Monday, December 24, 2018

symbols / symbolism

- [futurelearn]the number eight and four were seen to have deeper, religious meanings. So too did other numbers. The grouping of various designs in threes in the Book of Kells has been interpreted by many as symbolic of the Trinity – God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Three-part designs are found, for example, in the groups of three dots used to decorate clothing, the ends of letters and the groups of spirals

- heliopolis - city of the sun, note also the egyptian sun god re
- japan is the land of rising sun (flag) 日本 (にほん, NihonJapan), from  (, hisun) +  (もと, motoorigin)
- lhasa - 日光城 

- Mpumalanga (/əmˌpuːməˈlɑːŋɡə/ ; Swazi, Zulu: iMpumalanga; Tsonga: Humadyambu; Southern Ndebele: IMpumalanga; Northern Sotho, Afrikaans, Southern Sotho: Mpumalanga), South Africa. The name means "east", or literally "the place where the sun rises" in the Swazi, Xhosa, Ndebele and Zulu languages.  日本書紀』には「日向」の語源説話として、景行天皇日本武尊の征西説話において、「是の国は直く日の出づる方に向けり」と言ったので、「日向国」と名づけたと記述されている[1]「日向」の読みについては、『日本書紀』に「宇摩奈羅麼、譬武伽能古摩(うまならば、ひむかのこま = 馬ならば日向の駒)」とあり、古くは「ひむか」と呼ばれたと考えられている[3]。ただし、この「譬武伽」を日向国とするには検討が必要と指摘される日向国は7世紀中期以降、律令制の成立に伴って成立した。成立当初は現在の宮崎県鹿児島県九州本土部分を含む広域に渡っていた
Louis XIV is known as the Sun King (Roi Soleil)
- note the symbol of vergina sun of macedonia kingdom
-  The North Wind and the Sun is one of Aesop's Fables (Perry Index 46). It is type 298 (Wind and Sun) in the Aarne-Thompson folktale classification. The moral it teaches about the superiority of persuasion over force has made the story widely known.
  • 陽光政策 re. korea hkej 22jan18 shum article
- 暹 formed by 日and 進
- symbol of Pijijiapan (town and municipality in the Mexican state of Chiapas) is a duck in front of sun
- Šiauliai, lithuania's nickname is Saulės miestas (The Sun City)
Ta' Xbiex 塔什比埃什 is a locality and Local Council in the Central Region of Malta The Maltese word 'Tbexbex' is descriptive of the sun as it rises. Others say its name might originate from word 'Xbiek' meaning fishing nets as would seem appropriate from its inhabitants being able to sail and fish freely from its shores. Indeed, its coat of arms depicts a ship's wheel further confirming its connection with the sea.
- "sunburst that in a flash reveals the features of the new world"  (preface to hegel's phenomenology of spirit) was seen in france in may1968, with the intermingled red and black flags of workers' democracy
- ger places
  • Jericho
  • niger
  • nigeria
  • algeria
  • germany
  • 列日Liège
  • Estado de Minas Gerais brazil

- often associated with goddess diana, chastity
- flag of maldives is a white crescent moon with green background
-  Kuu is the Finnish word for the Moon.
- surname purnama e.g. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (EYD: Basuki Cahaya Purnama; 鍾萬學Tjung Ban Hokpinyin: Zhōng Wànxué; Hakka Pha̍k-fa-sṳChûng Van-ho̍k; born 29 June 1966) 
The Kadayawan Festival is an annual festival in the city of Davao in the Philippines. Its name derives from the friendly greeting "Madayaw", from the Dabawenyo word "dayaw", meaning good, valuable, superior or beautiful. The festival is a celebration of life, a thanksgiving for the gifts of nature, the wealth of culture, the bounties of harvest and serenity of living. It is held every third week of August.This ritual serves as their thanksgiving to the gods particularly to the "Manama" (the Supreme Being) and Bulan (a moon deity) that the first gathering was on a night of a full moon.
- 「藍月亮」一詞的出現,太空館表示,有說最初出現於一本在1937年出版的書籍。到1946年,雜誌《Sky & Telescope》在一篇文章中誤將「藍月亮」解釋成一個陽曆月裏出現的第二次滿月。由於這本雜誌的普及和影響力,這個誤解就慢慢成為了日後大眾對「藍月亮」的認知。
- 「紅月亮」吸引市民舉機「致敬」。香港上空昨天黃 昏時分出現今年第三次半影月食。是次月食的特點是 月食在月出前已經開始,因此月亮會帶食而出。
- clair de lune

  • name of folk song (au clair de la lune), movements in classical musical pieces, band 
  • name of glaze for porcelain (mostly qing dynasty?)
  • 上饶市婺源县, jiangxi
  • shenzhen
- half moon bay
  • bc, canada
  • california, usa
  • sai kung hk

- flag of belgian congo (1908-60) has a yellow star in blue background
- red star
  • pret a manger
  • heineken beer
  • 紅星美凱龍家居集團股份有限公司Red Star Macalline Group Corporation Limited,簡稱紅星美凱龍,港交所1528),在1992年,由车建新(董事長)於江蘇省常州市成立名為「常州市紅星家俱城」。其後在1994年,「常州市紅星家俱城」、「常州市紅星家俱總廠」,以及「常州建材家俱批發中心」,組成為「常州紅星家俱集團公司」。1999年,更名為「紅星家俱集團有限公司」。2007年,現總部位於上海成立前身為「上海紅星美凱龍家居家飾品有限公司」,以及當時成立位於天津市的「天津紅星美凱龍家飾有限公司」(2009年年8月8日合併後解散)。業務在中國內地經營百貨商店外,還推廣各類家居装饰及家具品牌。 而在2015年6月26日於港交所主板上市(招股價為13.28港元,集資額為72.8億港元,全球發售為543,588,000H股,主要策略投資者為華平投資旗下2家子公司Candlewood Investment SRL和Springwood Investment SRL合共持有80,329,038 H股、BosValen Master Fund中國建材股份有限公司Falcon Edge Global Master Fund, LP香港格力電器銷售有限公司山東省國有資產投資控股有限公司合共投資330百萬美元(2,559百萬港元))之前,便在2012年,曾計劃向中國證監會申請於上海證券交易所A股上市為「已受理」,但未有回覆而不了了之,直至2015年1月,轉為「中止」,其後2015年3月27日,收到中國證監會有關中止A股上市申請的正式通知。而上述資料,已停止與相關顧問就股份在上海證券交易所上市事宜進行溝通2016年2月12日(年初五為中國內地春節假日),該公司發行不超過315,000,000股A股,據初步估計集資不超過39.5億元人民幣,而該項目尚有待當局、股東大會批准,而據了解是用作作天津北辰商場、呼和浩特玉泉商場、東莞萬江商場等建設;6億元用作統一物流服務體系建設;8億元償還銀行貸款;5億元用於O2O家裝平台項目等。另外,該公司同意批准在中國發行超短期融資券,發行金額不超過30億元人民幣

- north star
  • North Star is a name of Polaris in its role as northern pole star, the prominent star that lies closest in the sky to the north celestial pole, and thus appears (approximately) directly overhead to an observer at the Earth's North Pole.
  • The state nickname for the state of Minnesota is the "North Star State." This is the English translation and most frequently used translation for the official French L’Etoile du Nord that appears on other Minnesota state emblems — the seal and the state flag. Minnesota is the only U.S. state to have a motto in French. While the reason for this is not clearly known, most historians speculate that the choice of the French language is a deferential nod to the early French explorers, missionaries and traders who settled the wilds of Minnesota before the region became a territory and a U.S. state. The "North Star State" motto refers to Minnesota as the northernmost state in the United States.
- in emblem of university of california, berkeley
- in Cap Badge of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) ( a rifle regiment of the British Army, the only regiment of rifles amongst the Scottishregiments of infantry. It was formed in 1881 under the Childers Reforms by the amalgamation of the 26th Cameronian Regiment and the 90th Perthshire Light Infantry. In 1968, when reductions were required, the regiment chose to be disbanded rather than amalgamated with another regiment, one of only two infantry regiments in the British Army to do so, with the other being the York and Lancaster Regiment. It can trace its roots to that of the Cameronians, later the 26th of Foot, who were raised in 1689. The 1881 amalgamation coincided with the Cameronian's selection to become the new Scottish Rifles.)
五角星最早被發現在 美索不達米亞 的文獻資料里,距今可以追溯到大約公元前3000年。 蘇美爾 語中五角星是被用作「UB」的象形文字,意思是「牆角、角度、隱蔽處、小房間、空洞、孔、陷阱」,表示一些極像pentemychos的東西(參見下面 畢達哥拉斯 學說的使用)。在labat(蘇美爾語 象形文字 字典)中它代表數字306,並且它被表現為兩角向上。在 巴比倫 語的文獻中,五角星的邊可能表示定位:前、後、左、右和「上」。這些方向同樣有一個 占星學 的含義,代表五個星球:木星、 水星 、火星和 土星 和「天堂的皇后」(Ishtar) 金星 (代表上位)。金星每四年在空中的運行軌跡是一個正五角形。古人觀察到這種現象,對之敬畏之至,於是金星和五角星便成了至善至美和周期性的性愛的象徵。為禮讚金星的神奇,希臘人以四年為一個循環來組織奧林匹克運動會。現今很少有人知道現在每四年一屆的現代奧林匹克運動會是沿襲了金星的周期。更少有人知道五角星差點成了奧運會的正式標誌,只是到了最後一刻才將五個尖角換成了五個相互聯結的環,以更好地體現奧運會包容與和諧的精神。原文網址:
 - ???Yılın maddeleri (no english wiki)

sun moon star
- afghanistan

In geometry, an octagram is an eight-angled star polygon.The name octagram combine a Greek numeral prefixocta-, with the Greek suffix -gram. The -gram suffix derives from γραμμή (grammḗ) meaning "line".
-  An old Flag of Chile contained this octagonal star geometry with edges removed (the Guñelve).
-  The geometry can be adjusted so 3 edges cross at a single point, like the Auseklis symbol
  •  Auseklis (derived from root aus- - "dawn") was a Latvian god, and the personification of the celestial body of Venus - the first "star" (how Latvians call it) to appear in the mornings on the east side of the sky. He is the third most popular deity in Latvian mythology after Saulė and Mēness, but is almost exclusively mentioned in folk songs. Auseklis is closely associated with Mēness ("moon"). They both are Dieva dēli ("sons of God"), and are thus confused with each other and with other male deities. Auseklis is the groom of Saules meita ("daughter of the sun"). Auseklis is often referred to as being very young. Auseklis is also the name of eight-pointed star (a regular octagram). It is also known as one of the crosses of Lietuvēns (a malevolent spirit). The other cross of Lietuvēns is the pentagram, which symbolizes Venus in other cultures, suggesting that both signs might have originally been symbols of Auseklis. In more modern times, the pentagram is sometimes seen as a symbol of evil, however originally both signs were used for protection from evil and are named after Lietuvēns, because they were used to ward it off. Both signs had to be drawn without lifting the hand to ensure that protection was effective.In the 1980s, the octagram became the symbol of the third Latvian National Awakening.

- The name Phosphorus in Ancient Greece was the name for the planet Venus and is derived from the Greek words (φῶς = light, φέρω = carry), which roughly translates as light-bringer or light carrier.(In Greek mythology and tradition, Augerinus (Αυγερινός = morning star, still in use today), Hesperus or Hesperinus (΄Εσπερος or Εσπερινός or Αποσπερίτης = evening star, still in use today) and Eosphorus (Εωσφόρος = dawnbearer, not in use for the planet after Christianity) are close homologues, and also associated with Phosphorus-the-planet).
- festival of light - lyon (8dec), quito (9to13aug), hk (23to25nov), shanghai (23nov to 3jan)

- aso, kumamoto is called the land of fire

The word otter comes from Proto-Germanic *otraz ‘otter’, ultimately from Proto-Indo–European *udros ‘water-creature’, itself from the root *wed- meaning ‘water’ or ‘wet’. The Greek-origin hydra is ultimately from the same root, as is the Slavic-origin vidra.

 世界軸 The axis mundi (also cosmic axisworld axisworld pillarcenter of the worldworld tree), in certain beliefs and philosophies, is the world center, or the connection between Heaven and Earth. As the celestial pole and geographic pole, it expresses a point of connection between sky and earth where the four compass directions meet. At this point travel and correspondence is made between higher and lower realms.[1] Communication from lower realms may ascend to higher ones and blessings from higher realms may descend to lower ones and be disseminated to all.[2]The spot functions as the omphalos (navel), the world's point of beginning. The image relates to the center of the earth (perhaps like an umbilicalproviding nourishment).[citation needed] It may have the form of a natural object (a mountain, a tree, a vine, a stalk, a column of smoke or fire) or a product of human manufacture (a staff, a tower, a ladder, a staircase, a maypole, a cross, a steeple, a rope, a totem pole, a pillar, a spire). Its proximity to heaven may carry implications that are chiefly religious (pagodatemple mountminaretchurch) or secular (obelisklighthouserocketskyscraper). The image appears in religious and secular contexts.[6] The axis mundi symbol may be found in cultures utilizing shamanic practices or animist belief systems, in major world religions, and in technologically advanced "urban centers". In Mircea Eliade's opinion, "Every Microcosm, every inhabited region, has a Centre; that is to say, a place that is sacred above all."[7] The axis mundi is often associated with mandalas
Within the central known universe a specific locale-often a mountain or other elevated place, a spot where earth and sky come closest gains status as center of the center, the axis mundi. High mountains are typically regarded as sacred by peoples living near them. Shrines are often erected at the summit or base.[9] Mount Kunlun fills a similar role in China.[10] For the ancient Hebrews Mount Zion expressed the symbol.[citation needed] Sioux beliefs take the Black Hills as the axis mundi.[citation needed] Mount Kailash is holy to Hinduism and several religions in Tibet. The Pitjantjatjara people in central Australia consider Uluru to be central to both their world and culture. In ancient Mesopotamia the cultures of ancient Sumer and Babylon erected artificial mountains, or ziggurats, on the flat river plain. These supported staircases leading to temples at the top. The Hindu temples in India are often situated on high mountains. E.g. AmarnathTirupatiVaishno Devi etc. The pre-Columbian residents of Teotihuacán in Mexico erected huge pyramidsfeaturing staircases leading to heaven. These Amerindian temples were often placed on top of caves or subterranean springs, which were thought to be openings to the underworld. Jacob's Ladder is an axis mundi image, as is the Temple Mount. For Christians the Cross on Mount Calvary expresses the symbol.[12] The Middle Kingdom, China, had a central mountain, Kunlun, known in Taoist literature as "the mountain at the middle of the world." To "go into the mountains" meant to dedicate oneself to a spiritual life. Monasteries of all faiths tend, like shrines, to be placed at elevated spots. Wise religious teachers are typically depicted in literature and art as bringing their revelations at world centers: mountains, trees, temples.
- totem pole sightings

  • yunnan
- sanskrit words mandala and yantra mean circle and instrument respectively, and describe schematic images designed to both represent and assist spiritual experience.  Mandala-like patterns occur in nature (concentric circles of a tree trunk; ripples on the surface of a pond; a spider's web; a snowflake or a sunflower; natural landscape like mount kailas, one of the tallest peaks in the himalayas, has four distinct facades facing north, south, east and west and is compared to an enormous diamond.  Buddhists regard it as a mandala, a sacred circle from which four holy rivers (the indus, sutlej, bramaputra and ganges) flow like the spokes of an eternal wheel) as well as in traditions as diverse as those of the maya, native americans, celts and christians.
- Stones circles, burial mounds, labyrinths and mazes have all been likened to mandalas, as have the native american medicine wheel and dream-catcher, the latter a mandala of the dream world.  The pre-christian celtic cross, symbolizing the four seasons and the four directions, was positioned over a circle symbolizing the earth.  The christian tradition has its own versions of mandala formations, such as the rose windows that adorn cathedrals and churches.
- kiv those with rotational symmetry designs

- a variation of mandala, the yantra is used in both hinduism and buddhism.  It is a complex geometric figure that visually expresses a mantra or prayer. Sometimes the mantra is written to fix it, but predominantly geometric symbols are used in a mystical representation of creation and the interaction of cosmic forces.  The powers inherent in the yantra are brought to life through ritual acts, such as smearing it with perfume and chanting the mantra over it
- the shri-yantra, considered one of the most potent yantra designs, is used in hindu tantric ritual. It consists of a square, concentric circles and nine intersecting triangles.  The external square functions like a city wall, with gateways to four points of the compass.  It represents the physical world and protects and encloses the interior.  The concentric circles represent spiritual expansion and cosmic unity, while the triangles represent the joining of the linga (phallus), represented by the downward pointing triangle, or the sexual play of the divine couple, shiva and shakti.  The shri-yantra can be engraved only on eight surfaces: gold, silver, copper, crystal, birch, bone, hide (including paper) and a special vishnu stone named after the preserver deity.  Only these materials, in combination with the correct colours - red (symbolise the female) or white (symbolise the male) will create the necessary balance and harmony of energies.

獅鷲古希腊语γρύφων)是一种希臘神話传说中的生物,也稱之為「格芬」、「格里芬」、「鷹頭獅」、「狮身鹰」、「狮身鹰首兽」、「鷲頭飛獅」。它拥有狮子的身体及的头、和翅膀。因为狮子和鹰分别称雄于陆地和天空,鷹頭獅被认为是非常厉害的动物。The griffingriffon, or gryphon (Greek: γρύφων, grýphōn, or γρύπων, grýpōn, early form γρύψgrýpsLatingryphus) is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and an eagle's talons as its front feet. Because the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle the king of birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. The griffin was also thought of as king of all creatures. Griffins are known for guarding treasure and priceless possessions. Adrienne Mayor, a classical folklorist, proposes that the griffin was an ancient misconception derived from the fossilized remains of the Protoceratops found in gold mines in the Altai mountains of Scythia, in present-day southeastern Kazakhstan, or in Mongolia,[2]though this hypothesis has been strongly contested as it ignores pre-Mycenaean accounts. In antiquity it was a symbol of divine power and a guardian of the divine. The derivation of this word remains uncertain. It could be related to the Greek word γρυπός (grypos), meaning 'curved', or 'hooked'. Also, this could have been an Anatolian loan word, compare Akkadian karūbu (winged creature), and similar to Cherub. A related Hebrew word is כרוב (kerúv).
There is evidence of representations of griffins in Ancient Iranian and Ancient Egyptian art dating back to before 3000 BC.[6] In Egypt, a griffin can be seen in a cosmetic palette from Hierakonpolis, known as the "Two Dog Palette", which is dated to ca. 3300-3100 BC. In Iran, griffins appeared on cylinder seals from Susa as early as 3000 BC.[10] Griffin depictions appear in the LevantSyria, and Anatolia in the Middle Bronze Age, dated at about 1950-1550 BC. Early depictions of griffins in Ancient Greek art are found in the 15th century BC frescoes in the Throne Room of the Bronze Age Palace of Knossos, as restored by Sir Arthur Evans. It continued being a favored decorative theme in Archaic and Classical Greek art. In Central Asia, the griffin appears about a thousand years after Bronze Age Crete, in the 5th–4th centuries BC, probably originating from the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The Achaemenids considered the griffin "a protector from evil, witchcraft and secret slander". The modern generalist calls it the lion-griffin, as for example, Robin Lane Fox, in Alexander the Great, 1973:31 and notes p. 506, who remarks a lion-griffin attacking a stag in a pebble mosaic Dartmouth College expedition at Pella, perhaps as an emblem of the kingdom of Macedon or a personal one of Alexander's successor AntipaterThe Pisa Griffin is a large bronze sculpture that has been in Pisa in Italy since the Middle Ages, though it is of Islamic origin. It is the largest bronze medieval Islamic sculpture known, at over three feet tall (42.5 inches, or 1.08 m.), and was probably created in the 11th century in Al-Andaluz (Islamic Spain). From about 1100 it was placed on a column on the roof of Pisa Cathedral until replaced by a replica in 1832; the original is now in the Museo dell' Opera del Duomo (Cathedral Museum), Pisa.
In heraldry, the griffin's amalgamation of lion and eagle gains in courage and boldness, and it is always drawn to powerful fierce monsters. It is used to denote strength and military courage and leadership. Griffins are portrayed with the rear body of a lion, an eagle's head with erect ears, a feathered breast, and the forelegs of an eagle, including claws. These features indicate a combination of intelligence and strength. In British heraldry, a male griffin is shown without wings, its body covered in tufts of formidable spikes, with a short tusk emerging from the forehead, as for a unicorn. The female griffin with wings is more commonly used.

- ship with a griffin - guardian of dionysos' wine crater in greek mythology

狻猊(suān ní)是中国古代神话传说中龙生九子之一(一说是第五子,另说是第八子)。形如狮,喜烟好坐,所以形象一般出现在香炉上,随之吞烟吐雾。狮子是外来之物,在动物分类学上属于哺乳纲食肉目猫科,为大型猛兽。历史上主要生活在非洲,在亚洲则主要分布在印度、伊朗等地,中原地区是没有的。“狻猊”一词,最早出现在《穆天子传》曰:“名兽使足走千里,狻猊、野马走五百里。”晋郭璞注曰:“狻猊,狮子。亦食虎豹。”《尔雅·释兽》载:“狻猊如彪猫,食虎豹。”郭璞注:“即狮子也,出西域。”佛座上装饰的狻猊是随着佛教在汉代由印度人传入中国的,至南北朝时期,中国的佛教艺术上已普遍使用,这种造型经过中国民间艺人的创造,使其具有中国的传统气派,后来成了龙子的老五,它布置的地方多是在结跏趺坐或交脚而坐的文殊菩萨像前。明清之际的石狮或铜狮颈下项圈中间的龙形装饰物也是狻猊的形象,它使守卫大门的中国传统门狮更为睁崃威武。在现代,因为受到狮子迷的神化,狮子被当成是狻猊,其实两者并无关系。
- the word is translated from sanskrit hkej 24oct18

sphinx (Ancient GreekΣφίγξ [spʰíŋks]BoeotianΦίξ [pʰíːks], plural sphinges) is a mythical creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion.In Greek tradition, it has the head of a human, the haunches of a lion, and sometimes the wings of a bird. It is mythicised as treacherous and merciless. Those who cannot answer its riddle suffer a fate typical in such mythological stories, as they are killed and eaten by this ravenous monster. This deadly version of a sphinx appears in the myth and drama of Oedipus. Unlike the Greek sphinx, which was a woman, the Egyptian sphinx is typically shown as a man (an androsphinx). In addition, the Egyptian sphinx was viewed as benevolent, but having a ferocious strength similar to the malevolent Greek version and both were thought of as guardians often flanking the entrances to temples.In Greek mythology, a sphinx is represented as a monster with a head of a woman, the body of a lioness, the wings of an eagle, and a serpent-headed tail. The sphinx was the emblem of the ancient city-state of Chios, and appeared on seals and the obverse side of coins from the 6th century BCE until the 3rd century CE.
- Sphinx des Naxiens à Delphes
the Sphinx is thought by many to resemble the Pharaoh Khafre, who lived between 2603-2578 BC and built one of the pyramids of Giza. Many believe that the Sphinx was built to watch over the plateau of Giza, serving a symbolic purpose. The Sphinx was built facing due east, meaning that it aligns with the rising sun every day. Some later Egyptians would worship it, calling the Sphinx ‘Hor-Em-Akhet’ meaning ‘Horus of the Horizon’.

The Nemean lion (/nɪˈmən/GreekΝεμέος λέων[1] Neméos léōnLatinLeo Nemeaeus) was a vicious monster in Greek mythology that lived at Nemea. It was eventually killed by Heracles. It could not be killed with mortals' weapons because its golden fur was impervious to attack. Its claws were sharper than mortals' swords and could cut through any armor.
The Medici lions are a pair of marble sculptures of lions, one of which is Roman, dating to the 2nd century AD, and the other a 16th-century pendant; both were by 1598 placed at the Villa MediciRome. Since 1789 they have been displayed at the Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence. The sculptures depict standing male lions with a sphere or ball under one paw, looking to the side. The Medici lions have been copied, with varying degrees of exactness, in many other locations.
The Albani lion is a 1st-century Roman green basalt lion statue with a yellow marble sphere under one paw, in the Albani Collection in the Denon Wing of the Louvre (inventory number Ma 1355) in ParisFrance.
-  The Marzocco is the heraldic lion that is a symbol of Florence, and was apparently the first piece of public secular sculpture commissioned by the Republic of Florence, in the late 14th century. It stood at the heart of the city in the Piazza della Signoria at the end of the platform attached to the Palazzo Vecchio called the ringhiera, from which speakers traditionally harangued the crowd. This is now lost, having weathered with time to an unrecognizable mass of stone. The best known rendition is by Donatello, made in 1418–20. Donatello’s Marzocco was placed in the Piazza della Signoria in 1812, but in 1885 it was moved to the Bargello, having been replaced by the copy we see to this day.The obscure name Marzocco, unfathomable to some scholars, would by others derive from Marte (Mars), whose Roman statue, was known as the "Roman God of War"; noted by Dante and carried away by a flood of the Arno in 1333, had previously been Florence’s emblem. The lion is seated and with one paw supports the coat-of-arms of Florence, the fleur de lys called il giglio, the lily. Marzocco was` invoked in the Florentine battle cry and figures in Gentile Aretino's poem "Alla battaglia".
The Palatine Lion (GermanPfälzer Löwe), less commonly the Palatinate Lion, is an heraldic charge (see also: heraldic lions). It was originally part of the family coat of arms of the House of Wittelsbach and is found today on many coats of arms of municipalities, counties and regions in South Germany and the Austrian Innviertel.  The main design is described as sable a lion rampant or, crowned, armed and langued gules. Originally uncrowned, the lion was first depicted with a red crown in the early 14th century in the Zürich armorial. This probably relates to the pre-eminent position held by the Prince-Elector of the Palatinate as an imperial vicar, since the Golden Bull of 1356.
The Veldenz lion is a modified[clarification needed] heraldic emblem. As a charge the heraldic lion in the coat of arms has a stationary appearance. The blazon is "argent lion rampant azure, tongue gules". As a representation of the County of Veldenzthis lion can be found in many arms in the region.
- lion holding a sword/sabre
  • ceylon, sri lanka, 巴納特 banat, central europe
-  Chinese guardian lions or Imperial guardian lions, often miscalled "Foo Dogs" in the West, are a common representation of the lion in imperial China. Chinese guardian lions are sometimes referred to in English as shishi, from the Chinese shí shī (石獅 literally: "stone lion"), which refers specifically to lion sculptures in stone. The concept, which originated and became popular in Chinese Buddhism, subsequently spread to other parts of Asia including, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Cambodia and Laos.
  • In Japan: the lion figures are known as Komainu (狛犬, lion dogs)
  • Meant to ward off evil spirits, modern komainu statues usually are almost identical, but one has the mouth open, the other closed. (However, exceptions exist, where both komainu have their mouth either open or closed.) The two forms are called a-gyō (阿形 lit. "a" shape) and ''un-gyō (吽形 lit. "un" shape) or referred to collectively as a-un. This is a very common characteristic in religious statue pairs at both temples and shrines. The pattern is Buddhist in origin (see the article about the Niō, human-form guardians of Buddhist temples) and has a symbolic meaning: The open mouth is pronouncing the first letter of the Sanskrit alphabet, which is pronounced "a", while the closed one is uttering the last letter, which is pronounced "um", to represent the beginning and the end of all things.[4]Together they form the sound Aum, a syllable sacred in several religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
猶大之獅,亦作猶太之獅The Lion of Judah (Hebrew: אריה יהודה Aryeh Yehudah) is a Jewish national and cultural symbol, traditionally regarded as the symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah. According to the Torah, the tribe consists of the descendants of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. The association between Judah and the lion can first be found in the blessing given by Jacob to his son Judah in the Book of Genesis.The Lion of Judah is also mentioned in the Book of Revelation, as a term representing Jesus, according to Christian theology. The lion of Judah was also one of the titles of the Solomonic Emperors of Ethiopia.The biblical Judah (in HebrewYehuda) is the eponymous ancestor of the Tribe of Judah, which is traditionally symbolized by a lion. In Genesis, the patriarch Jacob ("Israel") gave that symbol to this tribe when he refers to his son Judah as a Gur Aryeh גּוּר אַרְיֵה יְהוּדָה, "Young Lion" (Genesis 49:9) when blessing him.[3] In Jewish naming tradition the Hebrew name and the substitute name are often combined as a pair, as in this case. The Lion of Judah was used as a Jewish symbol for many years, and as Jerusalem was the capital of the Kingdom of Judah, in 1950 it was included in the Emblem of Jerusalem.The Lion of Judah is a prominent symbol in the Rastafari movement. It represents Emperor Haile Selassie I as well as being a symbol of strength, kingship, pride and African sovereignty. Rastafari consider the mention of "The Lion of Judah" in Genesis 49:9 and Revelation 5:5 of The Bible to refer to Emperor Haile Selassie I. Rastafari hail Haile Selassie I with the titles "KING of Kings, LORD of lords, Conquering Lion of Judah, Elect of God, the Light of the World".
  • lion at top of coat of arms of AEPi 
  • Imperial Flag Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, with the Lion of Judah, the cross scepter and five Stars of David
  • Inspired by the Lion of Judah, C. S. Lewis used a lion named Aslan to represent Jesus in The Chronicles of Narnia.
- solitary lion statue at paseo del prado, cuba
- note the pair of lion statues in town hall of oran, algeria
- buddha himself was sometimes represented as having the voice of a lion - an animal whose principal quality was bravery.  Lions also denote wilderness.
- at least one village in central java in year ad902 was named lion city.
- lions are indigenous to india but not to southeast asia
- afghanistan
- christianity
  • [futurelearn] The Physiologus describes it as a symbol of Jesus Christ ‘our saviour, the spiritual lion of the tribe of Judah’ and both the Physiologus and Etymologies recount how lion cubs were born dead, and after three days, the male lion breathed life onto them – thus creating an equation with Christ, who died and was resurrected after three days.


- in singapore

  • 聖淘沙發展局上周五宣布,將重新規劃聖淘沙島及附近的勿拉尼島,並拆除島上標誌性的魚尾獅,而下月二十日為最後一個開放日,旅客欲與魚尾獅留倩影就要趁早。

- logo of 1906 british colonial salay house in myanmar
- in coat of arms of principality of sealand
- lion is the symbol of tribe of judah
- in heraldry

  • As many attitudes (positions e.g rampant, passant, statant) now exist in heraldry as the heraldist's imagination can conjure, as a result of the ever-increasing need for differentiation, but very few of these were apparently known to medieval heralds. One distinction commonly made (especially among French heralds), although it may be of limited importance, is the distinction of lions in the walking positions as leopards.
bear remains an important symbol for St Gallen, switzerland, adorning the city's coat of arms

The wedge-tailed eagle or bunjil (Aquila audax), sometimes known as the eaglehawk, is the largest bird of prey in Australia, and is also found in southern New Guinea, part of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. It has long, fairly broad wings, fully feathered legs, and an unmistakable wedge-shaped tail.The bird is an emblem of the Northern Territory
共命之鳥梵語जीवजीवक Jīvajīvaka),又名同命鳥命命鳥耆婆耆婆,是佛經中記載的雙頭鳥佛本行集經》中有關於共命鳥的譬喻故事:在過去雪山中有一隻長着兩個頭的鳥,一個頭叫「迦嘍嗏」,能吃到美味的果實;而另一個頭叫「優波迦嘍嗏」,只能吃到爛果實。一次在覓食果實時,優波迦嘍嗏為迦嘍嗏品嘗毒果,結果被雙雙毒死[3][4]佛說阿彌陀經》中也有提及共命鳥,與《佛本行集經》中善惡共存的共命鳥有很大不同:彼國常有種種奇妙雜色之鳥。白鵠孔雀鸚鵡舍利迦陵頻伽共命之鳥,是諸眾鳥。晝夜六時。出和雅音。其音演暢五根、五力、七菩提分、八聖道分、如是等法。其土眾生。聞是音已。皆悉念佛念法念僧。

  • singtao 17dec19

- double headed eagle is the emblem of 

  • ?To be double checked -
  • byzantine empire
  • austria-hungary 1867-1918
  • national flag of albania, serbia, montenegro
  • coat-of-arms of Catherine the Great of Russia
  • coinage of anna of russia,_1739.jpg
  • coat of arms of federal state of austria (1934-1938)
  • coat of arms of albanian royal and noble family House of Kastrioti
  • seal of sucre, bolivia
  • coat of arms of yugoslavia (1918-1941)
  • Coat of arms of Serbian Vojvodina from 1848
  • coat of arms of montenegro - adopted in 2004
  • 阿贊庫爾Azincourt, calais, france (where the battle of agincourt was fought)
  • coat of arms of ortenaukreis, germany
  • coat of arms of nijmegen, netherlands
  • 丹澤荷蘭語Deinze)是位於比利時東佛蘭德省
  • coat of arms of lanark, scotland
  • Russian-American Company flag, 1806 design,_1806.tiff
  • maclehose coat of arms
  • in logo of moscow state university ( was renamed M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1940)
  • cartier logo
  • First red & white soup can label 1898 
  • building in ramallah, palestine
  • in painting
The French Imperial Eagle (Aigle de drapeau, lit. "flag eagle") refers to the figure of an eagle on a staff carried into battle as a standard by the Grande Armée of Napoléon I during the Napoleonic WarsAlthough they were presented with regimental colours, the regiments of Napoléon I tended to carry at their head the Imperial Eagle. On 5 December 1804, three days after his Coronation, Napoléon I distributed aigles based on the Roman aquila of the legions of Rome. The standards represented the regiments raised by the various departments of France, and were intended to institute feelings of pride and loyalty among the troops who would be the backbone of Napoléon's new regime. Napoléon gave an emotional speech in which he insisted that troops should defend the standards with their lives. This event was depicted in The Distribution of the Eagle Standards, a painting by Jacques-Louis David.

The Philippine eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), also known as the monkey-eating eagle or great Philippine eagle, is an eagle of the family Accipitridae endemic to forests in the Philippines. It has brown and white-coloured plumage, and a shaggy crest, and generally measures 86 to 102 cm (2.82 to 3.35 ft) in length and weighs 4.7 to 8.0 kilograms (10.4 to 17.6 lb). It is considered the largest of the extant eagles in the world in terms of length and wing surface, with the Steller's sea eagle and the harpy eagle being larger in terms of weight and bulk. The Philippine eagle was officially declared the national bird of the Philippines on 4 July 1995 by President Fidel V. Ramos under Proclamation No. 615, series of 1995.
- in greek mythology, jupiter's bird was eagle
- ********** There is a powerful force at work among languages which easily explains this, but which most laypeople find difficult to accept.We professional linguists call it coincidence.
- 證監會慶祝30周年嗰陣推出「飛鷹」新標誌


The Roc (from Persian: ruḵ) is an enormous legendary bird of prey in the popular mythology of the Middle EastThe roc appears in Arabic geographies and natural history, popularized in Arabian fairy tales and sailors' folklore. Ibn Battuta tells of a mountain hovering in the air over the China Seas, which was the roc. The popular story collection One Thousand and One Nights includes tales of Abd al-Rahman and Sinbad the Sailor, both of which include the roc. The English form "roc" originates from Arabic ruḵḵ (Arabicالرُخّ‎, translit. ar-ruḫḫ) and that from Persian ruḵ. In both languages, Arabic and Persian, the word is written in Arabic alphabet as رخ. Common romanizations are ruḵḵ for the Arabic form and ruḵ, rokh or rukh for the Persian form. According to Rudolph Wittkower, the idea of the roc had its origins in the story of the fight between the Indian solar bird Garuda and the chthonic serpent Nāga. The mytheme of Garuda carrying off an elephant that was battling a crocodile appears in two Sanskrit epics, the Mahabharata (I.1353) and the Ramayana (III.39).

(读音为hu)鹰又名 海东青,是鹰科鸟类,东北亚矛隼的一种。是一种美丽的中型猛禽,也是体形较大的隼类,所以又有巨隼之称。满族人的先祖肃慎族人语称其“雄库鲁”,意为世界上飞得最高和最快的鸟,有“万鹰之神”的含义。契丹人统治中国北方时期,曾经将海东青大量引入今天的内蒙古地区。

- “仰韶文化”(据碳十四测定,其年代约为公元前四五一五年至公元前二四六○年)红陶塑枭首. 春秋战国和两汉时期,人们最害怕“枭首”,因属酷刑,要斩头挂木柱上示众。新石器时代各处部族,首领辄以枭首刻于指挥器或仪仗上,也有繫扎或镶嵌者,盖枭(即鸮)与鹰同属猛禽,是鸟类中最勇猛兇狠者。首领为了要慑服民众,遂以枭首作象徵。后来,视枭代表豪雄勇健

- 玄鸟是古代中国神话传说中的神鸟。出自《山海经》,玄鸟的初始形象类似燕子。北海之内有山,名曰幽都之山。黑水出焉,其上有玄鸟、玄蛇、玄豹、玄虎,玄狐蓬尾。《史记·殷本纪》记载,商契的母亲简狄在郊外,因吞玄鸟之卵怀孕而生下商契。这就成为后人所谓玄鸟是商祖先这一传说的根据。《楚辞·离骚》王逸注:“玄鸟,燕也。”玄有黑色的意思。
- note the portrait of bird having resemblance to phoenix
- 雒 - 古同“”; 玄鸟,商周图腾; 不韦迁蜀后的家人门客所取的姓氏。
据山东即墨雒氏族谱记载,吾雒氏宗族炎黄一脉,繁衍生息,已五千多年。始 祖生于洛水(洛阳一带)故姓洛。始祖与炎帝是知己朋友。炎帝是太阳神的化身,本属火。人们尊称他是火德王神农氏。吾雒氏始祖姓洛,本属水。据伏羲易经五行 (金水木火土)相生相克关系,水“洛”克火。吾始祖慈善包容,品行品格上善若水,为排除水克火之含义,聪明的智慧的始祖把洛字的三点水删除,在各的右边添 加一个“隹”(zhui)字,仍读音为洛(luo)形异音同意同,这样就组成了新的“雒”字,雒同洛(与词典解释一致)。这样从字面上看雒字不属水了,也 就不克炎帝火德王的火了。这便是雒氏的起源。当今雒氏宗族星罗棋布遍及全国各地,像陕西、山西、福建、辽宁、吉林、北京、天津、河南、河北、山东、台湾等 省市地区都有雒氏家族,其源头都是从洛阳附近雒氏宗族迁出的。比方我们山东即墨市、宁津县姓雒的都是从大明永乐二年(公元1404年)同步从洛阳雒氏始祖 地出发同年分别落户于即墨和宁津的。至今雒法福还和洛阳雒氏始祖后裔有联系。据陕西西安雒氏一脉口耳相传,祖上乃姬氏武王之后。曾藏古时墓志铭一份, 老人口传:五霸争端,逃为深山,屈为平民,后至陕西经商.....(口传音),又存疑说上古七十二王之合雒氏之后,其真实性有待商榷。我西安雒家族谱已于 文革时期焚毁,悲也,叹也。本为帝室之胄奈何世事变迁,雒氏一脉早已不复祖上荣光,明清时期曾出进士,官至二品,家中老人至今常言与外人,时也,命也。

- norse mythology sigurd and the dragon
- uk
  • [kerven]often called worms (from old norse word ormr) and their supposed existence once haunted england eg in 1233 and 1393. St leonard's forest near horsham, sussex, was said to have been troubled by a dragon in 6thc and slaughtered by leonard. In 1405, a crested dragon was spotted close to bures in suffolk. Dragon's blood and dragon's fat were often demanded as ingredients in medieval medicines. Sites where dragon was slain by st george - lower stanks field in brinsop, hertfordshire; dragon hill, near white horse of uffingham, berkshire; st michael's mount in cornwall; lambton hall, durham; fire-breathing dragon described by a gypsy woman in bedfordshire
- the dragon in the symbol of house of targaryen (from game of thrones) looks like the one in the flag of wales
- dragon in flags of bhutan and malta (stepped upon by man on horse)
- dragon in the coat of arms of cernobbio, italy looks like the one in the flag of wales; also coat of arms of ljubljana, slovenia
- note the confabulation of dragons painting (anatolian)
- golden dragon beer
  • george III hotel, barmouth, dolgellau, wales - Cwrw'r Draig Aur which translates as Golden Dragon Ale
  • Gulden Draak (Dutch for Golden Dragon) is a dark Belgian beer with high alcohol by volume (10.5%), brewed by Brouwerij Van Steenberge in ErtveldeEast Flanders. It is named after the golden dragon at the top of the belfry in Ghent.
- yellow dragon is the symbol of queen's college, hk

雷龍The Druk (Standard TibetanའབྲུགDzongkhaའབྲུག) is the "Thunder Dragon" of Tibetanand Bhutanese mythology and a Bhutanese national symbol. A druk appears on the flag of Bhutan, holding jewels to represent wealth. In Dzongkha, Bhutan is called Druk Yul "Land of Druk", and Bhutanese leaders are called Druk Gyalpo, "Thunder Dragon Kings". During the Bhutanese mock election in 2007, all four mock parties were called the Druk [colour] Party.[1]The national anthem of Bhutan, Druk tsendhen, translates into English as "Kingdom of Druk".

- Old English and Old French fenix, from Medieval Latin phenix, from Latinphoenix, from Greek phoinix, mythical bird of Arabia which flew to Egyptevery 500 years to be reborn, also "the date" (fruit and tree), also"Phoenician," literally "purple-red," perhaps a foreign word (Egyptian hasbeen suggested), or from phoinos "blood-red." (
- 传说中凤凰共有五类,分别是赤色的真凤、青色的青鸾、黄色的鹓鶵、白色的鸿鹄、紫色的鸑鷟。 
鹓鶵是凤凰的一种,凤,青鸾,鸿鹄,鸑鷟,都是凤凰的一种,凤凰是他们的总称。凤凰(鹓鶵)性格高洁,非晨露不饮,非嫩竹不食,非千年梧桐不栖。 最早凤凰属风,在古代风神信仰中,认为世界上的风是由巨大的鸟拍动翅膀产生的,这种能产生风的鸟就是 凤 凰,故崇拜凤凰为各方风神,认为四方各有一只巨鸟在拍动翅膀。也因此“凤”、“凰”二字与“风”字同有代表风 的“几”部。后来风的代表逐渐被呼风唤雨的龙所取代,而凤凰也逐渐衍生出祥瑞等这类的象征。据《尔雅·释鸟》郭璞注,凤凰特征是:“鸡头、燕颔、蛇颈、龟背、鱼尾、五彩色、高六尺许”。《山海经·图赞》说有五种像字纹:“首文曰德,翼文曰顺,背文曰义,腹文曰信,膺文曰仁。”
鳳凰(ほうおう)は、中国神話の伝説の、霊鳥である。鳳皇とも。殷の時代には風の神、またはその使者(風師)として信仰されていたといわれる。また「風」の字と、「鳳」の字の原型は、同じであったともいわれる[18]日本朝鮮など東アジア全域にわたって、装飾やシンボル、物語・説話・説教などで登場する。前2世紀頃前漢の時代に成立されたという中国最古の類語辞典『爾雅』17章によれば、頭は、頷は、頸は、背は、尾は魚で、色は黒・白・赤・青・黄の五色で、高さは六尺程とされる[1]。『山海経』「南山経」では鶏に似ており、頸には「徳」、翼に「義」、背に「礼」、胸に「仁」、腹に「信」の紋があるとされた。 後漢の字典『説文解字』では、前は、後は麟、頸は蛇、尾は魚、、紋様は龍、背は虎、頷は燕、喙は鶏と記された。南朝の時代に成立した『宋書』巻二十八志第十八では、頭は蛇、頷は燕、背は亀、腹は、頸は、喙は鶏、前部は鴻、尾は魚に似ており、頭は青(緑)、翼を並べるとされる。同じく『宋書』巻二十八志では孔雀くらいの大きさとされる。また南宋の『癸辛雑識』では高さ一丈(約3.07m)ほどで、尾は鯉に似、色が濃いとされた[2]後世、中国と日本ではそのデザインに変化が生じた。現代の中国では一般に、頭はキンケイ、胴体はオシドリ、尾は孔雀、足は鶴、嘴はオウム・インコ、翼は燕とされる。これに対し日本では一般に、背丈が4-5尺はあり、その容姿は前部が、後部が鹿、頸は蛇、背は亀、頷(あご)は燕、嘴は鶏、尾は魚であるとされる[3]。また五色絢爛な色彩で、羽には孔雀に似て五色の紋があり、声は五音を発するとされる。春秋時代の『詩経』『春秋左氏伝』『論語』などでは「聖天子の出現を待ってこの世に現れる」といわれる瑞獣(瑞鳥)のひとつとされる。礼記』では麒麟霊亀応竜とともに「四霊」と総称されている。鳳凰は、霊泉(醴泉〈れいせん〉、甘い泉の水[4])だけを飲み、60-120年に一度だけ実を結ぶというの実のみを食物とし、梧桐の木にしか止まらないという。『詩経』に「鳳凰鳴けり、彼の高き岡に。梧桐生ず、彼の朝陽に」[5]とあり、「鳳凰は梧桐にあらざれば栖まず、竹実にあらざれば食わず」という[6]説文解字』では「東方君子の国に産し、四海の外を高く飛び、崑崙山を過ぎ、砥柱で水を飲み、弱水で水浴びをし、日が暮れれば風穴に宿る」とも記された。の時代の『酉陽雑俎』では、骨が黒く、雄と雌は明け方に違う声で鳴くと記述される[7]本草綱目』によれば、羽ある生物の王であるとされる。鳳凰の卵は不老長寿の霊薬であるとされるとともに、鳳凰は中国の西方にあるという沃民国(よくみんこく)やその南にある孟鳥国(もうちょうこく)にも棲むといわれ、その沃民国の野原一面に鳳凰の卵があると伝えられる[4]。また仙人たち(八仙など)が住むとされる伝説上の山崑崙山に鳳凰は棲んでいるともいわれる[8]鳳凰の別名としては、雲作、雲雀、叶律郎、火離、五霊、仁智禽、丹山隠者、長離、朋、明丘居士、などがある。黄鳥・狂鳥・孟鳥・夢鳥なども鳳凰と同一とする説もある[9]これらの種類分けは理論的・空想的なものであって、実際の装飾や図像表現においては鳳凰と精確に区別されることが無くほとんど同形同一のものであり、五種類ある鸑鷟・鵷鶵・青鸞・鴻鵠などが鳳凰と別のものか同じものかをめぐる厳密な議論はあまり意味がない。
- korea presidental flag and emblem - two phoenixes and hibicus flower
- in hawaii's heraldic shield, phoenix is surrounded by taro leaves, banana foliage and sprays of maidenhair fern

- mystical celestial beings, normally with legs and wings of birds and torsos and heads of humans.  They appear as main characters in some jatakas but often are introduced merely as decoration.  They are associated with music, which they are said to play for gods on mt sumeru

- water symbol, can also symbolise the energy excited by desire, including sexual desire.  The hindu god of sexual love, kamadeva, is symbolised by a pennant with a makara on it.

-  Parrots have featured in human writings, story, art, humor, religion, and music for thousands of years. From Aesop's fable "The parrot and the cat" and the Roman poet Ovid's "The Dead Parrot" to Monty Python's "Dead Parrot sketch", parrots have existed in the consciousness of many cultures. Recent books about parrots in human culture include Parrot Culture. In ancient times and current, parrot feathers have been used in ceremonies and for decoration. They also have a long history as pets, stretching back thousands of years, and were often kept as a symbol of royalty or wealth. In Polynesian legend as current in the Marquesas Islands, the hero Laka/Aka is mentioned as having undertaken a long and dangerous voyage to Aotona in what are now the Cook Islands, to obtain the highly prized feathers of a red parrot as gifts for his son and daughter. On the voyage, 100 of his 140 rowers died of hunger on their way, but the survivors reached Aotona and captured enough parrots to fill 140 bags with their feathers. Parrots have also been considered sacred. The Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped birds and often depicted parrots in their art. Parrots are popular in Buddhist scripture and many writings about them exist. For example, Amitābha once changed himself into a parrot to aid in converting people. Another old story tells how after a forest caught fire, the parrot was so concerned, it carried water to try to put out the flames. The ruler of heaven was so moved upon seeing the parrot's act, he sent rain to put out the fire. In Chinese Buddhist iconography, a parrot is sometimes depicted hovering on the upper right side Guan Yin clasping a pearl or prayer beads in its beak. Parrots are used as symbols of nations and nationalism. A parrot is found on the flag of Dominica and two parrots on their coat of arms. The St. Vincent parrot is the national bird of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a Caribbean nation. Sayings about parrots colour the modern English language. The verb "parrot" in the dictionary means "to repeat by rote". Also clichés such as the British expression "sick as a parrot" are given; although this refers to extreme disappointment rather than illness, it may originate from the disease of psittacosis, which can be passed to humans.
- 从殷商不少出土玉器可见,官民俱爱观赏及重视鹦鹉,视为美丽、聪颖与吉利的象徵。战国时代亦见雕琢精美传神的鹦鹉形玉佩(像辉县固围邨出土者),喙 弯曲有致,冠羽独特,形态维妙维肖。自古以来人们喜爱鹦鹉,不但欣羡其羽毛华丽,而且因其性格易接近人,有些品种又伶俐透顶能学舌。《礼记》记载:“鹦鹉 能言,不离飞禽。”  唐、宋二代,陶器亦出现一些写实逼真的鹦鹉形实用器皿和陶塑。

Le coq
很多國家都有其象徵動物:美國是鷹、英國是獅、中國是龍,而法國則是雞。羅馬帝國時期,法國是帝國的其中一部分,當時羅馬將法國地區,連同意大利北部、荷蘭南部等地區一同稱為高盧(Gallia),當地人——高盧人就是「Gallus」。巧合地,在拉丁文之中,Gallus 的另一個意思就是雄雞。現代法國人自視為高盧人的繼承人,不過早期,高盧/法國和雄雞並未有直接連繫在一起,要到約 14 世紀左右,法國人才開始以雄雞為法國象徵。
Kapparot (Hebrewכפרות‎, Ashkenazi pronunciationKapporoisKappores) is a customary Jewish atonement ritual practiced by some Jews on the eve of Yom Kippur. This is a practice in which a person waves a chicken around his or her head. The chickens are then given to the homeless or poor as an act of charity (tzedakah).
-  The Rooster of Barcelos (Portuguese, "Galo de Barcelos") is one of the most common emblems of Portugal. The legend of the Rooster of Barcelos tells the story of a dead rooster's miraculous intervention in proving the innocence of a man who had been falsely accused and sentenced to death. The story is associated with the 17th-century calvary that is part of the collection of the Archeological Museum located in Paço dos Condes, a gothic-style palace in Barcelos, a city in the Braga District of northwest Portugal. According to the legend, silver had been stolen from a landowner in Barcelos, and the inhabitants of that city were looking for the criminal who had committed the crime. One day, a man from neighboring Galicia turned up and became suspect, despite his pleas of innocence. The Galician swore that he was merely passing through Barcelos on a Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela to complete a promise. Nevertheless, the authorities arrested the Galician and condemned him to hang. The man asked them to take him in front of the judge who had condemned him. The authorities honored his request and took him to the house of the magistrate, who was holding a banquet with some friends. Affirming his innocence, the Galician pointed to a roasted cock on top of the banquet table and exclaimed, "It is as certain that I am innocent as it is certain that this rooster will crow when they hang me." The judge pushed aside his plate because he decided to not eat the rooster. But still, the judge ignored the Galician's appeal.
- coat of arms of guarda (in switzerland) is barcelos
- in flag of Sultanate of Gowa (14th century–1945  , indonesia
-  The provincial seal shows a white rooster inside the entrance to the Phra That Lampang Luang temple.
- [hakka anecdotes in taiwan by council for hakka affairs, the executive yuan] the hakka spirit is usually analogous to the stiff neck of a fighting cock

Kai Kung Leng ( 雞公嶺lit.: 'Cock/Cockscomb Ridge') is a mountain range in Lam Tsuen Country ParkNew TerritoriesHong Kong.À l'origine, le sommet se dénommait Gwai Gok San (圭角山 ou 掛角山)

The grey crowned crane (Balearica regulorum), also known as the African crowned cranegolden crested cranegolden-crowned craneEast African craneEast African crowned craneEastern crowned craneSouth African crane, is a bird in the crane family, Gruidae. It is found in eastern and southern Africa, and is the national bird of Uganda.
The red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis), also called the Japanese crane (丹頂鶴; Japanese丹頂鶴 or タンチョウヅルrōmajitanchōzuruKorean두루미romajadurumi; the Chinese character '丹' means 'red', '頂/顶' means 'crown' and '鶴/鹤' means 'crane') or Manchurian crane, is a large East Asian crane among the rarest cranes in the world. In some parts of its range, it is known as a symbol of luck, longevity, and fidelity.
In China, the red-crowned crane is often featured in myths and legends. In Taoism, the red-crowned crane is a symbol of longevity and immortality. In art and literature, immortals are often depicted riding on cranes. A mortal who attains immortality is similarly carried off by a crane. Reflecting this association, red-crowned cranes are called xian he ( 仙鶴). The red-crowned crane is also a symbol of nobility. Depictions of the crane have been found in Shang Dynasty tombs and Zhou Dynasty ceremonial bronzeware. A common theme in later Chinese art is the reclusive scholar who cultivates bamboo and keeps cranes. Some literati even reared cranes and trained them to dance to guqin music. Because of its importance in Chinese culture, the red-crowned crane was selected by the National Forestry Bureau of the People's Republic of China as a candidate for the title of national animal of China. This decision was deferred due to the red-crowned crane's Latin name translation as "Japanese crane".
In Japan, this crane is known as the tanchōzuru and is said to live for 1,000 years. A pair of red-crowned cranes was used in the design for the Series D 1000-yen note (reverse side). In the Ainu language, the red-crowned crane is known as sarurun kamuy or marsh kamuy. At Tsurui, they are one of the 100 Soundscapes of Japan. Cranes are said to grant favours in return for acts of sacrifice, as in Tsuru no Ongaeshi ("crane's return of a favor"). Given its reputation, Jerry Huff, an American branding expert, recommended it as the international logo of Japan Airlines, after seeing a representation of it in a gallery of samurai crests. Huff wrote “I had faith that it was the perfect symbol for Japan Air Lines. I found that the crane myth was all positive—it mates for life (loyalty), and flies high for miles without tiring (strength).” その美しさから、日本中国では古来深く親しまれてきた鳥である。 折鶴、千円札、昔話などで身近なことから、鶴(タンチョウ)は日本を象徴する鳥になっている。東アジアにおいては古くから、タンチョウはその清楚な体色と気品のある体つきにより特に神聖視され、瑞鳥とされ、ひいては縁起のよい意匠として、文学や美術のモチーフに多用されてきた[10]。 また、「皇太子の乗る車」を指して「鶴駕(かくが)」と呼ぶ[17]ように、高貴の象徴ともされた。道教的世界観の中ではとくに仙人仙道と結びつけられ、タンチョウ自体がたいへんな長寿であると考えられたほか、寿星老人が仙鶴に乗って飛来するとか周の霊王の太子晋が仙人となって白鶴に乗って去った[17]といった説話が伝えられている。 舞楽の曲に『崑崙八仙』(ころばせ)と呼ばれるものがあり、奈良国立博物館には同名の舞楽面が伝わっているが、この舞は崑崙山に住む八人の仙人“崑崙八仙”(こんろんはっせん)が鶴の姿になって舞い踊る様を表すというなお、古来の日本で「花」といえばを指したのと同じように、伝統的には、中国や日本で単に「鶴」と言えばタンチョウを指しているのが通常である。 また古くは鶴を指して「たづ」とも呼んだ。近年の文化上の事例としては、1964年(昭和39年)、北海道の道鳥に指定されているほか、1984年(昭和59年)に発行された千円紙幣は裏面にタンチョウの意匠を用いている。 日本航空のシンボルマークはいわゆる「鶴丸」だが、これはタンチョウのイメージに乗せて用いられている

  • in japanese culture, the crane represents good fortune and longevity (takeda ad to congratulate the launch of coalition for epidemic preparedness innovations ft 19apr17)
  • an ancient symbol of peace [third serving of chicken soup - golden crane story]
  • found in hokkaido (釧路)

In Korea, the red-crowned crane is called durumi and it is considered a symbol of longevity, purity, and peace. Korean seonbis regarded the bird as an icon of their constancy. The red-crowned crane is depicted on the in Korean 500-won coin and is the symbol of Incheon.
- in south africa, blue crane is the national bird
Robert Kuok's Kerry/Kuok Group also uses the red-crowned crane as its logo for operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, PR China, and overseas.
- The blazon of the municipal coat of arms of gruyeres is Gules, a Crane rising Argent.

Corvus is a widely distributed genus of medium-sized to large birds in the family Corvidae. The genus includes species commonly known as crowsravensrooks and jackdaws; there is no consistent distinction between "crows" and "ravens", and these appellations have been assigned to different species chiefly on the basis of their size, crows generally being smaller than ravens.Recent research has found some crow species capable of not only tool use, but also tool construction. Crows are now considered to be among the world's most intelligent animals[4] with an encephalization quotient equal to that of many non-human primates. 
In Ancient Greece and Rome, several myths about crows and jackdaws. In the Bible account at 1 Kings 17:6, ravens are credited with providing Elijah food. In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Crow is a trickster, culture hero, and ancestral being. Legends relating to Crow have been observed in various Aboriginal language groups and cultures across Australia; these commonly include stories relating to Crow's role in the theft of fire, the origin of death, and the killing of Eagle's son. Crows are mentioned often in Buddhism, especially Tibetan disciplines. The Dharmapala (protector of the Dharma) Mahakala is represented by a crow in one of his physical/earthly forms.[citation neededIn the Chaldean myth, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim releases a dove and raven to find land; however, the dove merely circles and returns. Only then does Utnapishtim send forth the raven, which does not return, and Utnapishtim concludes the raven has found land. In Chinese mythology, the world originally had 10 suns either spiritually embodied as 10 crows and/or carried by 10 crows; when all 10 decided to rise at once, the effect was devastating to crops, so the gods sent their greatest archer Houyi, who shot down nine crows and spared only one. In Denmark, the night raven is considered an exorcised spirit. A hole in its left wing denotes where the stake used to exorcise it was driven into the earth. He who looks through the hole will become a night raven himself. In Hinduism, crows are thought of as carriers of information that give omens to people regarding their situations. In Irish mythology, crows are associated with Morrigan, the goddess of war and death. In Islam, according to a narration in the Hadith, the crow is one of the five animals for which no blame is placed on the one who kills them.[63] The Surat Al-Ma'ida describes the story of how the crow teaches son of Adam to cover dead body of his brother "Then Allah sent a crow digging up the earth so that he might show him how he should cover the dead body of his brother. He said: Woe me! do I lack the strength that I should be like this crow and cover the dead body of my brother? So he became of those who regret.". In Japanese mythology, a three-legged crow called Yatagarasu (八咫烏, "eight-hand-crow")[65] is depicted. In Korean mythology, a three-legged crow is known as Samjokgo (hangul: 삼족오; hanja: 三足烏).[citation needed]In Norse mythology, Huginn and Muninn are a pair of common ravens that range the entire world, Midgard, bringing the god Odin information. In Sweden, ravens are held to be the ghosts of murdered men. In Welsh mythology, the god Brân the Blessed – whose name means "crow" or "raven" — is associated with corvids and death; tradition holds that Bran's severed head is buried under the Tower of London, facing France — a possible genesis for the practice of keeping ravens in the Tower, said to protect the fortunes of Britain. In Cornish folklore, crows — magpies particularly — are associated with death and the "other world", and must be greeted respectfully. The origin of "counting crows" as augury is British; however, the British version rather is to "count magpies" — their black and white pied colouring alluding to the realms of the living and dead. In some Native American mythologies, especially those in the Pacific Northwest, the raven is seen as both the Creator of the World and, separately, a trickster god. In medieval times, crows were thought to live abnormally long lives. They were also thought to be monogamous throughout their long lives. They were thought to predict the future, to predict rain and reveal ambushes. Crows were also thought to lead flocks of storks while they crossed the sea to Asia.
-  渡鸦有一些著名的问题解决技巧,因此被认为有着高度智力。多个世纪以来,它们出现在神话民间故事艺术文学中。渡鸦在一些文化里被尊崇为或神明,包括斯堪的纳维亚半岛、古爱尔兰威尔士不丹北美洲西北岸。Across its range in the Northern Hemisphere, and throughout human history, the common raven has been a powerful symbol and a popular subject of mythology and folklore.In some Western traditions, ravens have long been considered to be birds of ill omen, death and evil in general, in part because of the negative symbolism of their all-black plumage and the eating of carrion.[104] In Sweden, ravens are known as the ghosts of murdered people, and in Germany as the souls of the damned. In Danish folklorevalravne that ate a king's heart gained human knowledge, could perform great malicious acts, could lead people astray, had superhuman powers, and were "terrible animals". As in traditional mythology and folklore, the common raven features frequently in more modern writings such as the works of William Shakespeare, and, perhaps most famously, in the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe. Ravens have appeared in the works of Charles Dickens, J. R. R. TolkienStephen KingGeorge R. R. Martin and Joan Aiken among others. It continues to be used as a symbol in areas where it once had mythological status: as the national bird of Bhutan(Kings of Bhutan wear the Raven Crown), official bird of the Yukon territory,[115] and on the coat of arms of the Isle of Man (once a Viking colony). In Persia and Arabia the raven was held as a bird of bad omen but a 14th-century Arabic work reports use of the raven in falconry.The modern unisex given name Raven is derived from the English word "raven". As a masculine name, Raven parallels the Old Norse Hrafn,[118] and Old English *Hræfn, which were both bynames and personal names.
In Tlingit and Haida cultures, raven was both a trickster and creator god. Related beliefs are widespread among the peoples of Siberia and northeast Asia.[120] The Kamchatka Peninsula, for example, was supposed to have been created by the raven god Kutkh. There are several references to common ravens in the Old Testament of the Bible and it is an aspect of Mahakala in Bhutanese mythology. In Norse mythologyHuginn (from the Old Norse for "thought") and Muninn (Old Norse for "memory" or "mind") are a pair of ravens that fly all over the world, Midgard, and bring the god Odin information. Additionally among the Norse, raven banner standards were carried by such figures as the Jarls of Orkney,[122] King Cnut the Great of England, Norway and Denmark,[123] and Harald Hardrada.[124] In the British Isles, ravens also were symbolic to the Celts. In Irish mythology, the goddess Morrígan alighted on the hero Cú Chulainn's shoulder in the form of a raven after his death. In Welsh mythology they were associated with the Welsh god Bran the Blessed, whose name translates to "raven." According to the Mabinogion, Bran's head was buried in the White Hill of London as a talisman against invasion. A legend developed that England would not fall to a foreign invader as long as there were ravens at the Tower of London; although this is often thought to be an ancient belief, the official Tower of London historian, Geoff Parnell, believes that this is actually a romantic Victorian invention.In the JewishChristian and Islamic traditions, the raven was the first animal to be released from Noah's Ark. "So it came to pass, at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made. Then he sent out a raven, which kept going to and fro until the waters had dried up from the earth. He also sent out from himself a dove, to see if the waters had receded from the face of the ground."[129] The raven is mentioned a dozen times in the Bible. In the New Testament Jesus tells a parable using the raven to show how people should rely on God for their needs and not riches (Luke 12:24).[130] The raven is also mentioned in Quran at the story of Cain and Abel.
The red-billed choughCornish chough or simply chough (/ˈʌf/ CHUFPyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax), is a bird in the crow family, one of only two species in the genus Pyrrhocorax.The red-billed chough, which derived its common name from the jackdaw, was formerly associated with fire-raising, and has links with Saint Thomas Becket and Cornwall. The red-billed chough has been depicted on postage stamps of a few countries, including the Isle of Man, with four different stamps, and The Gambia, where the bird does not occur.IGreek mythology, the red-billed chough, also known as 'sea-crow', was considered sacred to the Titan Cronus and dwelt on Calypso's 'Blessed Island'. The red-billed chough has a long association with Cornwall, and appears on the Cornish coat of arms.[10]According to Cornish legend King Arthur did not die after his last battle but rather his soul migrated into the body of a red-billed chough, the red colour of its bill and legs being derived from the blood of the last battle[55] and hence killing this bird was unlucky.[52] Legend also holds that after the last Cornish chough departs from Cornwall, then the return of the chough, as happened in 2001, will mark the return of King Arthur.This species has been depicted on the stamps of Bhutan, The Gambia, Turkmenistan and Yugoslavia.[62] It is the animal symbol of the island of La Palma.This species has been depicted on the stamps of Bhutan, The Gambia, Turkmenistan and Yugoslavia.[62] It is the animal symbol of the island of La Palma.

Due to its large size, predation on vermin, and nesting behaviour close to human settlements and on rooftops, the white stork has an imposing presence that has influenced human culture and folklore.[64] The Hebrew word for the white stork is chasidah (חסידה), meaning "merciful" or "kind".[131] Greek and Roman mythology portray storks as models of parental devotion. The 3rd century Roman writer Aelian citing the authority of Alexander of Myndus noted in his De natura animalium (book 3, chapter 23) that aged storks flew away to oceanic islands where they were transformed into humans as a reward for their piety towards their parents.Followers of Islam revered storks because they made an annual pilgrimage to Mecca on their migration.[136] Some of the earliest understanding on bird migration were initiated by an interest in white storks; Pfeilstörche ("arrow storks") were found in Europe with African arrows embedded in their bodies. According to European folklore, the stork is responsible for bringing babies to new parents. The legend is very ancient, but was popularised by a 19th-century Hans Christian Andersen story called The Storks.[136] German folklore held that storks found babies in caves or marshes and brought them to households in a basket on their backs or held in their beaks. These caves contained adebarsteine or "stork stones". The babies would then be given to the mother or dropped down the chimney. Households would notify when they wanted children by placing sweets for the stork on the window sill.[131] From there the folklore has spread around the world to the Philippines and countries in South America.[131] Birthmarks on the back of the head of newborn baby, nevus flammeus nuchae, are sometimes referred to as stork-bite.In Slavic mythology and religion, storks were thought to carry unborn souls from Vyraj to Earth in spring and summer.
興凱湖 國家級自然保護區管理局2日發布消息,到 11月中下旬,在黑龍江東南部的中俄界湖 興凱湖流域,候鳥秋季遷徙全部結束。今年 發現了400多隻東方白鸛,這是興凱湖流 域內,歷年來最大的東方白鸛遷徙種群。
- 我也曾到瀋陽的後花園獾子洞國家濕地公 園尋訪東方白鸛,更多看到的是牠們的機 警。因東方白鸛在俄羅斯遠東和我國黑龍江、 吉林繁殖地已顯著變小,任是優雅的絕美姿 態垂在千萬人的眼簾上,一幀一幀眼見的東 方白鸛畫面變得可遇而不可求。當東方白鸛每年 3月從南方過冬飛來,一 般會停留在曹妃甸濕地和獾子洞國家濕地公 園一段時間後再繼續北飛;曾有一些白鸛因 「迷戀」曹妃甸濕地和法庫獾子洞國家濕地 的原生態環境不再北上。本來,東方白鸛對 生活環境要求極為苛刻,這種把第一故鄉南 移的行為——必經審慎「思考」。

- In Europe, magpies have been historically demonized by humans, mainly as a result of superstition and myth. The bird has found itself in this situation mainly by association, says Steve Roud: "Large blackbirds, like crows and ravens, are viewed as evil in British folklore and white birds are viewed as good".[47] In European folklore, the magpie is associated with a number of superstitions[48] surrounding its reputation as an omen of ill fortune. In the 19th century book, A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar, a proverb concerning magpies is recited: "A single magpie in spring, foul weather will bring". The book further explains that this superstition arises from the habits of pairs of magpies to forage together only when the weather is fine. In Scotland, a magpie near the window of the house is said to foretell death.In Britain and Ireland, a widespread traditional rhyme, One for Sorrow, records the myth (it is not clear whether it has been seriously believed) that seeing magpies predicts the future, depending on how many are seen. There are many regional variations on the rhyme, which means that it is impossible to give a definitive version.
In Italian, British and French folklore, magpies are believed to have a penchant for picking up shiny items, particularly precious stones or metal objects. Rossini's opera La gazza ladra and The Adventures of Tintin comic The Castafiore Emerald are based on this theme. In BulgarianCzechGermanHungarianPolishRussianSlovak and Swedish folklore the magpie is seen as a thief. In Sweden, it is further associated with witchcraft.[49] In Norway, a magpie is considered cunning and thievish, but also the bird of huldra, the underground people.Magpies have been attacked for their role as predators, which includes eating other birds' eggs and their young. However, scientific studies have contradicted the view that they affect total song-bird populations, finding "no evidence of any effects of [magpie] predator species on songbird population growth rates. We therefore had no indication that predators had a general effect on songbird population growth rates". Other studies have found that songbird populations increased in places where magpie populations were high and that they do not have a negative impact on the total song-bird population. The European attitude is starkly contradicted by Korea, where the magpie is celebrated as "a bird of great good fortune, of sturdy spirit and a provider of prosperity and development". Similarly, in China, magpies are seen as an omen of good fortune. This is even reflected in the Chinese word for magpie, 喜鵲pinyinxǐquè, in which the first character means "happiness".

-Historians have pointed to the prior existence of a Scottish folk song called "And the Boddamers hung the Monkey-O". It describes how a monkey survived a shipwreck off the village of Boddam near Peterhead in Aberdeenshire. Because the villagers could only claim salvage rights if there were no survivors from the wreck, they allegedly hanged the monkey. There is also an English folk song detailing the later event called, appropriately enough, "The Hartlepool Monkey". In the English version the monkey is hanged as a French spy."Monkey hanger" and Chimp Choker are common terms of (semi-friendly) abuse aimed at "Poolies", often from footballing rivals Darlington. The mascot of Hartlepool United F.C. is H'Angus the monkey. The man in the monkey costume, Stuart Drummond, stood for the post of mayor in 2002 as H'angus the monkey, and campaigned on a platform which included free bananas for schoolchildren. To widespread surprise, he won, becoming the first directly elected mayor of Hartlepool, winning 7,400 votes with a 52% share of the vote and a turnout of 30%. He was re-elected by a landslide in 2005, winning 16,912 on a turnout of 51% – 10,000 votes more than his nearest rival, the Labour Party candidate.The monkey legend is also linked with two of the town's sports clubs, Hartlepool Rovers RFC, which uses the hanging monkey as the club logo. Hartlepool (Old Boys) RFC use a hanging monkey kicking a rugby ball as their tie crest.
 "Monkey hanger" is a colloquial nickname by which people from the town of Hartlepool in north eastern England are sometimes known.According to local folklore, the term originates from an incident in which a monkey was hanged in Hartlepool, England. During the Napoleonic Wars, a French ship of the type chasse marée was wrecked in a storm off the coast of Hartlepool. The only survivor from the ship was a monkey, allegedly dressed in a French army uniform to provide amusement for the crew. On finding the monkey on the beach, some locals decided to hold an impromptu trial; since the monkey was unable to answer their questions and because they had seen neither a monkey nor a Frenchman before, they concluded that the monkey must be a French spy.[2] Being found guilty, the animal was duly sentenced to death and was summarily hanged on the beach.An alternative theory is that it was a young boy who was hanged (the term "powder-monkey" was commonly used at the time for boys employed on naval warships to prime the cannon with gunpowder).An earlier and remarkably similar monkey-hanging legend with a similar associated song refers to the inhabitants of Boddam, Aberdeenshire.[4] With similar lyrics and scansion ("And the Boddamers hung the Monkey, O") it is plausible that Ned Corvan heard and adapted the song while travelling the Scottish Lowlands with Blind Willie Purvis. The story may also have its origins in the rivalry between Hartlepool (the small coastal village) and West Hartlepool (the growing industrial town based around the docks). The comic song may have been popular in one of the West Hartlepool's music halls, where the audience would have enjoyed poking fun at the Hartlepool ‘yokels’ who hanged the monkey.

- The word "raccoon" was adopted into English from the native Powhatan term, as used in the Virginia Colony. It was recorded on Captain John Smith's list of Powhatan words as aroughcun, and on that of William Strachey as arathkone. It has also been identified as a Proto-Algonquian root *ahrah-koon-em, meaning "[the] one who rubs, scrubs and scratches with its hands". Similarly, Spanish colonists adopted the Spanish word mapache from the Nahuatl mapachitli of the Aztecs, meaning "[the] one who takes everything in its hands".[12] In many languages, the raccoon is named for its characteristic dousing behavior in conjunction with that language's term for bear, for example Waschbär in German, orsetto lavatore in Italian, mosómedve in Hungarian and araiguma (アライグマ) in Japanese. In French and European Portuguese, the washing behavior is combined with these languages' term for rat, yielding, respectively, raton laveur and ratão-lavadeiro. The raccoon's scientific name, Procyon lotor, is neo-Latin, meaning "before-dog washer", with lotor Latin for "washer" and Procyon Latinized Greek from προ-, "before" and κύων, "dog". The colloquial abbreviation coon is used in words like coonskin for fur clothing and in phrases like old coon as a self-designation of trappers.[13] In the 1830s, the U.S. Whig Party used the raccoon as an emblem, causing them to be pejoratively known as 'coons' by their political opponents, who saw them as too sympathetic to African-Americans. Soon after that it became an ethnic slur,[14] especially in use between 1880 and 1920 (see coon song), and the term is still considered offensive.

Loup-garou is French for werewolf. This creature has a central role in French mythology, it’s important in French culture. Loup-garou is actually a pleonasm. Garou already means werewolf, so it means wolf-werewolf. The name comes from Frankish wari wulf, which should be obvious to an anglophone.The werewolf is also common in French North American cultures. Around the same years there was a great fear about “la bête du Gévaudan” in France (18th century, 1764–1767), there was a similar fear of a werewolf being present in the region of Kamouraska in Québec (1766). In Louisiana, they also say “rougarou”. It’s a variant for the same thing.

Many cultures, including the Chinese, Japanese, and Mexican, see a hare in the pattern of dark patches in the moon (see Moon rabbit). The constellation Lepus is also taken to represent a hare.The hare was once regarded as an animal sacred to Aphrodite and Eros because of its high libido. Live hares were often presented as a gift of love.[25] Now the hare is commonly associated with the Anglo-Saxon goddess Ēostre, and therefore pagan symbols like the Easter Bunny have been appropriated into the Christian tradition. However, no primary sources support this belief, which seems to be a modern invention.
[children's literature review vol 193 the metamorphosis] in german superstition hare functions as a reference to jewishness, and in christian religion it is interpreted as a demonic symbol



- 褚少孫補《龜策列傳》記曰: 「能 得名龜者,財物歸之,家必大富。」 此屬迷信之言,但古人卻篤信。《禮 記.曲禮上》有 「龜為卜,策為筮」 的記載。《周易.損》謂: 「十朋之 龜弗克違,元吉。」殷墟出土甲骨, 且多用龜板;刻在龜甲(或獸骨)上 的 「甲骨文」,就是至今發現最古老 的我國文字。甲骨內容絕大部分是占 卜古凶的記錄和記事文字;亦稱 「卜 辭」或 「卜文」。商、周時代,民間 已深信龜為 「神靈」,乃 「四靈」之 一;甚至指 「玄武」乃龜蛇合體。 其實,三代以來對龜的迷信,應 遠溯自新石器時代。那時江淮地區原 始文化,早琢有龜形玉器。例如長江 下游江浙一帶的良渚文化(距今約五 千多年),繼河姆渡文化、馬家濱文 化及崧澤文化後,琢製不少精良玉器 。

Butterflies have appeared in art from 3500 years ago in ancient Egypt. In the ancient Mesoamerican city of Teotihuacan, the brilliantly coloured image of the butterfly was carved into many temples, buildings, jewellery, and emblazoned on incense burners. The butterfly was sometimes depicted with the maw of a jaguar, and some species were considered to be the reincarnations of the souls of dead warriors. The close association of butterflies with fire and warfare persisted into the Aztec civilisation; evidence of similar jaguar-butterfly images has been found among the Zapotec and Maya civilisations.  Sir John Tenniel drew a famous illustration of Alice meeting a caterpillar for Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, c. 1865. The caterpillar is seated on a toadstool and is smoking a hookah; the image can be read as showing either the forelegs of the larva, or as suggesting a face with protruding nose and chin. Eric Carle's children's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar portrays the larva as an extraordinarily hungry animal, while also teaching children how to count (to five) and the days of the week. One of the most popular, and most often recorded, songs by Sweden's eighteenth-century bard, Carl Michael Bellman, is "Fjäriln vingad syns på Haga" (The butterfly wingèd is seen in Haga), one of his Fredman's Songs. Madam Butterfly is a 1904 opera by Giacomo Puccini about a romantic young Japanese bride who is deserted by her American officer husband soon after they are married. It was based on John Luther Long's short story written in 1898. According to Lafcadio Hearn, a butterfly was seen in Japan as the personification of a person's soul; whether they be living, dying, or already dead. One Japanese superstition says that if a butterfly enters your guest room and perches behind the bamboo screen, the person whom you most love is coming to see you. Large numbers of butterflies are viewed as bad omens. When Taira no Masakado was secretly preparing for his famous revolt, there appeared in Kyoto so vast a swarm of butterflies that the people were frightened — thinking the apparition to be a portent of coming evil.Diderot's Encyclopédie cites butterflies as a symbol for the soul. A Roman sculpture depicts a butterfly exiting the mouth of a dead man, representing the Roman belief that the soul leaves through the mouth. In line with this, the ancient Greek word for "butterfly" is ψυχή (psȳchē), which primarily means "soul" or "mind". According to Mircea Eliade, some of the Nagas of Manipur claim ancestry from a butterfly. In some cultures, butterflies symbolise rebirth. The butterfly is a symbol of being transgender, because of the transformation from caterpillar to winged adult. In the English county of Devon, people once hurried to kill the first butterfly of the year, to avoid a year of bad luck. In the Philippines, a lingering black butterfly or moth in the house is taken to mean a death in the family. Several American states have chosen an official state butterfly.

- term "butterfly effect" hkej 19jul17 shum article
-  Known for its lightness, the fluttering of its wings, and especially its metamorphosis from a caterpillar into something more beautiful and powerful, the butterfly symbolizes the soul, reincarnation, resurrection, and femininity.
- italian - farfalla

  • There is a Mazarine blue butterfly, Cyaniris semiargus. (commemorate cardinal mazarin

In  German, butterfly is, infamously, “Schmetterling”. This does sound like it was derived from “schmettern”, which means “blare, belt out; slam, smash”, making our word for butterfly sound inappropriately “violent”. However, in reality, “Schmetterling” is derived from “Schmetten” (borrowed from Czech “smetana”), which means … “cream”. The explanation usually given for BOTH the German AND the English designation is an old popular superstition that witches would have a habit of turning into butterflies to steal milk and cream.
蝶の文様はすでに、奈良時代より使われていたといわれています。その優美な文様から特に公家に愛用されたようです。 その後、平安朝以後武家の起こりとともに、武家もまた用いるようになりました。 そしてこれを最初に定紋としたのは、平氏だといわれています。後世の造作ともいわれていますが、その由来は平清盛の父貞盛が、 天慶の乱を討伐した功で、朝廷より頂戴した鎧に「向い蝶」の文様があったことから、平氏の代表紋となったといわれています。平重盛の子維盛は、「蝶紋」を車の紋様に用い、 その他の平家一門も鎧などに「蝶紋」を使用しています。平氏は壇ノ浦で滅亡しますが、各地に残る落武者部落で平氏の末裔と伝える一族に、「蝶紋」を家紋とする家は少なくありません。
しかし、桓武平氏の諸氏が、いずれも「蝶紋」は使用したわけではありません。織田信長(忌部氏の後裔)は、清和源氏の足利室町幕府にとって代わろうと、ある時期から平氏の後裔を称して、「揚羽蝶紋」を用いるようになりました。 これは当時、“源平交替論”ということが信じられ、つまり源氏の次は平氏が政権をとるということがいわれており、そのため織田信長は平氏の子孫を自称したといわれています。このように、自らを平氏の後裔と称して「揚羽蝶紋」を用いる者もいたようです。


The female counterpart to a bull is a cow, while a male of the species which has been castrated is a steer, ox or bullock, although in North America this last term refers to a young bull, and in Australia to a draught animal. Usage of these terms varies considerably with area and dialect. Colloquially, people unfamiliar with cattle may refer to both castrated and intact animals as "bulls". A wild, young, unmarked bull is known as a micky in Australia.[2] Improper or late castration on a bull results in it becoming a coarse steer, also known as a stagin Australia, Canada and New Zealand.[3] In some countries an incompletely castrated male is known also as a rig or ridglingThe word "bull" also denotes the males of other bovines, including bison and water buffalo.
-牛年的英文應該用Ox,不是用Cow。  猶記得當年我跟學生解釋,我們中國人採用最勇敢、溫馴、具代表性的動物類別來作我們十二生肖當中的動物。Cow and Ox are bovines. In most Chinese tradition, all bovines are named as cattles. Oxen could be chosen for its generic motif in China. It embraces various types of bovines.  有趣的是西方國家把Ox轉為Buffalo或Bull. They are both bovines with horns. 這也許是文化的差異。例如:恭祝各位一個健康快樂的牛年。英語一般的翻譯是We wish you all a healthy and joyous Year of the Ox.  在德語區的瑞士,當地人喜歡用buffalos,德語會翻譯成:Wir wünschen Euch allen ein gesundes und frohes Jahr des Büffels.  "des Büffels"(原型:der  Büffel)就是 Buffalo. 主要是因為在德語當中 "Ox" 不會在祝賀語中出現,意思也比較負面。例如在德語有一句諺語:Du stehst wie der Ochs vorm Berg.  英語意思就是: You are at a total loss.
- Bulls have held a place of significance in human culture since before the beginning of recorded history. They appear in cave paintings estimated to be up to 17,000 years old. The mythic Bull of the Heavens plays a role in the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, dating as far back as 2150 BC. The importance of the bull is reflected in its appearance in the zodiac as Taurus, and its numerous appearances in mythology, where it is often associated with fertility. See also Korban. In Hinduism, a bull named Nandi, usually depicted seated, is worshipped as the vehicle of the god Shiva and depicted on many of the images of that God. Symbolically, the bull appears commonly in heraldry, and, in modern times, as a mascot for both amateur and professional sports teams.
Taureau est le nom vernaculaire donné au mâle de l'espèce Bos taurus, un mammifèredomestique ruminant, généralement porteur de cornes sur le front, appartenant à la famille des Bovidés. Sa femelle est la vache. Il est utilisé principalement pour la reproduction dans l'élevage laitier, de plus en plus par insémination artificielle, pour la production de viande bovine (élevage de taurillons) et pour des sports comme les courses de taureaux ou le rodéo. C'est un animal très présent dans la culture, notamment dans l'art de la tauromachie.

- Gugalanna (Sumerian, "the Great Bull of Heaven"), better known as the Bull of Heaven (Sumerian: gu₄, was a deity in ancient Mesopotamian religion originating in Sumer as well as the constellation known today as Taurus, one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac.Taurus was the constellation of the Northern Hemisphere's March equinox from about 3200 B.C. The equinox was considered the Sumerian New YearAkitu, an important event in their religion. The story of the death of Gugalanna has been considered[by whom?] to represent the Sun obscuring the constellation as it rose on the morning of the equinox.
- greek island Euboea -  ancient and current name, Εὔβοια, derives from the words εὖ "good", and βοῦς "ox", meaning "(the land of) the well(-fed) oxen".
President Obama signed the National Bison Legacy Act into law Monday, two weeks after both houses of Congress approved the bill by what appeared to be unanimous voice votes. Sponsored by Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., the bill has just one purpose: To declare the bison the national mammal of the United States.
- coat of arms of borgias family features  a bull gules upon a terrace vert in a bordure Or charged with eight flames vert
- state flag of wyoming features a bison
- In Satiana village, a rural corner of Pakistan, the thrill and pageantry of bull racing offers a distraction from the daily grind of village life and insecurity 
- The blazon of the coat of arms of canton of uri (switzerland) is Or, a bull's head caboshed sable, langued and noseringed gules. The use of the bull's head as heraldic charge may be due to a popular etymology associating the canton's name with the name of the aurochs.[5]It is certain that such an association was made in the early modern period; the introduction of the bull as heraldic animal dates to the 13th century. Uri used a seal with a bull's head, seen from the side, by 1243. By the 14th century, Uri was using a banner showing a black bull's head in a yellow field. In the town-hall of Altfdorf, six cantonal banners dating to the Old Swiss Confederacy are preserved, reportedly dating from the battles of Morgarten (1315) and Sempach (1386), the Old Zürich War (1443), the Burgundian Wars (1476) and the Swabian War (1499), and the Juliusbanner (1512). 

-說到地名,全國範圍內,與馬有關的地級市就有安徽馬鞍山市、河南駐馬店市,縣(縣級市、縣級區)則有山西侯馬市、河南義馬市、廣西馬山縣、雲南馬關縣、福州馬尾區等等。而牛,地級市沒有,縣級也只有成都金牛區、內蒙古翁牛特旗。多寡對比,真要為牛鳴一番不平。  金牛區名字來歷相當悠久。戰國時代,秦國欲伐蜀國,苦於無路,遂雕刻了五座石牛,造勢放風說石牛能屙金子,蜀王貪財,派遣五丁力士開路架橋,將石牛運回,才發現上當。而秦國大軍沿着新開闢之路長驅直入,滅亡蜀國。石牛所在之地就被命名為金牛壩。而翁牛特旗,其實名字與牛無關,乃蒙古語音譯,意為「神聖」,但當地的確是牛羊成群的牧區。  至於像香港牛頭角這樣的街區、鄉鎮、村莊,全國倒是有不少。北京的牛街、牛欄山都是聲名遠播。牛街的牛羊肉、清真小吃,牛欄山的二鍋頭,是老北京居民過年時有酒有肉的絕配。

- bull fighting

  • 唐代戴嵩畫的牛筋骨壯實,憨厚而孔武有力。特別是鬥牛圖中的牛,一牛力怯前逃,另一牛窮追不捨,低頭用牛角猛抵前牛的後腿,傳神生動。牛之野性和兇頑,盡顯筆端。東坡居士曾撰文《戴嵩畫牛》說戴嵩畫的鬥牛圖被牧童批評不切實際,說牛打架的時候,一定把尾巴緊緊地夾在大腿中間,力氣再大的人也沒有辦法把牠拉出來。而事實上,牛在角力時尾巴倒不一定緊緊夾在大腿中間。我國雲貴地區少數民族喜鬥牛,每逢「鬥牛節」萬人空巷,牛王爭霸戰風起雲湧,我亦常見到兩牛角力時也會弓起尾巴搖擺的,可見牛各有脾氣性格,戴嵩所畫也未必失實。

和美國被稱為「山姆大叔」一樣,英國也有一個擬人化的形象,就是「約翰牛」(John Bull)。他是由十八世紀蘇格蘭作家約翰.阿布斯諾特在諷刺小說《約翰牛的生平》(The History of John Bull)中所塑造的人物:一個頭戴高帽、足蹬長靴、手持雨傘的矮胖紳士,為人愚笨並且粗暴冷酷、欺辱弱者,又桀驁不遜,頗有些牛勁,如果誰流露出對他稍微表示不滿的反抗情緒,他立即擺出一副格鬥的架勢。這個形象原本暗諷當年英國的專橫跋扈,尤其是當時輝格黨(Whig,自由黨前身)的好戰政策,含有貶義色彩,但隨着此書的暢銷,人們逐漸稱呼英國人為「約翰牛」,久而久之其漸漸成為英國的代名詞。另外,凡是到過英國的遊客,幾乎都要品嘗一下當地著名的安格斯牛肉(Angus),特別是招牌安格斯牛扒,差不多成了優質牛扒的代名詞。原產於蘇格蘭東北部阿伯丁地區的安格斯牛,是世界最優良的品種之一,自十九世紀末被引進美國後便聲名大噪,其如大理石花紋般的油脂分布,以及柔嫩多汁的肉質口感,可輕鬆秒殺其他普通牛肉,贏得了無數老饕們的喜愛,如今「牛」遍全球。  但一九八六年首次爆發於英國的瘋牛症,也一度損害了英國牛的形象。一般認為,瘋牛症起因是英國農民為提高生產效率,把其他動物的肉骨粉作為補充劑加入飼料中,餵養本應該食草的牛,而肉骨粉中含有病死的動物,牛經過長期食用最終感染疾病。在一九九二年疫症高峰期,英國有逾十八萬頭牛染病,近四百四十萬頭牛被宰殺,疫症更蔓延至全世界,讓人談牛色變。  重新為英國挽回聲譽的,是二○○三年在英國伯明翰市中心豎立的銅牛雕像,其曾被評為與自由女神像、大衛像等齊名的十大地標性景觀,這個尺寸是真牛兩倍大小的雕像,外形與華爾街銅牛頗為相似,有意思的是,倫敦證券交易所門前擺放的卻不是牛和熊,而是牧羊人與羊。

The salamander is an amphibian of the order Urodela which, as with many real creatures, often has been ascribed fantastic and sometimes occult qualities by pre-modern authors (as in the allegorical descriptions of animals in medieval bestiaries) not possessed by the real organism. The legendary salamander is often depicted as a typical salamander in shape, with a lizard-like form, but is usually ascribed an affinity with fire, sometimes specifically elemental fire.In European heraldry, the salamander is typically depicted as either a lizard or a dragon within a blazing fire. Francis I of France used a salamander as his personal emblem.沙羅曼達salamander,或譯作沙拉曼達火蜥蜴(蠑螈)沙羅曼蛇)在中世紀的歐洲的鍊金術和地方傳說中是代表元素的元素精靈,和水精靈土精靈以及風精靈並列。這個元素精靈的概念可以追溯到中世紀鍊金術士帕拉塞爾斯的著作中。此外,值得注意的是 salamander 一詞也有蠑螈之意,而歐洲人的確曾把沙羅曼達的神祕屬性加在蠑螈身上,並視兩者為同一生物。
In Norse mythologyJörmungandr (Old NorseJǫrmungandr, pronounced [ˈjɔrmunˌɡandr̥], meaning "huge monster"[1]), also known as the Midgard (World) Serpent (Old NorseMiðgarðsormr), is a sea serpent, the middle child of the giantess Angrboða and Loki.耶夢加得(Jörmungandr),又譯約爾蒙干德尤蒙剛德[2],或稱為中土巨蛇米德加特大蟲Midgarðsormr),本意是「巨大的怪獸」,是北歐神話中的巨大海蛇,是邪神洛基與女巨人安爾伯達(Angerboda)所生的三名兒女中的次子,哥哥是魔芬里爾,妹妹是死神赫爾(Hel)。根據《埃達經》的記載,耶夢加得是一條身型極為龐大的巨,牠與巨狼芬里爾、死神赫爾都充滿著邪惡的力量。主神奧丁感到洛基的這三名兒女都是阿斯嘉特的重大威脅,也將會是破壞世界的禍根,於是分別想出主意來壓制牠們。奧丁趁耶夢加得還年輕時,就把牠扔進環繞著人間世界的無底深海之中,可是巨蛇的體型已經非常龐大,牠把身子伸展,竟然剛好在深海的另一端咬著自己的尾巴(姿態仿如銜尾蛇)。耶夢加得在海中不能掙脫,只好把身體緊攏著,把整個塵世(Midgard)圍堵了,因而被稱為「世界蛇(World Serpent)」、「塵世巨蟒(Midgard Serpent)」及「圍繞中庭的巨蛇(Midgardsormr,Midgard-Worm)」。而牠生命中的宿敵,就是諸神之中最強的雷神索爾
- "unite or die" engraving - the original american colonies represented as segments of a snake

lamassu (Cuneiform𒀭𒆗, AN.KAL; Sumeriandlammař; Akkadianlamassu; sometimes called a lamassus[1][2]) is an Assyrian protective deity, often depicted as having a human's head, a body of an ox or a lion, and bird's wings. In some writings, it is portrayed to represent a female deity. A less frequently used name is shedu (Cuneiform𒀭𒆘, AN.KAL×BAD; Sumeriandalad; AkkadianšēduHebrewשד) which refers to the male counterpart of a lamassu. The Lammasu or Lumasi represent the zodiacs, parent-stars or constellations. Large lamassu figures up to nearly 5 metres high are spectacular showpieces in Assyrian sculpture, where they are the largest figures known to have been made. In art, lamassu were depicted as hybrids, either winged bulls or lions with the head of a human male. The motif of a winged animal with a human head is common to the Near East, first recorded in Ebla around 3000 BCE. The first distinct lamassu motif appeared in Assyria during the reign of Tiglath-Pileser II as a symbol of power. Assyrian sculpture typically placed prominent pairs of lamassu at entrances in palaces, facing the street and also internal courtyards. They were "double-aspect" figures on corners, in high relief. From the front they appear to stand, and from the side, walk, and in earlier versions have five legs, as is apparent when viewed obliquely. Lamassu do not generally appear as large figures in the low-relief schemes running round palace rooms, where winged genie figures are common, but they sometimes appear within narrative reliefs, apparently protecting the Assyrians. The colossal entrance way figures were often followed by a hero grasping a wriggling lion, also colossal and in high relief. In the palace of Sargon II at Khorsabad, a group of at least seven lamassu and two such heros with lions surrounded the entrance to the "throne room", "a concentration of figures which produced an overwhelming impression of power." They also appear on cylinder seals. Notable examples include those at the Gate of All Nations at Persepolis in Iran, the British Museum in London, the Musée du Louvre in Paris, the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Oriental Institute, Chicago. Several examples left in situ in northern Iraq have been destroyed in the 2010's by ISIS when they occupied the area.The lamassu is a celestial being from ancient Mesopotamian religion bearing a human head, bull's body, sometimes with the horns and the ears of a bull, and wings. It appears frequently in Mesopotamian art. The lamassu and shedu were household protective spirits of the common Babylonian people, becoming associated later as royal protectors, were placed as sentinels at the entrances. The British 10th Army, which operated in Iraq and Iran in 1942-1943, adopted the Lamassu as its insignia. A winged bull with the head of a bearded man appears on the logo of the United States Forces - IraqA bull with a man's head is found among the creatures that make up Aslan's army in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. He appears at the Stone Table, challenging the White Witch "with a great bellowing voice". In the film Alexander (2004), Lamassu are seen at the Ishtar Gate in Babylon. In the Disney movie Aladdin (1992), a gold Lamassu can be found in the scene where Aladdin and Abu enter the cave in the desert to find the lamp.

The fleur-de-lis (plural: fleurs-de-lis)[pron 1] or flower-de-luce is a stylized lily (in French, fleur means "flower", and lis means "lily") that is used as a decorative design or symbol. Many of the saints are often depicted with a lily, most prominently St. Joseph. Since France is a historically Catholic nation, the Fleur de lis became commonly used "at one and the same time, religious, political, dynastic, artistic, emblematic, and symbolic", especially in French heraldryIn Italy, the fleur de lis, called giglio is mainly known as the crest of the city of Florence. In the Florentine fleurs-de-lis,[f] the stamens are always posed between the petals. Originally argent (silver or white) on gules (red) background, the emblem became the standard of the imperial party in Florence (parte ghibellina), causing the town government, which maintained a staunch Guelph stance, being strongly opposed to the imperial pretensions on city states, to reverse the color pattern to the final gules lily on argent background.[6] This heraldic charge is often known as the Florentine lily to distinguish it from the conventional (stamen-not-shown) design. As an emblem of the city, it is therefore found in icons of Zenobius, its first bishop,[7] and associated with Florence's patron Saint John the Baptist in the Florentine fiorino. Several towns subjugated by Florence or founded within the territory of the Florentine Republic adopted a variation of the Florentine lily in their crests, often without the stamens. The heraldic fleur-de-lis is still widespread: among the numerous cities which use it as a symbol are some whose names echo the word 'lily', for example, Liljendal, Finland, and Lelystad, Netherlands. This is called canting arms in heraldic terminology. Other European examples of municipal coats-of-arms bearing the fleur-de-lis include Lincoln in England, Morcín in Spain, Wiesbaden in Germany, Skierniewice in Poland and Jurbarkas in Lithuania. The Swiss municipality of Schlieren and the Estonian municipality of Jõelähtme also have a fleur-de-lis on their coats. In Malta, the town of Santa Venera has three red fleurs-de-lis on its flag and coat of arms. These are derived from an arch which was part of the Wignacourt Aqueduct that had three sculpted fleurs-de-lis on top, as they were the heraldic symbols of Alof de Wignacourt, the Grand Master who financed its building. Another suburb which developed around the area became known as Fleur-de-Lys, and it also features a red fleur-de-lis on its flag and coat of arms. The coat of arms of the medieval Kingdom of Bosnia contained six fleurs-de-lis, understood as the native Bosnian or Golden Lily, Lilium bosniacum.[9] This emblem was revived in 1992 as a national symbol of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and was the flag of Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1992 to 1998.[10] The state insignia were changed in 1999. The former flag of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina contains a fleur-de-lis alongside the Croatianchequy. Fleurs also appear in the flags and arms of many cantons, municipalities, cities and towns. It is still used as official insignia of the Bosniak Regiment of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the United Kingdom, a fleur-de-lis has appeared in the official arms of the Norroy King of Arms for hundreds of years. A silver fleur-de-lis on a blue background is the arms of the Barons Digby. In English and Canadian heraldry the fleur-de-lis is the cadence mark of a sixth son. In Mauritius, slaves were branded with a fleur-de-lis, when being punished for escaping or stealing food. The Welsh poet Hedd Wyn used Fleur de Lys as his pen name when he won his chair at the National Eisteddfod of Wales (Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru), the national poetry contest. Fleurs-de-lis appear on military insignia and the logos of many organizations. During the 20th century the symbol was adopted by various Scouting organizations worldwide for their badges. Architects and designers use it alone and as a repeated motif in a wide range of contexts, from ironwork to bookbinding, especially where a French context is implied. The symbol is also often used on a compass rose to mark the north direction, a tradition started by Pedro Reinel. The dark code was an arrangement of controls received in Louisiana in 1724 from other French settlements around the globe, intended to represent the state's slave populace. Those guidelines included marking slaves with the fleur-de-lis as discipline for fleeing.
Helvetiorum Fidei ac Virtuti ("To the loyalty and bravery of the Swiss") monument - the dying lion is portrayed impaled by a spear, covering a shield bearing the fleur-de-lis of the French monarchy; beside him is another shield bearing the coat of arms of Switzerland. The inscription below the sculpture lists the names of the officers and gives the approximate numbers of soldiers who died. 
- not in uk coat of arms since 1801

Triquetra (/trˈkwɛtrə/; Latin tri- "three" and quetrus "cornered") originally meant "triangle" and was used to refer to various three-cornered shapes. It has come to refer exclusively to a particular more complicated shape formed of three vesicae piscis (the leaf-like shape in between two equal diameter circles when both centers are on the circumference of the other circle), sometimes with an added circle in or around the three lobes. Also known as a "trinity knot" when parallel doubled-lines are in the graph, the design is used as a religious symbol adapted from ancient Celtic images by Christianity. It is similar to Odin's symbol, the valknut.
- note that the carolingian cross is composed of four triquetras
Celtic art
  • The triquetra is often found in insular art, most notably metal work and in illuminated manuscripts like the Book of Kells. It is also found in similar artwork on Celtic crosses and slabs from the early Christian period. The fact that the triquetra rarely stood alone in medieval Celtic art has cast reasonable doubt on its use as a primary symbol of belief. In manuscripts it is used primarily as a space filler or ornament in much more complex compositions, and in knotwork panels it is a design motif integrated with other design elements. This widely recognised knot has been used as a singular symbol for the past two centuries by Celtic Christians, pagans and agnostics as a sign of special things and people that are threefold.
- Japanese use
- Germanic paganism
  • The triquetra has been found on runestones in Northern Europe and on early Germanic coins. It presumably had pagan religious meaning and it bears a resemblance to the valknut, a symbol associated with Odin.
- Christian use
  • The symbol has been used in Christian tradition as a sign of the Trinity (FatherSon and Holy Spirit), especially since the Celtic revival of the 19th century. When modern designers began to display the triquetra as a stand-alone design, it recalled the three-leafed shamrock which was similarly offered as a Trinity symbol by Saint Patrick have also suggested that the triquetra has a similarity to the Christian Ιχθυς symbol. The triquetra has been used extensively on Christian sculpture, vestments, book arts and stained glass. It has been used on the title page and binding of some editions of the New King James Version
- seen in logo of hk fujian women association

The valknut (Old Norse valr, 'slain warriors' and knut, 'knot') is a symbol consisting of three interlocked triangles. It appears on a variety of objects from the archaeological record of the ancient Germanic peoples. The compound noun valknut is from the modern era. The term used for the symbol during its historical employment is unknown. Scholars have proposed a variety of explanations for the symbol, sometimes associating it with the god Odin, and it has been compared to the three-horned symbol found on the 9th-century Snoldelev Stone, with which it may be related.[1] The valknut receives sporadic use in modern popular culture and is again associated with Germanic paganism by way of its modern day revival, Heathenry.

- kiv meaning relating to civil law

hexagram (Greek) or sexagram (Latin) is a six-pointed geometric star figure with the Schläfli symbol {6/2}, 2{3}, or {{3}}. Since there are no true regular continuous hexagrams, the term is instead used to refer to the compound figure of two equilateral triangles shown to the right. The intersection is a regular hexagon. It is used in historical, religious and cultural contexts, for example in Hanafism,[1] JudaismHinduism and occultism.
Anahata (also known as Anahata-puri, or Padma-sundara) is symbolized by a lotus flower with twelve petals. (See also heartmind). Anahata is related to the colors green or pink. Key issues involving Anahata involve complex emotions, compassion, tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejection and well-being. Physically Anahata governs circulation, emotionally it governs unconditional love for the self and others, mentally it governs passion, and spiritually it governs devotion. (hexagon inside)

The Seal of Solomon (or Ring of SolomonArabicKhātam Sulaymān خاتم_سليمان) is the signet ring attributed to King Solomon in medieval Jewish tradition, and in Islamic and Western occultism. It was often depicted in either a pentagram or hexagram shape; the latter also known as the Star of David in Jewish tradition. This ring variously gave Solomon the power to command demons, jinn (genie), or to speak with animals. Due to the proverbial wisdom of Solomon, his signet ring, or its supposed design, came to be seen as an amulet or talisman, or a symbol or character in medieval and Renaissance-era magicoccultism and alchemy. The legend of the Seal of Solomon was developed primarily by medieval Arabic writers, who related that the ring was engraved by God and was given to the king directly from heaven. The ring was made from brass and iron, and the two parts were used to seal written commands to good and evil spirits, respectively. In one tale, a demon, either Asmodeus, or Sakhr, obtained possession of the ring and ruled in Solomon's stead for forty days. In a variant of the tale of the ring of Polycrates from Herodotus, the demon eventually threw the ring into the sea, where it was swallowed by a fish, caught by a fisherman, and served to Solomon. In Islamic eschatology, the Beast of the Earth is equipped with both the Staff of Moses and the Seal of Solomon and uses the latter to stamp the nose of the unbelievers.The hexagram or "Star of David", which became a symbol of Judaism in the modern period and was placed on the flag of Israel in 1948, has its origins in 14th-century depictions of the Seal of Solomon. In 1354, King of Bohemia Charles IV prescribed for the Jews of Prague a red flag with both David's shield and Solomon's seal, while the red flag with which the Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the 15th century showed two pentagrams with two golden stars.The flag of Karamanids in Anatolia (1250–1487) contains the star of david sign. An "Order of the Seal of Solomon" was established in 1874 in Ethiopia, where the ruling house claimed descent from Solomon.
龐坦Pantin, paris was recorded for the first time in 1067 as Pentini, perhaps from the Roman patronym Pentinus, a variant of Pantaenus or Repentinus, but this etymology is not certain.On 1 January 1860, the city of Paris was enlarged by annexing neighbouring communes. On that occasion, a small part of the commune of Pantin was annexed to Paris. On 24 July 1867, a part of the territory of Pantin was detached and merged with a part of the territory of Romainville and a part of the territory of Bagnolet to create the commune of Les Lilas.By 1875, the Canal de l'Ourcq (Ourcq canal) and new railway lines served to divide the town into two parts—the "Village" and the "Quatre Chemins".The recent construction of a science park along the Bassin de la Villette on the former site of city abattoirs has improved pedestrian access to Paris, as well as encouraging urban regeneration in Pantin itself. A key policy discussed since the 2008 mayoral election has been the possibility of integrating the ten banlieue towns of BagnoletLes LilasLe Pré-Saint-GervaisRomainville, Pantin, Noisy-le-SecMontreuilBobignyBondy and Rosny-sous-Bois into an "intercommune" of around 440,000 people. This new municipality could be created as early as January 2010. This project was implemented, it gathers nine communes. In 2016, Pantin was declared France's most polluted town by the World Health Organization.La paroisse fut créée à la suite de la visite de l'évêque d'Auxerre, le futur saint Germain, à qui elle est dédiée.
  • coat of arms has a cross and four stars of david
  • 法國47歲男教師帕蒂因在課堂展示回教先知穆罕默德漫畫而被斬首,引起國內反回教聲音。巴黎東北面的塞納聖德尼省龐坦市(Pantin)一間清真寺,近日遭人塗污,寫上「教師殺人犯清真寺」等字句。涉事兩人當場被捕,將於明年受審。

Solomon's knot (Latinsigillum Salomonis, literally 'Solomon's seal') is the most common name for a traditional decorative motif used since ancient times, and found in many cultures. Despite the name, it is classified as a link, and is not a true knot according to the definitions of mathematical knot theory.The Solomon's knot consists of two closed loops, which are doubly interlinked in an interlaced manner. If laid flat, the Solomon's knot is seen to have four crossings where the two loops interweave under and over each other. This contrasts with two crossings in the simpler Hopf linkIn most artistic representations, the parts of the loops that alternately cross over and under each other become the sides of a central square, while four loopings extend outward in four directions. The four extending loopings may have oval, square, or triangular endings, or may terminate with free-form shapes such as leaves, lobes, blades, wings etc.

- useful wiki page on christian cross variants
拉丁十字架La cruz latina es una cruz formada por dos segmentos de diversa medida que se intersecan en ángulo recto, donde el segmento menor tiene una proporción de tres cuartos respecto del más largo. Refiere a la forma del crucifijo de la tradición cristiana.

  • no english wiki version

- cross of lazarus

  • A cross with the ends of the arms bottonee (or botonny, i.e. "furnished with knobs or buttons"), sometimes called a cross trefly, as the ends are shaped like a trefoil. When combined with a green Maltese cross, it forms the insignia of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus.
  • coat of arms of duelman, germany

A saltire, also called Saint Andrew's Cross, is a heraldic symbol in the form of a diagonal cross, like the shape of the letter X in Roman type. The word comes from the Middle French sautoir ("stirrup"), possibly owing to the shape of the triangular areas in the design. It appears in numerous flags, including those of Scotland and Jamaica, and other coats of arms and seals. A variant, also appearing on many past and present flags and symbols, is the Cross of Burgundy.
  •  The Flag of Scotland, called The Saltire or Saint Andrew's Cross, is a blue field with a white saltire. According to tradition, it represents Saint Andrew, who is supposed to have been crucified on a cross of that form (called a crux decussata) at PatrasGreece. The Saint Andrew's Cross was worn as a badge on hats in Scotland, on the day of the feast of Saint Andrew.

- kiv meaning
- two keys crossing each other often carries ecclesiastical meanings, seen in coat of arms of swiss army, popes

St. Hubert’s Key is a sacramental in the form of a metal nail, cross, or cone.[1] It was used in Europe until the early 20th century as a traditional cure for rabies and was named for St. Hubert, the patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians and metalworkers. The key was heated and pressed to the area where a person had been bitten by a dog believed to have rabies. If performed soon after the bite had occurred, the heat had the potential to cauterize and sterilize the wound, killing the rabies virus.[2] The practice was endorsed by the Early Church (and subsequently the Roman Catholic Church after the Great Schism; the practice was seldom seen in Orthodox lands), and such keys were used by priests at places with which St. Hubert was associated, where the skin of humans and animals was branded as a protection against the bites of rabid dogs.[3] This practice is recorded in the 1870s in the Ardennes region of France, where dogs were branded with St. Hubert's Key, as "a sure preventative of madness".
- kiv its image

trident /ˈtrdənt/ is a three-pronged spear. It is used for spear fishing and historically as a polearm. The trident is the weapon of Poseidon, or Neptune, the god of the sea in classical mythology. In Hindu mythology it is the weapon of Shiva, known as trishula (Sanskrit for "triple-spear").The word "trident" comes from the French word trident, which in turn comes from the Latin word tridens or tridentistri "three" and dentes "teeth". Sanskrit trishula is compound of tri त्रि "three"+ ṣūla शूल "thorn".In Greek, Roman, and Hindu mythology, the trident is said to have the power of control over the ocean.Tridents for fishing usually have barbed tines which trap the speared fish firmly. In the Southern and Midwestern United Statesgigging is used for harvesting suckersbullfrogsflounder, and many species of rough fish.The trident, known as dangpa, is featured as a weapon in the 17th- to 18th-century systems of Korean martial artsIn Ancient Rome, in a parody of fishing, tridents were famously used by a type of gladiator called a retiarius or "net fighter". The retiarius was traditionally pitted against a secutor, and cast a net to wrap his adversary and then used the trident to kill him.In religious Taoism, the trident represents the Taoist Trinity, the Three Pure Ones. In Taoist rituals, a trident bell is used to invite the presence of deities and summon spirits, as the trident signifies the highest authority of Heaven. The trishula of the Hindu god Shiva. A weapon of South-East Asian (particularly Thai) depiction of Hanuman, a character of RamayanaA fork Jewish priests (Kohanim) used to take their portions of offerings. The glyph or sigil of the planet Neptune in astronomy and astrology.
- political use
- the symbol of manchester united is red devil with trident

The caduceus (☤; /kəˈdsəs/ or /kəˈdjʃəs/; from Greek κηρύκειον kērúkeion "herald's wand, or staff") is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology and consequently by Hermes Trismegistus in Greco-Egyptian mythology. The same staff was also borne by heralds in general, for example by Iris, the messenger of Hera. It is a short staff entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings. In Roman iconography, it was often depicted being carried in the left hand of Mercury, the messenger of the gods, guide of the dead and protector of merchants, shepherds, gamblers, liars, and thieves. Some accounts suggest that the oldest known imagery of the caduceus have their roots in a Mesopotamian origin with the Sumerian god Ningishzidawhose symbol, a staff with two snakes intertwined around it, dates back to 4000 B.C. to 3000 B.C. As a symbolic object, it represents Hermes (or the Roman Mercury), and by extension trades, occupations, or undertakings associated with the god. In later Antiquity, the caduceus provided the basis for the astrological symbol representing the planet Mercury. Thus, through its use in astrology and alchemy, it has come to denote the elemental metal of the same name. It is said the wand would wake the sleeping and send the awake to sleep. If applied to the dying, their death was gentle; if applied to the dead, they returned to life. By extension of its association with Mercury and Hermes, the caduceus is also a recognized symbol of commerce and negotiation, two realms in which balanced exchange and reciprocity are recognized as ideals. This association is ancient, and consistent from the Classical period to modern times.[8] The caduceus is also used as a symbol representing printing, again by extension of the attributes of Mercury (in this case associated with writing and eloquence). The caduceus is often incorrectly used, particularly in North America, as a symbol of healthcare organizations and medical practice, due to confusion with the traditional medical symbol, the rod of Asclepius, which has only one snake and is never depicted with wings.

triskelion or triskele is a motif consisting of a triple spiral exhibiting rotational symmetry. The spiral design can be based on interlocking Archimedean spirals, or represent three bent human legs. Both terms are from Greek "τρισκέλιον" (triskelion) or "τρισκελής" (triskeles), "three-legged",[1] from prefix "τρι-" (tri-), "three times"[2] + "σκέλος" (skelos), "leg". A triskelion is a traditional symbol of Sicily, where it is called trinacria,[4] and of the Isle of ManThe triskelion symbol appears in many early cultures, the first in Malta (4400–3600 BC) and in the astronomical calendar at the famous megalithic tomb of Newgrange in Ireland built around 3200 BC, Mycenaean vessels, on coinage in Lycia, and on staters of Pamphylia (at Aspendos, 370–333 BC) and Pisidia. It appears as a heraldicemblem on warriors' shields depicted on Greek pottery. The triskelion is an ancient symbol of Sicily, with the head of the Gorgon, whose hair are snakes, from which radiate three legs bent at the knee. The symbol dates back to when Sicily was part of Magna Graecia, the colonial extension of Greece beyond the Aegean. Pliny the Elder attributes the origin of the triskelion of Sicily to the triangular form of the island, the ancient Trinacria (from the Greek tri- (three) and akra (end, limb)), which consists of three large capes equidistant from each other, pointing in their respective directions, the names of which were Pelorus, Pachynus, and Lilybæum.[citation needed]The Celtic symbol of three conjoined spirals may have had triple significance similar to the imagery that lies behind the triskelion. The triple spiral motif is a Neolithic symbol in Western Europe. Though popularly considered a "Celtic" symbol, it is in fact a pre-Celtic symbol.[9] It is carved into the rock of a stone lozenge near the main entrance of the prehistoric Newgrange monument in County Meath, Ireland. Newgrange, which was built around 3200 BC,[6]predates the Celtic arrival in Ireland, but has long since been incorporated into Celtic culture. The symbol is also found carved in rock in Castro Culture settlement in Galicia and Northern Portugal (in ancient times it was part of southern Galicia). In Ireland before the 5th century AD, in Celtic Christianity the triskele took on new meaning, as a symbol of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and, therefore, also a symbol of eternity. Its popularity continues today as a decorative symbol of faith for Christians of Celtic descent around the world.Traditional Asian versions of the triskelion include the Japanese Mitsudomoe, the Tibetan Buddhist Gankyil, and the Korean Sam Taegeuk.A triskelion is featured on the seal of the United States Department of Transportation.A triskelion shape is the basis for the roundel of the Irish Air Corps,[10] and the logo for the Trisquel Linux distribution.

The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol, having its origin in Christian iconography, showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It represents the eye of God watching over humanity (the concept of divine providence).[1][2][3] In the modern era, a notable depiction of the eye is the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which appears on the United States one-dollar bill.
The association of an eye with the concept of Divine Providence did not emerge until well into the Christian era. In Renaissance European iconography the eye surrounded by a triangle was an explicit image of the Christian Trinity.[failed verification] Seventeenth-century depictions of the Eye of Providence sometimes show it surrounded by clouds or sunbursts. The Eye of God in a triangle is still used in church architecture and Christian art to symbolise the Trinity and God's omnipresence and divine Providence.

- ancient Greek word δαίμων (daimōn ‘deity, spirit’) has come to denote fallen angels—not only the devil, but all his angels as well. Some people, especially the older and more religious, use euphemisms for the devil. These include ἀκατονόμαστος (akatonomastos ‘he-who-must-not-be-named’) and ὁ ἔξω ἀπὸ δῶ (ho exō apo dō ‘the out-of-here’).

bugle horn
- coat of arms of Cochem-Zell, germany

coat of arms/heraldry

v sign
Victor Auguste de Laveleye (5 November 1894 – 14 December 1945) was a Belgian liberal politician and minister.[1] He also served as announcer on Radio Belgique during World War II. De Laveleye was a doctor in law, and was municipality Council member of Sint-Gillis, President of the Liberal Party (1936–1937)[2] and Liberal member of parliament (1939–1945) for the district Brussels. De Laveleye was minister of justice (1937) and of public education (1944–1945). During World War II he was newsreader for Radio Belgique, a BBC station transmitted to occupied Belgium. On 14 January 1941, he asked all Belgians to choose the letter "V" as a rallying sign, being the first letter of victoire (victory) in French and of vrijheid (freedom) in Dutch. This was the beginning of the "V campaign"" which saw "V" graffities on the walls of Belgium and later all of Europe and introduced the use of the "V sign" for victory and freedom.
  •  他更有一拉丁文座右銘:Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici(吾生時仗真理之力征服世界),縮寫為V.V.V.V.V.。座右銘見於《V煞》電影的一幕,以及Alan Moore的原著圖像小說,雖然小說、電影俱稱此句出自「浮士德」,但知情者莫不拈花微笑:除了博學多才的術士克魔,還有誰配稱浮士德呢?
-邱吉爾最初用手比「V」字表示勝利,但手背向外,秘書提醒他,該手勢代表「見鬼去」的意思,手心向外才表示勝利。  而這個手背向外的「V」字手勢,就來自於英法百年戰爭期間,法國人吃盡英國人長弓的苦頭,抓到俘虜後就一律剁掉食指和中指,讓其無法再拉弓射箭,於是英國士兵見到法國人,就會高高豎起這兩根指頭,大有羞辱和嘲弄對方的意思,直到今天這個手勢在英格蘭地區仍廣泛應用。

ok gesture
The OK or ring gesture (Unicode symbol U+1F44C "👌") is performed by connecting the thumb and index finger into a circle, and holding the other fingers straight or relaxed away from the palm. Commonly used by divers, it signifies "I am OK" or "Are you OK?" when underwater. In most English-speaking countries it denotes approval, agreement, and that all is well or "okay". In other contexts or cultures, this same gesture may have different meanings or connotations, including many that are negative, offensive, financial, numerical, devotional, political,[1] or purely linguistic.

  • By the early 19th century in the United States, the gesture was affiliated with the letters "O" (formed by the circle) and "K" (derived from the extended fingers). While it is not known exactly how the OK gesture and the corresponding verbal expression coalesced, the English professor Allen Walker Read dates the expression's rise in usage to an 1839 humor piece in the Boston Morning Post describing the expression "o.k." as meaning "all correct," suggesting comically misspelled initials, at a time when acronyms for misspelled words were in vogue.[9] Several other broadsheets in BostonNew York and Philadelphia ran with the expression in their own columns, some with misspellings of "all correct" such as oll korrect, bringing the phrase into the vernacular of American English.
  • In Europe's Balkan region the OK gesture is known as the United Macedonia Salute in its association with irredentist campaigns for a united Macedonia.[89] For Macedonian nationalists the two fingers forming the "O" stand for the Macedonian word Обединета (Obedineta, meaning "United"), and the other three fingers symbolize the regions of Aegean Macedonia in northern GreecePirin Macedonia in southwestern Bulgaria, and the region of Vardar Macedonia that roughly corresponds to the Republic of North Macedonia's 21st century borders.[90] Taken together, the United Macedonia Salute also resembles the Vergina Sun that was the royal symbol of Ancient Macedonia

The victor symbol (Spanish: víctor or vítor) is an emblem that is painted on the walls of some Spanish and Latin American universities to commemorate students who have received the degree of doctorate. The custom dates back to the 14th century, and the symbol has historically been used at the University of Salamanca, the University of Alcalá, the University of Seville, and some universities in Latin America such as the National University of San Marcos in LimaPeru. According to the custom, when a student receives the doctorate, the victor symbol is painted on the walls of the university in red or black paint along with the student's name. At the end of the Spanish Civil War, the victor sign was adopted as a symbol of the nationalists' victory in the war, and it came to be used as a personal emblem for the dictator Francisco Franco. Despite its former use by Franco, it is still used in its original sense at several universities. The victor symbol takes the shape of the letters V, I, C, T, O, and R arranged in a stylized fashion that varies from symbol to symbol. In some cases, the letter C is omitted. Usually, the name of the student is painted alongside the symbol. The symbol is sometimes used to commemorate a notable person that visited the university or has some special connection with the university.

Christogram (Latin Monogramma Christi) is a monogram or combination of letters that forms an abbreviation for the name of Jesus Christ, traditionally used as a religious symbol within the Christian Church. One of the oldest Christograms is the Chi-Rho. It consists of the superimposed Greek letters chi (Χ) and rho (Ρ), which are the first two letters of Greek χριστός "Christ". It was displayed on the labarum military standard used by Constantine I in AD 312. The IX monogram (Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 4.jpg) is a similar form, using the initials of the name Ἰησοῦς (ὁ) Χριστός "Jesus (the) Christ", as is the ΙΗ monogram (IH Monogram with iota and eta superimposed.jpg), using the first two letters of the name Ἰησοῦς "Jesus".There were a very considerable number of variants of "Christograms" or monograms of Christ in use during the medieval period, with the boundary between specific monograms and mere scribal abbreviations somewhat fluid.
The name Jesus, spelt "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ" in Greek capitals, has the abbreviations IHS (also written JHS, IHC, or ΙΗΣ), the name Christus , spelt "ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ", has XP (and inflectional variants such as IX, XPO, XPS, XPI, XPO, XPM). In Eastern Christian tradition, the monogram ΙϹΧϹ (with Overline indicating scribal abbreviation) is used for Ἰησοῦς Χριστός in both Greek and Cyrillic tradition.
Middle Latin term for abbreviations of the name of Christ is chrisimus.[2] Similarly, Middle Latin crismonchrismon refers to the Chi Rho monogram specifically.

Chi (uppercase Χlowercase χGreekχῖ) is the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet, pronounced /k/ or /k/ in English.Its value in Ancient Greek was an aspirated velar stop /kʰ/ (in the Western Greek alphabet: /ks/).In Koine Greek and later dialects it became a fricative ([x]/[ç]) along with Θ and Φ.In Modern Greek, it has two distinct pronunciations: In front of high or front vowels (/e/ or /i/) it is pronounced as a voiceless palatal fricative [ç], as in German ich or like the h in some pronunciations of the English words hew and human. In front of low or back vowels (/a//o/ or /u/) and consonants, it is pronounced as a voiceless velar fricative ([x]), as in German ach.Chi is romanized as ⟨ch⟩ in most systematic transliteration conventions, but sometimes ⟨kh⟩ is used.[1] In addition, in Modern Greek, it is often also romanized as ⟨h⟩ or ⟨x⟩ in informal practice.In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 600.In ancient times, some local forms of the Greek alphabet used the chi instead of xi to represent the /ks/ sound. This was borrowed into the early Latin language, which led to the use of the letter X for the same sound in Latin, and many modern languages that use the Latin alphabet.Chi was also included in the Cyrillic script as the letter Х, with the phonetic value /x/ or /h/.Chi is the basis for the name literary Chiastic structure and the name of Chiasmus.In Plato's Timaeus, it is explained that the two bands that form the soul of the world cross each other like the letter Χ. Plato's analogy, along with several other examples of chi as a symbol occur in Thomas Browne's discourse The Garden of Cyrus (1658). Chi or X is often used to abbreviate the name Christ, as in the holiday Christmas (Xmas). When fused within a single typespace with the Greek letter Rho, it is called the labarum and used to represent the person of Jesus Christ.

The Chi Rho (/ˈk ˈr/; also known as chrismon) is one of the earliest forms of christogram, formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters—chi and rho (ΧΡ)—of the Greek word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (Christos) in such a way that the vertical stroke of the rho intersects the center of the chi.The Chi-Rho symbol was used by the Roman emperor Constantine I (r. 306–337) as part of a military standard (vexillum). Constantine's standard was known as the Labarum. Early symbols similar to the Chi Rho were the Staurogram (Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 2.jpg) and the IX monogram (Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 4.jpg). In pre-Christian times, the Chi-Rho symbol was also to mark a particularly valuable or relevant passage in the margin of a page, abbreviating chrēston (good). Some coins of Ptolemy III Euergetes (r. 246–222 BC) were marked with a Chi-Rho. Although formed of Greek characters, the device (or its separate parts) are frequently found serving as an abbreviation in Latin text, with endings added appropriate to a Latin noun, thus XPo, signifying Christo, "to Christ", the dative form of Christus. The Chi Rho symbol has two Unicode codepointsU+2627  Chi Rho in the Miscellaneous symbols block and U+2CE9  Coptic symbol Khi Ro in the Coptic block.
- [futurelearn]Chi (χ) and Rho (ρ) are the first two letters of the Greek word Christ. They were used universally as a shorthand for writing Christ’s name, and the abbreviation is used throughout the Book of Kells. The similarity of the χ to a saltire cross form instilled additional meaning in the word. 

The labarum (Greekλάβαρον) was a vexillum (military standard) that displayed the "Chi-Rho" symbol , a christogram formed from the first two Greek letters of the word "Christ" (GreekΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, or Χριστός) — Chi (χ) and Rho (ρ).[1] It was first used by the Roman emperorConstantine the Great. Since the vexillum consisted of a flag suspended from the crossbar of a cross, it was ideally suited to symbolize the crucifixion of Christ. Ancient sources draw an unambiguous distinction between the two terms "labarum" and "Chi-Rho", even though later usage sometimes regards the two as synonyms. The name labarum was applied both to the original standard used by Constantine the Great and to the many standards produced in imitation of it in the Late Antique world, and subsequently.Beyond its derivation from Latin labarum, the etymology of the word is unclear.[2] The Oxford English Dictionary offers no further derivation from within Latin. Some derive it from Latin /labāre/ 'to totter, to waver' (in the sense of the "waving" of a flag in the breeze) or laureum [vexillum] ("laurel standard"). An origin as a loan into Latin from a Celtic language or Basque has also been postulated. There is a traditional Basque symbol called the lauburu; though the name is only attested from the 19th century onwards the motif occurs in engravings dating as early as the 2nd century AD.

The t-rune  is named after Týr, and was identified with this god. The reconstructed Proto-Germanic name is *Tîwaz or *Teiwaz.Tiwaz is mentioned in all three rune poems. In the Icelandic and Norwegian poems, the rune is associated with the god Týr.Multiple Tiwaz runes either stacked atop one another to resemble a tree-like shape, or repeated after one another, appear several times in Germanic paganism. The Tyr rune was adopted by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany as the Kampfrune or battle rune. In Neo-Nazism it has appeared, together with the Sowilo rune, in the emblem of the Kassel-based think tank Thule Seminar. It has also appeared as the former logo of the fashion label Thor Steinar, which was banned in Germany[citation needed], and Svenska Motstandsrorelsen. (It might also be noted that both these uses were technically incorrect, since both Thor and Thule would be spelled with a thurisaz, ᚦ, rune.)

  • the theme for Norway’s Alpine ski team uniforms this season is “the Attacking Viking,” a homage to the team’s nickname. But the sweater features a symbol known as the Tyr rune, which neo-Nazis want to claim as their own.

playing cards
The four suits in playing cards represent the 4 pillars of the economy in the middle ages.
Spades (top left) was for the military. Hearts (top right) was for the church.Diamonds (bottom left) was for trade.Clubs (bottom right) was for agriculture.Also, the King of Hearts is sometimes referred to as the suicide King.
- queen of spades
  • "The Queen of Spades" (RussianПиковая дамаtranslit. Pikovaya dama) is a short story with supernatural elements by Alexander Pushkin about human avarice. Pushkin wrote the story in autumn 1833 in Boldino and it was first published in the literary magazine Biblioteka dlya chteniya in March 1834.
  • The Queen of Spades, Op. 68 (RussianПиковая дамаPikovaya damaFrenchLa Dame de Pique ) is an opera in 3 acts (7 scenes) by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky to a Russian libretto by the composer's brother Modest Tchaikovsky, based on a short story of the same name by Alexander Pushkin, but the plot was dramatically altered. 
  • 北京故宮乾清宮南廡 上書房舊址picture has some spade like motifs
  • A 'spade' also refers to a derogatory term for black African Americans, commonly used in the post-Civil War era.
- diamond
  • [futurelearn]The lozenge or diamond shape was used interchangeably with the cross in early Byzantine art. Its exact meaning is unclear, but its four corners may be an allusion to the classical concept of the tetragonus mundus (four square world) and its four elements earth, fire, water and air, four seasons etc., or the universe (created on the fourth day according to the Christian bible, Genesis 1:14-19).In early Irish art the predominance of the lozenge form in the Gospel of St John has led to its interpretation as a symbol of Jesus Christ as Logos or the Word following the opening words of John’s Gospel ‘In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God’ (John 1:1)
  • Makroudh (Arabicمقروض‎) is a North African(AlgeriaLibyaTunisia,in particular) sweet pastry filled with dates and nuts or almond paste, that has a diamond shape – the name derives from this characteristic shape.The dough is made with a combination of semolina and flour, which gives the pastry a very specific texture and flavor.Among Algerian Jews, makroudh is traditionally prepared for Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year.
  • coat of arms of pope clement ix has four diamonds (colour scheme yellow and blue)


Ermine (/ˈɜːrmɪn/) in heraldry is a "fur", a type of tincture, consisting of a white background with a pattern of black shapes representing the winter coat of the stoat (a species of weasel with white fur and a black-tipped tail). The linings of medieval coronation cloaks and some other garments, usually reserved for use by high-ranking peers and royalty, were made by sewing many ermine furs together to produce a luxurious white fur with patterns of hanging black-tipped tails. Due largely to the association of the ermine fur with the linings of coronation cloaks, crowns and peerage caps, the heraldic tincture of ermine was usually reserved to similar applications in heraldry (i.e., the linings of crowns and chapeaux and of the royal canopy).The ermine spot, the conventional heraldic representation of the tail has had a wide variety of shapes over the centuries; its most usual representation has three tufts at the end (bottom), converges to a point at the root (top), and is attached by three studs. When "ermine" is specified as the tincture of the field (or occasionally of a charge), the spots are part of the tincture itself, rather than a semé or pattern of charges. The ermine spot (so specified), however, may also be used singly as a mobile charge, or as a mark of distinction signifying the absence of a blood relationship. On a bend ermine, the tails follow the line of the bend. In the arms of William John Uncles, the field ermine is cut into bendlike strips by the three bendlets azure, so the ermine tails are (unusually) depicted bendwise.

‘Lucifer’ (הֵילֵל) is a word mentioned only once in the entire Bible, making it a hapax legomenon. Of course, the word ‘Lucifer’ has been mentioned in writing numerous time over the last two thousand years, although almost always in a very different sense to that intended in the Bible.
The only time Lucifer occurs in the Bible is in Isaiah 14:12, where it is a sarcastic reference to the now defeated king of Babylon. This passage was misunderstood, so Lucifer became a name in Christian folklore for Satan.

yaksas "forest ogres"
- semi-divine beings who live in forests and usually hostile to men

conch shells
- powerful symbol for both buddhists and hindus. In ancient india it was used as a trumpet and buddhism derived from this the idea that the conch represented the mighty sound made when the scriptures were preached. In hinduism the conch is a special attribute of visnu

fly whisks
- associated with royalty and took the form of pointed tufts of hair, originally made of tails of yak.

jewel trees
- on his travels sudhana sees jewel trees called treasury of radiance
- common at hindu site of prambanan where they are flanked by half-human, half bird figures called kinnara.

three stripes
- adidas
The flag of South Vietnam - South Vietnamese national flag during that country's existence between 1948 and 1975. The flag was originally inspired by Emperor Thành Thái in 1890, and was revived by Lê Văn Đệ and re-adopted by Emperor Bảo Đại in 1948.[2] It was the flag of the former State of Vietnam (the French-controlled areas in both Northern and Southern Vietnam) from 1949 to 1955, and later of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) up until 1975, after the fall of Saigon. The flag consists of a yellow field and three horizontal red stripes and can be explained as either symbolising the unifying blood running through northern, central, and southern Vietnam, or as representing the symbol for "south" (as in, south from China (Vietnam itself) and also nam meaning south), in Daoisttrigrams.

- note the signs of orthodox, protestant, catholic
- note various astronomical symbols

Coat of arms
At least 16 of Game of Thrones coats of arms appear to be almost carbon copies of those of Russian regions, according to a sharp-eyed user of Pikabu, the Russian version of Reddit website, who gathered them together.

cockade is a knot of ribbons, or other circular- or oval-shaped symbol of distinctive colours which is usually worn on a hat.In the 18th and 19th centuries, coloured cockades were used in Europe to show the allegiance of their wearers to some political faction, or to show their rank or to indicate a servant's livery. Military uniforms would use cockades as well.A cockade was pinned on the side of a man's tricorne or cocked hat, or on his lapel. Women could also wear it on their hat or in their hair.In pre-revolutionary France, the cockade of the Bourbon dynasty was all white. In the Kingdom of Great Britain supporters of a Jacobite restoration wore white cockades, while the recently established Hanoverian monarchy used a black cockade. The Hanoverians also accorded the right to all German nobility to wear the black cockade in the United Kingdom.During the 1780 Gordon Riots in London, the blue cockade became a symbol of anti-government feelings and was worn by most of the rioters.[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]During the American Revolution, the Continental Army initially wore cockades of various colors as an ad hoc form of rank insignia. 円形章ヨーロッパで18世紀ごろから、軍帽(三角帽二角帽)に国旗と同じ配色のリボンを輪状にピン止めしたのが始まり。特にフランス革命時に、革命派が三色旗(トリコロール)と同じ配色の青・白・赤のリボンを帽子に止めた例が有名で、その後各国の制帽(シャコー帽、ついで各種のつばつき帽)に帽章の一部として取り入れられるようになった。(時代が下るとともに、リボンにかわって金属製のメダルまたは刺繍が用いられるようになった)円形章が特に発達した国が1871年に統一したドイツ帝国である。同国では、軍帽のクラウン部に帝国共通の黒・白・赤の円形章、胴部に統一以前の領邦を示す各自の円形章を着け、国内だけでも多数の円形章が用いられるようになった。第一次世界大戦の敗戦によって帝政が解体した後も、ドイツの軍帽においては、現在に至るまで何らかの形で円形章が取り入れられている。ヨーロッパにおいてはドイツの他、ロシア帝国オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国で円形章が用いられた影響で東欧諸国の制帽で用いられている例が多く、またスカンジナビア諸国、ベルギー等にも見られる。これに対しフランスイタリア等では、礼装の二角帽・シャコー帽で本来のリボンタイプの円形章が用いられるものの、通常勤務に用いられる制帽には用いられない。ヨーロッパ以外では、ラテンアメリカ諸国に円形章を取り入れている国が多い。このことの背景には、19世紀初頭の独立運動の際、独立派の将兵が将来国旗となるべき旗の色を配したリボンを服や帽子につけたものが独立後の軍服に取り入れられたという事情と、19世紀末~20世紀前半にかけて、この地域の多くの国で軍近代化の模範とされたドイツ軍の影響が考えられる。ソビエト連邦赤軍では、ロシア帝国時代の縦長楕円形の円形章が排されて赤い星の内側に鎌とハンマーを描きこんだ徽章が帽章として用いられていたが第二次世界大戦中の1943年に軍服のデザインがロシア帝国の軍服を思わせるものに改定されるにともない、帽章においても、赤い星を引き続き用いながらこれを縦長楕円形の金の縁取りでかこむパターンが登場するようになった[1]第二次世界大戦後成立した社会主義体制の諸国の軍服の中には、ソ連軍の帽章の影響を受け、円形又は楕円形のパターンの中に、国旗色や共産主義のイデオロギーを象徴する意匠が描きこまれた帽章が制定される例が現れた。これも円形章の一変型といえる。

academic studies
- people

  • He believed specifically that Buddhists colonised the globe in ancient antiquity and were responsible for spreading the swastika. In his Buddhism in Pre-Christian Britain (1928) he developed the theory that Buddhists were in Britain and Scandinavia long before the spread of Christianity. 
  •  Mackenzie maintains that the Caucasoid Cro-Magnons who settled in Britain were dark haired and dark eyed, racially akin to the French BasquesIberians and Berbers of North Africa (p. 25), who he theorised were one of the earliest representatives of the Mediterranean race
  • take note of his publications - in 文学与神明 饶宗颐访谈录, “the migration of symbol” (published in 1929) was mentioned.

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