaires du Salon international de l’agriculture. Par une convention qui fixe les orientations et les grandes lignes stratégiques, le CENECA confie la gestion du salon à Comexposium. Le protocole et les visites officielles sont gérés directement par le CENECA. Il est par ailleurs propriétaire du Salon du cheval de Paris. Jean-Luc Poulain est actuellement le président du CENECA et du Salon international de l’agriculture. Comexposium est l'un des leaders européens de l'organisation de salons23. Filiale de la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris et du groupe Unibail-Rodamco, Comexposium organise 114 manifestations grand public et professionnelles23 par an dont cinq des dix plus gros salons français23,24,25.
- Agrochemex http://www.agrochemex.org/, annual agrochemical symposium and exhibition organised by the China Crop Protection Industry Association (CCPIA)since 2005.
- International Agriculture, Water & Agro-Industry Trade Show http://www.saudi-agriculture.com/
- 16+1 Agriculture Ministerial and Economic & Trade Forum
- http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-05/09/c_137164812.htm Lithuania expects new export opportunities and bilateral business contacts with China following the 16+1 Agriculture Ministerial and Economic & Trade Forum to be held on May 25 in Vilnius, Bronius Markauskas, Lithuania's outgoing minister of agriculture, said on Tuesday.
- https://informamarkets.6connex.com/event/HempCollective
- 屏東舉 行熱帶農業博覽會http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20210224/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- cooperative production and socialisation of everyday life collapsed at the end of 1970s. In the 1980s, collective production teams were replaced by the househokd contract responsibility system (renamed as household contract system in 1998)
- china daily 23aug18 "food for thought" china fully submerged fish farm in yellow sea
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