Monday, December 24, 2018

wild animals

The word "elephant" is based on the Latin elephas (genitive elephantis) ("elephant"), which is the Latinised form of the Greek ἐλέφας (elephas) (genitive ἐλέφαντος (elephantos)), probably from a non-Indo-European language, likely Phoenician. It is attested in Mycenaean Greek as e-re-pa (genitive e-re-pa-to) in Linear B syllabic script. As in Mycenaean Greek, Homer used the Greek word to mean ivory, but after the time of Herodotus, it also referred to the animal. The word "elephant" appears in Middle English as olyfaunt (c.1300) and was borrowed from Old French oliphant (12th century). Loxodonta, the generic name for the African elephants, is Greek for "oblique-sided tooth".
In many cultures, elephants represent strength, power, wisdom, longevity, stamina, leadership, sociability, nurturance and loyalty. Several cultural references emphasise the elephant's size and exotic uniqueness. For instance, a "white elephant" is a byword for something expensive, useless, and bizarre. The expression "elephant in the room" refers to an obvious truth that is ignored or otherwise unaddressed. The story of the blind men and an elephant teaches that reality may be viewed by different perspectives.
 names found in the ( தமிழ் நிகண்டு )Nighandu (poetical Lexicon) for elephant
mahout is an elephant rider, trainer, or keeper. Usually, a mahout starts as a boy in the family profession when he is assigned an elephant early in its life. They remain bonded to each other throughout their lives.The word mahout derives from the Hindi words mahaut (महौत) and mahavat (महावत), and originally from the Sanskrit mahamatra (महामात्र). Another term is cornac or kornak, which entered many European languages via Portuguese. This word derives ultimately from the Sanskrit term karināyaka, a compound of karin(elephant) and nayaka (leader). In Tamil, the word used is pahan, which means "elephant keeper", and in Sinhalese kurawanayaka ("stable master"). In Malayalam the word used is paappaanIn Burma, the profession is called oozie; in Thailand kwan-chang (ควาญช้าง); and in Vietnamquản tượng.
- 。在雲南省普洱市就有這麼一所全國首家人象和諧共處 的「防象小學」──納吉小學,校園外,覓食的大象沿着校門口15噸鋼材建成的防象欄緩 緩走過;校園內,傳出朗朗讀書聲。校門外24米的防象欄將象群和校內的160多名學生 隔開來,學校換掉棕櫚樹,改為種植火焰木等大象不喜歡的植物,   普洱市思茅區林草局建設4000畝俗稱 「大象食堂」 的亞洲象 食物園,人為種植大象喜食作物,有玉米、甘蔗等。

- The Barbary lion (Panthera leo leo) is the nominate lion subspecies in North Africa. In Algeria, Egypt, Libya, and Morocco, lions are regionally extinct due to excessive hunting.The last recorded shooting of a wild Barbary lion took place in Morocco, near Tizi n'Tichka in 1942. Small groups of lions may have survived in Algeria until the early 1960s, and in Morocco until the mid-1960s.Barbary lions were described as having greyish tawny coloured fur. Males had very dark and long-haired manes that extended over the shoulder and under the belly. Their elbow tufts were large and the brown tail tuft long.
The Courtyard of the Lions (SpanishPatio de los LeonesArabicبهو السباع‎‎) is the main courtyard of the Nasrid dynasty Palace of the Lions, in the heart of the Alhambra, the Moorish citadel formed by a complex of palaces, gardens and forts in GranadaSpain. It was commissioned by the Nasrid sultan Muhammed V of the Emirate of Granada in Al-Andalus.In the center of the courtyard is the celebrated Fountain of Lions, a magnificent alabaster basin supported by the figures of twelve lions in white marble. The structure of the courtyard, has, as it has been said, a direct influence of the Sevillian Patio de las Doncellas, but its meaning and origins trace their roots to early Islamic gardening, the courtyard divided in four parts, each one of them symbolizing one of the four parts of the world. Each part is irrigated by a water channel that symbolize the four rivers of Paradise.Some research suggests that the 11th century lions of the Lion Fountain come from the house of the Jewish vizier "Yusuf Ibn Nagrela" (1066). It is not known if they were made before his death, and at the time, he was accused of wanting to build a much bigger palace than the king's. They are large for sculptures of animals in Islamic art, but as in other sites of al-Andalus such as the earlier Medina Azahara near Cordoba, that there are multiple animals and that they are shown in a subordinate position, as carrying the bowl of the fountain, helps to dispel any possibility of an idolatrous intention, which was the concern of Muslim clergy. The Pisa Griffin is even larger. An almost exact description of the original fountain is still kept, written by the poet "Ibn Gabirol" (11th century): they represent the 12 tribes of Israel, two of them have a triangle on the forehead, indicating the two chosen tribes:" Judá" and "Leví". The Lions were removed in 2007 for restoration on the premises while the fountain was restored in situ. The lions were put back in place in July 2012 after recovering the traditional water flow system of the Court of the Lions.
Sigiriya or Sinhagiri (Lion Rock SinhaleseසීගිරියTamilசிகிரியா, pronounced see-gi-ri-yə) is an ancient rock fortress located in the northern Matale District near the town of Dambulla in the Central ProvinceSri Lanka. The name refers to a site of historical and archaeological significance that is dominated by a massive column of rock nearly 200 metres (660 ft) high. According to the ancient Sri Lankan chronicle the Culavamsa, this site was selected by King Kasyapa (477 – 495 CE) for his new capital. He built his palace on the top of this rock and decorated its sides with colourful frescoes. On a small plateau about halfway up the side of this rock he built a gateway in the form of an enormous lion. The name of this place is derived from this structure —Sīhāgiri, the Lion Rock. The capital and the royal palace was abandoned after the king's death. It was used as a Buddhist monastery until the 14th century.
- singapore is also known as lion city

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, most recognizable for its pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lionleopardjaguar and snow leopard. It is an apex predator, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. It is territorial and generally a solitary but social predator, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support its prey requirements. 
The tiger is among the most recognisable and popular of the world's charismatic megafauna. It featured prominently in ancient mythology and folklore and continues to be depicted in modern films and literature, appearing on many flagscoats of arms and as mascots for sporting teams. The tiger is the national animal of IndiaBangladeshMalaysia and South Korea.
The Middle English tigre and Old English tigras (plural) derive from Old French tigre, from Latin tigris. This was a borrowing of Classical Greek τίγρις (transliterated as tigris, the modern species name), a foreign borrowing of unknown orgin meaning "tiger" as well as the river Tigris. The original source may have been Persian tigra (pointed or sharp), and Avestan tigrhi(arrow), perhaps referring to the speed of the tiger's leap, although these words are not known to have any meanings associated with tigers. The genus name Panthera is traceable to Old French pantère, from Latin panthera, from Ancient Greek panther, most likely with the original meaning "yellowish animal", or from pandarahmeaning "whitish-yellow", possibly related to Sanskrit pundarikas (tiger). The derivation from Greek pan- ("all") and ther ("beast") is likely incorrect folk etymology.
In Buddhism, the tiger is one of the Three Senseless Creatures, symbolising anger, with the monkey representing greed and the deer lovesickness. The Tungusic peoples considered the Siberian tiger a near-deity and often referred to it as "Grandfather" or "Old man". The Udege and Nanai called it "Amba". The Manchu considered the Siberian tiger as "Hu Lin," the king. In Hinduism, the god Shiva wears and sits on tiger skin [added by me - shiva also bears the name vyaghranatheshvara(lord of the tiger) because he once had slain a demon who had taken the form of a tiger]. The ten-armed warrior goddess Durgarides the tigress (or lioness) Damon into battle. In southern India the god Ayyappan was associated with a tiger. The weretiger replaces the werewolf in shapeshifting folklore in Asia; in India they were evil sorcerers, while in Indonesia and Malaysia they were somewhat more benign.[194] In the Hindu epic Mahabharata, tigers are fiercer and more ruthless than lions.
- in northern bengal the tiger god was worshipped by both hindus and muslims
- note the Tigre Terrassant un Crocodile statue in paris, tiger named clemenceau on champs elysees??

The Indochinese tiger is a population of Panthera tigris tigris native to Southeast Asia. This population occurs in MyanmarThailandLaosVietnamCambodia and southwestern ChinaThe Indochinese tiger's skull is smaller than that of the Bengal tiger; the ground colouration is darker with more rather short and narrow single stripes.[3][6] In body size, it is smaller than Bengal and Siberian tigers

The Persian leopard, also known as the Caucasian leopard is a leopard population in the CaucasusIranAfghanistan and Central Asia. The Persian leopard was previously considered a distinct subspeciesPanthera pardus saxicolor or Panthera pardus ciscaucasica, but is now assigned to the subspecies Panthera pardus tulliana, which also includes the Anatolian leopard in Turkey.
- 葡萄牙首都里斯本一個動物園上周五,有三隻罕見的波斯豹幼崽華麗亮相。這幾隻五月出世的新生寶寶是動物園七年以來,第一次出生的波斯豹幼崽,同時亦象徵歐洲瀕危物種保育計劃再向前邁進一步,有望未來將波斯豹重新引入俄羅斯高加索地區。

花豹(Panthera pardus):是哺乳纲、猫科、豹属的大型肉食性动物,体长100-150厘米,体重50-100千克。体形似,但明显较小;躯体均匀,四肢中长,趾行性。视、听、嗅觉均很发达。头小尾长,四肢短健,前足5趾,后足4趾,爪灰白色,能伸缩。毛被黄色,满布黑色环斑;头部的斑点小而密,背部的斑点密而较大,斑点呈圆形或椭圆形的梅花状图案,又颇似古代的铜钱,所以又有“金钱豹”之称。
- 浙江杭州野生動物世界3隻未成年金錢豹日前逃脫,園方竟瞞報至少一周,即使當地有市民在山上發現豹蹤,園方仍堅持否認,直至前日有金錢豹出現在富陽區金苑山莊,並被閉路電視拍下後,園方昨才承認事件並公開致歉。當地警方展開大規模搜索,僅能尋回其中兩隻,最後一隻金錢豹仍下落不明,令當地人心惶惶。

猞猁The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is a medium-sized wild cat occurring from Northern, Central and Eastern Europe to Central Asia and Siberia, the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas. 
- china

  • eating lynx

截尾貓別名美國大山貓   The bobcat (Lynx rufus), also known as the red lynx, is a medium-sized cat native to North America from southern Canada, most of the contiguous United States to Oaxaca in Mexico

藪貓The serval (Leptailurus serval/ˈsɜːrvəl/ is a wild cat native to Africa. The name Leptailurus may have been constructed from the medieval Greek λεπταλέος or λεπτός meaning "fine, delicate".[14] The name "serval" could have been derived from the Medieval Latin words Lupus cervalis ("deer-like wolf") or from its Portuguese equivalent lobo-cerval (referring to the Iberian lynx). The first recorded use of this name dates back to 1771. Another name for the serval is "tierboskat",[16]Afrikaans for tiger-forest-cat.The association of servals with human beings dates to the time of Ancient Egypt. Servals are depicted as gifts or traded objects from Nubia in Egyptian art. Like many other species of felid, servals are occasionally kept as pets, although their wild nature means that ownership of servals is regulated in most countries.

 獰貓 The caracal /ˈkærəkæl/ (Caracal caracal) is a medium-sized wild cat native to Africa, the Middle EastCentral Asia, and India. It is characterised by a robust build, long legs, a short face, long tufted ears, and long canine teeth.Felis caracal was the scientific name used by Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber in 1776 who described a cheetah skin from the Cape of Good Hope. In 1843, British zoologist John Edward Gray placed it in the genus Caracal.The name 'caracal' is composed of two Turkic words: 'kara', meaning black, and 'kulak', meaning ear. The first recorded use of this name dates back to 1760. An alternative name for the caracal is Persian lynx. The 'lynx' of the Greeks and Romans was most probably the caracal and the name 'lynx' is sometimes still applied to it, but the present-day lynx proper is a separate species.
Chinese emperors used caracals as gifts. In the 13th and the 14th centuries, Yuan dynasty rulers bought numerous caracals, cheetahs, and tigers from Muslim merchants in the western parts of the empire in return for gold, silver, cash, and silk. According to the Ming Shilu, the subsequent Ming dynasty continued this practice. Until as recently as the 20th century, the caracal was used in hunts by Indian rulers to hunt small game, while the cheetah was used for larger game. In those times, caracals were exposed to a flock of pigeons and people would bet on which caracal would kill the largest number of pigeons. This probably gave rise to the expression "to put the cat among the pigeons". The caracal appears to have been religiously significant in the Egyptian culture, as it occurs in paintings and as bronze figurines; sculptures were believed to guard the tombs of pharaohs. Embalmed caracals have also been discovered. Its pelt was used for making fur coats.

荒漠貓Felis bieti,又稱漠貓草猞猁中國山貓2007年的一項遺傳學分析研究顯示,荒漠貓可能是斑貓Felis silvestris,又稱野貓)亞種,臨時稱Felis silvestris bieti。2017年,F. bieti被認定為有效物種名,因為荒漠貓的形態有特殊之處。The Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti), also known as Chinese desert cat and Chinese steppe cat, is a small wild cat endemic to western China.It is whitish on the belly, and its legs and tail bear black rings. The tip of the tail is black.
- 青海省野生動物救護繁育中心西寧野生動物園周三表示,該園去年10月19日在青海海北藏族自治州門源縣救助的荒漠貓,成為全球唯一一隻人工圈養的個體,牠目前健康狀況良好。

Les gnous The wildebeest (/ˈwɪldɪbst/ WIL-dih-beest, /ˈvɪl-/ VIL-, plural wildebeest or wildebeests), also called the gnu (/nj/ NEW or /n/ NOO), is an antelope in the genus Connochaetes. It belongs to the family Bovidae, which includes antelopes, cattle, goats, sheep, and other even-toed horned ungulatesConnochaetes includes two species, both native to Africa: the black wildebeest or white-tailed gnu (C. gnou), and the blue wildebeest or brindled gnu (C. taurinus).Wildebeest is Dutch for "wild beast" or "wild cattle" in Afrikaans (bees "cattle"), while Connochaetes derives from the Greek words κόννοςkónnos, "beard", and χαίτηkhaítē, "flowing hair", "mane". Some sources claim the name "gnu" originates from the Khoikhoi name for these animals, t'gnu.[10] Others contend the name and its pronunciation in English go back to the word !nu: used for the black wildebeest by the San people.牛羚Connochaetes),也叫角馬,是一种生活在非洲草原上的大型羚羊角马属有两种,白尾牛羚斑纹牛羚
 The wild boar (Sus scrofa), also known as the wild swine or Eurasian wild pig, is a suid native to much of EurasiaNorth Africa, and the Greater Sunda IslandsAs true wild boars became extinct in Britain before the development of modern English, the same terms are often used for both true wild boar and pigs, especially large or semiwild ones. The English 'boar' stems from the Old English bar, which is thought to be derived from the West Germanic *bairaz, of unknown origin. Boar is sometimes used specifically to refer to males, and may also be used to refer to male domesticated pigs, especially breeding males that have not been castrated. 'Sow', the traditional name for a female, again comes from Old English and Germanic; it stems from Proto-Indo-European, and is related to the Latin sus and Greek hus and more closely to the modern German Sau. The young may be called 'piglets'. The animals' specific name scrofa is Latin for 'sow'.
The wild boar features prominently in the cultures of Indo-European people, many of which saw the animal as embodying warrior virtues. Cultures throughout Europe and Asia Minor saw the killing of a boar as proof of one's valor and strength. Neolithic hunter gatherers depicted reliefs of ferocious wild boars on their temple pillars at Göbekli Tepe some 11,600 years ago. Virtually all heroes in Greek mythology fight or kill a boar at one point. The demigod Heraklesthird labour involves the capture of the Erymanthian BoarTheseus slays the wild sow Phaea, and a disguised Odysseus is recognised by his handmaiden Eurycleia by the scars inflicted on him by a boar during a hunt in his youth. To the mythical Hyperboreans, the boar represented spiritual authority. Several Greek myths use the boar as a symbol of darkness, death and winter. The boar as a warrior also appears in ScandinavianGermanic and Anglo-Saxon culture, with its image having been frequently engraved on helmets, shields and swords. According to Tacitus, the Baltic Aesti featured boars on their helmets, and may have also worn boar masks (see for example the Guilden Morden boar). The boar and pig were held in particularly high esteem by the Celts, who considered them to be their most important sacred animal. Some Celtic deities linked to boars include Moccus and Veteris. It has been suggested that some early myths surrounding the Welsh hero Culhwch involved the character being the son of a boar god. Nevertheless, the importance of the boar as a culinary item among Celtic tribes may have been exaggerated in popular culture by the Asterix series, as wild boar bones are rare among Celtic archaeological sites, and the few that occur show no signs of butchery, having probably been used in sacrificial rituals. The boar also appears in Vedic mythology. A story present in the Brāhmaṇas has Indra slaying an avaricious boar, who has stolen the treasure of the asuras, then giving its carcass to Vishnu, who offered it as a sacrifice to the gods. In the story's retelling in the Charaka Samhita, the boar is described as a form of Prajāpti, and is credited with having raised the earth from the primeval waters. In the Rāmāyaṇa and the Purāṇas, the same boar is portrayed as an avatar of Vishnu.In Japanese culture, the boar is widely seen as a fearsome and reckless animal, to the point that several words and expressions in Japanesereferring to recklessness include references to boars. The boar is the last animal of the oriental zodiac, with people born during the year of the Pig being said to embody the boar-like traits of determination and impetuosity. Among Japanese hunters, the boar's courage and defiance is a source of admiration, and it is not uncommon for hunters and mountain people to name their sons after the animal inoshishi (猪). Boars are also seen as symbols of fertility and prosperity; in some regions, it is thought that boars are drawn to fields owned by families including pregnant women, and hunters with pregnant wives are thought to have greater chances of success when boarhunting. The animal's link to prosperity was illustrated by its inclusion on the ¥10 note during the Meiji period, and it was once believed that a man could become wealthy by keeping a clump of boar hair in his wallet. In the folklore of the Mongol Altai Uriankhai tribe, the wild boar was associated with the watery underworld, as it was thought that the spirits of the dead entered the animal's head, to be ultimately transported to the water. Prior to the conversion to Islam, the Kyrgyz people believed that they were descended from boars, and thus did not eat pork. In Buryat mythology, the forefathers of the Buryats descended from heaven and were nourished by a boar.[80] In China, the boar is the emblem of the Miao people. The boar (sanglier) is frequently displayed in English, Scottish and Welsh heraldry. As with the lion, the boar is often shown as armed and langued. As with the bear, Scottish and Welsh heraldry displays the boar's head with the neck cropped, unlike the English version, which retains the neck. The white boar served as the badge of King Richard III of England, who distributed it among his northern retainers during his tenure as Duke of Gloucester.
- [goddard] sukara-maddava is the word used for flesh of wild boar and it was served to gautama buddha before his death.
- male pig - boar; female pig - gilt (if no piglet); sow (has piglet); baby pig - piglet

The common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a wild member of the pig family (Suidae) found in grassland, savanna, and woodland in sub-Saharan Africa.
-澳洲考古學家周三宣布,在印尼蘇拉威西島Leang Tedongnge洞穴發現的一幅疣豬壁畫,可追溯至最少4.55萬年前的冰河時期,相信是現存最古老的動物世界畫像。同一團隊前年在同一區域,發現一幅距今4.39萬年的集體狩獵水牛壁畫。

tapir (/ˈtpər/ TAY-pər/ˈtpɪər/ TAY-peer or /təˈpɪər/ tə-PEER/ˈtpər/ TAY-pee-ər) is a large, herbivorous mammal, similar in shape to a pig, with a short, prehensile nose trunk. Tapirs inhabit jungle and forest regions of South AmericaCentral America, and Southeast Asia. The five extant species of tapirs, all of the family Tapiridae and the genus Tapirus, are the Brazilian tapir, the Malayan tapir, the Baird's tapir, the kabomani tapir and the mountain tapir(另有一寫為「」),奇蹄目貘科貘屬Tapirus)動物。體型像,但略大,鼻子圓長,可自由伸縮,尾短皮厚,毛少且長,前肢四趾,後肢三趾,善於游泳。現存的貘屬動物可分為山貘中美貘南美貘卡波馬尼貘馬來貘5種,前4種都分佈在美洲,只有馬來貘一種分佈於東南亞。貘也是南美洲現存體形最大的陸生哺乳動物《說文》:「貘,似熊而黃黑色,出蜀中。」《爾雅·釋獸》:「貘,白豹。」郭璞註:「似熊,小頭庳腳,黑白駁,能舐食銅鐵及竹節。」所述似大熊貓,從現存貘類體色來看,應為馬來貘。(釋義出自《王力古漢語字典》)
- economist 9feb2020 "back from the dead" efforts to reintroduce species to their native habitats are spreading
-The South American tapir (Tapirus terrestris), also commonly called the Brazilian tapir (from the Tupi tapi'ira), the Amazonian tapir, the maned tapir, the lowland tapir, in Portuguese anta, and in mixed Quechua and Spanish sachavaca (literally "bushcow"), is one of the four widely recognized species in the tapir family, along with the mountain tapir, the Malayan tapir, and Baird's tapir.[2] It is the largest surviving native terrestrial mammal in the Amazon.
  • 浙江省杭州野生動物世界的南美貘「美美」歷經13月零11天的漫長孕期,近日順利誕下第二胎(下稱「貘寶」)。貘寶出生後4小時已蹣跚學步,身上皮膚現罕有斑紋,園方介紹斑紋可在叢林中形成保護色,能一定程度上避免捕食者襲擊。料斑紋會隨着成長慢慢褪去,直至半歲以後。
- arts and crafts
  • 青銅犧尊wine vessels in shape of a tapir in eastern zhou dynasty

The babirusas, also called deer-pigs (Indonesianbabirusa) are a genusBabyrousa, in the swine family found in Wallacea, or specifically the Indonesian islands of SulawesiTogianSula and Buru.All members of this genus were considered part of a single species until 2002, the babirusa, B. babyrussa, but following that, was split into several species. This scientific name is restricted to the Buru babirusa from Buru and Sula, whereas the best-known species, the north Sulawesi babirusa, is named B. celebensis. The remarkable "prehistoric" appearance of these mammals is largely due to the prominent upwards incurving canine tusks of the males, which actually pierce the flesh in the snout.
- 英國倫敦動物園上周四迎來一對新住客,就是被稱為「全球最醜樣豬」的鹿豚(babirusa)

- difference with cows - [philippines folktale baka the cow and kalabaw the water buffalo] cows' skins seem baggy and too big for them, and water buffaloes' dark hide fit snugly. 

African buffalo or Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is a large Sub-Saharan African bovineSyncerus caffer caffer, the Cape buffalo, is the typical subspecies, and the largest one, found in Southern and East Africa. S. c. nanus (African forest buffalo) is the smallest subspecies, common in forest areas of Central and West Africa, whileS. c. brachyceros is in West Africa and S. c. aequinoctialis is in the savannas of East Africa. The adult buffalo's horns are its characteristic feature: they have fused bases, forming a continuous bone shield across the top of the head referred to as a "boss". They are widely regarded as among the most dangerous animals on the African continent, and according to some estimates they gore, trample, and kill over 200 people every year. The African buffalo is not an ancestor of domestic cattle and is only distantly related to other larger bovines. Its unpredictable temperament means that the African buffalo has never been domesticated, unlike its Asian counterpart, the water buffalo. African Cape buffaloes have few predators aside from lions and large crocodiles. As a member of the big five game, the Cape buffalo is a sought-after trophy in hunting.

The carabao (Filipinokalabaw) is a domestic swamp-type water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) native to the Philippines. Despite the popular notion that this bovine has been declared as the national animal of the Philippines, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts of the Philippines has stated that this is not the case as it has no basis in Philippine law.Carabaos were also introduced to Guam from the Philippines in the 17th century. They have also acquired great cultural significance to native Chamorro and is considered as the unofficial national animal of Guam. In Malaysia, carabaos (known as kerbau in Malay) are also the official animal of the state of Negeri Sembilan.

 民都洛水牛Bubalus mindorensis),又名塔摩洛水牛菲律賓水牛棉蘭老水牛明多羅水牛 The tamaraw or Mindoro dwarf buffalo (Bubalus mindorensis) is a small hoofed mammal belonging to the family Bovidae.[3] It is endemic to the island of Mindoro in the Philippines, and is the only endemic Philippine bovine. It is believed, however, to have once also thrived on the larger island of Luzon. The tamaraw was originally found all over Mindoro, from sea level up to the mountains (2000 meters above sea level), but because of human habitation, hunting, and logging, it is now restricted to only a few remote grassy plains and is now a critically endangered species.

The aurochs (/ˈɔːrɒks/ or /ˈaʊrɒks/; pl. aurochs, or rarely aurochsen, aurochses), also known as urus or ure (Bos primigenius), is an extinct species of large wild cattle that inhabited Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is the ancestor of domestic cattle; it has also been suggested as an ancestor genetically to the modern European bison, which have been crossbred with steppe bison.The species survived in Europe until 1627, when the last recorded aurochs died in the Jaktorów Forest, Poland. During the Neolithic Revolution, which occurred during the early Holocene, at least two aurochs domestication events occurred: one related to the Indian subspecies, leading to zebu cattle, and the other one related to the Eurasian subspecies, leading to taurine cattle. Other species of wild bovines were also domesticated, namely the wild water buffalogaurwild yak and banteng. In modern cattle, numerous breeds share characteristics of the aurochs, such as a dark colour in the bulls with a light eel stripe along the back (the cows being lighter), or a typical aurochs-like horn shape.
- “They survived in the wild in Europe till late in the Roman Empire and in 1847 were believed to be occasionally captured and exhibited in shows (venationes) in Roman amphitheatres such as the colosseum. Aurochs horns were often used by Romans as hunting horns.”
- 肯特郡野生動物信託基金獲人民郵政彩票夢想基金資助,將花費近一百一十三萬英鎊(約一千一百萬港元),於當地開闢一個適合野牛棲息的松樹林。信託基金將會在林中放生來自荷蘭和波蘭的一頭公牛及三頭母牛,期望牠們可自然繁衍,組成野牛群。

- 社交平台Facebook上最近瘋傳一段影片,惟事發時間不詳,片段中兩隻公牛疑在荃灣荃錦公路互相頂撞,起初只在路旁相鬥,其後愈演愈烈,最終兩條行車線均被霸佔,兩牛在路中糾纏。

african watosi
- 美國一間以「歡迎所有戴頸圈寵物」為旗號的寵物產品連鎖店,上周一迎來不速之客。一對夫婦為了測試該店是否「言而有信」,竟拖着一頭重九百公斤的非洲長角牛(African Watusi)入店

驴羚,又譯列羚The lechwe (Kobus leche), red lechwe or southern lechwe, is an antelope found in wetlands of south central Africa.

马羚The roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) is a savanna antelope found in West, Central, and Southern Africa. It is the namesake of the Chevaline project, whose name was taken from the French Antilope Chevaline.

狷羚The hartebeest (/ˈhɑːrtəˌbiːst/; Alcelaphus buselaphus), also known as kongoni, is an African antelope.

The common tsessebe or sassaby  is one of six subspecies of African antelope Damaliscus lunatus of the genus Damaliscus and subfamily Alcelaphinae in the family Bovidae.   轉角牛羚,又稱南非大羚羊或黑面狷羚,是一種生活在蘇丹、乍得、坦桑尼亞及南非大草原及氾濫平原的狷羚。

白纹牛羚The bontebok is a subspecies of Damaliscus pygargus, an antelope found in South AfricaLesotho and Namibia

blesbok  or blesbuck (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi) is an antelope endemic to South Africa and Eswatini.
- Linh dương mặt trắng 
- no chinese wiki, looks like a horse

The kudus are two species of antelope of the genus TragelaphusLesser kuduTragelaphus imberbis, of eastern Africa; Greater kuduTragelaphus strepsiceros, of eastern and southern Africa

- Linh dương vằn Kudu in viet

- no chinese wiki

The common eland (Taurotragus oryx), also known as the southern eland or eland antelope, is a savannah and plains antelope found in East and Southern Africa. 伊蘭羚羊,又名巨羚、大羚羊

gazelle is any of many antelope species in the genus Gazella or formerly considered to belong to it.Gazelles are rather small antelopes, most standing 60–110 cm high at the shoulder, and are generally fawn-colored. The gazelle genera are Gazella, Eudorcas, and Nanger. The taxonomy of these genera is a confused one, and the classification of species and subspecies has been an unsettled issue. Currently, the genus Gazella is widely considered to contain about 10 species. Four further species are extinct: the red gazelle, the Arabian gazelle, the Queen of Sheba's gazelle, and the Saudi gazelle. Most surviving gazelle species are considered threatened to varying degrees. Closely related to the true gazelles are the Tibetan and Mongolian gazelles (species of the genus Procapra), the blackbuck of Asia, and the African springbok.One widely familiar gazelle is the African species Thomson's gazelle (Eudorcas thomsoni), which is around 60 to 80 cm (24 to 31 in) in height at the shoulder and is coloured brown and white with a distinguishing black stripe. The males have long, often curved, horns. Like many other prey species, Tommies and springboks (as they are familiarly called) exhibit a distinctive behaviour of stotting (running and jumping high before fleeing) when they are threatened by predators, such as cheetahs.
Gazelle is derived from the Arabic name غزال ġazāl. The first Romance language to adopt it was Middle French, and the word entered the English language around 1600 from French. The Arab people traditionally hunted the gazelle. Appreciated for its grace, it is a symbol most commonly associated in Arabic literature with female beauty.
The goitered or black-tailed gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) is a gazelle found in GeorgiaAzerbaijanIran, parts of Iraq and PakistanAfghanistanTajikistanKyrgyzstanUzbekistanTurkmenistanKazakhstan and in northwest China and Mongolia. The specific name, meaning "full below the throat", refers to the male having an enlargement of the neck and throat during the mating season.

  • 甘肅祁連山林區男子劉×軍早前闖入民勤連古城國家級自然保護區,捕獲兩隻國家二級保護野生動物鵝喉羚後,高價出售予一名蘇姓男子。案件近日在法院一審開庭宣判,劉男被判處有期徒刑三年,罰款四千元(人民幣‧下同,約四千四百港元)、賠償國家野生動物資源損失三萬元(約三萬四千港元),並在市級以上媒體公開道歉。 population of Przewalski's gazelle, an endangered species found only around a lake in northwest China's Qinghai Province, has recovered to 2,010.
- china daily 3dec19 picture of gazelles in ha'erten grasslands, jiuquan, gansu

The springbok (/ˈsprɪŋˌbɒk/Antidorcas marsupialis) is a medium-sized antelope found mainly in southern and southwestern Africa.
- narional animal of south africa

The waterbuck is a large antelope found widely in sub-Saharan Africa. It is placed in the genus Kobus of the family Bovidae. It was first described by Irish naturalist William Ogilby in 1833. The thirteen subspecies are grouped under two varieties: the common or Ellisprymnus waterbuck and the Defassa waterbuck. 
- sightings - botswana chobe national park (

The lowland nyala or simply nyala (Tragelaphus angasii), is a spiral-horned antelope native to southern Africa. It is a species of the family Bovidae and genus Nyala, also considered to be in the genus Tragelaphus. It was first described in 1849 by George French AngasThe nyala's range includes MalawiMozambiqueSouth AfricaSwazilandZambia, and Zimbabwe. It has been introduced to Botswana and Namibia, and reintroduced to Swaziland, where it had been extinct since the 1950s.

The elk, or wapiti (Cervus canadensis), is one of the largest species within the deer family, Cervidae, in the world, and one of the largest land mammals in North America and Eastern Asia. This animal should not be confused with the still larger moose (Alces alces) to which the name "elk" applies in British English and in reference to populations in Eurasia. Apart from the moose, the only other member of the deer family to rival the elk in size is the south Asian sambar (Rusa unicolor).
Pictograms and petroglyphs of elk were carved into cliffs thousands of years ago by the Anasazi of the southwestern U.S. More recent Native American tribes, including the KootenaiCreeBlackfeetOjibwa and Pawnee, produced blankets and robes from elk hides. The elk was of particular importance to the Lakota, and played a spiritual role in their society.The Rocky Mountain elk is the official state animal for Utah. An image of an elk and a moose appear on the state seal and flag of Michigan.青海省玉樹藏族自治州囊謙縣政府宣 布該縣生態管護員在巡山途中發現並拍攝 到四隻白色馬鹿
- elk-shaped gold filigree box

The Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak), also called red muntjac and barking deer, is a common muntjac deer species in South and Southeast Asia. The Indian muntjac is among the most widespread but least known of all mammals in South Asia. It is found in Bangladesh, southern China, northeastern IndiaSri LankaNepalPakistanCambodiaVietnam, the Malay Peninsula, the Riau ArchipelagoSumatraBangka IslandBelitungJavaBali, and Borneo. This species is most densely located in Southeast Asia.The Indian muntjac is called "barking deer" due to the bark-like sound that it makes as an alarm when danger is present. It is also called "Kakar". Sometimes these deer will bark for an hour or more.
-疑遭動物襲擊 赤麂伏屍山徑
- china daily 8nov19 found in shennongjia national reserve

Le Cerf axis (Axis axisThe chital (/ɪtl/) or cheetal (Axis axis), also known as spotted deer or axis deer, is a species of deer that is native in the Indian subcontinentThe scientific name of the chital is Axis axis. "Axis" has several possible origins: the Greek axōn, the Lithuanian ašis, or the Sanskritakṣaḥ. The vernacular name chital /ˈtəl/ is derived from the Hindi cītal or from the Sanskrit citrala, both of which mean "variegated", in reference to the spotted coat of the deer. Another possible origin is from the Sanskrit citra which means "bright" or "spotted".[5] The name of the cheetah has a similar origin. Other names for the chital are cheetal, cheetul,[5] Indian spotted deer or simply the spotted deer, and axis deer.
- ****??????In the 1860s, axis deer were introduced to the island of MolokaiHawaii, as a gift from Hong Kong to King Kamehameha V. The deer were introduced to Lanai, another of the Hawaiian Islands, soon afterward and are now plentiful on both islands. 

 梅花鹿 The sika deer (Cervus nippon) also known as the spotted deer or the Japanese deer, is a species of deer native to much of East Asia, and introduced to various other parts of the world. Previously found from northern Vietnam in the south to the Russian Far East in the north, it is now uncommon in these areas, excluding Japan, where the species is overabundant.ts name comes from shika (鹿), the Japanese word for "deer". In Japan, the species is known as the nihonjika (ニホンジカ(日本鹿), "Japan deer").
- [marchance 2019 auction catalogue] called 斑龙by ancient chinese, believed to be able to live 500 years (therefore also called 长生鹿, skin will then turn to white). According to 尚书, 周穆王 started a war to obtain the animal

麋鹿Elaphurus davidianus)是一種鹿科麋鹿屬的動物,中國古代稱之為zhǔ,別稱四不像  The Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus), also known as the milu  or elaphure, is a species of deer that went extinct in the wild, but has been reintroduced in some areas. The milu is native to the river valleys of China, where it prefers wetland habitats. It grazes mainly on grass and aquatic plants. It is the only extant member of the genus Elaphurus. Based on genetic comparisons, Père David's deer is closely related to the deer of the genus Cervus, leading many experts to suggest merging Elaphurus into Cervus, or demoting Elaphurus to a subgenus of Cervus.The Père David's deer is endemic to the Chinese region. According to fossil records, the species first appeared during the Pleistocene period, when it could be found anywhere in the Manchuria.[4] This demography changed during the Holocene period; during this time, the species could only be found in the swamp lands and wetlands of southern China. Due to hunting and land reclamation, the demography of the Père David's deer became even smaller. By 1939, the last of the wild species were shot and killed.This species of deer was first made known to Western science in 1866 by Armand David (Père David), a French missionary working in China. He obtained the carcasses of an adult male, an adult female and a young male, and sent them to Paris, where the species was named Père David's Deer by Alphonse Milne-Edwards, a French biologist.The species is sometimes known by its informal name sibuxiang ( 四不像Japaneseshifuzō), literally meaning "four not alike", which could mean "the four unlikes" or "like none of the four"; it is variously said that the four are cow, deer, donkey, horse (or) camel,By this name, this undomesticated animal entered Chinese mythology as the mount of Jiang Ziya in Fengshen Bang (translated as Investiture of the Gods), a Chinese classical work of fiction written during the Ming Dynasty.
According to Chinese legend, when the tyrant King Zhou of Shang ruled the land more than 3,000 years ago, a horse, a donkey, an ox and a deer went into a cave in the forest to meditate and on the day the King executed his minister Bigan, the animals awoke from their meditation and turned into humans.[22] They entered society, learned of the King's heinous acts and wanted to take recourse against the King, who was powerful.[22] So they transformed themselves into one creature that combined the speed of the horse, the strength of the ox, the donkey's keen sense of direction and the nimble agility of the deer. This new animal then galloped to the Kunlun Mountains to seek the advice of the Primeval Lord of Heaven. The Lord was astonished at the sight of a creature that had antlers of a deer, hooves of an ox, face of a horse and tail of a donkey. "It's unlike any of four creatures!" he exclaimed. Upon learning of the animal's quest, Lord gave his blessing and dispatched the creature to his disciple the sage Jiang Ziya, who was battling the King. Jiang Ziya rode the creature to victory over the King and helped found the Zhou Dynasty. After fulfilling its vow, the milu settled in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The animal became a symbol of good fortune and was sought by later emperors who believed eating the meat of the milu would lead to everlasting life.
- scmp 19sep19 picture of milu deer in eastern jiangsu
- in 懷俄明州黃石國家公園

 坡鹿,又名海南坡鹿   Eld's deer (Panolia eldii), also known as the thamin or brow-antlered deer are generally of medium size and are similar to the size and shape of the barasingha. The species has a very regal and graceful Cervus physique. Its legs are thin and long, and has a long body with a large head on a thin neck. The throat of a male has a thick mane of long hair. Males (stags) are taller and heavier than the females (hinds or does).The species was first described and given its binomial name from specimens obtained in Manipur in India in 1839. 

 Chevrotains, also known as mouse-deer, are small ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, the only extant members of the infraorder Tragulina. The 10 extant species are placed in three genera, but several species also are known only from fossils. The extant species are found in forests in South and Southeast Asia, with a single species in the rainforests of Central and West Africa. They are solitary or live in pairs, and feed almost exclusively on plant material. Chevrotains are the smallest hoofed mammals in the world.Chevrotain is a French word that means "little goat".The single African species is consistently known as "chevrotain". The names "chevrotain" and "mouse-deer" have been used interchangeably among the Asian species, though recent authorities typically have preferred chevrotain for the species in the genus Moschiola and mouse-deer for the species in the genus Tragulus. Consequently, all species with pale-spotted or -striped upper parts are known as "chevrotain" and without are known as "mouse-deer".The Telugu name for the Indian spotted chevrotain is jarini pandi, which literally means "a deer and a pig".[citation needed] In Kannada, it is called barka (ಬರ್ಕ), in Malayalam, it is called khooran, and the Konkani name for it is barinka. The Tamil term is சருகு மான் sarukumāṉ "leaf-pile deer". The Sinhalese name meeminna roughly translates to "mouse-like deer". This was used in the scientific name of the Sri Lankan spotted chevrotainM. meminna.
- malaysia
  • [asian children's favourite stories] kancil (pronounced kan-chill) is the malay name of the lesser mousedeer. A native of southeast asia, it is the world's smallest hoofed mammals. This hornless deer-like animal is often featured as the smartest animal and a quick thinker in malaysian and indonesian folktales
-  一種外形似鹿、體形有如兔子大小的有蹄類動物銀背麝香鹿自二十九年前被獵殺後,失去蹤影至今。正當外界以為銀背麝香鹿絕種之際,研究人員近日在越南拍到其蹤影,已敦促各方採取行動,以免如此珍貴物種消失。有關發現周一(11日)刊登在學術期刊《自然-生態學與進化》內。

,俗稱香獐,在有角下目是現存最原始的,種類少,無角,雄性有發達獠牙。下設一屬麝屬,有七個種,包括原麝林麝黑麝喜馬拉雅麝安徽麝(原被認為是林麝的亞種)白腹麝(也常被稱為喜瑪拉雅麝)和克什米爾麝;另外馬麝喜馬拉雅麝亞種同物異名Moschidae is a family of pecoran even-toed ungulates, characterized by long 'saber teeth' instead of horns, antlers or ossicones, modest size (Moschus only reaches 37 pounds in weight, other taxa were even smaller) and a lack of facial glands. 
- 黑龍江省科學院自然與生態研究所近日在小興安嶺林區,調查、監測東北虎及其獵物種群時,首次在朗鄉保護區發現國家一級重點保護動物野生原麝。研究人員於四月架設四十部紅外線自動監測相機,截至八月已拍攝二千多張動物照片,當中包括原麝。
- [gc pang and h toth] can be found in mongolia
,亦作,又名河麂、牙獐、“水鹿”,被认为是最原始的鹿科动物,原产地在中国东部和朝鲜半岛,其特色为具有獠牙,无鹿角。獐在台灣已滅絕,只存在在遺址中; 中国境内則属于濒危动物,目前主要分布在舟山群岛洪泽湖洞庭湖周边等湿地 The water deer (Hydropotes inermis) is a small deer superficially more similar to a musk deer than a true deer. Native to China and Korea, there are two subspecies: the Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis inermis) and the Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus). Despite its lack of antlers and certain other anatomicalanomalies—including a pair of prominent tusks (downward-pointing canine teeth), it is classified as a cervid. Its unique anatomical characteristics have caused it to be classified in its own genus (Hydropotes) as well as its own subfamily (Hydropotinae). However, studies of mitochondrial control region and cytochrome b DNA sequences placed it near Capreolus within an Old World section of the subfamily Capreolinae. Its prominent tusks (elongated canines), similar to those of musk deer, have led to both being colloquially named vampire deer in English-speaking areas to which they have been imported.
Chinese water deer were first introduced into Great Britain in the 1870s. The animals were kept in the London Zoo until 1896, when Herbrand Russell oversaw their transferral to Woburn AbbeyBedfordshire. More of the animals were imported and added to the herd over the next three decades. In 1929 and 1930, 32 deer were transferred from Woburn to Whipsnade, also in Bedfordshire, and released into the park. 

Oryx is a genus consisting of four large antelope species called oryxes. Three of them are native to arid parts of Africa, and the fourth to the Arabian Peninsula. Their fur is pale with contrasting dark markings in the face and on the legs, and their long horns are almost straight. The exception is the scimitar oryx, which lacks dark markings on the legs, only has faint dark markings on the head, has an ochre neck, and horns that are clearly decurved.
The Arabian oryx or white oryx (Oryx leucoryx) is a medium-sized antelope with a distinct shoulder bump, long, straight horns, and a tufted tail. It is a bovid, and the smallest member of the Oryx genus, native to desert and steppe areas of the Arabian Peninsula

- in flag and coat of arms of Chelyabinsk Oblast, russia

The dromedary (/ˈdrɒmədɛri/ or /-ədri/), also called the Somali camel (Camelus dromedarius), is a large, even-toed ungulate with one hump on its back. It is the tallest of the three species of camelThe common name "dromedary" comes from the Old French dromedaire or the Late Latin dromedarius. These originated from the Greek word dromas, δρομάς (ο, η) (GEN (γενική) dromados, δρομάδος), meaning "running" or "runner", used in Greek in the combination δρομάς κάμηλος (dromas kamelos), literally "running camel", to refer to the dromedary.[2][4] The first recorded use in English of the name "dromedary" occurred in the 14th century.[5] The dromedary possibly originated in Arabia or Somalia and is therefore sometimes referred to as the Arabian or East African camel.[6] The word "camel" generally refers either to the dromedary or the congeneric Bactrian; it may have been derived from the Latin word camelus, the Greek kamēlos,[7] or an old Semitic language such as the Hebrew gāmāl or the Arabic ǧamal.
The dromedary was probably first domesticated in Somalia or the Arabian Peninsula about 4,000 years ago. In the ninth or tenth century BC, the dromedary became popular in the Near East. The Persian invasion of Egypt under Cambyses in 525 BC introduced domesticated camels to the area. The Persian camels were not well-suited to trading or travel over the Sahara; journeys across the desert were made on chariots pulled by horses. The dromedary was introduced into Egypt from south-western Asia (Arabia and Persia). The popularity of dromedaries increased after the Islamic conquest of North Africa. While the invasion was accomplished largely on horseback, new links to the Middle East allowed camels to be imported en masse. These camels were well-suited to long desert journeys and could carry a great deal of cargo, allowing substantial trans-Saharan trade for the first time. In Libya, dromedaries were used for transport and their milk and meat constituted the local diet. Dromedaries were also shipped from south-western Asia to Spain, Italy, Turkey, France, Canary Islands, the Americas and Australia. Dromedaries were introduced into Spain in 1020 AD and to Sicily in 1059 AD. Camels were exported to the Canary Islands in 1405 during the European colonisation of the area, and are still extant there, especially in Lanzarote and to the south of Fuerteventura. Attempts to introduce dromedaries into the Caribbean, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil were made between the 17th and 19th centuries; some were imported to the western United States in the 1850s and some to Namibia in the early 1900s, but presently they exist in small numbers or are absent in these areas.約於前2千年,單峰駱駝逐漸在撒哈拉沙漠地區居住,但是在前900年左右又再次消失於撒哈拉沙漠。牠們大多是被人類捕獵的。後來埃及入侵波斯時,岡比西斯二世把已經被馴養的單峰駱駝傳入波斯地區。被馴養的單峰駱駝在北非被廣泛使用,而直到後來,羅馬帝國仍然使用駱駝隊帶著戰士到沙漠邊緣巡邏。可是波斯駱駝並不適合用來穿越撒哈拉沙漠;這種穿越大沙漠的長途旅行通常是靠戰車達成的。在第4世紀,更強壯和耐久力更強的雙峰駱駝首度傳入非洲。牠們傳入非洲後,開始有愈來愈多的人使用牠們,因為這種駱駝較適合作穿越大沙漠的長途旅行之用,且可以裝運更多更重的貨物。這時,跨撒哈拉貿易終於得以進行。

- south american camelids are grouped into four species: two of them, the vicuna and the guanaco 原駝 remain wild and are protected; whereas the llama and the alpaca have been slowly domesticated during a very long period that took place during 1000 years.  These species are mainly found in the andes, particularly in the meseta del collao near lake titicaca, puno.
- australia

  • Camels were first introduced to Australia in the 1840s to aid in the exploration of the continent’s vast interior, with up to 20,000 imported from India in the six decades that followed.Australia is now thought to have the largest wild camel population in the world, with official estimates suggesting more than one million are roaming the country’s inland deserts.The animals are considered a pest, as they foul water sources and trample native flora while foraging for food over vast distances each day.Traditional owners in the APY Lands have for years mustered and sold feral camels but more recently they have “been unable to manage the scale and number of camels that congregate in dry conditions”, according to the environment department.As a result, “up to 10,000 camels will be destroyed in accordance with the highest standards of animal welfare”, it added.Public broadcaster ABC reported the animals would be killed away from communities and the carcasses burned.
盘羊,古稱,又叫大头羊大角羊  The argali, or the mountain sheep (species Ovis ammon) is a wild sheep that roams the highlands of western East Asia and neighboring regions (HimalayaTibetAltay).The name 'argali' is the Mongolian word for wild sheep. The female, or ewe is the smaller sex by a considerable margin, sometimes weighing less than half as much as the male, or ram

The domestic goat or simply goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) is a subspecies of C. aegagrus domesticated from the wild goat of Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the animal family Bovidae and the goat—antelope subfamily Caprinae, meaning it is closely related to the sheep
The Modern English word goat comes from Old English gāt "she-goat, goat in general", which in turn derives from Proto-Germanic *gaitaz (cf. Dutch/Icelandic geitGerman Geiß, and Gothic gaits), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰaidos meaning "young goat" (cf. Latin haedus"kid"), itself perhaps from a root meaning "jump" (assuming that Old Church Slavonic zajęcǐ "hare", Sanskrit jihīte "he moves" are related).[citation needed] To refer to the male, Old English used bucca (giving modern buck) until ousted by hegotehegoote in the late 12th century. Nanny goat (females) originated in the 18th century and billy goat (for males) in the 19th.
Goats are among the earliest animals domesticated by humans.[5] The most recent genetic analysis confirms the archaeological evidence that the wild Bezoar ibex of the Zagros Mountains is the likely original ancestor of probably all domestic goats today.
The word tragedy is derived from the Ancient Greek word τραγῳδία (tragōidíā), which comes from the combination of the words τράγος (trágos; meaning “male goat”) and ἀοιδός (aoidós; meaning “singer”). The word therefore literally means “works of goat-singers.” The reason why this word was coined was because tragedy developed gradually from choruses in honor of the Greek god Dionysos, who was associated with goats.

cabretta is a leather made from the skins of sheep that grow hair rather than wool, tougher than othersheepskins and used chiefly for gloves and shoes.

大猩猩Gorillas are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forests of central Sub-Saharan Africa. The genus Gorilla is divided into two species: the eastern gorillas and the western gorillas (both critically endangered), and either four or five subspecies. They are the largest living primates. The DNA of gorillas is highly similar to that of humans, from 95 to 99% depending on what is included, and they are the next closest living relatives to humans after the chimpanzees and bonobos.The word "gorilla" comes from the history of Hanno the Navigator, (c. 500 BC) a Carthaginian explorer on an expedition on the west African coast to the area that later became Sierra Leone. Members of the expedition encountered "savage people, the greater part of whom were women, whose bodies were hairy, and whom our interpreters called Gorillae".[4] The word was then later used as the species name, though it is unknown whether what these ancient Carthaginians encountered were truly gorillas, another species of ape or monkeys, or humans. The American physician and missionary Thomas Staughton Savage and naturalist Jeffries Wyman first described the western gorilla (they called it Troglodytes gorilla) in 1847 from specimens obtained in Liberia.[6] The name was derived from Ancient Greek Γόριλλαι (gorillai), meaning 'tribe of hairy women',[7] described by Hanno.

山魈是世界上最大的猴。The mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) is a primate of the Old World monkey (Cercopithecidae) family.[4] It is one of two species assigned to the genus Mandrillus, along with the drill. Both the mandrill and the drill were once classified as baboons in the genus Papio, but they now have their own genusMandrillus.[4] Although they look superficially like baboons, they are more closely related to Cercocebus mangabeys. Mandrills are found in southern CameroonGabonEquatorial Guinea, and Congo

黑面山魈,又名鬼狒狒灰狒狒The drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) is a primate of the family Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys), related to baboons and even more closely to mandrills.Drills are found only in Cross River State in Nigeria, southwestern Cameroon (south to the Sanaga River), and on Bioko Island, part of Equatorial Guinea, in rainforesthabitats. 

-  The Great Ape Project (GAP), founded in 1993, is an international organization of primatologistsanthropologistsethicists, and others who advocate a United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Great Apes that would confer basic legal rights on non-human great apeschimpanzeesbonobosgorillas, and orangutans.The rights suggested are the right to life, the protection of individual liberty, and the prohibition of torture. The organization also monitors individual great ape activity in the United States through a census program.
-  Great ape personhood is a movement to extend personhood and some legal protections to the non-human members of the Hominidae or great ape family: chimpanzeesbonobosgorillas, and orangutans.Advocates include primatologists Jane Goodall and Dawn Prince-Hughes, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, philosophers Paola Cavalieri and Peter Singer, and legal scholar Steven Wise.
  •  On February 28, 2007, the parliament of the Balearic Islands, an autonomous community of Spain, passed the world's first legislation that would effectively grant legal personhood rights to all great apes. The act sent ripples out of the region and across Spain, producing public support for the rights of great apes. On June 25, 2008 a parliamentary committee set forth resolutions urging Spain to grant the primates the rights to life and liberty. If approved "it will ban harmful experiments on apes and make keeping them for circuses, television commercials, or filming illegal under Spain's penal code."These precedents followed years of European legal efforts. In 1992, Switzerland amended its constitution to recognize animals as beings and not things. However, in 1999 the Swiss constitution was completely rewritten. A decade later, Germany guaranteed rights to animals in a 2002 amendment to its constitution, becoming the first European Union member to do so.New Zealand granted strong protections to five great ape species in 1999. Their use is now forbidden in research, testing, or teaching. Some argue that New Zealand's protections amount to a form of weak legal rights. Several European countries (including Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden) completely banned the use of great apes in animal testings. Argentina granted a captive orangutan basic human rights, starting from late 2014.On April 20, 2015, Justice Barbara Jaffe of New York State Supreme Court ordered a writ of habeas corpus to two captive chimpanzees. On April 21, the ruling was amended to strike the words "writ of habeas corpus".
-長臂猿科   Gibbons are apes in the family Hylobatidae. The family historically contained one genus, but now is split into four genera and 18 species. Gibbons live in tropical and subtropical rainforests from eastern Bangladesh and northeast India to southern China and Indonesia (including the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, and Java). Also called the smaller apes or lesser apes, gibbons differ from great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans, and humans) in being smaller, exhibiting low sexual dimorphism, and not making nests. In certain anatomical details, they superficially more closely resemble monkeys than great apes do, but like all apes, gibbons are tailless. Unlike most of the great apes, gibbons frequently form long-term pair bonds. The sinologist Robert van Gulik concluded gibbons were widespread in central and southern China until at least the Song dynasty, and furthermore, based on an analysis of references to primates in Chinese poetry and other literature and their portrayal in Chinese paintings, the Chinese word yuán (猿) referred specifically to gibbons until they were extirpated throughout most of the country due to habitat destruction (circa 14th century). In modern usage, however, yuán is a generic word for ape. Early Chinese writers viewed the "noble" gibbons, gracefully moving high in the treetops, as the "gentlemen" (jūnzǐ, 君子) of the forests, in contrast to the greedy macaques, attracted by human food. The Taoists ascribed occult properties to gibbons, believing them to be able to live for several hundred years and to turn into humans. Gibbon figurines as old as from the fourth to third centuries BCE (the Zhou dynasty) have been found in China. Later on, gibbons became a popular object for Chinese painters, especially during the Song dynasty and early Yuan dynasty, when Yì Yuánjí and Mùqī Fǎcháng excelled in painting these apes. From Chinese cultural influence, the Zen motif of the "gibbon grasping at the reflection of the moon in the water" became popular in Japanese art, as well, though gibbons have never occurred naturally in Japan.

  • 东黑冠长臂猿The eastern black crested gibbon, also known as the Cao-vit black crested gibbon or the Cao-vit crested gibbon, is a species of gibbon from southeast China and northern Vietnam.
  • world's first film on the critically endangered Cao Vit Gibbon. It tells the survival story of this mysterious primate living in limestone forests on the Sino-Vietnamese border, and how two countries partner up to protect this species which has a global population of a mere 120 individuals. Once considered extinct, this species was rediscovered in Trung Khanh County of Cao Bang Province in northern Vietnam in 2002 by Vietnamese experts; and Jingxi City of Guangxi Province in China in 2006, by ecologists of Kadoorie Conservation China Department of KFBG. To create a safe haven for the species, Vietnam established Trung Khanh Species and Habitat Conservation Area in 2006, while China established a provincial nature reserve in 2009 and upgraded it to a national reserve in 2013. 
  • scmp 13jul2020 hainan gibbons "hanging in the blue"
- 「不願聽、不願講 、不願見」最能表現出這種思想的符號,莫 過於三不猴。三不猴流傳於亞洲地區,以 中國和日本最為流行,不但出現於小擺設 上,甚至可以在建築物上看到三不猴的裝 飾。顧名思義,三不猴就是三隻馬騮,一 隻用手遮眼、一隻用手掩口、一隻則用手 蓋耳,他們究竟出自何處,眾說紛紜,有 人說是日本的學派,也有說源於孔子的學 說,但無論如何,這三隻猴子都代表着亞 洲人,意味着東亞地區人民崇尚着道德優 先,對自身情感一般都加以抑壓的價值 觀。

仰鼻猴屬Snub-nosed monkeys are a group of Old World monkeys and make up the entirety of the genus Rhinopithecus. The genus is rare and not fully researched. Some taxonomists group snub-nosed monkeys together with the genus Pygathrix.Snub-nosed monkeys live in Asia, with a range covering southern China (especially Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou) extending into the northern parts of Myanmar and Vietnam.These monkeys are named for the short stump of a nose on their round faces, with nostrils arranged forward. They have relatively multicolored and long fur, particularly at the shoulders and backs. They grow to a length of 51–83 cm (20–33 in) with a tail of 55–97 cm (22–38 in).
一九九二年,拜讀生物學家及 人類學家劉民壯教授專著《中國神 農架》(文匯出版社)。除了有關 追尋野人和白化動物等之外,也有 章節述及神農架的野生金絲猴。神 農架位於鄂西北與川陝交界處,在 房縣、興山、巴東三縣交界山區, 為極廣袤的神秘地區,號稱 「八百 里群山怪嶺」 ,尚未開發,到處古 木參天,翼蔽如城,奇卉異草無 數。相傳四千多年前,是神農氏嘗 百草的地方,宛若神話世界;古籍 《山海經》亦有記載。不少學者認 為是中華民族發祥地。 最初在湖北巴東一帶神農架所 見的,是川金絲猴,屬四川、甘南 和陝南所產的金絲猴指名亞種,背 部金黃色的長毛,耀眼生輝。令人 注目的是其藍色臉部,以及朝天上 仰的鼻孔。

The marmosets (/ˈmɑːrməˌzɛts, -ˌsɛts/), also known as zaris or sagoin, are 22 New World monkey species of the genera CallithrixCebuellaCallibella, and Mico. All four genera are part of the biological family Callitrichidae. The term "marmoset" is also used in reference to Goeldi's marmosetCallimico goeldii, which is closely related.Most marmosets are about 20 cm (8 in) long. Relative to other monkeys, they show some apparently primitive features; they have claws rather than nails, and tactile hairs on their wrists. They lack wisdom teeth, and their brain layout seems to be relatively primitive. 

- [nicholas bonner]yankees are wolves in human shape is one of the phrases in the 1975 tourist phrase book speak in korean
- related to tribe of benjamin
Only one predator has been known to prey enough on wolves to cause their numbers to drop in a particular region and for wolves to avoid this predator at all costs.That predator is the Amur tiger, which lives in Northeast Asia. It is sometimes called the “Siberian tiger,” but this name is incorrect. They do live in Russia, but the part of Russia in which they live is not in Siberia. It is well to the east of what is traditionally called “Siberia.”
- ireland
  • The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has poured cold water on calls to reintroduce wolves to Ireland. Green Party leader Eamon Ryan had called for the reintroduction of the predator to help rewild parts of the countryside. The last wolf in Ireland was killed near Mount Leinster in 1786.

The coyote (Canis latrans); from Nahuatl ) is a canine native to North America. It is smaller than its close relative, the gray wolf, and slightly smaller than the closely related eastern wolf and red wolf. It fills much of the same ecological niche as the golden jackal does in Eurasia, though it is larger and more predatory, and is sometimes called the American jackal by zoologists.The coyote is a prominent character in Native American folklore, mainly in the Southwestern United States and Mexico, usually depicted as a trickster that alternately assumes the form of an actual coyote or a man. As with other trickster figures, the coyote uses deception and humor to rebel against social conventions. The animal was especially respected in Mesoamerican cosmology as a symbol of military might. After the European colonization of the Americas, it was reviled in Anglo-American culture as a cowardly and untrustworthy animal. Unlike wolves (gray, eastern, or red), which have undergone an improvement of their public image, attitudes towards the coyote remain largely negative.In the Maidu creation story, Coyote introduces work, suffering, and death to the world.[citation needed] Zuni lore has Coyote bringing winter into the world by stealing light from the kachinas.[citation needed] The Chinook, Maidu, PaiutePawneeTohono O'odham, and Uteportray the coyote as the companion of The Creator. In the Paiute creation story, Coyote was created by the wolf as a companion, and the two created land by piling soil on the water-covered world.[citation needed] A Tohono O'odham flood story has Coyote helping Montezumasurvive a global deluge that destroys humanity. After The Creator creates humanity, Coyote and Montezuma teach people how to live. The Crow creation story portrays Old Man Coyote as The Creator.[citation needed] In The Dineh creation story, Coyote was present in the First World with First Man and First Woman, though a different version has it being created in the Fourth World.[citation needed] The Navajo Coyote brings death into the world, explaining that without death, too many people would exist, thus no room to plant corn.
- usa

  • economist 18jan2020 "city critters" a shift in global trade may explain the spread of urban coyotes

Kitsune (, キツネ, IPA: [kitsɯne] ) is the Japanese word for the fox. Foxes are a common subject of Japanese folklore; in English, kitsune refers to them in this context. Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing paranormal abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. According to Yōkai folklore, all foxes have the ability to shapeshift into human form. While some folktales speak of kitsune employing this ability to trick others—as foxes in folklore often do—other stories portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives. Foxes and humans lived close together in ancient Japan; this companionship gave rise to legends about the creatures. Kitsune have become closely associated with Inari, a Shinto kami or spirit, and serve as its messengers. This role has reinforced the fox's supernatural significance. The more tails a kitsune has—they may have as many as nine—the older, wiser, and more powerful it is. Because of their potential power and influence, some people make sacrifices to them as to a deity. Conversely foxes were often seen as "witch animals", especially during the superstitious Edo period (1603–1867), and were goblins who could not be trusted (similar to some badgers and cats).Japanese fox myths had their origins in Chinese mythology. Chinese folk tales tell of fox spirits called húli jīng (狐狸精) that may have up to nine tails (Kyūbi no Kitsune in Japanese). Many of the earliest surviving stories are recorded in the Konjaku Monogatarishū, an 11th-century collection of ChineseIndian, and Japanese narratives. The nine-tailed foxes came to be adapted as a motif from Chinese mythology to Japanese mythology.霊狐(れいこ)は日本の信仰に見られるの呼称。あるいはそれらを題材とした空想上の存在。白狐(びゃっこ、びゃくこ)、狐神(こしん、きつねがみ)とも。稲荷神荼枳尼天飯縄権現および狐そのものを神格化した寺社などに信仰の対象としてまつられる。また、稲荷の眷属として仕えている狐たち全般をさすこともある。人間に対して有益な存在と目されている狐を意味すると説かれており、人間に好んで災禍をもたらす存在はこれに対して野狐(やこ)と区別されている。italian - Kitsune (? [kitsɯne]) è la parola giapponese per "volpe". catala - La paraula japonesa kitsune (狐) 

麝貓又名麝香貓civet (/ˈsɪvɪt/) is a small, lean, mostly nocturnal mammal native to tropical Asia and Africa, especially the tropical forests. The term civet applies to over a dozen different mammal species. Most of the species diversity is found in southeast Asia. The best-known civet species is the African civetCivettictis civetta, which historically has been the main species from which a musky scent used in perfumery was obtained. The word civet may also refer to the distinctive musky scent produced by the animals.Kopi luwak (also called caphe cut chon (fox-dung coffee), in Vietnam, and kape alamid, in the Philippines) is coffee that is prepared using coffee cherries that have been eaten and partly digested by the Asian palm civet, then harvested from its fecal matter.[7][8] The civets digest the flesh of the coffee cherries but pass the pits (beans) inside, where stomach enzymes affect the beans, which adds to the coffee's prized aroma and flavor.
- 麝貓疑遭私家車撞斃。現場港島山頂白加道,昨日凌晨1時許,有市民行經上址時,在路中發現一隻疑似果子貍屍體,遂報警求助。警方接報到場,經初步調查後,相信該動物為一隻麝貓

果子貍The masked palm civet or gem-faced civet (Paguma larvata) is a civet species native to the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia.
- 《動物小百科》書籍內文指「果子貍全身都是寶,牠們的肉可以吃,是我國歷史悠久的稀有山珍」。書籍亦指果子貍的脂肪是化妝品生產中難得的高級原料,也可以醫治燙傷,而果子貍的皮毛可製成皮手套,尾毛及針毛亦可製成毛刷及畫筆。
- An adult civet cat,
a species native to Hong Kong that occasionally appears in urban areas, was spotted outside a building in Kennedy Town early on Sunday. The 45cm-long masked palm civet was seen lying on a rolled-up carpet outside the entrance of Tai Hong residential building on Holland Street at about 1am.

Armadillos (from Spanish "little armoured one") are New World placental mammals in the order Cingulata. The Chlamyphoridae and Dasypodidae are the only surviving families in the order, which is part of the superorder Xenarthra, along with the anteaters and sloths. Nine extinct genera and 21 extant species of armadillo have been described, some of which are distinguished by the number of bands on their armour. All species are native to the Americas, where they inhabit a variety of different environments.Armadillos are characterized by a leathery armour shell and long sharp claws for digging.qiú音同「求餘」)是有壳的哺乳动物,生活在中南美洲美国南部地区。它们的壳分三部分,前后两部分有整块不能伸缩的骨质鳞甲覆盖,中段的鳞甲成带状,与肌肉连在一起,可以自由伸缩。尾巴和腿上也有鳞片,鳞片之间还长着毛,腹部无鳞片只有毛。虽然犰狳科动物口中牙齿数量很多,但都很细小。九帶犰狳學名Dasypus novemcinctus)是一種生活在北美洲中美洲南美洲犰狳。牠們是最為廣泛分佈的一種。牠的祖先在南美洲演化,並在300萬年前的南北美洲生物大遷徙進入北美洲。九帶犰狳是獨行及主要夜間活動的動物,在很多地方都可以見到牠們,如雨林草原。牠們是吃昆蟲的,主要吃白蟻及其他細小的無脊椎動物九帶犰狳可以令其腸臟膨漲,方便渡河。牠們亦可以閉氣達6分鐘,經底部穿過河流。每胎生產四隻幼犰狳。九帶犰狳若被驚嚇,可以跳起達90-120厘米。九带犰狳是掘洞好手,能在两分钟内钻入坚硬的土地裡,大部分犰狳居于洞中,夜间出来活动,犰狳长得虽威武,但它们生性保守,一遇天敌便钻进洞内,如果来不及,便缩成一团,以坚硬的鳞甲保护身体。


- kiv - legs (long hindlimbs) do look like that of kangeroo!!!!

貂屬martens  have bushy tails and large paws with partially retractile claws. The fur varies from yellowish to dark brown, depending on the species, and is valued by trappers for the fur trade. Martens are slender, agile animals, adapted to living in the taiga, and inhabit coniferous and northern deciduous forests across the Northern Hemisphere.The Modern English "marten" comes from the Middle English 'Mearth' or martryn in turn borrowed from the Anglo-French martrine and Old French martre (Latin martes), itself from a Germanic source; cf. Old English mearþOld Norse mörðr, and Old High German and Yiddishמאַרדאַר mardar. A group of martens is called a "richness."In the Middle Ages, marten pelts were highly valued goods used as a form of payment in Slavonia, the Croatian Littoral, and Dalmatia. The banovac, a coin struck and used between 1235 and 1384, included the image of a marten. This is one of the reasons why the Croatian word for marten, kuna, is the name of the modern Croatian currency. The Finnish communications company Nokia derives its name, via the river Nokianvirta, from a type of marten locally known as the nokia.

水鼬  Mink are dark-colored, semiaquaticcarnivorous mammals of the genera Neovison and Mustela, and part of the family Mustelidae, which also includes weaselsotters and ferrets. There are two extant species referred to as "mink": the American mink and the European mink. The extinct sea mink is related to the American mink, but was much larger. Nerz in german and vison in french and spanish.
- 猶他州及威斯康辛州的養貂場各有數以千計水貂染疫死亡,總數多達一萬隻,初步調查指病毒是由人傳貂。猶他州政府獸醫泰勒表示,養貂場七月有員工確診,一個月後有水貂染病,未發現反向的貂傳人病例。
- 世界最大貂皮生產國丹麥於 上周末在養殖場首現水貂感染新冠病 毒,當局下令捕殺約1.1萬隻水貂。

Jerboas (from Arabicجربوع‎ jarbūʻ ) form the bulk of the membership of the family Dipodidae. Jerboas are hopping desertrodents found throughout ArabiaNorthern Africa and Asia. They tend to live in hot deserts.Jerboas look somewhat like miniature kangaroos, and have some external similarities. Both have long hind legs, very short forelegs, and long tails. Jerboas move around in a similar manner to kangaroos, which is by hopping. 
沙鼠gerbil is a small mammal of the subfamily Gerbillinae in the order Rodentia. Once known as desert rats, the gerbil subfamily includes about 110 species of AfricanIndian, and Asianrodents, including sand rats and jirds, all of which are adapted to arid habitats.One Mongolian species, Meriones unguiculatus, also known as the clawed jird, is a gentle and hardy animal that has become a popular small house pet. It was first brought from China to Paris in the 19th century. It was brought to the United States much later, in 1954, by Dr. Victor Schwentker for use in research. Notably, it is illegal to keep gerbils as pets in California and New Zealand.
- 竹鼠學名為Rhizomyidae,又名竹貍、茅根鼠,竹鼠科,以竹、芒草、植物莖稈等為食,因而得名;此野生物種珍貴,全世界有三屬六種:小竹鼠乃亞洲特有,見於中國之中南部,如湖南省郴州地區,在中國棲息於亞洲南部熱帶與亞熱帶森林、灌叢及竹林,在中國大規模養殖,具經濟效益,有花白竹鼠、大竹鼠、中華竹鼠、小竹鼠,乃「三有保護動物」;竹鼠又名竹貍、灰竹鼠、竹根豬、竹根鼠、芒鼠、冬芒鼠、茅根鼠、芭茅鼠;粗壯有如鼢鼠,呈圓筒形而頭部鈍圓,吻較大而眼小,耳隱於毛內,尾有細軟稀毛,透視皮膚,前足較細小,爪亦短,但強壯適於挖掘;第二與第三指爪近相等,頭骨粗壯堅實,顴弓外擴,骨脊高起,肌肉發達,而上門齒特粗大,有16顆牙齒;中華竹鼠體型粗壯,呈圓筒形而四肢短小,但粗壯而具爪,乃運動器官與挖洞取食工具,尾部短小阱門齒粗大而臼齒短小,具有囓齒目動物特徵。

  • different types, 竹鼠及其製品歷來暢銷國際市場,每年有50萬隻竹鼠出口東南亞各國;美國阿拉斯加州每年從中國進口300噸竹鼠肉;以竹鼠皮製成皮鞋在國際市場上售價為2,000至2,500元人民幣,每件翻毛竹鼠上大衣售價為4,000至5,000元人民幣,竹鼠鬚每公斤4萬元人民幣,以鬚製成的高檔毛筆日本市場上歷來暢銷。竹鼠皮毛細軟,毛絨豐足而色澤光潤,中華竹鼠皮毛細軟,底絨厚、製裘衣、皮領、帽子的上等原料;尤其上等皮革為造鞋好原料;由於竹鼠集毛皮、肉藥及觀賞於一身,因此在國內外市場一直暢銷不衰,其經濟效益十分顯著,乃出口創匯的高檔商品。
  • 廣西作為內地最大的竹鼠養殖地,竹鼠產量佔全國的70%以上。竹鼠產業不僅是廣西新興發展的產業,也是其扶貧的最佳項目之一。然而由於新冠肺炎疫情,正蓬勃發展的廣西竹鼠產業按下了暫停鍵。廣西畜牧研究所高級畜牧師劉克俊已研究廣西竹鼠養殖產業近十年,據他測算,按照當前廣西1,800萬隻竹鼠養殖存欄量估算,廣西的竹鼠養殖產業未來每年將損失100個億以上的經濟收益,且其中還涉及許多依賴養殖竹鼠脫貧的貧困戶。

- in literature, pop culture
  • An American Tail is a 1986 American animated musical comedy-drama adventure film directed by Don Bluth and produced by Sullivan Bluth Inc. and Amblin Entertainment. It tells the story of Fievel Mousekewitz and his family as they emigrate from the Imperial Russian territory of Ukraine to the United States for freedom.In Shostka in 1885, the Mousekewitzes, a Russian-Jewish family of mice who live with a human family named Moskowitz, are having a celebration of Hanukkah where Papa gives his hat to his 5-year-old son, Fievel, and tells him about the United States, a country where there are no cats. The celebration is interrupted when a battery of Cossacks ride through the village square in an anti-Jewish arson attack and their cats likewise attack the village mice. Because of this, the Moskowitz home, along with that of the Mousekewitzes, is destroyed.In Hamburg, the Mousekewitzes board a tramp steamer headed for New York City. All the mice aboard are ecstatic at the prospect of going to America as there are "no cats" there. During a thunderstorm on their journey, Fievel suddenly finds himself separated from his family and washed overboard. Thinking that he has died, they proceed to the city as planned, though they become depressed at his loss.However, Fievel floats to New York City in a bottle and, after a pep talk from a French pigeon named Henri le Pigeon, embarks on a quest to find his family. 
  • note that there are scenes showing ship bearing name of "star of hong kong"
  • Maus[a] is a graphic novel by American cartoonist Art Spiegelman, serialized from 1980 to 1991. It depicts Spiegelman interviewing his father about his experiences as a Polish Jew and Holocaust survivor. The work employs postmodernist techniques and represents Jews as mice, Germans as cats, and Poles as pigs. Critics have classified Maus as memoir, biography, history, fiction, autobiography, or a mix of genres. In 1992, it became the first graphic novel to win a Pulitzer Prize (the Special Award in Letters).In the frame-tale timeline in the narrative present that begins in 1978 in New York City, Spiegelman talks with his father Vladek about his Holocaust experiences, gathering material for the Maus project he is preparing. In the narrative past, Spiegelman depicts these experiences, from the years leading up to World War II to his parents' liberation from the Nazi concentration camps. Much of the story revolves around Spiegelman's troubled relationship with his father, and the absence of his mother, who committed suicide when he was 20. Her grief-stricken husband destroyed her written accounts of Auschwitz. The book uses a minimalist drawing style and displays innovation in its pacing, structure, and page layouts.
  • japanese comic 哈姆太郎hamtaro
The quokka (/ˈkwɒkə/) (Setonix brachyurus), the only member of the genus Setonix, is a small macropod about the size of a domestic cat.Dutch mariner Samuel Volckertzoon wrote of sighting "a wild cat" on Rottnest Islandin 1658 In 1696, Willem de Vlamingh mistook them for giant rats and named the island "Rotte nest", which comes from the Dutch word Rattennest, meaning "rat nest".The word "quokka" is derived from a Nyungar word, which was probably gwaga.

 In reality there was no crocodiles in Europe since the Cretaceous period
尼罗鳄The Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) is a large crocodilian native to freshwater habitats in Africa, where it is present in 26 countries. Due to its widespread occurrence and stable population trend, it has been listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List since 1996.The binomial name Crocodylus niloticus is derived from the Greek κρόκη, kroke ("pebble"), δρῖλος, drilos ("worm"), referring to its rough skin; and niloticus, meaning "from the Nile River". The Nile crocodile is called tanin ha-yeor in Hebrew, timsah al-nil in Arabicmamba in Swahiligarwe in Shonangwenya in Ndebelengwena in Venda, and kwena in Sotho and Tswana. It also sometimes referred to as the African crocodile, Ethiopian crocodile, common crocodile, or the black crocodile.
  • 湖北武漢近日遇上暴雨,網傳當地有動物園走失鱷魚,園方隨即拍攝實時影片回應謠言,只見園內的5條尼羅鱷在水池中休息。園方認為是次流言為不懷好意的網民再度造謠,呼籲大眾勿輕信。
短吻鱷属An alligator is a crocodilian in the genus Alligator of the family Alligatoridae. The two extant species are the American alligator (A. mississippiensis) and the Chinese alligator (A. sinensis). Additionally, several extinct species of alligator are known from fossil remains. Alligators first appeared during the Oligocene epoch about 37 million years ago. The name "alligator" is probably an anglicized form of el lagarto, the Spanish term for "the lizard", which early Spanish explorers and settlers in Florida called the alligator.[2] Later English spellings of the name included allagarta and alagarto.

- 玉虺 - 大蛇。 南朝 梁 江淹 《赤虹赋》:“鰅鱅虎豹兮,玉虺腾轩。” 刘师培 《文说》:“赤豹文貍备其用,灵蛇玉虺记其奇。”
-  Cobra is the common name of various elapid snakes, most of which belonging to the genus Naja.
- note the snake river of usa

  • Canadian explorer David Thompson first recorded the Native American name of the Snake River as Shawpatin when he arrived at its mouth by boat in 1800. When the Lewis and Clark Expedition crossed westwards into the Snake River watershed in 1805, they first gave it the name Lewis RiverLewis Fork or Lewis's Fork, as Meriwether Lewis was the first of their group to sight the river. They also made note of the "Snake Indians" who lived along the river, who were actually the Shoshonetribe, and learned that the Native Americans called the river Ki-moo-e-nim or Yam-pah-pa (for an herb that grew prolifically along its banks). Later American explorers, some of whom were originally part of the Lewis and Clark expedition, journeyed into the Snake River watershed and records show a variety of names have been associated with the river. The explorer Wilson Price Hunt of the Astor Expedition named the river as Mad River. Others gave the river names including Shoshone River (after the tribe) and Saptin River. Eventually, the name Snake River was derived from an S-shaped gesture the Shoshone tribe made with their hands to represent swimming salmon. Explorers misinterpreted it to represent a snake, giving the river its present-day name.
- totem/worship object

  • common in south china icw with activities on sea/lake/river, e.g 壯族altar has statues of snake; hainan 黎族women's clothes has embriodery pattern of snakes; taiwan 排谔族worship 百步蛇, 團主制度專用紋章has 百步蛇
- christianity

  • [futurelearn] The snake sheds its skin once a year, so again was seen as an analogy with rebirth and the resurrection of Christ.

- serpents in ancient java and india were usually connected with water fertility.  They can be either good or evil.  
- islands inhabited by snakes
  • hket 19jun2020 mok shu kam article ilha de queimada granda, brazil; island in bohai, china; danube delta; sao paolo coast

Frogs feature prominently in folklore, fairy tales, and popular culture. They tend to be portrayed as benign, ugly, and clumsy, but with hidden talents. Examples include Michigan J. Frog, "The Frog Prince", and Kermit the Frog. The Warner Brotherscartoon One Froggy Evening features Michigan J. Frog, that will only dance and sing for the demolition worker who opens his time capsule, but will not perform in public. "The Frog Prince" is a fairy tale about a frog that turns into a handsome prince after he has rescued a princess's golden ball and she has taken him into her palace. Kermit the Frog is a conscientious and disciplined character from The Muppet Show and Sesame Street; while openly friendly and greatly talented, he is often portrayed as cringing at the fanciful behavior of more flamboyant characters. Toads have a more sinister reputation. It was believed in European folklore that they were associated with witches as their familiar spirits and had magical powers. The toxic secretions from their skin was used in brewing evil potions, but was also put to use to create magical cures for human and livestock ailments. They were associated with the devil; in John Milton's Paradise Lost, Satan was depicted as a toad pouring poison into Eve's ear. The Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped animals, and often depicted frogs in their art. In Panama, local legend held that good fortune would come to anyone who spotted a Panamanian golden frog. Some believed when one of these frogs died, it would turn into a golden talisman known as a huaca. Today, despite being extinct in the wild, Panamanian golden frogs remain an important cultural symbol and are illustrated on decorative cloth molas made by the Kuna people. They also appear as part of the inlaid design on a new overpass in Panama City, on T-shirts, and even on lottery tickets日本におけるカエルは、棲息に好適な水辺や水田が多かったことから、常に人にとって身近な存在となっている。古来より冬眠から覚めて活発に行動するからにかけての景物とされ、『万葉集』以来、特に鳴き声を愛でて詩歌に詠む。 例えば山上憶良が「あまぐものむかぶすきはみ たにぐくのさわたるきはみ」(万葉集巻第五)と詠んだように、上代では谷間で聞かれる鳴き声から、ヒキガエルを「たにぐく(多爾具久・谷蟇)」と呼んだ[5] 和歌での「かはづ」は、主に鳴き声が美しいことで知られるカジカガエルのことを指すが、この語は平安初期ごろから、混同されてカエル一般を指すようになった。俳諧においては、カエル一般を指すと思われる用例が増える。芭蕉の「古池や蛙飛び込む水の音」、一茶の「やせ蛙まけるな一茶これにあり」等の句は特に有名。「蛙」は春の季語で、これは初蛙のイメージから。「雨蛙(あまがへる)」「蟇/蟾蜍(ひきがへる)、蟾(ひき)、蝦蟇(がま)」「河鹿(かじか=カジカガエル)」は夏の季語である[注釈 1]鳥獣戯画平安時代末期)にも、サルウサギとともに、人間に擬せられたカエルの姿が、生き生きと描かれている。また、草双紙江戸時代)では妖術使いの児雷也が大蝦蟇(おおがま=空想上の化け物)に乗って登場する等、様々な表現のモチーフとなっている。昭和40年代にはカエルを主人公とした漫画およびアニメーションど根性ガエル』や、着ぐるみ劇『ケロヨン』が人気を博した。また、サンリオは『けろけろけろっぴ』という子供カエルのキャラクターを創造した。宮沢賢治は寓話『蛙のゴム靴』で、西洋から渡来のゴム長靴を晴れた日にも履き、得意になっている文明開化の明治紳士を風刺する中篇を書いている。21世紀にあっても、百田尚樹の風刺小説『カエルの楽園』のモチーフに使用されている。貝原益軒の『大和本草』によれば、カエルの名は他の土地に移しても必ず元の所に帰るという性質に由来すると記述されている。日本では、「お金が返る(カエル)」として、カエルのマスコットを財布の中に入れておく習慣がある。似たような扱いで、新しいものでは、1985年NTTが出した「カエルコール」がある。帰るときに家に連絡を入れよう、というものだが、「今から、カエル」というテレビのコマーシャルが人気を呼んだ。中国では道教青蛙神信仰の影響から後ろ脚が一つのガマガエルが縁起物として飾られている場合がある。
- **********非洲爪蟾,又名光滑爪蟾非洲爪蛙  The African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis, also known as the xenopus, African clawed toad, African claw-toed frog or the platanna) is a species of African aquatic frog of the family Pipidae. Its name is derived from the three short claws on each hind foot, which it uses to tear apart its food. The word Xenopus means "strange foot" and laevis means "smooth". The species is found throughout much of Sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria and Sudan to South Africa), and in isolated, introduced populations in North America, South America, and Europe. All species of the family Pipidae are tongueless, toothless and completely aquatic. They use their hands to shove food in their mouths and down their throats and a hyobranchial pump to draw or suck things in their mouth. Pipidae have powerful legs for swimming and lunging after food. They also use the claws on their feet to tear pieces of large food. They have no external eardrums, but instead subcutaneous cartilaginous disks that serve the same function. They use their sensitive fingers and sense of smell to find food. Pipidae are scavengers and will eat almost anything living, dying, or dead and any type of organic waste. 
- There are multiple theories. One, and I suppose the most common, is that the French do enjoy cuisses de grenouilles—frogs legs (tastes just like chicken).Another theory is that the French soldiers were so adept at camouflage (a nice French loan word, that) that they were difficult to find when they were under cover. I think that theory is somewhat complimentary. There is a good possibility that the term “frog” came from Clovis I, the first king of the Franks (465–511), and the first Christian king. His banner had three amphibians (toads, actually, or des crapauds)
Charkhi Dadri is a city and headquarters of Charkhi Dadri district in the state of HaryanaIndia, about 90 km from Delhi.  The town was made by joining the villages of Charkhi and Dadri after urban development. "Dadri" is derived from a lake called Dadar which was full of dadur (Sanskrit: frog) from which it took its current name. To distinguish Dadri from other similarly named places in the area, sometimes Dadri's name was appended to the nearby village of Charkhi. After India became independent, in recognition of the contribution of people of Charki village during the first war of independence in 1857 against the British colonial rule and Praja Mandala movement against the oppressive rule of the Jind State, the government officially named the town as Charkhi-Dadri.When Ramkrishna Dalmia, the founder of Dalmia Group, established a cement factory at Dadri during the rule of Jind State, the town was renamed as "Dalmia Dadri" on request of Sir Ganga Ram Kaul who was then Chief Minister of Jind State, which was renamed to "Charkhi Dadri" when Jind State was merged with Patiala and the East Punjab States Union (PEPSU) in 1948.

Bats are mammals of the order Chiroptera; with their forelimbs adapted as wings, they are the only mammals naturally capable of true and sustained flight

- namibia

  • [mcintyre] arnhem cave, namibia - home for bats for around 9500 years

- samoa

  • The United States Mint will open sales for products featuring the America the Beautiful Quarters Program coin honoring National Park of American Samoa. The coin’s reverse (tails) depicts a Samoan fruit bat mother hanging in a tree with her pup, evoking the remarkable care and energy that this species puts into its offspring.
- 每年9、10月,凌晨四、五時,山東省泰安市寧陽縣泗店鎮的蟋蟀交易市場上便人潮湧動,大批專業收蟲人購買當地農民捕捉的蟋蟀,然後將牠們帶至天津、上海等大城市,轉銷和比賽。小小蟋蟀變成「運財蟲子」,成為寧陽縣的特色經濟和重要產業,更連續多年舉辦「鬥蟋蟀世界盃」,圍繞蟋蟀產業衍生的經濟效益超過7億元(人民幣,下同)。 香港文匯報記者胡臥龍 山東報道人口4.3萬的泗店鎮,有超過2.5萬人從事蟋蟀相關產業,直接參與捕捉、銷售、販賣蟋蟀的就超過2萬人。從事蟋蟀食療、墊土、零錢兌換、線上蟋蟀及用品交易、物流快運等行業的蟋蟀經濟師、飼養師人數也多達800多人次,小小蟋蟀成了撬動當地人致富的槓桿。

The cicadas (/sɪˈkɑːdə/ or /sɪˈkdə/) are a superfamily, the Cicadoidea, of insects in the order Hemiptera (true bugs). Cicadas have been featured in literature since the time of Homer's Iliad, and as motifs in art from the Chinese Shang dynasty. They have been used in myths and folklore to represent carefree living and immortality. Cicadas are eaten in various countries, including China, where the nymphs are served deep-fried in Shandong cuisine.The name is directly from the Latin cicada, meaning "tree cricket".
Cicadas have been featured in literature since the time of Homer's Iliad, and as motifs in decorative art from the Chinese Shang dynasty (1766–1122 BC.). They are described by Aristotle in his History of Animals and by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History; their mechanism of sound production is mentioned by Hesiod in his poem Works and Days "when the Skolymus flowers, and the tuneful Tettix sitting on his tree in the weary summer season pours forth from under his wings his shrill song". In the classic 14th-century Chinese novel Romance of the Three KingdomsDiaochan took her name from the sable (diāo) tails and jade decorations in the shape of cicadas (chán), which adorned the hats of high-level officials. In the Japanese novel The Tale of Genji, the title character poetically likens one of his many love interests to a cicada for the way she delicately sheds her robe the way a cicada sheds its shell when molting. A cicada exuviae plays a role in the manga Winter Cicada. Cicadas are a frequent subject of haiku, where, depending on type, they can indicate spring, summer or autumn.蟬的英文「Cicada」來自拉丁文,意指「棲息於樹上,像蟋蟀一樣會鳴叫的」,但有時蟬也會被稱為「locusts」[4],雖然與蝗蟲沒有確切關係;希臘文則稱為 τεττιξ / tettix  τζίτζικας / tzitzikas,兩者皆為擬聲詞,即模仿蟬的鳴聲。古人對蟬的稱呼有「蜩」[註 2][註 3][註 4]𧔢[註 5][註 6][註 7][註 8][註 9]五色日暮丕蜩茅蜩秋蜩蚱蟬寒蜩[註 10]寒螿[註 11]蜋蜩[註 12]蜻蜻蜓蛛螗蜩[註 13]蟪蛄螗蛦[註 14]馬蜩蛁蟟都聊切、落蕭,音同「雕遼」[5]螇螰胡雞切、盧谷,音同「奚鹿」[5]蝭蟧都計切、魯刀,音同「帝勞」)。而在中文(以及沿用漢字的日文)裡,「蟬」字最早出現於商代西周間,構造上屬於形聲字。形符「虫」為「蟲」的古字,在當時是對動物的泛稱(五蟲);而聲符「單」亦兼表字義,帶有「發出聲響」的意涵。
Cicadas have been used as money, in folk medicine, to forecast the weather, to provide song (in China), and in folklore and myths around the world. In France, the cicada represents the folklore of Provence and the Mediterranean cities.The cicada has represented insouciance since classical antiquity. Jean de La Fontaine began his collection of fables Les fables de La Fontaine with the story La Cigale et la Fourmi (The Cicada and the Ant) based on one of Aesop's fables: in it the cicada spends the summer singing while the ant stores away food, and finds herself without food when the weather turns bitter. The cicada symbolises rebirth and immortality in Chinese tradition. In the Chinese essay "Thirty-Six Stratagems", the phrase "to shed the golden cicada skin" (金蟬脫殼; pinyin: jīnchán tuōqiào) is the poetic name for using a decoy (leaving the exuviae) to fool enemies. In the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West (16th century), the protagonist Priest of Tang was named the Golden Cicada. In Japan, the cicada is associated with the summer season. According to Lafcadio Hearn, the song of Meimuna opalifera, called "tsuku-tsuku boshi", is said to indicate the end of summer, and it is called so because of its particular call. In an Ancient Greek myth, Tithonus eventually turns into a cicada after being granted immortality, but not eternal youth, by Zeus. The Greeks also used a cicada sitting on a harp as emblematic of music.
  • 據說蟬卵產在樹上落入泥土,要經 過數年乃至十多年地底的成胚、發育,才長 成幼蟲。這期間,只有孤寂、陰暗、煎熬相 伴,使幼蟲具備超凡的耐性,等待 「出土」 的時機。一俟條件成熟,牠們就會成群結隊 棄暗投明,出洞攀樹蛻變成蟬,活來不易, 歌也唱得狂放。由於蟬的生命短暫,所以珍 惜時光極盡蟬事,隨即像父母很快終結生命 。留下的蟬蛻,正好被人用作退熱利咽的一 味中藥。
- usa
  • 美國每隔13年或17年,就會有大量周期蟬(Periodical cicadas)在多個州分破土而出,準備脫殼、交配及孵化下一代。專家指出,名為「第10群」(Brood X)的周期蟬本月在東部多個州出現,數目可能多逾10億隻。面對這罕有蟬季,不少市民嚴陣以待,但有老饕卻蠢蠢欲動,準備捕捉牠們入饌,烹製美食享用。有專家則指,美國原住民當年農地遭掠奪時面臨饑荒,為求生存就吃昆蟲果腹。現在人們亦可以「復古」吃蟬,透過改變食物系統及生產等創造綠色飲食,既可吸收周期蟬所含的豐富蛋白質、鋅及鐵,又可減少溫室氣體排放,為保護環境出一分力。
  • 據美聯社消息:美國總統拜登 當地時間9日啟程前往英國,隨行的白宮記者 團包機卻因為最近大舉入侵華盛頓的 「17 年蟬」 引發機械故障, 延誤了七個小時才起 飛。連拜登在出發前也 被蟬 「攻擊」 ,他 周三在美軍安德 魯聯合基地的停 機坪與士兵打招呼 時,從脖子上拍下 一隻蟬。他還跟記者 們 說 , 「 小 心 那 些 蟬。」據報道,17年蟬是一種北美 地區獨特的周期蟬,幼蟲孵化後 直接鑽入地下,一生絕大多數時 間都是在地下度過的,他們靠吸 食樹根的汁液生存。在十三年或 十七年後,它們會破土而出,在 4-6周內羽化、交配、產卵、死 亡。而卵孵化後就進入到下一個 生命周期。上一次它們 「造訪」 美東,美國總統還是小布什,社 交網站Facebook剛剛出現不久, 而雅典正準備舉辦夏季奧運會。

Bombus ou Bourdon Die Hummeln (Bombus)マルハナバチ(丸花蜂)bumblebee (also written bumble bee) is a member of the genus Bombus, part of Apidae, one of the bee families. 
- symbol of napoleon
Le mot « bourdon », avec le sens d'insecte, est mentionné dès le XIIIème siècle, dans le roman Yder en ancien français (bordon) et l'orthographe bourdon est attestée dès 1350 dans un glossaire de cette œuvre. Le terme est probablement d'origine onomatopique, faisant référence au son grave du vol de l'insecte (le bourdonnement) et rapproché du bourdon en musique (ton de basse continu, instrument). Ce terme au sens zoologique (ou l'onomatopée) dérive peut-être du bas latin burdo, qui pouvait désigner un insecte d'après les glossaires des lexicographes médiévaux Aelfric (Xe) et Papias (XIe)6.
The orchestral interlude Flight of the Bumblebee was composed (c. 1900) by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. It represents the turning of Prince Guidon into a bumblebee so he can fly away to visit his father, Tsar Saltan, in the opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan, although the music may reflect the flight of a bluebottle rather than a bumblebee. The music inspired Walt Disney to feature a bumblebee in his 1940 animated musical Fantasia and have it sound as if it were flying in all parts of the theater. The surname Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series (1997–2007) is an old name for bumblebee. J. K. Rowling said the name "seemed to suit the headmaster, because one of his passions is music and I imagined him walking around humming to himself".Bumblebee is the name of a prominent character in the Transformers franchise. His name denotes his black-on-yellow vehicle paint job, directly referencing the bee genus because of its black and yellow stripes. 
Dumbledore. It’s a Sussex word for bumblebee. Our local doctor’s surgery is called the Dumbledore surgery, and has a bumblebee as its logo. The rest of the English-speaking world believes it’s a wizard’s name.  I’m certain that Jo Rowling used the Sussex word as a name deliberately. Her work is full of references to local English words.

Swallowtail butterflies are large, colorful butterflies in the family Papilionidae, and include over 550 species鳳蝶科包括了世上最大的蝴蝶——亞歷山大鳥翼蝶燕鳳蝶屬則包含了體型最小的鳳蝶。鳳蝶後翅通常有尾突,故又稱作燕尾蝶(Swallowtail Butterfly),後翅亦只有一條臀脈,因此雙翅閉合時腹部外露,是此分類的主要特徵。Many members of the family feed as larvae on plants of the citrus family, Rutaceae. Some of these attractive butterflies are therefore considered pests in citrus orchards. The Oregon swallowtail is the state insect of Oregon. The eastern tiger swallowtail is the state insect of Virginia and the state butterfly of Georgia, Delaware, and South Carolina. The black swallowtail is the state butterfly of Oklahoma.

金斑喙凤蝶(Teinopalpus aureus)属凤蝶科喙凤属,体长30毫米左右,两翅展约110毫米左右,前翅上各有一条弧形金绿色的斑带,后翅中央有几块金黄色的斑块,后缘有月牙形的金黄色的斑,后翅的尾状突出细长,末端一小截金黄色,它常飞行在林间的高空,也时而停在花丛间。其姿态优美,犹如华丽高贵、光彩照人的“贵妇人”,因此被称为“蝶中皇后。”为世界珍贵蝶种。主要分布在福建、江西、广西、海南等地,仅有5个亚种,作为中国的特有珍品,被誉为“国蝶”、“蝶之骄子”。
- 廣西大明山國家級自然保護區的護林員,日前在園內拍攝到國家一級重點保護野生動物金斑喙鳳蝶的蹤影

カイコ(蚕、蠶)はチョウ目(鱗翅目)・カイコガ科に属する昆虫の一種。正式和名カイコガで、カイコは本来この幼虫の名称だが、一般的にはこの種全般をも指す。クワ(桑)を食餌とし、を産生して(さなぎ)の(まゆ)を作る。有史以来養蚕の歴史と共に各国の文化と共に生きてきた昆虫。養蚕は少なくとも5000年の歴史を持つ[2]。伝説によれば黄帝の后・西陵氏が、庭で繭を作る昆虫を見つけ、黄帝にねだって飼い始めたと言われる。絹(silk)の語源は、西陵氏(Xi Ling-shi)であるという。The silkworm is the larva or caterpillar or imago of the domestic silkmothBombyx mori (Latin: "silkworm of the mulberry tree"). It is an economically important insect, being a primary producer of silk. A silkworm's preferred food is white mulberry leaves, though they may eat other mulberry species and even osage orange. Domestic silkmoths are closely dependent on humans for reproduction, as a result of millennia of selective breeding. Wild silkmoths are different from their domestic cousins as they have not been selectively bred; they are not as commercially viable in the production of silk. Silkworm pupae are eaten in some cultures.
  • Sericulture, the practice of breeding silkworms for the production of raw silk, has been under way for at least 5,000 years in China, whence it spread to IndiaKoreaJapan, and the West. The silkworm was domesticated from the wild silkmoth Bombyx mandarina, which has a range from northern India to northern China, Korea, Japan, and the far eastern regions of Russia. The domesticated silkworm derives from Chinese rather than Japanese or Korean stock. Silkworms were unlikely to have been domestically bred before the Neolithic age. Before then, the tools to manufacture quantities of silk thread had not been developed. The domesticated B. mori and the wild B. mandarina can still breed and sometimes produce hybrids. Domestic silkmoths are very different from most members in the genus Bombyx; not only have they lost the ability to fly, but their color pigments are also lost.
  • According to Confucian text, the discovery of silk production dates to about 2700 BC, although archaeological records point to silk cultivation as early as the Yangshao period (5000–3000 BC). In 1977, a piece of ceramic created 5400–5500 years ago and designed to look like a silkworm was discovered in Nancun, Hebei, providing the earliest known evidence of sericulture. Also, by careful analysis of archaeological silk fibre found on Indus Civilization sites dating back to 2450–2000 BC, it is believed that silk was being used over a wide region of South Asia. By about the first half of the 1st century AD it had reached ancient Khotan, by a series of interactions along the Silk Road. By 140 AD the practice had been established in India. In the 6th century the smuggling of silkworm eggs into the Byzantine Empire led to its establishment in the Mediterranean, remaining a monopoly in the Byzantine Empire for centuries (Byzantine silk). In 1147, during the Second CrusadeRoger II of Sicily (1095–1154) attacked Corinth and Thebes, two important centres of Byzantine silk production, capturing the weavers and their equipment and establishing his own silkworks in Palermo and Calabria, eventually spreading the industry to Western Europe.
  • In Assam, they are boiled for extracting silk and the boiled pupae are eaten directly with salt or fried with chilli pepper or herbs as a snack or dish.
  • In Korea, they are boiled and seasoned to make a popular snack food known as beondegi (번데기).
  • In China, street vendors sell roasted silkworm pupae.
  • In Japan, silkworms are usually served as a tsukudani (佃煮), i.e., boiled in a sweet-sour sauce made with soy sauce and sugar.
  • In Vietnam, this is known as con nhộng.
  • Silkworms have also been proposed for cultivation by astronauts as space food on long-term missions.
 The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is a species in the order of Lepidoptera and is the larval life stage of a fall armyworm moth. The term "armyworm" can refer to several species, often describing the large-scale invasive behavior of the species' larval stage. It is regarded as a pest and can damage and destroy a wide variety of crops, which causes large economic damage. Its scientific name derives from frugiperda, which is Latin for lost fruit, named because of the species' ability to destroy crops. Because of its propensity for destruction, the fall armyworm's habits and possibilities for crop protection have been studied in depth. It is also a notable case for studying sympatric speciation, as it appears to be diverging into two species currently. Another remarkable trait of the larva is that they practice cannibalism. 草地贪夜蛾,又称秋行军虫秋粘虫草地夜蛾,是夜蛾科夜盗蛾属的一种,本种可能正发生同域种化,即渐分化成两个不同的亚型,两种亚型的分布地区与外形没有明显差异,分别以玉米和水稻为主要食草。生物研究中常用于表达真核蛋白质细胞株Sf9细胞Sf21细胞即是来自草地贪夜蛾。
- 全國農業技術推廣服務中心周二(14日)公布,截至上周五(10日),全國13個省份61市多地出現大量幼蟲貪夜蛾,危害粟米田、水稻、小麥等農產品,當中有108萬畝農田受影響。內地南部省市,包括海南、福建、四川、重慶、廣西等地大受影響。廣州花都區的受害面積已達1568畝,該區農業科技管理中心、省市農業部門專家已實施針對性藥物防治。中國農科院專家則表示,貪夜蛾的危害是可控的,不必過度擔心。
- 被聯合國評為農業重大害蟲的草地貪夜蛾(又稱秋行軍蟲),入侵至大陸多個省市後,蔓延至台灣。台灣農委會防疫檢疫局(下稱防檢局)周一公布,日前在苗栗縣發現有牧場的粟米田發現貪夜蛾的幼蟲出現,已作出銷毀。當局指,鄰近地區如雲林、嘉義等未再發現有同類蟲出現。
- Scientists in China are seeking to deploy an army of predatory stink bugs to battle a fall armyworm incursion that threatens to devastate the country’s grain crops.The insect, Arma chinensis, is a natural enemy of fall armyworm, according to the Institute of Plant Protection of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

コチニールカイガラムシDactylopius coccus Costa)は、コチニールカイガラムシ科のカイガラムシの一種。別名、エンジムシ(臙脂虫)。The cochineal (/kɒɪˈnl/ kotch-ih-NEEL/ˈkɒɪnl/ KOTCH-ih-neelDactylopius coccus) is a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha, from which the natural dye carmine is derived. The carmine dye was used in Central America in the 15th century for coloring fabrics and became an important export good during the colonial period. After synthetic pigments and dyes such as alizarin were invented in the late 19th century, natural-dye production gradually diminished. Health fears over artificial food additives, however, have renewed the popularity of cochineal dyes, and the increased demand has made cultivation of the insect profitable again, with Peru being the largest exporter. Some towns in the Mexican state of Oaxaca are still working in handmade textiles using this cochineal.Cochineal is probably from French cochenilleSpanish cochinillaLatin coccinus, meaning 'scarlet-colored', and Latin coccum, meaning 'berry (actually an insect) yielding scarlet dye'. See also the related word kermes which is the source of a similar but weaker Mediterranean dye also called crimson, which was used to color cloth red before discovery of cochineal in the New World. Some sources identify the Spanish source word for cochineal as cochinilla "wood louse" (a diminutive form of Spanish cochino, cognate with French cochon, meaning "pig")."Cochineal dye was used by the Aztec and Maya peoples of Central and North America. Eleven cities conquered by Montezuma in the 15th century paid a yearly tribute of 2000 decorated cotton blankets and 40 bags of cochineal dye each.[4] Production of cochineal is depicted in Codex Osuna. During the colonial period, the production of cochineal (grana fina) grew rapidly. Produced almost exclusively in Oaxaca by indigenous producers, cochineal became Mexico's second-most valued export after silver. Soon after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, it began to be exported to Spain, and by the 17th century was a commodity traded as far away as India.[6] The dyestuff was consumed throughout Europe and was so highly prized, its price was regularly quoted on the London and Amsterdam Commodity Exchanges. In 1777, French botanist Nicolas-Joseph Thiéry de Menonville, presenting himself as a botanizing physician, smuggled the insects and pads of the Opuntia cactus to Saint Domingue. This particular collection failed to thrive and ultimately died out, leaving the Mexican monopoly intact. After the Mexican War of Independence in 1810–1821, the Mexican monopoly on cochineal came to an end. Large-scale production of cochineal emerged, especially in Guatemala and the Canary Islands; it was also cultivated in Spain and North Africa. The demand for cochineal fell sharply with the appearance on the market of alizarin crimson and many other artificial dyes discovered in Europe in the middle of the 19th century, causing a significant financial shock in Spain as a major industry almost ceased to exist. The delicate manual labour required for the breeding of the insect could not compete with the modern methods of the new industry, and even less so with the lowering of production costs. The "tuna blood" dye (from the Mexican name for the Opuntia fruit) stopped being used and trade in cochineal almost totally disappeared in the course of the 20th century. The breeding of the cochineal insect has been done mainly for the purposes of maintaining the tradition rather than to satisfy any sort of demand.nopal cactus farm for the production of cochineal is traditionally known as a nopalry. The two methods of farming cochineal are traditional and controlled. Cochineals are farmed in the traditional method by planting infected cactus pads or infesting existing cacti with cochineals and harvesting the insects by hand. The controlled method uses small baskets called Zapotec nests placed on host cacti. 
Traditionally, cochineal was used for colouring fabrics. During the colonial period, with the introduction of sheep to Latin America, the use of cochineal increased, as it provided the most intense colour and it set more firmly on woolen garments than on clothes made of materials of pre-Hispanic origin such as cotton or agave and yucca fibers. In general, cochineal is more successful on protein-based animal fibres (including silk) than plant-based material. Once the European market discovered the qualities of this product, the demand for it increased dramatically. By the beginning of the 17th century, it was traded internationally. Carmine became strong competition for other colourants such as madder root, kermes, Polish cochineal, Armenian cochineal, brazilwood, and Tyrian purple, as they were used for dyeing the clothes of kings, nobles, and the clergy. For the past several centuries, it was the most important insect dye used in the production of hand-woven oriental rugs, almost completely displacing lac. It was also used for painting, handicrafts, and tapestries. Cochineal-coloured wool and cotton are important materials for Mexican folk art and crafts. Cochineal is used as a fabric and cosmetics dye and as a natural food colouring. It is also used in histology as a preparatory stain for the examination of tissues and carbohydrates.

- plagues
  • 一統三國的西晉帝國,最後淪為短命王朝,背後就有蝗蟲的陰影。「連年旱蝗,赤地千里,草木盡枯」,北方的農耕和遊牧民族都遭到重大打擊,匈奴、鮮卑等南下掠奪,而缺糧疲弱的中原士兵又無力抵抗,加速帝國的崩潰。唐末黃巢起義,正是山東蝗災最厲害的一年;明末農民起義,也首先爆發於蝗災最為嚴重的陝北,最終都摧毀了兩大王朝。這算是歷史長河中的「蝗蟲效應」。
  • 據《清史稿》記載,自順治朝至道光朝的207年中,就有87年發生蝗災。蝗災使大面積土地減產或絕產,千百萬人餓死,民不聊生。對這樣深重的災難,長期生活在社會底層的我國著名文學家蒲松齡都親身經歷過,所以在他的作品中,也有真實的反映。康熙二十五年(1686年),蒲松齡的家鄉山東淄川發生了蝗災。對這次蝗災的景象,蒲松齡在《蝗賦》中有如下描寫:......爾其掩映萬村,橫亙百市。遮朝陽而晦光,帶寒星而鵲起。或軒翥而競去,或迴翔而頓止。迎旭抖擻,貫甲自喜。銜枚無聲,赤地千里。
  • 20世紀中葉,阿爾及利亞曾出現過由200億隻蝗蟲組成的蝗群「兵團」,覆蓋了400平方公里的田野,每天吞食作物數以萬噸。2006年,澳洲遭遇75年來最嚴重蝗害,蝗蟲吞吃了維多利亞全省1/4的農作物,造成農業經濟損失達20億澳元。2014年8月,馬達加斯加首都塔那那利佛遭遇蝗蟲襲擊,無數蝗蟲如烏雲壓境,場面駭人。同年,我國河南滎陽廣武鎮也發生局部蝗災,造成數千畝玉米絕產。為何蝗蟲會大量繁殖、聚集並形成災害?蝗災和旱災之間,有一種難以理解的默契,所謂「旱極而蝗」就是這個意思。近年來發生的幾次非洲大蝗災,都與當地極乾旱天氣有關。蝗蟲喜歡溫暖乾燥的環境,這種環境相當有利於牠們的繁殖、發育和存活,含水量10%-20%的堅實土壤最適合牠們產卵。只需40天,蝗蟲孵化成蟲後便以幾何級倍數增長。美國俄克拉荷馬州、蒙大拿州和科羅拉多州因氣候乾旱炎熱,常發生蝗災,當地人稱蝗蟲為「飛行的惡鬼」。19世紀70年代,一個蝗蟲群從美國蒙大拿州長途跋涉2,400公里飛到得克薩斯州,創造了蝗蟲飛行距離之最。1874年,一名親歷者目睹了一場蝗災,蝗蟲群數量是12.5萬億隻。1954年,科學家對肯尼亞的蝗蟲群進行精確統計,得出蝗蟲數量是100億隻。有趣的是,當每平方米的蝗蟲達到100隻左右時,牠們就會開始集體向一個方向飛行或前進。清代一位官員發現這個秘密後,曉諭鄉民們捕捉蝗蟲有獎。官員告知鄉民們把牛皮截作鞋底式樣,或直接將舊鞋底釘在木棍上,蹲伏於地,「啪啪啪」朝蝗蟲陣擊打。事先在蝗蟲密集處挖3、4尺深、1丈餘長的坑,前後左右各有200人整體推進,10人一隊,手握長棍,四面圍定,如戰陣行軍,步步為營,將蝗蟲陣一步步攆進長坑中,然後推入浮土,捶打壓實,活埋一兩天。最後,埋在土中已窒息而死的蝗蟲由鄉民翻出來,由官府量秤而沽,1升給錢1百文。其實,殺滅蝗蟲除活埋、焚燒、培養天敵等方法之外,飛機噴灑殺蟲劑最為有效,幾乎可以立竿見影。2005年美國出品的蝗災科幻影片《極度驚蝗》,由David Jackson執導,背景就發生在美國。美國農業部麾下的一位昆蟲學博士暗地裡兼職國防部的秘密職務,偷偷用基因技術改造蝗蟲,這種蝗蟲可以抗拒所有殺蟲劑毒殺,繁殖力是普通蝗蟲的4倍。頂頭上司發現後,勒令博士殺滅銷毀,但工作人員卻偷偷保留了幾隻蝗蟲活體,竟然導致蝗蟲出逃,釀成了橫跨美國東西海岸的巨大災難。影片中,美軍甚至準備動用運輸機對蝗群噴灑VX神經性毒氣,最後是用電擊方法滅掉了蝗災。有意思的是,身為書法家的宋代米芾寫過一首治蝗詩。
  • infestations in india in 1960s
  • 印媒報道,蝗蟲群首先現身在拉賈斯坦邦,經過一輪撲殺後,剩餘蝗蟲重新集結,並到達哈里納亞邦古爾岡、新德里等地。片段顯示,蝗蟲席捲古爾岡,更密密麻麻地停留在公園的植物及屋頂上,多處住宅區亦有蝗蟲出現。五十六歲市民卡普爾表示,對上一次出現蝗蟲群是四十年前,小時候會製造噪音驅趕牠們。有官員透露,蝗蟲已入侵新德里南部的阿索拉‧巴蒂。農業部要求森林部派出工作人員,幫助民眾在室外播放DJ舞曲等音量較高的音樂,並燃放爆竹及敲鑼打鼓,製造高分貝噪音,驅散蝗蟲。蝗蟲一般在白天飛行,在天黑後安定下來,因此滅蟲團隊趁牠們疲於奔命,停歇下來時撲殺。資料指印度國內共有四種蝗蟲,其中沙漠蝗蟲移動速度快、繁殖能力高,是最具破壞力的遷徙害蟲之一。成年沙漠蝗蟲每天可以飛行一百五十公里,一平方公里的蝗蟲(約四千萬隻蝗蟲)每天的食量,相等於三萬五千人食量。
  • 吉林省吉林市農業農村局近日發布緊急通知,指蛟河市、樺甸市、永吉縣等地的部分荒地、林地等處已發生蝗蟲為害。
  • 南美多國受蝗蟲侵襲,大批蝗蟲上月二十一日從巴拉圭襲向阿根廷,前日停留在阿根廷東北部科連特斯省,逼近巴西和烏拉圭邊境,兩國密切留意蝗蟲行蹤。巴西南部的南里奧格蘭德州和聖卡塔琳娜州則宣布進入植物檢疫緊急狀態。
  • 雲南普洱市林業和草原局昨日通報,中國與老撾接壤邊境地區有黃脊竹蝗入侵,至少近十萬畝土地受影響。當局上月二十八日首次於普洱市江城縣牛倮河保護區與老撾接壤的邊境沿線,發現黃脊竹蝗。而相關部門每天都監測到新入侵種群,蝗災有向周邊縣區及農田蔓延趨勢,侵害農作物。墨江縣文武鎮馬甫村曼幹組則於前日已監測到小量黃脊竹蝗飛入,未知受影響面積。 黃脊竹蝗主要危害毛竹、剛竹、水竹等,可將竹葉全部清光,竹林會逐漸衰敗,毛竹會枯死,竹腔內積水,纖維腐敗,令竹子毫無使用價值。
  • 雲南江城哈尼族彝族自治縣、勐臘縣日前發現大量黃脊竹蝗由老撾越過國境入侵,波及範圍達十三萬五千畝,其中三萬二千畝為農田。, 黃脊竹蝗自上月底遷飛雲南,大量農田受災。該省林業草原局昨指,截至上周六全省共發生蝗災農田達十四萬零六百二十三畝,分布在普洱市、西雙版納州、紅河州等三個州(市)七個縣。
- 中國科學院院士、生態和昆蟲學家康樂前日表示,廿年前新疆北部治蝗災時,曾從浙江空運三萬隻鴨子滅蝗,成效顯著。除此之外,新疆從上世紀八十年代起,以人工堆放石巢、修建鳥巢方式,吸引紅椋鳥遷徙。新疆去年四月爆發蝗災時,數以萬計的紅椋鳥曾大顯身手,一隻一天能捕食一百二十至一百八十隻蝗蟲。
Chinese factories are producing thousands of tonnes of a “green zombie fungus” to help fight the swarms of locusts in East Africa.Metarhizium is a genus of fungi with nearly 50 species – some genetically modified – that is used as a biological insecticide because its roots drill through the insects’ hard exoskeleton and gradually poisons them.In China it was named lu jiang jun, which means green zombie fungus, because it gradually turns its victims in a green mossy lump.There are now dozens of factories across the country dedicated to producing its spores and despite the curbs introduced to stop the spread of Covid-19, many of them have resumed operations and are shipping thousands of tonnes to Africa.
- in pop cutlure
  • day of locust novel (1939), song by bob dylan (1970), film (1975)
  • hkej 15may2021 - do some people consider cicadas as locusts?

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