Wednesday, December 26, 2018


ancient practice
南宋洪邁《夷堅甲志》卷第十 四《蔡主簿治寸白》,記述蔡定夫的 兒子蔡積康,為寸白蟲所苦。有位醫 生開了這樣一副藥:將檳榔碾壓成細 末,用長在東邊向陽的石榴樹的根煎 湯,兩者一起調服喝。而且,吃藥前 ,要做一件事:將一大塊烤熟的肥豬 肉放到口中,只讓肉汁流入喉嚨,但 不吃下去。這則藥方,也載於楊氏的《集 驗》方中。蔡定夫到京城臨安去遊歷 ,告訴錢仲本,希望這一藥方能廣為 傳播,治療更多的寸白蟲病人。 用肥豬肉引誘寸白,不算歪招 ,古人常用,比如炒雞引蚰蜒、雞卵 大黃治蜈蛤入口(明代陸蓉《菽園雜 記》)。 寸白蟲,就是縧蟲,古代的一 種常見病,長一寸,色白,形小褊, 故名。按現代醫學解釋,因食不熟而 染有囊蟲的豬牛肉而感染。 我小時候,肚子痛,母親去藥 店買來寶塔糖,吃下,拉出一堆蟲, 長長的。
- disputes

  • 印度申請流傳於喜馬拉雅山地區、被稱為「索瓦禮格帕」(Sowa-Rigpa)的藏醫系統為世界人類非物質文化遺產,惟中方早於去年已將該系統中的藏醫「藥浴法」在聯合國教科文組織成功申遺,結果令兩國爭持不下。分析指,雙方爭奪遺產,主要原因為藏醫帶來的國際聲望和潛在的巨大商業開發利益。印度傳媒周一(25日)引述匿名政府官員指,印度已與聯合國教科文組織聯繫,希望把流傳於錫金、與中國有領土爭端的阿魯納恰爾邦(中國稱藏南)、西孟加拉邦大吉嶺、喜馬偕爾邦和拉達克地區的「索瓦禮格帕」古老藏醫系統,列為印度的非物質文化遺產。該名官員指,阿育吠陀部與外交部密切合作,印度駐聯合國代表團也正依據阿育吠陀部提供的文件和證據,希望將「索瓦禮格帕」列為印度的世界非物質文化遺產。
La médecine tropicale est comme son nom l’indique une branche de la médecine consacrée aux affections typiques des zones tropicales (les « maladies tropicales »).Il y a toujours eu des remèdes locaux et pratiques médicales spécifiques aux zones tropicalesUne spécialité médicale scientifique et spécifique semble s'être développée hors des zones tropicales elles-mêmes dès le début des grandes explorations, aux époques gréco-romaines, mais surtout en occident au début des grandes périodes de colonisation. Garcia da Orta (1500-1568) en est ainsi considéré comme un précurseur, en tant qu’auteur du premier traité de médecine tropicale, au xvie siècleUne grande attention sera ensuite portée à cette spécialité par les armées coloniales (il existait par exemple en France un service de santé des troupes coloniales, disposant déjà à Marseille d’une école d’application, dite "École du Pharo"). Au xixe siècle, les domaines en plein développement de l’hygiène et la santé publique s'y intéressent aussi mais ce sont les hôpitaux militaires qui ont le plus de moyens pour travailler sur ces sujets. En 1907, Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran fonde en France la 'Société de Pathologie Exotique' qu'il dirigera durant 12 ans. Grâce à son prix Nobel de physiologie et de médecine (récompensant ses recherches sur les protozoaires comme agents infectieux), il créera à l'institut Pasteur un laboratoire "des maladies tropicales" où convergeront des données de parasitologie humaine, échantillons et observations venus de toute la planète.Sir Patrick Manson is recognized as the father of tropical medicine. He founded the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in 1899. He is credited with discovering the vector by which elephantiasis was being passed to humans. 

Nosology (from Ancient Greek νόσος (nosos), meaning 'disease', and -λογία (-logia), meaning 'study of-') is the branch of medical science that deals with the classification of diseasesDiseases may be classified by cause, pathogenesis (mechanism by which the disease is caused), or by symptom(s). Alternatively, diseases may be classified according to the organ system involved, though this is often complicated since many diseases affect more than one organ. A chief difficulty in nosology is that diseases often cannot be defined and classified clearly, especially when cause or pathogenesis are unknown. Thus diagnostic terms often only reflect a symptom or set of symptoms (syndrome). Traditionally diseases were defined as syndromes by their symptoms. When more information is available, they are also defined by the damage they produce. When cause is known, they are better defined by their cause, though still important are their characteristics.Ancient medical treatises had a variety of different ways of classifying and grouping illnesses. Chinese texts like the Huangdi Neijing categorized diseases by which of the atmospheric influences was believed to be responsible for them. Many ancient Greek, Mesopotamian, Roman, and Egyptian authors categorized diseases by the body parts they affected, while others divided diseases into acute or chronic illnesses. Mental disorders were classified into categories like mania and paranoia by Hippocrates, and this system was utilized by later authors like Najib ad-Din Samarqandi.In the 17th century, the English physician Thomas Sydenham was the first to propose a syndrome-based classification of diseases. For Sydenham a disease and a syndrome were equivalent concepts. In the 18th century, the taxonomist Carl Linnaeus, Francois Boissier de Sauvages, and psychiatrist Philippe Pinel developed an early classification of physical illnesses. In the late 19th century, Emil Kraepelin and then Jacques Bertillon developed their own nosologies. Bertillon's work, classifying causes of death, was a precursor of the modern code system, the International Classification of Diseases.

Scurvy is the name of a disease resulting from a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Early symptoms of deficiency include weakness, feeling tired, and sore arms and legs. Without treatment, decreased red blood cells, gum disease, changes to hair, and bleeding from the skin may occur. As scurvy worsens there can be poor wound healing, personality changes, and finally death from infection or bleeding.

public health
- history
  • 十八世紀的旅遊指南曾記載,巴黎有一半的人口一生從未洗過澡,這樣造成了歐洲人體味問題十分嚴重。體味熏人的副產品是歐洲人因之發明了香水。香水的另一好處據說是能夠防病。歐洲黑死病肆虐的時候,人們偶然發現製造香水的人或可免於疫病。傳說十七世紀英國有個叫做伯克勒斯伯的小鎮是一個薰衣草交易中心。早期香水用薰衣草等花香精油製造;因為黑死病靠跳蚤傳播,而薰衣草具有天然的驅蟲作用,所以小鎮無人患黑死病。另外,香水多用易揮發的酒精稀釋構成,酒精亦有殺毒作用。 到了文藝復興前期歐洲工商業有了發展,這造成人口大量湧入城市,而城市基礎設施建設卻極度落後。這當然引起了疫病不絕。舉令人聞之色變的黑死病為例,它從一三四八年開始爆發一直延續了四百年直到一六七九年才慢慢被控制。此期間歐洲大約有三分之一人口死於此病。上面說的城市骯髒、衛生習慣差、不洗澡等是致病的根源。 考察英文「衛生」一詞的創造和發展,可以給我們勾勒出歐洲疫病史的線索。英文中有三個詞來表述「衛生」。第一個詞是sanitation。它起源很晚,其意指疏通下水道以保持人們生活健康。據考它最早被創設於一七二一年,詞根源於拉丁文。第二個英文詞是hygiene,詞根是希臘文,源於希臘神話中掌管清潔和健康的女神Hygieia,後來被喻指衛生和保健。這個詞最早在一六七一年出現。從上面兩個詞的詞根看,它們出現得都很晚,到了十七至十八世紀間才被應用,而且它們的字義和概念還都是淵源於古代希臘和羅馬的。 英文裏「衛生」的另一個詞是「health」。但它的本意是「醫治、治療」;據說源自heal,它出現在中世紀歐洲。只有前面加上public即「公共」詞義時才跟城市衛生有關。 由上面英語「衛生」一詞來源看,它作為一種理念和制度在西方出現是很晚的。 雖然西方城市衛生概念出現較晚,但由於實踐需要,逼得歐洲人創造出了一些公共醫學上的範例。比如說,現在全世界都認為最有效防止疫病傳播的隔離制度,就是意大利最早發明並實行的。那是在一三七七年黑死病氾濫時,一個叫拉古薩的小公國嚴防疫區人員進入。它規定所有商旅和水手必須在臨近的小島隔離三十天才能進關。後來它又把隔離期延長到了四十天(Quarantina)。這個術語就成了今天醫學名詞「隔離」(Quarantine)一詞的淵源。
  • Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis[A] (German: [ˈɪɡnaːts ˈzɛml̩vaɪs]HungarianSemmelweis Ignác Fülöp; 1 July 1818 – 13 August 1865) was a Hungarian physician and scientist, now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. Described as the "saviour of mothers",[2]Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever (also known as "childbed fever") could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics. Puerperal fever was common in mid-19th-century hospitals and often fatal. Semmelweis proposed the practice of washing hands with chlorinated lime solutions in 1847 while working in Vienna General Hospital's First Obstetrical Clinic, where doctors' wards had three times the mortality of midwives' wards.[3] He published a book of his findings in Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever.
Alma-Ata was the host city for a 1978 international conference on Primary Health Care where the Alma Ata Declaration was adopted, marking a paradigm shift in global public health.
- ?????

  • 由二百一十六名醫護人員組成的古巴醫療團隊,前日抵達南非支援抗疫,古巴目前已向全球派出二十多個支援醫療團隊。南非衞生部長姆希齊表示,古巴的優勢在於社區衞生良好,南非希望借鑑這種模式。為表謝意,南非在古巴返航飛機上裝滿醫療物資。古巴近數十年來不斷輸出醫護人員前往他國抗疫防災,換取外匯收入,收益遠高於旅遊業與糖業收入。
- toilet
  • Vespasian built public pay toilets. His son Titus complained: “Why do we have to raise revenue from such an odious way?” Vespasian held some coins under his nose and said: “Money doesn't stink.” In Spain & Italy a pay toilet is called vespasiano.
  • in 1391 the Chinese invent toilet paper for use by their emperors (ming dynasty)
An oshibori (おしぼり or お絞り), or hot towel in English, is a wet hand towel offered to customers in places such as restaurants or bars, and used to clean one's hands before eating. Oshibori have long been part of hospitality culture in Japan: in the Tale of Genji era, it was used for visitors; during the Edo period it was used in hatago; later, it started to be used in many restaurants.[2] It eventually spread to worldwide use. Cold oshibori are used in summer, and hot oshibori in winter. In Japan, October 29 has been observed as the day of oshibori since 2004.

clinical quality
- [history of st paul's hospital] in 1997, the department of health of uk published a white paper to discuss the responsibility of healthcare organisations within its NHS on clinical quality.  Taking reference to the term corporate governance uased in the business world, a new term of clincial governance was introduced, and made part of the responsibility of hospital boards.  In 1999, the institute of medicine in usa published another report to raise awarenewss that traditional systems of quality assurance by healthcare professionals themselves may not be adequate.  The phenomenon of information asymmetry in healthcare also brought up discussions.

children specific institution
上海交通大學醫學院附屬上海兒童醫學中心,簡稱上海兒童醫學中心兒中心,又稱上海紅十字兒童醫學中心,是位於中國上海市的一所三級甲等兒童專科醫院,是上海市人民政府美國世界健康基金會Project HOPE合作建設的公立醫院,上海交通大學醫學院的直屬附屬醫院。該院與復旦大學附屬兒科醫院共同組成了國家兒童醫學中心(上海)  est 1988
  • 沈曉明今年57歲,曾出任上海兒童醫學中心院長 取代劉賜貴,出任海南省委書記

healthcare plan
Healthcare in all industrialised countries, except the US, is “free at point of delivery”—that is, it is paid for by taxes. It is cheaper, more efficient, and all residents of the country are covered. (European countries usually pay about 50% of what the US pays, per capita. A big part of the savings is in bureaucracy: we never have to keep track of who pays for what. Another is economy of scale.) There is usually a small fee per visit, just to deter frivolous visits—about $20 in my county. You can’t come here and just get access to it, though. As I mentioned above, it’s only for residents. If you come here travelling, you must see to it that you have proper insurance. You will be treated at the ER with no questions asked, if you need it, but it will have to be paid afterwards. Residency in Europe is only marginally easier to get than a US Green Card.
Socialized medicine is a term used in the United States to describe and discuss systems of universal health care: medical and hospital care for all at a nominal cost by means of government regulation of health care and subsidies derived from taxation. Because of historically negative associations with socialism in American culture, the term is usually used pejoratively in American political discourse. The term was first widely used in the United States by advocates of the American Medical Association in opposition to President Harry S. Truman's 1947 health-care initiative.
  • The original meaning was confined to systems in which the government operates health care facilities and employs health care professionals. This narrower usage would apply to the British National Health Service hospital trusts and health systems that operate in other countries as diverse as Finland, Spain, Israel, and Cuba. The United States Veterans Health Administration and the medical departments of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force, would also fall under this narrow definition. When used in that way, the narrow definition permits a clear distinction from single payer health insurance systems, in which the government finances health care but is not involved in care delivery. More recently, American conservative critics of health care reform have attempted to broaden the term by applying it to any publicly funded system. Canada's Medicare system and most of the UK's NHS general practitioner and dental services, which are systems where health care is delivered by private business with partial or total government funding, fit the broader definition, as do the health care systems of most of Western Europe. In the United States, Medicare, Medicaid, and the US military's TRICARE fall under that definition. In specific regard to military benefits of a (currently) volunteer military, such care is an owed benefit to a specific group as part of an economic exchange, which muddies the definition yet further. Most industrialized countries and many developing countries operate some form of publicly funded health care with universal coverage as the goal. According to the Institute of Medicineand others, the United States is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not provide universal health care. The term is often used by conservatives in the U.S. to imply that the privately run health care system would become controlled by the government, thereby associating it with socialism, which has negative connotations to some people in American political culture. As such, its usage is controversial, and at odds with the views of conservatives in other countries prepared to defend socialized medicine such as Margaret Thatcher.
  • When the term "socialized medicine" first appeared in the United States in the early 1900s, it bore no negative connotations. Otto P. Geier, chairman of the Preventive Medicine Section of the American Medical Association, was quoted in The New York Times in 1917 as praising socialized medicine as a way to "discover disease in its incipiency," help end "venereal diseases, alcoholism, tuberculosis," and "make a fundamental contribution to social welfare." However, by the 1930s, the term socialized medicine was routinely used negatively by conservative opponents of publicly funded health care who wished to imply it represented socialism, and by extension, communism. Universal health care and national health insurance were first proposed by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. President Franklin D. Roosevelt later championed it, as did Harry S. Truman as part of his Fair Deal and many others. Truman announced before describing his proposal that: "This is not socialized medicine".
  • steven cheung's 冷靜看世界 mentioned canada's socialised medicine program as an example of failure
- usa
  • 網購巨人亞馬遜、股神巴菲特投資旗艦巴郡及以市值計美國最大銀行摩根大通2018年宣布合營一家非牟利醫療公司,冀推動員工醫療服務改革及降低成本。但這家名為Haven Health的醫療公司未能收穫豐碩成果,並將於下月底停止營運。
  • arkansas case
    • economist 16feb19 "arkansas experiment" the first state to put work requirements on health insurance for the poor with worrying results
  • people involved
  • Jonathan Holmes Gruber (born September 30, 1965) is an American professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he has taught since 1992.[5] He is also the director of the Health Care Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research, where he is a research associate. An associate editor of both the Journal of Public Economics and the Journal of Health Economics, Gruber has been heavily involved in crafting public health policy. He has been described as a key architect[6] of both the 2006 Massachusetts health care reform, sometimes referred to as "Romneycare", and the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, sometimes referred to as the "ACA" and "Obamacare". He became the focus of a media and political firestorm in late 2014 when videos surfaced in which he made controversial statements about the legislative process, marketing strategies, and public perception surrounding the passage of the ACA.
- canada
  • Health regions, also called health authorities, are a governance model used by Canada's provincial governments to administer and deliver public health care to all Canadian residents.Health care is designated a provincial responsibility under the separation of powers in Canada's federal system. Most health regions or health authorities are organized along geographic boundaries, however, some are organized along operational lines.

  • economist 15feb2020 justin trudeau's drug problem - voters want free medicines. how to pay for them?
- italy
  • In Italy healthcare is a regional responsibility, and for the past 20 years Lombardy has been restricting public healthcare and favouring private healthcare. This caused an increase in the healthcare costs in Lombardy while not offering appreciably better performances. In particularly the most healthcare provisions, such as GPs and local hospitals have suffered a long string of cuts and seen their effectiveness greatly reduced.
- netherlands
  •   note that huisartsen is general practitiioner
- china
  • Chinese tech giants including e-commerce company Alibaba, search engine Baidu, on-demand delivery company Meituan Dianping, ride-hailing operator Didi Chuxing and smartphone maker Xiaomi now offer more affordable health care plans via mutual aid platforms, which operate as a collective claim-sharing mechanism.Unlike other crowdfunding platforms where people raise funds for specific projects with certain amounts of money, participants of mutual aid platforms share the cost of a claim only when it has been verified – so a 1,000 yuan claim for medical treatment by a person would end up as a cost of 1 yuan each for a pool of 1,000 people in a mutual aid scheme. Platform operators typically charge a fee to members when collecting for a claim.Launched in October 2018, Xiang Hu Bao, which literally means “mutual protection”, is now the country’s largest online mutual aid platform, attracting over 100 million users in less than two years. Available within the Alipay app, it provides a basic health plan to protect participants against 100 kinds of critical illnesses.
- thailand

  • Thailand will at the end of the month impose a health insurance policy on foreigners in the “risky” over-50 age group, so the government does not have to pick up their medical bills, a minister said on Wednesday. The rule takes effect at the end of the month to ensure the visitors can afford treatment during a maximum one-year stay and the government does not have to foot the bill, said Sathit Pitutecha, deputy minister of public health. Thailand, a Southeast Asian tourist destination popular with ageing Westerners, currently has to pay around 500 million baht (US$16.49 million) a year in medical bills for foreigners over 50, an age group the government describes as “risky”, Sathit said.
- philippines

  • The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) was created in 1995 to implement universal health coverage in the Philippines. It is a tax-exempt, government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) of the Philippines, and is attached to the Department of Health. It's stated goal is to "ensure a sustainable national health insurance program for all", according to the company. In 2010, it claimed to have achieved "universal" coverage at 86% of the population, although the 2008 National Demographic Health Survey showed that only 38 percent of respondents were aware of at least one household member being enrolled in PhilHealth. Nevertheless, this social insurance program provides a means for the healthy to pay for the care of the sick and for those who can afford medical care to subsidize those who cannot. Both local[3] and national governments allocate funds to subsidize the indigent.The Philippine Medical Care Program began in 1971 following the Philippine Medical Care Act of 1969.[14] It mandated creation of the Philippine Medical Care Commission (PMCC). In 1990, bills were passed that led to significant improvement of public health care insurance. House Bill 14225 and Senate Bill 01738 became Republic Act 7875, known as "The National Health Insurance Act of 1995". Approved by President Fidel Ramos on February 14, 1995, this become the basis of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation. On its 16th anniversary, the song "PhilHealth: Tapat na Serbisyo, Tapat na Benepisyo, Lahat Panalo" was introduced.

- Bimaristan is a Persian word (بیمارستان bīmārestān) meaning "hospital", with Bimar- from Middle Persian (Pahlavi) of vīmār or vemār, meaning "sick" plus -stan as location and place suffix. In the medieval Islamic world, the word "Bimaristan" was used to indicate a hospitalwhere the ill were welcomed and cared for by qualified staff. Many hospitals were developed during the early Islamic era. They were called Bimaristan, which is a Persian word meaning "house [or place] of the sick." The idea of a hospital being a place for the care of sick people was taken from the early Caliphs. The bimaristan is seen as early as the time of the Prophet Muhammad, and the Prophet's mosque in the city ofMadinah held the first Muslim hospital service in its courtyard. During the Ghazwah Khandaq (the Battle of the Trench), Muhammad came across wounded soldiers and he ordered a tent be assembled to provide medical care. Over time, Caliphs and rulers expanded traveling bimaristans to include doctors and pharmacists. Umayyad Caliph Al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malik is often credited with building the first bimaristan in Damascus in 707 AD. The bimaristan had a staff of salaried physicians and a well equipped dispensary. It treated the blind, lepers and other disabled people, and also separated those patients with leprosy from the rest of the ill. Some consider this bimaristan no more than a lepersoria because it only segregated patients with leprosy. The first true Islamic hospital was built during the reign of Caliph Harun al-Rashid. The Caliph invited the son of chief physician, Jabril ibn Bukhtishu to head the new Baghdad bimaristan. It quickly achieved fame and led to the development of other hospitals in Baghdad.

介護(かいご、nursing, elderly care)とは、障害者の生活支援をすること。あるいは高齢者・病人などを介抱し世話をすること。本で「介護」という言葉が法令上で確認されるのは、1892年の陸軍軍人傷痍疾病恩給等差例からであり、介護は施策としてではなく、恩給の給付基準としての概念であった。「介護」という言葉が主体的に使われるようになったのは、1970年代後半からの障害者による公的介護保障の要求運動からである。それ以前の「『障害者の面倒を見るのは親がやって当り前』という社会の考え方からでは障害者は施設に追いやられる」という危機感からそのような運動が発生した。公的介護保障の要求を受けて、介護人派遣事業が制度化され始めたのは1980年代半ばからであるが、障害者にとって保障と呼ぶにはほど遠いものであった。地方自治体による高齢者の訪問介護・看護事業は1960年代より始まったが、理念的には家族介護への支えであって、その考え方は現在でも受け継がれている。医療クオリティ・オブ・ライフ(Quality of life・QOL)の考えが普及すると、介護にも導入され、介護によって病人、高齢者のQOLを高め、QOLのさらなる向上に貢献することもまた介護の目的とされている。介護保険法支援費支給制度により障害者が在宅介護や施設介護のサービスを また、介護を行う介護福祉士訪問介護員等の介護職や、介護サービスの利用の調整を図る介護支援専門員は、名称独占資格専門職であるが仕事の肉体的・精神的負荷が大きく、仕事の難易度の高さや負荷の大きさや低賃金のため、恒常的な労働力不足の状況である。
- 墨田区内にあるオムツ会社フットマーク株式会社が、日本で初めて公に使用し、商標登録した言葉である。

organ donation
- 「2017中國-國際器官捐獻大會」16日在廣州舉行。據悉,自中國開展公民器官捐獻至今,共有519位香港居民通過「中國人體器官分配與共享計算機系統」在內地接受器官移植。截至今年六月,本港器官移植等候人數仍有近3,000人。該項目負責人王海波建議,香港宜借鑒澳門經驗,加快和內地簽署器官分配與共享協議,緩解香港器官短缺的困境。

organ transplant
- Doctors performed 4,818 transplants last year, including 2,994 kidney transplants, according to the health ministry's National Transplant Organisation (ONT). That means there were 43.4 organ donors per million inhabitants last year, a world record, up from 40.2 donors in 2015. By comparison in the United States there were just 28.2 donors per million inhabitants in 2015, 28.1 in France and 10.9 in Germany, according to the Council of Europe.
- 英國國家衞生事務局(NHS)近日開綠燈,引入「體外灌流技術」(Machine Perfusion),主要用於肝臟移植手術,把移植肝臟的保存期由八小時大幅延長至廿四小時,增加肝臟存活率,料有數千名英國病人將受惠。
- 日本大阪大學周四宣布,該校的研究團隊在上月廿五日,把一片由人類誘導多功能幹細胞(iPS細胞)培植出來的眼角膜,成功移植到一名四十多歲幾近失明的女病人左眼,令她視力改善,成為全球首宗同類臨床手術例子。
- 日本神戶市立神戶眼科中心醫院前日宣布,成功用多功能幹細胞(iPS)製作的視細胞,移植至視網膜色素變性綜合症患者的視網膜上,是全球首例。該名患者的視力雖預料不會有大幅改善,但卻有望成為有關治療方法的奠基石。

- 美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)上周四表示,用於胰腺和膽管診症的傳統十二指腸鏡,多次重用及不易消毒清潔,可能導致病人交叉感染甚至傳播可致命的耐抗生素惡菌,因此建議醫療機構逐步轉用風險較低的新款腸鏡,而生產商應推出不可重用的腸鏡。

  • 醫療設備生產商Pentax曾向美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)提交報告,指俄克拉何馬州一間醫院由去年至今年六月,在近一千宗醫療程序使用四個受細菌污染的胃鏡。Pentax指院方沒有跟足指引清潔胃鏡,FDA亦認同此說法,將繼續與生產商及院方商討。

- economist 14mar2020 "ravages of time" throughout history, pandemics have had profound economic effects
- change of habit
  • 人們在誤打 誤撞下,透過健康的飲食改善了自身的 免疫力。 誤打誤撞的例子還不只一個,自肥皂愈 來愈普及和更易取得,人們變得更會使用 肥皂去清潔身體。愈清潔的身體愈不利於 跳蚤的繁殖,這並不是人們使用肥皂的原 意,但卻是個防疫的最好方法。 隨着經濟發展,衣服的生產成本下降 且產量增加,人們更容易買到衣服作替 換和清洗,富有一點的家庭甚至可以像 現代人一樣,把整個衣櫃的衣服都換 掉,結果就是物質生活改善帶來了更好 的防疫效果。
  • 習近平首先來到市區東部的醫聖祠,了 解 「醫聖」 張仲景生平及其對中醫藥發展作 出的貢獻。出生在南陽的張仲景,習近平總書記來到南陽月季博覽 園,這裏也是目前國內最大的月季主題遊 園。南陽月季博覽園由名貴月季品種展示 園、藤本月季造型園、古樁月季園等組成, 佔地1300餘畝。自2010年10月建成以來, 月季博覽園共接待國內外遊客300多萬人 次。在月季博覽園,總書記考察當地依託月 季資源優勢發展特色產業,帶動群眾就業等 情況。 下午,習近平來到南陽藥益寶艾草製品 有限公司,了解發展艾草產業,帶動群眾就 業等情況。 藥益寶公司現在已經發展為艾製品生產 研發、科技創新、線上線下銷售為一體的全 產業鏈實體企業,去年實現產值8000餘萬 元,其中電商銷售額2000萬元。這家公司同 時也是當地的扶貧就業基地,近年來安置低 保戶、殘疾人、下崗職工等各類從業人員 200餘人,輻射帶動附近村民3000多人就近 就業。

- 首次鼠疫大爆發發生在公元六世紀,起源於中東,並向歐洲、北非等地傳播,持續五、六十年,估計死亡人數達一億,其中東羅馬帝國近半人口死於鼠疫。
The Black Death, also known as the Great Plague, the Black Plague, or the Plague, was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia and peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351. The bacteriumYersinia pestis, which results in several forms of plague, is believed to have been the cause. The Black Death was the first major European outbreak of plague, and the second plague pandemic. The plague created a series of religious, social and economic upheavals, which had profound effects on the course of European historyThe Black Death is thought to have originated in the dry plains of Central Asia, where it travelled along the Silk Road, reaching Crimea by 1343.[6] From there, it was most likely carried by Oriental rat fleas living on the black rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships, spreading throughout the Mediterranean Basin and Europe. The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30–60% of Europe's total population.[7] In total, the plague may have reduced the world population from an estimated 450 million down to 350–375 million in the 14th century.[8] It took 200 years for the world population to recover to its previous level.
  • The plague disease, caused by Yersinia pestis, is enzootic (commonly present) in populations of fleas carried by ground rodents, including marmots, in various areas including Central AsiaKurdistanWestern AsiaNorth India and Uganda. Due to climate change in Asia, rodents began to flee the dried out grasslands to more populated areas, spreading the disease.[12] Nestorian graves dating to 1338–1339 near Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan have inscriptions referring to plague and are thought by many epidemiologists to mark the outbreak of the epidemic, from which it could easily have spread to China and India. In October 2010, medical geneticists suggested that all three of the great waves of the plague originated in China. The 13th-century Mongol conquest of China caused a decline in farming and trading. However, economic recovery had been observed at the beginning of the fourteenth century. In the 1330s, a large number of natural disasters and plagues led to widespread famine, starting in 1331, with a deadly plague arriving soon after.[15] Epidemics that may have included plague killed an estimated 25 million Chinese and other Asians during the fifteen years before it reached Constantinople in 1347. The disease may have travelled along the Silk Road with Mongol armies and traders or it could have come via ship. By the end of 1346, reports of plague had reached the seaports of Europe: "India was depopulated, Tartary, Mesopotamia, Syria, Armenia were covered with dead bodies".
  • barrel dance
  • The tradition of the Schäfflertanz dates back to the year 1517 when Munich was suffering the plague. Almost half of the city’s 20,000 inhabitants had succumbed to the dreaded disease. When the Plague abated, the Schäffler (coopers, or barrel-makers) journeymen, took it upon themselves to renew the sense of joie de vivre among the people of Munich by dancing through the streets with hoops wrapped in greens, accompanied by lively music. As Munich’s residents heard the commotion, shutters opened, faces appeared ant they slowly but surely decided it was once again safe to go out into the streets. In addition to the rousing dance, the Schäffler clowned with the crowds, bringing smiles to those who had suffered so much grief.The Schäfflertanz evolved into its present-day form about 130 years ago. Twenty-five participants, including twenty dancers, two Reifenschwinger (hoop twirlers), two Kasperln (clowns) and one Fähnrich (flag-bearer) perform the dance throughout the city during the Fasching season. The dancers perform seven different figures, many of them very intricate. In their gay costumes and buckle shoes, they are a colourful spectacle. The shoes, by the way, are specially made for the dancers and generally have to be resoled at least once during the season. The clowns, in addition to mingling among the crowds and creating a festive mood, are also responsible for the props which include the hoops of fir greens, a staff topped by a golden ball, a hammer, and of course, a barrel. The Reifenschwinger has perhaps the most difficult job. He holds a wooden hoop with an indentation on the inside rim for a small glass filled with wine. Standing on the keg in the middle of the circle of the dancers, he twirls his hoop over his head and between his legs, being careful, of course, not to spill one drop of wine from the glass. At the end of his performance, he drinks the wine and tosses the glass over his shoulder where one of the
    clowns catches in his cap.
  • new version?
  • 俄羅斯西伯利亞一對夫婦近日前往蒙古巴彥烏列蓋省旅遊,期間曾進食生鼠肉及內臟,結果先後感染俗稱黑死病的腺鼠疫,雙雙身亡。當地政府宣布該省隔離防疫,禁止到訪的外國遊客出境,至周一再作通知。衞生部門表示,三十八歲男死者上月廿七日外出獵殺土撥鼠,並與三十七歲的懷孕妻子一同分吃。男子同日稍後身亡,妻子亦在三天後離世,兩人確診患上腺鼠疫,遺下四名兩至十三歲孩子。巴彥烏列蓋省另有一百五十八人因直接或間接接觸過患病夫婦,需接受醫學觀察。, also wenwei 6may19 a24
- The Sweating Disease, or English Sweating Disease, is literally a sweating illness. It’s very deadly and a person, once afflicted, sweats to death within 24 hours.
- outbreak in london in 1603 (mentioned in the book East India company which delayed the second voyage of the company)
- a black death in 1643??

  • according to globus (a guided tour prospectus), in 1643 black death swept all of europe, decimating its population.  Oberammergau remained untouched until a homesick villager returned one night, unknowingly bringing with him the dreaded plague.  Almost 100 villagers died as a result.  The frightened survivors vowed that once every ten years, as an act of faith, they would reenact the agony and crucifixion of christ.
  • Santa Maria della Salute (English: Saint Mary of Health), commonly known simply as the Salute, is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica located at Punta della Dogana in the Dorsoduro sestiere of the city of Venice, Italy. It stands on the narrow finger of Punta della Dogana, between the Grand Canal and the Giudecca Canal, at the Bacino di San Marco, making the church visible when entering the Piazza San Marco from the water. The Salute is part of the parish of the Gesuati and is the most recent of the so-called plague churches. In 1630, Venice experienced an unusually devastating outbreak of the plague. As a votive offering for the city's deliverance from the pestilence, the Republic of Venice vowed to build and dedicate a church to Our Lady of Health (or of Deliverance, Italian: Salute). The church was designed in the then fashionable baroque style by Baldassare Longhena, who studied under the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi. Construction began in 1631. Most of the objects of art housed in the church bear references to the Black DeathThe dome of the Salute was an important addition to the Venice skyline and soon became emblematic of the city, inspiring artists like Canaletto, J. M. W. Turner, John Singer Sargent, and the Venetian artist Francesco GuardiBeginning in the summer of 1630, a wave of the plague assaulted Venice, and until 1631 killed nearly a third of the population. In the city, 46,000 people died whilst in the lagoons the number was far higher, some 94,000.[1] Repeated displays of the sacrament, as well as prayers and processions to churches dedicated to San Rocco and San Lorenzo Giustiniani had failed to stem the epidemic. Echoing the architectural response to a prior assault of the plague (1575–76), when Palladio was asked to design the Redentore church, the Venetian Senate on October 22, 1630, decreed that a new church would be built. It was not to be dedicated to a mere "plague" or patron saint, but to the Virgin Mary, who for many reasons was thought to be a protector of the Republic.

The Great Plague of Seville (1647–1652) was a massive outbreak of disease in Spain that killed up to a quarter of Seville's population. Unlike the plague of 1596–1602, which claimed 600,000 to 700,000 lives, or a little under 8% of the population and initially struck northern and central Spain and Andalusia in the south, the Great Plague, which may have arisen in Algeria, struck the Mediterranean side of Spain first. The coastal city of Valencia was the first city to be hit, losing an estimated 30,000 people. The disease raged through Andalucía, in addition to sweeping the north into Catalonia and Aragon. The coast of Málaga lost upwards of 50,000 people. In Seville, quarantine measures were evaded, ignored, unproposed and/or unenforced[citation needed]. Unsurprisingly, the result was horrific. The city of Seville and its rural districts were thought to have lost 150,000 people—starting with a total population of 600,000. Altogether Spain was thought to have lost 500,000 people, out of a population of slightly fewer than 10,000,000, or nearly 5% of its entire population. This was the greatest, but not the only, plague of 17th century Spain. Not quite twenty-five years later, Spain found itself once again in the grips of a furious plague. For nine years (1676–1685), ebbing and flowing like a great wave, it ravaged all Spain. It struck with especial virulence in the areas of Andalucía and Valencia. The poor harvest of 1682-83 brought with it famine conditions which weakened the exhausted population even further. This last plague of the 17th century, plus the famine that followed in its wake, is estimated to have taken an additional 250,000 lives.
Three great plagues ravaged Spain in the 17th century. They were:
  • The Plague of 1596–1602 (Arrived in Santander by ship from northern Europe, most likely the Netherlands, then spread south through the centre of Castile, reaching Madrid by 1599 and arriving in the southern city of Seville by 1600.)
  • The Plague of 1646–1652 ("The Great Plague of Seville"; believed to have arrived by ship from Algeria, it was spread north by coastal shipping, afflicting towns and their hinterlands along the Mediterranean coast as far north as Barcelona.)
  • The Plague of 1676–1685
The Great Plague, lasting from 1665 to 1666, was the last major epidemic of the bubonic plague to occur in England. Daniel Defoe十 八 世 紀 時 寫 的 《 大 疫 年 日 記 》 (A Journal of the Plague Year),詳細描 述一六六五年的倫敦大瘟疫。
一六七九年維也納大瘟疫,神聖羅馬帝國國王束手無策,只能祈求上帝消災止疫。 兩年前,我曾站在那座二十米高的紀念碑前,望着巴洛克風格華麗澎湃的雕刻藝術,遙想三百四十多年前的人們求助無門的悲哀,高高在上的國王面對瘟疫屠殺式地血洗維也納,束手無策,只能訴諸上帝,那是他們的命之所繫,心之所向。紀念柱是修長的金字塔狀,分三座層。上層的頂端是光芒四射的太陽,金色的鴿子昂揚在正中央,左下方是握着十字架的耶穌,右下方是聖父,他們腳下的浮雲疊疊層層,九品天使散布雲間,姿態各異。紀念柱中座層的正面是卸下王冠的國王,仰望上層的天使,跪求瘟疫遠離;底層的正面則是天使擊敗瘟疫女巫,將她推向地獄。這兩層的左右兩側有巨型金黃色盾形徽章,旁邊的柱身鑲刻許多小浮雕,描繪神創天地、最後晚餐、鼠疫猖獗等景象,另外還有國王的三段拉丁文禱告詞。整座紀念柱以白色大理石為主體,惟頂端的三位一體以耀眼的金黃色象徵其至尊崇高,代表王室的盾徽也以金黃色代表尊貴。瘟疫紀念柱前後經歷數人設計、建造,於一六九三年完成。所在位置的周邊景象經過三百多年的滄海桑田,如今矗立在維也納知名的購物區內,時尚精品名店環伺,人群熙來攘往,眾聲喧嘩。
- cholera in london in 19thc - situation controlled by dr john snow hkej 25feb2021 a17
1830年9月3日普希金来到下诺夫哥罗德州父母的大博尔季诺庄园,准备接收父亲送给他的结婚礼物基斯杰尼奥沃村。普希金和娜塔莉亚·冈察洛娃(Natalya Goncharova)1830年5月就已宣布订婚,但婚礼推迟了整个夏天,如今又出现了一个令人不快的情况——俄国发生霍乱需要检疫隔离。 根据内政部长扎克列夫斯基伯爵的命令实施的检疫隔离使贸易以及整个俄国国内交通陷入瘫痪。尽管作为贵族的普希金有义务(根据扎克列夫斯基的命令应对霍乱疫情采取的措施)按当地贵族领袖的建议接受某个官职帮助应对霍乱,但他坚决拒绝了。相反,1830年10月得知霍乱已扩散到莫斯科时,他曾试图闯入首都去找自己的新娘,得知冈察洛娃已从莫斯科撤离后又返回了博尔季诺。检疫隔离期间或许是普希金最有成果的创作时期。这期间他写完了《叶甫根尼·奥涅金》的第八章和第九章,并在最后一章中回顾了自己的创作;创作了《别尔金故事集》,其中的材料主要是对农民生活的观察。还创作了《小悲剧》以及许多抒情诗。这段时期被称为“博尔季诺之秋”,成为家喻户晓的俄语名句。普希金1830年12月5日才回到莫斯科,当时霍乱疫情已结束,检疫隔离也已取消。
来源:«透视俄罗斯» -
-  Third Pandemic is the designation of a major bubonic plague pandemic that began in Yunnan province in China in 1855. This episode of bubonic plague spread to all inhabited continents, and ultimately more than 12 million people died in India and China, with 10 million people killed in India alone. According to the WHO, the pandemic was considered active until 1959, when worldwide casualties dropped to 200 per year. The name refers to this pandemic being the third major bubonic plague outbreak known to western sources. The first was the Plague of Justinian, which ravaged the Byzantine Empire and surrounding areas from 541 to 542. The second was the Black Death, which killed at least one third of Europe's population in a series of expanding waves of infection from 1346 to 1353. Casualty patterns indicate that waves of this late-19th-century/early-20th-century pandemic may have been from two different sources. The first was primarily bubonic and was carried around the world through ocean-going trade, through transporting infected persons, rats, and cargoes harboring fleas. The second, more virulent strain, was primarily pneumonic in character with a strong person-to-person contagion. This strain was largely confined to Asia, in particular Manchuria and Mongolia.
  •  The bubonic plague was endemic in populations of infected ground rodents in central Asia, and was a known cause of death among migrant and established human populations in that region for centuries; however, an influx of new people due to political conflicts and global trade led to the distribution of this disease throughout the world.
  •  The initial outbreak occurred in Yunnan Province in south-western China in the 1850s. The disease was stable within the province, but was spread due to the Panthay Rebellion. The rebellion displaced local tribes, and also changed animal harvesting practices, leading to greater contact with infected animals. In addition, the rebellion meant that refugees from the conflict moved south, into regions of China with larger populations.[citation needed] The plague went with them, producing an increasing number of casualties. In the city of Canton, beginning in March 1894, the disease killed 60,000 people in a few weeks. Daily water-traffic with the nearby city of Hong Kong rapidly spread the plague. Within two months, after 100,000 deaths, the death rates dropped below epidemic rates, although the disease continued to be endemic in Hong Kong until 1929.
  • [central and western heritage trail map published by antiquities and monuments office] tai ping shan, with its dense population and deplorable sanitary condition, was the worst plague stricken area.  The government hence bought the buildings there and demolished the, and launched a campaign of cleaning domestic premises.  The worst affected area had been developed into today's blake garden.
The 1889–1890 flu pandemic (October 1889 – December 1890, with recurrences March – June 1891, November 1891 – June 1892, winter 1893–1894 and early 1895) was a deadly influenza pandemic that killed about 1 million people worldwide. Modern transport infrastructure assisted the spread of the 1889 influenza. The 19 largest European countries, including the Russian Empire, had 202,887 km of railroads and transatlantic travel by boat took less than six days (not significantly different than current travel time by air, given the time scale of the global spread of a pandemic). The pandemic was first recorded in Saint Petersburg, Russia in December 1889. In four months it had spread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Deaths peaked in Saint Petersburg on December 1, 1889, and in the United States during the week of January 12, 1890. 
  • 面對醫療上的不足和華人的不信任,港英政府決定啟動「海之家(Hospital Hulk Hygeia)」醫療船計劃,希望安排鼠疫患者進入醫療船進行隔離治療。可惜礙於病床床位的不足,以及華人的不信任,計劃開初並不順利,最後需要聯繫東華醫院,合作開辦一家鼠疫醫院--玻璃廠醫院(Classwork Hospital),透過華東醫院的宣傳和勸服,遣送鼠疫患者進入醫院進行隔離治療。其後隨着病患者的人數不斷增加,香港陸續開設更多鼠疫醫院。確診者進入醫院隔離之後,下一步就是找出社區的隱藏病人,並對他們居住的樓宇或地區進行清潔和消毒。在此項防疫措施上,港英政府展示出前所未有的強硬和決不妥協,在疫症地區進行挨家挨戶的搜查,除了對樓宇清潔和消毒外,還會將屋中的傢具、衣服以及任何可能受感染的東西徹底消毒或銷毀。如果發現房屋衞生條件過於惡劣,則屋內所有人都必須遷出,該處所永久關閉。鼠疫發展至後期,政府甚至有權進入不符合衞生要求的屋宇,勒令屋主處理。死者入土撒石灰上述兩項措施均是針對鼠疫患者,而第三項措施則是針對鼠疫死者。流行病的恐怖之處在於病毒不會因為寄生者的死亡而消失,屍體的處理不善也會造成疫情擴散。早於鼠疫初期,港英政府已經在摩星嶺安排一個臨時墳場,所有鼠疫死者需要埋葬到一定深度以及撒上石灰。這些措施顯然與華人的喪葬習俗產生衝突,首先撒上石灰被視為對死者的不尊重,而死後不能安葬在「風水寶地」更是難以接受。洋人對此當然無法理解,他們始終認為用石灰埋葬鼠疫死者是防止鼠疫繼續擴散的方法,不明白為何華人如此反對。不過,由於港英政府強調墳場埋葬的措施必須符合要求,華人雖然表達不滿,但迫於壓力也只能照辦。總括而言,該場鼠疫的確提高了港英政府對於公共衞生水平的意識,也願意投放更多資源在醫療領域,其後醫療衞生改革、建立醫院、完善排水系統等政策的落實,與鼠疫的爆發實有一定關係。
- 中國在一九○○年至一九四九年期間的鼠疫流行達到最高峰,共有廿個省區、五百零一個市、縣流行鼠疫,包括遼寧、吉林、黑龍江等,發病人數達一百一十五萬,導致逾一百零二萬人死亡。在歷史上,中國的鼠疫流行區包括廿一個省區的六百三十八個縣(旗、市),主要分布在東北、華北、西北、青藏高原、東南沿海和滇南等地區。目前全國有十一個鼠疫疫源地,多數分布在西北、西南,尤其是青海、西藏和新疆。
  • 在中國,提到口罩,必然要追溯到一位現代醫學開拓者──伍連德博士。一百一十年前,一場浩大的鼠疫席捲了清末時期的整個東北地區。臨危受命的伍連德赴東北,率領東三省防疫人員,在不到四個月的時間消滅了這場浩劫,挽救了成千上萬人的性命,也正是他設計的「伍氏口罩」,讓中國人第一次使用口罩來預防傳染病。本期「人文歷史」回望這段百多年前的抗疫史以及從中折射的社會百態。 一百一十年前的一九一○年底至一九一一年中,我國東北地區由境外傳入並爆發了一場劇烈傳染病「肺鼠疫」。此病最初在沙俄境內的中國伐木工中出現和傳染,沙俄當局當即焚毀亡者住處和物品,將中國工人趕回國,疫情隨之潛回中國境內。一九一○年十月,由沙俄入境的兩位中國伐木工,在邊境小城滿洲里客店病亡;同住客店的幾位旅客,也出現發燒、咳嗽、吐血等症狀,隨即死去。十幾天後十一月八日,一千公里之外的哈爾濱,也出現相同症狀死亡病例。一場最終奪去六萬多條生命的大鼠疫,就這樣在毫無預警情況下突然爆發了。疫情爆發後正值「闖關東」者返鄉過年檔口;病疫順着鐵道沿線擴散並南下關內京津、直隸(今河北)、山東等地;清政府採取封城、斷絕交通、隔離檢驗乃至焚燒屍棺及染疫房屋等嚴防死守措施;三個月疫情高發期過後,逐步恢復鐵路運輸及復工復產;半年內基本戰勝疫情;抗疫支出、疫情停產,造成重大經濟損失。當日清王朝風雨飄搖、夕陽西下,每採取一項措施,都阻力重重;尤其是,駐軍我東三省的沙俄和日本侵略者本就虎視眈眈,此時競相以中國政府無力抗疫為藉口,要求自行開展防疫,進而擴大管治權,企圖實現對東北全面佔領和控制。國難當頭,以開明廉能著稱的東三省總督錫良、外務部丞施肇基等為主的清政府官員,和由科學家、「全權總醫官」伍連德醫生率領的醫護、員役,共同奮戰,「數月以來,內衛民生,外聯國際,卒能將各處疫患,(黑龍江)與奉(奉天即今遼寧)、吉(吉林)兩省同時肅清。」(《(民國)黑龍江志稿.職官志》)清政府直接投入抗疫資金,二百六十萬兩白銀。當時《大公報》等報刊追蹤報道疫情,並開闢專欄傳播防疫知識。疫情爆發後正值「闖關東」者返鄉過年檔口;病疫順着鐵道沿線擴散並南下關內京津、直隸(今河北)、山東等地;清政府採取封城、斷絕交通、隔離檢驗乃至焚燒屍棺及染疫房屋等嚴防死守措施;三個月疫情高發期過後,逐步恢復鐵路運輸及復工復產;半年內基本戰勝疫情;抗疫支出、疫情停產,造成重大經濟損失。當日清王朝風雨飄搖、夕陽西下,每採取一項措施,都阻力重重;尤其是,駐軍我東三省的沙俄和日本侵略者本就虎視眈眈,此時競相以中國政府無力抗疫為藉口,要求自行開展防疫,進而擴大管治權,企圖實現對東北全面佔領和控制。國難當頭,以開明廉能著稱的東三省總督錫良、外務部丞施肇基等為主的清政府官員,和由科學家、「全權總醫官」伍連德醫生率領的醫護、員役,共同奮戰,「數月以來,內衛民生,外聯國際,卒能將各處疫患,(黑龍江)與奉(奉天即今遼寧)、吉(吉林)兩省同時肅清。」(《(民國)黑龍江志稿.職官志》)清政府直接投入抗疫資金,二百六十萬兩白銀。當時《大公報》等報刊追蹤報道疫情,並開闢專欄傳播防疫知識。
  • 万国鼠疫研究会是由清政府主办的中国近代史上第一次国际学术会议,1911年4月3日至4月28日在奉天(今沈阳)召开  ,有中、美、奥、法、德、英、意、日、墨、荷、俄11国34位专家学者参加,中国现代医学先驱、中国检疫事业创始人、“鼠疫斗士”伍连德任会议主席 [2]  。该会议是在清政府应对1910年末到1911年初东北鼠疫过程中,认识到亟须向国外学习先进的防控经验的前提下召开的。会议确定了许多国际通行的防疫准则,为此后的国际防疫合作奠定了基础;也大大推动了中国近代公共卫生防疫事业的发展;完成了长达500页的《1911年国际鼠疫研究会会议报告书》,该《报告书》成为后世国际流行病学上的一部经典之作。
  • hket 2mar2021 fung article suggested using 公筷
The 1918 flu pandemic (January 1918 – December 1920) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus. It infected 500 million people across the world, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history. Disease had already greatly limited life expectancy in the early 20th century. A considerable spike occurred at the time of the pandemic, specifically the year 1918. Life expectancy in the United States alone dropped by about 12 years. Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults. There are several possible explanations for the high mortality of the 1918 influenza pandemic. Some research suggests that the specific variant of the virus had an unusually aggressive nature. One group of researchers recovered the original virus from the bodies of frozen victims, and found that transfection in animals caused a rapid progressive respiratory failure and death through a cytokine storm (overreaction of the body's immune system). It was then postulated that the strong immune reactions of young adults ravaged the body, whereas the weaker immune systems of children and middle-aged adults resulted in fewer deaths among those groups.The site of the very first confirmed outbreak was at Camp Funston, within Fort Riley in Kansas, USA at a military training facility preparing American troops for involvement in World War I. The first victim diagnosed with the new strain of flu on Monday, March 11, 1918, was mess cook Private Albert Gitchell. Historian Alfred W. Crosby recorded that the flu originated in Kansas and popular writer John Barry echoed Crosby in describing Haskell County, Kansas, as the point of origin.To maintain morale, wartime censors minimized early reports of illness and mortality in Germany, Britain, France, and the United States; but papers were free to report the epidemic's effects in neutral Spain (such as the grave illness of King Alfonso XIII), creating a false impression of Spain as especially hard hit—thus the pandemic's nickname Spanish flu. In Spain, a different nickname was adopted, the Naples Soldier (Soldado de Nápoles), which came from a musical operetta (zarzuela) titled La canción del olvido (The Song of Forgetting), which premiered in Madrid during the first epidemic wave. Federico Romero, one of the librettists, quipped that the play's most popular musical number, Naples Soldier, was as catchy as the flu.

  • french version: Deux souches, trois vagues épidémiques Un premier virus grippal, dit « virus père », serait apparu en Chine, inhabituellement contagieux. Cette souche a probablement sévi dès 1916, mais elle ne fut identifiée comme telle et suivie avec plus d’attention qu'à partir d'avril 1918 et jusqu'à juin 1918. Ce virus a ensuite muté en une souche particulièrement contagieuse et virulente dite « de la grippe espagnole », ayant connu une première extension épidémique aux États-Unis d'Amérique, et ayant décimé de 21 à 100 millions d'individus, selon les sources et estimations. Cette souche s’est répandue en deux principales vagues meurtrières : l'une de la mi-septembre à décembre 1918, l'autre de février à mai 1919.
  • 1918年西班牙流感殺傷力極強,當時的貧民處境無助,幸獲委內瑞拉「窮人醫生」埃爾南德斯(Jose Gregorio Hernandez)無私地贈醫施藥救助窮人。梵蒂岡前日為該已故醫生舉行宣福典禮,距離封聖只差一步。埃爾南德斯生於1864年10月26日,其後在加拉加斯取得醫學學位,曾在法國巴黎、美國紐約等地深造,是著名細菌學家及最先把顯微鏡引入委內瑞拉的科學家之一。他在1919年為一名老婦買藥途中遇上車禍,終年54歲。委內瑞拉人視埃爾南德斯為聖人,並指他屢創神迹,最近一次是「治愈」一名10歲女童,她因頭部中彈面臨永久殘疾,在其母向埃爾南德斯祈禱後痊愈。方濟各去年7月確認該神迹,宣布列埃爾南德斯為真福。
  • Houston Methodist Hospital is the flagship hospital of Houston Methodist. Located in the Texas Medical Center in HoustonTexas, Houston Methodist Hospital was established in 1919 during the height of the Spanish influenza epidemic as an outreach ministry of Methodist Episcopal Church. Houston Methodist comprises seven community hospitals, a continuing care hospital as well as several emergency centers and physical therapy clinics throughout greater Houston.Houston Methodist System changed its official name to Houston Methodist in 2013.
    • 休斯敦循道衛理醫院是美國最早強制 員工接種的大型醫療機構之一,早在3月 時已向轄下醫院合共 2.6萬名員工發出通知,要求 他們在本月 7日前接種至少一劑疫苗,現時已有逾 99% 醫護打針,但有 178人因拒絕接種而被醫院停職,其中 117 人在上月底入稟控告醫院。聯邦地方法院法官休斯在判決書指出,布里奇斯對於疫苗的說法「明顯錯 誤」,對她的「集中營醫學實驗」言論予以譴責。休斯認為布里奇斯仍然可選擇 是否接種,若她不願打針,便需到其他地方工作,強調得州法律僅保障員工不 會因拒絕進行非法行為而被解僱,而醫院的要求符合公共政策和法律,正如 員工因拒絕職務安排、更改工作地點、提早開工時間或其他工作指示而被 辭退,均屬合理解僱。
    • baytown facility - 
- ??? The Hong Kong Flu was a category 2 flu pandemic caused by a strain of H3N2 descended from H2N2 by antigenic shift, in which genes from multiple subtypes reassorted to form a new virus. The Hong Kong Flu pandemic of 1968 and 1969 killed an estimated one million people worldwide. Those over 65 had the greatest death rates. In the US, there were about 33,800 deaths.

An outbreak of plague in Madagascar in 2014 started on 31 August. On that day the first case, a male from Soamahamanina village in Tsiroanomandidy, was identified. The patient died on 3 September.[1] The outbreak is in the form of bubonic and pneumonic plague. By 16 November 2014, a total of 119 cases had been confirmed, including 40 deaths. Two percent of reported cases were of the pneumonic form.[1] By 21 November, in the capital Antananarivo there were two confirmed cases, including one death.

  • hkej 20dec17 shum article
- measles
  • Indonesian authorities are struggling to contain a monthslong outbreak of measles in easternmost Papua province that has killed dozens of children.
    Read more:
  • 日本沖繩縣因有台灣旅客傳入痲疹,導致病症在當地流行,截至昨日共有四十六人確診,並恐怕出現「三次感染」。
  • 台灣的疾管署昨公布新增一宗麻疹確定病例,患者為高雄廿四歲男性,這亦是今年繼台灣虎航、林口長庚醫院後第三宗群聚感染,局方追蹤接觸者共一百廿九人。而日本愛知縣名古屋亦有兩宗麻疹新感染個案,令該縣的感染人數增至四人。
  • 同樣是港人旅遊熱點的歐洲去年亦出現麻疹大爆發。世界衞生組織去年一月錄得逾五百宗麻疹個案,其中四百七十四宗來自歐洲,以意大利和羅馬尼亞疫情最為嚴重,後者一年內更錄得十七名病人死亡。
  • 日本沖繩麻疹大爆發一度引起港人恐慌。衞生防護中心監測及流行病學處社會醫學顧問醫生(傳染病)張竹君表示,當地爆發麻疹的沖繩疫情已結束。防護中心又檢視過往本港麻疹感染情況,發現五年來成人麻疹個案中,逾九成未打過或不確定曾否接種可預防麻疹、德國麻疹的MMR疫苗,亦發現外傭感染個案全都未曾或不知道有否打過針。防護中心為此已向僱傭機構發信,建議為外傭提供體檢同時,可了解外傭有無麻疹、德國麻疹抗體。如有需要,僱主可提出為外傭接種疫苗,但有關建議並非強制性。
  • 日本麻疹疫情不斷,今年已至少出現一百四十八宗感染案例,數字已超過去年全年案例的一半,為十年來最嚴重的增幅。大阪府上周五更有一間醫院爆發集體感染,共有十名病患和醫護染病。該醫院上月接收了一名麻疹病人,其後爆發疫情,患者症狀輕微,正在康復。
  • 新西蘭南島坎特伯雷區自上月尾爆發麻疹以來,至今已有二十宗確診個案。衞生部門警告疫情或會在未來數日至數周內蔓延,周三前會有一萬八千劑麻疹疫苗送往坎特伯雷,累計會有二萬一千劑疫苗送抵當地。
  • Health authorities on Wednesday were tracking down passengers on a Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong to Tokyo on March 1 after a man on the plane was found to have contracted measles, a highly contagious airborne disease. The Centre for Health Protection said a 23-year-old Hongkonger developed a fever on March 1, the day he took CX526 to Narita Airport in Tokyo. He developed full-blown symptoms of measles three days later. The man, said to be a Cathay Pacific flight attendant, was admitted to St Paul’s Hospital in Causeway Bay after he returned to Hong Kong. The centre said he tested positive for the immunoglobulin M antibody that confirms a measles infection.
  • The latest figures from the World Health Organisation show a sixfold increase in measles outbreaks last year in France. With nearly 3,000 people in France contracting measles last year and three dying, the authorities there have taken a tough new approach to compulsory vaccinations, threatening to bar children who have not been vaccinated from attending school. This has further angered anti-vaxxers such as Mr Cerqueira, who will have to prove that their children have been inoculated before they can attend school.
  • Despite the rising number of measles cases and an official push to boost immunisations, Alexandre Cerqueira and his partner Nhep Srey Mom are determined not to vaccinate their two young children against the disease. Mr Cerqueira lives in the country of Louis Pasteur, the French biologist who discovered the principles of vaccination in the 19th century. But he nevertheless doubts the efficacy of the vaccine, worries about the presence of tiny amounts of aluminium, and is concerned about what he sees as potential side-effects such as autism.
  • ft 26apr19 nearly 170m children are unprotected from measles
  • hk
  • 昨再確診三宗本地傳入個案,患者都在機場工作,近日無外遊,其中一人報稱有打麻疹針。衞生防護中心總監黃加慶指,該三宗個案的潛伏期與早前公布一宗國泰空少乘機往日本後感染麻疹個案有不同程度的重疊,不排除四宗個案有關連,加上短時間內確診多宗麻疹,訂明是「麻疹爆發」。防護中心昨立即派員到機場,為病者的同事補打麻疹針防止再播毒。傳染病專家不排除相關航空公司感染的組群陸續有來,籲機場人員未打針要盡快打。
  • scmp 26apr19 airport measles tests for filipino helpers
  •  衞生署昨公布將擴大免費麻疹疫苗補種計劃,對麻疹沒有免疫力的香港成年居民,尤其是一九六七至二○○二年之間出生的人士,下周一起可到指定診所免費接種疫苗,服務期限約為六個月。欲參與接種計劃者,需先進行預約。
  • us
  • 其中重災區的華盛頓州克拉克縣,很多居民都是來自俄羅斯或前蘇聯國家,區內移民傾向上相同的學校、教會和節慶活動。對疫苗的疑惑和誤解容易在鄰里間相傳,導致社區內接種率偏低,亦令病毒較易傳播。
  •  美國麻疹疫情加速擴散,目前已波及二十個州。據美國疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)截至周一(15日)的數據,過去一周新增九十宗麻疹病例,本年的累計病例由四百六十五宗增至五百五十五宗,創下近二十五年第二高的紀錄,僅次於二○一四年的六百六十七宗。有世衞專家指,研究顯示病毒會令免疫系統暫時失憶,對人體的傷害可能比想像中長遠。
  • 阿根廷近日爆發麻疹疫情,惟政府耗資四千四百萬美元(約三億四千萬港元)採購的疫苗卻因未繳稅,達一千二百萬支疫苗被海關扣留半年之久。衞生部上周五宣布,考慮公共健康因素,有關疫苗已獲放行,望能緩解疫情;目前在布宜諾斯艾利斯地區已發現九十七宗麻疹病例。
  • 全球麻疹疫情擴散,南半球新西蘭亦出現自一九九七年以來最嚴峻局面。新西蘭衞生部門要求遊客前往或離開國內最大城市奧克蘭兩周前,必須確保已經接種麻疹疫苗,十二個月大的幼童亦包括在內。總理阿德恩敦促並鼓勵所有未曾接種麻疹疫苗人士盡快採取預防措施。
  • 薩摩亞麻疹疫情嚴峻,至今造成七十七人死亡。國會周三立法規定,所有國民童年時必須接種麻疹疫苗,希望這措施能控制疫情及防止兒童染病。

- malaria

  • ft special pages 17apr18, 25apr19
  • china daily 16nov18 facility launched to eradicate malaria
  • ft 25apr19 malawi begins five year pilot of malaria vaccine for children
  • 衞生署衞生防護中心,在二○一九年麻疹疫苗補種計劃下,合資格在香港工作外籍家庭傭工可在下周一(26日)至十一月十五日前往指定私家診所及團體/外展疫苗接種地點免費接種麻疹、流行性腮腺炎及德國麻疹混合疫苗(MMR疫苗)。該次是推出一次性麻疹疫苗補種計劃,為外籍家庭傭工免費接種MMR疫苗,以提升社區對麻疹的免疫力,作為防控麻疹的公共衞生策略。
  • 羅湖出入境管制站連續兩日發現有海關人員確診麻疹,由於同一處所已有兩宗確診個案,衞生防護中心將其列為麻疹個案群組。為防止擴散,中心今日起會派員到該口岸為工作人員補種麻疹疫苗,並提供麻疹相關的健康建議。羅湖管制站每天有大量人流出入境,今次個案會否有市民中招後傳染?中心僅稱已隨即展開流行病學調查,並進行接觸者追蹤的工作,調查仍然繼續。
  • china daily 26jul2021 kinshasa in dr congo grows artemisia annua (sweet wormwood) which is a key element of cure for malaria; plant also grown in rongan county (融安县) in liuzhou, guangxi and supplied to manufacturers of artemisinin
- ebola

  • 非洲剛果民主共和國爆發伊波拉疫情,該國衞生部長周二表示,西北部赤道省最少十七人感染伊波拉病毒而死亡。世界衞生組織(WHO)表示,已和當地政府緊密合作,防止疫情進一步擴散。
  • ft 1dec18 congo battles second worst ebola outbreak
  • 瑞典中部城市烏普薩拉官員周五表示,發現一宗疑似伊波拉病毒個案。一名男病人當日早上被送入城鎮恩雪平急診室,出現嘔血和血便症狀;現已送往烏普薩拉大學醫院接受治療及隔離。該男子在瑞典居住,三周前曾到訪非洲國家布隆迪。
  • ft 14jun19 ebola escalation subjects world banks pandemic bonds to critical scrutiny
  • The Ebola virus has reached the Congolese city of Goma, home to two million people, for the first time since the epidemic began nearly a year ago. The Congolese health ministry said a man who had arrived in the regional centre on Sunday had been quickly transported to an Ebola treatment centre. Authorities said they had tracked down all the passengers on the bus the man took to Goma from Butembo, one of the towns hardest hit by the disease.
  • 加拿大傳媒周日(14日)透露,警方月初以「政策違規」(Policy Breach)為由,從加拿大國家微生物實驗室(NML)帶走協助發明抗伊波拉病毒疫苗的知名女華裔病毒學家邱香果,以及其丈夫生物學家成克定。有指事件或涉及盜取知識產權及向中國洩密。
  • companies profiting from the disease
  • 盈利生物科技股份康希諾生物(06185),皆因公司研發重組伊波拉病毒疫苗而一舉成名。呢個嚇人嘅病毒模型代表住公司發展里程碑,仲成功「谷」起公司股價,尋日收報34.7元,較招股價22元升57%,帶挈投資者每手200股計,帳賺2,540元!
  •   默沙東生產的伊波拉疫苗11 日獲得歐盟委員會上市許可。該款疫苗適用於18歲以上人群,被視作全球首種伊波拉疫苗。

- 新西蘭總理阿德恩昨宣布,由於該國有大批牛隻感染支原菌(Mycoplasma),下令分階段撲殺十五萬隻牛,以保護該國最重要的畜牧業出口市場。料有一百九十二個農場受影響,損失達八億八千萬新西蘭元(約四十八億港元)。感染支原菌病牛會出現乳房感染、肺炎及關節炎,但人類不會因進食牛奶製品或牛肉而染病。
Minamata disease (Japanese水俣病HepburnMinamata-byō), sometimes referred to as Chisso-Minamata disease (チッソ水俣病Chisso-Minamata-byō), is a neurological disease caused by severe mercury poisoning. Signs and symptoms include ataxianumbness in the hands and feet, general muscle weaknessloss of peripheral vision, and damage to hearingand speech. In extreme cases, insanityparalysiscoma, and death follow within weeks of the onset of symptoms. A congenital form of the disease can also affect fetuses in the womb.     Minamata disease was first discovered in Minamata city in Kumamoto prefectureJapan, in 1956. It was caused by the release of methylmercury in the industrial wastewater from the Chisso Corporation's chemical factory, which continued from 1932 to 1968. 
-Orthohantavirus is a genus of single-stranded, enveloped, negative-sense RNA viruses in the family Hantaviridae of the order Bunyavirales. Members of this genus may be called orthohantaviruses or simply hantaviruses. They normally cause infection in rodents, but do not cause disease in them.Human infections of hantaviruses have almost entirely been linked to human contact with rodent excrement; however, in 2005 and 2019, human-to-human transmission of the Andes virus was reported in South America.Hantavirus is named for the Hantan Riverarea in South Korea, where an early outbreak was observed,[6] and was isolated in 1976 by Ho Wang Lee.Hantavirus HFRS was likely first referenced in China in the 12th century. The first clinical recognition was in 1931 in northeast China. Around the same time in the 1930s, NE was identified in Sweden. HFRS came to the recognition of western physicians during the Korean War between 1951 and 1954 when more than 3,000 United Nations soldiers fell ill in an outbreak. In 1976, the first pathogenic hantavirus, the Hantaan orthohantavirus, was isolated from rodents near the Hantan River in South Korea. Other prominent hantaviruses that cause HFRS, including the Dobrava-Belgrade orthohantavirusPuumala orthohantavirus, and Seoul orthohantavirus, were identified in the years after then and are collectively referred to as the Old World hantaviruses.In 1993, an outbreak of HCPS, then unrecognized, occurred in the Four Corners region of the United States and led to the discovery of the Sin Nombre orthohantavirus. Since then, approximately 43 hantavirus strains, of which 20 are pathogenic, have been found in the Americas and are referred to as the New World hantaviruses. This includes the Andes orthohantavirus, one of the primary causes of HCPS in South America and the only hantavirus known to be capable of person-to-person transmission.In late medieval England a mysterious sweating sickness swept through the country in 1485 just before the Battle of Bosworth Field. Noting that the symptoms overlap with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, several scientists have theorized that the virus may have been the cause of the disease. The hypothesis was criticized because sweating sickness was recorded as being transmitted from human to human, whereas hantaviruses were not known to spread in this way.
- 中國大陸近日出現新型布尼亞病毒,江蘇、安徽、浙江及山東四省傳出約八十人感染、逾十人死亡。醫生警告,該病毒主要透過蜱蟲傳播,但不排除人傳人。台灣去年已發現首宗病例,今次病毒在大陸擴散,引起專家高度關注。

leper colonylazaretteleprosarium, or lazar house was historically a place to quarantine people with leprosy(Hansen's disease). The term lazaretto, which is derived from the biblical figure Saint Lazarus, can refer to quarantine sites, which were at some time also "colonies", or places where people affected by leprosy lived or were sent. Many of the first lazarettes were operated by Christian monastic houses. Leper hospitals exist throughout the world to treat those afflicted with leprosy, especially in Africa, Brazil, China and India.In 2001, government-run leper colonies in Japan came under judicial scrutiny, leading to the determination that the Japanese government had mistreated the patients, and the district court ordered Japan to pay compensation to former patients. In 2002, a formal inquiry into these colonies was set up, and in March 2005, the policy was strongly denounced. 



Catarrh is a build-up of mucus in an airway or cavity of the body. It usually affects the back of the nose, the throat or the sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of the face). Catarrh can lead to a:
  • constant need to clear your throat
  • feeling that your throat is blocked
  • blocked or stuffy nose that you can't clear
  • runny nose
  • feeling of mucus running down the back of your throat
  • persistent cough
  • headache or facial pain
  • reduced sense of smell and taste
  • crackling sensation in your ear and some temporary hearing loss

Lifestyle diseases are defined as diseases linked with the way people live their life. This is commonly caused by alcoholdrugs and smoking abuse as well as lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating. Diseases that mostly have an effect on our lifestyle are heart disease, stroke, obesity and type II diabetes. The diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer can include Alzheimer's diseasearthritisatherosclerosisasthmacancerchronic liver disease or cirrhosischronic obstructive pulmonary diseasetype 2 diabetesheart diseasemetabolic syndromechronic renal failureosteoporosisstrokedepressionobesity and vascular dementia. In the UK the death rate is four times higher from respiratory disease caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.日本では、かつて加齢によって発病すると考えられたために成人病(せいじんびょう)と呼ばれたが、1980年代から若者の発症が目立つようになり、その後の調査で生活習慣[1]が深く関与していることが判明してきた。このため、1997年頃から予防できるという認識を醸成することを目的として呼び方が変わった[2]「成人病」なる概念は、昭和30年代に「主として、脳卒中、がん、心臓病などの40歳前後から死亡率が高くなり、しかも全死因の中でも上位を占め、40-60歳くらいの働き盛りに多い疾病」として、加齢と共に罹患の危険が大きくなるという視点から行政的に提唱された。丁度その頃から日本人の死亡率で上位を占めるようになったがん、脳卒中、心臓病は「三大成人病」とされ、集団検診による早期発見、早期治療の体制が整えられた。「成人病」は厚生省が1955年頃から使いだした。

- Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is the most common cancer originating in the nasopharynx, most commonly in the postero-lateral nasopharynx or pharyngeal recess or 'Fossa of Rosenmüller' accounting for 50% cases. NPC occurs in children and adults. NPC differs significantly from other cancers of the head and neck in its occurrence, causes, clinical behavior, and treatment. It is vastly more common in certain regions of East Asia and Africa than elsewhere, with viraldietary and genetic factors implicated in its causation. It is most common in males. It is a squamous cell carcinoma or an undifferentiated type. Squamous epithelial cells are a flat type of cell found in the skin and the membranes that line some body cavities. Differentiation means how different the cancer cells are from normal cells. Undifferentiated cells are cells that do not have their mature features or functions.
  • scmp 6dec18 full page ad on a 2-day conference about this cancer, event held in medan by university of sumatera utara, sponsored? by indocafe foundation
- companies/service providers
  • ft 8jan19 "eli lilly deal to lift oncology effort"
  • ft 25jul19 freenome raises $160m ahead of cancer trials
  • A vaccine that may prevent infection from up to 20 types of viruses, which could lead to cervical cancer, may come into being through a Sino-European collaboration.Hangzhou-based YangSheng-Tang Group's Xiamen Innovax Biotech Co Ltd signed a global alliance partnership agreement with British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to develop a next-generation vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV) last month.
  • 長和(001)旗下和黃醫藥宣布,索凡替尼正式獲中國國家藥品監督管理局(國家藥監局)批准用於治療晚期胰腺神經內分泌瘤。和黃醫藥CEO賀雋表示:「與市場上現有的其他神經內分泌瘤療法相比,索凡替尼既能抑制血管生成,同時也促進人體對腫瘤細胞的免疫反應。」美國方面,和黃醫藥宣布,已開始向美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)滾動分批提交新藥上市申請,並計劃於2021年上半年完成新藥上市申請提交,這將是和黃醫藥的首個美國新藥上市申請。
- uk
  • scmp remember a day column Cancer patients were sent home from hospitals to die as industrial strikes continued to sweep Britain. In one city, a surgeon refused to treat members of trade unions. A total of 65 cancer patients were sent home from Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital and a senior consultant there said that some of these discharged patients would die.
- china
  • 13日,位於中國科學院高能物理研究所(簡稱「高能所」)東莞分部的加速器硼中子俘獲治療(簡稱BNCT)實驗裝置獲得了8位來自放射醫學、粒子加速器、中子物理與技術、硼藥等領域的評審專家肯定,標誌着中國在癌症治療高端醫療設備整機技術開發方面取得了又一重大成果。目前,該裝置已啟動首輪細胞實驗和小動物實驗,正式投入臨床使用後將大大減輕治療癌症對正常細胞的損傷,且治療成本控制在10萬元(人民幣,下同)左右。第二台BNCT臨床設備已在設計和研製階段。中國科學院高能物理研究所日前召開發布會稱,該所東莞分部研製成功中國首台自主研發BNCT實驗裝置。
  • 散裂中子源裝置,可以作為新工業、新材料的創建工具,又稱為「萬物的超級顯微鏡」。任何物質的最細微的結構,散裂中子源裝置都可以觀察得一清二楚。超級合金、特級鋼材、碳纖維材料,最細小的電腦芯片的製作過程,都需要觀察每一最細小的粒子、電子的結構,只有散裂中子源裝置,能夠將之放大,才可以看到彼此的關係。這對解決高新科技工業被外國「卡脖子」的問題,有積極的作用。過去,很多航天業、最新武器所使用的合金鋼材,在試驗製造過程中,都需要看到其電子一級的粒子結構。由於我們沒有散裂中子源裝置,很多新興鋼材的研製,都很需要散裂中子源裝置分析其結構和各種性能的參數,中國都需要將新材料的樣品和實驗室測試的程序表格,送到美國和日本請求他們用散裂中子源裝置代為進行試驗,等候試驗結果的時間很長,報告回來時,又有許多參數遺漏了,費時失事,導致了研究進展的大大延誤。自從2018年東莞市建立起散裂中子源裝置之後,我國的特殊材料研製進度大大加快。散裂中子源裝置目前正擔負着國營企業和民營企業200多項新材料和電動汽車的核心裝置的研究任務,包括鋰離子電池材料結構、斯格明子的拓撲磁性、自旋霍爾磁性薄膜以及太陽能電池、電腦芯片的中子單粒子效應等,同時也開展航空材料、可燃冰、頁岩氣和催化劑等的前期研究。
thoracic related
- [流沙河認字] 痰家從炎,說文解字:"炎,火光上也.從重火" in chinese medicine discipline, connects with dry eyes, 瘡in mouth, tongue, headache, toothache. With the introduction of western medicine, sore eye/throat was translated as 發炎.漢代張機金匱要略:膈上病痰滿,喘,咳,吐.This is the first time 痰 appeared (not in 說文解字, word also not created in 篆文), it may came from 癉 -- 說文解字:"癉,勞病也"勞病即癆病.肺結核病was formerly called 肺癆/癆病. In 詩經, 肺癆patient is called 癉人, the spit by 癉人 is called 癉 - may be the origin of 痰
- Xin Yuling, retired thoracic surgeon, centenarian and former president of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, was awarded the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, for his contribution to the country's medical sector.He has been a member of the Communist Party of China since 1939.Currently bed-bound, Xin still bears a scar on his left arm from a wound stitched up by Henry Norman Bethune, the well-known Canadian doctor who served alongside the Eighth Route Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45), and who was one of the country's honored foreign nationals.When the war broke out, the Communist Party of China's Central Committee called for the people and militaries to unite and fight.Though only 16 at the time, Xin was determined to help the people and the country by joining the army. He was sent to join Bethune's medical team in May 1939.In August 1951, he was sent to the Soviet Union to study thoracic surgery, as part of the first group of Chinese students sent abroad by the government.Five years later, he returned with a doctoral degree.Turning down the army's well-paid offer, Xin asked to work in an institution in Beijing to establish a thoracic surgery department.Many provinces in China were not equipped with thoracic surgery departments at the time. Between 1958 and 1980, he helped train over 300 thoracic surgeons and helped 40 hospitals build thoracic departments.In 1970, he became the first doctor to successfully complete a lung transplant in China.He also led a team studying the clinical application of acupuncture as an analgesic. In 1972, when the United States President Richard Nixon paid his first official visit to China, he and his delegation observed a surgical procedure undertaken by Xin using acupuncture in place of anesthetic.In 1982, Xin was assigned by the State Council to lead the construction of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital. When construction finished and everything was on track, he asked to resign as head in 1985.

throat surgery / AGP(aerosol-generating procedure)
- *******economist 10jul2021 "the mystery at the heart of the nhs" millions of patients were not seen during the pandemic. When will they turn up, and in what condition?

- 你知道全港共有11個英國內政部認可的 #肺結核測試(TB test)診所嗎?任何人如欲逗留英國超過6個月,都必須先作認可的肺結核測試,才能開始申請護照和出發。

[sedgewick] 1840 batavia (now jakarta) - crew of ship java (from holland to java) was stricken with an "acute affection of the lungs", robert mayer cut the sick open for "copious" bloodlettings. The color of blood drained out was much brighter than he would expact and appear too red to be venous blood.

allergic rhinitis
- treatment
  • [john hopkins complete home guide] antihistamines (may cause drosiness or drying of mucous membranes); fexofenadine (allegra); loratadine (claritin); cetirizine (zyrtec); short-term use of decongestants

liver, gallbladder
- people
  • 有「中國肝膽外科之父」之稱的中國科學院院士吳孟超,昨日下午1時許在上海逝世,享年99歲。吳孟超出生於福建省閩清縣,曾到馬來西亞求學,後來回國治病救人78載。他年屆九旬高齡時仍堅守在門診、手術室和病人的病床前。他是中國肝膽外科專家、主任醫生、一級教授、博士生導師、解放軍特級文職幹部,曾任解放軍第二軍醫大學副校長,創立二軍大第三附屬醫院東方肝膽外科醫院、東方肝膽外科研究所並擔任首任院長、所長。吳孟超於2005年獲國家最高科學技術獎,被譽為「中國肝臟外科的開拓者和創始人」。

- guardian 4may19 "end of aids epidemic may be in sight"
- scmp 14jun19 HIV vaccine trials safe for volunteers to join clinic says
- 美國科研團隊早前取得重大突破,成功以慢性藥和基因編輯技術,將實驗老鼠DNA內的HIV病毒完全清除。成果令團隊感難以置信,甚至連多本醫學期刊也一度以為是惡作劇。報告終在周二獲發表,被視為人類治愈愛滋病的重要一步。
scleroderma (literally, hard skin) cuases overproduction of collagen, the fibrous protein in the body's connective tissues.
- companies/suppliers of treatment, drugs, vaccine

  • 有美國藥廠公布一種預防愛滋病毒(HIV)的新療法。根據初步試驗結果,只要將一根火柴大小的移植物,植入實驗人士的上臂,就能在體內釋放防愛滋藥物,這可以令高風險感染者避免感染HIV達至少一年。美國默克藥廠研發的新型植入式藥物「islatravir」,由十二名健康的參與者接受為期十二周的藥物測驗,植入的劑量分別為五十四毫克或六十二毫克,另有四人則植入安慰劑。
  • ft 19aug19 gilead did not apply for exclusivity rights in preventive use of HIV drug tuvada
  • 今年,藍城兄弟旗下男性健康服務平台荷爾健康推出了青春無艾計劃,從「安心檢測艾無憂」、「科學防艾安全愛」、「男性健康好物推薦」三個維度,全方位針對愛滋病毒(HIV)防治推出了系列專項服務、防愛知識專題、防愛工具和優惠權益,並提供免費HIV檢測服務。  2012年,耿樂找到北京市昌平疾控中心,開始了HIV宣傳與防治方面的合作。「我剛到那裏,還擔心被歧視,但疾控中心的官員見到我很開心,希望我們動員LGBTQ去做HIV檢測。我們就不斷的在網頁上掛宣傳廣告,第一次組織了20多個網友去,結果檢測出好幾例。」近年來,藍城兄弟陸續與全國各地的社區合作夥伴,建立覆蓋全國的檢測網絡。旗下企業社會責任平台淡藍公益推出的軟件「快樂檢」,可通過定位找尋離自己最近的公益監測點進行預約,只需留下手機號碼,甚至無需實名,極大保護了檢測者隱私,也解決了過去目標人群難尋的困難。  此外,Blued代表中國科技企業和公益組織,走向國際公益領域發聲,多次在聯合國高級別會議和世界愛滋病大會上,分享「互聯網+HIV防控」的理念和實踐經驗。還與「一帶一路」國家疾控部門合作,指導其利用互聯網對HIV進行防控。今年7月8日在美國上市當天,藍城兄弟宣布再次向中國預防性病愛滋病基金會淡藍公益專項基金,捐贈100萬元人民幣,旨在推動HIV防控。

漢生病,又作痲瘋麻風麻瘋癩病癘風,醫學領域稱為漢生病韓森氏病,是由麻風桿菌瀰漫型麻風分枝桿菌引起的一種慢性傳染病,主要經由飛沫傳染但傳染性並不強。Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease (HD), is a long-term infection by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae or Mycobacterium lepromatosis.

Montelukast is commonly prescribed for severe asthma, especially in children, but it can have serious psychological side effects. The US FDA issued a warning, but many doctors are unaware of the risks and even prescribe it for coughs and allergies.


Bird Flu
- history

  • A highly pathogenic strain of H5N1 caused flu outbreaks with significant spread to numerous farms, resulting in great economic losses in 1959 in Scotland in chickens and in 1991 in England in turkeys"The precursor of the H5N1 influenza virus that spread to humans in 1997 was first detected in Guangdong, China, in 1996, when it caused a moderate number of deaths in geese and attracted very little attention." In 1997, in Hong Kong, 18 humans were infected and 6 died in the first known case of H5N1 infecting humans. On December 28 to 29, 1997, 1.3 million chickens were killed by the government of Hong Kong. The government also suspended the import of chickens from mainland China.

- Japan is slaughtering more than 300,000 chickens and ducks at two widely separated sites in Niigata and Aomori prefectures after birds were found dead from H5 avian flu. This follows culls of more than 1.5m birds in South Korea. The outbreaks highlight the ongoing danger that new varieties of avian influenza may emerge from crowded poultry farms, especially in less developed parts of Asia, and then spread to humans.
- 內地農業部宣布,已成功研發用於禽類及哺乳類動物的新型禽流感疫苗「H5-H7二價疫苗」,可一次性免疫及防控H5和H7兩種亞型禽流感流行毒株,預計首批疫苗將於本月底運抵廣東、廣西等地展開相關防疫工作。
- incidents
  • italy
  •  The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today (September 8) that in view of a notification from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) about an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N8 avian influenza in the Province of Cremona in Italy, the CFS has banned the import of poultry meat and products (including poultry eggs) from the province with immediate effect to protect public health in Hong Kong.
  • korea
  • 南韓農林畜產食品部周日證實,在京畿道及忠清南道三個雞場,發現高致病的H5N6禽流感。當局在過去周末緊急銷毀逾一百萬隻雞,並禁止附近地區的家禽運送兩日,以免疫情擴散。
  • vietnam
  • 胡志明市一間醫院近日確診十二人感染H1N1禽流感,當中兩人已經出院,餘下十人仍然留醫治療。胡志明市另一間醫院於本月初,亦有二十八宗疑似H1N1感染個案,最終確診十六宗。越南於二○○九年曾出現H1N1禽流感疫情,超過九千人受感染,四個月內有近二十人死亡。
  •  食物環境衞生署食物安全中心昨宣布,根據世界動物衞生組織通報,越南富安省爆發高致病性H5N6禽流感,中心即時暫停從該省進口禽肉及禽類產品,包括禽蛋。
  • china
  • 世界動物衞生組織昨(27日)表示接獲中國農業部報告,指青海省一間養殖場證實爆發高病原性H5N1禽流感疫情,場內飼養的一千六百一十五隻肉雞中,已有一千零五十隻肉雞死亡。香港食物環境衞生署食物安全中心則已於上周五(22日)宣布,暫停從上述疫區進口食用家禽和禽產品。
  •  農業農村部周二通報,湖南省湘西州鳳凰縣發生一宗H5N6亞型高致病性禽流感疫情,已撲殺一千零廿九隻家禽。目前,疫情已經得到有效控制。
  • taiwan
  • 台灣禽流疫情升溫,雲林縣東勢鄉有一個鴨場確診H5N2亞型高病原性禽流感。台灣的防檢局昨日表示,已到該鴨場撲殺三千九百一十五隻鴨,並督導業者進行場區清潔及消毒工作。
  • 屏東縣昨日再有兩個禽場分別證實有H5及H5N2亞型高病原性禽流感疫情,防疫人員隨即撲殺一萬六千隻蛋雞及一千五百八十八隻肉鴨。據屏東縣府統計,今年已有四個禽場感染禽流感。
  •  彰化縣二林鎮一家肉鴨場遭發現有H5N2禽流感,昨(20日)動防所防疫人員到場撲殺一千四百多隻肉鴨,同時呼籲縣內家禽畜養農民提高警覺,配合相關採樣監測工作。動物防疫所指出,因鴨隻較不容易由外觀判斷是否感染禽流感,中央農委會已公告全國鴨場鴨隻自今年一月十六日至三月三十一日,都需檢測禽流感結果為陰性,附上檢測報告及家禽健康證明書,才能上市屠宰;提醒養鴨農民鴨隻上市前,提早通知特約獸醫師或動物防疫機關安排採樣檢驗。
  •  台灣雲林縣東勢鄉日前有養雞場爆發禽流感,撲殺一萬一千多隻雞。至上周四,水林鄉一個火雞場爆發疫情,縣政府動植物防疫所派員採取樣本化驗,證實對高病原性家禽流行性感冒呈陽性反應,場內八百六十四隻火雞被撲殺。防疫人員在火雞場周邊消毒,以防疫情擴散。
  •  台灣彰化縣大城鄉一個土雞場近日爆發H5N2亞型高病原性禽流感病毒。動物防疫所人員上周三接獲通報指,場內雞隻出現異常死亡情況,已陸續有三百多隻死亡。當局其後確認死雞感染了H5N2,周日起展開撲殺及消毒工作。
  •  台灣台南市動物防疫保護處周日公布,新市區一個家禽養殖場爆發H5N5亞型禽流感,當局在涉事養殖場撲殺合共八千二百零九隻黑羽土雞。
  •  hk
  •  繼早前灣仔有冰鮮鴨樣本驗出H5N6病毒,食物環境衞生署昨公布,旺角有冰鮮雞樣本檢出H5禽流感病毒,為十日內第二宗,問題冰鮮雞批次來自內地惠東縣百 事盛農牧有限公司。港大微生物學系講座教授袁國勇昨指,本港先後驗出冰鮮鴨雞含禽流感病毒,反映內地禽流感病毒持續活躍。冰鮮禽畜業界人士擔心,內地若在 農曆新年前爆發禽流感,勢打擊冰鮮家禽供港及販商生計。
- usa

  • Flu continues to be widespread across the United States and the season is on track to be one of the most severe since 2014/2015, when 34 million people were sickened by the virus and 710,000 were hospitalized, U.S. health officials said on Friday.
- uk

  • A nine-year-old gifted maths pupil is believed to have become the youngest person to die from flu this winter after living in the worst hit area of the UK. The child, from Exeter, Devon, tested positive for the virus, Public Health England has confirmed. His parents have asked for him to not be named. His death comes after official figures yesterday revealed 191 have died from the killer outbreak across the UK, with aggressive 'Japanese' and 'Aussie' strains to blame. Statistics also show the number of people dying in England and Wales each week has reached the highest level yet - with flu considered responsible.

    - hk

    • 流感疫情擴散,繼多間幼稚園爆發流感,連日來有最少兩間小學中招。位於屯門的順德聯誼總會李金小學多達八個班級受影響,小一至小五均有學童染病,小一更是「重災區」,全校估計至少廿四人受影響。有學生家長表示,子女所讀班別原有廿五人,上周四(25日)僅八人出席。學校網頁通告指受影響的八班需進行隔離措施,但稱毋須停課,但有家長憂慮疫情擴散。另衞防中心昨晚公布新增一宗兩歲女童感染乙型流感併發持續腦癇,她昨日進入瑪麗醫院兒科深切治療部,情況嚴重。

    Yellow fever is a viral disease of typically short duration. In most cases, symptoms include feverchillsloss of appetitenausea, muscle pains particularly in the back, and headaches.[3] Symptoms typically improve within five days.[3] In about 15% of people, within a day of improving the fever comes back, abdominal pain occurs, and liver damage begins causing yellow skin.[3][6] If this occurs, the risk of bleeding and kidney problems is increased.
    The evolutionary origins of yellow fever most likely lie in Africa, with transmission of the disease from nonhuman primates to humans. The virus is thought to have originated in East or Central Africa and spread from there to West Africa. As it was endemic in Africa, local populations had developed some immunity to it. When an outbreak of yellow fever would occur in an African community where colonists resided, most Europeans died, while the indigenous Africans usually develop nonlethal symptoms resembling influenza. This phenomenon, in which certain populations develop immunity to yellow fever due to prolonged exposure in their childhood, is known as acquired immunity. The virus, as well as the vector A. aegypti, were probably transferred to North and South America with the importation of slaves from Africa, part of the Columbian Exchange following European exploration and colonization. The first definitive outbreak of yellow fever in the New World was in 1647 on the island of Barbados. An outbreak was recorded by Spanish colonists in 1648 in the Yucatán Peninsula, where the indigenous Mayan people called the illness xekik ("blood vomit"). In 1685, Brazil suffered its first epidemic in Recife. The first mention of the disease by the name "yellow fever" occurred in 1744. McNeill argues that the environmental and ecological disruption caused by the introduction of sugar plantations created the conditions for mosquito and viral reproduction, and subsequent outbreaks of yellow fever. Deforestation reduced populations of insectivorous birds and other creatures that fed on mosquitoes and their eggs.
    The Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC)—known as Walter Reed General Hospital (WRGH) until 1951—was the U.S. Army's flagship medical center from 1909 to 2011. Located in the District of Columbia, it served active and retired personnel from all branches of the military. The center was named after Major Walter Reed (1851–1902), an Army physician who led the team that confirmed that yellow fever is transmitted by mosquitoes rather than direct contact.
    - people

    - usa

    • ft 7may19 tyson warns of swine fever threat to us
    • A Silicon Valley company want to test for the infectious African swine fever at slaughterhouses with a medical device it developed. "Our technology can rapidly and accurately detect infectious pathogens on site, so the slaughterhouses can make quick decisions once they find the pathogens," said Li Liu, co-founder of Anitoa Systems, LLC. The company's core technology is a high-sensitivity bio-optical sensor that is portable and low-cost. Currently there are three similar products available in China, including one from established US company said Liu. But she's optimistic that her company's product has a huge market potential because inquiries have surged since China required pig slaughterhouses to conduct compulsory self-checks in April.
    - europe

    • ft 5aug19 swine fever threatens europe's pork industry 
    - greece

    • 希臘早前爆發該國首宗非洲豬瘟疫情,中國海關總署和農業農村部昨日稱禁止直接或間接從希臘輸入豬、野豬及其製品。
    - japan

    • 日本農林水產省昨稱今年起已發現逾五百頭野豬感染豬瘟,警告若染病豬隻到處活動,飼養的豬隻可能再度大肆傳染。當局計劃,將擴大向家豬接種疫苗的「推薦地區」。

    - china

    • 遼寧瀋陽爆發非洲豬瘟疫情,截至前日(2日)下午三時,疫區內九百一十三隻活豬已被全部撲殺和無害化處理,消毒工作正全面展開,並已封閉疫區。鑑於網傳有死人情況,遼寧畜牧獸醫局人員連忙否認:「這個病不是人畜共患病,不會傳染人類,網傳的死人情況肯定是不實。」
    • 中國農業農村部周四發布一項通知,由本月十五日起,展開「生豬屠宰環節非洲豬瘟自檢」和「官方獸醫派駐制度」的百日行動,以控制疫情進一步蔓延。
    • ft 21oct19 afrucab swube fever takes toll on china's corn sector

    - 非洲豬瘟繼續在越南各省蔓延,北部太原省成為全國第十個淪為疫區的省市。當局周三前往該省的兩個養豬場視察,其中一處所採的樣本經檢驗後呈陽性反應,該場五十二頭豬全遭撲殺。河內再有三處爆發疫情,全國至今共有逾六千五百頭染病豬隻被撲殺。

    • 越南非洲豬瘟疫情繼續惡化,北部廣寧省東朝市和寧平省華閭縣的養豬場近日發現多隻病豬。獸醫局其後證實部分病豬感染非洲豬瘟,越南全國已有十二個省市淪為疫區。
    •  中國海關總署和農業農村部周二發公告,即日起禁止直接或間接輸入越南豬、野豬及其產品,亦禁止寄遞或旅客攜帶入境。一經發現,一律作退回或銷毀處理。

    - 針對非洲豬瘟疫情擴散至越南,台灣農委會加強檢查來自越南周邊國家的旅客,自昨日起增加對泰國入境桃園機場的旅客檢查手提行李。連同早前已開始檢查的越南、柬埔寨、老撾、緬甸,來自東南亞共五個國家班機的旅客,須全面接受手提行李檢查。目前台當局如發現越南入台旅客攜有豬製品,會罰款二十萬元新台幣(約五萬港元)。
    - 美國農業部近日統計顯示,美國出口到中國的豬肉數量創下近兩年的單周新高。有美媒分析認為,中國非洲豬瘟疫情持續,全國各地大規模宰殺生豬,導致內地豬肉價格上漲,中國採購商因而被迫向美國採購豬肉。
    • 中國因非洲豬瘟疫情嚴峻而鬧豬荒、美國輸華豬肉量創下近兩年單周新高之際,美國海關及邊防局(CBP)上周五(15日)宣布,於新澤西州檢獲四百五十四噸由中國走私的豬肉及豬肉製品,為美國史上最大宗的農產品扣押。當局憂慮走私豬肉或受非洲豬瘟病毒污染,嚴重影響美國豬農業。
    • 內地農業農村部發布《關於穩定生豬生產保障市場供給的意見》,要求各地落實對非洲豬瘟強制撲殺的補助,並增養飼活豬的獎勵,以支持生豬養殖場盡快恢復生產。另強調在穩定活豬生產之時,確保牛羊肉和禽肉供給,多渠道滿足市場消費。
    - north korea

    • 北韓境內上月出現非洲豬瘟個案,一直受疫情困擾的中國,為防疫情再在東北地區復發,海關總署及農業農村部周一聯合發布公告,禁止直接或間接由北韓輸入豬隻、野豬及其相關產品,即日生效。邊防等部門截獲的非法入境的豬隻等,一律銷毀。若有違規者,海關將依有關規定處罰。
    - south korea

    • 南韓周二亦證實北部京畿道坡州市出現全國首宗病例,當局下令撲殺涉事豬農的兩個豬場近四千頭豬,即日起禁止全國豬場、屠房及飼料廠運輸家畜兩天。有推測指,病毒或由越過非軍事區的北韓野豬傳播。

    - japan

    • 日本豬瘟疫情繼續蔓延,愛知縣瀨戶市一個養豬場爆發豬瘟,縣政府周三請求陸上自衞隊協助,撲殺場內四千隻豬,當局正在加緊確認附近設施是否受感染,又限制涉事養豬場附近十公里的養豬場出貨。農林水產省表示,是次疫情是去年九月國內爆發豬瘟以來的第十三宗個案,亦是愛知縣飼養場發現的第三宗個案。

    • 愛知縣政府周五表示,瀨戶市和田原市養豬場的豬隻感染豬瘟,當局撲殺合共二千四百隻豬。這是去年九月該國爆發豬瘟以來,第十五宗及十六宗個案。

    • 日本早前在中國旅客攜帶的豬肉腸中,首度驗出具傳染力的非洲豬瘟病毒。為防範非洲豬瘟,日本將從本月廿二日開始實施新措施,旅客攜帶肉製品等動物產品入境日本,沒有主動申報而被查獲,不論最終有沒有丟棄有問題產品,也會受到嚴正處分。當局會記錄他們的護照號碼等資料,並要求他們寫下永不再犯的保證書。
    -  philippines

    • 菲律賓農業部昨日證實,送往英國檢測的豬隻血液樣本驗出非洲豬瘟病毒,鄰近馬尼拉的黎薩省和布拉干省均有豬隻受感染,當局已撲殺7,416隻豬,但稱市面上的豬肉仍安全可食用。 柬埔寨一個鄰近越南邊境的豬場,上月底出現非洲豬瘟疫情後,先後有五百豬隻被殺,事件成為當地首宗案例。柬埔寨東北部的臘塔納基里省(Rattanakiri province)上月二十二日,有豬場爆發非洲豬瘟疫情,其中四百豬隻發病死亡,死亡率高達八成,其餘未發病的一百豬隻則被撲殺及處置。
    • 菲律賓海關上周六(25日)表示,指馬尼拉港口上月檢獲一批未獲衞生許可的中國進口灣仔碼頭水餃,並驗出非洲豬瘟。當局已下令悉數掩埋銷毀有關產品,以免豬瘟病毒在國內擴散。灣仔碼頭周一(27日)回應指,沒有直接或授權他人出口旗下產品到菲律賓。
    - indonesia

    • 印尼農業部昨日表示,印尼與東帝汶接壤的東部東努沙登加拉省(East Nusa Tenggara)爆發新一輪非洲豬瘟疫情,近三千隻豬死去。印尼正在嚴格限制豬肉和豬肉產品的運輸。

    - 非洲豬瘟疫情在亞洲持續擴散,東帝汶上周五正式向世界動物衞生組織(OIE)通報,國內爆發疫情,是第十個成為疫區的亞洲國家,亦是繼菲律賓及南韓後,近一個月來第三個爆發疫情的國家。中國大陸人活動被指是傳播源頭。 農業農村部周四通報,新疆首次爆發非洲豬瘟疫情,烏魯木齊市米東區一豬場十五隻豬死亡。另雲南迪慶州香格里拉同日亦發生非洲豬瘟疫情,導致過百豬隻死亡。目前全國僅餘西藏及海南兩省區未有出現確診個案。
    - beneficiaries?

    • Companies that make the bold decision to diversify and expand well before a crisis often thrive. And some of the region’s biggest agricultural companies have turned the ongoing swine flu epidemic crisis sweeping across China and Southeast Asia into an opportunity, while smaller players have fallen by the wayside. “While African swine fever resulted in a sizeable decline in the overall swine population in China, it had less impact on larger players as they have more resources and knowledge to defend themselves against the disease,” said Arunee Watcharananan, an executive director of Hong Kong-listed CP Pokphand. “As one of the leaders in the agri-food industry, we have benefitted from the ongoing industry consolidation process.” Commodities brokerage INTL FCStone said in a report that the epidemic “will almost certainly accelerate the decline” of small farmers in China. The country has an estimated 26 million hog farms. While CP Pokphand’s swine feed sales in China fell 2.6 per cent year on year in the first half because of a decline in the hog population, it cranked up production of its poultry and aqua feed, with sales growing 4.2 per cent and 3.3 per cent respectively. Although the firm was hit by the spread of the disease in two of its key markets – China and Vietnam, it posted a moderate profit decline, which fell 23 per cent in the first half to US$82.5 million from a year earlier.
    • The EpiVax approach is based on a strategy to provide immunity through antibodies that neutralise the virus, and also induce immune cells to kill it, he noted. Antibodies can no longer reach the virus once it enters the cell.Pacific GeneTech plans to conduct its “proof-of-concept” clinical trial on 120 pigs in high-security facilities in North America, which is expected to cost up to US$500,000. It also hopes to do trials in Vietnam, China, Europe and Russia.
    • ASF has resulted in hundreds of millions of pigs either dying or being culled globally. No effective vaccine has been commercialised.
    • 農業農村部昨公布,中國農業科學院哈爾濱獸醫研究所研發的非洲豬瘟疫苗進展順利,已完成疫苗環境釋放試驗,近三千隻受試豬隻均無明顯臨床不良反應,且不同劑量接種組的免疫保護率均在八成以上。目前,黑龍江等地將進一步擴大疫苗臨床試驗範圍。

    - 巴西作為全球最大的牛肉出口國,日前在馬托格羅索州發現一宗非典型瘋牛症個案。當局周一宣布,已自動啟動雙邊協議機制,暫時停止向中國輸出牛肉。

    - history

    • china
    • maugham's novel the painted veil mentioned that kitty followed her husband to cholera-infested mainland of china

    - The first death from cholera has been confirmed in the cyclone-hit port city of Beira, with cases of the disease almost doubling in Mozambique in the past 24 hours, health officials say. Cyclone Idai, which hit on 14 March, caused massive flooding and killed more than 700 people across southern Africa. More than 500 cases of cholera have since been reported in Beira. Aid efforts in Mozambique are now focused on containing the disease, with a large vaccination campaign under way.

    - 結核病在中國肆虐,上月一份援引世界衞生組織發布的《中國結核病年鑑(2018)》顯示,前年全球結核病潛伏感染約十七億人,中國約有八十八萬九千名新增患者,死亡人數多達三萬七千人,為全球高負擔國家第廿九位。早前有專家指,內地結核病的醫保政策尚待完善,在缺少新疫苗和藥物情況下,加上資金投入不足問題,令根治結核病情況陷入窘境。


    monkey pox
    - 新加坡衞生部周四晚上通報,指該國出現首宗人類感染罕見猴痘病毒案例,患者是一名三十八歲尼日利亞男性。當局指,該男子可能是在婚禮上進食野味而受感染,現時在傳染病中心接受隔離,情況穩定。
    food transmitted disease
    - 澳洲多個省份近年有一種因感染「食肉菌」而來的傳染病群虐,當中以維多利亞省尤甚,部分地區在過去四年染病個案急增四倍之多。嚴重病者可能需要截肢,由於治理該病醫療費用頗高昂,有專家促請政府撥款資助病人及研究如何應付這種病菌。
    - 美國疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)上周五公布,德州達拉斯市一名居民感染罕見的猴痘病毒(Monkeypox),該患者此前曾到訪尼日利亞,本月9日返回德州。當局未有公開患者身份,僅指他現時正留院治療,情況穩定。達拉斯地區衞生部門主任菲利普‧黃(Philip Huang,音譯)表示,當局正透過航空公司與兩班航班的乘客和職員聯絡,強調公眾健康未受到威脅。猴痘是天花的「近親」,一旦感染,會出現發燒、頭痛、疲累等症狀。一般會持續兩至4個星期,面部和身體會出現大面積的紅疹,該病毒主要透過飛沫傳染。

    sheep pox, goat pox
    - 哈薩克上月出現綿羊痘和山羊痘疫情個案,中國海關總署及農業農村部為此發布公告,要求禁止直接或間接由當地輸入綿羊、山羊及其產品。發現來自哈薩克的綿羊、山羊及其產品,一律作封存處理。未經海關許可,不得啟封動用,嚴防疫情傳入。

    - ft 21aug19 nigeria on verge of being last african country to eradicate polio
    - An infant in Malaysia has been diagnosed with polio, in the first case reported in the country in nearly three decades, a top health official said on Sunday.The three-month old baby boy from Tuaran, in Malaysia’s Sabah state on Borneo island, tested positive for polio on Friday after being admitted to hospital with a fever and muscle weakness, Director General of Health Noor Hisham Abdullah said in a statement.“The patient is being treated in an isolation ward and is in stable condition, but still requires assistance to breathe,” he said.Malaysia was declared polio-free in 2000, after reporting its last known case of the disease in 1992.


    - 中南美洲最近爆發登革熱,多國進入衞生緊急狀態,巴拉圭個案急增至八萬五千宗,十六人死亡,總統貝尼特斯亦確診需停工,國會宣布全國進入九十日的衞生緊急狀態。據指,多數病人來自秘魯、玻利維亞及巴西之間的東部叢林地區。



    基孔肯雅熱,又譯為契昆根亞熱奇昆古尼亞熱Chikungunya is an infection caused by the Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), The virus is spread between people by two types of mosquitosAedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti.


    - [eckstut] bilirubin (yellow in colour) gives skin yellow hue, is byproduct of red blood cells that have broken down, normally travels thru the blood to liver, where it is metabolised and then excreted. An excess can turn babies yellow, and can cause damages like hearing loss and learning disabilities.

    buruli ulcer
    - disease caused by flesh eating bacteria scmp 11apr2021 scientists puzzled by growth of flesh eating would cases

    food safety incident
    - 歐洲食品安全局周二公布,英國、奧地利、丹麥、芬蘭及瑞典近日有多人食用含有李斯特菌的急凍粟米而受感染,其中九人病亡,死亡率高達一成九,該批粟米來自匈牙利的急凍工廠,匈牙利政府上周已下令回收該工廠生產的所有急凍蔬菜。當局再三提醒市民,進食急凍食品前應先洗乾淨及徹底煮熟。

    - originated from latin "vacca" (means cow)
    - public reception

    • Public mistrust of vaccines means the world is taking a step backwards in the fight against deadly yet preventable infectious diseases, warn experts. The biggest global study into attitudes on immunisation suggests confidence is low in some regions. The Wellcome Trust analysis includes responses from more than 140,000 people in over 140 countries. The World Health Organization lists vaccine hesitancy as one of the top 10 threats to global health.
    - ethics

    • 美媒報道,中國中石油的員工疑在未有被告知疫苗風險的情況下,獲邀接受中國國藥集團的新冠肺炎疫苗注射,形容這些員工成為了疫苗臨床試驗的「小白鼠」,測試未經驗證有效的疫苗,情況惹來道德爭議。中石油、國資委和國藥集團均未作回應。
    - side/negative effects
    • 台灣台北一名28歲產婦疑早前接種流感疫苗後,出現發燒、休克等嚴重不良反應,隨後更被診斷為急性心肌炎,醫院一度發出病危通知書。產婦的丈夫近日怒斥,原本健健康康的人,現在因為注射疫苗後,人在醫院等待換心。
    • 綜合《每日郵報》及BBC報道:美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)近日發表報告指出,在輝瑞和BioNTech新冠疫苗的臨床試驗中,有4名志願者出現面部癱瘓症狀,當局估計是因病毒感染導致面部神經發炎。
    • 甘肅蘭州去年底爆出布魯氏菌病,原因是中牧蘭州生物藥廠生產疫苗過程中使用過期消毒劑、未徹底殺菌所致。蘭州市政府昨日召開記者會,指截至周一當地累計檢測近8萬人次,感染布魯氏菌病後出現抗體的民眾超過1.1萬人,已有3,244人簽訂早前發布的賠償協議。
    - africa
    • economist 8may2021 "home brewing" covid 19 has exposed africa's reliance on vaccines from abroad
    - italy

    • Italy’s upper house of parliament has voted through legislation from the ruling anti-establishment government to remove the legal obligation to vaccinate schoolchildren. A law compelling children to have 10 vaccinations in order to enrol at state schools came into effect in March, after a surge in the number of measles cases. But the Five Star Movement and the League, which formed a ruling coalition two months ago, pledged to scrap the vaccination obligation during the run-up to elections in March, courting the so-called “anti-vax” vote. The new legislation puts Italy out of step with other European countries such as France and Germany, which have been bolstering vaccine regulation. Critics say the government is eroding faith in science and nine Italian regional administrations that oppose the repeal have said they intend to appeal to the constitutional court or bring in their own laws to reinstate compulsory vaccines.

    - small pox

    • Donald Ainslie "D. A.Henderson(September 7, 1928 – August 19, 2016) was an American physician, educator, and epidemiologist who directed a 10-year international effort (1967–1977) that eradicated smallpox throughout the world and launched international childhood vaccination programs. From 1977 to 1990, he was Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Later, he played a leading role in instigating national programs for public health preparedness and response following biological attacks and national disasters. At the time of his death, he was Professor and Dean Emeritus of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Professor of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh, as well as Distinguished Scholar at the UPMC Center for Health Security.
    • famous people who died of smallpox
    • William II (27 May 1626 – 6 November 1650) was sovereign Prince of Orange and stadtholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands from 14 March 1647 until his death three years later. His only child, William III, reigned as King of England, Ireland, and Scotland. He died of smallpox in 1650. 
    •  Mary, Princess Royal (Mary Henrietta; 4 November 1631 – 24 December 1660) was Princess of Orange and Countess of Nassau by marriage to Prince William II, and co-regent for her son during his minority as Sovereign Prince of Orange from 1651 to 1660. She died of smallpox on 24 December 1660,[1] at Whitehall Palace, London.
    •  The Shunzhi Emperor (15 March 1638 – 5 February 1661) In September 1660, Consort Donggo, the Shunzhi Emperor's favourite consort, suddenly died as a result of grief over the loss of a child.[138] Overwhelmed with grief, the emperor fell into dejection for months, until he contracted smallpox on 2 February 1661.[138] On 4 February 1661, officials Wang Xi (王熙, 1628–1703; the emperor's confidant) and Margi (a Manchu) were called to the emperor's bedside to record his last will.[152] On the same day, his seven-year-old third son Xuanye was chosen to be his successor, probably because he had already survived smallpox.[153] The emperor died on 5 February 1661 in the Forbidden City at the age of twenty-two.

    • hk
    • there is a calf vaccinating table for smallpox vaccine production (1952-1979) in hk museum of medical sciences

    - measles
    • about vaccines helped fuel Minnesota's biggest outbreak of measles in decades, and attracted determined vaccine skeptics eager to exploit fear, health officials say. But the outbreak has not only caught people's attention; it has helped demonstrate that anti-vaccine activists are wrong, state and county health officials say.At least 48 people have been infected, nearly all of them children, and 11 kids are in the hospital with pneumonia and other dangerous complications, the Minnesota department of health says. They expect more. Somali immigrants have been the hardest hit by the outbreak, Minnesota's health department said.
    • 一個人權組織周四表示,正處於嚴重經濟危機的委內瑞拉,東部一個偏遠叢林地區大規模爆發痲疹,當地一個部落至少有七十名兒童死亡。委內瑞拉衞生部指,政府快將推出疫苗對抗痲疹。
    • economist 9mar19 "fever pitch" measles outbreaks in america are getting hard to contain
    • economist 25may19 "never too old" stopping measles outbreaks requires vaccinating adults too
    - dengue fever
    • scmp 15may19 hk rules out buying first vaccine dengue fever
    • 澳洲聯邦科學與工業研究組織(CSIRO)上周五公布,研究人員與美國加州大學聖迭戈分校聯手,成功培育出一種能夠抵抗登革熱傳播的基因改造蚊子,有望遏止該種全球性疾病。
    - sars
    •  據新華社報道,有「新SARS」之稱的中東呼吸綜合症冠狀病毒變異快速,至今沒有有效的疫苗或藥物。台灣「中央研究院」昨日發佈消息,其參與的研究團隊運用納米科技,研發出一款冠狀病毒疫苗,為這一疾病的預防和治療帶來曙光。
    - 中國農業科學院(下稱農科院)周五公布,黑龍江省哈爾濱獸醫研究所自主研發的非洲豬瘟疫苗,已取得階段性成果,成功創製出非洲豬瘟候選疫苗。 A rise in anti-vaccine sentiment has put everyone at risk
    - 甲型 H3N2 流感今冬席捲北半球,美國及英國等地均表示流 感疫苗失效。雖然疫苗效用受質疑,但政府和醫學界仍鼓勵 接種。美國聯邦及地區政府一再強調,高危人士應在流感高 峰期接種疫苗,當地醫護人員平均每年接種率更高達 80%。 紐約市衛生部門上月更下令,所有兒童都必須強制注射流感 針,否則將拒絕他們回校上課,是當地歷來首次將流感疫苗 作為入學要求。近期香港以至全球各地均爆發流感疫 情,帶動抗流感藥物需求大增,但很少 人會留意藥物的效用是否真如生產商宣 稱一樣。澳洲一項研究發現,個別與藥 廠關係密切的科學家,往往會誇大藥物 成效,數以百萬計病人及各國政府可能 在他們誤導下,購入只有些許效用甚至 完全無效的藥物。 澳洲新南威爾斯大學健康資訊專家鄧 恩帶領的研究小組,分析了 26份抗流感 藥物的系統性評估。所謂系統性評估, 是指利用所有藥物的相關研究成果,再 按照嚴格規定,對藥物效用作出整體評 估。由於這類評估均需遵守同一規定, 意味不同研究員評估的結果理應一致, 不過小組發現情況相反。研究指出,世界衛生組織(WHO)專家 小組於 2002及 2009年建議全球儲備抗 流感藥物,各國政府因而花了69億美元 (約535億港元)採購大量特敏福,但這筆 投資至今仍未獲得足夠臨床研究支持。
    - meningitis

    • Kenya has announced that it will inoculate around 3 million people against the highly infectious meningitis A, using a new vaccine. The vaccine was developed by the World Health Organization in partnership with nonprofit organization PATH for use in Africa. It was launched in 2016 following a call for help by African health ministers. About 1.4 million people in northern Kenya, especially those areas bordering Southern Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda - areas considered to be high risk and within the "Meningitis Transmission Belt", will be the first to receive the injectable vaccine. The exercise, which will be carried out in four areas of Turkana, Marsabit, Wajir and Mandera, will be completed by July 4.
    - allergy
    • 本港新冠疫苗接種率偏低,疫苗副作用是市民卻步重要原因。醫院管理局早前在港島西醫院聯網葛量洪醫院設立疫苗過敏安全門診,為有機會對疫苗過敏人士進行過敏測試,惟輪候隊伍出現「大塞車」,有獲轉介的市民竟被告知要排期至2029年!該名市民直斥離譜,「到時個診所都唔知仲喺唔喺度!」他批評有關服務與政府推廣疫苗「打對台」,質疑窒礙接種疫苗意欲,令市民要自行承受風險。

    practising or admission privileges
    - article on current practice hkej 6jan16 a15

    -  countries legalising medical use
    -  The term pot originates from a Mexican drink called potación de guaya (translated, it means "drink of grief") in which marijuana buds are steeped in wine or brandy.  Potación got shortened to pot, which is where the slang comes from.
    - A vast marijuana farm discovered in a former nuclear bunker in Wiltshire was staffed by trafficked Vietnamese teenagers working in slave-like conditions, police say. The three teenagers, the youngest of whom was initially thought to be 15, and one adult in his 30s, were found working as gardeners inside the 1980s bunker after a midnight raid on Wednesday.
    - scmp 11nov18 "marijuana rush" thailand and malaysia are rushing to become first asian countries to legalise medical use of the drug
    - 泰國國會周二通過新法案,宣布藥用大麻合法化,成為東南亞先例由泰軍政府組成的國會,最終以一百六十六票贊成、零票反對及十三票棄權,大比數通過修改《1979年麻醉藥法》。新法例規定,以醫療為目的下生產、進口、出口、持有及使用大麻都是合法。至於供應、生產及研究大麻的人士須持特定許可證,而使用大麻的病人亦須得到醫生處方。
    - economist 31aug19 "going to pot" a global revolution in attitudes towards cannabis is under way
    - 先健科技(1302)昨宣佈,通過深圳云麻與中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院達成聯合實驗室合作協議,共同加速展開大麻素干預腦疾病作用的相關科研工作,推進大麻素在相關領域的應用研究。
    - Brazilian pharmaceutical regulator Anvisa on Tuesday approved regulations for the roll-out of medicinal cannabis-based products but in a separate vote blocked a proposal to allow domestic medical marijuana plantations.Anvisa’s approval of rules to regulate the nascent medical marijuana market represents a major shift in a country that has suffered years of deadly drug violence.Nonetheless, the decision to prohibit domestic plantations shows that Brazil, led by far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, is not yet willing to join peers Colombia and Uruguay and develop its own vertically integrated medical marijuana sector.
    - 阿根廷國會在前年三月三十日通過法案,批准大麻油可用於醫療用途。該國北部胡胡伊省,設有首間合法生產醫療用大麻油的國營企業,今年將產出首批藥用大麻油,依法可用於腦癇症患者。當地政府聲稱,藥油可用於治療癌症、柏金遜病及罕見疾病。
    - Lebanese legislators approved a law on Tuesday legalising the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal and industrial use. The decision, which makes Lebanon the first Arab country to legalise marijuana growing, offers economic incentives for the debt-ridden state. It makes the state the sole proprietor for trading cannabis, which has been grown illicitly for decades in Bekaa, in the east of the country. Lebanon's Parliament approved the bill in its session on Tuesday, despite opposition from Hezbollah representatives.The UN Office on Drugs and Crime ranked Lebanon in 2018 as one of the world's top five producers of cannabis.
    - The Rwandan government will issue licenses for growing cannabis for medical use, the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) said late Tuesday, following Monday's cabinet decision that approved the regulatory guidelines on the cultivation, processing and export of high-value therapeutic crops.

    Apocynum venetum, commonly known as sword-leaf dogbane, is a plant species in the dogbane family, poisonous but used as a source of fiber, medicine, and nectar for production of honey.ラフマ(羅布麻)は、中国北部・西部原産のキョウチクトウ科の多年草。葉を薬草あるいは飲用(羅布麻茶)に用いる。ロプノール(羅布泊)周辺に多く、昔は繊維を採って利用したことから羅布麻の名がある。民間で薬草あるいは飲用に用いられ、葉は羅布麻茶、燕龍茶(ヤンロンちゃ)などと称して市販もされる。日本では、ダイドードリンコから2001年に「ヤンロン茶」の名で発売され、現在では「ヤンロン茶レベルケア」として特定保健用食品指定されている。日本では北海道から東北地方日本海側に変種のバシクルモン(A. venetum var. basikurumon)が自生する。この名称はアイヌ語名のパシクルムン(paskur-mun カラスの草)に由来し、またオショロソウとも呼ばれる。バシクルモン属は北半球の温帯に広く分布し、急性毒性の強い強心配糖体を含む種もある。学名Apocynum はギリシャ語で「犬除け」の意味で、犬に対して毒性があるためともいわれる。ラフマ葉は毒性成分をほとんど含まず、ケルセチンなどのフラボノイドを多く含むことが明らかにされている。ただし根には強心配糖体があり有毒とされる。
    - 近日,由新疆阿勒泰戈寶茶有限公司主辦的「戈寶麻生態產業科技發展高級研討會」在新疆阿勒泰市舉行這種「戈寶麻」是一種瀕臨滅絕的多年生宿根草本植物,是降血壓、助睡眠的中藥材,也是高檔紡織製品的天然原料,同時還是防止沙化及保護水土的生態植物。

    - The world’s largest cockroach farm is breeding 6 billion adult cockroaches a year and using artificial intelligence to manage a colony larger than the world’s human population – all for medicinal use. It is part of the production process for a “healing potion” consumed by millions of patients in China, according to the government. There are many cockroach breeding facilities in China, for use as an ingredient in medicine or as a source of protein for livestock feed. But no other facility can match the productivity of the farm in the city of Xichang, in southwestern Sichuan province.

    - Desert Locust summer breeding, amplified by heavy rains, can pose a serious threat to agricultural production areas of Yemen, Sudan, Eritrea and parts of Ethiopia and northern Somalia during the next three months, FAO warned today. This could result in potentially adverse impacts on the agricultural seasonal yields and local economies affecting food security and livelihoods of the populations in the countries concerned. Intensive ground and aerial control operations were mounted in Iran (712 000 ha), Saudi Arabia (219 000 ha) and Sudan (105 000 ha) this year that undoubtedly reduced locust populations but could not entirely prevent swarms from forming and moving to the traditional summer breeding areas in Yemen, Sudan, the Horn of Africa and along both sides of the Indo-Pakistan border. There is a moderate to high risk of the Desert Locust situation escalating further in the interior and coastal areas of Yemen and in the interior of Sudan, causing swarms to form that would threaten agricultural production by the end of the summer. This will be followed by further increases along both sides of the Red Sea during the upcoming winter from November onwards.

    new surgical procedures
    - 良性前列腺增生是不少年長男士的困擾,患者排尿困難,若採取傳統電切手術,術後絕大部分病人都會有射精功能障礙,亦有潛在嚴重併發症如大量出血的風險。香港大學李嘉誠醫學院今年初首次引入水蒸氣熱力治療手術,透過微細的針頭注入蒸氣,針對性破壞增生組織,完成亞洲首宗個案,病人術後可即日出院,更不會傷害其他組織及影響性能力。

    - economist 14mar2020 feature on personalised medicine
    Amphetamines – often called “pep pills”, “go pills”, “uppers” or “speed” – are a group of synthetic drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, reducing fatigue and appetite and increasing wakefulness and a sense of well-being.Methamphetamine is a particularly potent and addictive form of the drug, best known today as “crystal meth”. All amphetamines are now banned or tightly regu­lated. The quintessential drug of the modern industrial age, amphetamines arrived relatively late in the history of mind-altering substances – commercialised just in time for mass consumption during World War II by the leading industrial powers.Few drugs have received a bigger stimulus from war. As Lester Grinspoon and Peter Hedblom wrote in their 1975 study The Speed Culture, “World War II probably gave the greatest impetus to date to legal medically authorised as well as illicit black market abuse of these pills on a world­wide scale.” The story of this drugs-war relation­ship is there­fore mostly about the proliferation of synthetic stimulant use during World War II and its speed-fuelled aftermath.While produced entirely in the laboratory, amphetamines owe their existence to the search for an artificial substitute for the ma-huang plant, better known in the West as ephedra. This relatively scarce desert shrub had been used as a herbal remedy for more than 5,000 years in China, where it was often ingested to treat common ailments such as coughs and colds and to promote concentration and alertness, including by night guards patrolling the Great Wall of China.
    Diphenoxylate is a centrally active opioid drug of the phenylpiperidine series that is used in a combination drug with atropine for the treatment of diarrhea. Diphenoxylate is an opioid and acts by slowing intestinal contractions; the atropine is present to prevent drug abuse and overdose. It should not be given to children due to the risk that they will stop breathing. 

    • mentioned in one of chicken soup stories (called lomotil)
    Methamphetamine[note 1] (contracted from N-methylamphetamine) is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that is mainly used as a recreational drug and less commonly as a second-line treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obesity. Methamphetamine was discovered in 1893 and exists as two enantiomerslevo-methamphetamine and dextro-methamphetamine.[note 2] Methamphetamine properly refers to a specific chemical, the racemic free base, which is an equal mixture of levomethamphetamine and dextromethamphetamine in their pure amine forms. It is rarely prescribed over concerns involving human neurotoxicity and potential for recreational use as an aphrodisiac and euphoriant, among other concerns, as well as the availability of safer substitute drugs with comparable treatment efficacy.甲基苯丙胺甲基安非他命是強效的中樞神經系統刺激劑,主要被用於娛樂用途,較少被用於治療注意力不足過動症肥胖症,即便有也被當成第二線療法。甲基苯丙胺是在1893年發現,有二種對映異構:分別是左旋甲基苯丙胺(levo-methamphetamine)及右旋甲基苯丙胺(dextro-methamphetamine)。「甲基苯丙胺」一般是指左旋甲基苯丙胺及右旋甲基苯丙胺各佔一半的外消旋混合物。甲基安非他命較少被醫師處方,因為可能會毒害神經,以及有用作春藥欣快感促進劑等風險。而且已有療效相同,而對人體危害風險更低的替代藥物在美國能直接在市面上購買主成分為左旋甲基苯丙胺的吸入型鼻塞緩解劑因為它被視為非處方藥


    Cimetidine, sold under the brand name Tagamet among others, is a histamine H2 receptor antagonist that inhibits stomach acid production. It is mainly used in the treatment of heartburn and peptic ulcers. While, in the United Kingdom there is an exception to the POM category where for the short-term symptomatic relief of heartburn, dyspepsia, and hyperacidity. The development of longer-acting H2 receptor antagonists with fewer drug interactions and adverse effects, such as ranitidine and famotidine, decreased the use of cimetidine, and though it is still used, cimetidine is no longer among the more widely used of the H2 receptor antagonists.[citation neededCimetidine was discovered in 1971 and came into commercial use in 1977. Cimetidine was approved in the United Kingdom in 1976, and was approved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration for prescriptions in 1979.西咪替丁,也称甲氰咪胍西米替丁希美得定,商品名稱為泰胃美Tagamet自從雷尼替丁法莫替丁等第二代H2受体阻抗剂面世以來,药物相互作用副作用相對較大的西咪替丁的使用量已有所减少。
    Ranitidine, sold under the trade name Zantac among others, is a medication which decreases stomach acid production.[1] It is commonly used in treatment ofpeptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. There is also tentative evidence of benefit for hives. It can be taken by mouth, by injection into a muscle, or into a vein. Common side effects include headaches and pain or burning if given by injection.[1] Serious side effects may include liver problems, a slow heart rate, pneumonia, and the potential of masking stomach cancer.[1] It is also linked to an increased risk of Clostridium difficile colitis. It is generally safe in pregnancy.[1] Ranitidine is an H2 histamine receptor antagonist that works by blocking histamine and thus decreasing the amount of acid released by cells of the stomach. Ranitidine was discovered in 1976 and came into commercial use in 1981. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.
    - cancer

    • 和黃中國醫藥科技昨日宣布,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)已授予索凡替尼兩項快速通道資格,用於治療不適合手術的晚期和進展性胰腺和非胰腺神經內分泌瘤(NET)。美國FDA快速通道資格旨在加速針對嚴重疾病的藥物開發和審批,以解決未獲滿足的醫療需求。獲得快速通道資格的新藥可能是針對特定嚴重疾病的首個療法,或與現有療法相比在臨床上具有顯著優勢。此外,獲得快速通道資格的項目可以在藥物開發計劃上與美國FDA進行更頻繁的互動,並獲取加速審批、優先審評和滾動審評資格。

    - 盤尼西林類
    • 案情指,耿在一五年五月向患有腳痛的七十五歲病人處方抗生素藥物(Amoxycillin)時,未有查詢對方的藥物過敏紀錄,導致病人出現藥物敏感反應,呈嘔吐、眩暈及胸部不適等症狀,並需送院治療。
    - pills for stomachache

    • [水野仁輔]ingredients: 肉桂、小茴香、肉豆蔻、丁香、陳皮、黃龍膽、苦木粉末、碳酸氫鈉、沉澱碳酸鈣、碳酸鎂、合成砀酸愛、澱粉酵素

    - 美國有大學研究人員,近日設計一款全新的人工智能(AI)演算系統,能數日內篩選逾億個化合物,並從中發現一種新抗生素化學分子。他們在老鼠身上測試,證實該化學分子可殺死多種現有抗生素無法清除的致命病毒株及病原體,堪稱史上最強抗生素。

    coloured 藥水
    - 記得在福建省一個名叫九 牧村的附近,突然聽到我背後 有人叫喊: 「小朋友,你腿上 爬滿了蛆蟲,雙腿腫得很嚴 重,來來來,我來救救你 吧!」 我回頭一看,是個頭戴 紅星軍帽,身背紅十字包的衞 生人員。我當時害怕得想馬上 逃跑,但腳腿的疼痛,令我無 力馬上逃離。見他打開紅十字 包,取出兩個救急包,並拉着 我到附近山壁,靠近正在流動 的泉水處,先將我腿上的蛆蟲 沖洗乾淨,敷了黃色藥水,雙 腿各包紮一個厚厚的救急包之 後,即匆匆趕路離去。 經這次包紮醫療之後,嚴 重的燙傷雖無法立即痊愈,但 已減緩了傷口的惡化,避免了 蛆蟲的誕生。

    constroverial scientific developments
    - china daily 2aug19 japan approves growing human cells in animals

    animal testing
    - 斑馬魚是人類研究的替代品,因兩者均有腦、心臟、肝臟和腎臟,而且多產及飼養方法簡單等,有助醫學科研。理大醫療科技及資訊學系助理教授馬進恒表示,他使用斑馬魚模型,選取部分獲美國食品及藥物管理局准許使用的藥物,發現一些原本用來抑制白血球增生的藥物如羥氯喹,在沒有使用苯硫脲的情況下反而增長白血球的增生,導致出現反效果。他解釋,斑馬魚原本會產生自噬,即能夠讓細胞自我再生,在研究癌症上可觀察其病變,但他發現利用苯硫脲會令自噬活躍度提升,令抑制蛋白質失效。雖然未研究出利用苯硫脲會導致結果出現偏差的原因,仍提醒研究人員或需重新審視有關自噬和血液學的研究結果,包括現有癌症治療藥物的成效。

    medical profession
    - 各地引入海外醫生的 做法,以及如何透過醫療新科技填補人手不足。

    - sanitary standards/procedures for practitioners



    Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī (Persian: ابوبكر محمّد زکرياى رازى Abūbakr Mohammad-e Zakariyyā-ye Rāzī, also known by his Latinized name Rhazes (/ˈrɑːzz/) or Rasis; 854–925 CE), was a Persian polymath, physician, alchemist, philosopher, and important figure in the history of medicine. He also wrote on logic, astronomy and grammar. A comprehensive thinker, Razi made fundamental and enduring contributions to various fields, which he recorded in over 200 manuscripts, and is particularly remembered for numerous advances in medicine through his observations and discoveries. An early proponent of experimental medicine, he became a successful doctor, and served as chief physician of Baghdad and Ray hospitals. As a teacher of medicine, he attracted students of all backgrounds and interests and was said to be compassionate and devoted to the service of his patients, whether rich or poor. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica (1911), he was among the first to use humoral theory to distinguish one contagious disease from another, and wrote a pioneering book about smallpox and measles providing clinical characterization of the diseases. He also discovered numerous compounds and chemicals including alcohol and sulfuric acid, among others.
    Avicenna (/ˌævɪˈsɛnə/; also Ibn Sīnā or Abu Ali Sina; Persian: ابن سینا‎; c. 980 – June 1037) was a Persian[4][5][6] polymath who is regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinkers and writers of the Islamic Golden Age.[7] He has been described as the father of early modern medicine. Of the 450 works he is known to have written, around 240 have survived, including 150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine. His most famous works are The Book of Healing, a philosophical and scientific encyclopedia, and The Canon of Medicine, a medical encyclopedia which became a standard medical text at many medieval universities[15] and remained in use as late as 1650.[16] In 1973, Avicenna's Canon Of Medicine was reprinted in New York. 

    • **********Avicenna is a Latin corruption of the Arabic patronym Ibn Sīnā (ابن سينا‎), meaning "Son of Sina", a rare Persian masculine given name of uncertain etymology.[citation needed] However, Avicenna was not the son,[20] but the great-great-grandson of a man named Sina. His full name was Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī ibn Sīnā (أبو علي الحسين بن عبد الله بن الحسن بن علي بن سينا).

    Edward JennerFRS (/ˈɛnər/; 17 May 1749 – 26 January 1823) was an English physician and scientist who was the pioneer of smallpox vaccine, the world's first vaccine. The terms "vaccine" and "vaccination" are derived from Variolae vaccinae (smallpox of the cow), the term devised by Jenner to denote cowpox. He used it in 1796 in the long title of his Inquiry into the Variolae vaccinae known as the Cow Pox, in which he described the protective effect of cowpox against smallpox.    
    Jenner is often called "the father of immunology", and his work is said to have "saved more lives than the work of any other human". In Jenner’s time, smallpox killed around 10 percent of the population, with the number as high as 20 percent in towns and cities where infection spread more easily. In 1821 he was appointed physician extraordinary to King George IV, and was also made mayor of Berkeley and justice of the peace. A member of the Royal Society, in the field of zoology he was the first person to describe the brood parasitism of the cuckoo.
    Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister, OM PC PRS FRS (5 April 1827 – 10 February 1912[1]), known between 1883 and 1897 as Sir Joseph Lister, Bt., was a British surgeon and a pioneer of antiseptic surgeryHe promoted the idea of sterile surgery while working at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Lister successfully introduced carbolic acid (now known as phenol) to sterilise surgical instruments and to clean wounds. Applying Louis Pasteur's advances in microbiology, Lister championed the use of carbolic acid as an antiseptic, so that it became the first widely used antiseptic in surgery. He first suspected it would prove an adequate disinfectant because it was used to ease the stench from fields irrigated with sewage waste. He presumed it was safe because fields treated with carbolic acid produced no apparent ill-effects on the livestock that later grazed upon them. Lister's work led to a reduction in post-operative infections and made surgery safer for patients, distinguishing him as the "father of modern surgery". Lister came from a prosperous Quaker home in West HamEssex, England, a son of wine merchant Joseph Jackson Lister, who was also a pioneer of achromatic object lenses for the compound microscope.
    Jacques Bertillon (November 11, 1851 – July 7, 1922) was a French statistician and demographerBorn in Paris, Bertillon was the son of statistician Louis Bertillon and the older brother of Alphonse Bertillon. He was educated as a physician but turned to statistical analysis. In 1880 he wrote La Statistique humaine en France. In 1891-93 he chaired a committee that introduced the Bertillon Classification of Causes of Death, which was adopted by several countries; it was the precursor to today's International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD)[1] which continues to be published by the World Heath Organization. By comparing statistics from different European countries he discovered the correlation between suicide rates and divorces, claiming that both phenomena were associated with social disequilibrium, ideas influencing Émile Durkheim in his work Suicide.
    Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz, better known as Oswaldo Cruz (Portuguese pronunciation: [oʒˈvawdu ˈkɾuʃ]; August 5, 1872 in São Luís do ParaitingaSão Paulo province, Brazil – February 11, 1917 in PetrópolisRio de Janeiro state), was a Brazilian physician, pioneer bacteriologistepidemiologist and public health officer and the founder of the Oswaldo Cruz InstituteOswaldo Gonçalves Cruz was born on August 5, 1872 in São Luis do Paraitinga, a small city in São Paulo Province, to the physician Bento Gonçalvez Cruz and Amália Bulhões Cruz. As a child, he moved to Rio de Janeiro with his family. At the age of 15 he started to study at the Faculty of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro and in 1892 he graduated as medical doctor with a thesis on water as vehicle for the propagation of microbes. Inspired by the great work of Louis Pasteur, who had developed the germ theory of disease, four years later he went to Paris to specialize in bacteriology at the Pasteur Institute, which gathered the great names of this branch of science of that time. He was financed by his father-in-law, a wealthy Portuguese merchant.
    伍連德祖籍廣東,出生於馬來西亞,是第一個進入英國劍橋並獲醫學博士的華人,其導師是著名的諾貝爾獎得主。一九○七年他被延攬為軍醫官,臨危受命。他良好的醫學教育和高貴人格起到了重要作用。當時東北鼠疫已成燎原之勢,受感染者不計其數,而且每天都以幾何級數增長。那時正處於兵荒馬亂年代,而且東北被日俄侵略者佔據。伍連德為救國人於水火,主動找到俄國最高軍官交涉抗疫救民之事。俄國人剛開始不屑,但是伍連德用自己抵抗瘟疫的實績震撼了他們。俄國軍人為了保命,最後全力支持並撥給了他大量火車車廂作隔離病房,結果很快減緩並停止了瘟疫的發展。日本人也看到伍連德抗疫完勝後只好求他幫助,最終為日方終止了鼠疫威脅。根據歷史記錄,這次由伍連德領導的中俄日三國合作抗疫創造了世界奇跡。世界史上三次最大的鼠疫第一次爆發時延續了兩個世紀,第二次爆發是四個世紀,而第三次在中國東北,伍連德僅用六十七天,就將鼠疫扼殺。 伍連德在當年創造了隔離療法將所有感染者和疑似病患隔離以避免繼續傳染,這種方法為後來醫學界效法;一九一八年世界大流感也沿用這個方法阻斷感染源。同時他用紗布和隔層棉發明了簡易的「伍連德口罩」,這也是我們今天仍然採用的簡單和必要的措施。伍連德的成就受到了國際科學界重視,次年春天在瀋陽舉行了「萬國鼠疫大會」,年僅三十二歲的伍連德被推選為大會主席。 伍連德的成就不止於此。後來他還親手創建了北京中央醫院即今天的北京大學人民醫院,並說服洛克菲勒基金考察員在北京建立了協和醫院等。一九三五年,因其東北抗疫成就,伍連德被諾貝爾醫學獎委員會提名當年醫學獎,可惜由於戰亂而沒能實現。因為諾獎有五十年保密制度,直到二○○七年諾貝爾基金會才披露了當年這段殊榮。

    Media, journal
    - World Medical Journal

    • an issue with an article on HKMA
    - journal of pharmaceutical sciences

    The Ebers Papyrus, also known as Papyrus Ebers, is an Egyptian medical papyrus of herbal knowledge dating to circa 1550 BC. Among the oldest and most important medical papyri of ancient Egypt, it was purchased at Luxor in the winter of 1873–74 by Georg Ebers. 
    The Herbal or General History of Plants by john gerard, first published in 1597
    - london pharmacopoeia published in 1677

    • [booklet by hk museum of medical sciences] included the use of cinchona bark as treatment to quinine 

    The Hippocratic Corpus (LatinCorpus Hippocraticum), or Hippocratic Collection, is a collection of around 60 early Ancient Greek medical works strongly associated with the physician Hippocrates and his teachings. Even though considered as a singular corpus that represents Hippocratic medicine, they vary (sometimes significantly) in content, age, style, and are largely of unknown authorship.Of the texts in the corpus, none is proven to be by Hippocrates himself.[1] The works of the corpus range from Hippocrates' time and school to many centuries later and rival points of view. Franz Zacharias Ermerins identifies the hands of at least nineteen authors in the Hippocratic Corpus.[2] However, the varied works of the corpus have gone under Hippocrates' name since antiquity. The corpus may be the remains of a library of Cos, or a collection compiled in the third century BC in Alexandria. It was not, however, only the Coan school of Ancient Greek medicine that contributed to it; the Cnidian did, too.[3][4] Only a fraction of the Hippocratic writings have survived. The lost medical literature is sometimes referred to in the surviving treatises, as at the beginning of Regimen.[5] Some Hippocratic works are known only in translation. "Hippocratic" texts survive in ArabicHebrewSyriac, and Latin.The majority of the works in the Hippocratic Corpus date from the Classical period, the last decades of the 5th century BC and the first half of the 4th century BC. Among the later works, The Law, On the Heart, On the Physician, and On Sevens are all Hellenistic, while Precepts and On Decorum are from the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Some of the earliest works of the corpus (mid-fifth century) are connected to the Cnidian school: On Diseases II–III and the early layer within On the Diseases of Women I–II and On Sterile Women. Prorrhetics I is also mid-fifth century. In the second half of the fifth century, a single author likely produced the treatises On Airs, Waters, Places; Prognostics; Prorrhetics II; and On the Sacred Disease. Other fifth-century works include On Fleshes, Epidemics I and III (c. 410 BC), On Ancient Medicine, On Regimen in Acute Diseases, and Polybus' On the Nature of Man/Regimen in Health (410–400 BC). At the end of the fifth or the beginning of the fourth century, one author likely wrote Epidemics II–IV–VI and On the Humors. The coherent group of surgical treatises (On Fractures, On Joints, On Injuries of the Head, Surgery, Mochlicon) is of similar date. The gynecological treatises On the Nature of the Woman, On the Diseases of Women, Generation, On the Nature of the Child, and On Sterile Women constitute a closely related group. Hermann Grensemann (de) identified five layers of material in this group, from the mid-fifth century to the mid-fourth century.[7] The oldest stratum is found in On the Nature of the Woman and On the Diseases of Women II.[7] Generation and On the Nature of the Child constitute a single work by a late-fifth-century author,[8] who may also be identified as the author of On Diseases IV and of sections of On the Diseases of Women I.[8] The latest layer is On Sterile Women, which was composed after the other gynecological treatises were in existence. A single fourth-century author probably wrote On Fistulae and On Hemorrhoids.
    The Charaka Saṃhitā or Compendium of Charaka (Sanskrit चरक संहिता IAST: caraka-saṃhitā) is a Sanskrit text on Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine).[1][2] Along with the Suśruta-saṃhitā, it is one of the two foundational Hindu texts of this field that have survived from ancient India.The pre-2nd century CE text consists of eight books and one hundred twenty chapters.[6][7] It describes ancient theories on human body, etiology, symptomology and therapeutics for a wide range of diseases.[8] The Charaka Samhita also includes sections on the importance of diet, hygiene, prevention, medical education, the teamwork of a physician, nurse and patient necessary for recovery to health.


    Avicenna or Ibn Sīnā (Persianابن سینا‎‎; c. 980 – June 1037) was a Persian polymath who is regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinkers and writers of the Islamic Golden Age.[5] He has been described as the father of early modern medicine. Of the 450 works he is known to have written, around 240 have survived, including 150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine.His most famous works are The Book of Healing, a philosophical and scientificencyclopedia, and The Canon of Medicine, a medical encyclopedia[9][10][11] which became a standard medical text at many medieval universities[12] and remained in use as late as 1650.[13] In 1973, Avicenna's Canon Of Medicine was reprinted in New York. Besides philosophy and medicine, Avicenna's corpus includes writings on astronomy, alchemy, geography and geology, psychology, Islamic theology, logic, mathematics, physics and poetry.
    The Canon of Medicine (Arabicالقانون في الطب‎ al-Qānūn fī al-Ṭibb) is an encyclopedia of medicine in five books compiled by Persian philosopher Avicenna (Ibn Sina) and completed in 1025. It presents an overview of the contemporary medical knowledge, which had been largely influenced by GalenThe Canon of Medicine remained a medical authority for centuries. It set the standards for medicine in Medieval Europe and the Islamic world and was used as a standard medical textbook through the 18th century in Europe.[3][4] It is still used in Yunani medicine, a form of traditional medicine practiced in India. The English title The Canon of Medicine is a translation of the Arabic title القانون في الطب (al-Qānūn fī aṭ-Ṭibb), with "Canon" used in the sense of "law".[5] The word Canon derives from the cognate Arabic original Qanun (the English word "canon" comes from Latin canōn, from Ancient Greek κανών (kanón, "measuring rod, standard"), while the Arabic qanun comes directly from the same Ancient Greek root). The medical traditions of Galen and thereby Hippocrates, had dominated Islamic medicine from its beginnings. Avicenna sought to fit these traditions into Aristotle's natural philosophy.[2] He began writing the Canon in Gorganj, continued in Rey and completed it in Hamadan[6] in 1025.[1] The result was a "clear and ordered "summa" of all the medical knowledge of Ibn Sīnā's time". It served as a more concise reference in contrast to Galen's twenty volumes of medical corpus.  The Qanun was translated into Latin as Canon medicinae by Gerard of Cremona. (Confusingly, there appear to have been two men called Gerard of Cremona, both translators of Arabic texts into Latin. Ostler states that it was the later of these, also known as Gerard de Sabloneta, who translated the Qanun (and other medical works) into Latin in the 13th century.)[15] The encyclopaedic content, systematic arrangement, and combination of Galen's medicine with Aristotle's science and philosophy helped the Canon enter European scholasticmedicine. Medical scholars started to use the Canon in the 13th century, while university courses implemented the text from the 14th century onwards. The Canon's influence declined in the 16th century as a result of humanists' preference in medicine for ancient Greek and Roman authorities over Arabic authorities, although others defended Avicenna's innovations beyond the original classical texts. It fell out of favour in university syllabi, although it was still being taught as background literature as late as 1715 in Padua. The earliest known copy of volume 5 of the Canon of Medicine (dated 1052) is held in the collection of the Aga Khan and is to be housed in the Aga Khan Museum planned for Toronto, Ontario, Canada.[18] The earliest printed edition of the Latin Canon appeared in 1472, but only covering book 3. Soon after, eleven complete incunables were published, followed by fourteen more Latin editions in the 16th century until 1608.

    simple medical treatment using commonly available produce
    A demulcent (derived from the Latin: demulcere "caress") is an agent that forms a soothing film over a mucous membrane, relieving minor pain and inflammation of the membrane.[1]However, they generally help for less than 30 minutes. Demulcents are sometimes referred to as mucoprotective agents. Demulcents such as pectin, glycerin, honey, and syrup are common ingredients in cough mixtures and cough drops.[3][4] Methylcellulose, propylene glycol and glycerine are synthetic demulcents.

    medical cabinet

    -不同的藥丸或針劑,它們又是如何製造出來?事實上,藥物的來源包括植物、動物、礦物、化學合成,又或是透過基因工程製造。植物是藥物最古老的來源之一,譬如心臟藥物地高辛(Digoxin)是從毛地黃的樹葉中提煉得出,罌粟中含有止痛劑嗎啡(Morphine),番瀉葉(Senna)刺激腸道蠕動促進大便等等。動物來源的藥物也不少,在最早時期,治療糖尿病的胰島素(insulin)是由豬或牛的胰臟中提取。用於賀爾蒙補充療法的接合型雌激素(conjugated estrogen),現今仍是提取自懷孕母馬的尿液。另一種藥物尿激酶 (Urokinase) 可溶解血栓,是中風患者或會用到的藥物,此藥提煉自男孩的尿液。而用於癌症的常見化療藥物順鉑(Cisplatin)則是由礦物質鉑化物中提取。今時今日,大部分藥物由化學途徑半合成製造而成。藥廠會由植物、黴菌中尋找藥物的前驅物,再透過不同化學反應,製造出穩定、安全、有效的藥物。值得一提的是,隨着科技發展,透過基因重組技術製造的藥物,又稱生物製劑,愈趨廣泛。生物製劑是由蛋白,而非化學分子組成,常用於免疫系統類疾病。最常見的生物製劑例子是胰島素,其他例子包括用於銀屑病和克隆氏症的阿達莫單抗(Adalimumab)、因福利美(Infliximab)等。

    The Hippocratic Oath is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards. The oath is the earliest expression of medical ethics in the Western world, establishing several principles of medical ethics which remain of paramount significance today. These include the principles of medical confidentiality and non-maleficence. As the seminal articulation of certain principles that continue to guide and inform medical practice, the ancient text is of more than historic and symbolic value. Swearing a modified form of the oath remains a rite of passage for medical graduates in many countries, and is a requirement enshrined in legal statutes of various jurisdictions, such that violations of the oath may carry criminal or other liability beyond the oath's symbolic nature.The original oath was written in Ionic Greek, between the fifth and third centuries BC.[1] Although it is traditionally attributed to the Greek doctor Hippocrates and it is usually included in the Hippocratic Corpus, most modern scholars do not regard it as having been written by Hippocrates himself.
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    - history
    - western medicine

    • Ogino Ginko (荻野 吟子, March 3, 1851 – June 23, 1913) was the first licensed and practicing woman physician of western medicine in Japan. Ogino was born in Musashi province (present-day Kumagaya city, Saitama prefecture). She was married at the age of 16 to the son of the first director of Ashikaga Bank. She soon divorced after contracting gonorrhoea from her husband. After the embarrassment of having to visit male doctors with what was considered a “shameful” disease, she resolved that she would become a doctor to help women in similar circumstances. After graduating from Tokyo Women's Normal School (present-day Ochanomizu University), which was at that time a private medical academy with an all-male student body. Despite prejudice and much hardship, she graduated in 1882, and after numerous petitions, was finally allowed to take her medical practitioner's examination in 1885.She opened the Ogino Hospital in Yushima, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, in Tokyo the same year as the first registered woman doctor in Japan. She also served as staff doctor to the girls' school of Meiji Gakuin University.Ogino married a Protestant clergyman and utopian visionary, Yukiyoshi Shikata, in 1890, and went with him to Hokkaidō in 1894, where she ran a medical practice. After her husband died, she returned to Tokyo and in 1908 resumed running a hospital. She was also active in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU).Ogino died of atherosclerosis in 1913. She is buried at Zoshigaya Cemetery in Tokyo.1851年嘉永4年) - 武蔵国幡羅郡(はたらぐん)俵瀬(たわらせ)村(現在の埼玉県熊谷市俵瀬、2005年平成17年)9月30日までは大里郡妻沼町大字俵瀬)に、代々苗字帯刀を許された名主の荻野綾三郎、嘉与(かよ)の五女(末娘)として生をうける。

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