Wednesday, December 19, 2018

China - company

近年活躍於中港和國際市場的7大中資財團,外界估計坐擁資產總值高達5.74萬億元人民幣(下同,7.2萬億港元),共通點是股權結構複雜、股東身份神 秘,背後被指涉及各大紅色家族,包括前國家主席江澤民、曾慶紅、賈慶林和溫家寶等家族,就連習近平的姐姐齊橋橋亦曾入股萬達。

- 中国世贸集团(China World Trade Corporation-CWTC)成立于1998年,是一家外资多元化综合性集团企业。集团依托现代服务业为主体承载,始终秉承创新、坚毅、拼搏的企业理念和强烈的社会责任感,凭借丰富的社会资源优势,与各级政府部门及各地区行业商会保持友好密切的联系,致力为各类型企业和个人提供不同领域的个性化现代商务服务及合作机会,其宗旨是在中国入世(WTO)后成为中外企业相互合作、贸易及融资的商业服务平台;为国内外企业搭建资本与产业、人才与项目的专业、便捷的桥梁,加促国内企业与国际接轨,为国家的经济发展做出切实贡献。集团在积极配合国家十二五规划的社会经济发展方针与紧密围绕《关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA)的指导思想下,以科学发展为核心战略,真诚与各界携手共创美好未来。经历超过十年的磨砺与积累,集团现已发展为以高端商业服务为平台,文化创意产业(音乐、动漫)与投资开发并驾齐驱的综合性大型企业,公司遍及广州、香港、北京、河北等地。旗下品牌包括:广州世贸中心俱乐部、北京世贸中心俱乐部、中国首席执行官俱乐部、CEO高尔夫俱乐部、CHK、星恒娱乐、长裕投资。

Sovereign fund
- 中國投資公司 China Investment Corporation

  • 日圓的大幅貶值令海外投資者對日本資產興趣更 濃,外電引述消息稱,近期中國投資公司(下稱,中 投 ) 聯 手 美 國 領 盛 投 資 管 理 (LaSalle Investment Management)以1400億日圓(約合73億元人民幣) 的價格,收購了日本東京的一座地標性商業地產── 目黑雅敘園(Meguro Gajoen),業內稱這應是中資 在日本地產市場的最大一筆投資。
  • 法國《費加羅報》報道稱,中國投資有限責任公司(中投公司,下同)擬投入13億歐元(約90.5億元人民幣)向美國房地產集團世邦魏理仕(CBRE)收購十家購物中心,標誌?中國的主權財富基金正在加快海外擴張的速度。報道顯示,中投此次競購打敗了對手法國─荷蘭房地產集團Unibail-Rodamco和荷蘭房地產集團Wereldhave。十家被收購的物業中八家位於法國、兩家在比利時。包括擁有80多個店舖位於巴黎郊區的黑奶牛購物中心(La Vache Noire)和擁有90多家店舖的馬約爾購物中心(Mayol);兩個位於比利時的物業為Wijnegem和Waasland的購物中心。中投公司是全球最大主權財富基金之一,於2007年9月29日在北京成立,中國財政部通過發行特別國債的方式籌集15500億元人民幣後,向其提供註冊資本金2000億美元。2009年後,中投公司改變策略開始關注境外與境內新興市場,投資目標更傾向資源、地產等更具抵抗通脹能力的非金融資產。今年二月,消息稱中投曾聯手美國領盛投資管理公司(LaSalle Investment Management Inc.),以1400億日圓(約合12億美元)的價格購入日本東京都目黑區的雅敍園商業綜合體(Meguro Gajoen)。 近年來中國企業海外併購項目和資金投入增多。研究機構榮鼎諮詢(Rhodium Group)的報告稱,過去四年,中國在歐洲的年均投資達到100億美元。其中,去年達到180億美元,是2013年的兩倍。
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  • 中國投資有限責任公司(中投公司)第三家全資子公司中投海外直接投資公司(中投海外)傳已在本週一(二十七日)正式掛牌,未來規劃的資本在1000億美元(約6200億元人民幣)。據接近中投的消息人士透露,目前中投海外資金來源的多方籌措計劃還在商討當中。據悉,目前以由中國財政部發債籌措的可能性較大,但也不排除轉讓部分股權等方式。
  • 據外電報道,由於俄羅斯鉀肥公司UralKali計劃退市,故需要回購股份,而中投之子公司將出售12.5%UralKali股權,料作價約22.6億美元(約175.8億港元)。UralKali為世界最大碳酸鉀生產商,但卻因化肥需求減弱,打擊其股價,故計劃退市。
  • The China Investment Corp (CIC), the government's $747 billion (£493.2 billion) sovereign wealth fund, is shifting its focus to U.S. investments and broader global ambitions as it prepares to move its North American headquarters to New York from Toronto early next year, according to people familiar with the matter.  With its major Canadian investments in the red as energy and mining companies reel from tumbling oil and metal prices, CIC is looking to cut its exposure, and could move to New York as early as March 1, one source said.  CIC set up its first and only overseas office in Toronto in 2011 after investing at least $4.5 billion in Canada's resources industry to help power the growing Chinese economy.

real estate/property developer
- china overseas

  • 中海外(00688)宣布,与中信股份(00267)旗下麦当劳中国签订战略合作协议,中海外将在已布局的逾60个核心主流城市的项目中,与麦当劳展开合作。麦当劳中国首席执行官张家茵表示,非常重视与中海外的长期合作,在传统餐厅的基础上,麦当劳拥有甜品店、麦咖啡(McCafe)、汽车餐厅“得来速”、送餐服务“麦乐送”等不同业务模式,去年更在全国推进未来2.0餐厅体验升级。

- China Merchants Land


  •碧桂園擬進軍俄國美洲-5324180.html 碧桂園(02007)近年轉為大舉開拓海外市場,並已相繼進軍馬來西亞及澳洲等國家,包括與合作方在新加坡和馬來西亞交界投資2500億元(人民幣.下同)發展的新市鎮項目,碧桂園首席戰略官林昭憲表示,海外佔公司投資總額預算的10%,現正在俄羅斯及美洲等地尋找新拓展機會,預計今年將繼續投資澳洲新項目。

  • 中國海航投資控股有限公司正式收購路透社位於倫敦的英國總部大樓,交易金額並未對外公佈。  本次收購是海航集團在倫敦的首個重大收購項目。英國路透社總部大樓位於倫敦金絲雀碼頭金融區核心位置,是倫敦標誌性建築之一。大樓高十層,室內總面積約三萬平方米,最大租户為國際金融資訊媒體路透社,其歐洲總部即位於此。這棟大樓周邊有花旗銀行、?豐銀行、北方信託及摩根士丹利等著名投資機構。海航投資是海航集團旗下全資子公司,其業務主要涵蓋項目投資、資產管理、基金管理、信託業務等,已逐步構建成為海航集團多元化的產業投融資平台。
Agriculture and fisheries
-  國農控股
  • 國農控股( 01236)進一步完善 「互聯網+農業」的布局,昨日 發布多款涉農金融領域互聯網產品,包括中國農業交 易平台2.0、農匯通2.0升級系統。國農正積極拓展平 台國際化,首席執行官蔡偉恆透露,正與芝加哥商品 交易所(CME)、俄羅斯外貿銀行和台灣農會商討 合作事宜。

-, regulatory news and database
Genseida Trading Co

  • Wang's company, Genseida Trading Co, based in Anqiu of East China's Shandong province, has a market share of 20 percent in Japan's ginger trade, and about 33 percent in peeled garlic. In May, it launched its first product in the Chinese market - a type of fermented garlic flavored with chocolate - and also opened an online store on Taobao, the country's largest online marketplace. Wang, Genseida's general manager, knows the company has one major advantage over its competitors: Its products conform to Japanese standards.

Shopping malls
- Nanjing

  • 中央商場
  • 南京新百
  • 山西路百貨
  • 金鷹百貨
  • 大洋百貨
  • 湖南路商圈
  • 中央門(建寧路)商圈
  • 新街口商圈
department store
- parkson

  • 百盛集團(03368)於7月時公布,斥 資約13億元現金收購母公司位於東南 亞零售業務。百盛首席執行官張瑞雄 (見圖)解釋,收購主要是看好東盟國 家經濟增長,認為收購是將業務擴張 至東南亞的好機會。

- China Duty Free Group Co., Ltd. (CDFG), established in 1984, is the only state-owned enterprise authorized by the State Council to operate duty free business across the country. In accordance with the State policies, CDFG exercises unified management of the national duty free industry (i.e. unified operation, unified purchasing, unified retail pricing and unified development of management regulations ). After 30 years of rapid development, CDFG has established long-term cooperative relationships with more than 300 top luxury brands in the world to provide inbound and outbound travelers, international sailors, diplomats and Hainan offisland travelers with more than a thousand types of commodities from over twenty main categories. It has set up more than 200 duty-free stores of nine types (namely, airport, in-flight, border, ferry terminal, railway station, ocean shipping supply, diplomat, board and downtown duty free stores) in thirty provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of China. This has made CDFG the duty-free operator with the widest duty-free type coverage and the most retail outlets in a single country.

  • A unit of state-owned China National Travel Service Group has edged out LVMH’s DFS and South Korea’s Lotte Group to win the right to operate all alcohol and tobacco duty-free stores at Hong Kong International Airport

- Sunart
- Postmart

  • Hybrid retailer shuts Shandong, Jiangxi outlets, sublets Henan unit Retail supermarket chain Post Mart has closed stores in Shandong and Jiangxi provinces and has sublet its stores in Henan province to contractors, as part of the efforts to stem losses from operations in rural China. Post Mart, jointly run by China Post and US-based China Horizon Investments Group, is a hybrid retailer with strong logistical networks and international retail experience. The company, though often called the rural answer to US retail giant Walmart, has yet to establish its presence in the unique and complicated Chinese rural market.
  • Firm finds fertile fields for growth in rural areas

- 1688 (owned by alibaba)
- (sinopec)

- Cofco, China Foods
  • soe reform 
  • A group of state and private companies will invest a total of 6.9 billion yuan ($1.04 billion) in COFCO Capital, a subsidiary of state-run agribusiness COFCO Group, according to a notice published on Monday on a state investment platform. COFCO is currently restructuring its business as part of wide-ranging reforms of China's state-owned companies. Part of the overhaul includes introducing mixed ownership into its 18 subsidiaries and listing more of its divisions on public markets. COFCO Capital's new shareholders include state-run investors such as the State-owned Enterprise Structural Adjustment Fund and Beijing Capital Agribusiness Group, as well as privately-owned Guangdong Wen's Foodstuff Group, according to the statement on the website of China Chengtong Group, a state investment platform that partly owns the State-owned Enterprise Structural Adjustment Fund.
  •  Food giant COFCO Group's online food products retailer COFCO Womai seeks to raise funds from an initial public offering at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the company said in a listing application Monday.Womai, backed by COFCO and Baidu, could raise $500 million to $600 million, said a report by Global Capital, which cited a banker with close knowledge of the trade.The sponsors of the company are China Merchants Securities and Credit Suisse. The time of listing is not decided yet, according to the company's prospectus for investors.Womai, started in 2009, has been loss-making for three consecutive years from 2014 to 2016, with annual loss of 631 million yuan ($95 million), 978 million yuan and 887 million yuan, respectively. The company said it forecasts it will continue to post losses for the foreseeable future.
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  • Cofco and Noble in joint venture talks,,, 中糧172億完成兩海外併購
  • Cofco, the Chinese state-owned grain trader, on Tuesday sought to ensure that it can compete with leading US agribusinesses by unveiling plans for an initial public offering in assets including those acquired from Nidera of the Netherlands and Hong Kong’s Noble Group.
  • cofco looks to hk expertise
    State-owned grain trader Cofco of China plans to transform itself into a "global agricultural company" that helps meet not only its home country's rising food import needs but ships to other destinations around the world, its chairman said.
  •  COFCO Corp, China's largest food company, is setting up a joint venture with sovereign wealthfund China Investment Corp, in preparation of a full listing for its recently acquired grain, oil andsugar assets. According to an agreement signed by the two parties on Thursday, COFCO will control 80.1percent of the venture, to be named COFCO International Holdings, while CIC will hold theremaining 19.9 percent. COFCO, also known as China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corp, is the country'sbiggest grain trader. It acquired Dutch grain company Nidera BV and Hong Kong- based Noble Agri last year, giving itdirect access to South American grain and oilseed supplies. After the two acquisitions, its total assets were valued at $57 billion and it now has combinedsales revenue of $63.3 billion. Its annual processing capacity is 84 million metric tons and annualgrain volumes are around 150 million tons.
    •  Chinese state-owned food group COFCO, which fully acquired Dutch-based grains trader Nidera in February after a three-year takeover, is considering a sale of Nidera’s Latin American seeds business, according to people familiar with its plans.Investment bank Morgan Stanley is advising COFCO on the sale.
  • China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corp, the country's largest food trader, is to enhance its information collection, logistics, food-processing and infrastructure development abilities to better compete with established rivals in the global market. Ning Gaoning, chairman of COFCO, said China's food security needs an integrated and comprehensive approach that includes international mergers, acquisitions, cooperation, facility development and education. COFCO has more than 10,000 employees from more than 70 nations and regions working in various overseas markets, mainly in Asia, Latin America and Europe. It plans to further improve its capability in maritime transportation and food processing, as well as the entire supply chain services in seed, pesticide and fertilizer businesses over the next five years. "China's food security is facing challenges from factors like extreme weather, dwindling farmland resources and foreign companies' increasing influence on many major commodities," said Ning. In addition to tackling environmental issues, China also has to feed a growing and increasingly wealthy population who demand better and more nutritious food. Ning said food consumption is a clear indicator of a nation's economic health. China's high-protein food consumption is increasing and people are opting for more choices, he said. Consumption of staples like meat, fish, eggs and milk is becoming more sophisticated as consumers look for more choices in terms of health and convenience. "From a long-term perspective, Chinese consumers' daily diet structure will see a shift from low-protein to high-protein food. Exports of edible oil will increase, while soybeans will increasingly be used as animal feed to boost pork, beef, fish and milk output," said Ning. Last year, COFCO invested $1.5 billion for a 51 percent stake in the agribusiness operations of Hong Kong-based Noble Group, and reached an agreement with the Netherlands-based agricultural and commodity trading group Nidera BV to acquire 51 percent of its stock, which will see a fully integrated value chain created between the firms.
  • COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages to build bottling plant in Central China's economicdevelopment area.
    The first State-level new area in Central China recently attracted its first investmentfrom a Global Fortune 500 enterprise. COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd signed a contract with the Wangcheng EconomicDevelopment Zone, part of the Xiangjiang New Area in Changsha, Hunan province,on June 18 to build a bottling plant. COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages invested 320 million yuan ($51.5 million) into its newbottling plant in Xiangjiang New Area.
  • China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corp, the country's largest food trader, is planning to import 3.5 million metric tons of grains every year through tie-ups with domestic shipping companies, in an effort to further bolster China's food security, a top official said. Ning Gaoning, chairman of COFCO, said the company, which already has an established global network, will expand its alliance with China Shipping (Group) Co, to launch five new shipping services before the end of this year between China and South America. The new lines are expected to be used to transport more soybean, corn, beef and other agricultural products to China. Unlike other global food traders such as Cargill Inc of the United States or Japan's Marubeni Corp that have their own shipping businesses, COFCO has to rely on tie-ups with shipping firms to transport grain and other commodities globally. The company and its partners together have an annual shipping capacity of 1 million tons now. It has already made a beginning with China Shipping's Panamax bulk carrier that carried 70,000 tons of soybeans from Argentina and Uruguay in September to China for unloading at the Beiliang Port in Dalian of Liaoning province. COFCO last year invested $1.5 billion for a 51 percent stake in the agribusiness operations of Hong Kong-based Noble Group, and also reached an agreement with the Netherlands-based agricultural and commodity trading group Nidera BV to acquire 51 percent of its stock. The two deals have created a fully integrated value chain between the firms.
  • State-owned China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corp is taking full control of Noble Agri Ltd, after buying the remaining 49 percent of the company still owned by Noble Group, the Hong Kong-based global supply chain manager. Its subsidiary COFCO International Ltd will acquire the stake for $750 million, and on completion, Noble Agri will have its name changed to COFCO Agri. COFCO bought 51 percent of Noble Agri in 2014, and since then has been actively engaged in resource consolidation to optimize asset allocation and boosting its profitability, Chairman Ning Gaoning said in a statement. The takeover would greatly accelerate COFCO's internationalization and global positioning, Ning said Tuesday, adding he is confident its management team would deliver long-term performance once it is integrated into the group, despite the current depressed global agricultural commodities market. Established in 1998, Noble Agri is engaged in trading and processing farm products mainly sourced from low-cost regions around the world, and supplying them to Asia and the Middle East. Last year's sales were $14.9 billion from 46 million metric tons of goods delivered to 45 locations in 29 countries.
  • State-owned China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corp, the country's biggest food trader, on Monday announced further moves to streamline its operations, saying it would establish 18 new specialized companies. It said these companies will be responsible for its grain, sugar, edible oils, meat and other agricultural commodity businesses. COFCO also said the group's headquarters will cut down the number of its departments from 13 currently to seven and Beijing's head office staff numbers will be reduced from 610 to 240. The SOE said it will give the remaining departments more autonomy in such areas as research and development, human resources and production. But it said its listed subsidiaries, including China Agri-Industries Holdings Ltd, COFCO Property (Group) Co Ltd and COFCO Tunhe Co Ltd, will not be involved in the move.
  • The group's headquarters announced goals to carry out mixed-ownership reform in all of its 18 specialized arms by 2018, and 12 of them have diversified their shareholding structures.
  • usa

  • National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corp - the country's biggest food trader by sales revenue, on Monday confirmed that COFCO International Ltd, one of its subsidiaries, has formed a grain supply partnership with the Illinois-based farm cooperative Growmark Inc. The deal was sealed at Bloomington, Illinois on Aug 15. As part of the deal, they will jointly own and operate a truck, rail and barge terminal in Cahokia, Illinois, on the Mississippi River, the main pipeline that supplies exporters along the US Gulf Coast with corn and soybeans.

    •  brazil
    • A crop trading business of Chinese food group Cofco is expanding in the soyabean belt of Brazil as the country’s farmers profit from the trade war between Beijing and Washington. Cofco International Ltd three weeks ago began building a 60,000-tonne capacity silo complex in northern Mato Grosso, Brazil’s top state for soya cultivation. It will feed into a long-distance transport network that trucks grains and oilseeds north to the Tapajós and Amazon rivers and then floats them by barge north-east to the Atlantic port of Barcarena. “In Barcarena we load the vessels, basically to China,” Valmor Schaffer, managing director of global asset management and Brazil for Cofco International, said in an interview.
    - sinograin 中储粮,即中国储备粮管理总公司(简称中储粮总公司)是经国务院批准组建的涉及国家安全和国民经济命脉的国有大型重要骨干企业,是国家授权投资机构的试点单位,享受国务院确定的国有大中型重点联系企业的有关政策,在国家计划、财政中实行单列。中储粮总公司实行董事长负责制,董事长为总公司法定代表人。中储粮总公司受国务院委托,具体负责中央储备粮(含中央储备油,下同)的经营管理,对中央储备粮的总量、质量和储存安全负总责,同时接受国家委托执行粮油购销调存等调控任务。总公司在国家宏观调控和监督管理下,实行自主经营、自负盈亏。总公司主业范围是:粮油仓储、加工、贸易及物流,仓储技术研究、服务。中储粮总公司实行两级法人、三级管理制度。总部位于北京,现时在全国设立24个分公司,人员、机构和业务覆盖全国31个省、区、直辖市,另有全资或控股的二级子公司5家。分公司根据总公司的授权委托,负责管理辖区内的中央储备粮和直属库。直属库是第三级管理单位,是独立核算、自负盈亏的法人实体,其领导人员、财务和国有资产由总公司统一管理。 中储粮总公司是国家调控粮食市场的重要载体,中央储备粮是关系国计民生国家经济安全的重要战略物资。中储粮总公司在搞好国家粮食储备、服务国家宏观调控、维护粮食市场稳定、实现国有资产保值增值等方面肩负重大职责。

    - WH Group

    • opening for pork exports to russia as shuanghui units get official nod

    - Tsing Tao

    • brewers at lagerheads with rivals
    • The next time you walk into a supermarket in the United Kingdom, chances are that you will find little green bottles of Tsingtao beer jostling for attention amid better known British brands like John Smith's or Greene King. Gaining accolades in the UK, however, is just another step in the remarkable journey of one of China's most well-known brands outside the world. In a short period of time, Tsingtao Brewery Co, one of China's largest brewers in terms of market share, has become one of the fastest-selling brands in the UK. James Wright, a UK-based Tsingtao dealer, says that though the UK is considered to be a leading tipplers market and home to about 2,000 beer brands, there are just few that have managed to dominate the market. "Tsingtao has actually been one of the stand-out brands. The Chinese brand accounts for about 42 percent of the UK's imported beer sales," he said. Though beer sales in the UK have waned of late due to the exorbitant duties, sales of Tsingtao have managed to buck the trend and post double-digit growth rates.
    - bright food


    - JDB


    - 合生元

    • 合生元(1112)公告指,公司已斥資13.86億澳元(約76.7億港元)收購澳洲維他命生產商Swisse Wellness約83%股權。合生元昨天短暫停牌,停牌前收報13.5元,總市值約82.3億元,上述收購對合生元而言可謂「蛇吞象」。singtao, hkej 18sep15
    - 中國飛鶴6186

    wine, spirits
    - China's biggest wine producer - Changyu Wine Group Co Ltd - said it plans to sign with distributors in about 15 European countries, to sell its globally competitive wine products in large-scale local supermarkets. Changyu said it had signed cooperation agreements with distributors from Germany and the Netherlands. That was after the Yantai, Shandong province-based winemaker made its products onto the shelves of the United Kingdom's second-biggest supermarket chain Sainsbury's, where they were featured during the Chinese New Year, which began on Saturday.

    - Dingxin Capital
    Tiantu Capital

    - china state construction
    • 啟晴邨「鉛水事故」關鍵角色中國建築,其母公司爆出醜聞。內地《界面》新聞網站報道,中國建築(中建)作為總承建商、位於拉丁美洲國家巴哈馬的旅遊地產項目「巴哈.瑪(Baha Mar)」因工程延誤而爛尾,業主更把中建告上法庭,指其涉嫌欺詐,虛報開銷「購買食品和化妝品」。涉事的中國建築,為本港中國建築國際的母公司。根據報道,由於工程延誤、勞資糾紛等,令地盤資金耗盡,現時已經完全停工。地盤大股東Baha Mar Ltd.近日申請破產保護,兼把中建告上法庭。法庭文件顯示,業主指作為中建切斷施工現場電源、胡亂報銷、試圖竊取文件,暗指公司把資金「花在購買食品和化妝品中」。報道指,為了贏取地盤合約,中建特別提出向項目注資1.5億美元,換取15%股權,變相成為地盤業主之一。同時,又利用央企獨有的權力,要求中國進出口銀行提供高達24億美元貸款。現時,施工超過6年的項目瀕臨爛尾,加上業主已申請破產保險,由中方出資的本金及貸款能否回籠,仍然不明。
    • Some companies didn't need encouragement from the government's Go Global strategy. They were already doing it. "Going overseas has always been our strategy," Lu Guiqing, chief economist at China State Construction Engineering Corp and a National People's Congress deputy, said. "Our branch in the United States was founded early in 1985." For more than 30 years, CSCEC branches worldwide have been prospering. Four main overseas headquarters formed gradually - in the US, Middle East, Singapore and Algeria. Now its US subsidiary ranks 32nd among the country's construction businesses. It not only constructs buildings but provides property management and other services to local companies and individuals. It started with construction projects overseas, and the results of its work can be seen all over the world. Among the more famous are the African Union Conference Center and Office Complex in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital. Since construction was completed in December 2012, the building has served as the headquarters of the AU. Echoing the top leadership's grand vision for China's Belt and Road Initiative, CSCEC has been paying more attention to a number of economies since late 2013. It has undertaken projects in Egypt and Pakistan, two countries of key importance to the new Silk Road Economic Belt. It has also been shifting its focus from building and engineering to infrastructure. In the Republic of the Congo, it built a 500-kilometer road linking the capital, Brazzaville, with northern cities, a program the French abandoned after a 10-year effort. In Algeria, it built a road across the Sahara, as well as a number of airports, hotels, schools and hospitals. "We expect our buildings to serve the local people," Lu told China Daily. "Infrastructure construction will help us meet that demand." On the path of global outreach, there have been successes as well as difficulties, Lu said.
    • usa
    • China Construction America (Chinese中建美国) (CCA) was established in 1985; it is a subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering Corp. Ltd. (CSCEC) — the world’s largest construction and real estate conglomerate and the biggest global contractor[1] — that operates on the East Coast of the U.S[2][3] and the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean,[4] and Latin America,[5] having many finished and ongoing projects worldwide. CCA was established in 1985 as a subsidiary of CSCEC. In 2001, the CCA office in the World Trade Center was destroyed in the September 11 terrorist attacks, the company had to move its headquarters from the World Trade Center to Jersey City.[11][12] On April 4, 2014, CCA acquired Plaza Construction, one of the nation’s leading construction management and general contracting companies. The sale is prompted by the dynamic growth of Plaza and Fisher Brothers’ desire to focus on the development side of their business. According to Richard Wood, the CEO of Plaza Construction, the acquisition is more about creating strategic relationships and sharing resources.

    - cgcoc

    • The high level Ethiopian delegation led by Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn met with four Chinese companies earlier in the week after attending the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Victory Day marking the end of World War II. The Prime Minister and the members of the delegation met with Mr. Zhang Zongyan, President of China Railway Engineering Corporation (CREC) which is building the Addis Ababa Light Railway system.
    • One of the speakers of south africa ip event on 10 sep15

    - china eastern airlines
    • 澳洲航空與東方航空(0670)昨表示,對澳洲競爭和消費者委員會(ACCC)於8月21日通過為期5年之合資經營協議表示歡迎。隨着澳洲航空和東方航空於2014年11月公佈此協議,加上中澳自由貿易協定的簽訂,這兩家航空公司將推出更多連接兩國的航班。澳洲航空行政總裁Alan Joyce指出,合資協議最終獲得ACCC核准,將推動兩家航空公司呈獻更優質的旅遊體驗,以迎合來往兩國之間與日俱增的旅客,並加強澳洲與中國這一重要貿易夥伴的關係。中國是澳洲最具價值的入境旅遊市場,預計到2020年,每年可為澳洲創造高達90億澳元的經濟收益。澳洲航空與東方航空現時履行互利的代碼共享協議,每周營運共17班來往中國內地及澳洲的航班,還有兩地多班國內接駁航班。另外,目前超過20家航空公司皆經營往返中、澳的航班。
    • Delta Air Lines Inc and China Eastern Airlines Corp will deepen their cooperation,officials of the two airlines said, giving Delta a stronger foothold in the world'sfastest-growing aviation market while the Chinese carrier penetrates further intothe United States.
    • 為配合企業的國際化戰略實施,加強國際化經營中的全球法律風險防控,中國東方航空集團公司6日在紐約與全球最大律師事務所之一─貝克.麥堅時國際律師事務所簽署全球戰略合作框架協議。
    •  國家首批推進的「七大領域」混合所有制改革試點,昨日在民航領域實現落地。東方航空集團旗下的東航物流宣佈,引入包括聯想控股(3396)、普洛斯投資、德邦物流、綠地金融投資控股四家投資者,同時,東航物流核心員工也成為公司股東。 東航集團昨日與聯想控股、普洛斯、德邦物流、綠地金融投資控股集團公司等四家投資者,以及東航物流核心員工持股層代表,在上海正式簽署增資 協議和股東協議。根據協議,東航集團、聯想控股、普洛斯、德邦、綠地、東航物流核心員工將分別持有東航物流45%、25%、10%、5%、5%和10%股 權。東航實際投入18.45億元(人民幣,下同)國有資本,同時引入22.55億元非國有資本,放大國有資本的帶動力和影響力。增資和引入新股東後,東航 物流資產負債率將從去年12月底的87.86%,降低至75%左右,達到全球一流航空物流企業的平均負債率水平。
    The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. ("Comac", simplified Chinese: 中国商用飞机有限责任公司; traditional Chinese: 中國商用飛機有限責任公司
    • State-owned plane maker Commercial Aircraft Corp of China Ltd has signed an initial agreement with lessor ICBC Financial Leasing Co to lease 10 ARJ21 regional jets and 10 of its C919 single-aisle commercial jets to Thai airline City Airways. The deal was announced on Wednesday at the 2015 China Aviation Expo in Beijing. Financial terms were not disclosed. The Bangkok-based carrier, established in 2011, has become the 21st client for C919, the China-made 160-seat passenger airplane, and the 20th client for ARJ21, the domestically made regional jet with 70 to 90 seats.

    -東海航空 owned by Wong Chor Biu, not state owned Shenzhen company, signed lease with ILFC
    - China Business Aviation Group
    - 金鹿公務機

    • 金鹿公務機欲創世界級品牌
    - China Aircraft Leasing

    • 中國飛機租賃(1848)
    • 中國飛機租賃(1848)大地震!早前傳出有可能受南航(1055)貪污案「波及」的公司首席執行官(CEO)潘浩文,昨突然披露已於周三突然請辭,即日生效,惟公司至今未能成功與他聯絡;首席財務官余大弟亦齊齊「跳船」,將於7月底離職,已是公司主席的母公司中國光大控股(165)首席執行官陳爽,將臨危受命兼任中國飛機租賃首席執行官。消息令中國飛機租賃下午復牌後一度急瀉逾兩成,最終收報9.65元,急跌19.2%,連中國光大控股亦由升轉跌,收市跌3.6%至26.45元。值得留意的是,公告指周三收到潘浩文的辭職信,惟當日下午五時公司回應他「被放病假」時,卻未有公佈他已「遞信」離職。,
    • 中飛租賃同時宣佈中龍歐飛與首家航空公司 客戶:奧凱航空達成合作,承接其航班經停哈 爾濱太平國際機場的航線維修保障業務,標誌 着中飛租賃旗下MRO服務平台的正式啟動
    - bohai leasing

    • Irish aircraft leasing firm Avolon Holdings Ltd said it agreed to be acquired forabout $2.5 billion by Bohai Leasing Co Ltd, a unit of Chinese aviation and shippingconglomerate HNA Group. Avolon shareholders will receive $31 per share in cash, which is lower than the $32per share the companies were discussing in exclusive talks in August. Avolon saidthe lower price was a result of "significant volatility across global equity markets". The deal, which including the assumption of debt, has a total enterprise value ofabout $7.6 billion, and is expected to close by first quarter of 2016. Chinese lessors, mostly backed by State-owned banks, have been expanding inrecent years as large carriers such as Hainan Airlines Co Ltd, Air China Ltd, ChinaEastern Airlines Corp Ltd and China Southern Airlines Co Ltd open more routes athome and overseas. Bohai Leasing initially offered to buy 20 percent of Avolon for $26 per share in July,but later decided to purchase the entire company after learning of a rival bid forAvolon.
    - 金石航空公司
    • 四川阿壩州黑水縣一架由深圳金石航空公司所屬的民用小型直升機,昨日飛行期間墜落在黑水縣色爾古鎮的山邊路面上,並冒出濃煙,未有波及附近民居,惟機身損毀嚴重,地上滿布直升機的碎片,現場一片狼藉。

    - ehang

    • EHang has sold over 3,000 unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, since starting up, worth anestimated 10 million yuan to domestic and overseas buyers. Late last year, it received $10 million in funding led by GGV Capital, the venture capitalist thatalso funded Alibaba Group, with other cash injections made by Xu Xiaoping and Yang Ning, twoof China's most successful angel investors.

    - BAIC Group

    • 北汽藉併購進軍國際 招行簽協議助北汽融資
    - Dongfeng Motor Corporation is a Chinese state-owned automobile manufacturer headquartered in WuhanChina. Traditionally one of the "Big Three" Chinese automakers, Dongfeng is currently in the top four in terms of output along with Changan AutomobileFAW Group, and SAIC Motor.

    • PSA Group’s Chinese shareholder is poised to sell some of its 12% stake in the Peugeot manufacturer as part of the carmaker’s planned merger with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV, according to people familiar with the matter.The buyer of shares owned by Dongfeng Motor Corp. will be PSA, and the Chinese company’s stake in the combined Fiat-PSA is dropping to 4.5%, the people said, who asked not to be named because the information isn’t public. The sale could lead to the dismantling of Dongfeng and PSA’s joint venture in China, one person said.

    - Kuaidi Dache and Didi Dache
    • China's two largest taxi-hailing applications, backed by Alibaba Group and Tencent, haveannounced a merger that will help them cope with rising competition. Hangzhou Kuaidi Technology Co, known as Kuaidi Dache, completed an alliance with DidiDache, according to a joint statement e-mailed on Saturday, which didn't name the mergedentity. The deal will create China's biggest mobile platform for local transportation, the companies said.Regulators recently cracked down on car-hailing apps, including Uber Technologies of SanFrancisco, California. The Transportation Ministry banned private vehicles from acting as taxislast month, while also endorsing services that employ licensed vehicles and drivers, such as car-rental firms.
    • Didi Chuxing (滴滴出行), formerly Didi Kuaidi (滴滴快的), is a major ride-sharing company, providing transportation services for more than 400 million users across over 400 cities in China.[2] Its headquarters is located in Beijing.[1] It provides services including taxi hailing, private car hailing, Hitch (social ride-sharing), DiDi Chauffeur, DiDi Bus, DiDi Test Drive, DiDi Car Rental, DiDi Enterprise Solutions, DiDi Minibus, DiDi Luxe and bike-sharing to users in China via a smartphone application.[3] Formed from the merger of rival firms Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache (backed by the two largest Chinese Internet companies, Tencent and Alibaba respectively)
    • Uber faces challenge from car-booking app backed by Chinese ft 5sep17
    • Chinese ride-hailing firm Didi Chuxing on Monday began offering its service in the Mexican city of Toluca, the company said, setting up a potentially costly battle with rival Uber Technologies Inc [UBER.UL] in a key Latin American market.
    •  全球領先的出行平台「滴滴出行」22日起在布里斯班提供快車服務。這是繼墨爾本、吉朗、紐卡斯爾後,滴滴在澳洲開通運營的又一個城市。
    •  滴滴出行昨日宣布與豐田汽車公司 在智能出行服務領域拓展合作。豐田將對滴滴進行投 資,其中部分資金將用於雙方與廣汽豐田汽車有限公 司共同成立合資公司,為平台司機提供汽車相關服 務,投資總額共6億美元。此次合作是滴滴洪流聯盟的進一步拓展。滴滴於 2018年4月發起洪流聯盟,與一汽、東風、北汽、上 汽、廣汽、吉利、比亞迪、豐田、大眾、雷諾、日 產、三菱等30餘家國內外汽車製造商和產業鏈企業展 開合作,立足中國,共建汽車運營商平台,推進新能 源化、智能化、共享化的產業發展。 2018年,滴滴與豐田e-Palette智能駕駛技術平台達 成合作,並開始在豐田的示範經銷店面向網約車司機 開展車輛租賃業務。雙方也正探索通過 TransLog 技 術、運用豐田移動出行服務平台(MSPF)的數據分 析能力為網約車司機提供多種汽車相關服務,包括汽 車養護和安全駕駛指導。
    China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Co., Ltd., CNHTC or Sinotruk Group is a Chinese state-owned truck manufacturerheadquartered in Jinan, Shandong province.[1] It is currently the third largest truck manufacturer in Mainland China. It is famous for developing and manufacturing the first heavy duty truck - "Huanghe"  JN150 in China. CNHTC was founded in 1935 by Kuomintang Government of the Republic of China era on the basis of Jinan Automobile Works. It started developing heavy-duty trucks in 1956. Since the reform and restructure in 2001, the company has got rid of the operating losses for previous years.

    • Commercial vehicle manufacturer China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Corp, or Sinotruk, delivered the first batch of 34 new street washer vehicles to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government on Monday. The delivery marked Sinotruk's important step in gaining a toehold in the competitive Hong Kong market, which has stricter automotive fuel and emissions standards.

    China Railway or CR, full name China Railway Corporation is the national railway operator under the regulation of the Ministry of Transport and the National Railway Administration. It used to be part of the now defunct Ministry of RailwaysChina Railway operates passenger and freight transport via several smaller companies. China Railway previously had its own police force, Prosecutors Office and court system, which was unique among the world's railways.[citation needed] However, the police department of the railway still under the control of the company, although the status of the police is civil service of Ministry of Public Security, they are still paid and managed by the company. Some critics say the company turns these police into its own security guard and violates the law. 

    • history
    • 一八八九年清政府成立鐵路總公司,開始修建盧漢鐵路。李寶生的曾祖父李午寅,在一百一十六年前進入盧漢鐵路公司擔任蒸汽火車司爐工及司機,他曾為慈禧太后和光緒皇帝的皇家專列做司爐工,由於開車有功而被賞賜一件黃馬褂。

      順豐控股稱未來將繼續加大與中國鐵路總公司(中鐵總)合作力度,分析稱有望推動鐵路貨運向快遞業傾斜,降低物流成本。據內地《新京報》報道,順豐控股表示,過去幾年和中鐵總一直有很好的合作,有數十部電商專列在運輸公司貨物,未來公司仍將繼續加大與中鐵總合作力度,充分利用高鐵成本低、速度快等優勢。關於中鐵總的改革,順豐將會認真研究並積極參與。據媒體報道,從今年5月和7月開始,中鐵總就已經分別向阿里、騰訊、一汽集團發出了參與中鐵總混合所有制改革的邀請。另外,中鐵總下屬的中鐵快運等公司從 6月就已經開始內部編寫改革方案,並且與順豐、阿里、京東等企業在業務層面展開合作。其中,順豐公司相關人士已經進駐中鐵快運公司辦公。
    •  據央視網報道,中國鐵路總公司昨天發佈消息,其所屬全國18個鐵路局都已經完成了公司制改革工商變更登記,昨天正式掛牌運營。這標誌着中國鐵路從傳統生產型企業向現代經營型企業轉型邁出了重要一步。18個鐵路局改制為鐵路局集團有限公司後,由中國鐵路總公司行使出資人職責,不設股東會,而是設立黨委會、董事會、經理層和監事會,同時依 法建立職工董事、職工監事制度。改制後的公司堅持黨的領導,實行「雙向進入、交叉任職」的領導體制,將黨委會研究討論作為董事會、經理層決策重大問題的前 置程序。此外,中國鐵路總公司本級的公司制改革方案建議,已經報國家出資人代表財政部。鐵路總公司內設機構精簡調整,機關部門、二級機構、人員編制分別精簡10.3%、26.6%、8.1%;其所屬非運輸企業年內將基本完成公司制改革。

    - CNR and CSR - now crrc

    • 中國北車昨日發表公告指,旗下多個子公司與中國鐵路總公 司、中國機械設備工程股份有限公司、加納國家鐵路有關部門及 美國馬薩諸塞州海灣交通管理局(MBTA),分別訂立了9份、1 份、1份及1份合同,12份合同總約242.58億元人民幣,主要是機 車銷售。另外,公告又指北車旗下一間子公司,中標天津地鐵1 號線東延至國家會展中心項目電動客車採購項目,總金額約6.56 億元人民幣。
    •中國北車副總裁余衛平透露,目前北車正與美國、俄羅斯、 巴西、泰國在內的28個國家洽談高鐵合作項目。其中,中俄 合作的莫咯高鐵進展較快,雙方政府間已形成初步合作方案 ,目前已建立工作小組,俄方專家已到北車談判相關事宜, 中泰高鐵也在穩步推進中。據《每日經濟新 聞》報道,中國北車負責海外市場 的副總裁余衛平昨日在接受媒體採 訪時透露,2015年北車高鐵「走出 去」的兩大重點是中俄高鐵、中泰 高鐵。中俄高鐵項目有望年內敲 定。
    • CNR division in Tangshan on track to move world
    • China's top trainmaker plans to go head-to-head with European rivals such as Alstom in bidding for a range of contracts including rolling stock for Britain's £50 billion (HK$580 billion) High Speed 2 rail line. CSR Corp would seek to make and maintain the 360 km/h trains at the heart of one of the world's biggest infrastructure projects, said Li Donglin, the chief executive of rail technology arm Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric. It could also build the track and manage the network. Construction of the first phase of HS2 linking London and Birmingham is due to begin in 2017, with trains running from 2026, followed by an extension to Manchester and Leeds opening by 2033.
    • usa
    • A subsidiary of the world's largest railcar maker in China just broke ground on a new $95 million manufacturing facility in Springfield, Massachusetts. "There are many firsts here in Massachusetts," said Yu Weiping, vice-president of CRRC Corporation, at the groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday. "One is being home to America's first subway, and now this is a first for us in the US." Yu was joined by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno and Liu Yi, commercial counselor from the Chinese Consulate General in New York. "The Springfield train factory is the first-ever Chinese investment in the high-end railway transportation equipment industry in the US," said Liu. "After years of development, the Chinese railway equipment industry has become highly competitive internationally." CRRC has been awarded a contract from the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to design and manufacture 284 new Orange and Red Line subway cars for Boston's transit system. The 220,000-square-foot assembly facility will begin construction in 2016 with completion scheduled for fall 2017, and the first cars are expected to be delivered in 2018. Many of the Red and Orange line railcars are "old, slow, dirty, squeaky, and the paint is peeling off their rusty bodies," said Jin Xi, 22, a recent graduate of Boston University. "The Boston subway system is nice, but the cars are aging. In Beijing subways, the lighting is very bright, and the plastic chairs are shinny."
    • Chinese rail car manufacturer CRRC Corp will build 64 subway cars for the Los Angeles metro as part of an order that could be worth as much as $647 million.
    • 中國中車(1766)昨宣佈,中國中車株洲所旗下海外子公司代爾克與倫敦交通運輸局正式簽訂倫敦地鐵扣件長期供貨合同,訂單價值超過1,000萬美元(約7,800萬港元)。代爾克公司是中國中車株洲所旗下時代新材的海外子公司,其軌道減振器產品在澳洲、日本、印度等國均有市場。集團昨收報7.48元,跌2.73%。
    • China Railway Rolling Stock Corp, the country's largest train-maker, is planning tobuild bullet trains and provide services in developed markets, including the UnitedStates and the United Kingdom, to further compete with its established rivals inEurope, Japan and Canada during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20). Many of these opportunities come from surging demand in these countries forimproved railway infrastructure facilities, passenger services and regionalconnectivity. They also want to boost local job markets and related commercialareas in the process. CRRC has set a target of 30 percent growth by 2020 in its research anddevelopment ability from current levels. This target is especially applicable to itsthree bullet train manufacturing subsidiaries-CRRC Tangshan Co Ltd, CRRCQingdao Sifang Co Ltd and CRRC Changchun Co Ltd.Yu Weiping, CRRC's vice-president, said the company will further develop "smarttrains". Such trains will use advanced digitalization and automation technologiesthat enable automatic speed control, condition determination and fault detection. CRRC's goal is to grab more global market share from its foreign competitors, hesaid. The company is in talks with more than 30 countries, including the US, Russia,Brazil, Thailand, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran, about high-speed rail projects. CRRC and its partner, China Railway Corp, the country's railway service provider,were selected by the Indonesian government last year to build the nation's firstbullet train railroad project. The two companies will construct the $5.5-billion, 150-kilometer high-speed railway line linking the capital Jakarta with Bandung. This is China's first overseas high-speed train project. It involves design andconstruction work, financing solutions, and operational and maintenance services. With more than 184,000 employees and 52 subsidiaries in various industries,including signal system design, train and related equipment production, CRRC hasalready built manufacturing facilities and maintenance centers in the US, Malaysia,Turkey and Brazil.
    • More than half the subway trains running in Rio de Janeiro's metro system will beChinese products after the city deploys 15 subway trains, with a total of 90 cars, onits newly built Line 4 on August 1, reported CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Coon Monday. All the trains have completed trial tests, including electric power, ventilation andsignal systems. The new line, a key infrastructure project that connects the Olympic Village and theCopacabana area in central Rio, will be able to transport up to 300,000 passengersa day and reduce road traffic by at least 2,000 vehicles during peak hours.
    • China Railway Rolling Stock Corp Ltd, the country's railway vehicle and equipment maker and exporter, plans to establish a leasing company to further assist its businesses in manufacturing and overseas expansionThe company has reached a capital contribution agreement with CRRC Group, Beijing-based China Energy Reserve and Chemicals Group and Tianjin Trust Co Ltd to establish CRRC Financial Leasing Co Ltd, according to its online statement posted late on Tuesday.
    • China Railway Rolling Stock Corp, the Chinese manufacturer of locomotives and rolling stock, has split its struggling freight train manufacturing business into two units to reduce competition and eliminate excess capacity, as part of a corporate restructuring. The Beijing-headquartered CRRC said on Monday that the new units will be created under the aegis of Heilongjiang-based CRRC Qiqihar Co and Hubei-based CRRC Yangtze Co, two of its strongest freight train producers. They will also manage eight small CRRC subsidiaries making cargo trains. Under the plan, CRRC Qiqihar will be managing companies including CRRC Shenyang Co and CRRC Shijiazhuang Co. CRRC Yangtze will be responsible for the operation of CRRC Meishan Co and CRRC Taiyuan Co in the future.

    - China railway construction 中國鐵建
    • 中國鐵建(1186)旗下中 非建設周一在非洲連續簽訂建設項目 訂單,總金額近55億美元,成為非洲 最大的軌道交通承包商。 中國鐵建董 事長孟鳳朝表示, 該項目將進一步鞏 固中國鐵建作為尼日利亞建築行業領 軍企業地位。
    - China railway engineering corporation
    • China Railway Group Ltd expects to sign the country's first overseas high-speed railway contract by the end of May. This will pave the way for Chinese construction and rolling stock companies to bid for follow-up projects. A consortium, comprising of China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co Ltd, a subsidiary of China Railway, and two Russian companies, have won a 20 billion rouble ($390 million) contract for the project linking Moscow to Kazan in Russia. The consortium will oversee engineering research and project planning, China Railway said in a statement. With a maximum design speed of 400 kilometers per hour, this will cut the journey time from Moscow to Kazan, the capital of the Russian republic of Tatarstan, to three-and-a-half hours from the current time of more than 14 hours. The project is due to be completed by 2018.
    • 組建逾半年的中國鐵路國際有限公司,於美國開設首家海外子企業。《財新網》昨日報道,美國公司於上月正式成立,註冊資本1000萬美元(摺合人民幣6116.5萬元),主要出資方包括中國鐵路總公司,以及中國中鐵等鐵路基建和車輛企業。據相關人士透露,該公司未來可作為同行合作交流平台,為中美企業合作創造條件。
    • 中國中鐵旗下的中鐵建工集團有限公司(以下簡稱「中鐵建工」)近日捲入醜聞。內地官媒報道,中鐵建工涉嫌私刻國家機關印章,偽造、變造公文和證件,提供虛假資料和虛假承諾,最終中標江蘇南京市價值七億四千五百萬元人民幣的揚子科創中心三期建設項目。根據江蘇省相關條例規定,若投標人有弄虛作假的行為,即使已中標也可能廢標。
    • China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co, a subsidiary of the China Railway Engineering Corporation
    • china daily 5aug19 b&r
      China Railway Engineering Equipment Group 
      • Engineers at China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co test a self-built giant new tunnel boring machine in Zhengzhou, capital of Henan province. The massive device will be soon be shipped to Singapore for subway tunnel construction. 
      China Railway 20 Bureau Group Corp

      • China Railway 20 Bureau Group Corp, the State-owned construction giant, isactively seeking opportunities along the Belt and Road Initiative routes, to raise theoverseas share of its business to a third within five years. Li Lingxuan, deputy general manager of the Shaanxi-based company, said it hasalready made strong progress on landing potential road and coal-mining projects inPakistan, and is preparing tender documents for a housing project in Thailand. The company is also participating in an ongoing light rail project in India, and a cityplanning project in Mongolia. With a view to widening its international reach, the corporation expanded itsoverseas network at the beginning of this year with three new offices in Thailand,Kazakhstan and Pakistan. It has also approved the planned openings of offices inMozambique and Sierra Leone.

      • 中鐵電氣化局集團(香港)有限公司
      • 中鐵電氣局香港公司為確保 本港項目能圓滿完成,立即去信業主、合作方和項目監 管部門,告知公司的疫情防控方案。 公司承認,港澳新增中標項目開工啟動,在建項目 進度壓力大。為保護業主和合作方各方利益,公司各 項目經理分別與業主及合作方共同召開視頻會議,制 訂詳細方案措施,通過 「疫情防控線、聯絡溝通線、 工作第一線」三線建設,為特殊時期項目的穩步執行 提供保障。

      • 外媒報道指,美國私募基金公司黑石集團(Blackstone)、生活服務電商平台美團(03690)、亞太區物流地產平台公司ESR(01821)、電商平台京東集團(09618)旗下的京東物流,正參與競購中國物流資產(01589)控股權,收購價或高達20億美元(約156億港元)。中國物流資產去年12月底曾經預告,兩大股東即由高盛前銀行家王忠信創辦的私募股權投資公司RRJ Capital,以及董事長李士發控制的宇培國際投資管理公司,準備出售該公司合計最多約51.5%的股權及RRJ手持的部分可換股債。根據最新報道,今次放售涉及公司超過五成股權,並已於上星期收到首輪投標。值得留意的是,部分競投者或關聯方為中國物流資產現有股東。京東集團早於2018年5月入股,目前持有9.9%股權,ESR持股權更達18.88%。惟黑石、ESR、美團和中國物流資產均拒絕置評;京東物流則未有回應消息。
      SF Express (Group) Co., Ltd. is a Chinese delivery services company based in ShenzhenGuangdong, China.[2] It is the second largest courier in China, after China Post


      - On Time Logistics

      • eTotal has entered into a subcontracting agreement (the “Subcontracting Agreement”) with IML LLC (“IML”), an independent third party, whereby eTotal has appointed IML as its sub-contractor for courier services and other value added services related to the Logistics Services in Russia to sellers of a global retail online platform who place orders through Cainiao’s logistics information service platform. The Subcontracting Agreement shall be valid from July 2015 to December 2016.

      -  中国国旅集团有限公司 (CITS Group Corporation),简称国旅集团,为国有旅游企业(集团)[3],是香港中旅集团下属全资子公司。前身是由中国国际旅行社总社中国免税品(集团)总公司2003年12月合并组建的中国国旅集团公司[1]。 “中国国旅CITS”是国旅集团旗下的中国驰名商标和海内外知名品牌[3]。 李刚为中国国旅集团有限公司现任董事长[5]
      中国国旅集团有限公司下属三大板块子公司:中国国际旅行社总社有限公司,中国免税品(集团)有限责任公司,国旅大厦有限公司. 2003年12月,经国务院国务院国资委批准,中国国际旅行社总社中国免税品(集团)总公司实施重组,组建中国国旅集团公司。2008年4月,经国务院和国务院国资委批准,由中国国旅集团有限公司和华侨城集团公司发起设立中国国旅股份有限公司;该公司于2009年10月公开发行上市(IPO)。2016年7月11日,经报国务院和国务院国资委批准,中国国旅集团有限公司整体并入中国港中旅集团公司,成为其全资子公司。中国国旅集团有限公司不再作为国资委监管企业。
      •  中国免税品(集团)有限责任公司 (China Duty Free Group),简称中免集团,始建于1984年,是唯一经国务院授权在全国范围内开展免税业务的国有专营公司,同时是全国免税行业的管理单位。1979年 国务院批准并授权中国旅游服务公司下设免税处(中免集团前身)在全国范围内开展免税业务;同年,中国第一家免税店对外营业。1984年 经国家旅游局报国务院批准,中国免税品公司中免公司)正式成立。[4]1993年成为国家旅游局直属企业。2017年4月中国免税品集团公司和拉格代尔旅行零售香港有限公司共同成立的合资公司——中免-拉格代尔有限公司,成功投得香港国际机场烟酒产品在2017年11月18日至2024年9月30日经营牌照
      - 香港中旅 China travel services
      • history
      • 1928年,首家中國旅行 社香港分社選址皇后大道中6號,在1941年 底香港淪陷時曾一度停止營業,抗日戰爭 結束後恢復營業。現在港人熟悉的位於皇 后大道中77號的香港中旅大廈,是在1973 年6月落成,原來當年在物色選址時還有一 段故事
      • HK CTS Metropark, a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based China National Travel Service (HK) Group Corporation
      • 香港中旅同時宣布,於1月30日,深圳市政府屬下3個委員會向集團全資附屬聚豪球會聯合發出《關於深圳港中旅聚豪高爾夫球場的退出通知》,要求聚豪球會退出佔用的飲用水水源保護土地並按照規劃恢復原狀,拆除或關閉建設項目,退出工作須在今年5月15日前完成。集團正在與深圳市政府積極協商關於球場退出的補償問題,對集團的財務影響仍在評估之中 singtao 11feb15 b2
      • 香港中旅(00308)公布,於今日(2月9日),公司及全資附屬公司ChinaChance、Diamond Resorts及其間接全資附屬公司Diamond Asia、帝盛酒店集團(02266)及其全資附屬公司Ace Green訂立股東協議。根據股東協議,China Chance、Diamond Asia及Ace Green同意成立合資公司分別認購40%、30%及30%股權。 合資公司的業務包括,創造、推廣及銷售度假產品(包括度假權益)給亞洲的顧客及提供相關的售後服務。,
      • Acquired kew green hotel in uk singtao 11aug15 b3
      • Two of the country's leading tourism firms are planning to merge, creating themarket's biggest travel operator. China National Travel Service (HK) Group Corporation (HKCTS) and ChinaInternational Travel Service Group Corporation (CITS) announced they wereconsidering a strategic reorganization on Tuesday, although the proposals have notbeen finalized yet. Both are State-owned travel service providers, and the proposal will be subject tothe approval of the relevant supervisory authorities. In a statement, China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Ltd, the listedsubsidiary of HKCTS, insisted the revamp "does not involve any material assetrestructuring of the company nor any securities issues, and does not have anymaterial impact on the normal operation of the company". Its shares rose 3.73 percent to HK$ 2.78 (36 cents) on Wednesday in the HongKong Stock Exchange, while China International Travel Service Corporation Ltdenjoyed a 4.73 percent bounce to 47.65 yuan ($7.3) at the Shanghai StockExchange. China has four State-owned tourism companies, all relatively small, said LinZhouyong, an analyst from Haitong Securities Co, who was not surprised by theproposed merger, adding that it is reasonable to reform or integrate them. At the end of 2015, HKCTS' assets were worth around 100 billion yuan, and itdelieverd annual net profit of 2.37 billion yuan last year. CITS's net profit isexpected to rise 9.38 percent to 1.608 billion yuan in 2015. Competition in China's tourism industry is fierce and growing, and has beenattracting significant amounts of investment, said Wei Changren, general managerof tourism industry consultancy Inc. "Once the two groups merge, its scale will be huge, making it easier to attract morecapital," said Wei.
      • company is looking to build a resort town in Liu You, an area at some 5kilometers from the world heritage site, located in the foothills of the SongMountain.
        IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group), one of the world's leading hotel companies, announced on Monday in Beijing that it will extend its franchise offerings in China to its upscale and midscale brands - Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Resort - further accelerating its growth in China. The company has signed a strategic partnership with China Travel Service Hong Kong ltd (HK CTS), a State-owned leading tourism company to operate multiple hotels - and about 20 hotels in the pipeline - under a franchise model. Among those, IHG has signed the Holiday Inn Beijing Lido on a franchise contract. The hotel will be rebranded from HK CTS Hotels' Metropark Lido Hotel Beijing in late 2018.
      • golf
      • 中旅集團旗下的「深圳聚豪高爾夫球會」因球場位於水源保護區,於去年十一月六日起關閉。球會發公告指只會按照早年的入會費水平和剩餘年期,退還會籍費用,不會按會籍市價賠償,引發千名會員不滿。有過百名會員原擬於昨日聯同立法會議員涂謹申遊行至中聯辦要求協助及跟進,惟有會員較早前與中旅代表進行初步磋商,獲承諾會重新考慮賠償方案,經商討後團體決定擱置遊行。

      - Ctrip
      • ctrip embarks on new venture with cruise liner
      • International Ltd is poised to strengthen its position as China's largest travel website after teaming up with Tencent Holdings Ltd to stave off competition. The Shanghai-based company is the biggest shareholder in Elong Inc, an online trip-booking service, which earlier this month received an offer to take it private from Tencent, the e-commerce giant. Ctrip sees opportunities to "work closely" with Tencent to drive more online traffic to its travel site, Jane Sun, chief operating officer, said on a conference call with investors. Tencent's bid for Beijing-based Elong may further improve Ctrip's position in China's growing leisure industry, Morgan Stanley analysts led by Amanda Chen wrote in a note last week. "People see the potential for Tencent and Ctrip to get closer together through their holdings in Elong," Jeff Papp, a senior analyst at Oberweis Asset Management Inc, which oversees about US$1.9 billion, said. "Tencent's social media users can generate a lot of traffic on mobile." Tencent, China's second-largest Internet company, already owns about 16 percent of Elong. Ctrip has a 38 percent stake in Elong after investing about US$400 million in May, buying the shares from Expedia Inc, which is based in the United States.
      • uk
      • a new partnership between Scottish tour company Rabbie's Small Group Tours and Shanghai-based travel agency Ctrip will help take Chinese visitors off the beaten track in Scotland, to see what the country has to offer outside of its major cities, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

      Motor vehicle
      - great wall motor

      • Chinese auto maker Great Wall Motor Co. is planning to build a car factory in Russia even as the auto maker faces setbacks building its brand at home and abroad. In a statement to the Hong Kong exchange Monday, the company said it planned to invest an initial 2.1 billion yuan ($340 million) to establish a production base capable of producing up to 150,000 vehicles a year. A second phase would be added if the first phase proved viable, the company said, bringing total investment to 3.2 billion yuan. Great Wall said the factory, which it will wholly own, will be constructed in the Tula Oblast area of Russia, south of Moscow. To pave the way for the new facility, the company will enter into an agreement Tuesday with the local government and its related investment-support agency. In addition to Russia, Great Wall exports autos to countries including South Africa and Australia. The company unveiled plans last month to expand production in Malaysia for local and export sales to other Southeast Asian nations. In February, the Chinese auto maker known for its popular sport-utility vehicles, announced it was postponing a planned car factory in Thailand, citing political unrest in that country.

      - wenxiang

      • Wanxiang Group is the owner of Fisker Automotive, which makes plug-in hybridelectric vehicles, and the battery maker A123 SystemsIt currently has more than 40 production plants and 13,500 employees in the USWanxiang Group has invested more than $1 billion into US companies from 2012 to2014, according to the companyChairman of the Board Lu Guanqiu said that he is confident in the company'sdevelopment in the USHe added that the company's clean energy business is growing while sales ofconventional auto parts are stableHe also called for Chinese companies investing in the US high-tech sector to betreated fairly.
      Xpeng or Xiaopeng Motors (Chinese小鹏汽车), also known as, is a Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer. The company is headquartered in Guangzhou, with offices in Mountain View, California in the US and is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange.Xpeng was co-founded in 2014 by Henry Xia (Xia Heng) and He Tao, former senior executives at GAC Group with expertise in automotive technology and research and development. Initial backers included: the founder of UCWeb and former Alibabaexecutive He Xiaopeng (now Chairman of Xpeng), and Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi. Prominent Chinese and international investors included AlibabaFoxconn and IDG Capital. A further funding round in 2018 saw Alibaba's vice president Joseph Tsai join the corporate board of Xpeng.
      • 小鵬汽車,將於本周陸續向挪威28個城市交付首批100輛電動車,為公司首度向歐洲付運其產品。

      - Jinjiang

      • Shanghai-based Jin Jiang International Holdings has outbid Accor, Europe’s biggest hotelier, in a race to buy a group of French budget hotels, underscoring Chinese groups’ thirst for European assets. The Chinese-state backed company said on Wednesday it had agreed to acquire Groupe du Louvre, which operates the Campanile, Kyriad and Premiere Classe brands, from Starwood Capital.

      Natural resources
      - 五礦資源MMGLimited
      • 五礦資源擬30億美元建秘魯銅礦, hkej 17oct14 a6另外,公司預計將投入約 30億美元完成秘魯Las Bambas大型銅礦的建設,並計劃 2016年第一季投產,較之前預期明年投產稍晚。, 五礦秘魯項目開支增,
      Sinosteel Corporation (S: 中国中钢集团公司, T: 中國中鋼集團公司, P: Zhōngguó Zhōnggāng Jítuán Gōngsī) is a central state owned enterprise, primarily in mining, trading, equipment manufacturing and engineering, under the supervision of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Founded in 1993 and based in the People's Republic of China, it is the country's second largest importer of iron ore.

      - hkej 23jun15 a8

      - Zhuzhou Smelter Group Company Ltd

      • Zhuzhou Smelter Group Company Ltd, the biggest zinc smelter in China by output, is going to cut back production, at a time when the international price for zinc ore is rising, according to the report by news agency Bloomberg. Bloomberg quoted sources saying Zhuzhou Smelter Group is going to reduce output by 5,000 metric tons of zinc in January though the company did not give the reason for the cutdown.

      - Baosteel

      • baosteel set to buy stake in industrial gas company
      - Chinalco

      • Hagen held extensive discussions with senior government officials and top executives from Aluminum Corp of Chinaor ChinalcoChina CNR Corp Ltd and Commercial Aircraft Corp of China LtdChinalco already hasbusiness ties with Sapa Groupthe world's largest aluminum extrusion firm and an Orkla unitTheother two Chinese companies are also Sapa clients
      - Hebei Iron and Steel

      • China’s Hebei Iron and Steel Group has agreed to acquire a controlling stake in global steel trader Duferco, as the country’s steel exports rise to a record. This is believed to be the first example of a state-owned Chinese steel company taking a majority shareholding in a global metals trader.
      - amer international

      • company article

      China minmetal 五礦
      國際海底管理局理事會20日通過決議,核准了中國五礦集團公司提出的東太平洋海底多金屬結核資源勘探礦區申請。中國五礦集團公司獲得該國際海底礦區的專屬勘探權和優先開採權。 The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commissionwhichoversees the operations of State-owned enterprises under the central government,said on Tuesday that MCC had merged with Minmetals to become its wholly ownedsubsidiary.

      - sinochem
      • signed agreement on 天然膠 procurement with 泰國椽膠管理局
      •  ChemChina and Sinochem are planning to merge next year, creating the world’s largest chemicals group with $100bn of revenues, according to several senior bankers in Asia.
      • Sinofert Holdings Limited or Sinofert (SEHK297), formerly Sinochem Hong Kong Holdings Limited, is the largest all-rounded fertilizer enterprise in China. It is engaged in chemical fertilizer business in China, which involves research and developmentproductionprocurementdistribution of various fertilizers. It is 53% owned by Sinochem Group, 22% owned by PotashCorp, and the remaining 25% is traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
      China National Chemical Corp (ChemChina)

      • Michael Koenig is set to lead State-owned chemicals company into a 'brighterfuture' Michael Koenig, CEO of China National Bluestar (Group) Co Ltd since January,plans to bring more goal-driven management expertise to the global chemicalscompany. An ex-Bayer executive, Koenig was appointed to head the subsidiary ofState-owned chemicals giant China National Chemical Corp (ChemChina). Bluestar's main businesses are new chemical materials and animal nutrition.Koenig has been attracted by the fast growth of Bluestar, which, in his view, is oneof the most globalized chemical companies in China.
      中國聯塑集團控股有限公司中國聯塑聯塑,(港交所2128Lesso,前稱Liansu,L&S),於1986年,由黃聯禧先生創立,公司總部位於廣東省佛山市順德區,是中國最大的塑料管道及塑料生产設備的制造企業之一,主要生產市政管道、塑料機器、建築電器等產品。2010年6月,聯塑集團於香港進行公開招股,聯塑集團發售7.5億股,佔擴大後股本25%,每股發價為2.6至3.5港元,集資19.5億至 26.25億元。

      • singtao 8oct19 production base in indonesia

      China Three Gorges Corp

      • The builder and operator of the world's largest dam, China Three Gorges Corp, will seek merger and acquisition opportunities globally to bolster its presence overseas. "We are looking for possible acquisitions in markets such as Latin America and Europe, since our last purchase involving a Portuguese utility company has performed well," Executive Vice-President Lin Chuxue told China Daily on the sidelines of the 2015 World Hydropower Congress, a three-day event held by the International Hydropower Association in Beijing. In 2011, CTG took a 21.35 percent stake in Energias de Portugal SA for 2.69 billion euros ($2.99 billion) and became its single largest shareholder. It was the first acquisition of this type for the Chinese company. The total installed capacity of the projects involving overseas investment by CTG is about 6,000 megawatts, but the company plans to raise that figure to 25,000 mW over the next several years. That figure is approximately equal to the full capacity of the Three Gorges Dam project, which spans the Yangtze River in Hubei province. As of the end of 2014, the company had invested in and signed contracts to build 81 overseas projects.

      - according to Hollywood Reporter March 26 2014 issue, there are 37 state-owned film production business, 26 are provincial film studios.

        - 中國動向 (Kappa Brand)
        High Fashion Silk (ZhejiangCo Ltd High Fashion Silka leading woven silk and knitting fabric producer from Xinchang in Zhejiangprovincerocketed to instant fame after top global leaders wore the company's glitzy NewChinese Suits during the APEC welcome ceremony in Beijing on Monday night.
        - The company that supplied the specially designed scarves and shawls for leaders whoparticipated in the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and their partners this week ishoping the high profile gained for its products will help boost China's cashmere industryWang Zhen, the founder of 1436, a high-end cashmere brand owned by Erdos Fashion & Textile(Beijing) Co Ltd, said the wool used to make the specially designed shawls can quite rightly becalled "treasures in cashmere".

        - Fei Liu Fine Jewelry
        • oriental sparkle becomes craftsmanship's crowning glory, design exhibited at a jewelry exhibition in London two years ago celebrating the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's ascension to the throne
        White good
        - haier

        • The Chinese white goods manufacturer Haier Group is looking to increase its sales in Europe byextending its product range to include consumer electronics and energy management systemsHaier's expansion in Europe reflects a growing trend of Chinese white goods firms expandingtheir operations internationally after securing significant market share at home. Two of the othercompanies are Changhong Electric Co Ltd and Hisense Electric CoIn the second half of this year, Haier will launch a smartphone, connected watch and tabletcomputer in Europe, with the marketing emphasis being on high-quality products at affordableprices.
          General Electric Co said it would sell its appliance business to China's Haier Group for $5.4 billion in cash, another step in its push to sell its non-core assets and project itself as a technology company. The deal comes weeks after GE walked away from a deal to sell the business to Sweden's Electrolux for $3.3 billion, following months of opposition from U.S. antitrust regulators. GE said the deal values the appliance business at 10 times last 12 months earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA). Whirlpool Corp is valued at 7.7 times.

        Consumer product
        - hisense
        • Hisense Electronics Co Ltd, China's largest TV maker by market share, is banking on more investments in innovation and smart factories to gain an advantage over global rivals like Sony Corp and LG Corp. To achieve its goal, Hisense has formed an expert team comprising researchers from Japan and South Korea to update its TV technologies and also outlined huge investments for its smart factory to increase productivity.
        - suning
        • 蘇寧雲商(簡稱蘇寧)董事長張近東日前親赴蘇寧在日本的東京大區,視察蘇寧旗下樂購仕(Laox)的發展,並進一步考察和推動蘇寧跨境電商的發展。他表示,未來3年將投資400億日圓(約25億港元),在日本境內爭取開設50家門店,以凸顯出蘇寧在互聯網零售時代,線下門店的全新優勢。
        • China's largest electronics retailer Suning Commerce Group is taking further steps to diversify its business and consolidate its position as a major digital broadcaster of sports events in the country. The Chinese company has inked a multimedia deal to broadcast the Spanish Soccer League (La Liga) matches live through several platforms, including online and television, for the next five seasons. Suning will use PPTV, a major peer-to-peer streaming video platform to broadcast the games via its different digital settings starting Aug 21. In 2013, Suning became PPTV's largest shareholder with the acquisition of a 44 percent stake for $250 million. Dong Li, deputy general manager of PPTV Sports Co, said: "PPTV wants to set up an independent subsidiary to focus on several aspects of the sports industry such as sponsorship and management of broadcast rights." Although no financial details of the deal were disclosed, international media reported earlier this week that the State-owned China Central Television was also looking to acquire the broadcast rights for the prestigious Spanish league for about 375 million euros ($407 million) for five seasons, or roughly 5 million euros per year. Suning officials, however, declined to comment on the exact figure the company paid for getting the rights. The agreement is expected to represent a significant boost in broadcast revenues for the Spanish teams. During the 2013-14 season, the top soccer competition in Spain generated 949 million euros of broadcast revenues, according to figures provided by the United Kingdom-based consultancy firm Deloitte Ltd. "La Liga is expected to overtake Germany's Bundesliga as the second-highest revenue generating league in Europe by 2016-17 after the English Premier League", Deloitte said in a recent report.
        • Suning Commerce Group, one of China's largest electronics retailers, has unveiled plans tocreate a wholly separate investment arm. Suning Investment Group will be based in Shanghai and housed in its own building, and istargeting total assets under management of 50 billion yuan ($7.7 billion) within five years. Officials said Nanjing-based Suning is also setting up two other separate investment funds, worth2 billion yuan, respectively, by the end of this year, to specialize in media, content production andother creative industries, and sports consumption and retailing. Up until now, Suning's investment activities, run under the same name, have been spread acrossthree separate funds. Suning Rundong Fund is worth 5 billion yuan and has targeted a diverse range of sectors,including technology, media, telecommunications, and the cultural and entertainment industry. Suning Goldstone Fund, started two years ago, is worth 4 billion yuan and focuses on retailinfrastructure such as physical stores and logistics. The 300-million-yuan Qingchuang Fund focuses on startups, particularly those specializing inemerging industries.
        NVC Lighting 2222

        • Private equity firm KKR & Co has said it will pay NVC Lighting Holding Ltd US$794 million for a majority stake in its China lighting business. The companies said in a statement they will set up a strategic partnership for the business. Once completed, KKR will own 70 per cent of NVC China and NVC Lighting will hold the remaining 30 per cent. NVC Lighting said it will pay a special dividend of at least HK$0.9 (US$0.01) a share after the deal closes, which is expected in the fourth quarter.

        - China International Communications Co (CICC), the commercial arm of China Central TV

        • China’s state broadcaster CCTV, better known as a conduit for Beijing’s propaganda efforts, is aiming to grow an international network to carry its soap operas and news in Africa, the Middle East and the US.
          CICC has already set up a studio in Washington, hired 20 local news readers and begun broadcasting bulletins, initially focused on stock market information.
          This builds on a business anchored in the overseas Chinese community. “Chinese like dramas, and we have more than 100,000 TV dramas produced every year,” said Mr Lu, speaking on the sidelines of last month’s Casbaa convention in Macau.
        • State broadcaster Central China Television (CCTV) has rebranded its international networks and digital presence under the name China Global Television Network as part of a push to consolidate its worldwide reach. On Friday CCTV unveiled several new mobile apps under the CGTN brand, and visitors to CCTV’s non-Chinese language websites have been directed to a new website.
        • 英媒昨日報道,中國環球電視網(CGTN)早前遭英國及德國禁播後,已經轉向法國最高視聽委員會(CSA)招手,要求重獲在歐洲廣播的權利。報道引述CSA相關人士指出,CGTN早於去年底已經開始接觸CSA,惟CSA拒絕透露CGTN何時會獲准透過在法國發射站的衞星轉播。
        • china daily 2sep19 70 years on

          - Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group

          - Letv 
          • 樂視3.78億購香港版權
          • 目標3年成收費電視二哥樂視拍本土劇攻港 wenwei 3nov14 b2
          • Technology major LeEco Holdings Co Ltd is gearing up to become a globalcompany with plans to enter several overseas markets within the year.  Hank Liu, cofounder and vice-chairman of LeEco, formerly known as LeTV, said onWednesday that it has targeted the United States and India as its two majormarkets outside China in 2016. "The year 2016 marks the beginning of our globalization. We don't make it a goal toovertake tech giants, such as Apple Inc, Inc or Tesla Motors Inc. Butwe do have an ambition to become a globalized company, because all greatcompanies are globalized," Liu said on the sidelines of the 2016 Boao Forum forAsia, in Boao, Hainan province. According to Liu, LeEco recently entered the US and India markets by openingonline channels to sell its smartphones and smart televisions. Later in the first halfof this year, we will make a major foray into Southeast Asia and in the second halfof this year, we will enter the Russian market," he said.
          • 樂視網(300104.SZ)及酷派集團(02369)母公司樂視控股陷入財困之新聞不斷,昨日有外電報道樂視在美國戰略合作車企法拉第未來(Faraday Future,簡稱FF)位於內華達州的工廠建設停工,但FF於傍晚發聲明否認該傳聞。
          • 內地樂視控股集團始創人賈躍亭,上周五傳出有意在美國申請個人破產重組。賈躍亭債務處理小組昨日發聲明,證實他已在美國時間周日,根據當地法律第十一章(chapter 11)提出申請,稱其待償還債務總值卅六億美元(約二百八十二億港元)。債務處理小組則指,作為個人破產重組方案的一部分,由債權人組成的委員會和信託受託人控制和管理的債權人信託也將同時設立,美國法院認定的賈躍亭全部資產和相關收益,也將會通過相關方式轉讓給債權人。方案完成後,賈將不再持有任何Faraday Future(FF)的股權。上述處理方法將成為解決賈躍亭個人餘下債務,並保障債權人利益的最佳方案。
          Phoenix Television is a partially state-owned television network that offers Mandarin and Cantonese-language channels that serve the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and other markets with substantial Chinese-language viewers. It is operated by Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd, a television broadcaster with headquarters in Mainland China and Hong Kong. It is also registered in Cayman Islands.The CEO and founder of Phoenix TV, Liu Changle (劉長樂), was an officer and political instructor in the People's Liberation Army in its 40th Group Army.[3] He later became a journalist for the Chinese Communist Party-controlled China National Radio after the Cultural Revolution and remains well-connected to the Party's leadership.[4] Liu is a standing member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.Phoenix Television calls itself a Hong Kong media outlet[6][7] and holds a non-domestic television programme services license in Hong Kong.What eventually became Phoenix Television started as a joint venture between STAR TV in Hong Kong, one private company in China, and China Central Television.Phoenix Chinese Channel was launched on 31 March 1996. It replaced Star Chinese Channel in Hong Kong and Mainland China; Star Chinese Channel remained available to the viewers in Taiwan and some parts of Mainland China.
          • people
            • 內地傳媒《財新網》引述鳳凰衛視一份內部通告指,中央電視台副台長孫玉勝已獲任命為鳳凰衛視常務副總裁,他將向行政總裁負責。報道稱,此舉或為孫未來出任行政總裁鋪路。通告指,孫玉勝出任常務副總裁後,將負責鳳凰衛視節目的企劃、風格、內容及製作,協調各頻道管理等工作。惟報道又引述消息人士稱,孫玉勝此次出任常務副總裁只屬過渡安排,未來有望出任行政總裁一職。資料顯示,現年60歲的孫玉勝是吉林敦化人,1984年畢業於吉林大學經濟學系,同年進入中央電視台工作,歷任新聞採訪部副主任、主任,新聞評論部主任,新聞中心副主任等職務。1997年時,他參與策劃72小時大型直播「香港回歸特別報道」,期間為駐香港總部節目負責人,翌年2月升任新聞節目中心主任,2000年副總編,分管央視國際,2005年起擔任央視副台長、高級編輯,後兼任中央廣播電視總台編務會議成員。

          The Guangming DailyGuangming Ribao, or Enlightenment Daily[1] is a national Chinese-language daily newspaper published in the People's Republic of China. It was established in 1949 as the official paper of the China Democratic League. As one of China's "big three" newspapers during the Cultural Revolution, it played an important role in the political struggle between Hua Guofeng and the Gang of Fourin 1976 and between Hua and Deng Xiaoping in 1978. The Guangming Daily, then romanized as Kuangming, was launched on 16 June 1949 in Beijing. It was originally the official newspaper of the China Democratic League, but later became the Chinese Communist Party's official organ for China's educated elite.光明日報》是中共中央机关报之一,是由中共中央宣传部直接领导的大型、全国性的官方新闻媒体之一,属于光明日报报业集团,创刊于1949年6月16日,最初是由中国民主同盟主办。毛泽东周恩来朱德等都曾为《光明日报》创刊题词。
          - xinhua

          • Https://
          • 由國務院批准設立的 中國財富傳媒集團昨日舉行掛牌儀式。這是新華社貫徹落實中央深化文 化體制改革重大部署,提升主流媒體在財經信息領域傳播力、影響力、 公信力的重要舉措,也標誌着新華社財經媒體資源的深度整合基本完 成,開始走上一體化、集約化發展道路。

          - 人民日報

          • 人民日報 海外版澳門總代理處昨日假澳門旅遊塔會展中心舉行 成立儀式。人民日報社編委、海外版總編輯王樹成在 儀式上致辭時表示,海外版落地澳門,將有助於海內 外的廣大讀者更加了解澳門、更加親近澳門,也有助 於澳門同胞深入了解中央大政方針、感知內地巨大變 化、及時獲取內地權威資訊、抓住自身發展機遇、共 用兩地合作紅利。 王樹成表示,1985年7月1日,在改革開放的時代 大潮中,人民日報海外版應運而生。30多年來,海外 版積極傳播中華優秀文化,宣介中國發展變化,解讀 黨和國家的方針政策,受到廣大海外讀者的喜愛與歡 迎。 目前,人民日報海外版已在海外設置7個代理處, 辦有系列區域刊、國別刊和外文刊,並與近 30家海 外華文媒體開展深入合作。同時,已初步形成一個傳 統媒體與新興媒體並重的媒體矩陣,其中海外版官方 網站海外網發展迅猛,日均頁面瀏覽量 1,400萬,日 均獨立訪問者數900萬。
          China Daily was established in June 1981 and has the widest print circulation of any English-language newspaper in China (over 200,000 copies per issue, of which a third are abroad).The BBC called the paper "state-run."[13] According to a 1993 book, China Daily is run by Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China.[1] Currently, the website was owned by China Daily Information Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the newspaper office of the China Daily, a corporation that was not yet transformed into a company limited by shares/stake. According to a publication by a department of the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform, the newspaper office was escrow to the State Council Information Office of China.

          • The China Daily Hong Kong Edition (traditional Chinese《中國日報香港版》simplified Chinese《中国日报香港版》pinyinZhōngguó Rìbào Xiānggǎng Bǎn), has been published since 6 October 1997.
          • China Daily Asia Weekly is a tabloid-sized pan-Asian edition of the China Daily. The 24 page newspaper launched on 9 December 2010 in Hong Kong.
          • China Daily US Edition, based in New York City,[18] was launched in 2009. 
          • China Daily European Weekly was launched in 2010 and is published from London. 
          • In December 2012, China Daily launched an Africa edition, published in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya.

          - 中國唯一參政黨報紙《團結報》紀念創刊 60周年



            -中國書店成立於1952年,是中國國第 一家國有的古舊書店。1958年中國書店 又兼併了北京市111家私營古舊書店,成 為北京古舊書業的繼承者和主體代表。

            Nuctech Co Ltd

            • The safety and security service industry seems to be one sector that has been affected the leastby the global economic climate, because no matter how the economy changes, there is always ademand for effective security systems amid growing terrorist activities. Nuctech Co Ltd is such a company that has grasped opportunities and experienced a highdouble-digit growth rate despite the slowing economy. "Security posts a bigger and bigger challenge to many countries and leaders in the world,especially after terrorist attacks, and our products will help protect people's lives and preventpotential safety problems," said Wang Weidong, vice-president of the Beijing-based Nuctech. He said that Nuctech, a Chinese security inspection service provider, started its overseasbusiness in the wake of the Sept 11 terror attack in 2001, and has managed to bolster its globalexpansion ever since. "Our growth is well above the global average rate," he said, adding that 60 percent of thecontribution came from overseas markets. The company's scanners and monitoring machines have been sold to more than 130 countriesand regions and are widely used in civil aviation, customs and urban subway and railwaysystems. The Chinese company ranked No 1 in terms of market share in Europe, and it accounts for 80percent of the African market and half of the Latin American market, according to data providedby the company. The company was founded at Tsinghua University, one of China's top universities specializing inscience and technology.
            • 加拿大政府去年7月被揭為海外大使館,採購中國最大安全檢查設備製造商同方威視(Nuctech)生產的X光機,引發中國及美國強烈反應。加拿大環球事務部周二表示,最終沒有購買同方威視的X光機,並指將來也不會採購,將重新審視合約細節。

            - 威豹金融押运

            • 深圳市威豹金融押运股份公司在1997年成立,股东包括中国工商银行、招商银行、中国银行等17间金融银行,主要提供押送现钞服务,每年营业额约六亿人民币。公司原本业务主力在内地,董事长胡可表示,因近年内地盛行电子支付,运送现金的用户减少,遂于2014年决定转型“走出去”,去年三月来港成立威豹金融押运护卫(香港)有限公司。

            - China Ocean Shipping Company (cosco)
            • China’s national shipping lines have firmed up agreements with Vale to transport ore to China, finalising a deal between the Brazilian miner and China’s shipping industry just as premier Li Keqiang’s visits the Latin American country. Vale completed the sale of four very large ore carriers to China Cosco Holdings for US$445 million and reached an agreement to sell another four to China Merchants Energy Shipping, the miner said in a statement. The four ships sold to Cosco will be operated by China Ore Shipping, a newly formed joint venture between China Cosco Holdings and China Shipping Development, under a 20-year freight contract with an option to extend it for another five years, according to a knowledgeable source. The deal is part of an extensive package of infrastructure and railway deals that Li brings to Brazil in his three-day state visit. Tuesday’s firm contract follows a framework agreement between China Cosco and Vale September last year, as the two sides moved to thaw out a three-year spat.
            • China’s biggest shipping company COSCO intends to launch regular services through the Arctic Ocean to Europe, a spokeswoman said on Tuesday, as global warming makes the route viable and Beijing steps up its northern ambitions. The state-owned industry giant has only twice sent a vessel through the Northeast Passage, once in 2013 and again in a voyage completed this month, state media reported.
            • China COSCO Shipping Co, the country's largest shipping company by fleet size, officially launched COSCO Shipping Energy Transportation Co in Shanghai on Monday, creating the world's largest oil tanker fleet in terms of both ship numbers and deadweight tonnage. With a total of 105 oil tankers, including nine liquefied natural gas carriers and a deadweight tonnage of 17.04 million, the new company has the world's biggest fleet of oil tankers and the largest transport capacity of its kind. The asset value of COSCO Shipping Energy Transportation accounts for 11 percent of COSCO Shipping's total assets, and its oil tanker fleet holds 20 percent of the group's entire shipping capacity. COSCO Shipping Chairman Xu Lirong said that the establishment of the new company is a practical way to achieve business scale and synergies particularly in the sectors of energy shipping and logistics, in order to better compete with other established global rivals.
              "This move is also part of ongoing restructuring of State-owned enterprises," Xu said at the inaugural meeting in Shanghai. "The group will use this new setup to strengthen its capabilities in shipping oil, gas and other energy resources to ensure China's energy security." The new company was formed by the previous China Shipping Development Co and COSCO Dalian Ocean Shipping Co.
            • China COSCO Shipping Corp and other liners will bid for Orient Overseas International Ltd, owner of Hong Kong's biggest container-shipping line. Evergreen Marine Corp Taiwan Ltd and CMA CGM SA are also bidding, according to the report, which cited an unidentified employee of COSCO Shipping.
            • 中遠海運港口早前與和記港口簽署合 作協議
            • new atlantic route china daily 22may19
            - sinotrans

            • Sinotrans Shipping Ltd said on Sunday that a planned restructuring of its parent company couldmean a change to its own shareholding. Sinotrans Shipping (Holdings) Ltd, a subsidiary of Sinotrans and CSC Holdings Co Ltd, holds a65 percent stake in Sinotrans Shipping. Other shareholders own 32 percent stake, with the restheld by Sinotrans (Hong Kong) Holdings Ltd, another subsidiary of Sinotrans and CSC HoldingsCo Ltd. In effect, the parent owns 68 percent of Sinotrans Shipping. The merger between Sinotrans and CSC Holdings Co Ltd, China's second-largest commodityshipping company by revenue, and the Hong Kong-based China Merchants Group, anotherState-owned shipping, banking, securities and real estate development conglomerate, was firstsuggested in September.  Sinotrans Shipping is Hong Kong-listed. But because any deal involving its ownership needs tobe approved by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, as well asother related Chinese government organizations, it could take some time to complete.
            - China Shipping Container Lines
            • 中海集運與阿拉伯法國同業結盟
            - China State Shipbuilding Corp

            中船重工The China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) is one of the two largest shipbuilding conglomerates in China, the other being the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC). It was formed by the Government of the People's Republic of China on 1 July 1999 from companies spun off from CSSC, and is 100% owned by SASAC.[1] Headquartered in Beijing, the CSIC handles shipbuilding activities in the north and the west of China, while the China State Shipbuilding Corporation(CSSC) deals with those in the east and the south of the country.CSIC's subsidiary, China Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited (CSICL), was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2008. Its trade arm is China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co. Ltd.

            • 中船重工於一九九九年成立,根據其官網顯示,中船重工作為中國海軍裝備科研生產的主體力量,承擔了航母、核潛艇、常規潛艇、水面艦艇、水中兵器等海軍武器裝備的科研、設計、生產、試驗、保障任務。此外,中國首艘航母遼寧號和首艘國產航母「002型」,以及深海載人潛水器蛟龍號等重要裝備,都經過中船重工設計建造或改造。孫波受查 中船重工有份建港珠澳橋
            • shipbuilder CSIC is working against the clock to get its two aircraft carriers ready for military use, and in time for 70th anniversary celebrations marking the founding of the People’s Republic of China in October next year.
            • 一直盛傳十一將服役的中國首艘國產航母下水一年多,仍在海試階段,恐難以如期交付海軍,其建造總指揮胡問鳴近日卻突然提前退休。中國船舶重工集團有限公司(中船重工)官網日前發布消息,中共中央決定免去胡問鳴董事長、黨組書記職務,胡氏退休。六十二歲的胡問鳴是江蘇揚州人,長期在軍工企業任職,曾任中國航空工業第一集團、中國兵器工業集團等企業高管,二○一五年任中船重工董事長、黨組書記。
            China International Marine Containers (Group) Co, the State-owned transportation equipment manufacturer, aims to build more prefabricated module-themed building and public utility projects across the world to drive growth and diversify its product categories, its executives said. In addition to supplying high-end modular products to Brazil to help the country rebuild its research station in the South Pole, and providing prefabricated modules for the Ras Abu Aboud Stadium in Qatar to build a greener stadium for the Qatar World Cup 2022 venue, the Shenzhen, Guangdong province-based CIMC announced this month that it completed a steel structure modular hotel in Iceland for its client, the Courtyard brand of premiere hotel chain Marriott International.Constructed by its subsidiary CIMC-MBS Construction Investment Co Ltd, the hotel is the company's first project of its kind in Iceland, marking a breakthrough for the company in its entry into the Nordic market. The hotel project close to Reykjavik Airport is an L-shaped four-storey building. Guests can observe the takeoff and landing of planes outside their insulated windows, said Zhu Weidong, general manager of CIMC-MBS.

            China National Machinery Industry Corp

            • China National Machinery Industry Corp, a State-owned enterprise often called Sinomach, has signed a memorandum of understanding with United States-based giant General Electric Co to help further develop Sub-Saharan Africa’s clean-energy market. The two have already identified a 102 megawatt wind power farm in Kipeto, a city 50 kilometers to the south of the Kenyan capital Nairobi, as a long-term pilot program for their future cooperation. The sides said they will assist each other in obtaining third-party, long-term financing or provide the capital themselves for project development. The Kipeto farm is being run as part of the Power Africa campaign, a US government-led initiative which brings together private and public organizations from around the world to work in partnership to raise power supply levels across the continent. Sinomach is mainly involved in machinery equipment research and development and project contracting. It will be the main contractor of the joint project, while GE will provide generators, machine parts, technological support and training, and up to 60 wind-driven generators. Total investment in the Kipeto project is US$210 million, much of which will come from Overseas Private Investment Corp, a US public agency that mobilizes development capital for private firms.

            - Zoomlion中聯重科

            • 記者從中聯重科獲悉,在中國國 家主席習近平和白俄羅斯總統盧卡申 科的共同見證下,中聯重科位於白俄 羅斯首都明斯克的中白工業園內的海 外建設項目日前正式啟動,標誌着借 國家「一帶一路」政策,中聯重科 「走進海外本土經營」的戰略佈局邁 出堅實步伐。
            national defense
            China North Industries Group Corp

            • Norinco promotes weapon features on WeChat, a common messaging app. In an effort to increase sales of its tanks in the face of declining global demand, China North Industries Group Corp, the country's biggest developer and maker of land armaments, is turning to a popular smartphone social networking app. WeChat is often used by Chinese arms producers to release comparisons between their weapons and other nations' products - contents that they would not put on their websites in consideration of diplomatic issues. So, like many other State-owned defense technology enterprises, Norinco, as the tank maker is known, is promoting its brand and products to WeChat's more than 500 million users. Most recently, it posted an article on its account that touts the ways its tanks are more usable than Russia's most-advanced T-14 Armata.
            • China North Industries Group Corp, the largest military equipment maker in thecountry, is navigating its way into the commercial mapping market by takingadvantage of defense technologiesKnown as Norinco, the State-owned company set up a 2 billion yuan ($313 million)joint venture last month with e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd toprovide a commercial high accuracy location and data analysis service networkThe two companies will each hold a 50 percent stake in the operation known asQianxun Location Networks Co Ltd.
            Chinese medicine
            - 同仁堂

            • 新西蘭設4分店
            • plans to set up in italy hkej 28nov14
            • singapore history

            Dong'e Ejiao Co Ltd

            • Dong'e Ejiao Co Ltd is applying for patents for its biological technology in China as well as in Japan, South Korea, the European Union and the United States. The company expects to sell 60 million yuan worth of its ejiao products to overseas market this year. 
            - Geely
            • 吉利汽車(00175)將投資1.5億英鎊(約18億港元),在英國建廠生產新一代倫敦的士,新車將更加具備節能環保特點。關於工廠地址,吉利傾向於英國考文垂Ansty Park開發區。而產能和投產時間等詳細信息則未見透露。
            •據環球網汽車頻道記者從吉利內部獲悉,當地時間1月11日,吉利博瑞正式登陸沙特市場。吉利汽車在沙烏地阿拉伯最大港口城市吉達舉行上市發佈會,沙特相關政府官員、中國駐吉達總領事館領事及商務參贊以及沙特主流媒體等各界人士參加了上市儀式。吉利博瑞在沙特及海灣地區正式上市,是吉利博瑞出口海外市場的第一站。吉利汽車十年前就開始積極佈局海外市場,得益於中國經濟全球化進程的加速和自身技術水準的提升,吉利汽車的産品已經銷往30多個國家和地區。作為中東的戰略市場,吉利汽車于2010年進入沙特,在合作夥伴HHA(Haji Husein Alireza & Co.Ltd.)的鼎力支援下,不斷探索、理解並尊重當地用戶的需求,陸續投放了多款高性價比的産品,努力打造完善的服務體系,為用戶提供全方位的服務。目前吉利汽車已在沙特通過23個銷售展廳和16個服務網點,HHA也建立了自己的呼叫中心和24小時道路救援,構建起強大的保障網路為超過5萬名吉利車主提供服務,綜合服務能力在沙特地區各大汽車品牌中高居第二名。
            • 吉利控股集團董事長李書福於甘肅舉行的2017「一帶一路」媒體合作論壇表示,吉利今年6月簽訂了馬來西亞寶騰汽車公司和英國路特斯跑車公司的收購合同,本月末將完成正式交割,這是吉利在「一帶一路」倡議下實現合作的新項目。
            • Harley-Davidson has found a new partner in China as it ramps up efforts to sell more motorcycles abroad. The company said Wednesday that it's teaming up with Qianjiang Motorcycle Company to make a small motorcycle that will go on sale in the country next year. Qianjiang is a subsidiary of Geely, which owns Volvo and has a joint venture to assemble cars in China with Mercedes Benz parent company Daimler (DDAIF).
            • 昨日吉利宣布與富士康科技集團(下稱「富士康」)將成立合資公司,為全球汽車及出行企業提供代工生產及定製顧問服務。
            • germany
            • 吉利汽車(00175)母公司吉利控股(簡稱「吉控」)宣布,與德國平治汽車合作,成立smart品牌全球合資公司「智馬達汽車」(smart Automobile),聯合營運和推動smart品牌轉型升級。惟吉汽股價昨收跌0.89%,報15.54元。

            - byd
            • usa
            • Warren Buffett-backed Chinese carmaker BYD Co Ltd said on Wednesday that ithas inked a deal to supply 10,000 vehicles, including new-energy cars and gasoline-powered vehicles, to Sudan. Under the deal, BYD's largest in Africa, it will first ship power systems and keycomponents to Sudan and then assemble cars there at a later date, a personworking for the company's overseas department said on condition of anonymity. "We hope to deliver all the vehicles within this year itself, but that will depend onmarket response and volume," the source told China Daily, declining to give moredetails on the contract amount. Huang Zhixue, general manager of BYD's Middle East and Africa Auto SalesDivision, said this was the first time that the company had bagged such asubstantial order in Africa and expects that its products can make a tangibledifference.
            • BYD's electric-powered buses will make the University of California, Irvine, the first college campus in the United States to convert its traditional diesel-powered buses to an all-electric transit fleet, according to the university. The student-funded and operated Anteater Express shuttle service is acquiring 20 buses from BYD for $15 million. The vehicles are being built at BYD's Lancaster, California plant to roll onto campus for the 2017-18 academic year.
            •  BYD's US arm, which is based in Lancaster, California, began its operations in 2011 with electric buses. It offers medium and heavy-duty trucks designed for short hauls, and vehicles for seaport and railyard businesses.Its customers include BNSF Railway and tenants of the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and San Diego. In November, BYD-which stands for "Build Your Dreams" and is backed by Warren Buffet-delivered its first electric automated sideloader garbage truck to the California city of Palo Alto, in electric automaker Tesla's backyard.
            •  uk
            • automotive manufacturer BYD officially launched 51 new single decker electric buses on Friday, which it said would be Europe's biggest all-electric bus fleet so far, saving London 700 metric tons of CO2 emissions a year. The new fleet was launched after BYD's initial supply of two electric buses to London three years ago proved a success in reliability and consistency in running a 16-hour shift without a recharge being necessary.

            - Jiamei

            • Jiamei Medical Group, the largest privately owned chain of dental clinics in China, will use thebackdoor listing route to go public this year, a top company official said on ThursdayBackdoor listing is a strategy of going public used by a company that fails to meet the criteria forlisting on a stock exchange. To get onto the exchange, the company desiring to go publicacquires an already listed company"We will acquire a controlling interest in a company that is already listed on the main board," saidLiu Jia, chairman and chief executive officer of Jiamei Medical Group, adding that the companywould be the first privately owned general medical service provider that would be listedMeanwhile, the group will also transform its main business from dental clinics to generalhospitals, Liu saidJiamei Medical, which has been in operation for more than 22 years, already has about 100dental clinics all over the country and the group intends to cap it at that levelLiu said his group aims to integrate 100 private hospitals to form an allied company, in whichJiamei Medical will hold a 51 percent stake.

            CCIC中文全称——中国检验认证(集团)有限公司(英文名称:China Certification & Inspection (Group)Co . , Ltd . , 英文缩写CCIC)是经国务院批准成立,在国家工商总局登记注册,迄今为止唯一的带“中国”字头以“检验、鉴定、认证、测试”为主业的跨国检验认证机构,它的成立是中国加入WTO新形势下贯彻落实国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家认证认可监督管理委员会关于商检公司体制改革决策的重大举措。CCIC 中国商品检验公司,原称是中国进出口商品检验总公司。(CHINA NATIONAL IMPORT & EXPORT COMMODITIES INSPECTION CORPORATION)CCIC(商检公司)最早是1980年由商检局成立的,主要做非法检商品检验,同时辅助商检局做一些法检业务。最初商检公司的人员和办公地点均是商检局的,也就是一个实体两块牌子,有点official(官方)的意思,后来92年前后,逐渐独立出来,运作更加企业化。在国内的分支机构很多,国内有省级商检公司40多个,沿海的大小港口多有分公司,总数近500个,国外有分公司20多家,负责检验要发到中国的三废旧机电等货物。中国检验认证集团(中检集团、CCIC)是经国家质量监督检验检疫总局(AQSIQ)许可、国家认证认可监督管理委员会(CNCA)资质认定、中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)认可,以“检验、鉴定、认证、测试”为主业的独立第三方检验认证机构。

            death care
            - fu shou yuan

            • 藍鼎國際(0582) 昨日公佈,成功投得Les Ambassadeurs Club Limited 100%股權,其擁有及經營英國倫敦梅菲爾區其中一家最尊貴娛樂場Les Ambassadeurs Club(利陞賭場),基本代價1.37億英鎊(約16.44億港元),將以內部資源及債務融資撥。 公司昨日復牌,股價一度升超過兩成,其後回落,收市升1.79%,報0.227元。藍鼎國際主席仰智慧表示,利陞賭場的收購,象徵着公司業務衝出亞洲,進一步邁向國際。近年利陞賭場已成為英國高檔娛樂場當中的頂尖娛樂場。2014年止的年度,按投注額計算,該俱樂部在高檔博彩市場之市場佔有率約36%;今年首十個月EBITDA約316萬英鎊。另外,公司公佈,濟州政府已根據外國投資推廣法,將公司附屬藍鼎濟州之神話歷史公園項目(濟州項目)區域劃分為海外投資區,根據該項法規,藍鼎濟州將可享有以下多重稅務寬免優惠,包括企業所得稅可根據海外投資比率全數豁免5年,其後兩年減免50%;關稅、人消費稅、以及增值稅方面,進口資本貨物全數豁免5年;購置稅及物業稅亦全數豁免15年。 集團指,根據公司獲得之法律意見,完成上文所述若干存檔及批准程序後,預期濟州項目可自明年1月1日起開始享有稅務優惠。
            • 藍鼎國際(0582)昨宣佈,以現金25億元向獨立第三方出售位於倫敦梅菲爾區Les Ambassadeurs Club利陞俱樂部。集團於2016年4月以約1.3億英磅(約14.8億港元)收購利陞俱樂部,換言之,是交易藍鼎賬面賺10.2億元。
            Equine industry/horseracing
            - Equex
            • riding at full gallop in the land of tallyho
            - The Shanghai-based Image Collective Communication works with The EnglishManner, a global provider of contemporary protocol, etiquette, communication andcross-cultural integration tuition, to offer regular coaching courses to China's highnet worth individuals. "I've noticed that the consumption level of Chinese people is approaching the worldstandard but their level of social etiquette is still not on par with Western countrieslike Britain," said Angelina Du, who founded The Image Collective Communicationin 2013. Du has over the past two years invited professional tutors from the UK to Shanghaito conduct courses on English style etiquette, like how to shake hands, the correctway to dine at the table, and how to partake in afternoon tea. Her courses are alsooften attended by children between the ages of six to 12, as more and moreparents are eager for their children to get a good head start. Besides etiquette courses, Du is also working to expand her range of services toinclude other types of high-end lifestyle courses teaching flower arrangement, artappreciation and culinary skills.

            personal shopping
            - ximan colour


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