Friday, December 21, 2018

Curious case

Eurus (Εὖρος, Euros) according to some was the southeast wind, but according to others the east wind. On the Tower of the Winds in Athens, Euros occupies the southeast side, while Apeliotes is in the east. Eurus' Roman counterpart was Vulturnus, according to Pliny the Elder; but for Aulus Gellius Volturnus was the equivalent of the southeast wind Euronotus. Generally in the Latin poets the name Eurus is used for the east or southeast wind, as in Greek.

land "purchase"
Mageshima, is one of the Satsunan Islands, usually classed with the Ōsumi Islands belonging to Kagoshima PrefectureJapan. It is administered by the city of Nishinoomote on Tanegashima馬毛島(まげしま)は、大隅諸島の一つ。なお地名(行政区画)としての「馬毛島」は、鹿児島県西之表市の大字である。
  • 古くは10世紀マゲシカを狩猟した記録が残っている。鎌倉時代から種子島氏の領地となっていたが、漁師がトビウオ漁の時期に1-2カ月ほど小屋に泊り込み、漁業基地としていた他は殆ど定住者は居なかったと言われる。明治以降は牧場としての利用が試みられる。大東亜戦争末期の1944年に、大日本帝国海軍の防空監視所が設置され、一時期無人島(無定住者島)となった。
  • 1974年平和相互銀行(平和相銀)により馬毛島開発株式会社が設立され、1975年に島ごと買収した。当初はレジャー施設の建設を計画していたが挫折。馬毛島が国の石油備蓄基地の候補地になったことから、島の土地買収が進んだが、石油備蓄基地は鹿児島県志布志湾に決定、志布志国家石油備蓄基地が整備され、島は放置されることとなった。1983年、右翼活動家の豊田一夫が、馬毛島の土地を自衛隊の超水平線レーダー用地として防衛庁に売却するという話を平和相銀に持ちかけ、不正経理によって用意させた巨額の資金を政界にばら撒いたとされている。1986年にこの件が馬毛島事件として発覚、経営が悪化していた平和相銀は住友銀行に救済合併された。1986年には、1985年に起こった山火事の影響で、集団化したトノサマバッタが大発生(蝗害)したが、翌年には収束した[4]1995年、立石建設が馬毛島開発を買収して子会社化、のちに社名をタストン・エアポート株式会社に変更。馬毛島開発は島の土地の買収を進め、西之表市の公有地である市道と旧学校地を除く大半を所有地とした。馬毛島開発では、日本版スペースシャトル (HOPE) の着陸場、使用済み核燃料中間貯蔵施設などを誘致するとの構想を持っていたが、実際の開発は進まず、わずかに採石事業などが行われている。2005年(平成17年)の国勢調査では、同社の従業員15人が住民として登録されており、再び有人島扱いとなっている。離島振興法の有人指定離島、および有人国境離島法の特定有人国境離島地域にも指定されている。
  • 2016年11月4日、防衛省による用地買収について、土地所有者のタストン・エアポート社との契約に目途が立ったことが明らかになった[25][26]。その一方で2018年6月27日、タストン・エアポート社の債権者が東京地方裁判所破産手続開始の申立てを行ったことが複数の報道機関で報じられた[27][28]。東京地裁は6月15日付で保全管理命令を出し、会社側の意見も聞いた上で破産手続き開始の可否を判断するとしていた。防衛省は破産手続きが進めば競売が行われる可能性が高いとみて購入額を精査する作業に入っており、競売になれば「防衛省が想定する価格で買収できる」(政府高官)との指摘が出ていた[28]。2018年10月22日、タストン・エアポート社の破産手続開始の申立てを行っていた債権者が申し立てを取り下げ、同社の破産が回避される見通しになった[29]2019年1月9日、政府は160億円で馬毛島を自衛隊訓練場として買収し、2019年3月末までに取得することで地権者と大筋合意した[30][31]。その後地権者側の間で開発会社の代表権などをめぐる法的な争いが生じ、契約ができず、3月末には買収が不透明になっていると報じられた[32]。2019年5月7日、タストン・エアポート社は防衛省に対し、いったん馬毛島の売却交渉の打ち切りを通告したが[33]、2019年11月29日、防衛省と地権者側が、約160億円の売買契約の合意に至ったと報道された[34][35]
- 美國猶他州沙漠上月出現一支神秘金屬巨柱,之後不翼而飛。事件令人大惑不解之時,羅馬尼亞東北部山區近日竟亦出現一支類似金屬巨柱,更離奇的是,巨柱之後又憑空消失,令事件更添奇情。該支高約2.8米的神秘三角金屬柱,上周四出現於皮亞特拉-尼亞姆茨(Piatra Neamt)一個社區附近的高原,而該地臨近世界遺產達契亞要塞群(Dacian Fortress)。從網民拍攝的照片可見,金屬柱邊緣位置及柱身有黑色痕迹,3面均有連續的波浪環紋,有別於猶他州金屬柱的表面完全光滑,相信兩者並不是同一支柱。金屬巨柱突然現身令當地居民稱奇,更奇的是,巨柱在前日一夜之間忽然失去影蹤,目前該位置只留下一個坑。當地警方表示,正在找尋該消失的金屬柱,又指該地方屬考古保護區,在該處放置柱子屬違法。

Latveria is a fictional nation appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is depicted within the storylines of Marvel's comic titles as an isolated European country ruled by the fictional Supreme Lord Doctor Doom, supposedly located in the Banat region. It is surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains, and also borders Symkaria (home of Silver Sable) to the south. Its capital is Doomstadt.Located in southeast Europe, Latveria was formed out of land annexed from southern Hungary centuries before, and possibly land from Serbia as well[2] as Romania.At some point, Doctor Doom had his army of Servo Guards invade Rotruvia where he was successful at annexing it.The common geographic description of Latveria places it as a small nation, around the area where HungaryRomania and Serbia (Vojvodina) meet in real life. To its south in the Marvel universe is the nation of Symkaria, which is depicted as a benevolent constitutional monarchy in contrast to the dictatorship to its north. The capital city of Latveria is Doomstadt, formerly Hassenstadt, renamed when Doom seized power, located just north of the Kline River. The administrative center is Castle Doom.
- strange quora post by a person from university of latveria - [comments section ] Throughout the 19th. plus earlier 20th cents. speculation(s) about the origins and name of London have been abundant.Recent ecavations by archaeologists attached to the teams digging new rail lines in the City of London (not Greater London) have recently established there was some kind of settlement there in the Pre-London era.It is also highly probable the Roman name of Londinium was based on Latinising something surviving of the preceding Celtic/Iron Age. If so, that original can only really join with all the other speculations already referenced

- Clinical trials of the Japanese drug Avigan for use as a coronavirus treatment will begin in the Philippines on Monday. The Philippine government said on Friday it was fast-tracking the trial, which involves a test group of 100 people.
The announcement came after a shipment of 199,000 tablets of Avigan, sent by Japan as part of a grant-in-aid, arrived in Manila on Thursday.While the Japanese embassy has stressed the effectiveness of the drug – which was intended to treat an outbreak of novel or re-emerging influenza virus infections not treatable by other antiviral drugs – has not been established against the coronavirus, some experts are optimistic it could play a role in treating patients with Covid-19.The Japanese government approved the manufacture of Avigan, also known as favipiravir, in 2014, but it never went to market.
- 深圳羅湖區水貝盒馬鮮生超市有員工近日確診新冠肺炎,福田區食藥監局對超市下發規定,市民購物時如支付現金,也需要實名登記。

absence of leaders
- 菲律賓軍隊在南部打擊回教極端組織「伊斯蘭國」(IS),死亡人數更上升至超過三百人,戰鬥依然如火如荼。七十二歲的總統杜特爾特卻有整整一星期沒露面主持大局。總統辦公室解釋他是因疲憊而需要休息,杜特爾特上周六復工,平息有關其健康的疑雲。

China politics
- 元旦日在深圳大梅沙海域離奇死亡的北京大學深圳醫院博士梁振濤,過世兩個星期,至今仍然未進行驗屍鑑定真正死因,當局更一直不願交代船主以及船上乘客身份,令事件添上懸疑味!直至近日梁的親友收到一名涉事船隻停泊的遊艇會工作人員透露,該船的「船主」是前總理李鵬的小兒子李小勇,令人不禁懷疑是否因背後有勢力,才令這案件波折重重。香港海事處向本報確認,當日的確有一艘香港註冊的遊樂船在事發地點撞到一名泳客,並指「並無該船隻申請出港證的記錄」,令事件更加可疑! 前中央政治局常委、前全國政協主席賈慶林,今年六月高調參觀國家博物館。同時身為天津大學校友的賈慶林,日前又在北京接見天津大學黨委書記、校長等領導,頻頻在公眾眼前亮相。惟有海外傳媒報道,賈慶林打算今年秋天到東南亞多國外遊及訪友,卻遭到中央以安全為由拒絕。據了解,賈慶林曾於七月申請今秋到泰國、馬來西亞、印尼及新加坡等東南亞國家外遊及探望當地的朋友。至本月初,賈被通知暫時不宜外遊,原因有二,包括沒有先例及規則及考慮環境安全。另據海外傳媒此前報道,當內地重點整治高檔私人會所腐敗之際,仍有會所頂風經營,賈慶林的女婿李伯潭有份開設的「茅台會」就是其中之一。據報位於天安門菖蒲河公園內的茅台會雖已摘牌,但仍暗中營業,且「要先入會才可以用餐」,更有內地傳媒揭發,大吃大喝情況只是轉向地下,部分隱蔽私人會所依然悄然奢靡。
  • 人民網北京9月21日電 (記者張爍)9月21日,中國和平統一促進會第九屆理事大會在京召開。中共中央政治局常委、全國政協主席俞正聲當選中國和平統一促進會會長。俞正聲出席大會並代表中共中央對大會的召開表示祝賀。他在充分肯定中國和平統一促進會工作后指出,中國共產黨人始終把解決台灣問題、實現祖國完全統一作為庄嚴歷史使命,團結海內外同胞長期不懈奮斗。毛澤東、鄧小平、江澤民、胡錦濤同志相繼提出推進祖國和平統一進程的方針政策。中共十八大以來,習近平總書記提出了在新的歷史起點上鞏固和深化兩岸關系和平發展的新理念新主張,豐富和發展了“和平統一、一國兩制”的理論和方針政策,倡導兩岸同胞持續推動兩岸關系和平發展,共同為實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢而奮斗。
- 中科院合肥物質科學研究院今年有超過九十人離職,事件驚動中央。中科院昨公布,國務院副總理劉鶴聽取有關情況匯報,已要求國務院辦公廳、科技部、中科院等單位成立專項工作組了解。據指工作組於周日已抵達合肥開展調查工作,由中科院黨組成員、秘書長汪克強任組長,並由中科院機關相關廳局負責人組成。

Xi's delegation member to usa
-陶傑/art/20150925/19308199 習大二進白宮,眼尖的香港記者,本來發現中方代表團的名單少了一個人。原來三年前,由香港的梁特,取代唐唐,就是一言九鼎的這位老先生,據後來放出來的消息強調:在一程來回美國的時候,將嘴巴湊到主席的耳邊:這樣這樣,那個那個,對方如夢初醒,恍然大悟,握着他的手說:「哦,原來有這麼個大陰謀呀?謝謝您的提點,好,就按您說的辦。」但這一次,由於特區的傳說,沒有了續篇,所以有人強調:習大訪問美國時,我也不在香港,我也在美國。但是,跟主席同一架專機,替主席一面掏耳朵,一面進言,是去美國。主席去美國的同一天,如果你報團Jet Tour,美加十三日遊,第一站華盛頓,在唐人街的萬壽宮大酒樓VIP房,叫一籠叉燒包,一面看NBC新聞──如果NBC有足夠的報導的話──你也跟習主席一起,同時訪問了美國。正如你是天主教徒,當教宗本篤抵達華盛頓、奧巴馬親在機場迎接的那天,你在香港的Dan Ryan叫了一客美國漢堡包,你也可以很驕傲地告訴教友:這一天,上帝、美國、教宗,和我一起同在。而且必須是美國,而不是孟加拉國或瓦努亞圖。這個世界,不錯,絕無平等,是充滿歧視的。
- hkej 26sep15 a16 余錦賢article on tung still hss influence long-festering discontent inside the State Department over the White House’s Syria policy finally boiled over in a leaked memo signed by 51 officials calling for military strikes against Damascus. U.S. officials said the dissent of midlevel diplomats was unlikely to sway the White House, but the blistering missive could lay the groundwork for the next president to take a more hawkish approach to the 5-year-old civil war.

Xi's visit to uk
- 針對習近平將到訪曼徹斯特市的城市足球集團,參觀該集團旗下英超球會曼城,英國傳媒披露,習近平原屬意的卻是同市死敵球會曼聯,現時行程令習近平到訪「夢劇場」的希望未能如願。習近平將於廿三日到訪曼徹斯特市,並前往阿堤哈德球場參觀英超球會曼城。英國傳媒近日踢爆,曼城原來並非習近平首選,習更希望前往有「夢劇場」之稱的曼聯奧脫福球場。另有英媒聲稱,由於曼市議會領導人里斯爵士以及市議會行政總裁伯恩斯坦均是曼城球迷,在兩人努力下,行程安排定為參觀曼城。此外,內地官媒昨報道習近平昨下午乘坐專機啟程,陪同出訪的包括夫人彭麗媛,中央書記處書記、中央辦公廳主任栗戰書、中央政策研究室主任王滬寧及國務委員楊潔篪等。
-樂視網(300104)董事長賈躍亭未能隨團訪英一事備受市場關注。據內媒從樂視方面獲悉,這一變化主要源於賈躍亭上週因病緊急入院所致。據透露,樂視原定與英國豪華汽車廠商阿斯頓.馬丁的簽約儀式也全部取消。樂視網昨日跟隨大市一路下挫,最終跌停報47.83元人民幣。 按照計劃,賈躍亭將成為國家主席習近平訪英隨行企業家代表團中的一員。但週二有消息稱,賈躍亭並未出現在代表團中,外界對此的揣測也頗多。昨日有公司內部人士證實,賈躍亭因身體透支原因,日前已住院。 上述公司內部人士表示,賈躍亭在接受胸腺瘤手術後未能挪出足夠的時間得到休養調理,加之近期勞累過度而住院,不得不取消了前往英國的行程。事實上,賈躍亭近期曾多次缺席公司重大活動。原定於上週日(10月18日)出席的樂視“1027”的工作籌備會,賈躍亭就並未出現。10月19日的樂視總裁例行會議,賈躍亭也沒有露面。 據瞭解,賈躍亭此次計劃隨行出訪英國,主要原因在於推進與阿斯頓.馬丁的合作。今年四月份,樂視曾與阿斯頓.馬丁宣佈將共同啟動研發項目,聯手推進下一代網際網路汽車技術。外界亦猜測在習近平主席訪英期間,雙方將有新的合作項目公佈。

xi ma meeting
- 国务院台湾事务办公室 suddenly cancelled press conference hkej 10nov15 a20私隱疑遭洩露的知名人士包括阿里巴巴集團主席馬雲、騰訊主席馬化騰、小米董事長雷軍和大連萬達集團董事長王健林等人;若屬實便是中國其中一次最大規模的網上敏感資料外洩。該帳戶目前已關閉。彭博社報道,涉事twitter帳戶名為「shenfenzheng」(諧音「身份證」),外洩資料包括當事人的身份證和住址等,部分人的子女資料亦被公開,報道指證實至少兩個身份證號碼是真確。涉事富商旗下企業暫未有回應;twitter方面亦拒評論事件。報道引述「shenfenzheng」發文指,無論有多高級的中國政府官員或名人,都能夠容易透過黑市渠道獲得,形容「就像買椰菜般」



Nanjing massacre rememberance
- 去年二月,全國人大常委會決定將每年的十二月十三日定為南京大屠殺死難者國家公祭日。去年舉行的首個公祭日,多名國家主要領導人出席,惟昨日並未有中央領導人現身。

Marco Polo (/ˈmɑːrk ˈpl/Venetian: [ˈmaɾko ˈpolo]Italian: [ˈmarko ˈpɔːlo]; 1254 – January 8–9, 1324)[1] was an Italian[2] merchant, explorer, and writer, born in the Republic of Venice.His travels are recorded in Livre des merveilles du monde(Book of the Marvels of the World, also known as The Travels of Marco Polo, c. 1300), a book that described to Europeans the wealth and great size of China, its capital Peking, and other Asian cities and countries. Marco learned the mercantile trade from his father and his uncle, Niccolò and Maffeo, who travelled through Asia and met Kublai Khan. In 1269, they returned to Venice to meet Marco for the first time. The three of them embarked on an epic journey to Asia, returning after 24 years to find Venice at war with Genoa; Marco was imprisoned and dictated his stories to a cellmate. He was released in 1299, became a wealthy merchant, married, and had three children. He died in 1324 and was buried in the church of San Lorenzo in Venice. Though he was not the first European to reach China (see Europeans in Medieval China), Marco Polo was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his experience. This book inspired Christopher Columbus[7] and many other travellers. There is substantial literature based on Polo's writings; he also influenced European cartography, leading to the introduction of the Fra Mauro map.
- Marco Polo was born in 1254[8][nb 1] in the Republic of Venice,[9] though the exact date and place of birth are archivally unknown. Marco Polo's birthplace is generally considered to be Venice,[11][12] but some also claimed Constantinople[13][11] and the island of Korčula as his birth place.[14][11][15][16] There is dispute as to whether the Polo family is of Venetian origin, as Venetian historical sources considered them to be of Dalmatian origin.[8][11][17][18] The lack of evidence makes the Korčula theory (probably under Ramusio influence)[19] as a specific birthplace strongly disputed,[9] and even some Croatian scholars consider it merely invented.

Marco Polo Bridge? Logou Bridge?
Construction of the original bridge on this site commenced in 1189, the final year of Emperor Shizong of Jin's reign and was completed underhis successor in 1192. Following damage from the flooding Yongding, the bridge was reconstructed under the Kangxi Emperor of the Qing dynasty in 1698. The Marco Polo Bridge is well-known because it was highly praised by the Venetian traveler Marco Polo during his visit to China in the 13th century (leading the bridge to become known in Europe simply as the Marco Polo Bridge), and for the 20th century Marco Polo Bridge Incident, which marked the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945)Following the Communist takeover of China in 1949, the bridge was decked in asphalt and carried motor vehicular traffic. The nearby New Marco Polo Bridge (Chinese: 盧溝新橋; pinyin: Lúgōu Xīnqiáo) was completed in 1971 and traffic was eventually moved to it and, later, theJingshi Expressway during a 1980s restoration of the bridge.

why that bothers you?????



香港辦報成本高昂。《蘋果日報》1995年6月創刊,業界盛傳資金至少億元計,黎智英1995年10月出售約一成佐丹奴股權,而90年創刊的《壹週刊》要到90年代中後期雜誌才較暢銷,當時業界有人質疑一名製衣商人何來數以億元計的資金創辦報紙。 有知情人士指出,黎智英將名下的佐丹奴股份,出售給美國的老虎基金(The Tiger Fund),2006年《太陽報》一篇「唱衰香港圖私利,黎智英心懷不軌」亦提到黎智英95年出售佐丹奴股份,老虎基金持有不少。文中更指當年黎智英出售一成股份後,聲明半年內不會再賣手上餘下股票,96年2月黎智英在倫敦市場大手筆出售佐丹奴股權,股價插水,令來不及散貨的小股民被跣至攤攤腰,情況與日前黎被捕及獲釋後,壹傳媒股價離奇地波動,來不及沽貨的壹股民「重傷」的情況類同。向黎智英買入股份的老虎基金,其創辦人曾在美國海軍服役,而老虎基金與黎智英及索羅斯的關係千絲萬縷,是金融界的半公開秘密,「總之黎智英建立傳媒王國,背後資金來源多元化」。


- 美國懷俄明州鮑威爾市的市政人員,上月底在市內淋花時,發現數株跟他們所栽種不一樣的植物。部門主管查看後發現原來是大麻草,於是報警。警方推測是有人早前將大麻種子撒在市內植物叢中,市政人員錯有錯着,種出大麻草。市政部門主管巴頓(Del Barton)表示,員工上月廿九日首次發現一株大麻草,以為是普通雜草,但他一眼看出是大麻草,於是把它拔出來交給警方。豈料數日後,員工又在不同地方再發現兩株大麻草,他相信還陸續有來。

Julian law 羅永聰
- Lau Nai keung article in china daily 13apr17 "mysteries surrounds tsang's demineering spin wizard"

hket 9mar16 c5 tsang chi wah article on "h port", "crab port" Another TENCENT (00700.HK)'s agency game was terminated after "Monster Strike". "Tower of Saviors" recently announced on its official website in China that the TENCENT's version of "Tower of Saviors" will end its operations from the morning of 22 October. Hkej 21aug15

International design furniture fair
- Cy cancel leave
- CY cancelled leave to join duty visit to Sweden and Brussels ??
- 兩位局長上月21日「被離職」,特首梁振英上月底放大假外遊,但他昨日卻突然返港,提早兩天結束休假今日上班,官場和政圈議論紛紛,不少人估計,這與離職事件的後遺症有關。離職事件發生至今已經兩周,兩位離任局長期間也守口如瓶,沒有多言,在外邊看來,似乎已漸漸淡化,但多位政圈和官場人士都指出,事件影響的是內部團結,包括梁政府團隊和建制派陣營,後遺症正慢慢顯現。對於梁振英今次提早返港,特首辦只簡單地表示,由於梁的旅程提早結束,因此決定提早返港。梁振英於上星期四開始離港休假,原本休假至本周六上午,但他昨午2時許返抵本港。他早前在網誌透露,今次到歐洲休假,最後一站是英國。這是梁振英任內第二次提早結束休假。去年5月初,他也曾提早一天回港,同樣並無公布原因。當時正爆出高鐵工程延誤,更有傳言指運輸及房屋局局長張炳良有意辭職,因此,有揣測指梁提早回港是處理高鐵事件。hket 6aug15

地位超然. 中聯辦主任張曉明早前的特首「超然」於三權言論,令社會議論紛紛。英國駐港總領事吳若蘭近日於Twitter上載多張照片,拍攝角度是由中環長江中心俯瞰禮賓府,並留言指:「由長江(中心)俯瞰、或應該說是超然於禮賓府。(View from Cheung Kong over, or should I say transcending, Hong Kong Chief Executive residence Government House)」又係「超然」?吳若蘭忽然講「超然」,究竟想表達啲咩呢?究竟係想講英國或英國駐港總領事較香港政府或特首超然吖,抑或係指長江中心較禮賓府超然呢?呢個時候講「超然」,莫非唔擔心又再惹起風波?


Hong Kong company??
- 「香港尼加拉瓜大運河開發公司」(大運河公司)是香港大多數人聽都未聽過的陌生公司,2012年8月下旬在香港註冊成立,一個月後,就與尼加拉瓜政府就運河達成合作備忘錄,獲委託興建運河,擁有運河100年獨家營運及管理權。
Canada@ICT expo 2014 sponsored by HKTDC and HKETO in Chengdu? 貴為國家級基建工程嘅港珠澳大橋香港段,雖然被本報連環踢爆滯工兼超支,但運輸及房屋局一直堅持大橋可以趕及一六年通車。不過,發展局尋日書面回覆立法會議員提問時,懷疑「鬼拍後尾枕」列明大橋嘅香港口岸要一七年底才完工,即係延誤一年!
FS on leave for one week till 17aug14 hket 12aug14正在美國訪問嘅政務司司長林鄭月娥(林鄭),被指在酒會致詞悶暈人都唔理!有讀者報料話,林鄭於美國時間星期一,在香港駐華盛頓經濟貿易辦事處酒會致詞時,遇上一名男賓客突然暈倒,雖然林鄭一度停止發言,但無上前了解及慰問。其後該名男賓客離開酒會場地後再次跌倒在地上,當然林鄭睇唔到就更加懶理啦!

Martin Wheatley's Damascene conversion

FT commnetary on China's diplomacy being a lesson for Putin 職工盟玩殘傳媒 分享會「被消失」近年唔少年輕人對工作假期趨之若鶩,職工盟尋日就搞咗分享會,提醒要小心跌落打工陷阱,仲叫埋各大傳媒到場採訪,點知去到突然話個分享會只係「內部討論」,搞到記者們個個摸門釘,職工盟就解釋係成員間溝通出現問題。不過同一時間,佢哋嘅秘書長李卓人就以工黨主席身份出席工黨舉辦嘅「新國安法」論壇,到底係佢分身不暇搞到管理不善兼大細超吖?抑或被自己嘅捐款醜聞搞到「陀陀擰」呢?呢個「破解工作假期勞工陷阱分享會」原定尋日下午喺城大舉行,聯工盟上月已發晒採訪通知,話到時會有去過工作假期嘅人到場分享,仲有國際食品勞聯代表、台灣打工度假青年代表等透過視像會議分享,由於暑假來臨,自然吸引傳媒採訪。點知一班記者去到現場時,職工盟話個分享會屬內部討論性質,為尊重參加者,唔准記者入場採訪,結果白行一趟。職工盟當然為今次「甩轆」耍冧啦,仲「補飛」話日後會有同類採訪活動喎。

特首、林鄭、財爺 少交流貌合神離 「貪曾」前特首曾蔭權爵士因貪腐醜聞被廉政公署查足三年零八個月。律政司早前話已將最後法律意見交畀廉署,換言之貪曾隨時「落鑊」。唔知係咪想享受埋最後嘅自由,貪曾近日頻頻現身,尋日出席喺灣仔金紫荊廣場同會展舉行嘅十.一升旗禮同酒會。雖然貪曾唔知醜,周圍打招呼,但同佢曾經難兄難弟嘅財政司司長曾俊華(鬍鬚曾)就冇睬佢,即使酒會上要碰杯,鬍鬚曾都碰完即閃。唔通鬍鬚曾都覺得對於隨時落鑊嘅貪曾,都係快閃為妙?貪曾一現身就周圍打招呼,又撩政務司司長林鄭月娥講嘢,林鄭只係點頭,似乎唔想理佢。而隔幾個身位嘅鬍鬚曾就只同立法會主席曾鈺成傾偈,全程用背脊得住貪曾。貪曾同鬍鬚曾可謂難兄難弟,有指兩人識於哈佛大學深造時。貪曾做特首後,○六年委任原擔任工商及科技局局長嘅鬍鬚曾出任其特首辦主任,○七年連任後更畀鬍鬚曾升任財政司司長。不過呢啲都已係往事,人走茶涼,更何況貪曾已聲名狼藉。另外,律政司司長袁國強尋日未有現身升旗禮同酒會,唔通有份處理貪曾案嘅佢,怕撞口撞面會尷尬?律政司發言人就話袁國強係因為身體不適先至缺席喎。

陶君行said that 鄭經翰suggested him to report donald tsang; latter denied singtao 11oct15 a13

戴維思早於1996年已來港,掌管渣打企業銀行部,1998年初獲委任為渣打集團東北亞執行董事兼香港總裁,並任銀行公會主席,故與曾蔭權、任志剛等財金高官經常接觸。2009年他棄商從政,出任英國貿易促進和投資部長一年,現任私募基金Corsair Capital主席及夥伴。戴維思在電郵回覆中,稱曾蔭權為「我的朋友」,又以優秀專業、操守毋庸置疑形容對方品格,指出香港在面對亞洲金融風暴期間,有賴他與任志剛維護金融市場穩定,安度危機,故祝願曾蔭權面對當前難題,能夠盡快化解。認識戴維思的銀行家表示,他屬於「講嘢比較夠膽」的重量級銀行家,1998年擔任銀行公會主席時,會晤時任國務院副總理的朱鎔基,亦敢當面向國家領導人陳情,反映業界對粵企重組的憂慮。「煲呔」胞妹、渣打(中國)前「一姐」曾璟璇,當年由戴維思一手提拔,但他指個人支持曾蔭權的言論,與曾璟璇乃其舊部完全無關。

Isd wrongly reported that former ce cy leung being prosecuted singtao 8oct15 a18, 最羞家嘅係,今次出錯竟然係英國駐港澳總領事吳若蘭發現,並在Twitter公開指正新聞處打錯字。 佔領行動結束,梁班子又開始內交。梁特同政務司司長林鄭月娥,雙雙喺星期五分兩個團,帶埋過半數局長訪問內地,奇就奇在兩個團都係去深圳、兼且都會見深圳市委書記王榮。有政圈中人話奇怪,為乜去深圳都要分道揚鑣出發?而財政司司長曾俊華就要喺嗰日晏晝,留港做半日署理特首!話說林鄭當日朝早仲係署理特首,下午則去深圳同深圳市市長許勤開深港合作會議,仲帶埋運輸及房屋局局長張炳良、民政事務局局長曾德成、食物及衞生局局長高永文、環境局局長黃錦星等。CY則喺同朝早去廣州同深圳,禮節性拜訪廣東省同深圳市主要領導,佢嘅代表團都唔少人,包括政制及內地事務局局長譚志源、教育局局長吳克儉、發展局局長陳茂波等。CY同林鄭離期間,鬍鬚曾下午坐陣做署理特首!

京點名斥港四大富豪 無表態反佔中 《新華社》昨日中午約12時發表署名「Yan Hao」的英文文章,題為〈Hong Kong tycoons reluctant to take side amid Occupy turmoil〉(香港富豪不願在佔領動亂中歸邊),批評本港富豪抗拒就佔領行動表明立場。在文章發表七小時後,新華網於晚上約7時刪除文章,但傳媒接收新華社稿件的系統仍可看到此文。新華網抽稿後,晚上9時許突再發出一篇題為〈香港商界:“佔中”影響香港經濟破壞社會秩序〉中文文章,稱佔領中環發生前後,「香港商界多位知名人士和商會發表言論,斥責『佔中』嚴重破壞社會秩序,將對香港的營商環境造成長遠的負面影響」,引述嘉華集團主席呂志和、星島新聞集團主席、全國政協常委何柱國、恒隆地產董事長陳啟宗等人過去批佔中言論,並列出李嘉誠、吳光正、李兆基等被點名批評富豪,過去公開批評佔中言論,似為之前批評他們的評論文章「補鑊」。 singtao 26oct14 a4 only reported the chinese version part



搞中藥港 陳鉅源自爆與董建華交手 建制派繼上星期包攬內務委員會及財務委員會正、副主席後,尋日再橫掃財委會轄下工務及人事編制兩個小組委員會的正、副主席。不過,原來建制派打勝仗背後又再「甩轆」,就是原本已協調做發展事務委員會副主席的航運交通界議員易志明「擺烏龍」,無加入該委員會,最終要民建聯梁志祥頂上,而原本協調由梁志祥擔任的工務小組委員會副主席之位,就改由易志明補上。據了解,建制派內部早已協調由易志明頂替劉皇發擔任發展事務委員會副主席,但協調當日易志明並不在港。直至上周六各委員會截止報名,才有人發現易志明根本無報名加入發展事務委員會,所以無可能做到副主席。至於點解無報名呢?易志明解釋,他參加開經濟發展事務委員會,無諗過會加入發展事務委員會,既然如今米已成炊,他樂於接受挑戰及努力「溫書」迎戰工務小組工作。雖然工務小組副主席臨時改由易志明補上,但主席位就如無意外由工程界議員盧偉國擔任。至於人事編制小組委員會正、副主席位亦一如所料,由新民黨葉劉淑儀及工聯會黃國健包辦。

occupy central related
- singtao 3oct14 a14 police officers at frontline complained that lunches boxes with rare meat had been provided to them, there will be internal investigation on who leak the information
美資大行摩通中國企業融資部主管David Lau(劉伯偉)騎呢反佔中

Anson chan talk at hku

在深水埗派發愛心飯盒的「明哥」陳灼明所帶領的慈善團體,指稱有人挪用、意圖出售或公開該團體的一些機密資料,並就事件入稟高院,控告其義工隊的前義務公 關劉肇銘和其他姓名不詳的人士侵權,而案中首被告劉肇銘為現時特首辦的媒體主任。由於入稟狀並未有公開給公眾查閱,故未知事件詳情。「明哥」昨表示已把事 件交給律師處理,暫時不作回應。

尋日佢出席香港大學學生會論壇,因為全場只得一個觀眾,當堂無癮黑面離場。民主阿婆這塊港英餘孽「舊電池」無心無力,又無叫座力,還耍大牌嫌少人捧場,正如專業演員就算剩下一位觀眾都要用心演落去,民主阿婆真是「茄哩啡」都不如!港大學生會尋日早上邀請民主阿婆出席「香港未來想像」論壇,同港大社會科學院院長卜約翰(John Burns)討論「公務員制度與特區政府管治困局」。比原定時間早到十五分鐘的民主阿婆準備好講稿,仲話歡迎學生提問,但原定朝早十點開始的論壇,全場包括記者、學生會成員及講者加起來都不足十人,民主阿婆可能覺得無面,主動要求延遲十五分鐘「等齊人」先開講。不過,未知師弟、師妹係咪未瞓醒,抑或新生代已經無興趣再聽民主阿婆廢噏,論壇加時後依然無人入場,無癮的民主阿婆就與身邊的卜約翰商量後,黑面話現場太少學生喇,好難與學生互動,還不滿叫學生會「下次安排好啲再搞」,然後隨即拎袋走人,留下場內唯一觀眾及一張張丟空咗無人坐的櫈,場面認真唏噓,亦搞到論壇搞手相當不好意思,還在民主阿婆離開時隻手合十表示歉意。

wenweipo and takungpao
- hkej 30oct15 a14 wenweipo offered one year subscription to "疑似李教授" arthur Li after he said that he and most hk people do not read wenwei and takung;  also proposal to merge wenwei and takung has been submitted to cpg
- 沙皇話冇乜香港人睇《文匯》、《大公》,《文匯》即日反應話願意免費贈閱一年,客戶服務好似好過唔少大公司咁。有消息就話,北京下令兩報合併為報業集團,董事長將由《大公報》現任社長姜在忠出任,第二把交椅則由《文匯報》社長出任,直接向中聯辦負責。不過呢,即使合併,日後仍會保持兩間紙媒《大公報》和《文匯報》,分兩條腿走路。據聞呢個決定係為咗資源互補,實現更大效益,發揮更大影響力。合併後運作及安排尚未有具體方案,但兩報有員工擔心飯碗不保,恐合併後會出現大裁員。消息又話,原來舊年北京已每年分別向《文匯》、《大公》加碼注資多一億元,要求兩間報紙每日各印多10萬份免費派發。廣東省國家安全工作領導小組辦公室2日披露一宗廣東有關部門偵破的核電系列竊密案。 生於1954年的蔣某某原系中國某進出口總公司總經理、國家核電科技公司籌備組副組長。2004年底至2007年6月,蔣某某多次向港人王某某提供中國第三代核電招標項目方面的有關材料及內部消息。其中絕密級國家祕密3份,機密級國家祕密1份,情報3份。北京市第一中級法院判決蔣某某有期徒刑20年,剝奪政治權利3年。 廣東某集團公司原副總經理沈某某在2003年至2007年多次向境外人員王某某提供中國第三代核電招標項目方面的有關材料和內部消息。其中機密級國家祕密2份,情報1份。廣東省高級法院終審判決沈某某有期徒刑17年,剝奪政治權利5年,並處沒收個人財產50萬元人民幣。 2003年底,某國某商貿公司約定由王某某向該公司提供有關中國第三代核電建設的資訊,該公司向王某某支付月費並於事成之後另行支付不超過450萬歐元佣金,王某某向蔣某某、沈某某打探有關情報。廣東省高級法院終審判決王某某犯為境外刺探、非法提供國家祕密、情報罪,判處有期徒刑11年,剝奪政治權利3年,並處沒收個人部分財產。




Fortune reit selling laguna plaza to clsa capital (where Chiu Kwok Hung, Justin's son and daughter are employees) hkej 9dec14 a4 內地官場講究政治紀律,對於上級領導的指示,做少了固然有問題,做多了也未必是好事,尤其牽涉仕途問題,未到時機成熟,最好少談為妙。當年前特首曾蔭權爵士前赴廣州拜會當時還在廣東當「一哥」的張德江,公開「洩露」對方即將上調中央的天機,張馬上臉色一沉,默然不語,正是因為貪曾犯了官場禁忌,做了不該做的動作。

food incident
- 廣州美心西餅 叉燒包藏針頭
- 新西蘭日前發現入口的澳洲士多啤梨有刺針,導致人心惶惶之際,當地一名女子在網上發文時稱,在快餐店的薯條裏發現刺針,讓網民震驚,但警方稍後表示刺針是女子不小心掉入薯條中。

- 河北藥監局上周話,輝山旗下產品有毒物超標,搞到股份停牌,睇怕之後都凶多吉少。輝山乳業開記者招待會反擊,話河北省嘅檢測唔規範,要討回公道。諷刺嘅係,今次揭發事件的河北藥監局,正是在2008年三鹿毒奶事件中被指監管不力,縱容當地奶企造假。內地有評論話,三鹿事件後,河北奶業大受打擊,輝山乳業來自東北,所以河北藥監局要大力打擊。而輝山乳業所在的遼寧省,當地藥監局就話,輝山乳業產品冇問題。不過,如果一個國家嘅食品安全檢查咁兒戲,輕易就可以用來做地方企業保護傘,成個檢測系統公信力更加冇人相信。無論輝山乳業是否有出售毒奶,受打擊的,其實又再是整個中國乳業。

Receptions for CPPCC members
- government has decided not to host reception in Beijing for CPPCC members hket 13feb15 a15 singtao 2mar15 a18

Technology Bureau
- Rita Fan said that the Steering Committee on Innovation and Technology has never convened meeting since her appointment in July 2014. singtao 4mar15 a8

- When Ho Feng Shan died at the age of 96, he took a secret to his grave. The only clue was a single sentence in his obituary in 1997. Throughout his long life, Ho never mentioned his heroic deeds during World War II — not to his wife, his children or friends. During 1938 to 1940, Ho, the consul general of the then Nationalist Chinese government's embassy in Vienna, saved perhaps tens of thousands of Jews from the Holocaust with just a stroke of his pen. When Jews desperately sought visas to escape from Nazi-occupied Austria, he issued thousands — in defiance of his superior's orders.
  • Much is already known about 
     Chiune Sugihara
     , who was stationed in Lithuania and defied Tokyo’s orders to issue thousands of visas to Jews, later being dubbed the “Japanese Schindler”, after the German industrialist Oskar Schindler who saved hundreds of Jews during World War II. But the latest discovery highlights how more government officials helped Jews fleeing persecution some eight decades ago.“When it comes to visas issued to Jews, Sugihara is widely known but only now are we discovering that more Japanese diplomats also provided travel documents to refugees when they should not have,” said researcher Akira Kitade. “But very few people have heard of Saburo Nei,” he added. “So this document is an extremely important find that helps us to piece the puzzle together a little better.”Kitade specialises in the history of the Japan Travel Bureau, which was formed in 1912 as the forerunner of the travel firm JTB Corp., and discovered that a number of company employees also aided refugees trying to reach Japan. Records in Moscow indicate that Nei, who was stationed at the Japanese consulate in Vladivostok in 1941, issued travel documents to Jews who had escaped from Eastern Europe by taking the Trans-Siberian Railway to the Pacific port city and were trying to reach a third nation. It was believed, however, that none of the visas had survived.
    • note one of the photos showing name 浦潮斯德 (vladivostok)

Third runway
- 唔少梁班子請嘅副局長同政治助理知名度近乎零,繼早前發生立法會主席曾鈺成「而我不知誰是梁敬國」事件後,亦有人唔知運輸及房屋局政治助理胡韻珊係乜水。話說胡韻珊前日出席「人人監機會」舉行嘅研討會時,一直企喺會場最後方嘅角落,等到台下發問環節臨完結前,佢發言反駁「人人監機會」召集人林超英嘅觀點,講講吓主持提醒發言前要先講出所屬單位,佢先自爆係運房局政助,在場人士先恍然大悟,亦唔明點解咁唔光明磊落。

Hk phil concert turn to celebration of hksar event
- yuja wang concert saga fine music july15 issue

- a HK IT enterpreneur complained Alibaba of plagiarism hkej 13feb15 a12

澳門新中央圖書館鬧抄襲疑雲。最近有網上言論指,新中央圖書館的設計抄襲某西班牙名建築設計,澳門文化局局長穆欣欣昨出席活動時回應指,局方十分重視事件;涉事建築師事務所昨日傍晚則召開記者會澄清,否認抄襲。近日有網民指,曾被批天價工程的新中央圖書館的中標設計,與○二年落成的西班牙建築雷昂(AUDITORIO DE LEÓN)十分相似。穆欣欣昨日下午出席活動時,被問到工程設計一事,表示相關事件從傳媒處得知,會要求中標公司解釋事件,又稱現正調查中。至於中標公司MAA馬若龍建築師事務所則於傍晚召開記者會,指設計團隊在設計前並不知悉相關西班牙建築物。新中央圖書館將坐落於南灣大馬路,預計於一九至二○年投入服務,將成為區內最大型的圖書館。惟自工程招標以來,有關其造價、設計和選址一直爭議不斷,其造價有指高達九億澳門元,曾被指有利益輸送之嫌。
- note that the design looks also like the french international school in hk 

- 原解放軍總後勤部副部長谷俊山,已經與徐才厚一樣,成為軍內腐敗的典型。據報道,谷俊山落馬的直接起因是2011年初解放軍審計署在一次審計中,發現某大軍區基建營房局局長A涉嫌貪污受賄,很快牽出行賄人港商B,此人供述出谷俊山。

借幫港出聲上位 周融被指用完即棄

- 1100億建七新鐵路項目, 運房局局長張炳良解釋,否決興建港深西部快速軌道是因為成本太貴,超過一千一百億元,已相等於擬建七個新鐵路項目的造價總和,加上要建造海底鐵路隧道,亦涉及複雜技術限制。
- propping up sz-hk express railway

Nicholas Sibley from St Kitts writing to SCMP on occupy central

「絲路 之光」蘭州中韓雕塑邀請展 : 「絲路 之光」蘭州中韓雕塑邀請展近日在蘭州甘肅大劇院開幕,展覽吸引 近千藝術愛好者前來觀賞。中國工藝美術大師何鄂、韓國亞細亞雕 塑研究會會長申銀淑等六十八位中韓雕塑家集中展示六十五件具有 地域特色和個體風格的藝術作品。 此次展覽是蘭州歷史上首次國際性的雕塑交流展,旨在展現中 韓兩國當代雕塑家的最新創作成果與藝術風貌,促進中韓兩國藝術 文化的交流合作,推動甘肅雕塑藝術向國際化和更高層次的發展。 何鄂亦是中韓雕塑邀請展的提議人,她於開幕儀式上介紹,此 次展出的作品以古今絲綢之路文脈為主題,展現時空、跨越、交融 、對話,將不同國度、不同地域、不同內容、不同風格的作品匯聚 在一起。同時,為突出 「絲路之光」的主題,在徵集作品的環節, 特別向雕塑作者發出邀約,請每位藝術家附上一句 「絲路心語」, 反饋來的 「心語」內容豐富,亦成為此次展覽的又一大亮點。 展品中不乏表現敦煌藝術元素的作品,如《反彈琵琶》、《無 相》、《絲路話語》、《樂僔─莫高開窟第一人》等。其中, 何鄂的作品《樂僔─莫高開窟第一人》,塑造了一千六百年前 一位平凡的和尚樂僔,因開鑿了第一個窟,之後不斷有人開窟、畫壁畫、做彩 塑,形成了今天的莫高窟。而樂僔也因在此地首開石窟,被後人所銘記。《無 相》則通過四組屏浮雕,將佛手、衣紋、石崖三個元素巧妙結合,寓意敦煌藝 術的博大精深與唯美空靈。 此外,主辦方配套出版了《絲路之光─二○一五蘭州.中韓雕塑邀請 展》紀念畫冊。為提升是次活動的學術研究水平,展覽同時開展 「絲綢之路中 韓雕塑學術論壇」等活動。本次展覽由蘭州市政府主辦,蘭州市委宣傳部、何 鄂工作室承辦,於甘肅大劇院展至本月二十一日。

Morgan Funding Organisation???
- a major shareholder of China Jian Tong Investment Co Ltd (re Mozambique)

Dan Garrett?
- 一名為 Dan Garrett的男子稱自己曾就香港
問題向美國的「頂頭上司」匯報,又「保證」美國會保護參與「抗爭」的「學生領袖」。公民黨其後稱,Dan Garrett確曾參與會議,但對方只是一名「學生」。不過,Dan Garrett來港前曾在美國國務部工作,更是部門主管,再之前則在美國國家情報主任辦公室工作。根據據稱為公民黨英語組、「香港2020」於本月5日晚上會議的紀錄所載,出席者之一的 Dan Garrett,在會上向其他反對派中人稱,他「這次回美國向頂頭上司匯報目前香港所處境況及我在港推動的工作進展。華盛頓要求繼續在香港推動民間、社會力量爭取民主訴求運動,尤其是推動青少年在社運扮演先鋒角色」。

- 「完美風暴」不可不防

Tainted water
- 民建聯嘅「成功爭取」遍佈港九新界,最新一宗「成功爭取」竟然變成「未能爭取」,仲辳到要相關機構出聲明否認。事源係馬鞍山嘅耀安邨,該區嘅民建聯區議員李世榮派發單張上,指已去信管業處要求抽取食水樣本,驗吓有冇鉛,仲聲稱委託香港生產力促進局化驗,結果發現抽驗樣本冇超標。有人特意向生促局查詢到底有冇抽驗水辦?點知局方回覆係︰「本局並沒有派員在耀安邨收集食水樣辦。」講法明顯同李世榮嘅說法有出入。但生促局噚晚回覆《壹錘定音》時話,查證後發現之前的「聲稱」、即係冇派員收集水辦不符事實,對提供咗不確資料致歉喎。



唔跟金發局訪歐 李小加等滬港通 由狼英欽點成立嘅「高層次諮詢組織」金融發展局,下星期將會跟埋貿易發展局去歐洲招商,參加名為「邁向亞洲,首選香港」嘅推廣活動。

陳德霖阿仔被裁 上兩星期渣打證券突然結束全球企業證券業務,香港裁咗成百人,好多人都係朝早返到中環國金二期辦公室,拍卡先知入唔到門口。成件事好突然,亦好無奈,是次行動乃因集團業績倒退要節約成本,所以將成個部門鏟起,同員工表現無關,被裁都係非戰之罪。華華聽聞,當中一位被裁渣打人,乃金管局總裁陳德霖(Norman)阿仔Gerald。




Ms Ho of Ernst and Young
- 「四大」之一的安永會計行(Ernst & Young)鬧出員工逼宮風波!一班自稱是安永香港稅務部現職及已離職的員工今天在報紙上刊登廣告,控訴公司擢升的何小姐不事生產,卻將工作時間花在「玩辦公室政治,分黨分派」,破壞稅務部的公平和團結,管理層卻視若無睹。singtao 12feb15 b5

La Kaffa
  • chains like la kaffa, 大阪王將
  • people
  • ann lee, international sales department director
  • paul sung 宋明璟 international sales department supervisor
  • ariel lin international sales department secretary
  • kyle huang global buisness division international business manager 

- singtao 25jul14 a6 and TVB reports - McDonald claimed that FEHD did not announce together as agreed
- 食署:不會協同發放訊息
- 訊息混亂涉誤導 屈食署早放風挨批

- 全球首宗氣候難民案審 結,新西蘭最高法院前日裁定, 拒絕接納太平洋島國基里巴斯居民 泰蒂奧塔的氣候難民庇護申請,並 下令將 38歲的泰蒂奧塔、妻子及 三名生於新西蘭的年幼子女遣返。

- 瀋陽市的遼寧工業展覽館前日舉行海外商品博覽會,主辦單位將台灣的青天白日滿地紅旗掛在展館門外,下方還標註「台灣國旗」四字(左圖),至下午才發現「錯誤」將旗撤下(右圖)。網民指出,以大陸秋後算帳的慣例,主辦單位恐受到當局處分。

Dubious buyer of football clubs
- 某股票市值30多億元,上周一暴跌了19%,但在翌日又狂升了31%,非但盡復失地,而且還有進賬,我有女性朋友趁低吸納,還贏了幾萬元脂粉錢,這隻神奇的股票,就是漢華專業服務(8193)。對,漢華專業服務,就是斥12.7億元,收購英超侯城足球會的那一間上市公司,對於這宗蛇吞象的收購,很多人質疑這間公司的財政實力。說穿了,它的神奇力量,並非來自其持有28.82%的無名大股東,反而是中央結算系統紀錄,有一間持有漢華專業服務13.99%的證券行,名為貝格隆。乍看貝格隆這名字,仿似兩大名牌貝萊德和格隆匯的混合A貨,但它其實專門生產奇蹟,是百億市值的製造工場。例如說,160億元市值的集成控股(1027),貝格隆便持有9.98%;210億元市值的聯旺集團(8217),貝格隆也持有2.37%;至於幾十億元市值的公司股票,貝格隆持有的更加是不計其數。
- kiv

  • Buyer of hull city - 8193 漢華專業
  • Man utd sponsor - mlily
scmp remember a day column 19oct18 - 15oct1978 report on 70 people fled to a remote part of NSW australia in belief that soviet union would unleash a nuclear war later that month.  They constructed a doomsday city, complete with underground bunkers and a year's supply of food

Jennifer crewe
- president and director columbia university press

SOPA award
- 2015 edition - investhk no longer a sponsor, Journalism and Media Studies Centre of HKU became administrator

External force
- Agency infiltrates music scene to attack nation's political system. For more than two years, a US agency secretly infiltrated Cuba's underground hip-hop movement, recruiting unwitting rappers to spark a youth movement against the government, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. The idea was to use Cuban musicians to build a network of young people seeking "social change", documents show. But the operation was amateurish and unsuccessful. ??

Wealth Genesis and hong kong playground association
Kowloon Development Company Limited wins Macpherson Indoor Stadium redevelopment project, also note the strange wording on Macpherson Residence ad about Wealth Genesis

Who's Inger Glimmero?  Letter to SCMP editor on glass recycling

HKIA row
No fixed date for publication of newsletter by Rodger Lee, senior manager, branding and communications, Airport Authority Hong Kong, and response Third runway will be a waste of public funds

Prospect for Mining
- Five years ago, Robert Friedland, the chairman of Ivanhoe Mines, famously declared that Hong Kong would become the mining finance capital of the world. This observation was lapped up by the government and the stock exchange, but even those who desperately wanted this admit it clearly did not happen. Last year, when Lai See asked Friedland about his prediction, he qualified it, saying: "Yes, but I didn't say when." The topic was the subject of a panel discussion yesterday at the Mines & Money conference. Rebecca Brosnan, the managing director, head of Asia commodities with Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, observed, with possibly more than a hint of understatement: "I detect there a slight frustration with Hong Kong, and people are disappointed or sceptical with the way its developed since Friedland's comments." She added that Hong Kong's investors which she said were predominantly retail, were not as sophisticated in analysing mining companies compared with investors in Australia and Canada. "So anything the exchange does has to consider its investor base," she said.As a result, Hong Kong does not allow junior or exploration miners to list on the exchange. Gary Stein of Mineral Bull said the local market did not understand mining. There was a dearth of experienced mining analysts in Hong Kong and a lack of knowledge within the stock exchange which relied too much on outside consultants. "I still think Hong Kong has the potential to develop as a mining finance centre, but it has to get over a bad case of constipation first," Stein said. 台灣台北賓館前晚舉行雙十酒會,超過三千名外國嘉賓出席。酒會以台灣傳統美食為主題,惟在「夜市美食」的主題區中,其大型展板的背景圖片竟使用了香港旺角的街景,引起不少批評。

Ming dynasty
班子講中國歷史,特區政府聲稱中國的明武宗是中國人最好的時候,因為那時的中國「無外國勢力能欺負」。此一說法,真是很有創見。明武宗年號正德,是一個性格荒淫變態的中國皇帝(不過中國歷史上三百多個皇帝,正常的很少),但因為有一齣民間戲曲「游龍戲鳳」流傳,講正德皇帝微服巡訪,跟一個叫李鳳姐的酒女拉三搭四。黃梅戲唱過很多遍,早年好像香港的國語片拍過,林黛趙雷主演。這樣的題材很庸俗,歷代婆婆媽媽,倒有許多中國農民喜歡。正德皇帝變成中國人大媽老嬸的浪漫情聖──當然,你要原諒此等愚民,因為他們沒有看過莎劇「羅密歐與茱麗葉」。或許因為民間「文化」影響,雖然有一個老公小孩出身劍橋的高官,梁特府喜歡明朝正德皇帝,有此中國眼界,亦無可厚非。只是如果有得挑選,時光倒流,我絕對不會選擇回到明朝任何一年出生。朱元璋是個大魔頭,有精神病,明朝的「起跑線」,已經血紅遍地。兒子明成祖也是殺人狂。以後各朝皇帝一直到崇禎,各有不同花樣的病態。明朝三百年是一卷長篇恐怖小說,因為朱姓這個家族,基因低劣,如果有得選,投胎在明朝做一個中國人,或者投胎在當世的瑞典做一隻老鼠,我會選後者──因為瑞典是文明的衛生國家,不會有老鼠的,所以,我不是不愛國,我其實只是選擇涅槃。近年明朝忽然備受追捧,因為有一個下西洋的鄭和,而且傳說這個太監不但發現了美洲,還發現了北極,鄭和的船隊在格陵蘭獵殺了幾十隻白熊,BBQ之後才回到中國。即使這樣,明朝也沒有什麼吸引力,因為鄭和始終是太監,而哥倫布可以誘惑西班牙女王伊沙貝拉打本給他航海,登陸美洲,對不起,我也不是不愛國,我只是Simply覺得哥倫布Man許多。但明朝的中國再黑暗,終究可以向歐洲出口精美的明瓷,令China這個字,在十六世紀的歐洲,成為品牌。明朝的中國沒有向歐洲出口廣場大媽,在巴黎羅浮宮門口跳紅舞。想到此處,客觀而公正地,我覺得明朝朱姓的家天下,雖然殺功臣、用奴才,但對於世界文明至少有貢獻,「游龍戲鳳」歌舞不至於令人想嘔吐。降低要求,明朝還是不錯。陶傑/art/20150721/19226222 A Berlin art installation dedicated to “martyrs” has prompted outrage by including one of the Paris jihadist attackers alongside the likes of Martin Luther King and Socrates, with the French embassy calling the display “deeply shocking”. The so-called Martyr Museum by a Danish art collective shows the portraits of 20 people throughout history who “died for their convictions” accompanied by short biographies.The French embassy in Berlin expressed “consternation” and said it found the decision to include the attackers “deeply shocking”.

Joseph steinberg ???
- speaking engagement at a shatin church on jewish singtao 27oct15


The people of Connecticut could rest easy at Christmas, as the state legislature flushed away the 40-year-old ban on enclosed oval toilet seats. State laws had required that in the interest of hygiene, toilet seats, whether public or private, must be horseshoe-shaped. Infringement carried a penalty of a fine equivalent to HK$475.

singtao 31mar2021 a25 full page feature of confucius institute include an ad calling for a missing person 邓信庭 岭南织造厂

Greg Clark ??? (seems to appear in many places)

Gregory Djerejian of TradeInvest HK
- letter to FT 14jan15 on paris attacks
- letter to ft 14oct15

Kerry Brown
- Brown has followed in Needham’s footsteps as a writer and editor and is the author of 11 books on China over 10 years, if you include his PhD on the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. The former diplomat and fluent Mandarin speaker is today a professor of Chinese politics and executive director of the China Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.
- Professor of Chinese politics in Australia hopes his scholarly work will remedymisconceptions about both China's past and present
As a young student at Cambridge University's Gonville and Caius CollegeKerryBrown was fascinated by an elderly man who would shuffle into the college hall onmost nights to eat dinnerThat man was Joseph Needham, regarded as one of the greatest Sinologists of the20th century"I would sit fascinated as this great man took his place ... usually alone," Brownrecalls over lunch at the University of Sydney's Darlington Centre. "It was anamazing feeling just to be in the same room as him." Following Needham's death in 1995, The Independent newspaper in the UnitedKingdom wrote:  The results of Needham's 50 years of intensive Chinese studiesare enshrined in what is perhaps the greatest work of scholarship achieved by oneindividual since AristotleBrown has followed in Needham's footsteps as a writer and editor and is the authorof 11 books on China over 10 years, if you include his PhD on the Inner Mongoliaautonomous region. The former diplomat and fluent Mandarin speaker is today aprofessor of Chinese politics and executive director of the China Studies Centre atthe University of Sydney.
-  China is “neither a missionary culture nor a values superpower,” says Kerry Brown of the University of Sydney. “It is not trying to make other people into China.” 
- China Daily article
Monday, March 10, 2014, 08:37
Australia and Hong Kong partners in regional economic development
By Michael Spence & Kerry Brown

On the surface Hong Kong and Australia are very different. The economy of Hong Kong is overwhelmingly reliant on services; Australia’s is dependent on commodity exports. While Hong Kong has delivered one of the world’s best per capita GDP levels on the back of its finance role in the last two decades, Australia has grown rich on exploiting its vast natural resources.
Hong Kong and Australia have one thing in common, however, and that is for both, their key economic relationship is with the Chinese mainland. As a special administrative region, Hong Kong operates its own fiscal policy and has its own currency. Hong Kong is the destination of almost two-thirds of mainland outward investment and the place where a large quantity of goods from the mainland are transshipped. It still operates as an important interface between the mainland economy and the rest of the world. Australia is the place where an increasing amount of that investment ends up. In the last decade, from almost nothing, Chinese investment has risen to becoming, in 2012, the third largest in that year. While still aggregately small, it is almost certain that in the years ahead the Chinese mainland will become one of the main, if not the most dominant, investors in Australia, and Hong Kong will act as the crucial intermediary in this.
The close relationship of both the Hong Kong and Australian economy to the mainland means that there needs to be more diverse dialogue between each place. There are good strategic reasons for doing this. In terms of crude trade figures, over the last five years there has been only modest growth of 1 percent per year. But in the import and export of services, the rises have been more noticeable, with a 5-10 percent rise over this period bilaterally. That is a trend that Australia needs to welcome. If there is one area of shared challenge that Hong Kong and Australia have with their largest trade partner, the mainland, it is how to become providers of services into the mainland market, with its huge potential for growth. This is why Australia needs to concentrate more on the opportunities that Hong Kong offers as a place from which to achieve this.
One of the most important services that Australia offers the region and the broader world is education. This offers a natural place for us to concentrate our energies at the moment. In the last decade, tens of thousands of mainland students have come to Australia to study. Education is hugely important not just for economic but also for political and cultural reasons. It deepens the links between countries, and creates a more profound commitment between them. Hong Kong student numbers have fallen in Australia in the last decade. But in many ways this is simply a sign that our relationship has changed and reconfigured in this area. Hong Kong universities have long established collaborations in Australia, and strong research links. So while student numbers have declined, the ways in which we collaborate intellectually in science and the humanities has strengthened. This is something that has to be preserved and nurtured.
Hong Kong and Australia have one final commonality. They both exist in the world’s most dynamic region, but also the most competitive. As economies, they are both reliant on one core asset — their people. Australia’s good fortune in commodities and natural resources won’t last forever. It needs a stronger service base, and indeed in the largest of the state economies, New South Wales, services are already almost half of GDP. Some 90 percent of Hong Kong’s economy is in tertiary services. So as service partners, their two economies have great synergies. And of course, in this area, education is the key. So Australia must think more about Hong Kong as a partner in their regional economic development plans, and Hong Kong needs to think of Australia in the same way. We have a lot in common.
Michael Spence is vice-chancellor and principal of the University of Sydney. Kerry Brown is director of the China Studies Center at the University of Sydney.

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