Thursday, December 27, 2018

south Korea


- Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
1948年11月4日 - 商工部が設置される。1977年12月16日 - 動力資源部が設置される。1993年3月6日 - 商工部と動力資源部を統合して、商工資源部が発足。1996年2月9日 - 商工資源部を通商産業部に名称変更。1998年2月28日 - 通商産業部を産業資源部に名称変更。2008年2月29日 - 科学技術部及び情報通信部の一部機能を統合して、知識経済部に改編。2013年3月23日 - 外交通商部から通商機能を編入して産業通商資源部に改編

- ministry of agriculture food and rural affairs
  •  The Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs ( established the first national food cluster called “FOODPOLIS (”. It is an industrial cluster focusing on R&D and export base developed by the Korean government. Its location, Iksan City, is Korea’s and Northern Asia’s hub of transportation and agriculture, traditionally renowned for its rich food sources. Equipped with low-cost, top quality water supply, waste and water treatment and power grid systems, FOODPOLIS will be home for local and overseas food related entities targeting the Northeast Asian food market. It will serve as an ideal incubation ground for the next generation industry leaders with global-scale member support facilities, such as a food quality and safety test center, a food functionality test center, a food packaging center and pilot plants. Furthermore, the Korean Ministry will offer you financial aid.
- Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
- 國防部官員周一表示,將會成立名為「軍事安保支援司令部」的新部門,新任機務司令南泳臣擔任團長,將執行制訂總統令等 KOTRA
Ministry of SMEs and Startups (중소벤처기업부, 中小벤처企業部) is a ministry of Republic of Korea, established in July 2017 by Moon Jae-in government. It succeeds former Small and Medium Business Administration (중소기업청, 中小企業廳).
- Korea Creative Contents Agency
- Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation
  • 韓國農產品本地化支援服務指南
  • 以服務韓國農產品的進口商及韓國的韓國農產品出口商為對象,協助處理進口通關查詢、申請標籤及商標 等工作,竭力拓展韓國農產品海外市場。
- National IT Industry Promotion Agency
  • moving to Creative Economy Convergence Center in July 2015
- gyeonggi small and medium business center
- Gyeonggi Content Agency

峨嵯山   Achasan is a mountain that sits between the counties of Gwangjin-gu and Guri in South KoreaAs you walk down towards Mt. Achasan from the summit of Yongmasan, you will find the ruins of a small fort of the Goguryeo era (BC37~AD668) built at a strategic point overlooking the area of Jungnangcheon Stream. 
- note the archaelogical remains shown in korean wiki version 


Gangneung (Korean pronunciation: [kaŋ.nɯŋ]) is a city in Gangwon-doThe flag of the city shows a red sun in the centre and blue wave in front, on a white background. The sun represents the sunrise, the wave the sea. The flower of the city is the crepe myrtle, the tree of the city is the pine tree, its bird the swan. The animal of Gangneung is the tiger.열국시대 동예이자 남말갈, 예국(濊國)의 땅으로 하슬라(河瑟羅)라고 불렸다. 일대가 비옥해 살기 좋았다고 한다. 삼국시대 고구려는 이곳을 하서량(河西良) 또는 하슬라(河瑟羅)라고 불리고 예국을 속국으로 삼아 이곳을 지배했다. 이후 639년 신라가 이곳을 점령하고 (신라 선덕여왕 8) 소경(小京)으로 삼아 북빈경(北濱京)이라 하여 사신(仕臣)을 두었다. 남북국시대 삼한통일 신라, 658년(태종무열왕 5년) 무열왕이 "이곳은 말갈과 인접해 있다"라는 이유로 소경을 폐지하고 아슬라주를 만들어 도독을 파견하였으며 757년(경덕왕 16) 명주(溟州)로 개칭하였다가 776년(혜공왕 12)에 복구하였다. 고려시대의 태조 왕건시절에 명주라 다시 개칭되고, 성종 14년(995) 삭방도(朔方道)의 행정 중심지로 함남북과 영동 일대와 영서의 춘천 이북 등지를 관할하였다. 1178년 이를 폐하고 함남과 명주군 일대를 임해(臨海) 명주라 개칭하고 원종 4년(1263) 강릉도라 고쳤으며, 그 후 다시 함남 쌍성(雙城)지방과 합하여 강릉삭방도라 하였다. 공양왕 때 함경도를 분리하고 강릉도라 다시 칭하였으나 항시 행정과 군사의 중심지로 되어 왔다. 조선 초에는 원양도(原襄道)·원춘도(原春道)라 칭하다가 세종 5년(1423) 강원도라 하고 춘천부와 강릉부로 나뉘었다. 이듬해 1부가 폐지되어 행정 중심을 춘천에 옮기고 강릉군만 관할하게 되었다.En 313, dans la 14e année du règne du roi Micheon de Koguryo, la ville est appelée Haseorang ou Haseula. En 397, elle passe sous le contrôle du royaume de Silla. En 512, Ichan Isabu, le seigneur d’Haseula conquiert le Usan-guk (l’île de Ulleung). Haseula est renommée en Myeongju en 757 et en Gangneung-do en 1263. En 1931, la commune de Gangneung-myeon obtient le statut de petite ville : Gangneung-eup. Elle fusionne en 1955 avec les communes de Seongdeok-myeon et Gyeongpo-myeon et en 1995 avec le district de Myeongju-gun. En 1996, l’infiltration d’un sous-marin nord-coréen forma le premier épisode de la guerre du crabe.
- note the 江陵波斯菊慶典

gogunsan-do islands 古群山群島(コグンサンぐんとう、朝鮮語고군산군도)は、大韓民国全羅北道群山市から南西に約50km離れた黄海上に位置する群島。63の島々で形成され、行政区は同市の沃島面に属す。そのうち16島が有人島である。高麗時代には群山鎮と呼ばれていたが、朝鮮時代世宗の際に、鎮が本土に移されたので、昔の群山という意味から「古群山」と呼ばれるようになった。セマングム防潮堤の通る新侍島(シンシド / 신시도)の月影山(ウォリョンサン)や大角山(テガクサン)の頂上からは古群山群島の全景が眺望できる。仙遊島(ソニュド / 선유도)、巫女島(ムニョド / 무녀도)、壮子島(チャンジャド / 장자도)など、一部の島が橋梁により繋がっている。近い将来、新侍島にも橋が掛かる予定。
- no english wiki version
- [korea jun19] the saemangeum seawall is an embankment connecting buan-gun county and gunsan.  Construction began in 1991 and took 19 years to complete, resulting in the world's longest dyke. The gogunsan-do islands comprises a few dozen islands now connected to the mainland thanks to this embankment.  These islands were naval outposts that protected the yellow sea during the goryeo dynasty.  The islands in the center of the archipelago are named seonyudo (meaning strolling daoist hermits).  At the end of the road stands daejangdo island (meaning large and long), a fitting moniker given the large-scale long bridge built a few years ago

  • economist 15jun19 "a muddy future" Mr Moon wants it to become home to wind farms and solar plants capable of generating 4gw of power, to give South Korea a “brighter future”. The site has unfortunate associations. The seawall, conceived in the early 1990s to reclaim land for agriculture, is the country’s most famous white elephant. It cost billions to build, but by the time it was completed, in 2010, there was little demand for new farmland. Environmentalists, meanwhile, lamented the destruction of an important way-station for migratory birds. Local fishermen complained their catches had shrunk. The vast expanse of stagnant, brackish water trapped behind the dyke hardly speaks of a greener future.

Gyeongju (Korean경주pronounced [kjʌŋ.dʑu]), historically known as "Seorabeol" (Korean서라벌pronounced [sʌ.ɾa.bʌl]), is a coastal city in the far southeastern corner of North Gyeongsang Province in South Korea.Gyeongju was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Silla (57 BC – 935 AD) which ruled about two-thirds of the Korean Peninsula between the 7th and 9th centuries.
Jeongdong Theater (note the emblem which resembles the signs of Zhou/qing dynasty)

Marado or Mara Island is an island 8 km (5.0 mi) off the south coast of Jeju, in southernmost South Korea, having an area of 0.3 km2(0.12 sq mi). It is home to about 90 people, and has long been known for its population being composed of strong women and docile men. Marado was originally uninhabited. It was known as Keumdo (금도,禁島), which means forbidden island. According to a Choson Ilbo article published by Lee Kyu-tae in 1967, the island was first occupied by a woman named Kim Seong-oh (김성오,金成五) and her brothers in 1880. As a poor peasant with no land to farm, Kim Seong-oh decided to move to the island when her father mentioned the island on his deathbed. So Kim left Jeju with her two brothers, farming tools, and some seeds. They had to circle the island around three times, because they couldn't find a place to dock their boat. After about 10 years, they were joined by two stranded fishermen from Torishima (도리섬,鳥島), in the Kingdom of Ryukyu. However, documents from Jeju county also had another story on Marado. According to this story, the first residents came to live on Marado in 1883. One Mr. Kim originally living in Daejeong gol, a small village in Jeju, ran through his all fortune. His relatives proposed to let them move to Marado. Sim Hyun Taek, pastor of Jeju at that time, permitted them to do so, and Marado became inhabited for the first time. After independence, it was administered by Gapa-ri, Daejeong-eup of Jeju, and registered as an independent township(ri) called Marari.
- 南韓海軍第二艘兩棲攻擊艦馬羅島艦(LPH-6112),周一於釜山韓進重工影島造船廠舉行下水儀式。該艦是獨島級船艦的二號艦,在完成性能確認和試運行後,預計二○二○年正式服役。

Paju (Korean pronunciation: [pʰa.dʑu]) is a city in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. Paju was made a city in 1997; it had previously been a county (gun).The city area is 672.78 km2(259.76 sq mi), and it is located just south of Panmunjeom on the 38th parallel.  高句麗時代は述尓忽・波害平史・泉井口で、新羅景徳王の時に峰城・坡平・交河となった。高麗時代になっても地名は変更されなかったが、12 - 13世紀に峰城は瑞原に改名された。李氏朝鮮時代は瑞原・坡平を合併して原平と呼ばれ、その後坡州・交河になった。
The Cemetery for North Korean and Chinese Soldiers was established in 1996 to hold the remains of Korean People's Army and Chinese People's Volunteer Army soldiers killed during the Korean War.[8] In March 2014 the Chinese remains were repatriated for reburial in Shenyang, China.

世宗特別自治市 Sejong (Korean pronunciation: [se(ː).dʑoŋ]Hangul: 세종; Hanja世宗), officially Sejong Special Self-Governing City (Hangul: 세종특별자치시; Hanja世宗特別自治市) and formerly known as Yeongi (연기, 燕岐) County is South Korea's central administrative city. In early 2007, the South Korean government created a special administrative district from parts of South Chungcheong Province and North Chungcheong Province provinces, near Daejeon, to relocate nine ministries and four national agencies from Seoul. The new offices opened on 2 July 2012, with 36 government agencies slated to move there by 2015. Sejong was named in honor of the Joseon Dynasty King Sejong the Great, the father of Korea's national alphabet. The city was originally called Yeongi County (연기, 燕岐).
In 2003, former President Roh Moo-hyun of the Democratic Party (now Minjoo Party of Korea) sought to relocate the national capital of South Korea from the metropolitan city of Seoul to a new multifunctional administrative city in the centre of the country. The goal was to reduce the influence and dominance of Seoul on national governance and economics, whilst promoting the regional development of other areas of the country.
In October 2004, the Constitutional Court dealt a setback to President Roh's plans, ruling that the capital must remain in Seoul in response to a complaint filed by the main opposition Grand National Party (now Liberty Korea Party). As such, the Roh administration was forced to modify the project to relocate the majority of ministries and government institutes to Sejong, which would become a special administrative city instead of a new capital. The revised plan was approved by the parliament in March 2005. Challenges to the new plan were rejected by the Constitutional Court in November 2005. When the Conservative Grand National Party retook the presidential office in 2008, President Lee Myung-bak opposed the idea of moving government agencies, claiming that it would hurt the capital’s global competitiveness and result in inefficiency. Plans were made to make Sejong an industrial, science and education hub instead. This plan was opposed by many, including Roh’s allies and some members of the ruling Grand National Party, including Lee’s archrival and eventual successor Park Geun-hye. 
In April 2013 the government of PutrajayaMalaysia signed a letter of intent (LOI) with the government of Sejong City to mark cooperation between the two cities.
- 南韓總統文在寅近日宣布,將於六月十三日地方選舉前完成修憲的工作。除了放寬總統連任限制備受矚目,將行政首都正式由首爾南遷至世宗市,亦關乎南韓的國家安全大局。

sinan county 新安郡(シナンぐん)は、大韓民国全羅南道西部の黄海上に浮かぶ島嶼からなる郡。この項目では、かつてほぼ同じ区域に存在した智島郡についても述べる。多島海と称されるこの付近の海は東アジア地域の海上交易の舞台となった。14世紀に中国()の寧波から日本の博多に向かう途中、道徳島(現・曽島面所属)沖で遭難・沈没した大型交易船が1976年に発掘されている。新安沈没船と言われるこの船からの発掘物は、船舶史・中世交易史をたどる上で貴重な資料となっている。1969年、務安郡から分離して新安郡となった。
新安郡鹽田奴隸事件韓語신안군 염전 섬노예 사건),是2014年2月6日被揭發的智障人士人身買賣及奴役事件,發生地方是韓國全羅南道新安郡離島鹽田。韓國總統朴槿惠評論了新安郡工人的剝削事件。她說這不應該發生在二十一世紀,我們需要根除這種販賣人口,所以警察廳和最高法院檢察署必須研究巡查其他偏遠島嶼,以防止人口販運。
金大中(第15代大統領) 荷衣面後広里出身

Suwon (Hangul수원Hanja水原Korean pronunciation: [su.wʌn]) is the capital and largest metropolis of Gyeonggi-doSouth Korea's most populous province which surrounds Seoul, the national capital. Suwon lies about 30 kilometres (19 miles) south of Seoul. It is traditionally known as "The City of Filial Piety".  In ancient tribal times, Suwon was known as Mosu-guk (Hangul모수국). During the Three Kingdoms era, however, the area comprising modern Suwon and Hwaseong City was called Maehol-gun (매홀군). In 757, under King Gyeongdeok of the Unified Silla, the name was changed to Suseong-gun (수성군). In 940 during the Goryeo dynasty changed again in to Suju(수주). King Taejong of the Joseon dynastyrenamed the city to Suwon in 1413. In 1592, during the Imjin wars, Commander Yi Kwang attempted to launch his army toward the capital city, Seoul (at the time called Hanseong).[6] The army was withdrawn, however, after news that the city had already been sacked reached the commander. Later, during the Joseon Dynasty, King Jeongjo made an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to make Suwon the nation's capital in 1796. Part of this project was the construction of Hwaseong Fortress, a fortified wall running around the entire city partially intended to guard the tomb of his father, Prince Sado, which he had located there.  The Korean War greatly affected Suwon, as the city changed hands four times. On December 16, 1950, the Greek Expeditionary Force relocated to Suwon, attached to the US 1st Cavalry Division. From November 6, 1951, the United States Air Force's top fighter pilot Gabby Gabreski was in charge of K-13 Air Base in Suwon. By the end of the war, Suwon was in South Korea. A memorial to the French military stands in Jangan-gu, near the Yeongdong Expressway's North Suwon exit. 
Suwon 1884 (Part 1)
Ulsan (Hangul울산; Hanja蔚山); (Korean pronunciation: [uls͈an]), officially the Ulsan Metropolitan City, is South Korea's seventh largest metropolis with a population of over 1.1 million. It is located in the south-east of the country, neighboring Busan to the south and facing Gyeongju to the north. Ulsan is the industrial powerhouse of South Korea, forming the heart of the Ulsan Industrial District, which is home to the world's largest automobile assembly plant operated by the Hyundai Motor Company, the world's largest shipyard operated by Hyundai Heavy Industries and the world's second largest oil refinery, owned by SK Energy.
- china

  • 原投資南韓蔚山北港石油中心項目的中資公司表示撤資。韓聯社引述韓國石油公社消息指,該中資企業佔蔚山北港項目總投資的百分之二十五,但中資企業近期以投資收益不高為由,要求縮減投資金額。

The Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (SpanishForo de Cooperación Asia Oriental-América Latina) or (abbreviated as FEALAC) is a regional forum of 36 countries constituting the region of EastSoutheast Asia and Latin America that came together to form an official and regular dialogue channel between the two regions.East Asia and Latin America are both composed of developing countries and are economically dynamic and complementary to each other. They follow the global trend of regional cooperation; the need for intercontinental cooperation between East Asia and Latin America arose because there was no official cooperative mechanism bridging the two regions. In 1998, a concrete proposal to enhance the relations of the two regions was initiated by the former Singporean Prime Minister Gho Chok Tong. Subsequently, the East Asia-Latin America Forum Senior Officials meeting was held in Singapore in 1999, marking the beginning of the organization.

  •  The eighth Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC) took place at the APEC House in Busan on August 31, chaired by Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha. At the event, the 36 member states of FEALAC adopted the “Busan Declaration” and agreed to establish the FEALAC Fund and on the “New FEALAC Action Plan.” 

- thinktank
  • Sejong Institute is a non-profit, private organization for public interest and a leading think tank in South Korea, conducting research on national security strategy, unification strategy, regional issues, and international political economy. The Sejong Institute was established as a corporate foundation with the support of national leaders in politics and business, in the aftermath of the Rangoon Incident in January 1986. The organization's president, Dae-sung Song, Ph.D in Political Science, previously served as a professor at the Korean Air Force Academy. The Sejong Institute works in collaboration with international specialists and institutions holding various academic conferences and forums around the world. 
  • 峨山政策研究院韩语:아산정책연구원峨山政策硏究院)是大韩民国的一所非营利研究机构。峨山政策研究院创办于2008年,创始人是韩国企业家郑梦准。研究院的出资方是郑梦准的现代重工集团。研究院以促使半岛和平与统一、东北亚地区的和平与稳定为宗旨。在外交领域,峨山政策研究院以中国美国两国为最重要的研究对象,下设中国研究中心和美国研究中心。 峨山是郑梦准的父亲鄭周永表字The Asan Institute for Policy Studies (Korean: 아산정책연구원, Hanja: 峨山政策硏究院) is an independent, non-profit think tank based in SeoulSouth Korea. The institute was founded by the honorary chairman Chung Mong-joon in 2008. The Institute conducts research in national security and foreign policy, area studies, public opinion, domestic politics, social science methodology, and global governance.The Asan Academy (아산서원, 峨山書院) offers a liberal arts educational program based on a combination of Korea’s Confucian system of scholarship (Seowon) and the University of Oxford’s renowned “Philosophy, Politics, and Economics" (PPE) degree.
  • hkej 9jul18 shum article
- trade

  • The Korea Export Insurance Corporation (KEIC) was established pursuant to the Export Insurance Act in July 1992 as an official export insurance agency under the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE). Its mission is to promote the nation’s exports, overseas investment, and other overseas business activities by providing export insurance, overseas investment insurance, and credit guarantees.
- financial
  • korea financial telecommunications and clearings institute
  • Daegu Digital Industry Promotion Agency
  • korea financial telecommunications & clearings institute
  • international esports federation
  • hkej 3feb19 shum article
- food
  • Korea forestry promotion agency
  • korea fishery trade association
  • Kelp Abalone Fisheries Union Corporation
  • Korea Abalone Fisheries Union Corporation
  • National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives
  • off-shore trap fisheries cooperatives
  • Meokbo Fishery Union Corporation
  • Korea Laver Industry Association
  • Haesong Marine Fishing Association Co Ltd
  • Nuri Fishery Association Co Ltd
  • Gangwondo Traditional Food Association
- fashion
  • korea federation of textile industries
  • korea tanners' association
  • Korea high tech textile research institute
- watch

  • Korea Watch & Clock Ind Cooperative 

- medical/healthcare
  • Korea Industry Health Development Insitute
  • korean health supplements association
  • International Beauty Industry Trade Association (IBITA)
- entertainment

  • asian film academy
  • Korean Film Council 
  • CJ Corporation - joint venture with Shanghai Media Group,,
- licensing/franchise
  • korea franchise association
- engineering
  • Federation of Asian Pacific Electrical Contractors Association
- toy
  • Korea Toy Industry Cooperative

- houseware/giftware
  • korea federation of handicrafts cooperatives,
  • chungnam federation of handicrafts cooperatives 
  • gwangju federation of handicrafts cooperatives
- stationery
  • korea stationery industry cooperative
- cosmetics

  • Korea cosmetics association 

- science and tech
  • Korea advanced institute of science and technology
  • Gangneung Science Industry Foundation, includes institutions such as Korea Russia Bio Industry cooperation center, German fraunhofer process engineering packaging laboratory
  • Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology pursue collaborative research in the application of the latest technologies in IT, BT and NT, with the objective of commercialization. It is currently organized various research centers under four research institutes and areas of research will remain flexible in order to best meet society's demands in cutting edge technology. It is currently organized various research centers under four research institutes and areas of research will remain flexible in order to best meet society's demands in cutting edge technology.
  • Korea scientific instruments industry cooperative
  • Directory of products of member companies
- optic

  • korea optical industry agency 

  • East asia inter- regional tourism forum
  • Jeju Tourists Guides Association
  • Jeju Chinese Tourist Guide Association

- event

  • Korea exhibition organisers association

李舜臣韓語리순신/이순신,1545年4月28日-1598年12月16日),汝諧德水朝鮮京畿開豐(今開城)人,李氏朝鮮時期名將,諡號忠武,死後追贈領議政,1604年朝鮮國王李昖追封其為孝忠仗義迪毅協力 宣武功臣,同列者有權慄元均,加贈德豐府院君日本入侵朝鮮時期,李舜臣數次成功的在海上戰術性的教訓了日本人。改進了龜船,在近海騷擾日本朝鮮征伐軍的海上供給,於國家即將完全淪陷的時刻,讓日本知道朝鮮還是有一支抵抗力量的存在。其中鳴梁大捷閒山島大捷‎是李舜臣最負盛名的兩場海戰。1598年,李舜臣在露梁大捷中配合明軍水師作戰時,與明軍鄧子龍老將軍一起擔任伏兵角色。日軍失敗後向外突圍時在觀音浦遭遇前來封堵的李舜臣和鄧子龍。兩位將軍不幸雙雙遇難,死後被朝鮮民族譽為民族英雄。counter descriptive comments on his achievements
Park Chung-hee (Korean: [paktɕ͈ʌŋhi] 14 November 1917 – 26 October 1979) was aSouth Korean president, dictator and military general who led South Korea from 1961 until his assassination in 1979. Park seized power through the May 16 coup, a military coup d'état that overthrew theSecond Republic of South Korea in 1961 and ruled as a military strongman at the head of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction until his election and inauguration as the President of the Third Republic of South Korea in 1963. In 1972, Park declared martial law and recast the constitution into a highly authoritarian document, ushering in the Fourth Republic of South Korea. After surviving several assassination attempts, including two operations associated with North Korea, Park was eventually assassinated on 26 October 1979 by Kim Jae-gyu, the chief of his own security services. He had led South Korea for 18 years. Park's first-born daughter, Park Geun-hye, is the current President of South Korea. 

  • Following the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the ambitious Park decided to enter the Changchun Military Academy of the Manchukuo Imperial Army, with help from Imperial Japanese Army Colonel Arikawa (a drill instructor at the teaching school in Daegu who was impressed by Park's military ambitions). During this time, he adopted the Japanese name Takagi Masao (高木正雄?). He graduated top of his class in 1942 (receiving a gold watch from Puyi himself) and was recognized as a talented officer by his Japanese instructors, who recommended him for further studies at the Imperial Japanese Army Academy in Japan.
  • On 19 June 1961, the military council created the Korean Central Intelligence Agency in order to prevent counter-coups and to suppress all potential enemies, both foreign and domestic. Along with being given investigative powers, the KCIA was also given the authority to arrest and detain anyone suspected of wrongdoing or harboring anti-government sentiments. The KCIA would extend its power to economic and foreign affairs under its first director, retired Brigadier General Kim Jong-pil; a relative of Park and one of the original planners of the coup. President Yun remained in office, giving the military regime legitimacy. But after Yun resigned on 24 March 1962, Lt. General Park, who remained chairman of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction, consolidated his power by becoming acting president; he was also promoted to full general. Park agreed to restore civilian rule following pressure from theKennedy administrationIn 1963, he was elected president in his own right as the candidate of the newly createdDemocratic Republican Party. He narrowly defeated former President Yun, the candidate of the Civil Rule Party, by just over 156,000 votes—a margin of 1.5 percent. Park would be re-elected president in 1967, defeating Yun with somewhat less difficulty.
Kim Dae-jung, or Kim Dae Jung (Korean pronunciation: [kim.dɛ.dʑuŋ]; 6 January 1924 – 18 August 2009), was a South Korean politician who served as President of South Korea from 1998 to 2003. He was a 2000 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, the only Korean Nobel Prize recipient in history. He was sometimes referred to as the "Nelson Mandela of South Korea". Kim was born on 11 January 1924,[3] but he later registered his birth date to 3 December 1925 to avoid conscription during the time when Korea was under Japanese colonial rule. Kim was the second of seven children to middle-class farmers. Kim was born in Sinan in what was then the Jeolla province; the city is now in Jeollanam-do. Kim's family had moved to the nearby port city of Mokpo so that he could finish high school. He adopted the Japanese name Toyota Taichu (豊田大中) during the Japanese colonial period. Kim graduated from Mokpo Commercial Middle School in 1943 at the top of the class. After working as a clerk for a Japanese-owned shipping company, he became its owner and became very rich. Kim escaped Communist capture during the Korean War.金大中1956年由天主教漢城總教區卢基南总主教付洗成为一位天主教徒,圣名为托馬斯·摩爾Thomas More[a],代父是当时韩国副总统张勉 [2]:40[15]

  • hkej 10sep18 shum article
  • 金大中的長子金弘一,上周六下午約四時在首爾家中暈倒,送院後一小時不治,終年七十一歲。金弘一於一九九六年加入政壇,在全羅南道木浦地區當選國會議員並兩度連任。他在二○○六年因涉嫌受賄被判緩刑,一年後獲時任總統盧武鉉特赦。金弘一在其父金大中經歷政治打壓及監控時,扮演重要助手角色。

金 鍾泌(キム・ジョンピル、1926年大正15年)1月7日 - 2018年6月23日)は、大韓民国政治家忠清南道扶余郡出身。本貫は、金海金氏。号は雲庭(ウンジョン、운정)。略称は「JP」。金泳三(YS)・金大中(DJ)とともに韓国政治史上に三金時代を築いた。35歳だった1961年に5・16軍事クーデター朴正煕とともに主導し、朴正煕政権誕生の立役者となった。以降、朴正煕政権で初代中央情報部(KCIA)長、国務総理(首相)など要職を歴任。1979年の朴正煕暗殺以降は議会政党指導者として有力政治家でありつづけた。1997年には、朴正煕の最大の政敵であった金大中との連合(DJP連合)により金大中の大統領当選に貢献し、翌1998年に発足した金大中政権でふたたび首相を務めた。政治姿勢は自らの主義主張を前面に出していくタイプではなく、韓国の政治家としては珍しいを重視する調整型タイプの政治家であり、内外両面で大きく揺れた1960年代1980年代の韓国政治において内外面において重鎮として先頭に立ち問題の沈静化に積極的に動いた。Kim Jong-pil (Korean pronunciation: [kimdʑoŋpʰil]; January 7, 1926 – June 23, 2018) was a South Korean politician and founder of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (the KCIA, now the National Intelligence Service), who served as Prime Minister twice, from 1971–1975 president Park Chung-hee (1961-1979) and from 1998–2000 during president Kim Dae-jung(1998-2002).Kim Jong-pil was born in Buyeo CountyChungcheongnam-do. He was educated as Hwangukshinmin seosa (황국신민서사) education victim of Japanese imperial rule during primary school of 8 years old and onwards.他是韓國前總統朴正熙的侄女婿,朝鮮獨立運動家、著名記者朴相熙的女婿。

  • 在一次外交活動中,我又與金 鐘泌坐到一起,交談中我問他是否 去過中國,他沉思片刻後說,可以 說去過,也可以說沒去過。我多少 有點吃驚,遂問其詳。這時他告訴 我,早在上世紀四十年代,他曾到 過丹東,當時叫安東。新中國成立 後,他沒有去過,但一直懷有去中 國的願望。一九九八年初,金鐘泌以自民 聯總裁身份訪華,實現了他多年的 夙願。江澤民主席會見他,原定三 十分鐘,後來竟談了一個小時。他 回國後告訴我,他對中方接待十分 滿足。 一九九八年八月,我結束任期 回國,金鐘泌以國務總理名義,攜 夫人舉行宴會,為我們夫婦送行。 他還代表政府,舉行儀式,授予我 建交勳章。金大中總統在我離開前 幾天,破例在青瓦台會見了我們夫 婦。這些都深深地留在我的記憶之 中。

Ban Ki-moon (Hangul반기문; Hanja潘基文; born 13 June 1944) is a South Korean diplomat who was the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations from January 2007 to December 2016. Before becoming Secretary-General, Ban was a career diplomat in South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the United Nations. He entered diplomatic service the year he graduated from university, accepting his first post in New Delhi, IndiaBan was the foreign minister of South Korea from January 2004 to November 2006. Ban was appointed Ambassador to Austria and Slovenia in 1998, and a year later he was also elected as Chairman of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO PrepCom). During the negotiations, in what Ban considers the biggest blunder of his career, he included in a public letter a positive statement about the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2001, not long after the United States had decided to abandon the treaty. To avoid anger from the United States, Ban was fired by President Kim Dae-jung, who also issued a public apology for Ban's statement. Ban was unemployed for the only time in his career and was expecting to receive an assignment to work in a remote and unimportant embassy. In 2001, during the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, South Korea held the rotating presidency, and to Ban's surprise, he was selected to be the chief of staff to general assembly president Han Seung-soo. In 2003, incoming president Roh Moo-hyun selected Ban as one of his foreign policy advisors.

  • 早在三年前潘基文弟弟和姪兒捲入越南一棟綜合大樓的買賣風波,日前被美國檢方指控犯下欺詐、洗錢、共謀犯罪等多項罪名被追捕。值得關注的是,潘基文的弟弟和姪兒被美國檢方宣布刑事訴訟的當天,也正是在潘基文離開紐約回國參選的最後一天。時間如此湊巧,讓人懷疑美方是故意為之,目的是打擊潘基文的選情。除了潘基尚案,潘基文另一個弟弟潘基浩也正被質疑涉嫌以公謀私。早前,一家專門針對聯合國做調查報道的媒體稱,潘基浩曾以聯合國代表團成員的身份訪問緬甸,巧合的是,不久後他就獲得在該國的採礦許可。另外,潘基文還被揭發曾接受卡塔爾政府提供的免費私人飛機服務。這些醜聞傳到南韓後迅速發酵,輿論為之大嘩。
Kang Kyung-wha 康京和is a South Korean diplomat. She was appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator in the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in March 2013. Previous to this position, she served as United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights. She was appointed to this position by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in September 2006.Kang obtained her M.A. and Ph.D from University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States. In the beginning of her career, she had worked for the Seoul-based Korean Broadcasting System and lectured at universities in South Korea and the United States. In 1998, she joined the Korea Foreign Service. Prior to that, she worked for the Speaker of the National Assembly of South Korea on global issues in the fields of human rights, women’s advancement and parliamentary diplomacy. From 2001 to 2005, Kang was Minister at the Republic of Korea Mission to the United Nations. During that time, she served as chairwoman of the Commission on the Status of Women for its 48th and 49th session. Prior to her current appointment, Kang was Director-General of International Organization at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea.1955年4月7日、大韓民国ソウル特別市出身梨花女子高等學校韓国語版延世大学校政治外交学科を卒業後
安熙正(韓語:안희정,1965年5月1日Ahn Hee-jung, also known as An Hee-jung, was the former 36th and 37th Governor of Chungcheongnam-do Province, South Korea. He stepped down from his role as Governor and announced his retirement from public life after acknowledging accusations that he sexually assaulted his secretary on repeated occasions.Starting from January 1989, Ahn Hee-jung worked as an aide to lawmaker Kim Deok-ryong of the Reunification Democratic Party. On January 1, 1990, Kim Young-sam led the three-party-merger supported by seven political leaders: Lee Ki-taek; Kim Jeong-gil; Jang Seok-hwa; Park Chan-jong; Hong Sa-deok; Lee Chul and Rho Moo-hyun. However, Ahn did not join the move as he was against the three-party-merger in principal so instead he led the efforts to establish a new democratic party in 1990. The eighteen members of the Reunification Democratic Party including Ahn Hee-jung chose to remain in the newly established democratic party. And he worked as Secretary to Director General Lee Chul. As he became disillusioned with the negative sides of politics, he made his mind to quit politics. To further reflect on his decision, he chose to do daywork at the construction site of the Changwon Labor Welfare Center for two months. After Lawmaker Lee Chul took victory at the general election, he resigned as secretary and quit politics on April 4, 1992.In December 2003, he and Yeom Dong-yeon were indicted for receiving illegal campaign contributions from several businessmen. He was found guilty in an appeal court in September 2004 and was sentenced to one year in prison serving his term at the Seoul Detention Center. Ahn was concerned that his conviction might do harm to the President and declined any political titles during the participatory government to keep a distance from the politics.While looking for a job after his sentence, Ahn found himself rejected many times. However, with the permission of Chairman Kang Geum-won he took the advisory position at the Changshin Textile. 2007 Chairman Kang nominated Ahn as the Chairman of the Standing Committee which organized the Participatory Government Evaluation Forum. In the following year, he made a vow to inherit the political beliefs of two former Presidents: Kim Dae-jung and Rho Moo-hyun, and was elected as an executive committee member of the United Democratic Party. After being elected, he took a leading role in establishing the Better Democracy Research Institute which inherited the functions of the Local Autonomy Affairs Research Institute.

- 李健熙(이건희) of samsung, son of founder 李秉喆(이병철)
  • daughter will get divorce singtao 12oct14 a19
Park Jin-young (born December 13, 1971), also known as J.Y. Park or JYP , is a South Korean music mogul, musician and record producer. Beginning as a singer, he became a record producer and, ultimately, the CEO and founder of JYP Entertainment, a major artist management/record label of Korean pop music.

  • In May 2008, Park collaborated with Jackie Chan to form the "I Love Asia" Project, prompted by the earthquake tragedy in China. Park is a capable English speaker, as evidenced by the various interviews he has conducted in the U.S.
  • Company's taiwanese artist in twice songgroup involved in row of display flag repubkuc of china

- Im Hak-su (1911-1982), a poet abducted to North Korea during the Korean War.
Moon Jae-in (Korean pronunciation: [mun.dʑɛ̝.in]; born January 24, 1953) is a South Korean politician who served as the opposition leader of the Minjoo Party of Korea from 2015 to 2016. He was formerly a lawyer and the former chief of staff to late President Roh Moo-hyun. In the 19th legislative election on 11 April 2012, Moon won a seat in the Sasang District of Busan

    •文在寅的「北韓身份認同」/   支持文在寅的媒體,一直宣傳文在寅「草根出身」,另一方則多番強調他家庭的北韓淵源。文在寅一家是「真・北韓人」,故居是北韓咸鏡南道。韓戰期間,文在寅的父母為逃避戰火,與上萬名北韓難民一起,乘坐美軍艦隻,抵達南韓,在難民營安頓下來。文在寅正是在這樣的環境出生,並自幼從父母口中得知「故鄉」的記憶。
    - Sun Myung Moon (Korean 문선명 Mun Seon-myeong; born Mun Yong-myeong; 25 February 1920 – 3 September 2012) was a Korean religious leader, also known for his support of business ventures and social and political causes. A messiah claimant, he was the founder of the Unification Church (members of which considered him and his wife Hak Ja Han to be their "True Parents"), and of its widely noted "Blessing" or mass wedding ceremony, and the author of its unique theology the Divine Principle. He was an ardent anti-communist and advocate for Korean reunification, for which he was recognized by the governments of both South and North Korea. Businesses he promoted included News World Communications, an international news media corporation known for its American subsidiary The Washington Times,[8][9][10] and Tongil Group, a South Korean business group (chaebol), as well as various affiliated organizations. Moon was born in what is now North Korea. When he was a child, his family converted to Christianity.[15] In 1947 he was convicted by the North Korean government of spying for South Korea and given a five-year sentence to the Hŭngnam labor camp. In 1954, he founded the Unification Church in Seoul, South Korea based on conservative, family-oriented teachings from new interpretations of the Bible. In 1971, he moved to the United States and became well-known after giving a series of public speeches on his beliefs. In the 1982 case United States v. Sun Myung Moon he was found guilty of willfully filing false federal income tax returns and sentenced to 18 months in federal prison. His case generated protests from clergy and civil libertarians, who said that the trial was deemed biased against him. Critics labeled Moon a leader who made high demands on his followers. His wedding ceremonies also drew criticism, especially after they involved members of other churches, including Roman Catholic archbishop Emmanuel Milingo. He was also criticized for his relationships with political and religious figures, including Presidents of the United States Richard NixonGeorge H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, North Korean President Kim Il Sung, and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

    - music
    • [korea jun2019] he grew up in chile as a child and moved to america as a teenager

    Trade and Investment environment
    - tpp

    • Korean companies that were looking forward to Vietnam’s ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) must now be deeply disappointed. In fact, many will be in mourning.

    - internet finance

    • Alibaba Group Holding Ltd is expanding its Internet finance business beyond China, after a locallender it helped co-launch got an online banking permit from the South Korean government. Zhejiang Ant Small & Micro Financial Services Group Co, the Internet financial affiliate ofAlibaba, said on Monday that the South Korean government has given preliminary approval to KBank, the Internet bank it is jointly launching with telecom company KT Corp and other investors.  South Korea also gave preliminary approval to the online banking application of Kakao Corp,operator of South Korea's leading messaging app KakaoTalk, one of whose partners is affiliatedto Tencent Holdings Ltd, the operator of WeChat service.  According to experts, the new online banking permits are an effort by the South Koreangovernment to inject new momentum in the sector amid slow growth and slim margins.
      "K Bank has got permission from the South Korean government to start preparatory work," AntFinancial said, adding the lender will soon apply for a banking license before starting full-fledgedoperations.  K Bank will be allowed to offer all banking services, including handling deposits, loans, creditcards and providing wealth management products, Ant Financial said. It is not immediately clearas to how much stake Alibaba has in K Bank.
    • South Korea web-only banks thrive as traditional lenders struggle ft 6oct17

    - plastic surgery

    • South Korea yesterday announced a crackdown on the medical tourism industry in a bid to curb illegal brokers and unregistered medical clinics that have flourished as mainland Chinese women flock there for plastic surgery. The Health Ministry unveiled a raft of measures drafted in response to a growing number of complaints over botched jobs and exorbitant billing, many of them filed by Chinese who travel specifically to South Korea for cosmetic procedures.
    - automobile

    •  South Korea plans to ban the sale of six foreign car models ft 30nov16
    • South Korea seeks to boost motorists’ interest in electric cars Seoul’s strategy includes developing infrastructure and providing subsidy

    - local vs foreign products


    - South Korean banks struggle to gain a foothold abroad south korea retailers struggle for overseas recognition
    - real estate
    • More South Korean households are piling on debt at the fastest rate in a decade as the government is using credit to stimulate sluggish consumption. Choi Kyung-hwan, who took office as finance minister in July, has launched a $40bn stimulus package, warning of Japan-style stagnation taking hold in Asia’s fourth-largest economy. Propping up South Korea’s sluggish property market has been at the heart of Mr Choi’s expansionary economic policy, despite concerns that a bounce in home buying could further increase a household debt pile that is already among the world’s highest. Bank lending to households rose Won6.4tn in October to Won507.7tn, the biggest gain since the Bank of Korea began compiling the data in 2003, after the central bank cut interest rates twice to a four-year low of 2 per cent in 2014.
    - shipbuilding

    - supermarkets

    • after negotiating aisles dotted with staff noisily promoting foodstuffs in the style of market hawkers, shoppers at many of Tesco’s Homeplus stores in South Korea can head to the attached “cultural centre” to receive lessons in cooking or English.Such features show a willingness to adapt to the local market that helped Tesco become the only foreign supermarket chain to succeed in South Korea, where Homeplus is the second-biggest company in the industry by sales.But nine years after it watched rivals Walmart and Carrefour sell out of the country, the UK retailer is doing the same, as it seeks to shore up its balance sheet following a pre-tax loss of £6.4bn in its last financial year.Tesco is negotiating terms for a sale of Homeplus to investors led by South Korean private equity firm MBK Partners. The deal could be announced as soon as Monday, and is likely to be worth about $6bn, a person close to the process said on Friday. The sale will end one of South Korea’s biggest inbound investment success stories — but one that also fell victim to the unpredictable regulatory environment widely seen as a key factor holding back further direct investment in the country. Tesco entered South Korea in 1999 on the heels of France’s Carrefour and Walmart of the US, as the world’s leading mass retailers charged into what had become recognised as one of the most lucrative consumer markets. Both those rivals pulled out of their struggling businesses in 2006, and were criticised by analysts for failing to customise their offerings to the local market.
    - agriculture

    • oecd  analysis of the Korean agricultural sector and Korean agricultural policy

    - beef


    - carbon emission
    • Trading has started in South Korea's new emissions trading scheme, which will impose caps on emissions from 525 of the country's biggest companies and becomes the world's second-biggest carbon market. The new market is a key component in the government's plan to meet a target of limiting climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 to 30 per cent below current levels. Under the scheme, Korea's power generators, petrochemical firms, steel producers, carmakers, electro-mechanical firms and airlines have been given a fixed amount of permits to cover their emissions for the next three years. The government has set the total amount of allowed emissions for this year to 2017 at 1.687 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Any company emitting more than they have permits to cover must buy allowances from others in the market.
    - cosmetic surgery

    • Medical and cosmetic surgery services from South Korea are expected to become more widely available in China as a result of the bilateral free trade agreement signed on Monday. Under the agreement, doctors who are licensed in South Korea, including plastic surgeons, can work in China for six months to a year. Some coastal cities in Northeast and East China that are near South Korea will be able to obtain advanced Korean medical techniques, drugs and equipment, and establish international health centers, experts said. The cities include Yanbian in Jilin province, Dalian in Liaoning province, and Yantai and Qingdao in Shandong province. Last year, construction began in Yantai on a Sino-South Korean "health park" that will offer cosmetic surgery, postnatal care and other services. On Monday, officials in Yantai signed an agreement with a medical instrument organization in Seoul covering cosmetic and medical services. In Weihai, another coastal city in Shandong, the Xinwa maternal and child care center, a Sino-South Korean health maintenance program, opened on Sunday. "We will mostly benefit from lower tariffs on postnatal nursing equipment. All of the equipment we use is made in South Korea," said Wang Jun, general manager at the center. He Dongliang is a well-known nasal plastic surgeon in Dalian who set up his own hospital. He studied in South Korea for a year. There are numerous plastic surgery hospitals in South Korea, and the quality of their work is uneven, but it is generally better than in China, he said. "Plastic surgeons in South Korea follow strict procedures and pay careful attention to detail. In China, some surgeries, such as making double-fold eyelids, can cost up to 1 million yuan ($161,300), which seems unreasonable.
    - entertainment

    • 現時五間娛樂公司在韓國科斯達克(KOSDAQ,韓國創業板)上市,即包括SM娛樂、YG娛樂、JYP Entertainment、KEYEAST及FNC Entertainment,市值總計2.23萬億韓圜(約152.54億港元)。因商業考慮,部分娛樂公司已在港設分公司。五間韓娛公司中,龍頭SM娛樂、YG娛樂市值分別為9,050.35億韓圜(約61.81億港元)及6,419.33億韓圜(約43.84億港元),以創業板公司而言規模不小。截至去年底,SM娛樂純利增長約2.61倍,而YG娛樂增長亦達44.55%,表現不俗。市傳SM子公司Dream Maker Entertainment(DME)計劃來港上市,實際上多間韓國娛樂公司早已進駐香港。早於一二年,YG娛樂已在港成立YG ASIA;翌年,FNC Entertainment亦成立FNC Entertainment China。JYP Entertainment則未在港設立公司,不過○八年已在內地成立「北京傑偉品文化交流有限公司」。

    - casino/gambling

    - 文在寅govt

    • 南韓前總統朴槿惠將於今日首次就受賄案面對公審之際,現任總統文在寅昨日宣布,下令檢查朴槿惠政府承繼前總統李明博執行的「四大江項目」,如果發現在決策過程中涉及貪污等違法行為,將會採取相應措施。orientaldaily 23may17
    • 文在寅上台之後,一方面抓緊對朴槿惠弊案的查處力度,一方面着手對李明博的親信開刀,採取剝洋葱的方式,層層向核心逼近。李明博對此心知肚明,不斷喊冤叫屈,但早知今日何必當初呢?當年李明博執政時對盧武鉉死打爛追,內心又是何等的爽快?
    • South Korea’s government has proposed a four-year presidency with a two-term limit as a key element of a constitutional amendment that President Moon Jae-in is pushing to better balance power among the country’s administrative branches. The centre-left government plans to submit the proposal for a US-style presidential system to parliament on Monday, as the current five-year single term has been blamed for concentrating too much political power in the hands of the president. 

    - [precarious belongings] national and ethnic identity established on basis three principles:territorial sovereignty, pure-bloodism and single-languagism

    Jeju Island
    - Chinese investors buying properties in Jeju Island and % of foreign land ownership

    -  青瓦台,韓國 時間之始 祝 勇 總統府,也是韓國 的權力中心。它位 於首爾舊市區北部 ,前臨景福宮,後 與仁旺山和北漢山 相連,是一個偌大 的院落,總統在這裏居住、辦公、會客、 宴請。早年這裏曾是一座古建築 「景武台 」,上世紀七十年代總統遷入後,大興土 木,屋頂被青色琉璃瓦覆蓋,故得現名。 青瓦台於韓國人,既是一個莊重的地方, 又是一個不平靜的場所。韓國現任總統文在寅去年五月當選後 宣布,條件具備後,他將搬出青瓦台,選 擇另一個地點辦公。改變韓國民眾對青瓦 台的愛恨交織,也許文在寅能帶來一股新 風。


    Civil service
    - 為遏止貪風,韓國今日起實施新法例,禁止公務 員、私校教師及記者,接受超過 3萬韓圜(約 212港 元)的飲食款待。有高級餐廳東主認為新法太嚴 苛,嚴重影響他們的生意,甚至有東主考慮結業。

    Labour regulation
    - South Korea’s government has rejected claims that its labour law encourages abuse of migrant workers

    The National Pension Service of Korea (NPSHangul국민연금Hanja國民年金RRGukminyeongeum) is a public pension fund in South Korea. It is the third largest in the world[1] with $430 billion in assets, and is the largest investor in South Korea.On January 30, 2017, NPS opened up an office in New York City's One Vanderbilt.

    • 1987년 10월 19일 국민연금법에 의거하여 설립되었다. Demographic pressures in South Korea pose a huge challenge to the nation’s economy and plans by President Moon Jae-in to jump-start growth, which has slowed to an annual rate of about 2.8 per cent in recent years. The country’s birth rate, already the lowest in the OECD, is in freefall. Only 406,000 babies were born last year, down from 867,000 in 1981. In the first three months of this year the birth rate was down 12 per cent year on year. By 2031, South Korea’s population is expected to be in decline. “As the elderly population increases and the working population declines, the economy is going to shrink considerably,” says Lee Sam-sik, head of the Ageing Society Research Institute at Hanyang University. “The burden on young people will be huge post-2030, when the baby boom generation becomes senior citizens [and stops working],” he adds, pointing out that South Korea’s baby boom came about 10 years after the west’s because of the Korean war.

    Pop Culture
    - songs
    • Gwiyomi
    - shows
    • Nanta
    Buncheong ware, or Punch'ong, is a form of traditional Korean stoneware, with a bluish-green tone. Pots are coated with a white slip, and decorative designs are painted on using an iron pigment.Buncheong is a modern term used to describe Korean stoneware produced from the late 14th century and continued today. Buncheong ware developed from the earlier Goryeo celadon inlay technique called sanggam and rapidly distinguished itself. The style emerged in the early Joseon dynasty, largely replacing the style of celadon in common use. In contrast to the refined elegance of Goryeo celadon, buncheong is designed to be natural, unassuming, and practical.[3] However, it all but disappeared from Korea after the 16th century due to the popularity of Joseon white porcelain.粉青沙器(ふんせいさき)は、朝鮮半島で、李氏朝鮮時代の前半、15世紀を中心に作られた磁器の一種である。鉄分の多い陶土に肌理細かい白土釉で化粧掛けを施し、透明釉を掛けて焼造した。本来は、粉粧灰青沙器の略語。高麗時代末期の14世紀半ばに発祥し、15世紀に最盛期を迎え、16世紀前半には消滅して、その後の朝鮮王朝の磁器は李朝白磁が主体となった[1]

    - things to note
    - 《常綠樹》、《朝露》、《為君的進行曲》......這些傳世之作從上世紀七八十年代誕生以來,一直成為韓國底層社會、勞農大眾、大學生、知識階層、記者、律師等群體為國家追求美好與幸福前途而戰的不朽戰歌。
    - literature
    • 春香伝(しゅんこうでん、チュニャンヂョン)は李氏朝鮮時代の説話で、妓生の娘と両班の息子の身分を越えた恋愛を描いた物語。18世紀頃、民族音楽的語り物であるパンソリの演目「春香歌」として広まるとともに、小説化も行われた。韓国では現在も人気のある作品であり、映画化も何度か行われている。中国の唐時代から続く「才子佳人小説」の系譜に属する。口伝によって伝承されて来たものが、18世紀李朝19代王粛宗から22代王正祖の頃に物語として成立していたと見られる。19世紀純祖の代に申在孝が パンソリ「春香歌」として脚色して広く演じられ、当時の詩人の申緯、玉山張之琬、趙在三などが観劇について書いている。また『烈女春香守節歌』『春香伝』 『水山広寒楼記』『南原古詞』など、多数の小説が記され、基本的なあらすじは共通ながら、漢文によるもの、ハングルによるもの、英語訳のものなどがあり、 文体も説話体や韻文体があり、性的描写が濃厚なものなど、異本によってさまざまな形がある。春香の行動も、儒教的な貞節を強調するものから身分を越えた愛 とするものまで多様な解釈が可能なバリエーションを持っている。

    - origin of kim family
    • Gim Al-ji (김알지, 金閼智; 65-?) was a historical figure in Korean history. His descendents formed the Gim royal clan of Silla, one of the Three Kingdoms of KoreaHis legendary birth is said to have occurred during the reign of Silla's fourth ruler, King Talhae of Silla. Though Gim Al-ji did not rule as King of Silla, his descendants did. Today, 1.7 million South Koreans are in the Gyeongju Gim clan, who trace their genealogy to Gim Al-ji. The Samguk Yusa and Samguk Sagi both contain nearly the same story about Gim Al-ji's birth. In the year 65 (9th year of Talhae's reign), King Talhae heard a rooster crowing in Sirim, west of Geumseong (Gyeongju, the Silla capital at the time). He sent his minister, Hogong, who was from Japan, to investigate, whereupon Hogong found a golden box hanging on a branch. Light was emanating from the box, and a white rooster was crowing under it. Hearing this report, the king ordered the box brought to him. When the king opened the box, there was an infant inside. The king was very pleased and reared him. Because he was born from a golden box and was very clever, the king named him "Gim (金, meaning gold) Al-ji (meaning gold in native korean, with the hanja 閼智 supposed to be read phonetically)". The forest where the box was found was named Gyerim (rooster forest), which also was used as the name of Silla. This legend is similar to the birth legend of the founder of Silla, Bak Hyeokgeose of Silla (who is said to have called himself Al-ji Geoseogan). Modern interpreters have suggested that the Gim Al-ji may have been the chief of a "gold" (al) clan of northern Korea/Manchuria.
    • From its founding until its growth into a full-fledged kingdom, Silla was recorded with various hanja phonetically approximating its native Korean name: 斯盧 (사로, Saro), 斯羅 (사라, Sara), 徐那(伐) (서나[벌], Seona[beol]), 徐耶(伐) (서야[벌], Seoya[beol]), 徐羅(伐) (서라[벌], Seora[beol]), and 徐伐 (서벌, Seobeol). In 503, King Jijeung standardized on the characters 新羅(신라), which in Modern Korean is pronounced "Shilla". An etymological hypothesis (there are various other speculations) suggests that the name Seorabeol might have been the origin of the word Seoul meaning "capital city" and also the name of the present capital of South Korea, a city previously known as Hanseong (漢城) or Hanyang (漢陽). The name of the Silla capital might have been changed into the Late Middle Korean form Syeobeul (셔블) meaning "royal capital city," which soon might have altered into Syeoul (셔울), and finally resulted in Seoul (서울) in the Modern Korean language. The name of either Silla or its capital Seorabeol was also widely used throughout Northeast Asia as the ethnonym for the people of Silla, appearing as Shiragi in the language of the Yamato Japanese and as Solgo or Solho in the language of the medieval Jurchens and their later descendants, the Manchus, respectively. In the modern Mongolian languageKorea and Koreans are still known as Солонгос Solongos, which seems to be an alteration of Silla influenced by the Mongolian word for "rainbow" (солонго solongo). Silla was also referred to as Gyerim (鷄林, 계림), literally "chicken forest," a name that has its origins in the forest near the Silla capital where by legend the state's founder was hatched from the egg of a cockatrice (Kor. gyeryong, 雞龍, 계룡, literally "chicken-dragon").

    Creative Industries
    - Digital Media City

    - 南韓政府日前宣布更換使用了六十七年的「木槿花」政府標誌,改用太極圖案代替,向來各自使用不同標誌的五十一個政府部門及機關,亦會由五月起統一使用新標誌。新標誌沿用南韓慣用的藍、紅、白組合及留白美感。

    National flag
    -許多中國人都以韓國人借我們 《易經》的太極和八卦中的四卦放 在國旗中為榮,問題是他們全部弄 錯了!或許正正是國旗出錯,致令 大韓民國自二次大戰後立國至今, 每一位總統都下場不妙! 首先是太極錯了!中國的太極圖 白中有黑圓,黑中有白圓,有人形 容太極為黑白雙魚,黑魚白眼,白 魚黑眼。假如這樣理解,則韓國國 旗上就是兩條瞎魚。晚近有學者認 為太極圖其實用「虎圖騰」,反映 夏朝文化,不是兩條魚,卻是兩頭 虎。白虎黑眼、黑虎白眼才是。

    The Unification Flag is a flag designed to represent all of Korea when North and South Korea participate as one team in sporting events. The background is white. In the center there is a blue silhouette of the Korean peninsula, including Jeju Island to the southwest and Ulleungdo and the Liancourt Rocks to the east, added in 2006.[1] The flag has no status as an official flag in either country. The flag was first used in 1991 when the two countries competed as a single team in the 41st World Table Tennis Championships in ChibaJapan and the 8th World Youth Football Championship in LisbonPortugal. The two countries' teams marched together under the flag in the opening ceremonies of the 2000 Summer Olympics in SydneyAustralia; the 2002 Asian Games in BusanSouth Korea; the 2003 Summer Universiade in DaeguSouth Korea;[2] the 2004 Summer Olympics in AthensGreece; the 2006 Winter Olympics in TurinItaly; and the 2006 Asian Games in DohaQatar; however, the two countries competed separately in sporting events. The flag was not used in the 2008 Summer Olympics in BeijingChina. Not only was a unified team shelved, even Beijing Olympics Organization Committee (BOCOG)'s plan to make the two Korean teams turn up back to back during the opening ceremony was rejected due to opposition by the North Korean delegation at the last moment. The unification flag is to be used again as the two nations march together at the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea.統一旗(とういつき)あるいは朝鮮半島旗(ちょうせんはんとうき)は、朝鮮の国家統一を象徴して、大韓民国(韓国)と朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(北朝鮮)が、スポーツ大会などで単一「コリア」チームを形成するなど、共同で活動する際に用いられる朝鮮半島の南北両国は、1964年東京オリンピックにおいて単一チームを構成するため、1963年スイスローザンヌで南北体育会談を開催した。
    - hkej 22jan18 shum article

    The traditional Korean color spectrum, also known as Obangsaek (오방색), is the colorscheme of the five Korean traditional colors of whiteblackblueyellow and red.[1][2] In Korean traditional arts and traditional textile patterns, the colors of Obangsaek represent five cardinal directionsThese colors are also associated with the Five Elements of traditional Korean culture.

    Korea Service & Content Market (KSCM)
    - Korea Brand and Entertainment Expo in London
    - Korea Electronics Show

    - 朝鮮族

    • 南韓宣傳歷史文化價值組織「韓國網路外交使節團」(VANK)早前批評,百度旗下「百度百科」在南韓總統文在寅的介紹頁面中寫上「民族:朝鮮族」條目,要求更正。近日百度百科已將「民族」一欄完全刪除。

    • [precarious belongings] joseonjok fled to china to escape colonialial oppression or to join the korean independence movement in early 20th c.  Most of them resided in the yenbian autonomous korean prefecture, but since the 1900s many have migrated to other parts of the world (including south korea) 
    • By 1920, there were more than 457,000 Koreans in northeast China. However, when South Korea’s economy began to boom in the 1990s, they began moving back. There are approximately 700,000 Joseon-jok in South Korea. Many of them who live in Seoul stay within the Chinatown neighbourhoods of Daerim-dong and Garibong-dong.In Daerim-dong’s Chinatown, there are no Starbucks or McDonald’s. Instead of the branded markets or department stores, a sprawling outdoors market sells an array of food and household items. In the crowded residential areas, rubbish is strewn outside buildings, something despised by Koreans generally. "even if we spoke Chinese and ate Chinese food back in China, we still identified as Joseon-jok,” Yeon explains. “Koreans think of us as ‘overseas Koreans’ but we want to just be Koreans.”

    Koreans in Japan (在日韓国人・在日本朝鮮人・朝鮮人 Zainichi-Kankoku-Jin or Zainihonchosenjin or Chōsen-jin) comprise ethnic Koreans who have permanent residency status in Japan, or who have become Japanese citizens, and whose immigration to Japan originated before 1945, or who are descendents of those immigrants. They are a distinct group from South Korean nationals who have emigrated to Japan after the end of World War II and the division of Korea.They currently constitute the second largest ethnic minority group in Japan after Chinese immigrants.[2] The majority of Koreans in Japan are Zainichi Koreans (在日韓国人 Zainichi Kankokujin), often known simply as Zainichi (在日, "Japan resident"), who are the permanent ethnic Korean residents of Japan. The term "Zainichi Korean" refers only to long-term Korean residents of Japan who trace their roots to Korea under Japanese rule, distinguishing them from the later wave of Korean migrants who came mostly in the 1980s,[3] and from pre-modern immigrants dating back to antiquity who may themselves be the ancestors of the Japanese People. The Japanese word "Zainichi" itself means a foreign citizen "staying in Japan" and implies temporary residence.[5] Nevertheless, the term "Zainichi Korean" is used to describe settled permanent residents of Japan, both those who have retained either their Joseon or South Korean/North Korean nationalities, and even sometimes, but not always, includes Japanese citizens of Korean descent who acquired Japanese nationality by naturalization or by birth from one or both parents who have Japanese citizenship.
    - china

    • Chaoxianzu (Chinese朝鲜族), Joseonjok or Chosŏnjok (Chosŏn'gŭl조선족) form one of the 56 ethnicities officially recognized by the Chinese governmentThe South Korean media of the 1990s referred to Koreans in China as jungguk-in (Hangul중국인; Hanja中國人, "Chinese people"). Government regulations in 2004 mandated the use of the term jaeoe dongpo (Hangul재외동포; Hanja在外同胞, "compatriots who live abroad"). Similarly friendly terms include hanguk gye jungguk-in (Hangul한국계 중국인; Hanja韓國系中國人; "Chinese people of Korean descent") or jungguk dongpo (Hangul중국동포; Hanja中國同胞, compatriots in China). However, the common term in South Korea is joseon-jok (Hangul조선족; Hanja朝鮮族, "Joseon person"), which Koreans from China criticised for being a less friendly term than those for other overseas Koreans like Korean Americans (jaemi gyopo, 在美僑胞 "compatriots in America") or Koreans in Japan (jaeil gyopo, 在日僑胞 "compatriots in Japan").
    - [precarious belongings]an eternal parting presents fragemented accounts of zainichi and joseonjok, stories about early korean settlers in hawaii and mexico at the turn of 20th c; after being forced to take up residence in these locations, they were brutally exploited by local plantation owners.  Many died from deplorable working conditions, but the japanese annexation of korea prevented survivors from going home even after their contracts were terminated.

    foreigners in korea
    - legislation
    • act concerning the treatment of foreigners in korea 2007
    • multicultural families support act 2008
    - presbyterian
    • SaRang, one of several megachurches in Korea, was founded in 1978 by Rev. Oak Han-heum. At Pastor Oak's death in 2010, the church attracted 40,000 worshipers every Sunday and had 80,000 members. In 2003 Pastor Oak announced his retirement, eschewing the Korean custom of passing a pastorship on to one of the children of the retiring pastor, Oak named Rev. Oh Jung-hyun as the new pastor. In 2007 SaRang extended its worldwide mission to Europe and the United Kingdom, announcing its sponsorship of the Wales Evangelical School of Theology

    - South Korea will have the world’s fifth Universal Studios in South Korea, following the ones in the United States, Japan, Singapore and China. The Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water) picked the Universal Studio Korea (USK) consortium as the preferred bidder for the construction of the international theme park in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, it said on Tuesday. The consortium led by Korea’s investment firm USKPH includes Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Dohwa Engineering of Korea, China’s state-owned builder China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) and China Travel Service Hong Kong Ltd. K-Water, Gyeonggi Provincial government, Hwaseong City government and Korea Development Bank will also invest in the project. The USK consortium was the sole bidder for the contract of the Universal Studios in the Songsan International Theme Park.
    - expenses on army

    • 南韓傳媒周三引述消息指,美國去年底要求把南韓承擔的防衞費金額,提高至每年十二億美元(約九十四億港元)的天價,而有效期由現時五年縮短至一年,否則就撤走駐軍。韓方堅持九億美元(約七十億港元)為上限,導致雙方談判破裂。

    - wto

    • South Korea has launched a wide-ranging complaint at the World Trade Organization to challenge the U.S. use of anti-subsidy and anti-dumping duties, citing their use on steel and transformers, a WTO filing showed on Tuesday.
    • South Korea said on Monday that it has taken a dispute to the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the United States for imposing tariffs on washing machines and solar panels as the measure was deemed to be in violation of the WTO agreement. South Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said in a statement that it has delivered its request for bilateral consultation to the U.S. side to start a dispute settlement process.

    - fta
    • The Trump administration is to review and reform the US trade deal with South Korea, Mike Pence said on Tuesday, citing a widening bilateral trade deficit and obstacles for American businesses in the east Asian nation.  The Korea-US agreement, negotiated during the Republican administration of George W Bush, has been a target of trade critics for years. It has now been caught up in the Trump administration’s push to address bilateral trade deficits blamed for the loss of US manufacturing jobs. The US trade deficit in goods with South Korea, which has existed for two decades, has soared in recent years from $16.6bn in 2012 to $27.7bn in 2016. 
    • The US and South Korea have reached an agreement on revising their six-year-old bilateral trade deal and the US said it wouldn’t impose President Donald Trump’s tariffs on steel imports from its ally in Asia. The two countries reached agreement “in principle” on the trade deal known as Korus, South Korea’s Trade Ministry said in a statement on Monday (March 26). While Korea avoids the steel tariff, shipments of the metal to the US will be limited to a quota of about 2.7 million tonnes a year, according to the statement.
    • President Trump signed a revised free trade agreement with South Korea on Monday in New York, cementing the first bilateral trade deal of his administration and suggesting the United States could soon win similar agreements with other trading partners.“It’s a great day for the United States, and it’s a great day for South Korea,” Mr. Trump said during a meeting with President Moon Jae-in of South Korea. The revised United States-Korea Trade Agreement includes steps to open up the Korean market to increased American exports, most notably for automobiles, and will allow the United States to continue imposing a 25 percent tariff on Korean trucks until 2041.
    - n korea
    • ft 22mar19 seoul risks rift with washington over mothballed north korea industrial zone
    - 鑑於美方向南韓製洗衣機和光伏電池及組件徵收保護關稅,南韓前日公布將向進口自美國的部分商品對等徵稅,最遲於二○二一年二月起正式實施,並要求美國向南韓企業作出賠償。
    - army camp
    • In 2004 Camp Greaves closed and preperations were made to transfer ownership of the facility to the Republic of Korea. This tranfer was completed in 2005. Mention of this shift was made in US-ROK Land Partnership Plan in 2002, when the expected date of closure was 2011. Camp Greaves was less than 2 miles from the DMZ, and some 38 miles north of Seoul. Greaves consisted of 58.5 acres and hosted the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry. The soldiers stationed at Camp Greaves were in "Stands Alone" country across Freedom Bridge. Its primary mission was to to act in concert with our Korean allies to deter aggression, and, should deterrence fail, to defend the Republic of Korea. The population of the camp was approximately 730, with 700 of that being US Military personnel and 10 being civilians employed by the Department of the Army, and the remaining 20 being listed as "Other." Camp Greaves was located near Camp Howze and 1.5 miles from DMZ. Camp Greaves was 38 miles from Seoul. Its climate features included, on average, summers between 80 and 90 oF, winters between -5 and 30 oF, and 40-48" of rain during a rainy season between July and August.
    - the fulbright program, sponsored by us state department, allows recent college graduates to teach english in selected countries and engaged in cultural exchange. Teacher leeann came to korea to work as a fulbright english teaching assistant. She said that she is interested in human rightscnd reunification of korean peninsula [korea magazine jan19 issue]

    Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Hyun held the 7th Republic of Korea-Russian Federation Strategic Dialogue with First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia Vladimir TITOV in Moscow, Russia, on April 15, during which the two sides extensively discussed the bilateral relations, the situation on the Korean Peninsula, cooperation at the UN and on other international stages, and situations in other regions of the world and international issues.

    uk  The UK and South Korea have signed an outline free trade agreement (FTA) that seeks to maintain existing trade arrangements post-Brexit. International Trade Secretary Liam Fox signed the deal with his South Korean counterpart Yoo Myung-hee in Seoul. The preliminary agreement marks the first post-Brexit trade deal the UK has secured in Asia. The agreement is roughly in line with the terms of the existing Korea-EU FTA.

    - [korea june19 issue] imsil cheese village originated from a young roman catholic priest didier t'serstevens (known in korea as ji jeong hwan).  He moved to south korea in 1959.  The Imsil-gun governor asked him to do something for residents.  The priest then brought two goats to start a business and boost the economy.

    - kiv what happened in 1946 re korea, us, greece

    - South Korea will tighten laws governing the arrival of refugees, the Justice Ministry said on Friday, after a rapid rise in the number of Yemeni asylum seekers sparked anti-refugee sentiment in the racially homogeneous country. More than 552 people from Yemen arrived on the southern resort island of Jeju between January and May, more than the 430 Yemenis who had ever applied for refugee status in South Korea, the ministry said. The country has granted refugee status to just over 800 people since 1994. The sudden surge in Yemeni arrivals has fueled concern that many could be seeking economic advantage rather than protection and that they could lead to an increase in crime and other social problems.More than 540,000 South Koreans have signed an online petition to the presidential Blue House in the past two weeks, asking the government to abolish or amend no-visa entries and the granting of refugee status to applicants. The Justice Ministry said it will revise the Refugee Act to prevent abuses.

      Esmail Alqublani, a journalist who sought refuge on Jeju in May, says he has only experienced kindness from locals on what he calls an “island of humanity”. With coiffed hair and a tidy blue shirt, Mr Alqublani presents a jarring image for South Koreans, many of whom say the Yemenis do not appear like war-ravaged refugees. The explanation, said Mr Sada’a, is simple: only those with extra income can afford to leave the decimated Arab nation. Like hundreds of other Yemenis, the computer programmer initially left for Djibouti before flying on to Malaysia where he could stay visa-free for three months. During that period Air Asia opened a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Jeju, which then operated a broad visa-waiver policy to encourage tourism. 
      In the space of two months before the Jeju government removed Yemen from the list of nations eligible for the waiver, more than 500 citizens landed on the island and claimed refugee status. Most of the group has now been granted a six-month window to stay in Jeju while their claims are assessed. They have been forbidden from leaving the island, although the local government has offered some employment on farms and in fisheries. Much of the issue now is what happens at the end of their grace period. This uncertainty has exacerbated concerns on all sides.  The country’s justice ministry on Friday took a hardline stance on the issue, saying it would revise the Refugee Act to prevent “the abuse of the refugee system for economic purposes.”  For his part, President Moon Jae-in — himself the son of refugees from North Korea — has remained quiet on the issue.
    •  也門難民之所以在今年激增,部分原因是馬來西亞給予難民九十天的免簽入境待遇,加上從馬國到濟州島的廉價直通航班服務開通,不少人遂將吉隆坡當作「跳板」。
    •  South Korea has denied refugee status but granted temporary stay permits to hundreds of Yemeni asylum seekers who arrived on the southern island of Jeju this year, the Ministry of Justice announced on Wednesday. More than 500 Yemenis sought refugee in South Korea between January and May, having fled the war that has engulfed their homeland. The influx of asylum seekers to South Korea - which has only granted refugee status to 839 of 40,470 applicants from various countries since 1994, not including defectors from North Korea - sparked a backlash and led to the government tightening immigration laws in June.
    • Weeks after South Korea denied refugee status to almost 400 Yemenis living on Jeju Island, the region’s first Yemeni restaurant opened on Tuesday. The restaurant, named Wardah, which means flower in Arabic, is located on the northern coast of the island and offers a glimmer of hope that food may become a bridge between two cultures. Over the past few months, the nation has weathered a surge in anti-Yemeni and anti-Muslim sentiment after nearly 500 Yemenis seeking asylum arrived in the southern island province earlier this year. Of these asylum seekers, 338 were given one-year humanitarian permits rather than refugee status, which would have granted them health and labour insurance along with other benefits. Of those 338, local sources said nearly half the group had since departed for the South Korean mainland. The Jeju Immigration Office declined to comment.

    iran South Korea is likely to return to a familiar game plan to replace Iranian oil it will no longer have access to after May now that the
    United States intends to
    tighten sanctions on Iran’s exports. South Korea is the biggest buyer of Iranian condensate, an ultralight oil prized by the country’s refiners as a raw material for petrochemicals manufacturing. SK Incheon Petrochem, Hyundai Oilbank and Hanwha Total Petrochemical are set to once again scan the world for alternative, but more expensive, condensate supplies and snap up heavy naphtha oil products for their processing units, known as splitters, industry sources and analysts said.

    - 日本透过军事威吓迫使朝鲜签订不平等的《江华条约》共十二条,除要求给予贸易特权外,最主要要求朝鲜承认日本为对等的独立主权国家,目的是将朝鲜与日本从 中国藩属关系提升至对等国家关系。1884年,日本幕后策动甲申政变,与朝鲜维新派突袭王宫,大臣向清军军营求救,救出高宗。事后,日本就朝鲜问题与清廷 签订《中日天津会议专条》,协定两国对朝鲜的军事行动必先互相知照等,种种举动只为便利日后吞併朝鲜时,可排除清廷的支援与干预。
    - 蔚山倭城是日本侵略朝鮮半島的見證,該場中國稱為「萬曆朝鮮之役」的戰爭,由當時日本實際統治者、關白豐臣秀吉發動,中國明神宗應李氏朝鮮請求派兵支援。日本於一五九二年及一五九七年舉兵入侵,第一次雙方議和休戰,第二次則以豐臣秀吉病逝、日軍撤退為終結。蔚山圍城戰是其中最慘烈的戰役。至今在南韓東南沿岸,仍有多個倭城遺址。倭城結構上與韓式城堡有明顯分別,軍事用途較為明顯。文在寅和朴槿惠產生衝突的重要根源,是兩人及其背後黨派對日本的態度截然相反。韓國曾有一段被日本殖民統治的苦難歷史,後來南韓國民對日本有兩種不同態度,大部分南韓人對日持敵視態度,但也有部分人不但不仇視日本,反而對日採取友好合作態度,這部分人或受美國影響,或是日本殖民統治時期的受益者。朴槿惠的父親、南韓前總統朴正熙就是後者,而文在寅和他的政治密友、前總統盧武鉉則是對日強硬派。二○○二年盧武鉉當選總統,然而僅兩年之後,盧就遭到國會彈劾停職,朴槿惠正是策劃彈劾案的骨幹之一。○四年五月,憲法法院否決了彈劾議案,盧恢復職務。此後,盧武鉉政府開始清算,通過了《親日反民族行為者財產歸屬特別法》,調查和清理親日派的財產,編列親日人名辭典,其中就包括朴正熙。○八年二月,盧武鉉任期結束,與朴槿惠同黨同派的李明博上台。李明博隨即展開對盧武鉉受賄案的調查,導致盧在壓力下自殺身亡。作為盧武鉉的親信,文在寅與朴槿惠的鬥爭並未停止,兩人在一二年的總統選舉中直接對決,儘管文在寅落敗,但他並未認輸,一直伺機東山再起。朴槿惠執政時期,南韓對日全面和解,兩國簽署多項合作協議,特別簽訂《軍事情報保護協定》,使兩國軍事合作進一步密切,成為事實上的軍事盟國。此外,兩國還就慰安婦問題達成協議,日本向南韓道歉和賠償,南韓則承諾不再提及此問題。
    - diplomatic representation

    • Authorities in Seoul have canceled a permit for a new Japanese Embassy building citing construction delays, local officials said Wednesday, as relations between South Korea and Tokyo continue to show strain due to historical disputes.

    - disputes arising from world wars
    • Last month, South Korea’s top court ruled that Japan’s Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp (5401.T) must compensate four South Koreans for their forced labor during the war, a decision Japan denounced as “unthinkable.” The binding court verdict is straining ties between the neighbors and could affect their bid to rein in North Korea’s nuclear program, analysts say.
    • 南韓最高法院去年裁定,日本兩間企業三菱重工及新日鐵住金,須向在日治時期,被強迫勞役的南韓人賠償。南韓外交部周三表示,政府曾向日本提議,由南韓及日本的企業自行籌集資金,為受害者提供賠償,惟日方已經拒絕有關建議。這是南韓最高法院去年裁決後,該國政府首次提出具體的解決方法。
    - food
    • 日本三一一大地震引發福島核災後,南韓政府頒令禁止福島等八個縣的水產品進口,日本因此告上世界貿易組織(WTO)。南韓於去年二月被判敗訴後再上訴。WTO周四審議結果,日本被判敗訴,南韓政府歡迎判決,外界預料韓方會繼續禁止該些地方的水產品進口。

    North korea
    • 二○○○年,時任南韓總統金大中及北韓領袖金正日在平壤舉行歷史性會晤後,同意在北韓境內南部建立佔地六千四百公頃的開城工業區。園區由南韓現代汽車牽頭開發,由北韓提供土地,南韓商界則提供資金、技術等,主要生產成衣紡織、電子配件及加工農產品等商品,標明是「南韓製造」。園區於一三年關閉,至一六年二月因北韓接連測試核導技術,南韓率先單方面宣布園區停運。半島局勢有所緩和,兩韓均希望重啟園區,但有指受美國阻撓。報道指北韓去年擅自重啟園區,大部分訂單來自中國。
    - 北韓周日發射長程火箭,聲稱人造衞星送上太空,但被外界指是測試彈道導彈技術,更導致南北韓唯一的合作項目、開城工業區遽然關閉。南韓周四宣布結束園內全部南韓企業營運,撤走二百八十名韓方人員。面對美日韓三國擴大制裁,北韓將開城劃為軍事管制區,朝鮮半島局勢再陷危機。
    - 就在兩韓於周五舉行高級別會談前夕,南韓國會周一否決支持總統文在寅於上月底,與北韓領袖金正恩簽署的《板門店宣言》,在野黨要求宣言寫入北韓嚴格棄核的條文。
    - cultural difference
    - Haankkum is among a handful of South Korean educational institutions that cater solely to defectors from the North. About 90 per cent are enrolled in public schools; the other 10 per cent attend alternative schools, like Haankkum, which specialise in catering to pupils who might otherwise struggle to adjust to life in a public institution.
    - aid
    • South Korea said on Wednesday it would send 50,000 tonnes of rice to the North through the UN’s World Food Programme – the second such aid package to be announced in recent weeks. Pyongyang has said it is facing droughts, and UN aid agencies have said food production fell “dramatically” last year, leaving more than 10 million North Koreans at risk.

    - More than 1,000 tons of garbage shipped to the Philippines falsely as "recyclable materials" last year have been returned to Korea. According to the Ministry of Environment Wednesday, officials would soon look inside the 51 trash-filled containers that arrived at the port of Pyeongtaek-Dangjin Sunday morning. It is part of 6,300 tons of garbage a Korean company exported to a Philippines company in July and October. According to Korean media reports, the two companies made the deal to reduce the disposal cost, which would be less than a third of the Korean cost in the Philippines. At the Mindanao port, the Korean company declared the trash as recyclable plastic synthetic flakes, but Philippines officials and environmentalists later found that many of the materials were not recyclable. The ministry said it will continue looking into the case and talk to its Philippines counterpart to take care of the remaining trash.

    - diplomatic relations

    • history
    •中韓建交前一年,也就是一九九一年十 一月,錢其琛外長率中國代表團前往首爾( 當時稱為漢城),參加亞太經合組織第三屆 部長級會議。本來參加會議,是為了解決中 國加入該組織問題,而且進展順利,但由於 中國與韓國沒有外交關係,中國外長到達首 爾,為媒體所矚目。議會期間,盧泰愚總統單 獨會見了錢其琛,更引起外界的高度關注。 盧泰愚會見,確實不尋常。當時韓國與 台灣還有 「外交關係」,沒有通知台灣 「大 使」會見沒有外交關係的外長,國際上極為 罕見。所以如此,是因為盧泰愚看清國際形 勢發展趨勢,決心拋棄台灣,與中國建立正 式外交關係。儘管韓國社會一股勢力主張對 台灣不能 「背信棄義」,但盧泰愚決心已定 ,力排眾議,實現他心中的目標。一九九二年七月中旬的一天,錢其琛乘 專機前往平壤,金永南外長迎接並陪同去延 豐湖別墅面見金日成。會見中,錢其琛分析 了朝鮮半島和國際形勢的變化,通報了中國 最高領導層的決定,考慮到形勢的發展,着 眼於半島局勢緩和與周邊國家發展關係,中 國將與韓國建立外交關係。錢其琛還表示, 中國將一如既往,支持朝鮮的社會主義建設 和統一事業。金日成畢竟是老一代領導人, 他聽後沉思片刻表示,中方既已決定沒有意 見,朝鮮將走自己的社會主義道路。 八月二十四日,中國與韓國正式建立外 交關係,錢其琛外長和李相玉外長分別代表 兩國政府,在釣魚台國賓館芳菲苑舉行的儀 式上簽字。當時的情景還歷歷在目,但轉眼 即將迎來中韓建交二十五周年。
    • 一九九二年建交談判中的一些有趣故事
    - visit by chinese leaders

    • 中韓領導人會談主要經濟成果 : 區域經濟 (力促中韓自由貿易協定(FTA)在2015年年底前生效。加快區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定(RECP)談判進程。) 工業 (加強製造業領域合作,實現兩國製造業轉型升級。建立工業機器人領域長期合作機制。) 對外 (合作進軍第三國基礎設施建設和成套設備市場。將韓國的《歐亞大陸倡議》與中國「一帶一路」聯動。通過中國倡議建立的亞投行促進韓企進軍海外。)金融 (建立人民幣對韓圜直接交易市場,允許韓國政府發行人民幣債券。中國授予韓國的人民幣合格境外機構投資者(RQFII)額度提升。韓國的商業銀行今後可向中國山東省的韓企提供人民幣貸款。)其他 (在四川成都設立中韓創新創業園。關於進出口大米檢驗檢疫合作的諒解備忘錄。關於參雞湯衛生及檢驗檢疫條件的諒解備忘錄。簽訂經修改的《韓中活水生動物檢驗檢疫協議》。簽訂關於解決兩國間消費糾紛的諒解備忘錄。加強在大熊貓等瀕危野生動物保護方面的合作。,
      China and the Republic of Korea moved toward a closer economic partnership with deals tosynchronize development strategies and speed up the ratification of a bilateral free tradeagreement. The two sides agreed on Saturday to launch a direct transaction market for their currencies inShanghai, according to a statement released by the People's Bank of China. China also supported the ROK in a plan to issue a yuan-denominated bond in China's debtmarket. Beijing also decided to expand the renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor quota,commonly known as the RQFII quota, held by Seoul to 120 billion yuan ($18 billion). Premier Li Keqiang and President Park Geun-hye witnessed the signing of 17 deals after a one-on-one meeting at the presidential Blue House in Seoul. The two sides agreed to synergize economic development strategies, especially on innovationand the upgrading of the manufacturing sector, to encourage better understanding of each other'spolicies. They also agreed to encourage more cross-border projects among businesses. The two economic allies agreed to help facilitate the passage of the bilateral free trade deal intheir own legislatures, in addition to expanding the ROK's food exports to China andstrengthening industrial cooperation. Talks to mark maritime boundaries will be initiated as soon as possible to resolve issuesstemming from overlapping exclusive economic zones in the Yellow Sea, the leaders agreed. According to Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency, China and the ROK have designatedSamsung Everland, which operates ROK's largest amusement park, as the host for two pandasto be delivered on loan by China next year. Sending pandas is a time-honored goodwill gestureby Beijing.
    - visit by senior officials

    • 本月13-15日,宋永吉访问北京,并就推动韩国政府的新北方政策与中国“一带一路”倡议接轨同中方展开协商。宋永吉表示,去年12月中,韩首脑会谈期间签署了《中韩电力系统连接项目开发合作备忘录》,未来来自蒙古的风力、太阳能等环保能源生产的电力有望通过海底电缆输送至中国、韩国和日本。至于投资费用,从中国威海到韩国首都圈以及韩国南海岸至日本松江市,投资总额大约5至7万亿韩圜。

    - FTA
    • Nascent China-South Korea FTA and financial agreements are expected to boost and channel growth. Closer economic and financial ties between China and South Korea are expected to have a significant impact on the two countries and the Asia-Pacific as a whole.
    • China-South Korea FTA and financial agreements will open fresh channels for investment. Closer economic and financial ties between China and South Korea are expected to have asignificant impact on the two countries and the Asia-Pacific as a whole. China and South Korea substantially concluded a free trade agreement in Beijing during theAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in November. The two countries also signed abilateral currency agreement during President Xi Jinping's visit to Seoul in July.
    • 據外交部網站消息,正在對韓國進 行正式訪問的國務院副總理汪洋23日在首爾同韓國總 統朴槿惠舉行會見,汪洋表示希望早日簽署中韓自貿 協定(FTA)。 汪洋首先轉達了習近平主席致朴槿惠總統的口信。 習近平在口信中積極評價中韓關係發展,強調願同朴 槿惠總統保持密切溝通,就共同關心的問題及時交換 意見,深化中韓戰略合作夥伴關係。
    • China and South Korea on Wednesday initialed a bilateral free trade agreement as both sides are hoping to increase trade, according to a press release from China's Ministry of Commerce. The ministry said negotiations have concluded and both sides have confirmed all the details. "China and South Korea have agreed to work for the official signing of the China-South Korea FTA within the first half of this year. The government of South Korea will implement it as rapidly as possible by getting approval from the parliament," said a press release issued by South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. Under the FTA, which was initialed and exchanged with China's Ministry of Commerce in Beijing, the two agreed to offer preferential treatment to each other's financial companies and establish a joint organization to deal with bilateral business issues. hket 26feb15 a19
    • Tariffs to be removed on more than 90% of goods in either direction, say officials China signed its largest bilateral free trade agreement in terms of volume on Monday, with close neighbor South Korea. Under the agreement, China will remove tariffs on 91 percent of all products from South Korea within the next 20 years, while Seoul will eliminate tariffs on 92 percent of all goods in the other direction. The two nations first began talks in May 2012 covering 17 areas, including trade in goods and services, healthcare, entertainment, investment and trade rules, as well as e-commerce and government procurement. China is South Korea's biggest trading partner as well as its biggest export market, with bilateral trade totaling $235.4 billion in 2014, customs figures show. South Korea is also one of China's major foreign investors with investment of $1.6 billion made in the first quarter of this year alone.
    • 為期三天的第四屆(濟南)韓國商品博覽會(以下簡稱“韓博會”)昨日開幕。當日也舉行了中韓自貿協定簽訂後的首個經貿合作論壇──“面向中韓FTA時代,進一步深化山東與韓國的經貿合作”高峰論壇。山東省副省長夏耕説,山東歡迎韓企利用中韓自貿區的機遇,繼續擴大在山東投資,同時將引導有實力的中方企業投資韓國,並推動魯企與韓企聯合開拓第三國市場。  韓博會吸引韓國本土參展企業超400家、參展商超1000人。同時,受惠中韓自貿協定簽署,本屆展會企業數量較上屆增逾30%,設置展位800餘個。大韓貿易投資振興公社社長金宰弘説,韓博會是中韓自貿協定正式簽署後最先舉辦的大規模韓中合作項目,韓國在華投資有近一半落户山東,韓國非常看好山東及其周邊區域巨大市場潛力,希望以山東為橋頭堡,開拓中國市場。貴州貴陽近日舉行2015“中韓友好周”活動,迎來200餘名韓方企業家、金融家等。期間韓國三星集團表示,會逐步擴大對中國中西部內陸地區的投資,包括生物、金融等領域都會加大力度。
    • 大韓貿易投資振興公社4日在山東威海成立中韓自貿協定(FTA)經濟合作支援中心。據新華社報道,當天,威海市政府和大韓貿易投資振興公社簽署深化合作備忘錄,中韓FTA經濟合作支援中心將為中韓雙方企業提供FTA相關信息及市場諮詢、行銷支援等方面的服務,促使雙方在文化創意產業、跨境電子商務、醫療健康等領域全方位強化合作。
    • 山東省副省長夏耕昨日在「山東省與韓國產業通商資源部工作會談」上透露,商務部與韓國產業通商資源部正在協商推進設立「中韓投資合作基金」。此前山東已向商務部推薦魯信集團作為主發起方。該省期待與韓國相關金融機構共同參與中韓投資合作基金,探討兩地新的投資合作模式。中韓自貿協定自去年12月20日正式生效,已於生效當日和今年1月1日實施兩次降稅。威海-仁川自由經濟區作為中韓自貿區地方經濟合作示範區寫入中韓自貿協定,在貿易、投資、產業、服務等領域先行試驗合作項目,這在中國已簽署的十多個自貿協定中尚屬首次。夏耕表示,希望山東與韓國共同推進通關便利化,在物流、電子商務、醫療美容、時尚創意、影視文化等領域支持雙方探討合作項目。
    • 2nd round
    • 據新華社報道,中國商務部新聞發言人高峰昨日表示,中韓自貿協定自2015年12月生效以來,對促進兩國經濟增長發揮了積極作用。目前,雙方正在準備啟動第二輪中韓自貿協定談判。根據中韓自貿協定的規定,雙方將在協定生效兩年內啟動第二輪談判,也就是以負面清單的方式啟動服務和投資領域的談判。
    • China used the negative list system for the first time to conduct negotiations on service trade and investment during the second phase of China-South Korea Free Trade Agreement talks, the Ministry of Commerce said in a statement. The ministry said that the two sides will continue to create a freer and convenient environment for service trade and investment for companies. The meeting was held in Beijing on March 29. Even though the China-South Korea FTA already has many "advanced articles" in highlighting services and investment, introducing negative list in the FTA negotiation indicates that China is keen to further connect this mechanism with global markets, said Bai Ming, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.
    - WTO
    • Korea has complained to the World Trade Organization about Chinese retaliation against South Korean companies over the deployment of a U.S. anti-missile defense system in the South, the trade minister said on Monday. South Korea and the United States say the sole purpose of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system is to guard against missile launches from North Korea, but China says that its powerful radar could penetrate into its territory.
    - korean war

    • 南韓周三將歷來第六批韓戰陣亡的中國人民志願軍遺骸,交還予中國,從南韓仁川機場出發運返遼寧瀋陽,至周四舉行安葬儀式。十具中國人民志願軍烈士遺骸及相關遺物,周三由解放軍空軍專機接運回國,抵達瀋陽桃仙國際機場,隨後再由專車送往瀋陽抗美援朝烈士陵園。周四上午十時,安葬儀式在軍人、親屬及群眾的共同見證下舉行。

    - Association
    - delegation from china
    • 由韓國國際交流財團主辦的“韓中面向未來交流項目”活動於三月底舉行,活動邀請了人民日報、北京青年報、上海廣播電視台,香港南華早報、大公報等內地及香港二十位媒體及政界人士前往韓國交流。本報記者亦隨團參與是次活動,訪問內容共分為政治外交、軍事安全、文化考察三方面。
    - 日韓識別區
    • 南韓媒體卻突然引述南韓軍方消息指,一架疑為運8型解放軍軍機,昨早先後進入南韓和日本的防空識別區,韓方曾緊急出動戰機伴飛。南韓軍方高調通報,為未敲定的中日韓首腦東京峰會,又添不明朗因素。
    - fisheries

    • 中韓第十次漁業問題合作會議將於下周舉行,為暫停近兩年後首次重開。韓聯社引述南韓外交消息人士指,會議將在中國舉行,具體日程待定;兩國外交官員將共同主持,可能重點討論如何杜絕華漁船未經許可越界捕撈。據悉,會議旨在共同維護漁業秩序、可持續開發漁業資源,自二○一二年起每年輪流在兩國舉行兩次,於前年因薩德導彈問題而暫停。

    - disputes related to sea / fishing

    •  韩国海洋水产部(海水部)15日表示,中韩黄海海洋环境联合调查将启动,韩国海水部、中国环境保护部及两国专家访问黄海调查海水、沉积物、海洋生物。
    • 南韓媒體報道,一艘中國拖網漁船周日在全羅南道新安郡可居島西南側的南韓專屬經濟區海域捕魚,被南韓方面扣押。據報該船共捕撈了五百公斤安康魚等魚獲,均未登記在捕撈日誌上。
    - trade

    - 產業園
    • 國務院日前同意在江蘇省鹽城市設立中韓(鹽城)產業園,在山東省煙台市設立中韓(煙台)產業園,在廣東省惠州市設立中韓(惠州)產業園。上述3個產業園依託現有經濟技術開發區、高新技術產業開發區建設,具體實施方案分別由所在地省級人民政府制定;提出要努力把中韓產業園建設成為深化供給側結構性改革、加快建設創新型國家、推動形成全面開放新格局的示範區,中韓對接發展戰略、共建「一帶一路」、深化貿易和投資合作的先行區。
    - cross border trading centee
      - fisheries

      • 南韓海警上周六扣押一艘涉嫌違法的中國籍漁船。該艘三十五噸級的中國漁船駛入白翎島附近,因抗拒海警停船命令並企圖逃逸而被扣查。西海五島特別警備團以涉嫌違反《南韓專屬經濟區外國人漁業活動行使主權的相關法律》為由,扣押該艘漁船。

      - financial

      • China and South Korea have failed to extend their $56bn currency swap deal amid diplomatic tension over Seoul’s instalment of a controversial US missile shield. The extension of the eight-year-old deal had been seen as a yardstick for relations between the two neighbours, which have frayed over Seoul’s deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence despite Beijing’s opposition. South Korean officials said talks were continuing with China about renewing the deal, although experts remained sceptical about the possibility of resuming the swap.
      - telecom

      • 南韓三大電訊商將三星、愛立信、諾基亞及華為列入5G設備供應商候選,但因認為華為設備有安全漏洞,SK電訊和KT相繼將華為從候選名單中刪除;本來已選定華為作5G設備供應商的LG U+未表態。有報道指LG U+出於服務聯動考慮,很難將華為從候選商名單剔除。

      - chinatown

      • In Garibong-dong, one of Seoul's de-facto Chinatowns, bilingual signs in Korean and Chinese line the streets, eateries serve Northern Chinese cuisine, radios play old Chinese songs and many passersby speak Putonghua. By all appearances Garibong-dong would seem a multiculturalism success story. But the neighbourhood is mostly avoided by South Koreans, due to its perceived ghettoisation and high crime rate. "South Koreans have prejudice against us because Korean-Chinese people have caused some serious trouble in the past," said Kim Sook-ja, who moved to Korea from Yanbian prefecture in 2003 to join her mother-in-law.
      • scmp 4mar19 article on chinatown which has enjoyed several years of growth, but stall operators are now feeling the pinch
      - 中國城

      • 南韓吸引華客再有新舉措,南韓黃海經濟自由區廳昨公布中韓合資「中國城」計劃,佔地二百三十二萬平方米的「中國城」將建設高星級酒店、大型購物中心、K-POP演出場館等,開發公司預計到二○三五年,將有力挑戰香港、澳門等地的亞洲旅遊地位。

      - garlic from Lanling, Shandong

      • Garlic exporters in Lanling county of Shandong province have been urged to search for new buyers after South Korea's Agro-Fisheries Trade Corp rejected shipments from the region last month, even as the local government vowed to take legal action against the move. About 2,200 metric tons of garlic shipped by exporters in Lanling to South Korea were returned in January because of quality issues, the Asian country claimed. The local farmers had won a South Korean government procurement bid to export 2,200 tons of garlic in November. The farmers had to prepare the products within one month and transport them to Busan Port in two batches.
      - 新萬金經濟合作園區

      • 2013年 6月,中韓兩國首腦在會談 中提議兩國擴大經濟合作,繼續尋找 合作領域和專案;2013年 12月,第十 二屆中韓經濟部長會議就建設新萬金 中韓經濟合作園區的必要性達成了共 識;2014年 7月,中韓領導人會談再 度提出兩國將對新萬金中韓經濟合作 園區進行持續探討,並進行相關調 研,使新萬金園區成為兩國重要經濟 合作議題,成為新萬金發展的推動 力。 據介紹,目前新萬金地區已有包括 現代重工業、鬥山 Infracore、OCI 等 670多家企業入駐,還與幾十家企業簽 署了投資合作協議。
      - cooperation to explore third party markets
      • China and the Republic of Korea reached a consensus to explore third-party markets during Li's last meeting with President Park Geun-hye in September, and a number of projects have been running ever since. Among them, China's Shandong Hi-speed Group Co is working closely with Hyundai, the ROK's automobile giant, to bid for the Agua Negra Tunnel, a 14-kilometer tunnel envisioned to pass through a section of the Andes to connect Argentina with Chile.
      - 複製動物
      • 天津開發區宣布與北京、南韓的研判所及基因科技公司達成協議,計劃投資二億元人民幣,建設全球最大的複製動物工廠,將從事寵物犬、優質肉牛、頂級賽馬等動物複製,有關技術可應用於畜牧品種改良等方面。
      - 巨濟島港口
      • 中日關係緊張之際,傳中國擬長期租用韓國巨濟島港口,打造「珍珠鏈」戰略,日方對此大為震驚。另有消息則指,日本首相安倍晉三正構建由日美澳印組成「安全保障鑽石構想」,以建立對中國海洋戰略的包圍網。
      - tourist visa

      • 濟州島是南韓的一大旅遊熱點,惟當局近日公布數據,指該島去年有約四千四百名外國旅客,利用免簽證計劃入境後「失蹤」,數字較前年大幅上升,懷疑他們在當地非法逗留,甚至前往南韓本土做黑工。官員更指,為這些非法逗留人士安排工作的中介人大部分是中國人。
      - electric vehicle

      • 繼去年進軍日本和澳洲之後,比亞迪電動大巴打開了韓國市場。20台比亞迪eBus-7純電動巴士近日在韓國濟州島正式投入營運,這是濟州島景區牛島的首支純電動巴士車隊,也是韓國規模最大的一支中型電動巴士車隊,更是東北亞國家單批最大規模的電動客車交付。該20台eBus-7被用作牛島上的環島旅遊巴士。
      - tire
      - man made rain

      • 南韓霧霾情況嚴重,首爾等多個城市的懸浮粒子指數連日爆錶。環境部長趙明來周四指國民非常關注由境外飄來的空氣污染物,宣布將與中國加強合作,探討治霾方法。兩國環保官員上月曾會面,交流人工降雨技術。韓方當時爭取年內在朝鮮半島的西部海域,展開共同人工降雨試驗,並商討建立霧霾預警系统。

      - investors from China
      • statistics hket 23dec15 a19
      • tourist agencies
      • 近期南韓及內地媒體紛紛揭發,中國旅客遊韓期間被宰的情況,致南韓旅業形象受損。南韓文化體育觀光部昨公布,當局近日針對獲得「中國遊客專門旅行社」資格兩年的一百七十間旅行社,進行資格審查,並按規定決定注銷逾六十間不合格旅行社的營業資格。
      • TriBeluga孵化器擬引入央企 科技初創企業孵化器公司 TriBeluga 董事長及創始人、出身於地產家族的羅力力,早前在韓國的創新中心開幕,
      • 藍鼎與雲頂新加坡於2014年2月成立了合營企業,以發展及營運於濟州的綜合度假村。不過,計劃受新政府於7月上任影響,令審批過渡期延遲,至上週五才公佈有關計劃可順利開展。據公佈,藍鼎旗下位於韓國濟州島的神話歷史公園項目已按照現有發展計劃獲當地政府授予的樓宇許可證,項目將於本月12日舉行盛大的奠基典禮,標誌建築工程正式動工。藍鼎國際 (00582)旗下韓國濟州島旅遊度假村項目,在獲得 當地政府 「祝福」下,延遲半年後,該項目昨日終 於奠基動土。
      • 另外,藍鼎與雲頂香港在濟州島凱悅酒店的合營賭場已於上月 18日開 幕,該賭牌是濟州島八個賭牌之一,只服務海外賭客,擁有5間貴賓房、29 張賭枱及 16台老虎機。賭場負責人表示,現時主要客源大部分來自中國內 地,賭場亦與逾 10間疊碼仔合作,平均每日有約 5個貴賓到場,貴賓廳每 張賭枱的最低投注額為 50萬韓圜,中場賭枱最低消費則為 10萬韓圜,較其 他島內賭場中場賭枱的最低投注額1萬至5萬韓圜為高。
      • 濟州島近年大力吸引中國遊客,二○一○年起更宣布實行免簽停留三十天政策,去年接待的中國遊客已達到二百八十五萬人,成為中國訪韓遊客第二大旅遊地。除了街頭滿是中國遊客外,中國人在濟州買地數量同樣增加,已引起當地民眾憂慮。南韓旅遊發展局指出,由於落地簽優惠政策,直飛航班和遊輪數量增多等原因,去年中國赴韓遊客近半數都前往濟州島。數據顯示去年濟州島中國遊客達到二百八十五萬人,較前年增長五成七。不過,據今年濟州當局截至今年六月底資料顯示,外國人買入土地約為二千公頃,其中中國人擁有的面積最大,達八百六十四公頃,比去年同期多了二百二十公頃,其後依次為美國人、日本人、泰國人等。濟州島官員指,中國人購買的土地,九成以上用作大型旅遊基地開發之用,或是收購高爾夫球場、度假村等。
      • 星河集团与韩国光州信息文化产业振兴院合作成立的“中韩星光联创ICT创造中心”新址开院仪式在星河WORLD——星河•领创天下3楼多媒体厅举行,标志着双方战略合作取得阶段性成果。深圳市投资推广署、龙岗区投资推广中心、龙岗区科技局及坂田街道办事处的相关领导,星河集团董事长黄楚龙、韩国光州信息文化产业振兴院院长金龙宽、深圳市创新投资集团有限公司发展研究中心总经理乔旭东、深圳市星光联创网络科技有限公司总经理权炯兑等嘉宾出席活动。
      • 韓國保健福祉部昨日批准濟州特別自治道政府提出的中國綠地集團在濟州設立營利性醫院的申請。據韓聯社報道,這是韓國政府首次批准外國營利性醫院的設立,期待能起到示範作用。保健福祉部相關高層人士對此表示,根據程序對「綠地國際醫院」項目計劃進行審查,未發現外界質疑的迂迴投資問題,且項目符合法律上各項規定,因此決定批准該項目。該部門去年以醫療系統不符合法律規定為由否決了北京的「善爾醫院設立項目」。未來,綠地集團只需獲得濟州道的正式許可即可設立綠地國際醫院。濟州道將召開會議決定批准與否。雖然政府為搞活保健醫療投資而積極推進外國營利性醫院的設立,但市民團體強烈反對,表示外籍營利性醫院的進駐會動搖醫療體系的基礎。
      • 新絲路文旅(00472)公佈,購入韓國博彩公司株式會社黃金海岸7.5%股權,代價為57億韓圜(約3700萬港元),以現金支付,有關交易仍待韓國政府及監管機構批准。公司表示,欲把握濟州旅遊業的快速增長,並看好韓國博彩業中長線前景。
      • 新丝路文旅(00472)目前拥有位于韩国锦绣山一个度假村项目的55%股权,执行董事及投资总监吴光曙表示,该项目已基本取得当地政府的最终审批,目标于2020年至2021年前竣工。
      • China’s Anbang Insurance Group Co. reached a deal to buy the South Korean operations of Germany’s Allianz SE, just days after it walked away from a $14 billion bid for Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. The deal is a small one for the ambitious Chinese insurer. Anbang will pay more than $3 million for Allianz Life Insurance Korea and Allianz Global Investors Korea, it said in a Chinese-language statement. Anbang and Allianz also issued a joint statement Wednesday announcing the deal.

      - korean investors in china
      • supermarkets
      • 南韓部署薩德系統令中韓關係轉差,連帶韓企在華業務受影響。南韓物流業和投資銀行消息人士周日透露,南韓新世界集團旗下超市易買得(E-mart)近期已向泰國正大集團,出售其在上海的五間門市,剩下的最後一間將於年底前歇業,意味易買得在經營廿年後將全面撤出中國市場。
      • 韓國希傑集團社長金喆河表示,當前韓中友好關係取得了前所未有的發展,希傑集團十分看好吉林發展潛力,對吉林充滿信心,將充分利用東北亞博覽會這一交流平臺,進一步挖掘合作潛力、拓寬合作空間。「希望位於延邊州的中韓產業園區能像中國和新加坡合作建設的蘇州工業園區一樣,成為兩國合作的地標性項目。」韓國駐瀋陽總領事館總領事申鳳燮說。統計數據顯示,截至今年6月份,在吉林省投資的韓國企業達到615家,累計直接利用外資17.2億美元。今年上半年,吉林省接待韓國遊客近30萬人次。東北亞博覽會執委會主任陳偉根透露,目前已有浦項集團、現代集團、三星集團、樂天集團等韓國知名企業進駐吉林,投資涉及汽車零部件製造、鋼鐵製造、農副產品加工等行業。
      • 鄭 多燕是風靡亞洲的健身明星,這個號稱 擁有 2億粉絲的健身界第一大 IP,在 3 月 6日宣佈將要進軍中國創業,並且這 家創業公司未來還將登陸新三板。 據悉,鄭多燕將成為上海贏捷股份有 限 公 司 的 合 夥 人 , 在 中 國 推 出 ZETNESS健身品牌,目前擁有三類主 要 業 務 , 包 括 健 身 運 動 類 APP— SLine 、JETA 教練學院和 ZETNESS 健身會所。 上海公司有意上新三板 據澎湃新聞報道,鄭多燕的中國合夥 人贏捷公司 CEO廉刀表示,「鄭多燕 品牌的服裝、鄭多燕營養餐、鄭多燕健 身書都會是公司想要開拓的方向,現在打上鄭多 燕品牌的服裝已經在韓國投入生產,即將進入銷 售階段,而其他領域的佈局也在同步推進中。」 廉刀還透露,贏捷將於 3月底完成股改,為進軍 新三板作準備。
      • 據韓媒周一報道,繼樂天瑪特後,樂天決定將完全告別中國飲料市場,其位於河南和北京的廠房已經停產。
      - chinese in korea

      • 南韓世宗市一幢正在興建的商住大廈地盤周二下午起火,造成至少三死三十七傷,四人失蹤。中國駐南韓大使館確認死者中包括一名中國工人,另有十四名國民輕傷。中方要求韓方全力救治傷者。

      - korean surname's china origin
      - confucius

      • 作為中韓兩國人文交流項目的一項重要內容,2015中韓儒學對話會昨日在孔子故里山東省曲阜市舉行。本次對話首次提出攜手建設「中韓儒學共同體」的目標和行動計劃,並將啟動多項中韓儒學合作項目。本次對話後的12月20日,中韓兩國自貿區協定將正式生效。
      - culture

      • 明清时代,中朝两国文人士大夫之间的交情 - 两国文化界有互为师友、声气相通的传统。除官方关系之外,当时两国文人士大夫之间交往互动密切,人文交流热络。清乾隆时期的翁方纲,被当时两国文化界奉为一代宗师;稍后的吴嵩梁,被金鲁敬、金正喜、申纬等朝鲜文友尊为“诗佛”,他们有着共同的文学主张,心心相印,都效法宋代诗人苏轼(苏东坡);晚清曾任广东巡抚、两广总督的叶名琛,从祖父开始,与朝鲜文化界保持三代“世交”;晚清书画家、收藏家濮森,在古董市场淘得晚明大书家倪元璐楹联残件,朝鲜使节郑元容愿以千金求购,濮却不忍割爱,真情流露。
      • 由陽明文化(貴陽)國際文獻研究中心和韓國陽明學會共同發起的中韓陽明文化(貴陽)研究與交流中心近日在舉辦的第三屆中韓陽明文化(貴陽)交流研討會上正式揭牌成立。據悉,陽明文化(貴陽)國際文獻研究中心是一家以陽明文化文獻研究為核心的非盈利研究諮詢機構,致力於在世界範圍傳承、傳播及弘揚陽明文化,主要對有關明代著名思想家王陽明「心學」、「知行合一」等學說的研究。

      Hong Kong
      - ties
      - cg in hk

      • interview
      • recruit secretary to deputy cg in hk jun18 
      - association

      • hk-korea business council inaugurated in 2014

      - 曾德成首爾晤韓文體部長,
      - goods customs clearance facilitation singtao 29aug14 a11, hkej 29aug a8,
      - extradition
      • 本港與南韓簽署的《逃犯(大韓民國)令》於○七年二月生效,根據該令,締約雙方可按協定相互移交在一方出現並遭另一方追緝的人,以便按協定所述罪行對相關人士作出檢控,該些罪行一般在雙方的法律均可判處一年或以上的監禁。
      - stock exchange

      • Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) and Korea Exchange (KRX) today (Tuesday) signed a non-binding letter of intent (LOI) to explore the cross-listing of their equity derivatives in each other's market. The equity derivatives under consideration include, but are not limited to, stock index futures and options and single stock futures and options offered in local currency*.

      - trade and investment links
      • seafood products to HK
      •  香港韓國商會創會會 長蔡冠深,5月 6日應邀前往駐香港大韓民國總領事 館,接受韓國對外投資推廣榮譽大使委任狀,成為首 位獲此殊榮華人,任期由 2015年 5月至 2016年 12 月。據悉,香港韓國商會於2014年1月份成立,由香港 中華總商會擔任秘書處。蔡冠深曾多次擔任韓國投資 論壇演講嘉賓,就內地、香港及韓國三地更緊密合作 提出方案建議。蔡氏並積極參與多項推廣香港與韓國 經貿合作的活動,包括率領代表團考察韓國濟州、釜 山及首爾,開發了不少新的商業合作。去年8月份在 港與大韓貿易投資振興公社及韓國農水產食品流通公 社,分享了有關韓國進入香港及內地市場的推廣策 略。
      •  早前喺韓國國慶酒會見到家族做鐘錶生意嘅香港鐘錶科技中心主席莊學海(Bob),原來佢都係韓國通。韓國一間國際知名手機品牌出產嘅手機外殼玻璃,Bob旗下移動設備零件公司都有份供應
      - Hong Kong Korea Business Council
      • 蔡冠深啟動香港韓國商會網 
      - beef

      • 南韓畜牧業的口蹄症疫情持續升級,忠清北道、全羅北道及京畿道三地的農場均有爆發。當局已將口蹄疫情的預警級別由「注意」上調至最高的「警戒」階段,下令截至本月二十日前,全國多達八十六個家畜市場需要暫停開放。防疫部門至今已宰殺近五百隻牛,更有當地公司暫停向香港輸入韓牛。食安中心分別於本周二及周三,收到南韓當局有關口蹄症通報,南韓當局確認會根據機制,不會簽發衞生證明書給有關地區的豬及牛肉出口到香港。
      - poultry

      • 食物安全中心昨晚宣佈,因應世界動物 衛生組織通報指越南廣治省爆發高致病性 H5N6禽流感,及韓國當局通報指,該國江 原道、慶尚南道及仁川、世宗和釜山三個 巿爆發高致病性 H5N6 禽流感,中心即時 禁止上述地區的禽肉及禽類產品(包括禽 蛋)進口。 中心發言人表示,本港在去年從韓國進 口近 2,500 公噸冷藏禽肉及約 398 萬隻禽 蛋。

      - creative industries

      • signing mou
      - consumer protection

      • 本港消費者委員會與韓國消費者院昨日簽署合作協議書,建立兩地資訊及投訴個案互通機制,加強跨區處理消費糾紛的合作,包括網購,甚至整容引起的爭議,並由昨日起開始生效,保障兩地消費者權益。消委會並計劃,一至兩年內再與日本及新加坡等地簽署同類協議。

      - Hong Kong products in Korea
      • cupcake bag hket 6oct14 a22
      - delegations from hk
      • 全國政協副主席梁振英近日應韓國邀請到當地訪問3天,其間向政商界介紹了香港「一國」和「兩制」的雙重優勢,可在「一帶一路」國際合作倡議,和粵港澳大灣區發展中擔當重要的「超級聯繫人」角色,以及區域內各地「分享合作成果」的機遇。梁振英在11月30日抵達韓國首爾,分別與韓國外交部長康京和,及國會議長丁世均會面。在和康京和會面時,他向韓國外長介紹了香港在「一帶一路」國際合作倡議和粵港澳大灣區發展中的作用。在和丁世均會面時,大家就一起「話當年」。原來,丁世均擔任國會議員前,經常因公務到訪香港,並經香港轉飛其他地方,故他對香港非常熟悉。他笑言,自己返回韓國時,旅行箱都放滿在港購買的物品。另一位與會的前國會副議長朴炳錫曾在香港工作和居住過5年,可以用流利的普通話親切交談。
      •  香港中華總商會會長蔡冠深早前率領代表團赴韓國釜山出席「世界華商大會第七次顧問委員會會議」和「世界華商經濟論壇」,並會見韓國產業通商資源部、釜山廣域巿、韓國經濟自由區域廳及韓國商工會議所負責人,了解當地最新經濟發展及投資環境。 今年的顧問委員會會議由韓國中華總商會和釜山中華總商會共同舉辦,邀請到12個國家和地區的顧問委員會成員出席。
      - delegations to hk

      • 韓國釜山鎮海經濟自由廳、韓國海洋水產部連同多個韓國港灣公社日前分別拜訪香港中華總商會,探討如何拓展合作空間。中總會長蔡冠深、對外事務委員會主席陳光明、副主席高敏堅及葉少明、會董甘志成出席接待。

      - ip events in hk

      • hing sheung nan dao

      - investors in HK
      • 國際快時尚巨頭來港設立旗艦店,賣衫賺錢之外,還希望藉香港拓展大中華市場。然而凡事有例外,韓國最大時裝品牌衣戀集團(The E-land Group),在扎根內地20年後,才「忽然間」想到香港,近日首次引入的三個品牌更選址非傳統遊客區荃灣,擺明做本地人生意。扎根內地20餘年,朴聖敬深明做生意最重要有人脈。集團今次成功進軍香港,也有貴人相助,說的是新世界發展(0017)榮譽主席鄭裕彤的長孫鄭志剛。與大部分外國品牌一樣,朴聖敬初時來香港選址時,也考慮過港島和九龍旺市商場,但理想舖位不是租金太貴就是「已被租出」,最終由鄭志剛牽線,落戶新世界發展於荃灣的愉景新城商場,開業三天顧客超過10萬人次。
      • 新羅寶 申洪雨 hkej a11

      - investors from Hong Kong
      • 大公報記者專赴韓國首爾,實地走訪乘 「韓風」而來的港人民宿投資者。
      • post 80s invests in 民宿 hket 6dec14 a13
      • 韓國爆發中東呼吸綜合症(MERS,俗稱 「 新沙士」 ),令當地觀光業陷入 「非常緊急」 狀 態,各地旅客聞 「韓」 色變。在韓國投資民宿的 港人直言大受打擊,生意額暴跌超過九成,部分 民宿只好變陣,包括減價及把部分客房轉為短期 租約,甚至押後在韓國的投資。
      • 居韓十二年的港人張綺蓮Pauline,兩年前與朋友合資在弘大開民宿AP Seoul Guesthouse
      • 南記hket a10

      - association in HK
      • 『港韓好友會』
      • association of korean restaurants in hong kong
      • korean women association in hong kong (source: taste of korea promotion event in times square 2014)

      - Koreans in HK
      • interview with CG hkej14oct14 c3
      • youjin noh, conservator
      - hk people in korea
      • 嫁去韓國築愛巢 港女兩球圓夢
      •在當地經營旅行社的港人Ricky Lai,一家六口現居於當地一個由外家購入的單位,面積達1,500方呎。當年在港未上車的Ricky,如今希望盡快在濟州島圓置業夢。

      - Korea International School
      • illegal structure not approved and objected by residents of Lei King Wan headline daily 13aug14 
      - media
      •, a weekly korean language newspaper published in HK
      - world trade centre activity
      - news supp
      • 國慶???????
      • scmp 20oct17, 23feb18 business report supp 
      • korean culture festival
      • establishment of diplomatic relationship for 70 years

      - traditional lantern "Cheog Sa Cho Rong" used for wedding and welcoming guest as a guiding light

      Tourism Info
      - hotline 1330
      - Mediapp Korea
      - Benikea (hotel)
      - smart tour guide
      - visit korea
      - apps

      • k-books
      • genietalk (free English to Korean, Korean to English translator)
      • buzzkorea
      Tourist spot
      - wet market
      Expat info

      Doosan Encyclopedia is a Korean language encyclopedia published by Doosan Donga (두산동아). The encyclopedia is based on the Dong-A Color Encyclopedia (동아원색세계대백과사전), which comprises 30 volumes and began to be published in 1982 by Dong-A Publishing (동아출판사).

      World Knowledge Forum

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