Sunday, December 23, 2018

Issues, institutions, companies, people to kiv

-Mu is the name of a suggested lost continent whose concept and name were proposed by 19th-century traveler and writer Augustus Le Plongeon, who claimed that several ancient civilizations, such as those of Egypt and Mesoamerica, were created by refugees from Mu—which he located in the Atlantic Ocean. This concept was popularized and expanded by James Churchward, who asserted that Mu was once located in the Pacific.
Home Credit B.V. is an international non-bank financial institution founded in 1997 in the Czech Republic and headquartered in Netherlands. The company operates in 10 countries and focuses on lending primarily to people with little or no credit history.
  • In 1999, Home Credit a.s. was founded in the Czech Republic and in 1999 company expanded to Slovakia. In 2000s company started to expand to Commonwealth of Independent States countries - Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. As of 2007 the company was the second largest consumer lender in Russia.[4] In 2010s company expanded to Asia - China, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. In 2010 the company was first foreign company to set up as a consumer finance lender in China.[8] In 2015 company launched its operations in the United States of America through a partnership with Sprint Corporation. The group offers loans in 434,232 retail stores and also in digital space.In 2017 PAG initiated investment of 2 billion RMB into Home Credit Group's Chinese business entity as an interest-bearing convertible loan.[9][10] The deal was subsequently terminated in 2018 by PAG and Home Credit Group repaid the loan with interest.In 2018 Home Credit Group initiated sale of its Czech operation consisting of Home Credit Czech and Slovak and Air Bank to Moneta Money Bank.[12] The deal was criticized as one-sided deal that gives Home Credit's subsidiaries unusually high valuation with unusual terms of the deal that would lead to renaming of Moneta Bank to Air Bank.[13] The criticism was strengthen also because of Moneta Chief Executive Tomas Spurny being historically connected to Home Credit Group majority shareholder PPF Group.[14][15] In February 2019, Moneta based on feedback from its shareholders revised offer with lower valuation.[16] In October 2019, the Home credit India has tied up with The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd, a commercial bank having it's head office at Karur, Tamil Nadu, India for joint lending.
  • china
  • Home Credit entered China in 2007 and applied for a pilot consumer finance license in 2010.[17] Home Credit was asked by Chinese officials to help improve relationship between China and the Czech Republic in order to receive full license.[18] Since 2010 Home Credit's parent company PPF helped swing anti-communist international relations sentiment towards strong China ally.[19] In 2014 PPF helped arrange visit of the Czech president Milos Zeman to China and subsequently helped pay for private plane for the return trip.[20] The company in 2014 also received nation-wide license for consumer finance lending. In 2016 the company CEO Jiri Smejc claimed to be proud of the impact on the revival of Czech-Chinese relations.

  • hk
  • 捷克消費金融企業捷信集團(Home Credit Group),基於市況問題,決定不進行在港上市計劃,惟公司不作評論。事實上,捷信早於今年九月通過聯交所的上市聆訊,市場曾傳出其將於十月開展招股工作,但一直只聞樓梯響,遲遲未見正式展開招股工作。該公司計劃來港初期,傳集資約10億美元(約78億港元),在通過聆訊後,市傳加碼至集資15億美元(約117億港元)。香港交易所最新戰略規劃其中一個重點是吸引海外公司來港上市,並於五月新增荷蘭及奧地利為認可的上市註冊司法地區。捷信為首隻以荷蘭為上市註冊司法地區的新股。

- NEW french tv?

  • Irresponsable (producer Antoine Szymalka), part of francophonie festival 2017
- nagar lai
  •  Nagar Lai is an educator, and is Director of Overseas Division, South China University of Technology DC and visiting professor of numerous universities. He formed the Institute of Supply Chain Management and the China Business Manager Association. He was the head of the Principal Examiners Alliance, Cambridge University International Examiner Syndicate for China since 2003 and founding Vice-President for the Hong Kong Continuing Education Development Alliance, in which nearly all the major business-related professional associations in Hong Kong are represented. Nagar Lai is the founding member of the Hong Kong Baptist University. Foundation, a Hong Kong Government Funded University in Hong Kong. Nagar Lai is also the Honorary Education Advisor of Glorious China Association, a charity organisation for servicing the poor people and honor the achievements of Chinese. Nagar becomes Honor Advisor to Cambodia Deputy Prime Minister – Academic on 2010. He is appointed First Counselor of Order of St John Knights of Malta Federation in 2017 and is senior diplomat and Grand officer of Knights of Malta.黎拿嘉博士于2017年底,被圣约翰马耳他联盟委任为高级外交官:一级领事,亦为该组织大长官。另外身兼圣杰文瑞士大学副校长 华南理工大学数园海外教育总监,是多所大学的客座教授. 他成立了供应链学会 ,中国商业经理协会[4]以及香港公益电视台[5]. 公益电视台的成立,旨在支持慈善团体、弱势社群及专业学会等,提供多一个宣传公益活动及企业社会责任的平台;亦可表扬社会贤达对上述团体及社会的贡献。 公益电视台的节目将更容易与普罗大众一同分享,从而达到广泛宣扬团体公益资讯及企业社会责任的目的。他同时是盛世中华协会教育顾问[6],这是一个为中国贫困人士以及名人成就服务的慈善机构. 中华名人录 ,亚非发展委员会柬埔寨工程院,柬埔寨国王基金, 在2010年成为柬埔寨副首相荣誉顾问 [8].亦为国际美洲大学教员会[9],香港大学基金会[10],浸会大学发展基金会[11]等组织成员.黎拿嘉博士在1959年出生于中国大陆,之后迁居香港,他在一个天主教家庭中长大,从小学到中学就读于喇沙书院,这是一所属于天主教组织的著名书院,但是黎拿嘉不是并没有成为一名天主教教徒,直到2011年,仍是一名无宗教信仰人士。黎拿嘉博士在香港理工大学电子工程系接受教育,并获得研究生学历,他现在是香港大学管理学院以及剑桥大学管理学院的校友,持有美国大学国际工商管理学博士学位。黎教授历任香港上市公司顺昌集团总 经理、新加坡满宝益集团大中华区董事总经理、积维国际集团CEO等。现任供应链管理学院主席,为客户提供专业的供应链解决方案培训。黎教授拥有超过20年 的教育、国际商务、计算机以及专案管理经验,善于处理不同的企业交易。 黎教授曾担任多家公司的商业顾问和海内外多所大学、教育机构的代表或客席讲师。他曾任英国剑桥大学首席考试官,港澳CEPA城香港代表,世界经理学会主席 等。此外,香港大学、香港中文大学、香港理工大学、复旦大学、清华大学、浙江大学等也曾聘请他讲授国际商业课程。 黎教授活跃于教育界和各个行业协会的社交圈,担当职位很多,他现时是美国加州国际美洲大学客座教授、圣杰文瑞士大学副校长、浸会大学发展基金会员、盛世中 华协会首席教育顾问、中华公益金顾问、中华国学会会长、广东华文国学院副会长、中国商业技师协会副会长、中国商业经理协会秘书长、生命教育学院副会长、劳 资关系协进会副会长,香港多间报纸如香港新报信报,香港商报 教授广场专 栏作家等。他曾任专业持续教育联盟创会副主席及香港市务学会秘书长。 至今。他的卓越贡献包括香港浸会大学基金会发起人,可持续发展联盟成员以及副主席,众多大型商业相关组织都是该联盟成员。黎拿嘉博士同时也是盛世中华协会 荣誉教育顾问,这个组织在媒体以及国家政府组织中具有很大的影响力。 其本人亦担任供应链协会主席,这是一个专业的物流组织,以及商业经理协会秘书长,商业经理协会是中国商业管理最大的认证机构。他同时受邀为许多报刊写专 栏,包括在香港3大报刊中具有专家专栏,这些报刊被允许在中国大陆发行,从2008年开始,黎拿嘉博士为香港商报专栏写稿,他对贸易教育体系以及专业发展 提出许多犀利有见地见解与评论。同时为哈佛大学商业评论顾问委员会成员[13].黎拿嘉博士致力于服务贫困及弱势团体,并担任劳动关系委员会副主席,这是一个由Rev Father McGovern S.J.成立的关注劳动关系的团体,立法会成员,是一个为社会弱势群体以及贫困团体服务的服务者[14]黎拿嘉博士在20-30岁时,成为香港民主党创办成员之一. 黎拿嘉教授是生命教育学会副主席,并花费数十年时间在社会中寻找真正的生活价值。他说生命真正的价值不在于我们得到了什么,而在于我们能给出什么,他已经获得了两项蒂奖,并与所有的人一起享受与分享生活。[15].黎拿嘉博士成立了在IPTV,网络以及手机上运行的企业社会责任频道,该频道促进了慈善服务以及褒奖在社会责任上具有杰出表现的企业团体以及个人。透过成立公益电视台, 支持弱势团体, 协助成立企业慈善基金. 支持山区教学多年. 教育山区老师, 校长等. 得清华大学扶贫办公室在全国联播。为一些中小型慈善机构募经费的同事,亦提供平台让企业一尽社会责任,互惠互利。他被任命为柬埔寨工程院荣誉顾问。[17]盛世中华协会公益贡献奖,美国总统(Obama)义工嘉许状,,超觉静坐会,葡萄牙圣米高骑士,泰国王室教育成就奖,柬埔寨国家建设勋章(铜章),菲律宾国父骑士会长官及中国部主席, 英国St Johns圣约翰爵士会,美国肯得基州荣誉上校,马耳他爵士领事外交官等.
- hong kong christian institute 九七前,香港經歷巨大的轉變,因此需要社會各階層人士的參與和貢獻,作為基督徒更要積極參與建設社會,與普羅大眾站在一起,勇敢地表達發乎良知的意願與香港人攜手共同建立一個更公義、民主、和尊重人權的社會。由於建制教會在牧養和社會服務方面背負了沉重的包袱, 以致無法有效地回應當前會的需要;有鑑於此,一百二十位教牧同工和信徒領袖於八八年六月以個人身分,發起成立「香港基督徒學會」,為香港教會提供一個更靈活的架構,以回應時代的挑戰,為教會的更新和社會的建設而獻出一分力量。

  • 支聯會在尖沙咀設立的「六四紀念館」於兩年前閉館,昨日有消息傳出該會已在旺角道一幢商業大廈找到新館址,待今晚會員大會討論後決定是否拍板購入,目標是在明年六四事件三十周年前夕開幕。據了解,支聯會內部不滿有人事先張揚購買新館址地點等資料,擔心會出現變數,包括賣家坐地起價或因支聯會背景敏感而拒絕出售。 [note by me: photo of site is the office of the institute
The Druze (/drz/; Arabic: درزي darzī or durzī, plural دروز durūz; Hebrew: דרוזי drūzī plural דרוזים, druzim) are an Arabic-speaking esoteric ethnoreligious group originating in Western Asia who self-identify as Al-Muwaḥḥidūn (lit. "The People of Monotheism"). Jethro of Midian is considered an ancestor of all people from the Mountain of Druze region, who revere him as their spiritual founder and chief prophet.[19][20][21][22][23] It is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the teachings of Hamza ibn-'Ali ibn-Ahmad and the sixth Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, and Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. The Epistles of Wisdom is the foundational text of the Druze faith.[26] The Druze faith incorporates elements of the Isma'ili sect of Shia Islam,[27] Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, Hinduism,[28][29] and other philosophies and beliefs, creating a distinct and secretive theology known to interpret esoterically religious scriptures, and to highlight the role of the mind and truthfulness. The Druze follow theophany, and believe in reincarnation or the transmigration of the soul.[30] At the end of the cycle of rebirth, which is achieved through successive reincarnations, the soul is united with the Cosmic Mind (al-ʿAql al-kullī). Although dwarfed by other, larger communities, the Druze community played an important role in shaping the history of the Levant, where it continues to play a large political role. As a religious minority in every country, they have frequently experienced persecution, except in Lebanon and Israel, where Druze judges, parliamentarians, diplomats, and doctors occupy the highest echelons of society. Even though the faith originally developed out of Ismaili Islam, Druze are not considered Muslims, although Al Azhar of Egypt recognizes them as one of the Islamic sects akin to Shia.

  • note the druze star and flag - google colours +white
- 宣威集團
  • listed in hkex in 2013 code 2078
  • people

  • sponsor of zhu de exhibition at hkcl in aug19
- nashists (mentioned in situationist international - nashism is a term derived from the name of nash, an artist who seems to have lived in denmark in 20thc, whose name was detourned by that movement as a generic term applicable to all traitors in struggles aginst the dominant cultural and social conditions)Nashism (Russian: нашизм) and Nashists are post-Soviet Russian political neologisms derived from the word "наши" ("[those who are] ours", i.e., those of the ingroup). The word is used to refer to various forms of worldview based on the primacy of "ours" over the "outsiders" (comparable to la cosa nostra, "our thing"). Various Russian journalists, politicians and politologists put different meanings into this word, as described below. The words "nashists" and "nashism" have also been used in reference to Nashi (youth movement), a Russian political movement with the word "Ours" in its title.Nashism is not Russian nationalism, although the two overlap substantially in that the Siloviki (Chekists) encourage Russian nationalism/chauvinism as a power base and Russian nationalists take pride in Siloviki power. But the core of Nashism is more like organized crime than nationalism in the respect that compatriots can be excluded, and foreigners included, based on their loyalty to, or alignment with, the organization.
  • one of the classic weapons of the old world, perhaps the one most used against gruops delving into the organisation of life, is to single out and isolate a few of their participants as "stars"

year 1688

The Book of Jubilees, sometimes called Lesser Genesis (Leptogenesis), is an ancient Jewish religious work of 50 chapters, considered canonical by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church as well as Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews), where it is known as the Book of Division (Ge'ez: መጽሃፈ ኩፋሌ Mets'hafe Kufale). Jubilees is considered one of the pseudepigrapha by ProtestantRoman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

words with "qw"

reactions to rise of china

unification, nationalism

  • Nigeria and Pakistan of all countries on earth take the cake as some cities want to resume life like Singapore, being an independent City state but that of course is separatism in its most extreme form, not re-unification.

"war" - new tactics
- 近日網絡傳出,美國威脅曝光中國官員在世界各地的親屬狀況,聲稱這是比任何軍事手段更有效的手段。大家都知道,早前美方威脅曝光和沒收中國銀行界十幾個高管的資產,中國就出台了全面取消外資控股比例的負面清單。如果這次名單不是十幾個官員,而是幾百幾千甚至更多,將會帶來甚麽結果?

companies looking for exit?
- AAG Energy Limited (“AAG”, 2686.HK), headquartered in Beijing, China, is a leading coal bed methane (“CBM”) producer focused on finding, developing and producing unconventional gas assets in China. Through long-term production sharing contracts, AAG has interests in two large CBM blocks, Panzhuang and Mabi, located in China’s coal-rich Shanxi Province in the Qinshui Basin. AAG is committed to contributing to China’s economic growth by supplying clean and cost effective energy to residential and industrial end users through the commercial development of CBM. Warburg Pincus first invested in AAG in March 2010.

- guomintang zhejiang yongjia county division letter to christians (1926) - "宗教都是亞東人所創造" (温州基督教編年史)

sea people
- There were these guys called the Sea Peoples. They weren't very nice at all. They raped, killed, pillaged & burned all the civilizations in the Mediterranean c.1200 B.C. They wiped out the Mycenaean Greeks, Minoans, Hittites, Trojans & Ugarit. The only ones to survive were the Egyptians & Phoenicians. It's kind of hard to build a trading empire with these guys rampaging all over. It's better to wait & let them fizzle out after a few centuries.

Saint Mari, also known as Mares and originally named Palut, was a saint of the Church of the East. He was converted by Thaddeus of Edessa (a.k.a. Addai) and is said to have had Mar Aggai as his spiritual director. He is also believed to have done missionary work around NinevehNisibis, and along the Euphrates, and is said to have been one of the great apostles to Syria and Persia. He was buried in Dair-Kuni.[1] He and Thaddeus are credited with the Liturgy of Addai and Mari. Despite the fact that there is little, if any, concrete information on Mari, he is still venerated as a saint by the Assyrian Church of the East, the Chaldean Catholic Church, and the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. He is distinct from St Mari of the seventy disciples with whom the Apocryphal Acts of Mar Mari are connected.
Mari may refer to:
  • Mari, Syria, ancient Near Eastern city-state
  • Mari El Republic, a federal subject of Russia
  • Mari Autonomous Oblast (1920–1936), an administrative division of the Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
  • Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1936–1990), an administrative division of the Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
  • Mari, Cyprus, a village
  • Mari, Iran (disambiguation), places in Iran
  • Mari Indus, a town in Mianwali District, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Mari, Punjab, a village and a union council in Pakistan
  • Mari, Brazil, a city in the state of Paraíba
  • Mari, also called Mari Urraca, Anbotoko Mari ("the lady of Anboto"), and Murumendiko Dama ("lady of Murumendi") was a goddess—a lamia—of the Basques. She was married to the god Sugaar (also known as Sugoi or Maju). Legends connect her to the weather: when she and Maju travelled together hail would fall, her departures from her cave would be accompanied by storms or droughts, and which cave she lived in at different times would determine dry or wet weather: wet when she was in Anboto; dry when she was elsewhere (the details vary). Other places where she was said to dwell include the chasm of Murumendi, the cave of Gurutzegorri (Ataun), Aizkorri and Aralar, although it is not always possible to be certain which Basque legends should be considered to pertain to the same lamia. It is believed that Mari is a modification of Emari (gift) or Amari (mother + the suffix of profession) by losing the first vowel. The closeness in names between Mary and Mari may have helped pagans adapt their worship of Mari to undertake Christian veneration of the Virgin Mary.[1] The first known written citation of the "Dame of Amboto" was made by Charles V's chronicler Esteban de Garibay Zamalloa in his Memorial histórico español.
  • Māri (/mɒrı/, /maari/, Tamilமாரி), also known as Mariamman ( /mɒrı əˈmʌn/ Tamilமாரியம்மன்) and Mariaai (Marathi: मरी आई), both meaning "Mother Mari", spelt also Maariamma (Tamilமாரியம்மா), or simply Amman or Aatha (Tamilஅம்மன், "mother") is the South Indian Hindu goddess of rain. She is the main South Indian mother goddess, predominant in the rural areas of Tamil NaduThirucherai Māri is closely associated with the Hindu goddesses Parvati and Durga as well as with her North Indian counterpart Shitaladevi. Goddess Mariamman is considered by many to be the South Indian Incarnation of Goodess Kali. It is said that when Kali went to Southern India as Mariamman, Bhairava followed her as Madurai Veeran. Festivities for her happen during the late summer, early autumn season of "Aadi". Throughout the Tamil Nadu and deccan region, grand festival known as "Aadi Thiruvizha" are taken for Maariamman. Her worship mainly focuses on bringing rains and curing diseases like cholera, smallpox, and chicken pox. She is worshipped in accordance to the local agamas as "Pidari" or the "Grama Devata" usually by non-Brahmin priests or in some cases of big temples like Samayapuram Maariamman temple, also by Brahmin priests. According to shaktha agamas, she is depicted in sitting posture and might be flanked some times by Ganesha and Subramaniya or Ganesha and Naaga on her sides.[citation needed] She is usually taken in procession in a decorated chariot.
  • Saint Mari (fl. c. 100?), Mesopotamian religious leader
  • José Mari (born 1978), Spanish football player
  • Jose Mari Chan (born 1945), Chinese-Filipino singer
  • Mari (1903–1987), Japanese novelist a.k.a. Mori Mari

- 《北國之春》(北国の春)(kitaguni no haru in indonesian) 是日本歌手千昌夫在1977年發行的一首歌曲。歌曲的作詞者是井出博正,作曲者是遠藤實。歌境描述著因求學或謀生而離開家鄉來到大城市的遊子思念故鄉之情。由千昌夫唱出後,引起廣大迴響,唱片售出300萬片以上。並在世界各地包括中國大陸、台灣、朝鮮、泰國、越南、菲律賓、夏威夷、蒙古等地以原意或改詞以當地語言傳唱,成為日本歌曲在外國最受歡迎者之一。據2010年記者伊藤千尋報導,作詞者井出博正接受唱片公司委託,為男歌手千昌夫寫歌,此時千昌夫正在家鄉岩手縣作廣告,因此井出博決定以日本北方為背景,並定歌名為《北國之春》,憑對故鄉長野縣之記憶,加上大學時於東京目睹農村子弟或因求學、或因打工,而到大城市來之情景,同時將他父親來東京探訪他時之感觸,寫成歌詞,請名作曲家遠藤實譜曲,而完成此膾炙人口名揚海內外之大作
- 記得於繪本師論壇與「中國繪本之父」唐亞明先生見面,他是首位受聘於日本童書出版社的華人編輯,在其35年的編輯生涯,編寫了很多優秀繪本,本本精品。最近他為獻給抗疫人員又完成了挑戰-出版《北國之春》(見圖),這是傳承了名曲意韻,又具創意和感動的繪本,書中田野孩童的嬉戲,處於北國困境的人們,渴望迎接春天的心情,通過精美的圖文流露,又可掃描二維碼,一邊閱書一邊欣賞二胡與揚琴的演奏,真是難得的音樂繪本。難怪華為任正非先生看了,即以個人名義購買一批繪本,供農村的孩子們閱讀。,

- 邵氏兄弟在港墾拓荒土之際,天一港廠卻於1936年接連發生火警,業務大受影響。其後邵邨人於1937年來港執掌港廠業務,把港廠改名為南洋影片公司(下稱「南洋」),又涉足戲院業務,更擴充位於北帝街的攝影場,把攝影棚由兩個加至三個,着力拍攝粵語片市場。至於演員方面,「南洋」亦邀來不少粵劇名伶合作拍片(如覓來白駒榮參演《拉車被辱》1938);不少粵語片演員(如伊秋水等)也有參演「南洋」影片,這方向可說是延續了邵醉翁時期禮聘粤語演員、開拓粵語影片市場的策略。1950年代末、1960年代初,邵氏為支援片廠流水式生產,已建立定期招聘新人的制度,不斷補充幕前幕後人員供應,其招考程序、面試,以至學員所接受的課程亦漸趨制度化。以1961年9月 成立的「南國實驗劇團」(後稱「南國演員訓練班」)為例,當年邀請資深電影人顧文宗擔任團長,漸次引入較具規模的培訓課程,如劇團分為國、粵語組;課程設 計由基本的形體、感覺、發音、歌唱、舞蹈訓練,以至片場實習、化妝置景、照明理論等也包括在內。第一期的男女學員有四十多人,透過分組排練歌劇、舞劇、黃 梅戲、廣播劇等訓練,預備日後演出所需。此後南國實驗劇團便成為定制,每半年招考演員一次,為邵氏培育一批具潛質的新人,支援片廠生產。
- 湖南安仁縣享有「南國藥都」的美 名,當地百姓在春分節之後,以中草藥 熬製藥膳湯的習俗已承襲千年,其中登 上了央視《舌尖上的中國》第三季的草 藥燉豬腳最為流行 - 晨醒,躺在床上收聽雲音樂的每日推薦歌曲。偶然聽到《南國之舞》,心頭一熱,往事汩汩,默念起香港,好久不見,甚是想念。十年前,聽過舒淇的音頻故事:聲音漫行之香港。「請到陸羽茶室等我,地址是中環士丹利街二十四至二十六號,我會在那裏等你。你一定要選擇坐在一樓,試試在右邊挑一張桌子,有鏡子和木椅的那種廂座,坐在那幅水墨畫下面。」在《南國之舞》的背景樂中,舒淇用慵懶迷人而有磁性的聲音,為大家鋪展開一幅暖色調的音頻畫卷,引領大家走進一段歷史與現實交替的香港。
- 後來搬了家,得償所願:小區種植了不少白蘭花樹,粗壯高大--原來南方的白蘭如此高大,上面星星點點地開滿了花兒,這樣才算有了完整的夏天。周瘦鵑曾盛讚此花為「南國之花」,因為江滬一帶的白蘭花樹是栽在大盆裏的,不耐寒,天冷的時候得挪進屋才行。在南方,白蘭和紫荊、芒果、美人樹一樣,是常見的行道樹。

- hkej 21may19 c8
- 腦海某些思維,深信自己前生曾為南洋人;也許來自童年聽家中長輩常說吉隆坡與南洋等字眼惹起的遐思。大伯公年輕時南下服務醫學於吉隆坡首間華人醫院:同善醫院。排行第五的祖父及六叔公曾居南洋多年隨兄長學習。小學二年班,先大伯婆、然後大伯公落葉歸根回鄉度過最後的日子;有幸跟比我小一歲的堂弟,他的親孫子一起為他搥背,聽他訴說好些南洋往事。祖父亦會夏夜煲南洋咖啡,與孫子女們分享榴槤糕於祖堂覲廷書室別院清暑軒、可遠眺過去無任何新型建築物寬敞田野偌大的天台,盡享「天階夜色涼如水......」之鄉間古韻。對南洋的一切深感興趣,首次接觸新加坡與吉隆坡已甚興奮,再探檳城與馬六甲,被迷戀個不能自己;稍讀幾頁南洋歷史亦極投入......永樂三年(1405)至宣德八年(1433),28年間,鄭和七次下西洋,曾五訪當時滿刺加國首府馬六甲,對當地日後發展及自明朝開始,華人移居實為里程碑。過去500年,馬六甲實際不斷被殖民, 與馬來半島無論在地域、人種、宗教都極大距離的東馬沙巴及沙磱越猶幸仍然完整的一片,沒被引發內傷的內鬨。古代唐人口中的西洋,實為南方,後更正為南洋,今天包括印尼及馬來西亞一帶(泰國是暹羅、越南是安南),馬六甲自古便是南洋中心,華人男性定居彼邦,需傳宗接代而與當地馬來婦女通婚,誕下混血兒;男叫Baba峇峇,女叫Nyonya娘惹,展開經歷長達500年的混血史,光是衣服一欄,女性傳統衣着Sarong Kebaya(回教婦女近年已被宗教狂熱將衣着改為與赤道濕熱天氣極度不符的阿拉伯婦女長袍服裝,略帶性感Kebaya只能在信奉印度教峇里島見到)在下看來,實為明朝婦女衣裳,按南洋全年夏季氣候改裝演變而成。 

- 瓯,是汉语词汇,汉语读音是ōu,指中国古代酒器。饮茶或饮酒用。形为敞口小碗式。如:《说文》:“瓯,小盆也。”白居易 食後- 食罷一覺睡,起來兩甌茶。
黄现璠著《壮族通史》说:““ 瓯”“区”同声,《说文》: “瓯,……区声”。 “为乌侯切”。故“瓯”作族称,是指在水泊边居住的人。刘师培在其“古代南方建国考”中说; “瓯以区声,区,为崎岖藏匿之所。从区之字,均以曲义。故凡山林险阻之地,均谓之瓯,南方多林木,故古人均谓之瓯,因名其人为瓯人。瓯是因地多山林险阻而得名”。可见,由于南方多山林险阻,溪谷湖泊,故称居此地的人为瓯人。 瓯、或写作“沤”、“区”、“欧”,是较早时期对越人的族称。《逸周书》:伊尹为四方令,正东有“越沤”,正南有“瓯人”。宋罗泌《路史》记载越瓯诸国中有:“越瓯”谓在合浦洛黎县。“瓯邑” “且瓯”不注地望。“区吴,谓蒙之东区,汉之荔浦也。“瓯余”谓乌程东二十里有瓯余山。“瓯邓”楚国境。周秦时代,人们常称东南沿海的越人为瓯人、且瓯、沤深、越沤。称岭南的人为路人、瓯邓和骆越,大概是因为这样称呼繁杂不清,后来人们才将原来的人称与越人所在地理位置结合起来称呼,将分布于东南沿海的越人称为东越或“东瓯”,将分布于岭南一部分人称为“西越”或“西瓯”。可见,西瓯一名是瓯人加上方位词的被称语词,之所以称为西瓯显然是为了与东瓯相区别。””对温州历史掌故研究精深的清末大学问家孙诒让也主张这几个字“实一字也”,也就是说这几个字互通。从“瓯”这个字的字根偏旁上来考察,根据《说文解字》中的说法是,“区,-区,臧隐也,从品,在匚中,意思是指海湾小山出没的样子。1988年,金祖明认为,“区”与“欧”两字,从字义上看,应该指一处较大范围内地域,这个区域是受三面或者四面临水环抱的岛或洲一类的小国。“沤”则表示四面深水并且激流回旋多水泡的小方国。1990年,朱俊明撰文对“瓯”进行解释,他主张“瓯”指瓯人,起源于太湖周围和杭州湾一带。朱先生认为“瓯”不是华夏语汇,《周礼·职方氏》中说:“东南曰扬州……其泽薮,曰具区。”这里的“具区”应该指先秦时期苏南和浙江境内的众多小湖泊,尤其是濒海地区的陆地被水分割而成的大小岛屿。在当地的土著语言中,“具区”就是对于这种水泽的泛称。而对在这些水泽旁和附近岛屿中生息的人来说,基于环境生态的特别,因此被称为“瓯人”,实质上是“区人”。“瓯”与“具区”,是华夏文字对于瓯人同一语汇的胶着语音的急、缓两种译法。《尚书》及《史记》中的记载,“淮海惟扬州,……岛夷卉服”,则是将这些在水中陆地生活的“瓯人”意译为“岛夷”,而《山海经·海内南经》说“瓯居海中”正与此相符合。从这个意义上说,“岛夷”似乎是华夏人士按地理环境特点对“瓯人”作出的最确当的意译。
- 蔡克骄曾撰文称,从大量的考古学、文献学、民族学等资料中发现,东南沿海的民族大多是鸟图腾。如此说来,瓯人的图腾会是什么呢?瓯地濒临东海,对于在沿海陆地和岛屿上生活的瓯人来说,最常见的鸟类便是瓯(鸥)鸟。鸟取名为瓯,是以其鸣叫的声音来定的。以动物鸣叫声来称呼该动物,并以该动物为本氏族族称,这在中国古代民族中并不少见。鉴于瓯鸟与瓯人的生活有着密切的联系,包括当时生活在沿海的瓯先民最初的经济生活以渔猎为主,大量的瓯鸟遭到射杀而影响了瓯人的生活来源。为了保护生态和为了生存,瓯人在到了新石器时代便进入图腾崇拜阶段,瓯鸟也就成了神鸟。著名考古学家夏鼐在《浙江新石器图录序》中提到,温州出土的新石器中,箭镞较多是温州的特点。当瓯人的生产方式逐步转为原始农业,制作和使用陶器,加上此时中原地区已进入文明社会,随着与外界交往的逐步加强,瓯人活动的温州一带也就有了“瓯”的叫法了。
温州古称“东瓯”,为“百越之地”.  term 東甌used by christians in wenzhou - 東甌內地會
The Âu Việt or Ouyue () were an ancient conglomeration of Baiyue tribes living in what is today the mountainous regions of northernmost Vietnam, western Guangdong, and northern Guangxi, China, since at least the third century BCE. In the legends of the Tay people, the western part of Âu Việt's land became the Nam Cương Kingdom, whose capital was located in what is today the Cao Bằng Province of Northeast Vietnam. In eastern China, the Ouyue established the Dong'ou or Eastern Ou kingdom. The Western Ou (西; pinyin: Xī Ōu; Tây meaning "western") were Baiyue tribes, with short hair and tattoos, who blackened their teeth[2] and are the ancestors of the upland Tai-speaking minority groups in Vietnam such as the Nùng and Tay, as well as the closely related Zhuang people of GuangxiThe Âu Việt traded with the Lạc Việt, the inhabitants of the state of Văn Lang, located in the lowland plains to Âu Việt's south, in what is today the Red River Delta of northern Vietnam, until 258 BC or 257 BC, when Thục Phán, the leader of an alliance of Âu Việt tribes, invaded Văn Lang and defeated the last Hùng king. He named the new nation "Âu Lạc", proclaiming himself "An Dương Vương" ("King An Dương"). The Qin dynasty conquered the state of Chu, unifying China. Qin abolished the noble status of the royal descendants of the state of Yue. After some years, Qin Shi Huang sent an army of 500,000 to conquer the West Ou, began a three-year guerrilla war and killed their leader. Before the Han dynasty, the East and West Ou regained independence. The Eastern Ou was attacked by the Minyue Kingdom, and Emperor Wu of Han allowed them to move to between the Yangtze and the Huai River. The Western Ou paid tribute to Nanyue until it was conquered by the Han. Descendants of these kings later lost their royal status. Ou (區), Ou (歐) and Ouyang (歐陽) remain as family names. [other available wiki versions - lithuanian, russian, croatian, tieng viet]
Cà Mau 金瓯

  • Cà Mau Peninsula金瓯半岛, vietnam
  • Cà Mau  is a province of Vietnam, named after its capital city.Cà Mau's name came from the Khmers who inhabited the area before the arrival of the Vietnamese, Cà Mau means "black" in Khmer. The Khmer name for this province is Teuk Khmao (Khmerទឹកខ្មៅ), meaning "black water".金甌省「金甌」是华人使用的音译名称,此名源自當地原住民高棉人高棉语"ទឹកខ្មៅ "(转写:tɨkkhmaw, 意为“墨水”或“黑水”),其中"ទឹក"(tɨk)表示“水”,“ខ្មៅ”(khmaw)表示“黑色的”。越南语写作"Cà Mau" (哥毛)。中文译作“金瓯”,是粤语"gam au" /kɐm⁵3ɐu̯⁵⁵/ 之传。
  • 金瓯市越南语Thành phố Cà Mau城庯哥毛)是越南南部的一个城市,越南最南端的省份金瓯省的省会。这里也是天主教红衣主教范明敏和前越南政府总理阮晋勇的故乡。1996年成为金瓯省省府。Cà Mau在高棉语中有“黑土地”之意。
  • The "Cup of Solid Gold" (鞏金甌), adopted by the Qing dynasty (1644–1912) on 4 October 1911, was the first official national anthem of China
  • 「丹宸永固──紫禁城建成六百年 」 展近日正式拉開大幕。在午門正樓展廳中間位置,一件珠光 寶氣、精緻絕倫的三腳杯吸引觀者駐足。 這件名為 「金甌永固杯」 的寶器,每年只 由皇帝使用一次。仔細觀察杯身,可見一 面中部鏨篆書 「金甌永固」 ,一面鏨 「乾 隆年製」 四字款,外壁滿鏨寶相花。每年 元旦子夜,乾隆皇帝都會在養心殿,用此 杯飲屠蘇酒,祈求國祚永續。

- added by me - if separate the components of the chinese character, it is pronunced as 歐亞
- 甌劇是浙南溫州一帶的重要劇種,與同樣發祥於溫州的永嘉崑曲互相輝映。甌劇原本稱作溫州亂彈,上世紀五十年代才改稱甌劇。由於溫州位於春秋時代的東甌國,歷代人民慣把溫州簡稱為甌,因此把溫州亂彈改稱為甌劇,也算是情理之常。
- taiwan
  • 台灣流行疫情指揮中心16日指稱有人刻意外遊以騙取隔離補償,因此對赴疫區旅遊回台的將收費隔離;一個新北市的旅遊團17日提前回台,卻遭網民人肉搜索罵翻。全球新冠肺炎疫情嚴峻,尤其歐洲多國都已被台灣列為三級旅遊警示區域,新北市中和區瓦磘里里長林綺芳10日仍帶團遊西班牙,引發網友撻伐,有網友認為該團是為了領取隔離補償才堅持出遊。該團17日提前返台,林綺芳抵達機場後出面說明,面對媒體數度鞠躬致歉,表示帶團這件事她並沒有後悔,不想推卸責任。但她也對排山倒海而來的謾罵、威脅家人安全等行為,感到失望。她強調,自己絕對沒有為了領隔離補償而出遊。

宋朝年夜飯屠蘇酒;由長輩向晚輩敬酒,敬酒順序自幼至長。當時的屠蘇酒為臘月初八將數種藥材包於紅色小袋中,吊入水井浸泡一夜,隔天早上打出一碗水倒進酒罈,至除夕飲用酒精濃度較一般發酵酒更低Toso (屠蘇), or o-toso, is spiced medicinal sake traditionally drunk during New Year celebrations in Japan.Toso is drunk to flush away the previous year's maladies and to aspire to lead a long life. For generations it has been said that "if one person drinks this his family will not fall ill; if the whole family does no-one in the village will fall ill" and has been a staple part of New Year's osechi cuisine in Japan.Toso is written using two kanji:  representing evil spirits and  meaning to slaughter.Toso is made by combining several medicinal herbs to form tososan (屠蘇散), a spicy mixture, which is then soaked in sake or mirin. If made with mirin, essentially a sweet sake, it is suitable for drinking, but using fermented mirin seasoning would not be appropriate as it is too salty.Three sizes of cup, called sakazuki (), are used starting with the smallest and passed round with each family member or guest taking a sip. Drinking rituals differ by region, but in formal situations would proceed from youngest to eldest. This tradition originated in China whereby the young effectively test the drink for toxins. However, in Japan, around the beginning of the Meiji or Shōwa periods, custom changed and the head of the household usually takes the first drink.The tradition of drinking toso at the New Year began in the Tang Dynasty in China and was adopted by Japanese aristocrats during the Heian period. The first cup drunk would be made with tososan and the second and third cups with different varieties called byakusan and toshōsan.
-“一年滴尽莲花漏,碧井屠苏沉冻酒”是宋代诗人毛滂所作《元日 玉楼春》的前两句,“屠苏成醉饮,欢笑白云窝”是明代诗人叶颙所作《已酉新正》的末两句

奥区,汉语词语, 指腹地;深处。
- [an illustrated introduction to the civilisations of the guizhou mountains] guizhou is situated in a special area called "aoqu" - neither interior nor exterior; neither central nor periphery

the etymology of Mendoza is "cold mountain.
Hanshan may refer to:
- 最新考古結果顯示,新疆青河縣三道海 子遺址群的大型巨石堆陣可能是「獨目 人」所建。據悉,這是世界上首次發現帶 有刻紋的盾牌石。三道海子遺址群可能是 歐亞草原已知「遊牧王國」最早、最大的 祭祀禮儀中心,它見證了「獨目人」在此 聚居的歷史。

- wellcome international nursey

  • 宏廣在一二年創校,是沒有參加幼稚園計劃的獨立私立幼稚園。據悉,校監高美宜將以私人名義向教育局申請以原名續辦幼稚園,校方正收集支持的聯署,之後會向局方提交。教育局指,今年初至今只收到宏廣停辦通知,該局已經與該稚園及區內幼稚園保持聯絡,以便協助有需要學童轉往區內其他幼園就讀,目前屯門區內有足夠幼園學額供受影響學生就讀。至目前局方暫未收到有關接手經營該幼園的申請。申請更改辦學團體或幼兒中心經營人可向該局申請,該局會按既定程序辦理。截至本月五日,該局收到七十五所幼稚園提出申請減免學費,並批出三十五宗申請。

沙龍影友協會 The Photographic Salon Exhibitions Association
- booklet distributed at oct2020 exhibition showed picture of 毛念花

St. John The Baptist International Investments Limited
- in voluntary liquidation notice scmp 26sep19 

natural breed or human engineered breed?
- chicken lookalike 
  • Cooper's hawk (Accipiter cooperii) is a medium-sized hawk native to the North American continent and found from southern Canada to Mexico.[2] This species is a member of the genus Accipiter, sometimes referred to as true hawks, which are famously agile, relatively small hawks common to wooded habitats around the world and also the most diverse of all diurnal raptor genera.The species was named in 1828 by Charles Lucien Bonaparte in honor of his friend and fellow ornithologist, William Cooper.[5] Other common names for the Cooper's hawk include: big blue darter, chicken hawk, flying cross, hen hawk, quail hawk, striker, and swift hawk.
  • オウム(鸚鵡、鸚䳇)A cockatoo is any of the 21 parrot species belonging to the family Cacatuidae, the only family in the superfamily Cacatuoidea. Along with the Psittacoidea (true parrots) and the Strigopoidea (large New Zealand parrots), they make up the order Psittaciformes. The family has a mainly Australasian distribution, ranging from the Philippines and the eastern Indonesian islands of Wallacea to New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Australia.Cockatoos are recognisable by the prominent crests and curved bills. The word cockatoo dates from the 17th century and is derived from Dutch kaketoe, which is from Malay kakaktua. Seventeenth-century variants include cacato, cockatoon and crockadore, and cokato, cocatore and cocatoo were used in the eighteenth century.[3][4] The derivation has also been used for the family and generic names Cacatuidae and Cacatua, respectively.In Australian slang or vernacular speech, a person who is assigned to keep watch while others undertake clandestine or illegal activities, particularly gambling, may be referred to as a "cockatoo".[6] Proprietors of small agricultural undertakings are often jocularly or slightly disparagingly referred to as "cocky farmers."

mrs hong kong??????

overbooking incident
- 「台灣民航局局長」 林國顯昨日在「立法院」答詢時承諾,將 召集航空公司開會,針對座位超賣處理訂 定標準作業程序規範,保障消費者權益。 民主進步黨「立委」黃國書在質詢時, 要求民航局應掌握航空公司超賣比例,並 訂定處理標準作業程序。

people with journalism background
- 姜瑜 - hk, albania, obor
- cheung kin chung

Terry A. Anderson (born October 27, 1947) is an American journalist. He reported for the Associated Press. In 1985, he was taken hostage by Shiite Hezbollah militants or the Islamic Jihad Organization and held until 1991. In 2004, he ran unsuccessfully for the Ohio State Senate.Anderson was born in Lorain, Ohio and raised in Batavia, New York. He graduated from Batavia High School in 1965. A professional journalist, he was in the United States Marine Corps for six years, serving as a combat journalist. He also served two tours of duty in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. After his discharge he enrolled at Iowa State University, graduating in 1974 with dual degrees: one in journalism and mass communication, the other in political science. He then joined the Associated Press, serving in Asia and Africa before being assigned to Lebanon as chief Mideast correspondent in 1983.

A proposal of 亞洲經濟聯盟總部 China's Central Commission on Discipline Inspection announced Tuesday that Wang Bao'an, party chief and director of the country's National Bureau of Statistics, is under investigation for "serious violations of party discipline."Beijing uses the phrase "violations of party discipline" as a euphemism for graft or corruption. The surprise announcement, which is bound to raise new questions about the accuracy of Beijing's economic statistics, came just hours after Wang briefed reporters on the state of China's economy. China's economic statistics have come under fire in recent years from analysts and economists who say they are artificially inflated. Some are convinced that China is outright cooking its books. Others debate the accuracy of certain data and point to more meaningful alternatives like electricity consumption or rail freight. 律政司決定不起訴前廉政專員湯顯明,令湯避過法庭審訊。不過,部份涉及湯顯明送禮事件的內地高官,近年先後落馬。前四川省省長的魏宏在2010年獲湯在灣仔五星級酒店超規格宴請,今年1月涉嫌嚴重違紀,自行辭職。而前深圳市人民檢察院檢察長白新潮,曾收湯送贈1,500元香港景水晶擺設,去年4月因健康理由辭職。 早前本欄提過問責制之由來,問責局長脫離公務員體制,地位凌駕公務員,成為決策局最高級之官員。縱然多年來「問責之法」以及「問責之效」都令市民心存疑問,但角色配置上應是沒有異議的。這個安排的好處,是決策局的最終決定由擁有最高決策權的局長拍板,如有任何問題或過失,問責局長可即時問責請辭,免卻繁複的解僱程序。不過,最近接了兩宗民間個案,看來這角色的組合好像出了問題。首先是有關規劃發展的問題。早前我接觸過幾位租用或租住新界東北土地的村民,他們都響應了政府的呼籲,按照程序登記註冊,證明一直在這土地上居住和生活。他們之所以相信政府,是政府曾答應只要做了登記註冊程序,日後就算被業主或地主趕走,亦可得到補償。有居民更指,有份承諾的還包括接見他們的陳茂波局長。可惜,這個利於項目前期工作的協議,卻被地政總署一句「沒有這個程序」而不被承認,令村民大感無奈,亦對政府失去信任。有村民甚至問,到底是局長說了算抑或是署長說了算?另一宗就是德爾斯DSC的結業事件。張建宗局長對着員工及傳媒公開表示,爭取於九月中至九月底向DSC員工發放破欠特惠補償金。當時DSC老闆許明順仍未被申請強制清盤,但局長已作出此承諾。然而,今天強制清盤的程序已辦妥,很多繁複的步驟已可省卻,按道理需時應該比原定更快。可惜,勞工處處長唐智強被傳媒問到能否在九月發放特惠金時,他卻表示難以預計,又指難度好高、未能承諾云云。在現時的管治班子,到底局長的角色是甚麼?是虛設的嗎?這個錯配的情況,或許就是社會不穩的其中一個原因!

Electronic exporter group (??) - one of the supporting organisations of 2015 hktdc electronics fair 

Andrew Wong's speech at textile event on 19may14

DGTI and Anthony Nightingale's speeches  at amcham on 15 and 25 apr 2014 respectively


Stairways to heaven
- A Chinese artist created a sparkling, mid-air ladder, lighting up the night sky one step at a time. A video of the dazzling event has gone viral. But while this particular display went off without a hitch, it was actually Cai’s third attempt at creating the ‘Sky Ladder.’ He attempted a similar show in 1994, but strong winds prevented the balloon from taking off. The artist tried again in 2001, when Shanghai hosted the APEC summit, but was forced to put his plans on hold due to restricted aerial access following the 9/11 attacks. However, 2015 proved to be Cai’s year – and perhaps for a very special reason. The artist dedicated the ‘Sky Ladder’ to his grandmother, who just celebrated her 100th birthday. 家主席習近平(圖)今年9月將訪問美國,但隨行名單無香港前特首、全國政協副主席董建華,顯示這位退位後,曾被北京授以「民間對美外交」重臣的前特首將淡出有關事務。2012年2月,董曾專陪時任國家副主席習近平訪美。有報道稱,最近以「團結香港基金會」主席名義頻亮相撐政府的董建華(77歲),表面仍以太上皇姿態指點江山,但9月習近平首以國家主席身份訪美,隨行名單卻無董的名字。據悉,董建華曾在私人場合解釋稱,「中央體恤」他年事已高,毋須隨團赴美。有分析對《蘋果》指,董無緣隨團訪美,反映習已上軌道,毋須再倚重董的所謂「中美民間外交」。2011年8月,習在北京接待美國副總統拜登,董是主要陪同成員。2012年2月習訪美,董地位更高,中方代表團僅次習之後。董建華與習近平關係非淺,回歸初期習任福建省長常與董接觸。2001年習率龐大經貿代表團來港招商,董高規格接待;翌年習回禮邀董和夫人到福建度假。2005年1月,習時任浙江省委8書記,率浙江代表團訪港,獲董在禮賓府宴請接風。2007年習成中共儲君,仍與董私交。翌年董自資成立「中美交流基金會」,專為北京開展所謂民間外交。

Companies related to diplomatic visits - a professional International media agency, mainly focuses on state leader’s high-level visits, the anniversary of diplomatic relations, major economic and trade conferences and the influence of these events on world's economy and trading. We assist authoritative media to publish country special reports during these events and have already interviewed some state leaders and directors of trade, tourism and culture as well as CEOs from world-famous companies, which effectively promoted international cooperation.位於台灣嘉義的台北故宮南院去年底開館試營運,香 港知名藝人成龍所捐贈的12生肖獸首複製品被安放於主建築物外廣場, 被某些政治人士指為所謂 「文化統戰」 、 「贋品」 。台北故宮博物院院 長林正儀22日在台北表示,確定在9月底拆除獸首,此後放置何處需再 討論,有立委質疑是 「向政治正確靠攏」 。據中評社、環球網報道 :台灣 「立法院」22日邀請台北故宮博物 院院長林正儀業務報告並備質詢。 林正儀在報告中提到,據英國《藝術 報》今年公布的2015年世界前10大熱門博 物館暨美術館,台北故宮排名第6,是亞洲 最受歡迎博物館。但在台灣卻未能得到多 數民眾實質認同和愛好,究其癥結,應在 於台北故宮未能走向公共化與在地化,因 此他上任後即提出 「深耕在地,邁向國際 」的願景。 林正儀是隨着蔡英文當局 「5.20」執 政後上任的台北故宮院長。林正儀當日報 告時提到,相較其他世界級的博物館,難 獲台灣民眾的認同與愛好的原因,是未能 如其他世界級博物館走向公共化與在地化 ,因此他將強化故宮公共性、多元性、專 業性、國際性、教育性等,也會加強和島 內其他博物館的合作與連結,另外也會推 動故宮文物下鄉,讓城鄉藝術資源不因距 離而不均。 另外,對於台北故宮前院長馮明珠受 邀擔任北京故宮研究院顧問在島內引起的 爭議,林正儀22日在面對民進黨立委質詢 時表示,他個人認為馮明珠不適合出任此 職務,尤其在故宮的 「業務機密」方面, 的確會擔心泄密,因為院長牽涉的業務較 廣,例如文物的機密造冊、保存等。台北 故宮目前已對馮啟動行政調查,行文給馮 要求說明。 位於薄扶林道的聖安多尼學校發生教師被指玩殘學生事件。一名小三女學生家長指控一名教師,去年十月起常用午飯時間補課令女兒無法吃飯,又拍枱及扯她衫領,及要學生即日完成她派漏的功課,令女兒至晚上十一時也做不完十八項功課。女童飽受壓力下今年因胃痛入院三次、嘔吐逾二十次,甚至常疑神疑鬼,即使在家中也以為教師在身邊。該家長昨在女童要求下報警。北水南下不暢,反映內地散戶對港股信心

michael paskewitz (???government relations specialist, has a column in SCMP)


- 啟晴邨單位水喉駁位驗出含鉛燒焊物,發展局局長陳茂波表示,根據《水務設施條例》規定,水管工程不可以用含鉛的材料,他已責成水務署徹查,會採取檢控行動。水務署署長林天星直指負責啟晴邨水喉工程的持牌水喉匠為林德深或遭停牌,甚至取消牌照。不過,翻查《水務設施條例》,違反條例罰款最高僅一萬元。水務署署長林天星則稱,除了由律政司研究起訴林德深外,該署亦可將他紀律處分,例如停牌或取消牌照。林天星又說會聯同房屋署,跟進林德深負責的其他屋邨,即龍逸邨、長沙灣邨、水泉澳邨和葵聯邨的水管接駁工程,抽取水樣本化驗鉛含量和燒焊物等,有結果會適時公布。據了解,林德深年約四十歲,曾為一間建築公司董事,報住何文田。本報記者昨晚到林住所追訪,一名女子應門,否認單位內有林德深為涉事的水喉匠。水務署指出,持牌水喉匠可承接住宅及工商業樓宇供水水管裝置工程。除持牌水喉匠外,任何人或任何人僱用不屬持牌水喉匠的人,進行樓宇供水系統安裝或改裝工程,即屬違法。林德深所持牌照屬於第一級,即用於建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或移動任何種類的消防供水系統或內部供水系統。
- 曾質疑民主黨化驗啟晴邨食水結果不準確的民建聯蔣麗芸,昨被揭發其丈夫梁海明原來是啟晴邨總承建商、上市公司中國建築國際集團的股東及獨立非執行董事,她回覆《蘋果》時指丈夫雖是股東,但不負責公司日常管理,強調「唔關佢事嘅」,反指是涉事水喉匠出錯。最初質疑黃碧雲抽驗啟晴邨食水含鉛超標結果不準確及引起恐慌的蔣麗芸,昨突然在fb改口風,批評房署化驗出7個水質樣本不符世衞標準,提出政府應即全面更換水喉、安排居民驗血、提供金屬排毒療程等建議,有網民諷她「今日的我打倒昨日的我」。餘波未了,昨有人揭發一直評論事件的蔣麗芸,其60歲丈夫梁海明竟牽涉事件。《蘋果》翻查啟晴邨總承建商中國建築工程(香港)有限公司的母公司中國建築國際集團的年報,發現梁是該公司股東及獨立非執行董事,任職長達10年,去年1月1日梁海明持有該公司913,569份購股權,同年全數行使購股權成為股東,去年收取25萬元董事袍金。蔣麗芸昨承認丈夫是股東,但股份只是「放埋一邊」,不負責公司日常管理,丈夫只會在賬目出問題時才過問。她曾向丈夫了解,知悉工程承包商已化驗水龍頭跟進,作為立法會議員的她不認為與丈夫有角色衝突,卻承認承建商有失誤,「肯定有責任……佢要面對嘅責任就係面對政府囉,因為政府係employ(委聘)佢做,起碼要同政府交代」。

- 屋邨食水含鉛問題尚未查出源頭所在,但焦點再次落在供應物料的「何標記」公司身上。究竟何標記的「高層」是誰?本報翻查公司註冊處的資料,發現成立於一九九○年的「何標記建築工程有限公司」,現時董事包括何文標、Ho Kai Yan 及He Shu Yun,持有該公司股份則有四人,何文標是公司的「大股東」。不過,公司註冊處資料顯示,何文標報稱的住宅位於內地,居於江門市蓬江區的一個單位。不同傳媒昨日均曾造訪「何標記」公司的辦公室,或致電查詢,但職員均指負責人不在,未有作出回應。有傳媒向多家發展商查詢有否委託何標記進行工程,長實表示「何標記」不在公司的認可承建商名單上,公司亦無委託「何標記」承接樓盤的水務工程;信和集團亦指「何標記」不在承包商名單上,亦無接過信和的工程。工聯會麥美娟表示,昨日與運房局副局長邱誠武會面時已提出,要求當局公開涉事的「何標記」及「中國建築」曾負責工程的名單。她認為,當局應將驗水範圍擴大,包括分批為全港屋邨進行驗水,又說已去信醫管局,要求為公立醫院做食水測試。新民主同盟議員范國威則要求立會引用特權法調查事件。
Color party / color run
- IMG Worldwide, the global sports, fashion and media company, and The Color Run, LLC, a unique 5K paint race event series, today officially announced a multi-year partnership agreement for the expansion of The Color Run into dozens of countries across Europe and Asia. Utilizing IMG’s worldwide network of offices and personnel, this move will fast track The Color Run globally.
- IMG, the global sports, fashion and media company, and The Color Run, LLC, a unique 5K paint race event series, officially announced the extension of its partnership agreement for the expansion of The Color Run™ into dozens of countries across Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
- an application to the Hong Kong government to stage a race - in which participants run five kilometres with no winners or prizes while spectators pelt them with coloured cornstarch - was turned down. Organisers, who have confirmed that the race will also be held in Shenzhen, said the rejection by Hong Kong followed a seven-month application process. Government officials gave no reason for refusing to grant permission. In July they wrote that they were "facing massive regulatory issues" and had submitted a "lengthy" application to seven government agencies. They added that the race was set to take place in May next year and that they aimed to raise HK$1 million for charity. IMG Worldwide, which organises The Color Run in Asia, could not be reached for comment yesterday. 【彩虹友善企業】的「瑞博國際整合行銷」,瑞博是由LGBT員工為主要組成的小企業,今年剛成立,希望為了同志友善盡一份心力

- 深水埗榮昌邨驗出食水含鉛量超標,該邨水喉接駁由金日工程有限公司負責,顯示鉛水不止涉及一個水喉承辦商。另今期推出的居屋美盈苑,亦由金日負責,該屋苑的單位早前已全部售罄。榮昌邨總承辦商保華建築有限公司發言人說正聯絡港府及了解今次事件,該公司網頁顯示負責牛頭角上邨二及三期重建、石硤尾第一期重建計劃及貝沙灣六期等住宅項目。至於負責榮昌邨水喉工程的金日工程有限公司,一三年曾獲房屋署優質建造及保養維修大獎的新工程項目-傑出自選分包商(水管工程),涉及得獎項目為沙田4C區建築工程,即今期熱賣的居屋美盈苑。大律師陸偉雄指,若美盈苑的業主入伙後證實單位有鉛水問題而需額外購買樽裝水或出外租樓等,業主可循民事索償。另外,水務署署長林天星昨未有一如以往公布榮昌邨持牌水喉匠的名稱,他解釋只在水喉接駁位上進行X光快速測試,現階段未有足夠證據證明水喉匠違規使用含鉛焊料,需收集更多證據才能公開水喉匠名稱。

Regina ip letter on 7aug15 to scmp editor on community spirit in housing estates

Anglican church property development

Social worker
- 社工界率先發動罷工接力佔中,社會工作者註冊局主席關銳煊指出,罷工是本港勞工合法行使的權利,除非註冊局接獲投訴,否則無權干預,「香港不嬲都依法辦事。點解要剝奪公民基本權利呢?至於罷工係咪適當,係個人判斷。」關續稱僱主與社工之間的問題一般可透過僱傭條例處理,若服務對象因罷工而受影響,可向註冊局投訴,局方會視乎個案情況處理。須有最少兩名註冊局成員認為表面證供成立,才會召開研訊,再由全體十五名成員決定是否懲處。至於參與公民抗命的社工會否遭吊銷牌照,關銳煊重申,必須視乎個別情況而定。社工續牌時,必須申報有否刑事紀錄,局方會按上述程序處理,「如果係啲trivial嘢,對社工專業形象冇影響,就唔會處理」。社會工作者總工會會長張國柱表示,就同工發起罷工,會內曾於本月一日討論,結論是先與其他業界工會商討聯合罷工的可能性再作決定。該會正研究職工會條例是否保障因政改而罷工的同工。據2007年罷工經驗,業界必定預留人手應付最基本服務,因此不認為罷工會影響受眾。
- hkej 17aug15 張國柱on 關銳煊's role in 宏基and his role as社會工作者註冊局主席, and that he should not participate in the process of approving 宏基's social work course qualification

Discovery bay development and alleged intervention by cy
- hkej 21jul15 a12
- 早於1976年,前香港興業持有人王永祥,計劃將愉景灣發展成旅遊勝地,包括酒店、豪華公寓及3個高爾夫球場。其後,王氏陷入財政困難,令愉景灣的業權險些落入蘇聯的債權銀行Moscow Narodny Bank Limited手中。考慮到當時的政治因素,中英政府均不欲本港最大片私有土地之地權,落入與前蘇聯有關的組織手中。尤幸在緊急的關頭,獲得當時名力集團創辦人查濟民出手相助,收購及掌管香港興業。在1979年,查氏清還該公司的全部債務,並與政府達成協議,把愉景灣發展成一個優質生活社區。(posted on 21jul15!!!) Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying yesterday sidestepped questions on whether he interfered in plans proposed for Discovery Bay by a developer that is a client of a company he partly owns.
Leung did not deny or confirm media reports alleging he had ordered the Planning Department to meet Discovery Bay's developer to further discuss its proposal - about which government agencies apparently had reservations.

- hket 15may15 b4 article

SCMP laisee column
- hkej 23mar15 a12 column may discontinue, howard winn's contract not renewed

Bus make
- dennis den trident 12m involved in two broken glass door incident

- singtao 25jun15 a18 曾聲稱準確預言哥哥張國榮去世、英國王妃戴安娜同巴西車神冼拿噩耗嘅巴西知名預言家朱瑟里諾(Jucelino Nobrega Da Luz,圖),噚日喺佢亞洲區facebook專頁,貼咗分別寄畀中國政府同香港特首梁振英嘅信,仲附上巴西當地公正行嘅單據,證明信件分別喺5月19日同6月11日寄出。其中寄畀CY嘅信件,上面有多項預言,包括指本月15日港警將對一群「謀反者」作出指控,仲透露係一項襲擊事件同發現一啲化學品、電腦和煙霧彈。而香港警方就正正喺15日破獲一個炸藥庫,拘捕10人,當中有人自稱係「本土派」。朱瑟里諾信件第一項預言成真,令網民更關心第二同第三項。第二項預言係話6月20日至8月26日期間,年輕人不滿中國維持香港嘅政治系統,香港會有好多遊行示威,仲同警方發生衝突,再次引發雨傘運動。第三項預言就話喺6月15日至10月28日,有人因為政治問題,或於中國同香港發動襲擊


中央外宣辦主任 仕途不順報復 蔡名照疑爆「江澤民病逝」

- 由全國人大常委范徐麗泰兒子范駿華及香港富商邱德根幼子邱達根合組的電影製作公司,指與曾志偉成立的公司於一四年簽約合作製作該電影,惟遭曾志偉等人誤導及違約,現要求取消合約及索償四百五十萬元等。原告為喜洋洋電影工作坊有限公司,於一三年十月成立,董事為范駿華及邱達根。四名被告包括影市堂有限公司、董事曾志偉、董事區詠芝及經營安迪會計事務所的范卓紹。入稟狀指,原告受曾及區的失實陳述誤導,於一四年六月二十五與影市堂簽約合製電影《吉星高照2015》,惟眾被告串謀違反合約責任。曾志偉遭電影公司索償450萬-5590864.html

- 「健康工房」一款名為 「三冬茶清熱解毒 涼茶」的產品,昨日被衛生署指是未經註冊中成藥,呼籲市 民停止服用,並將就檢控事宜徵詢律政司意見,及將個案轉 介中醫藥管理委員會考慮作紀律行動。 「健康工房」發表聲 明稱深感遺憾,指 「三冬茶」是由中文大學的專才共同生產 和研究,今次事件是誤會。 衛生署稱初步調查發現, 「健康工房」從韓國進口該款 未經註冊的中成藥 「三冬茶清熱解毒涼茶」,其後在本地包 裝,再於市場銷售。根據中醫藥管理委員會轄下中藥組的資 料,上述中成藥未經註冊。該產品標籤稱可用於消除熱氣所 引致咽喉不適等問題,但由於未經註冊的中成藥的安全、品 質及成效均未經證實,故可能對公眾健康構成風險,而署方 至今沒接獲相關的不良反應報告。 衛生署稱得悉 「健康工房」已自願從消費者回收該產品 的所有批次,並已設立熱線(2408 0333)供市民查詢,署 方會密切監察有關回收。 健康工房發表聲明,星期一已主動停售產品。
- 衞生署前日以產品為未經註冊中成藥為由,禁止健康工房繼續出售其三冬茶產品。本報翻查資料,發現有關產品自二○○○年推出市面,一直以臨時性註冊出售,直至去年才被署方拒絕其中成藥正式註冊申請,但產品已在市面存在十四年。有中醫中藥發展委員會成員透露,本港中成藥種類成千上萬,導致審批過程緩慢,認為政府應就審批增加資源。至於市面上一般的涼茶又需否註冊為中成藥才可出售?衞生署指涼茶屬「限制出售的食物」之一,任何人售賣涼茶,都須向食環署署長申領售賣限制出售食物許可證,與中成藥的規管不同。 

- cost of desalination in HK compared with buying from china and differences in estimation by FS and Dan Eldar of Sorek wenwei 19jan15 b1
- proposed plant in TKO

Aedas on hk regulations stifling creativity
- The mainland is less stifling and spurs greater creativity than Hong Kong, says the chairman of the world's fifth largest architecture firm.
"Hong Kong has a very rigid set of regulations, overly rigid, very complicated, very restrictive and prescriptive, which is mostly unfortunate," Aedas chairman Keith Griffiths told the South China Morning Post, adding that the rules are not only stricter than the mainland, but also stricter than Macau and Singapore.
- feature article hket 2mar15 a15
Franchise case
- 經營Cozy Fashion的高斯集團近年引入日本首飾品牌Roi du monde,並招攬加盟者營運。不過,有加盟商戶投訴,高斯未有按簽約前承諾,讓加盟商戶每日查閱帳目,加盟商戶在入貨種類、數量和宣傳上亦無自由度,被迫由加盟變成投資,其分舖每月平均虧蝕4萬元。香港特許加盟商協會主席洪永如認為,有關代理的額外收費及做法對加盟商戶不公。

Harmful algae
- Eerie fluorescent blue patches of water glimmering off Hong Kong's seashore are magnificent, but disturbing and potentially toxic, marine biologists say. The glow is an indicator of a harmful algal bloom created by something called Noctiluca scintillans, nicknamed Sea Sparkle. It looks like algae and can act like algae, but is in fact a single-celled organism that technically can function as both animal and plant.

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Tai Hang Sai Estate (Chinese: 大坑西邨)
民協 (assist residents of Tai Hang Sai Estate) said that Carrie Lam had considered the idea of redeveloping the estate when she was Secretary for Development singtao 19jan15 a14

Cross harbour fee

- jumpstart

  • Distributed at aws wvent sep15 
  • Regus and hkstp logo shown

- 會計師公會理事會上星期五改選,連政府委任嘅業外成員都換人,恒生銀行(011)執行董事馮孝忠做咗公會理事會成員,任期兩年。被換出嘅係思捷(330)前副主席兼財務總監潘祖明( John)。 政府昨日宣布,由於現任財務匯報局主席潘祖明披露利益而不能參與該局現須處理的一個個案,委任領匯主席蘇兆明為財務匯報局署理主席,以署理主席身分主持有關個案的討論。潘祖明現任強積金管理局非執行董事,2008年之前曾任思捷副主席。政府表示,潘祖明由於披露利益而不能參與商議該局現須處理的一個案,以及其他在2014年1月底至12月14日期間出現同樣情况的個案,行政長官遂根據《財務匯報局條例》,委任財務匯報局業外人士成員蘇兆明為財務匯報局署理主席,以署理主席身分主持該局就有關個案的討論。
財匯局表示,留意到近日市場就委任署理主席及臨時成員一事作出揣測及媒體報道。該局澄清指,潘祖明續為主席及履行其主席職務,當潘於某事項披露利益,署理主席會代其職務,但當局成員不變。hket 24sep15

- to assist HKTDC in two roadshows - first instalment in 2014 and organised annually and coinciding with AFF, an umbrella of different events, website managed by hktdc

Relaxation of capital control in China
- hket 23Mar15 a12 Yi Gang 易纲 raised a question about Tobin Tax to 劉遵義 LAU Juen-yee, Lawrence The Securities and Futures Commission has unveiled key conditions for companies seeking to list in the city with dual-share structures, marking a major step forward in reform of the listing rules designed to help Hong Kong compete with the US in attracting listings by technology firms and other innovative enterprises.
The conditions have high thresholds as the regulator does not plan to open the door too wide and allow too many companies to apply for such a shareholding structure, because the city does not allow class-action lawsuits to protect shareholders’ interests, unlike the United States. by 金利高發展, ad in hkej 8oct14 on selling and leasing farmland

international chamber of commerce HK recruits training services officer (SCMP 9aug14 page20)

China rule of law forum - convenor Rick Tang

Harvard Business School launch HBX - fee charging? if so? how much?

HKU American Society
- girl at 6mar14 seminar by clifford hart visited SPCC that morning

Elephant parade
- 五星酒店設宴籌215萬 大象巡遊 欠供應商23萬元

Marine Department case
- Patrick Tso's letter to SCMP

Strange env phenomenon
- Storks have long brought babies to new parents in folklore but now it seems the birds are more likely to be taking "junk food" from landfill sites. White storks are giving up on their winter migration from Europe to Africa in favour of staying near rubbish tips all year round, where they are provided with a steady source of waste food and can boost their breeding chances, research shows. Some birds have even been tracked making round trips of up to 60 miles to get their junk food fix, a study led by scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) has found.
- 三月伊始,春花漸開,各處的木棉樹亦陸續開花。但細心一看,木棉花與綠葉並存,有別於「先落葉,後開花」的景象。天文台前台長林超英慨嘆,這是木棉樹的美麗警告,恐怕自然生態失衡,令他「不寒而慄」。雖然有專家指植物生長異常需要再作詳細研究,但環保組織指全球暖化已敲響警號,如持續排放溫室氣體,將引發極端天氣,不但影響植物正常生長,更會出現糧食短缺的問題,港人絕不能置身事外!

- 首屆大公 「超級聯繫人」財經年會在京舉行
- 1997年,《大公報》與《河南日報》一起創刊《大公報.河南新聞》,時任省委書記李長春為《大公報.河南新聞》撰寫發刊詞;2005年,徐光春調任河南省委書記,會見的第一個採訪團是大公報的 「百年大公看河南」採訪團,並為採訪團題詞 「百年大公大公無私」;2009年,大公報成立中原新聞中心。時任省委書記盧展工為 「大公報中原新聞中心」、 「大公中原新聞網」成立揭牌;

Yeh Shen ????
- organise prime source forum (investhk as sponsor) under licence of APLF

Hannah McLeod is the Head of Diversity and Inclusion in Asia Network (DIAN), with overall responsibility for ensuring DIAN’s position as the leading diversity and inclusion network in Asia. She is also responsible for contributing to Community’s wider diversity and inclusion work - leading, inspiring and supporting companies to tackle inequality in the workplace in Asia. She has spent the past ten years working in agency and client roles in the field of Public Relations and Social Media across London, Sydney and Hong Kong. Her clients included Unilever, Virgin Mobile, Volkswagen, BACARDI and Telstra and her in-house role was with Brown-Forman. A passion for Diversity and Inclusion developed when she joined the steering committee of Brown-Forman’s global women’s network which resulted in a new career direction with Community Business. She is currently training to become a certified coach with the International Coaching Federation and has a passion for community, having volunteered for a local community centre in Sydney. Outside of work, she is mainly out in nature – camping or traversing the beautiful hiking trails that Hong Kong has to offer.

Carson 温嘉旋 of jones day
- hkej 16may16 a14 feature article, hk should be super connector, helped red chip 粵海投資ipo

Jettison dogma
- what is it?

壁立 association
- mostly people with 莊 surname

Society of intelligensia
- 6th meeting participated by 潘漢唐

- Freemasonry or Masonry consists of fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. The degrees of freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of ApprenticeJourneyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason
  • The first Masonic Hall in Hong Kong was built in 1846 by The Zetland Lodge No. 525, English Constitution and was named Zetland Hall in honour of the Lodge that built it. The Zetland Lodge itself was named as a compliment to the then Grand Master, Thomas, Second Earl of Zetland, who was The Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England from 1844 to 1870. In 1865 this hall was replaced by a second larger and more impressive building in Zetland Street in the Central business district. This second Zetland Hall lasted until 1944 when it was destroyed by American bombing, Hong Kong then being under Japanese occupation. Between 1945 to 1950 the Freemasons of Hong Kong met in temporary premises while a site for a new hall was found. Work on the third and present Zetland Hall at No. 1 Kennedy Road began in 1949 and was finished in January 1950. The Hall was dedicated to Masonic use in an impressive ceremony on 30 January 1950.
Le mot franc-maçonnerie désigne un ensemble d'espaces de sociabilité sélectifs, formé de phénomènes historiques et sociaux très divers. Le recrutement des membres est fait par cooptationN 2et pratique des rites initiatiques se référant à un secret maçonnique et à l'art de bâtir. Difficilement traçable historiquement, la franc-maçonnerie semble apparaître en 1598 en Écosse (Statuts Schaw), puis en Angleterre au xviie siècle. Elle se décrit, suivant les époques, les pays et les formes, comme une « association essentiellement philosophique et philanthropique », comme un « système de morale illustré par des symboles » ou comme un « ordre initiatique ». Organisée en obédiences depuis 1717 à Londres, la franc-maçonnerie dite « spéculative » — c'est-à-dire philosophique — fait référence aux Anciens devoirs de la « maçonnerie » dite « opérative » anglaise formée par les corporations de bâtisseurs. Elle puise ses sources dans un ensemble de textes fondateurs rédigés entre les xive et xviiie siècles
Elle prodigue un enseignement ésotérique progressif à l'aide de symboles et de rituels. Elle encourage ses membres à œuvrer pour le progrès de l'humanité, laisse à chacun le soin d'interpréter ces mots. Sa vocation se veut universelleN 3, bien que ses pratiques et ses modes d'organisation soient extrêmement variables selon les pays et les époquesN 4. Elle s'est structurée au fil des siècles autour d'un grand nombre de rites et de traditions, ce qui a entraîné la création d'une multitude d'obédiences, qui ne se reconnaissent pas toutes entre elles. Elle a toujours fait l'objet de nombreuses critiques et dénonciations, aux motifs très variables selon les époques et les pays. Une discipline de réflexion porte sur la franc-maçonnerie : la maçonnologie.现代共濟會出现于18世纪西欧,自从1717年成立英格兰第一个总会所,至今其已经遍布全球。共济会是一种类似宗教兄弟會,基本宗旨为倡导博爱自由慈善,追求提升个人精神内在美德以促进人类社会完善。会员包括眾多著名人士和政治家,有些要求申请者必须是有神论[1],有些則接受無神論者申请[2]。而反对者则认为,共济会主要是富人权贵的阴谋组织,其有着不为人知的统治世界的秘密计划,比如世界新秩序等。
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in the United States often omits the and, while the English Constitution in the United Kingdom omits the Scottish), commonly known as simply the Scottish Rite (or, in England, as the Rose Croix [1] although this is only one of its degrees), is one of several Rites of Freemasonry. A Rite is a progressive series of degrees conferred by various Masonic organizations or bodies, each of which operates under the control of its own central authority. In the Scottish Rite the central authority is called a Supreme Council. The Scottish Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry that a Master Mason may join for further exposure to the principles of Freemasonry. It is also concordant, in that some of its degrees relate to the degrees of Symbolic Freemasonry. In England and some other countries, while the Scottish Rite is not accorded official recognition by the Grand Lodge, there is no prohibition against a Freemason electing to join it. In the United States, however, the Scottish Rite is officially recognized by Grand Lodges as an extension of the degrees of Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite builds upon the ethical teachings and philosophy offered in the craft lodge, or Blue Lodge, through dramatic presentation of the individual degrees. The thirty-three degrees of the Scottish Rite are conferred by several controlling bodies. The first of these is the Craft Lodge which confers the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason degrees. Craft lodges operate under the authority of Grand Lodges, not the Scottish Rite. Although most lodges throughout the English-speaking world do not confer the Scottish Rite versions of the first three degrees, there are a handful of lodges in New Orleans and in several other major cities that have traditionally conferred the Scottish Rite version of these degrees.
- france

  • The Grand Orient de France (GODF) is the largest of several Masonic organizations in France and the oldest in Continental Europe. It was formed out of the older Grand Lodge of France in 1773, and briefly absorbed the rump of the older body in 1799, allowing it to date its foundation to 1728 or 1733. It is generally considered to be the mother lodge of traditional Liberal, or Continental Freemasonry.In 1777, the Grand Orient de France recognised the antiquity of the Lodge of Perfect Equality, said to have been formed in 1688. This, if it actually existed at that time, was a military lodge attached to the Royal Irish Regiment, formed by Charles II of England in Saint-Germain in 1661, just before his return to England. The regiment remained loyal to the Stuarts, and did not return to France until after the fall of Limerick in 1689. They returned to barracks in Saint-Germain in 1698, surviving to become the 92nd Infantry Regiment after the revolution. With these dates in mind, modern scholars usually regard the 1688 lodge as a folk tale.An English Lodge is also said to have been founded at Dunkirk in 1721. Another "first Lodge" was organised by exiled Jacobites under the Earl of Derwentwater in Paris about 1725. A lodge was documented at the Louis d'Argent in the Rue des Boucheries, Paris, in 1732.[2]These were English-speaking lodges that happened to be in France. There was also a French lodge listed in the 1723 minutes of thePremier Grand Lodge of England. Meeting at Solomon's Temple, in Hemmings Row (then off St. Martin's Lane in London) the Master was Jean Theophile Desaguliers, then Deputy Grand Master and effective governor of the craft in England. In a list of members, mostly having French names, James Anderson, who compiled the first printed constitutions, is listed as "Jaques Anderson maitre et arts".
  •上月底,法國總統奧朗德到訪巴黎最悠久的共濟會會所,即法蘭西大東方會所(Grand Orient de France),以在任總統身份出席共濟會活動現代共濟會始於1717年,大東方會所在上月尾有個三百周年典禮,奧朗德也獲邀出席。從成立以來,共濟會與政權的關係便千絲萬縷:路易十五是會員,拿破崙跟他們形影不離,第三共和國亦由共濟會把持,只在復辟和維希法國時,共濟會才受到壓抑。儘管共濟會跟政權如此親密,但法國很多德政,由勞工法到社會保障,由女性權益到無痛分娩,甚至墮胎合法,都得力於他們的支持。從這方面看,同樣是「有形之手」,但此「共」不同彼「共」,共濟會相比中共,顯然為社會帶來更多進步。至於法國共濟會要守護的社會核心價值,其實只是一個字:laïcité。此字翻成英文,通常是secularity,「世俗主義」,但這裏的意思是「政教分離」,即政府可容許宗教自由,但絕不應受它干預,而公立學校亦不該有宗教色彩,1905年法國為政教分離立法,本意正在於此。但時移世易,大約自2003年起,laïcité的概念已逐漸由限制政府,轉為規範公民,不僅公共政策要「世俗化」,現在連公眾空間也要「去宗教化」,於是laïcité也就成為挑動宗教仇恨的成因。前法國總理瓦爾斯是共濟會會員,他也支持禁止burkini泳裝以及在大學戴穆斯林頭巾。
- uk

  • [1776 chron] new hall belonging tonthe societybof free masons, in great queen street, was dedicated in solemn form by lord petre the grand master and other officersvof the grand lodge, in the presence of upwards of 160 ladies and 400 brethen. The hall consists of a lofty and spacious room with an organ at the  uper end. The pillars and openings are embellished with emblems of masonry. There are 5 glass chandeliers and at the center of ceiling are the 12 signs of the zodiac 
  • Prince Michael of KentGCVOKStJCD (Michael George Charles Franklin; born 4 July 1942) is a member of the British royal family. He is a paternal first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, being a grandson of King George V and Queen Mary. He is an active Freemason. He is the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons, and Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex.The Duke was initiated into Royal Alpha Lodge No. 16 on 16 December 1963, and was elected its Worshipful Master for 1965 and 1966.Having been appointed Senior Grand Warden in 1966, he was elected as Grand Master the following year, and was installed on 14 June 1967 during United Grand Lodge of England's 250th anniversary celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall. He is the 10th, and longest-serving Grand Master of UGLE, the governing body of Freemasonry in England and Wales.In December 2013, he celebrated 50 years as a freemason. In October 2017 he presided over the tercentenary celebrations of UGLE, marking the 300th anniversary of the founding of the original Grand Lodge, one of two which merged to form UGLE in 1813. The main ceremony was held in the Royal Albert Hall, in the year which also marked the Duke's 50th anniversary of installation as Grand Master.
  • Thomas Dundas, 2nd Earl of Zetland, KG (5 February 1795 – 6 May 1873), was a British nobleman and politician.Born in Marylebone, London, eldest son of the 1st Earl and his wife Harriet Hale, he was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge.[1] In 1818 he was elected Whig Member of Parliament for his father and grandfather's old seat of Richmond, becoming representative for York twelve years later. In 1835 he returned to Parliament as member for Richmond, and four years later succeeded his father as second Earl of Zetland.Like his father a prominent freemason, Lord Zetland was the United Grand Lodge of England's Grand Master from 1844 to 1870. 
    • Zetland, nsw, australia was named for Thomas Dundas, 2nd Earl of Zetland, who was a friend of Governor Sir Hercules Robinson. Zetland is an archaic spelling of Shetland.

- russia
  • The first Masonic lodges in Russia appeared in the early 1730s. Masons included many well-known Russian figures including Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, and Alexander Griboedov. Initially, the government of Alexander I allowed the Masonic societies to exist but the Freemasonry movement soon became linked with revolutionary ideas. On Aug. 13, 1822 Alexander I issued an order "On prohibiting secret societies and Masonic lodges." However, Masonic lodges in Russia continued to operate secretly until 1918, when they were abolished by the Soviet government.
  • people


  • Joseph Smith (mormon) introduced baptism for the dead in 1840, and in 1841, construction began on the Nauvoo Temple as a place for recovering lost ancient knowledge.[137] An 1841 revelation promised the restoration of the "fulness of the priesthood"; and in May 1842, Smith inaugurated a revised endowment or "first anointing".[138] The endowment resembled rites of freemasonry that Smith had observed two months earlier when he had been initiated "at sight" into the Nauvoo Masonic lodge. At first, the endowment was open only to men, who were initiated into a special group called the Anointed Quorum. For women, Smith introduced the Relief Society, a service club and sorority within which Smith predicted women would receive "the keys of the kingdom". Smith also elaborated on his plan for a millennial kingdom.
  • 美國政治史上,第一個民主黨、共和黨以外的第三黨,就是1828年成立的反共濟會黨(Anti-Masonic Party),一個政黨竟赤裸裸以「反共」作號召,可見共濟會確實得罪人多。奧朗德是次到訪,究竟所為何事呢?
  • Chinese masonic athletic society in nyc 洪青
  • from wikipedia (page on clark gable) - In 1933, Gable was initiated into Freemasonry at the Beverly Hills Lodge No.528 CA.
- australia

- philippines
  • On January 1, 1895, Aguinaldo became a Freemason, joining Pilar Lodge No. 203, Imus, Cavite by the codename "Colon". He would later say:"The Successful Revolution of 1896 was masonically inspired, led, and executed, and I venture to say that the first Philippine Republic of which I was its humble President, was an achievement we owe largely, to Masonry and the Masons."
  • The seal of the Magdalo faction led by Baldomero B. Aquinaldo Emilio's First cousin. - has the letter k The Magdalo faction of the Katipunan was a chapter in Cavite, mostly led by ilustrados of that province during the Philippine Revolution  The Katipunan (usually abbreviated to KKK) was a Philippine revolutionary society founded by anti-Spanish Filipinos in Manila in 1892, whose primary aim was to gain independence from Spain through revolutionThe name "Katipunan" comes from the full Tagalog name for the society: "Kataas-taasan Kagalang-galang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan
- chinese

  • 中華共濟會distribute masks to hk police

- china

  • 自古以來,中國大概也算是有兩家共濟會,一在曲阜、一在龍虎山。曲阜嗰家會籍唔對外開放,龍虎山嗰家,則要有緣人才可加入核心團隊。外國勢力入侵中土期間,曲阜正店被連根拔起。尤幸泰西早有函授弟子,在異域發揚光大,輾轉啟發出『普世價值』,其所 Sell 的內容,比正店更符合老祖宗之 basic principle。唯聖人真學原義,雖然早已遍地開花境外,卻被禁止出口轉運內銷傳播。亦歷史常態也。from comments of
- hk

  •此組織十分低調,雖有不少名人包括港督和 立法局議員曾加入共濟會,但仍被人冠以 「秘密 社團」稱號。九七年後,隨着一批外籍會員離港 ,現已逐漸開放。今次首度舉辦展覽介紹共濟會 的背景,是一大突破。他們強調會員要堅守重誠 信、有善心、言無不實、一視同仁和兼收並蓄等 五大原則,今天他們已不介意公開身份,但有些 事項不能宣之於口,以保留一點神秘感。
  • appledaily 8nov18 full page 

- maybe related

  • The Master and Margarita (RussianМа́стер и Маргари́та) is a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, written between 1928 and 1940, but unpublished in book form until 1967. The story concerns a visit by the devil to the fervently atheistic Soviet Union. Many critics consider it to be one of the best novels of the 20th century, as well as the foremost of Soviet satires.It was noted many times in various studies that the novel abounds with Freemason symbols, often showing Freemason rituals which, as the theory implies, originate from the mystery plays of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, and suggest that Bulgakov had knowledge of Freemasonry.[7] Bulgakov may have obtained this knowledge from his father, Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov, who had written an article on Modern Freemasonry and its Relation to the Church and the State in The Acts of the Kiev Theological Academy in 1903.
international sos
- internship opportunities thru aiesec
- duty of care conference in hk to facilitate exchange of views and experiences on health, safety, security and wellness at workplace /schools.

Thelema (/θəˈlmə/) is a religion based on a philosophical law of the same name, adopted as a central tenet by some religious organizations. The law of Thelema is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will." The law of Thelema was developed in the early 1900s by Aleister Crowley, an English writer and ceremonial magician.[2] He believed himself to be the prophet of a new age, the Æon of Horus, based upon a spiritual experience that he and his wife, Rose Edith, had in Egypt in 1904.[3] By his account, a possibly non-corporeal or "praeterhuman" being that called itself Aiwass contacted him and dictated a text known as The Book of the Law or Liber AL vel Legis, which outlined the principles of Thelema. An adherent of Thelema is a ThelemiteThe Thelemic pantheon includes a number of deities, primarily a trio adapted from ancient Egyptian religion, who are the three speakers of The Book of the Law: Nuit, Hadit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Crowley described these deities as a "literary convenience". The religion is found upon the idea that the 20th century marked the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, in which a new ethical code would be followed; "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law". This statement indicates that adherents, who are known as Thelemites, should seek out and follow their own true path in life, known as their True Will.[6] The philosophy also emphasizes the ritual practice of MagickThe word thelema is the English transliteration of the Koine Greek noun θέλημα (pronounced Greek: [θélima]) "will", from the verb θέλω "to will, wish, want or purpose." As Crowley developed the religion, he wrote widely on the topic, as well as producing more 'inspired' writing that he collectively termed The Holy Books of Thelema. He also included ideas from occultism, yoga and both Eastern and Western mysticism, especially the Qabalah.
- note the unicursal hexagram symbol (equivalent of the Egyptian Ankh or the RosicruciansRosy Cross, but first derived in 1639 by Blaise Pascal's Hexagrammum Mysticum)

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (LatinOrdo Hermeticus Aurorae Aureae; or, more commonly, The Golden Dawn (Aurora Aurea)) was an organization devoted to the study and practice of the occultmetaphysics, and paranormal activities during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Known as a magical order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was active in Great Britain and focused its practices on theurgy and spiritual development. Many present-day concepts of ritual and magic that are at the centre of contemporary traditions, such as Wicca and Thelema, were inspired by the Golden Dawn, which became one of the largest single influences on 20th-century Western occultism. The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.).[5] Westcott appears to have been the initial driving force behind the establishment of the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn system was based on hierarchy and initiation like the Masonic Lodges; however women were admitted on an equal basis with men. The "Golden Dawn" was the first of three Orders, although all three are often collectively referred to as the "Golden Dawn". The First Order taught esoteric philosophy based on the Hermetic Qabalah and personal development through study and awareness of the four Classical Elements as well as the basics of astrology, tarot divination, and geomancy. The Second or "Inner" Order, the Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (the Ruby Rose and Cross of Gold), taught magic, including scrying, astral travel, and alchemy. The Third Order was that of the "Secret Chiefs", who were said to be highly skilled; they supposedly directed the activities of the lower two orders by spirit communication with the Chiefs of the Second Order.

needle in food
- strawberry in australia sep18

Voynich manuscript

China Cultural Centre and Global Training Alliance, Global Sourcing

HK independent?
The Role and Future of the Commonwealth: Fourth Report of Session 2012-13 (note page 36 on delegation from hk)

- 內地推「一帶一路」戰略,這讓港企看到了機遇。香港技術交易所有限公司旗下中國全球免稅商品採購中心(CGDF),擬聯手國際商會共同打造以中國620家商業零售與批發企業為客戶基礎,專業面向全球進行原產國商品採購的大型商業機構,該中心計劃今年8月8號正式運營。按初步規劃,該中心每年全球商品採購量預計在10億至30億美元。屆時,全球免稅商品採購中心還將聯手香港技術交易所有限公司旗下跨境電商一帶一路商城,全方位打造保稅品網絡銷售平台。在日前舉行的相關發布會上,中國全球免稅商品採購中心副總裁Roland表示,該中心將「搜購」全球原產國消費產品出口到內地,已獲得批准經營進口外國商品到內地保稅倉庫。同時,該中心還將經營「一帶一路」商品清關手續及通過電子商務管道,將貨品發送給消費者的平台,現已與中國24個綜合保稅區和有關組織簽訂合作協議,合作單位包括不同國家保險機構、中國進出口銀行、IFA、國際貨運和快遞公司。一帶一路商城總經理盧向彤表示,一帶一路商城總部設在香港,其商品涵蓋「一帶一路」沿線國家在內的全球優質特色產品,包含母嬰用品、營養保健、食品飲料、美妝個護、家居日用在內的多品類商品,商城目前已與中國杭州、鄭州、上海、重慶、寧波、廣州、深圳7家保稅區簽訂了保稅倉儲合作協議,將以內地1,200家網上授權商店及600家授權實體商店為市場基礎,加上中國全球免稅商品採購中心的供應支撐,希望打造成「網上商城+移動微商城+線下保稅店」的模式。
- 2007年,本地設計師蔡景康 (Steven) 和衞婉盈 (Jasper) 夫妻倆創立公司陋室,最初兩人走廣告及市場推廣策略線,後來以設計為主導。Jasper說:「陋室向標榜精簡之美,不靠華麗的包裝,以點線面的基本繪畫理論做設計。」
很多本地角色以濃厚的本土色彩作為號召,雖然Jasper和Steven選擇了向芬蘭著名繪本家Tove Jansson的角色姆明(Moomin)取經,以北歐簡約畫風設計外星人Pi,但Jasper卻認為 Pi的故事很有本土味道。Steven 認為故事本身的寓言相當重要,畫風只是更能彰顯Zu & Pi 的簡約精神。
A Jazz Festival from Netherlands will be cancelled due to poor ticket sales hket 17sept14

City Internships
- 《星期日泰晤士報》報 道,英國實習中介公司 City Internships向年輕人收取 最少2,750英鎊(約3.3萬港元)費用,換取在知名企業實 習的機會,到香港實習更要收取 3.5萬港元費用。外 界批評這形同剝削,也對無力負擔實習費用的青年造 成不公。

HKU Psychology Society

HKU cultural management team



in dream
- 30sep19 - rival 6

Klako Group
- organises events in partnership with HKTDC, UKTI,etc.


Klako Group will be hosting webinars each month in different times zones. For more details please refer to the following schedules and reserve your seat on the date of your choice by clicking on the links below. For listings on our previous webinars and our future webinars please refer to the below information. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. Please send your questions, comments and feedback .

Upcoming webinars include:

March 2014 - Trade Solutions in Asia: Sales Structures
What trade solutions are available for companies when they are looking to sell into Asia? Whether you are focusing on wholesale, retail or e-tail; whether you are selling precision machinery, consumer products or modern services a proper strategy must be developed in order to build one's brand appropriately and gain sales momentum in the new market. Understanding the client and the market are vital for a company's success. 
During this webinar we will be looking at the potential sales structures in specific Asian locations, such as Singapore, Hong Kong and China together with the marketing potential and brand awareness needed to be successful. 

Wednesday, 12th @ 1pm - Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai - For registration, please click here
Wednesday, 19th @ 7pm - Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai - For registration, please click here

April 2014 - Trade Solutions in Asia: Sourcing Structures
What trade solutions are available for companies when they are looking to buy from Asia? Whether you are focusing on manufacturing yourself or outsourcing to third parties a proper strategy must be developed in order to protect one's brand and patents appropriately and gain the right foothold in the Asia market. Understanding the supplier and the market are vital for a company's success. During this webinar we will be looking at the potential sourcing structures in specific Asian locations, such as Singapore, Hong Kong and China 

Wednesday, 16th @ 1pm - Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai - For registration, please click here
Wednesday, 23rd @ 7pm - Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai - For registration, please click here

May 2014 - Accessing South East Asia through Singapore or Hong Kong
ASEAN - the Association of South East Asian Nations has been reporting furiously on the newest developments occurring in the region. Growth and investment have been hot topics in countries such as Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia for quite some time now and as costs are becoming increasingly more expensive in China these new jurisdictions have become the alternatives.
The issue for many Foreign Investors is that these nations are brand new territories that are not publicized in the media as often as China is. As there are not too many Foreign Investors already there it is hard to evaluate what the do's and dont's are. In this month's webinar we will be looking at the opportunities which exist for Foreign Investors and the best ways to structures these investments. 
Wednesday, 14th @ 1pm - Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai - For registration, please click hereWednesday, 21st @ 7pm - Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai - For registration, please click here

June 2014 - Seconding Foreign Employees to Asia
Seconding foreign employees to Asia is not always a straight forward procedure, particularly not in China. There are issues associated with the contract formulation, whether the secondment to Asia would give rise to Permanenet Establishment for the Home Entity, tax liabilities for the secondee and the Home/Host entity as well as visa applications for the secondee and his/her family.
In this month's webinar we will be looking at various jurisdictions in Asia, particularly China, Hong Kong and Singapore and analyzing these specific issues concerning the process for seconding employees to Asia.
Wednesday, 18th @ 1pm - Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai - For registration, please click hereWednesday, 25th @ 7pm - Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai - For registration, please click here

Previous topics included:

February 2014 - "Selling online in China"January 2014 - "Shanghai Free Trade Zone, Qianhai, Hong Kong - Competitors or Allies?"December 2013 - "Avoidance of Operational Fraud Risks in China Business Operations"November 2013 - "Repatriation Strategies - How can a SME get their profits out of China?"October 2013 - "Opportunities and Challenges in 2nd & 3rd Tier Cities"September 2013 - "The China VAT Reform and How it affects your China Operations"June 2013 - "Intellectual Property in China: Legal Implications, Challenges & Solutions"May 2013 - "Corporate Structuring, Financing & Tax Planning Considerations into China"April 2013 - "China Human Resources - Trends & Challenges"March 2013 - "Ecommerce in China - What you need to know!"February 2013 - “Singapore versus Hong Kong”January 2013 - "Limited Companies in China - What you need to know!"

Speaking Engagements

Klako Group will be participating in several events around the globe. We are interested in participating at chambers of commerce events, government organizations, trade shows and industrial associations. Should you be looking for speakers with the expertise on China, Hong Kong and Singapore, please do not hesitate to contact us at: 

The following are upcoming events:

Roadshow – Think Asia, Think Hong KongTopic: Hong Kong – An Ideal Platform to Grow Technology Business in China and AsiaIn partnership with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park and the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands Date: March 3, 2014Time: 1pm-6pmVenue: Zoetermeer, NetherlandsClick here for Registration

Evolution of 2nd and 3rd Tier Cities in China – What you need to knowIn partnership with Hult Campus, ShanghaiDate: March 4, 2014Time: 6:30pmVenue: Shanghai, ChinaRegistration: Closed event for members of the China Business Club

Roadshow – Think Asia, Think Hong KongTopic: Hong Kong – An Ideal Platform to Grow Technology Business in China and AsiaIn partnership with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park and the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in the NetherlandsDate: March 5, 2014Time: 1pm-6pmVenue: Enschede, NetherlandsClick here for Registration

Panel of Experts – Doing Business in ChinaTopic: How to set-up your Business in ChinaIn partnership with the Scottish Development International and the China Britain Business CouncilDate: March 6, 2014Time: 9:30am-1:00pmVenue: The Roxburgh Hotel, Edinburg, ScotlandRegistration: TBC

Shanghai Free Trade Zone, Qianhai and Hong Kong: Competitors or AlliesIn partnership with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in ShanghaiDate: March 28, 2014Time: TBCVenue: Shanghai, ChinaRegistration: TBC

Labor Dispatch in China – The New TrendsIn partnership with the British Chamber of Commerce in ShanghaiDate: April 3, 2014Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pmVenue: Shanghai, ChinaClick here for Registration

Evolution of the 2nd and 3rd Tier Cities in China – What you need to knowIn partnership with the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong KongDate: April 4, 2014Time: 8:00am – 9:30amVenue: The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong KongClick here for Registration

The following are past events:

February 21st 2014 – The China Bites Seminar – Best Practices for your China BusinessThe event is in partnership with UK Trade & Investment North-West
January 17th 2014 – Retail Event - Sell to China: Establishment and Management of a Distribution Network in China“Selling into China”The event is in partnership with The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
December 4 and 5, 2013 - II Congreso – La Inversion Empresarial China – Europe: Aspectos juridicos y economicos
Topic: “Implantacion en China: Consejos practicos”In partnership with Universitat Rovira I Virgili

November 18, 2013 - E-Commerce Potentials in China and East Asia
In partnership with Bluecom Group & Magento Inc.

November 13th 2013 - Workshop Marketing & Sales: 
“E-Commerce is taking over China – What you need to know”
In partnership with the German Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai

November 11th 2013 – Briefing seminar with Canadian delegationThe event is in partnership with the Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
November 7th 2013 – “Doing Business in China for SMEs – Selling in China: a practical approach”The event is in partnership with the Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce
November 4th 2013 – Lunch seminar with UK delegationThe event is in partnership with the UKTI
October 30, 2013 - Hong Kong: Gateway to China – Practical tips on doing business in China and Hong KongIn partnership with the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands
October 17, 2013 - The SME China Forum 2013Topic: Professional services panel Q&A: Legal, taxation, banking, IP, E-Commerce
In partnership with the China-Britain Business Council

October 3rd 2013 – “Holding Jurisdictions for Investments in China”The event is in partnership with STEP Benelux
September 25th 2013 – “Hongkong: duftender Hafen statt stinkende Hauptstadt”Topic: Hongkong – Ihr Marktplatz fur den ChinahandelThe event is in partnership with Chinaforum Bayern and InvestHK
September 18th 2013 – “Hong Kong – Business Platform to China”The event is in partnership with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
September 16th 2013 – “Evolution of the 2nd and 3rd Tier Cities in China – What you need to know”The event is in partnership with the China Committee of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong
September 13th 2013 – “E-Commerce in China – What you need to know”The event is in partnership with the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
September 10th 2013 – “E-Commerce in China – What you need to know”The event is in partnership with the British Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
September 5th 2013 – “Evolution of the 2nd & 3rd Tier Cities in China – What you need to know”The event is in partnership with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
September 3rd 2013 – “Successful Tax Structures & Strategies for SME’s and Entrepreneurs”The event is in partnership with the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
July 3rd 2013 – “Cómo optimizar sus operaciones en China”
The event is in partnership with Amec 

June 27th 2013 – “E-Commerce a la Xina: Solucions per entrat al mercat més gran del món”
The event is in partnership with the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce

May 15th 2013 – “Your China Sales Program: Demystifying the Process”
The event is in partnership with the International Trade Association of Greater Chicago

April 23rd 2013 – “VAT Pilot Reform: Experiences & Expansion – How to seize opportunities and meet the challenges”
The event is in partnership with the German Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

April 16th 2013 – “The Best Place to do Business in Asia - A comparison over 3 jurisdictions in the RegionThe event is in partnership with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
March 15th 2013 – “China Business workshop – Mississauga: Forming an entity in Hong Kong and China”
The event is in partnership with the Canada China Business Council

March 11th 2013 – “China Business workshop – Vancouver: How to sell into China – Market entry strategies”
The event is in partnership with the Canada China Business Council

February 18th 2013 – “Incoterms and How to sell in China”
The event is in partnership with AFYDAD, Spain

February 7th 2013 – “China human Resources – Trend and Challenges”
The event is in partnership with the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

February 5th 2013 – “Singapore vs Hong Kong – Who is the best partner”
The event is in partnership with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

January 31st 2013 – “E-Commerce in China – What you need to know”
The event is in partnership with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong


Klako Group is interested in participating in roadshows which are organized in conjunction with government organizations and partners, such as law firms, accounting firms, international consultants whereby we can complement each other’s strengths and promote the countries of China, Hong Kong and Singapore. Should you be interested in participating or co-organizing such events, please do not hesitate to contact us at 

The following are upcoming events:

Previous roadshows in 2012 included:

March 22nd 2012 - HKTDC Outreach Seminar Program - Cologne, Germany
This event was in partnership with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

March 20th 2012 - HKTDC Outreach Seminar Program - Stuttgart, Germany
This event was in partnership with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

March 15th 2012 - HKTDC Outreach Seminar Program - Lyon, France
This event was in partnership with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

March 13th 2012 - HKTDC Outreach Seminar Program - Paris, France
This event was in partnership with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.


Evolution of the 2nd and 3rd Tier Cities in China - What you need to know

First 15-20 minutes is for networking
Light Breakfast included

Hosted by the China Business Committee 

What is the Chinese market? Companies that have entered China over the last 5 to 10 years initially saw China as a whole - as one distinct market and began their operations in the comfortable and “easy” Tier 1 cities of China. However, this was a common mistake that foreign investors made when entering China for the first time. As China’s old-hands would say, “China is a patchwork of regional markets at various stages of economic development. These markets are bound together as one nation and yet separated by differences in government, communication challenges, regional rivalries and poor infrastructure.” This is the reality of the Chinese market and any company looking to enter or expand must be aware and prepared to deal with this reality if they want to be successful.

During this presentation, Anik Tremblay will highlight the opportunities and challenges that foreign companies face when deciding on their expansion strategies in China. What are the up and rising cities to invest in? Are there government incentive plans still in operation? Whatever happened to the “Go West” incentive campaign and are there still advantages? And what are newcomers doing to beat their existing competitors that are already in the China market?
Anik Tremblay
Business Development Manager – Asia, Klako Group
User-added image
With over 10 years of international experience, Anik Tremblay has lived in Canada, Malaysia, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil and now in Hong Kong working for local and international companies. Her extensive experience abroad has given her the opportunity to better understand the complexity and challenges of doing business on an international level. Over the years, she has been involved in numerous international projects including establishing companies abroad, developing new markets, introducing new products and negotiating international transactions. Based in Hong Kong, Anik is responsible for developing and maintaining the relationships with strategic partners and clients in Asia, Europe and the Americas. 

Anik is fluent in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. She has a MBA in Marketing from the Université Laval in Canada. She also holds a Certificate in Strategic Marketing Management from the Tecnológico de Monterrey – Campus Guayaquil and a Bachelor degree in International Management from the University of Lethbridge in Canada.

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