Sunday, December 23, 2018

mongol empire

The Ilkhanate, also spelled Il-khanate (Persianایلخانان‎, IlxānānMongolianХүлэгийн улсHu’legīn Uls), was established as a khanate that formed the southwestern sector of the Mongol Empire, ruled by the Mongol House of Hulagu. It was founded in the 13th century and was based primarily in Iran as well as neighboring territories, such as present-day Azerbaijan and the central and eastern parts of present-day Turkey. The Ilkhanate was originally based on the campaigns of Genghis Khan in the Khwarazmian Empire in 1219–24 and was founded by Hulagu Khan, son of Tolui and grandson of Genghis Khan. With the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire after 1259 it became a functionally separate khanate. At its greatest extent, the state expanded into territories that today comprise most of IranIraqArmeniaAzerbaijanGeorgiaTurkmenistanTurkey, western Afghanistan, and southwestern Pakistan. Later Ilkhanate rulers, beginning with Ghazan in 1295, would convert to Islam.
According to the historian Rashid-al-Din HamadaniKublai Khan granted Hulagu (Hülegü) the title of Ilkhan after his defeat of Ariq Böke. The term il-Khan means "subordinate khan" and refers to their initial deference to Möngke Khan and his successor Great Khans of the Mongol empire. The title "Ilkhan", borne by the descendants of Hulagu and later other Borjigin princes in Persia, does not materialize in the sources until after 1260.

The Golden Horde (MongolianАлтан ОрдAltan OrdRussianЗолотая ОрдаZolotaya OrdaTatarАлтын УрдаAltın Urda) was originally a Mongol and later Turkicized khanate established in the 13th century and originating as the northwestern sector of the Mongol Empire. With the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire after 1259 it became a functionally separate khanate. It is also known as the Kipchak Khanate or as the Ulus of Jochi. After the death of Batu Khan (the founder of the Golden Horde) in 1255, his dynasty flourished for a full century, until 1359, though the intrigues of Nogai did instigate a partial civil war in the late 1290s. The Horde's military power peaked during the reign of Uzbeg (1312–1341), who adopted Islam. The territory of the Golden Horde at its peak included most of Eastern Europe from the Urals to the Danube River, and extended east deep into Siberia. In the south, the Golden Horde's lands bordered on the Black Sea, the Caucasus Mountains, and the territories of the Mongol dynasty known as the Ilkhanate. The khanate experienced violent internal political disorder beginning in 1359, before it briefly reunited (1381–1395) under Tokhtamysh. However, soon after the 1396 invasion of Timur, the founder of the Timurid Empire, the Golden Horde broke into smaller Tatar khanates which declined steadily in power. At the start of the 15th century, the Horde began to fall apart. By 1466, it was being referred to simply as the "Great Horde". Within its territories there emerged numerous predominantly Turkic-speakingkhanates. These internal struggles allowed the northern vassal state of Muscovy to rid itself of the "Tatar Yoke" at the Great stand on the Ugra river in 1480. The Crimean Khanate and the Kazakh Khanate, the last remnants of the Golden Horde, survived until 1783 and 1847 respectively.
The name Golden Horde is said to have been inspired by the golden color of the tents the Mongols lived in during wartime, or an actual golden tent used by Batu Khanor by Uzbek Khan,[8] or to have been bestowed by the Slavic tributaries to describe the great wealth of the khan. But the Mongolic word for the color yellow (Sarı/Saru) also meant "center" or "central" in Old Turkic and Mongolic languages, and "horde" probably comes from the Mongolic word ordu, meaning palace, camp or headquarters, so "Golden Horde" may simply have come from a Mongolic term for "central camp".[9] In any event, it was not until the 16th century that Russian chroniclers begin explicitly using the term "Golden Horde" (Russian: Золотая Орда) to refer to this particular successor khanate of the Mongol Empire. The first known use of the term, in 1565, in the Russian chronicle History of Kazan, applied it to the Ulus of Batu (Russian: Улуса Батыя), centered on Sarai.[10][11] In contemporary Persian, Armenian and Muslim writings, and in the records of the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries such as the Yuanshi and the Jami' al-tawarikh, the khanate was called the "Ulus of Jochi" ("realm of Jochi" in Mongolian), "Dasht-i-Qifchaq" (Qipchaq Steppe) or "Khanate of the Qipchaq" and "Comania" (Cumania). The eastern or left wing (or "left hand" in official Mongolian-sponsored Persian sources) was referred to as the Blue Horde in Russian chronicles and as the White Horde in Timurid sources (e.g. Zafar-Nameh). Western scholars have tended to follow the Timurid sources' nomenclature and call the left wing the White Horde. But Ötemish Hajji (fl. 1550), a historian of Khwarezm, called the left wing the Blue Horde, and since he was familiar with the oral traditions of the khanate empire, it seems likely that the Russian chroniclers were correct, and that the khanate itself called its left wing the Blue Horde.[14] The khanate apparently used the term White Horde to refer to its right wing, which was situated in Batu's home base in Sarai and controlled the ulus. However, the designations Golden Horde, Blue Horde, and White Horde have not been encountered in the sources of the Mongol period.欽察汗國(Golden Horde;蒙古語:Алтан ОрдAltan Ord;西里尔蒙古文:Алтан Ордын улс,拉丁轉寫:Altan Ordyn Uls土耳其语Altın Orda鞑靼语Altın Urda)(1242年-1502年)又稱金帳汗國成吉思汗生前,分封西方的土地给长子朮赤,即今日俄羅斯咸海頓河伏爾加河一帶的欽察草原,所以世稱“欽察汗國”(因為當時那一帶叫做欽察)。朮赤的血缘受到怀疑,因為在鐵木真未壯大以前,他的夫人孛兒帖曾被蔑兒乞部抓去。鐵木真後來聯合了王罕扎木合三路攻打蔑兒乞,才將孛兒帖救回。孛兒帖在歸途中生了個兒子,但鐵木真不介意,並把他待若自己的親子,給他取名朮赤(意为“客人”);那時的蒙古尚處在部落氏族社會。朮赤成年後,以果敢坚毅著稱,死在成吉思汗之前,享年49歲。朮赤有14個兒子,有長子鄂爾達、次子拔都(巴图)。鄂爾達自知才能不及弟弟拔都,所以將繼承汗位的權利讓給了拔都。拔都控制了黑海北岸的海滨土地後,许多突厥系人民歸順於他,並被編入他的军队;在1230年代后期和1240年代初,他不断攻击伏尔加保加利亚基辅罗斯的后继国家,统一了中亚草原,结束了俄罗斯封建割据局面。
The Battle of Mohi (11 April 1241), also known as Battle of the Sajó River or Battle of the Tisza River, was the main battle between the Mongol Empire and the Kingdom of Hungaryduring the Mongol invasion of Europe. It took place at Muhi (then Mohi), southwest of the Sajó River. After the invasion, Hungary lay in ruins. Nearly half of the inhabited places had been destroyed by the invading armies. Around 15–25 percent of the population was lost, mostly in lowland areas, especially in the Great Hungarian Plain, the southern reaches of the Hungarian plain in the area now called the Banat and in southern Transylvania.
Ulugh Muhammad (1405–1445; UrduPersian and Arabicألوغ محمدTatarОлуг МөхәммәтRussianУлуг Мухаммед), written as Ulanus by orientalists, was twice Khan of the Golden Horde and founder of the Khanate of Kazan.Ulugh Muhammad first came to power following the death of Yeremferden. His main competitor for control of the Horde was his cousin[1] Dawlat Berdi, the son of Yeremferden. For much of his reign Ulugh Muhammad controlled Sarai, and was therefore seen as the more legitimate ruler within the Horde, although it was captured by his rival after the Siege of Sarai in 1420 and held by him for two years.In 1422 Baraq Khan defeated both Ulugh Muhammad and Dawlat and drove them out of the country. while Dawlat remained in the outskirts of Crimea, Ulugh Muhammad fled to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and plead for assistance from Vytautas the Great. With this assistance, he was able to march on Baraq and capture Sarai.After regaining control over the Khanate, Ulugh Muhammad marched on Crimea, where Dawlat Berdi had re-established himself following Baraq's defeat and death. After a series of indecisive skirmishes his invasion was cut short due to the death of Vytautas, which forced Ulugh Muhammad to concentrate his forces on Lithuania, where he supported Sigismund Kęstutaitis against Švitrigaila in the fight for the Lithuanian throne. Švitrigaila, in turn, supported Dawlat Berdi and later Sayid Ahmad I, as did Vasili II of Moscow.

- russia

  • 作為東斯拉夫人的 一個族群,俄羅斯一直自稱「羅 斯」,後來又怎麼成的「俄羅 斯」呢?這次陪同我們的導遊是 蒙古人,據他講,由於歷史上羅 斯長期遭受蒙古人統治,蒙古語 發音習慣在專用名詞前加一個 「O」音,羅斯便成了俄羅斯。五 百年來,俄羅斯從臣服於蒙古金 帳汗國的莫斯科公國,到以第三 羅馬帝國自居的沙皇俄國;從帝 國主義鏈條中最薄弱的一環,到 世界格局中雙超並列的一極;從 蘇聯解體後的迷惘混亂,到而今 縱橫捭闔於國際舞台的戰鬥民 族……其起伏跌宕之路,在世界 歷史上實難多見。
  • ******* the Mongols didn’t occupy Rus. What seemed to happen, they simply outsourced the subjugation of our lands to the forest Turks (Tatars) and local Slav collaborators. St Alexander Nevsky played the seminal role in making us a part of the Golden Horde. (The first census taken by the Mongols occurred first in 1257. In other words, it took St Alexander Nevsky and his father at at least one and a half decade to impose Mongol control over the forested parts of Rus lands.) Many centuries later, the “Mongol approach” in conquering Russia was used by Germany. During WW1 they paid the Bolsheviks to disorganize our Imperial troops and war logistics, and in 1917–18 Lenin and Trotsky famously delivered. Only the defeat in the Western front prevented the Germans from following through and securing their huge conquests in the east under the Brest Litovsk Peace treaty.

Noyonnoyannayan was a title of authority in the Mongol Empire and later periods. In modern Mongolic the word is used as a form of address similar to "Mister" or "Monsieur".
Initially, it was a term for a military commander in the army of Genghis Khan: the term "noyon" applied to commanders of tumens and mingghans, military units of 10,000 and 1,000 soldiers respectively. During conquests, noyons used to receive territories for administration and they effectively became aristocracy, into the 20th century. Noyans were above the ordinary Mongols in social rank but below the descendants of Genghis and his brothers. They were sometimes called emir or bey in the Ulus of Jochi, the Ilkhanate and the Chagatai Khanate while the Yuan records gave the equivalent as guanren, since their main task was waging warfare. Usually notable persons are referred to followed "Noyan", similarly to the usage of the title "Khan", e.g., Jebe Noyan, Chormaqan Noyan, Sali Noyan and Karik Noyan. The Qing Dynasty, which ruled Mongolia from 1694 to 1911, entrusted rule in Mongolia to the descendants of Genghis Khan, who were also called noyon. The term noyon in this epoch acquired the connotation of nobleman, since Mongolia was mostly at peace. After 1921 the word darga (boss) replaced the aristocratic noyon as the term for officials.Many noyons were executed and/or arrested during the Great Purge in Mongolia.
-ノヤンという称号の起源は、モンゴル部が未だ「カン」を戴かず、血縁的紐帯によって統治されていた頃の政事執行機関の名称にあると考えられている。この頃にはモンゴル部の司祭者や軍事的指導者といった者達が皆「ノヤン」と称されていた。1206年チンギス・カンモンゴル帝国を建国すると、配下の遊牧民を95の千人隊に再分配し、千人隊制度を施行した。この時千人隊長、百人隊長、十人隊長に任ぜられた者たちはそれぞれ配下の遊牧民と遊牧地を与えられ、ノヤンと総称されるようになった。ノヤンは軍事指揮官であると同時に遊牧集団の領主でもあり、クリルタイへの出席といった種々の特権を持つモンゴル帝国の貴族階級として知られるようになった。これに対して一般のモンゴル人や非モンゴル人は「カラチュ」と呼ばれてノヤンより一段下に置かれていた。モンゴル帝国の占領地域では耶律楚材を筆頭に現地採用の官僚の活躍が誇張して伝えられるが、これらの現地採用官僚は格式の上ではノヤン階級の「使用人」に過ぎず、ノヤンより格下の存在であった。  また、北元時代に入ると「ノヤン」の指す対象は微妙に変化した。北元時代にはチンギス・カンの末裔たる「黄金氏族」とそれ以外の貴族階級の対立が顕著となり、両者を厳密に区別する必要に迫られた。その結果として、チンギス・カンの子孫たちが「ノヤン」と呼称され、それ以外の貴族階級の者達は「サイト(sayit)」と呼称されるようになった。この内、「サイト」は「異姓貴族」とも訳されている。
Quelques Noyan

Genghis Khan[note 3] (born Temüjin,[note 4] c. 1162 – August 18, 1227, Modern Mongolian pronunciation [ˈt͡ɕʰiŋɡɪs χaːɴ], Middle Mongol pronunciation [ˈt͡ɕʰiŋːɡɪs ˈkaχaːn] or [ˈt͡ʃʰiŋːɡɪs ˈqaχaːn]) was the founder and first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. After founding the Empire and being proclaimed "Genghis Khan", he launched the Mongol invasions that conquered most of Eurasia. Campaigns initiated in his lifetime include those against the Qara KhitaiCaucasus, and KhwarazmianWestern Xia and Jin dynasties. These campaigns were often accompanied by large-scale massacres of the civilian populations – especially in the Khwarazmian and Western Xia controlled lands. By the end of his life, the Mongol Empire occupied a substantial portion of Central Asia and China.

  • note that in the Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue ( part of the Genghis Khan Statue Complex is a 131-foot tall statue of Genghis Khan on horseback, on the bank of the Tuul River at Tsonjin Boldog (54 km) east of the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar)), his name is anglicised as "chinggis khaan"
  • [barnett] artefacts of him are kept by chinese in a repository in non-mongol territory (in kansu)
  • descendants
  • 內蒙古自治區政協委員、香港汽車會永遠榮譽會長雲維熹,為元太祖成吉思汗後代,家族背景顯赫,九十年代後期,曾以36歲最年輕歲數擔任廣東省政協委員並長達15年。

Abaqa Khan (1234–1282, MongolianАбаха/Абага хан (Khalkha Cyrillic)ᠠᠪᠠᠬᠠ ᠬᠠᠭᠠᠨ (Traditional script), "paternal uncle", also transliterated Abaġa), was the second Mongol ruler (Ilkhan) of the Ilkhanate. The son of Hulagu Khan and Lady Yesünčin, he reigned from 1265 to 1282 and was succeeded by his brother Tekuder. Much of Abaqa's reign was consumed with civil wars in the Mongol Empire, such as those between the Ilkhanate and the northern khanate of the Golden Horde. Abaqa also engaged in unsuccessful attempts at military invasion of Syria, including the Second Battle of Homs.
  • Abaqa was born in Mongolia in February 1234, son of Ilkhanate founder Hulagu Khan. Abaqa himself was Buddhist. A favored son of Hulagu, he was made governor of Turkestan. Hulagu died from illness in 1265. Before his death, he had been negotiating with the Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos to add a daughter of the Byzantine imperial family to Hulagu's number of wives. Michael VIII had selected his illegitimate daughter Maria Palaiologina, who was dispatched in 1265, escorted by the abbot of Pantokrator monastery, Theodosius de Villehardouin. Historian Steven Runciman relates how she was accompanied by the Patriarch Euthymius of Antioch. Since Hulagu died before she arrived, she was instead married to Hulagu's son, Abaqa. He received her hand in marriage when he was installed as Ilkhan. When Hulagu's wife Doquz Khatun died in 1265 as well, the role of spiritual leader transferred to Maria, who was called "Despina Khatun" by the Mongols. It was Abaqa who decided on the permanent location for the Ilkhanate capital, Tabriz, which was in the northwestern grasslands that the Mongols preferred. Abaqa took power four months after the death of his father, and then spent the next several months redistributing fiefs and governorships. Some of the coins from Abaqa's era display the Christian cross, and bear in Arabic the Christian inscription "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, only one God".
Dayan Khan (MongolianДаян Хаан達延汗) (given name: Batumöngke; 1464–1517[1]/1543[2][3]) was a Mongol khan who reunited the Mongols under Chinggisid supremacy in the Northern Yuan dynasty based in the Mongolian Plateau. His reigning title, "Dayan", means the "Great Yuan", as he enthroned himself as Great Khan of the Great Yuan, though the Yuan dynasty, the principal khanate of the Mongol Empire, had already lost control over China proper a century earlier (1368).Dayan Khan and his queen, Mandukhai, eliminated Oirat power and abolished the taishi system used by both local and foreign warlords. Dayan Khan's victory at Dalan Tergin reunified the Mongols and solidified their identity as Chinggisid people. His decision to divide the Six tumens of Eastern Mongolia as fiefs for his sons created decentralized but stable Borjigin rule over Mongolia for a century.It is claimed that Batumongke was the son of Bayanmongke (Bayanmunh) (fl. 1470-79) the Bolkhu jinong (or crown prince/viceroy) of the Borjigin clan and Shiker Taiko (Shihir Taihu) of the Uriyangkhai in Mongolia. His paternal grandmother, Sechen, was a daughter of Esen Tayshi of the Oirats.As a direct descendant of Kublai Khan (r. 1260–1294), Mandukhai had him ascend to the throne at the Royal shrine kept by the Chakhar and he became known by the title "Dayan Khan". When he was aged nineteen, she married him, and retained great influence over court and military. They reunified the Mongol retainers of the former eastern region of the Mongol Empire. The Oirats were defeated by the military skill of Mandukhai and control reclaimed over the Eastern Mongols. Batumongke and his queen Mandukhai led Mongol armies in 1483 against Ismayil Taishi who fled after the imperial victory over him to Hami where he was killed by other Muslims and the Turco-MongolsThe most important achievement of the couple was their defeat of the war-like Oirats who had previously revolted against the rule of the Borjigin Emperors since the 14th century. By 1495, Batumongke won the Three Guards (Doyin Uriankhai, Ujiyed and Fuyu guard), tributaries of the Ming Dynasty, and had them incorporated into his Six tumens.In 1510, he crushed the Three Right Wing Tumens and killed Mandulai, the Ordos elder. Iburai fled to Kokenuur (Qinghai) where he remained active to 1533. Dayan Khan dispersed the rebel Uriankhais among other 5 tumens. Instead of enslaving the Right Wing Tumens, Dayan Khan had Barsubolad enthroned as jinong (晉王) in 1513, abolishing old titles like taishi (太師) and chingsang (丞相) of the Yuan Dynasty. He exempted his soldiers from imposts and made them Darqan. According to an ancient Mongolian source, the Mongols were again peaceful thereafter thanks to the policy of Dayan Khan and his khatun Maudukhai.With defeats of Iburai and Ismayil, Dayan and Mandukhai could remove the power of descendants of the Alans, the Kypchaks and the Hami Muslim warlords from the Northern Yuan court in Mongolia.He reorganized the Eastern Mongols into 6 tumens (literally "ten thousand") as follows:Left Wing: KhalkhaChahar and UriankhaiRight Wing: Ordos, Tümed and Yöngshiyebü (including Asud and Kharchin)
- Altan Khan of the Tümed (1507–1582; Mongolian: Алтан хан; 阿勒坦汗), whose given name was Anda (ᠠᠨᠳᠠ in Mongolian; 俺答 in Chinese), was the leader of the TümedMongols and de facto ruler of the Right Wing, or western tribes, of the Mongols. He was the grandson of Dayan Khan (1464–1543), a descendant of Kublai Khan (1215–1294), who had managed to unite a tribal league between the Khalkha Mongols in the north and the Chahars (Tsakhars) to the south. His name means "Golden Khan" in the Mongolian language.Borjigin Barsboladiin Altan was the second son of Bars Bolud Jinong, and a grandson of Batumongke Dayan Khan who had re-unified the Mongolian nobility in an attempt to regain the glory of the Yuan dynasty. Altan Khan ruled the Tümed and belonged to the Right Wing of the Mongols along with his elder brother Gün Bilig, who ruled the Ordos. After Gün Bilig's death in 1542, Altan became the de facto leader of the whole of the Right Wing and was given the title, "Tösheetü Sechen Khan".When Bodi Alagh Khan, the Khagan of the Mongols from the Chahar, died in 1547, Altan forced Bodi Alagh's successor Darayisung Küdeng Khan to flee eastward. In 1551 Darayisung made a compromise with Altan in exchange for giving the title "Gegeen Khan" to him.Altan Khan, who controlled the Ordos tumen of the Huang He or Yellow River was well placed to keep pressure on the Chinese and the Oirat Mongols in Tibet while developing both agriculture and trade.Altan Khan also founded the city of Köke Khota (Hohhot, meaning "The Blue City").
  • [barnett] term of "16th century inner mongolia federation" was mentioned

The Mongols (MongolianМонголчууд, ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯᠴᠤᠳMongolchuud[ˈmɔŋ.ɢɔɮ.t͡ʃʊːt]) are an East-Central Asian ethnic group native to Mongolia and to China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. They also live as minorities in other regions of China (e.g. Xinjiang), as well as in Russia. Mongolian people belonging to the Buryat and Kalmyksubgroups live predominantly in the Russian federal subjects of Buryatia and Kalmykia. The Mongols are bound together by a common heritage and ethnic identity. Their indigenous dialects are collectively known as the Mongolian language. The ancestors of the modern-day Mongols are referred to as Proto-Mongols.Broadly defined, the term includes the Mongols proper (also known as the Khalkha Mongols), BuryatsOirats, the Kalmyk people and the Southern Mongols. The latter comprises the Abaga MongolsAbaganarAohansBaarinsGorlos MongolsJalaidsJaruudKhishigtenKhuuchidMuumyangan and Onnigud. The designation "Mongol" briefly appeared in 8th century records of Tang China to describe a tribe of Shiwei. It resurfaced in the late 11th century during the Khitan-ruled Liao dynasty. After the fall of the Liao in 1125, the Khamag Mongols became a leading tribe on the Mongolian Plateau. However, their wars with the Jurchen-ruled Jin dynastyand the Tatar confederation had weakened them. In the thirteenth century, the word Mongol grew into an umbrella term for a large group of Mongolic-speaking tribes united under the rule of Genghis Khan.
All Mongols of the inner plains had one genetic difference: Their digestive system was able to live on milk. That means, if the Mongol army had 100 000 men, it meant it was 100 000 warriors. And they were independent, because they were not depending on a huge baggage train and entourage to carry the supplies. All 100 000 were on horses and had a supply horse with them. Many of them were females and provided the milk to live on for weeks.
 The difference between the Mongols and those who came before and after (the Huns, the Hephthalites, the Uighurs, the Karakanids, the Timurids, and a few others) is the remarkable generalship provided by several of the Mongol leaders. Not just Genghis, but also a number of his generals. As they expanded, the Mongols formed a ruling class over the lands they ruled but did not replace the population. Their armies became less and less “Mongol” as they incorporated local auxiliaries. And when the Mongol empire fell apart, Mongols in the fragmented provinces were driven out and/or slowly absorbed into the local populations which had always vastly outnumbered them. So today there are about ten million ethnic Mongols, significantly more than there were during the Middle Ages, but there’s a lot more of everybody else, so it may appear that there are fewer.
- ******* 喀尔喀蒙古蒙古语ᠬᠠᠯᠬ᠎ᠠ中蒙通用转写Xalxa西里尔字母Халх[注 1]),或漠北蒙古,即居住于大漠(戈壁沙漠)以北的蒙古族 ハルハ The Khalkha (MongolianХалхHalh Mongolian pronunciation: [xɑɮx]) is the largest subgroup of Mongol people in Mongolia since the 15th century. The Khalkha, together with ChaharsOrdos and Tumed, were directly ruled by Borjigin khans until the 20th century; unlike the Oirats, who were ruled by Dzungar nobles, or the Khorchins, who were ruled by Qasar's descendants.The two original major Khalkha groups were ruled by the direct male line descendants of Dayan Khan. The BaarinKhongiradJaruud, Baigut, and the O'zeed (Ujeed) became Dayan Khan's fifth son Achibolod's subjects, thus formed the Southern Five Halhs. The QaraeiJalairsOlkhonud, Khatagin, Besut, Iljigin, Gorlos, UriankhaiSartuul, Tanghut, Khotogoid, Khuree, and Tsookhor became Dayan Khan's youngest (could be third) son Geresenje's (MongolianГэрсэне Жалайр Хан) subjects, thus formed the "Аглагийн арван гурван хүрээ Халх" or Thirteen Khalkhas of the Far North.[citation neededThere were also numerous direct descendants of Genghis Khan who had formed the ruling class of the Khalkha Mongols prior to the 20th century, but they were and still also regarded as Khalkha Mongols rather than belonging to a special unit. The Thirteen Khalkhas of the Far North are the major subethnic group of the independent state of Mongolia. They number 1,610,400 (78.8%) of Mongolia's population (1989 figures).The Khalkha or Halh dialect is the standard written language of Mongolia.
  •  社会阶级名称可汗:氏族部落的最高统治者; 那颜:重要官员; 奴隶主:阶级社会中,旧的氏族贵族成为奴隶主,掌握一定数量的百姓和军队; 自由民:自由民为本族人,无战事时从事生产,不具有政治地位; 属民:外族被俘虏者,为属于其主的财产
- tribal stories

  • huuheldei mergen khan, a great hunter who shoots a magic deer [gc pang and h toth]
  • hero geser, sent to eart to combat evil [gc pang and h toth]

- native americans

- greece
- korea


- trivial


- in 中國通史,flag of mongol enpire (southern song dynasty conquered by mongols episode) is portrait flag with fire, sun and crescent, white background

- As they approached a targeted city, the Mongols graciously offered to let everyone inside live, as long as they immediately and unconditionally surrendered. If they did not, the city was overrun in a frenzy of destruction. Nearly all inhabitants were murdered. Only the most useful, like engineers and smiths, were spared.The victims' ears were cut off and held in a bag for later counting by Mongol commanders. Soldiers who did not fill their quota were swiftly punished.

arts and crafts
- 􀎠九寶􀎡對應的顏色、方位、星宿、日期

- [gc pang and h toth] in late 16thc, buddhism took hold in mongolia. Gombordorji zanabazar(1635-1723), the six year old young son of a wealthy prince, was proclaimed leader of the buddhists in 1641. He was called the javzandamba khutagt, which means "reincarnate lama".

- [gc pang and h toth] before the mongolian nation emerged, the steppes if central asia were inhabited by nomadic tribes, probably of turkic, tataric or ugrian origin

  • many clans caught in the mongol onslaught chose to subnit rather than to be killed. They paid taxes and provided men to the army, adding to mongol miliatry strenghth. Chinese, turks, persians, armenians, georgians, and others fought alongside mongol solders. Skilled craftsmem, musicians, scholars, and administrators were taken prisoner to serve the khan.
  • from 14th to 17th c,nmongol tribes foughtbamong themselves, the oirats innthe west split with the khalkhas in the east. Eventually, these two remaining large grouos splintered into smaller tribes tgat continued bikering among themselves, thus allowing the chinese to invade and control them.
Middle east
- [m&p]In 1220 genghis khan sized persia; in 1243 his successors routed the entire seljuk army and went on to occupy the sultanate of rum. In 1258 genghis khan's grandson hulagu captured baghdad and eliminated the abbasid caliphate and destructed the irrigation works of mesopotamia.

- Genghis Khan sent a force of about thirty thousand to deal with the Khwarezmian prince. This Mongol force was under the command of Qutugu. Not Genghis Khan himself. Genghis Khan at the time was present in Central Asia. The Mongol army under Qutugu was defeated in the Battle of Parwan by Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu in 1221. Upon hearing of this defeat, Genghis Khan decided to deal with Jalal ad-Din himself and led the main Mongol force south. At the same time, Jalal ad-Din managed to alienate his Afghan allies and was abandoned by them. The Khwarezmian prince and his forces had to flee towards India, as they tried to escape from the approaching Mongol army. Genghis Khan caught up to Jalal ad-Din on the western bank of the Indus River. The Mongols avenged their defeat in the Battle of the Indus. The Khwarezmians were defeated. Jalal ad-Din managed to escape across the Indus River. Genghis Khan sent forces to hunt him down. Afghanistan was then also conquered by the Mongols.

xi xia
- [gc pang and h toth] genghis khan began building his empire in 1209 with a campaign against the southern kingdom of xi xia (ruled by the tanguts) who controlled the vital oases along the silk road linking china and rome. Caravans, including those of the mongols, traveled the route carrying all kinds of goods and were heavily taxed by tanguts. Defeated in 1210, xi xia became mongolia's first vassal state.

- [gc pang and h toth] kublai attempted to invade japan in 1274 and1281 but without success

- 3 unsuccessful conquests singtao 23apr19 f2

- [gc pang and h toth] kublai attempted to invade but without success

inner mongolia
- [gc pang and h toth]kublai khan established a capital at shangdu (often called xanadu)

  • Xanadu is a 1980 American musical fantasy film written by Richard Christian Danus and Marc Reid Rubel, and directed by Robert Greenwald"Xanadu" is the title song from the soundtrack to the 1980 film Xanadu

- By the time of their height they were already starting to settle in their conquered territories, preferring soft cushions over the hard saddle, and they were essentially de facto four separate realms, only de jure paying lip service to the Khan in China. It would be very hard to raise the massive hosts for conquering that they once had under Genghis Khan and Ogadei.
- ********* the last direct descendent of Ghengis Khan to rule was Mohammed Alim Khan. His kingdom, the Emirate of Bhukara, was liquidated 10 years before the last remnant mongol state was dissolved by Chinese forces in Xinjaing Province. The “last Emir of Bukhara” ruled from January 3, 1911, when his father died, to September 2, 1920, when Soviet forces seized Bukhara.

- 法國南特歷史博物館(Musee d'Histoire de Nantes),原定本月展出有關成吉思汗與蒙古帝國歷史的展覽,但館方日前發聲明指,因中方企圖刪改、審查展覽內容,且對蒙古族群立場趨於強硬,該展覽將延期至二○二四年十月展出。

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