Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Science and Technology

journal, academic resources
- - a professional network for scientists
PLOS One (stylized PLOS ONE, and formerly PLoS ONE   is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS) since 2006. The journal covers primary research from any discipline within science and medicine. The Public Library of Science began in 2000 with an online petition initiative by Nobel Prize winner Harold Varmus, formerly director of the National Institutes of Health and at that time director of Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center; Patrick O. Brown, a biochemist at Stanford University; and Michael Eisen, a computational biologist at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Submissions are subject to an article processing charge, and according to the journal, papers are not to be excluded on the basis of lack of perceived importance or adherence to a scientific field. All submissions go through a pre-publication review by a member of the board of academic editors, who can elect to seek an opinion from an external reviewer. In January 2010, the journal was included in the Journal Citation Reports and received its first impact factor of 4.411. PLOS One papers are published under Creative Commons licenses.

The Beer–Lambert law, also known as Beer's law, the Lambert–Beer law, or the Beer–Lambert–Bouguer law relates the attenuation of light to the properties of the material through which the light is travelling. The law is commonly applied to chemical analysis measurements and used in understanding attenuation in physical optics, for photonsneutrons or rarefied gases. In mathematical physics, this law arises as a solution of the BGK equation.

joseph proust's law of definite proportions - each substance is made up of a fixed proportion of elements by mass eg 9 grams of water is composed of 1 gm of hydrogen and 8 gm of oxygen.

Freeze-drying—technically known as lyophilisation, lyophilization, or cryodesiccation—is a dehydration process typically used to preserve a perishable material or make the material more convenient for transport. Freeze-drying works by freezing the material and then reducing the surrounding pressure to allow the frozen water in the material to sublime directly from the solid phase to the gas phase.The process of freeze-drying was invented in 1906 by Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval and his assistant Frédéric Bordas at the laboratory of biophysics of Collège de France in Paris. In 1911 Downey Harris and Shackle developed the freeze-drying method of preserving live rabies virus which eventually led to development of the first antirabies vaccine. Modern freeze-drying was developed during World War II. Blood serum being sent to Europe from the US for medical treatment of the wounded required refrigeration, but because of the lack of simultaneous refrigeration and transport, many serum supplies were spoiling before reaching their intended recipients. 


global market
- tech group trends

- history
  • china
    • On a plateau grassland in the north of Qinghai province, several deserted brick buildings that were once top-secret offices and atomic research facilities have become must-see attractions.In 1964, China's first atomic test bomb was researched and assembled in a place known simply as "Atomic City" in Haiyan county. "Atomic City" was later changed to Xihai town."The success meant that China had its own effective nuclear counterattack system, laying the foundations for peace and order in the country and later economic development," Wang Zhaoning, a researcher at the Two Bombs, One Star Spirit Research Institute with Qinghai Normal University in Xining, the provincial capital.In the 1950s, the nuclear industry was a sensitive field of prime importance in the international political struggle, military confrontation, trade and technological competition, the provincial government said.It added that in 1955, Chairman Mao Zedong led a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China where it was decided to develop the nation's nuclear industry.Two years later, Deng Xiaoping approved construction of an industry base at an altitude of more than 3,200 meters in Haiyan.Ma Qingfang, a member of staff at the Atomic City Memorial Hall in Haiyan, told Economic Daily that the location was chosen because it was surrounded by mountains, had abundant water resources and a convenient transportation network.Many people contributed to the development of China's nuclear industry.About 6,000 people took their 150,000-plus sheep and cows and left the grassland where the base would be built. They moved to another town but declined compensation.Meanwhile, scientists, technicians and construction workers left their homes in cities far away to work at the base for decades, Economic Daily reported.However, in 1959, the government of the Soviet Union, which had been providing technical support, refused to continue to do so and later withdrew all of its technicians and advisers.The central government then established a 15-member special committee headed by Premier Zhou Enlai to oversee the atomic project.In 1962, the government introduced a "two-year plan" under which the country was scheduled to detonate its first nuclear test bomb in 1964.As a result, researchers and staff members gathered in Qinghai from across the country and started nearly every process from scratch.Liu Zhaomin, who arrived at the base in 1963 at the age of 25 and retired in 1993, said that despite the harsh conditions, the workers only thought of one thing: the development of the atomic bomb.According to the Qinghai government, after thousands of small experiments and eight large-scale tests, the device used for the first nuclear test was entirely processed, assembled and inspected at the base in August 1964. After, it was shipped to the Lop Nur experimental base in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.On Oct 16, 1964, China's first nuclear weapons test was conducted successfully. That night, the government released a statement saying that China had developed nuclear weapons to defend itself.However, it pledged that the country would never use the weapons first under any circumstances. China completed its first hydrogen bomb test in 1967.Two decades later, the State Council, China's Cabinet, and the Central Military Commission issued a notice to decommission the base.In 1993, all the employees were assigned to new tasks across the country. Meanwhile, the nuclear facilities at the base were treated to render them harmless.The provincial government transformed the site into a patriotic education base in 1996, and in 2001, the State Council listed it as a national key cultural relics protection unit.
      • note that xihai is name for many places including Saikai (西海市Saikai-shi) in japan
      • 秦汉时,认为罗马帝国在 海(里海)以西,称为大秦海西国。称里海为西海。
      • 青海湖,古代稱為「西海」,又稱「鮮水」或「鮮海」。藏語叫做「錯溫波」,意思是「青色的湖」;蒙古語稱它為「庫庫諾爾」,即「藍色的海洋」。由於青海湖一帶早先屬於卑禾族的牧地,所以又叫「卑禾羌海」,漢代也有人稱它為「仙海」。從北魏起才更名為「青海」。青海湖在西漢時稱西海、仙海、鮮水海、卑禾羌海,到北魏時才始稱青海,到清代加了個「湖」字。1949年後統稱青海湖。歷史上之所以稱青海湖為仙海和鮮水海,與西王母神話有關。據《漢書·地理志》載:「金城郡『臨羌縣西北至塞外,有西王母石室、仙海、鹽池」』;另據《十三州志》沿襲漢書的記載:「青海在臨羌縣,有西王母石室,仙海、鹽池」。史學界一般認為「仙海」就是青海湖,天峻縣關角溝的二郎洞乃傳說中的西王母石室。此外,青海湖亦被稱為「卑禾羌海」是因為青海湖流域早先曾是卑禾羌人的牧地,故以其命名。羌人究竟如何稱青海湖實難考證,但蒙古語稱青海湖為「庫庫諾爾」,意為「藍色的海」,是以湖水顏色來命名的;而藏語則稱青海湖為「措溫波」,其意是「青色的湖」。值得一提的是青海湖還有一個古老的藏語名字叫「赤雪甲姆」,藏族學者解釋說,因湖周有過l萬頂帳幕或者有萬座帳幕被海水吞沒而得名。「甲姆」藏語意為「王母」,將兩詞連起來可譯為「萬帳王母」,漢語稱西王母。傳說西王母和周穆王相會的瑤池應當就是今日的青海湖。原文網址:
      • Xihai Jun (西海郡) is a prefecture of ancient China located in Qingzang PlateauXi means west, Hai means sea, and Jun is a kind of administrative unit above county in ancient China and may be translated as prefecture or province.Xihai Jun or Xihai Prefecture was first established in the 4th year of Yuanshi (元始四年, AD 4) in Han Dynasty.The site of the Longqi (龍耆), the capital city of Xihai Jun in Han Dynasty, is located on the south bank of Huangshui River (湟水), near Qinghai Lake. Today, it is called Sanjiao Cheng (三角城, Delta City). It is near the county town of Haiyan County (海晏縣) and 90 kilometers west to Xining City, the capital city Qinghai province.In the 23rd year of Zhenguan (貞觀二十三年, AD 649), King of Xihai Jun (西海郡王) was conferred upon Songtsen Gampo (松贊幹布), the King of Tubo (吐蕃, or Tibet), by Tang Gaozong (唐高宗), the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

    • 我曾到過青海原子城。那是一個令人膜 拜的地方。它位於海北藏族自治州一個叫金 銀灘的草原,距省會西寧一百一十公里,王 洛賓的民歌《在那遙遠的地方》創作於此。 名字好聽,但乾燥高寒荒涼。平均海拔三千 二百一十米,平均氣溫零下五度,年降水量 四百毫米,年蒸發量一千五百三十八毫米。 就在這片荒原,誕生了我國第一顆原子彈、 第一顆氫彈。 一九五八年,面對西方核壟斷核訛詐威 脅,中央決定在這裏建立中國第一個核武器 研製基地,對外稱 「青海礦區國營二二一 廠」 。廣大科技工作者從四面八方奔赴荒 漠,開始了艱苦卓絕的創業。二二一廠最多 時達一萬五千多人。他們住帳篷和地窖;在 草原上挖地下掩體作車間試驗場,指揮所建 在地下九米;以木箱作辦公室,用古老的算 盤計算資料;沒有自來水,喝的是融化的雪 水。糧食緊缺,每月二十四斤定量,一天只 有八兩,早飯是半個饅頭一碗糊糊;中午晚 上各一個饅頭一碗糊糊。就是在這樣的條件 下,一批又一批科研專家告別都市、告別親 人來到這裏,用了不到十年時間研製了中國 第一顆原子彈、第一顆氫彈。多位後來獲得 兩彈元勳、兩院院士的科學家曾在這裏工 作,包括世界核子物理學家王淦昌,改名 「王京」 隱姓埋名十七年,家人只知他的通 信地址和信箱代號;還有彭桓武、郭永懷等 科學家……更多工作人員從北京、上海等大 城市過來,獻了青春獻子孫,退休後也在青 海定居。一對夫妻在北京結婚後即分別調去 二二一廠,但互相保密,直到有一天在礦區 街上偶遇,才發現他們工作的地方僅相距幾 十米…… 如今,原子城已成為歷史遺址,建成紀 念館對外開放,鐵路、學校、醫院等基礎設 施齊備,今非昔比。

- space race
  • The UN’s Office for Outer Space Affairs says countries are far from updating the treaty. There is “no consensus among state parties,” says Unoosa director Simonetta Di Pippo. The UN has given no reason to believe it would speak out against space mining projects but for companies investing in space technology, the US and Luxembourg regulations are reassuring. Planetary Resources says: “US and Luxembourg laws provide certainty for our industry and for our investors and allow us to focus our efforts on technology and mission development.” Much is at stake. If companies can legally extract resources on asteroids or the moon, they could search for water sources and possibly establish cities in outer space. Another option would be to transport precious commodities to Earth. Goldman Sachs analysts say this could, for instance, “crater the global price of platinum”.

- planet system

  • 美國太空總署(NASA)昨日同時宣布,開普勒(Kepler)太空望遠鏡最新發現一千二百八十四個太陽系外行星,當中九個近似地球,因此不排除有外星生命存在。
  • 歐洲太空總署(ESA)與日本宇宙航空開發機構(JAXA)前年把水星探測太空船貝皮科隆博號(BepiColombo)送上太空,至今已飛行一年半。太空船上周五重返地球軌道,完成首站飛行任務,並捕捉到地球掠影,之後將飛向下一站金星。
- naming of places in moon

  • 2019年2月4日,國際天文學聯合會(IAU)批准了利 用探月工程嫦娥二號和嫦娥四號高分辨月面影像數據申報 的嫦娥四號着陸點及其附近5個月球地理實體命名。2月15 日,中國國家航天局、中國科學院和國際天文學聯合會聯 合向全世界發布嫦娥四號着陸區域月球地理實體命名。 月背開先河 享「基地」稱號 嫦娥四號於北京時間2019年1月3日10時26分成功降落在 月球背面,其着陸點被命名為 「天河」。據介紹,天河是中 國古代對銀河的別稱,隱喻 「開創天之先河」,與嫦娥四號 開創人類月球探測歷史上的先河相契合。根據IAU的命名慣 例,着陸點名稱之前需加一個拉丁詞語Statio,因此命名嫦 娥四號着陸點的名稱為天河基地(Statio Tianhe)。目前只 有Apollo 11(美國阿波羅11號)着陸點名稱靜海基地( Statio Tranquillitatis)和嫦娥四號着陸點的名稱天河基地( Statio Tianhe)享有基地(Statio)這一稱號。

- moon station
  • 2017年全球航天探索大会6日在京举行中国专场全体会议,中国航天界的官员和专家介绍中国探月和深空探测等领域的合作热点。中国探月和航天工程中心主任 刘继忠表示,将在月球南极探测等热点项目展开国际合作,包括月球极区的地质构造和微生物圈等,同时合作项目包括月球科考站,倡议共同建设“国际月球村”, 在月球建立能源长期供给、自主运行的科学设施。
  • 歐洲太空總署(ESA)上周日起在拉脫維亞首都里加召開歐洲行星科學大會,預測到二○三○年會由少數科學家等技術人員初步殖民月球,更指幾十年後「可能會有小孩在月球出生」。負責策劃「月球村」計劃的大使富萬(Bernard Foing)於會上透露,初步計劃派六至十名科學家和工程師等人到月球。富萬形容,情況就如發展鐵路一樣,有了車站就會有村莊圍着它發展,商業活動亦應運而生。他相信直到二○四○年,殖民月球的人數能增至一百人,到二○五○年規模更可能擴張過至千人。由於國際太空站將於二○二四年退役,ESA認為建立月球村可作為延續太空站的下一個項目。雖然科學家和商業探礦者都對計劃表示有興趣,但此概念尚未證明有其市場需求,以吸引政治領袖支持。
  • 俄羅斯聯邦太空總署(RSA)周三宣布,與美國太空總署(NASA)合作,將一起在月球軌道上建設首個太空站,以便日後進一步探索太陽系,並為人類踏足火星的長遠計劃做好準備。RSA與NASA在澳洲阿德萊德舉行的國際宇航大會上簽訂合作協議,同意加入由NASA主導的「深空之門」計劃,兩國攜手建立一套系統,組織在月球軌道和表面的科研任務。雙方已就駐守單位的標準上達成共識,而太空站的元素則會根據俄方設計。
- 西班牙政府一個太陽能研究中心近日成功測試以一個太陽能發電的機器,模擬在月球表面的高溫環境下製作液態水,分量足以供應八名太空人飲用,日後或可讓太空人在利用月球土壤自行製水製氧,實行「自給自足」。 space shuttle
- 歐洲太空總署(ESA)上周五公布研究,指人類的尿液將會是製作「月球水泥」的重要素材。研究指,尿液成分可令月球土壤成形前更具可塑性,更可減省太空人需攜帶登月的水物資,將對未來發展定居月球的進程有所貢獻。
- delivery to orbit

  • scmp remember a day on a  3nov1979  report - China had asked about sending equipment into orbit on board the US Space Shuttle when the reusable spacecraft was due to make its first operational flight in 1981. But Beijing had not yet paid the US$100,000 (about HK$500,000 at the time) deposit required to reserve space in the Shuttle’s spacious hold. The Shuttle, unlike other less advance aircraft, could land like a plane after its mission and be used again. Other foreign bookings had come from Canada, West Germany, India, Indonesia and Iran, a Nasa spokesman said.

- satellite
  • China is poised to launch a project that may provide the path to an uncrackable communications system, by turning messages quantum and taking them into space. The new Quantum Space Satellite (QUESS) program is no mere science experiment. China is already becoming a world leader in quantum communications technology; a satellite that delivers quantum communications will be a cornerstone for translating cutting-edge research into a strategic asset for Chinese power worldwide. Cryptography operates through the use of an encryption key (such as a numbers pad), which, when applied to an encryption algorithm, can be used to decrypt or encrypt a message. Quantum entanglement is the act of fusing two or more particles into complementary “quantum states.” In such states, no particle can be independently described, instead the particles exist in a hazy shared quantum state that “collapses” when observed. Quantum encryption thus takes advantage of this feature, using it to detect would-be eavesdroppers, whose presence causes quantum states to collapse and reveal their spying to legitimate parties. Additionally, the complexity of quantum mechanics makes it virtually impossible to reverse engineer the quantum key generated through quantum entanglement. Quantum keys are thus theoretically impossible to crack by even quantum computing -- a theoretical form of supercomputing that promises to defeat traditional forms of encryption. (It is important to note, however, that all is not perfectly secure. Quantum secured communications, like other forms of encryption, are vulnerable to denial of service, physically tampering of the quantum communications device, human failures in operational security and impersonation of sender). Quantum keys are theoretically impossible to crack. The Quantum Space Satellite, aka Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS), will seek to turn this theory into reality. It will be launched in July 2016. Chief scientist Pan Jianwei remarks that QUESS will complete China's growing quantum communications network, which includes a 2,000-kilometer-long network between Beijing and Shanghai.
  • Canadian researchers said they have found a way to partially replicate data from the highly secured quantum network, which could serve as an alarm for their Chinese counterparts who are spearheading a state-of-the-art hack-proof communications system.
  • China and Italy are preparing for the world's third intercontinental quantum communication test as early as September, allowing scientists to have a better understanding of this hackproof technology's applications across great distances in space. Pan Jianwei, chief scientist for China's quantum-science satellite, which goes by the nickname "Micius", revealed the news on the sidelines of the 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography in Shanghai on Monday.
    The test will be conducted using several ground stations in China and Italy's Space Geodesy Centre in Matera - a distance of more than 8,000 kilometers.
  • China will launch about 30 satellites by the end of 2020 for its Beidou Navigation Satellite System and will build a network of ground augmentation stations to improve its coverage and accuracy, said a senior project official. Ran Chengqi, director of the China Satellite Navigation Office, said that when those satellites are put into service, Beidou will have global coverage. Beidou is the fourth such system, following the United States' GPS, Russia's GLONASS and European Union's Galileo.  "About 18 of those satellites will be launched before 2018 to enable the system to cover nations involved in the Belt and Road initiative," Ran said on the sidelines of the Seventh China Satellite Navigation Conference, which opened in Changsha on Wednesday.
  • Shares in the leading satellite communications groups InmarsatSES and Eutelsat fell more than a quarter by the start of June from the start of the year, wiping more than £6bn from their value. Such investor anxiety might seem misplaced against a backdrop of rising demand for mobile communications — which should offer opportunities to any company that can reliably send voice calls and data services to all points on the globe, via satellites. But further competition has emerged with lower cost, higher capacity satellites, while in many locations the relatively low speeds and limited bandwidth of satellite services are being exposed by a rapid spread of 3G and 4G cellular mobile as well as fibre broadband. Meanwhile, some of the satellite operators’ traditional business has also weakened. Eutelsat has warned of lower demand from broadcasters, and analysts highlight a shift to fibre-based internet-based TV services, as well as channel closures.
  •中國發射的世界首顆 量子科學實驗衛星 「墨子號」 經過4個月在軌測試,各項測試指標 達到甚至優於任務要求。量子衛星首席 科學家潘建偉院士稱, 「墨子號」 可在千公 里外的外太空、以10kbps速率給地面站分發量子 密鑰,比地面同距離光纖量子通信水平提高15個數 量級以上。此技術突破令中國具備對南海諸島、遠 洋艦艇等光纖無法覆蓋地區提供量子通信保障 能力,為中國構建全球天地 一體化量子保密通信網 絡提供技術支撐。
  • 中國氣象局宣布,自上周二開始,全球二氧化碳監測科學實驗衞星(簡稱「碳衞星」)數據已正式對外開放共享,意味中國成為繼美國和日本之後,第三個可提供碳衞星數據的國家。
  • A US company has blasted three small satellites into orbit from its own private launch pad in New Zealand, in a move heralded by space experts as a world first that should dramatically cut the cost of accessing space. Rocket Lab said its Electron rocket reached orbit on Sunday and successfully deployed miniaturised satellites — each no larger than a shoebox — which will map the earth’s surface and track weather systems and shipping. “A private company launching multiple satellites from their own private space pad — that is technically a world first,” said Brad Tucker, an astrophysicist at Australian National University. “Up to now it has been government agencies or private groups using government infrastructure. Even SpaceX leases from Nasa.” The launch, from an 8,000-acre sheep and cattle farm on New Zealand’s North Island, marks a breakthrough in one of the hottest sectors of the space industry- the race by private companies to develop lower cost rockets to deploy so-called nanosatellites into orbit.
  • Two days after Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched 60 satellites in May as part of a mission to bring quick internet service to people worldwide, astronomers noticed something different. As some of the satellites zipped past the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, telescopes trained on the night sky captured streaks of reflected sunlight that marred their view of a far-off star system. Astronomers now worry that the vast number of communications spacecraft planned, including nearly 12,000 of Musk’s Starlink fleet, will shine so brightly that they will interfere with research that depends on delicate visual observations of distant galaxies and nearby asteroids. The new satellites will fly lower than many traditional craft, and will arrive in unprecedented numbers – all told, more than double the roughly 5,000 satellites that are circling Earth now.
  • ft 19sep19 flexible satellites throw lifeline to space industry
  • economist 7mar2020 "a call from the heavens" a new firm says it has found a way to link satellites to ordinary smartphones
- 美國太空司令部周四指俄羅斯上周在太空測試反衞星武器,其中一枚人造衞星在地球軌道發射不明物體,可能是測試可摧毀軌道上其他衞星的新技術。美軍指這進一步證明俄方繼續研發及測試太空武器,威脅美國及盟友的衞星安全。
- rocket

  •由亞馬遜行政總裁貝索斯(左)創立的民營太空公司Blue Origin,勢於明年首次測試載人上太空。貝索斯周二前往美國西雅圖南部的研發基地視察時表示,目前已有過千人表示有興趣乘坐Blue Origin的火箭,展開太空旅遊。不過這盤太空旅遊生意能否賺錢仍是未知之數。
  • Aerojet Rocketdyne, the company that built the space shuttle’s main engines, on Tuesday stepped up its campaign to supplant Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin as provider of power for the next generation of US rocket systems. Julie Van Kleeck, Aerojet’s head of advanced space and launch, told reporters in Colorado Springs that the company’s new AR1 engine would allow the US to maintain “assured access to space” with the least disruption and for the least money.
- rocket engine
  • Chinese rocket engine designers have started to develop next-generation engines that will propel the nation's future super-heavy rocket, which is tentatively called Long March 9, according to a senior rocket scientist. "Engineers at my academy are researching and developing a 500-ton-thrust liquid oxygen/kerosene engine and a 200-ton-thrust liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen engine that will be used on the future heavy-lift rocket," Tan Yonghua, president of the Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology and a national lawmaker, told China Daily on the sidelines of the annual session of the top legislature. The engines will together give the Long March 9 a launch weight of 3,000 tons and a maximum payload of 130 tons to the low Earth orbit, which is powerful enough to fulfill a manned mission to the moon, he said. Success of the country's Mars exploration programs, which have been approved by the government, and other deep-space projects will also depend on the new rocket because existing ones, including the Long March 5, are not powerful enough, according to Tan. Long March 9 is set to be as technologically advanced as the United States' Space Launch System, which is being designed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and it will be pollution-free, the scientist added.

- us rocket explosion
  • The high-tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has hailed a “revolutionary moment” for reusable space hardware after his SpaceX programme successively launched and returned a rocket to earth, landing it in an upright position. Rival company Blue Origin, a space startup founded by Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos, successfully completed a similar return rocket landing test last month, but the SpaceX feat was achieved during an actual commercial launch.
    - nanocraft
  • Vast fleets of tiny space craft could hurtle at unprecedented speeds towards the nearest stars to search for extraterrestrial life under a new research project funded by a Russian entrepreneur. The Breakthrough Starshot initiative — announced in New York by Yuri Milner, the Russian investor, and Stephen Hawking, the astrophysicist — aims to accelerate “nanocraft”, made of a silicon chip and a sail, to up to 20 per cent of the speed of light. At those speeds, the craft would reach Alpha Centauri — the nearest star system to earth, 4.37 light years or 25 trillion miles away — just over 20 years after launch. At the highest currently achievable speeds, the journey would take 30,000 years. The initiative, in which Mr Milner is investing $100m, was announced on the anniversary of the first human space flight by Yuri Gagarin, the Soviet cosmonaut, in 1961. Its board includes Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook.
- observatory
  • Maragheh observatory (Persian: نپاهشگاه مراغه‎‎), was an institutionalized astronomical observatory which was established in 1259 CE under the patronage of the Ilkhanid Hulagu and the directorship of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, a Persian scientist and astronomer. Located in the heights west of Maragheh, which is today situated in the East Azerbaijan Province of Iran, it was once considered one of the most prestigious observatories in the world.[citation neededIt was financed by waqf revenues, which allowed it to continue to operate even after the death of its founder and was active for more than 50 years. The observatory served as a model for later observatories including the 15th-century Ulugh Beg Observatory in Samarkand, the 16th-century Taqi al-Din observatory in Istanbul, and the 18th-century Jai Singh observatory in Jaipur.
  • The Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory (AzerbaijaniNəsirəddin Tusi adına Şamaxı Astrofizika Rəsədxanası) - is an observatory located in ShamakhiAzerbaijan, on the south-eastern foothills of the Great Caucasus Mountain ridge, on the basis of “Astrophysics” sector of Physics Institution of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Construction of the observatory began in 1958 in then Azerbaijan SSR and officially opened on January 13, 1960. Yusif Mammadaliyev – eminent Azerbaijani scientist – played a great role in foundation of the observatory. During the Soviet period, the observatory measured the light polarization of Comet d'Arrest. In 1991, the observatory was given a name of Nasiraddin Tusi – mathematician, physicist and astronomer of medieval ages. A township for habitation of workers was established under the observatory and it was named after Yusif Mammadaliyev (Pirgulu). In September 2008, the observatory went through capital repair, as a result, the exhibition hall, museum, conference and lecture halls, six buildings for telescopes, including the building housing the main two-metre telescope, and main administrative building have been overhauled and a canteen and cottages built.
  • 中國科學家成功研製世界首台平方公里陣列射電望遠鏡(SKA)區域中心原型機。據悉 ,國際大科學工程——平方公里陣列射電望遠鏡(SKA) 是由全球十多個國家計劃合資建造、世界最大的綜合孔徑射電望遠鏡,最新計劃2021年開建,中國是發起國之一。
  • Scientists in southwest China on Tuesday said they had built the world’s second biggest solar telescope, which they say will provide more accurate data and improve forecasting. With a 1.8-metre aperture, the Chinese Large Solar Telescope (CLST) was developed by the Institute of Optics and Electronics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Chengdu, Sichuan province. The United States has the world’s biggest and most powerful telescope, with a 4-metre aperture, but the Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) in Hawaii is still going through testing and commissioning.
- space debris

  • ft 11apr19 space debris pays dividends disposal sector (japan)
  • 9月12日,長征四號乙運載火箭在太原 衛星發射中心點火升空,成功實施一箭三星發 射。其中一顆搭載星為金牛座納星,該星主載 荷是中國首個標配式衛星離軌帆裝置,採用了 先進的微米級薄膜摺疊收攏技術,此次升空旨 在驗證薄膜帆高效收攏和在軌展開技術,並實 測離軌效果,將試驗衛星如何進行太空垃圾分 類。該技術成本低、成熟度高,被認為最有希 望進行產業化應用。
- mutant crop

  • China plans to launch a recoverable satellite that will carry half a tonne of life forms into space to see if better crops can be produced there, according to scientists involved.The “passengers” on the satellite, which could be launched early next year, will include more than 240kg (530lbs) of seeds and plants, as well as other forms of life such as bacteria.It forms part of the world’s largest single experiment so far into inducing biological mutation with cosmic radiation, according to Chinese government researchers.
- 美國有科學家近日在實驗室利用特製裝置,首次製造出連續不斷的爆轟(Detonation)現象,雖然為時只有數秒,但可為日後推出高超音速飛機和毋須火箭搭載就能飛上太空的太空船鋪路。

- 據中新社報道:中國 科學院國家天文台12日發布消息說, 天文學家2007年首次發現被形象稱為 「黑洞的心跳」 ──來自一個超大質量 黑洞的X射線準周期震盪信號,時隔十 幾年之後,當天文學家再次有機會觀測 這個黑洞時,發現這個 「黑洞的心跳」 信號仍在持續並更強。

artificial moon

changing weather
- Thailand is set to deploy rainmaking planes to seed clouds in an effort to tackle the pall of pollution that has shrouded the capital in recent weeks. The weather modification technique involves dispersing chemicals into the air to aid cloud condensation, which should in theory result in rain.
"The Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation... expects the rainmaking to be done tomorrow (January 15) but it depends on wind and humidity levels," Pralong Dumrongthai, director-general of Thailand's Pollution Control Department, told reporters.

quantum tech
- scmp 28sep18 "us aims to copy china model of quantum technology"
- 新加坡南洋理工大學一個研究團隊上周五公布,成功開發一種最新的量子通訊晶片。新晶片體積僅為現時同類晶片的千分之一,令現時用於軍事的量子通訊技術有望在一般手機上普及使用。
- 英國與丹麥的研究人員開發一款新晶片,能在電路中生成光粒子,並首次利用量子糾纏現象,「瞬間傳輸」兩個不同晶片之間的數據。研究成果有助保護經互聯網傳遞的訊息免受惡意攻擊,並為量子網絡鋪路。
- 香港大學校長張翔領導的一個海外團隊,研究了一項名為「量子陷阱開啟零阻力系統之門」的理論及實驗,取得零阻力機械系統的嶄新發現,該項研究之前已在國際學術期刊《科學》刊登,近日更獲英國著名物理學雜誌《物理學世界》選為去年度十大科學突破之一,入選2019十大科學突破的其他研究項目,有人類史上第一張直接黑洞天文影像,和谷歌量子電腦打敗常規超級電腦等。據介紹,人類日常使用的機械系統如齒輪和車輪等機械元件,在運作時會產生摩擦阻力出現損耗和效率降低的情況,故需持續更換和維修保養等牽涉龐大的開支。磁懸浮列車等只有空氣阻力的工具又涉及高昂費用及耗電量大,張翔團隊的研究是利用量子力學理論中的凱西米爾效應,團隊成員在實驗中展示了不需要外界輸入能量的量子陷阱,進而實現零阻力機械系統的嶄新方式,這次亦是科學界首次成功實現由量子漲落而形成的「陷阱」,在理論和實驗層面都是重大突破。
中國科學家修發賢及其團隊近日在量子力學領域上,首次於三維空間發現霍爾效應,為霍爾效應發現後一百多年來帶來一大突破。有關研究成果周二被刊登在英國權威科學雜誌《自然》上,相信日後有助此領域發展。 Microsoft will make a big move into biotechnology on Tuesday with the launch of a new research system that enables scientists to engineer living cells using machine learning and data analysis. The tech giant is partnering with researchers at Princeton University in the US and two UK companies — Oxford BioMedica, which focuses on gene and cell therapy, and Synthace, which develops scientific software — as it rolls out the new system, called Station B. The platform is a set of integrated computer programs that analyse vast volumes of biomedical data. It advises scientists how best to proceed with their research, for example suggesting how best to edit DNA to make genes function in a particular way.
-A new type of quantum computing called boson sampling is capable of calculations that no classical computer could accomplish in any reasonable amount of time. This is the second time this feat, known as quantum supremacy, has been claimed for a quantum algorithm after Google said in 2019 that its Sycamore device had achieved this.

Boson sampling relies on a strange quantum property of photons – particles of light – that is displayed when they travel through a beam splitter, which divides a single beam of light into two beams propagating in different directions. If two identical photons hit the beam splitter at exactly the same time, they don’t split from one another. Instead, they stick together and both travel in the same direction.

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-美國太空總署(NASA)、加州理工學院和費米國立加速器實驗室(Fermilab)合組的研究團隊近日發表論文,宣布首度做到「量子遙距傳輸」(quantum teleportation),為速度更快,而且黑客難以攻破的革命性量子互聯網(quantum internet)奠定基礎。
- 記者從中國科學技術大學獲悉,該校郭光燦院士團隊李傳鋒、項國勇研究組與香港中文大學袁海東教授合作,近期在量子精密測量實驗中同時實現3個參數達到海森堡極限精度的測量,測量精度比經典方法提高13.27分貝。國際知名學術期刊《科學.進展》日前發表了該成果。


- 美國封殺中興、華為,目的不單只為美國企業在國際、國內市場掃除競爭對手,以建立寡頭壟斷的暴利,同時擊潰了中國在半導體和電訊關鍵行業的龍頭企業,可以大大挫傷中國的科技發展,挽回美國企業的劣勢。美國的手段是故技重施,上世紀九十年代便打垮了日本的半導體行業。當年,即使日本企業集中保衞上游高尖技術,放棄了中、下游,以應對美國的量化限制,結果中、下游的大眾市場失掉,縱使保有高尖技術的上游,卻沒有大眾市場的收入來提供研發的投入,技術難以持續進步,反而讓南韓、台灣企業以大投資來推動科研與工藝進步,技術超越日本企業,導致日本半導體行業全面衰落。而南韓、台灣企業趕超日本的方法,在南韓是抄襲日本財閥集團艦隊體系和交叉補貼的機制,在台灣則是政府全力支助。日本企業在上世紀九十年代金融大爆炸帶來的體制變革是把大企業集團瓦解,也即是把日本工業化以來工業發展的模式破壞。企業分拆,各以短期盈利為目標,結果眾多的科研項目和研究機構被中斷和遣散,企業長期的科研力量全面受到破壞。其時聲寶(SHARP)的LCD技術稱冠全球,並且嚴加控制保衞技術,但是缺乏下游產品的大眾市場收入,也沒有企業集團的支撐,結果很快地便被南韓與中國內地企業趕超,以賤價出售告終。在國際半導體市場上,主要競爭者是南韓、台灣、美國。日本與歐盟已經降至第二梯隊,中國內地則正在奮力衝刺,在美國制裁中興、華為之前,中國內地並沒有全力競爭,過於依賴進口,和在台灣台積電的加工。但美國制裁顯示出中國內地只能依靠本土產業鏈,要改變對外的依賴。現時內地中芯國際的技術工藝落後於台積電,剛進入14納米的製程,台積電已是開始採7納米的製程,技術相差幾年。台積電代表全球最先進的水平。不過,內地替華為等生產半導體晶片的中芯國際正重用台積電的人才,在技術上力追。而少了華為的訂單,若北京反制打擊蘋果,台積電便會少了頗大比例的訂單,收益受挫。台積電內地的晶片廠,依賴的封裝測試的內地廠,都可能在中美貿易戰中受影響,迫使台積電不能附從美國,最後放生華為。相反地,中國政府全力支持中芯國際、華為等,借助全行業的配合、龐大的市場,大有可能反敗為勝,至少並不易敗。
- 日本傳媒分析,就算中芯追趕台積電殺入尖端製程變得更加困難,半導體的未來未必一定是元件「愈整愈細」,內地廠商或許還有機會追趕甚至超越。日媒指出,中長期歐美和日本能否透過貿易管理維持在半導體產業的領先優勢值得商榷,原因是晶片未必要處處挑戰物理極限縮小元件,其實把晶片內的電路層多層堆疊也行。就以智能手機的記憶體為例,立體化已成為標準,電路層堆疊至128層的技術取得進展之際(內地的長江存儲早前宣布做到),一度用上16納米製程的元件如今倒退回20至30納米。日本業界人士指出,記憶體以外的晶片立體化技術還未確立,潛台詞是中國或者能夠在這個領域「發圍」。更重要的是,日本的尼康和佳能於非EUV(極紫外光)光刻機有一定份額。要是晶片立體化有進展,或許這兩家早已被荷蘭ASML打敗的公司能在光刻機業務「翻生」。據報,中方有意向他們注資。
- 以化合物氮化鎵(GaN)和碳化矽(SiC)為主的第三代半導體耐高溫、高壓、高頻率等,近年有關材料生長及設備等技術不斷突破,以此為材料的電子器件預期未來5年將廣泛應用於5G基站、新能源汽車及數據中心等。柔性電子加速發展採用柔性電子技術的電子設備,經扭曲、摺疊、拉伸仍可保持原有性能,可用於柔性屏幕等。近年碳基材料的技術突破為柔性電子提供了更好的材料選擇,其中碳納米管質量已可滿足大型集成電路的製備要求,其電路性能勝同尺寸的矽基電路,而石墨烯的大面積製備也已實現。
- 以德國、法國及荷蘭為首的17個歐盟國家簽訂了一項規模達到1,450億歐元(近1.38萬億港元)的投資協議,攜手投資處理器與半導體之設計與生產,同時力拚導入連世界最先進晶片代工廠台積電也未公布開發時間表的尖端2納米製程。現時全球最先進的晶片生產工藝由台灣、南韓和美國的企業掌握,但其實歐洲並非完全「無影」,如德國的英飛凌是新能源汽車核心半導體器件IGBT的「一哥」,瑞士的意法半導體則有自家晶片產能,尤其是第三代半導體氮化鎵(GaN)。
-英特爾與三星的接觸屬「較初步的階段」;至於台積電,初步測試用的是已經量產的5納米製程,但亦準備在有需要時為英特爾的晶片提供4納米製程,並可能由目前正在台灣新竹縣寶山鄉建設的生產線所提供。台積電是全球最大晶片代工商,公司預期今年第四季試產4納米製程,於明年量產。科技巨頭如超微半導體(AMD)和蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)早已將自家設計的晶片交予台積電生產,為英特爾帶來壓力,迫使公司在最後關頭改變生產計劃。英特爾行政總裁斯旺承諾於本月公布業績時,交代委外生產的計劃,並帶領英特爾生產技術重回正軌。他於去年分析員會議表示,2023年的產品可能由自家的7納米製程或委外生產,又或者雙管齊下完成。若英特爾落實找台積電代工晶片生產,相關產品最早也要到2023年時才面世,且製程或與台積電其他客戶看齊。同時,晶片代工廠聯華電子位於新竹科學園區的廠房上周六發生跳電引發停電,波及台積電等晶片廠。台積電表示,竹科各晶片廠當日都出現電力明顯降壓的瞬間跳電情況,但即時啟動不斷電系統,影響有限。此外,全球晶片短缺問題蔓延至汽車業,美國福特汽車將暫時關閉肯塔基州一間廠房;豐田汽車亦因為晶片短缺,大削其德州廠房的皮卡(亦稱農夫車)本月產量。
- 據報內地電子產品企業正恐慌性掃晶片,而代工廠本身也忙着搶購用於製造晶片的晶圓。不少企業甚至按以往幾倍的採購量向晶片公司下單。在一環扣一環下,據報晶片製造企業也趕緊搶購晶圓。晶圓與晶片可分別比喻為菲林和照片,一塊晶圓於代工廠塗上光刻膠(沖曬藥水)、經過光刻機曝光後印出多個相同的電路設計圖,再經過刻蝕等工序後,切割成多塊晶片。另一邊廂,內地在半導體產業自給自足有新進展。蘇州晶瑞化學股份(300655.SZ)日前宣布一部從南韓記憶體大廠SK海力士進口的二手ASML光刻機抵達廠房,擬用於高端光刻膠研發實驗室。據報晶瑞打算用這部荷蘭名牌貨測試正在研發的氟化氬(ArF)光刻膠,之後再用它打造一個半導體材料綜合研發平台。現時光刻膠基本上是日本公司的天下,而內地「還是空白」。這次晶瑞入手的是ArF浸入式光刻機,說白了是深紫外光(DUV)光刻機,比尖端製程必需的極紫外光(EUV)光刻機後一代,但當年台積電首代7納米製程也是用DUV量產。若晶瑞成功開發DUV光刻膠產品,即意味為內地晶片國產化補上了一塊重要拼圖。
- 之前已陸續傳出德國、美國和日本多家汽車巨擘因車用晶片短缺被迫停工甚至減產。現傳戴姆勒決定把有限的晶片優先供給平治S級等盈利能力較高的車型;福士亦採取類似措施,把晶片優先搭載於保時捷的車款及Skoda新推出的純電SUV(多用途運動車)。日媒則指,瑞薩、東芝、恩智浦、意法半導體等多家晶片商擬將車用晶片售價調高一至兩成。有見及此,據報「車用半導體在全世界供貨量不足,許多國家自去年底就透過外交管道向台灣求助」,又指台灣的經濟部已要求台積電及聯華電子等增產。台積電重申,汽車晶片短缺是公司的首要考量,將持續與汽車電子客戶緊密合作,支援產能需求。
- 世界最大晶片代工廠台積電將今年資本開支預算,由本已破天荒的250億至280億美元,直接上調至300億美元(約2,340億港元),鞏固其技術和接單能力的優勢;同時又修改先進製程的定義,由原來16納米或以下,更新為7納米或以下,言下之意是內地龍頭中芯國際(00981)迄今最先進的14納米製程在其眼中已不再先進,亦反映行業工藝水平已進入了新世代,內地的技術再遭拋離。

氟化氫跟同族的氯化氫(鹽酸,也是胃酸主要成分)一樣具強烈腐蝕性,甚至被稱為「化骨水」,於半導體行業的角色是清洗晶圓表面和把晶片元件刻蝕出來。氟化氫分子結構簡單,但用於電子行業的就需要極高純度,強如南韓過去也長時間依賴日本貨。政府擬撥154億補貼研發不過,南韓貿易協會數據顯示,去年來自日本的氟化氫進口量已銳減75%,與日本加強相關產品的對韓出口管理之前相比,更加低了九成。取而代之的是,獲三星電子投資的SoulBrain已宣布開始供應與日本企業水準相當的超高純度氟化氫,而SK Materials也已啟動半導體生產工序使用的氟化氫的量產。日本傳媒引述消息指,三星內部有聲音「希望繼續使用高性能的日本設備和材料,畢竟已經用慣」,但韓企整體難以忽視政府的意向。所謂意向就是南韓政府要整個供應鏈擺脫對日本的依賴,其重頭戲當然是推進廣泛材料和製造設備的國產化,因此本年將設置較去年加碼三成的2.2萬億韓圜(約154.26億港元)的預算框架,補貼企業的研發費用;同時提供稅務優惠招商。鑑於晶片已被視為「新石油」,日本亦希望掌握更多半導體技術,一項重要進展是晶圓代工龍頭台積電將於東京附近的茨城縣建立首個在日本的正式研發基地,與在材料和設備方面擁有優勢的日企合作。除上述化學品外,日本還在削薄半導體的裝置和保護半導體的封裝技術領先世界。分析相信,日企可以從中得到關於最尖端工藝的資訊,拓展產品優勢。跟應用材料和泛林集團分屬「行家」的東京電子社長河合利樹則指,東京電子在極紫外光(EUV)光刻工藝所需的塗布顯影設備維持全球獨市地位,其曝光工序亦有優勢,實現營業收入最多2萬億日圓的中期經營計劃進展順利;而為滿足半導體器件高性能化帶來的生產儀器需求,之後將積極投入開發費用。
-外媒早前報道指,美國白宮國家經濟委員會主任德澤(Brian Deese)曾致函台灣的經濟部長王美花,感謝台灣在車用晶片缺貨提供協助。白宮發言人普薩基(Jen Psaki)上周五證實,美政府持續與國際友人聯繫,致力解決晶片短缺的問題。
-Silicon carbide (SiC), also known as carborundum /kɑːrbəˈrʌndəm/, is a semiconductorcontaining silicon and carbon. It occurs in nature as the extremely rare mineral moissanite. Synthetic SiC powder has been mass-produced since 1893 for use as an abrasive. Grains of silicon carbide can be bonded together by sintering to form very hard ceramics that are widely used in applications requiring high endurance, such as car brakes, car clutches and ceramic plates in bulletproof vests. Electronic applications of silicon carbide such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors in early radios were first demonstrated around 1907. SiC is used in semiconductor electronics devices that operate at high temperatures or high voltages, or both. Large single crystals of silicon carbide can be grown by the Lely methodand they can be cut into gems known as synthetic moissanite.碳化矽silicon carbide,carborundum),化學式SiC,俗稱金剛砂,寶石名稱鑽髓,為相鍵結而成的陶瓷化合物,碳化矽在大自然以莫桑石這種稀罕的礦物的形式存在。自1893年起碳化矽粉末被大量用作磨料。將碳化矽粉末燒結可得到堅硬的陶瓷狀碳化矽顆粒,並可將之用於諸如汽車剎車片、離合器和防彈背心等需要高耐用度的材料中,在諸如發光二極管、早期的無線電探測器之類的電子器件製造中也有使用。如今碳化矽被廣泛用於製造高溫、高壓半導體。通過Lely法能生長出大塊的碳化矽單晶。人造莫桑石的寶石就是通過切割由Lely法製備的大塊碳化矽單晶來獲得的。
  • 美國司法部上周四起訴一名居港的中國籍商人,指他涉嫌串謀竊取商業機密,在2017年3月至2018年1月期間,與美國工業巨頭通用電氣一名員工合謀,竊取該公司價值數百萬美元的碳化硅敏感技術,並尋找投資者,企圖在內地生產及出售。
- 一直「挑戰物理極限」的台積電日前宣布,透過與台灣大學和美國麻省理工學院兩年前開始的合作,發現「二維材料」結合半金屬元素鉍(Bi)能達到極低電阻,接近量子極限,可望實現半導體1納米以下的艱巨挑戰,研究已於《自然》期刊發表。「二維」的基本定義是材料厚度達到納米級數,甚至只有1至3層原子厚,換句話說是薄到幾乎沒有了「三維」長度、闊度、高度當中的「高度」。而所有同位素都帶有放射性的半金屬鉍,據參與研究的博士指出,可以消除與二維半導體接面的能量障礙,亦不會破壞二維材料的原子結構,把它與二維材料糅合後,就可以不用最傳統的矽(硅)元素作為晶片的基本材料。也就是說,台積電今次的研究某程度上是開發比起內地同樣也在發展的「第三代半導體」更加前衞,以新的物料跨越晶片元件愈縮愈細時遇到的技術障礙。不僅如此,據報台大正在發展比極紫外光(EUV)更新一世代的微影技術,該校於改用氦離子束微影系統(Helium-ion beam lithography)將元件縮小至納米尺寸取得「突破性的成果」。當然,現在台積電連3納米製程也未進入量產階段,所謂用於1納米的上述研究如何甚至能否商業化,以及設備廠商和晶片設計公司在內的整個產業鏈該怎樣配合,統統勢要花長年累月探索,因此這次研究是為很遙遠的將來鋪路。

- 南韓現代電梯公司前日宣布,成功研發出世界上運行速度最快的升降機技術,移動速度可達每分鐘一千二百六十米。若應用於世界最高建築杜拜哈利法塔,到達八百二十八米高的一百二十六樓頂層僅需四十六秒,較目前縮短百分之二十。
人體 冷凍技術(Cryonics)

電影中將微型硬碟植入體內的情節快將成真。中美科學家合作研究出基於蠶絲蛋白的高容量生物存儲器 — 蠶絲硬碟,除可植入人體,更可預設時間可控銷毀,從而讓資料保密。相關成果昨日發表於國際期刊《自然納米技術》。

- 現時地球上生物的DNA都是由G、T、C、A四個字碼所組成,美國一個科學家團隊近日宣布他們成功在實驗室利用該四字碼再加一對人造字碼X及Y,創出從未在地球存在過的新生命體,而這將作為創建新生命體及生命功能的重要基石。
- 美國和英國科學家組成的研究 團隊14日宣布,已成功對豬、山羊、牛和老鼠等 動物進行基因改造,培育出精子攜帶其他雄性基 因的 「超級父親」 。研究人員稱,這是基因編輯 技術的一大突破,有助於提高牲畜繁育效率、改 善全球糧食安全情況,亦有助於保護瀕危物種。 英 美 研 究 人 員 使 用 基 因 編 輯 工 具 CRISPR-Cas9,在獲準備培育成 「超級父親」 的動物還是胚胎時, 「剪掉」 其可育性基因,令 其出生後不育。研究人員隨後將另一雄性動物的 幹細胞移植到代育雄性的睾丸中,令後者可產生 只攜帶前者基因的精子。目前,研究人員已成功 令老鼠 「超級父親」 繁殖出繼承其他雄性基因的 後代。

human project
-Wanted: 10,000 New Yorkers interested in advancing science by sharing a trove of personal information, from cellphone locations and credit-card swipes to blood samples and life-changing events. For 20 years.Researchers are gearing up to start recruiting participants from across the city next year for a study so sweeping it's called 'The Human Project .' 
It aims to channel different data streams into a river of insight on health, aging, education and many other aspects of human life.
Read more:

  • Snuppy (Korean: 스너피 a portmanteau of "SNU" and "puppy"; April 24, 2005–May 2015) was an Afghan hound, the first dog clone. The puppy was created using a cell from an ear from an adult Afghan hound and involved 123 surrogate mothers, of which only two produced pups (Snuppy being the sole survivor). The Department of Theriogenology and Biotechnology at Seoul National University, which cloned Snuppy, was led by Woo Suk Hwang. Snuppy has since been used in the first known successful breeding between cloned canines after his sperm was used to artificially inseminate two cloned females, which resulted in the birth of 10 puppies in 2008. In 2017, 4 clones of Snuppy were made by Sooam, and were the first clones made of a cloned dog, to investigate potential health effects of cloning.
  • 近日,在公安部昆明警犬基地,我國首隻警用克隆犬「昆勳」完成了「上崗培訓」,順利通過考核,正式入警。「昆勳」於2018年12月在北京出生,三個月大時從北京來到昆明警犬基地進行「培訓」,目前已達到工作要求。「昆勳」是一隻雌性狼青系昆明犬,其體細胞供體犬名為「化煌馬」,曾因實戰能力突出被評為公安部「一級功勳犬」。
  •  北京市公安局昨為六隻複製警犬舉行入警儀式。這批複製犬的出生,標誌着北京市公安局在警犬複製技術上取得突破,其中一胎生四隻複製警犬更為全球首例。
- 最近看到一則新聞,原來內地有間公 司自二○一七年開始就提供寵物複製服務 ,兩年內已為客戶複製了四十多隻狗,一 名姓李的男子就以三十八萬人民幣委託公 司複製愛犬,最終兩隻母狗成功出世。除 了狗之外,第一隻名為 「大蒜」 的複製貓 也面世,飼主需要支付二十五萬人民幣。 負責人解釋,複製寵物行業只是剛剛起步 ,還有很大發展空間,他們正研究複製其 他動物,開拓更多市場。
- 浙江東陽市一隻代孕母豬近日順利誕下7隻「冷凍體細胞克隆(複製)純種金華豬」,目前小豬平均體重為1.12公斤,健康狀況良好。據悉,該次順利出生的是浙江省首批複製豬
- 為防止非洲豬瘟疫情波及西藏,西藏早前啟動藏豬複製項目。西藏農牧學院藏豬研究中心透過超冷凍技術將藏豬體內細胞儲存,近日經代孕母豬產出首批複製藏豬,以應對非洲豬瘟對藏豬種質資源的威脅,是西藏首次成功運用細胞複製技術,以長期保存物種資源。
-美國魚類和野生動物服務處(USFWS),聯同聖迭戈動物園及多個生物技術保護組織組成的團隊上周四公布,成功利用生物技術複製一隻雌性黑足鼬(Black-footed ferret),是美國首次成功複製首隻瀕危動物。惟有網民斥責這樣做違反自然,開了壞先例。

Genetically modified food/animal
- 曾擔任電影《侏羅紀公園》顧問的古生物學家霍納更預言,可能不出數年,寵物店便會有迷你恐龍出售。一般認為,雞隻是現存生物中最接近恐龍的動物,霍納稱只要透過逆向工程,培育出迷你恐龍並非不可能。美國哈佛及耶魯大學的研究人員去年便成功改造雞隻胚胎基因,把鳥喙變成口鼻,另有科學家發現可令雞隻恢復長牙的基因,運用這些科技,便有望製出具恐龍特徵的迷你寵物。霍納指出,現今生物科技已發展純熟,只要想得出的寵物種類,科學家便幾乎有方法製造。他舉例說,透過改造基因可令矮腳馬生出獨角鯨才有的角,並擁有特定顏色,再注入水母體內的熒光蛋白,便能「製造出」能在黑暗中發光的獨角獸。相關科技已經投入商業運作,中國深圳華大基因研究院去年便推出體重不到15公斤的迷你豬,每隻售1萬元人民幣(約1.2萬港元)。此外,專家還利用基因改造技術,培育出特別強壯的小獵犬、豬隻及牛隻。
- 農民辛苦收割小麥卻遇雨淋濕,隨時會因發芽而血本無歸。日本岡山大學一個研究小組想出解決辦法,利用高效改變基因的基因編輯技術,成功研發出即使沾濕仍不易發芽的小麥。研究報告上周二於美國科學雜誌《Cell Reports》發表。
-由「Sanatech Seed」公司研發的基因編輯番茄,經過品種改良後,含有更多降血壓成分。該公司將由明年春天開始,通過互聯網免費提供基因編輯番茄苗給申請者,期限等細節目前未公布。厚生勞動省去年敲定方針,認為只要來自外部的基因沒有殘留,只是令原有基因不發揮作用,就視作與以往品種改良技術同等,毋須安全審查,提交申請就允許銷售。惟實際上市流通的食品品種,大部分為登記品種與以往品種的雜交成品。


- 近日,中國科學家發明出了一種新型形狀記憶塑膠,它能多次“植入”複雜形狀記憶,遇熱後可以變成各種各樣的形狀。據悉,這種新型塑膠有望用於生物醫療等領域,比如製作心臟支架。  這隻從一張塑膠薄片變身而成的“千紙鶴”其實是浙江大學化學工程與生物工程學院謝濤教授課題組最新研發的一種新型的形狀記憶塑膠,它能多次“植入”複雜形狀記憶,遇熱即展現多樣形變。相關論文於北京時間9日凌晨發表在《科學》雜誌子刊《科學進展》上。


Bacteria to digest PET
- Scientists in Japan have discovered a form of bacteria that can digest the plastic in disposable plastic water bottles, raising hopes it could be used to dispose of some of the 311 million tons of plastic produced annually worldwide. Plastic bottles contain polyethylene terephalate, or PET, a plastic ingredient which is also found in lots of other products, like polyester clothing, soda bottles, and tennis balls. PET is great for products but terrible for the environment, because until now it was believed to be unable to be broken down by microbes, which means it couldn’t be biodegradable. Much of the pollution in the ocean is made of PET.

由RWDC Industries研發的飲管,原材料是聚羥基脂肪酸酯(Polyhydroxyalkanoates,PHA)。PHA由糖、植物油等材料發酵而成,物質類似塑膠,可製成飲管、杯蓋及食品包裝等。RWDC Industries亞太區總裁蕭照倓形容產品是「世界上獨一無二可生物分解的飲管,不用高溫及高濕度分解」。他又指即使把PHA飲管扔進海中、河流或埋在泥土中,也能完全分解成二氧化碳及水等,不會留下有毒殘留物。

加拿大有科學家早前嘗試利用人類腸道中一種酵素,將A和B型血改造為O型血,並初步取得成功。若最終證實成果,血液庫存短缺這種情況將成為歷史,甚至可拯救無數性命。有關研究成果近日在美國化學學會全國會議中發表。卑詩大學教授威瑟斯(Steve Withers)領導的研究小組於其中一個實驗中,從腸道壁上的黏液素中的蛋白質取出糖分,再將這種酵素加入A-型的血,令它轉化成輸血時可通用的O-型血。威瑟斯表示:「這種技術可擴大目前血液供應的利用率,因為O型血可輸給任何人。」


gene bank
- National GeneBank, the country's first national gene bank, was officially put into use on Thursday. The complex is expected to offer strong support to the development of the genetics industry. Located in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, the billion-dollar CNGB covers an area of 47,500 square meters with a unique design like terraced fields and has saved more than 10 million bio-samples with a data storage capacity of 20 petabytes for phase I. One petabyte is about 400 billion pages of word documents. It is the world's fourth national-level gene bank. The other three are in the US, Europe and Japan. Wang Jian, president of Shenzhen-based genetic sequencing firm BGI, said: "The CNGB's data will be open to society, providing strong support to the development of the genetics industry."

ft 27aug19 biotech sector sets out principles on genome editing

A joint effort between Hong Kong and Beijing scientists has led to a breakthrough in killing a deadly
superbug.The Hong Kong research team developed a therapy that can break down the defences of the superbug Pseudomonas aeruginosa, helped by a Beijing team that provided a gene-editing method allowing scientists to test their theory, according to a paper published in the latest issue of the journal Cell Reports.Gene editing gives scientists the ability to change an organism’s DNA, allowing genetic codes to be added, removed or modified. It makes use of scissor-like molecules that occur naturally in bacteria’s immune systems.Pseudomonas aeruginosa is resistant to nearly all antibiotics, because of a unique defence system that can “pump” them out of its body, researchers said. Outbreaks of the infection it causes – which can occur in organs including lungs, kidneys and urinary tract, and can lead to amputation or death – are increasing worldwide.


man made organ
- 一 個集合了香港、深圳、廣州等高校醫療專 家的科研公司深圳華源再生醫學開始推進 生物人工器官的研製。從佈局人工胰腺和 腎臟開始,華源再生醫學希望能夠打造大 灣區的器官再生全產業鏈,為國內糖尿病 和終末期腎病患者提供更好的臨床治療方 案。
- 日本東京醫科齒科大學的研究團隊近日宣布,首次成功以老鼠胚胎幹細胞,培育出約一毫米大小、可正常跳動的「迷你心臟」。團隊表示,今次是世界上首次成功研製出立體結構的心臟,有望未來推進不同的心臟研究。
- 2015年,蘇州一家企業經過10餘年的努 力,自主研製出世界上最小的第三代全磁懸浮 式人工心臟,人工心臟重量不到180克,大小 和乒乓球差不多,重量與手機相當,這個 「鐵 疙瘩」 被醫學界親切地稱為 「中國心」 。

3d organ
- team at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre developed a new technique that 3D-prints a tissue riddled with micro-channels, rather like a sponge, to allow nutrients to penetrate the tissue.
- 以色列特拉維夫大學的科學家昨 日便宣佈,成功 3D打印出全球首個包含人體組織和血管、結構 完整的人工心臟
- 美國卡內基梅隆大學的專家(圖)周四帶來好消息,指已成功用3D生物打印機打印出可運作的心瓣。

Organ from animals
- Monkey embryos containing human cells have been made in a laboratory, a study has confirmed.The research, by a US-Chinese team, has sparked fresh debate into the ethics of such experiments.
The scientists injected human stem cells - cells that have the ability to develop into many different body tissues - into macaque embryos.The developing embryos were studied for up to 20 days.Other so-called mixed-species embryos, or chimeras, have been produced in the past, with human cells implanted into sheep and pig embryos.The scientists were led by Prof Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte of the Salk Institute in the US, who, in 2017, helped make the first human-pig hybrid.Their work could pave the way in addressing the severe shortage in transplantable organs as well as help understand more about early human development, disease progression and ageing, he said.



水凝膠是一種具有三維網絡結構的生物材料,可透過注射到缺損的骨頭,增加骨頭再生效率,是治療斷骨、骨退化的救星。香港中文大學公布,中大工程學院研究團隊研發出「超級動態交聯水凝膠」,這款產品有別於以往水凝膠,呈圓形狀,新研發的水凝膠可根據骨體缺損情況,更改其形狀,並促進人的骨髓間充質幹細胞分化,加強修復再生功效,對組織工程修復材料的研發具有重要意義。有關成果已刊登在國際著名學術期刊《自然‧通訊》。 Founded in 2007, AWAK Technologies is among a group of start-ups worldwide – including Sweden's Triomed, US firm Wearable Artificial Organs and Dutch start-up Nanodialys – that are looking into ways to make wearable dialysis machines.A year ago, its portable artificial kidney was granted “Breakthrough Device Designation” by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a qualification that could expedite the development and review of certain medical products.The start-up also recently raised US$40 million in a series A1 fundraising round co-led by Vickers Ventures Partners and an unnamed global medical product company. Other investors include medical technology manufacturer Advanced MedTech and the investment arm of government agency Enterprise Singapore, SEEDS Capital.The artificial kidney, worn externally, consists of a permanent pump and a disposable cartridge that acts as an advanced filter to clear toxins from the body.

second skin
- 印度和瑞典的專家近日研發出把從蜘蛛絲和蠶絲抽取的蛋白,製成一種人造皮膚,不但成本低,而且不會與人體排斥,有助令患者傷口更容易治愈。



美國塔夫斯大學和佛蒙特大學近日發表研究報告指,團隊去年從非洲爪蛙身上提取幹細胞製出的全球首個活體機械人「Xenobots」,已升級成生命力更強的第二代,能在5分鐘內自愈致命傷。「Xenobots」的名字源於非洲爪蛙的學名「Xenopus laevis」,團隊利用非洲爪蛙的幹細胞進行培育,再透過超級電腦運行的「演化式演算法」設計特定形態,最終製成長度不足一毫米的活體微型機械人,惟缺點是脆弱和容易退化。與首代相比,團隊將非洲爪蛙的胚胎幹細胞培養至分化形成纖毛,成為二代的「腿部」,讓它的運動速度更快、壽命更長,對環境的適應力也更高,甚至被切割後能在5分鐘內自我修復。團隊相信,這項技術有望未來可應用在醫學治療和處理環境污染等領域。

artificial iris





bioprinting company regenHU (which stands for regeneration human) is developing some of the most advanced 3D printers in Europe and creating alliances with research institutions that are quickly making it a leader in this emerging field. Recent advances have given them the tools for fabrication of biomimetic tissue constructs, tissue growth technologies, and drug discovery.

3d printing fir biomedical applications

bone injuries treatment
- china daily 23nov18 "healing to the bone"

bone regeneration
- japan

Takahiro Matsuda and his colleagues at Hokkaido University in Japan have developed a “self-growing” hydrogel, which improves its size and strength after repeated mechanical force. They believe it could be used to make flexible exosuits, for people with skeletal injuries, which become stronger the more they are used.



美國普渡大學有研究人員,為克服現時醫療機械人會因用得太久而減慢運動速度的弊病,從變色龍吐舌捕食和攻擊動作獲得靈感,開發出一款能在瞬間將自己長度伸展五倍的軟體機械人。 In the future, a tiny machine will be able to travel inside a human body to precisely deliver drugs, perform surgery or stimulate neurons in the brain, he said. Sun Dong, chair professor of biomedical engineering at Hong Kong City University, believes the scenario will be a reality “in the coming decade” after his team injected drug-carrying nanorobots into mice and successfully inhibited the spread of cancerous tumours. A nanorobot, just one billionth of a metre wide, is roughly the size of a cell – or even smaller – but its application in health care is helping scientists bring the sci-fi world depicted in Fantastic Voyage closer to reality.Last year his team developed a 3D-printed nanoscale robot that can manoeuvre at a cellular level. They are now working on a trial of nanorobots designed to repair the meniscus, the thin fibrous cartilage between knee joints.“With traditional medical methods, drugs cannot reach the target site directly, so the meniscus is difficult to repair after injuries. But nanorobots carrying drugs can directly reach the precise location and solve the problem.” According to an ancient southern Chinese form of black magic known as Gu a small poisonous creature similar to a worm could be grown in a pot and used to control a person’s mind.Now a team of researchers in Shenzhen have created a robot worm that could enter the human body, move along blood vessels and hook up to the neurons.“In a way it is similar to Gu,” said Xu Tiantian, a lead scientist for the project at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

editing immune system
- 賓夕凡尼亞州立大學的研究小組,去年將由病人血液中取出的巨噬細胞,以CRISPR技術除去會影響它攻擊癌腫部分的基因,再以特殊培育的病毒,把這巨噬細胞加上「武裝」,令它懂得自動找尋癌細胞獨有的NY-ESO-1蛋白並發動攻擊,然後把這改造後的巨噬細胞送回病人體內。



digital pill
美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)14日批准世界首例内嵌传感器芯片的“数码药丸”,这种药丸进入人体消化道后能够向智能手机 传递病人用药信息,以便医生追踪病人服药情况。这款“数码药丸”名叫Abilify MyCite,是日本大冢製药公司其中一款安立復,主要用于治疗忧郁症、躁郁症和精神分裂症等疾病。




聰明啫喱控血糖 如人造胰臟
- 糖尿病患者經常要注射胰島素控制血糖水平,十分不便。日本研究人員發明新材料「聰明啫喱」,可根據病人血糖水平變化,自動釋放胰島素,猶如「人造胰臟」。

近日,中國科學院金屬 研究所材料疲勞與斷裂實驗室劉增乾博士帶領研究團隊首次發現了大熊貓牙齒能 夠實現自修復,這為新型仿生材料研發提供了新思路,並在人牙匹配型仿生複 合義齒材料、高強高導電接觸材料等方面研究取得新進展。

浙江大學和華東理工大學的聯合團隊,研發出一種新型生物膠水材料,可在數秒內完全止住大動脈損傷、心臟穿透傷的大出血。科學期刊《自然通訊》(Nature Communication)於周三發表該項研究成果論文。


scmp 1sep19 zhejiang university researchers - calcium phophate ion cluster to treat tooth decay

- 抗生素的抗藥性已成為全球衞生的主要威脅之一,美國麻省理工學院(MIT)有研究團體近日透過生物工程技術,尋找和設計出可與抗生素合作對抗大腸桿菌的噬菌體,或可為患者提供新的治療方案。
- 加拿大科學家近日發表了一項研究報告,他們從土壤裏發現一種新型抗生素,這種抗生素具有獨特方法攻擊和殺死細菌,可以解決細菌、病毒等微生物對抗生素產生抗藥性的問題。不過,它能否推出市場仍有待觀察。


Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is a system to taxonomize human facial movements by their appearance on the face, based on a system originally developed by a Swedish anatomist named Carl-Herman Hjortsjö. It was later adopted by Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Friesen, and published in 1978. Ekman, Friesen, and Joseph C. Hager published a significant update to FACS in 2002. Movements of individual facial muscles are encoded by FACS from slight different instant changes in facial appearance. It is a common standard to systematically categorize the physical expression of emotions, and it has proven useful to psychologists and to animators. Due to subjectivity and time consumption issues, FACS has been established as a computed automated system that detects faces in videos, extracts the geometrical features of the faces, and then produces temporal profiles of each facial movement.

- 上海聯影醫療科技有限 公司副總裁兼首席品牌官俞曄珩介紹,該 儀器名為PET-CT uExplorer探索者,相比 傳統掃描設備更快, 「理論上,uExplorer 探索者完成一次全身掃描最短僅需15秒, 這將終結傳統PET需要N床位、30分鐘起 步的 『慢』時代。」此外,uExplorer探索 者不再局限於傳統靜態代謝過程3D成像, 而是實現了4D全景成像。一次成像,即可 通過實時全身代謝過程直觀反映人體各器 官間的神經關聯。



- Surrounding Gate Transistor (SGT), whose gate electrode surrounds the pillar silicon island, reduces the occupied area for all kinds of circuits. By using this transistor, the occupied area of the CMOS inverter can be shrunk to 50% of that using planar transistors. Other advantages, such
as steep cutoff characteristics, very small substrate bias effects, and high reliability, are discussed. Its structure, which allows for the enlargement of gate-controllability to the channel and electric field
relaxation at the drain edge, is described.
- companies
  • Someya Group have been dealing with Organic Electronics since our laboratory started in 2003. Organic devices have attractive features; such as its ease to be fabricated on plastic films, its thinness and flexibility, and its extraordinary durability from banging and bending. 

- history

  • rarely used in china at time of missionary sheffield bushell in wenzhou (1878)

- A Japanese researcher has developed -- by accident-- a new type of glass that can be repaired simply by pressing it back together after it cracks. The discovery opens the way for super-durable glass that could triple the lifespan of everyday products like car windows, construction materials, fish tanks and even toilet seats.
- China has successfully produced the world's thinnest float glass with higher light transmittance and flexibility — the type most often used on telephone touch screens and similar devices.Produced by the Bengbu Design and Research Institute for Glass Industry in Anhui province, the ultrathin float glass, measuring just 0.12 millimeters thick, or slightly thicker than a sheet of printer paper, has beaten the previous record of 0.15 mm also set by the institute. This type of glass has highly improved the transparency as measured by light transmittance and the resilience. It also can bear the impact of a 55-gram steel ball falling from a height of 1 meter, as an experiment showed. All of this is "a very remarkable achievement worldwide for 0.12 mm glass", according to Cao Xin, the deputy director of the institute's State key laboratory. Ultrathin float glass is widely used for touch screens on smartphones, tablets and other digital devices due to its transparency, flexibility and light weight, and is different from other types of glass in its manufacturing method in which glass is floated over molten metal.

flexible display
- Face scans, robot baggage handlers - airports of the future
- 美國史丹福大學和加州大學聖巴巴拉分校的科學家,近日攜手研發一款充氣軟體機械人。該機械人可以透過變換形狀,做出滾動及抓握物件的動作。團隊希望日後可應用於地震等災難,穿越狹窄空間進入災場拯救死傷者。

artificial intelligence is the application of human reasoning techniques to machines. AI systems use sophisticated computer hardware and software to simulate the functions of the human mind.  Expert systems (ES) are the most promising applications of artificial intelligence and have received the most attention.  ES are computer programs exhibiting behavior-characteristics of experts. ES involve the creation of computer software that emulates the way people solve problems.  Like a human expert, an ES gives advice by drawing upon its own store of knowledge, and by requesting information specific to the problem at hand
- According to a paper published in the scientific journal Small, the team at the State Key Laboratory of Robotics in Shenyang, in the northeast province of Liaoning, has effectively turned a gas bubble in water into a robot which can operate on the tiniest scale with unprecedented accuracy. The team, led by Dai Liquo, created the bubble bot with a precisely controlled laser beam. The bubble, just a few micrometers wide, was able to perform a wide range of tasks in a water-rich environment, such as fabricating artificial tissue over a test tray or modifying an embryo. “The micro-bubble robot … can be useful for tissue transplants, regenerative medicine, and biological research,” the researchers said in the paper.
- 澳洲新南威爾士省周日正式推出高清偵測鏡頭,利用人工智能(AI)技術,協助偵測全省的司機駕車時,有否違法使用手機,規模全球首見,冀有助減少交通意外的死亡數字。
- 日本東京工科大學、筑波大學及都留文科大學的研究團隊,去年起與傳統木偶戲劇團合作研發,利用人工智能(AI)機械人演出傳統木偶劇。團隊上周六透過網上視像與劇團合演,前日將片段上傳YouTube予民眾欣賞。

virtual reality
- 俄羅斯莫斯科州農 業與糧食部門新聞處26日宣布, 當地一間農場正嘗試讓奶牛佩戴 專用VR(Virtual Reality)眼鏡 ,希望能讓牠們放鬆、心情愉悅 ,從而提高產奶量。

- 美國飛機製造商magniX,與西雅圖電力引擎製造公司AeroTEC合作研發的全球最大全電動飛機,上周四在華盛頓州成功試飛,過程中幾乎沒有噪音。全電動飛機預計明年可實現商業飛行。
-美國科羅拉多州初創公司Boom Supersonic日前宣布,超音速試驗飛機XB-1將於今年十月七日面世,並預計在明年試飛。若試飛成功,該公司明年底將以相同技術建造超音速商業客機「序曲」(Overture),在二○三○年正式進軍高端商務飛行市場。
- 瑞士聯邦民航局(FOCA)周一宣布,全球首架獲歐盟航空監管機構認證的電動飛機「Velis Electro」,上周在瑞士西部完成處女首航。Velis Electro是兩人座電動飛機,主要用於基本駕駛訓練。這架電動飛機由斯洛文尼亞飛機製造商Pipistrel生產,今年五月中獲歐洲航空安全局(EASA)對其採用的電力引擎發出認證,並於上月中付運首批十四架予瑞士弗里堡州一間小型飛行公司。Velis Electro上周在該州近郊的村莊首度翱翔天際。
- 一款由荷蘭PAL-V公司製造的飛天車,日前終於通過歐洲道路通行考核,意味它已成為是全球首輛能合法地在歐盟地區公路行駛的同類飛天汽車。該款名為Liberty的飛天車是一輛可坐兩人的三輪汽車,但售價高達27萬英鎊(約港幣270萬元)。設於車頂位置的飛行用螺旋翼和尾翼,平時可摺疊起來,要用時才打開升起。
-澳洲南澳省一間科技企業,近日推出全球首款飛行賽車,最高時速超過120公里。除了由人駕駛外,亦可在遠處遙控其垂直升降,並在空中做出急轉飄移等動作。名為「Airspeeder MK3」(圖)的飛行賽車重100公斤,配備可產生96千瓦電力的電子動力系統。車上的八旋翼加速器,不但有助減輕車身重量,同時提升飛行穩定性和機動性,讓它可如陸地一級方程式賽車般,在空中做出U形轉彎等動作。此外,飛行賽車採用最新雷達防撞系統,能在障礙物周圍形成「虛擬力場」,即使旋翼和電池系統故障,亦可受控及安全降落。
- 美國飛機製造商波音公司昨日證實,與澳洲國防部及澳洲皇家空軍(RAAF)共同研發的無人戰機「忠誠僚機」(Loyal Wingman),已於上周六在南澳省伍默拉(Woomera)完成首次試飛。

- The two mini-drones Parrot launched earlier this year, the Jumping Sumo and the Rolling Spider, have become a Christmas success story, selling 250,000 in two months, mainly in the US and Europe. The sales of drones jumped 130 per cent in the third quarter of this year, according to the company, which also makes Bluetooth connected entertainment systems for cars. “We had no idea they would be so successful,” he said.
- Aerial drones have become part of the prevention effort against dengue fever in Guangdong province, after the epidemic peaked last summer. In Chaozhou, drones buzz around the skies over Xiangqiao district. Within minutes, they bring back photos of the district's roofs, pinpointing those with pools of water that could serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which spread the disease.
英国Windhorse Aerospace公司创办人吉福德(Nigel Gifford,见图)前两年因帮Facebook设计製作了太阳能无人机Aquila而在无人机界名声大噪,近期,他又突发奇想,想要做出一款“可以食用”的无人机,用于人道救援。
- A Chinese company has produced the world's first unmanned, amphibious commercial aircraft, with plans to use it to deliver goods, transport supplies to islands and detect submarines, according to the manufacturer. Liu Jiandong, founder and chairman of UVS Intelligence System, a privately owned drone-maker in Shanghai, said mass production of its U650 seaplane has begun and will enter commercial operation this year with a Chinese express delivery company and a client in Southeast Asia. auditing

  • auditors try out specialised drones to use artificial intelligence and image recognition to analyse information and zap it back to their headquarters. The new technology, which is being piloted by companies including EY and PwC, is part of a new range of digital tools the UK’s largest accountancy firms are exploring as they seek to automate parts of the audit process.
- airselfie
Hover Camera Passport
- the largest drone delivery network in the world has been launched in Ghana, which experts say will save lives and transform the developing nation’s healthcare sector. The drone network is set to deliver blood, essential medicines and vaccinations across the middle-income, West African country. Speaking about the official launch of the service on April 24, Ghana’s President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo said it was part of a drive to ensure universal access to lifesaving medicine in Ghana. “No one in Ghana should die because they can’t access the medicine they need in an emergency,” he said. “We must do everything within our means to ensure that each and every citizen of Ghana has access to the quality healthcare they deserve.” The drone service is designed, installed and operated by US-based Zipline International Inc in partnership with the Ghana Health Service, a public agency under the control of the Minister for Health.
- 美國哈佛大學的機械工程研究人員,近日製造出一架僅重二百五十九毫克,重量與一個萬字夾相若的無人機。該微型無人機裝配了兩個氧化鋁壓電致動器,由太陽能驅動,模仿蜜蜂飛行,每秒鐘可「拍翼」一百七十次自由飛行。
- 居於倫敦的三十九歲發明家布朗寧(Richard Browning),以3D打印技術製成飛行套裝,配有五副噴射引擎,飛行時速可達五十公里。布朗寧笑指,操控飛行套裝不難,只要求基本平衡力;又形容有點像騎電單車,而且也沒有想像中的熱。
- 澳洲昆士蘭省布里斯班有組織早前製造一個大型無人機,在維多利亞省墨爾本市郊操控無人機,吊起一名男子在湖泊之上垂釣。民航局指此舉構成安全風險,甚至可能令人受重傷,已就事件展開調查。
- Scientists and engineers in southern China say they have developed technology that will allow drones to navigate accurately without satellite guidance.Most unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) rely on systems such as China’s BeiDou or America’s GPS to find their way around, but signals can be jammed or weakened.Military drones can be equipped with terrain-contour matching software and guidance systems such as gyroscopes to watch their speed and direction and use that information to work out their position from point of take-off.But these systems are too bulky, complex and expensive for commercial drones. At the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology in Guangdong province, Professor Zhou Yimin and her colleagues think they have a simple solution to a weighty problem.They developed software that can fix an object on the ground, such as a tree, from a series of images taken by a video camera aboard the drone. The data is combined with the readings from the UAV’s movement sensors and a flight path coordinated.According to a patent filed by Zhou’s team in July, the system had to overcome a problem – an industry standard camera takes 30 frames per second, far more than the computer aboard a typical drone can process.
- Besides spotting fires, drones are capable of collecting data that can be used to decide if crops have enough water and nutrients, and even to find leakages in irrigation systems. That makes them an efficiency-boosting boon for the palm oil industry.A single drone can capture images of about 2,500 hectares of oil palms a day, while a human can cover only five hectares, said William Tao, chief operating officer at Hong Kong-based Insight Robotics Ltd, which provides drone-based services as well as remote sensing technologies and AI analytic tools to South-East Asian palm growers.Workers had traditionally trudged in the tropical heat through dense grass and sometimes hilly terrain inhabited by snakes and scorpions to monitor plantations by sight. The vast size of plantations and the potential for human error can result in unreliable data.Even where the data are collected using drones, many plantation owners are analysing the images using artificial intelligence-based systems, Tao said. The use of such tools means images spanning 10,000 hectares can be reviewed by a computer in 4 hours instead of the 14 days or more that it would take 20 people ordinarily, he said.The technology is especially helpful in assessing the environmental impact of palm oil and their association with rainforest destruction implicated in the choking haze that routinely afflicts the region.
- in celebration events

  • Performance drone company SKYMAGIC has collaborated with Fireworks by Grucci on the partnership’s second Ras Al Khaimah New Year’s Eve show, breaking two Guinness world records in the process.The show broke the record for the longest firework waterfall, at 3,788m, as well as the record for ‘most unmanned aerial vehicles for launching fireworks simultaneously’, at 196.This is a different record entirely to that held by Intel, which flew 2,018 drones in a California show in July 2018. Intel’s record is for the most unmanned aerial vehicles flown at once.

plasma engine
- The idea of aircraft being powered by plasma drives might sound like something from a science fiction film, but a group of Chinese scientists has developed a prototype that might one day make it a reality. The team, from the Institute of Technological Sciences at Wuhan University, said in a paper published on Tuesday that they had developed a prototype of a plasma jet device capable of lifting a 1kg (2.2lb) steel ball over a 24mm (one inch) diameter quartz tube. While that might not sound like much, the relative thrust needed to achieve such lift is equivalent to that of a commercial aircraft engine. And because the device uses only electricity and air, a scaled up version might one day provide an emission-free alternative to the fossil-fuel burning engines in use around the world today. Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter in which atoms are ionised into charged particles. A plasma engine uses electricity to generate plasma and then ejects the ions to produce thrust.

- 多國致力尋找環保駕駛的方法,瑞典近日建設了全球首條電氣化道路,讓電動車可以像列車或電車般,在路軌引導下作長途行駛。開發的公司希望,可以把全國二萬公里的公路變為電氣化道路。

- 內地近年力谷電腦科技,由於曾是全球最快電腦、中國首台每秒達千萬億次運算能力的超級電腦「天河一號」已處於飽和運作狀態,每日在線任務逾一千四百個,官方據報正研製的新一代超級電腦,計算能力將是「天河一號」的二百倍,料最快於二○二○年投入使用。
- 號稱是全球超級天文電腦中運算最快的「阿弖流為2號」,上周五正式在日本啟用。該電腦提高了模擬成像的分辨率,有助探索銀河的進化及星球的起源。
- ft 16oct18 MIT unveils big AI and computing project
- Japan’s Toshiba says it has the technology to make such rapid-fire calculations a reality – not quite quantum computing, but perhaps the next best thing. The claim is being met with a mix of intrigue and scepticism at financial firms in Tokyo and around the world.Toshiba’s “Simulated Bifurcation Algorithm” is designed to harness the principles behind quantum computers without requiring the use of such machines, which currently have limited applications and can cost millions of dollars to build and keep near absolute zero temperature. Toshiba says its technology, which may also have uses outside finance, runs on PCs made from off-the-shelf components.“You can just plug it into a server and run it at room temperature,” Kosuke Tatsumura, a senior research scientist at Toshiba’s Computer & Network Systems Laboratory, said in an interview. The Tokyo-based conglomerate, while best known for its consumer electronics and nuclear reactors, has long conducted research into advanced technologies.

- has independently developed a software for resources exploration that aims to raise the operational efficiency of oilfields and coal mines, a process which promises to break the monopoly of international companies in the sector. The software, call iPreSeis, is an application using seismological waves to image and quantitatively predict oil and other reserves. The idea of developing such software was initiated in 2003. After more than a decade, the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development-under the China National Petroleum Corporation, the country's largest energy developer-announced the success of the innovation.
- 內地水下採礦技術獲新突破,正建造世界首艘深海採礦船,造價高達五億美元(約三十九億港元),作業水深可達二千五百米,能在海上連續作業五年多,將有助探索海底的稀土等資源。目前該船船體部分已竣工,正在安裝船載設備,最快將於明年底交付使用。

driverless ship
- 英媒前日報道,英國船舶公司建造的無人水面船(USV),完成了為期二十二天的勘察任務,以多波束測深探測儀(MBES)測量大西洋一公里海底下的逾一千平方公里大陸架。該片海域是英國水道測量署至今無現代數據紀錄的範圍,是次由無人船完成任務,可謂為未來的機械人海事勘察時代,作出了極佳示範。

- 海底科學觀測網是人類建立的第三種地球科學觀測平台,通過它人類可深入到海洋內部觀測和認識海洋,目前北美、西歐和日本等十幾個國家都已經擁有海底觀測網。據央視新聞報道,中國國家海底科學觀測網日前正式被批覆建立,項目總投資超20億元,建設周期為五年。

Diving equipment
- Le Triton est un système qui reprend le principe des branchies des poissons. En effet, le système filtre l'eau pour en récupérer l'oxygène, puis un mini compresseur la conserve dans un système de stockage. Le système fonctionne grâce à un micro batterie, 30 fois plus petite que les batteries classiques et qui se recharge 1000 fois plus rapidement. Le système fonctionne assez facilement : un embout situé sur le dessus doit être placé dans la bouche, puis il faut respirer normalement et Triton fonctionne tout seul. Certes il n'est pas aussi petit que ce qu'on a pu voir dans la Menace Fantôme, mais la technologie n'en demeure pas moins extrêmement pratique.

日本海上自衛隊3月5日發布消息,第11艘蒼龍級潛艇SS-511「凰龍」號交付入列。與此前建造的蒼龍級潛艇不同的是,「凰龍」號是首艘換用鋰電池的蒼龍級潛艇,也是世界首艘完全用鋰電池取代傳統鉛酸電池的常規潛艇。受到新冠肺炎疫情的影響,日本自衛隊對參加入列儀式的人數進行了一定限制,艇員們在列隊時也都佩戴了口罩。  該潛艇長84米,標準排水量為2950噸,水中速度約20節。它於2015年11月開工建造,造價660億日圓。雖然「凰龍」號的外觀與其他「蒼龍」級潛艇並無差異,不過該艇是全球首艘搭載鋰電池的常規潛艇,其航速、連續潛航能力等都獲得有效提升,作戰能力大幅增強。  此前各國潛艇均採用成熟和穩定的鉛酸電池,但後者的潛力已經挖掘殆盡,難以繼續提升。2017年,日本電池企業GS湯淺公司宣布,日本建造中的第11、12艘「蒼龍」級潛艇將裝備該公司研製的高性能鋰電池,「在體積相同的情況下,鋰電池儲存的電量至少是鉛酸電池的兩倍,而儲電量還可以隨着技術發展不斷提升。」
- Japan has launched its first dedicated submarine-hunting warship in nearly 30 years, with Tokyo concerned primarily with monitoring Chinese submarines operating close to and within its waters, while also keeping an eye on North Korea’s submersibles. The twin-hulled ship, named Aki, was unveiled by the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force (JMSDF) at a launch ceremony on January 15 at Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding’s facilities in Okayama Prefecture, central Japan. It is currently being fitted out before it can start sea trials.
- economist 17oct2020 "good vibrations" an aquatic device that extracts energy from ambient noise

underwater surveillance
- China is stepping up its underwater surveillance, working now to develop a powerful laser satellite that could one day be capable of targeting submarines transiting the ocean 500 meters below the surface, a feat that hasn't been accomplished before. The deepest a laser device has been able to penetrate through ocean water and still provide reliable results so far is 200 meters, a depth record set by a device created by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), according to the South China Morning Post. Beijing's new effort, which began in May, was launched by the Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology in Shandong Province, the Post reported Monday, noting that an additional 20 institutes and universities in the country are working on designing the satellite.


西班牙知名遊艇設計公司「Iddes Yachts」近日宣布聯同歐美多間企業,啟動「Earth 300」科學勘探船項目,力圖打造一座由核動力驅動的零排放海上科學城,旨在迎接氣候變化挑戰,造價料達5億至7億美元(約39億至54億港元),並在2025年下水。

美國設計公司「fuseproject」的知名工業設計師比哈爾(Yves Behar),與海底觀察員庫斯托(Fabien Cousteau)近日公布,計劃在加勒比海庫拉索海岸的水底十八米處,興建世上最大的水下研究站,料於三年後施工。 

為對環境感知提出更高要求,激光雷達將發揮關鍵作用。根據市場預測和統計,激光雷達在2025年全球市場預測規模達135.4億美元,較2019年可實現64.5%年複合增長,行業市場空間廣闊。與此同時,愈來愈多激光雷達通過了車規級驗證,下游車企也紛紛宣布將在量產高端車型中搭載激光雷達,激光雷達產業化進程料將迎來實質增長。技術路線方面,由機械向固態混合、固態發展,MEMS有望最先得到廣泛採用,OPA、FLASH、FMCW發展值得期待。儘管機械式激光雷達探測性能優越、技術成熟,是當前的主流,但其高昂的成本和相對較短的使用壽命,令其在車規級量產方面並不具備優勢,低成本、高可靠性的固態化激光雷達是未來趨勢。短期之內,MEMS雷達技術相對成熟,成本可控,最有機會獲客戶廣泛採用。科技巨頭參戰 競爭加劇競爭方面,國外的激光雷達公司起步較早,Velodyne在機械式雷達方面具有顯著優勢;Luminar在MEMS激光雷達方面較為領先,速騰聚創、鐳神智能在機械雷達方面較為領先。內地的大疆、華為等科技巨頭憑藉在光學電子等領域技術優勢也進入激光雷達領域,未來也有望成為重要參與者。

electric power system

electricity transmission

solar energy
- 澳洲昆士蘭大學的研究人員,研發出轉換效率達到16.6%的量子點(DOT)太陽能電池,打破由美國科研團隊創下的13.4%世界紀錄。該款電池具有可彎曲和可印刷特性,日後有望製成透明表面,為汽車、飛機、房屋和穿戴式裝置供電。
- solar energy to make water

ocean generated eldctricity
- 浙江省政協常委、LHD海洋發電項目總工程師林東回憶說。據林東介紹,目前LHD項目投運總裝機達到1.7兆瓦,裝機規模已經超過歐美水平領跑世界。
- 在電解海水的過程中,我們能獲 得氫氣、氯氣和氧氣,其中氯氣有 毒,而氧氣是沒有毒的。因此,在 比賽中我們希望從不同實驗中找出 最有效產生氧氣而非氯氣的電極 棒,我們也期望這次研究有助於日 後發展大規模電解海水。 雖然研究期間曾試過實驗失敗或 得不到預期結果,但我們幾經努力 堅持,終於找到最適合的電極—— 以鈦鉭銥合金金屬作為電極棒,其 電解時能產生出高於六成氧氣含 量。找出最佳電極之後,我們更發 揮我們的想像力,嘗試再向夢想踏 進一步。我們以 3D模型製成一個 海上大型電解海水製氫場,向大眾 展示我們綠色能源夢更遠大的目 標。我們更從虛擬實境中展示 3D 模型,讓其他人「親眼」觀賞到模 型成品,幫助別人對綠色能源有更 深入的了解

- 藻類發電
- 非洲農村缺乏供電基建,英國劍橋大學的科學家過去積極研發藻類發電技術,為當地帶來穩定的電力供應。團隊近日成功研發一項突破性的新技術,以基因改造藻類細胞,增加電力輸出率,有望成為窮鄉僻壤中,最具能源效益的供電方式。



man made sun
- 德國科學家日前展開一個仿太陽光的再生能源實驗,透過集中一百多盞聚光燈所產生的熱能,獲得能製造燃料的元素,將來或可用作製成驅動飛機和汽車的燃料。
- 習近平在《哈薩克真理報》發表的署名文章指出,中方支持哈薩克將這次世博會辦出特色、辦出水平,中國館將展示“人造太陽”核聚變、高鐵模擬駕駛艙等最新技術,倡導綠色、低碳、循環、可持續的生產和生活方式,為踐行綠色發展理念貢獻中國智慧。
- 中核集團核工業西南物理研究院副院長段旭如周日透露,該院擬在今年建成新環磁機「中國環流器二號M裝置(HL-2M)」,在等離子體參數將大幅度提高到近堆芯水平下,為未來籌建「人造太陽」創造條件。人造太陽是指環磁機在通過可控熱核聚變方式,給人類帶來幾乎無限的清潔能源。

- 12月 26日深夜,全球第三座、亞洲第一座 可實現 24小時連續發電的熔鹽塔式光熱電站 在甘肅敦煌併網發電。,



uv light
- Chinese scientists have built the brightest extreme ultraviolet light in the world for capturing atoms and molecules that will reveal laws of the micro-material world. The Chinese Academy of Sciences announced on Sunday that they have successfully developed the Dalian Coherent Light Source, which can generate the brightest extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser light. "We expect the new facility will become a new machine for important scientific discoveries and international scientific collaborations," said Zheng Yonghe, director of the policy bureau at the National Natural Science Foundation of China, which funded the organization of the project.
Most physical-chemical processes that take place in our daily lives, such as the formation of pollution haze, essentially involve changes of atoms and molecules. As a result, scientists need tools that can help the mob serve the movement of atoms and molecules so that they can understand or even utilize these physical-chemical processes. "That is why we need to develop free-electron laser light sources, which have wide applications in the study of basic energy science, chemistry, physics and atmospheric sciences," said Yang Xueming, deputy director of the academy's Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and a member of the academy. In order to catch fish in deep water, fisherman usually fish at night, using a bright light source to attract both the fish and members of their food chain. When smaller fish, insects or shrimp swim toward the light and the big ones follow them, they are harvested in one clean sweep. Like the light that attracts fish to the surface of the water, free-electron laser light can charge up atoms and molecules and expose them to electromagnetic detectors. A series of high-gain free-electron laser light source facilities in the X-ray and soft X-ray region-a special energy band of light wave-have been successfully developed across the world.
However, free-electron laser light sources in the energy band of extreme ultraviolet-a band with lower energy than X-ray or soft X-ray-have not been developed, Yang said. "Extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser light sources are especially useful for sensitive detection of atoms, molecules and clusters as well as probing valence electronic structures of all kinds of materials," he said.

- scmp 18mar2021 new laser sees hidden objects 1km away

electric cars An industrial transformation is under way. The world’s leading companies that for decades have made catalysts that cut harmful and toxic emissions in vehicle exhausts are switching focus. Their aim: to become key players in powering the electric cars of the future. The big three groups in the area — Umicore of Belgium, UK-listed Johnson Matthey and German chemicals giant BASF — are now preparing for the eventual decline of the traditional internal combustion engines that today they help to filter. So far, Umicore is ahead in the race for market share. It has a dominant position making battery materials for portable electronics, which has helped its shares more than double in price over the past 18 months. But the other two groups are chasing hard — and keen to catch up in the hope of providing materials for the lithium-ion batteries that are vital for the electric car industry to properly take off.

- history
  • 現時主流鋰電池分為4部分,分別為正極、負極、液態電解質,以及隔膜。放電時儲存在負極的鋰原子會分解為一顆鋰離子和一顆電子,鋰離子經電解質穿過隔膜移向正極,帶着電荷的電子則經電路移向正極,形成電流,途中發揮其作用,也就是說鋰離子和電子各自取道移往正極並重新結合成鋰原子。當愈來愈多負極的鋰原子「兵分兩路」流往正極,需要充電的時間就愈來愈短,在外來電力的作用下,處於正極的鋰原子會再次分解為一顆鋰離子和一顆電子,分別經電解質和電路回到負極。隔膜嚴防電子通過,否則會引致短路,其損毁可以是由於撞車等引發的衝擊力,或勞損而引起。內地監管電池的主要實驗就是用鋼針刺穿電池引致短路,觀其熱力散發的狀況,會否演變成大火甚至爆炸。比亞迪(01211)剛好一年前推出的「刀片電池」,即被鋼針刺穿時表面溫度不過100度,甚至沒有冒煙;固態電池可以省掉隔膜。鋰電池大行其道的原因,是人類經過多年探索之後發現,作為地球上最輕金屬元素的鋰,同一體積較輕且能釋放更多電子,換言之能夠提供上佳的能量密度。事實上,於1980年代所開發出首個鋰電池原型的吉野彰,前年憑此為日本添一個諾貝爾化學獎。工程師們其後反覆嘗試不同的正極和負極材料,現時負極主流用石墨,職責是儲存鋰原子,正極則分「磷酸鐵」和「三元材料」兩種。「磷酸鐵」其實是化合物磷酸鐵鋰(LiFePO4)的通稱,而「三元材料」則是由鎳、鈷和錳(或鋁)3種金屬元素和鋰組成,鎳能提高能量密度,鈷的作用是穩定性。「磷酸鐵」鋰電池的自燃溫度高達攝氏800度,比「三元材料」鋰電池高600度,因此較為安全,比亞迪的「刀片電池」短路也不燃燒正是因為這種構造,問題是比起「三元材料」,「磷酸鐵」的能量密度、續航里程,以及在低溫環境的性能都顯著遜色。鎳含量高較危險,降低鎳含量則要提高鈷,問題是鈷供應有限且昂貴,電動車廠商已經開始探索「無鈷電池」。
The Toyota Research Institute of North America announced that engineers have found a way to make batteries with magnesium instead of the lithium-based system now used to power mobile phones, computers and other devices that have become part of everyday life. 
Read more:
- An Australian state will install the world's largest lithium ion battery in a "historic" deal with electric car firm Tesla and energy company Neoen. The battery will protect South Australia from the kind of energy crisis which famously blacked out the state, Premier Jay Weatherill said. Tesla boss Elon Musk confirmed a much-publicised promise to build it within 100 days, or do it for free.
- In Melbourne’s northern suburbs, far from a mine or corporate office, Rio Tinto metallurgists and chemical engineers are quietly testing a closely guarded process they hope will lead to development of a unique Serbian mineral deposit and the big miner’s first new mining product in decades. Their aim is to find a way to develop a top-three global lithium mine at Rio’s Jadar deposit to feed the globe’s growing demand for batteries as fossil fuel’s role as an energy source declines. At a technology and innovation centre in Bundoora, 16km from the company’s Melbourne headquarters, Rio has installed a pilot plant and international team to crack the development code of the newly discovered mineral jadarite, a combination of boron and the increasingly desirable lithium known only to occur at Jadar. If successful, the plant will be shipped to Serbia, where Rio’s geo­logists in 2004 discovered big quantities of the new mineral near Belgrade. 日本海上自衞隊第十一艘蒼龍級潛艇「凰龍號」(SS-511),上周四於三菱重工神戶造船廠舉行下水儀式。這是全球首艘搭載鋰電池的作戰潛艇,造價六百六十億日圓(約四十六億港元),蓄電量提升為過去的兩倍,大幅增加續航力與作戰彈性。
- 日本有企業於周一首次啟用搭載鋰離子電池的混合動力貨船。它設有二千八百二十八個鋰電池構成的電池組,相當於約二千七百輛普通混合動力車的電池容量,單靠電池最多可航行約六小時。此艘船有望促進節能、減低對環境的影響和改善船員的工作環境。日本傳媒報道,該艘名為「Utashima」的貨船於上月底竣工,由新日鐵住金集團旗下的NS聯合內航海運公司擁有。貨船屬四百九十九噸級,全長約七十六米、寬約十二米,將用於運輸鋼材。當使用柴油發動機航行時,可同時為電池充電,停泊時的快速充電設備也愈趨完善。如果由電池提供電力帶動螺旋槳航行,二氧化碳排放量近乎零。
- 美國有大學近日研發出一種即使遇撞擊、切割甚至火燒,也能安全運作的鋰離子物料,有望可生產更安全柔性鋰離子電池。
- Scientists working on a drone development programme created a “game-changing” methanol-powered fuel system that kept their UAV in the air for 12 hours.It took them more than two years to get the FY-36 unmanned aerial vehicle to the flying prototype stage, said Zhang Wenyu, general manager of Feye UAV Technology, a Tianjin-based drone manufacturer that collaborated with the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in northeastern Liaoning province.At 15 kilograms (33 pounds), the low-noise FY-36 can be lifted by an adult or transported in a pickup truck, and designers said its hybrid aerodynamic shape – with four vertical propellers – can allow it to cruise at speeds as high as 90km/h, or 56mph.With a payload of up to three kilograms, the FY-36 was designed to perform tasks such as power line inspection, search and rescue missions, geological mapping and military intelligence gathering, but its power source is what stands out.
- ceramic battery
  • NGK Insulators, Ltd. (日本碍子株式会社Nihon gaishi kabushikigaisha) ft 8oct2020

waste turned to fuel
- In experiments described in the journal Applied Energy, a team of researchers from China and the U.S. melted plastic waste at high temperature with activated carbon to produce transportation jet fuel.

- 中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司近日研製出具有完全自主知识产权的世界首辆全碳纤维复合材料地铁车体,为实现轨道行业中碳纤维材料的大批量工业化生产及应用奠定基础。相较同类地铁金属车体,全碳纤车体减重约35%
- Tesla行政總裁馬斯克五年前提出超級高鐵計劃,早前中國加入研製行列,宣布採用真空管道加高溫超導磁懸浮列車技術。近日網傳短片模擬載人懸浮艙在真空管道行駛,因外形似膠囊被稱為「膠囊高鐵」。內地首條試驗線在成都搭建,料年底試驗,首期目標時速一千公里。
- Germany has rolled out the world’s first hydrogen-powered train, signalling the start of a push to challenge the might of polluting diesel trains with costlier but more eco-friendly technology. Two bright blue Coradia iLint trains, built by French TGV-maker Alstom, on Monday began running a 62 mile (100km) route between the towns and cities of Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Bremervoerde and Buxtehude in northern Germany – a stretch normally plied by diesel trains.
- 日本大阪市一間運輸公司,近日成功研發以生物燃料推動的蒸汽火車,亦是全球首輛不排放二氧化碳的蒸汽火車。該列車周一在和歌山縣有田川町的有田川鐵道公園展出,將於下月初開放乘坐。
- 全球首個完全由太陽能直流供電的鐵路先導計劃,上周五在英國南部正式啟動,除降低電力成本外,亦有助減少溫室氣體排放及空氣污染。推動該項計劃的機構希望將來能把太陽能鐵路應用在利物浦、曼徹斯特及格拉斯哥等地方。

hydrogen vehicle is a vehicle that uses hydrogen as its onboard fuel for motive power. Hydrogen vehicles include hydrogen-fueled space rockets, as well as automobiles and other transportation vehicles. The power plants of such vehicles convert the chemical energy of hydrogen to mechanical energy either by burning hydrogen in an internal combustion engine, or, more commonly, by reacting hydrogen with oxygen in a fuel cell to run electric motors.

- trackless metro vehicle
  • A £4bn metro system for Greater Cambridge could create 100,000 jobs and 60,000 new homes, a report claims.The feasibility study, commissioned by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, has been backed by business and industry in the area. It means work could begin on the so-called Cambridgeshire Autonomous Metro (CAM) as soon as 2021.
    Mayor James Palmer said the report offers a "a compelling case" for a new regional transport network., also china daily 22mar19
- new materials

- luminous building blocks

  • superare international 
  • exhibited at 2020 tdc toy fr

- conductive ink


- 深磁科 技整個團隊正在為他們的磁 懸浮穿梭板技術進行最後科 研攻關。這也是中國首台永 磁電動懸浮載人系統,由於 無輪軌摩擦力,這一穿梭板 承運系統設計時速可達600 至1000公里。這一技術被 認為是下一代超高速磁浮交 通系統裏面最有商業前景的 核心底層技術。
- 全球首個時速160公里的內嵌式磁浮交通系統,近日在四川成都國際工業博覽會亮相。該系統由成都市新築路橋機械股份有限公司推出,具平穩和噪音低等特點。總工程師簡煉指,目前成都市新津區已興建了3.6公里營運試驗線。

a film that can cool buildings

synthetic yeast

- 英國曼徹斯特大學研究人員前日在《自然納米技術》期刊發表研究報告,稱研發出以新型石墨烯製成的薄膜,能有效過濾水分子以外的其他較大分子,可用於海水化淡及過濾污水,有助紓緩發展中國家的食水短缺問題。


invisible cloak
- 被譽為「中國馬斯克」的光啟科學執行董事兼主席劉若鵬,發明噴氣式衝浪板及隱形衣,以三十五歲之齡成為億萬富翁。不過,一名曾教導劉若鵬的美國著名科學家,周二指控劉多年前留學期間,偷取其隱形衣技術;聯邦調查局(FBI)前高層亦相信,劉若鵬當年是背負政治任務留洋。


- desalination
  • 澳洲有科學家近日研發出一款裝置,只需太陽能就可將海水中鹽分幾乎百分百蒸發掉,有望大大減少用於海水化淡所需的能源和金錢,為缺少電力的偏遠社區提供清潔用水。
  • A wave-powered, modular desalination system set for roll-out in Cape Verde claims to produce drinking water at a third of the price of conventional systems. 
  • aquatech - A new solar dome technology claiming to produce desalinated water cheaper than traditional methods is hoping to put Saudi Arabia’s new NEOM vision on the global water map.Called “solar dome”, the decentralised solution uses concentrating solar power (CSP) technology to treat seawater.With a predicted price of $0.34/m3, the team behind it claim the solution will be considered “significantly lower” than desalination plants using reverse osmosis (RO) membrane methods.Developed at Cranfield University, UK company Solar Water will work with NEOM to develop the first project on a 26,500 km2 area in northwestern Saudi Arabia. The first project is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.
  • aquatech - A new modular technology combining multiple reverse osmosis (RO) membranes with digital sensors is hoping to shake up the desalination market.Called the Barrel, the steel pressure vessel contains membrane elements which can be remotely monitored via a smart interconnector system.Although a membrane-based solution, the installation of the Barrel is inspired by large evaporators of thermal desalination plants, according to Veolia Sidem, the company behind the development.With the option for the Barrel to be built off-site and then delivered as a plug & play option, it’s hoped this will reduce capital costs, as well as offering a smaller footprint.Currently in the demonstration phase, one small scale Barrel system including seven pressure vessels, has been in operation treating seawater from the Caribbean sea.A second installation, at a slightly larger scale of 49 pressure vessels, is due to be installed at the company’s existing desalination plant in Oman Sur, 160km south-west of Muscat.
  • aquatech - A wave-powered desalination system is gathering momentum in a bid to target off-grid, coastal communities in developing nations facing water shortages.
    Designed to harness free, renewable energy in the form of ocean waves, the Wave2O process has been designed by Boston-based Resolute Marine Energy.
  • A “dual mode” desalination plant completed testing and commissioning in Singapore despite “inevitable” Covid-related challenges.The Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant (KMEDP) is said to be a world first – it can treat either seawater or freshwater from the Marina Reservoir, depending on the conditions.KMEDP commenced operations at the end of June and was built under a Build, Own and Operate (DBOO) arrangement with National Water Agency, PUB.Capable of producing 137,000 m3/day of drinking water the plant will be operated by Marina East Water, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Infrastructure.
  •  A pilot desalination plant that combines Multi-Effect Distillation with absorption vapour compression could prove there's room for innovation in the declining thermal space.  The project combines Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) with efficient absorption (AB) vapour compression. Called MED-AB, the solution is being developed by Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), part of Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU).Installed by QEERI in Dukhan, the development is part of a 20-year collaboration agreement with water and power producer Qatar Electricity & Water Corporation (QEWC).  The MED pilot plant has several unique features. The need for external heating steam has been reduced by relying on an efficient absorption vapour compression system to allow for the reuse of the generated vapour in the last effect.The heat rejection condenser has accordingly been eliminated, which in turn reduces the intake seawater and outfall of plant brine flow rate compared to traditional MED desalination plants.One of the technical features of the internal evaporator design is a new tube arrangement that creates a new vapour route to do away with the need for the traditional demister. The result is a reduction in the footprint and layout of the desalination plant by 65 per cent.
- 北中美洲國家洪都拉斯的一名青年,眼見家鄉山區因為基建不足而難於取水,於是設計出輕便吸水器「Aquair」,讓居民可以用低成本的方法獲得乾淨飲用水。
- Los Tomes is an agricultural co-operative, one of 178 in Chile’s Coquimbo region. Nineteen comuneros try to grow wheat and raise sheep and goats on 2,800 hectares (7,000 acres) of semi-arid scrubland. A decade-long drought has made that harder. Hilltop springs where the animals once drank have dried up. As herds shrank and yields fell, farmers’ children moved away to take jobs in cities or at copper mines.Hope for Los Tomes comes in the form of three 60-square-metre (646-square-foot) nets stretched between poles on a ridge above the community. These atrapanieblas capture droplets from the fog that rolls in from the sea 4km (2.5 miles) away. They trickle down to a pipe, which channels the water to two troughs at the foot of the ridge, from which livestock drink. The banner-like nets can harvest 650 litres (140 gallons) of water a day. “We’re content: it’s produced the results we wanted,” says José Ossandón, the child’s father and the president of the co-operative. Chile has been investigating fog capture since the 1950s. The dense fog that arises from the Humboldt current, called the camanchaca, can be harvested with the help of a coastal mountain range and strong winds. Earlier attempts to turn the mist into usable water failed. In 1990 fog nets at Chungungo, a fishing village north of Los Tomes, captured 8,000 litres a day. Villagers argued about how to share responsibility for maintaining the atrapanieblas.
-奧地利設計師格洛高(Henry Glogau)的「海水化淡燈」(圖),既可以為低收入家庭提供免費的照明解決方案,同時還可以利用陽光淡化海水成飲用水,利用天然資源造福人類。
- reuse
    Californian city Santa Monica will move ahead with plans to reuse brackish groundwater, wastewater and stormwater as part of a Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project (SWIP).
    Three organisations will partner to deliver the plans: consultancy Arcadis, water recycling company PERC Water and construction engineering company Kiewit. Currently, the City of Santa Monica partially relies on imported water to meet its water needs but has set the goal to be water self-sufficient by 2020. One of the headline ambitions is to recycle up to 4550 m3/day of municipal wastewater for reuse, including for future indirect potable reuse (IPR) via aquifer recharge. Furthermore, as part of the plans up to 20,500 cubic metres of water from any storm will be treated and reused. With a total budget of $56.88 million, the development also sets out to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with importing drinking water.
- from air

  • Watergen Inc. (formerly Water-Gen) is an Israel-based global company that develops water-from-air solutions.Founded in 2009 by Israeli entrepreneur and former combat commander Arye Kohavi and a team of engineers, Watergen was originally a startup conceived to provide easily accessible water to militaries around the world.Following the company’s acquisition in 2016 by businessman Michael Mirilashvili, Watergen shifted its focus tackling water scarcity and answering the needs of civilians following natural disasters.

The Struve Geodetic Arc is a chain of survey triangulations stretching from Hammerfest in Norway to the Black Sea, through ten countries and over 2,820 km, which yielded the first accurate measurement of a meridian. The chain was established and used by the German-born Russian scientist Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve in the years 1816 to 1855 to establish the exact size and shape of the earth. At that time, the chain passed merely through two countries: Union of Sweden-Norway and the Russian Empire. The Arc's first point is located in Tartu Observatory in Estonia, where Struve conducted much of his research.


加拿大麥克馬斯特大學一名華裔化學工程科學家,領導其團隊研發出一種毋須冷藏,就能使疫苗長期保持活性的技術,有助解決在交通及科技設備較落後地區運輸疫苗的難題。文森特‧梁(Vincent Leung,音譯)的團隊以流行性感冒及單純疱疹疫苗作試驗,把它們與在食品工業中常用的海藻糖和普魯蘭多糖混合,製成乾燥的凝膠狀薄片。他們發現在這狀態下,就算在攝氏四十度的極端天氣中,疫苗仍能保存活性達八星期之久。

deep diving
- Researchers have discovered the first evidence that people can genetically adapt to deep diving, as shown by the unusually large spleens in indigenous people of Indonesia known as the "Sea Nomads," a study said Thursday. The spear-fishing Bajau people regularly free-dive to depths of up to 230 feet (70 meters), with only weights and a wooden mask.
-  economist 21apr18 issue "born to dive" on people in malaysia with an amphibious life



- 美國加州理工學院與加拿大國家科學研究院的研究員,去年研發號稱全球最快的相機,近日更成功用它拍攝光線由水樽的一邊穿過另一邊的情況。
- 美國華盛頓大學科研團隊以甲蟲為靈感,成功開發一款極微型的低耗能攝錄機械人,輕得可由甲蟲背在身上,實時拍攝昆蟲生活。團隊宣稱研究的是世界上「具備無線視野的陸地最小自動機械人」。
- 美國能源部屬下的SLAC國立加速器實驗室建造了一部世界上最大的數碼攝影機,解像度達三十二億像素,將可配合智利的大型綜合巡天望遠鏡(LSST)拍攝天空全景圖。實驗室前日公布首批測試照片,顯示攝影機可拍攝到二十四公里外的一個高爾夫球,是有史以來解像度最高的照片。
- 40歲失明攝影師拉爾(Pranav Lal)現時主職網絡保安顧問,他自小已喜歡接觸科技,6、7歲時已在家中自設實驗室做實驗。約20年前,他知悉荷蘭工程師梅杰(Peter Meijer)在80年代開發出名為「vOICe」的裝置和應用程式,可以將影像變成聲音,讓視障人士也能「看得到」。vOICe包括一個近似科幻電影《變種特攻》(X-Men)中角色所戴的墨鏡及頭罩,儀器會掃描佩戴者眼前的景物,然後在耳機中從不同方向,發出不同頻率、不同大小的聲音表示事物的位置、高低、光暗、顏色及深淺等,佩戴者就憑此「看到」景象。

記者18日從福州大學獲悉,該校楊黃浩教授、陳秋水教授和新加坡國立大學劉小鋼教授領銜的科研團隊,在國際上率先發現一類高性能的納米閃爍體長餘輝材料,並成功研發了新型柔性X射線成像技術,使常規的單反相機和手機等也能拍攝X光片。這一原創性成果18日在國際權威雜誌《自然》上在線發表。 Sahakian’s company Quantum Integrity already provides software that can detect fake images. Working with EPFL’s Multimedia Signal Processing Group MMSPG, Quantum Integrity plans to upgrade its deepfake detector so that it can be deployed more widely. The aim is to set up a website where videos can be uploaded for review.

Photocatalysis is the acceleration of a photoreaction in the presence of a catalyst. In catalysed photolysislight is absorbed by an adsorbed substrate. In photogenerated catalysis, the photocatalytic activity (PCA) depends on the ability of the catalyst to create electron–hole pairs, which generate free radicals (e.g. hydroxyl radicals: •OH) able to undergo secondary reactions. Its practical application was made possible by the discovery of water electrolysis by means of titanium dioxide (TiO2).1972年,日本東京大學的藤嶋昭(Fujishima Akira)觀察到二氧化鈦(TiO2)在紫外光的照射下,會把水分子分解成氫氣,因而發現二氧化鈦的光化學特性。隨著環保意識高漲,其特性引起世界各國的重視,近年研究發現許多半導體材料皆具有光觸媒特性,目前常見的有磷化鎵(GaP)、砷化鎵(GaAs)及二氧化鈦。然而,進一步的研究發現,部分半導體材料在酸性或鹼性環境中容易變質,有些化合物易發生化學或光化學腐蝕性,皆不適合作為淨水的光觸媒。相較之下,二氧化鈦具有高穩定性、耐酸鹼、價格便宜、容易製備和無毒等優點,為目前最常用、也最有發展潛力的光觸媒材料。光子具有一定能量,當照射到某些物質上(如半導體),原子電子吸收一定的能量後,便會從價帶(valence band)躍升,到導帶(conduction band),而原本電子存在的地方就會出現一個帶正電的電洞 —— 也即光生電子和光生空穴。正電子與空氣中的水分子結合產生具有氧化分解能力的氫氧自由基,負電子則與空氣中的氧結合成活性氧,由於這種電子和空穴分別具有較強的還原性和氧化性,因此能使半導體上的物質發生氧化還原反應,從而將光能轉換為化學能。這些物質被稱為光催化劑。

- Thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPV) are part of the thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) family of polymers, but are closest in elastomeric properties to EPDM thermoset rubber, combining the characteristics of vulcanized rubber with the processing properties of thermoplastics. TPV is a dynamically vulcanized alloy consisting mostly of fully cured EPDM rubber particles encapsulated in a polypropylene (PP) matrix. There are almost 100 grades in the S portfolio which are used globally in the automotive, household appliance, electrical, construction and healthcare markets. The name "Santoprene" was trademarked in 1977 by Monsanto and the trademark is now owned by ExxonMobil. Similar material is available from Elastron  and others.

New materials
  • carbon inc
  • polinova global
- 南韓韓瑞大學一名學生提出了Jelly Breaker安全風炮(圖)概念。該款設計在風炮外部覆蓋柔軟的果凍狀材料,內部再加裝氣泵和緩衝墊,把機器到達工人身體的震動全數吸收,保護手腕和腹部。噪音可能未必減少,但對工人而言總比傳統的風炮安全。

- 許多脊索動物如蠑螈和斑馬魚都具備強大再生能力, 且都是長出一模一樣的組織,被稱為 「再生記憶」 。台灣 「中研院」 研 究人員陳振輝及其研究團隊日前公布的最新研究成果發現,經由調控特 定基因的活性,可以改寫動物的 「再生記憶」 ,斑馬魚再生的新尾鰭可 以出現不同的大小和形狀。這是科學家首次證實 「再生記憶」 可以被改 寫,為250年的假說找到答案,未來將有助再生醫學發展。


cooling stuff
億世家 第五代冰涼降熱墊
- 為減輕人類依賴耗能的降溫方法,來自美國及中國的研究團隊,近日研發了一種新方法改造木材,令它們成為更堅固和具自行降溫功能的「冷卻木」(Cooling Wood),有望減低建築物的能源消耗,成為未來建築的主要材料。木素是植物中提供硬度的物質,團隊首先將木材放在雙氧水煮沸以去除木素,再利用機械壓實木材,回復其硬度,然後加上一種具超級疏水性的化合物保護木材,便製造出比一般木料更強硬的白色木料。這種新木料可反射光源,而內含的纖維素善於生產紅外線輻射,在日夜之間均可協助釋出能源,降低溫度。

heating/warming stuff
- economist 10apr2021 "a new use for microwaves" microwave boilers
- heat powered fan

creation of new breed animals
- 有中國科學家近日將猴子細胞加入豬隻的胚胎中,成功孕育出全球首兩隻猴豬混合體生物,惟牠們出生後一周死亡。據指研究目的是為了有助解決人類器官移植短缺問題,惟實驗成果惹來各界批評,有加拿大神經科學專家更指,此研究在道德倫理上令人震驚。


food science
Ossein is the organic extracellular matrix of bone, which is made of 95% collagen. It can be isolated by treating bones with hydrochloric acid, which dissolves the inorganic matrix (calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate).[1] This substance is used in industry for the production of gelatin and bone glue.In the early 20th century, bones were found to consist of three types of proteins: ossein (collagens), osseomucoid (proteoglycans) and osseoalbuminoid (elastin).[2] Advances in molecular biology rendered these terms obsolete.When processed industrially, 1,000 kg of bones yield 300 kg of ossein, which can be rapidly degraded and partially denatured by the prolonged action of slightly acidic boiling water, yielding gelatin.[3] The product is specifically known as ossein gelatin in contrast to skin gelatin, which is generated from animal hides. Depending on the method of extraction, there are various types of ossein gelatin (acid ossein gelatin, limed ossein gelatin, etc.).Another prominent use of ossein is the production of bone glue, whose yield is 16-20% of the mass of dry bone.The deproteinized bone residue left after the removal of ossein can be used to produce bone ash for the manufacture of bone china.[3] Bones that are unsuitable for ossein production are carbonized to generate bone char.
  •! Ossein (Decalcified) from Fish Scale
  • note that there are names such as hossein (iran origin?)

innovation insitutions
- ranking

  • Silicon Valley’s hoodie-wearing tech entrepreneurs are the poster kids of innovation. But the innovators who are really changing the world are more likely to wear labcoats and hold government-related jobs in Grenoble, Munich or Tokyo. That's the conclusion of Reuters’ Top 25 Global Innovators – Government, a list that identifies and ranks the publicly funded institutions doing the most to advance science and technology. Topping the list is France's Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), for its research into areas including renewable power, public health, and information security. Rounding out the top three: Germany’s Fraunhofer Society and Japan’s Science and Technology Agency.On a country-by-country basis, the United States leads the list, with six organizations ranked (France and Japan each have four, and Germany has three). The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) is the top U.S. finisher, placing fourth.

Scientific publishing

- 買雜誌有電腦送?近日英國電腦公司Raspberry Pi基金會推出的最新型號微型電腦Raspberry Pi Zero,價錢僅需四英鎊(約四十六港元),甚至隨一本價值五點九九英鎊(約七十港元)的雜誌附送。這款微型電腦實則較像電腦底板,尺寸僅得六點五厘米乘三厘米,非常細小。內裏已集處理器、記憶體及輸入輸出插口等基本裝備於一身,但仍需接駁顯示器、鍵盤及滑鼠等裝置才能使用。Raspberry Pi向來以生產體積細、價錢便宜的電腦見稱,今次出品可謂搶盡風頭。
- 以色列公司Studio Knob推出毋須電源的LED繩子燈「Click Light」(圖),用家只需把「繩子」兩頭的正負極,吸附在任何金屬表面上,就能通電發光。
- 印度南部卡納塔克邦一名棕櫚果農,以七個月時間研製出一輛專供爬樹用的「電單車」,可在半分鐘內爬上高三十米的棕櫚樹,日常工作頓時變得輕鬆。現在這位果農單靠賣「車」已經足夠生活有餘。
- Self-adsorption Whiteboard Sheet
- stem education toys



Badīʿ az-Zaman Abū l-ʿIzz ibn Ismāʿīl ibn ar-Razāz al-Jazarī (1136–1206, Arabicبديع الزمان أَبُو اَلْعِزِ بْنُ إسْماعِيلِ بْنُ الرِّزاز الجزري‎, IPA: [ældʒæzæriː]) was a Muslim polymath: a scholarinventormechanical engineerartisanartist and mathematician. He is best known for writing The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices (Arabicالجامع بين العلم والعمل النافع في صناعة الحيل‎) in 1206, where he described 100 mechanical devices, some 80 of which are trick vessels of various kinds, along with instructions on how to construct them. The only biographical information known about him is contained in his famed Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices.[3] Like his father before him, he served as chief engineer at the Artuklu Palace, the residence of the Mardin branch of the Artuqids which ruled across eastern Anatolia as vassals of the Zengid dynasty of Mosul and later of Ayyubid general Saladin.
Max Erik Tegmark[1] (born Max Shapiro[2][3] on 5 May 1967) is a Swedish-American physicist and cosmologist. He is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the scientific director of the Foundational Questions Institute. He is also a co-founder of the Future of Life Institute and a supporter of the effective altruism movement, and has received donations from Elon Musk to investigate existential risk from advanced artificial intelligence. Tegmark was born in Sweden, the son of Karin Tegmark and American-born professorof mathematics Harold S. ShapiroHis research has focused on cosmology, combining theoretical work with new measurements to place constraints on cosmological models and their free parameters, often in collaboration with experimentalists. He married astrophysicist Angelica de Oliveira-Costa in 1997, and divorced in 2009. They have two sons.[20] On August 5, 2012, Tegmark married Meia Chita.

  • hkej 24apr19 shum article
- kozo ito

  • ft 10aug19 It is a breakthrough that could lead to robots with artificial muscles and lightweight automobiles that can travel twice as far on a single battery charge, but for University of Tokyo professor Kozo Ito it all began on a flight to China in 1995. He was on his way to a scientific conference when he found himself seated next to a fellow scientist called Akira Harada. Harada, a chemist, began to talk about a molecule he had recently created, the properties of which seemed hard to believe. The molecule was called a polyrotaxane and the best way to visualise it is as a necklace of beads on a string. In his synthesis, Harada explained, the beads threaded themselves on to the molecular string, where they could slide back and forth, with a stopper at each end to prevent them coming off. “Poly” means many; “rota” means wheel; and “axis” means axle. They are a molecule made of many little rings on an axle.

"invention" in different era

- stephen hawking
  • Stephen Hawking, the world-renowned physicist who died on Wednesday, had a difficult relationship with Israel. In 2013, his decision to boycott a conference in Jerusalem honoring Shimon Peres, the late Israeli president, made international headlines, sparking outrage in Israel and much of the Jewish world. Hawking initially notified the organizers that he would attend, but under pressure from the international Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement, he reneged. At first, his associates said that Hawking would not be attending because of his failing health. Only later did it emerge that his decision had been prompted by pressure from the boycott movement.    Although many musicians and artists have declined to visit Israel as a way of showing solidarity with the Palestinians, Hawking was the first scientist of his stature to embrace the boycott movement.

- 天然产物研究与开发

The International Solvay Institutes for Physics and Chemistry, located in Brussels, were founded by the Belgian industrialist Ernest Solvay in 1912, following the historic invitation-only 1911 Conseil Solvay, considered a turning point in the world of physics
- knowledge expo in noida, india
- On April 22, the 9th World Radar Expo and the 1st "Radar and Future" Summit kicked off in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu Province, the birthplace of the nation's radar industry.Approved and guided by the Equipment Development Department (EDD) of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC), the World Radar Expo was jointly sponsored by the China Radar Industry Association, the China Electronics Technology Group Co (CETC), and the China Electronics Information Industry Group Co (CEC).

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