Sunday, December 30, 2018

world health organisation (who)

The Pan American Health Organization(PAHO) is an international public health agency working to improve health and living standards of the people of the Americas. It is part of the United Nations system, serving as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization and as the health organization of the Inter-American System. It is known in Latin America as the OPS or OPAS(SpanishOrganización Panamericana de la SaludPortugueseOrganização Pan-Americana da Saúde).

- 譚德塞在視像簡報會上宣布成立「世衞基金會」(WHO Foundation),它是獨立的資助型機構,總部設在瑞士日內瓦,將透過向「非傳統來源」籌集新資金,包括向公眾人士及有合作關係的企業籌款,支援世衞處理全球最迫切的衞生危機;瑞士前衞生部長澤爾特納(Thomas Zeltner)及另外兩人出任基金會的創始董事會成員。

-  The International Sanitary Conferences were a series of 14 conferences, the first of them organized by the then French Government in 1851 to standardize international quarantine regulations against the spread of cholera, plague, and yellow fever. In total 14 conferences took place from 1851 to 1938; the conferences played a major role in the formation of the World Health Organization in 1948. The outbreak of the Second cholera pandemic in 1829, prompted European Governments to appoint medical missions to investigate the causes of the epidemic. Among others, the Royal Academy of Medicine of Paris in June 1831, sent Auguste Gérardin (fr) and Paul Gaimard on medical mission to RussiaPrussia, and Austria. Later the Minister of Commerce of France, appointed the Secretary of the Conseil supérieur de la santéP. de. Ségur-Dupeyron with the task of creating a report on the sanitary regulations of the Mediterranean countries. The report published in 1834, pointed to the differing quarantine requirements among the countries, and proposed to convene an international conference to standardise quarantine requirements against exotic diseases.

- 陳馮富珍
The World Health Organization has revoked the appointment of Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador following a widespread outcry. "I have listened carefully to all who have expressed their concerns," WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement. He had previously praised Zimbabwe for its commitment to public health. But critics pointed out that Zimbabwe's healthcare system had collapsed in recent years.Mr Tedros, elected in May under the slogan "let's prove the impossible is possible" had said he hoped Mr Mugabe would use his goodwill ambassador role to "influence his peers in the region".
刘培龙 助理总干事-总干事顾问 来自中华人民共和国的刘培龙拥有覆盖一系列广泛领域的30多年公共卫生方面的经验。他曾在法国雷恩大学文学与人文科学系学习,并获得美国约翰。霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院公共卫生硕士。他于1969年作为一个大型中国医疗队队长助理在非洲开始他的职业生涯。1972年回国后,他最初在卫生部国际合作司担任项目官员和负责中国在非洲的医疗援助规划,后来在卫生部国外贷款办公室工作了15年,并担任主任,负责世界银行在中华人民共和国的所有卫生活动,包括投资项目和卫生部门研究。自1998年以来,他一直是国际合作司司长,并担任政府与世卫组织以及卫生领域其它多边和双边组织的协调人。

  • hkej 22jul19 shum article he was also a candidate (more qualified) for secretary-general when margaret chan was being considered

世衞緊急行動經理亞奧(Michel Yao)擔憂,如其他出現疫情的亞洲及歐美國家一樣,非洲很可能會有從中國前來、感染新冠病毒的人士。一名華人日前在埃及開羅國際機場入境,當地衞生部其後證實為國內出現首宗病例,是首個失守的非洲國家。

- margaret chan worried that tpp will lift prices of medicine hkej13nov15 a28

- Without the endorsement of the 1992 Consensus, Taiwan's cross-Straits relations, including the island's participation in activities held by international organizations, will be severely affected, experts said. After being invited on Friday by the World Health Organization, Taiwan plans to participate in the World Health Assembly from May 23 to 28 in Geneva as an observer, in the capacity of "Chinese Taipei". Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office, said the island's participation is an arrangement based on the One China principle, which is the cornerstone of the 1992 Consensus. Taiwan's participation in the WHA since 2009 has been a special arrangement made on the political foundation that both sides of the Taiwan Straits adhere to the 1992 Consensus, Ma said. If Taiwan sabotages the common political foundation for cross-Straits ties, the arrangement will no longer exist, Ma added in a statement.
- 蔡英文就宣布台灣捐出一百萬美元(約七百八十萬港元)予世衞(WHO)對抗伊波拉病毒。according to singtao 27may18, the money was originally for burkina faso which just discontinued diplomatic relations with taiwan

  • 台灣的蔡英文總統今年五月提出,欲以「台灣」或「中華民國」等名義向世界衞生組織(WHO)捐款一百萬美元(約七百八十萬港元),以對抗非洲伊波拉病毒疫情,惟世衞秘書處沒有接受捐助。台灣的外交部周一稱,世衞的決定存政治因素,令捐款計劃告吹。
- 世界衞生組織(WHO)旗下的國際醫療資訊協會(IMIA),上月底以拖欠費用為由,將大陸代表中國醫藥信息學會(CMIA)開除,同時委任台灣醫學AI專家李友專出任協會主席。李對獲委任感到意外,稱未來會持續在國際上替台灣發聲。李友專表示,台灣全民健保制度和電子病歷起步較早,醫療界早已習慣用電腦開立醫囑、申報健保資料,並以電子化的方式儲存,很早就建立起高品質的醫療大數據。台灣多年來在協會分享經驗給全世界,成就有目共睹。他批評大陸長期打壓台灣,令台灣只能以學術會員身份參與協會活動,直至○七年協會改制後,才獲得競選主席的機會。大陸每年仍與其他國家聯手否決台灣人的任命,他也以為無機會當選主席。

- scmp remember a day on a 17jul19 report A Hong Kong biochemist and authority on traditional Chinese herbal medicine was appointed to a top consultancy post at the World Health Organisation. Dr Y.C. Kong, a reader in biochemistry at Chinese University, would serve as a member of the WHO’s Expert Advisory Panel on Traditional Medicine in an honorary capacity for a five-year term.
- singtao 15jun2020 siu sai wo article 联合精英飞机服务有限公司关佐仲stephen advises WHO re aircraft cleaning


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