Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Kurds The semi-autonomous Kurdish region in Iraq expects oil exports to increase during the next year, moving it closer to economic independence, even as it fights a war with Islamist militants and confronts sharply lower crude prices.  Ashti Hawrami, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s natural resources minister, said on Wednesday that oil exports of Iraqi and Kurdish crude via the KRG’s pipeline to Turkey could reach 800,000 barrels a day in 2015. Baneh’s reputation as a cut-price shopping destination is known throughout Iran. Residents of big cities such as Tehran order goods for almost half the usual price or make the hours-long trek to the city, returning along rugged roads with television sets and air-conditioners strapped to the roofs of their cars. “Baneh is very rich now compared to 10 years ago,” says Ali, a 28-year-old local seller of Bosch washing machines in the Behesht mall. “If this business did not exist, I would have been a drug addict and Baneh residents would have starved.”

- 在第一次世界大戰後,奧斯曼土耳其帝國分裂成多個國家,庫爾德族人也迎來了建立民族國家的希望。可是在一九二三年歐洲列強與土耳其訂立了《洛桑條約》(Treaty of Lausanne),把庫爾德族人劃歸土耳其、伊朗、伊拉克和敍利亞四國,庫爾德的建國夢碎,並從此展開了爭取獨立運動。出於共同的民族認同和大致相同的建國目標,散落四國境內的庫爾德族人之間,在抗爭行動上或多或少有着不同形式和程度的協作。庫爾德的民族認同,一直超越各自的國家認同感,成為一種超越國界的民族共性;也使這個問題成為了四國的共同擔憂。而其中,散居土耳其境內的庫爾德族人數最多,在上世紀七十年代成立的庫爾德工人黨也是組織最龐大的,其目標便是帶領各國的族人,建立庫爾德斯坦共和國。伊斯蘭國崛起,散落在不同國家的庫爾德族人跟其開戰,而這也成為了各國對打擊伊斯蘭國抱有不同態度的原因。

- Kurdish-controlled areas of northern Syria are expected to declare a federal system on Thursday, a move likely to further complicate peace talks in Geneva aimed at ending more than five years of war. Russia pulled more warplanes out of Syria, a new delivery of humanitarian aid reached northern Aleppo province and U.N. mediator Staffan de Mistura named a Russian academic to his team of advisers in a nod to Moscow's importance in brokering an end to the fighting. But despite a more than two-week-old "cessation of hostilities" and Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to pull out some of his country's forces that have tipped the balance of the war in Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's favor, any hopes of a breakthrough at the peace talks in Geneva remain slim. Russia's Defence Ministry on Wednesday reported 10 new ceasefire violations and the Kurds, after being excluded from the talks in Geneva, appeared to be taking matters into their own hands by drawing up plans to combine three Kurdish-led areas of northern Syrian into a federal arrangement.
  • hkej 27apr16 a19 shum article
AMERICA and Iran are not always at loggerheads. As the two dominant powers in Iraq since America’s invasion in 2003 they have repeatedly aligned their policies to keep the country together. They agreed, for example, that Haider al-Abadi should emerge as prime minister from the jumble of coalitions produced by the election of 2014. They have shared the goal of crushing the so-called Islamic State (IS), indirectly co-ordinating ground and air campaigns against it. And they both want Iraq to be preserved as a unitary state. That is why, on September 12th, General Qassem Suleimani, the head of the Quds Force, Iran’s foreign legion, Douglas Silliman, the American ambassador to Iraq, and Brett McGurk, Donald Trump’s envoy to the coalition against IS, were all in Sulaymaniyah urging Kurdish leaders to defer the referendum on independence they have scheduled for September 25th.These shared goals do not mean shared motives. America wants to bolster Mr Abadi’s standing in the run-up to Iraq’s election next spring. Iran wants to make sure that thoughts of secession do not spread to the Kurds and other minorities who live within its own territory. It also wants to prevent an Israeli presence on its borders. Israel is the only country in the region to back a Kurdish state.

Role in middle east
- Now, in a world dotted with 198 nation-states, the Kurds represent the largest “nation” without a “state.” Stuck in the center of every Middle East conflict, the Kurds are a rarity: a sympathetic ally. Supporting them is not without risk, as it could cause even more upheaval in the region, but if the US acts strongly and prudently, the Kurds could help keep Iran, ISIS and others in check.

- Suddenly thrust into the limelight by their plight, the Yazidis will not welcome the glare of international attention. On account of their unusual beliefs, they are often unjustly referred to as "devil worshippers", and have traditionally held themselves apart in small communities mainly scattered across northwest Iraq, northwest Syria and southeast Turkey. Estimating their current numbers is difficult, with figures ranging from 70,000 to 500,000. Feared, vilified and persecuted, there is no doubt the population has dwindled considerably over the course of the past century. Like other minority religions of the region, such as the Druze and the Alawis, it is not possible to convert to Yazidism, only to be born into it. The ongoing persecution in their heartland of the Mt Sinjar region west of Mosul is based on a misunderstanding of their name. Sunni extremists, such as IS, believe it derives from Yazid ibn Muawiya (647-683), the deeply unpopular second caliph of the Umayyad dynasty. Modern research, however, has clarified that the name is nothing to do with the loose-living Yazid, or the Persian city of Yazd, but is taken from the modern Persian "ized", which means angel or deity. The name Izidis simply means "worshippers of god", which is how Yazidis describe themselves. Their own name for themselves is Daasin (plural Dawaaseen), which is taken from the name of an old Nestorian - the Ancient Church of the East - diocese, for many of their beliefs are derived from Christianity. They revere both the Bible and the Koran, but much of their own tradition is oral. Due in part to its secrecy, there have been misunderstandings that the complex Yazidi faith is linked to Zoroastrianism with a light/dark duality and even sun worship. Recent scholarship, however, has shown that although their shrines are often decorated with the sun and that graves point east towards the sunrise, they share many elements with Christianity and Islam. Children are baptised with consecrated water by a pir (priest). At weddings he breaks bread and gives one half to the bride and the other to the groom. The bride, dressed in red, visits Christian churches. In December, Yazidis fast for three days, before drinking wine with the pir. On 15-20 September there is an annual pilgrimage to the tomb of Sheikh Adi at Lalesh north of Mosul, where they carry out ritual ablutions in the river. They also practise sacrifice of animals and circumcision. Their supreme being is known as Yasdan. He is considered to be on such an elevated level that he cannot be worshipped directly. He is considered a passive force, the Creator of the world, not the preserver. Seven great spirits emanate from him of which the greatest is thePeacock Angel known as Malak Taus - active executor of the divine will. The peacock in early Christianity was a symbol of immortality, because its flesh does not appear to decay. Malak Taus is considered God's alter ego, inseparable from Him, and to that extent Yazidism is monotheistic.

Diyarbakır (KurdishAmed‎)[3][4][5] is one of the largest cities in southeastern Turkey. Situated on the banks of the Tigris River, it is the administrative capital of the Diyarbakır Province. With a population of about 930,000 it is the second largest city in Turkey's south-eastern Anatolia region, after Gaziantep. Diyarbakir is considered the unofficial capital of Turkish Kurdistan. As such, it has been a focal point for conflict between Turkey's government and Kurdish insurgent groups.

- 歷史上,美國對伊拉克庫爾德人的態度幾經變化,或大力扶植,或無情拋棄,每一次政策變化都由美國利益需要決定,庫爾德人一直就是美國手中的一張牌,這張牌怎麼打,從不考慮庫爾德人利益。早在一九七五年,美國毫不猶豫地出賣由它一手支持的伊拉克庫爾德民主黨,用庫爾德人的鮮血換來薩達姆短暫的友誼。

- 俄土各說各話,誰是誰非眾說紛紜,此後俄方指土國總統埃爾多安與伊斯蘭國(IS)進行不法石油交易,令爭端變得愈加政治化。雖然俄土全面鬧翻,但兩國保持克制,未有爆發大型軍事衝突。敵人的敵人是朋友,俄方與土國對頭人眉來眼去,埃氏眼中釘、土耳其親庫族政黨人民民主黨(HDP)主席德米爾塔什訪俄,獲俄國外長拉夫羅夫接見。敍利亞內戰俄土打對台,克宮支持阿薩德一族,土方力撐反政府陣營。土方認為,HDP是土耳其庫爾德工人黨(PKK)的政治分支,而如今被華府視作反恐夥伴的敍利亞庫族力量「民主聯盟黨」(PYD),則與PKK串通一氣。土國政府威脅,PYD是恐怖主義組織,PYD獲准參加瑞士和談,土方會退出。俄國外長拉夫羅夫清楚表明,若和談將PYD排除在外,瑞士和談難望達成預期效果。與俄國關係友好的敍利亞前副總理賈米爾稱,數反擊IS之最佳地面作戰夥伴,非PYD旗下武裝組織YPG莫屬。埃氏擔心,敍土兩地庫爾德獨立運動星火燎原,故反對任何給予相關勢力認受性之外交舉動。和談前夕,土方聲稱有俄國軍機闖入領空,或是土方加強打壓PKK之前奏。

With a political solution to Syria’s nearly seven-year-old war still out of reach, the risks for the country’s Kurds and their Arab allies remain high, Fawza Youssef said. The U.S.-led coalition that has been fighting Islamic State in Syria since 2014 is building a new 30,000-strong border force with its Syrian militia allies in the north.The move has been sharply opposed by Ankara, already angry at U.S. support for Kurdish forces in Syria, which it sees as an extension of Kurdish insurgents in southeastern Turkey.The Syrian Kurdish YPG spearheads an alliance of militias which has battled Islamic State in northern and eastern Syria under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).With its inaugural class currently in training, the new force will guard the borders of SDF territory.It will deploy along the frontier with Turkey to the north and the Iraqi border to the southeast. The force will also stand guard along the Euphrates River Valley facing the Syrian military, which is supported by Russian air power and Iranian-backed militias.

The Barzani tribe (Kurdish: Hozî Barzanî‎) is one of the Kurdish tribes in Iraq.[1] Notable members from the family are Masoud Barzani, Nechervan Barzani, Masrour Barzani, Adham Barzani and Idris BarzaniThe sheikhs of Barzan are descendants of Bahdinan and of Yazidi origin (Sheikh caste) but have converted to Islam. Their grandfather, Massoud, moved to the village of Nafneka, near Barzan, where he settled and married. His son Sa’id stayed on. His grandson, Taj al-Din, a talented religious scholar - who led the clan into joining the sufi Naqshbandi tariqa in the 19th century, one of the main Sufi orders of the dominant Shafi'i branch of Islam in the region.

  • hkej 12dec18 shum article
Peshmerga (Central Kurdishپێشمەرگە‎, translit. Pêşmergelit. 'Before death', IPA: [peːʃmɛɾˈɡɛ]) are the military forces of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan. The overall formal head of the Peshmerga is the President of Iraqi Kurdistan. The Peshmerga force itself is largely divided and controlled separately by the Democratic Party of Kurdistan and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, although both pledge allegiance to the Kurdistan Regional Government.
  • hkej 18oct17 shum article

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