Monday, December 24, 2018

China - trade and Investment environment


- 上世紀五十年代中期,內地曾推行公私合營政策,其後經濟一直萎縮,直至改革開放才回復上升動力。可是,一旦該政策重臨,包括騰訊在內的企業盈利增長前景,相信難以重拾一八年之前的光輝。

private enterprises The 28-point plan, issued on Sunday by the ruling Chinese Communist Party and State Council, includes decade-old promises to provide a level playing field
for the private economy as well to break up state monopolies in the railway and oil sectors. China’s private entrepreneurs are particularity struggling amid the economic slowdown, under pressure from excessive taxes and levies, as well as the persistent discriminatory treatment from China’s state apparatus. The entrepreneurs have little contribution to policymaking decisions, while they lack the protection from legal mechanisms, making China’s private entrepreneurs particularly vulnerable to an intrusive state machine, regulators and judges.

fiscal support
- China will step up proactive fiscal policy efforts now that commodity prices are relatively low, the State Council, or cabinet, said in a notice published on its website on Tuesday. The notice is a summary of a routine State Council meeting held by China's Premier Li Keqiang on Monday.  The State Council also said it would encourage China's policy banks to step up credit support.  It reaffirmed that China would actively reduce overcapacity and further liberalise infrastructure investment, meaning a further opening up to private investment.,

-人民銀行、工 信部、中銀監、中證監和中保監五部委昨聯合印發《關於金融支持製造 強國建設的指導意見》,其中提及將加快推進高技術製造業企業、先進 製造業企業上市或掛牌融資。

product quality

- 国务院印发《关于加快发展服务贸易的若干意见》,意见强调,加大对服务贸易发展的支持力度,结合全面实施“营改增”改革,对服务出口实行零税率或免税;鼓励金融机构在风险可控的前提下创新金融产品和服务。《意见》指出,大力发展服务贸易,是扩大开放、拓展发展空间的重要着力点,有利于稳定和增加就业、调整经济结构、提高发展质量效率、培育新的增长点。《意见》明确,加快发展服务贸易,要以深化改革、扩大开放、鼓励创新为动力,着力构建公平竞争的市场环境,促进服务领域相互投资,完善服务贸易政策支持体系,加快服务贸易自由化和便利化,推动扩大服务贸易规模,优化服务贸易结构,增强服务出口能力,培育“中国服务”的国际竞争力。到2020年,我国服务进出口总额将超过1万亿美元,服务贸易占对外贸易的比重进一步提升,服务贸易的全球占比逐年提高。,, 據新華社報道, 經李克強總理批准, 國務院近日印發《關於加快發展服務貿易的若干意見》 (以下簡稱《意見》),這是國務院首次全面系統地提 出服務貿易發展的戰略目標和主要任務,並對加快發展 服務貿易作出全面部署。《意見》強調,要加強規劃引導,定期編制服務貿 易發展規劃,加強對重點領域的支持引導,制訂重點服 務出口領域指導目錄;充分利用外經貿發展專項資金等 政策,加大對服務貿易發展的支持力度,結合全面實施 「營改增」改革,對服務出口實行零稅率或免稅;鼓勵 金融機構在風險可控的前提下創新金融產品和服務,政 策性金融機構在現有業務範圍內加大對服務貿易企業開 拓國際市場、開展國際併購等業務的支持力度;提高便 利化水平,建立和完善與服務貿易特點相適應的口岸通 關管理模式;打造促進平台,支持商協會和促進機構開 展多種形式的服務貿易促進活動。
- 自上海自貿區試點負面清單以來,各地紛紛效仿,不少地方版負面清單相繼出爐。商務部辦公廳副主任王雪坤 23日在北京指出,外商投資准入屬於中央事權,原則上應由中央政府來制定、發佈和實施外商投資負面清單。上海自貿區負面清單是國務院依據全國人大常委會決定授權上海市制定的,具有特殊的試點的性質,其他地方未履行必要的法律程序不能複製和效仿。
- 中國商務部副部長王受文昨日表示,儘管今年上半年國際經濟復甦緩慢,但中國實際利用外資還是實現了8%的增長,其中服務業利用外資增長迅速,佔整個利用外資中的比例已達60%以上。同時,投資模式從綠地投資轉向併購。王受文稱,在利用外資規模增長的同時,結構也在優化,如服務業利用外資增長迅速,上半年服務業利用外資增長23%,服務業在整個利用外資中的比例已經佔到了60%以上。在製造業裡面,包括醫藥行業、通信設備、高端製造業吸引外資也在增長。 商務部研究院副院長李光輝18日表示,未來中國將在體制機制層面加快改革與調整步伐,向“負面清單”管理模式過渡。 國務院日前印發的《關於加快實施自由貿易區戰略的若干意見》提出,在與自由貿易伙伴協商一致的基礎上,逐步推進以負面清單模式開展服務貿易談判。 李光輝指出,中國已生效的自由貿易協定中的服務貿易措施基本遵循世貿組織《服務貿易總協定》(GATS)模式,水平承諾與中國加入世貿組織的承諾大體一致,採取“准入後國民待遇+正面清單”模式。 2015年6月簽署的中澳FTA中,澳方以負面清單模式對中國開放服務貿易市場,中國承諾在未來以負面清單模式開展升級談判。同年11月底簽署的《CEPA服務貿易協議》中,內地與港澳首次以“准入前國民待遇+負面清單”方式全面開放服務貿易市場。 “可以預見,未來中國將在體制機制層面加快改革與調整步伐,向‘負面清單’管理模式過渡,進一步提升服務貿易領域自由化與便利化水平。”李光輝説。
- Pilot programmes are to be launched in 10 cities and provinces along with five state-level New Areas for the innovative development of the service trade in the next two years, a State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang decided on 14 February. Priority will be given to explore institutional improvements in eight aspects, including service trade management system, development models and trade facilitation, gradually expanding market access of the service sector. The cities and provinces chosen for the pilots are Tianjin, Shanghai, Hainan, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Suzhou and Weihai. The five state-level New Areas are in Harbin, Jiangbei, Liangjiang (in Chongqing), Guiyang-Anshun, and Xi'an-Xianyang. The matching policies will fall into three categories. First, expanding the scope of service enterprises eligible for preferential tax treatment. The government will offer technologically-advanced and high value-added enterprises the same tax preferences as service outsourcing companies – a low enterprise income tax rate of 15% while tax free to staff education expenses as long as they account for no more than 8% of the total amount of wages. Second, the government will set up guidance funds for the innovation in service trade, especially that of small and medium-sized enterprises based on the areas where the pilot programmes are introduced. Financial subsidies will be granted for R&D design, energy-saving and environmental services urgently needed in the pilot areas. Third, the government will encourage financial institutions to make innovations on supply chain financing, implementing service outsourcing bonded supervision on designated technologically-advanced service companies operating in the pilot areas. For further information, please see: 據新華社報道,經李克強總理簽批, 國務院日前印發《關於同意開展服務貿易創新發展試點 的批覆》(下稱《批覆》),同意在天津、上海、海 南、深圳、杭州、武漢、廣州、成都、蘇州、威海和哈 爾濱新區、江北新區、兩江新區、貴安新區、西咸新區 等省市(區域)開展服務貿易創新發展試點,試點期為 2年,自國務院批覆之日起算。 《批覆》要求,試點建設要充分發揮地方在發展服務 貿易中的積極性和創造性,推進服務貿易領域供給側結 構性改革,健全服務貿易促進體系,探索適應服務貿易 創新發展的體制機制和政策措施,着力構建法治化、國 際化、便利化營商環境,打造服務貿易制度創新高地。
- A "negative list" approach, which identifies sectors and businesses that are off-limits or restricted for investment, has been tested in Tianjin, Shanghai, Fujian and Guangdong, authorities announced on Friday. China's top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission, said it has handed out the draft plan on the approach to the above-mentioned four areas, which specified 96 items that are off-limits and 233 items that are restricted for investment. The pilot is a major step towards government aim to explore a system that could be replicated nationwide for application in 2018 as part of efforts to streamline government administration and give more freedom to the market. The "negative list" approach is a common practice adopted in many countries to manage foreign investment. China first piloted the rules in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone in 2013. By extending the approach to cover domestic businesses, China looks to reduce the threshold for investment and business start-ups to bring out the potential of various market entities as the economy slows.
- China will further open up its services sector by expanding a pilot program for innovative development of trade in services, the State Council decided at an executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday. It was decided at the meeting that the pilot program will be rolled out in 17 areas, including Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, from this July 1 to June 30, 2020, for the innovative development of services trade. The program was launched by the State Council in 2016. A series of opening-up measures will be piloted covering telecommunications, tourism, engineering consulting, finance and legal services. Access measures for trade in services on cross-border delivery and overseas consumption will be explored and refined. Restrictions will be gradually lifted or eased, and customs clearance and visa arrangements will be streamlined for freer flow of goods and people.
- 內地加大推動市場改革開放,優化營商環境,國務院辦公廳周一發布通知,九月底前修訂新版市場准入負面清單,縮減清單事項,以服務業為重要試點放寬市場准入限制,清單之外的企業,不應另設門檻或隱性限制。通知指,要建立全國統一的清單代碼體系,嚴禁各地區或部門自行發布市場准入性質的負面清單;並在今年修訂《公平競爭審查制度實施細則(暫行)》,修改和廢止一批不利於公平競爭的政策措施;對於民營或外資企業投標設置不合理限制,展開全面清理。通知要求,今年底前推出跨境電子商務等企業的認證標準,完善新型海關監管機制。在知識產權方面,知識產權局將制訂在專利等領域的嚴重失信聯合懲戒名單管理方法,加強相關侵權行為的信用監管。另通知提到,要提升政務服務水平和效率,包括跨境貿易便利化;推廣商標和專利電子化申請,將高價值專利審查和商標註冊平均審查的周期縮減;今年十月底前,優化外國人赴內地相關審批審查服務,縮減辦理時間;開放出入境證件身份認證服務平台,為境內港澳居民、華僑持出入境證辦理金融、醫療等提供便利。
中國11日宣布將在北京、天津、上海等28個省、市(區域)全面深化服務貿易創新發展試點,期限為三年。 中國開展服務貿易創新發展試點始於2016年,最早分布在天津、上海等15個地區。2018年,試點進入深化階段,範圍擴大到北京、雄安新區等17個地區,期限延長到2020年6月30日。
國家商務部昨日發文,公布122項服務貿易改革的試點方案,試點為期3年,範圍遍布內地28個省市(區域)。當中多項涉及金融改革開放,包括增加試點地區跨境支付牌照,開放非銀金融機構的即期和衍生交易等,另外還提出,數字人民幣試點擴大至京津冀、長三角、粵港澳大灣區等地。■香港文匯報記者海巖 北京報道該份《關於印發全面深化服務貿易創新發展試點總體方案的通知》,是內地服務貿易改革的總體設計,28個試點地區囊括北上廣深、廈門、杭州、大連、南京、武漢等一線及二線熱點城市,以及重慶、成都、西安、昆明、貴陽等西部主要城市,還有粵港澳大灣區、海南自貿區、雄安新區等改革新區,促進試點地區貿易、投資、資金、人員、數據等自由便利流動。試點為期3年。《通知》中有關數字貨幣試點的表述引發市場熱議。其中提出,將在京津冀、長三角、粵港澳大灣區及中西部具備條件的試點地區開展數字人民幣試點。這相較之前央行數字貨幣研究所明確的深圳、成都、蘇州、雄安新區四地及未來冬奧場景進行內部封閉試點,範圍進一步擴大。通知還指出,數字貨幣試點由人民銀行制訂政策保障措施,先由深圳等地協助推進,後續視情況擴大到其他地區。

Administrative hurdle
- state council yesterday announced 62 measures to simpify approval procedures
- 據新華社報道,國務院總理李克強昨 日主持召開國務院常務會議,決定再推出一批簡政放權 改革措施,讓市場活力更大釋放;確定完善高新技術企 業認定辦法,使更多創新型企業得到政策支持。 清理規範192項中介服務事項 會議指出,進一步加大簡政放權、放管結合、優化服 務力度,持續為企業鬆綁減負,為大眾創業、萬眾創新 清障搭台,是繼續推進供給側結構性改革、擴大有效需 求的重要舉措。 會議決定,一是按照國務院確定的清理中央指定地方 實施審批事項的要求,在去年已取消一批審批事項基礎 上,再取消納稅人申報方式核准、地方企業發行企業債 券的部門預審等 150多項審批事項,便利企業投資和生 產經營、促進就業、方便群眾辦事。二是再取消 10餘 項束縛創業創新的部門行政許可。三是採取取消或改由 審批部門委託開展技術服務並承擔費用等方式,再清理 規範 192項中介服務事項。此次清理後,原作為審批必 要條件的中介服務事項已取消 70%。對保留的中介服務 事項,有關部門將制定清單並向社會公佈。四是整合飯 館、咖啡館、酒吧、茶座 4類餐飲服務公共場所的衛生 許可證和食品經營許可證,由食品藥品監管部門一家許 可、統一監管,並承擔相應行政責任,完善食品安全保 障機制。五是在此前已取消 4批職業資格許可和認定事 項的基礎上,再取消汽車行銷師、咖啡師、註冊人力資 源管理師等 61個事項。盡快公佈國家職業資格目錄清 單,目錄之外不得開展職業資格許可和認定。
- 經李克強總理簽批,國務院日前印發《關於第二批清理規範192項國務院部門行政審批中介服務事項的決定》(以下簡稱《決定》),決定再清理規範一批國務院部門行政審批中介服務事項,這些事項將不再作為行政審批的受理條件。據新華社報道,這批清理規範的事項,主要分為三類:第一類是全部取消事項,清理規範後不再要求申請人提供相關評估、論證、鑒定、證明等材料,共94項;第二類是由原來的申請人委託中介機構提供相關材料,改為審批部門根據審批工作需要委託開展技術性服務,共53項;第三類是經清理規範後,改為既可由申請人自行編制相關材料,也可由申請人繼續委託中介機構編制,共45項。目前,國務院部門行政審批中介服務事項集中清理規範工作基本完成,原來作為審批必要條件的中介服務事項已經取消70%。《決定》要求,各有關部門要認真做好清理規範行政審批中介服務事項的落實工作,加快推進配套改革和相關制度建設,切實加強事中事後監管。國務 院總理李克強15日在北京主持召開國務 院常務會議,決定宣布失效一批與現行 法律法規不一致、不利於辦事創業、不 適應經濟社會發展需要的政策性文件。 會議決定,在前期已宣布失效489件 國務院文件的基礎上,經嚴格審核,再 宣布失效並停止執行506件國務院文件。
- 國務院辦公廳日前印發《關於加快推進「五證合一、一照一碼」登記制度改革的通知》(簡稱《通知》),對在全面實施工商營業執照、組織機構代碼證、稅務登記證「三證合一」登記制度改革的基礎上,再整合社會保險登記證和統計登記證,實現「五證合一、一照一碼」作出部署。《通知》要求,從2016年10月1日起正式實施「五證合一、一照一碼」,在更大範圍、更深層次實現信息共享和業務協同,鞏固和擴大「三證合一」登記制度改革成果,進一步為企業開辦和成長提供便利化服務,降低創業准入的制度性成本,優化營商環境,激發企業活力,推進大眾創業、萬眾創新,促進就業增加和經濟社會持續健康發展。推進這項改革要遵循標準統一規範、信息共享互認、流程簡化優化、服務便捷高效的指導原則。
- Ministries have responded to a series of media and public inquiries about policies in the last week. The State Administration for Industry & Commerce and the State Administration of Taxation explained their recent move to combine business license and tax registration forms into one, which will be introduced first to four pioneer provinces and municipalities. The two administrations said that private business is an essential part of China's economy, adding that simplifying administrative procedures and making them more convenient has long been an aim of the State Council. Since they combined the licenses for enterprises and agricultural cooperatives in October last year, the State Council accelerated reform for small businesses. The move will not only make administrative procedures more convenient for small businesses, but also enhance the sharing of their data among government departments. Leading officials from the education and finance ministries responded to media questions about a recent move to make students from poor families exempt from paying tuition fees for high school education. High school education is not compulsory, but with the popularization of college education, high school learning has gained importance. As China promotes an innovation-driven economy, it is important to grant more young people the opportunity to attend high school to raise the population's education level. The move also enables student subsidies to cover students at all levels of education, from kindergarten to postgraduate studies. Leading officials of the two ministries said they will further improve the system to provide more aid to high school students in need. They also promised that students in both public and private high schools will receive subsidies, adding that 440 million yuan (US$65.86 million) has been allocated for such aid. China's central bank, the People's Bank of China, issued a document on the building of a "green" financial system, of which a key component is the plan to draft a law on compulsory environmental protection insurance. An official at the China Insurance Regulatory Commission responded to inquiries about the insurance. According to the official, the commission will first introduce the insurance experimentally in certain industries with high environmental risks, and encourage insurance companies to develop relevant services that suit the market.
- 商務部、海關總署聯合推出促進外 貿回穩向好的利好政策。自 9月 1日起, 商務部主管部門取消了對加工貿易合同 審批、加工貿易保稅進口料件或製成品 轉內銷審批等。加工貿易企業無需再提 供由各級商務主管部門簽發的批准證書 及隨附資料,審批資料亦無需在多部門 流轉傳送。對此,香港工業總會副主席 郭振華表示,這對於珠三角數萬港企而 言無疑是很大的利好。
- 從10月1日起,內地對外資全面實施「備案+負面清單」的管理模式,外商投資逐案審批的時代正式終結。今後外商來華在負面清單以外的行業投資,將不需審批,備案即可。近日中央深改組明確提出,內地將從2018年起實施全國統一的市場准入負面清單制度。而外商投資早於內資,於今年10月1日起率先進入負面清單時代。
张茅表示,商事制度改革包括“放管服”三个方面。在“放”的方面,主要是在“三证合一”基础上实现“多证合一”,并在上海自贸区推进“证照分离”,使市场准入更加便利;在“管”的方面,主要是围绕从过去以审批为主的准入监管、审批监管转向事中事后监管;在“服”的方面,主要是重点扶持小微企业,归纳小微企业的名录和扶持政策。他并强调,要处理好政府和市场的关系,坚持市场化改革方向增强市场活力,推动“大众创业、万众创新”。; In potentially far-reaching business reforms, China will digitalize the registration and licensing of new firms so they could start their businesses quickly; also, the deregistration process will be made quicker, simpler and cost-effective, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) said on March 10.
- 為減輕企業及個人負擔,財政部及國家發改委近日發布通知,要求清理規範一批行政事業性收費,將於下月一日起取消或停徵婚姻登記費、房屋轉讓手續費等四十一項中央設立的行政事業性收費,同時將商標註冊收費標準降低五成。
- Approval procedures for establishing businesses in particular sectors were modified and streamlined by the State Council. The sectors - pawnshops or their branches; printing houses if the investment involves foreign capital; and manufacturing of civil aircraft or key parts, namely engines and propellers, were among those streamlined. On May 7, the State Council decided to modify approvals, allowing businesspeople to apply for approval after commencing operations. It also asked various levels of local governments to accelerate reforms to accommodate the changes.The State Council office issued a guiding document on further simplifying registration procedures for opening businesses. The five certificates needed for registration have already been combined into one. The guiding document further streamlines this procedure by requiring local governments to improve their work mode, so that an applicant only needs to fill in one form, and submit one set of materials to one designated window to get a business license. The license contains a unique social security number and its relevant information should be published on certain platforms.The National Development and Reform Commission, and the ministries of finance, industry and information technology, and civil affairs launched a campaign to regulate agencies that charge enterprises that need to go through administrative procedures of local governments. These charges will be canceled, and charges considered too high will be lowered.The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation jointly released an implementation plan to shorten the administrative process for enterprises to apply for financial and tax incentives. According to the plan, incentive policies for enterprises will also be reviewed, and a list of incentives will be drawn up. The two ministries said they took the measure in order to implement the State Council's call to further optimize the business environment and stimulate economic vitality.
- 國務院總理李克強昨日主持召開 國務院常務會議,審議通過《優化營商環境條例 (草案)》,以政府立法為各類市場主體投資興業 提供制度保障;討論通過《中華人民共和國檔案法 (修訂草案)》。會議通過了《優化營商環境條例(草案)》,圍 繞市場主體需求,聚焦轉變政府職能,將近年來 「放管服」改革中行之有效的經驗做法上升為法 規,並對標國際先進水平,確立對內外資企業等各 類市場主體一視同仁的營商環境基本制度規範。一 是更大力度放權。持續放寬市場准入,實行全國統 一的市場准入負面清單制度,推進 「證照分離」。 二是規範和創新監管執法。實行 「雙隨機、一公 開」監管,推行 「互聯網+監管」,對新興產業實 行包容審慎監管。三是加強市場主體保護。
- 國務院總理李克強日前簽署國務院令,公佈 《優化營商環境條例》,自 2020年 1月 1日起施行。這是內地首次就優化營商環境制 定專門行政法規。國家發改委副主任寧吉喆昨日在政策吹風會上表示,該條例利好外 商在華投資,明確進一步擴大對外開放,更加重視對外商投資合法權益的保護,為包 括在華外資企業的各類市場主體打造公平公正、非歧視的營商環境。

Emerging industries
NDRC is considering more reform to boost innovation, funding 
China will come out with a five-year plan (2016-20) for the development of its strategic emerging industries and to further boost its innovation efforts, the nation's top economic planner said on Friday. The National Development and Reform Commission highlighted a number of priorities for reform, including facilitating an innovative drug approval process, opening low-altitude airspace, opening up of broadband services to private investors and promoting charging facilities for electric vehicles. At the same time, the government will also encourage strategic emerging enterprises to expand channels for fund raising through initial public offerings, bond issues and crowd funding. Wang Changlin, head of the research department of industrial economics under the NDRC's Academy of Macroeconomic Research, told China Daily that related investigations and studies are underway. This is the last year of the nation's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) and it is expected that a draft of the 13th Five-Year Plan will be submitted to the National People's Congress in March. "Specific five-year plans for industries will be released after the national plan. This is most likely to happen in the second half of next year," he said. Promising industries such as health, energy efficiency and environmental protection, high-end equipment, mobile Internet and e-commerce are expected to have a total value of about 50 trillion yuan ($8 trillion) by the end of 2020, said Wang. According to the NDRC, revenues of the 27 strategic emerging industries totaled 3.96 trillion yuan in the first quarter of 2015, up 11.1 percent from a year earlier. Eight areas saw robust growth in the first quarter, including new computer products, electronic devices, audio-visual equipment, fiber and cable manufacturing, new style rail transportation equipment manufacturing, photovoltaic and wind equipment, pesticide manufacturing and aerospace equipment manufacturing.

Company structure
- A complex web of rules and regulations governs foreign investment in China andcurrent laws are in flux: The Chinese Ministry of Commerce issued a draft ForeignInvestment Law for public consultation back in January. The draft law, if passed,should go a long way to relaxing regulations on foreign investment and making therules of engagement easier to understand. Meanwhile a series of corporate governance scandals involving Chinese firms inrecent years has unsettled foreign investors, particularly those who have boughtshares in Chinese companies listed on overseas stock exchanges. In a world where increased shareholder and stakeholder activism, regulatoryoversight, consumer concerns and media attention are casting a brighter spotlighton the ways corporations are financed and managed, foreign investors in Chinamust do their homework. The starting point is an understanding of two parallel Chinese institutions that havea significant impact on corporate governance: the State-Owned Assets Supervisionand Administration Commission, or SASAC, and Variable Interest Entities, or VIEs. At first glance, these institutions relate to distinct areas of business. The SASAC,often referred to as the "largest controlling shareholder in the world", overseesassets in State-owned enterprises on behalf of the State. VIEs, on the other hand,allow companies in China operating in industries restricted from foreign directinvestment to list on foreign stock markets. E-commerce giant Alibaba adoptedthis approach for its initial public offering in the US-one of the largest on record. However, the SASAC and VIEs share a common form of corporate governance. Ascontrolling shareholders of private and State companies in China, SASAC and VIEsare shaping the future of China's business and investment environment. Foreigninvestors, companies and institutions operating in China need to pay them close attention.

Corporate governance
- Over the past few months, at least 270 college professors and university officialshave resigned their part-time but highly-paid corporate jobs as independentdirectors with listed companies, according to media estimates based on filings tobourses. Their exits came after the Ministry of Education last November banned high-ranking academics from holding corporate jobs, following the Chinesegovernment's decision to widen the anti-corruption campaign to the educationsector. According to media estimates, university professors and academics make up morethan 35 percent of around 7,800 independent directors serving some 2,800 listedcompanies in China. Typically, an independent director's role is that of an internal watchdog, anobjective expert who is expected to protect the interests of the company and allshareholders, especially minority shareholders, by preventing the companymanagement from acting in a reckless, illegal or corrupt way. But senior academics' close relations with listed companies are believed to havebrewed corruption and bribery, instead of independent oversight responsibilities. The director-management nexus could have its roots in the pay packets that theformer receive from companies. On average, an independent director may takehome 65,000 yuan per year from a company. But remuneration varies greatly. Some listed companies offer annualcompensation packages worth more than 400,000 yuan to their independentdirectors.

Company registration
- 國家工商總局副局長劉玉亭昨日在國務院新聞辦公室舉行的政策吹風會上表示,中國將於2015年年底全面實施「三證合一」登記制度,今年10月1日起,中國將全面實行「一照一碼」登記模式。有關登記改革通過「一窗受理、互聯互通、信息共享」,使之前由工商行政管理、質檢、稅務三個部門分別核發不同證照,改為由工商行政管理部門核發加載統一代碼的營業執照。改革後,平均3個工作日就可拿到「一照一碼」的營業執照,而此前平均需要一個月時間。
- name

  • 國家工商總局日前發布《企業名稱登記管理規定(徵求意見稿)》(下稱「徵求意見稿」),擬明確規定除了國務院批准設立的企業外,其他企業的名稱不得冠以「中國」、「中華」、「中央」、「全國」、「國家」、「國際」等字樣。

- guangdong regional customs supervision integration begins
- 3月14日,國家發展改革委、人民銀行、海關總署等33個部門聯合 簽署了《關於對海關失信企業實施聯合懲戒的合作備忘錄》(以下簡稱 《備忘錄》),28日正式對外發布。海關總署副署長李國在當日舉行的 國新辦發布會上表示,實施懲戒的對象不僅包括了失信企業本身,同時 拓展到企業的法定代表人(負責人)、董事等,他們購買機票或出國也 將受限制,達到要讓失信者 「一處失信,處處受限」 的效果,不能再靠 「換馬甲」 逃脫懲罰。據了解,企業一旦失信將影響信用評定類,有關 部門未來也會對其加強審核、檢查。
- The Beijing Customs District under the General Administration of Customs of China will introduce customs surety insurance from Sept 1, as part of its ongoing efforts to lower costs for small and medium-sized enterprises and improve efficiency. "The new insurance scheme has been developed by the customs agency and an insurance company. It is the first time that the customs agency is introducing an insurance product as a new type of customs bond," said Zhou Gonghua, chairman of Bank of China Group Insurance Co Ltd. Under the terms, importers are policyholders while the customs agency is the insured, according to Zhou. A customs surety bond is a contract used for guaranteeing that a specific obligation will be fulfilled between customs and an importer for any given import transaction. The main purpose is to guarantee the payment of import duties and taxes.

- 內地擬開放個人境外投資, hkcd 6aug14 a6

Inbound investment
- The door to China’s real investment riches remains locked
- 春節前夕,日本知名鐘錶企業Citizen在中國的生產基地──西鐵城精密(廣州)有限公司宣佈清盤解散,千餘名員工被解除勞動合同,限期離廠。與此同時,微軟則計劃關閉諾基亞東莞工廠和北京工廠,並加速將生產設備運往越南工廠,將總共裁員九千人。日本Panasonic、大金、Sharp和TDK等公司計劃把製造基地遷回日本本土。Uniqlo、Nike、富士康、船井電機和三星等世界知名企業,先後在東南亞和印度設新廠房,加快撤離中國步伐,勢對中國經濟產生新衝擊。內地多份報章昨提醒,今年中國經濟尤其是製造業面臨考驗。
- government proposes substantially reducing restrictions in foreign investment wenwei 5nov14 a7,,,,
- 商務部 19日公佈《中華人民共和國外國投
資法(草案徵求意見稿)》,在內地實行了 30 多年的「外資三法」有望「三合一」。《徵求意見稿》提出,廢除外資逐案審批制,改為與准入前國民待遇加負面清單管理模式相適應的外資准入制度。外國投資者在特別管理措施目錄外的投資,無需申請准入許可,僅需提交資訊報告。這意味着中國外商投資管理體制將發生根本變革。在放寬外資准入的同時,《徵求
- New draft law streamlines procedures for overseas companies and boosts corporate governance efforts, report Zhong Nan, Gao Yuan and Mu Chen. The security clearance measures outlined in the draft foreign investment law will boost China's corporate governance efforts and create a level-playing field for overseas companies in the country, experts said on Tuesday. Under the draft law, foreign investors will have to gain security clearance from the government for investments that are considered potentially harmful to China's national security.
- The three reporting obligations outlined in the draft foreign investment law will prevent deliberatechanges in the nature of a business after overseas investors setup new companies in China, aswell as keeping the government better informed, experts said. Zhao Xudong, a professor of commercial law at the Beijing-based China University of PoliticalScience and Law, said most foreign investment, including setting up a new company, will nolonger need pre-approval from the State Council. The reporting mechanism will become a practical method to communicate between governmententities and foreign companies in China.
- The mainland is proposing an overhaul of its foreign investment rules with a draft law that could mark the biggest change in decades to the way global companies do business there.
The Ministry of Commerce submitted a draft this week that could unify regulations overseeing foreign investment on the mainland, scale back restrictions and begin regulating the variable interest entities that are commonly used to circumvent foreign ownership limits. The ministry will accept feedback on the plan until February 17. The proposal fuelled optimism that Beijing is preparing for its biggest revamp of rules governing foreign investment since the late 1970s. It also comes as the world's second-largest economy expands at its slowest pace in 24 years. If enacted, the draft legislation would scrap conflicting layers of regulations and streamline bureaucracy by abolishing local and central government approvals for most investment, Dapiran said. The ministry said the rules should "promote foreign investment and normalise foreign investment management". Proposed regulations on variable interest entities in a new draft of China's foreign investment law may put more obstacles in the way of companies with such structures seeking to list in Hong Kong while encouraging e-commerce firms to incorporate in the Shanghai free-trade zone, lawyers and accountants said.
- Overseas investment in the manufacturing sector - long the driving force of China's economic miracle - fell 12.3 per cent to US$39.9 billion and accounted for 33.4 per cent of total inflows, KPMG said. "The growth of service sector FDI reflects an underlying shift in China's economy," it said. "For much of the past 30 years, China's economic policies tended to emphasise investment activities and export-led manufacturing over domestic consumption.
- On Jan 19, the draft of China's Foreign Investment Law was released for a public commentperiod that runs until Feb 17. An official explanation was also released that highlights the keypoints for interpretation. One of the most significant changes in the draft legislation is the adoption of a de facto review ofthe variable interest entity, or VIE, structure of corporate ownership. This is a workaround structure that is used by foreign and Chinese investors in many industries where foreign direct investment is restricted or prohibited in China. The current draft legislation states that domestic entities controlled by foreign investors must be engaged in non-prohibited industries. Previously, VIE structures were used to enable foreign investors to invest in almost any industry, even prohibited ones.
  • mainland enterprises using vie model to list in HK will be affected hkej 30sep15 b18
- China is allowing foreign-owned businesses to play a greater role in defining the standards of industries within the country, a move experts said demonstrates Beijing's determination to ensure product quality and reassure consumers both here and abroad. According to the Wednesday State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang, more international standards will be applied, and "curbs will be further eased" so that foreign-owned businesses can participate in setting standards for the country. A decision was made move standards to "a high level through effective market competition", according to a news release issued after the meeting.
- China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) published on Jan 19 a draft of the proposed new Foreign Investment Law (FIL), which can be a game changer that seeks to bring the treatment of foreign companies in line with that of domestic enterprises, said Kit Kwok, a Shanghai-based partner for one of the world’s largest law firms, DLA Piper. The various deficiencies of the existing FIL in terms of corporate governance, efficiency of the approval and consistency with the country’s domestic corporate law have been well known, Kwok told China Daily in an exclusive telephone interview. The new FIL has the promise to reshape the common practice and regulatory regime that have dominated Chinese mainland’s inbound and outbound investments for years, he said.
- China will further cut the red tape involved in approving new investment to improvegovernment efficiency and increase accessibility for foreign investors, the country's topeconomic planning agency said on Friday. China will promote a management mode based on a "negative list", with its first application inforeign investment, Lian Weiliang, vice- chairman of the National Development and ReformCommission, said at a news conference on Friday. The new mode refers to the method of employing lists of only banned or restricted practices,unlike the existing foreign investment catalog that contains categories of encouraged,prohibited and restricted practices.
- Zhan Xiaoning, director of investment and enterprise of the United NationsConference on Trade and Development, said that while a recovering United Stateseconomy should help attract more FDI this year, China should also take moremeasures to allow foreign capital to enter its key service sectors, such ashealthcare, transport, logistics and retail.
- More inland regions are to be selected for implementation of the country's"negative list" system for foreign investors, according to China's top economicplanner. The negative list refers to sectors and businesses that are off-limits to foreigninvestment, and is an extension to the existing investment-approval method ofspecifying categories that are "encouraged", "prohibited" or "restricted". The negative list method was first adopted in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free TradeZone after it opened in 2013. Free trade zones were subsequently launched inGuangdong, Tianjin and Fujian, and they too adopted negative lists. Xu Shanchang, director of economic system reform at the National Developmentand Reform Commission, said on Friday the practice will be expanded from thecoastal regions to inland areas. "We plan to choose more provinces in the central, west and northwest of China topractice the negative list method. In the selection of which regions, all should havegood fundamentals which allow a deepening of economic reforms," Xu told a newsconference. he term negative list first emerged during international investment treatynegotiations, and is now common practice globally, with many countries outliningsectors that are key to national security or sensitive to increased foreigncompetition.
- US-based think-tank the Demand Institute and its parent institution the Conference Board argue that the Chinese economy will grow much more slowly than most analysts predict — and suggest the promise of an enormous middle class in the future is largely illusory. “Overly optimistic growth and consumption projections for China have misled foreign investors,” the report says. “Most Chinese citizens have a long way to go before entering the middle class.” Just last week, the Conference Board, which counts many of the world’s largest multinational companies as its members, dismissed the Chinese government’s official data and said the country’s economy was on track to grow just 3.7 per cent this year and next. That compares with an official growth rate that will almost certainly hit the Communist party’s full-year target of “around 7 per cent” this year. However, despite their much lower growth estimates, the Conference Board and Demand Institute still predict that China will offer a healthy market for consumer goods and services in the future.
- China will conduct a one-month, sweeping examination of a series of incentives encouraging private investment that were designed to boost the role of such investment in the country's economic development. The examination will review implementation of 39 State Council documents released in 2014 that have encouraged social investment in key innovation sectors. It will be conducted throughout May in 18 provinces and regions across China. The review was announced at Wednesday's executive meeting of the State Council, or China's Cabinet, which was presided over by Premier Li Keqiang.
- 國家發改委 7 日就新修訂的《外商投資產業指導目錄》公開徵求意 見。新版目錄中,外商投資的限制性措施再減三分之 一,從 93條減少到 62條,重點放開公路客運、資信評 級、軌道交通設備、新能源汽車電池、玉米深加工、部 分採礦業等12個領域外資准入限制。
- China is opening more sectors to foreign investment and introducing a slew of measures to invite participation, top officials said. The State Council's executive meeting on Wednesday chaired by Premier Li Keqiang approved a new guideline to further attract foreign investment and advance China's opening-up. Foreign capital will be encouraged to enter high-end manufacturing, as well as related services such as industrial design and logistics. Accounting and auditing, architecture design and rating services will be open to foreign investment for the first time. Foreign funded firms will be cleared to join the national science and technology program as equals to domestic firms, and enjoy favorable policies designed for the "Made in China 2025" strategy. The guideline emphasizes equal treatment for foreign investors, and no additional restrictions are allowed.
- 國新辦昨日舉行吹風會。王受文就國 務院日前通過的《關於擴大對外開放積極 利用外資若干措施的通知》(以下,簡稱 《若干措施》),有關情況進行介紹 王受文進一步表示,會對包括會計審 計,銀行類金融機構、證券公司、證券投 資基金管理公司,電信、互聯網、文化教 育、交通等在內的十四個敏感領域,加強 開放力度。他補充稱,在這些敏感領域開 放的同時,會先在自貿試驗區裏進行測試 ,若測試效果佳,放寬准入,市場主體發 揮作用,推動經濟發展,同時風險可控, 未來會進一步在全國推廣。若風險較大、 不可控,或影響國家安全,則會暫緩開放 ,或進行相應的調整。
-  中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席、中央全面深化改革领导小组组长习近平23日下午主持召开中央全面深化改革领导小组第三十五次会议并发表重要讲话。会议审议通过了《外商投资产业指导目录(2017年修订)》等。会议强调,要坚持对外开放,适应国际通行规则,按照负面清单模式,推进重点领域开放,放宽外资准入,提高服务业、製造业、採矿业等领域对外开放水平,取消内外资一致的限制性措施,保持鼓励类政策总体稳定。
- Multinationals losing battle for Chinese consumers ft 21jun17
- 經李克強總理簽批,國務院日前印發《關於促進外資增長若干措施的通知》(以下簡稱《通知》),強調深化供給側結構性改革,推進簡政放權、放管結合、優化服務改革,進一步提升中國外商投資環境法治化、國際化、便利化水平,促進外資增長,提高利用外資品質。《通知》明確年內將出台外國人才簽證實施細則,明年制定出台外國人在中國工作管理條例。《通知》明確,積極利用外資是中國對外開放戰略的重要內容。當前經濟全球化呈現新特點,中國利用外資面臨新形勢新任務,要不斷提升中國引資新優勢,促進吸收外資實現穩定增長。《通知》從五個方面提出促進外資增長的政策措施。
- 國家發展改革委、商務部2月1日發佈《鼓勵外商投資產業目錄(徵求意見稿)》公開徵求意見。文件擴大了鼓勵外商投資範圍,鼓勵外商投資更多投向現代農業、先進製造、高新技術、現代服務業等領域,並專門制定文件支持外商向中西部地區、東北地區及海南省投資,推動開放型經濟發展。
- 中國外商投資法於上周五通過後,歐洲企業在中國的代言機構中國歐盟商會(下稱商會)質疑法例中部分條款措詞含糊,擔心會對外國公司帶來不確定性。另美國的中美商會則對該法表示歡迎。
- ??? scmp 4apr19 "local governments named for treating foreign firms badly"
- 在二十國(G20)領導人峰會釋放中美貿易出現轉圜的消息之際,中國出台兩份外資准入負面清單以及新版鼓勵外商投資產業目錄,將於本月30日實施。負面清單在交通運輸、增值電信、基礎設施、文化、製造業、採礦業、農業七大領域,推出新的開放措施,在更多領域允許外資控股或獨資經營;並進一步壓減清單條目近兩成,在所有行業領域均沒有新增或加嚴限制,繼續履行向外資開放經濟的承諾。國家發展改革委、商務部昨日發佈了《外商投資准入特別管理措施(負面清單)(2019年版)》和《自由貿易試驗區外商投資准入特別管理措施(負面清單)(2019年版)》,這是《外商投資法》通過後的首份外資負面清單。此次發佈的兩份負面清單,在縮減長度的同時,全國負面清單在交通運輸、增值電信、基礎設施、文化等服務業領域,以及製造業、採礦業、農業領域均推出了新的開放措施,在更多領域允許外資控股或獨資經營;自貿試驗區負面清單則在全國負面清單基礎上,繼續進行開放試點。全國負面清單修訂主要集中在服務業開放上,在交通運輸領域,取消國內船舶代理須由中方控股的限制;在基礎設施領域,取消50萬人口以上城市燃氣、熱力管網須由中方控股的限制;在文化領域,取消電影院、演出經紀機構須由中方控股的限制;在增值電信領域,取消國內多方通信、存儲轉發、呼叫中心3項業務對外資的限制。同時,全國負面清單放寬農業、採礦業、製造業准入,取消石油天然氣勘探開發限於合資、合作的限制等。另外,2018年版自貿試驗區外資准入負面清單試點的演出經紀機構、石油天然氣勘探開發等開放措施推向全國。 hk

  • 對於即將審議的《外商投資法》草案,人大副委員長王晨在說明時表示,草案會對外商投資安全審查制度作出原則規定,凡在中國境內註冊企業,都一視同仁、平等對待;而對於影響或可能影響國家安全的外商投資,會進行安全審查。草案未提及港澳台,全國人大憲法和法律委員會委員孫憲忠指,香港商人是中國人,不應納入該法範疇。
  • 香港特區政府律政司 與亞洲國際法律研究院昨日合辦《中華人民共和國外 商投資法》宣講會,向香港特區政府官員和業界介紹 於今年 3月 15日由第十三屆全國人民代表大會第二次 會議通過,並將於明年 1月 1日在內地實施的《外商 投資法》。 宣講會在律政中心舉行,律政司司長鄭若驊資深大 律師首先在會上致歡迎辭,其後由國家商務部部長助 理李成鋼從制定《外商投資法》的原因、《外商投資 法》的重要特點、如何貫徹落實《外商投資法》及為 港資創造更好營商環境四個方面進行宣講。 在宣講會的問答環節,主持人亞洲國際法律研究院 主席梁定邦資深大律師與李成鋼就與會者 對《外商投資法》關切 的事項作進一步交流。宣講會成功加深與會者對《外 商投資法》的了解。
  • A day before China’s 
    Foreign Investment Law came into effect on January 1, the authorities released a guidance “
    Implementing Regulations” to clarify compliance for both local governments and foreign-invested enterprises, which are allowed a five-year transitional period. However, this has failed to fully address the concerns of foreign investors and in some cases, has dismissed their concerns entirely.The draft of the Implementing Regulations was released for public comment last November, with foreign investors offered just one month to provide input.The 
    US-China Business Council, which represents more than 200 United States companies with significant presence in China, aggregated comments from a wide swathe of industries last year, providing a detailed compilation of where member companies saw the law falling short. With the release of the November draft of the Implementing Regulations, the council provided an 
    updated assessment, highlighting areas that 
    lack clarity or would benefit from additional transparency.However, the final version of the Implementing Regulations was released on December 31 in a manner that mirrors the rushed process in which the Foreign Investment Law was passed at the annual meeting of the National People’s Congress last March, suggesting that China has no intention of substantively responding to the concerns of prominent foreign investors or foreign-invested entities.
- China will end ownership limits for foreign investors in its financial sector in 2020, a year earlier than scheduled, Premier Li Keqiang said yesterday. China will also further open its manufacturing sector, including the auto industry, while reducing its negative investment list that restricts foreign investment in some areas, Li told the World Economic Forum in the northeastern Chinese port city of Dalian.
- 國務院總理李克強日前簽署國務院令,公佈《中華人民共和國外商投資法實施條例》(以下簡稱《實施條例》),自2020年1月1日起施行。黨中央、國務院高度重視《中華人民共和國外商投資法》(以下簡稱外商投資法)實施,明確要求制定配套法規,細化法律確定的主要制度,形成可操作的具體規則,持續優化外商投資環境。作為外商投資法的配套法規,《實施條例》嚴格貫徹外商投資法的立法原則和宗旨,更加突出促進和保護外商投資的主基調,增強制度的可操作性,保障法律有效實施。

  • 1月1日 是《外商投資法》和《外商投資法實施條例》正式實 施後的首日,領展物流(深圳)有限公司和深圳小神 龍體育科技發展有限公司的負責人通過深圳市場監督 管理局短訊平台獲悉,他們已順利通過審核,成為首 批領取依據新法核發的外商投資企業營業執照的港資 和澳資企業。 記者了解到,領展物流(深圳)有限公司是一家港 資企業,港方股東為:領展物流有限公司,中方股東 為蘇先生,新設公司主要從事現代物流、海陸空運輸 業務。而小神龍體育科技是一家澳資企業,由一位澳 門自然人股東和三名內地自然人股東合資設立 ,公 司主要從事體育教育諮詢、體育賽事經營、體育科學 技術開發等業務。兩家企業均落戶深圳前海。
  • 《外商投資法》及其實施條例於 2020年 1月 1 日起在內地施行。在新法條例實施的第一周, 廣西自由貿易試驗區西澳達商務有限公司於 1 月8日領到了該地區首張外資企業營業執照。
  • success case
- repatriation of profits
  • China’s finance ministry and the country’s top tax body announced late on Tuesday that domestic companies repatriating overseas profits would be allowed more leeway to deduct taxes paid abroad from their taxable incomes.On December 28, Beijing temporarily exempted foreign investors from being taxed on profits from Chinese investments provided these proceeds were reinvested in industries high on the government’s priority list.The new measure, effectively Beijing’s second tax break in a week, puts in place a system that encourages foreign funds to remain in the country and makes repatriation attractive for Chinese companies.
- ownership of listed companies
  • 昨日,商務部就《外國投資者對上 市公司戰略投資管理辦法(修訂草案公開徵求意見 稿)》公開徵求意見。其中提出,大幅降低投資門 檻。《意見稿》擬降低對非控股股東的外國投資者 或其全資投資者的資產總額要求,從擁有1億美元資 產或管理 5 億美元資產的要求,分別降至 5000 萬美 元和3億美元。將外國投資者的持股鎖定期由3年調 整為12個月。取消外國投資者通過上市公司定向發 行新股方式實施戰略投資的持股比例要求;將通過 協議轉讓方式實施戰略投資的持股比例要求從10%降 低至5%;明確以要約收購方式實施戰略投資的,預 定收購的上市公司股份比例不得低於已發行股份的 5%。同時,《意見稿》還將增加投資方式。
- credit system

  • ft 29aug19 china considers corporate social credit system
cross border investment
- 國家外匯管理局發佈《關於 進一步促進跨境貿易投資便利化的 通知》,涵蓋 12項跨境貿易投資便 利化措施,包括擴大貿易外匯收支 和資本項目收支便利化試點,取消 非投資性外商投資企業資本金境內 股權投資限制等。其中包括,擴大 貿易外匯收支便利化試點;以及計 劃在粵港澳大灣區和海南省推進境 內信貸資產對外轉讓試點,可跨境 轉出的信貸資產範圍,從銀行不良 債權擴大至貿易融資。

Outbound investment
- China's war on graft hits outbound deals
- China's outbound direct investment will outstrip incoming foreign direct investment for the first time this year, a report on the globalization of Chinese enterprises forecast on Wednesday. Fueled by demand for energy, construction projects and other assets to power its economy, ODI from the world's second-largest economy is likely to rise above $120 billion in 2014, according to the Center for China and Globalization, a top think tank.,
- China's outbound investments jumped 47.4 per cent in the first five months of the year, more than triple its pace of growth last year as mainland firms heeded Beijing's call to pursue growth opportunities abroad. The direct outbound investments, which did not include financial sectors, hit 278.4 billion yuan (HK$352 billion) between January and May, the Ministry of Commerce said yesterday. The total value of the outbound funds in the five-month period was only 16 per cent shy of inbound foreign direct investments, which grew 10.5 per cent to 331 billion yuan. Last year, China's outbound investments by non-financial firms climbed 14.1 per cent from 2013 to US$102.9 billion. "State-owned and privately owned mainland businesses took substantial action to [invest abroad] because of the government's support," Orient Securities chief economist Shao Yu said. beijing has mothballed two pioneering outbound investment schemes, according to people with knowledge of the situation, in its latest bid to stem capital outflows and shore up the renminbi. The halt in the allotment of quotas reflects fears over the massive amount of cash — some economists estimate up to $1tn last year — that has left the country through official and unofficial channels as economic growth slows and the renminbi continues to depreciate.
- China issued regulatory rules on outbound investments by centrally-controlled state firms, the state asset regulator said on Wednesday, the latest move by Beijing to tighten controls on money moving out of the country and stabilize a faltering yuan. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) said it would step up supervision on outbound investments, two documents published on its website showed. The regulator also said it would establish a negative list of investment projects that centrally-controlled state firms would not be allowed to invest in, according to two statements published on the SASAC website. It was not clear if local government firms were excluded from the new rules.
- 商務部監管非理性海外投資
- 國務院辦公廳昨日發佈《關於進一步引導和規範境外投資方向指導意見》(以下簡稱《意見》),由此,去年11月開始實施的對外投資限令,正式以國務院文件的形式確認。這份由國家發改委、商務部、人民銀行、外交部共同制定的文件再次明確提出,限制境內企業開展房地產、酒店、影城、娛樂業、體育俱樂部等境外投資和在境外設立無具體實業項目的股權投資基金或投資平台,要求重點推進有利於「一帶一路」建設和周邊基礎設施互聯互通的基礎設施境外投資。文件首次提出建立境外投資的負面清單和黑名單制度,通過「鼓勵發展+負面清單」模式引導和規範企業境外投資方向,對違規投資行為實施聯合懲戒。此份《意見》由國務院辦公廳於8月4日下發至各省市區政府及國務院各部委和直屬機構,要求「認真貫徹執行」。有業內分析人士向香港文匯報指出,去年11月開始內地針對境外投資實行「階段性管理措施」,此前有市場傳聞,人民幣匯率企穩、資本外流形勢好轉,這一臨時管理措施計劃執行到今年9月,而今國務院正式發佈對外投資指導意見,重申和明確對外投資的限制政策,這意味對外投資限令已被確認下來,並可能在較長時間裡實施,預料未來一兩年內對外投資監管審批都會持續偏緊。
  •  高峰明確,商務部將重點做好以下幾個方面的工作︰一是加強境外投資真實性的審查,鼓勵企業開展真實合規的境外投資,堅決遏制虛假、非理性的境外投資行為。 二是進一步完善境外投資備案報告管理制度,按照「鼓勵發展+負面清單」的模式,引導和規範企業境外投資的行為。三是加強境外投資事中事後的監管,按照「放 管服」(簡政放權、放管結合、優化服務)的要求,適時啟動境外投資領域「雙隨機、一公開」抽查工作,確保企業規範健康地「走出去」。四是積極推進境外投資 立法,將境外投資引導、監管、規範、保障納入法治化的軌道。五是健全公共服務體系,加強「走出去」公共服務平台的建設,整合資源,實現「一站式」信息服 務,幫助企業更好地防範和應對境外投資風險。
  •   據中通社報道,在中國國新辦昨日舉行的政策例行吹風會上,中國商務部副部長王受文回應「外資真正想進入的領域被國企、央企壟斷」說法時表示,外資准入後,外資企業和中國國有、民營企業在同一公平環境內競爭,上述分析不準確、有問題。王受文表示,外資進入到中國的領域越來越寬,這體現在准入前和准入後,而就准入前的開放來說,自貿試驗區裡對外資的開放領域,最早190項限制措施,現在只有95項。產業指導目錄也大大減少了限制類的領域,說明自貿試驗區以外的地方開放的大門也越來越大。 王受文更指,中國國務院出台了《關於在市場體系建設中建立公平競爭審查制度的意見》,要求任何政府部門出台政策,都要對這個政策是否符合公 平競爭要求進行審查,如果影響公平競爭,那這個文件就出不來。王受文表示,外資准入以後,外資企業和中國的國有企業、民營企業是在同一個公平競爭的環境內 進行競爭的。王受文指出,《國務院關於促進外資增長若干措施的通知》特別明確12個領域未來將進一步放寬外資准入,減少對外資的限制。他舉例指,「如在製造業 中,目前對新能源汽車,要求外資股比不能超過50%,專用車也一樣,不能超過50%,而《通知》中有要求,下一步將放寬准入,減少限制,這也是外商非常關 心的領域。」此前中國國新辦曾稱,在外資入華方面,中國將放開或放寬銀行、證券、電信、互聯網、文化、教育等領域的限制。
- China plans to introduce its first regulation on making outbound direct investments later this year to clarify and define the range of overseas investments, as well as listing prohibited areas and other essential factors, according to a report by Beijing-based newspaper the Economic Information Daily on Tuesday. The Ministry of Commerce and the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic watchdogs, are leading the work to draft the regulation, the newspaper that is affiliated with Xinhua News Agency quoted an insider as saying. The new rule will map out an overall structure governing outbound investments from the State level, combining and making further clarification of current rules in areas such as review procedures, tax policies and allowed amount for capital flows. It will also draw a clear line on the areas to be encouraged and forbidden, according to the report.

  • 中央財經領導小組會議近日就開放型經濟體制作出部署,提出了要制定新的外資基礎法律。對此,商務部新聞發言人高峰昨日在京表示,商務部已經對《外國投資法》草案修改完善並上報了國務院。下一步,會積極配合國務院有關部門做好立法審議的相關工作,推動《外國投資法》早日出台。
- 國家發改委昨日公布《企業境外投資管理辦法》將於明年三月一日正式實行。發改委負責人指出,有關規定主要針對境外投資進行監管,從「大方向」上審查有關投資是否危害國家安全利益,其中將會對包括新聞傳媒在內的敏感類項目加以審批。
  • 中国官方发起的大型海外投资贸易专业服务平台─国际投资贸易网(下称贸易网)18日在京正式上线运行。贸易网由南南合作促进会和中国商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院发起创办,通过“线上平台+线下团队”模式,推动三类机构互通有无,即有投资需求国家各类投资促进机构、对外投资意向的中国企业、全球金融、保险、法律、审计等专业服务机构。
- cases
  • Property developer R&F Properties is calling on the authorities in China to make a special case for its investment in Africa and Southeast Asia, as the lengthy and unpredictable approval process for moving money overseas may be jeopardising their international projects. “We applied for US$1 billion worth of overseas investment quota to the state foreign exchange authority more than two months ago, but have not yet received approval,” Zhang Li, founder and co-chairman of Hong Kong-listed R&F Properties told the South China Morning Postin Beijing on Sunday.

Security Law
- China's new national security law in the making has stoked fears it will bolster state power to further restrict ordinary citizens’ freedoms and tighten ideological control. The legislation on state security was tabled in December at the National People’s Congress Standing Committee and will remain high on its agenda this year.

Government Procurement
- 中國財政部昨日發佈《2015年政府採購工作要 點》稱,要着力提升政府採購透明度,建立 覆蓋全過程的政府採購信息公開機制,全面及時 公開採購項目信息;加強對政府採購活動的全過 程全方位監管,加大對違法行為的處罰問責力 度。 去年底,國務院總理李克強主持召開的國務院 常務會議已明確提出,要着力減少環節、提高效 率,厲行節約,構建「規範透明、公平競爭、監 督到位、嚴格問責」的政府採購工作機制,鏟除 滋生腐敗的土壤。 新獲通過的《中華人民共和國政府採購法實施條 例(草案)》也要求提高透明度,政府採購合同應 當在指定媒體上公告,中標、成交結果必須公開; 嚴防暗箱操作、尋租腐敗,遏制「天價採購」、 「黑心採購」、「虛假採購」等違法違規現象。此外,昨日發佈的《要點》還提出,今年要在 簡政放權的同時強化監管,實行採購計劃備案管 理,簡化採購方式變更程序和要求,完善政府採 購進口產品審核制度。 另外,今年將推進各地有序開展政府與社會資本 合作(PPP)項目政府採購活動,推廣應用競爭性磋 商等非招標採購方式,並開展政府購買服務結果評價 試點。 同 時 , 積 極 穩 妥 開 展 《 政 府 採 購 協 定 》 (GPA)談判和其他相關談判。繼續積極穩妥地 開展中國加入GPA談判工作,做好中國出價情況 的解釋說明,尋求參加方理解和支持,爭取對中 國有利的談判結果。全面深入開展GPA談判應對 工作,會同有關部門對出價涉及的政府職能調 整、投資和產業准入政策、安全審查機制、企事 業單位分類改革等方面問題進行全面梳理,加強 GPA談判重大課題研究。妥善應對高層雙邊機制 談判,根據美歐對中國加入GPA可能提出的新要 價,提前準備應對方案。統籌開展自貿區和投資 協定政府的採購議題談判工作。繼續做好政府採 購國際交流工作,加強與相關國家和國際組織的 溝通與合作。
- China has banned the use of several foreign tech brands by central government officials, removing them from approved state procurement lists. Hardware and services from companies like Apple, Cisco Systems and McAfee have been banned apparently over Western cybersurveillance, but it's also perceived as a veiled attempt to create market hostility for foreign brands. hket 27feb15 a25 hkej 27feb15 a20
- A new regulation designed to prevent misconduct by those involved in government procurement took effect on Sunday. The new regulation supplements the provisions of the 2003 Government Procurement Law and is intended to ensure that procurement is carried out in a transparent and fair way under effective supervision, according to a statement by the State Council's Legislative Affairs Office. The total value of government procurement exceeded 1.6 trillion yuan ($255 billion) in 2013, up from 100 billion yuan in 2002, before the law was passed, the office said. 在21日國新辦發佈會上,國家發改委正式發佈最新版的《中央定價目錄》。新版目錄大幅瘦身,定價種類從13種(類)減至7種(類),具體定價項目由100項左右減至20項。國家發改委副主任胡祖才表示,到2017年,中國競爭性領域和環節價格將基本放開,到2020年,市場決定價格機制基本完善。新版目錄將自明年1月1日起施行。胡祖才介紹説,價格機制是市場機制的核心,價格改革是經濟體制改革的重要組成部分。十八屆三中全會明確要求完善主要由市場決定價格的機制。近日,中共中央國務院發佈了《關於推進價格機制改革的若干意見》,此次公佈的《中央定價目錄》,即是貫徹落實《若干意見》的重要舉措。  與以往相比,新版目錄進行了“大瘦身”。定價種類從13種(類)減至7種(類),具體定價項目由100項左右減至20項。在保留的20項中,以國家發改委為主管理的有13項,以行業主管部門為主管理的有7項。  胡祖才説,到2017年,我國競爭性領域和環節價格將基本放開,政府定價範圍主要限定在重要公用事業、公益性服務、網路型自然壟斷環節。到2020年,市場決定價格機制基本完善,科學規範的價格監督制度和反壟斷法體系基本建立,價格調控機制基本健全。  胡祖才介紹,截至目前,我國97%以上的商品和服務價格已經由市場來形成。但也要看到,與十八屆三中全會提出的完善主要由市場決定價格機制的要求相比,還有不少差距。
- 內地統一的 國家公共資源交易平台將於近期上線,初期將彙集發 佈 31省市區及新疆建設兵團的工程項目招投標、國 有土地使用權礦業權出讓、政府採購、國有產權交易 等四大類公共資源交易信息,未來將實現公共資源交 易全覆蓋。
- The authorities on Friday moved to lure more direct foreign investment, with one minister announcing that international companies would be entitled to participate in bidding for government procurement contracts - as long as their products are made in China.
- pharmaceutical products
  • 藥品採購是公立醫院改革的重要環節 ,如何將虛高藥價壓下來也是民眾關切的 焦點。國務院辦公廳28日公布《完善公立 醫院藥品集中採購指導意見》(下稱《意 見》),讓業界爭論多年的藥品分類採購 終於落地。《意見》提出對臨床用量大、 採購金額高的基藥與非專利藥,先由省級 集中批量採購,醫院作為採購主體,按中 標價格採購藥品。新政策淘汰了過去醫院 直接採購的幕後交易方式,利於預防和遏 制藥品購銷領域腐敗。
  • 《國家組織藥品集中採購和使用試點方案》(簡稱《方案》)昨日正式印發。國家醫療保障局在國務院新聞辦的吹風會上表示,將在北京、天津、上海等11個城市(見表)展開試點,這些城市用藥量約佔內地的30%。在試點中,將按當地所有公立醫院機構年度藥品總用量的60%至70%估算採購總量,形成藥品集中採購價格。同時,官方強調,藥企須依法依規生產,對低價中標後生產低質甚至劣質藥品危害公共健康的情況,將堅決打擊毫不留情。
  • China will allow the use of data from overseas clinical trials for approvals of new drugs, in a move likely to enable multinationals to bring products to the world’s second-largest pharmaceutical market more quickly. Pharmaceutical approvals in China can take up to seven years longer than in Europe and the US due to a requirement that overseas trials be at an advanced stage before Chinese trials can begin. The China drugs market generated $117bn in sales last year, according to the QuintilesIMS consultancy. But companies will, in some cases, now be allowed to avoid Chinese trials altogether by using data gathered overseas, the ruling Communist party’s Central Committee said on Sunday.
- defence

  • 記者27日從國防科工局獲悉,近日,該局和中央軍委裝備發展部聯合印發了2018年版武器裝備科研生產許可目錄,再次大幅降低軍品市場准入門檻。2018年版許可目錄在2015年版基礎上再次減少62%,僅保留對國家戰略安全、社會公共安全有重要影響的許可項目。

- 回顧歷史,一九九九年中共十五屆四中全會《關於國有企業改革和發展若干重大問題的決定》,在決策層面第一次提出了國有企業「有進有退,有所為有所不為」。其後幾年,指導方針一度是傾向於「國退民進」,即將國有資本主要集中於關乎國家戰略安全的重要經濟領域和基礎性行業,而從其他行業中逐步退出來,向民資開放。但在工作實踐中,這一過程舉步維艱。民企在參與社會投資方面仍然面臨諸多玻璃門、旋轉門,在獲取銀行信貸支持等方面比國企「低人一等」。尤其是最近幾年,國有資本憑藉強大的經濟優勢和政治特權,攻城略地,民企卻跌跌撞撞,不斷被收編,「國進民退」已成不爭的事實。自今年以來,已有四十多家民營A股上市公司宣布由國有資本接盤,涉及金額已達三百億元。進入下半年,這一趨勢加劇,僅九月份,就有至少十四家公司披露了大股東向國資轉讓股權的意向。國資成為最積極的「接盤俠」。
- 國務院總理李克強10月22日主持召開國務院常務會議,部署根據督查發現和企業關切的問題,進一步推動優化營商環境政策落實;決定設立民營企業債券融資支持工具,以市場化方式幫助緩解企業融資難;確定建設國家「互聯網+監管」系統,促進政府監管規範化精準化智能化。另外,中國人民銀行22日晚間宣布,將再增加再貸款和再貼現額度1500億元(人民幣,下同),支持金融機構擴大對小微、民營企業的信貸投放。這意味着剛剛宣布的支持民營經濟新政策迅速落地。

profit repatriation

- local governments have asked major Chinese home-appliance makers to returnthe subsidies given to boost sales of energy-efficient products after reports ofwidespread misappropriation. Appliance makers like Sichuan Changhong Electric Co Ltd, Skyworth DigitalHoldings Ltd and TCL Corporation confirmed the development and said they havereceived notices from the respective local finance department asking forrepayment of the subsidy. According to a statement issued by Changhong in December, the Sichuanprovincial finance department has decided to withdraw the 439 million yuan($66.74 million) given to the company to subsidize sales of flat-panel televisions. TCL said the economic development bureau of Guangzhou has asked it to repay5.72 million yuan paid as subsidies, while Skyworth said it was asked to return 138million yuan. Preliminary estimates indicate that subsidy repayment notices sent out tocompanies stood at about 900 million yuan till date. China’s government has set its sight on fuel-cell vehicles as the next growth engine in the world’s largest automobile market, as it aims to catch up with the United States and Japan in cutting emissions and taking the next giant leap in technology. Buyers in 17 Chinese provinces will get subsidies of between 128,000 yuan and 160,000 yuan (US$22,000) per fuel-cell passenger car this year, while commercial vans and trucks get between 192,000 yuan and 400,000 yuan each, according to the Ministry of Finance. Local authorities in 10 cities have announced that they would hand out incentives of between 2 million yuan and 4 million yuan toward the construction of every refuelling station, following an April edict by China’s cabinet, according to an August report by Citic Securities. The incentives form part of China’s plan to leapfrog the US and Japan in automotive technology, using the advantage of a market that sells more vehicles than any other nation on earth. 
- pigs

  •  受非洲豬瘟疫情影響,內地豬肉價格持續上漲。為保住市場的豬肉供應,國家財政部和農業農村部聯合推出六大措施,加大補助金及補貼,及對生豬出產增加提高獎勵。, also wenweipo report of the same date
  • 海南三亞市發改委轄下的市穩價辦近日召開會議,宣布在市內設置四十五個豬肉應急投放點,以低於市場10%的價錢出售豬肉。同時實行市級應急儲備凍豬肉計劃,安排農業公司協助投放儲備。
- bookstores
  • 內地傳媒報道,截至去年九月,北京實體書店一年新增二百八十五間,年增28.1%。不過,書店大多環境宜人,民眾更多的是拍照「打卡」,令人質疑進入書店與閱讀書籍無關。另外,實體書店亦面臨不少問題,其中北京多間知名獨立書店因租金高、利潤薄、消費人群減少等問題,於去年相繼關閉。當局曾制訂一系列管理辦法,包括批出一億元人民幣(約一億一千四百萬港元)予該市二百三十九間書店補貼營運成本。惟有數據顯示,二○一八年中國人均紙質閱讀量僅四點六七本,令人懷疑書店衰落程度實際與民眾閱讀量下降有關。

price control
- 據中新社報道,價格改革這一2015年中國改革的「重頭戲」又有新進展。中國國家發展和改革委員會昨日發佈消息,放開24項商品和服務
價格,下放一項定價權限。農產品領域,自 2015 年度起放開各品種、各等級煙葉收購價格,由煙草企業自主確定。官方通過最低收購價、目標價格等方式引導價格。至此,中國在該領域已沒有政府定價項目,農產品價格全部由市場形成。交通運輸領域,鐵路方面,放開鐵路
貨主需求。放開社會資本投資控股新建鐵路的貨運和客運價格,旨在吸引社會資本投資鐵路建設,推動鐵路投融資體制改革。民航方面,自 2014年 12月 15日起,全面放開國內航線貨運價格,放開 101條相鄰省份間短途航線旅客票價,改進基準票價定價辦法。港口收費方面,自 2015 年 1 月 1 日起,放開具有競爭性的港口碼頭勞務性收費、船舶供應服務收費,提高收費透明度。
- Beijing is to relinquish the government's role in setting the prices of a wide range of commodities and services used in everyday life, as part of its market-based reforms. In a list released on Wednesday outlining what goods and services would be subject to price controls, the National Development and Reform Commission had dropped 80 per cent of the products it usually prices.
Xu Kunlin, head of the NDRC's pricing department, told Xinhua yesterday that the government would embark on a so-called negative list system, on which only a small portion of products and services - those of vital importance to the national economy or that required heavy regulation due to safety concerns - would be included. On the new list, only seven categories of products and services remain subject to the NDRC's price controls. These include natural gas, electricity, tap water, and anaesthetics. The NDRC is seeking public feedback on the list in a consultation that will end May 19. 
- The central government will scrap price caps for most medicines from next month in a bid to cut official intervention and allow the market to play a bigger role in the sector. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said in a statement released yesterday that price caps would disappear on all drugs except anesthetics and some types of psychiatric medications. The commission also pledged to keep a close eye on the market for disruptive practices such as price-fixing to ensure prices remained stable after the new rule took effect. "From June 1, government-set prices on most drugs will be cancelled to improve purchasing mechanisms for drugs, control medical insurance costs and allow the price of medicines to be set by the market," the statement said. A separate statement posted on the NDRC's website said the time was "ripe" for China to lift government controls on drug prices. 內地醫改中備受關注的藥品 定價機制改革終於塵埃落定。國家發展改革委昨日宣布,2015年 6月 1 日起將取消內地絕大部分藥品政府定價,藥品實際交易價格將主要由市 場競爭形成。「總體看,政府綜合監管有能力避免絕大部分藥品交易價 格異常上漲」,發改委有關負責人指出,但不排除部分藥價因成本、市 場供求變化等因素出現變動。
- 中國 2015經 濟體制改革重點方案出爐。國務院昨日批轉國家發改 委《關於 2015年深化經濟體制改革重點工作的意見》 (下稱《意見》)提出,在內地經濟下行壓力大的背 景下,將加快推出價格改革等一批激活市場、釋放活 力、有利於穩增長保就業增效益的改革新舉措,使改 革新紅利轉化為發展新動力。通知提出,今年不失時機加快價格改革。大幅縮減 政府定價種類和項目,穩步分批放開競爭性商品和服 務價格。價格改革涉及藥品、煙草、天然氣、電、水 等,包括取消絕大部分藥品政府定價;放開煙葉收購 價格和部分鐵路運價;下放一批基本公共服務收費定 價權;實現存量氣與增量氣價格併軌;擴大輸配電價 改革試點;推進農業水價綜合改革。
- natural gas

  • The government could shorten the time between adjusting natural gas prices to better reflect domestic market fundamentals, a top economic planner said on Wednesday. But Hu Zucai, vice-chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, did not signal if a price cut is on the way. Price adjustments have been made annually under a scheme launched in July 2013. The last time prices were adjusted was on April 1, effectively merging a two-tier pricing system into one to track an oil market slump. Yet, the last price cut did not fully reflect falls in substitution fuels to which regulated gas prices are benchmarked. This has curbed gas use by factories and slowed the shift from diesel and gasoline to gas in vehicles. "Next we're studying (whether) to shorten the periods," Hu said at a news conference.
- salt

  • Officials of the National Development and Reform Commission have recently responded to the liberalization of salt prices. The commission said that the government will take effective measures concerning salt distribution and delivery, stocking, market price supervision and market inspection to maintain the basic stabilization of salt prices. Meanwhile, relevant departments will provide subsidies to the salt industry and targeted low-income groups to ensure their consumption of salt will not be affected.

中国公共信用信息系统主要任务是依据国务院《征信业管理条例》和《社会信用体系建设规划纲要2014-2020年》 [1-2]  规定,统一负责全国个人和企业征信系统的建设、运行及管理。负责向社会提供公众信用信息查询服务、政府监管部门信息发布服务、征信服务机构信息审批发布服务、中央公共信息数据交换服务。中国公共信用信息系统属于国家一级信用数据库,是全国170多家征信机构共同规范组建的覆盖全国、统一标准的第三方公众征信系统平台,创建于2003年,在国务院、团中央等相关领导的指导下,于2008年经北京市工商行政管理局批准成立了全国首个“征信、评价、培训”为行业特征的专业注册机构,并将“企业及个人信用征集、评定,企业和个人信用评估、信用管理培训、数据处理”的征信业务明确列入营业执照经营范围之内,具备企业信用注册机构的合法实体资格。近13年来,中国公共信用信息系统积累了开展征信业务的第一手市场运营经验,培养了一支深刻理解征信业务的专业团队,为开创中国征信服务行业创新模式,打下了坚实的基础。本系统在国务院《征信行业管理条例》颁布之后,按规定向国务院征信行业监督管理部门备案,接受中国人民银行管理、全国性信用协会监督和业务指导。

Encourage consumption
- 據新華社報道,中國國務院辦公廳印發《關於加快發展流通促進商業消費的意見》(以下簡稱《意見》)。《意見》指出,黨中央、國務院高度重視發展流通擴大消費。為推動流通創新發展,優化消費環境,促進商業繁榮,激發國內消費潛力,更好滿足人民群眾消費需求,促進國民經濟持續健康發展,《意見》提出了20條穩定消費預期、提振消費信心的政策措施。
-, 中國國務院總理李克強9 月1日主持召開國務院常務會議,決定設立 總規模為600億元人民幣(約730億港幣) 的國家中小企業發展基金,實現政府與市 場攜手增強創業創新動力;會議還決定確 定調整和完善固定資產投資項目資本金比 例制度,促進投資結構優化。
- policies are to be introduced to encourage more financial support for small and microbusinesses. They will include more diversified financing channels, more loans discretion for local banks, and a better developed credit rating system nationwide.
- The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Bank of China Co Ltd on Aug 3, released a five-year plan to support the international development of small and medium-sized enterprises, including helping them with overseas mergers and acquisitions and to form joint ventures. The plan will encourage local governments to set up special funds or to work with Bank of China to create special funds. These funds will aim to attract venture capital investment from abroad and funds for international mergers and acquisitions. The capital will support SMEs’ overseas business activities, including M&As, joint ventures, and buying shares in overseas companies. The aim is to introduce the advanced foreign technologies and the latest high-tech achievements into China, as well as actively support foreign and Chinese SMEs’ technology innovation and development in China.
- In order to boost policy support and encourage financial institutions to step up financial services, the credit ceiling of the value added tax exemption for interest derived from bank loans to small and micro businesses, farmers and self-employed will be expanded from 100,000 yuan to 1 million yuan ($15,075 to $150,750) between Dec 1, 2017, and Dec 31, 2019. The stamp tax exemption for borrowing contracts of small and micro businesses and the VAT exemption for those with a monthly sales volume of less than 30,000 yuan will be extended through 2020. More efforts will be made to put inclusive finance service offices of State-owned banks in place at the grassroots level. Commercial banks will enjoy a cut in the required reserve ratio if their total or percentage of increase reaches a certain standard for individual loans of less than 5 million yuan to small and micro businesses, farmers, people under the poverty line, students and guaranteed loans for startups.
- 國務院周三公布文件,宣布促進中小企業發展工作領導小組人事調整。組長由中共中央政治局委員、國務院副總理劉鶴出任,接替現任國務院金融穩定發展委員會主任馬凱。劉鶴此前已兼任中央財經委員會辦公室主任、中美全面經濟對話中方牽頭人,及中歐經貿高層對話中方主席。
- 據新華社報道:國務院總理李克強6月20日主持召開國務院常務會議,部署進一步緩解小微企業融資難融資貴,持續推動實體經濟降成本。

Movement of natural persons
- Measures will help to attract more highly skilled foreign talent to China China has lowered the threshold for permanent residency "green cards" for foreigners serving in some government-affiliated institutes and scientific and research centers, the Ministry of Public Security said on Monday. According to the ministry, the newly added sectors include State laboratories and engineering research centers, technology centers of key companies and foreign-funded research and development centers. Foreigners who are vice-professors and researchers or above, have worked for at least four years and lived in China for three years with good tax records, will be able to apply for permanent resident permits at the local entry and exit management department. Launched in 2004, China's green card policy provides permanent residency for high-end foreign experts and people with large investments or for outstanding contributions to the country. In recent years, the policy has far from satisfied the country's need to attract more talented people from overseas, said a senior official at the ministry who declined to reveal his name.
- plan to set up yi man kuk to attract foreigners Beijing police have set up an interdepartmental health information system for foreigners, a move to make it easier to apply for long-term residence in the capital. Under the new system, foreigners applying for the first time to live in Beijing for more than one year will need to submit just one health check certificate, instead of the multiple certificates required previously, the Beijing Public Security Bureau said on Thursday. Three departments in the city-the Public Security Bureau, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau-will now share information on the health status of foreigners in Beijing.
- who come to China to work will soon get a unified work permit, as the country tries to streamline the process and improve efficiency to attract more skilled foreign talent. The reform will combine China's two current foreigner work permits into one.  A trial will get underway in Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin municipalities as well as in Hebei, Anhui, Shandong, Guangdong and Sichuan provinces and the Ningxia Hui autonomous region beginning in October, according to the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, which is leading the reform. The reform will be implemented nationwide in April, the administration said.  "The unification eliminates the replicated application hurdle and improves communication, aiming to better serve overseas talent coming to work in China," Zhang Jianguo, head of the administration, said on Thursday at a seminar in Tianjin.  Under the current system, foreigners can apply for either of two types of work permit-an employment license for foreigners issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, or a foreign expert work permit provided by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.
-內地官方將於下月一日起在北京、天津、上海、河北、山東、廣東等地試行「外國人來華工作許可制度」,參照工資、年齡等標準,對赴華工作外國人劃成三等「分類管理」,鼓勵引進「高端」人士,而C類「低端」人員則需受嚴格限制,在華外國人對此大表反感。 A nationwide platform for sharing and searching exit-entry information is being considered in China, according to the central government. The platform aims to strengthen the coordination of governmental departments across the country relating to exit-entry affairs and to improve efficiency, according to a State Council report. The report was submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislative body, for review over the weekend.
- permanent residents in China will have their "green cards" upgraded starting in July, which may make their daily life and work easier in the country, according to a reform plan issued by the Ministry of Public Security on Monday. The existing permanent resident's permit, known as the Chinese green card, will be replaced by the Foreign Permanent Residence Identity Card.

- 外國高端人才

  • 中國為爭搶外國「高端人才」推出快速發放長期逗留新簽證,用以鼓勵專業人才前往中國生活和工作,比如頂尖科學家和商業專家。據報北京市外國專家局上周二簽發出內地首張《外國高端人才確認函》,而「得獎者」是微軟公司亞太區人力資源總監喬治。
  • economist 14mar2020 "when nationlism bites back" a proposal to help a few skilled foreigners settle in china triggers a furore

- China should further relax inbound travel restrictions to gain a larger share of the fast growth in global tourism, according to Gerald Lawless, the president and chief executive of Jumeirah Group, a Middle Eastern luxury hotel operator that plans to speeds up its expansion in Asia, including Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo. Lawless said he welcomed Beijing's latest step to allow 72-hour visa-free stays to transit passengers from 51 countries including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, the United States, Japan, Russia and Britain.

Tax refund for tourists
- Beijing and Shanghai will offer tax refunds on purchases made by overseas visitors starting on Wednesday, kicking off a program to bolster tourism and sales of some items popular with foreign visitors, such as souvenirs, silk, porcelain and traditional Chinese medicine products. The rebate program could significantly stimulate the development of Beijing's tourism, which has seen slow growth in spending and a decrease in visitors, said Wang Yue, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development. "The tax refund policy is a new step in building Beijing as an internationalized tourism destination," Wang said. Tourists from overseas, as well as those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who have lived on the Chinese mainland for no more than 183 days, will be eligible for an 11 percent rebate on consumer goods bought at designated stores. So far, 86 stores in Beijing and 27 in Shanghai have qualified for the program. The minimum purchase to obtain a tax refund is 500 yuan at any one store in a day.
Offering tax refunds has long been an important way for cities and countries to attract overseas tourists. More than 50 countries and regions have tax refund polices, including the United States, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Brazil and Thailand.
- 據新華社報道,財政部稅政司昨日 發佈消息,自 2016年 1月 1日起,天津市、遼寧省、 安徽省、福建省、廈門市和四川省將實施境外旅客購 物離境退稅政策。這是繼北京、上海之後,中國推出 的又一批實施境外旅客購物離境退稅政策省市。 離境退稅政策,是指境外旅客在離境口岸離境時, 對其在退稅商店購買的退稅物品退還增值稅的政策, 體現了增值稅消費地徵稅原則,是國際上徵收增值稅 國家和地區的通行作法。 分析人士指出,在中國經濟增速放緩的背景下,擴 大離境退稅政策適用範圍將有力促進中國入境旅遊的 發展,刺激國內消費,為經濟增長注入動力。 為探索建立離境退稅制度,中國自 2011年 1月 1日 起在海南開展了離境退稅政策試點。
Tour guide

  • 新政遭網民狂轟,指如今「黑導遊」已經夠多,不多增審查和監管,反而放寬政策,取消年審制;另有部分網民擔心新政或令導遊質素下降,今後恐怕處處劏客和強制消費。早前曾有報道,內地導遊的質素參差,海南三亞、湖南張家界及北京等多地均曾爆出劏客醜聞,其中雲南更發生多宗導遊辱罵、毆打和恫嚇遊客事件。去年五月昆明一女導遊嫌遊客購物少,在車上狂罵四分鐘,事後被封「內地版阿珍」;香格里拉三年前有惡導遊以刀架在遊客頸上,威脅對方消費;昆明有女導遊甚至派人毆打不願消費的遊客,令人心驚。
- 为规范内地导游执业行为,11月2日,国家旅游局发布了《导游管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)。《办法》明确,导游执业过程中不得出现擅自变更行程、诱骗或强迫消费、向游客索取小费等十一项违法违规行为,并在《办法》罚则部分对违反导游执业管理规定的行为,明确了相应的法律责任。据了解,《办法》将于明年1月起正式施行,原IC卡导游证已于2017年10月31日停止使用,内地将全面启用电子导游证。

Parallel imports
- 3月9日11時,國家工商行政管理總局局長張茅就商事制度改革相關問題回答中外記者提問。張茅稱,打擊水貨客的行動正在進行。張茅對此回應稱,水貨客給香港民眾生活帶來不便,也擠壓內地合法企業經營空間,是不正當競爭行為。國家打擊走私辦已經牽頭由工商等多部門參與的打擊行動正在進行。工商總局已經注意到近期相關問題,會按照職責分工積極參與,解決問題。

國家工商行政管 理總局
-國務院總理李克強日前到國家工商行政管 理總局考察並主持召開座談會。李克強強調,要抓緊推進 「三證合一」等改革,年內力爭實現「一證一號」,切實 降低企業註冊場所要求,繼續簡化企業登記和註銷流程。

- 內地倡准地方政府破產
- China has made progress in fighting so-called zombie companies and in handling bankruptcy disputes over the past few years, especially since an online platform was launched and more specialized tribunals were added, according to the country's top court. Zombie companies are those that are heavily in debt or that rely on bailouts to survive. The platform, set up by the Supreme People's Court in August last year, is used to collect information about such companies across the country, offer legal guidance for enterprises and help judges deal with disputes brought by bankruptcy.
- 最高人民法院周三(17日)發布夫妻共同債務處理的司法解釋,明確夫妻共同債務標準,今日起實施。新規定訂明「共債共簽」,以及因家庭生活需要而單方面欠的債,屬於夫妻共同債務,需共同承擔。新規定釐清內地夫妻其中一方以個人名義借貸,是由夫妻共同還債或是由舉債方獨力承擔的爭議,可減少其中一方無端「被負債」,以及「假離婚、真逃債」的發生。
- 深圳市人大常委會日前審議,通過《深圳經濟特區個人破產條例》,將於明年三月一日起實施,為內地首次就個人破產立法。深圳市中級人民法院深圳破產法庭庭長曹啟選指,預計每年個人破產案件約有五千至六千宗。歷史原因,中國目前沒有個人破產制度,僅有《企業破產法》,被學者們稱為「半部破產法」。根據條例,債務人和債權人均可向人民法院申請破產,其中債務人需在深圳居住,且參加深圳社保連續滿三年,目前深圳約有六百萬人符合資格申請。個人申請破產後,其消費、職業資格和借貸額度均受限制,包括不得乘坐飛機商務艙、輪船二等以上艙位、高鐵一等以上座位,不得在三星級以上酒店消費,不得購買不動產、汽車等;不得擔任上市公司、非上市公眾公司和金融機構的董事、監事和高級管理職務等。

tax avoidance
- China will establish a comprehensive system to monitor foreign companies' profitability to curb cross-border tax evasion, the State Administration of Taxation said. The move is one of several steps against tax avoidance taken by the agency to protect the country's interests as the world's top destination for foreign direct investment. The system will allow the agency to acquire profit information on foreign companies so that it can launch "targeted actions" and use information technology to prevent companies from shifting profits overseas, Zhang Zhiyong, deputy director of the SAT, said in an interview with domestic media, which was posted on the agency's website. The ongoing campaign against corporate tax dodging has rippled through the foreign business community in China, following the government's move last week to levy $140 million in back taxes on United States-based Microsoft Corp. Microsoft has denied that it practiced tax avoidance.
- Tax authorities in China are contemplating more measures to plug existing loopholes, along withsteps to bring the nation's taxation system on par with other international peers, a top tax officialsaid on TuesdayZhang Zhiyong, deputy director of the State Administration of Taxation, said during a meeting oftax officials that the administration is taking steps to "upgrade" the current taxation system, amulti-faceted project that includes greater international cooperation, modernization of thedomestic taxation laws and fighting tax avoidance.
- Firms need clear rules, certainty to remain in compliance with tax law, says expert. Heightened scrutiny of foreign companies' tax practices is a sign of China's effort to modernizeits taxation system to keep up with the fast-changing international business environment, butthere is another dimension that concerns the foreign business community - service. The latest example of the unprecedented effort to plug tax loopholes is the release of a newinterpretation on foreign companies' indirect transfers. Under the Corporate Income Tax Law,gains arising from a direct transfer of properties in China are subject to corporate income tax,while those arising from an indirect transfer are not.

- 據內地傳媒報道,中央已初步確定包括房地產業、金融業、建築業及生活服務業等領域的營改增方案,可能最快於六月初公布,據悉金融業營改增後的稅率確定為6%。 government is likely to come out with a fresh value-added tax reform plan for the real estate,finance and consumer-oriented services industries next month, ending the three-year reform onall service industries, according to unconfirmed reports. The Ministry of Finance is believed to have already drafted the plan and the same would beannounced after approval from the State Council, the cabinet, Xinhua-affiliated EconomicInformation Daily said on Thursday, quoting unidentified people close to the ministry. Even if the plan is sent to the State Council this month and approved in July, it would take anotherfew months to finalize the implementation mechanism. So in all probability, the reforms are likelyto be implemented by the end of this year, the sources said. VAT rate for the real estate sector may be set at 11 percent, and for finance and consumer-oriented services industry at 6 percent, the report said. The ministry declined requests to confirmthe report. China started a pilot program to replace business tax with VAT in January 2012 in an effort toavoid double taxation, ease companies' tax burden and encourage the service sector. Reformshave already been implemented in sectors such as transportation, telecommunication andmodern services, with real estate, finance and consumer-oriented services the only three sectorsuntouched.
- 內地媒體引述知情人士表示,中國財政部、國家稅務總局等有關部委正在研究再次調整國內成品油消費稅,或為消費稅改革拉開序幕。

加工貿易禁止類商品related tax
- 內地近年對加工貿易限制漸多,特別是去年12月推出新的《加工貿易禁止類商品目錄》,增加了142個商品税號,鋼材佔了78個,有關產品進口要繳付12%關税及13%至17%增值税。香港中華廠商會指出,此舉旨在令廠家轉用國產鋼材,但部分國產鋼材質量不及外國,且採用那類材料的“話事權”掌握在客户手上,廠家無力左右,故希望中央將有關税號剔出目錄,否則會迫使廠家爆發“搬家潮”,將不利國家經濟發展。 香港中華廠商會常務會董鄧燾表示,若國產鋼材與進口鋼材質量相若,廠家絕對樂意選用國貨,但事實是部分國貨質量不及進口,迫使廠家只好選用進口貨。他強調,客户往往對產品的選材有嚴格要求,廠家只能按指示行事,否則隨時生意不保。 該會副會長徐炳光表示,料中央將這些鋼材納入禁止類目錄,是希望廠家轉用國產鋼材,以解決內地鋼材產能過剩的問題,但加工企業所用的鋼材只佔內地總產能1-2%,根本無法解決問題,反而令加工企業陷入困境。他説,進口鋼材要支付12%關税及13%至17%增值税,只會削弱加工廠的競爭力,最終迫使更多廠家到東南亞設新廠,若“搬家潮”成風,將不利內地經濟發展,故期望有關部委能從善如流。有本港業界人士亦坦言,港商並非不想轉用國產鋼材,但實情是醫療及汽車等行業對鋼材要求十分嚴謹,對鋼材都要經過堅硬度、可靠性等反覆測試,且要求產品廢品率非常低,故對供應商的設備和工藝要求極高。以汽車螺絲釘為例,汽車公司對螺絲釘的要求極嚴,測試和認證至少需要2、3年。因此,要客户轉用國貨,必須給與足夠的時間,不能勉強對方轉用國貨,否則只會流失訂單。他説,當國產鋼材做到質量與外國相若,且價格具競爭力之時,相信將有愈來愈多客户願意轉用國貨,但這一切都要由市場主導,採取行政措施只會出現反效果。除了鋼材外,早前當局亦將製造皮草的“生皮”納入加工貿易禁止類目錄,主要是針對環保和減少企業走私的情況,該會指出,這種一刀切的做法是將那些遵紀守法的優良企業與違法犯罪的走私企業同等對待,削弱了守法企業的生存空間。至於減少污染,理應從出台合情合理的環保條例入手,配合嚴厲執法來減少排放,才能做到對症下藥。  面對當前困局,廠商會會長李秀恆透露,近期商務部官員進行調研,該會亦盡力反映港商的訴求,雖然未知結果如何,但相信中央會考慮港商的意見。

C2C tax
- 「C2C」徵稅不足為懼
- 上月初,國稅總局出台《關於堅持依法治稅更好服務經濟發展的意見》,指出「各級稅務部門今年內不得專門統一組織針對某一新興業態、新型商業模式的全面納稅評估和稅務檢查」,以支持「處在起步階段、規模不大但發展前途廣闊、有利於大眾創業、萬眾創新的新經濟形態」。有電商行業人士將其解讀為,國稅總局這份《意見》文件,其精神就是杜絕地方稅務部門選擇性執法,凡是按照國家規定應該徵稅的企業和個人都應該納稅,不應該單獨針對某一類企業或業態。筆者更認為,此《意見》主要是為推動電子商務發展而提出的,目的就是想消除目前網購稅收「各處鄉村各處例」的狀態,為制訂統一的規範打下基礎。據了解,現時,「B2B」(企業對企業)和「B2C」(企業對個人)電商模式,基本已納入稅務體制之內,只有買賣雙方均為個人的「C2C」模式,在納稅方面仍有爭議。電商作為商業活動,遵守商業條例無可厚非,如此一來對實體商店亦較為公平。統一徵稅的好處,是有助營造規範、合法、公平的網購環境,有利電商長遠發展。對國家來說,網購愈普及,稅收會愈多;對有意參與電商的企業或創業者來說,全國稅制統一,有法可依,便不會被各處不同的「鄉例」弄得無所適從。

- 營業税改增值税hkej 19dec15 b12

Start up
- 最新一次國務院常務會議審議通過《關於大力推進大眾創業萬眾創新若干政策措施的意見》,國家發改委副主任林念修昨日表示,這是中國迎接「創時代」的頂層設計,對推進大眾創業、萬眾創新將實行一系列系統性、普惠性政策。值得關注的是,內地將研究允許尚未盈利的互聯網技術企業和高新技術企業在創業板上市融資,鼓勵國有資本支持創業創新,並採取財政補貼、稅收減免、技術平台開放等政策降低創業成本。林念修表示,這份推進大眾創業萬眾創新的頂層設計文件,提出了30個方面的政策設計,有上百項具體政策舉措,主要分三大類,即建立創業扶持的新機制、制定財稅金融新政策、創新創業服務的新模式。

- land lease

  • 本港有不少市民北上置業,惟內地買房被指只是購買「七十年使用權」,令人擔憂屆時產權會收歸國有。中共中央和國務院前日發出文件,明確提出要研究住宅用地使用權七十年期,期滿後的法律安排
  • 23日,國土 資源部副部長王廣華在《自然資源統一確權登記辦法(試行)》新聞發布會上表示,年限到期 後居民不需要提出續期申請,相關部門不收取續期費用,房屋亦可正常辦理交易和登記手續。
- agricultural

  • 中國最高人民法院7月22日舉行新聞發布會,發布最新出台的《最高人民法院國家發展和改革委員會關於為新時代加快完善社會主義市場經濟體制提供司法服務和保障的意見》(下稱《意見》),提出要嚴格保護農民的土地承包權和流轉土地經營權。專家表示,保護農民的土地承包權和流轉土地經營權是中國的一貫政策,如今最高法又重申這兩條,是因為以往的實際情況中,確實仍然存在侵犯農民利益的事情,最高法此舉是要將這個事情嚴肅化。只有保障農民利益,才能保障國家的農業安全。

- 小產權房是指在農村集體土地上建設的房屋,未繳納土地出讓金等費用,其產權證不是由國家房管部門頒發,而是由鄉政府或村頒發,亦稱「鄉產權房」。這類房屋一般只能由該村的農村戶口村民擁有,不能如商品房般自由購買,其業權亦不在國土房管局備案。城市戶口人士購買可視為違規。境外傳媒報道,北京市昌平區崔村鎮香堂文化新村,上周五有近千民眾到鎮政府示威,抗議當局把他們多年前購買的房屋和四合院,列為違章建築,責令近期拆遷,但卻未作出令居民滿意的補償。當局一度出動警察到場戒備。報道指香堂文化新村各個小區,在上周四突然張貼崔村鎮限期搬離通知書,要求近日將村內「小產權房」全部拆除,結果引來業主集會抗議。有民眾在區政府外的行人路上,高叫「反對強拆,保衞香堂」的口號。該村有約三千六百戶,其中不乏三層高建築及四合院,涉及上萬人。業主不乏是外村退休長者,早年在此買房度晚年。有人估計各戶合共損失估計高達數十億元(人民幣‧下同)。
- registration

    China will push for a unified real estate registration system in all cities and counties by the end of the year, state media said on Sunday, seen as a major step in the fight against corruption. China's plan for a nationwide property database, once hailed as an antidote to corruption, stalled in the face of resistance from local governments - highlighting the difficulty Beijing faces in driving through reforms to tackle widespread graft. A unified real estate database is seen not only as vital for authorities to administer the housing market, but could also force corrupt local officials to disclose properties purchased with illicit funds, industry experts say.

- foreign ownership

  • Foreigners with work permits who have no property in Beijing can now buy one residential apartment without having to work in the city for a minimum period, local authorities have said. Before the new regulation, foreigners were required to work for at least one year in the capital before they became eligible to buy an apartment there, as part of efforts mirrored in four other Chinese cities that restrict non-residents buying property in order to curb rising house prices. The Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said over the weekend that foreigners working in the capital can buy property and branches of foreign companies can purchase non-residential properties to be used as offices. The new regulation took effect on Feb 4. Early this month, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and five other ministries jointly promulgated a new regulation to overhaul the access foreign capital has to the Chinese housing market. As the regulation took effect, Beijing lifted the threshold. Liu Siwei, a researcher at the Beijing Real Estate Research Institute, said the new policy meets the demand for residential use as the city aims to become a center for international exchange. "This can also be regarded as progress in opening-up and attracting foreign talent, as many major economies around the world don't levy restrictions on foreigners buying houses," said Wang Huiyao, director of the Center for China and Globalization.  Some more new policies concerning permanent residence for foreigners will be announced on Thursday by the Ministry of Public Security, Wang said. He added that the ministry will establish a service center later this month in Zhongguancun, a renowned high-tech hub in Beijing, to serve foreigners who want to apply for permanent residence. In addition, people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as overseas Chinese can now buy apartments in the capital as long as they work, study or live in the city.
- usage conversion

- China will merge its property registration agencies before the end of this year, according to central government departments. Implementing the provisional property registration regulation, which has been effective for nearly two months, requires government bodies that now carry out such registration works to consolidate, the Ministry of Land and Resources and the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform said in a statement. The two departments have issued guidelines that request local governments at or above county-level to retrieve registration functions from different government agencies and select one of these agencies to take on the task. Currently, a wide range of government bodies registers properties such as real estate and farmland. "So far, 27 out of 32 provincial level regions on the mainland have consolidated their provincial registration departments," the Ministry of Land and Resources' Property Registration Bureau said in a statement.
- hk investor encounter problem in acquiring property titleship (hkcd 1Mar 14 a18
- 內地不動產登記或抑港人炒房 日前,隨着江蘇徐州市民邢衛鋒從 國土資源部部長姜大明手中接過中國第一本不動產權證書,內地不動產統一登記制 度正式進入實操階段。官方稱下一步的挑戰是在市縣區加快推進不動產職責整合。 姜大明表示,整合不動產登記職責,建立不動產統一登記制度,是國務院機構 改革和職能轉變方案的重要內容,今年各地將實現機構、簿冊、依據和信息平台的 「四統一」,在已有工作基礎上,健全配套制度,逐步銜接過渡,確保平穩有序, 統一規範實施。 而北京市國土局官方微博稱,京暫不發放新版不動產登記證,已有證書依舊有 效無需更換。業內推斷,推動不動產信息平台全國聯網進程並非如此簡單,甚至在 一定時期內都難以執行。

  • 《证券日报》记者获悉,最新调整过的十二届全国人大常委会立法规划本周向社会公布,包括地产税法在内的34项立法任务进入其中,这意味着备受关注的房地产税法已正式列入中国立法规划。 此外,环境保护税法、增值税法、资源税法、关税法、船舶吨位税法、耕地占用税法等税法也被补充进本届人大五年立法规划。中国政法大学财税金融法研究所教授施正文在接受《证券日报》记者采访时表示,这回应了前一阵市场上关于‘房地产税该不该征’的争议,表明房地产税的立法工作正按计划稳步推进,写入本届人大五年立法规划,意味着这些税法通常会在2017年底前获得通过。
- downpayment

  •  China announced Tuesday it would lower the minimum deposit for home purchases in most cities, to spur the real estate market. The People's Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank, said that in cities where there was no home purchase restrictions, down payments for first homes financed by loans from commercial banks will stay at a minimum of 25 percent "in principle," but they can go down as much as 5 percentage points. For those who want to buy a second home with commercial loans but have outstanding loans on their first property, the down payment requirement will be cut to no less than 30 percent from the current 40 percent. The PBOC said that local governments of those cities can decide on the exact deposit requirement "according to their own conditions," under the guidance of the PBOC and the China Banking Regulatory Commission. In cities where home purchase restrictions still apply, old down payment rules will remain effective, the PBOC said. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Sanya are the remaining five cities with restrictions on home purchases, which were introduced in 2010 to rein in house prices. The move, the second adjustment in four months, is intended to "support reasonable consumption of housing" and promote the stable and healthy development of the market, the central bank and the banking regulator said in a joint statement. In September, the minimum down payment for first home buyers was lowered to 25 percent from the previous 30 percent in cities that did not have restrictions on purchases.
- subsidy

  • China is retreating from a policy that has channelled about $1tn in subsidies to homebuyers since 2016, a reversal that has sent tremors through the country’s residential property market amid broader concerns about a housing bubble.  Mainland property shares have tumbled since an executive from China Development Bank said in a teleconference hosted by a big investment bank this month that CDB was tightening loan approvals for the subsidy programme.

rental market
- 據中國政府網消息,國務院總理李克強 昨日主持召開國務院常務會議,會議確定培育和發展住房 租賃市場的措施,推進新型城鎮化滿足群眾住房需求。 推進新型城鎮化 會議指出,實行購租並舉,發展住房租賃市場,是深化 住房制度改革的重要內容,有利於加快改善居民尤其是新 市民住房條件,推動新型城鎮化進程。會議確定,一是發 展住房租賃企業,支持利用已建成住房或新建住房開展租 賃業務。鼓勵個人依法出租自有住房。允許將商業用房等 按規定改建為租賃住房。二是推進公租房貨幣化,政府對 保障對象通過市場租房給予補貼。在城鎮穩定就業的外來 務工人員、新就業大學生和青年醫生、教師等專業技術人 員,凡符合條件的應納入公租房保障範圍。三是完善稅收 優惠政策,鼓勵金融機構加大支持,增加租賃住房用地供 應。四是強化監管,推行統一的租房合同示範文本,規範 中介服務,穩定租賃關係,保護承租人合法權益。
- China is piloting deposit-free apartment rental in eight cities, employing algorithms that track and rate people's credit worthiness to protect both tenants and landlords. The move is among several programs in the country's drive to develop a nationwide social credit system that Beijing expects to roll out by 2020, experts said. Over 1 million apartments for rent in China are linked with Alipay, the nation's top third-party financial platform, through which qualified consumers in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and five other cities can search for and secure verified apartments without paying a deposit.
The exemption of a down payment, which is normally equivalent to three months' rent, would relieve the financial burden of apartment hunters, said Wang Bo, general manager of the innovation and smart service of Ant Financial, which owns Alipay. The deposit waiver threshold is set at 650 in Sesame Score, an indigenous credit-rating system developed by Ant Financial.
- 大型房企、银企近期纷纷进入住房租赁市场,联手向实体企业提供稳定、高品质长租房源的大幕开启。另一方面,有些区域推进租赁市场已经从政策层面落实到土地出让环节,国企拿地活跃或加速行业洗牌。据上海市住房保障和房屋管理局消息,截至十月底,上海市共有15幅租赁住房用地成交,规划建筑面积共计110万平方米。目前已有15家具备资金和管理优势的大型国有企业主动对接政府,试水房产租赁市场,部分成交地块将于今明两年内开工建设。

Duty free shops
- China is to open 19 duty-free shops for domestic consumers, a move aimed at catering to the increasingly sophisticated demand among these shoppers for overseas products. The decision on the new shops was taken by the State Council on Thursday, the Ministry of Finance said on Monday. They will be located at 13 airports, including Guangzhou Baiyun, Hangzhou Xiaoshan and Qingdao Liuting, and six ports in Shenzhen and Zhuhai in Guangdong province and also in Heihe, Heilongjiang province. Passengers will be allowed to carry duty-free goods worth up to 8,000 yuan ($1,230), an increase on the previous limit of 5,000 yuan, the ministry said. The new shops are expected to offer a wider selection of overseas products so that Chinese outbound travelers can make purchases after they arrive at airports or ports. According to the Fortune Character Group, a Beijing-based luxury market consultancy, Chinese consumers spent 1.2 trillion yuan a broad last year on purchases ranging from big ticket luxury items to daily necessities. The increased demand for high-quality products, convenient traveling conditions and appreciation of the yuan were some of the main reasons spurring Chinese to buy more foreign products in online stores and brick-and-mortar stores overseas. According to the Ministry of Commerce, Chinese consumption power overseas grew on average by 27.8 percent annually between 2005 and 2015, doubling such power in the domestic market.

Second hand luxury goods
- To help regulate the market and protect China's international image onsafeguarding intellectual property rights, the secondhand luxury products workingcommittee of the China Resale Goods Trade Association announced on May 17 theestablishment of a long-term cooperation program with the luxury identificationcenter of the China Certification and Inspection Group. Yao Jin, general manager of CCIG Beijing, said the center, which has advancedlaboratory technologies, is one of the most respected third-party testing institutionsin China. Established in 2015, it has set up partnerships with several government organs andprovided information and training to customs officers, e-commerce operators andbricks-and-mortar store owners. Yao expressed his hope that through cooperation with CRGTA, the center couldmore effectively combat counterfeit products in China's secondhand luxury marketand protect the IP rights of both consumers and brand holders. China now has more than 2,000 stores dedicated to selling secondhand luxurygoods.

- 繼一九九六年之後,時隔二十三年,中國國務院新聞辦公室昨發表《中國的糧食安全》白皮書,強調國家糧食安全是頭等大事的戰略定位,「要將中國人的飯碗牢牢端在自己手上」。

- 農業新常態
  • 2014年中央農村工作會議召開在即,北京多位農業問題專家對大公報表示,在整體經濟進入 「新常態」 的大背景下,此次會議將為應對 「農業新常態」 進行全面部署。專家們認為, 「農業新常態」 的核心就是要轉變農業發展方式,實現資源環境的可持續發展。因此,土地制度改革、農業現代化以及農墾改革將成為今年中央農村工作會議的討論焦點。
- United States-based agriculture companies are seeking increased cooperation with China andurging further loosening of investment restrictions and trade barriers, especially in biotechnology,that will help secure safe, affordable food for Chinese consumers, said a report from theAmerican Chamber of Commerce in China. At the release of the Policy Spotlight on Agriculture report on Wednesday, James Zimmerman,chairman of AmCham China, applauded continued cooperation between US companies andChina but said: "There is so much more that can be achieved by increased engagementbetween companies and government in areas such as seed research, more efficient distributionand freer trade."
The report said that removing restrictions on foreign investment in agriculture and agriculturetechnology would help unleash domestic productivity potential that enhances food security butalso encourages innovation by local companies. Gao Yong, co-chair of the agriculture forum at AmCham, said: "US companies can contributeand help accelerate China's seed industry modernization by bringing new tools and technologiesto China." The latest draft of the Guiding Catalog on Foreign Investment, released in November, restrictedall foreign investment in biotech cultivation, including crop breeding and seed production. US companies also asked the Ministry of Agriculture to approve genetically modified imports in atimely, transparent and scientific fashion to facilitate trade flows and avoid trade disruption, whichsupports China's national food security strategy, said Gao. In December, China approved the MIR 162 strain of GM corn for import. The crop had beenblocked since 2013. Two new strains of soybean developed by DuPont Pioneer, the largest US producer of hybridseeds for agriculture, and Germany-based Bayer CropScience AG were also approved.
- Faced with new challenges and emerging situations, China's agricultural industry needs to driveinnovation to expedite reform, an expert from the United States has said. William Niebur, vice-president of DuPont and DuPont Pioneer North Asia, said that national andprovincial administrative policies in agriculture require innovation and should be driven by marketforces, because food safety and security - along with the modernization of the agricultural industry- are prerequisites for China's sustainable economic growth and development. This message followed the Chinese government's release of the annual No 1 Central Document,reinforcing the concept that tackling the "Three Rural Issues" related to farmers, the countrysideand agriculture, optimizing grain production and safeguarding farmers' income are the prioritiesfor government policies.
- 農業部總經濟師 錢克明昨日在北京表示,去年 153個示範區現代農業發展 水平繼續領跑全國,示範區農業現代化建設成效明顯。上 月,農業部又認定了第三批國家現代農業示範區,使示範 區總數達到 283個。目前,現代農業示範區建設前兩批 153 個示範區均已編制了規劃,剛審定的第三批示範區的規劃 已在編制中。
- The No 1 Central Document once again highlights the importance of modernizing agriculture. Butmany obstacles have to be overcome before agriculture can be truly modernized. Since the costs of many agricultural products are higher in China than in overseas markets,imports are preventing the optimum consumption of domestic products. Confounding thisproblem is the continuous rise in the costs of raw materials and labor. Wasteful production methods are aggravating the problem of resource shortages; excessive useof pesticides and fertilizers is contaminating soil and water, compromising the quality of arableland; and underground water tables are being depleted quickly because of unrestricted use ofwater.
- 國務院辦公廳近日印發《關於加快轉變農業發展方式的意見》,這是國家層面首個系統部署轉變農業發展方式工作的重要文件。《意見》要求轉變依賴資源消耗的傳統粗放經營模式,走可持續發展的現代農業發展道路。據新華社報道,《意見》圍繞轉變農業發展方式的關鍵領域、薄弱環節進行了系統部署,提出到2020年轉變農業發展方式要取得積極進展,到2030年要取得顯著成效的宏偉目標。在指導思想方面,《意見》明確把轉變農業發展方式作為當前和今後一個時期加快推進農業現代化的根本途徑,以發展多種形式農業適度規模經營為核心,以構建現代農業經營體系、生產體系和產業體系為重點,?力轉變農業經營方式、生產方式、資源利用方式和管理方式,推動農業發展由數量增長為主轉到數量品質效益並重上來,由主要依靠物質要素投入轉到依靠科技創新和提高勞動者素質上來,由依賴資源消耗的粗放經營轉到可持續發展上來,走產出高效、產品安全、資源節約、環境友好的現代農業發展道路。
- Companies and research institutes across China are expected to enjoy simplified inspection and quarantine procedures for importing biological materials sourced from animals or plants next year, China's top quality authority announced on Monday. The measure, part of a series of reforms being tried in Beijing and Shanghai, is expected to help China's bioindustry to improve international cooperation with its overseas partners and increase its competitiveness, said Li Jianwei, chief of animal and plant quarantine and supervision in the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. The reforms have been carried out in Beijing's Zhongguancun Life Science Park and Zhangjia Hi-tech Park in Shanghai, two major bioindustry bases in China, since the end of 2013, Li said. The reforms include reducing the time needed for approval of imported biological materials sourced from animals or plants from 20 working days to up to seven working days, extending the length of import certificates and allowing companies and institutes to import some types of biological materials from internationally recognized institutes without needing approval. The output of China's bioindustry reached 3.16 trillion yuan ($500 billion) last year, an increase of more than 20 percent compared with 2013, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.
- 據新華社報道,中央農村工作會議昨日 在北京召開。這次會議將總結 2016年中國農業和農村工 作,研究部署 2017年及今後一段時期的農業農村工作。 會議預計將在深入推進農業供給側結構性改革方面進行全 面部署。分析人士認為,農業供給側 結構性改革將從農產品標準化生產和品質安全監管、農村 環境問題整治、重要農產品價格形成機制改革、新型農業 經營主體和服務主體培育、農村產權制度改革等多個方面 施力,提高農業的綜合效益和競爭力。這將是當前和今後 一個時期中國農業政策改革和完善的主要方向。
- The development of new industries and new types of operations is to be encouraged to bring fresh momentum to China's agricultural sector, according to the government's first policy document of 2017. This is the 14th consecutive year in which the document, issued annually by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, has focused on rural issues. China will seek to expand the industrial and value chains of the agricultural sector and enable science, technology and innovation to be the driving forces in the development of modern agriculture, according to the document released on Sunday.
-  Guide to promote agricultural consortia china daily 31oct17
- food production zone

  • State Council has issued a document focusing on the construction of a food production functional zone and a key agricultural production protection zone. The document said the two zones are crucial for ensuring food security and should follow basic principles, such as sustainable development and greater participation by farmers. In addition, the authorities will strengthen policy support for the zones.

  • 新华社北京5月31日电 近日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《关于加快构建政策体系培育新型农业经营主体的意见》,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻落实。
- 國務院印發《關於保持土地承包關係穩定並長久不變的意見》,要求完善農村土地所有權、承包權、經營權的「三權」分置體系,農戶在第二輪土地承包到期後,可再延長原有土地承包卅年,以保障農民權益及國家糧食生產。
- 農業部昨日發佈消息,作為農村改革的重要內容,2018年,中國將選擇50個地市和個別省,開展集體產權制度改革「整省整市」試點。2018年,農村集體產權制度改革試點範圍繼續擴大,除了開展「整省整市」試點,此前的試點縣也將增加到300個。在試點基礎上,鼓勵地方結合實際擴大改革覆蓋面,力爭到2021年底基本完成改革。
- subsidies

  • 北京、天津、河北等省市的郊區,被揭發開發商違規將農業大棚改建豪華私家莊園。開發商除了放租牟利外,同時騙取政府的農業補貼。有學者指,開發商將農業大棚改建成莊園,涉破壞耕地或非法佔地等違法行為。若買家與開發商簽訂合同,但因背後存在違法行為,故不獲法律保障,更可能負上法律責任。

- China will invest 600 billion yuan ($87.5 billion) in the next four years to enhance farmland protection and improve farmland facilities, an official said on Tuesday, as the country is set to encourage more private capital to participate in the farmland improvement process. Han Jun, deputy director of the Office of the Central Leading Group for Rural Work, said a national effort to increase the area of well-facilitated farmland from the current 26.7 million hectares to 53.3 million hectares by 2020 could cost about 600 billion yuan, and authorities will encourage private capital to take part in the process. The group is China's top rural affairs decision-making agency.

rural area economy
- Local governments are providing jobs for impoverished rural residents by establishing a number of small businesses in villages. 

- The country's top legislature is moving toward much tougher food safety laws on highly toxic pesticides and baby milk formula powders.

Livestock farming
- A regulation on poultry trading and management was signed by the Guangdong provincial government on Monday and will come into force on Jan 15. City governments will establish restricted areas for the live-poultry trade in urban areas, Wu Shengming, deputy director of the general office of the provincial food safety commission, said on Monday. No more than three live-poultry retail markets will be allowed in each area. In other markets, only cold-processed poultry - birds slaughtered at a registered facility and stored at between zero and 4 degrees C - will be available. No new live poultry wholesale markets will be approved in the restricted areas.
- 內地活豬供應緊張,農業農村部、商務部、自然資源部、生態環境部分別下發通知,要求各省區市保障生豬養殖用地的需求,同時落實有關法規,規範畜禽養殖禁養區劃定和管理,促進生產發展;中央將在必要時向市場投放凍肉儲備。
- 人們對養豬的印象一般都是散養加圈養,但近日國家自然資源部會同農業農村部印發《關於設施農業用地管理有關問題的通知》,指出養殖設施允許建設多層建築。有內地養豬企業負責人指出,理想中的育肥豬大樓應有十五層,一幢樓能養十三萬頭育肥豬。

- China has pledged to eliminate a costly corn stockpiling policy that has hit world markets and left it with more than a year’s worth of stock in its silos. A policy of buying corn at government-set minimum prices that were up to 50 per cent above market prices has turned into an expensive dilemma for Beijing. Policymakers feared unloading the stocks would depress prices and discourage farmers from planting, thus endangering national food security. The State Administration of Grain said in a statement on Tuesday that it would replace the stockpiling system with subsidies to farmers when prices dipped, starting with the upcoming harvest in the autumn. It would also encourage large state-owned companies to buy from farmers at market prices.

- China has cut cotton auction prices after sales failed to reduce bloated reserves that account for about 60 per cent of the world’s total.,  China will allow only the bare minimum tax-free imports of cotton next year as it tries to come to grips with a mountain of state reserves, adding to the pressure on global cotton prices already damped by a bumper US harvest.
China is obliged to allow its mills to import 894,000 tonnes of cotton tax-free every year, under terms negotiated when it joined the WTO. Normally the country’s central planner also issues additional quotas to textile mills, after some delays designed to force them to purchase cotton grown domestically.

- China, the world’s top meat market, is loosening longstanding restrictions on beef imports from major suppliers to feed the appetite of the country’s growing middle class for steaks and ribs. After years of lobbying, the United States succeeded in getting the curbs lifted in June, ending a 14-year ban triggered by a case of mad-cow disease in Washington state. China also gave the greenlight for beef from South Africa and Ireland earlier this year, and on Tuesday said it is considering bringing in beef from Namibia.

- scmp 24nov19 pork imports double as swine fever takes its toll

The State Oceanic Administration has published a set of guidelines on inspections by maritime authorities aimed at improving the management of the country's marine resources. The Sea Inspection Plan, which has been approved by the central government, stipulates that the administration will send inspectors to check the protection and development of marine resources by provincial governments.
Inspections will cover the management and development of seas and islands, disaster prevention and relief, and countermeasures to tackle pollution, illegal development and environmental degradation.

-'s first mandatory national textile standards for children-both infants and older children-will take effect on Wednesday, International Children's Day. "The standards are expected to guide manufacturers to improve the safety and quality of children's clothing to ensure infants' and children's health and safety," said Li Jing, spokeswoman for the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. The new standards categorize textiles into two types: materials for infants aged 36 months or below, and for children aged 3 to 14 years. New rules enhance several safety requirements and ban the use of six plasticizers and two heavy metals-lead and cadmium.

- genetically modified crop (gmo)

  • The government is reported to have cleared the import of a type of genetically modified corn at the center of lawsuits against the Swiss seed developer Syngenta AG, a year after blocking the crop's entry. US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told Reuters that China's Ministry of Agriculture had also approved imports of biotech soybeans developed by DuPont Pioneer of the United States and Germany's Bayer CropScience AG.
  • 2013年,中科院植物生物學家高彩霞率先在農 作物上,成功使用名為 「CRISPR-Cas9」 的基 因編輯技術,於小麥對抗 「白粉菌」 戰線中找 到突破點,並由此開拓基因編輯在植物育種、 糧食增產之巨大應用前景。權威科學雜誌《自 然》對此給予高度評價,高彩霞去年入選《自 然》10大中國科學之星
  • six places piloting safety monitoring
  • Global seeds giants have called for transparent, science-based approvals processes for new crop types after China approved two more genetically modified (GMO) crops for import, but left four others on the waiting list. China on Monday approved Syngenta's 5307 insect-resistant corn sold under the Agrisure Duracade brand and Monsanto's 87427 glyphosate-resistant corn, sold under the Roundup Ready brand, for a period of three years. The move was the second in the past month to expand access to biotech seeds as part of Beijing's 100-day trade talks with Washington, and took total approvals to four after Dow Chemical Co's Enlist corn and Monsanto's Vistive Gold soybeans were given the go-ahead last month. But it leaves four other products owned by Monsanto, DuPont and Dow on a waiting list pending approval.

- rating system proposed to protect baby formula quality
- 新民黨拜訪農業部 新民黨
- 新民黨訪質檢總局商深化合作 新民黨訪問團昨日繼續北京行程,於早上拜會國家質檢總局,獲質檢總局副局長吳清海接見。雙方在會上探討如何加強化兩地在質檢、檢疫衛生及食品安全合作。常務副主席田北辰指出,早於2009年於人大向國家質檢總局提出關於布料的質檢標準後,獲得當局的正面回應,深表感謝。他期望國家在質檢方面的工作繼續實行開放政策,特別在一些不涉及人身安全的產品上採取更開放的政策,盡快與國際標準接軌,促進貿易。新民黨中委黃仲翹博士指出,檢測認證涵蓋範圍很廣,除了傳統的食品及消費品外,一些新的領域也需要有序的納入檢測認證的規管。這方面香港已經啟動與內地的合作,為香港軟件產品進入內地市場打好基礎。同時又通過粵港的雲計算聯合專家工作組,合力研究與雲計算的服務標準和安全標準,為這新的服務形式與廣東省在先行先試的原則下,推動香港和內地在這方面的合作。在食物安全上,現時內地輸港禽畜及蔬菜上的追蹤溯源機制日趨完善,建議深化兩地的合作,並考慮將相關認證技術拓展到內地市場,加強內地的食物安全管理。香港的檢測認證業亦可以為進口到內地市場的食品做好追蹤溯源,為國家作出貢獻。前會計師公會主席趙麗娟指出,各省市的檢測報告採用不同標準,偶然會出現不協調情況。她建議國家考慮統一各省市的檢測報告標準,成立中央資料庫,改善及理順整個供應鏈管理,提高運作效率。她對國家加強保護維護消費者權益表示理解。但有不少香港及海外品牌,在外國已經通過嚴格的檢驗,但在標籤及吊牌的進口商檢時,還有很多改善空間。她希望簡化通關要求,便利海外及本港品牌進入內地,促進零售市場發展。also
- The US Cranberry Marketing Committee said on Tuesday that the United States Department ofAgriculture has started issuing phytosanitary certificates for frozen cranberry shipments to China. Phytosanitary certificates are issued to produce growers and handlers after USDA or stateinspectors ensure that crops and produce do not have any pests or pathogens that can becarried into other countries upon shipment. The certificates are generally issued for fresh cropsand produce and are required by the Chinese government. Frozen cranberries were previouslyconsidered ineligible for the certificates. The lack of phytosanitary certificates for frozen cranberries meant that once the fruit was shippedto China, it had to be quarantined at Chinese ports and checked thoroughly before being allowedinto the market. The whole process made frozen cranberries expensive, Scott Soares, executivedirector of CMC, told China Daily. "The Chinese government was looking for the issuance of this certificate, and we knew that thiswas being issued by Canada and Chile for frozen cranberries. It was putting us at a competitivedisadvantage, because additional storage time was holding back a particular product from theUS," he said.
- hkej 17mar15 a15 new law on food safety
- 供港新鮮食品出口轉內銷singtao 29sep15 a19
- With demand booming for more diverse types of international cuisine in China,British-born Stewart Johnson and New Zealander Alex Worker developed abusiness platform to help innovative food startups to take off in the Chinesecapital. In February long-term expats inaugurated The Hatchery, Beijing's first foreign-runculinary incubator, to allow food entrepreneurs to test and validate their diningconcepts in the Chinese market without assuming prohibitive costs.
- online food delivery

  • THE CHINA FOOD AND drug Administration has released a draft regulation on online foodservices for public opinions. It proposes that any food delivery business providing an onlineservice should also have a physical outlet and a food business license.

Baby milk formula
- The country's top legislature is moving toward much tougher food safety laws on highly toxic pesticides and baby milk formula powders.
據中國之聲《央廣新聞》報道,儘管「史上最嚴」奶粉配方註冊新政還沒有最終頒佈實施,但業界已是「山雨欲來風滿樓」。國家食品藥品監督管理總局監管一司司長馬純良近日表示,目前外界所傳的「1家乳品生產廠只留3個系列」的說法只是一個討論稿,將來有可能不會超過5個,國產與進口奶粉將實行相同的政策。除了奶粉配方註冊制度外,更嚴格的是加大獲得生產許可證企業的監督審查力度,淘汰一部分質量沒有保證的企業,奶粉品牌將會大幅減少。's food safety watchdog has issued a regulation, effective Oct 1, to tighten supervision on baby formula.
Both domestic and overseas baby formula producers must register and secure permits from the China Food and Drug Administration if they want to sell their products in China. If they are using foreign raw materials, they must specify the place or country and vague phrasing like "imported milk," "from foreign pastures," or "imported raw materials" are forbidden, according to the Baby Formula Registration Regulation issued Wednesday. Moreover, it is forbidden to include claims such as "good for brain," "improve immunity" or "protect intestinal tracts" in instructions or packaging, according to the regulation.


- 內地去年底推行的月餅新標準迎來第一個中秋。新標準規範月餅成分,蓮蓉月餅的蓮子含量不能低於六成。五仁月餅應含有核桃仁、杏仁、橄欖仁、瓜子仁、芝麻仁,不過由於橄欖仁量少價高,不少月餅廠家都叫苦連天。今年的月餅抽檢合格率為百分之九十二點七,當局提醒民眾月餅類保健食品屬虛假宣傳,國家食藥監部門從未批准保健月餅。

Bottled water
- 據《錢江晚報》報道,包裝水新國標—新的《食 品安全國家標準包裝飲用水》(GB19298-2014)昨日開始實施, 統一了包裝水的叫法。除了天然礦泉水有另行的國家標準外,以後 市場上的包裝水只分為飲用純淨水和其他飲用水兩類,即不是純淨 水就歸結為其他飲用水,其他的叫法都將不被允許。諸如蒸餾水、 冰川水、離子水、小分子團水、功能水等等各種概念,統統都將禁 止出現在標籤上。業內人士預計,以後飲用水生產商家在生產環節 將更加規範。

-  regulation covering imported cosmetics is poised to be tightened by China's food and drug authority.
- China State Council released the final version of the long-awaited Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulation (CSAR) on 29 June 2020. CSAR will replace the existing Cosmetics Hygiene Supervision Regulations, which was first released in 1989. The new regulation will come into force on 1 January 2021. Following the release of CSAR, China will publish a series of supporting documents and administrative rules, which will further establish China’s cosmetic regulatory framework.CSAR defines cosmetics as ‘’ daily chemical products intended to be applied on human skin, hair, nails, lips, mouth, etc., by spreading, spraying or other similar ways for cleansing, protecting, beautifying, or grooming purposes’’.The new definition does not include products, which eliminate unpleasant odour.Toothpaste is now regulated by CSAR and claims such as ‘anti-caries’, anti-plaque’, etc. are permitted, given that their efficacy was evaluated in accordance with national and industry standards.However, soaps remain outside of the scope of CSAR. The only exceptions are soaps with special cosmetic efficacies.

- Western brands strive to click with Chinese shoppers 香港是世界最主要的毛皮貿易中心,全球75%加工毛皮和毛皮成衣經過香港轉口,2013年出口毛皮成衣和配飾的總值達19億元。然而,近年香港毛皮業的發展,除受到皮草設計人才缺乏的制肘,亦要面臨內地進出口商品管理政策轉變的衝擊;特別是內地若對毛皮原材料或半製成品徵收入口稅,產業或被逼 「走出去」 。

High-tech products
-  Trade frictions dented exports of high-tech products and become a new concern for China and its trading partners last year, a top official said on Thursday. Shen Danyang, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said that after China became the world's largest goods trader in 2013, many countries started to curb the import of Chinese products to narrow trade deficits "We noticed that China's photovoltaic products, wind turbines and smartphones have encountered more trade investigations in 2014," said Shen. "The United States, Canada and Australia have all launched anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations on Chinese photovoltaic products, an emerging change in China's foreign trade last year."

Air purifiers
- A new national standard for air purifiers is set to be unveiled by authorities on Friday to bring order to the country's chaotic purifier market. The draft national standard, which will be made available for public comment, will include more specific metrics for measuring the performance of air purifiers, including their "clean air delivery rate", or the number of cubic units of air per minute delivered with all particles of a given size removed, the Standardization Administration said in a statement on Thursday.

- civil code

  • 张德江说,今年在民法总则出台后,将加快推进民法典各分编的编纂工作,争取2020年形成统一的民法典。

- Judicial experts welcomed a new national guideline on criminal procedure reform this week, hoping it will contribute to reducing wrongful convictions. While judicial reforms have been ongoing in China, the milestone, 21-clause guide highlights the reforms in all courts through greater standardization in the process of handling cases.  The guideline puts greater emphasis on the role of trials and how evidence is handled. Police, prosecutors and judges have to pay more attention to the quality of fact-finding and identifying evidence, "which is a big change in dealing with a case and will effectively protect the rights of defendants and improve impartiality of judgments," Renmin University of China law professor Li Fenfei said on Tuesday.  The guideline, issued by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, along with the ministries of public security, state security and justice, has stirred lots of interest in the legal community since it was released on Monday.
- 全國人大常委會1日授權最高人民檢察院在北京、內蒙古等13個省區市試點公益訴訟,試點期限為二年。這意味?檢察機關將可為公共利益對行政機關提起訴訟,“官告官”獲得制度支撐。
- 目前西藏的寺廟不僅要研佛法,還要學習法律知識。西藏拉薩三大寺之一色拉寺日前舉行由當局組織的「普法考試」,逾四百名僧人參加,考核內容涉及「憲法」、「宗教事務條例」等。內地的普法考試,主要是當局為了推廣依法治國理念,向民眾普及法律知識而實施的一項針對黨政機關公職人員的考核,每年會舉辦一次。通常是國家公務員或黨員幹部參與考試,各企事業單位、教育機構則可自行決定是否考試。地方政府將寺院當黨政機關,按黨員標準要求僧侶,顯然並非只為普法,當中多少透露出新時代當局宗教管理新思路。事實上,不只是色拉寺,根據媒體報道,四川、青海、甘肅、藏區的寺廟也都進行普法考試。當局組織寺廟普法考試,或有兩種可能,一是為加強僧人法制意識,同時希望僧人協助政府向民眾宣傳法律知識;另一種可能就是希望通過考試,逼走一些並非誠心研佛的「政治和尚」。
- The establishment of a special tribunal is being considered to handle possible lawsuits and crimes connected with the highly anticipated China International Import Expo, which will be held in November in Shanghai. Another possibility is to designate existing courts to deal with any lawsuits or crimes that may arise during the event, the Shanghai High People's Court said on Thursday.
-  綜合新華社及最高人民法院官方微信公號報道,最高人民法院國際商事專家委員會昨日成立,特聘包括香港律政司前司長、資深大律師袁國強等32名中外專 家為國際商事專家委員會首批專家委員。該專家委員會的成立,旨在加強國際交流與合作,保障與促進國際商事法庭審判工作的順利開展,支持調解、仲裁、訴訟等 多元方式解決國際商事糾紛。為推進「一帶一路」倡議實施、推動建設開放型世界經濟提供更加有力的司法服務。首批專家委員來自不同法係、不同國家、不同地區,包括重要國際機構負責人、法學專家、知名學者、資深法官、資深律師等,在地域上和職業上具有廣泛的代表性。
- China is expected to establish a convenient, efficient and equitable modern public legal service system that covers both urban and rural areas by 2022, according to a newly issued document.On Wednesday, the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council jointly issued a guideline on accelerating the construction of the public legal service in China. According to the guideline, a public legal service system that matches the goal of building a ruleof-law country, government and society is expected to be fully implemented by 2035. By that time, the network of public legal service will cover all areas, the service mechanism will be improved and high-quality and an efficient public legal service will be guaranteed.
- 全國首例滬粵跨域立案和京滬跨域立案昨日辦理完成,北上廣三地跨域立案的成功打通,標誌着上海與京、粵、津、蘇、浙、皖六地跨域立案實現「全貫通」。
- 8月31日,全國首個飛地法院——廣東省深圳深汕特別合作區人民法院在深圳第 「10+1」區的深汕合作區正式揭牌成立。當天,深圳深汕特別合作區人民法院鲘門人民法庭同步揭牌。目前,深汕法院設4個內設機構,包括3個審判業務部門和1個司法行政部門,另設1個派出法庭即鲘門人民法庭。市人大常委會已任命首批5名法官,首批工作人員已全部就位。
  • 由李彥宏掌舵的內地搜索引擎百度再爆醜聞,內地企業資訊網站天眼查數據顯示,北京百度網訊科技有限公司上周四被北京市海淀區人民法院列為被執行人,但未提及原因及具體內容。百度暫無回應。資料顯示,北京百度網訊科技有限公司擁有網頁搜索、hao123、百度推廣等多條業務線,該公司由李彥宏持股百分之九十九點五。
- cases involving foreign investors

- 《中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會國際投資爭端仲裁規則(試行)》昨日在北京發佈。這是中國仲裁機構第一部國際投資仲裁規則,從今年10月1日起施行,為中企對外投資提供保障。

- 內地明年元旦起將實施《外商投資法》,取代現有「外資三法」,即《中外合資經營企業法》、《外資企業法》及《中外合作經營企業法》。最高人民法院周五特別就新法若干問題制訂解釋,目的是平等保護中外投資者合法權益,營造穩定、公平、透明的法治化營商環境。最高法院副院長羅東川在新聞發布會上表示,制訂《外商投資法司法解釋》(下稱解釋) 的首要目的,是確保外商投資法在審判領域得到公正高效執行。他提到,內地去年受理的涉外民商事案件達一萬四千六百九十五宗,惟今年頭十一個月受理的相關案件已達一萬八千二百六十六宗,印證中國對外開放取得的成績,還有涉港澳台的案件也大幅增長。羅東川稱據過往的審判實踐,外商投資領域產生的糾紛中以合同類糾紛較突出。故這次司法解釋重點聚焦在合同爭議的解決,特別是合同效力問題。他亦建議將香港打造成區域法律服務和糾紛解決中心,並繼續促使中國成為國際商事糾紛的重要解決地。


  • 新一輪政企合作啟動 各地將建 PPP項目庫 hkej 5dec a10, 國家發改委和財政部昨日同時出台政府和社會資本合作(PPP)規則,新一輪政企合作大幕已然拉開。財政部公佈 30個政府和社會資本合作模式示範項目總投資1,800億元,涉及供水、供暖、污水處理、垃圾處理、環境綜合整治、交通、新能源汽車、地下綜合管廊、醫療、體育等多個領域。國家發改委則發佈《關於開展政府和社會資本合作的指導意見》表示,各地可根據當地實際及項目特點,通過授予特許經營權、政府補貼或購買服務等措施,切實提高項目運作效率。,
  • 中國財政部快將公佈第二批PPP(公私合作模式)示範項目。據內媒引述消息指,第二批示範項目較首批示範項目覆蓋的範圍更廣,如當前缺乏成熟模式的醫療、體育、文化等社會投資領域。項目的數量、投資額度都較首批要大得多。  《21世紀經濟報道》報道指出,財政部自六月份已開始組織各省上報項目。據瞭解,各地共上報約700個項目,是首批的10倍。財政部首批PPP共推出30個項目,總投資約1800億元。當中,包括22個存量項目和8個新項目,主要集中在污水處理、軌道交通、供暖、環境治理等領域。  據財政部今年六月底下發的通知,由各地上報PPP示範項目,要求在能源、交通運輸、水利、環境保護、農業、林業、科技、保障性安居工程、醫療、衞生、養老、教育、文化等公共服務領域,篩選徵集適宜採用PPP模式的項目,加快建立項目庫。
  • 中國財政部昨日發佈消息,該部已於日前聯合國內十大金融機構共同發起設立中國政府和社會資本合作(PPP)融資支持基金,總規模1,800億元。財政部表示,該基金將作為社會資本方重點支持公共服務領域PPP項目發展,提高項目融資的可獲得性。據介紹,十大機構包括中國建設銀行、中國郵政儲蓄銀行、中國農業銀行、中國銀行、中國光大集團、交通銀行、中國工商銀行、中國中信集團、全國社會保障基金理事會、中國人壽保險(集團)公司。基金各出資人代表組成的基金籌備組已同時成立,將會同有關方面落實後續相關工作。第二批206項目涉資6589億今年5月國務院辦公廳轉發財政部、發展改革委、人民銀行《關於在公共服務領域推廣政府和社會資本合作模式指導意見的通知》明確,要在財稅、價格、土地、金融等方面加大對PPP項目的支持力度,保證社會資本和公眾共同受益,通過資本市場和開發性、政策性金融等多元融資渠道,吸引社會資本參與公共產品和公共服務項目的投資、運營管理,提高公共產品和公共服務供給能力與效率。財政部表示,此次基金的設立,是中央財政和金融機構貫徹落實國務院通知的重要舉措,也是財政金融深化合作、共同支持PPP項目發展的重要探索。此外,財政部還最新披露了第二批政府和社會資本合作示範項目,涉及北京市興延高速公路項目等206個項目,總投資金額6,589億元。
  • role for hk hkej 7oct15 b15 香港城市大學(下簡稱 「城 大」)現正於意大利佛羅倫斯的聖十字教堂舉 行 「藝域漫遊──郎世寧新媒體藝術展」,展 出創意媒體作品,城大校長郭位及秘書長林群 聲出席該展覽開幕禮並參觀展覽。 城大創意媒體學院教授邵志飛及該院的其 他藝術家,特別為是次展覽創作了一件題為 「 探索郎世寧世界之花鳥走獸」的新媒體作品。 觀眾在展覽中可移動牆壁上的電視熒幕,探索 兩個郎世寧風格的虛擬景觀。這些全景景觀由 兩位香港藝術家創作,虛擬景觀內布滿郎世寧 畫作中的花鳥走獸,帶領觀眾探索郎世寧的畫境世界。 郭位觀展後稱: 「這次展覽糅合了藝術與數碼媒體, 同時以虛擬與實體展示郎世寧的作品。觀眾可穿越時空, 以全新角度欣賞郎世寧的藝術美學。」 今年是意大利傳教士郎世寧(Giuseppe Castiglione, 一六八八至一七六六年)來華三百周年,這次展覽亦是台 北故宮博物院首次在意大利舉行展覽活動。郎世寧是一位 出色的宮廷畫家、建築師和工藝設計師,在清朝宮廷服務 達五十一年,歷經康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,留下眾多藝術 傑作。 該展覽由台北故宮博物院及意大利佛羅倫斯的聖十字 教堂主辦,展期至明年一月三十一日。
  • 中國財政部發布社會資本合作( PPP)的評價指引,明確現階段以定性評價為主, 鼓勵開展定量評價,以判斷一個項目是否適合用 PPP模式來做。指引明確,應統籌定性評價和定量 評價結論,做出物有所值 「通過」和 「未通過」的 結論。 「通過」的項目可進行財政承受能力論證; 「未通過」若在調整實施方案後,重新評價仍未獲 通過,則不宜採用PPP模式。 財政部的《PPP物有所值評價指引(試行)》 指出,定性評價包括全生命周期整合程度、風險識 別與分配、績效導向與鼓勵創新、潛在競爭程度、 政府機構能力、可融資性等六項基本評價指標。定 量評價則是在假定採用PPP模式與政府傳統投資方 式產出績效相同的前提下,通過對PPP項目全生命 周期內政府方淨成本的現值(PPP值)與公共部門 比較值(PSC值)進行比較,判斷PPP模式能否降 低項目全生命周期成本。只有PPP值小於或等於 PSC值的,認定為通過定量評價;PPP值大於PSC值 的,認定為未通過定量評價。
  • China will reinforce regulations to monitor public-private partnership (PPP) projects as part of its efforts to prevent illegal borrowing by local governments, said a senior official with the nation's top economic regulator.

- licensing

  • 6 月 1日起,內地將實施《基礎設施和公用 事業特許經營管理辦法》,允許在能源、 交通、水利、環保、市政等基礎設施和公 用事業領域開展特許經營,境內外法人或 組織均可通過公開競爭,參與投資、建設 和運營基礎設施和公用事業並獲得收益。
- highways

  • 《收費公路管理條例》修訂稿昨日正式向社會公佈。交通運輸部法制司副司長魏東當天在北京介紹,此次修訂稿確立了「收費」與「收稅」長期並行的兩個公路體系發展模式,明確政府收費公路實行規範的預算管理,除收費公路權益外,所有收費公路資產均不得轉讓和上市交易。其中,修訂稿對高速公路的收費及經營期限作出調整,高速公路實行統借統還,不規定固定的收費期限;經營期限可視投資規模、回報周期而定,可以約定超過30年。
- An unprecedented consolidation is about to take place in China’s cement industry with an aim of concentrating at least 60 per cent of national capacity into 10 top producers by 2020.
The mainland’s cement association has petitioned policymakers to speed up consolidation in the sector, which is currently crowded with 3,500 producers. The process is likely to involve many mergers and closures of cement plants, according to proposals that the China Cement Association submitted to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and seen by the South China Morning Post. Cement is one of the industries suffering from serious overcapacity in addition to steel and coal.

- China, the world's leading coal producer and consumer, has begun to levy resource tax on coalbased on sales prices instead of production from Dec 1, in a move to shore up the industry andimprove the deteriorating environment. The key to the reform, however, is to clear out charging fees involving coal. Chinese coalproducers used to pay taxes as well as fees in various names. The State Council decided to clear off these fees before implementing the resource tax reformon coal at an executive meeting on Sept 29. The reform plan bans local governments from charging coal producers, according to a circularissued by the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission in October. The circular stipulated that no more administrative charges involving coal, crude oil, and naturalgas would be initiated by any local government, department or unit, except with permission fromthe State Council. China has stepped up efforts to reduce the number of coal mines, as it plans to shut down more than 2,000 mines next year and limit the number to within 10,000 by 2016. More than 1,100 coal mines were closed this year to eliminate outdated capacity, according to a report by a top work safety watchdog.
Yang Dongliang, head of the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety, said that the general situation this year is satisfactory and the number of major workplace accidents has been greatly reduced. The shutdown plan aims at improving work safety at mines and reducing pollution.

    Rare earth
    - quota

    • China has ended a quota system previously aimed at restricting exports of rare earths, a move in line with a World Trade Organization panel ruling last March. The Ministry of Commerce issued a notice at the end of December that abolished export quotas for rare earths, key elements in defence industry components and modern technology ranging from iPhones to wind turbines. The abolished export quotas also include tungsten, molybdenum and fluorspar.,
    - export tariff
    • China's Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced Thursday that the export tariff for rare earths will be removed, a move that complies with a ruling by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and that will lead to a drop in rare-earth prices, experts said. China will scrap export tariffs for a group of mineral products including rare earths, and the adjustment will come into effect on May 1, according to a statement released on the MOF website Thursday. Currently, there is a 15 percent to 20 percent export tariff on rare-earth products, according to the statement. In addition to canceling the tariff, China in January abolished export quota restrictions for rare-earth exports. China scrapped the export quota and tariff for rare earths in order to comply fully with a WTO ruling issued last year, Chen Zhanheng, vice secretary-general of the Association of China Rare Earth Industry, told the Global Times Thursday.

    - 中國工業和信息化部、國 家發展改革委、科技部昨日印發《關於加快 石墨烯產業創新發展的若干意見》,提出到 2020年,形成完善的石墨烯產業體系,實現 石墨烯材料標準化、系列化和低成本化。 據中新社報道,石墨烯是在光、電、熱、 力等方面具有優異性能,極具應用潛力、可 廣泛服務於經濟社會發展的新材料,在能源 裝備、交通運輸、航空航天、海工裝備等產 品上已呈現良好應用前景。目前,日本、韓 國、歐盟、美國等都在投入巨資加快石墨烯 的技術研發和產業化。

    tungsten and molybdenum
    - Beijing will remove taxes on exports of tungsten and molybdenum from the start of next month, while tariffs on shipments of ferroalloys, indium and aluminium rods and bars will also be scrapped as the central government tries to support the mainland's slowing economy.

    Environmental protection
    - The revised environmental protection law showed its teeth in its first two months, with more than 350 polluters receiving severe punishments, the national environmental watchdog said on Monday. 
    Considered the toughest measure against pollution to date, the new Environmental Protection Law, which took effect on Jan 1, levels stiff penalties on polluting companies, especially with its stipulations that polluters must pay daily fines for violations and with no ceiling on the total. In the first two months of the year, 15 polluting companies were hit with daily fines, the largest one paying a total of 1.9 million yuan ($303,000). The total paid by the 15 reached 7.23 million yuan, which represented "a good beginning of the revised law", according to Pan Yue, the deputy minister of environmental protection, on Monday. In addition, the environmental authorities have ordered more than 120 polluting companies to stop polluting, even if that means suspending production, he said.
    - A revamped pollutant discharge policy has been released that requires all stationary sources of pollution in China to be licensed by 2020, to further curb emissions, the Ministry of Environmental Protection said. It comes as China's environmental management policies have not been fully implemented, and are failing to curb pollution efficiently, thus requiring the action plan, according to a statement from the State Council, which released the plan on Nov 21.
    The State Council recently issued a guideline on greenproduct labeling. china daily 13dec16
    - A pilot reform obliging polluters to pay hefty sums to repair the environment after causing major damage will go nationwide starting next year, which will improve the efficiency of its efforts to protect the environment, the Ministry of Environmental Protection said. By 2020, improvements will lead to the establishment of an efficient comprehensive damage compensation system to repair damage, including to the air, water, soil and forests, according to the document issued on Sunday by the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council.


    recycling of electrical products
    - 目前中國已出台了《廢棄電器電 子產品回收處理管理條例》、《廢 棄電器電子產品處理目錄》等多個 法規以規範電子垃圾回收,還設立 了廢棄電器電子產品處理基金。2016年 3月,《廢棄電器電子產 品處理目錄(2014版)》包含的電 子產品擴充到了 14類,手機等 9類 電器被首次納入,但廢棄電器電子 產品處理基金中針對新增 9類產品 的徵收和補貼標準尚未出台。他認 為,首先要完善基金補貼政策,建 議在 2017年內出台向生產企業徵 收廢棄手機等 9類電子產品的處理 費用標準,以及對正規回收處理企 業的補貼標準。

    solid waste importers
    China will review companies that recycle imported solid waste. It's one of several measures designed to reduce pollution generated by the processing of such waste, the top environmental authority said on Tuesday. The five-month joint campaign, including environmental and customs authorities, will be launched soon, targeting companies that recycle imported electrical waste, tires, plastic and textiles, as well as those that dismantle broken household appliances, said Li Ganjie, minister of environmental protection. The effort will shut down polluting recyclers, regulate processing zones and guide the green growth of domestic recycling companies. Some measures to ban the importation of solid waste will also be considered, the minister added. Many companies that process imported solid waste were found to be severely contaminating the environment, making them a major target for environmental authorities.

    water resources
    “河长制”,即由中国各级党政主要负责人担任“河长”,负责组织领导相应河湖的管理和保护工作。“河长制”工作的主要任务包括六个方面:一是加强水资源保护,全面落实最严格水资源管理制度,严守“三条红线”;二是加强河湖水域岸线管理保护,严格水域、岸线等水生态空间管控,严禁侵占河道、围垦湖泊;三是加强水污染防治,统筹水上、岸上污染治理,排查入河湖污染源,优化入河排污口布局;四是加强水环境治理,保障饮用水水源安全,加大黑臭水体治理力度,实现河湖环境整洁优美、水清岸绿;五是加强水生态修复,依法划定河湖管理范围,强化山水林田湖系统治理;六是加强执法监管,严厉打击涉河湖违法行为。 2016年10月11日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席、中央全面深化改革领导小组组长习近平主持召开中央全面深化改革领导小组第28次会议,审议通过了《关于全面推行河长制的意见》。[2]  2016年12月,中国中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《关于全面推行河长制的意见》,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻落实。

    • hkcd 22mar17 a13

    carbon trading
    - China has already become the second-largest carbon-trading market in the world, and many companies have positive attitudes about the launch of the national market in 2017, a study from the UN development department found. Since 2013, China has established pilot regional carbon-trading markets in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Hubei province and Guangdong province, involving 2,391 companies, said the China Carbon Market Report 2017, released by the United Nations Development Program on Friday.


    - beijing to limit web access to foreign tv shows

    • experts suggest relaxing restrictions relating to foreign tv shows

    - corruption in media needs to be stamped on with decisive steps
    - may propose a cap on salaries of leading characters hket 13nov14 a18
    - 國家互聯網信息辦公室(國信辦)前日在北京召開座談會,提出八項要求,強調互聯網網站及網站的工作人員,要對網絡訊息履行「主體責任」,要全天候監管評論,審核刊發的稿件等。國信辦此舉被解讀為加強對新聞和言論的管控。

    Medical reform
    - 中國國務院總理李克強昨日在北京主持召開國務院常務會議,確定2016年深化醫藥衛生體制改革重點,讓醫改紅利更多惠及人民群眾。
    - 1996年全國衛生工作會議召開,這是建國以來 由中共中央、國務院召開的第一次全國衛 生工作會議。2016年,如此高規格的全國衛生與健康大 會再次召開。全國衛生與健康大會 8 月 19 日在北京召開,這是 中央時隔 20 年後再次召開如此高規格的會議,並將 「衛生」與「健康」提升到等同重要位置。時隔一 周後,「健康中國 2030」規劃綱要通過中央審議, 一張面向中國未來、涉及全球近 1/5 人口的健康藍圖 已經展開。健康衛生、深化醫療體制改革等問題, 歷來是政協關注的焦點。記者了解到,十二屆全國 政協以來,眾多政協委員圍繞醫改相關問題深入調 研考察,為推動中國醫療衛生事業發展提供了很多 真知灼見。
    -據中新社報道:中國國務 院總理李克強21日在北京主持召開國務院常 務會議,通過 「十三五」衛生與健康規劃, 部署今後五年深化醫藥衛生體制改革工作。 會議指出,發展衛生與健康事業,是中共中 央、國務院推進健康中國建設的基本內容, 是改善供給結構更好適應群眾迫切需求的重 要舉措。
    - 中國國務院總理李克 強昨日在北京主持召開國務院常務會 議,部署推進醫療聯合體建設,以深 化體制機制改革為群眾提供優質便利 醫療服務。據中新社報道,會議提出 全面啟動多種形式的醫聯體建設試 點、實現檔案病歷等互聯互通、落實 分級診療機制、探索分配激勵機制等 舉措。
    - 上周國務院辦公廳印發《治理高值醫用耗材改革方案》,為高值耗材改革譜出路線圖與時間表,方案內容主要分開四部分。第一,促降價:形成完善價格機制,降低高值醫用耗材虛高價格;第二,防濫用:規範醫療服務行為,嚴控高值醫用耗材不合理地使用;第三:嚴監管:健全監督管理機制,嚴肅查處違法違規行為;第四,促發展:完善配套政策,促進行業健康發展,其中第一部分降低耗材價格是當前市場關注的焦點。
    mental health
    - Mental health education and awareness will be popularized and promoted across China by 2020, according to the country's first government guideline aimed at promoting psychological well-being, which was released on Thursday. Various measures are expected to provide Chinese with better access to mental health services and improve the general level of mental health by 2030, according to the guideline, released by 22 ministries and ministerial-level departments led by the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

    - restrictions loosened on overseas ownership of hospitals, china eyes foreign funded hospitals, 七省市試點外資獨資醫院
    - China will ease curbs on joint-venture hospitals as the State Council, China's cabinet, passed a plan on national medical and healthcare service system on Monday to upgrade and balance the country' long-complained medical service. The plan encouraged social forces to found new non-profit medical institutions with public hospitals, to participate in public hospitals' restructuring, and to develop professional groups for hospital management. The document, passed at a State Council executive meeting presided by Premier Li Keqiang, was the latest move by the government to open China's huge private hospital sector and overhaul its healthcare system. In August, China issued a circular saying Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and another four provinces were allowed to carry out a pilot program where foreign investors can set up their wholly foreign-owned hospitals. Previously foreign stakes in hospitals were not allowed to exceed 70 percent. There are also restrictions including their minimum investment, and no more than 20 years' cooperation between domestic and foreign investors. 中共中央政治局常委、中央全面深化改革領導小組副 組長李克強、劉雲山、張高麗出席會議。會議審議通過了 《鄉村教師支持計劃(2015-2020年)》、《關於城市公 立醫院綜合改革試點的指導意見》、《人民陪審員制度改 革試點方案》、《關於人民法院推行立案登記制改革的意 見》、《黨的十八屆四中全會重要舉措實施規劃( 2015-2020年)》。
    - The State Council decided on Thursday to put private-capital-invested hospitals in the medical insurance system, a move designed to encourage the development of medical institutions. Among other measures, the approval process to set up a hospital or clinic will be streamlined, and preconditions including the number of beds will be canceled.
    Nonprofit private-capital-invested medical institutions that provide basic healthcare service should get subsidies from the government, and hospitals invested with private capital will see other favorable policies such as tax cuts, the State Council said. "This is terrific news for such hospitals," said Hu Shanlian, professor from the School of Public Health under Shanghai-based Fudan University. He said many hospitals run by private capital, especially those at the high end, have met great difficulties as they can neither get government subsidies nor join the national medical insurance system. Hu said there are two possible ways for the government to give subsidies - to give the hospitals money or buy their services. The State Council also ordered at the meeting that private-capital-invested medical institutions be covered in regional development plans for medical resources.
    - 針對 港資醫院進軍內地的問題,國家衛計委副主任馬 曉偉昨日表示,香港可以獨資在內地設立醫療機 構,其設置的標準及要求同內地的單位和個人設 置醫療機構標準一致,需要經過行業准入。他透 露,兩地在開設醫院方面的合作將進一步擴大, 同時將審批權進一步下放到省級。 除港資獨資醫院外,馬曉偉表示,對於合資合 作的醫療機構,內地持完全開放態度,並且允許 香港有相應資質即認可准入的醫生,申辦來內地 短期行醫。此外,內地將以廣東等沿海開放省份 為基地,建立更多的同港資合資合作項目,包括 一些大型醫療機構合資合作項目,並加強香港和 內地雙方學者的交流和往來。
    - China will carry out reforms at public hospitals to optimize medical care resources, according to a decision made at a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Monday.Reforms in the pricing of medical services will continue to move toward dynamic price adjustments to better reflect the expertise of medical workers, the panel determined. One or two cities in provincial areas where the comprehensive medical reforms are being piloted will be chosen for medical insurance payment reform, covering all medical care institutions and services. The government will also designate more than 100 disease categories for an insurance payment-by-category reform.

    family doctors
    -內地開始全面推廣家庭醫生制度。國家衛 計委等六部門聯合制定的《關於推進家庭 醫生簽約服務的指導意見》6日正式公布, 提出明年家庭醫生簽約服務覆蓋率達30% ,重點人群覆蓋率達到60%,預計在2020 年實現全覆蓋。 對於家庭醫生制度今年的工作,意見 指出,在200個公立醫院綜合改革試點城市 開展家庭醫生簽約服務,並鼓勵其他有條 件的地區積極開展試點。重點在簽約服務 的方式、內容、收付費、考核、激勵機制 等方面實現突破,優先覆蓋老幼孕殘等人 群,以及高血壓、糖尿病等慢性疾病和嚴 重精神障礙患者等。

    - Prices of more than 2,700 drugs will soon be determined by the market, rather than the government, as China gets ready to roll out its ambitious drug pricing reform plan, industry sources said on Thursday.
    The National Development and Reform Commission has already sent the draft plan on drug pricing reforms to eight related industry associations this week to solicit opinion. What this also means is that the current government-led pricing system that has been in place for about two decades will end soon.
    Currently government-priced drugs account for around 23 percent of the total drug market in China. The reforms stipulate that the maximum retail price, or factory price of drugs, will not be fixed by the government from January 1, 2015. "Instead, the actual price will be arrived at through market competition," it said.
    According to the draft plan, drugs involved in the reform will be divided into different types and three of them will see significant pricing policy changes.
    For the drugs that are covered by medical insurance, the medical insurance departments will work with other related departments to work out insurance payment standards so as to guide the market price to be formed in a reasonable way.
    For drugs with little market competition, such as patent drugs, exclusively produced traditional Chinese medicines, authorities will explore ways to establish a pricing negotiation mechanism with multilateral participation. Prices of blood products, immunity and prevention drugs that are purchased by the nation and contraceptives will be formed through bidding purchases or negotiations, according to the draft plan. Class I psychic drugs, anaesthetic drugs and low-cost drugs will, however, adhere to the current pricing policy, the plan said.
    - 人力資源和社會保障部於上周四公布新版醫保目錄,消息刺激部分製藥企業急漲,個別股份升幅近兩成。與○九年的版本相比,新的醫保目錄共增加363種藥物,中藥佔了約三分之二、化學藥物佔了三分之一,反而生物藥品只有幾種入圍。

    • 國家醫保局發佈了國家醫保目錄(常規部分),共調出了79個品種,其中20 個為重點監控藥品。我們認為相關調整可以引導醫保資源用於臨床價值高的藥品,利好中國醫藥行業的健康發展。支付標準利好通過一致性評價的仿製藥,有望推動過專利期的原研藥降價,進一步節省醫保資源,並且鼓勵藥企開展仿製藥一致性評價的工作。對於原省級醫保目錄增補的乙類藥品,地方醫保局應在3年內將它們逐步消化,與國家醫保目錄看齊。我們認為新版醫保目錄在短期內對主要香港上市藥企的影響為利空多於利好。

    -  國家食品藥品監督管理總局局長畢井泉昨日在全國人大會議的「部長通道」上直面該問題,坦言中國藥品上市慢,是有制度方面的原因,目前正在想辦法解決。此 外,中國還在試點藥品上市許可持有人制度,並盡快向全國推進,以解決藥品生產和流通企業小、散、亂等問題。業內人士認為,該制度的實行將更好地保障藥品生 產流通和消費安全。
    - 昨日,新修訂的藥品管理法在十三屆全國人大常委會第十二次會議上表決通過。這是藥品管理法18年來的首次全面大修,法律回應了陸勇假藥案、網絡售藥、創新藥等社會熱點問題,體現了針對藥品安全最嚴謹的標準、最嚴格的監管、最嚴厲的處罰、最嚴肅的問責這「四個最嚴」精神,進一步健全了覆蓋藥品研製、生產、經營、使用全過程的法律制度。中國首部藥品管理法在1984年出台,後經過1次修訂和2次部分法律條款的修改。昨日通過修訂的藥品管理法,經過業界、社會公眾的多番討論,以及全國人大常委會在1年中的三次審議,充分吸取各界意見。在網絡售藥等涉及民生、藥品監管等多方面利益的關鍵規定上,更在法律審議中幾番易稿。

    - 新興毒品近年在內地不斷湧現,國家禁毒辦昨日在北京召開新聞發布會,公布將「U-47700」等四種新精神活性物質,列入非藥用類麻醉藥品和精神藥品管制目錄,並將於下月一日起正式施行。
    - may ban a deadly synthetic component of marijuana, along with more than two dozen other potent synthetic drugs, by the end of the year, according to a police official.

    - 內地濫用靜脈注射治療(俗稱吊鹽水,內地稱打吊針)問題嚴重,有統計更指全國每年約有二十萬人死於吊鹽水後的不良反應。當中廣東省的基層醫療機構,有過半竟是病人主動要求吊鹽水。廣東省衞計委近日發出通知,要求醫生根據準則來決定會否為病人吊鹽水,以減低醫療風險。

    - 據《華夏時報》報道,山東「疫苗事件」還在持續發酵,有業內人士表示,二類疫苗的採購屬於市場行為,相關企業和機構不斷爭搶利益蛋糕,加之中間的流通鏈條比較長,很容易造成監管真空,始於2006年的藥品電子監管碼制度形同虛設。根據山東食藥監局發佈的公告來看,被查封的實有疫苗12種、免疫球蛋白2種、治療性生物製品1種。其中,12種疫苗無一類疫苗,全部為二類疫苗。記者通過採訪相關社區醫院發現,進行疫苗接種的醫生本人也並不知曉自己手中注射的疫苗是否為涉案疫苗。始於2006年的藥品電子監管碼制度是通過藥品電子監管碼全流程覆蓋,實現藥品追溯信息化監管,在最小單位包裝上都有監管碼可以追蹤,以便在出現問題時第一時間追溯流向,最大程度地減少危害是這一制度最大的亮點。但是,山東的「問題疫苗」為了降低成本,並未按照國家相關法律規定運輸、保存,脫離了2至8攝氏度的恒溫冷鏈,部分還屬於臨期疫苗。記者調查發現,山東問題疫苗雖非法經營,但卻可以「掛靠」在正規企業下運行長達5年之久,並且可以為問題疫苗提供正規發票。很明顯,藥品監管碼制度並沒有被真正執行,所以才會造成到目前都無法追蹤到最終流向的狀況。23日,國家食藥監總局針對非法經營疫苗案再發通知,相關省食品藥品監管局應立即對上述藥品經營企業進行調查,徹底查清產品的真實流向,查實存在違法違規行為,依法嚴肅懲處。 The State Council has set up a special team to look into the regulatory system that failed to stop the nationwide distribution of substandard vaccines since 2011. The team comprises officials from the China Food and Drug Administration, National Health and Family Planning Commission, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Supervision and — most noticeably — the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, in addition to a committee of experts. The team, led by Bi Jingquan, head of the China Food and Drug Administration, will proceed under the supervision of an inspection team led by Ding Xiangyang, deputy secretary-general of the State Council.
    - 第十三屆全國人大常委會第十一次會議日前開幕,並於昨日通過了疫苗管理法。新法將於十二月一日起實行,將重罰出產或出售問題疫苗的人,亦會補償誤種問題疫苗的受害人。

    Health related ict
    - 中國食品藥品監督管理總局上周六(二十日)暫停執行藥品電子監管,被委託為藥品電子監管網技術營運商的阿里健康(00241)昨日宣布,如果食藥監總局決定長時間暫停執行,公司未來可能會公布其他新的政策,有機會對公司收入、業務及營運業績,產生重大的不利影響。

    elderly services
    - 國務院 辦公廳日前印發《關於全面放開養老服務 市場提升養老服務品質的若干意見》(以 下簡稱《意見》),對促進養老服務業更 好更快發展作出部署。

    elderly homes
    - 民政部部長李立國9日在十二屆全國人大四次會議第二次全體會議後 表示,鼓勵社會力量、民營機構開展社區和家庭的養老服務。尤其鼓勵港 澳養老服務提供者,到內地辦非營利性的養老機構。

    - 廠商會訪商務部 倡延後徵增值稅,,
    - 月底訪京拜會財政部海關總署 工總力爭鋼材保稅延長兩年 China will "make no exception" and equally protect the intellectual property rights of overseas companies and individuals as part of a series of measures hammered out at the State Council's executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday.  The move aims to protect intellectual property rights in a bid to encourage innovation.

    Brand and intellectual property (IP)
    - 第一副長會陳淑玲則建議兩地政府可深化品牌合作,特別加強品牌的知識產權保護,亦可建立「一站式」綜合商標註冊機制。
    - new trademark law - points to note by hk businessmen singtao 4mar15 I1


    - 正在 廣東深圳舉行的第十一屆中國(深圳)國際文化 產業博覽交易會上,港台企業均十分關注知識產 權的版權保護問題。目前,內地儘管有與國際接 軌的版權法,但是,保護起來還未到位,許多港 台企業擔心自己的知識產權遭到侵權。香港設計 商會主席、香港知名設計師葉智榮表示,目前, 內地對版權侵權問題處罰力度過低,加上維權成 本高,許多港台企業有時不免有些無奈,他們期 望內地加大力度維護其合法知識產權利益並加大 處罰侵權力度。
    - The National Development and Reform Commission, one of the three agencies that deal with antitrust activity and investigations, is drawing up guidelines covering monopolistic conduct and the abuse of intellectual property rights, an official involved in the effort said on Thursday. The Anti-Monopoly Committee of the State Council, the top antitrust supervisor, has ordered the NDRC to draw up the draft guidelines within one year, said the official, who attended the first preparatory meeting held on Wednesday. The guidelines will affect IPR products and service providers, a broad group that includes the information technology and telecommunications industries, the medical sector, vehicles, machinery and seeds for the agriculture sector and other technology-intensive activities. In April, the State Administration of Industry of Commerce, one of the three regulators, announced a set of rules collectively called the Prohibition of Abuse of IPR to Eliminate or Restrict Competition, which will take effect on Aug 1. China's Anti-Monopoly Law is enforced by three agencies: the Ministry of Commerce handles merger provisions and the SAIC focuses on non-price-related activity, while the NDRC takes on pricing monopolies. The NDRC's guidelines will carry the authority of the cabinet's Anti-Monopoly Committee, which will represent the three antitrust regulators. The SAIC's new rules will serve as the basis for those guidelines, said the NDRC official who requested anonymity.
    - he protection of intellectual property rights remains a shortcoming for thedevelopment of startups, according to a report released by Shanghai TechnologyInnovation Center. China has actively promoted entrepreneurship and innovation, an important part ofa new growth strategy as the country enters a "new normal" stage of slowerdevelopment. More and more young people, including college graduates, havejoined "hackerspaces" and started their own businesses. Hackerspaces refer to workplaces or platforms created for, and by, youngentrepreneurs and innovators to start their own business. These enterprises usuallyinvolve the Internet and information technology-related industries. With the entrepreneurship wave, corresponding intellectual property rightprotection work lags behind, especially in the fields of online game development,creative designs and mobile Internet software development, where products oftenupdate very frequently, the report noted.
    - The National Copyright Administration and the World Intellectual Property Organization signed an agreement on Dec 1 in Shanghai to strengthen bilateral cooperation in intellectual property rights. The signing ceremony attracted copyright experts and representatives from copyright associations, protection centers and management organizations. According to the agreement, the NCA and WIPO will carry out all-around cooperation and make greater efforts in copyright promotion, personnel training, high-level exchanges and communications. Yan Xiaohong, deputy director of the administration, said a positive and stable relationship has long been maintained between NCA and WIPO. The two have carried out many successful projects, such as the International Copyright Forum and the WIPO copyright award.
    - The State Intellectual Property Office has taken steps to relieve the pressure on China's patent examinations system in the wake of the rapidly increasing number of applications in recent years. The steps, which were outlined by SIPO officials at a recent news conference, include an optimization of the office's resources and workflow to address the problem of managing lengthy examination processes, which put additional pressure on the system. 
    - legal

    • The Supreme People's Court has approved intellectual property divisions in intermediatecourts in four cities to allow them to exercise their jurisdiction over neighboring regions. The move will further advance judicial reforms, experts said. Nanjing and Suzhou in Jiangsu province, Wuhan in Hubei province and Chengdu in Sichuanprovince were given approval to found IP-dedicated judicial organs to hear cases mostlyinvolving complex technical issues in other cities, according to a policy issued by the supremecourt in early January.
    - 綜合中新社及新華社報道,9月6日召開的國務院常務會議通過了《專利代理條例(修訂草案)》。據昨日在國新辦舉行的國務院政策例行吹風會上消息,修訂後的《專利代理條例》將自2019年3月1日起施行。 中國國家知識產權局局長申長雨昨日在浙江杭州舉行的第十屆中國知識產權年會(CIPAC2019)上表示,中國將加快構建多邊、周邊、小多邊、雙邊「四邊聯動、協調推進」的知識產權國際合作新格局,力爭2年到3年內建成100家左右技術與創新支持中心(TISC),形成覆蓋全國的知識產權信息服務網絡。
    - 中共中央辦公廳、國務院辦公廳近日印發《關於強化知識產權保護的意見》,要求各地區各部門結合實際情況,認真貫徹落實。當中提出加大懲罰力度,修改完善專利法及商標法、加強專業技術支持和檢測、加強跨部門跨區域協作辦案等廿三方面的措施,在二○二二年前遏制侵權多發的現象。

    stock market
    - csrc terminates review of 129 ipos

    - China had signed an agreement on the present quota with the World Trade Organization in 2012, valid for five years. It allows 34 foreign films to be introduced per year based on a box-office sharing system to give 25 percent profit to the foreign producers of the features.
    -日全國人大常委會表決通過了《電影產業促進法 》。 這部法律規定,法人 、其他組織經國務院電影主管部門批准,可以與境外組織合作攝製電影,但不得與從事損害國家尊嚴、榮譽和利益,危害社會穩定,傷害民族感情等活動的境外組織合作,也不得聘用有上述行為的個人參加電影攝製。電影產業促進法於明年 3月起施行 。

    - 中國文化部10日公佈了首批網路音樂黑名單,要求網際網路文化單位於15日內集中下架120首網路音樂產品,拒不下架的網際網路文化單位,文化部將依法從嚴查處。據瞭解,隨?文化部進一步增強網路文化市場監管,未來網路音樂“黑名單”將成為一種常態。此次公佈的黑名單中,香港歌手黃秋生、香港嘻哈團體大懶堂所演唱的歌曲均“榜上有名”,台灣歌手張震嶽與MC Hotdog的多首歌曲也列入其中。名單中的歌曲從知名歌手、樂團的作品到網民自行上傳的原創歌曲都有涉及。“這些網路音樂產品含有宣揚低級趣味、淫穢、暴力、教唆犯罪、吸毒或者危害社會公德的內容,影響未成年人健康成長,違反了《網際網路文化管理暫行規定》第十六條的規定,任何單位和個人不得提供。”文化部文化市場司副司長劉強表示。劉強表示,違規音樂產品將被禁止於歌舞娛樂場所提供,禁止營業演出活動表演、演唱,禁止網吧下載、傳播、復製,禁止音像、電子出版物傳播,已收錄違規音樂產品的音像製品,如CD等將予以下架。 記者注意到,本次公佈的120首音樂產品均為中文,至於未來是否會有外文音樂產品納入黑名單,劉強對大公報表示,雖目前未涉及外文歌曲,但相關排查已在進行,確定後會予以公佈,“只要在中國大陸網際網路上傳播的,都列入監視內”。
    -中國文化部昨日 在其官網發佈《網絡表演經營活動管理辦 法》(以下簡稱《辦法》)要求,網絡表演 經營單位應要求表演者使用有效身份證件實 名註冊,涉及外國或者香港特別行政區、澳 門特別行政區、台灣地區的表演者(以下簡 稱境外表演者)要提前向文化部提出申請。

    - new rules banning foreign investment in online publishing singtao 17feb16 a16, 中國政府於剛過去周日公布《網絡出版管理規定》,嚴格禁止外國公司和在華合資單位從事「網絡出版服務」,並於下月十日起實施。有觀察人士指,中國不惜冒着外資撤資的風險實施這一禁令,顯示中國領導人對政局的擔憂。國家新聞出版廣電總局和工業和信息化部聯合公布,下月十日開始實施《網絡出版管理規定》,新規定的第十條表明,中外合資經營、中外合作經營及外資經營的單位不得從事網絡出版服務,其中包括直接出版網上文字、圖片、地圖、遊戲、動漫和音視頻讀物,違者將予以查封和扣押。規定又指,從事網絡出版服務必須是在境內長久居住的具有完全行為能力的中國公民,而且相關服務器和儲存設備必須存放在中國境內。華盛頓智庫加圖研究所客座研究員夏業良認為,中國有關做法是倒退,只會適得其反,並指中國不斷收緊言論的控制,以此削弱西方媒體的影響力。
    - An order from Beijing will drastically cut the number of foreign picture books for children published in mainland China this year, four publishing sources told the South China Morning Post.

    - WHEN China started opening up in 1978, its first economic reforms included raising the prices it paid to farmers for their crops. The decision, not surprisingly, led to bumper harvests. Controls on procurement prices for most farm products were eventually scrapped—but not on tobacco leaves. Only this year, nearly four decades later, will the government at last stop fixing their price.

    - 國際 化學品製造商協會(AICM)近日在上海發佈的首 個行業白皮書《跨國化工企業在中國的未來發展》 指,中國產能過剩,引起了跨國化工企業對併購的 廣泛興趣,且多數受訪高管傾向於收購中國私企資 產,因為這些企業既具有價值又易於管理。 (note: seems to be based in china)
    Plan to control certain chemicals. china daily 13dec16

    - foreign investors can participate in merger/reorganisation

    Chemical warehouse

    - China has imposed a one-year ban on the import of ivory, amid criticism that demand among Chinese consumers is fuelling poaching in Africa.

    traditional crafts
    -,中國國務 院辦公廳近日轉發了文化部、工業和信息 化部、財政部《中國傳統工藝振興計劃》 (以下簡稱《計劃》),部署促進中國傳 統工藝的傳承與振興。

    luxury clubs
    - A senior official from the city's top anti-graft body has promised to shut down or rebuild, by the end of June, 10 private luxury clubs and restaurants that once attracted senior Party and government officials. "The clubs, located in scenic areas and parks in the city, have illegally occupied public resources and become hotbeds of corruption," said Mei Heqing, a member of the standing committee of the Guangzhou Party Commission for Discipline Inspection. The private clubs to be reconstructed include the Pinyunzuo restaurant in Guangzhou's Baiyunshan scenic spot and the Jufangyuan private club in Luhu park, Mei said at a news conference on Monday. Wan Qingliang, former Party chief of Guangzhou, is said to have frequently visited the two establishments for luxury private banquets when he was in office, even after anti-graft authorities issued special notices banning such activities.

    - golf course in china received notifications to close down or reorganise (***) singtao 2feb15 a20

    • A luxury golf club in suburban Shanghai that charges membership fees as high as 1.46 million yuan ($233,400) was still running on Monday, though it had been exposed as being illegally built and operated for four years. In a report published on Sunday, Xinhua News Agency accused Dongzhuang Beach Golf Club in the city's Pudong New Area of cheating authorities by calling itself a "sports park" and ignoring a ban by the central government in 2004 from constructing new golf courses. The report also says that government officials and State-owned company executives are among its members.
    - football club

    • government to introduce rules to improve operation structure of football clubs

    - While the past two decades have seen top Western universities — and business schools in particular — launch joint programmes with Chinese universities, there is now a move afoot for them to enter a new phase of commitment, in which they invest in bricks and mortar in China. New York University joins Duke University from the US and Liverpool and Nottingham universities from the UK as the clear leaders in this enterprise. And what is apparent from all of them is that it is the business programmes that are proving most popular and will determine the future of these institutions. These pioneers are just the tip of the iceberg, believes Eitan Zemel, associate vice-chancellor for strategy and dean of business for NYU Shanghai. “I think it is only the beginning. I think there is something much bigger ahead of us,” he says.

    Professional qualification
    - China has released a new occupational classification system to keep pace with a fast-changing employment sector, and provide guidance for occupational education and job qualification criteria for burgeoning industries. Delivery person, online security administrator and futures trader were among the 347 new positions officially defined as jobs, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said. At the same time, 894 jobs identified as obsolete were removed from the new classification, including "dish cleaner and keeper" at restaurants. Yin Weimin, minister of human resources and social security, said the revisions will help the country further develop occupational education and improve the quality of skilled workers. "Occupation classification is the foundation of drafting and developing qualification criteria, which would include education background and professional skills," Yin said. The new system will also aid authorities in collecting occupational data and conducting occupation comparisons. The ministry said it will regularly update occupation information, aiming to create more jobs by developing new occupations. The first occupational classification system was released in 1999. Economic development, changes in society and the rise of technology led to many adjustments. The new system, which was approved on July 29, divided jobs into 1,481 occupational types, a reduction of 547 from the previous system. For the first time, the classification covered green jobs, including those in environmental protection and the recycling sectors.
    - 據新華社報道,人力資源社會保障部近日印發通知,對減少職業資格許可和認定工作提出要求,內地立即停止美甲師職業資格考試鑒定活動並停止發放職業資格證書,嚴禁將水平評價類職業資格違規設置為行政許可並與就業創業掛鈎。另據中國政府網報道,取消不必要的職業資格許可和認定,同時也是降低市場准入門檻、激發市場活力,推動大眾創業、萬眾創新的重要舉措。抓緊完成職業資格清理整頓督查活動 新華社報道說,目前仍有一些地方繼續組織開展已取消職業資格的考試鑒定和發證活動,還有個別地方違規將美甲師等水平評價類職業資格與就業創業掛鈎。這增加了就業創業成本,嚴重束縛了市場的手腳,束縛了人民的創造力。通知要求,對國務院公佈決定取消的211項職業資格事項和本地區、本部門(行業)自行設置的各類職業資格,應堅決停止相關職業資格考試鑒定發證活動,並妥善做好相關後續工作;對職業資格相關宣傳材料予以全面清理,各類公共服務機構不得印製、張貼、懸掛無法律法規依據的準入類職業資格目錄;抓緊組織完成職業資格清理整頓專項督查活動,進一步加大工作力度,集中取消職業資格許可和認定事項,規範職業資格考試鑒定行為,加強對職業資格實施的監督和管理。
    - 據中新社報道,國務院總理李克強昨日在北京主持召開國務院常務會議,決定設立國家職業資格目錄,降低就業創業門檻提升職業水平。會議要求,公佈國家職業資格目錄,實行清單式管理。今後未經批准不得在清單之外自行設置國家職業資格。會議指出,清理職業資格許可和認定,是深化簡政放權、放管結合、優化服務改革的重要內容。2014年以來,針對原有職業資格設置缺乏法律法規依據、過多過濫等問題,國務院分七批取消了434項職業資格、佔總數的70%以上,促進了大眾創業、萬眾創新和就業。為推動職業資格納入依法管理軌道,會議確定,一是公佈國家職業資格目錄,實行清單式管理,通過取消、合併等再減少一批職業資格,將剩餘職業資格列入目錄。各地區、各部門要堅決防止已取消的職業資格「死灰復燃」,今後未經批准不得在清單之外自行設置國家職業資格,行業協會、學會等不得變相開展資格資質許可認定,對違法違規的要嚴肅查處。二是設置准入類職業資格,其所涉職業(工種)必須關係公共安全、人身健康、生命財產安全等,且有法律法規或國務院決定為依據;設置水平評價類職業資格,應是具有較強專業性和社會通用性、技術技能要求較高、行業管理和人才建設確需的職業或工種。三是依法設置的職業資格必須納入國家目錄,並實行動態調整。職業資格設置、取消及納入、退出目錄,須經評估論證,特別是新設職業資格要徵求社會意見並報國務院批准。對資格資質持有人因不具備應有職業水平導致重大過失的,負責許可認定的單位也要相應擔責。
    - 據中新社報道,中國官方昨日 發布 9個新職業和 5個新工種,以助力新冠肺炎 疫情防控,拓展崗位促進就業。這9個新職業包 括:「區塊鏈工程技術人員」「城市管理網格 員」「互聯網營銷師」「信息安全測試員」 「區塊鏈應用操作員」「在線學習服務師」 「社群健康助理員」「老年人能力評估師」 「增材製造設備操作員」。 「公共衞生輔助服務員」升為職業 此外,此次還發布了「直播銷售員」「互聯網 信息審核員」等5個工種,同時將「公共衞生輔助 服務員」職業下的「防疫員」「消毒員」和「公 共場所衞生管理員」等3個工種上升為職業。 這是中國自《中華人民共和國職業分類大典 (2015 年版)》頒布以來發布的第三批新職 業。此批新職業是由中國人力資源和社會保障 部向社會公開徵集,組織職業分類專家嚴格按 照職業分類原則、標準和程序進行評估論證, 並通過網絡媒體等向社會公示後確定的。

    domestic helpers
    - Authorities are investigating the death of 20-year-old Filipino domestic helper who fell from a building on the mainland after being sent there to work by her Hong Kong employers. Officials have classified the tragedy as a “suspected case of human-trafficking”. The case has exposed a “dangerous trend” of local employers dispatching their helpers to work illegally outside the city, said rights groups, citing mounting complaints over the past few years. The family of the dead worker, Lorain Asuncion, who are in Hong Kong to seek answers, said before her death she had shared her dread each time she had to go to the mainland with her employer. On July 24, Asuncion’s family was informed by a Hong Kong employment agency that she had fallen to her death that day from the seventh floor of an apartment building in Shenzhen.

    holiday / work hours
    - 地正推進包括落實職工帶薪休假制度在內的一系列舉措,以激發旅遊消費需求。11日,國務院辦公廳公佈《關於進一步促進旅遊投資和消費的若干意見》(下稱意見),首次提出“鼓勵彈性作息”,包括鼓勵有條件的單位可優化調整夏季作息,讓職工將週五下午與週末結合外出度假。

    • 近日,有关媒体报道反映范蠡纪念馆等地存在违规开展宗教活动、变相敛财、安全隐患严重等问题。国家文物局对此进行调查后认为,媒体反映情况基本属实。据调查,范蠡纪念馆位于河南省南阳市全国重点文物保护单位南阳知府衙门保护范围内,是郑州嘉嘉富裕文化传播有限公司依托其投资复建的南阳府财神庙设立。南阳府财神庙始建于清代,早已不存,毁坏时间不详。2006年,南阳知府衙门修复指挥部擅自决定修复南阳府财神庙,并于2007年4月建成和投入使用。《中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅关于严格执行建立纪念设施有关规定的通知》规定,建立纪念馆设施必须报经党中央、国务院批准,而范蠡纪念馆至今未取得党中央、国务院批准,属于违规设立。对此,南阳市政府已责令南阳市文广新局、南阳市民政局依法撤销违规注册的范蠡纪念馆登记手续。2009年3月,范蠡纪念馆向南阳市民宗委申请将南阳府财神庙登记为道教活动场所,并于2011年3月获得批准。调查显示,被辟为道教活动场所后,南阳府财神庙存在管理混乱、多头承包、变相敛财等问题。2017年8月,南阳市民宗委要求南阳府财神庙立即停止所有宗教活动并整改。目前,南阳府财神庙内功德箱已移除,所驻道士已全部撤离,宗教活动全部停止。
    religious institutions
    - 據中新社報道,國家宗教事務局近日會同民政部聯合下發《關於宗教活動場所辦理法人登記事項的通知》(以下簡稱《通知》)。根據《通知》,從2019年4月1日起,符合條件的宗教活動場所可以申請辦理法人登記。中共中央統戰部官方微信賬號「統戰新語」昨日刊出《通知》全文和相關評論、解讀文章。

    - China has been forced to drop a measure at the UN that targeted NGOs seeking to be heard at the world body. China had proposed for the United Nations to refrain from naming countries that criticise non-governmental organisations during meetings of a committee that decides which groups will be accredited to the UN. The information blackout would have allowed China and other countries distrustful of NGOs to air their opposition without being singled out in any UN public report.
    - concern of hk ngos on new rules about ngo singtao 10aug15 a3
    - ngo rules to be tightened singtao 20aug15 a18 Lawmakers are discussing and collecting opinions on legislation related to overseas NGOs, in a move to provide the legal foundation for the organizations to develop in China, a spokeswoman for the annual session of China's top legislature said on Friday. The legislation covering the behavior of overseas NGOs has already been discussed twice in the NPC standing committee, and a draft of it has been published online to solicit opinions from home and abroad, said Fu Ying, spokeswoman for the fourth session of the 12th National People's Congress. Fu confirmed that the draft has drawn attention because it is related to the interests of overseas NGOs and the activity of foreign individuals in China. More than 7,000 overseas NGOs are active in China, including those engaged in environmental, technological, educational and cultural industries, she said, adding that their work benefits China. "The legislation is to regulate overseas NGOs' activities, clarifying which behaviors are illegal," she said. "What we want is to lay a legal foundation for how they operate, not restrict their development." Deng Guosheng, vice-dean of Tsinghua University's Institute for Philanthropy, said that many overseas NGOs cannot register in China because there is no law specifically applicable to them. "The gap in the law has brought difficulties for some foreign NGOs in hiring processes or opening bank accounts," Deng said. "Some are forced to register as enterprises that are not eligible for tax deduction policies." In Deng's view, different types of foreign NGOs should fall under different legal categories, "because some are agents solely representing the interests of their foreign headquarters, while others only engage in charity, so their developmental aims in China are different." Another question is whether the same rules should apply for foreign and domestic NGOs. One major international independent organization for children has voiced that it wants to be treated the same way local charities are. "In the UK, we see charities registered with the charities commission under the same rules as Save the Children. UK-headquartered and non-UK ones are treated in the same way," wrote Pia MacRae, country director of Save the Children in China.
    - A draft law to regulate NGOs from outside the Chinese mainland eases restrictions on their operations and activities. The bill was submitted for its third reading to the bimonthly session of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, which runs from Monday to Thursday. Xu Xianming, deputy head of the NPC Law Committee, said the bill regulates the activities of overseas NGOs in China and protects their rights and interests. Many overseas NGOs have engaged in charity and academic exchanges in China and have played a positive role since the reform and opening-up drive started in the late 1970s.
    - China's law enforcers on Tuesday responded to questions about how overseas NGOs will operate in China once the new law on overseas NGOs takes effect in January 2017. At a briefing held by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) and Shanghai Public Security Bureau in Shanghai on Tuesday, the MPS said there will be no "transitional period" for overseas NGOs. Overseas NGOS in China are expected to prepare for the new regime and authorities are working on ways to assist them, said the MPS. The representative offices of overseas NGO can organize activities within registered regions, the MPS said.
    - China's top security authority has issued a guideline for overseas NGOs to operate on the mainland, providing detailed rules for them to register a representative office and organize events.
    - 內地當局加強監管境外NGO(非政府組織),去年四月通過的《境外非政府組織境內活動管理法》已於元旦日起實施。另外,繼上海、廣東後,北京市公安局境外非政府組織管理辦公室昨日舉行儀式,向世界經濟論壇(WEF)北京代表處等首批約廿家境外NGO代表機構頒登記證書。
    - Only about 1 per cent of the foreign NGOs believed to be operating in mainland China have registered as required by a new law, meaning that thousands could be operating in a risky legal limbo.
    - THE STATE COUNCIL, China's Cabinet, recently issued guidelines for governments at all levels to encourage social organizations to more widely participate in the ongoing poverty-alleviation work, so as to finish the job of lifting all poor people out of poverty by 2020. 

    Charity 27日在清華大學中國與世界經濟論壇上,全國人大常委會委員、中國社會科學院科技政策所所長王毅透露,下月北京舉行全國兩會期間,關於慈善法草案的修改將在全國人大進行討論,更好引導社會資金參與慈善事業,完善社會慈善救助機制。 去年12月舉行的十二屆全國人大常委會第十八次會議,表決通過了全國人大常委會關於提請審議慈善法草案的議案,在此之前,全國人大常委會對慈善法草案已進行了兩次審議。今年兩會,如何通過慈善法進一步引領和保障慈善事業的健康發展,各界頗感興趣。
    - 十 二屆全國人大四次會議9日在北京舉行 第二次全體會議,會上聽取了全國人 大常委會副委員長李建國關於慈善法 草案的說明。新草案規定,慈善組織 或將可自主選擇發布募捐信息的平台 ,依法登記或認定滿2年的慈善組織可 申請公開募捐資格。 內地媒體9日報道,此前慈善法草 案已經經過十二屆全國人大常委會兩 次審議。今次提請審議的新草案規定 ,慈善組織通過互聯網開展募捐的, 應在民政部門統一或者指定的慈善信 息平台發布募捐信息,也可同時在其 網站發布募捐信息。這意味着,所有 慈善組織對通過互聯網募捐,發布募 捐信息的平台或將擁有自主選擇權。 而此前的草案規定,只有省級以上的 慈善組織 「可以在其網站發布募捐信 息」。 李建國介紹,此次草案的修改包 括明確了慈善組織的定義及其設立程 序、規範慈善組織的行為準則和內部 治理、強化慈善組織的信息公開義務 ,以及慈善事業發展的促進措施等。 制定慈善法先後列入十一屆、十 二屆全國人大常委會立法規劃,並列 入全國人大常委會2015年立法工作計劃 。在去年10月、12月,慈善法草案先後 經過十二屆全國人大常委會2次審議, 並決定將草案提請十二屆全國人大四 次會議審議。
    - hopes that such legislation could encourage more charitable activities in the world’s second-largest economy, critics said it put too many restrictions on fundraising and could further restrain the non-profit sector.The draft charity law, submitted to the National People’s Congress for its third reading on Wednesday, lays out details on registration, fundraising, and government oversight. According to the draft, charities would not be allowed to carry out or sponsor activities that endangered national security or the public interest. It would also prohibit charities from launching public campaigns within two years of being officially registered. Offline appeals for public donations could only be conducted within the area the organisation was registered. “These limitations would pose a big challenge for the survival of newly registered charities because public appeals are an essential source of funding for them,” said Zhang Gaorong, assistant director of the China Philanthropy Research Institute.
    -  民政部23日正式公布了《慈善組織信息公開辦法》(以下簡稱《辦法》)。新出台的《辦法》規定,慈善組織應在民政部門統一提供的信息平台「全國慈善信息公開平台」公開有關情況,具有公開募捐資格的慈善組織每三個月至少公開一次募捐情況。發起人、主要捐贈人、管理人員等重要關聯方信息,均在要求公開的範圍。《辦法》規定,對於具有公開募捐資格的慈善組織開展公開募捐活動,應當在公開募捐活動結束三個月內在統一信息平台公開募得款物情況、已使用的募得款物的 用途及用於慈善項目和其他用途的支出情況、尚未使用的募得款物的使用計劃。發起人、主要捐贈人、管理人員、被投資方以及與慈善組織存在控制、共同控制或者 重大影響關係的個人或者組織均為重要關聯方,亦需要在統一信息平台公開相關信息。《辦法》將自9月1日起正式施行。
    - children related
    •  A guideline detailing the skills needed by adults who provide charity services to children - such as day care, physical therapy and education - was jointly released by five social agencies in Beijing on Monday, based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The guideline was released in the wake of alleged child abuse at a day care center run by online travel agency Ctrip and at other facilities in recent months.
    - 江西、安徽、湖北等地近日紛紛要求關閉營業性麻雀館、棋牌室等場所。這條「麻雀館禁令」隨即引發輿論爭議,不少網友質疑警方「一刀切」,損害了部分正規、合規經營者的利益。

    - The Ministry of Public Security will conduct a campaign against financial crimes that raise money from the public, including pyramid schemes, in a bid to safeguard economic security and social stability. The campaign, which was launched on Tuesday, will last until the end of this year, the ministry said.

    dating sites
    Guideline designed to build trust in online matchmaking platforms
    China moved a step toward helping people find love on Monday, with the issuance of a guideline governing dating websites. Government bodies will coordinate to promote real-name registrations and authentication on dating sites and crack down on marital fraud and other crimes related to matchmaking services, according to the guideline issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

    Investors from HK
    - manufacturing

    • 香港工業總會名譽會長劉展灝表示,該會估計,從一四至一七年間,該會3,000家在內地設廠的港商會員料將會有一成,即300家因而倒閉。另有專門為外國著名成衣品牌進行代工的港商反映,今年計劃將廠房遷往東南亞國家。香港工業總會名譽會長劉展灝預計,未來一段日子,港商(主要是代工商)被迫撤離內地的情況將會持續出現。他並指,「環球經濟向下,各個行業都難做,工業也難避免受牽連,但相信中國國策目標『中國製造2025』其實能助港商回流,例如一件高級時裝,數十個工序中或有十個工序能在香港做到,也有助港商。」他承認,低增值的OEM代工生產其實在數年前已走下坡,未來只會愈來愈少,愈做愈細。香港聯業製衣(TAL Group)行政總裁李國權指出,由於無法跟上內地工資不斷增長的腳步,集團決定於今年關閉其中一間僱用2,400名工人的內地廠房。他形容,薪金水平不斷上升正在拖垮低成本消費品製造商。該集團為國際著名的服裝品牌香蕉共和國(Banana Republic)和J. Crew等生產褲子。他續稱,集團計劃今年將褲子訂單從中國轉移到馬來西亞生產。事實上,聯業製衣的經歷正正反映在華製造商正面臨艱難決定。作為全球第二大經濟體,中國曾是服裝和玩具等廉價商品的世界工廠,而現今則努力在汽車、飛機和電子產品等高價值產業過渡。香港玩具協會主席湯誠正表示,玩具業本身是一個相當成熟的行業,早在5至10年前開始,廣東省已開始提倡高增值生產,玩具業的生態於當時已開始轉變,內地設廠的港商意識到此變化,故近年力求創新變革,部分廠商的業務不再限於代工生產,轉而開發個人品牌,或與其他公司合作設計產品,以拓展中國內銷市場。

    - Mr Steak expand to Mainland singtao 8aug14 a18
    - Watsons
    • 屈臣氏內地分店將增至2200
    - Jardine Matheson
    • dairy farm buys stake in china hypermarket chain,,dairy-farm-strikes-925m-chinese-supermarket-deal.aspx,
    - bank of east asia

    • 鄺萬成北上近廿載
    - science and tech

    • 光傳感公司矢志為中國綠色科技獻力
    - medical and health

    •「老年化人口不斷增加,國 家對發展養老事業非常重視,無論在財政上還是政策上都給予大力支持, 並且鼓勵社會力量參與養老事業。但內地養老事業發展相對滯後,且很多 養老機構的硬件設施和軟件管理都處於相對落後的初級階段,甚至有不少 養老院拒收需全護理的老人,我們決定集中發展內地市場,爭取五年內完 成品牌的樹立,服務對象人數翻倍的目標。」香港幸福養老集團內地總經 理余丹戈表示。 余丹戈說,「我爸爸是一名醫生,媽媽是催產師,他們在二十多年前開始 投身養老事業,最開始就是辦養老機構,規模很小。我1994年從澳洲大學 畢業後回到香港開始跟父母一起做養老工作。接手了爸媽的事業後,我跟幾 個『養老的第二代』把自己旗下的產業整合起來成立了現在的幸福養老集 團。2010年開始到現在,在內地共建立了五所養老院,分別是:山東淄博 城市養老綜合體(香江匯園)、廣西藍天幸福頤養院、桂林雁山幸福頤養院、 福建同心圓(香港)護理院原龍岩市老年公寓以及內蒙古恆康安養院。」

    - wine

    • HK couple acquired winery in France and developed a new brand to sell to China wenwei 31oct14 a19
    - lingerie
    • hk streetfood shop hket 27sep14 a12
    • 內衣健康觀念神州推廣 免壓胸增乳癌風險
    - environmental services

    • 隨着國家銳意推動節能環保產業發展及「十二五」規劃相關 的環保政策出台,為環保相關的企業提供市場的願景和開拓新 的藍海。作為香港具領導地位的綜合環境服務供應商,碧瑤綠 色集團(股份代號:1397)(簡稱「碧瑤」),將受惠於國家 環境服務治理政策,前景秀麗。集團未來將積極投入環境服務 產業,不斷提升固有業務、力投入資源協助政府推動環保回 收,建立綠色企業形象;同時冀透過在香港綠化業務經驗,轉 化為成功範例,為國家環境服務持續發展作貢獻。碧瑤一直秉承力求創新的經營理念,旗下專業的管理團隊多年來憑藉 科學化的管理模式和國際化視野,帶領集團開拓不同領域的業務。吳永 康表示,受惠國家對環保的重視,特別是「十二五」規劃將環保從產 品、技術提升到服務的層次,帶動了環保這個新興成長型行業的快速發 展。特別鼓舞的是,國家提出了打造環境服務業交流合作平台,鼓勵港 澳環境服務企業入駐,推動港澳環保企業在內地開展環保設施運營服 務,在廣東率先開展環境服務業合作模式創新,這正是碧瑤「走出 去」,拓展大中華環境服務業的機遇。「碧瑤作為香港本地的企業,有 三十多年環保服務的管理經驗以及上市的融資優勢,隨着國家環保市場 購買的不斷開放,我們已作出策略性定位,以調整營運和管理方式,配 合環境服務業向高科技、高端和持續方向的發展趨勢;調整與競爭對手 的關係,例如與大型環保企業的競爭時,既要鞏固在差異化、專業化和 人性化等方面的原有優勢,亦可審視與大型企業合作的可能。另外,在 新的區域經貿框架下,亦可與珠三角的行家進行優勢互補,聯合發展, 共同贏取品牌效應。」

    - lion dance

    • 夏國璋北上舞獅 
    - labour shortage and cost

    • 每年农历新年假期后,内地都会上演一场民工抢夺战。香港中小企发展学会会长刘健华表示,由于内地大力推动城镇化,三、四线城市不乏就业机会,加上年轻一辈不愿到工厂打工,而愈来愈多长年在外打工的民工选择回家“做小生意”,料今年春节后,内地港商要至少加薪一成,才能挽留工人。同时,不少港商对今年接单较审慎,加上个别港商转为生产技术要求较高,但需要较少人力的产品,或到东南亚设厂,料今年内地缺工之影响将较往年为低。

    HK entrepreneurs
    - 3 IT entrepreneurs

    Trade with HK
    - gold

    • Gold shipments to China from Hong Kong fell 32 percent in 2014 from a record a year earlier as lower prices failed to boost demand. Net imports by mainland China were 750 metric tons last year, down from 1,108.8 tons in 2013, when shipments more than doubled, according to data compiled by Bloomberg from the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department. Imports in December fell 36 percent from the same month a year earlier, according to the figures, which deduct flows from China into Hong Kong.
    - 2018

    Investors from USA
    - 美國大選有關中美關係的話題不斷,中國國務院總理李克強在十二屆全國人大四次會議閉幕後的記者會上説,去年中國已經成為美國最大的貿易伙伴,貿易額接近5600億美元(約4.3萬億港元),中美的共同利益不斷擴大。中國將逐步放寬美方對中國投資的准入門檻,但雙方開放應對等。至於中俄關系,李克強表示,中俄經濟合作也在升温。/大公報記者李理北京報道  李克強説,中美兩國之間有廣泛的共同利益,當然也存在?分歧,有的還比較尖鋭,這也毋庸諱言,一段時間,不少人在紛紛議論中美之間的分歧,但往往會忽視中美之間去年發生的一個重要事情,那就是中國成為美國最大的貿易伙伴,表明中美的共同利益在不斷擴大,遠遠大於分歧。統計數據表明,目前中美貿易額接近5600億美元。
    - As more and more successful consumer-facing Chinese brands get into the hands of foreign investors, a saga of mixed fortunes and bittersweet experiences is unfolding across the country. The famous hot pot restaurant chain Little Sheep is a classic case study. There was a time, not very long ago, when January-February, China’s coldest period of the year, would see Chinese making a beeline for hot pot. And the ultimate winter dining experience for many was a visit to Little Sheep, whose Mongolian hot pot was the most popular item on its menu. Little Sheep’s success was legendary, until competition and a change in management put paid to its halcyon days. Little Sheep was founded in 1999 in Baotou, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, North China. It was ranked second among the top 100 national catering enterprises in 2004, when its revenues from 721 hot pot outlets across China reached 4.33 billion yuan (US$658 million). Its main business was hot pot catering, condiment production and mutton processing. So adept was the company at them it coasted on its fame to a listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange in June 2008, the first Chinese hot pot restaurant to go public. It was later taken over by Yum Brands Inc as the country’s opening up to foreign investment in the 1980s and 1990s gathered momentum. In February 2012, Little Sheep was taken private by Yum Brands, becoming the first Chinese restaurant to get delisted. Global giants such as Yum Brands brought with them strong financial backgrounds, rich marketing experiences and advanced management systems, which gave them an edge over Chinese companies, mostly State-owned enterprises, in buying successful local brands. Once taken over by international majors, well-known Chinese brands experienced different development paths. For instance, Yum Brands, the parent of KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, integrated logistics, staff training and the menu of Little Sheep. It also shut some of the franchise outlets of Little Sheep. From the peak of 721 outlets, Little Sheep has shrunk to a 202-restaurant chain now. In recent years, customer flow has ebbed due to internal and external factors, said people familiar with the goings on by quoting the China Business News. Intensifying competition from new hot pot chains such as Haidilao Hot Pot and Xiabu Xiabu meant Little Sheep has to struggle to survive.

    Investors from UK

    Investors from India
    Veteran Sinophile Girija Pande
    • Having spent over a decade establishing the Chinese operations for the information technologyconsultancy business of Indian conglomerate the Tata Group, Pande is now executive chairmanof Apex Avalon Consulting, a Singapore-based joint venture between Apex Advisors ofSingapore and India's largest management consulting firm, Avalon Consulting.
    Investors from taiwan
    - 大陸首家與台灣合資的大型公立三甲醫院清華長庚11月28日在北京開業。醫院由清華大學及台塑企業共同投資,前期投入14億元,設有1000張床位。醫院總執行長郭明和對大公報者表示,清華長庚從醫療服務到經營管理處處彰顯「兩岸合璧」的特點,開闢了海峽兩岸在醫療領域深入合作的新模式。

    Investors from taiwan, Japan and Korea

    • -

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