Saturday, December 22, 2018


The Barbizon school of painters were part of an art movement towards Realism in art, which arose in the context of the dominant Romantic Movement of the time. The Barbizon school was active roughly from 1830 through 1870. It takes its name from the village of BarbizonFrance, near the Forest of Fontainebleau, where many of the artists gathered. Some of the most prominent features of this school are its tonal qualities, color, loose brushwork, and softness of form.
- aristocrats background

  • normandy
  • Georges Mathieu (27 January 1921 Boulogne-sur-Mer – 10 June 2012 Boulogne-Billancourt) was a French abstract painter, art theorist and member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris.[1] He is considered one of the fathers of European lyrical abstraction, a trend of informalism.Mathieu was born in 1921 in Boulogne-sur-Mer. His father, Adolphe Georges Mathieu, was employed as a bank manager at Barclays. His mother, Madeleine Durpé, taught him drawing as a child. The family lived near the ramparts of the city at 38 Boulevard du Prince Albert. In 1933 Mathieu's parents divorced and he was placed in the care of his aunt at Versailles.The Gutai group of Japanese artists also created a live work inspired from Mathieu's in a similar spirit to his art during the 1950s. Some of his works anticipates the revival of the modern-style Graffiti.

- 墨人会は上田桑鳩のもとにあった森田子龍・井上有一・江口草玄・関谷義道・中村木子の5人が1952年(昭和27年)1月5日に京都の竜安寺石庭に集い、独立結成の呱々の声をあげました。プロフィール/
- chinese studying overseas

  • chen yiming 陳逸鳴went to study in usa in 1981
  • chen yan ning 陳衍寧went to study in usa in 1986
  • 周春芽went to study in germany in late 1980s
  • 丁衍庸studied in japan
- multiple origins, platform

  • john James Audubon, whose name is synonymous with American ornithology, was born in Les Cayes, Haiti (then Saint-Domingue) in 1785, and lived in France from the ages of five to eighteen. But, despite his frequent later residencies in Europe promoting and overseeing the production of The Birds of America, most of his life was spent in the United States, which he travelled from Philadelphia to Florida and from Boston to the Badlands.

- 陳鍚鈞(1893-1951)g t chan

  • 1st generation chinese sculptors, studied in n america and france; created a bust of dr sun yat sen

Augustus II the Strong (Polish: August II Mocny; German: August II. der Starke; Lithuanian: Augustas II; 12 May 1670 – 1 February 1733), also known in Saxony as Frederick Augustus I, was Elector of Saxony from 1697, Imperial Vicar and elected King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania in the years 1697–1706 and from 1709 until his death in 1733. Augustus' great physical strength earned him the nicknames "the Strong", "the Saxon Hercules" and "Iron-Hand". He liked to show that he lived up to his name by breaking horseshoes with his bare hands and engaging in fox tossing by holding the end of his sling with just one finger while two of the strongest men in his court held the other end.[1] He is also notable for having conceived a very large number of childrenIn order to be elected King of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Augustus converted to Roman Catholicism. As a Catholic, he received the Order of the Golden Fleece from the Holy Roman Emperor. As Elector of Saxony, he is perhaps best remembered as a patron of the arts and architecture. He established the Saxon capital of Dresden as a major cultural centre, attracting artists from across Europe to his court. Augustus also amassed an impressive art collection and built lavish baroque palaces in Dresden and Warsaw. His reigns brought Poland some troubled times. He led the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Great Northern War, which allowed the Russian Empire to strengthen its influence in Europe, especially within Poland. His main pursuit was bolstering royal power in the Commonwealth, characterized by broad decentralization in comparison with other European monarchies. He tried to accomplish this goal using foreign powers and thus destabilized the state. Augustus ruled Poland with an interval; in 1704 the Swedes installed nobleman Stanisław Leszczyński as king, who officially reigned from 1706 to 1709 and after Augustus' death in 1733 which sparked the War of the Polish Succession.
- [sotheby's mar2019] after the ww2, the ministry of culture of german westphalia began buying works by young artists in the region to furnish its municipal offices.  Some of these artists, including thomas ruff and andrea gursky, went on to become major names.
- first, second ladies

  • Betty Ford and Happy Rockefeller

Matsukata Kōjirō 松方 幸次郎(まつかた こうじろう、1866年1月17日慶応元年12月1日) - 1950年昭和25年)6月24日)は、日本実業家政治家川崎造船所社長、衆議院議員日本進歩党)、美術収集家。エール大学ソルボンヌ大学卒業。父は明治の元勲で第4代、第6代内閣総理大臣松方正義。妻は九鬼隆義の次女好子。娘・花子は松本重治夫人。その娘で、幸次郎の孫の操は槇文彦に嫁す。薩摩国鹿児島に生まれる。1884年(明治17年)に東京帝国大学を中退し、同年エール大学に留学し1890年(明治23年)帰国。1891年(明治24年)第一次松方内閣組閣に伴い、父の首相秘書官となる。一時、新聞事業経営や官途についたが、1894年(明治27年)に浪速火災保険の副社長に就任し関西における財活動を開始した。1896年(明治29年)川崎財閥創設者・川崎正蔵に要請されて株式会社川崎造船所初代社長に就任。それをきっかけとして大阪舎密鉱業(1898年)、神戸瓦斯(同)、神戸新聞(1899年)、神戸桟橋(1908年)、九州電気軌道(同)、九州土地信託(同)、川崎汽船(1920年)、国際汽船(同)、神港倶楽部ベルベット石鹸日本ゴム蹄鉄、の社長に就任し、その他11社の役員をつとめ、一方神戸商業会議所会頭、1912年(明治45年)衆議院議員に当選し神戸の政財界の巨頭であった。しかし1920年(大正9年)から1931年(昭和6年)までの連続不況期に、慎重な不況対策を一切採用せず、無謀ともいえる多角化戦略のため1927年(昭和2年)の金融恐慌で、川崎造船所は破綻し、川崎造船所に巨額の融資を行っていた兄の松方巌が頭取を務める十五銀行も破綻し川崎正蔵が築き上げた川崎財閥を崩壊へと追いやった。これを機に役員を務めていた全会社を辞任する。その後は衆議院議員を1936年(昭和11年)から連続3期務め、国民使節として渡米し国際的に活動した。また川崎造船所社長として隆盛を誇った第一次世界大戦の際、ヨーロッパで買い集めた絵画、彫刻、浮世絵は松方コレクションの名で知られ、その一部は国立西洋美術館の母胎となった。戦後、大政翼賛会の推薦議員のため公職追放となった[1]。追放中の1950年(昭和25年)死去。
- guggenheim
  • 去年威尼斯一行,最難忘的目的地便是古根漢美術館。她的創辦人佩姬古根漢(Peggy Guggenheim)作為二十世紀最富傳奇意味的收藏家之一,後半生大多住在水城,親歷多次雙年展,更在此地為美國藝術家波洛克和羅斯科等抽象表現主義藝術家舉辦歐洲首展。當年寂寂無名的異鄉年輕創作人,經這位富有的藏家兼商人推介,在歐洲聲名漸起,此次檔案展中「冷戰」部分,便用大量篇幅講述她與她的眾多藝術家朋友的悲辛故事。說來有趣,佩姬古根漢當年趁歐洲戰亂,收購大量歐洲藝術家畫作運至美國,轉手以高價售出。如是做法,在當年或許太過功利,多年後時移世易,竟讓她成為「藝術全球化」的見證者。
La collection Simon Bauer comprenait 93 œuvres de l'école impressionniste. Rassemblée à Paris par le collectionneur d'art français et juif Simon Bauer (1862-1947), elle fut volée en octobre 1943 par le régime de Vichy. Depuis la Libération de la France, quelques-unes des toiles réapparaissent à l'occasion de ventes aux enchères ou d'expositions dans des musées.
- millicent rogers (1902-53)
  • According to sotheby's, she is the 閨中密友of 蔣介石夫人

- le cong tang 樂從堂
- chang foundation in taipei
- nyingjei lam collection
- thanapoomikul family

  • lee & sons

- 祖籍四川成都的葛師科,是全球首屈一指的私人官窰古瓷收藏家,曾擔任本港著名收藏團體敏求精舍的主席,現為該團體的董事,他亦是故宮古陶瓷研究中心客座研究員。葛師科與古瓷收藏結緣於一九八二年,當年四十九歲的他,發現父親葛士翹家中有大批元明清的瓷器,自此對瓷器收藏產生濃厚興趣。一九八七年,葛士翹創立藏館「天民樓」,藏品以宋、元、明、清歷代瓷精品為主,當他逝世後,「天民樓」便由葛師科接手。葛師科從不吝嗇對外展示收藏品,過去多次在本港、台北等地公開展覽,一九九三年更曾將收藏品借至上海博物館,並舉辦「天民樓青花瓷特展」,深受歡迎贏盡口碑。 netherlands
  • 何氏家族始於荷蘭人何仕文,其子何東、何福、何甘棠皆是著名買辦商人,家族的積累,讓何家成為彼時香港四大家族之一。其中何甘棠,也是整個家族最為著名的收藏大家,晚年十分專注於公益事業的他,創辦了東華醫院、香港聖約翰救傷隊,並以舊宅改建為中山紀念館,用公心遷財富,其孫何鴻發承續家風,成為打造今次慈善拍賣的重要推手。何鴻發回憶,曾於八國聯軍侵華時,何家以一船珍貴米糧,換回了紫禁城的無數精品古董,如此代代相傳,是以自己經常被朋友請去鑒定古董,自家舊藏更是經過檢驗的珍品無疑, 除貢獻家族珍寶。何鴻發更有愛女相助,何浩嘉的抽象畫作,也將貢獻拍場。此外,亦有來自何東外孫女楊紫霞的畫作,曾獲英國威爾斯皇家水彩學院院士的楊紫霞,她的作品曾在世界各地展覽,更見藏於多間博物館。

  • 香港收藏家簡永楨,便是中國古代單色釉瓷器的忠實追隨者。簡永楨的先祖是清末創辦廣東南洋兄弟煙草公司的簡銘石,而於民初捐贈銅鑼灣加路連山土地的簡孔昭,亦是他的先輩。簡永楨畢業後投身工程和發展行業,現為執業土木城規工程師。在土地發展方面事業有成,工餘喜好鑽研及蒐羅古玩,並以姓氏「簡」字的篆書結構為依據,自建書齋「竹月堂」(Zhuyuetang Collection),亦有「竹門斜月入」之意。「要收藏讓你一見傾心的藝術品。」從小對歷史有濃厚興趣的他,在1990年前後的一次旅行中開啟了對古希臘錢幣收藏的興趣;2004年雅典奧運會期間,他將一百二十多枚古錢幣公諸同好,於香港歷史博物館「不朽印記:竹月堂古希臘錢幣展」呈獻,這批藏品見證了古希臘運動競技、希臘與波斯爭霸、亞歷山大大帝的戰績等歷史。
- john and berthe ford collection of south asian art

  • exhibited at hong kong museum of art in 2003
- 上海大亨杜月笙的幼子、著名收藏家杜維善,前日中午在加拿大溫哥華逝世,享年八十八歲。杜維善一九三三年出生於上海,父親杜月笙是早年上海青幫首領,在政、商、軍等界舉足輕重,母親姚玉蘭則是杜月笙第四房太太。杜月笙去世後,杜維善隨母親移居台灣,從事地質學研究,晚年定居溫哥華。杜維善是著名收藏家,早期癡迷於數千種地質標本,後來嗜好古幣收藏,收藏過的錢幣有兩萬多枚,包括戰國秦半兩、漢代五銖錢等,且有《北齋五銖匯考》等學術論著。

- usa

  • ogden reid 
  • [marchance 2019 auction] friends of chiang and song family, grandfather was one of the founders of republican party
  • miles and shirley fiterman collection
  • Soon after World War II, Mr. Fiterman started a small lumber company in Minnesota. It later began making kits of precut lumber to build homes, which were sold in 41 states. In 1972, he sold the company, Miles Homes, to the Insilco Corporation. In 1993, as the Borough of Manhattan Community College was seeking to expand, Mr. Fiterman donated a commercial office building he owned at 30 West Broadway. The building, renamed Miles and Shirley Fiterman Hall, was renovated into a $275 million facility housing more than 40 classrooms, an art gallery and laboratories. It was destroyed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, and the college plans to rebuild it, using the same name. Mr. Fiterman also provided $200,000 in of scholarships annually for students at the college.
  • Formed in America in the mid-20th century by Stephen Junkunc, III (d. 1978), the Junkunc Collection at its height numbered over 2,000 examples of exceptional Chinese porcelain, jade, bronzes, paintings and Buddhist sculptures. Stephen Junkunc, III was born in Budapest, Hungary circa 1905, and emigrated to Chicago, Illinois as a young child, where his father Stephen Junkunc, II (d. 1948), a tool-and-die maker, founded General Machinery & Manufacturing Company in 1918. The company specialized in the manufacture of knife edge fuel nozzle heads. With the outbreak of World War II, General Machinery converted its shop for the war effort and began manufacturing various aircraft parts, including B-29 hydraulic spools on behalf of Ford Motor Company, who was sub-contracting work from engine maker Pratt & Whitney. Alongside his role as manager and part owner of the company, Stephen Junkunc, III spent his free time forming an extraordinary collection of Chinese art. With an unabated hunger for knowledge, Junkunc was a voracious reader who studied the Chinese language and kept extensive libraries of Chinese art reference books and auction catalogues at both his home and office. Junkunc appears to have made his first acquisitions in the early 1930s, apparently after having happened upon a book on Chinese art. It is perhaps no coincidence that Junkunc’s initial collecting activity largely coincided with the establishment of the Chicago branch of the reputable Japanese dealers Yamanaka & Co., Ltd., who opened a gallery at 846 North Michigan Boulevard in 1928. Many of Junkunc’s early purchases came from Yamanaka, and before long, he was buying directly from the leading London dealers specializing in Chinese art: Bluett & Sons, W. Dickinson & Sons, H.R.N. Norton and, of course, John Sparks, seeking fine examples of porcelain for his collection.
  • donation by Florence and Herbert Irving to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • chang foundation
- france


- italy
  • Italian diplomat Marchese Taliani de Marchio, who was Italy's representative to Chiang Kaishek's Republic of China administration in Nanjing from 1938 to 1946, although he was interned for two years by the Japanese from 1943. While in China, Taliani and his wife, the exiled Archduchess Margaretha of Austria, collected rare and important pieces "that convey the rich history of Chinese decorative arts", according to the auction house Bonhams.
- indonesian
  •  budi tek
  •  Budi Tek was born in Jakarta, and grew up in Singapore to become a successful entrepreneur specializing in food industry.
  • The Indonesian-Chinese art collector has pancreatic cancer and is racing to turn his private Shanghai museum into a non-profit, public institution. If he succeeds, Yuz Museum, in the West Bund district, will  probably be the first foreign-owned private museum in China to become a public institution run by a board of trustees rather than an individual owner.

    - theartgorgeous issue 6 2019 "art clans families that rule the art world"
     - hk
    • Lai is also known as an art collector, especially known for a collection of over 1000 pieces of Walasse Ting. Ting created around 4000 pieces throughout his life and out of these 4000, 1000 are in Lai's collection. They had befriended since the 1980s, and Lai had been a supporter for Ting financially and emotionally. There are many works by Ting in the headquarters of Next Digital in Hong Kong and in Taiwan.

    - hk

    • 燕譽堂Oi Ling Antiques

      • 2003年法國巴黎雙年展,蔣靄玲(中)向法國文化部長Jean Jacques Aillagon(左)先生介紹一件清宮舊藏的紫檀佛龕「那真是香港古玩行業的黃金時代。」蔣美玲形容1990至2000年初,那也是燕譽堂發展最快的十年。在最輝煌的高峰期,他們在荷李活道的黃金位置佔據了三層樓,購下數萬件老家具,分店開到了比利時及洛杉磯,將中國文化帶至遙遠的大洋彼岸。
    • wattis fine art 
    • note its asia minor flying horse map/drawing

    The Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong. Founded in 1974 by a small group of collectors and enthusiasts, it is an independent non-profit society for those sharing an interest in Asian art and culture. 

    auction houses
    - [artplus oct/nov19] after the modern auction house in london emerged, art went from the aristocracy into the hands of professional traders in modern capitalist business. Guardian and poly auction are not only the two largest auction houses in china, but also auction houses that are on a par with christie's and sotheby's.  They are all affiliated either with chinese SOEs or the government.
    The Dorotheum (German pronunciation: [ˌdoːʀoˈteːʊm] ), established in 1707, is one of the world's oldest auction houses.[1] It has its headquarters in Vienna on the Dorotheergasse and is the largest auction house in both Continental and German-speaking Europe.[2] Besides auctions, the retail sector also plays a major role in Dorotheum's business.[3] In the Dorotheum, works of art, antiques, furniture, and jewellery from various centuries are put up for auction. The building is constructed in the neo-classical style. It is an attraction for Viennese natives and numerous tourists alike.Branches exist in Vienna in the Austrian states, the Czech capital of Prague, and the Italian cities of Milan and Rome, as well as in Düsseldorf, Munich and Brussels.

    • !!!!In 2001 two landscapes by Norbert Grund that had been looted by Nazis in Holland in 1941 were consigned to the Dorotheum for sale. After public outcry and much discussion, the Dorotheum withdrew the paintings from sale and returned them, not to the consigners but to the "rightful owners".
    Stockholms Auktionsverk (Swedish for "Stockholm's Auction House"), founded in 1674 in Sweden, is the world's oldest auction house.This business was founded by Baron Claes Rålamb in 1674. Its services have been used by clients like Sweden's King Charles XI, who sold some hunting rifles for 900 silver coins, Sweden's King Gustav III, who acquired Rembrandt’s painting entitled Kitchen Maid, and Swedish playwright August Strindberg, who purchased some books.In 1993, private owners purchased Stockholms Auktionsverk from the City of Stockholm. Niclas Forsman is the current CEO and a partner.

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