- 16aug17 ministry of finance announced 關於開展供應鏈體系建設工作的通知
- 5oct17 state council announced 關於積極推進供應鏈創新發展出台指導性文件
- 国务院办公厅日前印发《关于进一步推进物流降本增效促进实体经济发展的意见》(以下简称《意见》),部署推进物流降本增效有关工作,着力营造物流业发展良好环境,提升物流业发展水准,促进实体经济发展。意见提出,加大降税清费力度,切实减轻企业负担。《意见》从七个方面提出了27项具体措施,其中包括提出加大降税清费力度,切实减轻企业负担。意见要求,完善物流领域相关税收政策。结合增值税立法,统筹研究统一物流各环节增值税税率。加大工作力度,2017年年内完善交通运输业个体纳税人异地代开增值税发票管理制度。全面落实物流企业大宗商品仓储设施用地城镇土地使用税减半徵收优惠政策。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170818/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- 國家發改委與交通部近日聯合發布《國家物流樞紐布局和建設規劃》,規劃建設212個國家物流樞紐,分六種類型,包括41個陸港型、30個港口型、23個空港型、47個生產服務型、55個商貿服務型和16個陸上邊境口岸型國家物流樞紐。北京多位專家26日告訴大公報,打造樞紐經濟將為中國經濟增長提供新的動力源,特別是將與大灣區經濟交相輝映,形成互動效應,而粵港澳大灣區更有潛力在中國大樞紐經濟的總體格局中扮演引領者角色。按照《規劃》,依據區域經濟總量、產業空間布局、基礎設施聯通度和人口分布等,統籌考慮國家重大戰略實施、區域經濟發展、產業結構優化升級等需要,結合「十縱十橫」交通運輸通道和國內物流大通道基本格局,選擇127個具備一定基礎條件的城市作為國家物流樞紐承載城市。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181227/PDF/a4_screen.pdf
- on 4mar1987, state council released a plan to reform china's civil aviation system, ending the monopoly of civil aviation administration of china china daily 4mar19
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1946614/china-open-lower-airspace
- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-14/coming-soon-wechat-at-35-000-feet-as-china-to-ease-mobile-rules
- private investment
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201809/10/WS5b960081a31033b4f46552c6.html China recently published a list of 28 civil aviation projects open to private investments, which could entail investments worth 110 billion yuan ($16.13 billion). The move is expected to attract considerable interest from private investors, industry insiders said. Private sector participation will likely further boost efficiency in the implementation of aviation projects and quicken growth of the sector, experts said. The 28 projects cover both traditional areas and some emerging segments. Among traditional niches are airport construction, cargo logistics, plane maintenance, and air rescue. The new areas include drone delivery and airborne data communications, according to the list released by the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the National Development and Reform Commission in late August. The move will optimize the investment structure of the civil aviation sector, advance the supply-side structural reform and enable high-quality development of the sector, according to the statement of the CAAC. In traditional areas, the measure will revitalize the market and improve corporate management. In emerging areas, it will accelerate the speed of research and development, the setting of industry standards and the expansion of markets, the statement said.
- 臨空經濟示範區
- 在國務院發布《關於臨空經濟示範區建設 發展的指導意見》後,去年底以來國內多 個城市獲批建設臨空經濟示範區。近日, 國家發展改革委、國家民航局正式同意廣 州設立臨空經濟示範區。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170105/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- 中国民航局近日发布《中国民用航空发展第十三个五年规划》,描绘了到2020年民航产业发展蓝图,并提出系列目标。“十三五”期间全国续建、新建机场项目74个,梳理发现,除北京、成都、阿拉善左旗等地已有机场投入使用外,其他多数城市都还没有民用机场。《规划》提出了六个主要目标http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170219/PDF/a11_screen.pdf
- http://www.ecns.cn/2017/03-01/247388.shtml Guangzhou airport is planning to deploy an electronic security network that can automatically fend off drones, which have recently been entering commercial airspace and disrupting flight schedules. The system, which is scheduled to be launched before the end of this year, employs technologies that interrupt drones' flight control systems, said Huang Hao, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Co.
- country's courts build reputation in maritime disputes http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2014-09/03/content_18540208.htm
- http://english.gov.cn/state_council/ministries/2016/12/30/content_281475528641007.htm In the next five years, China will invest 3.5 trillion yuan ($503 billion) to accelerate railway construction, including expansion of the country’s high-speed rail network to 30,000 kilometers, a senior official said on Dec 29. “By 2020, more than 80 percent of China’s major cities will be connected by high-speed railways,” said Yang Yudong, vice-minister of transportation. China released a white paper titled “Development of China’s Transport” on Dec 29, which Hu Kaihong, director of the State Council Information Office’s Press Bureau, said is the first white paper to review the sector’s tremendous changes in recent decades and to set goals for its future.
- private ownership
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-07/31/content_15298119.html China will fully open its railway sector to private investment, the nation’s top economic planner said on Thursday, as part of the government’s efforts to boost the slowing economy. Private capital will be encouraged to participate in the construction and operation of railways through joint ventures and sole ownership with a focus on inter-city railways, suburban corridors and feeder lines, the National Development and Reform Commission said in a statement. It also said private investors will be allowed to operate the transportation services of the freight network and the “going global” projects of railway networks to ease bottlenecks in the railway sector. “Railways are a major part of the transportation infrastructure construction sector, helping stabilize the country’s economy and adjust its structure. Attracting social investment will play a key role in deepening reforms in railway investment and financing and in accelerating the construction of the railway network,” the NDRC said.
- standard
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2014-12/24/content_19153397.htm China has released its first design specification standards for high-speed railways, which experts say will help improve safety and boost exports. The standards, drawn up and published by the National Railway Administration, govern nearly 20 fields involved in the design and construction of lines for bullet trains running at 250 to 350 km per hour. "These specifications are fundamental and important technical requirements," the railway administration said in a statement. "They will provide a systematic technical foundation for the nation's development of its high-speed railway network and its efforts to export high-speed railway technologies and products." The standards, which take effect on Feb 1, place the top priority on safety, stipulating that only multiple-unit trains, rather than traditional push-pull ones, can run on high-speed lines, the administration said.
- China to liberalise the courier sector HKET 25sept14, express delivery sector opens up http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2014-09/25/content_18657570.htm, http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201409/0925/HA12925CZXX.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1672838/beijing-opens-logistics-market-further-foreign-players FedEx has won approval to operate in 20 more mainland cities and three other foreign couriers have been granted licences to operate on the mainland, as Beijing further loosens its grip on the booming logistics market. Japan's Yamato Transport, Britain's Overseas Courier Service and Hong Kong-based Kerry Logistics are permitted to deliver packages on the mainland, the first time that such consent has been given to foreign companies since 2012, the State Post Bureau said on its website yesterday. They join US-based FedEx and United Parcel Service as the five foreign licensees now in the market. FedEx's expanded network covers 68 mainland cities. The bureau's decision follows a State Council pledge in September to open up the express parcel delivery market to foreign firms, in a bid to force domestic companies to improve services. The foreign operators remain excluded from mail dispatch, which is dominated by state-run China Post. The firm chalked up 14.5 billion yuan (HK$18.3 billion) in revenue in 2013 from delivering mail nationwide, its annual report shows.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2016-12/12/content_27638557.htm Discussed stake cap lift applies only to international car parts manufacturers. China has made no change to the controversial stake cap applied to foreign automakers in itslatest investment guidance, but analysts said this might not be a bad thing, at least for now. The policy, which was first released in 1994, stipulates that all foreign automakers and spare-parts producers that want to localize production in China must establish joint ventures, inwhich their stake must not exceed 50 percent. A faint sign of change emerged in June, when Xu Shaoshi, minister of the NationalDevelopment and Reform Commission, said that China was looking into lifting the stake cap. One month later, the State Council, China's cabinet, introduced a pilot policy to allow somekinds of auto-parts producers in several free trade zones to localize production withoutestablishing joint ventures. Now the move has been extended nationwide in the new guidance issued on Dec 7 to seekpublic opinions, while the stake cap for automakers remains unchanged.
- advanced driving systems
- 工信部九月廿五日一口氣刊發三份《國家車聯網產業標準體系建設指南》的徵求意見稿,其中「總體要求」開宗明義表示要加緊制訂先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)、5G V2X、車載電子產品及無線通訊等技術的相關標準,期望二○二○年基本建成車聯網產業的國家標準。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20171004/00202_013.html
Car import
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/motoring/2016-10/15/content_27069779.htm The government will expand a pilot program to diversify vehicle import channels toboost domestic consumption and will improve the service sector, the State Councildecided on Friday at an executive meeting. The traditional model for car imports relies on dealers authorized by foreign carmanufacturers and registered with China's industry and commerce departments.As a result, foreign carmakers used to hold sway over prices, making imports moreexpensive than in other countries.
But in October 2014, China agreed to let dealers import cars directly from abroad,either through carmakers or their foreign counterparts, under a new model knownas "vehicle parallel import". These dealers don't have to be registered with industry and commerce authoritiesfor imports. The new model is expected to benefit domestic car buyers, since dealers can sell atlower prices because they will have new channels to import cars of a wider rangeof brands. "Buyers will be happy to hear about the decision, which will allow them to buyimported cars at lower prices," said Hu Yaowen, a 38-year-old automobile dealer inHefei, capital of Anhui province. The program will be expanded to more provinces, municipalities and autonomousregions across the country, according to a statement released after the StateCouncil executive meeting, presided over by Premier Li Keqiang. In February last year, "parallel-import" cars were already available to domesticbuyers, after the Shanghai Free Trade Zone initiated the pilot program, allowing thefirst group of 17 companies to engage in such business. Four other cities - Tianjin, Xiamen in Fujian province and Shenzhen and Guangzhouin Guangdong province - followed suit with the program.
- https://www.ft.com/content/5118c39a-67ba-11e7-8526-7b38dcaef614 While China’s insatiable appetite for luxury goods has been a boon for Bordeaux vintners and Swiss watchmakers, carmakers such as McLaren and Lamborghini are finding it impossible to export into the world’s largest car market. So-called “small-volume manufacturers” that make tiny batches of high-end vehicles had been exempt from Chinese environmental rules that measure whether engines meet emissions limits after clocking up 160,000km. But a rule change quietly imposed when a new Clean Air Act came into effect in March removed the special dispensation, allowed because most super cars are typically driven about 5,000km a year, leaving manufacturers including Aston Martin and Morgan Motor Company “blindsided”.
petrol and diesel cars
- https://www.ft.com/content/d3bcc6f2-95f0-11e7-a652-cde3f882dd7b A growing movement to eventually ban combustion engine cars has received a boost with a statement from China — the world’s largest car market — that it is studying such a move. Comments by a senior government official published on Sunday signalled that China might soon join the UK and France. Both countries recently announced they would prohibit the production of diesel and petrol cars by 2040.
new energy vehicle
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160225/PDF/a19_screen.pdf 中國國務院總 理李克強24日在北京主持召開國務院常務會議,確定 進一步支持新能源汽車產業的措施,例如加快充電基 礎設施建設,擴大城市公交、出租車、環衛、物流等 領域新能源汽車應用比例等,以結構優化推動綠色發 展。 會議指出,近兩年來,在國家政策引導和各方努 力下,中國新能源汽車在研發推廣、技術水平等方面 取得明顯成效,產銷快速增長。下一步,要堅持市場 導向和創新驅動,依託大眾創業、萬眾創新,努力攻 克核心技術,打破瓶頸制約,加速新能源汽車發展步 伐。http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/a55e7d36-db8a-11e5-a72f-1e7744c66818.html premier Li Keqiang vowed to “step up support” for the electric vehicle industry at a meeting of the State Council on Wednesday by shifting funds from supporting EV production to rewarding companies that produce new technologies and hit sales targets, according to the government website.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/motoring/2016-09/26/content_26895206.htmChina is considering introducing a dual-credit scheme for gasoline cars' fuel consumption andnew energy vehicle production. Experts believe that this will help to boost the new energysector's development now that the government is gradually cutting subsidies. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the information on Thursday toseek public opinion. According to the scheme, automakers in China will be assessed againstthe country's fuel consumption demands. Meanwhile, those who produce more than 50,000cars a year will be examined in terms of new energy vehicle production. Those who fail tomeet the goals will have to buy credits from other automakers or be fined.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-12/02/content_27544973.htm China
began a pilot program to issue special license plates for new energy
vehicles in five cities on Thursday, in an effort to promote such
vehicles and relieve pressure on energy use and the environment. In
addition to Shanghai, the eastern cities of Nanjing and Wuxi, Jiangsu
province, and Jinan, Shandong province, as well as the southern city of
Shenzhen, Guangdong province, have been chosen as pilot regions where
people can apply for license plates exclusively for their new energy
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-autos-subsidies-idUSKBN14A096 China will raise technical requirements for green energy cars to receive subsidies and make awards retroactive rather than at the time of purchase, as it tries to rein in widespread cheating by automakers uncovered earlier this year.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/motoring/2017-02/13/content_28178788.htm China is introducing more players into its fledging new energy vehicle sector, a move that analysts believe will help to encourage further competition and fuel the segment's growth. On Feb 7, the National Development and Reform Commission released two documents via its website, revealing its approval in late January of two plants to be built by Yudo Auto in Fujian province and National New Electric Vehicle in Tianjin.
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-autos-subsidies-idUSKBN14A096 China will raise technical requirements for green energy cars to receive subsidies and make awards retroactive rather than at the time of purchase, as it tries to rein in widespread cheating by automakers uncovered earlier this year.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/motoring/2017-02/13/content_28178788.htm China is introducing more players into its fledging new energy vehicle sector, a move that analysts believe will help to encourage further competition and fuel the segment's growth. On Feb 7, the National Development and Reform Commission released two documents via its website, revealing its approval in late January of two plants to be built by Yudo Auto in Fujian province and National New Electric Vehicle in Tianjin.
- https://www.ft.com/content/adb80896-1462-11e7-80f4-13e067d5072c Foreign
investors have cast doubt on public assurances from the Chinese
government that carmakers are not required to give up sensitive electric
vehicle technology in exchange for access to China’s market. Under a
law introduced on January 7, joint ventures must demonstrate that they
have mastered the complete technology for “new energy vehicles” (NEVs)
before they receive permission to produce them.
This prompted complaints from foreign investors that the rules violated
World Trade Organisation rules against forced transfer of technology.
The law was also featured in a prominent report by the European Union
Chamber of Commerce in Beijing. The EU Chamber study, released on March
7, criticised China’s industrial policy as unfairly discriminating
against foreign companies. It singled out the new law, which it said
would require foreign manufacturers to disclose and transfer critical
know-how, such as software codes, to their joint venture partners.
- Carmakers grapple with China’s electric vehicle drive ft 1may17-http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-08/14/content_30575237.htm China will issue special license plates for new energy vehicles in every city nationwide, following the success of a pilot program in five cities, in an effort to relieve pressure on energy use and protect the environment, the Ministry of Public Security announced on Sunday.
- 新能源车免徵购置税政策获续期三年。中国财政部、税务总局、工信部等四部门日前联合发布公告称,自2018年1月1日至2020年12月31日,对购置的新能源汽车免徵车辆购置税。 公告称,对免徵车辆购置税的新能源汽车,通过发布《免徵车辆购置税的新能源汽车车型目录》(简称《目录》)实施管理。2017年12月31日之前已列入《目录》的新能源汽车,对其免徵车辆购置税政策继续有效。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171228/PDF/b4_screen.pdf
self driving vehicle
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201712/19/WS5a384f73a3108bc8c6735825.html China's first guideline on road tests of autonomous motor vehicles was released on Monday by local authorities in Beijing, signaling the country's determination to accelerate the development of the technology. The guideline, compiled by the city's transport commission, public security bureau and economy and information technology commission, applies to independent entities registered in China.
- 昨日,騰訊獲得深圳首張無人駕駛測試牌照,並與深圳市交委、交警、深圳市城市規劃研究中心簽訂四方智慧交通戰略合作框架協議,共同推動交通大數據、無人駕駛等跨界交通創新發展。測試車輛的車牌「粵B9K60試」為該台車所專有,可以在深圳市指定路段進行公開測試上路。騰訊公司副總裁鍾翔平表示,後續還會在其他城市申請相關牌照,且有計劃合作成立專門的網聯汽車類公司。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/15/a15-0515.pdf
second hand vehicle
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/motoring/2017-04/10/content_28857391.htm The ministries of commerce, public security and environmental protection released a notice in March, urging local governments to remove trade barriers on used cars and demanding they report how the job will be done before April 14. It is the latest and harshest decree from the central government since the State Council released a guideline in March 2016 instructing local governments to lift any limitations on the flow of used cars between provinces.
- 2016上海國際遊艇展將於今日(7日)揭幕,展會規模涉獵100個國家和地區。各大國際品牌更將此作為進入中國市場的契機,據指期間將舉辦多達38場新品首發會。此外,本次展會還將新設公務艇展區。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/04/07/a16-0407.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/03/13/a12-0313.pdf 交通運輸部部長楊傳堂昨日透 露,包含 28條的出租車改革方案即將出 台。對於高速超載超限現象,他建議提高 罰款標準,並定罪入刑。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/03/13/a13-0313.pdf 的 士 行 業 的 壟 斷 問 題,多年來 飽受爭議。 張國華向本 報指出,這主要是由於的士行業實現 的數量管制造成牌照稀缺,同時牌照 發放在大部分地區都來自行政審批, 其流程及決策皆不夠透明,這造成了 的士牌照難以獲取。在內地許多地 方,的士牌照都被炒到了幾十萬(人 民幣,下同)的高價,這就形成了的 士公司僅通過運營牌照即可獲取高額 利潤的畸形行業特徵。 張國華說,目前,中國的的士管制 有數量管制、價格管制及質量管制三 類。首先,地方政府通過發放的士運 營許可證(即俗稱的「的士牌照」) 對地方的的士數量進行限制。其次, 政府通過制定的士價格標準對的士進 行價格管制。最後,通過《出租汽車 經營服務管理規定》及各地方的相關 法規對的士的服務質量進行管制。張 國華還表示,一方面由於這一行業的 自身特性,決定了的士行業存在「市 場失靈」,無法通過市場這隻「看不 見的手」自行實現資源最優配置;另 一方面,在《城市公共交通分類標準 (CJJ/T114—2007)》中,「出租汽 車」與「常規公共汽車」、「地鐵系 統」並列,屬於「城市道路公共交 通」大類下的一個中類。通常,的士 被認為是城市公共交通中的輔助公共 交通系統。因此,管制也是出於保障 和監督服務質。對於的士改革,交通運輸部部長楊傳堂 在兩會期間回應稱,交通運輸部已經對此 進行了三輪的深入調研,黨組研究意見已 經完成。主體的思路是,將使用者、經營 者、互聯網企業等多種主體的利益協調 好,用一個最大的公約數,使得的士管理 走向正確軌道。「如果進展順利的話,今 年上半年就有可能公佈改革方案」。
- 交通運輸部深化出租汽車改革專題發佈會昨日發佈了《關於深化改革進一步推進出租汽車行業健康發展的指導意見(徵求意見稿)》和《網絡預約出租汽車經營服務管理暫行辦法(徵求意見稿)》,進行一個月的公開徵求意見。交通運輸部明確表示,將「專車」等新業態納入出租汽車管理範疇,實行許可制,同時也將加強網約車經營者、車輛、駕駛員、定價、獎勵等多方面的管理,並禁止私家車及順風車接入運營。在《指導意見》中,將「專車」等新業態納入出租汽車管理範疇,將出租汽車分為巡遊出租汽車和預約出租汽車。其中,巡遊出租汽車可在道路上巡遊攬客、站點候客,也可提供預約運營服務;而預約出租汽車不得巡遊攬客,只能通過預約方式運營。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/10/11/a16-1011.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/1924576/china-give-green-light-ride-hailing-firms-uber-didi the mainland is drawing up rules to regulate the fast-growing ride-hailing market, the transport minister said on Monday. But it remains unclear when the regulations would go into effect, with Yang Chuantang cautioning that the interests of all stakeholders including taxi companies needed to be weighed. “As a new invention, online ride-hailing services have been a good experience for consumers, and welcomed by some passengers. So our solution is to provide a legal way” forward for the industry, Yang said on the sidelines of the annual National People’s Congress in Beijing.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/1928668/china-paves-way-legalise-uber-style-ride-hailingThe mainland has scrapped 18-year-old regulations governing taxi services, paving the way for the legalisation of online ride-hailing services such as Uber. In a move aimed at levelling the playing field between old and new business models, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Public Security signed a document on March 16 that approved the scrapping of the previous regulation, which had been effective since 1998. It’s not yet clear when the new rules, which are also expected to abolish the high franchise fees paid by taxi drivers to their companies, will be released. Any change will be closely watched as many cities around the world, including Hong Kong, are debating on how best to regulate the emergence of online ride-hailing services.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/07/29/a16-0729.pdf 昨日,國務院新聞辦舉行新聞發佈會,有關部門負責人介紹《網絡預約出租汽車經營服務管理暫行辦法》相關情況。《暫行辦法》共分7章40條,分別對網約車平台公司、車輛和駕駛員、網約車經營行為、監督檢查、法律責任等方面內容作出明確規定。值得關注的是,《暫行辦法》將網約車定性為從事網絡預約出租汽車,允許提供非巡遊的預約出租汽車服務,但不再要求網約車車輛必須登記為「出租客運」,並將徵求意見中「8年強制報廢」規定作出調整,「網約車行駛里程達到60萬公里時強制報廢;行駛里程未達到60萬公里但使用年限達到8年時,退出網約車經營」。
- 京滬穗深四地昨日發佈網約車新規草案,應對目前網約車亂象,加大監管力度,引發全社會高度關注。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/10/09/a13-1009.pdf
- 內地網約車平台監管力度再升級。交通運輸部等七部門近日聯合印發《關於加強網絡預約出租汽車行業事中事後聯合監管有關工作的通知》(簡稱《通知》),明確對線上線下車輛人員不一致、信息洩露等違法違規行為,各相關管理部門可開展聯合約談。約談後仍拒不改正的,將對網約車平台公司相應採取暫停發佈、下架移動互聯網應用程序(App)、停止互聯網服務等處置措施。近日,交通運輸部、中央網信辦、工業和信息化部、公安部、中國人民銀行、稅務總局和國家市場監督管理總局七部門聯合印發《關於加強網絡預約出租汽車行業事中事後聯合監管有關工作的通知》,明確網約車行業事中事後聯合監管工作流程。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/06/06/a16-0606.pdf
bicycle renting
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170804/00178_029.html為進一步規範互聯網租賃自行車(俗稱共享單車),內地多個部委近日聯合發布使用原則文件,當中表明相關企業禁止向未滿十二歲的兒童提供共享單車服務,要求相關企業加強線上線下服務管理,並須實施用戶實名註冊制,以及建立清晰明確的收費方式與投訴機制、為使用者購買人身意外保險等。
- 內地共享單車熱潮退卻後,再有公司瀕臨爆煲邊緣。酷騎單車近日被爆出退還押金難問題,數以千計用戶連日來蜂擁到北京總部上門追討押金,甚至排隊人數眾多驚動警方到場。財務危機在所難免,酷騎發聲明力挽狂瀾,罷免CEO高唯偉及尋求收購。互聯網分析師于斌認為,酷騎單車的倒閉已成定局。酷騎單車去年11月在北京成立,用戶只要繳交298元(人民幣.下同)押金,就能透過手機程式隨處使用單車,每小時收費3毫。為在共享單車市場突圍而出,酷騎曾推「土豪金」單車。市場調查機構早前發佈今年6月內地共享單車市場統計報告,酷騎單車穩佔內地共享單車App活躍用戶覆蓋率第三名,首次名分別是ofo及摩拜單車。http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20170930/20168620
- Carmakers grapple with China’s electric vehicle drive ft 1may17-http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-08/14/content_30575237.htm China will issue special license plates for new energy vehicles in every city nationwide, following the success of a pilot program in five cities, in an effort to relieve pressure on energy use and protect the environment, the Ministry of Public Security announced on Sunday.
initiative will make it easier for the public to recognize new energy
vehicles, and it plays an essential role in the development and
upgrading of the new energy industry," the ministry said in a statement
on Sunday. Starting in November, new license plates for new energy
vehicles will be issued in 10 additional cities, including Baoding in
Hebei province, Changchun in Jilin province, Fuzhou in Fujian province
and Kunming in Yunnan province. The initiative has been continued in the
five cities of the pilot program-Shanghai, Nanjing and Wuxi in Jiangsu
province, Jinan in Shandong province and Shenzhen in Guangdong province.
- https://www.ft.com/content/a3c6a0c0-83ef-11e7-a4ce-15b2513cb3ffA
Chinese government agency is preventing Volkswagen from using an
overseas brand name for planned locally made electric vehicles, a move
seen by some as limiting foreign manufacturers’ ability to compete in
the world’s largest car market.Some are interpreting the NDRC’s decision
as a “thin end of the wedge” aimed at ultimately hamstringing foreign
carmakers’ ability to market locally produced electric vehicles and
hybrids in China, where their brand recognition could provide an edge
over local Chinese brands.
- China unveiled a new
regulation on Thursday requiring most automakers to sell a minimum
number of new energy vehicles annually from 2019, as part of the
country's broader effort to curb carbon emissions by reducing the use of
fossil-fuel powered vehicles. The new policy from the Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology requires that sales of NEVs should
reach a threshold equivalent to 10 percent of their total in 2019 and 12
percent in 2020. The regulation applies to car makers that produce or
import more than 30,000 conventional vehicles annually, which is lower
than the 50,000 threshold mentioned in a policy draft and includes more
vehicle companies in the evaluation system. If car companies fail to
achieve such quotas, they will either have to buy credits from other
automakers or face a fine, the ministry said, adding that the measures
will be effective from April 1, 2018.
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/motoring/2017-09/29/content_32626296.htm- 新能源车免徵购置税政策获续期三年。中国财政部、税务总局、工信部等四部门日前联合发布公告称,自2018年1月1日至2020年12月31日,对购置的新能源汽车免徵车辆购置税。 公告称,对免徵车辆购置税的新能源汽车,通过发布《免徵车辆购置税的新能源汽车车型目录》(简称《目录》)实施管理。2017年12月31日之前已列入《目录》的新能源汽车,对其免徵车辆购置税政策继续有效。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171228/PDF/b4_screen.pdf
- jv
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-29/renault-nissan-to-make-electric-cars-in-china-with-dongfeng The Renault-Nissan alliance is expanding its push into China, teaming up with Dongfeng Motor Group Co. on its first locally designed electric vehicle as emissions rules tighten in the world’s largest car market. Renault SA, Nissan Motor Co. and Dongfeng established a joint venture to develop a battery-powered model based on a small sport utility vehicle platform developed by the French-Japanese alliance, the companies said Tuesday. The vehicle is due to hit showrooms in 2019.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201712/19/WS5a384f73a3108bc8c6735825.html China's first guideline on road tests of autonomous motor vehicles was released on Monday by local authorities in Beijing, signaling the country's determination to accelerate the development of the technology. The guideline, compiled by the city's transport commission, public security bureau and economy and information technology commission, applies to independent entities registered in China.
- 昨日,騰訊獲得深圳首張無人駕駛測試牌照,並與深圳市交委、交警、深圳市城市規劃研究中心簽訂四方智慧交通戰略合作框架協議,共同推動交通大數據、無人駕駛等跨界交通創新發展。測試車輛的車牌「粵B9K60試」為該台車所專有,可以在深圳市指定路段進行公開測試上路。騰訊公司副總裁鍾翔平表示,後續還會在其他城市申請相關牌照,且有計劃合作成立專門的網聯汽車類公司。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/15/a15-0515.pdf
second hand vehicle
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/motoring/2017-04/10/content_28857391.htm The ministries of commerce, public security and environmental protection released a notice in March, urging local governments to remove trade barriers on used cars and demanding they report how the job will be done before April 14. It is the latest and harshest decree from the central government since the State Council released a guideline in March 2016 instructing local governments to lift any limitations on the flow of used cars between provinces.
- 2016上海國際遊艇展將於今日(7日)揭幕,展會規模涉獵100個國家和地區。各大國際品牌更將此作為進入中國市場的契機,據指期間將舉辦多達38場新品首發會。此外,本次展會還將新設公務艇展區。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/04/07/a16-0407.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/03/13/a12-0313.pdf 交通運輸部部長楊傳堂昨日透 露,包含 28條的出租車改革方案即將出 台。對於高速超載超限現象,他建議提高 罰款標準,並定罪入刑。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/03/13/a13-0313.pdf 的 士 行 業 的 壟 斷 問 題,多年來 飽受爭議。 張國華向本 報指出,這主要是由於的士行業實現 的數量管制造成牌照稀缺,同時牌照 發放在大部分地區都來自行政審批, 其流程及決策皆不夠透明,這造成了 的士牌照難以獲取。在內地許多地 方,的士牌照都被炒到了幾十萬(人 民幣,下同)的高價,這就形成了的 士公司僅通過運營牌照即可獲取高額 利潤的畸形行業特徵。 張國華說,目前,中國的的士管制 有數量管制、價格管制及質量管制三 類。首先,地方政府通過發放的士運 營許可證(即俗稱的「的士牌照」) 對地方的的士數量進行限制。其次, 政府通過制定的士價格標準對的士進 行價格管制。最後,通過《出租汽車 經營服務管理規定》及各地方的相關 法規對的士的服務質量進行管制。張 國華還表示,一方面由於這一行業的 自身特性,決定了的士行業存在「市 場失靈」,無法通過市場這隻「看不 見的手」自行實現資源最優配置;另 一方面,在《城市公共交通分類標準 (CJJ/T114—2007)》中,「出租汽 車」與「常規公共汽車」、「地鐵系 統」並列,屬於「城市道路公共交 通」大類下的一個中類。通常,的士 被認為是城市公共交通中的輔助公共 交通系統。因此,管制也是出於保障 和監督服務質。對於的士改革,交通運輸部部長楊傳堂 在兩會期間回應稱,交通運輸部已經對此 進行了三輪的深入調研,黨組研究意見已 經完成。主體的思路是,將使用者、經營 者、互聯網企業等多種主體的利益協調 好,用一個最大的公約數,使得的士管理 走向正確軌道。「如果進展順利的話,今 年上半年就有可能公佈改革方案」。
- 交通運輸部深化出租汽車改革專題發佈會昨日發佈了《關於深化改革進一步推進出租汽車行業健康發展的指導意見(徵求意見稿)》和《網絡預約出租汽車經營服務管理暫行辦法(徵求意見稿)》,進行一個月的公開徵求意見。交通運輸部明確表示,將「專車」等新業態納入出租汽車管理範疇,實行許可制,同時也將加強網約車經營者、車輛、駕駛員、定價、獎勵等多方面的管理,並禁止私家車及順風車接入運營。在《指導意見》中,將「專車」等新業態納入出租汽車管理範疇,將出租汽車分為巡遊出租汽車和預約出租汽車。其中,巡遊出租汽車可在道路上巡遊攬客、站點候客,也可提供預約運營服務;而預約出租汽車不得巡遊攬客,只能通過預約方式運營。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/10/11/a16-1011.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/1924576/china-give-green-light-ride-hailing-firms-uber-didi the mainland is drawing up rules to regulate the fast-growing ride-hailing market, the transport minister said on Monday. But it remains unclear when the regulations would go into effect, with Yang Chuantang cautioning that the interests of all stakeholders including taxi companies needed to be weighed. “As a new invention, online ride-hailing services have been a good experience for consumers, and welcomed by some passengers. So our solution is to provide a legal way” forward for the industry, Yang said on the sidelines of the annual National People’s Congress in Beijing.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/1928668/china-paves-way-legalise-uber-style-ride-hailingThe mainland has scrapped 18-year-old regulations governing taxi services, paving the way for the legalisation of online ride-hailing services such as Uber. In a move aimed at levelling the playing field between old and new business models, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Public Security signed a document on March 16 that approved the scrapping of the previous regulation, which had been effective since 1998. It’s not yet clear when the new rules, which are also expected to abolish the high franchise fees paid by taxi drivers to their companies, will be released. Any change will be closely watched as many cities around the world, including Hong Kong, are debating on how best to regulate the emergence of online ride-hailing services.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/07/29/a16-0729.pdf 昨日,國務院新聞辦舉行新聞發佈會,有關部門負責人介紹《網絡預約出租汽車經營服務管理暫行辦法》相關情況。《暫行辦法》共分7章40條,分別對網約車平台公司、車輛和駕駛員、網約車經營行為、監督檢查、法律責任等方面內容作出明確規定。值得關注的是,《暫行辦法》將網約車定性為從事網絡預約出租汽車,允許提供非巡遊的預約出租汽車服務,但不再要求網約車車輛必須登記為「出租客運」,並將徵求意見中「8年強制報廢」規定作出調整,「網約車行駛里程達到60萬公里時強制報廢;行駛里程未達到60萬公里但使用年限達到8年時,退出網約車經營」。
- 京滬穗深四地昨日發佈網約車新規草案,應對目前網約車亂象,加大監管力度,引發全社會高度關注。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/10/09/a13-1009.pdf
- 內地網約車平台監管力度再升級。交通運輸部等七部門近日聯合印發《關於加強網絡預約出租汽車行業事中事後聯合監管有關工作的通知》(簡稱《通知》),明確對線上線下車輛人員不一致、信息洩露等違法違規行為,各相關管理部門可開展聯合約談。約談後仍拒不改正的,將對網約車平台公司相應採取暫停發佈、下架移動互聯網應用程序(App)、停止互聯網服務等處置措施。近日,交通運輸部、中央網信辦、工業和信息化部、公安部、中國人民銀行、稅務總局和國家市場監督管理總局七部門聯合印發《關於加強網絡預約出租汽車行業事中事後聯合監管有關工作的通知》,明確網約車行業事中事後聯合監管工作流程。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/06/06/a16-0606.pdf
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170804/00178_029.html為進一步規範互聯網租賃自行車(俗稱共享單車),內地多個部委近日聯合發布使用原則文件,當中表明相關企業禁止向未滿十二歲的兒童提供共享單車服務,要求相關企業加強線上線下服務管理,並須實施用戶實名註冊制,以及建立清晰明確的收費方式與投訴機制、為使用者購買人身意外保險等。
- 內地共享單車熱潮退卻後,再有公司瀕臨爆煲邊緣。酷騎單車近日被爆出退還押金難問題,數以千計用戶連日來蜂擁到北京總部上門追討押金,甚至排隊人數眾多驚動警方到場。財務危機在所難免,酷騎發聲明力挽狂瀾,罷免CEO高唯偉及尋求收購。互聯網分析師于斌認為,酷騎單車的倒閉已成定局。酷騎單車去年11月在北京成立,用戶只要繳交298元(人民幣.下同)押金,就能透過手機程式隨處使用單車,每小時收費3毫。為在共享單車市場突圍而出,酷騎曾推「土豪金」單車。市場調查機構早前發佈今年6月內地共享單車市場統計報告,酷騎單車穩佔內地共享單車App活躍用戶覆蓋率第三名,首次名分別是ofo及摩拜單車。http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20170930/20168620
- 內地共享單車發展速度驚人,市場萎縮也很快,不少企業經不起龐大的投資和營運成本而結業。內地第四家倒閉的共享單車公司「酷騎」,倒閉前便有高達四億四千
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