Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Food/Wine and spirits

- taiwan
  • kimo
- Caviar
  • beluga
  • ossetra
  • sterlet
  • sevruga
Interesting news
- origin of different foods


- FIRST umami. Then kokumi. For many Japanese the classical gustatory quartet of sour, sweet, salty and bitter seems insufficient. They suggest there are other basic tastes, and are prepared to back that suggestion with scientific research. Kokumi, similarly compounded from “rich” and “taste”, has been the subject of scientific inquiry in Japan since the 1980s, but is less familiar in the West. It is as much a feeling as a taste, and is described variously as “mouthfulness”, “thickness” and “heartiness”. Garlic, onions and scallops are all said to possess it. But, though the source of kokumi is suspected to be a group of chemicals called gamma-glutamyl peptides, the search continues for special receptor-cells on the tongue, or anywhere else, that are tailored to detect these and thus create the sensation of kokumi.

Global Initiative

- international blueberry organisation

promotion of chinese food
- organised by chinese cuisine association and guangdong restaurant association


- 司徒衛 鏞 ( William Szeto )《 回憶的味道 》十二章讀來趣 味豐富,也引發相關枝葉發展。論混血,澳門雖然比香港小,歷史 卻更長遠至明朝,澳葡混血兒並混血 文化早已確立獨特名稱Macanese。香港上世紀六十年代的童年在毫半 子(一角五仙)兩個菠蘿包、雞尾 包、豬仔包、墨西哥包圍繞中度過 (當然不缺廣東叉燒包、臘腸包、雞 頭大包,上海小籠包、牛肉包、窩 貼、菜肉包……)但現代人叫麵包這 個「包」字,尤其焗的包而非蒸的 包,源自中國?還屬舶來? 麻煩了三聯出版社副總編輯李安, 從 Google 查到辭源、辭海為我尋找 「包」這個字何時在中國出現?活用 於何時何物?當然歸納食物類別。 最遠尋得宋代羊肉包子,相信與後 來小籠包子一脈相承,卻非近代始普 遍的烘焙麵包,那是舶來之物,包括 「包」這個名字。 十多年前遊巴西,打卡於里約熱內 盧海岸至高,建立起巨型十字架 Christ the Redeemer耶 穌山,遙望里約著名糖 包山 Pao de Acucar; 即時彈出問號:Pao、 包這個字源自西洋還是 中國? 後來從西班牙、葡萄 牙、中南美洲乃至前西 班牙殖民地菲律賓吃過 與香港近似的一眾「麵 包」,肯定源自葡萄牙 古字 Pao。尋找中國的 包子,其「包」可能需 要溯源自形似女性專用 繡荷包。
Naan is a leavened, oven-baked flatbread found in the cuisines of MalayCentral and South AsianThe earliest appearance of "naan" in English is from 1810, in a travelogue of William Tooke. The Persian word nān 'bread' is attested in Middle Persian as n'n 'bread, food', which is of Iranian origin, and is a cognate with Parthian ngn, Balochi nagan, Sogdian nγn-, and Pashto nəγan 'bread'. The form naan has a widespread distribution, having been borrowed in a range of languages spoken in Central Asia and South Asia, where it usually refers to a kind of flatbread. The spelling naan is first attested in 1979, and has since become the normal English spelling.Other than etymology, "naan", as we know it today, originates from Central and South Asia with influence from the Middle-East. The most familiar and readily available varieties of naan in Western countries are the South Asian varieties. In Iran, from which the word ultimately originated, nān (نان) does not carry any special significance, as it is merely the generic word for any kind of bread, as well as in other West Asian nations or ethnic groups in the region, such as amongst KurdsTurksAzerbaijanis (from both Azerbaijan and Iran), etc. Naan in parts of South Asia usually refers to a specific kind of thick flatbread (another well-known kind of flatbread is chapati). Generally, it resembles pita and, like pita bread, is usually leavened with yeast or with bread starter (leavened naan dough left over from a previous batch); unleavened dough (similar to that used for roti) is also used. Naan is cooked in a tandoor, from which tandoori cooking takes its name. This distinguishes it from roti, which is usually cooked on a flat or slightly concave iron griddle called a tava. Modern recipes sometimes substitute baking powder for the yeast. Milk or yogurt may also be used to impart distinct tastes to the naan. Milk used instead of water will, as it does for ordinary bread, yield a softer dough. Also, when bread starter (which contains both yeast and lactobacilli) is used, the milk may undergo modest lactic fermentation.波斯語نان‎、印地語नान哈薩克語нан, nan维吾尔语نان‎、塔吉克語Нон)也譯為南餅,是一种起源于波斯的发酵面饼,是伊朗、中亚和南亚许多民族以及中国西部一些民族的主食之一。

  • 在新疆伽師縣饢文化產業 園的生產車間裏,工人從饢 坑中取出烤饢
  • Sheermal or Shirmal (Persian: شیرمال; Urdu: شیرمال "shyrmal"; Hindi: शीरमल), is a saffron-flavored traditional flatbread made in Greater Iran and Indian subcontinent, probably from Persian influences. It is one of the several rare Lucknow and Hyderabadi delicacies in India. It is also part of the Awadhi cuisine and is enjoyed in Old Bhopal, especially with meat delicacies. Sheermal is a mildly sweet naan made out of maida, leavened with yeast, baked in a tandoor or oven. Sheermal was traditionally made like roti. Today, sheermal is prepared like naan. The warm water in the recipe for naan roti was replaced with warm milk sweetened with sugar and flavored with saffron and cardamom. The final product resembles Danish pastry.
  • originated duringbreign of nawabs in lucknow scmp 11may18
- sliced bread

noodle, pasta

Sago /ˈsɡ/ is a starch extracted from the spongy centre, or pith, of various tropical palm stems, especially that of Metroxylon sagu. It is a major staple food for the lowland peoples of New Guinea and the Moluccas, where it is called saksakrabia and sagu. The largest supply of sago comes from Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia and Malaysia. Large quantities of sago are sent to Europe and North America for cooking purposes.[citation needed] It is traditionally cooked and eaten in various forms, such as rolled into balls, mixed with boiling water to form a glue-like paste (papeda), or as a pancake. Sago is often produced commercially in the form of "pearls" (small rounded starch aggregates, partly gelatinized by heating). Sago pearls can be boiled with water or milk and sugar to make a sweet sago pudding. Sago pearls are similar in appearance to the pearled starches of other origin, e.g. cassava starch (tapioca) and potato starch, and they may be used interchangeably in some dishes. The name sago is also sometimes used for starch extracted from other sources, especially the sago cycad, Cycas revoluta. The sago cycad is also commonly known (confusingly) as the sago palm, although this is a misnomer as cycads are not palms. Extracting edible starch from the sago cycad requires special care due to the poisonous nature of cycads. Cycad sago is used for many of the same purposes as palm sago.西米又稱西谷米碩硪米,是由幾種棕櫚樹樹幹內所儲碳水化合物製造的食用澱粉。原料主要來自西米椰屬棕櫚,尤其是原產於印度尼西亞群島西谷椰子Metroxylon sagu),還有桄榔酒假桄榔(Caryota urens,即"董棕") 。南美洲生產西米的原料則來自Mauritia flexuosaGuilielma gasipaes


- back in ancient times, fish roe was exported to Greece from the territory of today's Crimea. This is logical, as people have been fishing for some 40,000 years, and caviar is usually encountered whenever any fish is cut open and made ready for eating.Caviar didn't acquire its dainty status until early in the 16th century, when Pope Julius II introduced it at royal ceremonies in Europe.During the turmoil of the Middle Ages, caviar somehow disappeared from dinner tables. But Russian fishermen re-discovered it in the 12th century, and it has been with us ever since.Though it wasn't always appreciated (Louis 'The Beloved' XV famously spat out Peter the Great's gift of caviar), by the 17th century caviar was already associated with luxury.

Dairy products
- The weak global diary market, hit by oversupply and a tail-off in Chinese demand that has driven international milk prices down by around 50 percent, is unlikely to pick up anytime soon, analysts say. China was one of the world's fastest-growing dairy markets, but consumption there has dried up after earlier high prices cut domestic demand, leaving excess stocks of imported milk powder.
- camel milk

  • For camel farmers like Sangdeg in Inner Mongolia, camels are not only used to carry tourists but also to produce milk, one of the regions emerging and booming industries.
- artificial dairy products

  • 近年有初創公司努力研發人造奶或非動物乳清蛋白,初創公司New Culture研究由實驗室培育的酪蛋白,用以製造人造意大利水牛芝士;該公司創辦人Matt Gibson對外媒表示,他不喜歡市場上的非奶類選擇,並且認為使用任何植物蛋白製成的芝士均不理想。另一間初創公司Motif Ingredients正在使用其獲得的9000萬美元資金,在實驗室培植的乳蛋白,作為調味材料之用。與此同時,位於加州的Real Vegan Cheese也在努力於實驗室培植乳清,研究如何用細菌製造多種酪蛋白,並且希望將其配方傳開,讓其他人可以開發自己的非動物奶類製品。 初創公司Perfect Day成功在向消費者直接介紹非動物奶製品,在7月中期推出限量版的人造奶雪糕,有3種口味分別是朱古力奶、雲呢拿salted Fudge及雲呢拿黑莓拖肥。
  • 李嘉誠基金會於微博上公布,以合成生物科技、「毋庸牛」方法生產奶製品的「人造奶」公司Perfect Day創辦人Ryan及Perumal訪港,李嘉誠和他們分享為什麼他要在香港科技大學成立「合成生物學研究院」,他期望香港也可以在合成生物激發起的生物工業化大潮內「衝浪」。基金會八月中宣布捐資五億元,予科大創立香港首個「合成生物學研究院」。
  • Perfect Day Foods is a San Francisco-based cellular agriculture company making milk from cell culture. Isha (our Executive Director) founded Muufri (as it was then known, until they rebranded as Perfect Day in August 2016) with Ryan and Perumal in April 2014. As of 2016, they've raised over $2 million, made their first prototype, and have directed considerable interest and funding to the field of cellular agriculture through their huge press exposure.
- australia

  • 早在剛到澳洲的時候本呆就發現,超市裡牛奶的品種多不勝數。然而令本呆這外國人感到驚訝的倒不是那些牛奶的品種,而是「牛奶平過水」!很難想像一瓶七百毫升的礦泉水和一瓶兩公升的牛奶是同樣的價格。於是很長的一段時間裡,本呆都以牛奶為飲料,早晚除了喝牛奶,便是做牛奶面膜。除去牛奶面膜在氣候乾燥的澳洲有代替礦泉水補水的功效,更是期待能夠在回國的時候,自己即便不會「白富美」,至少也是要白且美的。

Paneer (pronounced [pəniːr]) is a fresh cheese common in the Indian subcontinent, especially in India. It is an unaged, non-melting farmer cheese made by curdling milk with a vegetable-derived acid, such as lemon juice. Its acid-set form (cheese curd or acid-set cottage cheese) is called chhenaThe word paneer is of Persian origin. The Turkish word peynir, the Persian word panir, the Azerbaijani word pendir, and the Armenian word panir (պանիր), all derived from paneer, refer to any type of cheese. The origin of paneer itself is debated. Vedic IndianAfghan-Iranian and Portuguese-Bengali origins have been proposed for paneer.
- china

- event

  • 世界芝士大賽前日早上在美國威斯康辛州麥迪遜拉開帷幕,來自國內三十六個州份及二十六個國家的參與者,將在為期三日的比賽爭奪冠軍。威斯康辛州被譽為美國乳品之都,每年出產逾二十億磅芝士。大賽自一九五七年成立,除首屆賽事外,其餘每隔兩年舉辦一次。

杜格酸奶  Doogh (Persianدوغ‎, romanizedDoogh) (AlbanianDhallëAzerbaijaniayran ; Arabicشنينة šinīna or عيران ayranTurkishayranArmenianթան t'anPashtoشلومبې‎; Kurdish: ماستاو) is a cold savory yogurt-based beverage that is mixed with salt. It is popular in Iran,[3] Turkey, Iraq, JordanArmeniaAzerbaijanKazakhstanTajikistanKyrgyzstan,[2] Russiathe Balkans, Afghanistan, CyprusLebanonSyria, and Germany. Yogurt drinks are popular beyond the Middle East region.According to Shirin Simmons, doogh has long been a popular drink and was consumed in ancient Persia(modern-day Iran). Described by an 1886 source as a cold drink of curdled milk and water seasoned with mint, its name derives from the Persian word for milking, dooshidan.According to Nevin Halıcı, doogh is a traditional Turkic drink and was consumed by nomadic Turks prior to 1000 CE. According to Celalettin Koçak and Yahya Kemal Avşar (Professor of Food Engineering at Mustafa Kemal University), doogh was first developed thousands of years ago by the Göktürks, who would dilute bitter yogurt with water in an attempt to improve its flavor.A c. 1000 CE Turkish dictionary, Dīwān ul-Lughat al-Turk, defines doogh as a "drink made out of milk.Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, a conservative Turkish politician who has held the posts of President and Prime Minister, has promoted ayran as a national drink. Speaking at a 2013 WHO Global Alcohol Policy Conference held in Istanbul, Erdoğan contrasted ayran with alcohol, which he claimed was a recent introduction to Turkey.

  • 土耳其的酸奶帶 着一股鹹鹹的味道,可越是不一樣 越要試一試,因為沒嘗過它,就不 算體驗過正宗的土耳其文化。 土耳其人對此非常自豪,他們 會告訴你,英語中的酸奶 「yogurt 」其實是從土語 「yog ̬ urt」演變而 來,仔細算算還能稱得上祖師爺! 不過現在更通用名字叫做 Ayran, 質地比我們常喝的酸奶更稀薄也更 清爽。至於為什麼是鹹而非甜,也 有一段歷史典故:大約在十一世紀 ,遊牧民族們想出發酵奶品的方法延長保存時 間,但因為沙漠氣候乾燥炎熱,人體內需要攝 入大量鹽分,於是yog ̬ urt就搖身一變,成為加 鹽、加水稀釋之後的獨特飲品 Ayran。不得不 佩服這個民族味覺的廣度,鹹味酸奶一登場就 備受青睞,一直延續至今成為國飲。現在除了 土耳其,在臨近的亞美尼亞、伊朗、黎巴嫩等 國家也隨處可見它的身影。
- hkej 8mar2021 c1 usa's role in popularisation of affordable beef 

Suet is the raw, hard fat of beef or mutton found around the loins and kidneys. Suet has a melting point of between 45 °C and 50 °C (113 °F and 122 °F) and congelation between 37 °C and 40 °C (98.6 °F and 104 °F). Its high smoke point makes it ideal for deep frying and pastry production.In the 17th century economy of the Viceroyalty of Peru, Chile's husbandry and agriculture based economy had a peripheral role exporting mainly suet, ch'arki and leather to the other provinces of the viceroyalty. The importance of this trade led Chilean historian Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna to label the 17th century the century of suet (Spanish: siglo del sebo). Suet is found in several traditional British dishes. Suet pastry is soft in contrast to the crispness of shortcrust pastry, which makes it ideal for certain sweet and savoury dishes. Suet is most widely used in sweet puddings, such as jam roly-poly and spotted dick. Savoury dishes include dumplings, which are made using a mixture of suet, flour and water rolled into balls that are added to stews during the final twenty minutes or so of cooking. In the savoury dish steak and kidney pudding, a bowl is lined with suet pastry, the meat is placed inside and a lid of suet pastry tightly seals the meat. The pudding is then steamed for approximately four hours before serving. Suet is also an ingredient of traditional fruit mince (known as 'mincemeat' in the UK).

'Nduja (pronounced [ˈnduːja]) is a particularly spicy, spreadable pork salumi from Italy. It is typically made with parts of the pig such as the shoulder and belly, as well as tripe, roasted peppers and a mixture of spices. It is a Calabrian variation of salumi, loosely based on the French andouille introduced in the 13th century by the Angevins'Nduja is made using meat from the head (minus the jowls, which are used for guanciale), trimmings from various meat cuts, some clean skin, fatback, and roasted hot red peppers which give 'nduja its characteristic fiery taste.
- 「Kursha」(格魯吉亞語:香腸)

pork meat/products
- to note

  • zampone modena (minced pork meat and rind (flavoured with pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and wine) stuffed into a natural casing taken from the skin of the pink's front trotter and tied at the upper end)
  • cotechino modena (minced pork and rind (flavoured with cloves, pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon and wine) stuffed into casings

Manti (Uyghurمانتا‎, mantaKazakhмәнті, mänti, مأنتىTurkishmantıUzbekmantiArmenianմանթի; indicates either singular or plural) or Mantu (Kyrgyzмантуу or манты; PashtoPersianArabicمنتو‎‎) are dumplings popular in most Turkic cuisines, as well as in the CaucasianCentral AsianChinese Islamic, and Hejaz cuisines. Nowadays, manti are also consumed throughout Russia and other post-Soviet countries, where the dish spread from the Central Asian republics. The dumplings typically consist of a spiced meat mixture, usually lamb or ground beef in a dough wrapper, and either boiled or steamed. Size and shape vary significantly depending on the geographical location. Manti resemble the Chinese jiaoziKorean manduMongolian buuz, and the Tibetanmomo.

foie gra

- Kampot pepper, a southwestern Cambodian spice with a tragic past that is now reclaiming its global pre-eminence. It is also proving to be "black gold" for some of its once-impoverished farmers, thanks in part to Kampot pepper last year being awarded a Protected Geographical Indication by the European Union. This identifies unique products like Stilton cheese, Champagne or Darjeeling tea as originating in a very specific region.
El Naga Jolokia (también conocido como Bhut JolokiaBih JolokiaGhost ChiliGhost PepperNaga Morich斷魂椒 印度鬼椒The Bhut jolokia (IPA: [ˈbʱʊt.zɔˌlɔkiˌja]), also known as ghost pepperghost chiliU-morokred naganaga jolokia and ghost jolokia, is an interspecific hybrid chili pepper cultivated in the Northeast Indian states of Arunachal PradeshAssamNagaland and Manipur. It is a hybrid of Capsicum chinense and Capsicum frutescens and is closely related to the Naga Morich of BangladeshThe chili is referred differently in different regions. In Assam, it is widely known as bhût zôlôkia (ভোট জলকীয়া) or bih zôlôkiya. In some parts of Assam, this chili is called nôga zôlôkia(নগা জলকীয়া), believed to be named after the ferocious Naga warriors inhabiting the plains and hills of Nagaland. Further complicating matters, a 2009 paper coined the English term "Naga king chili" which refers to the chili's large pod size. This is probably because the chili has long been colloquially known as Raja mircha or Raja mirchi in Nagaland. It also stated that the most common Indian (Assamese) usage is bhût zôlôkiya (ভোট জলকীয়া) and gives the alternate common name as bih zôlôkia (বিহ জলকীয়া, bih means "poison" in Assamese, denoting the plant's heat). The Assamese word zôlôkia simply means the Capsicum pepper. Other usages on the subcontinent are saga jlokia, Indian mystery chili, and Indian rough chili (after the chili's rough skin). It has also been called the Tezpur chili after the Assamese city of Tezpur. In Manipur, the chili is called umorok or oo-morok (oo = "tree", morok = "chili"). The Kukis called it "Malcha-Phoh" meaning "the most pungent chilli".

  • Bhut jolokia is used as a food and a spice, as well as a remedy to summer heat. It is used in both fresh and dried forms, to "heat up" curries, pickles and chutneys. It is popularly used in combination with pork or dried or fermented fish. In northeastern India, the peppers are smeared on fences or incorporated in smoke bombs as a safety precaution to keep wild elephants at a distance. The pepper's intense heat makes it a fixture in competitive chili pepper eating.
- 食醋用醋美事多

- africa

  • economist 4apr2020 "sweet dreams are congolese" a belgian chocolatier opens a factory in the jungle

- history

  •  土耳其人對咖啡的愛自古便有 ,據說世界上第一間咖啡店就是在 一五五四年開在了伊斯坦布爾。至 於流行的咖啡占卜術,還要歸因於 土耳其咖啡本身的特別,這裏的人習慣不過濾 咖啡渣,將咖啡粉放在銅壺裏滾水煮沸,並且 提前加糖。等上層漂浮出泡沫就直接倒進杯子 裏飲用,所以喝到底時會看見濃黑的咖啡渣, 神奇的占卜正來源於此。
  • By the 17th century, coffee became enormously popular in Europe. In a rapidly urbanising Europe, the exotic brew became a status symbol. Coffee houses became a place to exchange ideas and find new intellectual and artistic inspirations. Coffee and tea became acceptable drugs as they help us function better and became the fuel of the Industrial Revolution and the modern economy. Before coffee, people were often drunk. Coffee made people sober up and become productive workers. Up until then, coffee was imported in Europe from the Arabian Peninsula, over which none of the European superpowers (Britain, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) had any control. Perhaps unbeknownst to Pieter van der Broeck, his smuggled coffee prompted the European powers to embark on a race against each other to establish their own coffee plantations in their respective colonies and the Ottoman Empire coffee monopoly was put to an end.Soon after, the Dutch defeated the Portuguese to take control of Sri Lanka. Coffee plantations started spreading all over Sri Lanka and into Southern India. Then the Dutch brought coffee cultivation to Java, Indonesia. Not to miss out on this lucrative opportunity, a daring French Naval Officer named Mathieu Gabriel de Clieu stole a cutting from a coffee plant gifted to King Louis XIV of France and sailed to Martinique (in the Caribbean). He successfully cultivated the coffee plant and within a few years, coffee plantations spread all over Martinique and the neighbouring islands. Coffee quickly became a highly profitable commodity. In 1727, the Brazilian government decided it was time for them to join the game. Brazil sent colonel Francisco de Mello Palheta on a mission to steal a coffee plant from the French. Palheta befriended the French Guiana governor’s wife and received a coffee cutting as a gift from her. From this shoot grew the world’s largest coffee empire. The British finally woke up from their slumber (pun intended) and kicked the Dutch out of Sri Lanka in 1796 and expanded even more coffee plantations. The small island of Sri Lanka at some point even became the world’s largest coffee producer!
  • cafes are meeting places for el siglo XIX (tertulianos del XIX) in 19thc madrid
  • 所謂的 「舊世界」,指的是傳 統咖啡豆的生產和出口國,它們在 十七世紀前就已經種植阿拉比卡咖 啡豆,比如埃塞俄比亞、也門、印 度、盧旺達等非洲和阿拉伯國家。 味譜廣泛龐雜,從迷人的花香、甘 草香到一系列柑橘、杏桃的果香應 有盡有,構建起最原始的 「古早味 」。以巴 西、哥倫比亞、巴拿馬等拉丁美洲為主,這些 國家雖然直到十八世紀才引入了咖啡樹栽種, 但由於需求量激增和氣候適宜,便自然成為了 實力強大的後起之秀。
  •  萬寧市興隆鎮因咖啡而出名,是中國咖啡種植最先引入地之一,也是中國咖啡產業成長的搖籃。盛夏炎炎,採訪團一行人到訪興隆熱帶植物園,只見咖啡植株上有的咖啡豆已由青綠轉為鮮紅;隨後參觀了園中的海南興科熱帶作物工程技術有限公司的興隆咖啡、固體飲料生產線,感受獨特的咖啡文化。據介紹,咖啡之所以會在此落地生根,還要追溯到六十多年前。當時二戰走進尾聲,國際風雲變幻,旅居印尼、馬來西亞等地的華僑華人受當地排擠,唯有輾轉歸國。1951年10月,廣東省委將700多名歸僑分三批安置在興隆,興隆華僑農場自此創立。華僑農場開辦至今,興隆已經安置了來自21個國家的約1.5萬名歸僑。
  • americano

- canned coffee
  • economist 12sep2020 "caffeine clash" an america-japan battle is brewing
- reusable coffee capsule

  • thai firm thon nathun (exhibited at 2019 tdc gift fr)

- how tea was called in different places
-  Rooibos (/ˈrɔɪbɒs/ ROY-bossAfrikaans: [rɔːibɔs]Aspalathus linearis), meaning "red bush"; is a broom-like member of the Fabaceae family of plants growing in South Africa's fynbos.
The leaves are used to make a herbal tea that is called by the names: rooibosbush tea (especially in Southern Africa), or redbush tea (predominantly in Great Britain). The tea has been popular in Southern Africa for generations, but is now consumed in many countries worldwide. It is sometimes spelled rooibosch in accordance with the old Dutch. The tea has a taste and color somewhat similar to hibiscus tea, or an earthy flavor like yerba mate. The generic name comes from the Greek name aspalathos for Calicotome villosa, which has very similar growth and flowers to the rooibos plant. The specific name of linearis comes from the plant's linear growing structure and needle-like leaves.
  •  Rooibos tea is commonly prepared in the same manner as black tea and milk and sugar are added to taste. Other methods include a slice of lemon and using honey instead of sugar to sweeten. It is also served as espresso, lattes, cappuccinos or iced tea.
  •  In 1772, Swedish naturalist Carl Thunberg noted, "the country people made tea" from a plant related to rooibos or redbush. Traditionally, the local people would climb the mountains and cut the fine, needle-like leaves from wild rooibos plants.[citation needed] They then rolled the bunches of leaves into hessian bags and brought them down the steep slopes using donkeys. The leaves were then chopped with axes and bruised with hammers, before being left to dry in the sun. Dutch settlers to the Cape learned to drink rooibos tea as an alternative to black tea, an expensive commodity for the settlers who relied on supply ships from Europe.[citation needed] In 1904, Benjamin Ginsberg ran a variety of experiments at Rondegat Farm, finally curing rooibos. He simulated the traditional Chinese method of making Keemun by fermenting the tea in barrels. The major hurdle in growing rooibos commercially was that farmers could not germinate the rooibos seeds. The seeds were hard to find and impossible to germinate commercially.[citation neededIn 1930 District Surgeon and botanist Dr Pieter Le Fras Nortier began conducting experiments with the cultivation of the rooibos plant. Dr Nortier also saw the vast commercial potential the tea held for the region.
Mate (Spanish: [ˈmate], Portuguese: [ˈmatʃi]; sometimes hypercorrected as maté in English, but never in Spanish or Portuguese, where it is often called "jerba"), also known as yerba matechimarrão (Portuguese: [ʃimɐˈʁɐ̃w̃]) or cimarrón (Spanish: [simaˈron]), is a traditional South American caffeine-rich infused drink, particularly in Argentina (where it is defined by law as the "national infusion"), Uruguay, Paraguay, the Bolivian Chaco, and Southern Brazil. It is also consumed in Syria, the largest importer in the world, and by the Druze in Lebanon. It is prepared by steeping dried leaves of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis, known in Portuguese as erva-mate) in hot water and is served with a metal straw from a shared hollow calabash gourd. The straw is called a bombilla in Spanish, a bomba in Portuguese, and a bombija or, more generally, a masassa (type of straw) in Arabic. The straw is traditionally made of silver. Modern, commercially available straws are typically made of nickel silver, called alpaca; stainless steel, or hollow-stemmed cane. The gourd is known as a mate or a guampa; while in Brazil, it has the specific name of cuia, or also cabaça (the name for Indigenous-influenced calabash gourds in other regions of Brazil, still used for general food and drink in remote regions). Even if the water is supplied from a modern thermos, the infusion is traditionally drunk from mates or cuiasYerba mate leaves are dried, chopped, and ground into a powdery mixture called yerba. The bombilla acts as both a straw and a sieve. The submerged end is flared, with small holes or slots that allow the brewed liquid in, but block the chunky matter that makes up much of the mixture. A modern bombilla design uses a straight tube with holes, or a spring sleeve to act as a sieve. "Tea-bag" type infusions of mate (Spanish: mate cocido, Portuguese: chá mate) have been on the market in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay for many years under such trade names as "Taragüi" in Argentina, "Pajarito" and "Kurupí" in Paraguay, and Matte Leão in Brazil.
- jasmine

  • guangxi橫縣年產九萬噸茉莉鮮花,七萬噸茉莉花茶,均佔全國80%以上、世界60%以上,每年出口東盟、歐美以及日本、韓國等國家和地區的花茶產值,達五億元人民幣以上。
  • 廣西橫縣有四百多年的茉莉花種植史,花蕾大而飽滿,花色雪白晶亮,當地氣候非常適合茉莉花持續吐香。在這裡窨製出來的茉莉花茶香氣濃郁,形成醇厚鮮爽、唇齒留香的上等品質。廣西橫縣、福建福州是中國茉莉花重要產區,所產茉莉花品質最佳。
- 普洱
  • 1950年代,中國普洱茶產業迎來的新的開始。國有茶廠取代了私人商號,第 一批歷史性重要產品就此誕生——中茶牌青餅普洱茶,顯眼亮麗的紅色大字 印刷的外包裝,這就是大家耳熟能詳的「大紅印」青餅普洱茶。這個時期, 茶餅的製作仍屬於國營茶廠初步試制階段,其產品包括甲級紅印、大字紅 印、一點紅紅印等。每批茶餅在品質和風格上都稍有不同。 1980年代,在歷經三、四十年的時間後,幸運保留下來的紅印青餅普洱茶開 始受到廣大茶友的認可及追捧
- russia

  • 俄式“茶壶”在近三百年的历史中经历了从世代相传的昂贵生活用品到后苏联时期被弃到货架上落满灰尘,再到重新成为乡间别墅聚会广受欢迎的工具这样三个阶段。
    来源:«透视俄罗斯» -
- uk

  • 17世紀,英國開始進口茶葉,但知者寥寥。17世紀中 期,葡萄牙公主凱瑟琳嫁入英國皇室,將她長期飲茶的 習慣一併帶入,使飲茶在英國宮廷盛行起來,繼而推廣 至王公貴族和豪門世家。此時,由於中英之間航行時間 長達兩年之久,且受氣候、天氣等影響,船隻能否順利 返航,亦是未知數,故而運費相當昂貴。中國茶被認定 「奢侈品」,政府對其抽以重稅,使茶價極為昂貴,只 有王公貴族和一些富裕中產階層得以享用。 18 世紀末,政府降低了茶稅,茶葉價格隨之降低。與 此同時,為了讓工人階層擺脫酒精依賴,飲茶廣受推 廣。據統計,18世紀時,倫敦已有 2,000家茶館。 兩百年間,茶漸漸成為英國人生活不可或缺的部分。於 是,在飢腸轆轆的下午,茶成了英國人的不二之選。但 「下午茶」這一形式得以固定,得益於一位公爵夫人。 安 娜 . 瑪 利 亞 . 羅 素 (Anna Maria Russell, 1783-1857)——第七任貝德福德公爵夫人,她是維多利 亞女王的好友及侍寢官,首相約翰.羅素的嫂子,也是 倫敦社交圈的紅人。19世紀中葉,幾經探索,她終於發 現給茶配上蛋糕或者三明治,是下午的最佳搭配。每日 下午四點左右,僕人會將這些送到她的臥室。 獨樂樂不如眾樂樂。伯爵夫人開始邀請朋友們一起品 嚐她選擇的下午茶和茶點。在當時的英國社會,女士單 獨出現在咖啡館,甚至茶館,都會引來非議,留下壞名 聲。故而,這種在家裡舉行的午間活動很快便受到上流 社會女賓們的追捧。大家紛紛開始在家中客廳舉辦下午 茶會。隨着維多利亞女王的加入,下午茶轉變為「茶 宴」。有時,參與人數達 200人之多。下午茶的時間一般 在下午四點至五點之間。隨着夏天的到來,下午茶的地 點從室內,搬至氣候宜人、風景如畫的英式庭園中,男 士們得以加入其中。下午茶已不止滿足於抗餓解乏,而 成為上流社會的社交活動。

- china

  • 宋代,中國朝野風行鬥茶,福建建陽一帶出產的黑 茶碗(建盞)成了當時飲茶和鬥茶的新寵。宋代鬥茶 文化通過僧人、商人傳入日本。據史料記載,浙江天 目山的禪寺把建盞名器中「油滴碗」作為供佛神器使 用,而它獨特的魅力也迷倒了到中國留學、去天目山 參禪的日本僧人,他們把許多「油滴碗」拿到日本, 並起名為「天目碗」。此後,建盞成為「書院茶道」 指定的唯一名貴茶碗,供人們鑒賞和收藏使用。日本 的一本有關中國美術的文獻《君台觀左右帳記》記 載:建盞之「曜變」,世上罕見,值萬匹絹。「油 滴」是次之,亦為重寶,值 5,000匹絹。「兔毫」值 3,000匹絹。在日本官方認定的國寶級文物中,瓷器 只有 14件,有 8件是中國瓷器,8件中有 4件是宋代 建盞,含3件曜變盞,1件油滴盞。 明清之際,中國名僧、福建福清黃檗山萬福寺住持 隱元禪師東渡日本,他帶去明代時期自己生活的福建 福清地區的飲茶方法,最終在江戶末期形成了煎茶 道。煎茶即把茶葉放入急須(茶壺),注入熱湯浸泡 而倒出飲用,與福建工夫茶泡法相似,並由此發展演 化而來,隱元禪師正是把閩茶文化的精髓傳播至日 本。1956年成立的全日本煎茶道聯盟尊隱元禪師為 始祖。日本煎茶道人士經常到福建福清「古黃檗」祖 庭取水,以示不忘祖源。2017年,日本茶道裏千家 佐佐木宗子到訪福建福清,探尋日本的茶道和茶碗與 福建有着千絲萬縷的關係。
  • [barnett] much local government business is transacted in the teahouses on the village street.  Two teahouses run by the brothers' society are the most imortatn ones.  There the leaders of the community spend endless hours discussing problems and chatting. These teahouses are indispensable in the life of the hsiang, and "important people" can usually be found there
  • 馬幫
  • 隨着黑茶產銷的興盛,商家為了收購和運輸茶葉的便利,在安化縣境內集資修建茶馬專道,這些道路翻山越嶺,以青石板鋪就,沿途建風雨廊橋、茶亭、拴馬柱等供歇息之用,綿延數百里。馬幫和茶馬古道凝聚和集中了物流和人流,在茶馬古道經過的好些水路、陸路交匯點,慢慢而自然地形成了集鎮、驛站,以方便馬幫和過往商賈行人買賣商品、住宿歇足。高城峒、江南古鎮、永錫橋、洞市老街、唐家觀、新化圳上、白溪、隆回灘頭、寶慶這些有名的老市鎮,便是隨 「茶馬古道」誕生、發展而來的。而益陽安化縣江南鎮茶馬古道風景區內,至今還保留着最為完整的一段茶馬古道。每逢山下市集圩日,山裏人用馬匹馱着木材、山貨、茶葉等去山下的市集換取生活物資,成群結隊,蔚為壯觀,也正因如此,安化縣內保留有中國南方最後一支馬幫。
  • association
  • 中茶 70周 年港澳尊享版大紅印限量首發暨中茶產品 香港認定中心揭牌活動昨日在香港舉行。 中國茶葉有限公司董事長殷建豪、中茶海 外董事長周安達源、中國茶文化國際交流 協會會長楊孫西、香港新聞工作者聯會會 長張國良、香港大公文匯傳媒集團董事長 姜在忠、香港立法會議員梁志祥共同發佈 揭幕中茶港澳版大紅印新品。
  • people
  • 范和钧(1905-1989),江苏省常熟人。早年留法勤工俭学,归国后在上海商检局工作期间,深入茶叶产区考察研究,与吴觉农先生合著《中国茶叶问题》一书,曾在中茶公司湖北恩施实验茶厂负责设计创制各种制茶机械,机制红茶。1939年春,范与张石城从缅甸景栋绕道到云南佛海考察取得样茶后,取道思茅普洱返回昆明作汇报建议。同年冬天,云南中茶公司决定在佛海创办试验茶厂,委任范和钧为厂长。1940年春,范请中茶公司调得原恩施茶厂初制茶工25人,江西精制茶工20人,滇茶公司见习学员20人,宜良实验茶厂雇用5人,共九十多人,交由宜良茶厂殷保良带队,从宜良、玉溪、沿茶马古道经峨山、元江、墨江、普洱、思茅、车里等地,历时一个多月到达佛海。他同时还派人到印度学习茶叶栽培及制茶新方法,向外采购了部分制茶机械,其中有当时我国第一次进口的拣梗机。他通过佛海县政府,征得当地土司同意,选择了距佛海集市中心很近的一块八十余亩土地作厂址,他和工人们一起辛勤苦干,边建厂,边生产滇茶,终于在普洱茶区第一次生产出了机制红茶、绿茶。茶厂利用自己与中茶公司的关系,帮助边民制普洱紧茶,然后由佛海茶厂收购,用马帮托运到缅甸景栋、当基,转火车到仰光,搭轮船到印度加尔各答,转运到西藏边境成交,发展了紧茶生产。1941年,佛海遭日机轰炸,云南中茶公司电令佛海茶厂职工全部撤退昆明。范厂长在工人们的请求下同意延长十天,把厂子全部建成后再走,全厂上下一心,加班加点赶装发电机,一周后,机房发电,佛海小镇有史以来第一次亮起了电灯。第二天,全厂职工将机器拆卸装箱,托运思茅或寄存民间,全厂职工除护厂人员外,才一一惜别全部撤退,范和钧为创办佛海茶厂,写下了历史性的篇章。
  • chinese literature

  • 晉代 杜育
  • 唐代 陸羽
- auction

  • sri lanka tea auction (first held in july1883 on the premises of somerville and co under the auspices of the ceylon chamber of commerce) is modeled after the london tea auction system which has operated since 1837.  For many years colombo has been recognised as the largest tea auction center in the world

- event

  • 以「茶為國飲 普洱養生」為主題的第十二屆中國雲南普洱茶國際博覽交易會,於日前在昆明舉行,來自港澳台地區及日本、老撾、韓國等國家和內地1,000多位專業客商蒞臨大會,開展商貿洽談活動。
The term punch refers to a wide assortment of drinks, both non-alcoholic and alcoholic, generally containing fruit or fruit juice. The drink was introduced from India to the United Kingdom in the early seventeenth century, and from there its use spread to other countries. Punch is typically served at parties in large, wide bowls, known as punch bowls.The word punch is a loanword from Sanskrit पञ्च (pañca), meaning "five", as the drink was originally made with five ingredients: alcohol, sugar, lemon, water, and tea or spices. The drink was brought to England from India by sailors and employees of the British East India Company in the early 17th century. From there it was introduced into other European countries. When served communally, the drink is expected to be of a lower alcohol content than a typical cocktail. The term punch was first recorded in British documents in 1632. At the time, most punches were of the wassail type made with a wine or brandy base. But around 1655, Jamaican rum came into use, and the "modern" punch emerged. By 1671, documents make references to punch houses.[citation neededToday, soft drink manufacturers distribute many types of "fruit punch" beverages. These are usually red-colored drinks. Despite the name, most brands contain only a small fraction of actual fruit juice, the major constituents being sugar or corn syrup, citric acid, and artificial flavors.

Neera, also called palm nectar, is a sap extracted from the inflorescence of various species of toddy palms and used as a drink. Neera extraction is generally performed before sunrise. It is sweet, translucent in colour. It is susceptible to natural fermentation at ambient temperature within a few hours of extraction. Once fermented, neera becomes toddy. Neera is widely consumed in India, Sri Lanka, Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Myanmar. Neera is not the juice made from palm fruit. Neera requires neither mechanical crushing, as in the case of sugarcane, nor leaching, like beet-root; it is obtained by slicing the spathes of the coconut, sago, and Palmyra (Borassus flabellifer L.) palm, and scraping the tendermost part, just below the crown.
- Against the backdrop of the international temperance movement, the Congress-led movement for prohibition over the course of the 1920s and 30's wrought a lengthy debate about 'Indian' and 'foreign' drinks. This paper contends that prohibition's introduction in the late 1930s was accompanied by a little-known movement to promote the fresh sap of the palm tree as the swadeshi beverage of India. If the British tried to claim the initiative for spearheading temperance through their aggressive marketing of tea, the Congress sought to replace intoxicating drinks and their sobering 'Western' alternatives with an indigenous drink. They had high hopes for this drink, which they believed would facilitate social reform whilst supporting India's economic development. Neera, in other words, was the Congress leadership's answer to toddy as well as tea. In their campaign to promote the drink for mass consumption, Congress leaders extensively referenced its purported nutritional value, just as its critics railed against it on account of its spurious effects on health.

-  they realized that Turkey had an abundance of hazelnuts that it did not know where to sell. So Germany offered to buy all the hazelnuts. And, after some brainstorming, it was decided to put the hazelnuts in chocolate bars because the chocolate was already getting more scarce because of the war.

Turrón (Spanish: [tuˈron]), or torrone (Italian: [torˈroːne]), is a southern European nougat confection, typically made of honeysugar, and egg white, with toasted almonds or other nuts, and usually shaped into either a rectangular tablet or a round cake. It is frequently consumed as a traditional Christmas dessert in Italy and Spain as well as countries formerly under the Spanish Empire, particularly in Latin America.This nougat confection is known by similar names in different languages. In Spanish it is turrón pronounced [tuˈron]). In Catalan, torró (pronounced [tuˈro]). In Italian, torrone(pronounced [torˈroːne]). In Brazilian Portuguese torrone (pronounced [toˈʁoni]). In Sardinian turrone (pronounced [tuˈrɔne]). In European Portuguese, torrão(pronounced [tuˈʁɐ̃w]). In Tagalog, turon(pronounced [tuˈɾon].

baked beans
- [richard panchyk] boston is known for its baked beans, which had been introduced to the earliest settlers in massachusetts by the local native americans.  In 18thc, the settlers began to add molasses to their beans, creating the traditional boston baked beans that we know today.  In use since at least 19th c, the moniker beantown (or bean town) has been especially popular in sports pages of newspapers.


- 北方的豆皮在我老家稱作 「千張」 。千張本身只有豆香,並無他味 。但老家人做法不少,千張包、千張結、 千張絲、千張片,按說嚼到嘴裏都一樣, 但滋味其實全然不同。還有一道霉千張, 與徽州的毛豆腐、西南的豆豉相仿,不識 其味者掩鼻不迭,嗜之者愛若珍饈。又如 飲酒,惡酒如我者畏之如虎,善飲者則不 然,斟二兩黃酒,七八粒鹽豆,細咂慢嚼 ,幾將人生況味嘗盡。

家裏有一個不太 大的石質豆漿磨,爺爺經常會親手 磨豆漿給一家人喝。爺爺會提前一 晚把黃豆泡好,第二天一早就用這 些漲得飽飽的豆子來磨豆漿了。磨 製的過程是兒時的我最喜歡的── 把黃豆從石磨上的小孔放進去,直 到填平小孔,用力抓住石磨上的手 柄一圈一圈地開始旋轉。一邊磨還 要一邊加水,加水的量也相當有講 究:加太多豆漿太稀,加太少則會 磨得不順暢。加了水之後再磨,小孔裏面 的黃豆就會慢慢消失,變成乳白色 的液體從四周流出,流入石槽中再 匯聚到中間,流入放在石磨下的大 杯中。

- 向有「腐竹之鄉」及「番薯之鄉」美譽的廣東韶關市乳源縣大布鎮,日前拍賣一幅「腐竹王」,以廿二萬元(人民幣,下同,約廿五萬港元)高價成交

-  Coca-Cola is studying the use of a key ingredient in marijuana in “wellness beverages”, as a growing number of mainstream companies develop cannabis-infused drinks, the company announced on Monday.
- The global cannabis industry is targeting China for production and investment, while the country’s investors are warming up to the idea of placing their money in the fast-growing market.Chinese companies own 309 of all 606 cannabis-related patents worldwide. They relate to hemp – the legal variety for industrial use in things like clothing and food products – and cannabidiol. Also known as CBD, cannabidiol is a strand of the plant used for medicine without creating a high, but remains illegal to grow or consume in China. CannAcubed has partnered with the Chinese government to grow what will be the world’s largest area of CBD in southern China’s Yunnan province – the only province where the government granted legal permits. Their partner, China Health Investment Corporation, the country’s largest state-owned health fund, has invested US$60 million for a 15 per cent stake in the company’s China project, led by China CEO Huang Zeqin, who is also the general director of China Academy of Pharmacies. Chinese internet giant Tencent is also a partner. The internet giant is using data from the company to understand consumer activity in the health sector.
- AB InBev, the world’s largest brewer, is teaming up with Canadian pot company Tilray to research cannabis-infused drinks in the latest sign some of the world’s biggest consumer companies are developing a taste for the drug. The involvement of the drinks company behind Budweiser in recreational cannabis brings new legitimacy to an industry previously the domain of drugs cartels. Canada became the largest country to completely legalise recreational pot use in October, and several US states, including California, have made similar legal changes. Under the latest partnership, which will be confined to Canada, ABI will work on a joint venture with Tilray in London, Ontario. Each company will invest $50m to research how recreational cannabis drinks might be brought to market, exploring factors including flavouring and the length of the high.
- Patrick Morris, CEO of Eat Beyond Global, who speaks with NutritionInsight following the company’s investment in Daydream Drinks. The Canada-based company specializes in sparkling water with hemp extracts and adaptogens.

addictive food
- [k pomeranz, s topik] drug company head was called baron or lord, the organisation was called clan or cartel
- 一款名為「乾吃奶味棒」的零食,在山東省相當流行,小童戲稱為「K粉」。該款零食成分為葡萄糖、白糖粉和奶粉,進食方式是倒在紙上再用吸管吸食,猶如吸毒;有小孩吸食後,還模仿吸毒後的亢奮狀態。山東濟南市有家長投訴該款零食有如教唆小孩吸毒,要求官方介入調查。內地早年亦曾流行類似的零食,如「魔爽煙」、「針管糖」等,食用方式如吸毒,結果被國務院食品安全辦、教育部和食藥監總局聯合查處,後銷聲匿迹。如今「乾吃奶味棒」再度興起。濟南市市中區市監局表明,將派員調查和處理。, 不可不知,內地早前已多次出現過類似吸毒方式的零食,譬如一款名叫「魔爽煙」的果粉食品,就是用一支狀似香煙的塑料吸管來吸食,且會引發呼吸道及食道疾病,卻一度於內地中小學校園周邊熱賣。又如風靡一時的「針管糖」,根本與醫用針管沒有二致,且多屬「三無」產品,可說隱患重重,然而為了賺錢,一些商家亦照賣不誤。更可怕的是,真正的毒品近年也被人以各種虛假包裝推向孩子世界。內地公安部早前曝光了多款專門瞄準中小學生的新型毒品,諸如「彩虹糖」、「曲奇餅乾」、「法拉利水」、「致幻郵票」等,光怪陸離的背後卻暗藏危機,糖果、奶粉其實是搖頭丸,餅乾中攙了大麻,郵票、貼紙背面塗的是毒性極強的致幻劑;許多孩子不知不覺就染上了毒癮,或因身心受創荒廢學業,或被犯罪集團控制利用,協助進行毒品犯罪,當局提出對涉毒未成年人需少捕慎捕,想必與之有關。
- 警方於本次行動中繳獲逾百瓶迷姦水,包裝卻與一般的能量飲品無異,犯罪分子原本打算趁今年暑假向青少年市場主力推銷,若然成事,不知又將禍害多少人。經查該批飲料中添加的「γ-羥基丁酸」乃國家管制類新型精神活性物質,簡稱GHB,內地則稱「咔哇潮飲」,屬於一種中樞神經系統抑制劑,可令人短暫失憶乃至失去意識、昏迷,喪失反抗能力,嚴重更可致人死亡,常被不法分子用以迷姦女性。江蘇南京警方早前公布破獲一宗大型網絡製售毒品案,涉案多達九百多人,且遍及多個省份,發展成製造、包裝、二級代理、三級代理等龐大產業鏈。當中繳獲的新型毒品「聽話水」,據稱只需一滴就能讓人瞬間失去意識,進而挖出多宗強姦及強制猥褻女性案;該款毒品中同樣被驗出含GHB成分,及可偽裝成餅乾、糖果等,不僅增加監管難度,勢將令更多女性淪為受害者。新型毒品又稱作「實驗室毒品」,說白了,就是販毒集團為逃避政府管制打擊,對現有的化學合成毒品進行化學結構的部分修改或創新,從而得到一種新精神活性物質,並「與時俱進」地根據不同地區、用戶的需要及各國法律管制措施,製造不同外觀、藥性的新產品,乃至被查到亦難界定是否毒品。這對追求新奇刺激卻又缺乏分辨及自控力的青少年來說,無疑更具危險性。事實上,內地未成年人士涉毒案近年已成為十分突出的社會問題,新型毒品亦在以各種巧妙偽裝入侵孩子們的世界。內地公安部早前曝光了多款專門瞄準中小學生的新型毒品,諸如「彩虹糖」、「曲奇餅乾」、「致幻郵票」等,光怪陸離的背後卻都暗藏危機,政府加強監管打擊責無旁貸。

Fish and Aquaculture
 - country profile

- brownlip
- greenlip
- blacklip
- roei
- red abalone (haliotis rufescens)

- 內地國產淡水虹鱒等同三文魚?當地有水產協會近日重新定義水產新標準,規定三文魚屬鮭科魚類的統稱,過去曾被踢爆冒充三文魚的淡水虹鱒,名正言順被劃入「生食三文魚」。因虹鱒含寄生蟲不宜生吃,新標準將令其淪刺身陷阱。有網民狂轟水產協會指鹿為馬:「以後商家可明目張膽的賣假三文魚了!」中國官方未就事件回應。《生食三文魚》團體標準(下稱標準)由「中國水產流通與加工協會」,以及該協會下屬三文魚分會的13家企業成員聯合起草及公佈。內媒報道,標準出台填補了行業標準空白,並經徵求意見,結合專家及企業意見而通過審定。標準提出新定義,規定「三文魚是鮭科魚類的統稱,包括大西洋鮭、虹鱒、銀鮭、王鮭、紅鮭、秋鮭、粉鮭等」。標準還提到對寄生蟲進行規定,包括線蟲、吸蟲等內地水產品對人類健康危害較大的寄生蟲,以及要求產品標註原料魚產地及種類。《蘋果》記者在「中國水產頻道」網站發現,中國水產流通與加工協會屬下的三文魚分會,才剛於上周五(10日)成立,同日發佈引發爭議的新規定,至於草擬標準的公司成員本身是虹鱒魚養殖企業,讓外界懷疑行業協會帶領企業,為了能夠在內地賣「生食虹鱒魚」,改寫三文魚定義。值得一提的是,《生食三文魚》團體標準與國家標準沒有關係,也不是行業標準和地方標準,沒有質監局批核的標準文號,故無法律效力。

- [grow youir own] long before the romans invaded, british beer (technicaly ale) brewed by the celts was flavoured with the likes of meadowsweet, honey and mugwort (artemisia vulgaris). The term gruit originated in northern europe but is now widely used for mixtures of herbs such as yarrow (achillea millefolium), alecost (tanacetum balsamita) and shrubby sweet gale (myrica gale) prevalent in medieval brewing before hops took over in 14th and 15th centuries. Hops to try: chinook, fuggle (english ale hop introduced in 1875), prima donna
-, AB InBev’s proposed tie-up with SABMiller to create a $275bn brewing giant will largely be decided by the two major shareholders in each of the two rival groups: the Brazilian investors and the Belgian families that together control AB InBev; and the tobacco group Altria and the Santo Domingo family that both hold large stakes in SAB.
- sales tactic?

  • "CO2 shortage threaten world cup beer supply" ft 20jun18

- The dilution of wine was a Greco-Roman cultural habit.Since the Greeks and Romans harvested grapes when they were ripe and full of sugar, and since they allowed fermentation to reach its natural conclusion – that is, to continue until all the sugars were consumed or alcohol killed the yeast – the alcohol content of most ancient wines was probably around 15%. Some were considerably stronger; a few Roman wines were actually flammable if aged long enough.By comparison, the average alcohol content of modern wine is around 12%.The Greeks and Romans almost invariably diluted their wine with water. Authorities disagreed, however, about the ideal proportion. In most cases, the wine consumed at social gatherings was probably between two-thirds and three-fourths water, which would have diluted the alcoholic content to about the strength of modern beer. Those who lived dangerously might drink a blend that was only half water, though even this was considered almost barbaric.The practice of mixing wine with water continued through late antiquity - Christian priests, in fact, still blend communion wine with water. In most parts of Europe, it seems to have continued for both practical and and economic reasons at least through the Middle Ages.
- gutedel

  • [ochsle] this variety has been cultivated for about 5000 years and is thus regarded as the oldest cultured vine. In germany, it is found almost exclusively in baden's southernmost district, the markgraflerland. It is called chasselas in switzerland.
- elbling

  • cultivated in europe for about 2000 years and was probably called vitis alba (white grape) by romans. In germany, it is now almost exclusively grown on the mosel.

- pinot noir

  • [ochsle] king charles iii (the fat) of carolingian dynasty brought in 884 pinot noir from burgundy to lake constance. In the centuries that followed the grape variety spread towards the north. Most of german pinot noir is grown in baden.

- riesling

  • [ochsle] elector clemens wenceslaus of saxony, elector and archbishop of trier, deceed in 1787 that all "bad" vines had to be replaced by riesling vines within 7 years. This resulted in one of the largest riesling-growing areas in the world. Klingelberger is the traditional ortenau name for riesling. Klingelberg vineyard, part of schlossberg at durbach where margrave carl friedrich of baden, master of staufenberg castle winery, ordered riesling planted in 1782.

- sparkling

  • Nobody worked out how to contain appreciable quantities of dissolved carbon dioxide until some French monks developed a mushroom-shaped cork during the Renaissance and thereby invented sparkling wine.

- Probably the least unlike to ancient Romans’ wine is greek retzina, wine flavored with resin, but just like modern wines retzina is made by filtering the fermented grape juice instead of leaving the peels, seeds, etc. in. Roman wine was totally unlike any wine we hae today, this includes the most rustic homemade wines.
-  La bouillie bordelaise Bordeaux mixture (also called Bordo Mix) is a mixture of copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4) and slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) used as a fungicide. It is used in vineyards, fruit-farms and gardens to prevent infestations of downy mildewpowdery mildew and other fungi. It is sprayed on plants as a preventative; its mode of action is ineffective after a fungus has become established. It was invented in the Bordeaux region of France in the late 19th century. If it is applied in large quantities annually for many years, the copper in the mixture eventually becomes a pollutant.In addition to its use to control fungal infection on grape vines, the mixture is also widely used to control potato blightpeach leaf curl and apple scab. It is approved for organic use, so is often used by organic gardeners where nonorganic gardeners would prefer other controls.  In the 19th century, several outbreaks of vine diseases occurred among the Vitis vinifera vines of the classical European wine regions. These outbreaks were caused by pests to which these vines lacked resistance, carried on vines brought to Europe as botanical specimens of American origin. These pests included not only the Great French Wine Blight caused by the aphid Phylloxera vastatrix, but also mildew and other diseases caused by fungi. After the downy mildew had struck, botany professor Pierre-Marie-Alexis Millardet of the University of Bordeaux studied the disease in vineyards of the Bordeaux region. Millardet then noted that vines closest to the roads did not show mildew, while all other vines were affected. After inquiries, he found out those vines had been sprayed with a mixture of CuSO4 and lime to deter passersby from eating the grapes, since this treatment was both visible and bitter-tasting. This led Millardet to conduct trials with this treatment. The trials primarily took place in the vineyards of Château Dauzac, where he was assisted by Ernest David, Dauzac's technical director. Millardet published his findings in 1885, and recommended the mixture to combat downy mildew.
- company to kiv
  • asc fine wines
  • In the mid-1990s, Don St. Pierre Sr. and his son believed China’s wine importing industry had the potential to flourish. The opening of China’s economy and the rapid expansion in consumer income along with the limited production of wines in China, have all combined to prove ASC’s expectations. Since 1996 when ASC was first established, the company has developed beyond recognition from those early days. In addition to a comprehensive wine portfolio, since 2001 ASC Fine Wines has included professional wine storage facilities and glassware in its portfolio. In 2009, ASC also became the exclusive distributor of San Pellegrino and Acqua Panna, both natural mineral waters from Italy.
- classification

  • Grand cru (French for great growth) is a regional wine classification that designates a vineyard known for its favorable reputation in producing wine. Although often used to describe grapes, wine or cognac, the term is not technically a classification of wine quality per se, but is intended to indicate the potential of the vineyard or terroir. It is the highest level of classification of AOC wines fromBurgundy or Alsace. The same term is applied to Châteaux in Saint-Émilion, although in that region it has a different meaning and does not represent the top tier of classification. In Burgundy the level immediately below grand cru is known as premier cru, sometimes written as 1er cru.
- china
  • According to, the Wenzhou Intermediate Court issued a report in which it showed that 100% share interest of the French company in China has been frozen until 10 October 2015. The registered trademark will be sealed until 4 September 2015. On 16 July, the Zhejiang Provincial High Court told French wine producer Castel to stop using the Ka Si Te trademark, which is a supposed transliteration in Chinese for Castel. At the time the company was ordered to pay RMB 33,734,546.26 (more than US$5 million) to the Shanghai Banti Wine Company and Spanish-Chinese producer Li Dao Zhi, who already own the trademark.
  • scmp 5apr2021 legendary vineyard owned by baron phillippe de rothschild steps up ainland sales after heavy duties were slapped on australian imports
- trivial

  • [ochsle]   
    • the term kabinett can be traced back to the monks, who stored their finest wines in a part of the cellar known as the cabinet
    • johannisberg castle, germany - place where spatlese (late harvest) wine has its origin

- baijiu is unusual, too, in the way that it’s made. It is one of the rare spirits created through parallel fermentation. Most alcohol is produced in two discrete steps; first a grain is soaked in water, or malted, which converts its starches into sugars, and then it is fermented: the process by which those sugars become alcohol. For millennia, baijiu manufacturers have – in the most basic terms – carried out both processes at once. The grain – for Vinn Distillery and many baijiudistilleries in southern China, that would be rice – is cooked and then combined with the fermentation starter, called the qu, a mix of rice flour and a secret family recipe of herbs and spices. The mixture is left to ferment for six months before being transferred to a pot still, where it will age for at least another year. Parallel fermentation is responsible for baijiu’s funky flavour – and its notoriously high alcohol content, another aspect Americans struggle with.

types of grape
The Muscat family of grapes include over 200 grape varieties belonging to the Vitis vinifera species that have been used in wine production and as raisin and table grapes around the globe for many centuries. Their colors ranges from white (such as Muscat Ottonel), to yellow (Moscato Giallo), to pink (Moscato rosa del Trentino) to near black (Muscat Hamburg). Muscat grapes and wines almost always have a pronounced sweet floral aroma. The breadth and number of varieties of Muscat suggest that it is perhaps the oldest domesticated grape variety, and there are theories that most families within the Vitis vinifera grape variety are descended from the Muscat variety. Among the most notable members of the Muscat family include Muscat blanc à Petits Grains which is the main grape variety used in the production of the Italiansparkling wine Asti (also known as Moscato Asti) made in the Piedmont region. It is also used in the production of many of the French fortified wines known as vin doux naturels. In Australia, this is also the main grape used in the production of Liqueur Muscat from the Victorian wine region of Rutherglen. Young, unagedand unfortified examples of Muscat blanc tend to exhibit the characteristic Muscat "grapey" aroma as well as citrus, rose and peach notes. Fortified and aged examples (particularly those that have been barrel aged) tend to be very dark in color due to oxidation with aroma notes of coffee, fruit cake, raisins and toffee. Muscat of Alexandria is another Muscat variety commonly used in the production of French vin doux naturel, but it is also found in Spain, where it is used to make many of the fortified Spanish Moscatels. Elsewhere it is used to make off-dry to sweet white wines, often labeled as Moscato in Australia, California and South Africa. In Alsace and parts of Central Europe, Muscat Ottonel is used to produce usually dry and highly perfumed wines. Theories about the origins of Muscat grapes date ancestors of the varieties back to the ancient Egyptians and Persians of early antiquity (c. 3000-1000 BCE) while some ampelographers, such as Pierre Galet, believe that the family of Muscat varieties were propagated during the period of classical antiquity (c. 800 BCE to 600 CE) by the Greeks and Romans. However, while domestic wine production had a long history in ancient Egypt and Persia and classical writers such as Columella and Pliny the Elder did describe very "muscat-like" grape varieties such as Anathelicon Moschaton and Apianaethat were very sweet and attractive to bees (Latin apis), there is no solid historical evidence that these early wine grapes were members of the Muscat family. The first documented mention of grape called "muscat" was in the works of the English Franciscan scholar Bartholomeus Anglicus who wrote of wine made from Muscat grapes in his work De proprietatibus rerum written between 1230-1240 while Anglicus was studying in what is now modern Saxony in Germany. Anglicus' Latin work was translated into French in 1372 with the wine being described by Anglicus as "vin extrait de raisins muscats". Because the exact origins of the Muscat family cannot be pinpointed, the theories as to the origins of the name "Muscat" are numerous. The most commonly cited belief is the name is derived from the Persian word muchk. Similar etymology follows the Greek moskos, Latin muscus and French musc. In Italy, the Italian word mosca for fly could also be one possibility with the sweet aroma and high sugar levels of Muscat grapes being a common attractant for insects such as fruit flies. Other theories suggest that the grape family originated in the Arabian country of Oman and was named after the city of Muscat located on the coast of the Gulf of Oman. Another city that is sometimes suggested as a potential birthplace/namesake is the Greek city of Moschato, located southwest of Athens in Attica with Moschato being a common synonym in Greece for Muscat varieties.
- note niigata in japan produces "shine muscat" is available at city super

- people
  • Dom Pierre Pérignon, O.S.B., (December 1638 – 14 September 1715) was a French Benedictine monk who made important contributions to the production and quality of champagne wine in an era when the region's wines were predominantly still red. Popular myths frequently, but erroneously, credit him with the invention of sparkling champagne, which didn't become the dominant style of Champagne until the mid-19th century. The famous champagne Dom Pérignon, the prestige cuvée of Moët & Chandonis named for him. The remains of the monastery where he spent his adult life is now the property of that winery.
- 肯塔基州是美國波本威士 忌的最大產地

- china

  • 第十二屆煙台國際葡萄酒博覽會近日開幕,煙台張裕葡萄釀酒股份公司投資建造的內地第一座專業白蘭地酒莊可雅酒莊也在酒博會期間正式開業。該酒莊將成為中國首家採用自然動力釀造的酒莊,建成後年產可雅品牌白蘭地300噸。
Palm wine is an alcoholic beverage created from the sap of various species of palm tree such as the palmyradate palms, and coconut palms. It is known by various names in different regions and is common in various parts of AsiaAfrica, the CaribbeanSouth America, and Micronesia. Palm wine production by smallholders and individual farmers may promote conservation as palm trees become a source of regular household income that may economically be worth more than the value of timber sold. Palm wine is known as matangombuhtumbu liquorwhite stuff in Cameroonemunkwu, in Nigeriapoyo in Sierra Leonensamba in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; "Manjenvo" in Cabinda Angolansafufuo in Ghana; "Taadi" in North India,sendi in Kannada,"Thati Kallu" (కల్లు) in Telugu, "Kallu" (கள்ளு) and "Kallu" (കള്ള്) in Tamil and Malayalam respectively; Htan Yay (ထန်းရည်) in Myanmar; and Toddy in Malaysiamnazi in the Mijikenda language of Kenyabahar (Kadazan-Dusun) and goribon (Rungus) in SabahBorneo; vino de coyol in Central Americatuba in the Marianas; and tubâ in the Philippines and Mexico as well as in Borneo. On the island of Leyte in the central Philippines, the red tubâ is aged with the tan bark for up to six months to two years, until it gets dark red and tapping its glass container gives off a deep hollow sound. This type of tubâ is called bahal (for tubâ aged this way for up to six months) and bahalina (for tubâ aged thus for up to a year or more). Toddy is also consumed in Sri Lanka and Myanmar, where in Sri Lanka it is known as thal ra (තල් රා), kithul ra ගල් රා), or pol ra (පොල් රා) according to the plant used to make toddy.
- china daily 14aug19 tunisia's date palm drink - lagmi

fizzy drinks
- Some of Asia’s biggest soda-guzzling nations are preparing to impose taxes on fizzy drinks as the backlash against the industry mounts in a movement reminiscent of the anti-tobacco campaign. The $560bn global soda industry has come under attack worldwide as doctors and policymakers fret about the mounting toll — on health as well as government coffers — of obesity and diabetes. A sugar tax in Mexico has cut the consumption of sugary drinks by an estimated 12 per cent and raised more than $2bn in tax receipts. Berkeley in California, France and Chile have introduced similar taxes. The UK has scrapped plans to introduce a sugar tax of up to 20 per cent but companies will be expected to reformulate their products to reduce sugar content.

Daiquiri (/ˈdkəri, ˈdæk-/Spanishdaiquirí [dajkiˈɾi]) is a family of cocktails whose main ingredients are rum, citrus juice (typically lime juice), and sugar or other sweetener.Daiquirí is also the name of a beach and an iron mine near Santiago de Cuba, and is a word of Taíno origin. The drink was supposedly invented by an American mining engineer named Jennings Cox, who was in Cuba at the time of the Spanish–American War. It is also possible that William A. Chanler, a US congressman who purchased the Santiago iron mines in 1902, introduced the daiquiri to clubs in New York in that year.

Shisha or sheesha may refer to:
- Axa SA, France’s largest insurer, said it will stop investing in tobacco and divest all of its 1.8 billion euros ($2 billion) of assets in the industry.
  • Axa's decision to quit tobacco is not as pure as it looks
- Nestlé and the World Bank are among a number of organisations to demand that a controversial lobby group for tobacco companies stops claiming links to them. The International Tax and Investment Center, which describes itself as a “non-profit research and educational organisation” that gives clients “a seat at the policymaking table”, has claimed on its website to “work closely” with the World Bank. It also listed Nestlé, law firm Pinsent Masons and the UK Department for International Development as its sponsors. However, when Tax Justice Network wrote to sponsors and affiliated bodies asking if they were aware of the claims, all four organisations said they had no ongoing relationship with the lobby group.

artificial food
Liebig's Extract of Meat Company, established in the United Kingdom, was the producer of LEMCO brand Liebig's Extract of Meat and the originator of Oxo meat extracts and Oxo beef stock cubes. It was named after Baron Justus von Liebig, the 19th-century German organic chemist who developed and promoted a method for industrial production of beef extract.In 1847, Justus von Liebig developed a concentrated beef extract in hopes of providing a cheap and nutritious meat substitute, Extractum carnis Liebig, for those unable to afford the real thing.[2] His method was to trim the fat from the meat, break the meat into small particles, boil it with water to form a liquid of 6-8% solids, and then stir it over low heat, until it was reduced to a paste of 80% solids.[3] However, in Europe meat was too expensive to economically supply the necessary raw materials to create the extract.Liebig made his process public, publishing the details in 1847. Liebig clearly stated of his process that "the benefit of it should ... be placed at the command of as large a number of persons as possible by the extension of the manufacture, and consequently a reduction in the cost." A variety of companies produced small batches of meat extract based on Liebig's ideas, often using his name on their products.In 1862, George Christian Giebert, a young German railway engineer visiting Europe, read Liebig's Familiar Letters on Chemistry. Convinced that the process could be industrialized, he wrote to Liebig to suggest opening a manufacturing plant in South America. Using the flesh of cattle that, before the popularity of canning or freezing meat, would otherwise have been killed for their hides alone, he hoped to produce meat extract at one third of the European cost. He visited Max Joseph von Pettenkofer's Royal Pharmacy in Munich, and Friedrich Mohr's laboratory in Koblenz, where small amounts of extract were being produced.[7]:223–227With Liebig's agreement, and the backing of a group of entrepreneurs and ranchers, Giebert established the Societé de Fray Bentos Giebert & Cie., and built a test extraction plant at Villa Independencia, Uruguay, later called Fray Bentos. By the end of 1864, 50,000 pounds of extract worth £12,000 had been exported and sold.[7]:223–227 In 1865, Giebert offered Liebig a directorship of the company, with an initial cash payment and an annual salary. The Liebig Extract of Meat Company was established on 4 December 1865 in London with a capital of £150,000.[8] Liebig performed and supervised quality control testing on the product arriving to Europe, in Antwerp, and promoted it as "the real" Liebig extract of meat. By partnering with Liebig, Giebert was able to claim that he was the officially sanctioned producer of Liebig's meat extract.[7]:233Other companies also used the name Liebig's Extract of Meat to market meat extracts. In Britain, a competitor's right to use Liebig's name was successfully defended on the grounds that the name had fallen into general use and become a generic term before the creation of any particular company.[4] The judge asserted that "Purchasers must use their eyes", and considered the presentation of the products to be sufficiently different to enable the discriminating consumer to determine which of the products bore Liebig's signature and was supported by Baron Liebig himself.[5] In response, the company adopted the name "LEMCO" in Britain, displayed it prominently on their products "to correct the evil of substitution",[8] and encouraged shoppers to specifically request the new trademark "to protect you from inferior substitutes."
  • Colorful calendars and trading cards were also marketed to popularize the product. Liebig produced many illustrated advertising products: table cards, menu cards, children's games, free trading card sets, calendars, posters, poster stamps, paper and other toys. In 1872, they began to include sets of trading cards featuring stories, historical tidbits, geographic tidbits, and so on.[7]:237 Many famous artists were contacted to design those series of cards, which were first produced using true lithography, then litho chromochromolithography, and finally offset printing. The cards remain popular with collectors and are often collected in albums.
- ******Quorn is a meat substitute product originating in the UK and sold primarily in Europe, but is available in 14 countries. Quorn is sold as both a cooking ingredient and as the meat substitute used in a range of prepackaged mealsAll Quorn foods contain mycoprotein as an ingredient, which is derived from the Fusarium venenatum fungus. In most Quorn products, the fungus culture is dried and mixed with egg albumen, which acts as a binder, and then is adjusted in texture and pressed into various forms. A vegan formulation also exists that uses potato protein as a binder instead of egg albumen.Quorn was launched in 1985 by Marlow Foods, a joint venture between Rank Hovis McDougall (RHM) and Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), and is now owned by Monde Nissin Corporation.
  • Originally conceived in 1985 and owned by Marlow Foods, a joint venture between Rank Hovis McDougall (RHM) and Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), RHM exited the business in 1990 by selling its shares to ICI. When ICI spun off its biological products divisions from the core chemical business in 1993, Marlow Foods became a part of the newly formed Zeneca group, later AstraZeneca.In 2003, AstraZeneca sold Marlow Foods, including the Quorn business and associated trademarks and patents, to Montagu Private Equity for £72m. Montagu sold the business on to Premier Foods in 2005 for £172m.In 2011, Premier Foods sold Quorn to Exponent Private Equity and Intermediate Capital Group for £205 million.[29][30] In 2015, the owners put the company up for sale via a business auction process. Attracting bidders including Danone, Kerry Group, McCain Foods and Nomad Foods, it was sold to Monde Nissin Corporation headquartered in the Philippines for £550m ($831m).
- British shoppers will soon be able to find “fake” meats – including burgers that ooze lookalike “blood” when cut open – in the chiller section alongside real meats, as Sainsbury’s announced its new vegan-friendly range would go on sale this month.
- 去年十一月申請美國上市的人造肉漢堡公司Beyond Meat可謂表表者,初步計劃集資1億美元。其生產的漢堡以素肉製成,標榜不論外觀、味道和烹煮過程都像真肉,甚至會「流血」,但較真肉健康及可持續發展。Beyond Meat的明星級投資者包括微軟創辦人蓋茨、影星里奧勒度狄卡比奧和麥當勞前行政總裁湯普森。蓋茨還投資了另一家人造肉公司Impossible Foods。加拿大快餐店A&W Food Services去年引入Beyond Meat的人造肉漢堡包Beyond Burger. 美國最大肉類供應商泰森食品除了投資Beyond Meat外,還投資了MycoProtein等。該公司更準備開拓自家替代蛋白質業務,並期望未來可成為公司中重要的一部分。瑞士食品商雀巢計劃今年內在歐美地區推出素肉漢堡,透過旗下品牌Garden Gourmet在歐洲地區推出素肉漢堡Incredible Burger,在美國地區則透過Sweet Earth品牌推出Awesome Burger。雀巢於一七年收購的Sweet Earth,旗下產品除素肉漢堡外,還有素煙肉和素香腸。其他例子還有包裝食品公司Conagra Brands收購了素肉公司Gardein;農產品交易商Cargill投資以幹細胞培植人造肉的初創公司Memphis Meats;聯合利華收購荷蘭素肉食品公司Vegetarian Butcher。

  • Kentucky fried plant-based chicken is coming to a KFC in Atlanta this week. In a test of Beyond Meat's latest fake meat creation, KFC will offer "Beyond Fried Chicken" at a single restaurant in Smyrna, Georgia, near Atlanta's SunTrust Park. Beyond Meat (BYND) has added chicken to its lineup of plant-based products, which include burger, ground beef and sausage alternatives, among other meat substitutes. KFC will become the first nationwide fast food restaurant to test Beyond Meat's plant-based chicken.
  • 「人造肉」公司Impossible Foods宣布,上周完成最新F輪股權融資,獲得資金5億美元(約39億港元),由未來資產環球投資(Mirae Asset Global Investments)領投,原有股東李嘉誠旗下維港投資亦有份參與。Impossible Foods計劃把該筆資金用作基礎研究和產品研發、加速擴展生產規模、擴大零售業務和增加全球主要市場的供應,並加快新一代產品Impossible Sausage植物豬柳漢堡和Impossible Pork植物豬肉的商品化。 Impossible Foods財務總監David Lee表示,最新一輪融資讓集團擁有足夠資源加速拓展業務,並在動盪的經濟環境下,例如目前疫症蔓延的情況下繼續穩健發展。除了現有投資者維港投資「加碼」,新加坡主權基金淡馬錫、印度裔美國籍企業家Khosla旗下風險投資公司Khosla Ventures亦有參與,還有美國流行天后Katy Perry、美式足球員Kirk Cousinsz、電影《魔戒》導演Peter Jackson等。Impossible Foods於2011年創立,至今已籌集接近13億美元(約101.4億港元)。
- 有科研公司研究以其他方式生產肉類。以色列食物公司Aleph Farms近日聯同俄羅斯一間生物打印公司,首次成功在太空運用牛隻的細胞生產出牛肉。
- 國家肉品中心周一(18日)宣布,江蘇南京農業大學的研究團隊,成功製造出全國首塊用動物幹細胞培養的人造肉。校方稱人造肉如投入量產,可解決肉類供不應求的局面。在全球搶攻人造肉市場的情況下,本次取得的是里程碑式的突破。
- ft 17dec19 iff-dupont deal bets on meatless future
- The Spanish firm Novameat has developed technology to recreate the appearance and texture of real beef steak, by feeding plant-based ingredients into a 3D printer.
- Cargill, one of the world’s largest suppliers of meat and grains, is joining the race to develop plant-based protein products as the coronavirus outbreak and other recent health scares spur demand for meat substitutes. The privately-owned Minnesota-based group plans to roll out four new meatless burger products for food and beverage outlets and retailers in the US from April to kick start its global distribution plan, a company spokesperson said. This follows its February 24 announcement that it would be developing plant-based protein products, or meat substitutes made from soy or pea protein, with the coronavirus epidemic adding to recent outbreaks of African Swine Fever and Avian flu.
-新加坡食品局昨日宣布,批准美國食品生產商Eat Just生產的實驗室培養雞肉在新加坡出售,使新加坡成為全球首個批准培養肉推出市面的國家。在食品安全、動物福利、環保等因素推動下,社會對人造肉需求愈來愈大,不過受價格問題影響,市面上最常見的仍然是植物肉,Eat Just則期望在未來數年,將培養肉價格壓低至傳統肉價格之下。Eat Just在2011年創辦,本港富商李嘉誠亦有份投資,公司昨日在新加坡取得售賣許可,會先在當地一間餐廳以雞塊的形態出售培養雞肉,並冠上GOOD Meat的品牌名稱,日後再逐漸拓展至零售市場,公司形容是「全球食物業一大突破」。新加坡食品局表示,已評估Eat Just培養肉的製作過程、生產監管和安全測試,認為符合新加坡食品安全標準。
- air protein

  • Air Protein™, the Bay-Area based company pioneering a new consumer category: air-based foods, today announced the creation of the first air-based meat created from elements found in the air we breathe.
  • This past month, Finnish startup Solar Foods came out of stealth to promote its new innovation, a protein derived through gas-based fermentation—or using enzymatic reactions to convert carbon dioxide, with a minimal amount of water, nutrients and electricity, into human-edible proteins. The new form of protein, dubbed Solein, will be produced in a powdered form to be used similar to flour in food production.
-Aleph Farms運用三維生物打印機,利用從兩隻實驗牛身上採集的細胞,模擬一個類似牛隻體內的環境,讓該些細胞以倍數增長及生出結締組織,最終變成一塊牛扒。這種肉眼牛扒的價格尚未公布,預計需2至3年時間才能投入市場。
- fish
  • hk startup avant meats hkej 22mar2021 a8

insects as food
- economist 6jul19 "grub's up" beetles and flues are becoming part of the agricultural food chain
- The head of the University of Costa Rica’s Insects Museum decided three years ago to replace animal protein in his diet with crickets, ants, cockroaches, beetles and other insects – and wants to encourage others to do the same.
- ft 7jun2021 farming insects for food battles the 'ick factor'
- maggot

- 日本不少公司近年積極推出昆蟲食品,埼玉縣嵐山町一間公司早前就與昆蟲食品公司「TAKEO」合作推出「麻辣蟋蟀乾」,號稱不論用來入饌還是做零食、下酒菜,都是上等美味,引起網民熱議。

new superfood
- Wolffia is one of five genera of a plant commonly known as duckweed or “water lentils”. It is also the most easily digestible, as Cyrill Hess explains at an impromptu tasting in a basement-​level environmental chamber at ETH Zurich’s Department of Environmental Systems Science. Just before, Hess had used a sieve to skim the Wolffia off the water in a wooden basin in front of the tasters . The grass-​green carpet floats atop an aqueous nutrient solution that is continually cleaned by a pump. In the environmental chamber, scientists can precisely control temperature, humidity and lighting conditions. Hess started cultivating the Wolffia two weeks ago on a water surface measuring about five square meters. On a good day, he skims off 1.5 kilogrammes of this “green caviar” – that’s what he calls the product that his start-​up, LemnaPro, is working on.
-微軟創辦人蓋茨已早着先機,由2014年起買入美國農地,目前在美國19個州總共擁有24.2萬英畝農地。雖然農地價值已經翻倍,但是蓋茨似乎志不在此,而是期望借這些農地研發出一種能抵受氣候變化的「超級穀物」。據美國媒體資料顯示,蓋茨目前擁有最多土地的州,分別是路易斯安那州及阿肯色州。這些農地由蓋茨旗下控股公司Cascade Investment直接或間接持有,當初設立此公司,就是為了管理他的龐大資產。推廣永續性農業這已非蓋茨首次涉足農業。早在2008年,他旗下的慈善機構蓋茨基金會撥款3億美元,提倡非洲及南亞小農採用高產出、可永續的農作方式。接下來,基金會擬着手研發一種「超級穀物」,能夠抵禦極端氣候。 

food additives
- 19世紀的時候,歐洲化學家將香蘭素提純並鑑定了它的化學結構,之後科學家不斷研究,最終用丁香酚成功合成香蘭素,並進入商業化應用。這是世界上第一個人工合成的香精,它伴隨食品行業的工業化革命,成為了名副其實的「香精之王」。此後,香蘭素的合成方式又經過了數次革新和改良,目前主要是用石化副產物進行合成。進入21世紀,人們對「天然物質」的追捧又催生了用生物發酵生產香蘭素的新工藝,但由於成本太高,並未成為主流。當然,人們不知道的是,即使是人工合成的香蘭素,其化學結構其實和天然香蘭素是一模一樣的。由於帶有「甲氧基」,因此香蘭素又被稱為甲基香蘭素。


麥芽糊精  Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide that is used as a food additive. It is produced from starch by partial hydrolysis and is usually found as a white hygroscopic spray-dried powder. Maltodextrin is easily digestible, being absorbed as rapidly as glucose and may be either moderately sweet or almost flavorless (depending on the degree of polymerisation). It is commonly used for the production of soft drinks and candy. It can also be found as an ingredient in a variety of other processed foods.

cooking utensils
- comal - mexican griddle mounted on three stones used in lieu of a stove [manuscript hunter]

- According to figures published by The Centre for Food Safety under the Food andEnvironmental Hygiene Department in November, daily consumption of salt and sugar in HongKong is way above World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. Ho Yuk-yin, consultant at the Centre for Food Safety, said at a press conference that the estimated daily salt intake in Hong Kong was 10 grams, double the WHO's recommendedmaximum amount. Moreover, 30 percent of the population consumed more than 50 grams ofsugar per day. In early 2014, WHO proposed its recommended daily level of sugar intake at 25grams (around 6 cubes of sugar), underscoring its concern over the consumption of sweetened beverages. Critics charge that most food addictions are by-products of carefully contrived efforts byprocessed food manufacturers to get consumers hooked on the sugar, salt and unhealthy fats,so that they keep coming back for more.
- Diet advice turns into a food fight between vested interests

nutrition labelling
- ft 21nov18 "standard nutrition label leaves business cold"


Almonds, cherries, plums, avocados, alfalfa, sunflowers, clover, squash, clementines, tangerines, cranberries, blueberries, pumpkins, apples, and a whole assortment of other vegetables could be on the non-vegan list.What do these crops have in common? They are all pollinated by Apis mellifera, the European Honeybee. Hives of bees are transported around the country in complicated rotation as the crops bloom, so they can visit the fields and pollinate the plants. Without the hardworking little bees, we would have far fewer fruits, nuts and vegetables to put on the vegan table.Vegans object to using honeybees to pollinate crops, especially almonds and avocados because those are the heaviest users of bees. It is thought that the stress of constant transportation contributes to colony collapse, an issue that has become increasingly problematic.

- 《夷堅乙志》卷第二十《飲食 忌》寫道,吃黃顙魚不可同時吃荊 芥,吃蜜不可同時吃鮓魚,吃河豚 不可同時吃風藥。這些食物相剋, 都有例可證。

- IndiaFoodex in Bangalore
- bevtec Asia in Bangkok
- Hotel Investment Conference Asia Pacific (HICAP)
- HKTDC HK International Wine & Spirits Fair
- FHC China
- Gulfood in Dubai
- SIAL in Shanghai
- prowine in Shanghai, Dusseldorf and Singapore
- international tea culture forum in guizhou
- thaifex
- food&hotel thailand
- taipei international food show
- china food and drinks fair
- guangzhou international food and ingredient fair
- international trade fair for portuguese food and beverage
- macau wine and dine festival
- prodexpo in moscow
- (taipei)
- SISAB Portugal
- food&hotel myanmar
- shrimp2015 in vijayawada india
- food ingredients asia
- international foodtec india
- foodex japan
- world food moscow
- rpb asia in singapore
- indonesia international food & beverage processing, packaging, ingredients and supply chain exhibition
- aquaculture首屆中國水產種業博覽會近日在廣州市南沙區開幕。
- fermented food

  • international fermented food expo
- dairy

  • 「2020亞洲乳業博覽會」 即將於3月 在廣州揭幕,吸引海內外逾300家品牌 企業參展。組委會有關負責人表示,此 次展會不僅助力乳業品牌拓展粵港澳大 灣區市場,還將整合各類資源,促進全 球乳業全產業鏈發展。

- wine/liquor

  • vinexpo
    • vinexpo cancel in china
  • 為期3天的第100屆全國糖酒商品交易會日前在成都舉行,來自全球40餘個國家和地區的4,000家廠商參展。
  • international bulk wine and spirit show

- tea

  • 首屆中國國際茶葉博覽會昨日上午在浙江杭州國際博覽中心開幕,來自48國參展商和1,700餘家國內外專業客商匯聚一堂。中國農業部部長韓長賦表示,當前中國已成為全球最大的產茶國和茶葉消費市場。2016年,中國茶園面積達287萬公頃、產量達240多萬噸,種植規模居世界第一。
  • china daily 1aug19 jasmine tea conference in guangxi
- coffee

  • cafe show vietnam
  • SEasia cafe expo

- catering equipment

  • host milano
  • equip & dine asia in singapore
- bar/pub


Revealing unknown info about food
- Foodbabe

food culture
- 1971
  • starbucks store opened in seattle; osaka born cup noodles; mcdonald introduced quarter pounder; cooking by crock pot

- (drinks)
- FoodPacific Manufacturing Journal
- food & beverage news, mumbai
- wine

  • global drinks intel. published by global drinks intelligence

- hk

  • International trade v&s special edition 2016 pp31 mentioned hk extends simplified customs clearance to china

- FT "Singapore uncorks Asia's wine hub potential" (19 April 2014)
- Chinese court freezes Castel asset in China
- 2014 has marked the rise of Asia-based commodity houses and their increasingly prominent role in what features on the world’s dinner tables. Noble Group, Olam and Wilmar, three Singapore-listed agribusinesses, have engaged in an flurry of dealmaking in pursuit of a bigger presence in the global food chain as Asian demand grows.

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