Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Hong Kong - colonial

阿群带路图香港割让大英帝国成为英国殖民地后的标志之一,由设计师Messrs. Thomson & Son of Wapping于1868年设计,在香港殖民地时期被广泛使用。阿群带路图的下方是一个海岸(代表香港岛北岸),岸上绘有货物数箱。对上是一片海港(代表维多利亚港),分别绘有一艘悬挂黄龙旗中国帆船和一艘悬挂红船旗英国商船,而远方则隐约有一群山峦(代表九龙半岛)。此图描述两个华商与一个英商在洽谈生意的画面。水上人渔民,源自远古百越族, 自远古时代开始就在广东一带聚居,他们是香港最早的居民。香港岛的香港仔、赤柱和九龙的油麻地等地以往聚居了不少水上人渔民。阿群带路命名原因有指是因为 一名叫陈群(“阿群”)的水上人渔民,带领英人从香港仔越山循此路至上环一带为英军开路,因而得名。她是一名水上人渔民,因为路是阿群带的,所以就称之 “阿群带路”了。有说英军初抵港岛时,由陈群带领在赤柱一带登陆,经香港村、石排湾等地到港岛北部一带。经香港村时,英军询问该处地名,陈群以水上人音回 答“香港”,英人即以水上人音“HONG KONG”(康港)为记,便因而成为全岛的总称。这也成了香港名字由来的其中一说。有关群带路的起源,已故香港掌故专家梁涛指出过有几个可能,除了阿群带路外,另外一可能因为此条路绕在香港岛的山腰上,有如妇女之裙带而被称为裙带路,后来讹转为群带路。1874年,桂文灿编纂的《广东图说》同治刊本,当中记载了群带路为上环中环下环。而1866年的《新安县全图》,当时的群带路所标示的位置亦相近。
  •  1843年,香港政府以香港殖民地印徽作为香港的印鉴及代表香港,当中印徽下方就是阿群带路图。1876年,在更新版本的香港殖民地旗帜设计上,加入了阿群带路图,直至1959年被香港盾徽取代为止。1969年,皇家香港警察的新徽章,正中间的正是采用阿群带路图。1991年,香港上海汇丰银行发行的十至一千元港币钞票左边的香港徽章包含了阿群带路图。
The Convention between the United Kingdom and China, Respecting an Extension of Hong Kong Territory, commonly known as the Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory or the Second Convention of Peking, was a lease signed between Qing China and the United Kingdom on 9 June 1898. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China now keeps the original copy of the Convention in the National Palace Museum in Taiwan.
- Under the convention the territories north of what is now Boundary Street and south of the Sham Chun River, and the surrounding islands, later known as the "New Territories" were leased to the United Kingdom for 99 years rent-free, expiring on 30 June 1997, and became part of the crown colony of Hong Kong. The Kowloon Walled City was excepted and remained under the control of Qing China. The territories which were leased to the United Kingdom were originally governed by Xin'an County, Guangdong provinceClaude MacDonald, the British representative during the convention, picked a 99-year lease because he thought it was "as good as forever". Britain did not think they would ever have to give the territories back. The 99-year lease was a convenient agreement.
  • [korean international school booklet] number of islands is 230

- administrative officers
  • reference document
  • "governing hong kong" by steve tsang published by hong kong university press

- 1945年8月,日本宣布無條件投降 時,英國早已決定收回香港治權,因此 成立 「香港事務規劃小組」制定接收及 管理方針,此外指令英軍服務團混在香 港進行情報搜集及聯絡工作。八月底, 詹遜以香港政府首席代表身份以電台廣 播向市民發表公告,而英國海軍艦隊亦 即將駛到香港,並成立軍政府處理受降 典禮及初期管治。由於國民政府失卻先 機,加上受制於國際形勢,只能派遣代 表出席受降典禮。受降儀式後,香港軍政府首先處 理社會復員事宜。初時,香港市面逐 漸流通港幣,部分投機者幻想日本會就 戰時軍票作出賠償,於是收購炒賣。隨 着港幣的應用,軍票在短時間內大幅貶 值至每2000元兌一港元,導致金融市場 一片混亂。為穩定市場,軍政府宣布 「 日本軍用票」無效。同時,因戰後之生 活物資極為缺乏,為免奸商囤積居奇, 影響民生,於是限令對食米、麵粉、罐 頭、糖、鹽、油、柴、燃料等物資實施 管制及配給。然而在物資缺乏的氛圍下 ,黑市投機活動無法杜絕,甚至愈趨猖 狂,軍政府於11月宣布陸續取消貿易管 制,九廣鐵路恢復通車,商家也開始對 外訂購貨品及工業原料,使香港貿易漸 次恢復。
香港于1997年回归祖国,任志刚在过渡期前后,曾亲身参与不少金融工作。他昨日透露说,早于1988年开始,中英双方即组成一个工作小组,透过“秘密渠道”讨论金融合作,且运作畅顺;其中一个磋商成果,是早于1997前数年,即已停止再印製“有殖民地色彩”的英女皇头像硬币,并于回归后容许这些硬币继续于市面流通,毋需全面回收。任志刚忆述,工作小组只有寥寥数人,英方代表包括当时担任香港财政司的翟克诚(Sir Piers Jacobs)、金融司林定国(David Nendick)以及他自己;至于中方代表名单,他谓自己未获授权透露,惟当时领导中方小组的成员已经离世。
- 工商署Commerce and Industry Department
  • represent hk in trade talks after US pushed in geneva for the exclusion of cotton textiles from the normal rules of the GATT, and british government responded to domestic lobbying and sought to require hk to restrain its export of textiles to the UK. In seeking to represent and defend hk's commercial interests, the department worked closely with the cotton advisory board, formed in 1961 as the forum for consultations on negotiations to come.  However, before the deputy director of commerce and industry department became the chief trade negotiator it was john cowperthwaite, then deputy financial secretary (economic), who took the lead in representing hk when these talks started in early 1960s.  
  • [steve tsang] David Jordan failed to get anywhere in his first mission in negotiating GATT with the swedes and norwegians.  In the summer of 1970,when a canadian delegation was on its way to hong kong to start negotiations, a telegram fromthe FCO forbade HK to negotiate with the canadians on the groundsthat hong kong had informed london earlier.  David Jordan (read chinese at oxford university) was at the time acting director for commerce and industry and had to fly immediately to london to find a solution. When he arrived in london he quickly ascertained that the telegram had originated from the department of trade and industry for its own reasons and had been sent to hk by foreign office without ministerial approval.  Armed with knowledge of proper consitutional relationship between UK and HK he was able to persuade the assistant under secretary in charge of HK affairs at the foreign office not to take the side of the trade department.  He secured an agreement from sir anthony part, the permanent secretary at the department of trade and industry that while hk 'should continue to keep the british government informed, hk should be able to make its own decisions about what the negotiating instructions to its negotiators should be' in their negotiations with the canadians. 
  • where negotiations were under the umbrella fo the cotton textile arrangement (from 1962) or the multi fibre arrangement (from 1973) to which hk was a signatory, they were straightforward discussions between the two sides.  The task of hk negotiator was made more complicated when the subject matter was not covered by those arrangements and GATT issues were involved. In such a situation HK had to operate under the UK umbrella, and there had been occasion when a british trade official was in the lead, with the hk representative being a member of such a delegation doing his best to ensure that HK's best interest was not undermined.  In this regard the jordan-part understanding contributed significantly in affirming hk's right to exercise its autonomy even where a british trade official was imposed on a hk delegation to keep a watching brief.
  • 接到友人從悉尼打來的電話,第一句話便告訴我一個壞消息─新派武俠小説家梁羽生夫人林萃如三月中在悉尼辭世,對話中我們語調帶?無比惆悵,總以為在不太長的日子,她會回港一次,她何以走得這麼早,刻下唯一可做的只有遙遙表達哀思。  梁羽生夫人在我心中是一位非凡女性,她敢於大愛而捨我,在青春年代棄高薪厚職,放下身段,投向梁羽生懷抱,相依相伴半個世紀,不論在香港或在澳洲。  林女士畢業於本港一家英文書院,上世紀五十年代初投考香港政府公務員獲錄用,入職政府“工商署”,在該署總部上班。那年月,二戰後不久,香港百廢待興,就業困難,工業未上軌道,一般人的出路大多是找一份店員工作,政府公務員稱為“鐵飯碗”,職業穩定,只要不出大錯,可以一直下去做到白頭,而且月薪比他人高几倍,政府又提供公務員宿舍,退休更可拿一筆可觀退休金,終身“食長糧”,是社會上的“天之驕子”,許多人夢寐以求。香港當時正值改善經濟時期,在“工商署”工作很是吃得開。林女士初識梁羽生,是在朋友圈的一次場合,各人都是出自中國燕京、清華、嶺南最高學府而各有成就的精英,梁羽生是其中一人,他們定期聚會打橋牌,上山頂餐廳喝西茶。初次見面接觸,梁羽生進入她的眼簾,她逐漸被梁羽生的才華吸引,兩人踏上愛的道路。  正當兩人深深墮入愛河之際,她遇到前所未有的難題,她要選擇與梁羽生繼續相愛下去,或是傷痛分手。問題在於她身為英國殖民地時期的香港公務員,服務於大英政府,必須作出抉擇。  在這裏,需要向現在的年輕朋友作些解釋,上世紀五十年代初期,香港當局對中國實施隔離政策,公務員必須嚴格遵守幾項行為守則,包括:一、不可擅自進入中國內地,經批准的回港後須呈交報告;二、不可到灣仔國泰戲院看中國電影;三、不可進國貨公司購物;四、不可與左派人士交往;五、不可參加左派的文化藝術等活動;六、禁止公開閲讀左派報紙。香港當局的措施,向公務員施以震懾,鐵腕之下,公務員為了保住份工唯命是從,最大的麻煩,受政治部內部審查,無端扯上政治關係,那年代投考公務員很不容易,過了考試一關,初步錄用,之後還要審核個人背景,這一關更難過,入選人的履歷由政治部負責審查,若查出家庭成員有人在左派公司工作,或是工會社團會員,即取消錄用,在職的公務員在低氣壓環境下,避免與左派或相關人士接觸。  林女士那時正值花樣年華,深知自己是戰後新一代公務員,“工商署”比其他部門有更多晉升的機會,今天回過頭看,她當時如果留在“工商署”,往後日子會過得十分舒適。但放棄感情生活,一生僅有物質,便可滿足嗎?她認為物質與愛情生活應該兼得,現實環境卻不饒人,若留在政府工作,早晚會被問話,追查跟梁羽生的關係,梁羽生任職《大公報》及《新晚報》本屬平常事,以現在的話語來説,事情被當時的港英政府政治化了。事情的結局相信讀者都知道了,她放棄公務員的高薪厚職,與梁羽生一起生活,所以説她敢大愛而捨我,是一位不平凡的女性。
- education department
  • people
  • wong chai lok 王齊樂
  • according to hkuspace newsletter 2018 issue 66, he was invited (after retirement in 1979) by the educational authorities to collaborate with hku dems to organise the school administration and school moral education programmes.  The two courses completed their historical mission in 1984.
- urban services department

  • The 2,000-strong Urban Services Department Supervisory Staffs Union decided not to work on Sundays and public holidays beginning on Christmas Eve that year. Union leaders said they were disappointed that the government had persisted in its decision to appoint 78 members of the disbanded Hawker Control Force to become overseers, which deprived senior staff of the union of their promotional prospects.

- 鱼类统营处fish marketing organisation

  • set up in 1945
  • people
  • 黎国仁, first general manager in 1994 and retired in 2011 hkej monthly may2018 issue

The Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) (RHKR(V)) (Chinese: 皇家香港軍團(義勇軍)), formed in May 1854, was a local auxiliary militia force funded and administered by the colonial Government of Hong KongDuring the imperial age, home defence units were raised in various British colonies with the intention of allowing regular army units tied-up on garrison duty to be deployed elsewhere. These units were generally organised along British Army lines. The first locally raised militia in Hong Kong was the Hong Kong Volunteers, a fore runner of what was to become the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers). Although the British government, as national government, was responsible for the defence of the territories and colonies, and held direct control of military units raised within them, the local forces were raised and funded by the local governments or the territories and as such the RHKR(V) was always a branch of the Hong Kong government. It was not a part of the reserve force of the British Army. The RHKR(V) did however form part of the ORBAT of 38 Gurkha Infantry Brigade and were under command of the commander of the British forces in Hong Kong. These locally raised defence units met British military standards in organisation and efficiency. Many of the officers and NCOs attended training in the UK. Although colonial/overseas British territories' auxiliary units may have no tasking under the British Ministry of Defence, and members may not be compelled to serve outside their territory, many serve voluntarily on attachment to British Regular and Territorial Army units. The regiment should not be confused with the separate Hong Kong Regiment formed in 1892, which was a regular infantry regiment of the British Army, recruited in India. [note that the HK regiment built the kowloon mosque]
  • kiv the logo (tricolors of romania flag but order not same)
The Hong Kong Military Service Corps (HKMSC) (Traditional Chinese: 香港軍事服務團) was a British army unit and part of the British garrison in Hong Kong (see British Forces Overseas Hong Kong). Throughout the history of Hong Kong, it has been the only regular British army unit raised in the territory made up almost entirely of Locally Enlisted Personnel (LEP).

  • history of chinese people serving in the british military can be traced back to 1857, when the british enlisted local residents in hk to transport munitions and store during the second opium war. A few who spoke some english were promoted to the rank of non-commissioned officers (NCOs). Local chinese were subsequently recruited as sappers and attached to different british miliary units.
  • In January 1948 the Hong Kong Chinese Training Unit (HKCTU) was formed by the Hong Kong ethnic Chinese who had served in the various artillery and coastal defence units during the Battle of Hong Kong in World War II, with the aim of recruiting and training Hong Kong ethnic Chinese soldiers to assist and support the British Garrison in Hong Kong. Hong Kong-born ethnic Chinese soldiers (British Dependent Territories Citizens) of the HKCTU pledged allegiance to the Monarch of the United Kingdom and were enlisted into the General Service Corps (GSC) of the British Regular Army. They wear the capbadge of the GSC. Members of the HKCTU were, later, frequently nicknamed, locally, in Cantonese Chinese, as sui lui pao bing (Chinese: 水雷炮兵; literally: "water mine and coastal artillery soldiers") or sui ngau (Chinese: 水牛; literally: "buffalo") in memory of their predecessors. Those enlisted before World War II were numbered HK1802xxx; those who joined after World War II, HK1826XXXX and HK1827xxxx. In 1962 the HKCTU became the Hong Kong Military Service Corps (HKMSC) and consequently the GSC capbadge was replaced by a Dragon Emblem.
  • based at the lyemun barracks (present-day lei yue mun park and holiday village and the hk museum of coastal defence) and later at stonecutters island barracks (currently used by hk garrison of chinese people's liberation army)
  • some members were deployed to join the united nations peacekeeping mission in cyprus in 1991. 

The Hong Kong Chinese Regiment (HKCR) was a regiment that had started to be raised shortly before the Battle of Hong Kong during World War II. For some time the concept of a local Hong Kong infantry regiment had been discussed, and it was decided to recruit a solid core of potential NCOs, and train them up using experienced 1st Middlesex Regiment officers and NCOs to the point where the regiment's first battalion could be built. The majority of the initial high-quality recruits (mainly from the New Territories) were passed medically by Dr Scriven,[who?] and training was progressing well until interrupted by the Japanese attack. During the fighting, the HKCR was primarily used to guard military stores in Deep Water Bay, and also saw action at the ridge that resulted in a number of casualties. The battalion was originally intended as a MG battalion similar to the Middlesex regiment who provided the training cadre for the regiment. After the surrender, a number of HKCR recruits escaped to China and joined up with the British Army Aid Group shortly after. Others became POWs, but, like all POWs considered to be 'local Chinese' by the Japanese, were released early, resulting in many of these highly motivated young men also crossing the border. As a percentage, it is probable that more HKCR men escaped, or evaded capture, and continued fighting than any other Hong Kong-based unit, thus proving the quality of the initial recruitment and selection.
Beaconsfield House (Chinese: 拱北行) was a government office building in Hong Kong's Central districtBuilt in 1963, the building was home to the Information Services Department until it was demolished along with the neighbouring Hong Kong Hilton in 1995 to make way for the Cheung Kong CenterBeaconsfield House site was originally home to the Beaconsfield Arcade (so named for Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield), built in 1878 by Emanuel R Belilios. Belilios, a Calcutta-born Sephardi Jew who was at that time a Hong Kong Bank director and LegCo member, sold it to the government in 1898 under some controversy – the Legco Public Works Committee resolution to acquire it passed on Mr Belilios' own vote over a suppressed protest for pecuniary interest disqualification. Across the street from Hong Kong Bank itself and City Hall. Dent's Fountain was later added and donated by Dent & Co.Beaconsfield was also named for a government building near Government Hill built in the late 19th Century. It was demolished to make way for the French Mission Buildingof 1917 (at one time also owned by Mr Belilios). The building was constructed in a utilitarian style of the 1960s, and consisted of 6 storeys. The lower floors were occupied by the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers), which had its officers' and NCOs' mess in the building. The building thus housed three service messes, a post office and, dominating the ground floor façade, a large public toilet. The Information Services Department moved its offices from the west wing of the Government Offices to Beaconsfield House. The ISD and its 100 staff had moved into the two uppermost floors. The space was configured into a news room, press conference room, Chinese translators' office, teleprinter service, photographic studio and darkroom, art studio, editorial section, film unit and two theatres for the censorship of commercial feature films. A publications distribution office, administrative office and various secretarial desks also shared the space. The messes served relatively cheap meals and were open to the public.
- barracks

  • The heavy stone walls (with flat arched opening) are on the ground floor to give a sense of stability, while the lighter Doric and Ionic columns are on the floors above to allow better ventilation. All floors have verandas on all sides in response to the local subtropical/monsoons climate.
  • Chatham Road, Austin Road, Jordan Road, Jordan Path and Gascoigne Road gradually ringed the grounds of Kowloon Cricket Club, and Gascoigne Road was named after Maj. Gen. Sir W.J. Gascoigne KCMGCommander British Troops in China and Hong Kong from 1898–1903.After the Japanese occupation, a number of regiments were stationed at the Gun Club Barracks. In addition to the British infantry battalions which were regularly stationed there, other organizations shared the compound. The United Services Recreation Club and the Intelligence and Security Company, which occupied the old Colony Club building were among them.In 1977, part of the Alanbrooke Block (British military quarters) and Infants’ School (Block 27) were demolished to make way for the construction of the New Gurkha MQs, Temple, Clinic and School started in the same year while the ten Intelligence and Security Company moved from Argyle Street Camp to colony Block (Block 36). Furthermore, Gurkha Transport Regiment and Gurkha Signal moved from Sham Shui Po Barracks to Gun Club and Victoria Junior School moved from Victoria barracks as well in 1978.

    太平紳士源於英國,由政府委託民間人士維持社區秩序,防止非法刑罰。在香 港,太平紳士制度已經有了100多年的歷史. 香港最早的太平紳士可以追溯到1843年,第一任港督設立「英屬香港治安委員 會」,這也是太平紳士的前身.

    團防局英文District Watch Force)於1866年成立,至1941年香港淪陷結束,是香港一个曾經存在的治安组织,受到總登記官〈今民政事務局〉的監察。團防局以為華人為主,目標是为了弥补香港警察隊警察力量不足。團防局成立初期,負責於中環上環周邊的更練事務,及於周邊巡邏1880年,韋寶珊開始出任團防局局紳。於1891年以前,團防局設有局紳,全數由華人出任,然後局紳缺乏權力去反映華人的意見。在韋寶珊的大力支持下,時任總登記官駱克爵士於1891年對團防局進行改變組織,倡議設立團防局委員會,以確立團防局局紳的的諮詢效能。韋寶珊在任內,經歷過5任總登記官,並且一直與香港警察隊維持緊密合作,對團防局的發展投入過重要貢獻。於1918年,韋寶珊卸任。在他出任局紳期間,團防局得到很大的發展,更練規模不斷擴充。於1910年開始,團防局的覆蓋範圍達至半山區。1917年開始,該局局紳亦加入了從東華醫院保良局退任值理的人士,在華人社區中具有重要地位。於1920年,韋寶珊獲得香港政府委任為團防局的顧問,直到去世為止。1941年香港淪陷,團防局的運作被逼結束。

    The Civil Aid Service (Chinese民眾安全服務隊) or CAS (民安隊) in short is a civil organisation that assists in a variety of auxiliary emergency roles, including search and rescue operations in Hong KongFormed in 1952 under the British colonial government of Hong Kong (CAS Ordinance) and modelled after Civil Aid agencies in the United Kingdom.
    - 審計報告批評民眾安全服務隊管理不善,指一六至一八年,每年有分別六百多至七百多名隊員未能達到三十小時的最低服務要求,佔該隊平均實際人數一成九至兩成半,百分之七至八更完全無提供服務。此外,每年約有兩成四至兩成半的隊員,未達每年三十小時最低訓練要求,百分之八至九點五人更完全無參加訓練;但報告同時揭發有三人竟獲編配每年逾一千五百小時訓練及服務。
    香港旅遊協會HK tourist association
    - a lasalle grad talked about the student ambassador scheme in 1970 singtao 22jan18 e5

    裕盛辦館毒麵包案是指1857年,第二次鴉片戰爭期間在香港發生的一宗食物中毒案。香港開埠初年,華洋雜處,猜忌頻生。1856年,因阿羅號船事件英軍藉口進攻廣州,炮轟廣州城並火燒民房,廣州民眾亦燒毀多間洋行報復。香港很多華人及華商紛紛離開香港。與此同時香港的市面上經常可以看到一些警告那些繼續賣糧食給英國人的商人告示。事件發生於香港島灣仔皇后大道東與船街之間的「裕盛辦館」(或譯「裕昇店」),東主為張亞霖。1857年(咸豐七年)1月15日早上,全港400多名英國人(包括港督夫人)如常食用由裕盛承包的早餐後,突然腹痛、嘔吐,經化驗後,發現裕盛辦館所提供的麵包含有砒霜,因藥量過大,故食後不久即出現嘔吐,幸未造成命案。事發時,張亞霖正巧與家眷在往澳門的輪船上,被追到的水警帶返港。事後,有關當局逮捕了裕盛辦館東主張亞霖和他僱用的伙計,罪名是蓄意下毒、企圖謀殺。但經過調查,張亞霖的家人也在船上吃了麵包中毒,証明他並不知情。他的夥計也找不出任何作案的罪証,只好宣布無罪釋放,但受到全港英人反對,遂改判遞解出境。自此事後英國人轉往同在灣仔西南的Duddell Bakery購買麵包,此事亦催生了香港第一宗誹謗官司,事緣毒麵包案中其中一名受害人《華友西報》周刊東主德倫(W. Jarrant)提出民事訴訟,要求張亞霖賠償。但因張亞霖已經破產及遭當時署理輔政司布烈治(William Thomas Bridges,又譯為必列者士上環必列者士街以他命名)遞解出境,遂遷怒於布烈治,不斷在《華友西報》以布烈治營私舞弊為由大肆攻擊,其後布烈治以刑事誹謗罪來控告德倫,成為香港開埠後,第一宗報業誹謗官司。結果法官認為他「措詞激烈,涉及私德,損害布烈治名譽,誹謗現任官吏。……此事非關過失,實為故意」為由,而判他誹謗罪名成立。直至現在當時的麵包為何含有大量砒霜仍有爭論。其中一個說法是因為裕盛辦館購買的麵粉在輪船運送的時候被同倉的一批砒石所污染。

    sino british club
    - one of Hong Kong’s forgotten post-war initiatives, the Sino-British Club (SBC), started life. Formed in 1946, early members were remarkable for their personalities, and the influence of the war years on their lives. Most had either been prisoners of war or were connected in some way with the British Army Aid Group, a multi-ethnic organisation drawn mostly from Hong Kong residents that operated in wartime China. The SBC was chaired by K.M.A Barnett, a senior government official and Chinese linguist who had been a Hong Kong POW. Other government officials, especially New Territories administrators, combined keen amateur scholarship with professional lives that happily dovetailed with their personal research interests. James Hayes, in particular, published prolifically for decades on his areas of specialisation: the New Territories and culture. Solomon Bard, a White Russian medical doctor, violinist and amateur archaeologist, was very involved in the SBC.  Geoffrey Bonsall, the University of Hong Kong librarian who had driven convoys in west China with the Friends’ Ambulance Unit during the war, was also an SBC enthusiast. There were many, many others.  Unfortunately, by the mid- 1960s, local society – and the SBC – had changed. Gradually, many of the “old guard” retired elsewhere, and their early energies and commitment were not replaced.  In the usual Hong Kong way, inward-looking cliques eventually formed and splintered off, and organisational divisions became bitterly personal.  In particular, an influx of affluent refugees from elsewhere in China with no affinity to Hong Kong – or interest in the place beyond somewhere to make their money and escape political upheaval – did not share the community-minded, adversityforged values of an earlier generation of “Hong Kong belongers”. After struggling for some years, the SBC was formally wound up in 1974. But its cultural legacy continues in areas now taken for granted. These include, among others, the Royal Asiatic Society, established for the formal study of Hong Kong history, ethnography, culture and society; the Hong Kong Philharmonic; and the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.

    victoria recreation club
    - The Victoria Recreation Club has survived wars, typhoons and benign dictatorship, but now, after 169 years, it must face its biggest challenge – the changing demands of a much altered Hong Kong


    handover negotiations
    - 英國國家檔案館最新解密文件顯示,沈弼曾於1986年初向時任英國首相戴卓爾夫人提出,4或5名極富有香港華商(4 or5 extremely wealthy Hong Kong Chinese)希望毋須留英而獲得英國國籍。戴卓爾夫人一度認同建議,遭內政部及外交部反對才作罷。解密文件未有提及該數名富豪身份。一份由首相府私人秘書鮑威爾(C. D. Powell)撰寫於1986年1月21日的文件顯示,沈弼當日曾與戴卓爾夫人及內政大臣會面,提及有4或5名極富有的華籍香港商人希望獲得英國護照及國民身份,文件形容他們「有廣泛財富,準備在英國大量投資」,聲稱金額達1,500萬英鎊。

    The Oriental Bank Corporation (Chinese東藩滙理銀行) was a bank in India in the 19th century. It was also the first bank in Hong Kong and the first bank to issue banknotes in Hong Kong. The bank was established in 1842 in Bombay, India, under the name Bank of Western India. After the headquarters were moved to London in 1845, the name was changed to the Oriental Bank Corporation. It was chartered in 1851 to allow competition with the East India Company's opium billing monopoly, which was unpopular in England at the time. Expansion followed with branches opening in Chinese treaty ports, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Mauritius and South AfricaIn the 1860s, the bank held a dominant position in India and China. Its finances suffered greatly from an interests clash with Maurice Benedict de Worms in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), where the company had invested heavily in coffee plantations. In 1884 the bank encountered severe difficulties and was reconstituted as the New Oriental Bank Corporation. With growing competition from rivals, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, the bank failed to survive and closed in 1892. An early victim of the impending trouble of 1893東藩滙理銀行(The Oriental Bank Corporation),也称东方银行、东亚银行、金宝银行、东洋银行、丽如银行,是第一家在香港開業的銀行,也是香港第一家發鈔銀行該行是前身英国和印度合资的“西印度银行”(Bank of western lndia),創辦於1842年,總行設在印度孟買,早期以鴉片押匯為主要業務。1845年,西印度银行將總行遷往至倫敦,更名为Oriental Bank,同年4月在香港德己立街广州设立分支机构,成为最先进入香港与中国大陆口岸的外商银行。該行先後在上海福州等中國城市設立分行。該行在中國口岸的名稱頗不統一,在香港稱為金寶銀行、在福州稱東藩滙兌銀行;1847年在上海设立分理处,以后改为分行,称为丽如银行该行在香港開業當年(1846年)即發行鈔票,發行總額為56,000元港鈔,惟於1851年才獲取發行港鈔的皇家特許狀,成为“特许银行”,起到殖民地银行的作用。1851年英文名称改为「Oriental Banking Corporation」。到1857年,该行的鈔票被香港政府庫房接納為繳付政府費用的合法貨幣。该行作為香港首要銀行的地位達20年之久,到19世紀70年代,它到了極盛時期,當時連在香港開業多年的香港上海滙豐銀行渣打銀行,也難望其項背。不過,随着汇丰银行的崛起,該行经营每況愈下,1884年5月3日,該行由在錫蘭斯里蘭卡)對咖啡作物大量貸款,並在一次咖啡歉收中宣佈破產保护,停业清理。半年后,在原创办人卡基尔(W.W.Cangia)推动下,成立了新丽如银行(New Oriental Bank),总行仍设在伦敦。但经营不见起色,且在外汇经营上遭到损失。1892年6月9日伦敦总行决定停止营业,上海分行亦即告结业清理。1892年年底,上海分行营业大楼售与麦加利银行,结束了47年的在华历史

    • japan
    • 明治政府が幕府から引き継いだ対外債務は600万両に達した。このうち150万両は下関戦争の賠償金であった。残り450万両がオリエンタル・バンクやオランダ商館からの借入金で、利率は15から18.2%であった。1868年ハリー・パークスの紹介で訪れた大隈重信に50万ドルの貸付を承諾。この資金で政府は横須賀製鉄所を接収。政府の軍事力は、かつてフランス抵当に入っていたものがイギリスのものとなったのである。日本国債の正式な記録は1870年からだが更に早い。専ら外債によって明治以降が成り立ったことを示す近代史の端緒である。新貨条例の原案は基本的に政府案だったが、オリエンタル・バンクのロバートソンが若干の変更を提案した。トーマス・ウィリアム・キンダーは同行を通じて香港での経験をふまえた具体的かつ詳細な提言をした。伊藤博文金本位制を主張していたが、世界ではグレシャムの法則から銀本位制の方が有利だという考え方が根強く、同行大蔵省は元頭取en:William Cargill (Berwick MP) の意見もいれて、複本位制ないし形式上の金本位制に落ち着いた。1869年、オリエンタル・バンクは明治政府と貨幣鋳造条約を結ぶ。造幣局の運営に関する基本契約である。条約によりキンドルは局長となった。条約は1875年1月に失効したまま更新されなかった。1870年、パークスの紹介で政府と接触したホレーショ・ネルソン・レイが、政府から12%の利子をとり公債所持人に9%払うというレイ借款を公募する[4]。隠密行動を買われての裁量であったのに、独断による公募でしかも利ざやをとったわけである。政府はオリエンタル・バンクに仲介してもらい、レイとの契約を破棄した。もっとも、レイの行動は契約書の範囲であった大北電信会社#日本での国際電信事業」も参照 同じく1870年の7月、オリエンタル・バンクはパーキンス・ベーコン社へ取次ぎ、政府のために新洋銀券を発行させる[6]横浜為替会社の旧洋銀券は粗悪であった。新洋銀券は造幣の外注として明治通宝に先駆けた。横浜為替会社は第二国立銀行となってから、新規に洋銀券を発行こそしなかったが、すでに流通しているものは回収しなかった。むしろ流通を促進するため、オリエンタル・バンク及び香港上海銀行と契約して洋銀を預託した。オリエンタル・バンクに対しては常時5万ドルを無利息で預け、手形が5万ドルを越えたときのみ決済に用いるようにした。香港上海銀行に対しては毎日決算し、銀行間決済において第二国立銀行が貸しになるときは年利2%の利子を受けて、逆に借りとなったときは年利5%の利子を支払うこととしていた。準備銀が残っていた第二国立銀行は、神戸でも30万ドル分の洋銀券を発行した。1873年には吉田清成との交渉で外債を引受。翌年から三井財閥にも融資を行っている。
    - dent & company 颠地洋行

    • established by john samuel swire and Richard Shackleton Butterfield, a textile manufacturer from York
    • [exhibition panel at 5f hkcl oct19] known as 宝顺洋行 to local people
    Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co (HK), Ltd. operates as a trading company. It offers textile raw materials, fabrics, yarns, threads, fibers, rice/cereals, oils, sugar, coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, non-electrical household articles, tableware, kitchenware, utensils, wood products, fertilizer, and feed for poultry and livestock. The company also provides ship owner/operator, agent, and charterer and manager services, as well as engages in demolition vessels trading. Abdoolally Ebrahim & Co (HK), Ltd. was formerly known as Ebrahim Noordin & Company. The company was founded in 1842 and is based in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. It has branch offices in China, India, and Pakistan.

    • Jaffer A Ebrahim obit scmp 8feb18

    public transport
    - railway

    - tram
    • 今日的香港電車,是世界上唯一全數使用雙層車廂提供服務的系統,雖然埃及亞歷山大港和英國黑池也有雙層電車,但只有部分是雙層,所以可以說是全球碩果僅存的「歷史文物」。話說在二十世紀初期,香港的發展主要集中在港島區,中環更是商業中心的萌芽點。為了向港島營商和生活的中外人士提供載客量更多的交通工具,一九○一年八月二十九日在英國成立的「香港電車電力有限公司」,決定在港島區興建和經營電車業務,同年年底由「香港電力牽引有限公司」接手,鋪軌工程於一九○三年開始,軌道僅鋪設於堅尼地城與銅鑼灣之間。大約四年後,首期電車正式投入服務,當時共有二十六輛由英國製造的單層電車行走於兩地之間。一九一○年,正式改「香港電車有限公司」,並一直沿用至今。儘管港島電車服務剛剛開始,電車營運商對這種交通工具的前景已雄心勃勃,電車公司顧問狄金森(Alfred Dickinson)致函英國相關部門,提出在九龍半島發展一個直達深圳的電車網絡建議,可是英國方面對此並無興趣,以致有關建議告吹,但電車公司並未氣餒,分別在一九一三及一九一四年再次提交建議,直至一九一六年,港英政府終於願意審視九龍電車計劃,電車公司於是建議三條路線方案,第一條是尖沙咀碼頭至旺角;第二條是尖沙咀碼頭至九龍城;第三條是紅磡經新填地到深水埗。政府在審視建議之後,對電車公司提出諸多要求,包括要求電車公司保證工程不可對道路造成損耗和阻塞,又提出要在盈餘中分一杯羹,令電車公司感到不滿,加上第一次世界大戰在一九一六年爆發,這項計劃暫時胎死腹中。到了戰後的一九一九年,坊間出現了一位對九龍電車計劃非常有興趣的人物,他就是署理港督施勳(Claud Severn)。他不但支持電車服務擴展至九龍,更主張要打破九廣鐵路壟斷九龍交通的局面,可惜未能成功。一九二三年,電車公司再次提出挑戰,但由於當時市面上已出現公共巴士服務,政府很自然將電車與巴士的服務作比較,結果認為巴士路線更具彈性,加上速度亦較快,所以最後政府選擇了巴士在九龍地區提供服務。
    •  電車公司在一九六五年引入了十輛單層拖卡,其後增至二十二輛。這些拖卡附設於雙層電車的車尾,初期被用作頭等車廂 ,可載客三十六人。不過 ,自拖卡推出之後,乘客認為收了頭等車費卻沒有頭等享受,加上拖卡製造出來的噪音比雙層電車更大,電車公司於是在一九七二年順應民意,將頭等的安排取消 ,令不論是乘坐雙層電車還是拖卡 ,都收取劃一車資。
    • 香港電車還有一個特色,就是 車輛毋須調頭就可以前後行駛,因 此在外形上,電車沒有車頭與車尾 之分,在發生突發事件和意外時, 被困的電車可以靈活地離開。
    - bus

    • 百年巴士服務從無到有
    • 巴士專營權的由來
    • 到了七十年代,巴士公司為了進一步削減經營成本,採取一個全新的OMO(One Man Operate)概念,將原來需要四人操作的雙層巴士改為只需司機一人操作,要實現這個概念,也不是說說那麼簡單,公司方面要同時將旗下所有巴士的後門都由車尾改到中部,使司機可以透過後視鏡觀察到乘客的落車情況,以避免有乘客未落車就關門開車的意外發生,但即使如此,在實施初期,仍然發生有乘客因此而受傷的事件。在轉為「一人控制巴士」的過渡期中,巴士公司設計了一個紅色的投幣標誌貼在每輛巴士車頭的當眼位置,並將原來全車紅色的巴士車身改為下層紅色上層米黃色,以區分一人巴士和傳統售票巴士,由於不再設置售票員的關係,所以每位乘客都必須自備輔幣,將適當車資投入設於車頭的錢箱,司機不會找贖,但實行初期,仍有一些市民為了找贖問題而與司機發生爭執,甚至需要警員到場調解。巴士被改裝為「一人巴士」之後,無疑加重了司機的工作負擔,曾經引起司機不滿而引發工潮,最終資方答允增加薪酬和津貼而作結。由於OMO的模式成功,當年港九兩家巴士公司加快了向「一人巴士」轉化的步伐,並於一九八三年全面實行。由於全車只有一人管理,他的職能已經不止於駕駛巴士,所以九巴於八○年代中期開始將司機改名為「車長」,以凸顯巴士司機角色轉變。到了今天,「車長」之名已經被普遍應用於所有公共交通工具之中,這也是香港人一項引以為傲的創舉。
    • 後置引擎改善駕駛環境
    • 專營巴士服務三分天下
    • 人手繪製巴士廣告成歷史

    - taxi

    • 百年的士話滄桑
    • 坊間也有另一種載客取酬的交通工具紅牌車存在,這種車輛都是採用私家車車種營運,但獲得政府發給合法營運牌照,車牌顏色是紅底白字,有異於的士的黑底白字和白牌車的白底黑字,功能上與的士相若,車廂內不設計程表,車頂也沒有的士燈箱,但規定一定要設置無線電通訊機,讓司機可以隨時直接與公司總台對話。當客人需要紅牌車提供服務時,會先行致電到紅牌車公司,彼此議定車資之後,公司根據「柯打」向駐在不同地點的司機發出載客指令,於指定時間到指定地點接載乘客,司機除了小費之外,還會代公司收取雙方協定的車資再交回公司。這種合法載客工具於六七十年代在香港生存了十多年,最終基於的士業界的反對聲音越來越高漲,加上港英政府以提升行車安全為前提,效法英國於七十年代中期規定所有車輛都要統一採用BS AU145A的反光物料去製作車牌,而有關物料經反覆測試證明白色和黃色效果最佳,於是硬性要求所有車輛的前牌為白底黑字,而尾牌則為黃底黑字。在上述兩項客觀情況下,車輛不能再以車牌顏色去區分經營類別,為了順應的士業界要求,決定在一九七六年七月二十四日頒布取締紅牌車,市面上一千八百多輛紅牌車的車主可以每輛七萬五千元的代價,將旗下紅牌車轉型為的士,自此紅牌車便成為歷史。雖然紅牌車問題得以順利解決,但白牌車的問題卻一直縈繞不散,在八九十年代,很多人以客貨經營載客業務,儘管政府不斷打擊,情況依然不能根治。到了二○○○年後,隨着科技發達,又衍生出另一種以手機應用程式(Apps)營運的白牌車,其中廣為人熟悉的就是Uber,令政府的打擊遇上阻力,因為人們可以打着發展高科技城市的幌子,名正言順地經營,而政府只好投鼠忌器,最終發展如何,相信還要一段長時間才有結論。
    • 本港曾有九座的士
    - minibus
    • 紅綠小巴此消彼長

    - 第十四任總督盧吉(Frederick John Dealtry Lugard,1858-1945)於一九○七年七月二十八日至一九一二年三月十六日在任期間,兩廣總督(包括署理)一職由岑春?、張人駿、袁樹勛及張鳴岐四人先後接任,當中尤以張人駿(1846-1927)與盧吉的關係最為密切,為晚清的粵港交流寫下至為重要的篇章。

    Late nineteenth century saw the start of large-scale movements overseas.  Behind the migrants was a network of commercial enterprises, many of them headquartered in the british colony of Hong Kong, beyond the reach of Chinese govenrment control.  These networks were made up of recruiters, to find workers; banks and money shops, to handle remittances; shipping companies, to handle travel; and suppliers, to send local products abroad.  Charitable agencies, such as the Tung Wah Hospital, provided services to migrants and their families.  From North China, especially Shandong, Chinese migrated to Korea and to Russian Far East.  Many of them settled permanently.  (source: Diana Lary Chinese Migration)

    - 花墟歷史要從《北京條約》說起,一八六○年,清廷割讓九龍半島給英國,當時以界限街為分界線,設有關卡,每天日間開放。自英國佔領九龍後,很多外國人到來定居,他們習慣以鮮花裝飾家居,花卉有市場,新界花農於是每日大清早便過關,在界限街以南一帶空地賣花,漸漸成行成市,成為花墟。隨着九龍逐步發展,港英政府在一九四七年劃定花墟範圍,大約在旺角大球場現址。後來因應興建旺角大球場,花墟南移到現址,附近一帶空地則開闢成道路,順理成章命名為花墟道、花墟徑、花園街、園圃街及園藝街等。不經不覺,花墟原來已經歷一百五十多年歲月,更與香港開埠發展息息相關。
    - history
    - shanghai street

    tsim sha tsui
    - 話說尖沙咀舊稱為「尖沙嘴」,位於九龍半島之最南端,隔着維多利亞港而與港島對望,當中涉及歷史,就在明代,廣東南海人郭棐所修撰的《粵大記》,此書始修於明萬曆五年(1577年),歷時18年,至萬曆廿三年(1595年)完稿;書末附有「廣東沿海圖」,詳細記錄廣東沿海包括今日香港的重要村落之名稱;其時已有「尖沙嘴」之名了,「尖沙嘴」即為非常尖的沙嘴之意;由於處於珠江三角洲東岸陸地盡頭,自古以來此為華南海路要衝。及至1860年,九龍半島割讓給英國以前,當時九龍半島有些碼頭,負責運送東莞一帶的香木,故稱「香埠頭」;此處古稱「尖沙頭」,亦作「尖沙嘴」;根據1819年的《新安縣志》,當時附近一帶就有「尖沙嘴村」。 Holt's Wharf (Chinese: 藍煙囪貨倉碼頭) was a godown terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong in the 20th century. It was set up in 1910 and jointly owned by British Swire Group and Blue Funnel Line. It was located at the southeast seaside of Tsim Sha Tsui and the south of Signal Hill.[1][2] Since it was next to Tsim Sha Tsui KCR Station, it acted as a railway and freight logistics hub in Hong Kong. In 1971, Swire Group and Blue Funnel Line sold the site to New World Development. Two years later in 1973, New World Development commenced the construction of New World Centre and The Regent Hong Kong (renamed the InterContinental Hong Kong since 2001) on the site.[3][4] Construction was completed in 1982.


    - 黃埔船塢曾是亞洲最大規模的船塢之一,經營造船及修船業務,至1984年 才拆卸,興建成今日的黃埔花園。黃埔船塢官立紀念小學, 是在市區中罕見的單層平房式、金字 瓦背頂的學校。黃埔船塢即今日的黃 埔新邨、黃埔花園的原址。當年船塢 有很多工人,而學校正為照顧船廠工 人和天星小輪員工的子弟而興辦。

    kowloon city
    The Lung Tsun Stone Bridge (Chinese龍津橋) is a former bridge in Hong Kong which was buried during the construction of Kai Tak Airport and which connected the Kowloon Walled City to a pier leading into Kowloon Bay.In middle of the nineteenth century, European merchants used Chinese junks to smuggle goods and opium to the mainland. The Viceroy of Liangguang ordered a checkpoint to be set up in the water channel between Hong Kong and Macau. Due to the replenishment need for the customs ships, the stone bridge was proposed to be built and named after a nearby river, known as the Lung Tsun River. Gambling was allowed in Hong Kong between 1867 and 1871 but was prohibited in 1872. The casinos moved to the Kowloon Walled City. As a nearby pier, in particular, the Lung Tsun Stone Bridge become a hotspot for many of the foreign gamblers arriving in Hong Kong. Construction on the bridge began in 1873 and was completed in 1875.[1] The bridge was about 210 metres (690 ft) long[3] and 2.6 metres (8.5 ft) wide and was built from granite. At the time, it was the longest and toughest stone pier in Hong Kong. It was divided into the south and the north.[4][clarification needed] Due to mud deposition surrounding the pier, its length was extended[when?] to 300 metres (980 ft) with wood. During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong in WWII, the bridge was completely covered up when the nearby Kai Tak Airport was expanded.

    • 發展局擬斥資六億八千六百萬元保育龍津石橋,如獲立法會財務委員會批准撥款,當局計劃今年第四季展開建造工程,預計二○二四年第四季竣工。當局早在○八年就啟德發展計劃進行考古調查時,首次發現龍津石橋遺迹,在諮詢公眾和深入研究後,當局建議原址保育龍津石橋

    - 啟德河的盡頭是啟德機場舊址,一切都從這裡開始。很多人均知道,啟指何啟,當時的華人領袖;德指區德,當時的富商兼何啟姻親。一般人因此就以為何、區二人是興建機場的發起者,至少,機場是紀念他們;但事實上,那是美麗的誤會。起初,何啟、區德要發展的不是機場,而是一項房產項目,名叫「啟德濱」。其時,辛亥革命前後,大量移民湧入香港,令香港出現了居住問題;另外,何啟自己,雖貴為醫生、律師、定例局議員,卻出現債務重重、生活拮据。他當時參與了姊夫伍廷芳提出的九龍灣填海計劃,認為倘在該地填海建屋,建的是當時九龍缺少的高級西式洋房。那一方面可以解決住屋問題,另一方面可留住從內地來的精英,當然,又可解決自身的經濟困境,那是一舉數得的。於是他聯同姻親區德以及一班友好,向政府申請了「啟德濱」計劃,濱者,海邊也。打算在啟德河附近(當時應叫鳳凰河,因獅子山下有鳳凰新村),打造一個城市花園,工程預算分三期完成。可惜,人算不如天算,1914年,工程尚未動工,何啟就不幸病逝了,時年只55歲。他死後,未圓的夢只得交由區德完成,區德為紀念亡友,就把經營的公司命名為「啟德營業有限公司」。填海工程於1916年開始,第一期於1920年順利完成,地方包括現今的啟德道一帶和太子道東前段。從舊照片看來,啟德濱的洋房建在太子道東西北邊,背山面海、戶戶東南,風水極佳,那本來是不錯的商機。可惜,天意再弄人,區德亦於1920年病故,之後,第二、第三期工程即遇上困難,先是房屋離市區太遠,交通不便,行情滯銷;不久又遇上省港大罷工,全港百業蕭條,第三期工程更是胎死腹中,公司終於財困倒閉。政府不得已於1927年接收了啟德濱,幾經波折,該處曾為飛行學校、空中運輸機場、空軍機場等用途,最後將之發展成為香港機場。1930年,機場落成,政府將之名為「啟德機場」,原因並不是為了紀念啟、德二人,而是因為該處位於「啟德濱」。
    - 嘉頓山原稱為「喃嘸山」,位於深水埗與石硤尾交界。由於嘉頓食品公司於三八年,把工場及總部大樓搬遷至青山道五十八號現址,因此附近居民逐漸稱嘉頓總部對開的山丘為「嘉頓山」。啟德機場於九八年關閉前,嘉頓山的山頂曾建有一座飛機信號燈塔,並設有行車徑方便維修員上山。雖然嘉頓山僅高約九十點六米,惟昔日啟德機場仍在運作時,為保障航道安全,九龍區的建築物需按政府訂立的安全高度限制,故山頂能俯瞰整個西九龍區,以及遠眺望香港島、東九龍和大嶼山景致。隨着城市發展,深水埗區新建有多座高樓大廈,但仍無阻嘉頓山開揚景觀,加上交通方便,遊人從港鐵深水埗站或石硤尾站出發,沿山下的步行徑走到山頂僅需約三十分鐘,因此除了附近街坊會登山晨運,以及欣賞夕陽及夜景外,近年亦吸引不少攝影「發燒友」登山練習技術。惟嘉頓公司已申請把逾八十年歷史、已被列為二級歷史建築,樓高七層的嘉頓中心,拆卸重建成高廿五層的商業大廈,嘉頓山日後的開揚景觀或會受阻。

    diamond hill
    - 元嶺鄉為九龍十三鄉之一,在鑽石山與斧山之間,而鳳德道將此村分為上元嶺與下元嶺;葦庵法師與覺一法師於1934年在藍昌源等居士協助下,成立一所佛教女眾十方叢林(此為志蓮淨苑前身);上世紀五十年代有大批難民湧至本港,港府並無能力安置難民,所以容許他們搭建寮屋。

    • 話說二戰後本港電影業恢復,美國華僑趙樹燊的大觀影片公司,於1947年購入上元嶺的梁仁甫別墅而建成大觀片場;同年上海的商人楊守仁在大磡村附近購地,以石礦場出產的花崗石建造二十二間兩層高的石屋連花園,以供富戶所居住,命名為大觀園;借用大觀片場之名,亦將此寧靜之地喻為《紅樓夢》中的大觀園。
    • 志蓮淨苑於1948年開辦義學供貧窮兒童就讀,1957年開辦非牟利的孤兒院及安老院以收容貧苦無依;戰後商人盧介石及吳文山等出資於元嶺興建華清池,為當時少數由私人經營的公眾游泳池。
    • 且說鳳凰溪乃鑽石山西麓之天然溪澗,從高地流至啟德明渠,根據《華僑日報》在1949年2月初版的《香港年鑑》及1950年8月初版的《香港、九龍、新界旅行手冊》綜合記載:鑽石山得名於鳳凰溪的鵝卵石,山泉沖刷,遊人在清澈的山泉中除下鞋襪而濯足。
    • 鑽石山的西麓至慈雲山路上,為香港九龍居民聯合會所辦的竹園洞游泳池,此座園林式的游泳場,附有小型動物園及滾軸溜冰場,洞內游泳池有高級及初級兩個淡水池,水源由鳳凰溪引到。

    new territories
    - 1894年,甲午战争爆发,港督罗便臣(W. Robinson)感到忧虑,上书英国政府建议拓展界址,文件称:“香港边界应该推至大鹏湾,从那里伸延到后海湾,至少也得像威斯特利走向那样,从东北鲤鱼门海峡伸展到九龙背后山顶,包括珠江口汲水门在内,以确保女王这块有价值的属地安全。再者,加普礁、横澜、大屿山和香港三英里以内的海岛,均应割让给英国。否则一旦战争爆发,本殖民地将难以防守。”而军事联合委员会更主张全面夺取维港以北水面的控制权,以巩固英国在华南地区的根本利益。不过,英国首相对建议不甚关注,直到甲午战争结束,列强趁清廷弱势纷纷来华瓜分利益,势将危及英国在华的经济垄断,英国急促改变政策。另一边厢,法国要求清廷将云、贵、粤、桂四省划为法国势力范围,以便对南海西岸航道(越南至广东)作全面的垄断。如该项要求得逞,香港界址就无从展拓。危机迫在眉睫,英国以广州湾(湛江)租予法国将威胁香港安全为由,要求清廷同意展拓香港界址,并展开相关谈判。英国驻华公使窦纳乐(C. M. MacDonald)表明“展拓香港后面之九龙山地方,以为保卫香港之计”,清廷表示“同意磋商”,但希望“展拓范围不大”,然而以当时的国力,清廷对英国的苛索其实已无力反对,最终仍得同意租借新界99年,仅保留对九龙寨驻防及自由使用龙津码头之权利。
    - shatin to kowloon 古道 hkej 5oct18 yip fai article

    - hkej 10 may19 yip fai article on tunglowan village, fotan and 拔子高

    - 這座愛德華時期的大宅建於1906年,樓高兩 層,外牆髹上白色,故取名White Cottage(白 屋),之後改稱 White House,與美國白宮同 名。它位於大埔公路元洲仔段附近的小丘上, 面向吐露港,距離昔日的大埔站(戰後改稱大 埔滘站)不遠,與同年落成的元洲仔理民官宿 舍 Island House 只一箭之遙。當年監督鐵路工 程的外籍管理人員在白屋居高臨下,目睹沿岸 鐵路興建,前往工地亦很方便。 九廣鐵路英段於1910年10月1日通車後,監 督工程的職員功成身退,搬離白屋,由政府接 管作出租用途。1920年代初是大埔中文學校的 督學宿舍,後來聖經差會用作基地,往來大埔 一帶傳教。其他租用者還有巴馬丹拿建築師 Henry Jemson Tebbutt 和香港置地公司助理 Ernest Oswald Schroeter,之後空置。由於維修 保養費用不菲,政府於1939年嘗試把它拍賣, 然而無人問津。 獲捐款而命名崇德家福軒 淪陷期間,日軍佔用白屋作為憲兵總部,捕 捉抗日人士回來嚴刑烤問,據說還在此行刑, 以致傳出鬼故。戰後政府收回,經過修復,又 加建單層副樓作為傭人宿舍,給予高級公務員 居 住 。 入 住 者 包 括 工 商 署 助 理 署 長 Pat Dodge、市政事務署副署長 Paddy Richardson 等,最出名的是姬達和黎敦義。姬達於1973年 獲港督麥理浩委任為香港首位廉政專員,專責 打擊貪污,1978年升任布政司。黎敦義歷任新 界民政署長和民政司,能操廣東話與居民溝 通。 Island House 於 1985 年空置,翌年租予世界 自然基金會香港分會使用。其後白屋也沒有公 務員入住,回歸後兩年租予香港家庭福利 會,成為全港首間家庭退修中心,提供日 營、宿營和興趣小組等活動,讓參加者學 習處理情緒和新知識,提高解決問題的能 力。白屋獲崇德社捐款支持,因而命名為 「崇德家福軒」,英文仍有White House之 名。

    - 龍華酒店( Lung Wah Hotel)
    - villages hkej 21jun19 yip fai article

    - hkej 17may19 yip fai article

    - 話說改變深井面貌乃巴斯商人律敦治(Jehangir Hormusjee Ruttonjee),港人認識他因灣仔有由他創立的療養院,專治療肺結核病,1991年改為全科醫院;其實他亦涉足多方業務,1931年在深井購地建立香港啤酒廠,為本港首間釀酒廠;另在海美灣與雙仙灣之間興建別墅居住,取名Homi Villa(霍米園),以便到啤酒廠巡視業務。啤酒廠初期發展欠佳,終宣佈清盤,但律敦治另成立公司(Hong Kong Brewery & Distillery Ltd)續生產啤酒;1948年他以600萬元將啤酒廠售予菲律賓生力啤酒公司,啤酒廠在1996年遷入元朗工業邨,舊址拆卸後建成碧堤半島。律敦治的別墅被港府購入,為高級公務員宿舍,面對青衣島與馬灣,可遠眺青馬大橋及汀九橋,港府於1995年將別墅擴建,闢作機場核心計劃展覽中心,介紹十大基建工程。門口有一塊細小牌匾簡介律敦治及昔日的釀酒廠,入場者大都未有注意。二戰後特別在國共內戰期間,不少上海實業家南來本港,帶來先進機器,引入技術及管理知識,令本港工業出現新氣象,不少人從事紡織業,包括李國偉,1948年他在深井創辦九龍紗廠,與啤酒廠為鄰,為讓員工有安定生活,他在附近興建單身及眷屬宿舍,省卻交通時間,以提升生產力。就在上世紀80年代工廠北移,九龍紗廠亦遷出深井,舊址興建麗都花園,單身員工宿舍與附近生力啤酒廠宿舍重建成海韻花園,在深井新村有一座建於1960年的眷屬宿舍,樓高5層,有45個單位,港府收回後未有拆卸,租予社企要有光,翻新為光房,以低於市價租給有迫切住屋需要的單親家庭入住,令宿舍延續生命,亦為九龍紗廠留下遺蹟。美國聯合碳化有限公司的永備電池廠曾進駐深井,同樣隨工業式微而拆卸,建成縉皇居,對出海面可見兩個圓柱形石躉,此為碼頭遺蹟,上世紀60年代本港制水,港府在深井興建三個臨時碼頭,僱用船隻從內地運淡水,再輸往水塘;水荒消除後,拆去其中兩個碼頭,剩下的一個給生力啤酒廠使用,廠房拆卸後只留下柱躉。總辦事處設於深水埗的嘉頓公司,1962年在深井青山公路旁購入13,000多平方米土地興建餅乾廠及糖果廠,上世紀70年代先後加建麵包廠、其他包類廠與雪糕廠,由於廠房龐大,設計新穎,因此成為深井地標。過去坐車經過此處的人,總會嗅到一陣陣麵包與餅乾香味,同時夾雜由啤酒廠排出的發酵麥芽氣味,那是當年的集體記憶;1991年嘉頓麵包廠重建,現今仍然運作,內設展覽廳介紹公司發展,由於生產過程改善,過去散發的麵包香氣已消失於空氣中。深井村旁有深井新村,與工業發展有關,當年有很多工人遷入深井,部分未能獲得分配宿舍,遂向村民租地建屋,當中大部分為潮州人乃生力啤酒廠的員工,久而久之,就形成深井新村,潮州人將潮州文化帶來深井,上世紀50年代舉辦盂蘭勝會。

    • 新一期活化歷史建築伙伴計劃推出,當中包括位於青山公路汀九段,建於一九三○年代的霍米園。收藏家黃嘉謀醫生夫婦擬申請霍米園活化成「歲月留金」博物館,展示其古董珍藏,如留聲機、電話、時鐘等改變人類生活的機器,以及余仁生太子爺余東璇位於般咸道古堡「余園」的意大利雲石雕塑等。

    Lai chi kok
    - 由前荔枝角醫院活化 而成的饒宗頤文化館,二 ○一四年全面開放後,已 成為市民和遊客一個消閒 、參觀和住宿的場所。該 館有十多座樓房,遍布上、中、下三區。周邊 還有一些被人忽略的文物,如九龍關地界碑石 、古渡口、舊警衛室、石圍牆,和兩座舊焚化 爐,年代比樓房更早。

    Kwai chung
    - 中葵涌公園位於香港新界葵青區葵涌下葵涌新葵街,佔地10.56公頃,於1986年7月1日啟用,現時由康樂及文化事務署管理。中葵涌公園前身為乳牛場,在1960年代這裡有兩個由家族式經營的乳牛場。養著數十頭牛,在山邊的青草地放牧。(2016年拍攝) 據葵青區議會2004年出版的《葵青-舊貌新顏.傳承與突破》一書第八章所載,兩個牧場分別是曾氏經營的「瑞峰」及由楊氏經營的不知名牧場。「瑞峰」牛場營業至1970年代初轉售予佳寧娜,土地再展轉到政府手中。至於楊氏的牛場則書中沒有太多資料記載。公園辦事處昔日為「瑞峰」牛場主人曾氏的平房及辦事處,地下是工人飯堂,門外椰樹相信是牛場年代種植。今天再沒有留下楊氏牛場的任何建築物。
    The Salvation Army Kwai Chung Girl's Home, Hong Kong救世軍葵涌女童院 built in 1930s
    Kau Wa Keng (九華徑), is a village and valley between Lai King and Lai Chi Kok though traditionally and administratively it belongs to Kwai Chung. The village has about 300 years of history, most of the villagers were originally of the Tsang clan. It’s located near to the reclaimed Lai Chi Kok Bay. Three rivers once joined at the bay and formed a beach at the estuary. The village was formerly known as Kau Pa Keng (狗爬徑), which means ‘Dog climbing path’, named after the crawling postures that villagers once took as they climbed up the extremely steep slope to reach the village. This name was changed as villagers thought the name was vulgar and also likened the villagers to dogs. The current Kau Wa Keng name lliterally means “Ninth beautiful path”.

    • hkej 26oct18 yip fai article
    ma wan
    - 逾百年歷史的馬灣舊村有近百間村屋,村內亦有不少具保育價值的文物,當中最特別是被評為「三級歷史建築物」的九龍關石碑,見證了清朝近代關稅史。馬灣舊村本來是一條熱鬧的漁村,清政府在一八八○年代與英國簽訂洋藥事宜章程,指出英國人可於九龍設置海關,後稱九龍關,用作收稅、邊境巡邏及防止鴉片走私等事宜。九龍關轄下設多個稅廠,負責地區收稅,其中一個「汲水門稅廠」就位於已荒廢的馬灣鄉事委員會舊會址,屬於古代稅關遺址。而位於會址旁邊的九龍關石碑於一八九七年與該稅廠一同落成,對香港開埠歷史具一定價值。
    • 公元一八八五年,曾國藩之子曾紀澤與英人簽訂《煙台條約續增專條》,確定每箱鴉片徵收稅銀一百一十兩。翌年,中英共同商定英國人可在九龍設置海關,負責收稅、邊境巡邏及防止鴉片走私等事宜,每個月稅務司都會將所得的錢親自交給兩廣總督。「九龍關」轄下有幾個稅廠,負責地區收稅,其中一個就是「汲水門稅廠」。而這個稅廠,就是今日馬灣鄉事委員會會址。在這片命運多舛的土地上,主權國的稅錢竟然由外國人來徵收,是何等咄咄之怪事!夕陽的餘暉下,暮的旋律在晚風中飄盪。由石碑到如今已經廢棄的馬灣島舊碼頭,有一條筆直的小路,修繕得頗工整。史書記載,稅廠建立之初,英軍要建一條小路,以聯繫青衣及青龍頭一帶,方便共同緝私。當這條路建至田寮村時,必須佔用民地,以致鄉民齊聲反對。後來經過調解,鄉民願意借地開路,但路寬只限於七英尺,更不可過於迂迴彎曲,因此立碑為據。特別的是,碑上用的是英尺,並非華尺。原來九龍關總稅務司一直都並非華人,而是英國人,緝私人員皆是英國兵,所以借地時用英尺計算,不用華尺。 很難想像彼時馬灣島上鄉民的心情。通過自身的「發聲」和努力,最大程度地捍衛國土,曲折地表達對入侵者的不滿,應該是他們必須做的事情。而那借地七英尺的屈辱,即便在百年後的今天,仍然時刻提醒我們:忘記歷史就是背叛。


    tuen mun
    - 屯門是唐

    The Battle of Tunmen or Tãmão was a naval battle in which the Ming imperial navy defeated a Portuguese fleet led by Simão de Andrade in 1521.The Portuguese called their settlement Tamão, which is understood as a corruption of "Tunmen" (屯門, Túnmén), the name for the western Hong Kong and Shenzhen area that has existed since the Tang dynasty. Chinese sources state that the Portuguese settled around the Tunmen Inlet (屯門澳, Túnmén Ào), but the current whereabouts of the Tunmen Inlet is unknown, so the precise location of the Portuguese settlement and the battlefield remains under debate among historians. In the present day, "Tunmen" refers to Tuen Mun, the Cantonese reading of the same Chinese characters. This leads some researchers to link the Tunmen of Ming times to Tuen Mun in the New Territories of Hong Kong. "Tunmen Inlet" would then refer to one of two bays around Tuen Mun: Castle Peak Bay, next to the current Tuen Mun New Town; or Deep Bay between the New Territories and Nantou in present-day Shenzhen, where a Ming coastal defense force was stationed. Adding to the confusion is the description in Portuguese sources that Tãmão was an island. As Tuen Mun is not an island, researchers have proposed that Tãmão actually refers to one of the nearby islands. Lintin Island, west of Tuen Mun, is commonly accepted in Western academia as one of the more likely possibilities,[5] while the much larger Lantau Island has also been suggested.Simão de Andrade's fleet was defeated by the Chinese navy, which emboldened the Chinese to take further military action the following year, at the Second Battle of Tamao (1522) against Martim Afonso de Mello. However, with gradual improvement of relations and aid given against the Japanese Wokou pirates along China's shores, by 1557 Ming China finally agreed to allow the Portuguese to settle at Macau in a new Portuguese trade colony. The Malay Sultanate of Johor also improved relations with the Portuguese and fought alongside them against the Aceh Sultanate.

    junk bay
    Both the names "Tiu Keng Leng" and "Rennie's Mill" come from a 19th-century Canadian businessman named Alfred Herbert Rennie, who established the Hong Kong Milling Company at Junk Bay (his partners were Paul Chater and Hormusjee Naorojee Mody). The business failed, and Rennie drowned himself there in 1908, though it was mistakenly reported that he had hanged himself. The incident gave the Chinese name for the site 吊頸嶺 (Tiu Keng Leng / Jyutping: diu3 geng2 leng5), meaning "Hanging (neck) Ridge", a punon the name "Chiu Keng Leng" mentioned above. Because it was inauspicious, the name was later changed to similar-sounding 調景嶺 (Tiu King Leng / Jyutping: tiu4 ging2 leng5, which can be interpreted as "ridge of adjusting situation".)On 26 June 1950 the Hong Kong Government's Social Welfare Office (the predecessor of the Social Welfare Department) settled a considerable number of refugees from China – former Nationalist soldiers and other Kuomintang supporters (according to official government account, there were 6,800 of them) – at Rennie's Mill, following the Chinese Civil War. The Hong Kong Government's original intention was to settle these refugees temporarily before they would be repatriated to Taiwan by the Kuomintang or to Mainland China by the Chinese Communists. But this day never came for the Kuomintang (under the auspices of a political-oriented charitable body named Free China Relief Association which became prominent after the government suspended food ration in 1953), the residents of the enclave became more supportive to the Kuomintang cause. Thus, by the late-1950s, in correlation with the Cold War context in Asia at the time, Rennie's Mill gradually became a "Bastion Against Communism", with the flag of the Republic of Chinaflying (earning it the sobriquet "Little Taiwan"), its own school system and practically off-limits to the Royal Hong Kong Police Force until 1962 when the Hong Kong Government decided to turn it into a resettlement estate due to its apprehension of the growing Kuomintang presence in the enclave. It also had a significant missionary presence. Due to its pro-Kuomintang atmosphere, the 1967 Riots did not have an effect on Rennie's Mill. Rennie's Mill was badly damaged by Typhoon Wanda in 1962, rendering many homeless. In 1996 the Hong Kong government evicted the last of Rennie's Mill's original residents, ostensibly to make room for new town developments as part of the Tseung Kwan O New Town, but widely believed to be a move to please the Communist Chinese government before the transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong in 1997.

    周公岛 and other islands
    - hkej 9nov18 yip fai article


    kennedy town
    - 西環七台 約有 70年至 80年歷史,為太白 台、羲皇台、青蓮台、桃李 台、學士台、李寶龍台及紫蘭 台;最有名3個為學士台、桃李 台與青蓮台;位處較高位置, 當時並無高樓大廈遮擋,有全 海景,在早期樓價也是最貴 的,多為富豪所居住,其中以 華裔商人為主。此幅地皮最初由李陞購入, 將西環山交其子李寶龍(他為 李寶椿兄長)打理,發展住宅 物業;李陞逝世後家族業務衰 落;在 1924年李寶龍因生意失 敗,出售西環山還債,以致青 蓮台的魯班先師廟幾乎拆卸。 後來買家合興公司的老闆李星 衛與譚煥堂答允不拆此廟,交 由廣悅堂管理;現今街道許多 住宅已改建,部分唐樓仍保留 古風,為電影與電視劇集取景 地點。 西環七台名稱與唐朝詩人李 白有關,因住宅區的地產商李 寶龍鍾愛李白,後人為紀念此 位地產商,住宅區於另一邊的 街道被命名為李寶龍路,其中 一個台則命名為李寶龍台

    話說龍虎山為龍虎山郊野公園 所在地;松林炮台(或龍虎山炮 台)在克頓道附近,炮台遺址闢 松林廢堡(Pinewood Battery)郊 遊區,設歷史徑以介紹歷史;在 1898年英軍建炮台,在 1905年落 成,防止法俄兩國侵略本港,裝 置 2門口徑 6吋大炮;摩星嶺要塞 在 1912年落成,翌年空置,大炮 移走;在 1930年針對空中防衛, 松林炮台改裝為防空炮台,裝設 2 門口徑 3吋防空炮,增建多座營房 及掩蔽體,1941年 12月 8日香港 保衛戰爆發,首日已取得制空權 的日軍以轟炸機對炮台,在 12月 15日在一門防空炮、炮台高射瞄 準器及高度探測器遭炸毀後,皇 家炮兵團第17防空營棄守炮台。


    shek tong tsui
    - 香港石塘咀山道盡頭,接近電車路的地方有一家國貨公司,叫南方國貨。

    sai ying pun
    - 話說西營盤近海地方與貿易相關,帆船或蒸氣船近岸停下,靠舢舨運貨物,維修、貨運等活動伸延至堅尼地城,不少居民在碼頭一帶上班;自皇后大道西一直向山上發展,劃出第一街、第二街、第三街及高街,兩邊以東邊街與西邊街為界,正街為中心點;港府在1874年創立國家醫院,皇后大道西雀仔橋設有西營盤賽馬會分科診所,國家醫院在瑪麗醫院落成前為香港大學教學醫院,有兩名革命人士到國家醫院就醫,一為輔仁文社社長,興中會首任會長楊衢雲,發動廣州起義及惠州起義;1901年1月10日傍晚在中環結志街寓所遭清廷買兇射殺,送國家醫院搶救,翌日不治,葬於跑馬地墳場,無字碑上刻有6348編號,有削頂石柱以示死於非命;1903年謝纘泰為亡友復仇,發動大明順天國起義,因洩漏風聲而作罷。另一人為黃興,在黃花崗起義事敗後逃至本港,在國家醫院治療。高街盡頭可見國家醫院外籍護士宿舍遺址,此座建築物建於1892年,設計富殖民地風格,外圍為拱形長廊及護土牆,斜尖屋頂蓋以瓦片,當時香港極為缺乏醫療人才,華人普遍醫學常識貧乏,華人生病時多到廟宇祈福,香爐灰當藥;英國政府遂以優厚福利作招徠,從英國及其屬土招外籍醫療人員來港,又在1892年於西營盤興建寬敞的國家醫院護士宿舍;上世紀40年代國家醫院東翼落成,至1941年建築物不再用作外籍醫療人員宿舍;二戰後,大樓才改作精神病院。至1961年青山精神病院落成,院舍改作日間精神科門診部。1971年後建築物閒置,直至上世紀90年代,港府保存外牆,僅留下麻石外牆及迴廊立面,改建為西營盤社區綜合大樓。在1894年5月至10月本港鼠疫爆發,當時許多華人因鼠疫病死,導致超過二千人喪生,成為開埠甚至有記錄至今最多人死亡的瘟疫,三分之一的人口逃離;此後至1926年的30年間,鼠疫每年都在港出現,導致逾二萬人死亡;華商建議在附近更練館設病床,西約華人公立醫局會址在1909年落成,在1938年醫局改為醫院職員宿舍。上世紀初鼠疫影響,港府建新醫院、學校及醫學院以培育華人醫療人才;1903年港府「四環九約」,西營盤在第三約;1922年在西約華人公立醫局旁建成舊贊育醫院,曾為贊育醫院其中一座,在瑪麗醫院落成前,為香港大學婦產科的教學及實習醫院。克寧醫生(Alice D Hickling)為首位來港女醫生,她建議成立贊育醫院,培訓華人助產士上門接生,有些助產士學成出山;舊醫院門外有對聯,「好生之謂德,保赤以為懷」出自清朝遺老香港大學中文系系主任賴際熙之手,門頂贊育醫院四字由清朝遺老陳伯陶題。在二戰後轉營為贊育社會服務中心,舊贊育醫院大樓已由古物諮詢委員會評定為一級歷史建築,基督教崇真會救恩堂坐落西邊街與高街交界,救恩堂由瑞士巴色差會宣教士所成立,堂址1932年重建,列為三級歷史建築。 發生太平天國起義,局勢非常 動盪,觸發自香港開埠以來首次 大規模難民潮,為逃避戰火,大 批難民自太平天國起義後紛紛湧 港,在 1848年之時,港島人口僅 21,514人,及至 1853年,人口已 然急增至 39,107 人;有關人口增 長持續,及至起義軍實力減弱而 相應回落,難民包括一批富有華 商,與清廷及當時香港殖民地政 府俱關係密切,此中最為重要的 人物,要數李陞。 他早年活躍於西營盤一帶,在 港府發展西營盤時,隨大哥李良 來港創業,於 1857年在西營盤一 帶大量買地,興建碼頭、倉庫, 開設銀號之外,轉賣土地與房產 以賺取巨額利潤;李陞為首個在 港發展房地產之華商,在李良去 世之後,李陞為族中領袖,大規 模進軍房地產市場,參與填海計 劃,建成李陞街及高陞街等; 1889年英資地產公司置地成立之 時,李陞成為洋行股東兼董事, 左右逢源,在港府及清政府間, 李陞對西營盤的發展及營運具有 莫大影響。 西營盤近海地方與貿易相關, 遠洋帆船或蒸氣船在近岸停下, 就靠舢舨運貨物上岸;維修、貨 運等活動一直伸延至堅尼地城, 不少居民都在碼頭一帶上班;市 中心有很多售賣海味和中藥材的 店舖,一直發展至今;西營盤一 帶,自皇后大道西一直向山上發 展,劃出第一街、第二街、第三 街、高街,兩邊則以東邊街與西 邊街為界,正街則為這個區域的 中心點,形成一「目」字形的規 劃
    - 這裡曾是香港首間公立醫院── 「國家醫院」(Government Civil Hospital)的舊 址。「國家醫院」於 1848 年成立,經過數次搬 遷,至1878年在此運營,直到上個世紀50年代才 陸續重建為現在的佈局。當時「國家醫院」是一 家西醫院,為西方人士提供西醫治療和康復服 務。華人市民不願接受西醫治療,他們不僅在經 濟上承擔不起高昂費用,而且在文化上也接受不 了西醫的治療方式。 沿着醫院道往東走,從磅巷轉普慶坊,在一個 喧鬧又略顯狹窄的普仁街盡頭,一眼看到莊重的 牌坊大門,那裡是香港另一間著名的醫院──東 華醫院。東華醫院是香港開埠以來歷史最悠久的 中醫院,1870年由華人捐款興建並營運。走進古 樸的文物館大堂,一幅幅金字對聯彰顯它在華人 社會的地位,正中央陳設的神農氏神位表明它源 於中華中醫。成立之初,東華醫院施醫贈藥,只 提供中醫中藥服務,其廣福義祠則常為年邁體衰 的華人陪伴最後一程。可以說,東華醫院是當時 華人的重要精神港灣。那時候的香港,西醫服務 西方人,中醫服務華人,如同兩條軌道上的車, 互不干擾。

    the peak
    - peak school

    • "The second building at No. 28 Kennedy Road (called the Annex) housed the first Kennedy Road School which operated from 1946 to December 1953. In 1953 it combined with the Peak School (formerly housed in what is now the Fire Station in Gough Hill Path) and moved into the new Peak School premises on the corner of Plunkett’s Road. The Log Book of the original school is still retained in the Peak School. The original Kennedy School had six classes and about 60 pupils. Isobel Ogilvy Park, who had been a teacher at Kennedy School, laid out the design for the new Peak school, and became its first headmistress."

    -  Victoria Prison (Chinese域多利監獄), or Victoria Gaol was the first and longest-running prison to date in Hong Kong. The prison was completed on 4 August 1841. It was originally known as the Victoria Gaol and is said to be the first western building constructed of durable material in Hong Kong. The prison still retains the facade of Victorian architecture, having been built mostly of granite and brick. 
    - 擺花街.水坑口.塘西
    - fcc

    • 香港外國記者會會址前身是舊牛奶公司冷藏倉庫,屬一級歷史建築,外國記者會進駐現時會址前,曾先後以已拆卸的希爾頓酒店(即現時長江集團中心)及遮打道壽德隆大廈作會址,但1980年初因壽德隆大廈會址大幅加租,在中區難有合適地點作新會址,所以當時的外國記者會長當奴韋斯(Donald Wise)去信當時的港督麥理浩,提出租用美利樓作新會址,但麥理浩反建議位於雪廠街舊牛奶公司冷藏倉庫,最終外國記者會接受並於1982年遷入。雖然港府將有關地方租給外國記者會並無公開招標,但外國記者會一直支付市值租金,同時亦負責妥善保育該座歷史建築開支,多年前曾傳出港府遲遲未與外國記者會談租約,一度有傳政府內有人想收回該處,但最終仍獲續租至今。
    - fenwick pier

    • hkej 21may19 shum article
    盈置大廈英语:Nexxus Building[1],前稱恒生大廈,是香港的一座商業大廈,位於香港島中環干諾道中41號(域多利皇后街交界),為恒生銀行的前總部大廈。恒生大廈於1962年建成,由阮達祖設計,樓高22層,高達73.45米,為當時香港最高建築物,直至1964年旁邊的聯邦大廈(今永安集團大廈)落成為止。與傳統銀行大廈不同,恒生大廈的銀行大堂置於一樓,其他銀行業務部門安排在二、三樓,用自動扶手電梯連接,地面層留為購物商場。有說因為風水的關係,銀行的入口置於德輔道中域多利皇后街的拐角位。1968年,大廈8樓發生五級大火,造成消防員1死2傷。1991年,恒生銀行總行及辦公室搬至一街之隔的中環消防局舊址,惟此大廈名稱仍保留恒生二字,直至2004年恒生大廈以22.58億元出售予摩根士丹利牽頭財團,才於2004年底至2007年中改建為現時的盈置大廈,並於同年年尾以新形象示人。阮達祖(Yuen Tat Cho)原籍廣東新會,1906年生於香港,中學就讀於拔萃男書院,1929年獲得香港大學土木工程學位,出洋到英國利物浦大學留學,取得建築學學士。五十年代成立「阮達祖事務所」(T.C. Yuen & Co.),主要作品有永隆銀行大廈東英大廈、恒生大廈及東城戲院等。

    • 租用中環置地廣場告羅士打大廈約三十年的香港銀行家會所,轉租干諾道中41號盈置大廈的基座部分

    the peak
    - 老襯亭

    Jardine's Lookout 渣甸山
    - a remote hunting lodge once used by the Jardin Matheson 怡和輪船公司 Company to manipulate local markets during the Age of Sail.

    happy valley
    -香港開埠初期的維多利 亞城,範圍包括上環、中環 和下環(今灣仔西面地區) ,儼如香港島的首府。隨着 西環人口增加,一八五七年 的維多利亞城涵蓋該區,合稱 「四環」。到了 一九○三年,港府於《憲報》刊登維多利亞城 的範圍,西至堅尼地城域多利道口,東至跑馬 地黃泥涌道,並豎立六支界石標示。 這六支城市界石至今不倒,刻在上面的英 文字(City Boundary)和年份(1903)仍清晰 可見。從它們所在位置可知昔日維多利亞城的 邊界,界石以外的地方就是郊區。今天我們無 法想像,黃泥涌道以東曾是一片荒蕪之地。最 早在此邊陲出現的大型建築物是聖保祿女修會 的加爾瓦略會院,亦即今天的聖保祿天主教小 學。
    - Founded in 1894 and originally located on Bonham Road, the Craigengower Cricket Club was constructed for the students of Victoria English School. It subsequently moved to Wong Nai Chung Road, where it has now stood for almost 100 years. The original brick clubhouse was bombed during World War II but was rebuilt with the help of the members. It now houses sports and social facilities and the members are well known for their community work, helping underprivileged children and students in the area.

    causeway bay
    - 話說本港1841年開埠不久,渣甸洋行在東角(今銅鑼灣)購買大幅土地,在鵝頭山(後稱渣甸山)興建花園洋房,其中大班樓門口有巴洛克式石拱門,至1972年移走;渣甸大班將石拱門贈予馬會;其後開闢街道,當中不少以渣甸及其大班命名,比如說,怡和街(Yee Wo Street)、渣甸街(Jardine's Bazaar)、渣甸坊(Jardine's Crescent)、勿地臣街(Matheson Street)、敬誠街(Keswick Street)、伊榮街(Irving Street)、波斯富街(Percival Street)及百德新街(Paterson Street)等。港府1866年在京士頓街與告士打道之間設立香港造幣廠,因虧蝕而結業;渣甸遂購下地皮,在1878年開設糖廠,戰後停產,此即為糖街(Sugar Street)街名的由來;英商基利(Kyle)於1875年開設冰廠,後由渣甸收購,易名為香港製冰公司,至1918年,轉售給牛奶公司;置地在1972年吞併牛奶公司,就在翌年冰廠結束,拆卸重建為溫莎公爵大廈(今稱皇室大廈)與恒隆中心。怡和午炮所在地,為開埠初期拍得的首幅土地,1941年香港淪陷,大炮不知所終;和平之後,皇家海軍在海軍船塢起出一門大炮,送給渣甸洋行;初期彈藥不足,無法維持每日鳴炮,遂改為除夕鳴炮,1947年恢復午炮;怡東酒店附近一條街道就以大炮為名,此為景隆街(Cannon Street)。英國卜內門(Brunner Mond)化工原料曾在百德新街設貨倉,1955年由富商張祝珊的兒子張玉麟購入,建成中產住宅區;張玉麟透過利銘澤認識精通日文的華商劉火炎,1960年將日本大丸百貨公司引入百德新街。羅素街(Russell Street)以1880年本港庫務司(1881年兼任總登記官)、1888至1892年成為首席按察司James Russell命名;之前他曾任巡理府法官、消防隊助理總監、港督私人秘書及驗屍官等;1950年羅素街爆發警民衝突,警方以催淚彈鎮壓--1949年12月24日平安夜,香港電車只承認親台的「維多利亞城電車職工自由工會」,拒絕承認親共的工會,因而引發衝突;由外籍警官下令攻進電車廠,數十香港電車職員受重傷。堅拿道東與堅拿道西為英文Canal譯音,運河以東叫堅拿道東,以西的叫堅拿道西;就在英國佔領港島早期,只有此河流入海中--此為黃泥涌從跑馬地流向維多利亞港,而黃泥涌流出維港的一段又長又窄,形如鵝頸,當時稱此段為「鵝澗」或「鵝頸」,而此橋則稱為「鵝頸橋」。堅拿道天橋底陰暗,陽曆三月五、六或七日為驚蟄,廣東民間認為蛇蟲鼠蟻及小人出來活動,有祭白虎及打小人傳統;就在1850年代末期,第四任港督寶靈(John Bowring)遂決定將「鵝澗」擴建為寶靈頓運河,從而發展民居,「鵝頸橋」亦一度稱為寶靈城(Bowring Town);鵝頸涌及鵝頸橋發展約在1925年後,其時「香港八景」之一的「鵝澗榕蔭」,即指寶靈頓運河兩旁及利園山上的榕樹;在1922年,灣仔展開填海,至1929年工程完成,遂建成軒尼詩道,為疏通新填地區的地下渠道,遂將鵝澗覆蓋在地底,已再看不到鵝澗。
    - 百德新街.敬誠街.糖街

    tai hang
    - 芽菜坑村與馬山村

    - history
    - 教士走進灣仔 華洋交往起點
    - 聖佛蘭士街,南固臺 hkej 7sep18 yip fai article

    North Point
    -在英人開發前,北角僅屬臨海山崖(現今電 車路以北均是海邊),因地積狹小,杳無人煙。 直到十九世紀末,太古集團在鰂魚涌設立糖廠, 在附近打工的華人就遷到北角聚居,華人富商也 在此置業,推動社區發展。 二十世紀初,有渣華輪船公司在北角設辦事 處,專營國內與荷殖爪哇的客運和貿易,因從業 者多為福閩華僑,他們在北角經商和居住,逐漸 形成獨特的 「小福建」社區。 二十年代,在南洋發跡的閩籍富商郭春秧投 得北角地皮,計劃填海造地興建糖廠及碼頭設施 。但遇上海員大罷工及省港大罷工而延誤工程, 到竣工時又遇到國際經濟危機,糖價大幅下跌, 郭氏將工地改作洋房物業三百間(即現今的春秧 街),吸引華人投資置業。此外,郭氏積極投入 社區建設,組織商會及同鄉會等機構,提供康樂 、醫藥服務,照顧鄰里,吸引閩籍同鄉落戶北角 ,漸漸形成以春秧街為核心的 「小福建」社區。 1941年,香港保衛戰期間,日軍轟炸北角電 廠設施,周邊一帶備受重創。香港重光後,內地 政黨紛爭,部分黨國知名人士避居香港一帶,郭 氏後人郭雙鰲看準機會開設舞廳夜總會,銳意展 拓高檔娛樂事業,特別僱用上海人士輔理業務。 1947年,麗池花園夜總會開張營業,營造了燈紅 酒綠、紙醉金迷的風月世界,尤其吸引滬籍富豪 光顧。影響所及,開拓了巨大的連鎖消費效應及 龐大的服務市場,大量落難香港的上海人也遷入 北角,尋找工作機會,人口激增加速社區復興, 亦形成了 「小上海」的社區。可惜持續不久,一 度著名的風月區域相繼結業,改建住宅。 內地 「文革」期間,本地左派工會以北角為 據點發動鬥爭活動,1967年8月,港府出動英軍 夾攻僑冠大廈平息騷亂。事後,港府認定北角區 是反英勢力基地,刻意孤立社區發展,對比七十 年代以來各區經濟和民生建設,北角明顯滯後, 直至回歸後才稍有改變。

    - 北角先后有两个非广东籍的族群聚居,上世纪四十年代以上海人(江浙人士)为主,五十年代有大批福建人移入,北角的市中心人口骤增,环境嘈杂,有部分上海人迁出此区或迁往北角半山。为何福建人选择北角定居?要探究这个问题,先由福建人移民歷史说起。福建省以海为邻,当地人很早便飘洋出海谋生。十九世纪中香港开埠后,已有福建人来港经商,当时集中在上环区。同时亦有大批福建人经香港前往东南亚国家打工,当中以印尼、菲律宾和马来西亚居多。郭春秧是早年移居印尼爪哇的福建人,他与家人经营白米、茶叶、糖等生意,其中糖业最为成功,后来成为糖商鉅子。
    - 皇都戲院

    shau kei wan
    - ah kung arm village

    • chan fan cheong (hkust vc) is from the village singtao 2may17

    - 筲箕灣譚公廟建於1905年,獲評 為三級歷史建築。譚公賀誕巡遊也已 舉辦近百年,起源可追溯至開埠初期 ,不少惠州人、客家人及水上人相繼扎 根於筲箕灣,譚公傳統習俗隨惠州人 而傳來,本地漁民敬拜以祈求順心。 專門研究筲箕灣歷史的中文大學 歷史系哲學碩士生陳子安表示,在上 世紀30、40年代,筲箕灣居民將慶祝 天后誕與譚公誕,在兩個節慶 「正日 」之間,選擇一天共同慶祝,其後改 為分開慶祝。譚公誕慶祝以70、80年 代規模最鼎盛,逾千人聚集於東大街 巡遊表演,擺放300隻乳豬祭祀,並 有樓高數層的大型花炮。現時參與慶 祝團體則每年維持約數十個,大批遊 客及街坊夾道圍觀,並帶挈附近食肆 生意。譚公誕的 「譚公」是誰 ?民間有多種說法,綜合華人 廟宇委員會等資料,譚公原名 譚德(另一說本名譚峭),元代惠州人,據 《惠州府志》所載,譚公於惠州九龍峰修行 ,常持木杖出山,並有老虎隨行,13歲得道 ,煉成長生不老術,因此神像貌如孩童。 據說,譚公有呼風喚雨及治病之能,故 被奉為神,尤其深受漁民信奉。香港開埠初 年,對石材需求甚殷,吸引惠州石匠來港, 同時把譚公信仰帶來香港。筲箕灣昔日多漁 民聚居,遂於光緒三十一年(1905年)在海 邊建廟供奉至今。 筲箕灣譚公廟曾於2002年重建,2015年8 月(農曆七月),該廟儲物房失火,時值盂 蘭節,房內有大批香燭及衣紙,火勢猛烈, 猶幸神像未受波及。
    - hkej 20apr18 yip fai article, 東大街廟宇之由來

    repulse bay, deep water bay
    據史書記載,在香港開埠前,赤柱和香港仔是人口最多的兩個漁村。兩村附近各有一個比較深的海灣,即赤柱旁邊的赤柱灣,香港仔旁邊的深水灣。淺水灣兩頭不靠,居於其間。對當時的漁民來說,海灣越深越風平浪靜,海灣越淺越風高浪急。可以想像,遠處的淺水灣,前不挨村後不着店,應該是比近旁的赤柱灣和深水灣更加荒涼。同樣可以想像,英國人來到香港後,為了減少與當地漁民的糾葛,寧肯繞開深水灣,去開發相對荒涼的淺水灣。結果,由於殖民者擁有資源優勢,淺水灣日益成為休閒居住的旺地,深水灣則逐漸退居歷史的幕後。英國人甚至給淺水灣取了一個新的名字:Repulse Bay。二戰期間,日本人步其後塵,一度把淺水灣改名為「綠ヶ濱」。在此過程中,深水灣始終就叫深水灣(Deep Water Bay)。隨着淺水灣聲名的凸顯,深水灣卻益發幽深起來。今天,淺水灣成了旅遊景點,網紅打卡,驢友露營,熱門得不亦樂乎。深水灣的形象卻越來越模糊,甚至帶上些神秘。特別是被譽為亞洲最高檔私人會所的香港鄉村俱樂部,被公認為最難加入的香港高爾夫球會,以及李嘉誠家族、郭鶴年家族、嘉道理家族的主宅,都坐落在深水灣,無不讓人隱隱感受到這方水土所透出的神秘色彩。

    harbourfront development
    - 一八五四年他獲任第四任港督, 上任後,擬訂一份港島中區填海計劃,定名 「寶靈填海計劃」,因時機未成熟,未有即 時推出。至一八五八年他決定將港島填海計 劃付諸實施,填海範圍由中環海邊至銅鑼灣 東角(今日的東角道一帶),寬五十呎,長 四里,並決定在新填地上開出一新馬路,命 名 「寶靈海濱」。工程計劃提上 「定例局」 (後來的立法局),要求通過並立即實施, 卻大出意外遭到否決。 最大的反對者是以顛地為首的英商,這 群英商財雄勢大,認為填海損及他們在中環 一帶的利益,由顛地洋行牽頭聯同其他英商 聯合反對,原因是這些英商早已佔有中環海 傍優質地皮,碼頭、倉庫及貨物起卸設備, 填海工程實施會影響碼頭及貨物起卸運作。 由於英商聯手反對, 「寶靈填海計劃」在定 例局遭否決。一八六六年,寶靈又再提出在 中區東面填海,這一回卻觸及軍方利益而擱 置。 寶靈對填海的態度十分頑固,兩次挫敗 未改他的決心,仍舊千方百計推行計劃,也 許他熟識經濟,從地理上看,太平山沿山腳 而下,是十分狹窄的海邊地帶,沒有足夠土 地將市區擴充,沒有土地,中區發展阻塞在 樽頸口。 兩次失敗,寶靈等待了十年,一八六八 年他找到機會,原先在定例局左右大局的英 商議員,一些失勢,一些返回英,他看準時 機,再次提出填海計劃,同時修改計劃,避 開觸及大洋行的利益,填海線改由西面開始 ,利用第三任港督文咸藉上環一次大火以瓦 礫堆填出的一段文咸東街為起點,沿海邊擴 充填向西環,並指定業主負責填海經費,完 成後可取得新地段使用權。這項填海工程花 了兩年,填出了今天文咸西街與西環卑路乍 街一段,接着,先後兩次在堅尼地城海邊填 海,取地三十英畝。 此時,出現一位與寶靈理念相同、力主 在中環填海的外國人遮打(Catchick Paul Chater,中環遮打道以他命名),不少人誤 以為遮打是港督,查實遮打出生於印度加爾 各答,是亞美尼亞裔商人,一八六四年來港 從事地產,搖身變為九龍倉、置地公司創辦 人之一,大力促成天星小輪開辦。

    - cotton

    • 戰前香港曾經有棉紗廠。1899年,渣甸洋行設立香港棉紡織染公司。該廠設於銅鑼灣掃稈埔,將入口棉花織成棉線。1914年,渣甸因為缺乏熟練技工,又因電力與淡水供應不足,同時面對本港空氣過濕不宜於紡紗,於是將工廠遷至上海經營。由此至第二次世界大戰前,香港織造業主要發展針織業和梭織業,而有先「織」後「紡」的情況。當年香港唯一的棉紗廠結業後,工商界人士均認為香港氣候潮濕、缺乏技術人員等問題不宜於經營棉紡事業。到1947年,上海商人李震之在香港創辦大南紗廠,該廠生產棉紗時,發現機械運作產生的熱力,能抵消空氣中的水分,以致棉紗的品質沒有因潮濕天氣而受影響。大南紗廠的經驗,鼓勵更多廠商來港設廠,香港才開始有本地棉紗供應。中國政局的變化也促進戰後香港紡織業成長。內地企業家因國共內戰及1949年政權變動而來港發展,尤其蘇浙籍的廠家帶來資金、機器和技術,令香港紡織業急速發展。1948年,半島紗廠(後改組為香港紡織)、偉倫紗廠、南洋紗廠、九龍紗廠、南海紗廠、聯泰紗廠及大元紗廠相繼成立,隨後大元紗廠、怡生紗廠、聯泰紗廠、寶星紡織也陸續建立。1947年至1954年間,香港棉紗廠由1家增至17家,到1975年,本港有40家紡紗廠。當時的紗廠從生產規模、機器和管理方式,遠較戰前的織造廠龐大、進步,為香港工業帶來新的氣象。戰後初期,香港的棉紗工業主要供應本地布廠,而戰後的香港布廠急速增長,促進棉紡業興起。棉紡工業隨後向外拓展市場,1950年代以亞洲國家為主,如南韓、巴基斯坦、緬甸、越南等;1950年代末至1960年代初,外銷市場以東南亞地區為主,香港的棉紗出口因享有英聯邦特惠稅之利,而遠及錫蘭、南非、英國、澳洲、新西蘭等英聯邦國家。不過,隨着世界工業國家提高進口稅、關稅等制度保護本土工業,同時東南亞國家尤其是南韓和台灣等積極發展棉紡工業,香港棉紗業的海外市場逐漸萎縮。自1976年華僑紗廠結束轉營地產後,短短數年間,香港多家大型紗廠結業。至1985年,協和紗廠和新界紗廠結業,香港的紗廠已所剩無幾。紗廠比其他輕工業的廠房規模龐大,廠地寬廣,當年以低價在新市鎮偏遠地區建廠。1970年代,香港都市發展急速,許多大型紗廠基於廠房地值上漲,結業後都轉營地產項目圖利,有把原址出售,有把廠房清拆改建成工商業大廈、商場、大型屋苑等。例如:荃灣青山道至9咪半曾是紗廠及紡織廠的集中地,今日的麗城花園和灣景花園一帶曾是南海紗廠、寶星紗廠、東南紗廠及會德豐紗廠的生產基地。2000年代,香港只剩餘2家紗廠仍生產棉紗,包括中央紗廠。中央紗廠在2011年也把機器搬遷至內地廠房,結束在港紡紗的工序。
    - textile

    • During the troubled years of the war against Japan, most of the Chinese industrial base concentrated in Shanghai was lost. In 1945, only 10% of the pre-war spindles were operative and, even though the Chinese industry recovered between 1945 and 1947, the economic crisis and political instability of China forced Shanghai capitalists to diverse and  relocate their businesses. In the summer of 1946, some spinners of Shanghai  began to investigate the possibility of establishing cotton mills in Hong Kong, a city with a stable currency, a solid banking system and trading facilities. Despite being a British colony, Hong Kong had not built a relevant textile industry before. But in the following years, cotton spinning and weaving mills were founded by Shanghai capitalists and Hong Kong became a centre  for the textile and garment industry that would eventually export to the five continents. Shanghai spinners in the mid 1950s - Mr. Vincent Woo (Central Textiles), Mr. H. C. Yung (荣鸿庆,Nanyang), Mr. C. S. Loh (陆菊森, Wyler), Mr. T. Y. Wong (王统元, Hong Kong Spinners), Mr. C. C. Lee (李震之, South China), Mr. Mou Lee (李楙, Kowloon), Mr. Y. C. Wang (王云程, Nanyang), Mr. Z. D. Woo (何瑞棠, Hong Kong Spinners) and Mr. T. Y. Tung (童振远, South China).

    currency/legal tender

    - 香港的股票交易並非始於一 九六九年,早在四十年代,香港曾經出 現過一個名為 「伊利斯」 的股票指數, 但後來基於戰爭等原因無疾而終。不過 ,坊間仍有不受規範的股票交易,而參 與者只限於公司之間的買賣,公眾鮮有 途徑參與,儘管如此,金融界的有心人 仍然希望為香港打造一個類似美國道瓊 斯的指數,從而為香港的股票交易劃上 一個國際公認的標準。早在一九六四年 ,時任恒生銀行事長何善衡和總經理利 國偉委託研究部負責人關士光,創製一 個恒生指數,挑選出三十三間上市公司 為成份股。由於恒生指數出自關士光先 生之手,所以後人將他稱為 「恒指之父 」 。在六十年代,香港只有俗稱香港會 的英資香港證券交易所運作,在香港會 上市的公司總數不逾六十家,而且主要 是外資大行,股票交易可以說是外國人 的玩意。 在恒生指數推出之前,本港曾經出 現過兩次股災,分別由一九六五年廣東 信託銀行擠提事件和一九六七年反英抗 暴事件引發,這兩次股災的跌幅分別是 百分之二十四點七一和百分之三十一點 七。由於當年一般市民參與的程度甚低 ,所以對民生造成的殺傷力並不明顯; 但到了一九七三年那一次,情況就完全 不同了,自從恒生指數推出之後,基於 指數不斷攀升,令不少市民一夜暴富, 很多人有樣學樣,以致大眾參與股市的 程度越來越高, 「魚翅撈飯」 和 「鮑魚 煲粥」 成為不少股民的口頭禪,所以一 旦發生股災,殺傷力就不可同日而語了
    - 遠東會
    • 張華峰以往係屬遠東會,所以今次搵番遠東會班老友記「紅衫仔」出來
    • *******話說當年「四會年代」由已故「股壇教父」李福兆領導嘅「遠東會」為爭更大份額,想同「香港會」合併,但消息傳到張天生耳中,佢馬上告知「金銀會」,後更通知傳媒,結果合併單嘢「見光死」!之後,「金銀會」提出可以越會買賣,即係兩個會可在市場睇到對方行情。當時就有意見認為,應成立一個聯誼會方便行家溝通,張天生於是聯絡「四會」代表,證券經紀業協會(即證券業協會前稱)就係咁於一九七八年註冊。點知,後來「金銀會」為咗鞏固地位,又研究與「香港會」合併。由於場地容納問題,張天生要求開大會議決,結果成功反對「金銀會」搬遷,合併嘅事就此告吹。籌備證券業協會一事更因為咁停頓落嚟,差啲仲胎死腹中。要到七九年,張天生先再次召集「四會」代表成立協會。
    • 由已故「股壇教父」李福兆一手創立嘅遠東交易所,於六九年十二月十七日成立,今年創會五十周年。咁大日子,一眾創會會員同前董事,特別成立咗籌備委員會,仲搵到遠東會創辦人之一嘅王啟銘做委員會主席,李福兆個仔李國麟任副主席,帶領一眾熱心人籌備呢次敍舊聯歡晚宴。籌委員早前已廣發英雄帖,邀請咗一班遠東會元老,包括當年嘅會員及出市員出席今個月中嘅晚宴。點知呢幾個月示威活動不斷升級,籌委會近期向眾人發通知,表示鑑於近日社會安全環境未有改善,且問題日趨惡化,籌委員未能確保喺安全狀況下舉辦今次活動。在無可選擇情況下,決定押後舉行。

    Hong Kong mariners' club
    - The Sailors Home and Missions to Seamen, which operates the 12-storey building, is looking to partner with a developer to redevelop the site into a composite building consisting of a new Mariners’ Club on the lower levels and a commercial hotel on the upper floors. The number of Hong Kong sailors working on long-haul vessels has dropped from a peak of more than 60,000 to fewer than 400, making the need for such a large facility unnecessary, according to the mission. It said having a commercial hotel and shrinking the size of the club was to “ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the club”.The building was constructed in May 30, 1967, and officially opened by colonial governor Sir David Trench. Development of the site has been approved and stopped in the past. Most recently in the early 2000s, plans were approved to turn the site into a block of high-rise flats in partnership with Swire Properties. But the deal fell through and instead the club’s first two floors were renovated. The club’s purpose was to provide a place for seafarers to get rest in clean and cheap accommodation, receive necessary assistance, and religious guidance. “It was determined in the late 1980s, early 1990s that the model of the maritime industry on which the Mariners’ Club had been built on in 1967 was no longer relevant,” maritime historian and honorary University of Hong Kong professor Stephen Davies said.
    - 海員俱樂部早前就尖沙咀中間道11號「海員之家」重建計劃招標,項目終由帝國集團奪得。該集團透露,項目總投資額約60億元,預計二○二二年落成。
    -在立法會秘書處的官方資料上,稱韋伯與 貝爾是 「英聯邦採辦處的顧問建築師」。這種 講法可能令人誤以為他們兩人在英聯邦採辦處 工作。事實上,採辦處是英國政府下屬的一家 代理機構,而「韋伯與貝爾」是倫敦一家建築師 事務所的名字。換句話說,香港政府通過採辦 處,聘請了這家事務所來香港設計法院大樓。 韋伯是事務所的合夥人及建築師。另一個 合夥人貝爾比韋伯年長十二歲,是一位經驗豐 富的土木工程師及建築師。在二十世紀初,他 們的公司是倫敦及英國最大、最有名氣的建築 師事務所。在英國建築界,韋伯具有重要的歷史地位 和影響,被譽為愛德華時代 「最卓越的建築大 師」。一八四九年他出生在倫敦的一個畫家家 庭,十七歲入行學藝,二十五歲自立門戶,三 十七歲成名。一九○二年至一九○四年,他擔 任英國皇家建築師學會會長,一九○三年入選 皇家學院院士,並在一九一九年至一九二四年 擔任皇家學院的主席。在奠基碑上有一個華人的名字─陳阿堂 。他的公司包攬了地基和大樓的建造工程。作 為一個華人公司,能承建如此重要和複雜的工 程,說明本地工人具有很高的專業水平,並掌 握了西式建築的製造工藝和施工技術。遺憾的 是,陳阿堂在一九○四年因勞累過度而病逝, 後由他的兒子接班完成了工程。

    - 太古樓

    • 納匝肋印書館staff quarter, set up by 巴黎外方傳教会 (mep-missions etrangeres de paris) in 1885 (move from macau to hk). Bought douglas castle in 1895.
    • sold to property developer in 1976

    - 伯大尼修院

    • est in 1875 by 巴黎外方傳教会 (mep-missions etrangeres de paris)

    - village


    large scale private housing estates
    - mei foo sun chuen
    • scmp article 18apr17 "dream of the middle class"
    rent control
    - 租務管制到底能否壓抑高昂的租金呢?香港早於一九二一年制訂了租務管制措施,當時因有大量內地難民湧港,出現房屋短缺問題,時任政府制訂《租務條例》,以保障租客免受無理加租及任意迫遷的影響。其後又透過修訂法例實施兩種租管辦法,分為租金管制及租住權保障,七、八十年代的管制,是規定租金加幅上限為每兩年兩成一。政府一直強調租管屬短期措施,最終該項管制實施了八十多年,於二○○四年全面撤銷。

    mansions of rich people
    - 且說大宅滄桑史

    theme park
    根據記載,香港在一九○○至一九三○年代曾經出現過「四園一樓」,分別命名為「愉園」、「樟園」、「利園」、「名園」和「太白樓」,而最早的遊樂場「愉園」於一九○三年在跑馬地養和醫院現址開業,老闆是誰人已經不得而知。一開始的愉園與其說是一個供人玩樂的場所,倒不如說他是一個文人雅士吟詩作對的地方。由西式的大宅建築,到中式的亭台樓閣,人工花園、盆景、假山、小橋流水,似古裝劇拍攝場地多過似遊樂場,場內另有餐廳出售紅茶咖啡、粥粉麵飯。 以今日角度而言,雖然大家都會覺得乏味,但當時每逢假日愉園就會變人山人海,更厲害的是電車公司也特別開辦鵝頸橋來回愉園的路線,更增設「愉園站」。可是一九一五年西環開設了另一間名為「太白樓」的遊樂場之後,就搶去了愉園不少生意,加上太白樓有不少新玩意,貪新鮮和好奇的顧客都貪新忘舊,愉園為了自保,於是有樣學樣,一口氣增加了旋轉風車(即摩天輪)、攤位遊戲、風槍射擊場。又在一九一六年開設了名叫「眾生相」的動物園,有老虎、金錢豹、鱷魚等,又請塘西妓女坐鎮唱粵曲,令遊樂場競爭白熱化。可是好景不常,在一九一八年跑車地馬場發生大火,導致六百多人死亡,自此跑馬地就淪為「鬼城」,愉園首當其衝,生意一落千丈,最終結業。
    •  一九四九年底,福建籍商人郭春秧之子郭雙鰲、郭雙龍、郭雙麒及一位美國商人,看準了戰後香港人對娛樂事業需求上升的機會,花了六百萬元在北角建造了 一個佔地十八萬七千平方呎,集遊樂場、戲院及夜總會於一身的娛樂場所,取名月園。到了開幕的那天,月園請到了當時的民國政要許世英及香港富商何東前來剪 綵,許世英的來頭並不小,除了做過中華民國總理外,又在晚清時做過刑部六品主事,在戰前又做過中國駐日本大使,看來郭氏兄弟的人脈亦很廣。  相比之前的愉園、樟園和太白樓,月園的遊戲已經相對接近現在的遊樂場。
    • 香港二十世紀「四園一樓」之一的利園,位於銅鑼灣鵝頭山(亦稱東角山),後因利園遊樂場的開設而改名為利園山,由商人利希慎創辦。利希慎在銅鑼灣有很多地皮,而其中一個便是一九二三年用三百八十萬元從怡和洋行手上購入的東角山(當時三百八十萬便買到成座山),本來打算建造鴉片提煉廠,可是當時禁煙是世界大趨勢,港英政府亦不希望香港再發展鴉片,因此利希慎只好改變為遊樂場,並於一九二五年開張,場內有大戲戲院、魔術表演、雜耍表演及酒樓等設施,入場費兩毫,加上利園地理位置好,設施又較新,因此擊敗了一眾遊樂場,成為四大園之首,而名園同太白樓兩個遊樂場過幾年就倒閉。由於利希慎在政商界長袖善舞,因此利園在二三十年代還是一個達官貴人開會食飯娛樂的地方,當中比較盛大的一次是在一九二七年,港督金文泰在利園接見了前清朝的翰林編修賴際熙,以慶祝香港大學中文學院成立(籌組香港大學中文學院的正正是賴際熙,他亦先後擔任系主任和文學院院長),同場的還有第一名議政局華人議員周壽臣、立法局非官守議員羅旭龢及東亞銀行創辦人馮平山等,晚宴後利希慎還邀請大家到利舞台觀看粵劇表演。不過隨着時間的前進,人們對利園的熱愛日漸減退,最終要在一九三一年關門。與名園一樣,利氏家族亦曾經出資與香港影片公司合作拍戲,名為《左慈戲曹》,並在利園取景。雖然結束了遊樂場業務,但利氏家族沒有急於清拆利園,而是一直原封不動,有時更特別開放一、兩天讓人參觀,例如一九三四年為東華三院籌款就開放了一次。直到戰後的一九五○年代,利園才正式拆卸興建大廈,建築群包括利園酒店。 順帶一提,利園曾是香港的佛教重地,不但有很多大大少少的佛像,還不時有佛教研習班。
    - 荔園
    • 荔園全盛時期是在六十年代。但若要追溯歷史,早在一九四七年,荔園便已經有了第一代雛形。第一代的主人叫石鍾山,出生於一個富裕天主教家庭,四十年代在荔枝角山麓經營房地產,所以當時九華徑的一片土地都以他的名字命名,稱之為鍾山台,並且沿用至今。四十年代末期,石鍾山在鍾山台對下的荔枝角灣畔,興建一個遊樂場,取名為「荔枝園」。初時遊樂場以游泳池為賣點,後來在泳池旁邊陸續加建一些從美國進口的大型機動兒童遊戲,開闢「兒童世界」。到了一九四九年,更建成全港第一個滾軸溜冰場。至此,從成人到兒童到年輕人都兼顧到,荔枝園終於具備綜合性遊樂場的規模。一九五○年,石鍾山將荔枝園的經營權轉售予一位織造業富商張軍光。張氏入主後,將「荔枝園」改名為「荔園遊樂場」,並且大肆革新,加設了許多夜總會概念。第一次革新的「荔園遊樂場」,加設了有水上舞廳、馬尼拉大樂隊、西式餐廳,還加建一座可容納千名觀眾的劇院以及露天電影院。當然最吸引年輕人的,就是從美國購入的一批新型機動遊戲,像摩天輪、過山車、騰空飛艇、碰碰車、哈哈鏡、旋轉木馬等。一九五二年,又增設了動物園,雖然面積不大,但有獅子、老虎、大笨象、鱷魚、猴子、長頸鹿,算是五臟俱全了。
    • competition with ocean park
    - ocean park
    • 政府為了增加市民需要的 康樂設施,也為了吸引世界各地的遊客 來港旅遊購物,決定在港島黃竹坑南朗 山北部山腰興建海洋公園,由賽馬會資 助,港府撥地,工程耗資一億五千萬港 元。 這個地點原是巴黎農場,佔地約一 百畝。一九七二年七月因為政府撥地興 建海洋公園而結業。

    king's park
    - scmp 4aug19 "patchwork of memories"

    queen's college
    - 皇仁書院趁創校155周年,在校內增設「皇者仁風校史館」
    Gwenneth Stokes, the first woman to become Associate to the Chief Justice of South Australia, and her husband John, the Principal of Queen's College from 1965 to 1970, spent two years researching at Queen's College, as well as in archives and libraries in Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom to compile the 494-page school history. 

    羅富國師範學院在一九三九年創辦時,以 醫院道育才書社舊校為臨時校舍,一九四一年 遷往般咸道新校(原址曾是拔萃書室所在)。 同年底香港淪陷,學校被迫停課。戰後該校暫 時借給庇理羅士女子中學復課,一九四六年才 讓羅師學生返回校園繼續學業。香港聯合書院 成立後,獲教育署安排搬入羅富國師範學院校 舍上課,羅師則遷往薄扶林沙宣道的新校。 聯合書院其後遷往馬料水的中大校園,般 咸道校舍在一九七三年用作羅師第二分校。二 千年李陞小學下午校遷入,改名 「般咸道官立 小學」,實行全日制。另外還有孫中山銅像,是 孫穗芳於二○一○年贈送的,以紀念其祖父在 拔萃書室舊址讀書。

    俾士(George PIERCY,Jr.,1856年9月13日-1941年10月3日),香港教育家拔萃男書院第二任校長(1878年-1918年)。1878年11月1日,獲任為「曰字樓男女館」(Diocesan Home and Orphanage,即拔萃男書院前身)校長。同年,該校獲政府列入補助計劃 (Grant-in-Aid Scheme),轉為津貼學校。1891年,新翼落成,學校更名為拔萃書室(Diocesan School and Orphanage)。同年,校內女生已全數轉入菲莉女校協恩中學前身之一),拔萃書室於是成為一所純男校。1892年5月23日,定例局通過「拔萃書室條例」(The Ordinance of Diocesan School and Orphanage)。1899年,拔萃女書室於拔萃書室附近的般咸道玫瑰行(Rose Villas)成立,由俾士兼任校長,以荷嘉(Ms. R. Hawker)為首席教師。1900年,俾士將女書室校長一職交接予初抵港的史及敦女士(Ms. E. Skipton)。1902年,拔萃書室更名為拔萃男書室(Diocesan Boys' School and Orphanage)。1912年,拔萃女書室計劃遷往九龍,男書室捐款萬元,予以補助。1918年秋,俾士辭校長職。次年,攜眷定居加拿大域多利城(Victoria B. C.)。1941年10月3日,俾士去世,享壽八十五。1949年,拔萃男書院成立俾士社(深藍社),以資銘念。俾士擔任校長四十年,拔萃在其領導下,發展迅速,培養眾多人才,躋身香港名校之列。「拔萃」之中文校名,即俾士一名的諧音。

    The Chung Wah Middle School (Chinese中華中學) was a leftist school located at 1 Chico Terrace, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong. It opened in 1926 and was shut down by the Hong Kong Government for its involvement in the 1967 riots. Following the 1997 Handover, some alumni of the school went on to serve as high-ranking officials in the new government. 
    The school was founded by the grandfather of Elsie Leung. The police raided the school on 16 October 1967. They seized more than 3,500 inflammatory posters. On 27 November 1967 two explosions were reported at the school, and a student was seriously injured in the school laboratory. Area residents and police alleged that the school was being used as a bomb factory. The injured student, 18-year-old Siu Wai-man, lost part of his left hand. He was charged with possession of explosive substances and sentenced to four years in prison.The day after the explosions, four other "patriotic schools" were raided by police for suspected bomb-making, namely the Heung To Middle SchoolHon Wah Middle SchoolFukien Middle School, and the Mongkok Workers' Children School.
    - 董建華與梁愛詩都與中華中學有淵源,也就是對五月事件,是一定的愛國持份者。律政司只要一個電話,當年因紅色罪名坐牢的人,刑事檔案就即刻可以消失。當事人今天雖然都很老,但可以領取無刑事紀錄的良民證,還可以移民加拿大或澳洲。梁振英拒絕,從心理深層次還可以解釋。因為五月暴動時有一句家傳戶曉的口號,針對港英的洋警司和華人警察,叫做「生劏白皮豬,紅燒黃皮狗」。如果我的老爸當年是港英總督府駐守的山東警察,當年這樣一定性,我雖然表面還很愛國,百行孝為先,心裏不惱火才怪,還怎會給你平反?董建華梁愛詩一事無為,就有點奇怪了。但政治的內情很難說,並非一般香港人能明白。但有一樣大是大非,倒是很清楚:當年金庸先生在明報社評,以理性和常識角度,呼籲英國人維持社會秩序有責,哪知道卻被定為漢奸,列入暗殺名單。

    - **********Sir John Francis Davis, 1st Baronet KCB (戴維斯) (16 July 1795 – 13 November 1890) was a British diplomat and sinologist who served as second Governor of Hong Kong from 1844 to 1848. Davis was the first President of Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong.Davis was the eldest son of East India Company (EIC) director and amateur artist Samuel Davis while his mother was Henrietta Boileau, member of a refugee French noble family who had come to England in the early eighteenth century from Languedoc in the south of France.In 1813, Davis was appointed writer at the East India Company's factory in Canton (now Guangzhou), China, at the time the centre of trade with China. Having demonstrated the depth of his learning in the Chinese language in his translation of The Three Dedicated Rooms ("San-Yu-Low") in 1815,[3] he was chosen to accompany Lord Amherst on his embassy to Peking in 1816. On the mission's return Davis returned to his duties at the Canton factory, and was promoted to president in 1832. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society the same year. Davis was appointed Second Superintendent of British Trade in China alongside Lord Napier in December 1833, superseding William Henry Chicheley Plowden in the latter's absence.[5] After Napier's death in 1834, Davis became Chief Superintendent then resigned his position in January 1835, to be replaced by Sir George Robinson.[6] Davis left Canton aboard the Asia on 12 January. In 1839, Davis purchased the Regency mansion Holly House, near Henbury, Bristol, where he built an observatory tower built housing a clock installed by Edward John Dent, who would later be responsible for building Big BenIt remained the Davis family home for seven decades thereafter. Having arrived from Bombay on HMS Spiteful on 7 May 1844, he was appointed governor and commander-in-chief of Hong Kong the next day.[9]:47 During his tenure, Davis was much hated by Hong Kong residents and British merchants due to the imposition of various taxes, which increased the burden of all citizens, and his abrasive treatment of his subordinates.[citation needed] Davis organized the first Hong Kong Census in 1844,[10] which recorded that there were 23,988 people living in Hong Kong. Weekend horse racing began during his tenure, which gradually evolved into a Hong Kong institution. Davis founded the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society in 1847[12] and he was its first president.[13]:120 Davis resigned his commission and left Hong Kong on 21 March 1848, ending unrelenting tensions with local British merchants who saw him as a stingy, arrogant and obstinate snob. His early decision to exclude all but government officials from the Executive and Legislative Councils on the basis that "almost every person possessed of Capital, who is not connected with Government Employment, is employed in the Opium trade" could not have made co-operation any easier. He returned to England where he rejoined Emily who had stayed there throughout his Governorship.為方便管治島上華人,以及讓華人有簡便的民事訴訟途徑,戴維斯在1844年推行保甲制,指示「十戶為甲,十甲為保」,好讓舊有地方鄉紳繼續有權主理地方事務。香港的「保甲制」推行了十多年,至1861年才完全廢止。 自從《南京條約》簽訂後,英方一直要求履行進入廣州城的條款,但卻遭時任兩廣總督耆英以「民情未協」為理由多番推遲。對此,英方曾以不歸舟山群島為威脅,耆英無可奈何,唯有在1846年4月與戴維斯立下協議,當中表示,情況許可的話,清廷就會讓英人入城;而英方亦應承,只要清廷不將舟山群島許與外國,英國就會歸還群島,並擱置提出依約進入廣州城的要求。協議一出,使廣州人民以為英方有心「讓步」,連帶激發了他們的反英情緒,其中不少人更組織團練,常常與身在廣州的英國教士和商人發生肢體碰撞。經過多次交涉不果後,戴維斯在1847年4月以有英國公民在佛山被毆為理由,派遣3艘軍艦,士兵900人,先後攻佔虎門炮台和廣州十三行。最後,耆英在4月6日出面調停,除承諾懲處滋事份子外,又保證讓英國人在兩年內入城。   戴維斯的前任總督砵甸乍爵士曾向清廷作出妥協,表示願意分享「治權」,讓非常住的犯事華人,以及所有犯下重罪的華人送交清官審理,但是建議仍為清廷拒絕。後來中英兩國復簽《虎門條約》,始終未能就此達成共識。至於戴維斯接任後,乘清廷力主剿滅天地會時單方面宣佈,香港政府享有對華人的「治權」,由於耆英一向希望與戴維斯保持友好關係而唯有屈從,自此英方亦取得香港的「治權」。戴維斯晚年退居於自己位於告羅士打郡的宅第荷里活塔(Hollywood Tower),後於1890年11月13日在那裡去世,享年95歲。  
    • [2nd edition of sights and secrets of hk by lorette e roberts] no 47 hollywood road - hollywood house, irish home of Sir Davis, was the inspiration for naming this road

    Sir Francis Henry May GCMG (Chinese Translated Name: 梅含理) (14 March 1860 – 6 February 1922) was a British colonial administrator who was Governor of Fiji from 1911 to 1912, and Governor of Hong Kong from 1912 to 1918.May was born in Dublin, Ireland on 14 March 1860. He was the 4th son of Rt. Hon. George Augustus Chichester MayLord Chief Justice of Ireland, and his wife Olivia Barrington. May was educated at Harrow School and Trinity College, Dublin, where a few of his predecessors to the Governorship of Hong Kong attended school. May received the 1st Honourman and Prizeman Classics and Modern Languages and B.A. in 1881.In 1881, May was appointed to a Hong Kong Cadetship after a competitive examination. In 1886, he became the Assistant Protector of Chinese and private secretary to Governor Sir William Des Vœux. He was also the private secretary to Acting Administrator Digby Barkerfrom 1889 to 1891. May would hold the office of Assistant Colonial Secretary in 1891 and Acting Colonial Treasurer in 1892. He was made a member of the Legislative Council in 1895. From 1893 to 1901, May was the Captain Superintendent of the Hong Kong Police Force, and Superintendent of Victoria Gaol and Fire Brigade between 1896 and 1902. He was appointed to the position of Colonial Secretary for Hong Kong in April 1902, serving until 21 January 1911, and as such was appointed acting administrator of Hong Kong in 1903, 1904, 1906, 1907, and 1910. In 1911, May was appointed Governor of Fiji and High Commissioner Western Pacific, a position he would hold until 1912.In 1912, May was appointed Governor of Hong Kong, a position he occupied in his own right until 1918. It was also his last post in the Colonial Service. May was the only Hong Kong Governor to be the target of an assassination attempt. He was fired upon near the General Post Office as he rode in a sedan chair after arriving from Fiji in July 1912. May was not injured; the bullet lodged in the sedan of his wife. The gunman, Li Hung Hung, had a grudge against May. Several years before, this former Police Superintendent had imprisoned Li's father, an undesirable mainland immigrant. May used a car for daily transport from then onwards. On 22 January 1918, May personally negotiated with the remaining member of a gang holed up in the "Siege of Gresson Street", following a running gun battle through the streets of Wanchai in which five police officers were killed. In 1919, due to deteriorating health condition, May was relieved of his duty as the Governor.
    • May married Helena Barker in 1891. She was the daughter of Acting Administrator Major-General Digby Barker.[1] They had four daughters, Stella, Phoebe, Dionne and Iris. Stella married General Philip de Fonblanque. He died at Clare Priory, Suffolk, England. He is buried at Clare.
    • The Helena May main building (Chinese梅夫人婦女會主樓) is a declared monument of Hong Kong housing a membership club located at No. 35 Garden Road, in the Centralarea of Hong Kong IslandHong Kong. The present day building structure remains largely unchanged from its original building structure from 1914.Constructed in 1914, the building was officially opened on 12 September 1916 by Lady May, daughter of Lieutenant General George Digby Barker, British Commanding Officer in China and Hong Kong from 1890 to 1895, as a respite for unaccompanied women arriving in Hong Kong.During World War II, the building was occupied by Axis Japanese forces and later requisitioned by the Royal Air Force at the end of the war until 1947. In 1985, The Helena May started accepting the women of all nationalities as residents.
    • 雷煒波追思会 held there singtao 14feb18 a16 obit,左丁山/daily/article/20180221/20310228
    Sir Cecil Clementi GCMG KStJ FRGS (金文泰) (1 September 1875 – 5 April 1947) was a British colonial administrator who served as Governor of Hong Kong from 1925–30, and Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Straits Settlements from 1930–34.Born in Cawnpore, India, Clementi was the son of Colonel Montagu Clementi, Judge Advocate General in India, and his wife, Isabel Collard. He attended St Paul's School and Magdalen College, Oxford, where he studied Sanskrit and the classics. In 1896, he achieved a first-class result in mods, and was awarded a Boden scholarship in Sanskrit in 1897. He was given honorable mentions for the Hertford (1895), Ireland (1896) and Craven (1896) scholarships. Clementi was proxime accessit (runner-up) for the Gaisford Greek Prose prize in 1897, and obtained his B.A. (2nd class lit. hum., i.e. classics) in 1898. Clementi was also proxime accessit for the Chancellor's Latin Essay prize in 1899, and obtained his M.A. in 1901.In 1899, Clementi placed fourth in the competitive examinations for the civil service, which allowed him his choice of postings. His choice was Hong Kong, and upon his arrival he was sent up to Canton, where he was a land officer until forced to return to Hong Kong by the events of the Boxer Rebellion. Clementi's facility with languages was demonstrated when he passed the Cantonese examination in 1900, and the Pekingese examination six years later, in 1906. After serving as an Assistant Registrar General in 1901, Clementi joined as a member of the Board of Examiners in Chinese, in 1902. In 1902, Clementi was seconded for special service under government of India and was created J.P. in that same year. A year later, he was seconded for famine relief work in Kwangsi (Guangxi). A year afterwards, Clementi was appointed Member of Land Court, Assistant Land Officer and Police Magistrate at New Territories, Hong Kong, a position he served in until 1906. Due to his outstanding performance in the services, Clementi was promoted to Assistant Colonial Secretary and Clerk of Council, in 1907. While he was in that position, Clementi represented the Hong Kong government in the International Opium Conference at Shanghai, in 1909. A year later, he became the Private Secretary to the Administrator at that time, Sir Francis Henry May. Clementi eventually became Acting Colonial Secretary and Member of both the Executive and Legislative Councils of Hong Kong. He would remain there until 1912. Clementi played a part in the founding of the University of Hong Kong. Indeed, he wrote the words, in Latin, of the University Anthem, first performed 11 March 1912. In 1913, Clementi was appointed Colonial Secretary of British Guiana, a post he held until 1922. From there he was named the Colonial Secretary of Ceylon, where he served until 1925. Each position imparted considerable responsibility, and on more than one occasion he was in charge of administering the entire government of his area of responsibility. Whilst in Ceylon he served as President of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society in 1924.In 1925, Clementi was appointed as Governor of Hong Kong, a position he would serve in for five years, until 1930. As he was fluent in Cantonese, he had little difficulty adapting to his new surroundings and developed a keen interest in the Chinese language and culture. During his tenure, the Canton–Hong Kong strike which crippled the Hong Kong economy was resolved and Kai Tak Airport entered operation (it would operate until Hong Kong International Airport opened and took over as the main airport in 1998.) He also notably ended the practice of Mui Tsai, the traditional Chinese "female maid servitude" system which often resulted in the abuse of young servant girls. He also appointed Shouson Chow, a prominent Chinese merchant, as the first unofficial member of the Executive Council.After his tenure as Governor of Hong Kong ended, Clementi went on to serve as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Straits Settlements, which included Singapore, and High Commissioner for the Malay States, from February 1930 to November 1934. This was his last post in the Colonial Services. Six years later, in 1940, Clementi became the Master of the Mercers' Company.Clementi was the nephew of the Rt. Hon. Sir Cecil Clementi Smith (1860–1916), Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner in the period 1887 to 1893. He was also the great-grandson of the Italian-born musician Muzio Clementi.
    • 履職港督之後,金文泰面臨諸多挑戰,包括如何解決省港大罷工對香港經濟的負面影響;如何加強港英殖民政府的管治權威,更好的管理香港 ;如何突顯香港的「殖民現代性」(colonial modernity),有別於中國內地。所以,用中國的文化保守思想來組成一個由文化國粹主義者組成的同盟在他看來很必要。金文泰欲與華南昏亂政局保持距離,故有意識地迎合在港紳商,並鼓勵傳統經典教育。他和中國的文化遺老們是相互合作,各取所需。但遺老們有其文化資本,而在金文泰重構文化資本的過程中,這些教忠說孝的四書五經,其傳統經義教育正可幫助金文泰穩定人心,並襄助其獲得文化價值系統或在地主流精英力量以加強其統治力量。他更參與捐資成立中文學院,以傳統思想抵禦左翼革命的浪潮。
    Sir Mark Aitchison Young GCMG (楊慕琦, 30 June 1886 – 12 May 1974) was a British administrator who became the Governor of Hong Kong during the years immediately before and after the Japanese occupation of the territory.Young was educated at Eton College and King's College, Cambridge. He entered the Ceylon Civil Service in 1909 and served in the British Army with the Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) during World War I from 1915.Young served as principal assistant colonial secretary of Ceylon from 1923 to 1928, then as colonial secretary of Sierra Leone from 1928 to 1930. From 1930 to 1933, he served as chief secretary to the Government of the British Mandate of PalestineFrom 5 August 1933 to March 1938, he served as governor and commander-in-chief of Barbados. From November 1937 to February 1938, he served in the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. Then from 1938 to 1941, he served as governor and commander-in-chief of the Tanganyika Territory British Mandate.Young and his wife, Josephine Mary, had two sons and two daughters.
    Sir Alexander William George Herder GranthamGCMG (葛量洪 1899–1978) was a British colonial administrator who governed Hong Kong and Fiji.Grantham was born on 15 March 1899 and was educated at Wellington, the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and Pembroke College, CambridgeHe was gazetted in the 18th Hussars in 1917 and joined the Colonial Administrative Service in Hong Kong in 1922. He was the Deputy Clerk of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong for a short period in 1933. In 1934, He was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple and attended the Imperial Defence College later that year. Grantham became Colonial Secretary of Bermuda from 1935 to 1938, and of Jamaica from 1938 to 1941. He then served as Chief Secretary of Nigeria from 1941 to 1944 and as Governor of Fiji and High Commissioner for the Western Pacific from 1945 to 1947. Immediately after his tenure as High Commissioner ended, he became Governor of Hong Kong, until 1957.His tenure marked the beginning of a unitary housing policy by the Hong Kong Government. In December 1953, a fire burned down a large slum area in Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, killing nine and leaving many homeless. It was under Grantham's administration that the government began to build settlement houses for the homeless. From that point on, the government was deeply involved in low-cost public housing programmes that allowed many Hong Kong people who could not afford to own a flat to live in government-owned housing estates at relatively low cost. The housing programme eventually evolved over time to allow people to buy low-cost housing and receive favourable loans to buy their own houses.Grantham was married twice. His first marriage, in 1925, was to the well-travelled Maurine Samson, daughter of the late Amos Roland Samson and Liberty "Libby" Cole (Neal) of Champaign County, Illinois. Born in Lincoln, Nebraska, she had lived in Boise, Seattle, San Francisco and Honolulu before their marriage. The Governor's official yacht, a Hong Kong health clinic and a locomotive were all named "Lady Maurine" after her. After she died in 1970, Grantham married Mrs M. E. Lumley in 1972. Grantham died on 4 October 1978.

    • hket 10jun17 b4 shek geng chuen article on 何明華會督, chung chi college, 聖公會基恩 
    Alastair Todd, who has died aged 91, was Hong Kong’s defence secretary at the height of China’s Cultural Revolution. Alastair Todd was born on December 21 1920 in Belfast to Scottish parents. Educated at Fettes College in Edinburgh, he took a shortened wartime Classics degree at Corpus Christi, Oxford. Leisure time was spent in the traditional pursuits of fishing, walking and golf. (These later gave way to embroidery.) He was commissioned into the Royal Artillery and commanded a gun battery as his regiment fought its way across France and the Netherlands into western Germany; at one point he was hit by a piece of shrapnel in the throat, where it lodged safely for the rest of his life. Todd was demobbed in Hong Kong, and decided to pursue a career in the colonial civil service. Initially a private secretary to the governor, Sir Mark Young, he rose to become the director of social welfare and defence secretary. In Hong Kong he married Nancy Buyers, and they had four children. On marrying, Todd made two resolutions: to give up golf and to go home for lunch with his wife every day. This meant a furious rush to get home and back and left him with a habit of eating extremely quickly. From the mid-1950s he began drawing closer to the Church and was heavily involved as a layman at St John’s Cathedral, Hong Kong. In 1971, at the age of 50, he gave up his government post to return to England and train for the ministry. He was appointed CMG. After Salisbury theological college, where he was not quite the oldest student, he became curate at St Mary’s, Willingdon, East Sussex, and then vicar of St Augustine’s in Brighton. He carried on working well into his 80s, and was a mainstay in the Willingdon parish.
    - senior officials
    • Sir John James CowperthwaiteKBECMG (郭伯偉爵士; 25 April 1915 – 21 January 2006), was a British civil servant and the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong from 1961 to 1971. His introduction of free market economic policies are widely credited with turning postwar Hong Kong into a thriving global financial centreCowperthwaite was born on 25 April 1915 in Edinburgh to John Cowperthwaite, a surveyor of taxes, and Jessie Jarvis.[1] He attended Merchiston Castle School in EdinburghScotland, and later studied classics at St Andrews University and Christ's College, Cambridge.[2] In 1940, he gained a first class degree in economics at St Andrews University on an accelerated one year degree programme with Professor James Nisbet.[1] He joined the British Colonial Administrative Service as a Hong Kong Cadet in 1941, but during World War II was posted to Sierra Leoneinstead because of the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong. He arrived in Hong Kong in 1945 and was assigned to the Department of Supplies, Trade and Industry.[1] He was asked to find ways in which the government could boost post-war economic outlook but found the economy was recovering swiftly without any government intervention.[2] He took the lesson to heart and positive non-interventionism became the focus of his economic policy as Financial Secretary.[2]He refused to collect economic statistics to avoid officials meddling in the economy. Throughout the 1960s, Cowperthwaite refused to implement free universal primary education, contributing to relatively high illiteracy rates in today's older generation. Compulsory education was only introduced under the governorship of Sir Murray MacLehose the next decade.[6] At a time when Hong Kong's roads were crippled by traffic congestion, Cowperthwaite also steadfastly opposed construction of the Mass Transit Railway, a costly undertaking which was nevertheless built following his retirement. It would later become one of the world's most heavily utilised (and profitable) railways.
    • alan scott
    • scmp rad on a 12dec1979 report - Housing secretary Alan Scott called for public comments on a proposal that property speculation should become a criminal offence. Speaking on possible action to halt the spiralling property market, he gave a clear indication that the government would give these comments serious consideration.
    • Alan Scott triggered a two-day taxi strike in 1984 when he unveiled a plan to drastically increase Hong Kong’s vehicle tax.Hundreds of taxi drivers started a go-slow protest on January 12, the night after the announcement that the first-registration tax would increase from 4 per cent of sale price to 90 per cent with immediate effect.Drivers set up roadblocks on major highways, grinding the city to a standstill. Within hours, main roads were blocked by thousands of taxis.The deadlock lasted for two nights, until gangsters took advantage of the strike and started to loot shops in Mong Kok and Yau Ma Tei. Police used tear gas and batons to stop looting, arson and vandalism by thousands of people, leading to 150 arrests.
    • what a coincidence -  Alan Scott is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, and the first character to bear the name Green Lantern.[2] He fights evil with the aid of a magical ring which grants him a variety of powers. He was created by Martin Nodell, first appearing in the comic book All-American Comics #16, published in 1940. Alan Scott was created after Nodell became inspired by the characters from Greek and Norse myths.Following World War II, the character's popularity began to fade along with the decline of the Golden Age of Comic Books, leading to cancellation. After 12 years out of print, DC chose to reinvent Green Lantern as science fiction hero Hal Jordan in 1959. Later, DC would again revisit Alan Scott, establishing that Alan and Hal were the Green Lanterns of two different parallel worlds, with Alan residing on Earth-Two and Hal on Earth-One. Stories set on Earth-Two thereafter showed that Alan became the father to two superheroic children, the twins Obsidian and Jade, each with powers a bit like his own. When in 1985 DC chose to reboot its internal continuity, it merged the worlds of Earth-One and Earth-Two, and Alan was again reimagined as an elder statesman of the DC Universe, the magical Green Lantern of an earlier generation who coexists with the more science fiction-oriented heroes of the Green Lantern Corps. When DC brought back its internal Multiverse concept in the 2000s, it reintroduced a new, young version of Alan on the new Earth-Two, this time as a gay man and the owner of a media conglomerate whose magical powers stem from his role as champion of the Green, an entity embodying plant life on Earth.
    • introduced small houses policy from 1959 to 1967
    • obit singtao scmp 22oct19 
    • Samuel Turner Fearon (1819 – 18 January 1854) was the first Chinese professor at the King's College, London. He was an interpreter in the First Opium War and a colonial servant and senior government official in British Hong KongHe was born in Chiswick, London in 1819. He was baptised in 1820 and first went to China in 1826 with his father, Christopher Fearon. He went to the Anglo-Chinese College in Malacca and was fluent in local tongue and became an interpreter in the First Opium War from 1839 to 1842. He was awarded China War Medal. After the war, he went to Hong Kong and became a civil servant in the British colony. He was a clerk and interpreter of the Magistrate Court and also a public notary and coroner. He later became the first Registral General and Collector of Chinese Revenue in 1846. He became the first Chinese professor at the King's College, London when the Chinese program was institutionalised at the invitation of George Thomas Staunton in 1847, despite he was not a Sinologist. He did not give lectures and translate any classics or other works of Chinese language. At the end, the Chinese education at the King's College failed. He died in St. Pancras, London on 18 January 1854. He was son of Christopher and Elizabeth Fearon. He married Caroline Libery in 1846 and had children Charles and Kate.
    - rich people profiting from opium/colonial trade

    • 最早在香港发迹的卢亚贵家族
    • hkej 4jan19 yip fai article

    - architects
    • Herbert William Bird (fl. 1897 – 1931) was a British architect and member of the Legislative Council of Hong KongHe was the nephew of S. G. Bird, a long-time resident in Hong Kong who arrived in 1857 and carried out the first survey of Hong Kong. He went to Hong Kong to join the Palmer and Turner architect firm as an assistant in around 1892 or 1893. He became Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1897. He succeeded Arthur Turner as the partner of the Palmer & Turner in 1901 until 1928 and an authorised architect from 1903. He had designed many of Hong Kong's best known buildings. His brother, Lennox Godfrey Bird, was also an architect and partner of the Palmer & Turner. In 1911, he was appointed member of the Authorised Architects Committee vice Arthur Turner on leave and again in 1917. He subsequently took Edward Osborne's seat as the unofficial member of the Licensing Board. He was also member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong appointed in 1918 and again in 1921 and became a regular member from 1923 until 1927. He left Hong Kong on the SS Empress of Russia on 20 April 1927. During his residence in Hong Kong, he was the owner of a property on Lugard Road (No. 27) from 1914, which was built by his brother Lennox, until it was sold to the Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co. in 1930 as a residence of their staff.

    - 郭亞祥原名郭青山,又名郭兆春、郭甘章。藉補給糧食用品給英軍起家1845年,鐵行輪船公司在香港設立分行,郭亞祥成為該公司的買辦。1854年,鐡行解散香港的機械部及修 船 工 人, 郭 出 錢 收購 ,並 藉 此 在 1860 年 代 建立一 支 船 隊 , 透 過附 股 , 成 為 省 港 澳輪 船 公司 (Hong Kong, Ca nton and Macao Steam Boat Co.) 及 公 正 輪 船 公 司 (Union Steam Navigation Co.) 的 股 東。  除 投 資輪 船 航 運 , 還 開設 發興 號 ( 一 般 商 行 , 既 是 為 南北 行 , 也是金 山 莊 ) 。1876年,全港第三大的納稅人,居華人納稅額首位。由當買辦起家而致富,是19世紀常見的現象。1873及79年東華醫院的總理


    - 利希慎家族,始興於20世紀20年代,以鴉片販賣起家,是殖民地時代的香港四大家族之一,其餘為周永泰家族、何啟東家族、李佩材家族(亦有一說為何啟東家族、羅文錦家族、高可寧家族。利希慎家族中之各種特色:

    indigenous people
    - 早期殖民政府已對香港島和九龍居住的華人以方言劃分。1895年,曾在香港政府任職的歐德禮(E.J.Eitel)出版了《歐西與中土》(Europe in China)一書,他將在香港島和九龍居住的中國人分成3個種族(rac-es),即本地(Puntis)、客家(Hakkas)和鶴佬(Hoklos)。這分法在1898年英國政府租借新界後,在施政上更是廣泛應用。英國於1899年正式佔領新界前,派遣輔政司駱克(Stewart Lockhart) 勘查新界地區,駱克向英國政府提交《香港殖民地展拓界址報告書》,將華人居民根據方言也劃分為 3 個種族:「本地」、「客家」與「蜑家」(即水上人),並且仔細統計和記錄了各村落的人口組成。據香港政府在1911年的人口普查顯示,當時香港共有444,664人,族群之分變成了本地、客家和福佬,水上人因人口不多而併入福佬(閩南)中,當中本地人和客家人已
    佔人口96%,其他方言群體的人很少。新界地區的本地人和客家人的比例大約是6:4,客家人在新界區的人口完全可和本地人分庭抗禮,兩者人數的差別不到4 ,000人,而在新界北區的客家人口比那裡的本地人稍多。客家人祖先主要是在清康熙復界時,從五華、興寧、梅縣、惠州等地方遷移過來,居港接近300年。不少客家人是在香港開埠前後,因廣東生活困苦而南下香港謀生。那時的香港需要大量勞力,也需要各地人才開發。五華人具備採石的專業技術,因此吸引了大批五華人前來,他們多在市區從事建築工作。著名例子是五華人曾三利(又名貫萬),16歲與兄來港以開石謀生,在茶果嶺一帶當工人,後因技巧出眾而成工頭。曾三利極有商業頭腦,發現香港的城市建設需要大量石材,於是拿出微薄的積蓄,到筲箕灣阿公岩開設三利石廠,經營打石業務,生意愈做愈大,日後很多政府工程也採用三利的石材,如舊最高法院和薄扶林水塘均由三利石廠供應石材。 

    eurasians/mixed races
    - emma teng's book (eurasian)

    - David Wilson was forced to retire as Hong Kong governor in 1992 as Britain wanted a politician to run the colony instead of a career diplomat despite strong reservations from most top government advisers in the city, newly declassified files reveal.Lydia Dunn, senior member of the Executive Council at the time – the top policymaking body in the colonial era – warned then British foreign secretary Douglas Hurd that a change of governor before 1995 would add further uncertainty at a time of rapid political and psychological change in the city.
    Despite Major’s endorsement, there were media reports of unhappiness in London and Hong Kong over the governor’s handling of talks with Beijing over the new airport project at Chek Lap Kok. Bilateral talks on the issue had come close to breaking down when Major agreed to visit Beijing in 1991. Previously released British records revealed that some British firms were unhappy with Wilson because he was not doing enough to help them pursue commercial interests in Hong Kong. After leading the Conservative Party to victory in the 1992 general election, Major announced that Chris Patten, his close friend and the party chairman, who unexpectedly lost his parliamentary seat, would take up the post of Hong Kong governor.Another declassified document showed the divergent views between Major and Wilson on the British interest in the Tsing Ma Bridge – one of the core new infrastructure projects related to the airport. According to a note written by Wall, Major told Wilson at a meeting in London on January 22, 1992, that he hoped an Anglo-Japanese consortium would “do well” in the tender process for building the new Hong Kong airport.“The governor described the various bids. The Korean bid was surprisingly good technically. The Anglo-Japanese bid was in the middle but was more hedged with conditions than the other bids. The Anglo-Japanese consortium knew that they would have to adjust this conditionality if they were to have a hope of success,” Wall wrote. “The governor said that they were in with a chance. But they would have to fight for it.”
    British files declassified in July last year revealed that Wilson insisted the bidding process must be conducted on a level playing field. The HK$7.1 billion contract to build the Tsing Ma Bridge was awarded in May 1992 to the Anglo-Japanese joint venture of Trafalgar House Construction (Asia), Costain Civil Engineering of Britain, and Japan’s Mitsui.

    radio broadcasting

    The China Mail (Traditional Chinese: 德臣西報, also 中國郵報 and 德臣報) was an English-language newspaper published in Hong Kong from 1845 to 1974, making it the longest-lived of any Hong Kong newspaper. The head office was in Wellington Street. When the closure was announced, the Hong Kong Journalists Association, headed by Jack Spackman, organised a sit-in at the China Mail's offices to protest the number of journalists being sacked, some after many years' service, with no compensation. This was the first protest of its kind in Hong Kong to protect the rights of workers. Most of the European journalists and some of the local Chinese journalists were moved to the South China Morning Post (including Mail editor Alfred Cunningham) which owned 80% of the China Mail or managed to obtain employment on other publications. At the time of its closure the acting editor was David Smith, who had joined the paper in 1971 as the sports editor.
    - 香港最早的中文報紙 ,是創刊於一八五七年十 一月的《香港船頭貨價紙 》,後更名為《香港中外 新報》,它也是中國最早 的中文報紙。不過,這份 中文報紙只是西文報紙《孖剌報》的中文版。 正如後來的《華字日報》(一八七二),是《 德臣西報》之中文版。這兩份報紙雖由華人編 輯,但不得不依附於西人。 香港第一份由中國人創辦的報紙,是一八 七四年二月由王韜參與創辦並任主筆的《迴圈 日報》。《迴圈日報》強調 「本局倡設迴圈日 報,所有資本及局內一切事務皆我華人操權, 非別處新聞紙館可比。是以特延才優學博者四 五位主司厥事。凡時務之利弊、中外之機宜, 皆得縱談無所抵制。」看得出來,《迴圈日報 》很強調華人對於話語權的控制,它還專門提 到,由西人開設的香港華文報刊,在言論上不 免局限, 「然主筆之士雖系華人,而開設新聞 館者仍系西士,其措詞命意難免徑庭。」《迴 圈日報》首次由華人掌辦,發出中國人自己的 聲音,的確意義重大。

    • 王韜在上海時,曾受倫敦傳道會傳教士麥 都思之聘,在墨海書館協助翻譯《聖經》。 此次來港則是協助英華書院校長理雅各牧師 把中國的古代經典翻譯成英文。其後王韜買 下英華書院的印刷設備,並於 1874年創辦 了第一家華資中文日報——《循環日報》。

    The Hongkong Telegraph (士蔑報) was a Hong Kong newspaper founded in 1881. It was first published as an afternoon daily on 15 June 1881 from offices on Wellington Street. It was founded by Robert Fraser-Smith, who was also the paper's editor.[1] Fraser-Smith, a former book-keeper with the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company, was known for his "fearlessness in expression of his views in print". The Chinese name of the Hongkong Telegraph is based on Fraser-Smith's name. As editor of the paper, Fraser-Smith was charged numerous times with libel. For instance, in July 1882 he was convicted by Chief Justice George Phillippo for libel against actor Daniel E. Bandmann, and sentenced to two months imprisonment.[2] Fraser-Smith died in 1895, and the paper was acquired by J. J. Francis.[3] Chesney Duncan (15 September 1854 – 24 September 1935) became editor of the paper, and held this position for several years, leaving to report on the Boxer Rebellion for the Daily Mail. He later worked for the Straits Echo, the Pinang Gazette, and the Times of Malaya.[4] Subsequently Ethelbert Forbes Skertchley became editor. In 1916, the Hongkong Telegraph was brought under the control of the South China Morning Post, Ltd., which also published the South China Morning Post, another English-language Hong Kong newspaper, founded in 1903.
    - 早在 1900 年,孫中山、陳少白創立的 《中國日報》早有副刊


    - suzie wong

    •  Richard Mason, a British RAF intelligence officer turned writer, living in Hong Kong in the 1950s. And yet the book that was written (and the movie made) about her refuses to leave us. She’s stuck somehow in our collective consciousness. Is Suzie an empowered young woman or is she a hapless victim? Is she an example of plucky Cold War Hong Kong or a shameful reminder of the poverty and turmoil of its past. Places that represent Suzie. The Fenwick Pier, Spring Garden Lane / 春園街, Luk Kwok Hotel 六國飯店 and other locations in and around Wan Chai.

    - reference to hk Action towards revolutionaries against qing dynasty

    Mark six

    - 本港戲院在上世紀 五十年代到八十年代進 入鼎盛期,大小近二百 五十家,大致分為三線 ,粵語片、國語片及西 片,芸芸戲院,有兩家 值得一談,其一是北角英皇道的 「璇宮」, 後改 「皇都」,另一是灣仔道的 「國泰」。

    - 「東樂戲院」據悉是本港前富商 何東爵士的物業之一,因為很多他 名下的物業也是以東字開頭的,但 這所「東樂戲院」之能夠甚有名聲 及受眾人歡迎也是有很多原因的。

    - 香港最早的茶樓是1846年在中環開業的杏花樓。二 三十年代,本地茶樓迅速發展,高陞、添男、多男、陸 羽都是此時開設,多集中 在上環、灣仔,九龍區則 在油麻地和深水埗。 當中陸羽茶室在1933 年在中環開業,至今仍保 持氣派超然的布置,有英 式吊燈、酸枝木椅和名家 字畫,舊得就像一個紫砂 壺。
    - scmp 5jun18 "a screen for every dream - remembering the cinemas of yau ma tei"

    - scmp 3apr17 "inns and outs" article on history of 6 hotels
    - hong kong hotel (now gloucester building?)
    • Fire on new year's eve of 1926
    - peninsula

    • 半島酒店素來有「遠東貴婦」美譽,但她的路並非一帆風順。由嘉道理家族創辦的香港上海大酒店公司,20年代初罕有地決定在九龍半島興建一間世界級豪華酒店,但興建階段波折重重,包括1925年抵制日貨、1926年省港大罷工,酒店延遲至1928年12月才正式開幕。開幕時甚至被取笑是「大白象」,諷刺選址九龍不會有人入住。到1931年富甲香港的何東爵士,包下半島玫瑰廳及屋頂花園,宴請上千人參加其金婚派對。當晚名流商賈雲集,半島與上流社會畫上等號。殖民地的達官貴人亦無不為酒店文藝復興風格建築傾倒。碼頭、火車站及啟德機場,從世界各地帶來源源不絕的客人,亦令半島在國際間打響名堂。
      Peter提到,當時很多中國尋常百姓會抗拒或不願踏進這幢建築物,但後來都因為愛上到半島跳茶舞而不再不敢入內,「這道社會上的屏障被跳舞打破,華人大眾愛上箇中樂趣,半島就是中國和香港學會跳舞的地方」。輝煌有時,苦難亦有時,二戰時1941年12月25日港督楊慕琦向日軍投降,正是在半島酒店3樓336號房簽下降書。60年代米高嘉道理(香港上海大酒店董事局主席)自己便是個年輕的董事會成員,他想到在酒店開一間Disco,那是首次有酒店會開一間Disco!」酒店1966年在地庫開了全港第一間Disco,1953年開法國餐廳吉地士發揚「fine dining」,這位「遠東貴婦」輕輕拭去身上灰塵,又重現往日衣香鬢影,夜夜笙歌。不過貪新不代表不念舊,平時走過未必會留意,酒店多處歷史悠久,例如大堂圓柱上刻有希臘守護神浮雕,以及大門上一對中式金漆門神,「我們仍有那個可愛的、熟悉的The Pen,和她那充滿生命力的大堂,看起來和1928年開幕時一模一樣」。酒店6樓的歷史檔案館(Archive Room),前身為音樂室,收藏了各種與酒店相關的歷史文物,例如廣東省港大罷工相片、雲集國際名人墨寶的簽名簿,還有半島自己出版的雜誌等等。
    - excelsior


    - tai ping koon

    • scmp article "the old timers that never faded away" 23mar18, originally in guangzhou, re-established in hk in 1860 after closure
    flower market
    一八八九年以前,九龍半島的界限街為中英邊界關卡,規定早上六時開關,日落之後閉關,那時候花農集中於現今的花墟道一帶擺賣,這個自然聚集成市、關閉之後即空置的鮮花市場,約定俗成叫花墟。 以前花販主要在油尖旺區旺角界限街花墟鮮花批發市場買賣,一九五七年,該市場改建為花墟公園後,檔販就移至旺角花墟,即現時旺角北面,花墟道、園藝街、園圃街一帶。地點變了,貨品亦大異其趣。

    large scale events
    - 香港節

    • 1969, 1971, 1973

    - 香港航海学校又称“赤航”,依山面海而建,环境优美。追溯歷史,学校前身是一九四六年由圣公会会督何明华发起创办的儿童营,为贫童和孤儿提供基础教 育和航海训练,让他们日后有一技之长。早期校舍简陋,已不復存在,今天有超过十幢新旧建筑,最古老的旧教学大楼于一九五九年落成,港督柏立基主持启用礼。学校现已转为文法中学,但仍保留海军传统和寄宿服务,培养学生的团体精神和自理能力。


    - 雙十九龍暴動,亦稱雙十暴動,西方称1956年香港暴亂英语:Hong Kong 1956 riots),是一場于1956年10月10日至10月12日在香港九龍荃灣等地發生的由香港亲台人士三合会人士为支持中华民国政府而對抗香港政府的暴動。其由最初的工人运动和示威,演變成後來的打砸抢烧等暴力袭击行動。双十暴動源於徙置事務處職員在10月10日的中華民國國慶日移除懸掛在李鄭屋徙置區中華民國國旗及大型「雙十」徽牌。暴乱由罷工示威和殴打公务人员開始,在三合会介入后迅速演变为严重暴乱。在暴乱中,右派工会和三合会大肆抢掠烧杀,并封路强行高价售卖青天白日滿地紅旗。同时,瑞士駐港領事館的副領事兼參贊恩斯特及其夫人的座车被暴动分子推翻并纵火焚烧,造成恩斯特重伤,其夫人死亡。该次事件是香港历史上最多人死亡的骚乱,高於1967年的六七暴动。在双十暴动中,香港警察驻港英军多次與右派示威者冲突,作出驅散、鎮壓及搜捕行動。期間,事件釀成約60人喪生,逾300人受傷,3,000余人被警方逮捕。
    A riot broke out in the early morning of Christmas Day, 25 December 1981 in Central, Hong Kong. In a minor road accident, a car driver accidentally hit a pedestrian near the Mandarin Oriental hotel around 1:30 am, arousing unrest among the youth in the area that eventually evolved into a riot.[1] In the ensuing chaos, 11 were injured and 7 cars were damaged. The police deployed the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) to disperse the crowd. At 5 AM, the riot subsided and 18 were arrested. The same day, the Government of Hong Kong increased the number of policemen patrolling major business areas and kept cars away from the Central District. The day after the incident, Secretary for Home Affairs Denis Bray dismissed characterisations of the event as rioting, calling it "just some disturbances caused by kids who had too much to drink". He said there was no apparent motivation, attributing the disorder to "high spirits with some spirits out of bottles as well". A senior police commander also stated that the events were "definitely not a riot". Another disturbance broke out early New Year's Day of 1982, when crowds of youth began heckling revellers. The police had anticipated trouble, and had deployed hundreds of officers (both uniformed and plainclothes) to disperse the crowds. Nine people were arrested and released on bail.
    This crown colony, already nervous about its future, has been shaken by a night of violence that produced its first major rioting in nearly 17 years. Policemen used tear gas and nightsticks to break up looting, arson and other vandalism by thousands of young people in a densely populated area near the southwestern coast of the Kowloon peninsula. Thirty-four people were injured, including four policemen. More than 150 were arrested after rioters attacked buses, overturned other vehicles and smashed shop windows to grab goods. With calm returning, the police said 130 were still detained this afternoon. The outburst came as a climax to a two-day taxi strike that nearly paralyzed transportation in Hong Kong. The taxi drivers, protesting steep increases planned in registration and license fees, blockaded intersections and slowed traffic with caravans of cabs.


    Western medicine
    據了解,近代之後,西醫教育在中國的開展乃是以不同的方式存在和進行。醫務傳道 (Medical Missionary)、傳教士在華建立西醫醫院、訓練華人任醫護助手以及西醫醫院附設醫學院都是極為重要的西醫教育模式。在殖民的大環境之下,這也成為了香港開展西醫教育的一個大背景。1887年8月30日,何啟 (Ho Kai, 1859-1914)、萬巴德 (Patrick Manson)、湛約翰 (John Chalmers, 1825-1899)、楊威廉 (William Young, ?-1888) 及康德黎 (James Cantlie, 1851-1926 (James Cantlie) 等,組成新醫學院評議會,商討開辦華人西醫學校的事宜。1887年10月1日,香港華人西醫書院 (Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese) 開校典禮在香港大會堂舉行。這一西醫書院的成立的目的是:「將西方醫學帶進中國,減輕患者的痛苦,延長華人的壽命,改善中國的衛生。」西醫書院開校後,入學者不限於華人。1907年,刪除「華人」二字,改名「香港西醫書院」,學生主要來自香港、廣州或中國其他省份;亦有來自東南亞如馬來西亞、新加坡;另有美國、英國,自小接受英語教育,能以英語溝通。20世紀初,港督盧押 (Frederick Lugard, 1858-1945;港督任期:1907-1912) 支持開辦香港大學 (University of Hong Kong)西醫書院合併為大學的醫學院。有趣的是,在1887年至1912年,在128名西醫書院學生中,只有51人畢業。有些學生沒有畢業,或停學往其他地區繼續學業,如關景星 (Kwan King Sing, 1877-1955) 轉讀北洋西醫書院等。因此,西醫書院畢業率低、輟學率高。而這些畢業生,包括孫中山在內,對中國近現代社會的發展都產生了巨大影響。

    Ruttonjee hospital
    - 律敦治醫院靠近灣仔 道的舊拱門被院方拆去, 引起市民關注該院前身的 歷史。醫院所在山丘俗稱 「醫院山」,自一八四三 年開始,這個山頭先後出 現海員醫院、皇家海軍醫院、律敦治療養院和 律敦治醫院,作為醫療用途一直未有改變。 海員醫院於一八七三年因經費短缺而停辦 ,皇家海軍購入該院,改為皇家海軍醫院。前 者已沒有留下任何痕跡,但皇家海軍醫院尚存 遺物。在皇后大道東一方的石牆可發現刻有船 錨標誌,這是皇家海軍界石,以示軍事用地範 圍。灣仔道入口的拱門門腳亦見同樣標誌,但 已被水泥遮蔽了部分。

    Homi Villa, a distinctive white building, was built by Jehangir Hormusjee Ruttonjee, 律敦治, as a convenient place from which to oversee the construction of the Hong Kong Brewers and Distillers Ltd Brewery at nearby Sham Tseng. It’s located on an attractive promontory at 401 Castle Peak Road overlooking the Ma Wan Channel. It was subsequently purchased by the Hong Kong Government and used as staff quarters for British army officers. It also served as the residence of Sir Philip Haddon-Cave who was Financial Secretary from 1971 to 1981. The house was converted into the Airport Core Programme Exhibition Centre in 1995 by the New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office (NAPCO) with an annexe being built in that year.,

    The Airport Core Programme Exhibition Centre (Chinese機場核心計劃展覽中心) is housed in a single-storey distinctive white structure situated at 401 Castle Peak RoadTing Kau, New Territories in Hong Kong. The exhibition centre is run by the Home Affairs Department for the Airport Core Programme, often referred to as the Rose Garden Project.Homi Villa was built by a private developer, Jehangir H. Ruttonjee, in the early 1930s. It was later bought by the Hong Kong Government and used as staff quarters for British army officers. For example, it served as the residence of Sir Philip Haddon-Cave, the Financial Secretary between 1971 and 1982. It was converted into the Airport Core Programme Exhibition Centre in 1995 by the New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office (NAPCO).[1] During the first six months of operation 100,000 people visited the centre, with weekends averaging more than 2,000 visitors.[2] To help contend with the popularity opening hours were extended to public holidays. Although the Airport Core Programme was completed in 1998 with the opening of the Hong Kong International Airport, the exhibition centre remains open as of November 2017.
    - 發展局向荃灣區議會提交的最新文件顯示,當局將兩幢三級歷史建築納入新計劃,包括馬灣的芳園書室,以及青山公路汀九段的霍米園。位於新界青山公路汀九段的霍米園建於1930年代,俯瞰馬灣海峽,享有壯麗海景。建築物由律敦治(Mr. Jehangir Hormusjee Ruttonjee)建成作私人住宅,並由律敦治家族擁有。霍米園於二次大戰後被香港政府購下,並用作公務員宿舍,至1973年財政司曾入住。霍米園由1995年起被改建為機場核心計劃展覽中心。建築物大致上保留了原來面貌,古物諮詢委員會於2010年把其評定為三級歷史建築。

    - http:/謬論一:反英抗暴






    names of places
    香港有不少地名随着城市发展而变更,尤其是地下铁路出现后,站名被当作地区名称,出现了佐敦(油麻地一部分)、太子(旺角一部分)、天后(铜锣湾一部分)和炮台山(北角一部分)等地名。另外,杏花邨取代了白沙湾,西贡小赤沙亦被康城代替。旧日香港遍布乡村,村名大多取自景观地貌,如田寮、荔枝角、何文田、老龙坑等。当乡村被城市逐一吞噬后,有些村名消失,有些变成街道或地区名称。九龙城的石鼓垄道、沙浦道、打鼓岭道、衙前塱道、福佬村道和隔坑村道,便是源于附近一带已消失的村落名称。有些地方因字义不雅而改名,像黄大仙的老虎岩改名“乐富”、大埔的大尾笃改名“大美督”,元朗的牛潭尾改名“攸潭美”,大屿山的阴澳改名“欣澳”。名字改变后,大家便不记得旧名原本所反映的地理环境了。  以地标命名的地名,会因地标拆卸而令人大惑不解。像港铁站名“金钟”(Admiralty),许多人会奇怪为何中英文名称不同,但如果追溯歷史,就会知道两者都与该处曾经出现的军事设施有关。中文名称来自威灵顿军营外墙的金色时钟,昔日经过的华人都会仰首看看时间,久而久之就称该兵房为“金钟”。英文解作海军部,亦即是威灵顿军营隔邻的海军基地,设有海军船坞,时人称为“铎吔”(Dockyard)。

     Street name
    - 港燈電力公司位於林士街的電力站,門外的標示卻是「霖士街分區電力站」,與站前路牌列明的林士街明顯不同,令人摸不着頭腦。有熟悉街道歷史的專家指出,林士街的舊名字是霖士街,但應於上世紀七八十年代已易名。港燈回覆本報查詢解釋,由於更改電力站名字,有可能對系統內的信息管理及令操作人員造成混淆,故會視乎需要才再作檢視。本報向地政總署查詢,霖士街何時變成林士街?改名的原因是什麼?在更改街名後,有沒有法例規定在同街上的建築物、店舖或街道等的招牌,均需跟從?惟地政總署只能回覆一般地方或街道命名的概況(見另稿)。曾撰寫《港島街道百年》及《九龍街道百年》等講述本港街道典故書籍的香港歷史博物館名譽顧問鄭寶鴻,早前接受本報訪問時指出,其實林士街名字的由來,源於1900年初位於該處的船政署大樓落成,並以當時的船政司Robert Murray Rumsey的姓氏Rumsey,為街道命名。鄭寶鴻指出,早期的街道譯名並沒有很大規範,Rumsey初期曾被譯為「欖士」,至上世紀五六十年代變成「霖士」,到上世紀七八十年代政府曾重整部分街名或將街名簡化,相信是於當時將霖士街改為林士街。此外亦有其他例子,如中環德己立街以往的名字是德忌笠街,又或砵甸乍街現在是砵典乍街等,並不罕見。被問及會否更改電力站名稱?港燈公共事務部回覆本報查詢表示,港燈電站的命名,一般以電站附近的地區或街道名稱作參考。而霖士街分區電力站早於上世紀七十年代中期已開始運作,屬於向中西區供電系統的一部分。
    • 地政總署指出,本港設有地名訂正委員會,由地政總署副署長(測繪事務)擔任主席,成員由相關部門代表組成,包括漁農自然護理署、民政事務總署、香港郵政、政府新聞處、地政總署、海事處、差餉物業估價署和公務員事務局法定語文事務部。委員會成員是由相關部門提名並代表部門及參與,如一般內部委員會,並沒有限定任期。委員會和地政總署在處理地方和街道命名個案時,會考慮一連串因素和準則,如風俗習慣、地方特徵等。一般而言,會避免採用複雜或罕用的中文字,亦會避免採用人名或機構或組織名稱,同時會實地視察、核對資料庫,並考慮建議人士提出的原因、中英文的用字、文字名稱的意義、過往及現有狀況及地理環境等。此外,委員會和地政總署亦會諮詢區議會及相關政府部門,以及透過民政事務處諮詢居民代表及地區團體的意見。當收到有關部門或市民的建議,地政總署會立刻啟動相關命名程序,為地方和街道冠以適當名稱。 命名地方街道準則(部分)
    - kennedy road, queen's road hkej 14sep18 yip fai article

    chinese translation manipulation
    香港人(廣東人)非常講究名字的用字、含義和風水,也很善於為外籍人士起中文名字。然而奇怪的是,一些香港街道的中文譯名卻有一種難言的晦澀。這表現為用字粗俗、怪異、貶損、無厘頭、不易記憶等,例如以英國外相命名的「鴨巴甸街」,以港督命名的「砵甸乍街」、「爹核士街」和「麥當勞道」等。我把這種情況稱之「貶譯」(derogatory translation),即本地人使用貶義的詞來翻譯外來的語言。這未必是翻譯者的中文水平低,而很可能是一種故意的漫不經心和輕蔑。

    japanese occupation
    香港沦陷期间许多学校因师生四散而停课,部分由日军接管復课,但加入美化日本的课程,并教导日语。位于港岛西半山的圣士提反女子中学,在日本侵港当日转作临时医院,东北女作家萧红由玛丽医院转到此处留医,至一九四二年一月病逝。同年五月,临时医院关闭,校舍空置。到了一九四三年四月一日,日本人将学校改为东亚学院,刮掉正门两旁的石碑文字,写上“东亚学院”字样,并有日本昭和天皇的肖像。学校招收男女学生,有商业、体育、音乐和家政等课,让他们将来成为教师或公务员。日佔期间香港大学停课,东亚学院算得上是少有的专上教育学校。  东亚学院在高峰期僱用了十四名教职员,有一百三十多名学生。当中一位外籍女子原是圣士提反女子中学的舍监,父亲是英国人,母亲是日本人,基于这个原因, 她没有像其他外籍老师般被送进赤柱拘留营,而获准留在校内,直至大战结束。她看管校产,可惜未能保住学校的记录,日本战败后全被销毁。

    - according to 温州基督教編年史, 香港政府禁止耶教文字入口in 1928
    - prison ministry
    • 19th century singtao 2nov18 f4

    Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing is a 1955 Deluxe color American drama-romance film in CinemaScope. Set in 1949–50 in Hong Kong, it tells the story of a married, but separated, American reporter Mark Elliot (played by William Holden), who falls in love with a Eurasian doctor Han Suyin originally from China (played by Jennifer Jones), only to encounter prejudice from her family and from Hong Kong society. The movie was adapted by John Patrick from the 1952 autobiographical novel A Many-Splendoured Thing by Han Suyin. The film was directed by Henry KingThe movie later inspired a television soap opera in 1967, though without the hyphen in the show's title.

    • no korean wikipedia version
    • filming location
    • The former Mok residence located at 41A Conduit Road became the Foreign Correspondents' Club in 1951. In the film it is portrayed as a hospital. The building is now demolished and Realty Gardens apartment complex has occupied the site since 1970.[6]
    • The former colonial-style Repulse Bay Hotel, demolished in 1982, and now the site of The Repulse Bay apartment building.
    • The famous hill-top meeting place where the lovers used to meet was located in rural California and not in Hong Kong.
    The text of the "Star Spangled Banner", the United States national anthem, was composed by Francis Scott Key while he was a prisoner on board of HMS Minden during the attack on Baltimore. The first draft was titled the "Defense of Ft. McHenry" before its expanded text became the "Star Spangled Banner". HMS Minden was named after the town of Minden and in honor of the Battle of Minden that the British, Hanoverian, Kurhessen, Brunswick and Schaumburg-Lippe troops won over the French on 1 August 1759. The ship was transferred eventually to Hong Kong where it served as a hospital ship. In its honor two Hong Kong streets were named Minden Row and Minden Avenue.

    • hkej 8aug18 shum article on minden row and minden avenue and if hk was germany's colony

    In 1950 the Nederlandsch-Indische Handelsbank was renamed Nationale Handelsbank N.V. They had their offices at 8, Des Voeux Road. The English name on the signs was Netherlands India Commercial Bank. However, instead of "India" the phrase "East Indies" would have been more an accurate description.

    mainland china
    - scmp 26nov18 how beijing studied hk systems before handover

    Reference/useful sites
    - 許錫揮等著的《香港簡史( 1840-1997)》(廣州:廣東人民出版社,2015年),本書在介紹香 港歷史發展之外,亦討論了內地與香港多年來的密不可分的關係。
    - Photos

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