- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160820/00178_005.html美國總統奧巴馬將於下月二日至九日訪問中國和老撾,先出席在中國杭州舉行的G20峰會,之後到訪老撾,出席東盟峰會和東亞峰會,重點是推動由美國主導、並把中國排除在外的《跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴關係協定》(簡稱TPP)。
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/1992485/brexit-fears-and-china-worries-out-g20-finance-chiefs The gathering in Chengdu, an inland city best known for its spicy food and giant pandas, is expected to target ongoing economic issues in the global economy. At the top of the list would be the implications of Brexit for Britain, the European Union, and the rest of the world, said Scott Kennedy, a China project director at the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
- 二十國集團(G20)財長和央行行長會議昨日在成都閉幕,中國財政部部長樓繼偉主持在會後的主席國新聞發佈會。針對備受關注的企業債務高企問題,樓繼偉回應稱,中國並未發生系統性、區域性債務風險,政府不會輕易干預。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/07/25/a18-0725.pdf
- G20 finance ministers and central bank governors met here earlier this week to discuss ways to boost economic growth, as impending U.S. import tariffs on steel and aluminum cast a pall over the gathering. Most ministers agreed that the tariffs, set to take effect on Friday, fly in the face of the central tenet of today's developed and emerging economies that protectionist measures only inhibit trade and growth. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-03/22/c_137057150.htm
Trade ministers meeting
- 二十國集團(G20)財金官員周五於上海召開一連兩日會議,市場期待增加基建投資及協調各國政策的討論。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20160222/00202_005.html
-http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160405/PDF/a8_screen.pdf4月4日,二十國集團(G20)貿易投資工作組第二次會議在南京開幕。中國商務部副部長王受文出席開幕式並致辭。他指出,當前全球經濟仍處於深度調整期。過去四年,貿易增速連續低於經濟增速,對經濟增長的引擎作用有所減弱,引起各方高度關注。G20作為國際經濟合作主要論壇,應對此拿出應對方案。 王受文指出,在1月底北京舉行的貿易投資工作組第一次會議上,中方提出加強G20機制建設、促進全球貿易增長、支持多邊貿易體制、促進全球投資政策合作與協調、促進包容協調的全球價值鏈發展等五大合作領域,得到各方廣泛支持。中方期待與各方共同努力,在上述領域實現以下成果,提交7月貿易部長會議和9月杭州峰會:
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2016-06/04/content_25609428.htm Agricultural ministers from the world's 20 leading economies plan to useinformation technology and the internet to improve integrity and efficiency in theglobal agricultural sector and benefit farmers. The 2016 G20 Agricultural Ministers Meeting, which concluded in Xi'an, capital ofShaanxi province, on Friday, also prioritized the importance of innovation, includingthe innovation of agricultural technologies, commercial models and policies, in thedevelopment of the global agricultural sector. Chinese agriculture minister Han Changfu said one major achievement of theconference is that the G20 countries are planning to establish platforms onagricultural technology innovation and agricultural information technology toenable sharing of innovation programs and technologies.
Tech and innovation
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160730/PDF/a9_screen.pdf中國科技部副部長陰和俊29日在2016年二十國集團智庫會議上表示,科技創新已成為各國提升國家競爭力的重要手段。作為東道國,中方倡議今年11月在京舉辦G20科技創新部長級會議。
The Ministry of Commerce will urge G20 members to approve the Trade Facilitation Agreement made by the World Trade Organization by the end of this year during the G20 trade ministers ' meeting in Shanghai on July 9 and 10.
Vice-Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen said this proposal will support the development of the multilateral trade system , global investment flows and value-chain building in the current global economic climate . The early entry into force of the TFA was approved as part of the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference held in Bali in 2013. It is designed to make a significant contribution to the sustainability of global trade and highlight the value of the WTO to its stakeholders around the world .
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/economy/article/1984136/shanghai-g20-mount-multifront-attack-global-trade-slumpG20 members aim to forge a consensus on ways to boost global trade when trade ministers meet in Shanghai next weekend, Vice-Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen said on Friday. Beijing would nudge G20 members to ratify the World Trade Organisation’s trade facilitation agreement by the end of this year as part of efforts to propel global trade, Wang said. Among the measures the ministers planned to consider included action to improve the global trade environment, cut global trade costs, beef up coordination between trade and investment policies, bolster services trade, introduce trade financing, compile global trade indexes and buoy e-commerce, Wang said in Beijing.
- 二十國集團(G20)勞工就業部長會議昨日在北京閉幕。人力資源和社會保障部部長尹蔚民在會後的新聞發佈會上表示,此次會議通過《2016年二十國集團勞工就業部長會議宣言》指出,「創業是推動體面就業、創造力、創新和經濟增長的重要引擎」,將向G20杭州峰會提交。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/07/14/a22-0714.pdf
Anti corruption
- http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-china-corruption-g-idUKKCN0XH0AD China suspended an international anti-corruption task force earlier this year after taking over the G20 presidency, according to six individuals in the group, who called it a setback to global efforts to crack down on shell companies used to conceal assets. The so-called "Business 20" Anti-Corruption Taskforce, comprising businesses and civil society groups, had been drawing up G20 policies for increasing transparency of offshore financial structures, among other work, but the body was scrapped in late January because Chinese companies declined to participate, according to the sources. China is one of several countries under pressure to share data on paper companies after the "Panama Papers", documents from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, revealed how the rich and powerful use such structures to avoid taxes and in some cases conceal ill-gotten gains. They were published by German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung and more than 100 other international news outlets. The B20, the G20's business outreach arm, and its various task forces are by convention led by companies from the nation holding the presidency. The state-run China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), this year's head of the B20, did not provide an explanation for suspending the anti-corruption task force and did not respond to several emails, faxes and phone calls requesting comment. But three people who had worked on the task force, who represented international, U.S. and European institutions, said the trade group could not persuade a Chinese company to take on the role of leading the task force, even though around 150,000 Chinese businesses are effectively state-run.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160925/00178_010.html二十國集團(G20)反腐敗追逃追贓研究中心昨日於北京設立,是首個為二十國集團成員國展開相關研究工作的機構。研究中心設在北京師範大學,將以專題研究、學術研討及培訓等多種形式運作。研究中心旨在為各成員國開展反腐敗追逃追贓合作創造交流平台﹔為中國參與國際反腐合作提供支援,推動以追逃追贓務實合作為主要內容的國際反腐敗新秩序。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2017xivisitgermany/2017-07/08/content_30040396.htm China plans to recruit dozens of experts and professionals who specialize in anti-graft studies from G20 member countries to help curb cross-border corruption, according to a Beijing-based G20 research center. "We'll invite them as visiting scholars to work in the center for several months conducting joint research on transnational corruption crime, including how to hunt down fugitives and confiscate illicit assets," said Huang Feng, director of the Research Center on Cooperat ion Regarding Persons Sought for Corruption and Asset Recovery in G20 Member States. He spoke to China Daily on Wednesday.
tax avoidance
- Global tax avoidance pact to be signed ft 7jun17
sideline meetings
- China, Russia and India agreed on Friday to strengthen coordination, unite consensus and enhance cooperation to jointly promote world peace, stability and development. President Xi Jinping, his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached the agreement after an informal meeting in Buenos Aires on the sidelines of the G20 Leaders' Summit.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2018-12/03/content_37344198.htm
- hkej 18jul17 shum article on whether g20 should expand and possible new members
- The U.S. Treasury’s top economic diplomat said on Sunday that China’s move away from market liberalization was an increasing concern for G20 economies but reversed an earlier statement that the United States had ended formal economic dialogue talks with Beijing. David Malpass, Undersecretary for International Affairs, told reporters that there had been no decisions made about the future of the “Comprehensive Economic Dialogue” after meetings between U.S. and Chinese officials in July 2017 had “stalled.” Malpass, a former Bear Stearns chief economist, said he misspoke when he told an Institute of International Finance meeting earlier on Sunday that the United States had discontinued the CED “because there wasn’t a path back toward market orientation.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-g20-argentina-usa-china/u-s-treasury-official-says-no-decisions-on-formal-china-talks-idUSKBN1GU0P8
- https://www.mof.gov.sg/Newsroom/Press-Releases/singapore-invited-to-participate-in-the-g20-meetings-and-summit-in-2018
- 據《南方日報》報道:在習近平主席訪問德國和出席G20峰會之際,中國嶺南文化藝術在德國大放光彩。當地時間7月5日至6日,“感知中國.廣東文化歐洲行”在德國柏林、漢堡兩市舉辦系列活動,吸引當地多家主流媒體和眾多民眾的目光。7月6日,“廣東文化歐洲行”系列活動之一—“許鴻飛雕塑世界巡展.漢堡站”在漢堡斯特格劇院舉行開幕式。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170708/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
-http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160405/PDF/a8_screen.pdf4月4日,二十國集團(G20)貿易投資工作組第二次會議在南京開幕。中國商務部副部長王受文出席開幕式並致辭。他指出,當前全球經濟仍處於深度調整期。過去四年,貿易增速連續低於經濟增速,對經濟增長的引擎作用有所減弱,引起各方高度關注。G20作為國際經濟合作主要論壇,應對此拿出應對方案。 王受文指出,在1月底北京舉行的貿易投資工作組第一次會議上,中方提出加強G20機制建設、促進全球貿易增長、支持多邊貿易體制、促進全球投資政策合作與協調、促進包容協調的全球價值鏈發展等五大合作領域,得到各方廣泛支持。中方期待與各方共同努力,在上述領域實現以下成果,提交7月貿易部長會議和9月杭州峰會:
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160710/PDF/a13_screen.pdf, 2016年二十國集團(G20)貿易部長會議昨日於上海開幕,中國商務部部長高虎城指出,G20正由一個危機應對機制轉變為促進經濟增長平台。分析認為,當下全球經濟疲軟,保護主義抬頭,G20成員國間要達成實質性協議困難重重,惟中英自由貿易協定被高看一眼。會前英國貿易及投資大臣向中國高調示好,並直言「是時候開始探索關於貿易協定的各種選項」。內地資深國際貿易專家表示,當前英國亟需尋求其他市場,中國的分量無可替代。英國很可能借此探路,與中國啟動自由貿易協定(FTA)談判。英國脫歐後,將有更大自由度與其他國家談判貿易協定。英國《金融時報》報道稱,赴滬出席G20會議前一日,英國貿易及投資大臣普睿勳爵(Lord Mark Price)已迫不及待在北京透露,指「現在是時候開始探索關於貿易協定的各種選項。」http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/07/10/a10-0710.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/1988115/g20-ministers-reach-deal-cut-global-trade-costs
- ministers' meeting in shaanxi http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201606/0622/HZ24622CHAA.pdf
- 中美貿易戰開打,二十國集團(G20)農業部長會議在阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯開會後,上周六發聯合聲明譴責保護主義,承諾不會設不必要的貿易壁壘,重新確認成員國在世界貿易組織(WTO)協議下的權利及義務,明顯針對美國的關稅措施。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180730/00180_013.html
- http://www.scmp.com/tech/china-tech/article/1984097/progress-global-tech-tariff-cuts-may-hinge-chinas-g20-efforts Proponents of a global deal to remove tariffs on more information and communications technology products, which came into force on Friday, are hoping the upcoming G20 meetings in mainland China will help speed up its implementation.The United States, China and more than 50 other economies on December 16 wrapped up negotiations to widen the scope of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which is expected to boost the global economy by an estimated US$190 billion annually.That expanded agreement, which was signed at the 10th World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, capital of Kenya, eliminate annual tariffs worth US$1.3 trillion on 201 product lines from July 1 this year.The first wave of tariff cuts, however, will not likely be implemented by some ITA signatories as scheduled because of the slow progress by China, South Korea and Japan, according to John Neuffer, the president and chief executive of the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA).“While most signatories to the ITA have ably completed the technical work they needed ... to live up to the commitments they made in Nairobi to implement on July 1, there are some notable slow pokes,” Neuffer told the South China Morning Post.
Tech and innovation
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160730/PDF/a9_screen.pdf中國科技部副部長陰和俊29日在2016年二十國集團智庫會議上表示,科技創新已成為各國提升國家競爭力的重要手段。作為東道國,中方倡議今年11月在京舉辦G20科技創新部長級會議。
- https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/news/g20-energy-ministers-meeting-focuses-sustainable-energy-access-energy-efficiency-and-renewables European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, attended the first ever G20 Energy Ministerial meeting in Istanbul, Turkey on 2 October. It took place back to back with the G20 Conference on Energy Access in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Group of 20 (G20) Energy Ministerial meeting centred on access to sustainable energy for all, energy efficiency, investments in energy and renewable energy. Ministers adopted a 'toolkit' of options for a long-term and sustainable approach for a faster roll-out of renewable energy.
- European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete participated in the second ever G20 Energy Ministerial meeting in Beijing, China. At the meeting, energy ministers agreed on a communiqué
reaffirming their commitment to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/news/g20-energy-ministers-commit-tackle-together-global-energy-and-climate-challenges, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2016-07/23/content_26192747.htm

Trade fac
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-07/01/content_25930980.htm- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/economy/article/1984136/shanghai-g20-mount-multifront-attack-global-trade-slumpG20 members aim to forge a consensus on ways to boost global trade when trade ministers meet in Shanghai next weekend, Vice-Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen said on Friday. Beijing would nudge G20 members to ratify the World Trade Organisation’s trade facilitation agreement by the end of this year as part of efforts to propel global trade, Wang said. Among the measures the ministers planned to consider included action to improve the global trade environment, cut global trade costs, beef up coordination between trade and investment policies, bolster services trade, introduce trade financing, compile global trade indexes and buoy e-commerce, Wang said in Beijing.
state owned companies
- https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/2167475/china-clashes-g20-business-lobby-group-over-support-state A rare open row has broken out between Beijing and an international business group affiliated with the Group of 20 over the role of state-owned enterprises, reflecting a fundamental division between China’s views and those of other major economies. Business 20, an advisory group that represents the views of the private sector, last week issued a communique calling for an end to state-related competitive distortions, but the wording met with strong objections from a Beijing-backed business group. On Friday, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, a semi-governmental trade advocacy group, insisted that the B20 proposal should not be submitted to G20 leaders at their next summit and demanded revisions to the sections covering state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
- https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/2167475/china-clashes-g20-business-lobby-group-over-support-state A rare open row has broken out between Beijing and an international business group affiliated with the Group of 20 over the role of state-owned enterprises, reflecting a fundamental division between China’s views and those of other major economies. Business 20, an advisory group that represents the views of the private sector, last week issued a communique calling for an end to state-related competitive distortions, but the wording met with strong objections from a Beijing-backed business group. On Friday, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, a semi-governmental trade advocacy group, insisted that the B20 proposal should not be submitted to G20 leaders at their next summit and demanded revisions to the sections covering state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
Code on investment
- 二十國集團(G20)勞工就業部長會議昨日在北京閉幕。人力資源和社會保障部部長尹蔚民在會後的新聞發佈會上表示,此次會議通過《2016年二十國集團勞工就業部長會議宣言》指出,「創業是推動體面就業、創造力、創新和經濟增長的重要引擎」,將向G20杭州峰會提交。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/07/14/a22-0714.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-07/22/content_26178171.htm Task force chief says members of global group should establish technology sharing platform The employment task force of the Business 20 summit will urge G20 leaders to set up a fund for creative activities to accelerate the pace of transferring research and development achievements into new market growth points in September, said the task force's chairman. Robin Li, the task force's chairman and CEO of Baidu Inc, said with strong economic and research foundations, G20 countries are capable of achieving more major breakthroughs in terms of technological development, creating a number of jobs and businesses with innovative activities. As the top executive of the country's largest search engine, Li said G20 members should establish a technology-sharing platform to better connect information providers and users.
Anti corruption
- http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-china-corruption-g-idUKKCN0XH0AD China suspended an international anti-corruption task force earlier this year after taking over the G20 presidency, according to six individuals in the group, who called it a setback to global efforts to crack down on shell companies used to conceal assets. The so-called "Business 20" Anti-Corruption Taskforce, comprising businesses and civil society groups, had been drawing up G20 policies for increasing transparency of offshore financial structures, among other work, but the body was scrapped in late January because Chinese companies declined to participate, according to the sources. China is one of several countries under pressure to share data on paper companies after the "Panama Papers", documents from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, revealed how the rich and powerful use such structures to avoid taxes and in some cases conceal ill-gotten gains. They were published by German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung and more than 100 other international news outlets. The B20, the G20's business outreach arm, and its various task forces are by convention led by companies from the nation holding the presidency. The state-run China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), this year's head of the B20, did not provide an explanation for suspending the anti-corruption task force and did not respond to several emails, faxes and phone calls requesting comment. But three people who had worked on the task force, who represented international, U.S. and European institutions, said the trade group could not persuade a Chinese company to take on the role of leading the task force, even though around 150,000 Chinese businesses are effectively state-run.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160925/00178_010.html二十國集團(G20)反腐敗追逃追贓研究中心昨日於北京設立,是首個為二十國集團成員國展開相關研究工作的機構。研究中心設在北京師範大學,將以專題研究、學術研討及培訓等多種形式運作。研究中心旨在為各成員國開展反腐敗追逃追贓合作創造交流平台﹔為中國參與國際反腐合作提供支援,推動以追逃追贓務實合作為主要內容的國際反腐敗新秩序。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2017xivisitgermany/2017-07/08/content_30040396.htm China plans to recruit dozens of experts and professionals who specialize in anti-graft studies from G20 member countries to help curb cross-border corruption, according to a Beijing-based G20 research center. "We'll invite them as visiting scholars to work in the center for several months conducting joint research on transnational corruption crime, including how to hunt down fugitives and confiscate illicit assets," said Huang Feng, director of the Research Center on Cooperat ion Regarding Persons Sought for Corruption and Asset Recovery in G20 Member States. He spoke to China Daily on Wednesday.
tax avoidance
- Global tax avoidance pact to be signed ft 7jun17
sideline meetings
- China, Russia and India agreed on Friday to strengthen coordination, unite consensus and enhance cooperation to jointly promote world peace, stability and development. President Xi Jinping, his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached the agreement after an informal meeting in Buenos Aires on the sidelines of the G20 Leaders' Summit.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2018-12/03/content_37344198.htm
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/07/29/a18-0729.pdf昨日在「G20與中國」國際研討會暨G20研究系列智庫專著發佈會的現場,來自英國、俄羅斯和瑞士的智庫專家對即將在杭州舉行的G20峰會表達了期待。他們希望,在成員國個體利益紛繁複雜的情況下,中國能真正助推G20成為全球經濟治理和良性世界秩序的有效平台,引領世界經濟走出低迷。
- 在如何重振全球貿易的活力方面,2016年二十國集團智庫會議(T20)建議要維護WTO在全球貿易合作中的核心地位,加強多邊和區域貿易規則間的協調。與會中外專家指出,應推動更具包容性的全球貿易合作,區域貿易協定應遵循WTO基本規則,G20有必要成立更具約束力的監督體制。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/07/31/a11-0731.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160731/PDF/a11_screen.pdf 原外交部副部長、原中國G20事務協調人何亞非在28日中國人民大學重陽金融研究院舉辦的“G20與中國”國際研討會暨G20研究系列智庫專著發佈會上建議,中國可以推動G20設立秘書處,提高工作組研究小組的效率和互相協調,加強領導的核心。
- hkej 18jul17 shum article on whether g20 should expand and possible new members
country profile
- china daily 5sept16 countries special
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20170315/00202_005.html 美國財政部官員消息指,姆紐欽將敦促中國、南韓和其他G20成員國遵守外匯協議及推動「公開和公平」貿易,但不會就G20「抗拒保護主義」的協議作出承諾。
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/2137427/worried-chinas-challenge-national-security-us-hopes-unite-minded-g20 Citing concerns about China’s “challenge to security and to financial stability”, the Trump administration is looking to push back along with “like-minded” countries at the Group of 20 finance leaders meeting early next week.- The U.S. Treasury’s top economic diplomat said on Sunday that China’s move away from market liberalization was an increasing concern for G20 economies but reversed an earlier statement that the United States had ended formal economic dialogue talks with Beijing. David Malpass, Undersecretary for International Affairs, told reporters that there had been no decisions made about the future of the “Comprehensive Economic Dialogue” after meetings between U.S. and Chinese officials in July 2017 had “stalled.” Malpass, a former Bear Stearns chief economist, said he misspoke when he told an Institute of International Finance meeting earlier on Sunday that the United States had discontinued the CED “because there wasn’t a path back toward market orientation.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-g20-argentina-usa-china/u-s-treasury-official-says-no-decisions-on-formal-china-talks-idUSKBN1GU0P8
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-g20-europe-idUSKBN16K1DW
European Union finance ministers will tell a G20 meeting this week that they will resist protectionism and that regulation introduced after the 2008 financial crisis must be kept in place.
A document prepared by the EU ministers, which appears aimed at the United States, sets out the position of all European delegations to the G20 gathering of ministers and central bankers in Baden-Baden in Germany on March 17-18.
- https://www.mof.gov.sg/Newsroom/Press-Releases/singapore-invited-to-participate-in-the-g20-meetings-and-summit-in-2018
- according to a twitt by sing mfa, japan invited singapore (em 21dec18)
- 據《南方日報》報道:在習近平主席訪問德國和出席G20峰會之際,中國嶺南文化藝術在德國大放光彩。當地時間7月5日至6日,“感知中國.廣東文化歐洲行”在德國柏林、漢堡兩市舉辦系列活動,吸引當地多家主流媒體和眾多民眾的目光。7月6日,“廣東文化歐洲行”系列活動之一—“許鴻飛雕塑世界巡展.漢堡站”在漢堡斯特格劇院舉行開幕式。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170708/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
Hong Kong
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/08/31/a18-0831.pdf在杭州的港人、港資機構也用自己的方式鼎力支持G20,他們或是堅守崗位,做好服務工作,或是報名當義工,用友善的態度和流利的英語喜迎八方來客。2006年,香港機場管理局入股杭州蕭山國際機場35%股權,因此主要負責機場航站樓運行和內部商場管理的他,將充分利用在香港機場積累的管理經驗,既服務好G20峰會,又服務好普通旅客。
city promotion
- 記者昨日(2日)從浙江杭州市設立「杭州國際日」新聞座談會上獲悉,該市自2018年起,將G20杭州峰會的閉幕日、G20杭州峰會公報的發佈日-9月5日,設立為「杭州國際日」。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/03/a19-0503.pdf
In the news
- china's role in redefining g20 takung 5aug16 a18 , http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/08/05/a15-0805.pdf, http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/08/05/a15-0805.pdfG20於1999年成立,2008年金融危機後升格為領導人峰會,形成了以峰會為引領、協調人和財金渠道「雙軌機制」為支撐、部長級會議和工作組為輔助的架構。協調人由各成員領導人任命,多由負責外交、經濟、金融事務的高官擔任,重點是從政治上統籌峰會成果,外交部副部長李保東任本次中方G20事務協調人。財長和央行行長會議負責就具體經濟金融問題進行磋商,為峰會共識打下基礎。目前中國已舉辦3次協調人會議、3次財長和央行行長會議,以及農業、能源、就業、貿易等多場專業部長會議。此外,婦女會議、智庫會議、民間社會會議、勞動會議、青年會議等大型配套活動陸續舉行。在峰會召開時,還將舉行背靠背的工商界領導人峰會(B20)。
- https://blogs.state.gov/stories/2017/02/16/en/g-20-what-it-and-why-it-matters-united-states
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