- china mobile
- 68億拓泰電信市場 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/06/10/b02-0610.pdf, http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/3bf55616-f06e-11e3-b112-00144feabdc0.html
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/ecce337c-643b-11e4-bac8-00144feabdc0.html
A little-noticed agreement, signed on the sidelines of October’s Sino-German “joint cabinet” summit could help determine the shape of internet connectivity and autonomous driving – where vehicles do some of the thinking – in the world’s largest car market. Deutsche Telekom, which agreed to build a car network with state-owned China Mobile, also hopes the deal will open a backdoor on to a previously closed market, illustrating the potential opportunities stemming from advances in connected cars. - http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/02/06/b04-0206.pdf 中移動(0941)與百度 昨日宣布,雙方達成戰略合作,共建 新一代移動互聯網雲計算中心-百度 亦莊新一代搜索數據中心一期,將成 為業界首個針對移動互聯網業務大規 模部署的雲計算中心。
- http://www.scmp.com/tech/innovation/article/1840079/china-get-10-times-faster-pre-5g-internet-2016-amid-premiers-push Hundreds of millions of Chinese mobile phone users will have access to much faster internet as soon as the first half of next year, thanks to a key technology development with strong support from the central government to significantly improve internet speeds. Maggie Cui, vice president in charge of wireless operation at ZTE, told theSouth China Morning Post that ZTE has been working with China Mobile, the world’s largest mobile phone operator, to test so-called "pre-5G" connections, which could be more than 10 times faster than current 4G mobile internet.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-11/03/content_22360360.htm China Mobile Communications Corp, the country's largest telecom carrier, set up an Internet unitto further diversify its business. Established on Saturday, the new branch, literally translated as China Mobile Internet Co, will bebuilt upon China Mobile's current web business center in Guangzhou. It is not immediately clear what service the new company will offer but China Mobile already hasa foot in music, video, reading and gaming sectors. The move comes as the telecom giant struggles to boost its revenue. It has been under pressureto offer better Internet connection speed at lower prices. Experts said the new unit demonstrates the company's desire to branch out into new Internet-related businesses, which boasts higher profit margin.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/01/04/b03-0104.pdf據「新華網」昨報道,中移動在集 團公司和上市公司下分別成立投資 公司,即「中移資本控股有限責任 公司」及「中移投資控股有限責任 公司」,並於上月29日下午在北京 舉行了揭牌儀式。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170118/PDF/b4_screen.pdf 中銀香港與中國 移動國際及中國移動香港宣布簽署 全面戰略合作協議。透過中國移動 國際在東南亞地區的網絡規模和優 勢,中銀香港將在東南亞網絡建設 、服務渠道方面加強合作,向東南 亞地區居民及跨境旅客提供更便捷 隨心的服務,加快雙方在東南亞地 區的發展及業務合作。
- http://www.scmp.com/tech/article/2074301/china-mobile-att-collaborate-internet-things-drive-its-deployment-mainland
- automobile
- 北京汽車(01958)昨日宣布跟中國移動(00941)持股約13%做大股東的科大訊飛(002230.SZ)簽署《戰略合作框架協議》推進汽車智能化。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20171109/00202_013.html
- uk
- China Mobile, the world’s largest telecoms company by number of subscribers, has launched a mobile phone service in the UK after striking a deal to lease capacity on BT’s network.https://www.ft.com/content/86c68558-e015-11e7-a8a4-0a1e63a52f9c
- pakistan
- http://www.reuters.com/article/paktel-chinamobile-idUSL2278866820070122China Mobile Communications Corp., the world's biggest wireless carrier, agreed to buy money-losing Pakistan operator Paktel Ltd. for $284 million for its first acquisition outside its home market. Beijing-based China Mobile is buying an 89 percent stake in Paktel from Millicom International Cellular S.A. MICC.O, a Luxembourg-based company that operates in emerging markets, the companies said on Sunday. Millicom, which earlier this year held failed talks to be acquired by China Mobile, the parent of China Mobile (Hong Kong) Ltd. (0941.HK), has operations in 16 markets in Africa, Latin America and Asia. China Mobile plans to rebrand and relaunch Paktel with additional investment in equipment and marketing, one person close to the situation said on Monday, in a bid to turn the company around and grab a larger slice of the growing market. Paktel is the fifth-largest mobile operator in Pakistan with 1.5 million subscribers as of Sept. 30, a 62 percent rise from the year before. About one-quarter of Pakistan's 160 million people have mobile phone service. Millicom decided to exit the Pakistani market in November after it had gained additional space in the 1800 Mhz spectrum, but the grant was not permanent. Regulators also had refused a request to delay payment of a $29 million license installment. Since then, about 10 entities expressed interest in Paktel, another source familiar with the deal told Reuters. "The sale of Paktel allows Millicom to focus on the 16 markets where we have already established strong market positions and, with penetration rates rising rapidly, the prospects in these business is good," Millicom Chief Executive Marc Beuls said in a statement.
- Korea
- 中移動(00941)旗下內容平台咪咕文化科技,昨日與韓國電訊簽訂業務合作協議,雙方會擴大合作範疇至卡通產品、知識產權領域,並利用各自所持有的知識產權,開發及銷售相關產品,以交叉銷售對方的卡通產品。此前,中移動與韓國電訊已就音樂、影視、漫畫及網絡小說展開合作。http://www1.hkej.com/dailynews/article/id/1665316/
- hk
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/10/b03-0510.pdf 信和集團與中國移動香港昨日簽署策略合作備忘錄,通過多元化的合作與PRE-5G基建,在信和集團旗下住宅及商場物業推出一系列採用中國移動香港的窄頻物聯網(NB-IoT)解決方案。
- China Telecom
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150124/PDF/b1_screen.pdf ,中國電信(00728)等多間中國一線手機商,與騰訊(00700)合作,聯合推出多款 「視頻手機」,以向用戶贈送半年高達90G的免費流量作為賣點搶客,中電信亦希望憑此搶佔更多市場。中電信此次的合作對象,包括中興(00763)、華為、酷派(02369)、聯想(00992),及三星五家中國一線手機廠商
- http://japan.cnet.com/news/service/35064334/ Microsoftは米国時間5月11日、海底光ファイバケーブルへの投資を拡大する一連の提携を発表した。これにより、世界中にある自社のデータセンターを結ぶ計画だ。 Microsoftによると、同社は北米を大西洋経由で英国、アイルランドと結ぶ2本のケーブルについて、ファイバプロバイダーのHibernia、Aqua Commsと契約を締結したという。それらのケーブルはカナダのハリファックス、アイルランドのバリンズピトル、英国のブリーンを通る。 太平洋を経由するアジアルートも計画中だ。Microsoftによると、同社はオレゴン州ヒルズボロを中国、韓国、台湾、日本と結ぶ「The New Cross Pacific Cable Network」の構築に関して、China Mobile(中国移動通信)、China Telecom(中国電信)、China Unicom(中国聯合通信)、Chunghwa Telecom(中華電信)、KT Corporationとのコンソーシアムに参加したという。コンソーシアム契約の一環として、Microsoftは米国に最初の物理的な地上局を建設する予定だ。hkej 13may15 a6
- 中電信有意進一步發展移動支付以及互聯網金融。王曉初表示,公司在內地已有移動支付業務牌照,目前正在申請金融牌照。上半年旗下「翼支付」交易達3,800億元,目標以每年增長200%的速度發展。提到互聯網金融上的合作對象,他就指持開放態度,對象包括傳統金融機構以及如阿里般的新興機構,指各有各好處。又指移動支付業務在內地發展的機會較香港大,因本港的信用卡等非現金支付發展成熟,內地相對有發展空間,希望移動支付逐漸成為內地人的消費習慣。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/08/20/b03-0820.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151204/PDF/b4_screen.pdf 中國電信國際與藍海彤翔簽約,建立戰 略合作夥伴關係,雙方將在雲計算、雲渲染等整體解決方 案、技術交流與服務等方面合作,推動香港藍海創意雲渲 染業務,希望未來以香港作為中轉站,拓展東南亞市場, 並進軍國際,發展歐洲及北美市場。
- 中播控股(00471)作为拥有覆盖“一带一路”地区的唯一空中信息走廊─L卫星波段,未来发展潜力难以估计。集团日前才刚与中国电信组成合作伙伴,研究跨网络业务。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170208/PDF/b4_screen.pdf
- 中國通信服務股份有限公司(港交所:552),簡稱中通服China Communications Services Corporation Limited, or CCS, (SEHK: 552) is the subsidiary company of China Telecom. It is engaged in providing telecommunication infrastructure services and outsourcing services to telecommunication operators and government organizations in China.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/04/26/b02-0426.pdf 中國電信 (0728)旗下中電信國際昨日公佈,與歐洲 雲端數據中心營運商 Global Switch及德利迅 達簽署三方合作協議,將圍繞數據中心發展新 的市場及聯合市場推廣合作,提供一站式數據 中心、網絡及系統集成,迎合內地「一帶一 路」的建設。中電信國際總經理鄧小鋒指,合 作夥伴的業務集中在歐洲及亞太地區,認為合 作可以做到優勢互補及資源共享,相信今年一 定會見到效果。他指,中電信國際一直在「一 帶一路」沿線有大量建設,在 13個「一帶一 路」戰略通道中,已有 12 個有中電信的覆 蓋,擁有龐大的資源及優勢;三方合作是為建 設出更具國際標準水平的網絡及數據服務,希 望可成為世界級的服務提供商。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2017-05/17/content_29384023.htmThe Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced its decision to speed up the commercial use of NarrowBand internet of things (NB-IoT) in China on Monday, ShangHai Securities News reported. NB-IoT, a narrowband radio technology designed for the internet of things (IoT), has been developed to enable a wide range of low-power devices and services to be connected using cellular telecommunications bands on the Wide Area Network (WAN). Compared to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology, NB-IoT, having the advantages of low cost, wide coverage, long battery life and enabling a large amount of connected devices, is believed to have great potential in application.
- hk
- China Unicom
- China Unicom was founded as a state-owned corporation on July 19, 1994 by the Ministry of Information Industry and approved by the State Council.
- note the company logo which looks like a mongolian sign seen in costumes of instrument players (landscape instead of portrait; round edges instead of corners)
- http://finance.sina.com.cn/zl/money/20150730/094522831358.shtml 商业银行除了从银行体系内加强消费金融业务的发展外,还通过设立消费金融公司的形式抢占市场。例如,永隆银行和中国联通(6.17, -0.25, -3.89%)共同出资的招联消费金融
- 中国联通深圳前海边境局昨日正式成立,这是中国联通继北京、上海、广州三大国际局后,在深圳前海自贸区开通运营的又一国际枢纽局。前海边境局的开通,将大幅度缩小深圳至香港电路延时,广大跨境企业将获得更高效和快速的网络通信服务。昨日发布会现场,西班牙电信、英国电信、沃达丰、香港电讯盈科、香港和记、日本NTT、日本KDDI等全球著名电信运营商齐聚一堂,与广东联通共同商讨国际间的通信服务建设,并达成战略合作机制。广东联通相关负责人介绍,前海边境局的开通,深圳至香港电路延时将降低90%,端到端控制在4毫秒。不仅满足外资企业对高质量专线的要求,同时也满足了国内企业对信息同步的需要。http://www.c114.net/news/84/a903988.html, http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201507/0730/HA08730CZB1.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1851555/china-unicom-plans-big-push-online-services-amid-rumours
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170124/PDF/b2_screen.pdf 和电香港(00215)旗下和记环球电讯宣布,与中国联通国际订立互连协议,把和记环球电讯的Hutch-IPX网络与联通国际的IPX网络互连。和电香港国际及营运商业务总裁郭咏邦表示,随着与联通国际合作,让和记环球电讯得以拓展中国内地的IPX网络连接,相信今次签订互连协议及其所带来的机遇,连同早前与其他内地网络商的网络互连,开拓和记环球电讯覆盖内地逾十亿流动通讯用户的潜力。
- 联通(00762)母企联通集团混合所有制改革(混改)试点方案即将出台。市场消息传出,联通的混改方案包括引入大型科网公司,腾讯(00700)及阿里巴巴的呼声甚高,又指具体方案或会在两会完结后推出。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170309/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- https://www.ft.com/content/cf5d76ca-8276-11e7-94e2-c5b903247afd China’s biggest technology companies, including Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu, are investing $11.7bn in China Unicom, the country’s second-largest wireless telecom, as they seek to revitalise the state-owned group with private capital. Ten private and state investors will buy 35.19 per cent of the company’s Shanghai-listed unit China United Network Communications by purchasing both new and existing shares, the company said in a statement on Wednesday. China Unicom’s shareholding in the listed unit will fall to 36.67 per cent from above 62 per cent.http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170817/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- 中国联通物联网生态大会昨日在广州举行,在全方位展示中国联通物联网发展成果的同时,还发布中国联通物联网新战略。其间,中国联通携手航天科工集团、阿里巴巴、腾讯、中兴通讯、华为、英特尔、百度等三十家知名单位,成立物联网产业联盟,致力打造全新的“物联网生态圈”,拉动物联网产业链的融合与发展。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170826/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- On the occasion of French President Emmanuel Macron’s state visit to China, Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris: ETL) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with China United Network Communications Co., Ltd. (China Unicom) that is aimed at addressing the fast-growing satellite communications market in Asia-Pacific in the framework of the “Belt and Road” initiative.http://news.eutelsat.com/pressreleases/eutelsat-and-china-unicom-join-forces-to-provide-satellite-communication-services-in-the-framework-of-the-belt-and-road-initiative-2364873
- hk
- 繼上月二十七日發生服務故障令大批用戶未能撥打電話及上網,中國聯通昨午又被投訴服務中斷,多個中聯通客戶在社交平台大呻無法撥打電話,部分人則只可接聽但無法打出,批評該公司短短兩個月內發生兩次「冧台」更大呼回水。中聯通昨晚近八時網上發出通告指出,所有服務已經恢復,對受今次故障影響的客戶表示歉意。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180401/00176_062.html
- china tower corp
- China Tower Corp, a joint venture handling the telecom tower assets of the mainland's top three mobile carriers, is expected to generate a profit this year, and it aims to go public in Hong Kong this year or in the first half of next year. Wang Xiaochu, chairman of China United Network Communications Ltd, which owns 28.1 percent of China Tower, revealed the news on Tuesday. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-05/10/content_29280173.htm
- zte
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1637716/zte-tests-waters-inflight-wi-fi-services
- 中興通訊(00763)公佈,與珠海市政府簽訂智慧珠海戰略合作框架協議,將在智慧城市、產業合作等領域展開全面合作。雙方將在諮詢、規劃、建設、運營、產業發展等領域展開全方位合作。據瞭解,中興通訊將參與智慧珠海基礎網路、雲計算大數據中心和應用平台、城市三維地理空間資訊平台、物聯感知網路等基礎設施的建設,並提供城市公共資訊服務平台、城市公共基礎數據庫、智慧政務、智慧交通、平安城市、智慧環保、智慧教育、智慧旅遊等智慧應用。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150606/PDF/b1_screen.pdf
- http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/business/chinas-zte-to-partner-with-softbank-on-pre-5g-technology-in-japan/articleshow/48014211.cms Chinese telecommunications equipment maker ZTE Corp said on Friday it has struck a deal with SoftBank Corp to deploy its "pre-5G" technology in Japan, with a commercial trial to begin early next year. TE has touted its "pre-5G" technology as providing faster speeds on 4G network. It sees it as intermediate step between current 4G technology and 5G, the next generation of networks that the wireless industry is hoping to have up and running by 2020.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150721/PDF/b3_screen.pdf中興通訊(00763)公佈,與韓國電信就5G技術研發和商業化簽署了策略性合作伙伴協定,雙方將會在首爾興建5G試驗枱,並以試驗枱作基礎,一同開發、推出及設計未來的5G網路架構。
- http://www.scmp.com/tech/article/1926401/chinas-zte-struggles-assess-potential-impact-washingtons-export-restrictions Trading of ZTE’s shares in Hong Kong remain in limbo, after China’s largest-listed telecommunications equipment manufacturer said on Thursday that its scheduled board meeting next week has been postponed. That followed Shenzhen-based ZTE’s announcement last week that it wasuncertain whether a solution can soon be reached with the United States government, which slapped the company with export restrictions over its alleged violation of longstanding trade sanctions on Iran. In a regulatory filing, ZTE chairman Hou Weigui said the company was unable to finalise its earning results for last year “pending a thorough assessment of the potential impact of the restriction measures on the business”. The board meeting to consider and approve the company’s earnings results for last year was postponed to a later date, which the board will determine, according to Hou. In January, ZTE said its preliminary estimates showed that the company achieved a 43.48 per cent increase in net profit last year to 3.78 billion yuan (US$582.44 million), up from 2.63 billion yuan in 2014, on the back of strong 4G network equipment orders and international 4G smartphone sales. It projected total revenue to have grown 23.76 per cent to 110.82 billion last year from 81.47 billion yuan in 2014.
- http://www.scmp.com/tech/enterprises/article/1933841/zte-appoints-new-chairman-management-reshuffle-amid-talks-us-lift Chinese telecommunications powerhouse ZTE has named veteran executive Zhao Xianming as its new chairman and president in a sweeping senior management revamp, which could help repair the company’s damaged reputation with the United States government. The management reshuffle saw Shi Lirong, who had been ZTE’s president since March 2010, accept a non-executive director role in the company, while founder Hou Weigui retired from the chairman’s post that he has held since February 2004. Executive vice-presidents Tian Wenguo and Qui Weizhao have also stepped down, paving the way for the promotion of other executives to senior positions, according to the company’s filing with the Hong Kong stock exchange on Tuesday.
- http://www.scmp.com/business/article/2056089/zte-buys-granton-auto-join-game-assembling-electric-buses-and-new-energy
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2016-12/24/content_27762498.htm CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd and VimpelCom Ltd selected Chinese supplier ZTE Corp to merge and manage their Italian mobile networks in a blow to Ericsson AB, which has business with both carriers.
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-zte-sanctions-idUSKBN15T0GV Chinese telecom equipment maker ZTE Corp warned on Tuesday that penalties it expects to incur for allegedly breaking U.S. sanctions against Iran could impact its results. In March, the U.S. government hit ZTE with some of the toughest-ever U.S. export restrictions for the alleged breaches. It has since issued temporary reprieves on the curbs, which are now due to take effect some time after Feb. 27.
- sanctions
- https://www.ft.com/content/a3bfb80c-4166-11e8-803a-295c97e6fd0b Britain and the US have moved against one of China’s largest telecoms equipment makers, adding to a growing list of restrictions imposed by western governments on Chinese companies on national security grounds. The measures taken against ZTE Corp, which cut it off from US suppliers and bar it entirely from doing business in the UK, come amid a particularly aggressive move by the Trump administration, which has already used the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US, a secretive national security body, to block or force changes to several Chinese-linked deals.
- ZTE Corp has sidelined two senior executives amid ongoing negotiations between the US and China over an export ban that has threatened the survival of the Chinese telecommunications equipment supplier, according to people familiar with the matter.Xu Huijun, an executive vice-president and ZTE’s chief technology officer, and Huang Dabin, who oversees corporate operations, are no longer performing their usual duties at the company, said the people, who asked not to be named as the information is private. They join Cheng Gang, who was replaced in March as chief compliance and legal officer, among executives that have been removed or reassigned in the wake of the US Commerce Department’s seven-year ban on American companies doing business with ZTE.http://www.scmp.com/tech/china-tech/article/2148213/zte-sidelines-two-more-senior-executives-amid-us-china-negotiations
- 美國《紐約時報》近日報道,中興通訊為了游說美國解除對該公司的禁售令,早前重金聘請大量前議員、議員助手甚至是特朗普競選團隊人員充當說客,向國會議員展開龐大的游說工作,最終成功獲美方解除禁令。報道指,中興在短短三個月內已在游說方面斥資一百四十萬美元(約一千零一十萬港元)。根據美國國會的游說紀錄,中興在去年全年僅花了九十六萬美元(約七百五十萬港元)的游說費用。 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180807/00178_005.html
- europe
- 中播(00471)
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170324/PDF/15_screen.pdf 中興在展會上宣布將與德國呂塞爾斯海 姆、凱爾斯特巴赫和勞恩海姆三市聯合打造 「智慧城市」。中興戰略及市場總經理徐明 說,中興展出的 「智慧城市」解決方案將助 益三市的經濟和民生。據介紹,截至目前, 中興已在全球45個國家和地區的160座城市 開展 「智慧城市」建設。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150124/PDF/b1_screen.pdf中播(00471)宣布,聯同New York Broadband LLC「NYBB」,已選定美國波音建造新一代高功率L波段移動廣播通訊衛星 「NYBBSat-1」。NYBBSat-1衛星將與目前正在運轉的 「亞洲之星」衛星配合服務,共同支持公司與中國國際廣播電台合資公司平台,向中國及亞洲地區提供移動多媒體及數據服務。
- reorganisation
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20150714/00202_029.html 繼阿里巴巴集團關聯螞蟻金服、騰訊(00700)兩大內地科網一哥涉足民營銀行業務後,近日雷軍旗下小米科技亦可能參與一家民營銀行的籌組,分析相信小米或可借手機所建立的龐大客戶群,作為拓展互聯網金融業務的籌碼。據上海A股四川和邦(603077.SH)日前公告,和邦披露正與小米、新希望及紅旗連鎖籌組民營銀行,首期註冊資本為30億元人民幣。和邦於昨日再發出更正公告,強調有關民營銀行的籌辦仍處於初步磋商階段,並指項目參與主體尚未確定。雖然小米參與投資民營銀行有待進一步確認,但小米一向積極參與網上支付等業務,市場對其參與民營銀行有極大期望。事實上,除了尋求其他互聯網應用的發展機會外,本身亦是網絡設備生產商的中興(00763)及華為亦在4.5G、準5G以至下一代5G技術下工夫。而華為除宣布協助和電香港(00215),於明年初在港推出TD、FD4G的LTE-A網絡外,華為及中興近日亦分別與日本的軟銀(Softbank)簽訂合作協議,分別為軟銀進行「TD+」及「準5G」的網絡提升,以為下一代5G服務在二○二○年商用作好準備。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2015-08/11/content_21558991.htm Xiaomi Corp is putting a "Made in India" label on its smartphones. The Beijing-based handset maker said on Monday it is selling a low-end device toIndia manufactured in that country. It is Xiaomi's first overseas manufacturingprogram. The company said it has partnered with Foxconn Technology Group tomanufacture the product. The factory is located in Sri city in Andhra Pradesh'sChitoor district, Xiaomi said, adding the location is a good source of highly skilledtechnical manpower and an enterprising population. The factory is making Redmi 2 Prime, a device to be sold at 6,999 rupees ($110).The price tag for Xiaomi's flagship device is above $480.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151109/PDF/a17_screen.pdf面對中國經濟增長放緩,智能手機銷售增速亦在 下滑,Hugo Barra表示,小米手機去年7月登陸印度 ,成為小米繼中國後的第二大市場,集團未來將增加 對東南亞市場的發展,例如早前在馬來西亞推出紅米 note 2手機,還有泰國、越南等尚未進入的市場。 研擴大拉丁美洲市場 單是今年第三季(7月至9月),小米已經在印度 售出100萬部手機。Hugo Barra指出,印度傳統手機 商例如Micromax、Lava等,在傳統線下市場非常成功 ,不過,以線上營銷的小米,改變當地傳統手機的銷 售方法。他指出,在小米進入印度市場前,當地通過 線上售賣的手機不足10%,在小米進駐後,整體線上 銷售比重升至約22%至23%。
- raising fund
- 原定成為內地首家發行中國預託證券(CDR)試點企業的小米集團,昨日突然決定推遲發行CDR。市場普遍猜測,推遲主因與定價及估值有關,其後更傳小米潛在估值跌至最低550億美元,較其保薦人及承銷團早前給予最高估值約940億美元最多下跌逾40%。消息指,推遲發行CDR暫不會影響香港上市的時間表。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20180620/00202_001.html
- nokia
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nokia-xiaomi-patents-idUSKBN19Q0G9 Telecoms network equipment maker Nokia and Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi Technology have signed a patent licensing agreement, the companies said on Wednesday. The companies did not provide financial details of the agreement, saying it includes a cross license to each company's cellular standard patents. Nokia will also provide network infrastructure equipment to Xiaomi.
satellite tv
- Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd or Phoenix Television is a Hong Kong–based, Cayman Islands registered Mandarin and Cantonese-language television broadcaster that serves the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong along with other markets with substantial Chinese viewers. It has six different television channels, including Phoenix InfoNews Channel, Phoenix Chinese Channel, Phoenix Movies Channel, and Phoenix Hong Kong Channel. Phoenix Television provides news, information, and entertainment programmes. Phoenix is one of the few private broadcasters permitted to broadcast in mainland China. he company's head office is located in Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong and it also has correspondents offices in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. The Shenzhen office is said to be responsible for one half of the TV programs' production.Phoenix started Phoenix Chinese Channel on 31 March 1996. Phoenix Satellite Television holdings Ltd is a public limited company. Shareholders include Today's Asia Ltd. with 37.5% of the company, China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited with 19.9%, Xing Kong Chuan Mei Group Co., Ltd./Fox Networks Group Asia (wholly owned by 21st Century Fox) with 17.6%, China Wise International Ltd. with 8.3% and the public with 16.7%.[8] The state controlled broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) was given a 10% interest upon the firm's founding. According to CEO Liu Changle, granting the stake to CCTV "was a symbolic gesture to show we wouldn't oppose the Communist Party.
- Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd or Phoenix Television is a Hong Kong–based, Cayman Islands registered Mandarin and Cantonese-language television broadcaster that serves the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong along with other markets with substantial Chinese viewers. It has six different television channels, including Phoenix InfoNews Channel, Phoenix Chinese Channel, Phoenix Movies Channel, and Phoenix Hong Kong Channel. Phoenix Television provides news, information, and entertainment programmes. Phoenix is one of the few private broadcasters permitted to broadcast in mainland China. he company's head office is located in Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong and it also has correspondents offices in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. The Shenzhen office is said to be responsible for one half of the TV programs' production.Phoenix started Phoenix Chinese Channel on 31 March 1996. Phoenix Satellite Television holdings Ltd is a public limited company. Shareholders include Today's Asia Ltd. with 37.5% of the company, China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited with 19.9%, Xing Kong Chuan Mei Group Co., Ltd./Fox Networks Group Asia (wholly owned by 21st Century Fox) with 17.6%, China Wise International Ltd. with 8.3% and the public with 16.7%.[8] The state controlled broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) was given a 10% interest upon the firm's founding. According to CEO Liu Changle, granting the stake to CCTV "was a symbolic gesture to show we wouldn't oppose the Communist Party.
- sina
- netdragon
Lithium battery
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2016-04/12/content_24474458.htm The country's biggest lithium carbonate manufacturer by output has seen its profits soar, driven by a growing demand for new-energy vehicles. Sichuan Tianqi Lithium Industries Inc had a net profit of 248 million yuan in 2015, up almost 90 percent from the end of 2014. Its net profit in the first three months of this year stood at nearly 288 million yuan ($38.34 million), up more than 800 percent from the same period last year, with the company attributing it to the growing demand in the lithium ion battery market. Lithium carbonate, the key raw material in the battery, has seen its prices increase by large margins as the government enhances its support for new-energy vehicles.
- Tianqi Lithium Industries,Inc., formerly Sichuan Tianqi Lithium Industries, Inc., is a China-based company principally engaged in the research, development, production and distribution of lithium products. The Company primarily provides industrial-grade lithium carbonate, battery-grade lithium carbonate and derived lithium products, among others. The Company's lithium products are mainly used in metallurgy, electronics, glass and ceramics, battery, rubber, medical treatment and other industries. The Company distributes its products in domestic and overseas markets.
- jiangxi ganfeng lithium
- Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) is a Chinese technology company founded in 2011 and specialized in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage systems, as well as battery management systems (BMS).[2] It is headquartered in Ningde, Fujian Province[3] and operates manufacturing bases in Ningde, Qinghai and Liyang. Its two main R&D centers are based in Ningde and Berlin.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20161014/00180_023.html 美國兩大網絡巨擘Google及facebook周三宣布,計劃與中國軟實力科技集團的子公司合作,投資興建一條跨太平洋的高容量海底光纖電纜,連接香港及美國西岸的洛杉磯,預計於二○一八年中完工。facebook表示,這一條新的海底光纖電纜,將會為該公司在亞洲及美國的數據中心,提供更緊密的聯繫。
- China Electronics Corp
- Tsinghua Unigroup Ltd
- sina
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-01/12/content_23040072.htm sina Sports, the online sports content division of Internet giant Sina Corp, hasreached a long-term deal with Manchester United to provide the English PremierLeague giant's video content to Chinese soccer fans. The partnership will see the club's 24-hour digital channel, MUTV, go live on SinaSports from Jan 17, becoming the first exclusive Premier League club channel tobe broadcast on the Chinese mainland. Both sides claimed the partnership would help create a new experience for soccerfans in watching and understanding the sport, and boost the English side'scommercial activities in the fast-developing Chinese sports market. Richard Arnold, United's group managing director, said the partnership would allowthe club to interact with Chinese fans in new and innovative ways. "MUTV broadcasting in China is not only a first for United, but also a first for any24-hour dedicated Premier League club channel," he said, without detailing thevalue of the deal.
- feature hkej 5dec14 a20
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1655106/tcl-communication-invest-us80m-cloud-venture-cisco
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1923473/handset-maker-tcl-yet-move-ahead-factory-investments-india-and
Handset maker TCL yet to move ahead with factory investments in India and Brazil
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-09/12/content_26766650.htm TCL Corp, the Huizhou, Guangdong-based and Shenzhen-listed company, will expand the annual production capacity of its factory in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, by 800,000 TV sets by the end of 2017, to exploit a new opportunity presented by a Eurasian railway service. The Chengdu plant's current annual capacity is 2 million TVs, which are sold mostly in northwestern and southwestern China. The planned capacity expansion would make it TCL's second-largest plant after the facility in Huizhou. "We will make Chengdu our major manufacturing base for TVs sold in Europe," said Liang Tiemin, vice-president of TCL Multimedia Technology Holdings Ltd, a Hong Kong-listed subsidiary with focus on manufacturing and distribution of TVs. So, the new components to be made in Chengdu will be transported by train to the company's plant in Zyrardow, 45 kilometers southwest of Warsaw, Poland's capital. There, they will be assembled into TVs and sold in Europe, said Liang. The Zyrardow factory is one of TCL's major plants in Europe. It is also the biggest factory set up in Poland by a Chinese company, with an annual capacity of 2.2 million TV sets. It can ship products to major European cities in just one day and far-flung areas in under four days. Liang said TCL Multimedia restructured its production to exploit the 9,800-km nonstop Chengdu-Lodz cargo route of China Railway Express, which opened in April 2013. The line runs through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus before reaching a terminal with cargo unloading facilities in Poland.
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2016-11/17/content_27409124.htm Chinese electronics giant TCL Corp, the world's third-largest TV manufacturer, has teamed up with UCLA Athletics and also has become the official TV supplier of the Rose Bowl in an effort to grow brand awareness in the United States.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/12/17/b03-1217.pdf 黑莓(BlackBerry)及TCL 通訊昨宣佈達成授權許可協議,加快推進 BlackBerry轉型為安全軟件及服務公司。根 據協議細則,BlackBerry將授權TCL通訊使 用其安全保密軟件、服務方案及其他品牌資 產;TCL通訊將為 BlackBerry流動設備提供 設計、生產、銷售,以及客戶支援服務。
- http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/news/AN_1434470739954282600/promethean-confirms-takeover-approach-from-netdragon-websoft.aspx Promethean World PLC Tuesday confirmed press speculation that it has been approached about a possible offer for the company from NetDragon WebSoft Inc. "Promethean confirms that, following an approach by NetDragon WebSoft Inc, it has been in discussions concerning a potential offer for the company," said the company. Promethean said NetDragon, which is listed on the Hong-Kong Stock Exchange, released news that was in preliminary negotiations for a potential acquisition in the education sector worth up to USD130 million. "In this context, Promethean confirms that the indicative terms proposed by NetDragon are for a cash offer for Promethean at 40.0 pence per share," said the company Tuesday. "Discussions between the companies are continuing, and there is no certainty that any offer will be forthcoming, nor as to the terms on which any offer will be made.
- NetEase, Inc. (simplified Chinese: 网易; traditional Chinese: 網易; pinyin: Wǎng Yì) is a Chinese Internet technology company providing online services centred on content, community, communications and commerce. Founded in 1997, the company was a key pioneer in the development of Internet services for China. Today, NetEase develops and operates some of China's online PC and mobile games, advertising services, e-mail services and e-commerce platforms.
- idreamsky
- huawei
- kaola.com one of its subsid
- http://www.scmp.com/tech/china-tech/article/2072699/lenovo-sap-join-forces-cloud-initiative-mainland-china
- idreamsky
- https://beta.scmp.com/tech/start-ups/article/2177879/meet-coder-turned-entrepreneur-who-introduced-angry-birds-and-fruit 36 year old former coder Michael Chen Xiangyu, who founded iDreamSky almost a decade ago in a rented apartment after years of writing code for smartphone maker Huawei, shrugged off Beijing’s crackdown as he believes his company can thrive despite the gaming freeze. iDreamSky’s current market cap of HK$6.6 billion (US$848 million) is about 25 per cent higher than what the company was worth when it was taken private two years ago – delisting from Nasdaq to inject new institutional investment from the likes of Tencent and Prometheus Capital, founded by Wang Sicong, the son of one of China’s richest men Wang Jianlin.
- huawei
- people
- 現年七十四歲的任正非經歷三段婚姻,育有三名子女,長女孟晚舟是他與首任妻子孟軍所生。有指任正非是孟家的「入贅婿」,其岳父孟東波曾任四川省副省長。孟早前曾透露自己於十六歲時改名,最初與弟弟任平都隨母姓,後來其弟改回父姓。孟晚舟於一九九三年加入華為,當時出任前台接待員,公司沒有多少人知道她是任正非的女兒。進入華為後,孟行事低調,又一直在財務系統工作,而從基層員工做起的她,先後擔任華為國際會計部總監、香港華為財務總監、銷售融資與資金管理部總裁等職位。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20181207/00176_002.html
- 任正非及孟晚舟均持香港身份證及加拿大護照,2003年至今在港掃了22個單位,單是維港灣便有18個高層單位,所有單位保守估計值三億元。若資本班師回朝,單位或劈價出售甚至變銀主盤。https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20181207/20563424
- 孟晚舟在加拿大被捕後,當地傳媒隨即「起底」指孟晚舟夫婿劉曉棕在溫哥華擁有兩幢豪宅,總值一千七百七十萬加元(約一億港元)。有記者前往其中一處物業拍門時無人應門,但鄰居證實孟晚舟居於上址。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181209/00180_002.html
- 她在加拿大被捕不但震驚中外,亦打亂華為人事部署。孟一旦出事,誰將接掌這個資產總值高達6,036億人民幣(下同,約6,865億港元)的科技王國?是孟的弟弟任平,還是同父異母的妹妹、近日突然曝光的二房獨女、正在哈佛就讀的姚安娜?恰巧的是,任正非的孻女姚安娜(Annabel Yao)近日突然曝光。她是任與第二任妻子姚玲所生。姚安娜正就讀哈佛大學計算機學系,曾在微軟實習,與賭王何鴻燊孻女何超欣份屬好友,她上月底出席一年一度巴黎名媛舞會,全球僅19人能參加。任正非現時的妻子叫蘇薇,蘇極為低調,網傳她是一名四川的80後,比孟晚舟小8歲,是成都電子科大的碩士,目前任正非在深圳的飲食起居都由蘇照顧。https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20181207/20563418
- uk
- 華為擬2億購英物聯網商http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20140924/PDF/b2_screen.pdf
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-huawei-security-britain-usa/huawei-in-british-spotlight-over-use-of-u-s-firms-software-idUSKBN1KQ001 Huawei Technologies is facing increased scrutiny in Britain because it is using an aging software component sold by a firm based in the United States, one of the countries where lawmakers allege its equipment could facilitate Chinese spying, sources told Reuters.
- 英國廣播公司前日報道,華為的「未來種子」計劃,向包括牛津、劍橋及曼徹斯特等大學投入六百萬鎊(約五千九百萬港元)資金,資助研究及贊助英國學生前往中國。有參與大學生指,項目資金充裕,而且安排得十分好。有英國國家安全專家形容這是軍工行動,憂慮影響國家安全,有議員呼籲院校接受華為的資金時要特別小心。華為與英國教育部均未回應報道。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181216/00180_005.html
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/01/29/b02-0129.pdf 國電 信(0728)LTE二期試驗網工程招標結果前日公布,由多間電訊 商瓜分工程。華為獲分配最多額度,其次是中興(0763)。 消息人士指,中電信各省分公司已陸續收到電信集團LTE 招標分配方案,諾基亞分額排名第三,中標電訊商還有上海 貝爾、愛立信。據悉,中電信本次 LTE二期試驗網工程建 設,主要覆蓋各省重點城市、重要交通幹線、旅遊風景點和 發達鄉鎮。主設備工程包括宏蜂窩基站、BBU+ RRU、 OMC-R等網元。
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/658d8d04-b4f4-11e4-8362-00144feab7de.html Huawei has recruited former BP chief executive Lord Browne to head a UK board of directors that will oversee British operations in the latest attempt by the Chinese technology group to dispel international concerns over its corporate governance. Lord Browne of Madingley will become the first independent chairman of Huawei’s UK business. Dame Helen Alexander, chairman of UBM and former president of the Confederation of British Industry, and Sir Andrew Cahn, the former head of UK Trade & Investment, will also serve as non-executive directors to the board.
- feature article http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160106/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160322/PDF/a11_screen.pdf 據中國證券網、每日經濟新聞報道:繼蘋果、三星進入中國之後,國產NFC移動支付開始發力。21日中國銀聯和華為公司聯合宣布,雙方就延續移動支付業務合作關係達成共識,共同推廣華為移動設備上基於安全芯片的Huawei Pay服務,為銀聯持卡人帶來更便捷、安全的移動支付體驗,進一步擴展銀聯雲閃付品牌的用户覆蓋面。 銀聯與華為合作,銀聯卡持卡人將可在擁有Huawei Pay功能的手機上,安全的管理和使用銀聯卡。今後,華為手機用户在移動設備上可使用銀聯卡進行驗證並激活完成“空中髮卡”,即可享受銀聯“雲閃付”的線下非接支付和線上遠程支付兩項主要支付功能。 據悉,Huawei Pay與眾多銀聯“雲閃付”產品一樣,都採用了國際領先的支付標記化(Token)科技,依託銀聯和商業銀行的可信服務管理平台,在通過相關監管機構的安全審查與檢測認證後,很快就將為用户帶來安全與便捷完美平衡的“雲閃付”移動支付體驗。
- https://www.chinamoneynetwork.com/2016/05/09/apple-is-paying-chinas-huawei-for-patent-licensing
- 踏入今年,配合大遷徙,華為內部傳言指公司會分配福利房畀東莞松山湖新基地嘅3萬名員工,每平方米只賣8,500人仔,低過市場價70%,仲送埋精美裝修!按照規定,東莞福利房前5年係租賃,期滿後由員工購買(員工擁有完整產權),購買5年後先可以轉讓,即係話總共10年後先可以轉手。講真,深圳呢幾年樓價暴漲,人力同土地等成本都愈來愈高,迫到華為搬去東莞。華為內部消息指,除咗華為手機研發會留喺深圳,無線部分、華為大學、研發中心、中試中心等都要搬晒去東莞松山湖華為基地。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20180111/00202_037.html
- public cloud
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-huawei-cloud-idUSKBN17D19Q
Chinese telecoms equipment and smartphone maker Huawei Technologies Co Ltd [HWT.UL] on Tuesday said it aims to compete with Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA.N) as a global provider of public cloud services.
The Shenzhen-based firm, which last month reported its slowest profit growth in five years, said it will expand in cloud computing with a dedicated division that will recruit 2,000 more people this year.
- usa
- 內地媒體引述消息指,華為將與美國半導體廠商Nvidia展開合作,在人工智能、機械學習和深度學習方面共同構建公有雲AI平台。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/09/06/b04-0906.pdf
- canada
- https://beta.scmp.com/tech/article/2182924/canadian-telco-telus-backs-chinas-huawei-viable-and-reliable
- europe
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/lifeandart/2016-10/25/content_15515526.html Huawei earns Europe's trust with excellence in high-tech
- Nokia has signed a multi-year smartphone patent license deal with China’s Huawei [HWT.UL] -- its arch rival in the networks business -- giving it royalty agreements with all of the world’s largest handset makers.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nokia-huawei-tech/huawei-gives-nokia-full-hand-of-smartphone-patent-deals-idUSKBN1EF0UT
- czech republic
- 捷克總理巴比什周二下令,將禁止其辦公室人員使用華為手機;該國工業及貿易部隨後表示會跟從總理的決定,並且指其他政府部門亦可能跟隨。此前,捷克國家網絡及訊息安全局曾警告,使用華為及中興的通訊設備可能構成安全威脅。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181220/00180_005.html
- poland
- 波蘭國家安全部門周五(11日)公布,華為在當地的中國籍高層王偉晶因涉與中國情報部門有關並從事間諜活動,與另一波蘭公民被捕,一旦罪成可判囚十年。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190112/00180_001.html
- africa
- Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, the world's third-largest smartphone maker, will build its first dedicated warehouse for Africa in Johannesburg, in its latest move to meet the rising demand from local consumers. Zhao Likun, vice-president of Huawei Consumer Business Group South Africa, said the warehouse in South Africa will greatly shorten the time needed to deliver handsets and improve customer satisfaction. Huawei is seeing rapid and continued growth in South Africa, with its smartphone market share now reaching almost 10 percent, Zhao added. Currently, it takes around three weeks to deliver Huawei's stock from China to South African retail stores. Once the new warehouse, located in the free trade zone of OR Tambo International Airport, is completed, the process will be shortened to three days.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201807/13/WS5b47fe2fa310796df4df6397.html
- hk
- 楊偉雄指,近兩年政府部門採購190項華為產品,總開支約176萬元;今次是港府首次披露採購清單,但當局無詳列有關產品類別、哪個部門採用及購入年份等。 https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20190117/20593089
- 和電香港(00215)旗下3香港宣布,與華為在核心網絡基建及無線電接入技術加強合作,透過打造電訊雲,把3G及4G核心網雲端化。根據合作協議,雙方將針對無線電發射站流動管理,把3G及4G流動管理系統雲端化,在開放式及建基於網絡功能虛擬化(NFV)的雲端化基建下,靈活調配網絡資源。胡超文預期,有關項目預期2019年首季完成,實現核心網絡全球化。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180626/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- 香港電訊(6823)與華為昨日宣佈,攜手成立的數碼轉型實踐中心(Digital Transformation Practice Center)開幕。數碼轉型實踐中心坐落香港,目標是分享香港電訊在其業務數碼轉型過程的經驗與實踐,及協助其他通訊商發展數碼轉型的數碼進程。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/09/05/b02-0905.pdf
- 香港科技大學與華為技術公司11日達成戰略合作,促進高影響力研究,及進一步提升大學的學術水平。透過是次協作,華為將於三年內合共資助九百萬美元予科大,以協助科大聘任來自不同學科的頂尖學者,及為高影響力研究成立種子基金。這是華為首個聚焦在研究及人才培育範疇上的合作。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190113/PDF/a3_screen.pdf
- 5g
- 陸慷表示,中方迄今未聞哪個國家因跟華為合作產生安全問題,現已有二十多個國家與華為簽署5G商用合約,華為值得信賴,其越加得到國際夥伴信任的例子不勝枚舉。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181211/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181224/00178_006.html英國第二大電訊商O2決定在新年期間,按原計劃試用華為5G設備。捷克國家安全委員會亦澄清,該國並未下令政府部門禁用華為手機。
- sabrina meng case
- 文件顯示,華為在二○○九至二○一四年透過在香港公司Skycom與伊朗交易,孟涉誤導美國的銀行,指華為與Skycom是兩家不同的企業,並反駁稱華為於二○○九年已出售Skycom。檢方指有證據顯示Skycom的員工使用華為的電郵地址,管理層也是華為員工,銀行紀錄亦將兩家公司聯繫一起,認為華為透過Skycom,掩飾與被美國制裁的國家做生意。美國司法部亦指控孟透過Skycom,向伊朗出售被禁入口的通訊裝置。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181209/00180_001.html; 對於華為被指透過香港公司Skycom Tech與伊朗交易,本報記者翻查公司註冊處資料發現,該公司的中文名稱為星通技術有限公司,於一九九六年五月成立,董事為一名姓胡的人士,已於去年十一月清盤。 資料顯示,Skycom原本由一間於毛里裘斯註冊的公司擁有全部股份,註冊辦事處位於尖沙咀柯士甸道一座商業大廈的九樓。記者現場所見,上址現為一間秘書公司,周末未見有人上班工作。有英國媒體指,Skycom是華為的非官方子公司,專門為突破美國對伊朗的制裁而設,又指孟晚舟曾是該公司的董事會成員,而該公司的員工會使用華為名義的電郵,以及佩戴華為員工證。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181209/00180_003.html
- 英國《泰晤士報》周六指控華為近年捐款影響當地政界,包括向國會議員、保守黨及自由民主黨捐款,又資助政客前往中國內地及香港,總數逾二十萬鎊;華為近年三十五次與英國大臣會面,其代表又曾獲首相文翠珊及其前任卡梅倫接見。華為回應指,公司一向透明處理游說行動,強調從未向任何政府或相關機構提供市民或民間組織的資訊。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181209/00180_004.html
- ?? german company? debrouillage support huawei's cause and 5g plan wenwei 13dec18
- 法庭文件顯示,華為於二○○九年全數售出所持的星通股份,孟晚舟亦於同年離開星通的董事會。新文件顯示,星通股份已於二○○七年全數轉讓予一間毛里裘斯註冊的離岸公司Canicula Holdings Limited,該公司其後持有星通的股份近十年。據另一份星通在伊朗的公司文件顯示,華為高級管理人員已被任命為星通的伊朗經理;而且至少有三名中國人,同時擁有華為和星通在伊朗銀行戶口的簽署權。報道又引述一名中東律師稱,華為通過Canicula在敍利亞開展業務。報道指,新的文件揭露華為與兩家公司之間的關係,可能會影響美國對孟晚舟訴訟的態度。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190110/00178_003.html
Lithium battery
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2016-04/12/content_24474458.htm The country's biggest lithium carbonate manufacturer by output has seen its profits soar, driven by a growing demand for new-energy vehicles. Sichuan Tianqi Lithium Industries Inc had a net profit of 248 million yuan in 2015, up almost 90 percent from the end of 2014. Its net profit in the first three months of this year stood at nearly 288 million yuan ($38.34 million), up more than 800 percent from the same period last year, with the company attributing it to the growing demand in the lithium ion battery market. Lithium carbonate, the key raw material in the battery, has seen its prices increase by large margins as the government enhances its support for new-energy vehicles.
- Tianqi Lithium Industries,Inc., formerly Sichuan Tianqi Lithium Industries, Inc., is a China-based company principally engaged in the research, development, production and distribution of lithium products. The Company primarily provides industrial-grade lithium carbonate, battery-grade lithium carbonate and derived lithium products, among others. The Company's lithium products are mainly used in metallurgy, electronics, glass and ceramics, battery, rubber, medical treatment and other industries. The Company distributes its products in domestic and overseas markets.
- jiangxi ganfeng lithium
- Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) is a Chinese technology company founded in 2011 and specialized in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage systems, as well as battery management systems (BMS).[2] It is headquartered in Ningde, Fujian Province[3] and operates manufacturing bases in Ningde, Qinghai and Liyang. Its two main R&D centers are based in Ningde and Berlin.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/14/WS5aa88351a3106e7dcc1418bd.html Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd, China's leading automotive battery maker, has purchased a more than 90 percent stake in a lithium company based in Canada, in a move to secure supplies of the key raw material. The Fujian province-based company has also been preparing for an initial public offering, which, if successful, could make it the world's largest automotive battery maker by 2020. Contemporary Amperex acquired 36.6 million shares of North American Lithium Inc from Jilin Jien Nickel Industry, according to a Jien statement. The deal was undertaken by CATL's Canadian subsidiary.
- Charm Communication http://ir.charmgroup.cn/
中国广视索福瑞媒介研究有限责任公司- CSM是CTR市场研究与Kantar Media共同建立的合资公司,致力于专业的电视收视和广播收听市场研究,为中国大陆地区和香港传媒行业提供可靠的、不间断的视听调查服务。- Charm Communication http://ir.charmgroup.cn/
- organised the world cup activity for lsnp in causeway bay
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20161014/00180_023.html 美國兩大網絡巨擘Google及facebook周三宣布,計劃與中國軟實力科技集團的子公司合作,投資興建一條跨太平洋的高容量海底光纖電纜,連接香港及美國西岸的洛杉磯,預計於二○一八年中完工。facebook表示,這一條新的海底光纖電纜,將會為該公司在亞洲及美國的數據中心,提供更緊密的聯繫。
- China Electronics Corp
- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-17/china-electronics-corp-said-in-talks-to-acquire-chipmaker-atmel China Electronics Corp., the nation’s largest state-owned information technology company, is in preliminary talks to acquire U.S.-based Atmel Corp., people with knowledge of the process said. CEC is discussing a bid for Atmel, a maker of chips used in industrial machinery and cars, at about $8.50 a share and the two sides are negotiating, said the people, who asked not to be identified as the information is private. Atmel closed at $8.18 in New York trading Wednesday, down from a high of $10.44 in June, giving the San Jose, California-based company a market value of about $3.4 billion. There’s no guarantee a deal will get done, and talks may still fall apart. The thin premium being discussed and regulatory scrutiny that would come with a Chinese buyer raise the risks that a deal won’t materialize, according to one of the people familiar with the situation. A combination of CEC with Atmel would probably be subject to approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S., the person said. There is also the possibility that other suitors could emerge and an agreement could be reached with a different company.
- Tsinghua Unigroup Ltd
- http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/16/us-china-tsinghua-m-a-idUSKCN0T50DU20151116 China's Tsinghua Unigroup Ltd plans to invest 300 billion yuan ($47 billion) over the next five years in a bid to become the world's third-biggest chipmaker, the chairman of the state-backed technology conglomerate said on Monday. Chairman Zhao Weiguo also told Reuters in an interview in Beijing that the company controlled by Tsinghua University, which counts President Xi Jinping among its alumni, was in talks with a U.S.-based company involved in the chip industry. A deal could be finalized as early as the end of this month, he said. He declined to give more details but said buying a majority stake was unlikely as it was too "sensitive" for the U.S. government.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2017-03/29/content_28715672.htm Beijing-based chip company Tsinghua Unigroup Ltd signed deals on Tuesday that would grant it up to 150 billion yuan ($21.8 billion) in financing, enabling it to champion the country's efforts to develop homegrown chips. The deals are expected to give the State-owned technology group enough cash to fulfill its grand ambitions in the semiconductor sector, as it makes haste to join the ranks of global giants such as Intel Corp, Qualcomm Inc and Samsung Electronics Co. China Development Bank agreed to provide financing of up to 100 billion yuan from 2016 to 2020, Tsinghua Unigroup said on its official website.
- https://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/2170440/shenzhen-government-takes-control-chinas-leading-chip-maker China’s Tsinghua University will reduce its stake in the mainland’s leading chip maker Tsinghua Unigroup amid a central government campaign to downsize the billions of dollars of corporate assets owned by public universities.
- 华大基因,原名北京华大基因研究中心,是中国的一家基因组测序中心[1]。该机构成立于1999年,先后完成了国际人类基因组计划[2]“中国部分”(1%,承担其中绝大部分工作)、国际人类基因组单体型图计划(10%)、第一个亚洲人基因组图谱(“炎黄一号”)[3]、水稻基因组计划、大熊猫基因组计划[4]等多项具有国际先进水平的基因组研究工作。1999年9月9日,华大基因因參與「1%人类基因组计划」而诞生。該計畫自1990年即已启动,2003年完成。2002年至2005年,參與国际人类单体型图谱计划(中国承担10%),2007年至2008年,參與第一个亚洲人基因组图谱(中国承担100%)。2007年至2010年,中英启动,美国参与千人基因组计划。2009年至2010年,參與中欧合作人类肠道菌群研究。2011年起,參與百万基因组计划,將持續至2020年。华大基因坚持“以任务带学科、带产业、带人才”,先后完成了国际人类基因组计划“中国部分”(1%)、国际人类单体型图计划(10%)、水稻基因组计划、家蚕基因组计划、家鸡基因组计划、抗SARS研究、炎黄一号等多项具有国际先进水平的科研工作,在《Nature》和《Science》等国际一流的杂志上发表多篇论文,为中国和世界基因组科学的发展做出了突出贡献,奠定了中国基因组科学在国际上的领先地位。2015年12月18日,证监会公布华大基因拟创业板上市《申报稿》,该公司上市保荐券商为中信证券(600030)。2016年2月23日BGI宣布在阿里云计算平台部署的服务产品BGI Online国内beta版本正式上线。
- hk, macau and taiwan2010年7月, 香港华大正式成立。
- 2009年3月,与香港中文大学合作成立“中•华基因组研究中心”,开展了广泛的科研合作与交流。2012年3月16日, 澳门科技大学与华大基因签署了建立“联合实验室”的合作协议。2014年初,香港華大與台灣基康(GeneHealth)簽訂合作協定,將服務範圍擴及到台灣地區。並於2014年3月8日的台灣婦產科醫學會(103年度年會暨擴大學術研討會),正式公開宣告透過台灣基康(GeneHealth),對台灣地區的孕婦提供非侵入性胎兒染色體基因檢測(英語:Non-Invasive Fetal Trisomy test;NIFTY/Non-Invasive Prenatal Test;NIPT)的服務項目。2017年3月,華大基因獨家技術授權台灣基康(GeneHealth)成立NGS基因定序實驗室,投放全亞太地區(中國大陸以外)第一部BGISEQ-500次世代基因定序系統落戶台灣。[5]同時,宣布與台灣的鴻海集團攜手合作組成抗癌大聯盟,並將BGISEQ-50基因定序儀委託鴻海集團旗下的富士康科技代工生產,展開全面性的合作。
- 中國民營航天公司「零壹空間」(OneSpace)宣布,將在重慶投資近三億元人民幣打造內地首個民營航天火箭製造基地,該項目已獲重慶市政府列入「十三五」軍民融合重點項目。零壹空間指,已在兩江新區完成基地的選址和方案設計,其研發的「信使」系列火箭計劃明年首飛。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170528/00178_010.html
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