Monday, December 31, 2018


- 澳洲在8月27日宣布推出《外交 關係法案》,其內容賦予聯邦政府否 決州政府、領地政府、地方議會和公 立大學與外國政府簽訂的任何協議的 權力,範圍涉及教育、衞生、旅遊業 等,但不包括商業機構與國營企業, 比如達爾文港的租賃就不在受影響範 圍。另外,該法案效力可追溯既往, 地方政府和公立大學等須在法案通過 後6個月內,告知聯邦政府其與外國 的所有交易。

selection of diplomats
- usa

  • 中國古代有所謂「捐官」制度,有錢人可走捷徑,明碼實價購買官職,史稱「納捐」,事實是美國也有類似的制度,總統選戰打的是銀彈戰術,背後少不得金主們的支持,而歷任總統當選後都會投桃報李,委任曾作財政貢獻的友好人士出任美國駐外大使。有美媒報道,特朗普政府內,由職業外交官出任駐外大使的比例,由以往佔到三分之二,下降到不足六成。特氏卻不管這一套,他一七年甫上任後,首先幹的事之一,是勒令所有上屆政府政治任命的駐外大使立即離職,以致美國駐八十多個國家和機構的大使職位,一度後繼無人,部分人子女就學也成問題。更有甚者,特朗普親自「欽點」的駐外大使,經常被指須承接他的「髒活」。特朗普商人性格,講究「等價交換」,駐外大使由國家負責一應吃喝用度,面子更是金錢難以購買,自然要替總統辦事。最近有報道指,特朗普曾指示美國駐英大使約翰遜進行游說,由特氏位於蘇格蘭坦伯利的高爾夫球度假村,舉辦英國高爾夫球公開賽。儘管白宮否認報道,但本身是職業外交官的約翰遜副官卻表示,後者是在面見總統收到有關指令。約翰遜的醜聞只是「小菜一碟」,曾向特朗普就職委員會捐贈一百萬美元的酒店業商人桑德蘭,其後獲委任為美國駐歐盟大使,他在彈劾特朗普的國會聽證會上作供稱,自己遵奉總統的命令,並配合總統的私人律師朱利安尼,敦促烏克蘭當局調查拜登兒子的「貪腐醜聞」,一時間令全國嘩然。

- brazil

  • Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right president of Brazil, has invited his son to become ambassador to the US. Eduardo Bolsonaro, 35, who is currently serving as a congressman and advises his father on foreign affairs, told reporters he would accept the post if it were offered. The position of ambassador has been vacant since April. Mr Bolsonaro was elected last year after a successful campaign he said had been inspired by Donald Trump. Eduardo would have to resign as a congressman if he did take up the position of ambassador. The appointment hinges on his son accepting the position, the president said

- korea
  •  韓國駐華大使,大體由兩種人士出任,一種是職業外交官,另一種是總統身邊的人,即
order to close embassy


direct line
-  國防部新聞發言人吳謙昨日在國防部新聞例會上透露,日前國務委員兼國防部長魏鳳和在訪印期間與印方就深化兩軍安全交流合作進行了深入探討,其中包括兩國設 立國防部直通保密電話。此間軍事專家對香港文匯報表示,該直通保密電話的設立,將有利於兩國軍事交流和管控危機,特別有利於兩國邊境安全。

mission overseas
- china

  • china daily 27nov19 china tops world in diplomatic outposts

office premises
- Eine Botschaft chancery is the type of building that houses a diplomatic mission or an embassy. The building can house one or several different nations' missions. The term derives from chancery or chancellery, the office of a chancellor. Some nations title the head of foreign affairs a chancellor, and chancery eventually became a common referent to the main building of an embassy. The ambassador's quarters are generally referred to as the residence.Por el nombre de cancillería se designa en España al local donde se encuentran las oficinas de la Misión Diplomática o el Consulado.1​ También se puede usar el término para una oficina especial que se encuentra dentro de las embajadaslegaciones o consulados.
  • has albanian but no french wikipedia
  • used by indian cg in hk to describe its office in 16/F united centre
- summer administration office
  •  北戴河被中國媒體封為與美國大衞營、俄羅斯索契齊名的三大「夏都」。巧合的是,1953年大衞營獲美國總統艾森豪威爾命名的同一年,中共也啟動北戴河作為 夏季辦公地點;更巧合的是,索契承載了前蘇聯兩次政變,改寫直至結束了蘇共的歷史,而北戴河也經歷了多次政變事件,如今「宮廷政變」傳聞甚囂塵上,想探討 其對中共權力結構及歷史的影響,或許可以借鏡索契的歷史。索契作為前蘇聯的夏都,是蘇共最高領導人的度假勝地,但也成了赫魯曉夫、戈爾巴喬夫的夢魘之地。1964年,赫魯曉夫明知有政變傳聞,仍信心滿滿地赴索契度假,結果被勃列日涅夫等人暗算,一回到莫斯科就被迫黯然下台。1971年9月12日深夜,中共二號人物林彪和妻子葉群、兒子林立果等人,據說因策劃政變失敗,從北戴河96號別墅,匆忙坐上了前往山海關機場的汽車,結果一去不復返,在溫都爾汗機毀人亡。不過,毛澤東當時人在北京,沒有住在北戴河他的95號別墅。

The President's Guest House, commonly known as Blair House, is a complex of four formerly separate buildings—Blair House, Lee House, Peter Parker House, and 704 Jackson Place—located in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. A major interior renovation of these 19th century residences between the 1950s and 1980s resulted in their reconstitution as a single facility. The President's Guest House is one of several residences owned by the United States government for use by the President and Vice President of the United States; other such residences include the White House, Camp David, One Observatory Circle, the Presidential Townhouse, and Trowbridge House. The President's Guest House has been called "the world's most exclusive hotel" because it is primarily used to host visiting dignitaries and other guests of the president. It is larger than the White House and closed to the public.Blair House was constructed in 1824; it is the oldest of the four structures that comprise the President's Guest House. The original brick house was built as a private home for Joseph Lovell, eighth Surgeon General of the United States Army. It was acquired in 1836 by Francis Preston Blair, a newspaper publisher and influential advisor to President Andrew Jackson, and remained in his family for the following century. Francis Blair's son Montgomery Blair, who served as Postmaster General in Abraham Lincoln's administration, succeeded his father as resident of Blair House. At a conference at Blair House in 1861, it was decided Admiral David Farragut would command an assault on New Orleans during the American Civil War. In 1939, a commemorative marker was placed at Blair House by the United States Department of the Interior, becoming the first building to acquire a federally recognized landmark designation; prior landmarks had been monuments and historic sites other than buildings.[8] It would be formally designated a National Historic Landmark in 1973.Beginning in 1942, the Blair family began leasing the property to the U.S. government for use by visiting dignitaries; the government purchased the property outright the following December.[2] The move was prompted in part by a request from Eleanor Roosevelt, who found the casual familiarity Winston Churchill displayed during his visits to the White House off-putting. On one occasion, Churchill tried to enter Franklin Roosevelt's private apartments at 3:00 a.m. to wake the president for a conversation. During much of the presidency of Harry Truman, Blair House served as the temporary residence of President Truman while the interior of the White House was being renovated. On November 1, 1950, Puerto Rican nationalists Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo attempted to assassinate President Truman in Blair House.[11] The assassination was foiled, in part by White House policeman Leslie Coffelt, who killed Torresola but was mortally wounded by him.In 1859, Francis Preston Blair built a house next to Blair House for his daughter Elizabeth Blair Lee and son-in-law Samuel Phillips Lee; the property became known as Lee House.The Peter Parker House located at 700 Jackson Place and an adjacent home at 704 Jackson Place were constructed in 1860. Peter Parker House is so named because it was originally the home of physician Peter Parker. The U.S. government acquired both properties between 1969 and 1970, after having rented them for office space. Peter Parker House previously served as the headquarters of the Civil War Centennial Commission and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and is like Blair House a National Historic Landmark.

- 華盛頓白宮的印第安人條約廳(Indian Treaty Room)是貿易談判的會場,該廳極具歷史意義。有華媒指出,會談移師至寬敞的印第安人條約廳不但顯示規格提高,亦令會談氣氛更輕鬆,形容雙方加強重視細節。印第安人條約廳位於艾森豪威爾行政辦公樓四樓東翼,曾見證美國歷史上許多重大事件,包括簽署布雷頓森林協定及聯合國憲章等。中美第六輪談判同樣於艾森豪威爾行政辦公樓展開,但上次僅採用較狹小的房間。
tracks also see hkej 21jun17 shum article
In 1981, Joseph V. Montville, then a U.S. State Department employee, coined the phrases Track One and Track Two diplomacy in "Foreign Policy According to Freud", which appeared in Foreign Policy (Davidson & Montville, 1981). Track One diplomacy was what diplomats did—formal negotiations between nations conducted by professional diplomats. Track Two diplomacy referred to conflict resolution efforts by professional non-governmental conflict resolution practitioners and theorists. "Track Two has as its object the reduction or resolution of conflict, within a country or between countries, by lowering the anger or tension or fear that exists, through improved communication and a better understanding of each other's point of view". Track II diplomacy is the practice of "non-governmental, informal and unofficial contacts and activities between private citizens or groups of individuals, sometimes called 'non-state actors'". It contrasts with track I diplomacy, which can be defined as official, governmental diplomacy that occur inside official government channels. However, track two diplomacy is not a substitute for track one diplomacy. Rather, it is there to assist official actors to manage and resolve conflicts by exploring possible solutions derived from the public view and without the requirements of formal negotiation or bargaining for advantage. In addition, the term track 1.5 diplomacy is used by some analysts to define a situation where official and non-official actors cooperate in conflict resolution.
The White House Rose Garden is a garden bordering the Oval Office and the West Wing of the White House in Washington, D.C., United States. was established in 1913 by Ellen Louise Axson Wilson, wife of Woodrow Wilson, on the site of a previous colonial garden established by First Lady Edith Roosevelt (wife of Theodore Roosevelt) in 1902.[1] Prior to 1902, the area contained extensive stables, housing various horses and coaches, on the grounds of the present-day Oval Office, Cabinet Room, and Rose Garden. During the 1902 Roosevelt renovation, First Lady Edith Roosevelt insisted on having a proper colonial garden[2] to help replace the conservatory rose house that had formerly stood there. In 1961, during the John F. Kennedy administration, the garden was largely redesigned by Rachel Lambert Mellon[2] concurrently with extensive repair work to the East Garden. Mellon created a space with a more defined central lawn, bordered by flower beds that were planted in a French style whilst largely using American botanical specimens. The present-day garden follows the same layout first established by Mellon, where each flower bed is planted with a series of 'Katherine' crabapples and Littleleaf lindens bordered by low diamond-shaped hedges of thyme. Additionally, the outer edges to the flower bed which face the central lawn are edged with boxwood, and each of the four corners to the garden are punctuated by Magnolia × soulangeana; specifically, obtaining specimens that were found growing along the banks of the Tidal Basin by Mellon.Ever since then, roses have served as the primary flowering plants in the garden, including large numbers of 'Queen Elizabeth' grandiflora roses, along with the tea roses 'Pascali', 'Pat Nixon', and 'King's Ransom'. A shrub rose, 'Nevada', also serves to add a cool note of white coloration to the landscaping. 
- neom
  • 沙特阿拉伯王儲兼國防部長穆罕默德‧薩勒曼上周日在紅海城市新未來(Neom),與以色列總理內塔尼亞胡秘密會面,但拒絕應對方要求,參與攻擊伊朗提煉濃縮鈾的核設施。
Zavidovo (Russian: Зави́дово) is a village (selo) in Konakovsky District of Tver Oblast, Russia. It is used as an official residence place for the President of Russia.During the Soviet era it was described as the "Politburohunting preserve"[1] and the "Soviet equivalent of Camp David". Henry Kissinger visited in May 1973 and was informed that it was a great honour to be invited there, being only the third foreigner (after President Tito of Yugoslavia and President Urho Kekkonen of Finland) to be invited.

  • note that there is novo zavidovo, mentioned in this video of blacks in russia

人民大會堂福建廳是一個歷史積澱 很深的地方,中國命運的多個起承轉合 均發生在這裏。
-  上海南京东路口的两幢大楼都称为和平饭店。和平饭店北楼建于1929年,原名华懋饭店,属芝加哥学派哥特式建筑,楼高77米,共十二层。饭店位于上海的南京东路和外滩的交叉口。1929年,犹太商人Victor Sassoon构思并创建了名为“华懋饭店(CathayHotel)”的酒店,这就是后来的和平饭店。当时由芝加哥学派哥特式设计风格的建筑师Palmer& Turner设计,以一个海拔77米的绿色铜护套屋顶为最大特色。外墙采用花岗岩石块砌成,由旋转厅门而入,大堂地面用乳白色意大利大理石铺成,顶端古铜镂花吊灯,豪华典雅,有“远东第一楼”的美誉。和平饭店南楼,原为汇中饭店,正门设在南京东路23号,靠外滩的19号属边门。1908年建成,文艺复兴建筑风格.饭店落成以后,名噪上海,以豪华著称,主要接待金融界,商贸界和各国社会名流。如美国的马歇尔将军、司徒雷登校长,剧作家Noel Coward的名著《私人生活》就是在和平饭店写成的。三、四十年代,鲁迅宋庆龄曾来饭店会见外国友人卓别林萧伯纳等。
  •  中美在一九七○年代初展開乒乓外交,美國乒乓球代表團一九七一年訪華時亦曾入住和平飯店,並出席中方舉辦的歡迎宴會。
- 上海西郊宾馆是上海最大的五星级花园别墅式国宾馆-占地1160亩,园内遍植名木古树,奇花异草,亭台水榭点缀着8万平方米的湖面。西郊宾馆是有着40多年神秘历史的国宾馆,接待了包括英国女皇、日本天皇、德国首相科尔、美国总统布什、俄罗斯总统普京、美国第四十四届总统奥巴马等在内的百余批国内外名人政要,毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民同志,胡锦涛主席、温家宝总理也曾在此下榻。APEC峰会、上海合作组织的成立和五周年庆典活动均在此举行。上海西郊宾馆 [1]  隶属于上海东湖(集团)公司,始建于1960年,宾馆占地约1200亩
The Taipei Guest House (臺北賓館) is the historical building located at 1 Ketagalan BoulevardBo'ai Special ZoneZhongzheng DistrictTaipeiTaiwan. It is owned by the Government of the Republic of China and used as a state guest house for receiving state guests or celebration activities.Designed by Japanese architects Dōgo Fukuda [zh] and Ichiro Nomura [ja], the structure was built from 1899 to 1901 and rebuilt by Matsunosuke Moriyama [ja].Taipei Guest House originally was the House of the Governor-General of Taiwanduring the Japanese period, situated about 100 meters from the Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan (now the Presidential Building). In 1988, Taipei Guest House was designated by the government of Taiwan and administrated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan.The main architecture of the building is concave shaped, having a roof in Mansard style and high Roman pillars, mainly in a style of French Second Empire palace buildings. Inside the building there is a resplendent suspension light decorated with crystal, baroque gold leaves and flowers and gold foil; outside the building there is a modern Japanese curtilage garden. 
- not in capital
  • The United States, Japan and South Korea have promised “concerted trilateral cooperation” towards the denuclearisation of North Korea.Jake Sullivan, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, held a rare in-person meeting with his counterparts from South Korea and Japan, Suh Hoon and Shigeru Kitamura, at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

grand strategy
- paul kennedy's book 大国的兴哀
  • hkej 5nov18 shum article

- hkej 11jul17 shum article

Appeasement in an international context is a diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an aggressive power in order to avoid conflict. The term is most often applied to the foreign policy of the British Prime Ministers Ramsay MacDonaldStanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain towards Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy between 1935 and 1939. 綏靖主義漢語拼音suíjìng注音符號:ㄙㄨㄟ ㄐㄧㄥˋ;「慰撫」之意。),以(安撫)的手段促使(局勢安定),又稱為姑息主義。綏靖政策是一種通過在某些可能導致戰爭的事務上作出讓步來避免戰爭的外交政策漢語中,這個詞一般用於貶義,一般是指1930年代一戰戰勝國縱容日本侵華的政策。戰前,中華民國政府在中國大陸時期曾設立過多個「綏靖公署」,在作戰區域或非作戰區負責指揮局部戰爭,組織訓練兵員,徴集軍糧,並全權指揮其所轄省縣級行政機關。La politique d'apaisement dans les relations internationales vise à éviter la guerre en faisant des concessions à l'ennemi. L'historien Paul Kennedy la définit ainsi : « politique de règlement des querelles internationales par l'admission et la satisfaction des États par la voie de négociation rationnelle et de compromis, évitant ainsi le recours à un conflit armé qui serait coûteux, sanglant, voire dangereux[1]. »宥和政策(ゆうわせいさく、Appeasement)とは、戦争に対する恐れ、倫理的な信念、あるいは実用主義などに基づいた戦略的な外交スタイルの一つの形式で、敵対国の主張に対して、相手の意図をある程度尊重する事によって問題の解決を図ろうとすること[1]宥和主義(ゆうわしゅぎ)とも。危機管理においては、抑止の反対概念として理解される。「宥」が常用漢字でないため、融和政策と表記されることがあるが、本来は別の意味である[2]
- hkej 29may18 shum article Diplomacy: The academy training Britain’s future envoys

- case in Brunei

Diplomatic correspondence is correspondence between one state and another and is usually of a formal character. It follows several widely observed customs and style in composition, substance, presentation, and delivery and can generally be categorized into letters and notes.letter of credence (lettres de créance) is the instrument by which a head of state appoints ("accredits") ambassadors to foreign countries. Also known as credentials, the letter closes with a phrase "asking that credit may be given to all that the ambassador may say in the name of his sovereign or Government." The credentials are presented personally to the receiving country's head of state or viceroy in a formal ceremony. Letters of credence are worded carefully, as the sending or acceptance of a letter implies diplomatic recognition of the other government. Letters of credence date to the thirteenth century.A letter of recall is formal correspondence from one head-of-state notifying a second head-of-state that he or she is recalling his state's ambassador.In cases where an envoy is entrusted with unusually extensive tasks that would not be covered by an ordinary permanent legation (such as the negotiation of a special treaty or convention, or representation at a diplomatic congress), an envoy may be given full powers (pleins pouvoirs) "in letters patent signed by the head of the State" designing "either limited or unlimited full powers, according to the requirements of the case."note verbale (French pronunciation: ​[nɔt vɛʁ.bal]) is a formal form of note and is so named by originally representing a formal record of information delivered orally. It is less formal than a note (also called a letter of protest) but more formal than an aide-mémoire. A note verbale can also be referred to as a third person note (TPN). Notes verbale are written in the third person and printed on official letterhead; they are typically sealed with an embosser or, in some cases, a stamp. 
- diplomatic note on trade


- Four summits and their lessons for Trump and Kim
- munich 1938
- yalta 1945
- beijing 1972
-  The Vladivostok Summit Meeting on Arms Control was a two-day summit held on November 23 and 24, 1974 in Vladivostok for the purpose of extending arms control provisions between the Soviet Union and the United States. After a series of talks between American President Gerald Ford and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko in Washington and American Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's visit to Moscow, Ford traveled to Vladivostok to meet with Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev directly.[2] The two heads of state agreed to terms that would limit both nations an "equal aggregate number" of various weapons, including strategic nuclear delivery vehicles (SNDVs), intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) fitted with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs).
  •  In Ford's estimation, the Summit had been a success: he described it as "an appropriate ending to a journey designed to strengthen ties with old friends and expand areas of agreement with potential adversaries" and an experience that "had exceeded my expectations".[11] Kissinger referred to the American delegation as "exuberant" after departing from Vladivostok, and in his view it was "the Soviets who had made almost all the concessions".[6] Dobrynin opined that "both sides were satisfied with the results of the meeting" and even went as far as to call the Vladivostok Summit the high point of détente between the Soviet Union and the United States, claiming that "for that Ford deserves credit as well as Brezhnev".As the election year of 1976 began, Ford backed away from the SALT process he had been involved in at Vladivostok in 1974, but according to Dobrynin it was not his stance on arms limitation but rather his pardon of Richard Nixon that ultimately cost him the election. In Dobrynin's opinion, the "euphoria" of détente that had marked the Nixon and Ford years had "faded away", and after the election of Jimmy Carter as President of the United States in 1976 the policy of détente between the Soviet Union and the United States "steadily eroded". According to Kissinger, by the time that Reagan became President in 1981, the only way for the Americans to obtain additional reductions from the Soviets was to "threaten a buildup of our strategic forces". In all, Kissinger believed that the Vladivostok Summit was a failed opportunity to improve relations between the Soviet Union and the United States, and its unraveling was evidence that "the entire SALT process was floundering and might even collapse".
- reykjavik 1986

Visits in the past 
The Iwakura Mission or Iwakura Embassy(岩倉使節団, Iwakura Shisetsudan) was a Japanese diplomatic voyage to the United States and Europe conducted between 1871 and 1873 by leading statesmen and scholars of the Meiji period. Although it was not the only such mission, it is the most well-known and possibly most significant in terms of its impact on the modernization of Japan after a long period of isolation from the West. The mission was first proposed by the influential Dutch missionary and engineer Guido Verbeck, based to some degree on the model of the Grand Embassy of Peter IThe aim of the mission was threefold; to gain recognition for the newly reinstated imperial dynasty under the Emperor Meiji; to begin preliminary renegotiation of the unequal treaties with the dominant world powers; and to make a comprehensive study of modern industrial, political, military and educational systems and structures in the United States and Europe. The Iwakura mission followed several such missions previously sent by the Shogunate, such as the Japanese Embassy to the United States in 1860, the First Japanese Embassy to Europe in 1862, and the Second Japanese Embassy to Europe in 1863.ヨーロッパでの訪問国は、イギリス(4か月)、フランス(2か月)、ベルギーオランダドイツ(3週間、独語版)、ロシア(2週間)、デンマークスウェーデンイタリアオーストリアウィーン万国博覧会を視察)、スイスの12か国に上る。帰途は、地中海からスエズ運河を通過し、紅海を経てアジア各地にあるヨーロッパ諸国の植民地セイロンシンガポールサイゴン香港上海等)への訪問も行われたが、これらの滞在はヨーロッパ各国に比べ短いものとなった。According to french wikipedia version, aden (yemen) was also visited

- qing dynasty

  •  一八四○年的鴉片戰爭後,積貧積弱屢戰屢敗的中國處於風雨飄搖的境地,滿清統治者“天朝上國”的美夢被徹底打破,幾乎絕望的清廷為了挽救危局,瞭解世界形勢,決定接納“立憲”主張,於一九○五年七月(光緒三十一年)派“五大臣”──鎮國公載澤、兵部侍郎徐世昌、户部侍郎戴鴻慈、湖南巡撫端方、商部右丞紹英率隊分赴歐美和日本諸國進行“出洋考察”。 應該説,清廷此舉從政治政體角度考量,也算一樁順應時代潮流和國情民意的改革舉措,是歷史的一大進步。 “五大臣”率隊出訪,當然要帶大批幕僚隨行──包括副官、助手、秘書、翻譯、保鏢等等。值得一提的是,在選拔什麼官員出國考察、制定哪些出國紀律上,清廷決策者反覆研究推敲,出台了一系列嚴格的規章制度,可以歸納為“三條規定”,這些規定今天看來也不無可以借鑑之處。 第一,進行考試,擇優錄取。打算出國考察的官員即使經推薦和“政審”符合條件,也必須參加由總理衙門主持的考試。據清廷檔案披露,試卷內容涉及政治、經濟、歷史、地理、外交、洋務等諸多方面。考試很嚴苛,不及格者即遭淘汰。  第二,嚴格紀律,令行禁止。為提防官員不聽號令或者逾期不歸,清政府明確規定了考察期限,逾期者一律停發薪水,改為自費遊歷、自掏腰包。差旅費報銷更務必天天入帳、詳細登記造冊,以杜絕假公營私、偽造虛報的不法行為。  第三,任務壓身,不容懈怠。清政府規定:“遊歷之時應將各國的政治形勢、地形要隘、防守大勢甚至民風民俗、水師炮台、製造廠局、火輪舟車等等詳細記載,以備考查。”返回之日,還要官員寫出詳盡的考察報告。 如此嚴格的考察日程,加之當時沒有飛機火車,遠赴西洋需十幾個日夜漂洋過海舟車勞頓,加上東西方氣候環境、生活習俗的巨大差異,不少人都將出國考察視為一樁苦差事,甚至覺得如同發配到荒涼的邊陲一樣“受洋罪”。  應該説,清朝出國考察的三條規定,保證了出國者擁有真才實學,杜絕了違規公款消費和遊山玩水,又能使考察取得實效。反觀今日,因為“出國”太舒服、太瀟灑,“考察”竟變成某些官員的特權和享受。某省直機關一位處長出國未獲批准,竟向外事部門投訴,説他馬上要退居二線了,還沒到過美國呢!不少官員去歐美“考察”回來,沒學到什麼東西,倒是藉機飽覽了異國風光和歐美大餐,扛回一大堆洋玩意──可怕的是,這已然成為一種“新常態”—致使今年上半年公款出國(境)旅遊增長了百分之五百九十二!  公款大吃大喝和與借出國考察之名揮霍公款均屬貪腐行為,後者因其更具隱蔽性不易被發現而在性質上更為惡劣。上述晚清的做法堪稱嚴苛,卻亦值得借鑑。如果我們也對出國考察制定出一套嚴格的規章制度,增添歸來述職、覆查和審計等必要環節,讓官員認識到出國不是享受而是肩負使命,遏制公款消費恐怕就不是難事了
Types of visits

Food served at official luncheon
- hket 13apr2021 c4 visit by prince philip in mar1959 banquet at 湾仔英京酒家金鑾殿, 陈梦因 as guest and consultant

City diplomacy is a form of paradiplomacy that involves discussions between officials and residents of different cities. Often these cities will be located in different countries. As such city diplomacy involves a sort of international relations that works in parallel to the conventional system involving embassies, ambassadors and treaties negotiated at the level of nation states. According to Rodrigo Tavares, the earliest formal attempts to establish city diplomacy across national boundaries took place in the 19th century. Only a handful of cities were involved in the 19th century efforts; it wasn't until the turn of the millennium that it became much more common.[14] The first priority of those carrying out city diplomacy typically overlaps with the core aims of municipal government - improving the lives of local residents. Yet they will often collaborate with peers in other cities to work on issues of planet wide concern, such as efforts to address climate change. The phrase "city diplomacy" is formally used in the workings of the United Cities and Local Governments and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group , and is recognised by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy. A March 2014 debate in the British House of Lords acknowledged the evolution of town twinning into city diplomacy, particularly around trade and tourism, but also in culture and post-conflict reconciliation.[16] The importance of cities developing "their own foreign economic policies on trade, foreign investment, tourism and attracting foreign talent" has also been highlighted by the World Economic Forum.[17] In addition to C40, other organisations facilitating city diplomacy include the World Cities Summit , the Smart City Expo World Congress,[18] the Strong City Network[19] and 100 Resilient Cities.
Sister cities or twin towns are a form of legal or social agreement between towns, cities, counties, oblastsprefectures, provinces, regions, states, and even countries in geographically and politically distinct areas to promote cultural and commercial ties.[1] The modern concept of town twinning, conceived after the Second World War in 1947, was intended to foster friendship and understanding among different cultures and between former foes as an act of peace and reconciliation,[2][3] and to encourage trade and tourism.In the United Kingdom, the term "twin towns" is most commonly used; the term "sister cities" is generally used for agreements with towns and cities in the Americas.[1][6] In mainland Europe, the most commonly used terms are "twin towns," "partnership towns," "partner towns," and "friendship towns." The European Commission uses the term "twinned towns" and refers to the process as "town twinning."[1][6] Spain uses the term "ciudades hermanadas," which means "sister cities." Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic use Partnerstadt (De) / miasto partnerskie (Pl) / partnerské město (Cz), which translate as "partner town" or "partner city." France uses ville jumelée (jumelage, twinned town or city), and Italy has gemellaggio (twinning) and comune gemellato (twinned municipality).[7] In the Netherlands, the term is partnerstad or stedenband ("city bond," when providing mutual support). In Greece, the word αδελφοποίηση (adelfopiisi – fraternisation) has been adopted. In Iceland, the terms vinabæir (friend towns) and vinaborgir (friend cities) are used. In the former Soviet Bloc, "twin towns" and "twin cities" were used,[8] along with города-побратимы (Ru) (sworn brother cities).The Americas, South Asia, and Australasia use the term "sister cities" or "twin cities." In China, the term is 友好城市 (yǒuhǎo chéngshì – friendship city).[11] Sometimes, other government bodies enter into a twinning relationship, such as the agreement between the provinces of Hainan in China and Jeju-do in South Korea. The douzelage is a town twinning association with one town from each of the member states of the European Union.Despite the term often being used interchangeably, with the term "friendship city," this may mean a relationship with a more limited scope in comparison to a sister city relationship, and friendship city relationships are mayor-to-mayor agreements.
- Twinning towns and cities is sometimes done for political purposes. The Hungarian city Gyöngyös was twinned with the Azerbaijani city of Shusha in 2013, signing the twinning agreement with representatives from the Azerbaijani government; Hungary recognises Shusha as part of Azerbaijan, even though since the end of the Karabakh War it has been controlled by the military forces of Armenia and the unrecognised Artsakh (de jure part of Azerbaijan). An attempt was made in 2003 by Preston city councillors in England to twin with the Palestinian town of Nablus in the name of solidarity.

naval diplomacy
- 中國首艘自主研發的專用遠洋教學實習船─大連海事大學「育鯤」輪,19日從海南三亞起航,首次赴柬埔寨交流訪問。柬埔寨是「一帶一路」關鍵節點、東盟十國之一。本次訪問將與柬埔寨海事教育領域開展國際合作與交流項目對接,並通過實施「中國─東盟海事海員教育培訓計劃」等合作項目,深化雙方合作。根據日程,「育鯤」輪預計本月22日抵達柬埔寨西哈努克港,在柬期間,隨船師生還將訪問柬埔寨皇家農業大學。自交付以來,「育鯤」輪已應邀訪問東盟和東北亞10個國家和地區的20多所航海類院校,並參加了香港回歸20周年慶祝等重大活動。
- The Chilean Navy’s training ship Esmeralda visited the Republic of Korea from Friday to Tuesday. This occasion constituted a source of personal satisfaction for me, because it brought back memories that stretch back in time along with my diplomatic career. I had received the vessel and its crew in different capacities in New York (1986), Wellington (1993), Singapore (1995), Bali (2002), Singapore again in 2012 and Busan in 2016. I often say that this magnificent ship has been present in some of the most important phases of my diplomatic life. However, of much greater significance is the influence of the Esmeralda on the development of the ties of friendship and the growth of mutual understanding with the countries visited during its journeys around the world. The Esmeralda is sometimes called “Chile’s ambassador,” and this is not an overstatement. As Chilean diplomats, we are keenly aware of the significance of a port call of this imposing training ship and its crew of men and women of the sea. Its presence and the activities carried out by our naval representatives greatly contribute to strengthening our relations with the countries where we are based as well as their people. As the ship is open to visits, the local population also gains knowledge regarding Chile.

ringing stock market opening bell
- s korean president kim dae-jung visit to usa in june 1998

Telephone diplomacy 

aerospace diplomacy
- china daily 28aug19 visiting astronauts inspire namibian youngsters


- 才 華 洋 溢 、 喜 歡 收 藏 舊 物、視錢財如糞土的「香港 第一代行為藝術家」蛙王郭 Sir郭孟浩……父親是當年聯 合國海關高層,自從 5歲時父親突然離世, 他便喜歡爬上快活谷那塊青蛙大石頭上看賽 馬,他笑言可能吸收了靈氣成為了一代蛙 王!郭 Sir作品一向天馬行空,最為人津津樂 道的莫如 1979年被邀請出席,鄧小平改革 開放後,首次對外交流文化活動︰北京工藝 美術學院交流展,「我將帶來的幾百個小白 膠袋吹起,串連成一線,在長城兩處更樓之 間拉扯起來,展示了『長城膠袋行為藝術裝 置』,後來我到天安門拉起膠袋串,解放軍 看得莫名其妙,我拍了照片,照片中見到天 安門前面毛主席的肖像。


- scmp 16apr2021 the great mango debate goes viral During their rule in india, portuguese gifted crates of alphonso mangoes to muslim rulers along the country's western coast. In 1937, boxes of mangoes were dispatched as a gift from government of then british-ruled india to britain's king george vi at the time of his coronation. In 1968, pakistani foreign minister main arshad hussain presented indian mangoes as gift to maozedong. US president george bush served mangoes at a state banquet on his visit to new delhi in 2006 at the behest of the then indian pm manmohan singh. He signed a bilateral trade deal to allow the export of indian mangoes to the US.

- 不少外國領導人、王室成員或名人訪問新加坡,均會獲贈新品種的新加坡國花蘭花作為禮物,並以他們的名字命名,以展現雙方友好關係,當中包括中國國家主席習近平、美國前總統奧巴馬及夫人米歇爾。美朝峰會舉行在即,外界關注新加坡會否同樣對美國總統特朗普及朝鮮領導人金正恩進行「蘭花外交」。新加坡政府以外國領導人名字取名的蘭花,通常都是雜配蘭花,需花上至少5年時間培植,屬非常罕有和獨特的品種。新加坡國際事務學會安全與全球事務總監方國威表示,「蘭花外交」是新加坡的獨有軟外交,認為新加坡政府可藉此展示親善和友好姿態,至於以特朗普和金正恩分別命名兩種蘭花,還是以單一品種蘭花紀念美朝峰會,則要拭目以待,新加坡政府則尚未作出有關公佈。至今逾200名人獲贈

tango diplomacy
- china daily 31dec18 "tango diplomacy sets the tune for success"

- pingpong
  • Zhuang Zedong (Chuang Tse-tung; August 25, 1940 – February 10, 2013)[1] was a Chinese table tennis player, three-time world men's singles champion and champion at numerous other table tennis events and a well-known political personality during the tumult of the Cultural Revolution. His chance meeting with American table tennis player, Glenn Cowan, during the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, later referred to as ping-pong diplomacy, triggered the first thawing of the ice in Sino-American relations since 1949. Zhuang was once married to the pianist Bao Huiqiao, and his second wife was the Chinese-born Japanese Atsuko Sasaki (佐々木敦子).n late 1969, the training of the National Table Tennis Team resumed as a result of the intervention of Premier Zhou Enlai, and in 1971, Zhuang Zedong and the Chinese team attended the 31st World Table Tennis Championship. One day during the championship in Nagoya, Japan, American team member Glenn Cowan missed his own bus and in his haste got onto the bus of the Chinese team. Unlike his team mates, who ignored Cowan, Zhuang Zedong greeted him and presented him with a silk-screen portrait of the Huangshan Mountains, thus starting the so-called ping-pong diplomacy.[4][5] Ten months after Zhuang's chance meeting with Cowan, Richard Nixon, then president of the United States, visited China in February, 1972. Only two months later, Zhuang led the Chinese table tennis delegation to the United States from April 18 to 30, as part of an 18-day trip including CanadaMexico and Peru. The ping-pong diplomacy eventually led to the normalization of Sino-American relationships in 1979.In 1973, Zhuang Zedong became a favorite of Jiang Qing, wife of Mao Zedong and leader of the Cultural Revolution. After the downfall in October, 1976 of the Gang of Four of which Jiang Qing was a member, Zhuang Zedong was jailed and investigated.[5] In 1980, the investigation ended and he was sent to TaiyuanShanxi to work as a coach of the provincial table tennis team.In 1985, Zhuang was allowed to return to Beijing again, and it was arranged that he would coach the young table tennis players at the Palace of Youth in Beijing. Zhuang's relationship with Bao Huiqiao had been reportedly deteriorating during the tumultuous years of the Cultural Revolution and was not to be repaired. On February 2, 1985, he and Bao Huiqiao were officially divorced.[6] They had one daughter and one son before their divorce.About this time, Zhuang Zedong published his book Chuang Yu Chuang (Chinese: 闯与创, "Adventure and Creation")Later in 1985, the Chinese-born Japanese Atsuko Sasaki met Zhuang in Beijing. Sasaki was born in 1944 in Zhangye, Gansu, China to Japanese parents. Her family did not move back to Japan until 1976. By this time, Sasaki had finished her high-school education in China and her father had died of cancer in Lanzhou. Sasaki Atsuko had met Zhuang Zedong previously in Japan in 1971 and 1972 and was a fan of Zhuang.When Zhuang and Sasaki decided to get married, both had to go through a difficult political process due to the political environment in China. Zhuang had to write to Li Ruihuan and Deng Xiaoping about the matter, and Sasaki had to give up her Japanese citizenship and apply for Chinese citizenship. Eventually, Zhuang and Sasaki got married in 1987.Zhuang and Sasaki lived together for 26 years. Zhuang wrote a book about their story, entitled Deng Xiaoping approved our marriage. Zhuang opened an international table tennis club in Beijing. He visited the United States in 2007, speaking at USC and other universities about his role in fostering better relations between China and the United States.
  • Sheri Cioroslan, former president of USA Table Tennis, told her story in her video speech of how she got to know Ping Pong Diplomacy at a young age and decided to choose table tennis as her sport.After Cioroslan became president of USA Table Tennis in 1999, she decided to revive the China-US friendship in terms of table tennis. She recalled memories about the 35th and 40th anniversary celebrations of the Ping Pong Diplomacy in 2006 and 2011.“There are so many memories to cherish and so many more to make,” she said.Sha Hailin, chairman of the Shanghai People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, gifted eight Chinese witnesses the "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" souvenir medals and Ping-Pong paddles. The souvenirs for American witnesses were received by James Heller, the US Consul General in Shanghai.Guests were shown around the China-US Ping-Pong Diplomacy 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the museum, where photos, collections and videos were displayed to help the audience look back on history.

- 澳洲國寶樹熊在廣州長隆已實現六代同 堂,這個大家族如今擁有 60名成員,成為澳 洲以外全球最大樹熊海外種群。為了慶祝樹熊 家族在穗安家 13周年,「長隆有袋類研究中 心」日前揭牌,這也意味着長隆成功摸索出來 獨特的樹熊繁育心得,填補了世界上有袋類物 種的繁育、研究、保護的空白。 廣州長隆是內地第一個得以獲批引進澳洲 國寶樹熊的動物園,2006年首批 6隻樹熊乘波 音 747專機來到廣州開啟新生活,僅半年時 間,便成功繁育出全球唯一的樹熊雙胞胎。

- 前年11月10日當天,法國當地下起了一場小 雨,特朗普因為不想髮型被雨水弄亂,拒絕到訪 法國東北部貝洛的埃納─馬恩美國公墓,特朗普 當時還反問道: 「我為什麼要去那個公墓?那裏 全是失敗者。」 有了六個小時的空餘時間,特朗普選擇前往 美國駐法國大使在龐塔爾巴酒店的官邸打發時間 ,參觀藝術作品。該地是美國國務院的 「藝術在 大使館」 計劃之一,內藏不少藝術品。據悉,特 朗普當時選中了美國駐法第一任公使本傑明.富 蘭克林的一個半身雕像和一幅畫像,以及一組希 臘神話人物的雕像,並要求將這批價值75萬美元 (約585萬港元)藝術品送到空軍一號運回華府。 美國駐法國大使麥考德為此大吃一驚,但並未表 示反對,特朗普更稱,會在六年後歸還這些藝術 品,似乎篤定自己能夠連任。


sartorial diplomacy
- michelle obama

private diplomacy / diplomatic roles played by private sector or businessmen
- tom barrack, colony capital ft 3aug19 "investor who tried private diplomacy"

  • Thomas J. Barrack Jr. (born April 28, 1947) is an American private equity real estate investor and the founder and executive chairman of Colony Capital Inc. Barrack is a close friend and ally of President Donald Trump and has represented Trump on television news segments. He also served as the chairman of the Presidential Inaugural Committee and was senior adviser to Trump's presidential campaign.Barrack's grandparents were Lebanese Christians who immigrated in 1900 to the United States from ZahléLebanon. Barrack was raised in Culver City, California, where his father was a grocer and his mother was a secretary.

assistance to nationals overseas
- 在澳洲留學的台灣男生吳澤濬,去年因被當地警方認為涉及一宗恐嚇案而被羈押一個月,保釋後又被澳洲移民局羈押在外國人收容所至今;其學生簽證被取消,音信全無。台灣人權促進會昨日陪同吳男家屬舉行記者會,呼籲澳洲政府盡快釋放吳男。家屬又批評台灣外交部處理事件的態度消極。
單已達1億860萬英鎊。singtao overseas facebook 28dec17

- The consular staff in Hong Kong visited over 40 British National (Overseas) prisoners in Thailand, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan and Indonesia.The visits to BN(O) prisoners in the region gave the prisoners a chance to interact with consular officers in native Cantonese. Our officers passed on news from their families in Hong Kong and gave general updates about life in Hong Kong. During the visits, our consular staff helped the prisoners with money transfers, prisoner transfer applications, liaising with local authorities in arranging basic medical treatment, and raising issues of concern with the relevant local authorities.

brokerage role
- berlin declaration in 2000 at first inter korean summit which according to moon jae-in's speech, laid the foundation for reconciliation and cooperation between south and north korea- 國際民主人權會議「奧斯陸自由論壇」(Oslo Freedom Forum)將於十一月在台北舉行,台灣亦成為亞洲首個舉辦地。有美媒分析,當北京運用影響力阻撓台灣參與國際組織之際,台北獲得舉辦論壇的機會,等同獲國際異見人士肯定。
- ft 30aug18 "bloomberg relocate us china forum"
  •美國紐約前市長彭博原定於十一月初,在中國北京舉行「新經濟論壇」,惟美國《紐約時報》報道,由於中國國際進口博覽會將於十一月五日在上海開幕,「新經濟論壇」的中國合作單位以撞期為由,要求彭博團隊改期,他們決定轉往新加坡舉行。also scmp "beijing loses to singapore site mogul forum"
  • 美國國務卿蓬佩奧與中共中央政治局委員、中央外事工作委員會辦公室主任楊潔篪,前日早上在夏威夷檀香山會面,是兩國自一月以來的最高級別會談。二人討論香港、台灣及新疆問題
- trump government
  • 距離美國大選還有十一日之際,總統特朗普再打外交牌拉票。他周五宣布,非洲國家蘇丹跟以色列達成和平協議,將會關係正常化,成為繼阿聯酋及巴林後,過去兩個月來第三個跟以色列關係正常化的阿拉伯國家。
- crisis in venezuela

  • Representatives of Venezuela’s government and the opposition will return to Norway for a second round of talks to help resolve their months-long conflict, the Norwegian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday.
  • Sweden is hosting talks between major global powers with stakes in dealing with Venezuela’s political turmoil, the latest effort to jumpstart flagging attempts to find a peaceful solution to the country’s crisis. A European diplomat said Thursday that representatives of Russia, the United Nations, the Vatican, Cuba and the European Union were attending the Stockholm meeting. An American official with knowledge of the discussions said the U.S. was invited but decided against participating. “The talks in Stockholm are for backing the Norway dialogue,” the European diplomat said, referring to talks in Oslo between Venezuela’s government and opposition that have stalled in recent days. “All parties feel the need to keep as low key as possible because the mediation is going through a delicate phase.”
  • Venezuela's government will skip a round of Norway-brokered talks on Thursday and Friday to protest a new set of US sanctions against the country, the Venezuelan Information Ministry said on Wednesday. US President Donald Trump on Monday imposed a freeze on Venezuelan government assets in the United States and blocked US citizens from conducting business with Maduro's government. Maduro's government said its delegation was withdrawing from the round of talks in Barbados aimed at resolving Venezuela's political crisis with allies of opposition leader Juan Guaido.
  • 委內瑞拉局勢動盪,反對派領袖瓜伊多上周六再號召民眾上街,抗議馬杜羅政府獨裁。挪威政府代表將訪委內瑞拉,斡旋政府與反對派對話,惟反對派表明不會參與。
- afghanistan

  • China recently played host to a Taliban delegation as part of efforts to promote peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan, China’s foreign ministry said on Thursday.Representatives of the Taliban, who have been fighting for years to expel foreign forces and defeat the U.S.-backed government in Kabul, have been holding talks with U.S. diplomats for months.The focus has been the Taliban demand for the withdrawal of U.S. and other foreign forces, in exchange for guarantees that Afghanistan will not be used as a base for militant attacks.Taliban negotiators have also met senior Afghan politicians and civil society representatives, including in Moscow recently, as part of so-called intra-Afghan dialogue to discuss their country’s future.Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a daily news briefing that Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Taliban representative in Qatar, and some of his colleagues had recently visited China, though he did not say exactly when.
  • 塔利班組織發言人沙欣(Suhail Shaheen)周二表示,新一輪阿富汗內部和平會談將於下周二至周三在中國北京舉行,以解決阿富汗多年的戰爭。消息指出席的包括廿五名阿國政界人士、十五名塔利班代表。中方暫未證實消息。
- crimea

  • 烏克蘭政府軍與親俄分離武裝分子在東部的激戰有所緩和之際,法國有意促成「諾曼第四方會談」,尋求解決歷時逾五年半的衝突。法國宣布總統馬克龍將於下月九日,在首都巴黎與烏克蘭總統澤連斯基、俄羅斯總統普京及德國總理默克爾會面。惟輿論憂慮,在缺乏美國支持下,烏克蘭要自行與俄方討價還價。
  • 烏克蘭、俄羅斯、法國及德國周一在法國巴黎舉行四方會談,磋商結束烏東衝突,預料討論如何落實給予烏東自治權的《明斯克協議》。烏克蘭總統澤連斯基上周五表示,相信四方會談有助達成永久停火協議。
- kosovo
  • Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to embark on a new chapter in their recently tumultuous relationship, establishing economic normalization in a signing ceremony at the White House Friday alongside President Donald Trump, who has been aggressively pursuing new foreign policy endeavors with the presidential election just under two months away.The agreement to pursue economic engagement was coupled with a second announcement that Serbia would move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and Kosovo and Israel have moved to normalize ties and establish diplomatic relations.The announcement concluded two days of meetings, mediated by the White House, between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Kosovo Republic Avdullah Hoti as the Trump administration attempted to advance the peace process following stalled efforts due to political wrangling between the two sides.The talks to launch economic ties between Serbia and Kosovo come 21 years after NATO launched a 78-day air strike against Serbia to stop a bloody crackdown against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. In 2008, Kosovo's parliament declared independence from Serbia, but tensions continued.
- libya

  • 利比亞總理薩拉傑與軍閥赫夫特爾各據一方,內戰持續多年,早前達成停火協議。雙方周日應邀出席在德國柏林舉行的和平會談,多個國家和國際組織的代表加入斡旋,料敦促各方放下敵意並展開對話。
- south sudan
  • [ginsburg and halliday] referendum in 2011, comprehensive peace agreement, draft of provisional constitution brokered by intergovernmental authority on development, UN, washington based public international law and policy group, us institute of peace, and many others.
- asia pacific peace
  • The Asia and Pacific Rim Peace Conference was held in BeijingChina from October 2–12, 1952. Delegates from dozens of countries attended the conference, which including a number of speeches and opening remarks by Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong. The gathering took place against the backdrop of the Korean War and the growing Cold War between the communist East and democratic West. It coincided with the heyday of positive Sino-Soviet relations. Delegates, mainly affiliated with domestic communist parties, traveled to Beijing from Canada, the United States, Guatemala, Colombia, Pakistan, India and Indonesia. Resolutions were passed, including a signed declaration by the Pakistani and Indian delegates supporting a negotiated settlement to any differences and the resolution of the Kashmirquestion "by the people of the Kashmir."
  • asia pacific peace conference north korea
  • North Korea’s Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee informed Hyundai that it would retract the company’s monopoly over the tour of Mt. Kumgang, which was supposed to expire in 2028. Hyundai Asan expressed regret over the North’s decision by saying, “The agreements that were reached on Mt. Kumgang tourism must be honored and cannot be declared void or lose their validity on unilateral notification. The North’s statement should be withdrawn.”The spokesperson of Hyundai also stated, “The root of this problem is caused by the stalled tourism project. The only solution is to resume the tours to Mt. Kumgang at the earliest time possible.” It further added its intention of working closely with the South Korean government to restart the tours. Since the suspension of Mt. Kumgang tours after a female tourist was shot and killed in July 2008, Hyundai Asan has been hitting dead ends with the project.Regarding its plan to retract Hyundai, North Korea is pointing the finger at the “South Korean government’s vicious North Korea policy.” According to North’s Uriminzokkiri website, terminating Hyundai’s monopoly rights was an “inevitable decision based on low prospect for resuming the tours of Mount Kumkang.” It further added, “Although the South Korean government is condemning our decision as against international norms, the situation is compelling the DPRK to exercise our rights which is in accordance with domestic and international laws.”
- china, us aiming to reset ties in alaska scmp 10mar2021


state dinners
- menu

exchange programme
Friendship Force International (FFI) is a nonprofit organization and hospitality service with the mission of improving intercultural relations, cultural diplomacy, friendship, and intercultural competence via homestays. The organization operates in more than 60 countries and in 6 continents, with 15,000 active members and over 300 annual programs, called "Journeys".  FFI was founded in Atlanta by Rev. Wayne Smith and unveiled on March 1, 1977, by President Jimmy Carter at a White House gathering of state governors. First Lady Rosalynn Carter served as Honorary Chairperson until 2002. The program got its foundation in a project established by Presbyterian minister Wayne Smith and then-governor of Georgia Jimmy Carter in 1973, after organizing an exchange program with Pernambuco, Brazil in which the Brazilians stayed in the Georgia Governor's Mansion. In March 1977, Smith and Carter founded FFI. On July 4, 1977, the first exchange took place; it involved 762 members that traveled between Atlanta and Newcastle Upon Tyne. For the first five years, FFI used air charters to shuttle delegations of 150 to 400 visitors between partner cities. In 1982, the format was changed from large simultaneous homestays to smaller non-simultaneous visits using commercial airlines. In the 1980s, Ryōichi Sasakawa donated money to the organization that allowed the program to grow internationally. In 1985, FFI instituted the American Russian Mutual Survival program to encourage "the use of arms that embrace rather than arms that destroy" and facilitated exchanges between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1992, FFI was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for its work building understanding between the people of the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In June 2012, on its 35th anniversary, FFI launched a program to Cuba. In July 2013, Joy DiBenedetto was named President and chief executive officer of FFI. Effective November 9, 2015, Jeremi Snook became the 6th President and chief executive officer of the organization. In 2016, 4708 participants, called "ambassadors," traveled on over 300 Journeys, with thousands of club members hosting visitors in their homes. In November 2017, FFI announced a partnership with Global Green USA to promote environmental sustainability, peace, understanding, and friendship. In January 2018, FFI launched a $1 million fundraising campaign.

- china
  • 外交部發言人制度一九八三年正 式建立,開創了國務院各部委發言人 制度的先河。當年三月一日,時任外 交部新聞司司長的齊懷遠,作為發言 人舉行了第一次記者會。當然,早在 一年前的一九八二年三月,時任新聞 司司長的錢其琛曾舉行過一次新聞記 者會,就中蘇關係發布了重要信息, 但那是臨時的決定。新聞發言人制度 一九八三年建立初期,每周舉行一次 記者會,只發布消息,不回答提問; 同年九月開始,每月第一場回答提問 ;一九八八年起每場都有答問。自一 九九五年,記者會改為每周兩次,除 發布消息外,也回答記者的提問。二 ○一一年九月,記者會改為每周五次 ,發布消息並回答記者的提問,進一 步拉近了與記者的 「距離」 。

- Japan has announced plans to develop a new generation of diplomats and experts with the skills required to head international bodies, amid fears it is losing out to China and South Korea – whose citizens have been considered for top roles in the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO).Analysts said Japan was particularly concerned when Yoo Myung-hee, the South Korean trade minister, was shortlisted for the position of WTO director general. Tokyo and Seoul have in recent years been locked in a trade dispute linked to the nations’ shared history, with the row escalating to the point that Japan in 2019 imposed export controls on a number of chemicals critical to South Korea’s microchip industry. Should any bilateral trade dispute be referred to the WTO, Japan feared, a South Korean director general might not be completely impartial.

- This course has been developed by the Diplomatic Academy of the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office. The aim is to provide a platform for a broad discussion about diplomacy.

In diplomacy, a persona non grata (Latin: "person not appreciated", pluralpersonae non gratae) is a foreign person whose entering or remaining in a particular country is prohibited by that country's government. Being so named is the most serious form of censure which a country can apply to foreign diplomats, who are otherwise protected by diplomatic immunity from arrest and other normal kinds of prosecution.

games, commercial products
-  Diplomacy is an American strategic board game created by Allan B. Calhamer in 1954 and released commercially in the United States in 1959.[1] Its main distinctions from most board wargames are its negotiation phases (players spend much of their time forming and betraying alliances with other players and forming beneficial strategies)[2] and the absence of dice and other game elements that produce random effects. Set in Europe in the years leading to the Great WarDiplomacy is played by two to seven players,[3] each controlling the armed forces of a major European power (or, with fewer players, multiple powers).

Diplomacy World is a quarterly publication fanzine about the play of the board game Diplomacy. It was first published in 1973 starting with issue #1 of DW which was edited by Walter W. Buchanan and published in January 1974. All of the back issue of DW are available on the DW website. DW is considered the flagship zine of the Diplomacy hobby.
Slobbovia was a postal Diplomacy variant played among science fiction and gaming fans in North America and Europe from 1972 to 1986. The game was published in Slobinpolit Zhurnal (Слобинполит Журнал). It was unique among postal games in that, through extension of the convention of "press" (referred to in the game as "strakh") prevalent in postal Diplomacy, characterization, plot development and good writing became as important as the actual gameplay itself, and actually influenced the latter. The resulting "shared world", created through collaboration, cooperation and conflict, had a substantial, well-fleshed out infrastructure that developed its own rich set of traditions.The game first started in KillarneyManitoba, in 1969, among Venturer Scouts as a live action role-playing game. May 24, 2009, marked the 40th anniversary since the game started at a Scout Camp. The game mythos was set in a mythical land named Slobbovia, after the perpetually frozen country that occasionally appeared in Al Capp's daily comic strip, Li'l Abner.

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