- The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) is the peak body for Australian non government organisations (NGOs) involved in international development and humanitarian action.
- The Migration Council Australia (MCA) is an independent, non-partisan, not-for-profit body established to enhance the productive benefits of Australia’s migration and humanitarian programs.
- The Lowy Institute is an independent think tank founded in April 2003 by Frank Lowy to conduct original, policy-relevant research about international political, strategic and economic issues from an Australian perspective. It is based in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Its research and analysis aim to be non-partisan, and its active program of conferences, seminars and other events are designed to inform and deepen the debate about international policy in Australia and to help shape the broader international discussion of these issues.
- The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) is an independent and non-partisan defence and strategic policy think-tank based in Canberra, the Australian Capital Territory. ASPI was first established in 2001 by the Australian Government under Prime Minister John Howard to provide "policy-relevant research and analysis to better inform Government decisions and public understanding of strategic and defence issues."[1] ASPI was officially launched at ANZAC Hall at the Australian War Memorial on March 13, 2002[2] by then Australian Minister for Defence, Sen the Hon Robert Hill.
- International Business Council of Western Australia http://www.ibcwa.org.au/introducing-the-ibc/
- sme association of australia http://www.smea.org.au/
- Asia Pacific Stock Exchange http://www.apx.com.au/
- asia oceania tax consultants association http://www.aotca.org/
- AustralianSuper is the largest Australian superannuation and pension fund, with roughly 1 in 10 Australian workers as members. AustralianSuper is an industry superannuation fund run only to profit members. AustralianSuper has a MySuper authority, meaning it can accept default contributions from an employer on behalf of employees who have not nominated a superannuation fund. It is owned by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and employer peak body the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group).
money laundering
- The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (also known as the APG or APGML) is the FATF-style regional body for the Asia/Pacific region. It is an inter-governmental (international) organisation founded in 1997 in Bangkok, Thailand. The APG consists of 41 member jurisdictions and a number of observer jurisdictions and international/regional observer organisations. Under the APG's Terms of Reference (updated 2012) membership is available for jurisdictions with a presence in the Asia/Pacific region who commit to the policy objectives of the organisation including undergoing a mutual evaluation (peer review) to determine the level of compliance of the member with the international standards against money laundering and terrorist financing. The APG has two Co-Chairs: one permanent and one two-year term rotating Co-Chair. The APG secretariat is located Sydney, Australia.
- The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) is an industry association, notable for representing companies that generate most of Australia's mining output.[1] The MCA was founded in 1995.[2] It used to be known as the Australian Mining Industry Council which was established in 1960. The Minerals Council is an associate member of the World Coal Association. The Minerals Council spent $15.78 million on advertising opposing the Minerals Resource Rent Tax and Resources Super Profits Tax in 2010. http://www.minerals.org.au/
- australian software innovation forum ausif.org.au
- computer games gdaa.comau
- eLearning elearning.org.au
- geelong ict cluster
- intelligent transport system its-australia.com.au
- open source victoria
- spatial victoria spatialbusiness.org
- victoria ehealth network ehealthvic.org.au
- medical/healthcare
- fashion/textile
- research
- australian toy association www.austoy.com.au
- franchise council of australia
money laundering
- The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (also known as the APG or APGML) is the FATF-style regional body for the Asia/Pacific region. It is an inter-governmental (international) organisation founded in 1997 in Bangkok, Thailand. The APG consists of 41 member jurisdictions and a number of observer jurisdictions and international/regional observer organisations. Under the APG's Terms of Reference (updated 2012) membership is available for jurisdictions with a presence in the Asia/Pacific region who commit to the policy objectives of the organisation including undergoing a mutual evaluation (peer review) to determine the level of compliance of the member with the international standards against money laundering and terrorist financing. The APG has two Co-Chairs: one permanent and one two-year term rotating Co-Chair. The APG secretariat is located Sydney, Australia.
After Taiwan's state-run Mega Financial Holding Co was fined $180 million by US authorities for lax enforcement of anti-money laundering rules at its New York branch, the bank started a rigorous training programme for its staff.
- Like Mega Financial, companies across Taiwan are now working to get staff and systems up to speed after the island passed laws to meet international standards on combating money laundering and was taken off a watchlist by the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG). Unfortunately, Taiwan has earned a name for itself as a paradise for money laundering,” Deputy Justice Minister Tsai Pi-chung told Reuters. Money laundering and cybercrime connections to Taiwan—which is also in the process of pushing through a cyber security bill—have grabbed global headlines. http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/world/taiwan-looks-to-shed-reputation-as-money-laundering-paradise/article9836426.ece
- green world city organisation http://www.greenworldcity.com/
- Australian Made http://www.australianmade.com.au/
- AusBiotech http://www.ausbiotech.org/
- The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) is an industry association, notable for representing companies that generate most of Australia's mining output.[1] The MCA was founded in 1995.[2] It used to be known as the Australian Mining Industry Council which was established in 1960. The Minerals Council is an associate member of the World Coal Association. The Minerals Council spent $15.78 million on advertising opposing the Minerals Resource Rent Tax and Resources Super Profits Tax in 2010. http://www.minerals.org.au/
- https://www.ft.com/content/8bd5f040-ce40-11e9-b018-ca4456540ea6 BHP, the world’s biggest mining company, is being pressed to take a tougher line on powerful advocacy groups that engage in obstructive lobbying for the fossil fuels industry. The Australian Centre for Corporate Responsibility has filed a shareholder resolution calling on the Anglo-Australian company to suspend its membership of associations whose campaigns are inconsistent with the goals of the Paris agreement on climate change. These include the Minerals Council of Australia, the main lobby group for the country’s coal industry. The resolution already has the support of investors with more than $90bn in assets, including the Church of England Pensions Board and ACTIAM, a Dutch fund management group. They hope it will be heard at BHP’s annual shareholder meetings in London and Australia, in October and November, respectively.
- australian software innovation forum ausif.org.au
- computer games gdaa.comau
- eLearning elearning.org.au
- geelong ict cluster
- intelligent transport system its-australia.com.au
- open source victoria
- spatial victoria spatialbusiness.org
- victoria ehealth network ehealthvic.org.au
- jewellers association of australia www.jaa.com.au
- medical/healthcare
- Australian Self-Medication Industry http://www.asmi.com.au/home/
- Life Sciences Queensland Limited http://www.lsq.com.au/
- Complementary Healthcare Council of Austrlia http://www.chc.org.au/
- Accord Australia www.accord.asn.au
- fashion/textile
- Australian Hide Skin and Leather Export Association http://ahslea.com.au/, according to Leather Naturally Issue March 2014, the association was reported to be not pleased with the small show in Singapore and asked HK Trade Fair Group (bought by UBM, run by Derek Dickins) to start a new leather exhibition in HK
- Australian Wool Innovation http://www.wool.com/en/home
- research
- australian commonwealth scientific and research organization http://www.csiro.au/
- Asia Society of Visual Merchandisers http://www.asiasocietyvm.com/
- australian seafood cooperative research centre http://www.seafoodcrc.com/
- fisheries research and development corporation http://frdc.com.au/Pages/home.aspx
- Australia's Oyster Coast www.oystercoast.om.au
- australian abalone council http://abalonecouncil.com.au/, wild abalone site http://www.australianwildabalone.com.au/, launch in HK http://www.australianwildabalone.com.au/2013/12/1392/logos-for-news-2
- Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council http://www.tsic.org.au/
- http://asianwinesassociation.com/
- association of australian boutique winemakers http://boutiquewines.com.au/
- australian toy association www.austoy.com.au
- australian furniture association http://www.australianfurniture.org.au/
- franchise council of australia
- australian library and information association
- voiced concern re Australia US FTA http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/inCiteALIA/2004/223.html
- The Islamic Sciences and Research Academy of Australia (ISRA) is an Islamic educational institute based in Sydney, Australia. The organisation is closely affiliated with the Charles Sturt University which provides joint study programs for students of Islamic studies. The organisation was jointly founded by Affinity Intercultural Foundation[3] and Charles Sturt University. The Islamic Sciences & Research Academy of Australia was launched both nationally in Canberra in November, 2009,[4] and locally in Sydney, at the historic Sydney’s Customs House, in March, 2010.
- The Islamic Sciences and Research Academy of Australia (ISRA) is an Islamic educational institute based in Sydney, Australia. The organisation is closely affiliated with the Charles Sturt University which provides joint study programs for students of Islamic studies. The organisation was jointly founded by Affinity Intercultural Foundation[3] and Charles Sturt University. The Islamic Sciences & Research Academy of Australia was launched both nationally in Canberra in November, 2009,[4] and locally in Sydney, at the historic Sydney’s Customs House, in March, 2010.
trade union
- The Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMMEU) is Australia's main trade union in construction, forestry, maritime, mining, energy, textile, clothing and footwear production. The CFMMEU is affiliated with the Australian Council of Trade Unions, with the Australian Labor Party and with the World Federation of Trade Unions. The Construction and General Division was formed in the early 1990s with the creation of the national CFMEU. The creation of a single building union had been a policy objective of various building unions for decades with records showing the Queensland Branch of the Operative Painters and Decorators Union (OPDU) carried resolutions calling for a single industry union to be created as early as the 1920s. The rationale behind this policy position was the logical view that members would be better represented by a larger industry-based union rather than the traditional craft unions.
- The Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD) is an informal private academic conference series that, since its origins in 1968, has developed into a driving force behind the development of thought on Pacific trade and development issues and important economic policy questions facing the region.The ideas and discussions generated by PAFTAD have helped drive and shape other Pacific economic cooperation organisations, including Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC). Each PAFTAD conference is organised around a particular theme, and research papers addressing the topic are presented and discussed. The results are published in the PAFTAD volume series. Since its inception in 1968 the PAFTAD conference series has established itself as one of the leading sources of ideas and discussion on issues affecting economic development in the Asia Pacific. A private organisation with no formal government ties, PAFTAD has been, and continues to be a driving force for ideas about policy innovation and development at both the national and regional levels.
- The Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMMEU) is Australia's main trade union in construction, forestry, maritime, mining, energy, textile, clothing and footwear production. The CFMMEU is affiliated with the Australian Council of Trade Unions, with the Australian Labor Party and with the World Federation of Trade Unions. The Construction and General Division was formed in the early 1990s with the creation of the national CFMEU. The creation of a single building union had been a policy objective of various building unions for decades with records showing the Queensland Branch of the Operative Painters and Decorators Union (OPDU) carried resolutions calling for a single industry union to be created as early as the 1920s. The rationale behind this policy position was the logical view that members would be better represented by a larger industry-based union rather than the traditional craft unions.
- The Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD) is an informal private academic conference series that, since its origins in 1968, has developed into a driving force behind the development of thought on Pacific trade and development issues and important economic policy questions facing the region.The ideas and discussions generated by PAFTAD have helped drive and shape other Pacific economic cooperation organisations, including Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC). Each PAFTAD conference is organised around a particular theme, and research papers addressing the topic are presented and discussed. The results are published in the PAFTAD volume series. Since its inception in 1968 the PAFTAD conference series has established itself as one of the leading sources of ideas and discussion on issues affecting economic development in the Asia Pacific. A private organisation with no formal government ties, PAFTAD has been, and continues to be a driving force for ideas about policy innovation and development at both the national and regional levels.
- 34th PAFTAD Conference - Beijing 2009
Theme: “China’s Role in the World Economy”
Host: China Centre for Economic Research (CCER), Peking University
indigenous people
- 澳洲原住民暨托勒斯海峽島民研究中心(AIATSIS)
- 澳洲原住民暨托勒斯海峽島民研究中心(AIATSIS)
- 澳洲政府近日發行一款新版五十分硬幣,上面使用十四種當地原住民語言標示「硬幣」一詞,以表達對這些語種的關注。其中包括部分已被列為瀕危的語種,並留了空白位置,向一些自一七八八年白人登陸以來失傳的原住民語言致敬。為慶祝聯合國國際原住民年,澳洲皇家鑄幣廠和澳洲原住民暨托勒斯海峽島民研究中心(AIATSIS),合作製作新硬幣。
china related
- 澳洲傳媒《太陽先驅報》昨日報道,澳洲智庫「中國事務」(China Matters)被指立場親中,進行違反澳洲國家利益的游說活動,遭到聯邦政府多個部門凍結相關資助。「中國事務」主要促進澳洲商界、政府及安全機構,進行關於中國的「現實及細微討論」,並由該國商界領袖、外交官及學者支持及組成。不過,有澳洲議員擔心「中國事務」立場親華,甚至利用納稅人的資助推動北京議程。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200615/00178_004.html
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