Friday, December 28, 2018

stone age

The Neolithic Revolution/ End of the Ice Age - People could now transition from being hunter-gatherers, staying in one place until they exhausted the resources and then moving, to farmers, being able to settle down, thanks to the warmer climate. Settling down means you could have more children, leading to a population increase. A population increase means that there would be so many people that not everyone would need to go into farming (granted that the climate was good enough for a crop surplus), leading to specialized workers. With specialized workers, civilization can be built.Once the Ice Age ended, we can see settlements such as Çatalhöyük being formed in places like atúrdete, which eventually gave way to civilizations in the Fertile Crescent, and, well, the rest is history.

阿舍利   Acheulean (/əˈʃliən/; also Acheulian and Mode II), from the French acheuléen after the type site of Saint-Acheul, is an archaeological industry of stone tool manufacture characterized by distinctive oval and pear-shaped "hand-axes" associated with Homo erectus and derived species such as Homo heidelbergensis.Acheulean tools were produced during the Lower Palaeolithic era across Africa and much of West Asia, South Asia, East Asia and Europe, and are typically found with Homo erectus remains. It is thought that Acheulean technologies first developed about 1.76 million years ago, derived from the more primitive Oldowan technology associated with Homo habilis.[3] The Acheulean includes at least the early part of the Middle Paleolithic. Its end is not well defined, depending on whether Sangoan(also known as "Epi-Acheulean") is included, it may be taken to last until as late as 130,000 years ago. In Europe and Western Asia, early Neanderthals adopted Acheulean technology, transitioning to Mousterian by about 160,000 years ago.

新克羅文化 The Chinchorro culture of South America was a preceramic culture that lasted from 9,000 to 3,500 years BP (7,000 to 1,500 BC). The people forming the Chinchorro culture were sedentary fishermen inhabiting the Pacific coastal region of current northern Chile and southern Peru. Presence of fresh water in the arid region on the coast facilitated human settlement in this area. The Chinchorro were famous for their detailed mummification and funerary practices. The area of the Chinchorro culture started to receive influences from the Andean Plateau around 4,000 BP, which led to the adoption of agriculture. Much later, it came under the influence of the Tiwanaku Empire.
- spelt as chinchero in horrible histories

横峯遺跡(よこみねいせき)は、鹿児島県熊毛郡南種子町に所在する後期旧石器時代初頭の遺跡。鹿児島県の史跡。 1992年に発掘調査された際[1]種子島で初めて発見された旧石器時代の遺跡であり、旧石器時代、縄文時代にヒトが住んでいた跡が見つかっている。約3万年前の土層からは、日本国内最古の調理場跡が発見されている[2]。2003年4月28日、鹿児島県指定文化財となった[2]
- no other wiki version

xinglongwa culture circa 6000-1000bc

The Cucuteni–Trypillia culture (RomanianCultura Cucuteni and UkrainianТрипільська культура), also known as the Tripolye culture (RussianТрипольская культура), is a NeolithicEneolithic archaeological culture (c. 5200 to 3500 BC) of Eastern Europe. It extended from the Carpathian Mountains to the Dniester and Dnieper regions, centred on modern-day Moldova and covering substantial parts of western Ukraineand northeastern Romania, encompassing an area of 350,000 km2 (140,000 sq mi), with a diameter of 500 km (300 mi; roughly from Kyiv in the northeast to Brașov in the southwest).
- 以務農畜牧維生的特里波耶文明(Trypillia culture)在九千年前已出現於歐洲大陸,但卻在約五千四百年前突然消失。其後當地居民的基因與特里波耶人大為相異,令科學家懷疑特里波耶文明是受外來者影響而消亡。考古團隊近日在瑞典南部發現一個新石器時代的墓地,出土了七十九具有四千九百年歷史的古骨。其中一具廿歲女子的遺骸上,發現了鼠疫病毒痕迹,證實歐洲爆發瘟疫的時期遠較學者此前推論的為早。

Choirokoitia Neolithic Settlement (7500-5200 BC)

The Neolithic Age settlement of Tenta is situated a short distance from Kalavasos village and dates to 7000 BC. It is one of the most significant Neolithic settlements on the island, and is covered by a characteristic cone-shaped roof, which forms a contemporary architectural intervention in the landscape. According to local tradition, the name of the site goes back to 327 AD when St. Helen - the mother of Constantine the Great - stayed in a tent (‘tenta’) in this location during her visit to the island following the discovery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem.



新石器时代考古学文化。因福建省平潭县壳丘头遗址而得名。主要分布在闽江下游地区和金门岛。遗迹有贝壳坑和墓葬,葬式为仰身直肢葬。文化遗物包括陶器、石器、骨器、玉器、贝器等。陶器以夹砂灰陶为主,石器包括打制和磨制石器两种,骨器有凿、匕、镞、锥、簪等。另有大量水陆生动物遗骸。经济形态为渔猎和采集经济。文化年代为距今6 000~5 500年。2017年11月9日《中國日報網》刊登〈中國學者找尋南島語族的起源〉(Chinese researchers seek origins of Austronesians)報導,「國際性南島語族考古研究基地」指稱位於福建平潭的殼丘頭遺址(Keqiutou ruins),發現了為數可觀、跟台灣新北市八里區大坌坑遺址Dachakeng ruins)所發現的工具相似的石斧;中國媒體人民網建議南島語族發源地應該往「中國大陸」方向前去探索[3]
基於對距今 7,000多年的平潭殼丘頭文化遺 址的重視,近幾年來,林正佳連續提交數篇關 於「南島語族」的政協提案引起了福建省外辦 等政府有關部門的高度重視,多項建議被納入 決策實踐,在貫徹實施「一帶一路」倡議,增 進福建省和「南島語族」沿線國家和地區的文 化交流,堅守中華優秀傳統文化、助力平潭國 際旅遊島殼丘頭文化遺址公園的規劃建設等方 面起到了積極推動作用。

- 燧,中国古代取火的工具,有金燧、木燧之分。金燧取火于日,木燧取火于木。根据我国古籍的记载,古时常用“夫燧”、“阳燧”(实际上是一种凹面镜,因用金属制成,所以统称为“金燧”)来取火。《周礼·秋官司寇》中就有“司烜氏,掌以夫燧,取明火于日”的记载。《淮南子·天文训》中写道:“阳燧见日,则燃而为火。”
  • 烽火台[beacon tower],后泛指报警的烽火,不分昼夜 南朝自武昌至京口,列置烽燧,此山当是其一也。——宋·陆游《过小孤山大孤山》幽王为熢燧。——《史记·周本纪》。正义:“炬火也。”古代边防报警的信号。白天放烟告警叫“烽”,夜间举火告警叫“燧” [beacon fire] 与城上烽燧相望。——《墨子·号令》 又如:燧火(古代边防报警的烟火);
  • 火炬之类 [torch] 前驱举燧,后乘抗旌。——曹植《应诏诗》幽王欲悦之,数为举燧火。——《后汉书·孽嬖传》有寇则燃火,举之以相告,曰烽。又多积薪,寇至即燔之望其烟,曰燧。昼则燔燧,夜则举烽。——《后汉书·光武纪》注
  • 守望烽燧的基本组织 [beacon group]。燧是最基本的组织,专司本烽燧的守望职责,设燧长,其秩位相当于亭

麒麟山人,古人类名,中国新人化石。因在广西壮族自治区来宾市麒麟山洞穴内发现,故得名麒麟山人。“ 1956年1月14日,中国科学院古脊椎动物研究工作队在来宾市兴宾区桥巩圩附近的麒麟山盖头洞发观,人的遗骸仅保存有颅底部分,包括大部分上颌骨和腭骨,右侧的颧骨和大部分枕骨,三者已不连续,是属于一个男性老人的个体。”(引自黄现璠著《壮族通史》)后被确定为属距今3.6万年前旧石器时代晚期的古人类,为壮族的先祖。


The Liangzhu culture (3400–2250 BC) was the last Neolithic jade culture in the Yangtze River Delta of China. The culture was highly stratified, as jade, silkivory and lacquer artifacts were found exclusively in elite burials, while pottery was more commonly found in the burial plots of poorer individuals. This division of class indicates that the Liangzhu Period was an early state, symbolized by the clear distinction drawn between social classes in funeral structures. A pan-regional urban center had emerged at the Liangzhu city-site and elite groups from this site presided over the local centers.[1] The Liangzhu culture was extremely influential and its sphere of influence reached as far north as Shanxi and as far south as Guangdong.[2] The type site at Liangzhu was discovered in Yuhang CountyZhejiang and initially excavated by Shi Xingeng in 1936. A 2007 analysis of the DNA recovered from human remains shows high frequencies of Haplogroup O1 in Liangzhu culture linking this culture to modern Austronesian and Tai-Kadai populations. It is believed that the Liangzhu culture or other associated subtraditions are the ancestral homeland of Austronesian speakers.[3] The Liangzhu Culture entered its prime about 4000 ~ 5000 years ago, but suddenly disappeared from the Taihu Lake area about 4200 years ago when it reached the peak. There are almost no traces of the splendid culture created by the Liangzhu people in the following years ever found in this area.[4] Recent research has shown that the development of human settlements was interrupted several times by rising waters. This led researchers to conclude the demise of the Liangzhu culture was brought about by extreme environmental changes such as floods, as the cultural layers are usually interrupted by muddy or marshy and sandy–gravelly layers with buried palaeotrees. Some evidence implicates that the Taihu lake was formed as an impact crater only 4500 years ago, which could help explaining the disappearance of the Liangzhu culture. 良渚文化中國新石器文化之一,分布地點在長江下游的太湖地區,其中心在浙江省杭州市良渚遗址。1936年發現的該文化遺址,於1959年依照考古慣例按發現地點良渚命名,是為良渚文化。良渚文化同马家浜文化马桥文化一样,其考古地点分布于太湖周围地区。良渚文化存續之間約為距今5300年至4200年前,屬於新石器時代。該文化遺址最大特色是所出土的玉器。挖掘自墓葬中的玉器包含有冠形器三叉形玉器玉鐲玉管玉珠玉墜柱形玉器錐形玉器玉帶等,其中圓盤玉稱作「璧」,柱狀玉稱作「琮」。另外,陶器也相當細緻。良渚文化延续上千年后突然消失了,后来有学者认为这是过度依赖单一粮食作物稻谷造成的。 但若是从遗传学的角度来看,前述观点显然并不能成立。因为在此之后的马桥文明尽管在文化层面上与良渚时期差异甚大,可这两个时期的同地居民却令人出乎意料的拥有着完全一致的独特遗传结构,所以较大可能性的排除了自然灾害所带来的劫难。并进一步以此来判断,其文明程度在末期的急遽衰退更有可能是由人文因素所造成的,例如遭受到同一时期境外不同文明的毁灭性入侵及征服,从而致使当地的原有文明体系产生了巨大的转变。 五千年前,良渚人生活的太湖平原是一個水旱災害頻 繁的地區,海拔只有兩米多高,下幾場暴雨發一場洪水 房子就會被淹。聰明的良渚人於是選擇將房屋建在堆築 的土墩之上,挖土留下的空缺就形成了池塘、河道,河 網密集,水稻田就在村莊周圍。但為了長期生存,還是 得系統建立防水工程,通俗講,就是 「治水」。
- 渚者,水中小洲也;良者,善也。良渚 古城位於杭州西部、距離市區20公里左右的 地方。
- art 
  • “江南晨曦——浙江省博物馆良渚文化展”为庆祝香港特区成立二十周年,促进文化交流,展出浙江省博物馆藏的新石器时期良渚文物精品,包括玉器、石器和黑陶器合共一百一十八组,透过一系列出土器物,窥探良渚人的日常生活、礼制和精神世界,带领观众走进遥远的良渚文明世界。该展览由即日起至五月三十日在香港茶具文物馆举行,由康乐及文化事务署(康文署)与浙江省博物馆联合主办、香港艺术馆与浙江省博物馆联合筹划。
  • 透雕(镂空)技巧
  • 英國薩默塞特郡一名印度裔退休老翁,早前整理家中櫃子時,發現一個亡父遺下的狗形玉石飾物。他起初以為是普通東西,經專家鑑證後始知可能是中國石器時代良渚文化時期的玉石護身符,至少有四千年歷史,專家認為飾物有四千到五千年歷史,又指該飾物以玉石製成,相信是一枚護身符,可能是現存最古老的狗形飾物。
The Yangshao culture was a Neolithic culture that existed extensively along the Yellow River in China. It is dated from around 5000 BC to 3000 BC. The culture is named after Yangshao, the first excavated representative village of this culture, which was discovered in 1921 in Henan Province by the Swedish archaeologist Johan Gunnar Andersson (1874–1960). The culture flourished mainly in the provinces of Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi.仰韶文化黄河中游地区重要的新石器時代文化,年代約為公元前5000年-公元前3000年前,分布在整个黄河中游从今天的甘肃省河南省之间,以關中豫西晉南地區為中心,範圍由陝西省寶雞市向東延伸至河南省等廣大區域。[1]1922年由瑞典學者安特生在河南三门峡地区的仰韶村发现,这一发现成为中国现代考古学诞生的起始点。
-  Certaines découvertes archéologiques ont laissé supposer la présence de chamanisme, ou son équivalent. À Puyang a été mise au jour une tombe dans laquelle un homme était placé entre deux représentations d'animaux, un dragon chinois (?), à sa gauche, et un tigre, à sa droite, réalisées avec des coquillages28. Dans le Baopuzi, ouvrage du troisième siècle de notre ère, il est écrit que les prêtres taoïstes emploient des tigres, des dragons ou des cerfs pour effectuer leurs voyages au ciel, où ils sont censés rencontrer des dieux et des ancêtres. Ces « voyages extatiques » auraient une origine chamanique. Mais l'écart très grand entre les dates des réalisations et les textes ne permettent pas d'en tirer une relation étroite.
-  仰韶文化の重複する多数の段階のうち、もっとも有名で、土器のスタイルの違いに代表されるものは、以下の通りである:
- arts and crafts

河姆渡文化The Hemudu culture (5500 BC to 3300 BC) was a Neolithic culture that flourished just south of the Hangzhou Bay in Jiangnan in modern YuyaoZhejiangChina. The culture may be divided into an early and late phases, before and after 4000 BC respectively. The site at Hemudu, 22 km north-west of Ningbo, was discovered in 1973. Hemudu sites were also discovered on the islands of Zhoushan. Hemudu are said to have differed physically from inhabitants of the Yellow River sites to the north. Some scholars assert that the Hemudu culture co-existed with the Majiabang culture as two separate and distinct cultures, with cultural transmissions between the two.[citation needed] Other scholars group Hemudu in with Majiabang subtraditions. Two major floods caused the nearby Yaojiang River to change its course and inundated the soil with salt, forcing the people of Hemudu to abandon its settlements. The Hemudu people lived in long, stilt houses. Communal longhouses were also common in Hemudu sites, much like the ones found in modern-day Borneo. The Hemudu culture was one of the earliest cultures to cultivate rice. Recent excavations at the Hemudu period site of Tianluoshan has demonstrated rice was undergoing evolutionary changes recognized as domestication. Most of the artifacts discovered at Hemudu consist of animal bones, exemplified by hoes made of shoulder bones used for cultivating rice.The culture also produced lacquer wood. A red lacquer wood bowl at the Zhejiang Museum is dated to: 4000~5000 BC. It is believed to be the earliest such object in the world.河姆渡では中国国内では最古の漆器も発見された。陶器は黒陶、紅陶、紅灰陶など1000度前後の比較的高い温度で焼いたものが見られ、一定の技術的水準にあったことを示している。幾何学模様や植物紋、縄文などが刻まれており、中にはをかたどったものやをかたどった土器もある。Ce devait être une société plutôt égalitaire, car de bien faibles différences se manifestent dans les dépôts funéraires. Mais l'emploi de dépôts funéraires en jade dans quelques tombes richement dotées laisse supposer l'émergence d'une élite13.
-  Située sur des zones côtières, en particulier au long du fleuve Yaojiang, deux grands sites lacustres Hemudu ont été dégagés offrant plusieurs mètres de dépôts. Ces dépôts sont riches en pilotis qui ont servi de fondations d'un habitat lacustre construit en partie par assemblages avec tenons et mortaises. Mais l'abondance du dépôt nous renseigne aussi sur la faune, la flore et les restes de l'activité humaine. La population qui y vivait est caractérisée par des traits à la fois mongoloïdes et australo-négroïdes, probablement liés à d'anciens peuplements des îles du Pacifique9. Certains archéologues la considèrent aujourd'hui comme une source des langues proto-Austronésiennes10.
-  Hemudu houses were called Stilt Style Architecture. The main body of a house is supported by several stilts, and the floor level is significantly higher than ground level.This building style can still be found in some Chinese minority groups’ traditional buildings as well as other Asian cultures like Japan and Indonisia. However, when Xu Shen was compiling the first Chinese dictionary in 1st century, the contemporary Chinese of his time had already forgotten that once upon a time some of their ancestors lived in houses on stilts.

  • any relation? Castro is famous for its palafitos, traditional wooden stilt houses which were common in many places in Chiloé. Some of them are preserved in the town district Gamboa in the west of the town in a bay called Fiordo de Castro. Boats are built in a traditional way in a wharf between the town center and Gamboa.
- zhejiang
  •  The Neolithic Hemudu culture formed in Yuyao about 5,000 B.C. is one of the earliest sites of human civilization on earth. The material and ethical relics revealed large-scale rice plantation and other agricultural activities, hurdle style architecture, paddling and boating and respecting birds and sun.

- arts and crafts

  • 要到石家河文化 和龍山文化(距今約四千多年), 玉鷹才盛行。前者主要有兩種造型 :一為靜態的立柱狀,雙翅收斂; 另一為雙翅展開欲飛,帶動感,卻 不琢眼和爪。二者皆簡拙原始,僅 勾畫輪廓,略加線刻,穿孔作佩飾 和護身符;乃藉鷹的威猛,辟妖祛 魔。山東龍山文化多鷹形玉器,雕 鏤技藝精湛,是此類古玉中最佳者 。

dawenkou culture circa 4300-2500 bc

xiaozhushan culture circa 4000-3000 bc

daxi culture 

majiayao culture circa 3100-2000 bc

xuejia gang culture circa 3000 bc

shixia culture circa 3000-2000 bc

karuo culture circa 2900-2600 bc

-新石器時代青龍泉三期文 化的玉雕人頭像,於湖北荊州六合出土 ,乃天然灰沁鈣化的珍品

The Shijiahe culture (2500–2000 BC) was a late Neolithic culture centered on the middle Yangtze River region in Shijiahe Town, TianmenHubei Province, China. It succeeded the Qujialing culture in the same region and inherited its unique artefact of painted spindle whorls. Pottery figurines and distinct jade worked with advanced techniques were also common to the culture.石家河文化(せっかがぶんか)は、中国湖北省長江中流域に紀元前2500年頃から紀元前2000年頃にかけて存在した新石器時代後期の文化。長江流域で最初の都市遺跡を残した。同地の屈家嶺文化を継承した石家河文化は屈家嶺文化と同一視される場合もあるが、環濠集落から発展して大規模な城郭都市が築かれており、原始的な都城を構成したことにより屈家嶺文化と区別されている。文化的には屈家嶺文化の特徴的な遺物である彩色紡錘車を継承し、また灰陶などの陶器や陶製の人物像(塑像)、ヒスイの玉製品は更に発達した製法が生み出されている。また銅鉱石や銅製品も遺跡より出土している。
- no chinese wiki version

taosi culture circa 2600-2000bc位 於長江、淮河兩大河流下游的 江蘇,是中國新石器時代文化 的重要分布區域,迄今發現的 文化遺址達三百多處。江蘇徐 州市邳州大墩子遺址經過先後 三次發掘,出土了六千餘件器 物和五百五十四座墓葬資料。尤 其是出土的新石器時代彩陶器 

- 红山文化是中国北方地区较重要的新石器时期文化,距今約5000至6000年前,持续时间約2000年。该文化发现于1908年,1924、1930和1935年由日本考古学者进行了连续发掘。因发现于热河省(今属内蒙古)的红山而得名。是一个以农业为主的新石器时代文化。昨日,遼寧省文 物考古研究所發佈 消息稱,該所已完 成遼寧朝陽半拉山 紅 山 文 化 遺 址 發 掘,成為研究中華 文明起源的重要發 現。其中首次發現 的紅山先人祭祀遺 址,為研究陵寢制度乃至中華禮制起源提供了依據。
- 內蒙古地區考古發掘出土的紅山文化玉 器精品,並輔以從南方的凌家灘文化,中原腹 地河南三門峽市虢國墓地,黑龍江小南山等 相關文化遺址及墓地出土的紅山文化風格 玉器。
- arts and crafts

  • 新石器時代紅山文化 (今遼寧和河北一帶)琢製的青 黃玉鴞,線條與造型俱簡單古拙 ,正面無孔,而背後有兩個斜斜 地橫打進去的小孔,孔口形如橫 放的瓜子,孔道打橫相通。這件 珍罕實物足以證明我國早於五千 五百多年前,已用這種打孔法。
  • 仿新石器時代紅山文化 的,大多為鴟鴞
  •  C-shaped jade dragon of Hongshan Culture
  • any relations? china daily 9feb19 article mentioning c shaped pig dragon
  •  該玉豬龍距今已有 5000多年歷史,是古芮國 國君夫人芮姜的陪葬品, 一雙圓眼略凸起,身 體捲曲形成首尾 幾乎重合的環形 ,精美大氣。


  • any relations? - wasn’t just the Romans. The amphora, a tall, narrow storage jar with a pointed end, was the standard shipping container of the classical Mediterranean. The reason for the pointy bottom has to do with the nature of shipping at the time. Long docks sticking out into the ocean were a later development. A lot of early shipping involved pulling a galley up onto shore rather than tying it to something while remaining on the water. When cargo was unloaded, it was unloaded onto a sandy beach. The pointy bottoms of the amphorae stuck into the sand, allowing them to stand up on the soft surface, where a flat bottom would be unstable and likely to end up with the vessel falling over.
- 一九七七年青海民和出土 了附圖這件泥質彩陶鴨形壺,經碳十 四年代檢測和共生期等等驗證,確實 是新石器時代馬家窰文化馬廠類型的 獨創陶藝品。

- 1982年北京市文物局北京市进行文物普查时发现上宅文化遗址,1984年开始发掘至今,出土大批新石器时代文物。这处文化被正式命名为“上宅文化”。该遗址共分为8层,上层是商周至唐辽文化,中层和红山文化接近,下层是新石器时代中早期文化。上宅文化是北京地区至今发现的最早的

  • 文明之火耀京東

布罗德盖石圈 The Ring of Brodgar (or Brogar, or Ring o' Brodgar) is a Neolithic henge and stone circle about 6 miles north-east of Stromness on the Mainland, the largest island in OrkneyScotlandInvaders from Scandinavia reached Orkney by the 9th century, bringing a complex theology that they imposed on the preexisting Orcadian monuments; at least according to local legend. For example, the Ring of Brodgar and the Standing Stones of Stenness were allegedly known as the Temple of the Sun and Moon respectively.[15] Young people supposedly made their vows and prayed to Wōden at these "temples" and at the so-called "Odin Stone" that lay between the stone circles until it was destroyed by a farmer in 1814.[15] Others view these fanciful names with skepticism; Sigurd Towrie suggests that "they were simply erroneous terms applied by the antiquarians of the 18th or 19th centuries – romantic additions, in the same vein as the infamous "Druid's Circle" and "Sacrificial Altar"."[16] At the very least, several of the stones at Brodgar contain runic carvings that were left by Nordic peoples.[17] These include the name "Bjorn" and a small cross as well as an anvil.

在巨石陣附近發現二十個以上的史前坑洞,可追溯到四千五百年前的新石器時代,相信有助解開巨石陣起源謎團。聖安德魯斯大學、伯明翰大學等組成的考古團隊,在巨石陣以外約三公里的杜靈頓垣牆(Durrington Walls)周圍,發現二十多個史前坑洞,直徑均超過十米及深五米。坑洞環繞杜靈頓垣牆形成一個直徑超過兩公里的圓圈。

Shimao is a Neolithic site in Shenmu CountyShaanxiChina. The site is located in the northern part of the Loess Plateau, on the southern edge of the Ordos Desert. It is dated to around 2000 BC, near the end of the Longshan period, and is the largest known walled site of that period in China, at 400 ha.The city was surrounded by inner and outer stone walls, in contrast to the rammed earth walls typical of Longshan sites in the Central Plain and Shandong石峁遗址是中国已发现的龙山晚期到夏早期时期规模最大的城址。位于陕西榆林市神木高家堡镇石峁村的秃尾河北侧山峁上,地处陕北黄土高原北部边缘。初步判断其文化命名为石峁类型,属新石器时代晚期至夏代早期遗存。石峁遗址是探寻中华文明起源的窗口,可能是夏早期中国北方的中心 [1]  。据专家研究有可能是黄帝的都城昆仑城。


shandong longshan culture circa 2500-2000 bc

shanbei longshan culture circa 2500-2000 bc

qijia culture circa 2100-1600bc

qugong culture circa 1700-1500 bc

beinan culture

La culture colchidienne, ou culture de Colchis et culture de Kolkhys   Colchian culture (Georgianკოლხური კულტურა; 3000 BC to 600 BC) is Neolithic - an early Bronze Age and Iron Age culture of the western Caucasus, mostly in western Georgia. It was partially succeeded by the Koban culture in northern and central Caucasus.It is named after the ancient geographic region of Colchis, which covered a large area along the Black Sea coast. Today Colchs are known as Laz and Megrel.
- very detailed description in french wiki version
In pre-Hellenistic Greco-Roman geography,  科爾基斯Colchis[a] was an exonym (foreign name) for the Georgian polity[b] of Egrisi[c] (Georgianეგრისი) located on the coast of the Black Sea, centred in present-day western Georgia.It has been described in modern scholarship as "the earliest Georgian formation" which, along with the Kingdom of Iberia, would later contribute significantly to the development of the medieval Georgian statehood and the Georgian nation.Internationally, Colchis is perhaps best known for its role in Greek mythology, most notably as the destination of the Argonauts, as well as the home to Medea and the Golden fleece.[3] It was also described as a land rich with gold, iron, timber and honey that would export its resources mostly to ancient Hellenic City states.Colchis was populated by Colchians, an early Kartvelian-speaking tribe, ancestral to the contemporary western Georgians, namely Svans and Zans. Its geography is mostly assigned to what is now the western part of Georgia and encompasses the present-day Georgian provinces of Samegrelo, Imereti, Guria, Adjara, Abkhazeti, Svaneti, Racha; modern Russia's Sochi and Tuapse districts; and present-day Turkey’s Rize, Trabzon and Artvin provinces.The name Colchis is thought to have derived from the Urartian Qulḫa, pronounced as "Kolcha".[1 In the late eighth century BC, Sarduri II the King of Urartu, inscribed his victory over Qulḫa on a stele; however, the exact location of Qulḫa is disputed. Some scholars argue the name Qulḫa (Colchís) originally referred to a land to the west of Georgia.
  • In Classical Greek mythology, Colchis was the home of Aeëtes, Medea, the Golden Fleece, fire-breathing bulls Khalkotauroi[33][34] and the destination of the Argonauts.[35][36]Colchis also is thought to be a possible homeland of the Amazons.[37][38][39][40][41][42]Amazons also were said to be of Scythian origin from Colchis.According to the Greek mythology, Colchis was a fabulously wealthy land situated on the mysterious periphery of the heroic world. Here in the sacred grove of the war god Ares, King Aeëtes hung the Golden Fleece until it was seized by Jason and the Argonauts. Colchis was also the land where the mythological Prometheus was punished by being chained to a mountain while an eagle ate at his liver for revealing to humanity the secret of fire.Apollonius of Rhodes named Aea as the main city (Argonautica, passim). 

cave painting
- 從前到雲南研 究古物和野生蘭花,在滇西南邊境 滄源縣北部勐來一些高山崖壁上, 曾見十處繪有原始岩畫;據考證, 應屬新石器時代遺留下來。附圖為 其中一部分。當地聚居的佤族人視 作 「神畫」 ,認為是祖先遺下最珍 貴的文化遺產。滄源古崖岩畫的主要題材是人 物和動物,內容多樣化,諸如放牧 、狩獵、娛樂、舞踊、採集、運輸 、巢居和宗教祭祀(如剽牛)等等 ,足以反映那時原始社會日常生活 的實況。圖像除了展示大自然的山 巒、大地、樹木、雲朵、太陽、崖 洞,以及先民建的欄杆、道路、舟 子等外,主要是以人物和動物為主 ,造型皆稚拙真樸;尤其是人物( 男多女少),臉部不繪五官,軀體 多為單一的三角形,有些雙臂彎長 像長臂猿,手腳做着不同動作。人 物似為裸體,身上沒有繪衣褲,站 在光芒四射太陽圖像中的 「太陽人 」 也如是;只有部分繪鳥形或翎狀 或牛角般的頭飾。這些形象使筆者 聯想到從前在新疆所見呼圖壁的岩 畫,繪的不但是裸男,而且特別誇 張其生殖器。原始人並無半點兒色 情成分,而是十分注重氏族的繁衍 ,祈求能夠一代一代承傳下去。 令人更注目的,是江蘇連雲港 將軍崖距今約一萬多年的岩畫,那 是舊石器時代遺下的藝術與歷史珍 寶。題材包括農作物,證明那時我 國南方早已有農業生產。

- 美國有考古學家研究一些於非洲南部萊索托卡拉哈里沙漠(Kalahari Desert)出土的鴕鳥蛋殼製的珠子,發現其年期可追溯至逾三萬三千年前的石器時代。他們認為當時的人類可能互相交換珠子以建立友好關係,就如現時社交網絡的「讚好」。而這種傳統在現時萊索托一些沙漠部落間仍保存下來。

- [a journey into hk's archaeological past published by regional council and cuhk] most pottery in new stone age has 纹饰 - 拍打繩紋,刻劃紋,戮印,鏤孔, 黑,紅色彩绘

- 柳詒徵先生著《中國文化史》指出:「世多謂文明起源於河流, 吾謂吾國文明,實先發生於山嶽。蓋吾國地居大陸,人種之生,本 不限於一地,其擁部眾而施號令者,必具居高臨下之勢,始可以控 制多方。」李濟先生說:「到長城以北去找中國古代史的資料,那 裏有我們更老的老家。」蘇秉琦先生在他結論的《中國考古學文化 區系年志》中, 「將紅山文化的上沿查海文化、興隆窪文化,界 定在距今 8,000年時段,超過中原仰韶文化的上沿大地灣文化和老 官台文化。」 為此,可不可以在中國的紅山文化中去探索中國文明的源頭呢? 再將其與蘇美爾文化中的西方文明源頭相比較,順藤摸瓜,能否比 較出兩種文明體系培植出的文化基因和發展而成的文化構成?以下 透過六組中西造物的對比觀看,來完成對東、西文化構成的對比探 討。
- [a journey into hk's archaeological past by regional council and cuhk] human used stones as tools 2 millions years ago (started using metal several thousand years ago)
- making stone tools

  • 磨製
  • [a journey into hk's archaeological past by regional council and cuhk] used by japan in 30 thousand years ago and spread to the world ten thousand years later; one of the main characteristics of new stone age; 黑曜石  Obsidian still used by surgical doctors in america; stone axes popularised in european new stone age; apart from axes, arrowhead (,或称箭头箭镞), spears, swords and dagger axe (,又稱雞鳴、擁頸) were also made
  • 打製
  • core, dorsal face, ventral face
- life cycle of a stone axe

  • raw material  -- biscuits -- flakes left during the production of stone axes -- refitting flakes and biscuit -- large polishing stone for making stone axes -- adding water and sand to polish stone axes -- if broken, was repolished for making a knife
Knossos Palace
  • The Palace of Knossos is located in North Central Crete just south of the outskirts of Heraklion on the Kephala hill. The site was first occupied some time around 7000 BCE in what is called the Aceramic Neolithic period (aceramic because no pottery was produced). The Bronze Age was not to begin for a further four thousand years. It is thought that Knossos was the first and oldest Neolithic site in Crete and the first indication of human activity on the island is located in the exact area where the Palace and its Central Court were to be located. So humans had been continually active on the site for five thousand years before the First Palace was part of the West Wing.
    • Toilets were found.

- first human settlements on wider area of zagreb on the southwest slopes of mount medvednica. Veternica cave is one of the oldest archaeological sites, remnants proved that krapina neanderthals lived there.

The Neolithic Era began approximately 7,000 years ago in Hong Kong. Excavations of Tung Wan Tsai North and Sha Tau Kok reveal evidence of pottery during this time, but it does not reveal if there was pottery before this time due to the lack of absolute dates. The Neolithic period in this area was divided into four different phases. Phase one was when the Neolithic era began around 7000 years ago. The second phase was around 6500-6000 BC when white and painted chalkware were present along with ground adzes and axes along with flaked points. The third phase began around 6000-5000 BP, identified by white chalkware with incisions and shouldered stone implements. The final phase was around 5000-3500 BC with the presence of pottery with geometric patterns, stepped adze, shouldered adze and more ground stone implements.  Hong Kong is located on the coast of South China. Unlike northern China, the settlers in this area were the Che people (輋族). Excavated Neolithic artefacts suggest a difference from northern Chinese Stone-Age cultures, including the Longshan. Excavated sites in Hong Kong were largely located on the western shores of Hong Kong. This location was most likely chosen to avoid strong winds from the southeast and to collect food from the nearby shores. Settlement can be found in Cheung Chau, Lantau Islandand Lamma IslandEvidences of using fire were found from Chung Hom Kok on the Hong Kong Island. In late Neolithic, their settlement extends from shores to the hills nearby. Stone circles were found in Fan Lau and other areas in Hong Kong. Its purpose is still unidentified but some suggests it is related to worship.
- [history musuem pamphlet] reconstructed skull from tung wan tsai north revealed that the upper incisors had been extracted.  Professor han kangxin regards this phenomenon as a kind of ritual tooth ablation to mark adulthood. Since the ablation of upper incisors is a very common feature among prehistoric skeletons found at hedang site in guangdong, it strongly indicates that the neolithic people on ma wan island belong to the same racial group settled in pearl river basin in guangdong

  • pottery is dominated by coarse ware (夹砂陶) (泥質陶为副) , most of which are decorated with cord pattern.  There are, however, a few soft wares decorated with stamped geometric patterns such as squares in double-line, zigzag, feather, rectangles and circles (涡形雷纹).  Pottery forms include cauldron(釜), jar, pot stand, grate and sprindle whorl, etc; stone objects are mostly well-polished tools such as axes, adzes, arrowheads, spearheads and polishing stones.  There are also well-burnished stone decors such as slotted rings, rings, tubes and bracelets; shell implements include unifacially chippped shell scrapers and perforated shell decors.  Besides there are decors made of fish bones

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