- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/economy/article/2155203/remote-corner-china-beijing-trying-export-its-model-training The new Baise Executive Leadership Academy – which looks like a five-star resort nestled in the green hills of the remote Guangxi region – may not be well-known abroad, but it aspires to be part of Beijing’s strategy of exporting its development model, in this case by training foreign government officials.Launched 18 months ago by the government of the southern region, the school has already trained 437 senior government delegates, most of them from neighbouring countries such as Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar – all funded by the Chinese side. The number of overseas trainees is tiny compared with the 16,000 Chinese officials who received training at the academy. About an hour’s drive from the border with Vietnam, it is not shy about its ambition of influencing decision-makers in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) member countries. The school, called Baise Cadre Academy in Chinese, has developed a training programme for prospective Asean trainees from day one, the purpose of which is to influence officials from Asean countries and help them “to understand China’s governance and economic development model”, Liu Xuanqi, deputy dean of the institute, told a group of journalists during a government-organised tour.
- event to celebrate 40th anniversary hkcd 15sep18 a10
open door
- model
- [bauhinia magazine jul19 issue p10] two models: (1) 苏南 (2)温州; latter is best represented by individually owned business, private enterprises. Five key entrepreneurs: mayun (digital economy); 李书福 (民族汽车); 鲁冠球(经济乡镇企业改革); 南存輝(温州民营企业);步鑫生(企业生产承包责任制)
- special economic zone
- china daily 26aug19 SEZ in shenzhen, zhuhai and shantou announced in aug1980
- shenzhen http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202008/0818/HA12818CCXX_HKCD.pdf, hkcd supplement on 40th anniversary 26aug2020
- zhuhai http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200903/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- designers
- 中國經濟體制改革研究會名譽會長高尚全,曾參與中共歷史上三份重要改革決定的起草工作,長期為中國改革獻計獻策。中國改革開放40周年之際,這位年近九旬的改革元老接受香港文匯報採訪時表示,「不是為改革而改革,更不是為了權力的鞏固而改革」,改革開放40年的價值取向和核心經驗就在於,堅持市場化的改革方向,以人民福祉為目標,堅守各類市場經濟主體平等的法治理念。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/10/29/a06-1029.pdf
- https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2182515/bikini-clad-russian-girl-swims-australian-safety-and-protests January 15, 1979 A hundred angry Chinese peasants shouting, “We’re tired of being hungry” and “Down with oppression” tried to storm the residence of Chairman Hua Guofeng and air their grievances to him. It was the second time in a week that peasants had demonstrated in Beijing.
- [中國大陸改革開放新詞語 李谷城] 赤字無害論since 1979
- land auction
- 1987年12月1日,深圳率先引入香港土地拍卖制度,首次举行国有土地拍卖。国家高端智库中国综合开发研究院文旅地产研究中心主任宋丁表示,“这在全国引起巨大的反响,对整个中国土地制度和房地市场产生很好的推动作用,极大地促进地方经济发展,并且全国各地形成土地招拍挂制度。”三十一年前,源於改革开放拓荒牛的深圳土地拍卖制度无疑掀起了中国房地产的速度与高度,是发展史上浓墨重彩的一笔。自深圳首次推出土地拍卖後,全国许多城市也纷纷借鉴深圳这一模式,通过以招标、拍卖等方式出让土地使用权。1988年4月12日,七届全国人大第一次会议通过修改宪法草案,删去原宪法中禁止土地“出租”两字,明确规定“土地的使用权可以依照法律的规定转让”。在深圳於1987年全国首次推出土地使用权出让拍卖制度後,全国各地市也纷纷推出土地招拍挂制度,包括招标、拍卖、挂牌和协议方式。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180614/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- price control
- https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3035673/drunken-royal-sailor-presidential-killing-and-proposal-five scmp remember a day on a 2nov1979 report - China increased domestic retail prices of major non-staple food items by as much as one-third. It also announced it would be lifting price controls on thousands of items to spur competition and boost the economy, which was evolving into a market-oriented model. To make up for the price rises, Beijing boosted the monthly wages of its 100 million city workforce by the equivalent of about HK$15.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3035673/drunken-royal-sailor-presidential-killing-and-proposal-five
- scmp rem a day 29nov1979 - https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3039773/royal-spy-revelations-and-china-rejoins-olympics-headlines A number of people had been arrested in Guangdong province for illegal trading in foreign currencies, according to news reports. According to Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, some Chinese mainlanders had bought foreign currency from foreign businessmen and travellers at prices higher than the official rates and used the hard currency to buy luxury goods including television sets, calculators, electronic watches and bikes. Most of those items were only available at “friendship stores” where foreign currencies were the only legal tender.
- services liberalisation
- state council decided to speed up services industry development in 1922 by piloting liberation in several service sectors for foreign investment [tdc maoyidongxiang on china's accession to wto jan2000 issue]
- 上世紀八十年代末、九十年代初,內地將計劃經濟時代按條塊設立的工業管理部門,如核工業部、兵器工業部、航空航天工業部、電力工業部等撤銷,去行政化,實現政企分開,設立了核、航空、航天、兵器、船舶五大軍工總公司以及國家電力公司等。朱鎔基內閣時期,為了推動行業競爭,五大軍工公司各一分為二,形成了十大軍工集團,電力公司更是拆分為兩大電網公司、五大發電公司與多家電力施工設計公司。然而,隨着央企參與國際市場的深入,各種一分為二,不僅沒有帶來良性競爭,反而加劇了各種內耗與互撕。譬如,三大電信巨頭各自鋪設基礎設施線路,造成大量浪費與重複建設。南車、北車由於都是行業巨頭,多次在國際競標時互為主要對手,相互壓價。當年熱熱鬧鬧的拆分改革,如今變為熙熙攘攘的合併改革。兜兜轉轉二十年,分久必合。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20191101/00184_010.html
- the PLA Marine Corps was (re)established in the early 1980s, its primary mission was to garrison the sentry posts on the contesting islands in the South China Sea. Therefore, the main background of a Chinese marine is seawater, which is blue.Therefore, when the first generation of Type-87 camouflage was issued in the late 80s, the Navy chose the blue-scheme camo for the marines: ocean blue background, with black, olive, and light-grey stripes. The second-generation Type-07 digital camouflage basically inherited the color selection but replaced black with coyote.https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-Chinese-Army-use-a-blue-camouflage-pattern-that-might-not-be-practical-in-real-life
- g to g loans
- scmp 19oct18 remember a day column 15oct1978 report on china prepared for the first time to consider direct g to g loans to help finance imports for its huge modernisation programme, according to british banking sources
- [bauhinia magazine aug19 issue] phased out from 1978 to 1985
- shenzhen
- 1980年初,深圳特区正在酝酿成立,当时深圳基础设施建设资金十分匮乏,时任深圳房管局副局长的骆锦星承担着为省科级以上幹部建设20000平方米、300多套宿舍的重任。但是资金一直困扰着他,但骆锦星成为深圳和全国首个吃螃蟹者,开始与港商刘天就洽谈,并以“补偿贸易”进行合作,即港商出钱、深圳出地,以这种方式合作建房。等徵地和设计等工作完成後,他便去香港卖楼花,那是中国第一个商品房小区─东湖丽苑。东湖丽苑体现了土地商品化,也开创了全国土地有偿使用的先河。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180614/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- huaqiang north china daily 16nov18
- luowu reservoir restaurant - first restaurant in cooperation with hk business opened in 1979
- scmp remember a day on a 24oct1979 report China had asked a group of Hong Kong experts to prepare a detailed planning proposal for the development of Man Kam To and Shenzhen, also known as Shumchun back then. The plan featured areas designated for industry, housing, warehouses, recreational facilities and a transport network.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3034411/burglary-suspect-chops-toe-defiance-beijings-bad-boys-and
- interesting
- heilongjiang
- 今年是內地改革開放四十周年,幾年前曾經流傳的深圳「升格」直轄市傳聞,近日再度在網絡熱傳。深圳市政府新聞辦負責人於周二緊急出面闢謠,指有關傳聞毫無事實根據,純屬個別網民的猜測。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180926/00178_008.html
- hkcd 28sep18 a6-a7
- mudanjiang china daily 2nov18
- hunchun china daily 3dec18
- china daily 25sep18 40 years on column on china's first economic and technological development zone in dalian
- hkcd 23oct18 a24
- dalian port china daily 1nov18
- qingdao china daily 15dec18
- beijing
- public works
- https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3018129/farmer-six-wives-mix-dead-bodies-and-hong-kong-preparing scmp remember a day on a 12jul1979 report The Peking Daily said Beijing’s public works division was more than 2 billion yuan in debt (about HK$6.25 billion at the time), and claimed that public housing space was being left empty despite a serious housing problem. In a stinging attack on the efficiency of the capital’s administration, the newspaper claimed that investment in public works had also fallen far behind the city’s needs, and called for a major overhaul of Beijing’s residential areas.
- zhongguancun china daily 9oct18
- beijing international marathon in 1981
- dispatch control center for renewable resources in dongcheng district (put to use in oct2009) china daily 25oct18
- https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/m/innermongolia/2013-09/22/content_17162534.htm When the Chinese economy opened up in the 1980s, Manzhouli awoke from its long slumber as a back post. It became an important center for Russian-Chinese trade. By the 1990s, it was a booming hub of cross-border transactions.Some of these businesses, however, fell by the wayside when Russian authorities banned trade on commodities they felt were draining their natural resources, such as the vast amount of timber that was going by the trainloads into China.There were once hundreds of timber yards thriving in Manzhouli. But fewer than five still stand and, at most, only one operates, because of the higher costs of importing Russian logs.
- anhui
- xiaogang village china daily 15oct18, 16oct18, 17oct18
- dunhuang (opened to world in 1979) china daily 10dec18
- 天山毛纺织品股份有限公司 - the first chinese foreign joint venture (tdc trade alert jan2000 issue)
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/global/2019-04/19/content_37460199.htm The Lhoba people, an ethnic minority group in the Tibet autonomous region, took less than 40 years to modernize from their primitive hunting lives deep in the mountains. Since 1984, when they moved down from the mountains with the help of the local government, they began to settle down in villages, earn regular wages and learn farming from their Tibetan counterparts. Now the Lhoba population in three villages in Manling county, Nyingchi city, have prospered greatly from the tourism industry. In 1983, China created its first supercomputer, named Galaxy, and the country began seeing broadcasts of the Chinese New Year celebration gala on television. Meanwhile, 7-year-old Daniang was busy hunting prey every day in the forest, carrying arrows and a bow on his back.
- wuhan
- The success story of Wuhan city, better known in the West as China's Chicago, in Central China's Hubei province, will become more familiar to Americans thanks to a photo exhibition being held in San Francisco over the next four months. The exhibition brought into spotlight the achievements made by Wuhan city over the past 40 years. This is the end result of China introducing a reform and opening-up that transformed the outlook of the country.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201809/21/WS5ba43436a310c4cc775e76b5.html
- 20世纪初,随着汉口开埠,租界设立与铁路的开通,汉口商业中心逐渐下移至长江岸边。汉正街则演变成小商品市场。1979年,汉正街恢复小商品批发市场,首批摆摊经营的待业青年和社会无业人员100余名,1989年起,汉正街市场销售额突破7亿元,1990年起,国家、个体共同筹资数千万元,兴建与改建数处交易大楼,使汉正街的交通和环境大为改观。汉正街市场西段以粮、油、棉、什业居多,东段以药材、参燕、金 银、票号、典当为主,中段最为繁荣,密布百货、布匹、山珍、海味、纸张等大小商铺。清同治三年(1864年),汉阳郡守钟谦钧等修筑汉口堡,沿堡辟出玉带、居仁、由义、循礼、大智、通济等八座堡门,外有深壕环绕,桥梁相连,既便于布防守卫,又可抵御洪水。清道光14年修建的保寿石乔现仍存原处,它是石乔口之为"石乔口",而非"桥口"的唯一历史见证。17世纪初,汉正街不过几百米长,商业的复兴与繁荣推动了市场与街道的拓展。其时,汉正街杨家河至五彩巷之间有河街,大通巷以下有后街,升基巷以下有夹街,夹街以下至集家嘴之间又有小夹街。众多小街小巷以汉正街为主脉,纵横连接,组成了新兴的汉口沿河商业区。据清道光年间统计,这片形如卧帚的商业闹市,称之为街的有32条,巷有64条。汉水码头水运的繁荣带动了武昌、汉阳港埠随之兴旺,汉正街的商贸市场由码头发展到河街,又由河街发展到正街,推动武汉市场向纵深发展。
- hkcd 5nov18 武汉临港经开区
- 邵阳隆回县 hkcd 22nov18 a13
- chengdu gaoxinqu hkcd 22nov18 a16
- Liu Yongxing (刘永行, born June 1948) is a Chinese businessman. He is the founder, chairman and CEO of East Hope Group, a Chinese company active in the agribusiness as well as chemical and non-ferrous metal industries. He is the honorary president of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce in Sichuan, a part-time professor at China Agricultural University, MBA lecturer, and a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC.In the late 1970s, Liu Yongxing and his brothers founded an electronics company that had to close soon after, as such business ventures were regarded as “too capitalistic” at the time. In 1982, Liu YongXing and his three brothers, accumulated 1,000 RMB and started a company called the “Hope Group.” The business consisted of raising quail and hatching chickens in the Sichuan Province.[citation needed] They also established the Hope Research Center for animal feeds in 1986. In 1995, Hope Group was split up into four separate companies among the siblings: West Hope Group (Chen Yuxin), New Hope Group (Liu Yonghai) and Continental Hope Group (Liu Yongyan). Liu Yongxing retained parts of the agricultural business and got involved in the heavy chemical and aluminium industry, which ultimately led to the founding of today’s East Hope Group in 1995, one of the largest aluminium producers worldwide.
- https://www.ft.com/content/1c93d350-7e2c-11e9-81d2-f785092ab560 The East Hope Group conglomerate said it was working with Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi, or Kizad, on a feasibility study for a three-phase, 15-year development at the port facility located near the UAE capital’s border with Dubai. The Abu Dhabi memorandum of understanding, signed in Shanghai on Thursday, envisages an alumina facility in the first phase of the investment, with a recycling project for red mud, an alumina waste product, in the second phase. The final phase would include non-ferrous metal processing facilities. East Hope would receive assistance in securing “the best utility prices” and land at the port facility, Kizad said. Sino-Emirati relations have deepened since President Xi Jinping’s state visit to the UAE last year, raising optimism for an increase in government-backed investments in the Gulf state, whose economy has struggled since oil prices collapsed in 2014.
- shanghai
- pudong area china daily 18sep18
- stock market (1986) china daily 27sep18
- improvement of livelihood examples
- zhejiang
- a shanghai woman china daily 23oct18
- 1980年,全國第一張個體工商戶營業執照在浙江誕生。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181220/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- fujian
- 石獅
- 石獅建市的倡議者、石獅僑聯原主席蔡世佳回憶,1979年,海關總署放寬了華僑、港澳同胞回鄉探親攜帶物品限量的規定,僅1979年華僑、港澳同胞經中國旅行社託運到石獅的衣服、電器、日用品等貨物達71.85萬公斤,從境外或深圳口岸郵電局郵寄到石獅的貨物達10.2萬包。而當時石獅鎮區的人口也就八萬餘。1988年,石獅與深圳、海南三者,成為中國縣市省三級政府行政體制改革試點。改革開放後,石獅經濟取得了巨大成就,而體制改革的探索,也猶如夜空中亮起的璀璨煙花。「改革開放之初,石獅確實是『民辦特區』。」全國政協委員、香港德輝國際集團總裁佘德聰說:「除了經濟活躍,當時石獅的體制改革也很『超前』。」http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181218/PDF/a21_screen.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181001/PDF/a11_screen.pdf 香港福建社團聯會
- any relation? xiamen international trade group (formed in 1980) china daily 18aug18
- 東莞與香港,有著40年的產業合作歷史,也是中國參與國際產業分工合作的精彩縮影。東莞是大批港商的祖居地,兩地淵源深厚、人文相通。莞港40年的分工協作,成就了莞港兩地經濟的騰飛發展。中國第一家外資企業,就是香港人在東莞創辦的太平手袋廠。改革開放40年來,大批旅港鄉親回鄉投資辦廠辦學、建橋修路,港資企業不斷發展壯大,奠定了東莞開放型經濟的基礎。多年來,港資都是東莞外資中的最主要力量,在東莞走向國際化上發揮了重要作用。當前東莞共有7400多家港資企業,累計實際利用港資438.1億美元,仍佔東莞外資的半壁江山。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/09/22/a17-0922.pdf
- Macau takes steps toward its own television station when two visiting Portuguese TV experts told news reporters that a project had been started to establish the Macau TV station. The Portuguese National Assembly passed a law two months before that required any TV station in Portugal or Portuguese-administered territories to be owned and operated by the government. The station would broadcast in Cantonese and Portuguese. scmp rad column on 9sep1979 report https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3026950/missing-film-star-ufos-hong-kong-and-denture-snatching-thief
- ????!!!!澳門基金會行政 委員會主席吳志良日前接受中新社專訪時 表示,1980年代以來,澳門知識界整理、 出版文獻檔案並做大量研究,拿回歷史話 語權,這項工作很重要,助力特區形成了 新的政治共同體價值觀。 近來,「一國兩制」在澳門的實踐經驗 受到海內外多方關注,帶來不少認真的討 論。以愛國者為主體的「澳人治澳」、把 握好「一國」和「兩制」的關係、適度開 放博彩業、改善民生、發揮着強大職能的 社團網絡等,是澳門 20年來取得成功的重 要原因。 除此之外,吳志良在澳門基金會辦公室 接受記者採訪時補充了一項重要經驗── 在歷史的研究、解釋方面,澳門知識界拿 回了話語權。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/12/03/a10-1203.pdf
- scmp rad on a 2dec1979 report - Experts arriving in Hong Kong to help South China Sea oil exploration projects rejected offers of accommodation in mainland China. They complained that facilities up north were substandard which meant that the hundreds of oilmen – all on top-rate expatriate terms – would be adding to pressure on the city’s domestic accommodation shortage. The experts came from the United States, Canada, West Germany, Sweden and Brazil.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3040723/governments-dire-warning-over-staggering-hong-kong
- "successful case"
- 宗慶后17歲便開始上山下鄉,來到舟山馬目農場。舟山馬目農場本是一個關押犯人的勞改場,後來移交給地方的國營農場,人們稱之為「舟山西伯利亞」,在那裏,宗慶后每天挖溝修壩,拉土堆石。他回憶,1978年是改革開放的第一年,十一屆三中全會已確定將工作重點轉移到經濟建設上來。「當時物資相當緊缺,買糧食都要糧票,食用油要油票,反正什 麼都要票限量供應。」但是沒過幾年,農村開始實行土地承包責任制,這讓農民的積極性得以釋放,各種票證便成為了歷史。而後,工廠開始實行經濟責任承包制, 一批工廠因此而活躍起來,有了效益;引進外資,帶來了大量資金和技術。1987年,42歲的宗慶后靠着借來的14萬元(人民幣,下同)接手連年虧損的杭州上城區校辦企業經銷部,開始了創業生涯。當年7月,建立了「杭州保靈兒 童營養食品廠」,代加工灌裝花粉口服液。這一年,工廠取得了22.2萬元的年利潤,比原計劃的10萬元多出一倍有餘。不僅如此,宗慶后還擁有了300平方 米生產、營業用房,一條生產線和130餘位職工。緊接着,宗慶后拿出一部分資金,找營養專家研製出以桂圓、紅棗、山楂等為原料的營養液,並確定命名為「娃 哈哈」。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180831/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- 年廣久是「傻子瓜子」品牌創始人,他的出名,不只是因為他在1976年就憑賣瓜子賺取上百萬元,也不只因為他曾經三次獲罪入獄,更重要的是因鄧小平多次在高層提及此人並收入《鄧小平文選》而聞名全國,號稱「中國第一商販」。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180817/PDF/b12_screen.pdf
- 在深圳和南昌从事无纺布研发、生产的国桥实业(集团)有限公司 http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180919/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- 世茂http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181001/PDF/a12_screen.pdf
- byd launched in 1995 china daily 20nov18
- wenzhou huamei garment accessories china daily 31dec18
- 這個位於山東省鄒平市韓店鎮的村庄,戶籍 人口只有 800多,卻擁有 4家上市公司,被譽 為「中國上市公司第一村」。西王村現擁有資 產 600多億元(人民幣,下同),位列中國經 濟十強村,人均年純收入早已超過 10萬元。 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/12/31/a06-1231.pdf
- ****https://beta.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/2182332/huawei-founder-ren-zhengfei-why-he-joined-chinas-communist-party-and Ren, who grew up in a mountainous town in China’s poorest province, Guizhou. Ren, the son of schoolteachers and a survivor of China’s great famine between 1958 and 1961, said that while he supports the Communist Party, he will “never do anything to harm any other nation.”Indeed, Ren may not have become a member of the Chinese Communist Party if not for a twist of fate. He was unable to join the Party earlier, at a time when membership was required “even to become the head of a cooking team,” because his father was labelled a “capitalist roader” during the Cultural Revolution. That family connection ruled him out of membership. Ren eventually joined the Party in 1978 with the help of his supervisor and Party organisations after his selection to the National Science Conference for inventing a crucial tool used for testing advanced equipment at the synthetic fibre factory. By then, China was eager to promote feats of science and technology and undo the damage done by a decade of anti-intellectualism. He became the deputy director of a small construction research institute with an equivalent rank of deputy regimental chief before being demobilised in 1983 when the government disbanded the entire engineering corps. Ren established Huawei with a capital of 21,000 yuan in 1987.
- people
- hk investment
- 上世紀 80年代,改革開放春風吹拂華夏大地,年輕的張建 欣在高考志願上填下了當時非常時髦的英語專業。90年代, 伴隨着著名的鄧小平南方講話,中國又開始了新一輪改革開 放,張建欣又選擇了投身外交圈。世紀之交,在中國加入世 界貿易組織更為積極融入國際體系之際,張建欣再次選擇遠 赴美國深造求學。21世紀,面對蓬勃興起的一個又一個中國 故事,她欣然轉身回國,在多家國際知名跨國公司擔任重要職位,親歷外企在中 國的發展壯大。新時代裡,她從外企的高位上果斷轉型,抓住中國發展的新機 遇,在長期由外企主導的公共事務諮詢領域,創辦了道合諮詢並擔任總裁。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/07/a11-1007.pdf
- 從1979年到1999年的二十年間,大 多數港商在內地的經濟活動圍繞貿易和辦廠,處 於 「三來一補」階段,雖然 「兩頭在外」(原材 料和產品在外),但港商的經營理念對內地的經 濟發展起到了很大影響。1999年之後,港資來料 加工廠逐漸轉變為獨資和合資企業,在內地採購 原料,部分產品內銷。借此機會,部分港企升級 改造,成長為內地行業的優秀企業。 四十年間,港商 「聯繫人」角色也經歷了蛻 變。陳紅天認為,港商從早期接訂單到內地生產 ,到全面引進技術、設備、資金乃至人才,同時 由單向輸入變為雙向交流,即內地的人才、資金 和技術亦可以通過香港走向海外。 「內地、香港 和海外市場三方各取所需,才可稱之為交流。」 他說: 「港商這個中間人角色不斷升級,也是港 商對改革開放貢獻的升級。」http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180621/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- esquel http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180813/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- https://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/201/13/231/1534301340915.html Henry Fok always wanted China to be strong and to do something for the country. He seized that opportunity and became the first Hong Kong businessman to invest on the mainland. He decided to build a modern hotel because he thought if China were to open its doors to foreign investors and modernize, comfortable accommodation was essential to make them stay. Construction of the Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort - the first hotel funded by overseas capital in Zhongshan, in the west of the Pearl River Delta - began in early 1979. At that time, China was still very poor and the government could only afford no more than labor and raw materials, while Fok was responsible for raising capital, supervising building works, hotel management and training staff. A lot of equipment, furniture and hotel supplies were imported. Aiming to have the hotel completed in a year's time, Henry Fok had a very innovative idea of giving out bonuses to speed up its construction. As a result of their hard work, the hotel began operations as scheduled. To connect Zhongshan with other parts of Guangdong province since the city was quite remote, he suggested widening roads and building bridges to improve transportation facilities. The provincial government was reluctant, fearing future maintenance costs. He came up with the idea of road tolls and bank loans for the building works. In 1982, Henry Fok spent a further HK$15 million on building a modern golf course which is up to international standards near the resort.
- In another big step forward, Henry Fok proposed in 1978 building a five-star hotel in Guangzhou by the lake side as it had become an increasingly important city liked by foreign businessmen and tourists. It was a joint venture between Fok and the provincial tourism administration, involving a combined investment of HK$200 million. Henry Fok insisted that the hotel should be designed by Chinese architects and managed by Chinese staff. But, since mainland people lacked the expertise in running five-star hotels, he brought the management team to Hong Kong and let them stay in deluxe five-star hotels to see how they were run.Beginning in 1980, construction of White Swan Hotel took three years before its opening in 1983.
- china daily 7sep18 wu suk ching, http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/10/01/a06-1001.pdf
- bank of east asia http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180907/PDF/a9_screen.pdf
- 邱德根http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180907/PDF/a13_screen.pdf
- 戶外媒體公司雅仕維(01993)主席林德興便看好改革會帶來龐大的商機,早於1993年毅然放棄在澳洲優渥的生活,選擇回港創業,並殺入內地廣告市場。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181001/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- hkcd 4oct18 高宝贸易
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181005/PDF/a12_screen.pdf k wah
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181011/PDF/a12_screen.pdf cheung kong
- hkcd 14oct18 a1 南洋商業銀行
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181102/PDF/a12_screen.pdf henderson
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181109/PDF/a12_screen.pdf 恒裕控股 龚俊龙
- sun hung kai http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181112/PDF/a12_screen.pdf
- stanley ho http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181119/PDF/a11_screen.pdf
- 陳永棋出生於紡織世家,陳永棋的父 親陳瑞槐與叔父陳瑞球是 「長江製衣」的 創始人, 「長江製衣」在港享有 「成衣一 枝花」之美譽。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181120/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- wong ying wai hkcd 22nov18
- new world development http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181123/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- 佳宁娜马介饮 hket 3dec18 a23
- 力嘉纸品马伟武 hket 5dec18 a25 one of the founders of 华南城 (company listed in 2009 code 1668)
- 旭日集團http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181217/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181218/PDF/aa18_screen.pdf 建滔集團
- 世界最大的毛衣生產商永新集團創始人、 「毛紡大王」 曹光彪,他是第一位 到內地設廠的香港投資者及打開補償貿易之門的香港實業家。在改革開放四十周 年之際,曹光彪的幼子曹其東接受《大公報》專訪,憶述父親當年亦曾面臨 「資 本家又回來了」 的質疑,但開拓精神和家國情懷,令曹光彪堅持下來http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181231/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- ka shui 822 (listed in 2007) hkej 5aug19 on 李遠發 developing the business in 1980s
- 全國政協委員、建滔集團主席張國榮憶稱,在國家改革開放之初,他從深圳經濟特區建立一間「山寨廠」起步,乘祖國改革開放之風,成立建滔集團,短短30年已發展到今天全國和東南亞擁有60多間工廠,聘請4.5萬名員工的上市跨國大企業。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/04/02/b02-0402.pdf
- china overseas http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181227/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
- 中英街
- 1979年,深圳蛇口的第一声炮响拉开了中国经济特区建设的序幕,改革开放的春风吹开了封闭多年的边防禁区大门。1983年,《开放中英街协议》签 订之後,大量的资金湧入、人力和物力整饬与修建,使中英街迅速繁荣兴旺起来。凭藉着毗邻香港的特殊位置和免税街的独特优势,街上商品与内地市场上的产品差 价高达60%,布料成衣、食品饮料、日用物品等琳琅满目的百货,让正值市场经济时的内地遊客眼花缭乱,进而纷纷解囊。在当时,去深圳到中英街是一个“见世 面”的大事,买一件外国T恤衫穿能在亲戚面前威风一整年。按规定,凡进入中英街的遊客不能“越界”到香港一侧的店舖购物。因此,开放 初期,中英街呈现出“一边倒”的发展趋势。来自内地的购物人流基本上被控制在华界一侧的店舖购物,英界一侧的店舖相对冷清。不少人在巡警不备之时,乘机跑 到英界一侧的店舖购物,并迅速将购物袋丢给华界一侧接应的人。这一时期,中英街店舖林立,金银首饰、服装、电子表、进口录音机、数码 照相机、摄像机等成为销售的热点,金舖从最初的3家发展到47家,最多时一天曾湧入10万人次的遊客,摩肩擦踵半个小时都走不完,中英街迎来了名副其实的 黄金时代。中英街历史博物馆提供的资料显示,仅1988年5月至10月,中英街黄金装饰品的销售量就达到5吨,金额6.5亿港元。“购金热”一直持续,在 1992年达到高潮。除香港著名金店“谢瑞麟”和沙头角日用百货商店外,四大国有商业银行和深圳发展银行都在中英街设有营业机构,中英街仅上缴税收一年就 超过1亿。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180612/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
- hkcd 15dec18 a2
- 香港工商業研討班started in 1982 (cgcc vision aug18)
- 在1980年10月26日起,當「抵壘政策」撤銷後,內地非法進入香港境內的人士都會被即捕即解,故在此之前吸引了不少人士前往金鐘華人延期居留辦事處輪候登記領取香港身份證。
- scmp rad on a 10dec1979 report - Hundreds of Hong Kong residents were being offered all expenses paid holidays in Guangdong province each week. The only catch was that they had to be prepared to courier luxury items such as television sets, tape recorders, or watches on behalf of their hosts. These luxury items were destined for one of China’s biggest black markets in Foshan. The new modus operandi began several months earlier when the Chinese authorities began cracking down on Hong Kong people who “imported” luxury goods by taking multiple trips into mainland China frequently.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3041790/concordes-near-miss-prince-charles-kiss-and-tell-and
- civil service
- china daily 19aug19 70 years on - open civil service exam introduced in aug1994
- financial
- credit card
- 長城卡 by 中國人民銀行 in 1986
- 牡丹卡 by icbc in oct1989
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180918/PDF/a18_screen.pdf 曹遠征上世紀八九十年代曾在國家經濟體 制改革委員會任職逾十年,從事經濟體制改革 的理論研究與政策制定,九七亞洲金融危機後 轉戰香港,擔任中銀國際控股管理層,負責籌 建了中銀國際的跨境多元化平台,參與了中銀 香港的重組上市,以及後來的中國銀行集團的 股份制改造與海內外上市,是中國金融改革和 對外開放的親歷者。
- icbc (asia) case hkcd 9oct18 a12
- 本港金融界傳奇人物葉迪奇,1965年加入滙豐銀行,一做便是47年,於2003年出任滙豐中國總裁時,更一手促成滙控入股交通銀行,更被借調到交行擔任副行長一職,成為首位在內地主要銀行任職高層的港人,見證中國金融業40年來逐步開放走向國際。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181203/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- datang power listed in lse in 1997, it was the first chinese company to list in an international financial center other than hk china daily 21mar19
- hk companies/vehicle to provide source of funding
- retail
- henderson was founded in 1973, listed in 1981
- china daily 7nov19 in nov1982, first supermarket opend in beijing
- 今年是中國律師制度恢復重建 40周 年。40年來,中國律師隊伍從無到有、 從小到大,律師事務所由 70餘家發展 到逾 3萬家,執業律師由 2百餘人發展 至逾 46萬人,增長超 2千倍。如今,中 國律師不僅成為實現「中國之治」的中 堅力量,更成為全球法律服務業的重要 參與者、推動者和貢獻者。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/12/19/a36-1219.pdf
- law amendments related to criminal affairs china daily 3dec18
- china daily 27nov18 - national insurance conference was held in beijing on 27nov1979; from 1992 to 2000, licences were granted to 16 companies; in 1992 people's bank of china granted AIG a permit to begin selling life and property insurance in shanghai
- oil
- 1982 - state council issued regulations covering joint offshore oil exploration with foreign companies
- huizhou 21-1 oilfield - one of the first offshore fields developed in south china sea - started production in 1990 china daily 13sep18
- 日本亞細亞航空 Japan Asia Airways, Co., Ltd. (日本アジア航空株式会社 Nihon Ajia Kōkū Kabushiki-gaisha)(JAA) is a defunct subsidiary of Japan Airlines (JAL) which existed between 1975 and 2008. JAA was headquartered in the Japan Airlines Building in Shinagawa, Tokyo. JAA was established as a wholly owned subsidiary of JAL on 8 August 1975 and given the responsibility of providing air links between Japan and Taiwan formerly offered by JAL. Direct flights between Japan had been suspended since April 1975, following the signing of a civil air treaty with China. However, following negotiations between the Interchange Association, Japan and Taiwan's Association of East Asian Relations, JAA was created and direct flights to Taipei were resumed.[4] JAA began flights to Taipei on September 15, 1975. Similar arrangements were later made by Air France, British Airways, KLM, Qantasand Swissair for their services to Taiwan. In 1985 JAA was headquartered in the Yurakucho-Denki Building in Chiyoda, Tokyo, in a facility apart from the JAL headquarters in the Tokyo Building in Chiyoda. Following JAL's privatization, the new 2007 Japan-Taiwan air transport agreement led JAL to liquidate JAA as a cost-saving measure and to normalize Japan-Taiwan flight status. JAA flew its last flights on March 31, 2008, and all flights were operated by JAL from April 1, 2008.
- scmp rem a day 1dec1979 - Cathay Pacific Airways had been granted a licence to operate the Hong Kong-London route but on one condition: it would have to share the new rights with British Caledonian Airways and alongside the then sole carrier, British Airways.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3039773/royal-spy-revelations-and-china-rejoins-olympics-headlines
- maritime
- 中国在二十世纪六七十至八九十年代建造的一系列科学考察船。这些考察船隶属国家海洋局或海军,统一命名为“向阳红XX”,但是其中分为很多个型号,并不完全相同。在服役过程中,大部分“向阳红”系列考察船都使用过多个名称和舷号。向阳红10号,是中国自行设计制造的第一艘万吨级远洋科学考察船。1979年11月由上海江南造船厂建成并交付国家海洋局东海分局使用。曾参加中国首次发射运载火箭、同步通信卫星等重大科研试验任务,1984年11月参加中国首次南极考察队,开赴南大洋、南极洲执行科学考察任务,1988年获国家科技进步特等奖 。
- cosco 黃天祐(from hk) hkcd 15dec18 a2
- http://www.angloeastern.com/ in operation for over 40 years
- china daily 6may19 china state shipbuilding corp officially established in 1982
- railway
- china daily 15oct18 qinghai tibet railway
- background:1956年开始,原中华人民共和国铁道部第一勘测设计院即对从兰州到拉萨的2000余千米线路进行了全面的勘测设计工作。1973年,时任中共中央主席的毛泽东在接待来访的尼泊尔国王比兰德拉时表示,要加快修建青藏铁路;同年11月26日,原中国国家建委在北京召开了青藏线协作会议。中共中央、中国国务院领导多次作重要指示,要求加快工程进度,争取提前完成。1984年,青藏铁路西宁至格尔木段建成通车。1994年7月,中共中央、中国国务院召开第三次西藏工作座谈会。会上再次提出修建进藏铁路,并得到了时任中共中央总书记江泽民总的肯定。会后转发了座谈会纪要,明确提出“抓紧做好进藏铁路建设前期准备工作”。1995年,原中华人民共和国铁道部开始组织进藏铁路的论证工作。1996年,中国第八届全国人大四次会议通过的《关于国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标纲要》提出:下个世纪前10年进行进藏铁路的论证工作。1999年11月,原中国国家计委批复了青藏铁路西格段扩能改造可行性研究报告。2000年初,青藏铁路西格段启动扩能改造工程建设
- china daily 16oct18 shanghai metro
- background:1956年8月,上海根据中央关于防止帝国主义突然袭击的指示,提出建造地下铁道。23日,上海市政建设交通办公室根据战备要求编制提交《上海市地下铁道初步规划(草案)》,同时成立上海市地下铁道筹建处。苏联城市规划专家穆欣与上海市政府负责市政交通的李干成秘密讨论了地下铁道规划,用铅笔画出了横贯东西和纵穿南北的两条地铁线。1958年,苏联专家表示上海处软土地层,含水量多,因此不宜建设隧道工程。1963年,于浦东塘桥,进行了最早的最早的地铁建设摸索和试验。一片农田采用结构法用钢筋混凝土管片衬内试挖了直径4.2米的盾构,推了100多米的隧道,用于验证粉沙性土质和淤混质粘土质中建设隧道的可行性。1964年,在衡山公园附近,进行了地铁隧道和地铁站试验。该地铁试验工程代号为“60工程”,当时完全属于保密工程。该车站大小仅80米*20米*20米,规模是按照3米深、宽卡列车编组的停靠来建造的,施工工艺为深井法施工。连接到衡山路时,再挖了两根600米长的隧道,整个项目叫上海地下铁道扩大试验工程。由于该座车站和地下隧道规模较小,而且又太深,最终没有融入到1号线的建设中,但对于之后地铁建设奠定了基础。截至2014年,衡山公园地下仍保留着该设施。20世纪70年代末,在漕溪公园的地底下,尝试了第二条试验隧道的掘进,投资4000多万人民币,上下行总长1290米。这段线路采用结构法修筑地下连续水泥墙的方形隧道,与此后采用盾构机掘进的圆形隧道有明显不同。这段线路作为上海地铁1号线的正式路线使用。
- maglev
- 2000年6月30日,徐匡迪市长和德国磁浮铁路国际公司总经理Wahl 先生在德国签署了《中华人民共和国上海市和德意志联邦共和国磁浮国际公司(TRI)共同开展上海市磁浮列车示范运营线可行性研究协议书》;8月,成立上海磁浮交通发展有限公司成立;8月24日,国家计委经国务院批准,批复了上海市磁浮列车示范运营线工程项目建议书。
- china daily 24oct18 research started since 1980s
- guangzhou metro
- The earliest efforts to build an underground rapid transit system in Guangzhou date back to 1960. In the two decades that followed, the project was brought into the agenda five times, but ended up abandoned each time due to financial and technical difficulties. Preparation of what would lead to today's Guangzhou Metro did not start until the 1980s, and it was not until 1993 that construction of the first line, Line 1, officially began. Line 1 opened four years later in 1997 with five stations in operation.
- hkcd 30oct18 a11
- 一九七九年,在鄧小平先生的直接批示下,中央政府與港英政府展開磋商,於數月後決定開通廣九鐵路原線。當時由廣州出發的列車,需要約三個小時到達紅磡車站。及至一九九三年,鐵路延伸至佛山,並在一九九五年直達肇慶。於回歸前夕,京九鐵路立項動工,趕及在回歸前一年通車,而滬九線亦在翌年投入服務。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20181212/00184_012.html
- https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/short-reads/article/3005741/when-guangzhou-hong-kong-direct-train-resumed
- automotive
- guy burgoyne, VP of design at Geely china daily 11dec18
- construction and engineering
- China Communications Construction Company, Ltd. (CCCC) china daily 4dec18
- china daily 26mar19 china great wall group established in 1980
- science / tech
- built 220 national key labs since 1984 china daily 29nov18
- forensic scientist henry chang-yu lee china daily 4dec18
- 長飛光纖光纜http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/12/19/a17-1219.pdf
- animal cloning
- nuclear
Professor Xiangzhong "Jerry" Yang (楊向中) (July 1959 – 5 February 2009) was a leading American biotechnology scientist, and stem cell research advocate. In 1999 he was credited with creating the first cloned farm animal in the United States – a cow called "Amy". Born (July 31, 1959) and raised in Wei County, Hebei, China, Yang attended Beijing Agricultural University (currently China Agricultural University). Upon graduation, he took the entrance exam for graduate study and ranked number one among all applicants in his field. He was therefore awarded a prestigious scholarship from the Ministry of Agriculture to study in the US. He emigrated to the United States in 1983 where he received his PhD under Professor Robert Foote (http://www.latimes.com/science/la-me-foote7-2008nov07-story.html) in 1991. Yang became a research faculty member at Cornell University and received multiple grants from the Cornell Biotechnology Center and Easter AI (Genex; http://genex.crinet.com/).[permanent dead link] In 1996 he joined the faculty at the University of Connecticut as an associate professor, and in 2001, was appointed founding director of the University's Center for Regenerative Biology. In November 2017 Yang was honored with the naming of the street that leads to the University of Connecticut Dairy Bar from Route 195 as Jerry Yang Road. That same road is the location of the Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory, where Yang performed countless hours of research that brought international fame to the University University Honors Memory of Research Great Jerry Yang.
- 大亞灣核電站是中國大陸首座商用核電站,成立之初就帶着改革開放的烙印。1978年12月,改革開放總設計師小平同志在接見法國外貿部長後對外宣布,將引進法國技術在中國建設兩座百萬千瓦大型核電站,中國大型商業核電發展序幕開啟。彼時的廣東省,剛剛得改革開放風氣之先,「三來一補」企業迅速增加,電力需求急劇上升,缺電的情況常常出現。許多企業在高速發展期卻不得不「開三停四」。1978年4、5月間,時任廣東省委書記、常務副省長的王全國隨谷牧副總理出訪西歐,在參觀了法國核電站後,一直希望能夠在廣東建設核電站,解決廣東電力匱乏難題。1978年下半年起,廣東省開始調集專業人才,組織核電建設隊伍,並着手核電站的建設工作。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181219/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- scmp remember a day column - in mar 1979, China Light and Power Co would begin supplying electricity to Shenzhen in 24 hours. The agreement was signed by the chairman of China Light, Lawrence Kadoorie, and the general manager of the Kwangtung Electric Company, Shih Chao-hsiang.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3003596/kisses-prince-charles-and-dolphins-trained-find-loch-ness
- china daily 8oct19 photovoltaic power station in yuzhong, gansu (launched in 1985), model copied in qinghai
- water
- since 1980s, hk has enjoyed a reliable, year-round, uninterrupted supply of water through import of freshwater from nearby east river (dongjiang)
- medical
- china daily 25mar19 - emergency medicine development since 1980s; chinese association of emergency medicine established in 1986; beijing emergency medical center launched on 25mar1988
- margaret chan china daily 9jan19
- hkej 2apr19 several significant discoveries in the field of vaccination in 1970s
- china daily 18mar19 - shanghai garment industry association was established in mar1986; shanghai fashion week launched in 2001
- beverage
- https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2178864/us-and-chinas-rapprochement-complete-stock-trading-schoolboy The Coca-Cola Company announced it would begin selling its soft drinks in China in early 1979. Its corporate chairman, J. Paul Austin, said that initially bottled and canned soda would be imported into China for distribution in major cities and tourist points. Bottling plants would later be established in the country.
- liquor
- Imported liquor would go on sale in China from January 1, 1979, but only to foreign residents and tourists, according to diplomats based in Beijing. They added that payment would be in yuan rather than foreign currencies.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2177792/vienna-boys-choir-gets-christmas-and-china-tests-nuclear
- *******The Ly family has been making baijiu for at least six generations. For as long as anyone can remember, their ancestors were known as master distillers, much appreciated in the village near Ha Long Bay, in northern Vietnam, in which the five siblings now running the Vinn Distillery were born. “As children, we all knew the steps of the distilling process. Whenever they made rice for fermenting, we would help add the qu and stick it into little buckets. And we’d have to tend the fire for the still,” Ly recalls. “We’d do these little bits and pieces, we never did the whole process.” In 1978, when the siblings were still very young, their world turned upside down. Caught up in a wave of deportations of ethnic Chinese, the Lys were sent to a village in China’s Guangdong province, which Michelle Ly identifies as Boluo.
“It was an orange-farming village,” she says. “It was a community where the people who worked in the field would come back to warm cooked food in a cafeteria-like facility. It wasn’t bad living at all. There was definitely a strong sense of community.”The family may have been there to this day if it weren’t for the skills of the siblings’ father, Phan Ly.“Someone saw our dad and noticed his complexion and asked, ‘Why are you so dark?’ And he told them he was a skipper on a fishing boat in Vietnam.” Other villagers, eager to leave impoverished China, enlisted him as captain in a daring escape bid.“The village pooled their money and bought a little fishing boat – our ticket on the ship was our dad’s sailing skills; we had no money – and we sailed the seas for 57 days.”That voyage ended in Hong Kong, where they were housed near Kai Tak airport in “a room on the 4th floor for our family of seven for one month. Food, water and tea were provided three times a day. We were not allowed to leave that [building] during that month. After a month, we moved to another refugee camp, where we were allowed to roam the city to look for jobs,” says Ly.The Lys didn’t have to wait in Hong Kong for as long as many other refugees at the time, the size of the family catching the attention of a small church in Oregon, in America’s Pacific northwest.“They asked our dad where he wanted to go and he said anywhere but back to China,” says Ly. “Then, in 1979, a tiny United Methodist church in Wilsonville, about 20 miles [32km] south of Portland, took our family. We were so lucky.“We landed here in Portland in November 1979, I had just turned seven. My sister Vicki had just turned five. None of us spoke English. I only knew A, B and C. The community acclimated us to society. They taught us words like ‘floor’ and ‘ceiling’ and ‘door’. They taught us how to use the stove, they taught us how bathrooms and toilets and showers worked. It was all so foreign to us.” Like so many other Chinese immigrants, the Lys began to make a living in the restaurant business. All along their father distilled baijiu.https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/long-reads/article/3009666/chinese-immigrant-family-turning-america-baijiu
- 一九八四年五月,全國首創的燈光夜市在廣州西湖路應運而生。每天入夜開市前,他們用竹竿沿着馬路兩邊搭建成一個個檔口,上面掛着碩大的燈泡,擺攤的檔主脖子上掛根皮尺,臉上帶着比燈光還溫暖的笑容,熱情洋溢地向路過的阿叔阿嬸推銷自家靚衫,若有豪闊的客人當場甩出幾張大票,便會得到恭敬周全的貴賓式服務。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200728/PDF/b4_screen.pdf
- broadcasting
- china daily 16nov18 hunan broadcasting system
- foreign content programmes
- china daily 28nov19 in 1979 CCTV broadcast yugoslavia's "after the enemy" (first foreign TV drama in china); in 1980, "men from atlantis" (first TV series from US); 1981 - shanghai TV broadcast sanshiro sugata 姿三四郎 (1st japanese TV series); 1982 - Mayor of casterbridge (BBC); 2000 - south korean TV series autumn in my heart
- news media
- American newspapers and magazines were planning to open bureaus in Beijing in early 1979. They were optimistic that China would eventually let in representatives from as many as 14 US news organisations.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2178864/us-and-chinas-rapprochement-complete-stock-trading-schoolboy
- old site of china daily in hk - 24 stanley street
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190121/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- !!! film alien Was released in 1979
- mice/travel
- china daily 20sep19 national tourism administration established in 1982; HK and macao open to chinese mainland travellers in 1983
- outbound tourism china daily 21dec18
- yangtze cruise industry took off in 1980s china daily 20mar19
- 1989年,伴隨着改革開放的春風,錦繡中華誕生在風光綺麗的深圳灣畔。作為中國文化主題公園的「開山之作」,錦繡中華在多年的經營和管理中探索出一條具有中國特色的旅遊經營之路http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181221/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
- first beijing international fair in 1989 china daily 15jul19
- first wedding expo in 1997 china daily 3dec18
- Global Sources (環球資源) (NASDAQ: GSOL) is a Hong-Kong based business-to-business (B2B) media company. It facilitates trade from Greater China to the world, using a wide range of English-language media and facilitates trade from the world to Greater China, using Chinese-language media. The company provides sourcing information to volume buyers and integrated marketing services to suppliers. In addition, Global Sources verifies the quality of the manufacturer. The company was founded in November 1970 by Merle A. Hinrichs and C. Joseph Bendy (wife celine looks like an asian) as Trade Media Ltd., its first publication, Asian Sources magazine, was launched three months later. At September 1974, the company's first spin-off publication – Asian Sources Electronics appeared. More industry-specific titles were subsequently added. In 1996, Global Sources launched the industry's first[citation needed]Business-to-Business website,Asian Sources Online and its monthly CD-ROW. Both were designed to supplement and complement the company's trade publications. The company launched its China Sourcing Fairs in 2003.In February, 2018 UK-based Clarion Events (owned by Blackstone Group) completed its acquisition of Global Sources. In April 2018, Global Sources announced the 'significant downsizing' of its Singapore office. In July 2018, Craig Pepples was removed as CEO of Global Sources, after a brief 18-months stint in the position. Replacing Pepples is Hu Wei, former President of Reed Exhibitions in China.
- 據了解,首屆「珠海對外貿易數字 展覽會」由珠海貿促會主辦,中國國 際商會珠海商會、香港環球資源公司 承辦。其中,環球資源總部位於香 港,外貿平台擁有分布於 240個國家 及地區的超過 150萬名國際買家,包 括94家來自全球百強的零售商。
- scmp remember a day column 15mar19 - 13mar1979 - China decided to permit foreign companies to advertise in mainland newspapers, on television, and through other media.
- publishing
- china daily 22sep18 "Turn-up for the books"
- encyclopedia
- 中国大百科全书出版社于1978年11月18日经国务院批准正式成立。经过40年的发展,成为一家以出版百科全书和其他工具书为主,同时出版各种学术著作和知识普及读物的国家级大型出版社。下设知识出版社、中国大百科全书电子音像出版社两个副牌。出版《百科知识》《百科论坛》等多个期刊杂志。1978年中国大百科全书出版社的成立得益于中国一项影响深远的文化工程——《中国大百科全书》。《中国大百科全书》是中国改革开放以来的重大基础性、标志性文化出版工程,得到党和国家的亲切关怀和大力支持,邓小平同志亲笔为百科社题写社名,江泽民同志参加百科社的出版座谈会,胡锦涛、温家宝同志为百科社的发展做出批示。1993年第一版诞生,“结束了中国没有百科全书的历史”,“铸造了中华文化丰碑”。2009年第二版出版,和国际惯例接轨,强化了国家文化品牌。http://www.ecph.com.cn/index.php/index/about/qiyejieshao
- 創建於一九八八年的老舍茶館,得名於老舍名作《茶館》。它保留了濃厚的京味特色,品茉莉花茶,聽曲藝名角,古為今用,推陳出新。往來間有各國元首、老北京戲迷、外地遊客,熱鬧非凡。重現了老舍筆下「大茶館,小社會」的景象。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181217/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- scmp remember a day on a 7oct1979 report A service company was opened in Shanghai to handle mail orders for Chinese arts and crafts and other products from foreign and Hong Kong industrialists and businessmen. The International Trust and Service Co was the first of its kind in China.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3032364/italian-woman-using-pregnancy-evade-arrest-and-swedish
- archaeology
- discovery of qin terracotta warriors and horses in 1974
- 1978年,湖北隨州曾侯乙墓出土的「曾侯 乙編鐘」
- china daily 25sep19 forest law introduced in 1979; china applied and became a member of CITES in 1980 and 1981 respectively
- 中国检验(香港)有限公司(简称中检公司)是于1982 年在香港注册的综合检验机构;为国家质量监督检验检疫系统驻港窗口公司,及欧盟海关和中国政府指定的对内地经香港输往欧盟享受关税优惠待遇商品在香港签发 “ 普惠制未再加工证明 ” 的唯一机构;是中国进出口商品检验总公司及其海外机构在香港的业务总代理。
- scmp remember a day - 18mar1979 - Jesuit priests were invited back to China after 30 years’ enforced exile, the order’s superior general said. Father Pedro Arrupe said China offered, through the French embassy in Beijing, to reopen the former Jesuit Aurora University in Shanghai as a French-teaching medical school.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3002629/hong-kong-people-smugglers-and-singapores-blue-movies-ban
- remember a day on a 21jun1979 report - Chinese-born Jesuit Father Michael Chu had left for China as the first priest to have been granted a visa as a member of the clergy. Previously, Jesuits who visited China were authorised to enter as technicians rather than clerics.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3015403/british-princess-feels-pinch-malaysias-hard-line-refugees
- in early 1980 the three self patriotic movement committee of the protestant churches in china (TSPM) just restored its regular work, held an enlarged standing committee meeting, in which an important decision was made that republication of bible should be started as early as possible; in oct1980, the first batch of bible was printed in shanghai (until june2004) by national CCC/TSPM; distribution centers were set up in some 70 places since 1990; shanghai, fujian and jiangsu provinces pioneered to make the first printings. The establishment of amity printing press (爱德印刷廠) enabled bible ministry of chinese churches to develop.
- versions to note
- goddard version, wen-li 1853
- pictorial bible 1890
- sports
- NT schereschwsky version 1898 (the only available version in china)
- NT imperial edition 1984
- shanghai shenhua football club founded in 1993
- china daily 27dec18 china's first dry slope in beijing haidian district from 28dec1998
- china daily 13aug19 in aug 1998, it was the first time for chinese soccer players to sign for a foreign soccer club - crystal palace
- china daily 25sep19 volleyball team winning world titles in 1980s
- scmp remember a day on a 27 oct1979 report The executive board of the International Olympic Committee had decided to recognise China while retaining Taiwan as a member. Initial reaction from Taipei was an outcry of inequality and unfairness by the IOC executive board in handling the sensitive issue.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3034411/burglary-suspect-chops-toe-defiance-beijings-bad-boys-and
- China won the right to compete in the 1980 Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee voted to accept its membership following a postal ballot of the organisation’s 89 members, which showed 62 in favour of readmitting China after a 21-year absence.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3039773/royal-spy-revelations-and-china-rejoins-olympics-headlines
- music
- [fine music dec19 issue] chinese american composer chau wen-chung founded the center for us-china arts exchange in 1978 to promote cultural exchanges between china and US
- china daily 5nov19 in 1980 violin made by guangdong musical instrument factory was awarded gold medal for tone quality at US international violin making competition
- dancing
- scmp remember a day on a 25aug1979 report - Western dancing including disco was becoming more and more of a hit with young people in Beijing. Several spots in Beihai Park had been turned into impromptu dance floors as hundreds of young people gathered every evening to watch dancers go through their paces. Officials had not moved in to stop the fun, even though it was against official policy.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3023890/recycled-pacemakers-sales-mind-bending-drug-and-disco
- equestrian
- 自1978年啟用以來,沙田馬場與沙田社區共同成長http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181228/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- china daily 13mar19 one child policy 13mar1982
- scmp 19mar19 "going back to their roots" two girls raised in the west after being given up for adoption under china's one child policy return to mainland to find their birth families
- 中共中央关于整理我国古籍的指示 中发[1981]37号 (一九八一年九月十七日)
- 內地在改革開放初期,年輕人一方面爭相投入社會工作,但是社交活動並未普及,故此年輕人不容易結識異性,更莫論談婚論嫁。有見及此,廣州一些團委幹事,構想設立婚姻介紹所。他們為登記的年輕人製作個人訊息卡片,讓來者可以憑着小卡片預先知道別人的身份背景和外貌特徵,繼而再按參加者的意願來安排約會。一九八二年六月,內地第一家公辦婚姻介紹所正式成立。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200505/PDF/b3_screen.pdf
- education/youth
- on 26nov1981 state council approved a list of country's first batch of universities offering masters and doctoral programs china daily 26nov18
- china foreign jv
- started in 1986, the first one being Johns Hopkins University – Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies
- 香港培華教育基金會set up in 1982, lee shau kee is one of the founders
- lee shau kee 牛津大學李兆基獎學金(1979-2006)
- first teachers' day in 1985 china daily 10sep19
- china daily 9oct19 40th anniversary of partnership agreement between the university of science and technology beijing and germany's rwth aachen university
- https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3040723/governments-dire-warning-over-staggering-hong-kong scmp rad on a 7dec1979 report - The flood of immigrants from mainland China had forced the Hong Kong government to launch a massive school building project. The plan to build 14 secondary schools would cost taxpayers HK$140 million.
- china daily 23sep19 construction of new beijing library began in 1983
- lotteries
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2018-06/26/content_36452698.htm
- 希望工程guizhou http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/10/06/a11-1006.pdf
- china daily 26dec18
- The China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF) is a national non-profit and non-governmental organization founded in March 1989 in Beijing. The CYDF works to develop Chinese youth through education, science and technology, culture, physical education, health, and environmental protection. The CYDF is best known for launching and managing its largest program to date, "Project Hope." Project Hope has sought to help school dropouts in poor remote regions return to school and complete at least an elementary education.
- disabled persons
- china daily 15apr19
- china daily 14aug19 china first used tacile paving in 1991
- fdi
- scmp 12oct18 remember a day column - report on 8oct1978 that china agreed in principle companies to open rep office in beijing
- https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2186160/virginity-tests-chateau-piddle-wine-and-refugee-profiteering A number of Western countries including the US agreed “on paper” to use a remote, uninhabited island in the South China Sea as a temporary transit camp for Vietnamese refugees, the chief of Indonesia’s State Intelligence Agency, General Yoga Sugama, revealed. The general did not name the island but there was widespread speculation that Indonesia would offer one of the Natuna islands. The Vietnamese government was “profiteering appallingly” from refugees, said Lord Goronwy-Roberts, a minister at the British Foreign Office. Speaking in the House of Lords, he cited reports that refugees were paying large sums in gold to their government before leaving for countries that did not want to take them.
- china daily 24jun19 tianjin and kobe signed agreement in 1973 which is the first such agreement signed between a chinese and foreign city
- scam, exit plan
- jardine matheson offloading
- 吳光正於1973年與包玉剛次女包陪容結婚。包玉剛70年代起已經逐步將業務重點由航運轉向地產,1981年從怡和洋行手中收購九龍倉。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200228/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- carrion case
- statistics
- The Carrian Group was a Hong Kong conglomerate founded by George Tan, a Singaporean civil engineer working in Hong Kong as a project manager for a land development company.[1] The Group's principal holding company, Carrian Holdings, was founded in 1977.In January 1980, the group, through a 75% owned subsidiary, purchased Gammon House (a commercial office building, now Bank of America Tower) in Central District, Hong Kong for HK$998 million. It grabbed the limelight in April 1980 when it announced the sale of Gammon House for HK$1.68 billion, a high return on investment that surprised Hong Kong's property and financial markets and developed public interest in Carrian.In the same year, Carrian capitalized on its notoriety by acquiring a publicly listed Hong Kong company, renaming it Carrian Investments Ltd., and using it as a vehicle to raise funds from the financial markets.The group grew rapidly in the early 1980s to include properties in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Japan, and the United States. At its peak, the Carrian Group owned businesses in real estate, finance, shipping, insurance (China Insurance Underwriters), hotels, catering and transport, including the city’s largest-ever taxi fleet.Carrian Group became involved in a scandal with Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad of Malaysia and Hong Kong-based Bumiputra Malaysia Finance. Following allegations of accounting fraud, a murder of a bank auditor, and the suicide of the firm's adviser, the Carrian Group collapsed in 1983, the largest bankruptcy in Hong Kong.Of the group's numerous businesses, only the Carriana Restaurant remains.從1980年起,佳寧開始透過發行新股和向銀行借貸而進行大幅度的擴張[7]。同年九月,佳寧購入貨船成立航運業務[11],並於同年同月向泰國Rama Tower以股換股方式換取該公司25%的股權[7]。同年十一月,佳寧以1.42億港元的價錢購入一家名為「捷聯企業」的公司[7][11],但陳松青其後把捷聯賣給鍾正文。鍾最後把公司改名「益大投資」[7][11]。佳寧對捷聯的買賣行動,則為佳寧日後倒閉的下場埋下伏線。同年十二月,佳寧宣布連同益大、由邱德根控制的遠東發展和由馮景禧控制的新鴻基證券創辦「僑聯地產」[12]。1981年8月,佳寧與置地、美麗華和新景豐合作,購入尖沙咀美麗華酒店舊翼並計劃興建具置地廣場規模的商業區[12]。期間,佳寧與置地合作購入聯合汽水某地盤改作工業用途,並與楊協成合作入主聯合汽水[12]。全盛時期,佳寧更於美國佛羅里達州奧蘭多市擁有810畝的發展區,並在加州屋崙市擁有一家凱悅酒店,並向該市一個市中心發展項目投資3.5億美元[10]。
- [nhk news] china first published gdp figures in 1992
- united nations
- asia pacific international trade fair in niv 1985 and 1994 sponsored by ccpit and unesco asia and pacific china daily 15nov18
- pascal lamy china daily 20dec18
- usa
- 41 years of establishing diplomatic relations http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200808/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- According to a statement on its website, the Houston consulate covers eight southern US states, including Texas and Florida, as well as Puerto Rico. It was the "was the first (consulate) to be established" in 1979 after the US and China established diplomatic relations, though a liaison office was already operating in Washington, DC, at that time.https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/22/politics/china-us-houston-consulate-intl-hnk/index.html
- china daily 20sep18 lawyer from texas (charles foster) tighten ties with china
- china daily 27sep18 charlene barshefsky key to china joining wto
- china daily 8oct18 macdonald in 1990, kfc in 1987
- china daily 13oct18 photogragher barbara crane
- china daily 18oct18 sinologist graham allison
- china daily 25oct18 gary locke
- china daily 15nov18 john holden of us china strong foundation
- china daily 20nov18 maurice greenburg starr companies
- china daily 22nov18 mark cramer greater baston dev corp
- scmp 20dec18 "the great chicken coup" KFC opened in beijing in 1987, taiwanese tony wang led the project
- china daily 24dec18 kenneth M Quinn, World Food Prize Foundation
- nuclear
- during reagan's visit to china and meeting with president li xian nian on 26apr1984, lucrative nuclear contracts were signed [today in history]
- panam
- A Pan American World Airways jet would leave Hong Kong for Guangzhou later in the week on a familiarisation flight. A spokesperson for the airline said the test run was intended to assess the reliability of Baiyun airport. This was in case Pan Am jets on normal Hong Kong flights were forced to land there, as proposals were in the pipeline for air services between San Francisco and Beijing via Hong Kong. The American carrier was hoping to become the first US airline since 1949 to win approval for flights to China.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2183471/tiger-eats-boys-arm-parrot-police-witness-and-coca-cola
- any relation?
- British Airways was no longer the official carrier for expatriate civil servants leaving Hong Kong for Britain on home leave. The month before, public servants had been able to use Pan American World Airways’ cheaper alternative service, which became available in late 1978. According to the estimates of expenditure for 1978-79, passage for government officers for the year ending March 31, 1979, was expected to cost more than HK$28 million.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2184467/elixir-youth-russias-richest-street-cleaner-and-man-who-bit
- chinese went to usa because of opening
- 单伟建是中国“迷惘的一代”,在文化大革命的十年间, 这代人的教育几近中断。12岁时,
还在北京的单伟建突然间无学可上,15岁那年, 他与300来个同龄人登上了火车,前往戈壁沙漠务农。 在戈壁的六年时间里,单伟建与同伴们受过冻,挨过饿, 还在粪肥里爬过。他当过农场工人,做过制砖工, 在上了一个医学速成班后,他成了毛泽东时代的一名“赤脚医生”— —本质上就是对医学只懂点皮毛的农民,在农村地区行医。文革结束后,没有接受过初、 高中教育的单伟建进入了北京对外贸易学院( 现名为对外经济贸易大学)。后来,得益于邓小平的改革开放政策, 单伟建得到两个去美国的机会。 他拒绝了有望让自己成为联合国同声传译的培训, 选择前往美国一所大学学习。最终他拿到了加州大学伯克利分校( University of California at Berkeley)的博士学位。前美国联邦储备委员会( Federal Reserve)主席耶伦(Janet Yellen)。她是单伟建在加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)攻读博士项目时的导师。1993年,他辞去宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)沃顿商学院(Wharton School)的教职,前往亚洲从事金融行业。 单伟建现任香港私募股权公司太盟投资集团(PAG) 董事长兼首席执行长。太盟投资集团成立于2002年, 现已成为亚洲最大的独立的多元化投资管理集团之一, 旗下管理的资本金总额逾300亿美元,涵盖私人股权投资、 房地产及绝对回报策略。 在任太盟投资集团主席兼首席执行官前的12年间, 单先生曾是德州太平洋投资集团(TPG) 的高级合伙人以及新桥投资集团(Newbridge Capital)的联席主管合伙人。在新桥资本( Newbridge Capital),他谈成了两笔具有里程碑意义的大生意, 一是在亚洲金融危机后控股韩国第一银行(Korea First Bank),另一项是拿到深圳发展银行(Shenzhen Development Bank)的控股权, 这是外企首次也是唯一一次获得中国一家全国性银行的控制权。 在此之前,单先生曾任摩根大通的董事总经理, 同时兼任该行中国区首席代表。[em 10may19 from tsinghua alumni]
- Top names such as Alibaba Group Holding’s Jack Ma, Guo Guangchang, the chairman of Fosun International, Liu Chuanzhi, who founded Legend Computers, which later became Lenovo, and Zhang Ruimin, chairman of home appliances maker Haier, have said they took inspiration from the “manager of the century” when building their own business empires during a period of breakneck growth in the Chinese economy over the past three decades.Welch ran American conglomerate General Electric from 1981 to 2001 and turned it into the world’s most valuable company. Thousands of Chinese entrepreneurs have read his bestselling books “Winning” and “Jack: Straight from the Gut”, as they searched for insight into his management philosophy. https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3064817/manager-century-welch-remembered-chinese-corporate-leaders-such
- journalist/china friend/storyteller
- Mike Chinoy was CNN's Senior Asia Correspondent and served as a foreign correspondent for more than thirty years. After joining CNN at its London bureau in 1983, Chinoy served as Beijing Bureau Chief from 1987 to 1995. During that time he covered the 1989 events at Tiananmen Square, earning the CableACE, duPont and Peabody awards. He was also Hong Kong Bureau Chief for five years. His other awards include the Silver Medal from the New York Film Festival and Asian Television Awards for his reporting in Indonesia and Taiwan. Chinoy's published two books, China Live: People Power and the Television Revolution(1999) and Meltdown: The Inside Story of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis (2008). He taught at the USC Annenberg School of Communication and ran the School's Hong Kong summer program 2007-2009. From 2006-2009 he was Edgerton Senior Fellow at the Pacific Council for International Policy. https://china.usc.edu/profile/chinoy-mike-%E9%BD%90%E8%BF%88%E5%8F%AF
- peru
- china daily 4dec18
- uk involvement
- scmp remember a day column 10aug18 - 10aug1978 report that britain officially planned to help china modernise its railway system and become involved in mining, offshore oil exploration and development, chemical and petrochemical industries, power generation and aerospace, as announced by trade minister edmund dell
- scmp remember a day column report dec1978 Britain was urged to take full advantage of the fact that Hong Kong existed as a “free zone of China under British management”. The decision was made the previous week in the House of Lords during a debate on China’s relations with the United Kingdom.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2177792/vienna-boys-choir-gets-christmas-and-china-tests-nuclear
- scmp remember a day column - on 5 mar 1979 Britain and China signed an agreement calling for total two-way trade of US$14 billion between that year and 1985. The British side described the figure as ambitious but realistic, and some observers said Britain would have liked the number even a “little higher”.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2189001/deadly-birthday-party-dispute-over-pet-elephant-and-baby
- scmp remember a day column - on 23apr1979 British Airways and Chinese aviation authorities held talks on the possibility of establishing air services between London and Beijing. A senior BA official said the airline’s service to Beijing was likely to be routed through Hong Kong.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3007610/film-roles-us-president-richard-nixon-and-four-american
- scmp remember a day column - China planned to open a new air corridor that would cut the length of Hong Kong-bound flights from the West by 45 minutes. The new routing would go from Karachi to Kathmandu, then over Burma into Yunnan’s provincial capital, Kunming, before turning to Guangdong and Hong Kong. (report of 1may1979)
- scmp remember a day on a 17aug1979 report British Airways reported that it had won rights to fly over China, saving the airline 1.5 million gallons of fuel every year.
- scmp remember a day column on a 5aug1979 report - Hong Kong had been described as a very attractive market in Midland Bank’s publication Spotlight. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3021953/german-man-divorces-wife-because-allergic-reaction-and
- scmp remember a day on a 18oct1979 report - Hong Kong shipping was likely to benefit substantially from China’s anticipated expanded trade with the West, brokers Lambert Brothers said.
- Richard Michael John Ogilvie Graham (born 4 April 1958) is a British Conservative Partypolitician, who was first elected at the 2010 general election as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Gloucester.
- china daily 17aug18 on him helping to broker many important china- uk partnerships since 1980s
- anthony galsworthy china daily 1nov18
- stephen perry china daily 13sep18
- hugh davies, former commercial counsellor, british embassy beijing china daily 22nov18
- Kumar Bhattacharyya, warwick manufacturing group china daily 11dec18
- sinologist
- Martin Jacques was born in October 1945 in the city of Coventry (then in Warwickshire, now in the West Midlands), the son of Dennis Jacques and Dorothy Preston, a mathematics undergraduate at Royal Holloway College, University of London in the late 1930s. Both parents worked in an aircraft factory during the war and during this period joined the Communist Party of Great Britain. They subsequently both became school teachers.[1] He was brought up in Coventry.
- china daily 11oct18
- happened in uk incidentally
- shirley williams china daily 1nov18
- It was captured 40 years ago, in 1979, and shows workers leaving the Rolls-Royce works in Nightingale Road after being locked out during a dispute. The company had been forced to cut its production by two-thirds after a series of two-day weekly strikes by engineers. With these workers keeping to a strict three-day working week, with no overtime, the firm claimed that manufacturing had become impossible.As a result, the management decided to shut the works down completely. But the action landed them in hot water with the unions who accused them of colluding with the new Conservative Government to “spearhead the employers’ offensive”.https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/news/nostalgia/rolls-royce-workers-were-locked-2442396
- fornet laundry and introduction of launderette china daily 1nov18
- pierre cardin china daily 22jan19
- galeries lafayette first store in china in 1996 china daily 5aug19
- werner gerich (engineer, in china in 1980s) china daily 20nov18
- Klaus Martin Schwab (born 30 March 1938) is a German engineer and economist, best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.[1] His wife, Hilde, co-founded the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship with him.[2] He was born in 1938, in Ravensburg, Germany.
- austria
- china daily 19dec18
- sinologist
- Richard Trappl (* 1951 in Wien) ist ein österreichischer Sinologe und außerordentlicher Universitätsprofessor an der Universität Wien. Richard Trappl studierte 1974/75 in Peking Chinesisch, promovierte[1] und habilitierte[2] sich an der Universität Wien. Seit 1979 lehrt Richard Trappl am Sinologischen Institut (heute: Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften) dieser Universität alte und neue Chinesische Literatur.[3] Er ist Leiter des Konfuzius-Instituts an der Universität Wien und hat über 30 Jahre China-Erfahrung, die er als Chinabeauftragter der Universität Wien zur Verfügung stellt.
- djibouti
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2019-09/18/content_37510638.htm
- 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201901/09/WS5c353745a31068606745f92d.html
- australia
- scmp remember a day column - in march 1979, New air fares between Australia and Hong Kong – offering savings of about 45 per cent – would be announced shortly, according to the Australian Transport Ministry. The new fares to be offered by Cathay Pacific Airways and Qantas were expected to be about US$650 return for economy class, down from US$1,186.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3003596/kisses-prince-charles-and-dolphins-trained-find-loch-ness
- 早於80年代,澳洲會計師公會先後與國家財政部、中國註冊會計師協會建立合作關係,為中國會計行業全面貫徹「走出去」戰略做出了積極貢獻。/大公報記者 邵淑芬 李兆雄及李文傑兩父子,分別是1986-1987年及2013年澳洲會計師公會大中華區分會會長,正正見證了過去40年中國內地及香港經濟高速發展。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181221/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- 李克強表示,40年前,兩國老一輩領導人高瞻遠矚,審時度勢,做出締結中日和平友好條約的戰略決斷。包括條約在內的中日四個政治文件奠定了中日關係的政治法律基礎,成為兩國關係健康發展必須牢牢把握的基本指針和遵循。李克強表示,今年適逢中國改革開放40周年。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181026/PDF/a9_screen.pdf
- konosuke matsushita china daily 18aug18
- former prime minister yukio hatoyama china daily 29nov18
- The China-Japan Friendship Hospital (Chinese: 中日友好医院) was established through the cooperation of the Chinese and Japanese governments during the 1980s. The hospital has been directly affiliated with China's Ministry of Health since its first day of operation, October 23, 1984. The hospital is located on East Yinghuayuan Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing. 中日友好医院は、中華人民共和国の北京市、朝陽区にある総合病院。日本政府の無償のODAにより165億円の費用で建設された。
- china daily 23oct19 picture of statue of sun simiao 孫思邈
- 早於1948年在日本成立品牌,而 「卡樂B」的英文 Calbee的中文譯音,兩個字組合 「Cal」和 「bee」, 分別代表鈣及維他命B,品牌意指希望為顧客製造充 滿營養的小食。1975年,卡樂B薯片在日本面世,之後將業務擴 充至香港市場,1976年日本 「卡樂B食品株式會社」 與香港 「四洲貿易有限公司」合作,至1994年成立 「卡樂B四洲有限公司」,於西貢廠房建立生產線, 其後於2000年於將軍澳工業邨設立廠房,加強本地 生產線。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190203/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- comics
- gundam first aired in apr1979
- !!!! 堺屋 太一(1935年7月13日-2019年2月8日),日本前政府官員兼作家、評論家、政治家及内閣特別顧問。曾任早稻田大学大学院財經研究科教授、東京大學先端科學技術研究中心客席教授。財團法人2005年日本國際博覽會協會顧問。曾任上海世博会日本产业馆综合制作人。堺屋太一在大阪市出生,本名池口 小太郎。早年在大阪府立住吉高等學校就讀,然後考入東京大学工程學部,後來轉往經濟學部就讀並畢業。之後在1960年,他加入日本政府的通商產業省。1998年,堺屋太一接任尾身幸次出任經濟企劃廳長官,經歷過小淵惠三及森喜朗政權,期間曾倡議過舉辦互聯網博覽會(インターネット博覧会,簡稱インパク)。到2000年離任,由額賀福志郎接任。從2006年3月開始,堺屋太一開始在《日本經濟新聞》撰寫一部以成吉思汗為題材的連載小説「世界を創った男 チンギス・ハン」(創造世界的男子:成吉思汗)。1996年日本放送協會大河劇『秀吉』是根據堺屋太一的小説『秀吉』、『豐臣秀長』與『人與鬼 信長與光秀』三個作品為基礎,由劇本家竹山洋加上自己的創作而成的電視劇。
- south korea
- Taichi Sakaiya , whose real name was Kotaro Ikeguchi, left the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in October 1978 to become a full-time writer. But between July 1998 and December 2000 he headed the Economic Planning Agency, now the Cabinet Office, under two former prime ministers, Keizo Obuchi and Yoshiro Mori. During the second administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, he served as a special adviser to the Cabinet. Sakaiya made his debut as a writer in 1975 with his novel “Yudan!” which depicted the dire consequences Japan could face in the event of an oil crisis. In the following year, he wrote a novel called “Dankai no Sedai,” which predicted the impact the first baby boomer generation could have on society. Due to his book, the term dankai no sedai now usually refers to those born several years after the end of World War II and has become central to discussions of generations and the aging society in Japan. His book “Chika Kakumei” (“The Knowledge-Value Revolution or a History of the Future”) was translated into eight languages. Sakaiya also provided easy-to-understand explanations of difficult themes while serving as head of the Economic Planning Agency. The government’s monthly “economy watchers” survey, based on views from workers with jobs sensitive to economic trends such as taxi drivers and restaurant employees, was the brainchild of Sakaiya.
- 堺屋1975年曾出版以石油危機為主題的小說《油斷》。他還在1976年出版小說《團塊世代》,講述了二戰後日本的第一波嬰兒潮。這一批人未經歷戰亂,但帶領着日本經濟起飛,並見證了它的興衰。堺屋在小說中描寫日本戰後起飛的生活,預告了90年代終身僱用及年功序列體制的崩壞,及社會高齡化出現的危機。這些情況都被其言中。堺屋當時不過是經濟產業省的普通政府官員,他對社會及經濟的敏銳觀察,讓他一舉成名,成為暢銷書作家。1985年,堺屋出版了預言後工業社會的《知識價值革命》。堺屋同時創作了多部歷史小說,其中《山頂的群像》、《秀吉》成為NHK大河劇的原作。2016年堺屋成立外國人僱用協會,向安倍晉三提議擴大輸入外勞解決勞動力不足問題。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190212/PDF/a23_screen.pdf
- 中國與韓國一海之隔,但幾十年前兩國老死不相往來,一直被視為「禁區」。上世紀五十年代初曾打過一仗,可能是重要原因。一九七三年,韓國曾呼籲鬆動關係,中國未予置理。這種情況一直拖到一九七八年中國開始實行改革開放政策。如何看待韓國,在朝鮮半島執行何種政策,是問題的關鍵。韓國進入上世紀六七十年代,經濟取得高速發展,國際影響日益擴大,如何對待,是固守老框框老觀念,還是重新審視?這些問題緊迫地擺在了面前。四十年前,黨的十一屆三中全會召開,改革開放如一縷春風,吹遍中國大地。它打破了人們的舊觀念,也為打破外交上曾經數十年的「禁區」營造了條件。從國家利益出發,實事求是向前看,是唯一的標準。鄧小平提出,與韓國發展關係,有助於改革開放,有助於孤立台灣,有助於牽制日本,也有利於半島的和平穩定。一九八二年,經中央批准,中國開始在多邊國際活動中調整對韓國的政策。那之前,韓國舉辦國際體育比賽,我國選手拒絕參加;我國舉辦國際體育比賽,拒發韓國選手簽證。但調整之後做了根本改變,不僅在多邊國際活動中採取了靈活做法,而且一九八六年和一九八八年,中國兩次派出大型體育代表團,參加了漢城亞運會和漢城奧運會。中國還按規定,於一九八三年向亞奧理事會發出信函,申辦一九九○年第十一屆亞運會,確認如申辦成功,將邀請包括韓國在內的亞奧理事會全體成員國參加。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181203/PDF/b5_screen.pdf
- ban ki moon china daily 22dec18
- scmp rad on a 13dec1979 report - A relatively small commercial lot in Tsim Sha Tsui East shattered all public land auction records. The 16,145 sq ft non-industrial lot was bought by an influential Southeast Asian group for HK$16,104 per square foot – 95.5 per cent more than a lot sold in the same area half a year before.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3041790/concordes-near-miss-prince-charles-kiss-and-tell-and
- philippines
- china daily 23aug18 article on gloria macapagal arroyo Arroyo first visited China when she was co-chairperson of the Association for Philippines-China Understanding, a people-to-people organization that played a significant role in the establishment of diplomatic ties between the Philippines and the People's Republic of China in 1975. She returned to China in 1976 with her father, Diosdado Pangan Macapagal, who served as Philippine president from 1961 to 1965, and other family members. She later traveled frequently between the two countries, either in her role as president of the Philippines between 2001 and 2010, or later on as a congresswoman and most recently as the newly elected speaker of the House of Representatives. Arroyo has a special connection to China through her husband, Jose Miguel Arroyo, whose ancestors came from Fujian province in southeastern China. She told a World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Manila in 2009 that she was proud her husband and children had Chinese blood.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201808/23/WS5b7e09dba310add14f387440.html
- china daily 28sep18 carlos chan (made honorary citizen of shanghai in 205) and liwayway group
- scmp 5apr19 remember a day Singapore Airlines might be the first Southeast Asian airline to fly commercial flights into China within a year. Talks on the feasibility of setting up a regular service between Singapore and China concluded in Beijing a month earlier. (7apr1979)
- Liu Thai Ker (劉太格; pinyin: Liú Tàigé; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Lâu Thài-keh) is an architect and was the master planner of Singapore.[1] Liu is Chairman of the Centre for Liveable Cities, and Director at RSP Architects Planners and Engineers (Pte) Ltd.Liu obtained a bachelor's degree from the University of New South Wales in 1962 and Master's in City Planning from Yale University in 1965;[3] he also attended INSEAD Advanced Management Program in Paris in 1980.Liu was criticised by former GIC chief economist Yeoh Lam Keong for his remarks that Singapore should aim for a population of 10 million residents from the current 5.6 million to keep the economy booming. According to Yeoh, Liu is effectively recommending very poor, outdated economic policy towards an unbearably crowded, extremely stratified, xenophobic and socially divided society - a far cry from a Swiss-style standard of living.
- At age 79 and after 25 years as senior director at RSP Architects Planners & Engineers, former master planner Liu Thai Ker is starting afresh. The man, dubbed the "architect of modern Singapore" after his influential tenures in HDB and the Urban and Redevelopment Authority, is leaving RSP to set up his own outfit, which officially opens on Friday (Dec 1). The new practice, Morrow, is named after the studio his father, the pioneer artist Liu Kang, ran in the 1940s and 1950s.https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/veteran-architect-liu-thai-ker-79-leaves-rsp-to-start-own-firm-im-the-oldest-man-to-start
- china daily 27nov18
- spoke in support of china
- Kishore Mahbubani, former diplomat https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/130212#Up-to-the-job
- taiwan
- 1979年元旦,全國人大常委 會發表《告台灣同胞書》,鄭重宣示了 爭取祖國和平統一的大政方針. 1979年兩岸經貿額僅0.77億美元,但2017年已達1993.9億美元,增長了2589倍。大陸已成為台灣第一大貿易夥伴、第一大投資地、第一大出口地。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181224/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- publicity
- exhibition at cec aug18 http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180813/PDF/a12_screen.pdf
- 「『風雲十載 砥礪前行』改革開放四十周年論壇暨香港中國金融協會成立十周年慶典」昨日舉行,香港中國金融協會永遠名譽主席、光控(0165)首席執行官陳爽回顧指,在1990年代至2000年代,中國金融走向資本市場,香港居中擔當了重要角色,特別是人民幣國際化過程上,香港有助人民幣匯率的穩定。香港同時協助了內地企業在境外的融資,並成為了中國與海外市場連接的橋樑。財庫局局長劉怡翔昨出席論壇時表示,改革開放已進入新階段,內地正着力提升金融業競爭力,以及資本市場的持續健康發展。他期待,本港與內地更多城市及更多方面,可以加強合作,他透露,港府正與國資委商討,鼓勵國有企業來港設立區域總部,香港可提供更多保險和再保險服務。
- china daily sem "40 years on: china and the world" on 13sep18 (partner with king & wood mallesons)
- china daily 1oct18 "40 years through a lens"
- 作為本港以國家改革開放40周年為主題舉辦的活動之一,「香港牽動我的心」主題美術作品創作活動昨日啟動,逾百位內地、香港及國際知名畫家、香港青少年畫家聯袂參與。作品展覽將分別於12月17日至22日在香港會議展覽中心、及明年1月2日至10日在香港中央圖書館展覽館舉行,共計將展出二百多幅主題創作及采風作品。為隆重其事,中央美術學院院長范迪安專程率15位藝術家團隊來港采風寫生。中聯辦副主任陳冬,特區政府民政事務局局長劉江華,中央美術學院院長范迪安,外交部駐港副特派員趙建凱,駐港部隊政治部副主任陳貴斌,香港各界文化促進會執行會長馬浩文,香港美協主席蕭暉榮,中聯辦宣文部副部長朱挺、青工部副部長楊成偉等出席啟動禮。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/10/01/a09-1001.pdf
- 為慶祝國家改革開放40周年,逾160名香港各界代表組成代表團,今日起一連三日開展深圳和北京訪問行程。後日,他們將獲國家領導人會見。是次代表團規格高而大,由特首林鄭月娥擔任團長,中聯辦主任王志民擔任顧問,成員皆為對改革開放和對香港有重要貢獻的人士,包括多名在改革開放初期率先到內地投資、設廠的商界人士或其代表,以及協助內地推進現代化建設的專業人士。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/11/10/a04-1110.pdf
- 由國家發改委、國務院港澳辦共同主辦的「攜手並進四十載 融入大局譜新篇──香港澳門參與國家改革開放40周年座談會」昨在北京舉行。全國政協副主席、國家發展改革委主任何立峰在主旨演講中表示,將堅定不移深化改革開放,全面推進內地同香港澳門互利合作不斷邁上新台階,下一步將更大力度支持港澳主動對接國家發展規劃,在國家「十四五」規劃編製中,研究延續「十三五」規劃綱要做法,設置港澳專章,反映港澳重要訴求和關切。同時,要進一步落實在CEPA框架下對港澳開放的措施,推動對港澳在金融教育物流等領域實施特別開放措施。何立峰提到,特別是要落實CEPA框架下對港澳開放的措施,推動對港澳在金融、教育、物流等領域實施特別開放措施,研究進一步取消或者放寬對港澳投資者的資質要求、持股比例、行業准入的限制,提升投資便利化水平。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181112/PDF/a1_screen.pdf
- 由中共中央宣傳部、中央廣播電視總台聯合製作的18集電視紀錄片《我們一起走過--致敬改革開放40周年》昨日起在央視綜合頻道每天播出兩集。該片以改革開放40年取得的歷史性成就和發生的歷史性變革為基礎,選取中國經濟社會各個領域的發展變遷故事,呈現40年來中國改革開放的宏偉實踐。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/12/03/a17-1203.pdf
- 上個月 28 日在廣州藝術博物 院開幕的「動漫新時代——廣州動漫藝術 40年 成果展」,通過作品原稿、歷史圖片、文獻史 料、互動體驗等多種形式,呈現改革開放 40年 來廣州動漫藝術的難忘歲月. 本次展覽由中共廣州市委宣傳部、廣州市文學 藝術界聯合會共同主辦,展覽設置「經典回 顧」、「時代新姿」和「走向世界」三大板塊,給展覽提供 素材的動漫人士逾 300位,當中包括了黃玉郎、馬 榮成、李志清等多位香港知名漫畫家。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/12/07/a27-1207.pdf
- 由香港特區政府和中聯辦聯合主辦的「香港特別行政區慶祝國家改革開放40周年專題研討會」昨日在香港會議展覽中心舉行。香港各界約1000人出席,共同回顧改革開放40年來香港與國家同發展、共繁榮的歷程。行政長官林鄭月娥強調,特區政府會繼續堅守「一國兩制」的政策方針,更加積極主動融入國家發展大局,為兩地青年發展鋪橋搭路。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181211/PDF/a1_screen.pdf
- 香港中華廠商聯合會昨日舉行「國家所需 香港機遇」領袖午餐會,慶祝國家改革開放40年。全國政協副主席梁振英在主持演講中表示,上世紀70年代末的「紅白藍精神」,反映了香港廠商擁抱改革開放和經濟騰飛的大時代,而大灣區將令香港廠商有「即日來回的經營圈」,「一帶一路」倡議更是香港廠商走向國際的大機遇,港人應把握這些機遇。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/12/13/a09-1213.pdf
- photo exhibition in uk hkcd 13dec18 a12
- news supp wenwei, takung, hkcd 18dec18
- isd organised exhibition at history museum
- 中國改革開四十周年慶祝大會日前在京隆重舉行,一項專為紀念改革 開放設定的榮譽1978卓越大獎(1978 Excellence Awards)隨即在香港宣 布啟動,「1978卓越大獎」由香港大公報、香港 文匯報、香港商報、香港紫荊雜誌、天下英才 雜誌、澳門蓮花衛視、澳門濠江日報、中國人 雜誌、中國文化產業研究中心、華鼎獎集團聯 合主辦,中國娛樂產業研究院、中國電影研究 院、中國城市研究院提供戰略支援。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181220/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- china daily 22jul19 houston exhibition celebrate us ties
- 19日開幕的跨國公司領導人青島峰會上,商務部國際貿易經濟合作研究院編制的《跨國公司投資中國40年報告》(以下簡稱《報告》)正式發佈。《報告》顯示,跨國公司投資是中國改革開改的具體體現之一,截至2018年底,中國累計設立外商投資企業96.1萬家,實際吸收外商投資2.1萬億美元,已經成為全球最大的外商投資東道國之一。《報告》將跨國公司投資中國分為起步(1979年-1991年)、快速進入(1992年-2001年)、中國成為跨國公司投資重要目的地(2002年-2012年)、新常態下跨國公司投資高質量發展(2013年以後)四個階段,見證改革開放40餘年間跨國公司投資在中國的迅猛發展。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/20/a11-1020.pdf
- 經過1973年與1979年兩次石油危機之後,學術界這種風氣才有所轉變。當時的主流凱恩斯經濟學觀,已不足以解釋「滯脹」(stagflation)新現象,而佛利民(Milton Friedman)與芝加哥經濟學派卻另闢蹊徑,提出較佳論據,令經濟界信服;公共政策輿論轉向維護市場政策的「中間偏右」立場,再得以打穩基礎。1979年戴卓爾夫人成為英國首相,兩年後列根出任美國總統,維護市場的政策得以冒升。其實意義更重大、更具歷史性的影響,是1979年底鄧小平銳意對一向由國家主導的經濟模式進行改革開放;1980年代,全球經濟融合與自由市場資本主義新浪潮隨即展開。哈佛大學Andrei Shleifer教授將1980至2005年稱為「佛利民時代」(Age of Milton Friedman),可謂一語道中,換句話說,「中間偏右」政策觀在1980年代末以前的影響微不足道,反而科技發展放緩為經濟表現帶來負面動力,早於1970年代就已有跡可尋。http://wangyujian.hku.hk/
- russia
- 1977 constitution
- 位於聖彼得堡加加林大街的大型市內體育館SKK Peterburgskiy周五發生坍塌事故,當時場內有4名工人,事發時正切割金屬電纜以拆除屋頂,體育館80%的屋頂和牆壁已坍塌。俄羅斯緊急服務部表示,29歲的庫切羅夫(Matvei Kucherov)被壓在廢墟下,不幸身亡。一架無人機捕捉到了屋頂坍塌的驚慄瞬間,錄像顯示,庫切羅夫試圖爬上起重機逃生但失敗,另一名在安全籠中的同事只能眼睜睜看着庫切羅夫落入廢墟中。事發時,現場共有4人,其他3名工人無恙,正接受相關調查人員的詢問。 這座體育館於1980年開放,舉辦了多場音樂會和各項體育活動,自去年8月以來一直處於關閉狀態進行重建工作,以舉辦2023年的冰球世界錦標賽。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200202/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- germany
- The Tempodrom (also referred to as Neues Tempodrom) is a multi-purpose event venue in Berlin.Founded by Irene Moessinger, it opened in 1980 next to the Berlin Wall on the west side of Potsdamer Platz, housed in a large circus tent. After several changes of location it is now housed in a permanent building in the Kreuzberg neighborhood.
- spain
- The 1981 Spanish coup d'état attempt (Spanish: Intento de Golpe de Estado de España de 1981), known in Spain by the numeronym 23-F and also known as the Tejerazo was an attempted coup d'état in Spain on 23 February 1981. Lieutenant-Colonel Antonio Tejero led 200 armed Civil Guard officers into the Congress of Deputies during the vote to elect a Prime Minister. The officers held the parliamentarians and ministers hostage for 18 hours, during which time King Juan Carlos I denounced the coup in a televised address, calling for rule of law and the democratic government to continue. Though shots were fired, the hostage-takers surrendered the next morning without killing anyone.
- saudi arabia
The 1970s was the decade in which, in the words of one of the leading policymakers of the era, Saudi Arabia became “masters of our own commodity” — the owner and operator of its gigantic oil industry, with all that meant for the economic development of the Kingdom and the wellbeing of its citizens.The decade began with the Arabian American Oil Co. — a consortium of four US oil giants, holding an exclusive concession to develop Saudi Arabia’s most precious resource; it ended with an agreement to create Saudi Aramco, owned and operated by the Saudi government as the leading force in Middle East and global energy markets.Whereas countries such as Libya, Iraq and Iran had simply confiscated American assets without compensation, leading to instability in global energy and geopolitics, Saudi Arabia negotiated the purchase of shares from the US owners in a gradual process that ensured good relations between the two countries. In the case of the Kingdom, the process was called “participation” rather than “nationalization.”https://www.arabnews.com/node/1659776
- vietnam - us embargo led to shortages of industrial inputs; diversion of resources to vietnam's engagement in cambodis; end of chinese aid by 1977; reduced aid from soviet bloc; 1980 srv constitution
- group of thirty formed in 1978
- paul volcker appointed to head fed in 1979
- park chung-hee was shot dead in 1979
- government secretariat wrote to fco (hk & general department) on 20apr1979 on governor's visit to china re discussion of new territories leases issue.
- fidelity group in bahamas started in 1978
- reagon elected in 1980
- *******幾位老漁民的講述,將我們帶回到 41 年前——那是 1978年 3月的一天,在廣 西北海的外海上出現幾十艘大小不一的 木帆船,爭先恐後地湧向北海。這些船 大都沒有機器,靠風帆和櫓搖行進,發 出「吱吱」的響聲。此後幾個月,每天 都有幾十艘木帆船進入地角漁港…… 漁村的難民點 這是被當時的越南當局驅趕至海上 的華僑難民船。由於歷史原因,中國 有 100 多萬華僑居住在越南的南方和 北方,其中在西貢(今胡志明市)就生活 着 60多萬華僑。1955年,中越兩國就 華僑歸屬問題達成過協議,中國不承 認雙重國籍,雙方確認旅居越南北方 的華僑,在和越南人民享有同樣權利 的前提下,按照自願原則,可以逐步 轉為越南籍公民。居住在越南南方的 華僑問題,則須等到越南南方解放之 後,再由兩國另行協商解決。1965 年 以後,越南當局開始推行「越南化」 政策,對華僑進行了各種限制。對越 南北方的華僑,越南當局也不再按 1955 年協議,製造了一系列驅趕、劫 持等嚴重暴力事件,使被趕回中國的 難僑急劇增加,另有數十萬越南難民 逃往東南亞各國,其中香港就接收高 達 20萬越南難民。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/02/a15-1102.pdf
- In 1979, before a by-election for a parliamentary seat in Assam, observers noticed a massive increase in the number of voters, which student and political groups attributed to illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. This sparked riots and protests, in which over 800 people died over six years, until the Indian government signed the “Assam Accord” in 1985. Under the accord, “foreigners” who entered and illegally remained in the country before March 25, 1971, the day before Bangladesh declared independence from Pakistan, would be deported.https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3042269/why-indias-new-citizenship-law-has-sparked-outcry-even-among-those
- “美丽岛事件”又称“高雄事件(当时国民党当局称其为“高雄暴力事件叛乱案”)”,发生于1979年12月10日,是台湾党外势力直接领导的、与国民党当局展开的一场有组织、有准备的政治较量。美丽岛事件发源于《美丽岛》杂志社在高雄举行的一次争取民主示威的游行,有两万人庆祝联合国发表《世界人权宣言》一周年纪念会,最后演变成警民对峙,台湾当局出动镇暴部队、镇暴车与催泪瓦斯弹对付集会人群。本次事件对台湾民主化进程与 “国家” 认同发展产生了深远影响。
- Josef Bischof, a German developer, came to this country in 1952 and dreamed of bringing with him a piece of his homeland to share. After finding acreage available in Huntington Beach, his dream was to become a reality. He and his family built 50 homes above 50 shops in the traditional Bavarian style. They imported lanterns to light the way along the cobble stone streets, left space on the building's walls for 70 vibrant murals, depicting scenes from 18 European countries. They built a church for worship, a hall for gatherings and wedding receptions, also a garden gazebo, a restaurant, and a market. Our colorful maypole depicts ingredients for a happy life, including hearty food and a cozy home. Old World opened its doors in 1978, it has always been synonymous with Oktoberfest. Over the years thousands have enjoyed the great sounds of authentic Oom-pah-pa bands direct from Germany and Austria, as well as the bizarre ritual of the "Chicken Dance". https://www.oldworld.ws/history.html
- 1978年12月,克里夫蘭成為全美史上第一個大城市需要聯邦政府貸款應對財政困難。到1980年代,工業大幅衰落,多家主要工廠關閉,使克里夫蘭失業率於1983年,達13.8%,高於當時全國平均水平。到1990年代,克里夫蘭開始轉型,內城區大幅重建,變成以金融、醫療為主要經濟支柱。
- privatisation of chilean pension system (for forty years)
- pocari sweat launched in 1980
- 海洋公園一九七七年建成營運,代表香港本地經濟發展的一個里程碑,香港的生活水平達到可以支撐本地大型的主題公園。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200518/00184_001.html
- 話說天水圍在后海灣南岸,為 元朗平原一部分,天水圍東北為 米埔濕地,后海灣對岸為深圳市 福田區及南山區,海灣兩岸距離 少於 10公里,米埔一帶為自然保 護區,天水圍在元朗市西北部一 大片魚塘,正如南生圍一樣,二 戰之後,有村民在天水圍東部塘 邊搭建木屋居住,圍村名為天水 圍(今天晴邨一帶),天水圍土 地上世紀初由趙姓族人以聯德公 司名義擁有,在 1979年由華潤集 團、大寶地產、長江實業、會德 豐及其他人士佔不同比率,全資 附屬公司天水圍發展有限公司取 得天水圍的土地資產後,致力發 展天水圍新市鎮,天水圍村則遷 往今濕地公園與豐樂圍交界。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/19/b05-1019.pdf
- anothermountainman x stanley wong 黄炳培 40 years of design work
- lecture on 16nov19 in hk cultural museum
sez- xiamen
- http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-06/22/c_137274321.htm Xinhua News Agency Friday released a long Chinese-language feature titled "Comrade Xi Jinping pushes the development of Xiamen Special Economic Zone (SEZ): the explorations and practice." Xiamen is home to one of the first four SEZs in China. In 1985, the State Council approved expanding the SEZ to the whole island. In the summer of that year, Xi was assigned to leave Zhengding County in Hebei Province to work in Xiamen. He served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China Xiamen Municipal Committee and vice mayor of Xiamen.It said Xi placed great focus on ecology and environmental protection, curbing illicit and unregulated logging and exploitation while treating the Yundang Lake in an all-round way. The article said he attached great importance to cultural heritage, and led efforts to restore the Bagua Mansion and make preservation plans to protect Gulangyu Island.
international aid
- https://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/47/51/117/1540885253600.html China's agricultural foreign assistance projects have resulted in increased food production and income for smallholder farmers in Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique, according to a case study revealed on Monday. In its first visit to the UN New York headquarters, the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) joined the Chinese Permanent Mission to the UN and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to display the results of China's partnership with Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique on agricultural development.The study assessed the two partnerships, the Agricultural Technical Cooperation Project in Guinea-Bissau and the Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center in Mozambique, as examples of what South-South collaboration can achieve.
- 中國工程院院士袁隆平帶領的青島海水稻研發中心團隊近日對在迪拜熱帶沙漠實驗種植的水稻進行測產,最高畝產超過500公斤。這是全球首次在熱帶沙漠實驗種植水稻取得成功,為沙漠地區提升糧食自給能力、保障全球糧食安全和改善沙漠地區生態環境再添「中國貢獻」。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/31/a15-0531.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201810/04/WS5bb50ad7a310eff303280a2d.html Chinese agricultural researchers have helped plant more than 2 million hectares of superior rice species in more than a dozen Asian and African countries, yielding harvest increases of up to 30 percent per hectare in some, in an international cooperative project over the past 10 years. The Green Super Rice project, geared at alleviating poverty through cultivation and promotion of a drought and disease resistant rice species, covers 16 Asian and African countries where rice is a staple, said Li Zhikang, a professor and researcher of rice breeding at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and a leading member of the project. Working with authorities in the 16 countries, which include the Philippines, Vietnam, South Africa and Uganda, researchers have developed and introduced about 70 superior quality rice species, and dozens more are expected to be planted, he said. In both the Philippines and Vietnam, about 700,000 hectares of new rice species have been planted. The new species, compared with those originally cultivated, have increased yields by 20 to 30 percent in both countries, Li said.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201810/04/WS5bb50ad7a310eff303280a2d.html
sustainable farming programme
- by bayer, XAG, alibaba, cun.taobao.com
- trail farms set up in china, japan, thailand and australia
- exhibited at science fair sep2018 by our hong kong foundation
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