Monday, December 24, 2018

china industry

New industry
- 為推進大眾創業、萬眾創新,支持新產業、新業態,中國國土資源部等六部委制訂的一系列用地新政策昨日對外發佈。由國土資源部聯合國家發改委、科技部、工信部、住建部、商務部下發的《關於支持新產業新業態發展促進大眾創業萬眾創新用地的意見》,從加大新供用地保障力度、鼓勵盤活利用現有用地、引導新產業集聚發展、完善新產業用地監管四個方面採取措施,集中釋放用地政策紅利。在加大新供用地保障力度方面,《意見》依據國家《戰略性新興產業重點產品和相關服務指導目錄》、《中國製造2025》等,明確新產業、新業態用地類型;「先存量、後增量」優先安排用地,新產業發展快、用地集約且需求大的地區,可適度增加年度新增建設用地指標;運用多種方式供應新產業用地,推行先租後讓、租讓結合;採取差別化用地政策支持新業態發展,如光伏、風力發電等使用未利用土地的,不改變地表形態的用地部分可按原地類認定;新能源汽車充電設施、移動通信基站等用地面積小、需多點分佈的,可採取配建方式供地。
- china daily 5apr19 gamers, drone pilots join list of official jobs in china

Department store
- 內地百貨業掀 關店潮

  • 聯商網近日發佈「2015年上半年主要 零售企業關店統計」,根據統計顯示,內 地主要零售企業(不包含家居、電器)今 年上半年共關閉店舖 121家,其中百貨業態 關閉 26家,超市關閉 95家。有分析認為, 由於電商衝擊以及實體零售業無法滿足顧 客要求等原因,導致實體零售銷售低潮。 報告顯示,上半年關門的包括萬達百 貨、馬莎百貨、百盛百貨等在內,其中萬 達百貨關閉 10家成為「領頭羊」,馬莎百 貨共關閉 5家。而另據報道,萬達近期還計 劃在全國範圍內關閉 45家萬達百貨,這已 經是年內萬達百貨第二次大規模調整,與 之前稱「將每年新增 20家新門店」的宣言 形成對比。同時還不少零售門店亦透露閉 店或即將閉店的消息,原因包括租約到 期、直接停業等。 在關店企業中,外資及合資零售企業關 閉門店 16家,而江蘇、廣東、安徽、浙江 各省的二三線城市關店現象最為嚴重。有 專家分析,電商對實體店衝擊是導致多家 實體零售店舖閉店的原因之一。

- 網購衝擊 傳統百貨謀求轉型
- )互 聯網正嚴重衝擊百貨零售業,淘寶天貓去年「雙十一」一天的營 業額已達 571億元(人民幣,下同),連王府井百貨和百盛百貨 一年的營業額合共亦僅 350億元。零售企業的利潤普遍錄得下 滑,華堂、馬莎、百盛等外資百貨名店均敵不過業界寒冬,節節 敗退。百貨業該何去何從?對此,專家普遍認為,百 貨業發展至今同質化問題嚴重,隨着網購的興 起,已經進入沒落期。未來的方向一是走細分 化、專業化百貨店的道路,二是向多功能的購物 中心方向發展。此外,以O2O模式擴張亦是趨勢 之一。

Convenience store
- Convenience stores gaining ground as hypermarts falter

- China can make considerable progress in food self-sufficiency if it uses methods likeconsolidation of farmlands and encourages use of modern machinery, technologies and goodpractices for agriculture, said a report published by Rabobank. The Netherlands-based banking and financial services company said China can improve its foodself-sufficiency by 10 percent in the next decade by using modern techniques. According to thelender's estimates, the higher self-sufficiency levels in China will lead to higher grains andoilseeds harvests of 61 million metric tons and 3 million metric tons, respectively.
-  國務院辦公廳近日發佈《關於引導農村產權流轉交易市場健康發展的意 見》,意見規範了農村產權交易市場的定位、形式、運行、監管和保障措施,指出現階段 農戶承包土地經營權、林權、農村集體經營性資產等八類產權可入場交易。「這都是當前 我國農村中最需要盤活的資產。」中國社科院農村所研究員李國祥認為,這八類產權的入 市交易,有望讓農村「沉睡的資產」甦醒,極大增加農村經濟的活力。
- 3日,中央農村工作領導小組辦公室主 任陳錫文、副主任韓俊在國新辦發布會上解 讀今年一號文件時表示,當前中國農村土地 改革主要集中在所謂 「三塊地」 ,即 「農用 地」 、 「農村集體經營性建設用地」 和 「宅 基地」 , 「三塊地」 改革將在全國範圍選擇 部分縣級單位試點,2017年前完成。此外, 中央還確立了改革 「三條底線」 ,即公有制 性質不能改變、耕地紅線不能破、農民權益 不能受損。
- China is planning to boost exports of vegetables to Russia and Central Asiannations to offset declining demand and rising anti-dumping duties from traditionalimporters like the United States, Brazil, Japan and South Korea, officials said. Chai Liping, secretary-general of the Beijing-based China Vegetable Association,said traditional markets have used tariff barriers, extremely harsh quality tests andwithdrawn shipments without any adequate explanations. To counter this,Shouguang, a major vegetable-growing city in East China's Shandong province, hasdecided to establish the Shouguang-Russia Border Trade Association to diversifyexport channels in global markets.
Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, which borders Russia, will also establish20 vegetable-growing bases to grow carrot, onion, tomato, sugarbeet, salad potatoand colored sweet pepper in select counties and towns to develop border trade. China's vegetable exports to traditional markets have confronted multiple pressurein recent years. Take garlic for instance. Brazil currently imposes anti-dumping dutyof $0.78 per kilogram of Chinese garlic, while the United States has an anti-dumping tariff as high as 376 percent for the same product since 1995. Both the European Union and Indonesia implement strict quota control on China'sgarlic exports. The state-run South Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corp evenrefused to approve the import of 2,200 metric tons of garlic shipped by Shandongexporters in January because of what they called quality issues, resulting in a lossof more than $1.59 million for the farmers. Because of geopolitics and regional conflict in Ukraine, Russia had already bannedall import of fruits and vegetables from Europe and food from the United States inresponse to previous Western sanctions in 2014. Chai said this has encouragedChinese export to its neighbor amid the current international market demand.
- 中國國務院總理李克強10月8日在北京主持召開國務院常務會議。會議還通過《全國農業現代化規劃》,促進農業升級農村發展農民增收。
-  綜合新華社及中新社報道,國務院辦公廳日前印發《關於推進農業高新技術產業示範區建設發展的指導意見》(以下簡稱《意見》),提出到2025年,佈局建設 一批國家農業高新技術產業示範區,打造具有國際影響力的現代農業創新高地、人才高地、產業高地。科技部副部長徐南平表示,在目前已有的兩個示範區的基礎 上,計劃到2025年,國家要佈局不超過30家農業高新技術產業示範區,探索農業創新驅動發展路徑,顯著提高示範區土地產出率、勞動生產率和綠色和平發 展。
- 糧食儲兌所

  • 國家糧食局早前的農村儲糧抽樣調查顯示,由於儲糧設施簡陋,方法不科學,內地農戶儲糧每年損失量高達150億至500億公斤,折合金額高達180億至240億元人民幣。記者近日走訪江西省吉安市吉水縣的中波糧食儲兌所(又稱糧食銀行)。這個該省首家民營糧食儲兌所,於今年3月正式運行,統一烘乾、統一加工、統一儲存的專業優勢很大程度上減少糧食因存儲不當導致的損耗。農民在這裡存儲糧食,不但有利息,還能換取農資或米油,代農儲糧新模式得到了越來越多農民的認可。國家抽樣調查數據顯示,農戶分散儲糧的損耗率為8%至10%,而糧食集中保管的損耗率僅為1%至3%。但業內專家則認為,糧食銀行經營有風險,只有糧食主產區才適合糧食銀行的生存和發展,並應加強監管。2006年,江蘇太倉誕生內地首家「糧食銀行」。2013年9月27日,汪洋副總理在國家糧食局上報的一份太倉發展「糧食銀行」調研報告上批示:贊成重視「糧食銀行」探索,注意總結推廣。業內人士指出:「糧食銀行」有其存在的合理性和必要性,但其種種好處都是建立在穩健經營的基礎之上,「儲蓄」後由於糧權關係不變,糧商不花錢就掌握了大量糧源,他們在市場上的經營行為,其實是拿農戶的糧食在投機。一旦失敗、破產,農戶的利益就可能受損。專家建議,既然糧食銀行具備商業銀行的經營屬性,有關部門應把它作為一個特殊行業來加強監管,推廣出去,探索建立農民、企業和政府利益共享、風險共擔的機制。

- A type of genetically modified rice bred in China has passed safety inspections by the United States Food and Drug Administration, paving the way for it to be exported to the country, a university in China said. The insect-resistant rice, Huahui 1, passed inspections on safety and nutrition by the FDA, Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan, Hubei province, said in a statement on Sunday. The university received the notification on Saturday, it said.
Previously, the rice had passed safety inspections by the US Environmental Protection Agency on pesticide residue levels, the university said.
soya beans
-  漠河北紅村是中國最北的自然村莊,儘管全年無霜期只有90天,農作物生長周期短,但這裏的152戶村民仍然堅守着傳統大豆的種植,在這個離俄羅斯不足百米的小村能切實感受到金融支持大豆產業發展的溫暖。為了解決當地村民購買農資缺少資金的難題,中國郵政儲蓄銀行(01658)主動送貸上門,2018年投放貸款101.5萬元(人民幣,下同)支持北紅村大豆種植。在大豆主產區黑龍江,2018年郵儲銀行共投放了5.28億元專項信貸資金點支持農民種植大豆,涉及種植耕地面積達到130萬畝。

- 內地農業部前日提出意見文件,稱為確保糧食市場供應,將以馬鈴薯(薯仔,內地稱土豆)作為主糧,要求擴大種植面積,特別要在西部貧困地區及高原山區發展薯仔產業,以讓農民脫貧致富。

- it's hard to imagine a farm as innovative as Zhou Jing's, where 2 million chickens roost in the pine trees of East China's Jiangxi province. "Compared with fast-growing chickens that are ready for slaughter within 20 days, our chickens live cage-free for at least 150 days in the woods," said Zhou, who is a graduate of Canada's University of Windsor. The twenty-something entrepreneur gave up a white-collar job in Canada in 2013 to return to her hometown in Fuzhou, so she could raise the free-range chickens in the forest where her parents had farmed 1,000 hectares for more than a decade. Zhou is expanding and evolving an idea of her father's, who first released chickens into the woods about seven years ago. He did so because he had no time to attend to them in captivity. The birds soon adapted. "Only those birds that are strong and good at flying can live for a long time in the woods," said Zhou Jing. "It's survival of the fittest."

- 國家發改委、農業農村部昨日聯合印發《全國沿海漁港建設規劃(2018-2025年)》,進一步提高漁業防災減災能力,促進海洋漁業持續健康發展,加快形成漁港經濟區。《規劃》提出,將建設遼東半島、渤海灣、山東半島、江蘇、上海-浙江、東南沿海、廣東、北部灣、海南島、南海等10大沿海漁港群。

- 150萬磅蟹苗搶購一空 養殖戶賺爆

- The global glut in steel is most alarming because China’s industry dwarfs all others and its mills could easily produce more. Yet other sectors also have existing or looming gluts.

- 15日,內地首條GMP食鹽生產線15日在廣州投產,意味?內地進入以製藥的標準產鹽的時代。

Natural resources
- rare earth
    China is unlikely to retain control of the global market for rare earths, because users have become more efficient in their consumption and found alternative sources, according to a former adviser at the US Department of Defense.
  • government approves rare earth conglomerates
  • 六大稀土集團加速整合,於昨日在北京舉行的工作會議上,中國工信部副部長蘇 波表示,六大稀土集團重組將提速,計劃年底前整合全國所 有稀土礦山及冶煉分離企業,稀土行業長期 「多、小、散」 的局面將得到徹底扭轉。 按照中國國務院要求,工信部已會同國土資源部、國資 委等部門擬定了《大型稀土企業集團組建工作指引》,分兩 批備案了中鋁公司、中國北方稀土、廈門鎢業和中國五礦、 廣東稀土、中國南方稀土等六家稀土大集團的組建方案。
  • 央企的規模整合重組激發起市場的熱情。 國土資源部昨日發布通知稱,中國鋁業( 601600)等六家稀土集團整合重組方案已獲有 關部門批准備案。受此消息的影響,稀土永磁 板塊震盪走高,尾盤集體拉升。截至昨日收盤 ,板塊漲逾4.5%,江粉磁材(002600)、五礦 發展(600058)等七股漲停。 根據通知,包括中國五礦集團公司、中國 鋁業公司、包頭鋼鐵集團有限責任公司、廈門 鎢業股份有限公司、贛州稀土集團有限公司、 廣東省稀土產業集團有限公司在內的六家稀土 集團整合重組方案已獲有關部門批准備案。
  • About 90 percent of China's rare earth mining companies are incurring losses asrare earth prices continue to plummet due to overcapacity and illegal mining,industry officials said on Saturday. Chen Zhanheng, deputy secretary-general of the Association of China Rare EarthIndustry, said that most of the rare earth companies have been consistently losingmoney with many even facing the probability of unit closures this year. "Some small smelters have stopped paying admission fees as the situation isbecoming worse," he told China Daily on the sidelines of the 7th China Baotou RareEarth Industry Forum held in Baotou of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region,which accounts for most of the country's output. He said many companies rushed into rare earth mining and production businesswhen the market was good, producing much more products than the market reallyneeded, which coupled with illegal mining that has driven down the prices. "Rare earths are not as difficult to mine and process as many seem to think, somany illegal miners are bypassing the regulations to dig and smelt the metals. This,in turn, led to a glut in the market," he said. Industry data showed that production capacity of neodymium iron boronpermanent magnets-made out of rare earths and used in a wide range ofindustrial applications ranging from smartphones to airplane equipment-was amere 8,000 tons in 2000, but it has subsequently grown 50-fold in about 15 years. The average prices for rare metals have been declining in China since 2011 andhave continued to drop in recent months despite the government controls andcrackdown on smuggling and black market trade.
  • the reorganization of China's six major rare earth groups is expected to be complete by the end of June, Vice-Minister of Industry and Information Technology Xin Guobin said on Friday. The companies' core competence "will be enhanced", he said, "through closing down factories, weeding out and transferring outdated capacity. "All the substantive restructuring will be finished by the end of June." He said ministry officials will also continue to implement targeted policies to support the reshuffle, and the six groups themselves will continue to improve their coordinating mechanism to further help stabilize the rare earth market. The six companies are: China Northern Rare Earth (Group) High-tech Co Ltd, China Minmetals Corp, Aluminum Corp of China, Guangdong Rare Earth Corp, China South Rare Earth Group and Xiamen Tungsten Co Ltd.
  • Nontoxic colorant from rare earths is expected to be put into full production in the current year in Baotou, the biggest city in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, following a decision by the local government to upgrade the rare earths industry to value-added processes against previously mining the raw materials. "Due to its perfect coloring and nontoxic properties the coloring agent, mainly for plastics and leathers, can replace most existing dyes in the market," said Zhang Hongjie, inventor of the colorant and member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. There are currently two kinds of coloring agent in the Chinese market: organic compounds releasing toxic gases with high temperatures and inorganic compounds containing heavy metal elements like lead and cadmium.

- coal

  • China will no longer grant permission for new coal mining projects with designed annual capacities of below 300,000 metric tons, as authorities plan to take more steps to trim excess capacity in the sector, top industry officials said on Tuesday.
  • China has slapped a moratorium on new coal mines in its eastern regions as it battles an enormous supply glut. As with swaths of Chinese industry, coal production is racked by overcapacity and falling prices, contributing to the slowdown that saw the economy expand 7.4 per cent last year, the slowest annual pace in nearly a quarter of a century.
  • China is suspending the approval of any new coal mines for three years to eliminate stockpiles and increase new-energy consumption, according to a report in Economic Information Daily on Wednesday.
  • Guizhou province, one of the major coal suppliers in southwestern China, plans to close 120 coal mines and cut coal capacity by 15 million metric tons in 2017 to answer the nation's call to tackle excess production in the sector.
- 內地近年積極發展石墨烯產業,但石墨烯產業專利委員會主任劉兆平指出,按照專利數據分析,中國石墨烯專利數量多,但是有用的核心專利太少,對中國非常不利,預計未來三至五年可能爆發涉及石墨烯技術的專利訴訟,呼籲要做好應對措施。

- Textile industry at the crossroads of change With the average wage of the 23 million textile workers in China reaching $600 a month, garment factory owners are starting to greet each other with a variation of: "Have you moved the factory out of China yet?" In the busy shopping area of Solana in Beijing's Chaoyang district, young women and men dressed in the latest fashion wander around the mix of foreign clothing stores carrying their latest purchases. In this trendy commercial landscape, similar to that of other big metropolis like New York or London, it is easy to see why China has emerged as one of the biggest markets for consumer products, particularly for clothing. The surge of avid fashion-conscious consumers and weak performances of the world's largest fashion retailers in their home markets in the United States and Europe, have triggered a rapid expansion of big names in China. Although quickly growing, the Chinese market is still at an early stage of expansion offering attractive opportunities for foreign apparel brands.
-按照與WTO協議,2016年12月中國15年保護期 滿。隨着TPP、TTIP等貿易新規則和框架的誕生, 原有的WTO貿易準則不再是唯一標準。 以往貿易規則中所涉及的「淺層次」(市場准入、邊 境措施)內容出現了升級版,環境、勞工、金融服務、 投資等費貿易領域也被納為貿易規則的重要內容。

Sportswear Global and domestic companies shrug off years of losses as city dwellers jog, run, exercise and take part in marathons International and domestic sportswear companies have finally turned the corner after being in recession for years. Sportswear majors posted strong growth in the China market in 2015, boosted by city dwellers' pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. According to Euromonitor International, China's sportswear industry was valued at nearly 150 billion yuan ($22.8 billion) in 2014. Adidas Group's China unit reached its sales target of 2 billion euros ($2.19 billion) for 2015, and thus successfully completed a five-year business strategy makeover that began in 2010. In the first nine months of 2015, its gross profit rose almost 40 percent year-on-year to 1.05 billion euros. Colin Currie, managing director, Adidas Group, Greater China, attributed the "record achievement" to the company's ability to execute "a decisive strategy". Rising disposable incomes, which are increasing consumer spending, helped expand the sporting goods industry in 2015, Adidas said. This trend is particularly evident in China's smaller cities.

- film
  • Insider explain what hinders China's film industry
- cinema
  • An international communication committee tasked with engaging with the world film  communityand Hollywood in particularwas established by the China Film   Association on July 29 2014
- ZenithOptimedia forecasts that advertising expenditure on the Chinese mainland will grow 10.5percent in 2015 to 311 billion yuan ($50.7 billion). The growth rate will be 2.1 percentage points lower than we forecast last Septemberwith smalldownward revisions recorded across many regions of the worldThe Chinese government continues policy implementation to drive inward growth, although keyglobal economic factors - coupled with cautiousness about local economic considerations suchas slowing manufacturing and weaker property investment - are lowering expectations for 2015.

Intellectual Property
- model service providers ready to lead industry
- China's first government-led intellectual property fund was launched in Beijing on Monday. With initial capital of 100 million yuan ($15.72 million), the Guozhi Intelligence Intellectual Property Fund co-founded by the Guozhi Patent Warning Consulting Center and Qinglin Huacheng, an investment company, is targeted at companies set to list on the New Third Board, an over-the-counter market for small businesses. "The fund will be mainly used to help companies develop their IP and gain patents for core technologies in a bid to position themselves better in the industrial landscape," said Zhao Wei, general manager of Qinglin Huacheng. "We will regularly release the Guozhi Intelligence Intellectual Property Index, which is a key indicator for the fund's investment and patent services after research into the IP index of listed companies on the New Third Board and analysis of their success factors," Zhao said. Unlike its peers, the new fund will also offer IP consultancy services ranging from patent filings to industry technology trend analysis to aid companies to increase their IP asset value, said Zhang Dan, director of the Publicity Department of the Beijing Patent Examination Cooperation Center at the State Intellectual Property Office.
- By 2020, the number of international patent applications filed via the Patent CooperationTreaty is projected to reach 60,000 in China, doubling the figure of 2015, according to arecent national plan.

- 地產富豪前十名(人民幣元)

- may step up efforts to slash its mounting housing inventory, with farmers and migrant workers being the biggest beneficiaries. Citing anonymous sources, Economic Information Daily reported that the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is formulating a plan to support farmers and migrant workers in the purchase of homes in China's third- and fourth-tier cities, which have been plagued by a rising stockpile of unsold homes. The newspaper is affiliated with Xinhua News Agency.
The plan includes measures such as financial and mortgage interest subsidies, and tax breaks, according to the newspaper. The ministry is also considering including migrant workers in the housing provident fund, a low-mortgage rate provision program that was until recently designated for urban employees.

- steel
  • charting the right strategies for a leaner profitable steel industry
  •’s steel industry needs to reforge itself through painful reforms before the world’s largest steel producer can iron out its overcapacity problems, analysts who follow the market say, though a legacy of climbdowns by reformers in the face of local intransigence will be hard to overcome. These barriers appear because higher unemployment levels and lower production output when plants are mothballed and companies merged mean less taxation revenues for local governments and more social security costs as families turn to state support as bread winners lose their jobs. “Two mounting issues have kept the Politburo worried: employment and debt, which could undermine social/financial stability. Policy response now makes us believe closure will be slow and Chinese steel will continue to flood the international markets,” Jefferies’ equities analysts Po Wei and Howard Lau wrote last week. Speaking at a meeting of steel industry executives early this month, Premier Li Keqiang said the mainland would set a “ceiling” on steel production with capacity control, production cuts and rationalising inventories all part of the reform agenda. China’s steel plant utilisation stood at around 67 per cent last year, well below the 85 per cent or above between 2000 and 2008, when the industry was on a roll. Such a grim outlook formed the backdrop to recent comments by Zhang Guangning, chairman of the China Iron and Steel Association, when he said that “in years to come, apparent consumption will see a slow reduction trend ... resulting in severe imbalances among production capacity, output and consumption”.
- iron ore
  • top iron ire producers target record shipments to china
- aluminium

  • beijing is lining up a shuffle of state assets that will create the world’s biggest aluminium producer and allow a third nuclear group to challenge the country’s duopoly, say people in the industry familiar with the plans. Under the deal, newly formed State Power Investment Corp will hive off its struggling aluminium smelters, leaving it to channel its money and energy into developing a Chinese-designed nuclear reactor, a national priority.

- The mainland's float glass industry had a tough year in 2014, with prices being dragged downby increased production capacity and weaker demand from the real estate industry. Xinyi Glass Holdings - one of the mainland's largest glass manufacturers - reported a net profitof HK$1.36 billion for last year - a 58-percent decrease year-on-year, while gross profit droppedby 12.9 percent to HK$2.73 billion. The decline was due to a decline in float glass prices as wellas rising production costs, the company said.

- 國家發改委網站刊登的《關於加快配電網建設改造的指導意見(下稱意見)》指出,配電網是國民經濟和社會發展的重要公共基建,該意見旨在落實中央穩增長政策,加快配電網建設改造。根據《意見》,着力解決配電網絡薄弱問題後,至2020年,中心城市(區)用戶年均停電時間不超過1小時;城鎮地區用戶年均停電時間不超過10小時,鄉村地區用戶年均停電時間不超過24小時。在加大財政資金支持方面,《意見》稱要發揮各級政府財政資金的槓桿作用,帶動企業與社會資金投入,擴大投資規模,形成支持配電網發展的長效機制。為拓寬電網項目的融資渠道,《意見》提出,要研究出台措施,促進社會資本投資配電業務,並以「政府和社會資本合作(PPP)」模式,建設經營配電網基礎設。在強化信貸支持方面,《意見》提出,完善配電網項目建設貸款支持機制,出台貼息貸款政策。同時,重點電網項目的實施主體方面,則可通過發行企業債券、專項債券、項目收益債券、中期票據等方式直接融資。國家能源局本周一已發布「配電網建設改造行動計劃(2015-2020年)」,明確2015至2020年,配電網建設改造投資不低於2萬億元人民幣,其中2015年投資不低於3,000億元人民幣。hket 3sep15
- The National Reform and Development Commission and the National EnergyAdministration announced on Tuesday the establishment of China's firstelectricity trading centers in Beijing and GuangzhouGuangdong provinceina move to make power supply more efficientA joint statement from the two administrators said that the centers willmainly coordinate cross-province power trading and boost the consumptionof clean energyThe two major national power distribution companiesState Grid Corp ofChina and China Southern Power Gridare based in Beijing and Guangzhou.
The Beijing center will be a wholly owned subsidiary of the State Grid with aregistered capital of 50 million yuan ($7.64 millionwhile China SouthernPower Grid will hold a 66.7 percent stake in the Guangzhou trading center"The establishment of the power trading centers is part of the reform inChina's electricity industry," said Cao Yinenergy analyst of Cinda SecuritiesCo. "They will integrate many players along the industrial chainincludingelectricity generationdistributionsales and consumptionA transparent,standardized and supervised trading platform will help lower the costs andincrease efficiency."

- The proposed restructuring and spin-offs of the mainland's oil and gas pipeline assets is a good long-term policy but executing it will be an uphill battle, according to analysts. This is seen as part of the wider reform in the oil and gas industry to increase competition and enhance operating transparency and efficiency.  Not only will the move face opposition from state-owned pipeline owners and independent shareholders - unless they are adequately compensated for losing control of their strategic assets - a new regulatory regime will have to be set up to ensure fairness of energy trading platforms needed to complement open access to the pipelines.  "The idea of having one or more independent entities running the pipelines is good but not easy to implement," said Lin Boqiang, the director of Xiamen University's China Centre for Energy Economics Research. "The fact that most of the pipelines are owned by the listed units of the state energy giants also makes it more challenging … as consent of the minority shareholders will likely be needed." Several regions will be part of pilot program as reform deepens. The National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economicregulator, said on Wednesday that China, the world's largest electricity consumer,will eliminate obstacles to the use of wind and solar power by deepening reform ofthe electricity sector.
-'s first regional grid to successfully integrate both coal and wind energysources could be adopted elsewhere, said top executives of the company thatoperates the grid in Huolinhe in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. The dual-power electricity grid is the brainchild of SPIC Mengdong Energy Group CoLtd, a subsidiary of State Power Investment Corp, which is the largest electrolyticaluminium manufacturer in Northeast China. SPIC Mengdong Energy Group has been working for the past three years inHuolinhe, where one of the five largest open mines in China is located, to supplypart of Huolinhe's domestic and industrial energy needs, mostly electrolyticaluminium production. Now the central government has given the green light for the system to be used asthe basis of a national pilot scheme, which could see it adopted in cities throughoutthe country. A year earlier the highly successful "circular economic system" (meaning it is basedon wind, coal and aluminum), was recognized with an innovation award at theWorld Climate Change Conference in Lima by the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change, China Alliance for Low Carbon Action, and theEnvironmental Defense Fund of the United States.
- ENN Energy, one of the mainland’s largest city-natural gas distributors, has set up 13 provincial-level power retail firms in preparation for expansion in the nascent business, which started in Guangdong. ENN Group, its parent, is among 11 firms that won licences in December to sell electricity in Guangdong – the first mainland province to open up the sector.
Three of the 11 firms are private ones, with the remainder, including two large power producers, being state-owned. Late last year, Beijing announced detailed policies on dismantling the retail monopoly held by mainland China’s two state-owned power distributors, and encouraged private firms like ENN to join the fray. “Guangdong will be our trial project, which will be rolled out when regulation allows to over 20 industrial parks where we have obtained rights to distribute natural gas,” ENN Energy deputy chairman Cheung Yip-sang said on Tuesday. “Our customers are very supportive of our integrated model of providing power, gas, heat and cooling services.” Gas-supply shortages are hitting north and central China as Beijing tries to accelerate a shift away from coal rather than miss environmental targets this year. The situation has left some residents — mainly urban migrants on neighbourhoods ringing the cities — without heat as temperatures drop below zero.

  • 國家發改委昨公布上周在全國展開的供氣及供暖企業調查結果,有企業違規不執行政府定價,擅自抬高氣價格,並在「煤改氣」工程改造中亂收費。當局公開黑龍江、山東、浙江及四川四間天然氣公司的處罰情況,同時要退回多收款項。
  • 習近平主席不久前在聯合國發展峰會提出的戰略構想正在從戰略構想變為現實。2016年1月21日,全球能源互聯網投融資高層研討會在香港召開,來自國際組織、政府部門、行業協會、金融機構、咨詢公司與電力企業等方面的80多位代表出席,共同研討建設全球能源互聯網的投融資模式。中國國家電網董事長劉振亞在會上表示,在當前經濟增長動力不足的情況下,全球能源互聯網是覆蓋全球的能源基礎設施,投資需求大、產業鏈長,對經濟增長具有強勁拉動作用,到2050年全球能源互聯網累計投資有望達到50萬億美元,投資全球能源互聯網就是投資未來。
- drilling technology

  • 记者18日从中科院获悉,中科院A类战略性先导科技专项“智能导钻技术装备体系与相关理论研究”日前启动。科研人员将研发具有中国自主知识产权的“智能导钻系统”,实现深层6000米油气资源开发整体技术解决方案,有望大幅提升中国油气产量。专项预期将实现四川、塔里木等典型盆地深层─超深层战略选区突破,优选出5到6个“亿吨级”有利区带,确定2到3个“千万吨级”勘探目标。

- oil

  • Russia was China’s largest supplier of crude oil for the first time on record in May, as Moscow looks beyond Europe for customers and grows its ties in the east.
  • Russia overtook Saudi Arabia in 2016 to became China's biggest crude oil supplier for the first year ever, customs data showed on Monday, boosted by robust demand from independent Chinese "teapot" refineries.

- 分布式能源
  • 由國家能源局、中國貿促會和江蘇省政府主辦的 「第六屆中國(無錫)國際新能源大會暨展覽會」6日在無錫開幕,國家能源局官員在會上表示,內地在新型城鎮化過程中將大力推動分布式可再生能源的開發利用,包括在城市及工業園區規劃和能源基礎設施建設中融入分布式能源的有關內容。

- clean energy

  • China retained its global top spot for clean energy investment in 2014, with surging demand especially in both solar and wind. According to The Bloomberg New Energy Finance report, the country's investment in clean energy last year hit a record $89.5 billion, a 32 percent rise on 2013, accounting for about 29 percent of the world's total. Investment worldwide totaled $310 billion, up 16 percent on the previous year, driven by surges in investment in solar energy in China and the United States, and offshore wind energy in Europe, said the report.

- renewable

  • new 5 year plan to raise goals for renewables
  • China is now the world’s leader in renewable energy generation, which will allow it to reduce its dependency on coal power and cut carbon emissions, according to a senior energy official. By the end of 2014, China had installed 430 million kilowatts in total renewable energy power generation, according to the National Energy Administration, the nation’s top energy planner.
    Production of wind turbines and solar panels soared in 2014, as increased demand from China fuelled a turnround for renewable energy manufacturers that had struggled with overcapacity and a sharp slowdown in demand from developed countries in recent years.
- 據新華社報道,世界首台百萬千瓦水輪發電機組的轉輪,昨日上午在位於金沙江下游川滇交界處的白鶴灘水電站工地內完工並交付。這是巨型水電機組裡最核心、也是研製難度最大的部件,它完全由中國企業自主研發製造,標誌着中國重大水電裝備國產化邁上新台階。

- natural gas

  • petroChina Co, the country's biggest natural gas producer, is said to be offering large industrial users flexible prices and a promise of year-round supply as it seeks to boost sales amid slowing demand and ample supply. The company has set up natural gas sales units in provinces including Henan and Jiangsu and cities such as Shanghai to reach out to manufacturers and power generators, said industry sources. An economy growing at the slowest pace in 25 years is curtailing demand and compelling PetroChina to aggressively market its gas, the latest struggle among global energy companies as prices and consumption weaken. "China is facing a gas glut as supply exceeds demand," Bloomberg Intelligence analysts Wang Lu and Miranda Wang said in a research note on July 31. "Amid slower industrial output growth, the competitive edge of gas has been eroded by a slump in Brent crude and a slow adjustment in gas prices." "PetroChina sells about 45 percent of its natural gas directly to large industrial customers and the rest through utilities to other industrial and residential users," said Shi Yan, an analyst at UOB-Kay Hian Ltd in Shanghai. The company is offering large users, such as power plants and fertilizer makers, guaranteed year-round direct supply to counter concerns that increased residential demand for heating in the winter will interrupt deliveries, according to the sources. PetroChina is also open to negotiating flexible prices for supply in the summer, when demand is lower. China Petroleum and Chemical Corp, or Sinopec, is also promoting gas sales to customers such as power plants, an official at the company said, asking not to be identified, citing internal policy.
  • As internal competition rises, pressure increases for liberalization of domestic gas sector, flexibility in international supply agreements. China's growing appetite for liquified natural gas, or LNG, is set to change the market pattern as the country's energy majors rush to meet the demand.
  • China plans to gather more resources to compete with South Korea in the field of building liquefied natural gas or LNG carriers, industry insiders said. The country has already overtaken many of its global rivals in two sectors: offshore engineering products and mega container vessel shipbuilding, they said.

- shale gas
  • water shortage may cast doubt on shale extraction
  • shale exploration making great strides china daily 18sept14 page 20
- gas hydrate

  • flammable ice becomes promising energy source

- solar panel

  • a new solar policy is expected to be announced later this month to encourage households and small businesses to install distributed solar projects
  • Higher tariffs and tougher regulations imposed by Europe and the United States seem to havehad the opposite effect from what was intended on China's solar companies as their globalmodule shipments hit record highs for the second quarteran industry report said
    The label of "made in China", which was synonymous with the global solar industry,is in danger of fading out as a growing number of firms move their plants overseasto skirt spiralling import duties. Hit hard by the steep tariffs imposed by the United States and the European Unionand coupled with rising labor costs in coastal cities, major solar panelmanufacturers such as Trina Solar Ltd and Jinko Solar Holding Co Ltd are speedingup construction of factories in countries like Thailand and Malaysia. Experts said it has already become a trend that more Chinese companies aremoving their manufacturing bases abroad, especially to Southeast Asia, which willhave a positive impact on local solar cell industries. Though it is only a fraction of China's solar capacity which is expected to reach 40gigawatts this year, the Southeast Asia solar industry is growing rapidly. During the first six months of the year, Southeast Asia has attracted 4.5 gW of solarpower generation capacity from China, among which solar capacity in Thailandreached 2 gW and that in Malaysia more than 1.5 gW. Trina Solar, a photovoltaic modules maker based in Changzhou, Jiangsu province,has set up regional headquarters in Southeast Asia, where demand for solar panelsis rising steadily. In May, the company started the construction of its factory in Thailand with aninvestment of $160 million, aiming to boost its solar panel output in the globalmarket. 
  •  據新華社報道,在安徽省中部城市淮南市的劉龍村,一座擁有16.5萬片太陽能板、發電量高達40兆瓦、規模量位居世界前列的漂浮式太陽能電站日前併網上 線。這裡也是楊選成工作的「新東家」。值得注意的是,就在這座太陽能發電設施上線後不久,美國總統特朗普宣佈美國退出《巴黎協定》。 令人驚奇的是,該漂浮式太陽能電站並不是建在硬邦邦的陸地上,而是在一個面積達6,000畝的湖面上,湖的「前身」是一個採煤沉陷區。在人們的印象中,採 煤沉陷區往往是黃褐色的荒地、黑色的煤矸石和坑坑窪窪的積水......然而這個由陽光電源公司負責開發建設的漂浮式太陽能電站,卻充滿了現代感和科技 感。
  • Lu Fang, secretary general of the photovoltaics decision in the China Renewable Energy Society, wrote in an article circulating on mainland social media this month that the country’s cumulative capacity of retired panels would reach up to 70 gigawatts (GW) by 2034. That is three times the scale of the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest hydropower project, by power production. By 2050 these waste panels would add up to 20 million tonnes, or 2,000 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower, according to Lu.
  • floating solar farm scmp 20apr18
- nuclear

  • safety issues might delay nuclear plants
  • Nuclear power projects in inland regions may get more attention during the 13th Five-Year Plan(2016-20), energy officials said on Monday. Zhang Huazhu, director-general of the China Nuclear Energy Association, said the biggest hurdlefor the development of inland nuclear plants is not technical issues, since the nation's energyadministration is speeding up efforts to study the environmental impact and safety for people. "Currently the problem is how to increase public awareness on nuclear safety. We need to bemore transparent in monitoring nuclear power plants and gauge perceptions from the public," hetold a news conference in Beijing.
  • China is planning to build about 20 floating reactor platforms to meet the demandof maritime atomic propulsion, driving a market that could be worth tens of billionsof dollars, a report said on Thursday.
  • 國家電力投資集團公司日前在北京宣布,中國具有完全自主知 識產權的核電站反應堆保護系統平台(NuPAC平台,下同),通 過中國國家核安全局和美國核管理委員會(NRC)許可,成為全球 首個通過中美政府核安全監管機構行政許可的核電站反應堆保護系 統平台。被稱為核電站 「安全衛士」 的NuPAC平台,打破了國際 知名核電儀控企業在該領域的長期壟斷,並為中國先進核電技術進 入歐美市場提供了技術准入。

- wind

  • wind energy plants ahead of schedule
co2 China is planning to capture millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide generated by its energy and steel plants for use in extracting crude oil from the country’s increasingly barren oilfields.Construction has begun on the Yanchang Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage Project, Asia’s first commercial carbon capture and storage project. Set to begin operations in 2018, Yanchang will capture 410,000 tonnes of carbon a year from a coal-to-gas plant in Shaanxi province, the country’s coal heartland. The project could mitigate emissions from the notoriously polluting and water-intensive coal-conversion process used by coal-to-gas plants, which the Chinese government has been promoting in the face of slumping coal prices. Captured carbon would be transported by truck 140km to the Qiaojiawa oilfields 20 tonnes at a time, making the Yanchang project the world’s first “full-chain” carbon capture and storage (CCS) project.

- While the PLA used to be the final bastion against capitalist aggression, it has been forced by Communist party fiat to allow private companies into the guarded inner sanctum of defence procurement — once the exclusive preserve of elite state-owned monopolies. The decision to bring in the private sector is part of a broad reform aimed at streamlining China’s bloated, 2.2m-man army and turn it into a 21st-century fighting force that can outfox US carrier battle groups in the western Pacific, rather than win low-tech land battles in case of a mass invasion by Russia or Japan. Defence is a growth industry in China, with its military budget growing at double digits nearly every year for the past two decades, as Beijing seeks to assert itself as a global power. Allowing the private sector to participate is also part of an effort to bring transparency and fight entrenched vested interests that have bloated the costs of military hardware in China. China’s military is increasingly enlisting smaller private sector start-ups in the race to create the next generation of high-tech weaponry. Once the preserve of a few secretive Chinese state-owned conglomerates, the lucrative realm of defence procurement is gradually being opened to nimbler, cheaper and more innovative private sector start-ups. While the process of including the private sector in military procurement tenders on a large scale started in 2013, it is only recently that the People’s Liberation Army has sourced sensitive next-generation technology such as drones and artificial intelligence from private start-ups. The new strategy has been pioneered by President Xi Jinping who this year created a Military-Civil Integration Development Commission with himself as head.
- Chinese weapons makers are among the world’s biggest defence companies, accounting for seven of the top 20 by revenue, according to a report by a London-based think tank. The leader of the Chinese pack is China South Industries Group (CSGC), which came in at fifth with an estimated revenue of about US$22 billion in arms sales in 2016 – about half the revenue of the world’s biggest manufacturer, Lockheed Martin. Also in the top 20 were China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. China State Shipbuilding Corporation, which earned just under US$5 billion in 2016, was 22nd.

- beef

  • The lack of quality beef on market shelves is a direct result of farmers simply tryingto boost production, and make enough money to survive. The most common type of cattle feed here is corn and bran. China's corn prices hita record high in July last year, and then plummeted 30 percent this year. But pricefluctuations like this are bad news for farmers. Unlike cattle, often very picky inwhat they eat, the pig is the ultimate omnivore. It also takes at least two years for a calf to be ready for slaughter. In contrast, ittakes a piglet only six months. No wonder industry numbers show enthusiasm to be a beef farmer is waning. The National Development and Reform Commission unveiled a blueprint for thenational beef and mutton industries for 2013-2020. Preliminary estimates suggest the government plans to pump at least 1.7 billionyuan into the sector during that period. But because of the shortage in supply of Chinese beef products already building up,rising amounts of imported beef are already looking the better, cheaper, qualityoption, and that official blueprint will have to be widened significantly in its scope. According to the US Department of Agriculture, China's beef imports were about550,000 tons in 2014, up 138,000 tons from 2013. Australia remains China's biggest source of imported beef. US beef is currently barred from the Chinese mainland because of previous casesof mad cow disease. But industry sources say large amounts are still finding theirway in, illegally.
- potato

  • in 2014, the country harvested 94 million tons of potatoes from 5.6 million hectares of land, making China the leading producer in the world, ahead of Russia, India and the United States. With around 5,000 varieties, global potato production in 2013 was estimated at 368 million tons. This was an increase of more than 20 percent during the past two decades. "As the largest producer of potatoes, China accounts for more than 25 percent of the world's production," Bayer AG, a German chemical and pharmaceutical company that specializes in agricultural pro-ducts, reported. "With a comparably low average productivity rate of about 17 tons per hectare, the country still has great potential when compared to Europe, with 30 tons per hectare, and the US, with more than 40 tons per hectare, to further enhance its yields." Key growing areas are the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Gansu province in the northwest of China and the southwest province of Yunnan. With cool, dry climates and constant sunlight, they are ideal for potato farming.
- quinoa

  • An unusual-looking crop with dark-red spikes and purple-green leaves is flourishing along the banks and valleys of the Lhasa and Yarlung Zangbo rivers, despite a lasting drought on the roof of the world. "A bumper harvest of quinoa is expected this autumn on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau," said Gongbo Tashi, a professor at the agricultural college of Tibet University, who introduced quinoa to China in the 1990s.

- Free trade pacts offer favorable policies for expansion, investment as appetite for higher-protein food grows Companies based in China are investing in Australia and New Zealand's agricultural sectors as they pursue a larger foothold in these lucrative markets through favorable policies offered by bilateral free trade agreements. As China and Australia announced the practical conclusion of negotiations on an FTA in November, the new trade agreement has benefited Australia's agriculture and services industries in particular, as well as leading to growth in Chinese investment in the country.
- food incident

  • An Australian company has recalled its frozen berry products following a hepatitis A outbreak linked to poor hygiene and water supplies in a Chinese packaging plant, reigniting fears about the safety of the Asian giant's food exports. Australian authorities were investigating on Monday after as many as nine people were diagnosed with the disease after eating the Patties Foods Ltd berries, which were grown in Chile andChina before being packaged at the Chinese factory.

- gm food

  • China yesterday vowed to spearhead research into genetically modified food, with its top agricultural policymaker insisting that imports should not dominate the domestic market.

- diary
  • mainland farmers killing cattle in face of foreign competition
  • Many farmers are being forced to pour products down the drain, report WangZhuoqiong in Beijing and Zhao Ruixue in Jinan. The milk industry crisis is particularly serious in provinces like Shandong, Hebei and Qinghai,said industry sources. As an increasing number of dairy companies start to reduce or halt their collection of fresh milk,many farmers there are being forced to pour their milk down the drain or even have their dairyherds slaughtered.  And while domestic farmers find it increasingly hard to sell their fresh milk, the import of dairyproducts has continued to grow.
- cheese

  • Demand for cheese is expected to keep growing in the coming years amid higher interest in Western cuisine and healthier lifestyle habits in the country. New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd is expanding fast in China thanks to its strategy of selling products to food services clients in the country, including mozzarella and cream cheese. The company, which foresees ongoing growth in the next five years, is spending heavily to ramp up production volumes outside of its home market to satisfy China's new hunger for processed cheese. Robert Spurway, managing director of global operations at Fonterra, said: "We have invested more than $170 million in doubling production of mozzarella, cream cheese and processed cheese slices over the past 18 months." Although not at love at first bite, Chinese have been gradually developing a passion for cheese, evidenced by the solid growth in imports, interest and consumption of the product. Jin Han, business director at Chinese food importer Shanghai Roria Trading Co, said: "We are seeing continuous expansion in cheese products sales because new consumers are always joining in, while existing consumers are increasing their level of consumption by trying new products." To reflect this, China's cheese market is expected to be worth 3.55 billion yuan ($570 million) this year, up 24 percent compared with 2014, according to market research firm Euromonitor International Ltd. By 2017, Euromonitor sees the value of China's cheese market jumping to 5.38 billion yuan. France-based cheese manufacturer Groupe Bel, owner of the Laughing Cow, Mini Babybel and Kiri brands, started selling cheese products in China in 2007.

- formula powder

  • 黑龍江成內地最大奶粉生產地
  • investors acquiring thirst for dairy assets
- halal food


- Global confectionary companies were once surrounded by the sweet smell ofsuccess. But times are changing as major brands report crumbling sales andtumbling profits. For the second quarter of this year, Mondelez International Inc, which ownsCadbury chocolate products and Oreo cookies, announced a 9.2 percent drop inprofit to $7.7 billion compared to the same period in 2014. Demand in the Asia-Pacific region, which includes China, fell by 5.5 percent to $1.02 billion. In a move to cut costs, the multinational confectionery, food and beverageconglomerate, based in the United States, has started trimming staff in Nanjing andShanghai as well as moving its Beijing office to one of its factories in the capital. It is also planning to close a Shanghai plant, which employs 400 workers, which willleave Mondelez with six factories in China and a work force of around 5,500people. "Consumption of chocolates has declined significantly in the past 12 months,"Jason Yu, general manager of consumer market research company KantarWorldpanel China, said. "High-end chocolates with glossy packaging, which were excellent gifts, have seena significant drop in sales due to the Chinese government's anti-corruptioncrackdown. Also, ordinary consumers now have more choices when it comes tosnacks." Mondelez is not the only major player suffering. Mars Inc, the world's largestconfectionery maker with brands such as Dove, M&M and Snickers, has felt thechill of slowing sales. Data from Euromonitor International Ltd, the privately owned market intelligencefirm based in the United Kingdom, showed that Mars' market share dropped for thefirst time in China last year to 39.4 percent from 39.6 percent in 2013. Euromonitorhas predicted it will shrink to 38.8 percent this year. Hershey Co, an iconic brand in the US, saw its chocolate sales in China fall to $35million in the second quarter of this year. As a result, Hershey globally reported anet loss of $99.9 million, while it made a net income of $168.2 million a year ago. "We have been disappointed with our performance in China so far," Steven Schiller,president of Hershey China and Asia, said.

- 據中央社報道,國際葡萄酒組織數 據顯示,大陸去年的釀酒葡萄種植面積達到79.9萬公 頃,超越法國成為世界第二,僅次於西班牙的102萬 公頃。英國廣播公司(BBC)中文網報道,國際葡萄 園及葡萄酒組織總裁奧朗德表示,雖然種植面積躍居 世界第二,但葡萄酒產量卻仍遠少於法國、義大利和 西班牙年產量均超過4億升的釀酒大國。 奧朗德補充道,由於大陸的釀酒葡萄種植在2、3 年之前才開始增加,而葡萄園需要大約4、5年的生 長期,預計大陸的葡萄酒產量將在幾年後大幅增長。
- baijiu industry banks on surge in online sales
- wine industry maturing across the country Five top regions:
  1. Helan Mountain East Valley
  2. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
  3. Changli County Hebei Province
  4. Jiaodong Peninsula 
  5. The Loess Plateau (newest producing region)
- tonghua to transform into a wine city
- The Taila International Chateau Ecological Culture Area, in Rushan, is the first in China to develop private vineyards at a very reasonable price compared to French or Californian equivalents.
The area has been designed to house 2,000 hectares of vineyards and 300 "chateaus", in whatever way owners wish to design them, says Chen Chunmeng, who is in charge of developing the area.
For 180,000 yuan ($29,400) investors can own a 667-square-meter vineyard for 30 years, says Chen.

- 內地旅遊景區門票價格過高是多年來公眾關注的熱點問題,根據國家發改委相關政策,「十一」長假前,多地物價主管部門宣布降低部分國有重點景區門票價格,但有部分景區降幅僅是「象徵式」,部分景區通過各種手段令票價明降實不降,其中有逾百元人民幣門票的景區降價一元,簡直就是在玩弄政府和侮辱百姓。官媒調查還發現,稻城亞丁、寧夏沙湖、西藏巴松措等知名景區存在景區內交通工具收費高、不買交通票無法「正常遊覽」景區的現象,交通花銷已成為遊客除門票外的又一大負擔。其中四川甘孜州著名觀光景點稻城亞丁,門票一百五十元,每人還必須買一百二十元觀光車票,當地主題酒店房,平日每晚價格一千餘元,「十一」期間漲價至每晚三千一百多元,令人咋舌。

Outbound medical tourism
- More go abroad for healthcare
- Los Angeles' mayor Eric Garcetti has signed a memorandum of understanding in Guangzhou toattract more Chinese medical tourists to the western United States. Nine Chinese and US signatories have agreed to promote medical tourism from China to thecity. They are China Southern Airlines; the city of Los Angeles; the Los Angeles Tourism andConvention Board; the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation; Cedar Sinai MedicalCenter; City of Hope Hospital; Children's Hospital Los Angeles; UCLA; and USC.

Inbound medical tourism
Travel packages highlight TCM treatment across China.
-為貫徹落實《國務院關於促進旅遊業改革發展的若干意見》,據工信部網站顯示,工業和資訊化部、發展改革委、交通運輸部、質檢總局、旅遊局、民航局等六部委於近日聯合發佈了《關於促進旅遊裝備製造業發展的實施意見》。  該意見提出,加快推動內地旅遊裝備製造業發展,應以市場需求為導向,以重點裝備為核心,立足自主發展並結合引進消化,進一步強化創新驅動,完善配套體系,健全標準規範和檢驗檢測體系,不斷提高裝備的質量、品牌和服務,培育專業化、規模化的骨幹企業,形成具有較強國際競爭力的產業體系,有力支撐我國旅遊業改革和發展。  在此基礎上明確了五項重點任務,加快實現郵輪自主設計和建造;大力發展大眾消費遊艇產品;提升索道纜車本土化製造水平;促進遊樂設施裝備製造業轉型升級;推動低空飛行旅遊裝備產業化發展。

- notary
  • 中国公证 journal
  • Hecheng Notary Public Office
  •  An investigative group has been set up to probe some notary offices in Beijing for suspected misconduct that resulted in huge losses for seniors.The Ministry of Justice on Thursday responded to recent news reports about the alleged scam targeting the elderly.Starting immediately, notary offices or organizations are not allowed to provide notary services to people over 60 who authorize others to sell their houses unless they are accompanied by their adult children.The whole notary process must be videotaped.According to People's Daily, a pro bono law firm in Beijing is working on more than 10 cases involving seniors who believed they could profit by pledging their houses to a lender."We think it is a new type of scam disguised as a financing plan," said Wu Jie, a lawyer representing their cases at Zhicheng Public Interest Lawyers.
- arbitration

  • 內地將設繼承糾紛調解中心
  • 據新華社報道:5月3日 ,中國海事仲裁委員會在北京舉辦獨立運 營揭牌儀式,意味着原來與中國國際經濟 貿易仲裁委員會合署運營並實行一體化管 理的海仲委將正式獨立運營。 中國海事仲裁委員會是1959年1月經國 務院批准成立、附設於中國貿促會的專業 海事仲裁機構,海仲委成立近60年來,共 受理2300餘件國內和涉外海事海商案件, 在國內外海事仲裁領域具有一定影響。
- Judges and officials are stepping down as changes designed to streamline China's judicial system prompt concerns about long hours, low pay and the pressure of work.

Travel agencies
- Venture capital firms are increasing their investments in Chinese companies that curateoutbound and weekend travel plans for domestic customers, industry sources said. "With the Chinese government keen on upgrading domestic consumption, we are extremelypositive on companies that provide outbound travel and weekend getaway packages," said JixunFoo, managing partner of global VC firm GGV Capital.
Foo has already led investments in several such deals, including one for Chinese online travelagency Qunar, Beijing-based vacation apartment booking platform Tujia, a San Francisco-basedlast-minute hotel-booking app called HotelTonight and taxi-hailing app Didi Dache.

Love hotel
- At the Wan Ai hotel next to Beijing Normal University, male receptionists dressed in bright pink shirts are busy taking calls and helping customers check in. The word “love” is written everywhere and cute cuddly toys can be found all over the pastel pink reception. But then, the Wan Ai chain does not run ordinary hotels. Instead, they are part of the new phenomenon of love-themed hotels springing up in the country.  Although the concept of love hotels came from Japan, it has quickly spread to other countries in the region such as China and South Korea. “Our company plans to open a total of 20 new hotels across different locations in China this year,” Liu Baolong, hotel manager at Wan Ai, said. Since rolling out its first hotel in 2011, the Wan Ai chain has opened a total of five properties in Beijing. Outside the capital, franchises can be found in Hubei’s Wuhan, Yunnan’s Kunming, Henan’s Zhengzhou and in Tianjin. Although there are no official figures to explain this trend, the chain’s fast expansion reflects its increasing popularity. The key feature that distinguishes a love hotel from an ordinary one is the decoration of the rooms. They mainly consist of fantasy interiors, decorated in bright colors, with the walls adorned with hearts.

Cruise Industry

    - The behind-the-scenes footage of the self-charging robot army in a sorting centre of Chinese delivery powerhouse Shentong (STO) Express was shared on People’s Daily’s social media accounts on Sunday.

    - A huge market for civilian unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones, is emerging in China, industry observers said, prompting the need for the government to speed up regulation.  "More than 10,000 civilian drones will be needed in China once the industry is fully developed and regulations are put in place," said Zhang Feng, secretary-general of the Aircraft Owner and Pilots Association of China. "The market value of developing, manufacturing, operating and maintaining these drones will reach 50 billion yuan ($8.18 billion)."

    -日發表的《中國北斗衛星導航系統》白皮書指出 ,中國計劃在2020年前後建成北斗全球系統,服務全球。中國衛星導 航系統管理辦公室主任、北斗系統新聞發言人冉承其回答大公報提問 表示,北斗全球系統建設將優先考慮 「一帶一路」 沿線服務,未來將 發射18顆衛星,解決覆蓋問題。國務院新聞辦16日在北京發表《中國 北斗衛星導航系統》白皮書,全面介紹北 斗系統的發展歷程、進展成就和應用前景 。白皮書指出,中國始終秉持和踐行 「中 國的北斗,世界的北斗」的發展理念,堅 持自主、開放、兼容、漸進的原則建設和 發展北斗系統,為全球用戶提供連續、穩 定、可靠的服務。白皮書約5800字,以中 、英、法、俄、德、西、阿、日等語種發 表,是中國政府在衛星導航領域發表的第 一部白皮書。
    - Aerospace Science and Technology Corp plans to build a global real-time communications satellite network by 2020, a senior company executive said. Sun Weigang, chief engineer at the State-owned space giant, said the Hongyan satellite system will be composed of 60 small satellites operating in low orbits and 20 ground stations around the world. The system will provide a wide range of civilian services such as ground data collection and exchange, ship identification and tracking, mobile broadcasting as well as navigation signal enhancement, he said.Its automatic ship identification system will receive information from ships around the globe and help monitor their situation. The mobile broadcasting function will be able to transmit audio, video, images and other data. The navigation signal enhancement devices carried by Hongyan satellites will improve the Beidou Navigation Satellite System's positioning accuracy.
    - China's first satellite station overseas was put into trial operation on Thursday. The China Remote Sensing Satellite North Polar Ground Station is above the Arctic circle, half an hour's drive from Kiruna, a major mining town in Sweden. An inauguration was held in the Esrange Space Center, where the station is located, on Thursday. Chen Yuming, Chinese ambassador to Sweden, sent a letter of congratulations stating that the ground station has laid a solid foundation for long-term relations between China and Sweden in science, technology and economic cooperation.

    - 發改委連批16鐵路5機場
    - China will shore up effective investments, mainly in the infrastructure sector, where raw materials are at relatively low prices, to halt the nation's economic slowdown, the State Council decided at an executive meeting on Wednesday. As part of its efforts, the central government will pay to upgrade power grids in rural areas, improve grain storage facilities, and upgrade wastewater treatment facilities and other projects in urban areas. The increased spending will attract more local and private investment, and benefit people's livelihoods, said a statement released after the meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang. The State Council, China's cabinet, pledged to speed up construction of seven major projects, including water conservancy and railways in the less-developed central and western regions. Efforts will also be made to map out new industries, improve the manufacturing industry's competitiveness and boost modern logistics and urban rail transport, the State Council state 新華網引述中國財政部金融司巡視員周成 躍近日說,近年來,財政部會同相關部門積極探索符合中國 實際的PPP(政府和社會資本合作)模式,目前評審已確定 了兩批223個,總投資8146億元(人民幣,下同)的示範項 目。中國PPP工作取得了實質性進展,各地一大批項目落地 實施,工作成效初步顯現。

    - main focus of premier Li's 2015 report

    Green building

    - Merger of leading cement companies will likely concentrate the industry's capacities, according to the China Cement Association.
    In a recent paper on the cement industry consolidation, the CCA informed the government departments concerned that by the end of 2020, more than 60 percent of the production capacity in the country would vest in the top 10 companies. Qiao Longde, president of the CCA, said that the industry is mired in low efficiency and chaos because most cement factories are small and scattered, lacking in high technologies and management expertise. "There are too many cement enterprises, which makes it very hard to utilize resources effectively," said Qiao. China has more than 3,500 cement enterprises. The top 10 have only a combined 54 percent of the total production capacity. This has led to vicious competition and price wars. The State Council issued a notice on the restructuring of the building materials industry in May, stipulating that the top ten cement clinker companies should account for 60 percent of the country's total output. In August, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council approved the merger of China National Building Materials Group Corp and China National Materials Group Corp.
    The new company, called China National Building Material Group Co Ltd, has total assets of 550 billion yuan ($82.5 billion), making it the largest building materials group in China. Its cement production capacity of cement clinker ranks among the biggest in the world.

    - biennial "china international jewelry academic exchange conference" was held for the first time in 1992

    - Although deals in the Chinese mainland art market shrank a little in 2014 compared to the previous year, the continuing strong demand for antique paintings and scrolls, along with Chinese collectors' rise on the international stage and diversified auctions, are all sustaining hope in the growth of the art market.

    - The State-driven Internet Plus strategy will provide Chinese online media an opportunity to reach a wider audience and more advertisers, industry insiders said on Friday. "The Web-based media are better positioned compared with traditional news outlets, thanks to the wider use of mobile Internet and big data technologies," said Fang Xingdong, founder of the Internet strategy think tank Chinalabs. Chinese news websites will serve a considerably larger readership as the number of the nation's netizens grows, according to Fang. A group of delegates to the top political advisory body has called for the government to create a multibillion-yuan fund to help the ailing newspaper industry adapt to the internet age. The proposal, which was submitted to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), also appealed for more legal protection for newspapers to counter widespread copyright infringement online, media outlet Caixin reported on the weekend. The proposal was submitted by Li Dongdong, former deputy director of the General Administration of Press and Publication, as well as 83 CPPCC delegates. Newspapers had been a “major battlefield of party propaganda” but faced growing challenges from new media technology and digital groups formed byold-media titans, Caixin cited the proposal as saying. In the proposal published on the China Newspaper Association’s WeChat account, delegates called for a state fund to help newspapers, especially Communist Party-owned outlets and those run by government departments, integrate with online media.

    - China's "cyberspace writers" are banding together to urge media companies toimprove their pay and working conditions, and to ensure that they retain legalownership of their work. Li Yang reports from Chengdu"Do you have any stories to tell? My brain needs recharging," Jiang Xiaodong saidto his roommate, his eyes bloodshot, as he squashed a cigarette butt into anoverflowing ashtray next to his stained keyboardSince he graduated in 2010, Jiang, who has a postgraduate degree in journalismfrom the Communication University of China in Beijing, has worked as a"cyberspace author", living in a rented room close to the school in the capital'seastern suburbs.

    City development
    - 62 sites in country to pilot new urbanisation plan,

    - With soaring numbers of scientists, rising investment in R&D and growing demand for medicines from an ageing population, China has all the ingredients for growth in its biotech sector. Ms Du and others like her are aiming to replicate the success of US companies such as Genentech and Amgen, which suddenly appeared in the 1980s to become forces in global pharmaAs a service provider to local and foreign companies alike, WuXi AppTec is well placed to assess progress. Steve Yang, the company’s chief operating officer and a veteran of AstraZeneca, Pfizer and the University of California, urges caution. “There is a group of Chinese companies that are well positioned, but how many years did it take for the world to appreciate Genentech? It took decades. The race is on, but it’s still very early.”

    - Investors are rushing into China’s booming healthcare business, helping merger and acquisition deal values surpass those of the hot internet sector, as the mainland prepares to cater to hundreds of millions of elderly patients. Encouraged by a relaxation of foreign ownership rules last year and a rapidly ageing population, private equity firms such as TPG Capital and industry players including Malaysia’s IHH Healthcare are investing in mainland hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and medical device makers. The prospect of 223 million people aged 65 or older predicted to live on the mainland by 2030 is just too enticing for such companies, despite significant risks such as weak hospital infrastructure, rising valuations and a dearth of doctors.
    - 針對兩歲以下嬰幼兒接種的七價肺炎疫苗,自今年七月起在內地各處相繼缺貨,部分私立醫院更「炒」至每劑萬元以上,引發多地家長組團帶子女到香港注射。內地傳媒引述疾控專家指出,因官方體制問題,令較新版本十三價肺炎疫苗上市無期,恐令未來四至五年出現肺炎疫苗荒。據了解,是次斷貨肺炎疫苗「沛兒」(Prevenar)由美國輝瑞製藥公司旗下的惠氏公司生產,旗下的七價「沛兒」今年四月在中國已暫停出貨,原因是進口許可證已過期,而續期申請一直未獲批。
    -內地 六大醫藥企業上海醫藥(2607)、廣藥集團 旗下白雲山(0874)、南京醫藥、哈藥集團 旗下哈藥股份、天津醫藥、重慶醫藥 12 日在上海簽署《籌建聯合醫藥平台合作 備忘錄》,六方擬共同出資設立平台公 司,通過合作互通、降低自有品種的准 入門檻,提升六方產品引進能力和議價 能力。 該平台公司計劃註冊資本總額為人民幣 5億元人民幣,將在廣州運營,有望落戶 南沙自貿區。
    - hospital
    • Chinese medical demand fuels private hospital takeovers
    • lack of doctors hamper reform,
    • Other high-end foreign hospitals are also setting their sights on the Chinese healthcare market. Local government officials in Guangdong province said last year that the United States-basedMassachusetts General Hospital would manage a 500-bed hospital in the province that wouldopen by 2018. Mayo Clinic, another leading healthcare group from the US, is already present in China through ajoint venture with Hillhouse Capital Group. It is the best time for private capital to flow into the Chinese healthcare sector as the governmenthas announced several favorable policies for the sector, said Zheng Jiabao, an analyst withQianzhan Industry Research Institute, a Shenzhen-based consulting firm.
    • China is to increase the number of organ transplant hospitals from 169 to about 300 by 2020, according to the chairman of the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee.

    - doctors

    • Only in recent years have young doctors and medical students started studying for the US Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) while still in China. The more well-trodden path has been to first apply for a job in the US and then prepare for the test there.
    •獲得內地首張“醫生集團”營業執照的“博德嘉聯醫生集團”23日在深圳揭牌,這標誌?“醫生集團”作為一個新執業模式出現。廣東省衞計委巡視員廖新波在現場表示,香港醫生北上最大阻礙是拿牌照問題,醫生集團的成立為香港醫生北上開拓架起了一個新平台。  博德嘉聯的發展模式是,醫生集團分別與醫生、醫院簽訂合約;醫生將在集團的幫助下樹立自己的工作室品牌,再到集團合作的醫院執業。
    - dental
      According to the World Health Organization, China has the lowest density of dentists per capita of any G20 country-only half that of India and less than a quarter of the United States.
      Until recently, Chinese use of dentistry was one of the lowest in the world. But, that's changing fast. A study by Zhong An Insurance Co estimates that China's total dental revenue will reach 120 billion yuan ($18 billion) this year, and will exceed 200 billion yuan by 2019.
    - vaccine

    • 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局20日发布消息指,总局日前批准了“重组伊波拉病毒病疫苗(腺病毒载体)”的新药註册申请。该疫苗是由中国独立研发、具有完全自主知识产权的创新性重组疫苗产品,同时是全球首个冻乾剂型伊波拉疫苗,与国外疫苗相比具备更优良的稳定性。据了解,世卫组织已将该疫苗列入了组织关于伊波拉病毒病疫苗质量、安全和有效性指南。
    • 北京、廣東、浙江等省市近期出現「五聯疫苗」緊缺的問題,由於疫苗可預防百日咳、白喉、破傷風、小兒麻痹和乙型流感嗜血桿菌感染五種傳染病,引起大批家長擔心。其中北京市衞計委已緊急採購三萬支疫苗,但已暫停為兒童注射首針,現時僅為已進入接種程序的兒童完成後續接種。

    - pharmaceutical products

    • 近年來,不少類似好用的廉價藥,如 「魚精蛋白 」、在心臟手術中用來控制血管痙攣的 「罌粟鹼」等 ,都曾出現緊缺。業內人士指出,在藥品價格管制的 情況下,藥廠生產這類藥物長期虧本或者至少不賺錢 。武漢協和醫院心外科主治醫師陳澍認為,放開對藥 物的價格和分配管制,讓企業自主定價,有自由市場 競爭,藥品最終將處於一個合理的價格水平而且不至 於長期短缺。
    • 清華大學與比爾及梅琳達.蓋茨基金會22日在瑞士達沃斯簽署合作備忘錄,決定在北京聯合成立「全球健康藥物研發中心(北京)」,打造高精尖的醫藥轉化創新平台。
    • Roxadustat, a domestically developed first-in-class Class 1 medicine, has received approval from the National Medical Products Administration, making China the first country that has greenlighted the oral medicine used for treatment of anemia caused by chronic kidney disease. AstraZeneca China and Fibro-Gen China developed and incubated this first-in-class medicine and the drug was expected to be launched in China during the second half of 2019.
    - Tian embarked on her academic journey in nuclear medicine and became an admirer of Polish-born French female physicist Marie Curie, a Nobel laureate. After 12 years of research, the professor of diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine at Zhejiang University School of Medicine can see a bright future for China's modern medicine. On Feb 28, in honor of her cutting-edge research in positron emission tomography (PET), a molecular imaging system, the 44-year-old was honored with the China Young Women in Science Award.
    - fertility clinic

    • For companies in the business of helping women conceive, China is a booming market. Chinese women are fueling a “fertility tourism” industry stretching from Southeast Asia to southern California offering in-vitro fertilization, egg freezing and other services that are often unavailable or unreliable at home. Now Chinese clinics are looking to keep more of that spending in the country. With the government ending its one-child policy and encouraging married couples to have more children, the market inside China for fertility services will reach $1.5 billion in 2022, more than double the $670 million it generated in 2016, according to BIS Research.
    • 11月25日,深圳市首個生殖醫學專科聯盟在北京大學深圳醫院成立,該院生殖醫學中心將聯合深圳市20家醫院醫療機構,通過搭建遠程會診雙向轉診平台,協助聯盟單位建設不孕不育專科、培訓人才、規範診療,及開展較大規模的臨床研究,為不孕不育患者提供更為便捷優質的服務。
    - organ transplant

    • 近日,深圳市第 三人民醫院(以下簡稱深圳市三醫院)對一名愛滋病合併乙 肝慢加急性肝衰竭、肝昏迷患者成功實施跨血型肝移植,克 服了術中多臟器功能維護和術後免疫平衡調節的兩大難點。

      - plastic surgery

      • According to statistics released during a news conference held by the Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics in November 2015, China's plastic surgery industry has burgeoned with a yearly growth rate of 30 percent over the past three to five years. It is expected to become an 800 billion yuan ($122 billion) market by 2019, surpassing countries such as the United States and Brazil to become the third largest source of cosmetic surgery clients.

      - nutritional supplements
      • nutritional supplements a thriving market
      • Booming Chinese demand for foreign-produced vitamins and supplements hashelped an Australian company triple its share price in the past year and promptedanother to explore a possible sale. Vitamin and dietary supplement sales almost doubled in the past five years inChina, jumping 12 percent to 100.1 billion yuan ($15.7 billion) in 2014, according tomarket researcher Euromonitor International. Blackmores Ltd said sales to Chinese and other Asian buyers accounted for A$150million ($105.8 million), or almost one-third of annual revenue, in the year endedJune 30. "Rising incomes and increasing consumption of health products in China are keystructural drivers behind this growth," Andrea Chong, an equities analyst atGoldman Sachs Group Inc in Melbourne, wrote in a report. She predicted the stockmay reach A$143 in the next year, helped by "the rise of cross-border e-commercein China breaking down traditional trade barriers" and the popularity of "brandAustralia".
      - Plantations are flourishing thanks to Chinese-developed hybrid species that have not just survived but thrived in the country’s disparate environments
      - scmp 22may19 "cashing in on cannabis" yunnan is one of only two provinces on the mainland that has a licence to grow

      - China is expected to adopt its first national standard on laboratory animal welfare and ethics by the end of the year. This will mark a major legislative breakthrough for the protection of animals used in research and testing by the pharmaceutical and other industries. The draft, which is available for public opinion until Sunday, is expected to greatly improve the welfare of laboratory animals in China, according to Sun Deming, chairman of the Welfare and Ethics Committee of the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences. "Although all users of laboratory animals are required to conduct welfare and ethics reviews, they adopt different standards, and some are too lax," Sun said. Qin Chuan, the association's president, said the lack of legislation has become a bottleneck for the development of China's multibillion-yuan biological and pharmaceutical industries and other industries related to the use of laboratory animals. The new standard, which aims to minimize the use of animals and also their pain, integrates the latest concepts and requirements for the ethical treatment of lab animals, Sun said.

      intellectual property (ip)
      - Beijing has set a bold agenda to double the number of Chinese patent applications in the next five years as the country sees them as rungs on the ladder to becoming an innovation superpower.
      The number of patent applications is expected to reach 14 per 10,000 habitants by 2020, compared with six this year and four in 2013. Average vetting time for invention patents will come down to 20 days by 2020, from 21.7 days this year and 22.3 days in 2013, a statement posted on the central government's website yesterday said. Improving the country's agricultural technologies, especially in grain production, is a major priority during the period, along with having more globally competitive enterprises with overseas patents.
      -近日,山西太原鋼鐵集團成功破解圓珠筆筆頭難題的消息成為各大 媒體和網絡關注的熱點。作為世界上最大的圓珠筆生產國,多年來卻面 臨着核心技術難以攻關、原材料高度依賴進口的尷尬局面。據了解,太 鋼集團科研人員歷時五年,終於破解了長期為外國掌握的球座體技術, 在反覆試驗中,太鋼研究人員還從 「和麵」 (即 「搓麵粉」 )中獲得了 生產筆尖用鋼的靈感。據悉,太鋼計劃兩年內佔據內地市場,替代進 口。

      - specialized schools and institutes have set up in China to teach the art of being a Western-style butler as the sector starts to take off. Dressed in a black tuxedo, with a bow tie and white gloves, Tang Zhiyong is struggling to iron a newspaper while keeping his feet straight and his waist tilted at exactly 30 degrees. Part of a course designed for budding butlers, the 31-year-old from central Anhui province is hoping to follow in the time-honored European tradition of catering for the super rich. "I have been practicing my ironing skills all day," he said. "But I never thought ironing a newspaper would be so difficult." At exclusive Noahs Shanghai Yatch Club, Tang and 13 other students have paid thousands of yuan for a two-week program to learn specialized skills such as valet services and etiquette. The courses are run by The British Butler Institute, a London-based training school, which entered the Chinese market in 2007. Apart from valet duties and etiquette, the program takes in international protocol, knowledge of wines, food and cigars, as well as getting the temperature right when running a hot bath.

       - government's newest guidelines supporting the sports industry
      - The State Council issued a national plan in October to boost the fledging sports industry, setting the goal of an industry gross value of more than 5 trillion yuan by 2025, when the industry is expected to account for about 1 percent of GDP compared with 0.6 percent in 2012. The value of China's sports industry, which includes sports-competition-related sales, fitness club operations, sporting goods manufacturing and media rights sales, was 952 billion yuan by the end of 2012, according to the 2014 edition of the Annual Report on Development of the Sports Industry. The recent governmental call to unleash the market by relinquishing administrative powers will accelerate the industry's growth, said Lin, who was a member of the State Council's sports policy expert panel. "With the central government's decision to relinquish approval and overseeing rights for commercial and mass sporting events, more private investors and NGOs are expected to dream big in the current State-dominated sports industry, and bring vitality to the market," Lin said.

      musical instrument
      - China opened its first piano factory in 1895 but it was not until the 1950s, after the founding of the People’s Republic, that state-controlled manufacturers began to spring up in major cities. Today, the country builds and sells about 350,000 models a year. But despite its prolific output, China is not regarded as a maker of quality pianos.

      Dancing Belly dancing. Pole dancing. Salsa. Foreign dance styles are twirling into China with nimble steps, especially as fitness routines. Li Yulin’s family worried he wouldn’t get a good job when he started learning “indecent” Latin dance as a boy.
      Since 2005, Yulin Latin has opened 10 Beijing studios with more than 800 children as members.

      fitness gyms The nation's fitness industry is growing rapidly, boosted in part by a new wave of workout warriors, who are providing 24-hour availability, personalized training plans and a chic clientele to build their exercise empires.

      - The goal of turning China into a soccer power has moved closer to being realized, with a top-level policymaking team approving a comprehensive reform plan to boost the sport from playgrounds to stadiums.  中國足球改革發展工作會議昨午在國家體育總局舉行,會後公布《中國足球協會調整改革方案》,表明中國足協與國家體育總局脫鈎,獨立運行。據國家體育總局消息指,體育總局不再參與中國足球業務工作,並交由中國足協全權負責。中國足協亦轉型為社團組織,在內部架構、工作計劃、財政、人事等方面均享有自主權。

      Golf During the past few years, indoor simulation golf has turned into a major industry trend, appealing to China's craze for preppy sports. While there are no official figures for the number of golf simulation centers in the country, the industry is growing rapidly. "Although our club has been open for 10 years, indoor golf only started to become really popular two years ago," Kong, a marketing manager at the CEG, said. "And it is because more young people are becoming interested in the sport." A glance at the golf industry in China shows it is booming with the country's middle class splashing out money on leisure activities. "The golf sector here was valued at about 6.5 billion yuan ($1.04 billion) in 2013, and it has been experiencing roughly a 10 percent growth rate year-on-year since then," Matthieu David-Experton, an analyst at Daxue Consulting, which offers services to international companies in China, said. The sport here is even starting to catch up on traditional markets in the United States and Europe. According to the research company Markets Report China, the country has between 920,000 to 1.1 million golfers. And the sport is expected to grow now that golf has become an Olympic event at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games.
      據《廣州日報》報道,在中央對高爾夫行業進行嚴格 調控後,廣州、深圳、海南等地的高爾夫球場堪稱慘淡經營,一些球場 每年虧損達 2,000萬元(人民幣,下同)。有高爾夫球場老闆表示,國 內外客源銳減,八成的球場都處於虧損狀態。有負責人表示,球場員工 工資逐年提高,草坪、果嶺維護保養用水、電、肥料、燃油以及其他生 活必需品價格大幅度升高。

      sports lottery China's sports lottery developed rapidly last year thanks to increased enthusiasm for internationalsports events such as the World Cup in Brazil and the growing popularity of online betting, According to the Ministry of Finance, sports lottery sales grew 32.8 percent year-on-year to176.41 billion yuan ($28.38 billion), well ahead of industry expectations of 100 billion yuan,accounting for nearly half of China's total lottery sales, which increased 23.6 percent from theprevious year to 382.38 billion yuan. The number of people buying sports lottery tickets alsoincreased.
      "Large international sport events, including the World Cup, became major factors in boostingsales of lotteries, especially via the Internet," said Xie Liang, a veteran sports commentator withRadio Guangdong.

       ice related
      - 國家體育局局長助理李穎川在29日舉行的“冬博會”發佈會中透露,將推出一系列硬招、實招來吸引社會資本投資冰雪產業,建立中國冰雪產業聯盟,並將進一步加大國際交流合作。

      Silver hair
      - silver hair industry about to boom

      - China has a general lack of skilled crematorium workers, despite the rising popularity of cremation among Chinese people. According to latest data available from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, cremation was the method chosen for around half of all funerals in 2012. However, due to weaknesses in professional training and education, there is a shortage of crematorium workers. Sun Yulin, an official from the ministry's professional skills evaluation center, said that out of China's more than 82,000 undertakers, only 20 or so were senior crematorium workers with advanced certification and fewer than 200 had technician certification for cremation. In a bid to improve the profession's image and allow outsiders to understand a little more about it, the country's first cremation competition was held in Beijing recently, featuring both written and practical tests. It was jointly organized by the ministry, the Chinese Workers' Technical Association and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs. A total of 19 crematorium workers from across the country took part. Wei Tong from Beijing won the championship and was awarded a labor medal, the highest honor for ordinary Chinese workers. Sun, from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, said cremation "requires specialist skills, including the knowledge and practical skills to use the equipment and control exhaust gases".

      - many are due for renewal payment

      - 中国首个“中国香业产业基地”所在地,其传承了600多年的“小冈香”享誉海内外。目前,小冈片区及周边地区集聚製香和配套企业1200多家,产量佔全国卫生香的三分之一以上,香具生产佔全国四成以上。

      Social welfare
      - China has set a target of training 1.45 million social workers by 2020 to promote the country's social services, a social work administration official said on Monday, one day before World Social Work Day. "To fill the gap, we are going to work with educational departments to encourage more universities to open social work programs and to recruit more students," said Huang Shengwei, deputy director-general of the Department of Social Work at the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Training more young professionals will strengthen the foundation of social work in China, Huang added.


      domestic servants
      - 中國現行法律不容許輸入外勞,但仍有不少中介公司宣稱有已入境的「待聘菲傭」。據非官方統計,全國目前有近十萬名在職菲傭。一個成都的富有家庭更用了近兩萬元(人民幣‧下同)的中介費聘請菲傭,而菲傭的工資更月薪達六千元。然而,僱主的做法可能已觸犯出入境管理法,會被罰款,甚至會被拘留。

      - 內地彩票業崛起
      - China is to stem the flow of people gambling overseas and online by launching a crackdown on domestic casino-linked business that were set up to attract big-spending clients.
      The crackdown - led by the country's powerful Ministry of Public Security - is being seen as a significant extension of the unprecedented campaign to clean up Macau's casinos launched by Beijing late last year. That campaign has already seen a number of major junket operators - the shady firms that bring high rollers to the tables - shrink or close their operations in the former Portuguese enclave. Chinese authorities will first focus on casino operators in neighbouring countries that have set up offices "to attract and recruit Chinese citizens" to gamble abroad, said Hua Jingfeng, a deputy director at the Ministry of Public Security.

      equine industry/horse racing
      - Jockey Club sponsors equestrian event in Guangzhou
      - A Chinese company that is promoting equestrian competitions in China is cooperating with events in the United Kingdom associated with British aristocracy and the royal family. EquexChina, an equestrian consultancy and events management firm founded in Shanghai in 2012, has worked with some of the top equestrian events in the UK. The company has also established connections with some members of the British royal family. Linda Lee, founder of EquexChina, said she believes equestrian disciplines represent sportsmanship at its most elegant and capture the passion for adventure, which is inherently ingrained in British aristocracy. "I find equestrian sports so elegant and graceful. For example, the riders in many equestrian events wear suits, ties and top hats and everything is done in such a proper manner," Lee said. In May 2014, EquexChina set up a traditional Inner Mongolian inspired tent at the Royal Windsor Horse Show, an event that takes place next to Windsor Castle, the country residence of the queen. In August 2013 and 2014, EquexChina participated in the Festival of British Eventing at Gatcombe Park, the family home of The Princess Royal. The festival is a significant date in the British eventing calendar and incorporates the British Open, intermediate and novice championships. As a part of the company's involvement in the festival in 2014, Lee presented prizes to winners of the advanced class alongside Princess Anne. EquexChina also set up a tent at the festival to showcase China's horse culture.
      - Pedigree steeds have been the backbone of China's "horse country" for thousands of years, and now the far-western area is planning to use its most famous asset to improve the lives of its nomadic residents, as Erik Nilsson and Cui Jia report from Ili prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
      - people
      • 姚新奎:「駑馬駕車」三十載 力促馬業現代化
      - pony

      • A sturdy Chinese breed of pony rediscovered 35 years ago is helping lead the growing popularity of horsemanship in the country. The Debao pony from South China was "newly found" in 1981, according to a 2004 research paper from the Institute of Animal Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

      - 文化部公共司副司長陳彬23日在例行新聞發佈會上表示,大量政府採購是社會力量参與公共數字文化建設的主要方式,其次積極應對之選擇,社會化委託運營成基層網點。 文化部產業司副巡視員施俊玲19日曾在成都表示,文化部首次將文化領域作為PPP模式(政府與資本合作模式)推廣範圍,並對各類資本参與PPP模式做出了清晰的指引。PPP模式有望提升政府文化治理能力,建立新型政府與社會資本合作。

      Cultural relics

      Due diligence

      - carbon trading market may get global links soon

      - market in china hkej 29jul17 b8


      - 內地非法傳銷問題氾濫,摧毀無數家庭,甚至被形容為「社會最大公害」,民間反傳銷組織因此應運而生。北京一個反傳銷協會近日發布傳銷地圖,顯示傳銷組織為患神州。協會發起人李旭直指每年救助約二千人脫離傳銷組織,但由於協會欠缺收益,加上遭受傳銷組織攻擊,令反傳銷之路舉步維艱。內地傳媒報道,反傳銷協會近日發布地圖,顯示內地基本上都受非法傳銷的侵害,而廣東、江蘇、上海等十一個省市更是重災區。李旭表示,前幾年非法傳銷主要集中在南方,但目前中部地區、華北、東北都已氾濫成災。「級別愈高更愈接近騙局的真相!」協會發起人李旭表示,自己○四年曾加入傳銷組織,更不惜與家人翻臉,把胞姐拉入局,「毀掉她的家庭」,自他在組織內升上高階級別後,開始懷疑傳銷發財夢。李旭上網搜索傳銷原理後,赫然驚醒,遂成立反傳銷協會,希望救更多的人。此外,每當協會義工外出解救傳銷人員時,要在傳銷組織上課及活動的必經之路蹲守多天,有時更會徒勞無功,更有隨時被傳銷組織襲擊的危機。如要去外地解救,義工只收取委託人二千至三千元(人民幣.下同)車馬費,義工每月收入難以養家。李旭指成立協會以來,已有不少資歷深的義工自立門戶,更在網上掛上「資深反傳專家」稱號,隨意定下銀碼收費,令他大感無奈。另有反傳銷組織更開價二萬元才願救人,甚至武力手段闖入傳銷組織,遭受輿論備受批評,亦讓求助者失去信心。
        - 武漢出現了幾家專門修家譜的公 司,有的公司稱擁有高科技軟件,採用「互 聯網+」為顧客修譜。

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