Saturday, December 29, 2018

Renminbi RMB

Full liberalisation?
- Comments by Pan Gongsheng, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, highlight how China’s vision of convertibility falls well short of the unfettered trading that many foreign investors and deregulation enthusiasts hope for.

exchange rate
- The renminbi exchange rate will be more flexible, basically determined by the market's supply and demand situation, a senior official with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said on Wednesday. The currency's exchange rate reform towards a more market-oriented mechanism will continue, said Lu Lei, the SAFE deputy director, while the renminbi weakened for the second straight trading session after hitting the 21-month high on Monday. The daily reference rate, or the midpoint of the renminbi exchange rate set by the People's Bank of China, dropped to 6.5382 per dollar on Wednesday, down by 0.59 percent from the peak after a 11-day rise. It weakened to 6.5419 per dollar in offshore trading. The PBOC scrapped a rule this week that requires banks to reserve a 20 percent deposit on forward sales of foreign exchange, a sign that the central bank has relaxed capital controls. The rule was enacted in October 2015 as a measure to restrain capital outflows and stabilize the yuan.
offshore / onshore rate
  • There should be no difference in the trading price of the yuan in offshore and onshore markets, a senior official from China’s foreign exchange regulator said on Wednesday.“In an ideal situation, there should be only one unified yuan price in the global markets,” Lu Lei, the newly appointed deputy head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, told a forum in Beijing.

Rmb sovereign bond
- 中國駐英國大使劉曉明3日表示,中方支持倫敦的離岸人民幣市場建設,將盡早在倫敦發行中國以外的首隻人民幣主權債券,支持上海和倫敦的證券交易所開展互聯互通的可行性研究。劉曉明當天出席英國滙豐集團舉行的春節午餐會。他表示,過去一年,伴隨中英關係「黃金時代」的開啟,兩國金融合作也邁上更高的台階。中國人民銀行在倫敦發行以人民幣計價的50億元央行票據,這是人民幣央行票據首次在境外發行;中英兩國央行續簽雙邊本幣互換協議,規模擴大至3500億元人民幣;首隻人民幣貨幣市場基金——中國建設銀行上市交易基金(EFT)在倫敦證券交易所掛牌;中國農業銀行在倫敦發行10億美元綠色債券。劉曉明說,中資金融企業紛紛在英設立經營性分支機構和非經營性機構。中國工商銀行收購標銀公眾有限公司,在倫敦成立工銀標準銀行;中國銀行在倫敦設立交易中心;中國國家開發銀行在倫敦成功發行美元和歐元外幣債券並在倫敦證交所上市,其英國代表處也在倫敦正式掛牌。他表示,2016年是中英「黃金時代」的開局之年。新年伊始,英國外交大臣夏文達即啟程訪華,就今年兩國關係發展進行「對錶」。王毅外長和夏文達外交大臣共同宣布中英實施簽證便利化措施,互相為對方公民頒發2年多次有效訪客簽證。這對大家來說是重大利好。劉曉明說,中英金融合作也面臨新的、更大的發展機遇。上個月,亞洲基礎設施投資銀行正式開業,為包括英國在內的成員國搭建高效共贏的基礎設施投融資平台。中英兩國將以核電合作、高鐵合作為龍頭,帶動更多企業、金融機構深化務實合作,為兩國關係不斷提質、升級。倫敦金融城早在2012年就啟動了「人民幣業務中心計劃」,希望將倫敦打造為人民幣國際市場的「西方中心」,積極推廣人民幣在國際貿易和各類金融投資中的使用,大力開發人民幣相關金融產品。英倫銀行於2014年3月與中國人民銀行簽訂合作備忘錄,就建立人民幣清算安排達成共識。隨後,中國人民銀行指定中國建設銀行為倫敦人民幣清算中心。自此,倫敦開始擁有獨立的人民幣清算中心,這一方面降低了人民幣計價的貿易和投資成本,有效推動了人民幣在國際交易中的使用,另一方面有助於倫敦的人民幣業務發展提速,鞏固倫敦的離岸人民幣業務中心地位。

SDR bond
- The issuance of bonds denominated in Special Drawing Rights for the first time in China is agood starting point for promoting the expansion of SDR use among the G20 members, analystssaid. The SDR-denominated bonds to be settled in renminbi, which the World Bank began issuing onWednesday, are "a landmark move" for China's bond market and for the SDR as an internationalreserve asset, according to World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. He said the World Bank's issuance of SDR bonds in China will support the G20's objective ofexpanding the use of the SDR, which has been listed as one of the G20's key financial tasks bythe G20 International Financial Architecture Working Group. SDR-denominated bonds first appeared in 1975. By the end of 1981, a total of 563 million units(then valued around $661 million) of SDR bonds had been issued. However, no SDR-denominated bonds or credit products were issued thereafter, according to the InternationalMonetary Fund. The change came in 2009 after China underlined the need to strengthen the usage of the SDRbasket, and later became part of the outcomes of the G20 meetings in London that year.

Currency control
- Beijing is set to launch a nationwide crackdown on rampant abuse of the state-backed China UnionPay card payment system which is said to be "seriously impacting the nation's financial security". An internal memo issued by China UnionPay headquarters yesterday outlines new measures requiring millions of mobile "point of service" (POS) transaction devices across the nation to be properly registered. It is likely to have a significant effect in Macau as insiders say the countrywide crackdown is linked to widespread abuse of the system uncovered in world's biggest casino hub last year.

liberalisation in experimental zones
- china daily 7nov19 free trade zones to drive internationalisation of rmb

Interbank currency market
- China may allow central banks from other nations to directly invest in the nation'sinterbank foreign exchange market as part of its efforts to attract more overseasinvestment, Premier Li Keqiang said on ThursdaySpeaking at the opening of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, or theSummer Davos, hosted by the World Economic Forum in Dalian, Liaoning province,Li said it would also be a big step toward a fully convertible capital account, afterthe country allowed foreign central banks to invest in the interbank bond market inJulyThe premier said China will also establish a yuan cross-border payment system bythe end of this year, to expand the currency's use in offshore markets.

- 滙豐中國昨日宣布,已獲批成為中國內地 銀行間外匯市場首批人民幣對瑞士法郎直接交易做市商,將 在該交易開始後於銀行間外匯市場履行做市商義務。 滙豐中國環球資本市場總監宋躍升表示,推出人民幣對 瑞士法郎直接交易,是促進人民幣在雙邊跨境使用的最新進 展。中瑞兩國在共同推動人民幣國際化方面已有許多合作, 包括瑞士建立人民幣清算安排,給予瑞士機構 「人民幣合格 境內機構投資者」(RQFII)額度等。 他續稱,中瑞自貿協定所帶來的雙邊經貿持續增長,也 成為啟動兩國貨幣直接交易的催化劑。近期,人民幣國際化 不斷提速,一系列實質進展令人民幣跨境使用的基礎設施和 市場機制更趨完善。他相信,人民幣正穩步走向一種可兌換 、可自由使用的國際貨幣。

渣打銀行昨表示,已通過康拓(Contour)平台開出了全球首張以離岸人民幣計價結算的跨國區塊鏈信用證。中澳鐵礦石業首筆無紙化交易 據悉,該區塊鏈信用證用以支持中國最大的鋼鐵集團中國寶武鋼鐵集團有限公司從澳大利亞進口鐵礦石的交易。此次也是鐵礦石業內首筆全程無紙化的人民幣交易。這不僅體現了市場對人民幣國際化的認可,同時在新冠肺炎疫情持續發酵的背景下,基於區塊鏈技術的數字化方案解決了傳統貿易金融中對紙質文檔高度依賴的痛點。本次交易中,交易相關方在線上通力合作,完成了買賣合約簽署、信用證開立、議付和交單的全部流程。數字化的信用證和交易文件極大簡化了交易流程,縮短了處理時間。而且由於整筆交易無需任何紙質文檔,因此不會受到國際快遞服務因疫情而延誤的影響。康拓平台由7家外資銀行創辦,是一個基於區塊鏈的貿易開放平台。渣打銀行是該平台的創始銀行之一,也是其股東。

Forward trading
- China's central bank plans to tighten rules on trading of currency forwards from October, sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters, in a move to curb speculation and volatility after a shock devaluation of the currency last month. The People's Bank of China (PBOC) has repeatedly intervened to stabilise the yuan since the Aug. 11 devaluation - billed as free-market reform - sent shockwaves through global markets and depressed emerging currencies. "The forwards move is yet another step to cushion unexpected strong expectations of yuan depreciation after the devaluation," said a senior trader at a major European bank in Shanghai.

International Payment System
- China's Cross-Border Interbank Payment System was launched in Shanghai onThursday, designed as an "expressway" to facilitate the yuan's use in internationaltrade and investment. The system, or CIPS, is a global clearing platform for real-time settlements in thecurrency. It connects China with most offshore yuan centers and countries in Asia, Oceania,Europe and Africa, and supports cross-border goods and services trade settlement,direct investment, fundraising and personal remittances. Considered an important addition to the country's financial infrastructure, the CIPSis expected to increase global usage of the yuan by cutting transaction costs andprocessing times. At the system's opening ceremony in Shanghai, Fan Yifei, deputy governor of thePeople's Bank of China, or the country's central bank, called the system's creation amilestone, adding it "will enhance efficiency of the yuan's cross-border settlementand promote its global use".
- cips is a challenge to hk's position
- 人民幣跨境支付系統 CIPS(一期)成功上 線運行已一月有餘,日前第五屆外灘金融 法律論壇上傳來消息,負責運營 CIPS(一 期)的跨境銀行間支付清算(上海)有限 責任公司將落戶上海外灘 15號。該機構為 公司制企業法人,直接接受人民銀行監督 和指導。 人民幣跨境支付系統(CIPS)去年10月8日正式上線運行後,市場 一直認為會與本港的港元即時支付結算系統(RTGS)構成競爭。中銀香 港副董事長兼總裁岳毅昨日確認,人行上周末已批准中銀以直接參與者 身份加入CIPS,為境外人民幣清算行中的首家。他表示,此舉進一步提 高該行人民幣清算效率,並鞏固香港全球離岸人民幣中心的地位,加強 兩地互聯互通,有助推動人民幣國際化。
- China’s central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan says a cross-border yuan settlement system will soon be launched in Shanghai, in a renewed effort to bolster the local currency’s internationalisation drive and reinforce city’s bid to become a global financial centre.

Rmb Bond
- China has approved international commercial banks to issue RMB bonds for the first time. The central bank said on Tuesday that HSBC and Bank of China (Hong Kong) have been approved to issue RMB bonds in the interbank bond market. HSBC will issue bonds worth one billion yuan (US$160 million) and Bank of China (Hong Kong) is allowed to issue 10 billion yuan of bonds, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) said. In 2005 and 2013, China allowed overseas non-financial institutions such as the International Finance Corporation and the Asian Development Bank to issue RMB bonds. Allowing international commercial banks to do so has diversified the RMB bond issuers and expanded their RMB financing channels, and the move could also encourage cross-border use of RMB, the PBOC said.

Lme rmb clearing
- 中國銀行宣佈,其倫敦分行已成為倫敦金屬交易所(LME)清算公司首家中資結算銀行,將率先在倫敦金屬交易所提供人民幣結算銀行服務。此外,該行已與中銀國際環球商品倫敦公司聯手,配合LME做了其推出人民幣抵押品服務後的首筆業務。

Cross border lending
- Cross-border loan services to help lower finance costs for more domestic, overseas companies. Officials said the launch last week of another trial cross-border yuan loan service agreement, signed between Fujian province and Taiwan, will go a long way to widen funding sources and lower finance costs for both domestic and overseas companies in the region. The government is offering the service to firms operating in a newly established free trade zone in the province, allowing companies and projects registered in Xiamen to borrow yuan from institutions in Taiwan. Companies registered in the Nansha and Hengqin new areas of Guangdong free trade zone are already allowed to borrow yuan from banks in Hong Kong and Macao. Twelve Xiamen companies immediately signed cooperative intent agreements on cross-border yuan loans worth a total of 1.17 billion yuan ($189 million) with banks from Taiwan and Xiamen, at lending rates of around 4 percent, nearly 20 percent lower than average financing costs.

- 上市一拖再拖的香港航空,再次捲土重來啟動上市大計。接近公司的消息透露,港航短期內擬重新向港交所(00388)提交上市申請,目標下半年上市,惟很大機會放棄以「雙幣雙股」形式上市,只以港元集資。港航是首隻曾打正旗號想以「雙幣雙股」上市的新股,意味本港在發展人民幣新股上再觸礁。
Tobin tax?
- China's top foreign-exchange regulator has suggested imposing a so-called Tobin tax to curb excessive speculation in the yuan, the latest sign that Beijing wants to stabilise the currency. Yi Gang, a deputy governor of the central bank and chief of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said in an article published by China Finance magazine that Beijing would strengthen regulation of currency trades and money flows amid its efforts have the yuan included in special drawing rights (SDR), the International Monetary Fund's basket of reserve currencies. Yi suggested punitive measures such as a Tobin tax, a small levy on currency transactions to deter currency speculators, to stem hot money flows. The magazine is an official publication by the People's Bank of China, and Yi's article is seen as a clear message to the global financial markets that Beijing still has a positive stand on the yuan's exchange rate despite speculation that a further depreciation could be on the way after a one-off 2 per cent devaluation in August.

Impact of market rescue
- The crisis that erupted on China’s stock markets over the past month destroyed about $3tn in market capitalisation before an unprecedented rescue programme appeared to calm investor nerves on July 9 and 10. But regardless of whether the Chinese government’s “unconventional measures” succeed or fail, they now threaten to derail the renminbi’s slow-but-steady transformation into a freely tradeable international reserve currency.

list of rmb offshore centres hket 26jan15 a11

- The Australian Stock Exchange and Bank of China Ltd have agreed to work together to boost yuan trading in Australia, bolstering China's efforts to promote the use of its currency in international trade.

- The BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) could start operations by borrowing in the Chinese currency, according to the bank’s Vice President Vladimir Kazbekov. He says the bank will focus on loans in the national currencies of the bank’s potential customers.  “Considering the stability of the Chinese currency and the scale of the Chinese debt market, I think that one of the first steps in providing the New Development Bank with funds may be entering the Chinese market to borrow in yuan," Kazbekov said on Tuesday at the opening of a BRICS media summit in Beijing.

-第八輪 中美戰略與經濟對話昨日在京圓滿落幕,雙方在 戰略領域達成上百項共識,在經濟方面達成 60 多項成果。中方首次同意給予美方 2,500億元人 民幣合格境外機構投資者(RQFII)額度,並指 定中美各一家符合條件的銀行作為人民幣清算 行。這一額度僅次於給予香港的 2,700億元。專 家稱,此舉將有助人民幣國際化。
-, Bank of China Ltd’s New York branch has been designed as the first clearing bank in the US for handling renminbi transactions, part of the Chinese government’s move to expand the worldwide infrastructure for making the yuan a global currency. The bank, China’s largest overseas lender, is the biggest beneficiary of the yuan’s aspiration as global currency, receiving 11 yuan-clearing mandates outside the mainland.

- 人幣離岸中心今周添加國

Sydney set to become yuan hub, clearing bank
- Americas' first yuan clearing hub to be in Toronto

- In response to sanctions from Washington, Venezuela has started reporting its oil prices in Chinese yuan, going against the international trend of listing prices in US dollars.

- 中國央行昨日公布,已完成與 歐洲央行(ECB)的雙邊本幣互換操作測試,資 金最終提供給部分中國和歐元區商業銀行,未來 雙方可根據需要即時啟動互換操作。這有利於貿 易和投資的便利化,標誌中國央行與歐央行在貨 幣金融領域的實務合作取得新的進展。 中國央行與歐洲央行簽署的規模為3500億 元(人民幣,下同)的中歐雙邊本幣互換協議 。中國央行表示,雙方在經過今年四月和十一 月,動用歐元和人民幣資金進行的測試後,均 完成順利。
- The European Central Bank (ECB) completed an investment equivalent to €500 million of the ECB’s foreign reserves in Chinese renminbi (CNY) during the first half of 2017, implementing a decision taken by the ECB Governing Council on 20 January 2017.
- 法國農業信貸銀行擬於 11月下旬在中 國銀行間債市發行 20億元人民幣債券,期 限三年,為歐洲金融機構在中國發行的首 筆公募熊貓債


- In December, Ireland became the 17th overseas jurisdiction to be granted a Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors quota to invest in the Chinese domestic bond and equity markets. The investment quota was 50 billion yuan ($7.29 billion).

- The People's Bank of China (PBOC) announced Friday that it has authorized theIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Moscow office to offer renminbi clearingservices in Russia. Chinese and Russian central banks signed a memorandum in June on the establishment of aRMB clearing mechanism in Russia to "facilitate the cross-border use of yuan by enterprisesand financial institutions from both countries."
Amid close economic ties between the two neighbors, the Russian central bank includedRMB in its foreign exchange reserves at the end of 2015.

- Poland has become the first European country to issue government debt into China's mainland bond market, with a bond of 3 billion yuan ($452 million), marking a significant milestone for renminbi's growing use internationally, which builds towards its reserve currency status. The three-year bond has a yield of 3.4 percent. Bank of China and HSBC are joint book-runners and joint lead underwriters. The bond issuance came against the context of renminbi's imminent inclusion in the International Monetary Fund's basket of special drawing rights currencies in October. The IMF's SDR is an international reserve asset, in the form of a currency basket which the renminbi will join in October to sit alongside the dollar, euro, sterling and yen. It is the major alternative currency to the US dollar, which dominates international foreign exchange transactions.

- 中國人民銀行昨天宣佈, 授權中國建設銀行( 0939)蘇黎世分行擔任瑞 士人民幣業務清算行。中國外匯交易中心 11月初表示,決定自 11月 10日起在銀行間 外匯市場開展人民幣對瑞士法郎直接交 易,其交易價在中間價上下 5%的幅度內浮 動。 有助加大

俄罗斯财政部国债管理司司长康斯坦丁·维什科夫斯基(Konstantin Vyshkovsky)在俄罗斯债券大会Cbonds上说,俄财政部计划明年发行以人民币计价的联邦债券。Finam集团公司专家阿列克谢·科瓦廖夫(Aleksey Kovalev)认为,这里所讲的是终于启动早在2015年就公布的在莫斯科交易所试发行人民币联邦公债券的项目。该项目的目的是将中国投资者引入俄罗斯证券交易平台。
来源:«透视俄罗斯» -
- Moves by China and Russia to reduce reliance on the US dollar are set to continue at the end this year or early next year with the Ministry of Finance in Moscow likely to launch its first yuan-denominated bond. Moscow is hoping a yuan bond will lift interest by Chinese investors in Russian assets and it would also help to create benchmarks for the setting up of hedging options for roubles and yuan, sidestepping the 
use of the US dollar.

South Africa
- 中國 人民銀行宣布,已於 近日與南非儲備銀行 簽署了在南非建立人 民幣清算安排的合作 備忘錄。之後,中國 人民銀行將確定南非 人民幣業務清算行。 人行指出,南非人民 幣清算安排的建立, 將有利於中國和南非 兩國企業和金融機構 使用人民幣進行跨境 交易,進一步促進貿 易、投資便利化。
- China announced Friday it will allow direct trading between the Chineseyuan and South African rand on its inter-bank foreign exchange market fromMonday. The move will lower exchange costs, facilitating use of the two currencies in tradesettlement and boosting bilateral investment, the China Foreign Exchange TradeSystem (CFETS) said in a statement. The central parity rate between the yuan and the rand will be decided according tothe average quotation of direct trading market makers before the market openseach working day

Pakistan's central bank has allowed the Chinese yuan to be used for bilateral trade and investment activities, a move which could replace the US dollar for transactions in the strategic CPECBSE -4.45 % projects. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) said on Monday that all arrangements for using the Chinese currency for trade and investment were already in place. The adoption of yuan means that Pakistan and China would be able to replace the US dollar for transactions  ..

-中國工商銀行( 01398)表示,哈薩克斯坦國家證 券交易所(KASE,簡稱哈交所) 近日在旗下的工銀阿拉木圖開立人 民幣清算帳戶,標誌着工銀阿拉木 圖已正式成為哈交所指定的人民幣 結算銀行。
- Kazakhstan and China are planning to launch an RMB clearance and settlement center in the Astana International Financial Centre by the end of this year, according to the center's governor Kairat Kelimbetov. Kelimbetov said the AIFC is working closely with Shanghai Stock Exchange to finalize the plans as soon as possible, and get approval from Chinese financial authorities such as the People's Bank of China. "China is internationalizing the RMB and we hope the AIFC can be a pilot to promote RMB settlement, especially in natural resources sectors," said Kelimbetov.

- 據上海證券報報道:澳洲 鐵礦石巨頭力拓近日首次以人民幣計價方式 與中國企業簽訂了鐵礦石貿易合同。專家認 為將有助於人民幣國際化再進一步。 這筆採取人民幣計價的業務是力拓與山 西高義公司簽署的貿易合同,具體為17萬噸 SP10粉、塊礦,在山東日照港交貨。力拓此 次人民幣計價交易未涉及其拳頭產品PB粉和 PB塊,有市場觀點認為,接下來會否有更多 企業和品種跟進,還有待觀察。 根據力拓與日照港的協議,力拓礦業商 貿(上海)有限公司將與日照港深化合作, 共同打造全球重要的原材料中轉基地。作為 大宗商品貿易企業,力拓礦業商貿(上海) 有限公司將積極利用跨境人民幣資金池等上 海自貿試驗區政策,在保稅區外先行先試開 展轉口貿易業務,並積極探索大宗商品交易 的新模式。

- 14 區rmb cips hkej 3feb17

- 人民銀行公布,授權中國銀行馬尼拉分行擔任菲律賓人民幣業務清算行。作為第一家進入菲律賓的中資金融機構,中國銀行馬尼拉分行致力於拓展人民幣在菲使用,發行了菲律賓首張人民幣比索雙幣借記卡,建立了當地人民幣清算系統,並協助菲律賓政府先後兩次在中國銀行間市場發行熊貓債。2018年,中行馬尼拉分行發起成立了由菲律賓當地13家主流銀行共同參與的人民幣交易商協會,並擔任協會主席。這是境外第一家人民幣對當地貨幣交易的自律性金融組織。

- 中新社引述印尼新任商業部長托馬斯 接受當地媒體訪問時表示,印尼盾幣值與馬來西亞林吉 特被嚴重低估,他鼓勵東盟各國改變遊戲規則,多使用 人民幣交易以穩定貨幣。 近期印尼、馬來西亞兩國貨幣兌美元的匯率雙雙創 下17年新低水平。托馬斯認為,開出讓貨幣止 「瀉」的 藥方,即減少依賴強勢美元。他說,美國佔全球經濟總 量不到四分之一,但美元卻佔全球央行外匯儲備約65% 。印尼、馬來西亞、土耳其、巴西這些幣值下挫的國家 ,還在想盡辦法如何不在這(貨幣)遊戲中落敗,但實 際上應該改變整個遊戲模式,這才是解決之道。 目前,印尼約20至30%的對外貿易使用人民幣交易 。托馬斯認為,中國已準備好肩負更大的經濟責任,他 又鼓勵東盟各國增加使用人民幣以穩定貨幣,並建議東 盟各國央行增持人民幣作為外匯儲備。

- 中銀香港金邊分行獲得人行及外匯 交易中心批准,成為柬埔寨銀行間市場 區域交易首家境外報價行,以及中國銀 行間外匯市場會員,可直接入市從事人 民幣兌柬埔寨瑞爾的區域交易業務。中 銀香港金邊分行成功為柬埔寨當地一家 客戶 「雅可科技」 ,以瑞爾直接兌換人 民幣,並匯至中國境內供應商賬戶。值 得一提的是,關於該首筆直兌業務,昨 日金邊、南寧及香港三地舉辦了一場雲 端啟動儀式。

- 據韓聯社報道,中國人民銀行與韓國企劃財政部31日商定在上海中國外匯交易中心建立人民幣對韓圜直接交易市場,鑒於雙方都有國內程序要走,兩國貨幣的直接交易有望最快於明年上半年啟動。當天,韓國總統朴槿惠在青瓦台與到訪的中國國務院總理李克強舉行會談,中國人民銀行與韓國企劃財政部借兩國領導人會談之機商定貨幣和金融領域合作方案。根據方案,雙方將在上海中國外匯交易中心建立韓圜對人民幣直接交易市場。目前,韓圜與人民幣直接交易僅在首爾外匯市場進行。由於韓國需要修訂相關法律,中國也要構建相關系統,在中國境內的人民幣對韓圜直接交易有望於明年上半年啟動。屆時,進軍中國市場的韓國企業不用先兌換美元再兌換人民幣,節省了外匯兌換成本。雙方還商定,中國授予韓國的人民幣合格境外機構投資者(RQFII)額度將由目前的800億元(人民幣,下同)上調到1,200億元,韓國將繼香港(2,700億元)之後成為人民幣境外投資額度第二多的國家和地區。目前,英國、德國、法國的額度為800億,新加坡和澳大利亞為500億元。另外,根據方案,韓國各家商業銀行今後可向山東省的韓企提供人民幣貸款。山東省是內地韓國企業最密集的地區,韓國對華投資為130億美元,其中山東省佔19.7%。
- bond

  •當地媒體引述消息指,韓國政府在經中國人 民銀行批准後,最快將於12月中旬在中國內地發行以人 民幣計價的外匯平準基金債券,至於發行時間和到期時 間,政府將考慮金融市場動向等因素後再決定。

- 29日,由中國和新加坡兩國機構歷時三年多籌備發起的人民幣國際化研究中心在北京正式成立。 這一研究中心由中國人民銀行中國金融培訓中心和新加坡南洋理工大學南洋商學院合作發起。中國工商銀行和新加坡大華銀行是中心的支持機構。 新加坡駐華大使羅家良在成立儀式上表示,近年來中國推動人民幣國際化的努力進一步促進了區域貿易和金融流動。今天,新加坡已是中國以外最大的離岸人民幣清算中心,2015年人民幣清算總額超過6萬億人民幣;人民幣已晉升為新加坡五大交易貨幣之一,近年來兩國跨境人民幣融資迅速拓展。 羅家良説,通過研究人民幣國際化對世界經濟的影響,該中心將可為相關的政府機構、商業人士、金融機構和學術界提供寶貴的意見,並就如何拓展人民幣市場的深度、廣度和流動性提出寶貴的建議。
- 據中國人民銀行天津分行消息稱,天津生態城跨境人民幣創新業務試點擴展至天津全市範圍,標誌着天津與新加坡跨境人民幣創新業務試點啟動。報道稱,此次啟動的創新業務,包括天津市企業可以從新加坡銀行機構按宏觀審慎原則借入人民幣資金,天津市企業在新加坡發行人民幣債券募集資金,可按企業實際需求在境內外自主使用。此外,在天津市設立的股權投資基金可以人民幣對外投資,天津市個人可與新加坡開展經常項下跨境人民幣結算業務。人民銀行天津分行副行長蘇東海稱,這是繼自貿試驗區金融創新政策之後,天津在跨境人民幣業務方面又一次政策突破,有助於金融機構對接新加坡國際金融中心,提升國際化經營水平,增強競爭優勢,也有助於深化天津與新加坡的經濟合作,改善貿易和投資環境,促進開放型經濟發展。天津生態城跨境人民幣創新業務試點自2014年6月正式啟動,累計有14家企業從新加坡銀行機構獲得貸款9.08億元人民幣;生態城企業在新加坡發行10億元人民幣債券。
- The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) announced Wednesday that it will beincluding its renminbi (RMB) financial investments as part of its Official Foreign Reserves (OFR)from June 2016 onwards.  This move recognises the steady and calibrated liberalisation of China's financial markets, andthe growing acceptance of renminbi assets in the global portfolio of institutional investors, MASsaid in a statement.

heilongjiang 2 日,在中國銀行東寧支行,東寧互 市貿易結算中心工作人員為互貿區俄 籍商鋪成功辦理了一筆人民幣跨境結 算業務,成為黑龍江省第一筆通過結 算中心使用人民幣進行互市貿易跨境 資金結算的業務。

- Kashgar, a major prefecture of northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, has developed renminbi cross-border payment and receipt business with 15 countries and regions between 2011 and June 2016, said a central bank official on Tuesday. Managed by six commercial banks in Kashgar, the total cross-border renminbi settlement amount reached 4.64 billion yuan (US$695 million) by June this year. Wang Xiaodong, president of Kashgar central sub-branch of the People's Bank of China, said as surging trade activities push China and more countries along the Belt and Road Initiative toward a new cross-border renminbi settlement mechanism, renminbi may come to pack more power compared with the greenback when making payments in these countries. As the dominant reserve currency in the world, the US dollar is mostly used in global trade transactions and for invoicing goods and services. The majority of transactions between Chinese and foreign companies are still based on its exchange rate.

-上海 市第十四屆人 民代表大會第 五次會議昨日 拉開序幕,上 海市長楊雄作 政府工作報告。楊雄表示,上海將深入 推進自貿試驗區與國際金融中心建設聯 動,進一步拓展自由貿易賬戶功能,建 設人民幣全球服務體系,探索金融業負 面清單管理模式,完善金融綜合監管和 功能監管機制。

  • 中國外匯交易中心也開始籌劃在海外佈局。外匯交易中心周日透露,正積極籌備在倫敦、紐約等主要國際金融中心設立分支機構。外匯交易中心新聞稿稱,其下一步將進一步加強與境外其他交易平台的交流與合作,繼續做好境外機構入市交易服務,推動交易時間繼續向「7×24」小時目標邁進,加快推進技術網絡與服務的國際化,在人民幣國際化的過程中,把交易中心建成「全球人民幣及相關產品交易主平台和定價中心」。

Hong kong
- 近兩年來隨?人民幣國際化的不斷深入,清算行全面開花,香港以外地區債券、外匯交易、RQFII等人民幣計價產品交易不斷活躍,離岸人民幣市場初步具備全球性特徵,對香港離岸人民幣市場帶來一定挑戰,但也不乏重要機遇,隨?兩地互聯互通機制不斷拓寬,“一帶一路”區域合作戰略的持續推進,將為香港的後續發展帶來強勁發展動力。 香港可充分利用自身戰略先機,成為全球人民幣石油期貨的定價中心。第一,和倫敦、新加坡等主要大宗商品交易中心相比,香港具備一定戰略先機。一是香港交易所已收購了LME,相信在人民幣計價的大宗商品期貨產品上將在香港有更多動作。二是香港的港元即時支付結算(RTGS)系統可以提供滿足期貨合約交割的貨銀對付制度(DVP)交收,這是國際市場進行外匯對沖交易時考慮的相當重要的金融基建保證,且RTGS系統在跨時區運作方面有重要優勢。三是香港擁有龐大的人民幣資金池,可以保證人民幣期貨合約交易的流動性,而其他地區的人民幣資金池和流動性工具在短期內較難滿足這一要求。由此可見,雖然倫敦、新加坡等地具有國際主要的外匯交易及大宗商品市場地位,似乎在發展人民幣計價的大宗商品期貨市場上具有更多優勢,但香港在人民幣金融基建、流動性等方面體系相對成熟,佔了先機。第二,香港具有成熟的CNH匯率與利率市場,可以為全球人民幣原油期貨市場的形成提供定價、風險對沖、流動性提供等多項基礎性功能。成熟發達的石油期貨交易體系是獲得油價定價權的重要保證,比如美元治下的國際金融期貨市場的力量空前強大,對石油市場產生重大的影響。而目前內地人民幣計價的石油期貨剛剛起步,2014年12月上海期貨交易所下屬的國際能源交易中心開始?手原油期貨交易。相比之下,目前香港CNH市場外匯衍生品產品結構豐富,市場的深度和廣度不斷提升,已具備人民幣可交割遠期市場(DF)、離岸人民幣外匯掉期、貨幣互換、期貨、外匯期權等完整產品線,交投活躍,截至2014年末,香港離岸人民幣交易佔全球離岸人民幣外匯交易總量的40%,為推出更多以人民幣計價的大宗商品期貨產品打下基礎。第三,香港將陸續建立更多“互聯互通”平台,可進一步助推離岸石油、大宗商品與人民幣自由交換的人民幣能源市場的形成。推出人民幣計價的原油期貨,有利於形成具有影響力的基準期貨價格,將進一步加快形成人民幣與石油直接計價機制,從而為人民幣的國際儲備功能的實現提供實際支撐,境外投資者、國際能源商、貿易商更有意願在與中國能源交易中使用人民幣結算。以中東地區為例,目前中東地區對中國的貿易順差大約在每年500億美元,大部分為石油貿易,如以較大比例轉為人民幣結算,將為整個離岸人民幣市場帶來大約2000-3000億元人民幣的增量,成為離岸市場重要的人民幣資金來源。
- 張華峰建議,試行深港兩地企業小額 貿易採用人民幣結算,允許香港居民和深 圳居民可以在深港之間有限度地匯出匯入 人民幣。利用香港國際金融中心的優勢, 推動兩地人民幣業務的合作,加強金融發 展的合作,使香港成為全球央行及主權基 金的人民幣業務交易中心,包括人民幣儲 備資產管理中心、人民幣債券交易中心, 以促進人民幣國際化的長足發展。
- rmb included in sdr basket

  •銀行公會訪京之旅踏入第二日。 金管局總裁陳德霖昨日拜訪國務院後 ,引述副總理馬凱稱,香港對人民幣 成功納入SDR功不可沒,指香港為全 球最大離岸人民幣資金池,對人民幣 作為投資、交易及結算貨幣起重要作 用。馬凱重申,中國會堅定不移深化 改革,不會走回頭路,會繼續利率市 場化、資本帳開放及QDII2(合資格境 內個人投資者)試點推進。至於深港 通,陳德霖引述馬副總理指, 「正深 入討論,早晚會開通」 。

- effect of rmb reform

  • 香港工業總會主席劉展 灝表示,面對人民幣升多跌少,港商主要有兩個應 對方法,一是升級轉型,增加本身競爭力;二則在 東南亞等成本較低地區設廠,但可能日後成本亦會 大升,故呼籲港商積極進行升級轉型。
- event

  • 由香港大公文匯傳媒集團、新城財經台、新城數碼財經台合辦的 「 香港離岸人民幣中心年度論壇暨人民幣業務傑出大獎2016」 ,昨在灣仔 會展舉行。

- consider portuguese speaking rmb clearance platform hkej 9apr16 a21
- Beijing has confirmed that Macau will become a key centre for yuan settlement as China moves to extend and enhance its economic clout in the developing world. The confirmation came via state news agency Xinhua as Premier Li Keqiang departed Macau after a three-day landmark visit during which he lavished praise on the city and attended a conference along with the prime minister of Portugal and the leaders of a number of African and South American nations. The move to make Macau a clearing house for yuan transactions – first reported by the South China Morning Post on Tuesday – is a key plank in a list of policies aimed at boosting and diversifying the economy of the former Portuguese enclave and weaning it off an over-reliance on gaming.
- rmb rtgs in operation in mar16
- 中國人民銀行與澳門金融管理局,昨簽署雙邊本幣互換協議,規模300億元人民幣或350億澳門元,維護兩地金融穩定。 China has increased the daily limit of yuan remittance from Macau to the same level as Hong Kong, a move that suggests Beijing is keen to spread the financial risks away from the troubled city. The policy, announced by the People's Bank of China on Wednesday to mark the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return to Chinese rule, will raise the daily limit on yuan remittance to 80,000 yuan (US$11,400) from 50,000 yuan (US$7,100).The daily yuan remittance quota for Macau residents had been kept lower than Hong Kong as Beijing was concerned about money laundering in the casino hub.But Beijing is now keen to grow Macau as an offshore yuan hub, with 
Hong Kong’s place as the dominant offshore yuan centre under threat due to the anti-government protests. A yuan-denominated stock exchange and a bond trading centre is reported to be in the works for Macau, according to mainland media.

工行擔任多哈人幣清算行,工商銀行(01398)與卡塔爾中央銀行昨日在多哈 共同宣布正式啟動人民幣清算行服務,工行多哈分行成 為中東地區第一家投入運營的人民幣清算行。工行已經 在新加坡、盧森堡、多哈、曼谷和多倫多擁有五家中國 央行指定的人民幣清算行,成為首家擁有橫跨亞、歐、 美三大時區境外人民幣清算行的金融機構。

China's central bank on Sunday appointed the Industrial and Commercial Bank ofChina (ICBCto clear transactions involving the country's currencythe Renminbi or yuaninCanada's financial hub of Toronto., hket 10nov14 a16

Global listing of dim sum bond

- 《中國銀行人民幣國際化業務白皮書》人民幣經過五年國際化發展,其作為國際貨幣的前景受到越來越多境外企業的認可。中國銀行昨日發布《中國銀行人民幣國際化業務白皮書》披露,中國跨境人民幣結算量累計已突破16萬億元(人民幣,下同),貨物貿易中以人民幣結算的金額佔比提高到16%左右,較去年提高逾4個百分點,人民幣成為中國對外經貿投資往來的第二大支付結算貨幣。
- international usage

  • International use of the renminbi dropped sharply in 2016 as capital controls and dollar strength reduced the attractiveness of China’s currency, according to new payments data released on Thursday.

- 10年前的今日,大清早人行貨幣政策委員會,召開了由時為人行行長助理易綱,主持的貨幣政委諮詢委員會會議,當日共有10多位中外經濟專家獲邀出席,在座者更罕有地包括4位外資行中國經濟師;與會者並不知道,這是涉及人民幣滙改的驚世討論。據當年外媒披露,中外專家到場後,各人須繳出黑莓手機及其他流通電話裝置,存放會議室外儲物櫃,杜絕消息外洩。當晚7時,人行正式宣佈,人幣與美元脫鈎,進入參考一籃子貨幣的有管理浮動升值軌迹,當晚日圓、歐元、金價及遠期港元滙價,全面報升。4位外資專家,較官方公佈更早掌握形勢,從此在市場更加「響朶」。10年後的今日,4人際遇各異,其中51歲的前摩通中國區投資銀行主席龔方雄(時為摩通亞太中國首席經濟師),今年初已退休。另外3人──包括時任高盛亞洲首席經濟師梁紅,及中金首席經濟師哈繼銘,今日二人任職公司剛好對調,梁紅現為中金首席經濟師,哈繼銘則為高盛中國投資管理部副主席兼首席投資策略師。4人中只有法巴首席中國經濟師陳興動最長情,多年來一直長駐北京。回望10年前,陳興動接受電話訪問時說,對當日情景,「我個人覺得仍很深刻」,人幣國際化發展,「不是10年或15年前,這個方向(滙改)是必須走的」。

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