- 1950年代に入って間もない頃に湖や川の魚が死んでいったり、古い教会のブロンズ像がボロボロになったりする異変がスウェーデンやノルウェーの南 部の北欧で始まっていた。その原因はph4~5の雨が降っていたことであった。この両国にはその汚染源は見つからなかった。しかし、その原因を突き止めた のはスウェーデンの土壌科学者S・オーデン博士であった。その汚染物質は欧州中部から運ばれてきていた。1967年、博士は酸性雨の研究の論文を発表して いる。産業革命以降、石炭を大量に使ったイギリスやドイツなどがスカンディナビア半島の森林に多大な影響を与え、1980年代までには当時の東ドイツ、 チェコスロバキア、ポーランドを中心とする国々も石炭を使い続けた結果、欧州東部へ広がる針葉樹林の広範囲を死滅させてしまった。もちろん住民への健康被 害は大変なものであったにも関わらず当時の政権はそれを隠し続け、被害をよりいっそう甚大なものとしてしまった。中国では石炭の埋蔵量も豊富であり、安価であることから使用量も莫大であり、北京をはじめとする内陸部の工業地帯では酸性雨や大気汚染が広がっている。街にはマスクをかけている人が見られる。
control weather
- In the sixties, many countries tried to come up with methods to influence climate and weather conditions. The Soviets thought that if they could control the weather it would give them a huge advantage over the enemy, and scientists researched the idea. It also became known that the U.S. was working on a similar idea. In 1977, the UN officially adopted a convention banning the use of climate changing weapons, but the U.S. and Soviet Union continued to examine the prospect and established meteorological complexes that that were reportedly able to influence processes in the ionosphere (the layer of the Earth's atmosphere that is ionized by solar and cosmic radiation). The Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility (SURA) - a Russian laboratory for researching the ionosphere - was set up in the 1980s. It was much like the American HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) complex. At the time nearby residents witnessed strange glowing lights in the sky and moving red spheres. But these were put down to plasma formations created by the work going on in the complex’s facilities. However, many scientists believe all talk of climate changing weapons is completely groundless.https://www.rbth.com/science_and_tech/2017/07/31/3-bizarre-soviet-projects-straight-out-of-a-science-fiction-novel_814376
- 據內蒙古氣象局日前發布的數據,當地乾旱面積佔全區總面積的66.8%,旱情以中度乾旱為主。其中,超過七成牧區發生乾旱,以中旱為主;超過六成農區出現乾旱,以輕旱為主;另也有近四成林區出現乾旱情況。氣象部門建議,各地根據實際情況,做好抗旱工作。其中,新舟氣象增雨飛機早前已進駐內蒙古人工增雨基地,擇機開展增雨工作;赤峰喀喇沁旗氣象局也在前日趁着迎來大範圍強降水天氣過程的時機,先後在王爺府鎮銀匠營子村、馬鞍山村作業點實施地面火箭增雨(雪)作業,共發射十五枚火箭彈。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200418/00178_002.html
- economist 29feb2020 "rain delay" a beer company tries cloud-seeding to keep the rain away
- 面對旱情和寒潮夾擊,浙江省防指辦去年12月已組織相關部門共開展50次98輪人工增雨;水利部門組織浙東引水工程蕭山樞紐向杭州、紹興、寧波、舟山供水6,500萬立方米,烏溪江引水工程引供水1.39億立方米;建設部門指導182家供水廠保障日均1,630萬噸供水水質和水量,農業農村部門派3,000多名專家指導農戶做好抗旱抗強寒潮工作。浙江省防指辦強調,當地未出現主要城市供水緊張和農業大面積乾旱,旱情總體可控。惟根據天氣預測,當地旱情況可能進一步持續。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210106/00178_002.html
warm period
- http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202101/0108/HZ16108CHAA_HKCD.pdf use of drones to increase amount of snowfall case in gansu
- 近來 「假雪」 成為了美國網絡熱 搜詞。美國民眾拍攝視頻,顯示有人 打火機燒雪球,電吹風吹雪球卻看不 到雪化成水。於是網上出現了一個陰 謀論:得州的災難性暴雪是 「假雪」 , 「假雪」 是拜登政 府人為製造的,最終目的 是為了阻止得州脫離美 國聯邦政府。而製造這 場 「假雪」 的拜登政府依靠的是 「外 星高科技」 ,以及比爾.蓋茨捐贈哈 佛大學的一項 「遮擋陽光減緩氣候變 化」 的科學項目。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20210226/PDF/a22_screen.pdf
warm period
- https://www.quora.com/Why-did-the-ancient-Greeks-and-Romans-really-not-wear-that-much-clothing Because they lived in the Warm Period of Antiquity. It ended around 250 AD. The Dark Ages were not only dark, they were cold as well. The situation became easier only in the Early Middle Ages and in the Carolingian period, as the Medieval Warm Period began.
- The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds. This Convention was a result of three years of meeting and negotiating, after which the text of the Convention was approved by delegates representing close to 140 countries on 19 January 2013 in Geneva and adopted and signed later that year on 10 October 2013 at a Diplomatic Conference held in Kumamoto, Japan. The Convention is named after the Japanese city Minamata. This naming is of symbolic importance as the city went through a devastating incident of mercury poisoning. It is expected that over the next few decades, this international agreement will enhance the reduction of mercury pollution from the targeted activities responsible for the major release of mercury to the immediate environment.
rural sustainability
- ft 13jun19 startup to pay farmers for storing carbon in soil
- hku symposium
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2017-03/21/content_28627339.htm After spending two decades planting trees in the Kubuqi Desert in Northwest China, Wang Wenbiao has led his company overseas to reclaim land in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Wang, president of the China Elion Resources Group, plans to turn the five major deserts in Pakistan, including the Cholistan and Thal deserts, into oases by introducing ecological systems and environmental infrastructures. The company's techniques reclaim land by promoting vegetative cover, planting forests, controlling desertification and developing weather-resistant cultivable land. Meanwhile, the living standards of local residents are improved via cattle-breeding, herb cultivation and tourism.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2017-03/21/content_28622052.htm As part of China's aid package to developing countries, Gansu province and the Ningxia Hui autonomous region have been providing training courses for foreign officials and scholars on the prevention and control of desertification.Since 1993, the institute has provided foreign guests with 43 seminars on the prevention and control of desertification, ecological restoration, industrial development, the protection of oases and water conservation, according to Liu Shizeng, director of the Gansu Desert Control Research Institute in Lanzhou, the provincial capital.Gansu has also launched cooperation programs with more than 20 countries, and established pilot bases in Nigeria, Niger, Egypt, and Mauritania. Ningxia Hui has held training sessions for officials from Arabian countries since 2006. In total, 220 participants from 20 countries have participated in the region's course on combating desertification.
- 在位於新疆的「火洲」吐魯番,沙漠、盆地,獨特的氣候氛圍讓這裡成了吸引人的旅遊勝地。但對植物學家潘伯榮而言,這兒的極端氣候卻是研究的樂土。1975年,經過規劃設計,包括潘伯榮在內的中科院新疆生態與地理研究所科研人員來到這裡,在已營建的大面積人工固沙灌木林中劃地建設新疆第一個植物園──「吐魯番沙漠植物園」。長達40餘年的防沙治沙、植物引種馴化及科普工作就此開啟。 據潘伯榮統計,吐魯番沙漠植物園研究成果已經運用於新疆塔河中下游受損生態系統恢復與重建、克拉瑪依油田周邊石油污染地的生態修復、塔中沙漠油田基地建設等。先後向西北各省區和新疆30多個單位提供優良固沙植物種子20噸、苗條300多萬株。這個龐大荒漠植被系統作為荒漠植物引種收集、遷地保育、科學研究、開發利用與科普展示的基地,持續發揮作用。而為了這些寶貴的植物,科研人員野外引種足跡遍佈內地不同地方,甚至走出國門,到達俄羅斯、中亞各國、非洲的利比亞和毛里塔尼亞,以及西亞的敘利亞。早年因為交通不便,潘伯榮和同事們為了引種一棵植物,坐班車、騎單車、坐驢車,只要能到達目的地,多久、多困難都可以。更有甚者,1980年10月,潘伯榮在去新疆伊犁考察的途中遭遇車禍,頸椎骨折脫位,經歷了9個多月的住院治療和兩次頸椎融合術,才得以康復。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/01/18/a19-0118.pdf- event
- event
- Beijing is collaborating with the US state of Wisconsin to build a "sponge city" by creating an ecological circle, from the removal of water to its sustainable return to nature. The Chinese capital city's water authority, together with The Water Council nonprofit organization in the United States and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp, hosted a water conference on Wednesday to transfer the US technology, following a similar one in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, two days earlier.http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-11/30/content_35131354.htm
Forest ownership transfer
- dobruja ( in eastern europe) was (19th c?) a popular area for catching birds, and many activities that revolved around bird collecting were concentrated there.
bird conservation
- bird hunting can be traced as far back as 16th c on the island of cyprus. Along egyptian coasg, frommborder with libya to sinai peninsula, bird hunters hang nets to catch birds
- convention for protection of birds useful to agriculture signed by 12 states (except italy) in paris in 1902. According to bernd brunner, baron hans hermann von berlepsch had seen for himself mass destruction of migration birds in italy. Cats that roamed freely there also posed a danger to birds
environmental friendly alternatives
- Isobionics Santalol, which boasts a woody odour profile, is the first joint product launched by the companies since BASF acquired Isobionics in September 2019. It is said to be particularly suitable for use in perfumes and high-end personal care products.Sandalwood oil is extracted from the wood and roots of the white sandalwood tree, which are not ready for harvesting until they are about 30 years old.As such, their existence has become endangered due to over-exploitation and the sandalwood tree is on the ‘red list’ of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).In contrast, Isobionics Santalol is made from renewable, Europe-grown corn starch fermented via biotechnology.https://www.cosmeticsbusiness.com/news/article_page/BASF_and_Isobionics_launch_renewable_replacement_for_sandalwood/167742
animal welfare
- 報道指農業部長克倫克納(Julia Kloeckner)遵照專家建議,將要求狗主每日必須帶愛犬散步兩次,合共最少一小時。此外,狗主亦不得讓狗隻過長時間佩戴狗鏈,以及讓狗隻獨留在家一整天。新法例將於明年實施,十六個聯邦州將各自負責執行。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200822/00180_030.html
legal personality of natural environment
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2017-03/22/content_28633917.htm Two of India's most iconic rivers, considered sacred by nearly a billion Hindusin the country, have been given the status of living entities to save them from further harmcaused by widespread pollution. The High Court in the northern state of Uttarakhand ruled on Monday that the Ganges and theYamuna rivers be accorded the status of living human entities, meaning that if anyone harmsor pollutes either river, the law would view it as no different from harming a person. The judges cited the example of New Zealand's Whanganui River, revered by the indigenousMaori people. The Whanganui was declared a living entity with full legal rights by NewZealand's government last week.
plants that purify air
- [the practical encyclopedia fo feng shui by gill hale published by 大连理工大学出版社] rhapis excelsa; anthurium andraeanum; ficus robusta; musa cavendishii; spathiphyllum; hedera helix; heart leaf philodendron; codiaeum variegatum pistum; kalanchoe blossfeldiana; epipremnum aureum ficus alii; nephrolepis exaltata 'bostoniensis'
- [futurarc] outdoor plants - areca palm; weeping fig tree (ficus benjamina); english ivy (hedrea helix); indoor plants - snake plant (sansevieria trifiasciata); peace lilies (spathphyllum wallisii); chinese evergreen (aglaonema sp); spider plant (chlorophytum comosum); golden pothos (epipremnum aureum); florist's chrysanthemums (chrysanthemum x morifolium)
noise pollution
- scmp remember a day on a 6oct19 report Even a cat’s miaow or a dog’s growl might soon be banned in Parma, Ohio, during certain hours of the day. A proposed ordinance included as a violation for “owning, possessing or harbouring any animal or bird which frequently or for continued duration howls, barks, miaow, squawks or makes other sounds which create a noise disturbance across a residential real property boundary.”https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3031387/hong-kong-mtr-opens-us-city-bans-animal-noises-and-swiss
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20151009/00176_150.html 回收業陷入寒冬,業界直指政府施政失當,即使環境局近日推出了十億元的回收基金,業界普遍認為成效不大,未能對症下藥。「業界捱咗咁耐,但佢推個基金出來根本幫唔到我哋!」香港環保回收業總商會主席羅耀荃批評,回收基金對於一眾前線回收人員並沒有實際幫助,「依家最需要嘅係一眾中小型回收商,但基金要佢哋去買機器、換車,但佢哋都有呢啲設備,即使換咗,膠價咁低咪又係蝕,咁有咩用?」羅建議政府應推出平衡基金,「應該喺廢料價格低於正常市價時,畀運輸津貼幫補業界。」「終於叫向前行咗一步,希望基金真係會回應我哋需要。」香港環保廢料再造業總會主席劉耀成指出,多年來政府對於回收業缺乏長遠規劃,對於剛推出的回收基金能否幫助業界走過低潮,仍然是未知之數。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151106/PDF/a14_screen.pdf 今年初至今三大 主要回收廢料國際價 格暴跌,當中以廢金 屬最為嚴重,回收價 從每噸1450元跌至700元,跌幅超過50% 。回收業界指,回收價跳水,但運輸、人 工成本仍然高昂,導致現時 「做一噸蝕一 噸」 ,業界整體步入寒冬,預計年底或明 年初將爆發大規模結業潮。政府回收基金 「遠水不能救近火」 ,民建聯環境事務發 言人陳克勤建議政府,由食環署垃圾車代 運回收物料,並研究成立回收、物管、清 潔業界與政府的聯席會議。
robot assisted recycling
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3045727/apple-has-robot-called-daisy-can-help-recycle-minerals-its-iphones
medical waste recycling
- feature article singtao 6jan16 a18
agricultural waste recycling
- Bagasse (/bəˈɡæs/ bə-GAS-se') is the dry pulpy fibrous residue that remains after sugarcane or sorghum stalks are crushed to extract their juice.[1] It is used as a biofuel for the production of heat, energy, and electricity, and in the manufacture of pulp and building materials. Agave bagasse is a similar material that consists of the tissue of the blue agave after extraction of the sap.Processed bagasse is added to human food as sugarcane fiber.[14] It is a soluble fiber but can help promote intestinal regularity.[14] One animal study suggests that sugarcane fiber combined with a high-fat diet may help control type 2 diabetes.[15] Bagasse are good sources of lignoceric and cerotic acids. In Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, bagasse is sometimes used to smoke bacon and sausages.
wood recycling
- The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds. This Convention was a result of three years of meeting and negotiating, after which the text of the Convention was approved by delegates representing close to 140 countries on 19 January 2013 in Geneva and adopted and signed later that year on 10 October 2013 at a Diplomatic Conference held in Kumamoto, Japan. The Convention is named after the Japanese city Minamata. This naming is of symbolic importance as the city went through a devastating incident of mercury poisoning. It is expected that over the next few decades, this international agreement will enhance the reduction of mercury pollution from the targeted activities responsible for the major release of mercury to the immediate environment.
rural sustainability
- ft 13jun19 startup to pay farmers for storing carbon in soil
- hku symposium
- http://www.socsc.hku.hk/srcac/
- http://www.socsc.hku.hk/cgrs/
- cases
樹瘤A burl (American English) or bur or burr (UK English) is a tree growth in which the grain has grown in a deformed manner. It is commonly found in the form of a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch that is filled with small knots from dormant buds. A burl results from a tree undergoing some form of stress. It may be caused by an injury, virus or fungus. Most burls grow beneath the ground, attached to the roots as a type of malignancy that is generally not discovered until the tree dies or falls over. Such burls sometimes appear as groups of bulbous protrusions connected by a system of rope-like roots. Almost all burl wood is covered by bark, even if it is underground. Insectinfestation and certain types of mold infestation are the most common causes of this condition.Burls yield a very peculiar and highly figured wood, prized for its beauty and rarity. It is sought after by furniture makers, artists, and wood sculptors. There are a number of well-known types of burls (each from a particular species); these are highly valued and sliced into veneers for furniture, inlayin doors, picture frames, household objects, automobile interior paneling and trim, musical instruments, and woodturning.
- The Satoyama Initiative was started through a joint collaboration between the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ) and the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). In January 2010, a "Global Workshop on the Satoyama Initiative" was held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The Global Workshop built on two preparatory workshops held in Asia, the first inTokyo, Japan in July 2009, and the second in Penang, Malaysia in October 2009. The objectives of the Global Workshop were to discuss the Satoyama Initiative’s concept and define the elements of activities to be included in the Initiative. The “Paris Declaration on the Satoyama Initiative”[3] was one of the major outcomes of the Paris workshop. It was subsequently submitted to the fourteenth meeting of theConvention on Biological Diversity's Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-14) as one of the official documents of the meeting, and became a fundamental document that led to the Initiative’s recognition during the tenth ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 10), held in Nagoya, Japan in 2010.[2][4] Some resistance came from some who opposed the use of the word "Satoyama" since it is only used in Japanese and is not a common term throughout the world, and from some major agricultural exporting countries who "made the criticism that the Satoyama Initiative would augment local production for local consumption, and thus inhibit free trade in goods in the spirit of the GATT Uruguay Round" before it was finally included in the COP 10 decision.
- In early Philippine history, a Bayan (sometimes simply called a "large Barangay")[1] was a political entity which consisted of several social groups called "Barangay (Filipino plural: mga Barangay)."[2] The term's etymology can be traced back to the word "bahayan", meaning a "community", or literally "a place with many households."[3] The majority of these early "bayan" were economically complex communities situated river deltas where rivers exit out into the ocean, and featured a compact community layout which distinguished them from inland communities, thus the name. After the various polities of the Philippine archipelago were united into a single political entity during colonial times, the term gradually lost its original specific meaning, and took on more generic, descriptive denotations: population center (poblacion) or capital (cabisera); municipality; or in the broadest sense, "country". Among the most prominent of these Bayan entities were those in Maynila, Tondo, Pangasinan, Cebu, Bohol, Butuan, Cotabato, and Sulu.
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2017-03/21/content_28627339.htm After spending two decades planting trees in the Kubuqi Desert in Northwest China, Wang Wenbiao has led his company overseas to reclaim land in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Wang, president of the China Elion Resources Group, plans to turn the five major deserts in Pakistan, including the Cholistan and Thal deserts, into oases by introducing ecological systems and environmental infrastructures. The company's techniques reclaim land by promoting vegetative cover, planting forests, controlling desertification and developing weather-resistant cultivable land. Meanwhile, the living standards of local residents are improved via cattle-breeding, herb cultivation and tourism.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2017-03/21/content_28622052.htm As part of China's aid package to developing countries, Gansu province and the Ningxia Hui autonomous region have been providing training courses for foreign officials and scholars on the prevention and control of desertification.Since 1993, the institute has provided foreign guests with 43 seminars on the prevention and control of desertification, ecological restoration, industrial development, the protection of oases and water conservation, according to Liu Shizeng, director of the Gansu Desert Control Research Institute in Lanzhou, the provincial capital.Gansu has also launched cooperation programs with more than 20 countries, and established pilot bases in Nigeria, Niger, Egypt, and Mauritania. Ningxia Hui has held training sessions for officials from Arabian countries since 2006. In total, 220 participants from 20 countries have participated in the region's course on combating desertification.
- 在位於新疆的「火洲」吐魯番,沙漠、盆地,獨特的氣候氛圍讓這裡成了吸引人的旅遊勝地。但對植物學家潘伯榮而言,這兒的極端氣候卻是研究的樂土。1975年,經過規劃設計,包括潘伯榮在內的中科院新疆生態與地理研究所科研人員來到這裡,在已營建的大面積人工固沙灌木林中劃地建設新疆第一個植物園──「吐魯番沙漠植物園」。長達40餘年的防沙治沙、植物引種馴化及科普工作就此開啟。 據潘伯榮統計,吐魯番沙漠植物園研究成果已經運用於新疆塔河中下游受損生態系統恢復與重建、克拉瑪依油田周邊石油污染地的生態修復、塔中沙漠油田基地建設等。先後向西北各省區和新疆30多個單位提供優良固沙植物種子20噸、苗條300多萬株。這個龐大荒漠植被系統作為荒漠植物引種收集、遷地保育、科學研究、開發利用與科普展示的基地,持續發揮作用。而為了這些寶貴的植物,科研人員野外引種足跡遍佈內地不同地方,甚至走出國門,到達俄羅斯、中亞各國、非洲的利比亞和毛里塔尼亞,以及西亞的敘利亞。早年因為交通不便,潘伯榮和同事們為了引種一棵植物,坐班車、騎單車、坐驢車,只要能到達目的地,多久、多困難都可以。更有甚者,1980年10月,潘伯榮在去新疆伊犁考察的途中遭遇車禍,頸椎骨折脫位,經歷了9個多月的住院治療和兩次頸椎融合術,才得以康復。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/01/18/a19-0118.pdf- event
- The sixth Kubuqi International Desert Forum, a major dialogue for global initiatives to combat desertification china daily 27jul17
*********一批科研人員近日使用電磁成像技術,在夏威夷瓦拉萊火山對開的海底下,發現一個儲存了大量淡水的地下水庫。這除解答了長期以來的謎團,也更新了學界對火山島地下淡水系統的理解,有望成為未來乾旱時期島民的寶貴資源。夏威夷大學地球物理學家阿蒂亞斯(Eric Attias)和團隊,用一艘船拖着一組電磁系統,沿海岸航行200公里,形成一個40公里長、4公里闊的電磁場區域。由於海水和淡水的導電特性不同,令電磁場顯現出海底地下水的情況。團隊分析電磁成像後,發現該處地底下有一個容量達3.5立方公里的淡水庫,約等於140萬個奧運標準泳池水量,是先前估計含水量的2倍。團隊同時發現,淡水庫連結到一個藏於飽含鹽水的火山玄武岩層內的地下淡水河系統,這些地下河流長約35公里,在海岸線以西延伸最少4公里。日常下雨後,大部分的雨水就是沿着這些地下河流進入「水庫」,以致只有小量停留在陸地下面的儲水層,這解答了長期以來,夏威夷地下水存量遠少於降雨量的神秘差異之謎。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20201128/00180_041.html
- event
- The annual World Canal Cities Forum first started in December 2007. This forum gathers government officials, scholars and canal lovers from various canal cities across the world. They will present their case studies, exchange ideas and discuss topics related tourism, heritage preservation and environmental protection.https://www.facebook.com/events/1904685483104449/
- Beijing is collaborating with the US state of Wisconsin to build a "sponge city" by creating an ecological circle, from the removal of water to its sustainable return to nature. The Chinese capital city's water authority, together with The Water Council nonprofit organization in the United States and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp, hosted a water conference on Wednesday to transfer the US technology, following a similar one in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, two days earlier.http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-11/30/content_35131354.htm
Forest ownership transfer
- dobruja ( in eastern europe) was (19th c?) a popular area for catching birds, and many activities that revolved around bird collecting were concentrated there.
bird conservation
- bird hunting can be traced as far back as 16th c on the island of cyprus. Along egyptian coasg, frommborder with libya to sinai peninsula, bird hunters hang nets to catch birds
- convention for protection of birds useful to agriculture signed by 12 states (except italy) in paris in 1902. According to bernd brunner, baron hans hermann von berlepsch had seen for himself mass destruction of migration birds in italy. Cats that roamed freely there also posed a danger to birds
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) is an international body set up by the terms of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW), which was signed in Washington, D.C., United States, on December 2, 1946 to "provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry".m In 1982 the IWC adopted a moratorium on commercial whaling. Currently, Japan, Russia, and a number of other nations oppose this moratorium. The IWC allows non-zero whaling quotas for aboriginal subsistence and also member nations may issue 'Scientific Permits' to their citizens. Japan has issued such permits since 1986, Norway and Iceland whale under objection to the moratorium and issue their own quotas. In 1994, the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuarywas created by the IWC.
- 日本政府官員於周四透露,當局計劃退出國際捕鯨委員會(IWC),以便於明年重啟商業捕鯨,或於下周公布有關決定。共同社報道,日本退出IWC後,將不會在南極海捕鯨,而是在日本附近海域及專屬經濟區內進行。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181221/00180_021.html- 惟挪威不接受一九八二年通過的《禁止商業捕鯨公約》,目前仍會商業捕鯨;冰島曾於一九九二年退出IWC,○三年重新加入。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181227/00180_003.html
whale killing
- http://time.com/4370478/norway-whaling-report/ Norway kills more whales every year than some of the most notorious whaling countries combined, according to a new report. Co-written by three environmental and animal rights NGOs—Animal Welfare Institute, OceanCare and ProWildlife—the report concludes that Norwegian whalers are responsible for killing some 12,000 whales since 1993. Norway killed more whales than infamous whale hunters Iceland and Japan combined, later exporting nearly 400,000 pounds of products made from whale oil to those countries and the Faroe Islands.
- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/aug/21/scottish-town-cuts-twinned-link-to-faroe-islands-over-whale-killings A Scottish town has broken off its relations with the Faroe Islands in protest against this year’s “disgusting” killing of over 400 pilot whales. Wick, a coastal in the far north of Scotland closer to the Faroes than to London, has been twinned for 20 years with Klaksvík, the second-largest community in the Faroes. But the islanders’ traditional whale hunts have sickened civic leaders who fear that their association with the remote archipelago could also affect their own tourism.
- new territories concern group (http://www.ntconcerngp.com/)
- FT report on biofuels: wasted energy http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/1bf7a80c-b430-11e3-a102-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2z38j5sjo
- Elsie Tu letter to China Daily on 22apr14 "new incinerator needed" (she went on a duty visit with her colleagues to see technologies in incinerators)
- Swedcham HK letter to Legco http://www.swedcham.com.hk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/SCC-Environmental-Infrastructure-Projects-13-Mar-2014.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/business/article/1611643/report-warned-confrontation-over-constitutional-reform China Everbright International selected the Westinghouse Plasma Technology while EPD dismisses the technology as being insufficiently tested
whale killing
- http://time.com/4370478/norway-whaling-report/ Norway kills more whales every year than some of the most notorious whaling countries combined, according to a new report. Co-written by three environmental and animal rights NGOs—Animal Welfare Institute, OceanCare and ProWildlife—the report concludes that Norwegian whalers are responsible for killing some 12,000 whales since 1993. Norway killed more whales than infamous whale hunters Iceland and Japan combined, later exporting nearly 400,000 pounds of products made from whale oil to those countries and the Faroe Islands.
- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/aug/21/scottish-town-cuts-twinned-link-to-faroe-islands-over-whale-killings A Scottish town has broken off its relations with the Faroe Islands in protest against this year’s “disgusting” killing of over 400 pilot whales. Wick, a coastal in the far north of Scotland closer to the Faroes than to London, has been twinned for 20 years with Klaksvík, the second-largest community in the Faroes. But the islanders’ traditional whale hunts have sickened civic leaders who fear that their association with the remote archipelago could also affect their own tourism.
- new territories concern group (http://www.ntconcerngp.com/)
- FT report on biofuels: wasted energy http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/1bf7a80c-b430-11e3-a102-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2z38j5sjo
- Elsie Tu letter to China Daily on 22apr14 "new incinerator needed" (she went on a duty visit with her colleagues to see technologies in incinerators)
- Swedcham HK letter to Legco http://www.swedcham.com.hk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/SCC-Environmental-Infrastructure-Projects-13-Mar-2014.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/business/article/1611643/report-warned-confrontation-over-constitutional-reform China Everbright International selected the Westinghouse Plasma Technology while EPD dismisses the technology as being insufficiently tested
- Quadpack’s wood components factory in Torelló, Spain has taken a step towards carbon neutrality with the inauguration of a new biomass plant.Quadpack Wood will now use its own wood scraps to generate energy for its dryers, heating and air conditioning, eliminating the need for fossil fuels.https://cosmeticsbusiness.com/news/article_page/Quadpack_Wood_inaugurates_biomass_plant/169577
- Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Mak Siu Fai urge government to legislate LED on energy efficiency and 光生物安全性singtao 7apr15 a10
waste management
- ancient practice
- 德國減廢有道 港宜借鏡
academic banks on flies to turn waste into cash scmp 3apr19
waste experiment
- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45620299 In the 1980s local authorities agreed 25,000 tyres should be sunk into the waters 500m (1,640 feet) from the shore between Cannes and Antibes, on the French Riviera. In 2005, researchers found the tyres were leaking chemicals including heavy metals - a risk to human life - into the environment.In 2015, authorities told journalists the tyres were thought to be "completely inert" and to present no risk at the time they were sunk. Another documented issue is that stacks of tyres can collapse or disintegrate, disturbing life in the area. A first set of 25,000 tyres was removed in 2015, with 10,000 set to be lifted in the coming weeks and more next year. Artificial reefs using tyres have also been sunk in other parts of the world. Tens of thousands of tyres have been removed from the seabed at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Around Gibraltar in the 1970s, the tyres were washed away by currents. Ships, cars and concrete blocks were later used instead. Teams of divers are painstakingly lifting an artificial reef made of tens of thousands of old car tyres from the seafloor south of France, after it was found to spread pollution from toxic chemicals. The operation is costing well over a million euros ($1.1m; £898,000) and is part-funded by the tyre manufacturer Michelin as well as the French state.
garbage traffic/trade
- 馬來西亞政府周二表示,有國家虛報出口貨物內容,把無法回收的塑膠廢物運到當地。馬來西亞環境部長楊美盈透露,自中國去年停止進口塑膠廢物,馬來西亞及其他發展中國家成為發達國家出口垃圾的對象。當局檢查一百廿三個申報屬再循環塑料貨櫃,發現六十個裝滿受污染兼不能回收的垃圾,準備走私到國內不合規格的處理中心。這批垃圾來自澳洲、孟加拉、加拿大、中國、日本、沙特阿拉伯及美國,而中國的貨櫃內竟是法國垃圾;其中十個貨櫃兩周內將運回原產地。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190529/00180_022.html
- 東南亞國家近年相繼宣佈拒絕 接收「洋垃圾」,把載滿垃圾的 貨櫃退回歐美來源國。然而印尼 環保團體近日一項調查發現,當 地上月 58個本應退回美國的垃圾 貨櫃中,只有 12 個真的運返美 國,其餘 46櫃垃圾則輾轉運至其 他國家,大部分最後抵達印度, 反映「洋垃圾」問題無法真正解 決,形同騙局。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/31/a19-1031.pdf
- 浙江寧波海關前日通報,近日查獲四十八噸中國禁止進口的「洋垃圾」。該批「洋垃圾」是寧波市一間公司由香港進口,報稱為用於製作塑膠盒等塑膠製品的聚丙烯粉末。該批「洋垃圾」已移交後續部門作進一步調查處理。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200305/00178_029.html
garbage at sea
- http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/JEP_announces_installation_of_Jamaicas_first_garbage_Seabin Private electricity generating company Jamaica Energy Partners (JEP), in collaboration with its international energy partner Wartsila, has announced the launch of Jamaica's first SeaBin, an ocean garbage collector, which will be established at the Montego Bay Marine Park in St James. JEP explained that the Seabin, which is docked, is a submersible garbage bin that collects floating debris, surface oil and other pollutants in the water. Water is sucked in from the surface by an electric pump and passes through the catch bag filter inside the Seabin. The water is then pumped back into the ocean leaving litter and debris trapped in the catch bag, JEP said in a release.
- 荷蘭非牟利環保組織 「海洋清理」 (The Ocean Cleanup)早前研發一款名為 「系統001」 的海洋漂浮系統,用於清理海洋塑膠。該裝置去年10月抵達太 平洋垃圾帶,在運作近3個月後,於去年12月29日被發 現末端斷裂,且收集垃圾數量遠不及預期,因此 被回收上岸待修。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190104/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- 海洋污染令全球各國都大為頭痛,荷蘭一名廿五歲發明家,研發出清理海洋塑膠垃圾的新型裝置,能在垃圾流出海洋前將之截住收集。他上周六公布研究結果,並表示已有數個國家正試行裝置,希望能在未來五年內取得成果,令海洋回復潔淨。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191028/00180_033.html
- The governments of 187 countries have agreed to control the movement of plastic waste between national borders, in an effort to curb the world's plastic crisis -- but the United States was not among them. Nations agreed to add plastic to the Basel Convention, a treaty that regulates movement of hazardous materials from one country to another, in order to combat the dangerous effects of plastic pollution around the world. The pact was approved at the end of a two-week meeting of UN-backed conventions in Geneva, Switzerland. But the US was not involved in the decision-making process, as it is one of just two countries that have not ratified the agreement.The resolution means contaminated and most mixes of plastic wastes will require prior consent from receiving countries before they are traded, with the exceptions of mixes of PE, PP and PET, according to WWF.https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/11/world/basel-convention-plastic-waste-trade-intl/index.html
- Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Mak Siu Fai urge government to legislate LED on energy efficiency and 光生物安全性singtao 7apr15 a10
waste management
- ancient practice
- Ancient cities produced very little trash. Most of the trash we produce is packaging and disposables. If you don't have either you make very little waste. So, in first place, Rome produced less waste than we do. Some food scraps were just thrown into the street, rains would carry them away. Other solid waste was collected by a number of recyclers that used it to make fertilizer. Ceramic shards were brought to a collecting site that later became the 8th hill of Rome, Monte Testaccio. Urine was usually collected by dyers and cleaners, as it could be turned into ammonia. Other liquid wastes were collected in sewers.https://www.quora.com/How-did-ancient-cities-like-Rome-manage-their-trash
- 德國減廢有道 港宜借鏡
academic banks on flies to turn waste into cash scmp 3apr19
waste experiment
- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45620299 In the 1980s local authorities agreed 25,000 tyres should be sunk into the waters 500m (1,640 feet) from the shore between Cannes and Antibes, on the French Riviera. In 2005, researchers found the tyres were leaking chemicals including heavy metals - a risk to human life - into the environment.In 2015, authorities told journalists the tyres were thought to be "completely inert" and to present no risk at the time they were sunk. Another documented issue is that stacks of tyres can collapse or disintegrate, disturbing life in the area. A first set of 25,000 tyres was removed in 2015, with 10,000 set to be lifted in the coming weeks and more next year. Artificial reefs using tyres have also been sunk in other parts of the world. Tens of thousands of tyres have been removed from the seabed at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Around Gibraltar in the 1970s, the tyres were washed away by currents. Ships, cars and concrete blocks were later used instead. Teams of divers are painstakingly lifting an artificial reef made of tens of thousands of old car tyres from the seafloor south of France, after it was found to spread pollution from toxic chemicals. The operation is costing well over a million euros ($1.1m; £898,000) and is part-funded by the tyre manufacturer Michelin as well as the French state.
garbage traffic/trade
- 馬來西亞政府周二表示,有國家虛報出口貨物內容,把無法回收的塑膠廢物運到當地。馬來西亞環境部長楊美盈透露,自中國去年停止進口塑膠廢物,馬來西亞及其他發展中國家成為發達國家出口垃圾的對象。當局檢查一百廿三個申報屬再循環塑料貨櫃,發現六十個裝滿受污染兼不能回收的垃圾,準備走私到國內不合規格的處理中心。這批垃圾來自澳洲、孟加拉、加拿大、中國、日本、沙特阿拉伯及美國,而中國的貨櫃內竟是法國垃圾;其中十個貨櫃兩周內將運回原產地。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190529/00180_022.html
- 東南亞國家近年相繼宣佈拒絕 接收「洋垃圾」,把載滿垃圾的 貨櫃退回歐美來源國。然而印尼 環保團體近日一項調查發現,當 地上月 58個本應退回美國的垃圾 貨櫃中,只有 12 個真的運返美 國,其餘 46櫃垃圾則輾轉運至其 他國家,大部分最後抵達印度, 反映「洋垃圾」問題無法真正解 決,形同騙局。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/31/a19-1031.pdf
- 浙江寧波海關前日通報,近日查獲四十八噸中國禁止進口的「洋垃圾」。該批「洋垃圾」是寧波市一間公司由香港進口,報稱為用於製作塑膠盒等塑膠製品的聚丙烯粉末。該批「洋垃圾」已移交後續部門作進一步調查處理。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200305/00178_029.html
garbage at sea
- http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/JEP_announces_installation_of_Jamaicas_first_garbage_Seabin Private electricity generating company Jamaica Energy Partners (JEP), in collaboration with its international energy partner Wartsila, has announced the launch of Jamaica's first SeaBin, an ocean garbage collector, which will be established at the Montego Bay Marine Park in St James. JEP explained that the Seabin, which is docked, is a submersible garbage bin that collects floating debris, surface oil and other pollutants in the water. Water is sucked in from the surface by an electric pump and passes through the catch bag filter inside the Seabin. The water is then pumped back into the ocean leaving litter and debris trapped in the catch bag, JEP said in a release.
- 荷蘭非牟利環保組織 「海洋清理」 (The Ocean Cleanup)早前研發一款名為 「系統001」 的海洋漂浮系統,用於清理海洋塑膠。該裝置去年10月抵達太 平洋垃圾帶,在運作近3個月後,於去年12月29日被發 現末端斷裂,且收集垃圾數量遠不及預期,因此 被回收上岸待修。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190104/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- Dutch non-governmental organisation the Ocean Cleanup has developed what it’s calling the first “scalable solution to efficiently intercept plastics in rivers before it reaches the oceans”.Developed in conjunction with engineering consultancy Arcardis, the solar-powered floating system collects plastic waste and other debris from rivers autonomously.To date, four Interceptors have been built. As part of a “Pilot Project- River Plastic Interception”, the plastic-eating vessel has been immediately put to work on the Klang river in Malaysia.https://www.aquatechtrade.com/news/article/ocean-cleanup-arcadis-plastic-waste-clean-up/
- 海洋污染令全球各國都大為頭痛,荷蘭一名廿五歲發明家,研發出清理海洋塑膠垃圾的新型裝置,能在垃圾流出海洋前將之截住收集。他上周六公布研究結果,並表示已有數個國家正試行裝置,希望能在未來五年內取得成果,令海洋回復潔淨。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191028/00180_033.html
- The governments of 187 countries have agreed to control the movement of plastic waste between national borders, in an effort to curb the world's plastic crisis -- but the United States was not among them. Nations agreed to add plastic to the Basel Convention, a treaty that regulates movement of hazardous materials from one country to another, in order to combat the dangerous effects of plastic pollution around the world. The pact was approved at the end of a two-week meeting of UN-backed conventions in Geneva, Switzerland. But the US was not involved in the decision-making process, as it is one of just two countries that have not ratified the agreement.The resolution means contaminated and most mixes of plastic wastes will require prior consent from receiving countries before they are traded, with the exceptions of mixes of PE, PP and PET, according to WWF.https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/11/world/basel-convention-plastic-waste-trade-intl/index.html
- 英國一個科研團隊近日發表報告,指他們在一種含特別酵素的「食塑細菌」中,加入另一種酵素,讓兩者結合起來,從而改變細菌的原子結構,結果令細菌分解塑膠的效率提高達六倍,有望成為處理塑膠垃圾的新利器。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20201001/00180_032.html
- alternatives
- alternatives
- a growing number of designers today are experimenting with bioplastic, a purportedly greener alternative made from renewable biomass such as vegetable fats and oils, corn or potato starch, seaweed, algae, shrimp, fish scales and even blood. South Korean designer Jongdae Ryu is one. Not only does he produce furniture and homeware solely from bioplastic and/or other recycled materials, he employs 3D printing to further reduce waste during the production process. Ryu explored his early interest in the medium and the technology during an artist-in-residence stint at Marunuma Art Park in Asaka, Japan, in 2017 because, he says, society “can’t keep using oil-based plastics which are destroying the earth”. Ryu’s first collection of side tables using cornstarch as the base material was launched last year. Since then, the Seoul-based designer has added matching stools to his collection, as well as homeware such as vases and cups.https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/arts-culture/article/3050228/plastic-alternative-bioplastic-made-vegetable-oils-fats-fish
- 深圳新三板上市公司三上新材研發部主任、香港理工大學博士鄭偉就是這一典型代表,將香港研發與深圳產業化深度融合。他帶領團隊研發了數碼產品包裝覆膜(簡稱「數碼薄膜」),和環保可降解薄膜.他們五六人組成的團隊經過三年多潛心研發,完全採用生物可降解技術生產薄膜,原材料來自大自然的植物,卻可以達到薄膜的強度、透光度、拉伸和韌性等基本要求。其廢棄薄膜可以堆肥降解,也可以一起打漿再循環利用。「目前我們這項技術處於中試階段,已與一些廠商合作打樣,將把成本控制在市場接受價格範圍http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/04/13/a11-0413.pdf
- 荷蘭生物化學公司Avantium計劃以植物取代傳統化石燃料製成的塑膠,造出可於一年內分解的「植物樽」,最快二○二三年面世。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200519/00180_018.html
- 香港科技大學三名印度學生構思以全麥麵粉製成的可食用餐具,即使浸在湯麵三十分鐘都能維持原狀,亦不會影響食物原本的味道,由於餐具本身是有機物,食客不想吃掉餐具,餐具亦可自然分解,相當環保。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200810/00176_054.html
- 印度設計師Rhino Machines的團隊,為此想出一個好主意:把塑膠袋加上矽沙重製成SPB磚,以廢物再利用建設取代堆填。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200626/00180_039.html
- 美國一個環保組織最近想出一個好方法,就是利用從海底回收的廢棄膠樽,再造成運動鞋「GreenPlax」,既減少海底的廢膠垃圾,亦讓這些廢膠再次成為有用之物。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200630/00180_039.html
- As reported in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, researchers from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ in Germany have identified that Pseudomonas sp. TDA1 is capable of degrading some of the chemical building blocks of polyurethane. “The bacteria use these compounds as a sole source of carbon, nitrogen and energy,” said Dr Hermann J Heipieper, Senior Scientist at the centre.“This finding represents an important step in being able to reuse hard-to-recycle PU products.”The strain is part of a group of bacteria that are known for their tolerance of toxic compounds and stress generally.Polyurethane is popular for its lightweight and flexible properties, but is difficult to recycle and destroy being a thermosetting polymer that does not melt when heated; it mostly ends up in landfill where it releases chemicals, some of which are carcinogenic.The plastic is used in a variety of products from nappies to trainers, while a popular use in recent years has been in polyurethane beauty blending sponges.Heipieper’s research is part of an EU programme called P4SB (From Plastic waste to Plastic value using Pseudomonas putida Synthetic Biology), which has been developed to find microorganisms that can bioconvert oil-based plastics into biodegradable ones.
- 美國一間設計公司就想到,把舊CD打碎,循環再造成精美的隨身食具「Pebble」https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200716/00180_032.html
- https://materialdistrict.com/material/sustonable/ engineered stone countertops from recycled plastics
- 由意大利設計師史多爾(NIKO STOLL)等研製的Trebodur自然包裝物料,是首個利用啤酒製作過程中餘下的麥纖維再製成的包裝物料。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200928/00180_043.html
- 印度古吉拉特邦一名環保人士收集生物醫學廢物,研究將它們「變廢為寶」,製成環保磚https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20201228/00180_041.html
- Isobionics Santalol, which boasts a woody odour profile, is the first joint product launched by the companies since BASF acquired Isobionics in September 2019. It is said to be particularly suitable for use in perfumes and high-end personal care products.Sandalwood oil is extracted from the wood and roots of the white sandalwood tree, which are not ready for harvesting until they are about 30 years old.As such, their existence has become endangered due to over-exploitation and the sandalwood tree is on the ‘red list’ of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).In contrast, Isobionics Santalol is made from renewable, Europe-grown corn starch fermented via biotechnology.https://www.cosmeticsbusiness.com/news/article_page/BASF_and_Isobionics_launch_renewable_replacement_for_sandalwood/167742
animal welfare
- 報道指農業部長克倫克納(Julia Kloeckner)遵照專家建議,將要求狗主每日必須帶愛犬散步兩次,合共最少一小時。此外,狗主亦不得讓狗隻過長時間佩戴狗鏈,以及讓狗隻獨留在家一整天。新法例將於明年實施,十六個聯邦州將各自負責執行。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200822/00180_030.html
legal personality of natural environment
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2017-03/22/content_28633917.htm Two of India's most iconic rivers, considered sacred by nearly a billion Hindusin the country, have been given the status of living entities to save them from further harmcaused by widespread pollution. The High Court in the northern state of Uttarakhand ruled on Monday that the Ganges and theYamuna rivers be accorded the status of living human entities, meaning that if anyone harmsor pollutes either river, the law would view it as no different from harming a person. The judges cited the example of New Zealand's Whanganui River, revered by the indigenousMaori people. The Whanganui was declared a living entity with full legal rights by NewZealand's government last week.
- https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3091813/british-stores-remove-coconut-products-after-reports-thai Four British retailers have removed coconut products alleged to involve monkey labour in their production, after reports emerged the animals were used by some farms in
Thailand to pick the fruit. The Telegraph newspaper published a report citing the probe by PETA Asia, which highlighted the use of pigtailed macaques taken from the wild in Thailand and forcibly trained in farms to scurry up trees and harvest coconuts used to make coconut milk, meat, flour, oil, and other products. According to PETA Asia, some farmers investigated were producing products that were eventually sold by Aroy-D and Chaokoh, two major Thai coconut milk producers.
legal cases
- suing government
- 安徽海德公司早年將逾百噸污水非法排入長江及新通揚運河,導致當地水質受影響,同時影響當地食水供應。隨後,江蘇省人民政府起訴海德,而海德則需要賠償接近五千五百萬元人民幣(約六千四百萬港元),成為全國首宗省級政府入稟索賠案。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180829/00178_016.html
Thailand to pick the fruit. The Telegraph newspaper published a report citing the probe by PETA Asia, which highlighted the use of pigtailed macaques taken from the wild in Thailand and forcibly trained in farms to scurry up trees and harvest coconuts used to make coconut milk, meat, flour, oil, and other products. According to PETA Asia, some farmers investigated were producing products that were eventually sold by Aroy-D and Chaokoh, two major Thai coconut milk producers.
legal cases
- suing government
- 澳洲墨爾本一名大學女學生周三帶頭控告政府,指當局沒有向持有主權債券的投資者揭露氣候變化的風險,相信是全球首宗同類案件。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200724/00180_022.html
- 安徽海德公司早年將逾百噸污水非法排入長江及新通揚運河,導致當地水質受影響,同時影響當地食水供應。隨後,江蘇省人民政府起訴海德,而海德則需要賠償接近五千五百萬元人民幣(約六千四百萬港元),成為全國首宗省級政府入稟索賠案。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180829/00178_016.html
- https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/may/13/torres-strait-islanders-take-climate-change-complaint-to-the-united-nations A group of Torres Strait Islanders from low-lying islands off the northern coast of Australia will on Monday lodge a complaint with the United Nationshuman rights committee against the Australian government, alleging climate inaction. The complaint will assert that the Morrison government has failed to take adequate action to reduce emissions or pursue proper adaptation measures on the islands and, as a consequence, has failed fundamental human rights obligations to Torres Strait Islander people. One of the complainants, sixth-generation Warraber man, Kabay Tamu, said in a statement: “When erosion happens, and the lands get taken away by the seas, it’s like a piece of us that gets taken with it – a piece of our heart, a piece of our body. That’s why it has an effect on us. Not only the islands but us, as people.
most polluted cities
- http://content.time.com/time/specials/2007/completelist/0,29569,1661031,00.html
- ft 2dec19 vanuatu looks to legal action over cyclone devastation
air pollution
- 泰國曼谷近日霧霾嚴重,政府周三罕有宣布關閉超過四百間公立學校,並劃出一千五百平方公里地方為管制地區。鑑於曼谷部分地區霧霾嚴重,市政府已於周一起噴灑糖水,以黏附細微的灰塵,但有網民質疑此舉會惹來螞蟻。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190131/00180_015.html
- https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3017243/jakarta-now-rivals-beijing-and-indias-new-delhi-dirty-air-so-31 Istu is one of 31 plaintiffs suing seven Indonesian government bodies – including the presidential office, Jakarta’s gubernatorial office and the ministry of environment – over the air pollution in Jakarta and its surrounding areas. The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, also demands the president revise a 1999 law on air control and the relevant ministries more forcefully monitor pollution.
- 入冬後,全國多地均出現重污染的天氣。國家衞生健康委員會發布《空氣污染(霾)人群健康防護指南》,建議幼稚園、中小學、辦公室及健身室等場所,購買空氣清新機,另外又呼籲市民應避免在污染高峰時段外出。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191211/00178_003.html
most polluted cities
- http://content.time.com/time/specials/2007/completelist/0,29569,1661031,00.html
- ft 2dec19 vanuatu looks to legal action over cyclone devastation
air pollution
- 泰國曼谷近日霧霾嚴重,政府周三罕有宣布關閉超過四百間公立學校,並劃出一千五百平方公里地方為管制地區。鑑於曼谷部分地區霧霾嚴重,市政府已於周一起噴灑糖水,以黏附細微的灰塵,但有網民質疑此舉會惹來螞蟻。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190131/00180_015.html
- https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3017243/jakarta-now-rivals-beijing-and-indias-new-delhi-dirty-air-so-31 Istu is one of 31 plaintiffs suing seven Indonesian government bodies – including the presidential office, Jakarta’s gubernatorial office and the ministry of environment – over the air pollution in Jakarta and its surrounding areas. The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, also demands the president revise a 1999 law on air control and the relevant ministries more forcefully monitor pollution.
- 入冬後,全國多地均出現重污染的天氣。國家衞生健康委員會發布《空氣污染(霾)人群健康防護指南》,建議幼稚園、中小學、辦公室及健身室等場所,購買空氣清新機,另外又呼籲市民應避免在污染高峰時段外出。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191211/00178_003.html
- casualty
- 英國倫敦9歲女童埃拉(Ella Kissi-Debrah)於7年前心臟驟停逝世,死因研訊裁定死於嚴重哮喘及呼吸衰竭,惟她的母親認為判決不公提出上訴。經過重新調查,驗屍官發現埃拉居住地區的空氣質素極為惡劣,近日裁定死因與空氣污染有關,屬全球首例。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20201218/00180_022.html
plants that purify air
- [the practical encyclopedia fo feng shui by gill hale published by 大连理工大学出版社] rhapis excelsa; anthurium andraeanum; ficus robusta; musa cavendishii; spathiphyllum; hedera helix; heart leaf philodendron; codiaeum variegatum pistum; kalanchoe blossfeldiana; epipremnum aureum ficus alii; nephrolepis exaltata 'bostoniensis'
- [futurarc] outdoor plants - areca palm; weeping fig tree (ficus benjamina); english ivy (hedrea helix); indoor plants - snake plant (sansevieria trifiasciata); peace lilies (spathphyllum wallisii); chinese evergreen (aglaonema sp); spider plant (chlorophytum comosum); golden pothos (epipremnum aureum); florist's chrysanthemums (chrysanthemum x morifolium)
noise pollution
- scmp remember a day on a 6oct19 report Even a cat’s miaow or a dog’s growl might soon be banned in Parma, Ohio, during certain hours of the day. A proposed ordinance included as a violation for “owning, possessing or harbouring any animal or bird which frequently or for continued duration howls, barks, miaow, squawks or makes other sounds which create a noise disturbance across a residential real property boundary.”https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3031387/hong-kong-mtr-opens-us-city-bans-animal-noises-and-swiss
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20151009/00176_150.html 回收業陷入寒冬,業界直指政府施政失當,即使環境局近日推出了十億元的回收基金,業界普遍認為成效不大,未能對症下藥。「業界捱咗咁耐,但佢推個基金出來根本幫唔到我哋!」香港環保回收業總商會主席羅耀荃批評,回收基金對於一眾前線回收人員並沒有實際幫助,「依家最需要嘅係一眾中小型回收商,但基金要佢哋去買機器、換車,但佢哋都有呢啲設備,即使換咗,膠價咁低咪又係蝕,咁有咩用?」羅建議政府應推出平衡基金,「應該喺廢料價格低於正常市價時,畀運輸津貼幫補業界。」「終於叫向前行咗一步,希望基金真係會回應我哋需要。」香港環保廢料再造業總會主席劉耀成指出,多年來政府對於回收業缺乏長遠規劃,對於剛推出的回收基金能否幫助業界走過低潮,仍然是未知之數。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151106/PDF/a14_screen.pdf 今年初至今三大 主要回收廢料國際價 格暴跌,當中以廢金 屬最為嚴重,回收價 從每噸1450元跌至700元,跌幅超過50% 。回收業界指,回收價跳水,但運輸、人 工成本仍然高昂,導致現時 「做一噸蝕一 噸」 ,業界整體步入寒冬,預計年底或明 年初將爆發大規模結業潮。政府回收基金 「遠水不能救近火」 ,民建聯環境事務發 言人陳克勤建議政府,由食環署垃圾車代 運回收物料,並研究成立回收、物管、清 潔業界與政府的聯席會議。
robot assisted recycling
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3045727/apple-has-robot-called-daisy-can-help-recycle-minerals-its-iphones
medical waste recycling
- feature article singtao 6jan16 a18
agricultural waste recycling
- Bagasse (/bəˈɡæs/ bə-GAS-se') is the dry pulpy fibrous residue that remains after sugarcane or sorghum stalks are crushed to extract their juice.[1] It is used as a biofuel for the production of heat, energy, and electricity, and in the manufacture of pulp and building materials. Agave bagasse is a similar material that consists of the tissue of the blue agave after extraction of the sap.Processed bagasse is added to human food as sugarcane fiber.[14] It is a soluble fiber but can help promote intestinal regularity.[14] One animal study suggests that sugarcane fiber combined with a high-fat diet may help control type 2 diabetes.[15] Bagasse are good sources of lignoceric and cerotic acids. In Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, bagasse is sometimes used to smoke bacon and sausages.
wood recycling
- 廢木出路其實多元化,內地及台灣的廢木回收再造技術成熟,將園林廢物及廢塑膠混合製成「塑膠木」(Wood Plastic Composites,簡稱WPC),主要用作戶外設施,防潮並且壽命長,是作為取代木材的環保材料;認為政府可參考在本地設立塑膠木廠,既可吸納廢木及廢塑膠兩種物料之餘,塑膠木的價值亦相當高。他指出,事實上近年建築界廣泛使用塑膠木,是一個兩全其美的方法,因能吸納廢木及廢膠兩種廢物。塑膠木主要原料是廢木碎及廢塑膠,可用於戶外設施,如戶外木圍欄以及露台防水地板,使用壽命較一般木材長,不但防水、防潮、防蟲,也有一定的防火性,可塑性也非常強,可以通過不同工藝的加工,生產出顏色眾多、風格多樣的產品,商品價值相當高。他透露,十多年前政府到內地考察時,已參觀過當地的塑膠木製造廠,研究提升園林廢物的再造性,無奈最後不了了之。他認為,在本港設塑膠木廠並不困難,因塑膠木產品有價值有市場,甚至比生物炭設施更有出路,希望政府可就往後的園林廢物處理設施招標中,新增更多元化的方向。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20201116/00176_030.html
- https://web-japan.org/kidsweb/hitech/18/201901_en.html make good use of things like vegetables that are normally thrown away just because they are wonky or marked; vegetable waste that is produced in processing plants; and egg shells.
mobile phone upgrade part by part
- https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/sep/18/fairphone-3-review-ethical-phone
home composting
- composters
- china environmental label
Engine idling
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1734485/clsas-show-goes-without-annual-gala-party
Green building
- http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1596164/hong-kongs-buildings-should-be-generating-electricity-not
reflective window coverings
- https://energy.gov/energysaver/energy-efficient-window-treatments
eatable food utensils
- 民航機客艙每年產生逾百萬噸的廢物,對地球生態造成極大影響。英國一間設計工作室,近期推出一套完全摒棄塑膠物料的環保飛機餐具,盼將資源浪費減至最低。這套餐具運用可再用、可降解和可食用的物料製造,例如把咖啡粒和稻穀以木質黏合劑製成的餐盤,和以小麥麩皮製成的食物容器等。甜品的蓋子用威化餅代替,叉勺則用椰木製作,既環保又巧思十足。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191107/00180_039.html
food waste upcycle
- https://web-japan.org/kidsweb/hitech/18/201901_en.html make good use of things like vegetables that are normally thrown away just because they are wonky or marked; vegetable waste that is produced in processing plants; and egg shells.
mobile phone upgrade part by part
- https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/sep/18/fairphone-3-review-ethical-phone
home composting
- composters
- wastefox (estonian company) launched a home composting pilot project in tallinn called rohering (the green circle in estonian) with taillin waste centre
- china environmental label
- Hk green council sole rep off from 2006
Engine idling
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1734485/clsas-show-goes-without-annual-gala-party
Green building
- http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1596164/hong-kongs-buildings-should-be-generating-electricity-not
reflective window coverings
- https://energy.gov/energysaver/energy-efficient-window-treatments
eatable food utensils
- 民航機客艙每年產生逾百萬噸的廢物,對地球生態造成極大影響。英國一間設計工作室,近期推出一套完全摒棄塑膠物料的環保飛機餐具,盼將資源浪費減至最低。這套餐具運用可再用、可降解和可食用的物料製造,例如把咖啡粒和稻穀以木質黏合劑製成的餐盤,和以小麥麩皮製成的食物容器等。甜品的蓋子用威化餅代替,叉勺則用椰木製作,既環保又巧思十足。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191107/00180_039.html
food waste upcycle
- keracol uk uses discarded blackcurrant skins from manufacturing of ribena https://content.yudu.com/web/fiqy/0A3zhan/spcapril20/html/index.html?page=52&origin=reader
- 菲律賓錫亞高島一名咖啡店東主,巧手利用當地隨手可得的椰樹葉製成飲管奉客。她近日在網上分享製作樹葉飲管的短片,不少網民大讚其創意爆燈又環保。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190508/00180_031.html
- rice straw
- 波蘭有公司為此推出以小穗狀花梗製成的環保飲管STRAW(圖),有望減少污染。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200330/00180_040.html
biodegradable fabric
- 英國一間戶外用品公司為此以特殊物料,製造出一系列可於十二周內完全生物降解的便服https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190926/00180_039.html
- Two researchers are to be presented with an award for developing a biodegradable cotton-jute fabric with a waterproof coating that can substitute for non-biodegradable PVC-coated polyester. https://l.facebook.com/l.php
turning carbon dioxide to stone
- The Hellisheidi power station, 25km (15 miles) outside Reykjavik, is Iceland's main geothermal plant, and is one of the largest in the world.Hellisheidi is not just an accomplished provider of green energy. It is also the site for a scientific breakthrough; an experiment to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) and turn it into stone - forever. Thus keeping this greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere and putting a dent in global warming.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-43789527
https://www.cosmeticsbusiness.com/news/article_page/Scientists_develop_environmentally_friendly_sunscreen_from_cashew_nut_shells/157256/cn123357 A team of international scientists have discovered an environmentally friendly method of producing sunscreen made from cashew nut shells. Using the waste product, ‘green chemists’ from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa have produced aromatic compounds that show “good” UVA and UVB absorbance.
artificial tree
- 墨西哥有初創企業近日發明一棵人工樹,其所吸收的空氣污染物,等同三百六十八棵真樹所吸收的量,有望可改善城市空氣質素。人工樹「BioUrban」高四點二米、闊三米,外觀頗有後現代風格。「大樹」以微藻類吸收空氣中的二氧化碳及污染物,並轉化成純氧釋回空中。初創企業BiomiTech的創辦人費雷爾(Jaime Ferrer)指:「系統透過科技,吸入污染物並利用生物學進行自然過程(光合作用),就像真的樹一樣。」每一棵人工樹可清潔的空氣,等同一公頃森林,亦等於二千八百九十人每日需吸收的空氣。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190817/00180_030.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3023763/solar-powered-tree-turns-sea-drinking-water A Chinese-led international research team has created a “tree” that can generate clean drinking water. Drawing its energy entirely from the sun just like a real tree, the “water tree” has a root made of cotton fabric that can absorb water from its surroundings, such as from sand on a beach. After water moves up the stem, it is vaporised by “leaves” made of black-carbon paper cones that convert light energy to heat, reaching nearly 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit). The tree sits in a glass chamber with a relatively cool surface that collects the vapour. Using standard cotton fabric and a new nanomaterial that can be cheaply mass-produced from charcoal, a paper cone with a surface area as large as 1 square metre would cost only US$2, according to the researchers.
- supertree in garden by the bay, singapore
- 美國華盛頓州州長周二簽署法案,批准把人類遺體合法變成堆肥,成為全美首例。新下葬方式由華盛頓州立大學利用志願者遺體研發,方法是把遺體與苜蓿、木屑和稻草一同放入專用鋼製容器內密封三十天,令遺體被微生物自然分解,轉化成乾燥的堆肥供種植蔬果之用。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190524/00180_031.html
sewage system
- 菲律賓錫亞高島一名咖啡店東主,巧手利用當地隨手可得的椰樹葉製成飲管奉客。她近日在網上分享製作樹葉飲管的短片,不少網民大讚其創意爆燈又環保。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190508/00180_031.html
- rice straw
- singapore company nlytech biotech (exhibited at 2019 hofex)
- 3v corporation www.3vhk.com (exhibited at 2019 tdc eco expo), also has grass straws, beeswax wrap
- 波蘭有公司為此推出以小穗狀花梗製成的環保飲管STRAW(圖),有望減少污染。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200330/00180_040.html
biodegradable fabric
- 英國一間戶外用品公司為此以特殊物料,製造出一系列可於十二周內完全生物降解的便服https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190926/00180_039.html
- Two researchers are to be presented with an award for developing a biodegradable cotton-jute fabric with a waterproof coating that can substitute for non-biodegradable PVC-coated polyester. https://l.facebook.com/l.php
turning carbon dioxide to stone
- The Hellisheidi power station, 25km (15 miles) outside Reykjavik, is Iceland's main geothermal plant, and is one of the largest in the world.Hellisheidi is not just an accomplished provider of green energy. It is also the site for a scientific breakthrough; an experiment to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) and turn it into stone - forever. Thus keeping this greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere and putting a dent in global warming.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-43789527
https://www.cosmeticsbusiness.com/news/article_page/Scientists_develop_environmentally_friendly_sunscreen_from_cashew_nut_shells/157256/cn123357 A team of international scientists have discovered an environmentally friendly method of producing sunscreen made from cashew nut shells. Using the waste product, ‘green chemists’ from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa have produced aromatic compounds that show “good” UVA and UVB absorbance.
artificial tree
- 墨西哥有初創企業近日發明一棵人工樹,其所吸收的空氣污染物,等同三百六十八棵真樹所吸收的量,有望可改善城市空氣質素。人工樹「BioUrban」高四點二米、闊三米,外觀頗有後現代風格。「大樹」以微藻類吸收空氣中的二氧化碳及污染物,並轉化成純氧釋回空中。初創企業BiomiTech的創辦人費雷爾(Jaime Ferrer)指:「系統透過科技,吸入污染物並利用生物學進行自然過程(光合作用),就像真的樹一樣。」每一棵人工樹可清潔的空氣,等同一公頃森林,亦等於二千八百九十人每日需吸收的空氣。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190817/00180_030.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3023763/solar-powered-tree-turns-sea-drinking-water A Chinese-led international research team has created a “tree” that can generate clean drinking water. Drawing its energy entirely from the sun just like a real tree, the “water tree” has a root made of cotton fabric that can absorb water from its surroundings, such as from sand on a beach. After water moves up the stem, it is vaporised by “leaves” made of black-carbon paper cones that convert light energy to heat, reaching nearly 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit). The tree sits in a glass chamber with a relatively cool surface that collects the vapour. Using standard cotton fabric and a new nanomaterial that can be cheaply mass-produced from charcoal, a paper cone with a surface area as large as 1 square metre would cost only US$2, according to the researchers.
- supertree in garden by the bay, singapore
- 美國華盛頓州州長周二簽署法案,批准把人類遺體合法變成堆肥,成為全美首例。新下葬方式由華盛頓州立大學利用志願者遺體研發,方法是把遺體與苜蓿、木屑和稻草一同放入專用鋼製容器內密封三十天,令遺體被微生物自然分解,轉化成乾燥的堆肥供種植蔬果之用。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190524/00180_031.html
sewage system
- Bazalgette’s inspired creation of London’s new sewage system. London’s population had swelled to well over a million, who assumed that waste could continue to be disposed of by throwing it into the Thames. The volume had reached breaking point - the river could no longer cope. Balazgette engineered a slowly sloping tunnel from the middle of the town to a point way downstream, where, when waste DID get dumped, the incoming tide could no longer wash it back upstream. That’s a LONG way, and to assist the transit of the waste, water needed to be pumped into the sewer in large quantities. Several enormously powerful beam engines provided the water. The pumps - and the astounding precision of the tunnel - were the wonder of the age. The French were very interested - Paris was being rebuilt - and decided to copy London’s sewers… but to do it “on the cheap”. London used five pumps to transport crap down the Thames toward the sea, Paris decided it would buy just TWO, to transport French merde down the Seine towards the sea - and they’d reverse engineer them, and make more of them themselves.https://www.quora.com/What-did-Continental-Europeans-think-of-Britains-early-industrial-revolution
- 廣東東莞近日出現首座新型環保公廁,毋須沖廁,糞溺等穢物會透過新科技「自動打包」發明該座新型環保公廁的專家鍾路華表示,該裝置「用一種生物降解的膜,使用者上廁所,所有排泄物都在這個膜裏面,這個膜打包就走了。你上完了之後,一個新的膜,一個乾淨的膜就形成了。」https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190930/00178_023.html
- www.toelect.com
nuclear waste
- 日本福島第一核電站在三一一大地震期間爆發核災,善後工作持續,如何排放大量核污水成一大難題。有加拿大公司獻計,表示可以其先進水蒸餾技術(AWD),把當中的放射性氚水分離,再安全地釋放到海洋中。加拿大的湖人能源處理公司(Laker TRF Ltd)正在試驗的AWD技術,最初是為加壓式重水反應爐開發,位於安大略省的測試廠房已運作一年,擬在明年建立更具規模的示範工廠。公司表示,此投術比傳統水蒸餾更有效率,過程在真空下完成以避免洩漏。行政總裁休斯指出,AWD技術可有效將輻射水中的氚濃度降低到自然雨水之下,認為這是負責任地處理福島核污水的唯一可行途徑。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191001/00180_029.html
waste to paper
- More than 2,000 years after the invention of paper in China, the country’s scientists are claiming another first – a breakthrough that replaces its key ingredient with the dirty waste from coal-fired power plants.The result – which is almost indistinguishable from paper made from wood pulp – achieves a more than 90 per cent match to pure whiteness, despite being made with the black fly ash produced from burning coal.The process has passed stringent tests in real production lines and is ready for mass application, with some Chinese paper mills now able to replace nearly half the wood fibres in their products with the chimney waste, according to scientists involved in the government-funded research programme.The breakthrough has come nearly 10 years after Professor Zhang Meiyun, from the Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, and her colleagues first proposed that fly ash could be used as a filler in paper.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3033873/chinese-scientists-turn-black-coal-product-white-paper
- 廣東東莞近日出現首座新型環保公廁,毋須沖廁,糞溺等穢物會透過新科技「自動打包」發明該座新型環保公廁的專家鍾路華表示,該裝置「用一種生物降解的膜,使用者上廁所,所有排泄物都在這個膜裏面,這個膜打包就走了。你上完了之後,一個新的膜,一個乾淨的膜就形成了。」https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190930/00178_023.html
- www.toelect.com
- bathroom cleaning system (electrolyte generator that uses only salt) exhibited at oct2019 global sources electronics show
nuclear waste
- 日本福島第一核電站在三一一大地震期間爆發核災,善後工作持續,如何排放大量核污水成一大難題。有加拿大公司獻計,表示可以其先進水蒸餾技術(AWD),把當中的放射性氚水分離,再安全地釋放到海洋中。加拿大的湖人能源處理公司(Laker TRF Ltd)正在試驗的AWD技術,最初是為加壓式重水反應爐開發,位於安大略省的測試廠房已運作一年,擬在明年建立更具規模的示範工廠。公司表示,此投術比傳統水蒸餾更有效率,過程在真空下完成以避免洩漏。行政總裁休斯指出,AWD技術可有效將輻射水中的氚濃度降低到自然雨水之下,認為這是負責任地處理福島核污水的唯一可行途徑。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191001/00180_029.html
waste to paper
- More than 2,000 years after the invention of paper in China, the country’s scientists are claiming another first – a breakthrough that replaces its key ingredient with the dirty waste from coal-fired power plants.The result – which is almost indistinguishable from paper made from wood pulp – achieves a more than 90 per cent match to pure whiteness, despite being made with the black fly ash produced from burning coal.The process has passed stringent tests in real production lines and is ready for mass application, with some Chinese paper mills now able to replace nearly half the wood fibres in their products with the chimney waste, according to scientists involved in the government-funded research programme.The breakthrough has come nearly 10 years after Professor Zhang Meiyun, from the Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, and her colleagues first proposed that fly ash could be used as a filler in paper.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3033873/chinese-scientists-turn-black-coal-product-white-paper
- https://content.yudu.com/web/fiqy/0A3zhan/spcapril20/html/index.html?page=102&origin=reader
insect farms to turn waste to useful products
- Insects are important players in this process. They can turn plant waste into environmentally friendly protein which can be used instead of soya or fishmeal to feed animals. They need little water to do so, and produce almost no emissions.One of the world’s largest insect farms opened earlier this year, rearing black soldier flies on a 14,000 square metre plot of land. It produces protein at a rate of one tonne every two weeks in a 20sq metre space, according to Protix, the Dutch company which owns the farm. Other insect farms also make products for use in cosmetics, fertilisers and medicines. https://foodsustainability.eiu.com/creative-ways-to-use-food-waste/
- 德媒周日報道,有調查顯示歐洲非法進口的氫氟化碳(HFC)、即製冷劑於去年對氣候造成的損害,程度相當於四個燃煤電廠排放的溫室氣體,而HFC大多來自中國。由於HFC的地下市場猖獗,公眾可輕易在網上以低價購得。英國「環境調查機構」(EIA)的報告指出,最常走私HFC的手法是它裝入回收舊氣罐,經陸路從俄羅斯和烏克蘭運往波蘭,或經土耳其運往希臘、克羅地亞和意大利,再轉賣到歐盟地區。不法分子亦利用貨櫃大規模走私HFC到歐洲,有指,德國漢堡今年以來已查獲兩批來自中國的HFC。歐盟去年設定HFC限額,導致供應緊張,HFC價格飆升八倍。有德國西部的製冷設備專門店承認透過eBay訂購廉價HFC。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191022/00180_023.html
- 綠田園http://www.producegreen.org.hk/index.asp
- Global Eco-labelling network http://www.globalecolabelling.net/
Types of water
- electrolyzed water (e-water or ozone water)
- activited water (created by applying a small amount of electricity to water without adding salt)
- spring water
- artesian water
- well water
- mineral water
- sparkling water
- purified water
natural carbonated water天然炭酸水
- from 大雪山黒岳, hokkaido http://yoiyana.net
underground water
insect farms to turn waste to useful products
- Insects are important players in this process. They can turn plant waste into environmentally friendly protein which can be used instead of soya or fishmeal to feed animals. They need little water to do so, and produce almost no emissions.One of the world’s largest insect farms opened earlier this year, rearing black soldier flies on a 14,000 square metre plot of land. It produces protein at a rate of one tonne every two weeks in a 20sq metre space, according to Protix, the Dutch company which owns the farm. Other insect farms also make products for use in cosmetics, fertilisers and medicines. https://foodsustainability.eiu.com/creative-ways-to-use-food-waste/
- 德媒周日報道,有調查顯示歐洲非法進口的氫氟化碳(HFC)、即製冷劑於去年對氣候造成的損害,程度相當於四個燃煤電廠排放的溫室氣體,而HFC大多來自中國。由於HFC的地下市場猖獗,公眾可輕易在網上以低價購得。英國「環境調查機構」(EIA)的報告指出,最常走私HFC的手法是它裝入回收舊氣罐,經陸路從俄羅斯和烏克蘭運往波蘭,或經土耳其運往希臘、克羅地亞和意大利,再轉賣到歐盟地區。不法分子亦利用貨櫃大規模走私HFC到歐洲,有指,德國漢堡今年以來已查獲兩批來自中國的HFC。歐盟去年設定HFC限額,導致供應緊張,HFC價格飆升八倍。有德國西部的製冷設備專門店承認透過eBay訂購廉價HFC。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191022/00180_023.html
- 綠田園http://www.producegreen.org.hk/index.asp
- Global Eco-labelling network http://www.globalecolabelling.net/
Types of water
- electrolyzed water (e-water or ozone water)
- activited water (created by applying a small amount of electricity to water without adding salt)
- spring water
- artesian water
- well water
- mineral water
- sparkling water
- purified water
natural carbonated water天然炭酸水
- from 大雪山黒岳, hokkaido http://yoiyana.net
underground water
- 環保建築師、傑青葉頌文就指,早前完成翻新工程嘅零碳天地園區就引入咗多項創新科技,當中包括以組裝合成技術設置雨水空調系統,妥善運用地下雨水以維持室內舒適溫度,同埋達到因地制宜、物盡其用嘅目標喎。葉頌文就話依家園區嘅地下藏有一條30米長嘅地下雨水管,貫穿整個零碳天地,由於收集到嘅雨水長年穩定處於攝氏20度左右,所以夏天嗰陣可以抽出嚟製冷,以供應多功能活動室嘅冷氣之用,而呢個溫度去到冬天,亦有供暖效果。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20201110/00176_087.html
- well
water management
- since 2008, korea championed smart water management (james nickum of water international at hku sem on 30oct18)
- real time public information on water quality
rising water levels
- scmp 21aug19 "swallowed by the sea" on the northern coast of java in indonesia, large parts of a village have been sinking since 1990s
- scmp 31aug19 rising sea leaves bangkok seeking ways to keep water at bay
- well
- 井水比河水更涼,夏天走熱了,用吊桶打上半桶水,沖一下腿腳,一下子就舒服了。井的好處當然不止於此。買了西瓜、香瓜或綠蜜瓜,用網兜子裝好,繫牢,綁上長繩子,放到井裏浸泡着。晚上乘涼時再吃,冰爽無比。再有,煮了綠豆湯、銀耳湯,用塑料瓶裝好,同樣沉到井下去,泡上半天,味道絕佳。 有時,井裏也會有蟲,大半是蚊子的幼蟲,學名叫作孑孓,一伸一曲,在吊桶裏扭捏作態,老家人只喚牠做「翻跟頭蟲」,只要扔幾條泥鰍到井裏去,一物降一物,用不了幾日,自然清潔如常。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200729/PDF/b10_screen.pdf
water management
- since 2008, korea championed smart water management (james nickum of water international at hku sem on 30oct18)
- real time public information on water quality
- example - paju city 坡州市korea
- The use of satellites and Earth Observation Science (EOS) solutions are not new. Back in the 1970s, satellite data-enabled estimations of precipitation and weather. Since then, the applications for EOS solutions have grown, and the water sector could benefit immensely.From mapping water quantity at a country level, through to real-time water quality monitoring locally, satellites may be over 30,000 kilometres up in space, but they’re providing actionable data to help make decisions on the ground.“For investors interested in a niche but fast-growing sub-segment of water, the emerging Satellite-sourced Data & Insights (SSDI) space is one of the more compelling opportunities,” said John Robinson, partner at Mazarine Ventures.Speaking to Aquatech Online, he said: “More of a data science play than a ‘satellite’ play, the winners in this realm will have the capabilities to take satellite-sourced data, structure it, and through analytics turn it into actionable insights for high-value customer segments.”In 2017, the market for EOS solutions was valued at $3.2 billion and is predicted to grow to just under $6 billion by 2027, according to BlueTech Research.This includes applications across all sectors, from defence to maritime engineering. From this $6 billion, it’s estimated that the energy markets, including water applications, will be worth an estimated £2 billion by 2027.“EOS technology solutions alone are not a game-changer for both the public and private sectors in managing water quality and quantity,” said Will Sarni, founder & CEO of Water Foundry.https://www.aquatechtrade.com/news/utilities/6-companies-harnessing-satellites-for-water/
- companies- www.newterra.com
- water treatment for recycling and reuse
- exhibited at 2019 ecoexpo
rising water levels
- scmp 21aug19 "swallowed by the sea" on the northern coast of java in indonesia, large parts of a village have been sinking since 1990s
- scmp 31aug19 rising sea leaves bangkok seeking ways to keep water at bay
- 中國抗洪綜合能力與當年已不可同日而語 ,防汛搶險救援能力、裝備水平以及對災情的監 測預警能力都有顯著提升。涉及水陸空天電領域 的多種高新技術都開始應用於抗洪一線,5G、無 人機、大功率 「龍吸水」 移動排水車等抗洪神器 ,令中國抗洪救災更加智能化、應對洪災能力得 到顯著提升。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200715/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
digital water cities
- https://www.aquatechtrade.com/news/aquatech-news/ditigal-water-cities/ Called Digital Water City (DWC), the EU-project will focus on Berlin, Milan, Copenhagen, Paris and Sofia as the first pilot cities to help deliver “integrated management of water systems”.A total of 18 advanced digital solutions will be demonstrated, ranging from groundwater management, sewer maintenance and operation, wastewater treatment and reuse to urban bathing and water management. Some of the digital technologies being demonstrated will include augmented reality, artificial intelligence (AI), predictive analytics, open source software, real-time sensors and cloud computing.Running for 3.5 years, the Horizon 2020 project has attracted just under €5 million in EU grants and is being designed to foster links between the digital and physical worlds.
water purification
- 來自 5所中學三十多名學生組成的 HKJSS團隊, 成功改造大腸桿菌的基因將之變成「吸銅機器」,為解決食水重金 屬污染問題帶來創新視角。他們上月初於全球最大型的國際基 因工程生物機械競賽(iGEM)中,為香港首度奪得中學 組金獎。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/12/30/a05-1230.pdf
Types of air
- conditioned air
- dessicant air
- exhaust air
- makeup air
- outdoor air
- return air
- supply air
- transfer air
environmental friendly construction
- [futurarc]
- www.asianwater.com.my
- http://www.pubblindustria.com
- The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), founded in 1935, is a worldwide, non-profit, independent organisation of engineers and water specialists working in fields related to the hydro-environment and in particular with reference to hydraulics and its practical application. IAHR was called the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research until 2009. Activities range from river and maritime hydraulics to water resources development, flood risk management and eco-hydraulics, through to ice engineering, hydroinformatics and continuing education and training. IAHR stimulates and promotes both research and its application, and by so doing strives to contribute to sustainable development, the optimisation of world water resources management and industrial flow processes. IAHR accomplishes its goals by a wide variety of member activities including: working groups, research agenda, congresses, specialty conferences, workshops and short courses; Journals, Monographs and Proceedings; by collaborating with international organisations such as UN Water, UNESCO, WMO, IDNDR, GWP, ICSU; and by co-operation with other water-related national and international organisations.
- Arbor Day (or Arbour in some countries. Arbour derives from Latin herba grass, via Old French; arbor comes from Latin arbor, meaning tree. Using arbour for tree instead of arbor, is by faulty analogy with using colour instead of color.) is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees.[1] Today, many countries observe such a holiday. Though usually observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate and suitable planting season.The Spanish village of Mondoñedo held the first documented arbor plantation festival in the world organized by its mayor in 1594. The place remains as Alameda de los Remedios and it is still planted with lime and horse-chestnut trees.
new materials
- Produced by Flexbrick, ceramic textile can be used to “dress” façades, roofs, squares, and explore new relations with textile architecture. Applications in which this new ceramic textile has been used include drainable pavements, roof gardens, ceilings and suspended light-permeable façades. The applications demonstrate the architectural opportunities of ceramic materials when they are conceived in industrialized systems. Being highly flexible and easy to move, the textile can be folded onto pallets for storage and transportation, where it takes up little space. The long strips make its installation easy, quick and economical.Installing a ceramic tile façade is similar to hanging a curtain: it merely requires stainless steel rails to be attached to the ceramic fabric in order to sustain it. The rails are bolted onto support brackets, which have previously been anchored to the facing slabs. In addition to the upper retaining anchors, several retaining anchors are installed to counteract the effect of the wind and to ensure the fabric is easily fixed in place.https://materialdistrict.com/material/ceramic-textile/
- 意大利教育部長菲奧拉蒙蒂前日公佈,當局計劃將氣候變 化課題納入學校的必修課程,做法是全球首例,按菲奧拉蒙 蒂所指,期望環境及社會議題,可成為教學內容的核心。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/07/a24-1107.pdf
- water
- http://www.green-middleeast.com
- adex singapore www.adex.asia
- Ecoexpo Asia
水制 A groyne (in the U.S. groin), built perpendicular to the shore, is a rigid hydraulic structure built from an ocean shore (in coastal engineering) or from a bank (in rivers) that interrupts water flow and limits the movement of sediment. It is usually made out of wood, concrete or stone. In the ocean, groynes create beaches, prevent beach erosion caused by longshore drift where this is the dominant process and facilitate beach nourishment. There is also often cross shore movement which if longer than the groyne will limit its effectiveness. Ocean groynes run generally perpendicular to the shore, extending from the upper foreshore or beach into the water. All of a groyne may be under water, in which case it is a submerged groyne. They are often used in tandem with seawalls and other coastal engineering features. Groynes, however, may cause a shoreline to be perceived as unnatural. Groynes are generally straightline but could be of various planview shapes, permeable or impermeable, built from various materials such as wood, sand, stone rubble or gabian, etc.In a river, groynes slow down the process of erosion and prevent ice-jamming, which in turn aids navigation.
- épi in french, Buhne,[1] auch als Stack,[2] Höft,[3] Kribbe,[4] Schlenge[5] oder im Alpenraum Schlacht in germandigital water cities
- https://www.aquatechtrade.com/news/aquatech-news/ditigal-water-cities/ Called Digital Water City (DWC), the EU-project will focus on Berlin, Milan, Copenhagen, Paris and Sofia as the first pilot cities to help deliver “integrated management of water systems”.A total of 18 advanced digital solutions will be demonstrated, ranging from groundwater management, sewer maintenance and operation, wastewater treatment and reuse to urban bathing and water management. Some of the digital technologies being demonstrated will include augmented reality, artificial intelligence (AI), predictive analytics, open source software, real-time sensors and cloud computing.Running for 3.5 years, the Horizon 2020 project has attracted just under €5 million in EU grants and is being designed to foster links between the digital and physical worlds.
water purification
- 來自 5所中學三十多名學生組成的 HKJSS團隊, 成功改造大腸桿菌的基因將之變成「吸銅機器」,為解決食水重金 屬污染問題帶來創新視角。他們上月初於全球最大型的國際基 因工程生物機械競賽(iGEM)中,為香港首度奪得中學 組金獎。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/12/30/a05-1230.pdf
Types of air
- conditioned air
- dessicant air
- exhaust air
- makeup air
- outdoor air
- return air
- supply air
- transfer air
environmental friendly construction
- [futurarc]
- wall - light concrete wall, low voc paint
- facade - fiber cement, no maintenance and anti-mold
- floor - porcelain, no carpeting
- deck/wood - bengkirai treated with natural oil, no pvc
- ceiling - perlite, no gypsum board
- plumbing - copper pipe, no pvc and lead
- countertops - solid surface, no laminate
- upholstery - natural fabric, no formaldehdeglue
- www.asianwater.com.my
- http://www.pubblindustria.com
- The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), founded in 1935, is a worldwide, non-profit, independent organisation of engineers and water specialists working in fields related to the hydro-environment and in particular with reference to hydraulics and its practical application. IAHR was called the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research until 2009. Activities range from river and maritime hydraulics to water resources development, flood risk management and eco-hydraulics, through to ice engineering, hydroinformatics and continuing education and training. IAHR stimulates and promotes both research and its application, and by so doing strives to contribute to sustainable development, the optimisation of world water resources management and industrial flow processes. IAHR accomplishes its goals by a wide variety of member activities including: working groups, research agenda, congresses, specialty conferences, workshops and short courses; Journals, Monographs and Proceedings; by collaborating with international organisations such as UN Water, UNESCO, WMO, IDNDR, GWP, ICSU; and by co-operation with other water-related national and international organisations.
- 國際水利與環境工程學會(IAHR)秘書處表示,巴拿馬當地時間9月5日下午,香港學者李行偉當選為國際水利與環境工程學會主席,這是該組織成立80多年來,中國學者首次當選主席,實現了中國在國際組織任職工作中的又一重要突破。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190907/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- Arbor Day (or Arbour in some countries. Arbour derives from Latin herba grass, via Old French; arbor comes from Latin arbor, meaning tree. Using arbour for tree instead of arbor, is by faulty analogy with using colour instead of color.) is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees.[1] Today, many countries observe such a holiday. Though usually observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate and suitable planting season.The Spanish village of Mondoñedo held the first documented arbor plantation festival in the world organized by its mayor in 1594. The place remains as Alameda de los Remedios and it is still planted with lime and horse-chestnut trees.
new materials
- Produced by Flexbrick, ceramic textile can be used to “dress” façades, roofs, squares, and explore new relations with textile architecture. Applications in which this new ceramic textile has been used include drainable pavements, roof gardens, ceilings and suspended light-permeable façades. The applications demonstrate the architectural opportunities of ceramic materials when they are conceived in industrialized systems. Being highly flexible and easy to move, the textile can be folded onto pallets for storage and transportation, where it takes up little space. The long strips make its installation easy, quick and economical.Installing a ceramic tile façade is similar to hanging a curtain: it merely requires stainless steel rails to be attached to the ceramic fabric in order to sustain it. The rails are bolted onto support brackets, which have previously been anchored to the facing slabs. In addition to the upper retaining anchors, several retaining anchors are installed to counteract the effect of the wind and to ensure the fabric is easily fixed in place.https://materialdistrict.com/material/ceramic-textile/
- 意大利教育部長菲奧拉蒙蒂前日公佈,當局計劃將氣候變 化課題納入學校的必修課程,做法是全球首例,按菲奧拉蒙 蒂所指,期望環境及社會議題,可成為教學內容的核心。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/07/a24-1107.pdf
- water
- aquatechtrade.com
- waterexpochina.com
- 第八屆國際水協亞太地區會議及展覽早前在灣仔會議展覽中心舉行,超過三十個國家及地區的專家及代表出席會議,交流水資源政策及管理、智慧供水、可持續發展、氣候變化等議題意見。負責籌備國際會議的組委會主席、水務署副署長周世威指出,面對氣候變化對降雨量帶來更嚴峻的情況,港府必須作好準備,正積極落實「全面水資源管理策略」,控制用水需求增長,並制訂措施應對氣候變化所帶來的極端情況,例如完善管理供水管網,減少用水流失。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20191111/00176_039.html
- http://www.green-middleeast.com
- adex singapore www.adex.asia
- Ecoexpo Asia
- FHKI is the implementation agent of hk pavilion for 2014 edition (EPD is sponsor)
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