international agreement implementation
- 國務院總理李克強12月1日主持召開國務院常務會議,部署加快做好區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定生效實施有關工作,維護自由貿易,拓展合作共贏新空間;通過《政府督查工作條例(草案)》。會議指出,近日在東亞合作領導人系列會議上正式簽署的區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,RCEP),對於成員國共同應對國際環境不確定性、進一步推動區域內自由貿易、穩定產業鏈供應鏈、增進相關國家人民福祉,對於促進中國高水平開放,具有重要意義。作為協定成員國,中國要以自身行動積極推動協定落地生效,這方面有大量緊迫的工作要做。會議要求,有關部門要按照黨中央、國務院部署,壓實責任,對照協定明確任務分工和時限,盡早完成協定生效實施的國內相關工作。一是加強部門間協同配合,加快完成國內核准程序,推進貨物貿易、服務貿易、投資、自然人移動等領域開放,推進在貿易投資自由化便利化、知識產權保護、貿易救濟、電子商務、政府採購、中小企業和經濟技術合作等方面實行更高標準規則。二是針對協定實施後區域內貨物貿易零關稅產品數量整體上將達90%等,要在關稅減讓、海關程序簡化、原產地規則技術準備、產品標準統一和互認等方面,抓緊拿出實施協定的措施,對快運、易腐等貨物爭取實現6小時內放行。協定中服務貿易總體開放承諾顯著高於成員國間現有自貿協定水平,要按照中國對研發、管理諮詢、製造業相關服務、養老服務、專業設計、建築等諸多服務部門作出的新開放承諾,逐一落實開放措施。落實投資負面清單承諾,清單之外不得新增外商投資限制。兌現首次在自貿協定中作出的知識產權全面保護承諾,將著作權、商標、地理標誌、專利、遺傳資源等全部納入保護範圍。落實電子認證和簽名、在線個人信息保護、網絡安全、跨境電子方式信息傳輸等條款。三是抓緊梳理完善與協定實施相關的規章制度,確保協定規定的約束性義務執行到位,確保國內行政措施和程序合規。四是面向地方、商協會和企業加強協定實施宣介培訓,使各方面尤其是廣大企業熟悉和掌握協定規則,全面認識更大範圍、更高標準開放與競爭帶來的機遇和挑戰,努力在市場競爭中拓展合作發展空間。
- 澳門快過香港,將設立維護國家安全委員會(委員會),協助澳門特首就澳門特區維護國家安全事務決策。澳門行政會發言人梁慶庭稱,澳門政府必須進一步完善維護國家安全法律制度的配套,尤其構建好符合相關維護國家安全體系和運作機制,而委員會每半年召開至少一次會議。
- 英國上周五正式實施《二○一九反恐和邊境安全法案》,法案除了擴大針對部分恐怖主義罪行的域外司法管轄權外,更新增了一項禁止英國公民前往或停留指定衝突區域的法例,違例者將面臨最高十年監禁。
- 俄羅斯當局引用《俄羅斯聯邦刑法典》中的第 282 條,將在網上呼籲殺害警員子女的西尼欽定罪。這項 法例針對極端主義行為,主要針對煽動仇恨或敵視以 及侮辱人格,法例當中的第二部分列明,若任何人或 組織,基於特定種族、性別、國籍、語言或社會背 景,對個別人士或群體使用或威脅使用暴力,最高刑 罰為入獄6年。
-, examples of laws in other countries
- 國國安體系較為完善,包括軍情五處、軍情六處、政府通訊總部、國防部情報局和國防犯罪情報局等,並配套有相關的法律體系.英國嚴懲顛覆國家政權、分裂國家、恐怖主義以及外部勢力干預等嚴重危害國安行為,且仍保留對外國人的煽動意圖罪。《外國人限制修改法1919》第三條規定,任何外國人如果煽動任何對英女王、軍隊、英國盟軍或英國全體公民的惡意或仇恨,最高可被判10年監禁。殖民時期,英國曾在香港設立國安機關,即1934年成立、1995年解散的「政治部」。「政治部」架構上隸屬於香港警務處刑事部,但實際上直接由英國軍情五處第二處指揮,主要負責反間諜及收集情報等多類特殊任務。「9.11」恐襲事件後,英國反應迅速,頒布多項反恐法,包括《2001年反恐怖主義、犯罪和安全法》、《2005年恐怖活動防止法》、《2006年反恐怖主義法》,以及今年2月正式生效的《緊急反恐法》等。
- 英國北愛爾蘭曾在1968年至1998年遭受持續不斷的 暴力衝突,分裂主義的恐怖組織愛爾蘭共和軍(IRA) 大肆謀殺和攻擊英軍、警察和親英國的平民,至少導致 3600人死亡,超過3萬人受傷。直到英國和愛爾蘭政府 1998年簽訂和平協議後,暴力活動才逐漸停息,但每年 仍有零星騷亂。在這30年動亂期間,英國出台了多部反 恐法律,其中在1973年通過的《北愛爾蘭緊急方案》、 1974年通過的《預防恐怖活動(暫行規定)法》,還有 1988年的《刑事證據法律》,最為重要亦是最受關注, 讓英國當局在維護國家安全、嚴厲打擊分裂主義的恐怖 分子,加強警察權力時有法可依,反恐的同時反對分裂 。
- police training
- Japan is expected to grant pardons to nearly 600,000 petty criminals to mark Emperor Naruhito’s enthronement ceremony on October 22, officials with knowledge of the plan said on Wednesday.The Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will formally approve the plan in mid-October, the officials said, adding that the pardons will involve those found guilty of minor infractions at least three years ago and fined.Those pardoned are expected to have restrictions on their legal rights lifted – in Japan, those who are convicted and fined are banned from obtaining physicians’, nurses’ and some other licences for five years. Asked about the government’s plan on amnesty, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters, “We are currently considering the matter carefully. I refrain from commenting on details.”
- reform
- 紐約總領館進高校服務留學生
- WHEN Jim Byrum returned to America in 1970 after a two-year tour of Chile with the Peace Corps, he found himself hankering for Chileans to hang out with. Then he discovered the Columbia Council for Internationals, a volunteer organisation that receives visiting scholars, students, journalists and foreign government officials on State Department fellowships. Mr Byrum is one of thousands of what the State Department call “citizens diplomats” at nearly 90 non-profit organisations in more than 40 states. Each year about 5,000 foreigners visit the United States on the State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). Participants are chosen by embassies and invited to America for tailored tours. Alumni include more than 500 current or former heads of state or government, including Margaret Thatcher, Nicolas Sarkozy and Indira Gandhi. The programme is administered by the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), which also runs the Fulbright programme. But visitors’ hosts are everyday people like Mr Byrum. The State Department reckons some 40,000 Americans participate in programming IVLP.The scheme has its origins in 1940, when Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Nelson Rockefeller to be the first coordinator of commercial and cultural affairs. Rockefeller invited Latin American leaders for two-month tours of America, meeting local businesses and officials. The first visitor, Father Aurelio Espinosa Pólit of the Colegio de Cotocollao in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, arrived in December that year. In 1948 Congress made the exchanges official in the Smith-Mundt Act, which laid the groundwork for the IVLP. From the outset, the State Department recognised that volunteer-run groups would be more effective than government propagandists. Even today, says Mr Byrum, visitors “think it’s phenomenal that we’re not told what to say.” The visitors’ programme provides plenty of bang per buck. In 2017 the ECA spent about $18,000 per participant, almost all of which went back into American pockets. In return, future national leaders go home with new friends and warmer feelings towards America. (Mrs Thatcher once remarked that “the excitement which I felt has never really subsided”; F. W. de Klerk, a former president of South Africa, credited his visit with changing his mind on race relations.) Yet the White House, in its enthusiasm to cut spending, this year proposed slashing the ECA’s budget by 75% to $159m. Congress responded by raising its budget from $629m to $646m. Nearly $100m of that goes to IVLP. The problem facing the visitors’ councils is not money but manpower. Many of the volunteers who staff them are retired or elderly. Councils do attract some younger members, says Joseph Jastrzembski, who runs the Minot visitors council in North Dakota. But they usually get busy with work or with their own lives, or move away to bigger cities. The pipeline of volunteers is a national problem, says Katherine Brown of Global Ties US, the national co-ordinating body for the councils. For those who stay, the visitors councils provide a window on the wider world—and on their own regions. “I haven’t travelled a lot,” says Mr Jastrzembski. “So this is my surrogate travel. I get to interact with all these visitors. I get to make friends with people from all over the world. And I get to do things with them in Minot that I normally would not have been able to do.”
government official election
- 美國中期選舉除了選出議員外,各州亦會選出州長及包括教育局等多個政府部門首長。在加州,當地的教育局長選舉尤其令人矚目,原因是兩名候選人至今已合共獲得近五千萬美元(約三億九千萬港元)選舉經費,可能是該職位歷來最「燒錢」的選舉。
government official accountability/transparency
- live show
anthem law
- 澳門立法會以大比數細則性通過《修改〈國旗、國徽及國歌的使用及保護〉》法案。法案建議國歌納入中小學教育;故意以言詞、動作或散布文書,又或以其他與公眾通訊的工具,尤其是作出公然侮辱國家象徵和標誌者,處最高三年徒刑,或科最高360日罰金。法案亦規定,澳門特區政府可要求新聞媒體配合開展國歌宣傳工作,以及電台和電視台需在特別重大慶典和節日播國歌或宣傳影音。有議員問到,中小學教育教材會否全面記載有關國歌的資料,包括國歌的作曲、作詞人生平,陳海帆回應,就國歌、國旗教育方面,教青局有向學校提供教學書籍、資料供參考,但不是強制性,學校可自行製作教材,相信無論教青局或學校均有足夠的專業能力去決定教材應該寫入什麼內容。
introducing change nationwide
- scmp remember a day column 15mar19 - 17mar1979 - The Japanese government’s plan to promote a no-jacket, no-tie campaign during the summer, which would help conserve energy, caused an uproar across the tie-making industry. The government also tightened its energy conservation measures by calling for shorter television viewing hours, early closing of bars and nightclubs, and the closing of petrol stations on Sundays and public holidays.
- ft 4jul19 poland weighs abolishing income tax for under 26s
government procurement
- 美國總統特朗普周四簽署一項行政命令,鼓勵政府承包商採購國內物料和產品,以響應政府促進製造業的行動。該行政命令要求聯邦部門鼓勵接受聯邦撥款承建基建項目的公司,使用美國製造的鐵、鋼、鋁和水泥等。
urban council vs home affairs department
- 澳門特區政府行政會近日完成討論《設立市政署》法律草案,計劃成立非政權性的市政機構「市政署」,以取代目前民政總署的職能。
-作為兩地第一個採用 「一地兩檢」 通關模 式的口岸,深圳灣口岸迎來十周歲的生日。十 年來,深圳灣口岸為兩地居民、貨物出入境, 為兩地監管查驗部門的協作都帶來極大便利。
- 國際司法權劃分案例 hkej 12aug17 a23
- singapore/malaysia model hkej 12aug17 a24
- 星马边境成为世界上最繁忙的边境之一,连接两地的星柔长堤和星马第二通道两大关口交通长期阻塞 两地两检不便利
- 广西凭祥中越口岸28日传出消息,友谊关(中国)─友谊(越南)国际口岸有望于今年六月前实现中越“两国一检”新型通关模式,大大加快效率,为两国经贸带来更多便利。
industrial policy
- 香港特區官員承襲回歸前的做法,一直不願推工業產業政策,理由是大市場,小政府。即使這樣的保守思維源自英國,但在保守黨掌政的今天,亦都強調產業政策的作用與重要性。早前英國政府成立了工業戰略局統籌工業政策,希望挽回英國失落的工業競爭力。在工業戰略局成立之時,已經有六個產業的戰略公布,包括汽車、建築業、人工智能及核能等,還有更多的產業戰略亦將公布。這些戰略十分具體,當中包含產業發展的路徑圖與時間表,不是曾蔭權六大優勢產業範圍那樣空疏和缺執行方案。英國保守黨政府這樣做,不是放棄市場,而是從實際發展經驗來行,特別是在戴卓爾夫人的保守主義之下,英國的工業與經濟一落千丈,沒有辦法在國際市場上競爭。再加上在國際競爭壓力愈來愈大的情況下,英國不得不痛定思痛,從善如流。
heritage craft industry sustainability
- shinise firms in japan ft 18feb19
- 澳洲悉尼市政府昨日提出,該市南部羅斯貝瑞(Rosebery)一處全新的公園及綠化帶通道,分別以「甘草糖」(Allsorts)和「牛油蜂蜜糖」(Honeykiss)命名,以紀念該地區馳名逾一個世紀的糖果工業成就。
city planning
- milton keynes
- 世界各地將天橋底打造成特色景點,除了用作停車場及休憩空間等常見用途外,有設計師將空間變成戲院、遊樂湖及夜市等文化集中地,活用這些空間不但善用城市寶貴資源,亦可增加城市吸引力,成功激活曾視為城市空洞的天橋底。荷蘭政府將早在七十年代興建的高速公路天橋底改建,廣闊的空間出現一個小小的多元社區,除擁有花店、海鮮店及雜貨店外,也有滑板公園及籃球場等,甚至有一個小碼頭,供遊人及市民划艇享樂,成為當地打卡熱點,亦能讓社區連結。在英國倫敦,設計師在天橋底架設大型屏幕,建立一個橋底戲院
-日本、韓國及中國內地,亦經常 透過填海增加額外土地,避免在城市化發展過 程中,破壞農田和山丘地區,同時也可興建機 場和進行其他基建項目,推動地區經濟。
- A pristine eucalyptus forest near the Great Barrier Reef has become a political battleground in a bitter dispute over land clearing in Australia, which green groups warn rivals deforestation rates in Brazil. A draft report published last week by the Australian government recommended that 2,000 hectares of forest and swampland could be bulldozed by Kingvale cattle station to make way for crops. The area is home to more than a dozen threatened and endangered species. The news sparked fury among conservationists. They claim land clearing in Queensland, which has 41 per cent of Australia’s forests, is occurring at a rate of 1,000 rugby pitches a day and creating a biodiversity crisis in one of the world’s richest countries.
smart city
- The community in Belmont will be designed around high-speed networks, autonomous vehicles, high-speed digital networks, data centers, new manufacturing technologies and autonomous logistics hubs. It's unclear how much former Microsoft CEO Gates, who owns Belmont's parent company Cascade Investment, will be involved in the effort. Belmont Partners, the Arizona-based real investment group that's leading the project, said it will be similar in size to nearby Tempe, Arizona, which has a population of 182,000.
- 全港泊車位供不應求,導致違例泊車問題嚴重,警方去年共發出逾二百萬張違泊告票,其中以西九龍區最多。有關注團體列出深水埗十大違泊黑點,當中不少是雙線泊車、人車爭路的情況。團體促政府參考外地興建「摩天輪式」的智能停車場,從源頭解決違泊問題。
- 1988 NSW government sydney harbour tunnel case scmp 23aug17
- civil servants
- elderly
- 2017 will see the first Starter Homes being built on brownfield sites across the country, Housing Minister Gavin Barwell has confirmed today (3 January 2017). Thousands of new homes backed with financial support will help more first time buyers into home ownership. They will be built exclusively for first-time buyers between 23 and 40 years old at a discount of at least 20% below market value. The first wave of 30 local authority partnerships – selected on the basis of their potential for early delivery – will spearhead schemes. These partnerships have been established under the government’s £1.2 billion Starter Homes Land Fund which supports the development of starter homes on sites across England.
- 土地不足問題不僅在香港出現,遠在瑞典的部分地區也存在。當地有木屋建築公司跟建築師,就從雀鳥在樹上築巢獲得靈感,合作設計出可依山上斜坡興建的小房子,以一個聰明的方法解決土地問題。
- 總部設於西雅圖市郊的微軟前日便宣佈斥資5億美元(約40億港元),推動當地可負擔房屋項目發展,希望藉此改善區內居住問題。微軟表示,科網業界有責任協助一些未能受惠於科網熱潮的弱勢群體。今次是微軟創立近44年來的最大筆類似撥款,亦是歷來最大筆私人企業住屋資助之一。微軟計劃將5億美元分作3用,其中2.25億美元(約18億港元)將向地產商提供低息借貸,助他們克服高地價和高建築成本的問題,以建造中產住宅區;另外2.5億美元(約20億港元)將以接近市場利率為低收入人士住宅項目提供借貸;餘下2,500萬美元(約2億港元)則捐予支援露宿者組織。貸款利息收入將用於再投資,提供更多借貸。
- Singapore may increase its supply of public housing next year as the city state introduced measures on Tuesday aimed at making such homes more affordable. Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong said the measures would help more Singaporeans from lower- to upper-middle income households buy their first homes. The Housing and Development Board, which is the body responsible for public housing, would probably have to increase supply in 2020 to meet the additional demand expected to stem from the changes, according to a joint statement from the board and the ministry. In Singapore, most people live in so-called HDB flats as opposed to private apartments. There is a robust pipeline of the latter, with the government in June announcing it would reduce the supply of private housing in the second half. The new measures, which do not apply to the private market, will come into effect on September 11.They include the introduction of a new enhanced housing grant (EHG) that will be made available to eligible buyers regardless of whether they purchase a new or resale flat. Eligible first-timer families will get an EHG of up to S$80,000 (US$58,000) when they buy a flat that can cover them and their spouses to the age of 95, subject to conditions. container housing estate
- 港人港樓
- coliving
- Empty dwelling management orders (EDMOs) are a legal device used in England and Wales, which enable local authorities to put an unoccupied property back into use as housing. EDMOs were created by the Housing Act 2004, with the relevant legislation coming into effect in mid-2006;[1] in the three and a half years to the end of 2010, however, only 43 had been issued.
-英國倫敦格倫費爾大廈上周的大火導致至少79人死亡,數百人無家可歸。被指反應緩慢的政府,目前安排約一半災民即250人,永久安置到肯辛頓區市值合共1.6億英鎊(約15.8億港元)的豪宅單位,作為補償。居民災後一直被暫時安置在附近酒店,甚至要睡在自己的車子內。當局證實,倫敦市法團已向發展商St Edward購買68個單位安置這批家庭,最早7月底可以入伙。
- 以建造業為例,香港因城市發展,包括住房大增、基建擴張,建造業的效率、管理與技術一度提升迅速,在世界上居前列地位。可是,近一、二十年市場壟斷日盛,房地產的利益巨大,反而在許多方面阻礙技術與管理的進一步改善,香港建設工程便不講究設計與功能,更多考慮怎樣用盡地積比,使私營樓宇有更大的利潤收入;公營建築項目則是政府缺乏意願,苟且敷衍,也因監管不力而讓一些承包商偷工減料,及找各種藉口延誤工程,反過來向政府索賠。香港幾年前已提出建造業二○二○年的遠景,對技術等方面的發展都有羅列,卻沒有技術的路徑圖、時間表,也沒有政府的投入,在規管制度上作出保證。或許是既得利益、既有文化阻礙,但業界與政府也是溫溫吞吞,沒有決心。深圳在中央推動下,一六年開始推行裝配式建築,數碼化、標準化、工業化,一七年佔新建築比例達一成。新的政策是二○年達三成以上,政府投資項目要在五成以上,大規模的公共建築在一八年起逐步擴大範圍均要達到百分之一百。
building management
- Strata management, sometimes known as "body corporate management", is a specialist area of property management involving the day-to-day operation and management of a property that is jointly owned and comprises multiple units, common areas and common facilities. It is derived from an Australian concept of property law called strata title applied to the administration of common ownership in apartment buildings on multiple levels, or strata. Emerging markets in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, the Philippines and India have adopted the Australian system. It is one of the fastest growing forms of housing in the United States today, similar to common-interest development(CID), a category that includes planned unit developments of single-family homes, known as homeowner associations (HOAs), condominiums, and cooperative apartments. Federally-subsidized financing provided by two government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac via uniform financial instruments—mortgages that oblige the borrower to honour covenant restrictions of the collective-property regime with PUD or condo riders. Such provisions however are only enforceable where statutes recognise their validity. Common expense liabilities are often subordinated as junior liens in bankruptcy courts, with the bank retaining senior title. The successful management of such developments requires the establishment of a strata title system to provide a framework for ownership, and guidelines to manage developments with multiple users and owners. Many jurisdictions adopt the concept of jointly-owned property. Owners in these types of schemes automatically become members of an owners' or community association. These associations ultimately bear responsibility for the maintenance and management of common areas such as lobbies and corridors, and shared leisure facilities such as swimming pools and gyms. They are also responsible for running the administrative and financial aspects of the property.
attract foreign talent
- 近代歷史最大的技術轉移與創新,來源自人才的遷徙,而遷徙未必依靠硬件、軟件的配合。一是二次大戰前猶太裔科學家從德國和歐洲遷徙至英國、美國,帶來兩國數學、物理學的大發展。二是二戰德國戰敗後,美英法和蘇聯搶奪德國的科學家與工程師,甚至把德國積累的技術文件、整個工廠連人帶物搬走,開啟美蘇的太空科技。三是上世紀五十年代蘇聯援助中國,大批中國海外科學家從歐美回國,建立起中國的國防科技與科學體系。四是九十年代冷戰結束,大批猶太裔科學家、工程師從前蘇聯和東歐移民以色列,造就以色列強大的國防科研、軍工和產業創新。這些大轉移依靠人才把技術轉移,主要出自政治因素,不是靠收入、軟硬件配套來吸引。美國在六十年代之後開啟的世界科技領先,靠的是德國科學家的基礎,美國龐大的聯邦經費投入,和其後吸納全球精英來支持其科研發展,其中主要是人才,特別是海外的人才,不是本地土生土長的人才。中國當代的技術發展,一靠海外回流的科學家,二靠在政治動員下的本土精英,但更近期烏克蘭科學家帶來的技術轉移也是關鍵。中國已開始在科技上與美國競爭,人才因素會更形重要,因而不少海外華人回流,一帶一路正好作為引進人才的平台。大灣區的國際化應作領先示範。
- doctors
pay rise
- a group of doctors and nurses in Quebec have called for a cut in their own wages to help mitigate the squeeze on public health service budgets. More than 750 physicians, residents and medical students in the French speaking region have signed an online letter opposing a recent salary hike negotiated by their medical unions.
pay cut for civil service/public officials
- scmp remember a day on a 20jul1979 report The governor of Tokyo cut his own pay by about 40 per cent for a year until July 1980 in response to the city’s poor economic performance. Shunichi Suzuki slashed his monthly salary to 550,000 yen (about HK$12,850 at the time). The governor was heavily criticised the year before when the Metropolitan Assembly raised his pay to 900,000 yen.
silver propulation employment
- 為了協助中老年人士再就業,勞動部推動「多元就業開發方案」及「培力就業計劃」,並向僱用四十五至六十五歲人士的僱主,提供僱用獎助津貼等,措施將擴展至六十五歲以上人士。
international trade
- Dr Liam Fox MP launches the world’s first international trade training scheme to grow the UK’s talent pool of future negotiators, policy makers and Trade Commissioners.The two-year programme is an alternative to traditional graduate schemes, aimed at people of all ages and experience levels and includes international placements with the Department for International Trade (DIT) in one of its 127 locations which include places such as New York, Beijing, Johannesburg, Dubai, Sao Paulo, Mexico City and Singapore.
trade promotion
- As part of the Exporting is GREAT Campaign, the Department for International Trade’s mobile facility the Export Hub is on the move, visiting locations across the UK, hosting a series of exporting events to help you get started in overseas trade during January, February and March 2018. pioneering campaign to transform the way young people see engineering and boost numbers entering the profession has been launched today (15 January 2018). Ministers from across government are joining forces with engineers, industry experts and hundreds of businesses to change perceptions around engineering – and highlight the scale of opportunity that careers in the industry hold for young people in the UK. 2018 is officially the Year of Engineering.
- textile, clothing, footwear, leather (tcf) australia is a support network
- International Trade Secretary, Dr Liam Fox, is today (Monday 22 October) hosting a number of trade events to secure trading ties between UK and US businesses on board the Royal Navy’s HMS Queen Elizabeth in New York.The event takes place days after US Treasury Secretary, Robert Lighthizer, announced that the US intends to begin negotiations towards a UK-US Free Trade Agreement after the UK leaves the European Union. The Department for International Trade (DIT) will host a roundtable bringing together a number of the UK’s world leading cyber companies will to present their technology and software to US Fortune 500 companies, in an effort to secure fruitful new deals. Businesses such as Garrison, iProov and Tessian will attend the event, all of whom have secured US business success in recent months.
- koeco, a sales agent located in seoul, specializes in organizing korean pavilions with korean participants in overseas exhibitions
- us trade fair program
- The push for Singapore businesses to expand beyond the shores of the city state has been in place since 1993, when the administration of then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong sought to take the economy regional, calling it the country’s “second wing” – with the first wing being the domestic economy.“Singapore is right in the midst of this booming region,” Goh said in a 1994 parliamentary speech. “Go out and seek your fortunes.”Singaporean corporations such as Keppel, Sembcorp and CapitaLand have since gone on to establish themselves in China. Three prominent government-to-government projects have also emerged: China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city, and the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity.
tourism promotion
- 台灣政府為刺激旅遊業,周二宣布舉辦「來去總統府住一晚」活動,讓外地遊客可以入住總統府。活動的詳情、報名辦法將於今年八月公布,初步計劃接待廿組遊客,申請者須先提交計劃書,再等待評選。大陸、港澳人士可以報名,但須先通過安全審查。
Fashion promotion
-, examples of laws in other countries
- 國國安體系較為完善,包括軍情五處、軍情六處、政府通訊總部、國防部情報局和國防犯罪情報局等,並配套有相關的法律體系.英國嚴懲顛覆國家政權、分裂國家、恐怖主義以及外部勢力干預等嚴重危害國安行為,且仍保留對外國人的煽動意圖罪。《外國人限制修改法1919》第三條規定,任何外國人如果煽動任何對英女王、軍隊、英國盟軍或英國全體公民的惡意或仇恨,最高可被判10年監禁。殖民時期,英國曾在香港設立國安機關,即1934年成立、1995年解散的「政治部」。「政治部」架構上隸屬於香港警務處刑事部,但實際上直接由英國軍情五處第二處指揮,主要負責反間諜及收集情報等多類特殊任務。「9.11」恐襲事件後,英國反應迅速,頒布多項反恐法,包括《2001年反恐怖主義、犯罪和安全法》、《2005年恐怖活動防止法》、《2006年反恐怖主義法》,以及今年2月正式生效的《緊急反恐法》等。
- 英國北愛爾蘭曾在1968年至1998年遭受持續不斷的 暴力衝突,分裂主義的恐怖組織愛爾蘭共和軍(IRA) 大肆謀殺和攻擊英軍、警察和親英國的平民,至少導致 3600人死亡,超過3萬人受傷。直到英國和愛爾蘭政府 1998年簽訂和平協議後,暴力活動才逐漸停息,但每年 仍有零星騷亂。在這30年動亂期間,英國出台了多部反 恐法律,其中在1973年通過的《北愛爾蘭緊急方案》、 1974年通過的《預防恐怖活動(暫行規定)法》,還有 1988年的《刑事證據法律》,最為重要亦是最受關注, 讓英國當局在維護國家安全、嚴厲打擊分裂主義的恐怖 分子,加強警察權力時有法可依,反恐的同時反對分裂 。
- 1978年生效的《外國情報監視 法案》(FISA),在經過多次修訂、補充後,以反恐和維護國家 安全為由,賦予美國政府極大權力,可對國內外人員及組織進行 監控。2013年曝光的 「棱鏡門」 事件,正是在FISA框架下進行。 批評人士稱,美國政府有濫用國安法之嫌,支持者則表示,可以 接受為國家安全犧牲部分私隱權。
- The Johannesburg Principles on National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1996/39 (1996)These Principles were adopted on 1 October 1995 by a group of experts in international law, national security, and human rights convened by ARTICLE 19, the International Centre Against Censorship, in collaboration with the Centre for Applied Legal Studies of the University of the Witwatersrand, in Johannesburg.
- 中國創新投資公司主席向心與妻子龔青,被指涉及自稱為中國大陸當間諜的王立強案,目前仍被台灣限制出境。台北地檢署日前指兩人涉違反「國安法」,再向法院申請延長兩人限制出境四個月並獲准。
- 1807年通過的《 叛亂法》允許美國總 統可以不經國會批准 ,調動軍隊鎮壓暴亂 。上一次啟用《叛亂法 》是在1992年。當時 洛杉磯發生嚴重騷亂 ,時任總統老布什應 加州州長請求,調動 4000士兵前往平亂。
- patriot
- 英美均立法 公僕愛國天經地義
- British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to overhaul the United Kingdom's treason laws, the Mail on Sunday newspaper reported Johnson’s overhaul will see a new Treason Act, a new Espionage Act for tracking foreign agents and a rewriting of the Official Secrets Act to make it suitable for the digital era, the newspaper reported, citing Downing Street sources. The newspaper described the overhaul as the biggest shakeup of the treason laws since 1695, saying it was being done to counter the threat posed by Russia and China.
- 煽惑罪(Incitement )並不是法律新產物而是已經有200多年 歷史,由於香港法律源於英國,我們先 參考一些英國案例,如:Higgins(1801) :案中已說明煽惑他人去犯罪,煽惑者 即屬犯罪;Whitehouse(1977):就 算該罪行最後無發生或未完成,煽惑者 仍屬已經犯罪;Hendrickson(1977) ;煽惑的方式可以是明示、暗示,文字 或口頭以勸說或鼓勵的行為;Race Relations Bd v Applin(1973):甚至 是以威逼、恐嚇手段。隨着法律日趨完 善,許多普通法管轄區都將煽惑罪以成 文法方式加入正式法例當中。 (note by me - !!!!! article by 冼國林 )
- education
- 美國是全球 針對國家安全立法最多、最嚴格的國家,同時亦不遺餘力地強化 國安教育和愛國主義教育,使之成為一項「系統工程」。從小學乃 至 幼 兒 園 時 期 開 始 , 學 生 們 就 被 要 求 向 美 國 國 旗 宣 誓 效 忠( Pledge of Allegiance)。冷戰結束後,美國又頒布《國家安全教育 法》,鼓勵高校學生選擇政府認定與國安有關的專業和研究領域, 學成後直接為國安部門服務。
- 外國如何上好愛國課
- Indonesia is set to resurrect a colonial-era regulation that could lead to the imprisonment of people who insult the president, in a move critics say demonstrates the country’s creeping encroachment on free speech and which has been likened to
Thailand’s lèse-majesté laws. National legislators are later this month expected to approve amendments to the penal code that would criminalise contempt of the president and vice-president, as well as of the government, state agencies and the court. The statute was a legacy of the 350-year Dutch colonial rule and was originally implemented to punish slander and curb discontent against the Dutch royal family. In 1946, a year after Indonesia became independent, the law was revised to protect the dignity of the president and vice-president instead. But it has been off the books since 2006, when the Constitutional Court deemed it was no longer relevant given the country was a democracy and practised the rule of law.
- police training
- 廣東省公安廳前天在佛山舉行中共建政七十周年安保誓師大會暨夏季大練兵啟動儀式,展示各警種從海、陸、空對暴恐、暴亂及犯罪活動打擊的能力。近月本港的反修例風波持續,示威及衝擊浪潮席捲各區,爆發激烈警民衝突,有學者認為,香港警隊實戰經驗不足,無能力鎮壓示威者,建議多與內地公安機關交流演練,吸取知識。
- emergency operation centre
- The Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC, PEE-ock) is a bunker-like structure underneath the East Wing of the White House. It serves as a secure shelter and communications center for the President of the United States and others in case of an emergency.
- Japan is expected to grant pardons to nearly 600,000 petty criminals to mark Emperor Naruhito’s enthronement ceremony on October 22, officials with knowledge of the plan said on Wednesday.The Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will formally approve the plan in mid-October, the officials said, adding that the pardons will involve those found guilty of minor infractions at least three years ago and fined.Those pardoned are expected to have restrictions on their legal rights lifted – in Japan, those who are convicted and fined are banned from obtaining physicians’, nurses’ and some other licences for five years. Asked about the government’s plan on amnesty, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters, “We are currently considering the matter carefully. I refrain from commenting on details.”
- reform
- 美國眾議院前天以二百三十六票贊成、一百八十一票反對,通過民主黨的警隊改革法案,以應對執法部門種族歧視和過度用武的問題。法案將修改針對警員不當行為的聯邦規定,要求警員個人承擔訴訟的賠償責任。
- ft 12oct2020 nigeria ends violent crime unit after mass protests
- 紐約總領館進高校服務留學生
- WHEN Jim Byrum returned to America in 1970 after a two-year tour of Chile with the Peace Corps, he found himself hankering for Chileans to hang out with. Then he discovered the Columbia Council for Internationals, a volunteer organisation that receives visiting scholars, students, journalists and foreign government officials on State Department fellowships. Mr Byrum is one of thousands of what the State Department call “citizens diplomats” at nearly 90 non-profit organisations in more than 40 states. Each year about 5,000 foreigners visit the United States on the State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). Participants are chosen by embassies and invited to America for tailored tours. Alumni include more than 500 current or former heads of state or government, including Margaret Thatcher, Nicolas Sarkozy and Indira Gandhi. The programme is administered by the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), which also runs the Fulbright programme. But visitors’ hosts are everyday people like Mr Byrum. The State Department reckons some 40,000 Americans participate in programming IVLP.The scheme has its origins in 1940, when Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Nelson Rockefeller to be the first coordinator of commercial and cultural affairs. Rockefeller invited Latin American leaders for two-month tours of America, meeting local businesses and officials. The first visitor, Father Aurelio Espinosa Pólit of the Colegio de Cotocollao in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, arrived in December that year. In 1948 Congress made the exchanges official in the Smith-Mundt Act, which laid the groundwork for the IVLP. From the outset, the State Department recognised that volunteer-run groups would be more effective than government propagandists. Even today, says Mr Byrum, visitors “think it’s phenomenal that we’re not told what to say.” The visitors’ programme provides plenty of bang per buck. In 2017 the ECA spent about $18,000 per participant, almost all of which went back into American pockets. In return, future national leaders go home with new friends and warmer feelings towards America. (Mrs Thatcher once remarked that “the excitement which I felt has never really subsided”; F. W. de Klerk, a former president of South Africa, credited his visit with changing his mind on race relations.) Yet the White House, in its enthusiasm to cut spending, this year proposed slashing the ECA’s budget by 75% to $159m. Congress responded by raising its budget from $629m to $646m. Nearly $100m of that goes to IVLP. The problem facing the visitors’ councils is not money but manpower. Many of the volunteers who staff them are retired or elderly. Councils do attract some younger members, says Joseph Jastrzembski, who runs the Minot visitors council in North Dakota. But they usually get busy with work or with their own lives, or move away to bigger cities. The pipeline of volunteers is a national problem, says Katherine Brown of Global Ties US, the national co-ordinating body for the councils. For those who stay, the visitors councils provide a window on the wider world—and on their own regions. “I haven’t travelled a lot,” says Mr Jastrzembski. “So this is my surrogate travel. I get to interact with all these visitors. I get to make friends with people from all over the world. And I get to do things with them in Minot that I normally would not have been able to do.”
- Every year, the US State Department’s Fulbright Programme sends thousands of American scholars, artists, professionals and students to over 160 countries to study, teach, lecture and conduct research while bringing thousands of foreign nationals to the US to do the same. Since 1946, more than 390,000 individuals have participated in the programme.The number of participants in the China and Hong Kong programmes is relatively modest. In 2017, the last year for which data has been published, fewer than 70 Americans and 130 non-Americans participated.
- Business leaders and other high-profile figures could be appointed as diplomats to represent Britain overseas in a new effort to generate trade deals worldwide. In a speech on Wednesday evening (UK time), Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt is set to announce "the biggest expansion of Britain's diplomatic network for a generation", opening new embassies in Africa and South East Asia. Hunt was expected to say he wants to expand the British diplomatic network with 12 new posts and nearly 1,000 more personnel. There will be a new embassy in Djibouti and a new mission in Jakarta, while the British Office in Chad will be upgraded to an embassy.
- swissinfo 瑞士資訊中文網 will select three Asian journalists for a 10-day trip to Switzerland in September. Journalists from Chinese language outlets based in Hong Kong Taiwan Macau Singapore and Malaysia are encouraged to apply. The deadline is March 29, 2019. (facebook post 12mar19)
- publicity
- The scourge of foreign interference in domestic politics may have surfaced now and then in Singapore over the years, but the political inoculation of citizens has been such that some tough talking and the booting out of so-called troublemakers will be enough to squelch it. This week, however, the country’s combative law and home affairs minister K. Shanmugam made the case for a bigger weapon to fight it: legislation.Shanmugam said in some instances foreign interference may pose a graver danger than conventional military force in destabilising a country, and the government’s planned new legislation to deal with the problem would give it powers to “make targeted, surgical interventions, to investigate and respond expeditiously to hostile information campaigns”.Acutely fearing this concern are the people behind New Naratif, a rare independent news portal that covers Singaporean and Southeast Asian current affairs and organises classes on democracy.In his speech, Shanmugam referred to New Naratif and another independent portal, The Online Citizen, as he spoke about areas where foreign influence might be creeping into the Lion City. The government has not revealed a timeline on when the bill will be tabled in parliament, but expectations are that it will do so soon, at least before Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong calls an election.
- 澳門政府技術磋商代表團今年二月到訪葡萄牙,與葡國司法部司法政策總署磋商移交逃犯協定內容並取得共識,繼而草簽協定,昨出版的澳門特區公報刊登特首第八十八/二○一九號行政命令,指特首行使澳門《基本法》第五十條(四)項規定的職權,並根據澳門公共行政組織結構大綱有關規定,授權行政法務司司長陳海帆一切所需權力,代表澳門特區與葡萄牙簽署澳葡的移交逃犯協定。
developed/developing status
- Minister without Portfolio John Deng (鄧振中), head of the Office of Trade Negotiations, confirmed that Taiwan had agreed to change its WTO status from a "developing" member to a "developed" member, and he told CNA that the new status will help Taiwan in its future negotiations.
separation of powers
- swissinfo 瑞士資訊中文網 will select three Asian journalists for a 10-day trip to Switzerland in September. Journalists from Chinese language outlets based in Hong Kong Taiwan Macau Singapore and Malaysia are encouraged to apply. The deadline is March 29, 2019. (facebook post 12mar19)
- publicity
- 北韓領袖金正恩上周五提前結束訪問行程,從俄羅斯返國。北韓中央電視台罕有播出官員及民眾,對金正恩外訪的感受。有工人指金正恩外訪鼓舞人心,為表忠誠會努力提高產量。有女工指在一般人睡眠期間,金正恩已啟程外訪,對他日以繼夜的工作感到敬佩。
- The scourge of foreign interference in domestic politics may have surfaced now and then in Singapore over the years, but the political inoculation of citizens has been such that some tough talking and the booting out of so-called troublemakers will be enough to squelch it. This week, however, the country’s combative law and home affairs minister K. Shanmugam made the case for a bigger weapon to fight it: legislation.Shanmugam said in some instances foreign interference may pose a graver danger than conventional military force in destabilising a country, and the government’s planned new legislation to deal with the problem would give it powers to “make targeted, surgical interventions, to investigate and respond expeditiously to hostile information campaigns”.Acutely fearing this concern are the people behind New Naratif, a rare independent news portal that covers Singaporean and Southeast Asian current affairs and organises classes on democracy.In his speech, Shanmugam referred to New Naratif and another independent portal, The Online Citizen, as he spoke about areas where foreign influence might be creeping into the Lion City. The government has not revealed a timeline on when the bill will be tabled in parliament, but expectations are that it will do so soon, at least before Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong calls an election.
- 澳門政府技術磋商代表團今年二月到訪葡萄牙,與葡國司法部司法政策總署磋商移交逃犯協定內容並取得共識,繼而草簽協定,昨出版的澳門特區公報刊登特首第八十八/二○一九號行政命令,指特首行使澳門《基本法》第五十條(四)項規定的職權,並根據澳門公共行政組織結構大綱有關規定,授權行政法務司司長陳海帆一切所需權力,代表澳門特區與葡萄牙簽署澳葡的移交逃犯協定。
developed/developing status
- Minister without Portfolio John Deng (鄧振中), head of the Office of Trade Negotiations, confirmed that Taiwan had agreed to change its WTO status from a "developing" member to a "developed" member, and he told CNA that the new status will help Taiwan in its future negotiations.
separation of powers
- 量刑委員會
- 量刑委員會
- 監 察 和 懲 戒 制 度 。 英 國 於 30 年 前 推 出 「 過 度 輕 判 檢 討 計 劃 」 ( ULS),鼓勵受害者、家屬、檢察官乃至 公眾監督法官量刑情況,可對 「過度輕判」 嫌疑的案例發起申訴。
- 立法會秘書處資料研究組昨日公布《選定地方的量刑指引機構和法官行為檢視機制》研究報告,研究英國、美國、愛爾蘭、韓國及南非等普通法司法管轄區,設立相關機構和機制的情況。
government official election
- 美國中期選舉除了選出議員外,各州亦會選出州長及包括教育局等多個政府部門首長。在加州,當地的教育局長選舉尤其令人矚目,原因是兩名候選人至今已合共獲得近五千萬美元(約三億九千萬港元)選舉經費,可能是該職位歷來最「燒錢」的選舉。
government official accountability/transparency
- live show
- 南韓總統文在寅今日出席由文化廣播公司(MBC)舉行的一百分鐘直播,並回答三百名民意代表提問。直播不設綵排亦沒有劇本,預料文在寅將被問及朝鮮半島無核化僵局及前法務部長曹國貪腐醜聞等難題。
- 山東衛視推出了一檔直播節目,叫《問政山東》。這是一檔名副其實的直播,不光山東衛視在播,很多網絡媒體也在同步直播。看了其中兩三期後,個人感覺挺滿意。《問政山東》說出了很多老百姓想說卻很難「說上去」的問題,也問出了很多部門切實存在的弊病。而且,這一問就問到了省廳相關部門「一把手」那裡,何其直截了當!
anthem law
- 澳門立法會以大比數細則性通過《修改〈國旗、國徽及國歌的使用及保護〉》法案。法案建議國歌納入中小學教育;故意以言詞、動作或散布文書,又或以其他與公眾通訊的工具,尤其是作出公然侮辱國家象徵和標誌者,處最高三年徒刑,或科最高360日罰金。法案亦規定,澳門特區政府可要求新聞媒體配合開展國歌宣傳工作,以及電台和電視台需在特別重大慶典和節日播國歌或宣傳影音。有議員問到,中小學教育教材會否全面記載有關國歌的資料,包括國歌的作曲、作詞人生平,陳海帆回應,就國歌、國旗教育方面,教青局有向學校提供教學書籍、資料供參考,但不是強制性,學校可自行製作教材,相信無論教青局或學校均有足夠的專業能力去決定教材應該寫入什麼內容。
introducing change nationwide
- scmp remember a day column 15mar19 - 17mar1979 - The Japanese government’s plan to promote a no-jacket, no-tie campaign during the summer, which would help conserve energy, caused an uproar across the tie-making industry. The government also tightened its energy conservation measures by calling for shorter television viewing hours, early closing of bars and nightclubs, and the closing of petrol stations on Sundays and public holidays.
- removing/replacing properties, objects, symbols of previous dynasties/ruling administration
deal with protests
- 法國巴黎的黃背心運動早前演變成暴力衝突,內政部長宣布禁止他們本周六在香榭麗舍大道集會。有右派國會議員甚至建議,在示威中搗亂的暴徒若經定罪後,再無權領取社會救濟金。
- 泰國前民主黨黨魁阿披實於二○○八年取代前總理他信的盟友擔任總理,引來他信支持者「紅衫軍」發動兩個月的示威,造成九十一死、逾千人傷。曼谷刑事法院周三撤銷對涉事二十四名示威領袖的恐怖主義及其他控罪,指當年的示威是「政治角力,而非恐怖主義」。
- 在西方國家,當 局嚴加管控激光筆,禁止普通市民購買高功率產品,同時將激光照射飛機列為重罪,祭出數年監禁及 高昂罰款,以免激光筆變成暴徒的武器。
- 美媒引述消息,指數百名俄羅斯反對派人士的銀行戶口離奇遭凍結、更被透支七千五百萬盧布(約九百二十一萬港元)。有關銀行戶口均屬於反對派陣營人士,而透支金額正好是俄羅斯調查委員會早前指控反對派領袖納瓦尼,為犯罪組織洗黑錢的金額。反對派認為政府是借此打壓反對派,表明對抗總統普京是有代價。
- 最近有報道就話印度地方政府充公參與刑事毀壞同暴力行為嘅示威者財產,以便追討佢哋破壞公共或私人財產所造成損失嘅費用。立法會議員蔣麗芸(Ann)就喺社交平台轉發有關報道,仲話印度向破壞公共設施者徵收罰款或充公財產,香港政府都應該倣效咁話。
- investigation
- indemnity, compensation
- 澳門政府將向合資格人士發放敬老金及殘疾津貼。其中,敬老金將於下周五 (18日) 發放,金額為九千澳門元,約有九萬人受惠,總發放金額約八億澳門元。社工局表示,今年需要核查的敬老金受益人個案有三百多宗,已於五月向有關人士發出更新及確認個人資料通知書。
- Each Singaporean and permanent resident household will be able to collect one Singapore Together Pack, if they wish to, from community centres/clubs (CCs) and residents' committee (RC) centres starting Monday (Jul 20).
market intervention
- 韓國警方因應近日投訴個案上升,昨日宣佈對市場囤積口罩個案展開調查。當局亦計劃修訂相關法例,懲處所有擾亂市場的賣家,最高刑罰將為監禁兩年或罰款5,000萬韓圜(約32萬港元)。食品醫藥品安全處、公正交易委員會及國稅廳會聯合打擊炒賣口罩行為,副總理兼企劃財政部部長洪楠基強調,當局不會容許任何擾亂口罩市場的行為,令國民安全受威脅。除修例外,當局亦計劃公開一份禁止囤積的醫療產品名單,涵蓋口罩等與新型肺炎有關的產品,並呼籲生產商提高產量,每日供應1,000萬個口罩。
- 英國新冠肺炎疫情持續蔓延,各超市集團憂慮一旦疫情擴散,民眾可能恐慌性搶購物資,因此擬訂一項名為「feed the nation」的應急方案,確保物資供應穩定。根據該方案,超市將與供應商合作,減少食品及雜貨供應的種類,集中供應主要民生日用品。英國連鎖超市Waitrose指出,店內的清潔產品及手部消毒液等商品近期需求急增,不少貨品均被顧客掃光。另一大型連鎖超市Tesco前供應鏈主管蒙太尼指出,疫情爆發將導致民眾搶購食物,很可能引發混亂,但強調各大超市目前已制訂應急方案,對一些近期需求大增的貨品增加供應,以滿足國民日常所需,相信大型超市已有優先供應的貨品清單。蒙太尼同時表示,若因食物嚴重短缺而引發動亂,建議軍方介入協助,保護倉庫、食品貨車及商店。
border zone
- 特區借地發展有先例,國務院在2009年通過橫琴發展規劃,將珠海橫琴島東岸一平方公里用地,撥給澳門興建澳門大學新校區,在撥地範圍內,實施澳門法律,現時由澳門去橫琴澳門大學校園,無須過關。國務院另於2015年將澳門特區管理水域從陸地向東、南方向擴大85平方公里,並將澳門邊檢大樓地段劃入澳門特區,令本來僅30平方公里的澳門管轄面積增加近三倍。
planned community
- Shaker Heights is a city in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States. Shaker Heights was a planned community developed by the Van Sweringen brothers, railroad moguls who envisioned the community as a suburban retreat from the industrial inner city of Cleveland.There are nine neighborhoods in Shaker Heights, all of which were named after the nine original elementary schools. Shaker Heights was established in 1909, and incorporated as a village in 1912. Shaker Heights is home to the oldest house in Cuyahoga County built in 1817, by Moses Warren. The name "Shaker Heights" has origins in two local sources. The community was laid out on land formerly owned by the North Union Community of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, more commonly known as Shakers. "Heights" refers to the plateau east of Cleveland that rises sharply in elevation from 582 feet above sea level at the base of the Cedar Glen Parkway rising to 950 feet above sea level in nearby Cleveland Heights; Shaker Heights' elevation is 1050 feet above sea level. Ralph Russell established the North Union Shaker Settlement in 1822 with just over 80 individuals. Between 1826 and 1854, the group dammed Doan Brook, which made Upper and Lower Lake, and established three grist and a sawmills. The colony peaked around 1850 with about 300 settlers, faded away and was closed in 1889. In 1905, the land was bought by brothers M.J. and O.P. Van Sweringen who envisioned the first garden styled suburb in Ohio for the site. The brothers constructed homes, set aside land for churches and schools, and planted trees. Originally referred to as Shaker Village, the community was incorporated in 1912 and reached city status in the 1931. Shaker Heights is known for its stringent building codes and zoning laws, which have helped to maintain the community's housing stock and identity throughout the years. Approximately seventy-five percent of the city of Shaker Heights is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Shaker Village Historic District. The Van Sweringens acquired the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad (Nickel Plate Road) in order to secure the right of way needed to establish a rapid transit interurban streetcar system that would carry residents of Shaker Heights to and from downtown Cleveland. The resulting system was known as the Shaker Heights Rapid Transit. The Rapid Transit system was transferred into the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) in the 1970s, which combined the operation of all bus systems in the county with the operation of the Shaker and Cleveland Transit System west side rapid lines. Shaker Heights and Greater Cleveland refer to the system and to the trains as "The Rapid Transit", "Rapid" or "Shaker Rapid". While originally envisioned to extend from downtown Cleveland fourteen miles to the community of Hunting Valley (then called Shaker Estates), the system expansion ended at Green Road in eastern Shaker Heights following the collapse of the Van Sweringen rail empire during the Great Depression. Efforts toward integration began in the late 1950s with neighbors in the Ludlow Elementary School area working together to make integration successful. As a result, Shaker Heights avoided many of the problems created from practices such as blockbusting and white flight. In 1986, the city began a Fund for the Future of Shaker Heights, offering loans for down payments for residents buying homes in segregated neighborhoods, creating multi-ethnic neighborhoods. Today, the city maintains a housing assistance office that works with home buyers to achieve and maintain neighborhood integration.
economic development
- ft 4jun19 "manchester model" building on american prototype, the british city is using its universities to lead a revival after decades of deindustrialisation
- Local industrial strategies (LIS), led by Mayoral Combined Authorities or Local Enterprise Partnerships, will promote the coordination of local economic policy and national funding streams and establish new ways of working between national and local government, and the public and private sectors. Wave 1 - The first eight trailblazer local industrial strategies were announced in November 2017: Greater Manchester, West Midlands (Greater Birmingham & Solihull, Coventry & Warwickshire and Black Country) and the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford Corridor (Oxfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Buckinghamshire Thames Valley and South East Midlands). These Local Industrial strategies will be published in March 2019. Wave 2 - The second wave of six local industrial strategies were announced in July 2018: Cheshire & Warrington, Heart of the South West, Leicester & Leicestershire, North East, Tees Valley and West of England. These Local Industrial strategies will be published by March 2020. Wave 3 - On 3rd December 2018, the government announced the entire country will benefit from Local Industrial strategies with the rest of the LEPs forming the final third wave.
- 韓國近日密集出 台系列措施推動國內產業結構調 整,以降低多個產業對日本的依 賴。韓國產業通商資源部昨天宣 布,政府將在半導體、汽車和基礎 化學等六大領域選定100種關鍵戰 略產品,通過多重措施保障其穩定 供應,同時提高這些產品的國產化 程度,增強產業競爭力。
- 泰國已明確10個優先投資產業,包括:新世代汽車、智能電子產品、高端旅遊和醫療旅遊、農業和生物科技、食品加工、自動化和機器人技術、航空與物流、生物燃料和生物化學、數碼服務、綜合醫療保健。另外,泰國睇準貿易戰帶來的機遇,去年宣布「泰國+」計劃,旨在吸引受中美貿易戰影響而希望遷移生產基地的外國公司,特別以中國內地、中國香港、日本,及韓國為重點。
- revival of failing rural town
deal with protests
- 法國巴黎的黃背心運動早前演變成暴力衝突,內政部長宣布禁止他們本周六在香榭麗舍大道集會。有右派國會議員甚至建議,在示威中搗亂的暴徒若經定罪後,再無權領取社會救濟金。
- 泰國前民主黨黨魁阿披實於二○○八年取代前總理他信的盟友擔任總理,引來他信支持者「紅衫軍」發動兩個月的示威,造成九十一死、逾千人傷。曼谷刑事法院周三撤銷對涉事二十四名示威領袖的恐怖主義及其他控罪,指當年的示威是「政治角力,而非恐怖主義」。
- 在西方國家,當 局嚴加管控激光筆,禁止普通市民購買高功率產品,同時將激光照射飛機列為重罪,祭出數年監禁及 高昂罰款,以免激光筆變成暴徒的武器。
- 美媒引述消息,指數百名俄羅斯反對派人士的銀行戶口離奇遭凍結、更被透支七千五百萬盧布(約九百二十一萬港元)。有關銀行戶口均屬於反對派陣營人士,而透支金額正好是俄羅斯調查委員會早前指控反對派領袖納瓦尼,為犯罪組織洗黑錢的金額。反對派認為政府是借此打壓反對派,表明對抗總統普京是有代價。
- 最近有報道就話印度地方政府充公參與刑事毀壞同暴力行為嘅示威者財產,以便追討佢哋破壞公共或私人財產所造成損失嘅費用。立法會議員蔣麗芸(Ann)就喺社交平台轉發有關報道,仲話印度向破壞公共設施者徵收罰款或充公財產,香港政府都應該倣效咁話。
- investigation
- The independent communities and victims panel, convened by Nick Clegg in place of an official inquiry into England's riots in August, has begun collecting evidence for its report, which is expected in March 2012.The panel, convened two weeks ago, is launching a website accepting submissions from anyone affected by the disturbances or others who wish to express a view. Contributors are invited to give their views on the motivation of rioters, why riots happened in some areas and not others, the role of public services and policing, and what could be done to prevent future riots.All evidence received by the panel will be made public, unless there are particular reasons, such as victim confidentiality, for not doing so.Jobcentre Plus chief executive Darra Singh will chair the panel, which comprises Simon Marcus, who chairs the Boxing Academy charity, Heather Rabbatts, the barrister and businesswoman, and Maeve Sherlock, who has been chief executive of the National Council for One Parent Families and the Refugee Council. Panellists were nominated by England's three major political parties.
- 香港理工大學專業及持續教育學院講師陳偉強指,倫敦暴亂時英國設立的廿四小時法庭,特事特辦處理大量案件,本港亦應該加快審理反修例案件,以起阻嚇作用,目前案件拖延逾年,包括黎智英案件,若要待有審理結果,更拖上一兩年時間,難彰顯法治,警告人勿以身試法。他批評司法機構歎慢板,無增加招聘人手或改善效率,予人縱容反修例人士的感覺,或主事者有立場,不想加快審理案件以起阻嚇作用,偏幫違法人士,令人難以接受。他擔心案件拖延太久才上庭,警員出庭時或忘記部分案情,令犯事者易脫罪。
- officers that suppress protestors- 蘇丹去年多月示威衝突後,反對派終與軍政府在七月達成協議,共組文人過渡政府,直至三年後舉行大選。蘇丹法院周一判處廿九名國安官員死刑,涉虐殺參與示威的教師卡依爾。這次案件為首次涉及示威者被殺的判決,大批民眾在庭外集會,揮動國旗並高舉卡依爾的照片。
- 警方被指開槍射爆多名示威者的眼睛,令他們視力受損或致盲。一名警員則涉嫌向一名示威者眼部發射鉛彈而被起訴,上周五出庭受審,成為首名因射傷示威者眼睛而受審的警員。
- indemnity, compensation
- The Riot (Damages) Act 1886 (49 & 50 Vict c 38) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It authorised the payment of compensation, from the police fund of the police area in question, to persons whose property had been injured, destroyed or stolen during a riot.In the Act, the words "riotous" and "riotously" were to be construed in accordance with section 1 of the Public Order Act 1986.The Supreme Court ruled in 2016 that the act sets out a self-contained statutory compensation scheme which does not extend to cover consequential losses.
- The Riot Compensation Act 2016 (2016, c. 8) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that repeals the Riot (Damages) Act 1886 and modernizes the procedures for the payment of compensation to persons whose property has been injured, destroyed or stolen during a riot.It arose as a ballot bill sponsored by Mike Wood MP, following Government review and consultations on the subject, and it received Ministry of Justice support to expedite its passage.
- 五年前的台灣太陽花學運,因台警清場造成多人受傷,其後有二十多人向台北市政府、市警察局提出索償,合共金額八百三十萬(新台幣‧下同,約二百一十七萬港元)。台北市地方法院周三宣判,判台北市警局賠償前立委周倪安等十三人,每人十至二十萬元(約二至五萬港元)不等。
- 印度南部泰米爾納德邦一對父子早前涉嫌違反防疫封鎖令被捕,在拘留期間疑遭受警暴死亡。事件激起民憤,反對派議員走上街頭抗議,法院就案件展開聽證會,涉事警員調職,地方政府向受害家屬賠償一百萬盧比(約十萬港元)。
- 加拿大多倫多一○年主辦二十國集團(G20)峰會時,當地警方被指大規模拘捕及不恰當對待一千一百名示威者。被捕人士事後提出集體訴訟,雙方前天以一千六百五十萬加元(約九千七百萬港元)達成和解。
- 澳門政府將向合資格人士發放敬老金及殘疾津貼。其中,敬老金將於下周五 (18日) 發放,金額為九千澳門元,約有九萬人受惠,總發放金額約八億澳門元。社工局表示,今年需要核查的敬老金受益人個案有三百多宗,已於五月向有關人士發出更新及確認個人資料通知書。
- Each Singaporean and permanent resident household will be able to collect one Singapore Together Pack, if they wish to, from community centres/clubs (CCs) and residents' committee (RC) centres starting Monday (Jul 20).
market intervention
- 韓國警方因應近日投訴個案上升,昨日宣佈對市場囤積口罩個案展開調查。當局亦計劃修訂相關法例,懲處所有擾亂市場的賣家,最高刑罰將為監禁兩年或罰款5,000萬韓圜(約32萬港元)。食品醫藥品安全處、公正交易委員會及國稅廳會聯合打擊炒賣口罩行為,副總理兼企劃財政部部長洪楠基強調,當局不會容許任何擾亂口罩市場的行為,令國民安全受威脅。除修例外,當局亦計劃公開一份禁止囤積的醫療產品名單,涵蓋口罩等與新型肺炎有關的產品,並呼籲生產商提高產量,每日供應1,000萬個口罩。
- 英國新冠肺炎疫情持續蔓延,各超市集團憂慮一旦疫情擴散,民眾可能恐慌性搶購物資,因此擬訂一項名為「feed the nation」的應急方案,確保物資供應穩定。根據該方案,超市將與供應商合作,減少食品及雜貨供應的種類,集中供應主要民生日用品。英國連鎖超市Waitrose指出,店內的清潔產品及手部消毒液等商品近期需求急增,不少貨品均被顧客掃光。另一大型連鎖超市Tesco前供應鏈主管蒙太尼指出,疫情爆發將導致民眾搶購食物,很可能引發混亂,但強調各大超市目前已制訂應急方案,對一些近期需求大增的貨品增加供應,以滿足國民日常所需,相信大型超市已有優先供應的貨品清單。蒙太尼同時表示,若因食物嚴重短缺而引發動亂,建議軍方介入協助,保護倉庫、食品貨車及商店。
- The government is temporarily relaxing elements of competition law as part of a package of measures to allow supermarkets to work together to feed the nation. The move allows retailers to share data with each other on stock levels, cooperate to keep shops open, or share distribution depots and delivery vans. It would also allow retailers to pool staff with one another to help meet demand. The Environment Secretary George Eustice confirmed elements of the law would be temporarily waived in a meeting this afternoon with chief executives from the UK’s leading supermarkets and food industry representatives.
border zone
- 特區借地發展有先例,國務院在2009年通過橫琴發展規劃,將珠海橫琴島東岸一平方公里用地,撥給澳門興建澳門大學新校區,在撥地範圍內,實施澳門法律,現時由澳門去橫琴澳門大學校園,無須過關。國務院另於2015年將澳門特區管理水域從陸地向東、南方向擴大85平方公里,並將澳門邊檢大樓地段劃入澳門特區,令本來僅30平方公里的澳門管轄面積增加近三倍。
planned community
- Shaker Heights is a city in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States. Shaker Heights was a planned community developed by the Van Sweringen brothers, railroad moguls who envisioned the community as a suburban retreat from the industrial inner city of Cleveland.There are nine neighborhoods in Shaker Heights, all of which were named after the nine original elementary schools. Shaker Heights was established in 1909, and incorporated as a village in 1912. Shaker Heights is home to the oldest house in Cuyahoga County built in 1817, by Moses Warren. The name "Shaker Heights" has origins in two local sources. The community was laid out on land formerly owned by the North Union Community of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, more commonly known as Shakers. "Heights" refers to the plateau east of Cleveland that rises sharply in elevation from 582 feet above sea level at the base of the Cedar Glen Parkway rising to 950 feet above sea level in nearby Cleveland Heights; Shaker Heights' elevation is 1050 feet above sea level. Ralph Russell established the North Union Shaker Settlement in 1822 with just over 80 individuals. Between 1826 and 1854, the group dammed Doan Brook, which made Upper and Lower Lake, and established three grist and a sawmills. The colony peaked around 1850 with about 300 settlers, faded away and was closed in 1889. In 1905, the land was bought by brothers M.J. and O.P. Van Sweringen who envisioned the first garden styled suburb in Ohio for the site. The brothers constructed homes, set aside land for churches and schools, and planted trees. Originally referred to as Shaker Village, the community was incorporated in 1912 and reached city status in the 1931. Shaker Heights is known for its stringent building codes and zoning laws, which have helped to maintain the community's housing stock and identity throughout the years. Approximately seventy-five percent of the city of Shaker Heights is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Shaker Village Historic District. The Van Sweringens acquired the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad (Nickel Plate Road) in order to secure the right of way needed to establish a rapid transit interurban streetcar system that would carry residents of Shaker Heights to and from downtown Cleveland. The resulting system was known as the Shaker Heights Rapid Transit. The Rapid Transit system was transferred into the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) in the 1970s, which combined the operation of all bus systems in the county with the operation of the Shaker and Cleveland Transit System west side rapid lines. Shaker Heights and Greater Cleveland refer to the system and to the trains as "The Rapid Transit", "Rapid" or "Shaker Rapid". While originally envisioned to extend from downtown Cleveland fourteen miles to the community of Hunting Valley (then called Shaker Estates), the system expansion ended at Green Road in eastern Shaker Heights following the collapse of the Van Sweringen rail empire during the Great Depression. Efforts toward integration began in the late 1950s with neighbors in the Ludlow Elementary School area working together to make integration successful. As a result, Shaker Heights avoided many of the problems created from practices such as blockbusting and white flight. In 1986, the city began a Fund for the Future of Shaker Heights, offering loans for down payments for residents buying homes in segregated neighborhoods, creating multi-ethnic neighborhoods. Today, the city maintains a housing assistance office that works with home buyers to achieve and maintain neighborhood integration.
- gary cohn was from this community
economic development
- ft 4jun19 "manchester model" building on american prototype, the british city is using its universities to lead a revival after decades of deindustrialisation
- Local industrial strategies (LIS), led by Mayoral Combined Authorities or Local Enterprise Partnerships, will promote the coordination of local economic policy and national funding streams and establish new ways of working between national and local government, and the public and private sectors. Wave 1 - The first eight trailblazer local industrial strategies were announced in November 2017: Greater Manchester, West Midlands (Greater Birmingham & Solihull, Coventry & Warwickshire and Black Country) and the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford Corridor (Oxfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Buckinghamshire Thames Valley and South East Midlands). These Local Industrial strategies will be published in March 2019. Wave 2 - The second wave of six local industrial strategies were announced in July 2018: Cheshire & Warrington, Heart of the South West, Leicester & Leicestershire, North East, Tees Valley and West of England. These Local Industrial strategies will be published by March 2020. Wave 3 - On 3rd December 2018, the government announced the entire country will benefit from Local Industrial strategies with the rest of the LEPs forming the final third wave.
- 韓國近日密集出 台系列措施推動國內產業結構調 整,以降低多個產業對日本的依 賴。韓國產業通商資源部昨天宣 布,政府將在半導體、汽車和基礎 化學等六大領域選定100種關鍵戰 略產品,通過多重措施保障其穩定 供應,同時提高這些產品的國產化 程度,增強產業競爭力。
- 泰國已明確10個優先投資產業,包括:新世代汽車、智能電子產品、高端旅遊和醫療旅遊、農業和生物科技、食品加工、自動化和機器人技術、航空與物流、生物燃料和生物化學、數碼服務、綜合醫療保健。另外,泰國睇準貿易戰帶來的機遇,去年宣布「泰國+」計劃,旨在吸引受中美貿易戰影響而希望遷移生產基地的外國公司,特別以中國內地、中國香港、日本,及韓國為重點。
- revival of failing rural town
- richard booth - hay on wye economist 31aug19
- 创新城(Innopolis)是俄罗斯最年轻的城市,其设计宗旨是成为一个培养未来IT领袖并吸引业内高级专家们工作的地方。该地在莫斯科以东800公里处,距喀山约40公里,位于风景如画的伏尔加河畔。事实上,该市只有一所形似宇宙飞船的大学、大学校园、飞碟形状的科技园、约30座住宅、一个体育中心和一个医疗中心以及两个食品店和几个咖啡馆。所有这一切都位于方圆2.2平方公里的范围内。 该市建于2015年,计划容纳15万人,但目前只住有3500人,另外每天还有上千人从喀山过来。
来源:«透视俄罗斯» -
- 外電報道,根據印度旨在未來5年吸引超過10.5萬億盧比(約1.1萬億港元)投資在該國生產手機的計劃,16家公司獲准在該國生產產品,當中包括蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)的主要iPhone組裝商。根據聲明,Apple的三家主要供應商──鴻海精密、緯創、和碩,以及三星電子,都在獲得印度電子和訊息技術部批准加入「電子製造獎勵計劃」的全球公司名單之列。單是鴻海、和碩及緯創這三家台資企業便計劃在印度投資約70億元,利用當地的生產激勵措施,增加iPhone在印度的產量。其中,鴻海已經申請在該計劃中投資約400億盧比(約42億港元),緯創及和碩分別承諾投資約130億盧比(約14億港元)和120億盧比(約13億港元)。印度當地的製造商Lava、Padget Electronics、UTL Neolyncs和Optiemus Electronics亦獲得當局批准加入計劃。
- ft 4jul19 poland weighs abolishing income tax for under 26s
government procurement
- 美國總統特朗普周四簽署一項行政命令,鼓勵政府承包商採購國內物料和產品,以響應政府促進製造業的行動。該行政命令要求聯邦部門鼓勵接受聯邦撥款承建基建項目的公司,使用美國製造的鐵、鋼、鋁和水泥等。
urban council vs home affairs department
- 澳門特區政府行政會近日完成討論《設立市政署》法律草案,計劃成立非政權性的市政機構「市政署」,以取代目前民政總署的職能。
-作為兩地第一個採用 「一地兩檢」 通關模 式的口岸,深圳灣口岸迎來十周歲的生日。十 年來,深圳灣口岸為兩地居民、貨物出入境, 為兩地監管查驗部門的協作都帶來極大便利。
- 國際司法權劃分案例 hkej 12aug17 a23
- singapore/malaysia model hkej 12aug17 a24
- 星马边境成为世界上最繁忙的边境之一,连接两地的星柔长堤和星马第二通道两大关口交通长期阻塞 两地两检不便利
- 广西凭祥中越口岸28日传出消息,友谊关(中国)─友谊(越南)国际口岸有望于今年六月前实现中越“两国一检”新型通关模式,大大加快效率,为两国经贸带来更多便利。
industrial policy
- 香港特區官員承襲回歸前的做法,一直不願推工業產業政策,理由是大市場,小政府。即使這樣的保守思維源自英國,但在保守黨掌政的今天,亦都強調產業政策的作用與重要性。早前英國政府成立了工業戰略局統籌工業政策,希望挽回英國失落的工業競爭力。在工業戰略局成立之時,已經有六個產業的戰略公布,包括汽車、建築業、人工智能及核能等,還有更多的產業戰略亦將公布。這些戰略十分具體,當中包含產業發展的路徑圖與時間表,不是曾蔭權六大優勢產業範圍那樣空疏和缺執行方案。英國保守黨政府這樣做,不是放棄市場,而是從實際發展經驗來行,特別是在戴卓爾夫人的保守主義之下,英國的工業與經濟一落千丈,沒有辦法在國際市場上競爭。再加上在國際競爭壓力愈來愈大的情況下,英國不得不痛定思痛,從善如流。
heritage craft industry sustainability
- shinise firms in japan ft 18feb19
- 澳洲悉尼市政府昨日提出,該市南部羅斯貝瑞(Rosebery)一處全新的公園及綠化帶通道,分別以「甘草糖」(Allsorts)和「牛油蜂蜜糖」(Honeykiss)命名,以紀念該地區馳名逾一個世紀的糖果工業成就。
city planning
- milton keynes
- Milton Keynes Development Corporation (MKDC) was a development corporation operating from 1967 to 1992 oversee the planning and early development of Milton Keynes, a new town midway between London and Birmingham. MKDC established on 23 January 1967 to provide the vision and execution of a "new city", that would be the modern interpretation of the Garden city movement concepts first expressed by Ebenezer Howard 60 years earlier.
- Sir Ebenezer Howard OBE (29 January 1850 – 1 May 1928), the English founder of the garden city movement, is known for his publication To-Morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform (1898), the description of a utopian city in which people live harmoniously together with nature. The publication resulted in the founding of the garden city movement, and the building of the First Garden City, Letchworth Garden City, commenced in 1903.
- The second true Garden City was Welwyn Garden City (1920) and the movement influenced the development of several model suburbs in other countries, such as Forest Hills Gardens designed by F. L. Olmsted Jr. in 1909,[3] Radburn NJ (1923) and the Suburban Resettlement Program towns of the 1930s (Greenbelt, Maryland; Greenhills, Ohio; Greenbrook, New Jersey and Greendale, Wisconsin). Howard aimed to reduce the alienation of humans and society from nature, and hence advocated garden cities[5] and Georgism.[6][7][8]Howard is believed by many to be one of the great guides to the town planning movement, with many of his garden city principles being used in modern town planning.
- hkej 27may19
- John "Jock" Middleton Campbell, Baron Campbell of Eskan (8 August 1912 – 26 December 1994) was the Chairman of Booker Brothers, McConnell and Co (Later Booker-McConnell) in British Guiana (now Guyana) between 1952 and 1967. He was knighted in 1957 and was created a life peer on 14 January 1966, taking the title Baron Campbell of Eskan, of Camis Eskan in the County of Dumbarton.[1][2] He was Chairman of the Commonwealth Sugar Exporters Association (1950–84). He was additionally notable as chairman of Booker McConnell, Chairman of the New Statesman and Nation and the first chairman of the Milton Keynes Development Corporation.
- 中國自改革開放後,30年來不斷派出考察隊來米頓堅取經。這裡也和香港有一段淵源。據說,香港自1997年回歸後,大批前政治部人員隱居於米頓堅,改姓埋名「重新」做人。米頓堅的城鎮規劃完善和開發有序,難怪吸引了無數的中國考察隊。打開中國交通技術網頁,發覺有不少學術文章研究米頓堅的道路設計。例如,清華大學交通研究所博士講師李瑞敏的文章說,他們飛抵倫敦後,第一個去的地方就是米頓堅。文章稱讚米頓堅的道路設計寬敞,大多是雙向四車或六車行走,中間隔帶綠化;兩旁留有大量停車用地、行人和單車通道。文章認為,中國應該學習米頓堅交通設計的分離、連續和宜人的理念。香港特區政府在覓地建屋之際,不妨也組織考察團,來探訪這個夢想中的「烏托邦」。
- ft 20aug18 photo of lord campbell
- 常為土地問題傷腦筋的新加坡政府決心向地下發展,研究把變電站、巴士站、主要道路和儲水庫等設施搬到地底。為更完善地打造這個地下世界,正落實「地下發展總藍圖」(Underground Master Plan),今年內公佈計劃的試驗地區。
- vertical jungle
- nanjing green tower project scmp 23oct18
- Tougher building rules for skyscrapers have been drawn up by the City of London because of concerns that a high-rise, urban microclimate will generate winds capable of knocking over cyclists and pedestrians. Developers will have to provide more comprehensive safety assessments of how proposed buildings will affect people on street level, with more robust testing of roadways and pavements using detailed scale models in wind tunnels and computer simulations.
- 法國巴黎市長伊達爾戈有意將市內的心臟地區劃為行人專用區,以改善巴黎環境。提案中涉及首都中心交通最繁忙的四個行政區,著名景點羅浮宮和巴黎聖母院亦位處其中。
- 世界各地將天橋底打造成特色景點,除了用作停車場及休憩空間等常見用途外,有設計師將空間變成戲院、遊樂湖及夜市等文化集中地,活用這些空間不但善用城市寶貴資源,亦可增加城市吸引力,成功激活曾視為城市空洞的天橋底。荷蘭政府將早在七十年代興建的高速公路天橋底改建,廣闊的空間出現一個小小的多元社區,除擁有花店、海鮮店及雜貨店外,也有滑板公園及籃球場等,甚至有一個小碼頭,供遊人及市民划艇享樂,成為當地打卡熱點,亦能讓社區連結。在英國倫敦,設計師在天橋底架設大型屏幕,建立一個橋底戲院
-日本、韓國及中國內地,亦經常 透過填海增加額外土地,避免在城市化發展過 程中,破壞農田和山丘地區,同時也可興建機 場和進行其他基建項目,推動地區經濟。
- A pristine eucalyptus forest near the Great Barrier Reef has become a political battleground in a bitter dispute over land clearing in Australia, which green groups warn rivals deforestation rates in Brazil. A draft report published last week by the Australian government recommended that 2,000 hectares of forest and swampland could be bulldozed by Kingvale cattle station to make way for crops. The area is home to more than a dozen threatened and endangered species. The news sparked fury among conservationists. They claim land clearing in Queensland, which has 41 per cent of Australia’s forests, is occurring at a rate of 1,000 rugby pitches a day and creating a biodiversity crisis in one of the world’s richest countries.
smart city
- The community in Belmont will be designed around high-speed networks, autonomous vehicles, high-speed digital networks, data centers, new manufacturing technologies and autonomous logistics hubs. It's unclear how much former Microsoft CEO Gates, who owns Belmont's parent company Cascade Investment, will be involved in the effort. Belmont Partners, the Arizona-based real investment group that's leading the project, said it will be similar in size to nearby Tempe, Arizona, which has a population of 182,000.
- 全港泊車位供不應求,導致違例泊車問題嚴重,警方去年共發出逾二百萬張違泊告票,其中以西九龍區最多。有關注團體列出深水埗十大違泊黑點,當中不少是雙線泊車、人車爭路的情況。團體促政府參考外地興建「摩天輪式」的智能停車場,從源頭解決違泊問題。
- 1988 NSW government sydney harbour tunnel case scmp 23aug17
- civil servants
- 澳門廉署工作報告又披露一宗涉及前澳葡政府的行政失當事件,前澳葡政府出售部分公務員宿舍時,錯將土地屬性「調亂」,令單位所有人賣樓時遇上阻礙,變相損害業主權益,澳門財政局已去信物業登記局更正,涉及三百九十個單位。前澳葡政府於一九八三年起容許公務員宿舍租戶購買所租住的單位,並規定買賣住宅所佔用的土地是以廿五年批租地方式批給買方。
- elderly
- An almshouse (also known as a poorhouse) is charitable housing provided to enable people (typically elderly people who can no longer work to earn enough to pay rent) to live in a particular community. They are often targeted at the poor of a locality, at those from certain forms of previous employment, or their widows, and are generally maintained by a charity or the trustees of a bequest. Almshouses were originally formed as extensions of the church system and were later adapted by local officials and authorities.
- baycrest project in canada appledaily 11sep19 article by 林正财
- 新加坡國家發展部公佈,將與衛生部合作推出首個「安老組屋」項目,單位內部設計會更切合長者需要,例如提供較大的浴室,長者亦可享有居家支援服務。新項目將提供160個單位,預料5月開售。新組屋位於武吉巴督地區,引入「輔助生活」(Assisted Living)概念,結合房屋與護老服務,住客可自由選擇護理模式,例如基本家居服務、24小時全天候監察及支援,以至額外醫療照顧等。室內格局方面,新盤每個單位面積約344平方呎,浴室會比一般組屋大,走廊亦會較闊。
- 2017 will see the first Starter Homes being built on brownfield sites across the country, Housing Minister Gavin Barwell has confirmed today (3 January 2017). Thousands of new homes backed with financial support will help more first time buyers into home ownership. They will be built exclusively for first-time buyers between 23 and 40 years old at a discount of at least 20% below market value. The first wave of 30 local authority partnerships – selected on the basis of their potential for early delivery – will spearhead schemes. These partnerships have been established under the government’s £1.2 billion Starter Homes Land Fund which supports the development of starter homes on sites across England.
- 土地不足問題不僅在香港出現,遠在瑞典的部分地區也存在。當地有木屋建築公司跟建築師,就從雀鳥在樹上築巢獲得靈感,合作設計出可依山上斜坡興建的小房子,以一個聰明的方法解決土地問題。
- 總部設於西雅圖市郊的微軟前日便宣佈斥資5億美元(約40億港元),推動當地可負擔房屋項目發展,希望藉此改善區內居住問題。微軟表示,科網業界有責任協助一些未能受惠於科網熱潮的弱勢群體。今次是微軟創立近44年來的最大筆類似撥款,亦是歷來最大筆私人企業住屋資助之一。微軟計劃將5億美元分作3用,其中2.25億美元(約18億港元)將向地產商提供低息借貸,助他們克服高地價和高建築成本的問題,以建造中產住宅區;另外2.5億美元(約20億港元)將以接近市場利率為低收入人士住宅項目提供借貸;餘下2,500萬美元(約2億港元)則捐予支援露宿者組織。貸款利息收入將用於再投資,提供更多借貸。
- Singapore may increase its supply of public housing next year as the city state introduced measures on Tuesday aimed at making such homes more affordable. Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong said the measures would help more Singaporeans from lower- to upper-middle income households buy their first homes. The Housing and Development Board, which is the body responsible for public housing, would probably have to increase supply in 2020 to meet the additional demand expected to stem from the changes, according to a joint statement from the board and the ministry. In Singapore, most people live in so-called HDB flats as opposed to private apartments. There is a robust pipeline of the latter, with the government in June announcing it would reduce the supply of private housing in the second half. The new measures, which do not apply to the private market, will come into effect on September 11.They include the introduction of a new enhanced housing grant (EHG) that will be made available to eligible buyers regardless of whether they purchase a new or resale flat. Eligible first-timer families will get an EHG of up to S$80,000 (US$58,000) when they buy a flat that can cover them and their spouses to the age of 95, subject to conditions. container housing estate
- netherlands keetwonen hkej monthy may17 pp 20, also hket 8jun18 a16
- (exhibited at 2018 tdc smartbiz expo)
- regulation hket 13sep18
- 愛爾蘭首都都柏林的市議會,去年曾提出讓露宿者 入住郵輪,藉此解決房屋短缺問題,但愛爾蘭政府反 對,稱當局正尋找更合適的解決方法,包括在市內物 色其他單位安置露宿者。
- 美國加州三藩市灣區因生活成本高漲及廉價房屋短 缺,導致近年露宿者人數急升。當地有官員提出讓露 宿者入住郵輪,以解決有關問題。該建議引起當地各 界議論紛紛,但負責管理港口的奧克蘭港務局認為此 舉不可行,原因是港口碼頭並非為郵輪而設,保安和 安全問題亦是主要考慮因素。 過往發生天災 時,亦曾使用郵輪安置災民,例如 2005年颶風「卡特里 娜」吹襲新奧爾良,聯邦緊急事故管理局便曾使用 3艘郵 輪,臨時安置8,000名災民。
- 港人港樓
- 佛山市公共資源交 易中心南海分中心近日掛 牌一宗位於南海三山新城的商 住土地,要求競得人今後建設的 住宅樓,至少須有3萬平方米面積專 門向港澳居民出售,且須在 3年內售 完;同時,須配建港式醫療中心和香港 教育機構,並引入香港金融、保險、會 計師等企業和機構,這是內地首次賣地 設港澳指標和配套。競拍人簽訂土地 合同後須在4年內完成全部工程並通 過驗收。
- coliving
- 共居生活 appledaily 18jun17
- The Old Oak building, situated on a canal bank in northwest London, opened in the spring of last year, and has become a pioneer of "co-living", a concept that is beginning to catch on elsewhere, notably in the United States.
- geku-haus, germany
- 本港不少舊樓業主都會透過市建局的「需求主導」計劃,或是與私人發展商洽商,將整幢樓宇收購重建,新加坡近期亦興起類似做法,不少業主自願將整幢業權打 包,出售予面臨土地荒的發展商,以取得比單獨出售單位更高的價格。這類整幢放盤幾乎每星期就有一宗,亦令新加坡去年住宅成交量增至52億美元(約406億 港元),創2007年以來新高。 不少國家亦開始仿傚這種做法,澳洲新南威爾士省去年便把收購門檻由全數業權降至七成五,物業顧問萊坊指,澳洲舊樓收購個案過去5年間急增6倍。
- case of singapore in 2013 turning container terminals into greater southern waterfront city hket 24apr18 a2
- 內地深圳住建局日前就閒置商業及寫字樓改為公寓出租的政策,向市場徵求意見。市場分析認為,深圳寫字樓空置率高逾兩成水平,而且經濟下滑導致深圳財政收入減少,地方政府或藉「商改租」新政增加收入。
- A proposed government algorithm for determining where new homes should be built would see a huge increase in construction in rural areas and southern cities of England, while actually reducing the amount of development in the North, local council representatives have warned. The Local Government Association said the planned changes to housing targets would “seriously jeopardise” Boris Johnson’s stated aim of “levelling up” economic activity in disadvantaged areas of the country.And the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) warned that the “mutant algorithm” would result in a “build and be damned” approach which would not stop high prices driving young people out of the rural areas where they grew up.But the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government insisted that fears were “unfounded” and promised ministers would reflect on concerns raised before deciding the final shape of the new system, designed to deliver on government promises to build 300,000 homes a year by the mid-2020s.
- mortgage
- rent control
- mortgage
- Mrs Muthengi, who is 32, will be hosting Christmas this year for the first time thanks to a housing loan from KWFT, a Kenyan microfinance bank. With the support of international housing charity Habitat for Humanity, the bank is revolutionising the way women on low incomes can access funds to build and improve their homes in rural areas of the country. Founded in 1981, KWFT initially focused on women, to give access to banking services they were excluded from. Over time it found women to be extremely reliable customers. Kenya has a population of around 50m but, according to the central bank, fewer than 30,000 mortgage accounts. Informal land ownership, particularly in rural communities, means lenders cannot use property as security, and prospective borrowers, like Mrs Muthengi, usually have few other assets to use as collateral. In response KWFT has taken a different approach to lending. The bank saw that women were often using its small business loans to build or repair their houses. So while women could not afford to buy homes, they could afford to build them, slowly, if they had access to credit.
- 法國通過修改置業借貸法例,今年六月起取消規定借款人必須在提供按揭的銀行開設戶口,並把薪金存入的規定。這舉是要避免銀行壟斷和促進社會和諧,從此借款人可同時向兩間機構申請貸款。儘管銀行方面不支持這做法,但消費者普遍歡迎。
- 澳門銀行公會昨宣佈,容許當地銀行基於自身的風險承受能力,允許按揭客供息不供本,最長半年時間。而在本港,有銀行界人士透露,本港短期內跟隨有關措施機會不大
- The Coalition has promised to help 10,000 first homebuyers into the market by topping up their 5% deposits with a government guarantee for 15% of the loan.Scott Morrison insists the policy is not “free money” but experts have already warned it could be ineffective at lifting home ownership rates or counterproductive by bidding up prices.
- rent control
- 世界各地租務管制政策,
- economist "the wrong remedy" 12may18 on california
- 美國紐約、三藩市等大城市樓價持續高企,帶動租金不斷上升,租客負擔日益加重。紐約州議會前日通過新法案,收緊紐約市的租務管制,州長科莫隨即簽署生效,此後業主將不得在放租單位易手時加租,平常加租幅度也受更大限制,料可令240萬人受惠,相當於市內租客總數接近3成。業主和地產發展商強烈反對收緊租管,憂慮將打擊投資意慾,最終使全民受害。紐約市現行租金管制適用於1974年前落成、提供最少6個單位的樓宇,需由政府每年制訂加租幅度,但只要租戶年薪高於20萬美元(約157萬港元),或住宅單位租金高於2,773美元(約2.1萬港元),加租幅度便不受限制。另外,紐約市設有「優惠租金」(preferential rent)制度,只要業主在租約開始時,提供比法定租金上限低的租金,完約後便可收取更高租金,導致租戶易被大幅加租,不少業主會利用這手法逼遷租戶。
- ft 17jun19 new york property barons lose grip on state politics
- ft 2jul19 paris brings back rent control
- Deutsche Wohnen and other German property companies’ shares were hit on Monday by Berlin city government’s approval of a plan to freeze rents in the German capital for five years.
- rental business model
- ft 13jan2020 berlin rent freeze knocks construction sector
- 韓國有一套特別的租 屋制度-「傳貰」(jeonse),租客一次過 交付樓價的 5至 6成給業主作為抵押金, 便擁有該住宅的入住權,最少為期兩 年。約滿後租客可與業主續租,如不續 租便可全數拿回抵押金。
- 政府有意向一手住宅徵收空置稅,其實在歐美國家早有先例。加拿大溫哥華自去年一月起立法規定,物業業主須每年申報物業狀況,若單位於一年內超過一百八十日空置,業主須繳交房屋價值1%的稅款,若稅款逾期十日仍未繳交,業主更須繳交相當於房屋價值5%的罰款。在英國,如果房屋空置兩年或以上,除非在某些特定情況下,否則要繳付額外的市政稅(Council Tax),最多達該稅項的50%;而市政稅會用作地區公共服務支出。至於法國的物業空置稅就更重,在該國部分城市,空置超過一年的房屋,業主要繳付相等於物業估值12.5%的稅款,若第二年仍然空置,稅款更加至25%;惟在部分情況下可獲豁免,例如房屋不宜居住(如缺水缺電),或房屋正在放售中等。
- Empty dwelling management orders (EDMOs) are a legal device used in England and Wales, which enable local authorities to put an unoccupied property back into use as housing. EDMOs were created by the Housing Act 2004, with the relevant legislation coming into effect in mid-2006;[1] in the three and a half years to the end of 2010, however, only 43 had been issued.
- hkej 19nov18
- 美國紐約市政府日前就新財政預算案達成共識,計劃撥款5億美元(約39億港元),興建數千個供低收入長者入住的房屋單位,以騰出許多低收入長者原本居住的公屋單位,改為分配予公屋輪候名單上的20.7萬戶家庭,以減少輪候人數和時間。紐約市的露宿者問題嚴重,公屋居住環境惡劣,房屋局更試圖掩飾問題,遭聯邦政府控告,市政府今次就住屋問題投放大量資源,期望向外界展示改革決心。
- 澳洲總理莫里森周日宣布設立皇家委員會,調查國內養老院涉虐老人醜聞。他強調委員會不但會調查國營及私人長者護理行業質素,亦會調查同住院的殘疾青年待遇。澳洲去年國內每七個人就有一人是六十五歲或以上,料二○五七年會升至佔總人口兩成二。
- ft 4apr19 "hard lessons from helsinki" kotisatama community
- 據統計,桃園市的泰籍工人有上萬名,6、7月就有上千人出現呼吸道或腹瀉症狀。立委反映外勞住宿環境差、就醫難,造成防疫死角。陳時中強調,台灣外勞宿舍屬比較小規模,與新加坡超大規模的住宿場所不同,泰籍染疫工人要引發像新加坡大規模群聚感染的可能性不大。
-英國倫敦格倫費爾大廈上周的大火導致至少79人死亡,數百人無家可歸。被指反應緩慢的政府,目前安排約一半災民即250人,永久安置到肯辛頓區市值合共1.6億英鎊(約15.8億港元)的豪宅單位,作為補償。居民災後一直被暫時安置在附近酒店,甚至要睡在自己的車子內。當局證實,倫敦市法團已向發展商St Edward購買68個單位安置這批家庭,最早7月底可以入伙。
- 北京市擬推出「共有產權住房」予合資格的首次置業人士。所謂的共有產權住房,即政府與買樓人士共同持有產權的房屋,買樓人士可以低於市價的價格購買一套自住房;買家亦可自由選定持有份額,比例按房屋售價會有所不同;有關物業於五年內不得轉售。北京市住房和城鄉建設委員會周四通報,新制訂的《北京市共有產權住房管理暫行辦法》已向社會徵求意見。共有產權住房的供應對象,必須符合北京市住房限購條件,包括家庭成員名下均無住房、單身家庭申請人要年滿卅歲、一個家庭只能買一套「共有產權住房」單位,而曾買賣樓房的家庭則不能購買。
- 美國不少創業家也會與同道中人租住「黑客屋」(hacker house),類似學生宿舍,作為休息場所。社交網facebook(fb)創辦人朱克伯格2004年於三藩市灣區租下一個5房單位,fb元老就在這裡建立他們的社交網絡。
- green standard- 美國不少創業家也會與同道中人租住「黑客屋」(hacker house),類似學生宿舍,作為休息場所。社交網facebook(fb)創辦人朱克伯格2004年於三藩市灣區租下一個5房單位,fb元老就在這裡建立他們的社交網絡。
- The Thai government will let domestic and foreign investors collaborate with government agencies in developing housing projects through the public-private partnership (PPP) scheme for low-income earners and the lower-middle class under the Pracha Rat Home scheme.- singapore executive condomium hket 21sep17 a9
- 中國興業(00132)宣布與盒盟(中國)及盒盟投資,合資組成幫助人們開辦及經營民宿的平台興業民宿互助社。興業民宿同時與國家開發銀行旗下的中國新城鎮發展(01278)簽約,發起「旅遊服務產業基金」,以解決民宿業務的資金需求。興業民宿為民宿經營者提供加拿大T-BOX移動車房技術,可在景區就地興建度假村,建造成本將比五星級酒店低得多,需時僅180天,並提供日本分布式微生物污水處理系統,客房污水經其處理後可直接排進大自然,不必鋪設渠處理污水。他們亦借助騰訊控股(00700)技術幫助民宿建立直銷平台,民宿業者得以免去中介收費。
- 北京大興區去年發生造成多人傷亡的公寓奪命大火後,引起連串風波。北京市人大代表、大興區區長王有國周四表示,大興區將規範農民自建房出租行為,發展職住均衡型職工宿舍。其中在發生火災的新建二村將建造「打工者之家」,並配套公共食堂,滿足基本居住需求。
- 互聯網巨擘Facebook(Fb)行政總裁朱克伯格擬籌集5億美元(約39億港元),用於在三藩市建設廉價住房,當地的多家企業及慈善家也會參與其中。數周前,加州新任州長、來自民主黨的紐瑟姆才剛剛呼籲私人機構協助政府解決當地住房嚴重短缺的問題。針對廉住房建立的投資基金會目前已籌集2.6億美元(約19.6億港元),它是朱克伯格和妻子普麗西拉.陳的慈善組織「陳朱克伯格基金會」的一部分,目標是在未來10年中,於三藩市的5個灣區興建至少8000個住房。
- size requirement
- mpf
- negative
- 中國興業(00132)宣布與盒盟(中國)及盒盟投資,合資組成幫助人們開辦及經營民宿的平台興業民宿互助社。興業民宿同時與國家開發銀行旗下的中國新城鎮發展(01278)簽約,發起「旅遊服務產業基金」,以解決民宿業務的資金需求。興業民宿為民宿經營者提供加拿大T-BOX移動車房技術,可在景區就地興建度假村,建造成本將比五星級酒店低得多,需時僅180天,並提供日本分布式微生物污水處理系統,客房污水經其處理後可直接排進大自然,不必鋪設渠處理污水。他們亦借助騰訊控股(00700)技術幫助民宿建立直銷平台,民宿業者得以免去中介收費。
- 北京大興區去年發生造成多人傷亡的公寓奪命大火後,引起連串風波。北京市人大代表、大興區區長王有國周四表示,大興區將規範農民自建房出租行為,發展職住均衡型職工宿舍。其中在發生火災的新建二村將建造「打工者之家」,並配套公共食堂,滿足基本居住需求。
- 互聯網巨擘Facebook(Fb)行政總裁朱克伯格擬籌集5億美元(約39億港元),用於在三藩市建設廉價住房,當地的多家企業及慈善家也會參與其中。數周前,加州新任州長、來自民主黨的紐瑟姆才剛剛呼籲私人機構協助政府解決當地住房嚴重短缺的問題。針對廉住房建立的投資基金會目前已籌集2.6億美元(約19.6億港元),它是朱克伯格和妻子普麗西拉.陳的慈善組織「陳朱克伯格基金會」的一部分,目標是在未來10年中,於三藩市的5個灣區興建至少8000個住房。
- size requirement
- 為避免私人發展商興建太多狹窄的「鞋盒屋」,新加坡政府周三出招規定,從明年一月十七日起,中央區外的私人住宅樓宇單位平均最小面積由現時的七十平方米(約七百五十三平方呎),改為不得小於八十五平方米(約九百一十五呎)。分析師表示,此舉將令私樓呎價下滑,發展商投標土地會更謹慎。
- mpf
- 內地住房城鄉建設部(住建部)、財政部、人民銀行、國土資源部等四個部門周二發出聯合通知,表明開發商不得拒絕買家使用公積金貸款,又責令銀行加快審批相關貸款申請,以保障職工合法權益。通知指出,針對部分房地產開發商拒絕或變相拒絕置業人士使用住房公積金貸款,住建部將加強市場監管,例如要求發展商提供不拒絕購房人使用住房公積金貸款的書面承諾,並在樓盤銷售現場展示;又指將禁止房企以提高住房銷售價格、減少價格折扣等方式,限制、阻撓、拒絕購房人使用住房公積金貸款,以及不得要求買家簽署自願放棄住房公積金貸款權利的書面文件。
- negative
- A new green standard for new build homes will bring an environmental revolution to home building – tackling climate change while keeping household bills low. Unveiled by the Housing Secretary, Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, the Future Homes Standard will see polluting fossil fuel heating systems such as gas boilers banned from new homes by 2025 and replaced with the latest generation of clean technology – such as air source heat pumps and cutting-edge solar panels.
- 以建造業為例,香港因城市發展,包括住房大增、基建擴張,建造業的效率、管理與技術一度提升迅速,在世界上居前列地位。可是,近一、二十年市場壟斷日盛,房地產的利益巨大,反而在許多方面阻礙技術與管理的進一步改善,香港建設工程便不講究設計與功能,更多考慮怎樣用盡地積比,使私營樓宇有更大的利潤收入;公營建築項目則是政府缺乏意願,苟且敷衍,也因監管不力而讓一些承包商偷工減料,及找各種藉口延誤工程,反過來向政府索賠。香港幾年前已提出建造業二○二○年的遠景,對技術等方面的發展都有羅列,卻沒有技術的路徑圖、時間表,也沒有政府的投入,在規管制度上作出保證。或許是既得利益、既有文化阻礙,但業界與政府也是溫溫吞吞,沒有決心。深圳在中央推動下,一六年開始推行裝配式建築,數碼化、標準化、工業化,一七年佔新建築比例達一成。新的政策是二○年達三成以上,政府投資項目要在五成以上,大規模的公共建築在一八年起逐步擴大範圍均要達到百分之一百。
building management
- Strata management, sometimes known as "body corporate management", is a specialist area of property management involving the day-to-day operation and management of a property that is jointly owned and comprises multiple units, common areas and common facilities. It is derived from an Australian concept of property law called strata title applied to the administration of common ownership in apartment buildings on multiple levels, or strata. Emerging markets in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, the Philippines and India have adopted the Australian system. It is one of the fastest growing forms of housing in the United States today, similar to common-interest development(CID), a category that includes planned unit developments of single-family homes, known as homeowner associations (HOAs), condominiums, and cooperative apartments. Federally-subsidized financing provided by two government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac via uniform financial instruments—mortgages that oblige the borrower to honour covenant restrictions of the collective-property regime with PUD or condo riders. Such provisions however are only enforceable where statutes recognise their validity. Common expense liabilities are often subordinated as junior liens in bankruptcy courts, with the bank retaining senior title. The successful management of such developments requires the establishment of a strata title system to provide a framework for ownership, and guidelines to manage developments with multiple users and owners. Many jurisdictions adopt the concept of jointly-owned property. Owners in these types of schemes automatically become members of an owners' or community association. These associations ultimately bear responsibility for the maintenance and management of common areas such as lobbies and corridors, and shared leisure facilities such as swimming pools and gyms. They are also responsible for running the administrative and financial aspects of the property.
attract foreign talent
- 近代歷史最大的技術轉移與創新,來源自人才的遷徙,而遷徙未必依靠硬件、軟件的配合。一是二次大戰前猶太裔科學家從德國和歐洲遷徙至英國、美國,帶來兩國數學、物理學的大發展。二是二戰德國戰敗後,美英法和蘇聯搶奪德國的科學家與工程師,甚至把德國積累的技術文件、整個工廠連人帶物搬走,開啟美蘇的太空科技。三是上世紀五十年代蘇聯援助中國,大批中國海外科學家從歐美回國,建立起中國的國防科技與科學體系。四是九十年代冷戰結束,大批猶太裔科學家、工程師從前蘇聯和東歐移民以色列,造就以色列強大的國防科研、軍工和產業創新。這些大轉移依靠人才把技術轉移,主要出自政治因素,不是靠收入、軟硬件配套來吸引。美國在六十年代之後開啟的世界科技領先,靠的是德國科學家的基礎,美國龐大的聯邦經費投入,和其後吸納全球精英來支持其科研發展,其中主要是人才,特別是海外的人才,不是本地土生土長的人才。中國當代的技術發展,一靠海外回流的科學家,二靠在政治動員下的本土精英,但更近期烏克蘭科學家帶來的技術轉移也是關鍵。中國已開始在科技上與美國競爭,人才因素會更形重要,因而不少海外華人回流,一帶一路正好作為引進人才的平台。大灣區的國際化應作領先示範。
- doctors
- 紐西蘭跟我們一樣宗承英國的醫療系統,來路醫生主要來自英聯邦國家,情理中事。然而其他地方的醫生亦不為見棄,紐西蘭有來自全球130個國家的醫生。即以中國而言,便有77名,絕大部份更是有專科資格的醫生。此外俄羅斯(50名)、烏克蘭(18名),以至戰亂不絕的伊拉克(109名)、敍利亞(10名)和蘇丹(10名)都有。於此可見,紐西蘭醫學會確實言行一致,提供「極富彈性的不同註冊渠道」讓來路醫生到紐西蘭執業。所謂不同渠道,主要是按申請人受訓地區而定。最簡便的,是紐西蘭及澳洲醫學院畢業生,其次是英國及愛爾蘭醫學院畢業、完成醫院實習的醫生;再其次的是所有世衞組織認可醫學院(全世界為數達2,800家)的畢業生。可供香港借鏡的,是他們吸納第三類醫生的辦法。這些醫生到紐西蘭註冊行醫只須通過兩道關卡:一、畢業後,行醫超過33個月;二、在23個醫療系統跟紐西蘭相若的國家註冊執業。這些國家主要在歐洲(北起挪威、冰島,南至希臘、葡萄牙),此外少不了北美的加拿大和美國;整個亞洲,只有新加坡上榜。符合這些資格的醫生基本上來者不拒。叫我感動的是,紐西蘭醫學會讓來路醫生作網上自我測試,看是否具備資格。從申請註冊、鑑定證書文件、去當地面試(當中包括考英文水平)到取得行醫執照,大約需時20個工作天。一年到晚都可以申請,而非像香港的醫委會那樣,每年只辦一次考試,過了廟要等一年。上述說的是普通科醫生,專科醫生則要通過專科考試。該個考試每年舉辦三趟、歷時三小時、全部電腦作答。考試結果不分等級,只分合格與不合格。考試後十個工作天內,電郵通知結果。於此可見,無論是普通科或專科註冊,一切以便民為主。
依我看,紐西蘭給來路醫生發牌,骨子裏是有個基本假設:經世衞認可的醫學院受訓、其資格又得到全球23個醫療水平跟紐西蘭相若的國家認同、有大約三年的實戰經驗;有此資歷,這些普通科醫生的功夫怎會沒有保障?如若他們願意到紐西蘭執業,那又何苦刁難阻撓? - 十年前,新加坡同樣面對醫生不足,但當地政府隨即容許持認可海外醫學院學位的人士,可以免試在新加坡執業。若然查看相關名單,就會發現不但包括部分英聯邦地區,更有來自其他地方的著名醫學院,而內地亦有八間榜上有名,包括清華大學、武漢大學及中山大學等。此等內地名校的醫科生,在各省市存在相當大的渴求,而新加坡政府亦大開方便之門容許其免試執業,是對相關院校水平的肯定。
pay rise
- a group of doctors and nurses in Quebec have called for a cut in their own wages to help mitigate the squeeze on public health service budgets. More than 750 physicians, residents and medical students in the French speaking region have signed an online letter opposing a recent salary hike negotiated by their medical unions.
pay cut for civil service/public officials
- scmp remember a day on a 20jul1979 report The governor of Tokyo cut his own pay by about 40 per cent for a year until July 1980 in response to the city’s poor economic performance. Shunichi Suzuki slashed his monthly salary to 550,000 yen (about HK$12,850 at the time). The governor was heavily criticised the year before when the Metropolitan Assembly raised his pay to 900,000 yen.
silver propulation employment
- 為了協助中老年人士再就業,勞動部推動「多元就業開發方案」及「培力就業計劃」,並向僱用四十五至六十五歲人士的僱主,提供僱用獎助津貼等,措施將擴展至六十五歲以上人士。
international trade
- Dr Liam Fox MP launches the world’s first international trade training scheme to grow the UK’s talent pool of future negotiators, policy makers and Trade Commissioners.The two-year programme is an alternative to traditional graduate schemes, aimed at people of all ages and experience levels and includes international placements with the Department for International Trade (DIT) in one of its 127 locations which include places such as New York, Beijing, Johannesburg, Dubai, Sao Paulo, Mexico City and Singapore.
trade promotion
- As part of the Exporting is GREAT Campaign, the Department for International Trade’s mobile facility the Export Hub is on the move, visiting locations across the UK, hosting a series of exporting events to help you get started in overseas trade during January, February and March 2018. pioneering campaign to transform the way young people see engineering and boost numbers entering the profession has been launched today (15 January 2018). Ministers from across government are joining forces with engineers, industry experts and hundreds of businesses to change perceptions around engineering – and highlight the scale of opportunity that careers in the industry hold for young people in the UK. 2018 is officially the Year of Engineering.
- textile, clothing, footwear, leather (tcf) australia is a support network
- International Trade Secretary, Dr Liam Fox, is today (Monday 22 October) hosting a number of trade events to secure trading ties between UK and US businesses on board the Royal Navy’s HMS Queen Elizabeth in New York.The event takes place days after US Treasury Secretary, Robert Lighthizer, announced that the US intends to begin negotiations towards a UK-US Free Trade Agreement after the UK leaves the European Union. The Department for International Trade (DIT) will host a roundtable bringing together a number of the UK’s world leading cyber companies will to present their technology and software to US Fortune 500 companies, in an effort to secure fruitful new deals. Businesses such as Garrison, iProov and Tessian will attend the event, all of whom have secured US business success in recent months.
- koeco, a sales agent located in seoul, specializes in organizing korean pavilions with korean participants in overseas exhibitions
- us trade fair program
- The Trade Fair Certification Program is no longer accepting applications and has been replaced with a new Trade Event Partnership Program effective July 1, 2019. A federal register notice announcing this change is forthcoming. The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Trade Fair Certification program is a cooperative arrangement between private sector trade show organizers and the U.S. government to increase U.S. exports and expand U.S. participation in overseas trade shows.Trade Show Organizers may apply for Trade Fair Certification in order to offer U.S. exhibitors the export assistance services provided by the U.S. Commercial Service.
- The push for Singapore businesses to expand beyond the shores of the city state has been in place since 1993, when the administration of then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong sought to take the economy regional, calling it the country’s “second wing” – with the first wing being the domestic economy.“Singapore is right in the midst of this booming region,” Goh said in a 1994 parliamentary speech. “Go out and seek your fortunes.”Singaporean corporations such as Keppel, Sembcorp and CapitaLand have since gone on to establish themselves in China. Three prominent government-to-government projects have also emerged: China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city, and the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity.
tourism promotion
- 台灣政府為刺激旅遊業,周二宣布舉辦「來去總統府住一晚」活動,讓外地遊客可以入住總統府。活動的詳情、報名辦法將於今年八月公布,初步計劃接待廿組遊客,申請者須先提交計劃書,再等待評選。大陸、港澳人士可以報名,但須先通過安全審查。
Fashion promotion
-自上世紀六十年代甘迺迪的夫人積琪蓮將法式優雅帶進大眾眼簾後,美國人對第一夫人這個角色有了另類「期待」和不成文「規定」,把她視為時尚代言人,發揮「夫人外交」的軟實力作用,尤其在着裝方面。當年的積琪蓮,因為修讀文學兼留學法國,並在當地時尚雜誌工作過,對法國文化和法式時尚甚有研究和喜愛,加上當時的美國社會還很土氣兼且尚欠自信,她的法式優雅予國民眼前一亮,並刺激美國成衣業升級,拓展高端市場。隨着美國流行文化於上世紀七十年代末抬頭,國民對第一夫人有更高的要求,就是作為美國形象代表。這時,演員出身又身材高挑的里根夫人南茜大派用場,美國時裝設計師協會(CFDA )高層親自游說,勸她在重大場合穿上美國設計師作品,以推廣美國時裝業,她也成為首位兼唯一一位獲該會頒發「終身成就獎」的第一夫人。到了形象專業和身形高大的奧巴馬夫人米歇爾出現,加上她的少數族裔背景和高學歷,美國媒體和時裝界簡直如獲至寶,尚未正式入主白宮,已把她吹捧為積琪蓮翻版──雖然她們形象相差甚遠,且不說時尚雜誌,連像《時代》這樣的時事性周刊,都罕有地闢出兩版,把她打造為「美國面孔」(Face of America),風頭壓倒一眾常年走天橋的超級名模。但對個人條件更佳的梅拉尼婭卻冷淡多了,曾3次讓米歇爾登封面的《Vogue》美國版主編Anna Wintour甚至公開揚言,梅拉尼婭不適合該刊......。
- scmp 11mar19 "israeli start-ups offer lessons for world"
- austria event in cooperation with tdc
- 法國近日推出新勞工福利,為創業而辭職者可獲得十五個月收入,為創業做資金準備。這措施屬於法國失業福利改革的部分修訂,將在下月一日實施,給予國民創業機會。
shared economy
- 民建聯昨公布《應對共享經濟建議書》,將共享經濟歸納為兩點,即以暫時使用權取代擁有權,及服務或產品提供者與需求者之間的轉讓涉及金錢交易。鑑於不少歐美和亞洲等海外政府對共享經濟企業施加一定限制,例如為房屋短租設定上限等,以確保所有租借的資源屬於閒置,建議政府成立共享經濟委員會,集合官方、學者及業界進行研究,以落實規管,並協助推行認證制度,在個別地區或層面推行試驗計劃等。又建議本港效法外國的做法,將共享經濟產業的產品及服務納入政府採購體系中,例如英國政府研究將共享汽車及共享住宿服務納入政府認可名單之中,以扶持業界發展,又研究將不同政府部門閒置的公共資源,例如家具、資訊科技設備,與其他公營部門共享等。
work from home
- scmp 11mar19 "israeli start-ups offer lessons for world"
- austria event in cooperation with tdc
- 法國近日推出新勞工福利,為創業而辭職者可獲得十五個月收入,為創業做資金準備。這措施屬於法國失業福利改革的部分修訂,將在下月一日實施,給予國民創業機會。
shared economy
- 民建聯昨公布《應對共享經濟建議書》,將共享經濟歸納為兩點,即以暫時使用權取代擁有權,及服務或產品提供者與需求者之間的轉讓涉及金錢交易。鑑於不少歐美和亞洲等海外政府對共享經濟企業施加一定限制,例如為房屋短租設定上限等,以確保所有租借的資源屬於閒置,建議政府成立共享經濟委員會,集合官方、學者及業界進行研究,以落實規管,並協助推行認證制度,在個別地區或層面推行試驗計劃等。又建議本港效法外國的做法,將共享經濟產業的產品及服務納入政府採購體系中,例如英國政府研究將共享汽車及共享住宿服務納入政府認可名單之中,以扶持業界發展,又研究將不同政府部門閒置的公共資源,例如家具、資訊科技設備,與其他公營部門共享等。
work from home
- the Department for Work and Pensions will shortly begin trialling a partial remote-working system that will see staff split their time between working from home and from the office. A pilot that will run across more than 20 sites will give DWP staff the option to work from home in a planned way, following the ad-hoc remote-working arrangements it has adopted during the coronavirus crisis. At the end of April, when DWP was seeing its biggest surge in applications for welfare benefits as a result of Covid-19 measures, around 20% of its staff were working from home.The pilot will run for a few months at a mix of DWP locations handling Universal Credit, legacy benefits and pensions, as well as some run by the external Child Maintenance Group.Volunteers will be asked to put themselves forward for the pilot, which will see them work in one of four ways: one day a week in the office and four at home; two days a week in the office, three at home; one week in four in the office, three at home; or alternating weeks spent in the office and at home.A partial work-from-home system will also enable the department to accommodate space restrictions in its offices under the current social distancing rules.
legal infrastructure
- constitution related
- An ABS is a regulated organisation which provides legal services and has some form of non-lawyer involvement. This involvement can either be at the management level eg as a partner, director or member; or as an owner eg an investor or shareholder. The Law Society was designated as a Licensing Body under the Legal Services Act 2007 in December 2011 and started accepting ABS applications from 3rd January 2012. The Council for Licensed Conveyancers is also a licensing authority.
cashless society
- swedish swish payment hket 13nov17 a4
social welfare
- 澳洲財長莫里森昨晚公佈2017至2018年度聯邦預算案,當中包括引入計分制改革福利制度。國民若領取福利金而又不求職,會被扣分,扣至只有4分時,福利金就會減少。扣完全數7分之後,政府將暫停發放福利。7分制系統分為「4分」及「3分」兩個階段,領取者累扣3分後,當局將向他們詢問和發警告,扣到4分時,領取者將開始失去部分福利,積累至7分則取消發放。預算案顯示,澳洲債務已超過5,000億澳元(約2.9萬億港元)的新高,其中福利開支預計增至1,600億澳元(約9,214億港元),莫里森希望政府開支增幅控制在2%左右。為了開源,政府計劃於7月1 日起向大銀行開徵新稅項,料在未來四年為國庫帶來62億澳元(約377億港元)收入。鑑於樓價不斷上升,莫里森表示會設立10億澳元(約57.6億港元)「國家房屋基建措施」基金加快建屋,並容許首置人士向退休金戶口存入額外資金,用作支付首期。
food subsidy
- subsidising poor people to buy fruits hket a23
- A new workplace right to paid leave for bereaved parents has been officially enshrined in law today (Thursday 13 September) as the Parental Leave and Pay Bill achieves Royal Assent.The first law of its kind in the UK will support those affected by the tragedy of childhood mortality and is expected to come into force in 2020.The new Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay Act will give all employed parents a day-one right to 2 weeks’ leave if they lose a child under the age of 18, or suffer a stillbirth from 24 weeks of pregnancy. Employed parents will also be able to claim pay for this period, subject to meeting eligibility criteria.
- paternity leave
- A FEW weeks ago the big change in the budget on March 16th was expected to be a radical revamp of the tax rules on pensions. That idea was abandoned in the face of industry and backbench opposition. But George Osborne, the chancellor, has introduced a scheme that might eventually become the basis for reform—a lifetime individual savings account (ISA). Patrick Bloomfield of Hymans Robertson, a benefits consultancy, described it as “essentially a new pension regime through the backdoor and the first step on the path to a pensions ISA for all”. The new scheme, which will start in April 2017, will be open to those aged between 18 and 40. They will be able to pay up to £4,000 a year ($5,700) into the tax-free account, and the government will pay a bonus of 25% of the amount invested each year until the age of 50. The money can be withdrawn to buy a first home with a value of up to £450,000 without penalty. If the money is left alone until the saver is aged 60, it can be withdrawn tax-free; if the money is withdrawn from the account earlier for any other purpose, the government will reclaim the bonuses (plus any investment return made from them) and charge a 5% penalty.With three separate age requirements and three different tax treatments, the new scheme will add to the complexity facing savers. It will also operate alongside other ISA schemes, including the help-to-buy ISA (also designed to encourage homebuyers) and the cash, stocks-and-shares and innovation ISAs, whose annual savings limit will rise from £15,000 to £20,000. The flexibility of the scheme may tempt more youngsters to save. But it could persuade others to opt out of their company pension plans. That would run counter to the government’s introduction of auto-enrolment into pension schemes. Steve Webb, a former Liberal Democrat pensions minister who now works for Royal London, an insurance company, warned: “Just at the point that millions of under-40s have started pension saving for the first time, the chancellor has set up a rival product which risks causing mass confusion.” Savers attracted by the government bonus may forget that, under corporate pension schemes, employers usually match the employee’s contribution—the equivalent of an uplift of 100%. And cautious youngsters may keep their lifetime ISAs in low-yielding cash, rather than riskier assets like equities that tend to yield higher returns over the long term. That may mean savers end up with inadequate pensions.
- with barely 300 days remaining of his presidency, Barack Obama is fighting to push through his last big financial reform before he leaves office — and once again, large sections of the industry have united to try to stop him. The administration is close to finalising proposals that will radically change the way retirement products are sold to Americans, introducing a new “fiduciary standard” that the president says will sweep away hidden fees, egregious commissions and conflicts of interest that cost savers billions of dollars a year. But wealth managers and other retirement specialists contend that a key provision — a watertight legal requirement to put their clients’ interests first — is simply too onerous and will leave the poorest savers struggling to find advice.
房企轉型資產管理 - 可借鏡新加坡
- 事實上佔地面積四十公頃的西九文化區,應借鑑規模相若的澳洲悉尼海濱發展項目布朗格魯(Barangaroo)作休憩樂園,該項目辦得有聲有色,當中一五年開幕的海濱公園布朗格魯保護區(Barangaroo Reserve)更以土著文化及保育作主題,結合臨海單車徑及岸邊砂岩等獨特元素,令其躍升新進文化地標
-新加坡國 家美術館experience
- The Beijing Zoo clothes market, one of the biggest garment wholesale centers in North China, has been in operation since the 1980s. During its heyday, more than 80,000 people used to come to buy clothes from 13,000 stalls every day. Part of the market is now known as Baolan Financial Innovation Center and home to five financial and high-tech enterprises.- 早前,香港文匯報記者有幸參觀了位於澳門沙梨頭海邊街的沙梨頭圖書館,該圖書館於去年12月9日正式啟用。讀者可能會疑惑,香港幾乎每區都有圖書館,位於澳門的一座圖書館,又有何特別之處?的確,香港也有圖書館,設備一應俱全,藏書量也毫不遜色,可是,一式一樣的倒模式裝修,配以單調的顏色,總少了一份平易近人的感覺。而澳門的沙梨頭圖書館,單看其外表已有驚喜,更重要是該圖書館由舊建築活化而成,甚具價值。
heritage buildings
- 印度政府早前推出古蹟「收養」計劃,容許私人企業代替政府管理近95處古蹟,包括著名景點泰姬陵,引起保育人士強烈不滿。文物保育專家批評政府縱容企業將古蹟私有化。按照新計劃,眾多古蹟將容許被企業接管,包括泰姬陵、古德卜高塔、德里紅堡等。旅遊部上周已跟當地企業Dalmia Bharat簽訂總值2.5億盧比(約2,942萬港元)的5年合約,讓對方接管德里紅堡及南部安德拉邦一座堡壘。政府發言人表示,合約收益將用於發展、營運及維護紅堡附近的設施,而Dalmia Bharat就古蹟進行的一切商業行為,包括刊登廣告及擬定票價,均需接受當局監管。反對派炮轟方案,形容實際是將古蹟私有化。西孟加拉邦首長班納吉形容,出租紅堡是印度歷史上令人悲傷和黑暗的一天。
- singapore case scmp 4jul18 "keeping in character"
- kuala lumpur case scmp 7aug18 "the preservation society"
- 2017年,山西省政府在介休市張 壁古堡啟動了 「文明守望工程」 ,開始 在全省推廣 「文物認養」 保護模式。山 西省現存地上古建築超過5500處,僅 憑政府的力量無法有效保護,很多都處 於瀕危狀態,因此決定求助社會力量參 與。一家煤炭企業自2009年起就承擔 保護張壁古堡的任務,並和介休市政府 簽訂了託管協議,最終將這裏打造成一 個4A級旅遊景區,現在,張壁古堡每 年的門票收入已經增長到1000萬元, 堪稱 「文物認養」 的典範。
- 自從2017年起中國台灣尤其台北市和新北市捲起一股危老/都更台風,重燃台灣廣大市民都更活動的熱情,小業主對危老建築重建及都市更新(簡稱危老/都更)執行的可能性重拾信心,一股城市重建熱潮悠然而生
- economist 1aug2020 "beauty in decay" a plan to knock down abandoned buildings (in england) is bad news for some
legal infrastructure
- constitution related
- civil servants taking allegiance oath, education, celebration, 177國公僕須依法宣誓效忠憲法
- The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia) is a court in Indonesia which part of Judicial branch of Government of Indonesia, whose primary role is the reviewing of constitutionality under the Constitution. It also has administrative law functions such as ruling on competence disputes between governmental entities, giving final decisions on impeachments, and making judgments on the dissolution of political parties. It was established as a consequence of the third amendment to the Constitution of Indonesia, ratified by the People's Consultative Assembly on 9 November 2001. Between the adoption of the third Constitutional amendment and the establishment of the Constitutional Court, the duties of the Constitutional Court were carried out by the Supreme Court.
- On 30 September this year, the President issued Presidential Regulation No. 63 of 2019 on the Use of Indonesian Language (PR 63) as the implementing regulation of Law No. 24 of 2009 on National Flag, Language, Emblem and National Anthem (Law 24). Before the issuance of PR 63, the common practice to conform with Law 24 for agreements where a foreign party was involved was to (1) negotiate and execute the agreement in the national language of the foreign party (Foreign Language) and/or English language, (2) prepare and execute the Indonesian language version shortly after but effective as of the date of the Foreign Language and/or English language version, and (3) have the Foreign Language and/or English language version effectively as the governing language version. However, with the issuance of PR 63, that approach would need to be revisited. With the passage of PR 63, it is clear that for future transactions a bilingual format (or any other format the parties choose so long as there is a corresponding version in Indonesian language) is required. The regulation gives the rationale that the non-Indonesian language version is an equivalent or translation to ensure the common understanding of the parties to the agreement.
- An ABS is a regulated organisation which provides legal services and has some form of non-lawyer involvement. This involvement can either be at the management level eg as a partner, director or member; or as an owner eg an investor or shareholder. The Law Society was designated as a Licensing Body under the Legal Services Act 2007 in December 2011 and started accepting ABS applications from 3rd January 2012. The Council for Licensed Conveyancers is also a licensing authority.
- kpmg obtained an licence in 2014
cashless society
- swedish swish payment hket 13nov17 a4
social welfare
- 澳洲財長莫里森昨晚公佈2017至2018年度聯邦預算案,當中包括引入計分制改革福利制度。國民若領取福利金而又不求職,會被扣分,扣至只有4分時,福利金就會減少。扣完全數7分之後,政府將暫停發放福利。7分制系統分為「4分」及「3分」兩個階段,領取者累扣3分後,當局將向他們詢問和發警告,扣到4分時,領取者將開始失去部分福利,積累至7分則取消發放。預算案顯示,澳洲債務已超過5,000億澳元(約2.9萬億港元)的新高,其中福利開支預計增至1,600億澳元(約9,214億港元),莫里森希望政府開支增幅控制在2%左右。為了開源,政府計劃於7月1 日起向大銀行開徵新稅項,料在未來四年為國庫帶來62億澳元(約377億港元)收入。鑑於樓價不斷上升,莫里森表示會設立10億澳元(約57.6億港元)「國家房屋基建措施」基金加快建屋,並容許首置人士向退休金戶口存入額外資金,用作支付首期。
food subsidy
- subsidising poor people to buy fruits hket a23
- A new workplace right to paid leave for bereaved parents has been officially enshrined in law today (Thursday 13 September) as the Parental Leave and Pay Bill achieves Royal Assent.The first law of its kind in the UK will support those affected by the tragedy of childhood mortality and is expected to come into force in 2020.The new Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay Act will give all employed parents a day-one right to 2 weeks’ leave if they lose a child under the age of 18, or suffer a stillbirth from 24 weeks of pregnancy. Employed parents will also be able to claim pay for this period, subject to meeting eligibility criteria.
- paternity leave
- 芬蘭女總理馬林政府周三更宣布好消息,擬於明年秋天起,將初為人父男士的侍產假,增加至與女性產假看齊的近七個月。
- A FEW weeks ago the big change in the budget on March 16th was expected to be a radical revamp of the tax rules on pensions. That idea was abandoned in the face of industry and backbench opposition. But George Osborne, the chancellor, has introduced a scheme that might eventually become the basis for reform—a lifetime individual savings account (ISA). Patrick Bloomfield of Hymans Robertson, a benefits consultancy, described it as “essentially a new pension regime through the backdoor and the first step on the path to a pensions ISA for all”. The new scheme, which will start in April 2017, will be open to those aged between 18 and 40. They will be able to pay up to £4,000 a year ($5,700) into the tax-free account, and the government will pay a bonus of 25% of the amount invested each year until the age of 50. The money can be withdrawn to buy a first home with a value of up to £450,000 without penalty. If the money is left alone until the saver is aged 60, it can be withdrawn tax-free; if the money is withdrawn from the account earlier for any other purpose, the government will reclaim the bonuses (plus any investment return made from them) and charge a 5% penalty.With three separate age requirements and three different tax treatments, the new scheme will add to the complexity facing savers. It will also operate alongside other ISA schemes, including the help-to-buy ISA (also designed to encourage homebuyers) and the cash, stocks-and-shares and innovation ISAs, whose annual savings limit will rise from £15,000 to £20,000. The flexibility of the scheme may tempt more youngsters to save. But it could persuade others to opt out of their company pension plans. That would run counter to the government’s introduction of auto-enrolment into pension schemes. Steve Webb, a former Liberal Democrat pensions minister who now works for Royal London, an insurance company, warned: “Just at the point that millions of under-40s have started pension saving for the first time, the chancellor has set up a rival product which risks causing mass confusion.” Savers attracted by the government bonus may forget that, under corporate pension schemes, employers usually match the employee’s contribution—the equivalent of an uplift of 100%. And cautious youngsters may keep their lifetime ISAs in low-yielding cash, rather than riskier assets like equities that tend to yield higher returns over the long term. That may mean savers end up with inadequate pensions.
- with barely 300 days remaining of his presidency, Barack Obama is fighting to push through his last big financial reform before he leaves office — and once again, large sections of the industry have united to try to stop him. The administration is close to finalising proposals that will radically change the way retirement products are sold to Americans, introducing a new “fiduciary standard” that the president says will sweep away hidden fees, egregious commissions and conflicts of interest that cost savers billions of dollars a year. But wealth managers and other retirement specialists contend that a key provision — a watertight legal requirement to put their clients’ interests first — is simply too onerous and will leave the poorest savers struggling to find advice.
房企轉型資產管理 - 可借鏡新加坡
- 事實上佔地面積四十公頃的西九文化區,應借鑑規模相若的澳洲悉尼海濱發展項目布朗格魯(Barangaroo)作休憩樂園,該項目辦得有聲有色,當中一五年開幕的海濱公園布朗格魯保護區(Barangaroo Reserve)更以土著文化及保育作主題,結合臨海單車徑及岸邊砂岩等獨特元素,令其躍升新進文化地標
-新加坡國 家美術館experience
- The Beijing Zoo clothes market, one of the biggest garment wholesale centers in North China, has been in operation since the 1980s. During its heyday, more than 80,000 people used to come to buy clothes from 13,000 stalls every day. Part of the market is now known as Baolan Financial Innovation Center and home to five financial and high-tech enterprises.- 早前,香港文匯報記者有幸參觀了位於澳門沙梨頭海邊街的沙梨頭圖書館,該圖書館於去年12月9日正式啟用。讀者可能會疑惑,香港幾乎每區都有圖書館,位於澳門的一座圖書館,又有何特別之處?的確,香港也有圖書館,設備一應俱全,藏書量也毫不遜色,可是,一式一樣的倒模式裝修,配以單調的顏色,總少了一份平易近人的感覺。而澳門的沙梨頭圖書館,單看其外表已有驚喜,更重要是該圖書館由舊建築活化而成,甚具價值。
heritage buildings
- 印度政府早前推出古蹟「收養」計劃,容許私人企業代替政府管理近95處古蹟,包括著名景點泰姬陵,引起保育人士強烈不滿。文物保育專家批評政府縱容企業將古蹟私有化。按照新計劃,眾多古蹟將容許被企業接管,包括泰姬陵、古德卜高塔、德里紅堡等。旅遊部上周已跟當地企業Dalmia Bharat簽訂總值2.5億盧比(約2,942萬港元)的5年合約,讓對方接管德里紅堡及南部安德拉邦一座堡壘。政府發言人表示,合約收益將用於發展、營運及維護紅堡附近的設施,而Dalmia Bharat就古蹟進行的一切商業行為,包括刊登廣告及擬定票價,均需接受當局監管。反對派炮轟方案,形容實際是將古蹟私有化。西孟加拉邦首長班納吉形容,出租紅堡是印度歷史上令人悲傷和黑暗的一天。
- singapore case scmp 4jul18 "keeping in character"
- kuala lumpur case scmp 7aug18 "the preservation society"
- 2017年,山西省政府在介休市張 壁古堡啟動了 「文明守望工程」 ,開始 在全省推廣 「文物認養」 保護模式。山 西省現存地上古建築超過5500處,僅 憑政府的力量無法有效保護,很多都處 於瀕危狀態,因此決定求助社會力量參 與。一家煤炭企業自2009年起就承擔 保護張壁古堡的任務,並和介休市政府 簽訂了託管協議,最終將這裏打造成一 個4A級旅遊景區,現在,張壁古堡每 年的門票收入已經增長到1000萬元, 堪稱 「文物認養」 的典範。
- 自從2017年起中國台灣尤其台北市和新北市捲起一股危老/都更台風,重燃台灣廣大市民都更活動的熱情,小業主對危老建築重建及都市更新(簡稱危老/都更)執行的可能性重拾信心,一股城市重建熱潮悠然而生
- economist 1aug2020 "beauty in decay" a plan to knock down abandoned buildings (in england) is bad news for some
- 法國瓦茲省貢比涅一座百年監獄,五年前關閉後一直丟空,當局為保育這歷史建築,近日公開拍賣,有志在必得的買家開出逾底價兩倍價錢競投。然而,由於拍賣並非按價高者得原則,官方將研究競投者的發展計劃,預料明年首季會有正式結果。
- 美國肯塔基州一個小鎮近日舉行狗鎮長選舉,一隻法國鬥牛犬最終以逾1.3萬票,擊敗前任狗市長,成為新一任狗鎮長。該鎮自1998年起,每3年舉辦一次狗鎮長選舉,按照競選傳統,只有犬隻才可成為鎮長候選人。鎮上民眾捐出的每一美元都算作一張選票,籌得款項會用以用來保護鎮上的歷史建築。落選的鎮長候選人將擔任小鎮大使。
- 鄭泳舜表示,他12月29日與發展局局長會晤時,有提及可以參考境外水務建築保育例子,如悉尼東面柏丁頓地下水庫保育方案,把該處復修為一個公園
post office site redevelopment
- singapore case
Old residential buildings
- 內地媒體報道,根據當地政府部門的數據,目前6層以下住宅共有15萬個單位具備加裝電梯的條件。當局將專門針對既有住宅增設電梯實施「三通一免」舉措,包括開通「業務辦理綠色通道」、打通技術通道、暢通救援通道、免除檢驗費用,「特事特辦」盡快解決年老居民出行難題。香港也可借鑑北京為舊樓加裝電梯措施,藉以提高居住在多層舊樓人士包括長者的生活質素,同以亦可在長者召喚救援時,救護人員更快速運送長者到醫院。和香港所面對的一樣,內地大城市人口高齡化,老舊社區多層住宅老年人出行困難的問題日益受到關注。首都北京市住建委會同市質監局等部門,早前制定《北京市既有多層住宅增設電梯試點工作實施方案》,要求城六區有序開展既有多層住宅增設電梯試點工作。媒體報道和平里一區某樓作為加裝電梯試點,已於日前安裝完畢,經北京市特種設備檢測中心監督檢驗合格,東城區質監局准予使用登記許可後,成為全市試點項目中第一台正式投用的老舊社區加裝電梯。
harbourfront/waterfront-今年年底,黃浦江兩 岸 45公里濱水公共開放空間將全線貫通, 屆時上海西岸有望比肩倫敦南岸、巴黎左 岸,晉升城市文化新地標。
- scmp 18dec17 report on NY Department of City Planning's launch of waterfront plan in 1992 and article titled "HK urged to learn from NY"
- 創建香港和香港水上運動議會提出將啟德明渠進口道及其周邊空間,打造成國際水上運動中心,或類似澳洲悉尼達令港的休閒活動中心;擬建三層高運動中心,放置賽艇、觀景台和更衣室等設施,運動中心亦可支援都會公園的陸上運動。
vertical garden
- 哥倫比亞有團隊設計及興建出全球最大的「垂直花園」,在九層高的住宅大樓外牆種植逾十萬棵植物,讓住戶體驗冬暖夏涼的怡人天氣之餘,每年更能為三千多人提供新鮮的空氣和過濾數以千噸計的有害氣體。
- french vertical garden designer patrick blanc hkej 19jun18 c3
drainage outlet
- examples in foreign countries hket 11dec17 a30
street market
- the Christmas market on the Champs-Elysées entices tourists with twinkling lights and mulled wine, but after its cancellation this year there is little Yuletide cheer, with furious stallholders planning street protests from Monday. Marcel Campion, who founded the market nine years ago, objects to a city council decision to cancel the event on the grounds that it sells inferior quality food, toys and trinkets at inflated prices that damage the city’s image. Mr Campion, 77, a flamboyant figure who is nicknamed the “fairground king” or the “gypsy CEO”, has vowed to lead protests by eight traders’ unions which he claims will “bring Paris to a standstill”.
- scmp 28sep18 "in praise of melting pot" hawker food in singapore
free public transport
- dunkirk, estonia, luxembourg
- free buses in taillinn economist 11may19
- 為解決空氣污染及交通擠塞問題,盧森堡前日起全國公共交通免費,成全球首例。由當日起,國內所有巴士、輕鐵及火車都毋須車票,所有乘客可直接登車。據估計,受惠國民每年可節省一百歐元(約八百六十港元)車費。
traffic control
- 南部城市班加羅爾警方為減少交通違規情況,在繁忙道路安置多個假人交通警察「當值」。警方甚至使出「移形換影」計,讓真警員和假人交替當值,不少人大呼「被殺一個措手不及」。 水上巴士
- 可持續大嶼辦事處考慮加強該處的水路及陸路接駁,提出嶄新構思包括倣效巴黎塞納河設水上巴士, 大批接載市民及旅客進出大澳,又指未來規劃大澳時,會先研究承載力,不希望破壞漁鄉風貌,令大澳成為旺角。
cycle track
- 相比起台灣、泰國等地,香港單車徑問題多多,由配套設施以至路線設計,水平被批仍未達國際標準。香港職業單車選手楊英瀚坦言,「泰國有條二十四公里長嘅單車徑,冇任何阻礙物,可以一路踩到底;而台灣亦推出多項政策,方便踩單車人士,惟獨香港咁差。」
- 韓國正建造長達5,000公里的全球最長單車徑,現已建成2,700公里,吸引外國遊客、推動旅遊業,並令原本很少踩單車的韓國人漸漸愛上這項運動。韓國前總統李明博於2008年提出「四大江工程」,整治韓國四大江,同時沿江邊建立完善單車徑,因此被稱為「四大江單車徑」。當中最長的一條由仁川直達釜山,單程600多公里,沿途可欣賞韓國城鄉美景,近年已是韓國旅遊業一大賣點。 As part of the town hall’s plan to increase the share of trips taken by bicycle from 5% to 15% by 2020, protected cycling routes are being extended along some of the city’s main arteries. An entire lane on the busy Rue de Rivoli is being converted into a two-way bike route. The left bank’s quayside road was closed to cars in 2013, six years after the city installed a bike-sharing scheme. Inevitably, until habits change (assuming that they ever do), traffic on those roads still open to vehicles is now more clogged than ever.
- park
- design
- parking space
post office site redevelopment
- singapore case
Old residential buildings
- 內地媒體報道,根據當地政府部門的數據,目前6層以下住宅共有15萬個單位具備加裝電梯的條件。當局將專門針對既有住宅增設電梯實施「三通一免」舉措,包括開通「業務辦理綠色通道」、打通技術通道、暢通救援通道、免除檢驗費用,「特事特辦」盡快解決年老居民出行難題。香港也可借鑑北京為舊樓加裝電梯措施,藉以提高居住在多層舊樓人士包括長者的生活質素,同以亦可在長者召喚救援時,救護人員更快速運送長者到醫院。和香港所面對的一樣,內地大城市人口高齡化,老舊社區多層住宅老年人出行困難的問題日益受到關注。首都北京市住建委會同市質監局等部門,早前制定《北京市既有多層住宅增設電梯試點工作實施方案》,要求城六區有序開展既有多層住宅增設電梯試點工作。媒體報道和平里一區某樓作為加裝電梯試點,已於日前安裝完畢,經北京市特種設備檢測中心監督檢驗合格,東城區質監局准予使用登記許可後,成為全市試點項目中第一台正式投用的老舊社區加裝電梯。
harbourfront/waterfront-今年年底,黃浦江兩 岸 45公里濱水公共開放空間將全線貫通, 屆時上海西岸有望比肩倫敦南岸、巴黎左 岸,晉升城市文化新地標。
- scmp 18dec17 report on NY Department of City Planning's launch of waterfront plan in 1992 and article titled "HK urged to learn from NY"
- 創建香港和香港水上運動議會提出將啟德明渠進口道及其周邊空間,打造成國際水上運動中心,或類似澳洲悉尼達令港的休閒活動中心;擬建三層高運動中心,放置賽艇、觀景台和更衣室等設施,運動中心亦可支援都會公園的陸上運動。
vertical garden
- 哥倫比亞有團隊設計及興建出全球最大的「垂直花園」,在九層高的住宅大樓外牆種植逾十萬棵植物,讓住戶體驗冬暖夏涼的怡人天氣之餘,每年更能為三千多人提供新鮮的空氣和過濾數以千噸計的有害氣體。
- french vertical garden designer patrick blanc hkej 19jun18 c3
drainage outlet
- examples in foreign countries hket 11dec17 a30
street market
- the Christmas market on the Champs-Elysées entices tourists with twinkling lights and mulled wine, but after its cancellation this year there is little Yuletide cheer, with furious stallholders planning street protests from Monday. Marcel Campion, who founded the market nine years ago, objects to a city council decision to cancel the event on the grounds that it sells inferior quality food, toys and trinkets at inflated prices that damage the city’s image. Mr Campion, 77, a flamboyant figure who is nicknamed the “fairground king” or the “gypsy CEO”, has vowed to lead protests by eight traders’ unions which he claims will “bring Paris to a standstill”.
- scmp 28sep18 "in praise of melting pot" hawker food in singapore
free public transport
- dunkirk, estonia, luxembourg
- free buses in taillinn economist 11may19
- 為解決空氣污染及交通擠塞問題,盧森堡前日起全國公共交通免費,成全球首例。由當日起,國內所有巴士、輕鐵及火車都毋須車票,所有乘客可直接登車。據估計,受惠國民每年可節省一百歐元(約八百六十港元)車費。
traffic control
- 南部城市班加羅爾警方為減少交通違規情況,在繁忙道路安置多個假人交通警察「當值」。警方甚至使出「移形換影」計,讓真警員和假人交替當值,不少人大呼「被殺一個措手不及」。 水上巴士
- 可持續大嶼辦事處考慮加強該處的水路及陸路接駁,提出嶄新構思包括倣效巴黎塞納河設水上巴士, 大批接載市民及旅客進出大澳,又指未來規劃大澳時,會先研究承載力,不希望破壞漁鄉風貌,令大澳成為旺角。
cycle track
- 相比起台灣、泰國等地,香港單車徑問題多多,由配套設施以至路線設計,水平被批仍未達國際標準。香港職業單車選手楊英瀚坦言,「泰國有條二十四公里長嘅單車徑,冇任何阻礙物,可以一路踩到底;而台灣亦推出多項政策,方便踩單車人士,惟獨香港咁差。」
- 韓國正建造長達5,000公里的全球最長單車徑,現已建成2,700公里,吸引外國遊客、推動旅遊業,並令原本很少踩單車的韓國人漸漸愛上這項運動。韓國前總統李明博於2008年提出「四大江工程」,整治韓國四大江,同時沿江邊建立完善單車徑,因此被稱為「四大江單車徑」。當中最長的一條由仁川直達釜山,單程600多公里,沿途可欣賞韓國城鄉美景,近年已是韓國旅遊業一大賣點。 As part of the town hall’s plan to increase the share of trips taken by bicycle from 5% to 15% by 2020, protected cycling routes are being extended along some of the city’s main arteries. An entire lane on the busy Rue de Rivoli is being converted into a two-way bike route. The left bank’s quayside road was closed to cars in 2013, six years after the city installed a bike-sharing scheme. Inevitably, until habits change (assuming that they ever do), traffic on those roads still open to vehicles is now more clogged than ever.
- park
- The scale of Dutch investments shows cycling is about more than just the issue of transportation, according to BYCS, a social enterprise behind a network of international cycle mayors. “The bike park in Utrecht shows you need massive investments into cycling infrastructure parking, cycle lanes and great architecture, but we believe this is one of the most impactful things a city can do,” said its strategy director, Adam Stones.
- design
- 今次事發的單車徑與行車道之間,有石壆作分隔,美國城市規劃界一般視之為較安全的設計,但由於成本高昂及缺乏靈活度而未受廣泛應用。美國各城鎮自二○一○年代初,普遍採用低成本「緩衝式單車徑」設計,在最靠側的行人路旁,是供駕駛人士停泊車輛的專用線道;而泊車線道的另一面,便是單向單車徑。這設計現最常見於紐約、西雅圖和洛杉磯等城市,今次恐襲,勢必令此設計更備受爭議。紐約市政府早前在皇后區推行試驗計劃,在公路與單車徑間放置巨型石躉,防止汽車剷上單車徑。然而,居民不滿石躉阻擋視線,認為危險性不減反增,未料居民選擇捨棄石躉方案之際,紐約便發生汽車撞人事件。
- parking space
- 區諾軒喺Facebook發貼,話一直喜歡睇大學社區,甚至到社區內的舊書店閒逛,而劍橋作為英國僅次於牛津歷史悠久嘅學府,想去睇吓校園內嘅歷史建築,但由於車站距離劍橋大學校園頗遠,所以租單車踩入去周圍睇,仲話如果冇單車,難以喺一日內行完整個劍橋社區。佢又話近來旅行都喜歡踩單車,好處係可以在有限時間內走更遠的路,大讚倫敦有成熟的共享單車系統,連校園內都會見到共享單車出現, 但反觀香港冇指定停泊位,就最需要改善。佢舉例,倫敦要喺指定位置取車,日本則擺設共享單車點,認為唔同地方用唔同方式規管,正係為咗減少誘因令人隨處泊 單車喎。
- Japan’s cities are leading the world in the development and widespread introduction of automated multi-level cycle parking systems. IC tags attached to the cycles are the key to fully automated systems that ensure smooth, rapid storage and retrieval, even at the busiest times of the day. Multi-level parking spaces can efficiently store very large numbers of bicycles, either under city streets or squeezed into narrow city lots. This new technology is a great boon for urban planners, providing much needed parking that’s hidden out of sight.
- 大阪地鐵最近與一間單車共享公司合作,在地鐵沿線車站設立共享電動單車服務。目前對象只限登記成為會員並持有相關智能卡的當地人,但稍後將設立遊客專用的登記網站,以便讓到訪大阪旅遊的人士隨意租用。使用Cycle Port的方式與香港租用共享單車的方式相同,不過前者提供的是裝設助行引擎的電動單車。在日本駕駛電動單車不需領牌,但香港法例暫時仍把電動單車視作電單車的一種,需要領牌才可駕駛。
electric car charging station
road toll
- world main service supplier - abertis (spain), atlantia (italy) ft 18dec17
- Manhattan embraces road pricing - It's not up to you - The Economist 6apr19 The Regional Plan Association proposed road-pricing in 1996. Michael Bloomberg's 2007 plan was not even debated on the state legislature ...
- 英國倫敦運輸局為了減少區內污染汽車行駛數目,自本月八日起實施超低排放區收費計劃。凡車齡超過十四年的無鉛汽油車、不符歐盟標準第六級碳排放規定的其他汽車,一旦駛入倫敦市中心環回公路A406內,每日均須繳交至少十二點五英鎊(約一百二十八港元),有車主認為收費太貴,有人更直指措施是歧視舊車車主。
- 法國首都巴黎市政府計劃頒布新法例,規定例如Airbnb之類服務的短期出租住所房東,事先向市政府登記,有望於今年十二月實行。這類屋主可於十月一日起登記,每個住所只可登記一次。有關規定防止長期租客在沒有屋主的批准下,把住所在網上短期出租。
- overseas cases including estonia hket 23oct17 a31
廣州 市公安局近日通報稱,在12個已建成的 出入境智慧辦證大廳,可實現預約、查 詢、照相、受理、簽註、繳費、發證等 業務的全流程自助辦理,相比人工窗口 效率提升5至10倍。
Mtr designated cart for women
- 深圳與廣州本周起相繼在地鐵試行設置女士優先車廂。深圳地鐵1、3、4、5號線雙方向列車首、末節車廂昨日正式啟用女士優先車廂。記者發現,因車廂內相關標識並不明顯,大多數乘客並不知道自己乘坐的車廂是女士優先的。有市民表示,該車廂並非對男女乘客進行強制隔離,故實際上與普通車廂並無差別。
- 新交所高級副總裁林榮顯昨日在港表示,新加坡比香港更早審視「雙重股權」架構公司相關的上市操作,第一步是容許在「已發展市場」第一上市的「雙重股權」架構公司,於新加坡第二上市;第二步就可能考慮讓「雙重股權」架構公司在新加坡作第一上市。今年七月,新交所已表示將容許在「已發展市場」第一上市的「雙重股權」架構公司於新加坡第二上市。而今年二月,新交所已發表諮詢文件,建議讓「雙重股權」架構公司第一上市,諮詢期於四月中結束,目標是今年底前有決定。
Presidential Distinguished Service Award for the Irish Abroad
community award
- The All-America City Award is given by the National Civic League annually to ten communities in the United States. It recognizes those whose citizens work together to identify and tackle community-wide challenges and achieve uncommon results. Winners can be neighborhoods, towns, villages, cities, counties, or regions. The All-America Award is the oldest community recognition program in the nation. Since the program's inception in 1949, more than 600 communities have been named All-America Cities.[1] Each year, interested communities submit a comprehensive package based on published criteria that are evaluated in the award selection process. Deserving communities are named as finalists, and the year's ten award winners are named from that pool of applicants.
Oath taking
- 陳澤武在會議後稱,收到澳門政府提交的新文本,當中加入候選人須簽署聲明書,聲明接受候選名單、擁護中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區《基本法》、效忠中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區以及不處於任何沒被選資格情況。
Bonham case - mentioned by 梁定邦
- Bonham was a physician by qualification, with a Cambridge medical degree (date now unclear), styling himself a medical doctor by 1602. He was not thereby qualified to practise in London by administering internal remedies, without a license from the College of Physicians of London. Bonham took the side of the surgeons, then a separate profession, who in 1605 petitioned parliament, unsuccessfully, for full rights as doctors. Then putting himself forward for examination by the College of Physicians in 1605, and 1606, he had a confrontation withHenry Atkins of the College on the second occasion. Finding himself in Newgate Prison for contempt of the College, he was freed by his lawyer under habeas corpus.[1] Still faced with a large fine from the College for unlicensed practice, Bonham pursued the matter by legal means, which set the Court of Common Pleas against the Court of King's Bench. Sir Edward Coke in the Common Pleas ruled for Bonham, who was again in prison, and fined the College, at the same time commenting on the College's status (a charter confirmed by parliament) as potentially subject to the common law. Coke's decision outraged the king and some leading lawyers, and continued to resonate for two centuries.
garbage classification
- The Household Garbage Classification System Implementation Plan issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, which requires that a classification-based waste collection, transportation and disposal system be established, has been forwarded by the State Council. According to the plan, by the end of 2020, there will be a reproducible household garbage classification model that can be rolled out across the country, and in cities that implement this model, at least 35 percent of household garbage should be recycled. The plan said the program should be carried out on a trial basis in some major cities, such as municipalities and provincial capitals. Local governments should raise awareness of garbage classification and encourage residents to segregate their garbage.
- 阿Ben早前就同助理去澳門,用一日時間睇當地收集垃圾同分類方法,仲大讚澳門絕對值得香港借鏡咁話。佢透露,澳門嘅垃圾收集箱雖然體積較香港大,但係容量就多九倍,因為佢可以將垃圾壓縮。
- 澳洲去年採用智能回收機,以經濟誘因協助回收廢物,只要投入棄置膠樽或玻璃樽等,立即「有賺」,回贈現金、優惠券甚至慈善捐贈,成功提升回收率。不少國家都推崇類似做法,本港卻只有部分私人公司推行,政府沒有帶頭推行,更只沿用成效不彰的三色回收箱回收,環保團體狠批港府令「垃圾圍城」日益惡化。
electric car charging station
road toll
- world main service supplier - abertis (spain), atlantia (italy) ft 18dec17
- Manhattan embraces road pricing - It's not up to you - The Economist 6apr19 The Regional Plan Association proposed road-pricing in 1996. Michael Bloomberg's 2007 plan was not even debated on the state legislature ...
- 英國倫敦運輸局為了減少區內污染汽車行駛數目,自本月八日起實施超低排放區收費計劃。凡車齡超過十四年的無鉛汽油車、不符歐盟標準第六級碳排放規定的其他汽車,一旦駛入倫敦市中心環回公路A406內,每日均須繳交至少十二點五英鎊(約一百二十八港元),有車主認為收費太貴,有人更直指措施是歧視舊車車主。
- 法國首都巴黎市政府計劃頒布新法例,規定例如Airbnb之類服務的短期出租住所房東,事先向市政府登記,有望於今年十二月實行。這類屋主可於十月一日起登記,每個住所只可登記一次。有關規定防止長期租客在沒有屋主的批准下,把住所在網上短期出租。
- overseas cases including estonia hket 23oct17 a31
廣州 市公安局近日通報稱,在12個已建成的 出入境智慧辦證大廳,可實現預約、查 詢、照相、受理、簽註、繳費、發證等 業務的全流程自助辦理,相比人工窗口 效率提升5至10倍。
Mtr designated cart for women
- 深圳與廣州本周起相繼在地鐵試行設置女士優先車廂。深圳地鐵1、3、4、5號線雙方向列車首、末節車廂昨日正式啟用女士優先車廂。記者發現,因車廂內相關標識並不明顯,大多數乘客並不知道自己乘坐的車廂是女士優先的。有市民表示,該車廂並非對男女乘客進行強制隔離,故實際上與普通車廂並無差別。
- 新交所高級副總裁林榮顯昨日在港表示,新加坡比香港更早審視「雙重股權」架構公司相關的上市操作,第一步是容許在「已發展市場」第一上市的「雙重股權」架構公司,於新加坡第二上市;第二步就可能考慮讓「雙重股權」架構公司在新加坡作第一上市。今年七月,新交所已表示將容許在「已發展市場」第一上市的「雙重股權」架構公司於新加坡第二上市。而今年二月,新交所已發表諮詢文件,建議讓「雙重股權」架構公司第一上市,諮詢期於四月中結束,目標是今年底前有決定。
Presidential Distinguished Service Award for the Irish Abroad
community award
- The All-America City Award is given by the National Civic League annually to ten communities in the United States. It recognizes those whose citizens work together to identify and tackle community-wide challenges and achieve uncommon results. Winners can be neighborhoods, towns, villages, cities, counties, or regions. The All-America Award is the oldest community recognition program in the nation. Since the program's inception in 1949, more than 600 communities have been named All-America Cities.[1] Each year, interested communities submit a comprehensive package based on published criteria that are evaluated in the award selection process. Deserving communities are named as finalists, and the year's ten award winners are named from that pool of applicants.
Oath taking
- 陳澤武在會議後稱,收到澳門政府提交的新文本,當中加入候選人須簽署聲明書,聲明接受候選名單、擁護中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區《基本法》、效忠中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區以及不處於任何沒被選資格情況。
Bonham case - mentioned by 梁定邦
- Bonham was a physician by qualification, with a Cambridge medical degree (date now unclear), styling himself a medical doctor by 1602. He was not thereby qualified to practise in London by administering internal remedies, without a license from the College of Physicians of London. Bonham took the side of the surgeons, then a separate profession, who in 1605 petitioned parliament, unsuccessfully, for full rights as doctors. Then putting himself forward for examination by the College of Physicians in 1605, and 1606, he had a confrontation withHenry Atkins of the College on the second occasion. Finding himself in Newgate Prison for contempt of the College, he was freed by his lawyer under habeas corpus.[1] Still faced with a large fine from the College for unlicensed practice, Bonham pursued the matter by legal means, which set the Court of Common Pleas against the Court of King's Bench. Sir Edward Coke in the Common Pleas ruled for Bonham, who was again in prison, and fined the College, at the same time commenting on the College's status (a charter confirmed by parliament) as potentially subject to the common law. Coke's decision outraged the king and some leading lawyers, and continued to resonate for two centuries.
garbage classification
- The Household Garbage Classification System Implementation Plan issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, which requires that a classification-based waste collection, transportation and disposal system be established, has been forwarded by the State Council. According to the plan, by the end of 2020, there will be a reproducible household garbage classification model that can be rolled out across the country, and in cities that implement this model, at least 35 percent of household garbage should be recycled. The plan said the program should be carried out on a trial basis in some major cities, such as municipalities and provincial capitals. Local governments should raise awareness of garbage classification and encourage residents to segregate their garbage.
- 阿Ben早前就同助理去澳門,用一日時間睇當地收集垃圾同分類方法,仲大讚澳門絕對值得香港借鏡咁話。佢透露,澳門嘅垃圾收集箱雖然體積較香港大,但係容量就多九倍,因為佢可以將垃圾壓縮。
- 澳洲去年採用智能回收機,以經濟誘因協助回收廢物,只要投入棄置膠樽或玻璃樽等,立即「有賺」,回贈現金、優惠券甚至慈善捐贈,成功提升回收率。不少國家都推崇類似做法,本港卻只有部分私人公司推行,政府沒有帶頭推行,更只沿用成效不彰的三色回收箱回收,環保團體狠批港府令「垃圾圍城」日益惡化。
- 日本德島縣有一個小鎮叫上勝町,人口只有1,600人,果籽記者三年前曾到訪此地,當時人口1,700的小鎮,廢物分類已有34種,令人驚訝,記者今次到訪,發現村民已將廢物分類成45種之多,回收率高達81%,遠高於日本平均回收率20%,所以經常有不少本地和海外學者越洋來取經學習,但其實遊客也可到來認識回收知識。早在2003年,上勝町宣佈啟動零廢物計劃,希望在2020年達到100%回收率,2005年成立了非營利組織Zero Waste Academy,協助當地居民進一步了解垃圾分類的過程和重要性。
- 上海近年積極解決垃圾圍城問題,有望成為全國首個實施垃圾強制分類的城市。根據周日提交審議的《上海市生活垃圾管理條例(草案)》,市民必須按標準垃圾分類,餐廳不得主動提供免費的即棄餐具,違者將被罰款五百元(人民幣.下同,約五百八十港元)至五千元(約五千八百二十港元)。
- 新西蘭出口商於明年起出口難以回收的塑膠廢物前,需取得環境保護局簽發的許可證及接收國政府的同意,但不包括牛奶瓶及汽水罐等。當地環境部官員認為,新措施未必能阻止廢塑膠貿易,但有助確保出口廢塑膠可得以回收。
cleaning city
- 美國佛蒙特州一名男子去年搬到加州三藩市居住,發現當地街道堆滿垃圾,甚至到處有便溺穢物。有見及此,他開發了一個簡單易用的手機應用程式,讓人們可以拍下垃圾或「便便」照片,即時上傳到市政府相關部門,提醒他們派人清理。
-八里垃圾焚化廠由知名美籍華人設計 師貝聿銘設計,主體建築裝有玻璃帷幕, 有別於以往焚化廠給人陰暗、髒亂的刻板 印象。這個耗資約50億元新台幣的焚化廠 落成於2001年,採用OT模式,由當地政府 興建後交付企業營運。 焚化廠正通過各種環保舉措,踐行上 述理念。垃圾收集、整理、燃燒等 「主業 」嚴謹,處處彰顯環保理念;有機蔬菜種 植、原生植物原育、集體環保婚禮等 「副 業」豐富,為焚化廠增添了一抹抹 「綠色 」。據悉,廠內的溫水游泳池,熱源即是 利用垃圾焚燒過程產生的蒸汽廢熱。 近年來,為當地民眾免費提供宴婚場 所,在焚化廠中頗為流行。鋪上紅毯、立 起花籃、擺上餐桌……焚化廠內的大廳即 可 「變身」宴會廳。陳丁全告訴記者,因 環保觀念逐漸被居民接受,近年來廠內已 舉辦逾百場婚宴。
pest / insect control
- hket 24jul17 a27 new foreign technologies
- The world’s biggest project to eradicate a dangerous invasive species has been declared a success, as the remote island of South Georgia is now clear of the rats and mice that had devastated its wildlife for nearly 250 years. Rats and mice were inadvertently introduced to the island, off the southern tip of South America and close to Antarctica, by ships that stopped there, usually on whaling expeditions. The effect on native bird populations was dramatic. Unused to predators, they laid their eggs on the ground or in burrows, easily accessible to the rodents. Two species of birds unique to the island, the South Georgia pipit and pintail, were largely confined to a few tiny islands off the coast, which the rodents could not reach, and penguins and other seabird populations were also threatened.
- rats/rodents
- 日常電子產品大都以電池供電,而充電池可以重複使用,如經妥善回收,更能循環再造,製作成磁合金和不銹鋼等產品。為了增加人們回收的意欲,挪威有連鎖式超市在旗下三間分店設置全球首部自動回收電池獎勵機,每收到一枚家用舊電池,獎勵機就會自動吐出一張價值一挪威克朗(約一港元)的超市優惠券。
- 印尼東爪哇泗水市為響應雅加達政府推動環保的政策,今年4月起推出一條新巴士線,特別之處是不接受乘客現金繳付車費,而是以可循環再用的膠樽作為車資
- 上海近年積極解決垃圾圍城問題,有望成為全國首個實施垃圾強制分類的城市。根據周日提交審議的《上海市生活垃圾管理條例(草案)》,市民必須按標準垃圾分類,餐廳不得主動提供免費的即棄餐具,違者將被罰款五百元(人民幣.下同,約五百八十港元)至五千元(約五千八百二十港元)。
- 日本實行垃圾分類已眾所周知,但日 本民眾對垃圾分類的習慣並非 「自古如此 」。上世紀50年代到90年代,日本先後出 台《清掃法》《生活環境設施整備緊急措 施法》等法律法規,明確各級政府、企業 和居民對處理垃圾的責任與義務,並通過 舉辦各種活動將垃圾處理從法律制約逐漸 轉變成 「市民意識」。在處理濕垃圾能力較為突出的德國, 記者觀察到,居民家前一般有三個垃圾桶 ,分別盛放生物、廢紙、廢棄垃圾。玻璃 、塑料、金屬垃圾要丟到公共分類垃圾箱 。超市等機構還回收廢電池、有押金的瓶 子等。不同垃圾處理公司定期用垃圾車將 這些分好的垃圾運送到不同的處理廠。
- 深圳將在今年十一月一日起實施為期三年的生活垃圾分類,為鼓勵市民參與,政府將每年對表現理想的個人、家庭,以及屋苑分別派發獎金,但有名額限制。至於生活垃圾分類督導員、義工、教師及從事相關分類工作的人員,亦能得到補助及通報表揚。
- 深圳將在今年十一月一日起實施為期三年的生活垃圾分類,為鼓勵市民參與,政府將每年對表現理想的個人、家庭,以及屋苑分別派發獎金,但有名額限制。至於生活垃圾分類督導員、義工、教師及從事相關分類工作的人員,亦能得到補助及通報表揚。
- 《深圳市生活垃圾分類管理條例》昨日起實施,未按規定分類投放相關垃圾,最高可被罰款二百元人民幣(約二百三十港元)。深圳將開展垃圾分類執法檢查,十月起將對不開展垃圾分類等行為正式開罰。
- 新西蘭出口商於明年起出口難以回收的塑膠廢物前,需取得環境保護局簽發的許可證及接收國政府的同意,但不包括牛奶瓶及汽水罐等。當地環境部官員認為,新措施未必能阻止廢塑膠貿易,但有助確保出口廢塑膠可得以回收。
cleaning city
- 美國佛蒙特州一名男子去年搬到加州三藩市居住,發現當地街道堆滿垃圾,甚至到處有便溺穢物。有見及此,他開發了一個簡單易用的手機應用程式,讓人們可以拍下垃圾或「便便」照片,即時上傳到市政府相關部門,提醒他們派人清理。
-八里垃圾焚化廠由知名美籍華人設計 師貝聿銘設計,主體建築裝有玻璃帷幕, 有別於以往焚化廠給人陰暗、髒亂的刻板 印象。這個耗資約50億元新台幣的焚化廠 落成於2001年,採用OT模式,由當地政府 興建後交付企業營運。 焚化廠正通過各種環保舉措,踐行上 述理念。垃圾收集、整理、燃燒等 「主業 」嚴謹,處處彰顯環保理念;有機蔬菜種 植、原生植物原育、集體環保婚禮等 「副 業」豐富,為焚化廠增添了一抹抹 「綠色 」。據悉,廠內的溫水游泳池,熱源即是 利用垃圾焚燒過程產生的蒸汽廢熱。 近年來,為當地民眾免費提供宴婚場 所,在焚化廠中頗為流行。鋪上紅毯、立 起花籃、擺上餐桌……焚化廠內的大廳即 可 「變身」宴會廳。陳丁全告訴記者,因 環保觀念逐漸被居民接受,近年來廠內已 舉辦逾百場婚宴。
pest / insect control
- hket 24jul17 a27 new foreign technologies
- The world’s biggest project to eradicate a dangerous invasive species has been declared a success, as the remote island of South Georgia is now clear of the rats and mice that had devastated its wildlife for nearly 250 years. Rats and mice were inadvertently introduced to the island, off the southern tip of South America and close to Antarctica, by ships that stopped there, usually on whaling expeditions. The effect on native bird populations was dramatic. Unused to predators, they laid their eggs on the ground or in burrows, easily accessible to the rodents. Two species of birds unique to the island, the South Georgia pipit and pintail, were largely confined to a few tiny islands off the coast, which the rodents could not reach, and penguins and other seabird populations were also threatened.
- rats/rodents
- 法國首都巴黎老鼠為患問題困擾居民多年,市政府一直致力滅鼠,但成效不彰。近期巴黎第十七區的議會主席布勒就設立互動地圖網站,讓民眾實時舉報老鼠出沒地點,惟有居民認為治標不治本。
- 政府為紓緩問題,決定於近日增聘貓隻任「捕鼠專員」,盼驅走長年在首都為患的老鼠團。
- hket 3oct18 a25
- 政府滅蚊措施仍主要靠噴灑蚊油,惟至今感染人數及誘蚊產卵器指數均未見下降,滅蚊效果成疑,殘留的藥液更有機會影響小孩及動物健康。相比之下,外國已沿用較新儀器、平衡生態的技術,甚至以基因改造雄蚊去減低傳播病毒機會,既能滅蚊又能保護環境。專家直指,政府採用價低者得的方式招標,滅蚊方式落後,應多採用新科技且恒常滅蚊。
- 日常電子產品大都以電池供電,而充電池可以重複使用,如經妥善回收,更能循環再造,製作成磁合金和不銹鋼等產品。為了增加人們回收的意欲,挪威有連鎖式超市在旗下三間分店設置全球首部自動回收電池獎勵機,每收到一枚家用舊電池,獎勵機就會自動吐出一張價值一挪威克朗(約一港元)的超市優惠券。
- 印尼東爪哇泗水市為響應雅加達政府推動環保的政策,今年4月起推出一條新巴士線,特別之處是不接受乘客現金繳付車費,而是以可循環再用的膠樽作為車資
- 投入飲料瓶、紙箱、舊衣物、塑料等垃圾,便可根據數量或重量,自動換取現金。昨日,位於上海市靜安區的萬航公寓小區內,一台名為「小黃狗」的全新智能垃圾分類回收機正式投用
- 英國環境、食物及鄉郊事務大臣高文浩周一宣布改革國內回收措施,並展開三個月諮詢期。措施包括要求塑膠包裝生產商全額支付廢物處理費,同時針對鋁罐及膠樽這類可回收物品,推出按金退還計劃。
- 商界環保協會昨日舉辦環保領袖論壇,邀請各地商界領袖及政府官員等分享各地減廢經驗,有出席者分享南韓的經驗,當地早於二○○五年已立法禁止廚餘棄置於堆填區,回收率近百分百,建議香港學習南韓。
- china daily 17 jun19 japan town (kamikatsu 上勝町 ) aims to recycle all its waste
- 上海市政府近日公布,將於下周一起實施《上海市生活垃圾管理條例》新規,要求市民嚴格執行垃圾分類,新規將垃圾分成「有害垃圾」、「可回收物」、「濕垃圾」、「乾垃圾」四類,違者將面臨罰款五十至兩百元人民幣(約五十七至二百三十一港元)不等,遊客亦在此限。
- plastic bottles
- 東爪哇省中的泗水巿就想出妙招,首次提出以垃圾換車票的措施,吸引大量民眾參與回收行動,一舉兩得。市民只需把清潔乾淨、外表完整的膠樽、膠杯等交出,就可換領車票。
bring your own food containers
- 美國有州份最近推出新法案,明確指出餐廳應如何處理由市民提供的器皿,為當地餐飲業界釋疑。
- 泰國國家公園暨野生動植物保護局在宣傳旅遊之餘,亦巧妙地推廣生態友善觀光。當局即將發行一百萬本環保護照,讓民眾透過身體力行保持環保的出遊習慣,以在護照內「儲印仔」換優惠,每集滿十點就可免費進入國家公園一次。
- 為鼓勵遊客積極參與垃圾清理,保護海岸線環境衛生,海南省文昌市木蘭灣近日試點建立「垃圾銀行」。遊客在海邊收集到垃圾後,可以在「垃圾銀行」換取積分,兌換礦泉水、椰子、小吃等禮品。圖為4月28日,文昌市木蘭灣的工作人員展示「垃圾存摺」,60積分可以兌換一個椰子。
ban use of plastics
- 根據法國生態轉型與團結部近日發布的 公告,法國境內自1日起禁止銷售一次性棉 花棒、一次性杯子和盤子等塑料製品,學校 食堂也禁止使用塑料瓶裝純淨水。政府給出 6個月的緩衝期,以便商家處理囤積的相關 商品。
energy reform
- New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) is an initiative to reform energy networks initiated by Andrew Cuomo in 2014.Hurricane Sandy exposed New York’s infrastructure vulnerabilities. In response, Governor Andrew Cuomo directed his staff to develop a strategy for New York’s utilities that would modernize the current energy infrastructure and increase its resilience to severe weather and environmental events. Per Governor Cuomo’s directive, on April 24, 2014 the New York State Department of Public Service prepared a Staff Report and Proposal entitled Reforming The Energy Vision (REV). The policy initiates a move away from the traditional utility model and instead creates a framework that encourages the increased integration of distributed energy resources (DER),allows customers to make educated decisions about their energy usage, supports environmental goals, and creates and more robust and resilient energy grid. The New York State Energy Plan is well integrated with REV and is intended to provide a roadmap for executing the REV policy.
- tariff
solar energy
- 法國中部城市訥韋爾前日「種」下歐洲首棵電子樹,外形充滿未來感,其巨大方形太陽能「葉片」,可將陽光轉化成電力,供行人為手機充電、上網或乘涼。電子樹由以色列Sol-logic公司研發,靈感來自以色列沙漠和非洲草原上的阿拉伯膠樹。電子樹不僅提供飲用水,以及供電予街燈照明,還提供免費Wi-Fi,樹下設有座位、USB充電插位、LED屏幕、噴泉,以及供寵物使用的水槽。電子樹原型2014年於以色列揭幕,可運作模型翌年在法國巴黎聯合國氣候變化大會上發表,隨後「移植」至訥韋爾,之後以色列、美國北卡羅來納州和加州等地約10個城市也設立電子樹。訥韋爾市長蒂里奧指,包括美國紐約在內的全球20多處地區,未來也會設置電子樹。
measures to implement climate change accord
- 美國紐約市長白思豪前日宣佈,將強制要求市內大型建築物採取節能措施,減少溫室氣體排放,違反規定的業主將被罰款。白思豪稱,這項計劃旨在實踐《巴黎協定》的目標,期望於2050年前減排80%。新措施要求約1.45萬幢樓面面積逾2,300平方米的建築物業主,在2030年前改裝鍋爐、熱水器、天台和窗戶。對於不達標者,當局視建築物大小和違規程度罰款,例如地標建築物克萊斯勒大樓若嚴重超標,業主或被罰款多達200萬美元(約1,560萬港元)。
- 美國有17個州份今年內討論立法,還消費者維修權。有些州份不止電子產品,連同家電、汽車等也包括在內,要提供維修指南和保證供應零件,好讓第三方維修店修理,亦不可用軟件防止他人拆解產品。
- 倫敦市長辦公室倡議成立的組織Busk in London,與瑞典流動支付公司iZettle合作,推出全球首個針對街頭藝人的無線支付計劃,觀眾今後除可給予現金鼓勵外,也可「拍卡」或以可穿戴裝置付款。
public art
- 捷克首都布拉格的連儂牆舉世聞名,但多年來均有遊客在牆上胡亂塗鴉,甚至繪上不文圖案,引來連儂牆業主馬耳他騎士團不滿。騎士團早前聯同布拉格市政府,封閉並全面復修連儂牆,上周四重新開放,新的連儂牆只展示30多名專業藝術創作家的作品,不再允許公眾以噴漆塗鴉。
- how foreign government dealt with them hket 6dec17 a24
street sleepers
- 近四百名來自蘇丹和厄立特里亞的偷渡客,近日在法國西部南特市中心一個公園紮營聚居,對居民造成滋擾。警方周一應市政府的要求清場,有人道組織擔憂偷渡客從此居無定處,但警方指會把他們安置至其他地方。
Multi storey underground bicycle parking space
- eco cycle, kochi, japan
air pollution model
- china daily 10dec18 great london smog in 1952 --> clean air act 1956
Air quality
- 為了改善車輛造成的空氣污染,英國倫敦上月起向柴油車及舊車徵收十英鎊(約一百零二港元)的新入城費,如加上原本進入巿中心的費用,駕駛者需繳交合共二十一點五英鎊(約二百二十港元)。有反對意見認為新收費會加重小商戶負擔,對窮人不公平。orientaldaily 12nov17
smoking ban surveillance
- 新加坡近年不斷把公眾場所的禁煙範圍擴大。為了阻止煙民偷偷吸煙,更計劃在各處安裝備熱感功能的閉路電視鏡頭,隨時向當局發出拉人警報。
electric vehicle
- 美國紐約州為鼓勵車主使用電動車輛,推出優惠計劃,凡購買電動車者可獲得二千美元(約一萬五千港元)的政府補助,希望以此減少汽車廢氣排放污染環境。
driverless cars
- overseas examples hket 2nov17
- 特朗普將於本月到名下的新澤西州高爾夫球場度假,特勤局將測試小型無人機,來保護特朗普。特勤局表示,小型無人機配備電子光學和紅外攝影機,在九十至一百三十三米高空自主飛行,重點圍繞高爾夫球場保護區的外圍。任何圖像或錄像會在三十天內刪除,有問題的會供執法部門調查。
- 墨西哥首都墨西哥城去年開始有小偷利用無人機監視住宅情況,再鎖定入室盜竊目標。有議員擔心這種新科技會令警方更難打擊爆竊案,因此提出修改刑法,規管無人機的使用。
- 澳洲悉尼土地供應緊張,加上人口老化,市內主要墓地預料會在30年內爆滿。為增加空間,各大墳場各出奇謀,例如興建「古羅馬式」地下墓穴、甚至研究如何加快遺體腐化速度,盡快騰出空間。位於悉尼東部馬特勒維爾的東郊紀念園啟用於1893年,園內墓地預料在15年內爆滿。管理公司計劃在5年內興建多層地下墓穴,目標供應7,000個墳位,造價約1,000萬澳元(約5,872萬港元)。管理公司更計劃在一般墳位之間設立靈骨塔,足夠供幾個世紀之用。另一個有150年歷史的盧克伍德墓地,墳位預料亦會在30年後用盡。管理公司有意加快遺體腐化速度,並已經用120具豬屍進行試驗。雖然此舉極具爭議性,但公司相信公眾最終會接受。
- 新加坡政府周二宣布,擴建有七十八年歷史的登加空軍基地(Tengah Air Base),以容納巴耶利峇空軍基地搬遷後的部分軍事設備。政府將會徵收基地附近一帶土地,影響四個魚場、兩個苗圃及大約八萬個墳墓,當中包括逾四萬個華人墳墓。由於新加坡的土地有限,當地政府從一九九八年十一月起實施新的土葬條例,限定所有土葬的安葬期限為十五年,而今次受影響的墳墓被移除時都已達到這一期限。預料巴耶利峇空軍基地搬遷後,將騰出八百公頃的土地供新發展用途。
- 現時美國民眾死後,主要有火葬或土葬兩種合法殯葬方式。華盛頓州的民主黨議員近日推動「重組草案」,希望擴大處理人類遺體的方法,讓民眾可選擇「遺骨堆肥」,以另一方法回歸大自然。該州參議院上月通過草案,若州眾議院支持,草案最快明年中生效,將成全美首例。
- 最高人民檢察院昨日通報,河南省政府前黨組成員、副省長徐光涉嫌受賄,最高檢近日對其作出批捕決定。曾有「平墳書記」之稱的徐,主政周口市時鐵腕推動「平墳復耕」政策,半年拆毀三百五十萬座民眾的祖墳。當年官方給民眾遷墳時間短、賠償少、加上清拆行動粗暴,引起極大民怨。徐光於二○一二年任周口市委書記,推行「平墳復耕」政策 ,要求三年內完成農村公益性公墓全覆蓋、火化率100%、不再出現新墳頭,逐步取消舊墳頭。當時推出每推平一個墳頭,可獲二百元(人民幣‧下同,約二百二十四港元)賠償;主動遷墳進公眾墓地,可獲三百至五百元(約三百三十五至五百六十港元)補助。當地民眾普遍認為,拆人祖墳是對他人最大的侮辱,加上賠償少,又要求民眾短時間內自拆,否則官方出動挖泥機強拆。因拆毀數百萬個祖墳,退回耕地有限,引起巨大民怨。同年底國務院修改《殯葬管理條例》部分條款,該市平墳工作才告暫停。
- 近日內地傳媒體再對北京市有售的雷射筆進行測試,發現如今的雷射筆質量與威力更勝從前,射出的激光所產生的熱力,短短兩秒間便能點燃數米外的火柴,只需十秒就能燒穿六層厚的報紙。內地民間呼籲當局盡快立法規管雷射筆。
water supply
-原來新加坡為了擺脫食水供應受制於人,早於上世紀七十年代,他們已開始設法「治水」,包括研究海水化淡,以及圍海築堤蓄水等。經過多年的努力,新加坡的海 水化淡科技已進身世界一流,除了可以滿足本身四分之一用水的需求,相關的科技還可外銷,尤其中東地區,對此興趣甚濃。至於現時成為新加坡熱門水上活動中心 的濱海堤壩(Marina Barrage),其實是一個圍海築成的水庫,以自然沖淡方式蓄水,目前可為當地提供超過一成的用水。
- 原來西澳的水喉水來自海水化淡廠。西澳一年日照時間超過3000小時,東部連接大片沙漠,降雨量常年不足,靠地下水及水壩儲水遠遠不足以滿足供水需要。所以早在2006年,澳洲在經歷了持續十年的「千禧年大旱」之後,就在多個地區建立海水化淡廠,包括黃金海岸、距Sydney二十多公里的Kurnell、Perth等地,當時Perth的海水化淡廠每天可淡化15.2萬噸印度洋海水,提供西澳地區17%的供水需求。到了今天,海水化淡已不是新鮮事,根據國際海水淡化協會(IDA)的統計,目前全球擁有超過17000家海水化淡廠,它們分別分佈在全球150個國家,所以海水化淡技術已經相當成熟,也確實解決了許多人的供水需求。
water management
- financing
water reuse
- bay area example - professor david sedlak, co-director of berkeley water center uc berkeley
- 北區區議會早前到新加坡考察,據知實地了解再生水嘅廠房、單車泊車系統等,究竟乜嘢係再生水呢?北區區議員姚銘話,此行最得意係去咗參觀再生水廠,因為再生水係將雨水等污水變成可以飲用嘅水,當日甫去到廠房,已聞到類似污水處理廠嘅味道,姚銘即時打咗個突,因為聞完呢陣味後,轉頭就要試飲再生水。
live poultry
- korea localisation support project - provides support to importers of korean agricultural food products
- urban farming
sugar tax
- hkej monthly jul18 issue p128
one stop licence for caterers
- 澳門有意引入飲食業一站式發牌制度,正研究酒店商場內的餐飲場所是否適用,及其他審批部門能否配合,期望最快明年實施。旅遊局局長文綺華表示,酒店商場內的餐飲場所,在申請飲食牌時牽涉的圖則數量或要求均較多,需研究能否以一站式發牌的可行性。至於將來酒店商場內的飲食牌全部由旅遊局發出,街舖牌照則全歸民政總署,現有的店舖如何過渡,文綺華則指將來推出過渡安排,又指現時數百間由旅遊局發出飲食牌的餐廳,大部分位處酒店商場內經營,相信問題不大。
- introduced in seattle in 1970s
food security
- Singapore, one of the most urbanised nations on earth, is making land available for agriculture for the first time in decades for farmers to come up with high-tech ways of improving the city-state’s food security.
- Singapore last year topped the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Global Food Security Index of 113 countries for the first time, scoring high on measures such as affordability, availability and safety. Yet, as the country imports more than 90 per cent of its food, its food security is susceptible to climate-change and natural resource risks, the EIU noted.
- The country has ranked top in an index of food security for two years running and is now deepening its focus as the Covid-19 crisis exposes the fragility of global food supply chains.Years of contingency planning – and recent moves to maintain the key flow of goods from neighbouring
Malaysia – have helped keep supplies arriving through pandemic-related disruptions, even as Singapore experienced waves of panic buying that emptied some supermarket shelves of food.
In an immediate response to the Covid-19 crisis, the government has accelerated funding for local farms to “grow more and grow faster” over the next six-to-24 months, according to the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), established in April last year. The agency is also working to add to a supply network that already taps 170 countries or regions for its food, it said in an emailed statement last month.Over the longer-term, its drive for greater food security is based on a three-pronged strategy to diversify the nation’s food sources, support companies to grow overseas and lift domestic production.
The last of these is the most ambitious, but arguably the most critical in cushioning against widespread supply disruptions: to produce enough food domestically to meet 30 per cent of its nutritional needs by 2030, up from less than 10 per cent now.
- home farming
- 17日,深圳市新冠肺炎疫情防控指揮部辦公室發布最新通告稱,將全面加強進口冷凍肉製品和水產品疫情防控,設立進口凍品集中監管倉。根據規定,18日起,從深圳各港口碼頭提櫃離港並在深圳儲存、銷售、加工的進口凍品,在儲存、銷售、加工前須進入集中監管倉進行外包裝消殺和抽樣核酸檢測。經外包裝消殺和抽樣核酸檢測合格,並取得《深圳市進口冷凍肉製品和水產品出庫證明》(簡稱出庫證明)後方能出庫。通告要求,進入集中監管倉的進口凍品貨主,須按要求如實填報貨主、報關單、車輛、司機、貨物流向等信息。同時,深圳市從事進口凍品儲存、銷售、加工的經營單位,須查驗《出庫證明》,凡是未取得該證明的,不得在深圳儲存、銷售、加工。對於違反本規定,未取得《出庫證明》的進口凍品、未按要求如實填報信息等行為的,將按照相關法律法規嚴肅查處,並納入徵信系統。
LA food policy council
- mentioned at civic exchange sponsored ust sem on 11sep17
post office
- 由於愈來愈少人寄信,新西蘭郵政近10年處理的郵件量大減一半,為紓緩虧損情況,決定與連鎖快餐店肯德基合作,在北部城市陶朗阿推行試驗計劃,郵局負責為肯德基速遞外賣,此外亦計劃下調郵費,以及將郊外地區郵寄服務從6日減至5日。
culture development funding
- Innovative cultural projects, libraries, museums and creative industries will benefit from £250m of new funding for the culture and creative sector, the Culture Secretary announced today. Of this new funding over £125m will be invested in regional museums and libraries around the country. More than £90m will be provided to extend the Cultural Development Fund which uses investment in heritage, culture and creativity to drive regeneration and growth.A further £18.5 million has been allocated to York’s National Railway Museum, and an extra £7 million for Coventry and the UK City of Culture programme.In total, over the next 5 years, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport will invest an additional £50 million each year in culture and the creative industries across England to revitalise existing assets and to support new cultural development.
- singtao 10jun19 公共出租权
- 歷時逾十年興建、坐落阿聯酋首都的阿布扎比羅浮宮將於周三舉行開幕儀式,是羅浮宮首個在外國開設的分館。該館除展出阿聯酋擁有的藝術藏品外,亦獲巴黎羅浮宮借出包括荷蘭畫家梵高的自畫像及意大利文藝復興大師達文西的畫作等約三百件展品。
performance overseas tours
- To celebrate Spring Festival in February this year, 22 performers of the Inner Mongolia Art Theater went on a 25-day visit, presenting cultural shows to people in that part of the world. Uljit, the 60-year-old deputy director of the theater, is also good at singing and dancing. During the tour, he hosted several galas in Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma in the United States and other cities in South America, where the Chinese artists performed Mongolian-style songs, folk dance, acrobatics, khoomei (throat-singing) and played traditional instruments like the morin khuur (horse-head fiddle). The tour, sponsored by the Chinese government, drew viewers from among Chinese and other communities living there.
- 英國環境、食物及鄉郊事務大臣高文浩周一宣布改革國內回收措施,並展開三個月諮詢期。措施包括要求塑膠包裝生產商全額支付廢物處理費,同時針對鋁罐及膠樽這類可回收物品,推出按金退還計劃。
- 商界環保協會昨日舉辦環保領袖論壇,邀請各地商界領袖及政府官員等分享各地減廢經驗,有出席者分享南韓的經驗,當地早於二○○五年已立法禁止廚餘棄置於堆填區,回收率近百分百,建議香港學習南韓。
- china daily 17 jun19 japan town (kamikatsu 上勝町 ) aims to recycle all its waste
- 上海市政府近日公布,將於下周一起實施《上海市生活垃圾管理條例》新規,要求市民嚴格執行垃圾分類,新規將垃圾分成「有害垃圾」、「可回收物」、「濕垃圾」、「乾垃圾」四類,違者將面臨罰款五十至兩百元人民幣(約五十七至二百三十一港元)不等,遊客亦在此限。
- plastic bottles
- Queensland, South Australia and three other states in the country pays AUS$0.10 (HK$0.5) for every bottle returned.“It’s all about encouraging the public to bring containers back,” said Jeff Maguire, the group head of container deposit scheme implementation at Coca-Cola Amatil in Australia. The executive was invited by the working group to speak about Australia's plastic collection to government and industry bodies in Hong Kong this week.The scheme in Australia is legislated by state laws, with infrastructure such as collection points built by beverage companies including Coca-Cola Amatil and the Lion Group, which bear the cost of setting up and running the scheme.
- hket 26sep19 c3 plastic bottles recycling case in tainan
- 東爪哇省中的泗水巿就想出妙招,首次提出以垃圾換車票的措施,吸引大量民眾參與回收行動,一舉兩得。市民只需把清潔乾淨、外表完整的膠樽、膠杯等交出,就可換領車票。
bring your own food containers
- 美國有州份最近推出新法案,明確指出餐廳應如何處理由市民提供的器皿,為當地餐飲業界釋疑。
- 泰國國家公園暨野生動植物保護局在宣傳旅遊之餘,亦巧妙地推廣生態友善觀光。當局即將發行一百萬本環保護照,讓民眾透過身體力行保持環保的出遊習慣,以在護照內「儲印仔」換優惠,每集滿十點就可免費進入國家公園一次。
- 為鼓勵遊客積極參與垃圾清理,保護海岸線環境衛生,海南省文昌市木蘭灣近日試點建立「垃圾銀行」。遊客在海邊收集到垃圾後,可以在「垃圾銀行」換取積分,兌換礦泉水、椰子、小吃等禮品。圖為4月28日,文昌市木蘭灣的工作人員展示「垃圾存摺」,60積分可以兌換一個椰子。
ban use of plastics
- 根據法國生態轉型與團結部近日發布的 公告,法國境內自1日起禁止銷售一次性棉 花棒、一次性杯子和盤子等塑料製品,學校 食堂也禁止使用塑料瓶裝純淨水。政府給出 6個月的緩衝期,以便商家處理囤積的相關 商品。
energy reform
- New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) is an initiative to reform energy networks initiated by Andrew Cuomo in 2014.Hurricane Sandy exposed New York’s infrastructure vulnerabilities. In response, Governor Andrew Cuomo directed his staff to develop a strategy for New York’s utilities that would modernize the current energy infrastructure and increase its resilience to severe weather and environmental events. Per Governor Cuomo’s directive, on April 24, 2014 the New York State Department of Public Service prepared a Staff Report and Proposal entitled Reforming The Energy Vision (REV). The policy initiates a move away from the traditional utility model and instead creates a framework that encourages the increased integration of distributed energy resources (DER),allows customers to make educated decisions about their energy usage, supports environmental goals, and creates and more robust and resilient energy grid. The New York State Energy Plan is well integrated with REV and is intended to provide a roadmap for executing the REV policy.
- tariff
The Domestic Gas and Electricity (Tariff Cap) Bill will put in place a requirement on the energy regulator, Ofgem, to cap standard variable and default energy tariffs. The cap will tackle the amount consumers have been overpaying the Big Six energy suppliers, which the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found to be an average of £1.4 billion a year. Some consumers could save up to £350 a year on gas and electricity bills by switching suppliers.
renewable energy
- 澳洲悉尼市及阿德萊德政府前日宣布,所有市政府建築物及設施本月起,全部使用可再生能源供電;預計未來十年內,每年節省五十萬澳元(約二百六十萬港元)能源開支,更令二○三○年之前減排七成的目標,可提早六年於二○二四年達成。悉尼市政府早前與能源公司Flow Power達成價值六千萬澳元(約三億二千萬港元)的購電協議,自七月起由該公司設於新省東南面海岸的三個太陽能及風力發電站,提供電力予悉尼市內包括街燈、運動場、車站等公共設施,以及市政廳等政府建築物使用。
solar energy
- 法國中部城市訥韋爾前日「種」下歐洲首棵電子樹,外形充滿未來感,其巨大方形太陽能「葉片」,可將陽光轉化成電力,供行人為手機充電、上網或乘涼。電子樹由以色列Sol-logic公司研發,靈感來自以色列沙漠和非洲草原上的阿拉伯膠樹。電子樹不僅提供飲用水,以及供電予街燈照明,還提供免費Wi-Fi,樹下設有座位、USB充電插位、LED屏幕、噴泉,以及供寵物使用的水槽。電子樹原型2014年於以色列揭幕,可運作模型翌年在法國巴黎聯合國氣候變化大會上發表,隨後「移植」至訥韋爾,之後以色列、美國北卡羅來納州和加州等地約10個城市也設立電子樹。訥韋爾市長蒂里奧指,包括美國紐約在內的全球20多處地區,未來也會設置電子樹。
measures to implement climate change accord
- 美國紐約市長白思豪前日宣佈,將強制要求市內大型建築物採取節能措施,減少溫室氣體排放,違反規定的業主將被罰款。白思豪稱,這項計劃旨在實踐《巴黎協定》的目標,期望於2050年前減排80%。新措施要求約1.45萬幢樓面面積逾2,300平方米的建築物業主,在2030年前改裝鍋爐、熱水器、天台和窗戶。對於不達標者,當局視建築物大小和違規程度罰款,例如地標建築物克萊斯勒大樓若嚴重超標,業主或被罰款多達200萬美元(約1,560萬港元)。
- 美國有17個州份今年內討論立法,還消費者維修權。有些州份不止電子產品,連同家電、汽車等也包括在內,要提供維修指南和保證供應零件,好讓第三方維修店修理,亦不可用軟件防止他人拆解產品。
- 倫敦市長辦公室倡議成立的組織Busk in London,與瑞典流動支付公司iZettle合作,推出全球首個針對街頭藝人的無線支付計劃,觀眾今後除可給予現金鼓勵外,也可「拍卡」或以可穿戴裝置付款。
public art
- 捷克首都布拉格的連儂牆舉世聞名,但多年來均有遊客在牆上胡亂塗鴉,甚至繪上不文圖案,引來連儂牆業主馬耳他騎士團不滿。騎士團早前聯同布拉格市政府,封閉並全面復修連儂牆,上周四重新開放,新的連儂牆只展示30多名專業藝術創作家的作品,不再允許公眾以噴漆塗鴉。
- how foreign government dealt with them hket 6dec17 a24
street sleepers
- 近四百名來自蘇丹和厄立特里亞的偷渡客,近日在法國西部南特市中心一個公園紮營聚居,對居民造成滋擾。警方周一應市政府的要求清場,有人道組織擔憂偷渡客從此居無定處,但警方指會把他們安置至其他地方。
- uk policy hket 20aug18 a32
- 美國拉斯維加斯上周三通過法案,從周日開始公職人員將對在市區露宿街頭的人發出警告,從明年一月一日開始,這些行為將被定為輕罪,可處以最高六個月的監禁和一千美元(約七千八百港元)的罰款。市長古德曼指出,拉斯維加斯的經濟依靠的是吸引國際遊客,這個法案並不完美,但至少是一個開始。
Public bath
Doing sports together
- Radio calisthenics (ラジオ体操 rajio taisō?, literally, "radio exercises") refers to warm-upcalisthenics popular in Mainland China, Taiwan and Japan. In Japan, it is broadcast to music on public NHK radio early in the morning.
- 美國拉斯維加斯上周三通過法案,從周日開始公職人員將對在市區露宿街頭的人發出警告,從明年一月一日開始,這些行為將被定為輕罪,可處以最高六個月的監禁和一千美元(約七千八百港元)的罰款。市長古德曼指出,拉斯維加斯的經濟依靠的是吸引國際遊客,這個法案並不完美,但至少是一個開始。
Public bath
Doing sports together
- Radio calisthenics (ラジオ体操 rajio taisō?, literally, "radio exercises") refers to warm-upcalisthenics popular in Mainland China, Taiwan and Japan. In Japan, it is broadcast to music on public NHK radio early in the morning.
- club
- 德甲和德 乙球會素來必須遵守 「50+1」 規例,球會自身擁有50% 股權,付費會員則佔1%,避免有任何單一投資者可佔 去話語權,以確保球會傳統、球會與球 迷之間的關係等。不過,新冠肺炎疫情 令多間球會出現財政危機,開始有聲音 質疑應否取消 「50+1」 規例,吸引外來 資金入主,讓球會得以渡過難關。
Multi storey underground bicycle parking space
- eco cycle, kochi, japan
- hk app
- 港府擬在深水埗興建首個智能停車場,料可提供二百個地下泊位。有汽車會代表指,有關建議是好事,惟須注意如泊車人士同時取車,會否造成長時間等候的問題。有地區人士亦贊成相關建議,認為可配合一地多用的政策,又建議當局應提供誘因予私人機構,例如增加用地租期,讓他們願意興建智能停車場或橋底停車位。
air pollution model
- china daily 10dec18 great london smog in 1952 --> clean air act 1956
Air quality
- 為了改善車輛造成的空氣污染,英國倫敦上月起向柴油車及舊車徵收十英鎊(約一百零二港元)的新入城費,如加上原本進入巿中心的費用,駕駛者需繳交合共二十一點五英鎊(約二百二十港元)。有反對意見認為新收費會加重小商戶負擔,對窮人不公平。orientaldaily 12nov17
smoking ban surveillance
- 新加坡近年不斷把公眾場所的禁煙範圍擴大。為了阻止煙民偷偷吸煙,更計劃在各處安裝備熱感功能的閉路電視鏡頭,隨時向當局發出拉人警報。
electric vehicle
- 美國紐約州為鼓勵車主使用電動車輛,推出優惠計劃,凡購買電動車者可獲得二千美元(約一萬五千港元)的政府補助,希望以此減少汽車廢氣排放污染環境。
driverless cars
- overseas examples hket 2nov17
- 特朗普將於本月到名下的新澤西州高爾夫球場度假,特勤局將測試小型無人機,來保護特朗普。特勤局表示,小型無人機配備電子光學和紅外攝影機,在九十至一百三十三米高空自主飛行,重點圍繞高爾夫球場保護區的外圍。任何圖像或錄像會在三十天內刪除,有問題的會供執法部門調查。
- 墨西哥首都墨西哥城去年開始有小偷利用無人機監視住宅情況,再鎖定入室盜竊目標。有議員擔心這種新科技會令警方更難打擊爆竊案,因此提出修改刑法,規管無人機的使用。
-美國聯邦航空局(FAA)在2020年臨近結束時,頒布了萬眾期待的無人機使用規定,允許美國境內小型無人機飛越上空,也准許夜間飛行,為擴大無人機商業用途邁進一大步,有助業界加速推出包裹運送等應用。隨着無人機技術應用擴大,很快就有機會看見大批無人機穿梭在住宅樓宇與社區之間,交付新鮮食品與包裹。FAA表示,新規將強制無人機(或稱「無人航空載具」)在多數情況下內置遠程識別(Remote ID)技術,化解安全疑慮。凡是重量在0.55磅(約0.25公斤)以上的無人機,都須具備相關技術,以便識別操作者身份及無人機位置;小型無人機在特定環境下,例如飛越群眾、場館或露天音樂會上空,也必須採用。相比之前,若要操作小型無人機在人的頭上飛行,則有諸多限制。新規將在1月的聯邦公告中刊登,60天後生效,無人機製造商有18個月時間,開始生產配備遠端識別技術的機種。
electric scooters
- case of spain scmp 6oct18 cities grappling with invasion of electric scooters
- case of us ft 9oct18 electric scooter rush kicks user safety into focus
- 法國首都巴黎市政府日前宣布對電動滑板車徵收專用稅,電動滑板車現時在法國多個大城市非常流行,有使用者會用來代步上班、上學,避免塞車。可是,巴黎有逾一萬五千輛電動滑板車,部分胡亂停泊街上,令民眾不滿,當局推專用稅希望改善亂象和增加泊位。
- Singapore on Monday said it would tighten the rules governing electric scooters and other personal mobility devices (PMDs ), joining other major cities around the world that are enacting such measures following public outcries over the gizmos’ potential to trigger fires and endanger pedestrians. Still, the Lion City said a complete ban of PMDs was out of the question because so many residents had come to rely on the devices for their daily commutes. Among the stricter rules is a stipulation that all PMDs must comply with the “UL2272 standard” – involving tests on electrical and mechanical components – by July 2020, instead of the previous deadline of January 2021. Retailers of the devices, of which there are more than 90,000 in the compact island nation, told This Week in Asia there might be some discontent from PMD users who bought their devices before the enactment of the new rules.
- 上海有九名以電動輪椅代步的殘疾人士上周三進入地鐵站時,職員指電動輪椅不得進入地鐵,並要求他們轉乘其他交通工具。上海申通地鐵周二回應事件,指乘客拆除輪椅動力裝置後,已由車站工作人員分批護送進站,並幫助部分乘客解決如廁、飲水等問題。
- 香港政府雖聲稱要推動創新科技發展,但總落後於形勢,財政資源的投入更是杯水車薪,反觀新加坡政府對初創企業的支持不斷增加,早年為吸引海外初創企業落戶當地,提供最多八成五資金資助作鼓勵,吸引不少年輕人發展創新科技;今年又宣布一擲八億港元推動一系列支持AI發展的措施,並成立聯合平台發展數據科學。
- 新加坡交易所亦步亦趨,計劃於未來兩周公布有關的規則諮詢,希望最快七月能有首間「同股不同權」企業上市,而首家在當地上市的「同股不同權」新股,極有可能是香港企業。
Filming location promotion
- Finland is offering a 25 percent cash rebate for production costs of film makers who shoot their feature films, documentaries, scripted fiction series and animation productions in the country.
electric scooters
- case of spain scmp 6oct18 cities grappling with invasion of electric scooters
- case of us ft 9oct18 electric scooter rush kicks user safety into focus
- 法國首都巴黎市政府日前宣布對電動滑板車徵收專用稅,電動滑板車現時在法國多個大城市非常流行,有使用者會用來代步上班、上學,避免塞車。可是,巴黎有逾一萬五千輛電動滑板車,部分胡亂停泊街上,令民眾不滿,當局推專用稅希望改善亂象和增加泊位。
- 法國政府收緊對電動滑板車的管制,宣布今年九月起,統一並增加罰款至一百三十五歐元(約一千一百八十港元),以打擊使用者超速和胡亂在行人路上飛馳。
- Singapore on Monday said it would tighten the rules governing electric scooters and other personal mobility devices (PMDs ), joining other major cities around the world that are enacting such measures following public outcries over the gizmos’ potential to trigger fires and endanger pedestrians. Still, the Lion City said a complete ban of PMDs was out of the question because so many residents had come to rely on the devices for their daily commutes. Among the stricter rules is a stipulation that all PMDs must comply with the “UL2272 standard” – involving tests on electrical and mechanical components – by July 2020, instead of the previous deadline of January 2021. Retailers of the devices, of which there are more than 90,000 in the compact island nation, told This Week in Asia there might be some discontent from PMD users who bought their devices before the enactment of the new rules.
- scmp 17nov19 delivery riders hit by pavement ban on electric scooters
- 為保障路人、電動滑板車及電動單車用戶安全,新加坡交通部周三宣布,接納諮詢小組早前提出的全部建議,包括要求電動滑板車及電動單車用家參加筆試、禁止用家使用電動移動裝置時使用手機等,但未有提及開始日期。當地上月起禁止電動滑板車及電動單車出現在行人路上,民眾只能在單車徑上使用
- 上海有九名以電動輪椅代步的殘疾人士上周三進入地鐵站時,職員指電動輪椅不得進入地鐵,並要求他們轉乘其他交通工具。上海申通地鐵周二回應事件,指乘客拆除輪椅動力裝置後,已由車站工作人員分批護送進站,並幫助部分乘客解決如廁、飲水等問題。
- 香港政府雖聲稱要推動創新科技發展,但總落後於形勢,財政資源的投入更是杯水車薪,反觀新加坡政府對初創企業的支持不斷增加,早年為吸引海外初創企業落戶當地,提供最多八成五資金資助作鼓勵,吸引不少年輕人發展創新科技;今年又宣布一擲八億港元推動一系列支持AI發展的措施,並成立聯合平台發展數據科學。
- 新加坡交易所亦步亦趨,計劃於未來兩周公布有關的規則諮詢,希望最快七月能有首間「同股不同權」企業上市,而首家在當地上市的「同股不同權」新股,極有可能是香港企業。
Filming location promotion
- Finland is offering a 25 percent cash rebate for production costs of film makers who shoot their feature films, documentaries, scripted fiction series and animation productions in the country.
- scmp 13dec18 "location is everything" tax breaks in france for foreign cinema & tv producers
incentive to raise children
- 購買新生嬰兒必需品對不少準媽媽而言是沉重經濟負擔,英國威爾斯政府計劃在境內推行「嬰兒包計劃」(baby bundle scheme),希望能為疫情之下的新生兒家庭減輕支出。衞生及社會關懷部形容是「給所有父母的禮物」。 to raise children
- policy
- umenosato nursey school
- ap moller private secondary school
- xue xue learning institute
- national studies
- apprenceship
- Teaching medium
- coding
- A Tokyo start-up is generating buzz with a new internship programme to connect non-college graduates – many of whom are considered delinquent youth – with companies in the grips of a deepening labour shortage.Dubbed the “Yankee internship”, the programme, whose participants range in age from 16 to 22, is unique in that it includes the category of Yankee – Japanese slang for delinquent youth. Such juveniles are popular as potential workers among companies in need of staff because although they “are wayward they have guts,” Hassyadai says.
- employment
prison hair rule
- overseas case hket 5jan18 a32
- 一九七七年,紐約州政府為扭轉罪案猖獗及經濟低迷的負面形象,格拉澤仗義無償幫忙,設計以復古打字機字體及紅心圖案繪畫的「I(心)NY」標誌。該標誌旋即成為紐約的代表,在不同物品隨處可見,單是海報在全球售出六百萬張。
- cultural product to promote city/country
- policy
- Sweden's Independent School Reform of 1992 made it possible for families to send their children to any school – state-run or independent – without having to pay fees. Children have equal right to education regardless of gender, ethnic background, and economic status.There is a maximum fee for kindergarten depending on how many children you have (SEK)
- umenosato nursey school
- ap moller private secondary school
- xue xue learning institute
- national studies
- 从今年9月秋季学期起,教育部歷时五年编写而成的义务教育道德与法治、语文、歷史三科统编教材将在全国使用。记者从28日举行的教育部发布会上获悉,三科 教材均突出了中华优秀传统文化、革命传统教育和国家主权教育。其中,小学语文教材中古诗文有129篇,初中为132篇。歷史教材注重加强国家主权意识,并 专设2册讲述中国共产党建立、发展,领导社会主义革命、建设和改革的史实。三科教材注重落实中华优秀传统文化,强化革命教育,并强调德法兼修。
- 英國傳媒報道,泰國皇室自去年三月起,安排皇室官員、軍人、警察、公務員、大學教授及學生參加訓練營,學習對皇室的忠誠及社區服務的知識。參加者完成訓練後,需在官方監察下四出向民眾宣傳,並拍下聽眾感動落淚的照片。總理辦公室回應指參加者完全是自願。
- 台灣的教育部為期三日的課審大會周一完結,鑑於研修小組認定該課綱沒有「去中國化」,且沒有委員提出異議,確定高中歷史科分成「台灣」、「東亞」及「世界」三個分域的架構,「中國史」正式被納入「東亞史」。
- tsa bca
Japan enacted legislation Friday making preschool education free as part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's drive to expand child care support and stem the country's falling birthrate. The government will use revenue from the planned consumption tax hike in October to run the free education program that is expected to cost 776 billion yen per year. The bill, which secured lower house approval in April, was passed by the House of Councillors on Friday, amid criticism from some opposition lawmakers that the government should first focus on reducing the number of children on waiting lists for nursery school places before making preschool education free. Under the program, the government will make preschool education free for all children aged between 3 and 5. Day-care services will also be made free for children up to 2 from low-income households. If parents send their children to preschools that are not authorized by local governments, maximum monthly subsidies of 37,000 yen per child will be given for those aged between 3 and 5, and 42,000 yen for those aged 2 and younger. School meals will not be covered.
- 被問到會否參考新加坡逐步免除部分年級的考試和計分評估制度時,楊回應,不同地區教育制度有異,亦有不同的背景和理念,香港沒必要跟隨海外做法。
- apprenceship
- In 2015, the UK Government rolled out the degree apprenticeship programme which was developed as part of the higher apprenticeship standard. The programme is the equivalent of a masters or bachelor's degree which offers a level 6 – 7 qualification.[3] Training for this qualification includes working in a full-time job as well as studying at a partner University or training provider.
-, A strict time plan, a strong work ethos, and a company band – this is how apprenticeships used to be at electrical engineering firm Brown, Boveri & Cie (BBC), pioneer of Switzerland’s famed dual-track apprenticeship system.The Baden-based company, which later merged with other companies to become the multinational concern ABB
, pioneered the development of apprenticeship training in Switzerland. “They were the first to have the practical training and the theory in one place in the firm,” the museum’s director Carol Nater Cartier told, which was founded in 1891, grew rapidly, as did the number of its trainees. In 1918 the company decided to found its own factory school on site, offering theory attuned to the practical skills required. This was a first, as before that apprentices had mostly attended more general trades schools like the municipal craftsman’s school in Baden.Later, in the 1970s, ABB set up a technical school, the first institution of higher vocational education of its kind in Switzerland.
- Scheer & sohne
- akiyama
- The national retraining scheme is the government’s new programme to help adults retrain into better jobs and be ready for future changes to the economy, including those brought about by automation.By helping adults to retrain into better jobs, the scheme will also help to meet the needs of businesses for a multi-skilled workforce in the future.To support the development of the scheme, the government announced £100 million in the autumn budget 2018. This is for the continued testing and development of the scheme, as well as delivering the first parts of the scheme to the public.This scheme is available to people and businesses in England.
- Skillsfuture is a national movement to provide Singaporeans with the opportunities to develop their fullest potential throughout life, regardless of their starting points. Through this movement, the skills, passion and contributions of every individual will drive Singapore's next phase of development towards an advanced economy and inclusive
- Skill India campaign was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15 July 2015 to train over 40 crore people in India in different skills by 2022.UK has entered into a partnership with India under skill India programme. Virtual partnerships will be initiated at the school level to enable young people of these country to experience the school system of the other country and develop an understanding of the culture, traditions and social and family systems.
- Teaching medium
- Native language
- 台灣的行政院教育部昨日決議,把「本土語言」列為初中一二年級必修、中三選修科,每星期一節,預計2022學年起實施。台灣2019年通過《國家語言發展法》,要求教育部修改課綱,使中學生學習並傳承台灣族群語言,民眾憂慮會適得其反。新列必修的本土語言包括閩南語、客家語、原住民族語和新住民語;原為小學4選1必修科、中學選修科。
- 學童學習編寫程 式及編碼
- stem
- A Tokyo start-up is generating buzz with a new internship programme to connect non-college graduates – many of whom are considered delinquent youth – with companies in the grips of a deepening labour shortage.Dubbed the “Yankee internship”, the programme, whose participants range in age from 16 to 22, is unique in that it includes the category of Yankee – Japanese slang for delinquent youth. Such juveniles are popular as potential workers among companies in need of staff because although they “are wayward they have guts,” Hassyadai says.
- employment
- 英國哈利王子與妻子梅根和兒子阿奇展開南非之旅,周三為旅程的最後一日,哈利參觀位於約翰內斯堡的青年就業服務中心(YES),宣布英國將提供八百萬英鎊(約七千七百萬港元)的援助,支持南非青年作就業技能培訓。
prison hair rule
- overseas case hket 5jan18 a32
- 一九七七年,紐約州政府為扭轉罪案猖獗及經濟低迷的負面形象,格拉澤仗義無償幫忙,設計以復古打字機字體及紅心圖案繪畫的「I(心)NY」標誌。該標誌旋即成為紐約的代表,在不同物品隨處可見,單是海報在全球售出六百萬張。
- cultural product to promote city/country
- new york
- on the town 1944
- new york new york musical drama film 1977
- 日本全國的城堡或城堡遺址都有各自的「御城印」發售,吸引不少遊客及愛好者收藏。高田城和春日山城的御城印由四月開始有售,不過繪上的是黑色大字。特別版的高田城之印及春日山城之印,今日可分別在高田城址公園內的歷史博物館,以及春日山町的埋藏文化財中心買到,發售時間為上午九時到下午五時,價格為三百日圓(約廿一港元)。
- event to promote country/heritage
- increase international exposure
attracting people to work in construction industry
- japan case hket 9jun17 a35
elderly policy
- 香港及東京安老服務比較
- domestic helpers taking care of elderly
policy for disabled
- comparison between hk and singapore hket 13dec17 a26
Retirement community
- Fifteen municipalities are considering accepting a total of about 3,500 seniors under the government's "Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC)" initiative designed to prompt healthy people aged around their retirement age to move to rural areas, a survey conducted by the Mainichi Shimbun has found. The Japanese version of the CCRC program is expected to expand further as other local governments are also considering accepting senior people. A government panel of experts on the CCRC initiative -- a pillar of the government's regional revitalization policy -- is to compile a final report as early as Dec. 11, setting the stage for realizing the retirement community scheme.
social impact bond
- hket 28sep18 a42 tracy pun palandjian 潘君慧
foreigners integration
- tabunka kyosei
public services chrages
- 新加坡衛生部前日宣佈,將向所有持短期旅遊簽證入境的新冠肺炎患者,追討自上周六以來在當地接受治療的費用。衛生部指出,全球感染個案不斷上升,新加坡病例預料亦會增加,當局有需要確定醫院資源運用的優先順序。措施生效後,當局會繼續免除旅客接受病毒測試的費用,而新加坡居民以及持有長期簽證的勞工和留學生,若到公立醫院接受治療,仍可全額豁免費用。根據衛生部網站指出,新加坡治療嚴重呼吸道疾病的費用約6,000坡元至8,000坡元(約3.4萬港元至4.5萬港元)。
medical insurance
- china daily 12oct18 shanghai medical insurance covers international hospital
organ donation
- 英國國會即將討論新的捐贈器官法案,如果獲得通過,英格蘭地區由二○二○年開始將會推行全民自願捐贈器官的新制度。這意味除非民眾主動申請退出,否則死後器官將會自動捐獻。
epidemic response infrastructure
- Singapore published its first Influenza Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan in June 2005 and has since honed it to a tee. Hospitals regularly war-game scenarios such as pandemics or terrorist attacks and the simulations are sometimes observed by the Ministry of Health, which grades the performance and recommends areas for improvement. The plan also covers the need to stockpile equipment to avoid the sort of shortages many countries are now facing, another lesson inspired by Sars when masks, gloves and gowns were in short supply. In a pandemic preparation paper published in 2008, Singapore public health specialist Jeffery Cutter wrote that Singapore’s stockpile was sufficient to cover at least 5 to 6 months’ use by all front-line health care workers. During the Covid-19 outbreak, it has also told citizens to not wear masks so it can conserve supply for medical staff.
epidemic emergency measures
- 澳門當局宣布,如在澳門的湖北省旅客希望返回內地,會協助安置在珠海的酒店,如果他們不願意離境,會協助安置在澳門指定地點,而當局將會租用酒店安置隔離人士。相關酒店選址要易管理,並非位於鬧市,當確定所租用的酒店後,兩名現正在青年旅舍隔離的湖北省旅客將轉至有關酒店安置,而黑沙的青年旅舍則會改作備用。當局指,政府租用的酒店會有人員駐守,被隔離人士只能停留在酒店房間,不允許外出,租用酒店的費用將由政府負擔。
- 台灣28日出現首例新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎本土病例,為了加強隔離,台灣流行疫情指揮中心29日起將發給2000名居家隔離者每人一部手機,進行全天候電子監控。指揮中心提醒,居家隔離者配合防疫,若拒拿定位手機,或嚴重違規行為,最高可依法開罰新台幣30萬元(約港幣7.5萬元)。
- 為鼓勵企業增產增供,發改委、財政部及工信部9日發出通知,把包括N95口罩在內的十類產品列入政府兜底採購收儲的產品目錄,支持生產疫情防控重點醫療物資的企業抓緊釋放已有產能,進一步增加產量,支持有關企業通過技術改造、增添生產線迅速擴大產能。同日國家發改委正式發文明確,疫情過後的富餘產量由政府收儲。/大公報記者 周琳北京報道 發改委經貿司副司長陳達在當天國務院聯防聯控機制發布會上表示,截至8日,湖北防護品企業復工率達100%,但防護服、N95口罩依然有較大缺口。 據悉,被列入產品目錄的十類產品包括:醫用防護服(GB19082-2003)、N95醫用級防護口罩(GB19083)、醫用外科口罩(YY0469-2011)、醫用一次性使用口罩等。
- 北京市政府副秘書長陳蓓表示,世界衞生組織日前宣布新冠肺炎已成全球大流行,境外輸入成為該市的疫情防控重點,自今日起所有無症狀進京人士,均應轉送至集中觀察點隔離十四天,一切費用自理。
- For Tan Hang Kian, executive director of
Singapore cleaning company Clean Solutions, Tuesday started with a “logistical nightmare”. Of the 2,000 staff he employs, 800 are Malaysians and 150 of those commute daily into the city state. Tan had to scramble after Malaysia on Monday night
announced an overseas travel ban for its citizens among other measures to curb the
spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. “It was not confirmed last night whether those with jobs in Singapore will be allowed to come in, but we started making preparations immediately,” he said. His line managers called their staff in
Malaysia, telling them the company would try to house them in Singapore. Early on Tuesday, they started outfitting an existing dormitory – which can accommodate 400 people but is currently only half full – to hold these workers.The Ministry of Manpower said it would extend help to companies, prioritising essential services such as health care, security, cleaning, waste management, facilities management, logistics and transport. The authorities also announced they would provide companies with financial assistance of S$50 a night for each affected worker to help with the cost of temporary lodging.
- 倫敦市長簡世德前日宣佈,將安排部分露宿者入住當地酒店,進行自我隔離,兩間酒店將在未來12周內提供300個房間。簡世德稱,疫情影響所有倫敦市民,當局必須竭盡所能保護每個人的健康,包括每晚露宿街頭的無家可歸者,「他們的生活困苦無依,我將盡力保護他們及所有市民。」倫敦目前有1.1萬名露宿者,簡世德已跟洲際酒店集團合作,集團旗下兩間酒店將以折扣價提供300個房間,獲安排入住的露宿者,將由的士司機義務接載往酒店。
- 新加坡一名男子由於違反具法律約束力的「居家通告」禁令,被移民與關卡局(ICA)撤銷護照,衛生部亦已介入調查。
- 西班牙首相桑切斯前日發表全國電視講話,宣佈更嚴格防疫措施,要求所有非必要行業的員工,自今日起留家直至下月9日,受影響的打工仔可如常領薪,但在未來復工後需補回工時。西班牙昨日累計78,799宗確診,死亡病例增加916宗,共6,606人不治。桑切斯表示,新的停工居家指引涵蓋建造業等非必要行業,表示能減少受感染及住院人數。桑切斯亦呼籲歐盟採取經濟及社會策略應對疫情,包括發行債券籌措抗疫資金。
- Roughly every 25 years, Switzerland organises a national exhibition, with the aim of offering a snapshot of prevailing culture, politics and the Swiss economy. The first national exhibition was held in 1883 in Zurich. Its central theme was the importance of school and education for economic growth.The Swiss army dominated the three subsequent exhibitions (1896 in Geneva, 1914 in Bern and 1939 in Zurich), reflecting a desire by the country to demonstrate its independence. The “Landi” of 1939, in particular, was largely the product of the prevailing ‘national spiritual defence’ policy. In the past, these exhibitions had tended to present an idealised image of life in rural Switzerland in direct contrast to the hustle and bustle of industrial towns. For example, at the 1939 expo, a life-size Swiss village, the “Landi-Dörfli”, was built on the shores of Lake Zurich. The 1964 National Exhibition in Lausanne presented a futuristic vision of the country through the ‘Gulliver Project’, which involved a computer delivering the latest results of a visitor survey on major current affairs issues in real time. Held at the height of the Cold War, the 1964 Expo showcased Swiss values. For example, the army’s pavilion was in the shape of a giant hedgehog.
- india by the bay 17-25feb17 by asia society
- global indian festival
- 12th edition held in 1-9jun2019 KL, malaysia
- The Thessaloniki International Fair (Greek: Διεθνής Έκθεση Θεσσαλονίκης, Diethnis Ekthesi Thessalonikis), abbreviated TIF (ΔΕΘ), is an annual international exhibition event held in Thessaloniki, Greece's second-largest city. It has been held in the first week of September since 1926, and its opening is traditionally marked by a series of programmatical statements by the Prime Minister of Greece. The United States were chosen as the honoured country for the 83rd Fair, opened on 8 September 2018[3] and India will be the honoured country for the 84th TIF in 2019.
- 莫斯科国民经济成就展(VDNKh)1939年夏季开始举行。在占地广阔的展览园内有数十座展馆、喷泉、池塘、休息区、咖啡馆和餐厅。如今,全俄展览中心是莫斯科本地人和外来游客最喜欢的地方之一。这是个可以玩一整天的巨大公园。国民经济成就展大部分展馆建于上世纪五十年代,不过有些建筑是二十世纪三十年代末存留下来的。进入壮丽的拱门入口后,您就可以看到巨大的中心展馆。这座展馆按照斯大林帝国风格建造并辅以苏联历史为主题的浮雕装饰。 中心展馆后边是著名的人民友谊喷泉,由16个身着苏联各加盟共和国民族服装少女雕塑组成,是国民经济成就展的标志之一。喷泉往后有两条林荫道,坐落着行业馆(冶金馆和交通运输馆)和共和国馆(吉尔吉斯馆和亚美尼亚馆),以折中风格建造,融合了各时期和各民族的建筑艺术,共约有50个。
来源:«透视俄罗斯» - - Hue Festival is a big cultural event of Hue City that is held every two years. There is a week (usually in April, May or June) for each festival season which is the occasion to honor cultural and historical values of that Vietnam's former capital city. The first Hue Festival took place in 2000.
- 記者昨 日從上海市經信委獲悉,配合 「五五購物節」 促銷活動,聚焦消 費品領域的 「上海製造佳品匯」 活動將於下周二正式開幕,並將 以線上線下結合模式,重點推進輕工、紡織、食品、智能硬件 「 1000+ 」 名品促銷,冀形成10億元(人民幣,下同)級上海品牌 消費新高潮。
- increase international exposure
- 話說紐約華爾街將會有一枚重量達2,200磅、價值4,500萬美元(約3.51億港元)嘅巨型金幣進駐。絲絲八到呢個金幣係由澳洲Perth Mint鑄幣廠以純金打造,直徑接近32吋,厚度差唔多有5吋。一面印有英國伊利沙伯女王頭像,而另一面就印咗澳洲國寶之一嘅袋鼠。目的係宣傳由Perth Mint發行嘅黃金交易所買賣基金快將面世一周年。
- SME Corporation Malaysia, in collaboration with SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. has developed the National Mark of MALAYSIAN BRAND certification programme that promotes the development of Malaysian brands to meet global quality standards. The certification programme is an effort to assist Malaysian brand owners to increase their market reach and compete on a global platform. he National Mark of MALAYSIAN BRAND certification programme was officially launched on the 2nd of March 2009 by HRH Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah, the Regent of Perak.
- 《山東老字號發展報告》白皮書日前正式對外發佈。山東省商務廳副廳長王洪平在新聞發佈會上表示,今年該省將會推動「老字號」積極對接資本市場,通過尋求融資、謀劃上市、打造創客空間等途徑,增強可持續發展能力。
- k food - s korea foodpolis (since 2015)
attracting people to work in construction industry
- japan case hket 9jun17 a35
elderly policy
- 香港及東京安老服務比較
- domestic helpers taking care of elderly
- 以新加坡為例,如有家庭通過聘請外傭以照顧長者,每月可獲約一千一百港元的稅務寬免;低收入的家庭戶口更可獲得額外約六百港元資助,以分攤聘請外傭的成本。至於台灣,當地政府亦提供類似新加坡的財政誘因,而一般家庭聘請外傭的原因即是照顧居家的長者,故其外傭通稱為「外籍家庭看護工」。此外,新加坡政府會為僱主提供培訓津貼,使外傭能在履新前接受兩天針對性的護理訓練,待上崗後更能熟悉照顧長者的要求。而在台灣負責老人護理的外傭,則需在入境前接受九十小時的課程訓練,通過相關評核後才能按計劃前往就職。
-本報一連兩日,專訪專門研究日本老人 介護及社會福祉制度的社企「鐵樹銀花」創辦人岑啟灝,為讀者深入剖析。
- 據中新社報道,為促進與保障「銀髮族」就業,台灣當局行政機構昨日通過中高齡者及高齡者就業促進條例草案,規定僱主可用定期契約僱用65歲以上高齡勞工,若有職場年齡歧視,可處30萬元到150萬元新台幣罰款,且應公佈負責人姓名,並限期改善,若未改善應按次處罰。綜合中央社及《聯合報》等台媒報道,台灣面臨少子化及高齡化的人口結構變化,55歲以上人士的勞動參與率明顯偏低。
policy for disabled
- comparison between hk and singapore hket 13dec17 a26
Retirement community
- Fifteen municipalities are considering accepting a total of about 3,500 seniors under the government's "Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC)" initiative designed to prompt healthy people aged around their retirement age to move to rural areas, a survey conducted by the Mainichi Shimbun has found. The Japanese version of the CCRC program is expected to expand further as other local governments are also considering accepting senior people. A government panel of experts on the CCRC initiative -- a pillar of the government's regional revitalization policy -- is to compile a final report as early as Dec. 11, setting the stage for realizing the retirement community scheme.
social impact bond
- hket 28sep18 a42 tracy pun palandjian 潘君慧
foreigners integration
- tabunka kyosei
public services chrages
- 新加坡衛生部前日宣佈,將向所有持短期旅遊簽證入境的新冠肺炎患者,追討自上周六以來在當地接受治療的費用。衛生部指出,全球感染個案不斷上升,新加坡病例預料亦會增加,當局有需要確定醫院資源運用的優先順序。措施生效後,當局會繼續免除旅客接受病毒測試的費用,而新加坡居民以及持有長期簽證的勞工和留學生,若到公立醫院接受治療,仍可全額豁免費用。根據衛生部網站指出,新加坡治療嚴重呼吸道疾病的費用約6,000坡元至8,000坡元(約3.4萬港元至4.5萬港元)。
medical insurance
- china daily 12oct18 shanghai medical insurance covers international hospital
organ donation
- 英國國會即將討論新的捐贈器官法案,如果獲得通過,英格蘭地區由二○二○年開始將會推行全民自願捐贈器官的新制度。這意味除非民眾主動申請退出,否則死後器官將會自動捐獻。
epidemic response infrastructure
- Singapore published its first Influenza Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan in June 2005 and has since honed it to a tee. Hospitals regularly war-game scenarios such as pandemics or terrorist attacks and the simulations are sometimes observed by the Ministry of Health, which grades the performance and recommends areas for improvement. The plan also covers the need to stockpile equipment to avoid the sort of shortages many countries are now facing, another lesson inspired by Sars when masks, gloves and gowns were in short supply. In a pandemic preparation paper published in 2008, Singapore public health specialist Jeffery Cutter wrote that Singapore’s stockpile was sufficient to cover at least 5 to 6 months’ use by all front-line health care workers. During the Covid-19 outbreak, it has also told citizens to not wear masks so it can conserve supply for medical staff.
epidemic emergency measures
- 澳門當局宣布,如在澳門的湖北省旅客希望返回內地,會協助安置在珠海的酒店,如果他們不願意離境,會協助安置在澳門指定地點,而當局將會租用酒店安置隔離人士。相關酒店選址要易管理,並非位於鬧市,當確定所租用的酒店後,兩名現正在青年旅舍隔離的湖北省旅客將轉至有關酒店安置,而黑沙的青年旅舍則會改作備用。當局指,政府租用的酒店會有人員駐守,被隔離人士只能停留在酒店房間,不允許外出,租用酒店的費用將由政府負擔。
- 台灣28日出現首例新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎本土病例,為了加強隔離,台灣流行疫情指揮中心29日起將發給2000名居家隔離者每人一部手機,進行全天候電子監控。指揮中心提醒,居家隔離者配合防疫,若拒拿定位手機,或嚴重違規行為,最高可依法開罰新台幣30萬元(約港幣7.5萬元)。
- 為鼓勵企業增產增供,發改委、財政部及工信部9日發出通知,把包括N95口罩在內的十類產品列入政府兜底採購收儲的產品目錄,支持生產疫情防控重點醫療物資的企業抓緊釋放已有產能,進一步增加產量,支持有關企業通過技術改造、增添生產線迅速擴大產能。同日國家發改委正式發文明確,疫情過後的富餘產量由政府收儲。/大公報記者 周琳北京報道 發改委經貿司副司長陳達在當天國務院聯防聯控機制發布會上表示,截至8日,湖北防護品企業復工率達100%,但防護服、N95口罩依然有較大缺口。 據悉,被列入產品目錄的十類產品包括:醫用防護服(GB19082-2003)、N95醫用級防護口罩(GB19083)、醫用外科口罩(YY0469-2011)、醫用一次性使用口罩等。
- 北京市政府副秘書長陳蓓表示,世界衞生組織日前宣布新冠肺炎已成全球大流行,境外輸入成為該市的疫情防控重點,自今日起所有無症狀進京人士,均應轉送至集中觀察點隔離十四天,一切費用自理。
- For Tan Hang Kian, executive director of
Singapore cleaning company Clean Solutions, Tuesday started with a “logistical nightmare”. Of the 2,000 staff he employs, 800 are Malaysians and 150 of those commute daily into the city state. Tan had to scramble after Malaysia on Monday night
announced an overseas travel ban for its citizens among other measures to curb the
spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. “It was not confirmed last night whether those with jobs in Singapore will be allowed to come in, but we started making preparations immediately,” he said. His line managers called their staff in
Malaysia, telling them the company would try to house them in Singapore. Early on Tuesday, they started outfitting an existing dormitory – which can accommodate 400 people but is currently only half full – to hold these workers.The Ministry of Manpower said it would extend help to companies, prioritising essential services such as health care, security, cleaning, waste management, facilities management, logistics and transport. The authorities also announced they would provide companies with financial assistance of S$50 a night for each affected worker to help with the cost of temporary lodging.
- 倫敦市長簡世德前日宣佈,將安排部分露宿者入住當地酒店,進行自我隔離,兩間酒店將在未來12周內提供300個房間。簡世德稱,疫情影響所有倫敦市民,當局必須竭盡所能保護每個人的健康,包括每晚露宿街頭的無家可歸者,「他們的生活困苦無依,我將盡力保護他們及所有市民。」倫敦目前有1.1萬名露宿者,簡世德已跟洲際酒店集團合作,集團旗下兩間酒店將以折扣價提供300個房間,獲安排入住的露宿者,將由的士司機義務接載往酒店。
- 新加坡一名男子由於違反具法律約束力的「居家通告」禁令,被移民與關卡局(ICA)撤銷護照,衛生部亦已介入調查。
- 西班牙首相桑切斯前日發表全國電視講話,宣佈更嚴格防疫措施,要求所有非必要行業的員工,自今日起留家直至下月9日,受影響的打工仔可如常領薪,但在未來復工後需補回工時。西班牙昨日累計78,799宗確診,死亡病例增加916宗,共6,606人不治。桑切斯表示,新的停工居家指引涵蓋建造業等非必要行業,表示能減少受感染及住院人數。桑切斯亦呼籲歐盟採取經濟及社會策略應對疫情,包括發行債券籌措抗疫資金。
- Madrid’s ice rink has been turned into a morgue for coronavirus victims in the Spanish capital. The company that operates the Palacio de Hielo, or Ice Palace, offered the premises on Monday and Madrid authorities greenlighted the initiative, said a spokesperson for the regional government.
- 總理杜魯多前日宣布,將75%工資補貼範圍,由國內中小企擴大至部分大型企業、非牟利組織及慈善機構。他亦同時警告,若有企業濫用補貼,將受嚴厲懲罰。
- 全省首個抗疫物資出口聯盟4月1日在廣州正式成立。該聯盟由阿里巴巴、金發科技、萬孚化學、白雲山中一藥業、卓志供應鏈、萊茵檢測、中信保等首批27家企業發起成立,旨在集中打造集製造、檢測、電商、流通於一體的全產業鏈平台,為全球戰勝疫情提供全方位供應鏈服務解決方案。該出口聯盟將推動生產、外貿、物流、電商企業信息共享,發布中英文防疫物資供貨企業名錄,搭建供需平台,打通流通環節,推動優質產能走出去,扶持企業做大做強。
- A revamped loan fund for ailing firms hit by the coronavirus lockdown will have an immediate impact, RBS has said. RBS chairman Sir Howard Davies admitted there had been problems but expects to see a "sharp increase" in lending to small firms in the next few days. On Thursday, Chancellor Rishi Sunak overhauled the scheme amid claims banks were taking advantage of the crisis. The government has pledged to guarantee £330bn of loans but only £145m has been lent so far. Small firms say they have struggled with onerous eligibility criteria for the government-backed loans, which are being issued by High Street banks and other lenders. They have also complained of facing interest rates of up to 30% and being asked to make unreasonable personal guarantees.
- 馬來西亞國防部長依斯邁沙比利昨日召開記者會表示,政府將在行動管制令第三階段採取限制日常商品最高售價的「頂價機制」,避免商家趁機哄抬物價。行動限制令第三階段從本月十五日起至二十八日,官員還未列出必需品的項目,一般節慶限制的品項是雞、豬、馬鈴薯、番茄,辣椒之類的食物。依斯邁沙比利說,頂價機制一般只在重大節日實施,但目前是非常時刻,為確保二十五種主要生活用品的存量充足,也避免民眾瘋狂搶購,造成商家抬高售價,因此會隨時對商家突擊檢查,以監督日常用品的最高售價。日報-國際-大馬禁必需品疫市抬價
- Since the government unveiled S$60 billion (US$42 billion) in stimulus package two weeks ago , an A-list of landlords – some of which majority-owned by state investment arm – have rushed to share the goodies with businesses to protect jobs. The government even enacted a law, just to make sure of that. That is music to the ears for Bluebell group, the region’s biggest distributor of luxury retail brands with US$2 billion in sales, who pays some of the most expensive retail space in malls across Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. “The landlords in Singapore have been more understanding and the government has been giving out subsidies, including property tax rebates, which they can pass to tenants,” said Nelly Ngadiman, managing director for Southeast Asia at Bluebell. “We have seen a slowdown in sales since February, a bit later than Hong Kong.”
- 總理杜魯多前日宣布,將75%工資補貼範圍,由國內中小企擴大至部分大型企業、非牟利組織及慈善機構。他亦同時警告,若有企業濫用補貼,將受嚴厲懲罰。
- 全省首個抗疫物資出口聯盟4月1日在廣州正式成立。該聯盟由阿里巴巴、金發科技、萬孚化學、白雲山中一藥業、卓志供應鏈、萊茵檢測、中信保等首批27家企業發起成立,旨在集中打造集製造、檢測、電商、流通於一體的全產業鏈平台,為全球戰勝疫情提供全方位供應鏈服務解決方案。該出口聯盟將推動生產、外貿、物流、電商企業信息共享,發布中英文防疫物資供貨企業名錄,搭建供需平台,打通流通環節,推動優質產能走出去,扶持企業做大做強。
- A revamped loan fund for ailing firms hit by the coronavirus lockdown will have an immediate impact, RBS has said. RBS chairman Sir Howard Davies admitted there had been problems but expects to see a "sharp increase" in lending to small firms in the next few days. On Thursday, Chancellor Rishi Sunak overhauled the scheme amid claims banks were taking advantage of the crisis. The government has pledged to guarantee £330bn of loans but only £145m has been lent so far. Small firms say they have struggled with onerous eligibility criteria for the government-backed loans, which are being issued by High Street banks and other lenders. They have also complained of facing interest rates of up to 30% and being asked to make unreasonable personal guarantees.
- 馬來西亞國防部長依斯邁沙比利昨日召開記者會表示,政府將在行動管制令第三階段採取限制日常商品最高售價的「頂價機制」,避免商家趁機哄抬物價。行動限制令第三階段從本月十五日起至二十八日,官員還未列出必需品的項目,一般節慶限制的品項是雞、豬、馬鈴薯、番茄,辣椒之類的食物。依斯邁沙比利說,頂價機制一般只在重大節日實施,但目前是非常時刻,為確保二十五種主要生活用品的存量充足,也避免民眾瘋狂搶購,造成商家抬高售價,因此會隨時對商家突擊檢查,以監督日常用品的最高售價。日報-國際-大馬禁必需品疫市抬價
- Since the government unveiled S$60 billion (US$42 billion) in stimulus package two weeks ago , an A-list of landlords – some of which majority-owned by state investment arm – have rushed to share the goodies with businesses to protect jobs. The government even enacted a law, just to make sure of that. That is music to the ears for Bluebell group, the region’s biggest distributor of luxury retail brands with US$2 billion in sales, who pays some of the most expensive retail space in malls across Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. “The landlords in Singapore have been more understanding and the government has been giving out subsidies, including property tax rebates, which they can pass to tenants,” said Nelly Ngadiman, managing director for Southeast Asia at Bluebell. “We have seen a slowdown in sales since February, a bit later than Hong Kong.”
- On Wednesday, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a temporary holiday on stamp duty on the first £500,000 of all property sales in England and Northern Ireland until next March. He said the move would save the average house buyer £4,500.There has been a mixed reaction to the news.
Pandemic - compensation
-新加坡去年三月起退出疫情追蹤系統「合力追蹤」(TraceTogether)以及星版「健康碼」SafeEntry訪客登記系統,對於防疫建樹功不可沒。當局4日證實,警察在進行刑事調查時,有權索取「合力追蹤」防疫程式的數據。 新加坡內政部長陳國明周一回答國會議員質詢時表示,根據《刑事訴訟法》,警方有權索取任何數據,包括「合力追蹤」數據。他指出,政府是相關數據的保管人,並採取了嚴謹措施保護這些個人資料,包括只允許授權人員查閱數據、這些數據只能用於授權用途上,以及儲存在安全的數據平台等。 根據公共部門(治理)法令,公務員在未經授權的情況下泄露或者濫用有關資料,將面對高達5000新加坡元(約2.94萬港元)罰款或2年監禁,或兩者兼施。 「合力追蹤」計劃包括手機應用程式及便攜追蹤器,通過藍牙信號檢測曾長時間接觸的設備,助衞生部門迅速確定新冠確診患者的密切接觸者。新加坡目前已有超過420萬人參與該計劃,佔總人口近八成,在全球領先。這一計劃在新加坡的百貨公司、餐廳、辦公大樓等場所強制使用,民眾入內需掃碼完成SafeEntry登記。
- 斯洛伐克是歐洲首個推出全民新冠病毒檢測的國家,全國近2/3人口曾接受檢測,在兩輪檢測中共成功找出57,462名確診者,再配合隔離措施,減低病毒在社區傳播機會,因此部分地區的感染率近周有下降趨勢,讓政府可陸續放寬防疫限制。
- 澳洲悉尼土地供應緊張,加上人口老化,市內主要墓地預料會在30年內爆滿。為增加空間,各大墳場各出奇謀,例如興建「古羅馬式」地下墓穴、甚至研究如何加快遺體腐化速度,盡快騰出空間。位於悉尼東部馬特勒維爾的東郊紀念園啟用於1893年,園內墓地預料在15年內爆滿。管理公司計劃在5年內興建多層地下墓穴,目標供應7,000個墳位,造價約1,000萬澳元(約5,872萬港元)。管理公司更計劃在一般墳位之間設立靈骨塔,足夠供幾個世紀之用。另一個有150年歷史的盧克伍德墓地,墳位預料亦會在30年後用盡。管理公司有意加快遺體腐化速度,並已經用120具豬屍進行試驗。雖然此舉極具爭議性,但公司相信公眾最終會接受。
- 新加坡政府周二宣布,擴建有七十八年歷史的登加空軍基地(Tengah Air Base),以容納巴耶利峇空軍基地搬遷後的部分軍事設備。政府將會徵收基地附近一帶土地,影響四個魚場、兩個苗圃及大約八萬個墳墓,當中包括逾四萬個華人墳墓。由於新加坡的土地有限,當地政府從一九九八年十一月起實施新的土葬條例,限定所有土葬的安葬期限為十五年,而今次受影響的墳墓被移除時都已達到這一期限。預料巴耶利峇空軍基地搬遷後,將騰出八百公頃的土地供新發展用途。
- 現時美國民眾死後,主要有火葬或土葬兩種合法殯葬方式。華盛頓州的民主黨議員近日推動「重組草案」,希望擴大處理人類遺體的方法,讓民眾可選擇「遺骨堆肥」,以另一方法回歸大自然。該州參議院上月通過草案,若州眾議院支持,草案最快明年中生效,將成全美首例。
- 最高人民檢察院昨日通報,河南省政府前黨組成員、副省長徐光涉嫌受賄,最高檢近日對其作出批捕決定。曾有「平墳書記」之稱的徐,主政周口市時鐵腕推動「平墳復耕」政策,半年拆毀三百五十萬座民眾的祖墳。當年官方給民眾遷墳時間短、賠償少、加上清拆行動粗暴,引起極大民怨。徐光於二○一二年任周口市委書記,推行「平墳復耕」政策 ,要求三年內完成農村公益性公墓全覆蓋、火化率100%、不再出現新墳頭,逐步取消舊墳頭。當時推出每推平一個墳頭,可獲二百元(人民幣‧下同,約二百二十四港元)賠償;主動遷墳進公眾墓地,可獲三百至五百元(約三百三十五至五百六十港元)補助。當地民眾普遍認為,拆人祖墳是對他人最大的侮辱,加上賠償少,又要求民眾短時間內自拆,否則官方出動挖泥機強拆。因拆毀數百萬個祖墳,退回耕地有限,引起巨大民怨。同年底國務院修改《殯葬管理條例》部分條款,該市平墳工作才告暫停。
- 近日內地傳媒體再對北京市有售的雷射筆進行測試,發現如今的雷射筆質量與威力更勝從前,射出的激光所產生的熱力,短短兩秒間便能點燃數米外的火柴,只需十秒就能燒穿六層厚的報紙。內地民間呼籲當局盡快立法規管雷射筆。
water supply
-原來新加坡為了擺脫食水供應受制於人,早於上世紀七十年代,他們已開始設法「治水」,包括研究海水化淡,以及圍海築堤蓄水等。經過多年的努力,新加坡的海 水化淡科技已進身世界一流,除了可以滿足本身四分之一用水的需求,相關的科技還可外銷,尤其中東地區,對此興趣甚濃。至於現時成為新加坡熱門水上活動中心 的濱海堤壩(Marina Barrage),其實是一個圍海築成的水庫,以自然沖淡方式蓄水,目前可為當地提供超過一成的用水。
- 原來西澳的水喉水來自海水化淡廠。西澳一年日照時間超過3000小時,東部連接大片沙漠,降雨量常年不足,靠地下水及水壩儲水遠遠不足以滿足供水需要。所以早在2006年,澳洲在經歷了持續十年的「千禧年大旱」之後,就在多個地區建立海水化淡廠,包括黃金海岸、距Sydney二十多公里的Kurnell、Perth等地,當時Perth的海水化淡廠每天可淡化15.2萬噸印度洋海水,提供西澳地區17%的供水需求。到了今天,海水化淡已不是新鮮事,根據國際海水淡化協會(IDA)的統計,目前全球擁有超過17000家海水化淡廠,它們分別分佈在全球150個國家,所以海水化淡技術已經相當成熟,也確實解決了許多人的供水需求。
water management
- financing
- houston case introduced by james nickum of water international on hku sem on 30oct18 - app developed by university of houston to test lead in water by using smartphone - termed as "stakeholder empowerment instrument"
water reuse
- bay area example - professor david sedlak, co-director of berkeley water center uc berkeley
- 北區區議會早前到新加坡考察,據知實地了解再生水嘅廠房、單車泊車系統等,究竟乜嘢係再生水呢?北區區議員姚銘話,此行最得意係去咗參觀再生水廠,因為再生水係將雨水等污水變成可以飲用嘅水,當日甫去到廠房,已聞到類似污水處理廠嘅味道,姚銘即時打咗個突,因為聞完呢陣味後,轉頭就要試飲再生水。
live poultry
- korea localisation support project - provides support to importers of korean agricultural food products
- urban farming
- hket 26jul17 a29
- 法國巴黎終於重啟市內的市區天台農場首階段興建計劃,可望在兩年內落成全歐最大的市區農場。將由二十名農夫打理,在盛產季節時期料可每天生產約一千公斤生果和蔬菜,為可持續性農務建立一個世界典範。
Japanese Food and Ingredient Supporter Stores Overseas (introduced in 2016)
was designed to certify overseas restaurants, bars and retailers which carry Japanese food and beverages as official “Japanese Food Supporters” in order to further promote Japanese agricultural, forestry, fishery and food products around the world. JETRO is designated as an operational administrative association for this program in line with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. Based on the guidelines, we are recruiting overseas organizations such as restaurants and retailers which will be able to play the role of official Japanese Food Supporters by proactively incorporating Japanese ingredients into their menus and stocks.sugar tax
- hkej monthly jul18 issue p128
one stop licence for caterers
- 澳門有意引入飲食業一站式發牌制度,正研究酒店商場內的餐飲場所是否適用,及其他審批部門能否配合,期望最快明年實施。旅遊局局長文綺華表示,酒店商場內的餐飲場所,在申請飲食牌時牽涉的圖則數量或要求均較多,需研究能否以一站式發牌的可行性。至於將來酒店商場內的飲食牌全部由旅遊局發出,街舖牌照則全歸民政總署,現有的店舖如何過渡,文綺華則指將來推出過渡安排,又指現時數百間由旅遊局發出飲食牌的餐廳,大部分位處酒店商場內經營,相信問題不大。
- introduced in seattle in 1970s
food security
- Singapore, one of the most urbanised nations on earth, is making land available for agriculture for the first time in decades for farmers to come up with high-tech ways of improving the city-state’s food security.
- Singapore last year topped the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Global Food Security Index of 113 countries for the first time, scoring high on measures such as affordability, availability and safety. Yet, as the country imports more than 90 per cent of its food, its food security is susceptible to climate-change and natural resource risks, the EIU noted.
- The country has ranked top in an index of food security for two years running and is now deepening its focus as the Covid-19 crisis exposes the fragility of global food supply chains.Years of contingency planning – and recent moves to maintain the key flow of goods from neighbouring
Malaysia – have helped keep supplies arriving through pandemic-related disruptions, even as Singapore experienced waves of panic buying that emptied some supermarket shelves of food.
In an immediate response to the Covid-19 crisis, the government has accelerated funding for local farms to “grow more and grow faster” over the next six-to-24 months, according to the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), established in April last year. The agency is also working to add to a supply network that already taps 170 countries or regions for its food, it said in an emailed statement last month.Over the longer-term, its drive for greater food security is based on a three-pronged strategy to diversify the nation’s food sources, support companies to grow overseas and lift domestic production.
The last of these is the most ambitious, but arguably the most critical in cushioning against widespread supply disruptions: to produce enough food domestically to meet 30 per cent of its nutritional needs by 2030, up from less than 10 per cent now.
- home farming
- 17日,深圳市新冠肺炎疫情防控指揮部辦公室發布最新通告稱,將全面加強進口冷凍肉製品和水產品疫情防控,設立進口凍品集中監管倉。根據規定,18日起,從深圳各港口碼頭提櫃離港並在深圳儲存、銷售、加工的進口凍品,在儲存、銷售、加工前須進入集中監管倉進行外包裝消殺和抽樣核酸檢測。經外包裝消殺和抽樣核酸檢測合格,並取得《深圳市進口冷凍肉製品和水產品出庫證明》(簡稱出庫證明)後方能出庫。通告要求,進入集中監管倉的進口凍品貨主,須按要求如實填報貨主、報關單、車輛、司機、貨物流向等信息。同時,深圳市從事進口凍品儲存、銷售、加工的經營單位,須查驗《出庫證明》,凡是未取得該證明的,不得在深圳儲存、銷售、加工。對於違反本規定,未取得《出庫證明》的進口凍品、未按要求如實填報信息等行為的,將按照相關法律法規嚴肅查處,並納入徵信系統。
LA food policy council
- mentioned at civic exchange sponsored ust sem on 11sep17
- 由於愈來愈少人寄信,新西蘭郵政近10年處理的郵件量大減一半,為紓緩虧損情況,決定與連鎖快餐店肯德基合作,在北部城市陶朗阿推行試驗計劃,郵局負責為肯德基速遞外賣,此外亦計劃下調郵費,以及將郊外地區郵寄服務從6日減至5日。
culture development funding
- Innovative cultural projects, libraries, museums and creative industries will benefit from £250m of new funding for the culture and creative sector, the Culture Secretary announced today. Of this new funding over £125m will be invested in regional museums and libraries around the country. More than £90m will be provided to extend the Cultural Development Fund which uses investment in heritage, culture and creativity to drive regeneration and growth.A further £18.5 million has been allocated to York’s National Railway Museum, and an extra £7 million for Coventry and the UK City of Culture programme.In total, over the next 5 years, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport will invest an additional £50 million each year in culture and the creative industries across England to revitalise existing assets and to support new cultural development.
- singtao 10jun19 公共出租权
- 歷時逾十年興建、坐落阿聯酋首都的阿布扎比羅浮宮將於周三舉行開幕儀式,是羅浮宮首個在外國開設的分館。該館除展出阿聯酋擁有的藝術藏品外,亦獲巴黎羅浮宮借出包括荷蘭畫家梵高的自畫像及意大利文藝復興大師達文西的畫作等約三百件展品。
performance overseas tours
- To celebrate Spring Festival in February this year, 22 performers of the Inner Mongolia Art Theater went on a 25-day visit, presenting cultural shows to people in that part of the world. Uljit, the 60-year-old deputy director of the theater, is also good at singing and dancing. During the tour, he hosted several galas in Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma in the United States and other cities in South America, where the Chinese artists performed Mongolian-style songs, folk dance, acrobatics, khoomei (throat-singing) and played traditional instruments like the morin khuur (horse-head fiddle). The tour, sponsored by the Chinese government, drew viewers from among Chinese and other communities living there.
- In 2016, Indonesia’s Creative Economy Agency took notice of the project and instructed Radio Republik Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia Radio), the country’s state-owned broadcaster, to open its vaults and allow its 1,000-plus recordings to be digitised. Renowned collector and painter Haryadi Suadi also contributed records from the 1920s and ’30s. So far, Irama Nusantara has been able to stream its recordings for free without dealing with record companies because it positions the recordings for educational purposes and not entertainment. Tarigan admits that it is a grey area, but notes that the project includes a disclaimer on almost every page for artists or producers who want certain recordings taken down.
- economist 22aug2020 moral minorities how a contested region became a model for multilingual coexistence
religion related
- A Canadian province has introduced legislation that would bar civil servants in positions of "authority" from wearing religious symbols at work. The centre-right Coalition Avenir Quebec's bill covers judges, prosecutors, police officers, teachers and some other positions. This is not the first time Quebec has pushed forward legislation to re-enforce state religious neutrality. Several groups are preparing to fight the proposed legislation. Bill 21 will prevent civil servants from wearing symbols such as head coverings like the kippah, turban, hijabs. Civil servants who currently wear religious symbols will be exempt from the bill. The Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) government hopes to pass the legislation by summer.
poverty relief
- The English Poor Laws were a system of poor relief which existed in England and Wales[3] that developed out of late-medieval and Tudor-era laws being codified in 1587–98. The Poor Law system was in existence until the emergence of the modern welfare state after the Second World War.English Poor Law legislation can be traced back as far as 1536, when legislation was passed to deal with the impotent poor, although there is much earlier Tudor legislation dealing with the problems caused by vagrants and beggars. The history of the Poor Law in England and Wales is usually divided between two statutes, the Old Poor Law passed during the reign of Elizabeth I[5] and the New Poor Law, passed in 1834, which significantly modified the existing system of poor relief. The later statute altered the Poor Law system from one which was administered haphazardly at a local parish level to a highly centralised system which encouraged the large-scale development of workhouses by poor law unions.The Poor Law system fell into decline at the beginning of the 20th century owing to factors such as the introduction of the Liberal welfare reforms and the availability of other sources of assistance from friendly societies and trade unions, as well as piecemeal reforms which bypassed the Poor Law system.The Poor Law system was not formally abolished until the National Assistance Act 1948, with parts of the law remaining on the books until 1967
- economist 6jun2020 "a more equal country" an embattled govt proposes a new anti poverty scheme
- The Small Charities Challenge Fund (SCCF) is DFID’s centrally managed fund for small UK based not-for-profit organisations. It provides grants to organisations with an annual income of £250,000 or less that work in priority countries to help enhance their capacity and efforts to tackle poverty, and towards achieving the Global Goals. Grants of up to £50,000 will be available for projects of up to 2 years.
environmental protection
- Home energy improvements which cut emissions and bills for over 300,000 low-income families every year will only be done by trusted tradesmen, under new government plans. The government’s new quality scheme, delivered by ‘TrustMark’, will increase protection for low-income and vulnerable households, helped with free energy-saving measures like insulation and new boilers, under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO).
legco meeting attendance monitoring
- 近年立法會拉布成風,議員開會時難免坐唔定或「走堂」,搞到政府要出動由AO(政務官)組成嘅狗仔隊駐守立法會去監視議員出席情況。正出訪以色列嘅香港立法會代表團就發現當地國會議員有冇出席,會顯示喺網站或手機App,同團嘅議員都讚好,仲提議香港倣效添!
develop gaming industry
- case of korea
- china daily 6aug19 shanghai announces esports venue norms
guide dogs
- foreign laws hket 27dec17 a22
- 美國參眾兩院在罕有的民主共和兩黨合作下,先後通過了《防止殘酷對待及虐待動物法案》(PACT),將虐待動物列為聯邦刑事重罪,一旦罪成可判罰款及監禁最高七年。總統特朗普周一簽署法案,稱這些殘忍的虐待行徑不為文明社會容許。
- 澳洲首都領地一項保障動物權利的草案正式成為法例,半年後生效。法例列明主人要保障寵物享有基本權利,必須每日讓牠運動,不能隨意懲罰、毆打或遺棄牠。一旦違法,考慮事件合理性及嚴重性後,最高可被罰款四千澳元(約二萬一千港元)及判監一年。
- 湖北前首富蘭世立涉欺詐受查期間,以欺瞞手法入籍新加坡。當地傳媒報道,蘭世立因違反新加坡和外國移民法令,已於前日接到有關褫奪其公民權的通知。他可於廿一天內提出上訴,如最終被褫奪公民權,他將成為無國籍者,但可持移民與關卡局發出的特別准證繼續留在當地。
- economist 22aug2020 moral minorities how a contested region became a model for multilingual coexistence
religion related
- A Canadian province has introduced legislation that would bar civil servants in positions of "authority" from wearing religious symbols at work. The centre-right Coalition Avenir Quebec's bill covers judges, prosecutors, police officers, teachers and some other positions. This is not the first time Quebec has pushed forward legislation to re-enforce state religious neutrality. Several groups are preparing to fight the proposed legislation. Bill 21 will prevent civil servants from wearing symbols such as head coverings like the kippah, turban, hijabs. Civil servants who currently wear religious symbols will be exempt from the bill. The Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) government hopes to pass the legislation by summer.
poverty relief
- The English Poor Laws were a system of poor relief which existed in England and Wales[3] that developed out of late-medieval and Tudor-era laws being codified in 1587–98. The Poor Law system was in existence until the emergence of the modern welfare state after the Second World War.English Poor Law legislation can be traced back as far as 1536, when legislation was passed to deal with the impotent poor, although there is much earlier Tudor legislation dealing with the problems caused by vagrants and beggars. The history of the Poor Law in England and Wales is usually divided between two statutes, the Old Poor Law passed during the reign of Elizabeth I[5] and the New Poor Law, passed in 1834, which significantly modified the existing system of poor relief. The later statute altered the Poor Law system from one which was administered haphazardly at a local parish level to a highly centralised system which encouraged the large-scale development of workhouses by poor law unions.The Poor Law system fell into decline at the beginning of the 20th century owing to factors such as the introduction of the Liberal welfare reforms and the availability of other sources of assistance from friendly societies and trade unions, as well as piecemeal reforms which bypassed the Poor Law system.The Poor Law system was not formally abolished until the National Assistance Act 1948, with parts of the law remaining on the books until 1967
- economist 6jun2020 "a more equal country" an embattled govt proposes a new anti poverty scheme
- The Small Charities Challenge Fund (SCCF) is DFID’s centrally managed fund for small UK based not-for-profit organisations. It provides grants to organisations with an annual income of £250,000 or less that work in priority countries to help enhance their capacity and efforts to tackle poverty, and towards achieving the Global Goals. Grants of up to £50,000 will be available for projects of up to 2 years.
environmental protection
- Home energy improvements which cut emissions and bills for over 300,000 low-income families every year will only be done by trusted tradesmen, under new government plans. The government’s new quality scheme, delivered by ‘TrustMark’, will increase protection for low-income and vulnerable households, helped with free energy-saving measures like insulation and new boilers, under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO).
legco meeting attendance monitoring
- 近年立法會拉布成風,議員開會時難免坐唔定或「走堂」,搞到政府要出動由AO(政務官)組成嘅狗仔隊駐守立法會去監視議員出席情況。正出訪以色列嘅香港立法會代表團就發現當地國會議員有冇出席,會顯示喺網站或手機App,同團嘅議員都讚好,仲提議香港倣效添!
develop gaming industry
- case of korea
- china daily 6aug19 shanghai announces esports venue norms
guide dogs
- foreign laws hket 27dec17 a22
- 美國參眾兩院在罕有的民主共和兩黨合作下,先後通過了《防止殘酷對待及虐待動物法案》(PACT),將虐待動物列為聯邦刑事重罪,一旦罪成可判罰款及監禁最高七年。總統特朗普周一簽署法案,稱這些殘忍的虐待行徑不為文明社會容許。
- 澳洲首都領地一項保障動物權利的草案正式成為法例,半年後生效。法例列明主人要保障寵物享有基本權利,必須每日讓牠運動,不能隨意懲罰、毆打或遺棄牠。一旦違法,考慮事件合理性及嚴重性後,最高可被罰款四千澳元(約二萬一千港元)及判監一年。
- 湖北前首富蘭世立涉欺詐受查期間,以欺瞞手法入籍新加坡。當地傳媒報道,蘭世立因違反新加坡和外國移民法令,已於前日接到有關褫奪其公民權的通知。他可於廿一天內提出上訴,如最終被褫奪公民權,他將成為無國籍者,但可持移民與關卡局發出的特別准證繼續留在當地。
- 教育局應確保本港教育的質素、保障學生的福祉,為此應提醒家長和公眾哪些學校出現專業失當,令家長得以對子女採取保護措施、考慮會否繼續就讀或報讀該校。而教育局局長楊潤雄拒絕公開失德教師姓名和所屬學校等資料,未有考慮家長和公眾的利益。英、美、澳等西方國家的做法,是於調查期間公開教師姓名。英國於接獲投訴後,負責頒發教師資格證的教學管理機構(TRA)便會決定是否轉交至專業操守小組進行聆訊,若進入相關程序,TRA便會公開涉事教師的姓名及所屬學校;澳洲昆士蘭,法定負責處理投訴的昆士蘭教師學院就會在進入審訊程序之後公開涉事教師的姓名,聆訊亦會展開;美國佛羅里達州,於教職員或學校管理層的資料檔案中,每一個失職行為的報告都保持公開。楊潤雄的做法有悖於國際教育潮流,而且不公開被譴責或警告老師的姓名,對其他循規蹈矩的老師並不公平,亦使家長會揣測甚或猜疑其他老師。
successful petition to block policy
- 廣東佛山市順德區杏壇鎮周二及周三連續兩晚,都有萬名居民上街示威,抗議當局計劃在當地興建危廢物中心,要求擱置項目。至周四,杏壇鎮政府在群眾壓力下終於屈服,發布公告稱已接獲上級通知,經充分聽取市民意見後,「決定停止本次綠色工業服務中心項目工作」。
government facilities utilization / commercialisation
- china daily 10oct19 government institution open facilities to tourists
extreme weather arrangement
- 廣東珠海市人大常委會周四召開記者會,介紹《珠海經濟特區防颱風條例》(下稱條例),當中提到,在打風期間發布謠言者,或不按政府指示停工、停課者,將被依法追究刑事責任。
successful petition to block policy
- 廣東佛山市順德區杏壇鎮周二及周三連續兩晚,都有萬名居民上街示威,抗議當局計劃在當地興建危廢物中心,要求擱置項目。至周四,杏壇鎮政府在群眾壓力下終於屈服,發布公告稱已接獲上級通知,經充分聽取市民意見後,「決定停止本次綠色工業服務中心項目工作」。
government facilities utilization / commercialisation
- china daily 10oct19 government institution open facilities to tourists
extreme weather arrangement
- 廣東珠海市人大常委會周四召開記者會,介紹《珠海經濟特區防颱風條例》(下稱條例),當中提到,在打風期間發布謠言者,或不按政府指示停工、停課者,將被依法追究刑事責任。
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