Wednesday, December 12, 2018

uk company

Babcock International is a multinational corporation headquartered in the United Kingdom. It specialises in managing complex assets and infrastructure. Although the company has civil contracts, its main business is with public bodies, particularly the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence and Network RailBabcock International traces its history back to 1891 when the American Babcock & Wilcox Company formed a separately financed (capitalised at £250,000 initially) British company called Babcock & Wilcox Ltd. The initial board members of the British company included the renowned Scottish structural engineer Sir William Arrol and Andrew Stewart, of the Lanarkshire based steel tube makers A & J Stewart & Menzies, subsequently Stewarts & Lloyds. The company's sphere of operation was defined as 'the world except for North America and Cuba' which was the preserve of the US Babcock & Wilcox. For a few years B&W boilers were built in the Singer Manufacturing Company's Kilbowie Works at Clydebank near Glasgow, Scotland. Isaac Singer was a significant shareholder in Babcock & Wilcox. 

  • ft 13nov18 Britain's second-biggest defence supplier, Babcock, has been placed under extra scrutiny by the Ministry of Defence over its handling of the contract to support and refit the submarines

- Associated British Foods
  • brands: Twinings, primark
- tesco

  • 英國《電訊報》報道指,當地超市Tesco有意全面收購與O2合營的虛擬電訊商Tesco Mobile,或利好長和收購獲得歐盟批准。Tesco Mobile目前有450萬名用戶,Tesco與O2各佔一半股權的方式營運。Tesco有意以3億英鎊(約33.1億港元)全購O2持有的Tesco Mobile50%股權,並與長和簽署協議,保障網絡容量作營運。報道引述消息人士指,歐盟估計一旦3英國與O2合併後,電話月費將會增加6%,但如果Tesco Mobile可以獨立營運,月費僅會增長1%,相信長和願意出售Tesco Mobile權益,以游說歐盟當局批准收購。Tesco回覆彭博時表示,希望確保Tesco Mobile可以繼續增長及發展。至於在歐盟的閉門會議中,彭博引述長和發言人指,該會議讓公司有機會再與歐盟有關當局有良好交流,又強調其對網絡的投資及維持電訊收費5年不變,「可以令英國流動電訊市場有真正的競爭」。Tesco、英國兩大電訊商競爭對手英國電訊(BT)及Vodafone、法國電訊商Iliad、收費電視Sky及Virgin Media都有出席今次閉門會議。
  • Charles Wilson, the chief executive of Booker, is to run Tesco’s core UK and Ireland retail operations following Tesco’s £3.7bn takeover of the wholesaler next month. Wilson’s appointment, on basic pay of £575,000, comes as Tesco warned that up to 250 head office jobs were likely to go as result of the merger.
  • asia
  • Britain’s biggest supermarket chain Tesco said on Sunday (Dec 8) it had started a review of its businesses in Thailand and Malaysia, including looking at a possible sale. Tesco said in a statement that “following inbound interest, it has commenced a review of the strategic options for its businesses in Thailand and Malaysia, including an evaluation of a possible sale of these businesses.”It said the evaluation was at an early stage and “there can be no assurance that any transaction will be concluded.”
  •  legal adviser freshfields
    Merlin Entertainments is a British-based company headquartered in Poole, Dorset (England), which operates 127 attractions, 19 hotels and 7 holiday villages in 24 countries. In December 1998, Nick Varney, Andrew Carr and the senior management team of Vardon Attractions (Vardon plc) completed a management buyout of the company to form Merlin Entertainments Group Ltd. with the backing of the private equity firm Apax Partners. Apax sold the company to another financial investor, Hermes Private Equity, in 2004. In May 2005, the company was acquired from Hermes by a division of The Blackstone Group  which later started a major expansion. Over the years, Merlin acquired Legoland, Gardaland, an Italian theme park, and The Tussauds Group

    • Merlin, the London-based agency that represents 20,000 independent labels and makes up 12 per cent of the world’s digital music catalogue, signed deals with streaming services owned by Tencent, Alibaba and NetEase. The company expects the deals will give acts such as Wu Tang Clan and Diplo access to 500m consumers, or 90 per cent of digital music listeners in China.
    J. Lyons & Co. was a British restaurant chain, food manufacturing, and hotel conglomerate founded in 1884.The company began as collaboration between the professional artist Joseph Lyons and his brothers in law, Isidore and Montague Gluckstein, as a spin off from the Salmon & Gluckstein tobacco company.[1] In 1894 the company started a teashop in Piccadilly, London, and from 1909 developed this into a chain of teashops known as Lyons' Corner Houses. The company also ran high class restaurants, founding the Trocadero in 1895, and hotels including the Strand Palace, opened in 1909, the Regent Palace, opened in 1915, and the Cumberland Hotel, opened in 1933, all in London. From the 1930s Lyons began to develop a pioneering range of teas, biscuits and cakes that were sold in grocery stores across the world. Lyons was appointed to run the company, and it was named after him. J. Lyons & Co. was a pioneer in introducing computers to business. Between 1951 and 1963, the company manufactured and sold a range of LEO (Lyons Electronic Office) computers.

    • Sir Joseph Nathaniel Lyons DL (29 December 1847 – 22 June 1917) was the chairman of J. Lyons and Co., a restaurant chain, food manufacturing and hotel conglomerate created in 1884 that dominated British mass-catering in the first half of the twentieth century.Lyons was born in Kennington, London, on 29 December 1847, the son of Nathaniel Lyons, "an itinerant vendor of watches and cheap jewellery", and Hannah Cohen, his wife.[1] He was educated at the Borough Jewish Schools in London's East End.
    • Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher worked as a chemist for the company prior to becoming a barrister and then a Conservative Party MP. While working for the company she helped develop methods for preserving ice cream.

    - hsbc

      前三大華人高層 嘆滙豐遜昔日
      滙豐八大傳奇 追憶
      撬開浦偉士金口 需絕佳提問
    • Europe's biggest lender HSBC Holdings Plc has agreed to establish a majority-owned securities joint venture in China, taking advantage of the country's rules that favor Hong Kong-established banks over foreign peers in the world's second-biggest economy. Stepping up its interest in China, HSBC could own up to 51 percent of a proposed joint venture with China's unlisted Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Holdings Co Ltd, the lender said in a statement on Monday. HSBC's advantage comes from its ownership of a Hong Kong-based banking subsidiary, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd. ttp://滙豐銀行昨日 宣布,該行已與深圳前海金融控股公司達成協議,擬在 深圳前海組建港資控股合資證券公司,惟該協議尚待相 關監管部門審核和批准。 滙豐集團行政總裁歐智華表示,中國資本市場正日益 成為促進經濟增長的重要融資渠道,亦為海內外的資產管 理者提供投資機遇。因此,擬在內地成立合資證券公司, 將令滙豐可以更好地服務於中國資本市場的進一步發展, 同時繼續拓展滙豐在內地的業務發展,當中包括廣東省。 在今年六月舉行的投資者會議上,滙豐集團宣布將 加快亞洲業務拓展,包括重點投資廣東的珠三角地區等 十大策略措施。滙豐認為,珠三角地區位於廣東省的經 濟核心地帶,人口達5700萬,毗鄰香港和澳門,具備深 化粵港澳合作的獨特區位優勢。 根據 「CEPA」補充協議,符合設立外資參股證券公 司條件的港資、澳資金融機構,可分別按照內地有關規定 ,在上海市、廣東省、深圳市各設立一家兩地合資的全牌 照證券公司,港資、澳資合併持股比例最高可達51%。
    • Hkej 14dec15 a1 to establish prd headquarters and provide insurance and securities services
    • 滙豐宣布,已開始面向企業客戶發行大額 存單(即存款證),成為內地首家向企業發行大額存單的國 際性銀行。
    • HSBC Holdings’ winning approval to start a credit-card business in the Chinese mainland’s $1-trillion market offers Chief Executive Officer Stuart Gulliver added flexibility in his push into the nation’s retail banking and wealth-management industries. The approval from the mainland authorities came as HSBC ended a card venture with Bank of Communications, the bank’s Asia-Pacific head Peter Wong said over the weekend, paving the way for the London-based banking giant to join Citigroup and the Bank of East Asia as the only overseas credit-card issuers on the mainland. Wong did not say when HSBC won the nod from regulators, or provide any specifics on how the business will be rolled out. Gulliver’s Asian ambitions have been dealt a setback by crashing commodity prices, a slowing China economy and a pretax loss in the fourth quarter. An independent card unit on the mainland would improve HSBC’s access to a fast-growing market that had 449 million cards on issue as of September and allow the bank to find new clients for its retail bank. Getting approved for its own operation on the mainland “is a meaningful step for HSBC as it gives the bank the autonomy to run the business”, said Chen Xingyu, a Shanghai-based analyst at Phillip Securities Research. “Since the Pearl River Delta (PRD) is HSBC’s focus, having its own credit-card business can help the bank expand in the region,” Chen said. Credit-card offerings can act as a springboard for drawing customers to other parts of the business, such as private banking, he said. HSBC is getting a license for a planned brokerage venture with Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Holdings. The PRD, centered around the Guangdong provincial capital Guangzhou, is home to more than 40 million people. HSBC plans to add 4,000 jobs in that area as the bank shifts about $100 billion of investment to Asia in an effort to expand retail banking and wealth management. The bank will slow the pace of that hiring amid the mainland’s economic downturn, but HSBC won’t alter its strategy, Gulliver said last month. While the bank has ended its card venture with Bank of Communications, HSBC intends to maintain its roughly 19-percent stake in the mainland lender, Asia-Pacific Chief Executive Officer Wong said on Saturday on the sidelines of the current session of the 12th National People’s Congress in Beijing. HSBC’s card offerings would compete with its old venture partner, which had 40 million domestic cards as of June, while Industrial & Commercial Bank of China had 108 million, according to their 2015 interim reports. HSBC has been working with Bank of Communications — the mainland’s fifth-largest lender by assets — since 2004 on businesses, including credit cards. The mainland bank announced the establishment of the credit-card venture — with 2.5 billion yuan ($384.1 million) of capital — in October 2009.
      滙控董事局正着手為主席范智廉繼任人物色人選。外電報道,剛在三月加入滙控董事局的現任AXA安盛主席兼行政總裁卡斯特(Henri, Comte de Castries)為大熱接任人選。范智廉將於一七年任期屆滿後離任滙控主席一職,外電引述消息指,現年61歲、在金融界擁有逾25年經驗的卡斯特為潛在接班人。卡斯特目前為AXA安盛主席兼行政總裁,他早在八九年加入AXA安盛,於九十年代協助該保險集團籌劃及執行所有大型的併購業務,並在今年三月獲委任加入滙控董事局。報道並提及,另一可能繼任人選,為今年一月才加入集團董事局的華爾士(Paul Steven Walsh),目前華爾士擔任Compass Group PLC主席。 
    • HSBC Holdings Plc is aiming to roll out its own credit cards in the Chinese mainland by the endof the year, as the United Kingdom-based lender tries to tap into rising online and mobilespending in the world's second-biggest economy. The bank will initially target customers in the Pearl River Delta, the manufacturing hub located justnorth of Hong Kong, with the HSBC-branded cards, according to Kevin Martin, the firm's Asia-Pacific head of retail banking and wealth management.
    • 滙豐日前獲《歐洲貨幣》評為「全球最佳投資銀行」,讚揚佢哋業務多元化、喺新開拓市場具領導地位、唔單止涵蓋資本市場。不過據絲絲所知,i-bank一向唔算係滙豐至標青嗰花瓣,典解今次咁威威?近期中國企業「走出去」,頻頻見到滙豐身影,最矚目嘅要數中化集團豪擲430億美元競投瑞士農業巨企Syngenta,滙豐唔止以Lead Adviser幫中化揮低孟山都,順手搞埋過渡貸款。全靠呢單勢成中資歷來最大併購,滙豐喺中國併購市場由前年十名唔入,飆到上第二,最多可以勁袋成9,500萬美元。
    • HSBC Holdings is shaking up its ranks of senior executives in Europe ahead of a strategy overhaul by chief executive Noel Quinn later this month as the banking group seeks to shore up earnings amid stiffer competition. Stephen Moss will serve in the new role of regional chief executive, overseeing the company’s business in continental Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey, Latin America and Canada beginning on March 1, it said in a statement on Thursday. Moss, who joined the bank in 1992, is group head of strategy and planning and Quinn’s chief of staff.
      His new role will include “defining and overseeing the implementation of plans and priorities in region in support of the group’s strategy,” HSBC said. As part of the reshuffle, Nuno Matos, who previously ran HSBC’s business in Mexico, will become CEO of HSBC’s UK bank and CEO of Europe on March 1. He replaces James Emmett, who will step down as CEO of HSBC Bank Plc on February 29, and retire on September 30 after 25 years at the bank.
    • us
      • 滙豐控股(00005)宣布,將退出美國零售銀行業務,以專注發展當地環球銀行及財富管理服務。目前退出計劃尚待監管部門批准,該行預料相關交易稅前成本為一億美元(約7.8億港元),不會產生重大收益或虧損。
    • Europe
      • 滙豐控股(00005)宣布,將於2030年底前逐步退出對歐盟等已發展國家的燃煤發電等產業融資,並且在2040年前擴大到其他國家,集團將於5月下旬的股東周年大會上,提出一項有關氣候變化的特別決議案。
    • middle east
    • 滙豐控股擬十一月起,於中東、北非和土耳其等地裁員數百人,其中俗稱「炒房」的環球銀行及資本市場、以及工商金融部門或成「重災區」。
    • france
    • 滙豐控股擬 出售法國零售銀行業務有新進展。外電引 述消息報道,滙豐已委聘美國投資銀行 Lazard負責處理相關出售事宜,預計未來 數星期將展開投標程序,屆時將向有興趣 的買家提供機密資料,方便買家展開盡責 審查(due diligence)等程序。
      •  滙豐控股(00005)早前傳出準備出售處於虧損狀態的法國零售銀行業務,外媒引述消息人士透露,滙控已拒絕法國另一家銀行的出價,因認為對方計劃將收購業務併入旗下,不符合集團的理念,令到美國基金Cerberus Capital Management成為收購滙控法國業務的唯一潛在買家。
    • saudi arabia
    • The Saudi British Bank (SABB) (Arabicساب‎ البنك السعودي البريطاني) is a Saudi Joint Stock Company and is an associated company of the HSBCGroup. SABB has a branch in London. SABB offers services in investment bankingcommercial bankingprivate banking and Islamic banking. SABB Islamic Financial Solutions (Arabic: الحلول المالية الإسلامية), which are part of SABB services, are regulated by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency and a Sharia Supervisory Committee. This ensures that SABB Islamic Financial Solutions conforms to strict adherence to principles of Sharia. The British Bank of Iran and the Middle East, which became British Bank of the Middle East (BBME), opened branches in Jeddah and Al Khobar in 1950. The Jeddah branch in particular depended for its profits on the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca). Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) acquired BBME in 1959. In 1978 HSBC was forced to convert its branches into an affiliate, Saudi British Bank. Ownership became 60% Saudi and 40% HSBC, and HSBC has a technical services agreement with the bank.

    • Malaysia
      • 滙豐控股(00005)與馬來西亞銀行Maybank的合營保險公司Etiqa,有份入圍競購AXA安盛的新加坡保險業務。有關交易料涉資7億美元,折算約54.5億港元。  外電引述消息報道,除了Etiqa之外,最少有另一家中資機構入圍競購AXA業務。不過,由於磋商仍然持續,入圍競投者有可能中途退出。Etiqa主要在馬來西亞經營一般保險(GI)和壽險業務,在鄰近的新加坡市場亦有涉足。
    • china
    • 24日,中國銀保監會發布的消息顯示,已同意滙豐銀行深圳龍崗支行關閉,並要求該支行做好宣傳解釋。  保監會24日表示,已批覆深圳銀保監局關於關閉滙豐銀行(中國)有限公司深圳龍崗支行的申請;經審核,同意滙豐銀行深圳龍崗支行關閉。 銀保監會指出,滙豐銀行應該按有關規定妥善安排好支行關閉的有關工作,並做好宣傳解釋。滙豐銀行應自本批覆之日起15日內將上述支行《金融許可證》繳回深圳銀保監局並對外進行機構退出公告,同時及時辦理工商登記註銷手續。
    • hk
    •  Sir Thomas Jackson, 1st Baronet, (昃臣; 1841 – 1915) was the third Chief Manager of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. He was responsible for financing the development of Colonial Hong Kong under the first large scale bank.Sir Thomas Jackson was born on 4 June 1841 in CarrigallenCounty Leitrim, Ireland, the second of six sons of David and Elizabeth Jackson. He spend his childhood in CrossmaglenCounty Armagh, and in 1860 joined the Belfast Branch of the Bank of Ireland. Jackson travelled to Hong Kong in 1864 to join the Agra and Masterbank.[1] In 1864 the foundation of the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation ("HSBC") building was being developed.[2] Jackson joined the bank in 1865, a year after its opening and served terms as accountant in Shanghai and then from 1870 to 1874 as manager in Yokohama.Under his business leadership the bank became the premiere bank in Asia. His influence was such that he came to be called the bank's "Great Architect".[6] Brilliant, though also cautious, he also had the nickname "Lucky Jackson", which probably reflected more his innate intuition as when to act quickly and boldly. It was announced that he would receive a baronetcy in the 1902 Coronation Honours list published on 26 June 1902 for the (subsequently postponed) coronation of King Edward VII, and on 24 July 1902 he was created a Baronet, of Stansted House, in the parish of Stansted, in the county of Essex. This entitled him to use the prenominal "Sir" combined with the postnominal abbreviation of "Bart.", which in modern-day usage is further abbreviated to "Bt."In recognition of his services to the bank and Hong Kong, in February 1906 a statue of Jackson was unveiled in Statue Square in front of the bank's Hong Kong premises by the colony's Governor Sir Matthew Nathan. The statue remains to this day. Jackson is commemorated in his native Ireland in a stained glass window in Creggan Anglican church, County Armagh.
    • 人稱「Monty」嘅老臣子何舜華(Montgomery)退下火線,取而代之,滙豐中國搵嚟高層「孖咇」頂上,力攻大灣區。滙豐2015年起加大對珠三角地區投資,廣東業務更是重中之中,當年委任擁有超過30年銀行業經驗的Monty擔任廣東行政總裁一職,睇實成盤廣東生意。如今資歷豐富嘅Monty退休,滙豐中國即任命兩位高層「撐場」,分別是廣東工商金融董事總經理王立偉和廣東零售銀行及財富管理業務總經理李樺倫,一齊兼任廣東聯席行政總裁。廣東生意咁大,一位睇「個人業務」,另一位聚焦「工商業務」兩位廣東聯席行政總裁將會向滙豐中國行長兼行政總裁廖宜建滙報,廖宜建話,今次任命可以加強區內個人及工商業務,希望珠三角地區的業務會進一步增長。 
    • HSBC has named banking veteran Vivek Ramachandran as CEO of its new venture, Jasmine22. Part of HSBC’s technology investment to shape the future of business, Jasmine22 is a new international trading solution that is built on Google Cloud to cater to the trading needs of globally-minded SMEs. The bank has yet to officially launch the project, which is based in dedicated office space at The Great Rooms, a co-working space in Hong Kong, and will operate as a standalone start-up environment with the backing of HSBC. Speaking to GTR about his new role, Ramachandran says: “Jasmine22 is a concept that takes a different approach to traditional trade to meet the specific needs of small businesses. We will be able to explain more when we have developed and tested the platform.” Ramachandran has been with HSBC since 2015, where he most recently served as global head of growth and innovation. Prior to this, he held various roles at Barclays and Lloyds TSB over a nine-year period. Jasmine22 is currently recruiting for a number of technology, platform and operations roles, as well as a business development hire to build relationships with SMEs, Hong Kong government bodies, trade organisations and other stakeholders. see also appledaily 6may19
    •  滙豐控股(00005)已向競爭對手巴克萊挖走投資銀行家唐密似,希望增強其於亞洲的企業銀行業務。消息指,唐密似將加入該行擔任董事總經理兼亞太區資本商品和汽車業務負責人,計劃今年十二月在港入職。資料顯示,唐密似現為巴克萊駐香港的董事總經理兼中國工業業務主管。她自二○一○年以來一直在巴克萊工作。
    •  滙豐大中華區行政總 裁黃碧娟(見圖)去年8月從銀行離任 之後,其最新動向昨日曝光。這位經驗 豐富的銀行家將會重返新加坡華僑銀行 ,出任該行的集團常務總裁兼環球批發 銀行主管一職,由2月3日起生效。她將 會常駐新加坡。
    •  滙豐銀行宣布,任命該行環球銀行及資本市場中國區主管王雲峰為滙豐中國行長兼行政總裁,負責在內地的業務拓展,有關任命待監管機構批准後生效。滙豐中國現任行長兼行政總裁廖宜建,將會調任集團其他高級管理職位,有關任職安排將適時宣布。2005年加入滙豐的王雲峰,是內地較早投身於國際資本市場的銀行家,擁有逾30年行業經驗。歷任環球資本市場、環球銀行與資本市場中國區常務總監等要職。2016年6月起,全面負責滙豐在中國內地的環球銀行及資本市場業務。加入滙豐前,他曾先後任職於中國銀行和德意志銀行,分別在內地、香港、倫敦擔任過多個高級管理職務。
    •  新任行政總裁祈耀年並非集團刻意培育的精英份子。然而,他處事果斷務實,更不怕「做醜人」,於集團逾三十年的經驗,予董事留下深刻印象,最後得償所願,頭銜終除去「臨時」二字。現年58歲的祈耀年,與滙控的賓主關係長達三十三年,去年八月出任臨時集團行政總裁前,擔任環球工商金融行政總裁,在一一年起亦曾駐守香港四年,擔任亞太區工商金融業務主管,熟悉亞洲區業務。有趣之處,其首份工作是於建築地盤「挖洞」,與金融行業毫不相干。
    •  中國平安保險(02318)近日大手增持滙豐控股(00005),更成為單一最大股東

    - standard chartered

    • 渣打(2888)行政總裁冼博德今年或「閃人」,據《英國郵報》報道,兩大股東淡馬錫及安本資產管理要求他須於今年底前「執包袱」,否則未能執行炒人的主席莊貝思就會被要求下台。
    • A Financial Times investigation has identified transactions involving Iran that could put the bank at risk of severe penalties ranging from further fines to suspension or loss of its crucial dollar clearing licence. Documents seen by the FT suggest that StanChart continued to seek new business from Iranian and Iran-connected companies after it had committed in 2007 to stop working with such clients. These activities include foreign exchange transactions that, people familiar with StanChart operations say, would have involved the US dollar. The documents suggest the bank — a few months after a costly settlement with US authorities in 2012 — was still internally reviewing its client list and was unable to determine in certain cases whether customers were Iranian or not.
    • Standard Chartered’s chief executive has said the emerging markets bank would consider moving its headquarters out of the UK if the country’s vote to exit the EU prompts politicians to pummel the banking sector with extra taxes.
    • 渣打銀行與北方信託銀行(Northern Trust)合作,為機構投資者提供加密貨幣資產託管服務Zodia Custody,預計將於明年在英國倫敦營運,目前仍待英國金融操守局(FCA)批准。
    • ivory coast
    • Standard Chartered is launching its first digital-only retail bank in Ivory Coast, saying it will use the west African country as a testing ground for a global launch of digital services. The move is part of a fightback by banks in Africa, where telecoms and financial technology companies have grabbed market share from banks by offering services such as mobile money and mobile payments, often to previously unbanked customers. In Ivory Coast, where it has no bricks-and-mortar retail presence, the new StanChart bank will offer clients 70 digital services, including money transfers, bill payments and balance tracking.
    • china

    • 渣打(2888)昨公佈,接入微信支付,成為率先與微信支付合作的全球外資銀行。渣打中國的信用卡客戶可綁定微信支付功能,實踐娛樂、購物、網上繳費和在線教育等全方位的便捷生活服務。

      • HK
      • Standard Chartered worked on the float of the timber producer alongside UBS and last week it emerged that the Swiss bank was also being investigated by the SFC for its role in a number local IPOs. It is thought the China Forestry share sale is among the floats in the UBS investigation, which could result in the Swiss lender being temporarily suspended from offering corporate finance services in Hong Kong. 
      • Ant Financial Holdings, which operates the Alipay online payments service for the world’s largest e-commerce platforms, has extended its service to Hong Kong through a partnership with Standard Chartered Bank, the two companies said in a statement on Tuesday. The bank’s customers will be able to top up their Alipay HK accounts through their online and mobile banking portals, shop and pay online without incurring any transaction fee.
      •  渣打銀行(香港)牽頭成立的合營公司SC Digital Solutions,正積極籌備虛擬銀行開業工作。渣打香港行政總裁禤惠儀稱,現時團隊約有一百人,當中不少人於外國具虛擬銀行經驗,未來會積極增聘人手,有信心於六至九個月內正式開業。SC Digital分別由渣打香港、電訊盈科(00008)、香港電訊(06823)以及攜程金融組成,禤惠儀指出,各成員分別具有銀行、電訊、支付及旅遊等業務背景及龐大客戶群,她形容是營運虛擬銀行的「最佳拍檔」。
      • singapore
      •彭博社引述消息謂,現任渣打南亞區國際企業部主管V. Anantharaman,將領導集團新設立的環球工業業務部(global industries group),並駐守新加坡,日後向渣打環球銀行主管Paul Skelton匯報。
      • indonesia
      • StanChart seeks Indonesian solution by end of next year.
      •  STANDARD Chartered and PT Astra International Tbk are selling their 44.56 per cent stake each in Indonesia's Bank Permata to Bangkok Bank for approximately US$2.6 billion in an all-cash deal.Completion of the transaction is subject to approval by Bangkok Bank's shareholders and regulatory nods in Indonesia and Thailand, expected to happen by the end of 2020.Bangkok Bank is understood to have a keen interest to expand its presence in Indonesia and intends to leverage on its leadership capabilities in corporate and SME banking to enhance Permata's capabilities in trade finance, supply chain finance, and joint syndications.

      Barclays traces its origins back to 1690 when John Freame, a Quaker, and Thomas Gould started trading as goldsmith bankers in Lombard Street, London. The name "Barclays" became associated with the business in 1736, when Freame's son-in-law James Barclay became a partner.[9] In 1728 the bank moved to 54 Lombard Street, identified by the 'Sign of the Black Spread Eagle', which in subsequent years would become a core part of the bank's visual identity. The Barclay family were connected with slavery, both as proponents and opponents. David and Alexander Barclay were engaged in the slave trade in 1756.[11] David Barclay of Youngsbury (1729-1809), on the other hand, was a noted abolitionist, and Verene Shepherd, the Jamaican historian of diaspora studies, singles out the case of how he chose to free his slaves in that colony. In 1776 the firm was styled "Barclay, Bevan and Bening" and so remained until 1785, when another partner, John Tritton, who had married a Barclay, was admitted, and the business then became "Barclay, Bevan, Bening and Tritton".[13] In 1896 several banks in London and the English provinces, notably Backhouse's Bank of Darlington and Gurney's Bank of Norwich (both of which also had their roots in Quaker families), united under the banner of Barclays and Co., a joint-stock bank.Between 1905 and 1916 Barclays extended its branch network by making acquisitions of small English banks. Further expansion followed in 1918 when Barclays amalgamated with the London, Provincial and South Western Bank and in 1919 when the British Linen Bank was acquired by Barclays Bank, although the British Linen Bank retained a separate board of directors and continued to issue its own bank notes (see Banknotes of the pound sterling). In 1925 the Colonial Bank, National Bank of South Africa and the Anglo-Egyptian Bank were amalgamated and Barclays operated its overseas operations under the name Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas) – Barclays DCO.[17] In 1938 Barclays acquired the first Indian exchange bank, the Central Exchange Bank of India, which had opened in London in 1936 with the sponsorship of Central Bank of India.
      • New Barclays (BARC.L) Chief Executive Jes Staley is considering selling some or all of the British bank's African operations as part of his strategic review, the Financial Times said.
      • The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has charged Barclays Bank PLC with "unlawful financial assistance" related to billions of pounds raised from Qatar in 2008. The same charges were bought against Barclays PLC in June last year. The move to charge Barclays Bank as well is significant because it holds the banking licence that allows it to operate in different countries.
      - rbs

      • The Financial Times reports that George Osborne used a speech at the Mansion House in London to announce the state is to sell off its 81% stake in RBS. The paper says the chancellor "accepted he would take a political hit for selling the bank at less than the cost of [its] bailout" but he said "decision time had come".Image captionThe chancellor made his announcement at the Lord Mayor's Dinner to the Bankers and Merchants of the City of London event The FT says that figures from investment bank Rothschild - putting "the best gloss" on the sale - suggest that the loss on the transaction to the tax-payer would be £7.2bn at current share prices. The Times notes that Rothschild's report suggests that the taxpayer would make an overall profit of £14bn from the various bank rescue missions launched in the wake of the 2008 world financial crisis.
      • HSBC Holdings Plc is set to reaffirm its position in Saudi Arabia with the takeover of Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc’s local venture as lenders bet on the kingdom’s ambitious plans to transform its economy. In the country’s first bank merger in almost 20 years, HSBC affiliate Saudi British Bank offered to take over RBS-backed Alawwal Bank in a $5 billion stock deal. The deal would make SABB the country’s third-biggest lender.
      Lloyds Banking Group plc is a major British financial institution formed through the acquisition of HBOS by Lloyds TSB in 2009. The Group's history stems from the founding in 1695 by the Parliament of Scotland of the Bank of Scotland, which is the second oldest bank in the United Kingdom. The Group's headquarters is located at 25 Gresham Street in the City of London and its registered office is on The Mound in Edinburgh. Lloyds Banking Group's activities are organised into: Retail Banking (including Mortgages and Sole Traders); Commercial; Life, Pensions & Insurance; and Wealth & International. Lloyds' has extensive overseas operations in the US, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

      • 英國萊斯銀行集團(Lloyds Banking Group)正在與恒力股份(600346.SH)母公司恒力集團進行獨家談判,計劃將集團位於倫敦金融城總部大樓出售予恒力,涉及作價約1.5億英鎊。
      Al Rayan Bank PLC (formerly known as Islamic Bank of Britain) is a commercial bank in the United Kingdom, established in August 2004 to offer Sharia compliant financial service products to customers of any faith. The bank has branches in LondonBirminghamManchester and Leicester and agencies in BlackburnLutonTootingWembleyIlfordBradford and Glasgow.[1] It is the first British bank claiming to operate, in its entirety, according to Islamic principles.[2] The bank welcomes people of all faiths and is becoming increasingly popular with non-Muslims, looking for an ethical alternative to conventional banks. Islamic Bank of Britain was formed by a group of investors from the Middle East to take advantage of the growing market for Sharia compliant financial services in the UK. In July 2002, consultants and advisors were employed to confirm if such type of bank was needed and if it would be accepted by the Financial Services Authority, FSA. On 16 January 2014 IBB confirmed that its new parent company was Masraf Al Rayan, one of the largest Islamic banks in the world. In December 2014, Islamic Bank of Britain officially changed its name to Al Rayan Bank PLC, to reflect its status as part of the Masraf Al Rayan (MAR) group of companies.
      The British Arab Commercial Bank PLC (BACB) is an international wholesale bank incorporated in the United Kingdom that is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the PRA and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It was founded in 1972 as UBAF Limited, adopted its current name in 1996, and registered as a public limited company in 2009. The bank provides international trade solutions to clients trading in and out of developing markets in the Middle East and Africa.BACB has a head office in London, and four representative offices in Algiers in AlgeriaTripoli in LibyaDubai in the UAE and Abidjan in the Cote D'Ivoire. The bank has 17 sister banks across Europe, Asia and Africa. It is owned by three main shareholders - the Libyan Foreign Bank (87.80%), Banque Centrale Populaire (6.10%) and Banque Extérieure d'Algérie (6.10%).The bank was founded in 1972 as UBAF Limited and changed its name to UBAF Bank Limited in 1977. It began as an affiliate of Midland Bank, and became an affiliate of HSBC when HSBC took over Midland Bank in 1992. The bank adopted the name British Arab Commercial Bank in 1996.In 2009, Commercial Bank of Egypt sold its 8% stake. At the time, the other shareholders were HSBC (49%), Libyan Foreign Bank (26%), Bank Al-Maghrib (8%), and Banque Extérieure d’Algérie (8%). Banque Centrale Populaire eventually bought out Bank Al-Maghrib and thus gained a stake in BACB. In 2010, HSBC sold its 49% shareholding to the Libyan Foreign Bank ("LFB"), a subsidiary of the Central Bank of Libya ("CBL"). Its share is 87.80%, with the other shareholders being Banque Centrale Populaire (6.10%), and Banque Extérieure d’Algérie (6.10%).[2] On 2 June 2009, the Bank changed its corporate status from that of a private to a public company. In 2016, the bank opened new representative offices in Dubai, and Abidjan, to add to its existing representative offices in Algiers, and in Tripoli.

      • British Arab Commercial Bank plc (BACB), a commercial bank located in London, the United Kingdom (UK), with no offices, business or presence under U.S jurisdiction, processed 72 apparent violations of the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations (SSR) (previously found at 31 C.F.R. Part 538) totaling $190,700,000. The U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has determined that BACB did not make a voluntary self- disclosure of the apparent violations, and that these apparent violations constitute an egregious case. The total base penalty amount for the apparent violations was $381,400,000. In consultation with BACB’s domestic regulator, the United Kingdom’s Prudential Regulation Authority, OFAC determined that the Bank’s operating capacity was such that it would face disproportionate impact if required to pay the proposed penalty of $228,840,000. As a result, and in view of BACB’s operating capacity, the fact that it has represented that it ceased the conduct described below, its entering into a settlement agreement, and its maintenance of the compliance commitments articulated in the settlement agreement, BACB will remit $4,000,000 to settle these potential violations and its obligations to pay OFAC the remainder of the proposed penalty amount shall be suspended.

      - aston martin

      • 百年英倫超跑老店雅士頓馬田(Aston Martin)打算跨界造潛艇呢個代號為「海王星計劃」嘅項目係雅士頓馬田與英國潛水艇公司Triton Submarines LLC結盟成立,專門製造頂級深水潛艇,公司打算一年生產約十艘潛艇
      SSP Group plc is a British multinational company, headquartered in LondonEngland, which operates branded Catering and Retail units at over 125 airports and 270 railway stations around the world as a concessionaireThe business was established as a division of SAS Group under the name of SAS Catering in 1961.[2] It was subsequently renamed Select Service Partner ('SSP') and acquired by Compass Group in May 1993 for £72 million.[3] Compass then merged SSP with several other companies it owned, including Travellers FareBritish Rail's former catering division which had been privatised under a management buy-out in 1988 before being bought by Compass in 1992.[4] In 2006 the business was bought by EQT Partners.
      Littlewoods was a retail and football betting company founded in Liverpool, England, by John Moores in 1923.[1] By the 1980s, it had grown to become the largest private company in Europe, but subsequently declined in the face of increased competition from rivals and the Internet. Today the brand name remains as part of Shop Direct Group, though the original company once employing 4,000 people has been broken up. The original company began in 1923 as a football pools (sports betting) company, known as Littlewood Pools.[2] After making a loss in the first season of operation, John Moores' original partners withdrew from the venture. Moores persisted with family assistance and by 1932 was in a position to expand the business into mail-order retailing. The first mail-order catalogue was sent to existing subscribers to the pools[3] and the take up – mostly women – formed 'clubs'. Effectively, they became retail agents, collecting money for goods ordered from the catalogue from friends and family and distributing goods shipped to them. The mail-order business expanded and the first Littlewoods high-street store opened in 1937 in Blackpool. Littlewoods grew as a retail and betting organisation and, at its height, there were about 22,000 employees working there. In 1982, it was the largest private company in Europe.[1] At one time, it was also the largest family-owned firm in the UK.
      Serco Group plc is a British provider of public services with headquarters based in HookHampshire. Serco operates in six sectors of public service provision: Health, Transport, Justice, Immigration, Defence, and Citizens Services. Serco was founded in 1929 as RCA Services Limited, a United Kingdom division of the Radio Corporation of America and initially provided services to the cinema industry.[4] Following the takeover of RCA by General Electric in late 1985, RCA Services Limited was bought out by its local management. It changed its name to Serco in 1987 and has been a London Stock Exchange listed company since 1988. On 29 December 2008, Serco acquired SI International.
      • ft 24may19 serco snaps up us naval systems contractor
        Serco’s share price fell 12 per cent on Monday after it lost a contract to manage facilities that develop the warheads for Britain's nuclear-armed submarines. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is renationalising the Atomic Weapons Establishment, which manages Britain’s nuclear stockpile from two sites that include the Aldermaston factory in Berkshire. Serco and US company Jacobs Engineering each own a 24.5 per cent stake in AWE, while Lockheed Martin owns 51 per cent. The consortium was handed a 25-year contract in 2000 to develop Britain's nuclear warheads, which are carried on the Royal Navy’s four Vanguard-class submarines. Last year, AWE Management paid £82m in dividends to its shareholders, despite continuing controversy over cost overruns associated with projects to upgrade the facilities. The decision to renationalise will be another blow for Serco, which has faced criticism for its role in managing several coronavirus testing centres and call centres.

      private bank
      Coutts /ˈkts/ is a private bank and wealth manager, founded in 1692. It is the seventh oldest bank in the world and its international arm was recently sold to Union Bancaire Privée. It is owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) since 2000, when RBS purchased its parent, NatWest. Coutts formed part of RBS's private banking division. During its time with RBS, it acquired Zürich-based Bank von Ernst & Cie and in 2008, Coutts Bank von Ernst and other Coutts International subsidiaries became RBS Coutts Bank. These traded as RBS Coutts International to align them with the parent RBS Group until 2011, when RBS Coutts was renamed Coutts & Co. Limited.

      Royal Mint
      - TO THE world’s bankers and finance ministers, the fraught negotiations over whether Greece will keep using the euro constitute an existential crisis. To Britain’s Royal Mint it is a commercial opportunity. “Greece is a very strong market”, says Lisa Elward, the head of bullion sales. In the three months leading up to the Greek election in January, won by the Syriza anti-austerity party, sales of the mint’s sovereign gold coins went up. Worth about £200 ($310) each, these coins have become a popular investment for Greeks who worry that their currency might plunge in value or disappear altogether. The mint has been turning out coins for about 1,000 years. It is owned by the Treasury, but in 2010 it was vested as a private company. Most of its managers now come from private industry. The mint is expected to pay a dividend (to the Treasury) and so it is expected to behave more like a private-sector company, winning business in global markets. That it has been doing fairly successfully.

      private equity

      • Li Ka-shing sets his sights on the skies
      Established in 1983 as the primary manager of the BT Pension Scheme, Hermes Investment Management is one of the largest institutional asset managers in the UK, with £24.1 billion of assets under management and £169.8 billion in assets under advice.1We offer actively managed public and private markets solutions to investors across the world and, in Hermes EOS, have one of the world’s largest stewardship resources. Our public markets capabilities include high active share equities, specialist credit, government bonds and multi asset. Our private markets expertise includes real estate, infrastructure, private equity and private debt.
      Our ownership by one of the UK’s largest corporate pension schemes, and our partnership with some of the world’s leading institutions, provides us deep insight into the long-term needs of investors and enables us to offer solutions to their investment needs that may be hard to access elsewhere. These range from the re-development of King’s Cross in London – one of Europe’s largest urban regeneration projects - to flagship infrastructure investments such as Eurostar and Associated British Ports.
      Henderson Group plc (LSEHGG,ASXHGG) is a global investment management company with its principal place of business in the City of London.
      - cinven
      - reuben brothers
      • dubious case of global switch
      • Global Switch, the data centre company owned by the billionaire Reuben Brothers, has sold a 49 per cent stake in the business to a consortium of Chinese investors, despite concerns about national security. The stake has been sold for £2.4bn in cash to a consortium called “Elegant Jubilee”. The figure is in line with reports that the business had been valued at around £5bn. Global Switch has long been linked with a potential float or trade sale. David and Simon Reuben purchased it in 2004 for a reported £585m, but have invested more than £1bn in expanding the business. Li Qiang, a major shareholder in Chinese data centre company Daily-Tech Beijing, pulled together the consortium. The largest investor comes from outside the technology sector in the form of Jiangsu Sha Steel Group, the largest private steelmaker in China. Global Switch tried to quash any suggestion of security issues resulting from the sale to Chinese backers by stressing that its data centres would continue to comply with the UK Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, as part of the government’s national security strategy. It has argued it is more like a real estate business and does not have access to the servers installed at its locations. Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the former MP who previously ran the government’s intelligence and security committee, said in September that intelligence agencies should be consulted about a Global Switch sale to determine whether an intervention was necessary on security grounds.
      The Church Investors Group is a membership organisation representing the charitable and pension funds of denominations, dioceses, religious orders and Christian based charities. The CIG has 59 members, predominantly drawn from the UK and Ireland, with combined investment assets of over £17bn. The CIG in its current form dates from 1 January 2005, building on an informal ecumenical ethical investment network that had existed since 1973.

      venture capital
      - Central to the initiative is the fact that many Chinese students in the UK hope to stay and work after graduating but are unable to do so because of Britain's strict immigration laws.
      Those with capital would be able to remain in the country with the UK's entrepreneur visa, which requires an investment of up to 200,000 pounds ($318,000; 255,000 euros).
      The idea would match the Chinese graduates with existing growth companies and help the students funnel their capital into these firms, where they then become employees and further their careers.
      The new matchmaking company is called 88 Initiative and was established three months ago. About five potential investment opportunities have already been identified, with investments expected soon.

      Asset management
      - aberdeen

      • , british-based fund firm Aberdeen Asset Management has been granted a business licence to operate in China, the British government said on Tuesday during an official visit to the country aimed at fostering trade and investment links. The licence was issued to a newly-created Aberdeen subsidiary and will enable it to set up an office in China under a pilot free-trade scheme, Britain's business department said. Aberdeen, which holds top 10 shareholding positions in Asia-focused banks Standard Chartered and HSBC, has warned investors that China's stock market is prone to overheating and questioned the quality some bond issuance. Hugh Young, managing director of Aberdeen’s Asian business, said the firm welcomed the steady opening up of China's markets but would proceed slowly.
      Turnaround soecialist
      - greybull

      - The London Metal Exchange will begin offering contracts in metals used in batteries within 18 months to capture the huge opportunities created by the rise of the electric car, according to its chief.
      - warehouse
      • There are more than 700 LME-approved warehouses and storage facilities in about 40 locations across the USA, Europe and Asia. The LME does not own or operate warehouses, nor does it own the material they contain. It simply authorises warehouse companies and the warehouses they operate to store LME-registered brands of metal, on behalf of warrant holders, and issue LME warrants through their London agent for material delivered into their approved warehouses.,
      • Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKeX) has signed a preliminary deal with China Merchant Group companies aimed at expanding London Metal Exchange warehouses in Asia and developing new products and services for the Asian market.,
      • According to hkex, lme put on hold plans to establish warehouse hkej 15oct15 a1 中國是全球主要商品消費及生產國,金屬商品市場龐大,上海等地期貨交易所無不虎視眈眈。港交所也深明「多個香爐多隻鬼」,曾公開呼籲同業卸下戒心,強調無意加入「搶飯碗」,只希望推動內地商品期貨市場國際化。內地期貨交易所有否在背後「發功」不得而知,但相信樂見LME被拒諸門外。LME於內地建立倉儲只是首步,若然止步於此,未來要拓展內地市場將困難重重。事實上,原材料供應及價格直接影響內地製造業以至整體經濟,中國在開放商品市場上料更謹慎,商品價格若被外國投資者舞高弄低,隨時有損經濟及金融穩定。近期多間跨國銀行被指操控外國的貴金屬市場及價格,美國及瑞士已展開調查,若然中國在商品交易及監管上未完善,開放市場等於引狼入室。作為國際金融中心,香港的股票市場具備遠超內地的優勢,中港股市互聯互通為理想的開放改革試驗田。可是商品市場的實質交易需求,香港相比內地真是望塵莫及,因為本地企業對商品缺乏實質交割及對沖需求,投資者對商品期貨也不熱衷,撇除LME的「港資」因素,香港在這方面的優勢遠不及「滬港通」。內地商品市場國際化的路徑有許多選擇,內地產品可「走出去」,又或將國際產品「請進來」,而且可經不同地區進行。LME被拒諸門外,一方面是內地在商品交易及監管上或未準備就緒,暫無能力「走出去」或應付外資進入此經濟戰略範疇。香港要發揮超級聯繫人的本事,未必是瓣瓣都行得通。
      • The London Metal Exchange (LME) is in detailed talks with mainland authorities to create direct trading links with domestic commodity exchanges that would emulate the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. “We have not yet come to the stage for any concrete details, but we are in a very good place in exploring what type of connection can be done,” LME chief executive Garry Jones told the South China Morning Post in an interview on the sidelines of the annual LME Week Asia in Hong Kong. Jones said the complex nature of commodities trading relative to equities meant multiple options were on the table in discussions that could link commodity markets in Dalian and Shanghai to Hong Kong.
      • LME Clear, the clearing house for the London Metal Exchange (LME) market, announced Tuesday that it can now accept offshore Renminbi (CNH) as eligible cash collateral, effective immediately. This follows regulatory approval for the initiative from the Bank of England, said LME Clear. Chinese-owned BOCI Global Commodities, a subsidiary of Bank of China, will be the first LME Clear Member to submit CNH collateral.
      - 滬倫通
      • 中英將研究滬倫通可行性,香港亦不甘落後,加強與倫敦的聯繫。港交所(00388)將研究加強本港市場與倫敦金屬交易所(LME)的聯繫,以增加內地投資者在LME的參與。業界估計,加強香港與LME的聯繫,目的是想鼓勵及利便兩地買賣對方市場的產品,惟近期商品價格大跌,以及環球市場對商品需求減少,投資者對買賣LME產品興趣不大。
      •, 香港交易所(00388)有意再籌建“倫港通”,以連接倫敦與香港的大宗商品市場。預期機制建成後,倫敦金屬交易所(LME)產品將可以通過香港期交所交易和結算。港交所表示,建立倫港通,無論對中國內地、香港以至國際市場用家均有益處,並將進一步提升香港作為中國乃至亞洲投資者的風險管理中心和財富管理中心的戰略地位。特首梁振英説,計劃突顯香港“超級聯繫人”的作用。 在“倫港通”機制下,香港期交所與LME之間建立“交易通”,香港期貨結算公司則與倫敦金屬交易結算所(LME Clear)之間建立“結算通”。此項聯通機制若得以落實,期交所的合資格交易所參與者將可買賣LME產品,期貨結算公司的合資格結算參與者也將可結算該等交易。 不過,港交所指出,有關項目的運作模式“仍在早期發展階段”,仍需進一步研究,始決定適合此項目的交易及結算安排。此外,交易通及結算通的實施,仍須待取得香港、英國及歐盟的監管批准方可落實,目前各方尚無簽署任何正式協議。  上述四家公司在10月21日於英國簽署合作備忘錄,亦是中國國家主席習近平與英國首相卡梅倫會面期間,雙方公佈的多項合作計劃之一。  港交所於2012年成功收購LME,以期利用這一寶貴平台連接中國與世界。不過,由於交易成本和門檻限制,很多中國企業仍無法高效地通過LME產品管理金屬價格波動風險。
      - rmb products

      • 金銀業貿易場永遠名譽會長張德熙透露,為推動產品多元化,該貿易場除了計劃今年中與新加坡交易所合作,推出“黃金星港通”,亦部署與倫敦金屬交易所(LME)合作,推出以人民幣結算的黃金期貨合約,最快今年第三季推出。 張德熙向大公報記者解釋,倫敦金屬交易所希望可通過港交所(00388)引入黃金期貨合約,故由金銀業貿易場設計出“具有香港特色,以內地貨幣結算”的產品。他續説,有關商品期貨合約會率先在港交所平台推出,估計每手入場費不會超過50美元(約390港元),稍後亦會安排在倫敦金屬交易所交易。 此外,張德熙表示,金銀業貿易場會提供現貨交易,讓行員可隨時進行交收平倉。他説,現時商品期貨孖展按金高達3%至5%,在提供現貨交易的大前提下,建議監管機構考慮放寬孖展按金至2%水平,相信有助帶動交投量。 至於在深圳前海設立1500噸黃金倉庫,目前正在商討劃地,張德熙表示,先借用工商銀行的臨時倉庫,可容納150噸黃金,行員隨即可開展通過自由貿易,與國際金商進行交易。 不過他表示,目前資本市場太過旺盛,甚至出現“小陽春”,貴金屬上行的空間有限,估計金價短期在每盎司1150至1300美元區域上落,倘若市場一旦出現“藉口”,或會觸發金價跌至1000美元也不足為奇。
      • The London Metal Exchange is planning to introduce yuan-denominated metal products, according its chief executive, a sign the currency’s status in international finance is on the rise.

      Baltic exchange
      - London-based international shipping hub the Baltic Exchange has received an informal approach from the London Metal Exchange (LME). Founded more than 250 years ago, the City institution acts as aninformation centre and clearing house for trading and settling shipping contracts, and is also the global centre for maritime trade. The Baltic Exchange is owned by its almost 400 members, who include ship brokers and owners, trading houses, freight companies, insurers and maritime lawyers. If the approach - which a source close to the situation described as "very informal" - turns into a full offer, it would allow LME to extend its activities beyond trading metals. Sources suggested that any offer would be priced at three times the Baltic’s net asset value. The Baltic Exchange’s 483,000 outstanding shares trade at around £30, and the most recent annual accounts show net assets of £28m, implying a price approaching £100m once the Baltic Exchange’s brand and other intangibles are factored in. Last year the Baltic Exchange paid £1m in dividends to members, having made a £1.6m profit on a £6m turnover.
      - four chinese companies traded and more is expected to join
      - 外電消息指,招商局集團已提交非正式投標,競購倫敦波羅的海貿易海運交易所。消息人士稱,招商局集團是透過旗下招商證券與交易所接觸。波羅的海交易所成立於1744年,招商局集團若能成功收購,將可擁有行業指標指數所有權,並且有更大渠道接通數十億美元規模的貨運衍生品市場。這是中資企業在歐洲尋獵船運及大宗商品目標的最新一例,意慾把握市場不景氣壓低一些公司估值的良機。招商局集團在深圳一位發言人昨表示,他不清楚任何投標競購波羅的海交易所的事,並稱若有投標,將是由集團其中一個部門來處理。波羅的海交易所一位發言人表示,該交易所「迄今未就任何有意競購方的身份發表評論,並不願對該交易所是否在與招商局進行商談置評」。之前有報道稱,波羅的海交易所與新交所、芝加哥商業交易所集團、洲際交易所以及普氏(Platts)等數個潛在買家進行了商談。當時的報道引述消息人士估計,這宗交易的價值可能約在8,400萬英鎊(1.18億美元)。

      London stock exchange
      - 倫敦證券交易所昨日宣佈,經香港證監會批准,香港證券商可成為倫敦證交所旗下會員,直接買賣經對方結算的證券及參與衍生工具市場。倫敦交易所行政總裁賈思涵預計,未來市場對人民幣產品需求會不斷增加,目前倫交所正在研究不同的方法以連接內地市場,希望將來能直接與內地市場進行交易,加強市場連繫。香港券商成為倫交所會員後,投資者可直接買賣倫交所的股票,倫交所行政總裁賈思涵稱,此措施能為投資者提供更多元化的選擇,更可讓他們接觸歐洲最具流動性市場,投資一些全球最知名的公司的股票。由於內地與香港市場互聯互通,此措施能促進倫敦、香港和內地連繫。
      - The London Stock Exchange has expressed an interest in creating a stock-trading link with the Shanghai Stock Exchange, similar to the one between Shanghai and Hong Kong, to tap into opportunities as China's capital markets continue to open up. "We are working on it and trying to understand what might be involved," Nicolas Bertrand, head of equity and derivative markets of the London Stock Exchange Group, told a press briefing in Beijing. Bertrand, who declined to offer a timetable for any launch, said the arrangement could add more complexity to the British bourse's operations, but that it was in talks with regulators, clients, and assets firms to ensure a potential stock-connect program could meet the relevant regulatory requirements and conditions. Officials at the LSE also said they are working hard at attracting more Chinese companies to list on the bourse, despite high valuations in the Chinese equities market encouraging many overseas-listed Chinese companies to seek a return to home turf.
      - 香港交易所(00388)計劃以現金加發行新股方式,收購倫敦證券交易所,作價高達296億英鎊(約2,867億港元)。外電引述消息透露,港交所宣布「世紀交易」之前,行政總裁李小加曾與倫交所行政總裁David Schwimmer秘密會面,期間透露港交所的收購意向,David Schwimmer聞言後感愕然。報道指出,David Schwimmer周一迎來一位「不速之客(李小加)」,在匆忙安排的會面中,李小加向David Schwimmer及倫交所主席Don Robert透露港交所有意收購倫交所這間「百年老店」,兩人均被這個「突如奇來」的消息殺個措手不及,並且對港交所在會面三十個小時之後公布收購提議感到意外。現時David Schwimmer需在港交所提出收購倫交所建議,以及倫交所計劃收購Refinitiv之間作出抉擇。根據英國有關收購的規定,港交所需於今年十月九日前向倫交所正式提出收購確實意圖。若港交所在限期前無意作出要約,在六個月內不可再提收購倫交所建議。

      • 港交所正與多家銀行磋商,擬籌措一筆大約70 億至80億英鎊(約675至771億港元)的銀團貸款 ,以支持早前提出的收購倫敦交易所建議,惟尚 未簽訂最終協議。此外,外電亦引述消息報道, 港交所管理層本周正身處英國倫敦,以游說倫交 所股東。倫交所早前已拒絕港交所的收購建 議。

      - chinese members

      • ccb became member (9th chinese company) hket 23sep15 a12
      • China Merchants Securities (UK) celebrated becoming the newest Chinese member of the London Stock Exchange last week, a milestone that highlights the increasingly close financial links between China and the United Kingdom. As a member of the LSE, the company, which is also known as CMSUK, will be able to help clients trade in the diverse selection of financial products listed on the LSE, which include stocks and bonds. The LSE now has 12 members from China, including Bank of China International, China Construction Bank and GF Financial Markets.
      Baltic exchange
      - 由寧波航運交易所編制的海上絲路寧波出口集裝箱運價指數(NCFI)的四條航線指數,昨日(23日)在波羅的海交易所官方網站正式發佈,這是波羅的海交易所首次發佈其他機構的指數,該項目也是國家主席習近平對英國進行國事訪問期間,中英雙方簽署、達成的重要成果之一。此次在波羅的海交易所官網發佈的指數,是由寧波航運交易所編製的海上絲路寧波出口集裝箱運價指數的四條具有代表性和國際認可度的航線指數,分別是:寧波-歐洲線、寧波-中東線、寧波-地東線、寧波-地西線,其分別反映了從寧波港出口到歐洲、中東、地中海以東、地中海以西的集裝箱貨運市場情況和價格波動趨勢。擬聯合發佈海上絲路集裝箱運價指數 依據寧波航運交易所與波羅的海交易所先前簽署的協議,下一步雙方將利用各自優勢,聯合研究發佈「寧波航交所-波羅的海交易所海上絲路集裝箱運價指數」。

      family office
      - oracle capital group

      • private firms have to bring in external ideas
      international payment transfer

      • visited by SFST hkej 1june15 a14
      Payment processing
      - worldpay
      • A payment processing firm that used to be owned by Royal Bank of Scotland has been sold in a deal worth $43bn (£32bn). WorldPay has been bought by Florida-based Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) for $35bn in cash and shares, plus WorldPay's debt.Customers of WorldPay include TopShop, Clarks, Monsoon, Accessorize and multiple pub and restaurant chains.FIS sells payment services and also software for the finance industry.WorldPay was sold by RBS in 2010 as a condition of the bank's bailout following the financial crisis.Since then WorldPay's value has risen dramatically and now matches the stock market value of its former owner RBS.
      - vocalink

      • Vocalink, which underpins much of the UK’s payments infrastructure, has struck a deal with one of China’s largest card issuers allowing billions of customers to use ATMs in Britain and Europe for the first time. The payments group has struck a five-year deal with China’s UnionPay International, which is one of the world’s biggest bank card issuers with more than 5.4bn cards in circulation.
      Refinitiv is a global provider of financial markets data and infrastructure. The company was founded in 2018. It is jointly owned by Blackstone Group LP which has a 55% stake and Thomson Reuters which owns 45%.Thomson Reuters sold a 55% majority stake in its Financial & Risk (F&R) unit to private equity firm Blackstone Group LP on October 1, 2018, in a deal which valued the total F&R business at about $20 billion. This business was formed into Refinitiv. Under the deal, Thomson Reuters transferred its complete financial and risk product portfolio to Refinitiv, with the exception of Regulatory Intelligence, Risk Compliance Learning and Data Privacy Advisory Services. Company CEO David Craig presided over the transfer from Thomson Reuters, which he joined as Group Strategy Director[6] in 2007. British-born Craig's previous role was a partner at US-based global management consulting firm McKinsey & CompanyIn August 2019, London Stock Exchange Group agreed to buy the company in an all-share transaction valuing Refinitiv at $27 billion[7].

      - standard life
      • British insurer Standard Life has agreed to sell its Hong Kong arm, Standard Life Asia, to its Chinese joint venture, Heng An Standard Life Insurance Company. The buyer, Heng An Standard Life Insurance is a 50-50 joint venture between Standard Life and Tianjin TEDA International Holding (Group). Established in 2003, it sells life insurance and other investment products in 64 Chinese cities and eight provinces, serving more than five million customers.
       -  UK insurance company says Friends Life Group takeover will not affect itsexpansion strategy Aviva Plc, the largest insurance group in the United Kingdom, plans to increase itsinvestment in China and other key Asian markets. The London-based insurer dismissed concerns that its $8.8 billion takeover ofFriends Life Group Ltd in the UK would affect its investment strategy in overseasventures.
      - The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited, along with its subsidiaries, is the largest mutual insurer in the United Kingdom, with Group funds under management of £100 billion.[2] Group businesses provide around nine million policies and employ 3,253 people, as of 31 December 2016. Royal London is the largest mutual life, pensions and investment company in the UK, while also providing protection products in Ireland. Founded in 1861 by Joseph Degge and Henry Ridge in a London coffee shop, Royal London was initially set up as a friendly society dedicated to serving the interest of its members and securing their financial security. Royal London became a mutual life assurance society in 1908.Other elements of the modern business are older than the primary brand: for example Royal Liver Assurance was founded in 1850, while the Irish business, until recently branded as Caledonian Life dates back to 1824, and represents the Caledonian Insurance Company founded in Edinburgh in 1805.
      •  Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) is a UK-based investment management company. RLAM invests across a broad range of core asset classes including fixed income, equities, multi asset, cash and property. It also offers funds that adopt an ethical or sustainable approach.RLAM is a wholly owned, autonomous subsidiary of the Royal London Group. As well as managing Group assets, it provides active investment management services to clients including pension schemes, local authorities, insurance companies, charities, endowments, universities, wealth managers and other financial intermediaries. RLAM offers investment in its funds through both pooled vehicles and segregated accounts. Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) was established in 1988 as a subsidiary of the Royal London Group.[2] The Group consists of the Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited (RLMIS) and its subsidiaries, and is the UK's largest mutual insurance company. RLAM won its first external client in 1990 and continued to attract new business through the 1990s. The next decade was a period of more rapid growth, with the acquisitions of the United Assurance Group in 2000,[2] Scottish Life [2] and the cash management business of Union Discount (subsequently renamed Royal London Cash Management) in 2004. Further expansion followed in 2013 with the acquisition of The Co-operative Asset Management (TCAM),[2] enabling RLAM to benefit from its strength in sustainable investing.

      - PwC

        Ukrainian authorities are assessing measures including whether to revoke PwC’s right to audit domestic banks after officials uncovered a $5.5bn balance sheet hole at PrivatBank, the lender that was nationalised late last year. The development marks the latest reputational blow to the big four accountancy firms and further darkens the clouds hanging over PwC, which already faces a probe by the UK accountancy watchdog over its audit of BT’s Italian division. In comments to the Financial Times following months of speculation, Ukraine’s central bank made its most explicit warning yet of actions it plans to take with respect to PwC, which had audited the country’s largest commercial lender since the mid-1990s.
      - kpmg

      • South African businesses have come under pressure to cut ties with KPMG over the auditor’s work for companies owned by the controversial Gupta family, as the fallout deepens from a scandal that has already caused the implosion of British PR firm Bell Pottinger. Save South Africa, a civil society group that helped expose Bell Pottinger’s ethical lapses in the country, called on blue-chip names including the Johannesburg stock exchange and the country’s biggest banks to drop the auditor over its work for the Guptas.
      • KPMG South Africa executives resign after admitting mistakes over Gupta work
      • kpmg loses south africa audit clients ft 3aug18 
      Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited /dəˈlɔɪt ˈtʃ tˈmɑːts/, commonly referred to as Deloitte, is a multinational professional services network.[6] Deloitte is one of the "Big Four" accounting organizations and the largest professional services network in the world by revenue and number of professionals.In 1845, William Welch Deloitte opened an office in London, United Kingdom. Deloitte was the first person to be appointed an independent auditor of a public company, namely the Great Western Railway. He went on to open an office in New York in 1880.In 1890, Deloitte opened a branch office on Wall Street headed by Edward Adams and P.D. Griffiths as branch managers. That was Deloitte's first overseas venture. Other branches were soon opened in Chicago and Buenos Aires. In 1898 P.D. Griffiths returned from New York and became a partner in the London office.In 1896, Charles Waldo Haskins and Elijah Watt Sells formed Haskins & Sells in New York.[12] It was later described as "the first major auditing firm to be established in the country by American rather than British accountants".In 1898, George Touche established an office in London and then, in 1900, joined John Ballantine Niven in establishing the firm of Touche Niven in the Johnston Building at 30 Broad Street in New York.On 1 March 1933, Colonel Arthur Hazelton Carter, President of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants and managing partner of Haskins & Sells, testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking and Currency. Carter helped convince Congress that independent audits should be mandatory for public companies.In 1947, Detroit accountant George Bailey, then president of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, launched his own organization. The new entity enjoyed such a positive start that in less than a year, the partners merged with Touche Niven and A. R. Smart to form Touche, Niven, Bailey & Smart. Headed by Bailey, the organization grew rapidly, in part by creating a dedicated management consulting function. It also forged closer links with organizations established by the co-founder of Touche Niven, George Touche: the Canadian organization Ross and the British organization George A. Touche.[12] In 1960, the firm was renamed Touche, Ross, Bailey & Smart, becoming Touche Ross in 1969.[12] In 1968 Nobuzo Tohmatsu formed Tohmatsu Aoki & Co, a firm based in Japan that was to become part of the Touche Ross network in 1975.

      • china
      • 專業服務機構德勤( Deloitte)宣布,旗下的鄭州分公司昨日 於河南省省會鄭州市正式成立。鄭州分公 司是德勤中國華北區的第8家分支機構, 同時也是德勤中國業務網絡第23家分支機 構。

      Established in 1898 by Wilfred T. Fry, The Fry Group carved out a business by helping British expatriates recover tax. Wilfred managed the Company until 1946 and also served as a Lieutenant Colonel during World War 1. The Fry family still retains an interest in the business today.

      • 翻查資料,港府於去年5月宣布,由去年6月30日起將郝廉思的任期延續3年。當時一同獲延任3年的終院非常任法官,包括日前表明若香港情況到了他不能再基於良知做下去,便不會留任終院非常任法官的韋彥德。另有外媒報道,曾於2017年至2020年間,擔任香港國際仲裁中心主席的御用大律師祈文輝,將於5月加入剛被中國制裁的埃塞克斯園大律師事務所,同時祈文輝亦正申請來港執業,正待批准。報道更指,祈文輝計劃於今年9月來港在知名的大律師事務所Temple Chambers執業。

      software for financial industry
      - MISYS

      • Misys ramping up investment in China as markets internationalize

      • The Centre for Political and Diplomatic Studies (CPDS) designs and conducts programmes of professional development for diplomats, civil servants, corporate executives and politicians.
      Booker Group plc is the United Kingdom's largest food wholesale operator, offering branded and private-label goods to over 400,000 customers, including independent convenience stores, grocers, pubs, and restaurants.[3] The firm is listed on the London Stock Exchangeand is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The company also founded, and was previously a sponsor of, the Booker Prize (originally the Booker–McConnell Prize) for literary fiction, which was established in 1968.  In January 2017, it was announced that the supermarket retailer Tesco had agreed to purchase the company for £3.7 billion.

      - Sainsburys
      •  Simon Hinks, product technical manager, research on growing tomatoes that can be supplied all year round
      - House of Fraser (Chairman Don McCarthy) 
      • A Chinese businessman reported to have an interest,,,,,
      - Marks and Spencer (M&S)
      • Matthew Crabbe, Asia-Pacific director of research at Mintel China, a UK-headquartered marketing research agency, said that as M&S had been sourcing products in China for many years, it ought to have gained sufficient "local knowledge". Therefore, its announcement that it is looking to open new stores in big cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou, where competition is already fierce, with a local partner because it needs to rely on local knowledge, shows that the company still has not got its strategy right.
      •  馬莎(Marks & Spencer)昨宣佈,與特許經營權長期合作夥伴Al-Futtaim就收購和特許經營馬莎持有的香港及澳門零售業務展開討論。若討論成功完滿,Al-Futtaim將成為馬莎香港及澳門的全新及唯一特許經銷商。馬莎自1988年開展香港業務,業務錄得盈利,享有強大的品牌知名度、27間營運成熟的商舖及穩定的客戶基礎。馬莎及Al-Futtaim已就潛在收購及特許經營權事宜展開討論,這包括預期在未來數月進行並完成的盡職調查程序。馬莎員工將獲得相關的最新發展,而馬莎香港及澳門的營運將如常運作。
      •   馬莎百貨(Marks & Spencer Group PLC )宣佈,將其零售業務轉售至長期合作的特許經營夥伴Al-Futtaim,涉及分店數目為27間。該交易於去年12月30日完成,Al-Futtaim 亦成為馬莎香港及澳門全新的獨家特許經銷商。馬莎在香港的採購部仍會維持馬莎全資擁有。
      online retailers
      Ocado is a British online supermarket. In contrast to its main competitors, the company has no chain of stores and does all home deliveries from its warehouses. Ocado was founded in April 2000 by Jonathan Faiman, Jason Gissing and Tim Steiner, former merchant bankers with Goldman Sachs. Ocado was launched in January 2000 as a concept and started trading as a business in partnership with Waitrose in January 2002. When the company first started, Faiman, Gissing and Steiner ran every part of the business themselves. In September 2006, Michael Grade became non-executive chairman of Ocado, shortly after Goldman Sachs were appointed as financial advisers, fuelling speculation which had already started about a listing for the company.[6] In November 2008, the John Lewis Partnershiptransferred its shareholding of 29% into its staff pension fund. It also agreed a five-year supply deal with the business, replacing its previous one-year rolling deal.[7] This deal was replaced in May 2010 with a 10-year branding and supply agreement.[8] Procter & Gamble took a 1% stake in the company the same year.[9] In February 2011, the John Lewis pension fund sold off its entire Ocado shareholding.

      consumer goods
      Reckitt Benckiser Group plc (RB) is a British multinational consumer goods company headquartered in Slough, England.[3] It is a producer of health, hygiene and home products.[4]The company was formed in 1999 by the merger of British company Reckitt & Colman plc and Dutch company Benckiser NV.Johann Benckiser founded a business in Pforzheim, Germany in 1823.Reckitt and Sons started in 1840 when Isaac Reckitt rented a starch mill in Hull, England.[9] He diversified into other household products and after his death in 1862, the business passed to his three sons.[15] In 1886, Reckitt opened its first overseas business in Australia.[15] The firm was first listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1888.[9] Harpic Lavatory Cleaners was acquired in 1932, and that same year, Dettol was launched.In 1938 Reckitt & Sons merged with J. & J. Colman, which had been founded in 1814 when Jeremiah Colman began milling flour and mustard in Norwich, England,[9] to become Reckitt & Colman Ltd.

        Monday interview: Rakesh Kapoor, Reckitt Benckiser CEO
      • china
      • One of the company’s largest Dettol factories is situated in Hubei province, around 50km away from Wuhan, the epicentre of the coronavirus, according to Narasimhan. “Our factory [in Hubei] hasn’t stopped running. It has been running all the way through. We’ve taken a great deal of precautions to ensure that we keep things safe,” he said.All Reckitt Benckiser’s five factories in China, its second largest market, are currently operational.It is now building a new Dettol and Durex manufacturing facility in Taicang, in Jiang Su province. The project is ongoing, and is expected to be ready in a few years’ time, he said.

      business intelligence
      • RBR, on banking, smart cards
      •, studies digital consumers
      • One of speakers at 2015 boao youth forum
      - euromonitor

      • office in hk hkcd 18may18 a13
      Dods (Group) PLC (ticker: DODS), formerly Huveaux PLC, is organised into the provision of information, events and publishing. Dods provide their customers, partners and the public with the skills, intelligence and platforms needed to engage effectively across the spheres of politics, public sector administration and public affairs throughout the United Kingdom and European Union

      HR solutions
      - income data services

      risk analytics

      Cambridge Analytica (CA) is a British political consulting firm which combines data mining, data brokerage, and data analysis with strategic communication for the electoral process. It was started in 2013 as an offshoot of the SCL Group.[7] The company is partly owned by the family of Robert Mercer, an American hedge-fund manager who supports many politically conservative causes. The firm maintains offices in London, New York City, and Washington, D.C.

      • 美國傳媒則指,剛獲提名出任白宮國家安全顧問的博爾頓,是劍橋分析的早期客戶之一。
      • Cambridge Analytica's parent company may have helped reinforce Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's tough-guy image to help him win the nation's presidency, according to deleted documents. SCL Group, the entity which controlled Cambridge Analytica, appeared to once boast on its website that it had been a crucial player in Duterte's 2016 election victory, driving a campaign promising a violent crackdown on crime.
      • When Alexander Nix, the recently suspended boss of Cambridge Analytica, went to Manila in May 2015, he did more than deliver a talk on his new method of managing elections.Nix dined with Jose Gabriel “Pompee” La Viña and Peter Tiu Laviña, cousins who later played key roles in Rodrigo Duterte’s presidential campaign, notable for its use of social media. At the time, Nix identified himself as a board director of Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL). Peter snapped photographs of Nix’s talk at the National Press Club (NPC) in Manila and his meal at the club’s dining room, and posted them on his Facebook page. Also present on that occasion were NPC president Joel Sy Egco – now Undersecretary at the Presidential Communications Operations Office or PCOO – and Taipan Millan, a lawyer and family friend of Duterte. 
        Six months after that meal with Nix, both cousins were among those who convinced Duterte to run for president. Duterte appointed “Pompee” La Viña as his social media director – a first in Philippine election history – and Peter Laviña as his campaign spokesman.

      - oc&c
      • strategic consulting, featured in HKEJ 22 Jul 14 with a TVB staff's daughter as employee
      - freshminds
      • featured in ukti youtube video with shot of HKIA
      - NICG
      • A consultant who is a keen observer of the country is also devoted to championing it. Since 1993, when Alistair Michie arrived in China as the private consultant to Sir MalcolmWilliamson, CEO, Standard Chartered, he has not stopped traveling in the country.

      executive search
      - mwm consulting

      • client include hk hsbc 

      corp comm/branding
      - wpp
      • WPP partners with Chinese ecommerce company Polestar
      • WPP has launched legal proceedings in Japan against its long-term local partner, Asatsu DK, sending the relationship deeper into acrimony after the two companies clashed over a takeover bid launched last month by Bain Capital for the Japanese advertising agency. The dispute centres on the way in which ADK is attempting to break off its 20-year cross shareholding and business alliance with WPP — a move the Japanese company says is necessary as it seeks new alliances in digital advertising and prepares to make overseas acquisitions under its new private equity owners.
      • 全球最大廣告公司WPP擬將中國業務組成一家控股公司,繼而將其兩成股權出售予騰訊控股及華人文化產業投資基金等組成的財團,騰訊將會購入該批股份的三分之一。
      • ft 8jul2020 wpp-owned communications firms merge
      -, brand valuation
      - brand finance
      • brand strength index
      • most valuable chinese brands

      The London Magazine is a publication of arts, literature and miscellaneous interests. Its history ranges across nearly three centuries and several reincarnations, publishing writers including William WordsworthWilliam S. Burroughs and John Keats.The London Magazine, the second oldest literary periodical, was founded in 1732in political opposition and rivalry to the Tory-based Gentleman's Magazine and ran for 53 years until its closure in 1785.

      • [1776 chron] court beauties series

      The Public Advertiser was a London newspaper in the 18th century. The Public Advertiser was originally known as the London Daily Post and General Advertiser, then simply the General Advertiser consisting more or less exclusively of adverts. It was taken over by its printer, Henry Woodfall (1713–1769), and relaunched as the Public Advertiser[1]with much more news content. In 1758, the printer's nineteen-year-old son, Henry Sampson Woodfall took it over. H. S. Woodfall sold his interest in the Public Advertiser in November 1793.[2] A successor Public Advertiser, or Political and Literary Diary was printed for some months by N. Byrne but was out of business by 1795.
      The Morning Chronicle was a newspaper founded in 1769 ( by William Woodfall as publisher, editor, and reporter) in London, England,[1] and published under various owners until 1862, when its publication was suspended,[2] with two subsequent attempts at continued publication. From 28 June 1769 to March 1789 it was published under the name The Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser. From 1789 to its final publication in 1865, it was published under the name The Morning Chronicle.[3] It was notable for having been the first steady employer of essayist William Hazlitt as a political reporter,[4] and the first steady employer of Charles Dickens as a journalist;[5] for publishing the articles by Henry Mayhew that were collected and published in book format in 1851 as London Labour and the London Poor; and for publishing other major writers, such as John Stuart Mill.
      - bbc
      • BBC主席職無人敢接
      • The chairwoman of the BBC Trust is facing calls to sever ties with HSBC after it was revealed that she earns £10,000 a day from the scandal-ridden global banking giant. Rona Fairhead, who was questioned by MPs from the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee on Monday, has worked for the bank in a variety of roles including as a non-executive director, earning hundreds of thousands of pounds in the process.
      • With its budget squeezed by the government, the world’s most famous public broadcaster will have to slim down to survive
      • BBC World Service staff have condemned cuts to the BBC Chinese Service, which will see the bulk of it move from the UK to Hong Kong, saying it threatens its independence. A letter is being sent to former BBC chairman and the last governor of Hong KongChris Patten and the Foreign Office to petition for support after the corporation decide to relocate the Chinese service off-shore to save money, but also because “competitors are outperforming us”. Staff are worried the plan “risks undermining the UK’s long-term national interest “and so-called “soft power” and “grossly underestimates the level of threat posed by the Chinese regime in Hong Kong to both BBC editorial integrity and safety ofBBC journalists”. In an internal email to director of news James Harding, the BBC World Service head of language Liliane Landor laid out plans to restructure the Chinese service. She makes a reference to the censorship in the region, saying: “We know that web-blocking and censorship have been a serious impediment but even in that context, our reach has been disappointing. Competitors are outperforming us. In such an important market, we have had to look at what we are doing that’s not working and try to address this.”
      • Theresa May reversed David Cameron’s decision to allow her to stay in her post until 2018.
        Rona Fairhead, who heads the BBC Trust, the corporation’s current regulator, said she would not put her name forward to become the chair of a powerful new governing board that will come into existence in the New Year, after ministers ripped up an agreement that would see her switch to the new body without a formal appointments process. Her surprise departure from the £110,000 a year role comes in a week in which the BBC has already lost the Great British Bake Off to Channel 4, and ahead of a draft Royal Charter on the future of the corporation, which ministers will publish tomorrow. It also marks another move by Mrs May to unpick the legacy of her predecessor. Mr Cameron announced on Monday that he would quit as an MP, to avoid his lack of support for the creation of new grammar schools becoming a “distraction”. [from wikipedia: In August 2014 Culture Secretary Sajid Javid recommended Fairhead as the preferred candidate for the chairmanship of the BBC Trust, following the departure of Chris Patten, who resigned on health grounds in May.[2] Sources such as The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph reported that her appointment had caused surprise at the BBC, which had expected someone with a higher public profile to get the job. Others considered for the post were Sebastian Coe, the former Chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and formerCamelot Group chief executive Dianne Thompson.[6][8] Fairhead officially took up the BBC Trust role on an acting basis on 9 September 2014, following approval by theHouse of Commons Select Committee for Culture, Media and Sport.[8] She was formally appointed by the Privy Council of the United Kingdom on 8 October 2014, for a four-year term beginning the following day.]

      - telegraph

      • One of Britain's most celebrated newspapers has been accused of self-censoring for commercial gain, raising awkward questions about a centuries-old press culture which has prided itself on its no-holds-barred approach to truth telling. The 160-year-old Daily Telegraph, Britain's biggest-selling broadsheet newspaper, strongly denied accusations in a resignation letter by one of its best known writers, who said the paper had soft-pedalled coverage of the HSBC banking scandal to curry favour with the advertiser.
      Daily Mail and General Trust plc (DMGT) is a British media company, the owner of The Daily Mail and several other titles. The company manages a multinational portfolio of companies, with total revenues of almost £2 billion. The company operates in over forty countries through its subsidiaries RMS, DMG Information, DMG Events, Euromoney Institutional Investor and DMG Media. It is listed on the London Stock ExchangeThe group traces its origins to the launch in 1896 of the mid-market national newspaper the Daily Mail by Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere, and his elder brother, Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe.[4] It was incorporated in 1922 and its shares were first listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1932. Harmsworth, who had been elevated to the peerage as Lord Rothermere, was editorially sympathetic to Oswald Mosley[4] and the British Union of Fascists and he wrote an article, "Hurrah for the Blackshirts", in January 1934.[5] Referring to Adolf Hitler's proposed invasion of Czechoslovakia, Rothermere, again writing in the Daily Mail, said in 1938 that "Czechs were of no concern to Englishmen". Harold Harmsworth's son, Esmond Cecil Harmsworth, 2nd Viscount Rothermere, took operational control of the organization in 1932 and complete control in 1940, when his father died. Vere Harmsworth, 3rd Viscount Rothermere became the Chairman of Associated Newspapers in 1970.[8][9] After the death of his father in 1978, he also became chairman of parent Daily Mail and General Trust plc.

      - economist

      - Reuters is an international news agency headquartered in LondonUnited Kingdom. It is a division of Thomson Reuters. Until 2008, the Reuters news agency formed part of an independent company, Reuters Group plc, which was also a provider of financial market data. Since the acquisition of Reuters Group by the Thomson Corporation in 2008, the Reuters news agency has been a part of Thomson Reuters, making up the media division. Reuters transmits news in EnglishFrenchArabicSpanishGermanItalianPortugueseRussianJapaneseKoreanUrdu, and Chinese. It was established in 1851.The Reuter agency was established in 1851 by Paul Julius Reuter in Britain at the London Royal Exchange. Paul Reuter worked at a book-publishing firm in Berlin and was involved in distributing radical pamphlets at the beginning of the Revolutions in 1848. These publications brought much attention to Reuter, who in 1850 developed a prototype news service in Aachen using homing pigeons and electric telegraphy from 1851 on in order to transmit messages between Brussels and Aachen.

      • hk
      • 國際新聞通訊社湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)香港辦事處的一名前設備男經理,涉於在職的七年間,在未有向公司申報下把共值逾一千九百萬元的多項採購及工程批予其父名下公司。涉案前經理被廉署控以兩項欺詐罪,經審訊後昨在區域法院被裁定罪成。惟辯方質疑被告自四年前被捕,至今才被定罪,直指控方有延誤:「一單案用咗三年七個月,真係好長!」由於律政司的代表未能即時回應,法官將案押後至明天處理。
      Northern & Shell (holding company name Northern and Shell Network Ltd) is a British publishing group, founded in December 1974 and owned since then by Richard Desmond. It published the Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star and Daily Star Sunday, and the magazines OK!, New! and Star until these were sold to Trinity Mirror in February 2018. Northern & Shell also owned three entertainment television channels: Channel 5, 5* and 5USA until 2015. It owned Portland TV,[1] which operates adult TV channels including Television X and Red Hot TV; the company sold Portland in April 2016.Northern & Shell has operated The Health Lottery in the UK since it launched in 2011.
      • Desmond founded Northern & Shell in 1974 and launched a magazine called International Musician and Recording World. In 1983, Northern & Shell obtained the licence to publish Penthouse in the United Kingdom which led to its publishing a range of adult titles,[3] Asian Babes among them.[4][5] These titles were later sold in 2004. It was the first company to move to the revamped Docklands and the Princess Royal opened the offices. When the company moved to the Northern & Shell Tower, the Duke of Edinburgh opened the offices.Northern & Shell also publishes a wide range of magazines including the celebrity weekly, OK!, started as a monthly in 1993.The building at 10 Lower Thames Street was built in 1985[17] and has a distinctive blue glass facade. It was first built for Samuel Montagu & Co.[18] It is now partly occupied by N&S and partly rented out as serviced offices.

      • Desmond was born in Hampstead, London, into a Jewish family, the youngest of three children, and was raised in Edgware, in north west London.[10][11] His father was descended from Latvian Jews, and his mother was of Ukrainian-Jewish descent.[12] His father, Cyril, was at one time managing director of cinema advertising company Pearl & Dean

      Al-Hayat (Arabicالحياة‎ meaning "The life") was a London-based, pan-Arab newspaper owned by Saudi Prince Khalid bin Sultan, that had a circulation estimated over 200,000. It was the newspaper of record for the Arab diaspora and the preferred venue for liberal intellectuals who wish to express themselves to a large public. However, the paper closed in March 2020 after years of financial problems.The original Al-Hayat started as a Lebanese daily newspaper. It was founded by Kamel Mrowa, a Lebanese Shi'a Muslim, in Beirut on 28 January 1946.In 1966 (16 May), as Mrowa checked final proofs for the next day's edition, an assassin walked into Al-Hayat Beirut offices and shot him to death. Although the assassin's motive was never conclusively determined, investigators linked the shooting to the newspaper's criticism of the Arab nationalist movement. The publication survived 13 bombing attempts before the Lebanese Civil War finally forced it to shut down in 1976.Al-Hayat was refounded in 1988 by Jamil Mrowa and Adel Bishtawi.[7] In fact, it was bought in 1988 by the Saudi Prince Khalid bin Sultan.[10] Owing to the newly relaunched newspaper's majority Christian Lebanese and Christian Palestinian management, critics dubbed Al-Hayat"a newspaper of minorities in the service of a prince," especially after publishing criticisms by Kurds and Shiites opposed to Saddam Hussein.By 1997, Al-Hayat shocked its Arab readership by establishing a bureau in Jerusalem. As of that year, the newspaper had a daily circulation of about 200,000 and was staffed by Muslim, Christian and Druze editors.

      -Asharq Al-Awsat (Arabicالشرق الأوسط‎, romanizedAš-Šarq al-ʾAwsaṭ, meaning "The Middle East") is an Arabic international newspaper headquartered in London. A pioneer of the "off-shore" model in the Arabic press, the paper is often noted for its distinctive green-tinted pages.Launched in London in 1978, and printed on four continents in 14 cities,[5] the paper is often billed as "the leading Arab daily newspaper,"[6] and calls itself "the premier pan-Arab daily newspaper"[5] based on the fact that past estimates of its circulation have given it the largest circulation of the off-shore pan-Arab dailies, a category including its chief competitor Al-Hayat.

      News service

      - Warner Bros studio
      - Hammer Film Productions Ltd. is a British film production company based in London. Founded in 1934, the company is best known for a series of gothic horror films made from the mid-1950s until the 1970s. Many of these involved classic horror characters such as Baron FrankensteinCount Dracula, and The Mummy, which Hammer reintroduced to audiences by filming them in vivid colour for the first time. Hammer also produced science fictionthrillersfilm noir and comedies, as well as, in later years, television series. During its most successful years, Hammer dominated the horror film market, enjoying worldwide distribution and considerable financial success.During the late 1960s and 1970s, the saturation of the horror film market by competitors and the loss of American funding forced changes to the previously lucrative Hammer formula, with varying degrees of success. The company eventually ceased production in the mid-1980s. In 2000, the studio was bought by a consortium including advertising executive and art collector Charles Saatchi and publishing millionaires Neil Mendoza and William Sieghart The company announced plans to begin making films again after this, but none were produced.In May 2007, the company name was sold to a consortium headed by Dutch media tycoon John de Mol, who announced plans to spend some $50 million (£25m) on new horror films. The new organization acquired the Hammer group's film library, consisting of 295 pictures. Simon Oakes, who took over as CEO of the new Hammer, said, "Hammer is a great British brand — we intend to take it back into production and develop its global potential. The brand is still alive but no one has invested in it for a long time."[4] Since then, it has produced several films, including Let Me In (2010), The Resident(2011), The Woman in Black (2012) and The Quiet Ones (2014).

      • films to note - viking queen, terror of the tongs (christopher lee as chung king) , passport to china

      - the works

      Three Six Zero Group is an international entertainment and music management company founded in 2007 by Mark Gillespie and Dean Wilson.

      John Broadwood & Sons is an English piano manufacturer, founded in 1728 by Burkat Shudi and continued after his death in 1773 by John Broadwood.John Broadwood, a Scottish joiner and cabinetmaker, came to London in 1761 and began to work for the Swiss harpsichord manufacturer Burkat Shudi.[2] He married Shudi's daughter eight years later and became a partner in the firm in 1770. As the popularity of the harpsichord declined, the firm concentrated increasingly on the manufacture of pianos, abandoning the harpsichord altogether in 1793. Broadwood's son, James Shudi Broadwood, had worked for the firm since 1785, and, in 1795, the firm began to trade as John Broadwood & Son.[2] When Broadwood's third son, Thomas Broadwood, became a partner in 1808, the firm assumed the name of John Broadwood & Sons Ltd, which it retains to this day.[2] The firm's busiest time period was during the 1850s, when approximately 2,500 instruments were produced annually. The company holds a Royal Warrant as a manufacturer and tuner of pianos.[13] Following the death of Geoffrey Simon in 2006, the company was acquired in 2008 by Alastair Laurence, a piano builder and technician with family ties to the Broadwood firm dating back to 1787. To coincide with the change in ownership, new restoration and conservation workshops are now located at Finchcocks, Goudhurst, Kent, England.

      • Burkat Shudi (variants: Burkhart, Burkhardt, Schudi, Tschudi, Tshudi) (13 March 1702 – 19 August 1773) was an English harpsichordmaker of Swiss origin. He was born in Schwanden in the Canton of Glarus, and arrived in England in 1718, where he started work as a joiner. He married Catherine Wild, whose parents came from the same town as him, in 1728. John Broadwood worked for him from 1761, and in 1769 became his partner after marrying his daughter Barbara. Johannes Zumpe also worked for him. He retired in 1771, being succeeded by his son, who was also called Burkat (c.1738–1803), following whose death the firm was taken over entirely by Broadwood, who had by then become a piano maker. There are twenty-three harpsichords by Shudi and 27 by Shudi and Broadwood in existence today. Three harpsichords exist by his nephew Joshua, who worked for him unsatisfactorily for a while, and one signed 'Bernard Shudi', about whom nothing is known.

      Audience company

      - art dealing

      • Douwes fine art

      - artist management

      • International Classical Artists, partnered with HKCO on their tour to Russia
      - christie's

      • feature article on Steven Murphy, CEO of Christie's international FT "how to spend it" 10oct14 issue
      • people
      • [artplus oct/nov19] rebecca wei, served as chairman of christie's asia for 8 months, suddenly resigned in august 2019

      Economic/market research
      - Kantar Group

      • Speaker at boao youth forum 2015

      property developer
      - Shaftesbury plc (, will redevelop properties around chinatown
      - Grosvenor 
      • Grosvenor plots first China housing development
      - Strawberry Star

      Topland Group is one of the world's largest privately owned property and investment groups. Topland is headed up by the billionaire brothers Eddie and Sol ZakayThe company head office is at 55 Baker Street, London.[1] Topland Group is "ultimately controlled from the British Virgin Islands".Topland's principal activity is commercial real estate, with a portfolio of over 220 properties, valued in the region of £3 billion. Topland also has a hotel portfolio consisting of 40 hotels, including the Hallmark Hotel Group, the Royal Crescent Hotel,[3] in the Royal Crescent in Bath, the Hilton Brighton Metropole, the Glasgow Hilton and several Thistle Hotels, six in central London, one in Straford Upon Avon (The Welcombe Hotel) and one in Edinburgh.In 2012, The Guardian reported that Topland was being sued by the UK's Ministry of Justice, having "conspired with a property agent in 2002 to extract inflated rents from the government on one of its central London buildings which houses the main London divorce courts". The UK government has accused Topland of "deceit, fraud by bribery, dishonest assistance and breach of confidence" and "unlawful conspiracy".[5] The case was "settled out of court on confidential terms".
      - mirus homes (dubious)
      - english rose estate (dubious)

      Intu Properties plc, formerly Capital Shopping Centres Group plc, is a British Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), largely focused on shopping centre management and development. Originally named Liberty International plc, it changed its name in May 2010 to that of its major subsidiary, Capital Shopping Centres, after demerging its Capital & Counties Properties business unit to form an independent business. The company renamed itself as Intu Properties plc on 18 February 2013, which was followed by the rebrand of the majority of its shopping centres under the "Intu" name from May 2013. The company owns or part-owns 17 shopping centres in the UK and three in Spain. The company was established by Sir Donald Gordon in 1980 under the name of Transatlantic Insurance Holdings plc as an offshoot Liberty Life Association of Africa, a business he had founded in 1957.[2] The Company developed into a leading investor in life assurance businesses in the 1980s and divested its remaining life assurance interests (a 29% holding in Sun Life) in 1991.[3] In 1992 it merged with Capital & Counties, a leading shopping centre developer, so securing itself a listing on the London Stock Exchange.[3]It changed its name to Liberty International in 1996[3] and, after demerging Capital & Counties Properties in May 2010, renamed itself Capital Shopping Centres Group. The company also disposed of a significant holding in its Californian subsidiary Capital and Counties USA, which was acquired by Equity One in May 2010.[5] Equity One was later acquired by Regency Centers Corporation.

      Carillion PLC (In Compulsory Liquidation) is a British multinational facilities managementand construction services company headquartered in Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. It was the second-biggest construction company in the UK.[4] Listed on the London Stock Exchange, the company experienced financial difficulties in 2017, and went into compulsory liquidation on 15 January 2018.Carillion was created in July 1999, by a demerger from Tarmac, which was founded in 1903; the new company included the former Tarmac Construction contracting business and Tarmac Professional Services. Tarmac Construction, Wimpey Construction, Cubitts, and Mitchell Construction all merged in 1999 to create Carillion.

      • The company’s financial woes bring into question the construction of several major construction projects in Canada, including roadbuilding in Alberta and Ontario and the construction of hospitals and mental health facilities in Ontario, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. It also has several major long-term maintenance contracts for highways and medical facilities across Canada.
      • Uk govt dedicated site irt company's insolvency

      • PwC’s role in the liquidation process of the collapsed contractor Carillion has come under scrutiny after it emerged that the auditor already has two separate, and apparently conflicting roles, including one advising the defunct company’s pension trustees. Six PwC executives were appointed by the High Court on Monday as “special managers” in the liquidation process to help wind down Carillion, which became insolvent after building up £1.3bn in debts and a £587m pension deficit. Deloitte and KPMG, rival ‘big four’ firms, had been ruled out of the liquidation role because they were already Carillion’s internal and external auditors, respectively. This left the government with the choice of PwC; EY, which advised Carillion on restructuring options before its collapse; or one of the smaller accounting firms — highlighting longstanding issues around the ‘big four’ oligopoly and potential conflicts of interest this generates. As special managers, PwC will work with the liquidator — also known as the official receiver — whose role is to secure the best possible outcome for all of Carillion’s creditors while ensuring that public services continue. However, questions have been raised about the appropriateness of PwC’s appointment in light of its recent work on two separate contracts involving Carillion. Carillion’s pension trustees engaged PwC last year to advise on how to protect members’ interests amid mounting financial difficulties for the company. This contract, which is ongoing, has brought into question PwC’s ability to act with impartiality towards other creditors.
      • Carillion’s list of creditors is made up of institutions you would expect to lend to a listed UK company: RBS, Barclays and Lloyds, for example. But it is not only UK or even European banks set to receive pennies on the pound after the collapse of the British construction company: a handful of Taiwanese financial institutions are also expected to be sitting on steep losses on money they lent to Carillion, according to people familiar with the matter. This is because these Asian lenders invested in a £112m Schuldschein instrument that Carillion raised a year before its collapse, and mere months before it issued a dire profit warning. This little-known German private debt market was once mainly the preserve of solid domestic companies, who preferred to raise money in a convenient form from local investors, such as German savings banks. But the market has seen both an influx of international companies tapping the market and foreign investors buying into the debt in recent years as they hunt for better returns. And the collapse of Carillion — along with an accounting scandal and impending debt restructuring at fellow Schuldschein issuer Steinhoff — has underlined the risks to the market from its internationalisation.; see also
      • HMRC support 
      • insolvency office update
      • Business Secretary Greg Clark, Economic Secretary to the Treasury John Glen, and Small Business Minister Andrew Griffiths, met banks today (17 January 2018) to seek assurances that they will support small businesses affected by Carillion’s liquidation.
      • canada
      • Fairfax Financial has agreed to buy certain assets and assume certain liabilities related to Carillion Canada, the infrastructure services company which recently sought creditor protection. Under the deal, Toronto-based Fairfax will take over contracts to provide facilities management at airports, commercial and retail properties, defence facilities, some healthcare facilities and for a number of oil, gas and mining clients — a move that will make sure those services continue to be performed.
      • Accio Consult & Construct was formed in 2015 by Richard Rust and Stephen Casey to cement a working partnership that had evolved over ten years. Richard has extensive experience in the Commercial Retail Sector as Senior Development Manager at Tesco from 1997   to 2007 and then as head of Construction and Delivery at Sainsbury’s from 2007 – 2014 controlling all aspects of property and an annual spend of circa £1bn. He also lead a team of over sixty colleagues in programme and project management with the accountability of planning, programming, delivering & handing over investment projects to retail / facilities maintenance to time, cost, latest specification and safe for customers and colleagues on a varied range of projects from roll-outs, new stores (including convenience) extensions, refurbishment, initiatives, logistics, office developments and mixed use development. Stephen started Accio Group in 2001 following a successful Army career spanning 19 years as a Paratrooper and then as Managing Director of Accio Group.
      • Kenny is responsible for Innovation and Technology collaboration projects between Catalonia, Hong Kong and China Region. Prior to joining ACCIO, Kenny had been working in the area of system implementation, project management and corporate planning in the natural resources and telecommunication sector.
      • note that in harry potter, accio is a charm that allows the caster to summon an object

      - Hakluyt & Company is a British strategic advisory firm. The company is headquartered in London and has subsidiary offices in New YorkDallasTokyoFrankfurtSingaporeMumbai, and Sydney.Hakluyt avoids publicity, but is regarded as having a reputation for discretion and effectiveness among its client base.[2] Hakluyt was founded by former officials of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).[3][4] It attracted controversy in 2001 when Hakluyt was alleged in the Sunday Times to have employed staff to infiltrate environmental groups when working for BP and Royal Dutch Shell.

      • ft 8mar2021

      Amey plc, previously known as Amey Ltd and Amey Roadstone Construction, is a United Kingdom based infrastructure support service provider. Amey was founded in the 1921 by William Charles Amey, as an Oxfordshire based quarry operator. The company grew during World War II with its involvement in the construction of Royal Air Force bases. In 1959, the company was responsible for the supply of gravel for the construction of the M1 motorway, between London and Birmingham. In the same year, it became a public company. It was first listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1963. Ronald William Amey took over the business from his father, and agreed the sale of the company in 1972.[3] The family had a close association with Abingdon School, where the Amey Theatre is named after them.[4] For a time, the Amey head office was in Sutton CourtenayVale of White Horse, near Abingdon.

      Rider Levett Bucknall

      • The Chairman of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC) Michael Tien announced today (Friday) the formation of a Steering Committee to oversee and guide the KPMG investigation into the Corporation’s tender evaluation and contractual performance monitoring systems in connection with the West Rail Telecommunications System contract (DB-1500) and 27 supplemental agreements. The Steering Committee will be chaired by Mr Tien with the following independent members:"KPMG has indicated that it will follow its normal practice to establish firewalls to safeguard the independence and confidentiality of this investigation. Sir John Swaine, Senior Counsel and a former President of the Legislative Council; Professor Lee Chack Fun, Professor (Chair) in Geotechnical Engineering and Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Hong Kong; Mr Thomas Brian Stevenson, a senior accounting professional and a former President of the Hong Kong Society of Accountants; and Mr Denis George Levett, a senior quantity surveying professional and a former Chairman of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Hong Kong Branch.
      • denis george levett obit scmp 15mar19 
      -Buro Happold (previously BuroHappold Engineering) is a British professional services firm that provides engineering consultancy, design, planning, project management, and consulting services for buildings, infrastructure, and the environment. It was founded in Bath, Somerset, in 1976 by Sir Edmund Happold when he took up a post at the University of Bath as Professor of Architecture and Engineering Design.Originally working mainly on projects in the Middle East, the firm now operates worldwide and in almost all areas of engineering for the built environment, working in 24 locations around the world.
      Edmund (or Ted) Happold worked at Arupbefore founding Buro Happold, where he worked on projects such as the Sydney Opera House and the Pompidou Centre. Ted Happold was renowned within the field of lightweight and tensile structures. As a result, Buro Happold has undertaken a large number of tensile and other lightweight structures since its founding (including the Millennium Dome). Ted Happold died in 1996, but the firm claims to maintain his views on engineering and life.
      • 英國標赫工程諮詢公司設計師寒梅告訴大公報記者說,北京冬奧會場館集體亮相,不僅大量使用環保材料,更以全新設計語言震撼了國際體育建築學界。在她看來,北京冬奧會樹立了冬季體育場館設計的全新典範。

      property agent

      • office in central, hk
      • people - andy sprowell, md (asia)

      property management

      facilities management and maintenance
      - mitie

      Watts & Co. is a prominent architecture and interior design company established in England in 1874.[1] It is one of the most remarkable survivals of the Gothic Revival of the nineteenth century: a firm founded in 1874 by three leading late-Victorian church architects, George Frederick BodleyThomas Garner and Gilbert Scott the younger, to produce furniture, textiles, stained glass window, and needlework in a style distinctively their own.The partners were all pupils of Sir George Gilbert Scott, whose work includes the Albert Memorial, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the St Pancras HotelSt Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, many churches, cathedral restorations and country houses. The motivating force was Bodley, himself one of the most scholarly, fastidious and refined architects of his generation, a designer not only of such churches as the Holy Angels, Hoar Cross, Staffs, and, with his first pupil Henry Vaughan, of the National Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul, Washington DC, but also of country houses and the restorations of castles and bishops’ palaces.

      • Sir Giles Gilbert Scott OM RA FRIBA (9 November 1880 – 8 February 1960) was an English architect known for his work on the Cambridge University LibraryLady Margaret Hall, OxfordBattersea Power StationLiverpool Cathedral, and designing the iconic red telephone box. Scott came from a family of architects. He was noted for his blending of Gothic tradition with modernism, making what might otherwise have been functionally designed buildings into popular landmarks. Born in Hampstead, London, Scott was one of six children and the third son of George Gilbert Scott Jr. (Founder of Watts & Co. in 1874) and his wife, Ellen King Samson.[1]His father was an architect, the son of Sir George Gilbert Scott, a more famous architect, known for designing the Albert Memorial and the Midland Grand Hotel at St Pancras Station. When Scott was three, his father was declared to be of unsound mind and was temporarily confined to the Bethlem Royal Hospital. Consequently, his sons saw little of him. Giles later said that he remembered seeing his father only twice. A bequest from an uncle in 1889 gave the young Scott ownership of Hollis Street Farm, near Ninfield, Sussex, with a life tenancy to his mother.[3] During the week Ellen Scott and her three sons lived in a flat in Battersea, spending weekends and holidays at the farm.[4] She regularly took them on cycling trips to sketch buildings in the area, and encouraged them to take an interest in architecture.[5] Among the buildings the young Scott drew were Battle Abbey, Brede Place and Etchingham Church; Scott's son, Richard Gilbert Scott, suggests that the last, with its solid central tower, "was perhaps the germ of Liverpool Cathedral".Scott and his brothers were raised as Roman Catholics; their father was a Catholic convert. Giles attended Beaumont College on the recommendation of his father who admired the buildings of its preparatory school, the work of J. F. Bentley.[6] In January 1899 Scott became an articled pupil in the office of Temple Moore, who had studied with Scott's father.[n 1] From Moore, or Ellen Scott, or from his father's former assistant P. B. Freeman, Scott got to know the work of his father.[5] In a 2005 study of Scott's work, John Thomas observes that Scott senior's "important church of St Agnes, Kennington (1874–77; 1880s–93) clearly influenced Giles's early work, including Liverpool Cathedral Lady Chapel

      - ARUP, builds Sydney Opera House
        • London Zoo is being tight-beaked about its Grade 1 listed 1930s penguin pool. Having decided that our little dinner-jacketed friends are to be excluded from the daring concrete structure, it refuses to countenance offers by the Twentieth Century Society to revamp the pool in the best interest of the much-loved birds. The zoo put Chinese alligators in the pool recently along with plants and mud proving, according to the society, that it "does not comprehend the aesthetic qualities of its best building and might compromise the architecture of the pool". The pool was designed by Berthold Lubetkin, a Soviet emigré architect, and Ove Arup, a Danish structural engineer. The alligators did not appreciate the pool's aesthetics either and have gone elsewhere with their plants and mud.
        •  涉及今次事件的奧雅納工程顧問有限公司,近年曾捲入多宗極具爭議的事故,其中於二○一六年,該間公司便因為挪用政府限制資料作為私人項目之用,被政府判罰「停賽」暫停投標三個月;另外,港珠澳大橋香港接線工程於去年發生臨時工作台倒塌意外,造成兩死三傷,負責合約管理及監督承建商工作的奧雅納,被票控兩項有關工業安全的控罪,其一名前僱員亦被票控一項有關危害他人安全的控罪。

        • people
        • carmen chu, director of consulting, level 5, festival walk, hk,
        RMJM (Robert Matthew Johnson Marshall) is one of the largest architecture & design networks in the world. Services include architecture, development management, engineering, interior design, landscape design, lead consultancy, master planning, product design, specialist advisory services, urban design. The network caters to a wide range of clients in sectors including mixed-use, education, healthcare, energy, residential, government and hospitality.[1] Specific services are also available through global PRO studios: RMJM Sport, RMJM Healthcare, RMJM DX and RMJM PIM.Founded in 1956 by architects Robert Matthew and Stirrat Johnson-Marshall, RMJM’s first offices were based in London and Edinburgh.
        • Around 2010, management difficulties meant the RMJM workforce shrunk while they were subject to lawsuits and other challenges with their international studios[6] Between 2011 and 2019, the company saw a change in its fortunes as it began to expand its services once more. 2014 saw the firm renew their relationship with the Commonwealth Games by taking on the role of masterplanners for the City Legacy Consortium, developing 700 homes in the City of Glasgow's Commonwealth Athletes Village. In 2016, RMJM announced the creation of its first "PRO" studios with the capacity to provide sector-specific services, known as RMJM Sport and RMJM Healthcare.  In the last decade RMJM has been commissioned for a number of significant projects including The Lakhta Center, the Gate to the East, Iran Historical Car Museum, Evolution Tower and Sheremetyevo Airport's North Terminal Complex.
        -    founded in 2012

        rolls royce
        - “That has never happened before,” says Simon Hemmings, Unite’s senior union representative for Derby, the ancestral home of Britain’s most venerable engineering company. “He was open for discussion with us and he answered the hard questions. Since John arrived [in 2011] we have had a clarity of communication we have never had before.” To hear a union speak so highly of a chief executive who is in the throes of imposing 2,600 job cuts, and at a time when the threat of site closures hangs over Rolls-Royce’s 55,000 strong global workforce, would be unusual enough. But Mr Rishton’s openness to unions stands in stark contrast to the reputation he has built up with investors and analysts in the three years he has been in post.
        - Rolls-Royce (RR.L) is considering the sale of its loss-making commercial marine business in another shake-up by Chief Executive Warren East that will streamline its activities into civil aerospace, defense and power system units.

        - established in 1981, Franchise Development Services (FDS) is the UK’s most experienced franchise consultants and publishers. We combine best practice with best value in successful franchise development of national and international franchise networks.
        • Media partner of 2015 hktdc franchise show
        public relations/corporate communications
        Bell Pottinger Private (legally BPP Communications Ltd.; informally Bell Pottinger) is a British multinationalpublic relations and marketing company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It was the largest UK-based public relations consultancy measured by 2010 fee income. Bell Pottinger offers services such as lobbying, speech writing, search engine optimisation to clients including companies, governments and rich individuals. It was the largest UK-based public relations consultancy measured by 2010 fee income. Lord Bell, who advised Margaret Thatcher on media matters, was a co-founder of Bell Pottinger,[6] which, until July 2012, was a wholly owned subsidiary of Chime Communications plc. In June 2012, Lord Bell and Bell Pottinger CEO James Henderson completed a £19.6m MBO from Chime, with Chime retaining a 25% stake in the business. The firm has been described as having "the most controversial client list" in the PR industry.[8] It has been criticised numerous times for edits that the company has made on Wikipedia pages that involve or are about their clients. According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the company was hired by the Pentagon to work in Iraq, making fake terror and news-style videos, against the interests of al-Qaeda for the reported sum of $540m. In 2017, following a sustained social media campaign and an internal investigation, Bell Pottinger fired a lead partner, suspended 3 other employees and apologised for sowing racial animosity in South Africa, as part of a contract with the controversial Gupta family.

        • Bell Pottinger has been expelled from the UK public relations trade body for its work on a controversial contract in South Africa. It is the first time that the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) has ejected a PR firm as prominent as Bell Pottinger. PRCA director-general Francis Ingham said it was "highly questionable" whether the firm would survive. Bell Pottinger said it "accepts that there are lessons need to be learned". The PR firm's work on a campaign for Oakbay Capital, a South African company owned by the wealthy Gupta family, had "incited racial hatred" and was "absolutely unthinkable", Mr Ingham said.
          Bell Pottinger has hired the accountancy firm BDO to advise on a potential sale of the public relations business, as it fights to retain clients and top staff in the wake of two damning reports that found it had stoked racial tensions in South Africa.
        • When Lord Tim Bell was asked whether Bell Pottinger’s role in stoking racial tensions in South Africa marked the end for the PR firm he co-founded almost 30 years ago, he offered a typically definitive, eye-catching quote on the scandal. “It’s the end of the company,” Lord Bell told the Financial Times. “That’s 25 years of hard work gone down the tubes. It’s a great pity.”

        - thoburns

        • one of members of advisory board is the pm of pakistan from 2004 to 2007
        • full page ad with pic of donald trump and nigel farage
        - Hanover Communications International Ltd, a consulting company, provides advisory services to brands, businesses, and organizations in the areas of reputation, communications, and public affairs. It offers communication services, such as corporate reputation, crisis communications, digital, public affairs, EU affairs, healthcare, media relations, media training, cyber security, and change management. The company serves customers in aerospace and defense, energy and resources, education, financial services, food and beverage, healthcare, sports, and third sector, as well as technology, media, and telecom sectors globally. Hanover Communications International Ltd. was founded in 1998 and is based in London, United Kingdom. It has additional offices in Brussels, Belgium; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and Dublin, Ireland.

        Oxitec (orig. Oxford Insect Technologies) is a British biotechnology company which develops genetically modified insects to assist in insect control. The company develops methods for control of insect populations, in which genetically modified insects are used as a "living insecticide". Thereby, insects which transmit disease to humans or which occur as pests in agriculture are controlled without the use of insecticides. According to the company, this method of population control is more effective than insecticides and more environmentally friendly.[1] The method has similarities to sterile insect technique. Oxitec was founded in 2002 by Luke Alphey and David Kelly working with Oxford University's Isis Innovation technology transfer company.[2][3][4][5] In August 2015 Oxitec was purchased by U.S.-based Intrexon in a deal valued at $160 million.

        • 巴西在二○一六年大規模爆發寨卡,政府病急亂投醫,採用英國一間昆蟲科研企業Oxitec一項未成熟的技術,野放數以百萬計的基因改造埃及伊蚊。這種名為OX513A的新物種有一特別之處,就是牠的下一代沒法由孑孓孵化為成蟲,意味牠與野外的病媒蚊交配後可令牠們絕後,從而大量降低蚊的數目,抑制疫病擴散。

        - dyson
        • Dyson, the engineering company best known for its vacuum cleaners and fans, plans to spend £2bn developing a "radical" electric car. The battery-powered vehicle is due to be launched in 2020.
        • 高級家電商Dyson突然宣布,放棄投資20億英鎊開發電動車的計劃,原因是「未能在商業上可行」。由於近期電動車業負面消息一浪接一浪,市場擔心泡沫最終或爆破。

        Cable & Wireless Communications

        •, Cable & Wireless Communications will double the size of its business after agreeing to buy a Caribbean and Central American telecoms group backed by John Malone for about $3bn. The British telecoms group has agreed terms to purchase Columbus International, a privately owned telecoms and technology services provider in the Caribbean, Central America and the Andean region.

        Eutechnyx (computer and video game developer)

        • The challenge of piracy and the prevalence of free-to-play gaming in China may seem a great barrier for many foreign companies to even attempt entering the market, but for Eutechnyx, a company in Gateshead, northeast England, it was a catalyst to design new approaches and revolutionize its group business model.
        Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service developed by Telegram Messenger LLP, a privately held company registered in LondonUnited Kingdom,[16] founded by the Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov.

        • 俄羅斯當局因不滿通訊軟件Telegram堅持保密用戶通話,而禁止全國國民使用。反對派指摘當局此舉是打壓言論自由,周一在首都莫斯科發起萬人遊行,反對派領袖納瓦尼亦有現身向示威者發表講話。
        • Iran’s judiciary has just ordered the nation’s telecommunications providers to block Telegram . According to the Wall Street Journal, Iran’s Islamic Republic News Agency stated that the decision was issued via a court ruling in Tehran. An estimated 40 million Iranians — half of the country’s population — use Telegram to communicate.
        - quantum
        • Oxford Quantum Circuits Limited designs and manufactures quantum computer from superconducting circuits and Josephson junctions. The quantum computer is based upon a superconducting circuit approach to forming qubits. It implements an architecture consisting of qubits, with couplings between them, and wiring to enable control and readout of all (or a key subset) of the qubits. The company was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Oxford, United Kingdom. 
        • one of the speakers of IES in apr19

        Data centre
        - Telecity

        • Telecity, the UK-based data centre provider that hosts servers for Facebook and Google, has agreed to buy Dutch competitor Interxion in an all-share deal that would create a single dominant European player valued at more than £3bn.

        - Colt Group

        - arm holdings

        • Rockchip Electronics Co. and Allwinner Technology Co. increased sales from a combined 0.3 percent of the market for tablet computer processors in 2010 to more than 27 percent just three years later. Their Asian predecessors such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and Samsung Electronics, took decades to develop the expertise and scale to make an impact. These Chinese upstarts, by contrast, skyrocketed through the rankings by taking the kinds of risks nimbler companies can afford, and by relying on chip designs from England’s ARM Holdings Plc. “Before it was like building something brick by brick, but now it’s as though you can build a high-rise in 10 days,” said Feng Chen, Rockchip’s chief marketing officer. “There’s still a lot of challenges, but we’re standing on the shoulders of giants instead of climbing up from scratch.” Adding business in China is crucial for ARM. China’s share of global chip consumption may hit 60 percent in coming years, yet its production is likely to reach only about 15 percent next year, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Over 80 percent of the world’s smartphones were made in China in 2013,according to SEMI“ARM is a springboard for a lot of Chinese companies,” said Mark Li, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein. “They can get quite good quite quickly. They can save years of investments by leveraging ARM’s IP.” From its base in Cambridge, England, ARM designs the brain of modern processors, and licenses it and the right to use the basics of its technology to the likes of Intel, Qualcomm Inc. and Apple Inc.
        New material

        Arcadia Group Ltd

        • going to launch its British high-street Topshop and Miss Selfridge product lines in China next month at fashion retail website The group recognizes both the upfront cost and time to build a physical store in the country, so it is seeking to attract Chinese customers with an e-commerce approach
        • Topshop 的日本經營商Mori Retail Systems 發言人證實雙方的合作關係去年5月已經到期,但Mori此後依然繼續為Topshop運營其位於東京原宿Laforet 商場的旗艦店。該店合約原本到今年2月底才屆滿,但Mori Retail Systems 於1月30日接到通知要求該店在31日提前結業,原因是店員跑光。深圳的Topshop店鋪是由其母公司英國Arcadia集團直接授權經營的,一家名為深圳Gaga拿到了代理權,可以在深圳的店鋪內進行銷售。店內的貨品則全部來自英國。但深圳的這家店沒有做出Topshop的概念。只有200、300平方米,算是全球面積最小的Topshop,像山寨。這裡的東西太少、店鋪裝修、貨品陳列也和倫敦、紐約的沒法比。Topshop 母公司Arcadia在2008年將該品牌的日本專營權授予給Mori Retail Systems 和JBF Partners 組成的合資公司T’s,當時該公司為Topshop 定下了兩、三年內在東京及其他主要城市開設10間或以上Topshop專賣店的目標。如今經過6年的發展,它的競爭對手們H&M、Forever 21 和Zara 都成功壯大了日本業務的規模。H&M 日本門店數量已經增加至51間,Forever 21 有16間,而Zara在東京及周邊地區也已開設22間門店。
        - burberry

        • 除中國市場外,Burberry愈益重視日本市場,並於去年六月底結束與日本三陽商會長達45年的特許經營協議,直接管理這個全球第二大奢侈品市場的業務。直至去年六月底,Burberry在日本經營兩個副線的三陽商會所創造的藍標(Burberry Blue Label)和黑標(Burberry Black Label),這些產品的設計與全球其他系列完全分離,定價也較低,一件女裝上衣售價可低至70美元,與標準的Burberry棉質上衣售價約250美元相差甚遠,與品牌的奢華定位格格不入。

        - asos (, cooperation with Kerry Logistics (
        - daks

        • work with hktv on online shopping hket28nov14 a59
        - supergroup

        Next (LSENXT), styled as next, is a British multinational clothing, footwear and home products retailer headquartered in EnderbyLeicestershire.[4] It has around 700 stores, of which 519 are in the United Kingdom, and over 200 across Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The company was founded by Joseph Hepworth in Leeds in 1864 as a tailor under the name of Joseph Hepworth & Son.[7] Initially Hepworth was in partnership with James Rhodes, but the partnership was dissolved in 1872.

        • people
        • The parents of a man killed by his Chinese wife have agreed a custody deal to bring their granddaughter to the UK. It means they must leave the girl's brother with his maternal grandparents in a remote city in north-west China. Ian and Linda Simpson, from Suffolk, wanted both eight-year-old Jack and Alice, six, to live with them after their son Michael was murdered in 2017.

        - Joseph Clayton & Sons

        - Tibor Reich
        • Tibor Reich was one of the leading names in postwar British textiles; now his grandson is relaunching it as a luxury brand to supply interior designers and bespoke furniture makers.

        fashion related
        - mannequin
        • Proportion
        - graff
        - david morris


        - hamleys

        • ceo for hamleys china calvin yum 
        • speaker at seminar during 2018 tdc toy fair

        Baby product
        - mayborn

        • China’s Goodbaby International Holdings Ltd. is among companies exploring a bid for Mayborn Group Ltd., the British maker of the Tommee Tippee line of baby bottles and toddler cups, people familiar with the matter said. Private equity firm 3i Group Plc, Mayborn’s owner, could fetch more than $350 million for the asset, the people said, asking not to be named as the details aren’t public. Mayborn has also attracted interest from other Asian companies and private equity firms, one of the people said. The talks are ongoing and no final decision has been made, they said. 外電日前引述消息指,好孩子國際(01086)計劃競投英國嬰幼兒奶瓶及水杯品牌Tommee Tippee之生產商Mayborn Group。不過,好孩子昨日回應事件指,Mayborn Group未必符合公司的投資策略,間接粉碎有關傳聞。
        - penguin

        •英國企鵝出版社創始人艾倫.萊恩(Allen Lane,1902-1970),是上世紀著名出版人之一。 一九三五年,他創立的企鵝出版社嘗試以用一包煙的價格將書籍出售給普通民眾, 由此開啟了世界出版界的一次重大革命。 在企鵝出版社唯一授權的官方傳記《特立獨行的企鵝》中, 作者傑里米.路易士回顧了艾倫.萊恩近半個世紀的奮鬥史, 講述了企鵝出版社的演變和始末;在勾勒萊恩非凡而生動的一生的同時, 亦細膩地記錄了二十世紀重大的社會變革。
        Bloomsbury Publishing plc (formerly M.B.N.1 Limited and Bloomsbury Publishing Company Limited) is a British independent, worldwide publishing house of fiction and non-fiction. It is a constituent of the FTSE SmallCap Index. Bloomsbury's head office is located in Bloomsbury, an area of the London Borough of Camden. It has a US publishing office located in New York City, an India publishing office in New Delhi, an Australia sales office in Sydney CBD and other publishing offices in the UK including at Oxford.The company was founded in 1986 by Nigel Newton, who had previously been employed by other publishing companies. It was floated as a public registered company in 1994, raising £5.5 million, which was used to fund expansion of the company into paperback and children's books. 

        • Nigel Newton, chief executive of the firm, which publishes Harry Potter among other titles, said books printed in China for the USA became 15% more expensive overnight on 1 September.This was as a result of tariffs being imposed by the countries on each other.

        - Camberwell Press
        Informa plc is a multinational publishing and events company with its head office and registered office in London. It has offices in 43 countries and around 6,500 employees. It owns numerous brands including CRC PressDatamonitorInstitute for International ResearchLloyd's List (London Press Lloyd), Routledge, and Taylor & FrancisInforma's oldest business started in 1734 when Lloyd's List, now one of the world's oldest continuously running journals, began covering London shipping news. Informa itself was created in 1998 by the merger of IBC Group plc and LLP Group plc. Since then Informa has expanded considerably, including a 2004 merger with the publishing company Taylor & Francis and a 2005 acquisition of IIR Holdings, a human capital development company, for £768 million.
        Jane's Information Group (often referred to as Jane's) is a British publishing company specialising in military, aerospace and transportation topics. It was acquired in 2007 by IHS Inc., and its open-source intelligence databases and publications continue to be produced under the IHS Jane's and IHS brands.
        Quercus was an independent publishing house, based in London. It was founded in 2004 by Mark Smith and Wayne Davies. It was acquired by Hodder & Stoughton in 2014. Quercus is known for its lists in crime (e.g. Philip Kerr, Peter May, Peter Temple), its MacLehose Press imprint (headed by Christopher MacLehose),[2] which publishes translated (often prize-winning) works by authors such as Philippe Claudel, Stieg Larsson and Valerio Varesi, its literary fiction titles (e.g. Prajwal Parajuly, Kimberley Freeman) and its Jo Fletcher Books imprint, which publishes science fiction, fantasy and horror.
        World Business Media Limited publishes magazines with a focus on the reinsurance sector. The company also offers advertisement options. It serves aviation, broking, catastrophe, energy, financial, liability, marine, merger and acquisition, regulation, and underwriting sectors in the ASEAN, Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, the Middle East, New Zealand, Singapore, and South East Asia. The company was incorporated in 2010 and is based in London, United Kingdom with additional offices in Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, and Singapore.


        De La Rue plc (UK/ˈdɛlər/US/ˌdɛləˈr/) is a British company headquartered in Basingstoke, England that manufactures paper and security printed products including banknotes, passports and tax stamps. It also has a factory on the Team Valley Trading Estate in Gateshead, and other facilities in Debden in Essex and Bathford in Somerset.[2] There are overseas offices in Kenya, Sri Lanka and Malta. It is listed on the London Stock ExchangeThe company was founded by Thomas de la Rue, who moved from Guernsey to London in 1821 and set up in business as a 'Leghorn' straw hat maker, then as a stationer and printer.[3] In 1831 he secured his business a Royal Warrant to produce playing cards. In 1855 it started printing postage stamps and in 1860 banknotes.[3] The company's first banknotes were made for Mauritius.[4] In 1896, the family partnership was converted into a private company.In 1921, the de la Rue family sold their interests. The company was first listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1947.[3] Then called Thomas De La Rue & Company, Limited, it changed its name in 1958 to The De La Rue Company Limited. A takeover bid for De La Rue was made by the Rank Organisation in 1968, but this was rejected by the Monopolies commission as being against the public interest.[5] In 1991 the company's name was changed again – this time to De La Rue plc.公司創辦於1813年,起先是印些報紙撲克牌,1855年開始替英國郵票,1860年起開始印刷鈔票,曾經在1931年為中華民國政府所屬的中國銀行發行過僅限於天津本地使用的5元紙幣,之後一直到1948年前常受到中華民國上海英租界工部局英屬香港殖民地政府的委託印製和發行各種版別和面值的中華民國法幣以及1947年版壹角、貳角面額的金圓券上海租界用紙幣和港幣。 其中在1950年代之后德拉鲁公司更是為渣打銀行香港上海匯豐銀行HSBC)印製港幣,直到1996年香港移交中華人民共和國前一年,才由香港金融管理局收購印製港幣業務,並改組香港分廠為香港印鈔

        • De La Rue, the company that prints the UK's banknotes, has said there is a risk that the firm will collapse if its turnaround plan fails to work.The announcement came as it suspended its dividend and reported a loss in the first half of its financial year.De La Rue said its warning was based on a worst-case scenario.However, it concluded that there was "a material uncertainty that casts significant doubt on the group's ability to operate as a going concern".UK-based De La Rue prints cash for about 140 central banks and employs more than 2,500 people globally.All current Bank of England banknotes are printed by the firm at a site in Debden, Essex.It is unclear what would happen if the firm got into difficulties, but it is likely that a rival would take over its Bank of England contract. Its main competitors are all based outside the UK.The BBC understands that preparations have already been made for the launch of the new £20 note featuring artist JMW Turner, printed by De La Rue, which enters circulation on 20 February next year.

        Barnard & Westwood is a British printing and bookbinding company. Its primary business is the production of bespoke stationery products for both individuals and businesses, based on traditional techniques and tools. Based in London, the company holds royal warrants of appointment granted by Queen Elizabeth II (1986) and the Prince of Wales (2012), and is a regular supplier of products and services to the British Royal Family.[1] In addition to its London premises, the company operates an online shop, launched in 2013.The company was founded by Albert Reginald Barnard, originally a hotel printer who was unable to return to his previous occupation after he was injured in World War I. He approached his aunt, Miss Westwood, for financial backing, and set up his own print shop in 1921.[3] In 1941, Eddie Kopley - at the time secretary of the International Printers Association - bought a share in the company, beginning a family relationship that continues to this day. Kopley's grandson, Austen, is currently Barnard & Westwood's managing director.In 2012, the company printed the invitation cards, table plans and orders of service for the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton; in 2013, it printed programmes for Margaret Thatcher's funeral and the Queen's coronation anniversary service.

        • 請柬以查理斯的名義發出,交由一家取得皇室特許令、自一九八五年已替皇室印製及裝訂的印刷商Barnard & Westwood印製。哈利與梅根將於五月十九日中午,在溫莎堡的聖喬治教堂舉行婚禮,六百名賓客獲邀觀禮及出席英女王伊利沙伯二世的午宴。
        record label
        HMV Retail Ltd. is an entertainment retailing company (registered in England) operating in the United Kingdom. The first HMV-branded store was opened by the Gramophone Company on Oxford Street in 1921, and the HMV name was also used for television and radio sets manufactured from the 1930s onwards. The retail side of the business began to expand in the 1960s, and in 1998 was divested from EMI, the successor to the Gramophone Company, to form what would become HMV Group. HMV stands for His Master's Voice, the title of a painting by Francis Barraud of the dog Nipper listening to a cylinder phonograph, which was bought by the Gramophone Company in 1899.[5] For advertising purposes this was changed to a wind-up gramophone, and eventually used simply as a silhouette. HMV owned the Waterstone's bookshop chain from 1998 until 2011,[6] and has owned the music retailer Fopp since August 2007.[7] It purchased a number of former Zavvi stores in February 2009, and also branched into live music venue management that year by purchasing MAMA Group. It sold the group in December 2012.


        - Reed Exhibitions
        - Allworld exhibitions
        • Allworld Exhibitions Alliance with Hong Kong Exhibition Services Ltd. (HKES) (HOFEX, and the Food & Hotel China exhibitions as well as shows in various categories including packaging & processing, woodworking, electrical engineering, automation technology and security) as a member
        - Exporta Group

        • Organises world business forum

          • Inmarsat Plc, a leading UK provider of global mobile satellite communication services, said the initiative, which is expected to see increasing reliance on wide-area communications, will create new opportunities for the London-based company. "The Chinese government, enterprises and even consumers would want to access broadband communication services on the move on land, at sea and in the air, globally," Rupert Pearce, chief executive officer of Inmarsat, told China Daily. Citing China's State-owned broadcaster China Central Television, Inmarsat's biggest client in the nation's media industry, as an example, he said CCTV uses the company's services in many cities around the world to transmit its news programs to Chinese audiences. Europe, the Middle East and Africa accounted for most of Inmarsat's $1.29 billion revenue in 2014. But Pearce is excited about its growth potential in China. "Our business in the Far East is not the largest yet but it is the fastest growing region, and among all the areas in the region, China is the fastest-growing country. So we are very excited about the prospects and we will continue to put a lot of resources in the Chinese market," he said.
            The company, which set up its first office in China in August last year, has seen double-digit growth in the Chinese market over the past year, which is extraordinary compared with the company's growth of about 2 percent in revenue in 2014. Pearce said he expected to see even more bullish growth in the China market as the firm has just launched its third satellite in the transformational Global Xpress, which is expected to deliver mobile broadband connections to even the remotest and most inaccessible parts of the world with high speed and at low costs. The customer base in China is rapidly growing and expanding internationally, which needs a strong communication platform to support growth outside China, he said, adding this new service will not only help existing customers but also take the company to new markets like the energy industry.
          • nmarsat是全球最前沿的衞星科技公司之一,利用海事衞星提供全球通信和定位服務,曾在2014年馬航客機MH370失事搜尋中發揮過巨大作用而被人熟知。前身為國際海事衞星組織,中國是發起國之一。麥克勞克林表示:“對於習近平主席能抽出時間來看我們,Inmarsat公司每一位員工都深感榮幸。”  據悉,該公司與中國的合作由來已久,2014年在北京設立了辦公室。今年4月,該公司與中國交通通信資訊中心簽訂了在中國開展全球性無線寬帶網路建設的協議。Inmarsat還曾在中國的一些地震等災害規劃演習中,提供過人道主義支持。

          British Steel Limited is a long steel products business founded in 2016 from assets acquired from Tata Steel Europe by Greybull Capital. The business' primary steel production site is at the Scunthorpe Steelworks, with rolling facilities at Skinningrove (UK), Teesside (UK), and Hayange (France).In the 2010s, due to combination of reduced demand in Europe (see Financial crisis of 2007–08 and Great Recession) and high company indebtedness Tata Group began a sales process of its long products division of Tata Steel Europe to Klesch Group.

          • British Steel has announced a £50m upgrade of its Scunthorpe rod mill. The company, based in the North Lincolnshire town, said it was the "biggest single investment in its manufacturing operations for a decade". Work at the Scunthorpe site is due to start this summer and the new operation is set to be ready by autumn 2019, the company said. 
          • British Steel is on the verge of administration as it continues to lobby for government backing, sources say. The UK's second-biggest steel maker had been trying to secure £75m in financial support to help it to address "Brexit-related issues". If the firm does not get the cash it would put 5,000 jobs at risk and endanger 20,000 in the supply chain.

          - CRU

          - Claridon Group

          • shippers today Mar-Apr15 issue

          - Hawker Aircraft Limited was a British aircraft manufacturer responsible for some of the most famous products in British aviation history. Hawker had its roots in the aftermath of the First World War, which resulted in the bankruptcy of the Sopwith Aviation Company. Sopwith test pilot Harry Hawker and three others, including Thomas Sopwith, bought the assets of Sopwith and formed H.G. Hawker Engineering in 1920.In 1933 the company was renamed Hawker Aircraft Limited, and it took advantage of the Great Depression and a strong financial position to purchase the Gloster Aircraft Company in 1934. The next year it merged with the engine and automotive company Armstrong Siddeley and its subsidiary, Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft, to form Hawker Siddeley Aircraft. This group also encompassed A. V. Roe and Company (Avro).Hawker Aircraft continued to produce designs under its own name as part of Hawker Siddeley Aircraft, from 1955 a division of Hawker Siddeley Group. The "Hawker" brand name was dropped, along with those of the sister companies, in 1963; the Hawker P.1127 was the last aircraft to carry the brand.The Hawker legacy was maintained by the American company Raytheon who produced business jets (including some derived from the 125, whose original design dated back to de Havilland days) under the "Hawker" name. This was the result of purchasing British Aerospace's product line in 1993. The name was also used by Hawker Beechcraft after Raytheon's business jet interests (Hawker and Beechcraft) were acquired by investors and merged.
          • The Sopwith Aviation Company later Sopwith Aviation & Engineering Company was a British aircraft company that designed and manufactured aeroplanes mainly for the British Royal Naval Air Service, Royal Flying Corps and later Royal Air Force in the First World War, most famously the Sopwith Camel. Sopwith aircraft were also used in varying numbers by the French, Belgian, and American air services during the War.The Sopwith Aviation Company (based at Brooklands) was created in June 1912 by Thomas Octave Murdoch (Tommy, later Sir Thomas) Sopwith, a wealthy sportsman interested in aviation, yachting and motor-racing, when he was 24 years old. 
            • Sopwith was born in Kensington, London on 18 January 1888. He was the eighth child and only son of Thomas Sopwith (a civil engineer and managing director of the Spanish Lead Mines Company, Linares, Jaén, Spain) and his wife Lydia Gertrude née Messiter.[1] He was a grandson of mining engineer Thomas Sopwith.
          -  International Consolidated Airlines Group, S.A., often shortened to IAG, is a British-Spanish multinational airline holding company with its operational headquarters in LondonEnglandUnited Kingdom and registered in MadridSpain. It was formed in January 2011 by the merger of British Airways and Iberia, the flag carrier airlines of the United Kingdom and Spain respectively with British Airways holding 55% of the newly formed company.
          •  International Airlines Group has cemented its deepening relationship with Qatar Airways by establishing a joint venture with British Airways, IAG’s flagship subsidiary, which should enable the two carriers to compete more effectively with rivals.
          • IAG SA bought a stake in Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA and said it’s considering making a full offer for the discount competitor, signaling a new round of dealmaking in a rapidly consolidating European airline market.
          Virgin Atlantic, a trading name of Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited and Virgin Atlantic International Limited, is a British airline with its head office in Crawley, United Kingdom. The airline was established in 1984 as British Atlantic Airways, and was originally planned by its co-founders Randolph Fields and Alan Hellary to fly between London and the Falkland Islands. Soon after changing the name to Virgin Atlantic Airways, Fields sold his shares in the company after disagreements with Sir Richard Branson over the management of the company. The maiden flight from Gatwick Airport to Newark Liberty International Airport took place on 22 June 1984.

          Monarch Airlines fue fundada el 5 de junio de 1967por los antiguos directores de British Eagle International Airlines Bill Hodgson y Don Peacock con financiación de las familias suizas Albek y Mantegazza, como una filial de Globus Gateway Holdings.56​ (En el momento de la concepción de Monarch, las familias Albek y Mantegazza eran las dueñas del tour operador británico Cosmos Tours
          British Eagle International Airlines was a major British independent[nb 1] airline that operated from 1948 until it went into liquidation in 1968. It operated scheduled and charter services on a domestic, international and transatlantic basis over the years.By 1951, Eagle Aviation had won its first regular Government trooping contracts, including the first regular contract awarded by the War Office for trooping flights between the UK and Singapore starting in August 1951. This helped keep its fleet of six Halifaxes and nine Avro Yorks busy and provided employment for 100 people including 12 pilots.When the Thomas Cook & Son travel agency declined Eagle's offer to take on the role of the airline's tour operator, Eagle acquired the Sir Henry Lunn Ltd travel agency chain. This made the airline one of the pioneers of the British package holiday industry and probably marked the first occasion in the UK an airline became vertically integrated with its own in-house tour operator (i.e. where an airline owns or is owned by a tour operator or both are part of an integrated travel group)[9] British Eagle also acquired the Polytechnic Touring Association in the 1950s and formed Lunn Poly from the two agencies in the mid-1960s.Eagle along with British United Airways(BUA) — its principal contemporary independent competitor — had successfully lobbied the Government to bring about a change in legislation that had given their state-owned counterparts a virtual monopoly on scheduled services. This resulted in the Civil Aviation (Licensing) Act of 1960, which abolished BEA's and BOAC's statutory monopoly on principal domestic and international scheduled routes and — theoretically — gave the independents equal opportunities to develop such routes in their own right.In March 1960, the Cunard Steamship Company bought a 60% shareholding for £30 million, resulting in a change of name to Cunard Eagle Airways. The support from this new shareholder enabled Cunard Eagle to become the first British independent airline to operate pure jet airliners, as a result of a £6 million order for two new Boeing 707-420 passenger aircraft.

          - arx
          • The business assets of shipping security firm ARX Maritime have been resurrected by Yorkshire-based Crompton Group after the Edinburgh company went bust.ARX made and supplied a novel anti-pirate barrier used on container ships and tankers and provided intelligence bulletins and advice to companies involved in the industries.But it went into voluntary liquidation in January with the loss of six jobs and its assets have been bought by Crompton for an undisclosed sum.ARX's founders, former Royal Marines Josh Hutchison and Steve Regis are vice presidents in charge of the new ARX Mouldings arm of Crompton.
          • 英國海運安全諮詢公司ARX Mouldings總經 理哈欽森指出,蘇伊士運河堵塞期間,數百船隻 擠在地中海東岸和非洲之角附近動彈不得,成為 海盜和恐怖組織的活靶子。他表示,對於運載價 值高昂貨物的商船而言,靜止不動十分危險。
          Eurostar International Limited[4] (EIL) is the railway company operating the international Eurostar train services between London, Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels via the Channel Tunnel. Eurostar was previously operated by three separate companies in Belgium, France and the United Kingdom, but this structure was replaced by EIL as a new single management company on 1 September 2010. EIL is owned by SNCF (55%), Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) (30%), Hermes Infrastructure (10%) and NMBS/SNCB (5%).Eurostar International is the largest customer of Getlink, the owner of the Channel Tunnel.Eurostar International was formed in 1990 as European Passenger Services[4] (EPS), as the division of British Rail responsible for the UK section of the Eurostar operation. Eurostar trains began operating on 14 November 1994, with EPS, NMBS/SNCB and SNCF were each responsible for the running of Eurostar services in their own territory.On 1 April 1994, EPS signed a fixed-rate track access contract with Railtrack lasting until 29 July 2052 as part of the plans for Regional Eurostar services.The privatisation of British Rail saw ownership of EPS transferred to London and Continental Railways (LCR) in 1996, which is a property development company owned by the Government of the United Kingdom. This was part of the contract agreed with the British Government for LCR build and operate High Speed 1 (HS1) between London and the Channel Tunnel. The company was renamed Eurostar (UK) Limited[4] (EUKL) and was to use the income from EUKL to help finance the HS1 project.Following financial assistance from the government in 1998, LCR was forced to appoint a management contract for EUKL. Bids for the contract were submitted by Virgin Rail Group and Inter-Capital and Regional Rail, a consortium of National Express (40%), SNCF (35%), NMBS/SNCB (15%) and British Airways (10%). The latter was awarded the contract which was to run from 1998 until 2010.In January 2009, after the completion of HS1, the UK's Department for Transport took control of LCR and announced its intention to put both HS1 and EUKL up for sale. Deutsche Bahn expressed an interest in EUKL but no sale materialised.On 31 December 2009, EUKL was renamed Eurostar International Limited[4] (EIL). On 1 September 2010, the three national Eurostar operators merged into EIL as a single company with a single management structure. Following this change, the ICRR management contract for the UK business was terminated.[8] Once all Eurostar assets were transferred to EIL, the holdings in the company were amended to LCR (40%), NMBS/SNCB (5%) and SNCF (55%).LCR sold a 30-year concession to operate HS1 in November 2010 to a Canadian consortium of Borealis Infrastructure and Ontario Teacher's Pension Plan for £2.1bn.[11][12] EIL then paid access charges to the consortium to operate Eurostar trains on HS1.On 4 December 2013, the UK Government announced it was looking to sell LCR's 40% stake in EIL.
          • ft 6apr2021 uk takes tough line on eurostar rescue

          royal mail
          - Mail has launched a new shop front on Alibaba’s Tmall Global e-marketplace to take advantage of China’s e-commerce boom. The solution will offer British retailers and exporters an accelerated opportunity to access the China market. It will remove the challenges that many companies would otherwise face in getting their products into the hands of Chinese consumers, including the promotion of products on Chinese e-commerce sites, local customer support service, customs duties, documentation, shipping and logistics.
          - people
          • In late 2000, Corbett discovered to his chagrin that the Government had been holding secret talks with the Dutch postal service with a view to selling it the Royal Mail, then known as Consignia. Postcomm had only been set up a few months before, by Act of Parliament. Regulating a postal service that had been flogged off to the Netherlanders had not been in his job spec. Corbett, who will be 70 this year and who steps down this month, moved quickly to establish the authority of his new office and opposed the sale. He says: "There was a proposal for a merger between the Royal Mail and TPG [the £6bn quoted Dutch postal group] that was being mooted in Whitehall before the Act, but it was such a political hot potato that no one dared mention it. Corbett, who was previously deputy chairman of the Competition Commission and finance director of Eurotunnel - after a long career at the accountancy firm KPMG - had little to lose in forcing a confrontation over the issue. He made his position clear to Patricia Hewitt, the trade and industry secretary, who asked him if he and the other members of the Postcomm board intended to resign. "I said 'we won't resign, you will have to sack us'," Corbett says. "That was a turning point in our relationship with the DTI [Department of Trade and Industry]."

          - TUI Travel
          - quintessental travel
          Lucketts Travel[1] is a coach hire and excursion company with depots in FarehamWorthingand Southampton. It is a subsidiary of National Express.The company was founded in 1926 by Harry Luckett as a haulage and storage company and only bought its first coach in 1976. Harrys son joined the company in 1963 and took over shortly after in 1966 when Harry died unexpectedly. The company’s haulage business continued to grow in the late 1960s and early 1970s, with Ready Mix Concrete and Schweppesmajor clients.In 1976 David purchased the company’s first coach, choosing to drive it himself. It proved a very enjoyable and successful venture and a second coach was soon purchased. By the mid-1980s the coach fleet had outnumbered the haulage fleet.In 2005 the Worthing Coaches[3] business was purchased followed in March 2006 by Flagship from Eastbourne Buses.[4][5]

          In January 2009 Lucketts Travel took over operation of National Express routes from Portsmouth to London Victoria Coach Station (030), Heathrow Airport(203) and Bristol (300) from Tellings-Golden Miller.

          • 英國運輸業界全國快捷運輸集團旗下長途巴士旅遊公司Lucketts,上月發布夏季旅行章程後,預約量較去年同期暴增2.5倍。

          - Quintessentially 
          • Hk operation article hket 15oct15 a38 14mar17 a28
            private members club
            Soho House is a group of private members' clubs aimed primarily at those in the arts and media.[1] The original location is at 40 Greek Street, Soho, London. The group now includes bars, clubs, hotels and venues around the world including Barcelona, Berlin, Chicago, Istanbul, Malibu, Miami, Mumbai, Toronto, New York City, and West Hollywood.Its locations include Babington House and Electric Cinema, Notting HillMembership is selective and members are drawn mainly from the media, arts and fashion industries. Soho House's founder and managing director is Nick Jones. Nick Jones sold 80% of the club to British high-street tycoon Richard Caring in 2008.[6] On 13 January 2012 the Financial Times announced that Soho House Group had been acquired by the US billionaire Ron Burkle, through his investment fund Yucaipa. 
            • Home House is a Georgian town house at 20 Portman Square, London.[1] James Wyatt was appointed to design it by Elizabeth, Countess of Home in 1776, but by 1777 he had been dismissed and replaced by Robert Adam. Elizabeth left the completed house on her death in 1784 to her nephew William Gale, who in turn left it to one of his aunts, Mrs Walsh, in 1785. Its later occupants included the Marquis de la Luzerne during his time as French ambassador to the Court of St. James's (1788 to 1791), the 4th Duke of Atholl (1798 to 1808), the Duke of Newcastle (1820 to 1861), Sir Francis Henry Goldsmid (1862 to 1919), and Lord and Lady Islington (1919 to 1926).In 1926, it was leased by Samuel Courtauld to house his growing art collection. On his wife's death in 1931, he gave the house and the collection to the fledgling Courtauld Institute of Art (which he had played a major part in founding) as temporary accommodation. A permanent accommodation was not forthcoming, and the Institute remained in the building until 1989, when it moved to its present home of Somerset House. Home House then remained vacant for seven years, until it was acquired by Berkeley Adam Ltd. The building has been a private members' club since 1998.[2][3] It was extended to include No. 21, as well as the original Nos. 19 and 20, in 2010.It was home to artwork by Zaha Hadid in the form of a Cocktail Bar prior to its refurbishment in 2020.Home House was appointed a Grade I listed building in 1954.

            security services
            G4S plc (formerly Group 4 Securicor) is a British multinational security services company headquartered in London, England. The company was set up in 2004 when London-based company Securicor amalgamated with Danish business Group 4 Falck.[4] The company offers a range of services, including the supply of security personnel, monitoring equipment, response units and secure prisoner transportation. G4S also works with governments overseas to deliver security. G4S is the world's largest security company measured by revenues. It has operations in more than 90 countries.G4S has its origins in a guarding business founded in Copenhagen in 1901 by Marius Hogrefe, originally known as København Frederiksberg Nattevagt (Copenhagen and Frederiksberg Night Watch) and subsequently renamed Falck (Falcon).In 2000, Group 4, a security firm formed in the 1960s, merged with Falck to form Group 4 Falck[9] and by 2000 the company was described as "the world's largest private security systems company".[10] In 2002 Group 4 Falck went on to buy The Wackenhut Corporation in the United States.

            Circle is a healthcare company based in Britain, co-founded in 2004 by ex-investment banker Ali Parsa and Consultant Ophthalmologist Massoud Fouladi.[1] It has independent hospitals near Bath and Reading, and an NHS Treatment Centre in Nottingham. In November 2011, it was awarded a contract to run Hinchingbrooke Hospital as a National Health Service (NHS) hospital franchised to an independent provider, and began the contract in February 2012.[2] Circle's independent hospitals, CircleReading and CircleBath, also provide NHS care under the NHS Choose and Book scheme. Since the Health and Social Care Act 2012 came into force in April 2013 Circle has been the biggest private sector winner from the 195 contracts awarded with two contracts together worth £285.9m.
            • target aging chinese population

            - BUPA

            • UK-based health group Bupa plans to raise its stake in its joint venture with Indian insurer Max India to 49 per cent, becoming the first foreign business to outline plans to take advantage of a recent liberalisation of the country’s insurance market.
            Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) was a British chemical company and was, for much of its history, the largest manufacturer in Britain. It was formed by the merger of leading British chemical companies in 1926. Its headquarters were at Millbank in London. ICI made paints and speciality products, including food ingredients, speciality polymers, electronic materials, fragrances and flavourings. It was acquired by AkzoNobel in 2008, who immediately sold parts of ICI to Henkel, and integrated ICI's remaining operations within its existing organisation.
            Surrey NanoSystems Limited manufactures nanoscale materials for use in engineering and product applications. It offers Vantablack, a super-black coating that is applied to surfaces using vacuum-deposition technology, as well as for spraying and post-processing. The company’s Vantablack is used in various applications, such as stray light suppression, architectural lighting, aesthetic applications, calibration sources, sensors, telescopes, architecture, IR imaging systems, spectroscopy, automotive, cinematography optics, satellite calibration sources, camera lenses, and other applications. Surrey NanoSystems Limited was formerly known as CEVP Limited and changed its name to Surrey NanoSystems Limited in December 2006. The company was founded in 2006 and is based in Newhaven, United Kingdom.
            - INEOS is a privately owned multinational chemicals company headquartered in London, UK, and with registered offices in Lyndhurst, Hampshire, UK and London, United Kingdom. The name Ineos is derived from Inspec Ethylene Oxide Specialities, a previous name of the business.[3] It also stems from one Latin and two Greek words that founder Jim Ratcliffe and his two sons found when searching for a company name. "Ineo" is Latin for a new beginning, "Eos" is the Greek goddess of dawn and "neos" means something new and innovative. As a result, the name Ineos represents the "dawn of something new and innovative".

            • Ineos has asked the British government for financial support to help secure a new manufacturing plant in Hull that could “tilt the scales” against an alternative plan to build the facility in Belgium. Talks between the petrochemicals company founded by billionaire businessman Sir Jim Ratcliffe and the government are taking place as businesses seek reassurance over investing in Britain. Aerospace group Airbus last week became the first big manufacturer to warn it could pull investment from Britain due to frustrations over Brexit.
            • Ineos, one of the world’s largest chemicals manufacturing companies, has announced plans to build a hand sanitiser plant in Middlesbrough, UK in just ten days, with the aim of churning out 1 million bottles of handrub per day. The company then intends to replicate this in Germany.
            - fragrance oil (international)

            • company was founded in 1967 by Denis Carter
            • acquaired by givaudan in aug2019


            - rio tinto

            Vedanta Resources plc is a global diversified metals and mining company with its headquarters in London, United Kingdom. It is the largest mining and non-ferrous metals company in India and has mining operations in Australia and Zambia and oil and gas operations in three countries. Its main products are copperzincaluminiumleadiron ore and petroleum. It is also developing commercial power stations in India in Odisha (2,400 MW) and Punjab (1,980 MW). The company is principally owned by Indian billionaire Anil Agarwal through Volcan Investments, a holding vehicle with a 61.7% stake in the business.

            • Nearly 2,000 Zambian villagers have won the right to sue mining giant Vedanta over alleged pollution, the UK Supreme Court has ruled. The landmark judgement means other communities in developing countries could seek similar redress in the UK against large multinationals. Zambian villagers have been fighting for the right to seek compensation in British courts for several years.

            - asia resource

            • Embattled coal miner Asia Resource Minerals is edging towards a takeover by an Indonesian-backed consortium that has made an offer for the UK-listed company, saying this could be a better option than a rival proposal from financier Nat Rothschild. With Asia Resource racing to conclude a debt restructuring, and struggling to exert control over its main operating subsidiary, the miner said on Monday that a £100m deal with Asia Coal Energy Ventures was “a viable way forward”. ACE, which is backed by Indonesia’s Widjaja family, has been vying for control of Asia Resource with Mr Rothschild, who founded the miner four years ago — when it was known as Bumi — and remains a leading investor. Mr Rothschild has put forward a recapitalisation plan that if implemented would see him gain majority control of Asia Resource.
            - lonmin
            Liberty House Group (also referred to as Liberty House or Liberty House UK) is an industrial and metals company founded in the United Kingdom in 1992 by industrialist and entrepreneur Sanjeev Gupta. It is headquartered in Mayfair, London and has global hubs in Dubai, UAE, Singapore and Hong Kong. The company focuses on ferrous and non-ferrous metal trading, metals recycling, steel and aluminium production, and engineering products and services.

            - gemfields

            • Gemfields has acquired controlling interests in two emerald projects in Colombia, marking the company’s entry into South America. Gemfields is the 75 percent owner of the largest producing emerald mine in the world, the Kagem Emerald Mine in Zambia; the 75 percent owner of the Montepuez Ruby Mine in Mozambique; and the 50 percent owner of the Kariba Amethyst Mine in Zambia. It is the world’s largest producer of colored gemstones. 

            British Gas is an energy and home services provider in the United Kingdom. It is the trading name of British Gas Services Limited and British Gas New Heating Limited, both subsidiaries of Centrica.[2] Serving around twelve million homes in the United Kingdom, British Gas is the biggest energy supplier in the country, and is considered one of the Big Six dominating the gas and electricity market in the United Kingdom.The Gas Light and Coke Company was the first public utility company in the world. It was founded by Frederick Albert Winsor and incorporated by Royal Charter on 30 April 1812 under the seal of King George III.It continued to thrive for the next 136 years, expanding into domestic services whilst absorbing many smaller companies including the Aldgate Gas Light and Coke Company (1819), the City of London Gas Light and Coke Company (1870), the Equitable Gas Light Company (1871), the Great Central Gas Consumer's Company (1870), Victoria Docks Gas Company (1871), Western Gas Light Company (1873), Imperial Gas Light and Coke Company (1876), Independent Gas Light and Coke Company (1876), the London Gas Light Company (1883), Richmond Gas Company (1925), Brentford Gas Company (1926), Pinner Gas Company (1930) and Southend-on-Sea and District Gas Company (1932).On 1 May 1949, the GLCC became the major part of the new North Thames Gas Board, one of Britain's twelve regional gas boards after the passing of the Gas Act 1948 by Clement Attlee's post-war Labour government.The Conservative Government led by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher introduced the Gas Act 1986, which led to the privatisation of the company, and on 8 December 1986.
            - bp
            • Oil and gas giant BP Plc is expected to sign several agreements with Chinese companies during President Xi Jinping's ongoing state visit to the United Kingdom, as the two countries strive for greater energy cooperation. "We see great potential for enhanced cooperation and collaboration between both sides, and the agreements will demonstrate our long-standing commitment to China," said Dev Sanyal, BP's executive vice-president for strategy and regions, without giving more details on the possible contracts. Last year, BP signed a deal worth around US$20 billion to supply liquefied natural gas to China National Offshore Oil Corp during Premier Li Keqiang's official visit to the country. Analysts said cooperation is also likely in areas like crude trade and clean energy technologies amid mounting pressure caused by growing air pollution. Sanyal said as China has set an ambitious target to cut its greenhouse gas emissions per unit of gross domestic product by 60 percent to 65 percent from the 2005 levels by 2030, there is big market potential for natural gas as a clean source of energy. "In the past decade, China has been among the fastest-growing gas markets globally. We believe that with the continuing expansion of the Chinese economy and China's environmental focus, the momentum in gas demand growth will continue in the long run," he said. BP is working with the "big three" oil majors in the world's largest energy-consuming country - CNOOC, CNPC and China Petrochemical Corporation, known as Sinopec - in several areas including natural gas supplies, advanced fuels and lubricants. In July, BP's petrochemicals facility in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, started making purified terephthalic acid, a key raw material used in the manufacturing of clothing, plastic bottles, packaging material and film products. The British oil giant also set up a marine fuel company in May with top oil refiner Sinopec to expand its presence in overseas markets and China. The tie-up is mainly focused on major global ports like Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates, Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and Tianjin, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo and Shenzhen in China.
            - Actis

            • Actis, the UK-listed private equity group, is to set up a $1.9bn renewable energy business in Africa, in an attempt to tap the continent’s resources and meet its growing demand for electricity. Lekela Power, as the new company is called, will be a joint venture with Mainstream, a wind and solar developer that already works in partnership with Actis in Chile. Actis will take 60 per cent of the equity in new business — which it said would run to a maximum of $220m — and Mainstream the other 40 per cent, with the rest of the funding provided as debt, from South African banks and development finance institutions.
            • Actis to set up $1.9bn renewable business in Africa
            - yellow cake

            • 根据外媒引述消息人士称,经营铀元素的英国公司Yellow Cake将在伦敦挂牌,寻求由投资者筹资1.5亿美元至2亿美元(约15.6亿港元),资金将会用来购买810万磅放射性原料。
            solar power
            • ad in scmp 10mar2021 to sell home

            - BAE

            • With its Eurofighter jets and Bradley tanks, BAE Systems has a long history of protecting countries from military attack. But now it is building weapons to go after an altogether different enemy: tax fraudsters. Europe’s biggest defence company says it is in talks to sell its NetReveal anti-tax evasion software to a number of central Europe governments and expects to double its client base in the next two years. Missing payments and networks of ghost companies account for a huge chunk of the estimated €170bn in unpaid VAT that goes missing in Europe every year. Technology can be particularly effective at using patterns of payments to spot carousel fraud and other organised schemes. “Digital defence is the new frontier. It is a reality now,” said George Robbins, senior director and general manager at NetReveal. “For people like ourselves with a technology and defence background it is a tremendous opportunity.”

            - Cobham
            • to buy US rival Aeroflex
            - chemring defence
            • tear gas supplier to HK police
            • hket 11oct14 c5 article on company's hyprocrisy
            The Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) is responsible for the design, manufacture and support of warheads for the United Kingdom's nuclear weapons. It is the successor to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE) with its main site on the former RAF Aldermaston and has major facilities at Burghfield, Blacknest and RNAD Coulport.AWE plc, responsible for the day-to-day operations of AWE, is owned by a consortium of Jacobs Engineering Group, Lockheed Martin UK and Serco through AWE Management Ltd, which holds a 25‑year contract (until March 2025) to operate AWE. All the sites are owned by the Government of the United Kingdom which has a golden share in AWE plc.[1] In November 2020, it was announced that the Ministry of Defence had triggered a contractual break point and would take ownership of AWE Plc in July 2021.The establishment is the final destination for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament's annual march from Trafalgar Square, London. The first Aldermaston March was conceived by the Direct Action Committee and took place in 1958.The British nuclear weapons programme, then operating under the project name 'High Explosive Research' within the Ministry of Supply, established operations on 1 April 1950 at the former RAF Aldermaston airfield.[4] The airfield was constructed in World War II and had been used by the Royal Air Force and the United States Army's Eighth and Ninth Air Force as a troop carrier (C‑47) group base, and was assigned USAAF station No 467. In 1952, the High Explosive Research project was renamed the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE), with William Penney appointed as the first director.In 1954 AWRE was transferred to the newly created United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA). In 1971 the production activities of UKAEA were transferred to the newly created British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. (BNFL).In 1973 AWRE was transferred to the Procurement Executive of the Ministry of Defence. Parts of AWRE's weapons production processes were carried out at two Royal Ordnance Factories (ROFs): ROF Burghfield and ROF Cardiff. In 1984 these two ROFs were separated from the other ROFs, which were then formed into a government-owned defence company, Royal Ordnance plc and was privatised in 1987. ROF Burghfield and ROF Cardiff remained within the Procurement Executive and came under the control of AWRE.In 1987, AWRE was combined with ROF Burghfield and ROF Cardiff to form the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE).[6] These sites being renamed AWE Burghfield and AWE Cardiff (the latter was closed in 1997).It remained with the Ministry of Defence, Procurement Executive. However, in 1989, the UK government announced its intention to find a suitable private company to run AWE under a Government Owned/Contractor Operated (GO‑CO) arrangement.

            - sundrop

            • growing using seawater
            - chegworth valley

            • In kent, established by deme family in 1983, originally a dairy farm as part of leeds castle estate, has a distributor in hk (, exhibited at 2016 restaurant fair)

            - Pret a Manger
            • British fast food chain due to open first outlet in Shanghai's newest mall. A battle is about to commence on Oct 16 at the back lobby in K11, one of Shanghai's recentshopping mall and office developments, a battle not fought with guns and rifles but with Scottishsalmon and egg mayonnaise
            - costa

            • 英資「COSTA」也開始邁向全資運營操作。兩者加快擴展在華分店的同時,亦因看中中國市場前景,收購中國夥伴的股權。
            -  compass
            • in Leeds in 1959, Cousins joined Compass in 2006 when it had a stressed balance sheet and was reeling from allegations of corruption linked to UN contracts. From the time of his appointment until he announced his retirement plans last September, the group had delivered an 840 per cent return for shareholders and returned £9bn in dividends and buybacks.Publicity shy but strong in his beliefs, Cousins resigned from Tesco’s board last year in protest at the retailer’s £3.7bn acquisition of British wholesaler Booker, which he believed was overvalued.
            - sweet mandarin 
            • Premier Li's visit,,,, hket 7jul14 a18
            • 一條褲製作“流徙三部曲”第一部的《流徙之女》(第二部《黃面佬》將於明年一月公演),由胡海輝導演、鄭迪琪改編自英國華裔作家Helen Tse的《Sweet Mandarin》,主角、配角正是Helen自己及其家族成員,是一個關於中國人離鄉別井及到了移居地後如何開創新事業的故事。

            - Twinings

            • the company has established a Twinings Tea Academy in China, which works closely with hospitality institutions to provide training and even scholarships to support people keen on learning more about Western tea culture. "We believe that the Chinese appreciate good-quality teas and also new flavors that suit individual lifestyles," he added. Twinings' products are distributed in high-end stores and imported food markets in 21 cities across China. The company is optimistic about its future in the Chinese market.
            - diageo
            • British drink giant Diageo Plc's baijiu brand Shui Jing Fang drove the company'sgrowth in China as it is expected to cut market spending on deluxe Scotch in thecountryAccording to its interim results for the year ended Dec 31, its net sales in Chinaincreased 4 percent. The performance of Shui Jing Fang continued to improve withnet sales up 81 percentIts marketing spending was down 2 percent as a result of reduced spending onJohnnie Walker Black Label and Blue Label in ChinaIn China, net sales of international spirits were down 40 percent, largely due toScotch, which was down 42 percent as the effects of the government's anti-extravagance measures persist and competition increases, said the reportIvan Menezes, chief executive of Diageo, said sales of Scotch in total were down inChina"It's mostly deluxe Scotch and it's primarily driven by a very conscious decisionfrom us to back off the very high cost of investment" in the hotel bar and restaurantsector, said MenezesHe added that most deluxe Scotch is sold through contracts with hotels, bars andrestaurants.
            Founded in 1749, Justerini & Brooks Ltd. (J&B) is a fine wine and spirits merchant who have been supplying to every British monarch [1] since the Coronation of King George III in 1761. Owned by diageo

            • hket 17mar17 a18
            - machine

            British American Tobacco plc (BAT) is a British multinational company that manufactures and sells cigarettes, tobacco and other nicotine products. The company, established in 1902, is headquartered in London, England. 
            - ft 12mar2021 BAT takes stake in canada cannabis producer

            - university of manchester

            • Despite there being no direct flights between the British city of Manchester and theChinese mainland, the inconvenience of transportion hasn't hindered closeexchanges and cooperation between the University of Manchester and its partnersin China. Nancy Rothwell, president and vice-chancellor of the university, said staff membersfrom the university travel to China very often and she visits China at least once ayear, seeking further opportunities for cooperation in both teaching and research. So far, at least 20 cooperative programs have been established during the past fewyears. "The number is continuously growing," Rothwell told China Daily during a tripto China in early September.
            - bohunt

            • 貴族學校備受中國的家長追捧,近年在內地成立分校的海外名牌教育機構愈來愈多,其中早前因一輯對比中英教學紀錄片而在中國聲名大噪的英國漢普郡博航特中學,將於二○一八年在浙江溫州市開私立分校,校方明言中國富裕家庭對英國式教育有需求。為英國博航特教育基金(Bohunt Education Trust)旗下知名公立學校的漢普郡博航特中學,早前參與英國電視廣播公司(BBC)紀錄片。片中曾批評中式教學的校長斯特勞格爾(Neil Strowger)表示,雙方合作可將最好的教育模式帶到中國。
            social care
            Care UK is a British company providing health and social care. The company works with councils, Clinical Commissioning Groups and doctors to deliver care and support for older people and those with learning disabilities or mental health problems, as well as a range of healthcare services for NHS patients.The company was formed as Anglia Secure Homes in 1982, becoming Care UK PLC in 1994.In 1997, the company acquired Care Solutions Limited, a provider of residential services for people with learning disabilities responsible for 59 homes in Newcastle, Bradford, Staffordshire and Guildford. In 1998, it took on a further seven care homes in Hampshire and the South Coast with the acquisition of The Care Partnership.Care UK delisted from the stock exchange in 2010 following a management buyout. Since 2010 its major shareholder has been Bridgepoint Capital.It bought Harmoni in 2012 from ECI Partners for about £50 million.

            care home
            HC-One is a British healthcare management company. The name stands for Health and Care.[1] It is Britain's largest care home operator. HC-One specialises in Dementia, Nursing, Residential and Specialist care with homes throughout the UK.HC-One was formed in 2011 following the collapse of the UK's then-largest nursing home operator, Southern Cross Healthcare. The homes managed by Southern Cross were mostly owned by other companies, and when it became insolvent these landlord companies then needed to set up or contract with alternative operators to run the homes. The largest of these landlords was NHP (Nursing Home Properties), with 249 homes previously run by Southern Cross. Entrepreneur Chai Patel, a doctor and former Chief Executive of Priory Group, formed a consultancy in the name of his old company Court Cavendish, and joined with NHP to form HC-One to manage these homes.[3][4] Patel became the Chairman of HC-One. Patel also offered the company's services to run the 90 homes owned by London & Regional Properties,[5] but that landlord chose to split its nursing home portfolio between two other operators.
            Barchester Healthcare Ltd is an independent care provider in the United Kingdom, running over 200 care homes and seven registered hospitals across the country. The organisation employs over 17,000 staff in care homes which offer residential and nursing care.Barchester Healthcare was founded in 1992 by Mike Parsons. After finding it difficult to find a good quality care home for two of his relatives, he bought Moreton Hill, a 17th-century farm in the Cotswolds, and converted it into a care home which he felt was to a high enough standard.[2] In 1994, Moreton Hill won the Care Home Design award at the Great South Western Care Awards and featured on BBC’s Countryfile as an example of design sympathetically managed for a rural environment.The next care homes to be opened by Parsons were Badgeworth Court Care Home and Hunters Care Centre in 1995. 

            football club
            - man utd 
            • manchester United will become the first football club to launch a dedicated 24-hour television channel in China next week, as it looks to keep up with growing Chinese interest in the sport. Sina Sports, an online sports platform, will begin broadcasting the club’s MUTV on its website, mobile site and app next Sunday. The channel provides match highlights, features and news dedicated to the English Premiership club. Arthur Wei, senior vice-president at Sina, which owns social media platform Weibo, said the deal “will make great strides to change the way China watches and understands the game of football”. Manchester United did not disclose how much money changed hands in the partnership, which is the latest in a series of deals highlighting China’s interest in the sport. A Chinese consortium bought a 13 per cent stake in United’s local rivals Manchester City in December, shortly after President Xi Jinping visited the club during his state visit to Britain.
            - arsenals

            • A group of Hong Kong Arsenal fans who paid for a plane to fly a banner supporting under-fire manager Arsene Wenger over a match at the weekend have denied that Jardine Matheson had anything to do with the stunt. John ‘Chips’ Keswick, the Arsenal chairman, is part of the billionaire dynasty that controls the massive conglomerate, which has been one of the key ‘hongs’ or business houses in the region since colonial times. Chips’ older brother Henry is the current ‘Tai-pan’ or chairman of Jardine Matheson Holdings, and younger brother Simon and son Adam are on the board of directors. Two planes flew banners over the Hawthorns stadium during Arsenal’s 3-1 defeat to West Brom on Saturday. One banner read “No contract #WengerOut” while the other read “In Arsene we trust #RespectAW”.

            • 三和Samvo (set up by a HKer)
            - Darley

            - Business council of Africa

            - federation of international employers
            • ad in economist featuring a panda


            social enterprise
            - P3 
            Water services
            Thames Water Utilities Ltd, known as Thames Water, is the private utility companyresponsible for the public water supply and waste water treatment in large parts of Greater LondonLuton, the Thames ValleySurreyGloucestershireWiltshireKent, and some other areas of the United Kingdom. Thames Water is the UK's largest water and wastewater services company. Thames Water is regulated under the Water Industry Act 1991 and is owned by Kemble Water Holdings Ltd, a consortium formed in late 2006 and formerly owned by Australian-based Macquarie Group's European Infrastructure Funds specifically for the purpose of purchasing Thames Water. Currently the largest shareholders are Canadian pensions group OMERS(23%),[9] BT Pension Scheme (13%),[10] the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (9.9%),[11]the China Investment Corporation(8.7%)[12] and the Kuwait Investment Authority (8.5%).

            • Thames Water has appointed the former SSE boss Ian Marchant as chairman to spearhead a review of the business, including closing the company’s controversial Cayman Islands subsidiaries. Britain’s biggest water and wastewater services company, which has not paid corporation tax in the UK for the past 10 years, said there was no tax advantage from its two Cayman subsidiaries and that they were created for the purpose of raising money through bonds to fund its infrastucture investment programme. But it is understood that management accepts that “it just looks wrong”. The company said the subsidiaries “have always been fully registered in the UK for tax purposes but no longer serve their original purpose of enabling smoother access to the global bond markets”. 
            Anglian Water is a water company that operates in the East of England. Anglian Water is regulated under the United Kingdom Water Industry Act 1991The Anglian Water Authority was formed by the Water Act 1973 as one of ten regional water authorities which took over statutory and local authority owned water supply and waste water (sewage) undertakings. Anglian Water was privatised as Anglian Water Services Limited in 1989. It is now a subsidiary of AWG plc.

            UK Green Investment Bank plc is a Green Bank created in 2012 by the UK government to attract private funds for the financing of the private sector's investments related to environmental preservation and improvement. It is structured as a public limited company and is owned by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).[1] Its headquarters are in Edinburgh, where it is also registered, and it has a secondary office in London. As a result of the Climate Change Act 2008, the United Kingdom became legally committed to significantly reducing its carbon emissions by 2050. More importantly, the Act committed the UK to generating a significantly higher percentage of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. A non-partisan, House of Commons committee on climate change was established to study and recommend ways of meeting the country's obligations. The committee reported that for a new, low-carbon business and government infrastructure to be established, the necessary investment would range between £200 billion and £1 trillion over the next two decades. The committee further stated that since traditional sources of capital for investment in green infrastructure could not provide even half that amount by 2025, there would be a funding gap that needed to be covered by the state budget. In 2009, two reports were published advocating the creation of a state-backed infrastructure bank to provide financing to green projects. The first, entitled "Accelerating Green Infrastructure Financing: Outline proposals for UK green bonds and infrastructure bank" was published in March 2009 by Climate Change Capital and E3G. The second, entitled "Delivering a 21st Century Infrastructure for Britain" was published by Policy Exchange in September 2009 and was written by Dieter Helm, James Wardlaw and Ben Caldecott.[6] These proposals were then contained in the manifestos of each of the main political parties for the 2010 UK General Election. The Fiscal year 2010 British government budget contained the first mention of a "green investment bank" scheme, earmarked with £2 billion. Chancellor Alistair Darling stated that the Labour government was committed "to support offshore wind energy" and other forms of alternative energy, which he also billed as "crucial to guiding the country out of recession". After the 2010 general election, the newly formed Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government defined its primary economic objective to be the drastic reduction of Britain's debt and yearly deficits. Accordingly, the government sought to create a financing scheme for the environmental investment needs of the country that would be funded mainly by the private sector, including the banks. In June 2010 the Green Investment Bank Commission, established by George Osborne in opposition, after holding hearings recommended that the government created an eponymous banking entity within the year. Chancellor George Osborne remained sceptical after objections to the creation of such a bank were raised by the Treasury, since a Green Investment Bank would "swell the state deficit" as it would appear as a liability on the government's balance sheet. The UK government's Spending Review of October 2010 that announced a raft of austerity measures to deal with the UK government deficit, also included an announcement about the creation of a Green Investment Bank. The government expected to obtain by early 2013 the European Commission's approval for state aid to the Bank, with investment in green projects estimated to begin by April 2012.
            - Advanced Plasma Power Plasma Gasification pilot plant in Swindon
            - New Earth Solutions pyrolysis and gasification technology plant in Bristol

            -, jobs include nespresso magazine

            colonial empire related
            Alfred Holt and Company, trading as Blue Funnel Line, was a UK shipping company that was founded in 1866 and operated merchant ships for 122 years. It was one of the UK's larger shipowning and operating companies, and as such had a significant role in the country's overseas trade and in the First and Second World Wars.Alfred Holt founded the business on 16 January 1866.[1] The main operating subsidiary was the Ocean Steam Ship Company, which owned and operated the majority of the company's vessels. A Dutch subsidiary, the Nederlandsche Stoomvaart Maatschappij Oceaan, was founded in 1891, as was the East India Ocean Steam Ship Company, operated from Singapore. This latter was sold in 1899 to Norddeutscher Lloyd. The company acquired the competing China Mutual Steam Navigation Company in 1902, keeping it as a subsidiary company but operating it as part of Blue Funnel Line. Ships of the Blue Funnel fleet all had names from classical Greek legend or history.
            • Alfred Holt (13 June 1829 – 28 November 1911) was an engineer, ship owner and merchant. He lived at Crofton, Aigburth in Liverpool, England.[citation needed]Alfred Holt was one of six brothers, born to George Holt and his wife, Emma. He and his brother, Philip Holt, are noted for founding in 1866 the Alfred Holt and Company and the Ocean Steam Ship Company, which owned and operated the majority of the company's vessels Alfred Holt & Co later became Blue Funnel Line. One of his other brothers, George Holt, was also a noted Liverpool merchant and ship owner. His youngest brother, Robert Durning Holt, was Mayor of Liverpool. All were Unitarians.
            FDM Group is an international Professional services company headquartered in London, United Kingdom with offices in LeedsGlasgowBrightonNew York CityTorontoRestonFrankfurtHong Kong, and Singapore. It is composed mostly of recent university graduates, returners to work and ex-military personnel, who are trained in the FDM Group academies before working as consultants for one of FDM Group’s clients, primarily financial institutions and banks around the world. The company was founded in Brighton by Rod Flavell and Julian and Jaqueline Divett in 1991. The company focused on IT recruitment until acquiring Mountfield Software in 1995. In 1998 the name changed to FDM Group to reflect this acquisition and the company began hiring, training and placing their own Consultants on-site with their clients.

            • hkej 30aug18 shum article

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