Monday, December 24, 2018

隋唐 tang dynasty

- 晉陽宮始建於北朝東魏時期,隋朝統 一天下後,後來繼位隋煬帝的晉王楊廣又 多次擴建。它在民間文學中被描述成李淵 、李世民起兵反隋的重要原因。11月15日,文物大省山西發布2016隋唐宋 金時期考古工作發掘成果,稱晉陽古城、 蒲州故城、河津固鎮瓷窰址三個地點的考 古發掘工作取得重大突破。
- govt admin
  • [洋洋兔]   開創中央三省六部制
  • [洋洋兔]   西域校尉
  • 开皇元年(581年),隋文帝为改革旧律,命高颎及其它重臣郑译杨素苏威裴政等十四人,广泛采用各律的优点,“沿革轻重,取其折衷”,制定《新律》。十月完成,颁布实行。三年(583年),文帝“因览刑部奏,断狱数犹至万条。以为律尚严密,故人多陷罪”。因此又命苏威牛弘等人,本着删繁就简,以轻代重为原则,对新律重新更定,制成《开皇律》。Even though the Sui dynasty lasted only 37 years, the reformation of its legal institutions accomplished major results. The Kaihuang Code is regarded by historians as an example of "good law" and the origin of Han Chinese law. Every legal institution of the Tang dynasty was a direct successor to those of the Sui dynasty with the Kaihuang Code a blueprint for its laws. Later, the SongMing and Qing dynasties all continued to use the code, making it a fundamental part of the development of the Chinese legal system. The Kaihuang Code also influenced the foundation and development of the legal systems of other South East Asian countries including JapanKorea and Vietnam.
  • 大业律是隋炀帝大业三年(公元607年)根据《开皇律》修订颁布的法典。《大业律》较之《开皇律》降从轻典者二百余条,减轻大逆谋反等罪的连坐,删去“十恶’’中两条将其列入相应条款,又将《开皇律》中户婚、厩库、贼盗三篇分列为6篇,再增设3篇,共为18篇。其篇名依次为:名例、卫官、违制、请赇、户、婚、擅兴、仓库、厩牧、关市、杂、诈伪、断狱。但基本内容与《开皇律》基本相同。已经失传。
  • “大索貌阅”是隋朝推行的一系列政治经济改革中一项用以整顿户籍和赋役的措施。隋初,农民隐漏户口、诈老诈小的现象极为严重,直接影响到国家财政收入和对劳动力的控制。 为了查实应纳税和负担徭役的人口,隋文帝于开皇五年(585年)下令州县官吏“大索貌阅”,即按户籍上登记的年龄和本人体貌进行核对,检查是否谎报年龄,诈老诈小。如有不实,保长等要办罪。通过检查,大量隐漏户口被查出,增加了政府控制的人口和赋税收入。
- people
  •  Wang Shichong (王世充) (died 621), courtesy name Xingman (行滿), was a general of the Chinese Sui Dynasty who deposed Sui's last emperor Yang Tong and briefly ruled as the emperor of a succeeding state of Zheng. He first became prominent during the reign of Emperor Yang of Sui as one of the few Sui generals having success against rebel generals, and during Yang Tong's brief reign, he was able to defeat the rebel general Li Mi and seize Li Mi's territory. After becoming emperor, however, he was unable to withstand military pressure from Tang Dynasty forces, forcing him to seek aid from Dou Jiande the Prince of Xia. After Dou was defeated and captured by the Tang general Li Shimin (the later Emperor Taizong), Wang surrendered. Emperor Gaozu of Tang spared him, but the Tang official Dugu Xiude (獨孤修德), whose father Dugu Ji (獨孤機) had been executed by Wang, assassinated him.
- maritime
  • ship building - 五牙大船

- arts and culture
  • porcelain
  • 隋白狮品相基本完整,传承至今殊为不易。又来源有序,名家递藏。初为英国William Aykroyd爵士珍藏;1968年伦敦佳士得拍卖售出后近半个世纪不曾现世;直至2008、2009年,先后为著名古董商埃斯卡纳齐、蓝理捷经手。
- architecture
  • 宇文恺(555年—612年),字安乐,代郡武川(今内蒙古武川县)人,鲜卑族。隋朝城市规划和建筑工程的专家,北周大司徒宇文贵之子。出身武将世家,生于长安城。自幼博览群书,熟悉历代典章制度,精练多种工艺技能。勤奋好学,擅长工艺,精善建筑。初为千牛,迁莱州刺史、仪同三司,拜检校将作大匠。规划设计隋朝多个著名工程,例如都城大兴城、新都洛阳城、仁寿宫、隋文帝皇陵、观风殿和广通渠,这些他都参与了设计。官至工部尚书,封安平郡公,进位金紫光禄大夫。大业八年(612年)十月,卒于位,时年五十八,谥号康。撰有《东都图记》二十卷、《明堂图议》二卷、《释疑》一卷,见行于世。
    • very detailed baidu page
  • The Anji Bridge (安濟橋) is the world's oldest open-spandrel segmental arch bridge of stone construction. Credited to the design of a craftsman named Li Chun, the bridge was constructed in the years 595-605 during the Sui dynasty (581–618). Located in the southern part of Hebei Province, it is the oldest standing bridge in China.The bridge is also commonly known as the Zhaozhou Bridge (), after Zhao County, which was formerly known as Zhaozhou (趙州). Another name for the bridge is the Great Stone Bridge (大石橋; pinyin: Dàshí Qiáo). It crosses the Xiaohe River (洨河) in Zhao County, approximately 40 kilometres (25 mi) southeast of the provincial capital Shijiazhuang. It is a pedestrian bridge and is currently open to the public. In English literature, it is also referred as Chiao Shui Bridge, after the river it crosses.
  • There is a plaque presented by american society of civil engineers in 1991
- publishing
  • [洋洋兔]  雕版印刷
- japan
  • [洋洋兔]   japan first sent envoy to china in year 604
- taiwan
  • [洋洋兔]  隋炀帝sent envoy to taiwan/liuqiu in year 607
- vietnam
  • [洋洋兔]   called 林邑
- 吐谷渾
  • [洋洋兔]   now gansu
Tang dynasty Royal houses 




In the Yangzhou massacre, Chinese rebels under Tian Shengong engaged in a slaughter of foreign Arab and Persian merchants in 760 AD during the Tang dynasty in YangzhouThe foreign merchants and traders incurred xenophobic feelings among the Chinese population, and they were scapegoated as the Tang dynasty declined.The massacre took place during the An Shi Rebellion. Arab and Persian merchants in the city were massacred in the thousands when Tian Shengong's (T'ien Shen-kung) 田神功 rebel soldiers entered the city. The merchants were targeted for being foreign and for their wealth.

In the Guangzhou massacre, Chinese rebels under Huang Chao who were revolting against the Tang dynasty were said to have engaged in a massive slaughter of foreign merchants in GuangzhouAn earlier Yangzhou massacre (760) took place in which Chinese rebels massacred the wealthy Arab and Persian merchant community. Arab and Persian pirates raided and looted warehouses in Guangzhou (known to them asKhanfu or Sin-Kalan) in AD 758, according to a local Guangzhou government report on October 30, 758, which corresponded to the day of Guisi (癸巳) of the ninth lunar month in the first year of the Qianyuan era of Emperor Suzong of the Tang Dynasty. (大食, 波斯寇廣州)[8] Huang Chao revolted against the declining Tang dynasty after failing the Imperial Examination many times. He rebelled in 875 and led his army across China to Guangzhou inLingnan. Guangzhou was called "Khanfu" by the Arabs, and another name for Guangzhou is Canton.

History reference
- 令狐德棻(583年~666年),字季馨,宜州华原县(今陕西省铜川市)人 [1]  。隋唐时期史学家、藏书家,武康郡公令狐熙的儿子。令狐德棻先居敦煌,世为河西右族,以博涉文史知名。大业末年,担任药城县长,迁大丞相府记室。武德元年(618年),担任起居舍人。五年,迁秘书丞,配合侍中陈叔达等受诏撰《艺文类聚》。面对书籍散失,奏请购募遗书,置吏补录,得以保存大批图书。贞观三年(629年),诏修梁、陈、齐、周、隋诸史,联合岑文本修周书。六年,迁礼部侍郎,兼修国史。十年,撰《周书》成。次年,撰《氏族志》成。八年,预修《晋书》,制定体例。永徽元年(650年),奉命监修国史及《五代史志,。迁太常卿兼弘文馆学上。参与撰修贞观十三年以后的实录及《唐高宗实录》。
- 《氏族志》,是唐太宗時代排定門閥世家地位高低的典籍,貞觀十二年高士廉等修成。唐太宗執政不久,即下令申國公高士廉黃門侍郎韋挺禮部侍郎令狐德棻中書侍郎岑文本等修《氏族志》,排定各姓氏名人的等級高下。高士廉出自渤海高氏,屬於山東郡姓,韋挺出自京兆韋氏逍遙公房,是關中郡姓首族,令狐德棻出自敦煌令狐氏,是河西大族,岑文本出自南陽岑氏,屬僑姓,編寫時將博陵崔氏崔民幹列為第一。貞觀十二年(638年)奏上《氏族志》一百三十卷。太宗看後不滿意,指示按照「止取今日官爵高下作等級」[2],要求重修。《氏族志》是唐代君主為了加強皇權(即關隴集團),打擊山東門閥集團的重要措施,特別是具有傳統地位的崔、盧、李、鄭山東大姓。據《舊唐書·高士廉傳》,「是時朝議以山東人士好自矜誇,雖復累葉陵遲,猶恃其舊地」。張行成即表示「臣聞天子四海為家,不當以東西為限;若如是,則示人以隘陋。」[3]《氏族志》收錄的二九三姓,把姓氏定出九個等級,改以皇族宗室為首,外戚次之,崔氏改列第三[4]唐高宗時,許敬宗李義府以《氏族志》中沒有李氏武氏的世系,奏請改修《氏族志》[5]。高宗命孔志約楊仁卿史玄道呂才等十二人重新刊定,合計二百三十五姓,二千二百八十七家,顯慶四年(659年)書成,高宗親自撰寫書序,說明類例,改名為《姓氏錄》,「以四后姓、酅公、介公及三公、太子三師、開府儀同三司、尚書僕射為第一姓,文武二品及知政事三品為第二姓,各以品位高下敘之,凡九等,取身及昆弟子孫,余屬不入。」[6]凡本朝官至五品以上均得列為士族。為使《姓氏錄》能取代《氏族志》,李義府又奏請將《氏族志》全部收回並焚毀。唐中宗時,左散騎常侍柳沖認為《氏族志》、《姓氏錄》頒行已近百年.期間士族地位變化漸大,上表請加以改修。至唐玄宗即位,撰成《姓族系錄》二百卷。
最近,香港某雜誌千里迢迢派了特約 記者到英國劍橋大學一個偏僻的圖書館, 找到金庸的碩士論文。這份長逾一百頁的 英文論文,二○○五年動筆,二○○七年 完成,分析了初唐的皇位繼承制度,重組 了歷史上著名的 「玄武門事變」 的案情。 細數一下,一九二四年出生的金庸,寫碩 士論文時已經八十一歲了。當時他已經是 譽滿全球的文學大師、成功創辦了《明報 》,以他的江湖地位,根本不需要辛苦寫 論文以證明能力。其實在二○○五年初, 劍橋大學校長理查德已向劍橋大學教授會 推薦授予金庸榮譽文學博士。 不過金庸卻希望能有一個真實的文憑 在手,於是向劍橋提出想讀書的要求。完 成碩士論文後,二○一○年,八十六歲的 金庸再接再厲,每周上兩次課,從不缺課 ,順利完成博士論文《唐代盛世繼承皇位 制度》。

- tang dynasty map

  • ********Known in Hui Islamic legends as Yung Wei,[citation needed] which was in fact the name of the first era in his reign (Yonghui era from February 650 to February 656; see era name), Islamic sources credit him with building the first mosque in China, the Huaisheng Mosque that still stands in Guangzhou.
  • 咸亨(670年三月—674年八月)是唐高宗李治的年號。唐朝使用這個年號共4年餘。
    • any relation?
      • 咸亨酒店這個名字,還是上初中 時,我從魯迅的作品《孔乙己》中 知道的。當時由於同情孔乙己的不 幸遭遇,厭惡那些嘲笑挖苦他的喝 酒的人,「厭烏及屋」,所以對這 酒店也沒有什麼好印象。 以後,我從閱讀中進一步了解了 咸亨酒店的前世今生。原來這家酒店建於 清光緒甲午年(1894年),是魯迅的堂叔 周仲翔等在紹興城內的都昌坊口開設的。 店名「咸亨」,取自《易經》「含弘廣 大,品物咸亨」之句,意謂酒店生意興 隆,萬事亨通。儘管店名取得很吉利,但 因經營不善,只開了兩三年,就關門大吉 了。直到 1981年,為紀念魯迅先生誕辰 100周年,塵封多年的咸亨酒店才重新開 業。重開後的酒店保留了原來的風貌,再 現了原來的陳設,突出了原來的風味,所 以南來北往的顧客絡繹不絕,酒店成了人 們參觀魯迅故居、重溫魯迅作品、感受孔 乙己們血淚史的重要場所。
  • 「皇帝井」位於集美區後溪鎮蘇營村,我來到井區,但見兩口井--「龍泉井」、「皇帝井」--相距不遠,分列西東,四周以條石欄杆圍砌成井區。都說,山不在高,有仙則靈。同樣,井不在深,有水就行。水井之所以能出水,不在於挖得多深,而在於地下某個深度有充足的包容地下水的「含水層」。這兩口「形體」相同的水井,直徑不足一米,深度不過二米,井中之水,清可見底。井口有六邊形石板井欄,井後各立有大小相同、碑額浮雕龍紋的石碑一方,東邊一塊,上面刻有「古唐」、「皇帝井」、「道光庚子年重修」等文字。護碑方形柱石上,各立有一隻小石獅。兩井之間,是一個石砌半圓形水池,池中之水,輕度渾濁,與兩井之水形成鮮明對照。「皇帝井」碑西側,立有一方袖珍詩碑,碑上用楷書鐫刻着陳上章的懷古七言詩一首:「閑尋佳釀訪前皇,好並龍泉次第嘗。向日凌雲堪比潔,新瀾舊井只同芳。千家挹注晨昏鬧,百畝耰鋤灌溉常,峽水調符終有羨,恩波無限與天長。」井後坪場邊沿,立着廈門市人民政府、集美區人民政府1998年12月公佈的「文物保護單位」石碑。石碑背面刻着相同的文字:「皇帝井又名龍泉井,始建年代不詳。重修於清道光年間。相傳唐宣宗李忱登基前曾雲遊入閩,由蘇營村附近渡頭登岸,在此井汲水烹茗,後人遂稱之『皇帝井』並在水井東側建皇渡庵紀念之。......」
Chu Suiliang (596–658), courtesy name Dengshan, formally the Duke of Henan, was a Chinese official who served as a chancellor during the reigns of the emperors Taizong and Gaozong in the Tang dynasty. He became increasingly trusted by Emperor Taizong toward the end of his reign and was charged with the responsibilities of serving as the imperial historian and providing honest advice. After Emperor Taizong's death, Chu was entrusted with the responsibilities of assisting Emperor Gaozong, along with Emperor Gaozong's maternal uncle, Zhangsun Wuji. In 655, over his strenuous opposition to Emperor Gaozong's removal of his first wife, Empress Wang, and replacing her with Empress Wu (later known as Wu Zetian), Chu was demoted, and that began a series of demotions, eventually to be the prefect of the extremely distant Ai Prefecture (愛州, roughly modern Thanh Hóa ProvinceVietnam). He died in exile in 658.Chu Suiliang was born in Hangzhou in 596, during the reign of Emperor Wen in the Sui dynasty. His father, Chu Liang (褚亮), had been a mid-level official during both the Chen and Sui dynasties, and was known for his literary abilities. After Emperor Wen's death in 604, Chu Liang continued to serve Emperor Wen's son, Emperor Yang, but Emperor Yang was jealous of his abilities, and when the general Yang Xuangan rebelled in 613 and was quickly defeated, he accused Chu Liang of being friendly with Yang Xuangan and demoted him to be the census official for the distant Xihai Commandery (西海, in modern Haibei Tibetan Autonomous PrefectureQinghai). Chu Suiliang followed his father there.褚 遂良(ちょ すいりょう、596年 - 658年)は、代の政治家書家初唐の三大家の一人。登善。河南県公から河南郡公に封ぜられたため褚河南と呼ばれることもある。太宗に仕えて諫言をよくし、後の高宗の教育にもあたった。しかし武則天を皇后に立てることに反対したために左遷された。

  • 六朝期から発展しつつあった楷書を高度に完成させた南派虞世南北派欧陽詢の書風の特徴を吸収・融合しながら、それを乗り越えて独自の書風(「褚法」)を確立した。特に晩年の『雁塔聖教序』は楷書における最高傑作の一つとされ、後の痩金体につながるなど後世に多大な影響を与えた。一般に力強さが特徴的な北派に属するといわれるが、結体は扁平で安定感のある南派の性質を併せ持っており、従来からの帰属論争はあまり重要性を持たないように思われる。また王羲之の真書鑑定職務についており、その書をよく学んだと思われる。40代における『伊闕仏龕碑』や『孟法師碑』には隷書の運筆法が見られ、そして線は細いながらも勁嶮・剛強と評される一方で、50代における『房玄齢碑』や『雁塔聖教序』では躍動的で流麗な作風に一変した。
  • 《雁塔圣教序》亦称《慈恩寺圣教序》,是书法史上著名碑刻作品,唐代的褚遂良的楷书代表作。唐高宗永徽四年(公元653年)立石,凡二石,两块碑石分别镶嵌在大雁塔底层南门门洞两侧的两个砖龛之中,两碑碑额、碑文书写方向互相左右对称,两碑共1463字。上碑为序碑,全称《大唐三藏圣教序》,位于塔底层南面券门西侧砖龛内,唐太宗李世民撰文,碑文21行,行42字,由右而左写刻;下碑为序记碑,全称《大唐皇帝述三藏圣教序记》,位于塔底层南面券门东侧砖龛内,唐高宗李治撰文,碑文20行,行40字,由左而右写刻。
  • !!!!note
  •  爰自所历之国,总将三藏要文,凡六百五十七部,译布中夏,宣扬胜业。引慈云于西极,注法雨于东垂。
  •  以中华之无质,寻印度之真文。远涉恒河,终期满字;频登雪岭,更获半珠。
Princess Taiping (Chinese: 太平公主; pinyin: Tàipíng Gōngzhǔ, lit. "Princess of Great Peace", personal name unknown, possibly Li Lingyue (李令月)[a]) (died 2 August 713[1]) was a princess of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty and her mother Wu Zetian's Zhou Dynasty. She was the youngest daughter of Wu Zetian and Emperor Gaozong and was powerful during the reigns of her mother and her elder brothers Emperor Zhongzong and Emperor Ruizong (both of whom reigned twice), particularly during Emperor Ruizong's second reign.Eventually, however, a rivalry developed between her and her nephew, Emperor Ruizong's crown prince Li Longji, and after Emperor Ruizong yielded the throne to Li Longji (as Emperor Xuanzong) in 712, the conflict came to the political forefront, and in 713, Emperor Xuanzong, according to historical records, believing that she was planning to overthrow him, acted first, executing a large number of her allies and forcing her to commit suicide.

  • 陝西 省考古研究院 17日發佈唐駙馬都尉薛紹墓發掘成果,出土 的 120餘件(組)各類珍貴文物及墓誌,不僅填補了薛紹 在兩唐書中有史無傳的空白,同時也真實再現了當年皇權 鬥爭的殘酷。而超高規格甚至越制的「雙室磚券墓」葬 式,既讓世人清晰看到太平公主隱藏在背後的政治企 圖,亦展現了唐代貴族墓葬「神龍模式」

  • 中國唐朝宰相狄仁傑,斷案如神,作為千年前的唐朝「神探」,他因荷蘭漢學家高羅佩所著《大唐狄公案》蜚聲海外,被稱為「東方福爾摩斯」。近年來,「狄仁傑故里」古都太原深挖狄仁傑文化,一座以其命名的公園--狄仁傑文化公園正拔地而起,延續歷史文脈。2019年9月,狄仁傑文化公園建設項目啟動。該項目工作人員楊丹介紹,項目在原唐槐公園基礎上改擴建,規劃用地面積約2.74萬平方米。為還原大唐時期民風民俗和唐式建築風格,工作人員曾赴陝西歷史博物館、大唐芙蓉園等地考察。
  • 有一位荷蘭人,熟習漢語,說得,寫得,對武則天時期的狄仁傑癡迷不已,甚至借而用英文寫了一系列的狄仁傑奇案。他除了母語荷蘭文外,因是外文家,足跡遍及各地,故通曉英文、中文、日文、梵文、藏文、德文、法文、印尼文、馬來文、拉丁文、意大利文、西班牙文、古希臘文、阿拉伯文。其中,最愛的是中文,深研中國文化,有漢學家之稱。他是誰,高羅佩(1910-1967)是也。他努力創作,寫下一個又一個狄仁傑故事,從中可看出他對中國文化的認識。前些年,內地將他的狄公,全都譯了出來,成書多冊。日前,我在書坊看到一部署他名字的《狄仁傑奇案》,新加坡南洋出版社,2020年8月出版,誠新鮮熱辣也。這是一部影印自1953年新加坡版。據前言說,這書實為《迷宮案》,英文版後迅被譯成日文。高羅佩興致濃郁,親自執筆譯成中文,改名《狄仁傑奇案》,在新加坡出版。

Yi Xing (一行 Wade–GilesI-Hsing, 683–727), born Zhang Sui(張遂), was a Chinese astronomermathematicianmechanical engineer and Buddhist monk of the Tang dynasty (618–907). His astronomical celestial globe featured a clockwork escapement mechanism, the first in a long tradition of Chinese astronomical clockworksIn the early 8th century, the Tang court put Yi Xing in charge of a terrestrial-astronomical survey. This survey had many purposes. It was established in order to obtain new astronomical data that would aid in the prediction of solar eclipses.[1] The survey was also initiated so that flaws in the calendar system could be corrected and a new, updated calendar installed in its place.[1] The survey was also essential in determining the measurement of the length of meridian arc.[1] This would resolve the confusion created by the earlier practice of using the difference between shadow lengths of the sun observed at the same time at two places to determine the ground distance between them.[1] This was the same process used by the ancient Greek Eratosthenes (276–196 BC). Yi Xing had thirteen test sites established throughout the empire, extending from Jiaozhou in Vietnam — at latitude 17°N — to the region immediately south of Lake Baikal — latitude 50°N.[2] There were three observations done for each site, one for the height of polaris, one for the shadow lengths of summer, and one for the shadow lengths of winter.[2] The latitudes were deciphered from this data, while the Tang calculation for the length of one degree of meridian was fairly accurate compared to modern calculations.[2] Yi Xing understood the variations in the length of a degree of meridian, and criticized earlier scholars who permanently fixed an estimate for shadow lengths for the duration of the entire year. Yi Xing wrote a commentary on the Mahavairocana Tantra. This work had a strong influence on the Japanese monk Kūkai and was key in his establishment of Shingon Buddhism.At the Tiantai-Buddhist Guoqing Temple of Mount Tiantai in Zhejiang Province, there is a Chinese pagoda erected directly outside the temple known as the Memorial Pagoda of Monk Yi Xing. His tomb is also located on Mount Tiantai.
  • 一行曾祖是唐太宗的大臣張公謹,在初唐是極顯赫的世族。其祖父張大素官至門下省東台舍人,後被貶為懷州長史,家道中落。父親名叫張懍,任武功縣令。二十一歲時因父母雙亡,遇見天台宗玉泉弘景大師,興起了出家的念頭。遂在嵩山普寂大師門下剃度為僧,因為深入「一行三昧」,故法名一行。後於嵩山玉泉寺學習佛教經典和天文數學。
  • 風水研究界裏,廣泛流傳一故事:唐代時國力強盛,不少外國使節、僧人、學生等等紛紛來到中土,廣求各種知識。其中,中土的風水術亦為外國人士所景仰之術。然而,風水術一向被唐室視之若秘,半點不許流出民間,更枉論可以給外國人去學習;否則,中土四週之國,一旦學懂風水術,國力漸盛,就必會對唐室做成威脅。故此,唐室特別命令對天文地理有高度學識的一行禪師,借其威名,寫下不正確的風水文章,讓外國人去學習,以收制夷之效。而一行禪師所篇的,就是俗語所說的《滅蠻經》[2]。這部《滅蠻經》的原文早已失傳,故此亦很難追溯是否一行禪師所作。確實情況,現時仍為風水界其中一大議題。
楊 貴妃(よう きひ、719年開元7年) - 756年7月15日至徳元載(元年)6月16日))は、中国代の皇妃。姓は楊、名は玉環。出身。本籍は蒲州・永楽にあったという。蜀州司戸の楊玄琰の四女。兄に楊銛、姉に後の韓国夫人虢国夫人秦国夫人がいる。6月1日に生まれたと伝えられる。四川省には、「落妃池」という楊貴妃が幼い頃に落ち込んだと伝えられる池がある。幼いころに両親を失い、叔父の楊玄璬の家で育てられた。Her great-great-grandfather Yang Wang (楊汪) was a key official during the reign of Emperor Yang of Sui, and, after the fall of the Sui Dynasty, served one of the contenders to succeed Sui, Wang Shichong; Yang Wang was then killed when Wang Shichong was defeated by Tang forces in 621.[3] Yang Wang was from Huayin (華陰; in modern Weinan, Shaanxi), but his clan subsequently relocated to Yongle (永樂; in modern Yuncheng, Shanxi). Yang's father Yang Xuanyan (楊玄琰) served as a census official at Shu Prefecture (蜀州; in modern Chengdu, Sichuan), and his family went there with him. He appeared to have had no sons, but had four daughters who were known to history — Yang Yuhuan and three older sisters. Yang Xuanyan died when Yang Yuhuan was still young, so the latter was raised by her uncle Yang Xuanjiao (楊玄璬), who was a low-ranking official at Henan Municipality (河南府; modern Luoyang).
  • 日本山口県には、楊貴妃が阿倍仲麻呂と共に安史の乱を逃れて日本に亡命してきたとの伝説が存在し、長門市油谷町の二尊院というお寺には楊貴妃の墓と伝わる五輪塔(山口県指定有形文化財)がある。日本には、楊貴妃は熱田神宮明神の化身であるという伝説もある(『長恨歌』に詠われた、天に還った楊貴妃がいた蓬莱が日本であるという伝承があった)。京都市泉涌寺にある観音菩薩坐像は楊貴妃をモデルに作られたという伝承があり、楊貴妃観音とも呼ばれている。茘枝を好んだという前出のエピソードから、デ・カイパー社(オランダ)のライチ・リキュールには「貴妃」という名前が付けられている。
  • Papaver somniferum, commonly known as the opium poppy[2] or breadseed poppy, is called 楊貴妃花(양귀비꽃) in korea
  • 瀚海府,金微府,燕然府,丘陵府,龜林府,盧山
  • 皋蘭州,高闕州,雞鹿州,雞田州,榆溪州,蹛林州,竇顏州
Princess Wencheng (Tibetan: Mung-chang Kungco; Chinese文成公主pinyinWénchéng GōngzhǔWade–GilesWen-ch'eng Kung-chu; 628–680/2), surnamed Li, was a member of a minor branch of the royal clan of the Chinese Tang dynasty. In 641, she was granted by Emperor Taizong of Tang to King Songtsän Gampo of Tibet for marriage, an involuntary actor of the emperor's heqin (marriage alliance) policy. She is popularly known in Tibet as Gyasa, or "Chinese wife".Much of her life has been mythified and used for propaganda purposes. Chinese sources since the Tang dynasty credit her with introducing Chinese culture to Tibet, whereas Tibetan sources credit her, along with Songtsän Gampo's Nepalese wife, Bhrikuti, with introducing Buddhism to Tibet.Traditional Tibetan histories consider both Wencheng and Bhrikuti as physical manifestations of the bodhisattva Tara,[7] although the historical veracity of Bhrikuti is still debated among scholars.
-Jia Dan (賈耽) (730 – October 27, 805), courtesy name Dunshi (敦詩), formally Duke Yuanjing of Wei (魏元靖公), was aChinese scholar-official, general, geographer, and cartographer from CangzhouHebei during the Tang Dynasty of ChinaIn the 40-volume work that Jia completed in 801,[3] Jia wrote of two common sea trade routes in his day: one from the coast of the Bohai Sea towards Silla in Korea and another from Guangzhou through Malacca towards the Nicobar IslandsSri Lanka and India, the eastern and northern shores of the Arabian Sea to the Euphrates River. Indeed, Korean vessels dominated the Yellow Sea trade, while most Japanese vessels were forced to venture towards the mouth of the Huai River and Yellow River, and even as far south asHangzhou Bay.[16] Jia wrote that the ships in the Euphrates had to anchor at the mouth of the Euphrates and transfer the trade goods on land towards the capital (Baghdad) of Dashi Guo(Abbasid). This was confirmed by the contemporary Arab merchant Shulama, who noted that the draft in Chinese junk ships were too deep to enter the Euphrates, forcing them to land passengers and cargo ashore on smaller boats.[17] A small branch of this extensive second trade route led all the way to Dar es Salaam in TanzaniaEast Africa. In his work written between 785 and 805, he described the sea route going into the mouth of the Persian Gulf, and that the medieval Iranians (whom he called the people of Luo-He-Yi) had erected 'ornamental pillars' in the sea that acted as lighthouse beacons for ships that might go astray. Confirming Jia's reports about lighthouses in the Persian Gulf, Arabic writers a century after Jia wrote of the same structures, writers such as al-Mas'udi and al-Muqaddasi.
- note that there are 11 prime ministers with last name xiao 
- yang family

  • 海龍囤,是研究中國土司制度演進的一扇窗。876年,唐朝過去一力扶持、旨在用以對付吐蕃的南詔國,在其坐大之後反咬一口,搶奪了已經「以土內附」中央王朝多年的播州。祖籍山西太原的楊端,回應朝廷號召,組建包括當地九姓的「楊家軍」千里遠征,花三年時間從南詔手裏奪回了播州。唐朝給予楊氏的封號,是播州侯。其後,「侯」這一爵位,又經宋、明朝數度授予。如前所述,楊氏家族所獲最高爵位,是從他們曾經的勁敵、後來的「新主」元朝授予,叫「公」—爵位中的最高一級。不過,無論名號如何變化,其實質都是地方向朝廷稱臣納貢,有需要時「奉調出征」,朝廷則允許你在自己的地盤上做主。話說土司制度,自唐將播州等地納入版圖,成為「羈縻州」時已有端倪。儘管歷朝叫法不一,其實就是一種中央對地方的所謂「以夷制夷」的間接治理制度。到明朝時,朝廷派遣「流官」,從土司手裏奪過地盤和政權,顯然想將間接治理變為直接治理,謂之「改土歸流」,一如楊氏的結局和下場。不過,在一般的認知和觀感中,土司基本上都是當地原住民統治原住民,這些原住民往往都是少數民族。在中國土司制度的譜系中,外來的、非少數民族的特性,令楊氏家族這個所謂的土司政權,算得上一個「異數」。
- cui clan of boling
  • Cui Gong (崔珙) (died 854), formally the Duke of Anping (安平公), was an official of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, serving as a chancellor during the reign of Emperor Wuzong.Early in the Taihe era (827-835) of Emperor Wenzong, Cui Gong served as the prefect of Si Prefecture (泗州, in modern Huai'anJiangsu), and later was recalled to the capital Chang'an to serve as the minister of palace supplies (太府卿, Taifu Qing). In 833, he was commissioned at the military governor (Jiedushi) of Lingnan Circuit (嶺南, headquartered in modern GuangzhouGuangdong) and the prefect of its capital Guang Prefecture (廣州). Before he departed, he met with Emperor Wenzong to thank the emperor for the commission. Emperor Wenzong asked him how he planned to govern the circuit, and Cui was able to respond clearly and concretely, impressing Emperor Wenzong.[2] At that time, Gao Yu (高瑀) was the military governor of Wuning Circuit (武寧, headquartered in modern XuzhouJiangsu), which was well known for its unruly and difficult-to-control soldiers. As Gao was unable to control them, Emperor Wenzong wanted someone with serious presence to govern Wuning, and he therefore decided to transfer Cui to Wuning to serve as its military governor and the prefect of its capital Xu Prefecture (徐州); Wang Maoyuan (王茂元) was sent to Lingnan instead. It was said that after Cui arrived at Wuning, he was able to draw a balance between strictness and grace, causing the Wuning people to fall into line.It was said that Cui Gong was friendly with Li Deyu, who was then, effectively, the leading chancellor.[2] However, in 842, there was an occasion when Cui Gong recommended Liu Gongquan to be an imperial scholar at Jixian Institute (集賢院) and serve as its acting director. Li Deyu, displeased that this recommendation did not come from himself, found an excuse soon thereafter to have Liu demoted.[4] Further, Cui Gong had a rivalry with another official, Cui Xuan. After Cui Gong was removed from his chancellor post in 843 and made You Pushe (右僕射, one of the heads of the executive bureau of government (尚書省, Shangshu Sheng)), Cui Xian succeeded him as chancellor and the director of salt and iron monopolies, and accused him of having misused the salt and iron monopoly funds from Songzhou and Hua (滑州, in modern AnyangHenan) Prefectures, as well as being protective of the warlord Liu Congjian. As a result, Cui Gong was exiled and demoted to be the prefect of Li Prefecture (澧州, in modern ChangdeHunan), and yet later further demoted to be the military advisor to the prefect of En Prefecture (恩州, in modern JiangmenGuangdong).In 846, after Emperor Wuzong died and was succeeded by his uncle Emperor Xuānzong, Cui Gong and four other former chancellors that Emperor Wuzong had exiled — Li Zongmin, Niu Sengru, Yang Sifu, and Li Jue — were allowed to be moved closer to Chang'an; in Cui's case, he was made the secretary general of An Prefecture (安州, in modern Xiaogan, Hubei).[5] Sometime thereafter, he was made an advisor to the Crown Prince,[6] and then the military governor of Fengxiang Circuit (鳳翔, headquartered in modern Baoji, Shaanxi).[2] In 848, in the middle of Tang campaigns to recover territory that had been lost to Tufan ever since the end of the Anshi Rebellion, Cui had a victory over Tufan forces and recaptured Qingshui (清水, in modern Tianshui, Gansu).In 849, Cui Xian was again chancellor. When Cui Gong heard this, he offered to resign on account of illness. Emperor Xuānzong made him an advisor to the Crown Prince, with his office at the eastern capital Luoyang. Sometime before 851 he served as defender of Luoyang, and in 852 he was made military governor of Fengxiang Circuit again. He died in office, probably in 854, as in this year a new military governor of Fengxiang Circuit was appointed. His grandnephew Cui Yuan later served as a chancellor during the reigns of Emperor Zhaozong and Emperor Ai, near the end of Tang Dynasty.
  • 唐夫人唐朝山南西道节度使崔琯(出自博陵崔氏第二房)之祖母,已列入二十四孝。崔琯的曾祖母长孙夫人,年事已高,牙齿已经脱落,不能进食。唐夫人孝顺婆婆,每天盥洗之后,到堂上用自己的乳汁喂养婆婆,数年后,长孙夫人虽然不吃其他饭食,但依然身体健康

    • 浙江湖州營盤山景區近日以「二十四孝」為主題,設置多座故事人物雕像。惟民眾認為其中一座「女子給家婆餵母乳」雕像背後故事不雅,雕像目前已遭拆除。景區工作人員指二十四孝是代代相傳故事,「投訴人可能比較年輕,他可能不懂孝」。,also scmp 
- medical

  • Sun Simiao (孫思邈Wade–GilesSun Ssu-miao; died 682) was a Chinese physician and writer of the Suiand Tang dynasty. He was titled as China's King of Medicine (藥王/药王, Yaowang) for his significant contributions to Chinese medicine and tremendous care to his patients.孙思邈(541年或581年-682年),唐朝京兆华原(现陕西耀县)人,是著名的醫師道士。他是中国乃至世界史上著名的医学家和药物学家,被誉為药王宋朝追封妙应真人道教尊為天醫妙應廣援善濟真君,許多華人奉之為醫神據《新唐書》載,他出生於西魏,七歲就學,日誦千餘言,北周元老獨孤信稱他為聖童。他精通百家學說,善於談老子莊周之道,擅長陰陽、推步,妙解數術,兼好《釋典》。臨終時,孫思邈遺囑「薄葬,不藏明器,祭去牲牢」,並遺有大量的醫書,人尊其為「孫藥王」。在陝西耀縣藥王山(原稱五臺山),有祭祀孫思邈的藥王廟[3]:52,並在每年農曆二月初二有「二月二藥王廟會」。此外在耀縣還建有「真人祠」、聖母殿與祖塋碑[3]:52宋徽宗崇寧二年(1103)追封妙應真人台灣仍有祭祀孫思邈之廟宇[5],並稱之「天醫妙應孫真人」,每年農曆正月初四為其祭典,稱之為「孫天醫聖誕」。

- stable crops mainly corn and wheat in the north; during the time of 玄宗, 水稻was introduced from south to north
[洋洋兔]  筒車灌溉, 曲轅犁 invented during tang dynastry

salt industry

- [洋洋兔] 櫃坊 替人保管錢的商户

-[洋洋兔]   christianity first reached china in 635

Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century. He is traditionally credited as the transmitter of Chan Buddhism to China, and regarded as its first Chinese patriarch. According to Chinese legend, he also began the physical training of the monks of Shaolin Monastery that led to the creation of Shaolin kungfu. In Japan, he is known as Daruma.According to the principal Chinese sources, Bodhidharma came from the Western Regions, which refers to Central Asia but may also include the Indian subcontinent, and was either a "Persian Central Asian"[4] or a "South Indian [...] the third son of a great Indian king."[5][note 2] Throughout Buddhist art, Bodhidharma is depicted as an ill-tempered, profusely-bearded, wide-eyed non-Chinese person. He is referred as "The Blue-Eyed Barbarian" (碧眼胡pinyinBìyǎnhú) in Chan texts.Bodhidharma's teachings and practice centered on meditation and the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra. The Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall (952) identifies Bodhidharma as the 28th Patriarch of Buddhism in an uninterrupted line that extends all the way back to the Gautama Buddha himself.

  • Some Chinese myths and legends describe Bodhidharma as being disturbed by the poor physical shape of the Shaolin monks,[40]after which he instructed them in techniques to maintain their physical condition as well as teaching meditation.[40] He is said to have taught a series of external exercises called the Eighteen Arhat Hands[40] and an internal practice called the Sinew Metamorphosis Classic.[41] In addition, after his departure from the temple, two manuscripts by Bodhidharma were said to be discovered inside the temple: the Yijin Jing and the Xisui Jing. Copies and translations of the Yijin Jing survive to the modern day. The Xisui Jing has been lost.
  • According to Southeast Asian folklore, Bodhidharma travelled from Jambudvipa by sea to Palembang, Indonesia. Passing through Sumatra, Java, Bali, and Malaysia, he eventually entered China through Nanyue. In his travels through the region, Bodhidharma is said to have transmitted his knowledge of the Mahayana doctrine and the martial arts. Malay legend holds that he introduced forms to silat. Vajrayana tradition links Bodhidharma with the 11th-century south Indian monk Dampa Sangye who travelled extensively to Tibet and China spreading tantric teachings.

《群书治要》(以下简称《治要》)是我国古代治政书籍的选辑。唐初著名谏官魏征虞世南、褚遂良等在贞观初年受命于唐太宗李世民(599年-649年),以辑录前人著述作谏书,为唐太宗“偃武修文”、“治国安邦”,创建“贞观之治”提供警示的匡政巨著。《治要》取材于六经四史、诸子百家,“上始五帝,下迄晋年”,以“务乎政术,存乎劝戒”为宗旨,从一万四千多部、八万九千多卷古籍中“采摭群书,剪截淫放”,呕心沥血数年,于贞观五年(631年)编辑成书,计六十五部约五十余万言。   然而这本史诗巨著却因雕版印刷术尚未发明而未普及,加之唐末战乱致使此书失传,幸得由日本遣唐使抄录带去日本

  • 日本前首相兼永青文庫理事長細川護熙,本周二向中國國家圖書館捐贈了其收藏的四千一百七十五冊漢籍,當中包括失傳千年的唐代文獻《群書治要五十卷》,是自一九四九年以來日本對中國無償捐贈漢籍規模最大的一次。
  • 馬來西亞中華文化教育中心 also published 群書治要360
- 赵蕤 (ruí),字太宾,号东岩子。梓州盐亭人(今四川省盐亭县两河镇赵家坝人),约生于唐高宗显庆四年 ( 公元 659 年 ),卒于唐玄宗天宝元年( 公元742年)。唐代杰出的道家与纵横家 。赵蕤和李白是唐代的“蜀中二杰”,以“赵蕤术数,李白文章”并称。赵蕤的代表作为《长短经》 [2]  ,又叫《反经》。《长短经》成书于开元四年 (公元716年),共九卷 64 篇,集儒家、道家、法家、兵家、杂家和阴阳家思想之大成,是黑白杂揉之书,以谋略为经,历史为纬,记述国家兴亡、权变谋略、举荐贤能、人间善恶四大内容,又以权谋政治和知人善任两个重点为核心
Liu Yuxi (Wade-GilesLiu Yü-hsi劉禹錫) (772–842) was a Chinese poetphilosopher, and essayist, active during the Tang Dynasty.His ancestors were Xiongnu nomadic people (note that in baidu, he was classified as han people, 近人卞孝萱提出刘禹锡是匈奴后裔,出生于嘉兴的新说,据邓声斌考证其父刘绪遭遇安史之乱,举族东迁定居彭城). The putative ‘seventh generation’ family head, Liu Liang, was an official of the Northern Wei (386-534), who followed the Emperor Xiaowen (471-499) when he established the capital at Luoyang in 494. Following the government sinification policy, he became Han and register his surname as Liu. From then on the family was based in Luoyang. Liu Yuxi’s father, Li Xu, was forced to leave Luoyang to avoid the An Lushan rebellion (755-763) and went to Jiaxing (in the north of present-day Zhejiang Province). Liu Yuxi was born and grew up in the south. In his youth he studied with two renowned poets in Kuaiji (now Shaoxing), the Chan (Zen) monks Lingche (靈澈, 746-816) and Jiaoran (皎然, 730-799), and his later works often reflected this Buddhist sensibility.

Arts and culture
- pottery

  • [from eastern han to high tang exhibition at hk heritage museum] pottery rhyton in the shapes of human and ox heads
- terra cotta

  • [from eastern han to high tang exhibition at hk heritage museum] wood burial figure of woman in silk garments

- china
  •  唐代中后期湖南长沙铜官窰烧製的珍罕品,属青瓷“模塑贴花”双耳繫壶。其壶流短,壶口近肖花瓶;壶腹塑贴胡人跳舞俑,线条简练、柔和、圆润及具韵味。舞 俑、壶流和附近略施褐彩,随意点染作装饰;然后施淡青釉,乃“釉下彩”,甚有特色。那时长沙窰以彩绘瓷与花釉瓷最杰出,流传地区遍及六省。模塑(或称“模 印”)贴花的装饰纹样以人物为主,次为舞马、鸟鱼、狮子和园林等,形态皆秀丽雅致。长沙窰用于胎上绘画或点染的褐彩,是一种当时特製的含铁色料。有些褐彩 则任其散开、流淌和自然变化。唐代此种“模塑贴花”装饰技法,是採用模印或捏塑等方法,以胎泥製成图形或花纹,贴于坯体上,故名“贴花”。“模印”,乃以模子按压出图形,工艺细緻。
- 俑

  • 除了 駿馬是唐三彩最常見的題材外,駱 駝陶俑也十分矚目和特別。像附圖 為胡人牽着的雙峰駱駝(中亞種) ,不禁使人想起詩人杜甫詩句: 「 羌女輕烽燧,胡兒制駱駝」,以及 「東來橐駝滿舊都」。可見當時都 城長安與君士坦丁堡、阿拉伯等中 東一帶商旅頻繁,經 「絲綢之路」 的交往活躍,駱駝為最佳象徵。
- gold ware

  • 鎏金龜負《論語玉燭》銀酒令籌筒 (高三十四點二公分);一九八二年江 蘇省丹徒縣丁卯橋出土,現藏鎮江市博 物館。附圖可窺見其獨特的造型;通體 銀質,刻紋飾處均鎏金;筒身正面上部 鏨一開窗式雙線長方框,內刻《論語玉 燭》四字;全器紋飾繁縟精細。
- painting
  • 《乐舞图》是唐代文物,1994年陕西省富平朱家道村墓室东壁出土,现藏于陕西历史博物馆。盛唐时期,高180厘米,宽400厘米。左侧七人乐队坐跪,面朝中央,中间的舞女,翩然挥动长袖,身姿曼妙,右侧立侍女二名,皆拱手,着大袖襦裙,似正伴唱。下部剥落,构图上偏重乐队人物,而右侧三名女子比例偏小,空间距离显得位于较远之处。北侧绘制的七名乐手皆十分年轻俊秀,全部跪坐于华丽有联珠纹装饰的毛毯上。前方两位操箜篌与琵琶,箜篌主轴饰有蔓草卷纹,十分精致。第二排分别弹奏笙、萧、横笛、拍板,后方一人则敲铜钹
    • 唐代宰相韓滉所作《五牛圖》為中國十大傳世名畫之一,舉世聞名。而在歷史上,其父韓休不僅也是一位唐朝宰相,同時在唐玄宗李隆基執政初期更是備受器重。韓休墓位於西安市長安區少陵原上,該墓葬壁畫保存較好,雖歷經千年仍未褪色且清晰可見。特別是其中的《樂舞圖》,畫中人物造型多樣,舞者栩栩如生,是近10年來發現的最完整樂舞圖。據介紹,《樂舞圖》全長4.1米,中間為胡人舞者,深目、高鼻、絡腮鬍。他頭戴白色尖頂胡帽,在暗黃色地毯上右手叉腰、左手高舉,擰腰擺胯,仰身回顧,作旋轉而舞的姿態。在中國古代,人們往往信奉「視死如視生」的理念,相信人死後亦會在地下過着和生前一樣的生活。盛唐時國家富足,許多貴族在世時生活奢侈,去世後家人亦會奉請繪畫高手,用名貴顏料和寫實的手法,在其墓葬中描繪大量反映逝者日常工作和生活場景的壁畫。而這些壁畫,不僅成為今天人們了解那個時代的密碼,同時也讓大家有機會在千百年之後能一窺大唐盛世的繁榮與奢華。

- costume
  • [tt tsui gallery of chinese art exhibition] chinese wear fan-shaped hat and long, wide-sleeved robe; foreigners wear pointed hat and long bolted tunic with lapels
- music
  • 對於百餘年前在敦煌莫高窟發現的唯一一卷古樂譜,坊間一直流傳着「千年天書、百年解譯」的說法。世界各地的學者孜孜以求破譯古譜的鑰匙,其中屬上海音樂學院音樂學教授陳應時走得最遠,觀點尤為獨樹一幟。第35屆「上海之春」國際音樂節「古樂.新聲」--陳應時解譯敦煌古譜音樂會昨日在上海賀綠汀音樂廳舉行,用一台全民族樂器演奏音樂會,回應了陳應時半生的研究碩果,讓沉寂千年的古老音符在當代再次打動人心。敦煌古譜是唐代世俗歌舞樂,抄寫於長興[note by me - 長興(930年二月-933年)是後唐明宗李嗣源的年號,共計4年。吳越世宗錢元瓘用此年號(932年四月-933年,長興三年-四年)。馬楚衡陽王馬希聲和文昭王馬希範用此年號(930年十一月-933年);惠宗王延鈞用此年號(930年二月-932年);荊南文獻王高從誨亦用此年號(930年二月-933年)[1]]四年(933年)前,譜式為琵琶譜,封存於敦煌莫高窟。光緒二十六年(1900年)重見天日,但又輾轉流落到法國巴黎國家圖書館。古譜共有25首樂曲,分別為:《品弄》、《傾杯樂》、《急曲子》、《長沙女引》、《撒金砂》、《伊州》、《水鼓子》等。古譜素有「千年天書,百年解譯」之謂,因為記譜使用的符號形似日文的假名,極其晦澀,解譯困難。最早致力於敦煌樂譜解讀的,有法國漢學家伯希和、日本人古譜學家林謙三,接着中國學者也開始着手研究-任二北、饒宗頤等都先後發表過相關著作。樂器學家應有勤、作曲家趙曉生與譚盾等國內學者,後繼也進行過研究。
  • [tt tsui gallery of chinese art] instruments - panpipes, waist drum, qin, pipa
  • 早在 唐代,李隆基就鄙視管弦樂器,推崇 打擊樂器。他有一次聽教坊樂工彈 琴,曲未終了,就再也忍耐不住,起 身把樂工趕出去,又立即派人把侄兒 汝陽王李璡召進宮來,為他演奏羯 鼓,消解胸中的憋悶。
- furniture
  • note the chair top
  • note tomita kazihiko ('s side table design
ethnic groups
- [tt tsui gallery of chinese art exhibition] traces of peoples
  • merchants - deep set eyes, a high sharp nose, a moustache and a short beard. Wears a pointed hat, a knee-length tunic with narrow sleeves and long boots with pointed toes
  • groom - large, round eyes and a large pointed nose; hair parted in the centre with two plaits coiled behind his head; wear a knee-length tunic with narrow sleeves, a waistband and broad lapels, plus long boots with pointed toes
  • juggler - curly hair, thick eyebrows, deep set eyes, a sharp pointed nose and a small mouth. Wears a tight fitting blouse with a red strap diagonally across the body, a waistband and trousers with bound legs

渤海国(698年—926年)是于公元698年到926年,以靺鞨族人的粟末部人为主体民族,沿袭“古肃慎国”的民族基础而建立的君主制、多民族政权,建国者大祚荣。渤海国的前身为各时期的“肃慎”、“挹娄”、“勿吉”等地方民族政权。渤海国建国后受唐册封,唐王朝在黑水靺鞨居住地牡丹江流域置忽汗州,设忽汗都护府,亦称“渤海都护府”,册其首领为都督,封“渤海郡王”,史称“渤海王国”;[1]中国史籍《新唐书》称之为“海东盛国”。渤海国所统治的领土在极盛期时,曾包括今嫩江松花江河道一线以南的黑龙江省部分地区、吉林省大部、辽宁省滨海边疆区的南半部以及朝鲜半岛北部。Balhae (698–926), also known as BohaiPohai or Parhae,[1] was a kingdom in present-day Manchuria and northern Korean peninsula. Balhae was established by former Goguryeo general Dae Jo-yeong in 698 after his defeat of the Tang Chinese at Tianmenling. Balhae's original capital was at Dongmo Mountain in modern DunhuaJilin Province. In 742 it was moved to the Central Capital in Helong, Jilin. It was moved to the Northern Capital in Ning'anHeilongjiang in 755, to the Eastern Capital in Hunchun, Jilin in 785, and back to the Northern Capital in 794.[2] According to a Chinese source, the kingdom had 100,000 households and a population of about 500,000. Archaeological evidence suggests that the Balhae culture was an amalgamation of Korean, Mohe (Marlgal), and other indigenous cultures. In 926, the Khitan Liao dynasty conquered Balhae and established the autonomous kingdom of Dongdan ruled by the Liao crown prince Yelü Bei, which was soon absorbed into the Liao, while the southern parts of its territory, and a series of nobilities led by crown prince Dae Gwang-hyeon, were absorbed into Goryeo.Korean scholars consider Balhae as part of the North–South States Period of Korean history, while Chinese scholars consider Bohai as part of Chinese history. 渤海(ぼっかい、698年[2] - 926年)は、満洲から朝鮮半島北部、現ロシア沿海地方にかけて、かつて存在した国家。大祚栄により建国され、周囲との交易で栄え、からも「海東の盛国」(『新唐書』)と呼ばれたが、最後は契丹)によって滅ぼされた。『新唐書』に、渤海は本来粟末靺鞨であり高句麗に従属していた、姓は大氏である(渤海 本粟末靺鞨附高麗者 姓大氏「渤海、それ粟末靺鞨にして高麗に附く者たり。姓は大氏」)と記す。『旧唐書』と『新唐書』では渤海靺鞨の指導者大祚栄に関する記述は異なる。『旧唐書』では渤海靺鞨の大祚栄は出自は高句麗の別種(渤海靺鞨大祚榮者 本高麗別種也「渤海靺鞨の大祚榮、本は高麗の別種なり」)としているが、『新唐書』では粟末靺鞨の出としている。『大金国志』には、女直女真)は粛慎の遺種であり、渤海の別種(又曰女直、粛慎氏遺種、渤海之別種也。)と記す。渤海の風俗は高句麗・契丹と同じ(風俗瑟高麗及契丹同「風俗は高麗契丹に重なり同じくする」)とある。「渤海」の名は本来、遼東半島山東半島の内側にあり黄河が注ぎ込む湾状の海域のことである。初代国王大祚栄が、この渤海の沿岸で現在の河北省南部にあたる渤海郡の名目上の王(渤海郡王)に封ぜられたことから、本来の渤海からやや離れたこの国の国号となった。
-  渤海の姓氏は、王家の大氏を含めて57姓であり、渤海の姓氏の構造は、まず渤海王族の大氏、その次は中原から流れた漢族豪族右姓、さらに靺鞨と一部の高句麗貴族の右姓、最後に漢化した靺鞨平民と高句麗平民と中原から流れた漢族平民の庶姓からなり、渤海の姓氏は靺鞨、高句麗、漢族の姓氏からなる[12]。後期になると、渤海人特有の姓名は消え、中国風の姓名へと統一される[13]。渤海人の姓名には、形容美、叡智への祈願、徳性美への追求、福禄寿への憧憬、儒学仏教への尊崇がみられ、中国の影響を受けている[14]

- ***********[comprehensive picture album of china's tibetan culture published by chongqing publishing] In 630 AD, srong-btsan-sgam-po united that qinghai-tibet plateau and moved the capital to ra-sa (present day lhasa) from yar-klung in lho-kha and established a united military alliance under tubo slavery.  In 649 AD, tang emperor taizong passed away.  Gaozong succeeded to the throne. The tang government dispatched envoys to tibet to attend the mourning ceremony and conferred upon srong-btsan-sgam-po the titles of fuma (emperor's son-in-law) and prince of the west ocean.  And then emperor gaozong once again conferred upon him the title of prince of bin and had his stone statue placed in front of the zhao tomb. In 710 AD, tang emperor zhongzong married princess jin cheng, a daughter of monarch yong, to khri-Ide-gtsug-btsan.  After her arrival in tibet, princess jin cheng asked the tang dynasty to offer some books in han language, such as book of odes edited by mao heng; book of rites; a commentary on the spring and autumn annals and a selection of literary works. In 821 and 822 AD, tang dynasty and tubo respectively held the changqing peace pledge in chang'an and lhasa.  The tang-tubo peace pledge monument erected in front of the jo-khang temple in lhasa serves a historical testimony for the friendship between han and tibetan nationalities and the statement of "the territories should be united as one". In 842 AD, glang-dar-ma, the last btsan-po, was murdered by a buddhist monk and the tubo dynasty completely collapsed. Since then tubo was in the separatist period for a long time.
-  唐《隴西行》寫道 :「 自從貴主和親後,一半胡風似漢家。」 這裡的「胡」是指吐蕃 
- tombs
  • 中國青海海西州都蘭縣熱水鄉的「都蘭熱水2018血渭一號墓」,被網民稱為「九層妖塔」。國家文物局上周五公布,一個聯合考古隊在該古墓掘出逾1,000件精美金銀器、玉石器、玻璃器及紡織品等各類文物。血渭一號墓是唐代吐蕃時期的木石結構多室貴族墓葬,分為地上和地下兩部分。地上為呈方形墓園建築,由塋牆、祭祀建築及迴廊等組成。
- artpiece
  • Emperor Taizong Receiving the Tibetan Envoy (also called 步辇图, Bùniǎn Tú )[1] is a painting on silk by Yan Liben to show the friendly encounter between the Tang dynasty and Tibet. The painting is 129 centimetres (51 in) long by 38.5 centimetres (15.2 in) wide.[2] Bunian Tu is in The Palace Museum in Beijing. As with other very early Chinese paintings, the scroll in Beijing is probably a faithful later copy of Yan Liben's original, perhaps from the Song dynasty, but the Imperial collectors' seals and added comments show that it was very highly valued from at least the start of the 14th century.
  • 內媒周日報道,西藏近年來首次發掘吐蕃時期的大型封土墓,出土各種各樣珍貴文物,包括金銀器、寶石、珍珠等飾物,還有一支雄獅鳥紋金耳勺。專家認為,該耳勺柄子的朱雀造型有明顯的唐代風格,顯示當時吐蕃與唐朝等地文化的交流。位於拉薩北部當雄草原的吐蕃墓地分為南北兩區,其中北區有33座小型封土墓,南區有6座較大型封土墓,最大一座墓的封土邊長約40米。西藏自治區文物保護研究所領導為期近5個月搶救性的發掘,出土金銀器、青金石、瑪瑙、珊瑚、綠松石、玉石、珍珠等飾件,以及陶器、銅器、鐵器、漆器殘片、石製品等。除了雄獅鳥紋金耳勺,特別的出土文物還有一個希臘風格的酒神銀盤及20枚薩珊銀幣,銀盤上描述的人物是希臘神話中的酒神狄俄尼索斯和其隨從。專家認為,這種銀盤出現在西藏反映當時東西文化交往興盛,青藏高原也積極參與交流。這些文物對研究公元7至8世紀吐蕃時期的社會結構、墓葬制度、唐蕃關係史等具重要價值。

南诏(738年-902年/937年),吐蕃人称之为姜域藏文ལྗང་ཡུལ威利ljang yul),是8世纪时兴起的位于中国西南部的古国,其国民主要由乌蛮白蛮组成,由蒙舍诏首领皮罗阁在738年建立,从748年开始扩张至今云南全境和贵州西部,到860年代极盛时的统治范围包括今云南全境及贵州四川西藏东南部、越南北部、老挝北部和缅甸北部地区。902年郑买嗣自立为帝,灭亡南诏,建立大长和国。史学界有时将902年至937年大理国成立前的历史亦算作南诏。
-  唐时西洱河地区,居住着乌蛮,共分6大部落,号称“六诏”,即蒙巂诏越析诏浪穹诏邆赕诏施浪诏,及蒙舍诏。当中蒙舍诏因地处南方,称为南诏,亦为各部落中最强,家族姓蒙氏。“诏”解作王[1]。他们与白族直接有关。
-  在古代越南,曾有南诏国是“赵武帝佗之后”的说法。在越南古籍《岭南摭怪‧南诏传》中,提出历史上的南越国南粤)被汉朝所灭后,“其赵氏子孙,各散四方”,后来更在越南北部地区“劫掠海滨之人,戮守令。其民畏服,呼为‘南赵’。”并进一步以为“南赵”讹为“南诏”,因而南诏国是南越赵氏遗族所建立的。对此,中国学者戴可来作出驳斥,认为与史实不符。理由是南诏的“诏”其实是王或首领的意思,而该政权是六诏中的蒙舍诏所建立。至于杜撰南诏是赵佗之后的原因,戴可来认为是“因为越南人以赵佗为其‘开国之君’,编造这套传说,借以自夸,不足为信。”而近现代的越南史家,也已经对南诏历史有较深的认识,如陈仲金说南诏国境内“这个地区之人称王为诏”、“蒙舍诏位于最南面,故称南诏”;1970年代越共学术机关编撰的《越南历史》,亦说“‘诏’是民族首领的称呼”,与陈仲金见解相同。英国人与泰国人提出南诏始祖是泰族亦被中国驳斥。

- introduced to china in early tang dynasty

  • The Great Mosque of Xi'an (西安大清真寺) is the largest mosque in China.[1]:128 An active place of worship within Xi'an Muslim Quarter, this courtyard complex is also a popular tourist site. The majority of the mosque was built during the early Ming dynasty.The mosque is also known as the Huajue Mosque (化觉巷清真寺), for its location on 30 Huajue Lane. It is sometimes called the Great Eastern Mosque (东大寺), as well, because it sits east of another of Xi’an’s oldest mosques, Daxuexi Mosque (大学习巷清真寺). The mosque was constructed during the Hongwu reign of the Ming dynasty, with further additions during the Qing dynasty.[2]:121 Previous religious complexes (Tanmingsi and Huihui Wanshansi) are known to have stood on the same site, dating to as early as the Tang dynasty. In 1956, the mosque was declared a Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the Shaanxi Province Level, and was later promoted to a Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level in 1988. The mosque is still used as a place of worship by Chinese Muslims, primarily Hui people, today.
  • 哈密盖斯墓,位于新疆哈密市西郊的盖斯墓又称“圣人墓”、“绿拱北”。相传,唐贞观年间,应唐太宗李世民邀请,伊斯兰教先知穆罕默德派弟子盖斯、乌外斯、万嘎斯三人来中国传教。万嘎斯病逝广州,盖斯和乌外斯到达长安,受到唐太宗的欢迎。回国途中,乌外斯病逝于河西之回回堡,盖斯则于唐贞观九年(公元635年)殁于星星峡,被草草掩埋。后来,哈密回王派人在星星峡为其修建一座拱北陵墓。


  • Neither the name of Africa nor the term "negro slave" was known in China during the period of the Tang dynasty, but we often encounter the term K'un-lun-nu ("K'un-lun slave") in the individual works of T'ang authors that have come to us as parts of the following Ts'ung-shu ("Collections of Reprints") : "T'ang-jen Shuo-k'uai"; "T'ai-p'ing K'uang-chi"; "Ku-chin Shuo-hai" etc. These works generally describe the K'un-lun-nu as black-skinned folk. Some of the aforesaid authors even use the term K'un-lun adjectivially as a synonym for black-, or dark-skinned. Others use it as an equivalent for "Negro." 
  • Having determined the signification of the term K'un-lun-nu, we must next determine the land of their origin and the race to which they belonged. We may dismiss without further ado the suggestion that the K'un-lun-nu were natives of Arabia. The Ho-ling Kuo Tiao ("Topography of the Land of Ho-ling") contained in Book CCXXII of the Hsin Tang Shu ("New Dynastic History of T'ang") says: "In the eighth year of the Yuan Ho period (A.D. 813), the land of Ho-ling presented four Seng-chih slaves." In Book III of Chiu Ch'u-fei's Ling-wai Tai-ta ("Notes on the Lands beyond the Mountains") there is to be found a section that deals with a land named K'un-lun Ts'eng-ch'i; here, among other things, it says: "Many savages dwell on the islands. They have lacquer-black being used as a bait, and they are captured by the thousands, food being used as a bait, and they are subsequently sold into slavery." In the first part of Chao Ju-k'uo's Chu Fan Chih ("Information about Barbarians"), there is one section which treats of the various lands beyond the sea, and which says among other things: "The Land of K'un-lun Ts'eng-ch'i is situated on the shores of the Southwestern Sea behind a screen of large islands. In this land are to be found gigantic Rukhs, enormous birds whose wings outstretched darken the sun and turn day into night. They prey upon wild camels, which they swallow at a single gulp. The quills of the feathers which they shed, are cut into sections by the natives to serve as water-casks. The products of page 42 the land consist of elephant tusks and rhinoceros' horns. To the west there is an island peopled with savages whose complexion is like black lacquer and whose tresses resemble wriggling tadpoles. They are captured by using food as a bait, and are sold at great profit to the Arabs as slaves. The Arabs entrust them with their keys, knowing that they will be faithful be-cause they have no kith nor kin." From the last two quotations we obtain detailed information regarding the place from which the Arabs got their slaves. Seng-chih and Ts'eng-ch'i are identical with the Zinj of Cosmas' Topographia Christiana. On the maps and in the geographical works of the present day this place is designated as Zanzibar. Marco Polo, in Book III, Chapter 34, of his Travels, calls the locality Zanghibar, "which being interpreted means The Region of the Blacks.'" The Arabs give the name of Zanzibar to that portion of East Africa that stretches from the Juba River to Cape Delgado, eleven degrees south of the equator. According to Abulfeda, the King of Zinj resided at Monbasa. In the parlance of modern Europeans the name of Zanzibar has been restricted to a small island.
  • The K'un-lun slaves of the T'ang dynasty were imported into China by the Arabs. That the employment of negro slaves played an important part in Arabian social life, may be gathered from their famous collection of tales. known as "The Arabian Nights' Entertainment," In his work entitled Der Islam von seiner Anfengen bis zür Gegenwart (cf. pp. 199-201), C. Brockelmann gives a detailed account of a Negro rebellion in the Eastern Caliphate. It may be summarized as follows: The wealthy Arabs of Basra employed negro slaves in the exploitation of the neighboring salt mines. A certain Persian named Ali ibn Muhammed roused these slaves to open revolt by preaching to them a doctrine of liberty, equality, equal distribution of wealth, the removal of all social and racial distinctions, etc., etc. The rebellion broke out on Sept. 10th, A.D. 869. The rebels under the personal direction of Ali occupied Basra and its environs and defeated the soldiers sent against. them by the Caliph of Bagdad. Even the black mercenaries of the Caliph's army deserted and made common cause with the rebels. The richest regions of the Caliphate including the whole valley of the Lower Tigris and the cities of Basra, Wãssit, Kh•ristãn, etc. were utterly devastated. The rebellion was only suppressed in A.D. 883 by AlMuwaffak, the brother of the Caliph Al-Mo'tamid. This rebellion, therefore, lasted fifteen years in all
- In 751 AD, the Arabs was in its ascendancy. At the time, the Arab caliphate was ruled by the powerful Abbasid dynasty. In the East, the Chinese empire was ruled by the great Tang dynasty. At their point of contact in today's Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia, an event would spark a conflict between these two great empires. Historian and Georgetown University professor, James Millward, wrote in his book, "Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang", calling the conflict the "first and last meeting of Arab and Chinese armies". By the mid-740s, the Tang controlled trade routes both north and south of the Tianshan mountains in modern Kyrgyzstan. Tang's general, Gao Xianzhi, had been engaged in a series of campaigns to drive the Tibetans out of the Pamir mountains at the time. A quarrel between the rulers of the principality of Chach and the Kingdom of Ferghana in Central Asia would eventually spark the conflict between the Arabs and Chinese. In those days, the Kingdom of Ferghana, ruled by the Ikhshids, was a vassal of Tang.In 750 AD, the king of Ferghana had a border dispute with the ruler of neighboring Chach. He appealed to the Chinese, who sent General Gao to assist Ferghana's troops. Gao besieged Chach, offered the Chachan king safe passage out of his capital. But Gao reneged and beheaded the king. The son of Chachan king's escaped and sought help from Abbasid Arab governor at Khorasan. The Arabs decided to teach Gao a lesson. It gathered its troops and marched East. The Arabs were, of course, also keen to take the opportunity to assert Abbasid power in the region.In 751 AD, the two armies finally met along the Talas river in today's Kyrgyzstan. The Tang army was reinforced by the Karluks, a Turkic Central Asian tribal confederacy. The Karluks would later prove unexpectedly decisive in the forthcoming battle.The defeat marked the end of Tang westward expansion and resulted in Muslim control of Central Asia area for the next 400 years. Control of this region was economically beneficial for the Abbasids because it was where the Silk Road passed through.Tang at first wanted revenge and planned to chase the Arabs out of the Central Asia region. However, a catastrophic civil war, the An Shi Rebellion, later consumed the whole of China from 755-763. The rebellion resulted in a huge number of deaths and that the Tang empire's population was greatly reduced. The An Shi Rebellion and its aftermath greatly weakened the centralized bureaucracy of the Tang dynasty, especially in regards to its perimeters. Virtually, autonomous provinces and ad hoc financial organizations arose, giving rise to warlordism and reducing the influence of the central government. Furthermore, the Tang government also lost most of its control over the Western regions, due to troop withdrawal to central China to help crush the rebellion and deal with subsequent disturbances. Hence, continued military and economic weakness resulted in further subsequent erosion of Tang territorial control during the ensuing years, particularly in the Western region. By 790 Chinese had completely lost control over the Tarim Basin area. The Arabs took opportunity to further expand into Central Asia as Tang’s influence in the region retreated.The weakened Chinese Empire was no longer in any position to interfere in Central Asia, so the influence of the Abbassid Arabs continued to grow. Many of the communities and tribes in Central Asia were converted to Islam. Within the next 250 years, most of the formerly Buddhist, Hindu, Zoroastrian, and Nestorian Christian tribes of Central Asia had become Muslim. With the decline of Central Asian Buddhism due to Islam influence, Chinese Buddhism was cut off from Indian Buddhism and developed into an independent religion with distinct spiritual elements.According to the 11th century historian, Thaalibi, Chinese prisoners captured at the battle helped introduce paper manufacturing to Samarkand, a city in southeastern Uzbekistan and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Central Asia. Some of the Chinese soldiers were said to have worked at paper mills in China before. They were the ones who later helped build paper mills outside of China. One of the captives was the Tang Dynasty craftsman Tou-Houan. It was reported that he and others were brought to Baghdad where they stayed and worked for their Islamic captors for some years. When he returned to China, Tou wrote to the emperor that he and his colleagues taught the Abbasid craftsmen the important techniques of paper-making, textile manufacture, and gold-working. Soon, paper mills sprang up in Samarkand, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Delhi and in 1120 the first European paper mill was established in Xativa, Spain (now called Valencia). Note that at the height of Arab domination, they controlled Spain and Portugal, as well as North Africa, the Middle East, and large swaths of Central Asia. This facilitated the transfer of paper-making technology to the West. From Xativa, this Chinese invention later passed to Italy, Germany, and across Europe.
The Battle of Talas or Battle of Artlakh  怛罗斯之战(怛,音dá)是唐朝安西都护府的军队与阿拉伯帝国的穆斯林、中亚诸国联军在怛罗斯相遇而导致的战役。战场在葱岭(今帕米尔高原)以北,具体位置还未完全确定。怛逻斯城得名于塔拉斯河,在今哈萨克斯坦塔拉兹市西约18公里。某些学者认为怛逻斯之战的战场不在怛逻斯城,而在塔拉斯河中上游西岸的伊特莱赫(阿拉伯语’Itlakh),突厥人称“阿特拉赫”(Artlakh),在今吉尔吉斯斯坦西境普科罗夫卡(Pokrovka)。 [1]  怛罗斯之战发生时间在天宝十年(751年7月-8月),葛逻禄突然叛变,导致唐军失利。这是阿拉伯与大唐几次边境冲突中唯一一次打胜安西军。此战对唐朝、阿拉伯双方的疆域几乎没有影响。战后,唐朝仍然控制西域,并且继续扩张。历史学家指出,怛罗斯之战只是一场遭遇战,怛罗斯之战对唐与大食(阿拉伯)的关系没有显著影响。怛罗斯战役的起因,据中国史书记载,是西域藩国石国(Tashkent  or Toshkent   西域古国,昭武九姓之一。波斯语Chaj、突厥语Tash、粟特语Cac,石之意。)“无番臣礼”。大唐安西节度使高仙芝领兵征讨,石国请求投降,高仙芝允诺和好;但是不久高仙芝即违背承诺,攻占并血洗殺燒擄掠石国城池,掠走男丁和妇女,屠杀老人和儿童,抢夺财物,并俘虏石国国王并献于阙下斩首。侥幸逃脱的石国王子向阿拔斯王朝求救。高仙芝得到消息後,决定采取先发制人之策,主动进攻大食。鉴于当时唐帝国在西域的影响,有许多葛逻禄拔汗那国的军卒参加大唐的军队,组成的大唐联军有三万多人(另有说法为七万多人),其中唐兵占三分之二。高仙芝率领大唐联军长途奔袭,深入七百余里,最后在怛罗斯与大食军队遭遇。怛罗斯的所在地还未完全确定,但应在今日吉尔吉斯斯坦哈萨克斯坦之間的唐朝边境,接近哈萨克斯坦塔拉兹(曾称江布尔)的地区。

- The Sassanids were actually allies with Tang dynasty China. When Heraclius allied with the Gokturks to attack Persia from the east. The Tang attacked the Gokturks. When the Gokturks were defeated. The Tang border actually got extended all the way to Persia until the Islamic Jihad conquered Persia & pushed back the Tang at the Battle of Talas river in Kyrgyzstan. The Sassanid heir was given asylum in China. He & his son served as generals in the Chinese army. The Romans & later the Eastern Romans wanted to conquer Persia to monopolize the very profitable Silk Road. The flow of money was eastwards since Roman goods were not in demand. As long as the Persians were in the way. Romans would pay through the nose for Asian goods.
[洋洋兔]  after the arabs conquered sassanid persia in 651, many descendents of sassanid royalty came to stay in 長安, and a lot of persians followed suit and settled in china
- sword dances, sogdian swirl migrated to china thru silk road, made all the way to japan, where the increasingly samurai-dominated ruling class developed a penchant for shirabyoshi.
- china daily 28apr18 "scents of change on ancient silk road" - has a picture of procelain sogdian merchant and his horse
- [from eastern han to high tang exhibition at hk heritage museum] sasanian glass bowl ca 3rd-6thc


倭國, Japan
- 公元663年8月,也是因為朝鮮問題,也是在朝鮮附近海域,日本(當時還叫倭國)軍隊42000人,戰船1000餘艘,對唐朝軍隊1萬3千人,戰船170艘,在白江口(今韓國錦江入海口)發生空前規模海戰。唐軍大勝數倍於己的日軍,日軍傷亡慘重,戰船全部被毀。此次戰役是中日兩國歷史上第一次大規模的海戰,唐軍的勝利奠定了此後1000多年間東亞地區的政治、經濟與文化格局。日本在此後不僅千年未再對中國開戰,而且持續大量派人到中國全面學習,一度成為縮微版的唐朝。甲午戰爭撼動了東亞千年政治格局,改變了中日兩個民族的歷史走向。日本取代了中國在東方的強國地位,加速走向軍國主義,瘋狂發動侵略戰爭,給中日兩國人民及亞洲各國帶來巨大災難。正如清末維新派代表梁啟超所說,喚醒吾國四千年之大夢,實自甲午一役也!takung 24apr2020 b2

  • there is a statue of the monk in yangzhou

Choe Chiwon (Korean pronunciation: [tɕʰʷe tɕʰiwʌn]; 857–10th century) was a noted Korean Confucian official, philosopher, and poet of the late Unified Silla period (668-935). He studied for many years in Tang China, passed the Tang imperial examination, and rose to high office there before returning to Silla, where he made ultimately futile attempts to reform the governmental apparatus of a declining Silla state. In his final years, Choe turned more towards Buddhism and became a hermit scholar residing in and around Korea's Haeinsa temple.崔 致遠(さい ちえん、858年 - ?)は、新羅末の文人。は海夫[1]は孤雲、海雲。868年、12歳のとき商船によりに留学した。874年科挙に及第。まもなく黄巣の乱が起こると、高駢の黄巣討伐軍に参加しすぐれた檄文[2]や上奏文を書いて文名をあげた。884年、国信使として新羅に帰国すると「侍読兼翰林学士・守兵部侍郎・知瑞書監」に任ぜられたが、理想を果たすことができなかったために都を出て大山郡(忠清南道扶余郡鴻山面)や富城郡(忠清南道瑞山市瑞山邑)の太守を経た。新羅末期の乱世にあって志を進めることができず却って咎められることが多く、不遇を嘆いて官を辞した。その後は山林の麓や海浜を流浪し、高台を作ったり植林をしながら気の向くままに書籍を読み風景を詩に詠んだりしてすごした。晩年は海印寺慶尚南道陜川郡伽耶面)に隠棲したと言われる。多くの優れた漢文漢詩を残し、高麗顕宗14年(1023年)には文昌侯に追封され、李氏朝鮮時代に朝鮮漢文学の祖として孔子を祀る文廟に合祀された。釜山の観光地である海雲台の名は、崔致遠が立ち寄って景観を眺めるために展望台を築いたことに由来する。

  • there is memorial hall for choe in yangzhou [according to booklet by information office of yangzhou municipal government, the hall is the first memorial hall in china approved by mfa that is dedicated to a foreigner.]纪念馆2005年10月9日由中国外交部批准建设,10月15日扬州举行了奠基仪式。
- henan
  • 公元六百七 十二年,唐朝在洛陽龍 門西山南部山腰雕刻 「盧 舍那大佛」 ,此雕像被海外 遊客稱為 「世界最美雕像」 , 龍門石窟始鑿於北魏孝文帝 年間,石窟造像在大唐進 入鼎盛時期。禪 宗 教 派在唐朝興盛, 成為佛教最大宗派, 禪宗祖庭在河南登 封市境內嵩山少 林寺。唐代三彩 釉 陶 器 ( 即 唐 三 彩)最早出土也最多出 土於洛陽,均窰瓷器始 於唐代河南禹縣古均 台和神鎮一帶。公元六百 八十四年,武則天 臨朝稱制,改河南洛 陽 「 東 都 」 為 「 神 都」 ,標誌洛陽正式 成為唐朝首都。
- fujian

  • 汀州唐朝時設置的開元二十四年(736年)析福州撫州置,治所最初在「新羅古城」(今福建省上杭縣北某處,一說是在該縣臨城鎮九州村),後移治所至長汀縣(今屬福建省)。屬江南東道天寶至德間屬臨汀郡。《元和郡縣誌》汀州:「因長汀溪以為名。」轄境當今福建省武夷山脈以東,三明永安漳平龍巖永定等市縣以西地區。大曆後轄境東北部縮小。宋朝時,汀州屬福建路。北宋時常每歲秋冬,田事既畢,往往數十百為群,持甲兵旗鼓,往來虔、汀、漳、潮、循、梅、惠、廣八州之地,所致劫人穀帛,掠人婦女,與巡捕吏鬪格,至殺傷卒吏,則起為盜。[1]南宋丘文通晏彪等人於此造反(1949年後,中華人民共和國政府將此行為歸類為農民起義)。元朝福建道至元十五年(1278年)升為汀州路闽西是一块历史悠久、文化积淀厚重的土地。它是福建三大江——闽江九龙江汀江的发源地。这里曾经是远古时代“古闽人”的生息之地。史载是“闽越人”的祖籍地和“南海国”的都城所在地及其中心区域。州名为何选用汀州?这里有两种说法。一是字形说:就是说州城的河流朝南方,《临汀志》“南、丁位也。以水合丁,于文为汀。”“州以汀名,盖因南流入海,取以水合汀之意”。”《福建通志·地理·汀州》“或谓天下之水皆东,惟汀水独南,南,丁位也,以水合丁为汀,故名”。还有一种字义说。旧图经云:“水际平沙曰汀。汀是水边的平地,长汀村就是长形水边平地上的村庄。州城设于长汀村,所以称汀州。汀州人大部分是客家人。客家人,一个具有显著特征的汉族民系,也是汉族在世界上分布范围广阔、影响深远的民系。先世居黄河流域,浙江省云和县黄氏仍然沿用“江夏郡”(湖北江夏县)堂号。西晋末年、唐代后期,他们因战乱大批南下。12世纪70年代,南宋灭亡,又迁至赣、闽、粤等地,并有远渡南洋,飘洋过海,踏上了欧美大地。在这场绵延千年、波澜壮阔的大迁移中,大批先民迁入福建汀州定居。明末清初,浙西南山区处州,由于长期战乱人口大量减少,当地官府到“地窄人稠”、“生齿日繁”的闽汀州府各县招徕大批乡民前来开山植靛(染料),“靛青山”村名在云和留用自今。康熙至乾隆年间,长汀、上杭、宁化等县贫困农民掀起了移民浙西南山区的大潮,尔后,移民并非为植靛,多为开创基业。数百年前,闽西移民在浙南山区再造了一个汀州。闽“汀州府”早已解体,然而千里之外浙江,人们依然执着呼唤着“汀州人”那温馨而亲切的名字。汉语方言之一的“汀州腔”,依然保留较多古汉语音韵。

any relations?
菓珍(英語:Tang)是美國卡夫食品公司於1957年推出的速溶固體飲料品牌,1959年首次上市銷售。1986年進入中國市場。該品牌擁有者現為億滋國際開始時菓珍的銷量並不高,但在美國國家航空暨太空總署配備給約翰·格倫水星計劃以及其後的雙子座計劃後,銷量顯著增加。公眾曾誤以為菓珍是專門為美國載人航天項目開發的飲品。Tang is an American drink mix brand that was formulated by General Foods Corporation food scientist William A. Mitchell in 1957, and first marketed in powdered form in 1959.[2][3] The Tang brand is currently owned by Mondelēz International, a 2012 North American company split off Kraft Foods Inc.Sales of Tang were poor until NASA used it on John Glenn's Mercury flight in February 1962, and on subsequent Gemini missions. Since then it has been closely associated with the U.S. human spaceflight program, which created the misconception that Tang was invented for the space program.

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