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- "xin'an medicine"
modern clinically used medications inspired from chinese medicine
- [yibin feng, school of chinese medicine, hku, spoke at tcm conference in aug19]
Moxibustion (Chinese: 灸; pinyin: jiǔ) is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy which consists of burning dried mugwort (wikt:moxa) on particular points on the body. It plays an important role in the traditional medical systems of China (including Tibet), Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia. Suppliers usually age the mugwort and grind it up to a fluff; practitioners burn the fluff or process it further into a cigar-shaped stick. They can use it indirectly, with acupuncture needles, or burn it on the patient's skin. The first Western remarks on moxibustion can be found in letters and reports written by Portuguese missionaries in 16th-century Japan. They called it “botão de fogo” (fire button), a term originally used for round-headed Western cautery irons. Hermann Buschoff, who published the first Western book on this matter in 1674 (English edition 1676), used the Japanese word mogusa. As the u is not very strongly enunciated, he spelled it “Moxa”. Later authors blended “Moxa” with the Latin word combustio (burning). The name of the herb Artemisia (mugwort) species used to produce Moxa is and ài or àicǎo (艾, 艾草) in Chinese and yomogi (蓬) in Japan. The Chinese names for moxibustion are jiǔ ( 灸) or jiǔshù ( 灸術); the Japanese use the same characters and pronounce them as kyū and kyūjutsu. In Korean the reading is tteum (뜸). Korean folklore attributes the development of moxibustion to the legendary emperor Dangun.
- Mugwort amongst other herbs was often bound into smudge sticks. The Chumash people from southern California have a similar ritual. Europeans placed sprigs of mugwort under pillows to provoke dreams; and the herb had associations with the practice of magic in Anglo-Saxon times.
- 灸の起源は約三千年前の古代中国の北方地方において発明された。多くの地方に皮膚を焼くことを治療行為とする伝記は残っている。日本において鍼、灸、湯液などの伝統中国医学概念は遣隋使や遣唐使などによってもたらされた。灸は律令制度や仏教と共に日本に伝来したが、江戸時代に「弘法大師が持ち帰った灸法」として新たな流行となり、現在も各地に弘法の灸と呼ばれて伝わっている。
- there are details of different types of therapy in japanese wikipedia page
Polyalthia yingjiangensis/ Yingjiang An Luo
- not found in wikipedia
- from the Annonaceae family, named after the place it was discovered: Yingjiang county in Yunnan province. It belongs to the same botanical family as the custard apple and ylang-ylang, a tree whose fragrant green-yellow flowers are used to distill perfume.
Chi nei tsang means 'working the energy of the internal organs'. It's a specialised massage therapy of the navel and abdominal area, where - according to ancient principles of kung fu and tai chi - stress, tension and negative emotions accumulate. The popular saying about having 'fire in the belly' has some reference to chi nei tsang. Chi means life force or energy. According to traditional Chinese healing, chi must flow freely through the meridians for the body to be in harmony. Chi nei tsang identifies a strategic area called dan tian in the lower abdomen between the navel and pubic bone. It's the body's centre of gravity, where energy is stored and propelled.
- 「國際傳統醫學論壇」昨日 在澳門隆重開幕,來自美、法、 德、南非、新加坡以及內地、港澳 等 27 個地方的 300 名代表出席。 在澳門特區代理行政長官黃少澤、 科摩羅聯盟副總統穆哈吉、世衛組 織總幹事陳馮富珍、國家衛生計生 委副主任兼中醫藥管理局局長王國 強等嘉賓和代表見證下,「世界衛 生組織傳統醫藥合作中心」正式揭 牌成立。香港食物及衛生局局長高永文在隨後的 論壇講話時表示,香港將繼續發展中醫藥 服務,包括中醫藥專業培訓和藥物研發以 及對中醫藥行業的產業化發展。 是次論壇由澳門特區政府主辦,世界衛 生組織和國家中醫藥管理局協辦,旨在進 一步推動實施於 2013年 10月在澳門發佈 的《世界衛生組織傳統醫藥戰略(2014- 2023)》,幫助世衛組織各成員將傳統和 補充醫學納入衛生體系。
- 英國傳媒周三報道,世衞組織世界衞生大會將於明年推出第十一版醫學綱要,首次納入中醫傳統醫學。此舉意味着中醫或在全球躋身主流療法,而非僅屬手術、放射治療等標準療法外的補充替代療法。
- 內媒昨日報道,北京中醫藥大學等八間內地中醫藥大學,本月初被世界衞生組織(WHO)管理的醫學教育協會從世界醫學院校名錄除名。南韓大韓醫師協會指這證明世界醫學界不認為南韓的韓醫學和中國的中醫學等為現代醫學。
- difficult to upgrade singtao 18aug15
- 國家中醫藥產業綜合試驗區建設啟動大會暨2017甘肅省中醫藥產業博覽會將於26日在「中國藥都」、「千年藥鄉」--甘肅省定西市隴西縣舉辦,國家中醫藥管理局、甘肅省政府將續簽《共建中醫藥發展綜合改革試點示範省協議》。目前,馬來西亞中醫藥合作代表團已確認參會,並將與甘肅省簽訂中醫藥合作協議,美國、泰國、匈牙利、阿爾巴尼亞等國中醫藥考察團亦確認參會。
plant acids
- The China Food and Drug Administration will conduct risk assessments of drugs that contain potentially dangerous plant acids and may limit or ban their use. The CFDA made the announcement on Monday following a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine on Oct 18 that suggested the substances may be linked to liver cancer in Asia. The report said stronger measures are needed to prevent people from consuming the substances - called aristolochic acids - which are found in many types of plants. The plants have been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of symptoms and diseases, such as arthritis and inflammation.
- Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) education has been made part of the primary school curriculum in Zhejiang province, a decision which provoked heated discussion online.
International recognition
- According to the Beijing-based World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, more TCM clinics have opened in the West and more colleges are starting to offer TCM education, but TCM has not attained legal status in many countries. In some countries, TCM is considered a food supplement rather than having medicinal effects, it added. A major reason that TCM is not widely acknowledged in these countries is a lack of research on TCM such as its pharmaceutical details and its interaction with other medicines, according to the federation. The number of registered TCM practitioners worldwide is estimated at about 500,000. A cooperative project between the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia is trying to combine TCM with modern interpretations of ancient documents and high-level clinical research.
Now thousands of researchers in the private and public sectors across China are continuing the struggle to replicate her achievement, seeking to simplify the complex, little understood and difficult to administer treatments prescribed by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to derive products that can be sold across the globe. Beijing has made TCM a pillar of its new innovation-driven economic growth model, investing heavily in the sector and using the state medical insurance programme to favour use of traditional medicines. These are usually cheaper than innovative western medicines and often preferred in rural areas, where much of China’s population still lives. With China’s growing middle class also culturally conditioned to favour TCM and increasingly able to pay the sometimes inflated prices for treatments, Beijing sees domestic consumers and companies as the first beneficiaries of any further TCM “gifts”. As its huge ageing population is also becoming more demanding, medical care has emerged as one of the most politically sensitive topics for China. But the country spends only just over 5 per cent of GDP on healthcare compared with an OECD average of nearly twice that. And despite government efforts to clean up the sector in the wake of the GlaxoSmithKline bribery scandal in 2013, it remains riddled with corruption and kickbacks.
- around the world are learning the secrets of traditional Chinese medicine as this form of treatment gains increasing popularity.
- 日前,在纽约迎战数年来最具挑战的流感季节之际,中国传统中草药止咳糖浆因为在止咳平喘上的良好疗效走红美国。国家中医药管理局局长王国强3日在“部长通 道”表示,中医药“走出去”,不仅仅是止咳糖浆,还有很多好产品可以走向国际。实施“一带一路”以来,很多沿线国家都对中国的中医药表示了浓厚的兴趣,目 前中国已经与86个国家签署了中医药合作协议,而中医药更已在全球183个国家和地区得到应用。
- china daily 2may19 international standardization essential to TCM progress
world health organisation
- 世界衞生組織(世衞)上月二十五日於世界衞生大會上,通過最新版的「全球醫學綱要」,當中首度納入關於傳統醫學的相關章節。
- 中草藥趨向科學化,逐漸獲國際認可,在美國更走向主流。美國以往一般依靠由中國入口草藥,不過因品質參差,農夫已開始自行種植草藥,當地不少中醫都寧願以高價買品質較佳、「美國製造」的草藥,促成這利潤可觀的農業市場興起。
- A group of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in the Bay Area in the US state of California are working together to promote TCM among Chinese communities and beyond.California Assembly member Kansen Chu, who announced the appointment of Shudong Li to the state's Acupuncture Board on Friday, said TCM is a familiar and well-accepted medicine for many overseas Chinese and Chinese-Americans, who trust and rely on it for pain relief.
- 巴西聖 保羅的醫生和中醫藥文化愛好者不用再遠 渡重洋來中國學習中醫了。今年9月,由甘 肅中醫藥大學附屬醫院主導設立的中國─ 巴西中醫藥國際合作基地在聖保羅市試運 行,使當地居民享受到優質的中醫服務。 聖保羅市有大量華僑華人,他們注重 通過中醫治療疾病或者養生保健。長期的 耳濡目染使很多當地居民對中醫也有了新 的認識,並願意接受中醫服務。
- An application to sell awell-known Chinese cold and flu remedy in the United Kingdom has sent a positive signal for manufacturers of traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM, looking to enter the lucrative European markets. The UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency received a request to approve Isatis Cold and Flu Relief, based on the Chinese product Ban Lan Gen, in June. Phynova, a life sciences company based in Oxford, submitted the application in collaboration with Xiangxue Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd, a leader in the modernization of TCM. "It is a safe and effective product for cold and flu, and we think it'll be welcomed in the UK when the product is approved," said Robert Miller, CEO of Phynova Group Ltd.
- directive
- 俄罗斯中医研修班9日在甘肃省中医药大学附属医院正式开班,来自俄罗斯人民友谊大学东方医学院的12位学员将进行为期半个月的中医实践、理论学习。其中, 实践课程主要为针灸和推拿,理论学习则包括中医基础和中药相关知识,本次培训班也是甘肃省中医药大学附属医院接待的第二批来自俄罗斯的学员,此前,还有多 期法国、乌克兰中医研修班在此完成短期强化培训。
- 其實早在1991年德國已有第一所中醫醫院。北京中醫藥大學德國魁茨汀中醫院院長戴京璋表示,該中醫院以中醫為主、西醫為輔的模式帶來一定的療效,病人一般在兩周內慢慢減少進食西藥,六成多的病人更在6個月後表示療效是「好或非常好」。他認為,中西醫應求同存異、優勢互補,才能發揮更好的治療功效。 The delegation from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences paid a visit to Hanover Medical School for TCM cooperation with Germany where they discussed academic research and clinical practice in areas including pain treatment, gynecological diseases, and rehabilitation therapy. Both academic institutions plan to explore scientific TCM research with concerted efforts in areas such as kidney disease, hypertension, gynecological diseases, and pain treatment, as well as training and exchange programs of medical personnel in TCM.
- Barcelona will provide land for $88.6m facility, the largest of its kind in Europe Spain is to host the largest traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Europe,following the signing last week of an education and clinical practice cooperationagreement between the Beijing municipal government and Spanish authorities. Barcelona, in the Catalonia region, will provide land for its construction, which isexpected to cost 80 million euros ($88.6 million), according to Spanish businessnewspaper Expansion.
Czech republic
- 捷克赫拉德茨-克拉洛韋大學醫院的「中國-捷克中醫中心」去年6月落成。作為中東歐地區首家由政府支持的中醫中心,被各方寄予厚望。半年多來,這個具有里程碑意義的項目深受捷克患者歡迎。從首都布拉格出發,不到1小時,便可到達中醫中心。來自上海中醫藥大學附屬曙光醫院的王波醫生說:「目前中醫中心只有我1名醫生,也只做一些針灸治療,中成藥和中草藥還沒有引進,主要是診治各種疼痛,針灸對治療各種疼痛的效果還是很好的。」
- 匈牙利開煮了大鍋中藥,免費提供給市民飲用,藥方來自張仲景的《小建中湯》並經過辨證,針對華人和歐洲人的體質不同各有加味。看到這一幕,不禁感慨幽幽草藥香,綿延深遠。
- A traditional Chinese medicine center will be built in Dubai, bringing a new treatment option to the Middle East. The program was jointly launched by the First Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, the Xie He Medical Center, which is the only comprehensive Chinese hospital in Dubai, and Shenzhen-based Neptunus Group. The new center will target Chinese as well as local people in the Middle East. The plan is that in three to five years, 30 to 50 clinics will be built around the center, according to a statement issued by the three. The First Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine will provide skilled staff and technical support for the program.
- 在甘肃中医药大学30日举行的“2017年乌克兰中医研修班”
- Since 2012, following the first China-Africa International Cooperation and Development Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy in Cape Town, South Africa, there has been greater collaboration between Chinese and African practitioners. More students from Africa are also coming to China to learn traditional Chinese medicine as an alternative to Western medicine. According to the organizers of the forum, there are more than 1,000 students from Africa who have studied traditional Chinese medicine in China and some of them have been conferred master's degrees.
- yebo he, jian wang, acadmey of science and humanities, shanghai university of tcm spoke at tdc tcm conference in aug19
- huizhou culture is the epitome of traditional chinese culture. Neo-confucianism (ethical concepts), huizhou merchant culture (raising money for schools and setting up printing workshops for publishing medical books) and patriarchal clan system (passing down medical knowledge from father to son or from master to disciple) in the feudal age of china influenced xin'an medicine, which flourished especially during ming and qing dynasties
modern clinically used medications inspired from chinese medicine
- [yibin feng, school of chinese medicine, hku, spoke at tcm conference in aug19]
- Ephedrine is a medication and stimulant. It is often used to prevent low blood pressure during spinal anesthesia.[1] It has also been used for asthma, narcolepsy, and obesity but is not the preferred treatment.[1] It is of unclear benefit in nasal congestion.
- Artemisinin and its semisynthetic derivatives are a group of drugs used against malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum.[1] It was discovered in 1972 by Tu Youyou, a Chinese scientist, who was co-recipient of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine for her discovery.[2] Treatments containing an artemisinin derivative (artemisinin-combination therapies, ACTs) are now standard treatment worldwide for P. falciparum malaria. Artemisinin is isolated from the plant Artemisia annua, sweet wormwood, a herb employed in Chinese traditional medicine.
- Arsenic trioxide is an inorganic compound with the formula As
3. This commercially important oxide of arsenic is the main precursor to other arsenic compounds, including organoarsenic compounds. Approximately 50,000 tonnes are produced annually. Many applications are controversial given the high toxicity of arsenic compounds.Despite the well known toxicity of arsenic, arsenic trioxide has long been of biomedical interest, dating to traditional Chinese medicine, where it is known as pi-shuang (Chinese: 砒霜; pinyin: pīshuāng; literally: 'arsenic frost') and is still used to treat cancer and other conditions, and to homeopathy, where it is called arsenicum album. Some discredited patent medicines, e.g., Fowler's solution, contained derivatives of arsenic oxide. - Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), also known as ursodiol is one of the secondary bile acids, which are metabolic byproducts of intestinal bacteria.
Moxibustion (Chinese: 灸; pinyin: jiǔ) is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy which consists of burning dried mugwort (wikt:moxa) on particular points on the body. It plays an important role in the traditional medical systems of China (including Tibet), Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia. Suppliers usually age the mugwort and grind it up to a fluff; practitioners burn the fluff or process it further into a cigar-shaped stick. They can use it indirectly, with acupuncture needles, or burn it on the patient's skin. The first Western remarks on moxibustion can be found in letters and reports written by Portuguese missionaries in 16th-century Japan. They called it “botão de fogo” (fire button), a term originally used for round-headed Western cautery irons. Hermann Buschoff, who published the first Western book on this matter in 1674 (English edition 1676), used the Japanese word mogusa. As the u is not very strongly enunciated, he spelled it “Moxa”. Later authors blended “Moxa” with the Latin word combustio (burning). The name of the herb Artemisia (mugwort) species used to produce Moxa is and ài or àicǎo (艾, 艾草) in Chinese and yomogi (蓬) in Japan. The Chinese names for moxibustion are jiǔ ( 灸) or jiǔshù ( 灸術); the Japanese use the same characters and pronounce them as kyū and kyūjutsu. In Korean the reading is tteum (뜸). Korean folklore attributes the development of moxibustion to the legendary emperor Dangun.
- Mugwort amongst other herbs was often bound into smudge sticks. The Chumash people from southern California have a similar ritual. Europeans placed sprigs of mugwort under pillows to provoke dreams; and the herb had associations with the practice of magic in Anglo-Saxon times.
- 灸の起源は約三千年前の古代中国の北方地方において発明された。多くの地方に皮膚を焼くことを治療行為とする伝記は残っている。日本において鍼、灸、湯液などの伝統中国医学概念は遣隋使や遣唐使などによってもたらされた。灸は律令制度や仏教と共に日本に伝来したが、江戸時代に「弘法大師が持ち帰った灸法」として新たな流行となり、現在も各地に弘法の灸と呼ばれて伝わっている。
- there are details of different types of therapy in japanese wikipedia page
Polyalthia yingjiangensis/ Yingjiang An Luo
- not found in wikipedia
- from the Annonaceae family, named after the place it was discovered: Yingjiang county in Yunnan province. It belongs to the same botanical family as the custard apple and ylang-ylang, a tree whose fragrant green-yellow flowers are used to distill perfume.
Chi nei tsang means 'working the energy of the internal organs'. It's a specialised massage therapy of the navel and abdominal area, where - according to ancient principles of kung fu and tai chi - stress, tension and negative emotions accumulate. The popular saying about having 'fire in the belly' has some reference to chi nei tsang. Chi means life force or energy. According to traditional Chinese healing, chi must flow freely through the meridians for the body to be in harmony. Chi nei tsang identifies a strategic area called dan tian in the lower abdomen between the navel and pubic bone. It's the body's centre of gravity, where energy is stored and propelled.
- 「國際傳統醫學論壇」昨日 在澳門隆重開幕,來自美、法、 德、南非、新加坡以及內地、港澳 等 27 個地方的 300 名代表出席。 在澳門特區代理行政長官黃少澤、 科摩羅聯盟副總統穆哈吉、世衛組 織總幹事陳馮富珍、國家衛生計生 委副主任兼中醫藥管理局局長王國 強等嘉賓和代表見證下,「世界衛 生組織傳統醫藥合作中心」正式揭 牌成立。香港食物及衛生局局長高永文在隨後的 論壇講話時表示,香港將繼續發展中醫藥 服務,包括中醫藥專業培訓和藥物研發以 及對中醫藥行業的產業化發展。 是次論壇由澳門特區政府主辦,世界衛 生組織和國家中醫藥管理局協辦,旨在進 一步推動實施於 2013年 10月在澳門發佈 的《世界衛生組織傳統醫藥戰略(2014- 2023)》,幫助世衛組織各成員將傳統和 補充醫學納入衛生體系。
- 英國傳媒周三報道,世衞組織世界衞生大會將於明年推出第十一版醫學綱要,首次納入中醫傳統醫學。此舉意味着中醫或在全球躋身主流療法,而非僅屬手術、放射治療等標準療法外的補充替代療法。
- 內媒昨日報道,北京中醫藥大學等八間內地中醫藥大學,本月初被世界衞生組織(WHO)管理的醫學教育協會從世界醫學院校名錄除名。南韓大韓醫師協會指這證明世界醫學界不認為南韓的韓醫學和中國的中醫學等為現代醫學。
- difficult to upgrade singtao 18aug15
- 國家中醫藥產業綜合試驗區建設啟動大會暨2017甘肅省中醫藥產業博覽會將於26日在「中國藥都」、「千年藥鄉」--甘肅省定西市隴西縣舉辦,國家中醫藥管理局、甘肅省政府將續簽《共建中醫藥發展綜合改革試點示範省協議》。目前,馬來西亞中醫藥合作代表團已確認參會,並將與甘肅省簽訂中醫藥合作協議,美國、泰國、匈牙利、阿爾巴尼亞等國中醫藥考察團亦確認參會。
plant acids
- The China Food and Drug Administration will conduct risk assessments of drugs that contain potentially dangerous plant acids and may limit or ban their use. The CFDA made the announcement on Monday following a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine on Oct 18 that suggested the substances may be linked to liver cancer in Asia. The report said stronger measures are needed to prevent people from consuming the substances - called aristolochic acids - which are found in many types of plants. The plants have been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of symptoms and diseases, such as arthritis and inflammation.
- Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) education has been made part of the primary school curriculum in Zhejiang province, a decision which provoked heated discussion online.
The province published the country's first Chinese medicine textbook for primary school students. According to the plan issued by the provincial education authority, students in Grade 5 will learn about Chinese traditional medicine starting this semester.
International recognition
- According to the Beijing-based World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, more TCM clinics have opened in the West and more colleges are starting to offer TCM education, but TCM has not attained legal status in many countries. In some countries, TCM is considered a food supplement rather than having medicinal effects, it added. A major reason that TCM is not widely acknowledged in these countries is a lack of research on TCM such as its pharmaceutical details and its interaction with other medicines, according to the federation. The number of registered TCM practitioners worldwide is estimated at about 500,000. A cooperative project between the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia is trying to combine TCM with modern interpretations of ancient documents and high-level clinical research.
Now thousands of researchers in the private and public sectors across China are continuing the struggle to replicate her achievement, seeking to simplify the complex, little understood and difficult to administer treatments prescribed by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to derive products that can be sold across the globe. Beijing has made TCM a pillar of its new innovation-driven economic growth model, investing heavily in the sector and using the state medical insurance programme to favour use of traditional medicines. These are usually cheaper than innovative western medicines and often preferred in rural areas, where much of China’s population still lives. With China’s growing middle class also culturally conditioned to favour TCM and increasingly able to pay the sometimes inflated prices for treatments, Beijing sees domestic consumers and companies as the first beneficiaries of any further TCM “gifts”. As its huge ageing population is also becoming more demanding, medical care has emerged as one of the most politically sensitive topics for China. But the country spends only just over 5 per cent of GDP on healthcare compared with an OECD average of nearly twice that. And despite government efforts to clean up the sector in the wake of the GlaxoSmithKline bribery scandal in 2013, it remains riddled with corruption and kickbacks.
- around the world are learning the secrets of traditional Chinese medicine as this form of treatment gains increasing popularity.
- 日前,在纽约迎战数年来最具挑战的流感季节之际,中国传统中草药止咳糖浆因为在止咳平喘上的良好疗效走红美国。国家中医药管理局局长王国强3日在“部长通 道”表示,中医药“走出去”,不仅仅是止咳糖浆,还有很多好产品可以走向国际。实施“一带一路”以来,很多沿线国家都对中国的中医药表示了浓厚的兴趣,目 前中国已经与86个国家签署了中医药合作协议,而中医药更已在全球183个国家和地区得到应用。
- china daily 2may19 international standardization essential to TCM progress
western medicine content
- case
- 內地當局早前提出放寬中藥臨床試驗要求,建議按照古代醫書記載的「經典名方」製備的中藥劑,可不經臨床試驗直接生產。國際知名科學期刊《自然》亞太地區記者薩瑞諾斯基(David Cyranoski)上周三發文,對這一政策表示擔憂,認為安全問題仍然困擾中藥產業。
- 據新華社報道,國家認監委、國家中醫藥管理局昨日簽署《關於共同推進中醫藥健康服務完善中醫藥認證體系的合作協議》,雙方將在中醫藥健康服務領域全面推行認證制度和檢驗檢測體系建設,以提高中醫藥產品品質和服務水平。根據協議,雙方將建立部門間合作機制,共同開展中醫醫療服務、中醫養生保健服務、中藥材、藥膳服務及產品等認證,同時建設一批高水平的檢驗檢測服務平台,推動中醫藥科研實驗室、重點研究室等醫療服務機構納入國家統一的實驗室資質認定制度,從而建立中醫藥認證體系和檢驗檢測技術體系,促進中醫藥相關產品、服務、管理提質升級。雙方還將共同制定促進中醫藥認證服務業發展的配套政策,對中醫藥認證工作實行統籌規劃和管理,實行統一的認證標準、技術規範和合格評定程序,開發適應市場需求的認證項目,對中醫藥健康服務認證活動開展監督檢查,並將認證應用於中醫藥行業監督管理工作,促進認證結果採信。
health risk
- 現時中醫師施拔罐或針灸治療,多數會在治療前為病人量度血壓,確保病人情況穩定才開始治療。香港前線中醫聯盟主席宋振基表示,過往未有醫書記載腦瘤患者不宜接受拔罐治療,但身體虛弱、血壓過低、四肢無力的病人都盡量不要做拔罐。他認為近年本港中醫服務不斷發展,包括將會興建首間中醫醫院,這些個案亦提醒了政府,日後將會出現更多涉及中西協作、風險評估的問題需要深入討論。
Going out
- Traditional Chinese medicine makers are expanding their presence in the globalmarkets in a big way, as the government reiterated its support to further strengthenthe sector. Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd, the largest patentdrugmaker in China, is setting up a 200 million yuan ($30.87 million) fund to expandits overseas TCM presence in the next five years, according to company officials. The fund will be mainly used for the overseas registration of TCM products, globalmarket operations and international cooperation, said Wang Wenchu, deputygeneral manager of Guangzhou Baiyunshan. The Shanghai-listed company has already made a good start by signing acooperation agreement with a Nigerian company last month. The deal was inked byGuangzhou Wanglaoji Great Health Industry Co Ltd, a Baiyunshan unit whichfocuses on herbal tea.
- case
- 於元朗朗屏邨「榮興中西藥行」駐診的註冊中醫師石昭榮,去年十二月被衞生署揭發處方「(疒去)風散」藥粉含未標示西藥「撲熱息痛」,六十四歲女子服後急性肝衰竭一度留醫深切治療部。衞生署表示,上述中醫涉嫌非法管有第一部毒藥、製造及管有未經註冊藥劑製品,以及涉嫌非法管有抗生素,將徵詢律政司意見作出檢控。署方已將個案轉介中醫藥管理委員會考慮紀律處分。
- 內地當局早前提出放寬中藥臨床試驗要求,建議按照古代醫書記載的「經典名方」製備的中藥劑,可不經臨床試驗直接生產。國際知名科學期刊《自然》亞太地區記者薩瑞諾斯基(David Cyranoski)上周三發文,對這一政策表示擔憂,認為安全問題仍然困擾中藥產業。
- 據新華社報道,國家認監委、國家中醫藥管理局昨日簽署《關於共同推進中醫藥健康服務完善中醫藥認證體系的合作協議》,雙方將在中醫藥健康服務領域全面推行認證制度和檢驗檢測體系建設,以提高中醫藥產品品質和服務水平。根據協議,雙方將建立部門間合作機制,共同開展中醫醫療服務、中醫養生保健服務、中藥材、藥膳服務及產品等認證,同時建設一批高水平的檢驗檢測服務平台,推動中醫藥科研實驗室、重點研究室等醫療服務機構納入國家統一的實驗室資質認定制度,從而建立中醫藥認證體系和檢驗檢測技術體系,促進中醫藥相關產品、服務、管理提質升級。雙方還將共同制定促進中醫藥認證服務業發展的配套政策,對中醫藥認證工作實行統籌規劃和管理,實行統一的認證標準、技術規範和合格評定程序,開發適應市場需求的認證項目,對中醫藥健康服務認證活動開展監督檢查,並將認證應用於中醫藥行業監督管理工作,促進認證結果採信。
health risk
- 現時中醫師施拔罐或針灸治療,多數會在治療前為病人量度血壓,確保病人情況穩定才開始治療。香港前線中醫聯盟主席宋振基表示,過往未有醫書記載腦瘤患者不宜接受拔罐治療,但身體虛弱、血壓過低、四肢無力的病人都盡量不要做拔罐。他認為近年本港中醫服務不斷發展,包括將會興建首間中醫醫院,這些個案亦提醒了政府,日後將會出現更多涉及中西協作、風險評估的問題需要深入討論。
Going out
- Traditional Chinese medicine makers are expanding their presence in the globalmarkets in a big way, as the government reiterated its support to further strengthenthe sector. Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd, the largest patentdrugmaker in China, is setting up a 200 million yuan ($30.87 million) fund to expandits overseas TCM presence in the next five years, according to company officials. The fund will be mainly used for the overseas registration of TCM products, globalmarket operations and international cooperation, said Wang Wenchu, deputygeneral manager of Guangzhou Baiyunshan. The Shanghai-listed company has already made a good start by signing acooperation agreement with a Nigerian company last month. The deal was inked byGuangzhou Wanglaoji Great Health Industry Co Ltd, a Baiyunshan unit whichfocuses on herbal tea.
world health organisation
- 世界衞生組織(世衞)上月二十五日於世界衞生大會上,通過最新版的「全球醫學綱要」,當中首度納入關於傳統醫學的相關章節。
- 中草藥趨向科學化,逐漸獲國際認可,在美國更走向主流。美國以往一般依靠由中國入口草藥,不過因品質參差,農夫已開始自行種植草藥,當地不少中醫都寧願以高價買品質較佳、「美國製造」的草藥,促成這利潤可觀的農業市場興起。
- A group of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in the Bay Area in the US state of California are working together to promote TCM among Chinese communities and beyond.California Assembly member Kansen Chu, who announced the appointment of Shudong Li to the state's Acupuncture Board on Friday, said TCM is a familiar and well-accepted medicine for many overseas Chinese and Chinese-Americans, who trust and rely on it for pain relief.
- 巴西聖 保羅的醫生和中醫藥文化愛好者不用再遠 渡重洋來中國學習中醫了。今年9月,由甘 肅中醫藥大學附屬醫院主導設立的中國─ 巴西中醫藥國際合作基地在聖保羅市試運 行,使當地居民享受到優質的中醫服務。 聖保羅市有大量華僑華人,他們注重 通過中醫治療疾病或者養生保健。長期的 耳濡目染使很多當地居民對中醫也有了新 的認識,並願意接受中醫服務。
- An application to sell awell-known Chinese cold and flu remedy in the United Kingdom has sent a positive signal for manufacturers of traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM, looking to enter the lucrative European markets. The UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency received a request to approve Isatis Cold and Flu Relief, based on the Chinese product Ban Lan Gen, in June. Phynova, a life sciences company based in Oxford, submitted the application in collaboration with Xiangxue Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd, a leader in the modernization of TCM. "It is a safe and effective product for cold and flu, and we think it'll be welcomed in the UK when the product is approved," said Robert Miller, CEO of Phynova Group Ltd.
- directive
- 2001/83/EC chapter 2a
- 2004/24/EC
- action plan for herbal medicines 2010-2011
- china daily 7may19 "recognised standards sought for tcm in EU"russia
- 俄罗斯中医研修班9日在甘肃省中医药大学附属医院正式开班,来自俄罗斯人民友谊大学东方医学院的12位学员将进行为期半个月的中医实践、理论学习。其中, 实践课程主要为针灸和推拿,理论学习则包括中医基础和中药相关知识,本次培训班也是甘肃省中医药大学附属医院接待的第二批来自俄罗斯的学员,此前,还有多 期法国、乌克兰中医研修班在此完成短期强化培训。
- 其實早在1991年德國已有第一所中醫醫院。北京中醫藥大學德國魁茨汀中醫院院長戴京璋表示,該中醫院以中醫為主、西醫為輔的模式帶來一定的療效,病人一般在兩周內慢慢減少進食西藥,六成多的病人更在6個月後表示療效是「好或非常好」。他認為,中西醫應求同存異、優勢互補,才能發揮更好的治療功效。 The delegation from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences paid a visit to Hanover Medical School for TCM cooperation with Germany where they discussed academic research and clinical practice in areas including pain treatment, gynecological diseases, and rehabilitation therapy. Both academic institutions plan to explore scientific TCM research with concerted efforts in areas such as kidney disease, hypertension, gynecological diseases, and pain treatment, as well as training and exchange programs of medical personnel in TCM.
- Barcelona will provide land for $88.6m facility, the largest of its kind in Europe Spain is to host the largest traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Europe,following the signing last week of an education and clinical practice cooperationagreement between the Beijing municipal government and Spanish authorities. Barcelona, in the Catalonia region, will provide land for its construction, which isexpected to cost 80 million euros ($88.6 million), according to Spanish businessnewspaper Expansion.
Czech republic
- 捷克赫拉德茨-克拉洛韋大學醫院的「中國-捷克中醫中心」去年6月落成。作為中東歐地區首家由政府支持的中醫中心,被各方寄予厚望。半年多來,這個具有里程碑意義的項目深受捷克患者歡迎。從首都布拉格出發,不到1小時,便可到達中醫中心。來自上海中醫藥大學附屬曙光醫院的王波醫生說:「目前中醫中心只有我1名醫生,也只做一些針灸治療,中成藥和中草藥還沒有引進,主要是診治各種疼痛,針灸對治療各種疼痛的效果還是很好的。」
- 匈牙利開煮了大鍋中藥,免費提供給市民飲用,藥方來自張仲景的《小建中湯》並經過辨證,針對華人和歐洲人的體質不同各有加味。看到這一幕,不禁感慨幽幽草藥香,綿延深遠。
- A traditional Chinese medicine center will be built in Dubai, bringing a new treatment option to the Middle East. The program was jointly launched by the First Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, the Xie He Medical Center, which is the only comprehensive Chinese hospital in Dubai, and Shenzhen-based Neptunus Group. The new center will target Chinese as well as local people in the Middle East. The plan is that in three to five years, 30 to 50 clinics will be built around the center, according to a statement issued by the three. The First Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine will provide skilled staff and technical support for the program.
- 在甘肃中医药大学30日举行的“2017年乌克兰中医研修班”
- Since 2012, following the first China-Africa International Cooperation and Development Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy in Cape Town, South Africa, there has been greater collaboration between Chinese and African practitioners. More students from Africa are also coming to China to learn traditional Chinese medicine as an alternative to Western medicine. According to the organizers of the forum, there are more than 1,000 students from Africa who have studied traditional Chinese medicine in China and some of them have been conferred master's degrees.
- 5月29日,江西中醫 藥大學授予烏茲別克斯坦駐華大使巴赫 季約爾.賽義多夫名譽教授儀式在北京 舉行,國家中醫藥管理局副局長孫達出 席儀式並致辭,江西中醫藥大學黨委書 記陳明人為賽義多夫大使頒發證書,北 中頤林醫藥科技(北京)有限公司總裁 林學榮等出席儀式。 江西中醫藥大學科學委員會在授予 決定中稱, 「賽義多夫大使在創新現代 疾病預防、診斷和治療方法、引入傳統 醫學和該領域創新科技方面的國際合作 中所做出的突出貢獻,以及其為科技和 學術交流中所提供的全面支持」 。烏茲別克斯坦總統尤為重視傳統醫 學的發展,在2020年4月簽署了《關於 發展烏茲別克斯坦傳統醫學的補充措施 》的總統令,其中,重要方向之一是廣 泛研究中國等國的相關經驗。
- 澳洲中醫局為解決目前中醫診症及藥品規管不足,將在明年十一月推出新的中醫指引,涵蓋草藥及成藥的運用。但有註冊中醫表示,新指引仍存不足,包括標籤上的語言問題,不少中藥的標籤上仍寫上拼音,難以找到恰當的英語解釋,且中醫註冊制度仍嫌寬鬆。
- The University of Technology Sydney intends to stop offering its degree in traditional Chinese medicine after more than 25 years, angering students and alumni who say the quality of Sydney's acupuncture and herbalist services will suffer. A review of the Chinese Medicine Department found it should be wound up at the end of 2021 because it was no longer financially viable, did not produce enough research, and did not fit with the "strategic direction" of the science faculty.The university's Chinese Medicine Clinic, which offers low-cost acupuncture and herbal treatments, would also close. The move is yet to be ratified by the academic board, but is supported by the Faculty of Science. "The decision has been made, but they have to go through the motions," said first year student Lottie Clark, 24, who said 220 students were enrolled.
new zealand
- 23日來自廣藥集團消息,廣藥與新西蘭奧克蘭大學孔子學院達成合作關係,雙方將共建首個海外「神農草堂中醫藥文化傳播中心」,並設立「新西蘭王老吉吉祥文化使者獎學金」,培養中醫藥文化傳播使者,為中醫藥的全球化道路建立人才和科技基礎。
- 早前,惠靈頓中國文化中心在新西蘭國會大樓舉辦中國文化體驗日--中醫走入國會活動,四位來自中國的中醫師為新西蘭國會議員和當地民眾進行把脈診療、針灸和按摩。
- ********『医心方』(いしんほう)は、平安時代に宮中医官を務めた鍼博士・丹波康頼が撰した、日本に現存する最古の医学書である。Ishinpō (醫心方 ishinpō or ishinhō) is the oldest surviving Japanese medical text. It was completed in 984 by Tamba Yasuyori (also referred in some sources as Tanba no Yasuyori[1]) and is 30 volumes in length. The work is partly based on a Chinese medical work called Zhubing Yuanhou Lun (諸病源候論 General Treatise on Causes and Manifestations of All Diseases), compiled by Sui Dynasty writer Chao Yuanfang.[2] Many of the texts cited in Ishinpō have been lost in China, and have only survived to the present through their inclusion in the work. It is a national treasure of Japan.The Ishinpō preserved more than 200 important medical documents that were all Chinese in origin and no Japanese sources.[1] The medical knowledge in the tome covered clinical treatments that drew from the ancient Chinese traditional medicine and influenced by Indian medical theories found in Buddhist scriptures as well as Taoist references (e.g. Taoist drugs).[1] For instance, there was the so-called Scripture on Pregnancy, which outlined the physical developments and fetal movements.[4] Scholars cite its similarity with a prescription from the old Chinese medical text called Taichan shu, which contained doctrines about the development of embryo and fetus as well as proper hygiene for pregnant women.The Ishinpō is also notable for preserving some of the Taoist sexual manuals from the Han to the Tang dynasty. The twenty-eighth section of the Ishinpō contains a complete transcription of a Daoist text known as The Classic of Sunu which is a dialogue between the Dark Maiden and the Yellow Emperor, with the former providing advice on sexual practices to the latter. While the text is written in kanbun, Japanese terms are written to the side in Man'yōgana for plants, animals, and minerals.
- tcm profession commission
- legislation
- huachiew chalermprakiet university offered bachelor degree in 2004
- that-chinese medicine coordination centre upgraded to southeast asian institute of that chinese medicinr in 2004
- ancient theories
- studies/literature
- policy
- legislation
- standard
- 四代女名醫
- Fritillaria cirrhosa, common name yellow Himalayan fritillary, is an Asian species of herbaceous plant in the lily family, native to China (Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan), the Indian Subcontinent (Nepal, Pakistan, India, Bhutan), and Myanmar. Fritillaria cirrhosa produces bulbs up to 20 mm in diameter. Stem is up to 60 cm tall, usually with one flower at the top, sometimes 2 or 3. Leaves are narrowly lanceolate, usually opposite, sometimes whorled, up to 13 cm long. Flowers are bell-shaped, yellowish-green to brownish-purple flowers which are usually with a chequered pattern in dull purple. The plant is commonly found in alpine slopes and shrublands of the Himalayas, at altitudes of 2700–4000 m. 川贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa),又称作川贝、贝母、苦花、贝父,为百合科贝母属下的一个种。
- china daily 2nov18 tcm tourism takes off in suifenhe
- 中醫藥「一帶一路」國際合作論壇暨「一帶一路」駐華使節中醫藥行--首站·走進隴西10日在「千年藥鄉」甘肅省隴西縣舉行。甘肅省衛計委主任劉維忠於論壇表示,目前,甘肅岐黃中醫學院已在烏克蘭、吉爾吉斯斯坦、馬達加斯加、俄羅斯等國動響應「一帶一路」共建倡議,在送去健康養生中醫藥技術的同時,也將中國文化播撒於「一帶一路」。劉維忠介紹,甘肅每年派專家在烏克蘭開展42天的中醫學術講座與義診,為當地培訓了近百名中醫醫生,而烏克蘭也派出進修班來甘肅學習,並與甘肅簽訂中藥保健品銷售與留學生互換合同,還有10名烏克蘭糖尿病患者赴甘肅嘗試中醫治療。目前,甘肅已與近20個國家建立互派進修關係,年交流量逾500人次,人員、技術的流動也帶動了中藥材的出口,僅甘肅與新西蘭簽訂的中藥材出口合同量已逾百噸。國家中醫藥管理局國際合作司副司長吳振斗表示,作為中國醫學科學的重要特色,中醫藥正成為「一帶一路」沿線衛生合作的重點,成為醫療援外的獨特組成部分,也是中國外交工作的亮點。目前,國家中醫藥管理局設中醫藥國際合作專項,在「一帶一路」沿線國家籌備設立了9個中醫中藥中心。甘肅作為「一帶一路」沿線重點省份先行先試,為中醫藥醫療、教育、產業、科技、文化走向國際做出了重要貢獻。馬拉維共和國駐華大使館一等秘書納瑞卡.默納維卡同日表示,馬拉維和整個非洲向來珍視、崇拜傳統保健產品的療效。甘肅自古是中國優質中藥材產區與集散中心,中非間開展合作是大勢所趨、眾心所向,非洲人對中國傳統醫藥技術有極大興趣,非洲大使館也將盡其所能為合作提供一切便利。保加利亞保中商業發展協會代表麥藹珂亦表示,雙方在傳統醫藥領域開展合作前景廣闊。
- cases of going out
- In 1956, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was founded along with the other three TCM colleges in China.
- 滬外籍電商推動中藥「出海」
- 葉家麟從香港路德會協同中學畢業後,報讀了福建中醫藥大學針灸學院針灸推拿學專業,對於選擇中醫學專業的高校
greater bay area
- Traditional Chinese medicine experts from Guangdong province and the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions have joined forces to set up a landmark integrated TCM center in the region, resolving to spur innovation and advancement in treating autoimmune diseases. The joint venture - the Chinese Medicine Innovation Center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area - is spearheaded by the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with support from Hong Kong Baptist University and the University of Macau.
- 3月18日,國內首家純中醫治療醫院——寶安純中醫治療醫院在深圳開業,吸引不少港人現場體驗,也盼望醫療券能在該處使用。
- 香港的現代化中醫藥國際協會是 由一群秉持要將中醫藥 「現代化、國際化、 產業化」 的推手組成,他們一年多前成功將 醫 治 心 腦 血 管 疾 病 的 國 產 中 成 藥 「 Vasoheme」 (國內藥名為 「樂脈顆粒」 ), 推到西方海外市場註冊並上市,使之成了為 數不多躍登國際舞台的中成藥產品之一。適逢 《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》出爐,該協會 表示,要藉大灣區機遇,打造11個城市互通的 中醫藥臨床中心,香港有科學創新方面的優勢, 有助推進科學化規管,爭得中醫藥的話語權。
- 4月1日,深圳启动中医药综合改革试验区建设,力争到2020年,中医医教研能力全面提升,实现中医药服务全覆盖,万人医生数达到3.4名。为加快推进中医药协调创新,今年起,该市将重点推进中医药特色学院、宝安区“中医药创新之都”、龙岗区中医药健康旅游示范基地建设,并将评选30位深圳“名中医”。
- 商業醫療保險進入中醫領域在深圳破冰。深圳一家民營中醫館已聯合中國人壽、中國大地保險推出了中醫商業保險項目。業界人士表示,中醫商業保險的推出,是商業保險的一小步,卻是中醫商業保險的一大步,在減輕社會醫療保障負擔的同時,也減輕了患者的經濟負擔。
- association
- Macao in southern China -- renowned as Asia's Las Vegas -- has tabled plans to become a hub to make traditional Chinese medicine more standardized and scientific and to further develop it to enable its products to be sold around the world. Those ambitions were formally unveiled recently in the special administrative region's (SAR) first all-encompassing five-year plan. After a year of preparation, the proposals identified Chinese medicine as one of the key emerging sectors in the city-followed by the events and cultural and creative industries-that are targeting creating new employment opportunities to further diversify its economy.
- organised promotion event in portugal hkej a23
- 1999年是澳門回家的年份。對當年的王一濤來 說,1999年也具有特殊意義。那一年他剛好獲得國 家科技部批准,擔任中醫藥第一個國家重點基礎研 究 「973項目」 首席科學家。後來在澳門的近20年時 間裏,王一濤借助澳門中西交匯的文化優勢及「一國 兩制」制度優勢,在國家政策支持下,推動中醫藥行 業發展。如今,中醫藥產業已經成為推動澳門經濟 適度多元化的重要戰略部署以及新興產業之一。
Hong kong
- 該署於一九九九年成立中醫藥事務部,負責執行《中醫藥條例》,跟進中藥監察、巡查及發牌等工作,然而,這個專職中醫藥運作的機構多年來一直有「外行管內行」現象,中醫藥事務部現有六成公務員均只具西醫、藥劑師、化學師等背景,僅三成有中醫藥背景,中醫界人士擔心,錯誤的人手配置可能導致「走漏眼」情況,致不合格中藥材流入市面、甚至影響部門監察中醫藥行業的效果,而市民成為終極受害者。 本港《中醫藥條例》於1999年通過,除了規管中醫註冊、考試和紀律外,也監管中藥商發牌和中成藥註冊。不少業界人士認為,要取得中成藥註冊「難過登天」,提交各種檢驗報告隨時需花費逾千萬元,規模較小的藥廠根本無可能負擔。在2015年一個中醫藥論壇上,有業界人士指出,本港中成藥的發展正與《中醫藥條例》背道而馳,令發展仍停滯於1999年前。就此情況,中大中醫藥學院博士葉兆東提出一個類似酒店星級制的註冊制度,把中成藥分成5級註冊。他解釋,該方案可因應藥廠能提供多少檢驗報告,而發出1星級至5星級的註冊,以5星級為最高。葉舉例指,「若藥廠只能以一般實驗室科學數據支持藥效和安全性,以及提供重金屬、農藥殘留、微生物限度的測試報告,則能獲得1星級;若能提交所有檢驗和臨床研究報告,則可獲5星級。」近年關於中醫藥的爭議之一,就是中成藥問題。中成藥又稱「科學中藥」,透過特定技術將中醫藥方濃縮成藥丸、粉末、膠囊等。無論生產抑或銷售,香港政府都有所規管。《中醫藥條例》自1999年通過至今,存在不少爭議,以下為不同持份者的意見:
- 衞生署一四年回收兩款「龍角散」失敗,揭發《中醫藥條例》中,衞生署署長並無權發出指令回收,衞生署翻查條例及外國的規管制度後,建議修訂相關法例訂明該署若發現有中藥材、中成藥或中成藥製作過程中產生的「中間產品」,有機會對公眾的健康構成威脅,署長可命令任何供應商停止供應相關產品。有關修訂條例草案將於明天刊憲,六月十四日提交立法會審議。
- 前衞生防護中心總監梁挺雄退休離官場後,擔任中文大學中醫學院院長,力推中醫專科化。即使轉換角色,他仍不忘流感防控工作。他指出,今夏流感爆發,長者入院率高企令公立醫院束手無策,防治流感其實是中醫「優勢病」,建議政府在流感高峰期「殺埋身」前,推出中醫防治流感的安老院舍先導計劃,由中醫師直接上門服務,既可促進中西醫協作,搜集數據評估成效,也可由中醫分擔公營醫療系統壓力。
- 中醫濫發病假紙,淪為公務員御用醫師。大圍有註冊中醫疑專門向公務員濫發「病假紙」,本報記者日前佯裝求診,該中醫自爆不少公務員前來「求診」,並在未有 望聞問切下,即寫下感冒、發燒等病症,教導如何「作古仔」自圓其說。有中醫師公會代表指,未經診症簽發病假紙,違反專業守則,惟因搜證困難,難以入罪,籲 業界自律。近年中醫濫發病假紙有上升趨勢,一三年,廉政公署偵破一宗大規模買賣假醫生紙騙取病假案,並拘捕四名中醫,涉嫌未經診症出售病假紙。一四年,廉署推出《中 醫師與中醫診所防貪指引》,提醒中醫勿濫發病假,病假紙應載有真實資料或受傷證明書,且要備存醫療紀錄,另外每宗診症不得簽發兩張收據,診金及藥費要分開 列明,以防被濫用。中醫註冊制度自一九九九年實行,過去不時爆出有關中醫失德的新聞。政府去年推出的《醫療人力規劃和專業發展策略檢討報告》指中醫人手過剩,有註冊中醫表示,私營市場競爭激烈,加上部分中醫的操守問題,期望政府及業界提升服務水平,增加公眾對中醫學的信心。
- association
- genre promoted
- cases
- cooperation with mainland
- singtao 24jan17 a15 feature article oversupply of chinese medicine practitioners and ngos in the business has to "quick sell"
- certification
- hospital
- promotion
- Tumbling prices have left the traditional Chinese medicine industry in poor health. Finding thecure will not be easy. Oversupply, poor planning and increased competition threaten to send thesector into a summer slump. Wholesale prices for pseudo-ginseng, codonopsis and chrysanthemum have all fallen, plungingthe industry into what experts describe as a recession. High-quality pseudo-ginseng, a health supplement, was selling at 900 yuan ($145.17) a kilogramin 2013. Now it is down to 350 yuan a kg, while lower grade products trade at 115 yuan a kg. "The market may keep going down for a while," a report by the Kangmei Chinese MedicinalMaterial Price Index, one of the leading traditional medicine index systems in China, said. It is a similar story with codonopsis, another health supplement, and chrysanthemum, which hasnutritional benefits that can be made into a tea. During the boom times in 2013, a kilogram of codonopsis was trading at 90 yuan, whilechrysanthemum products reached a similar high. But the bottom has since fallen out of themarket, with prices plummeting by nearly 80 percent to around 20 yuan a kg. Wholesale prices, in fact, dropped for eight consecutive weeks between April and May this year. According to another influential industry player and China's biggest traditional medicine tradingwebsite,, the cost of 11 products from a basket of 200 dropped during the weekbetween May 25 and May 31. The wholesale price of a further 183 items remained static, whileonly six increased.
visit to Taiwan
production management and quality control
- United States Pharmacopeial Convention , a scientific nonprofit organization that sets standar ds for medicines and food ingredients , is looking to team up with Chinese organizations for establishing standards for traditional Chinese medicine .
medicinal herbs image database
- dwindling supply of raw material is forcing a leading traditional Chinese medicine producer to shift its business in a different direction : The fresh meat and catering industries . Dong-E-E-Jiao Co Ltd , whose major product is ejiao -a TCM made from donkey hide -has agreed to join forces with Shandong Lvbang Catering Co , the donkey meat producer and caterer , to launch a donkey meat hotpot brand and a donkey-meat steamed bun product . The Shenzhen-listed firm closed at 56.98 yuan ($8.8) per share on Monday , up 10percent from Friday .
Ejiao is essentially donkey hide gelatin , and has for 3,000 years been said to improve blood circulation and boost energy levels .
online resources
Hku clinic
- 澳洲中醫局為解決目前中醫診症及藥品規管不足,將在明年十一月推出新的中醫指引,涵蓋草藥及成藥的運用。但有註冊中醫表示,新指引仍存不足,包括標籤上的語言問題,不少中藥的標籤上仍寫上拼音,難以找到恰當的英語解釋,且中醫註冊制度仍嫌寬鬆。
- The University of Technology Sydney intends to stop offering its degree in traditional Chinese medicine after more than 25 years, angering students and alumni who say the quality of Sydney's acupuncture and herbalist services will suffer. A review of the Chinese Medicine Department found it should be wound up at the end of 2021 because it was no longer financially viable, did not produce enough research, and did not fit with the "strategic direction" of the science faculty.The university's Chinese Medicine Clinic, which offers low-cost acupuncture and herbal treatments, would also close. The move is yet to be ratified by the academic board, but is supported by the Faculty of Science. "The decision has been made, but they have to go through the motions," said first year student Lottie Clark, 24, who said 220 students were enrolled.
new zealand
- 23日來自廣藥集團消息,廣藥與新西蘭奧克蘭大學孔子學院達成合作關係,雙方將共建首個海外「神農草堂中醫藥文化傳播中心」,並設立「新西蘭王老吉吉祥文化使者獎學金」,培養中醫藥文化傳播使者,為中醫藥的全球化道路建立人才和科技基礎。
- 早前,惠靈頓中國文化中心在新西蘭國會大樓舉辦中國文化體驗日--中醫走入國會活動,四位來自中國的中醫師為新西蘭國會議員和當地民眾進行把脈診療、針灸和按摩。
- ********『医心方』(いしんほう)は、平安時代に宮中医官を務めた鍼博士・丹波康頼が撰した、日本に現存する最古の医学書である。Ishinpō (醫心方 ishinpō or ishinhō) is the oldest surviving Japanese medical text. It was completed in 984 by Tamba Yasuyori (also referred in some sources as Tanba no Yasuyori[1]) and is 30 volumes in length. The work is partly based on a Chinese medical work called Zhubing Yuanhou Lun (諸病源候論 General Treatise on Causes and Manifestations of All Diseases), compiled by Sui Dynasty writer Chao Yuanfang.[2] Many of the texts cited in Ishinpō have been lost in China, and have only survived to the present through their inclusion in the work. It is a national treasure of Japan.The Ishinpō preserved more than 200 important medical documents that were all Chinese in origin and no Japanese sources.[1] The medical knowledge in the tome covered clinical treatments that drew from the ancient Chinese traditional medicine and influenced by Indian medical theories found in Buddhist scriptures as well as Taoist references (e.g. Taoist drugs).[1] For instance, there was the so-called Scripture on Pregnancy, which outlined the physical developments and fetal movements.[4] Scholars cite its similarity with a prescription from the old Chinese medical text called Taichan shu, which contained doctrines about the development of embryo and fetus as well as proper hygiene for pregnant women.The Ishinpō is also notable for preserving some of the Taoist sexual manuals from the Han to the Tang dynasty. The twenty-eighth section of the Ishinpō contains a complete transcription of a Daoist text known as The Classic of Sunu which is a dialogue between the Dark Maiden and the Yellow Emperor, with the former providing advice on sexual practices to the latter. While the text is written in kanbun, Japanese terms are written to the side in Man'yōgana for plants, animals, and minerals.
- tcm profession commission
- legislation
- practice of the art of healing act
- huachiew chalermprakiet university offered bachelor degree in 2004
- that-chinese medicine coordination centre upgraded to southeast asian institute of that chinese medicinr in 2004
- ancient theories
- The Shanghan Lun 傷寒論is a part of Shanghan Zabing Lun (simplified Chinese: 伤寒杂病论; traditional Chinese: 傷寒雜病論; pinyin: Shānghán Zábìng Lùn), and also known in English as the Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases[1], Treatise on Cold Damage Disordersor the Treatise on Cold Injury. It is a Traditional Chinese Medicine treatise that was compiled by Zhang Zhongjing sometime before 220 AD, at the end of the Han dynasty. It is amongst the oldest complete clinical textbooks in the world (cf. Carakasaṃhitā and the Hippocratic Corpus). It is considered as one of the four canonical works of Traditional Chinese Medicine, along with Huang Di Nei Jing, Jin Gui Yao Lue, and Wen Bing Xue.《傷寒雜病論》,又作《傷寒卒病論》,為東漢張仲景所著,是中國第一部理法方藥皆備、理論聯繫實際的中醫臨床著作。此書被認為是漢醫學之內科學經典,奠定了中醫學的基礎。在四庫全書中為子部醫家類。因為歷史因素,本書原貌不復可見,後世分成《傷寒論》與《金匱要略》兩書分別流通。
- 張 機(ちょう き、150年代 - 219年)は、中国後漢の官僚で医師。張璣とも。一般には「張仲景」(仲景は字)としてよく知られ、その医学上の功績から医聖と称えられる。荊州南陽郡涅陽県の人と伝わる。 Zhang Zhongjing (Chinese: 張仲景; 150—219), formal name Zhang Ji (张机), was a Chinese pharmacologist, physician, inventor, and writer of the Eastern Han dynasty and one of the most eminent Chinese physicians during the later years of the Han dynasty. He established medication principles and summed up the medicinal experience until that time, thus making a great contribution to the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- studies/literature
- 中药志 1959
- 药材学 南京药学院 1960
- 中药大辞典1977
- 全國中草药汇编 1996
- 中华人民共和国药典 2000
- 中国中药资源誌要
- 中国本草图录1988
- policy
- 中國國務院總理李克強14日在北 京主持召開國務院常務會議,部署推動醫藥產業創 新升級,更好服務惠民生穩增長;確定進一步促進 中醫藥發展措施,發揮傳統醫學優勢造福人民;決 定開展服務貿易創新發展試點,推進外貿轉型增強 服務業競爭力。 綜合新華社、中新社報道,會議指出,傳承中 醫藥優勢,發揮其獨特作用,可以更好造福人類健 康。會議確定,一要促進中醫藥和民族醫藥繼承保 護與挖掘,搶救瀕臨失傳的珍稀與珍貴古籍文獻, 強化師承教育,大力培養中醫藥人才,提高中醫藥 應急救治、防病治病能力。 二要促進中西醫結合,探索運用現代技術和產 業模式加快中醫藥發展。加強重大疑難疾病、慢性 病等中醫藥防治和新藥研發。完善中醫藥標準體系 ,強化中藥材資源保護利用和規範種養。 三要放寬中醫藥服務准入,完善覆蓋城鄉的中 醫服務網絡,保證社會辦和政府辦中醫醫療機構在 執業等方面享有同等權利。 四要發展中醫養生保健服務,促進中醫藥與健 康養老、旅遊文化等融合發展,推動 「互聯網+」 中醫醫療。 五要加大中醫藥投入和政策扶持。在國家基本 藥物目錄中增加中成藥品種數量,更好發揮 「保基 本」作用。加強中醫理念研究推廣,擴大中醫藥國 際貿易和傳播普及。
- 國家中醫藥管理局副局長于文明昨日在國務院新聞辦舉行的國務院政策吹風會上表示,國務院常務會議日前研究討論了《中醫藥發展戰略規劃綱要(2016年-2030年)》。綱要提出,到2020年實現人人基本享有中醫服務。到2030年中醫藥服務領域實現全覆蓋。據新華社報道,「這是繼2009年4月出台國務院關於扶持和促進中醫藥事業發展若干意見後,國務院又一次就中醫藥工作進行全面部署。」于文明說,這是國家層面第一次編制中醫藥發展規劃,是把中醫藥列為國家戰略的具體體現。
- Chinese government published its first white paper on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) on Tuesday, detailing policies and measures on TCM development and highlighting its unique value in the new era.
- China will issue a development plan for traditional Chinese medicine as part of the overall Beltand Road Initiative, according to a senior TCM official. The plan would facilitate TCM cooperation and development in countries along the initiative'sroute, said Wang Xiaopin, director of the International Cooperation Department at the StateAdministration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It would cover services, scientific research, the drug industry, trade, education and culturalexchanges involving the field, which has its roots in ancient times.
- 中共中央、國務院關於促進 中醫藥傳承創新發展的意見(以 下簡稱意見)26日公佈。意見 提出,推動中醫藥開放發展,將 中醫藥納入構建人類命運共同體 和「一帶一路」國際合作重要內 容。
- legislation
- 中醫藥法(草案)(簡稱“草案”)21日首次提請全國人大常委會審議,這意味?中國擬立法保障中醫藥事業發展。草案主要內容包括:1、發展中醫藥服務,保持和發揮中醫藥特色和優勢。2、建立符合中醫藥特點和發展需要的中醫醫師、診所准入管理制度。3、強化監管,預防和控制醫療安全風險。4、完善中藥管理制度,促進中藥發展。5、加強中醫藥人才培養。
- 全國人大常委會日前審 議通過中國首部《中華人民共和國中醫藥 法》(《中醫藥法》),是中國第一次從 法律層面明確中醫藥的地位。為進一步探 討香港中醫藥業的發展,李錦記健康產品 集團昨日於廣東新會舉辦研討會,邀請超 過40位香港中醫藥業專家齊聚討論。
- Health food manufacturing practices 2011
- Food sanitation law 2015
- Pharmaceutical companies will soon be able to import raw materials for traditional Chinese medicine without requiring authorization from the top drug authority. Instead, importers - including TCM producers and sellers - need only apply to provincial-level drug authorities for approval the first time they import from a country or region, according to a new regulation released by the National Medical Products Administration last week and to be adopted on Jan 1. Afterward, they can just register with authorities in the ports certified for drug import, or with drug authorities in places that have jurisdiction over these ports before importing the raw materials, the regulation said. Currently, importers have to apply to the National Medical Products Administration for approval every time they import TCM raw materials. Simplifying the procedure will be more convenient to importers and save their time, the administration said. After the revised regulation is adopted, approval procedures for each import of TCM raw materials will take 20 working days at most, half the current time, it said.
- standard
The Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (PPRC) or the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (ChP), compiled by the Pharmacopoeia Commission of the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China, is an official compendium of drugs, covering Traditional Chinese and western medicines, which includes information on the standards of purity, description, test, dosage, precaution, storage, and the strength for each drug.It is recognized by the World Health Organization as the official Chinese pharmacopoeia.
- 中國涼茶國際化取 得重大突破。香港文匯報記者昨日獲悉,由廣藥王老吉攜手世 界中醫藥學會聯合會、全球領先的檢驗認證機構瑞士SGS,以 及數十個國家的涼茶生產和貿易企業、專家學者共同開展的 《涼茶飲料國際標準》正式發佈,成為涼茶行業在國際上首個 涼茶技術標準。而中國涼茶文化國際化步伐也加速,繼在美國 設海外首館後,中國涼茶博物館目前已啟動日本、台灣地區開 館建設,未來計劃落戶全球56個城市。 據《中醫藥「一帶一路」發展規劃》(至 2020年)顯示, 頒佈中醫藥國際標準是其重要發展目標之一。而全球首個「涼 茶飲料國際標準」採納了世界各國的相關食品安全標準,並結 合中醫藥文化特點不斷進行驗證和專家論證,開創了涼茶標準 化時代。該標準首次對涼茶進行明確的中英文定義,並以漢語 拼音「Liangcha」作為其英文翻譯,對中國涼茶屹立國際舞台 有着里程碑式的意義。
- 《中藥品種保護條例》1992 eg 雲南白藥
- 四代女名醫
- Fritillaria cirrhosa, common name yellow Himalayan fritillary, is an Asian species of herbaceous plant in the lily family, native to China (Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan), the Indian Subcontinent (Nepal, Pakistan, India, Bhutan), and Myanmar. Fritillaria cirrhosa produces bulbs up to 20 mm in diameter. Stem is up to 60 cm tall, usually with one flower at the top, sometimes 2 or 3. Leaves are narrowly lanceolate, usually opposite, sometimes whorled, up to 13 cm long. Flowers are bell-shaped, yellowish-green to brownish-purple flowers which are usually with a chequered pattern in dull purple. The plant is commonly found in alpine slopes and shrublands of the Himalayas, at altitudes of 2700–4000 m. 川贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa),又称作川贝、贝母、苦花、贝父,为百合科贝母属下的一个种。
- 《大公报》早前踢爆“和顺堂”四店无牌出售中药材汤包后,再调查发现三间超市集团出售四个牌子的川贝汤包,涉以廉价平贝当川贝鱼目混珠。
- china daily 2nov18 tcm tourism takes off in suifenhe
- 中醫藥「一帶一路」國際合作論壇暨「一帶一路」駐華使節中醫藥行--首站·走進隴西10日在「千年藥鄉」甘肅省隴西縣舉行。甘肅省衛計委主任劉維忠於論壇表示,目前,甘肅岐黃中醫學院已在烏克蘭、吉爾吉斯斯坦、馬達加斯加、俄羅斯等國動響應「一帶一路」共建倡議,在送去健康養生中醫藥技術的同時,也將中國文化播撒於「一帶一路」。劉維忠介紹,甘肅每年派專家在烏克蘭開展42天的中醫學術講座與義診,為當地培訓了近百名中醫醫生,而烏克蘭也派出進修班來甘肅學習,並與甘肅簽訂中藥保健品銷售與留學生互換合同,還有10名烏克蘭糖尿病患者赴甘肅嘗試中醫治療。目前,甘肅已與近20個國家建立互派進修關係,年交流量逾500人次,人員、技術的流動也帶動了中藥材的出口,僅甘肅與新西蘭簽訂的中藥材出口合同量已逾百噸。國家中醫藥管理局國際合作司副司長吳振斗表示,作為中國醫學科學的重要特色,中醫藥正成為「一帶一路」沿線衛生合作的重點,成為醫療援外的獨特組成部分,也是中國外交工作的亮點。目前,國家中醫藥管理局設中醫藥國際合作專項,在「一帶一路」沿線國家籌備設立了9個中醫中藥中心。甘肅作為「一帶一路」沿線重點省份先行先試,為中醫藥醫療、教育、產業、科技、文化走向國際做出了重要貢獻。馬拉維共和國駐華大使館一等秘書納瑞卡.默納維卡同日表示,馬拉維和整個非洲向來珍視、崇拜傳統保健產品的療效。甘肅自古是中國優質中藥材產區與集散中心,中非間開展合作是大勢所趨、眾心所向,非洲人對中國傳統醫藥技術有極大興趣,非洲大使館也將盡其所能為合作提供一切便利。保加利亞保中商業發展協會代表麥藹珂亦表示,雙方在傳統醫藥領域開展合作前景廣闊。
- 國家中醫藥管理局攜手甘肅省政府 ,於去年10月就共建甘肅中醫藥大學簽 約,支持建立 「絲綢之路中醫藥發展研 究院」,培養中醫藥、民族醫藥、養老 服務、中醫藥國際貿易等專門人才,發 揮中醫藥的先行示範效應,在海外建設 「岐黃中醫學院」,以及與烏克蘭、吉 爾吉斯斯坦、俄羅斯、摩爾多瓦、法國 等絲綢之路沿線國家在中醫藥領域交流 合作。甘肅省中醫院院長李盛華向記者透露, 醫院在完成好國家和省衛計委對外服務任務 的同時,也將借力 「一帶一路」積極探索與 尋求醫院發展在中醫藥對外交流的新路徑。 他表示,正籌建一個企業性質的機構以 開展服務,將針對不同人群開發如不同功能 的保健茶、足浴藥、養生湯等全系列產品, 同時開拓和服務國內、國際兩個市場。2016年7月 ,又與白俄羅斯格羅德諾州國立醫學大學簽 訂合作協議,11月與法國日沃爾市國立醫院 簽署友好醫院意向書。該院正承建設立在白 俄羅斯格羅德諾市的甘肅中醫中心,該中心 將為中國首家在白俄羅斯獨立法人註冊、由 省級三級甲等中醫院建設的中醫中心。
-甘肅和盛堂製藥在內地推出了首個中藥 戒毒產品——福康片,並受到了香港、澳門 等地區戒毒機構的關注
- cases of going out
- 雖是2010年就已進入哈隡克斯坦開拓甘草資源,建廠買地打拚七年,現 在已認為企業搞國際化市場已 「心中有數」的甘肅亞蘭藥業,其董事長董萬 有感慨道: 「那時 『一帶一路』戰略還未提出,走出去是相當的艱難,就簽 證一件事,已搞得我們筋疲力盡,我們應簽勞務護照,但多數都只能簽公務 護照,且時間很短,管理層人員都只給簽一個月,勞務人員更是拒簽,哈國 是要求使用和保護當地勞務,不許我們的勞務人員進去。」
- 甘肅渭源德園堂藥業有限公司董事長牛紅衛決定還是先加強與港澳台市場的對接,在此基礎上,主打包括韓國、日本、越南等東亞和東盟地區。首批 「中華老字號」蘭州佛慈製藥股 份有限公司用實踐證明了牛紅衛的看法。 該公司出口歷史最早可以追溯到1931年, 出口地是東南亞,而香港是其第一個重要 的出口基地。蘭州和盛堂製藥股份有限公司 希望乘 「一帶一路」東風,廣泛開 展沿線國家出口貿易業務。去年7月 ,該公司中成藥製劑在匈牙利註冊 獲批,正式上市。該公司執行董事 夏祥與匈牙利東方國藥集團簽署長 期戰略合作協議,甘肅省委書記王 三運、匈牙利總理顧問蘇契共同出 席並見證簽約。
- In 1956, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was founded along with the other three TCM colleges in China.
- 滬外籍電商推動中藥「出海」
- 葉家麟從香港路德會協同中學畢業後,報讀了福建中醫藥大學針灸學院針灸推拿學專業,對於選擇中醫學專業的高校
greater bay area
- Traditional Chinese medicine experts from Guangdong province and the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions have joined forces to set up a landmark integrated TCM center in the region, resolving to spur innovation and advancement in treating autoimmune diseases. The joint venture - the Chinese Medicine Innovation Center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area - is spearheaded by the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with support from Hong Kong Baptist University and the University of Macau.
- 3月18日,國內首家純中醫治療醫院——寶安純中醫治療醫院在深圳開業,吸引不少港人現場體驗,也盼望醫療券能在該處使用。
- 香港的現代化中醫藥國際協會是 由一群秉持要將中醫藥 「現代化、國際化、 產業化」 的推手組成,他們一年多前成功將 醫 治 心 腦 血 管 疾 病 的 國 產 中 成 藥 「 Vasoheme」 (國內藥名為 「樂脈顆粒」 ), 推到西方海外市場註冊並上市,使之成了為 數不多躍登國際舞台的中成藥產品之一。適逢 《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》出爐,該協會 表示,要藉大灣區機遇,打造11個城市互通的 中醫藥臨床中心,香港有科學創新方面的優勢, 有助推進科學化規管,爭得中醫藥的話語權。
- 4月1日,深圳启动中医药综合改革试验区建设,力争到2020年,中医医教研能力全面提升,实现中医药服务全覆盖,万人医生数达到3.4名。为加快推进中医药协调创新,今年起,该市将重点推进中医药特色学院、宝安区“中医药创新之都”、龙岗区中医药健康旅游示范基地建设,并将评选30位深圳“名中医”。
- 商業醫療保險進入中醫領域在深圳破冰。深圳一家民營中醫館已聯合中國人壽、中國大地保險推出了中醫商業保險項目。業界人士表示,中醫商業保險的推出,是商業保險的一小步,卻是中醫商業保險的一大步,在減輕社會醫療保障負擔的同時,也減輕了患者的經濟負擔。
- association
- The Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) was established as the first research-oriented institute in Macau in 2002. Over the past 12 years, ICMS has devoted itself to promoting the research of Chinese medicine and nurturing of local talents in the interdisciplinary fields of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences. Since December 2010, ICMS has prided itself in hosting the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (SKL-QRCM, University of Macau)– the first ever State Key Laboratory in the broad fields of Chinese medicine, and has gained rapid growth and increasing impact, both nationally and globally. In 2013, the Expert Committee of the Ministry of Science and Technology highly appraised the achievements of the SKL which successfully passed the mid-stage assessment. And in 2014, together with the University of Macau community, ICMS celebrated the relocation to the new Hengqin campus, which has started to provide world-class facilities for the future development of ICMS/SKL.
- Macao in southern China -- renowned as Asia's Las Vegas -- has tabled plans to become a hub to make traditional Chinese medicine more standardized and scientific and to further develop it to enable its products to be sold around the world. Those ambitions were formally unveiled recently in the special administrative region's (SAR) first all-encompassing five-year plan. After a year of preparation, the proposals identified Chinese medicine as one of the key emerging sectors in the city-followed by the events and cultural and creative industries-that are targeting creating new employment opportunities to further diversify its economy.
- organised promotion event in portugal hkej a23
- 1999年是澳門回家的年份。對當年的王一濤來 說,1999年也具有特殊意義。那一年他剛好獲得國 家科技部批准,擔任中醫藥第一個國家重點基礎研 究 「973項目」 首席科學家。後來在澳門的近20年時 間裏,王一濤借助澳門中西交匯的文化優勢及「一國 兩制」制度優勢,在國家政策支持下,推動中醫藥行 業發展。如今,中醫藥產業已經成為推動澳門經濟 適度多元化的重要戰略部署以及新興產業之一。
Hong kong
- 該署於一九九九年成立中醫藥事務部,負責執行《中醫藥條例》,跟進中藥監察、巡查及發牌等工作,然而,這個專職中醫藥運作的機構多年來一直有「外行管內行」現象,中醫藥事務部現有六成公務員均只具西醫、藥劑師、化學師等背景,僅三成有中醫藥背景,中醫界人士擔心,錯誤的人手配置可能導致「走漏眼」情況,致不合格中藥材流入市面、甚至影響部門監察中醫藥行業的效果,而市民成為終極受害者。 本港《中醫藥條例》於1999年通過,除了規管中醫註冊、考試和紀律外,也監管中藥商發牌和中成藥註冊。不少業界人士認為,要取得中成藥註冊「難過登天」,提交各種檢驗報告隨時需花費逾千萬元,規模較小的藥廠根本無可能負擔。在2015年一個中醫藥論壇上,有業界人士指出,本港中成藥的發展正與《中醫藥條例》背道而馳,令發展仍停滯於1999年前。就此情況,中大中醫藥學院博士葉兆東提出一個類似酒店星級制的註冊制度,把中成藥分成5級註冊。他解釋,該方案可因應藥廠能提供多少檢驗報告,而發出1星級至5星級的註冊,以5星級為最高。葉舉例指,「若藥廠只能以一般實驗室科學數據支持藥效和安全性,以及提供重金屬、農藥殘留、微生物限度的測試報告,則能獲得1星級;若能提交所有檢驗和臨床研究報告,則可獲5星級。」近年關於中醫藥的爭議之一,就是中成藥問題。中成藥又稱「科學中藥」,透過特定技術將中醫藥方濃縮成藥丸、粉末、膠囊等。無論生產抑或銷售,香港政府都有所規管。《中醫藥條例》自1999年通過至今,存在不少爭議,以下為不同持份者的意見:
-現時巿面上不少含中藥的保健食品毋須註冊便可出售,申訴專員公署認為相關規管或存在漏洞,令市民健康受威脅,決定主動作出調查,審研衞生署和食物及衞生局對未註冊中成藥產品的規管。調查範圍包括,《中醫藥條例》中的中成藥定義是否有檢討空間,政府對含中藥成分的「中成藥保健食品」的規管是否足夠;及可予改善及加強之處。市民可於下月十日前,以書面向公署提出意見。- 申訴專員公署昨公布主動調查報告,指香港雖早在近二十年前通過《中醫藥條例》,執管中藥類產品,但調查卻發現市面出售的中成藥逾八成未獲正式註冊;而且條例存漏洞,藥廠只需在保健產品中加入小麥、礦物質等非中藥成分,即可走「法律罅」不受監管。申訴專員劉燕卿斥食物及衞生局和衞生署責無旁貸。局方回應指,正檢討中成藥定義,料明年向立法會介紹修訂建議。申訴專員公署發現《中醫藥條例》有漏洞,一些聲稱「中藥保健產品」只需加入非中藥成分,即可避過條例規管,令人憂慮部分含有砒霜、水銀、蟾酥等毒性較強中藥材成分的產品或「無王管」,嚴重威脅市民健康。
- 衞生署一四年回收兩款「龍角散」失敗,揭發《中醫藥條例》中,衞生署署長並無權發出指令回收,衞生署翻查條例及外國的規管制度後,建議修訂相關法例訂明該署若發現有中藥材、中成藥或中成藥製作過程中產生的「中間產品」,有機會對公眾的健康構成威脅,署長可命令任何供應商停止供應相關產品。有關修訂條例草案將於明天刊憲,六月十四日提交立法會審議。
- 前衞生防護中心總監梁挺雄退休離官場後,擔任中文大學中醫學院院長,力推中醫專科化。即使轉換角色,他仍不忘流感防控工作。他指出,今夏流感爆發,長者入院率高企令公立醫院束手無策,防治流感其實是中醫「優勢病」,建議政府在流感高峰期「殺埋身」前,推出中醫防治流感的安老院舍先導計劃,由中醫師直接上門服務,既可促進中西醫協作,搜集數據評估成效,也可由中醫分擔公營醫療系統壓力。
- 中醫濫發病假紙,淪為公務員御用醫師。大圍有註冊中醫疑專門向公務員濫發「病假紙」,本報記者日前佯裝求診,該中醫自爆不少公務員前來「求診」,並在未有 望聞問切下,即寫下感冒、發燒等病症,教導如何「作古仔」自圓其說。有中醫師公會代表指,未經診症簽發病假紙,違反專業守則,惟因搜證困難,難以入罪,籲 業界自律。近年中醫濫發病假紙有上升趨勢,一三年,廉政公署偵破一宗大規模買賣假醫生紙騙取病假案,並拘捕四名中醫,涉嫌未經診症出售病假紙。一四年,廉署推出《中 醫師與中醫診所防貪指引》,提醒中醫勿濫發病假,病假紙應載有真實資料或受傷證明書,且要備存醫療紀錄,另外每宗診症不得簽發兩張收據,診金及藥費要分開 列明,以防被濫用。中醫註冊制度自一九九九年實行,過去不時爆出有關中醫失德的新聞。政府去年推出的《醫療人力規劃和專業發展策略檢討報告》指中醫人手過剩,有註冊中醫表示,私營市場競爭激烈,加上部分中醫的操守問題,期望政府及業界提升服務水平,增加公眾對中醫學的信心。
- association
- 香港中藥業協會日前舉行「慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年暨第六屆理監事就職典禮」,首席會長李應生、理事長鄧梅芬聯同400多位中醫中藥及社會各界人士聚首同賀。中聯辦副主任譚鐵牛出席主禮並致辭,他期望業界繼續團結一致,推動中醫藥發展,弘揚中華文化。
- genre promoted
- 铁皮石斛 Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis is the dried stem of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo1 (Orchidaceae).
- 浸會大學今日公布一項就中藥複方「通陽順氣」治療該症的成效評估,結果顯示八成八病人連續用藥六星期病情有改善,當中逾半病人哮喘症狀消失,三成半病人症狀減輕。浸大中醫藥學院臨床部中醫臨床助理教授彭波強調,該藥方分量需因人而異,市民若自行按藥方「執藥」,恐導致健康風險。
- cases
- 连锁中药店疑“偷步”零售中药汤包!本港销售中药材除非按註册中医处方配发,否则零售必须领取“中药材零售商”牌照。《大公报》 发现有30间分店的大型连锁中药集团和顺堂,部分新开张分店竟不在中药材零售商名单内,却零售中药汤包。虽然店舖有驻店中医,可在看诊配发中药,但店舖推 销员却极力向顾客推销各种中药汤包,过程未有中医看诊,汤包亦非中医处方配发,怀疑药店无牌零售中药材。卫生署发言人表示,经查核记录,四间和顺堂分店并 未领有中药材零售商牌照,该署会调查跟进,如发现违反《中医药条例》,会依法处理。
- 《大公報》記者於港九多間老字號 藥材店購入台灣 「柯記」 紫河車,委託中文大學中醫藥研究中心抽取DNA化驗鑒定,顯示 「柯記」 紫河車組織 「未見有類近 人或動物的胎盤基因」 ,卻清楚顯示有穀麥類基因。
- 衞生署根據情報展開調查,在元朗宏利街的位元堂(保健食品)有限公司檢取未經註冊中成藥「位元堂清感茶」。該署稱產品從馬來西亞進口,一六年至今共進口約五萬八千盒,位元堂(保健食品)有限公司已從市場收回所有上述產品的餘貨,共約一千一百盒。
- 註冊中醫彭惠明向病人處方含類固醇藥膏一事,引起關注。廿多歲的溫小姐昨現身質疑彭惠明處方的一款藥膏有問題,彭聲稱該藥膏全中藥製、不含類固醇,但溫停用藥膏後,面部、頸及手腳皮膚開始紅腫,求助衞生署亦無果,溫昨日揭露事件時一度哭訴。衞生署表示,早前已就兩名半歲大男嬰使用彭處方藥膏後,皮膚變白事件展開調查,化驗結果顯示藥膏樣本含有第一部毒藥「丙酸氯倍他索」及「咪康唑」,署方正進行相關搜證及檢控工作,亦已將有關個案轉介香港中醫藥管理委員會進行紀律調查。
- 衞生署在深水埗註冊中醫診所檢獲一批未標示西藥成分的藥膏(見圖)。初步調查顯示,涉事藥膏從內地購入,包括抗生素及治療炎症的皮質類固醇等藥物,可引致 過敏丶圓臉及肌肉萎縮等嚴重副作用,暫未收到市民用後出現不良反應報告。警方拘捕一名八十二歲男子,涉嫌非法管有第一部毒藥、未經註冊藥劑製品及抗生素。
- 衞生署正調查一宗涉嫌非法管有一款名為「阿膠羹」的未經註冊中成藥事件。涉案公司是位於火炭禾穗街的持牌中成藥批發商華潤堂有限公司。衞署根據情報展開調查,並到華潤堂的貨倉檢取了該款未經註冊中成藥,案件中,檢取了七百五十盒貨品,每盒六樽,該署至今沒接獲相關不良反應報告。
- 衞生署昨公布,中成藥製造商永明公司出產的「【玉翔】烏雞白鳳丸」及「【同元堂】烏雞白鳳丸」,其樣本的水銀含量分別為中成藥註冊標準上限的約九點二倍和一點三倍,須進行產品回收。
- cooperation with mainland
- 香港大學深圳醫 院引老中醫工作室,進一步推廣純粹中醫療法,為深港兩 地患者解醫療難題。6月 6日,「胡煥章全國名老中醫藥 專家傳承工作室」在香港大學深圳醫院掛牌成立。香港大 學深圳醫院和北京中醫藥大學基礎醫學院合作共同傳承胡 煥章老中醫的成果,挖掘整理其臨床經驗和學術思想,形 成系統的診療方案,並在臨床推廣應用。港大深圳醫院中 醫科的陳海勇等四位醫生拜師成為胡煥章的弟子。
- 香港特區衛生署與國家食品藥品監督管理總局港澳台辦公室日前在北京簽署有關中藥檢測及標準研究的合作安排,鞏固雙方在中藥科研領域的交流與合作,標誌本港與內地藥物監管機構共同實現中藥邁向國際化的重要里程碑。這項合作安排由衛生署署長陳漢儀醫生及總局港澳台辦公室主任袁林共同簽署。陳漢儀在簽署儀式上致辭時表示,衛生署自2010年與總局簽署首份有關藥品及醫療器械的監管協議後,香港與內地建立了穩固的合作及交流基礎,而最新簽署的新合作安排,讓雙方在制定中藥材品質及安全標準方面更緊密合作,進一步加強技術交流,推進兩地中醫藥的發展。根據合作安排,雙方會透過專家會議、研討會及培訓等活動,進一步加強中藥材標準化技術領域交流,包括中藥材及中藥飲片品質與安全相關標準的研究、制定,以及有關中藥品質與安全檢測和風險控制等範疇。
- 食物及卫生局局长陈肇始昨日中午在特区政府驻京办见传媒总结访京行程。她说,此次访京与相关部委就将军澳建立中医院事宜进行交流,国家中医药管理局已答应协助香港,建立世界级水平的中药标本馆。陈肇始指,政府已在将军澳预留用地发展中医院,这对香港而言系全新服务,故今次访京与多个部委交流意见,包括营运中医院的模式、管理经验等,国家亦乐意再安排人员访京到内地的中医院参观。她又指,国家中医药管理局已答应协助香港,建立世界级水平的中药标本馆,相信未来会签定相关的协议。
- 為配合特首施政報告提出發展香港中醫藥的藍圖,加強與中醫藥業界的交流,構建中醫服務發展平台,博愛醫院董事局主席李鋈發日前帶領董事局及中醫管理層代表,拜訪及參觀北京及山東(魯)多個機關單位,獲得熱情接待。國家中醫藥管理局局長于文明會見博愛代表團,並對博愛中醫藥未來的發展,給予指導和提點。國家中醫藥管理局對台港澳中醫藥學術交流中心主任楊金生表示,支持博愛中醫發展,共同舉辦中醫藥論壇。
- 去年粵港澳大灣區建設的16項「惠港措施」,提到大灣區內地城市指定港資醫療機構,可用已在香港註冊藥物和常用醫療儀器。中央給香港註冊藥物「大開方便之門」,但因兩地的中成藥註冊機制不同,香港中成藥難以打入內地。有本港業界人士指出,政府推進香港中成藥進軍內地的步伐緩慢兼「唔夠積極」;中大中醫學院副院長林志秀教授建議,政府大可在「粵港澳大灣區」設試點,互認兩地的註冊中成藥,業界團結一致推動中醫藥發展。
- singtao 24jan17 a15 feature article oversupply of chinese medicine practitioners and ngos in the business has to "quick sell"
- certification
- 中小 型中成藥廠往往因資源問題,難取得全球 各地廣為採用的GMP認證(生產質量管理 規範)。中文大學的全資附屬機構香港生 物研究中心,獲創新科技基金和賽馬會資 助約5300萬元,設立 「中成藥口服固體劑 型GMP生產開發及技術支援平台 」,中 成藥廠可委託生產,成為GMP產品,闖過 打入內地市場的 「第一關」。中藥業人士 稱,希望日後透過較簡易的認證,助 「香 港製造」品牌開拓大灣區市場。
- hospital
- 港府推動中醫發展,食物及衞生局預留將軍澳百勝角一幅土地發展中醫院,邀請有興趣的團體提交土地發展意向書,昨日截止,有七個本地團體提供意向書。食衞局表示,招標內容需作通盤考慮,並涉及嚴格的規定和程序,將盡快展開招標的籌備工作,期望在一至兩年內發出標書。
- 中文大學中醫學院與「醫道惠民醫館」合作推行中醫臨床培訓,以醫館作為培訓基地,讓中大中醫學院學生及年輕中醫師在此進修及接受專業訓練。中大醫學院中醫學院院長梁挺雄認為,培訓基地可以辨證論治為基礎,為市民提供優質中醫治療服務,讓中大中醫學院學生有更多臨床學習。 香港浸會大學擬於下學年開辦五年制自資護理學士課程,並加入中醫藥元素作課程特色,暫料每年收約數十名學生。 standard
- 港府去年透過醫管局委託國際顧問公司,就本港首間中醫醫院的管治架構、運作及合約管理模式等,諮詢本地持份者及海外專家的意見,食物及衞生局局長陳肇始指有關工作及報告接近完成,詳細考慮相關意見後,會於今年上半年公布中醫醫院的定位及各主要範疇的發展框架。
- 香港特區政府已預留將軍澳百勝角用地興建本港首間中醫院,將會以「中醫為主,中西醫協作」方式營運。行政長官林鄭月娥表示,正部署在科學園成立兩個科技創新平台,其中一個就是醫療科技創新平台,將為本港中醫藥發展提供更大動力。中醫醫院發展計劃辦事處總監張偉麟表示,醫院也會成立「臨床試驗和研究中心」,期望進行國際認可的高水平臨床研究,長遠期望香港成為「中醫藥旗艦」。首屆「國際中醫藥香港高峰論壇」昨日於灣仔會展舉行。行政長官林鄭月娥,中聯辦副主任仇鴻,中華中醫藥學會會長王國強,國家中醫藥管理局副局長馬建中,特區政府食物及衛生局局長陳肇始,世界衛生組織傳統醫學與補充醫學處處長張奇,國際中醫藥香港高峰論壇大會主席馮玖等出席,逾1,200名中醫及業內人士參與。
- 本港首間中醫醫院的營運服務昨日開始首階段的投標申請,完成所有招標及籌備工作後,醫院預計會在二○二四年底分階段投入服務,醫院營運服務合約為十至十五年,屆時醫院有一半住院及門診服務由政府資助提供。立法會議員黃碧雲反對中醫醫院以公私營模式運作,認為要將醫院納入公營醫療系統,讓普羅市民直接受惠。
- Hong kong chinese materia medica standards
- recall
- dab suggestion
- people- 衞生署一四年回收兩款「龍角散」失敗,揭發《中醫藥條例》中,衞生署署長並無權發出指令回收。衞生署翻查《條例》及外國的規管制度後,最新建議修訂條例, 列明該署若發現有中藥材、中成藥或中成藥製作過程中產生的「中間產品」,有機會對公眾的健康構成威脅,署長可命令任何供應商停止供應相關產品。
- dab suggestion
- 目前,內地與香港各有中成藥註冊制度。內地的相關規管機構是國家食品藥品監督管理總局。根據《藥品註冊管理辦法》,境外中藥商如果想將中成藥出口到內地,必先成為原屬地區的合法製藥商,並且由其駐內地境內的辦事處或其委託的內地境內代理機構辦理輸入藥品註冊的手續。該等手續包括填寫《藥品註冊申請表》,向國家食品藥品監督管理總局申報「一般資料」、「藥學研究資料」、「藥理及毒理研究資料」、「臨床試驗資料」四類資料。而申請出口到內地的中成藥,必須已獲得其生產國家/地區上市許可,並附有符合當地及內地的藥品生產品質管制規範要求的證明。我們建議內地與香港逐步互相承認中成藥註冊結果,某種中成藥如果已經在一地成功註冊,其出口到另一地時則可獲豁免在另一地再次申請註冊。在這種新措施推行初期,可以試驗形式,先由內地承認香港的中成藥註冊結果,然後再循序漸進達至互相承認。另外,應推動香港與內地之間的中成藥業界交流,包括合作舉辦研討會、展覽展銷會等,為兩地業界合作建立平台,同時利用香港在對外市場聯繫方面的優勢,共同推廣中醫中藥文化,鼓勵更多人選用中成藥產品,並將中成藥產品推向海外市場。
- promotion
- 大型中醫藥推廣活動「中醫中藥中國行香港活動」今日(十月二十五日)在港展開,未來兩個多月將陸續透過舉辦近一百項中醫藥科普活動,提升市民對中醫藥的認識,及推動香港更廣泛地應用中醫藥。中醫中藥中國行」以「傳播中醫藥健康文化、提升民眾健康素養」為主題,是一項由國家中醫藥管理局等二十多個部委發起的全國中醫藥科普宣傳活動,香港是其中一站。香港站的活動由國家中醫藥管理局、食物及衞生局和衞生署合辦。
- Tumbling prices have left the traditional Chinese medicine industry in poor health. Finding thecure will not be easy. Oversupply, poor planning and increased competition threaten to send thesector into a summer slump. Wholesale prices for pseudo-ginseng, codonopsis and chrysanthemum have all fallen, plungingthe industry into what experts describe as a recession. High-quality pseudo-ginseng, a health supplement, was selling at 900 yuan ($145.17) a kilogramin 2013. Now it is down to 350 yuan a kg, while lower grade products trade at 115 yuan a kg. "The market may keep going down for a while," a report by the Kangmei Chinese MedicinalMaterial Price Index, one of the leading traditional medicine index systems in China, said. It is a similar story with codonopsis, another health supplement, and chrysanthemum, which hasnutritional benefits that can be made into a tea. During the boom times in 2013, a kilogram of codonopsis was trading at 90 yuan, whilechrysanthemum products reached a similar high. But the bottom has since fallen out of themarket, with prices plummeting by nearly 80 percent to around 20 yuan a kg. Wholesale prices, in fact, dropped for eight consecutive weeks between April and May this year. According to another influential industry player and China's biggest traditional medicine tradingwebsite,, the cost of 11 products from a basket of 200 dropped during the weekbetween May 25 and May 31. The wholesale price of a further 183 items remained static, whileonly six increased.
visit to Taiwan
production management and quality control
medicinal herbs image database
online resources
Hku clinic
- Chinese medicine companies dedicated to the research and development (R&D) of Chinese herbal medicine came under one roof in the Science Park Applied Research Commercialisation (SPARC) Pavilion at the International Conference & Exhibition of the Modernisation of Chinese Medicine & Health Products (ICMCM) 2010, held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre from 12 to 16 August.
兩岸四地中醫藥創新與發展論壇, 河北省保定市
HKTDC fair in aug14
- 內地官媒《人民日報》周四於官方微博發布關於中草藥材貼文,配上二百七十四種中草藥的圖片,且標明圖片來源是江西科學技術出版社出版的《圖解本草綱目:認識中國第一藥典》,供網民識別學習。不過,上海辰山植物園其後於官微稱,當中罌粟等三十多種植物名稱有誤,並一一糾正錯誤。orientaldaily 16sep17
兩岸四地中醫藥創新與發展論壇, 河北省保定市
HKTDC fair in aug14
- 內地官媒《人民日報》周四於官方微博發布關於中草藥材貼文,配上二百七十四種中草藥的圖片,且標明圖片來源是江西科學技術出版社出版的《圖解本草綱目:認識中國第一藥典》,供網民識別學習。不過,上海辰山植物園其後於官微稱,當中罌粟等三十多種植物名稱有誤,並一一糾正錯誤。orientaldaily 16sep17
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