Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Japan - china, hk

- 中華街

  • 日本傳媒報道,在大阪的華人組織,正計劃在西成區建設大阪中華街,並在近日公布該構想的具體方案,聲稱為西成區重新注入活力,吸引更多遊客,但當地團體擔心過量遊客會滋擾當地居民。有關構想由當地中國地產業人士所組成的「大阪華商會」提出,他們爭取在二○二五年「大阪·關西世博會」舉行前,在西成商店街開設約一百家中餐館、雜貨店、文化設施等,並建設中式牌坊。

- chinese in japan

  • 日本法務省上周五公布,二○一八年在日外國人的數量創新高,較二○一七年增長6.6%,多達二百七十三萬人,當中以中國人最多,佔七十六萬五千人。有分析認為政府設立「特定技能」留日資格的新制度,擴大接納外籍勞工,估計在日居住的外國人會進一步增加。
  • fung kingsell 冯镜如, operated kingsell &co in yokohama, japan; sun yat sen resided there when he arrived from canada to yokohama
  • 東京中央拍賣(01939)主席安藤湘桂原來佢係土生土長華人,本名廖湘桂,只係十八歲就飄洋過海去咗日本讀書,之後仲扎埋根入籍日本。
  •  日本北海道近日有一名中國籍男子病死在醫院,揭出背後涉及大批中國人在日本當黑工。當地警方近日拘捕了十一名黑工,惟同案另外四十六名涉當黑工的中國人失蹤。日本警方懷疑黑工背後有不良中介集團操控,已展開調查。

- naming
- relationship establisment document
  • 1952
  • the ROC-Japan bilateral peace treaty of 1952, which was signed just hours before the San Francisco Treaty and reaffirmed its terms — especially Japan’s renunciation of Taiwan. Indeed, the San Francisco Treaty required that the ROC-Japan treaty be consistent with it, thereby preventing Japan from assigning in its treaty with the ROC any additional right or title to any country other than the parties to the San Francisco Treaty. As a result, Japan is unable to recognize Taiwan as part of PRC sovereign territory. To be sure, the San Francisco Treaty, per se, is not legally binding for the PRC. But for Japan, the PRC has clearly succeeded the ROC in Taiwan, as demonstrated by the 1972 Japan-PRC Joint Communique, on the basis of the bilateral Treaty of Peace and Friendship that was concluded six years later. When Japan shifted its diplomatic recognition from the ROC to the PRC, it recognized the latter as the “sole legal government of China.” Given that Japan was not recognizing China as a new state — international recognition of the Chinese state had existed without interruption since the ROC government emerged in 1912 — the PRC effectively accepted the rights and obligations of the previous government.  Moreover, Japan did not recognize Taiwan as part of China on the grounds that doing so would infringe on its obligations under the San Francisco Treaty. While Japan fully “understood” and “respected” the PRC’s declaration that Taiwan was an “inalienable” part of its territory, it did not recognize the claim in accordance with international law. The two countries simply agreed to disagree over Taiwan’s legal status. In other words, Japan renounced Taiwan without reassigning it. To date, China has been silent about the implications of the San Francisco Treaty with regard to its claims in the South China Sea. This may simply reflect a dearth of international legal expertise in this field or the state of China’s segmented, stove-piped policy communities.
  • 1978
  • Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, the Chinese Government has, in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Statement, made its efforts for the conclusion of the agreements on trade, aviation, fishery, etc. with the Japanese Government in a bid to further develop Sino-Japanese good-neighborly and friendly relations. The two sides signed in 1974 three agreements on trade, aviation and navigation, and the year after, the agreement on fishery. All these agreements reflect the two sides' spirit of adhering to the Joint statement of the two Governments, their position against "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" and their desire for further developments of the amicable and cooperative relations in all fields. From 1975, China and Japan started negotiation for the conclusion of a treaty of peace and friendship, and in August 1978, the Foreign Ministers of the two countries signed in Beijing the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between the People's Republic of China and Japan. The Treaty stipulates: The Contracting Parties shall develop durable relations of peace and friendship between the two countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence; The Contracting Parties affirm that in their mutual relations, all disputs shall be settled by peaceful means without resorting to the use or threat of force; The Contracting Parties shall endeavor to further develop their economic and cultural cooperation and to promote exchanges between the people of the two countries. The two parties declare in the Treaty that neither of them should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region or in any other regions and that each was opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony. The Treaty also stipulates in explicit terms that "the present Treaty shall not affect the position of either Contracting Party regarding its relations with their countries". In October of the same year, Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping visited Japan upon invitation, and the two sides exchanges instruments of ratification of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship. Vice Premier Deng attended the ceremony of exchanging the instruments of ratification and said to premier Minister Takeo Fukuda: The conclusion of the Treaty is a political reaffirmation of the friendly relations between the two countries. In the present turbulent situation, China needs friendship with Japan and vice versa. He also pointed out: The China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship is a continuation and development of the Joint Statement of 1972 between the Chinese and Japanese Governments and of the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations. It has further consolidated the foundation of the good-neighborly and friendly relations between the two countries and opened up broader vistas for further increase of exchanges in the political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological fields. It will also exercise a positive impact on the maintenance of peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.
- leaders visit
  • 当地时间5月9日下午,国务院总理李克强同日本首相安倍晋三举行会谈时表示,新形势下,中日双方应结合各自经济发展需要,加强节能环保、科技创新、高端製造、财政金融、共享经济、医疗养老等重点领域的合作。李克强表示,中方同意给予日方2000亿元人民币合格境外机构投资者(RQFII)额度,支持日本金融机构积极通过RQFII投资中国资本市场。中方对在东京设立人民币清算行持积极态度。李克强称,中日双方要恪守四个政治文件的原则和达成的共识,推动中日关系重回正常轨道。在李克强和安倍晋三见证下,中日双方签署《关于加强服务贸易合作的备忘录》和《关于中日第三方市场合作的备忘录》。双方同意成立“双边服务贸易合作机制”,同意加强两国在第三方市场合作,在中日经济高层对话机制下设立跨部门的“推进中日第三方市场合作工作机制”,并与经济团体共同举办“中日第三方市场合作论坛”。共同社报道指,中日双方就启用防务部门间相互通报的“海空联络机制”达成正式协议,机制6月8日开始运用,除事前确认中国军队和日本自卫队舰船和飞机之间的联络方式外,还包括开设防务部门干部热线,通报对象范围没有明示钓鱼岛周边是否包含在内。日本新闻网报道,双方当日签署中日社会保障问题、中日联合拍摄製作电影等10份协议和备忘录。
  • 國務院總理李克強25日下午在人民大會堂與對華進行正式訪問的日本首相安倍晉三共同出席紀念中日和平友好條約締結40周年招待會並致辭。李克強指出,40年來,中日關係歷經風雨考驗,但和平、友好、合作始終是主流。值此締約40周年之際,我們要堅持和平、友好、合作的大方向,積極順應時代潮流,共同構建更加成熟穩健、務實進取的中日關係。安倍晉三表示,日中和平友好條約規定了兩國關係的重要原則,指引了日中關係的發展。希望雙方共同努力,推動日中友好合作持續發展,為促進世界和平與繁榮作貢獻。日本首相安倍晉三本次訪華,將有約500名日本商界領袖隨訪。關於雙方在第三國家市場開發方面的情況,商務部新聞發言人高峰25日在京表示,第三方市場合作將成為新形勢下中日經貿關係發展新的增長點。
- senior officials visit

  • China and Japan inched a tentative step closer as finance ministers from the two countries met for the first time in more than three years over the weekend and agreed to work together where they can to facilitate infrastructure development in Asia. The two countries will "promote infrastructure development in Asia, including through coordination with development financial institutions, on the basis of common interests", according to a joint statement released by Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei and his counterpart Taro Aso after their meeting on Saturday. The regular finance ministers' meeting was launched in March 2006. It was last held in April 2012 in Tokyo, but a territorial dispute in the East China Sea flared up six months later, after which bilateral relations sunk to a historic low and the dialogue was suspended. Both countries are ratcheting up commitment to Asia's infrastructure funding, in separate orbits.
  • 第六次 中日財長對話 6日在日本橫濱舉行。日本 副首相兼財務大臣麻生太郎和中國財政部 長蕭捷共同主持對話,兩國財政部和央行 高級官員出席。
  • 日本外相河野太郎昨午與中國駐日大使程永華會談,力爭年內舉行由日本任主席國的中日韓首腦會談。程永華在會後向媒體稱,將朝着年底舉行三國首腦會談為目標,展開日程協調工作。
  • 中國外交部副部長孔鉉佑上周五與日本外務審議官森健良,在北京舉行中日外交當局定期磋商及兩國新一輪安全對話。雙方同意加強交流對話,管控矛盾分歧,不斷增信釋疑,努力在安全領域推動構建建設性關係,助兩國關係發展。
- 高层经济对话

  • 16日,第四次中日高层经济对话在日本东京举行,中国国务委员兼外长王毅出席会议并与日本外相河野太郎共同主持对话会。
  •  中國國務委員兼外交部長王毅昨日在第五次中日經濟高層對話會上作總結發言,歸納本次對話雙方達成的共識。

- association

  • 日本沖绳县日中友协3日在那霸市举行成立大会,中国驻日本大使程永华应邀与会并发表演讲,他指出,今年是中日邦交正常化45周年,明年还将迎来《中日和平友好条约》缔结40周年,两国关系面临复杂敏感问题挑战,友协成立正当其时。
- 據說,日本與中國會於九月成立一個雙邊委員會,落實兩國有關企業合作在第三國市場投資發展的協議。或許層次不高,但相信是副部長級別的官方組織,顯示日本願意更進一步把中日在一帶一路建設方面的合作推進。
  •  泰國今年三月提出總額約三千五百億港元,以連接三個主要機場的高鐵項目為主的「東部經濟走廊(EEC)發展計劃」。日本傳媒報道,中日雙方擬本月下旬在北京舉行由政府和民間組成的聯合委員會會議,商對泰國高鐵項目的投資合作。
- trade cooperation
  • Three Japanese business-promotion agencies signed a cooperation memorandum in Beijing on Monday with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, to create a better trade and investment environment between the two nations. The Japan-China Economic Association, Japan Business Federation and Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry have brought more than 220 representatives to China, in what is considered one of the biggest Japanese business delegations ever to visit the country. The agreement includes building an information-sharing and communications mechanism, encouraging companies from both sides to exchange views on political and business conditions, and organizing regular delegations to seek joint-investment opportunities in fast-growing industries. Both sides have committed to allocating manpower and resources to the initiative, in both the private and public sectors.
- wto

  • 日本經濟產業省昨發布消息稱,決定繼續不承認中國是市場經濟國家,維持對不當傾銷徵收高關稅和反傾銷稅。
- 中日第八輪海洋事務高級別磋商,昨日在上海舉行,為避免東海發生偶發衝突,雙方圍繞盡快啟用防務部門間設置的「海空聯絡機制」等課題交換意見。共同社報道,對於「海空聯絡機制」,日方認為中方或會解釋為只要有聯絡便可駛入釣魚島周邊,主張釣魚島周邊領空與領海不包含在運用範圍內。中方則堅持擁有釣魚島主權,要求將不運用範圍明文列出,雙方意見處於對立狀態。

  • 中日昨日起正式啟用海空聯絡機制,兩國防務部門將通過熱線直接對話,避免中國解放軍及日本自衞隊在東海發生偶發性衝突,雙方並會每年召開一次定期會議,推動兩國的防務交流。

- financial

  • 第七次中日財長對話昨日在北京舉行。中國財政部部長劉昆和日本副首相兼財務大臣麻生太郎攜雙方財政部、央行及金融監管高級官員出席,展開面對面對話交流。對話中,雙方舉行了四場專題會議,就中日宏觀經濟形勢與政策及結構性改革、中日財政合作、中日金融合作,以及中日在二十國集團(G20)、「10+3」等多邊框架下的財金合作等議題進行了深入討論,取得多項合作共識。
  • scmp 15may19 "300000 japanese retailers to use alipay" 
  •  首批4隻中日互通ETF包括易方達日興資管日經225ETF、華夏野村日經225ETF、南方頂峰TOPIX ETF和華安三菱日聯日經225ETF,昨日正式上市掛牌交易。其中,華夏、易方達和華安的產品跟蹤日經225指數,而南方的產品則跟蹤東京證券指數。

- forest

- military

  • to resume exchange visits of youth military officers (programme started in 2001)
  • 自日本二○一二年將釣魚島「國有化」導致中日關係惡化,兩國軍官互訪交流活動中斷六年後,今年再度啟動。
  • 中日關係持續回暖,日本海上自衞隊今年十月將舉行觀艦式活動,中國首次獲邀參與。不過有「準航母」之稱的日本最大護衞艦出雲號,周日停靠菲律賓北部呂宋島蘇碧灣,被指為牽制中國在南海的軍事活動。日媒報道稱,令和元年的海上自衞隊觀艦式,定於十月十四日舉行。除中國外,其他國家均多次參加過日本海上自衞隊主辦的觀艦式活動。有內地網民猜測,代表中方出席的應是深圳號051B型導彈驅逐艦。

- tech/strategic commodities

- telecom

  • 日本政府周一宣布把中國電訊商華為及中興,剔出政府內部採購清單。

- nuclear
  • 西南交通大学与日本国家核融合科学研究所3日在成都签署合作协议,双方将共建中国第一台准环对称仿星器。据了解,仿星器和托卡马克是当今世界上两大最重要的磁约束聚变装置。托卡马克位型简单,工程造价低,但有因等离子体电流的存在从而导致大破裂的可能。仿星器虽然技术复杂,但能避免由于等离子体电流导致的大破裂。上个世纪70年代,中国核工业西南物理研究院曾开展过仿星器的研究工作,由于仿星器的复杂性,研究没有取得成功。目前中国、美国、俄罗斯、欧盟等七方正在进行“国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划”,修建世界上首座托卡马克聚变反应堆。
- sanitary

  • 日本環境省和大阪市政府上周六表示,在一個由中國深圳經香港運抵大阪港的貨櫃內,發現超過二千隻紅火蟻的成蟲及蛹,政府職員和海運公司工作人員共兩人被咬傷。當局已殺滅貨櫃內的全部紅火蟻,但找不到蟻后。日本自去年六月起在十二個都府縣發現紅火蟻,今次是第二十九次。
  • 日本環境省上周五公布,首次在東京成田國際機場發現熱帶火蟻,一架由印度孟買出發的客機於上周三飛抵後,在卸下的貨物附近發現五至六隻熱帶火蟻,翌日打開貨物後再發現約五十隻。牠們都是工蟻,已全數消滅。
  • 日本環境省周二公布,在東京江東區的青海埠頭發現二十至三十隻紅火蟻,是今年來首次。當局即時以殺蟲劑和熱水清除,埠頭一名工作人員被紅火蟻咬傷,幸情況不嚴重。當局已在青海埠頭設置殺蟲藥餌,未來將實地詳細檢查。紅火蟻原產自南美洲,後經海運蔓延多地,人類被咬會有火灼般的痛感。

- food
  • More than seven years after their prefecture became the scene of the second-worst nuclear disaster in history, trade officials in Fukushima have welcomed reports that Japan and China will discuss lifting Beijing’s ban on imports of food from the region.
  •  日本與中國副部長級「中日經濟夥伴關係磋商」會議,周三在北京舉行。據報道,日方要求中方放寬對日本食品輸入的限制,雙方同意推動區域全面經濟夥伴協定等談判;又指雙方傾向最快於四月中旬,在北京召開部長級對話。
    - eel

    • 日本財務省周五發表貿易統計數據,指國內養殖魚池近半的日本鰻苗由香港進口,惟二○一七年十一至十二月的數量為二百五十七公斤,僅及二○一六年同期數量的百分之八,價格急增至每公斤約三百一十五萬日圓(約二十二萬港元),業內人士認為價格高昂得「近乎史無前例」。

    - beef

    • China bans beef exports from Japan, imports are probably routed from hk (source: from Japanese in 2016 hktdc food fair)
    - rice

    • 台灣日前舉行公投、大規模通過繼續禁止入口福島核災區與鄰近各縣的食品之際,大陸卻放寬有關規定。大陸海關總署周三(28日)發通報,稱經評估後,決定恢復進口產自日本新潟縣的大米。
    - maritime

    • 17日到18日,第十輪中日海洋事務高級別磋商在浙江嘉興烏鎮舉行。中日雙方外交、國防、公安、生態、交通運輸、能源、海警等十多個部門參加磋商。

    - motor vehicle

    • Dongfeng Nissan's China-developed marque Venucia has evolved into an independent company, the first of its kind since the central government released a three-year guideline in 2009 to encourage joint ventures to develop their own brands.
    • Nissan Motor (7201.T) cancelled a potential $1 billion sale of its electric car battery unit to China’s GSR Capital, and while the automaker said it still aimed to find a buyer, analysts feel it could be a hard sell as the technology was not cutting edge.
    - battery

    •  Toyota Motor will partner with China's CATL, the world's largest automotive battery maker, the Japanese automaker announced on Friday, diversifying its supply of crucial components in a push to accelerate the electrification of its offerings. Toyota said Friday that the partnership will also include BYD, China's leading producer of electric cars, as well as Japan's Toshiba and battery maker GS Yuasa. Nikkei first reported the partnership between Toyota and CATL on Friday morning. Toyota will sign a memorandum of understanding on a "strategic partnership" with Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd., with the details to be hashed out going forward. The latter is expected to supply lithium-ion batteries for Toyota-branded electric vehicles to be released in China and other markets starting next year. Areas of cooperation will include improving battery quality, adopting shared standards, and reusing batteries.

    - medical equipment
    • 来自中国的医疗设备“联影96环PET-CT”24日在位于日本名古屋的藤田保健卫生大学医院正式揭牌,这是“中国智造”大型高端医疗设备首次打入日本市场。PET-CT是正电子发射计算机断层扫描技术的英文简称。这款由上海联影医疗科技有限公司自主研发的设备有扫描速度和分辨率两方面的优点。它具有的超长轴向视野,可成倍提升扫描速度,在8分钟内完成全身扫描。它配备的一体化光导探测器分辨率为业界最高的2.8mm,能够捕捉人体代谢的微小病灶,实现精准定量化诊断。2015年,这款设备成为中国首台获日本市场准入许可的高端分子影像设备。该设备今年7月初在藤田保健卫生大学医院完成装机,并投入使用。
    - pharmaceutical
    - real estate

    • 日本最大房地產商大和房屋工業公司在遼寧大連的合資公司,爆出挪用公款醜聞,涉額達二百卅四億日圓(約十六億港元)。大和房屋若無法收回款項,恐蒙受約一百一十七億日圓(約八億二千萬港元)的損失。公司事後以職務侵佔等罪,向中國執法部門對三名中國員工提出刑事起訴,三人截至周四(14日)仍下落不明。

    - suitcase

    • 江蘇省工商行政管理局日前公布,南京和無錫兩地工商局去年抽查無印良品銷售的行李箱,發現有樣本不符合國家標準要求,部分已流出市面。執法部門責令無印良品停止銷售不合格產品,並罰款六萬六千多元(人民幣‧下同),以及沒收違法所得的一萬五千多元。

    - film

    - media
    • 12th China-Japan Media Professional Talks, which began in Shanghai on Monday and end on Wednesday
    - publishing
    • 紀念中日邦交正常化45周年暨「閱讀日本書系」出版座談會近日在京舉行。「閱讀日本書系」項目由中國的社科文獻出版社與日本屜川和平財團於2009年共同發起,是大型中日民間文化出版交流項目。8年間,該項目翻譯介紹了100餘種日本圖書,內容涵蓋日本的政治、經濟、文化等各個領域,為中國公眾能全面、準確地了解當下日本的社會生活及文化有效助力。
    - travel visa

    • 據共同社11日消息:在習近平和安倍北京會見之前,日方宣布放寬對中國個人遊客的多次入境簽證發放條件。日本外務省8日宣布將放寬對中國個人遊客的多次入境簽證發放條件,共同社稱此舉旨在為實現兩國首腦會談創造有利環境。目前的多次入境簽證允許遊客在3年有效期限內無限制地訪問日本,第一次必須在岩手、宮城、福島、沖繩各縣中選擇一處入境。這一條件旨在推動東日本大地震災後重建和沖繩的振興。
    - trade dispute

    • A condom maker in South China's Guangdong province has won a lawsuit against aJapanese company over its competing claim to be manufacturer of the world'sthinnest prophylactic. The Guangzhou Yuexiu District People's Court pronounced on Monday that Tokyo-based condom brand Okamoto used unfair practices to compete againstGuangzhou Daming United Rubber Products. Guinness World Records verified the Chinese company's Aoni condom, which hasan average thickness of 0.036 mm, as the world's thinnest in December 2013 -breaking the previous record of 0.038 mm set by Okamoto in 2012.

    - 囤積嬰兒紙尿片 日拘三內地漢
    - delegation from japan

    • biggest delegation from japan

    - investors from china

    • Spring Group, the parent company of Shanghai-based Spring Airlines Co Ltd, is launching a new hotel brand in Japan in association with a local partner, marking its first entry into the overseas hotels sector. The new brand, SpringSunny Hotel, is a joint venture between the group's Shanghai Spring Investment Management Co Ltd and Japan's Sun Frontier Fudousan Co Ltd, a Tokyo-listed property service provider. Over the next three to five years, the two sides plan to invest more than 20 billion yen ($166 million) expanding the new brand in Japan's major tourism hotspots.
    • 不少香港新人心目中的婚禮聖地、北海道星野集團TOMAMU度假村的水之教堂,近日落入內地商人之手。A股上市公司上海豫園旅遊商城宣佈,以183億日圓(約11.54億港元)收購整個度假村,認為這是景色如夢如幻、擁有滑雪場的北海道人氣度假村,將為集團提高收入。
    • Goodbaby Group, China's largest manufacturer and retailer of baby-care productslike buggies and safety seats for cars, is looking at potential acquisitions in Japanto increase its market share in Asia. The Jiangsu-based company has already acquired some production assets inEurope and North Africa in the past couple of years. "We have been trying for years to make inroads into Japan, but customers (there)are very loyal to some well-established local brands. So, we're considering marketentry through acquisitions," said He Xinjun, senior vice-president of Goodbaby. "Besides, an acquisition is the fastest way to increase exposure and expanddistribution network in a foreign market," he told China Daily at a forum against airpollution in Beijing. He, however, did not disclose the names of Goodbaby's potential targets or the sizeof its planned investment in Japan. Japan has many profitable baby-care companies. For instance, Japan's PigeonCorp, whose baby products are popular in China, has been making profits for fourstraight years. It was projected to post a 10 percent year-on-year rise in operatingprofit for the year to Jan 31 to 14 billion yen ($117 million) on sales of 93 billionyen.
    • Japanese electronics giant Toshiba Corp said on Thursday it had agreed to sell its home appliances business to Chinese Media Group Co Ltd. The two companies jointly announced they have signed a memorandum of understanding on Toshiba's sale to Midea of a majority interest in its home appliance business. A definitive agreement is expected to be finalized by the end of this month, with the two companies negotiating details. Under the agreement and upon completion of the transaction, Toshiba's home appliance unit will continue to develop, manufacture and sell white goods and other small domestic appliances under Toshiba's brand name. Toshiba's white goods business posted sales of 225 billion yen ($2.01 billion) in fiscal 2014. It announced a rebuilding initiative last year, which includes the potential reorganization of its home appliance business.
    • 中國人熱愛到日本「爆買」,但近期的旅遊模式就由大城市購物,轉為到地方溫泉或文化遺產,有中國商人就趁機大手購入日本傳統旅館。其中在以溫泉聞名的山梨縣笛吹市,一年內就有六間旅館和溫泉酒店,轉讓給中國人。
    • 位於日本北海道札幌的文學巨匠渡邊淳一文學館,被中國出版社「青島出版集團」收購。據報,營運文學館的「大王製紙公司」已將全部股份轉讓給青島出版集團。雙方以現金一筆過交易,惟未對外公布交易金額。
    • Lenovo Group Ltd is in discussions with Japanese tech firm Fujitsu Ltd to merge their personal-computer businesses, as the world's largest PC maker tries to boost margins through scale effect amid declining consumer demand, Japanese media reported. The Beijing-based firm could either set up a joint venture with Fujitsu or buy a majority stake in the latter's PC unit, according to the Nikkei newspaper. "They are aiming to reach agreement this month," Nikkei said. Lenovo did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The deal came shortly after the Chinese firm said in July that it would spend $195 million to increase its stake in its PC joint venture with another Japanese firm NEC Corp.
    - panda
    • 日本外相河野太郎今年一月訪華時,向中國政府要員提出租借大熊貓的請求。鑑於今年適逢《中日和平友好條約》締結四十周年,日方有意以此作為兩國關係改善的 象徵,惟中方未作出具體答覆。日本目前共飼養九隻大熊貓,若中方答應租借新的大熊貓,仙台市的八木山動物公園或王子動物園是熱門接收地。
    - volley ball
    • 中國女排衝出亞洲是1979年在港舉行的亞洲錦標賽,決賽擊敗長勝將軍日本。中國女排從寂寂無聞到奧運冠軍,其間日本曾經扮演重要角色,不過當下中日關係惡化,在大陸公開討論並肯定這段歷史的恐怕不會太多。日本是1964年東京奧運女排冠軍,教練是人稱「魔鬼教練」的大松博文。大松博文帶着身材不高的日本女排,創出勾手發球及翻滾救球等技術,結果擊敗傳統勁旅蘇聯稱冠,「東洋魔女」名號便是這個年代產物。之後短短一年之內,大松博文三次應邀訪華,除了帶隊比賽,更參與訓練當時水準僅屬一般的中國女排。大松博文的理念是「意志排球」,香港巿民或會記得七十年代初播映的日劇《青春火花》,劇中教練「馬志教練」,某程度是大松博文的化身。大松博文的訓練成為中國女排至今的主軸,女排的「三從一大」,即從難、從嚴、從實戰出發和大運動量訓練,中國體育界過往從不否認脫胎自大松博文;至於女排的意志,亦有大松博文的影子。改革開放初期,日本對中國女排甚為關注,中國女排到日本比賽,是當地社會的焦點。記得中國官方出版的日文期刊《人民中國》,曾舉行女排座談會,話題是「日本之旅」,可見當時兩國關係密切。

    - youth exchange

    • 日本早年為中小企引入勞動力向海外招聘「研修生(實習生)」,吸引不少中國年輕人東渡日本。近年卻由於欠薪、工時長,甚至被限制人身自由等問題,令華工形同廉價「奴工」,引發不少中國實習生擅自逃離工廠,成為另類「失蹤」人口,引起日本政府關注
    • 日本首相安倍晉三訪華期間,中日高層曾舉行會談,日方決定放寬對中國遊客的簽證發放條件。有分析指,這是希望讓年輕人、大學生多到日本,增進兩國民間交流。
    - culture

    • 中斷近九年的中日文化交流協商會議,周一在日本東京舉行。由於兩國將先後舉辦二○二○年東京奧運會,和二○二二年北京冬奧會,雙方就促進體育及青少年交流達成共識,並開始籌備中方領導人計劃下月上旬訪日的工作。

    - chinese (language)
    - sinologist
    • 林 泰輔(はやし たいすけ、1854年安政元年) - 1922年(大正11年))は、日本漢学者下総の人。進斎東京高等師範学校教授を務め、著書『周公と其時代』で学士院恩賜賞を受賞、『亀甲獣骨文字』の刊行で日本の甲骨学の先駆者となる。その甲骨文の研究は羅振玉にも影響を与え、甲骨学の大成に貢献した[1][2]
    • Toshiyuki Satou, 61, vice-president of Hiroshima University, focuses on the poetry and prose from the Six Dynasties, the period starting with the Three Kingdoms (220-280) and ending with the Chen Dynasty (557-589). With over 200 visits to China and counting, Satou has been nicknamed "Japan's Jianzhen" - referring to the Chinese monk who helped propagate Buddhism in Japan in the eighth century. Satou has long been engaged in the study of Chinese culture and the literary works of the Six Dynasties. He has been appointed as a visiting professor at 14 universities in China, including Capital Normal University, Foreign Affairs College and Tsinghua University.
    - 鄭成功

    • 日本平戶鄭成功廟和紀念館
    - sun yat sen

    •今年是中國革命的偉大先行者孫中山先 生誕辰150周年,中國公共外交協會與日本 孫中山文化基金會,於七月中聯合舉辦首屆 東京中山論壇。原中國外交部長、中國公共 外交協會會長李肇星,日本前首相福田康夫 等內地、台灣和香港以及日本的政界高層、 學者、民間友好人士等150餘人出席。 蔡冠深代表組委會致開幕詞
    - buddhism

    • 今年是中日邦交正常化45周年,一系列纪念活动在中日两国举行。中国驻日本大使程永华10月31日上午在大使官邸亲切会见了以中国佛教协会纯一副会长为团长的中国佛教协会访日代表团。
    - 日本於二戰強徵中國人至秋田縣花岡礦山和大阪造船所,幸存者和死者家屬等總計十九人,早前入稟要求日本政府賠償約五百八十萬港元和道歉,大阪地方法院周二判敗訴。法官指判決沿襲○七年最高法院「個人索賠權因《日中聯合聲明》而放棄」的判決,判定失去索賠的權利。另認定日本政府強徵中國勞工,令多人喪命。

    Hong Kong
    - ties

    • 日本傳媒重提歷史紀錄,指早於一百六十四年前的江戶時代,一名隨美國艦隊赴日的香港人,已在報章撰文大讚日本治安良好。

    - goverment representation
    • cg in hk
    • interview hkej 23oct18 c3
    • Hokkaido trading office in hk opened in 1956 (source: hkgcc jetro sem on hokkaido 15jan18)
    • Hyogo Business & Tourism Centre ,
    - official visit

    • 日本傳媒周一引述政府消息指,日本外相河野太郎正計劃本月底訪港,正積極協調。預料河野將與港府磋商制裁北韓議題,並且要求香港撤銷東日本三一一大地震及福島核災後,對日產食品實施的進口限制,及就吸引香港遊客赴日旅遊交換意見。有南韓傳媒去年十二月報道,一艘在港註冊的船隻懷疑在公海向北韓船隻轉移約六百噸的油產品,引起國際關注。共同社指,港日雙方將商討合作,落實嚴格執行船舶檢查。報道指,河野此行是針對預期在四月及五月舉行的兩韓及美朝首腦會談,在北韓落實無核化前維持施壓。報道指,河野亦會要求港府撤銷在三一一地震後對日本食品的進口限制,並商討在二○二○年東京奧運會吸引港客赴日旅遊。
    • 香港特區行政長官林鄭月娥昨日會見日本外務大臣河野太郎時表示,希望進一步促進香港與日本在貿易、商業、旅遊、文化、創意產業、樂齡科技和人文等多個領域的交流,同時鼓勵日本企業考慮多利用香港的專業服務,共同把握中國「一帶一路」建設所帶來的龐大商機。, see also hkcd a13 mentioning tdc's think asia think hong kong event
    • 環境局局長黃錦星日前於日本東京出席「東京藍天和潔淨城市論壇」,以「集約城市.永續發展」為題,闡述香港在高度緊湊的城市形態下,為達至宜居城市和環境可持續發展所面對的挑戰。他在論壇上表示,香港是集約高密度城市,一直透過鼓勵步行和加強低碳出行,致力推展不同措施,發展宜居城市和達至環境可持續發展。近年香港推出了一系列環境藍圖,提升城市的空氣質素及改善廢物管理措施,政府鼓勵市民節約能源和使用可再生能源,並保育生物多樣性和應對氣候變化等。
    •  正在日本訪問的行政長官林鄭月娥昨日參觀了千葉縣的柏葉智慧城市,了解這個通過公私營合作、以利用先進技術創造環保、有利新產業發展及適合不同年齡人士生活的城市。林鄭月娥一行隨後前往日本最大的公營研究機構之一、茨城縣的產業技術總合研究所,聽取研究所理事長中鉢良治博士講解該所的運作和研究成果。她欣悉香港的大學亦有與研究所交流,她歡迎該研究所與更多香港的院校和科研機構合作,推動彼此的創科發展。下午,林鄭月娥一行與筑波市市長五十嵐立青共晉午餐,了解當地推動創科的成功經驗,以及市政府吸引科研機構和人才的措施。其後,她到訪培育了3名諾貝爾獎得主和約70名曾參與奧運的運動員的筑波大學,並聽取了該校介紹其有關人工智能和人體輔助技術的研究,並表示香港將在香港科學園建設兩個世界級科技創新平台,歡迎筑波大學加入有關平台及參與香港的科研項目。林鄭月娥傍晚與中國駐日本特命全權大使程永華會面,並出席他所設的晚宴。她感謝大使館多年來一直支持香港駐東京經濟貿易辦事處的工作,並對大量到訪日本的港人在有需要時提供協助。晚上,林鄭月娥還和在當地居住、工作及學習的超過200位港人聚會,了解他們在日本的生活情況,並向他們介紹香港的最新發展,包括最近開通的廣深港高速鐵路香港段和港珠澳大橋,大大加強了香港與內地的連繫。
    • 行政長官林鄭月娥昨日在日本東京出席介紹香港建築的展覽開幕儀式時指出,當代標誌性建築如香港國際機場、啟德郵輪碼頭、西九文化區的戲曲中心和M+博物館等,豐富了香港的天際線和城市景觀。她並參觀了東京的創科機構和大學,開拓香港與日本在創科方面的合作空間,及參與以女性領袖為主題的午餐研討會,和欣賞前亞洲青年管弦樂團(亞青樂團)樂手呈獻的香港日本友好紀念特別音樂會。林鄭月娥昨日在商務及經濟發展局局長邱騰華陪同下,主持香港建築師學會於東京舉辦的「超越高層-從建築物探索香港」建築展覽開幕儀式。
    •  為推廣香港作為粵港澳大灣區一程多站旅遊的最佳起點,旅遊發展局在日本東京舉辦公眾展覽,中環舊式商店和街景縮影模型,由日本着名藝人、外號「大口仔」的香取慎吾創作、長駐些利街的壁畫《大口龍仔》複製品成為展覽亮點,「大口仔」更叫大家到香港與真跡「打卡」。行政長官林鄭月娥昨日在展覽開幕禮上表示,明年是香港日本旅遊年,而隨着高鐵與港珠澳大橋通車,旅客到粵港澳大灣區作短途旅遊更加便捷。在旅遊發展局於日本東京的公眾展覽會場內,代表香港向日本人推廣本地文化的人手紮作花牌,由有26年經驗的紮作師傅蔡榮基帶到東京,花牌上的龍與孔雀,由老師傅親手用油漆畫成,整個花牌沒用一粒螺絲、膠水或燒焊,由他與徒弟倆以紮作工藝架設起來。
    •   由香港貿發局主辦的年度大型海外推廣活動「邁向全球 首選香港」在日本東京舉行,特首林鄭月娥首次以行政長官身份出訪日本並發表主題演說,她表示,香港與日本在貿易、投資、旅遊、文化和教育等方面均有密切聯繫,但同樣面對環球經濟不明朗、環境變化和人口老化等挑戰,雙方可攜手共同面對。另香港可在科技應用、安老等方面向日本學習。
    •  CE visit in April19
      Mrs Lam then visited two nursing homes where she learned about the operation of intelligent equipment for improving elderly people’s communication and mobility. 
      Noting that both places are facing the challenge of an ageing population, she said there is much Hong Kong can learn from Japan's experience in the provision of elderly care services. Mrs Lam also toured the National Cancer Center Japan, which is committed to promoting genomic medicine for cancer treatment. 
      She expressed the hope that the centre would boost collaboration with the Steering Committee on Genomic Medicine in Hong Kong. The steering committee was established by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government at the end of 2017 to lead the study on strategies for developing genomic medicine. 
      In the evening, Mrs Lam and Chinese Ambassador to Japan Cheng Yonghua witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong and the China Enterprises Association in Japan to enhance collaboration and exchanges.
    •  推介會和一系列的論壇今日將在東京帝國飯店隆重舉行。活動由廣東省人民政府、香港特別行政區政府及澳門特別行政區政府聯合主辦,粵港澳大灣區企業家聯盟以及香港中華總商會協辦。香港特首林鄭月娥、廣東省省長馬興瑞、澳門特區行政法務司司長陳海帆,以及日本經濟產業省副大臣、獨立行政法人日本貿易振興機構理事長、日本各大經濟團體首腦等1,200多名中日政商界知名人士將出席 。

    •   The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, met with the visiting Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, Mr Keiichi Ishii at Government House this afternoon (May 2). The Ambassador and Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong, Mr Mitsuhiro Wada; the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau; and the Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, also attended the meeting.
    •   The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, today (August 5) visited a number of public and private organisations providing elderly-friendly services in his visit to Tokyo, Japan.

    - Hong Kong-Japan Business Co-operation Committee

    • The annual bilateral gathering, organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, aims to enhance business opportunities between Japanese and Hong Kong-based companies. 23 March 2016 
      WHO: The annual gathering brings together senior business players from Hong Kong and Japan, including Philip Chen, Managing Director, Hang Lung Properties; Victor Chu, Chairman, First Eastern Investment Group; and Chen Aiping, Chairman and Executive Director, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia). WHY: Japan committee members will be briefed on new business opportunities arising from China’s Belt and Road Initiative, as well as the economic implications of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan. Hong Kong members will be updated on regional trade agreements involving Japan, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. The meeting will also discuss business opportunities arising from the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
    - association

    • 日本中华总商会
    • 香港日本文化協會成立於1962年9月,當時有政商紅人周錫年爵士支持,到了1987年,協會慶祝成立25年,日本領事館希望出版一本特刊,以誌其盛,當年會長馮秉芬爵士找來趙達榮負責此事,趙師兄不熟編輯事務,找到新亞校友譚汝謙教授(新亞英文系)幫忙,譚兄曾在京都大學研修,普林斯頓博士,專修日本史及中日關係史,他又找來陳志誠教授(新亞中文系,京都大學碩士,2001年獲日本頒授日皇「旭日中綬」勳章)協辦,於是三人努力之下,編成一本厚達六百餘頁的特刊,內有不少專家教授的大塊文章。出版後,特刊大獲好評,馮爵士要求趙達榮當協會理事會主席,於是便由1988年至2013年,做了25年,後見周亦卿會長引退,趙兄亦乘機退位讓賢,改任副會長至今年六月。經趙兄一番說明,左丁山才知道香港日本文化協會成立56年以來,新亞校友於其中曾有一些貢獻。追溯新亞創立之初,錢穆先生便與日本的亞細亞大學有聯繫,後來互相交換學生,1962年新亞經濟系便有兩名日本學生崛田敏夫、石井光夫畢業,之後每年都有畢業生,直至1974年為止,二十二年之中,有兩位日本學生長期留港,便是梶浦壽(1966,中文名李剛壽)和1972年的柳谷光彥,兩人是香港創價學會創辦時期的重要人物。大概因為如此,新亞學生留學日本的興趣濃厚,1959年文史系校友楊啟樵留學東京大學,早已成為日本著名史學家,之後又有趙達榮,譚汝謙,陳志誠等等,1979年經濟系校友關志雄留學東京大學,娶日本太太,現已是日本財經界著名經濟學家(Kan Shiyu)。這樣看起來,新亞人對研究日本,促進中日文化交流方面,是有一定貢獻的。

    - JETRO cooperation with Chinese culinary institute hket 8sept14 a35
    - extradition
    • 由於香港與日本並無簽署逃犯移交協定,日本相關部門不會把在本港被追緝的人士移交回港,故上海仔於東京接受記者訪問,不但可布下「人在日本」的假局,亦能避免被南韓警方發現後,拘捕並送返本港。
    - immigration

    • 曾經來港與立法會議員區諾軒會面交流的日本市議會議員和田健一郎,昨於社交平台指自己於本周四抵港時被拒入境。他稱當時被十多名入境事務處職員帶到特別室,最終被拒絕入境。和田健一郎認為,若被拒入境理由與親中報章的報道有關,導致港府錯誤地認為他是敵人的話,他深感遺憾,但相信港府將來會明白是誤會。
    - hk people received honours and decoration from japan


    - food

    • 福島縣為核事故重災區,該縣農林水產部技監佐藤清丸昨來港介紹福島食品出口及食安檢測最新情況時稱,福島去年農林產品總出口量有望首次超越災前水平,希望香港能解除限制福島食品進口的相關規定。
    • Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor on Sunday rejected for the time being Tokyo’s official request that the city lift restrictions on Japanese food imports brought in after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, citing public safety.
    •  永富食品有限公司負責人陳錦輝指當年核災後,全面影響日本各地進口水果在港銷情,就算今年底有當地水果進口,當局做好把關工作如抽驗等,但因消費者信心問題,估計業界未必會在短時間內入貨。他又指,以往本港曾進口上述五個縣的蔬果如蘿蔔、番薯和水果,但業界本身亦不多採用這些農產品,故預期放寬進口後對供求沒大影響。以士多啤梨為例,日本其他縣市的品種和款式甚多。
    • 6jun18 news reports in various newspapers on government may lift restrictions
    •  食物環境衞生署食物安全中心宣布,下周二中午十二時起,有條件批准受日本三一一地震影響的其中四個縣,包括茨城、栃木、千葉及群馬的食品恢復進口。來自該四個縣的水果、蔬菜、奶、奶類飲品及奶粉,需附有由日本當局發出的證明書,證明食品的輻射水平沒有超標,而有關出口食品在日本可供銷售,適合供人食用。至於受輻射嚴重影響的福島縣,相關進口禁令則繼續有效,由食環署署長發出的相關《食物安全命令》昨日刊登憲報。
    •  福島縣25日在港舉行「福島現況」研討會,縣知事內堀雅雄表示,目前福島縣內輻射量大幅減少,食品出口量達到歷史新高。他也表示,雖然香港仍未放寬對福島食品進口限制,但兩地會繼續進行對話。

    - elderly home

    - waste

    • 兩間出口商涉嫌非法出口化學廢物到日本,昨日在粉嶺裁判法院被裁定違反《廢物處置條例》罪成,共罰款一萬六千元。今年三月至四月期間,環保署與日本環境省合力偵測從香港非法出口有害廢物到日本的可疑貨運活動後,檢控該兩間出口商非法出口廢印刷電路板至日本,涉及約十一公噸受化學廢物規例管制的廢電路板,市值約十一萬元。orientaldaily 18oct17
    - arbitration
    •  The Department of Justice and the Ministry of Justice of Japan have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to strengthen Hong Kong-Japan collaboration on international arbitration and mediation. Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng signed the agreement with Japanese Minister of Justice Takashi Yamashita at a ceremony today in Hong Kong. Ms Cheng said the department has set up an office to enhance the overall co-ordination of mediation and arbitration works, taking into account the need for Hong Kong to capitalise on the opportunities offered by the Belt & Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.The office will undertake a number of projects such as pursuing and concluding co-operation and partnership arrangements with other jurisdictions and international organisations.

    - consumer protection

    • 香港消費者委員會昨日與日本國民生活中心簽署合作協議,建立兩地訊息及投訴個案互通機制,日後港人到日本旅遊遇消費爭議,回港後可向消委會投訴,消委會再與日本國民中心協調處理個案,連網上購物亦可受理。日本的消費者亦可向居住地的協議一方投訴,再轉介到香港跟進。

    - culture

    • 民政事務局局長劉江華以中國代表團成員身份,出席昨日在日本京都舉行的中日韓文化部長會議,並在會上發表講話,介紹香港重點文化發展項目以及跟日本和韓國在文化上的聯繫。
    - film

    - delegations to hk
    • electronics mission to hk 12-14oct14  (source: tdc sme monthly oct14)
    •  香港中華總商會日前接待由中國駐日本大使館經濟商務處公使宋耀明所率領的在日中國企業協會代表團,雙方進行交流,就善用「一帶一路」及大灣區機遇,全面融入國家發展交換意見,該會會長蔡冠深、副會長劉鐵成、胡曉明,以及多位常務會董參與交流。
    - delegations from hk
    • 卿姐話今次係該黨首次舉辦國外考察團,佢同數名黨友早前與日本駐港總領事松田邦紀會面時,對方提到香港係日本食品出口最多嘅地方,佢就向對方提出希望自費到日本考察,對方就安排行程,期間將會見日本外交部、國會議員同埋香港駐日本經貿辦人員,亦會考察車廠同鄉郊發展項目。佢預計呢次行程每名黨友需要付上約一萬港元,黨會補貼旅遊巴同翻譯等費用。至於部分晚上冇安排行程,被問到會否下令黨員唔可以去KTV,黨友馮文韜就話會自律,「跟住卿姐唔會亂做嘢」,卿姐就笑指「唔會用繩綁住佢哋」。
    • cgcc to kyushu jul18 (cgcc vision aug18)
    - trade and ip event hk

    • HKGCC and JETRO organize their third investment seminar sep17
    • Hkgcc and jetro hokkaido ip event
    - trade and ip event japan

    • “Think Global, Think Hong Kong” will revisit the city of Tokyo, Japan in 2018. The event will once again present a wealth of valuable information and tremendous opportunities through an array of activities. It will feature a main symposium, various sector-specific sessions and a high-level dinner. Consultation with Hong Kong services providers and business matching meetings will also be arranged. Business missions will be arranged to visit Japan and attend the campaign, covering a range of sectors including food, technology, legal, accountancy and consultancy services, design and creative services, venture capital and private equity.

    - investors from japan
    • Toppan
    • 在港有五十多年歷史的凸版印刷(香港)有限公司(TOPPAN)向本報證實,決定今年十二月三十一日關閉元朗工廠及結束有關印刷業務,二百多名員工受影響,該公司將繼續在香港經營及發展其他範疇的新業務。
    • 日清食品
    • 日清出前一丁公仔麵在香港及越南的唯一分銷商,日前入稟高院控告日清,指雙方合作接近50年,一直基於日本人傳統生意模式及有誠信的性格,雙方多年來均沒設立任何正式書面合約。惟去年12月日清突無理終止雙方合作,合作關係亦於今年3月完結。分銷商認為日清要給予3年通知期,現要求日清賠償3年通知期的存貨費用、年均利潤連利息共逾4,300萬元,並望法庭頒令雙方有正式合作關係。原告榮興(1956)有限公司入稟控告日清食品有限公司,入稟狀透露本港銷售出前一丁的年利潤一直高企,由2011年開始至2016年,每年利潤達1,139萬元。
    - investors from hk

    • Jardine matheson
    • First foreign affiliated company; first facility of the company in japan - eiichiban kan (source: invest in japan symposium 31jul15, powerpoint presentation of jetro)
    • Hong kong and shanghai hotels (source: invest in japan symposium 31jul15, one of the speakers)
    • HSH signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mitsubishi Estates Limited, Japan to develop a Peninsula hotel in Tokyo.
    • Malcolm thompson peninsula
    • Crown
    • 第一東方近期亦成為日本上市私募投資公司──日本亞投(JAIC)的最大單一股東。有港資參與的樂桃,成立之初已將開辦中國與日本航線作為發展目標。諸立力指出,隨前往日本中國旅客持續急增,事實已顯示中日兩國政治關係的變化,並未影響中日民間的正常交流。因應實際的市場需求,樂桃早前已正或向中國民航部門申請,在年內開辦來往大阪關西及上海浦東的首條中日航線,而從目前的發展,樂桃有信心在首條中日航線獲批後,進一步開辦其來往中日其他城市的航班。第一東方是少數積極參與日本直接投資的港商。而繼一二年參與投資樂桃後,諸立力亦指第一東方早前亦已8.25億日圓作價,購入JAIC的11.5%股權,並為港資企業成為日本上市金融企業最大單一股東的首例。
    • 世紀 21中華物 業(日本)昨日宣佈,正式收購日本本土物業代 理行「遠東國際不動產株式會社」,作價 2億日 圓
    • cha zhan teng
    • hket 18feb17 a9 in tokyo
    • Travel alliance
    • Md bryan tam is one of the speaker of hkgcc jetro sem on 15jan18
    • Property
    • 租霸case 
    •  新思維副主席鄭承隆(Edwin)就自爆啱啱喺日本河津買入一間附有溫泉嘅七千呎豪宅,下月頭就會飛去當地安排裝修,仲話農曆新年時打算招呼一班黨友去佢日本新居賞櫻添
    •  Lawrence多年前更開始涉足海外樓市,在美國及馬來西亞等國家投資住宅。近月,他與友人合資數千萬港元,於日本大阪購入兩幢物業,共涉及80個單位,購入後迅即再投入一筆資金,將大廈翻新,並加添消防設備及申請民宿牌照,同時亦將樓契業權拆散,打算將單位分拆出售,每個單位售價約80萬港元。
    •  日本包租婆紅林穎欣(Janet)坦言,現時在日本投資店舖的買家,多數是在港已有工商物業投資經驗。
    - japanese in hk

    • UA財務創辦人山頂豪宅被爆竊,損失財物逾四百萬元。山頂白加道豪宅區,繼上周日發生爆竊案後,前日警方展開連日大規模陸空搜捕行動,豈料,於晚上沙膽賊竟「捋虎鬚」,再出動爆竊豪宅,遇竊單位屬於「私貸之父」UA財務創辦人長原彰弘物業,損失九隻名錶及現金,總值四百二十萬元。
    • 日本插畫師奈緒子隨丈夫在香港落地生根多年

    - hk people in japan

    • 旅日侨领黄耀庭
    • 2007年9月14日,第九届世界华商大会组委会举行新闻发布会,组委会主席、日本中华总商会会长黄耀庭先生表示,希望能通过世界华商大会的平台,促进全世界华侨华人的交流,提升全世界华侨华人的经济与社会地位,进而促进国家与地方的发展,为全世界带来利益。旅居神户的黄耀庭先生于2006年3月1日当选为新一届日本中华总商会会长。多年从事贸易实业的他热心于侨界事务和华文教育,在侨界享有崇高威望,为筹办此次华商大会花费了不少心血。他认为所有的付出都是值得的。黄耀庭先生在日本生活已有76个年头。1931年,尚在襁褓中的黄耀庭随父母从台湾来到日本,在日本华侨华人社会中成长起来的他深知父辈创业的艰辛和融入的不易。“华商大会在神户召开令在日华侨华人挺直了腰板。”黄耀庭先生欣慰地说,“是中国的强大令在日华侨华人变得自信。”
    •  第九届华商大会暨2007日本中华年组委会主席黄耀庭先生(左一),在中华年的启动酒会上向来宾介绍46集大型电视连续剧《大敦煌》。由五洲传播中心与中国国安文化传媒投资有限公司制作的宏伟剧作《大敦煌》作为第九届华商大会的指定文化礼品,于12月份在日本电视台NHK播放,该片先期在国内开播。

    • hk couple in iwate prefecture
    • 80後日本租貴樓拒捱劏房
    • 嫁日港女炒出15層樓

    - hk people contributing to japan/hk relations

    • hkcd 25jul18 ma ti wing (background - worked in wenweipo and hket) was honored 

    - hk people in japan incident

    • 兩名香港女大專生近日往日本旅行,透過一間大型國際酒店預訂網站訂購日本民宿,但入住一晚後被民宿指她們「非法入侵」並扣留行李,索取十四萬日圓巨額賠償(約一萬港元)。事主吳小姐坦言,無錢支付巨額賠償,亦無理由自己出錢贖回自己的行李,認為今次事件是多方面溝通出錯。

    - event
    • 每年七月及八月,日本 􀎡首現香江 各地均舉行規模盛大的夏日祭典,每個地 方都各具特色,市民熱烈參與,人山人海 ,十分熱鬧。今個暑假,始創中心將 「日 本三大祭」之一的 「京都祇園祭」首次帶 到香港,把夏祭的精彩節目和熱鬧氣氛呈 現於大家眼前。
    - hk wwii soldier

    • 去年九月,中國慶祝抗日戰爭勝利七十周年,當年有份參戰的老兵獲邀到北京檢閱軍隊。香港只 有十名老兵出席,其中一位是九十二歲的潘江偉老先生。
    - 1988年前後幾年,自陳美齡長子金 子和平出生後,帶着吃母乳的兒子去 上班引伸出來的議論在日本被定名為 「Agnes Controversy」 ( 愛 妮 絲 論 爭;Agnes是美齡西文名,法文原意天 使)。當時大家都不認為有問題,結 果……美齡這樣寫:「你放心吧!一 定沒有問題的。」大家鼓勵她這個沒 有經驗的媽媽。但結果,這個行動不 是「無問題」,而是大有問題!它引 起了日本婦權運動歷史上最大的論爭 之一,叫「Agnes Controversy」,以 下稱美齡論爭。「美齡論爭」長達兩年多,甚至得 到 1988年日本「新語流行語大賞」流 行語部門的「大眾賞」。除了收到 「死亡威脅」的恐嚇,也因此導致美 齡帶着長子和平、懷着細仔協平前往 美國著名學府史丹福大學攻讀博士學 位的源由。

    - scmp supp
    • 8apr16, 27apr18 business report, 12oct18 business report

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