Friday, December 21, 2018


- ministry of commerce
- ministry of agriculture livestock and irrigation
- ministry of electricity and energy
The Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry (Burmese: ပတ်ဝန်းကျင်ထိန်းသိမ်းရေးနှင့် သစ်တောရေးရာ ဝန်ကြီးဌာန) is a ministry in the Burmese government responsible for the country's forestry and logging sectors. From 1948 to 5 March 1992, the Ministry was joined with the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation as the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. The Ministry was organized as Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation by combination of Ministry of Mines.
- Ministry of Hotels and Tourism
- ministry of transport
- ministry of national planning and economic development
- Department of Trade Promotion
- Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) (HKTDC seminar June 2013))
- Directorate of Investment and company administration

- 一九四七年緬甸境內的撣族、克欽族和欽族首領在北部撣邦的一個小鎮簽訂「彬龍協議」,協議聯合緬甸本部和各少數民族從英國殖民統治下爭取獨立,核心精神是各少數民族地區享有自治權,並共同組成國家的聯邦制度。這是昂山淑姬一直主張「新彬龍會議」精神的由來。緬甸在○八年通過新憲法,規定該國為聯邦共和國。在接下來登盛執政的五年,緬甸軍政府實行了所謂的三波改革,包括第一波建立民主體制;第二波從政治、經濟、行政進行,並提高民間參與度;第三波是去中央集權化。這是昂山政府接下來的政權背景,民盟在上台前就早已表示會進一步進行權力下放和政府架構精簡。在正式上任前,新總統廷覺已向議會提交了新的內閣名單,將原有的三十六個部門縮減至二十一個,以及新增了民族事務部。

蒲甘Bagan(formerly Pagan) is an ancient city and a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Mandalay Region of Myanmar. From the 9th to 13th centuries, the city was the capital of the Pagan Kingdom, the first kingdom that unified the regions that would later constitute modern Myanmar. During the kingdom's height between the 11th and 13th centuries, 4,446 Buddhist temples, pagodas and monasteries were constructed in the Bagan plains alone, of which the remains of 3,822 temples and pagodas still survive to the present day.According to the Burmese chronicles, Bagan was founded in the second century AD, and fortified in 849 AD by King Pyinbya, 34th successor of the founder of early Bagan.[5] Mainstream scholarship however holds that Bagan was founded in the mid-to-late 9th century by the Mranma (Burmans), who had recently entered the Irrawaddy valley from the Nanzhao Kingdom. It was among several competing Pyu city-states until the late 10th century when the Burman settlement grew in authority and grandeur.From 1044 to 1287, Bagan was the capital as well as the political, economic and cultural nerve center of the Pagan Empire. Over the course of 250 years, Bagan's rulers and their wealthy subjects constructed over 10,000 religious monuments (approximately 1000 stupas, 10,000 small temples and 3000 monasteries)[7] in an area of 104 square kilometres (40 sq mi) in the Bagan plains. The prosperous city grew in size and grandeur, and became a cosmopolitan center for religious and secular studies, specializing in Pali scholarship in grammar and philosophical-psychological (abhidhamma) studies as well as works in a variety of languages on prosody, phonology, grammar, astrology, alchemy, medicine, and legal studies.[8] The city attracted monks and students from as far as India, Sri Lanka and the Khmer Empire.
- ****中國南宋宝庆元年(1225年)赵汝适著《诸蕃志蒲甘条记载:“国有诸葛武侯庙”[3]

Chin State The capital of the state is Hakha. The state is a mountainous region with few transportation links. Chin State is sparsely populated and remains one of the least developed areas of the country. Chin State has the highest poverty rate of 73% as per the released figures from the first official survey. The official radio broadcasting dialect of Chin is Falam. There are 53 different subtribe and languages in Chin State.
- hakha

  • u shaped city due to its hilly landscape

- before 1965, falam was the capital city of chin state

************Dawei (Burmeseထားဝယ်မြို့MLCTShta: wai mrui.pronounced [dəwɛ̀ mjo̰]Monဓဝဲါ[həwài]ThaiทวายRTGS: Thawaipronounced [tʰā.wāːj]; formerly known as Tavoy) is a city in south-eastern Myanmar and is the capital of the Tanintharyi Region, formerly known as the Tenasserim Division. "Dawei" derives from the Mon language term "Hawai" (Monထဝဲါ/həwai/), which means "to sit cross-legged," in reference to the Buddha's sitting posture on the palin (throne).土瓦緬甸語ထားဝယ်မြို့,Dawei,旧名Tavoy),缅甸德林达依省首府,在土瓦河北岸。人口约14万。土产橡胶腰果榴莲凤梨芒果柚木。《新唐书·诃陵传》作沱洹国,宋代诸蕃志》作杜怀,汪大渊岛夷志略》作淡邈,《明史》作打回2010年11月4日緬甸政府表示將以中國深圳為範例,把土瓦建立成緬甸的經濟特區,其地位於緬甸南方,與泰國相臨,將與深水港為中心,占地約萬公頃,目前緬甸政府已經和泰國建立多項合作,以後將建设水力发电厂、石化厂和炼油厂等项目,而中國南韓印度都表示相當的興趣要投資。La région de l'estuaire est habitée depuis des siècles par des marins d'ethnies mônskarens et thaïs. La ville elle-même fut fondée en 1751par le Royaume d'Ayutthaya. Elle fut alternativement sous son contrôle et celui de la Birmanie, jusqu'à son annexion par les britanniques en 1826 (Traité de Yandabo).

Greater Mekong Subregion
- 中國國務院總理李克強昨日在泰國曼谷出席大湄公河次區域經濟 合 作 第 五 次 領 導 人 會議。李克強發表演講時表示,中國加大投入力度,推動次區域務實合作提速。各國領導人確定了未來 10年的區域投資框架行動計劃,重點項目涉及 300億美元的投資。中國提出一攬子合作計劃,包括出資 10億美元支持次區域互聯互通。有媒體報道稱,大湄公河次區域經濟合作吹響了中國全面推進「一帶一路」的號角,中國「一帶一路」戰略有望在 2015年全面落實鋪開。 國務院總理李克強當地時間20日上午在曼谷出席大湄公河次區域經濟合作(Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation

Hkakabo Razi (Burmeseခါကာဘိုရာဇီpronounced [kʰàkàbò ɹàzì];開加博峰pinyinKāijiābó Fēng) is believed to be Myanmar's highest mountain, and with its height of 5,881 metres (19,295 ft) the probable highest mountain in South East Asia. It is located in the northern Myanmar state of Kachin in an outlying subrange of the Greater Himalayan mountain system near the border tri-point with India and China. 

The Irrawaddy River or Ayeyarwady River (Burmeseဧရာဝတီမြစ်MLCTSerawa.ti mracpronounced: [ʔèjàwədì mjɪʔ], also spelt Ayeyarwaddy) is a river that flows from north to south through Myanmar. It is the country's largest river and most important commercial waterway. Originating from the confluence of the N'mai and Mali rivers, it flows relatively straight North-South before emptying through the Irrawaddy Delta into the Andaman Sea. Its drainage basin of about 404,200 square kilometres (156,100 sq mi) covers a large part of Burma. After Rudyard Kipling's poem, it is sometimes referred to as 'The Road to Mandalay'. As early as the sixth century the river was used for trade and transport. Having developed an extensive network of irrigation canals, the river became important to the British Empire after it had colonized Burma. The river is still as vital today, as a considerable amount of (export) goods and traffic moves by river. Rice is produced in the Irrawaddy Delta, irrigated by water from the river. In 2007, Myanmar's military dictatorship signed an agreement for the construction of seven hydroelectric dams, yielding a total 13,360 MW, in the N'mai and Mali Rivers, including the 3,600 MW Myitsone Dam at the confluence of both rivers. Environmental organisations have raised concerns about the ecological impacts on the river's biodiverse ecosystems. Animals potentially impacted include the threatened Irrawaddy dolphin and the Irrawaddy river shark, an endangered species.

Myitkyina (Burmeseမြစ်ကြီးနားမြို့MLCTSmrac kri: na: mrui.pronounced [mjɪʔtɕíná]; (Eng; mitchinarJinghpawMyitkyina[mjìtkjí̠ná]) is the capital city of Kachin State in Myanmar (Burma).In Burmese it means "near the big river". Myitkyina has been an important trading town between China and Myanmar since ancient times.American Baptist missionary George J. Geis and his wife arrived in Myitkyina in the late 1890s and in 1900 they requested permission to build a mansion in the town. The building was named Geis Memorial Church [4] It is one of the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC)churches in Myitkyina.Japanese forces captured the town and nearby airbase during World War II in 1942. In August 1944, Myitkyina was recaptured by the Allied forces under General Joseph Stilwell after a prolonged siege and heavy fighting between Nationalist Chinese divisions, the Chindits, and Merrill's Marauders of the Northern Combat Area Commandand the besieged elements of the 33rd Imperial Japanese Army under General Masaki Honda. The town was strategically important not only because of its rail and water links to the rest of Burma, but also because it was on the planned route of the Ledo Road.密支那,原来叫“斯那公”又叫“三拉公”,为“绅士”的意思。  古代南方丝绸之路即“蜀身毒道”就是从现今的云南腾冲梁河陇川一带进入八莫,密支那等地,再通往印度的。八莫和老光屯(八莫以南14余公里处)两地是中缅边民从古至今贸易的中心。密支那以东的的昔董有两条通道直通中国边境,一条从腾冲经高田、猴桥和昔董到密支那,从中国边境到密支那,全程约250公里;另一条经南甸盈江和茅草地等地至缅甸的八莫,全程约225公里。这两条通道从古到今均为中缅两国的重要商道。
帕敢Phakant (Burmeseဖားကန့်; also Hpakan and Hpakant), is a town in Phakant TownshipKachin State of the northernmost part of Myanmar (Burma). It is famous for its jade mines which produce the world's best quality jadeite.  帕敢地区矿石开采时间早,在明代已有开采翡翠冲积砂矿的历史。 Since after the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) came into the area before negotiating a ceasefire agreement with Burma's military government in the early 1990s, heroin is no longer openly on sale on the streets of Hpakant. Both addicts and drug dealers were rounded up, taken to the nearby Uru River, shot and dumped in the river.Concerns have been expressed regarding the encroachment on and destruction of the environment from deforestation and landslides resulting from mining activities and consequent flooding. The Uru River has also been affected by the dumping of soil. There have been instances of locals being forced to leave their homes when upland areas were bulldozed by the big mining companies.The KIA however lost control of the jade mines once the ceasefire had been arranged, and firms from China, Hong Kong and Singapore started to operate in the area after winning concessions from the government.[6] More recently however the mining contracts went to the well known Burmese tycoon Tay Za's Htoo Group and also to Myanmar Dagaung Co Ltd, a subsidiary of the Hong Pang Group headed by Wei Hsueh-kang, a former drug trafficker and leader of the Wa insurgent group UWSA turned entrepreneur after the cease-fire deal.
The Kachin Independence Organisation (Burmese: ကချင်လွတ်လပ်ရေး အဖွဲ့ချုပ်; abbreviated KIO) is a political organisation of Kachins (also Jinghpaw/Jingpo) in Burma (or Myanmar) which effectively controlled the Kachin State (excluding major cities and the railway) during the 1960s-1990s until the 1994 cease-fire with the Myanmar government. KIO was established on 5 February 1961. The 1994 ceasefire froze the Kachin/Burmese conflict in place without addressing its root causes. The KIO continues to exert influence over much of Kachin State, and the political relationship with the Myanmar government remains tense.
  • hkej 29mar17 shum article
- an hku student article on speaking out for kachin convocation newsletter summer2012

克倫邦 (緬甸語ကရင်ပြည်နယ်斯高克倫語ကညီကီၢ်ဆဲၣ်)或譯卡倫邦Kayin State (Eastern Pwoဖၠုံခါန်ႋကၞင့်S'gaw Karenကညီကီၢ်စဲၣ်pronounced [kɲɔkɔshæ]Burmeseကရင်ပြည်နယ်pronounced [kəjɪ̀ɴ pjìnɛ̀]), the name given by the Burmese military government to Karen State, is a state of Myanmar. The capital city is Hpa-An, also spelled Pa-An.
-  妙瓦底,另譯苗瓦迪  Myawaddy (Phlone ဍုံမေဝ်ပ္တီBurmeseမြဝတီThaiเมียวดีRTGSMia-wadiS'gaw Karenရၤမတံ) is a town in southeastern Myanmar, in Kayin State, close to the border with Thailand. Separated from the Thai border town of Mae Sot by the Moei River (Thaung Yinn River), the town is the most important trading point between Myanmar and Thailand. It is the second biggest among Myanmar's 15 border trading posts.Under the new agreement between Thailand and Myanmar governments, travelers who cross the border from Myawaddy-Mae Sot Friendship bridge are allowed to stay in Mae Sot areas for seven days. The new agreement has been effective from 1 October 2016.
  • The crocodile temple (Myikyaungon in Burmese), an outstanding piece of architecture with a 65m-long crocodile-shape building.

Kokang Self-Administered Zone
- 與中國雲南一線之隔的緬甸又爆戰事,政府軍大肆攻打以華人為主的果敢特區,燒殺擄掠,與親中的地方武裝「果敢同盟軍」激烈交戰。逾十萬難民逃入中方,雲南邊境現難民潮。北京關注事件,但只做安置難民,拒阻緬軍停止殺擄。果敢華人武裝領導人彭家聲昨發公開信「泣血告全球華人」,痛數中共拋棄果敢,令二千多平方公里華夏土地和臣民蒙受異族欺凌,籲全球華人以同根同族為念,出手相助。昨日是緬甸聯邦紀念日,緬軍政府為迎接這個日子及為今年十月的總統大選,早前要求各地民族武裝一起簽署停火協議。但政府軍和地方武裝都希望在簽署協議前掌握更多籌碼,掀起新一輪「搶地盤」戰,政府軍仗着兵強馬壯大肆攻打各民族自治區,燒殺掠虜、攻城掠池。華人為主的果敢特區首當其衝。
- 與中國雲南一河之 隔的緬甸果敢自治區,當地的「果敢民族民主同盟軍」與緬甸 政府軍近日開戰。一名在雲南鎮康縣南傘鎮投資的港商向記者 證實,戰事已致數萬緬甸難民湧入南傘(鳳凰衛視報道指有十 幾萬,以致邊防口岸出現10公里長的人龍),人數不斷增加, 當地政府安排體育館、會展中心、部分廠 房作臨時安置場所。果敢位於緬甸東北部,毗鄰中國雲南省臨滄,與鎮康 縣南傘鎮僅一河之隔,這裡通行漢語和華文,街道各處 可見中文標識,老街更是中國商舖林立。人民幣在果敢 也通行。 果敢在 1897年以前屬於中國,被英國入侵後劃入英屬 緬甸,後成為緬甸共產黨的控制區,通過與 緬甸中央進行停火談判後,果敢成為緬甸撣 邦的第一特區,實行高度自治,擁有軍隊並 自行管理內部事務。來自香港的匯龍國際投資控股有限 公司執行董事伍俊輝並不隱瞞其對緬北戰事影響引 資的擔憂。 2012年, 匯龍國際投資控股有限公司經近兩年的 考察,在南傘投資建設中緬鞋業輕紡文化產業園, 計劃通過對珠三角鞋業輕紡產業鏈的高效整合,將 東部沿海鞋業輕紡企業整體轉移至南傘,建成後將 引進超過 150家主體製鞋企業,百餘家配套企業和 商戶入駐,打造鞋業輕紡產業集群。利用中國和緬 甸兩個國家的資源、以及歐美等國家對緬甸零關稅 的原產地政策等優勢,其產品將在園區完成半成品 後,在緬甸一方加工為成品,出口東南亞國家,並 輻射歐美。緬 甸 政 府 軍 與 果 敢 軍 交 火 , 曾 被 稱 作 「 果 敢 王 」 的 彭 家 聲 藏 匿 5年復出後 又 上 「 前 線」, 85 歲 的 果 敢 前 主 席 再 度 進 入 人們的視線。2005年,本報記者曾獨家專訪彭家 聲。如今回想起來,他十足的軍人霸氣還歷歷在 目。
- 與中國雲南省接壤的緬甸北部撣邦果敢自治區陷入新一輪戰火,政府軍對果敢同盟軍發動空襲,於周四深夜控制了自治區首府老街,並實施宵禁。在近一周的戰鬥中政府軍有四十七名士兵被殺,七十三人受傷;同盟軍傷亡人數不詳。自周一起,由華人領袖彭家聲領導的果敢同盟軍,試圖奪取自治區首府老街控制權,與政府軍交戰至少十三次。其中為數二百人的同盟軍前日以火箭彈等武器,攻擊區內一個政府軍基地,並炮轟軍方總部,擊毀五輛軍車。政府軍則發動五次空襲,官方媒體稱,由於事態嚴重,緬甸當局已就戰況知會中方。對於緬北近日有十多萬名難民為避戰亂,逃入中國雲南,中國外交部發言人華春瑩昨日回應稱,出於人道主義考慮,中國向這些難民提供了必要協助,待局勢平息後,他們便會盡快返回緬甸。
- Myanmar's next steps depend on the generals- 緬甸北部與中國接壤的果敢自治區武裝衝突持續,緬甸總統前晚宣佈果敢進入緊急狀態,軍事接管。有消息指,政府軍大開殺戒殘殺當地華人,微博流出屍體照,死者為平民包括婦人。中國官方冷處理,內地不少網民義憤填膺,高呼:「救果敢殺緬人!」「緬軍繼續在老街市區捕殺果敢同胞。據報:今天至少有十三個果敢同胞在老街被緬軍槍決,其中也包括小蘇的兩名中國籍親戚。」緬甸華人小蘇的新郎博客昨寫道。中國互聯網近日不少消息指果敢最少一百二十名華人遭屠殺,並上傳平民伏屍街頭的照片,其中包括婦女,據說射殺的標準是不懂緬語、講漢語、黑頭髮、黃皮膚的漢族,又指緬甸軍隊被灌輸「防止中國入侵」的觀念。緬甸國營電視台前晚報道總統吳登盛簽署總統令,即日起在果敢實施為期九十天的緊急狀態,並授權緬甸國防軍總司令敏昂萊大將軍事接管當地一切權力。同日,緬甸紅十字會的救援車隊在老街附近遭到據指為果敢同盟軍的襲擊,造成兩名紅十字會志願者受傷。果敢同盟軍昨通過其中國新浪官方博客「正義果敢」聲明與紅十字會遇襲無關:「完全可能是緬軍自己誤傷,自導自演誣衊我軍。」果敢地區的大部份居民為漢族,學校教寫漢字講中文,甚至電話區號手機網絡都是中國雲南的。中國新浪博客、微博已成果敢同盟軍與其支持者的主要宣傳舞台。中國愛國者看得熱血沸騰:「果敢已經成為大中華的試金石」。中國軍事論壇還有退伍軍人建議培訓果敢同盟軍,組織網上活動教果敢人熱帶叢林作戰,有人甚至表示願意越境參戰。
- hkej 23feb15 a15 concept of buffer zone- JUST before the celebrations of Myanmar’s Union Day, not to mention the Chinese new year, a warlord and drug baron in his 80s, Phone Kyar Shin, created spectacular fireworks of his own. His militia launched blistering attacks on the Burmese army around Laukkai, capital of Kokang, a small region of Myanmar bordering China’s Yunnan province. Perhaps this was revenge: in 2009 the army went after Mr Phone and his Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army. He seems then to have lost control of the army to his deputies. That “Kokang incident” was the bloodiest flare-up among Myanmar’s conflicts in years. As in 2009, the violence sent many ethnic Kokang fleeing for safety to China. On February 17th Myanmar’s president, Thein Sein, declared martial law in Kokang.
- China has denied any involvement in recent violence in northern Myanmar, saying on Wednesday it will not allow any organizations or individuals to undermine its relations with its neighbor or stability of the border area. At a news conference in Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei responded to claims that China is associated with a local ethnic militia, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, in Myanmar's Kokang region. The area has been the scene of armed clashes with forces from the Myanmar government. "China always adheres to the principle of noninterference in other countries' internal affairs, and it respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Myanmar," Hong said. His remarks echoed a report by Chinese newspaper Global Times on Wednesday, in which the leader of the alliance denied receiving any help from Chinese citizens or mercenaries. Peng Jiasheng, an ethnic Chinese commander, told the paper that since 2009 the alliance has strictly forbidden Chinese citizens from entering Kokang to join it.
- China, backed by Russia, blocked a short U.N. Security Council statement on Myanmar on Friday, diplomats said, after the 15-member body met to discuss the situation in Rakhine state, where the country's military is conducting a security operation. The U.N. human rights office last month accused the military of mass killings and rapes of Rohingya Muslims and burning their villages since October in a campaign that "very likely" amounts to crimes against humanity and possibly ethnic cleansing.
-'s government praised China on Wednesday for suspending a Chinese bank account used by ethnic rebels fighting Myanmar troops, in a move to prevent potential damage to diplomatic ties.

Kyaukpyu (Burmeseကျောက်ဖြူမြို့ [tɕaʊʔpʰjú mjo̰]; also spelt Kyaukphyu) is a major town in Rakhine State, in western MyanmarThe name Kyaukpyu (lit. "white rock") is the Burmese pronunciation. In the local Rangbre pronunciation of the natives of Kyaukpyu and in standard Arakanese, the town's name is pronounced "Kyaukpru".The place where the present town is, was originally a small fishing village in the 17th Century.[citation needed] After the first Anglo-Burmese War, the British established Kyaukpyu in 1837 on the spot of the fishing village. In 1852, Kyaukphyu became a district city. [catala] La ciutat era un poble de pescadors el 1825 quan va passar als britànics que hi van establir un camp militar que estava plenament operatiu el 1835; va superar en importància a la veïna vila de Ramreee, que aleshores era capital de l'illa de Ramree (Ramri) i va esdevenir la capital administrativa (1838). La municipalitat es va formar el 1885.

- built by king mindon in 1857, also known as yadanarbon nay pyi taw (gem city)
Mandalay is the economic centre of Upper Burma and considered the centre of Burmese culture. The city gets its name from the nearby Mandalay Hill. The name is probably a derivative of a Pali word, although the exact word of origin remains unclear. The root word has been speculated to be mandala, referring to circular plains or Mandara, a mountain from Hindu mythology. When it was founded in 1857, the royal city was officially named Yadanabon (ရတနာပုံ, [jədənàbòʊɴ]), a loan of the Pali name Ratanapūra (ရတနပူရ) "City of Gems." It was also called Lay Kyun Aung Myei (လေးကျွန်းအောင်မြေ, [lé dʑʊ́ɴ àʊɴ mjè], "Victorious Land over the Four Islands") and Mandalay Palace (မြနန်းစံကျော်, [mja̰ náɴ sàɴ tɕɔ̀], "Famed Royal Emerald Palace").On 13 February 1857, King Mindon founded a new royal capital at the foot of Mandalay Hill, ostensibly to fulfill a prophecy on the founding of a metropolis of Buddhism in that exact place on the occasion of the 2,400th jubilee of Buddhism.Mandalay was to be the last royal capital of the Konbaung Dynasty, the last independent Burmese kingdom before its final annexation by the British Empire. Mandalay ceased to be the capital on 28 November 1885 when the conquering British sent Thibaw Min and his queen Supayalat into exile, ending the Third Anglo-Burmese War.
  • 中國移民(主要來自雲南省)的大量湧入對曼德勒的文化造成影響。一位緬甸作家曾說過,曼德勒感覺像是「雲南的一個未申報殖民地」。目前,中國移民佔該市人口約三至四成。緬甸文仍是曼德勒主要語言,但普通話在該市的商業中心日益流行,英語則是第三語言。orientaldaily 23oct17
Mogok (Burmeseမိုးကုတ်pronounced [móɡoʊʔ]Shanမိူင်းၵုတ်ႈpronounced [mɤ́ŋ kut]) is a city in the Pyin Oo Lwin District of the Mandalay Region of Myanmar, located 200 km north of Mandalay and 148 km north-east of Shwebo. Mogok was in Shan State and after British, the town was put in Mandalay Region along with Pyin Oo Lwin. At 1170 meters in elevation, the city has a fairly temperate climate year-round, and is home to BamarShanLisuPalaung, and Karen ethnic groups, as well as ChineseIndians and Gurkhas. The city is composed of two towns, Mogok and Kyat Pyin. Mogok is four miles long and two miles wide. It is situated in a valley surrounded by a large number of mountains.Mogok and other villages nearby have been famous since ancient times for its gemstones, especially ruby and sapphire, but semi-precious stones such as spinellapis lazuligarnetmoonstoneperidot and chrysoberyl are also found. The gems are found in alluvial marble gravels by means of panningtunneling and digging pits by hand. There is little mechanization of the mining. The gravels derive from the metamorphosed limestones (marbles) of the Mogok metamorphic belt.2017 marks the 800th anniversary of the founding of the city of Mogok.

Naypyidaw, officially spelled Nay Pyi Taw (Burmeseနေပြည်တော်MLCTSNepranytau, sometimes also Naypyitawpronounced [nèpjìdɔ̀], formerly known as Kyetpyay, Pyinmana or Kyatpyay, Pyinmana), is the capital city of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). It is administered as the Naypyidaw Union Territory, as per the Constitution. On 6 November 2005, the administrative capital of the country was officially moved to a greenfield site centred near Pyinmana, and about 320 km (200 mi) north of Yangon (Rangoon), the previous capital.The capital's official name was announced on 27 March 2006, Myanmar's Armed Forces Day. It first became the capital of Myanmar in 2006, after the government decided to move the capital from Yangon with minimal explanation. Much of this planned city was completed in 2012.Naypyidaw is Burmese for "abode of the king", and is generally translated as "royal capital", "seat of the king", or "abode of kings". Traditionally, it was used as a suffix to the names of royal capitals, such as Mandalay, which was called ရတနာပုံနေပြည်တော် (Yadanabon Naypyidaw).

The Mergui Archipelago (also Myeik Archipelago or Myeik KyunzuBurmeseမြိတ်ကျွန်းစု) is an archipelago in far southern Myanmar (Burma) and is part of the Tanintharyi Region. It consists of more than 800 islands, varying in size from very small to hundreds of square kilometres, all lying in the Andaman Sea off the western shore of the Malay Peninsula near its landward (northern) end where it joins the rest of Indochina. Occasionally the islands are referred to as the Pashu Islands because the Malay inhabitants are locally called Pashu.

Rakhine state
The term Rakhine is believed to have been derived from the Pali word Rakkhapura (Sanskrit Raksapura), meaning "Land of Ogres" (Rakshas), possibly a pejorative referring to the original Negrito[citation needed] inhabitants. In Hindu religious Text, Austric Race (Austroloid Race-Aborigine Of eastern India) was called Rakshas (Ogre). The Pali word "Rakkhapura" ("Rakkhita") means "land of the people of Rakhasa" (also Rakkha, Rakhaing). They were given this name in honour of their preservation of their national heritage and ethics or morality.[citation needed] The word Rakhine means, "one who maintains his own race." In the Rakhine language, the land is called Rakhinepray, the ethnic Rakhine are called RakhinethaArakan, used in British colonial times, is believed to be a Portuguese corruption of the word Rakhine that is still popularly used in English. Many English language users eschew the name changes promulgated by the military government.
  •據路透社 6 日報道稱,由中國國有 企業中信集團牽頭的財團正準備與緬甸商討,收購位於緬甸西部若開邦的 皎漂港 70%至 85%股權。剛於上月投運的中緬原油管道起點正位於該港口 項目。報道稱,皎漂港總估值約 73 億美元(約 568 億港元),收購這一瀕孟 加拉灣的港口,被視為中國「一帶一路」戰略的一個重要舉措。這是中信集團 牽頭財團自 2015 年底中標 皎漂深水港項目以來,外 界首次披露該項目最新進 展。
Mrauk U (Burmeseမြောက်‌ဦးမြို့MLCTSmrauk u: mrui.Burmese pronunciation: [mjaʊʔ ú mjo̰]; formerly Mrohaung) is an archaeologically important town in northern Rakhine StateMyanmar. It is also the capital of Mrauk-U Township, a sub region of the Mrauk-U District. From 1430 until 1785, it was the capital of the Mrauk U Kingdom, the most important and powerful Rakhine (Arakanese) kingdom.

  • 從 2017年初開始,來自中國東南大學(簡 稱「東大」)建築學院的師生,連續三年對妙烏古城開展 測繪、調研以及保護與發展規劃編制工作,為妙烏古城申 報世界文化遺產(簡稱「申遺」)提供了關鍵的技術支 撐。這是中國首次主導在外國進行文化遺產保護和城市規 劃研究,受到國際社會的高度關注和認可。

an old historical town resided at the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwaddy river. 
- description in english wikipedia:

Chinshwehaw 清水河,是缅甸掸邦果敢自治区的一个镇。行政上属于清水河分区(Chinshwehaw Subtownship)。2009年8月,在清水河等地,缅甸民族民主同盟军缅甸国防军爆发了激烈的军事冲突。2015年12月26日,在该镇某货场内发生了爆炸事件,造成3死3伤,初步证实为不明武装分子所安放。
撣族撣語တႆး撣語發音[táj]緬甸語ရှမ်းလူမျိုး[ʃán lùmjó]泰語ไทใหญ่ or ฉาน)一般是指緬甸撣邦壯侗語族,自稱「」。「撣」是緬族對他們的稱呼,可能是暹羅一詞的訛傳。「撣」指的是緬甸境內的泰老民族,英治緬甸時期,英國曾將Shan一詞指稱所有泰老民族(包括寮國、泰國和中國雲南)。撣族緬甸曼德勒省克欽邦克倫邦也有,估計人數約600萬。狹義的撣族指的是大傣(傣亞〔Tai〕或傣隆〔Tai Long〕)。シャン族(シャンぞく、大タイ族)は、インドシナ半島に広がっているタイ系諸族の1つで、タイ国タイ人を構成する小タイ族(シャム人)などと同系の民族である。シャン (Shan) 、タイ・ヤイ (Thai-yai) 、パイ・イ (Pai-y) ともいわれ、中国人はこれを擺夷・白夷とも呼んでいる。一般にはミャンマーシャン州の平地に住んでいるシャン人をさしている。人種は南部モンゴロイド新モンゴロイドの一種)とインドシナ人種古モンゴロイドの一種)の混血である。Shan State (ရှမ်းပြည်နယ်, pronounced: [ʃáɴ pjìnɛ̀]; Shan: မိူင်းတႆး [mə́ŋ.táj]; Thai: รัฐฉาน) is a state of Myanmar. Shan State bordersChina to the north, Laos to the east, andThailand to the south, and five administrative divisions of Burma in the west. Largest of the 14 administrative divisions by land area, Shan State covers 155,800 km², almost a quarter of the total area of Burma. The state gets its name from the Shan people, one of several ethnic groups that inhabit the area. Shan State is largely rural, with only three cities of significant size: Lashio, Kengtung, and the capital, Taunggyi. Taungyyi is 150.7 km north east of the nation's capital Naypyitaw. Shan State, with many ethnic groups, is home to several armed ethnic armies. While the military government has signed ceasefire agreements with most groups, vast areas of the state, especially those east of the Thanlwin river, remain outside the central government's control, and in recent years have come under heavy ethnic-Chinese economic and political influence. Other areas are under the control of military groups such as the Shan State Army.
- relationship with myanmar as if scotland and uk
- company
  • Inle princess resort
  • Nikkei asian review 17oct16
- people

  • a women from china claimed to be his mistress singtao 11feb18
Wa State (WaMeung Vax or Meung Va佤邦pinyinWǎ BāngBurmeseဝပြည်နယ်) is an unrecognised State of Myanmar (Burma) that is currently subsumed under the official Wa Special Region 2 of northern Shan State. The administrative capital is Pangkham (邦康pinyinBāngkāng, formerly known as Panghsang, 邦桑). The name Wa derives from the Wa ethnic group, who speak a language in the Austroasiatic family of languages. Many of the Wa are animists, and a small proportion of the population follows a derivative of either Buddhism or Christianity. The Wa were once known as the "Wild Wa" by the British due to their practice of headhunting.ワ州1949年に中国国共内戦が終わり、戦敗した中国国民党国民革命軍の残党の一部がワ州に流入した。後に中国共産党及びミャンマー政府圧力の下でタイの北部へ撤退した。1968年から1989年まで、ワ州は中国が全面的にバックアップするビルマ共産党の支配下になった。今でも行政区分官僚組織の面でワ州が中国の統治方式を踏襲しているのはそのためである。1989年、共産党内で軍内クーデターが勃発した。鮑有祥をはじめとする軍隊は共産党を脱退し、ワ州連合党を組み、ワ州を統治した。詳細はワ族#ワ州連合軍を参照のこと。
- note that the flag in english wiki version is different from the other versions - upper half is a white sun (with rays) on a blue background and lower half is green mountain on a red background
- It has a standing army of 25,000, manufactures its own guns and conscripts at least one member of each household – meet the United Wa State Army: Communist, reclusive, China-backed rebels determined to protect their supremacy over Myanmar’s badland border zone. Thousands of soldiers, including a company of women and a sniper platoon in combat webbing, marched early Wednesday alongside armoured vehicles in Panghsang, the capital of the ethnic Wa, which borders China’s Yunnan province.It was a show of force marking 30 years since Communist Wa rebels prodded Myanmar into a ceasefire leading to the establishment of special, semi-autonomous zone, marshalled by Bao Youxiang, chief of one of the world’s largest non-state armies. This week the normally inscrutable Wa extended a rare invite to foreign media to their isolated territory to show off their military muscle and deliver a defiant message of self-sufficiency within Myanmar’s borders.

- After years of stagnation, Myanmar’s biggest city is developing at last

Sittuyin (Burmese: စစ်တုရင်), also known as Burmese chess, is a variant of chess that is a direct offspring of the Indian game ofchaturanga which arrived in 8th century AD. Sit is the modern Burmese word for army or war ; the word sittuyin can be translated asrepresentation of the four characteristics of army—chariot, elephant, cavalry and infantry. In its native land the game has been largely overshadowed by Western (international) chess, although it remains popular in the northwest regions.

Ethnic group
-  Myanmar nationality law currently recognises three categories of citizens, namely citizen, associate  citizen and naturalised citizen, according to the 1982 Citizenship Law. Citizens, as defined by the 1947 Constitution, are persons who belong to an "indigenous race", have a grandparent from an "indigenous race", are children of citizens, or lived in British Burma prior to 1942. Under this law, citizens are required to obtain a National Registration Card (နိုင်ငံသားစိစစ်ရေးကတ်ပြား, NRC), while non-citizens are given a Foreign Registration Card (နိုင်ငံခြားသားစိစစ်ရေးကတ်ပြား, FRC). Citizens whose parents hold FRCs are not allowed to run for public office. Myanmar has a stratified citizenship system (from the 1982 Citizenship Law), based on how one's forebears obtained it:
  • Full citizens are descendants of residents who lived in Burma prior to 1823 or were born to parents who were citizens at the time of birth.
  • Associate citizens are those who acquired citizenship through the 1948 Union Citizenship Law.
  • Naturalized citizens are those who lived in Burma before 4 January 1948 and applied for citizenship after 1982.
Dual citizenship is not recognised by Myanmar. Naturalization in another country immediately voids Myanmar citizenship. Foreigners cannot become naturalised citizens of Myanmar, unless they can prove a close familial connection to the country.The law does not recognise Rohingyas as one of the 135 legally recognised ethnic groups of Myanmar, thus denying most of their Myanmar citizenship.
  • hkej 25sep17 shum article
- karen
  • The Karen, Kayin, Kariang or Yang people (Burmese: ကရင်လူမျိုး, pronounced: [kəjɪ̀ɴ lù mjó]; Per Ploan Poe or Ploan in PoeKaren and Pwa Ka Nyaw or Kanyaw in Sgaw Karen; Thai: กะเหรี่ยง or ยาง) refer to a number of individual Sino-Tibetan language speaking ethnic groups, many of which do not share a common language or culture. These Karen groups reside primarily in Karen State, southern and southeastern Myanmar. The Karen make up approximately 7 percent of the total Burmese population with approximately 5 million people. A large number of Karen have migrated to Thailand, having settled mostly on the Thailand–Myanmar border.The Karen groups as a whole are often confused with the Padaung tribe, best known for the neck rings worn by their women, but they are just one sub-group ofRed Karens (Karenni), one of the tribes of Kayah in Kayah State, MyanmarSome of the Karen, led primarily by theKaren National Union (KNU), have waged a war against the central Burmese government since early 1949. The aim of the KNU at first was independence. Since 1976 the armed group has called for a federal system rather than an independent Karen State.克伦族缅甸语ကရင်缅甸语委转写ka.rang/kəjin/Karen),亦作甲良族,是一个居住在缅甸东部及泰国西部的民族,在安达曼群岛也有少量克伦族移民,是著名的象伕民族,总人口约600万人,其中40万在泰国境内,其余在缅甸克伦邦克耶邦掸邦
  • hket 9feb18 cheung chui yung article on the tribe being used by uk
  •   克耶族The Karenni, also known as the Red Karen, the Kayah (Burmese: ကယားလူမျိုး) or the Kayahli (meaning "red human"), are a Sino-Tibetan people living mostly in Kayah State, Myanmar (Burma). According to a 1983 census, the Karenni consist of the following groups: Kayah, Geko (Kayan Ka Khaung, Gekho, Gaykho), Geba (Kayan Gebar, Gaybar), Padaung (Kayan Lahwi), Bre, Manu-Manau (Manumanao), Yintale, Yinbaw, Bwe and Pao. Several of the groups (Geko, Geba, Padaung, Yinbaw) belong to Kayan, a subgroup of Karenni. The groups Bre and Manu-Manau belong to the Kayaw subgroup.The Karenni States were a collection of small states inhabited by Karenni people,[1] ruled by petty princes named myozas. These included Kantarawadi, the only state whose ruler was promoted to a saopha or sawbaKyebogyiBawlakeNammekon and Naungpale. They were independent until British rule in Burma, and had feudal ties to the Burmese kingdom.The British government formally recognised and guaranteed the independence of the Karenni States in an 1875 treaty with Burmese king Mindon Min, by which both parties recognised the area as belonging neither to Burma nor to Great Britain. Consequently, the Karenni States were never fully incorporated into British Burma. The Karenni States were recognized as tributary to British Burma in 1892, when their rulers agreed to accept a stipend from the British government. In the 1930s, the Mawchi Mine in Bawlake was the most important source of tungsten in the world. The Constitution of the Union of Burma in 1947 proclaimed that the three Karenni States be amalgamated into a single constituent state of the union, called Karenni State. It also provided for the possibility of secession from the Union after 10 years. In 1952, the former Shan state of Mong Paiwas added, and the whole renamed Kayah State, possibly with the intent of driving a wedge between the Karenni (in Kayah State) and the rest of the Karen people (in Karen State), both fighting for independence.
    • 緬甸約有五千名克耶族示威者,不滿當局在東部克耶邦首府壘固(Loikaw)豎立昂山將軍銅像,於周二(12日)、象徵民族團結的聯邦節(Union Day)當天發起遊行。防暴警察出動水炮及橡膠子彈以阻止示威者前進,造成廿一人受傷,示威領袖譴責警察攻擊手無寸鐵的民眾。
  • The Jingpo people are an ethnic group who are the largest subset of the Kachin peoples, which largely inhabit the Kachin Hills in northern Myanmar's Kachin State and neighbouring Yunnan Province of China and India's Arunachal Pradesh, which is claimed by China. While they mostly live in Myanmar, the Kachin are called the Jingpo in China and Singpho in India (景颇族pinyinJǐngpō zú; also Jingpo or Singpho; endonyms: Jinghpaw, Tsaiva, Lechi, TheinbawSingfoChingpaw) — the terms are considered synonymous. The greater name for all the Kachin peoples in their own Jingpho language is the Jinghpaw Wunpawng. The Kachin people are an ethnic affinity of several tribal groups, known for their fierce independence, disciplined fighting skills, complex clan inter-relations, embrace of Christianitycraftsmanshipherbal healing and jungle survival skills.景颇族,缅甸称克钦族,是一个主要居住在缅甸克钦邦掸邦中国云南省的一个民族,共有约100万人,现在主要信仰基督教。另外,在印度阿萨姆邦和印度控制的藏南地区(印度称“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”)亦有景颇族(印度称Singpho)数千人,他们与中国及缅甸的其他景颇族人有密切的关系。
  •  hket 9feb18 cheung chui yung article on the tribe being used by uk

- the republic of the union of myanmar federation of chambers of commerce and industry
  • Mr aye lwin is one of the speakers of the seminar "myanmar: business opportunities for hk" organised polyu cbc, the mirror, myanmar cg on 24apr12
  • One of the supporting organisations of silk road conference at polyu on 26nov15
- myanmar industrial association

  • Mr aung min is the special guest of the seminar "myanmar: business opportunities for hk" organised polyu cbc, the mirror, myanmar cg on 24apr12

- intellectual property proprietors' association
- myanmar garment manufacturers association
- myanmar international business promotion council china daily 15nov14 page 3
- myanmar tourism federation

  • established in 29apr2011 by then existing three tourism industry associations (the myanmar hoteliers association, the union of myanmar travel association and the myanmar tourism marketing)

The Patriotic Association of Myanmar (Burmeseအမျိုးသား ဘာသာ သာသနာ စောင့်ရှောက်ရေး အဖွဲ့), abbreviated Ma Ba Tha (မဘသ) in Burmese and variously translated into English as Association for the Protection of Race and ReligionOrganisation for the Protection of Race and Religion and Committee for the Protection of Nationality and Religion is a Buddhist organisation based in Myanmar (Burma). Some PAB members are connected to the nationalist and 969 Movement, although others have actively championed inferfaith dialogue and tolerance. On 15 January 2014, PAB was formally established at a large based conference of Buddhist monks in Mandalay, with the mission of defending Theravada Buddhism in Burma. Its Pali name is Sāsana Vaṃsa Pāla (သာသနဝံသပါလ), which literally means "protector of race and Śāsana." PAB may have been formed in response to the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee's prohibition of the '969' emblem for political uses.
The National League for Democracy (Burmeseအမျိုးသား ဒီမိုကရေစီ အဖွဲ့ချုပ်IPA: [ʔəmjóðá dìmòkəɹèsì ʔəpʰwḛdʑoʊʔ]abbreviatedNLD) is a democratic socialist and liberal democratic political party in Myanmar (Burma), currently serving as the governing party. Founded on 27 September 1988, it has become one of the most influential parties in Myanmar's pro-democracy movement. Special Honorary President of the Socialist International[5][6] and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi serves as its President and she is currently serving as State Counsellor of Myanmar. The party won a substantial parliamentary majority in the 1990 Burmese general election. However, the ruling military junta refused to recognise the result. On 6 May 2010, the party was declared illegal and ordered to be disbanded by the junta after refusing to register for the elections slated for November 2010.[7] In November 2011, the NLD announced its intention to register as a political party to contend future elections and on 13 December 2011, Burma's Union Election Commission approved their application for registration.

  • note the party flag has a white star and a yellow peacock/phoenix look alike bird (red background)

Asia World Group (Burmeseအာရှဓန ကုမ္ပဏီ) is Myanmar's largest and most diversified conglomerate, with interests in industrial development, construction, transportation, import-export, and a local supermarket chain. About half ofSingapore's investment in Myanmar (totaling $1.3 billion USD in 2000) comes from Asia World affiliates. Asia World is one of a few private companies in Myanmar that are involved in port management. According to the Myanmar Port Authority (MPA), Asia World's subsidiary Asia World Port had the largest share of country’s freight market in the fiscal year 2012–13, handling 45 per cent of goods that passed through Yangon. In addition to freight handling, Asia World Port handles general goods at Myanmar. In August 2011, Asia World was one of four companies to be granted government licences to import and sell fuel in the country.
Asia World's controls includes the following enterprises and businesses[citation needed]:
The company's founder, Lo Hsing Han, is an ethnic Kokang Chinese who controlled one of Southeast Asia's largest heroin trafficking armies.[7] Ten more companies in the group are owned in Singapore, under the name of Cecilia Ng (Ng Sor Hong), Steven Law's wife, who US government officials allege operate an underground banking network that helps transport drug money from Burma to Singapore. The company is associated to the United Wa State Army. Asia World is widely believed to have committed money laundering to fund its activities and business expansions. Six subsidiary companies of Asia World, including Ahlone Wharves, Asia Light, Asia World Company, Asia World Industries, Asia World Port Management, and Leo Express Bus, are currently sanctioned by the British government as part of investment bans in Burma. Since 2008, Asia World and its subsidiaries, including those run in Singapore, have been part of American targeted sanctions. 
  • According to siu yiu yau 30jul13, founder lo engaged in opium trade before getting rich
Serge Pun & Associates (also SPA Group) is a major Myanmar-based conglomerate, engaged in 8 core sectors with 25 subsidiaries, involved in automobiles, real estate, retail, luxury tourism, agriculture and financial services. Its flagship company, First Myanmar International (FMI), was established in 1992 as one of Myanmar's first publicly traded companies. SPA Group was founded by Serge Pun, a Sino-Burmese, in Hong Kong in 1983 as an investment holding and operating company.[1] The company was registered in Myanmar in 1991.

  • Serge Pun (Burmeseသိမ်းဝေ, Theim Wai; 潘繼澤; born 1953 in RangoonBurma) is a Burmese businessman of Burmese-Chinese descent. He is the chairman of Serge Pun & Associates Group (SPA Group), a multinational real estate firm, and Yoma Bank, a Burma-based bank.[5] Born in Burma, he migrated to Beijing in 1965, 3 years following the coup d'état by Ne Win and subsequent reprisals on foreign residents. In 1973, he left China for Hong Kong, where he began a career in real estate.[6] Pun returned to Burma in 1991 to establish SPA Myanmar, which is now one of Burma's largest conglomerates, spanning several sectors including automobile manufacturing, financial services, real estate development, technology, construction and healthcare.[6] Pun's brother, Martin Pun, is the vice chairman of SPA Group.

- Marga Global Investment Limited engages in real estate development and telecommunications operations in Myanmar. The company’s real estate development portfolio includes a retail promenade, residential towers, a boutique shopping mall, and grade-A commercial office space. It also provides telecommunications services and facilities. Marga Global Investment Limited is based in Yangon, Myanmar.
  • full page congrat ad in various newspapers on 4jan18 re national day
  • one of the sponsor of 2018 ip event in hk
  • advertisement  singtao 29apr19 on myanmar properties adopting the slogan of youxianggangjin
- construction

  • Min Dharma
  • Myanmar Railways has chosen a consortium of Myanmar, Chinese and Singaporean firms to undertake the massive Yangon Central Railway Station redevelopment – one of the country’s largest property projects to date, with an estimated US$2.5 billion price tag. Singapore-listed Oxley Holdings announced last night that its consortium, which also includes Myanmar’s Min Dhama and China’s Sino Great Wall, had been selected as the preferred bidder for the project. It beat out a consortium comprising Singapore-listed Yoma Strategic Holdings and Myanmar-listed First Myanmar Investment, both companies connected to businessman Mr Serge Pun.

- retail

  • City Mart Holdings (CMHLBurmeseစီးတီးမတ် ဟိုးဒင်း) is Myanmar’s one of the largest retail chain, employing more than 8,000 employees. The City Mart Group started as a modern supermarket in 1996 in the north wing of Bogyoke Aung San Stadium but has since expanded into many different aspects of modern retail trade such as supermarkets, pharmacies, bookstores, baby stores, convenience  stores and bakery & coffee shops. The stores are primarily located in the cities of YangonMandalay and NaypyitawNow it also expanded in some major towns in Upper Myanmar.
  • win win tint, ceo china daily 22dec18

- legal

  • Myint Lwin
- aviation

  • Myanmar National Airlines (Burmeseျမန္မာအမ်ိဳးသားေလေၾကာင္းလိုင္း), formerly Union of Burma AirwaysBurma Airways, and Myanma Airways, is a state-owned airline and the flag carrier of Myanmar, based in Yangon.[2] It operates scheduled services to all major domestic destinations and to regional destinations in Asia. Its main base is Yangon International Airport. Founded in 1948.
  • Myanmar’s state-owned airline is to spread its wings internationally for the first time, propelling the fast-opening market of the former dictatorship into the bruising southeast Asian aviation sector. Myanmar National Airlines (MNA) is due to launch its maiden flight to Singapore on Monday, the latest phase of a dramatic makeover that has seen the company revamp its routes, aircraft and even uniforms.
  •  The state-owned Myanmar National Airlines (MNA) will launch direct scheduled flight from Myanmar's Yangon to Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province of China, beginning on Dec. 28, according to the airline on Thursday. Chengdu will be the sixth international destination for the Myanmar airline to fly.
  • note  that company's logo looks like icon of imperial house of japan

- tourist services

  • Design printing services co ltd,
- Hospital
  • Zabuthiri Specialist Hospital 
  • Singapore’s Parkway Hospital has signed a MoU with Myanmar’s Zabuthiri Specialist Hospital in Nay Pyi Taw, the official capital of Myanmar, to work together for medical services in both countries. Zabuthiri Specialist Hospital, located in the capital, will provide low-cost but high standard medical services for the people in Myanmar as part of the joint-venture with the Parkway, according to officials from the hospital.
- food
  • kaung/koung mon (snack brand)
- wine

  • Seagram MM Holdings is a joint venture between Yoma Strategic, the Win Brothers and Delta Capital Myanmar. It is the holding company of Seagram Myanmar Company, a subsidiary of Seagram's whisky brands, Seagram High Class and Seagram Imperial Blue. Read more at CB Insights:
  • French drinks group Pernod Ricard has completed its acquisition of a 34% stake in Seagram MM Holdings, a joint venture designed to produce and distribute whisky in Myanmar.

- press/newspaper

  • The Myanmar Times (Burmeseမြန်မာတိုင်း(မ်)MLCTSmran ma: tuing: [mjànmá táɪn]), founded in 2000, is the oldest privately owned and operated English-language newspaper in Myanmar. A division of Myanmar Consolidated Media Co., Ltd. (MCM), The Myanmar Times published weekly English and Burmese-language news journals until March 2015, when the English edition began publishing daily, five days per week. Its head offices are in Yangon, with additional bureaus in Mandalay and Nay Pyi TawThe Myanmar Times was founded by Ross Dunkley, an Australian, and Sonny Swe (Myat Swe) of Myanmar in 2000, making it the only Burmese newspaper to have foreign investment at the time.[1] The newspaper is privately owned by Myanmar Consolidated Media Co. Ltd. (MCM), which is 51 percent locally owned and 49 percent foreign owned. In the past, The Myanmar Times had often been perceived as being close to the government in part because Sonny Swe's father, Brigadier General Thein Swe, was a senior member of the now-disbanded Military Intelligence department. When it was first established, The Myanmar Times was the only publication in the country to be censored by Military Intelligence, rather than the Press Scrutiny Board. This created some resentment locally, among both the Ministry of Information and other journals. Internationally, the paper had been derided as "sophisticated propaganda" and a public relations tool for more progressive elements in the government, like General Khin Nyunt, Myanmar's former Prime Minister. It was also forced to print government propaganda, albeit under a "State Opinion" banner.
  • Eleven Media Group was founded in 2000 by Than Htut Aung in YangonMyanmar. It has five weekly publications in Burmese specializing in news and sports.[1] Reporters without Borders awarded the "Media of the Year" 2011 for its long standing against the military government.[2] It employs 250 staff and combined circulation is 450,000 copies in 2012.[3] It has a comprehensive agreement with Nation Multimedia Group Plc of Thailand in May 2012.Weekly Eleven is a weekly newspaper published in Myanmar (Burma). It is one of the five weekly journals published by Eleven Media Group which was founded in June 2000.

  • Su Shwe Nadi Trading & Consulting, set up in 2012 under Myanmar Companies’ Act, is active in trading and consulting business sectors to provide strategic advisory services. We facilitate business development and capacity development services for local and international businesses, and give advisory services to Non-government and Government agencies for Small and Medium Enterprises Development in Private Sector.Our clients are local Start-ups and SMEs, international companies wanting to enter the Myanmar market, Myanmar and foreign Non-Government and Government agencies active as small and medium enterprises. We are the official Myanmar representative of Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH, Messe Duesseldorf GmbH, Myanmar Change Agent Network (My-CAN) and the authorized distributor of Bredent Group GmbH. We are also an active member of The Republic of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI).
  • people
  • dr thet tun aung, director 

- sme law 2015

Stock market
- The Yangon Stock Exchange will begin trading in early December, according to Myanmar’s deputy finance minister, opening to foreign investors one of the world’s last untapped so-called frontier markets. “We expect to launch in the first or second week of December,” said the minister, Maung Maung Thein, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. The stock exchange was originally expected to open this month, but that was postponed until after national elections set for Nov. 8. Despite the political uncertainty, the deputy finance minister said he is confident the launch of the stock exchange won’t be derailed.
- Myanmar launched its first stock exchange with just one listed company Friday, with hopes the move could aid the country's economic rise as it emerges from decades of isolationist military rule. The Southeast Asian nation is in the midst of a dramatic transition from a graft-soaked backwater to a vibrant emerging economy, with Aung San Suu Kyi’s party days away from forming a civilian government. The Yangon Stock Exchange officially opened for trading, twenty years after it had first been conceived, with the clang of a bell and cheers from a business elite who are hungry for investment. - See more at:

- labour abuse

  • 瑞士食物公司雀巢(Nestle)被指向奴役外勞的泰國漁公司,購買魚蝦等原材料。經過一年的內部調查,雀巢公司周一公布報告,證實有緬甸及柬埔寨勞工,被誘騙到泰國漁船或海鮮工場上當奴隸。他們欠下蛇頭大筆債務,日夜工作亦難以償還。
  • Thai tuna processing factory has agreed to pay staff $1.3 million compensationfor a litany of labor abusesan official said on Tuesdaya rare victory for migrantworkers in the kingdom's scandal-stricken seafood industry.

- telecom

- silk

  •, Zhou Xing Ci’s family have farmed poppies for as long as anyone remembers, scraping the flowers' sticky brown sap to produce opium. Along with many other farmers in the hills of eastern Myanmar, the crop – much of which ends up as heroin sold on foreign streets - has in recent years put Myanmar behind only Afghanistan as the world’s leading source of opium. “That tradition stops with me,” Zhou, 42, told Reuters at his sturdy new timber house in Tangyan township, in the north of Shan State. Zhou is now in his third year raising silkworms rather than poppies, and says quicker profits have enabled his family - with six children - to upgrade from a bamboo hut.

- beans
  • Myanmar exported about 1 million tons of beans and pulses earning over 1 billion U.S. dollars in the first nine months of this fiscal year 2016-2017 as of December, official media reported Saturday. The export increased by about 150,000 tons compared with the same period of last fiscal year 2015-2016. Myanmar's beans and pulses are mainly exported to India, followed by China, Indonesia, European countries and Japan. About 80 percent of them go to India. India has proposed in previous year to increase its demand for Myanmar's mung beans and pigeon peas by 25,000 tons per year starting in 2017.

- beer

  • Heineken quit Myanmar almost 20 years ago amid international sanctions and condemnation of the country’s then military rulers. Times have changed and the Dutch brewer is back — to face a tough commercial battle with a company linked to the still-influential generals. The opening of a new Heineken manufacturing site on Sunday will mark the latest salvo in what is a brewing Asia beer war. It comes two months after the launch in Myanmar of Denmark’s Carlsberg and marks the latest effort by a western consumer company to cash in on the country’s transition from no-go zone to coveted new market.
- news media

  • 有西方傳媒指控,有中國背景的公司不斷在當地擴展勢力,令本來推崇新聞自由的柬國傳媒逐漸走向專制模式,協助強人總理洪森鞏固權力。

Trade and investment environment
- inbound investment
  • economist 3oct2020 "no time for details" the govt is making life difficult for western investors
- myanmar investment law

  • Myanmar will delay a long-awaited reform that would open the door further to foreign investment, two officials told Reuters, a move likely to disappoint cash-starved businesses amid growing doubts over the management of the economy by the country’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. The postponement of the corporate reform, which would have allowed foreign companies to take up to a 35 percent stake in Myanmar companies, will likely deal a fresh blow to investor confidence in Suu Kyi’s administration.

- priority sector

  • The Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) has announced 10 areas that it wants to be prioritized for investment by both local and foreign entrepreneurs

- private sector

  • Myanmar Indicative Private Sector Development Framework and Action Plan

- company incorporation

  • Myanmar companies act section 27A
  • Special company act 1950 
- financial

  • In order to further develop the settlement system in international payments and settlements as well as border trade, the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) has instructed Authorized Dealers (AD) license holders to use Japanese Yen and Chinese Yuan (RMB) in international payments and settlements. Apart from opening of accounts for interbank deposits and settlements between Authorized Dealers (AD) license holders, the CBM will not allow them to open bank accounts for individuals or official organizations in two currencies. According to the Foreign Currency Management Law, foreign exchange management department of the central bank has granted the authorized dealer licenses to the government banks, private banks and foreign bank branches. The preliminary license fee is Ks two million, the license renewal fee Ks 300,000, the fine for the late license renewal Ks 50,000 per month and the expansion fee is set at Ks one million per branch. The authorized dealer license holders are the State-owned Myanma Economic Bank, Myanma Foreign Trade Bank, Myanma Investment and Commercial Bank, 19 private banks and 10 foreign bank branches, according to the figures from the central bank. During this month, the CBM has issued four directives for development of banking service and monetary sectors.

  • Myanmar issues rules on credit information. China Daily - 2017-04-07
- electricity supply

  • A wave of power cuts in Myanmar has riled residents and fuelled a wider frustration in business and politics about the pace of change under Aung San Suu Kyi’s 14-month-old government. Blackouts long familiar from the days of military control have returned as the hot dry season gives way to the monsoon rains, defying official pledges to boost electricity supply in the face of climbing demand. 

- industrial zones
    Myanmar authorities is introducing measures to minimize and eliminate price manipulation of industrial zones by constantly inspecting and supervising business operation there, official media reported Monday. According to the Ministry of Industry, the legitimate entrepreneurs who want to run a business in an industrial zone have to buy land at an exorbitant price from those who have previously purchased the land but not started a business and instead are monopolizing the price of the property. Some businessmen are reported to have bought the land plots for property speculation or for warehouse lease rather than for business use.
- construction

- aung san 1938年,翁山加入德欽黨,改稱德欽翁山(Thakin Aung San),並當選總書記。同年領導石油工人罷工,各地工會、民眾、學生亦相續加入,工運最後演變為全國性的反英運動,即緬甸歷史著名的「1300運動」。1939年8月15日,緬甸共產黨成立,翁山任總書記。同年10月1日,翁山聯合德欽黨、緬甸共產黨、貧民黨等組成自由聯盟(亦稱緬甸出路派組織),由巴莫出任主席,翁山出任總書記。1940年3月,翁山參加印度國民代表大會。後來,緬甸政府因翁山的反英活動通輯翁山,他為了逃避追捕及尋求中國共產黨援助而來到中國,結果到達廈門時,被日本特務攔截,鈴木敬司建議翁山改道日本,從此翁山投向日本的懷抱。當時日本計劃攻打緬甸以破壞印緬滇國際援華的通道滇緬公路,與日本大本營陸軍部直屬特務機關——南機關鈴木敬司大佐化名南益世而得名)達成協議後,翁山秘密回到緬甸並帶29青年(史稱「三十志士」)1941年2月1日翁山前往海南島接受軍事訓練,準備組織武裝起義配合日軍進駐緬甸。同年10月5日由於海南島三亞訓練所關閉,翁山在南機關的安排下8日搭船從海南前往台灣並於花蓮港上岸,再搭火車前往花蓮玉里的台灣歩兵第2聯隊第11中隊營區繼續接受約二個月的游擊戰訓練[2][3]1942年3月8日,翁山帶領軍隊回到首都仰光,同年3月至8月間,翁山又協助日軍擊敗中國遠征軍,曾受過中國人幫助的翁山對待中國戰俘的手段非常殘忍,約1500名中國遠征軍傷員不願受被俘虜之辱,慨然於1942年5月21日凌晨集體引火自焚,含恨而終。事實上,翁山此時也已經脫離了緬甸共產黨德欽索緬甸共產黨第二任總書記。1941年12月27日,翁山在泰國曼谷組建緬甸獨立義勇軍,引領日軍進軍緬甸。1942年3月,日本佔領仰光。同年7月,全緬英軍被擊退,緬甸獨立軍改組為緬甸國防軍,翁山被授予大佐軍銜。1943年3月,翁山晉升少將,並到東京覲見天皇,被授予旭日勛章。1943年8月1日,緬甸國成立,巴莫出任總理,翁山出任國防部長。緬甸獨立義勇軍改稱改組為緬甸國防軍(Burma National Army)。在此時期,翁山一度使用面田紋次omota monji)作為自己的和名

  • Thousands of people protested in eastern Myanmar against plans to name a bridge after Aung San Suu Kyi’s father, the latest flashpoint between her administration and the country’s restless ethnic minorities. The issue highlights some of the deep distrust among Myanmar’s patchwork of minorities ­towards the Bamar ethnic majority from which Suu Kyi and most of the political establishment hail.
  • 加拿大國會周四通過,褫奪二○○七年時授予緬甸國務資政昂山淑姬的榮譽市民身份,以抗議她拒絕承認緬軍對國內回教羅興亞人的鎮壓事件,屬種族清洗。加國強調,將會繼續支持羅興亞人。上周渥太華將鎮壓事件定性為種族滅絕;魁北克人黨隨即動議,要求政府取消昂山的榮譽公民稱號。
Htin Kyaw (Burmeseထင်ကျော်pronounced [tʰɪ̀ɴ tɕɔ̀] or [tʰɪ̀ɴ dʑɔ̀]; born 20 July 1946) is a Burmese politician, writer, and scholar who served as the 9th President of Myanmar from 2016 to 2018. He was the first elected president to hold the office with no ties to the military since the 1962 coup d'état. The second son of scholar Min Thu Wun, Htin Kyaw had held various positions in the education, planning and treasury ministries in prior governments.Htin Kyaw was born in Rangoon, British Burma (now Myanmar), to the late Burmese scholar and poet Min Thu Wun and Kyi Kyi. Htin Kyaw graduated high school from English Methodist High School in 1962. He enrolled at the Rangoon Institute of Economics (then part of Rangoon Arts and Science University) and graduated with an M.Econ. in statistics in 1968. He started working as a teacher while studying towards his master's degree. He then moved to the University Computer Centre as a programmer/system analyst in 1970. Htin Kyaw pursued further studies on a scholarship to the Institute of Computer Science, University of London in 1971–1972 and attended computer studies in Asia Electronics Union, Tokyo in 1974. He completed his second master's degree in 1975. He attended a course at the Arthur D. Little School of Management in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1987.

Win Myint (Burmeseဝင်းမြင့် [wɪ́ɴ mjɪ̰ɴ]; born 8 November 1951) is a Burmese politician and former political prisoner who is serving as the 10th President of Myanmar since 29 March 2018. He was the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Myanmar from 2016 to 2018. He also served as MP for House of Representatives from 2012 to 2018. Win Myint was born in Nyaung Chaung Village, DanubyuAyeyarwady RegionBurma to parents Tun Kyin and Daw Than. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in geology from the Rangoon Arts and Science University. He is married to Cho Cho and the couple has one daughter, Phyu Phyu Thin, a senior advisor of City Mart Holdings.
  •  同被視為國務資政昂山淑姬左右手的前議長溫敏(Win Myint),在執政黨全國民主聯盟(NLD)支持下,周三取得近三分之二的選票,獲選為新總統。

- Clayton Hebbard of Grant Thornton

Forex control
- 緬甸近年改革開放,吸引大量外資及歐美遊客湧入,導致當地美元流通量不斷增加,嚴重威脅緬元地位。有見及此,緬甸央行昨突然宣佈收緊外匯限制,下令除銀行與兌換店外,酒店、食肆、航空公司和免稅店等商戶均須於下月底前交還外匯兌換許可證,禁止再接收美元。央行表示,新措施目的是對抗「美元化」,同時穩定緬元匯價,但不少商戶抗議新措施難以適應,經濟學家亦批評此舉不能阻止美元流入,反而會損害旅遊業,批評決定過於草率。緬甸央行將緬元貶值原因歸咎於市面美元廣泛流通,認為商戶及民眾均傾向使用美元,導致「美元化」現象,美元需求因此不斷增加,損害緬元地位並導致匯率不穩。央行表示,希望透過新措施推廣緬元,並鼓勵消費者使用當地發行的信用卡、記賬卡或網上支付系統。緬甸於2012年通過《外匯管理法》,容許非銀行商戶收取及兌換外幣,但央行表示,鑑於目前民眾已經可以輕易透過銀行或其他兌換店換取美元及其他外幣,所以有需要收緊條例。緬甸外匯管理部則表示,將確保銀行今後有足夠外匯應付民眾需求。

The Rohingya people (/ˈrɪnə//ˈrhɪnə//ˈrɪŋjə/, or /ˈrhɪŋjə/), are Muslim Indo-Aryan peoples from the Rakhine StateMyanmar. According to Rohingyas and some scholars, they are indigenous to Rakhine State, while other historians claim that they migrated to Myanmar from Bengal primarily during the period of British rule in Burma, and to a lesser extent, following Burmese independence in 1948 and the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. International media and human rights organizations have often described Rohingyas as one of the most persecuted minorities in the world, while origin of that term with relation to the United Nations is still unclear.
- hkej 27mar17 shum article
-  根據聯合國前秘書長安南最近發表的報告,羅興亞人是全球最大的「無國籍」種族,大多信奉伊斯蘭教,在以佛教為主的緬甸長期受壓迫,部分羅興亞人組成武裝組 織「若開羅興亞救世軍」(ASRA),以若開邦北部為根據地,武力對抗政府,矢志奪回羅興亞人應有權利,上月底更在若開邦發動連串針對保安部隊的襲擊,引 發暴力衝突. 印尼民眾發起遊行,聲援羅興亞人

- Myanmar’s schools were not always so bad. A centuries-old tradition of monastic education gave Myanmar one of the highest literacy rates in South-East Asia at the time of independence, in 1948. The University of Rangoon (as Yangon was then known) was one of the most respected in the region. Under British rule, knowledge of English spread widely. All this changed after the army seized power in 1962. It blew up the university’s student union building and launched a campaign against foreign influence. Schools were nationalised and spending on them plummeted.

- Than is Burmese name. Than means 'million' in Burmese. It is commonly used in both male and female name.Actually Burmese has no surname or family name. A Burmese full name can be a single syllable or multiple syllables. For example, the name of Burmese UN General Secretary is "Thant". His name is only single syllable. Burmese call him "U Thant" where "U" is same as "Mr." in English. When Burmese people have to fill up a from on internet or aboard, they were forced to add family name. So they likely to use the last syllable of their name as a family name.

  • **** the factory set up tin ka bing (from historical photos) seemed to bear the name than's

- ao naga

  • They speak a language called Ao, which has two main varieties (dialects), one is Chungli Ao (the standard and prestige language), and the other one is Mongsen Ao. Although Wikipedia calls these two “mutually unintelligible”, I have an Ao friend, who says he can understand them both (I forgot which one was his main dialect, though, I think Chungli). Perhaps he was exposed to both. Although the Ao people belong to the Naga group, their language(s) is/are not part of the Naga language branch of Sino-Tibetan, but form their own group within Sino-Tibetan. The closest related language is perhaps Lotha.
ethnic group
巴奥人緬甸語ပအိုဝ်းလူမျိုး(ပအိုဝ်ႏ)IPA:[pəo̰ lùmjóʊ]撣語ပဢူဝ်း),另译巴欧人帕欧人勃欧人  The Pa'O (Burmeseပအိုဝ်းလူမျိုးIPA: [pəo̰ lùmjóʊ], or တောင်သူShanပဢူဝ်း;Eastern Poe Karen|တံင်သူ;Sgaw Karen|တီၤသူ; also spelt Pa-O or Paoh) are the seventh largest ethnic nationality in BurmaThe Pa'O settled in the Thaton region of present-day Myanmar around 1000 B.C. Historically, the Pa'O wore colorful clothing until King Anawratha defeated the Mon King, Makuta of Thaton. The Pa'O were enslaved and forced to wear indigo-dyed clothing to signify their status.

  • 緬甸撣邦的少數族裔巴奧人每年新年過後,總會舉行燃放自製火箭鬥遠比賽。七十五支隊伍周三穿上搶眼的傳統服飾參賽,除祈求來年風調雨順之餘,亦希望能夠獲得一筆意外之財。巴奧人認為自己是擁有神秘力量的雌龍以及巫師後人,故此會穿上有關的傳統服飾參賽。

Bagan (Burmese: ပုဂံ; MLCTS: pu.gam,IPA: [bəɡàɴ]; formerly Pagan) is an ancient city located in the Mandalay Region of Myanmar . From the 9th to 13th centuries, the city was the capital of the Kingdom of Pagan, the first kingdom to unify the regions that would later constitute modern Myanmar. During the kingdom's height between the 11th and 13th centuries, over 10,000 Buddhist temples, pagodas and monasteries were constructed in the Bagan plains alone, of which the remains of over 2200 temples and pagodas still survive to the present day. The Bagan Archaeological Zone is a main draw for the country's nascent tourism industry. It is seen by many as equal in attraction to Angkor Wat in Cambodia. The Pagan Empire collapsed in 1287 due to repeated Mongol invasions(1277–1301). Recent research shows that Mongol armies may not have reached Bagan itself, and that even if they did, the damage they inflicted was probably minimal. However, the damage had already been done. The city, once home to some 50,000 to 200,000 people, had been reduced to a small town, never to regain its preeminence. The city formally ceased to be the capital of Burma in December 1297 when the Myinsaing Kingdom became the new power in Upper Burma.
勃固王朝  The Hanthawaddy Kingdom (Burmeseဟံသာဝတီ နေပြည်တော်Monဟံသာဝတဳ[hɔŋsawətɔe]; also Hanthawaddy Pegu or simply Pegu) was the Mon kingdom that ruled lower Burma (Myanmar) from 1287 to 1539 and from 1550 to 1552. The Mon-speaking kingdom was founded as Ramaññadesa (BurmeseရာမညဒေသMonရးမည) by King Wareru following the collapse of the Pagan Kingdom in 1287[1]:205–206,209 as a nominal vassal state of the Sukhothai Kingdom and of the Mongol Yuan dynasty.[2] The kingdom became formally independent of Sukhothai in 1330 but remained a loose federation of three major regional power centres: the Irrawaddy DeltaBago, and Mottama. Its kings had little or no authority over the vassals. Mottama was in open rebellion from 1363 to 1388.
  • The Great Bell of Dhammazedi is claimed to have been the biggest bell in the world. The creation of this bell was ordered by a 15th century king of the Hanthawaddy Kingdom by the name of Dhammazedi. This bell is recorded to have been lost less than 200 years after it was captured by a European adventurer. The Great Bell of Dhammazedi is believed to be still resting at the bottom of a river (commonly said to be the intersection of the Yangon and Bago Rivers) in Myanmar.
- The Konbaung Dynasty (Burmeseကုန်းဘောင်ခေတ်pronounced: [kóʊɴbàʊɴ kʰɪʔ]), formerly known as the Alompra Dynasty, was the last dynasty that ruled Burma/Myanmar from 1752 to 1885. It created the second-largest empire in Burmese history and continued the administrative reforms begun by the Toungoo dynasty, laying the foundations of the modern state of Burma. The reforms, however, proved insufficient to stem the advance of the British, who defeated the Burmese in all three Anglo-Burmese wars over a six-decade span (1824–1885) and ended the millennium-old Burmese monarchy in 1885. An expansionist dynasty, the Konbaung kings waged campaigns against ManipurArakanAssam, the Mon kingdom of Pegu and the Siamese kingdom of Ayutthaya, thus establishing the Third Burmese Empire. Subject to later wars and treaties with the British, the modern state of Burma can trace its current borders to these events. Throughout the Konbaung Dynasty, the capital was relocated several times for religious, political, and strategic reasons.
  •  泰國早前播放一齣描述宮廷鬥爭的劇集,因懷疑取材自19世紀末緬甸貢榜王朝的權鬥歷史,觸怒貢榜王朝末代皇帝錫袍的曾孫梭溫。梭溫批評該劇扭曲貢榜王朝的歷史,損害泰國和緬甸的和睦關係,要求劇集停播。不過劇集製作人強調內容純屬虛構,亦無意影射任何國家。該齣名為《A Lady's Flames》的宮廷劇,以一個19世紀東南亞王國為背景,描述宮中一名女子如何利用各種陰謀手段奪取政權。雖然劇中人物和場景並無採用真實歷史名稱,但 不少緬甸網民指出,當中人物服裝和場景擺設,均與緬甸貢榜王朝時代的風格如出一轍。亦有意見認為,劇集的鬥爭情節,與企圖謀朝篡位的貢榜王朝王妃 Ananthip策劃屠殺王室成員、讓錫袍順利登位的歷史十分相似。

Saffron Revolution is a term used to describe a series of economic and political protests and demonstrations that took place during August, September and October 2007 in Myanmar. The protests were triggered by the decision of the national military government to remove subsidies on the sales prices of fuel. The national government is the only supplier of fuels and the removal of the price subsidy immediately caused diesel and petrol prices to increase by 66%--100% and the price of compressed natural gas for buses to increase 500% in less than a week. The various protests were led by students, political activists, including women, and Buddhist monks and took the form of a campaign of nonviolent resistance, sometimes also called civil resistance.

Microsoft has stepped into the minefield of business in post-military era Myanmar by striking a deal with a conglomerate whose founder has long battled claims of involvement in the drugs business. The US technology company was on Wednesday due to reveal a software and services supply agreement with Shwe Taung Group, whose controlling shareholder, Aik Htun, was once suspected by the US Treasury of “having connections with the narcotics trade”.
- the United States is preparing to amend sanctions on Myanmar after banks complained they can't finance trade that goes through the nation's main port terminal because it is run by a blacklisted business tycoon. State Department officials have been sounding out Congress about remedial policies, which an administration official said could take effect as early as next week. The administration is keen to promote economic growth with the country also known as Burma, which recently held landmark elections, but its fix could draw criticism from U.S. lawmakers and human rights groups. It would mean giving the green light to banks to process transactions related to trade that passes through a container port terminal in the main city of Yangon that is run by Steven Law, the son of a deceased heroin kingpin. He heads one of Myanmar's largest conglomerates, Asia World, that flourished under the former ruling junta. Two associations representing many of the world's largest commercial banks, The Clearing House and The Bankers Association for Finance and Trade, have requested a sanctions work-around to Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control. In a July letter they warned that trade with Myanmar could otherwise be impacted badly.
- 美國財政部昨日宣佈,放寬對緬甸的部分制裁,把7間緬甸國企剔除出黑名單,並擴大美國貨物使用緬甸港口及機場的範圍,以支持緬甸政治改革,並推動當地經濟增長。《華爾街日報》稱,這項決定標誌着總統奧巴馬對緬甸政策出現重大轉變。's access to trade benefits for poorer nations had been suspended in 1989 over human rights abuses. President Obama said the country should now be allowed to benefit from preferential tariffs as it emerges from decades of military rule.He confirmed the move in a letter to Congress on Wednesday, adding Myanmar - also known as Burma - to the Generalised System of Preferences, a list which exempts certain countries from high import taxes. Though many companies will now enjoy lower tariffs, there are some sanctions which remain in place. These include a "blacklist" of at least 100 companies and individuals with links to the former military junta, as well as trade in jade and rubies.
- With the latest measure, the United States has now removed all individuals and entities from the US sanctions list and revoked the ban on imports into the United States of Myanmar-origin jadeite and rubies, according to the Treasury Department.While the United States also terminated restrictions on banking with Myanmar, it maintains sanctions, for example, on narcotics-related activities, the department said.
- 緬甸政府軍前年被指種族清洗羅興亞人,引起國際關注。美國國務卿蓬佩奧周二宣布制裁緬甸國防軍總司令敏昂萊等四名軍方高層,禁止他們及家屬入境美國。蓬佩奧指,美國是首個公開制裁緬甸軍方的國家。

- ft 19oct18 eu urged to keep myanmar trade preferences
- An organisation funded through the European Union is hoping to help bolster the garment industry in Myanmar. SMART Myanmar launched a new four-year project which will expand some of its activities from the previous three years. SMART Myanmar is an EU-funded SWITCH Asia project focused on making social and environmental improvements in Myanmar’s garment industry. From 2013-15 the project engaged with local garment factories on social and environmental compliance issues, providing technical support and capacity building. The project helped Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) develop its staff capacity and draft a ‘Code of Conduct’ for its members. The new project will support Myanmar garment sector to boost garment products export to European countries in four years, according to a statement. The organisation will cooperate with, and support, Myanmar garment manufacturers to work within international standards, ensuring improved working conditions and efficiency, Simone Lehmann, project director of SMART Myanmar said. “We will invite the manufacturers and hope two-thirds of garment manufacturers will cooperate with us. We will give technical assistance to them,” Lehmann said. SMART Myanmar said it will work closely with garment factories that the Myanmar garment products to be compatible with international standards as well as meeting work standards such as an eight-hour work day. After that, SMART Myanmar will help manufacturers to connect with garment manufacturers from European countries so that Myanmar garment products can find their niche in European markets, according to an official from SMART Myanmar.

- colonial

  • In 2015, Khine bought Salay House, which was built in 1906 and served as a warehouse and offices for the British-owned Irrawaddy Royal Trading Company, and set about restoring it to its former glory.

- FOR the past quarter of a century Indian policymakers have talked of a “Look East” policy. This involves boosting trade, investment and incomes in the landlocked north-east by engaging with nearby countries. The state of Manipur, on the border with Myanmar, hopes to be India’s gateway to South-East Asia. Residents of Imphal, its capital, say that old ethnic and cultural ties mean many in Manipur feel closer to their neighbours across the border than to distant and often hostile “mainland” Indians. The state needs a lift. Old security problems have improved a bit, especially since Myanmar and India began co-operating against rebels from each side who were seeking sanctuary on the other. India’s Assam Rifles, a paramilitary force with sweeping powers and a reputation for arbitrary violence and arrest, are less visibly deployed these days across much of the state. But Manipur residents still complain that other armed bullies, ethnic rebel groups and state-backed militias known as “village defence forces” harass them. Bitter divisions persist between three ethnic groups: Meiteis in Manipur’s main valley, and Nagas and Kukis in the hills.

- Aung San Suu Kyi has appealed for more aid from Japan
-  Thilawa Special Economic Zone (Burmeseသီလဝါအထူးစီးပွားရေးဇုန်; abbreviated Thilawa SEZ) is a 2,500 hectares (6,200 acres) special economic zone being developed in Kyauktan and Thanlyin Townships, 25 kilometres (16 mi) south of Yangon city. The first phase of the SEZ is slated to complete in 2016, but was launched at the end of September 2015. The project was announced in January 2011. Thilawa SEZ is being developed by a joint venture, initially between the Japan External Trade Organization and the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The Burmese and Japanese governments established a consortium including Japan Thilawa SEZ Company (backed by MitsubishiMarubeni and Sumitomo corporations), Myanmar Thilawa SEZ Holdings, Thilawa SEZ management committee and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on 29 October 2013 to proceed with development.Construction on the $3.28 billion project began in May 2014. The current Chairman of Thilawa Special Economic Zone's Management Committee is Winston Set Aung.
  • hkej 30mar17 shum article
- 過去幾年不知何故,或許擔心緬甸的民主化改革,中國主動撤退,讓日本進佔。現在日本已與泰國開發緬南的土瓦經濟特區。在仰光至曼德勒一線,日本深耕開始有成效,兩市之間的鐵路與仰光環市鐵路的改造早已落入日本之手。

The Rangoon bombing of 9 October 1983, was an assassination attempt againstChun Doo-hwan, the fifth President ofSouth Korea, orchestrated by North Korea. Two of the bombers were captured, one of whom confessed to being a North Korean military officer.On 9 October 1983, President Chun Doo-hwan was on an official visit to Rangoon, the capital of Burma. During the visit he planned to lay a wreath at the Martyrs' Mausoleum to commemorate Aung San, one of the founders of independent Burma who was assassinated in 1947.

Myanmar is about to become the next Southeast Asian country to experience an explosion of bakeries as real estate giant Shwe Taung Group has signed a deal to set up and run local franchises of Singapore’s BreadTalk chain. The agreement between BreadTalk and Shwe Taung Group’s Myanmar Bakery Co marks the international firm’s first foray into the Myanmar market and Shwe Taung’s first try at the food and beverage business. BreadTalk’s first bakery will open in early 2017 in one of Shwe Taung’s shopping centres, the Myanmar Times reported on Wednesday, citing a press release.
Singapore authorities said on Wednesday that they had arrested a group of Myanmar nationals accused of rallying support for armed violence against the Myanmar government. The home ministry said in a statement the group had “organised and mobilised” some members of Singapore’s 
Myanmar community to support the Arakan Army (AA), an insurgent group fighting for greater autonomy in Rakhine and Chin states, and its political wing, the United League of Arakan. It added that those found to be involved in “activities of security concern” would be deported. Rakhine state, also known as Arakan, came to global attention after about 730,000 Rohingya Muslims crossed into Bangladesh fleeing a military crackdown in response to militant attacks in 2017.

- The minister said more than 23,000 migrant workers returned officially across the Thailand-Myanmar border during a 10-day period through Saturday. As they have already spread out across the country and some of them could have been infected with the virus, Myanmar is “highly likely” to have a “big outbreak,” the minister said.


- FPT, Vietnam's leading technology company, said on Wednesday it has secured a licence to provide fixed telecoms and internet services in Myanmar, becoming the first 100-percent foreign-owned firm to operate in the field there. Myanmar's communications and technology ministry granted FPT the 15-year licence on Monday, which will also allow the Hanoi-based firm to provide online games, e-news, websites and e-commerce services, FPT said in a statement. It said FPT Myanmar, established in 2013, had a revenue of $13.5 million last year in Myanmar. Myanmar has a population of about 55 million and cellphone usage has soared in the past year since foreign operators started providing services in the wake of the opening up of its nascent telecoms sector.

- visit by chinese leaders
  • 6日,中國外交部發言人陸慷在例行記者會上説,中緬兩國都有強烈的意願繼續深化兩國各領域務實合作,中方願意加大對緬投資。在外交部記者會上,有媒體記者提問,王毅外長此次訪問緬甸期間,雙方是否談及密鬆電站等中緬重大合作項目?緬甸新政府曾表示,將對緬甸軍政府時期達成的項目逐一進行審核,外界因此並不看好中緬有關項目重啟的前景?陸慷回答稱,實際上,王毅外長在同緬甸外長昂山素姬會談時,確實就有關問題交換了意見。王毅表示,相信中緬互利合作在新時期將得到更大發展。中國是緬甸的鄰居和全面戰略合作伙伴,中方願意加大對緬投資,幫助緬甸建設必要的基礎設施,願意為緬甸改善民生,包括農業、水利等方面的發展提供力所能及的幫助。緬方也做出了積極回應。
  • 中國國家主席習近平昨日在緬甸首都內比都作第二日國事訪問,並與緬甸國務資政昂山淑姬舉行正式會談後,共同發布中緬聯合聲明,並簽署三十三項合作文件。內容涉及政治、經貿、投資、人文、地方等多個領域,包括耗資十三億美元(約一百零一億港元)在緬甸西部若開邦興建皎漂經濟特區工業園和深水港項目。聯合聲明共有十三項重點,包括雙方共識要構建中緬命運共同體,推進全面戰略合作,推動中緬經濟走廊和皎漂經濟特區、中緬邊境經濟合作區、仰光新城三端支撐和公路鐵路、電力能源等建設;另深化經貿、農林等領域合作。不過,報道指,簽署的項目不包括備受爭議,由中國投資、涉資三十六億美元(約二百八十億港元)的克欽邦密松水電大壩工程。, takung 18jan2020, 19jan2020 a6 a7
  • 中國國務委員兼外長王毅出訪緬甸,前日先後與該國總統溫敏及國務資政兼外長昂山淑姬會談。雙方簽署了《中緬經貿合作發展五年規劃》、《中緬經濟技術合作協定》、《中緬鐵路曼德勒-皎漂段可行性研究諒解備忘錄》,以及援緬甸克欽邦流離失所者重新安置項目交接等文件。中方同時宣布啟動中國援緬疾控中心建設、中方援緬滾弄大橋開工建設等。

- visit by Myanmar leaders

  • 緬甸在野黨全國民主聯盟主席昂山素姬,即將應邀於 10 日展開為期 4 天的中國之 行。其間,她將與中國領導人會面。這一醞釀兩年之久的行程被外界形容為昂山素姬 的首次「破冰」之旅。中國社科院亞太與全球戰略研究院亞太社會文化研究室主任、 東南亞研究中心副主任許利平研究員表示,昂山素姬此行更多在政黨交流,雖不會達 成政府間成果,但中共與緬民盟間卻有望以政黨交流文件形式,就中國對緬投資保護 及緬民盟在緬北局勢上發揮建設性作用等達成共識。
  • China and Myanmar vowed on Thursday to further enhance political trust with mutual respect, to advance major investment projects and to realize peaceful settlement of hostilities in northern Myanmar. Premier Li Keqiang hosted a ceremony on Thursday to welcome Myanmar's State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi, the country's No 2 leader, who started a five-day official visit to China on Wednesday. "China is the first country you've visited outside the Association of Southeast Asia Nations after taking office as state counselor, showing the importance the government of Myanmar and you yourself have attached to the bilateral relations," said Li. The premier said China and Myanmar are closely connected by extensive mountains and rivers, and the two peoples call each other baobo (brothers and relatives). Li said that bilateral cooperation should focus on the benefit of both peoples and achievement of win-win outcomes. China is willing to link its strategies with Myanmar's, to cooperate in key areas and to advance major projects such as the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline project and Myitsone Dam, he said. The dam, a joint project to build a large hydropower station, began construction in 2009 but was halted by Myanmar over environmental concerns in 2011.
  •應國家主席習近平邀請,緬甸聯邦共 和國總統廷覺4月6日至4月11日對中國進行 國事訪問,這是去年3月廷覺當選新一任緬 甸總統以來首次訪問中國。
  • Premier Li Keqiang on May 16 met with Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, who attended the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing on May 14-15.  After the meeting, they witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation documents in areas such as connection of development strategies, economy, technology, healthcare, and cultural relics preservation.
- senior officials visit
  • 当地时间19日,外交部长王毅在内比都与缅甸国务资政兼外交部长昂山素姬共同会见记者时表示,中方提议建设“人字形”中缅经济走廊,打造三端支撑、三足鼎 立的大合作格局。王毅称,这将有助于沿线重大项目相互联接,相互促进,形成集成效应,也有助于推进缅甸各地实现更加均衡的发展。
  •  中共中央對外聯絡部部長宋濤應邀於周二至周四訪問緬甸,期間分別拜會緬甸總統溫敏及國務資政昂山淑姬。宋濤與昂山會面時表示,中緬友好源遠流長,發展好中緬關係符合兩國和兩國人民根本利益;中方願進一步密切兩國政黨交往,加強兩國各領域務實合作,推動兩國關係發展。
  • 國務委員、公安部部長趙克志前日到訪緬甸,在內比都與該國內政部長覺瑞舉行會談,同意合作加強打擊毒品犯罪、電訊詐騙、販運槍枝爆炸品、人口拐賣、綁架勒索等跨國犯罪活動。趙克志昨日亦與緬甸國務資政昂山淑姬及緬甸總統溫敏會面。

- 緬華互委會
- 「中緬鐵路」擱淺 疑日本作梗, HKET 23jul14 a18
- ties

  • 緬甸北部民族地方武裝(簡稱民地武)問題也是困擾緬甸政府的棘手難題。中國的漢族與緬甸的果敢族、中國的傣族與緬甸的撣族、中國的佤族與緬甸的佤族同根同源。從這個意義上說,中國在緬外交中的獨特影響力是其他任何國家所無法替代的,緬甸既友華又防華的矛盾心態可見一斑。  中緬兩國自1950年建交以來,經歷了70年的風風雨雨,除了上個世紀60年代後期曾有短暫的惡化之外,總體上保持友好。特別是1988年至1990年期間,緬甸因大選爭執、民盟未能如期執政,軍政府受到西方國家的制裁,中國成為緬甸打破外交孤立的唯一救星。  中緬關係的過分走近並不符合印度及東南亞的利益,於是90年代中期,東盟轉而放棄「緬成為民主國家」的目標,開展與軍政府的合作,直至1997年緬甸加入東盟;日本和印度也相繼加大了對緬的援助,為緬甸開展「等距離外交」創造了條件。

  • In an exclusive interview with China Daily,Myanmar President Thein Sein pinned hopes on the development of bilateral energy and transportation projects as Myanmar sought more investment and benefits from China-led transcontinental connectivity initiatives.
  • China and Myanmar pushed cooperation forward on Friday, introducing an energy liaison committee and signing more than a dozen deals relating to energy, finance, infrastructure and agriculture.,,
  • China and Myanmar on Friday signed a host of deals ranging from trade and agriculture to energy cooperation as the two Asian neighbors vowed to elevate their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership amid reaffirmed friendship.
- myanmar chinese relations - reasons for worsening hkej 24feb15 a15
- 第14屆緬中邊交會
- border trade

  • 緬甸傳媒報道,百多名緬甸商人在中國所開設的千多個銀行帳戶,上周四被凍結,造成約二千九百九十二萬美元(約二億三千萬港元)的資金無法流轉。中國外交部昨證實,中國警方在雲南依法凍結一批涉賭帳戶,並指中方正常執法不影響中緬邊境貿易活動。orientaldaily 21jun17
- security

  • 國務委員、公安部部長趙克志,周二在北京會見緬甸內政部長覺瑞,共同主持中緬第六次執法安全合作部長級會議。趙克志在會議中強調,中緬雙方應充分利用部長級會議機制,在打擊毒品犯罪、網絡賭博、人口拐賣、槍枝販運,以及有組織非法出入境等加強合作,繼續做好湄公河流域巡邏、「平安航道」聯合掃毒行動等工作,共同打造中緬執法安全合作升級版。
  • 國家主席習近平10日下午在人民大會堂會見了來華訪問的緬甸國防軍總司令敏昂萊。

- refugees
  • Thousands of people have fled clashes between the Myanmar military and ethnic rebels along the border with China, a Chinese official said, as fighting threatened leader Aung San Suu Kyi's top goal of reaching peace with minorities.
- forex
  •  近年人民幣國際化步伐加快,中銀香港(2388)昨宣佈,該行與中國銀行雲南省分行聯動,首次開通緬甸人民幣匯款服務,實現東南亞人民幣業務的全面覆蓋,進一步鞏固該行在離岸人民幣業務的領先地位。
- legal

  • 24日,昆明市律協東南亞南亞法律事務委員會透露,雲南唯真律師事務所在緬甸成立的首家中國律師事務所唯真緬甸分所,已於本月17日獲緬甸投資委員會(MIC)審批,並取得緬甸計劃和財政部頒發的營業許可證。唯真緬甸分所將為兩國企業、人員提供緬甸投資與貿易法律諮詢,緬甸法律法規翻譯等服務。  雲南唯真律師事務所首席合夥人、唯真東南亞法律中心主任何錫峰表示,緬甸分所是目前中國律師在緬甸開設的第一家律師事務所,也是雲南唯真律師事務所繼老撾後在東南亞開設的第二家分所。目前,緬甸分所有16名工作人員,將開展緬甸投資項目法律盡職調查、緬甸設立獨資或合資公司法律事務等10餘項法律服務。
- kyaukpyu port

  • china citic led a consortium and successfully bid the project
  • China has agreed take a 70 percent stake in a strategically important sea port in Myanmar, at the lower end of a proposed range amid local concerns about Beijing’s growing economic clout in the country, a senior government official said.Reuters in May reported that state-owned CITIC had proposed taking a 70-85 percent stake in the Kyauk Pyu port, a part of China’s ambitious “Belt and Road” infrastructure investment plan to deepen its links with economies throughout Asia and beyond.
  • Myanmar’s government is reviewing a $9bn deepwater port project backed by China over concerns it is too expensive and could ultimately fall under Beijing’s control if Myanmar were to default on its debt. Two people with direct knowledge of the discussions within Aung San Suu Kyi’s government said that economic officials were looking for ways to negotiate down costs for the planned port at Kyaukpyu in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state.
  •  據觀察者網消息,中企於3年前中標的緬甸皎漂深水港項目,由於中緬雙方在具體融資等細節上未能達成一致,該項目的推進一直處於停滯狀態。11月8日,該項目終迎來好消息。據新華社報道,中緬雙方代表當天在緬甸商務部簽署了皎漂深水港項目框架協議。按照協議,中緬雙方股權佔比由原來的「85%-15%」調整為「70%-30%」。此外,緬方考慮分階段實施該項目,預計項目第一階段將投資13億美元(約合港幣101.8億元)。協議在中國駐緬甸大使洪亮和緬甸商務部部長丹敏的見證下,由中信集團董事長常振明代表中信聯合體與緬甸皎漂特別經濟區管理委員會主席吳塞昂簽署。

- maritime

- railway
  • China and Myanmar are looking into the feasibility of building a railway line from their border to the city of Mandalay, four years after a high-speed project was shelved.Two state-owned companies, China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group and Myanmar Railways, signed an agreement on Monday to begin the study on a proposed rail line from Muse to Mandalay. Muse – a town in Myanmar’s northeastern Shan state that borders Yunnan province in southwest China – is the biggest land route for trade between the two nations, while railway service to central Mandalay could create a transport lifeline for the country’s north. The route was first proposed under a high-speed railway deal signed in 2011, but the Myanmese government suspended the project three years later, citing public objections.
- silk road

  • Vice-chairman of Myanmar's ruling party U Htay Oo on Tuesday voiced support for China's "Belt and Road" initiative, saying that it is a very good concept which his country has a keen interest in. In an exclusive interview with Xinhua at the headquarters of the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) in Nay Pyi Taw, U Htay Oo said the modern maritime silk road project paves way for enhancing mutual connectivity of countries concerned and boosts trade exchanges and investment opportunities which is a win-win cooperation.
  • 緬甸重量級議員埃貌表示,中國倡導的「一帶 一路」能夠給周邊國家帶來發展。埃貌是緬甸聯 邦議會民族院的議員和若開民族黨主席,即將應 邀訪華。他說,「一帶一路」是聯通之路、貿易 之路、發展之路,我們表示歡迎。
  • 中緬經濟走廊
  • 「2019首屆中緬經濟走廊投資峰會暨中緬經濟合作發展促進會(以下簡稱「促進會」)揭牌儀式」系列活動,於5月17日至20日在仰光舉行。峰會由中緬經濟合作發展促進會攜手緬甸中華總商會共同主辦。緬甸投資與對外經濟關係部部長吳當吞代表緬甸國務資政昂山素姬出席峰會並致辭。他表示,依據2018年9月9日中緬兩國之間的經濟發展合作備忘錄,緬方正朝着實現中緬經濟走廊發展的目標在努力,並希望此次峰會能夠為緬甸經濟帶來新動力。
- jade trade

  • Myanmar has earned $1.3 billion from the export of jade over the past three years, according to the country's Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, with China being its leading buyer.
- oil supply

  • new oil pipeline transporting oil from middle east to southwest china without going through strait of malacca,
- 煉油
  • 上月底,由廣東振戎主導的一個價值30億美元(約233億港元)的煉油項目,正式得到緬甸投資委員會批准。該項目產能可達到500萬噸,有望讓緬甸這個燃油幾乎全靠進口的國家首次實現自給自足。上月29日在緬甸首都內比都,緬甸投資委員會主席正式簽發了由廣東振戎主導規劃在緬甸德林達依省土瓦市建設年加工原油500萬噸煉油廠項目的投資許可證。當日,廣東振戎能源有限公司、緬甸經濟控股有限公司(緬甸國防軍總司令部所屬企業)、緬甸石化公司(緬甸國家能源部企業)、仰光工程集團有限公司舉行了合資協議簽字儀式,在緬甸有關部委及各有關方代表的見證下,四方簽署了協議。據路透社透露,廣東振戎獲得項目70%的股份。
- 水泥

  • 中缅合资、缅甸最大的水泥厂丹托密水泥厂第二条生产线26日投入生产。丹托密水泥厂当天在缅甸曼德勒省举行点火仪式,庆祝日产5000吨熟料水泥生产线二线投入生产。曼德勒省省长梭敏貌在点火仪式上感谢企业为当地民众的贡献。

- electricity plant

  • 緬甸是一個電力極度匱乏的國家,全國75%的人口至今為無電而困擾,仰光、曼德勒、密支那等主要城市也不得不限時供電。但同時,緬甸又是一個水能資源極度豐富的國家,蘊藏量超過100,000MW。隨着緬甸融入全球經濟,緬甸需要更清晰的能源戰略來引導投資和有序改革,從而推動自身經濟發展。特別是在建設孟中印緬經濟走廊的背景下,已擱置多年的密松電站,這個寄望能帶動緬甸經濟騰飛的巨大動力引擎,是否重啟及何時重啟成為緬甸政府艱難的抉擇。
- natural gas
  • 中緬合資的仰光達吉達天然氣聯合循環電廠項目高管日前說,該電廠將於今年年底前開始為仰光市及仰光省供電,在一定程度上緩解該地區的電力短缺問題。電廠項目坐落於仰光東部達吉達鎮區,距離市中心10公里,距離迪拉瓦經濟特區16公里。達吉達電廠項目總經理董凡22日表示,該項目裝機容量今年年底前將達到72兆瓦,明年2月將再增加34兆瓦,完成一期工程目標。

- infrastructure

  • China Road and Bridge Co Ltd has won a bid-winning notice from Myanmar's Ministry of Construction to build two sections of road in the Greater Mekong Subregion, chairman Wen Gang announced on Thursday. Wen said CRBC's Myanmar office received a bid-winning notice for the Eindu-Kawkareik Road Improvement Project, Lot 1 and Lot 2, issued by the government of Myanmar last week. The project, located in the Greater Mekong Subregion, is the first state project the new Myanmar government has publicly awarded to Chinese companies after coming to power, and also the first project funded by the Asian Development Bank that CRBC has won in the country in recent years. The 65-kilometer-long Eindu-Kawkareik road project, located in Karen state in southern Myanmar, is a part of the subregion's East-West Economic Corridor Belt.
  • 中银香港(02388)与世界银行旗下多边投资担保机构(MIGA)签署缅甸光纤通信网络公司一亿美元的项目担保协议。该项目将在缅甸铺设4500公里的光纤网络,连接当地中南部66个城市及乡镇,有助推动缅甸通讯事业及带动当地经济蓬勃发展。这是中银香港及MIGA首次合作的项目,对双方未来加强“一带一路”以及东南亚地区项目合作具有重大意义。MIGA将为该项目提供政治风险担保。MIGA作为世界银行旗下机构,要求投资项目及被担保的投资者均遵循极高的社会和环境标准,确保符合世界银行相关要求。
- myitsone dam

  • Myanmar is probing whether to resume construction on a controversial Chinese-backed dam, state media reported Saturday, with promises to listen to fierce public opposition to the project. The fate of the $3.6 billion Myitsone dam in northern Kachin state has hung in the balance since it was abruptly halted by Myanmar in 2011 following protests over environmental and safety concerns. The hydropower project came to symbolise China's economic dominance in formerly junta-run Myanmar and now poses a delicate challenge to the country's new civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
  •  hkej 28mar17 shum article

- industrial park

  • 緬甸皎漂特別經濟區項目評標及授標委員會(BEAC)上月30日宣佈,由中國中信集團與泰國正大、中國港灣、中國招商局集團、中國天津泰達、中國雲南建工組成的跨國企業集團聯合體「中信聯合體」,中標皎漂特區的工業園和深水港項目。緬甸是「一帶一路」戰略沿線重要國家,這也是根據公開報道,備受矚目的緬甸大選後中國首次拿下緬甸的大型項目。中信聯合體透露,工業園項目佔地1,000公頃,計劃分三期建設,2月開始動工。深水港項目包含馬德島和延白島兩個港區,共10個泊位,計劃分四期建設,總工期約20年。消息稱,兩項目中信聯合體將投資約90億美元。位處中緬油氣管起點皎漂經濟特區位於緬甸西部的若開邦,瀕臨孟加拉灣,居連接非洲、歐洲和印度的幹線上,是緬甸政府規劃興建的三個經濟特區之一。該特區內擁有一個世界級的天然良港皎漂港,中緬油氣管道的起點就位於皎漂。根據規劃,管道建成後,每天將向中國輸送相當於40 萬桶的來自中東和非洲的石油,成為繞過馬六甲海峽的能源大動脈。
- tourism

  • cooperation thru yunnan 德宏
  • China has been helping Myanmar in promoting the development of tourism industry by opening a tourism vocational training course in Yangon. The opening ceremony of the vocational training course was held in Yangon at the end of last month.Speaking at the event, Chen Chen, minister counselor of the Chinese embassy, said China would like to actively cooperate with Myanmar in the development of the tourism industry.
- sports
  •  云南德宏瑞丽是国家沿边开发开放试验区,与缅甸山水相依,地域风光优美,经贸和文化交流频繁。2017年最后一天,七千多名马拉松运动员及爱好者从瑞丽出发,跨越了中国、缅甸两国国门,完成了中国马拉松运动的创举。

- rebels in Kachin

- 伐木

  • 緬甸境內森林資源豐富,雲南則木材廠商遍佈, 中緬邊境木材交易鏈條由此催生。記者了解 到,緬甸北部森林資源豐富,一般木材商看中一片 森林後,就會和緬甸地方政府談價錢,然後這片森 林裡的樹木就被他們包下來,俗稱「包山」。「包 山」後,木材商就會聯繫伐木場組織工人去緬甸把 包下來的木材砍伐並運送回來。這些去緬甸的伐木 工人一般來自中緬邊境的雲南省騰沖、德宏、保山 等地區。 1月初,150多名中國伐木工人在緬甸克欽邦被捕,到7 月22日被判決,華工命運牽動同胞視線。但有觀點稱目 前被捕的150多人都是打工者,他們只是這宗案件的從 犯,即使判罪也量刑過重,伐木工的老闆才是木材生意 的主要獲利者,是所謂的主犯,呼籲木材商現身。
  • 8名女性未參與伐木仍判20年
  • 緬甸總統吳登盛昨日簽署大赦令,經中國外交部確認,155名不久前被緬方判刑的中方伐木工人也在大赦中獲釋。

- anti-chinese

  • 針對緬甸內戰中有中國商人和工人受困,中方雖提出外交交涉,但馬鼎盛認為舉措軟弱無力;若按俄羅斯總統普京的強硬政策,事件一旦傷害到國民就要出兵,起碼將國民救出來,但北京最多只有外交交涉,問題因此變得更麻煩。馬鼎盛指,中國反應受歷史因素影響,當年雙方邊界劃分按一九六○年商議,麻煩在緬甸部分區域由國民黨殘兵控制,緬甸政府軍竟然打不贏,最後由中方派兵。幾十年後的今天,緬甸政府軍面對克欽軍亦相當勉強,解放軍應否再次出兵?打仗以後處理?這筆帳十分難說,所以緬甸是中國西南方的大患。此外,緬甸政府漸漸轉向親美,但中國想利用通過緬甸陸路進入印度洋,讓中東出產的石油輸入雲南。馬鼎盛指,可能由於這個戰略原因,所以中國在邊境交涉中表現軟弱。
  • 当地时间23日,一家在仰光的中资服装厂遭数百名罢工员工和外来人员冲击。工厂财产遭破坏,几名中国籍员工个人财物被抢并被限制人身自由。
  • Hangzhou Hundred-Tex Garment, which makes clothes in Yangon for Swedish retailer H&M, agreed to pay the daily minimum wage of 3,600 kyat (US$2.70), uphold labour laws on overtime and rehire a previously fired labour union president, according a union official. The company set up the Yangon factory three years ago to try to take advantage of lower labour costs. The minimum monthly wage in Hangzhou, the company’s former production base, is 1,860 yuan (US$269), or more than three times the rate in Yangon. But the strike took its toll on the business and highlighted the risks of Chinese offshore investment just as Beijing is trying to expand the country’s commercial ties abroad.
- chinese in myanmar

  • 位處中緬邊境的緬甸小城勐拉鎮據報近年湧現中國「投資者」,更淪為罪惡小城。有報道指不少在勐拉鎮的中國人,沉迷性交易及高風險賭博,當地商戶迎合中國人對山珍的愛好,而當地官員卻「隻眼開隻眼閉」。勐拉鎮更開設山寨版喜來登酒店,專門招待中國豪客。
  • 位於中緬邊境的雲南瑞麗,因日益增多的中緬地方政府間交往、民間交往和商務往來,聚集了大批中緬兩國語言翻譯人員,來自緬甸的華僑青年何志方便是其中之一。
- 5月12日,緬甸政府軍和警察部隊與部分少數民族地方武裝在緬甸北部鄰近中國的木姐地區發生武裝衝突,導致緬方人員傷亡和邊民逃往中國境內,並有流彈落入中國境內。中國駐緬甸大使館對此次暴力事件予以譴責,對有關人員無辜傷亡感到痛心。中方已向緬甸有關方面提出嚴正交涉,要求衝突各方保持克制,立即停火,採取切實有效措施,防止事態擴大並進一步造成人員傷亡,盡快恢復中緬邊境地區穩定與安寧,確保兩國邊民生命和財產安全。
- investors from China

  • Guangdong Zhenrong Energy Co, a major Chinese bulk commodity trader, expects the country's"One Belt One Road" strategy to help boost its overseas investments, which in its case includesa planned massive oil refinery in Myanmar. The country's New Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road strategieswere launched in 2013 to further open up to the rest of the world and speed up infrastructureconnectivity in the region.
    The proposed Myanmar refinery, with an expected annual processing capacity of 5 million metrictons of crude oil, has been submitted by the Guangdong provincial government to the StateCouncil under the strategy, said Cui Yi, director general of Zhenrong Energy's refining andpetrochemical department.
  • 工商銀行(01398)仰光分行日前正式開業,成為第一家進入緬甸市場的中資商業銀行。  工行行長易會滿表示,仰光分行的開業是中緬兩國經濟合作發展的重要成果,也是工行拓展全球佈局的又一個重要的里程碑。
  • 天成國際(00109)宣佈,將對緬甸電訊設施供應商Golden 11增資近400萬美元(約3120萬港元)。交易完成後,天成國際在該公司投票權維持在51%水平。  Golden 11主要業務為承建緬甸鐵路沿線光纖網路、鐵塔和站房羣落,主要承建仰光曼德勒光纖網路項目、環仰光及鐵路沿線鐵塔羣落項目以及鐵塔附屬站房設施系統項目、覆蓋全面緬甸5000KM光纖網路項目。
  • 緬甸仰光郊區中資富源(Fu Yuen,音譯)製衣廠一再有工人罷工抗議待遇不佳,工人稱周一罷工期間有人聘用暴徒襲擊他們,廿八人被打傷,當中六人重傷。防暴警察趕至現場處理,反指是示威工人先攻擊未有參與行動的工人。
- prominent leaders/businessmen

  • 徐四民
  • established 鏡報月刊 in 1977

  •  Lim Chin Tsong (Chinese林振宗pinyinLín ZhènzōngPe̍h-ōe-jīLîm Chín-chongBurmeseလင်းချင်းချောင်း) was a Burmese Chinese tycoon and merchant, with business interests ranging from rice to oil. Throughout his career, he served as the sole partner of Lim Soo Hean & Company, originally established by his father, a Chinese emigre to Burma. During his own lifetime he was known as the most successful Chinese merchant in Rangoon. He entertained the social elite of the city in lavish parties hosted at his residence, Chin Tsong Palace, and gave generously to charities, including a hospital, a temple, and several schools. In modern Yangon, he is mostly remembered for the sudden and mysterious circumstances of his bankruptcy and death.Lim was born on October 28, 1867 to Lim Soo Hean (林仕興), a Chinese man of Hokkien origin who migrated from Xiamen to Burma in 1861, shortly after the family arrived in Burma from China.[2] After arriving from China, his father apprenticed for a Chinese milling firm before beginning his own business, originally importing goods from China and the Straits Settlements. He later established a rice trading firm, "Lim Soo Hean" (林仕興商行).[4] In 1886, Lim's father also began marketing oil, with Lim working as his assistant.Lim's father, believing that his own poor English ability was hampering his ability to do business, sent Lim to the best English-language schools in Yangon. Lim attended Rangoon College and St. Paul's School (now BEHS No. 6 Botataung). He also spoke Chinese, but was not literate in the language.
    •  Between 1915 and 1918, Lim built a lavish residence in the Golden Valley area of Rangoon at a cost of over 2,000,000 rupees. The building includes a mixture of Eastern and Western architectural styles, and its five-story tower was built to resemble the Fu Xing Pavilion in the Summer Palace, in Beijing. Building material was imported from both China and Italy, and foreign artists were employed to decorate its interior. The most notable artists to work on the building included the English painters Dod and Ernest Procter.The original name of the property was "Mount Pleasant", but after it construction the property became popularly known as "Chin Tsong Palace". After the construction of Chin Tsong Palace, Lim and his wife regularly threw lavish parties and entertained the social elite of Rangoon. The most notable guest entertained by Lim at the residence was Georges Clemenceau, who visited Burma in 1920.
    • scmp "their burmese days" chinese migrants in myanmar during british colonial era found it more difficult to thrive than in other parts of the region. But three tycoons left their mark in yangon
- hkej c4 趙德胤
- 6萬華人入藉,緬甸政權更迭之際,任期即將結束的吳登盛政府突然批准大批華人入籍,人數或多達十萬人,主要為靠近中國,且支持緬軍方的撣邦北部大猛穩地區華人。

Hong Kong
- ce visit

  • 行政长官林郑月娥昨日在缅甸首府内比都展开访问行程,与缅甸政府高层官员会面。林郑月娥上午与缅甸国务资政、总统府部部长兼外交部部长昂山素姬会面。林郑月娥表示,是次访问是香港特别行政区成立20年以来,行政长官首次访问缅甸,缅甸亦是她上任两个多月以来第三个访问的东盟国家。香港与东盟是重要的贸易伙伴,加上近日已完成香港与东盟签署《自由贸易协定》和相关《投资协定》的商讨,双方关系将更趋紧密。林郑月娥认为,香港与缅甸在很多方面可以加强合作,期望与缅甸政府共同努力,推动两地经济发展和人民往来。; 林郑月娥昨日在仰光继续缅甸的访问行程。她早上出席第十四届世界华商大会,主题为“缅甸经济大开放,开创歷史新纪元”,约二千名海内外华商领袖参与。林郑月娥与缅甸副总统吴敏瑞和全国政协副主席暨全国工商联主席王钦敏等共同主持大会的开幕仪式。林郑月娥昨日在仰光还参观了秘书处大楼,了解大楼未来的活化计划,还到访了一间港商开设的製衣工厂和缅甸首个特设的多用途国际货柜码头。傍晚,林郑月娥与约三十位港商共进晚餐,了解当地港商面对的机遇和挑战。

- official visit
  • 發展局局長陳茂波今日率領香港代表團前往緬甸仰光訪問,推動兩地的專業服務發展和商貿合作。將了解港商情況 在訪問仰光期間,陳茂波將出席香港貿易發展局和緬甸工商總會主辦的午餐會,並以「香港與緬甸:基建與專業服務的合作和機遇」為題致辭。他又會與仰光城市發展委員會的代表和在當地的港商和專業人士會面,了解仰光的城市規劃及港商在緬甸的發展情況和前景,代表團亦會與緬甸的商界和專業界代表座談,探討發展和合作機遇。香港代表團成員包括政府官員、立法會議員謝偉銓、經濟發展委員會轄下專業服務業工作小組成員、建造及相關界別、法律界、會計界和公司秘書界的代表。陪同陳茂波出訪的官員有發展局副秘書長(工務)陳志明和中央政策組顧問李德強。

- cg in hk

  • Interview hkej 16aug16 c3
- trade relations

  • hkej 31mar17 shum article 

- association
  • HK Myanmar Manufacturers association (Ricky So being Managing Director and Gary Lee being Executive Director; source: HKTDC World Boutique Jan 2015)
  • hong kong myanmar chamber of commerce 
  • 香港緬甸商會會長汪振富生於緬甸長於香港,近年緬港兩頭飛,為兩地政商界牽綫搭橋,在緬甸軍方、政府、全民盟裏都有朋友。他這次大選前夕飛到仰光,但不會投票:「我唔投啦!不過都預期昂山素姬嘅全民盟會壓倒性勝利,因為人人都期待改變。」儘管汪振富不相信軍政府會一下放手,但整體看好,「(全民盟)有咁強大嘅民意基礎,每個政府都唔可以唔理會」。汪料選舉對社會帶來很多改變,但會是漸進式發展,變的速度是快還是慢,則要考驗新領導人智慧,「係咪強勢、有遠見,點樣同軍政府傾談,係講政治智慧,點樣帶領國家行前啲。軍政府𠵱家都有好多開明嘅人,會考慮點樣一齊同民間合作」。「一代人……兩代人……等了三代人了!」汪慨嘆緬甸曾在亞洲富甲一方,停滯不前60年,現在最關鍵是民生問題。港人最感興趣則是有甚麼機遇,他認為緬甸有很多發展空間,與香港一樣曾為英殖民地,港企有優勢,不過要有使命感才能落地生根,「淨係財大氣粗𠵱家唔得㗎喇,要睇呢個國家嘅需要」。汪透露香港職訓局和公開大學將在緬甸設分校,為這個轉變中的國家培養專業人才,而律政司司長袁國強早前到緬甸考察,或會建立仲裁
  • One of the supporting organisations of silk road conference at polyu on 26nov15, founding chairman albert oung a speaker
  • congrat ad re independence day
  • 香港緬甸工商協會會長傅晶昨早在電台節目表示,據其了解,有關宵禁尚未撤銷,晚間亦會截斷網絡,當地民眾示威情緒愈演愈烈,影響其工廠運作。
  • 香港緬華互助會新春團拜暨敬老會於英皇道聯合出版大廈九樓舉行。會上歡聲笑語,其樂融融,出席者約有150人,其中一半是70歲以上長者。真是難能可貴。 在新春團拜上,主席王錦彪首先祝各位僑友和家人猴年行大運,全年紅紅火火,好運全年恭“猴”。由於這次團拜有超過70位七旬以上的緬華長者參與,所以王錦彪主席代表緬華互助會特別安排了向每位超過七十歲以上的長者送出祝福“利是”,祝各位資深前輩身體健康、平安幸福。 剛從福州返回香港的徐新英會長,則為在場人士轉達了來自中國僑聯副主席、福建僑聯主席王亞君的新春問候。徐會長在致辭中,也恭祝各位大家猴年大吉,並表示得益於愈來愈發達的通訊科技,僑胞們不僅能在此時此地歡聚一堂,平日也能在微信群組中聯絡感情、談天説地,是一件令人開懷的事。她又提到,全國僑聯主席林軍和各省市二十幾位僑辦領導去年曾到訪香港緬華互助會,與眾位會員親切交流,給本會增光添彩;香港緬僑團體的茁壯發展,要感謝僑辦、全國僑聯和各省僑聯的鼎力支持。
  • 香港緬華互助會58位義工骨幹日前到新民黨辦事處與該黨主席葉劉淑儀討論香港立法會選舉形勢及了解怎樣才能選出最能代表香港市民福祉的立法會議員。香港緬華互助會會長王錦彪表示,希望大家把自己手中的神聖一票一致投給愛國愛港人士。
  •  香港缅华互助会本月27日,于九龙湾国际展贸中心隆重举行成立25周年庆典暨第九届理事就职典礼,同时举行香港缅中友好协会成立庆典暨第一届理事会就职典礼。香港侨界社团联会会长余国春、香港新民党主席叶刘淑仪等主礼。联欢晚会当晚高朋满座,近千人出席。香港缅中友好协会第一届理事会可谓阵容鼎盛,包括:永远荣誉主席:梁振英、叶刘淑仪、吴盛温昂、余国春、唐伦凯、吴惠权、黄志坚;永远名誉会长:张国荣、陈金烈、王钦贤、欧阳永、李碧葱、钟保家、黄楚河、吴继垣、杨鑫等。

  • 香港緬 華互助會及香港緬中友好協會前日(10日 ),於南豐大廈舉辦2019年新春團拜暨敬 老會,向近百名在港的緬甸華僑拜年。王錦彪致辭時稱,該會 於2017年成立香港緬中友好協會以來,積 極為中緬兩國文化機構及企業穿針引線, 宣傳緬甸文化,推動中緬兩國交流合作, 並在香港取得了可喜的成效。

- parliamentary exchange

  • 緬甸新國會任期周一正式展開,聯合國就為當地國會議員做培訓,並邀請各地議會嘅議員去當地交流,民主黨主席兼立法會議員劉慧卿及獨立議員謝偉俊都係獲邀請人士。
- industrial park

  • Felix話喺一二年開始幫手推動呢個工業園,為此去咗十幾次緬甸,依家已經有約七成地方有人買咗或租咗,推動工業園嘅過程中,並非完全一帆風順,因為緬甸曾換政府,喺新舊政府嘅過渡期,有一年多嘅時間令到工業園嘅進展比較緩慢,至於工業園內大部分都係港商,因為內地生產成本太貴,加上中美貿易戰,港商轉為投資緬甸都好正常,緬甸勞工成本平絕東南亞,所以競爭力都相對較高。
- insurance
  • AIA Group Limited (“AIA”; or the “Company”; stock code: 1299) today announced that it has been granted an approval by the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Planning and Finance (MoPF) as a Preferred Applicant to operate in Myanmar through a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary. Upon fulfilment of pre-licencing conditions, AIA will be granted a foreign life insurance licence.
- relocation issue

  • 近日緬甸國家軍隊與該國北部少數民族武裝爆發衝突,受此影響, 從珠三角將工廠設備經陸路從雲南搬遷緬甸南部仰光的工廠便受到了嚴 重影響。
- movement of natural persons

  • 港府接獲緬甸駐港總領事館正式通知,特區護照持有人由明日(1日)起,於抵達緬甸三個國際機場,即仰光、曼德勒或內比都國際機場時,可辦理落地簽證,逗留期為三十天。本港入境處建議,特區護照持有人在旅遊前應先向緬甸駐港總領事館查詢有關詳情。

- commodities

  • The operator of Hong Kong’s gold exchange is in talks to help the government of Myanmar establish a bourse in the country for trading the precious metal, according to Haywood Cheung Tak-hay, president of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society. The local exchange will provide Myanmar with advisory and technical support through the Hong Kong Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, for which it will collect a fee, Cheung said without disclosing the amount. It will need to get regulatory approval in Myanmar and the chamber will work out the shareholder structure in the gold exchange.
- property management

  • treasure land - the central in Yangon hkej 30aug17 a22
- education
  • 教育局局长吴克俭昨天与缅甸教育部部长苗登基博士在缅甸仰光举行双边会议,双方同意尽快拟定及签署教育合作备忘录。

  • 朱奇宗, 陳如美Aimee Mya Thaung
  •昨日的訃聞中所見,身為緬甸華僑的陳如美,英文名Aimee Mya Thaung,與夫婿朱奇宗共育有四名子女,分別是朱瑞麟、朱瑛瑛、朱珊珊和朱玲玲;朱玲玲兄長朱瑞麟的太太有一個日本名,估計是日本人,而朱玲玲的夫婿羅康瑞,以及她與前夫所生的三位兒子霍啟剛、霍啟山和霍啟人的名字亦出現在訃聞中。據知朱母的靈柩現時暫放香港殯儀館,農曆新年過後才移送往深圳大鵬灣下葬。
  • 朱奇宗 obitruary  singtao 26apr17 a18
  • chim pui chung, chu ling ling (source: siu yiu yau 9nov15)
  • 胡文虎慈善基金會投得緬甸華僑胡文虎上世紀三十年代興建的虎豹別墅,將活化為培訓幼兒及青少年的音樂學院“虎豹樂圃”
  • 胡文虎是百年品牌「萬金油」的創始人,也是民國時期「華人首富」。朱迪、蒂娜著《虎豹花園》中說:「胡文虎創下的總資產達幾十億美元。從1929年到1949年,文虎兄弟共出資7,000萬美元在中國修建了許多學校和醫院。」其中,抗戰時期,他在中國捐獻的財物為「華僑之最」,尤以興建「百座醫院,千所小學」為人稱道。其實,胡文虎從父親手中接過的不過是緬甸仰光的一間普通中藥舖。他看到中國、印度、東南亞這三大人口區域,民瘼疾苦,瘟疫盛行,他大膽採用「中藥西製」的方式,研製出物美價廉的「虎標五大良藥」--萬金油、八卦丹、頭痛粉、清快水、止痛散,不僅風行東南亞,甚至遠銷歐美各國......永安堂藥行如繁星一樣遍佈中外各大城市,一年銷售萬金油200億盒,成為居家必備良藥,地球上有一半以上人口在使用「萬金油」。1947年,胡文虎先生撥出46萬港元,馬上派專人在故鄉籌建虎豹別墅,興建園林、牌樓、虎豹塔,既供鄉人遊覽,又準備告老還鄉。但是,由於政局動盪、貨幣貶值等原因,虎豹花園到1949年冬仍然停留於圖紙上,主體建築虎豹別墅也只建成外殼,成為半成品工程。解放後,由於「左傾」思潮,胡文虎被錯誤地扣上「反動資本家」、「漢奸」等帽子,這個工程被一下擱置了幾十年。1983年春,胡文虎洗雪冤屈,被政府重新確定為「愛國僑領」、「商界鉅子」。虎豹別墅被列為福建省文物保護單位。1992年冬,胡文虎的女兒胡仙博士訪問北京,受到黨和國家領導人江澤民、李鵬等親切接見。第二年春暖花開,胡仙博士首次回到故鄉中川村,捐資重修虎豹別墅,並開闢為「胡文虎紀念館」。
- delegation from hk

  • felix chung visited myanmar and met with labour minister singtao 11dec16 a9
  • 香港中華總商會會長蔡冠深9月13日率領近40人代表團前往緬甸仰光,參加於今日舉行的第十四屆世界華商大會。

- investors from HK

  • opportunities
    絲路智谷研究院院長 梁海明 article
  • 港企成緬第二大投資商
  • 據貿發局資料,截至九月底,緬甸有220間核准來自香港的企業,外商直接投資累計83億美元(約647.4億港元)。本身亦為中港中小型國際交流投資協進會會長的趙志雄直指,目前對前景不樂觀,其現時香港辦公室已停止營運,並考慮由內地搬廠至緬甸。
  • Independence day ad hkej 4jan16 a7
  • 偏處西南一隅的雲南南 傘,距離緬北果敢地區僅 一箭之遙,距離雲南省會 昆明卻遠達近 800 公里。令記者 沒有想到的是,如此偏遠之地仍有港企 投資興業,並且投資額高達 80 多億元(人民 幣,下同)。匯龍國際投資有限公司(下稱匯龍國 際)副總裁、中緬鞋業輕紡文化產業園(下稱中緬產業園) 總經理伍俊輝先生接受本報採訪時稱,緬北戰亂雖然拖遲了 公司的招商步伐,但他深信這裡蘊藏的商機仍然可期。
  • 已將深圳工廠遷往緬甸的港商何廣健告訴記者,他對 廣東自貿區詳細政策未有了解,未來如果政策有優惠, 他計劃擴充業務,因為廣東有上億人口,農產品消費潛 力巨大。因緬甸原生態、無污染的農產品豐富,食品安 全有保證,他擬將緬甸的農產品通過廣東自貿區出口到 廣東,以獲取該領域巨大的商機。
  • Sunwingming ( ad in hket 8jul15 a26 inviting tenant for industrial park in Myanmar 
  • 琪樂時裝贸易 hkpc industry focus jun14 issue
  • 去年3月,本報記者曾走訪港企匯龍國際投資建設的中緬鞋業輕紡文化產業園區(以下簡稱園區),並採訪匯龍國際投資有限公司副總裁、中緬鞋業輕紡文化產業園總經理伍俊輝先生,當時雖處果敢戰期,但其對未來發展仍充滿信心(見本報2015年3月19日報道)。記者近日再次走訪該園區,採訪總裁助理王培友先生時感到,該港企對園區未來仍信心滿滿,但戰事對園區招商進程也帶來一些消極影響。不過,多家企業已陸續復產,有些更加大規模,還有新入園企業準備春節後招工,5月份前加入生產行列。
  • The Myanmar Investment Commission has given Marga Landmark approval to build its mixed-use project on a new site, after the president called off the Hong Kong-based developer’s project last year, deeming the initial location too close to Shwedagon Pagoda.
  • Rubio Chan, Director and Co-founder of Eastern Vision Mr. Jamie Cheung, Director and Co-founder of Eastern Vision       Graduated from HKU in 2012 and 2013 respectively, Rubio and Jamie have organised Myanmar tours for students worldwide.
  • 緬中港澳聯誼會副會長、港商龐志偉告訴記 者,在珠三角製衣行業附加值低,在國內沒有優 勢,他便將自己在中山和湖北的工廠轉讓,回到 香港一邊做貿易業務,一邊考慮新的投資機遇。 「當我看到緬甸人工成本低、國家又在大力發展 經濟時,我頓時眼前一亮,感覺機會來了,便於 2012年與香港朋友一起赴緬甸投資。目前我在 緬甸已投資了兩個服裝廠和一個印花廠,總金額 達2,000萬元人民幣。」從事塑膠行業的港商、新興集團主席何廣健 打算增加投資,將緬甸塑膠工廠規模擴大一倍。 何廣健表示,他在 2014年已開始在緬甸租用廠 房,招聘了 100多名員工,去年 10月工廠才正  式投產,因各種原因,他感覺緬甸的效率比中國 低不少。港昌鞋業集團董事總經理、香港鞋業商會會 長張煒傑告訴本報記者,目前位於珠三角的許多 香港鞋廠已紛紛搬遷至東南亞,其中緬甸是一大 重點,目前已有部分港資鞋廠赴緬甸投資,有的 投資金額在數百萬元人民幣。同樣,香港玩具廠 商會會長譚裕民也曾對外表示,近年香港玩具 業受到人民幣升值、內地人工連年上漲及工 人不足等問題困擾,玩具業也組團到緬甸 考察,以尋找新的投資機會。
  • 港商蜂擁緬甸,
    Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels (HSH) - former Myanmar Railway Company headquarters, which will be transformed into a new luxury hotel. Located on Bogyoke Aung San Road in the city centre, this historic building dates back to the 1880s and is one of the oldest colonial buildings in Yangon.The hotel will form part of a broader development called Yoma Central, which will also include Peninsula-branded luxury residences, two office towers, a second business hotel, serviced apartments and a retail area.
  •  行政會議召集人陳智思則早着先機,一九九○年就投資仰光嘅酒店項目
  • FHM為緬 甸市值最大上市公司,實力雄厚,派駐緬甸快兩年 的丁鐵翔,經常化身招商大使,為包括香港在內的 大中華地區企業家指點迷津。
  • 化名「壹傳媒股民」的匿名人士2014年爆料指,黎智英早年與緬甸政商界、包括軍政府及反對派人士有頻繁接觸,包括2013年1月中在美國國防部前副部長沃爾福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz)陪同下訪問緬甸4日,先後會見當地運輸部、工業部、商貿部等官員,以至緬甸中央銀行主席。網上圖片可見,黎智英、沃爾福威茨、Mark Simon與敏昂萊及一眾緬軍高層合照(圖)。「壹傳媒股民」指Mark Simon透過緬甸商人Phone Win認識當地政要,後者於2013年6月曾發電郵予Mark Simon,提醒對方向敏昂萊贈送名錶,涉嫌藉以賄賂對方換取在當地做生意。此外,黎智英被揭多次向緬甸反對派人士Yuza Maw Htoon捐款,首次在2013年7月,捐出逾16.1萬美元(約125萬港元);另一次是同年9月,捐出約14.5萬美元(約113萬港元)。資料顯示,Yuza Maw Htoon曾經參加緬甸全國大選,是當地兩個非政府組織的始創人。

  • property
  • appledaily 13sep19 scam and victims

- promotion event in hk

  • 新界總商會日前假喜來登酒店舉行董事會議,邀得立法會議員鍾國斌分享緬甸投資信息及最新情況。香港是緬甸第三大直接外來投資來源地,僅次於內地和泰國。現時香港有直航班機往緬甸,緬甸交通設施正逐步完善。緬甸國際貨運碼頭是和記港口集團部分出資的港口,距離迪洛瓦經濟特區僅20公里,和記集團願意投入資金來增添設備與提升碼頭吞吐量。緬甸政府和日本政府合作設立迪洛瓦經濟特區(Thilawa SEZ),該經濟特區佔地 2,000英畝,香港製衣業者將在這裡設廠,成立「香港工業園區」,「香港工業園區」佔地 400英畝,工廠預計於今年12月完工,將於2015年5月開始投入使用。另外,經緬甸商務部介紹,香港製衣業者在 Boga 工業區(鄰近機場)再成立一個佔地 300英畝的「香港工業園區」。香港製衣業訓練局和緬甸勞工部合作開辦一間製衣培訓中心。香港政府與緬甸政府簽署一份投資促進與保護協議。,
  • 香港中國西部發 展促進會、香港廈門聯誼總會、香港緬甸商業聯會上 月26日在香港會議展覽中心會議廳聯合舉辦《21世紀香 港、緬甸、 「一帶一路」商機研討會》,邀請中國西 部發展促進會理事長程路、緬甸駐香港及澳門總領事 趙佐蘇發言,香港貿發局亞洲及新興市場首席經濟師 何達權講解緬甸當前的政治、經濟、法律和稅務等內 容,分享和交流投資合作的經驗,藉以促進港緬經貿 發展。二百位各大社團首腦、工商企業界人士出席了 研討會。

- radio interview on opportunites in myanmar hkej 9jan15
- news supp
  • 4jan18 various newspaper (including takung b1, b2, b11, b12)  independence day
- myanmar chinese in hk

  • 居港華僑歡慶緬甸獨立節
  • 今年三十四歲的林琳話,區議員工作困身,加上算是半個公眾人物,過去與不少男士初相識就算幾投契,一到交換卡片時,對方都會對其身份顯得退縮,之後不了了之。她又稱,近年潮興speed dating(約會配對)找對象,但礙於自己是區議員而不敢出席,而且有感性格比較直接和硬朗,並非個個男仔都鍾意這類型,所以多年來一直單身。其實林琳早年到澳洲留學多年,加上是緬甸華僑後代,大可以嘗試找外籍對象,甚至看看自己黨友有冇「筍盤」介紹,就唔使怕識錯朋友被人性騷擾喇。
- hk people in myanmar
  • hk woman marrying an Myanmar chinese
- domestic helpers

  • 對於港府探討引入緬傭,有外傭業人士稱,緬甸政府七年前起准許婦女往新加坡及馬來西亞當家傭,三年前亦容許香港僱傭中心代辦聘請緬傭,當時一度有數百名緬傭來港工作,但緬甸政府後來收緊配額,令緬傭在本港未成氣候。她認為,緬甸人大部分信奉佛教,烹調習慣受中國及泰國菜式影響,並有到新加坡工作背景,與華人相處及生活問題不大。部分本港僱主可能看準緬傭在港人數少,「無咁易畀同鄉教懶」,認為緬傭市場具一定開拓潛力。
hong kong and macau
- association

  • 香港澳門緬甸工商會主席林德興 (見圖)接受大公報記者採訪時表示, 「一帶一路」 倡議是中國持續推進更高 水平對外開放的重要舉措。他期待習近 平主席此次訪緬,為緬甸帶去中國經驗 和中國支持。而香港如果要推動包括 緬甸在內的 「一帶一路」 沿線國家合 作,或將從參與建設中緬沿邊經濟特區 開始。

- 由澳門貿易投資促進局和澳門緬甸友好協會聯合舉辦的「一帶一路」對澳門、緬甸兩地機遇與挑戰專題講座日前在澳門舉行。澳門貿易投資促進局執行委員吳愛華在致辭時表示,澳門特區政府十分重視參與「一帶一路」戰略,在今年施政報告中也明確表示澳門將發揮自身優勢,積極配合「一帶一路」建設方向,加強與包括緬甸在內的東盟國家的聯繫往來。澳門商務促進中心也會為有意在澳門設立公司的企業和投資者提供臨時辦公設施和商貿諮詢等服務。 澳門服務業發展較成熟,去年來澳旅客超過3,000萬人次,這都為緬甸與澳門兩地合作提供了更廣闊的市場空間。2014年度,澳門與緬甸的貿易總額為225萬美元,結合澳門作為中國與葡語國家貿易服務平台的資源優勢,澳門可成為緬甸企業進一步開拓中國及葡語國家市場的重要平台,兩地合作具有廣闊的前景。

Chinese investors
- 華人創業者見證劇變

Chinese culture
- 緬甸華文教育迎春天

-  banks

  •  SPEND a few days in Yangon, and you can almost believe you are in a country with a functioning financial sector. ATMs, completely absent just a few years ago, now dot the city. Credit cards are increasingly (though still not widely) accepted. Outside the big cities, however, this façade falls away. As of last September Myanmar’s 24 banks—four of which are wholly state-owned and another 11 of which are at least partially government-owned or managed—had a total of 863 bank branches. Thailand, with just 14m more people, had nearly 7,000 more branches; the number of branches per person in Myanmar barely exceeds the level of South Sudan, and falls short of Afghanistan’s and Haiti’s. A report from the International Finance Corporation, published in 2013, estimated that just 5% of Burmese use formal financial services.

Investment environment
- under foreign investment law 2012 and with permit from MIC (source HKTDC seminar June 2013):

  • 100% ownership for most industries
  • import/export on your own (previously cannot)
  • long term leases in property
  • non nationalisation during term of contract
  • not be terminated w/o reason
  • right to capital invested upon contract expiry
- banks
  • Lenders seek Myanmar banking entrée
  • myanmar opens door to lenders from asia, 
- news
  • 鍾國斌緬甸開廠 抵過越南
Domestic servants
羅耀強 港溢找換
- xinhuanet (
- scmp report (
- myanmar government announced ban on sending domestic servants to Hong Kong and Singapore singtao 15sept14 a12
- Hong Kong agency becomes the first in world to strike an arrangement with government  of former pariah state to hire its domestic helpers 21 December, 2013, 5:04am
The Golden Mind Employment Agency became the world's first agency to be given permission to recruit domestic workers in the former pariah state.
Anita Lim Shuk-ling, the agency's general manager, said it had worked on the plan with a well-connected business partner in Myanmar for three years.
"We were given a quota to bring in 200 Myanmese in the first batch. And 60 of them will arrive at around the end of next month," she said. The agency plans to import 1,000 Myanmese helpers next year. Lim said thousands were already working as helpers in Singapore. But they arrived on visitor visas and switched to working visas rather than going through a formal arrangement with the government in Naypyidaw.
Immigration Department data last month showed 43 Myanmese working as helpers in Hong Kong. Lim said they were brought in on an individual basis by Myanmese citizens who held Hong Kong residency.
She said her agency's Myanmese helpers went through two months of training, including cooking and Putonghua lessons, at a training centre in Yangon. One-third were university graduates, but they had not received Cantonese lessons as the agency was looking for tutors, she added.
Lim, who owns a recruitment agency in the Philippines, said it was increasingly difficult to hire Filipino helpers as they were being offered factory jobs paying about HK$5,400 a month in Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. Hong Kong's monthly minimum wage for helpers is just HK$4,010.
The Philippines and Indonesia have sought to curb their citizens from moving abroad to take on domestic work in recent years, and Hong Kong has been widening the net to other countries.

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country info
The Myanmar Information Management Unit / MIMU is a service of the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator’s Office which provides information management services and strengthen analysis and decision-making of the humanitarian and development community in Myanmar. The MIMU was established in 2007.

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