Wednesday, December 12, 2018

north korea

- structure
  • 朝鮮政權結構
The General Political Bureau is the internal politburo of the Korean People's Army, used by the leadership of the North Korean government to exert political control over the military.朝鮮人民軍総政治局총정치국)は、朝鮮人民軍の政治査察機関。朝鮮人民軍将兵に対する宣伝、扇動に重点を置き、日常的な党性、忠誠心評価、思想的動向を監視する。「反革命分子」を摘発する機関である朝鮮人民軍保衛司令部と共に人民軍内将兵の思想統制を管轄する。また心理戦も司る。総政治局は、形式上、政府組織である人民武力部(国防省)所属だが、朝鮮人民軍総参謀部と並んで人民武力部より強大な権限を有し、人民武力部長より高位の最高位人物が総政治局長に就任している。実際には支配政党である朝鮮労働党中央委員会組織指導部第1部第13課(人民武力部担当)から直接指揮を受ける。
- 北韓官媒報道,宣傳隊成員於上周六出發,由朝鮮資訊委員會副主席邱永山領隊,擬赴英國、法國及香港,目的及詳情未明。該委員會主要負責國家層面的外交宣傳,邱亦是外交部高級官員。這是北韓四年來首次派人外訪,被視為配合近期和平取態,希望加強與其他國家和地區的關係。
朝鮮中央通訊社韓語조선중앙통신사Korean Central News AgencyKCNA朝中社 is the state news agency of North Korea that was established on December 5, 1946. The agency portrays the views of the North Korean government for foreign consumption.As one of several news agencies operating in the DPRK, KCNA daily reports news for all the North Korean news organizations including newspapers, radio and television broadcasts via Korean Central Television and the Korean Central Broadcasting System within the country. In December 1996, KCNA began publishing its news articles on the Internet with its web server located in Japan. Since October 2010, stories have been published on a new site, controlled from Pyongyang, and output has been significantly increased to include world stories with no specific link to North Korea as well as news from countries that have strong DPRK ties. In addition to Korean, KCNA releases news translated into English, Russian, and Spanish. Access to its website, along with other North Korean news sites, has been blocked by South Korea since 2004 and can be accessed only through the government's authorization. As well as serving as a news agency, it is also alleged to conduct clandestine intelligence collection.
- Office 39

  • For all their rhetoric about the paramount need to develop a nuclear arsenal, North Korea’s rulers have no more pressing task than bringing in foreign exchange. Without it, experts say, the regime would be at risk of crumbling under international sanctions. Taxi fares alone could hardly fill the gap. But the KKG cabs are just a small part of a much larger endeavour. The KKG taxi fleet is one product of a partnership between a group of Hong Kong-based investors and a secretive arm of the North Korean state that seeks to cut international business deals, a Financial Times investigation has found. The North Korean government’s alliance with the so-called Queensway Group, a syndicate of businesspeople with a record of forging ties with pariah states, is opaque. But it seems clear that it is one of a handful of crucial business ventures that allow the world’s most isolated regime to sustain itself.
Huining 会宁市
- 朝鲜咸镜北道之图们江的沿岸的城市,位于朝鲜东北部中俄边境,与中华人民共和国的吉林省之龙井市接壤,古时是图们江沿岸六镇之一。该处也是监狱“会宁集中营”的所在地。观光热点- 金正淑同志革命事迹馆:公元1974年10月开馆,它展示朝鲜抗日女英雄金正淑女士的资料
- refer to bull point on christianity below

 惠山市   Hyesan is claimed by South Korea, with the area of 1940s, not the one edited by North Korea. Therefore, this city in South Korea still corresponds nearby Baekdu Mountains. With this problem, South Korea has a conflict with the People's Republic of China because of Baekdu Mountains. The mountain is actually divided in two: the south parts are ruled by North Korea while the north parts are ruled by the PRC. However, South Korea still claims the northern parts. It is not officially claimed, but from maps printed by South Korea, it is de facto claimed. In addition, the Republic of China claims the entire mountain.

Kaesong or Gaeseong (Korean pronunciation: [kɛ.sʌŋ]) is a city in North Hwanghae Province in the southern part of North Korea, a former Directly Governed City, and the capital of Korea during the Taebong kingdom and subsequent Goryeo dynasty. The city is near the Kaesong Industrial Region close to the border with South Korea and contains the remains of the Manwoldae palace. Called Songdo while it was the ancient capital of Goryeo, the city prospered as a trade centre that produced Korean ginseng. Kaesong now functions as the DPRK's light industry centre. During the Japanese occupation from 1910 to 1945, the city was known by the Japanese pronunciation of its name, "Kaijō". Between 1945 and 1950, Kaesong was under South Korean control. The 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement left the city under North Korean control. It is the only city to have changed hands from South to North Korean control as a result of the armistice agreement. Due to the city's proximity to the border with South Korea, Kaesong has hosted cross-border economic exchanges between the two countries as well as the jointly run Kaesong Industrial Region.又名松都송도)、松岳송악)、開京개경)、松京송경樂浪郡高句麗佔領後,帶方郡開城成為百濟的「冬比忽城」,後高句麗獲得冬比忽城。開城內城卽勃禦塹城,高麗稱皇城,有十三門。開城在統一新羅一改為漢地名松岳郡景德王十六年(757年)改開城郡百済がこの周辺まで支配していた時代は「冬比忽(동비홀、トンビボル)城」と呼ばれており、高句麗時代を経て統一新羅757年景徳王16年)に地名を「開城郡」と中国風の漢字2文字に改めた。市街地には松嶽郡が置かれており、三国史記によれば、開城郡と松嶽郡は別個の郡であった。1910年からの日本合邦期の1930年には、開城府が置かれた。
- As Kaesong has been occupied by various states throughout centuries, its name has changed. It was in the realm of Mahan confederacy, and was referred to as Busogap during the rule of Goguryeo. Before the strength of Baekje was retreated to the southwest of JungnyeongMungyeong Saejae, and Asan Bay in 475, the area had been a part of Baekje for about 100 years. However, it became a territory of Silla in 555, the 16th year of Jinheung of Silla's reign, and its name was changed to Song'ak-gun during the period. According to the Samguk Sagi, when a castle was built in the site in 694, the third year of Hyoso of Silla's reign, Kaesong was referred to as "Song'ak (송악; 松嶽)". Therefore, it is assumed that the name Song'ak had been used at least before the time. Silla began to decline in late 9th century, and a period of rival warlords ensued. In 898, Kaesong fell under the hand of Gung Ye, the founder of his short-lived state, Taebong, and then became a part of Goryeo in 919 by its founder, Wang Geon, who was enthroned as Taejo of Goryeo. Taejo established the capital in the south of Song'ak, and incorporated Kaesong into Song'ak under the name of "Gaeju". In 919, Kaesong became the national capital. In 960, the 11th year of Gwangjong of Goryeo's reign, the city was renamed Gaegyeong, and in 995, the 14th year of Seonjong of Goryeo's reign, it was elevated to "Gaesong-bu". The Gaeseong-bu is a combined term of Song'ak-gun, and Gaesong-gun, which is different from the region of the pre-1945 Gaesong-ri, Seo-myeon, Kaepung-gun. In 1010, the first year of Hyeonjong of Goryeo's reign, the palace and houses were almost burnt down during the second conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War, so in 1018, Gaesong-bu was relegated for the "bu" system, and became to govern the three hyeon unites of Jeongju, Deoksu, and Gangeum. In the late 12th century, there was instability in both the government and the countryside. A slave named Manjǒk (or spelled as Manjeok) (만적; 萬積) led a group of slaves who gathered outside Kaesong in 1198. The revolt plot was suppressed by Choe Chung-heon.[4] When Yi Songgye overthrew Goryeo in 1392 and established the Joseon as Taejo of Joseon, he moved the Korean capital from Kaesong to Hanyang (modern-day Seoul) in 1394.公元前108年,西漢漢武帝朝鮮半島設置郡縣,今開城屬於樂浪郡真番郡交界處;魏晉南北朝樂浪郡南部分設帶方郡,開城屬於帶方。樂浪郡高句麗占領後,帶方郡開城成為百濟的「冬比忽城」,後高句麗獲得冬比忽城。開城內城卽勃禦塹城,高麗稱皇城,有十三門。開城在統一新羅一改為漢地名松岳郡景德王十六年(757年)改開城郡。在當時,開城原是當地豪族的封地,當中以王氏為代表。新羅真聖王十年(898年),弓裔使王建築勃禦塹城。新羅孝恭王五年(901年)弓裔建都稱後高句麗,九年(905年)遷都鐵原918年,王建推翻後高句麗即位,建立高麗。次年(919年),把首都從鐵原遷回開城,並改開城為開州。光宗十一年改稱皇都,成宗十四年改開城府。顯宗二十年(1028年)築開京羅城,城基周二萬九千七百步,門二十二門,號曰崇仁、宣旗、保定、光德、德山、會賓、仙溪、泰安、弘仁、乾德、保泰、宣義、狻猊、定平、仙岩、慈安、彰義、迎陽、安和、成道、會昌、安定,用丁夫三十萬四千四百人。城中有高麗故宮壽昌宮(朝鮮王朝廢爲倉廩)、仁德宮、壽德宮等建築。恭愍王十年(1360年)集都人修城門,辛禑三年(1376年)命修京城,恭讓王三年發五道丁夫築內城,尋罷之。太祖三年遷都漢陽,置留後司於都內,並改稱開豐郡(亦作海豐郡),結束了開城擔任國家首都達476年的歷史。開城成為京畿道的一座重要城市。
- 兩韓聯絡辦

  • 南北韓於下周舉行首腦會談前夕,兩國在開城工業園區設立的聯絡辦公室於周五正式啟用,確保雙方之間有一個全天候的溝通平台,促進兩國關係及交流、美朝關係及緩和緊張局勢。南韓希望兩國官員在聯絡辦公室,研究朝鮮半島新經濟構想。
-????? 朝中社報道,一名「脫北者」19日在位於朝韓邊境的開城市,從韓國一側偷越國境進入朝鮮,經過檢查發現該非法越境者疑似感染新冠病毒。, 韓國政府已鎖定於2017年投奔韓國但目前失聯的脫北者金某。據報道,金某現年24歲,原居於開城,3年前通過漢江下游越境,並居於京畿道金浦市。上月中旬,金某因涉嫌對一名女脫北者施展性暴力而遭傳訊。有分析稱,金某很可能是從漢江下游游泳越境返朝。

金川郡Kŭmch'ŏn is bordered to the west by Kaesŏng, to the south by Kaep'ung, to the northwest by T'osan, and to the north by Mt. Pakbong  and Sin'gye county. It is bordered to the east by the Ryesŏng RiverP'yŏngsan, and Pongch'ŏn county (in South Hwanghae).三国時代には百済、のちに高句麗の版図であった。統一新羅時代には牛峰県とされ、漢州に属した。高麗王朝成立後の995年、関内道の所属の県となる。1015年、西海道平州に編入される。1061年には開城府に編入された。朝鮮王朝成立後の1395年、豊海道(のちに黄海道)牛峰県となる。1652年、黄海道牛峰県と開城府江陰県が合併され、黄海道金川郡に改編された。

The Mount Kumgang Tourist Region is a special administrative region of North Korea. It was established in 2002 to handle South Korean tourist traffic to Mount Kumgang (Diamond Mountain). Beginning in 1998, South Korean and other foreign tourists were allowed to visit Mount Kumgang, traveling at first by cruise ship,[citation needed] and then by bus on a newly built road through the Korean Demilitarized Zone. In 2002, the area around the mountain was separated from Kangwon Province and organized as a separately administered Tourist Region, covering 204.6 square miles (530 km2).[1] From 1998 to July 2008 over one million South Koreans visited the resort. The resort is home to Hotel Haegumgang, a floating hotel that first operated on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. In July 2008, Park Wang-ja, a 53-year-old South Korean tourist, was shot twice and killed when she entered a military area, according to the North Korean government.[3] The South Korean request for a joint inquiry was denied. Forensic tests done on Park suggest that she was standing still or walking slowly when shot. This contradicted the North Korean claim that she was running and did not heed warnings. Immediately after the shooting, the South Korean government suspended tours to the resort. In August 2008 the North Koreans announced that they would expel "unnecessary" South Korean workers from the resort.[4] Before the closing of access after the 2008 shooting, other nationalities were also allowed to visit, by arranging 2½-day tours through a South Korean tourism agency. Despite the Lee Myung-bak government expressing a verbal anti-North Korean stance, the head of the government-funded Korea Institute for National Unification, Kim Tae-u, proposed that the South Korean government renegotiate on the Mount Kumgang Tourist Region with North Korea without any official apology on North Korea's military actions towards the ROKS Cheonan sinking and the Bombardment of Yeonpyeong.金刚山国际观光特别区朝鮮語:금강산국제관광특별구金剛山國際觀光特別區 Kŭmgangsan gukje gwan-gwang thŭkpyŏlgu */?)是朝鲜民主主义人民共和国东南部的特别行政区划,2002年成立金刚山观光地区,2011年4月29日朝鲜最高人民会议常任委员会发表政令,金刚山观光地区升格为金刚山国际观光特别区
- 北韓領袖金正恩近日視察東南部金剛山旅遊區時,不滿由南韓承建的設施缺乏民族特色及亂七八糟,因此下令拆除;又指摘當地發展依賴韓方是大錯特錯。由於金剛山是已故領袖金正日執政時的重點項目,韓媒認為金正恩的言論如同批評父親,做法罕見。

  • 金剛山觀光旅遊是由韓國 「現代峨 山」 公司獨家經營,不過,2008年7月 11日,53歲韓國女遊客朴旺子因誤闖相 距不遠的朝鮮軍事區而被哨兵射殺,韓 國政府隨即宣布暫停旅遊活動,迫使韓 國投資興建的設施荒廢至今。
  • 朝鮮已制定一 項新開發計劃,打算在該區建成可容納 1萬人的住宿接待設施。 有消息指,朝鮮曾於7月26日派出 10多名官員,出席由中、韓、朝三國學 者在中國延吉舉行的第二屆朝鮮半島 論壇,其間公開了金剛山地區開發計 劃。 根據《中央日報》24日拿到的會議 資料,指出 「可以利用平壤與元山、元 山與高城之間的道路和元山港從事遊客 運輸服務活動」 。 據悉,朝鮮計劃把位於金剛山地區 的高城郡打造成旅遊服務城市,建造國 際文化中心、青少年野營站、民族舞蹈 場、商業街區等設施。尤其是朝鮮計劃 增加酒店設施,將住宿接待容量從現在 的4000餘人擴充到1萬人以上。
  • 朝鮮日前對韓國發出 「最後通牒」 , 要求後者拆除金剛山內的韓方設施。韓國 統一部15日回應稱,韓方仍希望通過協商 解決金剛山旅遊問題。

Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, formerly the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, and sometimes referred to as the Kim Il-sung Mausoleum   锦绣山太阳宫,原名锦绣山纪念宫。位于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国首都平壤东北郊,是朝鲜已故最高领导人金日成金正日陵墓。太阳宫前是锦绣宫广场,是朝鲜重要的集会场所,面积达10万平方米。朝鲜政府每年都要在这里举行各种大型纪念活动, 到朝鲜访问的外国人很多都会来这里参观。1994年金日成去世后,其子朝鲜第二代最高领导人金正日宣布将父亲的遗体永久保存于议事堂,同时议事堂更名为锦绣山纪念宫2011年金正日去世后,其子朝鲜第三代最高领导人金正恩宣布将父亲的遗体永久保存于纪念宫,次年纪念宫更名为锦绣山太阳宫。

平安南道朝鮮語:평안남도平安南道 Phyŏngannam do */?),是朝鲜民主主义人民共和国西北部的地方行政区。面积12,330 平方公里,人口3,597,557人。道政府所在平城市。
- 北倉朝鮮刺槐群落:位于「北倉郡」的「南陽里」境內。刺槐群落發現于1919年間,樹高30-50厘米,地下莖中生出新枝。刺槐開花,很適宜栽種于園林。龍浦細葉松樹林:位于「北倉郡」的「芢浦勞動者區」境內,此樹最高30米,周長2.4米,樹冠直徑4米,此樹根部較發達,不被風吹倒。安國寺銀杏樹:位于平城市的鳳鶴洞境內。此樹種植于14世紀。樹高27米,周長10米,樹冠直徑18米左右,此樹枝杈有10多個。
陽德郡朝鮮語:양덕군陽德郡 Yangdŏk gun */?高麗時代の938年、陽巌鎮が設置された。983年には新たに樹徳鎮が置かれた。朝鮮王朝初期の1396年、陽巌鎮と樹徳鎮を合わせて陽徳県が置かれ、西北面に属した。1413年以降平安道に属した。

  • 北韓官方朝中社同日報道,金正恩前往即將完工的平安南道陽德郡溫泉旅遊區視察時,稱讚區內建設新穎獨特,設計到施工都是高標準和高水平。金正恩稱,陽德郡旅遊區與金剛山旅遊區截然不同,再批評南韓馬虎興建和貪圖利潤的資本主義企業建築,與能體現人民要求志向的社會主義建築,有本質的差別。
  • North Korean leader Kim Jong Un opened a new mountain spa and ski resort that's intended for people to enjoy "high civilisation under socialism" in another example of the country using tourism exemptions in international sanctions to build revenue for its broken economy.Mr Kim cut the ribbon during the ceremonial opening of the Yangdok Hot Spring Cultural Recreation Centre and praised his soldiers for creating a "miracle and prefect edifice" that serves the ruling party's efforts to guide people to modern civilisation, a state media report said.The resort east of the capital has modern rooms, hot spring spas, a ski resort and a horse-riding park, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said on Sunday (Dec 8).

柳京旅館The Ryugyong Hotel (Chosŏn'gŭl류경려관; sometimes anglicised as Ryu-Gyong Hotel or Yu-Kyung Hotel) is an unfinished 105-story, 330 metres (1,080 ft) tall pyramid-shaped skyscraper in Pyongyang, North Korea. Its name ("capital of willows") is also one of the historical names for Pyongyang. The building is also known as the 105 Building, a reference to its number of floors. The building has been planned as a mixed-use development, which would include a hotel. Construction began in 1987 but was halted in 1992 as North Korea entered a period of economic crisis after the fall of the Soviet Union. After 1992 the building stood topped out, but without any windows or interior fittings. In 2008 construction resumed, and the exterior was completed in 2011. It was planned to open the hotel in 2012, the centenary of Kim Il-sung's birth, but this did not happen. A partial opening was announced for 2013, but this was also cancelled. As of 2017, the building remains unopened.The plan for a large hotel was reportedly a Cold War response to the completion of the world's tallest hotel, the Westin Stamford Hotel in Singapore, in 1986 by the South Korean company SsangYong Group. North Korean leadership envisioned the project as a channel for Western investors to step into the marketplace.[13] A firm, the Ryugyong Hotel Investment and Management, was established to attract a hoped-for $230 million in foreign investment. A representative for the North Korean government promised relaxed oversight, allowing "foreign investors [to] operate casinos, nightclubs or Japanese lounges". North Korean construction firm Baikdoosan Architects & Engineers (also known as Baekdu Mountain Architects and Engineers) began construction on a pyramid‑shaped hotel in 1987. The hotel was scheduled to open in June 1989 for the 13th World Festival of Youth and Students, but problems with building methods and materials delayed completion. Had it opened on schedule, it would have surpassed the Westin Stamford Hotel to become the world's tallest hotel, and would have been theseventh-tallest building in the world柳京饭店”始建于1987年,最初预算花费7.5亿美元,这是朝鲜总GDP的2%。对比一下,美国总GDP的2%大概为2200亿美元。饭店的建设是朝鲜政府对当时“亚洲摩天大楼热”的跟风,尤其是对韩国在新加坡投资兴建“Stamford 饭店”的回应。最初朝鲜政府是想通过“柳京饭店”引进第一批西方投资者,并表示投资者会得到关照,可以在饭店中添设赌场夜总会等休闲场所。2008年5月21日法新社報導,柳京飯店停工近20年後,在埃及電信集團Orascom(英語:Orascom Group)投資下於2008年4月恢復興建。2012年11月2日,德國酒店集團凱賓斯基董事長Reto Wittwer宣佈,將接手營運柳京飯店,屆時可提供到150間房間,裏面並設有辦公室、高級商舖和餐廳。原本預計於2013年中正式開業,但是在2013年四月間,朝鮮揚言對美國韓國日本發動核戰爭,雖然儘管沒有這能力,但仍造成國際恐慌。凱賓斯基酒店集團於2013年4月16日決定放棄經營柳京飯店的所有計劃。
  • Hkej 26oct17 shum article
兩江道韓語:량강도兩江道 Ryanggang do */?金朝及金後的東夏國時期被該地稱為曷懶路,為沒有編入遼國國籍的生女真人的故地,明清兩朝朝鮮國境北拓到白頭山南麓(中國稱:長白山),白頭山被近現代朝鮮人視為聖山。金日成的抗日神話與金正日出生地白頭山密營,普天堡戰役地、普天堡戰鬥勝利紀念塔等相關。
-    三池淵市Samjiyŏn is a city in Ryanggang ProvinceNorth Korea. It takes its name from three lakes in the city, which are collectively known as the Samjiyŏn.In December 2019, Kim Jong-un opened a completed expansion of the existing township, described by state media as a "modern" city with residences and industrial parks. The city was known as a county until the decision of a name change in December 2019. 

上甘岭(谚文:상감령),是一个位于朝鲜半岛中部江原道金化郡五圣山南麓的一个小村庄,1951年,当时中国的志愿军曾这村里召开过第五次党委扩大会议,但在第五次战役之后,由于拉锯战的惨烈,当时双方的炮火几乎把整个村庄夷平,成为一片废墟。战役之前当地的居民全数离开,使该小村落本身对战斗没有价值。1952年,朝鲜战争中的一场大规模战役就在这里发生,并以此村来命名【上甘岭战役】。Sanggamryŏng, also known as Shangganling in Chinese, Triangle Hill (Korean3각고지) in South Korea, and Jane Russell Hill in United States is a mountain pass in central North Korea.

Ŭiju appears as Uiju in South Korea's Revised Romanization and as Yizhou in Chinese sources, as during its occupation by Mao Wenlong's forces during the Manchu conquest of China.

Wŏnsan (Korean pronunciation: [wʌn.san]), previously known as Wŏnsanjin (元山津), Port Lazarev, and Gensan (元山), is a port city and naval base located in Kangwŏn Province, North Korea, along the eastern side of the Korean Peninsula, on the Sea of Japan (East Sea) and the provincial capital. The port was opened by occupying Japanese forces in 1880. Before the 1950–1953 Korean War, it fell within the jurisdiction of the then South Hamgyŏng province, and during the war it was the location of the Blockade of Wŏnsan. The population of the city was estimated at 329,207 in 2013. Notable people from Wŏnsan include Kim Ki Nam, diplomat and Secretary of the Korean Workers' Party.日本統治時代1910年1945年)においては、日本語読みで「げんざん」と呼ばれていた。地名も日本式の「町」がつくものが多かった。1880年由侵佔朝鮮半島的日本軍開港,原名為元山津。1914年後,由於多條鐵路線相繼開通,逐步發展成朝鮮半島東岸的重要貿易港口。
- Wonsan has also been known as Yonghunghang, Yuan shan in China, Genzan or Gensan in Japan, and Port Lazareva or Port Lazareff in Russia.
-  Masikryong Ski Resort马息岭滑雪场(韩语:마식령스키장)是位于朝鲜江原道文川市法洞郡之间的山脉马息岭的滑雪度假村,这是朝鲜第一个亦是暂时唯一一个旅游滑雪场。该滑雪地是由朝鲜最高领导人金正恩于2012年下令兴建,并于同年动工。为了于一年内完工,平壤当局每日动用万名军人投入兴建工作。据报导,马息岭滑雪场有11条长2.5公里到5公里的滑雪道,还有2百间客房的饭店、直升机停机坪和行政大楼。然而,由于奥地利法国,以及瑞士等国禁止国内的企业向朝鲜出售滑雪缆车等设施因而引起朝鲜的不满。A US$7.5 million (£4.5 million; €5.5 million) deal with a Swiss ski-lift manufacturer was blocked in August 2013 after the country's government issued a directive based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 2094, itself a response to North Korea’s January 2013 nuclear test, that prohibited export sales of “installations for infrastructure and equipment for sports facilities with a luxury character.” A spokesperson from Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco) described the resort as a “prestigious propaganda project for the [North Korean] regime.” The Korean Central News Agencyresponded with a statement saying: "This is an intolerable mockery of the social system and the people of the DPRK and a serious human rights abuse that politicizes sports and discriminates against the Koreans." The resort opened the same year, featuring a 30-year-old Austrian-made gondola lift, retired from Ischgl, that China supplied to North Korea. China's interpretation of the international sanctions excludes ski resorts from the banned "luxury" category.
- In 2013, it was announced that Wŏnsan would be converted into a summer destination with resorts and entertainment. Having spent his childhood years there, Kim Jong Un has expressed significant interest in further developing the region, with the construction of new infrastructure such as Kalma Airport, a dual-use civilian international airport and military proving ground. A state corporation, the Wonson Zone Development Corporation has been established with feasibility studies for a wide variety of hotels, commercial, and industrial development.
- friendship city - aleppo, syria 
- no japanese wikipedia version
-  北韓領袖金正恩表明重點發展經濟,早前更視察元山旅遊區的建設工地。南韓《東亞日報》周二報道,北韓勞動黨副委員長金英哲早前訪問美國華盛頓時,要求美方投資並協助北韓開發賭場。; 《東亞日報》在頭版以「金正恩要求美國投資元山賭場」為標題報道,韓美外交消息人士透露,金英哲在白宮會談中,具體提到建造元山賭場、增設馬息嶺滑雪場等事項。「元山葛麻海岸觀光地區」是金正恩在一月新年賀詞中公布的計畫,是重點事業之一。

銀波郡Ŭnp'a County 植民地期以前は、おもに黄海道鳳山郡の一部であった。
- 北韓「最大糧倉」黃海北道銀波郡上月先後暴雨及颱風侵襲,領袖金正恩一個月內第二次到銀波郡大青里視察。

The Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) is the founding and ruling political party of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), and the largest party represented in the Supreme People's Assembly. The WPK is the sole governing party of North Korea, although it coexists de jure with two other legal parties making up the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland. It was founded in 1949 with the merger of the Workers' Party of North Korea and the Workers' Party of South Korea. The WPK also controls the world's 5th largest armed force – Korean People's Army. This political party (and all of the other parties in the DPRK) remains illegal in South Korea (officially the Republic of Korea) under South Korea's own National Security Act and is sanctioned by Australia, the European Union, the United Nations and the United States.The Party's emblem is an adaptation of the communist hammer and sickle, with a traditional Korean calligraphy brush. Each symbol is to represent industrial workers (hammer), peasants (sickle), and intellectuals (ink brush).
-  朝鮮民主主義人民共和国社会主義憲法第11条には「朝鮮民主主義人民共和国は、朝鮮労働党の指導の下にすべての活動を行う」と規定されており、朝鮮労働党は国家行政機構より上位にあって、事実上の一党独裁制を堅持している。朝鮮労働党の指導性を認めている衛星政党として、朝鮮社会民主党天道教青友党がある。
Rodong Sinmun (Korean: 로동신문, IPA: [ɾo.doŋ ɕin.mun], Workers' Newspaper) is a North Korean newspaper that is the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. It was first published on November 1, 1945, as Chǒngro (Chosŏn'gŭl정로; Hancha正路; "right path"), serving as a communication channel for the North Korea Bureau of the Communist Party of Korea. It was renamed in September 1946 to its current name upon the steady development of the Workers' Party of Korea. Quoted frequently by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) and international media, it is regarded as a source of official North Korean viewpoints on many issues. The English-language version of Rodong Sinmun was launched in January 2012.労働新聞(ろうどうしんぶん、로동신문 ロドン・シンムン)は、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(北朝鮮)指導政党である朝鮮労働党中央委員会機関紙で、同国を代表する朝鮮語の日刊紙である。発行部数は100万部以上。平壌市中区域に事務所を置く労働新聞社로동신문사)が発行。なお、韓国では頭音法則により「동신문」と書き、「ドンシンムン」と発音する。
- japan
  •  日本の最大野党であった日本社会党(現在の社会民主党)とは、長年に渡り友好政党として親しい関係を保っており、党首を含む多くの日本社会党議員が北朝鮮を訪問し親交を温めていた。また、日本の教員学校職員による労働組合の連合体である日教組は、支持政党の日本社会党が朝鮮労働党との関係を強化した1970年代から北朝鮮との連帯を強調した時期があり、訪朝団の派遣や北朝鮮の指導者に対する賛美を行った。

朝鮮民航  Air Koryo (Chosŏn'gŭl고려항공MRKoryŏ Hanggong; formerly 조선민항Chosŏn Minhang) is the state-owned national flag carrier airline of North Korea, headquartered in Sunan-guyŏkPyongyang. Based at Pyongyang Sunan International Airport (IATA: FNJ), it operates international scheduled and charter services to points in Asia.高麗航空成立前的名義為SOKAO(蘇聯朝鮮航空公司)。1955年9月21日,朝鮮民主主義人民共和國政府成立朝鮮民航(韓語:조선민항,Chosŏn Minhang),全部使用俄羅斯前蘇聯製造的民航客機營運,初期只有螺旋槳飛機,1975年引進了第一架圖-154-B型噴氣客機。1992年3月28日,根據朝鮮政府決定,朝鮮民航更名為“高麗航空”。1996年,高麗航空加入了國際航空運輸協會(IATA),IATA兩位編碼為JS,ICAO三位編碼為KOR。2004年,主要營運往返平壤中華人民共和國北京瀋陽俄羅斯海參崴的三條定期航線,並於2012年初增加了飛往中華人民共和國哈爾濱的國際航線;此外,在2012年夏季會增添到俄羅斯伯力的定期飛航。另外,不定期開設旅遊包機往返於泰國曼谷日本朝鮮僑民聚居的名古屋新潟等地。朝鮮的國內航線由其獨家經營。北京瀋陽海參威伯力柏林等地設有售票辦事處,另外在澳門臺北新加坡東京科威特等地設有售票代理。

柳京商业银行(Pyugyong Commercial Bank)

  • 柳京商业银行在朝鲜之外并不知名。据约翰·霍普金斯大学美韩研究院高级研究员梅尔文(Curtis Melvin)表示,柳京商业银行属于一个大的集团,该集团还包括柳京泡菜厂、柳京家用产品厂、柳京电子设备厂以及平壤的一个健身疗养中心。
- 藍天聯合公司
  • 北韓傳媒上周六公布最新款國產智能手機「藍天」,稱手機處理速度快,更支援超高速3D人臉辨識及指紋解鎖等功能;暫未知相關手機的確實推出日期。手機由北韓電子工業省藍天聯合公司生產,核心處理器採用台灣聯發科技公司的零件。

Kim Il-sung University, founded on 1 October 1946, is the first university built in North Korea.[2] It is located on a 15-hectare campus in Pyongyang, the nation's capital. Along with the main academic buildings, the campus contains 10 separate offices, 50 laboratories, libraries, museums, a printing press, an R&D centre, dormitories and a hospital.[3] There is a sizeable computer lab, but it has only limited internet access.[4] The university is named in honour of Kim Il-sung,[2] the founder and first leader of North Korea.

  • 北韓權威學府金日成綜合大學是當地精英階層人士的母校,日媒上周六報道,該校二○一七年開設日語和日本文學專修課程。由於當時美朝關係非常緊張,分析認為校方開設培育日本研究人員的課程,或針對未來的朝日外交。
  • alumni

- banks

  • Brussels based inter-bank messaging system SWIFT said it had cut off North Korean banks under U.N. sanctions, after Belgium said it would no longer give authorization for such transactions.
- remittance
  • economist 23feb19 "going for broker" the secret channels for funnelling money into north korea
- agriculture

  • the revolutionary farming policy was derived and further developed from the juche agricultural method, beginning with the leader's 2002 new year's address. Promoting intense concentration on scientific farming methods, the revolutionary farming policy aims to resolve seven key issues: scientific administration for farming by realistically positioning crops; dissemination of double cropping by promoting revolutionary potato farming; seed revolution; use of organic and microbial fertilizers; consistent promotion of land organisation; raising the quality of repair works; and mechanisation of the farming industry
  • seed improvement
  • in 2004, it was indicated that numerous research institutes were concentrating on several seed improvement projects, including the development of a new type of rice suitable for double cropping, a new variety of corn, the development of locations where specific bean species could maximise their yield, the broader integration of smaller apple tree species and the development of a new breed of goat. 

  •  double cropping
  • practice of harvesting crops twice within a single year - was a method that was first encouraged as part of the juche agricultural method.  The party began to promote this method in the late 90s, which was further emphasised through the revolutionary farming policy, and as one of the four agricultural policies.  Initially, the focus for double cropping was to farm rice and corn, staples of the north korean people.  However, this rapidly decreased the rate of production and efficiency as it led to soil infertility.  Responding to the change in land quality, the revolutionary farming policy shifted its focus to encourage the farming of other crops

- fish farming

  • in 1961, soon after the country's incorporation of socialism, the government presented the 7year plan which included fish farming

Trade and investment environment
- foreign trade

  • 報道引述由聯合國獨立監察員撰寫的二百一十三頁報告指,北韓向俄羅斯、中國、南韓、馬來西亞及越南非法出口煤炭,主要靠把來源地由北韓改成中俄等國,偽造文件避過制裁。調查發現北韓與敍利亞及緬甸在彈道導彈方面的持續合作。聯合國暫未回應有關報道;緬甸駐聯合國代表吳浩都雙則表示緬甸政府與北韓並無軍售關係。
  • hkej monthly jul18 issue
- 第十屆東北亞合作高層論壇周五在中國長春開幕,北韓對外經濟相金英才發言時透露,北韓已經建立二十多個經濟開發區,包括羅先經濟貿易特區、元山-金剛山國際旅遊區及新義州國際經濟區,希望東北亞以至世界各國,積極參與北韓的經濟開發計劃。 automobile

  • hkej 4may18 shum article
- financial
  • ft 1jun2020 kim demand cash from n korea elite

- gambling


- sites

- 金日成
  • 南韓媒體引述消息人士指,北韓已故領袖金日成的第二任夫人金聖愛已去世,但平壤當局未公布其死亡時間及死因。金聖愛出生於一九二四年,與金日成結婚後育有二男一女,曾出任朝鮮民主女性同盟委員長、最高人民會議代議員、勞動黨中央委員會委員等要職。在一九七○年代,她為了讓兒子金平日成為領袖接班人,而與金正日展開權鬥


  • 北韓領導人金正恩胞妹、勞動黨中央委員會副部長金與正(圖左)多次被傳已出嫁,但夫婿身份一直保持神秘。昨日有消息人士透露,「駙馬爺」原來是一位出身普通家庭的大學教授。28歲的金與正去年曾被拍到無名指戴上婚戒,更傳她已產子。該消息人士透露,她的丈夫是一位從事科研的大學教授,並非革命元老的後代,又指金與正現時已進入北韓的權力核心,除了是黨中央委員會副部長外,也是組織指導部和宣傳鼓勵部的核心人物,儼如國家的「第二把交椅」。金與正是已故領袖金正日的四女,行事非常低調,過去有傳她與勞動黨中央委員會書記崔龍海次子崔成結婚。分析指「真駙馬」背景普通,是為防「外戚」坐大。金正恩夫人李雪主也只是生於教育工作者家庭,但消息指兩姑嫂仍有為安插親戚而不和。
  • 北韓今日舉行勞動黨第七次全國代表大會,南韓傳媒周四報道指,領袖金正恩的妹妹金與正,或會被提拔至黨內的部長級職位。現年廿九歲的金與正,目前在勞動黨中央委員會負責黨的宣傳活動,官拜副部長。韓聯社引述熟悉北韓事務的大學教授指,由於金與正過去三年協助兄長執政,累積了大量經驗,因此極有可能由現時的副部長職位,獲提拔至部長。
  • 北韓勞動黨上周六舉行第七屆中央委員會第二次全體會議,領袖金正恩胞妹金與正晉升為中央政治局候補委員。有分析認為,金與正已取代姑母金敬姬的家族核心地位,亦代表金正恩並未視女性會威脅或挑戰他的領導。
  • family tree
- kim han-sol

  • Kim Han-sol (Korean김한솔, born 16 June 1995) is the eldest son of Kim Jong-nam and a grandson of the former North Korean ruler, Kim Jong-il. His father was the unofficial heir-apparent until 2001, when he fell out of favor with the regime following a failed attempt to secretly visit Japan's Disneyland in May 2001. Kim Han-sol's uncle, Kim Jong-un, was named the heir apparent in September 2010, and succeeded Kim Jong-il upon the latter's death in December 2011.Kim Han-sol first came to public attention in 2011 when he was accepted by Li Po Chun United World College, a member of the UWC movement, to study in Hong Kong. Later, he was denied a student visa by the Hong Kong government.[7] In late 2011, due to an admissions announcement by the United World Colleges' (UWC) United World College in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina campus, it was discovered by the South Korean media that one of the newly admitted students to the college was Kim Han-sol, about whom very little had been previously known.
  • hkej1mar17 shum article
Kim Yong-nam (Hangul김영남Hanja金永南; born 4 February 1928)[1] is the President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea, a position he has held since 1998. Previously, he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1983 to 1998.[3] He was elected a member of the Presidium of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in 2010.He was born in the Central District, Heijo (now called Pyongyang), on February 4, 1928. After graduating from a university, he worked as a teacher at the Central Party School, vice-department director of the WPK Central Committee, vice-minister of foreign affairs, and first vice-department director, department director and secretary of the WPK Central Committee, vice-premier of the administration council and concurrently Minister of Foreign Affairs.[4] His elevation to Minister of Foreign Affairs is believed to have occurred as part of a reorganization of the diplomatic bureaucracy after the Rangoon bombing日本統治時代平壌で生まれる。朝鮮民主主義人民共和国建国後、金日成総合大学を卒業し、モスクワ大学にも留学した。朝鮮労働党入党後、長らく外交畑を担当し、幹部へと出世していく。1970年11月、党中央委員に選出され、1972年2月に党中央委員会国際部副部長、外務次官に就任。同年、最高人民会議代議員に選出される。1975年、党国際担当書記に任命され、1978年8月に党政治局員に選出。1980年10月の第6回党大会で党政治局員・書記に再選される。1983年12月28日、政務院副総理兼外交部長に就任。1998年に退任するまで約15年間在職し、金日成金正日父子の外交政策を支える。1989年9月には祖国平和統一委員会副委員長を兼任。1994年7月8日に金日成が死去。金日成の演説草案の多くを作成し、金日成から信頼されていた金永南は、同月に開催された金日成追悼大会において追悼演説を行った。1998年9月5日、最高人民会議第10期第1回会議において憲法が改正され、金日成の死後空位となっていた国家主席は廃止となり、代わって最高人民会議常任委員会委員長が国家元首格として再設置された[1]。金永南は最高会議常任委員長に選出されて対外的に国家元首の役割を果たすこととなった。しかし、金永南はこの最高人民会議の席上、金正日が務める国防委員長を「国家の最高職責」と宣言したため、金正日が事実上の国家元首となり、金永南は国家のナンバー2となった。2009年4月9日の最高人民会議第12期第1回会議で憲法が改正され、国防委員長が「国家の最高指導者」として規定された。これにより金正日が名実ともに国家元首となった。しかし、北京オリンピックの開会式上海万博開幕式などの国際行事には金永南が国家元首格として北朝鮮を代表して出席していた。

  • 近二十年來,金永南成為朝鮮對 外交往的一個標誌。不結盟國家召開 首腦會議,多由金永南代表參加,因 為根據憲法,他是朝鮮名譽國家元首 。未建交國家,如美國、日本高層人 士訪問朝鮮,多由金永南首先會見, 既保持外交禮儀,也發揮他擅長外交 的長處。金永南先後出席了北京奧運 會、索契冬奧會開幕式。 更引人關注的是,去年年初,韓 國平昌冬奧會開幕,金永南率領朝鮮 代表團出席開幕式,在韓國停留三天 ,還會見了韓國總統文在寅。
- 金平日Kim Pyong-il (Korean pronunciation: [kim.pʰjɔŋ.il]; born 10 August 1954) is the younger paternal half-brother of the former leader of North KoreaKim Jong-il, and the only surviving son of former leader and president of North Korea Kim Il-sung.[1] He is the current ambassador of North Korea to the Czech Republic.金 平一キム・ピョンイル、 1954年8月10日 - )は、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の駐チェコ大使金日成金聖愛の息子で、金正日の異母弟。金英一は同母弟、金慶真は同母姉。名前の表記については「金平日」と書かれたこともある[1]Kim was born to Kim Il-sung and Kim Song-ae, Kim Il-sung's former secretary. Kim had one younger brother, Yong-il,[2] and one older half-sister, Kyong-hui, who would go on to marry senior official Chang Sung-taek.[3] He was named after another son with the same name, who was born in Vyatskoye in 1944; that son, also known as Shura Kim, allegedly drowned in Pyongyang in 1947.[4] He graduated from Kim Il-sung University with a major in economics, and later attended the Kim Il-sung National War College, following which he was appointed a battalion commander.
  • 韓國家情報院指,北韓前領袖金正日同父異母的弟弟、北韓駐捷克大使金平日,及金平日姐夫、北韓駐奧地利大使金光燮將被召回北韓。這是他們駐外卅多年來首次正式召回。北韓駐外大使的任期一般為三至四年,但金平日和金光燮從上世紀八十年代開始,一直派駐海外。金平日是北韓開國領袖金日成與第二任夫人金聖愛所生的長子,生於一九五四年,比兄長金正日小十二歲。一九七四年金正日確定為接班人後,金平日一家變得低調。金平日於八八年成為北韓駐匈牙利大使,此後擔任過駐保加利亞、芬蘭、波蘭大使,一五年任駐捷克大使。金平日外貌酷似其父。

Yang Hyong-sop (born 1 October 1925)[1] is a North Korean politician. He was Chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly from 1983[2] to 1998 (following 1994 it was formally the highest position in the state). He has subsequently served as Vice President of the Presidium of the SPA.杨亨燮(朝文:양형섭):1925年1月,出生于咸镜南道咸兴市。Born at Hamhung in 1925, Yang attended Moscow State University and Kim Il-sung University, and is married to Kim Shin-sook, a cousin of Kim Il sung.[3] According to the official biography released by the Korean Central News Agency, he joined the Korean People's Army in June 1950 (approximately when the Korean War started); after graduating from Kim Il-sung University, he served as section chief and then secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Director of the Central Party School, Minister of Higher Education, and President of the Academy of Social Sciences. He was elected Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly in 1983, after having been a vice-chairman since 1962; in this capacity, he assumed the functions of de facto head of state after Kim Il-sung's death in 1994, as the post of President of the DPRK was never reassigned; however, actual power was held by Kim Jong-il. In 1998 a new Constitution passed the President's powers to the President of the Presidium; in the same year, Yang was replaced by Kim Yong-nam in that capacity, but continued to serve as vice-president again. He is also a member of the Politburo of the Workers' Party. On 6 January 2007, at a mass rally in Pyongyang, he gave a speech praising the North Korean government for building nuclear weapons.

  •  他曾多次訪 華,會見中國領導人。二○○八年, 習近平作為國家副主席訪問朝鮮時, 也曾會見過他。

Ri Yong-ho (Korean: 리용호; Korean pronunciation: [ɾi.joŋ.ɦo]; born 1956) is a North Korean politician and diplomat who has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Korea since 2016. Ri is known as a skillful negotiator with experience in negotiating with the United States on the North Korean nuclear program. In particular, he has headed North Korea's negotiators at the six-party talks. His diplomatic career spans more than 30 years, including posts in various embassies. Ri was ambassador to the United Kingdom between 2003 and 2007. Ri is a full member of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and its Politburo, and a deputy to the 13th Supreme People's Assembly.Ri was born in 1956;[3] his father is Ri Myong-je, a close aide of the Kim dynasty and a former editor of the Korean Central News Agency. Ri graduated from the elite Namsan High School in Pyongyang in 1973. He majored in English at the Pyongyang Foreign Language University.
  • Ri is a career diplomat,[6] with more than 30 years of service in foreign affairs.[7] Proficient in English,[8] he is described as "a skilled negotiator".[7] Ri has particularly extensive experience in negotiating with the U.S. on the issue of the North Korean nuclear program. Ri entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1978. In 1979, he became a secretary at the North Korean embassy in Zimbabwe for four years. Between 1985 and 1988 he served as a secretary at the North Korean embassy to Sweden.
  • 李 容浩 in japanese, 李勇浩 in chinese
  • hkej 14jun18 shum article
朱奎昌(チュ・ギュチャン、주규창1928年11月25日 - 2018年9月3日)は、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(北朝鮮)の政治家。元朝鮮労働党中央委員会政治局員候補[1]、元同党中央軍事委員会委員、元同党機械工業部長、元国防委員会委員。朝鮮人民軍における軍事称号階級)は上将Ju Kyu-chang (25 November 1928 – 3 September 2018) was a North Korean politician, who served as the director of the Workers' Party of Korea's (WPK) Machine-Building Industry Department. Ju was reportedly the head of North Korea's nuclear and missile programs. 

- cho myong hui (literature)

  • Link with soviet russia, vladivostok 

- choe yong gon

  • South Korea's government says it is monitoring reports that North Korea's vice-premier Choe Yong-gon was killed in May on the orders of Kim Jong-un. Mr Choe was executed after he "expressed discomfort against the young leader's forestation policy", South Korea's Yonhap news agency reports. Close to 70 officials have been killed under Kim Jong-un's rule, Yonhap says. The BBC has not been able to verify the claims. North Korea rarely confirms the South's reports of executions. Mr Choe was last seen publicly in December, South Korea's unification ministry said. The ministry said it was "closely monitoring the possibility of any changes in Choe's circumstances". Few details about the execution were given by Yonhap, which is often first to report news from North Korea. Choe Yong-gon was deputy minister of construction and building material industries, and had represented North Korea in trade talks in Seoul in the mid-2000s. He was appointed as one of seven vice-premiers in June last year, and his promotion was seen by one analyst as a sign Pyongyang was keen to maintain close ties with the South.

- 崔龍海
  • 北韓第一代革命元老、人民軍元帥李乙雪上周末病逝,享年94歲,北韓「第二號人物」崔龍海意外地不在治喪名單內,南韓政府形容事件罕見,專家估計崔龍海或涉重大貪腐醜聞,不排除崔龍海已被整肅,被免去主要職務。北韓前日公佈170人治喪委員會名單,勞動黨中央書記崔龍海、宣傳部第一副部長李載俏,以及軍事部長吳日正都不在名單內。金正恩前天率一眾高幹弔唁李乙雪,崔龍海亦沒有現身。南韓政府表示不排除各種可能。南韓世宗研究所統一戰略研究室主任鄭成長估計,崔龍海處境不妙,或捲入重大貪腐醜聞或誹謗:「除非他已被免去主要職務,否則不可能發生這種情況。」李載俏及吳日正失勢的機會亦很大。65歲的崔龍海是金正恩重要親信之一。2013年,他以金正恩特使身份出訪中國拜會國家主席習近平,並轉交金正恩的親筆信。今年9月,他再以北韓代表身份出訪中國,出席中國抗日戰爭勝利70周年閱兵儀式。上月31日,北韓國營傳媒最後一次報道有關崔龍海的消息,當時他談及勞動黨明年舉行黨代表大會。
- 金養建
  • North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's “most trustworthy” aide who oversaw ties with the South has died in a traffic accident, Pyongyang’s state media said Wednesday, a loss seen as a blow to efforts at reconciliation between the two rivals. Kim has earned a reputation for ruthlessness after eliminating previous high-ranking officials including his uncle but the announcement of a state funeral for Kim Yang-gon appears to indicate his death was not part of a fresh purge. Kim Yang-gon, who was a secretary of the ruling Workers' Party, “died in a traffic accident at 6:15 am Tuesday at age 73,” the Korean Central News Agency said, without giving further details of the incident. He served three generations of the Kim dynasty which has ruled the North for more than six decades with an iron fist and no tolerance for dissent. A career diplomat, Kim Yang-gon played a leading role in realising the 2007 summit between Kim Jong-il and South Korean president Roh Moo-hyun and was the only North Korean official present at their meeting in Pyongyang. After the sudden death of Kim Jong-il in 2011, Kim Yang-gon was known as a key confidante to his son, the young leader Kim Jong-un, advising him on inter-Korean and international relations.
  • 金養建是北韓三朝元老,經歷已故領袖金日成、金正日時代,金正恩上台後更是扶搖直上,被視為其外交智囊。其夫人與金正恩生母高英姬交情深厚,金正恩從小稱呼她為姨母,金養建夫婦被指協助高英姬將金正恩推上台。
Kim Hyon-hui (Korean: 김현희, born January 27, 1962), also known as Ok Hwa, is a former North Korean agent, responsible for the Korean Air Flight 858 bombing in 1987, which killed 115 people.[1][2] She was arrested in Bahrain following the bombing and extradited to South Korea. There she was sentenced to death but later pardoned. North Korea denies that Kim was born in the North, and regards her entire biography to be a fabrication of the South. Some districts in Japan fund North Korean-run schools which teach that Kim was a South Korean agent.[3] According to Kim's testimony, she was taught Japanese in connection to her mission by Yaeko Taguchi, one of at least 13 Japanese abducted by North Korea. In recent years, Kim has publicly expressed regret about the bombing and she has provided information about the state of affairs in North Korea as well as the possible state of abductees.Kim was born in Kaesong, North Korea on January 27, 1962 but family settled in the country's capital, Pyongyang. Her father was a career diplomat and as a result, the family lived in Cuba for some time. Kim excelled as a student and in after-school activities. She was originally trained as an actress, and starred in North Korea's first Technicolor film. In 1972, Kim was selected to present flowers to the senior South Korean delegate at the North-South talks in Pyongyang. After graduating from high school, she initially enrolled at Kim II Sung University, before transferring to the Pyongyang Foreign Language College, where she studied Japanese. However, she had barely begun her studies when she was recruited for work, because she was pretty, she believed. 金 賢姫(キム・ヒョンヒ、韓国語김현희ラテン文字転写Kim Hyon-hui1962年1月27日 - )は、大韓航空機爆破事件1987年)を実行した北朝鮮の元工作員。元死刑囚(後に特赦)。本貫慶州金氏
父 ― 金 元錫(キム・ウォンソク、김원석)。元・外交官で、金賢姫の供述によればアンゴラに駐在していたとのことであるが、アンゴラ政府は該当する人物はいないと述べている。
母 ― 林 明植(イム・ミョンシク、림명식)。開城出身(朝鮮戦争前は韓国領)のため隠していた。
妹 ― 金 賢玉(キム・ヒョノク、김현옥)。結婚していたが、夫は心臓麻痺で死亡。
弟 ― 金 賢洙(キム・ヒョンス、김현수)。
弟 ― 金 範洙(キム・ポムス、김범수)。皮膚がんにより15歳で死亡している。

  • hkej 6sep17 shum article
- defactor

  • 太永浩[2](韓語:태영호Thae Yong-Ho,1962年7月25日),逃亡到南韓後更名為太救民(태구민)。大韓民國第21代國會議員,前朝鮮民主主義人民共和國駐英國大使館公使。他與其家人在2016年7月脫北流亡韓國,是繼張承吉後另一位投奔韓國的高級外交官1962年7月25日,太永浩出生於平壤的平民家庭,因中學時期成績不錯,碰巧金日成當時要派遣菁英階層青少年到國外學外語,課業優異的太永浩幸運被挑上,跟着幹部階級子女到中國留學,學習英語和漢語[3][4]。太永浩中學在北京外國語大學附屬中學就讀,大學時回到國際關係大學(北韓平壤),1974年9月1日,入讀平壤外國語學院英語系。畢業後委派到外務省工作,獲選為丹麥語1號培養翻譯(金正日專屬翻譯候補)[4],因應安排到丹麥留學。其後又來到北京外國語大學英語系,1988年畢業。前後總共有八年的時間在北京生活。[5]1993年開始在大使館擔任秘書[4]。大使館撤銷後派到瑞典一段時間。不久後,他應召回國出任外務省歐洲事務課長[4]。因此,他被視為朝鮮最優秀的對歐外交官[4]2012年,太永浩奉派到朝鮮駐英大使館當公使,負責對英宣傳朝鮮、監視在倫敦脫北者,以及在英國記者們到訪平壤採訪時的聯繫負責人

The Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Chosongul: 조선민주주의인민공화국 사회주의헌법) is the constitution of North Korea. It was approved by the 6th Supreme People's Assembly at its first session on 27 December 1972, and has been amended and supplemented in 1998, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2019. It replaced the country's first constitution which was approved in 1948. The constitution consists of seven chapters and 171 articles and codifies North Korea's basic principles on politics, economy, culture and national defense, the basic rights and duties of the country's citizens, the organization of the North Korean government and the country's national symbols. North Korea is also governed by the Ten Principles for the Establishment of a Monolithic Ideological System, which some claim have come to supersede the constitution and in practice serve as the supreme law of the country.
- 北韓於今年四月舉行第十四屆最高人民會議第一次會議修改憲法,規定國務委員會委員長「代表國家」,把出任國務委員長、領袖金正恩的法律地位定為國家元首。北韓國務委員會委員長最高領導者,與最高人民會議常任委員會委員長皆是「代表國家」,惟最高人民會議常任委員會委員長的職權限於受理國書等象徵性的外交事務。
Songun is the "military first" policy of North Korea, prioritizing the Korean People's Army in the affairs of state and allocation of resources. "Military first" as a principle guides political and economic life in North Korea, with "military-first politics" dominating the political system; "a line of military-first economic construction" acting as an economic system; and "military-first ideology" serving as the guiding ideology. Songun elevates the Korean People's Army within North Korea as an organization and as a state function, granting it the primary position in the North Korean government and society. It guides domestic policy and international interactions.[1] It is the framework for the government, designating the military as the "supreme repository of power". The North Korean government grants the  Korean People's Army the highest economic and resource-allocation priority and positions it as the model for society to emulate.[2] Songun is also the ideological concept behind a shift in policies since 1994 which emphasize the people's military over all other aspects of state and society.先軍政治(せんぐんせいじ、朝鮮語선군정치 ソングンチョンチ)とは、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(北朝鮮)の公式イデオロギーで、すべてにおいて軍事を優先し、朝鮮人民軍社会主義建設の主力とみなす政治思想である。先軍思想とも呼ばれる。2009年憲法改正によってチュチェ(主体)思想とともに指導思想として憲法に明記されるようになった。
- hkej 31may18 shum article 
- North Korea’s parliament has approved changes to the country’s constitution to solidify leader Kim Jong Un’s role as head of state, official state media said on Thursday. The move comes after Kim was formally named head of state and commander-in-chief of the military in a new constitution in July that analysts said was possibly aimed at preparing for a peace treaty with the United States. North Korea has long called for a peace deal with the United States to normalize relations and end the technical state of war that has existed since the 1950-1953 Korean War, which concluded with an armistice rather than a peace treaty. Kim’s legal status as “representing our state has been further consolidated to firmly ensure the monolithic guidance of 
the Supreme Leader over all state affairs, ” state news agency KCNA quoted Choe Ryong Hae, president of the presidium of the supreme people’s assembly, as saying.  The presidium president had historically been the nominal head of state. But the new constitution said Kim, as chairman of the State Affairs Commission (SAC), a top governing body created in 2016, was the supreme representative of all the Korean people, as well as “commander-in-chief”.

Juche (/ˈ/; Korean주체lit. 'subject'; Korean pronunciation: [tɕutɕʰe]; usually left untranslated[1] or translated as "self-reliance") is the official state ideology of North Korea, described by the government as Kim Il-sung's original, brilliant and revolutionary contribution to national and international thought.[3] It postulates that "man is the master of his destiny",[4]that the North Korean masses are to act as the "masters of the revolution and construction" and that by becoming self-reliant and strong a nation can achieve true socialismJuche comes from a Sino-Japanese word 主體 whose Japanese reading is shutai. The word was coined in 1887 to translate the concept of Subjekt in German philosophy (subject, meaning "the entity perceiving or acting upon an object or environment") into Japanese. The word migrated to the Korean language at around the turn of the century and retained this meaning. Shutai went on to appear in Japanese translations of Karl Marx's writings.[8] North Korean editions of Marx used the word Juche even before the word was attributed to Kim Il-sung in its supposedly novel meaning in 1955. In today's political discourse on North Korea, Juche has a connotation of "self-reliance", "autonomy" and "independence". It is often defined in opposition to the Korean concept of Sadae, or reliance on the great powers. South Koreans use the word without reference to the North Korean ideology.
- economist 20may2020 "running out of juche" a standoffish regime discovers the limits of self-reliance

Workers overseas
- 英國一個人權組織早前發表調查報告,指現時有約五萬名北韓勞工,經北韓政府贊助的工作計劃到海外工作。報告指,這些勞工需在惡劣的環境下工作,而且他們大部分薪酬都扣起,被北韓政府用於購買奢侈品和生產武器等。英國人權組織「歐洲北韓人權協會」(EAHRNK)的報告指出,這些北韓勞工當中,約一千八百人在卡塔爾,為二○二二年舉行的世界盃賽事作準備;另外有約一千人,前往歐洲國家馬耳他和波蘭工作。由於馬耳他和波蘭均為歐盟的工會僱員法簽署國,EAHRNK要求當局就此調查。

- The North Korean diplomat who has reportedly defected from Pyongyang’s embassy in Rome is from a prestigious diplomatic family and would have vital information on the inner-workings of Kim Jong-un's regime.  Jo Song-gil, the North's acting ambassador to Rome, went into hiding with his wife in November and is reportedly seeking asylum.

  • note that the surname is translated as 曹 or 赵 in chinese newspapers

Startup North Korea has held its first start-up fair in a university auditorium where students pitched business plans with slick PowerPoint presentations. That was about the only thing it had in common with such events in other countries, where youthful entrepreneurs hope to secure investment and publicity en route to creating the next Uber or Airbnb.

The International Friendship Exhibition is a large museum complex located at MyohyangsanNorth Pyongan ProvinceNorth Korea. It is a collection of halls that house gifts presented to former leaders Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il from various foreign dignitaries. The protocol of gift-giving is well established in Korean culture.国際親善展覧館とは、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(北朝鮮)平安北道香山郡妙香山にある朝鮮様式の展示館である。1978年8月に開館したもので、館内には世界各国から北朝鮮の金日成主席に対し贈答された品物が展示されている。北朝鮮は「朝鮮人民と世界平和愛好人民の親善・団結を象徴し、金日成主席に寄せる世界各国人民の敬意の念を集大成」した施設であるとしている。



- 三十一歲脫北者姜志閔(Kang Jimin,音譯)表示:「北韓不會慶祝聖誕節,我過往也不知道有聖誕節。聖誕節是紀念耶穌出生,但北韓是一個共產國家,所以民眾並不知道耶穌及上帝,金氏家族才是真正的上帝。」平安夜在北韓是紀念領袖金正恩祖母、「國母」金正淑出生的節日,民眾會於當日前往東北部的會寧市「朝聖」,並大肆吃喝慶祝。

- The 6th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) was held in the February 8 House of Culture in Pyongyang, North Korea, from 10–14 October 1980. At this congress, Kim Il-sung designated his son Kim Jong-il as his successor. The move was criticized by the South Korean media and ruling communist parties of the socialist states in Eastern Europe and Asia because it was considered nepotist. The congress also saw the WPK and North Korea move away from orthodox communism by emphasizing the Juche idea over Marxism–Leninism, giving the party a nationalistic bent. 
  • At the congress, Kim Il-sung stressed the importance of "achieving the goal of the unification of the fatherland which has been the greatest and long-cherised desire of the whole people is the most important revolutionary task facing the Party".[20] He warned his audience that if Korea remained divided, it might never be unified again because of relations among the big powers.[20]Kim Il-sung called for the establishment of the "Democratic Confederal Republic of Korea" (DCRK), a national government of North and South Korea.[21] The DCRK would be ruled by a Supreme Confederal National Congress (SCNC), with an equal number of representatives from North and South Korea. The SCNC representatives would elect a Presidium, which would rule on its behalf.[21] Under this system, South Korea would remain capitalist and North Korea socialist.[22] However, the WPK leadership named three conditions for North Korea to join the DCRK: (1) Social democratization of South Korea, the ouster of its current ruling class, repeal of the Anti-Communist and National Security Laws and replacement of its military regime by a democratic one representing the will of the people; (2) Reducing tensions with the establishment of a truce and a peace agreement; (3) Reducing American interference in the region, holding open the possibility of improved relations with the United States if it supported Korean reunification.
  • hkej 20nov17 shum article
The North Korean famine (Korean조선기근), which together with the accompanying general economic crisis are known as the Arduous March or The March of Suffering[5] (고난의 행군) in North Korea, occurred in North Korea from 1994 to 1998.The famine stemmed from a variety of factors. Economic mismanagement and the loss of Soviet support caused food production and imports to decline rapidly. A series of floods and droughts exacerbated the crisis. The North Korean government and its centrally planned system proved too inflexible to effectively curtail the disaster.

united nations
- 聯合國安全理事會周五(22日)在十五個理事國一致贊成下,繼九月後再度通過由美國起草的新一輪制裁北韓方案,今年內第三度進一步限制國際對朝石油輸出量,堵塞其導彈和核武器發展計劃及扼緊其經濟命脈。方案亦下令成員國遣返在海外工作的北韓勞工,翌日立即有南美洲國家予以配合。

Vancouver group
A group of 18 countries that "seek to further increase pressure on North Korea to come to the table to negotiate an end to its nuclear program," whose first summit is to be held in Vancouver on 16 January 2018. The Vancouver Group of 18 countries includes :- The United States, The UK, Canada, Australia, Turkey, New Zealand, The Philippines, Thailand, France, Ethiopia, Greece, Colombia, Belgium, South Africa, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

  • 包括美國、加拿大、南韓及日本在內的二十國外長及代表,周二於溫哥華開會,討論有關加強在貿易上制裁北韓的事宜,參與國大部分是韓戰時支持南韓的國家。作為北韓最大貿易夥伴的中國,以及俄羅斯未有獲邀出席。中國外交部發言人陸慷批評,這次外長會議不具備合法性和代表性。

- 備受關注的美朝元首歷史性峰會,兩國被指各自展開前期準備工作。北韓外長李勇浩上周六再次與瑞典外長沃爾斯特倫舉行會談,美國傳媒則指中央情報局(CIA)主導峰會籌備工作,即將升官做國務卿的局長蓬佩奧,據報通過非正式渠道與朝方代表接觸。

  • 北韓領袖金正恩心腹、勞動黨中央委員會副委員長金英哲周四抵達美國首都華盛頓,展開為期三日訪美行程,預料與美方商討籌備第二場「特金會」。他翌日先會見美國國務卿蓬佩奧,之後將前往白宮拜訪總統特朗普,轉交金正恩的親筆信。

- The Sinchon Massacre (Korean신천 양민학살 사건Hanja: 信川良民虐殺事件,Sinchon civilian Massacre) was a mass murder of civilians alleged by North Korean sources to have been committed primarily by South Korean military forces under allowance from the U.S. Military between 17 October and 7 December 1950, in or near the town of Sinchon (currently part of South Hwanghae Province, North Korea.) This took place during the second phase of the Korean War and the retreat of the DPRK government from Hwanghae Province.
- secret diplomatic channel
  • 美国与朝鲜的“口水战”无缓和迹象,但美联社披露,双方尽管不断互相发出口头武力威胁,实际上却一直保持着一条“秘密”的外交对话渠道。虽然美国政府没有明确承认这一点,这条幕后渠道也尚未触及朝核问题等矛盾关键,但仍被认为是美朝双方停止隔空叫嚣、同意对话的一个重要基础。这条渠道被美国官员称为“纽约渠道”,在奥巴马时期,它多年来都是用一时弃一时,特朗普上台后立即正式重启。通过它进行沟通的分别是美国国务院朝鲜政策特别代表尹汝尚(Joseph Yun)和朝鲜驻联合国代表团资深外交官朴成日(音译)。双方定期接触,让华府和平壤得以互相传递信息。
- 北韓駐聯合國代表團被指積欠美國紐約市一千三百張「牛肉乾」,罰款達十五萬六千美元(約一百二十二萬港元),是市內其中一張最大的罰款欠單。北韓外交人員否認指控,稱如累積三張或以上的罰單,當局有權不批准續領停車許可證,禁止他們擁有外交特權;更指若有罰單,他們會立即繳付。
- 南韓傳媒周五報道,海外脫北精英及南韓脫北者團體負責人,打算明年初在美國華盛頓,成立「北韓自由民主流亡政府」,希望借助脫北潮及北韓精英對領袖金正恩反感,推動北韓的民主化運動。據悉,提出成立流亡政府的人士,是一名曾經負責管理金正恩秘密資金的勞動黨三十九號室高官,他去年與家人投奔南韓。
- 英國媒體引述美國法院上周公開的文件報道,美國檢控官已經獲得批准,可以申請「查封令」查封北韓存放在八間銀行的資產,涉及金額達七億美元(約五十四億港元)。不過,消息人士強調這並不代表有關銀行做錯。
- 英國媒體報道,美國財政部日前提出史上最嚴厲對朝制裁方案,制裁名單包括五間香港公司,但美方將方案提交聯合國時,受到中國政府阻延。報道引述外交官員指,這份名單目前被中國擋下,但並未向安理會說明理由,而安理會的北韓制裁委員會需全體無異議,才能通過措施。 tourism

  • 兩間安排北韓觀光團的中國旅行社表示,美國將於本月廿七日(即韓戰結束紀念日),宣布禁止國民赴北韓旅遊,寬限期為三十日,八月底正式生效。有美國官員周五向美聯社透露,國務卿蒂勒森已下令,禁令生效後任何人用美國護照入境北韓,即屬違法。
  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said there will be no sanctions relief for North Korea until it denuclearises. Mr Pompeo was pushing back on a report from North Korean official state media that said President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un had agreed to a “step-by-step” process.
  • 美國政府周四指控北韓非法入口精煉石油產品,大幅超過聯合國制裁規定的每年五十萬桶限額,要求聯合國立即採取行動制止。委員會料會用五天考慮美方要求,但相信中俄會制止。
- 美國總統特朗普和朝鮮領導人金正恩將於下月12日在新加坡會面,韓聯社昨日報道,在美朝官員事前協商中,美方要求朝鮮盡快將部分核武運出國,包括核彈頭、核材料和洲際彈道導彈(ICBM),以換取美方放寬經濟制裁,提早就半島無核化取得具體成果,朝鮮據報正「慎重探討」美方建議。美國國務卿蓬佩奧昨日表示,如果朝鮮同意完全棄核,美國將容許私人企業投資朝鮮,包括協助朝鮮建設電網等基建。
- 南韓傳媒引述專家指,一旦無核化談判達成協議,美國將首先批准北韓加入國際貨幣基金組織(IMF),以降低投資風險及分析經濟資料,是吸引民間投資及獲得經濟援助的第一步。
- 美媒引述來自北韓的消息表示,當地官員近日打破禁忌,容許北部一間國營商店由中國運入一些美國牌子的手提電腦到平城市出售,當中包括惠普(HP)、戴爾(Dell)(圖)和中美合作的聯想等牌子。
- 北韓駐聯合國大使金星周三,在紐約與聯合國主管政治事務副秘書長狄卡洛會面,要求美國歸還本月初充公的北韓貨船「智誠號」,警告若不採取相應行動,將帶來「不堪設想的後果」。北韓外務省同日發聲明,再度批評美國的制裁行動,警告不是只有美國可使用武力。
- china
  • 美國財政部指控,俄羅斯金融社團(Russian Financial Society)在過去兩年為以中國為基地、由北韓外貿銀行持有的丹東中盛工貿有限公司,以及北韓外貿銀行駐莫斯科首席代表韓長洙(Han Jang Su,音譯)開設帳戶。聯合國和美國已對北韓外貿銀行實施制裁,藉此向北韓施壓並切斷其開發武器的資金來源。
  • ft  26jun19 US probe into north korea hits chinese banks (bank of communications, china merchants bank, shanghai pudong development bank)

- North Korean defectors have little hope of finding asylum in Europe due to increasingly strict criteria used to determine claims, according to a report released this week by a U.K.-based advocacy group. The report by the European Alliance for Human Rights in North Korea says the U.K., France, Belgium, and the Netherlands are rejecting most claims for asylum by North Koreans because they view them as South Korean citizens.

The European Union has expanded its sanctions against North Korea this month, imposing more restrictions on alcoholic beverages to include saké and beer in addition to wine and Champagne for the hermit country.

- diplomatic representation

  • BBC World Service is to start broadcasting a daily radio programme into North Korea as part of its biggest global expansion in more than 70 years.
- n koreans in uk

- 美朝二月底在河內舉行峰會前夕,北韓駐西班牙大使館遭神秘人闖入。沉默一個月的北韓政府昨日(3月31日)首度回應,把事件定性為嚴重恐怖襲擊,更表明留意到有指美國聯邦調查局(FBI)及反朝團體涉案。

- strengthened relationship
As its economy slides into recession and business opportunities in Europe and the U.S. dry up due tosanctions, Moscow has turned to Pyongyang.The Russian Chamber of Commerce set up a special Council for Cooperation with North Korea this week. The goal is to increase trade between the two to $1 billion a year -- double the current level -- by 2020. As part of the agreement, Moscow will allow North Korean firms to set up accounts in Russian banks. In exchange, it will gain access to North Korea's mineral mines. The two countries agreed to trade exclusively in rubles. Pyongyang also promised to ease up its visa process for Russian businessmen, who might be allowed to use the Internet and mobile phones while on business trips to the secretive state -- a luxury residents and other visitors can only dream of. In another goodwill gesture towards Pyongyang, Russia canceled $10 billion of North Korea's $11 billion Soviet era debt in mid-2014.
To show the world just how chummy the two sides have become, Kim Jong Un is reportedly considering a trip to Russia to attend ceremonies marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.
- Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, arrived in Pyongyang on Thursday on a mission to get Moscow back into the diplomatic fray surrounding North Korea and, ultimately, boost Russia’s economic and security standing in the region.  Mr Lavrov is paying his first visit to North Korea since April 2009 and was due to hold talks with Ri Yong-ho, his local counterpart, over bilateral relations and ongoing developments on the Korean Peninsula.  Immediately after touching down, Mr Lavrov called for the phased lifting of sanctions on North Korea, suggesting that Pyongyang would not give up its nuclear weapons until the sanctions were scaled back.
- ???? 俄羅斯衛星通訊社 9 日報道,朝 鮮高麗航空公司發言人向該社表示,外國外交人員 已經搭乘該公司專機,當天從平壤抵達俄羅斯符拉 迪沃斯托克。
朝鮮外交使團消息人士此前透露,瑞士、英國、 德國外交官以及此前受邀前往平壤的代表團成員計 劃經過俄符拉迪沃斯托克中轉回國。Hkcd 10mar2020 a5

Álvaro Longoria (Santander, Cantabria, 1968) es un director y productor de cine,12​ y actor español. Fundador de Morena Films, es principalmente conocido por producir películas de la talla de Che, el argentino (2008), dirigida por Steven Soderbergh y con Benicio del Toro como actor principal, Habitación en Roma (2010) y La zona (2007). Igualmente su fama le viene por producir algunos documentales como Comandante de Oliver Stone e Hijos de las Nubes, la última colonia (documental que ilustra el conflicto saharaui), dirigida por el propio Álvaro, ganador del Premio Goya a la mejor película documental en 2013,​ y protagonizada por Javier Bardem. El 30 de octubre de 2015, estrenó en cines su segundo documental como director The Propaganda Game, donde se desvela la realidad social de Corea del Norte y las fuertes restricciones del gobierno de Kim Jong Un. La cinta se presentó en la sección Zabaltegi del Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián,​ entre otros, y ha sido nominada a los Premios Goya 2016.

  • hkej 25jun18 shum article

- 李勇浩與外務省北美事務局副局長現身北京首都國際機場,韓聯社指李勇浩一行人乘搭下午二時二十分的航班前往斯德哥爾摩。瑞典在平壤設有大使館,並代表美國、加拿大及澳洲在北韓的外交利益,因此在北韓與這些國家的外交談判上扮演重要角色。
- 第二次美朝峰會籌備工作如火如荼之際,瑞典外交部證實正籌備美韓朝外交人員會面。與會者包括南韓外交部半島和平交涉本部長李度勛、美國北韓政策特別代表比甘、北韓副外交部長崔善姬,以及一批國際專家,估計日內在馬拉倫湖舉行會議。日本的高級外交官員亦會赴瑞典,向比甘了解新一輪美朝峰會安排。

- A senior North Korean diplomat is set to meet former US and South Korean officials in Finland for discussions about a potential summit between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump. American and South Korea civilian academics will also be present for the meetings, set for Tuesday and Wednesday, which are likely to address the North's denuclearisation pledges. North Korean officials and former US officials and experts have often held such talks, known as "Track-2”. An official at the Finnish foreign ministry told CNN the talks were a "Track-1.5 academic meeting".; Representatives of North Korea, South Korea and the United States are set to meet in Finland for talks on denuclearization, according to South Korean and Finnish officials. The North Korea talks in Finland will include American representatives who are not government officials, said Kimmo Lahdevirta, an official at the Finland foreign ministry. The US does not have a diplomatic presence in North Korea. South Korea's Foreign Ministry told CNN that former officials and private experts from South Korea would be at the "second-tier" talks on denuclearization. The ministry suggested the US would also be represented in some way, without giving details.

the sole official western interlocutor that exist in Pyongyang is the Swiss mission. So the North-Korean diplomats got used to French (and German to a lesser extent). Since 1974, Switzerland has started diplomatic relations with North Korea. Since 2003 it has had a regular political dialogue with Pyongyang. Between 1997 and 1999, Switzerland hosted quadripartite talks in Geneva between the two Koreas, China and the United States. It also hosted, in Geneva, three other important meetings between the United States and North Korea on the normalization of their bilateral relations and the conditions for a resumption of the six-party talks on the denuclearization of North Korea.
The Swiss Ambassador to Beijing is accredited to Pyongyang. North Korea has an embassy in Berne and a permanent mission in Geneva.
Katharina Zellweger is a Research Fellow at Stanford University. She first visited North Korea in 1995, as the country was devastated by floods that contributed to a massive famine. As an employee of Caritas, the global Catholic organisation, she was among the first international aid workers on the ground. In the following years, she has made more than fifty trips and visited almost all of the country's provinces, including the hardest-hit areas usually off-limits to foreigners. In 2006, she was offered a position as country director for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Pyongyang. For the next five years, she lived in the North Korean capital and oversaw a series of projects. Her five-year tenure in Pyongyang coincided with a period in which North Korea gradually began to experiment with elements of economic reform, including private plots for farmers to grow and sell crops on the open market and the introduction of an incentive system to boost production.

- 埃及早前接到美國的情報,指一艘來自北韓的貨船航向蘇彝士運河,懷疑有違反國際制裁的物品,最終在貨船截獲大批火箭等軍火。有美國傳媒周二報道,該批軍火的買家其實是埃及軍方。

- It's not the most obvious international friendship. On one side is the world's largest democracy, with its riotous collection of battling political parties and a freewheeling media with thousands of newspapers, TV stations and websites. On the other is a deeply isolated nation, a country with no political opposition and a media that does not question the long-ruling family. Access to the Internet, except for a handful of government-approved websites, is restricted to a tiny elite. But ties are warming between New Delhi and Pyongyang, with mineral-hungry India looking to boost trade while North Korea, facing sometimes-rocky relations with China, searches for new friends. "We feel that there should not be the usual old hurdles and suspicion," Kiren Rijiju, a top official in India's home ministry told The Hindu newspaper after a recent meeting with North Korea's ambassador. "We have been discussing inside the government ways and means of upgrading bilateral ties."
- India’s foreign minister defended the country’s ties with North Korea and Iran during talks on Wednesday with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson aimed at building robust relations between the two giant democracies.India and North Korea maintain diplomatic offices in each other’s capitals, though New Delhi recently banned trade of most goods with the country, except food and medicine. Trade was minimal, Swaraj said.

- 澳洲外交部長畢曉普披露,北韓上月罕有致函澳洲國會,警告美國總統特朗普的「滅朝」言論是大錯特錯,因為北韓已是核武強國。澳洲總理特恩布爾認為,這顯示北韓感受到制裁及國際社會的壓力。

- historical relations
  • 北朝鮮による日本人拉致事件The abductions of Japanese citizens from Japan by agents of the North Korean government took place during a period of six years from 1977 to 1983.[1] Although only 17 Japanese (eight men and nine women) are officially recognized by the Japanese government as having been abducted,[2]there may have been hundreds of victims.[3]The North Korean government has officially admitted to abducting 13 Japanese citizens. There are testimonies that many non-Japanese citizens, including nine European citizens,[6]have been abducted by North Korea.
- 有日本傳媒引述政府消息人士報道,日方擬借美朝首腦會談後不久、在蒙古召開的國際會議,舉行日朝非正式磋商。日本政府派遣國家安全保障局長谷內正太郎和外務省亞洲大洋洲局長金杉憲治等前往新加坡,摸索日朝接觸的可能性。
- 日媒昨天引述消息報道,日本首相安倍晉三去年曾向北韓領袖金正恩提出簽署新版《日朝平壤宣言》,惟北韓未予回應,雙方關係至今處於膠着。
- The de facto embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Japan appears to havewon its battle to stay put in its sprawling central Tokyo location, despite having been forced to sellthe property. Chongryon - the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan - is being leased the buildingby its new owners, reports said, apparently ending months of uncertainty after Japanese courtsruled it had to be sold.
- sanction related

  • 日本傳媒報道,聯合國安理會朝鮮制裁委專家小組發表報告,指去年一張北韓官方照片顯示,北韓軍艦裝有日本企業研發的雷達天線,顯示北韓將日本製民用雷達轉作軍事用途,至少有三艘北韓軍艦有安裝。
  • 南韓政府以聯合國安理會決議全面禁止北韓產煤炭進口為由,從去年八月起禁止多艘船隻入港。日媒周日指,這些北韓船隻在措施出台後至少廿六次停靠日本港口,若算上南韓禁止入港前的次數,停靠日本港口過百次。

- 日本大阪警方周三表示,兩名在東京經營生意的中國人,涉嫌多次向北韓走私洗頭水、茄汁及威士忌等貨品。兩人在一四年至一六年期間,先後八次從橫濱港假裝出口至中國大連,但實質上將價值約四百二十二萬港元的貨物走私至北韓。疑犯供稱,有客人為了配合金正日的紀念日,要求運送威士忌。
- 日媒周五報道,指為解決北韓綁架日本人問題,日本內閣情報官北村滋曾於本月六至八日,在蒙古烏蘭巴托與北韓勞動黨統一戰線部官員秘密會面,討論綁架問題。

south korea
- 韓聯社周五披露,北韓在一九八○年代曾提議兩韓共建一個中立國作為緩衝區及簽署互不侵犯條約,但最終未有採行。前蘇聯領袖戈爾巴喬夫在一九八七年十二月九日,與美國時任總統列根在華盛頓舉行峰會期間,曾提交北韓的相關建議。北韓希望建立一個聯邦模式的共和國,並擁有代表南北韓的兩國不同政府。北韓亦建議兩韓以一個名稱加入聯合國,尋求廢除所有涉及第三國、有違統一目的之協議和條約,裁軍至少於十萬人及撤去半島所有核武和外國軍隊。文件另指出,北韓曾於一九八三年邀請八名日本工程師,到該國與另外二十五人一起參加研討會,就挖隧道滲入南韓提供建議。其中建築公司社長林徹於一九八七年,向南韓駐名古屋總領事館申請簽證時透露。
- 投北者
  • 南韓已故外長崔德新早年與前總統朴正熙不合,與妻子移民美國,其後更投奔北韓。北韓官方傳媒上周六報道,崔德新的次子崔仁國當日「棄韓投朝」,將永久居留當地。朴正熙執政時,崔德新曾任外長及南韓駐西德大使,二人後來不和,崔德新一九七六年攜妻子柳美英移民美國再奔朝。他歷任北韓祖國和平統一委員會副委員長、天道教青友黨中央委員會主席、北韓宗教人協議會主席等。崔德新一九八九年去世後,由妻子接任天道教青友黨中央委員會主席。朝媒報道,天道教青友黨等朝方人士在平壤國際機場迎接崔仁國。崔仁國在機場發表聲明,稱回到崔家世代所居的祖國懷抱,是遵守父母實現祖國統一的遺言,也是子女應盡的孝道。據悉他此行未向南韓政府申請,韓方正調查他赴朝經過等情況。
- 日本傳媒周五引述千葉縣警方消息指,在香港註冊、載有廿二名船員的貨船「OCEAN SKIPPER」,曾於本年一月及二月先後停靠北韓羅津港,並運載了數萬噸的煤炭前往中國。報道指,貨船未有向日方提交報告,結果於本月三日停靠千葉港期間被日本警方扣查問話,但最終獲准離開千葉港。若事件屬實,貨船即違反禁止停靠北韓的所有船隻進入日本港口的法律。orientaldaily 18nov17- 南北韓繼上周舉行高級別會談後,周一(15日)再在板門店舉行工作會談,主要討論朝方派遣藝術團參與下月的平昌冬奧。在朝方的代表中,赫然出現領袖金正恩舊情人兼牡丹峰樂團團長玄松月,成會議焦點。會談後的聯合聲明中,指北韓將派遣規模多達一百四十人的藝術團,可見曾傳遭處決的玄松月在兩韓間擔任重要角色。會談結束後,南韓統一部指北韓派出藝術團包括三池淵樂團,當中八十名交響樂團成員及六十名歌舞表演者,藝術團將在首爾及東部城市江陵演出,屆時會配合統一氛圍,演奏兩韓膾炙人口的民謠和世界名曲。江陵為平昌冬奧的舉辦城市之一。外界關注玄松月現身,牡丹峰樂團有望訪韓。南韓統一部消息指,她身負團長職責,需親自處理樂團訪韓事宜。統一部同時提議藝術團經由陸路越過板門店訪韓。會上朝方提議周三(17日)再舉行工作會談,商討選手團參奧一事,料韓會接受。此外南韓文化體育觀光部長都鍾煥周一與國會議員開會時稱,兩韓代表將於周末在瑞士舉行的國際奧委會上討論代表團事宜,包括是否一同進場、使用「統一旗」及組聯合冰球隊參賽。
- 北韓三池淵管弦樂團團長玄松月率領的七人藝術團先遣隊,原定於周六前往南韓,展開為期兩日的考察,視察演出場地及商討日程等事。惟北韓突於周五晚間宣布,取消先遣隊的訪南韓計劃,原因不明。
- 北韓政府近期就參與下月舉行的南韓平昌冬奧展示出積極的態度,但上周五突取消派遣由「三池淵樂團」團長玄松月率領的七人藝術團先遣隊赴韓。南韓大為不滿,發正式文件要求北韓解釋。至昨日北韓突然回心轉意,宣布先遣隊於周日訪韓兩日。南韓統一部接受北韓的決定。
-  一艘運載北韓煤炭的貨輪近日停泊南韓境內,外界質疑南韓有違對朝制裁之嫌,總統府青瓦台只強調美國十分信任南韓。
- aviation

  • Officials with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) arrived in North Korea for a safety inspection after North Korea announced its hopes of establishing a new aviation route between South and North Korea.

- historical ties

  • establish relations in 1973 hkej 7mar17 shum article
  • 馬來西亞一度是北韓最重要的邦交國之一,建交以來,馬國執政黨巫統不僅邀請北韓勞動黨要員參加黨代會,而且暗中撮合美朝、日朝關係,比如二○○○年北韓與美國就北韓導彈計劃問題的兩次會談,便在吉隆坡舉行;○二年北韓與日本邦交正常化的談判,也在吉隆坡舉行。而在○九年,馬來西亞成為第一個同時也是唯一一個毋須申請簽證即可入境北韓三十天的國家,兩國一度開通每周一班的定期航班。金正恩還被馬來西亞精英大學授予經濟學榮譽博士學位。

- 馬來西亞是全球唯一國民毋須申請簽證,即可進入北韓的國家,但自金正男被殺後,兩國關係轉趨緊張
- North Korea barred Malaysians from leaving the country on Tuesday, sparking tit-for-tat action by Malaysia, as police investigating the murder of Kim Jong Nam in Kuala Lumpur sought to question three men hiding in the North Korean embassy.

Choson Exchange is a Singapore-registered social enterprise focusing on economic policy, business and legal training for young North Koreans in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Choson Exchange brings foreign volunteers to teach entrepreneurship, business, marketing, law or economics, after which the volunteers tour relevant sites in North Korea. They also sponsor North Koreans to go overseas for exposure and learning. Programs include economic policy, entrepreneurship and financial sector development.Choson Exchange was founded by Geoffrey See, a Yale University and Wharton School graduate and MIT Researcher, who began negotiations over educational exchange with North Koreans in 2007. The organization focuses on providing “training and advisory in topics related to business, economics, finance and law” in North Korea.
  •  hkej 19jun18 shum article
  • An American financier approached the Trump administration last summer with an unusual proposition: The North Korean government wanted to talk to Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser. The financier, Gabriel Schulze, explained that a top North Korean official was seeking a back channel to explore a meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un, who for months had traded threats of military confrontation. Mr. Schulze, who lives in Singapore, had built a network of contacts in North Korea on trips he had taken to develop business opportunities in the isolated state.

- 瓦姆比爾的死訊傳出後,安排他遊北韓的中國「青年先鋒旅遊」(Young Pioneer Tours)發聲明指,目前安排美國人遊北韓的風險太大,瓦姆比爾被拘留的手法太可怕,將中止為美國人辦北韓團。orientaldaily 21jun17

- diplomatic representation
  • 中國新任駐朝鮮大使李進軍已經赴任,他的 前任中國駐朝鮮大使劉洪才返回中聯部任副部長。李進 軍在被任命大使前也是中聯部副部長,實際上他們兩人 是對調。自從上世紀80年代後期起,中國駐朝鮮大使一 直是副部級。 據我了解,中國駐外大使有副部級與司局級之分。 出於對大國關係的重視,中國駐美國、俄羅斯、法國、 英國、德國、日本的大使一直是副部級,近年又增加了 金磚國家印度、巴西、南非。此外中國常駐聯合國代表 也是副部級。但中國駐朝鮮大使有些特殊,並不包括在 這些副部級之中。 大使的級別,從一個角度反映派出國與駐在國的關 係,但這僅僅是一個方面而不是全部。中國曾派出 「老 革命」出任中國駐朝鮮大使,如倪志亮、潘自力、喬曉 光、郝德青、焦若愚等,但其後派出的大使多為司局級 ,如1970年派出的李雲川、1976年派出的呂志先、1981 年派出的宗克文,都是司局級。不過這期間中朝關係仍 然很熱,高級代表團互訪不斷。周總理公開和非公開訪 問朝鮮,是這個時期。鄧小平率領黨政代表團訪問朝鮮 ,也是在這期間。金日成主席一生訪華幾十次,這期間 來中國次數就很多。這表明,中國重視與朝鮮的關係, 大使的級別也並非唯一的標準。 朝鮮重視與中國的關係,派出的大使大體為副部級 。早期的大使李周淵、李永鎬、韓益洙曾是領導人級別 ,後來的大使玄峻極、申仁夏、朱昌駿、崔鎮洙、池在 龍均為副部級,不過其間也穿插有全明洙、崔炳官等司 局級大使。1988年,中國駐朝鮮大使宗克文離任回國前 ,朝鮮方面向中方表示,希望中國派出的新任大使為副 部級,以進一步加強朝中友好關係。本來大使的級別是 可由派出國家來決定的,但出於友好並考慮朝方的意見 ,這之後中國派出的駐朝鮮大使均為副部級,先後出任 這一職務的有溫業湛、鄭義、喬宗淮、萬永祥、王國章 、劉曉明、武東和劉洪才。
- leaders visit

  • 據新華社報道,中共中央對外聯絡部部長宋濤昨日在北京同朝鮮勞動黨中央政治局委員、中央副委員長、國際部部長李洙墉及其率領的朝鮮勞動黨代表團舉行會談。據韓國《中央日報》報道,李洙墉昨日抵達北京展開訪問,這是今年1月第4次核試驗後,朝鮮高層首次訪華。
- senior officials visit
  • 北韓領袖金正恩日前秘密訪華後,當時隨行的北韓外長李勇浩周二再前往北京,與中國外長王毅見面。
  • 中國國務委員、公安部部長趙克志,周三在北京會見北韓人民保安省參事李成哲;會上兩人同意加強交流合作,推動中朝關係發展。
- overseas visit stopover

  • 北韓最高人民會議常任委員會委員長金永南昨現身北京首都機場,其後轉乘汽車離去。有南韓傳媒報道,金永南是次抵京,與轉飛中、南美洲多國訪問有關。朝中社稱,金永南將前往古巴,亦會出訪委內瑞拉和墨西哥,以出席墨國候任總統奧夫拉多爾的就職典禮。
- military

  • 遼寧丹東海事局周二發布消息稱,中國與北韓海事部門當日在鴨綠江水域開展聯合巡航檢查,是近年來兩國於該水域的第七次巡航檢查。該次巡航從鴨綠江中朝友誼橋附近出發,向下遊航行,途經月亮島、浪頭港、鴨綠江界河公路大橋等水域,並檢查了重點水域通航狀況。

- issues

  • 中國如果隨特朗普起舞,全面對平壤施壓,中朝將反目成仇,平壤今後對美國的仇恨將全部轉嫁到中國身上,甚至將核武瞄準北京。之前中國拒絕北韓運煤船入港、暫停北京與平壤的航班、停止赴朝旅遊,已引發平壤的憤怒,朝核問題六方會談中方團長武大偉日前赴平壤,也被金正恩拒絕。
  • 北韓一輛載有三十四名中國遊客的巴士,於今年四月底行駛期間墮橋,三十二人死亡,據報不少是左派學者。南韓傳媒周三引述消息稱,北韓領袖金正恩就事件究責,四名北韓官員被槍決。《東亞日報》引述北韓內部消息指,被槍決的包括人民軍少將兼金剛開發總公司負責人黃英植、金剛開發總公司政治局長。金剛開發總公司是該場車禍的巴士所隸屬公司。早前傳出北韓軍方三巨頭被撤換,據報也與車禍有關。職位等同防長的人民武力相朴永植被副手努光鐵取代;人民軍總參謀長李明秀被免職,由第一副總參謀長李永吉接替;人民軍總政治局局長金正角,則被前平壤市黨委員長金秀吉取替。韓媒又引述消息指金正恩上月訪問中國大連時,曾稱若美朝峰會成功,中國要與北韓推經濟合作計劃,以平壤、南浦港、新義州黃金坪和威化島、清津港四個地方為開發據點。
- korean war
  • 抗美援朝父子兵

- trade restriction

  • Beijing has banned imports of iron ore from Pyongyang as well as exports of jet fuel and other oil products used to make rocket fuel, outlining China's restriction on trade with the country on Tuesday. The Ministry of Commerce published a list on its website, saying it also would ban imports of gold and rare-earth elements from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in line with new UN sanctions. The majority of the DPRK's exports to China are minerals, and its exports to China account for about 90 percent of the country's total export volume, according to Lyu Chao, a researcher at the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences. However, China exempted imports of coal intended for "the people's well-being" and not connected to nuclear or missile programs. Export bans on jet and rocket fuel included exceptions for "basic humanitarian needs", including civilian passenger planes flying outside the DPRK. Other restricted minerals include vanadium and titanium, both used in steel alloys. 
  • 中國商務部等五個部委日前聯合公佈了新一批禁止向朝鮮出口的兩用物項和技術清單。在昨日舉行的中國外交部例行記者會上,外交部新聞發言人華春瑩對此回應稱,此舉為落實安理會第2321號決議。華春瑩說,根據中國法律規定,中方執行安理會第2321號決議相關規定需要發佈公告,此為中方例行做法。公告所附兩用物項和技術清單是原文援引決議所制定的清單。
  •  China's imports of North Korean goods in April fell below $100 million to the lowest in nearly three years, data showed on Tuesday, after China stopped buying coal from the isolated country and as calls mount for further economic sanctions.
  • 商務部昨日(14日)下午透過官方網站宣佈執行聯合國安理會第2371號決議,今日(15日)起全面禁止自朝鮮進口煤、鐵等產品。在承擔中朝間超七成貿易量的遼寧丹東口岸,近日在此過關的朝鮮貨車數量明顯增多。
  • 前日中國宣佈執行聯合國決議的清單一出,單是禁運水海產品一項就令不少邊貿生意人損失上千萬元(人民幣,下同),而他本人也在今年初轉型創建起一家朝鮮山貨(土產)貿易公司,同時兼營朝鮮字畫等文化產品。
  • Chinese food exports to North Korea – both staples and snacks – have increased massively over the past year, hinting at the isolated regime’s growing reliance on its only ally.Chinese customs data showed a surge in exports of nearly 30 items, with corn increasing 32-fold from 400 tonnes to nearly 12,724 tonnes, bananas from just over 63.4 tonnes to 1,156 tonnes and wheat powder from less than 0.6 tonnes to 7.6 tonnes.Spirit exports also more than quadrupled, rising from 2.1 million litres to 9.5 million in the second quarter compared with the previous year.Other items like beer, confectionery, chocolate, bread and biscuits also increased.The customs figures for rice exports were incomplete, but those available showed a sharp year-on-year increase from 3.5 million tonnes in the second quarter of 2016 to over 11 million tonnes in the second quarter of this year.
  • 商务部25日发表公告,8月6日联合国安理会一致通过了第2371号决议,为执行决议第12条“决定各国须禁止由本国国民或在本国境内与朝鲜实体或个人开设新的合资企业或合作实体,或通过追加投资扩大现有的合资企业”,禁止朝鲜实体或个人来华新设中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业,禁止已设立企业增资扩大规模。根据《境外投资管理办法》(商务部令2014年第3号),对违反上述决议的对朝鲜投资和现有投资的增资申请不予核准。公告自公布之日起执行。
  • 北韓過去半年因中國實施禁運,改向東南亞國家出口煤炭,賺取二億七千萬美元(約二十一億港元)的收入。orientaldaily 21aug17
  • China has ruled out unilateral economic sanctions on North Korea following its latest missile launch. Foreign Minister Wang Yi dismissed the idea on Wednesday as the United Nations Security Council, in an emergency meeting, issued a statement condemning North Korea’s launch of a missile over Japan’s airspace.
  • Tonnes of North Korean seafood are being smuggled into China every night despite the imposition of new UN sanctions a fortnight ago and a resulting Chinese crackdown on the trade, sources on the border have told the South China Morning Post.
  • China rebuffed US demands to cut off oil exports to North Korea as a way to dissuade Kim Jong-un’s regime from pursuing nuclear weapons, saying instead it was American leaders who needed to tone down their rhetoric and come to the negotiating table.
  • 中國商務部上周六公布對北韓實施三項制裁,將全面禁止從北韓進口紡織品、液化天然氣、精煉石油製品。日本傳媒則引述消息指,中國人民銀行已下令多間內地銀行,全面凍結北韓的企業及個人帳戶。
  • 中国商务部28日发布公告指,朝鲜实体或个人在中国境内设立的中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业应自联合国安全理事会第2375号决议通过之日起120天内关闭。中国企业在境外与朝鲜实体或个人设立的合资合作企业也应按决议要求予以关闭。商务部公告指,上述规定不适用于经安理会朝鲜制裁委员会逐案批准豁免的项目,尤其是非盈利的、非商业性公用事业基础设施项目。
  • 南韓早前扣押兩艘分別在香港及巴拿馬註冊的油輪,指控它們涉嫌在公海上,以「船對船」方式向北韓船隻轉移石油。美國傳媒昨日報道,擁有兩艘涉事油輪的船公司均為中國企業。有日本傳媒則聲稱,文件顯示中國及俄羅斯的企業向北韓走私石油。被南韓扣押的油輪,分別是在香港註冊的「Lighthouse Winmore」,以及在巴拿馬註冊的「KOTI」。美媒報道,「Lighthouse Winmore」的擁有人,是以廣州為總部的方向海運管理有限公司。「KOTI」的擁有人則是大連宏洋船舶管理有限公司。「Lighthouse Winmore」現時停泊在麗水市,「KOTI」則被扣押在唐津市。
  • 中國商務部、工業及信息化部、國防科工局、國家原子能機構及海關總署五個部門及機構,周一發公告指即日起禁向北韓出口與大殺傷力武器及運載工具相關的兩用物料及技術、常規武器等,以執行聯合國安理會的制裁決議。禁令包括可用於核子、導彈、生化武器的物料、特種材料及相關設備。
  • retailiation
  • 北韓市場近日亦突然禁止出售中國商品,甚至以涉及非法行為,處罰買賣雙方。分析指,平壤非常罕見的取締中國產品,是為了抗議中國參與制裁北韓。
- 日本傳媒前日引述中共消息人士指,中國準備在接壤北韓的邊境地區,修建可容納五十萬人的難民營,以及增建部隊駐紮設施,應對一旦美國與北韓爆發衝突時,可能有大批北韓難民湧入的情況。 nuclear

- 南北韓關係似乎回暖之際,中國大幅加強中朝邊界的戒備措施,加裝監控鏡頭和核輻射探測器,並增派軍隊巡邏。有分析認為,儘管朝鮮半島緊張局勢暫現緩和,但中朝關係未見明朗,北京正在為朝鮮半島可能出現的不測未雨綢繆。
- border trade
  • 80後的趙斌依然是中朝民 間貿易最堅定的樂觀支持者,這在從事民間邊貿的人中絕屬異類。趙斌的 與眾不同還在於,他是罕有的活躍於社交網路和朝鮮官方媒體視線中的中 國邊貿商人。這正與他近年來獨闢蹊徑的成功轉型有關—從出口二手電 子設備到涉足大宗貿易,再到脫離實體貿易轉而專心搭建線上線下的經貿 文化交流平台
  • 鴨綠江是中國和朝鮮界 河,江是兩國共用的,兩國船隻可在江上自由行 走,上岸則屬違法;就是這個法則,朝鮮人每天 駕着機動小舢舨在鴨綠江上做買賣,找生活。原 來,鴨綠江不但靜和美,她更是養活朝鮮人的一 個小窗口。 遊船在江中遊,江的兩岸分屬不同國家,鴨 綠江讓我們近距離和神秘莫測的朝鮮人接觸,讓 我們了解朝鮮點滴的風土民情——穿着藍灰色 布衣,不苟言笑的中年男;矮小的土房子,破舊 不堪的小廠房;拿着小竹竿,在小山坡上放牛的 小男孩……一切一切,因着鴨綠江 顯現在我們眼前。
  • 遼寧省政府日前批准了在丹東市設立國門灣中朝邊民互市貿易區,預計今年10月投入運營。記者從丹東市外經貿局獲悉,國門灣中朝邊民互市貿易區位於丹東新區國門灣科技五金城,規劃佔地面積4萬平方米,建築面積2.4萬平方米。貿易區設立後,丹東市距陸路邊境20公里以內的邊民,可持邊民證在互市貿易區內與朝鮮邊民進行商品交換活動,並享受每人每日價值在8,000元人民幣以下商品免徵進口關稅和進口環節稅的優惠政策。
  • Launched
- bridge

  • 中朝友誼橋將於昨日起關閉十日,惟中方於周四突然延期封橋,大橋昨日暢通如常。中國外交部證實大橋即將關閉,原因是北韓維修橋面。
  • 位於中朝邊境鴨綠江的集安滿浦公路口岸周一啟用,首日有逾百名遊客經該處前往北韓觀光。該口岸位於新建成、橫跨鴨綠江的中朝跨境大橋,連接吉林省集安市與北韓滿浦市。兩國一二年五月同意建橋,大橋一六年建成,但疑因受聯合國制裁影響而延遲通車,目前未知口岸將如何在制裁下運作。
- legal
  • 繼北韓人民保安省參事李成哲上周訪問北京後,該國中央裁判所所長姜潤石也於日前訪華,分別與中央政法委書記郭聲琨、司法部部長傅政華,以及最高人民法院院長周強會面。
- bank

  • 中國東北三省的部份銀行,包括中國工商銀行(圖)遼寧省丹東分行,已凍結屬於北韓人的賬戶,不再為這些賬戶提供存款和外幣轉賬服務。南韓《東亞日報》昨日報道,工行丹東分行一名職員透露:「這措施於去年12月已實施,目前包括美元和人民幣在內所有外匯的存款和轉賬都處於中斷狀態。」丹東與北韓的新義州僅一江之隔,北韓與中國70%以上的貿易都在這裏完成。報道引述一名北韓問題專家指,去年12月12日北韓牡丹峰樂團原定在北京作首次海外演出,但在演出當日臨時返回北韓,顯示兩國關係惡化。中國政府為了向北韓施壓,開始採取一些措施。

  • 中央政治局常委劉雲山本月出席北韓勞動黨建黨70周年,中國和北韓關係有回暖迹象,雙方決定斥資4,000億美元(3.12萬億港元),重啟有「北韓香港」之稱的新義州特區計劃。南韓分析,北韓沒有在黨慶期間試射導彈,中方才重啟計劃作為禮物。中朝最近簽署的新義州特區計劃,新加入新義州運河,複製首爾漢江;並加建6座移動通訊基地,向外籍人士提供手機漫遊服務。雙方並同意在原定10座跨運河大橋上,加建兩座大橋,應付兩地物流。此外,新計劃保留原有的紡織廠、鞋廠外,並加入新產業區、公園和污水處理廠等。不過,原計劃內的高爾夫球場等觀光娛樂設施則被刪除。新義州市位於中朝邊境鴨綠江南面,整個特區佔地132平方公里,面積和本港大嶼山相約。整個計劃一波多折,北韓前領袖金正日當年拍板發展新義州特區,試驗市場經濟,然而首任行政長官、中國歐亞集團前會長楊斌涉偷稅漏稅被中國逮捕,計劃中斷,2012年北韓第二號人物張成澤重推計劃,張翌年遭處決,計劃再停頓。
  • 南韓傳媒上月引述消息指,金正恩第二次訪華期間,向中方提出大規模經濟合作的要求,希望中國以平壤、新義州黃金坪等地為經濟開發中心。
- 黃金坪島經濟區


- flight connection

  • 继朝鲜高丽航空在平壤与北京、渖阳等地间开通定期直飞航线,3月28日高丽航空营运、往返平壤和中国丹东的国际包机航线开通,冀吸引更多中国和第三国游客经丹东来朝鲜。航线为非定期航线,暂每周二和周五各飞一班,航程约40分钟,比乘七、八小时火车便利。
  •  北韓領袖金正恩兩度訪華後,中朝關係大為改善。南韓傳媒報道,中國國際航空公司(下稱國航)周三起,恢復北京至平壤的航班,而北韓高麗航空公司由平壤至上海浦東的航班亦復航,這有助加強中朝的民間交流。
- electricity

  • 消息人士向Daily NK表示,北韓國務委員會於本月九日,通過向中國輸出電力的方案。位於平安北道朔州郡的水豐發電站,所生產的部分電力會供應給中國生產耐火材料的工廠,估計每月能賺取六萬美元至十萬美元(約四十六萬八千港元至七十八萬港元)。

- delegations from north korea

  • 百家朝企將來華拓商機j
  • 由北韓勞動黨中央委員會副委員長朴泰成率領的友好參觀團,周三至周四訪問浙江寧波市。

- investors from china

  • Miniso, a Uniqlo-style Japanese-Chinese low-cost retail brand which recently opened the first ever foreign brand chain outlet in North Korea, could be in breach of UN Security Council sanctions, a leading Japanese expert told NK News on Thursday.“The reported opening of Miniso’s new branch in Pyongyang appears to be in non-compliance with the sanction measures imposed by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2321 adopted on November 30 in 2016,” Katsuhisa Furukawa, who served on the UN Security Council Panel of Experts on North Korean sanctions. Furukawa said the article 31 of this resolution obliges all UN member states to close “representative offices, subsidiaries or banking accounts” inside North Korea. If the violation of the UN resolution is confirmed, he said, governments such as Japan, China, and the U.S. would be obliged to place sanctions on the firm, in accordance with their obligations under UNSC resolutions.
- chinese language
  • 今年5月上旬,朝鮮首家漢語水平考試中心正式落戶平壤科技大學,今後不出國就能參加多種類型的漢語水平考試。平壤科技大學漢語組負責人劉玉來朝工作已5年了。她說,平壤科技大學共有約600名本科生和研究生,漢語是全體學生必修的第二外語。記者在平壤多所大學採訪時深切感受到,朝鮮學生學習漢語的熱情很高,漢語水平令人刮目相看。朝鮮青年中的「漢語熱」,與中朝傳統友好有關,更與兩國不斷擴大的教育交流密切相關。目前,中國每年向朝鮮派遣60名左右的公派留學生,而在中國各大院校理工農醫專業學習的中國政府獎學金項目的朝鮮留學生,常年保持在約400人的規模。此外,朝鮮每年還派出大約200名大學教師到中國進行為期半年到一年的進修學習。中方為支持朝鮮的漢語教學,也派遣了一些中國教師至平壤進行教學。
- media cooperation

- cultural exchange
  • 朝鮮民族能歌善舞,音樂舞蹈精湛。上世紀五六十年代,朝鮮藝術團就曾多次來華訪問演出。七十年代,歌劇《賣花姑娘》訪華演出轟動中國,為當時枯燥的中國舞台帶來一股春風,《賣花姑娘》插曲傳唱很多地方。周總理在百忙中會見代表團並觀看演出。據專家評論,朝鮮聲樂水平較高,歌舞節目精湛,每次朝鮮藝術團來華演出,都受到廣泛讚譽。在朝鮮國內,文藝事業受到高度重視。傳聞《賣花姑娘》腳本最初是金日成在抗日戰爭時期擬就。金正日也曾親自指導文藝團體。在平壤,有多個演出劇場,最早的是平壤大劇場,曾演出根據中國劇本改編的唱劇《春香傳》,之後不久又專門興建了萬壽台藝術劇場,規模宏偉,設備也更加精良先進,鄧小平訪朝祝賀朝鮮國慶期間曾在該劇場觀看演出。每逢重大節日,朝鮮都要舉行專場歌舞演出,以示慶祝。
- student exchange

- 在香港註冊油輪「Lighthouse Winmore」早前被指涉嫌以船對船方式,在東海提供石油予北韓船舶,台灣企業懷疑涉案。台灣法務部周五將承租油輪的陳世憲及兩家企業列入制裁名單,禁止進行提匯款等金融交易行為。
- 台灣當局日前再接獲美國提供的情報,指高雄一名莊姓貿易商於去年十一月以空殼公司名義,租用一艘船疑從台灣運載七千噸柴油,赴公海與北韓船隻交易。檢方周三訊後諭知莊男以約五十四萬港元交保,並限制出境出海。orientaldaily 2feb18
台灣商人陳世憲被控違反聯合國制裁北韓行動,讓旗下台灣公司Billions Bunker Group的兩艘油輪運載石油販售北韓一案,高雄地檢署昨日宣布偵結。檢方認定陳明知購入的油品實運往公海販售而非香港,但未有提供正確出口資訊予報關行人員。其行為涉犯偽造文書罪,檢方已就此提出起訴。
- 被控利用貨輪私運、賣油給北韓的台灣油商陳世憲,去年因不服被台灣的法務部制裁及凍結財產而提起行政訴訟,今年六月他卻在高雄住處跳樓身亡。台北高等行政法院裁定,因陳世憲已死,駁回訴訟。
- curious case
  • in 1999, stanley ho opened a casino in pyongyang next to communist party headquarters, the development was built after hk's emperor group chairman, albert yeung sau shing, received an exclusive casino licence to operate in north korea in 1996, which he sold in part to ho scmp 7may17
  • a few days before us invasion of iraq in 2003, pyongyang offered asylum to iraqi dictator saddam hussein saying it would give him and his family a mountain to live on. The unexpected intermediary was stanley ho. scmp 7may17
  • banco delta asia played a sort of intermediary role for north korea to access international market scmp 7may17

Hong kong
- trade
  • according to shum yuk fai (hkej 9mar17), trade between HK and North Korea rose significantly and the signing of CEPA helped because some chinese companies have made use of the HK company status
  • 聯合國近日發表調查報告,指一間在香港註冊的公司涉嫌違反禁令,協助北韓打入國際金融市場,賺取外匯。美國有線電視新聞網絡(CNN)周一披露,涉事公司名為「旺福特香港有限公司」。
  • Businesses targeted with US sanctions over their ties to North Korea are continuing to operate in Hong Kong despite growing pressure for the Chinese territory to curb trade with the Kim Jong Un regime. An FT investigation into groups and people singled out for sanctions by the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control reveals they have maintained at least 16 registered companies in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory. Their continued existence is likely to add to calls for the Chinese territory to join other jurisdictions in cutting trade ties with Pyongyang, which has drawn international condemnation this year over its escalating nuclear and missile programmes. “Hong Kong should take more actions to stop this activity,” said Anthony Ruggiero, a senior fellow at conservative Washington think-tank the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. One company, Mingzheng International Trading, had sanctions imposed by the US this year over accusations it had been a front for a North Korean bank connected to the country’s attempts to develop nuclear weapons. Mingzheng maintains an active company registration in Hong Kong.
  • 英媒周二獲得文件,指華府列出十艘協助北韓出入口貿易的貨船,已向聯合國建議列入黑名單,包括一艘於香港註冊的油輪。報道指,美方指這批船以「船駁船」的方式,為北韓入口石油製品,並為平壤政府運送煤炭至其他國販賣。假若聯合國安理會接納建議,其他國家將會被要求禁止該批船進入其港口。
  • 由美國國防問題研究中心和南韓世宗研究所兩個智庫發表的聯合報告指出,北韓人民軍偵察總局通過在香港等地成立空殼公司避開聯合國的禁運,向中國企業採購一些軍民兩用器材,例如全球衞星定位系統(GPS)接收器和導彈所需的天線配件等。雖然中國支持聯合國安理會決議,限制向北韓輸出石油,但美國發現中朝之間的走私石油活動越來越猖獗,人造衞星偵察到近期有許多中國船隻在黃海的公海水域上(圖),向北韓船隻販賣燃油等物資,然而北京似乎無意採取打擊。
    A senior executive of a shipping company which manages a tanker seized for transferring oil to North Korea said the ship was chartered out, but denied knowledge of it being used for trade with the reclusive state. 
    The Hong Kong-registered Lighthouse Winmore was seized and inspected by South Korean customs officials on November 24 for transferring 600 tonnes of refined oil to a North Korean vessel in international waters in the Yellow Sea on October 19, South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said on Friday. The vessel is owned by Win More Shipping, and managed by Lighthouse Shipping Development, which have registered addresses in Guangzhou, according to the Hong Kong Companies Registry. The two companies also share a director, Gong Ruiqiang.
  • 美聯社報道,聯合國、美國及日本調查發現,香港淪為北韓走私違禁貨物的中間人。由於香港成立公司手續迅速簡易,加上有大量經紀協助作企業登記,成為北韓突破制裁的缺口。美國已要求香港加強打擊有關交易,港府回應指正調查涉及本地註冊公司的個案。
- tourism
  • (related to shen yuk fai) operate in depth tours hkej 12sep15 a24,
- investors from hk
  • 韓世灏 hkej monthly nov15 issue
  • hkej monthly jul18 issue, including mention of 施榮懷
- north koreans in hk
  • 一名自稱6歲便逃離北韓的「脫北」女子,指自前年惹官司在法庭暴露身份後就屢遭滋擾,為了隱藏背景先後多次遷居及改名換姓。前晚她返回大埔太湖花園寓所途中,在梯間突遭一名黑衣女子從後箍頸警告她不要多事,聲音驚動鄰居報案,逞兇者事後逃去。女事主頸有勒痕送院敷治,她透露今次已是第二度遇襲,可能與曾接觸其他居港脫北者及南韓領事館人員有關。

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