Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Stupid people conned

- https://www.quora.com/Did-France-regret-selling-the-vast-Louisiana-Purchase-territory-nearly-the-size-of-all-of-Western-Europe-by-itself-to-the-United-States-for-a-relatively-low-price-during-Napoleons-regime  it was actually a scam of Napoleon at the expense of Spain and the USA.
Before Louisiana was sold to the United States, it had already been ceded to Spain. It was Louis XV who, in 1763, abandoned this immense territory, from present-day Louisiana to Canada (more than 22% of the current size of the United States). After the establishment of the Consulate in 1799, which saw Napoleon Bonaparte take power in France, the situation changed. He wanted Louisiana back to develop his policy in America. A secret agreement was concluded with Spain in 1800. The Treaty of San Ildefonso stated that Spain will return Louisiana in exchange for territories in Italy, with this return to take place later. The sale of Louisiana recorded in 1803. Napoleon Bonaparte quickly realized that he could not fight on several fronts, in America and Europe. At the same time, the British and Americans were aware of the Treaty of San Ildefonso. The United States then proposed France to buy Louisiana, with President Thomas Jefferson aware that this would double its territory. Napoleon was in favour of this solution because he did not think he could defend this territory against the British, and because in the longer term, he imagined that the Americans would become rivals of the British Empire. Spain officially returned Louisiana to France on November 30, 1803, and on December 20, France signed the sale of Louisiana to the United States.
- Google
  • 歐盟昨日宣布,正式批准美國科企Google以21億美元(約163億港元),收購智能手錶製造商Fitbit。由於Google承諾在未來至少10年內,不會透過Fitbit設備,收集歐盟成員國用戶的健康數據作廣告用途,歐盟因此決定為交易開綠燈。Google早於去年11月宣布,已與Fitbit達成收購協議,但歐盟憂慮成員國用戶的私隱不受保障,因此遲遲未批准。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/12/18/a18-1218.pdf

uk, british as atm
- Britsh airways
Anmer Hall is a Georgian country house in the village of Anmer in Norfolk, England. Anmer Hall was a wedding gift to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge from the Queen.The current house was built in the 18th century and has formed part of the Sandringham estate since 1898. The house was registered as a Grade II* listed building in 1984 but was later de-listed.The surrounding estate became a scheduled ancient monument in 2003, and includes earthworks marking the sites of buildings from the medieval village of Anmer.[3] The village church, St Mary, lies close to the house, but a short distance away from the modern village.Anmer Hall was the seat of the Coldham family from at least 1705. The nearby Sandringham estate was bought by Queen Victoria in 1862 as a wedding present for the Prince of Wales, later Edward VII, and neighbouring land was added to the estate in subsequent years.In 1896, the Anmer Hall estate was purchased at auction for £25,000 by the famed serial fraudster[4] Ernest Terah Hooley before his first bankruptcy. The Prince had attempted to purchase the property prior to Hooley's acquisition.Anmer Hall was leased to John Loader Maffey, 1st Baron Rugby (1877–1969), who was to become Governor-General of the Sudan, Permanent Secretary of the Colonial Office and wartime Ambassador to Dublin. His daughter Penelope (1910–2005) socialised with the Royal Family, and was reportedly a favourite of King George V.From 1972 to 1990, the house was leased to the Duke and Duchess of Kent as their country house. In February 1990, the Duke and Duchess of Kent moved to Crocker End House in Nettlebed in Oxfordshire. From 1990 to 2000, it was rented by Hugh van Cutsem (1941–2013).[citation needed] It was then leased to the family of James Everett, owner of kitchen timber company Norfolk Oak.
- discrimination
  • 綜合《衛報》、英國廣播公司報道:英國政府表面 上歡迎移民,實際上卻對移民家庭尤其是年輕一代設置重重阻礙,令 他們無法接觸到助學貸款等社會資源。最新調查報告指出,英國內政 部在審查移民兒童和青少年的有限居留簽證(LLR)時非常嚴苛,而 英國助學貸款項目(SFE)更是滿懷敵意,導致很多從小在英國生活 的亞非裔學生得不到貸款或拖延數月才拿到貸款,一些優秀的學生甚 至因此被迫放棄學業。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20211124/PDF/a23_screen.pdf

germans, german jews as atm
- douglas

  • https://beautymatter.com/2017/08/douglas-acquires-100-stores-perfumeries-spain/ Douglas will take over a portfolio of 100-plus stores and the e-commerce platform of Perfumerias If from Spanish retail group Eroski, further securing their position as a leader in the Spanish market. Earlier this month Douglas completed the acquisition of Grupo Bodybell with 223 stores in Spain.
  • https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170316006202/en/H.I.G.-Bayside-Capital%C2%A0Agrees-Sell-Bodybell

  • acquision of limonj and la gardenia stores in nov2017
Aby J. Rosen (born May 16, 1960) is a West German-born American real estate tycoon living in New York City. He is the co-founder of RFR Holding, which owns a portfolio of 71 properties in United States cities including New York, Miami, and Las Vegas; and Tel Aviv, Israel. Highlights include the Seagram Building, Lever House, W South Beach, The Jaffa, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Tel Aviv, Gramercy Park Hotel, Paramount Hotel, and Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, among other properties. Rosen is also a member of, a founding investor in, and the landlord to the Core Club in New York.Rosen is a noted collector of modern and contemporary art, owning more than 800 postwar pieces, including 100-plus works by Andy Warhol. His collection includes pieces by Jean-Michel Basquiat, Alexander Calder, Damien Hirst, Richard Prince and Jeff Koons.Rosen was born in FrankfurtWest Germany in 1960, the son of Jewish Holocaust survivors.[3] His mother Anni spent World War II hiding in a Belgian farmhouse, while his father Isak was held in concentration camps in Germany and Poland.[3] After the war, his mother became a painter and his father a real estate developer.
  • The Seagram Building is a skyscraper at 375 Park Avenue, between East 52nd and 53rd Streets, in Midtown ManhattanNew York City. The building, including its stone-faced lobby, bronze-and-glass exterior, and plaza, were designed by German-American architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, with Kahn & Jacobs as associate architects. Philip Johnson designed the interior of the Four Seasons and Brasserie restaurants, while Severud Associates were the structural engineering consultants. The building, completed in 1958, stands 515 feet (157 m) tall with 38 stories, and it is one of the most notable examples of the functionalist aesthetic and a prominent instance of corporate modern architecture. It was designed as the headquarters for the Canadian distillers Joseph E. Seagram & Sons with the active interest of Phyllis Lambert.The building is owned by Aby Rosen's RFR Holdings. (Joseph Seagram sold the building in 1979 to the New York City-based Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association for $70.5 million.[16] It was in turn sold at the height of the new millennium real estate boom to New York City real estate investor Aby Rosen for $375 million in 2000.)

  • scmp 25oct2020 picture of kaws sculpture at the building

- in 1397, the family De Haar received kasteel de haar (in utrecht) and the surrounding lands as fiefdom from Hendrik van Woerden. The castle remained in the ownership of the De Haar family until 1440, when the last male heir died. The castle then passed to the Van Zuylen family. After 1641, when Johan van Zuylen van der Haar died childless, the castle gradually fell into ruins. In 1801, the last Catholic van Zuylen in the Netherlands, the bachelor Anton-Martinus van Zuylen van Nijevelt (1708-1801), bequeathed the property to his cousin Jean-Jacques van Zuylen van Nyevelt (1752-1846) of the Catholic branch in the Southern Netherlands. In 1890, De Haar was inherited by Jean-Jacques'grandson Etienne Gustave Frédéric Baron van Zuylen van Nyevelt van de Haar (1860-1934), who had married Baroness Hélène de Rothschild (1863-1947) in 1887. https://family.rothschildarchive.org/estates/71-kasteel-de-haar

- Blackstone Group Inc has reached an agreement to buy Simply Self Storage from Canada’s Brookfield Asset Management Inc for about $1.2 billion, a spokeswoman for the asset manager said late on Sunday.https://www.reuters.com/article/brookfield-asset-divestiture-blackstone/blackstone-to-buy-simply-self-storage-from-canadas-brookfield-for-1-2-bln-idUSL4N2HH0HB

japanese as atm
- 鈴木商店
  • 鈴木 岩治郎(すずき いわじろう、1837年8月17日天保8年7月17日〉 - 1894年明治27年〉6月16日)は、明治実業家鈴木商店創業者。生まれ年については天保10年説がある。名前について岩次郎と表記している資料もある[1]二代目鈴木岩治郎(1877-1945)は長男[2]。三男は帝国人造絹絲太陽曹達の初代社長の鈴木岩蔵[3]武蔵国川越(現埼玉県川越市)の足軽の次男として生まれる。生後すぐに魚屋に養子に出されるが12歳頃に養子先から出て菓子商の丁稚となる。その後神戸長崎へ菓子屋奉公をしながら移り住み、大阪の米雑穀問屋の辰巳屋の下働きとなる。辰巳屋は小間物商から始まり、砂糖商としても成功しており、1874年(明治7年)に店の一つを譲り受け神戸に鈴木商店を開業[4][5][6]1877年(明治10年)に、姫路銀行の頭取岡玖平の媒介で姫路の商丹波屋の娘西田よねと結婚[5]。よねは再婚であった。1882年(明治15年)に神戸石油商会を設立、樟脳ハッカと商いを広げていった。1886年(明治19年)には神戸有力八大貿易商のひとつにまで発展した[7]神戸の砂糖は当時、香港バターフィールド(swire)ジャーディン・マセソン(jardine matheson)の砂糖の輸入に限られ、神戸外国人居留地の代理店を通し、辰巳屋女婿の藤田助七ら特定販売人に独占されていたため、岩治郎は両替商などをしていたが、明治21年頃に香港市場から一千俵の砂糖を買入れ、精糖の直輸入を始める[5]1894年(明治27年)に病気で急逝。その後、遺されたよね金子直吉らと鈴木商店を世界的企業に成長させていくこととなる。1877年(明治10年)に初代とよねの長男・徳治郎として生まれる[2]。初代の没後、家督を継いで二代目鈴木岩治郎となる。1923年(大正12年)に、台湾銀行の主導により鈴木商店は持ち株会社的な「鈴木合名会社」」と事業会社としての「株式会社鈴木商店」に分割され、二代目岩治郎は「鈴木合名」の筆頭理事社員、「株式鈴木」の副社長に就任[2]1918年 (大正7年)、柳原義光を社長に担ぎ上げ、鈴木商店幹部の金子直吉らとともに大正生命保険会社重役に就任[8]。1919年 (大正8年)には、台湾に不動産開発の日本拓殖株式会社を設立[9][10]1926年(昭和元年)時点で、鈴木グループ各社(神戸製鋼所、沖見初炭鉱、日本教育生命保険、東洋燐寸、大正生命、日本拓殖、帝国汽船、浪華倉庫、日本商業)の役員を兼任していた[2]
  •    鈴木商店の人物関係図 http://www.suzukishoten-museum.com/footstep/person/

chinese as atm
- 美國及澳洲目前正合力抗衡中國在太平洋島國的影響力,但巴布亞新畿內亞政府近日卻決定,向中國借貸以償還八十億美元(約六百廿四億港元)的公共債務。外界預料,此舉會引起美國和澳洲的反彈。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190808/00178_007.html
- 中朝邊境旅遊城市遼寧丹東今年迎來了一波「不看景點只看樓」的看樓客。香港文匯報記者近日走訪多個丹東熱門樓盤時發現,「五一」前的一周內,來自瀋陽、北京、溫州等全國多地的買樓者在半島局勢趨緩的刺激下,欲搶先機炒熱新區房產,丹東市新樓成交價最高漲幅每平方米已超1,000元(人民幣,下同)。據中新網報道,韓朝首腦於4月27日成功舉行會談等種種跡象,令外界普遍認為,半島局勢趨於穩定,朝鮮即將改革開放,地處東北邊境的遼寧省丹東市將從中受益。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/03/a19-0503.pdf
-  美國財政部造幣和印鈔局周一在華盛頓推出豬年「吉利錢」,希望借助「吉利錢」的流通,讓美國多元族群可以接觸和了解包括中國在內的亞洲文化與傳統。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181219/00180_035.html
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190214/PDF/a5_screen.pdf 2月12日 ,英國中央銀行業務出版社公布2019年終 身成就獎,原中國央行行長周小川成為全 球第六位該獎項得主。
- https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3008922/biotech-start-backed-li-ka-shing-and-bill-gates-launch-its A Californian probiotics developer backed by tycoons Li Ka-shing and Bill Gates will launch a dietary product it claims can strengthen infants’ immune system in Hong Kong and Singapore on Tuesday. Evolve BioSystems said the product works by reintroducing a beneficial gut bacteria that is missing in today’s babies.Evivo, an activated form of the intestinal bacteria Bifidobacterium infantis, has been mixed with breast milk and fed to “tens of thousands” of babies in the United States since it was launched two years ago, according to Evolve’s chief executive, Timothy Brown.The company has chosen the two cities, among the richest in Asia, as the regional launchpads for its first foray outside its home market.It aims to address the autoimmune health challenges that have arisen in the region in the past few decades, such as eczema and allergies, which have coincided with the rise of formula feeding, C-section deliveries and excessive use of antibiotics.
- ft 25jun19 china biotechs spend billions on drug rights
http://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201907/26/WS5d3a6051a310d83056401246.html Chinese investors have injected funds into a United Kingdom-based startup that develops smartphone screens that allow users to text underwater. Cambridge Touch Technologies, also known as CTT, invented the touch screens for phones and other devices that function in the rain, when submerged, and when users are wearing gloves. Chinese investment companies Puhua Capital and CM Ventures contributed to a recent funding round for the company that garnered a total of $10 million. CM Ventures provides investment and advisory support for technology startups. CM Ventures also invested in CTT in a previous funding round last year, when the Shanghai-based fund went under its former name of China Materialia. Puhua Capital is an equity investment company based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, that focuses on early-to mid-stage projects.Other investors in this latest funding round included Japanese chemical company Kureha Corp, Japanese automotive touch panel company Futaba Corp, London-based venture capital companies Downing Ventures and Amadeus Capital Partners, and UK growth fund Parkwalk Advisors.
- ft 5aug19 saudis sending more oil to china and less to US
- 孔祥熙 
  • 孔祥熙宅院位于太谷城西南的上观巷,宅院原为太谷城内四大富商孟家的祖宅,1930年时孔祥熙从孟广誉手中购得重新修整,1934年蒋介石来太谷探亲时在此院住了一晚,蒋介石走后当时的多家报社争相报道,一夜之间让这座宅院全国知名。https://news.tianyancha.com/ll_gshsbcm5zp.html
- Hna 派貨
  • 會德豐地產於啟德區持重貨,其今年樓市第一炮的MONACO,賣價昨日揭盅,首批折實入場價近597萬元,折實平均呎價22669元,貼近同區一手及二手價錢。  翻查資料,原來此地皮最先是由海航旗下的香港國際建投,於2017年1月以55.297億元投得,每方呎樓面地價約1.3萬元。投得地皮未幾,海航陷財困需要賣地救亡,並先後出售啟德所有4幅地皮,每幅地皮均覓到最後歸宿,而會地則於2018年3月,以63.592億元向香港國際建投接手上址,並發展成現址的MONACO,每呎樓面地價14948元,較最初地價高14%,亦較毗鄰的尚.珒溋每呎地價12563元,貴19%。會地亦於2019年1月以68.89億元從海航手上購入啟德地皮1L區2號地(即毗鄰MONACO項目),每呎樓面地價1.25萬元,較2017年3月海航中標價低約7%。  至於海航亦在2018年向恆地(00012)以近160億元售出2幅啟德住宅地,每呎樓面地價見1.5萬元,比海航買入價貴多12%。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/finance/236136/2021/0109/540049.html

- alibaba 
  • https://www.scmp.com/tech/e-commerce/article/3045550/rural-farmers-get-help-selling-produce-online-china-steps-poverty “Our goal is to build a digital engine for rural revitalisation and a new rural infrastructure driven by technology as villages enter the digital economy today,” Li Shaohua, Alibaba vice-president and general manager of Alibaba’s rural business unit, adding that this infrastructure would empower villages and farmers to better sell products online.Strategies include linking up the urban and rural areas in China, giving urban consumers access to more agricultural products, while also introducing urban products to the rural villages to help improve their quality of life, according to Li. By 2022, the company hopes that sales of agricultural products on its platforms can exceed 400 billion yuan annually.
  • 正當美國肆意打壓中國科技公司之際,阿里巴巴(9988)旗下螞蟻集團已啟動A+H上市計劃,市傳集資共300億美元(約2,340億港元),超越沙特阿美2019年創出的294億美元集資紀錄,成為史上最巨型的IPO。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/08/05/b01-0805.pdf
  • 阿里巴巴(09988)入股總部位於瑞士的免稅零售商Dufry AG股份,為其在新冠肺炎疫情打擊下提供援助,並將與對方在內地組建合資企業,以拓展內地旅遊零售市場。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201006/00202_016.html
- tencent 

  • 騰訊(00700)牽頭財團同意向法國媒體公司Vivendi,收購全球最大音樂公司環球音樂集團(Universal Music Group)一成股權。以環球音樂300億歐元估值計,是次交易涉資達30億歐元(約262億港元)。分析預料,交易有助騰訊加強網上平台內容,以及環球音樂進一步打入中國市場。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200101/00202_016.html
  • Sea, the gaming-to-e-commerce company backed by Tencent Holdings, has acquired Canadian video game developer Phoenix Labs through its digital entertainment arm Garena, accelerating the Singapore-based firm’s international expansion plans.https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3048127/tencent-backed-sea-acquires-canadian-video-game-developer-create-next
  • http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200201/PDF/a19_screen.pdf在紐交所上市的品牌服飾平台Farfetch宣布,發行2.5億美元(約19.5億港元)可換股高級票據。其中,騰訊認購1.25億美元(約9.8億港元)。 騰訊總裁劉熾平表示,與Farfetch建立合作關係,並支持該公司加快在中國發展。目前,Farfetch微信精品商城設有逾80個時尚品牌,如巴黎世家(Balenciaga)、聖羅蘭(Saint Laurent)等。
  • PUBG case受惠疫 情下居家隔離等需求刺激 ,騰訊(00700)旗下「食雞」 手遊「PUBG Mobile」大收 旺場,營收突破35億美元(約273億港 元),單是2020年累計營收已達18億 美元(約140億港元)。 累計下載次數達1.98億次的手遊 「 PUBG Mobile」 ,在短短兩個月內, 吸金5億美元(約39億港元),包括全 球PUBG移動收入,以及來自中國本地 化遊戲《和平精英》的玩家支出。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200911/PDF/b1_screen.pdf
-China resources

  • 華潤置地(01109)公布,其間接全資附屬公司以總代價2.65億元人民幣,向國企中國華電集團間接擁有的瀋陽金山能源股份,收購瀋陽華潤熱電的26%股權。所購公司於中國瀋陽經營一間電熱廠,並主要從事電力及熱力生產銷售、能源勘探等業務,亦持有從事供熱及蒸汽、熱力開發及銷售業務的沈海熱力之60%股權。潤置解釋,其參與於瀋陽發展的一個戰略合作項目,通過「招拍掛」收購一幅地皮作再開發,但作為土地使用權的條件一部分,位於該地之上的發電廠關閉後,方可向集團交付土地。由於發電廠仍於該土地上營運,對於關閉發電廠的預計日期或集團何時可擁有該地尚無達成共識。收購擁有發電廠的公司股權,可讓集團與華潤電力合作以有效地監控、控制及執行關閉、搬遷及拆除區內發電廠,防止相關項目成本超支及延誤。潤置擬於適當時候收購瀋陽華潤熱電餘下19.885%少數股權。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201225/00202_014.html

-中國電動汽車生產商拜騰正在商議通過與一家特別目的收購公司(SPAC)合併來上市。拜騰之前獲得蘋果組裝商富士康(2317)的支持,其主要股東還包括中國國有汽車生產一汽集團和電動汽車電池生產商寧德時代。路透社引述消息人士稱,拜騰正與潛在的SPAC公司和投資者就上市事宜進行磋商,並計劃最早於今年上市。拜騰2017年由Future Mobility Corp(FMC)成立,FMC是一家由寶馬和日產汽車前高管聯合創建的公司,但拜騰自2019年以來一直面臨現金流問題,因投資者對於投資電動車行業態度謹慎,當時中國的電動車銷量已放緩。拜騰當時正在南京市修建一家汽車廠,但去年7月因為公司進行重組,暫停建廠。上個月拜騰簽訂一份協議,將從2022年起與富士康和南京經濟技術開發區合作生產電動運動型車(運動休旅車,SUV)。消息人士稱,作為協議的一部分,富士康將投資2億美元用於SUV的研發和生產項目,並將幫助建立電動汽車生產供應鏈,以降低汽車製造成本。富士康對傳言不予置評富士康在聲明中稱, 公司目前正專注於拜騰新能源汽車供應鏈製造的優化,對其他市場傳言不予置評。SPAC是一種空殼公司,通過首次公開發行(IPO)籌集資金來收購一家運營實體,通常在兩年內完成。對於企業來說,尤其是汽車科技公司,SPAC已經成為上市捷徑。今年以來已同意與SPAC合併的電動汽車公司包括Microvast、法拉第未來和EVgo Services等。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/02/09/b03-0209.pdf

-上海豫園旅遊商城股份有限公司 (上交所600655) 是一家上海證券交易所上市公司規劃建設經營管理中國上海黃浦區豫園商城,銷售黃金珠寶餐飲醫藥百貨食品房地產進口出口貿易金融投資等產業。豫園商城的最大股東為上海復星產業投資有限公司,占股17.24%,第二大股東為上海復星高科技(集團)有限公司,占股9.21%;第三第四大股東分別為國有法人上海豫園(集團)有限公司和上海豫園商場,各占股6.67%和3%。豫園商城原稱「豫園商場」,當時不是一間公司,而是一個行政機構,去管理豫園所轄的店舖。1980年代初,當時領導決定承襲原來的豫園商場的名字,把其中的百貨業整合在一起,歸併為一個企業。1987年,國有企業股份制改革試點掀起了熱潮,豫園商場被批准為上海市商業系統首家股份制企業。1988年,豫園商場股票在上海證券交易所上市,成為中國首個上市的商業股份制公司。1992年,豫園商場統一規劃、建設、經營及管理,成立「上海豫園旅遊商城股份有限公司」。新的股份公司在上海證券交易所上市,取代舊的股份公司,以募集營運資金。2002年,民營企業復星集團入股豫園商城,成為豫園商城的最大股東,由國有企業變成非國有企業。[4]2015年11月10日上海豫園旅遊商城宣佈,以183億日圓(約11.54億港元)收購位於北海道佔冠村的滑雪渡假村「星野TOMAMU渡假村」。2018年6月21日,豫園股份以總價16.38億元人民幣收購松鶴樓[5],同年9月19日又以1.088億美元收購比利時國際寶石學院International Gemological Institute(簡稱「IGI」)80%股權。2019年11月21日上海豫園股份以5.22億元人民幣增海鷗手錶天津海鷗,增資完成後,豫園股份占天津海鷗65%股權。

- li ka shing family and company acquisitions

  • 長和(00001)旗下位於加拿大的赫斯基能源公布,與同為加國的油砂和煉油企業Cenovus Energy Inc.訂立安排協議,兩間公司合併全數價值236億加元(約1,392億港元)股份和債務,預計合併明年首季完成,合併企業以Cenovus Energy Inc.名稱營運。通告披露,持赫斯基40.19%普通股的長和旗下Hutchison Whampoa Europe Investments(下稱和黃歐洲投資)及持29.32%普通股的L.F. Investments,已承諾將於十二月舉行的股東特別大會為合併投贊成票。據協議,每持一股赫斯基普通股的股東將收取0.7845股已合併公司股份及獲得可認購合併公司0.0651股的認購權證;以赫斯基截至上周五的五天成交量加權平均股價計算,包括和不包括認購權證的溢價分別約23%和21%。合併完成後,原Cenovus股東將持新公司約61%權益,原赫斯基股東持餘下約39%。其中和黃歐洲投資於合併後持股約15.7%,換言之將原持有赫斯基40.19%,變為持有合併公司約15.7%。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201026/00202_019.html
    • Cenovus Energy Inc. (pronounced se-nō-vus) is an integrated oil and natural gas company headquartered in CalgaryAlberta.Cenovus was formed in 2009 when Encana Corporation split into two distinct companies,[2] with Cenovus becoming focused on oil sands assets.In 2017, Cenovus purchased ConocoPhillips' 50 percent share of their Foster Creek Christina Lake (FCCL) oil sands projects and most of their conventional assets in Alberta and British Columbia, including the Deep Basin.

      • Ovintiv Inc. (former name: Encana Corporation) is a hydrocarbon exploration and production company organized in Delaware and headquartered in Denver, United States. Initially, it was founded and headquartered in Calgary, Canada.When the Canadian Pacific Railway was formed, the government of Sir John A. Macdonald compensated it for assuming the risk of developing the railroad with the subsurface rights for a checkerboard pattern of most of Alberta and part of Saskatchewan. These rights were later spun off to the company's predecessors.In 1883, Canadian Pacific Railway drilled for water near Medicine Hat, Alberta and discovered natural gas.On July 3, 1958, Canadian Pacific created "Canadian Pacific Oil and Gas" to manage its oil and gas properties and its mineral rights.In 1971, Canadian Pacific Oil and Gas merged with "Central-Del Rio Oils", creating "Pan Canadian Petroleum Limited".In April 2002, PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd was spun out of Canadian Pacific Limited. It subsequently merged with Alberta Energy Corporation to form EnCana. 
  • 長和(00001)宣布,與Ooredoo Q.P.S.C.(簡稱:「Ooredoo」)就合併雙方的印尼電訊業務訂立諒解備忘錄。該潛在交易擬合併長和在印尼的電訊附屬公司PT Hutchison 3 Indonesia,及Ooredoo的附屬公司PT Indosat TBK。長和將與Ooredoo進行獨家商議,至2021年4月30日為止。   長和強調,尚未決定會否進行任何交易;或如進行交易,亦未確定相關的範圍或條款。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/finance/236137/2020/1229/536389.html
    • 資料顯示,PTIndosatTBK成立於1967年,為印尼電訊供應商,涉及流動網絡、家居寬頻、長途電話、固網及多媒體等業務,並於2014年開始提供4G商用網絡。PTIndosatTBK目前在印尼證券交易所上市,目前最大股東為PTIndosatTBK,持股比例達65%;印尼政府為第二大股東,持股比例為14.29%;公眾持股比例則達20.71%。至於Ooredoo,同樣為電訊公司,總部設在卡塔爾首都多哈,業務遍及中東、北非、東南亞及南亞。Ooredoo為首家在卡塔爾提供5G網絡的公司,截至2018年止,用戶數目達1.15億戶。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202012/1229/HA05C29CEBA_HKCD.pdf
  • 李澤楷私人持有的富衛保險近年四出併購,成立短短6年時間 ,已進軍香港等8個亞洲市場,合共擁有500萬名客戶。繼上月收 購香港大都會人壽後,富衛昨日再公布斥資927億泰銖(約236億 港元)收購泰國匯商銀行旗下人壽保險業務,預計今年下半年完成 交易,並將是東南亞有史以來最大的壽險交易。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190702/PDF/a15_screen.pdf 李氏最近便與PayPal Holdings聯合創始人泰爾(Peter Thiel)合組一家特殊目的收購公司(SPAC),以主力收購東南亞企業。所謂SPAC,又稱「空白支票公司」(Blank Check Company),通常是空殼公司,本身沒有實質的營運資產,會透過首次招股活動(IPO)所籌集資金來收購另一家公司,或是透過合併完成借殼上市。李澤楷與泰爾合組的SPAC名為Bridgetown Holdings,10月16日於美國納斯達克上市,成功籌集5.5億美元(約42.9億港元),變相以2.5萬美元的成立資本撬動了2.2萬倍槓桿的資金。Bridgetown Holdings的業務旨在通過收購、重組和其他方式,重組企業業務,主要收購在東南亞的科技、金融服務和媒體公司。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201204/00202_014.html
    • 盈科拓展創辦人兼電訊盈科(00008)主席李澤楷,對特殊目的收購公司(SPAC)興趣甚大,外電報道指,他正考慮在美國設立第三家SPAC,並集資數億美元。  較早前,李澤楷夥拍PayPal聯合創辦人Peter Thiel,先後設立兩間SPAC,其中Bridgetown Holdings已安排於去年10月,在美國納指上市,集資6億美元(約46.8億港元)。去年底市場消息傳出,Bridgetown Holdings有意收購印尼初創電商公司Tokopedia。  此外,今年初,同樣由李澤楷和Peter Thiel成立的Bridgetown 2 Holdings,啟動納指市場的上市程序,計劃按每股作價10美元(78港元),發行2600萬股,集資最多2.6億美元(約20.3億港元)。  對於李澤楷旗下第三家SPAC,消息指出,Peter Thiel將不會參與。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/finance/236133/2021/0220/553894.html

  • 近期陷入財困的高銀金融(0530)找來長江實業(1113)拯救公司。高銀金融昨晚宣布,現為長江集團之執行委員會委員兼企業業務發展部總經理馬勵志已獲委任為該公司副主席及獨立非執行董事,今日(23日)起生效。馬勵志將會主力向該公司提供財務及重組諮詢協助。馬勵志昨回應長江實業是否有意擔任白武士拯救高銀金融時,他表示,「我們會積極研究高銀的財務狀況及負債情況。」http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/23/a18-0723.pdf
  • 高銀金融昨開市前公布,把啟德第4B區4號住宅地以25億元現金另加貸款及新融資等出售,但雙方透過訂立期權協議,讓高銀方一年內有機會購回上述啟德地,換言之未完全脫手該幅地。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200725/00202_012.html, 陷入財務困境的高銀金融(00530),宣布重售啟德住宅用地「第4B區4號地盤」,終止早前5月訂立的出售協議。交易涉及多個內容,高銀可即時取得25億元,保留出售地段的認購權,並有項目管理協議。新買家Sino Shield為離岸公司,交易後,將向持有啟德土地的物業公司提供不多於11.402億元的貸款,以及用一筆不少於24.268億元的新融資重續其現有銀行貸款,合計總代價60.67億元。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200725/PDF/a16_screen.pdf, 高銀改向Agile World出售持有該地皮的物業公司,新買家已支付25億元現金,並要提供不多11.42億元貸款,以用一筆不少於24.26億元的新融資重續其現有銀行貸款。買方為獨立於5月協議買方的第三方。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202007/0725/HA03725CEAA_HKCD.pdf
  •  高銀金融出售啟德第4B區4號住宅地有新變動,公司在周三發公告,指出於七月二十七日向新買家「彥佑有限公司」出售上述地皮,作價34.77億元。高銀取消向前買家Sino Shield於七月十七日出售上述地皮訂立的協議,為此高銀會支付28.72億元予前買家,並因而錄得虧損4.5億元,而早前訂立的相關期權契據及項目管理協議亦告終止。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200730/00202_009.html
  •  上市公司高銀金融旗下賜譽有限公司,即九龍灣高銀金融國際中心的發展商,早前傳出已遭債權人委任的接管人及管理人接管。接管人於上周五(24日)以賜譽名義入稟高院,要求法庭下令三名賜譽原董事兼高銀金融高層人員交出賜譽的帳目和資產,並公告各方接管人已獲委任成為賜譽的新董事和秘書。接管人昨再在高院申請臨時命令,要求立刻向高銀金融國際中心的租戶等,交代管理層已經轉換。不過,法官聽取雙方陳詞後,認為接管人的要求無迫切性,所以拒絕頒令。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200801/00176_090.html
  •   高銀金融(0530)上月底確認遭追討債務,外媒報道引述消息指,高銀金融由於獲得長實(1113)提供的過渡貸款,令其一筆原本於4月到期的34億元夾層貸款,已獲借貸銀行口頭同意將還款日期押後至9月中,高銀金融的債務壓力得到暫時紓緩。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/08/13/b02-0813.pdf
  • 高銀金融(00530)確認在長實集團(01113)的協助下達成一項涉資約87億元的融資計劃,並宣布以20.5億元出售保理業務。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200905/00202_011.html市場早前曾傳出長實派出企業業務發展部總經理馬勵志加入高銀董事會,並與高銀簽訂一系列重組協議,不過據悉重組協議並不包括股權,長實亦不會派更多員工加入高銀。消息又指,長實自派員進入高銀金融董事會後,一直與高銀金融商討重組事宜,並牽頭協助高銀籌措貸款。另外,高銀在通告中表示,已與離岸註冊公司Power Alpha Global訂立條款書,將以20.5億元代價出售高銀保理(中國)股權及股東貸款。高銀指,是次出售保理業務是鑒於財務表現欠佳,截至今年6 月底的財年淨虧損為約919萬元,因應當前市況,董事認為重新調配管理層及集團財務資源,以在完成後加強其餘下業務表現,符合公司和股東的整體利益。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/09/05/b01-0905.pdf
  •  九龍灣高銀金融國際中心上周一(九月廿八日)被「接管人及經理人保國武和馬肇明」委託物業顧問公司萊坊推出市場放售。不過,另方面,物業原業主高銀金融(00530)卻於上周三(九月三十日)公布業績時同時披露,已訂立臨時買賣協議把該物業以143億元售予獨立第三方,惟未有透露該獨立第三方之身份和買賣詳情。到底誰才有權出售該物業,現惹起市場關注。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201007/00202_017.html
  •  高銀金融(00530)公布收到清盤呈請,並指出在十月八日收到清盤呈請人通知,已經向兩間直接全資附屬成美及Goal Eagle委任共同接管人。恰巧高銀於九月二十九日與獨立第三方訂立臨時買賣協議,將上述兩間公司以代價143億元有條件悉售。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201013/00202_016.html周日剛公布配股集資13.98億元還債的高銀(00530),突然公告遭德意志信託(香港)申請公司清盤,而高銀對有關呈請答辯日期已由10月9日押後至30日。高銀稱,將就該呈請作出抗辯。高銀財困問題可能較想像中嚴重,只因上周五(9日),進入高銀擔任副主席兼獨立非執行董事的長實馬勵志已經先一步跳船,轉任高級顧問。 根據公告,德意志信託(香港)於10月7日下午收到百慕達代理人郵件,指德意志信託(香港)於8月7日向百慕達最高法院提呈高銀的清盤呈請,答辯日期為10月9日,公司以無充足時間充分理解該呈請的影響,申請將呈請聆訊押後至10月30日。百慕達高等法院首席大法官頒令,雙方須於下一次聆訊前的特定日期提交證據。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20201013/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
  • 高銀金融(00530)上月底公布,於九月二十九日簽立臨時買賣協議以143億元有條件出售兩間全資附屬公司成美及Goal Eagle,該買家身份曝光。公司昨晚發公告,披露買家是名為「FONG Tim」的商人,他透過英屬維爾京群島公司Hundred Gain International Holding Limited進行本次購買,為高銀的獨立第三方。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201017/00202_015.html
  •  持有九龍灣高銀金融國際中心(下稱該物業)的公司賜譽,其接管人透過公關表示,由於最近數天有更多本地及海外買家對該物業表示興趣,接管人決定將買家遞交意向書之截止日期延長7天,由原定的下周三(11月11日)延至11月18日。事緣本年7月中,該物業傳出被接管,當時該物業的業主賜譽的母公司高銀金融(00530)發公告解釋,事件涉及兩筆債務,分別是賜譽去年發行之68億元浮息優先抵押票據,以及另外兩家全資持有賜譽的附屬公司成美及Goal Eagle去年獲金融機構授出的定期貸款融資本金連利息約34.97億元。賜譽票據的抵押信託人德意志信託(香港)委任接管人保國武和馬肇明,來接管作抵押的該物業。接管人於9月28日委任物業顧問萊坊獨家代理放售該物業,預計售價120億元,即折合每方呎樓面售價約1.4萬元。不過,另一方面,高銀金融卻於9月30日公布業績時同時披露,已訂立臨時買賣協議,有條件地把間接持有該物業的成美及Goal Eagle以143億元售予獨立第三方(其後於10月16日披露買家是名為「FONG Tim」的商人)。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201107/00202_017.html
  •  高銀金融(00530)周四開市前刊發公告,表示其間接全資附屬公司賜譽所發行的優先有抵押票據之抵押資產的接管人之一保國武(Cosimo Borrelli)向高銀確認,接管人已經與「買方」就屬於該批受接管資產的賜譽所有普通股,訂立買賣協議。賜譽擁有名為高銀金融國際中心的辦公大樓。賜譽票據的抵押信託人德意志信託(香港),委任接管人保國武和馬肇明來接管用作抵押的該物業。高銀昨日沒有披露「買方」名字,指據稱接管人須對買賣協議及其內容嚴格保密,因此沒有提供更多資料。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201225/00202_012.html
  •  鷹君(00041)公布,已與高銀訂立框架協議,有意收購高銀於2016年底投得的港鐵何文田站1期住宅項目,鷹君亦為此向港鐵(00066)支付10億元的可退還誠意金,若未能達成協議,最遲於2月25日港鐵需退還該筆誠意金。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/finance/236136/2021/0210/551362.html
  •  長 實 集 團 (01113)旗下公司,入稟控告 高銀金融(00530)主席潘蘇通 及旗下私人公司高鉎投資。根據 入稟狀,長實要求潘蘇通及高銀 就早前與鷹君(00041)簽訂港 鐵(00066)何文田站上蓋發展 項目訂立框架協議,向長實作出 全額賠償。長實表示, 「相信事 情是一個誤會,只想提示對方信 守協議,事件應能在未來數天得 到解決,待事情解決,傳票將被 撤回。」http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20210223/PDF/a21_screen.pdf


  • 長和(00001)周三收市後公布,正與西班牙上市的流動電訊基礎設施營運商Cellnex Telecom處於後期商議階段,並已就出售歐洲電訊基建資產的權益予Cellnex之主要商業條款,達成重大協議,預期完成交易所得款項總額約為100億歐元(約905.56億港元)。長和稱,擬售的歐洲電訊基建資產乃間接全資附屬公司CK Hutchison Group Telecom Holdings Limited(CKHGT)間接持有。CKHGT於去年7月成立,持有歐洲3集團及和記電訊香港(00215),管理歐洲6國2.91萬座電訊發射站的CK Hutchison Networks(CKHN)亦置於CKHGT之下。完成有關出售後,Cellnex及相關集團公司將訂立服務協議,讓Cellnex向長和提供電訊基建服務,並透過一項已承諾的度身訂製擴展計劃,支持加快推出5G網絡。不過,長和強調,上述交易協議仍有待最終文件落實,現時尚未決定作出任何交易。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201105/00202_011.html
    • Cellnex Telecom is a Spanish wireless telecommunications infrastructure and services company with up to 53,000 sites throughout Europe. Its activity is divided into four main areas: services for telecommunications infrastructures; audiovisual broadcasting networks; security and emergency network services; and solutions[buzzword] for the intelligent management of urban infrastructures and services (smart cities and Internet of things).In 2000, Acesa Telecom (later Abertis Telecom) acquired 52% of Tradia and merged into Abertis Telecom (now Cellnex Telecom). Three years later, after Auna was spun-off, Retevisión's audiovisual business became part of Abertis Telecom. In 2005, the deployment of Digital Terrestrial Television began in Spain, with a network that reached 80% population coverage carrying out the first tests in MadridBarcelonaValenciaZaragoza and Gijón. In 2006, the company was awarded the contract by which it became the operator of DTT signals for Spanish broadcasters with national coverage. In 2010, the “Analogue Blackout”[3] occurred in Spain, after the complete digitization of Abertis Telecom network of centers. Between 2012 and 2013, the company acquired more than 2,500 telecommunication towers from Telefónica and Yoigo, and laid the foundations for its future position as a neutral operator. In 2014, it acquired TowerCo, an Italian telecommunications operator, which manages the mobile phone towers located in the entire motorway network of Italy, thus initiating the process of internationalization. That same year it deployed the first Internet of Things (IoT) network in Spain with Sigfox technology.  Cellnex Telecom is the name which the company Abertis Telecom was renamed to prepare for its IPO.[4] The company, a subsidiary of the Abertis company, officially changed its name on April 1, 2015, after being approved at the shareholders' meeting that took place on March 23, 2015.

  • 長江基建(1038)與電能實業(0006)全資擁有的Canadian Power Holdings,已就收購加拿大Okanagan Wind項目訂立協議,基本收購代價約5,328萬加元,相當於3.2億港元,另有交易費用、交易完成時向賣家支付調整金額,以及承擔項目的第三方債務代價。集團將為對方提供最高股東資金7,000萬加元,相當於4.2億港元。涉資約4.2億港元Okanagan Wind位於加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省之Okanagan地區,包括Pennask Wind Farm及Shinish Creek Wind Farm兩個風電場,Okanagan Wind生產的所有電力按長期供電合同售予British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority,供電合同年期至2057年,距今尚餘37年,可提供長期穩定收入,加上AAA公用事業評級,是次收購之總代價與加拿大可再生能源市場之同類交易相若。完成收購後,將會是長建與電能在加拿大首個可再生能源項目,進一步擴充環球可再生能源組合。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/02/06/b03-0206.pdf

- china resources
  • 外媒昨引述消息指,華潤集團牽頭財團計劃收購經營本地連鎖超市 City'super 的City Super Group之65%股權,估值近3億美元(折合約23.25億港元),據悉有關交易接近完成,料雙方最快本周簽訂交易協議。City Super Group 目前約61%股權由日本企業家荻野正明(Masaaki Ogino)成立的三黃集團(The Fenix Group)持有,其餘約39%股份則由九倉系大股東吳光正持有。彭博報道引述知情人士指,吳光正亦有意出售部分持股。報道中提及,華潤牽頭財團將購入合共65%股權,當中華潤資本有意購入公司45%股權,而由華潤資本與投資公司Investcorp、馮氏投資合資的「亞洲食品基金」將購入另外20%的股權。而馮氏投資是由利豐系馮國經和馮國綸持有。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/08/05/b04-0805.pdf
 -曾被視為其接班人的李祿亦帶來明星效應。由他掌舵的對沖基金喜馬拉雅資本(Himalaya Capital)近日爆出增持郵儲銀行(01658),持股量更逾5%,帶挈該行股價周五曾急飆17.53%。證券界指,郵儲行的負債基礎扎實,同時資產結構持續改善,看好其利潤增長潛力。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20210116/00202_010.html

- new frontier antony leung
  • https://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/3020711/new-frontier-agrees-buy-china-private-hospital-operator New Frontier Corp, the New York-listed investment arm affiliated with New Frontier Group, has agreed to buy United Family Healthcare for US$1.44 billion to create one of the biggest publicly traded health care service companies in China.New Frontier will buy the stake in United Family, one of the largest privately-held hospitals on the mainland from private equity firm TPG and Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group, according to a press release. New Frontier will use proceeds from its initial public offering, private placements and loan facilities to fund the acquisition, it said.

- fwd
  • 富衛集團昨 日宣布,已完成收購 MetLife(紐交所:MET)旗下 的大都會人壽保險及美商大都會人壽保險香港。 富衛將在未來數月為新收購的業務重新命名及重 塑品牌。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202007/0703/HA05703CEAA_HKCD.pdf
Yageo Corporation(國巨公司) is a Taiwan-based electronic component manufacturing company, founded in 1977.[1] The company specializes in passive devices — resistorscapacitors and inductorsIn 1994, Yageo acquired Singapore-based ASJ.In 1996, Yageo acquired Vitrohm, which had been founded in Denmark in 1933, and fellow Taiwanese company Teapo.In 1997, Yageo acquired another Taiwanese company, Chilisin.In 2000, the company acquired the "Phycomp" and "Ferroxcube" brand names from Philips Electronics NV.In 2002, Yageo acquired Stellar, Inc.[citation needed]In September 2018, Yageo acquired BrightKing, a protective component company.In December 2018, Yageo acquired Pulse Electronics, a wireless/power/advanced components company headquartered in San Diego, USA.In November 2019, it was announced that Yageo would acquire KEMET Corporation.In December 2019 Yageo signed a letter of intent with Southern Taiwan Science Park to build an additional production line in Kaohsiung’s Ciaotou District.
- 安樂工程

  • 律政司司長鄭若驊丈夫潘樂陶旗下的安樂工程宣布,擬減持於上海掛牌的上市公司南京佳力圖(603912.SH)最多650.85萬股,相當於佳力圖3%股份,理由是安樂工程本身的資金需求。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200321/00202_011.html
  • 公司繼周日晚上發公告稱,美國對鄭施加的制裁不適用於集團後,昨晨再發公告,表示出售旗下美國電梯工程公司百分之二的股權;交易完成後,安樂工程持股因為不過半,故該美國電梯工程公司不再是安樂的附屬公司。分析指,安樂工程在本年三月底才宣布收購上述公司百分之五十一股權,現在不足四個月便急急減持,顯示安樂亦擔心其美國業務有可能出問題,而先作準備。至於減持的做法是否有效,分析認為,制裁與否的解釋權落在美國司法機構手上,令到外界難釋疑慮。根據昨日公告,安樂工程於八月十日與買方訂立協議,以代價一百四十萬美元(約一千零九十二萬港元),出售美國電梯工程公司Transel Elevator & Electric Inc.百分之二股權,買方Mark Gregorio是該電梯工程公司的原股東之一。完成交易後,安樂工程於該電梯公司的持股由百分之五十一降至百分之四十九。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200812/00176_012.html
  • 律政司司長鄭若驊丈夫潘樂陶旗下的安樂工程(01977),去年初因為資金需求,宣布減持於上海證券交易所上市的聯營公司南京佳力圖機房環境技術(603912.SH)最多650.85萬股,相當於佳力圖3%股份,但在所訂期限之內未有完成該計劃。昨日公司再以同一理由宣布,擬減持最多650.7萬股佳力圖。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20210109/00202_015.html
啟明創投日前宣佈完成第七期美元基金的募資,新基金的規模為11億美元,專注於醫療健康和TMT兩個領域的早期投資。啟明創投表示,所募集的絕大部分資金來自於享有盛譽的大學捐贈基金、慈善基金、家族基金和養老金基金等,前期基金的出資機構再次鼎力支持第七期美元基金的募集,同時也有幾家新的出資機構參與。第七期美元基金由啟明創投主管合夥人鄺子平(Duane Kuang)、梁顈宇(Nisa Leung)、胡旭波(William Hu)和Gary Rieschel領導,投資和管理團隊分佈於上海、北京、深圳和香港。基金將投資於生物醫藥、醫療器械、基因診斷、醫療服務,信息技術、人工智能、企業服務、消費互聯網及電子商務等領域。自2006年成立以來,啟明創投在中國風險投資領域展現了持續的高額回報率。啟明創投已經投資了30多家估值10億美元以上的市場領導者,其首次投資時,這些公司絕大多數仍處於發展的初期。此外,啟明創投投資企業已有35家完成上市,其中包括小米集團、美團點評、嗶哩嗶哩、石頭科技、泰格醫藥、再鼎醫藥、康希諾生物和啟明醫療等。有30多家投資企業正在啟動IPO進程。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/04/17/a21-0417.pdf
- red capital acquring hk companies

  • 新冠肺炎疫情重創香港經濟,拖累本港企業盈利惡化,中資趁機加快「全方位掃貨」,獵食範圍涵蓋零售、運輸和地產,單是五月已有至少三家伴隨港人生活的港資公司被「染紅」。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200727/00202_002.html
-地產建設商會會長簡基富等持有灣仔舊樓,現有意重建為1幢28層高住宅,提供75個小至大型單位。  該幢舊樓位於堅尼地道33及35號,樓齡逾60年,地盤面積約7704方呎,土地高度限制為主水平基準以上的120米。因該廈的重建方案,欲將單位樓底高度增至3.15米,必然超出現時高限,所以向城規會申請放寬高限至近130米。申請人認為大廈高度只略增約8.3%,對周遭大廈的景觀無大影響,且單位可享較多自然光及通風的居住環境。如獲批重建,所建28層高住宅大廈,提供75個單位,可建樓面約6.16萬方呎,平均單位面積約822方呎。  簡基富旗下公司數年前斥1.56億元,向中巴顏氏家族購入堅尼地道33號;堅尼地道35號由前工廈大王鍾明輝家族持有。據了解,簡氏由於未能向鍾氏家族購入35號,彼此才最後達成合作重建協議,將來會提供1至3房單位,最快2022年賣樓花。
- listing in stock exchanges

  • ft 29oct19 tiktok owner bytedance eyes hk ipo
  • The company that operates the Beijing-Shanghai section of China’s high-speed railway network has submitted a formal application to float on the stock market, and in doing so revealed details of its lucrative operation.According to the filing, published by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Friday, Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway, which operates the 1,300km (807 mile) line, booked a net profit of 9.5 billion yuan (US$1.3 billion) in the first nine months of the year.https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3034780/beijing-shanghai-high-speed-rail-operator-plans-stock-market
  • https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3040936/alibabas-mega-listing-hong-kong-prelude-exodus-chinese
  • https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3043490/beijing-shanghai-high-speed-railway-cuts-ipo-size-still-track The company was approved for IPO by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on November 14.It said the IPO proceeds would be used to buy a stake in the Beijing Fuzhou Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Anhui Company, which is valued at 50 billion yuan.“The company’s IPO shares will draw huge subscriptions due to its stable earnings growth and its role in the national economy,” said Zhou Ling, a hedge fund manager at Shanghai Shiva Investment.
  • https://www.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/3043341/china-embarks-mission-create-aircraft-carrier-sized As the nation prepares to fully open its US$45 trillion financial industry to foreign competition next year, policymakers and regulators are pushing to strengthen its own players to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Goldman Sachs. Unlike its massive commercial banks such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China which dominate at home and carry heft globally, China’s brokers are minnows in an international perspective. Beijing’s latest ambition is seen sparking a wave of necessary mergers among its over 130 securities firms, led by Citic Securities.“Compared with either domestic banks, insurers, or their global peers, Chinese brokers are too small to play a meaningful role in the financial market,” said Jiang Zhongyu, a Shanghai-based analyst at Essence Securities. “The country’s capital market development calls for a heavyweight broker.”
  • https://www.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/3046062/greater-bay-area-drive-hong-kong-ipo-market-more
  • 吉利(00175)昨公布,管理層正在與瑞典汽車品牌─富豪集團(AB Volvo)進行初步討論,探討兩家公司業務合併重組的可能性,但沒有時間表,並擬將合併後的業務,在香港及斯德哥爾摩上市。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200211/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
  • 尚乘集團旗下投資銀行平台尚乘國際於本月在新加坡交易所完成第二上市,成為一家同時在紐交所和新交所兩地上市的公司。據了解,集團正計劃在今年將旗下的數碼化業務在香港上市,集資最多約3.5億美元(折合約27.3億港元),若果成事,集團將在三地有上市平台。集團主席兼總裁蔡志堅表示,現時正建設尚乘數科作為集團的數碼化業務平台,其業務包括數字金融牌照、數碼生態圈、大數據和經濟股份投資。目前,尚乘與小米合作成立的天星銀行,已於去年取得本港的虛擬銀行牌照,並於3月底開始試業。另外,尚乘亦與新加坡公用事業公司新能源集團、小米金融和數字融資平台Funding Societies聯手在新加坡申請數字銀行牌照,反映公司已及早部署,發展數字金融牌照業務。 尚乘亦計劃建立一個金融科技的生態圈。蔡志堅認為,在金融科技發展需要大量懂得金融以及科技的人才,因此公司設立多個相關人才培訓及企業孵化計劃,以助日後發展。為此,尚乘與加拿大滑鐵盧大學共同發起「全球人才培育博士後工作站」,與香港理工大學共建「尚乘金融科技中心」,以及與東盟金融創新網絡共同發起「尚乘東盟團結基金」,以支持新加坡及東盟地區的金融科技企業。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200424/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
  • 經李克強總理簽批,國務院日前印發《關於促進國家高新技術產業開發區高質量發展的若干意見》(以下簡稱《意見》)。《意見》表示,在營造高質量發展環境方面,支持符合條件的國家高新區開發建設主體上市融資。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200718/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
  • 金山軟件(03888)今年已分拆金山雲(美股:KC)在美國上市,惟現時中資概念股受美國收緊監管影響。金山軟件首席財務官吳育強指,美國新會計準則具挑戰性,影響中概股,會關注事態發展,並待適合時機,部署美國上市的金山系或金山所投資的公司「回歸」香港或A股市場。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200820/00202_010.html
- mpf
  • 積金局主席黃友嘉於最新一篇網誌中表 示,踏入2020年下半年,積金局決定擴大強積金可投資於REITs 的比例與市場數目,並尋求開發退休投資方案,目前已收到產品 方案的申請並正進行審批,預計今年底前將有新產品推出市場。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200608/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- linkreit
  • 領展房產基金首進軍中港以外的海外市場。該公司公布斥資6.83億澳元(約36.49億港元)向私募基金黑石集團(Blackstone)所管理的若干基金,購入一幢位於悉尼100 Market Street的10層高甲級商業辦公大樓。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20191220/00202_017.html
  • 繼去年底獨資以創高價投得山頂文輝道豪宅地後,剛夥多位城中富豪合組財團,以再創新高價摘下毗鄰另一幅文輝道地,每呎樓面地價升破5萬元。業界認為,這反映出部分發展商對豪宅後市有信心,預計項目落成後,每呎賣價需要約10萬元,才有合理利潤。  文輝道9至11號地皮於上周五截標,政府只收5份標書,較由九倉去年底以120億元投得的毗鄰2至8號地皮少兩標。今次競投,除九倉外,還有兩次競投皆獨資的長實(01113)、新地(00016)、恆地(00012)及嘉華國際(00173)。不過,去年底有份競投文輝道地皮的信置(00083)、利福國際(01212)及中渝置地(01224),今次卻以九倉馬首是瞻,而且利福國際主席劉鑾鴻、華置(00127)執行董事陳凱韻,以及中渝置地主席張松橋,更以私人名義「瞓身」參與,信置主席黃志祥則以私人所持公司Boswell Holdings Ltd一同入標。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/finance/236136/2021/0210/551356.html
- loans

  • https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/07/donald-trump-calls-for-world-bank-to-halt-all-china-lending  Donald Trump has called for the World Bank to stop lending money to China, a day after the institution adopted a lending plan to Beijing despite Washington’s objections.The World Bank on Thursday adopted a plan to aid China with $1bn to $1.5bn in low-interest loans annually until 2025. The plan called for lending to “gradually decline” from the previous five-year average of $1.8bn.Trump tweeted on Friday night: “Why is the World Bank loaning money to China? Can this be possible? China has plenty of money, and if they don’t, they create it. STOP!”The president was reiterating a position long held by his administration, including David Malpass when he was a treasury department official before his election as the current head of the World Bank.Trump’s message on the World Bank echoed his treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, who told a House of Representatives committee on Thursday that the US “has objected” to the institution’s multi-year program of loans and projects in China.
- financial centre status
  • economist 6jun2020 "conduit's end?" how to tell if the world's third international finance centre is fading
- invest in my city
  • https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3043287/tesla-tap-new-us14-billion-loan-chinese-banks-its-shanghai US electric vehicle maker Tesla and a group of Chinese banks have agreed to a new 10 billion yuan (US$1.4 billion), five-year loan facility for the carmaker’s Shanghai car plant, three sources familiar with the matter said, part of which will be used to roll over an existing loan.China Construction Bank (CCB), Agricultural Bank of China (AgBank), Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (SPDB) are among the banks which have agreed to give Tesla the financial support, one source with direct knowledge said.
- chinese finally taking over

  • https://www.scmp.com/economy/global-economy/article/3043533/rachel-duan-problem-solving-puerto-rico-ges-chief-global Shanghai native Rachel Duan, who took up the role in January, says simply that she draws on one of her biggest strengths – being able to “sort through the details and then quickly get to the strategic, important points”.That skill will come in handy given that 70 per cent of GE’s business takes place outside the United States, and emerging markets now account for nearly 60 per cent of the world’s gross domestic product.As president and chief executive of GE’s global growth organisation (GGO), Duan oversees all international markets outside the US and Europe – including many of the most challenging territories in the world.
  • With the US military pull-out  from Afghanistan  well under way, Beijing and Washington are becoming locked in a fierce competition  via the war-torn country for potential new trade and energy corridors linking Central Asia with South Asia and the oil-rich Middle East.China and 
      are close to finalising a 
     25-year strategic cooperation agreement
      which – on paper, at least – could dwarf even the US$60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), to date the largest programme in the Belt and Road Initiative.Following an agreement struck recently, China is undertaking a US$7.2 billion rehabilitation of Pakistan’s rickety railway network. In Tashkent, Khalilzad also pushed energy export projects, notably the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) natural gas pipeline project. Turkmenistan is China’s single largest source of natural gas, accounting for 27 per cent of all imports last year. Beijing has expressed an interest in joining TAPI, but Washington – which began pursuing the project in the 1990s – has not acquiesced.Meanwhile, China has been working hard to deepen cooperation with all belt and road partner governments in South and Central Asia and the Middle East, through joint efforts to counter the Covid-19 pandemic. India is the notable exception. In a rare four-way video conference on July 27 with the foreign ministers of Nepal and Afghanistan and Pakistan’s development minister, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi proposed expanding their pandemic cooperation to establish a “green corridor” between them.He also pressed for the development of a multimodal trans-Himalayan corridor and the extension of the CPEC into Afghanistan.The trans-Himalayan corridor would integrate Nepal into the belt and road plan via Tibet, Xinjiang and Gwadar – reducing India’s historic stranglehold over landlocked Nepal. 
    Beijing’s recent endorsement of Islamabad’s proposal to extend the CPEC into Afghanistan further diminishes India’s prospects of expanding its footprint there.The nuclear-armed South Asian adversaries have ceased diplomatic contact since last August after India unilaterally revoked the semi-autonomous status of the part of Kashmir it administers.Its decision prompted China to raise the issue at the United Nations Security Council for the first time, albeit on Pakistan’s request, setting into motion an escalation of tensions with India that later boiled over in Ladakh.However, Pakistan moved quickly to reassure China that it had no intention of wilting under US pressure.The day after Khalilzad’s talks in Islamabad, Pakistan’s foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi spoke with his Chinese counterpart Wang by telephone. The following day, Prime Minister Imran Khan declared the CPEC would be completed “at all costs”.Soon after, Islamabad moved to placate Kabul by lifting a short-term suspension of Afghan transit trade to India, imposed in March as Covid-19 spread throughout the region. It has also recently reopened all its border crossings with Afghanistan, facilitating the first transit container and bulk cargo consignments from Gwadar.However, Pakistan has decided against utilising the CPEC platform to finance upgrades of the roads linking its national motorway network to the two border crossings – at Chaman and Torkham – through which international trade with Afghanistan is conducted.Instead, the World Bank is funding the new motorway from the Pakistani city of Peshawar via the storied Khyber Pass to Torkham in Afghanistan as a build-operate-transfer (BOT) project. From Torkham, it would connect to Kabul via Jalalabad in the country’s east.Within Pakistan, the upgrade of the road from Chaman to the port city of Karachi – where Hong Kong’s Hutchison Ports operates container terminals – has also been recently tendered as a BOT project.Chaman is connected by road to the strategic southern Afghan city of Kandahar. Chaman is close to Quetta, the administrative headquarters of Balochistan province, where Gwadar port is located.Instead, Pakistan has apparently decided to limit China’s role in regional connectivity to motorways dedicated to connecting Gwadar to Xinjiang.https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3095583/between-us-and-china-new-trade-roads-lead-afghanistan-and-fierce
  • https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3096821/hong-kongs-top-developers-shun-shouson-hill-tender-property
- financial big guns

  • 國際 著名投資者羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)一行人日前 訪港並探訪保良局,參觀保良局歷史博物 館並探訪住局兒童,與香港大學專業進修 學院保良局何鴻燊社區書院學生交流分享 投資策略及理財心得。據了解,羅傑斯是「全球三大金融巨頭」之一,素 有「商品大王」之稱,。他創立了羅傑斯基金會,為 美國內華達州最大的私人慈善基金會之一,以藝術和 教育改變兒童和年輕人的生活為使命。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202001/0120/HZ10120CLCA_HKCD.pdf
  • 是次散鱷大戰另一重要玩家是年僅38歲、有「神童」之譽的北京人趙鵬,他是對沖基金Citadel Securities行政總裁,該基金既是大手沽空GME的對沖基金Melvin Capital大股東,又是備受散戶歡迎的交易平台Robinhood最大金主。對於Robinhood限制交易引發散戶不滿,Citadel表示沒有參與,亦不會為任何零售券商暫停交易的決定負責。惟GME本周首3日累計暴瀉逾70%,被稱為華爾街「估值大師」的紐約大學教授Aswath Damodaran認為還有更多下跌空間,基本估值是30美元,即較周三收市價再挫逾67%。他補充,GME存在轉型的可能,若通過可行的概念,股價可能見每股50或60美元。與此同時,有報道指,美國證交會(SEC)正調查社交媒體和留言板上的貼文,在GME和戲院股AMC等股價波動上有否涉及欺詐成分。美國財長耶倫周四亦會召開會議,討論GME和其他股份引發的市場波動。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20210205/00202_015.html

- billionaires from humble background
  • Graeme Hart was once a high school dropout working as a mechanic and truck driver. Today he is New Zealand’s richest person, thanks to a career in private equity, with a taste for superyachts, submarines and superhero-themed pinball machines.Last week, his fortune got a boost after the stock-market debut of Reynolds Consumer Products, the maker of Hefty trash bags and aluminium foil. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/australasia/article/3048960/new-zealands-richest-man-graeme-hart-former-truck-driver-and
- meet target

  • 公開資料顯示,一九九二年時任總理的李鵬在政府工作報告中,首次提到國民生產總值增長百分之六,全社會固定資產投資增長百分之八等目標。之後一年李鵬在政府工作報告中,把國民經濟增長目標調高至百分之八至九。中國的經濟亦步入高速發展期。而內地每年經濟增長目標亦受世人所關注。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200523/00178_002.html
- anti china

- chek lap kok

  • scmp rad on a 15dec1979 report -A decision on the replacement airport at Chek Lap Kok Island off north Lantau was deferred by another year. That was because a consultant’s report on the new airport would not be submitted to the government in early 1980 as scheduled. The report would include many aspects of the construction such as a study of the feasibility of aircraft operations at the proposed site and a cost estimate for the land formation.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3041790/concordes-near-miss-prince-charles-kiss-and-tell-and

- 中國近年經濟迅速發展,各省市地方政府的融資平台發售公路、鐵路等基建融資項目的債券。美國傳媒報道,這些平台今年已發行二萬三千七百億元人民幣(約二萬五千七百億港元)的債券,比去年同期增長38%,並有望打破三年前創下的發債總額紀錄。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191008/00180_003.html
- mekong river
  • 美國國務卿蓬佩奧周一發聲明,宣布啟動湄公河——美國夥伴關係,承諾加大對該地區的投資與合作,將對區域項目提供超過一億五千萬美元(約十一億七千萬港元)初始投資,又指摘北京單方面操縱湄公河上游大壩,加劇乾旱。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200916/00178_008.html

- federal government
  • 據美聯社報道:美國 總統特朗普近來多次催促學校開學,並 以切斷聯邦資金作為威脅,但在疫情期 間,讓公立學校5000萬學生及700萬員 工返校並非易事。全美各地政府也紛紛抱怨資金不夠 ,俄亥俄州的哥倫布學區發言人指出, 需要1億美元才能重開學區,而這一數 字是現有撥款的四倍。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200717/PDF/b1_screen.pdf
- "austria"

  • https://www.quora.com/How-old-is-Austria-as-a-geopolitical-concept The earliest independent Austrian state was the Duchy of Austria (Herzogtum Österreich) established in 1156 by the House of Babenberg.The Duchy was formed out of Eastern Bavaria known as the Margraviate of Austria (Ostarrîchi - meaning ‘Eastern March’ in High German) part of the Holy Roman Empire. The Margraviate was formed in 976 when the Germans regained control of this region, which was previously occupied by the Hungarians/Magyar tribes who conquered it from the Franks after the Battle of Pressburg (907).King Otto of Germany appointed one of his nobles Leopold I as Margrave of Austria. In 1156 King Frederick Barbossa elevated the status of Austria to statehood in the Privilegium Minus deed.

- https://www.quora.com/If-Western-civilisation-is-from-Greece-and-Greek-civilisation-is-from-Egypt-does-that-mean-Western-ideals-are-really-Middle-Eastern
- multi ethnic autonomous county
  • Longsheng Pan-Ethnicities Autonomous County 龙胜各族自治县古称桑江,秦始皇嬴政三十三年为桂林郡辖地。龙胜各族自治县境地,在两汉、三国时期属荆州武陵郡郡镡成县地;晋至隋,属始安郡地(郡治桂林);唐龙朔二年(662年)置灵川县,龙胜属灵川县地;五代后,晋天福八年(943年)置义宁县,龙胜属义宁县地;宋、元、明三代,龙胜仍属义宁县地。明代于义宁县城西北30里司坪置巡检司(桑江口),治理义宁县西北(今龙胜境)庶政,明末,桑江口巡检“裁汰”。清顺治末年(1657~1661年 [3]  )复置桑江司,仍属义宁县管辖。乾隆六年(1741年)将桑江司管辖的义宁县西北部置“龙胜理苗分府”(亦称龙胜厅),直属桂林府,设“理苗通判(知县职)统理全府庶政。府治在“桑江适中龙胜之地”(引自《龙胜厅志》)。并将。桑江司”移驻龙胜,改称“龙胜司”,派理苗通判、义宁协副释、左营都司,以及龙胜司巡检等进驻龙胜。另增置“广南司”,派右营守备进驻广南(今平等乡广南城),广南司巡检则驻瓢里(今瓢里乡之瓢里街),“龙胜”之名始载入史册。民国元年(1912年),“龙胜厅”改为“龙胜县”,属桂林府。
    • http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/09/24/a17-0924.pdf poverty eradication
- leaders raising funds for charities

  • 英國首相約翰遜周四主持「全球疫苗免疫聯盟」(GAVI)視頻峰會,目標是籌集至少七十四億美元(約五百七十七億港元),協助全球擺脫新冠肺炎病毒的威脅,結果峰會最後超額籌得了八十八億美元(約六百八十六億港元)。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200606/00180_010.html

- government buying private properties

  • Pendennis Castle is an artillery fort constructed by Henry VIII near FalmouthCornwall, England between 1540 and 1542. It formed part of the King's Device programme to protect against invasion from France and the Holy Roman Empire, and defended the Carrick Roadswaterway at the mouth of the River FalDuring the American Revolutionary War, France allied itself with the revolutionaries, causing war with Britain to break out in 1778.[44] The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars followed, during which period Falmouth became an important military depot.[44] In 1795, the Crown purchased the castle's land from the Killigrew family, and reinforced the fortress to deal with the fresh threat of invasion.[45] The government installed more guns and built a new gun position called the Half-Moon Battery just outside the 16th-century walls; the landward defences of Pendennis were reinforced, and a new barracks and other ancillary buildings were built inside the fortress.

- government renting private properties as office premises

  • 澳門政府豪花百萬月租辦公室,卻荒廢市區閒置政府物業,浪費公帑!澳門經濟財政司司長辦公室及運輸工務司司長辦公室,目前租用位於蘇亞利斯博士大馬路的中國銀行大廈單位,惟有立法會議員指出,兩辦月租合共達九十七萬澳門元,反觀有鄰近政府總部的政府大樓卻被長期閒置。議員及學者均批評政府做法不合理,促當局優先使用現有閒置物業,減少浪費。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200107/00176_040.html
- holding company
  • jim patisson, canadian version of warren buffet
  • 有女股神之稱的Catherine Wood近月便成為股民追蹤目標,眾所周知,女股神向來偏愛騰訊(00700),不過騰訊的質素及前景俱佳,即使女股神不買,此股也照樣長升長有。另去年上半年曾經升幅驚人的平安好醫生(01833),獲女股神買入後也重拾上升動力,更創去年以來新高。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/finance/236133/2021/0218/553019.html
  • 被稱為「中國巴菲特」的步步高集團創辦人段永平透露,數天前「無貨沽空」了100手GameStop(GME)股票,相當於一萬股,下周五(12日)到期。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20210203/00202_012.html
- "development" company

  • Asian Coast Development Ltd. is an international development and real estate company specializing in integrated resort destinations. The Company, through its subsidiary, is the developer of the Ho Tram Strip, a group of integrated resorts to be located on the beach in Ho Tram.https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/ACDZ:HK
  • 7mar2013 Asian Coast Development (Canada) Ltd (ACDL), which is developing Vietnam’s first large-scale integrated resort, said on Thursday its partner, MGM Resorts International, will no longer manage the project, the latest setback to the development.ACDL also said on Thursday it was still awaiting final regulatory approval of amendments to its investment certificate, which is required to operate the casinos. The project had been targeted to open in the first quarter of this year. ACDL said it will announce a new opening date once discussions with alternate partners are concluded.The resort in Ho Tram, two hours’ drive from Ho Chi Minh City, has been beset with problems including financing and licensing issues, while its location away from the city makes it less accessible to gamblers versus new destination casinos.ACDL gave no reason for MGM’s move and said it was already in talks with alternate partners to take over the running of the property. MGM officials were not available to comment.“We thank MGM for its assistance in the hiring and training of our 2,000-strong team of Vietnamese hospitality professionals,” Chief Executive Lloyd Nathan said in a statement. “We are delighted that we have completed the construction of the first phase of our first resort,” he added.Vancouver-based operator ACDL’s principal shareholders, Harbinger Capital and casino operator Pinnacle Entertainment Inc , which bought 26 percent of ACDL in May 2011, said in the statement they remained committed to the project.The news comes more than three months after Pinnacle said it could lose its investment of more than $100 million in the casino project as a result of problems with gaming licenses and funding by local banks.https://www.reuters.com/article/acdl-mgm/update-1-acdl-says-mgm-no-longer-involved-in-vietnam-casino-resort-idUSL4N0BZ3PO20130307
  •  https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20140720005033/zh-CN/ 加拿大亚洲海岸开发有限公司(Asian Coast Development (Canada) Limited, ACDL)今日宣布,NewCity Capital通过其投资载体NewCity Ho Tram Investment Company成为了ACDL越南南部Ho Tram Strip项目开发的新融资伙伴。NewCity由美国投资者Chien Lee先生创建,是Lee先生在亚太区酒店行业所进行的一系列投资中最新开展的项目。Lee先生表示,“Ho Tram Strip是亚太地区最令人振奋的旅游开发项目之一。该项目为NewCity提供了参与越南第一个重大综合度假村项目的机遇。在我看来,越南将成为该区域成长最快的旅游市场之一,而Ho Tram Strip开发已抢占了大规模综合度假市场的先机。随着这一宏伟的项目逐渐成形,我期待与所有的ACDL团队成员开展紧密合作。”NewCity的Paul Conway补充说:“该项目是亚洲9个获得博彩牌照的项目之一,其中有6个在澳门,两个在新加坡。占地405英亩的项目在未来还潜藏着令人兴奋的拓展机遇。”NewCity Capital是一家总部位于美国、专注于亚洲市场的私营投资公司,由其创始人、董事长兼首席执行官Chien Lee掌管。Lee先生在亚洲拥有20多年的投资经验。他是领军经济连锁旅馆7天连锁酒店集团的联席创始人。截止2013年12月31日,已于纽交所(NYSE: SVN)上市的7天连锁酒店集团在300个城市拥有2,000家旅馆。Lee先生还是Iao Kun Group Holding Co Ltd (NASDAQ:IKGH)的联席创始人。Iao Kun Group参与了澳门5家重要豪华贵宾厅的博彩推广,而澳门是全球最大的博彩市场。

- international aid

  • 英國傳媒周一報道,因應中國及印度已成經濟強國,英國首相約翰遜面對要求停止向兩國投放約一億五千一百萬英鎊(約十五億四千萬港元)援助金的壓力。政府發言人表示,英國與中印的發展合作,對解決貿易、氣候變化及人權等問題至關重要。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200101/00180_008.html
- healthcare
  • HCA Healthcare is an American for-profit operator of health care facilities that was founded in 1968. It is based in Nashville, Tennessee and, as of May 2020, owns and operates 186 hospitals and approximately 2,000 sites of care, including surgery centers, freestanding emergency rooms, urgent care centers and physician clinics in 21 states and the United Kingdom.
Fortune Brands was a holding company founded in 1969 as American Brands, renamed in 1997 and split apart in 2011. The corporate headquarters was in Deerfield, Illinois, in the United States. The company had diversified product lines. It announced on December 8, 2010, that it would focus on its liquor business, and spin off or sell other parts of the company including home furnishings, hardware and golf products. The company sold its Titleist and FootJoy product lines to FILA Korea. On October 3, 2011, it split the remainder of its business into two publicly traded companies: Fortune Brands Home & Security (NYSEFBHS) and Beam Inc. (NYSE: BEAM). On January 13, 2014, Suntory (headquartered in Osaka, Japan) announced it would buy Beam Inc. for about $13.6 billion. The acquisition was completed on April 30, 2014, for about $16 billion and Beam became a subsidiary of Suntory named Beam Suntory.The American Tobacco Company was founded in 1890. In the late 1960s, with health concerns seen as posing an increasing threat to the tobacco business, management decided to diversify into other fields and changed the corporate name to American Brands, Inc. Brown & Williamson acquired the tobacco division in 1994.
https://www.reuters.com/article/sanmiguel-airport/philippines-san-miguel-set-to-win-14-5-bln-airport-project-transport-ministry-official-idUSP9N23Q01V Philippine conglomerate San Miguel Corp is set to win a contract to build and operate a 735.6 billion pesos ($14.47 billion) airport project aimed at decongesting Manila’s ageing facility, a government official said on Wednesday. San Miguel’s unsolicited bid went unchallenged following a two-month period for companies to buy and submit Swiss challenge documents, Giovanni Lopez, chairman of the transport ministry’s bids and awards committee, told reporters.The Philippine conglomerate has proposed building and operating a new international airport north of the capital over a 50-year concession period. 
- 外電引述消息報道,渣打集團計劃與新加坡最大工會組織的旗下公司合作,於亞洲設立第二間虛擬銀行,計劃目前仍處於初步階段。彭博引述消息人士指,渣打有意開立亞洲區的第二間虛銀,將會持有該合資公司的多數股權,而其餘股權則由新加坡全國職工總會(NTUC)旗下的NTUC Enterprise持有,而NTUC於新加坡全國經營逾百間超市門店。據悉,已聘用澳洲初創企業Judo Bank的聯合創辦人開展有關計劃及業務。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200818/00202_018.html
恆豐銀行股份有限公司恆豐銀行HengFeng Bank Co., Ltd.HFBank)是中國銀行業監督管理委員會批准的12家全國性股份制商業銀行之一,也是唯一一家總部位於中國山東的全國性股份制商業銀行。其前身為1987年建立的煙臺住房儲蓄銀行
  • 前任董事長姜喜運貪污公款七點五億元,受賄逾七千萬元,被判處死緩。而繼任的蔡國華變本加厲,涉案超百億元,索賄逾十億元,平均每天公款報銷四十萬元,刷新貪污腐敗紀錄。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20201009/00184_010.html

nationalism related
Clerico-nationalism was a right-wing ideology current in Quebec from the years after World War I unit the end of the 1950s, (from the premiership of Maurice Duplessis until the Quiet Revolution.) Clerico-nationalism was a traditionalist, religious form of French Canadian nationalism focused on the Roman Catholic Church. In France, a similar ideology was referred to as National Catholicism.The term clerico-nationalism was coined by Paul-André Linteau. Henri Bourassa publicized clerico-nationalist views, as did the editors of his newspaper Le Devoir, and the League des droits du français (League of French Rights). Clerico-nationalist thinking was most thoroughly developed and spread by Lionel Groulx and the Ligue d'Action française (French Action League), which he led. Clerico-nationalism was focused on the past. Clerico-nationalists pushed a conservative line in politics and defended the interests of what they called the French Canadian "race." Advocates of clerico-nationalism were strictly Catholic and mostly members of the clergy. They defended traditional family values, respect for hierarchy, submission of the wife to the authority of her husband, and natalism. They also defended agriculture and the rural way of life. They were on guard against what they saw as the dangers of the city, and praised popular religious education.Clerico-nationalists also took stands on language and culture. They were purists about the French language, preferring the French spoken in France as the standard form of the language. In terms of culture and literature, Groulx and his fellows were traditionalist and opposed to modernist French and European. They promoted a rural, conservative, and nationalist literature which opposed exoticism, art in the Parisian style, or Parnassianism, which was characterized by the study of 'art for art's sake'.
  • Clerical fascism (also clero-fascism or clerico-fascism) is an ideology that combines the political and economic doctrines of fascism with clericalism. The term has been used to describe organizations and movements that combine religious elements with fascism, receive support from religious organizations which espouse sympathy for fascism, or fascist regimes in which clergy play a leading role.The term clerical fascism (clero-fascism or clerico-fascism) emerged in the early 1920s in the Kingdom of Italy, referring to the faction of the Roman Catholic Partito Popolare Italiano which supported Benito Mussolini and his régime; it was supposedly coined by Don Luigi Sturzo, a priest and Christian democrat leader who opposed Mussolini and went into exile in 1924,[1] although the term had also been used before Mussolini's March on Rome in 1922 to refer to Catholics in Northern Italy who advocated a synthesis of Roman Catholicism and fascism.
https://www.ft.com/content/41da496e-f00f-11e9-ad1e-4367d8281195 When former chancellor Helmut Kohl promised to build “blossoming landscapes” amid the economic ruins of eastern Germany in 1990, taxpayers in east and west knew there would be a price to pay. Few thought they would still be paying it three decades later.  German citizens and companies have funded the reconstruction of the east through a “solidarity surcharge” that has raised more than €330bn to date. Introduced in 1991, briefly abolished then reintroduced in 1995, the so-called Soli is added to all payments of income tax, capital gains tax and corporate tax. The payment, fixed at 5.5 per cent for the past 11 years, appears on every monthly wage bill and dividend statement — a constant reminder of the financial burden that reunification imposed on the country.  Now, as Germany prepares to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the solidarity surcharge is back on the political agenda. Bowing to growing public pressure, the government of Angela Merkel agreed to abolish the Soli for 90 per cent of all taxpayers as of 2021. A law to that effects goes to parliament on Thursday. Yet critics insist that the Soli must be scrapped for all taxpayers, including companies, and have launched a legal case to have the increasingly unpopular tax top-up declared unconstitutional. “The solidarity surcharge was intended to help the government deal with an extraordinary crisis situation. And we really had such a situation after reunification in the 1990s,” said Isabel Klocke, head of tax policy at the German taxpayers’ association. “But today we have no such crisis. The government budget is actually in surplus. So there is no justification for the Soli.” German businesses, which will have to pay the Soli for the foreseeable future, are especially aggrieved. “The government’s Soli plans are an assault on the constitution and an assault on the German economy,” said Mario Ohoven, president of the BVMW business lobby, which represents Germany’s small and medium-sized Mittelstand companies. “We are already in a technical recession. What is needed now is a plan to reduce the tax burden on companies.”

  • economist 2nov19 "thirty years after the wall fell" german still don't agree on what reunification meant 
  • economist 3oct2020 "growing up at last" 30 years after unification, germany is starting to shoulder its responsibilities. It has a lot more to do 
- economist 2nov19 "thirty years of freedom, warts and all" central and eastern europeans are mostly happy with their progress since 1989

Cabanagem, a popular and social revolt during the Empire of Brazil, in the Amazon region, was influenced by the French Revolution. It was mainly due to extreme poverty, hunger and disease that devastated the Amazon at the beginning of the period, in the former province of Grão-Pará, which included the current Amazonian states of Pará, Amazonas, Amapá, Roraima and Rondônia. The revolt spread from 1835 until January 1840, due to the process of independence of Brazil (1822), which did not occur immediately in the province due to political irrelevance to which the region was relegated by Prince Regent Pedro I. After independence, the strong Portuguese influence remained stable, giving political irrelevance in this province to the Brazilian central government. Indians, blacks, and mestizos (mostly poor class members), all named cabanos (cabins), teamed against the Regent Government and rebelled, to increase the importance of the region in Brazil's central government addressing the issue of poverty as one of the reasons. All lived in mud huts (hence the name of the revolt).[4] At the bottom of the rebellion, there was a mobilization of the Brazilian Empire against the reactionary forces of the province of Grão-Pará in expelling the insurgents who wanted to keep the region as a Portuguese colony or territory independent. Many of the local leaders, who resented the lack of political participation in decisions of the centralizer of the Brazil government, contributed to the climate of dissatisfaction against the provincial government.
  • After the revolt, the local economy grew rapidly during the 19th century and early 20th century by exploitation of rubber, the latex, by extracting it. At this period the Amazon experienced two distinct economic cycles with the exploitation of the same raw material. The intendant Antônio Lemos was the main character of the urban transformation that Belém experienced, which came to be known as Paris n’America (Paris in the America), as a reference to the influence of the urbanization that Paris had experienced at the time, which served as the inspiration for Antônio Lemos. During this period, for example, the city center was heavily lined with mango trees transported from India and development inspired by the model of Paris. With the decline of the two cycles of rubber (1870–1920 and 1940–1945),[5] came a distressing economic stagnation, which stopped in the 1960s and 1970s,[6] with the development of agricultural activities in the south of the state. From the decade of 1960s, but mainly in the 1970s, growth was accelerating with the exploitation of minerals mainly in the southeastern region of the state, as with iron extraction in the Serra dos Carajás and the Serra Pelada gold.
xx dream
The Unassigned Lands in Oklahoma were in the center of the lands ceded to the United States by the Creek (Muskogee) and Seminole Indians following the Civil War and on which no other tribes had been settled.The Treaty of Indian Springs, February 12, 1825, provided for a delegation of Creeks to visit the west in order that
to replace their lands in Georgia. A dispute arose between the Lower Creek Council, which signed the treaty, and the Upper Creek Council, which objected. The dispute led to the killing of General William McIntosh, the chief of the Lower Creeks, and left the treaty in doubt. Despite that, the Creeks were relocated to the west. On February 14, 1833, the Treaty of Okmulgee was signed at Fort Gibson. In it the Creeks finally agreed to cede their lands in the east. Article 2 of the 1833 treaty defined the land chosen under the 1825 treaty as being west and south of the Cherokee lands and bordering the Canadian River on the south and what was then the Mexican border on the west. In the Seminole Treaty signed March 28, 1833, but not ratified, the Seminole agreed to settle on the Little River portion of the Creek lands in Indian Territory. Some Seminole moved but the rest retreated within Florida. The US tried again to remove them, resulting in the Second Seminole War. After the Second War, most of the Seminole moved to the Indian Territory. A treaty between the Creek and the Seminole tribes, ratified August 16, 1856 by the US Senate, gave the Seminole the agreed-upon tract of Creek land between the Canadian River on the south and the North Fork of the Canadian River on the north. The divisions within the Creek people continued up through the Civil War. The Council, then under control of the Lower Creek, signed a treaty of support with the Confederacy on July 10, 1861.   When the Confederacy lost the Civil War, the United States forced the Creek nation into a new treaty, and forced them to cede some lands in compensation for having supported the wrong side. Under Article 3 of the 1866 Creek Treaty, the Creek agreed to cede the western portion of their lands. The Seminoles' active support of the Confederacy cost them much more land than it did the Creeks.The Springer Amendment was immediately added to the Indian Appropriation Act of 1889 to authorize settlement under the provisions of the Homestead Act of 1862. The amendment, however, denied the settlers their squatter's rights. The lands were to be settled by a land run. The original settlers were rounded up and expelled.On April 22, 1889, the Oklahoma lands were settled by what would later be called the Run of '89. Over 50,000 people entered on the first day, among them several thousand freedmen and descendants of slaves. Tent cities were erected overnight at Oklahoma CityKingfisherEl RenoNormanGuthrie and Stillwater, which was the first of the settlements.Federal troops provided law enforcement; the closest criminal and civil jurisdictions were the federal courts in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Despite that, the district was generally peaceful. Most land disputes were settled without bloodshed, although a few took years to resolve.The Organic Act of 1890 incorporated the Unassigned Lands into the new Oklahoma Territory. Under the act, local officials were appointed to handle civil and criminal matters until elections were held. Under the later Curtis Act of 1898, the communal lands of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory were allocated to registered heads of households, thus extinguishing tribal title. The government declared any excess lands as "surplus" and allowed sale to non-Native Americans. In 1907, Oklahoma (the full Indian Territory and former Oklahoma area) was admitted the 46th state.

refugee, asylum seekers
Prior to the Chinese Student Protection Act of 1992 (CSPA), President George H.W Bush issued Executive Order 12711 in 1990. This policy implementation was solidified by the actual Act in 1992. The Act's main sponsors were Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for the House of Representatives and Senator Slade Gorton (R-WA) for the Senate.President George H. W. Bush signed it into law on October 9, 1992. The Chinese Student Protection Act established permanent residence for Chinese nationals that came to the United States from June 5, 1989 to April 11, 1990. The Act was targeted towards students. The CSPA was prompted by the political repression the Chinese faced after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. Chinese students who were in the United States during the time of the protests participated in TV interviews, demonstration rallies, and were featured in newspaper articles. Chinese nationals were eligible to apply for permanent residency, even with expired passports. Over the years, the Act granted green cards to an estimated number of 54,000 Chinese nationals.The green cards were called "blood cards" by the Chinese, as a “pejorative term for the green cards awarded to their countrymen who, by virtue of their presence in the U.S. at the time, were eligible for the Chinese Student Protection Act.”

"human rights"
https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3039123/why-bernie-sanders-tweeting-about-philippine-trade-unions-his On the campaign trail for the 2020 US presidential election, Bernie Sanders unleashed a broadside on November 15 that made the Philippine presidential palace sputter in protest, but which pleased unions and human rights activists. They were reacting to a Twitter post from the 77-year-old senator from Vermont that said: “In recent years, we have seen abhorrent human rights abuses by the Philippine government. This repression of trade unionists is a shameful attempt to silence people’s rights and freedoms. More than ever, we must stand on the side of global human rights.”The “repression” referred to a series of night-time arrests on October 31 against 57 members of labour and civil society groups in the Philippines.The Brussels-based International Trade Union Confederation issued a statement condemning this “new wave of police repression of Philippine trade unionists”, which Sanders soon picked up and denounced as well.

saving institution, company, people from failjng
- 隨着美國大選逼近,郵政署改革爭議愈演愈烈。當地民眾近日紛紛到郵政署官網購買郵票、各類商品,「課金」以示對郵政服務的支持。美國有線電視新聞網絡報道,郵政署官方網站除出賣郵票外,亦出售各式各樣的產品,包括衞衣、兒童服飾、寵物犬服飾、玩具等。網站近日推出至周日結束的限時減價促銷,民眾選購指定商品可獲五折的優惠,而很多產品已售罄。不少人在社交網發文支持署方,喜劇演員艾希納(Billy Eichner)在Twitter寫道:「沒有甚麼比哭着訂郵票更好。」在紐約市公關公司任職的科維特茲(Lisa Kovitz)最近在郵政署網站買衣服,她稱購買不多,但希望幫得上忙。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200818/00180_002.html

filial piety
- 郭居敬(?-1354),字儀祖,福建尤溪 縣廣平村(今大田縣廣平鎮)人,既是中華孝 典《二十四孝》的編撰者,也是孝文化的強力 助推者。史料記載,郭居敬,篤學好吟詠,著 有《百香詩》。性篤孝,事親左右,承順得其 歡心。《二十四孝》作者郭居敬故里,就在附近的廣 平村,特意前去看看。到達廣平,下得車後, 但見公路西側臥着一塊形似玉兔的巨石上,朝 東一面刻着「郭居敬故里」幾個紅色大字。 「巨石」後下方不遠處,便是「居敬書院」。 居敬書院原名「明教堂」,是郭居敬當年 「授訓童蒙」,傳播孝道的場所。這裏,培育 出一批又一批孝子忠士。單是載入歷代《大田 縣誌》的「廣平孝賢」就有 10人之多,他們 大都曾先後在這裏受過啟蒙教育。近年來,當 地更有眾多「孝老愛親」道德模範,受到各級 政府、有關部門的表彰。為了紀念郭居敬,也 為了弘揚孝文化,2017年 4月,廣平鎮政府籌 集資金重修「明教堂」,並更名為「居敬書 院」。重修之後的居敬書院,再現當年郭居敬 授訓童蒙的場景,現已成為中華優秀傳統文化 教育的理想陣地。。中華孝道文化,在傳承的歷 史過程中,有一部普及型經典讀本,亦即元代 郭居敬編錄的《全相二十四孝詩選》。該書實 為一本歷代二十四個不同身份、不同環境、不 同舉止孝子行孝的故事集。由於後來的印本大 都配以圖畫,故又稱《二十四孝圖》。為中國 古代宣揚儒家思想及孝道文化的通俗讀物。郭 居敬之對孝文化的貢獻,是將中國流傳深遠 的、虞舜以下至宋代 3,300多年間,孝子孝行 的故事進行篩選增刪,配以圖畫和五言絕句, 編成《全相二十四孝詩選》。書中故事通俗易 懂、情節感人,詩句朗朗上口、便於記憶,十 分適合兒童和普通百姓閱讀。該書刊行後,得 到廣泛流傳,成了元明清以來兒童的啟蒙教 材。「奇文共欣賞,疑義相與析。」這本廣受 歡迎的宣揚中華文化精神核心的經典,很快漂 洋過海、不翼而飛,傳播到日本、朝鮮、韓 國、新加坡、越南等周邊國家,成為其國民 「孝」行教育的教材。由此可見,郭居敬當是 一位影響世界文化的歷史名人。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/06/02/b09-0602.pdf
- 2019 年 12 月 31日,深圳第二屆 「黃舒‧孝文化節」 暨深圳經濟特區建 立40周年文藝匯演在寶安區新安街道上合花園正式拉開帷 幕。 「弘揚傳統文化、傳承孝德精神」 是新安文化發展的 一大主題,在活動現場,深圳市寶安區黃舒孝德文化研究 會正式成立,寶安區委常委、統戰部部長鄭新強,新安街 道黨工委副書記、辦事處主任王曦等為新安孝德模範代表 頒獎。本次活動將持續到1 月 2 日,精彩紛呈的節目、琳 瑯滿目的特色美食、傳統手工藝展示及互動體驗環節,將 全方位展示在新安根植千年的傳統文化。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202001/0102/HA11102CGBA_HKCD.pdf

- https://www.quora.com/How-was-the-building-of-the-Colosseum-in-Rome-financed The Colosseum was built by the new emperor, Vespasian, upon his return to Rome following the suicide of his predecessor, the emperor, Nero. The sack of Jerusalem occurred in 70 CE, when a revolt by the Jews was crushed by Vespasian and his son Titus. The temple (along with Jerusalem) was sacked and destroyed. The Arch of Titus (seen above) commemorates the victory, and a bas-relief depicts Roman soldiers carrying some of the booty from the temple through the arch and into Rome. Two years after the sack of Jerusalem, in 72 CE, work on the Colosseum—officially known as the Flavian Amphitheatre (after the family name of Vespasian), began and was financed—according to the newly-deciphered inscription—by the spoils from the war.

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air pollution
- new delhi https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191105/00180_018.html印度空氣污染問題愈趨嚴重,首都新德里周一被霧霾籠罩。當地學校自上周五起停課,全市建築工程亦停工至周二。當地政府形容污染無法忍受,禁止市內一半的私家車行駛,以應對這場三年來最嚴重污染危機。
- 伊朗德黑蘭周二受嚴重空氣污染影響,厚重濃霧籠罩首都。政府周三宣布,首都及多縣的小學及幼稚園需要停課。環境部門指出,空氣污染問題令德黑蘭每年損失二十六億美元(約二百億港元)。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191115/00180_020.html

savings scheme
A Coverdell education savings account (also known as an education savings account, a Coverdell ESA, a Coverdell account, or just an ESA, and formerly known as an education individual retirement account), is a tax-advantaged investment account in the U.S. designed to encourage savings to cover future education expenses (elementary, secondary, or college), such as tuition, books, and uniforms (for the same year as the distribution). It is found at Section 530 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 530). Coverdell ESAs were first introduced under the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.The tax treatment of Coverdell ESAs is much the same as that of 529 plans with a few important differences. Like a 529 plan, Coverdell ESAs allow money to grow tax deferred and proceeds to be withdrawn tax-free for qualified education expenses at a qualified institution. However, the definition of qualified expenses in an ESA includes primary and secondary school, not just college and university.
The account is named for its primary champion in the US Senate, the late Senator Paul Coverdell (R-GA).The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, signed into law December 22, 2017, allows 529 plan funds to now be used for K-12 education. Families wanting to use a tax-advantaged account for saving for private schooling may now use a 529 account instead of a Coverdell account. Existing Coverdell account balances may optionally be rolled over to a 529 plan to simplify accounts.

combined existing beliefs, religions to one
- [goddard] world's parliament of religions at columbian exposition in chicago in 1893
- goddard explored the possibility that buddhism might serve to inform christianity. In 1924 he published the booklet a vision of christian and buddhist fellowship in search for light and reality and in 1925 the eclectic, metaphysical novel a nature mystic's clue. In 1927 he published was jesus influenced by buddhism? a comparative study of lives and thoughts of gautama and jesus
- diamond sutra (published in 1935)

  • [goddard] an adoration of three bodies of buddha, dharmakaya (pure and clear body), sambhogakaya (full and complete body), nirmanakaya (infinite varied body). The final section reads: adoration to nirmanakaya: buddhahoodbin its many bodies of manifestation - shakyamuni buddha, the perfectly enlightened one; jesus, the nazarean and saint francis of assisi; all the bodhisattvas, saints, and sages of the past, present, and future; and maitreya, the coming buddha.
cultural heritage
-作為2020年回歸祖國的第100件流失文物,在海外漂泊了近一個世紀的天龍山石窟第8窟北壁主尊佛首11日藉由央視春晚正式宣布「回家」。在春晚舞台「C位」露面後,佛首隨即於大年初一在北京魯迅博物館「咸同斯福─天龍山石窟國寶回歸暨數字復原特展」展出,吸引了大批民眾爭相前往打卡,一睹這一流失國寶的風采。截至大年初六,特展所有時段的預約均已爆滿。  2月11日晚,天龍山石窟第8窟北壁主尊佛首藉由央視春晚正式宣布「回家」,與全國人民共慶團圓。  這尊佛首長33.7厘米,寬30.4厘米,高44.5厘米,重55.5公斤。從儀態上,佛首肉髻低平,臉龐圓潤,新月眉,高鼻樑,薄嘴唇,雙目微閉,嘴唇微抿,笑意盈盈,看上去莊嚴而溫暖。  超過240尊雕像被盜 山西太原天龍山石窟造像是中原地區代表性佛教石窟,其唐代的像具有神態高雅、體態豐滿、姿態優美的特徵,被認為是外來藝術向中國石窟藝術轉變時期的典型作品,世稱「天龍山樣式」。但不幸的是,20世紀20年代,在日本古董商「山中商會」驅動下,天龍山石窟遭到大規模盜鑿,超過240尊雕像被盜,現收藏於日本、歐美博物館以及私人手中,破壞程度在中國石窟寺中最為慘烈。  去年9月,國家文物局監測發現,日本東瀛國際拍賣株式會社擬於東京拍賣一尊「唐天龍山石雕佛頭」,疑似天龍山石窟流失的文物。經專家研判,為天龍山石窟第8窟北壁佛龕主尊佛像的被盜佛首(隋代),於1924年前後被盜鑿並非法盜運出境。國家文物局啟動追索機制,確定「叫停拍賣、爭取回歸」的工作目標,隨後又與拍賣行董事長、旅日華僑張榮取得聯繫,鼓勵其促成文物回歸,才最終使佛首重回祖國懷抱。去年12月12日,佛首安全運抵北京,專家暫定其為國家一級文物。  佛首石雕出現在央視春晚之後,公眾對「天龍山石窟流失佛首回歸祖國」的關注度居高不下。北京魯迅博物館特展現場,觀眾紛紛掏出手機記錄佛首每一個細節。目前,大年初三(14日)至大年初六(17日)前所有時段已經全部約滿。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/232108/2021/0215/552193.html
- 由於阿富汗國內局勢發生重大變化,阿富汗文化遺產再次吸引了世界各國文博專家的關注。故宮博物院院長王旭東23日特邀21位國內外知名學者共同發出公開倡議,呼籲阿富汗加大文化遺產的保護力度,以此為守護世界重要文化遺產貢獻一份力量。據悉,阿富汗古文物曾在香港歷史博物館展出,200餘件珍貴文物為港人呈現了古阿富汗作為絲綢之路文化的交匯點,在促進世界文明交流與融會中扮演的重要角色。https://www.wenweipo.com/a/202111/24/AP619d519ce4b07b4059d46b3d.html

waiting for stupid people

據報,曾初步洽購安信的是眾安在綫(06060)旗下香港子公司眾安國際,但基於價格及協同效益考慮,眾安國際已退出洽購行列。儘管眾安國際發言人不評論傳聞,惟指香港貸款市場潛力巨大,旗下眾安銀行等業務也密切關注不同發展機遇。據悉,安信洽售行動未有停止。業內消息指,不乏本地同業對安信有興趣,傳聞有意洽購的同業包括新鴻基公司(00086),或透過旗下亞洲聯合財務初步洽商。值得注意,安信主要業務包括個人貸款、信用卡及樓宇按揭業務,今年初擁有逾26萬名客戶,貸款組合約10億美元。於2015年由中旅金融、澳洲非銀行住宅抵押貸款公司Pepper Group Pty及資本管理公司York Capital Management組成的國際財團,從渣打銀行手上收購安信信貸,涉資逾6億美元。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20201117/00202_014.html

con artist? middleman?
Emil Ritter[1] von Škoda (18 November 1839 – 8 August 1900) was a Czech engineer and industrialist, founder of Škoda Works, the predecessor of today's Škoda Auto and Škoda Transportation.Emil Škoda was born in Pilsen on November 19, 1839 to a physician and politician František Škoda, and mother Anna Říhová. Škoda studied engineering in Prague and Karlsruhe and in 1866 became chief engineer of the machine factory of Ernst Fürst von Waldstein-Wartenberg, founded in 1859 at Pilsen. He bought the factory three years later, in 1869, and began to expand it, building a railway connection to the facility in 1886 and adding an arms factory in 1890 to produce machine guns for the Austro-Hungarian Army. His facilities continued to expand over the next decade, and he incorporated his holdings in 1899 as the Škoda Works, which would become famous for its arms production in both World War I and World War II and for a wide range of other industrial and transportation products.在臺灣,台塑集團的子公司台朔汽車於2005年取得斯柯達的代理權,將Fabia、Octavia、Roomster、Superb等車款陸續引進臺灣,後因原廠報價偏高,2007年底台朔汽車放棄代理權,並結束營運,售後維修移轉給台塑汽車貨運負責。

2009年9月太古集團太古汽車的附屬公司利奔汽車取得其在臺獨家經銷權,並進口及經銷一系列的轎車,包括Fabia、Roomster、Octavia、Superb 和Yeti[5]2015年1月1月,利奔汽車脫離了臺灣代理商太古集團,正式轉為Škoda Taiwan。同年在臺灣銷售成長比高達77%。

  • detailed bosnian wiki version of skoda motor
  • https://www.quora.com/What-does-%C5%A0koda-mean-in-Czech

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