Saturday, December 29, 2018

north / Northeast asia

鄂霍次克海The Sea of Okhotsk (RussianОхо́тское мо́реtr. Okhótskoye móreIPA: [ɐˈxot͡skəjə ˈmorʲe]Japaneseオホーツク海translit. Ohōtsuku-kai) is a marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean,[1] between the Kamchatka Peninsula on the east, the Kuril Islands on the southeast, the island of Hokkaido to the south, the island of Sakhalin along the west, and a long stretch of eastern Siberian coast along the west and north. The northeast corner is the Shelikhov Gulf. The sea is named after Okhotsk, the first Russian settlement in the Far EastSome of the Sea of Okhotsk's islands are quite large, including Japan's second largest island, Hokkaido, as well as Russia's largest island, Sakhalin. Practically all of the sea's islands are either in coastal waters or belong to the various islands making up the Kuril Islands chain. These fall either under undisputed Japanese or Russian ownership or disputed ownership between Japan and Russia. Iony Island is the only island located in open waters and belongs to the Khabarovsk Krai of the Russian Federation. The majority of the sea's islands are uninhabited making them ideal breeding grounds for sealssea lionsseabirds, and other sea island fauna. Large colonies, with over a million individuals, of crested auklets use the Sea of Okhotsk as a nesting site.The Okhotsk culture is an archaeological coastal fishing and hunter-gatherer culture of the lands surrounding the Sea of Okhotsk (600–1000 CE in Hokkaido, until 1500 or 1600 CE in the Kurils).Some believe that Mishihase was living in the area.

 In the Turkic languages "Siber/Chiber" means "beautiful", in the Tatar language "seber" means "blizzard" and in the Mongolian language "shibir" translates as "swamp". The name "Siberia" could come from any of these words. In The Secret History of the Mongols – dating from the 1240s, it is the oldest surviving Mongolian text – the word "shibir" is mentioned in connection with a story about the conquest of the lands and peoples living in southern Shibir between the rivers Ob' and Irtysh by Genghis Khan’s son, the military commander Jochi.Finally, according to the most gripping theory, the name Siberia comes from the "sipyr" – a people who lived in the Nenets tundra beyond the polar circle (nowadays the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District). The "sipyr" people were also called "sikhirtya". The Nenets people believed that the sikhirtya lived in the ground and herded "earth deer" – or mammoths. Previously this ethnic group was thought to be totally mythical but new archaeological discoveries (link in Russian) were made in Jan. 2020 and the archaeologists may have found sikhirtya settlements. About 1,500 BC, Iranian-speaking tribes began to settle in Siberian territory. A thousand years later, in the 6th century BC, Turkic-speaking peoples arrived, and by the 12th-13th centuries AD, as a result of the mixing of Iranian, Turkic and native Ugric tribes, the ethnic group of Siberian Tatars had evolved. In 1582, Yermak with several hundred heavily armed fighters set out from Oryol-Gorodok, the Stroganovs' fortified residence, crossed the mountains and captured the old capital of the Khanate of Tyumen, Chimgi-Tura. Soon afterwards the decisive Battle of Chuvash Cape took place. At the confluence of the rivers Tobol and Irtysh, Makhmet-Kul gathered 15,000 nomadic Tatar troops, but they were smashed by Yermak's druzhina, which was small but armed with arquebuses, an early type of shoulder-fired gun. Three weeks later Yermak seized Kashlyk, from which Khan Kuchum had already escaped into the steppes.The fortresses of Tyumen, Beryozov and Tobolsk soon sprang up. The latter, founded 17 km from Kashlyk, was for a long time called "Sibir town". Tobolsk became the center of Russia's colonization of Siberia. It gradually developed and in 1708 became the capital of Siberia Governorate, the largest in Russia.

- 據新華社報道,昨日在吉林省長春市舉行的東北亞地方合作圓桌會議發佈《長春共識》,呼籲東北亞區域各地方政府着力打造高效的區域交通物流網絡,積極構建東北亞區域海陸空大通道。東北亞地方合作圓桌會議是第十二屆中國-東北亞博覽會重要活動之一,以「增進互信合作,開創東北亞美好未來」為主題,來自包括中國、日本、韓國、俄羅斯、蒙古國、朝鮮在內的東北亞六國代表參加,圍繞共同加強東北亞地區交流合作、和平穩定、繁榮發展及共同推進構建「人類命運共同體」等問題展開深入探討。

N and S Korea
- 南北韓官員上周六在板門店朝方一側的統一閣,討論開通韓朝首腦熱線電話。雙方將要舉行多一場會議落實協議細節,同時決定總統文在寅與領袖金正恩,舉行歷史性通話的日期

China korea japan
- 第九次中日韓外長會昨日在北京舉行,中國國務委員兼外交部長王毅主持會議,韓國外長康京和、日本外相河野太郎出席。外長會發佈「中日韓+X」合作概念文件,提出自願、平等、開放、共贏、透明和可持續的合作原則。
- 中國國 務院總理李克強12月24日下午在四川成 都杜甫草堂博物館與韓國總統文在寅、日 本首相安倍晉三共同出席中日韓合作20周 年紀念活動。
- defence

  • Japan and South Korea scrambled fighter jets to track a Chinese military aircraft that flew close to their airspace on Thursday in what appeared to be the latest move by Beijing to increase its surveillance of the two US allies. The People’s Liberation Army plane, believed to be a Y-9 type reconnaissance aircraft, entered South Korea’s air defence identification zone on three separate occasions during the day, without providing any notice of its intent, the Yonhap news agency reported.
- cybersecurity

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the 4th Republic of Korea (ROK)-Japan-People’s Republic of China Cyber Policy Consultation in Beijing, China, on Monday, November 18. At the consultation, the participants discussed ways for cooperation in the area of cybersecurity.

- fta

  • fta talks planned in sept15
  • The trade chiefs of Japan, China and South Korea agreed Friday to speed up their negotiations on a free trade agreement, ending their first trilateral meeting in 3½ years on a positive note. Economy, trade and industry minister Motoo Hayashi announced the agreement after meeting in Seoul with his counterparts, South Korean Trade, Industry and Energy Minister Yoon Sang Jick and China International Trade Representative Zhong Shan, but noted the trio opted not to set a specific time frame. The trade powwow precedes a similar high-profile leaders’ summit taking place Sunday in Seoul.
  •  The three Asian countries also reaffirmed in a joint statement the need to counter protectionist moves and pledged to play a leading role in realising high-level and comprehensive rules in a three-way trade pact they are pursuing and the broader Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
  •中日韓自貿區第十一輪談判11日在 北京舉行。在本輪談判中,三方將 就貨物貿易、服務貿易、投資等重 要議題深入交換意見。
  • 当地时间5月9日上午,国务院总理李克强在东京迎宾馆同日本首相安倍晋三、韩国总统文在寅共同出席第七次中日韩领导人会议,就中日韩合作以及地区和国际问题交换看法。李克强表示,三方应共同维护自由贸易,加快中日韩自贸区谈判进程,推动早日达成“区域全面经济伙伴关系协定”(RCEP)。引领推动制定东亚经济共同体蓝图,加强在贸易自由化便利化、产能和投资、基础设施和互联互通、金融、可持续发展、人文交流六大领域合作。
  • Officials of Japan, China and South Korea have been sitting down together to work out a free trade deal. Four-day talks kicked off on Tuesday in Tokyo. High on the agenda are rules for protecting intellectual property rights. 
    Japanese officials are hoping to gain concessions from China on the issue, which has become a sticking point in Beijing's trade negotiations with Washington. The negotiators are also focusing on e-commerce rules and trade, including tariffs on farm produce. 
    The trilateral negotiations are now in their 15th round.
- agriculture
  • 「2017中日韓地方政府三農論壇」昨日在貴州貴陽開幕,並於當日發佈《中日韓地方政府農業交流合作-貴陽倡議》。中日韓地方政府、聯合國糧食及農業組織、中國農業部等相關部委以及國內外農業組織、專家、企業等近400名嘉賓與會。《中日韓地方政府農業交流合作-貴陽倡議》提出:加強地方政府務實合作,將發展多樣化可持續農業;發展山地農業要因地制宜,堅持創新引領, 充分發揮資源優勢,促進農業產業升級,切實增加農民收入;堅持科技興農理念,提高農業生產力;大力發展生態農業,致力於放心、安全的農產品生產;統籌城鄉 發展,激活農村創造力,建立農民增收、農業增效、農村發展長效機制等。
- logistics

  • 在山東濰坊舉行的中日韓商協會圓桌會議暨「一帶一路」說明會上,日本國際貿易促進協會事務處次長田中雅教稱,日本企業非常關注經由中國的國際物流業務,冀借助「中歐班列」將日貨運輸到「一帶一路」沿線國家。
- medical

  • 第十二屆中日韓衞生部長會議昨在南韓首爾舉行,中國國家衞健委主任馬曉偉分別與日韓衞生部長,以及世衞西太區主任葛西健舉行雙邊會談。他又指三國在控防傳染病等領域發展水平較高,應攜手引領區域發展,與其他國家分享經驗,縮小地區醫療衞生領域差距。

- environment

  • 據新華社報道,第二十次中日韓環境部長會議23日到24日在蘇州舉行,中國生態環境部部長李干傑、日本環境省大臣中川雅治、韓國環境部部長金恩京分別率團出席會議,對中日韓環境合作的發展前景和未來方向進行了展望和探討,通過並簽署了《第二十次中日韓環境部長會議聯合公報》。

China korea japan russia
- 中國國家電網公司、韓國電力公社、日本軟銀集團、俄羅斯電網公司30日在大會上簽署了《東北亞電力聯網合作備忘錄》,標誌?全球能源網際網路建設加快步伐。  與會專家表示,東北亞電力聯網可充分發揮大電網的跨國跨區資源優化配置能力,促進地區電力貿易與能源合作,有利於推進電力低碳發展,應對霧霾等環境問題,並推進地區地緣政治穩定。

China japan korea russia mongolia
昨日,由中國貿促會和東北亞各國商協會共同舉辦的2015東北亞商協會合作圓桌會在吉林省長春市召開,來自中國、日本、韓國、蒙古國、俄羅斯的20餘家商協會代表出席了會議。代表們針對加強東北亞國家商協會間的互利合作以及推動成立東北亞商務理事會的可行性進行了深入的交流討論。代表們一致認為,應該共同推進東北亞地區經濟交流與合作。通過尋找「一帶一路」、「跨歐亞大陸通道建設」、「歐亞倡議」、「草原之路」等發展倡議的契合點,開展多種形式的互利互惠合作,為企業搭建溝通了解、務實合作平台。 此外,各方還可通過代表團互訪、舉辦展覽、開展培訓、提供法律服務等方式深化合作,發揮各自優勢,積極推動地方經濟交流和促進東北亞地區特色產業合作。同時,應開展經貿信息交流,共同應對經貿風險。地處東北亞區域的中日俄蒙韓5國地方政府,18日在長春達成共識,將聯手發展跨境電商,促進東北亞區域經貿合作。 在當天舉行的第13屆東北亞地區地方政府經濟協議會上,中國吉林省、日本鳥取縣、俄羅斯濱海邊疆區、蒙古國中央省、韓國江原道等5個東北亞地區地方政府代表,圍繞跨境電商合作議題進行深入探討。 吉林省商務廳副廳長許濤表示,此時發展跨境電子商務恰逢其時。他列出一組數據,2015年全球貿易總額下滑逾14%,中國進出口也雙雙下滑,當年中國跨境電商交易規模為5.4萬億元人民幣,同比增長28.6%。許濤説,當傳統外貿模式面臨巨大挑戰時,跨境電子商務將成為國際貿易新的增長方式。為此,吉林省作為中國重要工業基地和商品糧基地,已與電商巨頭阿里巴巴展開深入合作,謀求在國際平台上打造吉林省跨境電商專區和產業帶。許濤稱各國應加強規劃,着力構建東北亞區域高速公路網、高速鐵路網、航空網、海運網、光纜通信網,推進通關和運輸便利化,帶動跨境電商發展。
- 俄羅斯在「東方2018」軍演揭開序幕的同日,邀請周邊四國,包括中國、蒙古、南韓及日本的首腦,在海參崴舉行東方經濟論壇。俄總統普京與到訪的中國國家主席習近平會晤時稱,中俄合作達到前所未有水平,預期今年雙邊貿易額可達一千億美元(約七千八百億港元),年增幅超過三成。中俄在會議期間還簽署高達一百二十億元人民幣(約一百三十九億港元)的經濟信貸協議。

Russia china mongolia
- 二連浩特口岸是絲綢之路經濟帶和中蒙俄經濟走廊的重要節點,年出入境人數200萬人次以上,蒙古國70%以上的日用品必經該口岸進口。2015年11月。二連浩特在公路口岸旅客出境通道和車輛出境通道啟動「三互」大通關改革,先后推出無紙化通關、自動報檢,建設「單一窗口」等一系列舉措,通過通道布局調整、作業次序優化、業務流程再造等,實現關檢之間的信息共享,監管互認和執法互助。敖特巴圖經常往返於二連浩特與蒙古國扎門烏德口岸之間,對他而言,通關方面最大的變化是由以往的檢驗檢疫-邊檢-海關三道查驗程序減少為檢驗檢疫海關-邊檢兩道,減少了排隊候檢次數,避免了重复開包查驗,每次通關時間節省了40%以上。 A pilot route to simplify international freight transportation across China, Mongolia and Russia hit the road in Tianjin on Aug 18, aiming to boost economic cooperation and trade between the countries. “The pilot trip is an effective trial to carry out the nations’ top strategic plans in the transportation field, and also a move to deepen economic cooperation in the economic corridor through China, Mongolia and Russia,” said Liu Xiaoming, vice-minister of transportation, adding that the pilot trip will coordinate freight transportation policies and standards in the economic corridor, aiming to simplify freight transport procedures along the route. In July, China joined the TIR Convention, an international system allowing transportation of authorized goods through member states without being subject to customs inspections. It takes effect on Jan 5. Russia and Mongolia are already TIR member countries. The estimated seven-day trip covering 2,152 kilometers will stop at 11 cities, including China’s border city Erenhot, Mongolia’s capital Ulaanbaatar and Russia’s Ulan-Ude.
- The nations should also enhance cooperation in areas including infrastructure interconnection, investment, production capacity, culture and environmental protection, he said. Xi made the remarks at a trilateral meeting of leaders from China, Russia and Mongolia on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit. The meeting, chaired by Xi and attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, is the third of its kind. The development strategies of the three countries – China's Belt and Road Initiative, Russia's construction of a Europe-Asia passage and Mongolia's Grass Road initiatives – should be the focus of the trilateral cooperation, Xi said. The three countries should also enhance cooperation under the SCO framework, he said. Putin, describing China and Mongolia as friendly neighbors based on equality, respect and mutual benefits, said Russia wants to work with the two countries to cooperate on infrastructure construction, transportation and customs facilitation.- economic cooperation event

  • 國務院參事室特約研究員姚景源18日在內蒙古自治區二連浩特市召開的2018.中國二連浩特中蒙俄經貿合作洽談會上表示,中蒙俄三國完全有條件促進共同發展,共同繁榮。

- tourism  

  • 7月22日,首屆中俄蒙旅遊部長會議在內蒙古呼和浩特召開,會議成立“萬里茶道”國際旅遊聯盟,並制定三國旅遊中長期合作規劃及年度合作計劃,推動旅遊基礎設施建設,共同開發旅遊市場,建設旅遊品牌,解決三國旅遊工作層面存在的問題,推動三國旅遊可持續發展。 大公報記者孫琳報道   中國國家旅遊局局長李金早率領的中方代表團、由俄羅斯聯邦旅遊署署長奧列格.彼得洛維奇.薩福諾夫率領的俄方代表團和由蒙古國駐華大使策登扎布.蘇特巴特爾率領的蒙方代表團(以下簡稱“三方”)共同出席了會議。
  •  中國文化和旅遊部部長雒樹剛6月23日在內蒙古烏蘭察布市舉行的第四屆中俄蒙三國旅遊部長會議上介紹,自中俄蒙三國旅遊部長會議機制於2016年創建以來,三方利用這一平台,不斷推動旅遊產業交流互鑒、深化合作,增進三國人民間的友好感情。
- 16日,為促進東北亞經貿合作,大圖 們倡議(GTI)(前身為聯合國開發計劃 署1992年發起的圖們江區域開發合作)東 北亞地方政府合作委員會第五次會議在 黑龍江舉行。
- think tank
  •  forum in Ulan-Ude china daily 15sep17

Russia china mongolia kazakhstan
- altai mountains economic circle

  • forum on 11-12 aug15 


CJK  cooperation
- CJK cooperation dialogue 2014 (source: Japan Spotlight Annual Review 2014 by Japan Economic Foundation)

- 東亞海洋合作平台黄島論壇in qingdao

BuyeoPuyŏ or Fuyu (Korean: 부여; Hanja: 夫餘 Korean pronunciation: [pu.jʌ]Chinese: 夫餘; pinyin: Fūyú), was an ancient Korean kingdom centred around the middle of Manchuria and existing as an independent polity from before the late 2nd century BC to the mid-4th century AD.Both Goguryeo and Baekje (South Buyeo), two of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, considered themselves Buyeo's successors.King Onjo, the founder of Baekje, is said to have been a son of King Dongmyeongseong, founder of Goguryeo. Baekje officially changed its name to Nambuyeo (South Buyeo, Korean남부여Hanja南夫餘) in 538.
东明,是传说中的夫余始祖。关于夫余的建国传说,在许多史籍中均有记载,其中最早的为东汉王充撰著的《论衡·吉验篇》。橐离国王出行时,他的一位侍婢怀了身孕,国王归来后大怒,欲处死这位侍婢。侍婢对他讲:“当时见天上有一股气,如鸡子大,将于我身上,故而怀孕。”国王余怒未息,就将她囚禁起来,后来这侍婢生了一个男孩。其后,国王命人将其生下的这个小男孩扔到猪圈中,群猪以口气吹他,得以不死。国王又令人将其扔到马圈中,想让群马将他踏死,但群马如群猪一样,以气吹他,他仍没有死。国王以为这个男孩一定是神人之子,便收养了他,并为他起名东明。东明长大后,勇武善射,国王担心他会篡夺自己的王位,心生猜忌,便又动了杀机。东明知道后便逃走,当逃至淹水时,没有桥,而追兵又已临近,东明以弓击水,有无数鱼鳖聚浮于水上,形成一座“大桥”,东明乘桥过后,鱼鳖便自动散开,追兵不能渡水,东明得以安全地逃到氵岁人的居住地区,建立了夫余国。各史所载东明事迹大致如上述, 但是必须指出的一个问题是, 这一建国传说与高句丽始祖朱蒙建国传说如出一辙。两者相较,朱蒙建国传说晚于东明建国传说。高句丽始祖东明圣王姓高, 名朱蒙, 出自夫余。夫余国王偶遇一女子,自称河伯之女,名柳花。夫余王将其带回国中,幽闭于密室。忽一日,有日光照射于柳花之身,移身躲避,日影又追逐其身,因而怀孕,不久后生出一个五斤大的肉球。夫余王将其丢到猪狗群中,猪狗不肯吃,又将其丢到大路上,牛马则避开它而不肯践踏。又丢到野外,却被飞来群鸟用羽翼覆盖。最后,夫余王想用刀剖开它却砍不破,只好还给了柳花,柳花便将他包裹起来放在温暖之处,不久便有一男孩破壳而出。这位男孩7岁后英勇无比,因而得名朱蒙。朱蒙在高句丽语中是善射之意。 朱蒙越来越受到诸王子的猜忌,最后在母亲的支持下,率三位心腹逃往国外。在南逃途中遇到河流,欲渡无桥,此时夫余追兵又至,情急之下,朱蒙对水大喊:“我是天帝之子、 河伯外孙, 现在身后追兵至, 我该如何过河?”话音未落,便有鱼鳖成群而至,转眼间形成一座大桥,朱蒙等人得以过河,而鱼鳖随即散去,追兵不得渡。后来,朱蒙便率人来到纥升骨城地区,创 建了高句丽王国的前身——卒本夫余The mythical founder of the Buyeo kingdom was Hae Mo-su, the Dongmyeong of Buyeo which literally means Holy King of Buyeo. After its foundation, (the son of heaven, Korean해모수; Hanja解慕漱) brought the royal court to his new palace, and they proclaimed him King.Jumong is described as the son of Hae Mo-su and Lady Yuhwa (Korean유화부인; Hanja柳花夫人), who was the daughter of Habaek (Korean하백; Hanja河伯), the god of the Amnok River or, according to an alternative interpretation, the sun god Haebak (Korean해밝).
The Buyeo state emerged from the Bronze Age polities of the Seodansan and Liangquan archaeological cultures in the context of trade with various Chinese polities.[7] In particular was the state of Yan which introduced iron technology to Manchuria and the Korean peninsula after its conquest of Liaodong in the early third century BC.
- legacy

- 第十二屆中國-東北亞博覽 會昨日在吉林長春開幕,國家主 席習近平向博覽會致賀信。中共 中央政治局委員、國務院副總理 胡春華出席開幕式,宣讀習近平 主席賀信並致辭。

hong kong
- 香港14個青少年制服團體於7月21日至29日聯合舉辦「同心同根萬里行2017-探索『一帶一路』(東北及俄羅斯)之旅」,超過300名香港制服團體青少年到訪黑龍江及俄羅斯城市布拉戈維申斯克市進行連串交流活動,增進兩地青少年友誼,同時加深對祖國的了解。超過300名團員於7月21日啟程前往哈爾濱展開探索之旅,醫療輔助隊少年團動員主任兼交流團團長李鋈麟專程率領眾嘉賓團成員到哈爾濱西站迎接。交流團榮譽團長梁唐青儀、團長李鋈麟與眾團員代表共晉晚餐,其間互動交流。

Shamanism (/ˈʃɑːmən/ shah-mən or /ˈʃmən/ shay-mən) is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.[1] A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practicesdivination and healing. The word "shaman" probably originates from the Tungusic Evenki language of North Asia. According to ethnolinguist Juha Janhunen, "the word is attested in all of the Tungusic idioms" such as Negidal, Lamut, Udehe/Orochi, Nanai, Ilcha, Orok, Manchu and Ulcha, and "nothing seems to contradict the assumption that the meaning 'shaman' also derives from Proto-Tungusic" and may have roots that extend back in time at least two millennia.[3] The term was introduced to the west after Russian forces conquered the shamanistic Khanate of Kazan in 1552. The term "shamanism" was first applied by western anthropologists to the ancient religion of the Turks and Mongols, as well as those of the neighboring Tungusic andSamoyedic-speaking peoples. Upon learning more about religious traditions across the world, some anthropologists began to also use the term to describe unrelated magico-religious practices found within the ethnic religions of other parts of Asia, Africa, Australasia and the Americas, as they believed these practices to be similar to one another.
Dangun (단군檀君[tan.ɡun]) or Dangun Wanggeom (단군왕검檀君王儉[tan.ɡun waŋ.ɡʌm]) was the legendary founder and god-king of Gojoseon, the first Korean kingdom, around present-day LiaoningManchuria, and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. He is said to be the "grandson of heaven" and "son of a bear",[2] and to have founded the kingdom in 2333 BC. The earliest recorded version of the Dangun legend appears in the 13th-century Samguk Yusa, which cites China's Book of Wei and Korea's lost historical record Gogi (고기, 古記).Dangun's ancestry legend begins with his grandfather Hwanin (환인/桓因), the "Lord of Heaven". Hwanin had a son, Hwanung (환웅/ Hanja: 桓雄), who yearned to live on the earth among the valleys and the mountains. Hwanin permitted Hwanung and 3,000 followers to descend onto Baekdu Mountain, where Hwanung founded the Sinsi (신시/ Hanja: 神市, "City of God"). Along with his ministers of clouds, rain and wind, he instituted laws and moral codes and taught humans various arts, medicine, and agriculture.[4] Legend attributes the development of acupuncture and moxibustion to Dangun.A tiger and a bear prayed to Hwanung that they might become human. Upon hearing their prayers, Hwanung gave them twenty cloves of garlic and a bundle of mugwort, ordering them to eat only this sacred food and remain out of the sunlight for 100 days. The tiger gave up after about twenty days and left the cave. However, the bear persevered and was transformed into a woman. The bear and the tiger are said to represent two tribes that sought the favor of the heavenly prince.[6]The bear-woman (Ungnyeo; 웅녀/ Hanja: 熊女) was grateful and made offerings to Hwanung. However, she lacked a husband, and soon became sad and prayed beneath a "divine birch" tree (Korean신단수; Hanja神檀樹; RRshindansu) to be blessed with a child. Hwanung, moved by her prayers, took her for his wife and soon she gave birth to a son named Dangun Wanggeom.[7]Dangun ascended to the throne, built the walled city of Asadal situated near Pyongyang (the location is disputed) and called the kingdom Joseon—referred to today as Gojoseon "Old/Ancient Joseon" (고조선, Hanja: 古朝鮮) so as not to be confused with the later kingdom of Joseon (조선, Hanja: 朝鮮) that was established much later. He then moved his capital to Asadal on Mount Paegak or Mount Gunghol.檀君是朝鮮半島民間傳說中的始祖與山神,為檀君朝鮮的開國國君。據《三國遺事》的記載,檀君名王儉,是帝釋桓因之庶子桓雄熊女棲梧結合而生。[1]朝鮮人的祖先崇拜檀君為神的存在,把他建立國家的10月3日定為開天節,祭檀君。尤其在江東的檀君陵,政府專派官員或以國王名義,舉行盛大的開天節活動。根據20世紀初的偽書《桓檀古記·番韓世家 上》中說法,檀君於公元前二千年左右建立檀君朝鮮,定都王儉城(可能在今日朝鮮的平壤)。
檀國大學(韓語:단국대학교)是韓國一所私立綜合大學,創立於1947年,位於首爾特別市龍山區漢南洞,並在京畿道龍仁市竹田洞忠清南道天安市安棲洞設有校區。學校象徵動物為黑熊,象徵顏色為青色(淺藍色)。梵亭、張炯在1947年11月3日創建了韓國第一所四年制私立大學―檀國大學。檀國大學的建校理念是「救國、自主、自立」,源於檀君的弘益人間精神,同時也是兩位創建人意志的具體體現,即通過教育建設一個富強的民主的國家。舊檀國大學首爾校園正門懸板,1949年12月26日在首爾中區新堂洞朝鮮專業協和場遷移了教師,用韓國戰爭遷移到釜山之後對 1957年7月12日現在的首爾龍山區漢南洞校園。1958年大學院設置。The foundation of Dankook University was approved on November 1, 1947, its opening taking place at Nakwon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, on November 3. In 1967 the Seok Juseon museum opened based on a donation of over 3,000 items by Seok Ju-Seon. The museum curates and conserves Korean costumes.

《北國之春》歌唱的游子思鄉之情,能在全世界的人包括中國人心中引起共鳴。「思鄉」在《北國之春》中有特定的地理和社會背景。歌詞中的主人公所思念的「北國」,一般而言指的是日本「北陸地方」(新潟、富山、石川、福井四縣)或「東北地方」(福島、宮城、岩手、青森、山形、秋田六縣),也可以包括長野、北海道這些寒冷或多山之地,總之是在東京、京都等大城市以北,日本人心目中的「山地」或「農村」:寒冷、貧窮、閉塞。日本的城市化進程從一百年前的大正時期(一九一二至一九二六)開始,在第二次世界大戰後加速。據夏威夷大學人類學家Christine Yano在《思慕之淚》(Tears of Longing)一書中的統計,二戰前日本尚有百分之六十的人口在農村,一九六一年時降到百分之四十五。康奈爾大學學者Robert Smith在以香川縣某鄉村為研究對象的著作《發展的代價》(Kurusu:The Price of Progress in a Japanese Village, 一九五一至一九七五)中統計,從一九五○年到一九七五年,日本農村人口佔總人口的比例從百分之六十二降為百分之三十;從一九七○年到一九七五年的五年間,務農人口減少了二百五十萬(百分之二十三點六)。農村人大量湧入城市,在霓虹燈下獨自打拚。游子的鄉愁、孤單、別離之情就成為日本大正時期以來流行歌曲的一大主題。《北國之春》在中國受歡迎的另一原因是它的曲調聽起來太「中國」了,據說竟有中國人誤以為它是一首中國歌曲。在我聽來,日本歌曲的曲調可大致分為三種:受中國傳統音樂影響很深的大調五音音階(現代記譜為do, re, mi, so, la),日本特有的小調五音或六音音階(如傳統歌曲《櫻花》、滝廉太郎的《荒城之月》),以及受戰後美國搖滾樂、爵士樂影響的全音階(diatonic)。凡是如《北國之春》一樣以大調五音音階寫出的歌曲,中國人聽起來都會感到親切熟悉。我也曾長期以為蔡琴翻唱的《月光小夜曲》是中國五六十年代的時代曲,後來才發現是日本着名作曲家古賀政男的作品。鄧麗君翻唱的不少日本歌曲如《又見炊煙》、《山茶花》、《星月淚痕》聽起來也都很「中國」。中日兩國歷史上交流頻繁,相互學習、影響,以致如今在文化、藝術等諸多方面難分彼此,正是「明月何曾是兩鄉」。《北國之春》的作曲遠藤實是東京人,一九四三年因戰爭疏散到新潟縣;作詞的井出博正是長野縣人,歌唱家千昌夫是岩手縣出身,後成為遠藤實的學生。詞、曲、唱三者都與「北國」有淵源,所以歌曲中無論景物描寫還是思鄉之情都不是虛擬架空的。一九七八年《中日和平友好條約》簽訂,中日關係進入蜜月期。一九七九年《北國之春》在日本大紅大紫,幾度在紅白歌會的舞台上演唱,於同年底被不失時機地介紹到中國。中國的城市化進程恰在此時開始加速,《北國之春》於是以中國人熟悉的曲調、中國人能感同身受的歌詞,在中國家喻戶曉。

The Ainu or the Aynu (Ainu アィヌ Aynu; Japanese: アイヌ Ainu; Russian: АйныAjny), in the historical Japanese textsEzo/Emishi/Ebisu (蝦夷) or Ainu (アイヌ) are an indigenous people of Japan (Hokkaido, and formerly northeasternHonshu) and Russia (Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and formerly the KamchatkaPeninsula). Many Ainu today have completely assimilated into Japanese identity. Official numbers of Ainu is 25,000 but unofficially 200,000, due to the fact that many Ainu had completely assimilated into Japanese identity or have no knowledge of their ancestry.

  • Ebisu (恵比須, 恵比寿, 夷, 戎?), also transliterated Yebisu (ゑびす?, see historical kana orthography) or called Hiruko (蛭子?) orKotoshiro-nushi-no-kami (事代主神?), is the Japanese god of fishermen and luck. He is one of the Seven Gods of Fortune (七福神Shichifukujin?), and the only one of the seven to originate purely from Japan without any Hindu or Chinese influence.
  • samurai adopted the curved swords of their aboriginal enemies, the emishi, which proved to be better for use on horseback (jonathan clements)
  • ainu museum - note the 波羅多哥但 statue 
  • 波羅多哥但之夜是最能表現出愛努文化特徵、亦是可以讓旅客體驗愛努民族傳統的特別節目,在嚴肅隆重的氣氛下由愛努民族舉辦祈禱、唱歌、跳舞、試吃等各項活動。在寧靜的夜晚裡燈火照亮整個波羅多哥但(愛努民族博物館的俗稱),把你帶進夢幻世界,愛努民族的傳統住屋“基誰”(愛努語CHISE。以蘆葦草搭建愛努人的原始住屋)裡點燃著篝火和火把迎接客人。走入基誰,可看到地爐起著火。燈光打暗,更是增加了嚴肅的氣氛。「從前,在這個寬廣的北海道有著我們祖先的自由天地」,當司儀開始朗讀愛努詩集時,“EKASHI”(長老)點燃放在地爐的蠟燭,以愛努語靜靜的禱告。愛奴民族通常祭拜火神,節目中也是先祭拜火神,然後在依序祭拜其他神明。緊接著祈禱,開始了歌舞節目。舞者身辦著民族衣裝,華麗的展現了弓舞、 仙鶴舞、劍舞、送熊魂舞等多種傳統舞蹈。除了北海道的白老地區,表演者也身穿著北海道樺太地區服裝,彈著愛奴民族樂器統口利(五弦琴)唱歌。
  • 明年4月24日,Upopoy(愛努語中的「大家一起歌唱」)民族共生象徵空間將於北海道白老町開幕。裡面的主要設施包括日本首個以原住民愛努民族為主題的國立博物館,向大家介紹愛努民族的歷史和悠久的文化。
  • language
  •  早來町(日語:早来町早來町はやきたちょう Hayakita chō */?)為過去位於北海道膽振支廳東部的行政區劃,位於勇拂平原外圍的丘陵地上,轄區中央有安平川通過。已於2006年3月27日與追分町合併為新設置的安平町名稱源自阿伊努語的「sak-ru-pes-pe」(夏天穿越河道的道路)或「sak-ru」(夏天的道路),取與「サク・ル」讀音類似的「早来」(サックル)作為地名,後來讀音變為「はやきた[1]
  • 為紀念國際天文學聯合會成立一百周年,日本國立天文台周二公布,以原居民語言為距離地球四百一十光年的一顆太陽系外恒星和其行星命名,分別為「Kamui」和「Chura」。「Kamui」在阿伊努語中意指神所在的物體或場所,「Chura」在沖繩琉球語意指美麗。
  • song
  • *********ピリカの歌
  • dance
  • , 「upopo」是女人圍成一圈坐著,一邊把漆器的蓋子當作鼓打拍子一邊唱歌。這個是有表演開始的時候把氣氛熱鬧起來的作用。「rimse」是唱歌和跳舞一起的。原來是發出大聲音的意思。來源於村子里發生意外的事時為把魔鬼趕走而搞的踏舞遊行的活動。 比如,在「iyomante」(熊的送靈儀式)的時候,慶祝神的啟程,隨著進行儀式,跳各種舞蹈,到了深夜宴會到達高潮,大家都站起來圍成圈子就開始「iyomanterimse」(熊的送靈舞)。「emushrimse」(劍舞)是一種避邪的舞蹈,也是在儀式中跳的舞。兩個男人面對面,喊著對打劍,有時候打房梁,非常勇壯的舞蹈。「kurimse」(弓箭舞)也是男人的舞蹈。「occhikerimse」(盆舞)是作為宴會時餘興的舞蹈。女人圍成圈子用盆子跳舞,有遊戲性的舞蹈。 其外,還有模仿白鶴,燕,狐狸,兔子,老鼠等動物的動作的舞蹈。

  • russia
  • There are two theories about their origin. The first is the "northern theory" - namely, that they came from the land in the north, later settled by the Mongols and Chinese. The second is that their ancestors are from Polynesia, because the Ainu have many similarities in dress, rituals, religion and tattoos to the inhabitants of Oceania.What is known for sure is that the Ainu were the first native people on the Islands of Japan, although the Japanese themselves have never liked this fact and have tried to hide it. The Japanese had a long-standing feud with the Ainu over territory. The natives predictably lost one battle after another, because they had never had either statehood or an army, and were pushed ever further north from the islands. Even so, back in the Middle Ages, it is believed half of Japan was inhabited by the Ainu."The tragedy of my people is comparable only perhaps to the tragedy of the indigeneous people of North America, the Native Americans," says Alexei Nakamura, head of the Kamchatka Ainu community. However, it is not just Japan that banished the Ainu.In the Russian Empire they were not allowed to call themselves the ‘Ainu’ people, because the Japanese claimed that all the lands inhabited by them were part of Japan. For their part, the Ainu lived both on islands claimed by Japan and on the islands in Russia's possession.At some point, it became shameful and simply dangerous to call oneself an Ainu - many of them assimilated, learned Russian and became Orthodox Christians. Admittedly, the Communists actually saw the Ainu as Japanese - as a result of certain ‘interbreeding’, the Ainu had acquired more Asian features. "And so it happened that in Russia we are Japanese and in Japan we are Russians," says Alexei Nakamura, who has a Russian first name and Japanese surname.Historically, the Ainu had no surnames - they were given them either by the Russians or Japanese, and some later adopted Slavic surnames. Many did so during the time of the Stalin-era political repressions: The NKVD [precursor of the KGB] state security organs denied them Soviet citizenship, and because of their connection with the Japanese, they were accused en masse of espionage, sabotage and collaboration with militarist Japan, and sent to prison camps.
  • china
    • An application by an individual in China to register a trademark using the name of Japan’s indigenous Ainu people has been criticised for being an attempt to profit off their culture.Documents disclosed by the Japan Patent Office showed on Wednesday that an application was lodged to trademark “Ainu” for products such as smartphone cases and computer mouses. The filing was made in March by an individual in Shenzhen, southeastern China.The application was pending as of Tuesday and the JPO only said it will make a decision based on trademark law.Many Ainu claim links to Japan’s prehistoric Jomon culture, known for artefacts including pottery with cord-like patterns. But classic Ainu culture is thought to date from around the 15th to the 19th century. Based on animist traditions, the Ainu culture revolved around nature and earth gods.

The qilin (麒麟) or kirin is a mythical hooved chimerical creature known in Chinese and other East Asian cultures, said to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a sage or illustrious ruler.[1] It is a good omen thought to occasion prosperity or serenity. It is often depicted with what looks like fire all over its body.The earliest references to the qilin are in the 5th century BC Zuo Zhuan.[2][3] The qilin made appearances in a variety of subsequent Chinese works of history and fiction, such as Feng Shen Bang. Emperor Wu of Han apparently captured a live qilin in 122 BC, although Sima Qian was skeptical of this. In legend, the qilin became a stylized representation of the giraffe in the Ming dynasty.[5][6] The identification of the qilin with giraffes began after Zheng He's voyage to East Africa (landing, among other places, in modern-day Somalia). The Ming Dynasty bought giraffes from the Somali merchants along with zebras, incense, and various other exotic animals.[7] Zheng He's fleet brought back two giraffes to Nanjing, and they were referred to as "qilins".[8] The Emperor proclaimed the giraffes magical creatures, whose capture signaled the greatness of his power. The identification between the qilin and the giraffe is supported by some attributes of the qilin, including its vegetarianism and quiet nature. Its reputed ability to "walk on grass without disturbing it" may be related to the giraffe's long, thin legs. Also the qilin is described as having antlers like a deer and scales like a dragon or fish; since the giraffe has horn-like "ossicones" on its head and a tessellated coat pattern that looks like scales it is easy to draw an analogy between the two creatures. The identification of qilin with giraffes has had lasting influence: even today, the same word is used for the mythical animal and the giraffe in both Korean and Japanese.

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