Thursday, December 13, 2018

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

- proposed asia investment bank
  • 亞投行備忘錄今簽署 擬在北京設總部,,,,,,,, singtao 25oct14 a28,
  • Australia, Indonesia and South Korea skipped the launch of a China-backed Asian infrastructure bank on Friday as the United States said it had concerns about the new rival to Western-dominated multilateral lenders. v,, Concerns remain over Chinese rival to Asian Development Bank, hket 25oct14 a13
  • America’s “international credibility and influence” is under threat as China sets up rivals to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank and draws the support of long-time US allies, the US Treasury Secretary warned on Tuesday. Jack Lew said that the US would lose some of its ability to mould international economic rules if Republicans in Congress did not drop their opposition to reforms of the IMF that would give China and other emerging economies a greater voice in the fund. The decision by the Europeans to join the new bank has left the Obama administration scrambling for a new approach towards the AIIB, which US officials fear could end up being used as a tool of Chinese foreign policy in the region. As well as the UK, France, Germany and Italy, which have all indicated they will become founding members of the AIIB, Australia and South Korea are now thought likely to join. The initial British move to sign up for the bank last week brought accusations from Washington about London’s “constant accommodation” of China., The United States urged countries on Tuesday to think twice about signing up to a new China-led Asian development bank that Washington sees as a rival to the World Bank, after GermanyFrance and Italy followed Britain in saying they would join.
  • 首先值得留意的是,「一帶一路」沿線國家和地區,使用的多是小幣種貨幣。雖然人民幣還不可在國際間自由兌換,但近幾年已在不少鄰國和地區通行,故「一帶一路」如果順利推進,人民幣在境外的流通還會擴大,這對於香港要發展為全球最大離岸人民幣中心,提供了極佳的天時和地利。此外,「一帶一路」區域有不少伊斯蘭國家。香港在七年前,便提出發展伊斯蘭金融產品,去年首次發行了十億美元伊斯蘭債券。這幾年香港涉足伊斯蘭金融,已積累了一些經驗,有利於參與「一帶一路」的建設。去年十月,二十多個國家在北京簽署了備忘錄,正式宣布籌備由中國倡議成立的「亞洲基礎設施投資銀行」(簡稱「亞投行」),最近連英國也向中國遞交確認書,願意成為「亞投行」創辦成員。「亞投行」將來在建立「一帶一路」必將擔任重要角色,香港在融資和資產管理方面極具優勢,故應積極研究加入亞投行的可行性,參與籌建和營運,發揮所長。此外,特區政府還應與「一帶一路」沿線國家和地區加強聯繫,盡早磋商和簽訂自貿協議;同時亦應和業界攜手,與內地加強合作,共同創造區域經濟融合,為本港的貨品、服務和投資進入海外市場,創造更有利的條件。
  • Beijing and Jakarta agreed to develop a "maritime partnership" yesterday as the visiting Indonesian president said his country was firmly behind a new China-backed investment bank. Indonesian President Joko Widodo also called for more Chinese private firms to invest in his country's infrastructure and pledged to work closely with Beijing to fight graft and terrorism, Chinese state media reported.
  • 亞投行籌建工作組上月在京舉行的制度發展研討會更像是一次智囊團的集體亮相。外國顧問們的亮相表示中國的努力得到這些業內高級專家的背書。這為亞投行的世界標準運營打下良好基礎,也能消減有關治理和透明度的擔憂,讓亞投行在西方世界中建立起可信度。另有接近亞投行的人士透露,目前亞投行團隊約50人,主要來自財政系統。在亞投行創建規則與各個創始成員國達成一致後,將在今年秋天進行面向全球的精英招聘計劃。
  • The US rebuke of Britain earlier this month for its participation in the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has put the spotlight on a set of questions that have dogged policymakers and economists for years: Who is in charge of global economic governance? Who sets and manages the rules? And should they be set multilaterally? Given China’s controversial lending to countries with murky track records — not only in terms of good governance and political stability, but also credit ratings — the concerns about the direction of the new bank and the role that all shareholders will be playing are spot on. But the US stance vis-à-vis the new institution and the role that China might play in it is also highly hypocritical. With Congress’s approval of International Monetary Fund (IMF) reform still pending, is the United States in the best position to preach to others on the risk of using China’s mold for shaping the new bank?- See more at:
  • 「亞投行得到各方積極響應和支持,目前已確 定 57個意向創始成員國,其中包含 28個亞洲 合作對話成員國。爭取今年年中完成談判,年 底前正式成立並投入運營。」中國外交部副部 長劉振民昨日在福建福州舉行的亞洲合作對話 共建「一帶一路」合作論壇暨亞洲工商大會 (下稱「ACD大會」)上透露了上述信息。
  • 在上月舉行的亞投行第五 次談判代表會議上,57個意向創始成員國就 《亞投行章程》文本達成一致,並計劃於本 月底正式簽署。日前,華爾街日報根據看到 的《亞投行章程》複印件報道稱,亞投行將 採取比世界銀行、亞開行更為精簡的結構以 保證高效運作,且項目招標不局限於成員國 ,更具開放性,也將賦予發展中國家更大的 發言權。
  • China will retain "veto power" over major decisions by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank but relinquish that for day-to-day decisions, as part of Beijing's broad-based efforts to build a lean, efficient lending institution, according to media reports. The nation has gained between 25 and 30 percent of the total votes of the emerging multilateral lender, which give it the power to block major motions involving structure, membership, capital increases and other significant issues that require a "super majority" of at least 75 percent of votes, both The Wall Street Journal and Reuters reported, claiming they had viewed the draft articles of association. The Finance Ministry said on May 22 that the 57 prospective founding members of the AIIB had agreed on the text of the articles of association at a three-day meeting in Singapore. It will be signed at the end of June and will then be presented to each nation's legislature for approval. The ministry did not disclose the content of the AOA, and declined to confirm media reports. China's decision to forgo its outright veto power in day-to-day operations has also helped win over some key founding members, The Wall Street Journal said. However, China still has an upper hand as the largest shareholder, and is the only country to wield a veto power over major decisions, as opposed to previous reports that China had relinquished the power to win support. According to the AOA, China is providing $29.78 billion of the bank's $100 billion capital base. India contributes $8.36 billion, Russia $6.53 billion and South Korea $3.74 billion. Outside the Asian-Pacific region, Germany's allocation is $4.48 billion, France $3.37 billion and Brazil $3.18 billion. Voting shares are apportioned according to a complex formula that factors in each member's capital contribution, the size of its economy, basic votes each member receives equally plus another 600 votes allocated to each founding member. This would translate into a 25 to 30 percent vote for China, the Journal said. India would be the second-largest shareholder with a 7.5 percent voting rights, while Germany has gained a 4.1 percent stake, the largest outside the region, Reuters said.
  • China will hold the biggest share of voting rights in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, or AIIB, but Beijing will be cautious before exercising any power of veto, according to Indonesia's envoy to Beijing. Soegeng Rahardjo said the newly formed international development bank had been well set up to ensure voting rights were used positively, and he believed the power of veto was unlikely to be used. "We should learn from the successes and failures of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. This is a good teacher for the AIIB to move forward," he said.
- Founding members of the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will hold a three-day meeting in Singapore this week to discuss operational policies for the establishment of the institution. The gathering, called the 5th chief negotiators' meeting, will also discuss the draft articles of agreement for the AIIB in Singapore from Wednesday to Friday, a Singapore Ministry of Finance statement said on Tuesday. The meeting will be co-chaired by Shi Yaobin, vice minister of China's Ministry of Finance, and Yee Ping Yi, deputy secretary of Singapore's Ministry of Finance.  A total of 57 countries have joined AIIB as its founding members, China has said, throwing together countries as diverse as Iran, Israel, Britain and Laos.
Among the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized countries, the United States, Japan and Canada remain absentees.
- The new China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is considering giving senior staff morepower over loan approval than at existing multilateral lenders to speed up the decision process,officials familiar with the talks said. Under proposals to be discussed this week in Singapore, the board of directors, whichrepresents member countries, would not sit at the lender's headquarters. The threshold andconditions to delegate loan decisions to management have not yet been agreed, according tothe officials from founder-member countries, who asked not to be named as the talks are notpublic. China, which lined up support of 56 nations for the $100-billion bank, wants to set it apart frominstitutions such as the World Bank, which borrowers have criticized for having too manyconditions and authorization layers.
- Beijing is proposing to include non-Asian countries on the board of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in a move interpreted by some nations as giving small shareholders a voice in the institution, the Philippines' finance chief said yesterday. The AIIB's planned governance mechanism includes a provision that prevents any country from having more than one seat on the 12-member directors board, Cesar Purisima said. His comments came as founding members of the Beijing-backed bank began a three-day meeting in Singapore to discuss operational policies and other issues for setting up the institution. "There is a provision splitting the 12 members into nine regional and three non-regional," Purisima said. "That helps the smaller countries. I'm seeing features that make it more inclusive." China says it will not hold veto power in the AIIB, unlike the World Bank where the United States has a limited veto. Founding members will initially pay up to one-fifth of the AIIB'S US$50 billion authorised capital, which will eventually be raised to US$100 billion.
- Germany will have a director on the board of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), according to the nation's envoy to China, Michael Clauss. Member nations are still discussing how many directors the board should have, but Clauss told the South China Morning Post he believed that Germany "being the most important European economy, will be represented on the board".  He also said Germany wanted the board's make-up to reflect the various regions joining the Beijing-led bank. His remarks came as the 57 founding members of the bank met in Singapore for a three-day meeting to discuss operational policies.
- 據新華社報道,昨日閉幕的第十二屆 全國人大常委會第十七次會議審議通過了《亞洲基礎設 施投資銀行協定》,標誌着這一關係亞投行能否順利開 張的法律協定已獲批准,向最終生效邁出關鍵一步。
- The US$100-billion Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will have a special compliance-and-integrity unit that will exercise oversight over the management and report directly to the board, according to Jin Liqun, the lender’s president. “There’ll be division of power and responsibility between the board and management,” Jin told a press conference on Sunday. “It’s important to implement.”
- 亞投行設立理事會、董事會和管理層 三層架構,理事會為最高決策機構。 法定股本分實繳股本和待繳股本,其 中實繳200億美元,待繳800億美元。 創始成員國等於其持有的亞投行股份 數;基本投票權佔總投票權的12%。 創始成員均享有600票創始成員投票權 ,新成員則沒有。 亞投行堅持以 「開放、包容」 的原則 吸收新成員。 亞投行核心價值觀是 「精幹、廉潔和 綠色」 ,對腐敗零容忍。 亞投行使用英語作為工作語言、美元 作為結算貨幣 中國5000萬美元援助資金用於支持欠 發達成員國開展基礎設施項目準備。 亞投行與世界銀行、亞洲開發銀行等 現有多邊開發銀行是互補而非競爭關係。 亞投行與金磚開發銀行、絲路基金都 由中國政府出資,三者錯位發展,各有側 重。
- The China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is looking to hire fixed-income management companies to help invest its billion of dollars of spare funds. But don't bother applying unless your company has some serious credentials.

- 在14日召開的 「一帶一路」國際合作高 峰論壇的「促進資金融通」平行主題會議 上,亞投行行長金立群指出,亞投行已 經從創始時期的57個創始成員增加至現 在的77個,並將在今年年底達到85個。
- Afghanistan has obtained the permanent membership of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the country's finance ministry reported on its website Sunday. Afghan Finance Minister Eklil Hakimi received the Certificate of Permanent Membership of the AIIB on the sidelines of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) meeting earlier this week in Washington, the United States, the ministry said in a statement. Hakimi also met Jin Liqun, president of AIIB, and discussed a number of topics including Afghanistan's membership in the bank, financial and technical facilities for Afghan solar energy, railway connectivity of five countries (Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Iran and China), financing infrastructure projects, among others, the statement noted.
- AIIB Approves Membership of Papua New Guinea and Kenya
- 亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(亞投行)理事會昨日在此間舉行的年會上宣佈,已批准黎巴嫩作為意向成員加入,其成員總數將增至87個。
China welcomes Ghana to actively participate in the Belt and Road Initiative and join ranks with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, President Xi Jinping said in a meeting with Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo on Saturday.

- first

  • The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is to hold its annual meetings in June each year, with the first being convened this year in Beijing, according to a Finance Ministry official. The meeting will come just five months after the bank becomes formally operational this month, according to the official, who declined to be named. The first meetings of the bank's board of governors and board of directors, due to be held from Jan 16 to 18, will elect the first president and 12 constituency directors. It will also draw up rules on operations, financing and human resources. The AIIB's annual meetings will gather governors-usually represented by finance ministers of each founding member. The meetings could also be held in other cities, the official said.
- 日前亞投行理事會第三屆年會在印度孟買成功舉行,來自世界各地的3000多名代表出席了這一盛會。各方普遍認為,亞投行在治理結構、業務政策、保障和採購政策和人力資源管理等方面都體現出國際性、規範性、高標準,是一個21世紀新型多邊開發銀行,充分展示了中國政府對國際社會的莊嚴承諾。

- 叠加深港合作区、自贸区以及“一带一路”重要战略支点三大国家战略,前海面临空前的发展机遇。在今年全国两会上,前海又一次成为代表、委员竞相提及的高频词。从金融创新、深港合作到借助亚投行和“一带一路”加速发展、国际人才引进等,代表委员们积极把脉问诊、建言献策,为前海下一轮发展提供崭新的强大的智力支持。
前海具备承接亚投行资金运营总部落户的独特优势 如何能有效整合区域资源优势,提升我国金融辐射力,推进自贸区建设步伐?着眼国家战略发展,在全面分析了前海与香港的功能优势,多名全国政协委员提交联名提案:建议将亚洲基础设施投资银行资金运营总部设在前海。“前海具备承接亚洲基础设施投融资机构落户的独特优势和有利条件。”提案分析,深圳经济特区外向型经济一直发达,外贸出口连续20年位居全国大中城市首位,与亚洲国家经贸往来紧密,也形成了相对完备的金融组织体系和体制机制创新模式。前海兼具“我国金融业对外开放的实验示范窗口”和“跨境人民币业务创新示范区”使命,也是国家定位的“一带一路”重点战略支点,拥有着独特的政策优势、雄厚的外向型经济基础以及活跃的金融氛围。
-昨日,答 案終於揭曉——亞投行總部大樓在北京 奧林匹克公園中心區奠基,標誌着亞投 行總部正式落戶北京。

- china

  • The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) Board of Directors has approved a US$250-million loan for a project that will reduce China’s coal use by about 650,000 tons annually through connecting about 216,750 households in approximately 510 rural villages to the natural gas distribution network. he president-elect of China's new international development bank said he expects the institution to lend $10 billion-$15 billion a year for the first five or six years, and sought to allay concerns that the lender will be a tool of Beijing. Jin Liqun, who takes up the AIIB presidency after its expected inauguration toward the end of December, said on Tuesday that the bank will start operations in the second quarter of 2016. He said the U.S. dollar would be the operating currency of the bank but the institution would consider financing requests in other currencies, including the yuan.
China’s flagship international development bank is hoping to pave a new Silk Road, with at least three of its initial projects focused on transport arteries in central Asia and Pakistan. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will help fund a highway in Pakistan, an expressway running from Tajikistan’s capital to the border with Uzbekistan, and a ring road in Almaty, Kazakhstan, according to people with knowledge of the projects and tender documents.
- THE Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has approved a loan of US$600 million to finance an energy project in Azerbaijan. The loan, the largest the bank has made, will be used to support construction of a natural gas pipeline from Azerbaijan through Turkey, known as the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project, the bank said yesterday.
-亞洲基礎設施投資銀行28日宣布,董事會最 近批准了三筆貸款總額達2.85億美元(折 合約22.1億港元),為印尼水壩改造、地 區政府基建融資和孟加拉天然氣的三個項 目提供融資。
- 內地政府為改善空氣污染問題,今年強推「煤改氣」(燃煤改為天然氣),但因燃氣不足,致民怨四起。由中國主導的亞投行昨日公布,已批准一筆二億五千萬美元(約十九億五千萬港元)的貸款,用於北京建設天然氣管網工程。該個項目為亞投行首筆在中國投資的項目。

Anti graft The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will set up an ethics integrity department and encourage employees to reports by stamp out corruption, said Jin Liqun, president-designate of the institution. The bank will launch its first projects in the second quarter of next year, Jin said, adding that projects will focus on electricity, transportation and water supply, as these are in high demand.

China investment corporation
- The sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corporation is ready to work with the new Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to invest in projects around the region, a senior official said yesterday. With a focus on investing in the infrastructure and hi-tech sectors this year, Liu Fangyu, head of CIC's public relations and international cooperation, said the fund was ready to support the AIIB where possible. CIC saw a 41 per cent drop to 5.5 per cent in its overseas investment returns last year, partly due to falling commodity prices and foreign exchange losses incurred from a stronger US dollar. That left the fund's overseas returns at a three-year low in 2014. Its net profit growth last year was also modest, up just 2.5 per cent to US$89.1 billion.

- US officials have declared what amounts to a truce in their campaign over China’s Asian infrastructure bank, claiming they have secured commitments from Beijing to address Washington’s concerns as well as a “meaningfully increase” its financial contributions to the World Bank and other potential regional rivals to the new institution. The US has declined to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and been leading what many allies and others see as a failed campaign against it. Together with the New Development Bank being founded with other Brics economies, the AIIB represents perhaps the biggest challenge yet mounted to the Bretton Woods international financial architecture established in 1944. The latest move highlights how eager US president Barack Obama and his administration are to put that chapter of their engagement with China behind them and resume normal relations on international economics. During last week’s state visit by Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, the Obama administration also reiterated its pledge to back China’s bid for the inclusion of its currency, the renminbi, in an elite International Monetary Fund basket of reserve currencies as long as Beijing is declared worthy by the IMF. Senior administration officials said that during Mr Xi’s visit, Washington had secured a pledge from Beijing to increase its financial contributions to the World Bank and regional development banks.
- 紐 約當地時間25日中午,全國政協副主席董建華 在紐約發表中美關係演講時表示,中國沒有取 代美國、重建國際秩序的野心。如果中美合作 應對國際問題,許多挑戰都將迎刃而解。如美 加入亞投行,將有利於中美關係和全球經濟的 發展。


World bank The Beijing-led Asian ­Infrastructure Investment Bank and the US-dominated World Bank – originally seen as rivals – have signed an agreement to ­co-finance projects. As part of the deal signed on Thursday – which comes as the AIIB prepares to announce its first batch of loans – the two banks are discussing nearly a dozen jointly financed projects in sectors including transport, water and energy in Central Asia, South Asia, and East Asia. The AIIB is expected to begin lending from the second quarter of this year, after its high-profile inauguration in January. China’s Asian neighbours, such as Pakistan, are expected to benefit.
- The World Bank Group and the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank said on Sunday they agreed to deepen their cooperation with a framework for knowledge sharing, staff exchanges, analytical work, development financing and country-level coordination. The memorandum of understanding signed at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund spring meetings in Washington comes a year after the two multilateral lenders established mechanisms for cost-sharing and co-financing of investment projects. Since then, the AIIB and the World Bank have co-financed five projects, supporting power generation in Pakistan, a natural gas pipeline in Azerbaijan, and projects in Indonesia to rebuild slums, improve dam safety and develop regional infrastructure. They said in a joint statement that they are discussing more projects to be co-financed in 2017 and 2018. "Signing this memorandum of understanding fits into our vision of a new kind of internationalism," AIIB President Jin Liqun said in a statement. "It deepens our relationship with the World Bank Group and sets up the mechanisms through which we can more easily collaborate and share information."

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is keenly eyeing opportunities to work closely with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, both in offering advice to the AIIB as it grows and in jointly funding infrastructure projects. Suma Chakrabarti, president of the EBRD, said the creation of the China-led bank has significant implications for an older development-oriented bank like the European bank because the combined strength of both can allow them to take on much larger projects. In addition, efficient and innovative ways of funding that may be demonstrated by the AIIB will provide inspiration and create benchmarks that affect how the EBRD examines and funds projects, Chakrabarti said. Chakrabarti, who is due to visit China for a two-day visit beginning June 26, will be giving a speech outlining his advice to the AIIB, including details about setting up a reasonable business model, governance and standards. He will also have conversations with counterparts in China to examine how the two banks can cooperate, especially in geographical regions where they have overlapping responsibilities. china has made a formal request to become a member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a move that would add to ever-closer ties between Europe and the world’s second-biggest economy.  EBRD membership would also open new channels for China to fund infrastructure and other investments along its new Silk Road, or “One Belt, One Road” project, linking it to markets in Europe and the rest of the world.  The application was confirmed by the bank as Xi Jinping, China’s president, ended a four-day visit to the UK last week that included promises of trade and investment deals worth tens of billions of pounds. Mr Xi and David Cameron, the UK prime minister, are understood to have touched on the issue of stronger ties between China and the EBRD during the visit, a possibility that would be welcomed in London.  An EBRD official said “a senior Chinese authority” — understood to be Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China — had written to Sir Suma Chakrabarti, EBRD president, in August, proposing that China become a shareholder in the bank. Another person familiar with the matter said China would not become a country of operations for the EBRD and its shareholding would be a symbolic amount, “just to let them say they are a shareholder”.Nobody at the Chinese embassy in London was immediately available for comment. The EBRD official said the request would be put before the bank’s existing shareholders — a group of 64 advanced and developing nations — for consideration and that the process was in its “early days”.  “We do try to attract Chinese investments,” the official added. China is already able to co-operate with the EBRD and there have been plans for collaboration between the bank and the newly created, Beijing-led, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). But making China a shareholder would send a strong message of intent. “It is a question of prestige and politics rather than shareholder influence,” the person said.
- 據新華社、中新社、中國網報道 :總部設在英國倫敦的歐洲復興開發銀行(EBRD ,歐開行)14日發表聲明說,批准中國成為該行股 東。歐開行在聲明中表示,在該行業務覆蓋地區中 ,該行與中國企業存在廣闊合作空間。歐開行還表 示,該行已做好與亞洲基礎設施投資銀行合作的準 備。

European investment bank European Investment Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on Monday signed a framework agreement and agreed to broaden cooperation, in an accord seeking to jointly finance strategically important projects. "The agreement is crucial to expand our partnership in addressing the monumental infrastructure financing needs around the world," said Jin Liqun, president of the AIIB. Jin added that the AIIB was created with the goal of promoting regional cooperation and partnership to address development challenges. He said joint efforts between the two banks could be a steadying force in a complex global economic environment and create enduring positive developmental results. Werner Hoyer, president of the EIB, said the two banks shared similar business models. Hoyer said he was looking forward to working together with the AIIB to address global challenges, in particular programs that would help tackle climate change, ensuring the provision of sustainable transport and providing clean water.

- Luxembourg will work closely with the AIIB to boost sustainable investment and improve connectivity between regions, its finance minister has said. The grand duchy's finance minister, Pierre Gramegna, was speaking on Tuesday after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Sir Danny Alexander, vice-president and corporate secretary of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (known as AIIB). Following China, South Korea and India, Luxembourg will host the AIIB's 2019 annual meeting on July 12-13, the bank's first annual meeting in Europe.

Middle East
-   Promises by some Middle East governments to stump up cash and the support of key European nations – to Beijing’s surprise and despite US opposition – proved a turning point in China’s plans to alter the global financial architecture. The overseas affirmation, combined with the endorsement of stalwart supporters, including a former Chinese vice-premier and incoming AIIB president Jin Liqun – a former head of the sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corp – enabled China to bring the bank from an idea to its imminent inception. The bank’s successful establishment is likely to bolster Beijing’s confidence that it can play a leading role in supranational financial institutions, despite the economic headwinds it is facing at home.

islamic development bank the Islamic Development Bank, is set to ramp up its fundraising activities and form a partnership with the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to address a yawning infrastructure gap in African and other developing countries.

The Asian Development Bank is set to work with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on a loan project as the two seek to counter perceptions they are rivals, the ADB chief said on Monday.
-  據新華社報道,亞洲兩大多邊開發銀行,亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(亞投行)和亞洲開發銀行(亞行),日前第四次開展聯合融資,這一次受益國是印度。據悉,亞投行董事會已經批准向印度提供一億美元貸款,以幫助印度升級改造區域間電網系統並更多利用太陽能和風能等清潔能源,該筆貸款將與亞行的5,000萬美元資金一併用於印度輸電網絡項目。

Uncertainty over ties with the United States could push Japan closer to China, with a senior Japanese ruling party official reportedly signalling Tokyo’s interest in joining the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), analysts said on Tuesday. Toshihiro Nikai, secretary general of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said it was crucial for Japan to decide soon whether it should join the AIIB, Japan’s Nikkei newspaper reported.
Nikai, known for his close ties with Beijing, made the assessment at a two-day summit in the Chinese capital for China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”.Nikai also met President Xi ­Jinping on Tuesday, presenting a letter from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Read more at

- After months of holding out, the Philippines on Wednesday said it would join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank before a year-end deadline for founding members.
- 菲律賓總統杜特爾特訪華後中菲關係似有回暖,菲國財政部長多明戈斯前日表示,為尋求與中國建立更密切關係,杜特爾特已着手向中國主導的亞投行貸款,暫確認有兩個項目貸款即將獲批。惟菲國外長亞塞則唱反調,指菲方尊重南海仲裁,會以此作為解決爭議問題時的參考。

- Power plants and transmission systems will at the top of Indonesia's agenda when founding members of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank submit proposals for the bank's first round of investment. "Our top candidates are in the power sector - power plants and [power] transmission [projects]," Indonesian Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said on Monday. "Right after that is [a] sea port. Indonesia is an archipelago and we need good connectivity. "The most important thing for us now is to get as many projects as possible financed by the AIIB."

- 台灣是否加入由大陸主導的亞投行再現變數,針對亞投行行長金立群宣稱台灣需通過大陸財政部,才能申請加入,台灣的財政部長張盛和昨回應,不需要接受「這種矮化申請入會的做法」,沒必要哀求非加入不可。

Hong Kong
- 香港中華出入口商會訪京團昨日在 京與全國工商聯及商務部相關負責人會 面,呼籲中央有關部門考慮將香港融入 國家「一帶一路」戰略,並建議在港設 立亞投行香港分行。商務部負責人回應 說,未來亞投行運行過程中,一定會考 慮香港的角色。
- 民建聯一行34人昨日正式展開訪京行程,拜訪了國家發展和改革委員會,並獲安排與國家發改委副主任何立峰會面。民建聯在會上提出了5項政策建議,包括發揮香港在「一帶一路」與亞投行戰略中的作用、共同促進環境保護等。何立峰表示,「一帶一路」是國家的重大戰略性發展,認為香港在當中一定有發揮角色,希望香港工商界能把握相關市場機遇。民建聯主席李慧琼表示認同,並強調民建聯未來將會思考如何加強港商對「一帶一路」的認識,又會與不同商會討論如何把握內地機遇。民建聯訪京團行程首站為拜訪國家發改委,其後再拜訪統戰部(見另稿)。民建聯與發改委副主任何立峰會面交流約50分鐘,提出了加強香港與內地合作的5項建議,包括發揮香港在國家「一帶一路」戰略與亞投行運作中的角色、加強兩地創新及科技合作、將優化珠三角空域管理的安排納入「十三五」規劃、加強打擊水貨活動,及共同促進環境保護。
- 消息稱爪哇控股(00251)以 95億元售出灣仔大新金融中心,總樓面逾42 萬方呎,平均呎價約2.25萬元,有指買家為 亞投行,爪哇集團回應指並不知悉此事,沒 有進一步資料可供透露。 灣仔告士打道108號大新金融中心,為 爪哇集團旗艦物業及總部所在地,早於去年 十一月傳聞以暗盤方式放售,爪哇當時發通 告指並無任何有關出售該物業之確實承諾或 協議,集團亦沒有收到出售該物業的要約。 事隔一個多月,市場昨天再盛傳該廈以 約95億元賣出,買家是亞投行,若以全幢逾 42萬方呎計,成交呎價約2.25萬元,倘若成 交屬實,將成為2016年首宗大額物業交易。 大公報就有關傳聞致電爪哇查詢,該集團地 產部高層回應指,暫未知悉有關事宜,也沒 有進一步資料可供透露。
- Hong Kong may join the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a sub-sovereign member by the end of the year, the bank’s president Jin Liqun said at the Boao Forum for Asia on Friday.
- 財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強昨日表示,政府期望今年中之前,完成香港加入亞投行的申請工作,並爭取將亞投行的財資管理中心落戶香港。

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