Wednesday, December 12, 2018


commercial energy
- mechanical
- chemical
- thermal
- radiant
- nuclear
- electrical

- magritte group

  • One of Europe’s biggest utilities has broken ranks with EU counterparts over the issue of incentives to maintain conventional power generating capability. Sabine Froning, head of European affairs at Vattenfall, the Swedish utility, says it left the Magritte Group of big European energy companies after the Group continued to push for “capacity mechanisms” – payments for maintaining the ability to generate power when needed, rather than for the amounts of energy produced.

Power in least developed areas

electricity network
- "china's plan to connect the world" ft 8jun18
- Liu Zhenya, chairman of the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization, told the Northeast and Southeast Asia Energy Interconnection Development Forum held in Beijing that: "Northeast and Southeast Asia are the most active regions in the world in terms of economic growth. However, these areas have been facing several challenges like burgeoning energy demand, diminishing energy supplies, high dependence on fossil fuels and insufficient cross-border power transmission capacity". Liu added that nearly 80 percent of the national energy supply of China, Japan and South Korea was dependent on imported oil.

成形木炭 A briquette (or briquet) is a compressed block of coal dust or other combustible biomass material such as charcoal, sawdust, wood chips, peat, or paper used for fuel and kindling to start a fire. The term comes from the French language and is related to brickCoal briquettes have long been produced as a means of using up 'small coal', the finely broken coal inevitably produced during the mining process. Otherwise this is difficult to burn as it is both hard to arrange adequate airflow through a fire of these small pieces, also it tended to be drawn up and out of the chimney by the draught, giving visible black smoke.The first briquettes were known as culm and were hand-moulded with a little wet clay as a binder. These could be difficult to burn efficiently, as the unburned clay produced a large ash content, blocking airflow through a grate.
  •  Home made charcoal briquettes (called Tadon) were found after charcoal production in Japanese history. In the Edo period, polysaccharide extracted from red algae was widely used as a binder. After the imports of steam engines in the Meiji period, coal and clay became major ingredients of Japanese briquettes. These briquettes,Rentan and Mametan , were exported to China and Korea. Today, coal briquettes are avoided for their sulfur oxide emission. Charcoal briquettes are still used for traditional or outdoor cooking. Woody flakes such as sawdust or coffee dust are major ingredients of modern mass-consumed briquettes (e.g. Ogatan).
  • Throughout China, cylindrical briquettes, called "fēng wō méi" (beehive coal 蜂窩煤 / 蜂窝煤) or "Mei" (coal 煤) or "liàn tàn" (kneaded coal 練炭 / 练炭), are used in purpose-built cookers.The origin of "Mei" is "Rentan" (kneaded coal 練炭) of Japan. Rentan was invented in Japan in the 19th century, and spread to Manchukuo, Korea and China in the first half of the 20th century. There were many Rentan factories in Manchukuo and Pyongyang. Although Rentan went out of use in Japan after the 1970s, it is still popular in China, Korea ("yeon tan" kneaded coal 연탄) and Vietnam ("than" coal).The cookers are simple, ceramic vessels with metal exteriors. Two types are made: the single, or triple briquette type, the latter holding the briquettes together side by side. These cookers can accommodate a double stack of cylinders. A small fire of tinder is started, upon which the cylinder(s) is placed. When a cylinder is spent, another cylinder is placed on top using special tongs, with the one below igniting it. The fire can be maintained by swapping spent cylinders for fresh ones, and retaining a still-glowing spent cylinder.Each cylinder lasts for over an hour. These cookers are used to cook, or simmer, pots of tea, eggs, soups, stews, etc. The cylinders are delivered, usually by cart, to businesses, and are very inexpensive. 
  • Introduced to Korea from Japan in the 1920s, yeontan rose in popularity following the Korean War. By 1988, 78% of Korean households used yeontan, but this fell to 33% by 1993 as people switched to oil and gas boilers, and was estimated to be used by just 2% of households by 2001.[1] The boilers reduced the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, which was a major cause of death in coal-heated houses.
  •  二○二○年五月一日是父母的金婚紀念日。五十年前,兩位初出茅廬的中學教師喜結連理,共同生活,一晃就是半個世紀。結婚照中,母親梳兩條又粗又長的辮子,身穿列寧裝。父親穿中山裝,戴眼鏡。儘管是五十年前的黑白照,兩人風華正茂,青春逼人,眉眼之間彷彿都在閃光。他們可真是白手起家。身為家裏的老大,下面各有四名弟妹,父母大學畢業找到工作後,每月要上交部分工資補貼家用。結婚談不上什麼彩禮、嫁妝。外祖母給父親買了件羊毛背心。曾祖父置辦了大床、八仙桌,從蘇州用船運來。他們向同事借了八十元買了個衣櫃。婚禮當天在家辦幾桌酒席請請諸親好友,左鄰右舍,是在工廠食堂當大廚的外祖母的大弟掌的勺。 婚後住公房。曾是民族資本家獨門獨院的花園洋房裏住進了「七十二家房客」。他們租十五平米一間,卧室、餐室、書房三合為一。廚房與鄰居共用,用蜂窩煤爐做飯燒水。
  • In Irelandpeat briquettes are a common type of solid fuel, largely replacing sods of raw peat as a domestic fuel. These briquettes consist of shredded peat, compressed to form a virtually smokeless, slow-burning, easily stored and transported fuel. Although often used as the sole fuel for a fire, they are also used to quickly and easily light a coal fire.
  • BBQ Wood Charcoal & Shisa (Product of Indonesia)
- It is known that about 1000 years ago chinese burned coal because Marco Polo brought back the knowledge of these burnable black stones in 1275 CE. The dutch subsequently discovered coal and exported it to england.  However, the english soon overtook the dutch in productive capacity. By 1660, the english were mining and exporting much of the world's supply. Development of steam engine by thomas newcomen in early 1700s to pump water from mines greatly increased the supply of coal.
Binchō-tan (Japanese: 備長炭), also called white charcoal or binchō-zumi, is a type of charcoal traditionally used in Japanese cooking. Its use dates to the Edo period, when during the Genroku era, a craftsman named Bichū-ya Chōzaemon (備中屋 長左衛門) began to produce it in Tanabe, Wakayama. The raw material is oak, specifically ubame oak (Quercus phillyraeoides), now the official tree of Wakayama Prefecture. Wakayama continues to be a major producer of high-quality charcoal, with the town of Minabe, Wakayama producing more binchō-tan than any other town in Japan. Binchōtan is a type of lump charcoal or hardwood charcoal. The fineness and high quality of binchō-tan are attributed to steaming at high temperatures (about 1000 degrees Celsius). Because it does not release unpleasant odours, it is a favorite of unagi (freshwater eel) and yakitori (skewered chicken) cooks.
- 清潔煤
  • 随着煤价的持续飙升,研究人员加快了对清洁能源的研究步伐,努力寻找将黑色的脏能源――煤转化为绿色清洁燃料的方法。要实现煤炭向绿色能源的转化,研究人员还需要解决零碳排放技术问题,这是清洁煤的一个长期目标以更好地完善这一技术。为了减少碳的排放,很重要的方法就是捕获碳,然后将其深埋入地下,而不是排放到大气中。2006年3月,丹麦的埃斯比约(Esbjerg)建成了世界上第一家碳捕获(carbon capture)实验工厂。这一工厂的主要目标是帮助欧盟排少10%的二氧化碳,其中30%是减少传统电厂的排放。该厂的研究人员努力研发新的溶剂,以便更好的捕获碳,将其转化为固体形式。国际能源机构温室气体项目经理哈丽﹒奥杜斯(Harry Audus)说:“这种做法主要是让二氧化碳通过一种液体溶剂,然后将其压缩,注入地下。这一研究能够帮助提高二氧化碳的捕获率。”他还说,该厂研制的新溶剂和碳捕获技术成本会更低。现在每立法米二氧化碳的碳汇成本是50-60欧元,而该项目有望将成本低到20-30欧元。在美国,布什总统最近也宣布了一揽子总投资为20亿美元的清洁煤技术研发项目。“绿色未来”就是其中之一。该项目计划总投入为10亿美元,由政府和企业共同合作完成,目标是建成世界上最大的零排放化石燃料工厂。这一计划将在未来3年内完成。
  • 河北唐山、承德等地近日接連發生村民使用「清潔煤」後,一氧化碳中毒身亡,引起輿論關注。村民批評當地政府今年以環保為由,禁止村民使用以往常用「散煤」,結果引發多宗死亡事件。惟生產清潔煤的公司指,事件是因村民使用不當所致,與產品無關。
  • 內地近年廣推清潔煤(又稱「潔淨煤」),降低溫室氣體排放,惟河北多地民眾早前使用後,接二連三爆出死亡個案及一氧化碳中毒事件。河北省發改委近日終於回應,堅稱「潔淨煤及爐具質量合格」,指是民眾在安裝及通風配置上出現問題,將對此進行整改。
- uk
  • 英國的燃煤發電廠已經停運超過兩個月,打破去年連續十八日零燃煤的紀錄。英國最大的發電廠預計明年初會全面停用燃煤發電,意味着長久以來依賴煤發電的英國,將步進「零煤時代」。
- japan
  • Japan’s environment minister has hailed a “turning point” in his country’s climate change policy after vowing to slash its much-criticised support for coal power in the developing world.The new policy will curtail an important source of official finance for coal power stations in south-east Asia and help spur a regional shift towards cleaner energy — if Japan implements it rigorously.Tokyo has provided billions of dollars of low-interest loans to build coal power plants in India, Vietnam and Indonesia through the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, using equipment from manufacturers such as Mitsubishi Heavy, Hitachi and Toshiba.Last week, the economy ministry announced a new policy on domestic coal generation, aimed at phasing out older coal plants that supply about 16 per cent of power nationwide. However, two-thirds of that capacity will be replaced with new, more efficient coal generators, committing Japan to burn fossil fuels far into the future.

- china
  •  historically, most of coal in prc has been owned and produced by state-owned mines managed by a central govt authority, with a fringe of small town and village enterprises (TVEs). ownership restructuring began in 1993.  Instead of being sole proprietorships, large state-owned firms were to be corporated into limited liability companies.
  • as of 2011, four large chinese coal companies, shenhua, china coal, yanzhou, hidili, were listed in hkex and latter two on nyse. Another 23 were only listed on local chinese exchanges.

- 台灣的科技部通報,經過十五年探勘摸索,台灣和法國的聯合探勘團隊上周四凌晨成功在台灣西南海域首度鑽獲可燃冰,令台灣有望自產能源。
- 廣州市港務局前日透露,由中國地質調查局廣州海洋地質調查局建設的深海科技創新中心,正式選址廣州南沙龍穴島東北部,將圍繞可燃冰進行探勘。該局表示,計劃興建的深海科技創新中心,將圍繞海域天然氣水合物(可燃冰)勘查試採展開一系列海洋地質工作。項目規劃建設科研工作基地、岩心庫、深水碼頭,其中工作基地和碼頭項目前期工作現正抓緊推進,計劃二○二一年建成。
- 化石燃料天然氣容易引起爆炸,儲存及運送時要格外小心。新加坡國立大學的研究人員,近日研發出將天然氣轉化為固體的新技術,僅需15分鐘就可將天然氣中的主要氣體甲烷製成「可燃冰」,方便儲存及運輸,且不會降低燃料效能。

- [ppt of agencia argentina de inversiones y comercio international] argentina has the world's 2nd largest shale gas and 4th largest shale oil resevoirs in the world
- Vaca Muerta (in Spanish Dead Cow) is a geologic formation of Jurassic and Cretaceous age, located at Neuquén Basin in Argentina. It is best known as the host rock for major deposits of tight oil (shale oil) and shale gas.The large oil discovery in the Vaca Muerta Formation was made in 2010 by the former Repsol-YPF, which announced the discovery in May 2011. The Vaca Muerta Shale has long been known as a major petroleum source rockfor other formations in the Neuquén Basin, which has had oil production since 1918.[12] Wells producing from the Vaca Muerta itself are in several oil fields, including the Loma La Lata, Loma Lata Norte, and Loma Campana fields.
- Saudi Arabia’s move to abandon its role as the balancing force in world oil markets has put the brakes on America’s energy boom, with Riyadh successfully pressuring US shale producers, according to the head of Royal Dutch Shell. Ben van Beurden, chief executive of Shell, said in an interview that Opec, the oil producers’ cartel led by the Saudis, had reminded shale companies and their backers in the bond markets that “there is still risk in this business”.
- 約十年前爆發的美國頁岩油(Shale oil)革命,令美國由全球最大石油進口國,搖身變為最大石油生產國,超越沙特阿拉伯和俄羅斯。國際能源機構(IEA)最近指出,美國頁岩油正迎來第二次革命,屆時美國進身石油淨出口大國,勢將改變環球貿易和石油地緣政治形勢。
- 被視為頁岩油先驅的Chesapeake Energy周日向法院申請破產保護,涉162億美元資產和118億美元債務。公司料重組將削去70億美元債務,並已取得9.25億美元融資以維持重組期間的運作。八九年成立的Chesapeake,曾是美國第二大天然氣生產商,十年前市值達349億美元。但公司過度借貸擴張,一○至一二年鑽探和租用土地開採的開支較收入高300億美元,到一三負債更相當於美國兩大油企埃克森美孚與雪佛龍的總和,為破產埋下伏線。
- singtao 26feb2021 b12 shale fields in texas - permian and eagle ford

Methane gas

Natural gas
- shortage in 1970s
- messy price deregulation beginning in 1978 and largely completed by the early 1990s
- experienced fatest consumption griwth from 1980 to 2012

- mexico

  • In 1995, mexican law was changed to allow private investment in gas pipelines (previously under sole purvuew of pemex), storage and distributiin.
- europe
  • first used gas made from coal (coal gas or town gas) in two basic chemical reactions:
  • C+H2O+energy --> CO+H2
    • C+2H2O +energy --> CO2+2H2
  • lurgi process invented in 1930s improved the process
- A $27 billion energy project in Canada just became the latest casualty of a worldwide glut of natural gas. Malaysia’s Petroliam Nasional Bhd abandoned on Tuesday its plans for the Pacific Northwest LNG terminal, a plant that would have liquefied Canada’s gas and sent the fuel by tanker from the western shores of British Columbia to buyers in Asia. Petronas cited market conditions in its decision.Pacific Northwest LNG joins a growing list of projects that have been killed in recent months by plummeting LNG prices, throwing the economics of export terminals from Australia to Russia to Mozambique into question. Prices have crashed as increasing volumes of gas from Australia and America’s shale formations hit the water, inundating the market with so much supply that analysts say demand may not catch up until the next decade.Last year, Woodside Petroleum Ltd. shelved its $40 billion plan to build a floating LNG terminal off Australia’s western coast and a project in Oregon was canceled. More than two-thirds of the LNG terminals proposed to come online in the mid-2020s probably won’t get built, Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. said in May. Petronas said the decision to drop the Pacific Northwest project was driven by “prolonged depressed prices and shifts in the energy industry.” The company and its partners -- China Petrochemical Corp., Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Indian Oil Corp. -- remain committed to developing natural gas assets they’ve bought in Canada and “will continue to explore all options” for long-term investments, according to a statement.
- Huge LNG producers are increasingly reliant on small developing countries. The International Energy Agency, a body that represents energy consumers, says the number of LNG-importing countries has risen from 15 in 2005 to 39. Imports are rising at their fastest rate since 2011, in part because of demand from these places. Like India, low prices also embolden them to demand concessions. “We have a situation that is wonderful for emerging markets. It’s a buyers’ market,”
- peru

  • 中國最大水電上市公司長江電力(600900.SH)昨日宣布,通過子公司長電國際以現金方式收購美國上市公司Sempra Energy在秘魯配電等資產,收購價格為35.9億美元(約280億港元)。

- europe
  • 俄羅斯總統普京昨日到訪土耳其伊斯坦布爾,會晤土耳其總統埃爾多安,並參與連接兩國的天然氣管道「土耳其溪」黑海段竣工儀式 。「土耳其溪」是俄土前年簽訂的天然氣管道合作計劃,被形容為「兩國能源關係里程碑」,俄天然氣經鋪設於黑海海床的管道直接輸送至土耳其歐洲部分,未來更將進一步輸往歐洲東南部,繞過與俄關係緊張的烏克蘭,被視為俄羅斯進一步加強掌握土耳其和南歐地區天然氣供應的關鍵。美國能源部長佩里上周訪問匈牙利首都布達佩斯,會晤匈牙利外長西伊亞爾托。佩里發言時,批評俄羅斯利用能源作為武器,控制歐洲中部及東部地區,呼籲匈牙利及其鄰國抵制俄國在歐洲鋪設的天然氣管道,改為從美國進口天然氣。

- germany
  • 據德國《商報》報 道,美國企業預計最遲將在 4年內開 始 向 德 國 供 應 液 化 天 然 氣 (LNG),並將挑戰目前佔德國 LNG進口六成的俄羅斯,但這想法 已遭到德方的拒絕。
- poland
  • U.S. utility Sempra Energy said on Wednesday it had signed a 20-year agreement with Poland’s state-run gas firm PGNiG to supply 2.7 billion cubic meters of liquefied natural gas (LNG) annually. The deal comes as the European Union is looking to reduce its reliance on Russia for its gas needs by developing LNG infrastructure to tap other suppliers including the United States.
- australia
  • The details around Australia's first floating liquefied natural gas import ship were finalized on Monday, with Australian Industrial Energy securing a vessel from Norwegian firm Hoegh LNG. The move comes just months after the state and federal government fast-tracked a $250 million plan to develop an import terminal at Port Kembla, 100 kilometers south of Sydney, in order to shore up the east coast's wavering gas supplies. "Securing the Floating Storage and Regasification Unit, and confirmation of the New South Wales government's planning requirements are two further important milestones for our project," AIE CEO James Baulderstone said.
  • Australia overtook Qatar to become the world’s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas last month following a $200bn decade-long investment to ship the fuel to Asia. But the export boom has come at a cost. The country is now facing a looming domestic gas shortage in its most populous states, leading prices to skyrocket and concerns over security of supply to increase.
- japan

  • Largest buyer
- china
  • 中國首個海上國際LNG加注中心正式 落戶深圳。3日,深圳海上國際LNG( 液化天然氣)加注中心建設項目簽約儀 式在鹽田舉行,成為世界LNG加注中心 建設先行者之一。

Naphtha (/ˈnæpθə/ or /ˈnæfθə/) is a flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture. Mixtures labelled naphtha have been produced from natural gas condensatespetroleum distillates, and the distillation of coal tar and peat. In different industries and regions naphtha may also be crude oil or refined products such as keroseneMineral spirits, also historically known as "naptha", are not the same chemical. The word naphtha is from Latin and Ancient Greek (νάφθα), derived from Middle Persiannaft ("wet", "naphtha"). In Ancient Greek, it was used to refer to any sort of petroleumor pitch. In antiquity the term entered Semitic languages as well: it appears in Arabic as نَفْط nafṭ ("petroleum"), in Syriac as ܢܰܦܬܳܐ naftā, and in Hebrew as נֵפְט neft. In the Song of the Three Children the Greek word νάφθα designates one of the materials used to stoke the fiery furnace. The translation of Charles Brenton renders this as "rosin". The book of II Maccabees tells how a "thick water" was put on a sacrifice at the time of Nehemiah and when the sun shone it caught fire. It adds that "those around Nehemiah termed this 'Nephthar', which means Purification, but it is called Nephthaei by the many [literally hoi polloi]."石腦油,俗稱輕油白電油去漬油,是一種原油精煉的烴類液體的中間物。它由不同的碳氫化合物混合組成,它的主要成分是含5到11個原子鏈烷環烷芳烴。通常都是脫硫然後催化重整,進而重新排列或重新結構石腦油中的烴分子以及斷裂成較小的分子用來產生高辛烷值汽油組分(或汽油)。主要用作化肥乙烯生產和催化重整原料,也可以用於生產溶劑油White spirit或作為汽油產品的調和組分。某些石油煉廠還生產少量的特種石腦油用作溶劑,清洗液,油漆和清漆稀釋劑,瀝青稀釋劑,橡膠工業溶劑,乾洗,打火機,便攜式野營爐和燈籠燃料的。這些都是石腦油進行各種純化過程可以製造的。

nuclear power
- introduced in late 1950s and 1960s in many countries
- 中國廣核集 團10日透露,中國自主知識產權三代核電技術 「 華龍一號」 ,已於日前通過歐洲用戶要求( European Utility Requirements)符合性評估, 獲得了EUR認證證書。認證結果表明,華龍一號 與EUR最新版(E版)要求具有高度的符合性,其 設計滿足歐洲最新核電要求。 EUR組織由來自法國、捷克、芬蘭、英國、 德國、斯洛文尼亞、烏克蘭、匈牙利、西班牙、 荷蘭、俄羅斯、比利時、土耳其等國家的14家歐 洲大型電力公司組成,負責組織專家對潛在進入 歐洲市場的核電技術進行與EUR要求相符性的審 查和認證工作,為歐洲核電業主進行總體技術 把關。
- people
- usa
  • Passed price- anderson act in 1957 which set a nuclear liability limit for 1957 to 1967 at $560 million.
- russia

  • 俄羅斯建造的全球首個水上核電廠,上周六離開聖彼得堡的船廠,展開前往西伯利亞的漫長旅程。環保人士直指它是「浮動的切爾諾貝爾核電站」,一旦發生事故,會對北極地區帶來危害。該水上核電廠名為「羅蒙諾索夫院士」(Akademik Lomonsov),擁有兩個核反應堆。
- middle east

  • 阿聯酋前天宣布,已向巴拉卡(Barakah)核電廠發出運作許可,意味阿拉伯半島第一座核電廠將投入服務,開啟歷史新一頁。該核電廠坐落在波斯灣沿岸,位於首都阿布扎比以西,運作屢度延期。

- china

  • 廣東台山核電廠一號機組上周五下午首次併網發電成功,成為全球首台實現併網發電的歐洲壓水式反應堆(EPR)三代核電機組。而在十二小時內,位於浙江三門、全球首台使用先進非能動壓水堆(AP1000)的核電機組,亦於昨日凌晨成功併網發電。兩個機組將轉入併網調試階段,各自進行帶負荷試運行和相關試驗,並在商業運行前進一步驗證機組的各項安全功能。
  • China will soon be ready to start commercial operations of the world’s first next-generation AP1000 nuclear reactor, possibly setting off a renewed push by the country into atomic power after years of delays and billion-dollar cost blowouts. The No. 1 reactor at the Sanmen power plant, designed by Westinghouse Electric Co., is expected to be ready for commercial operations Friday after completing a 168-hour test run, Shanghai-listed China National Nuclear Power Co. said in a statement to the exchange Thursday. It didn’t say when the unit, in the eastern Zhejiang province, will officially enter commercial power production.

- Russian state corporation Rosatom, which is building Egypt's first nuclear power plant (NPP), has a range of contracts worth tens of billions of dollars with the country, the company’s chief has announced. According to Rosatom head Alexey Likhachev, the company launched a commercial package of all Egyptian contracts in mid-December. It includes the construction of a WWER (Water-Water Energetic Reactor) for the nuclear power plant, as well as the NPP’s maintenance and supplies of fuel.

- world industry is rather concentrared with 8 companies (kazatomprom, areva, cameco, armz, rio tinto, bhp billiton, paladin, navoi) accounting for 85% of world production in 2011.

Solar power
- 2 types

  • photovoltaic (now much cheaper)
  • concentrated solar power (CSP)
- The real solution to intermittent power generation (whether solar or wind) is bigger and more flexible grids, with interconnections that cross corporate and international boundaries. The bigger the geographical area a power network covers, the greater the chance that sun or wind electricity generated in one place can be matched with demand elsewhere (though there would still need to be substantial spare capacity). But incumbent power companies may balk at investments that erode their pricing power. There are parallels between the disruption that solar power threatens to cause in the electricity industry and the upheaval that America’s shale drillers have already brought about in the fossil-fuel business. A study by Wood Mackenzie, a consulting firm, says solar’s impact could indeed be “comparable” to that of shale gas.
- On March 29th SunEdison, an American firm that calls itself the world’s largest renewable-energy development company, was described in a public filing as facing a “substantial risk” of bankruptcy. A day earlier, theWall Street Journal reported the firm was under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over accounting disclosures. Its debt exceeds $11 billion, gathered in just a few heady years. Across the Atlantic, Abengoa, a big Spanish renewable and engineering firm with €9.3 billion ($10.6 billion) of debt, narrowly avoided bankruptcy this week after three-quarters of its creditors granted it a temporary reprieve to allow for the approval of a debt-restructuring plan. After four months of pre-bankruptcy proceedings, the truce was a big relief.
- perovskite as material for panel

  • spoke at ust iems talk on 22apr16

- 昨日談到中核集團將在南海建造浮動核電站,有人或許以為是衝着南海仲裁案而來的新舉措。其實不然,中國的「十三五」規劃,早已把這個項目納入能源科技創新的重點之一,現只是按着自己的本子辦事。所謂南海仲裁,不僅改變不了中國擁有南海主權的事實,反而讓世人更留意到中國核能科技的突飛猛進,同時亦顯示出中國對保衞領土和領海的自信。早在上世紀六十年代,美國就曾為軍方設計MH-1A核電,放置於輪船上,為缺電的巴拿馬運河區供電,後來因為運行費用過高而退役。七十年代,美國西屋曾想建造海上「離岸」核電廠方案,最終因種種原因而未能付諸實施。近年,俄國為了供電給遠東或北極地帶一些邊遠地區及開發海底油氣田,決定開建「羅曼諾索夫號」浮動核電站,預料兩年後投入使用,如效果良好,俄國今後還會批量建造。據知,中國所掌握的相關技術已相當成熟,不僅可以建造到海面上操作的「浮動平台」,還研發出一種「可潛式平台」,安全性超過三代核電標準。有了浮動核電站,除了南海諸島各種設施的能源供應得到解決,也為中國成為海洋強國目標邁進一大步。一座小型浮動核電站,基本上可提供一個二十萬人口城市的電力,這不僅足夠人工島上所有設施的能源需要,更有餘能處理海水化淡,使食用水問題可以就地解決。內地海岸線長,海島開發潛力甚大,光是南海,據說可造島的礁石就有近百個。南海有豐富的海底資源,處於重要的航道位置,若能解決電力供應,可發展成為轉運和補給基地,就算開發旅遊產業也前景無限。
- thermal
  • A 150-megawatt solar thermal power plant has been secured for Port Augusta in South Australia, State Premier Jay Weatherill has announced. Construction of the $650 million plant will start in 2018.In September 2016, the Government launched a tender process to procure 75 per cent of its long-term power supply. It said it wanted to attract a new competitor onto the market and put downward pressure on electricity prices. The Government contract with United States operator Solar Reserve will last for 20 years, and was the "lowest cost option" of shortlisted bids for the project.
  • Cerro Dominador Solar Power Plant (Spanish: Planta Solar Cerro Dominador) is a 210-megawatt (MW) combined concentrated solar power and photovoltaic plant[2] located in the commune of María Elena[3] in the Antofagasta Region of Chile. The Cerro Dominador project[13] will see the construction and operation of a 110 MW concentrated solar power plant with storage in the northern Chilean region of Antofagasta, located in the Atacama desert, one of the driest places with the highest solar radiation on earth. When finished, Cerro Dominador will be the largest CSP power plant with storage in Latin America.[14] The facility will have a total aperture area of 1,484,000 m2 (15,970,000 sq ft), fully usable at noon.[15] It was grid connected in April 2021.The Cerro Dominador project will have a 110 MW solar-thermal tower. This technology uses a series of mirrors (heliostats) that track the sun on two axes, concentrating the solar radiation on a receiver on the upper part of the tower, where the heat is transferred to molten salts.[17] The molten salts then transfer their heat in a heat exchanger to water, generating superheated steam, which feeds a turbine that transforms the kinetic energy of the steam into electric energy using the Rankine cycle.
- ft 17jan2020 us polysilicon producers' shares leap as china deal opens up solar panel trade- portable

  • we care solar suitcase by laura stachel
- 太陽能製液體燃料

  • 17日,全球首套千噸級規模太陽燃 料合成示範項目在甘肅省蘭州新區綠 色化工園區成功試運行。該項目有中 國自主知識產權的電催化分解水製氫 、二氧化碳加氫製甲醇催化兩項關鍵 創新技術,實現了將太陽能等可再生 能源轉化為液體燃料的工業化生產, 對保障中國能源安全,履行國際氣候 談判減排承諾具有積極意義。
BIPV, Building Integrated Photo Voltaic. Aesthetic full-colour PV-panels with huge freedom of design. With this product it is now possible to make beautiful facades and to harvest energy. With different metals Aldowa can make the most amazing facades. Although still a relatively new concept (the world’s first floating solar project was installed in Aichi, Japan, in 2007) numerous trials and pilot installations have now proven the technical and business case.Developers are looking to scale-up installations to large and fully commercial power plants.For example, the largest floating solar project in Europe was commissioned last year in France at the site of an old quarry. At 17 MW, the OMega1 project was developed by Akuo Energy in the Rhone valley.
隨着首個以「鈣鈦礦」製成的太陽能電池於2009年在日本面世,太陽能發電技術的發展正在不斷刷新紀錄。 新物料「鈣鈦礦」是由科學家研發出來的物質,它是模仿自然界礦物質鈣鈦礦的結構,合成出來的一種物質(詳見另文)。2009年,日本桐蔭橫濱大學宮坂力教授產出首個以「鈣鈦礦」製成的太陽能電池後,科學界聚焦研究,如何將這種研發出來的新物料用於太陽能發電。  太陽能光伏板目前的主流製造物料是矽,相比較下,「鈣鈦礦」有多個不同的優勢,首要是它的製造成本較低。「鈣鈦礦」主要是以胺(阿摩尼亞)、鉛,加上另一樣物質,例如碘、溴、氯等結合而成。「相信不少人都聽過阿摩尼亞、鉛、氯等,這些都是很普通的材料,加上合成技術不算複雜,因此將這些物質結合成鈣鈦礦,花費根本不高。」香港城市大學學務副校長、化學及材料科學講座教授任廣禹教授說。  鈣鈦礦製光伏板耗用能源少   業界估計,若將一件鈣鈦礦光伏板與一件發電效能相若、而技術發展已經極成熟的矽光伏板比較,在量產初期,物料成本方面兩者會很接近,但在量產五年後,鈣鈦礦光伏板的成本預計會低於矽光伏板。  除了物料成本減低,在生產成本方面,鈣鈦礦光伏板的優勢更明顯。矽片由原材料矽到加工至接近成品,要經過長達400公里的生產線,當中最後一個加熱步驟,要在超過1000℃(部分高達3000℃)的電高溫爐將矽片淨化;某程度而言,矽光伏板是表面環保、內裏高耗的物品。不少廠商透過減少高溫爐的電耗,作為壓縮成本的最有效方法。不過,近10年電爐的能耗最有效只能減少約40%,而普遍只減少約20%。任廣禹教授指出,相比較下,鈣鈦礦的生產溫度只需約90℃至180℃,而且製作容易。簡單來說,只要將物料浸在不同的溶液中,鈣鈦礦的化學結構會自然地準確排列,從而減少大量加熱用的能源。鈣鈦礦在光轉電效率表現方面也有極大潛力。工業化生產的矽光伏板,光轉電效率約為21%至23%,物理極界效率則約30%。至於鈣鈦礦的光轉電效率,由2009年首次用於太陽能發電時僅得約3.8%,短短10年間已提升至接近27%。科學家估計,鈣鈦礦的物理極界效率至少達50%,如在物料及結構兩方面再作出變革,有望再推高至約70%。矽光伏板一般較大片、較重,而且是硬板狀的形態。鈣鈦礦光伏板則不一定產成硬板狀,例如可滾壓製成具彈性的薄膜,鋪貼在平面、曲面,甚至立體的表面,也可以像印刷般噴印出來。目前,矽光伏板只能做成墨藍色,而鈣鈦礦基於其特性及生產方式,光伏板可造成不同顏色。  任廣禹教授相信,鈣鈦礦除可製成目前常見的大型光伏板外,也可用於裝貼在建築物外牆、夾在建築物或車船的玻璃窗中間,甚至塗貼在手表、手機、車身之上等,他形容,「差不多想得到的表面,將來都可以用來發電。」
香港城市大學的研究團隊製備出一種具有異質結構的鉍基有機─無機鈣鈦礦材料(簡稱「異質材料」),能將太陽能轉化為氫能的效率提高至傳統材料的三倍。  過去數年,鉛基有機─無機複合鈣鈦礦材料(下簡稱「鉛基材料」)以其出色光電效應與優異的光伏性能,被廣泛應用於太陽能轉換器件;但在光催化領域,該款材料由於其穩定性差而且毒性較高,對環境具有較大的威脅,其應用受到限制。為生產出一款環保的光催化產氫材料,城大能源及環境學院助理教授徐先億率團隊,進行為期一年的研究,最終合成出一種具有異質結構的鉍基有機─無機鈣鈦礦材料。  團隊透過測試發現,這種異質結構可於可見光照射下,分解碘化氫飽和溶液,產生氫氣。相比起傳統的鉛基材料,異質材料在分解轉換過程中,所消耗的能量減少,其光催化活性顯著提高。  團隊表示,傳統無機鈣鈦礦需在500至800度高溫下耗費數天製造,而異質材料中的有機─無機鹵素鈣鈦礦只需在140度下燒製一天便能製成,且在光催化產氫過程中,無需用價錢昂貴的金屬如鉑、釕等作共催化劑。
- UK-based Solar Water Plc., the world’s first carbon-neutral hydro-infrastructure dome, designed to produce clean water for municipal and industrial consumption, is in talks with the UAE government to implement its innovative glass technology.The dome houses vast parabolic mirrors that capture the sun’s heat; this energy evaporates incoming seawater, which condenses and precipitates as fresh water, creating a constant water cycle within the dome. Salt is extracted from the brine as a by-product and sold commercially, ensuring that neither salt nor brine is returned to the ocean.
- event

  • Solar energy exhibition and conference, australia
wind energy
windmill is a mill that converts the energy of wind into rotational energy by means of vanes called sails or blades. Centuries ago, windmills usually were used to mill grain (gristmills), pump water (windpumps), or both.[3] The majority of modern windmills take the form of wind turbines used to generate electricity, or windpumps used to pump water, either for land drainage or to extract groundwater.The windwheel of the Greek engineer Heron of Alexandria in the first century is the earliest known instance of using a wind-driven wheel to power a machine.[4][5] Another early example of a wind-driven wheel was the prayer wheel, which has been used in Tibet and China since the fourth century.[6] It has been claimed that the Babylonian emperor Hammurabi planned to use wind power for his ambitious irrigation project in the seventeenth century BCE.

  • Die chinesische Windmühle läuft wie ein Karussell mit einer senkrecht stehenden Rotordrehachse auf Bodenebene im Kreis. Sternförmig um die Drehachse angeordnete Dschunkensegel, die sich von selbst zur Strömung ausrichten, treiben sie an. Diese historische Windmühle arbeitet mit einer Technik, die nur von China her bekannt ist. Vorwiegend für die Bewässerung von Feldern eingesetzt, wurde sie jedoch auch zur Salzgewinnung genutzt.  China hat eine weit zurückreichende Geschichte der Windmühlennutzung. So wurde die Wasserversorgung der Küstengegenden in Südost-China lange Zeit mit Windkraft betrieben. In der in Liaoyang (Provinz Liaoning) freigelegten Han-Grabstätte fand man Wandgemälde, die den Gebrauch von Windmühlen in China seit der östlichen Han-Dynastie (25–220 n. Chr.) nahelegen, also seit 1700 Jahren. In der deutschen Fachliteratur zu Windenergie sind abweichende Angaben zum Alter der chinesischen Windmühlen gemacht worden. Gasch et al. geben im Buch „Windkraftanlagen“ an, chinesische Windmühlen bzw. Windräder seien seit etwa 1000 n. Chr. bekannt.[3] Felix von König hingegen geht in seinem Windenergielexikon von einem geschätzten Alter von 1500 Jahren aus. Seit der Ming-Dynastie (1368–1644) benutzten die Chinesen Windmühlen, um Wasser auf die Felder oder in Salinen – zur Salzgewinnung – zu pumpen und auch für die Erzeugung industrieller und landwirtschaftlicher Nebenprodukte. Soweit bekannt stammt die erste Erwähnung einer Windmühle in der chinesischen Literatur von Yelü Chucai, der in dem Bericht seiner Reise nach Turkestan (1219 n. Chr.) davon schreibt; hierbei könnte es sich allerdings eher um eine Beschreibung einer persischen Windmühle handeln, die er dort vorgefunden hat.
  • ?????  ft 9jul18 letters to editor page showed a picture of windmill in england in mid 14th c

- wind generation began in western europe in 1980s
- 英國風力發電日趨普及,號稱全球最大的海上風力發電場,近日正式在坎布里亞郡啟用。海上風力發電場的建造成本高達十億英鎊(約一百億港元),整體面積更相當於兩萬個足球場。發電場由一間丹麥公司於二○一五年開始建造,渦輪機的風葉分別在約克郡及懷特島的工廠生產,並僱用約二百五十人協助發電場運作及保養維修。
- economist 6oct18 "shiver me timbers" wind-powered ships are making a comeback at sea
- economist 8jun19 "castles in the sky?" an innovative approach to making electricity from the wind
- ft 19mar2021 china dominates worldwide wind industry
- Abu Dhabi-owned energy firm Masdar is leading investment, research and development, and commercialization of renewables in the UAE, and has made multi-billion pound investments in three offshore wind farms in the UK. It has also invested millions in Britain’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
- downside
  • 德國政府正積極推動可再生能源,全國多處均有興建風力發電站的計劃,但被指製造噪音,大量民眾入稟法院反對興建。德國聯邦政府工作小組近日正討論新方案,向發電站附近居民提供金錢補償,環境部長舒爾策形容建議值得深入探討,但被地方人士批評做法形同「掩口費」。德國法院目前已累積300多宗涉及風力發電站的訴訟有待審理,使風力發電站興建速度顯著減慢,去年首9個月只有148個風力發電機建成,數量相當於過去5年同期的1/3。執政聯盟成員社會民主黨(SPD)警告,若風力發電站工程繼續受阻,德國將難以實現在2030年以前,把可再生能源發電比例提高至65%的目標。德國政府為盡快平息風力發電爭議,早前公佈新規例,要求風力發電站只能興建在民居1,000米外。兩個州亦已實施補償計劃,其中在勃蘭登堡州,地方政府會向居於風力發電場3公里範圍內的每戶居民,就每個風力發電機提供1萬歐元(約8.7萬港元)補償。

kite power
-全球首富、微軟公司始創人比爾蓋茨曾表示,以大型風箏發電的發電廠有百分之十的機率,可以成為解決能源短缺問題的「神奇方法」。此神奇方法現時有望成真,英國一間公司研發以大型風箏發電,使發電成本降至僅為傳統風電的一半,並預計三年後在蘇格蘭採用這種技術,為當地逾五千住戶供電。研發風箏發電技術的公司Kite Power Solutions(KPS)透露,技術人員先把風箏每兩個綁在一起、合共十組的大型風箏,用拴繩放到逾三百米高空。風箏會以時速一百六十公里飛翔,每組風箏會互相反覆拉扯,從而拉動地面上的滾筒線軸,令已連接好的發電機生產電力。

tidal power
- developed in france in 1966
- ft 29may19 "betting on a water battery"

- 國發能研院、綠能智庫 預測,地熱產業如果進一步規模化發展, 「十三五」 期間,或將直接 拉動投資4000億元(人民幣,下同),並帶動地熱全產業鏈總投資突 破1萬億元;至2035年,將帶動地熱全產業鏈總投資高達5萬億元。

Compressed air is air kept under a pressure that is greater than atmospheric pressure. Compressed air is an important medium for transfer of energy in industrial processes, and is used for power tools such as air hammersdrillswrenches and others, as well as to atomize paint, to operate air cylinders for automation, and can also be used to propel vehicles. Brakes applied by compressed air made large railway trains safer and more efficient to operate. Compressed air brakes are also found on large highway vehicles. Compressed air is used as a breathing gas by underwater divers. It may be carried by the diver in a high pressure diving cylinder, or supplied from the surface at lower pressure through an air line or diver's umbilical. Similar arrangements are used in breathing apparatus used by firefighters, mine rescue workers and industrial workers in hazardous atmospheres.Industrial use of piped compressed air for power transmission was developed in the mid 19th century; unlike steam, compressed air could be piped for long distances without losing pressure due to condensation. An early major application of compressed air was in the drilling of the Mont Cenis Tunnel in Switzerland in 1861, where a 600 kPa (87 psi) compressed air plant provided power to pneumatic drills, increasing productivity greatly over previous manual drilling methods. Compressed air drills were applied at mines in the United States in the 1870s. George Westinghouse invented air brakes for trains starting in 1869; these brakes considerably improved the safety of rail operations. In the 19th century, Paris had a system of pipes installed for municipal distribution of compressed air to power machines and to operate generators for lighting. Early air compressors were steam-driven, but in certain locations a trompe could directly obtain compressed air from the force of falling water.In industry, compressed air is so widely used that it is often regarded as the fourth utility, after electricity, natural gas and water. However, compressed air is more expensive than the other three utilities when evaluated on a per unit energy delivered basis.

algae-based fuel
- Production of advanced biofuels made from algae could grow rapidly in the late 2020s, according to Synthetic Genomics, the biotech company that has formed a partnership with ExxonMobil to develop the fuel. The two companies said last week that by 2025 they were aiming to set up one or more demonstration plants to produce 10,000 barrels a day of diesel and jet fuel from genetically modified algae. Synthetic Genomics argues that scaling up production could be relatively quick.  The aim is to produce biofuels that will be cost competitive with conventional oil-based fuels at crude prices of about $60 to $65 a barrel. 

electricity from damp air
- economist 4aug19 "grey sky thinking"

electricity from banana peel

fusion power
- economist 4may19 "doughnuts, apples, smoke rings and shrimps" after decades spent within the purview of governments, fusion energy is attracting private sector interest

- 微軟創辦人蓋茨(Bill Gates)投資的一間美國神秘初創公司周二宣布,研發出一個可產生等同太陽表面四分之一高溫的設施,儼如一個太陽爐,將是全球首度將太陽能技術應用於煉鋼等產業。潔淨能源公司Heliogen表示,新技術透過人工智能(AI)精確計算,將鏡場所有鏡子精確對準定點,從而反射大量陽光,產生攝氏一千度以上的高溫,意味零排放的太陽能將有望取代化石燃料,用於製造水泥、鋼鐵、玻璃等排放最多二氧化碳的高溫產業。由於以往太陽能發電方式窒礙於難以長時間供電,故今次為太陽能科技的重大突破。

Pumped storage

- usa
  • standard oil trust was broken up in 1911 (as a result of sherman antitrust act 1890) by a US supreme court ruling. Since companies could no longer merge horizontally, many merged vertically. Three of the old trust companies, joined by four others, subsequently dominated the world oil market - esso, mobil, socal, gulf, texaco, BP and RD shell - came to be pejoratively called the 7 sisters. 
  • a voluntary organization of nine states, called the interstate oil and gas compact commission, formed in 1935 to assist member states to develop sound regulatory conservation practices. The most famous, long-lasting and successful of the prorating schemes was by the texas railroad commission.  
- europe
  • in 1951, belgium, france, italy, luxembourg, the netherlands and west germany signed the treaty of paris, which created the european coal and steel community to cooperatge on energy supply
- russia
  • The oil industry in russian empire started in 1846 in azerbaijan. The swedish nobel family and french rothschild family invested in this spot and made russian empire the largest oil producer in 1900. By the time the bolsheviks came to power in 1917, standard and royal dutch shell had also entered the fray. All lost their prooerties to natiinalization after the russian revolution.
- indonesia

  • Royal dutch made oil finds in indonesia beginning in 1890s, whike shell transport and tradind commissioned its first tanker to transport kerosene from russia to far east in 1892. These 2 companies came together in 1907 to become royal dutch shell.
Crude oil refining
- refining crude oil separates the mix of chemical compounds into

  • Kerosene and fuel oil - provide light and heat
  • Gasoline and diesel - generate power
  • Lubricating oil - protects moving metal surfaces
  • Lighter products - building blocks for petrochemical industry
  • Asphalt - provides tough road surfaces

- russia wants to break the monopoly power of ukrainian and belarusian transit pipelines

Effect of falling oil prices
- Tumbling oil prices look set to hit electric cars and biofuels harder than other parts of the green power industry, the head of the world’s leading renewable energy agency has warned. Oil price fall leaves Gulf states with difficult reform choices
- Within weeks a giant oil platform made in South Korea will begin its journey round the tip of Africa to a Norwegian fiord deep in the Arctic Circle. The platform will then be towed 60km off the northern coast of Norway to play its role in the first oil production from the Norwegian Arctic. The Goliat field, operated by Italy’s Eni, will be the northernmost offshore oil production site in the world. At about the same time, a drilling rig will leave Singapore for the remote Chukchi Sea, northwest of Alaska. One of two contracted by Royal Dutch Shell, the pair will wait for winter sea ice to clear before starting a summer drilling campaign in the US Arctic. In spite of objections from environmental campaigners, the Arctic has long been heralded as the next big frontier for “Big Oil”. A US geological study in 2008 estimated it held about 13 per cent of the world’s undiscovered oil — some 412bn barrels of oil equivalent — and 30 per cent of its undiscovered gas. Now, after a more than 50 per cent collapse in oil prices since last summer to less than $60 a barrel, there will be fewer drilling rigs heading north to the Arctic. The region is a high cost frontier because it is so remote, and for many energy groups halting exploration in the Arctic is likely to be preferable to abandoning cheaper projects elsewhere that offer swifter returns.

Oil production row
Saudi Arabia has suggested Russia cut its oil production by five percent –about 500,000 barrels per day – a source familiar with ongoing negotiations among the oil-producing countries told Presently, the parties are discussing various possible ways of reducing supply in the world market, the source pointed out. However, Russian companies do not intend to reduce production just yet, while the Saudis will not be able to achieve a significant supply reduction in the world market with Russia alone, experts say.

Oil trading platform
- West Texas Intermediate
- London Market for Brent

Oil services company

- ft 30jul19 hydrogen rises as clean fossil fuel alternative
- ft 9mar2021 race to scale up green hydrogen
- Microsoft co-founder and the world's second-richest man Bill Gates has commissioned himself a futuristic superyacht that is powered by liquid hydrogen -- meaning its only emission is water -- for Rs. 4,600 crores. Gates is a regular superyacht holidaymaker but has not previously owned his own vessel and has preferred to rent during his summer trips. The plans of buying the superyacht were unveiled at the Monaco Yacht Show last year in December.Notably, this is the first of its kind being powered by liquid hydrogen.Hydrogen fuel works by creating electricity to power a battery and motor by mixing hydrogen and oxygen in specially treated plates, which are combined to form the fuel cell stack.The fuel cell stacks and batteries have allowed engineers to significantly shrink these components to even fit neatly inside a family car, although they are also commonly used to fuel buses, other larger vehicles and now superyachts, according to Unilad.
- An energy company with big ambitions to produce the clean fuel of the future announced a deal Tuesday with Lancaster officials to make hydrogen by using plasma heating technology — originally developed for NASA — to disintegrate the city’s paper recyclables at temperatures as high as 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Solena Group’s process has no commercial track record, and the company has not yet secured financing to build its $55-million facility in Lancaster, in northern Los Angeles County. Solena is one of many firms looking for ways to cheaply produce hydrogen without generating planet-warming gases in hopes that the clean-burning fuel will one day replace oil and gas for transportation or heating.
- 阿爾斯通已經研發了只會排放水廢氣的氫燃料火車,並且相繼在德國和其他國家投入使用。該公司的Coradia iLint是世界上首列氫燃料火車,只需要一罐氫氣便足以行駛600英里。

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) 
According to the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, BIPV buildings account for more than 80 percent of solar power generation in Europe.
Although China is the world's largest solar panel producer, more than 95 percent of the sector's output is exported.

transferring heat to energy
- 成熟的熱電技術可直接將熱能轉化成電能,有助探索能源轉化技術。美國克萊門森大學(Clemson University)與國際團隊合作,通過混合周期表上同族但原子尺寸不同的元素,創造出一種高性能的熱電混合物料,為未來科學家研究熱電材料打好基礎。克萊姆森大學物理及原子科學系的助理教授何健(Jian He)和來自中國和丹麥的科學家,利用硫和碲之間,以及銅和銀之間的原子尺寸不匹配的特性,創造了一種新的化合物「(Cu1-xAgx)2(Te1-ySy)」。在這種化合物中,結晶體和非結晶體交織在一起,形成獨一無二的晶態二元結構,這種新化合物具優越的熱電性能。何健表示,傳統的熱電物料由結晶體組合而成,而新的化合物料並非純晶體構成,顯示新的原子結構材料也具同樣的性能。他又指,預計新物料將在10至20年內開始生產應用,並對這項新技術的發展前景持樂觀態度。相關研究上周五在能源研究雜誌《焦耳》(Joule)上發表。

- 國家高度重視 北方地區的清潔取暖問題 ,並開展了一系列 「 煤 改電」 「煤改氣 」等措施 。中深層地熱能不僅儲 量豐富 ,而且清潔環保 ,已經成為全球公認極具 應用價值和利用潛力的清潔能源 。 作為肩負創新城市發展方式使命的國家級新 區 ,西咸新區早在2013年就開始探索建設區內首 個中深層地熱地埋管供熱技術試點項目 。幾年 來 ,隨着技術應用的日益成熟 ,以地熱能利用為 特色的新型城市綜合能源供應 「西鹹模式 」 , 已 經從區域試點升級到全面推廣 ,在鄭東新區的應 用便是典型案例之一 。 獲14項授權專利 據了解 ,作為一種新型供熱技術 ,中深層地 熱地埋管供熱技術通過鑽機向地下2000米至3000 米深處的地層鑽孔 ,在鑽孔中安裝封閉的金屬套 管換熱器 ,通過換熱介質導出地下70 ℃ 至120 ℃ 的中深層地熱能向地面建築物供熱 。該技術不抽 取地下水 ,供熱過程不產生廢氣 、廢液 、廢渣等 污染物排放 ,也不用建設熱源廠和開挖路面 、 敷 設室外熱力管網 。作為該技術的實踐應用和推廣 者 ,灃西能源公司目前已獲得授權專利14 項 。


正弦曲線正弦波sine wave or sinusoid is a mathematical curve that describes a smooth periodic oscillation. A sine wave is a continuous wave. It is named after the function sine, of which it is the graph. It occurs often in both pure and applied mathematics, as well as physicsengineeringsignal processing and many other fields.This wave pattern occurs often in nature, including wind wavessound waves, and light waves.
DSP based pure sine wave UPS / Inverter for domestic applications

- 為應對全球能源變革而誕生的「虛擬電廠」正在從構想變為現實,國家電網公司21日在京舉辦的「能源轉型」高端論壇暨國際標準創新基地授牌儀式上披露,由其主導發起的兩項「虛擬電廠」標準近日獲得國際電工委員會(IEC)批准立項,成為IEC在虛擬電廠領域立項的首批國際標準。國家電網董事長舒印彪表示,分佈式能源使得並網主體既是發電方、又是用電方,電網運行的複雜性、不確定性顯著增加,「虛擬電廠」將為破解清潔能源消納和綠色能源轉型提供解決方案。中國工程院院士杜祥琬介紹說,「虛擬電廠」不是傳統意義上的發電廠,而是相當於一個電力「智能管家」。能在光伏等分佈式能源有間歇性時,通過儲能裝置把它們組織起來,形成穩定、可控的「大電廠」,便於處理與大電網之間的各種關係。

A valve-regulated lead-acid battery (VRLA battery) sometimes called sealed lead-acid (SLA), gel cell, or maintenance free battery. Due to their construction, the gel and absorbent glass mat (AGM) types of VRLA can be mounted in any orientation, and do not require constant maintenance. The term "maintenance free" is a misnomer as VRLA batteries still require cleaning and regular functional testing. They are widely used in large portable electrical devices, off-grid power systems and similar roles, where large amounts of storage are needed at a lower cost than other low-maintenance technologies like lithium-ionThere are three primary types of VRLA batteries, sealed VR wet cell, AGM and gel. Gel cells add silica dust to the electrolyte, forming a thick putty-like gel. These are sometimes referred to as "silicone batteries". AGM (absorbent glass mat) batteries feature fiberglass mesh between the battery plates which serves to contain the electrolyte. Both designs offer advantages and disadvantages compared to conventional batteries and sealed VR wet cells, as well as each other.
- 比亞迪(1211)副總裁、弗迪電池董事長何龍日前在發布會上表示,刀片電池已經進入量產階段。目前大部分新能源車品牌都已經在探討刀片電池合作方案。據介紹,傳統磷酸鐵鋰電池包含三層結構:電芯,模組和電池包,電芯和模組的支撐固定結構件會佔據很大
- ft 23nov2020 the race to find storage solutions for green energy
- 德國一個科研機構上周五在《科學》期刊發表報告,指他們研發出一種以鈣鈦礦和矽製成的串聯太陽能電池,其轉換效率接近30%,不但打破世界紀錄,更接近35%的理論上最高轉換率極限。
- 香港大學學者馮憲平的團隊,在熱電轉換的技術基礎上另闢蹊徑,以帶電荷的化學離子(ions)代替電子設計出新系統,並改用「溫度循環」的方式,成功研製出「直接熱充電電池(DTCC)」,每度溫差的發電效能比傳統熱電材料高出25倍。即使在室溫下,薄薄一片電池組的產電亦能驅動小型電子器材,將低溫廢熱化「廢」為「寶」,為未來可持續發展打開一扇窗。熱電半導體利用熱電效應(Thermoelectric effect),當兩端一邊加熱一邊冷卻,利用溫差方式,讓材料內部的電子來回移動,從而產生電壓,傳統的半導體熱電轉換器便是以此製成。不過馮憲平指,此技術每度溫差只能產生約200μV(微伏,即10萬分之一伏)電壓,需要數百度的高溫差環境才能有效產電,難以用於低溫廢熱。此外,轉換器厚度亦有限制,太薄未能維持溫差,太厚則會因電阻問題加劇能量消耗減低成效,而且涉及稀有金屬,成本也相對較高。放電時產氧化 冷卻後發生還原為此他改變思路採用「離子電力系統」,以離子取代電子作為能量載體研製了DTCC,使用不對稱電極,以氧化石墨烯/鉑金作為陰極,以聚苯胺作為陽極,加上以鹽水為主,及大量鐵二價與鐵三價離子作為電解液,利用溫度循環,即是加熱冷卻、再加熱、再冷卻的方式運作。加熱時,「氧化石墨烯本身帶負電,就會去抓取在電解液中的帶正電的離子,一抓離子就會產生電容,電壓隨之上升,當電壓到達某個程度時開始放電」。至於陰極的導電高分子,則會在電壓達到一定高度時,不斷氧化放電,「利用鐵離子的氧化還原作用,放電的時候產生氧化,冷卻下來後會自己發生還原,就像自身修復一樣。」此發明成功將每度溫差產生電壓提升25倍至5mV以上,即使在30℃到90℃低溫差狀態亦能有效操作,熱電轉換效率亦達到5%以上,成為「可能改變遊戲規則的綠色能源」。自2017年起,公司已獲創科基金及科學園近300萬元資助,並籌募得約500萬元初創投資,於台灣設廠作大規模生產。馮憲平指,公司成功爭取得多個項目創造約250萬元收入,包括機電署的溫室實驗計劃,檢視太陽直射下廢熱發電效率及室內溫度變化,又與本地廠商合作節能冷氣,將DTCC貼在冷氣壓縮機上產電。團隊並與台灣企業合作,將DTCC用於智能窗戶,將日光照窗框產生的溫度提升轉化為電,驅動窗戶變暗;另體溫電池則是團隊另一合作項目,DTCC將冬季時體溫與外界10度以上的溫差轉化,以為手環、健康檢測系統等裝置供電,可即時透過手機向家屬反饋,對嬰兒、老人身體數據監測特別有用,希望可於數年內上市。馮憲平提到,相比同類另置電池的人體健康監測器,DTCC技術除了更節能環保成本較低外,成分也以鹽、水及鐵離子為主,較電池金屬電解液安全。
- 中文大學學者盧怡君及其團體,今年全球首創將生物學原理用於電池領域,針對廣泛應用的鋰離子電池的易燃風險,利用護膚霜常見的成分聚乙二醇(polyethylene glycol, PEG)作為穩定劑,令其出現如同生物細胞的「分子擁擠」現象,在提升電壓之餘,亦避免了有機電解液的易燃性質,為未來研發安全且低成本的環保儲電系統開拓出新路向。
- China's Tsingshan Holding Group Co. Ltd. agreed to supply Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co. Ltd. and CNGR Advanced Material Co. Ltd. with a combined 100,000 tonnes of nickel matte, a material used in making electric vehicle batteries, Reuters reported March 3, citing a Tsingshan statement posted on its WeChat social media account.Tsingshan will ship 60,000 tonnes of nickel matte to Huayou and 40,000 tonnes to CNGR within one year starting in October, according to the report.Tsingshan is also reportedly eyeing more investments in Indonesia, where the company is part of a consortium developing a nickel project. Tsingshan also plans to team up with Freeport-McMoRan Inc. to build a copper smelter in the country. Tsingshan forecast nickel equivalent production of 600,000 tonnes in 2021, 850,000 tonnes in 2022 and 1.1 million tonnes in 2023. The company has not revealed its 2020 production figures.The report said Tsingshan also plans to adjust its production of nickel matte and nickel pig iron, a stainless steel input, based on demand and prices.
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- 中國地能

- oil and gas journal

The 1973 oil crisis began in October 1973 when the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries proclaimed an oil embargo. The embargo occurred in response to United States' support for Israel during the Yom Kippur War. By the end of the embargo in March 1974, the price of oil had risen from US$3 per barrel to nearly $12 globally; US prices were significantly higher. The embargo caused an oil crisis, or "shock", with many short- and long-term effects on global politics and the global economy. It was later called the "first oil shock", followed by the 1979 oil crisis, termed the "second oil shock."The embargo was a response to American involvement in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Six days after Egypt and Syria launched a surprise military campaign against Israel, the US supplied Israel with arms. In response to this, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC, consisting of the Arab members of OPEC plus Egypt and Syria) announced an oil embargo against Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States. The crisis had a major impact on international relations and created a rift within NATO. Some European nations and Japan sought to disassociate themselves from United States foreign policy in the Middle East to avoid being targeted by the boycott. Arab oil producers linked any future policy changes to peace between the belligerents. To address this, the Nixon Administration began multilateral negotiations with the combatants. They arranged for Israel to pull back from the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. By January 18, 1974, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had negotiated an Israeli troop withdrawal from parts of the Sinai Peninsula. The promise of a negotiated settlement between Israel and Syria was enough to convince Arab oil producers to lift the embargo in March 1974.Independently, OAPEC members agreed to use their leverage over the world price-setting mechanism for oil to stabilize their incomes by raising world oil prices after the recent failure of negotiations with Western oil companies. The embargo occurred at a time of rising petroleum consumption by industrialized countries and coincided with a sharp increase in oil imports by the world's largest oil consumer, the United States. In the aftermath, targeted countries initiated a wide variety of policies to contain their future dependency. The 1973 "oil price shock", with the accompanying 1973–74 stock market crash, was regarded as the first discrete event since the Great Depression to have a persistent effect on the US economy. 
- the european energy charter treaty (EECT) signed in 1994, aimed at supporting energy reform in the former eastern bloc countries and assuring safe energy supplies from those areas

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  • 第 三屆世界油商大會昨日在浙江舟山正式啟 幕,包括托克、沙特阿美、英國石油(BP )、埃克森美孚、道達爾等在內的國內外 271家油氣相關企業出席大會。

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