- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160531/PDF/a4_screen.pdf 據新華社報道:全 國科技創新大會、中國科學院第十八 次院士大會和中國工程院第十三次院 士大會、中國科學技術協會第九次全 國代表大會 「三會合一」 ,30日上午 在人民大會堂隆重召開。中共中央總 書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近 平在會上強調,要在中國發展新的歷 史起點上,把科技創新擺在更加重要 的位置,吹響建設世界科技強國的號 角,到新中國成立100年時使中國成為 世界科技強國。 30日在京召開的 「科技三會」,堪稱 是有史以來規格層級最高、覆蓋範圍最廣 的一次科技界盛會。全國科技創新大會、 中國科學院和中國工程院院士大會、中國 科技代表大會 「打包」舉行,其影響力不 亞於1978年吹響 「科學的春天」號角的全 國科技大會。 此次 「科技三會」貫穿創新的專題, 其新意可概括為三點。其一是方式上。時 隔四年召開的全國科技創新大會,是本屆 中央領導集體上任以來在科技領域舉行的 最高規格會議;中國科學院、中國工程院 是自然科學研究領域最具權威的兩大頂級 機構;中國科協則是規模最大、級別最高 的全國性群團組織。這幾個 「最」的疊加 ,不是數量的簡單累積,更直接傳遞出中 央整合政府部門、科研機構、社會組織各 方面力量,推進全局科技創新的戰略思路 與政策導向。 其二是時機上。與上一次全國科技創 新大會召開時相比,雖然只有短短四年, 但中國發展的內外部環境都發生了重大變 化。世界範圍內新一輪科技革命和產業變 革孕育興起,信息技術、互聯網、生物技 術、新材料、新能源的快速發展,給經濟 社會各方面帶來深刻影響。從國內看,全 面深化改革步入深水區,經濟步入新常態 ,環境資源承載力逼近極限,供給側改革 推動經濟增長方式質變,這都對科技創新 提出更緊迫、更多樣的要求。中國此時召 開 「科技三會」,順時順勢,切中關鍵。 其三是內容上。十八大以來,習近平 表現出了對科技創新的高度重視,幾乎每 一次下基層調研,他都要強調創新。政治 局第一次走出中南海進行集體學習,就是 到北京中關村學習自主創新。2014年習近 平在兩院院士大會就詳細論述了科技創新 和改革。2015年和2016年,中央深改小組 陸續通過《中國科協所屬學會有序承接政 府轉移職能擴大試點工作實施方案》、《 科協系統深化改革實施方案》,對科技領 域群團改革和智庫建設做出宏觀設計。 科技三會的三大新意 北 京 觀 察 >>> 馬浩亮 據悉,上一次 「三會合一」是在1978年, 被譽為 「科學的春天」。當前中國再一次走到 關鍵時點,科技創新被視為能否成功實現轉型 的關鍵。此次三大頂級科技會議歷史性地聯合 召開,參會人員規模之大,與會人員規格之高 ,所要解決問題之嚴峻,近40年歷史上只有 1978年的 「中國科學大會」能與之媲美。雖背 景不同,但任務相似:加速完善配套政策,釋 放科技創新潛力。 習近平在會上指出,中國科技事業發展的 目標是,到2020年時使中國進入創新型國家行 列,到2030年時使中國進入創新型國家前列,到 新中國成立100年時使中國成為世界科技強國。
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2016-06/02/content_25592180.htm Administrative hurdles reduced and more flexibility to be exercised in granting of funds. China is to further remove unnecessary administrative barriers for universities and research institutions to boost enthusiasm from departments and researchers. Arrangements for the improvements were decided at the State Council's executive meeting on Wednesday, chaired by Premier Li Keqiang. The best universities and research institutes are built by fully using the initiatives of their research fellows and teachers, not by following the government's "rigid regulations", Li said. "Thus, it is important to motivate the faculties and researchers to work with enthusiasm and make innovations." The new measures mean that fewer administrative procedures will be required for research funds to be granted, while a more flexible way of using research funds will be encouraged.
national defence
- 值得注意的是,這款萬噸級戰艦一下單就是四艘,上海江南造船廠建造兩艘,大連造船廠同樣建造兩艘,按照每個航母編隊配置兩艘計算,中國很可能在近期打造兩個編隊。目前中國航母編隊尚未成形,排兵布陣捉襟見肘。以遼寧艦今次出航為例,編隊中的兩艘神盾艦,分別從北海艦隊和東海艦隊抽調,完全是拉雜成軍。這也體現出當前中國海軍在編制體制上還遠遠跟不上形勢發展的需要。中國已開始在吉布提、巴基斯坦等地設立海軍基地和補給碼頭,為海軍全球化進行布局。與此同時,最近一輪軍事改革,一些戰鬥力強的訊息化師團改組成為海軍陸戰隊和空降兵,進一步加強海外作戰力量建設,中國軍力的海外投送能力大幅提高。十年陸軍,百年海軍。中國要大國崛起,強大的軍力是支撐,壯大海軍則是重中之重,但由於海軍建設周期長、技術含量高,無論從硬件到軟件建設,都相當不易。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170629/00182_001.html
- china daily 17jun19 china successfully created first hydrogen bomb in 1967
- 四川省是國內首屈一指的軍工大省,軍工企業密布,難免招致外國間諜機關滲透破壞,而軍工系統或當地主管部門高官勢必淪為主要突破目標。像早前倒台的四川省前副省長李成雲,就被指包養的眾多情人中混進了「雙面女間諜」,尤其是內地貪官幾乎全部存在妻妾成群現象,習慣了以下半身思考問題,根本不具防範意識,淫樂之際很容易就洩了密。更誇張的是,就連有「中國核掌門」之稱的原核工業集團負責人康日新,當年亦被揭曾向外國出賣核技術情報,真不知軍工系統有多少人可以靠得住。再如去年遭雙開的中船重工前總經理孫波,除涉受賄等腐敗問題,又被指將遼寧號航母機密洩露給了外國情報機構;至於中國的航空航天及導彈研製等方面的一些專家被策反事件,近年亦時有發生,整個軍工領域儼然諜影幢幢,吃裏扒外者大有人在,可說是一再給當局敲響了警鐘。事實上,即便不涉及通敵賣國行為,軍工領域的腐敗問題本身亦存在相當大的破壞力。像中船重工近年便有不少高官倒台受查,涉及財務管理混亂及採購劣質部件、中飽私囊等眾多違規違紀問題;至於近日被指遭「提前退休」中船重工董事長兼黨組書記胡問鳴,身為國產航母工程總指揮,先後七次海試仍未能將航母交付海軍使用,更有可能趕不上坊間盛傳的十一閱兵「好日子」,作為一把手肯定難辭其咎。 https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190925/00182_001.html
- Chinese military aircraft are to be painted with “low observable” coatings and standardised markings under new guidelines, a move observers say will assist with operations near Taiwan and in the East and South China seas.The guidelines require markings including the national flag and service insignia to be gradually standardised on both active and future warplanes, the official PLA Daily newspaper said earlier this month.The move comes two years after the Chinese navy started experimenting with its J-16 strike fighter, using a dark grey low-visibility coating instead of blue-grey, and replacing its service insignia with a new design, according to military magazine Ordnance Industry Science Technology.Some of the navy’s only active aircraft carrier-based fighter jets, the J-15s, have also been given new coatings and markings, according to the People’s Liberation Army’s official website.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3076335/chinese-warplanes-get-new-coatings-make-them-harder-detect
- 軍工企業是橫跨中國官場、軍隊、商界的特殊利益集團,原本包括六大行業、十一間企業,其中核工業、航天、航空、船舶、兵器各兩家,電子工業一家;後來核工業、航空、船舶相繼兩兩合併,新增重組航空發動機集團。目前共有中國核工業集團、航天科技集團、航天科工集團、航空工業集團、船舶集團、兵器工業集團、兵器裝備集團、電子科技集團、航空發動機集團等九家企業。這幾年,各家企業都有不少亮眼的政績項目,比如航天的長征大火箭、天宮太空站、神舟載人飛船、洲際導彈;航空的殲20隱身戰機、運20重型運輸機;船舶的國產航空母艦、萬噸驅逐艦;兵器的主戰坦克等。核工業、電子工業也廣泛參與研發導彈、火箭等。由於軍工企業的特殊地位,其高管轉身擔任高官的例子屢見不鮮。然而,六大行業之間,卻嚴重冷熱不均。按照排名,核工業位於軍工之首。二○○七年中共十七大,核工業集團總經理康日新是唯一當選中央委員的央企老總。但是在二○○九年,其腐敗翻車,核工業領域在官場上一蹶不振。而航空工業一直不慍不火,在政界無所建樹。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200515/00184_010.html
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171028/PDF/a19_screen.pdf如今,中国生产的全断面隧道掘进机不仅佔领中国市场,而且还出口新加坡、印度、俄罗斯。由中国自主研製的全断面隧道掘进机,现已累计生产製造台数突破1500台。
- 訊 據新華社報道,18 日,國家重大科技基礎設施超重力離 心模擬與實驗裝置建設研討會與啟動 儀式在杭州舉行。該項目建成後將成 為全球容量最大、應用範圍最廣的超 重力多學科開放共享實驗平台。據介紹,「超重力項目」將建設世界 上容量最大的兩台離心機,即容量 1,900g·t(重力加速度·噸)的重載超重 力離心機和容量1,500g·t(重力加速度· 噸)的高速超重力離心機;六座實驗 艙,包括邊坡與高壩實驗艙、岩土地震 工程實驗艙、深海工程實驗艙、深地工 程與環境實驗艙、地質過程實驗艙和材 料製備實驗艙;18台機載裝置,其中 6 台世界首創,12台指標國際領先。 據悉,該設施將為人類全過程觀測 超重力環境下岩土體、地球深部物 質、合金熔體等多相介質的物質運動 提供研究平台;為揭示岩土體大時空 演變與成災、地質過程演變與成岩成 礦、合金熔體超重力凝固的機制,為 重大基礎設施建設、深地深海資源開 發、高性能材料研發等提供基礎條件 支撐。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/19/a15-1119.pdf
High-tech products
- http://africa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-07/22/content_21373664.htm
cyber security
- http://www.scmp.com/tech/china-tech/article/2106919/china-plans-network-influential-cybersecurity-schools China is planning four to six “world-renowned” cybersecurity schools by 2027, as it ramps up its efforts to build a strong army of professionals to combat cyber attacks, in an increasing digitalised world.The Cyberspace Administration of China, the country’s top internet regulator, and the Ministry of Education said they will roll out the nationwide project over the next decade in order to create “internationally recognised and influential” schools for the training of cybersecurity talent. The two are inviting Chinese universities, which have sizeable cybersecurity faculties, to sign up for the project.
making rain
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2138866/china-needs-more-water-so-its-building-rain-making-network-three China is testing cutting-edge defence technology to develop a powerful yet relatively low-cost weather modification system to bring substantially more rain to the Tibetan plateau, Asia’s biggest freshwater reserve.The system, which involves an enormous network of fuel-burning chambers installed high up on the Tibetan mountains, could increase rainfall in the region by up to 10 billion cubic metres a year – about 7 per cent of China’s total water consumption – according to researchers involved in the project. Tens of thousands of chambers will be built at selected locations across the Tibetan plateau to produce rainfall over a total area of about 1.6 million square kilometres (620,000 square miles), or three times the size of Spain. It will be the world’s biggest such project. The chambers burn solid fuel to produce silver iodide, a cloud-seeding agent with a crystalline structure much like ice. The chambers stand on steep mountain ridges facing the moist monsoon from south Asia. As wind hits the mountain, it produces an upward draft and sweeps the particles into the clouds to induce rain and snow.“[So far,] more than 500 burners have been deployed on alpine slopes in Tibet, Xinjiang and other areas for experimental use. The data we have collected show very promising results,” a researcher working on the system told the South China Morning Post. The system is being developed by the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation – a major space and defence contractor that is also leading other ambitious national projects, including lunar exploration and the construction of China’s space station.
- quantum network
- authorities put stop to duckduckgo search http://www.scmp.com/news/china-insider/article/1598524/privacy-safe-search-engine-duckduckgo-latest-internet-service-get
- made in china online enterprises on global mission http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2014-09/16/content_18604634.htm
- wanted good guys who can hack like internet criminals http://www.china.org.cn/business/2014-09/25/content_33608152.htm
- Titans join hands to take on Ma
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2014-10/27/content_15182776.html The IT industry in China has emerged as the main driving force for job opportunities amid gloomy economic growth in the third quarter, the latest report by human resources website Zhaopin.com showed. The report, released in October, said demand for talent in the IT and Internet sector rose steadily from the beginning of 2014, finally topping all other industries in the third quarter with a 40 percent increase in demand from the previous quarter. Chinese companies' enthusiasm for recruiting talent has not been stemmed by the economic downturn in the third quarter. A total of 9.7 million new jobs were created in the urban areas, up by 100,000 from the same period in 2013.
- computer
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2016-05/07/content_25124946.htm Leading Chinese tech companies are shutting down parts of their cloud storage services for individual users, as the government intensifies crackdown on pirated movies and pornographic films being distributed through the new channel. Huawei Technologies Co Ltd's cloud service DBank said on Tuesday it would coordinate with the government's anti-piracy push by halting cloud storage services to individual users, making it the sixth major tech company to do so within two months. Huawei DBank is the second-largest personal cloud service provider in China, with more than 14 million monthly active users, according to Chengdu-based Big Data Research Center. The company said all user files stored in its DBank cloud will be deleted after June 30th, adding the change will not affect users of its smartphones, who are using a separate cloud service. Storing files in the cloud is very popular among Chinese netizens as it allows users to view material from any smartphone, computer and tablet that's connected to the internet, and the cloud can also provide backup for files.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/03/27/a19-0327.pdf據新華社報道,近 日,一款應用了國產核心技術的新 一代雲計算操作系統發佈,在安全 性、可擴展性等方面均實現大幅提 升,有望助力打造中國自主可靠、 安全穩定的雲計算新生態。 這款名為 Cloudview SVM Edition V3 的雲計算操作系統由中科 睿光軟件技術有限公司開發。
big data
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170602/00178_008.html內地速遞公司順豐昨凌晨突然中止與淘寶網的數據交流,令商家無法通過淘寶平台確定買家是否已經收貨,買家也不能追蹤包裹位置。阿里巴巴旗下、負責向淘寶網提供物流數據的「菜鳥網絡」表示,對此感到很突然,正與順豐溝通。順豐反指是菜鳥網絡有針對性封殺順豐旗下的豐巢在先。
- Costco opened its first store in China in late August to great fanfare. Analysts say whether it keeps up with local hypermarkets and online rivals, or follow the fate of Carrefour and Metro, will depend on one critical edge: big data.Costco opened its first mainland store on the outskirts of Shanghai to customers who signed up as members for a fee of 299 yuan (US$42). It uses information such as product details, purchase price, date and location of transactions to personalise customers’ online experience, according to its privacy policy. Advertisements are targeted on members’ preferences, interests and browsing and purchasing behaviour.https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3034063/costco-bets-it-can-outsell-rivals-china-getting-know-its digital forensics
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2015-12/21/content_22759989.htm Xiamen Meiya Pico Information Co Ltd, China's largest provider of digital forensics andinformation security products, has predicted huge growth in the business segment it operates in. Digital forensics involves identifying and extracting evidence from digital media such ascomputer hard drives, mobile phones and media storage cards. "With the development of information technology, more and more high-tech crimes are related todigital data. Pre-discovery, monitoring of suspects and post-crime investigations are becomingimportant in the field of information security," said Derek Teng, chairman of Meiya Pico. Apart from public security departments, enterprises are facing risks from dishonest employeeswho steal their employers' confidential data, make unauthorized disclosure of core technology,and indulge in illegal operations, including bribery. Meiya Pico, which is also one of the world's leading digital forensics firms, provides its servicesto China's administrators such as the Ministry of Public Security, the Cyberspace Administrationof China, departments of industry, commerce and taxes, and judicial authorities.
integrated circuit
- 日前,香港國際機場成 為全球首個於實際環境操作無人 駕駛拖車的機場,無人物流方案 的提供者是內地高新技術企業馭 勢科技。這是無人駕駛技術在物 流領域的一次成功應用,也是在 中國科學院幫助下從實驗室走到 產業的眾多硬科技之一。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/01/05/a10-0105.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/01/13/a15-0113.pdf 全國首家核心技術自主研發 的全系統機械人餐廳昨日在廣州亮 相,實現了從中央廚房到冷鏈運輸, 再到店面餐飲機械人的全系統搭建與 運營。同時,創造了中餐、火鍋、快 餐、煲仔飯和粉麵店等 5個不同餐廳業 態的產品線,涵蓋煎炸、甜品、漢 堡、調酒、煲仔飯、炒鍋等 46種機械 人。據透露,該機械人餐廳目前已籌 備下半年赴香港高校區域開店。 此前,阿里巴巴的盒馬鮮生、京 東、海底撈等企業推出機械人或無人 餐廳,僅迎賓、配餐、傳菜或炒菜的 機械人等在某細分領域或局部環節上 的零散應用,由香港上市公司碧桂園 全資子公司千璽機械人餐飲集團研發 的 Foodom機械人中餐廳旗艦店,則實 現了從中央廚房到冷鏈運輸,再到店 面餐飲機械人的全系統搭建與運營, 這在全國尚屬首家。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/01/13/a15-0113.pdf
- railway
artificial intelligence
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2017-02/22/content_28294904.htm Search engine Baidu Inc will take the lead with the first national lab on deep learning as China strives to rise up the ranks of artificial intelligence research. The National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator, has appointed Baidu to lead the national lab on deep learning technologies and applications, as Beijing prioritizes AI development through policy and financial support.
- https://www.ft.com/content/5ec7093c-6e06-11e7-b9c7-15af748b60d0 China, a surveillance state where authorities have unchecked access to citizens’ histories, is seeking to look into their future with technology designed to predict and prevent crime. Companies are helping police develop artificial intelligence they say will help them identify and apprehend suspects before criminal acts are committed.
- 在 24日舉行的 2019世界機器人大會腦控打字紀錄挑戰賽上,天津大學 研究生魏斯文以每分鐘 691.55比特的信息傳輸率獲得冠軍,創造了新紀 錄。在挑戰賽現場,中新社記者看到,參賽選手頭戴「特殊裝備」,全神 貫注地端坐在電腦顯示屏前,身體一動不動,屏幕上卻逐行顯現出文 字——這就是傳說中的「用意念打字」。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/08/26/a33-0826.pdf
- China has named Huawei Technologies and Hikvision Digital Technology as new national champions in artificial intelligence (AI), among the latest batch of companies tasked to spearhead efforts in that field. Shenzhen-based Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment supplier, will take the lead in the research on AI infrastructure and software. Surveillance systems giant Hikvision will cover initiatives related to video perception.The other new national AI champions introduced on Thursday at the Shanghai World Artificial Intelligence Conference include Hong Kong-listed smartphone vendor Xiaomi Corp, which will focus on smart home ware; e-commerce company JD.com, on smart supply chain; and internet security company Qihoo 360 Technology, handling online safety. Facial recognition start-ups Megvii and Yitu were tasked to cover the areas of image perception and image computing, respectively. China now has a total of 15 national AI champions since it started this initiative in 2017.https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3024966/china-adds-huawei-hikvision-expanded-national-team-spearheading
- When the Chinese government named a new batch of national champions in artificial intelligence (AI) in August, one name was relatively unknown to most of the population.MiningLamp, a Beijing based big data company, joined home-grown tech giants Huawei Technologies, JD.com and Xiaomi Corp as companies tasked with spearheading innovation efforts in the field.Although not as well known as US equivalent Palantir Technologies, which reportedly contributed to America’s success in hunting down Osama bin Laden, MiningLamp’s data mining software is used to spot crime patterns, track drug dealers and prevent human trafficking.https://www.scmp.com/tech/start-ups/article/3039252/chinese-data-mining-firm-now-national-ai-champion-started-out
- Last year Zheng, who worked as a researcher at Siemens Healthcare in New Jersey, made a decision that addressed both problems. He accepted an offer to head up the medical research and development team at Tencent’s YouTu artificial intelligence lab in Shenzhen, known as China's Silicon Valley.“There was almost no room for promotion if I stayed in the US,” he said, expressing a common dilemma faced by experienced Chinese tech workers in America.With the US-China trade war leading to tighter scrutiny of Chinese nationals working in the US tech industry, people like Zheng are moving back to China to work in the burgeoning AI sector, especially after Beijing designated AI a national priority. The technology’s varied applications have attracted billions of dollars of venture capital investment, created highly valued start-ups like SenseTime and ByteDance, and sparked a talent war among companies. https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3040797/beijings-hopes-ai-dominance-may-rest-how-many-us-educated-chinese
- The lack of high-quality data and shortage of hi-tech talent are preventing wider adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in China, which has become the world’s second largest market for the technology amid a tech and trade war with the US.China, which has laid out plans to become the global AI leader by 2030, is projected to have an AI market worth US$11.9 billion by 2023, up from an estimated US$4.5 billion this year, despite those issues, according to the 2019 China AI Development white paper that was jointly released on Friday by technology research firm International Data Corp (IDC) and Chinese tech media outlet Qbitai.com.More than 60 per cent of 143 domestic AI industry insiders surveyed for the paper said implementation of AI systems are “very difficult” under the current circumstances. Other challenges cited by the paper include unclear application scenarios, high investment, and security and ethical issues.The study found that many organisations do not have a dedicated team to do data labelling and cleaning, which are operations vital to build up quality data. It also found that most AI applications are possible only after huge amounts of data are analysed to extract patterns needed for efficient machine-learning systems.https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3041254/lack-quality-data-tech-talent-hinder-wider-ai-adoption-china
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160531/PDF/a4_screen.pdf 據新華社報道:全 國科技創新大會、中國科學院第十八 次院士大會和中國工程院第十三次院 士大會、中國科學技術協會第九次全 國代表大會 「三會合一」 ,30日上午 在人民大會堂隆重召開。中共中央總 書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近 平在會上強調,要在中國發展新的歷 史起點上,把科技創新擺在更加重要 的位置,吹響建設世界科技強國的號 角,到新中國成立100年時使中國成為 世界科技強國。 30日在京召開的 「科技三會」,堪稱 是有史以來規格層級最高、覆蓋範圍最廣 的一次科技界盛會。全國科技創新大會、 中國科學院和中國工程院院士大會、中國 科技代表大會 「打包」舉行,其影響力不 亞於1978年吹響 「科學的春天」號角的全 國科技大會。 此次 「科技三會」貫穿創新的專題, 其新意可概括為三點。其一是方式上。時 隔四年召開的全國科技創新大會,是本屆 中央領導集體上任以來在科技領域舉行的 最高規格會議;中國科學院、中國工程院 是自然科學研究領域最具權威的兩大頂級 機構;中國科協則是規模最大、級別最高 的全國性群團組織。這幾個 「最」的疊加 ,不是數量的簡單累積,更直接傳遞出中 央整合政府部門、科研機構、社會組織各 方面力量,推進全局科技創新的戰略思路 與政策導向。 其二是時機上。與上一次全國科技創 新大會召開時相比,雖然只有短短四年, 但中國發展的內外部環境都發生了重大變 化。世界範圍內新一輪科技革命和產業變 革孕育興起,信息技術、互聯網、生物技 術、新材料、新能源的快速發展,給經濟 社會各方面帶來深刻影響。從國內看,全 面深化改革步入深水區,經濟步入新常態 ,環境資源承載力逼近極限,供給側改革 推動經濟增長方式質變,這都對科技創新 提出更緊迫、更多樣的要求。中國此時召 開 「科技三會」,順時順勢,切中關鍵。 其三是內容上。十八大以來,習近平 表現出了對科技創新的高度重視,幾乎每 一次下基層調研,他都要強調創新。政治 局第一次走出中南海進行集體學習,就是 到北京中關村學習自主創新。2014年習近 平在兩院院士大會就詳細論述了科技創新 和改革。2015年和2016年,中央深改小組 陸續通過《中國科協所屬學會有序承接政 府轉移職能擴大試點工作實施方案》、《 科協系統深化改革實施方案》,對科技領 域群團改革和智庫建設做出宏觀設計。 科技三會的三大新意 北 京 觀 察 >>> 馬浩亮 據悉,上一次 「三會合一」是在1978年, 被譽為 「科學的春天」。當前中國再一次走到 關鍵時點,科技創新被視為能否成功實現轉型 的關鍵。此次三大頂級科技會議歷史性地聯合 召開,參會人員規模之大,與會人員規格之高 ,所要解決問題之嚴峻,近40年歷史上只有 1978年的 「中國科學大會」能與之媲美。雖背 景不同,但任務相似:加速完善配套政策,釋 放科技創新潛力。 習近平在會上指出,中國科技事業發展的 目標是,到2020年時使中國進入創新型國家行 列,到2030年時使中國進入創新型國家前列,到 新中國成立100年時使中國成為世界科技強國。
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2016-06/02/content_25592180.htm Administrative hurdles reduced and more flexibility to be exercised in granting of funds. China is to further remove unnecessary administrative barriers for universities and research institutions to boost enthusiasm from departments and researchers. Arrangements for the improvements were decided at the State Council's executive meeting on Wednesday, chaired by Premier Li Keqiang. The best universities and research institutes are built by fully using the initiatives of their research fellows and teachers, not by following the government's "rigid regulations", Li said. "Thus, it is important to motivate the faculties and researchers to work with enthusiasm and make innovations." The new measures mean that fewer administrative procedures will be required for research funds to be granted, while a more flexible way of using research funds will be encouraged.
national defence
- 值得注意的是,這款萬噸級戰艦一下單就是四艘,上海江南造船廠建造兩艘,大連造船廠同樣建造兩艘,按照每個航母編隊配置兩艘計算,中國很可能在近期打造兩個編隊。目前中國航母編隊尚未成形,排兵布陣捉襟見肘。以遼寧艦今次出航為例,編隊中的兩艘神盾艦,分別從北海艦隊和東海艦隊抽調,完全是拉雜成軍。這也體現出當前中國海軍在編制體制上還遠遠跟不上形勢發展的需要。中國已開始在吉布提、巴基斯坦等地設立海軍基地和補給碼頭,為海軍全球化進行布局。與此同時,最近一輪軍事改革,一些戰鬥力強的訊息化師團改組成為海軍陸戰隊和空降兵,進一步加強海外作戰力量建設,中國軍力的海外投送能力大幅提高。十年陸軍,百年海軍。中國要大國崛起,強大的軍力是支撐,壯大海軍則是重中之重,但由於海軍建設周期長、技術含量高,無論從硬件到軟件建設,都相當不易。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170629/00182_001.html
- china daily 17jun19 china successfully created first hydrogen bomb in 1967
- 四川省是國內首屈一指的軍工大省,軍工企業密布,難免招致外國間諜機關滲透破壞,而軍工系統或當地主管部門高官勢必淪為主要突破目標。像早前倒台的四川省前副省長李成雲,就被指包養的眾多情人中混進了「雙面女間諜」,尤其是內地貪官幾乎全部存在妻妾成群現象,習慣了以下半身思考問題,根本不具防範意識,淫樂之際很容易就洩了密。更誇張的是,就連有「中國核掌門」之稱的原核工業集團負責人康日新,當年亦被揭曾向外國出賣核技術情報,真不知軍工系統有多少人可以靠得住。再如去年遭雙開的中船重工前總經理孫波,除涉受賄等腐敗問題,又被指將遼寧號航母機密洩露給了外國情報機構;至於中國的航空航天及導彈研製等方面的一些專家被策反事件,近年亦時有發生,整個軍工領域儼然諜影幢幢,吃裏扒外者大有人在,可說是一再給當局敲響了警鐘。事實上,即便不涉及通敵賣國行為,軍工領域的腐敗問題本身亦存在相當大的破壞力。像中船重工近年便有不少高官倒台受查,涉及財務管理混亂及採購劣質部件、中飽私囊等眾多違規違紀問題;至於近日被指遭「提前退休」中船重工董事長兼黨組書記胡問鳴,身為國產航母工程總指揮,先後七次海試仍未能將航母交付海軍使用,更有可能趕不上坊間盛傳的十一閱兵「好日子」,作為一把手肯定難辭其咎。 https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190925/00182_001.html
- Chinese military aircraft are to be painted with “low observable” coatings and standardised markings under new guidelines, a move observers say will assist with operations near Taiwan and in the East and South China seas.The guidelines require markings including the national flag and service insignia to be gradually standardised on both active and future warplanes, the official PLA Daily newspaper said earlier this month.The move comes two years after the Chinese navy started experimenting with its J-16 strike fighter, using a dark grey low-visibility coating instead of blue-grey, and replacing its service insignia with a new design, according to military magazine Ordnance Industry Science Technology.Some of the navy’s only active aircraft carrier-based fighter jets, the J-15s, have also been given new coatings and markings, according to the People’s Liberation Army’s official website.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3076335/chinese-warplanes-get-new-coatings-make-them-harder-detect
- 軍工企業是橫跨中國官場、軍隊、商界的特殊利益集團,原本包括六大行業、十一間企業,其中核工業、航天、航空、船舶、兵器各兩家,電子工業一家;後來核工業、航空、船舶相繼兩兩合併,新增重組航空發動機集團。目前共有中國核工業集團、航天科技集團、航天科工集團、航空工業集團、船舶集團、兵器工業集團、兵器裝備集團、電子科技集團、航空發動機集團等九家企業。這幾年,各家企業都有不少亮眼的政績項目,比如航天的長征大火箭、天宮太空站、神舟載人飛船、洲際導彈;航空的殲20隱身戰機、運20重型運輸機;船舶的國產航空母艦、萬噸驅逐艦;兵器的主戰坦克等。核工業、電子工業也廣泛參與研發導彈、火箭等。由於軍工企業的特殊地位,其高管轉身擔任高官的例子屢見不鮮。然而,六大行業之間,卻嚴重冷熱不均。按照排名,核工業位於軍工之首。二○○七年中共十七大,核工業集團總經理康日新是唯一當選中央委員的央企老總。但是在二○○九年,其腐敗翻車,核工業領域在官場上一蹶不振。而航空工業一直不慍不火,在政界無所建樹。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200515/00184_010.html
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171028/PDF/a19_screen.pdf如今,中国生产的全断面隧道掘进机不仅佔领中国市场,而且还出口新加坡、印度、俄罗斯。由中国自主研製的全断面隧道掘进机,现已累计生产製造台数突破1500台。
- 訊 據新華社報道,18 日,國家重大科技基礎設施超重力離 心模擬與實驗裝置建設研討會與啟動 儀式在杭州舉行。該項目建成後將成 為全球容量最大、應用範圍最廣的超 重力多學科開放共享實驗平台。據介紹,「超重力項目」將建設世界 上容量最大的兩台離心機,即容量 1,900g·t(重力加速度·噸)的重載超重 力離心機和容量1,500g·t(重力加速度· 噸)的高速超重力離心機;六座實驗 艙,包括邊坡與高壩實驗艙、岩土地震 工程實驗艙、深海工程實驗艙、深地工 程與環境實驗艙、地質過程實驗艙和材 料製備實驗艙;18台機載裝置,其中 6 台世界首創,12台指標國際領先。 據悉,該設施將為人類全過程觀測 超重力環境下岩土體、地球深部物 質、合金熔體等多相介質的物質運動 提供研究平台;為揭示岩土體大時空 演變與成災、地質過程演變與成岩成 礦、合金熔體超重力凝固的機制,為 重大基礎設施建設、深地深海資源開 發、高性能材料研發等提供基礎條件 支撐。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/19/a15-1119.pdf
High-tech products
- http://africa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-07/22/content_21373664.htm
Photovoltaics, tires, smartphones and wind turbines may encounter friction
Trade remedy measures against high-tech and high value-added product exports from China rose significantly in the first six months of the year, despite an overall slowdown in the number and value of trade friction cases.
About 37 trade remedy cases were filed against Chinese companies between January and June, including 32 anti-dumping cases. Fourteen countries and regions, mostly G20 members, initiated investigations against Chinese products, down 30 percent year-on-year, the Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday.
The United States launched six trade remedy probes against Chinese products in the past six months. Countries from Latin America filed about 14 cases during the period, up 27 percent from the same period a year ago.
Shen Danyang, spokesman for the ministry, said because India and the Eurasian Economic Community focused on investigating cases initiated last year, the number of probes decreased in the first half.
"We noticed that China's high-end products such as photovoltaic products, tires, wind turbines and smartphones had encountered more trade investigations over the past three years," Shen said. "China has been deploying more resources and manpower to enhance its negotiating abilities after several such cases occurred in recent years."
However, the value involved in the probes amounted to $3.5 billion, down 34 percent on a year-on-year basis. Hardware, chemicals and the light industries are the areas that saw the most investigations.
- smartphone- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1895588/chinese-mobile-phone-manufacturers-closure-shenzhen-deepens-fears
- - http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2015-07/14/content_21272393.htm China now has the world's highest penetration rate for smartphones, according to areport released by the Global System for Mobile Communications Alliance. The new study, which serves as a prelude for the Mobile World Congress Shanghaiwhich begins on Wednesday, shows that smartphone adoption in China reached 62percent during the first three months of this year, against Europe's 55 percent onaverage.
The alliance said the number of unique mobile subscribers, which can account formultiple mobile connections, reached 632 million by the end of March, accountingfor 48 percent of the population. Smartphone penetration is predicted to reach 68 percent by the end of this year, itsaid. - http://www.scmp.com/tech/social-gadgets/article/1773485/zte-huawei-could-be-heading-rare-china-court-fight-over
- china daily 21aug19 oppo vivo and xiaomi in vendors' alliance
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-01/13/content_27942611.htm Chinese brands of televisions accounted for 30 percent of the global market in 2016, an increase of 3.2 percent year-on-year as Chinese home appliance companies stepped up efforts to expand overseas through mergers and acquisitions, according to All View Cloud, a Beijing-based consultancy.
cyber security
- http://www.scmp.com/tech/china-tech/article/2106919/china-plans-network-influential-cybersecurity-schools China is planning four to six “world-renowned” cybersecurity schools by 2027, as it ramps up its efforts to build a strong army of professionals to combat cyber attacks, in an increasing digitalised world.The Cyberspace Administration of China, the country’s top internet regulator, and the Ministry of Education said they will roll out the nationwide project over the next decade in order to create “internationally recognised and influential” schools for the training of cybersecurity talent. The two are inviting Chinese universities, which have sizeable cybersecurity faculties, to sign up for the project.
- 記者從昨日在上海舉行的2017國家網絡安全宣傳周開幕式上獲悉,中國7所高校被確定為首批一流網絡安全學院建設示範項目高校,將通過探索新思路、新體制、新機制等培養更多網絡安全人才。據悉,成為首批一流網絡安全學院建設示範項目的7所高校為西安電子科技大學、東南大學、武漢大學、北京航空航天大學、四川大學、中國科學技術大學、戰略支援部隊信息工程大學。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/09/17/a12-0917.pdf
making rain
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2138866/china-needs-more-water-so-its-building-rain-making-network-three China is testing cutting-edge defence technology to develop a powerful yet relatively low-cost weather modification system to bring substantially more rain to the Tibetan plateau, Asia’s biggest freshwater reserve.The system, which involves an enormous network of fuel-burning chambers installed high up on the Tibetan mountains, could increase rainfall in the region by up to 10 billion cubic metres a year – about 7 per cent of China’s total water consumption – according to researchers involved in the project. Tens of thousands of chambers will be built at selected locations across the Tibetan plateau to produce rainfall over a total area of about 1.6 million square kilometres (620,000 square miles), or three times the size of Spain. It will be the world’s biggest such project. The chambers burn solid fuel to produce silver iodide, a cloud-seeding agent with a crystalline structure much like ice. The chambers stand on steep mountain ridges facing the moist monsoon from south Asia. As wind hits the mountain, it produces an upward draft and sweeps the particles into the clouds to induce rain and snow.“[So far,] more than 500 burners have been deployed on alpine slopes in Tibet, Xinjiang and other areas for experimental use. The data we have collected show very promising results,” a researcher working on the system told the South China Morning Post. The system is being developed by the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation – a major space and defence contractor that is also leading other ambitious national projects, including lunar exploration and the construction of China’s space station.
- quantum network
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1631479/china-launch-hack-proof-quantum-communication-network-2016
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2110563/china-building-worlds-biggest-quantum-research-facility China is building the world’s largest quantum research facility to develop a quantum computer and other “revolutionary” forms of technology that can be used by the military for code-breaking or on stealth submarines, according to scientists and authorities involved in the project.The National Laboratory for Quantum Information Science will be located on a 37-hectare site next to a small lake in Hefei, Anhui province. Some time this month developers will be invited to bid for a contract to construct the site, according to an article in Hefei Evening News, a daily newspaper run by the city government on Thursday.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-09/30/content_32669593.htm China launched a 2,000-kilometer quantum fiber link connecting Beijing and Shanghai on Friday, allowing unhackable communication between the cities. This is the world's longest and most sophisticated quantum link, and it will serve as the backbone connecting quantum networks in four cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Jinan in Shandong province and Hefei in Anhui province, said Pan Jianwei, China's leading quantum physicist.
- 中國科學技術大學日前宣布,該校潘建偉、陸朝陽、劉乃樂等科學家和奧地利維也納大學塞林格小組合作,在國際上首次成功實現高維度量子體系的隱形傳態。這是自1997年實現二維量子隱形傳態實驗以來,科學家第一次在理論和實驗上把量子隱形傳態擴展到任意維度,為複雜量子系統的完整態傳輸以及發展高效量子網絡奠定了堅實的科學基礎。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190820/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- 記者19日從中科院獲悉,中國科學技 術大學潘建偉、苑震生等在超冷原子量 子計算和模擬研究中取得重要進展,在 光晶格中首次實現了1250對原子高保 真度糾纏態的同步製備,為基於超冷原 子光晶格的規模化量子計算與模擬奠定 了基礎。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200620/PDF/a11_screen.pdf
- 廣州超算中心服務逾四千企http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/06/17/a15-0617.pdf
- smartphone app- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/business/n/2014/1029/c90778-8801759.html
China 's Internet watchdog is working on a guideline for smartphone applications in an attempt to maintain cyberspace order ,improve industry development and protect users .
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-05/20/content_15266703.html Foreign technology companies are moving into second-tier cities and developing research centers after taking advantage of preferential policies. A report released on Tuesday by Gartner Inc, the United States-based information technology research company, showed that "clusters" of tech firms have set up shop away from first-tier cities. Suzhou in East China's Jiangsu province, Xi'an in Northwest China, Chongqing municipality and Chengdu in the southwest are among the hottest locations for research and development centers owned by overseas tech firms. "Increasing numbers of vendors are setting up (such centers) in smaller cities," Tina Tang, research director of IT services at Gartner, said. "This is to do with attracting the right staff, lower cost and local industrial support." She said that a perfect R&D location should be close to mega metropolises, have elite universities to tap into talent and have a developed industrial park hosting major players. So far, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Nanjing have attracted most of the new R&D centers in the Yangtze River delta, which is close to Shanghai, the country's financial capital. Cisco Systems Inc, SAP AG and Fujitsu Ltd have opened research facilities in the cities. Foreign companies tend to be very cautious when choosing R&D centers in China, according to Tang. "They are more likely to bring projects that fit the Chinese development strategy," she said. "The cities with more government support and a better intellectual property protection system will catch the eyes of the companies first." Samsung Electronics Co opened two research centers in Xi'an less than two years ago. The South Korean giant's data research facilities came with a $7 billion flash memory chip plant, which is also in the city's industrial park.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-05/20/content_25377938.htm Sogou Inc joined forces with a Western search engine giant in a new English-language searchservice, looking to take advantage of Baidu Inc's recent crisis to gain more market share. Sogou, which operates China's third-largest online search engine, said on Thursday that tosatisfy Chinese curiosity for global information, it has teamed up with Microsoft's Bing to launchan English-language search engine. The newly launched search engine, Sogou English, is able to help Chinese users access trillionsof pieces of English-language information, including academic developments, Sogou said. Wang Xiaochuan, CEO of Beijing-based Sogou, said the desire to closely link with the wholeworld prompted his company to launch the service. We invite you, together with us, to embrace abigger world," Wang said in English in a promotional video for the new service. The launch of Sogou English comes soon after Baidu, China's largest search engine operator,encountered its biggest crisis since being founded in 2000.
- authorities put stop to duckduckgo search http://www.scmp.com/news/china-insider/article/1598524/privacy-safe-search-engine-duckduckgo-latest-internet-service-get
- made in china online enterprises on global mission http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2014-09/16/content_18604634.htm
- wanted good guys who can hack like internet criminals http://www.china.org.cn/business/2014-09/25/content_33608152.htm
- Titans join hands to take on Ma
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2014-10/27/content_15182776.html The IT industry in China has emerged as the main driving force for job opportunities amid gloomy economic growth in the third quarter, the latest report by human resources website Zhaopin.com showed. The report, released in October, said demand for talent in the IT and Internet sector rose steadily from the beginning of 2014, finally topping all other industries in the third quarter with a 40 percent increase in demand from the previous quarter. Chinese companies' enthusiasm for recruiting talent has not been stemmed by the economic downturn in the third quarter. A total of 9.7 million new jobs were created in the urban areas, up by 100,000 from the same period in 2013.
- computer
- 據新華社報道:海南省首台國產計算機「天玥」日前在海口國產天玥計算機生產基地成功下線,海南在信息技術應用創新領域邁出新步伐,計算機生產製造實現零的突破。伴隨首台「天玥」下線,年產近10萬台的生產線也順利落成。「天玥」計算機是從國產芯片、操作系統等全部核心元器件完全自研的純國產計算機,從硬件到軟件的自主研發、生產、升級、維護全程可控。由中國航天科工集團第二研究院七○六所自主研發,中國航天科工二院七○六所是我國最早從事計算機研究的大型骨幹專業研究所之一。海南省工信廳相關負責人表示,海南首台國產計算機的下線是海南信息產業發展史上的重要事件,這意味着海南計算機的生產製造實現了從0到1的突破,將為海南新型基礎設施建設提供重要基礎,也將為高新技術產業發展帶來良好的示範效應。另據IT之家消息,搭載麒麟操作系統的「天玥」計算機已實現在黑龍江(高寒)、海南(高濕)和西藏(高海拔)以及其他供電不穩定地區近萬台的部署和應用,經受住了惡劣環境的考驗。同時,該系列產品供應已經覆蓋多個部委和省市黨政機關單位。 天玥系列計算機共有4種型號和9種產品,分為通用和專用兩大類,使用的處理器有飛騰FT2000/4及龍芯3A400系列新一代桌面處理器,全都是國產自研的。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200720/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- 9月1日,浙江大學聯合之江實驗室 發布了由其研製的基於自主知識產權 類 腦 芯 片 的 類 腦 計 算 機 (Darwin Mouse)。 大公報記者於發布會上獲悉,這台 類腦計算機包含792顆浙江大學研製的達 爾文2代類腦芯片,支持1.2億脈衝神經 元、近千億神經突觸,與小鼠大腦神經 元數量規模相當,典型運行功耗只需要 350-500瓦,同時它也是目前國際上神 經元規模最大的類腦計算機。 http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200902/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2016-05/07/content_25124946.htm Leading Chinese tech companies are shutting down parts of their cloud storage services for individual users, as the government intensifies crackdown on pirated movies and pornographic films being distributed through the new channel. Huawei Technologies Co Ltd's cloud service DBank said on Tuesday it would coordinate with the government's anti-piracy push by halting cloud storage services to individual users, making it the sixth major tech company to do so within two months. Huawei DBank is the second-largest personal cloud service provider in China, with more than 14 million monthly active users, according to Chengdu-based Big Data Research Center. The company said all user files stored in its DBank cloud will be deleted after June 30th, adding the change will not affect users of its smartphones, who are using a separate cloud service. Storing files in the cloud is very popular among Chinese netizens as it allows users to view material from any smartphone, computer and tablet that's connected to the internet, and the cloud can also provide backup for files.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/03/27/a19-0327.pdf據新華社報道,近 日,一款應用了國產核心技術的新 一代雲計算操作系統發佈,在安全 性、可擴展性等方面均實現大幅提 升,有望助力打造中國自主可靠、 安全穩定的雲計算新生態。 這款名為 Cloudview SVM Edition V3 的雲計算操作系統由中科 睿光軟件技術有限公司開發。
big data
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170602/00178_008.html內地速遞公司順豐昨凌晨突然中止與淘寶網的數據交流,令商家無法通過淘寶平台確定買家是否已經收貨,買家也不能追蹤包裹位置。阿里巴巴旗下、負責向淘寶網提供物流數據的「菜鳥網絡」表示,對此感到很突然,正與順豐溝通。順豐反指是菜鳥網絡有針對性封殺順豐旗下的豐巢在先。
- Costco opened its first store in China in late August to great fanfare. Analysts say whether it keeps up with local hypermarkets and online rivals, or follow the fate of Carrefour and Metro, will depend on one critical edge: big data.Costco opened its first mainland store on the outskirts of Shanghai to customers who signed up as members for a fee of 299 yuan (US$42). It uses information such as product details, purchase price, date and location of transactions to personalise customers’ online experience, according to its privacy policy. Advertisements are targeted on members’ preferences, interests and browsing and purchasing behaviour.https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3034063/costco-bets-it-can-outsell-rivals-china-getting-know-its digital forensics
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2015-12/21/content_22759989.htm Xiamen Meiya Pico Information Co Ltd, China's largest provider of digital forensics andinformation security products, has predicted huge growth in the business segment it operates in. Digital forensics involves identifying and extracting evidence from digital media such ascomputer hard drives, mobile phones and media storage cards. "With the development of information technology, more and more high-tech crimes are related todigital data. Pre-discovery, monitoring of suspects and post-crime investigations are becomingimportant in the field of information security," said Derek Teng, chairman of Meiya Pico. Apart from public security departments, enterprises are facing risks from dishonest employeeswho steal their employers' confidential data, make unauthorized disclosure of core technology,and indulge in illegal operations, including bribery. Meiya Pico, which is also one of the world's leading digital forensics firms, provides its servicesto China's administrators such as the Ministry of Public Security, the Cyberspace Administrationof China, departments of industry, commerce and taxes, and judicial authorities.
- Guian New Area, a national-level new urban area in Southwest China's Guizhou province, plans to build itself into one of the largest big data clusters globally over the next few years as part of its broad push to develop new infrastructure to stoke a fresh growth engine for the region, a local official said.https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/131940#Guiyang-to-build-Guian-New-Area-into-global-big-data-hub
workplace collaboration products
- Two of China’s largest tech companies introduced new products designed to support workplace collaboration in back-to-back announcements last week, as the country’s traditionally consumer-focused tech giants battle for more business from corporate clients.Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings launched a video conference service, Tencent Meeting, on Wednesday, while Huawei opened up its previously internal collaboration platform, WeLink, to government and enterprise clients a day later.https://www.scmp.com/tech/enterprises/article/3043950/tencent-huawei-launch-new-enterprise-products-same-week-chinese
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-12/09/content_19046791.htm The first online exchange in China for electronic components started trading on Monday, recording cumulative transactions of more than 100 million yuan ($16.2 million). Shenzhen Huaqiang Industry Co, the holding company that runs one of the world's biggest electronic markets in the southern city that borders Hong Kong, and four other companies have set up the online platform with an initial investment of 100 million yuan. "The exchange will account for 1 percent of all the spot electronic component transactions done in a year in China and the figure will rise to 10 percent by 2030," Miu Xiang, general manager of the exchange, told China Daily.
Led lighting
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2016-01/20/content_23157958.htm An LED lighting project conducted by Nanchang University and LatticePower Corpin Jiangxi province was awarded the 2015 National Technology Invention Prize(First-Class) earlier this month. China has now joined Japan and the United States as an LED lighting technologyowner, as the prize-winning GaN-on-silicon LED is the world's third commercial LEDlighting technology, after the sapphire-based LED developed in Japan and siliconcarbide-based LED technology of the US.
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1893763/chinas-share-global-lcd-chip-market-jump-zero-12pc
- http://www.ecns.cn/m/2016/01-04/194481.shtml One of the positive outcomes of the government's decision to support local innovation is that many Chinese firms have announced plans to make their own chips and software products for mobile devices. Chinese firms, it seems, are intent on gaining market share in these areas where they have been lagging for long. The development follows Chinese tech majors' taking of nearly 80 percent share of the country's smartphone market. Telecom equipment maker Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, which is also China's biggest smartphone vendor by shipments, is the staunchest advocate of made-in-China chips. Huawei has already used a home-made processor, the Kirin 950, in its latest flagship device Mate 8, a 3,000-yuan smartphone which is trying to take on the iPhone 6S and Samsung Electronics Co's Galaxy series.
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1897984/chinas-state-backed-companies-continue-driving-globalMainland China is expected to drive more mergers and acquisitions in the global semiconductor industry this year, which could redraw the competitive landscape in this high-tech sector. “The country is interested in all parts of the semiconductor supply chain, and is keen to leverage its ample capital supply to elevate the capabilities of its domestic industry quickly,” Bernstein senior analyst Mark Li said in a report on Monday. Li expected this state-backed “shopping spree” to continue going strong this year, following the central government’s introduction in June 2014 of a national policy to infuse vast amounts of capital to develop an advanced local chip manufacturing supply chain. The China Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund was established in September that same year to support the domestic semiconductor industry’s expansion initiatives. The policy’s aggressive target is for the mainland chip industry to record a 20 per cent compound annual growth rate by 2020.
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21688871-china-wants-become-superpower-semiconductors-and-plans-spend-colossal-sums
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170601/00182_001.html 晶片是美國為數不多領先中國的科技產品,中國每年從美國進口晶片花費二千多億美元,數額超過了進口石油的價值。為了培育中國的晶片行業,中國專門設立了產業併購基金,在美歐一帶併購高科技的晶片企業。但此舉遭到美國的全面圍堵,美國國務院、商務部和中情局等部門成立跨部際小組聯手狙擊,中資在併購美國、德國、南韓的晶片企業時,遭遇一堵堅實的壁壘,多次無功而還。中國企業對外攻勢受阻,沒想到後院也失火,一家電訊科技領域領先的大型國企子公司居然與美資晶片寡頭高通集團成立子公司,專門聚焦中低端手機晶片,這不僅無法藉機掌握高通的核心技術,更令人擔心會對本土企業造成巨大衝擊。不少人認為,此舉相當於充當「皇協軍」。
- 據中新社報道,阿里巴巴集團昨日宣佈,全資收購中國內地唯一的自主嵌入式CPU IP Core公司--中天微系統有限公司(下稱中天微)。中天微是中國內地目前唯一大規模量產的自主嵌入式CPU IP Core公司,專注於32位嵌入式CPU IP研發與規模化應用,面向多媒體、安防、家庭、交通、智慧城市等IoT領域,全球累計出貨超過7億顆芯片。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/04/21/a04-0421.pdf
- 由於美國禁運,中興遭受大打擊,董事長殷一民在4月20日公開指出,「這樣的制裁將使公司立即進入休克狀態」。事態如此嚴重,中興(763)股票自4月17日起停牌,復牌後相信會成為插水股,投資者的損失會相當嚴重。這一兩年來從不同的討論群組轉發的微信微博資訊知悉,中國的科技發展驚人,高速進步;華為將會成為5G的先驅,技術領使全球,中興的電訊設備可與Cisco相比,超過她是遲早的事。左丁山是科學盲,對這樣資訊不敢完全相信,但也受到影響,以為中國行將趕上矽谷。怎知道特朗普的招數一出,便點中中國電子電腦科技工業的穴道,教中興動彈不得。怎麼中興要這麼倚靠高通的晶片(chip,中國叫芯片)?急忙上網搜尋,原來製造晶片要靠光刻機,光刻機在荷蘭日本有生產,但荷蘭的ASML(艾司摩爾)是最大生產商,世界市場佔有額高達9成,在台灣新竹科學園有分公司。全球十大半導體廠皆為ASML的客戶,沒有ASML的光刻機,根本無法生產最尖端最微小的芯片(晶片)。那麼中國為何不跟ASML買入母機,自行製造精密芯片,但ASML的股東有英特爾(15%)、台積電(5%)、三星(3%),加上荷蘭人,皆在美國和歐盟的影響力範圍之內,貿易戰加劇的話,ASML不賣產品給中國,不是奇怪的事。https://hk.lifestyle.appledaily.com/lifestyle/columnist/%E5%B7%A6%E4%B8%81%E5%B1%B1/daily/article/20180428/20374813
- 據美媒報道,天津海光先進技術投資公司開始生產中國自主設計的「禪定」(Dhyana)x86中央處理器(CPU)。但該款處理器源於美國半導體大廠AMD與中國合作夥伴之間達成的一項知識產權授權協議,允許該公司自行設計專供中國市場的處理器。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180711/00178_003.html
- 在發展新科技、未來產業方面,廣州與深圳有許多重疊之處,廣深科技創新走廊是力求將兩者由競爭轉變為協作。深圳未必願意,此所以全力東擴,在珠三角以外建立飛地──深圳汕尾特別合作區。廣州在吞併佛山之後,規模擴大,產業和行業更加完備,只要政府有視野、魄力與決心,在後趕超階段,科技創新產業的發展不會遜於深圳。舉例而言,廣州建立兩座十二吋晶圓廠,在半導體晶圓生產從無到有,勝於深圳多年經營的一座八吋廠和新建的十二吋廠。當然,深圳積累的半導體設計人才多於廣州,但廣州正銳意追趕、發展,例如去年三月頒布的「廣州市加快IAB產業發展五年行動計劃(2018-2022年)」,推動新一代訊息技術、人工智能、生物醫藥產業的大發展,目標是在二○二○年形成影響全球、引領全國的產業集聚區,IAB三個產業規模要達至七千億元、一千二百億元和一千八百億元,把原有的工業擴大提升,依賴創新和技術,重點在十大價值創新園區。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190212/00184_001.html
- 據新華社報道,近日,中國科學家研製成功面向人工通用智能的新型類腦計算芯片--「天機芯」,並成功在無人駕駛單車上進行了實驗,引起美國科技界高度關注。8月1日,國際權威期刊《自然》雜誌以封面文章形式發表了清華大學類腦計算研究中心施路平教授團隊的相關論文。「天機芯」是一款新型人工智能芯片,把人工通用智能的兩個主要研究方向,即基於計算機科學和基於神經科學這兩種方法,集成到一個平台,可以同時支持機器學習算法和現有類腦計算算法。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/08/04/a11-0804.pdf
- Chinese scientists have taken the ancient art of origami to the atomic level by finding a way to fold microscopically small graphene, according to a new study. The team managed to fold a 20 nanometre wide sheet of graphene into various shapes and forms using an extremely sharp needle with a single electrically charged atom at the tip, according to a paper published in the latest edition of Science magazine. The breakthrough could eventually enable a host of technological advances, including the development of faster and more powerful computer processors, the researchers said.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3025694/atomic-origami-chinese-scientists-master-art-folding-graphene
- 9月6日,華為在德國柏林的IFA2019大會上正式 發布麒麟 990 5G 芯片,並宣稱該芯片是業界首款旗艦5G SoC 芯 片。華為消費者業務 CEO 余承東在會上介紹,麒麟 990 5G 在性 能、能效、AI智慧算力等方面進行全方位升級。同時,該芯片首次 將單反級的圖像處理能力應用在手機上,並首次在手機芯片上實現 基於AI分割的即時視頻後處理渲染技術。 值得注意的是,三星於 9 月 4 日發布號稱首款集成 5G 的處理器 Exynos 980,對於 「第一」 爭議,華為Fellow艾偉昨日回應稱,誰 是第一家,要等看到手機之後才有答案。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/201909/0907/HA09907CZXX_HKCD.pdf
- 粵芯12英寸晶圓項目20日在廣州開發區投產,這是廣東省唯一一條量產的12英寸芯片生產線。該項目總投資288億元(人民幣,下同),此次投資100億元實現量產的一期項目,月產芯片4萬片。待第二期投資達產後,每月總產量將達到8萬片,年銷售額可達百億級。據了解,廣州粵芯半導體技術有限公司團隊及技術骨幹來自台灣、美國、英國、新加坡以及中國內地。該項目是內地第一座以虛擬IDM (Virtual IDM) 為營運策略的12英寸芯片廠,目前已被列入廣東省、廣州市重點建設項目。項目首期投資100億元,專注於0.18um-90nm模擬芯片與分立器件製造,實現月產4萬片12英寸晶圓的生產能力,面向最為迫切的物聯網、汽車電子市場需求。第二期投資188億元,專注於65nm-40nm 世界最先進高端的高壓BCD模擬芯片技術,月產4萬片12英寸晶圓,滿足高端汽車電子、人工智能及5G等創新應用的模擬芯片與分立器件需求。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/21/b05-0921.pdf
- 中國自主研發新一代中央處理器(CPU)「龍芯」,日前正式對外亮相。龍芯中科技術有限公司董事長、中國科學院計算技術研究所研究員胡偉武周二指,龍芯性能較上一代高超過兩倍以上,很快便可與國際其他晶片巨頭公司較勁。內媒報道,龍芯料可讓中國減少對外在晶片依賴需求。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191226/00180_009.html
workplace collaboration products
- Two of China’s largest tech companies introduced new products designed to support workplace collaboration in back-to-back announcements last week, as the country’s traditionally consumer-focused tech giants battle for more business from corporate clients.Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings launched a video conference service, Tencent Meeting, on Wednesday, while Huawei opened up its previously internal collaboration platform, WeLink, to government and enterprise clients a day later.https://www.scmp.com/tech/enterprises/article/3043950/tencent-huawei-launch-new-enterprise-products-same-week-chinese
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-12/09/content_19046791.htm The first online exchange in China for electronic components started trading on Monday, recording cumulative transactions of more than 100 million yuan ($16.2 million). Shenzhen Huaqiang Industry Co, the holding company that runs one of the world's biggest electronic markets in the southern city that borders Hong Kong, and four other companies have set up the online platform with an initial investment of 100 million yuan. "The exchange will account for 1 percent of all the spot electronic component transactions done in a year in China and the figure will rise to 10 percent by 2030," Miu Xiang, general manager of the exchange, told China Daily.
Led lighting
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2016-01/20/content_23157958.htm An LED lighting project conducted by Nanchang University and LatticePower Corpin Jiangxi province was awarded the 2015 National Technology Invention Prize(First-Class) earlier this month. China has now joined Japan and the United States as an LED lighting technologyowner, as the prize-winning GaN-on-silicon LED is the world's third commercial LEDlighting technology, after the sapphire-based LED developed in Japan and siliconcarbide-based LED technology of the US.
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1893763/chinas-share-global-lcd-chip-market-jump-zero-12pc
- http://www.ecns.cn/m/2016/01-04/194481.shtml One of the positive outcomes of the government's decision to support local innovation is that many Chinese firms have announced plans to make their own chips and software products for mobile devices. Chinese firms, it seems, are intent on gaining market share in these areas where they have been lagging for long. The development follows Chinese tech majors' taking of nearly 80 percent share of the country's smartphone market. Telecom equipment maker Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, which is also China's biggest smartphone vendor by shipments, is the staunchest advocate of made-in-China chips. Huawei has already used a home-made processor, the Kirin 950, in its latest flagship device Mate 8, a 3,000-yuan smartphone which is trying to take on the iPhone 6S and Samsung Electronics Co's Galaxy series.
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1897984/chinas-state-backed-companies-continue-driving-globalMainland China is expected to drive more mergers and acquisitions in the global semiconductor industry this year, which could redraw the competitive landscape in this high-tech sector. “The country is interested in all parts of the semiconductor supply chain, and is keen to leverage its ample capital supply to elevate the capabilities of its domestic industry quickly,” Bernstein senior analyst Mark Li said in a report on Monday. Li expected this state-backed “shopping spree” to continue going strong this year, following the central government’s introduction in June 2014 of a national policy to infuse vast amounts of capital to develop an advanced local chip manufacturing supply chain. The China Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund was established in September that same year to support the domestic semiconductor industry’s expansion initiatives. The policy’s aggressive target is for the mainland chip industry to record a 20 per cent compound annual growth rate by 2020.
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21688871-china-wants-become-superpower-semiconductors-and-plans-spend-colossal-sums
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170601/00182_001.html 晶片是美國為數不多領先中國的科技產品,中國每年從美國進口晶片花費二千多億美元,數額超過了進口石油的價值。為了培育中國的晶片行業,中國專門設立了產業併購基金,在美歐一帶併購高科技的晶片企業。但此舉遭到美國的全面圍堵,美國國務院、商務部和中情局等部門成立跨部際小組聯手狙擊,中資在併購美國、德國、南韓的晶片企業時,遭遇一堵堅實的壁壘,多次無功而還。中國企業對外攻勢受阻,沒想到後院也失火,一家電訊科技領域領先的大型國企子公司居然與美資晶片寡頭高通集團成立子公司,專門聚焦中低端手機晶片,這不僅無法藉機掌握高通的核心技術,更令人擔心會對本土企業造成巨大衝擊。不少人認為,此舉相當於充當「皇協軍」。
- 據中新社報道,阿里巴巴集團昨日宣佈,全資收購中國內地唯一的自主嵌入式CPU IP Core公司--中天微系統有限公司(下稱中天微)。中天微是中國內地目前唯一大規模量產的自主嵌入式CPU IP Core公司,專注於32位嵌入式CPU IP研發與規模化應用,面向多媒體、安防、家庭、交通、智慧城市等IoT領域,全球累計出貨超過7億顆芯片。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/04/21/a04-0421.pdf
- 由於美國禁運,中興遭受大打擊,董事長殷一民在4月20日公開指出,「這樣的制裁將使公司立即進入休克狀態」。事態如此嚴重,中興(763)股票自4月17日起停牌,復牌後相信會成為插水股,投資者的損失會相當嚴重。這一兩年來從不同的討論群組轉發的微信微博資訊知悉,中國的科技發展驚人,高速進步;華為將會成為5G的先驅,技術領使全球,中興的電訊設備可與Cisco相比,超過她是遲早的事。左丁山是科學盲,對這樣資訊不敢完全相信,但也受到影響,以為中國行將趕上矽谷。怎知道特朗普的招數一出,便點中中國電子電腦科技工業的穴道,教中興動彈不得。怎麼中興要這麼倚靠高通的晶片(chip,中國叫芯片)?急忙上網搜尋,原來製造晶片要靠光刻機,光刻機在荷蘭日本有生產,但荷蘭的ASML(艾司摩爾)是最大生產商,世界市場佔有額高達9成,在台灣新竹科學園有分公司。全球十大半導體廠皆為ASML的客戶,沒有ASML的光刻機,根本無法生產最尖端最微小的芯片(晶片)。那麼中國為何不跟ASML買入母機,自行製造精密芯片,但ASML的股東有英特爾(15%)、台積電(5%)、三星(3%),加上荷蘭人,皆在美國和歐盟的影響力範圍之內,貿易戰加劇的話,ASML不賣產品給中國,不是奇怪的事。https://hk.lifestyle.appledaily.com/lifestyle/columnist/%E5%B7%A6%E4%B8%81%E5%B1%B1/daily/article/20180428/20374813
- 據美媒報道,天津海光先進技術投資公司開始生產中國自主設計的「禪定」(Dhyana)x86中央處理器(CPU)。但該款處理器源於美國半導體大廠AMD與中國合作夥伴之間達成的一項知識產權授權協議,允許該公司自行設計專供中國市場的處理器。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180711/00178_003.html
- 在發展新科技、未來產業方面,廣州與深圳有許多重疊之處,廣深科技創新走廊是力求將兩者由競爭轉變為協作。深圳未必願意,此所以全力東擴,在珠三角以外建立飛地──深圳汕尾特別合作區。廣州在吞併佛山之後,規模擴大,產業和行業更加完備,只要政府有視野、魄力與決心,在後趕超階段,科技創新產業的發展不會遜於深圳。舉例而言,廣州建立兩座十二吋晶圓廠,在半導體晶圓生產從無到有,勝於深圳多年經營的一座八吋廠和新建的十二吋廠。當然,深圳積累的半導體設計人才多於廣州,但廣州正銳意追趕、發展,例如去年三月頒布的「廣州市加快IAB產業發展五年行動計劃(2018-2022年)」,推動新一代訊息技術、人工智能、生物醫藥產業的大發展,目標是在二○二○年形成影響全球、引領全國的產業集聚區,IAB三個產業規模要達至七千億元、一千二百億元和一千八百億元,把原有的工業擴大提升,依賴創新和技術,重點在十大價值創新園區。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190212/00184_001.html
- 據新華社報道,近日,中國科學家研製成功面向人工通用智能的新型類腦計算芯片--「天機芯」,並成功在無人駕駛單車上進行了實驗,引起美國科技界高度關注。8月1日,國際權威期刊《自然》雜誌以封面文章形式發表了清華大學類腦計算研究中心施路平教授團隊的相關論文。「天機芯」是一款新型人工智能芯片,把人工通用智能的兩個主要研究方向,即基於計算機科學和基於神經科學這兩種方法,集成到一個平台,可以同時支持機器學習算法和現有類腦計算算法。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/08/04/a11-0804.pdf
- Chinese scientists have taken the ancient art of origami to the atomic level by finding a way to fold microscopically small graphene, according to a new study. The team managed to fold a 20 nanometre wide sheet of graphene into various shapes and forms using an extremely sharp needle with a single electrically charged atom at the tip, according to a paper published in the latest edition of Science magazine. The breakthrough could eventually enable a host of technological advances, including the development of faster and more powerful computer processors, the researchers said.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3025694/atomic-origami-chinese-scientists-master-art-folding-graphene
- 9月6日,華為在德國柏林的IFA2019大會上正式 發布麒麟 990 5G 芯片,並宣稱該芯片是業界首款旗艦5G SoC 芯 片。華為消費者業務 CEO 余承東在會上介紹,麒麟 990 5G 在性 能、能效、AI智慧算力等方面進行全方位升級。同時,該芯片首次 將單反級的圖像處理能力應用在手機上,並首次在手機芯片上實現 基於AI分割的即時視頻後處理渲染技術。 值得注意的是,三星於 9 月 4 日發布號稱首款集成 5G 的處理器 Exynos 980,對於 「第一」 爭議,華為Fellow艾偉昨日回應稱,誰 是第一家,要等看到手機之後才有答案。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/201909/0907/HA09907CZXX_HKCD.pdf
- 粵芯12英寸晶圓項目20日在廣州開發區投產,這是廣東省唯一一條量產的12英寸芯片生產線。該項目總投資288億元(人民幣,下同),此次投資100億元實現量產的一期項目,月產芯片4萬片。待第二期投資達產後,每月總產量將達到8萬片,年銷售額可達百億級。據了解,廣州粵芯半導體技術有限公司團隊及技術骨幹來自台灣、美國、英國、新加坡以及中國內地。該項目是內地第一座以虛擬IDM (Virtual IDM) 為營運策略的12英寸芯片廠,目前已被列入廣東省、廣州市重點建設項目。項目首期投資100億元,專注於0.18um-90nm模擬芯片與分立器件製造,實現月產4萬片12英寸晶圓的生產能力,面向最為迫切的物聯網、汽車電子市場需求。第二期投資188億元,專注於65nm-40nm 世界最先進高端的高壓BCD模擬芯片技術,月產4萬片12英寸晶圓,滿足高端汽車電子、人工智能及5G等創新應用的模擬芯片與分立器件需求。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/21/b05-0921.pdf
- 中國自主研發新一代中央處理器(CPU)「龍芯」,日前正式對外亮相。龍芯中科技術有限公司董事長、中國科學院計算技術研究所研究員胡偉武周二指,龍芯性能較上一代高超過兩倍以上,很快便可與國際其他晶片巨頭公司較勁。內媒報道,龍芯料可讓中國減少對外在晶片依賴需求。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191226/00180_009.html
- 日本傳媒引述美國半導體行業研究機構IC Insights指,四年後國產晶片只能滿足中國屆時晶片總需求的20.7%,比起「中國製造2025」計劃所揭示的70%有顯著距離。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200609/00202_017.html
- 中國工程院院士、網絡通信與安全紫金山實驗室主任劉韻潔 15日透露,由紫金山實驗室研製的CMOS毫米波全集成4通道相 控陣芯片(見圓圖)已經完成芯片封裝和測試。他認為,該芯片 可令中國5G技術領先5-10年。據了解,新技術為中國下一代寬 帶衛星通信和5G毫米波通信技術商用掃除了障礙,有望於2022 年規模商用於5G系統,提供更大信號帶寬,並為6G建設鋪路。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200616/PDF/a11_screen.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/10/a18-0710.pdf 據《深圳特區報》報 道,一款名為光威弈 Pro 系列的內存 條,由深圳一家高端存儲芯片測試企 業——嘉合勁威電子科技公司生產製 造。記者 7 日在嘉合勁威的坪山工廠見 到,一排排光威弈 Pro 系列的內存條和 SSD(固態硬盤:用快閃記憶體存取資 料,速度達到傳統硬碟 10倍快)在車間 內 有 條 不 紊 地 進 行 生 產 、 檢 測 、 包 裝……該系列產品從芯片製造、封裝, 到模組測試、製造,全鏈條都實現國產 自主化。
- 目前中興通訊設有「中興微電子」子公司,專門做芯片設計,已經是全國第三大的芯片設計企業,將主要用來提升芯片和算法架構上的核心能力。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/finance/236132/2020/0825/490215.html
- 中國北斗自主研發的最新一代高精度定位芯片27日在北京亮相。這顆22納米芯片有望於2021年上半年量產,將應用於自動駕駛、無人機、機械人等高精度定位的場景需求。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/08/28/a14-0828.pdf
- 目前中興通訊設有「中興微電子」子公司,專門做芯片設計,已經是全國第三大的芯片設計企業,將主要用來提升芯片和算法架構上的核心能力。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/finance/236132/2020/0825/490215.html
- 中國北斗自主研發的最新一代高精度定位芯片27日在北京亮相。這顆22納米芯片有望於2021年上半年量產,將應用於自動駕駛、無人機、機械人等高精度定位的場景需求。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/08/28/a14-0828.pdf
- 高純原子層沉積(ALD)前驅體材料是芯片製造過程中最重要的電子化學品
integrated circuit
- 上海集成电路研发中心根据国家关于加快集成电路产业发展的有关政策,由上海市政府于2002年底支持组建成立,是面向全国集成电路企业、大学及研究所开放的非盈利性公共研发机构,并按照现代企业制度实现企业化经营管理,并于2007年5月被国家发展和改革委员会等六部委核准为国家级集成电路研发中心。
- 以位於浦東張江的上海集成電路研發中心為例,作為上海集成電路產業研發和轉化功能型平台,這家中心正在建設「國家集成電路製造業創新中心」,組織開展5納米及以下技術節點新器件、新工藝的聯合研發,對相關進口設備和部件通關時效要求較高。按照上海海關為科創機構量身定製的浦東國際機場至張江「直通模式」,上海集成電路研發中心相關進口設備和部件已實現當天報、當天查、當天清。通關現場專門配備的冷藏、冷凍倉庫和潔淨查驗室,提升了集成電路高精尖研發材料的通關質量。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/232108/2020/0825/490397.html
- robot
- robotics firms lag behind overseas competition http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-08/07/content_18262868.htm
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-11/10/content_18892125.htm
- http://www.china.org.cn/business/2015-05/22/content_35633360.htm China, the world's largest industrial robot market for the second year running in 2014, aims to become one of the leading manufacturers of the machines by 2030, trade delegates were told on Thursday. The goal was set out at the annual meeting of the China Robot Industry Alliance in Yongchuan, Chongqing. Last year, 57,000 such machines-a quarter of the robots made around the globe-were sold in China, a 55 percent increase from the previous year. South Korea, Japan, the United States and Germany were the other major markets last year, according to the International Federation of Robotics. Demand for robots in China has been increasing at an annual rate of 58.9 percent since 2009 because of rising labor costs and a shortage of workers, and the country became the world's top buyer in 2013 with orders for 37,000. Foreign companies dominate the Chinese market and sold 40,000 industrial robots last year, about 70 percent of total sales. Domestic manufacturers have been catching up rapidly since 2005 as more than 700 companies have entered the field. It is estimated that the number will reach 1,000 this year. In the past two years, Chongqing's Yongchuan district has attracted 65 robot makers to its Phoenix Lake Industrial Park, and it plans to have 200 robot companies by 2020.
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-02/13/content_28176252.htm Developed by Beijing Tinavi Medical Technology Co with the help of Jishuitan Hospital, Phecda is part of the broad effort by Chinese companies to outcompete foreign rivals just as the country's use of medical robots is set to take off, thanks in part to an aging population.
- 江蘇持續加大紡織服裝業改造步伐,開展以「機器換人」為主的技術改造、加快推進智能製造及加大中高端新產品研發力度,令此傳統產業「老幹生新枝」。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/03/16/a20-0316.pdf
- 兩年半前,美的集團以37億歐元(約320.29億港元)收購德國工業機器人巨頭企業庫卡(KUKA),如今中國基地迎來了投產,預計二期工程2024年完工後,機器人年產能總體達到7.5萬台,屆時園區將成為全球最大的工業機器人生產基地。據悉,庫卡將在中國開展機器人技術研究、應用和生產。庫卡中國順德基地負責人傅生彬表示,看好未來中國機器人應用市場,美的庫卡如此大規模布局機器人生產,是出於看準中國龐大市場需求和潛能。\大公報記者 敖敏輝佛山報道(文/圖) 美的集團2017年完成收購庫卡後,去年向KUKA集團在中國的下屬業務板塊,注資成立KUKA機器人合資公司,並在佛山順德規劃了KUKA智能製造科技園。傅生彬透露,美的庫卡智能製造科技園內將布置智能製造、智能物流、智能醫療、智慧家居四大業務板塊,包括機器人本體製造中心、研究中心、應用示範中心和華南區域總部等。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190904/PDF/b2_screen.pdf
- 香港文匯報記者 19日獲悉,廣州 發那科機器人有限公司在廣州開發區科 學城開業。這是全球最大機器人企業日 本發那科公司的華南總部基地,主要進 行機器人及機器人系統的研發、生產製 造以及展示培訓。 至此,全球機器人企業「四大家族」 瑞士ABB、德國庫卡、日本發那科和日 本安川已悉數完成在粵港澳大灣區的機 器人的產研佈局,主要分佈在製造業較 為發達的佛山、東莞、珠海、廣州等 地。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/20/a11-1120.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/01/13/a15-0113.pdf 全國首家核心技術自主研發 的全系統機械人餐廳昨日在廣州亮 相,實現了從中央廚房到冷鏈運輸, 再到店面餐飲機械人的全系統搭建與 運營。同時,創造了中餐、火鍋、快 餐、煲仔飯和粉麵店等 5個不同餐廳業 態的產品線,涵蓋煎炸、甜品、漢 堡、調酒、煲仔飯、炒鍋等 46種機械 人。據透露,該機械人餐廳目前已籌 備下半年赴香港高校區域開店。 此前,阿里巴巴的盒馬鮮生、京 東、海底撈等企業推出機械人或無人 餐廳,僅迎賓、配餐、傳菜或炒菜的 機械人等在某細分領域或局部環節上 的零散應用,由香港上市公司碧桂園 全資子公司千璽機械人餐飲集團研發 的 Foodom機械人中餐廳旗艦店,則實 現了從中央廚房到冷鏈運輸,再到店 面餐飲機械人的全系統搭建與運營, 這在全國尚屬首家。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/01/13/a15-0113.pdf
- railway
- 記者10日從廣州地鐵新線通號設備監理採購項目獲悉,三條在建的地鐵線將按全自動運行標準建設,其中兩條將按等級最高的GoA4標準「無人值守下的自動運行」,或引領內地地鐵無人駕駛的新趨勢。「據《中國城市軌道交通全自動運行系統技術指南》,自動化程度從低至高依次為GoA0至GoA4,其中GoA3和GoA4都是自動運行。」廣州地鐵有關負責人表示,作為全自動運行等級最高的標準,GoA4指無人值守下的列車自動運行,列車喚醒、休眠、啟動、停止、車門的開閉,以及緊急情況下的列車運行全部為自動駕駛。 據了解,自動駕駛正成為內地地鐵的新趨勢,廣州地鐵在2010年亦開通一條「旅客自動輸送系統」APM線。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200411/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
artificial intelligence
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2017-02/22/content_28294904.htm Search engine Baidu Inc will take the lead with the first national lab on deep learning as China strives to rise up the ranks of artificial intelligence research. The National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic regulator, has appointed Baidu to lead the national lab on deep learning technologies and applications, as Beijing prioritizes AI development through policy and financial support.
- https://www.ft.com/content/5ec7093c-6e06-11e7-b9c7-15af748b60d0 China, a surveillance state where authorities have unchecked access to citizens’ histories, is seeking to look into their future with technology designed to predict and prevent crime. Companies are helping police develop artificial intelligence they say will help them identify and apprehend suspects before criminal acts are committed.
- 在 24日舉行的 2019世界機器人大會腦控打字紀錄挑戰賽上,天津大學 研究生魏斯文以每分鐘 691.55比特的信息傳輸率獲得冠軍,創造了新紀 錄。在挑戰賽現場,中新社記者看到,參賽選手頭戴「特殊裝備」,全神 貫注地端坐在電腦顯示屏前,身體一動不動,屏幕上卻逐行顯現出文 字——這就是傳說中的「用意念打字」。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/08/26/a33-0826.pdf
- China has named Huawei Technologies and Hikvision Digital Technology as new national champions in artificial intelligence (AI), among the latest batch of companies tasked to spearhead efforts in that field. Shenzhen-based Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment supplier, will take the lead in the research on AI infrastructure and software. Surveillance systems giant Hikvision will cover initiatives related to video perception.The other new national AI champions introduced on Thursday at the Shanghai World Artificial Intelligence Conference include Hong Kong-listed smartphone vendor Xiaomi Corp, which will focus on smart home ware; e-commerce company JD.com, on smart supply chain; and internet security company Qihoo 360 Technology, handling online safety. Facial recognition start-ups Megvii and Yitu were tasked to cover the areas of image perception and image computing, respectively. China now has a total of 15 national AI champions since it started this initiative in 2017.https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3024966/china-adds-huawei-hikvision-expanded-national-team-spearheading
- When the Chinese government named a new batch of national champions in artificial intelligence (AI) in August, one name was relatively unknown to most of the population.MiningLamp, a Beijing based big data company, joined home-grown tech giants Huawei Technologies, JD.com and Xiaomi Corp as companies tasked with spearheading innovation efforts in the field.Although not as well known as US equivalent Palantir Technologies, which reportedly contributed to America’s success in hunting down Osama bin Laden, MiningLamp’s data mining software is used to spot crime patterns, track drug dealers and prevent human trafficking.https://www.scmp.com/tech/start-ups/article/3039252/chinese-data-mining-firm-now-national-ai-champion-started-out
- Last year Zheng, who worked as a researcher at Siemens Healthcare in New Jersey, made a decision that addressed both problems. He accepted an offer to head up the medical research and development team at Tencent’s YouTu artificial intelligence lab in Shenzhen, known as China's Silicon Valley.“There was almost no room for promotion if I stayed in the US,” he said, expressing a common dilemma faced by experienced Chinese tech workers in America.With the US-China trade war leading to tighter scrutiny of Chinese nationals working in the US tech industry, people like Zheng are moving back to China to work in the burgeoning AI sector, especially after Beijing designated AI a national priority. The technology’s varied applications have attracted billions of dollars of venture capital investment, created highly valued start-ups like SenseTime and ByteDance, and sparked a talent war among companies. https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3040797/beijings-hopes-ai-dominance-may-rest-how-many-us-educated-chinese
- The lack of high-quality data and shortage of hi-tech talent are preventing wider adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in China, which has become the world’s second largest market for the technology amid a tech and trade war with the US.China, which has laid out plans to become the global AI leader by 2030, is projected to have an AI market worth US$11.9 billion by 2023, up from an estimated US$4.5 billion this year, despite those issues, according to the 2019 China AI Development white paper that was jointly released on Friday by technology research firm International Data Corp (IDC) and Chinese tech media outlet Qbitai.com.More than 60 per cent of 143 domestic AI industry insiders surveyed for the paper said implementation of AI systems are “very difficult” under the current circumstances. Other challenges cited by the paper include unclear application scenarios, high investment, and security and ethical issues.The study found that many organisations do not have a dedicated team to do data labelling and cleaning, which are operations vital to build up quality data. It also found that most AI applications are possible only after huge amounts of data are analysed to extract patterns needed for efficient machine-learning systems.https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3041254/lack-quality-data-tech-talent-hinder-wider-ai-adoption-china
- 全球首款車規級全棧語音AI芯片已成功 流片,將於今年一季度上車驗證,並有 望於今年年底進行量產。該芯片由安徽 芯智科技有限公司研製。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200108/PDF/a9_screen.pdf
facial recognition
- 深圳上周五起在地鐵11號線,試行人臉識別技術系統,年屆六十歲或以上的長者,均可在自助票務處理機註冊成功後,通過檢票機「刷臉」進出閘口。當局表示,相關技術日後可望在深圳地鐵七條線路的車站全面推廣。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190923/00178_004.html
- When China announced its initial team of national artificial intelligence (AI) champions in 2017, Tencent Holdings was tasked with leading the development of computer vision for medical diagnosis. Soon after, the company launched an AI medical imaging platform capable of diagnosing a broad list of illnesses, and a cloud-based ecosystem for sharing and collaboration between domestic health care AI companies. The same year, an intelligent robot developed by iFlyTek passed China’s written national qualification exam for doctors, in what was hailed as a game changer for the country’s strained health care system.https://www.scmp.com/tech/policy/article/3073929/how-chinas-investment-health-care-ai-helps-it-deal-coronavirus-crisis
- 新華社推出全球首位3D版AI合成主 播上崗播報新聞,與前一代相比,真實感強, 還可以一鍵切換妝髮,深受網友喜愛。與此同 時, 「兩會機器人」 也已開始投入工作,短時 間內就能拆分視頻。人民日報使用的雲剪輯師 能在第一時間智能剪輯,高效製作視頻。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200524/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- 北京清華大學人工智能國際治理研究院成立會議,周三在清華大學主樓舉行。外交部前副部長、清華大學社科學院教授傅瑩,獲任研究院名譽院長。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200627/00178_015.html
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/26/a15-1026.pdf 西北工業大學「翼身融合佈局民機研究團隊」24 日在西安發佈「未來大飛機」最新研發成果,歷經十餘年潛心研究, 該團隊在翼身融合佈局民機總體綜合設計技術方面取得重大原創性研 究成果,其部分核心技術指標達到國際領先水平。根據該研究成果設 計的 NPU-300飛機,與現有最先進的民航飛機相比,將降低油耗和 噪音達 30%左右,運力顯著提高。
- Helicopters are set to be the preferred mode of transport for China's rapidly growing offshore wind energy sector as they enable fast and easy transfer of technicians to the isolated turbines, often in challenging conditions, experts said.Currently, China has more than 1,000 installed offshore wind turbines, and the country is seeing a rapid increase in its offshore wind capacity. The number of turbines is expected to grow to 12,000 in 10 years, and reach 35,000 by 2050, according to estimates by 4coffshore.com and IFA 2050 Forecast.Currently, most of the wind farms use boats or ships to transport technicians to the repair sites. But this works only if the weather conditions are good and in most cases is often a risky and time-consuming process.Airbus Helicopters, the largest global helicopter manufacturer, said it is in discussions with Chinese government officials to set up hoist baskets, a necessity to enable helicopter access on the turbines, and use helicopters to transport technicians to wind turbines in China. It will help to accommodate the growing demand, and thus raise efficiencies and wind energy output, it said.https://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/48/12/170/1572332750080.html
- 取代直升機 無人駕駛「飛的」 萬事俱備 徐華翔表示,無論是國內還是國外,城市空中交通市場仍是空白,而在國外相對成熟的直升機市場在中國也是起步階段,因此AAV有望直接取代直升機來進行城市空中交通的發展布局。採訪過程中,記者了解到UAM系統更接近於大眾所熟悉的公交系統,所有自動駕駛飛行器均由指揮調度系統集中監管,按照點對點固定航線運行。據介紹,構建UAM行業生態,需要飛行器製造商、城市空中交通網絡運營商、基礎設施開發商、通訊網絡合作夥伴,以及國家、地區、城市各級政府的深度聯動與合作。事實上,中國對於UAM發展支持力度很大,億航智能早在2018年9月成為中國民航局批准的全國首家且是唯一一家載人級自動駕駛飛行器適航試點單位。2019年8月,廣州與億航智能簽署了戰略合作框架協議,成為億航全球首個空中交通試點城市,且億航的載人無人機2019年成功已經在廣州完成飛行。徐華翔告訴記者:「疫情爆發讓我們有點措手不及,形勢穩定之後我們將繼續進行各種測試,希望盡早實現將AAV投放在粵港澳大灣區應用。」http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200406/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/regional/2016-03/14/content_23851841.htm China's manufacturers target global market with agriculture- and industry-specific drones. Ehang Inc, a Chinese drone maker, created a flutter at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January with its latest product, the world's first drone capable of carrying a human passenger. The world sat up and took notice that manufacture of unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs - drones in common parlance - is now the forte of Chinese companies, never mind China Inc lags in aircraft-making capability.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2016-11/14/content_27363799.htm value of domestic civilian drone market
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/nation/2017-02/08/content_15567982.html China will test how its largest solar drone performs near-space flight this year, the China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics announced on Tuesday. With a wingspan of more than 40 meters, wider than that of a Boeing 737 passenger plane, the Caihong, or Rainbow, series of drone has just passed its first full-scale test flight, according to Shi Wen, chief engineer of the CAAA drone project. The drone is the second-largest solar-powered drone in the world, beaten only by a model by NASA, Shi said, adding that its performance index and technological capacity are among the most advanced in the world.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-06/19/content_29792454.htm
At least 1,000 drones have been put into use by police nationwide to assist in a wide range of operations, including tracking suspects, monitoring traffic and locating opium farms, according to the Ministry of Public Security. The actual number is likely to be much higher, according to Li Mu, who works at the ministry's test center for special police equipment and oversees the quality of unmanned aircraft. "The last time the ministry counted the number of police drones on the mainland was in September 2015," he said. "At that time, about 300 unmanned aircraft were used by nearly 150 police authorities in 25 provincial regions." Li said since then many more drones had been added. "The Shenzhen Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Industry Association recently told us its members had sold about 700 drones to police authorities across China last year. Therefore, we can estimate a ballpark figure of at least 1,000 drones in service." Shenzhen is the world's largest manufacturing hub for drones, as nearly 70 percent of consumer drones on the global market are made in the southeastern coastal city, which is home to more than 300 drone companies, according to the city's commerce bureau.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2103005/new-chinese-drone-overseas-buyers-rival-us-reaper
- Chinese logistics companies are speeding up competition in drone deliveries as China issued the first operating (pilot) license for commercial drone deliveries. The East China Regional Administration of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) on Tuesday granted the license to a subsidiary of China's leading courier SF Express in Jiangxi province. It allows the Shenzhen-based company to conduct commercial operation of drone deliveries in approved airspace nationwide. SF Express will initially continue the business in a pilot zone in Nankang district of Ganzhou, a city in Jiangxi province, where it has been testing drone deliveries since June 2017. The next step is to expand the operation across the whole province and even nationally, said Tian Min, head of technology at SF Express. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/29/WS5abc2b76a3105cdcf6514f0f.html
- 持續多年的也門內戰是軍用無人機的測試場,聯軍使用多款無人機,當中包括價格較美貨可能便宜一半的中國軍用無人機。因美出口限制,令中國製造的無人機在中東戰場愈趨活躍。中國於一三年至一七年的武器出口數量,比○八年至一二年大增三成八。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181005/00180_007.html
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160206/PDF/a13_screen.pdf 2015年,內地創業投資爆發式增長。全國創業投資機構新設立的創投基金有721隻,新增可投資資本量2200億元,增長近80%。發改委官員指出,創業投資能取得好發展,主要得益於政府創業投資引導基金的設立,去年國務院批准先後設立了國家新興產業創業投資引導基金和國家中小企業發展基金,這兩個基金的總規模達到了1000億元。在中央政府的帶動下,全國各地政府也踴躍設立地方性的創投基金,它們有效增加了資本供給,給創新發展提供了強力支撐。 據中新網報道,國務院新聞辦公室5日舉行國務院政策例行吹風會,科技部、國家發展改革委及國家工商總局有關負責人介紹大力發展眾創空間推動科技創新服務於實體經濟轉型升級的有關情況。 發改委高技術產業司負責人沈竹林在吹風會上表示,2015年是創業投資爆發式增長的一年,在去年一年,創業投資政策環境在不斷優化,創業投資的規模擴大,創業投資退出的渠道也日漸多元化,融資渠道更加豐富,整個來説表現出非常強勁發展的勢頭。中國現在的創業投資規模是全球第二,僅次於美國。
- http://hkmb.hktdc.com/en/1X0A5945/hktdc-research/Technopreneurship-in-China-1-Recent-Innovations-and-Opportunities
- 中美貿易戰引發對「厲害了,我的國」的反思,最近又出現了新現象。《科技日報》、《中國科學報》等等的官方媒體集體同時炮轟「網紅」海水稻。這一技術是袁隆平院士領銜的技術團隊培育出的一種耐鹽鹼水稻,曾自報畝產六百二十公斤。《科技日報》更直接用了《浮誇之風吹歪了海水稻》的題目,在長篇報道中指明,「國家領導人2018新年賀詞中,海水稻與大飛機C919、量子計算機、港珠澳大橋等一道被『點名』」。這等於是公開批評此曾被大力肯定的科研項目涉嫌誇大其詞,瞞上欺下,蒙騙領導,誤導公眾。《科技日報》、《中國科學報》是中國最重要的兩份科技類報紙,前者由科技部主管;後者由中國科學院、中國工程院、國家自然科學基金會、中國科協四大單位聯合主辦,在科技界的地位不言而喻。如今罕見地聯合抨擊海水稻,顯然並非偶然的自選動作。所謂海水稻並不能抗海水,即使在鹽鹼地,也需要灌入淡水降低濃度。而其宣稱的畝產量,只是在四、五十平方米的面積上測產了幾百株折算出來的數字,只是一個理論評測結果,缺乏現實推廣性。在如此充滿漏洞的情況下,大加宣揚,無異於浮誇風。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180810/00184_012.html
- 中國互聯網絡信息中心(CNNIC)前日發布第四十五次《中國互聯網絡發展狀況統計報告》,指截至今年三月,內地網民規模達九點零四億人,其中手機網民達八點九七億,網民使用手機上網的比例達百分之九十九點三。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200430/00178_031.html
facial recognition
- 深圳上周五起在地鐵11號線,試行人臉識別技術系統,年屆六十歲或以上的長者,均可在自助票務處理機註冊成功後,通過檢票機「刷臉」進出閘口。當局表示,相關技術日後可望在深圳地鐵七條線路的車站全面推廣。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190923/00178_004.html
- When China announced its initial team of national artificial intelligence (AI) champions in 2017, Tencent Holdings was tasked with leading the development of computer vision for medical diagnosis. Soon after, the company launched an AI medical imaging platform capable of diagnosing a broad list of illnesses, and a cloud-based ecosystem for sharing and collaboration between domestic health care AI companies. The same year, an intelligent robot developed by iFlyTek passed China’s written national qualification exam for doctors, in what was hailed as a game changer for the country’s strained health care system.https://www.scmp.com/tech/policy/article/3073929/how-chinas-investment-health-care-ai-helps-it-deal-coronavirus-crisis
- 新華社推出全球首位3D版AI合成主 播上崗播報新聞,與前一代相比,真實感強, 還可以一鍵切換妝髮,深受網友喜愛。與此同 時, 「兩會機器人」 也已開始投入工作,短時 間內就能拆分視頻。人民日報使用的雲剪輯師 能在第一時間智能剪輯,高效製作視頻。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200524/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- 北京清華大學人工智能國際治理研究院成立會議,周三在清華大學主樓舉行。外交部前副部長、清華大學社科學院教授傅瑩,獲任研究院名譽院長。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200627/00178_015.html
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/26/a15-1026.pdf 西北工業大學「翼身融合佈局民機研究團隊」24 日在西安發佈「未來大飛機」最新研發成果,歷經十餘年潛心研究, 該團隊在翼身融合佈局民機總體綜合設計技術方面取得重大原創性研 究成果,其部分核心技術指標達到國際領先水平。根據該研究成果設 計的 NPU-300飛機,與現有最先進的民航飛機相比,將降低油耗和 噪音達 30%左右,運力顯著提高。
- Helicopters are set to be the preferred mode of transport for China's rapidly growing offshore wind energy sector as they enable fast and easy transfer of technicians to the isolated turbines, often in challenging conditions, experts said.Currently, China has more than 1,000 installed offshore wind turbines, and the country is seeing a rapid increase in its offshore wind capacity. The number of turbines is expected to grow to 12,000 in 10 years, and reach 35,000 by 2050, according to estimates by 4coffshore.com and IFA 2050 Forecast.Currently, most of the wind farms use boats or ships to transport technicians to the repair sites. But this works only if the weather conditions are good and in most cases is often a risky and time-consuming process.Airbus Helicopters, the largest global helicopter manufacturer, said it is in discussions with Chinese government officials to set up hoist baskets, a necessity to enable helicopter access on the turbines, and use helicopters to transport technicians to wind turbines in China. It will help to accommodate the growing demand, and thus raise efficiencies and wind energy output, it said.https://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/48/12/170/1572332750080.html
- 取代直升機 無人駕駛「飛的」 萬事俱備 徐華翔表示,無論是國內還是國外,城市空中交通市場仍是空白,而在國外相對成熟的直升機市場在中國也是起步階段,因此AAV有望直接取代直升機來進行城市空中交通的發展布局。採訪過程中,記者了解到UAM系統更接近於大眾所熟悉的公交系統,所有自動駕駛飛行器均由指揮調度系統集中監管,按照點對點固定航線運行。據介紹,構建UAM行業生態,需要飛行器製造商、城市空中交通網絡運營商、基礎設施開發商、通訊網絡合作夥伴,以及國家、地區、城市各級政府的深度聯動與合作。事實上,中國對於UAM發展支持力度很大,億航智能早在2018年9月成為中國民航局批准的全國首家且是唯一一家載人級自動駕駛飛行器適航試點單位。2019年8月,廣州與億航智能簽署了戰略合作框架協議,成為億航全球首個空中交通試點城市,且億航的載人無人機2019年成功已經在廣州完成飛行。徐華翔告訴記者:「疫情爆發讓我們有點措手不及,形勢穩定之後我們將繼續進行各種測試,希望盡早實現將AAV投放在粵港澳大灣區應用。」http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200406/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/regional/2016-03/14/content_23851841.htm China's manufacturers target global market with agriculture- and industry-specific drones. Ehang Inc, a Chinese drone maker, created a flutter at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January with its latest product, the world's first drone capable of carrying a human passenger. The world sat up and took notice that manufacture of unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs - drones in common parlance - is now the forte of Chinese companies, never mind China Inc lags in aircraft-making capability.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2016-11/14/content_27363799.htm value of domestic civilian drone market
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/nation/2017-02/08/content_15567982.html China will test how its largest solar drone performs near-space flight this year, the China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics announced on Tuesday. With a wingspan of more than 40 meters, wider than that of a Boeing 737 passenger plane, the Caihong, or Rainbow, series of drone has just passed its first full-scale test flight, according to Shi Wen, chief engineer of the CAAA drone project. The drone is the second-largest solar-powered drone in the world, beaten only by a model by NASA, Shi said, adding that its performance index and technological capacity are among the most advanced in the world.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-06/19/content_29792454.htm
At least 1,000 drones have been put into use by police nationwide to assist in a wide range of operations, including tracking suspects, monitoring traffic and locating opium farms, according to the Ministry of Public Security. The actual number is likely to be much higher, according to Li Mu, who works at the ministry's test center for special police equipment and oversees the quality of unmanned aircraft. "The last time the ministry counted the number of police drones on the mainland was in September 2015," he said. "At that time, about 300 unmanned aircraft were used by nearly 150 police authorities in 25 provincial regions." Li said since then many more drones had been added. "The Shenzhen Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Industry Association recently told us its members had sold about 700 drones to police authorities across China last year. Therefore, we can estimate a ballpark figure of at least 1,000 drones in service." Shenzhen is the world's largest manufacturing hub for drones, as nearly 70 percent of consumer drones on the global market are made in the southeastern coastal city, which is home to more than 300 drone companies, according to the city's commerce bureau.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2103005/new-chinese-drone-overseas-buyers-rival-us-reaper
- Chinese logistics companies are speeding up competition in drone deliveries as China issued the first operating (pilot) license for commercial drone deliveries. The East China Regional Administration of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) on Tuesday granted the license to a subsidiary of China's leading courier SF Express in Jiangxi province. It allows the Shenzhen-based company to conduct commercial operation of drone deliveries in approved airspace nationwide. SF Express will initially continue the business in a pilot zone in Nankang district of Ganzhou, a city in Jiangxi province, where it has been testing drone deliveries since June 2017. The next step is to expand the operation across the whole province and even nationally, said Tian Min, head of technology at SF Express. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/29/WS5abc2b76a3105cdcf6514f0f.html
- 持續多年的也門內戰是軍用無人機的測試場,聯軍使用多款無人機,當中包括價格較美貨可能便宜一半的中國軍用無人機。因美出口限制,令中國製造的無人機在中東戰場愈趨活躍。中國於一三年至一七年的武器出口數量,比○八年至一二年大增三成八。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181005/00180_007.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/2171081/chinese-solar-powered-drone-spreads-its-wings-successful-test China has successfully test-flown the Morning Star, a solar-powered drone designed to remain in the air for months.Developer Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) announced that the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which has a 20-metre (66-foot) wingspan, attained and cruised at an altitude of more than 20,000 metres (66,000 feet).
- 記者從中國航空工業獲悉,23日,中國首款全複材多用途無人機─翼龍I-D無人機在西部某機場成功首飛。翼龍I-D無人機通過採用全複合材料結構等措施,在起飛重量、升限、航時、通訊等方面都有大幅提升,可應用在情報獲取、監視、偵察、反恐、邊境巡邏、緝毒和反走私等安全領域,並可也在國土資源調查等民用領域發揮重要作用。翼龍系列無人機是中國航空工業「拳頭產品」,也是中國無人機明星機型。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181224/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- economist 9mar19 "predator pricing" china is cornering a growing market for armed drones in middle east
- china daily 3jul19 uvs intelligence system (shanghai) cooperate with china post in trial operation tov transport cargo
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/16/b03-1016.pdf 被喻為「中國綠色食品之都」的黑龍江齊齊哈爾 日前舉辦綠博會,記者在會上不僅見識到來自各地參展的綠色 食品,更看到新技術幫助農民解除繁重的工作。其中,一款噴 灑農藥的無人機,把傳統人工噴灑工作的效率提高了 90倍, 真正感受到「科技為農業插上了翅膀」。
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3036964/chinese-scientists-test-underwater-drone-designed-south-china China has developed a long-range underwater drone designed to extend the range of its activities in the South China Sea.The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sea-Whale 2000 recently completed a non-stop 37-day test run in the South China Sea over a distance of 2,011km (1,250 miles), the Chinese Academy of Sciences said on Tuesday.The mission path remained a secret, but with that range the drone could easily cover the Paracel and Spratly islands – claimed by China but also by its neighbours – and return to China’s naval base in Sanya, Hainan.
- 境外媒體周一引述消息報道,大批軍用無人機於十月底前停靠在新疆馬蘭無人機基地,當中包括無偵-7戰略偵察機、攻擊-2攻擊無人機、BZK-005無人偵察機等。惟展示軍機目的未明,指情形極為罕見。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191211/00180_007.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3045229/china-developing-drones-use-quantum-physics-send-unhackable Chinese scientists say they have developed the world’s first fleet of drones
equipped with quantum communication technology so that robots can share information securely with each other and human operators.Researchers at Nanjing University, in eastern China, built drones able to generate pairs of “entangled” particles of light that could carry information in quantum states such as charges or polarisations representing 0 or 1, according to their paper published this month in the journal National Science Review.
- 記者從中國航空工業獲悉,23日,中國首款全複材多用途無人機─翼龍I-D無人機在西部某機場成功首飛。翼龍I-D無人機通過採用全複合材料結構等措施,在起飛重量、升限、航時、通訊等方面都有大幅提升,可應用在情報獲取、監視、偵察、反恐、邊境巡邏、緝毒和反走私等安全領域,並可也在國土資源調查等民用領域發揮重要作用。翼龍系列無人機是中國航空工業「拳頭產品」,也是中國無人機明星機型。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181224/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- economist 9mar19 "predator pricing" china is cornering a growing market for armed drones in middle east
- china daily 3jul19 uvs intelligence system (shanghai) cooperate with china post in trial operation tov transport cargo
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/16/b03-1016.pdf 被喻為「中國綠色食品之都」的黑龍江齊齊哈爾 日前舉辦綠博會,記者在會上不僅見識到來自各地參展的綠色 食品,更看到新技術幫助農民解除繁重的工作。其中,一款噴 灑農藥的無人機,把傳統人工噴灑工作的效率提高了 90倍, 真正感受到「科技為農業插上了翅膀」。
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3036964/chinese-scientists-test-underwater-drone-designed-south-china China has developed a long-range underwater drone designed to extend the range of its activities in the South China Sea.The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sea-Whale 2000 recently completed a non-stop 37-day test run in the South China Sea over a distance of 2,011km (1,250 miles), the Chinese Academy of Sciences said on Tuesday.The mission path remained a secret, but with that range the drone could easily cover the Paracel and Spratly islands – claimed by China but also by its neighbours – and return to China’s naval base in Sanya, Hainan.
- 境外媒體周一引述消息報道,大批軍用無人機於十月底前停靠在新疆馬蘭無人機基地,當中包括無偵-7戰略偵察機、攻擊-2攻擊無人機、BZK-005無人偵察機等。惟展示軍機目的未明,指情形極為罕見。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191211/00180_007.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3045229/china-developing-drones-use-quantum-physics-send-unhackable Chinese scientists say they have developed the world’s first fleet of drones
equipped with quantum communication technology so that robots can share information securely with each other and human operators.Researchers at Nanjing University, in eastern China, built drones able to generate pairs of “entangled” particles of light that could carry information in quantum states such as charges or polarisations representing 0 or 1, according to their paper published this month in the journal National Science Review.
- 疫情中,越來越多的高新科技手段被用來防疫。近日,深圳市政府相關部門聯合大疆農業對深圳的醫院、街道、工業園區等進行了消毒。在作業之前,大疆公司使用無人機,搭載喊話器進行廣播,通知附近的行人避讓。具體執行的無人機機型包括植保無人機T20和測繪無人機P4R。前者用於噴灑作業,後者用於現場環境的測繪。香港文匯報記者了解到,目前大疆無人機在全國的消毒面積超過4億平方米。近日,深圳市衛生管理部門創新消毒方式,聯合無人機編隊對一些公共區域進行騰空消毒。防疫噴灑主要針對球場、道路、廣場等區域。執行方為大疆農業。疫情期間,大疆農業發佈「疆軍戰疫」行動,設立1,000萬基金支持各地的戰疫先鋒。此外,大疆農業還將發佈消毒指南,助力安全防疫。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/02/09/a09-0209.pdf- The winds of change are set to roar through the farmlands of China, the world’s largest producer and consumer of rice, as drones start to take over planting of the staple crop. That push for automation has been initiated by agricultural drone maker XAG, formerly known as
Xaircraft, which has applied its drone-based direct seeding system – called JetSeed – from the testing stage to commercial adoption on more than 650 million square metres of rice fields in 11 provinces across China since April last year, according to the company.It expects more small rice farmers and large farm owners to automate, replacing manual seed planting, as a means to raise efficiency, while mitigating labour shortage and the threat of Covid-19. https://www.scmp.com/tech/gear/article/3086561/drone-maker-xag-drive-automate-rice-farming-china-amid-labour-shortage
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200805/PDF/a7_screen.pdf 大公報記者從中國氣象局獲悉,中國首次高空大型無人機海洋、颱風綜合觀測試驗取得成功。試驗使用的無人機及探測載荷,完全具有中國自主知識產權。下一步,氣象局將建立大型無人機全鏈條式觀測業務和颱風探測業務,並打通從觀測到業務應用各環節,為實現「監測精密、預報精準、服務精細」和全球氣象服務奠定堅實基礎。
Xaircraft, which has applied its drone-based direct seeding system – called JetSeed – from the testing stage to commercial adoption on more than 650 million square metres of rice fields in 11 provinces across China since April last year, according to the company.It expects more small rice farmers and large farm owners to automate, replacing manual seed planting, as a means to raise efficiency, while mitigating labour shortage and the threat of Covid-19. https://www.scmp.com/tech/gear/article/3086561/drone-maker-xag-drive-automate-rice-farming-china-amid-labour-shortage
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200805/PDF/a7_screen.pdf 大公報記者從中國氣象局獲悉,中國首次高空大型無人機海洋、颱風綜合觀測試驗取得成功。試驗使用的無人機及探測載荷,完全具有中國自主知識產權。下一步,氣象局將建立大型無人機全鏈條式觀測業務和颱風探測業務,並打通從觀測到業務應用各環節,為實現「監測精密、預報精準、服務精細」和全球氣象服務奠定堅實基礎。
- China has started developing a civilian passenger airship, announced the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd (AVIC) in a document posted at its website.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201809/04/WS5b8df644a310add14f3897dd.html
- 中國首個無人船研發測試基地「香山海洋科技港」在珠海建成。香港文匯報記者昨日從該項目主持建設方雲洲智能獲悉,該科技港擬今年底投入使用,將成為粵港澳三地乃至中國海上無人系統與海洋智能裝備設計、研發、試驗的公共技術服務與創新孵化平台。屆時,將攜手香港科技大學建設聯合實驗室、協同創新中心,促使更多合作項目落地產業化。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/13/a12-0913.pdf
driverless cars
- 深圳下月底將實驗兩條無人駕駛公交線路。按現時無人駕駛的技術發展,這完全是可能的。國內外無人駕駛汽車已處於商用的前夕,無人駕駛飛機不只用於航拍,更是戰場戰鬥重要的偵察與攻擊武器。民航有自動駕駛設備,軌道交通從短程的到地鐵,也多屬無人駕駛。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20170929/00184_001.html
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201809/18/WS5ba068c8a31033b4f4656a69.html The world's first training base for self-driving technology engineers launched on Monday in Southwest China's Guizhou province, addressing the talent shortage in the burgeoning industry.
- 2017年世界智能网联汽车大会6日在沪举行。会上工业和信息化部部长苗圩及英国驻华大使吴百纳等与会嘉宾共同发布了《2017年世界智能网联汽车大会上海宣言》(下简称《上海宣言》),以加快促进汽车产业转型升级。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171107/PDF/a21_screen.pdf
- 中国科学院电子学研究所日前宣布,该所研製出中国首台基于微波光子技术的雷达样机,并进行了外场非合作目标的逆合成孔径成像测试,获得国内第一幅微波光子 雷达成像图样。值得关注的是,在已知报道的微波光子雷达中,中国首台微波光子雷达的外场成像分辨率最高,比国际同类雷达提高约30倍,并具有将分辨率继续 提升一个数量级的潜力。业界认为,微波光子雷达样机的成功研製,在军民两栖领域具有重要意义,标誌着未来雷达技术和系统新的发展阶段,为未来新体制雷达系 统的诞生奠定基础。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170614/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/707138/china-scatter-radar-control-weather-natural-disasters-south-sea The mysterious device, known as a High-powered Incoherent Scatter Radar, can manipulate particles in the atmosphere by using pulsed energy beams. Critics of the technology have warned that governments could use it to manufacture deadly natural disasters, from hurricanes to tsunamis. A similar programme to create a geoengineering radar system is also being funded by the US Department of Defence and academic institutions. But as the US programme faces budget cuts, China is ramping up research into the technology, which has a range of military uses.
- 內地多個機場近年屢因無人機干擾,飛行安全大受影響。有內地民企周三在深圳展示一款由其研發的激光淨空系統,以雷達技術做探測,聲稱可三秒內擊落無人機。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190905/00178_007.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3025642/could-these-crystals-be-next-leap-forward-chinas-laser Scientists in southeast China say they have synthesised a crystal with the potential to significantly improve the performance of lasers used in consumer and military equipment. Crystals of caesium bismuth germanate (CBGO) can turn low-energy beams into high-energy emissions with unparalleled efficiency, according to Professor Mao Jianggao, team leader at the Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Fuzhou. The team looked at several candidate crystals in their experiments. Compared with widely used potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystals, the CBGO crystal was 13 times more efficient at turning infrared lasers into more energised green beams.
- 中國航天科技集團公司第十一研究院昨日透露,中國首次成功研製的大型長航時臨近太空太陽能無人機,在西北某地完成臨近太空飛行試驗,並取得圓滿成功。該款 新型彩虹太陽能無人機翼展長度達到40餘米,具有「準衛星」特徵,其核心關鍵技術和設備全部實現國產化,是支撐中國臨近太空開發利用的重要基礎手段,這標 誌着中國繼美、英後已成為全球第三個掌握臨近太空太陽能無人機技術的國家,進入該領域的「第一梯隊」。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/14/a20-0614.pdf
- China has begun preliminary research on a program scheduled to be officially launched around 2030 to search for potentially habitable planets outside our solar system, according to a key figure in the nation's space industry. Yuan Jie, general manager at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, said on Thursday during a lecture to students at Beihang University in Beijing that the Miyin program has been listed as one of the company's top priorities to be realized around 2030.Yuan's company is a State-owned space conglomerate and the leading contractor for almost all of the country's space endeavors ranging from the Shenzhou manned programs to the Chang'e lunar expeditions.He said the program plans to send spacecraft carrying telescopes and other cutting-edge detectors to help scientists find potentially habitable exoplanets near our solar system and analyze their conditions.Researchers will also be allowed to conduct spectroscopic surveys and explore the distribution of water on planets inside our own solar system, Yuan added.https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201912/14/WS5df414fba310cf3e3557e15b.html
- lunar probe
- satellite
- 曾捲入涉貪腐傳言的中國首名航天員楊利偉,卸任中國載人航天工程辦公室主任一年後,近日再獲新職,獲聘中國載人航天工程副總設計師。內地官媒報道,載人航天工程總設計師、空間科學首席專家首次聘任儀式,周二在北京舉行。中國工程院院士周建平獲聘總設計師,中國科學院院士顧逸東獲聘空間科學首席專家,楊利偉與王忠貴、陳善廣等八人,則任副總設計師。去年四月,楊利偉升任中國載人航天工程辦公室主任,惟上任僅三個月即被免職,當時有傳他涉貪腐被去職。中國載人航天工程網其後闢謠,指楊卸任是因「達到領導幹部任職最高年限」。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191018/00178_014.html
- 記者4日從廣州市公共資源交易中心獲悉,落戶廣州的航空輪胎大科學中心項目將成為全國首個航空輪胎動力學試驗大科學裝置。該項目投資約為5.7億元人民幣,計劃在2021年建成啟用,將助力廣深港澳科創走廊建設,十年內產品技術水平力爭達到國際同期水平。 據了解,目前中國還沒有航空輪胎動力學試驗大科學裝置;航空輪胎的複雜性,其材料體系、設計理念、製造工藝、標準體系等與傳統的汽車輪胎有着本質的區別,其飛行安全的特殊要求亦決定航空輪胎的可靠性只能通過地面模擬試驗解決。現時內地民航飛機輪胎全部租用固特異等國外公司產品,按照起落架次收費使用,在250架次(約3個月)後輪胎必須更換。招標公告顯示,該項目將以用地面積約2.5萬平方米的航空輪胎動力學大科學裝置為核心,建設與之配套的航空輪胎硬核科技中心和航空輪胎製造試驗基地。據該項目可研報告建議,該項目依託中科院長春應化所黃埔先進材料研究院進行建設,以高性能軍用航空輪胎為突破口,把研發過程中形成的關鍵材料和設計製造等核心技術轉化到民用航空輪胎和其他高端輪胎領域。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200805/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
中國航 空工業集團有限公司(以下簡稱「航空工業」)正式對外宣佈:中國自主 研製的大型滅火/水上救援水陸兩棲飛機「鯤龍」AG600繼 2017年陸上首 飛、2018年水上首飛成功之後,將於今年下半年在青島開展海上首飛重 大試驗,全面推進項目研製進展。 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/05/24/a21-0524.pdf
- 據新華社報 道,中國近日建成了世界上首 個民用極低頻大功率電磁波發 射台,其探測半徑達數千公 里,探測深度達十公里,形成 了可覆蓋中國領土和領海的高 信噪比極低頻電磁波信號源。 由中國船舶集團第七研究院 聯合中國船舶集團第七二二研究所、 中國地震局地質研究所和中國科學院 地質與地球物理研究所攻關多年共同 完成的「極低頻探地工程」近日通過 國家驗收。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/01/13/a13-0113.pdf
Telecom- http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201508/0820/HA01820CGAA.pdf three big telecom companies move into ecommerce sector
- 工信部昨在官方微博表 示,中國廣播電視網絡有限公司(「廣電 網絡公司」)已在 3月 7日提交了基礎電信 業務經營許可申請材料。目前,工信部正 在履行相關法定程序。換言之,工信部若 向廣電網絡公司頒發《基礎電信業務經營 許可證》,將使其成為繼中移動、中聯 通、中電信之外的「第四大基礎電信運營 商」。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/04/22/b02-0422.pdf
Subsea pipeline
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-05/04/content_25041625.htm China has developed its own subsea pipeline inspection device, ending foreigncompanies' dominance in this field, said the machine's designers. "We are the first in China to successfully develop this kind of device, for which ouroffshore oil industry had waited more than 20 years. Now we can proudly announcethat China can inspect its subsea pipelines on its own," said Zhou Ming, director ofthe Beijing Huahang Radio Measurement Institute that developed the equipment. Such a device uses magnetic flux leakage method to detect corrosion and pitting inpipelines and is used to inspect about 70 percent of existing pipelines in the world.
- 海底光纜是通信的重要組成部分,但中國此前並不會製造海纜,僅會購買洋品牌鋪設。在6日舉行的“2017光資訊與光網絡大會”上,工程院院士趙梓森表示,我們現在已經實現技術突破,可以製造並鋪設電纜。目前,內地研發出最大長度(245km)的雙層鎧銅管結構的海底光纜,同時,突破大長度海底光纜銅管氬弧焊連續製造的技術瓶頸,並且實現多型自然過渡。院士透露,烽火海洋網絡設備公司已在廣東珠海投資20億元建設海纜製造工廠,5月開始量產,預計海纜年產量為1萬皮長公里,中繼器年產量100個。另外,我國製造的是第二代海纜,美國、日本在去年剛開始啟用。同時,核心指標拉絲技術上,速度為2800米每分鐘,超過康寧公司的2000米每分鐘。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170608/PDF/b11_screen.pdf
- 继早前中国科 学技术大学潘建伟团队成功借助量子科学卫星“墨子号”向地面站分发量子密钥,将这种被喻为不可破解的加密法从理论层面推向实用领域,近日上海交通大学金贤 敏团队再下一城,成功进行首个海水量子通信实验,向未来建立水下及空海一体量子通信网络迈出重要一步,待技术成熟,可望投放于百米量级潜艇水下保密通信用 途。该成果发表在最新一期《光学快报》杂誌上,并被列为编辑推荐。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170829/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- 由中資企業建造的全世界最大、鑽井深度最深的海上鑽井平台「藍鯨1號」,將於兩周後交付使用。據了解,「藍鯨1號」重達4.2萬噸,從船底到鑽井架 頂端有37層樓高,造價高達7億美元(約合港幣54.3億元),適用於全球深海作業,是目前全世界作業深度和鑽井深度最深的半潛式海上鑽井平台。據央視網報道,「藍鯨1號」由山東煙台中集來福士海洋工程有限公司建造,它重量達42,000噸,甲板面積相當於一個標準足球場大小。從船 底到鑽井架頂端有37層樓高,建造價格非常昂貴,大約要7億美元,相當於兩架空客A380的價格。取名「藍鯨」,寓意它將成為代表人類海工領域最高科技水 平的平台。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/03/06/a19-0306.pdf
- 二○一六年,習近平總書記指出,向地球深部進軍是我們必須解決的戰略科技問題。時隔一年,中國科學院院士、地球物理學家朱日祥帶領團隊推進的「深部資源探測核心裝備研發」專案順利交卷;並再接再厲啟動集傳感、控制、精密製造於一體的「深層油氣開發智能導鑽裝備」項目,破解地下六千米高溫環境下深層油氣勘探的世界級難題。 「長期以來,國際上大型探測裝備的研發和生產掌控在少數大公司手中。它們只租不賣,價格昂貴,還對中國實施技術封鎖。」朱日祥接受大公報記者專訪時說。「深部資源探測核心裝備研發」於二○一三年開始研製,遴選了衛星磁測載荷、航空超導全張量磁梯度測量裝置、深部礦床測井系統、組合式海底地震探測裝備等八套深部資源探測裝備。 經過四年艱苦攻關,多項關鍵技術突破了航太級磁通門磁強計、質子旋進磁強計、低溫超導磁強計與磁梯度計等制約我國深部探測裝備發展的核心部件。項目驗收專家組認為,研製的八套裝備多項關鍵技術填補了中國相關領域的技術空白,打破國外壟斷與依賴國外進口的局面,為我國實施「攻深探盲」提供了核心裝備,支撐了「向地球深部進軍」國家戰略。
- 吉林大学牵头承担的中国超级钻机“地壳一号”2日正式宣布完成“首秀”:以完钻井深7018米创亚洲国家大陆科学钻井新纪录,标誌着中国成为继俄罗斯和德国之后,世界上第三个拥有实施万米大陆钻探计划专用装备和相关技术的国家。与此同时,该钻井还成为全球第一口陆上钻穿白垩纪(距今6500万年到1.45亿年)地层的科学钻井。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180604/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- China’s battle for the battery market Beijing invests billions to try to squeeze out Japanese and South Korean rivals https://www.ft.com/content/8c94a2f6-fdcd-11e6-8d8e-a5e3738f9ae4
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/motoring/2017-03/06/content_28443278.htm China is set to encourage domestic electric car battery manufacturers to expand their production scale, following the introduction of a new action plan for the industry in Beijing on Thursday. The plan could lead to technological innovations that might ultimately benefit manufacturers of new energy vehicles in the form of lower production costs, which would also benefit customers.
- German testing and certification company TÜV Rheinland plans to invest 100 million yuan ($15.2 million) in the coming two years to expand its facilities to test large batteries in China in response to the phenomenal growth in the electric vehicle battery industry. The investment would be made in Shenzhen or Shanghai, where a large battery lab and a small battery lab of the company are located, said Sven-Olaf Steinke, general manager of the company's electrical service in China. Electric vehicle battery production in the country, which accounted for about 24 percent of global production in 2016, is expected to increase by 56 percent year-on-year to 32 gigawatt-hours this year, he said.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/motoring/2017-09/22/content_32325421.htm
- https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3043032/chinese-electric-car-battery-makers-out-show-world-they-have
- China has started developing a civilian passenger airship, announced the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd (AVIC) in a document posted at its website.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201809/04/WS5b8df644a310add14f3897dd.html
- 中國首個無人船研發測試基地「香山海洋科技港」在珠海建成。香港文匯報記者昨日從該項目主持建設方雲洲智能獲悉,該科技港擬今年底投入使用,將成為粵港澳三地乃至中國海上無人系統與海洋智能裝備設計、研發、試驗的公共技術服務與創新孵化平台。屆時,將攜手香港科技大學建設聯合實驗室、協同創新中心,促使更多合作項目落地產業化。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/13/a12-0913.pdf
driverless cars
- 深圳下月底將實驗兩條無人駕駛公交線路。按現時無人駕駛的技術發展,這完全是可能的。國內外無人駕駛汽車已處於商用的前夕,無人駕駛飛機不只用於航拍,更是戰場戰鬥重要的偵察與攻擊武器。民航有自動駕駛設備,軌道交通從短程的到地鐵,也多屬無人駕駛。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20170929/00184_001.html
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201809/18/WS5ba068c8a31033b4f4656a69.html The world's first training base for self-driving technology engineers launched on Monday in Southwest China's Guizhou province, addressing the talent shortage in the burgeoning industry.
The base was initiated by Guizhou-based HanKaiSi Intelligent Technology Co, online educational organization Udacity Inc and software company Tier IV Inc. It offers online courses and classroom training. The first batch of 15 selected candidates mainly come from sectors such as self-driving, artificial intelligence and vehicle engineering. They will start their five-day classroom-based courses on Sept 18.
- 2017年世界智能网联汽车大会6日在沪举行。会上工业和信息化部部长苗圩及英国驻华大使吴百纳等与会嘉宾共同发布了《2017年世界智能网联汽车大会上海宣言》(下简称《上海宣言》),以加快促进汽车产业转型升级。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171107/PDF/a21_screen.pdf
- 中国科学院电子学研究所日前宣布,该所研製出中国首台基于微波光子技术的雷达样机,并进行了外场非合作目标的逆合成孔径成像测试,获得国内第一幅微波光子 雷达成像图样。值得关注的是,在已知报道的微波光子雷达中,中国首台微波光子雷达的外场成像分辨率最高,比国际同类雷达提高约30倍,并具有将分辨率继续 提升一个数量级的潜力。业界认为,微波光子雷达样机的成功研製,在军民两栖领域具有重要意义,标誌着未来雷达技术和系统新的发展阶段,为未来新体制雷达系 统的诞生奠定基础。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170614/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/707138/china-scatter-radar-control-weather-natural-disasters-south-sea The mysterious device, known as a High-powered Incoherent Scatter Radar, can manipulate particles in the atmosphere by using pulsed energy beams. Critics of the technology have warned that governments could use it to manufacture deadly natural disasters, from hurricanes to tsunamis. A similar programme to create a geoengineering radar system is also being funded by the US Department of Defence and academic institutions. But as the US programme faces budget cuts, China is ramping up research into the technology, which has a range of military uses.
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3021365/china-building-worlds-most-powerful-laser-radar-study-earths China has started building the world’s most powerful laser radar designed to study the physics of the Earth’s high atmosphere, according to state media reports and scientists informed of the project.It is described as having a detection range of 1,000km (600 miles) – 10 times that of existing lasers – and will be used to study atmospheric particles that form the planet’s first line of defence against hostile elements from outer space such as cosmic rays and solar winds.
- 內地多個機場近年屢因無人機干擾,飛行安全大受影響。有內地民企周三在深圳展示一款由其研發的激光淨空系統,以雷達技術做探測,聲稱可三秒內擊落無人機。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190905/00178_007.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3025642/could-these-crystals-be-next-leap-forward-chinas-laser Scientists in southeast China say they have synthesised a crystal with the potential to significantly improve the performance of lasers used in consumer and military equipment. Crystals of caesium bismuth germanate (CBGO) can turn low-energy beams into high-energy emissions with unparalleled efficiency, according to Professor Mao Jianggao, team leader at the Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Fuzhou. The team looked at several candidate crystals in their experiments. Compared with widely used potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystals, the CBGO crystal was 13 times more efficient at turning infrared lasers into more energised green beams.
- 中國航天科技集團公司第十一研究院昨日透露,中國首次成功研製的大型長航時臨近太空太陽能無人機,在西北某地完成臨近太空飛行試驗,並取得圓滿成功。該款 新型彩虹太陽能無人機翼展長度達到40餘米,具有「準衛星」特徵,其核心關鍵技術和設備全部實現國產化,是支撐中國臨近太空開發利用的重要基礎手段,這標 誌着中國繼美、英後已成為全球第三個掌握臨近太空太陽能無人機技術的國家,進入該領域的「第一梯隊」。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/14/a20-0614.pdf
- China has begun preliminary research on a program scheduled to be officially launched around 2030 to search for potentially habitable planets outside our solar system, according to a key figure in the nation's space industry. Yuan Jie, general manager at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, said on Thursday during a lecture to students at Beihang University in Beijing that the Miyin program has been listed as one of the company's top priorities to be realized around 2030.Yuan's company is a State-owned space conglomerate and the leading contractor for almost all of the country's space endeavors ranging from the Shenzhou manned programs to the Chang'e lunar expeditions.He said the program plans to send spacecraft carrying telescopes and other cutting-edge detectors to help scientists find potentially habitable exoplanets near our solar system and analyze their conditions.Researchers will also be allowed to conduct spectroscopic surveys and explore the distribution of water on planets inside our own solar system, Yuan added.https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201912/14/WS5df414fba310cf3e3557e15b.html
- lunar probe
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-06/08/content_29663016.htm China's Chang'e 5 lunar probe is expected to land in the Mons Rumker region of the moon, and bring samples back to Earth at the end of the year, according to a Chinese space official. Liu Jizhong, director of the China Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Center of the China National Space Administration, disclosed the probe landing site, an isolated volcanic formation in the northwestern part of the moon's near side.
- 中國月球探測器嫦娥四號本月三日登陸月球背面,展開多項科學實驗。最新傳回地球的照片顯示,嫦娥四號實驗室搭載的棉花種子,在月球上已長出第一株植物嫩芽,實現人類首次月球生物生長培育實驗。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190116/00178_019.html
- 中國國家航天局相關負責人昨日表示,目前中國已與歐洲航天局、俄羅斯航天局初步達成共識,將共同牽頭探討國際月球科研站的規劃論證工作。第四屆月球與深空探測國際會議22日至24日在珠海舉行,會議由中國國家航天局和中國科學院聯合主辦。中國國家航天局副局長吳艷華在會上表示,通過與俄羅斯、歐洲航天局以及其他國際同行的充分交流,正在提出國際月球科研站的合作倡議。中國於2016年提出國際月球科研站的設想。此前,歐洲航天局曾提出「月球村」的概念,俄羅斯航天局最近也提出2030年後建立月球基地的目標。中國國家航天局探月與航天工程中心副主任裴照宇介紹,中國將以探月工程四期為基礎,與國際上已經提出的探月計劃展開合作,共同開展國際月球科研站論證工作。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/07/23/a16-0723.pdf
- 中國國家航天局周日消息,伴隨月球背面新一輪曙光,正自主休眠的玉兔二號月球車和嫦娥四號着陸器,分別在上周六上午十一時五十三分及周日凌晨三時廿五分,受光照自主喚醒,迎來第十八月晝工作期。航天局指,周日同樣是嫦娥四號着陸月球背面的第五百個地球日。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200520/00178_020.html
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/30/a13-0530.pdf中國太空站國際合作機會公告發佈儀式當地時間28日在維也納舉行,正式開啟中國太空站國際合作。中國常駐維也納聯合國和其他國際組織代表團與聯合國外層空間事務辦公室盛情邀請世界各國積極參與,利用未來的中國太空站開展艙內外搭載實驗等合作。
- satellite
- 北斗衛星推進國際化應用 http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20140904/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-07/15/content_21284915.htm A satellite jointly developed by China and Brazil became fully operational on Tuesday. Control of the CBERS 4 remote sensing satellite was handed over to the China Center for Resources Satellite Data and Application at a ceremony in Beijing. Developed by the China Academy of Space Technology and Brazil's National Institute for Space Research, the CBERS 4 was sent into Sun-synchronous orbit by a Long March 4B rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, in Shanxi province, in December.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2015-08/19/content_21642976.htm With the 18th and 19th Beidou satellites launched into space late last month,China's proprietary navigation system is one step closer to global coverage. For thefirst time, the satellites systematically used home-developed chips, said an industryinsider. According to a report from China News Service, 98 percent of the components -including all the essential parts and equipment - in the two satellites are home-designed. One of the core components for navigation, the rubidium atomic clock,replaced imported products for higher accuracy in positioning, range finding andtiming services. About 40 products, including the central processing unit, the data bus and thememory unit, were designed and made by the Beijing Microelectronics ResearchInstitute, a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. Led by Zhao Yuanfu, the institute is responsible for the development of aerospace-use chips. It was founded in 1994 and its first chip was launched into space in2003. The institute has always focused on the independent development of new-generation aerospace-use CPUs, rather than imitating overseas products.
- http://www.china.org.cn/china/NPC_CPPCC_2017/2017-03/13/content_40448849.htm With precision of 1 to 2 meters, BeiDou is just behind the European Union's Galileo satellite system that gives consumers an accuracy level of just 1 meter. GPS' accuracy level is 5 meters while Russia's GLONASS satellite gives an accuracy level of 4.5 meters to 7.4 meters. Given the potential for wresting lead globally, China is accelerating steps like launching new navigation satellites to expand the coverage area of BeiDou. Yang Yuanxi, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a member of the CPPCC National Committee, said: "China will launch six to eight satellites this year. After constructing a network of 18 satellites by around 2018, we will serve economies along the Belt and Road Initiative."
- 中國研發的北斗衛星導航定位系統將逐步為全球提供服務。推動北斗「走出去」的武漢光谷北斗控股集團有限公司(簡稱光谷北斗)近日表示,它將首先在泰國、斯里蘭卡打造北斗國際合作「樣板間」,再將北斗科技合作推廣至東盟10國及更多亞非國家。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/03/31/a18-0331.pdf
- China will launch about 30 satellites before the end of 2020 for its domestically developed Beidou Navigation Satellite System, a senior project official said.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-05/24/content_29471664.htm
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/2174025/china-one-step-closer-satellite-navigation-system-could-threaten China moved a step closer to its dream of building a satellite navigation system that could challenge America’s Global Positioning System (GPS) with the launch on Monday of two new Beidou-3 satellites.Industry figures said the Beidou-3 should be ready to start providing basic navigation services to some of China’s neighbours within a matter of weeks.The launch means that a total of 19 Beidou-3 satellites are now in orbit – enough to start providing basic navigation services when testing is complete. By 2020 the system will be expanded to a network of 35 satellites – enough to provide a global navigation and communications system, which industry insiders said could rival the dominance of GPS.
- 長征運載火箭昨晨在西昌衞星發射中心升空,順利將衞星送入軌道,代表由中國研發的北斗全球衞星導航系統星座部署,正式完成。北斗系統可提供覆蓋全球實時導航服務,且是免費。該系統除可與美國的GPS系統競爭,亦令中國衞星導航獨立於歐美系統之外。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200624/00178_008.html, http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200624/PDF/a8_screen.pdf 23日,第55顆北斗導航衛星成功發射。這 是北斗三號最後一顆組網衛星,也是第三 顆地球同步軌道衛星(GEO衛星, 「吉星 」 ),因此也被北斗人稱為 「嚞星」 。 據介紹,北斗三號全球衛星導航系統 由MEO衛星(地球中圓軌道衛星)、 IGSO衛星(傾斜地球同步軌道衛星)和 GEO衛星(地球靜止軌道衛星)三種不同 軌道衛星組成。相對於靈動活潑的MEO衛 星、飄逸優雅的IGSO衛星,吉星家族安靜 駐守在中國上方36000公里的天疆,為中 國及周邊地區用戶提供導航及增強服務。
- hk
- Hong Kong marks the first stop on the road to expanding the Chinese mainland's self-developed Beidou Navigation Satellite System into a worldwide network, said a top executive of the company. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2018-04/17/content_36041260.htm
- China plans to put four more Fengyun 3 meteorological satellites into orbit between 2018 and 2021, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp announced on Wednesday. The satellites will form a network in low-orbit to enhance the monitoring of atmospheric humidity and temperature, greenhouse gases, wind and precipitation, said Zhou Xubin of CASTC. The devices will help shorten the interval between world weather forecast updates from the current six hours to four hours, and increase the timeliness of weather disaster monitoring and forecasting accuracy, Zhou said.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-11/16/content_34593488.htm
- 1977年11月,中國第一代極軌氣象衛 星正式命名為風雲一號,從此開啟了風雲 紀元。1988年、1990年和1999年,中國 先後發射3顆第一代極軌氣象衛星,即風 雲一號A、B、C氣象衛星。1997年和2000 年,中國又先後發射了2顆靜止軌道風雲 二號氣象衛星,組成了中國氣象衛星業務 監測系統。自此,中國成為繼美、俄之後 世界上第3個同時擁有兩種軌道氣象衛星 的國家。 包為民表示,風雲系列氣象衛星在國內 外氣象觀測與預報、應對氣候變化等領域 發揮重要作用。2005年以來,風雲系列氣 象 衛 星 共 提 供 122 類 產 品 , 數 據 6,358.7TB,有19個國家通過中國氣象局 衛星廣播系統實時接收風雲衛星數據,29 個國家建成風雲衛星數據直收站,24個國 家註冊成為「風雲衛星國際用戶防災減災 應急保障機制」用戶。 風雲二號、風雲三號、風雲四號、碳衛 星等10餘顆衛星在軌開展氣象觀測,形 成「多星在軌、統籌運行、互為備份、適 時加密」的業務模式;衛星資料實現在全 球數值預報系統中的同化,提高了數值天 氣預報的準確性,綜合應用能力進一步提 升,在天氣預報、生態文明建設中發揮關 鍵作用。 已成功發射17顆氣象衛星 包為民稱,目前中國成功發射 17顆 風雲氣象衛星,7 顆在軌衛星穩定運 行。從 2030年開始,中國將研製新一 代的極軌衛星風雲五號和新一代的靜止 衛星風雲六號。 作為未來接替風雲三號衛星的低軌氣 象衛星,風雲五號衛星系列包括綜合觀 測衛星、專用觀測衛星和應急極端天氣 監測星座群等。預計到 2035年,風雲 五號衛星系列將全面替代和擴展目前在 役的風雲三號衛星系列,形成全要素、 高精度、高穩定性的新型低軌氣象衛星 體系。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/05/24/a21-0524.pdf
- Tests have confirmed advances in the maritime use of China’s home-grown satellite navigation system, gains that could strengthen the ability of the country’s submarines and underwater drones to mount stealth strikes, military specialists said. China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) said underwater precision positioning tests conducted by its No 716 Research and Development Institute in waters off Lianyungang in Jiangsu province, proved that it had overcome a number of core technical problems with the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. CSIC, China’s biggest state-owned naval shipbuilder, said the tests showed that the BeiDou system could not only provide accurate and consistent positioning data to underwater vessels, but could also send tracking and positioning information from underwater devices to shore-based and surface stations.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3015265/chinas-beidou-satellite-navigation-system-breaks-underwater
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3041159/china-confirms-satellite-launch-after-military-rockets-dragons China launched seven civilian satellites on Saturday using mobile launch vehicles normally used to fire military rockets, state broadcaster CCTV reported. The first launch in the morning sent one remote sensing satellite into orbit, while six satellites – to be used for purposes such as communications and navigation – were sent into orbit in the evening.The second launch from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre created a mysterious zigzag shaped “dragon cloud” that, thanks to clear skies over northern China, was visible from Beijing – 500km to the east, which stirred speculation on social media.The satellites were launched using KZ-1As rockets, a lightweight solid fuel projectile developed by the China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation (CASIC), using technology initially for use by the military.
- 中國首個自主研發的商用遙感衞星系統「吉林一號」,其中一枚衞星近日在六十萬米高空拍下美國聖迭戈海軍基地的畫面,引起輿論關注。美媒引述相關畫面,指摘中國「正在監視美國」;惟內地反駁稱,吉林一號是商業民用衞星,路經基地上空是正常路徑。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191211/00180_006.html
- 由長征五號遙三火箭送上太空的實踐二十號衞星,經歷七次軌道修正後,周日在地球上空三萬六千公里高度的地球同步軌道成功定點於東經一○五點五度。這次定點成功,標誌着東方紅五號衞星公用平台(東五平台)首飛成功。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200107/00178_010.html
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200325/PDF/a16_screen.pdf北京時間3月24日11時43分,中國在西昌衛星發射中心用長征二號丙運載火箭,以「一箭三星」的方式成功將遙感三十號06組衛星發射升空。衛星順利進入預定軌道,任務獲得圓滿成功。遙感三十號06組衛星由中國科學院微小衛星創新研究院抓總研製,採用多星組網模式,主要用於開展電磁環境探測及相關技術試驗。據悉,這是長征二號丙運載火箭今年執行的第1次宇航發射任務,同時也是長征系列運載火箭的第329次航天飛行。China's biggest, heaviest and most advanced satellite has completed all of its major technology demonstrations and verifications, a testament to the efficient design of the country's new-generation satellite platform, the DFH 5, according to the China Academy of Space Technology. Shijian 20, a technology demonstration satellite developed by the Beijing-based academy, is tasked with conducting 84 in-orbit tests and experiments. As of now, all the major tests have been completed with "satisfactory results", the academy said in a statement.https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/131133#Largest-satellite-completes-testing
- 四川西昌衞星發射中心昨日凌晨四時十三分,發射長征十一號運載火箭,以「一箭雙星」方式成功將新技術試驗衞星G星、H星發射升空,衞星順利進入預定軌道。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200531/00178_014.html
- 8月23日10時27分,長征二號丁運載火箭在酒泉衛星發射中心點火升空,成功將高分九號05星及兩顆搭載星多功能試驗衛星、天拓五號衛星送入預定軌道,發射取得圓滿成功。這是長征二號丁運載火箭今年的「七戰七捷」。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/232108/2020/0824/490026.html
- 5月21日,由中山大學、華中科技大學、航天東方紅衛星有限公司共同研製的天琴計劃首顆試驗星「天琴一號」任務周期正式結束。據實驗人員介紹,經過多方評估,「天琴一號」六大技術在軌驗證全部通過,每項技術指標都優於任務目標,達到國內同類技術的最高水平。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/232108/2020/0522/451846.html
- 國家重大科研項目「天琴計劃」進展獲新突破。記者獲悉,位於中山大學珠海校區的「天琴計劃」重要地面基建設施「山洞超靜實驗室」提前於5日實現全隧順利洞通,預計於明年1月交付校方使用。據天琴中心有關負責人透露,於去年底順利升空的「天琴一號」衛星,六大技術目前全部通過在軌驗證,屬於國內同類技術的最高水平,「山洞超靜實驗室」建成後,將成為「天琴計劃」高精度技術儀器設備探測平台。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200606/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-06/17/content_21025799.htm China is developing electrically propelled satellites and plans to send the first one into space around 2020, according to a senior satellite designer at the China Academy of Space Technology. "We have commanded the most advanced propulsion technology through our own research, following the United States, Russia, the European Space Agency and Japan. We plan to send the country's first electrically propelled communications satellite into orbit around 2020, providing a broadband communication data transmission service to China and neighboring regions," said Wang Min, deputy chief designer of communications satellites. China will launch a hybrid propulsion communications satellite at the end of next year. The electric propulsion system will also be used in China's future space station, Wang said. Electric propulsion is regarded as one of the top cutting-edge space technologies, because it can send spacecraft into deep space at a lower cost than other forms of propulsion. The biggest advantage of the electric thruster is that it uses just 10 percent of the propellant required by traditional chemical propulsion systems. A typical chemically propelled communication satellite weighing 5 metric tons contains about three tons of fuel. A similar satellite with an electric propulsion system would only require 300 kilograms of propellant.
6月2日12时13分,中国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号丁运载火箭成功发射高分专项高分六号卫星。高分六号卫星是一颗低轨光学遥感卫星,也是中国首颗实现精准农业观测的高分卫星。它将与在轨的高分一号卫星组网运行,大幅提高对农业、林业、草原等资源的监测能力。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180603/PDF/a4_screen.pdf - 8月6日12時01分,中國在酒泉衛星發射中心用長征二號丁運載火箭,成功將高分九號04星送入預定軌道,中國高分衛星家族再下一城。有「天眼」工程之稱的中國高分辨率對地觀測系統重大專項啟動實施十年以來,已構建起中國自主高分觀測體系,在國土測繪、農業、林業等20個行業、31個區域得到廣泛應用,屢屢建功。在自然災害頻發的背景下,高分衛星顯示出強大的災害監測能力,曾經精準預測2018年在廣東登陸的颱風「山竹」的路徑和登陸地點,近來亦多次為江西決堤漫堤進行高清拍攝,助力抗洪搶險。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/232108/2020/0807/484014.html
- 18日,中国海事卫星电话1749号段开始投入使用。这改变了此前内地公众用户拨打海事卫星电话必须开通国际直拨权的限制,拨打位数也从14位数字缩短至11位。1749号段的启用,令中国海事卫星通信服务能力得到升级,可实现陆地固网、陆地移动通信网与卫星通信网络之间无缝互联,为国家战略部署、突发事件应急、交通运输行业发展、公众日常通信提供更优质的信息保障和通信服务。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170719/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-06/08/content_29663015.htmChina will launch its first electromagnetic earthquake monitoring satellite this year, making it a leading country in the field. The satellite will improve earthquake observation and forecasting, the top earthquake administrative authority said on Wednesday. "China has established a seismological observation network nationwide, including 1,300 plus observation stations," said Zheng Guoguang, head of the China Earthquake Administration, at a conference showing technological improvements over the years.The new satellite will be China's first space-based platform for earthquake monitoring. It is designed to remain in orbit for five years and record the electromagnetic signatures of earthquakes above magnitude 6 in China, and quakes above magnitude 7 elsewhere in the world, according to Shen Xuhui, deputy chief of the mission.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170209/PDF/a9_screen.pdf 中国航天科技集团8日透露,计划在2017年发射全球首颗专业夜光遥感卫星“珞珈一号”01星,在2019年发射“珞珈一号”02星,用以验证雷达卫星多角度成像模式。
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-04/22/content_24740763.htm China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, the country's largest missile maker, has established the country's second commercial launch company in an attempt to seize a share of the satellite launch market. Expace Technology Co was founded and registered with the commerce department of Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, in mid-February, said Hu Xiaotao, general manager of the company. Expace Technology has registered capital of 300 million yuan ($46.3 million) and will provide a satellite launch service to clients, Hu said. Its parent company, China Sanjiang Space Group, a branch of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, is one of the three rocket developers in China. The two others are the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology in Beijing and the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. Previously, only China Great Wall Industry Corp in Beijing, part of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, carried out commercial launches in the country. Expace plans to launch a commercial version of the Kuaizhou 1 rocket for clients within the year. The next-generation Kuaizhou 11 rocket, which will have more capacity, is scheduled to make its first launch next year.
- http://www.china.org.cn/china/2016-11/26/content_39791279.htmChina will construct and launch two remote sensing satellites for foreign countries in the coming two years, an industry insider said. China Great Wall Industry Corp, the nation's only authorized firm for international space collaboration, will launch Venezuela's second remote sensing satellite next year and Pakistan's first remote sensing satellite in 2018, said Fu Zhiheng, vice-president of Great Wall Industry.
- 中國國家航天局通報,搭載了海洋一號D衞星的長征二號丙運載火箭,昨日凌晨二時三十一分在山西太原衞星發射中心成功發射升空。海洋一號D衞星進入軌道後,會與海洋一號C衞星組成中國首個海洋民用業務衞星星座,料將可大幅提升中國對全球海洋水色、海岸帶資源與生態環境的有效觀測能力。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200612/00178_021.html
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/08/a15-0708.pdf 記者昨日從中國科學 院空天信息創新研究院獲悉,該院下屬的中國遙感衛星 地面站日前已成功實現了高分辨率多模綜合成像衛星的 數據接收。 高分多模衛星是具備亞米級分辨率的民用光學遙感衛 星,可實現多種成像模式切換。該衛星於 7 月 3 日發 射,當天 22點 07分至 22點 16分,中國遙感衛星地面站 密雲站按計劃成功跟蹤、接收到該衛星首軌下行數據。 之後,中國遙感衛星地面站喀什站、三亞站、北極站先 後按計劃成功完成了該衛星的數據接收任務。
- 山西太原衞星發射中心昨日上午十一時十三分,利用長征四號乙運載火箭將資源三號03星發射升空,順利送入預定軌道。資源三號03星的任務為搭載「龍蝦眼X射線探測衞星」、「天啟星座一零星」,為地理監測、防災減災、農業水利、生態環境等領域提供協助。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200726/00178_009.html
- 香港大學有份研製、由長征四號乙運載火箭接載的「龍蝦眼X射線探測衞星」,已於前日在山西太原發射中心成功執行任務,並進入預定軌道,首個聯絡信號已成功傳送返回地球。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200727/00176_048.html
- 根據龍蝦眼聚焦光線原理,X光造影技術於上世紀70年代被首次提出,它具有大視場、體積小、重量輕、容易組裝等優點,適合在太空負載應用。該衛星亦是國際上首顆在軌執行任務時配有龍蝦眼聚焦X光技術的太空探測衛星,其負載技術由南京大學提供指導,並由508所與中國建築材料科學研究總院有限公司聯合研製。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/27/a09-0727.pdf
- 國家航天局昨日表示,內地高分辨率對地觀測系統高分七號衞星正式投入使用。該衞星為內地首顆民用亞米級光學傳輸型立體測繪衞星,將進一步滿足用戶在基礎測繪、全球地理訊息保障、城鄉建設監測評價、農業調查統計等方面的數據需求,更可大幅提升導航地圖精確度。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200821/00178_017.html
- private
- http://www.economist.com/news/china/21638160-chinas-secretive-space-programme-takes-step-open-ready-launch
- The Beijing-based private company i-Space used its own carrier rocket to place three satellites into space on Wednesday, marking China's first satellite launch by a privately built rocket. The mission, termed by many industry observers as a landmark in the country's space industry, was conducted at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China, which marked the first time that a private rocket blasted off from a government-run space launch site.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201809/05/WS5b8f65a0a31033b4f46545c0.html
- 引力波
- 中國科學院高能物理研究所研究員李虹表示,國內首個原初引力波探測站,在西藏阿里地區海拔五千多米處興建中,將於二○一九年投入使用。該探測站主要通過對宇宙微波背景光子極化的統計和測量,獲取原初引力波信號。探測站已完成主體結構建設(圖),即將竣工。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171023/00178_009.html
- 中國首顆空間引力波探 測技術實驗衛星,20日被正 式命名為 「太極一號」 。太 極一號首席科學家、中國科 學院院士吳岳良(圓圖)同日 在京表示,該衛星第一階段在軌 測試任務順利完成,在國際上首次實現 了微牛級射頻離子和雙模霍爾電推進技 術的在軌驗證。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190921/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- 12月20日,伴隨着長征四號乙運載火箭升空,中國「天琴」引力波探測計劃首顆技術試驗衛星──「天琴一號」進入太空,開啟空間引力波探測技術探索計劃。根據規劃,「天琴計劃」將在地球軌道上部署3顆衛星,組成臂長十幾萬公里的等邊三角形編隊,構成空間引力波探測「天文台」,探測地面上無法探測到的更寬域的低頻引力波,數據有望提供給全世界科學家共同研究。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191221/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-12/23/content_22781328.htm China plans to establish a remote-sensing satellite network with global coverage by setting up more ground stations overseas, a move that will facilitate public services in China and other nations, an industry insider said on Tuesday. Yin Liming, president of China Great Wall Industry, the country's sole provider of commercial satellite launch services, told the Third Aerospace Internationalization Forum in Beijing that China is willing to work with foreign space agencies and international organizations to establish the network, which will mainly depend on Chinese-made satellites. "By now, we have several ground stations in South America and Africa. We also installed a data applications station on the icebreaker Xuelong," Yin said. "Next, we want to set up more stations globally, namely on every continent as well as one in the Arctic, to promote the use of Chinese remote-sensing satellites and to speed up the transmission of satellite data." The move will enable China to provide diversified data to foreign users in a timely manner and to better serve social and economic development, he said. - 據中新社報道,中國科學院國家天文台前日對外發佈三項天文觀測新成果,依次是對銀河系恒星做「人口普查」、快速射電暴、黑洞數據。中國科學院國家天文台新聞發言人薛隨建介紹稱,第一項成果是中國自主建造的、目前世界上光譜獲取率最高的天文望遠鏡「郭守敬望遠鏡」,已成功獲取高質量恒星光譜462萬顆,「比世界上所有已知光譜巡天項目獲取的數據總數還要多」。第二項成果是國家天文台研究人員在參與的國際合作項目中,發現了快速射電暴,猜想可能是一個近期的超新星遺蹟或是活躍的恒星星雲。「快速射電暴是指遙遠宇宙中突然出現的短暫而猛烈的無線電波暴發,持續時間極短,通常只有幾毫秒,卻能夠釋放出相當於太陽在一整天內釋放的能量。」薛隨建說。第三項成果是國家天文台研究團隊聯合美國科學家,成功測量了距離地球約16,000光年的一個黑洞數據。他們發現「Nova Muscae 1991」(蒼蠅座新星)黑洞質量是太陽的11倍,其轉動速度是每秒鐘379轉。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/01/04/a16-0104.pdf
- China's Tianzhou 1 cargo spacecraft successfully released a cube satellite while in orbit on Tuesday, and signals from the satellite - known as a CubeSat - were immediately received by ground technicians, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. The CubeSat was carried into orbit by Tianzhou 1, which was launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China's Hainan province on April 20.http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2017-08/03/content_30344157.htm- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-04/29/content_29138646.htm China will produce two additional types of cargo spacecraft with different functions to service its future manned space station, according to a space program manager. That will make a total of three, including Tianzhou 1, which is now in space, Yang Baohua, deputy general manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, said at a news conference on Friday in Beijing. That spaceship's cargo cabin is hermetically sealed because one of the spacecraft's tasks is to test in-orbit resupply technology, including the transportation of astronauts' necessities that require isolation from space.
- rocket
- 在北京舉行的2017全球航天探索大會上,中國火箭專家首次公佈了中國可重複使用火箭的最新研發進展,包括垂直起降技術方案和傘降回收技術方案,這兩個方 案已完成多項關鍵技術地面試驗驗證。據了解,可重複使用技術可以有效降低火箭研發成本。同時,中國也正在開展重型運載火箭關鍵技術攻關,未來中國火箭的近 地軌道運載能力將達140噸。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/09/a17-0609.pdf
- 內地首支自主研發的民營商業火箭OS-X型「重慶兩江之星號」,昨晨在中國西北某基地點火升空。該火箭長九米,總重七千二百公斤,全程大氣層內飛行,飛行距離二百七十三公里。目前,火箭的光學雷達、遙感測控等數據一切正常,完成全部的試驗項目和數據收集工作。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180518/00178_018.html, also takung 18may18
- Several Chinese commercial space companies are competing to become the first non-State playerto successfully launch a carrier rocket into orbit.The next attempt will be made by Beijing-based startup i-Space, which plans to conduct its first orbital mission next month, a source in the company who asked not to be named said on Sunday.The i-Space SQX-1 rocket is scheduled to blast off at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert in early June. If the mission succeeds, the rocket will carry three small satellites and four experimental equipment into space, he said. It is the largest and most powerful rocket ever built by a private Chinese space company, he said. https://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/86/245/202/1558326236409.html?newsId=83234
- 昨日下午1時,北京星際榮耀空間科技(下稱「星際榮耀」)旗下的雙曲線一號遙一運載火箭(SQX-1 Y1火箭)在中國酒泉衛星發射中心成功發射,按飛行時序將兩顆衛星及有效載荷精確送入預定300公里圓軌道。「星際榮耀」表示,此次發射實現中國民營商業航天發射零的突破,是民企運載火箭首次成功發射並高精度入軌,首次實現一箭多星發射。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/07/26/a15-0726.pdf
- 甘肅酒泉衞星發射中心昨日成功發射「捷龍一號」運載火箭,並將三顆商用的人造衞星送上指定軌道。此次是中國航天第一次採用純商業化模式執行的商業航天發射,亦是「捷龍一號」運載火箭執行的首次飛行任務。「捷龍一號」是中國固體火箭中體積最小、重量最輕、運載效率最高的火箭。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190818/00178_031.html
- 快舟
- 昨日上午7時41分,在酒泉衛星發射中心,快舟一號甲固體運載火箭以「一箭雙星」的方式成功將中國科學院空間科學(二期)戰略性先導科技專項首發星微重力技術實驗衛星,以及瀟湘一號07衛星分別準確送入預定軌道。這是快舟一號甲運載火箭的第三次商業發射任務,也是中國首次完成星箭通信空空鏈路對接試驗。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/01/a10-0901.pdf
- 據中 通社報道,昨日 12時 17 分,中國在酒泉衛星發 射中心組織實施快舟十 一號運載火箭首次飛行 任務,火箭飛行出現異常,發射任務失 利。具體原因正在進一步分析排查。 據了解,快舟十一號運載火箭直徑2.2 米,起飛質量78噸,700公里太陽同步軌 道運力達 1噸,是中國目前運載能力最 強、起飛質量最大、箭身直徑最大的新型 固體運載火箭。此次任務是搭載吉林一號 高分02E星(「嗶哩嗶哩視頻衛星」)、 微厘空間一號系統S2星等衛星。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/11/a12-0711.pdf
- A new manufacturing complex for carrier rockets will soon be built and start operation, according to a project insider with China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, the major investor in the base.Construction of the complex, part of the Wuhan National Space Industry Base, will be completed around the end of this year and the complex will have an initial production capacity of 20 Kuaizhou-series solid-propellant carrier rockets, said Zhang Di, a senior rocket scientist and chairman of Expace Technology, a CASIC subsidiary in Hubei province's Wuhan that builds the Kuaizhou rocket.The complex's infrastructure construction began in October 2017 and has recently been finished.http://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201911/20/WS5dd4948fa310cf3e35578926.html
- 由北京凌空天行科技公司研發的亞軌道火箭「天行Ⅰ」遙2火箭,近日在西北大漠地區成功進行第兩次試射。內媒報道,該款火箭最突出的優勢是可回收重複使用,是世界首款可回收重複利用的超音速火箭。報道指出,「天行Ⅰ」火箭外形相當怪異,頭部載荷因為需要適應高超音速飛行而被設計成乘波體結構,還有一對主翼和一對尾翼,外形類似導彈。內媒指,「天行Ⅰ」火箭今次試射,將在亞軌道飛行二十至一百公里,速度約為每小時三千九百公里。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191227/00178_004.html
- 7月5日7時44分,中國在酒 泉衛星發射中心用長征二號丁運載火 箭,成功將試驗六號02星送入預定 軌道,發射獲得圓滿成功。據了解, 試驗六號02星主要用於開展空間環 境探測及相關技術試驗。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200706/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- 中國航天空氣動力技術研究院周一表示,該院第一研究所完成兩級入軌空天飛行器風洞自由分離試驗,兩級並聯飛行器成功分離,為未來兩級入軌空天飛行器的研製提供了技術道路探索。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191023/00178_004.html
- 中國載人航天工程辦公室通報,長征五號B運載火箭周二搭載新一代載人飛船試驗船成功升空。至昨日下午一時四十九分,試驗船返回艙在東風着陸場預定區域成功着陸,意味試驗取得成功。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200509/00178_011.html
- 中國載人航天工程辦公室通報,長征五號B運載火箭周二搭載新一代載人飛船試驗船成功升空。至昨日下午一時四十九分,試驗船返回艙在東風着陸場預定區域成功着陸,意味試驗取得成功。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200509/00178_011.html
- telescope
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-06/16/content_29768251.htm China's first X-ray observatory will focus on learning about black holes The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope, a cutting-edge space telescope that was launched on Thursday, will help scientists better understand the universe, according to project insiders. The telescope, developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Academy of Space Technology, blasted off at 11 am on Thursday atop a Long March 4B carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China. It is the nation's first space-based X-ray observatory. Weighing nearly 2.5 metric tons, the telescope is designed to work at least four years in a low-Earth orbit, about 550 kilometers above the ground, according to the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, which oversees China's space programs. The administration said the payload comprises four scientific devices: three X-ray telescopes and a space environmental detector.
- 西藏首座 天文館將於 明年動工建 設。建成之 後,西藏天 文館將成為 世界海拔最 高 的 天 文 館,將設置 西藏目前最 大口徑的光 學天文望遠鏡,並成為公眾天文科普的場所。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/11/05/a12-1105.pdf
- 中國科學院國家天文台昨日透露,被譽為中國「天眼」的500米口徑球面射電望遠鏡(FAST),已開啟地外文明搜索任務。地外文明搜索(SETI)是中國「天眼」的五大科學目標之一,旨在尋找來自宇宙深處高智慧生命的信號。2018年9月,來自中國國家天文台、美國加州大學伯克利分校和北京師範大學等單位的研究人員,在FAST現場對高分辨率的地外文明搜索後端進行了安裝測試。2019年7月,研究人員又對獲得的漂移掃描數據進行了分析處理,篩選出多組窄帶候選信號。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202004/0429/HA10429CZXX_HKCD.pdf
- 中國國家航天局國際合作司副司長余琦亦正式發布「國際大學生立方星星座深空探索計劃」,該計劃未來將發射10至20顆6U和12U立方星組成星座,引領全世界高校和研究機構共同開展小行星探測等深空科學探索。余琦表示,國家航天局將全面支持該計劃的實施,並將為該計劃提供免費運載發射機會,以及政策、通信頻率協調、發射許可等方面的支持。西北工業大學作為歐盟第七框架協議QB計劃亞洲唯一發起單位與亞洲總協調單位,研製了世界首顆12U立方星「翱翔之星」,其規範和標準已在世界各國推廣。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181121/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- 全球最大單體遠距離衛星廳將在滬建成,上海已初步建成亞太地區大型航空樞紐。香港文匯報記者昨日從上海市政府新聞發佈會上獲悉,上海浦東機場三期擴建工程順利推進,16日,全球最大的單體衛星廳以及全球首個採用城市軌道交通鋼輪鋼軌制式的機場空側捷運系統將正式啟用。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/10/a17-0910.pdf
- 中國首個天基互聯網系統「虹雲工程」將在明年投入示範應用,系統由過百顆小衞星組成,在距地面一千公里的軌道運行,據稱能向全球任何角落提供互聯網服務。官媒報道,虹雲工程的技術驗證衞星去年底成功運行後,已完成不同天氣條件、載體、場景下的性能測試,實現了網頁瀏覽、訊息發送、視像通話,以及高清影片播放等。目前在全範圍內,4G服務還未能做到隨時隨地的通訊,相關工程投用後,將克服傳統通訊的部分缺點。另中國還將展開鋪設首個天基物聯網「行雲工程」的工作,為海洋船舶、工程機械、地質災害監測等提供保障。該工程的一號、二號衞星已完成組裝,將在近期由快舟運載火箭搭載升空,實現行業試點及應用測試。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191122/00178_009.html- 記者4日從廣州市公共資源交易中心獲悉,落戶廣州的航空輪胎大科學中心項目將成為全國首個航空輪胎動力學試驗大科學裝置。該項目投資約為5.7億元人民幣,計劃在2021年建成啟用,將助力廣深港澳科創走廊建設,十年內產品技術水平力爭達到國際同期水平。 據了解,目前中國還沒有航空輪胎動力學試驗大科學裝置;航空輪胎的複雜性,其材料體系、設計理念、製造工藝、標準體系等與傳統的汽車輪胎有着本質的區別,其飛行安全的特殊要求亦決定航空輪胎的可靠性只能通過地面模擬試驗解決。現時內地民航飛機輪胎全部租用固特異等國外公司產品,按照起落架次收費使用,在250架次(約3個月)後輪胎必須更換。招標公告顯示,該項目將以用地面積約2.5萬平方米的航空輪胎動力學大科學裝置為核心,建設與之配套的航空輪胎硬核科技中心和航空輪胎製造試驗基地。據該項目可研報告建議,該項目依託中科院長春應化所黃埔先進材料研究院進行建設,以高性能軍用航空輪胎為突破口,把研發過程中形成的關鍵材料和設計製造等核心技術轉化到民用航空輪胎和其他高端輪胎領域。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200805/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- 據科學網報道,中國科學院院士、同濟大學教授汪品先日前介紹說,中國第一個國家級海底長期觀測平台「國家海底長期科學觀測系統」大科學工程項目即將獲批開建,探索海底物理、化學、生物和地質的各種過程,同時服務於其它多方面應用的綜合需求。 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/02/28/a16-0228.pdf
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/2162944/chinese-shipbuilder-starts-work-us411-million-submarine-thai China’s leading shipbuilder has begun the construction of a submarine for the Thai navy under a 13.5 billion Thai baht (US$411 million) deal agreed last year that observers say provides clear evidence of Beijing’s growing role as an international arms supplier.Senior officers from the Thai and Chinese militaries attended a steel-cutting ceremony at a shipyard in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, to mark the start of the project, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) said late on Tuesday.
- nuclear missile
- nuclear missile
- China has moved to speed up development of its most advanced submarine-launched nuclear missile, a weapon capable of striking the US mainland, military sources have said.Two independent sources told the South China Morning Post that the Chinese navy had tested the JL-3, or Julang (or “Big Wave”) missile – which it ultimately intends to pair with its next-generation nuclear submarines. It was launched from Bohai Bay in the Yellow Sea late last month, with the warhead landing in the northwest Gobi Desert in Xinjiang.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3044674/china-nuclear-missile-development-steps-gear-test-weapon
- 去年國慶閱兵中首次亮相的國產HSU001無人潛航器,被視為未來無人作戰新利器,擔當海軍水下偵察、掃雷獵雷的先鋒。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/232108/2020/0504/444727.html
- 5月份,海軍航空兵在渤海海域進行反 潛訓練,出動數架運-8Q反潛巡邏機。發現 目標後,戰機下降指定高度,此時目標急速 下潛。聲吶兵根據聲吶回聲對目標進行識別 ,迅速鎖定目標,戰機投放航空自導深水炸 彈,進行智能化攻擊,準確命中目標。 這是央媒首次公開航空自導深水炸彈, 也標誌運-8Q反潛巡邏機生成新型戰鬥力。 運-8Q是中國海軍第一代固定翼遠程岸基反 潛巡邏機,其外觀特徵是機頭下方安裝的大 型對海探測雷達和光電探測設備,以及尾部 長長的磁異常探測儀。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200608/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- 中國潛水器支援船「探索二號」周日抵達海南三亞崖州灣科技城南山港,將配合「奮鬥者號」及「深海勇士號」載人潛水器聯合工作,為崖州灣科技城深海產業發展,提供聯合作業能力。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200701/00178_017.html
- 中國自主研製的萬米級「海燕-X」水下深潛滑翔機在日前試驗中三次突破10000米,連續刷新水下滑翔機的潛深世界紀錄,開啟了人類水下滑翔機萬米觀察的新時代,意味着中國在該領域達到世界領先水平。水下滑翔機技術具有重要的軍事應用意義,能夠承擔長達數年的水下自主偵察任務,利用其長航時、高隱蔽性、高度靜音的優勢輔助潛艇作戰,從深海伏擊敵方潛艇http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/232108/2020/0727/479952.htmldriverless ships
- 內地新型多用途無人作戰艇JARI-USV,近日完成首次海上試航。內媒周四報道,作戰艇具備隱身能力,更可用作防空反潛。該作戰艇海試,近日惹來美國及新西蘭媒體關注,指該艇的技術積累,有助中國在無人船領域的整體突破。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200131/00178_002.html電子偵察船
- 由中國自行研製的815A型電子偵察船,據報最新一艘已經下水。上海滬東中華造船廠繼今年二月後,再於上周五安排另一815A型電子偵察船下水,為解放軍海軍第七艘的大型電子偵察船。據悉隨着815A型電子偵察船數量增加,可明顯發現近年中國海軍的電子偵察船轉趨活躍,多次在遠洋偵察美日等國的聯合軍事演習和導彈試射。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170915/00178_005.html
中國航 空工業集團有限公司(以下簡稱「航空工業」)正式對外宣佈:中國自主 研製的大型滅火/水上救援水陸兩棲飛機「鯤龍」AG600繼 2017年陸上首 飛、2018年水上首飛成功之後,將於今年下半年在青島開展海上首飛重 大試驗,全面推進項目研製進展。 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/05/24/a21-0524.pdf
- 據新華社報 道,中國近日建成了世界上首 個民用極低頻大功率電磁波發 射台,其探測半徑達數千公 里,探測深度達十公里,形成 了可覆蓋中國領土和領海的高 信噪比極低頻電磁波信號源。 由中國船舶集團第七研究院 聯合中國船舶集團第七二二研究所、 中國地震局地質研究所和中國科學院 地質與地球物理研究所攻關多年共同 完成的「極低頻探地工程」近日通過 國家驗收。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/01/13/a13-0113.pdf
- 工信部昨在官方微博表 示,中國廣播電視網絡有限公司(「廣電 網絡公司」)已在 3月 7日提交了基礎電信 業務經營許可申請材料。目前,工信部正 在履行相關法定程序。換言之,工信部若 向廣電網絡公司頒發《基礎電信業務經營 許可證》,將使其成為繼中移動、中聯 通、中電信之外的「第四大基礎電信運營 商」。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/04/22/b02-0422.pdf
- http://www.china.org.cn/business/2016-05/06/content_38394438.htm The state-owned China Broadcasting Network Ltd. (CBN) secured a telecommunications business license from Chinese authorities on Thursday, making it the country's fourth telecom operator. CBN and its subsidiary, China Cable Television Network Co., Ltd., have been authorized to provide domestic Internet data transmission and telecom infrastructure services, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said on its website. With the authorization, CBN, a builder and operator of China's cable TV network, officially joined the ranks of the country's telecom operators, which already include China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. The move was a step to increase competition and promote the "three-network convergence," a state-advocated project aimed at merging telecom, television and Internet services into a single network, the MIIT said. A State Council document released last year drew plans to allow radio and television stations to operate phone and Internet services, and for telecom companies to produce radio and television programs.
- 15日,國家發改委批覆的12個5G應用示範項目之一─鄭州大學第一附屬醫院(鄭大一附院)5G實驗網項目30個5G基站全部開通,標誌內地首個5G醫療實驗網建成。河南移動與諾基亞貝爾於3月15日凌晨完成該醫院兩院區30個5G基站的部署,並實現5G現網數據連接,實現連片規模覆蓋。該實驗網將大幅提升醫療無線網絡傳輸能力,並將用於該院移動遠程醫療相關技術驗證及應用。據介紹,該院將與河南移動開展一系列5G醫療應用研究,主要包括院內移動信息化(包括移動查房、移動護理、移動檢測及移動會診等)、院間協同化(包括院間會診、遠程B超等)等。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190317/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- 瓊5G遙控京施開顱手術, 當前5G各領域應用http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190318/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- 19日,由上海聯通、上海工程技術大 學攜手共建的 「5G+人工智能應用創新實 驗室」正式投使,標誌上海工程技術大學 5G校園網已全部建成,成為全國首個實現 5G網絡深度覆蓋的高校。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190320/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- 全球首個行政區域5G網絡,上周六在上海虹口區建成並開始試用,成為全球首個固定寬頻和移動通訊網絡共同實現千兆覆蓋的地區,虹口區現時有二百二十八個5G基站。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190331/00178_003.html
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3005805/us-focus-blocking-chinas-5g-technology-misses-bigger-manufacturing China’s Great Firewall, erected over the past 15 years to restrict domestic access to the internet, may be a bigger problem than concerns over the spread of China’s 5G technology, according to a US venture capital investor. Fears that networking equipment manufactured by China’s national champion Huawei Technologies could offer Beijing a back door to spy on computer networks may not be as big a deal as China’s Great Firewall effectively dictating how devices connected via this new technology will be manufactured, said the investor.
- 上 海首家 5G智慧醫療應用示範基地昨日揭幕。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/04/12/b02-0412.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/04/15/a16-0415.pdf昨日,廣東省5G示範區共建簽約暨廣州高新區、廣州開發區、黃埔區5G示範網絡開通儀式在廣州舉行,中國信息通信研究院、華為技術有限公司與廣州開發區正式簽署《共建5G示範區合作協議》,建設廣東首個省級5G示範區。
- http://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201904/24/WS5cc022dca3104842260b818a.html The world's first 5G-based metallurgy industrial Internet of Things project will be launched by China Baowu Steel Group in July, according to two strategic cooperative agreements signed on Wednesday to facilitate the project. China Baowu and China Unicom, one of the nation's largest telecom carriers, are going to build a pilot demonstration base for industrial IoT 5G applications in Baowu's Baoshan plant in Shanghai, as the agreement between the two stipulates.
- 17日,香港打通了第一個5G手機通話。在香港中國移動旗艦 店內,工作人員用一台5G手機成功撥通北京公司的電話,實現香 港歷史上第一個本地5G語音通話和視頻通話。這僅僅是開始,未 來5G技術有望在粵港澳大灣區 「9+2」 城市群得到更廣泛應用。 15日,廣東正式公布《廣東省加快5G產業發展行動計劃( 2019-2022年)》(以下稱 「5G行動計劃」 ),到2022年底,大 灣區珠三角9市將建成5G寬頻城市群,形成萬億級5G產業集聚區 。香港方面也配合5G流動網絡的發展而推出了先導計劃,為商業 服務和智慧城市應用提供巨大潛力。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190518/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- 華為5G應用再傳捷報,該公司與深圳地鐵20日全球首試地鐵5G超 寬帶車地無線通信,短短150秒可自動傳輸25GB車載數據,快捷調取地 鐵列車視頻監控,全程無需人工干預。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190521/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- china daily 21may19 tianjin sets up 500 5g base stations
- 此次長寧地震救援中,中國首次將 5G應急救 援系統應用於災難醫學救援。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/06/20/a18-0620.pdf
- 招商局集團5G智慧港口創新實驗室揭牌儀式24日在深圳蛇口舉行,招商局宣布將與華為、中國移動等11家合作夥伴共同推進大灣區第一個5G智慧港口建設,率先在招商局蛇口港碼頭、海星港碼頭試驗5G智慧港口建設,打造智慧、智能、智控5G港口新生態。未來,港口內依靠人工操作的環節將越來越少,一切都將通過基於人工智能(AI)、雲計算、大數據等技術的「智慧大腦」系統來完成調度。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190625/PDF/a11_screen.pdf
- ZTE Corp, the world’s fourth largest telecommunications equipment supplier, said it has secured more than 25 commercial 5G network contracts to date, as the company moves to turn around its business this year after being on the brink of collapse because of US-imposed sanctions last year. Shenzhen-based ZTE also indicated that more deals are in the works, based on its 5G partnership commitments with more than 60 telecoms network operators around the world, according to a press release from the company on Tuesday.https://www.scmp.com/tech/gear/article/3016032/zte-secures-more-25-commercial-5g-network-contracts-it-steps-turnaround
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190715/PDF/a11_screen.pdf 7月13日,西北工業 大學(簡稱,西工大)攜手華為技術有限公司及中國電信陝西公 司在西安舉行 「5G+智慧校園」 發布會暨創新應用研討會。發布 會上,三方不僅聯手在全國首發 「5G+固定翼無人機」 創新教學 ,還通過5G技術,為支教小學上了一堂生動的遠程中樂演奏公 開課;此外還共同簽署《5G創新應用合作協議》,將在西 工大建設5G教室、5G科研平台兩個創新應用試驗平台。
- 華為技術有限公司與合肥工業大學昨日簽署《5G戰略合作協議》,雙方將共建安徽首個5G聯合創新實驗室。根據戰略合作協議內容,華為與合肥工業大學,將圍繞開展安徽省5G遠程醫療領域的研究(聯合德易電子有限公司)、無人機編隊應用5G技術、5G工業互聯網平台搭建、5G智慧校園和校園信息化建設等方面,展開全方位合作。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/07/17/a15-0717.pdf
- 青島新前灣集裝箱碼頭有限責任公司操作部副經理李波介紹,青島港是全世界首個採用5G技術的港口,今年上半年青島港自動化集裝箱碼頭已完成基於5G連接的自動岸橋吊車的控制操作,實現了通過無線網絡抓取和運輸集裝箱。「這是全球首例在實際生產環境下的5G遠程吊車操作。」http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190730/PDF/b6_screen.pdf
- 「5G+AI」技術與鐵路機務首次成功深度融合。4日,來自鐵路、科技領域及企業界代表逾百人,在西安機務段機車整備場見證了歷史性的一刻。首台搭載5G設備的402號「和諧HXD3D」型大功率電力機車,用了不到90秒的時間,就將15.6GB的機車視頻數據自動轉儲完成。這不僅標誌着由中國鐵路西安局集團有限公司聯合華為技術有限公司合作開發的「5G+AI智慧機務系統」正式投用,同時也是在全球範圍內首次在鐵路機車上應用5G技術,對於提升機車數據轉儲效率,提高機車運用效率,加快鐵路科技創新發展具有重要意義。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/06/a17-0906.pdf
- 浙江省經濟和信息化廳8日透露,截至7月底浙江已完成建設交付5G基站4319個,預計到年底將建成1萬個。到2022年,浙江將建成5G基站8萬個。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190909/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- 中聯通(0762)昨宣佈,與中電信(0728)簽署《5G 網絡共建共享框架合作協議書》,兩運營商將在15個城市分區承建5G網絡,並以雙方4G基站總規模為主要參考。雙方的用戶歸屬將不變,品牌和業務運營保持獨立。根據合作協議,雙方在內地全境合作共建一張5G接入網絡,雙方劃定區域,分區建設,各自負責在劃定區域內的5G網絡建設相關工作,誰建設、誰投資、誰維護、誰承擔網絡運營成本。5G 網絡共建共享採用接入網共享方式,核心網各自建設,5G 頻率資源共享。當雙方各自與第三方的網絡共建共享合作,不能不當損害另一方的利益。網絡建設區域上,雙方將在 15 個城市分區承建 5G 網絡,北京、天津、鄭州、青島、石家莊北方5個城市,中聯通與中電信的建設區域比例為6:4;上海、重慶、廣州、深圳、杭州、南京、蘇州、長沙、武漢、成都南方10個城市,建設區域比例則為4:6。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/10/b03-0910.pdf
- 在無 錫,中國電信實現了基於智能工廠的小天鵝廠區的智 能化改造,基於智慧港口的江陰港智能化改造、無錫 人民醫院的智慧醫療等一批5G物聯網場景和應用能力 的落地。 「無錫在物聯網的技術研究、產業儲備、創新應用 以及人才培養上都走在了全國前列。」華為中國區副 總裁郭海龍說,在中國數字化經濟轉型過程中,5G無 疑將發揮重要作用。 「5G與雲計算、人工智能是天生 結合的,5G 攝像頭、傳感器就像我們的眼睛,雲計 算、人工智能就像我們的大腦,5G連接的各種設備就 像我們的四肢。」郭海龍說,5G+雲+AI真正形成了自 動化的智能閉環系統。進入5G時代後,目前,無錫全市三大運營商累計 建成5G基站近1000個,為超高清視頻、智能製造、 智能駕駛、無人機、智慧城市等5G示範應用提供了 堅強的網絡保障,也為無錫發展5G產業注入了澎湃 動力。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/201909/0910/HZ19910CHAA_HKCD.pdf
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/enterprises/article/3029958/huawei-china-unicom-deploy-smart-travel-system-china-eastern Huawei Technologies, China Eastern Airlines and China Unicom have teamed up to jointly introduce a 5G-based smart travel system at the new Beijing Daxing International Airport, which is scheduled to begin operations at the end of this month. Based on Huawei 5G technology deployed by China Unicom, the smart travel system will enable facial recognition for check-in and security clearance and provide a paperless luggage service. Field tests showed that the 5G speed exceeded 1.2 Gbit per second, about 100 times faster than the current 4G system, according to a Huawei press release.
- 綜合新京報 、新華社及 長安街知事微信公眾號報道,華為25日 宣佈獲得中國工業和信息化部頒發的中 國首張 5G基站設備進網許可證,這標 誌着華為 5G基站設備可以支持中國規 模部署,正式接入公用電信商用網絡。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/26/a14-1026.pdf
- https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50655288/5g-unmanned-mining-truck-developed-in-china/ China has developed a 5G intelligent unmanned mining truck, according to Science and Technology Daily.The unmanned mining truck is used for opencast mining. It measures 10.2 meters long, 5.4 meters wide and five meters tall, and has a carrying capacity of 110 tonnes.The truck can plan its mission and route for itself, load and unload automatically, and drive by itself, the report said.
- 10月31日,在2019年中國國際信息通信展上,工信部與中國移動、 中國聯通、中國電信三大運營商攜手舉行5G商用啟動儀式。三大運營商 宣布在首批50個城市提供5G商用服務。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191101/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- 金邦達寶嘉(3315) 日前與廣東移動正式簽署戰略合作協 議,攜手打造大灣區首個5G+金融科 技應用創新示範基地,共同努力將珠海 市金融科技中心建設為大灣區5G+金 融科技應用的標杆。合作雙方通過強強 聯合和技術優勢互補融合,致力於推動 5G技術在金融科技領域的實際應用, 加速 5G落地,賦能金融科技中心企 業,助力經濟社會的高質量發展。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/12/b02-1112.pdf
- 內地多間大型電訊商日前相繼推出5G上網,政府單位、公司為配合國家政策、搶佔發展先機,也開始使用相關產品。在每日過關人次超過六十萬的廣東深圳灣口岸,海關關員已率先改用新的「5G智能眼鏡」。該款眼鏡有智能辨識功能,能助關員認出高風險的旅客,投用至今不到半個月時間,已協助偵破多宗貴價電子產品的走私案件。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191206/00178_009.html
- 陝 西首條5G智慧公交線路日前在該省西咸新區 正式開通,首批十餘輛裝載有5G通訊設備的 公交車亦同日正式投入使用。據悉,在5G智 慧公交線路途經的5.1公里路段內,陝西相關 部門已完成12個5G基站建設,後續63個在 建站點也將很快完成建設。乘客在乘坐該線 路公交時可通過手機、平板等電子設備,全 程免費體驗5G所帶來的 「極速享受」 。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191212/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/12/23/a07-1223.pdf
- 深企推警用 5G人工智能頭盔http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/01/15/b02-0115.pdf
- 據悉,5G消息(RCS消息)融合了語音、消息、狀態列、位置服務等通信服務,用以豐富通話、短信、聯繫人等手機系統原生應用的客戶體驗。通過手機上的RCS,不只是發送文字、圖片或視頻,還具有互動功能。一位通信行業人士告訴記者,RCS在iMessage的基礎上,增加了交互能力,能夠完成訂票、訂酒店、導航等一系列複雜功能。「傳統APP需要下載、佔用手機存儲空間,RCS消息可以讓人們在短信界面上,實現APP的各類豐富應用。」該人士對記者說。有專家預測,5G消息將憑藉「RCS增強短信」和「RCS商業富媒體消息」兩大利器,去搶佔各類移動應用高地,這也意味着一旦5G消息全面推廣,未來或將取代大量APP的安裝。分析認為,內地三大電信運營商發布白皮書有助於運營商之間的互聯互通,打通RCS服務壁壘,加速RCS產業發展。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202004/0409/HA10409CZXX_HKCD.pdf
- 近日,深圳市工業和信息化局負責人表示,目前深圳已在交通、警務、城管、水務、醫療、教育、旅遊等十個政務領域,以及超高清視頻、智能網聯汽車、聯網無人機、工業互聯網等十個垂直行業領域確定一批5G應用示範項目。未來,深圳將搶抓新基建「風口」,加快推動5G場景典型應用。 智慧港口是深圳新基建的重要領域。記者了解到,華為、招商港口、深圳移動等11家單位聯合成立首個「5G智慧港口」創新實驗室,對海星港碼頭進行自動化碼頭改造。 此外,深圳移動正進行5G智慧港口頂層方案設計,構建5G精品專網、提供5G無人駕駛集卡、5G智能理貨、5G智能安防以及5G無人機巡檢等全業務場景支持。 5G也將助力深圳製造業升級。今年,深圳聯通與富士康已完成廠園部分區域的5G網絡覆蓋,並在「5G+工業互聯網」領域展開全面合作,積極探索安防巡檢、高危環境機器人作業等高效、可靠的解決方案。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/232108/2020/0519/450437.html
- 據中新社報道,據最新披露的數據,中國5G用戶數已達3,600萬,預計年底建成5G基站超過60萬個。在人民郵電報6日舉行的5G發牌一周年線上峰會上,工業和信息化部信息通信管理局副局長魯春叢介紹,5G商用一年來,中國5G商用取得積極進展:在網絡建設方面,基礎電信企業建成5G基站超過25萬個,5G用戶超過3,600萬。預計今年底,5G基站將超過60萬個,覆蓋全國所有地級以上城市。5G終端在過去一年間新品迭出,促進了5G普及。魯春叢說,截至5月底,國內5G手機累計出貨量5,985萬部。預計2020年,5G手機出貨量將達1.8億部。5G應用落地也在加快。魯春叢表示,在消費領域,要力爭培育一批5G高端應用,釋放新興消費潛力,擴大信息消費。在生產領域,實施「5G+工業互聯網」512工程,形成一批可複製可推廣的模式,助力實體經濟數字化轉型升級。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/06/07/a13-0607.pdf
- 山東青島市5G智能電網項目近日已完工,內地傳媒昨報道,該項目的規模是全國最大,且能提供5G智能分布式配電、變電站作業監護等嶄新供電應用功能。目前,青島已部署卅多個5G基站,希望能有效結合傳統電網,提高整體供電效能。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200722/00178_019.html
- 2019年 湖州南太湖新區投資貿易洽談會昨日在太湖南岸拉 開帷幕。28個涉及新能源汽車、生物醫藥、高端 裝備製造等領域的項目進行了現場簽約。曾參與北 斗導航衛星項目的中科院席紅霞團隊將商業衛星光 電姿態敏感器項目落戶南太湖新區。她向香港文匯 報記者透露,中科院已啟動 6G技術的研發,其團 隊自主研發的數字太陽敏感器有望用於其中。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/12/07/a14-1207.pdf
Subsea pipeline
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-05/04/content_25041625.htm China has developed its own subsea pipeline inspection device, ending foreigncompanies' dominance in this field, said the machine's designers. "We are the first in China to successfully develop this kind of device, for which ouroffshore oil industry had waited more than 20 years. Now we can proudly announcethat China can inspect its subsea pipelines on its own," said Zhou Ming, director ofthe Beijing Huahang Radio Measurement Institute that developed the equipment. Such a device uses magnetic flux leakage method to detect corrosion and pitting inpipelines and is used to inspect about 70 percent of existing pipelines in the world.
- 海底光纜是通信的重要組成部分,但中國此前並不會製造海纜,僅會購買洋品牌鋪設。在6日舉行的“2017光資訊與光網絡大會”上,工程院院士趙梓森表示,我們現在已經實現技術突破,可以製造並鋪設電纜。目前,內地研發出最大長度(245km)的雙層鎧銅管結構的海底光纜,同時,突破大長度海底光纜銅管氬弧焊連續製造的技術瓶頸,並且實現多型自然過渡。院士透露,烽火海洋網絡設備公司已在廣東珠海投資20億元建設海纜製造工廠,5月開始量產,預計海纜年產量為1萬皮長公里,中繼器年產量100個。另外,我國製造的是第二代海纜,美國、日本在去年剛開始啟用。同時,核心指標拉絲技術上,速度為2800米每分鐘,超過康寧公司的2000米每分鐘。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170608/PDF/b11_screen.pdf
- 继早前中国科 学技术大学潘建伟团队成功借助量子科学卫星“墨子号”向地面站分发量子密钥,将这种被喻为不可破解的加密法从理论层面推向实用领域,近日上海交通大学金贤 敏团队再下一城,成功进行首个海水量子通信实验,向未来建立水下及空海一体量子通信网络迈出重要一步,待技术成熟,可望投放于百米量级潜艇水下保密通信用 途。该成果发表在最新一期《光学快报》杂誌上,并被列为编辑推荐。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170829/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- 由中資企業建造的全世界最大、鑽井深度最深的海上鑽井平台「藍鯨1號」,將於兩周後交付使用。據了解,「藍鯨1號」重達4.2萬噸,從船底到鑽井架 頂端有37層樓高,造價高達7億美元(約合港幣54.3億元),適用於全球深海作業,是目前全世界作業深度和鑽井深度最深的半潛式海上鑽井平台。據央視網報道,「藍鯨1號」由山東煙台中集來福士海洋工程有限公司建造,它重量達42,000噸,甲板面積相當於一個標準足球場大小。從船 底到鑽井架頂端有37層樓高,建造價格非常昂貴,大約要7億美元,相當於兩架空客A380的價格。取名「藍鯨」,寓意它將成為代表人類海工領域最高科技水 平的平台。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/03/06/a19-0306.pdf
- 二○一六年,習近平總書記指出,向地球深部進軍是我們必須解決的戰略科技問題。時隔一年,中國科學院院士、地球物理學家朱日祥帶領團隊推進的「深部資源探測核心裝備研發」專案順利交卷;並再接再厲啟動集傳感、控制、精密製造於一體的「深層油氣開發智能導鑽裝備」項目,破解地下六千米高溫環境下深層油氣勘探的世界級難題。 「長期以來,國際上大型探測裝備的研發和生產掌控在少數大公司手中。它們只租不賣,價格昂貴,還對中國實施技術封鎖。」朱日祥接受大公報記者專訪時說。「深部資源探測核心裝備研發」於二○一三年開始研製,遴選了衛星磁測載荷、航空超導全張量磁梯度測量裝置、深部礦床測井系統、組合式海底地震探測裝備等八套深部資源探測裝備。 經過四年艱苦攻關,多項關鍵技術突破了航太級磁通門磁強計、質子旋進磁強計、低溫超導磁強計與磁梯度計等制約我國深部探測裝備發展的核心部件。項目驗收專家組認為,研製的八套裝備多項關鍵技術填補了中國相關領域的技術空白,打破國外壟斷與依賴國外進口的局面,為我國實施「攻深探盲」提供了核心裝備,支撐了「向地球深部進軍」國家戰略。
- 吉林大学牵头承担的中国超级钻机“地壳一号”2日正式宣布完成“首秀”:以完钻井深7018米创亚洲国家大陆科学钻井新纪录,标誌着中国成为继俄罗斯和德国之后,世界上第三个拥有实施万米大陆钻探计划专用装备和相关技术的国家。与此同时,该钻井还成为全球第一口陆上钻穿白垩纪(距今6500万年到1.45亿年)地层的科学钻井。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180604/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- China’s battle for the battery market Beijing invests billions to try to squeeze out Japanese and South Korean rivals https://www.ft.com/content/8c94a2f6-fdcd-11e6-8d8e-a5e3738f9ae4
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/motoring/2017-03/06/content_28443278.htm China is set to encourage domestic electric car battery manufacturers to expand their production scale, following the introduction of a new action plan for the industry in Beijing on Thursday. The plan could lead to technological innovations that might ultimately benefit manufacturers of new energy vehicles in the form of lower production costs, which would also benefit customers.
- German testing and certification company TÜV Rheinland plans to invest 100 million yuan ($15.2 million) in the coming two years to expand its facilities to test large batteries in China in response to the phenomenal growth in the electric vehicle battery industry. The investment would be made in Shenzhen or Shanghai, where a large battery lab and a small battery lab of the company are located, said Sven-Olaf Steinke, general manager of the company's electrical service in China. Electric vehicle battery production in the country, which accounted for about 24 percent of global production in 2016, is expected to increase by 56 percent year-on-year to 32 gigawatt-hours this year, he said.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/motoring/2017-09/22/content_32325421.htm
- https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3043032/chinese-electric-car-battery-makers-out-show-world-they-have
- 記者從合肥經濟技術開發區獲悉,該區 安徽盟維新能源科技有限公司研究團隊 ,經過兩年時間的研發,成功實現了新 一代鋰金屬電池能量密度 500Wh/kg(瓦時每千克, 鋰電池能量密度單位)的技 術測試,完成了國際電池能量 密度的標桿性指標。其重要的實 際意義是能夠使當下電動車的續航里程 增加近一倍。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200617/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
3d printing
- 3D printing is boominghttp://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/tech/2017-08/21/content_30891331.htm
- 近年來,在製造強國建設戰略引導和國家工信部的指導支持下,浙江省大力實施數字經濟「一號工程」,以智能製造為主攻方向,以「互聯網+製造業」為新手段,全面推進經濟數字化轉型。智能製造對生產方式的顛覆性變革,讓企業和產品有了更多的可能。一塊堅硬的磐石,經高溫熔製、拉絲、絡紗等數道工藝,從窰爐吐出蠶絲般的玻璃纖維,最細的只有頭髮絲十分之一粗細。這樣的奇跡從哪裏來?記者跟隨中國巨石發展戰略部資深總經理趙軍,走進了位於浙江嘉興桐鄉的新材料智能製造基地。這條年產15萬噸玻璃纖維生產線的順利投產,不僅意味着一座全新玻纖智能製造工廠的神秘面紗揭開了,也標誌着中國巨石的智能製造戰略真正落地。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190626/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
smart glasses
- Roving security staff at Hongyuan Park, part of the Xixi Wetland preserve in Hangzhou in eastern China, now have the power to quickly detect the body temperature of all park visitors from a distance of up to 1 metre, thanks to “non-contact thermal augmented reality” smart glasses supplied by AI start-up Rokid Corp. The company said on Thursday that each smart glass user will be capable of checking the temperature of several hundred people within two minutes – a vast coverage and speed that would make even Superman proud – to eliminate queues at the park entrance.https://www.scmp.com/tech/gear/article/3077122/hangzhou-park-security-uses-ai-powered-smart-glasses-detect-people-fever
http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181224/PDF/a20_screen.pdf 「空間太陽能電站系統項目(逐日工程)」啟動儀式暨高峰論壇23日在西安舉行。據悉,該項目將依託西安電子科技大學段寶岩院士團隊領先世界的歐米伽(OMEGA)創新設計方案,重點開展空間太陽能電站研究,最終實現採集地球靜止同步軌道上的太陽能,並傳輸到地面成為供人類使用電能的目標。同時,作為「逐日工程」配套地面實驗室,全球首個全系統、全鏈路太陽能電站地面驗證中心亦落戶西安電子科技大學。
- 內地生物樣本資源庫之一的上海張江 生物銀行日前正式啟用。其樣本存儲能力 達1000萬份,是目前國內地規模最大的生 物銀行,未來可為重大疾病基礎與臨床研 究提供生物樣本資源採集與共享應用。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171017/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
internet hospital
- 20日,南方醫科大學深圳醫院互聯網醫院建設正式啟動,並揭牌成為微醫大灣區協作平台深圳基地。在南醫大深圳醫院與微醫廣州互聯網醫院合作建設醫聯體基礎上,該互聯網醫院以實體醫院為依託,打通醫療服務全流程,正式上線後可為粵港澳居民提供在線覆診、在線處方、藥品配送、慢病管理等覆蓋診前、診中、診後的線上線下一體化醫療服務。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181221/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
virtual hospital
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190918/PDF/a19_screen.pdf2009年12月,全國第一家虛擬養老院在蘭州市城關區創建,截至目前城關區已有12.12 萬餘名老人註冊入院,服務總量達1254萬人次。
- https://www.ft.com/content/03930bf2-2cb9-11e8-9b4b-bc4b9f08f381 An insurance company in China is looking to shake up the country’s chicken supply chain — using blockchain technology. ZhongAn Online Property & Casualty Insurance, launched in 2014 with the backing of Alibaba payments affiliate Ant Financial, Tencent and Ping An Insurance, quickly grabbed attention with peculiar products such as a “binge drinking” policy that paid out if Chinese fans got drunk during football matches and suffered alcohol poisoning.
3d printing
- 3D printing is boominghttp://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/tech/2017-08/21/content_30891331.htm
- 近年來,在製造強國建設戰略引導和國家工信部的指導支持下,浙江省大力實施數字經濟「一號工程」,以智能製造為主攻方向,以「互聯網+製造業」為新手段,全面推進經濟數字化轉型。智能製造對生產方式的顛覆性變革,讓企業和產品有了更多的可能。一塊堅硬的磐石,經高溫熔製、拉絲、絡紗等數道工藝,從窰爐吐出蠶絲般的玻璃纖維,最細的只有頭髮絲十分之一粗細。這樣的奇跡從哪裏來?記者跟隨中國巨石發展戰略部資深總經理趙軍,走進了位於浙江嘉興桐鄉的新材料智能製造基地。這條年產15萬噸玻璃纖維生產線的順利投產,不僅意味着一座全新玻纖智能製造工廠的神秘面紗揭開了,也標誌着中國巨石的智能製造戰略真正落地。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190626/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
smart glasses
- Roving security staff at Hongyuan Park, part of the Xixi Wetland preserve in Hangzhou in eastern China, now have the power to quickly detect the body temperature of all park visitors from a distance of up to 1 metre, thanks to “non-contact thermal augmented reality” smart glasses supplied by AI start-up Rokid Corp. The company said on Thursday that each smart glass user will be capable of checking the temperature of several hundred people within two minutes – a vast coverage and speed that would make even Superman proud – to eliminate queues at the park entrance.https://www.scmp.com/tech/gear/article/3077122/hangzhou-park-security-uses-ai-powered-smart-glasses-detect-people-fever
http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181224/PDF/a20_screen.pdf 「空間太陽能電站系統項目(逐日工程)」啟動儀式暨高峰論壇23日在西安舉行。據悉,該項目將依託西安電子科技大學段寶岩院士團隊領先世界的歐米伽(OMEGA)創新設計方案,重點開展空間太陽能電站研究,最終實現採集地球靜止同步軌道上的太陽能,並傳輸到地面成為供人類使用電能的目標。同時,作為「逐日工程」配套地面實驗室,全球首個全系統、全鏈路太陽能電站地面驗證中心亦落戶西安電子科技大學。
- 內地生物樣本資源庫之一的上海張江 生物銀行日前正式啟用。其樣本存儲能力 達1000萬份,是目前國內地規模最大的生 物銀行,未來可為重大疾病基礎與臨床研 究提供生物樣本資源採集與共享應用。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171017/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
internet hospital
- 20日,南方醫科大學深圳醫院互聯網醫院建設正式啟動,並揭牌成為微醫大灣區協作平台深圳基地。在南醫大深圳醫院與微醫廣州互聯網醫院合作建設醫聯體基礎上,該互聯網醫院以實體醫院為依託,打通醫療服務全流程,正式上線後可為粵港澳居民提供在線覆診、在線處方、藥品配送、慢病管理等覆蓋診前、診中、診後的線上線下一體化醫療服務。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181221/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
virtual hospital
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190918/PDF/a19_screen.pdf2009年12月,全國第一家虛擬養老院在蘭州市城關區創建,截至目前城關區已有12.12 萬餘名老人註冊入院,服務總量達1254萬人次。
- https://www.ft.com/content/03930bf2-2cb9-11e8-9b4b-bc4b9f08f381 An insurance company in China is looking to shake up the country’s chicken supply chain — using blockchain technology. ZhongAn Online Property & Casualty Insurance, launched in 2014 with the backing of Alibaba payments affiliate Ant Financial, Tencent and Ping An Insurance, quickly grabbed attention with peculiar products such as a “binge drinking” policy that paid out if Chinese fans got drunk during football matches and suffered alcohol poisoning.
-全國首個區塊鏈中心在雲南昆明昨日成立,阿里、趣鏈、聖加南等國內外24家企業首批入駐,38家企業共同成立雲南省區塊鏈產業聯盟, 當天,依託於雲南省發展改革委、阿里雲及螞蟻區塊鏈上線的國內首個省級區塊鏈平台,區塊鏈溯源商品碼:「孔雀碼」也正式發佈。在成立儀式上,雲南省發展改革委、阿里雲、螞蟻區塊鏈三方簽署合作協議,以成熟領先的區塊鏈技術助力數字雲南發展。據了解,雲南省區塊鏈平台是全省統一區塊鏈服務平台,通過打造雲南綠色食品「十大名品」溯源系統、工業大麻監管系統、跨境電商產品溯源系統、電子病歷信息共享系統、住房維修資金管理系統、區塊鏈電子憑證、區塊鏈供應鏈金融、司法存證固證等行業應用場景,助力數字雲南整體升級。當天發佈的「孔雀碼」,是全國首個省級層面推出的區塊鏈溯源商品碼,利用區塊鏈可追溯、不可篡改的特性,通過「一品一碼」將流通各環節信息上鏈,解決長期以來信息不透明、數據易被篡改、安全性差、客戶信任度低等問題,真正實現防偽溯源。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/03/16/b07-0316.pdf
-「區 塊鏈工程技術人員」 和 「區塊鏈應用操作員 」http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200716/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
-「區 塊鏈工程技術人員」 和 「區塊鏈應用操作員 」http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200716/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
digital games
- 第三批遊戲版號昨日發布,本次共 93款遊戲獲得審批。在不到一個月時間 ,已公布三批共257款遊戲獲得版號, 該數據分別較2018年1月的716款、 2017年12月776款大減64%、67%。 分析對今年發放遊戲版號數量能達到正 常水平不太樂觀。並認為,監管繼續趨 嚴,網遊行業持續多年的 「端轉手」 ( 端遊向手遊轉型)紅利基本耗盡,手遊 行業嚴重缺乏長期增長點。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190123/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- 山東、河南、陝西等地,以電競為主題的酒店正如雨後春筍般湧現,數量已突破四百間。這些酒店憑藉「電競加住宿」的賣點、比網吧安靜和舒適的環境,快速攻佔年輕一代的市場。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190311/00178_016.html
- 遊戲版號審批常態化,今年以來已公布 24批、共1247個遊戲版號,較去年因行業受 限而批出的2064個遊戲版號減39.58%。分析 稱,隨着遊戲版號審批常態化,遊戲行業整 體回暖呈現健康發展態勢。而遊戲版號審核 的加嚴,也是行業洗牌的過程,遊戲質素將 提高。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191204/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- Under the collaboration announced at the live-streamed Huawei Developer Conference 2020 on Friday, Huawei Technologies and Tencent Holdings
will jointly set up a game development lab exploring the use of cutting-edge technologies such as cloud gaming, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in the game industry. One of the key projects will be to tap the computing power of Huawei’s
Kunpeng processor to jointly develop Tencent’s GameMatrix cloud gaming platform into an “industry-leading, high-quality and low-cost mobile cloud gaming solution”, Tencent wrote in a post on WeChat. In addition, the lab will work on ways to optimise game engine features, rendering, and power consumption, jointly develop new chip features and debugging tools and apply technologies such as AI, VR and AR to create new gameplay formats, according to the post.https://www.scmp.com/tech/innovation/article/3077287/chinese-tech-giants-tencent-huawei-team-develop-mobile-cloud-gaming
- 受益於覆蓋全鎮的 5G 網 絡,當地農民只需要在手機上輕輕一點,就 可以遠程控制溫室內的溫度、光照、水肥等 一切與作物生長相關的要素,輕輕鬆鬆地就 把產量提高了,如番茄的年畝產量就提升了 約 200%。隨着 5G時代的到來,農業的未來 更加可期。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/22/a16-1022.pdf
- irrigation
smart toilet
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/innovation/article/3033187/reading-book-shanghai-toilet-could-be-bad-idea-if-you-dont-want-be
dna testing
- 23Mofang is currently the largest genetic testing company in the country, having gained 500,000 users since it began selling tests in 2015. To say that the global genetic testing market has grown rapidly over the past decade is an understatement. At the start of this year, an estimated 26 million consumers had taken tests provided by genetic testing providers, according to a report by MIT Technology Review. It said more people bought tests in 2018 than in all previous years combined.https://www.scmp.com/podcasts/article/3033211/inside-china-tech-what-can-chinas-dna-tests-really-tell-you
- 香港文匯報記者 9日從西安交通大學獲悉,該校第一附屬醫院歷經 5年潛心研究,攜手四 川大學國家生物醫學材料工程技術研究中心等單位,成功研發出具有長效 穩定抗凝塗層的國產 ECMO系統,從而一舉打破了國外在這一領域的技 術壟斷,也極大地推動了具有更好生物相容性的整套國產化高端醫療器械 投入市場的進程。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/10/a18-0710.pdf
food delivery app
- 第三批遊戲版號昨日發布,本次共 93款遊戲獲得審批。在不到一個月時間 ,已公布三批共257款遊戲獲得版號, 該數據分別較2018年1月的716款、 2017年12月776款大減64%、67%。 分析對今年發放遊戲版號數量能達到正 常水平不太樂觀。並認為,監管繼續趨 嚴,網遊行業持續多年的 「端轉手」 ( 端遊向手遊轉型)紅利基本耗盡,手遊 行業嚴重缺乏長期增長點。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190123/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- 山東、河南、陝西等地,以電競為主題的酒店正如雨後春筍般湧現,數量已突破四百間。這些酒店憑藉「電競加住宿」的賣點、比網吧安靜和舒適的環境,快速攻佔年輕一代的市場。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190311/00178_016.html
- 遊戲版號審批常態化,今年以來已公布 24批、共1247個遊戲版號,較去年因行業受 限而批出的2064個遊戲版號減39.58%。分析 稱,隨着遊戲版號審批常態化,遊戲行業整 體回暖呈現健康發展態勢。而遊戲版號審核 的加嚴,也是行業洗牌的過程,遊戲質素將 提高。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191204/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- Under the collaboration announced at the live-streamed Huawei Developer Conference 2020 on Friday, Huawei Technologies and Tencent Holdings
will jointly set up a game development lab exploring the use of cutting-edge technologies such as cloud gaming, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in the game industry. One of the key projects will be to tap the computing power of Huawei’s
Kunpeng processor to jointly develop Tencent’s GameMatrix cloud gaming platform into an “industry-leading, high-quality and low-cost mobile cloud gaming solution”, Tencent wrote in a post on WeChat. In addition, the lab will work on ways to optimise game engine features, rendering, and power consumption, jointly develop new chip features and debugging tools and apply technologies such as AI, VR and AR to create new gameplay formats, according to the post.https://www.scmp.com/tech/innovation/article/3077287/chinese-tech-giants-tencent-huawei-team-develop-mobile-cloud-gaming
- 受益於覆蓋全鎮的 5G 網 絡,當地農民只需要在手機上輕輕一點,就 可以遠程控制溫室內的溫度、光照、水肥等 一切與作物生長相關的要素,輕輕鬆鬆地就 把產量提高了,如番茄的年畝產量就提升了 約 200%。隨着 5G時代的到來,農業的未來 更加可期。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/22/a16-1022.pdf
- irrigation
- scmp 22sep19 irrigatiin tech reduce water use
http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200620/PDF/a11_screen.pdf 內地首個下沉式自來水廠日前在海口江 東新區開建。該項目位於海口繞城高速 與海榆大道交叉口,項目規劃總用地面 積約167畝,在確保技術、安全、政策 、工期可行的條件下,實行地上與地下 聯動分層開發,建成後將保障江東新區 建設及未來發展的用水需求。項目預計 於2021年底完成。
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/innovation/article/3033187/reading-book-shanghai-toilet-could-be-bad-idea-if-you-dont-want-be
dna testing
- 23Mofang is currently the largest genetic testing company in the country, having gained 500,000 users since it began selling tests in 2015. To say that the global genetic testing market has grown rapidly over the past decade is an understatement. At the start of this year, an estimated 26 million consumers had taken tests provided by genetic testing providers, according to a report by MIT Technology Review. It said more people bought tests in 2018 than in all previous years combined.https://www.scmp.com/podcasts/article/3033211/inside-china-tech-what-can-chinas-dna-tests-really-tell-you
- 香港文匯報記者 9日從西安交通大學獲悉,該校第一附屬醫院歷經 5年潛心研究,攜手四 川大學國家生物醫學材料工程技術研究中心等單位,成功研發出具有長效 穩定抗凝塗層的國產 ECMO系統,從而一舉打破了國外在這一領域的技 術壟斷,也極大地推動了具有更好生物相容性的整套國產化高端醫療器械 投入市場的進程。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/10/a18-0710.pdf
food delivery app
- https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/food-drink/article/3088427/chinese-food-delivery-apps-face-backlash-restaurants-tired In China, the delivery app Meituan Dianping and its rival Ele.me (owned by Alibaba Group, the parent company of the South China Morning Post) dominate meal delivery services. Users log on to the apps and order from the restaurants listed. Wong says Meituan charges a minimum of 20 per cent commission on each order – a significant amount for a small business.“My profit margin is only 10 to 15 per cent. So for a takeaway order, all my profits have to be given to Meituan.In February, restaurant associations in the southwestern city of Chongqing, as well as in Hebei, Yunnan and Shandong provinces, all separately published open letters calling for commission reductions from Meituan and Ele.me. The letter from Shandong revealed that Meituan charges restaurant chains commission of 18 per cent and smaller businesses a 23 per cent commission, while Ele.me’s commission ranges from 15 per cent to 20 per cent of each order. According to the letter, the commission Meituan charges is higher if restaurants want to work with other platforms.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160206/PDF/a13_screen.pdf 2015年,內地創業投資爆發式增長。全國創業投資機構新設立的創投基金有721隻,新增可投資資本量2200億元,增長近80%。發改委官員指出,創業投資能取得好發展,主要得益於政府創業投資引導基金的設立,去年國務院批准先後設立了國家新興產業創業投資引導基金和國家中小企業發展基金,這兩個基金的總規模達到了1000億元。在中央政府的帶動下,全國各地政府也踴躍設立地方性的創投基金,它們有效增加了資本供給,給創新發展提供了強力支撐。 據中新網報道,國務院新聞辦公室5日舉行國務院政策例行吹風會,科技部、國家發展改革委及國家工商總局有關負責人介紹大力發展眾創空間推動科技創新服務於實體經濟轉型升級的有關情況。 發改委高技術產業司負責人沈竹林在吹風會上表示,2015年是創業投資爆發式增長的一年,在去年一年,創業投資政策環境在不斷優化,創業投資的規模擴大,創業投資退出的渠道也日漸多元化,融資渠道更加豐富,整個來説表現出非常強勁發展的勢頭。中國現在的創業投資規模是全球第二,僅次於美國。
- http://hkmb.hktdc.com/en/1X0A5945/hktdc-research/Technopreneurship-in-China-1-Recent-Innovations-and-Opportunities
- 中美貿易戰引發對「厲害了,我的國」的反思,最近又出現了新現象。《科技日報》、《中國科學報》等等的官方媒體集體同時炮轟「網紅」海水稻。這一技術是袁隆平院士領銜的技術團隊培育出的一種耐鹽鹼水稻,曾自報畝產六百二十公斤。《科技日報》更直接用了《浮誇之風吹歪了海水稻》的題目,在長篇報道中指明,「國家領導人2018新年賀詞中,海水稻與大飛機C919、量子計算機、港珠澳大橋等一道被『點名』」。這等於是公開批評此曾被大力肯定的科研項目涉嫌誇大其詞,瞞上欺下,蒙騙領導,誤導公眾。《科技日報》、《中國科學報》是中國最重要的兩份科技類報紙,前者由科技部主管;後者由中國科學院、中國工程院、國家自然科學基金會、中國科協四大單位聯合主辦,在科技界的地位不言而喻。如今罕見地聯合抨擊海水稻,顯然並非偶然的自選動作。所謂海水稻並不能抗海水,即使在鹽鹼地,也需要灌入淡水降低濃度。而其宣稱的畝產量,只是在四、五十平方米的面積上測產了幾百株折算出來的數字,只是一個理論評測結果,缺乏現實推廣性。在如此充滿漏洞的情況下,大加宣揚,無異於浮誇風。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180810/00184_012.html
- 中國互聯網絡信息中心(CNNIC)前日發布第四十五次《中國互聯網絡發展狀況統計報告》,指截至今年三月,內地網民規模達九點零四億人,其中手機網民達八點九七億,網民使用手機上網的比例達百分之九十九點三。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200430/00178_031.html
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