- migration history
- climax in 1851 (after the announcement of discovery of gold in san francisco in 1848); 1868 (due to the contruction of railway); 1873 (17,000); 1874 (16,000); 1875 (18,000)
- hong kong a major port for chinese labourers going to us (the hk government passed the chinese passenger act 1855 http://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/1038 in relation to this)
- china passed a law allowing international adoption of orphans in 1992 - scmp report on those children "returning to their roots" 20jul18, chinese children adoption international mentioned
- california
- [history museum oct19 newsletter] chinese communities in fiddetown and hanford
- 自 1882年《排 華法案》通過以來,華人移民倍受 歧視。地震大火燒毀了當時市政廳 的檔案記錄,讓許多華人看到了機 會。他們通過購買偽造的出生紙, 以美籍華人兒女的身份入籍,即後 人所稱的「紙兒子」。據估計, 1910年到 1940年之間,移民美國的 華人約 17.5萬,其中 80%以上是紙 兒子。紙兒子的出現,造成許多華 人後裔無法回歸真實的姓氏和家 族,成為特殊的華人移民群體。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/06/02/b09-0602.pdf
- reference
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20160803/19721007 酷愛研究華人歷史的美國學者蘇思綱(Scott D. Seligman),花近兩年時間翻閱人口紀錄,寫成新書,重新呈現19世紀末紐約華埠黑幫的血淚史。蘇思綱發現,首批來到紐約的華人黑幫領袖,與警隊及政府關係密切,甚至成為郡副執法官(Deputy Sheriff)。駐紐約記者:鄭柏齡 蘇思綱最新著作《堂口混戰-紐約華埠不為人知的惡行、黑金與廝殺》(Tong Wars: The Untold Story of Vice, Money and Murder in New Yorks Chinatown),記載在1890年代至1930年代之間,紐約曼克頓唐人街黑幫堂口的真實經歷。新書剛出版不到一個月,旋即獲網上書店Amazon推薦為最佳新書(非小說類)之一。
- association
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170509/PDF/b10_screen.pdf由三聯書店(香港 )主辦的「回顧廿載話今昔」香港歷史與文化講座系列第二講「香港與北美華人:越洋發展與落葉歸根」,日前於中環三聯書店舉行 ,本地歷史學家丁新豹擔任主講,詳述華工海外發展史,以及他們對落葉歸根的企盼。
- http://reocities.com/Heartland/acres/4307/lastname.htm
last name frequency list from the 1990 US Census- "trek down the tracks" china daily 13aug18 on chinese workers who built the first transcontinental railroad in US
- https://lib.hku.hk/friends/reading_club/bt2013_02.html Pacific Crossing charts the rise of Chinese Gold Mountain firms engaged in all kinds of transpacific trade, especially the lucrative export of prepared opium and other luxury goods. Challenging the traditional view that the migration was primarily a “coolie trade,” Elizabeth Sinn uncovers leadership and agency among the many Chinese who made the crossing.
- china daily 11jun19 forgotten tale of chinese who opened up the old west
- 美東華人社團聯合總會25日在紐約曼哈頓富力廣場共同主辦“慶祝香港迴歸二十周年”大型活動,吸引了過萬民眾前來參加,五星紅旗、星條旗和香港紫荊花區旗隨處可見。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170627/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
- 美東各界華僑華 人致特朗普總統公開信新聞發佈會 22日在紐約華 埠舉行,多位僑界領袖在會上對所謂《香港人權 與民主法案》表示反對。 此次活動由紐約中國和平統一促進會和美國福 建公所共同發起。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/24/a14-1124.pdf
- 美國潮商總會
- The Museum of Chinese in America (美國華人博物館; Jyutping: Mei5gwok3 Waa4jan4 Bok3mat6gun2; abbreviated MOCA) is a museum in New York City which exhibits Chinese American history. It is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education and cultural institution that presents the living history, heritage, culture, and diverse experiences of Chinese Americans through exhibitions, educational services and public programs. Founded in 1980 in Manhattan's Chinatown, the museum began as the New York Chinatown History Project by historian John Kuo Wei Tchen and community resident and activist Charles Lai.
- 由美國潮商總會主席團主席歐佳霖任團長、主席團主席陳育昭任執行團長的龐大代表團,日前到訪香港潮屬社團總會及香港潮州商會,與兩會首長就香港和美國兩地潮商和鄉親未來多層面合作交換意見。其間,潮州商會和美國潮商總會舉行隆重的締結友好協會儀式。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/03/18/a14-0318.pdf
- investors
- 中小企辦公軟件服務商Womply的統計數據發現,全美有近六成中餐館因應疫情已經停業,紐約唐人街二百七十家中餐館之中,更只剩下四十家勉強維持,華埠團體期望政府出手,幫助業者渡過難關。連鎖中餐館P.F. Chang表示,公司在全美有超過二百間分店,三月中以來顧客自取和外賣業務「擴大了一倍」,但全美大部分同業都是獨立經營,缺乏企業連鎖的資本儲備,難以抵禦新冠病毒引起的風暴。雖然經營艱難,美國中餐飲業聯合會仍成功號召中餐業者,從上月底起,為疫情中的一線工作人員提供免費工作餐,目前已得到全美約一百家中餐廳響應。美中餐飲業聯合會主席胡曉軍更是由自己旗下的「老四川」餐廳(圖)帶頭,免費為一線人員送愛心餐。https://std.stheadline.com/daily/article/detail/2198716/日報-國際-全美六成中餐館停業-團體促政府救助
- chinese in us
- https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/long-reads/article/3011323/chinese-who-built-americas-transcontinental
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/10/25/a23-1025.pdf
- 現任美國駐成都總領事林傑偉(Jim Mullinax)的妻子莊祖宜,上周三在微信發文,披露領事夫人生活背後不為人知的一面,指領事館的外交經費十分有限,美國總統特朗普上任後更是捉襟見肘。莊祖宜發表名為《我不是官夫人》的文章,提到其夫林傑偉所管轄的成都領事館,經費相當有限,無論是下午茶或節慶聚會的領館活動,身為領事配偶的她,只能自掏腰包籌辦。她披露,美國國務院撥出的外交經費很有限,形容這是「我身處國務院體系下,不富不貴的實況」;又提到身為美國外交官配偶,超過二十美元的禮物需充公,個人行程不得使用公務車,十四小時以下航程須搭經濟艙等。莊更表示,彷彿成了美國政府的終身義工。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190324/00178_013.html
- 美國洛杉磯市議會今年一月捲入貪腐醜聞,當中包括前華裔副市長陳紓樺。《洛杉磯時報》取得聯邦調查局(FBI)的搜查令,發現陳紓樺一名「家族朋友」在洛杉磯建築安全局工作期間,同時在涉案地產投資公司兼職,懷疑有利益衝突;目前未有人被控。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190619/00180_010.html
- 來自山東的企業家施乾平帶領他的團隊,僅僅18年就將旗下的打印機公司打造成行業巨頭,創造了中國乃至世界高科技工業數碼打印機的數個第一,甚至生產出全球第一台磁懸浮打印機。雖然僑居美國,施乾平仍希望透過製造出同業中最好的機械,讓世界能感受到中國製造的強大魅力。新儒商政商平台是美國華人企業家聯合會三大平台之一,「支持優秀華人參政議政,讓主流社會多一些華人的聲音」是其中一項重要內容。施乾平告訴記者,華裔只有在唐人街才能有機會成為議員,他希望有一天能在更多的社區湧現出華裔民選議員。施乾平鼓勵華人子弟從大學生開始,在其居住的社區做教育、消防、社區聯絡官,為社區服務作貢獻,回饋住在國。在施乾平舉行的家庭聚會上,他邀請到美國華裔國會眾議員、民主黨全國委員會副主席孟昭文參加。孟昭文為華人子弟介紹如何為社會作貢獻,以及做公益有什麼社會價值,施乾平希望通過孟昭文的例子促進孩子們服務社會的熱情。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/27/a08-0627.pdf
- 美國紐約華裔消防員梁凱文(Kevin Liang),上月三十日駕駛電單車經過剛落成的考西斯科橋時,被一輛突然切線的汽車撞至車翻人亡,肇事車輛不顧而去。警方調查至今毫無進展,死者家人周三召開記者會,呼籲目擊者提供線索。orientaldaily 21oct17\
- albert cheng (4th generation chinese american) and him mark lai set up a non-profit group in 1991 to help chinese americans to trace roots scmp 23jan18
- 曾槍傷他人被判囚十年的美國華裔饒舌男歌手China Mac,上周六號召數十人到紐約曼哈頓一棟公屋的天台高歌及拍MV。眾人拍得興起之際,卻接到投訴前來的警員一網打盡,四十四人全數帶回警局,被控非法闖入罪名,警方又在現場搜出槍械。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180205/00180_018.html
- scmp article "journey to the past" 1apr18
- The remains of 13 Chinese men unearthed in northeast Nevada more than two decades ago will finally be reburied in the Carlin City Cemetery. The remains will be honored with a traditional Chinese ceremony Tuesday after having been sent for archaeological study in 1996. 'They will be laid to rest back where they should have been,' said Margaret Johnston, a Carlin City Council member. Thousands of Chinese immigrants arrived in the western United States to work in mines following the California Gold Rush in 1848, and later, many were hired to construct the Transcontinental Railroad in the 1880s. A Carlin property owner discovered the remains after doing some digging in November 1996. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5907765/Exhumed-remains-13-Chinese-men-reburied-Nevada.html
- 美國紐約王后區法拉盛一名在華人月子中心工作的婦人,上周五用刀刺傷了中心內三名初生嬰兒及三名成人,之後自割手腕,有嬰兒傷勢嚴重,幸無性命危險。警方指疑兇的行兇動機有待調查,有指她有心理問題。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180923/00180_015.html
- 美國芝加哥一名九旬香港移民老翁,早前在當地唐人街散步時遭一名疑有精神問題的黑人重擊頭部http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181027/00180_016.html
- 一名疑為華裔的美國男子於上周五在印度安達曼群島獨遊探險,登島後遭受保護的原始部落族人以亂箭射殺,陳屍海岸。當地警方已列作謀殺案調查,並拘捕七人。廿七歲的約翰‧周(John Chau)先登上當地漁民的艇,然後再獨自划獨木舟,靠近偏遠的北森蒂納爾島。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181122/00180_022.html
- 台籍國際知名刑事科學鑑定專家、有「華人神探」之稱的李昌鈺,下月將在美國康涅狄格州再婚,對象是來自大陸的知名企業家蔣霞萍。婚禮將低調舉行,婚後二人將在美國定居。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181122/00178_008.html
- 李昌鈺生於江蘇省如皋一個富裕鹽商家 庭,11歲隨家人遷台。蔣霞萍生於江蘇揚 州,距離如皋僅一個半小時車程。2017年 7 月李昌鈺遭逢喪妻之痛,78歲宋妙娟中風 而搶救無效辭世,他一度消沉。他倆攜手相 守 55載,有一雙子女。宋妙娟生於馬來西 亞砂勞越,就讀台灣師範大學期間,結識時 任警官的李昌鈺。他倆 1962年結婚,相偕 赴美,李昌鈺繼續求學,全靠宋妙娟教書維 持家計。李昌鈺在公開場合多次表達對宋妙 娟的恩愛:「如果沒有她,就沒有今天的李 昌鈺。」 千里姻緣一線牽。李昌鈺「第二春」迎娶 蔣霞萍。2018年 12月 1日美國康乃狄克州 利奇菲爾德縣,李昌鈺與相識多年的 62歲 蔣霞萍結婚,婚後定居康州。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/04/13/b09-0413.pdf
- 美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大上周四有小型飛機墜毀,機上四人罹難,並證實其中一名死者為田納西州孟菲斯一間企業的華裔始創人陳瑋(Wei Chen),其餘三人為同公司的高層。陳於二○一一年駕駛單引擎小型飛機環球飛行,有「中國環球飛行第一人」之稱。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181223/00180_023.html
- 中國前外交官鍾丹(Dan Zhong,譯音)在美國經營建築公司期間,涉嫌強迫來自中國的工人當黑工,一六年於美國被拘捕並起訴,案件於當地時間周二於紐約開審。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190307/00178_008.html
- 美國總統特朗普上月在佛羅里達州參加派對時,與一名華裔女子合照。美媒上周五報道,該名女子是一家水療按摩店的始創人,一家曾由她持有的分店是美式足球隊「新英倫愛國者」班主克拉夫特接受性服務的地方。白宮和特朗普團隊暫未回應事件。報道指,特朗普於上月三日在西棕櫚灘觀賞超級碗,為好友克拉夫特持有的球隊「新英倫愛國者」打氣,期間與四十五歲女子楊莅合照。楊莅二十多年前來到美國,並於二○○七年創立東京日間水療中心,旗下有多間連鎖分店,旗艦店由丈夫負責營運。直至二○一三年,楊莅將佛州丘辟特一間分店售予另一名女商人張華(音譯)。該店其後改名為亞洲蘭花日間水療中心,但被指涉及人口販賣及賣淫,受害者來自中國。克拉夫特亦因光顧這間非法按摩院,於上月底被控兩項不當誘使他人賣淫的罪名。楊莅曾多次向共和黨人捐款,並據報向特朗普捐款五萬八千美元(約四十五萬二千港元)。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190310/00180_010.html
- 曾經參演電影《邊緣人》的70年代影星嘉倫(原名梁嘉倫),於本月7日因腎衰竭引致併發症在美國病逝,享年80歲。喪禮於美國時間上周四中午,在新澤西州舉行,翌日於美國紀念公墓下葬。嘉倫太太Shirley和兒子在喪禮上表現堅强,反安慰前來致哀的親友。由於嘉倫的兒子任職警隊,所以有不少同僚到喪禮致哀,而出殯日的上午,嘉倫的靈柩從殯儀館開往美國紀念公墓時,都有警車在途經的每個鎮為靈車開路,務求暢通無阻。https://hk.entertainment.appledaily.com/entertainment/daily/article/20190317/20634961
- 美國一輛載滿華客、由佛羅里達州奧蘭多前往紐約的長途旅遊巴,周二(19日)清晨在維珍尼亞州疑加速失控翻側,熟睡中的乘客反應不及,導致最少兩死五十二傷,包括小童及多名華人。中國駐美國大使館表示其中一名死者疑為中國公民,正核實其身份,並派員趕赴出事地點。警方初步懷疑事件與超速有關,拘捕相信是香港移民的男司機,並控以兩項誤殺罪。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190321/00180_020.html
- 美國加州大學三藩市分校的科學家,近日研究出一個可將腦電波解碼,並轉為語音的系統,該系統每分鐘可以輸出近一百五十個單字,接近正常人水平,為有口難言的人帶來希望。華裔科學家Edward Chang,及神經學家Gopala Anumanchipalli亦有份參與是次研究。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190428/00180_032.html
- 美國費城華埠民藝特許學校(FACTS)繼外牆出現不明塗鴉後,校門外一座中國傳統石獅子像於周日遭人惡意破壞。費城人類關係委員會周一表示,事件或涉及種族偏見罪行,警方已介入調查。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190503/00180_007.html
- 美國賓夕凡尼亞州立大學的研究團隊近日研發了一台新裝置,可助醫生在數分鐘內辨別病人體內是否存在病菌,從而決定是否有需要開出抗生素。新發明有望減少濫用抗生素的情況,精準醫生用藥。團隊成員之一的港產學者、該校生物工程教授黃柏堅(Pak Kin Wong,音譯)稱,團隊已申請臨時專利,希望未來可縮小裝置以方便在醫院使用。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190508/00180_029.html
- 美國政府一直指控中國藉「千人計劃」竊取機密,美國埃默里大學日前解僱該校華裔生物教授李曉江及其同校任教的妻子李世華,並關閉李曉江的實驗室,解僱實驗室的學生和研究員,要求各人三十天內離境。校方周四發聲明,指李曉江夫婦沒有充分公開外國研究資金來源,以及為中國研究機構和大學工作的範圍,因此決定關閉實驗室。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190525/00180_011.html
- 美國傳媒報道,該國電訊商iTalkBB華裔始創人趙捷,以遠高於市價從一名哈佛大學西洋劍擊隊教練手上買下物業,近日受到檢方調查。他的幼子其時正申請入讀哈佛。趙捷的代表律師稱,未收到當事人受查的消息,強調趙捷的孩子是靠實力入學。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190621/00180_027.html
- 五十四歲美籍華裔商人石山(音譯Shan Shi),前年六月與另外六人涉嫌盜竊位於美國休斯敦、瑞典特利堡集團旗下子公司生產的複合薄膜塑料技術。該案周三在華盛頓聯邦法院開審,石山被控犯經濟間諜罪、盜取商業機密罪和洗錢罪,若被判罪成,將面臨最高廿年監禁,及逾一千萬美元(約七千八百萬港元)的罰款。石山否認控罪。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190726/00178_003.html
- 美國德薩斯州一名女飛行導師與一名來自中國南方航空的華裔飛行員,周日駕駛小型飛機作飛行訓練時失事墜毀,雙雙死亡。有飛行學員透露,涉事飛機早有故障,導師事前曾要求換機惟被拒。校方已暫停所有中國學員訓練。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190731/00178_028.html
- 美國國防部早年因阿富汗戰事膠着,推出緊缺人才徵兵計劃,吸引有意移民的外國國民加入美軍。美媒近日報道,美軍以移民的家庭背景與外國關係為由,過去數月將兩名來自中國的移民踢出軍隊,其中一人的祖父生前曾加入解放軍。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190804/00180_008.html
- 美國堪薩斯大學四十七歲華裔助理教授陶峰,涉嫌在該校收受美國資助進行研究期間,同時秘密地在中國福州大學全職工作。他周三被捕,被控一項電匯詐騙及三項詐騙罪。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190823/00180_012.html
- 美國政府周一宣布起訴一名美籍華裔男導遊,他涉嫌為中國政府在美國進行間諜活動,並在上周五被捕,不准保釋。司法部發布兩段影片,顯示被告在一個酒店房間進行間諜活動。一經定罪,他將面臨十年監禁和罰款廿五萬美元(約二百萬港元)。五十六歲的加州居民彭雪華被控的罪名涉及國家安全,他涉嫌將有關美國國家安全的機密資料交給中國官員。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191002/00178_012.html
- 美國多次指控國內新興毒品芬太尼主要來自中國,當地司法部於兩年前首次對中國公民就販運芬太尼作出起訴,當中一人名為張建(音譯,JianZhang),他被指是「重大外國毒品走私者」。近日美國司法部特別行動組的解密文件,揭露張如何由普通商人變成大毒梟。布美查出,張建利用一家香港註冊公司Zaron Bio-tech (Asia) Limited(下稱Zaron)作掩飾,向美加輸出芬太尼。布美長年當臥底,查出張建曾從事衣服、性玩具等買賣,至二○一二年才涉足毒品生意。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191018/00178_002.html
- 美國紐約一名新婚華裔警員,周二(15日)晚在家中突然吞槍自殺身亡,令家人和朋友悲痛不已。有指他生前在職場受到欺凌,自殺當晚曾尋求心理輔導。紐約市今年以來已有十名警員自殺,數字為歷來平均數的兩倍,警員心理健康問題再次引起外界關注。該名三十三歲死者李林鴻(Linhong Li)為廣東台山人,十一歲時舉家移民美國,十八歲時加入海軍陸戰隊,並曾往伊拉克服役。退役後他在大學修讀刑警司法,在警察學院以平均成績第一名畢業,之後在二○一二年加入紐約市警隊,去年一月升為沙展,駐守曼哈頓廿四分局。他在一年前搬往皇后區,並在兩個月前結婚。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191019/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- 一名美國海軍的華裔軍官被指與妻子非法出口槍械、走私軍用船隻及引擎予中國,涉嫌洩密及從事違法活動被美國聯邦調查局(FBI)拘捕,同案一名中國買家及其情婦亦告落網。案件周三(23日)在佛羅里達州杰克遜維爾聯邦法院開庭,被捕軍官受到多項指控,包括將槍枝轉讓給非美國居民、進口和製造槍枝,以及串謀違反聯邦法律等。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191025/00178_001.html
- 三十六歲中國籍男子譚鴻錦,去年被控從美國俄克拉何馬州一家石油公司,竊取總值超過十億美元(約七十八億港元)商業機密。美國司法部表示,他已在周二認罪,將於明年判刑。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191114/00178_005.html
- 美國加州華裔女子蒂法尼.李(Tiffany Li,音譯)涉嫌在一七年謀殺前男友,獲富豪親友籌措三千五百萬美元(約二億七千萬港元)巨額保釋,被盛傳是中國官三代。聖馬特奧縣法院經十二日審訊,上周五裁定她串謀殺人罪名不成立。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191117/00178_013.html
- 美國加州華裔男導遊彭雪華(Xuehua Edward Peng,音譯),涉為中國政府在美從事間諜活動,今年九月被起訴。他周一同意以認罪換取減刑至監禁四年、罰款三萬美元(約廿三萬四千港元),但不獲法官接納。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191127/00180_005.html
- 美國紐約州韋斯特切斯特縣近日發生滅門慘案,任職金融機構高層的四十六歲華裔男子劉傳凱(Chuan-Kai Liu,音譯)涉嫌殺死妻子及一對年幼子女後,再自盡身亡。劉家予人感覺和諧及無家暴紀錄,鄰居對慘劇感難以置信。警方透露,劉傳凱生前承受極大壓力,正調查其動機。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191209/00180_017.html
- 世界知名的美國密歇根大學桑福德實驗室早前迎來有史以來最年輕成員。這位年僅十四歲的華裔少年丹尼爾‧劉(Daniel Liu),目前正攻讀化學及電腦科學雙學士。學業事業兩得意的他擔起重任,負責協助藥廠開發更環保的製藥方式。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191216/00180_032.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3043167/chinese-researcher-accused-trying-smuggle-vials-biological A Chinese medical researcher was arrested in Boston earlier this month on suspicion of trying to take stolen biological samples back to China, according to an affidavit by an FBI agent. According to the agent’s testimony, published with redactions on Universal Hub, a community news and information site for the Boston area, Zheng Zaosong, 29, was questioned at Logan International Airport on December 9.
- 旅美中國作家陳達上周二因肺癌病逝,終年五十七歲。陳達二十年前以自己幼年及其家族在中國文革時期的迫害經歷,寫成小說《造》,搖身一變成為暢銷書作家。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191226/00180_018.html
- 廿九歲疑犯鄭造松(音譯,Zaosong Zheng)是廣州中山大學博士生,持交流訪問學者簽證到哈佛大學的教學醫院貝斯以色列女執事醫療中心(BIDMC)任病理學訪問研究生。法庭指,海關在鄭造松行李箱的一隻襪子中,找到廿一小瓶沒有申報的棕色液體。他之後承認,液體是從BIDMC偷出來,載有癌症研究的樣本,他在未經授權下複製並打算帶回中國研究,一旦成功就以自己名義發表論文。然而,聯邦調查局(FBI)指出,鄭很可能是為中國政府工作,盜取美國的知識產權。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200102/00178_003.html
- 美國海關及邊防局(CBP)一名華裔前指揮官被控違法買賣軍火、非法管有無牌槍械、製作虛假文書及逃稅的罪名,周一被判囚二年七個月。五十八歲被告徐偉(Wei Xu,音譯)曾任CBP洛杉磯長灘港的監察指揮官。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200131/00180_010.html
- 美國加州聯邦法院前日宣布,一名中國學者五年前從兩間美國公司偷取用於手機的技術,裁定他經濟間諜、盜取商業機密及串謀為中國政府謀取利益罪成。法庭八月三十一日判刑,被告面臨最高監禁十至十五年,及每項罪名最高罰款廿五萬美元(約一百九十五萬港元)。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200628/00180_012.html
- historian (moved from hk/china to settle in us) ming chan 陈明銶
- education
- hkej 1nov18 shum article
- 美國著名學府麻省理工學院(MIT)近日公布本科生提前錄取名單,共錄取逾七百名來自全球四百八十六間高中的學生。名單中雖有美國高中華人學生,但卻完全沒有來自中國大陸及香港的高中生,情況罕見。有分析認為這或與中方「千人計劃」引起美國學界警惕有關。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181229/00180_009.html
- culture
- A Trip to Chinatown is a musical comedy in three acts by Charles H. Hoyt with music by Percy Gaunt and lyrics by Hoyt.After almost a year of touring, the musical opened at Broadway’s Madison Square Theater on November 9, 1891, and ran for 657 performances, or just short of two years. A version of the show was produced in 1912 under the title A Winsome Widow, and a film adaptation featuring Anna May Wong was made in 1926.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2016-09/21/content_26848155.htm The tongs that once ruled NY's Chinatown
- 美國傳媒揭發,由香港前特首董建華任主席的中美交流基金會,企圖藉資助著名學府和智庫等機構,左右美國政策和輿論。資料顯示,該會過去五年在美國花逾2,240萬港元作政治游說。受資助大學否認捐款會左右學術研究的獨立與誠信,基金會則否認擔任中共代理人。美國雜誌《外交政策》報道,約翰霍普金斯大學高級國際研究學院今年八月宣佈在中國研究學系增設冠名教授職位,負責「太平洋共同體倡議」(Project Community Initiative)項目,研究「中國在亞洲以至全球更廣泛的角色,及對鄰近地區和夥伴的意義」。中國研究總監David Lampton在報道中承認,此項目由中美交流基金會資助,新設教席也會與基金會緊密合作。中美交流基金會由董擔任主席,報道指其資助的機構包括布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institution)及大西洋理事會(Atlantic Council)屬下研究中心等著名智庫。《蘋 果》翻查美國國會紀錄,發現基金會每年聘用3至4家公司在國會進行游說工作,議題大多涉中美關係。連同今年首3季,基金會過去5年在此範疇花費逾 2,240萬港元,其中單在2015年就用上620萬港元。本身是擔保公司的基金會的香港公開賬目顯示,基金會現時坐擁逾3億港元資產,當中約1.2億元 是現金,主要收入是捐款,去年錄8,500萬元捐款,2014年錄近1.5億元;超過7成開支列入「其他撥款及項目開支」,惟無披露資金來源。報道引述美國詹姆斯頓基金會中國項目研究員馬蒂斯稱,中國在美國建立的人脈並非為短期利益,而是希望長遠改變輿論氣氛,日後毋須直接出手也可左右政策辯論。https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20171130/20230175翻查資料,董建華(圖)自退任特首後即擔任中美關係推手,除多次約見多名美國前任或時任高官,亦曾以全國政協副主席身份,陪同中國兩任國家主席習近平、胡 錦濤出席中美活動。美國總統特朗普新近訪京,董亦有出席歡迎活動。 中美交流基金會於2008年在香港設立,自稱是一個由私人資助的,非政府、非營利性的實體。https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20171130/20230188
- 由香港前特首、全國政協副主席董建華擔任主席的中美交流基金會,近年向多間美國大學捐款,但美國傳媒報道,德州大學上周決定拒絕基金會的資助,被視為抵抗中國在美國日益增強的影響力。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180116/00176_032.html, appledaily 16jan18
- The FBI, Department of Education, National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Association of American Universities are some of the bodies now coordinating efforts to learn which faculty members at research universities and medical centres are receiving financial support from Chinese entities.https://beta.scmp.com/news/china/article/2179000/chinese-tech-under-microscope-us-agencies-step-reviews-research-activity
- 美籍華裔女子瓊斯(Joy Jones)廿四年前被親生父母拋棄,其後獲一對美國夫婦領養。多年來她一直想尋回親生父母,今年初透過內地電視節目終於成功尋親,上周三(13日)透過視像對話見面。其母深感內疚http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190221/00178_019.html
- http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1559769/california-state-senator-leland-yee-faces-new-corruption-charges
- chinese continue to snap up us properties http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2014-10/14/content_18735248.htm
- 美移民新政華人反應兩極http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20141122/PDF/a13_screen.pdf, http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/11/22/a20-1122.pdf
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170204/00180_016.html特朗普上台才兩周,就有指新政府擬對新移民開刀,可能遞解那些依靠福利度日的綠卡人士。消息連日在美國華人中引發震盪。有「華埠義工」之稱的美東聯成公所顧問趙文笙(圖)指,新移民領取福利近年確有增加。趙說美國政府規定一般情況下,入境五年內不應申請任何福利,否則需負刑責,擔保人也會被罰。但他表示:「特朗普是一個不能以常理推測的人,會不會嚴格執法,誰也不能說。」
- car park
- 美國紐約有「華埠義工」之稱的美東聯成公所顧問趙文笙,於本月九日因不敵癌魔病逝,享年六十九歲。美東聯成公所於上周六為他舉辦追思會,不少政界人士出席。祖籍廣東新會的趙文笙,於八十年代由香港移民紐約。他生前對僑界的主要貢獻分別是開放聯成公所協助華人,及帶領華人打進美國政治主流。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171023/00180_033.html
- singtao 9aug17 來自香港的女子及其丈夫卻以9萬美元(約70.4萬港元)超筍價,在當地豪宅區買起一整條私家路,並可能將其轉售,或向區內一眾業主徵收泊車費,大賺一筆。屋苑居民一直蒙在鼓裡,對此非常不滿,要求市政府裁定交易無效。三藩市共有181條私家路,業主每年須繳付14美元(約109港元)物業稅,普雷西迪奧台(Presidio Terrace)屋苑的居民協會卻連續30年漏交稅項。2015年,地方稅局在網站拍賣普雷西迪奧台的橢圓形私家路,以收回994美元(約7,775港元)連息罰款和稅款。來自香港的蒂娜.林(Tina Lam,譯音)和其台灣的丈夫邁克爾.鄭(Michael Cheng,譯音)吼準這難得投資良機,同年4月成功投得。夫婦未決定如何作進一步投資,由於該街道劃有120個車位,一個選擇就是向住戶收取泊車費;另一方法是以高價轉售路段,報道指,今年5月兩夫婦委託產權公司,詢問普雷西迪奧台居民是否願意回購,居民才赫然發現屋外的私家路被買起。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/08/09/a24-0809.pdf
普雷西迪奧台是三藩市最私密的豪宅區,以前只有白人才可在這一帶置業,禁令直至1948年才解除。一則1906年的地產廣告聲稱「日本及中國人入侵了三藩市西增區(Western Addition,普雷西迪奧台附近地區),住宅區失陷。我們提供普雷西迪奧台單位,禁絕東方人。三藩市唯獨是普雷西迪奧台,只容許高加索人買樓及租屋」。報道指,普雷西迪奧台是三藩市唯一設閘口的住宅區,並聘請保安24小時看守,禁止閒雜人進入,反映居民注重私隱。雖然如此,Google街景車卻成功駛入,網民可以用Google地圖街景服務一窺區內面貌。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/08/09/a24-0809.pdf
- chinese language
- 市議會28日宣布取消這項交易,收回華裔夫婦對街道的所有權。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171130/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- 該對夫婦因不滿遭當局剝奪財產,現入稟控告市政府。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180113/00180_015.html
- scmp rem a day 25nov1979 report - The city of San Francisco was found in civil contempt of court for not having had enough bilingual Chinese translation officers at the precincts during the November 6, 1979 election. US District Judge Cecil Poole said the city had violated a court order issued a year before to protect the rights of non-English-speaking citizens at the polls.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3039773/royal-spy-revelations-and-china-rejoins-olympics-headlines
- 為了幫助華人社區了解警察日常工作與環境、以及學習法律常識以保障自身權益,美國加州阿罕布拉市將於下月十六日至六月二十日舉辦首屆以普通話授課的「公民警校」。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180404/00180_038.html
- cny celebrations
- 「百靈鳥從藍天飛過,我愛你中國。」當地時間9日,美國華盛頓15所公立學校舉行一年一度的中國新年聯歡會,數十名初中生在愛麗絲.迪爾中學的舞台上用標準中文為台下約700名學生、老師、家長獻上了這首優美的中國歌曲,贏得滿堂喝彩。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/02/11/b01-0211.pdf
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201808/27/WS5b83669ca310add14f387ef8.html The Lunar New Year, the grandest celebration for Chinese and many other Asian cultures, was designated a day of special cultural significance in California when Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law on Friday. Senate Bill 892, authored by California State Senators Richard Pan and Scott Wiener, officially recognizes Lunar New Year in the state and requires the governor to honor it annually. The bill, proposed in January, also encourages all public schools and educational institutions to conduct exercises recognizing the traditions and cultural significance of the Lunar New Year, the contributions of Asian and Pacific Islander Californians to the state, and hold local festivities and celebrations for the occasion.
- 美國華盛頓的史密森尼美國藝術博物館上周六舉辦中國新年家庭日,館方設立一系列教授中國傳統文化藝術活動的攤位。有美國人即場學習中國書法,並嘗試寫揮春。此外,現場還有捏麵人、皮影戲及剪紙攤位,也有中國舞蹈表演。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200203/00180_035.html
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201805/11/WS5af4b4cfa3105cdcf651d3c0.html As California celebrated its second Chinese Railroad Workers Memorial Day on Thursday, a Chinese artist and a state Assembly member have produced an art exhibition to honor the workers and promote Sino-American friendship.
- discrimation/antichinese
- The Seattle riot of 1886 occurred on February 6–9, 1886, in Seattle, Washington, amidst rising anti-Chinese sentiment caused by intense labor competition and in the context of an ongoing struggle between labor and capital in the Western United States. The dispute arose when a mob affiliated with a local Knights of Labor chapter formed small committees to carry out a forcible expulsion of all Chinese from the city. Violence erupted between the Knights of Labor rioters and federal troops ordered in by President Grover Cleveland. The incident resulted in the removal of over 200 Chinese people from Seattle and left 2 militia men and 3 rioters seriously injured.
- 美國紐約布魯克林一間由一對華裔夫婦開設的美容店,上周五有一對非裔祖母和孫女前來光顧。其後孫女不滿她的修眉效果拒絕付錢,雙方繼而動手,其中多名華裔店員隨手舉起店內的「武器」開戰,最後華裔女店東和該孫女雙雙被捕。事件在周一引起非裔人士大規模示威,要求將商店關閉,警員築起人鏈,劃出通道保護店員離開。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180808/00180_012.html
- 不少華人聚居的美國紐約布魯克林區班森賀最少7處地點,包括兩處華人商戶,於上周六凌晨被人噴上「華裔女子的XX像魚一樣臭」(Chinese XXXXX Stink Like Fish)的辱華字句,引來華社擔心和不滿,當地華人團體前日上街抗議。紐約警方昨日公開現場閉路電視片段,顯示疑犯是一名男子,並於凌晨時分犯案,警方懸紅1,000美元(約7,849港元)緝拿涉事人士歸案。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/08/08/a20-0808.pdf
- 美國德州休斯敦MIMS中文沉浸學校日前爆出華裔校長張兆麟被迫辭職,風波愈鬧愈大。不少家長上周四從社交平台轉戰學區教育委員會,在多名委員面前示威抗議。示威者手持寫有「我們需要答案」、「MIMS強大」的標語牌,呼籲外界關注此事,稱關乎美國教育體系的公平原則與遊戲規則。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190414/00180_021.html
- 美國伊利諾伊州一間名為城郊快運的巴士公司,於早年涉嫌刊登一則廣告,結果引發歧視華人風波及惹來官非。巴士公司近日簽署和解協議,並同意向早年乘搭巴士的乘客支付賠償,連串行動卻被視為毫無悔意。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190420/00178_021.html
- 美國阿拉斯加航空公司(Alaska Airlines)一名據報有躁鬱症的女員工,日前在新澤西州紐瓦克自由國際機場懷疑兩名華裔乘客形迹可疑,並按響警報大叫疏散,令現場約二百名旅客以為出現槍手,紛紛倉皇逃生。警方其後證實華裔乘客無可疑,事件被指涉及種族歧視,航空公司已展開調查,該女員工未被檢控。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190909/00180_019.html
- The Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) is an independent agency of the U.S. government which monitors human rights and rule of law developments in the People's Republic of China. It was created in October 2001 under Title III of H.R. 4444, which authorizes normal trade relations with the PRC, and establishes a framework for relations between the two countries.[1] The commission was given the mandate by the U.S. Congress to monitor and report on human rights issues with a particular focus on compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Its reporting covers developments in freedom of expression, the right to peaceful assembly, religious freedom, freedom of movement, freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention, or torture, and the right to a fair trial, among others. The commission publishes an annual report to the President of the United States and Congress, typically in the fall of each year. It also maintains a database of prisoners of conscience, and holds regular roundtables and hearings. The commission comprises a staff of researchers and analysts, and is overseen by as many as nine members each from the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, as well as senior executive branch officials. Chairmanship of the commission rotates between the majority parties from the House and Senate.
- hkej 28feb17 shum article
- hkej 1sep17 shum article
- 昨天是香港佔領行動五周年,美國國會及行政當局中國委員會(CECC)前日發聲明指,香港自治、人權、自由被侵蝕,促請中國和特區政府重啟政改,落實行政長官和立法會雙普選。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190929/00176_023.html
- 日前出席美國國會及行政當局中國委員會(CECC)聽證會、支持香港人反對修訂《逃犯條例》的美國學者加勒特(Dan Garrett),昨稱被拒入境香港;入境處表示不評論個別個案。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190929/00176_024.html
- The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882. It was one of the most significant restrictions on free immigration in US history, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The act followed theAngell Treaty of 1880, a set of revisions to the US-China Burlingame Treaty of 1868 that allowed the US to suspend Chinese immigration. The act was initially intended to last for 10 years, but was renewed in 1892 with the Geary Act and made permanent in 1902. The Chinese Exclusion Act was the first law implemented to prevent a specific ethnic group from immigrating to the United States. It was repealed by the Magnuson Act on December 17, 1943.The first significant Chinese immigration to North America began with the California Gold Rush of 1848–1855 and continued with subsequent large labor projects, such as the building of the First Transcontinental Railroad. During the early stages of the gold rush, when surface gold was plentiful, the Chinese were tolerated, if not well received. As gold became harder to find and competition increased, animosity toward the Chinese and other foreigners increased. After being forcibly driven from the mines, most Chinese settled in enclaves in cities, mainly San Francisco, and took up low end wage labor such as restaurant and laundry work.[citation needed] With the post-Civil War economy in decline by the 1870s, anti-Chinese animosity became politicized by labor leader Denis Kearney and his Workingman's Party as well as by California Governor John Bigler, both of whom blamed Chinese "coolies" for depressed wage levels. Another significant anti-Chinese group organized in California during this same era was theSupreme Order of Caucasians, with some 60 chapters statewide.[citation needed] In the early 1850s, there was resistance to the idea of excluding Chinese migrant workers from immigration, because they provided essential tax revenue which helped fill the fiscal gap of California. But toward the end of the decade, the financial situation improved and subsequently, attempts to legislate Chinese exclusion became successful on the state level. In 1858, the California Legislature passed a law that made it illegal for any person "of the Chinese or Mongolian races" to enter the state; however, this law was struck down by an unpublished opinion of the State Supreme Court in 1862. The Chinese immigrant workers provided cheap labor and did not use any of the government infrastructure (schools, hospitals, etc.) because the Chinese migrant population was predominantly made up of healthy male adults. As time passed and more and more Chinese migrants arrived in California, violence would often break out in cities such as Los Angeles. By 1878 Congress decided to act and passed legislation excluding the Chinese, but this was vetoed by President Rutherford B. Hayes. In 1879, California adopted a new Constitution, which explicitly authorized the state government to determine which individuals were allowed to reside in the state, and banned the Chinese from employment by corporations and state, county or municipal governments. Once the Chinese Exclusion Act was finally passed in 1882, California went further by passing various laws that were later held to be unconstitutional. After the act was passed, most Chinese families were faced with a dilemma: stay in the United States alone or go back to China to reunite with their families. Although there was widespread dislike for the Chinese, some capitalists and entrepreneurs resisted their exclusion because they accepted lower wages.
- hkej 1feb17 shum article raised the question of whether trump's executive order relating to 7 muslim countries will apply to chinese
- 美中關係委員會 National Committee on United States China Relations (NCUSCR)
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20161217/PDF/a24_screen.pdf 美中關係委員會成立於1966年,是 一個私立、無黨派的非營利性機構,旨 在促進中美兩國人民的相互了解與合作 。過去五十年來,委員會對增進兩國人 民的友誼、推動兩國關係的發展做出了 卓越貢獻。
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2096743/trumps-business-adviser-urges-us-china-revive-dialogue-economy The US and China had been conducting half-yearly meetings called the strategic economic dialogue since 2006 during the administrations of George W. Bush and former Chinese president Hu Jintao. Headed by treasury and finance ministry officials in both countries, five such dialogues were held between 2006 and 2008. During the Barack Obama administration and the years under Hu and his successor Xi Jinping, the strategic economic dialogue was expanded to give the US State Department a greater role and renamed the strategic and economic dialogue.
- 首輪中美外交安全對話當地時間21日在美國華盛頓舉行。作為中美兩國元首海湖莊園首晤後首個啟動的高級別對話機制,本輪對話備受關注。儘管朝鮮半島局勢近日處於敏感節點,兩國官方都在會前釋放出積極信號,期望對話能夠為中美雙方溝通磨合發揮積極作用。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/22/a16-0622.pdf
- 特朗普上任至今近5个月,各部会仍有许多高阶官员未找到合适人选,造成美方代表有多位都仍是“代理”身份。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170622/PDF/a11_screen.pdf
- association
- us china business council
- http://www.china.org.cn/business/2017-01/12/content_40087197.htm The USCBC, founded in 1973, is a private, nonpartisan and nonprofit organization of more than 200 US companies doing business with China.
- 美國中國總商會
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160121/PDF/a15_screen.pdf 美 國紐約當地時間1月19日,美國中國總商會在紐 約發布《2015白皮書》和《2015在美中資企業 年度商業調查報告》。報告指,美國貿易保護 主義和國家安全審查仍然是在美中資企業普遍 擔心的問題,此外,中資企業還面臨着來自文 化、法律和政策環境以及勞動力成本等方面的 挑戰。白皮書呼籲美國政府採取公平、開放、 透明的政策對待在美中資企業。
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/2079636/us-chamber-commerce-report-criticises-beijings-10-year
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170426/PDF/a23_screen.pdf彭博公司、美國中國總商會和美國全 國州長協會24日在紐約聯合舉辦 「2017國 際金融與基礎設施合作論壇」,吸引了中 美兩國政府高級官員和400多名企業高管 和金融專業人士的參加。
- 中國國際經濟交流中心和美國全國商會聯合主辦的中美企業家對話10日至11日在北京舉行。據新華社報道,此次對話主題是「中國、美國及全球經濟」。中方代表表示,中美經貿存在的分歧和摩擦,最終需要通過對話,在平等和相互尊重基礎上解決,雙方應注重開拓新的合作空間。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/12/a15-0912.pdf
- 紐約中華總商會
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20160811/19732056紐約中華總商會主席于金山憶述當年恐襲發生後,政府向附近居民每戶派發5,000美元(約3.9萬港元),惟不少華人因擔心身份問題、甚至「嫌麻煩」未有向政府登記其他賠償及醫療保障;事隔多年,社區健康問題陸續浮現,「就算未發現病症,都應該嚟聽咗(講座)先」。
- 美國華人全國委員會(NCCA)
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/09/10/a16-0910.pdf美國華人全國委員會(NCCA)舉辦的首屆美國華人大會前日在首都華盛頓開幕,數百名來自全美超過30個州的華人代表出席,希望為華人搭建一個全國性跨黨派活動平台,推動華裔積極參政,從而擴大他們對美國政治的影響力。
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/11/18/a18-1118.pdf ,來 自美國硅谷的 AAMA(Asia America Multi-technology Association,亞美高科技商會)聯合深港科技合作促進 會共同推出的「2017AAMA深港搖籃計劃」在深圳前海 青年夢工場啟動。
- 華南美國商會
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170302/PDF/a19_screen.pdf華南美國商會3月1日在廣州發布《2017中國營商環境白皮書》(下簡稱《白皮書》)和《2017華南地區經濟情況特別報告》(下簡稱《特別報告》)
- 拥有2300多家会员企业华南美国商会(下称“美商会”),1日在广州发布《2018年中国营商环境白皮书》及《2018年华南地区经济情况特别报告》http://images.takungpao.com/2018/0302/thumb_347_575_20180302030214363.jpg
- 由美國政府資助的美國文化交流中心在華活動,開始受到中國當局愈來愈多阻撓及限制,二十九間與中國夥伴建立的交流中心,部分在中方壓力下已被迫解散,目前僅得十間仍在正常運作。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180315/00178_003.html
- visit by chinese leaders
- Xi visit in sep15
- 美國波音公司計劃將部分737噴氣客機的生產轉移到在中國的一間新建立的工廠中進行,這將是波音在全球首間海外工廠。路透社消息,波音公司可能在中國國家主席習近平9月下旬訪美期間宣佈這一消息。據路透社報道,《航空周刊》的有關報道,使美國的一些經濟界官員、工會人士感到意外。到目前,波音公司所有的737飛機都在美國華盛頓州製造。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/09/15/a16-0915.pdf
- xi visit in apr17
- https://www.ft.com/content/6c14b8fe-1ce5-11e7-a454-ab04428977f9 China will offer the Trump administration better market access for financial sector investments and US beef exports to help avert a trade war, according to Chinese and US officials involved in talks between the two governments.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170513/00178_001.html中美同時公布兩國經濟合作百日計劃獲得重大進展,達成十項協議,被視為是國家主席習近平及美國總統特朗普會晤後的最大成果。這十大「貿易禮包」包括中國恢復進口美國牛肉、同意向美國信用評級機構和信用卡公司開放市場等。美方亦一改消極態度,表示認識到「一帶一路」的重要性,將派代表參加峰會。國新辦在昨日中午舉行「中美經濟合作百日計劃早期收穫」背景說明會,公布中美雙方經三十輪磋商達成十項共識的早期收穫清單。美國商務部部長羅斯昨日亦公布上述十項清單,涉及範疇包括牛肉、天然氣、銀行業務、跨境結算、電子支付等。他形容今次協議對兩國都是史無前例,影響巨大,期望到今年年底將令美國對中國出現貿易順差。根據協議,中國最遲於七月十六日恢復進口美國牛肉。二○○三年美國出現瘋牛症後,中國已禁止美國牛肉入口。美國也將允許中國熟製禽肉進入美國市場。此外,美國信用卡公司Visa及萬事達卡,將獲准開展在華的電子支付系統業務,在華外資企業也將能夠提供信用評級服務。美方亦同意向中國出口液化天然氣,中方可與美國供應商磋商以長期合作形式供應天然氣。羅斯又稱,中美還將討論一個「一年計劃」,以鞏固行動成果。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/05/13/a14-0513.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2094216/china-and-us-open-trade-doors-american-it-industry The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, an industry think tank, was critical of the deal, saying it “opens up Chinese markets for some commodity-based and finance industries in return for giving China free rein to use its massive foreign reserves to buy up American companies in advanced industries”. Those industries include computing, aerospace, semiconductor manufacturing, automaking, internet services, clean energy, cloud computing, the foundation’s president, Robert Atkinson, said in a statement released on Friday.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2095628/china-sends-further-olive-branch-trump-trade China has suggested more goods it may import from the United States as Beijing attempts to thaw once-frosty ties with the Trump administration over its trade policies.A report issued by the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday said China may buy further goods from the US, including crude and refined oil products, cotton and machine tools.
- 来自中国和美国的20多家企业13日在美国艾奥瓦州首府得梅因签署合同,中国企业将从美国进口1253万吨大豆和371吨猪肉及牛肉,进口金额总值达50.12亿美元(约合391.3亿港元)。来自中美两国的近百名官员、企业代表参加了合同签字仪式。中国驻芝加哥总领事馆科技参贊徐海在签约仪式上致辞说,中美两国元首在今年4月的会晤中就中美经济合作百日计划达成一致,此次签订的农产品贸易合同是落实两国元首会晤成果的具体举措之一。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170715/PDF/a9_screen.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2103003/future-sino-us-trade-still-doubt China might propose further trade deals with the United States to warm up relations as the two countries wrap up their 100-day plan to address their trade imbalance, but the future of their economic ties is still uncertain, analysts said.
- The US could impose quotas and tariffs to further block Chinese steel and aluminium imports into the American market, in a sign of the Trump administration’s dissatisfaction and impatience with limited progress in the sides’ ongoing trade talks, observers and specialists said.http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2103026/us-may-impose-tariffs-chinese-steel-and-aluminium
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/economy/article/2114333/california-dreamin-how-byds-us-electric-bus-expansion-smooths BYD, which is 8 per cent owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, officially opened a new manufacturing facility in southern California that has tripled its production of zero-emission, electric-powered buses to 1,500 a year and added hundreds of full-time, unionised workers. An event this week celebrating the expansion drew nearly a dozen elected officials and government representatives, including US House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and political rivals, all extolling the significance of a Chinese investment that creates hundreds of jobs.
- trump visit in nov17
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-trump-asia-china-sinopec-corp/chinas-sinopec-mulls-u-s-oil-projects-ahead-of-trumps-visit-sources-idUSKBN1D00EV
- senior official visit/contact
- The US government is now requiring Chinese diplomats to inform the State Department in advance of any official visits they conduct in the country, in an effort to get Beijing to relax restrictions on American envoys in China. The State Department has informed Chinese diplomatic missions in the US over the past week that they must notify – but do not need to seek permission from – the agency when organising visits with government officials on the state or local levels, a senior official at the department said on Wednesday. The requirement also applies to planned meetings with US educational or research institutions. US diplomats in China are required to obtain permission if they want to meet government officials, academics or other stakeholders in the country, the State Department official said, adding that denials are “a very common occurrence for our staff all over China”.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3033281/us-government-tells-chinese-diplomats-they-must-notify
- Premier Li Keqiang meets with US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in Beijing on Monday. Li urged a loosening of restrictions on technology exported by the US to China, as well as a level playing field regarding Chinese investment. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-09/26/content_32493322.htm
- 10月27日晚,国务院副总理汪洋应约与美国商务部长罗斯通话,双方就美国总统特朗普访华有关经济成果准备工作、中美经贸关系相关议题等深入交换了意见。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171029/PDF/a4_screen.pdf
- 據央視新聞聯播報道,中國國務院總理李克強昨日在中南海紫光閣會見美國國會聯邦參議員戴恩斯率領的訪華團。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/03/28/a15-0328.pdf
- 中美貿易戰再開打之際,中共中央政治局委員、全國人大常委會副委員長王晨,日前率代表團訪問美國,與美官員及議員會面,其中亦討論經貿議題。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180618/00178_004.html
- 王岐山周三在中南海紫光閣會見訪華的美國芝加哥市市長伊曼紐爾(Rahm Emanuel),雙方就中美關係和兩國地方合作等深入交換意見,這也是中美貿易戰開打以來,中美官員首度會晤。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180713/00176_007.html
- 美國《紐約時報》周日報道,兩名中國大使館職員今年九月涉嫌擅闖位於美國維珍尼亞州的特種部隊軍事基地,其後遭美方秘密驅逐出境,這是三十二年來首次有中國外交官涉嫌在美從事間諜活動被逐。中國外交部、駐華盛頓大使館、美國國務院未有回應。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191216/00180_003.html
- 美國參議員魯比奧、柯頓、沙瑟等提出法案,以李文亮命名中國駐華盛頓大使館外的區域,更將大使館地址改為「李文亮廣場1號」。懷俄明州共和黨眾議員切尼亦向眾議院提出相同法案。據悉,中國駐美大使館目前的地址是華府西北區國際街3505號。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200509/00176_012.html
- 中美關係持續緊張之際,美國推進因疫情回國的駐華外交人員返回崗位,但一度因兩國在檢測和隔離問題上未達共識而延誤。根據美國國務院內部電郵,第二批超過一百名外交人員及家屬前天已飛返中國。該封前天發出的電郵指,該批外交人員及家屬在華盛頓杜勒斯國際機場乘坐商務包機,首先前往南韓首爾,再轉乘另一架提供醫療服務的飛機前往廣州。電郵指將安排更多航班,接載約一千二百名外交人員及家屬赴華,稱「正等待部門批准,讓其餘人未來數周陸續乘坐飛機,回到廣州、上海、天津、北京」。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200717/00180_004.html
- China’s consulate in Houston, the fourth largest city in the US, was the first of five Beijing opened in the country after relations were established in 1979, followed by ones in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The Chinese delegation to Houston covers eight southern states in the US – Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida – as well as Puerto Rico.China, which imports over 70 per cent of its oil, has huge trade interest in Texas, a state that is one of the largest exporters of crude oil in the US.Under the phase-one trade agreement signed in January, China has agreed to buy US$18.5 billion more in US energy products in the first year and another US$33.9 billion in the second. In recent years, Houston has found itself in the middle of US-China tensions when Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen made transit stops in the city in 2017 and 2018 en route to Central America. Also in 2017, a leading official in China’s space exploration programme was denied a US visa to attend a science conference just north of Houston.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3094313/houston-consulate-general-offices-long-time-landmark-us-china
- 中美外交角力再度升級,美國國務卿蓬佩奧周三宣布,由於中國政府多年來對駐華的美國外交官設下超出外交常態的明顯障礙,因此對所有駐美的中國高級外交官之工作活動實施限制,事前須經美國國務院批准。蓬佩奧表示,中國駐美高級外交官日後訪問美國大學、會見地方官員,以及在駐美使領館範圍外舉行超過五十人的文化活動,一律須先得美方批准;國務院將確保所有中國駐美使領館的官方社交媒體帳戶,均識別為中國政府帳戶。他聲稱只要中方取消對美國駐華外交官的限制,華府準備好恢復提供對等待遇。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200903/00180_014.html
- 內地網民發現阿薩爾抵達台灣翌日,美國駐華大使館在各大社交平台上,更換了大使館標誌。其中舊標誌上原本的「北京.中國」改為「北京」,新標誌也由原來的藍底黃邊裝飾,改變為純白底。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200812/00178_001.html
- 美國駐武漢總領事館是美國國務院在華中地區設置的外交代表處,始建於一八六一年。美國與中華人民共和國建交以後於二○○八年重新開館,領區範圍包括湖北省、湖南省、江西省及河南省。目前暫不提供簽證服務,待新館完工後提供完整領事服務。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200724/00176_002.html
- 美國駐成都總領事館於一九八五年開館,領事區包括四川省、雲南省、貴州省、西藏自治區及重慶直轄市。在二○一二年二月,中國政府宣布調整王立軍職務,身邊多名工作人員被審查,王因感到處境危險,逃進美國駐成都總領事館,尋求政治庇護。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200725/00176_003.html
- Jeff Moon, who was the US consul general in Chengdu from 2003 to 2006 and now heads a China-focused consultancy, China Moon Strategies, said the political effect was that this development signalled a deteriorating bilateral relationship and might accelerate the decoupling of China and the US.The consulate was originally located at a hotel. In 1993, it was moved to the current facility in the south of the city centre, ushering in a business boom in the district.Chengdu is a metropolis with 16 million people and six ring roads now, but in the early 1990s, there was only one ring road and the consulate was outside it.A few years later, in the mid-1990s, the neighbourhoods near the consulate became the earliest modern communities in Chengdu and the area was named “international southern city” – for the atmosphere it had, said Tang Jianguang, a 50-year-old resident in Chengdu.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3095565/closing-us-consulate-leaves-hole-chengdus-social-landscape-and
- 美在華廣設辦事處擴出口
- just over 150 years ago, the roles were reversed. Back then, it was imperial China that complained about the US not playing fair and it was the US that was on the verge of becoming the world’s largest economy. At a critical moment in 1861, President Abraham Lincoln sent a charismatic former Congressman,
Anson Burlingame, to China as his envoy. This would change history and may hold important lessons for today.Until then, economic disputes between China and Western nations, including the US, had been resolved by force and China had been compelled to accept unfair trade agreements and
territorial cessions.Burlingame, however, led the way in fostering a so-called Cooperative Policy between China and Western powers. The US would treat China in the same peaceful manner as other nations, upholding its sovereignty and territorial integrity and agreeing not to interfere in its internal affairs.But here we are today, and coercion is once again an instrument of US policy. In the 19th century, it was guns; in the past year, it has been economic pressure.https://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/3005811/china-trade-deal-wont-solve-anything-if-americans-dont-get - The Open Door Policy is a term in foreign affairs initially used to refer to the United States policy established in the late 19th century and the early 20th century that would allow for a system of trade in China open to all countries equally. It was used mainly to mediate the competing interests of different colonial powers in China. In more recent times, the term 'Open Door policy' also describes the economic policy initiated by Deng Xiaoping in 1978 to open up China to foreign businesses that wanted to invest in the country. This later policy set into motion the economic transformation of modern China. The late 19th century policy was enunciated in Secretary of State John Hay's Open Door Note, dated September 6, 1899 and dispatched to the major European powers. It proposed to keep China open to trade with all countries on an equal basis, keeping any one power from total control of the country, and calling upon all powers, within their spheres of influence, to refrain from interfering with any treaty port or any vested interest, to permit Chinese authorities to collect tariffs on an equal basis, and to show no favors to their own nationals in the matter of harbor dues or railroad charges. Open Door policy was rooted in the desire of U.S. businesses to trade with Chinese markets, though it also tapped the deep-seated sympathies of those who opposed imperialism, with the policy pledging to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity from partition. It had little legal standing, and served in the main the interests of competing colonial powers without much meaningful input from the Chinese, creating lingering resentment and causing it to later be seen as a symbol of national humiliation by Chinese historians. In the 20th-century and 21st-century, scholars such as Christopher Layne in the neorealist school have generalized the use of the term to applications in 'political' open door policies and 'economic' open door policies of nations in general which interact on a global or international basis.
- William Woodville Rockhill (May 1, 1854 – December 8, 1914) was a United States diplomat, best known as the author of the U.S.'s Open Door Policy for China and as the first American to learn to speak Tibetan.
- John Milton Hay (October 8, 1838 – July 1, 1905) was an American statesman and official whose career in government stretched over almost half a century. Beginning as a private secretary and assistant to Abraham Lincoln, Hay's highest office was United States Secretary of Stateunder Presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.Hay served for almost seven years as Secretary of State, under President McKinley, and after McKinley's assassination, under Theodore Roosevelt. Hay was responsible for negotiating the Open Door Policy, which kept China open to trade with all countries on an equal basis, with international powers. By negotiating the Hay–Pauncefote Treaty with the United Kingdom, the (ultimately unratified) Hay–Herrán Treaty with Colombia, and finally the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty with the newly-independent Republic of Panama, Hay also cleared the way for the building of the Panama Canal.
- hkej 31dec18 shum article
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20170409/00184_011.html今年正是中美首次簽訂外交公報的四十五周年。一九四九年之後,中國與美國政府先後簽署了三份外交公報,分別是七二年的《上海公報》、七八年的《中美建交公報》及八二年的《八一七公報》。
- 昨日,外交部發言人華春瑩在例行 記者會向香港文匯報記者證實,針對今 年 10月美國國務院對中國駐美外交領事 人員的限制措施,中方已於 12月 4日照 會美國駐華使館從即日起對美方採取對 等做法。華春瑩強調,中方將根據美方 做法予以相應的回應,中方再次敦促美 方糾正錯誤,撤銷有關決定,為中國駐 美外交領事人員開展相關活動提供支持 和便利。 據報道,今年 10月,美方要求中國駐 美外交人員在會見美國地方官員、訪問教 育和研究機構須提前通知美國務院。觀察 者網12月5日的報道指,針對美國務院日 前對中國駐美外交領事人員設限的做法, 中方將從即日起實施對等反制措施,要求 美駐華使館外交人員和美駐上海、廣州、 成都、瀋陽、武漢總領館人員正式會見中 方地方政府代表、正式訪問中國教育或研 究機構,須提前 5個工作日書面通知中國 外交部。中方現行其他相關規定對美方依 然有效。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/12/07/a13-1207.pdf
- pingpong
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2017-04/03/content_28783853.htm Artisans demonstrate paper cutting, sugar drawing and dough modeling. A group of them have brought traditional Chinese folk arts to the United States, as this year marks the 46th anniversary of China-US "ping-pong diplomacy"
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170924/PDF/a22_screen.pdf
- jinjiang hotel
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2017xivisitsfinlandandus/2017-04/08/content_28841388.htmA 1,200-square-meter hall in the center of Jinjiang Hotel in Shanghai's downtown area is famous for being the birthplace of Sino-US relations. It was there that then-US president Richard Nixon signed the Shanghai Communique, also known as the Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, at the conclusion of his China trip in 1972. Surrounded by an ever-green lawn with three main buildings, the hotel was previously named Cathay Mansion and was the home of a Jewish banker who built it in 1925. It was taken over by the municipal government and run as a State-owned luxury hotel from 1951. Before the Shanghai Communique was signed at its Grand Hall in 1972, Jinjiang Hotel had hosted more than 300 visits by state leaders from around the world. Nevertheless, the hotel faced "an unprecedented challenge" when Nixon visited Shanghai in 1972, former hotel staff member Qiu Huanxi recalled.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170423/PDF/a16_screen.pdf一九七二年十月十四日上午,尼克松總統在白宮接見中國醫學代表團。左起:徐家裕、傅一誠、吳學愚、林巧稚、吳 蔚然、尼克松、李彥三、基辛格. 這是一九七二年二月尼克松總統訪華,打開美中關係 大門之後,中國派往美國的第一個學術團體。成員名單由 周總理親自審定。 除吳蔚然、林巧稚外,中華醫學會副秘書長傅一誠任 副團長,還有耳鼻喉科專家吳學愚、內科專家徐家裕、心 血管科專家李彥三、基礎醫學專家劉士廉、腫瘤醫學專家 渠川琰、藥物學專家韓銳、外科專家周冠漢、中醫專家張 樹勛、衛生部官員王連生,以及外交部官員呂聰敏,共十 三人。 這年,吳蔚然五十二歲,年富力強。周總理苦心,他 頗有領悟,亦感肩頭重擔:中美兩國尚未正式建交,此次 出訪名義是民間醫學交流,實際是一次人民外交。通過 推進中美兩國人民友誼,起到 「民間先行,以民促官」作 用。 在這具有里程碑意義的歷史事件中,吳蔚然即將揭開 人生最光華一頁。十月十日上午,中國醫學代表團從北京 出發,取道法國,飛越大西洋,於十二日下午抵達美國東 海岸紐約市。
- 耶魯優秀學生中有一位包大可(1942年畢業)(Doak Barnett)係著名中國通,曾影響1950-1960年代美國對華政策,佢在哥倫比亞大學教書,論輩份又有學生級嘅Michel Oksenberg,及Kenneth Lieberthal分別為卡達總統與克林頓總統嘅中國顧問,追蹤遠一啲,耶魯、哈佛、哥倫比亞、密芝根四間大學培養出來嘅中國專家,足足影響美國對華政策近70年。不過朋友Y話:「現在冇咯,特朗普嘅白宮未見有中國通,真正中國通恐怕亦唔肯為咁嘅總統服務。」咁又係,特朗普係富豪二代商人,入主白宮後,比較重用軍人與華爾街人物(特別係高盛幫),著名大學教授就一個都冇。http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/supplement/columnist/左丁山/art/20171002/20169836
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170507/PDF/a3_screen.pdf當地時 間5日下午,2017年 「感知中國─美國中小學生 走進總領館」活動在中國駐紐約總領館歡樂起航。 來自紐約市和新澤西州10餘所學校的200餘名美國 中小學生、教師和家長,應邀來到紐約總領館參加 活動。這也是繼2016年之後,紐約總領館第二次面 向美國本地師生舉辦開放日活動。
- 中國駐美國大使館聯合中信銀行昨日共同推出「旅美生活服務平台」系列預防性領事保護公共服務產品,包含《中國駐美國大使館領區手冊》、領事「隨手拍」系列視頻、旅美生活服務平台、24小時呼叫熱線四大安心保障等,為中國公民提供赴美入境物品報關、交通出行、醫療健康、食宿指南、旅行休閒、留學申請、工作投資等相關諮詢服務。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/21/b04-0621.pdf
- The U.S.-China Working Group is a bipartisan working group from the United States House of Representatives that educates Congressional Members and staff on Sino-American relations.Created in June 2005 by Rep. Mark Kirk and Rep. Rick Larsen, the U.S.-China Working Group educates on the Sino-American relationship's issues through meetings and briefings with academic, businesses and political leaders from both China and the United States.
- cia
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170522/00178_001.html美媒突引述多名華府匿名官員,揭露中美生死諜戰內幕。消息指,中國的安全部門在二○一○年至一二年間,瓦解中央情報局(CIA)在中國的情報收集網,捕獲多達廿名CIA線人,其中至少十二人被處決,其餘遭監禁,規模及影響之大是數十年來最嚴重。官員稱,其中一名線人是在其供職的政府機關大院被當眾槍決,以儆效尤。對CIA而言,該情報網為何被偵破至今仍是個謎。
- ustr
- http://www.china.org.cn/business/2016-12/23/content_39969726.htm Alibaba Group President Michael Evans said in a statement that the company is "very disappointed" with the U.S. trade representative's office's decision to include Taobao.com on its 'notorious markets' list. The U.S. trade representative (USTR) on Wednesday returned China's top e-commerce platform Taobao.com to its blacklist of "notorious marketplaces" known for sale of counterfeit goods and violations of intellectual property rights (IPR).
- The US Commerce Department said on Monday it was putting 28 Chinese public security bureaus and companies – including video surveillance company Hikvision – on a US trade blacklist over Beijing’s treatment of Uygur Muslims and other predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities. Those added to the so-called “Entity List” include the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region People’s Government Public Security Bureau, 19 subordinate government agencies and eight commercial firms, according to a Commerce Department filing. The companies include Zhejiang Dahua Technology, IFLYTEK Co, Xiamen Meiya Pico Information Co and Yixin Science and Technology Co.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3031918/us-poised-add-chinese-surveillance-giant-hikvision-trade-blacklist
- section 301
- 美國政府今年八月頒令禁止政府機關,直接從華為等五間中國企業購買電訊及技術設備。聯邦檢察官周四(7日)起訴紐約州長島一間科技公司,指控多年來非法進口中國製監控器材和其他敏感保安設備,並訛稱是美國製造,向美國政府及私人客戶出售。當局起訴該公司的七名現任或前任僱員,控以串謀欺詐罪,包括公司高層。有指部分器材由中國監控設備公司海康威視生產。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191109/00180_010.html
- 中國商務部網站公布消息指,商務部副部長兼國際貿易談判副代表俞建華,上周五在美國首都華盛頓會見美國貿易代表辦公室法律總顧問凡戈,就「301調查」進行嚴正交涉。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170919/00180_007.html
- 據《華爾街日報》18日報道,代表美國經濟多種產業的45家美國貿易協會當日向特朗普政府請願,要求其停止考慮對中國徵收關稅,以其他方式來處理與中國的貿易爭端。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/03/20/a16-0320.pdf
- Financial Times 23mar18 "Trump targets robots and drugs in latest swipe at Chinese imports"
- 對此,中國商務部在第一時間予以堅決反擊。昨日上午7時,中國商務部發佈了針對美國進口鋼鐵和鋁產品232措施的中止減讓產品清單並徵求公眾意見,擬對自美進口部分產品加徵關稅,以平衡因美國對進口鋼鐵和鋁產品加徵關稅給中方利益造成的損失,涉及美對華約30億美元出口。據了解,該清單暫定包含7類、128個稅項產品,按2017年統計,涉及美對華約30億美元出口。第一部分共計120個稅項,涉及美對華9.77億美元出口,包括鮮水果、乾果及堅果製品、葡萄酒、改性乙醇、花旗參、無縫鋼管等產品,擬加徵15%的關稅。第二部分共計8個稅項,涉及美對華19.92億美元出口,包括豬肉及製品、回收鋁等產品,擬加徵25%的關稅。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/03/24/a03-0324.pdf
- "The agricultural community in the United States is going to pressure the politicians in Washington to stop the tariffs on aluminum and steel.. " "President Trump's decision to address United States trade issues by the use of threats and increased tariffs risks undoing decades of work and investment to grow California wine exports," California Association of Winegrape Growers President John Aguirre said in a statement on Friday. "The current path of tariffs and trade wars is sure to result in tremendous harm to California agriculture and future wine exports," said Aguirre. http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/28/WS5abaf620a3105cdcf6514c3a.html
- 美國國鋁業協會主席布羅克(Heidi Brock)周一發聲明指,美國商務部已裁定從中國進口的通用鋁合金板以低於公平價值在美國市場銷售,初步決定對有關產品徵收百分之一百六十七反傾銷稅。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180620/00176_010.html
- 中國昨日(2日)起正式對一百二十八項美國進口商品加徵關稅,主要是美國水果、豬肉及鋼製品等,加徵百分之十五或百分之廿五的關稅。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180403/00178_008.html, see also china daily 3apr18
- https://www.ft.com/content/81c16f9a-28eb-11e8-b27e-cc62a39d57a0 China’s TCL Corporation, the world’s third-largest TV manufacturer, has seen its fast-growing US sales put under new pressure by Washington’s vow to levy a 25 per cent tariff on imports of flatscreen televisions from China. The tariff came after TCL’s $50m deal for a business owned by US network hardware maker Inseego was blocked by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States on national security grounds. TCL founder Li Dongsheng said Washington was biased against Chinese businesses. “When deals are not approved the explanations are not clear,” said Mr Li. “They do not clearly say that they would not approve deals from Chinese companies. But in practice there are tighter standards for Chinese companies.”
- 中國駐加拿大使館發言人就《環球郵報》有關文章指責中國繞開WTO報復美國發表談話。加拿大《環球郵報》4月5日刊登題為「WTO rules are the first casualty in the China-U.S. shoving match」的文章,該文在評論中美貿易糾紛時,不批評美國首先挑起貿易爭端,卻指責中國捍衛自身權益的方式,稱「中國選擇報復的方式完全繞開了WTO爭 端解決機制。作為全球最大出口國,中國的行為忽視了WTO這一全球貿易體系的關鍵支柱。」 事實上,公然違反世貿規則的是美國。美國依據其國內法對華發起「301調查」,並提出對中國實施加徵關稅、限制投資等措施,本身就不是在世 貿框架內採取的行動。美方這一做法也違反了其在1994年批准WTO協定時美國總統向國會提交的《行政行動聲明》。在這個聲明中,美國承諾不通過「301 調查」單邊認定其他國家的做法是否違反WTO規則。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/04/09/a16-0409.pdf
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-17/china-slaps-anti-dumping-duties-on-957-million-u-s-grain-trade China will impose temporary anti-dumping deposits on U.S. sorghum imports from Wednesday, adding to trade tensions between the world’s biggest economies. Soybean meal futures climbed on concerns the oilseed could be targeted next. Imports will incur a 178.6 percent duty, China’s Ministry of Commerce said in a preliminary ruling on Tuesday. That’s in compliance with domestic law and World Trade Organization rules, Wang Hejun, chief of the trade remedy and investigation bureau at the ministry, said in a statement.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2145369/us-pork-imports-stuck-chinese-ports-beijing-ramps China has ramped up inspections of pork shipped from the United States, importers and industry sources said, the latest American product to be hit by a potentially costly slowdown at Chinese ports in the past couple of weeks.
- 中國金融四十人論壇(CF40)和美國彼得森國際經濟研究所(PIIE)昨日在京共同發表聯合報告。「所有像我們這樣以實證分析為基礎的經濟學家,不論來自中國還是美國,都相信世界兩個最大經濟體之間的貿易戰將對兩國勞動群體以及全球經濟的未來造成災難性影響。」中美經濟學家們在報告中呼籲停止無贏家的貿易戰,是符合中美雙方利益的首要任務,建議通過世界貿易組織(WTO)或其他多邊機制解決貿易爭端,並在WTO框架下就技術轉讓問題制定新協議,中長期兩國有必要擴大雙向跨境直接投資。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/13/a11-0513.pdf
- 據美媒報道,美國政府正在醞釀對高科技領域學習、工作的中國公民實施赴美簽證的限制政策,作為防範中國「竊取」美國知識產權措施的一部分。美聯社援 引美國國務院一位匿名官員說法稱,按照美國使領館接到的指示,如果中國研究生在機械人、航空、高科技製造等特定領域學習,其赴美簽證有效期將被限定為1 年。有分析指出,上述特定領域均為「中國製造2025」的計劃內容。據了解,上述新政將於今年6月11日開始生效。新政還包括,如果中國公民在屬於美國商務部的特別審查名單內的實體機構擔任研究人員或經理,他們將需要來自多個美國機構的特別許可。這些許可預計將花費數月時間。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/31/a05-0531.pdf
- 中美第三輪貿易磋商周日(3日)冷淡收場,沒有任何協議或突破,沒有發表聯合聲明,雙方也未透露會否有下一輪磋商。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180604/00178_001.html
- 美國前天向中國總值500億美元(下同,約3,900億港元)產品加徵25%關稅,中國在6小時後、昨凌晨立即作出反擊,向美徵收同等價值的關稅,商品清單共659項,當中不少產品亦是歐盟及美洲國家擬向美國徵稅的產品,似有夾擊美國之勢,兩國新的關稅似乎陸續有來。有學者分析指,雙方現時仍留有餘地,預計將有下輪貿易談判。今次北京宣佈的對美的關稅商品主要分為兩部份,首部份是屬於農產品、汽車、水產品等545項、合共340億(約2,652億港元)的商品,它們將在下月6日正式實施關稅;剩下114項產品包括醫療儀器、今次中國開出的清單大有深意,裏面包括了威士忌、電單車、鮮橙、蘋果及豬肉等。歐盟在14日已同意向美進口貨徵25%關稅,下月月初實施,外界預料清單包括上述產品。加拿大亦宣佈7月1日開始,向美產品徵收的25%關稅,重點是威士忌及橙汁。至於中國清單開出的大豆及穀類產品,則是墨西哥擬向美徵收關稅的重點產品。今次中國的清單有意無意配合歐盟及美洲國家,共同圍攻美國。根據美國農業部統計,大豆、豬肉及水果三項出口總值328億(約2,558億港元),佔該年總出口超過三分一。https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20180617/20423029清單中的電單車、威士忌、大豆及豬肉等,大部份來自共和黨票倉。眾議院共和黨發言人瑞安(Paul Ryan)的家鄉在威斯康星州,當地正是電單車製造商哈利(Harley-Davidson)的基地;參議院多數黨領袖麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)的老家肯塔基州,正是波本威士忌最大產地;美國豬肉產地源於愛荷華州,在2016年美國大選,當地有八成選民支持特朗普。https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20180617/20423055
- 香港文匯報記者昨日從浙江省紹興市商務局了解到,面對美國的加稅政策,浙江醫藥近日組織力量參加美國聽證會,通過公眾評議程序,成功將其出口產品排除在了340億美元商品加徵25%關稅的清單外。由於浙江醫藥的抗辯,全中國的精細化工、原料藥和製劑出口企業產品全部得到了關稅豁免。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/08/15/a08-0815.pdf
- 有消息稱,中國宣布對美國進口農產品加徵關稅後,為對沖利淡影響,中國買家正在全球尋找新的替代源。巴西、加拿大、澳洲、越南、歐盟等國家或地區將成最大受益者。其中,已有多國順勢增加對華出口,甚至瞄準了原來美國佔據的高端市場。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180709/PDF/a4_screen.pdf
- 綜合美國《福布斯 》、《洛杉磯時報》報道:美國總統 特朗普對中國發動史上最大規模的貿 易戰,據統計,美國主要的五個機場 和五個港口會因為貿易戰受到重創。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180709/PDF/a5_screen.pdf
- https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2164730/human-hair-rare-earth-metals-items-won-reprieve-us-china-trade While announcing fresh tariffs on US$200 billion worth of Chinese-made goods on Tuesday, the United States opted to remove an eclectic list of items it had originally targeted in July – ranging from smartwatches to rare earth minerals and human hair for wigs.The Trump Administration plans to impose a 10 per cent tariff on more than 5,700 items, ranging from caviar to beer, and increase the tariff to 25 per cent on January 1 if no agreement is reached with China. However, 297 categories were fully or partially removed from the tariff list originally proposed by the Office of the United States Trade Representative, after intense lobbying by US businesses and about a week of public comment.The excluded list includes items where China is the dominant exporter – rare earth metals – or is one of the few places that supplies such items – it is the second-largest exporter of human hair to the US after India, according to US trade data. The human hair is often processed into wigs. The items the US chose to remove from its tariff list also included car seats for babies and toddlers, Ibuprofen, antiques more than 100 years old and a variety of chemicals. The US also chose to remove at least one category where China accounted for no exports last year and is not expected to account for any in the near future: electrical energy. Canada is the only country that exports electrical energy to the US, sending power worth US$3.6 billion last year.
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/2166465/us-china-trade-war-fails-dampen-cooperation-between-states-and Several US states and private businesses are pressing on with plans to work with China in fields ranging from technology development to climate change, despite the spiralling confrontation of the trade war.Despite the tensions, the state of Michigan last month signed a memorandum of understanding with China’s Ministry of Science and Technology to jointly develop and share autonomous vehicle technology.Tom Kelly, CEO of Michigan-based Automation Alley, a manufacturing and technology business association, was in China as part of the Michigan delegation and also attended the World Economic Forum in Tianjin.Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel visited China in July, seeking to lock in a US$1.3 billion deal for a Chinese company to assemble railcars in his city.California is also trying to shore up efforts to address climate change and cooperate on green energy with China.Alaska governor Bill Walker led a 40-member delegation on a 10-day trip to China in May to explore opportunities in tourism and environmental protection.
- https://www.scmp.com/business/article/2167977/small-us-manufacturers-other-employers-file-thousands-china-tariff The Trump administration has received thousands of requests from small manufacturers and other employers for certain goods to be excluded from tariffs that went into effect on July 6 on about US$34 billion worth of Chinese imports.
- 據說,中美貿易談判似乎有進展,雙方同意設立機制監督協議的執行,不僅是美國監督中國,也包括中國監督美國。設立監督機制,表面上是雙方平等,可是,美國是有所具體要求,而且多會留有後着。它當然可以藉監督機制迫使中國就範,甚至接連進逼。中國方面能提出怎樣的要求,去監督美國的執行協議?相信在協議中,美國是一環套一環,設立許多先決條件來體現「美國優先」,實質是美國主導、美國決定。如果中國不能反制,設立雙方的監督機制只會是掩耳盜鈴的掩飾。關鍵之處是,中國要對美國提出結構改革的要求,要求美國改變本身出口不足、外貿逆差嚴重的問題。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190418/00176_055.html
- 美國商務部周三再出招,公布對中國製貨品徵收初步反傾銷稅,當中將對中國製的床褥徵收高達1731%的反傾銷稅,至於不銹鋼啤酒桶的徵稅率則最高為79.7%。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190531/00180_001.html
- 美國周二繼續301關稅聽證會,與會的美國出版商指出,由於對華徵收的25%關稅,收錄了幾乎所有紙質印刷產品,此舉會令美國國內《聖經》印刷成本增加而漲價,並形容這叫「聖經稅」;兒童讀物等印刷製品由於依賴中國印刷廠商,屆時也會供應短缺,有損基督教書籍出版社的利益,甚至會進一步影響教會、教堂、非牟利機構等組織。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190620/00180_006.html
- 美國政府9日宣佈從即日起減免110項中國輸美商品的關稅。上述110項商品包括用於癌症放療的醫療器械和電容器等,從去年7月6日開始被加徵了25%的關稅。這一減免有效期為一年。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/07/11/a10-0711.pdf
- 在美國國會審議的年度國防政策案中,議員提出禁止美國交通部利用聯邦資金購買中國製列車和巴士,限制措施預料將獲通過,其中一家最受影響的公司中國中車指法案聳人聽聞。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190726/00180_009.html
- 中美貿易團隊甫結束第十二輪高級別談判,美國總統特朗普周四(1日)立即宣布對餘下三千億美元(逾二萬三千億港元)中國進口貨品加徵10%關稅,下月一日生效。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190803/00180_001.html
- 商務部翌日繼續出招,向總值四十四億美元(約三百四十三億港元)中國進口廚櫃,加徵多達229%的反補貼關稅。北京周一宣布暫停採購美國農產品後,中國商務部隨即就修改《農產品進口關稅配額管理暫行辦法》發布徵求意見稿,將豆油等三類油品從實施配額管理的農產品名單剔除。根據意見稿,小麥、玉米、大米、食糖、棉花、羊毛等則繼續實施進口關稅配額管理,相應的稅目及適用稅率另行公布,而當局將徵收意見至本月二十二日。中國商務部同時把小麥、玉米、大米等進口關稅配額分為國營及非國營貿易配額,前者須通過國營貿易企業進口,後者則要有貿易權的企業進口。有分析認為,中國此舉是向美方釋出善意;但亦有評論指出,中方純粹是為吸引其他供應國,以應付內需。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190808/00178_001.html
- 美國商務部周三將中國廣核集團及其三家子公司列入貿易黑名單,指它們參與或有能力取得美國先進核技術和材料,在中國轉用作軍事用途。中廣核稱美方決定對集團發展影響可控;中國外交部批評美方此舉泛化國安概念、濫用出口管制措施。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190816/00180_004.html
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190912/PDF/a15_screen.pdf 11日下午,中國國務院關稅稅則委員會公布了第一批對美加徵關稅商品第一次排除清單,包括兩個清單16項商品,自17日起實施。清單主要涵蓋紫苜蓿、蝦種苗等畜牧業進口需求大的商品,以及吉非替尼、鹽酸埃克替尼等多種關係民生的抗癌藥,和潤滑油等化工產品。央視評論指出,中方首次公布關稅排除清單,目的是盡量減少經貿摩擦對在華企業的影響,體現出中方應對經貿摩擦一貫的冷靜、理性,以及對企業和民眾的高度負責。國務院關稅稅則委員會發布的公告顯示,此次清單涉及該批次第一次排除部分商品,共分兩個清單,自2019年9月17日至2020年9月16日,不再加徵中國為反制美301措施所加徵的關稅。其中,清單一所列的12類商品,對已加徵的關稅稅款予以退還,相關進口企業應自排除清單公布之日起6個月內按規定向海關申請辦理。清單二所列4類商品,已加徵的關稅稅款不予退還。
- 中美經貿團隊在華盛頓結束副部級磋商之際,美國總統特朗普上周五(20日)突然改口,表示不需要一份臨時貿易協議,更稱不急於明年大選前達成。與此同時,中方代表團突然取消到訪美國農場的行程並提早回國,令貿易談判取得突破的希望日趨黯淡。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190922/00180_001.html
- 美國商務部周四宣布,向四十四億美元(約三百五十二億港元)的中國入口木造櫥櫃和組合式盥洗盆,徵收28.7%至251.6%的附加關稅,指中國將這些貨品以低於市價向美國市場傾銷。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191005/00180_003.html
- 商務部昨日公佈,美國將對中國3,000億美元徵稅清單產品啟動排除程序,美國利害關係方可從本月底起提出排除申請。如果排除申請得到批准,自2019年9月1日起已經加徵的關稅可以追溯返還。今年8月13日,美國貿易代表辦公室(USTR)公佈了對約3,000億美元中國輸美產品加徵10%關稅的最終清單,一份徵稅清單於9月1日生效,另一份徵稅清單於12月15日生效。在9月1日徵稅清單List-4A中,佔比前三分別是電機電氣(20%)、機械設備(13%)、針織服裝(12%),總價值約1,100億美元。此後,美國多次調整這份清單的實施日期。8月14日,USTR發佈了第四批3,000億美元徵稅清單的調整,共分為三部分:因醫療、安全等原因排除了大約1%(以2018年美國從中國進口金額計算,下同)的商品;推遲了手機、筆記本電腦、遊戲機、部分玩具、電腦顯示器、部分衣服鞋帽等佔比59%的商品的徵稅日期至12月15日。這些推遲的商品是中國出口的優勢產品,短時間內美國很難找到替代。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/23/a18-1023.pdf
- 中國商務部昨日宣布,中美正就取消加徵關稅幅度進行深入討論。海關總署同日宣布解除質檢總局、農業農村部此前聯合發布的美國禽肉進口限制,允許符合要求的美國禽肉進口。但美媒指出,中美雙方在農產品採購及保護知識產權等問題仍未達成共識。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191115/00178_002.html
- 美國眾議院與參議院軍事委員會周一(9日)宣布,兩院連月磋商後達成協議,將通過對主宰國防部政策及預算的《美國國防授權法案》,着重應付來自中國大陸及俄羅斯的競爭和威脅。有指國會有意在法案中加入多項針對中國大陸的條款,包括禁止使用聯邦資金購買中國製巴士及列車,料將影響中國中車及比亞迪的美國子公司業務,華製無人機亦列入美軍禁購清單。不過,有美媒指中美貿易談判代表,正尋求推遲美國十二月十五日對中國貨加徵關稅的限期。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191211/00180_001.html
- https://www.scmp.com/podcasts/article/3015837/behind-tariffs-how-salad-spinner-can-reveal-truth-tariff-exclusions-and
- 中國海關總署與農業農村部上周五發布聯合公告,指根據風險評估結果,當日起解除對美國禽類和禽類產品進口的限制。另據美媒報道,美國擬禁出口一款飛機引擎予中國,或令中方研製客機受阻。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200217/00178_033.html
- 繼美國國務卿蓬佩奧及防長埃斯珀日前呼籲盟友避免使用中國科技巨企華為5G設備後,美國傳媒周一報道,美國商務部正起草「外國直接產品規定」(Foreign Direct Product Rule)的修訂草案,企圖切斷華為獲得晶片的途徑。美國商務部拒絕回應。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200219/00178_027.html
- 國務院關稅稅則委員會(下稱稅則委員會)周二發出公告,開展對美加徵關稅商品市場化採購排除工作。自三月二日起境內企業可申請在一定限期內,免除美國入口產品的報復性關稅。據悉合資格的包括豬肉、牛肉、大豆等六百九十六項美國產品。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200219/00178_028.html
- rollback of chinese promise
- 馬雲去年年初會晤美國總統特朗普時,曾承諾會在未來五年內,為美國企業創造一百萬個職位;惟他接受訪問時指出,這個承諾是基於中美友好合作、雙邊貿易理性客觀的前提下提出的,當前局面已破壞原來的前提,故承諾無辦法完成。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180921/00178_001.html
- https://www.ft.com/content/d8d12188-bc6e-11e8-94b2-17176fbf93f5 Haier Group, the world’s largest white goods company, has suspended plans to sell products made in the US by its GE Appliances brand in China, citing the deepening trade war between Washington and Beijing, its chief executive said. Haier, based in the eastern Chinese city of Qingdao, acquired General Electric’s home appliances business for $5.4bn in 2016, in one of the highest-profile Chinese deals in the US. It planned to begin selling the brand’s kitchen products in November. “Originally there was no problem [importing from the US] but now there may be problems,” Zhang Ruimin, Haier’s chief executive, told the Financial Times. “I think Chinese consumers are most interested in [GE] kitchen products. But the US government thought differently.”
- casualty
- 繼有中國「大豆王」之稱的民企山東晨曦集團申請破產後,山東永泰(曾名列中國十大輪胎廠之一)亦傳出清盤。據山東東營中級人民法院日前公告,上月十六日已裁定受理其清盤一案,而第一次債權人會議將於十月十五日召開。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180822/00180_002.html
- china daily 28sep18 "trade tensions may hit canada's lobster industry"
- exemption
- 有指逾三千間美企向政府遞交四萬四千宗申請,希望旗下在中國製造的零件及產品,能夠從美方對華加徵關稅的清單豁免。有律師認為協議進程不確定,建議企業先申請豁免。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191104/00180_014.html
- chinese trade measures against the US
- https://www.ft.com/content/a63b1320-fcbc-11e9-a354-36acbbb0d9b6 The World Trade Organization has for the first time authorised China to impose punitive tariffs against the US, allowing Beijing to slap $3.6bn in levies on American goods after ruling that US duties on steel and other products were illegally inflated. Arbitrators at the Geneva-based body on Friday said China could impose the “countermeasures” against American imports as early as this month. If taken, such an action could trigger new tensions between the world’s largest economies as they try to finalise a truce in their much broader trade war.
- BIT negotiations
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/07/10/a39-0710.pdf
- investment treaty on fast track http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2014-07/10/content_17696571.htm
- Timetable laid out for investment treaty talkshttp://www.china.org.cn/business/2014-07/11/content_32919473.htm
- http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201407/0711/HA04711CCXX.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1560740/chinese-investment-us-falls-big-deals-pipeline
- will finish negotiation in two years http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201410/1013/HZ13A13CCXX.pdf
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/us/2014-10/16/content_18745778.htm Leaders of major American companies are urging US President Barack Obama to make a US-China Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) a top priority when he meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping next month.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/12/17/a07-1217.pdf 財政部副部長朱光耀昨日在「2015網易經濟學家年會」上表示,中美雙方現已基本完成雙方投資保護協定文本的核對,將在明年初就負面清單進行首次的正式交換。在此基礎上,雙方爭取達成全面的、高質量的,同時又是非歧視性、公開、透明的中美雙邊投資保護協定。中美兩國都希望在今後兩年,也就是奧巴馬總統的任期內,雙方的行政當局能夠結束談判。
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1710401/goldman-sachs-pushes-china-investment-treaty-us-tech-firms Goldman Sachs is exhorting the US to quickly complete atreaty with China
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-04/21/content_20491397.htm China's Finance Minister Lou Jiwei has said his country is "uncomfortable with" the negative list provided by the United States, which is a key part of the ongoing negotiation of the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) between the world's two largest economies. hkej 22apr15 a16, http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/04/21/uk-china-treaty-idUKKBN0NC0BL20150421
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/economy/article/1772921/china-must-reform-ensure-more-transparency-foreign-businesses-us China is being urged to press ahead with reforms to create a more transparent and fair environment for foreign businesses in industries including agriculture, banking, and information technology, according to the 2015 White Paper issued by the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in China. Despite the improvements made, “substantial problems” have remained in four policy priority areas: rule of law, market access, standards, and intellectual property rights, the business group said on Tuesday at a press briefing in Beijing. “Non-transparent, unclear, and inconsistent rule-making was identified by 65 per cent of our members as limiting their ability and willingness to invest in China, and has remained a top challenge to business for the last four years in a row,” AmCham said.James Zimmerman, the group’s China chairman, said the recommendations had been submitted to both the Chinese and US governments. China’s rule-making about Information and Communications Technology (ICT), for example, which is “by some measures the largest single category of US exports to China” and a key issue in the US-China Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) negotiations, had lacked transparency, AmCham officials said.
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-06/09/content_20944097.htm Negotiations between China and the United States on the proposed Bilateral Investment Treaty are at a crucial juncture, as the two sides deliberate on the negative lists, a former US government official said. The most difficult task for the two sides is to finalize and reach a consensus on the size of the negative list, Henry Paulson, the former US Treasury secretary, said during a news conference in Beijing on Monday."It was a very big and positive change when China agreed to publish the negative list. So now the key will be to make this list as small as possible," he said. Premier Li Keqiang had expressed China's willingness, during a meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Beijing last month, to speed up negotiations over the BIT, for an agreement on terms and conditions for direct investment between the two sides. The negative list from China, which has not yet been disclosed to the public, identifies some industries that will not be open for US investment. Li has called for pushing forward talks about the negative lists in a constructive manner. The US has already provided its negative list to China, but Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said in April that "China was uncomfortable with it". President Xi Jinping will make an official visit to the US in September, which is seen as an important chance to strengthen cooperation between the world's two largest economies, but the Sino-US bilateral relationship is becoming more complicated, according to Paulson.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150623/PDF/a18_screen.pdf第七輪中美戰略與經濟對話23日在美國華盛頓舉行。中國國務院副總理汪洋表示,維持戰略對話幫助中美兩國有效地管理分歧,此次對話將為國家主席習近平9月份訪美奠定基礎。另外,中美雙邊投資協議(BIT)將進入交換負面清單的環節。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-06/24/content_21087635.htm China and the United States will focus on the length and quality of negative lists that outline sectors closed to foreign investment during the next two rounds of negotiations on a bilateral investment treaty (BIT), a senior Chinese official said Tuesday. "During the latest 19th round of negotiations, the two sides exchanged the initial offers of negative lists," Zhang Xiangchen, deputy China International Trade representative and assistant minister of commerce, said at a press briefing through a translator on the sidelines of the seventh round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) starting Tuesday in Washington D.C.
- http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201605/0531/HZ17531CZGG.pdf may have progress
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/06/07/a05-0607.pdf國家主 席習近平昨日在開幕式上指出,要全力爭取早日 達 成 互 利 共 贏 的 中 美 雙 邊 投 資 協 定 (BIT, Bilateral Investment Treaty)。國務院副總理汪洋 同日在中美戰略與經濟對話框架下的經濟對話上 表示,中國將在下周提交中方的中美雙邊投資協 定負面清單。http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3626895/China-submit-US-investment-treaty-talks-negative-list-offer-week-vice-prem.html
- 中國商務部昨日晚間發佈的消息稱,美國當地時間14日至17日,第25輪中美投資協定(BIT)談判在華盛頓舉行。本輪談判中,雙方交換了第二輪負面清單改進出價,並就各自改進出價進行了磋商。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/06/18/a13-0618.pdf
- 商務部新聞發言人孫 繼文4日說,8月21日至28日,中美雙方在京舉行第28輪中美投資協定( BIT)談判。8月29日至9月3日,雙方繼續通過團長會議、小範圍會談等 方式舉行了一系列密集磋商,推動談判取得重大進展。此前中美投資協定談判的 多輪磋商中,雙方分歧主要是,美方希望 中國負面清單能夠更短,而中方認為美國 對中國企業投資限制應該更少。分析認為 ,此次孫繼文強調的重大進展應該是指雙 方在負面清單領域的要價和出價已經很接 近了http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160905/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- 美國財政部長雅各布.盧6日表示,奧巴馬政府將盡力在本屆任期內完成中美雙邊投資協定(BIT)談判。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/10/08/a15-1008.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/2080331/sealing-investment-deal-within-reach-trump-xi-talks One accomplishment of a summit between US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping could be a road map for a bilateral investment treaty, business analysts in the United States say.
-The United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission is a congressional commission of the United States government. Created through a congressional mandate in October 2000, it is responsible for monitoring and investigating national security and trade issues between the United States and People's Republic of China. The Commission holds regular hearings and roundtables, produces an annual report on its findings, and provides recommendations to Congress on legislative actions related to China. The twelve commissioners are appointed to two-year terms by the majority and minority leaders of the U.S. Senate, and by the minority leader and speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
- ownership of us companies
- trump government and ties with china
- https://www.ft.com/content/4393d61f-77ec-3bff-843c-cdf368664297the US-China Economic Security Review Commission, which makes policy recommendations to the US government on its trade relationship with China, is recommending that the US stop China’s state-owned enterprises from acquiring or otherwise gaining control of American companies.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-11/25/content_27481588.htm 27th edition
- ownership of us companies
- A Congressional panel has urged the US’s next president to put curbs on Chinese investment in American entertainment, internet and media assets in response to trade barriers in the world’s second-largest economy.https://www.ft.com/content/f237ed60-8b91-11e6-8aa5-f79f5696c731
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-12/01/content_27532935.htmThe Chicago Stock Exchange Inc said Chinese interests will control 49.5 percent of the exchange if a proposed sale of the company gains regulatory approvals. In a bid to allay fears over its pending acquisition, the Chicago Stock Exchange, or CHX, revealed its proposed ownership structure in a Nov 23 filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170412/PDF/b1_screen.pdf樂視早於去年7月公布 ,斥資20億美元(約156億港元)收購 Vizio,但外電引述樂視稱,美國政府以國 安理由進行干預,決定放棄收購美國電視 製造商Vizio,不過雙方仍然不排除合作, 未來會共同研究將樂視的內容融入Vizio產 品的可能性。
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-23/tcl-s-li-urges-trump-to-allow-his-u-s-technology-acquisitions TCL Corp. Chairman Li Dongsheng said the Chinese electronics giant is in the final stages of making an investment in a U.S. technology company that would be worth as much as $300 million and urged President Donald Trump’s administration to allow him to seal the deal.
- President Donald Trump will decide in the next two weeks whether to block a Chinese-backed private equity firm from buying a U.S. chipmaker, putting his economic and diplomatic relations with China under a spotlight. Lattice Semiconductor Corp (LSCC.O) said in a filing Friday it will seek Trump’s approval for its proposed $1.3 billion sale to Canyon Bridge Capital Partners, gambling that the former real estate dealmaker will approve the tie-up against the advice of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which scrutinizes foreign deals for national security concerns.The decision, which the filing said will be made by the White House in the next 15 days, comes at a sensitive time. Relations are already strained between Washington and Beijing over trade and North Korea, and the Chinese communist party is preparing to hold its once-every-five-years congress next month. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-lattice-m-a-canyonbridge/trump-to-decide-on-china-backed-buyout-of-u-s-chipmaker-idUSKCN1BC4QL
- http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/09/trump-blocks-chinese-purchase-lattice-semiconductor-170914045430005.html A federal panel that reviews foreign investment in the US for possible security threats ruled against the proposed $1.3bn purchase last week of Lattice Semiconductor, a Portland, Oregon-based company. In his executive order on Wednesday, Trump said that Lattice and Canyon Bridge "shall take all steps necessary to fully and permanently abandon the proposed transaction", within 30 days. "Credible evidence leads me to believe" the buyers of Lattice "might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States".
- Questions about the ultimate ownership of Anbang Insurance, one of China’s most acquisitive groups, are once again causing trouble for the company and one of its US deals.https://www.ft.com/content/b16c6df8-3f71-11e7-9d56-25f963e998b2 A US union conducting contract negotiations for a hotel that was part of Anbang’s $6.5bn acquisition of Strategic Hotels & Resorts has raised a fundamental question that has frustrated banks and other counterparties that have dealt with it: who controls the mysterious Chinese group?
- 美國一個酒店員工工會,於當地時間周三向美國國家勞工關係局的地方辦公室提交指控,稱安邦保險及其下屬三間酒店營運商存在不當行為,未按照美國聯邦勞動法的規定,向工會提供相關酒店的所有權及資金來源資料。安邦發言人對此不予置評。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170812/00178_012.html
- 歐美地圖公司HERE宣布,終止接受中國四維圖新、騰訊公司及新加坡政府投資公司的注資,原因是相關股權交易,未能通過美國外國投資委員會(CFIUS)的審查。由於HERE部分營運地點位於芝加哥,故華府有權審批。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170929/00180_022.html
- 美國外國投資委員會(CFIUS)正關注中國遠洋海運(中遠海運)集團對美國加州長灘貨櫃碼頭的收購行動。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20180422/00202_007.html
- A U.S. panel that reviews foreign investments for potential national security threats has approved China Oceanwide Holdings Group’s [OWREAC.UL] purchase of insurer Genworth Financial , the two companies said on Saturday.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-genworth-m-a-oceanwide-hldg/u-s-security-panel-approves-oceanwide-purchase-of-genworth-idUSKCN1J50WU
- 美國傳媒報道,海航集團兩年前購入紐約曼哈頓第三大道八百五十號大樓,但近日被美國外商投資審查委員會(CFIUS)下令出售該大樓,並指海航正在尋找買家。另有美媒報道指,因海航大廈位置相當接近美國總統特朗普名下的特朗普大樓(Trump Tower),出售大樓的要求源於國家安全憂慮。消息傳出後,海航內部股權問題再成各界焦點,有報道指中國前領導人江澤民的孫兒江志成,亦是海航股東之一。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180812/00178_001.html
- trump government and ties with china
- https://www.ft.com/content/88758eb4-d542-11e6-944b-e7eb37a6aa8e Jared Kushner, son-in-law and adviser to President-elect Donald Trump, has held talks recently with one of China’s most politically connected tycoons about a potential real-estate deal, raising fresh questions about conflicts of interest in the New York billionaire’s incoming administration. The 36-year-old real-estate developer, who is married to Ivanka Trump, had a meeting with Wu Xiaohui, chairman of Anbang, a privately owned Chinese conglomerate, as recently as November 16, a week after Mr Trump was elected US president, said a person with knowledge of the talks. The meeting, first reported by the New York Times newspaper, sheds further light on the intricate web of business ties that Mr Trump and his family have with foreign entities that risk compromising the integrity of his office. Mr Wu is married to the granddaughter of China’s former leader Deng Xiaoping, and his company is known for having an opaque ownership structure that includes associations with other prominent Communist party-connected families.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170114/00180_003.html 近日有內地英文媒體報道,特朗普名下集團的兩個網址,辦公室註冊地點均在北京飯店內部。該媒體派記者到上址查訪,發現門外陳設簡單,未有明顯招牌,大門只張貼兩張「福」字揮春。記者推門後看見內有四人,卻被他們趕走。至今未能確定上址是否特朗普集團在北京的辦公室。
- 美國總統特朗普的長女兼白宮高級顧問伊萬卡旗下五個新商標,本月獲中國政府開綠燈,當中涉及婚紗、託兒所、藝術品估價等多種業務。有輿論憂慮伊萬卡向中國政府申請註冊商標,或令白宮官員在談判期間面對壓力。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190122/00180_006.html
- 中美全面經濟對話
- 中美執法及網絡安全對話- 《紐約時報》前日報道,美國商務部長威爾伯.羅斯(Wilbur Ross)當地時間18日將在華盛頓主持20多位中美企業家參加的交流會。據報道,馬雲是這次會議的發起者和協調人之一。報道稱,這個以中美商業人士為主的會談,涉及的主要是私人部門,其目標是「就中美兩國之間目前存在的諸多經濟問題進行坦誠的討論」,以緩解目前不甚穩定的中美經濟關係。據《紐約時報》報道,這次中美企業家交流會由阿里巴巴集團董事長馬雲,以及美國私人投資公司黑石集團聯合創始人、特朗普的顧問史蒂芬.A.施瓦茨曼(Stephen A. Schwarzman,另有譯作蘇世民)共同協調安排。參加此次會議的中美企業家有20多人,其中美國企業家包括摩根大通首席執行官傑米.戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)、世界最大的工程機械製造商卡特彼勒公司首席執行官吉姆.昂普爾比(Jim Umpleby)、沃爾瑪首席執行官道格.麥克米倫(Doug McMillon)、通用汽車首席執行官瑪麗.博拉(Mary Barra)、美國最大的獨立能源企業康菲石油公司首席執行官瑞安.蘭斯(Ryan Lance)。這些美國商業人士大多與中國聯繫密切。而中國方面參加這次會議的企業家,除了馬雲以外還包括中國銀行董事長田國立、中國中化集團公司董事長寧高寧等。據報道,參加會議的企業家將會提出一份建議清單以供中美兩國政府官員參考。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/07/19/a20-0719.pdf
- 首轮中美全面经济对话于当地时间19日在美国华盛顿举行。中国国务院副总理汪洋与美国财政部长姆努钦、商务部长罗斯共同主持。中国财政部副部长朱光耀在会议闭幕后介绍,双方确认开展中美经济合作一年计划,并争取实现早期收穫。中国外交部发言人陆慷随后表示,中美双方都认为,这是一次创新、务实、建设性的对话,最重要的成果是确认了中美经济合作的正确方向。综合中新社、观察者网报道:汪洋表示,建立中美全面经济对话机制,是习近平主席同特朗普总统海湖庄园会晤达成的重要成果,是两国元首把握中美关系发展大势作出的重大决策。中美互为最大贸易伙伴国和重要投资来源地,合作是双方唯一正确的选择。对话期间,双方就中美贸易投资、经济合作百日计划和一年计划、全球经济和治理、宏观经济政策和金融业、农业等议题进行了深入讨论,达成广泛共识。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170721/PDF/6_screen.pdf
- https://www.ft.com/content/469d99c0-d5ee-11e7-8c9a-d9c0a5c8d5c9 Donald Trump’s administration has put its main programme for bolstering economic relations with China on ice as it complains about the two countries’ swollen trade imbalance, and says Beijing’s efforts to liberalise its economy have gone into reverse. David Malpass, a top economic diplomat for the administration, said in an interview with the Financial Times on Thursday that the Comprehensive Economic Dialogue with Beijing is “stalled” and that there are no plans to revive talks. The decision comes after the dialogue between the two countries in July ended without any tangible progress.
- 首輪中美執法及網絡安全對話在美國華盛頓舉行,這場對話是美國總統特朗普訪華雙邊關係的重頭戲,除了涉及逃美中國罪犯的遣返議題之外,還關係到中美網絡空間治理。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171007/00182_001.html
- 省洲經贸合作
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160409/PDF/a16_screen.pdf 據中新社報道:當地時間7日,在美國得克薩斯州首府奧斯汀舉行的第三屆中美省州經貿合作研討會上,中國商務部國際貿易談判副代表張向晨表示,“中美企業家應加強資訊交流、拓展互利空間,將雙方合作的蛋糕做成‘得州大尺碼(TexasSize)’!” 研討會上,來自中國商務部、江蘇省、天津市的經貿官員,以及涵蓋先進製造業、數字媒體、信息技術、食品、醫藥、服裝、清潔能源、工程建設、旅遊開發等10多個領域近40家中國企業代表,與得克薩斯州當地企業共百餘人齊聚一堂,共同探討中美省州地方經貿合作機制為雙方企業帶來的合作機遇以及互利共贏的合作模式,並進行商務對接。
- 美国东部时间24日晚,美中关系全国委员会在全美84个地点同时举办中国论坛(China Town Hall),探讨中美关系现状与未来。这场活动横跨美国40个州,受到广泛关注。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171026/PDF/b9_screen.pdf
- 中美兩軍共兩百多名官兵,上周在美國舉行救援減災指揮推演和實兵演練。解放軍南部戰區陸軍、美太平洋陸軍派出觀摩團參加指導,加拿大、新加坡、日本、菲律賓、孟加拉等國亦派出觀察員。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171119/00178_006.html
- 美國國防部去年出於網絡安全顧慮,禁止軍方使用中國製造的無人機,但數月後空軍和海軍仍然為精銳部隊購入中國無人機。美國國防部發言人安德魯斯表示,軍方是獲得採購與維護辦公室特別豁免,屬「個案處理,以應急需」。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190919/00178_002.html
- 美國一間為執法部隊提供裝備的承包商,聲稱所售的頭盔、防彈背心、防暴裝備為美國本土生產,但原來有關裝備均是中國製造。承包商總裁上周二因電訊詐騙的罪嫌被捕,華裔公司主席亦被指涉案。有美媒披露法庭文件,指聯邦探員原來是透過以圖搜圖,在中國的阿里巴巴網站發現同款頭盔,才揭發事件。裝備商「監視器材組織」(SEG)自二○○三年起為美國執法部隊提供裝備,而公司總裁摩根曾不下十次申報有關裝備是美國或其他國家生產,指明並無中國貨。去年五月,有探員發現SEG在政府內部網頁貼出的防彈頭盔圖片疑經過修圖,遂用以圖搜圖功能調查。結果,探員發現該圖片是擷取自阿里巴巴網站。調查發現,SEG訛稱本土生產的頭盔內部,有手寫中文字,始揭發有關裝備原來實際由中國國企「新興進出口有限責任公司」生產,該公司更是由解放軍總後勤部創立。SEG向五間美國聯邦機構售出總值六十四萬美元(近五百萬港元)的裝備;摩根因而被控電訊詐騙,而SEG主席陳健(Samuel Jian Chen,音譯)亦被指涉案。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191222/00180_013.html
- 中國國務委員兼國防部長魏鳳和,前日應約與美國國防部長埃斯珀通電話。兩人表示,中美兩軍應透過對話解決分歧。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200305/00178_025.html
- 由中共 中央對外聯絡部主辦的第十一屆中美政黨 對話18日在北京舉行。來自美國共和、民 主兩黨和重要智庫、企業,以及中央政策 研究室、商務部等單位,共約50名中外代 表出席,圍繞 「中美政黨與中美關係」 主 題進行討論。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191119/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- wto market economy status
- 熟悉美國政界人士對季陶說,老董自退任特首後,將所有精力花在搞對美民間外交,但他質疑董搞中美國民外交,是為自己在中央增添政治本錢,多於做到實際外交成效。該政界人士稱,董的確在美國有深厚政界人脈,但與他關係友好的美國政客,大部份均屬親華派,又或與美國商界有密切關係,「基本上唔使老董游說,佢哋都唔會特別反中」,不過董過往搞國民外交,成功令他得到習信任,習當年首次訪美,董就陪同習到美國,不過他聽聞北京亦開始知道董對美國政界影響力並非想像中大,加上美國總統特朗普非傳統共和黨人,董在特朗普團隊中人脈十分有限,所以董能否再以他的國民外交工作,繼續獲習重視,保住他政協副主席身份,令人關注。另一政界中人笑稱,其實以往也有不少人利用在美國的政界關係,聲稱為北京出力,就算「交唔到單」,一樣有方法令自己得到好處。他曾經聽過一個故事,當年克林頓政府爭取國會支持中國加入WTO遇到阻力,北京找來一名在美國政界有深厚人脈的商界中人出手游說,對方即時答應,之後更聲稱爭取到多少名國會議員支持,但美方事後發現,該商界人士所謂「成功爭取」的國會議員,全是支持或傾向支持的,反對的議員一個也沒有接觸,不過已足以令該商界人士向北京領功,爭到不少好處。https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20171201/20231167
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-trade-wto/u-s-formally-opposes-china-market-economy-status-at-wto-idUSKBN1DU2VH?il=0 The United States has formally told the World Trade Organization (WTO) that it opposes granting China market economy status, a position that if upheld would allow Washington to maintain high anti-dumping duties on Chinese goods. The statement of opposition, made public on Thursday, was submitted as a third-party brief in support of the European Union in a dispute with China that could have major repercussions for the trade body’s future. China is fighting the EU for recognition as a market economy, a designation that would lead to dramatically lower anti-dumping duties on Chinese goods by prohibiting the use of third-country price comparisons.
- 美國眾議院外交關係委員會亞太小組主席約霍(Ted Yoho)周四表示,美國國會正與政府努力推動,取消中國在世界貿易組織(WTO)的「發展中國家」地位,以減少中國所得優惠。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190608/00180_005.html
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3018891/wto-opens-way-chinese-sanctions-against-us-tariffs-obama-era-disputeThe United States did not fully comply with a World Trade Organisation ruling and could face Chinese sanctions if it does not remove certain tariffs that break WTO rules, the WTO’s appeals judges said in a ruling on Tuesday.China went to the WTO in 2012 to challenge US anti-subsidy tariffs on Chinese exports including solar panels, wind towers, steel cylinders and aluminium extrusions, exports that it valued at US$7.3 billion at the time.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20161025/PDF/a7_screen.pdf 歷時三年長跑,中國針對美國反傾銷起訴勝訴,給予美國“霸王條款”迎頭痛擊。近日,世界貿易組織(WTO)宣布,支持中國主要訴訟請求,裁定美國13項反傾銷措施違反世貿規則。此次勝訴關乎中國的機電、輕工、五礦等多個產業
- 中國商務部擔憂此舉加劇國際貿易的混亂和恐慌局面,當日起亦向美國、歐盟、及日韓等國的進口苯酚展開反傾銷調查。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180327/00178_004.html
- cybersecurity
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2014-12/03/content_19016338.htm While the China-US working group on cyber security has been suspended following the US decision in May to indict five People's Liberation Army officers for cyber espionage, bilateral contact seemed to resume in a way as senior officials, scholars and executives from Internet and telecom giants of both countries assembled in Washington on Tuesday. The 7th China US Internet Industry Forum on Dec 2-3 drew some 150 participants, including Lu Wei, minister of the State Internet Information Office, which manages Internet information in China, and Catherine Novelli, the US under secretary of state for economic growth, energy and the environment.
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/40dc895a-92c6-11e5-94e6-c5413829caa5.html US security services and cyber security firms are scouring China’s latest five-year economic plan for clues to which American companies may become the next targets of Chinese hacking attacks. China’s last five-year plan highlighted energy, healthcare, steel and other sectors as focuses of its major initiatives from 2011 to 2015. Over the same period, US companies such as health insurer Anthem, US Steel, Westinghouse Electric and medical device company Medtronic all suffered what are believed by US officials to be state-sponsored hacks by China, along with a host of other US companies in areas that have been considered to be critical by Beijing. “To China, gaining knowledge about seed technology or medical devices are matters of national security,” an FBI official said. “So it’s not seen as stealing the way we see it. That’s why everything is fair game to them and why companies active in sectors mentioned in the five-year plans have to be extra vigilant.” The latest plan covering 2016 to 2020 — the 13th under the Communist regime — focuses on modernising the military and improving green technology, including defence stealth technology and renewable energy. Innovation also plays a central role in the programme, with Beijing calling for more advances in everything from aircraft engines to “quantum teleportation”.
- 美國軍方據報為避免遭中國監視,已移除軍事基地內由華企海康威視製造的監控設備。另一方面,美國國會將於本月三十日舉行聽證會,討論小型企業使用該種設備時面臨的網絡安全風險。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180114/00178_005.html
- https://www.ft.com/content/cbf22f3c-a1f9-11e8-85da-eeb7a9ce36e4
China’s top engineering university, Tsinghua University, was the origin of multiple recent cyber-espionage campaigns targeting groups such as the Tibetan community in India and the Alaskan state government, new research has found. - The Trump administration announced on Wednesday a ban on US federal agencies buying equipment and services from Chinese companies such as telecoms giant Huawei Technologies, citing national security concerns. The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) said that federal purchases of telecommunications equipment, video surveillance gear and other products from Huawei, its rival ZTE, radio systems provider Hytera, camera maker Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology and video surveillance products maker Dahua Technology would be prohibited out of fear the companies could divulge US trade secrets and other information to the Chinese government. The new rule, which will take effect next Tuesday, is a significant step in the US government’s ongoing effort to crack down on Chinese technology it regards as a potential national security threat.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3021888/trump-administration-bans-us-agencies-doing-business-huawei-and
- 美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)上月以威脅國家安全為由,禁止美國電訊公司使用聯邦通用服務基金(USF),購買中國電訊設備製造商華為及中興的設備。華為於昨日發起反擊,宣布正式向美國法院提交起訴書,指FCC的認定結果隨意武斷,只是針對中國企業,以及沒有給予華為行使正當程序的機會,控告FCC違反美國憲法和《行政訴訟法》,要求推翻禁令。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191206/00178_001.html
- US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Tom Cotton on Wednesday asked intelligence officials to investigate whether the popular Chinese-owned app TikTok poses national security risks.In a letter to Joseph Maguire, acting director of national intelligence, the senators raised concerns about the video-sharing platform’s collection of user data and whether China censors content seen by US users. The letter also suggested TikTok could be targeted by foreign influence campaigns.Concern is growing in the United States about security and censorship issues involving TikTok, owned by Beijing-based tech company ByteDance, and other China-owned content platforms.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3034479/us-senators-call-intelligence-probe-app-tiktok-owned-chinas-bytedance
- foreign agent
- internet control
- south china sea- https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-chinese-state-media-xinhua-cctv-cgtn-register-foreign-agents-doj/ China says it has reached out to the U.S. over reports that the Department of Justice has ordered two top Chinese state-run media outlets to register with the government as foreign agents. Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said Wednesday that the Beijing had "contacted and communicated" with the U.S. side over the issue, but gave no details.
- internet control
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/1934771/us-cites-chinese-internet-filters-trade-barrier
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/diplomacy/article/1878058/rights-passage-mccain-calls-pentagon-clarify-legal-intent-south
- 美國參議院外交關係委員會近日通過「以對等原則進入西藏」的《入藏互惠法案》。法案指,美籍藏人在試圖申請簽證前往西藏探親或朝聖時,總會受到中國使領館的歧視。法案目的是要求中國政府允許美國記者、外交官及遊客,在西藏不受限制地旅行。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181201/00180_008.html
- 中國外交部昨日宣布,即日起向美國國會及行政當局中國委員會(CECC)、三名美國國會議員及一名官員實施對等制裁,即禁他們入境、凍結各人在華資產及禁止與在華人士交易,反擊美國較早時制裁三名新疆現任官員及一名前官員。名列制裁名單的美國國會議員均來自共和黨,分別是德州參議員克魯茲、佛羅里達州參議員魯比奧及新澤西州眾議員史密斯;官員則是美國國際宗教自由無任所大使布朗巴克。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200714/00180_001.html
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20141217/PDF/12_screen.pdf 中方促美放寬高技術出口
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-zte-usa-china-idUSKCN0W80AV The U.S. Commerce Department is set to place export restrictions on Chinese telecoms equipment maker ZTE Corp (000063.SZ) for alleged violations of U.S. export controls on Iran, according to documents seen by Reuters. The restrictions will make it difficult for the company to acquire U.S. products by requiring ZTE's suppliers to apply for an export license before shipping any American-made equipment or parts to ZTE. According to a Commerce Department notice that will be published next week in the U.S. Federal Register, the license applications generally will be denied. The restrictions will take effect Tuesday, Reuters has learned, and apply to any company worldwide that wants to ship American-made products to ZTE Corp in China. Those companies are not the target of the export curbs on ZTE. "This is a significant new burden on trade with ZTE," a senior official at the Commerce Department told Reuters. The official declined to comment on whether the U.S. government might take further action against ZTE. The company can appeal against the action. ZTE, based in Shenzhen, said in a statement on Sunday that it was aware of media reports on U.S. export restrictions. "ZTE is highly concerned about recent media reports relating to a U.S. Department of Commerce investigation," the company said. "ZTE has been working with associated U.S. government departments on investigations since 2012 and maintains constant communication with associated departments and is committed to fully address and resolve any concerns." The Commerce Department investigated ZTE for alleged export-control violations following reports by Reuters in 2012 that the company had signed contracts to ship millions of dollars worth of hardware and software from some of America's best-known technology companies to Iran's largest telecoms carrier, Telecommunication Co of Iran (TCI), and a unit of the consortium that controls it. The U.S. companies, which included Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O), IBM (IBM.N), Oracle Corp (ORCL.N) and Dell Inc [DI.UL], have all said they were not aware of the Iranian contracts. It is not clear if any of the companies still do business with ZTE.
- http://en.people.cn/n3/2016/0317/c90000-9031336.html ZTE Corp is in talks with the United States government over the telecomequipment manufacturer's alleged violations of a US trade restriction. Opinions are split on whether the negotiations could help resolve thedispute, which, if it remains unresolved, could have a negative impactthroughout China's IT industry. Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng on Tuesday said China is "greatlydissatisfied" with the US decision to ban the Shenzhen, Guangdong-basedcompany from buying parts from US suppliers. "I hope the US could handle the issue with discretion to avoid harming thestable, healthy development of Sino-US trade ties," said Gao. He added ZTEhas sent a delegation to Washington to discuss the issue with the USauthorities. The US Commerce Department confirmed to The Wall Street Journal thatnegotiations are under way. "These discussions have been constructive, and we will continue to seek aresolution," said the US newspaper, citing an unnamed senior official atthe department. ZTE did not elaborate on the details of the talks, saying nofinal decision has been made. The US Commerce Department last week banned ZTE's suppliers in the USfrom selling components to the Chinese company amid claims that ZTEexported prohibited products to Iran. The US suppliers, including mobile chip giant Qualcomm Inc, will need toapply for permits from the US government before selling products to ZTE. ZTE said in a statement its operations were in compliance with the lawsand regulations in every local market. The company pledged to cooperatewith the investigation. Hu Lu, an analyst at Changjiang Securities Co Ltd, said the punishmentwas related to a multi-million-dollar hardware and software export dealZTE signed with Telecommunication Company of Iran in 2012. The USforbids a long list of US-made IT products from being sold to Iran.
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-11/19/content_27428541.htm Qualcomm Inc said it expected to start shipping China-customized server chips around mid-2018, as the US tech giant ramped up its resources to tap into opportunities brought by the mainland's growing demand for internet data centers.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20160404/00202_007.html 內媒引述消息指,中興通訊將在本周三舉行的董事會會議上,擬撤換三名高層人士包括總裁史立榮,作為換取美國商務部暫緩制裁措施的條件之一。內地傳媒報道,五月一日起中國將全面展開營改增試點,消息指寧夏將全面展開營改增試點工作,建築業、房地產業、金融業及生活服務業擬納入營改增試點範圍。
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-zte-usa-sanctions-idUSKCN0ZD2W2The U.S. government has extended through August 30 a reprieve to ZTE Corp on tough export restrictions imposed on the Chinese smartphone maker in March for allegedly breaking sanctions against Iran, the Commerce Department said on Monday. The renewed Commerce Department license allows ZTE to continue exporting equipment containing U.S. technology. The agency said in March that its first reprieve could be extended if the company cooperated with the government. Experts had said U.S. export restrictions were some of the toughest ever applied and would have caused disruption across ZTE's sprawling global supply chain.
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-zte-compliance-idUSKBN13D07N Chinese telecoms equipment group ZTE Corp said on Friday it has won a further reprieve to Feb. 27 on export restrictions that were imposed on the company by the U.S. government. In March, the U.S. Commerce Department hit ZTE with some of the toughest-ever U.S. export restrictions for allegedly breaking sanctions against Iran but has since issued temporary reprieves on the curbs.
- 英國傳媒周三引述消息指,中國中興通訊周一已與美國政府簽署原則性協議,華府將解除禁令容許中興恢復業務,中興最高或需向美方支付逾十七億美元(約一百三十三億港元)罰款。中興只要一獲解禁,便可於數小時內恢復對外營運。雖然美國商務部表示仍未和中興簽署最終協議,惟有內地財經傳媒引述中興內部人士消息指,中興已簽署由美方制訂的原則性協議,但由於商務部計劃修改內容,經修訂的協議仍未簽署。中興暫時未發表官方回應。報道指,中興須繳付十億美元(約七十八億港元)罰款,若日後再違規需再支付四億美元罰款(約三十一億二千萬港元)。連同去年中興支付的罰款,總數或逾十七億美元罰款。此外,中興需在三十日內撤換董事局及管理層,並在不設限下讓美方到廠內查核,確保美國賣出的零件僅用於中興通訊;中興須在網站公布其產品的美國零部件使用數據。 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180607/00180_005.html
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/senate-passes-defense-bill-setting-up-clash-with-house-over-zte/2018/06/18/fadea546-7332-11e8-805c-4b67019fcfe4_story.html Congress is headed for a probable showdown over President Trump’s recent deal to lift certain penalties against Chinese telecom giant ZTE after the Senate overwhelming passed its version of an annual defense authorization bill that would reimpose those punitive measures. The Senate voted 85 to 10 to approve the $716 billion piece of legislation with little fanfare — a sign of how much common ground there is between the House and Senate versions of the bill, which must still be woven into a single piece of legislation. It also serves as a reminder that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who as chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee has steered the bill through many a floor fight in recent years, continues to battle a rare and serious form of brain cancer. The measure is named after him.
- 美國媒體周一(2日)報道,特朗普政府劍指中國電訊商中國移動,指該國企對美國國安構成威脅,建議聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)拒絕其二○一一年提交的營運許可申請,阻止進入美國電訊市場。中國外交部周二敦促美方停止無理打壓中資企業。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180704/00178_001.html
- 美國商務部周一將中國福建晉華集成電路公司,列入出口管制實體清單,指這間國企可能危害美國國家安全。在新限制下,美國廠商將需要取得特別許可,才能把貨品出售給該公司。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181031/00178_010.html
- 美國商務部上周五(21日)宣布,把四家從事研發軍用超級電腦的中國企業,以及一家有解放軍背景的研究所,列入國家安全的實體清單,禁止在未經華府批准下購買美國零部件。中國官媒批評美國打壓中國科技發展,並意圖獲取貿易談判的籌碼。有指事件猶如華為翻版。美國商務部以「這些實體已構成重大風險,或即將參與違反美國國家安全及外交政策利益活動」為由,把中科曙光、無錫江南計算技術研究所、海光、成都海光集成電路設計公司和成都海光微電子技術有限公司,以及五家實體所用的化名,均列入實體清單內。商務部指,江南計算技術研究所隸屬解放軍總參謀部第五十六研究所,其使命是支援中國軍事現代化。中科曙光則是中科院旗下的上市公司,曾於二○一○年推出超級電腦「星雲」,之後曾憑着「天河一號」與「天河二號」奪得世界超級電腦的冠軍寶座;中科曙光亦是晶片製造商海光的所有者,海光擁有成都海光集成電路設計公司、成都海光微電子技術有限公司的權益。美國商務部以「這些實體已構成重大風險,或即將參與違反美國國家安全及外交政策利益活動」為由,把中科曙光、無錫江南計算技術研究所、海光、成都海光集成電路設計公司和成都海光微電子技術有限公司,以及五家實體所用的化名,均列入實體清單內。商務部指,江南計算技術研究所隸屬解放軍總參謀部第五十六研究所,其使命是支援中國軍事現代化。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190623/00180_001.html
- 美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)上周五一致通過,將中國科技巨企華為和中興列為對國家安全構成威脅,並禁止接受八十五億美元(約六百六十五億港元)政府補貼的美國電訊服務營運商,購買兩企業的設備和服務;同時建議其他服務供應商取消和取代現有的服務及設備。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191124/00180_013.html
- tech transfer pre-requisite for setting up in china
- chips
- 美國貿易代表羅伯特.萊特希澤近日公開指責中國要求在華外商設立合資企業和轉讓技術,中國商務部新聞發言人高峰昨日對此回應稱,中國沒有任何一部法律強制外國投資者轉讓技術。在具體的企業合作過程中可能會出現類似的情況,那是企業之間的市場行為,完全沒有政府干預。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/09/22/a17-0922.pdf
- 美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)日前一致通過,拒絕中國移動公司進入美國電訊服務市場,更指中國政府疑利用該公司對美國展開間諜活動。中移動在上周六回應表示,美國當局的決定無明確理由及根據,呼籲美國政府拋開政治偏見,停止打壓,公平公正公開的對待赴美投資的企業。中移動強調,公司始終嚴格遵從當地法律法規、合規經營。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190512/00176_017.html
- 中聯通董事長兼首席執行官王曉初昨於 股東大會後表示,聯通在經營中堅決執行國際及當地 法規,並無出現任何違規行為,又稱歡迎各國監管機 構對集團作出監管。 他表示,聯通在美國當地沒有自己建設的網絡設 施,主要是通過與當地營運商合作,為國際公司的跨 國業務提供服務。集團在美國營運的業務已在當地取 得正常牌照,業務在正常基礎下進行。不擔心會被美 國收回牌照。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/05/11/b02-0511.pdf
- chips
- US shows heavy resistance to China chip plans ft 16jan17
- electronics
- tech- http://www.scmp.com/tech/enterprises/article/2094851/hon-hai-will-build-us-assembly-display-panels-get-closer-american Hon Hai Precision Industry, the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer, is moving ahead with plans to establish a display panel factory in the United States to be closer to its biggest customers, giving Donald Trump bragging right to bolster his “American First” political message and jobs agenda.
- 美国威斯康星州参议院通过向台湾鸿海集团提供30亿元(美元,下同)税务优惠方案,为当地歷来对外地企业最大规模的补助措施。威斯康星州参议院以20票对13票,通过向鸿海集团提供税务优惠。当地州政府预计,至少要25年才有回报。议案将会呈交州众议院表决,预料会顺利通过,随后交由州长签署正式落实。然而,消息未能刺激鸿海旗下富智康(02038)股价,反跌1.18%至收报2.52港元。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170914/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- Chinese technology conglomerate LeEco plans to lay off more than 300 employees in the United States, reducing the headcount to about 50 people, according to a company source. The employees left at the whittled-down US business will service customers who have already purchased LeEco devices, the source who did not want to be identified said.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/tech/2017-05/24/content_29469663.htm
- Yan Dapeng, a leading expert in the development of fiber lasers, was visiting Wuhan in 2006 when he found out the fiber laser products he had helped create in the United States were sold to China at high, nonnegotiable prices, with poor after-sales service. One year later, at the age of 51, Yan resigned from his US job, came back to China and partnered with a domestic company to found Raycus, which has developed into a leading developer and manufacturer of high-powered fiber laser and core components in China, breaking the American monopoly in the sector. In 2013, Raycus succeeded in developing China's first 10 kW fiber laser-making China the second country to master the technology in the world. Last year, a 20 kW fiber laser produced by Raycus was unveiled at the laser technology and industry development forum held in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province. That product is expected to enter mass production by 2018, according to the company. Fiber laser, which releases laser energy through a fiber as thin as a human hair, has been widely applied in aerospace, shipbuilding, airplane and auto manufacturing, as well as 3D printing. It is an indispensable component of precision machining. Compared with carbon dioxide laser, fiber lasers feature three times faster emitting speed, 20 percent higher energy conversion efficiency, four times less power consumption, with no noise or pollution emitted. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-09/06/content_31620713.htm
- Beijing-Silicon Valley Talent and Technology Summit http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-09/22/content_32325848.htm
- 中國工程院周一公布六十七名新當選院士名單,其中外籍院士有十八人,六十二歲的微軟始創人蓋茨名列其中,他亦是工程院首名非院校型的外籍院士。蓋茨近年訪華頗多,主要以泰拉能源公司董事長的身份。他早前與中國核工業集團合作成立公司,共同研發第四代核能技術行波反應堆,目標在未來廿年內分階段實施小中大型商業化核電站的建造和運行計劃。分析指蓋茨當選中國工程院院士或與中方推動第四代核電有關。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171128/00178_007.html
- 中國風力渦輪製造商華銳風電科技集團,被控竊取美國超導公司(AMSC)風力渦輪控制軟件源代碼,案件於當地時間周一在美國開庭審理,尚未有裁決,有指華銳風電或遭重罰四十八億美元(逾三百七十四億港元)。華銳風電稱,案件聲明有待公司董辦正式公告。有分析指,此中美最新知識產權案或引起中美政治層面關注。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180110/00178_008.html
- 美國威斯康辛州西區聯邦地區法院的陪審團裁定,華銳風電被控的電訊詐騙罪、竊取商業秘密罪及共謀罪成立。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180126/00178_027.html
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2129558/us-gives-surprise-go-ahead-chinese-acquisition-pennsylvania Naura Microelectronics Equipment, a Beijing-based microchip company, has now completed its takeover of Pennsylvania-based Akrion Systems, a manufacturer of semiconductor devices, according to Naura.“As far as we are aware, this is the first Chinese acquisition of a US company to be approved by CFIUS under the Trump administration,” a Reuters report quoted Fang Xue, partner for Gibson Dunn & Crutcher and one of the deal lawyers representing Naura, as saying on Thursday.
- 有美國國防和情報官員日前指中國十年前啟動的引進海外高層次人才「千人計劃」,吸引在美受教育和工作的科技人才,以合法及非法手段將美國技術、知識產權帶到中國,並提出美國應像對抗前蘇聯一樣對抗中國。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180624/00178_001.html
- 中國北京大學、清華大學、量子物質科學協同創新中心以及美國普渡大學研究團隊,近日研製出全球最快的轉子(Rotor),每分鐘可轉動多達六百億次,其形狀似啞鈴,體積也相當迷你。研究員指,這種新轉子有助研究量子力學和真空特性。轉子在環形激光下可在高度真空中懸浮;在線性激光下則會振動,而轉子振動效果可測量微小的力(force)和力矩(torque)。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180723/00178_009.html
- 中美代表上周剛完成第九輪貿易談判,美國商務部周三發通告,宣布把三十七間中資企業及學校列入未經核實危險名單,警告企業要謹慎對待,當中包括七間設於香港的機構。美國財長姆紐欽周二與中國國務院副總理劉鶴通電話,姆紐欽透露中美在貿易協議執行機制大致達成共識,但不會武斷地訂立達成協議的期限。美方指,上述企業或機構拒絕回應如何使用美國產品,美企與這些單位接洽時應保持警惕,應視為禁運處理,名單周四生效。多間被點名的中國機構具國防、精密光學、電子、航空等背景,而香港機構包括優聯國際供應鏈有限公司、韜博盛科技有限公司、恒宇倉儲物有限公司、遠航科技香港有限公司、陞運物流有限公司、Universe Market Limited、Swelatel Technology Limited。中國商務部發言人高峰周四批評華府做法錯誤,要求盡快糾正。
- 多間港媒周四把其中一間涉事香港公司Able Supply Chain Limited誤報為優聯國際供應鏈有限公司。優聯發聲明,澄清與事件無關。翻查香港公司註冊處資料,商務部列出的上述英文名公司,實為立行供應鏈有限公司。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190413/00180_005.html
- 美國當局周二(23日)正式起訴一名曾在通用電氣工作的中國籍工程師和他在中國的一名同黨,指兩人做經濟間諜,盜取渦輪技術。美國司法部形容案情是「中國政府如何盜取美國企業知識產權的典型例子」。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190425/00180_010.html
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-china-tesla/u-s-rejects-tesla-bid-for-tariff-exemption-for-model-3-brain-idUSKCN1S91ZX U.S. trade officials rejected Tesla Inc’s bid for relief from President Donald Trump’s 25-percent tariffs on the Chinese-made Autopilot “brain” of its Model 3 and other electric vehicles, one of more than 1,000 product denials linked to China’s industrial development plans.According to documents filed by the U.S. Trade Representative’s office (USTR) and reviewed by Reuters, exclusion requests from Tesla and others for Chinese-made products from aircraft parts to biotechnology instruments were denied because they were deemed “strategically important” to the “Made in China 2025” program.
- 有「中國量子之父」之稱的中國科學院院士、常務副校長潘建偉,今年初赴美領獎簽證遭拒。有外媒周四報道,潘建偉在二○一七年擔任中國軍方企業中船重工的科技委副主任,並於去年代表中科大與另一間中國軍企中國電子科技集團簽約,開展量子研究;同時與西方一所大學有聯繫。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191228/00178_009.html
- 美國商務部前日宣布,將三十三間中國公司及機構,列入侵犯人權的經濟黑名單,當中包括雲端人工智能公司達闥科技(CloudMinds),將禁止這些公司及組織在未獲美國政府批准之下,使用美國技術。達闥科技暫未回應。商務部指其中九間涉侵犯新疆維族人權,餘下則因為它們為解放軍採購所需物資。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200524/00180_006.html
- Two Chinese universities with close ties to the military have been banned from using a US-developed computer software platform amid tensions between China and the United States over technology . The US Department of Commerce added the Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Engineering University to its “entity list” late last week, barring them from access to products subjected to US Export Administration Regulations.MATLAB, which is used in analysis in engineering, science and economics, is one of these products.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3088854/us-military-ban-locks-two-chinese-universities-out-popular
- 中國於二○○八年啟動「千人計劃」,至今吸引數千名旅居外國的中國學者或已入籍外國的華人科學家學者返回中國。有報道指,美國開始警惕中國以各種手段獲取美國科技,並對加入千人計劃的科學家學者進行調查,網傳已有多人被開除、被捕甚至遭判刑。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180916/00178_011.html
- 美國參議院常設調查小組委員會周二就「確保美國研究機構不受中國人才引進計劃的入侵」舉行聽證會,多個聯邦機構都承認有參與中國人才引進計劃「千人計劃」的學者,已經採取措施應對潛在風險。美國國家衞生研究院(NIH)代表披露,該院目前有一百四十多名學者由於學術誠信、受外國影響等原因被調查,但未交代該批學者是否均來自中國。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191121/00178_005.html
- 美國哈佛大學一名系主任及兩名在波士頓大學進行研究的中國公民,涉嫌隱瞞與中國政府的聯繫,同時收受美國研究資助,周二被美國檢察官起訴。其中,該名哈佛大學系主任參與中國招攬科學人才的「千人計劃」,並與武漢理工大學有關聯。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200130/00178_002.html
- 中美雙方近日簽署《北斗與GPS信號兼容與互操作聯合聲明》,中國開發的北斗衞星導航系統與美國全球衞星定位系統(GPS)實現射頻相容、民用信號可互操作,提升導航定位精度,更好地服務全球用戶。此前中俄已簽署北斗衞星導航系統,以及格洛納斯衞星導航系統之間的兼容互操作協議。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171209/00178_011.html
- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/01/19/nasa-work-chinas-space-agency-change-4-lunar-research/ Nasa has announced it is collaborating with its Chinese counterpart on a lunar mission, amid US warnings against sharing technology with the country. The US space agency has been in discussions with the China National Space Administration (CNSA) to collaborate on lunar landing research after gaining approval from Congress. The collaboration requires Nasa to navigate a strict legal framework in the US aimed at preventing a technology transfer to China and comes during a period of strained relations between the two countries.
- 由青島海洋科學與技術試點國家實驗室強強聯合美國國家大氣研究中心、美國得州農工大學共同建設的國際高分辨率地球系統預測實驗室(簡稱iHESP)日前在美國得州大學城正式啟用。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190502/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- ai/automation
- 美国麻省理工学院(MIT)于2月28日(当地时间,下同)与中国商汤科技宣布联手成立全球首家人工智能(AI)联盟,共同探索人类与机器智能的未来。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180302/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- 中美即將簽署首階段貿易協議之際,美國商務部上周五頒令,限制人工智能(AI)軟件出口海外,周一正式生效。此舉被指針對中國,阻止美企協助中國製造更優質AI產品,發展更先進的軍事技術。另一邊廂,海軍陸戰隊亦以網絡威脅為由,禁用抖音海外版TikTok,防止機密資料外洩。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200105/00178_005.html
- 中國建材生產商泰山石膏股份有限公司,早前被指生產的石膏板質量欠佳會釋毒,遭美國苦主提出集體索償。該公司周二提出涉款近二億五千萬美元的和解協議。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190823/00180_011.html
- 美國商務部周一公布對中國膠合板(又稱「夾板」)產品反傾銷及反補貼(雙反)調查結果,最終裁定中國企業傾銷幅度約百分之一百八十六;補貼幅度為百分之廿三至一百九十五,將要求海關和邊境保護局徵收雙反關稅。中國商務部貿易救濟調查局局長王賀軍斥美方裁決不合理。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171115/00180_008.html
- 美國即使對中國進口商品開徵關稅,煙花也可能在貿易戰之中幸免。據美媒引述美國煙花協會執行董事赫克曼稱,美國人在家庭施放的煙花九成九都來自中國,專業的煙火則有約七成在中國生產。「謝天謝地,煙花也還沒有受到關稅的波及」,但她也承認,非常密切關注事態的發展。美國進口的中國煙花銷情極好,從一九九八年進口總值二億八千多萬美元(約廿一億八千多萬港元),激增到去年的八億八千多萬美元(約六十八億六千多萬港元),今年更預計進口超過九億美元(約七十多億港元)煙花,可謂全面壟斷美國煙花市場。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180705/00178_004.html
- 萬華化學集團(600309)昨晚間宣布,其美國MDI一體化項目正式落戶路易斯安那州聖詹姆斯區。項目總投資12.5億美元(約98億港元),3年後投產。美國MDI項目設計年產能為40萬噸,項目建設將於2019年中啟動,預計2021年投產。項目建成後,將大大提高萬華化學對北美市場MDI的供應能力,還有助於萬華化學進一步鞏固全球異氰酸酯及聚氨酯市場的領先地位,實現在亞、歐、美地區業務的均衡發展。同時,項目建成後將在當地創造1230個直接與間接就業崗位。萬華化學於2006年在美國費城設立了銷售公司,開拓和服務北美市場,不斷積累海外運營經驗;於2014年和2016年成立萬華化學美國地區總部及北美研發技術服務中心,聘用更多當地員工,參與本土化運營。萬華化學於2013年對在美國投資建設MDI裝置的設計、許可、建設及運行規劃等問題進行專項研究,最終選定能源資源豐富、交通便利、勞動力訓練有素的路易斯安那州康文特市(Convent)。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181118/PDF/a5_screen.pdf
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2017-05/22/content_29449554.htm The city's first innovation center founded by a Chinese pharmaceutical enterprise - Qilu Boston Innovation Center (QBIC) - had its grand opening on Friday. After launching, "QBIC will be serving as an incubator for biotech startups, with the aim of helping biotechnology startups implement their ideas, to sooner transform their research results into medicine to meet clinical needs and improving Qilu's domestic product lines," said Larry Cai, head of business development in New England at Qilu. Founded by Qilu Pharmaceuticals, a Chinese drug company with more than $2 billion in annual sales, QBIC will be set up in a two-story building at 50 Soldiers Field Place that was acquired by Qilu last year for around $10 million.
- http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201705/0523/HZ16523CHBB.pdf 华大基因 global innovation centre in seattle
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2113272/chinese-cancer-drug-maker-beigene-us14-billion-tie-biotech-giant BeiGene, a Chinese maker of cancer medicines, has closed a US$1.39 billion deal with the American biotechnology giant Celgene, marking the biggest overseas licensing to date of drugs developed in China.
- 內地藥業龍頭企業、浙江華海藥業降血壓原料藥「纈沙坦」(Valsartan),早前被揭含有致癌物,全球多個國家及地區宣布回收,包括歐美及香港。美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)上周五再宣布,停止進口所有華海藥業生產的藥物及藥物原料。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180930/00178_008.html
- 化武級的禁制藥物
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20161104/00180_016.html 美聯社上月調查發現,有十二間中國公司出口化武級的禁制藥物卡芬太尼(Carfentanil)到美國、加拿大及歐洲圖利。該社周四揭發,售賣卡芬太尼的公司增至十五間,由七月至今美國八個州已經有四百宗與卡芬太尼有關個案,情況令人擔憂。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170108/00178_007.html 為加強中美兩國打擊全球毒品貿易的合作,美國司法部下屬的美國緝毒署(DEA)將在廣州設立辦事處,並派遣特工人員,此舉被指反映出美國對內地在全球毒品交易活動中的角色感到擔憂。美緝毒署此前在北京亦設立辦事處。DEA一直認為內地是合成毒品物質芬太尼(Fentanyl)等的最大來源國,這些藥物曾在美國導致最致命的藥物濫用問題。另根據美國司法部二○一五年的報告,內地正逐漸成為全球涉毒洗錢犯罪的營運中心。
- 美國再就毒品議題向華施壓。參議院周三發表調查報告,指在近兩年時間,中國經銷商利用互聯網,將近八億美元(約六十二億港元)的芬太尼 (fentanyl)藥片非法賣給了美國的網購客戶。中國外交部表示不掌握具體情況,但強調禁毒合作是中美執法合作的一大亮點,中方願同美方加強禁毒領域 溝通和協調。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180126/00178_019.html
- 公 安部、國家衛生健康委、國家藥監局1日聯 合發布公告,宣布從5月1日起將25種芬太 尼類物質列入《非藥用類麻醉藥品和精神 藥品管製品種增補目錄》,標誌着中國政 府已正式整類列管芬太尼類物質。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190402/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- 國家禁毒委員會主任、公安部部長趙克志,周三在北京會見美國白宮國家禁毒政策辦公室主任卡羅爾。趙指出,中方為認真落實兩國元首重要共識,採取堅決有力措施,在列管芬太尼物質等管控措施上,取得顯著成效。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190926/00180_004.html
- !!!!!!!美國政府一直指控有大量於中國製造的合成鴉片類藥物芬太尼非法出口到美國,中方予以否認。在中美即將簽署首階段貿易協議之際,兩國禁毒執法機關今日於中國河北省邢台市召開記者會,公布聯手搗破芬太尼走私案的合作行動詳情,做法罕見。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191107/00180_005.html
- Charlie Yao, CEO and president of Yuhuang Chemical Industries Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of Shandong Yuhuang Chemical Co Ltd, wanted to build a $1.85 billion methanol production facility on 1,200 acres of farmland in St. James Parish, Louisiana.
A little over a week ago, he moved one step closer. YCI announced on Aug 23 that it has entered into a business agreement with Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Methanol Investment, a company that distributes chemicals. As part of the deal, Koch has acquired an indirect minority equity interest in YCI Methanol One Llc.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201809/05/WS5b8f4b0aa310add14f389c70.html
- 美國傳媒上周五報道,美國貿易代表辦公室近日批准豁免部分由中國進口的醫療用品關稅,包括口罩、消毒紙巾及手套。據指美方罕有以約一個月時間,已經批准很多醫療用品豁免關稅的申請,疑與國內的新冠肺炎疫情有關。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200308/00178_010.html
- 美國貿易代表辦公室(USTR)表示,周四再豁免部分進口中國醫療用品的關稅,包括口罩、聽診器套、量血壓用的壓脈帶。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200314/00180_024.html
- navy
- Last week's visit to the United States by officers of the Chinese navy will deepen mutual understanding and help reduce misunderstandings and misjudgments at sea, delegation members told China Daily. "In the past, when our ships met at sea, both of us - captains from the two navies - didn't know what the other side was thinking or how we should communicate with each other," said Commander Zhao Yanquan, captain of a missile destroyer of the South Sea Fleet of the People's Liberation Army navy. "Through the visit, we began to get acquainted personally and shared our thoughts on many things," Zhao said. Twenty-nine navy officers, two of them women, flew to Washington on Feb 1 for the start of a six-day exchange program with their US counter-parts.http://www.chinadailyasia.com/nation/2015-02/12/content_15227194.html
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170614/00178_011.html美國海軍神盾級導彈驅逐艦「斯特雷號」日前才與兩架B1B戰略轟炸機在南海演練,前日上午抵達廣東湛江某軍港,開始進行為期五天的友好訪問。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-08/18/content_30760310.htm President Xi Jinping meets with US Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Thursday. They discussed a range of issues that would build upon the two nations' desire to improve ties.
- 美國海岸警備隊近日表示,美國海警巡邏船上周四在日本北海道以東的國際海域,扣押了一艘涉嫌非法捕撈的漁船,中美海警執法官員對該艘懸掛中國五星紅旗的漁船進行了登船檢查。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180626/00178_017.html
- maritime
- 美国国务院29日发表声明称,第八轮美中海洋法和极地事务对话日前在波士顿举行,双方就海洋问题、海洋法、极地地区事务等一系列广泛问题交换了意见。美国务院声明称,美国代表团由美国国务院海洋环境科学事务局海洋和极地事务办公室主任伊万.布鲁姆率领,中方代表团团长是中国外交部条约法律司副司长马新民。美中两国同意在今后的会议中继续就这些问题进行深入对话。中美海洋法和极地事务对话始于2010年,每年举行一次。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170831/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1636940/obama-announces-new-visa-deal-bid-improve-ties-china, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29992316, http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2014/11/11/china-u-s-to-grant-each-others-citizens-10-year-visas/, http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/10/us-china-expand-visa-deal-barack-obama, http://www.cnbc.com/id/102170430#.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1701117/chinese-citizens-rush-apply-new-10-year-us-visas
- http://www.scmp.com/property/international/article/1708175/easy-us-visa-rules-attract-more-chinese-buyers
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160306/00178_001.html
- The White House announced changes to the U.S. visa waiver program on Monday so that security officials can more closely screen travelers from 38 countries allowed to enter the United States without obtaining visas before they travel. Under the new measures, which were prompted by the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris by Islamic State militants, the Department of Homeland Security would immediately start to collect more information from travelers about past visits to countries such as Syria and Iraq, the White House said. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/30/us-france-shooting-usa-visa-idUSKBN0TJ26W20151130#xJkvg6wFAGhgl12m.99
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181226/00178_008.html美國海關對中國旅客的檢查也更加嚴厲。據指美國以後批准中國人入境簽證,需由總領事面簽,審查需時也會更長。報道又指,美國駐華大使館自今年六月十一日開始,縮短中國公民赴美簽證的有效期。從九月十一日開始,移民官更可在無發出補件通知情況下,直接拒絕移民或非移民簽證申請。另有報道指,美國駐華大使館已取消部分中國研究人員的十年多次赴美國簽證。
- 據新華社報道,針 對中方缺席第70屆國際宇航聯大會, 外交部發言人華春瑩昨日在例行記者 會上表示,美方把簽證問題「武器 化」,一再藐視國際責任和義務,阻 礙正常的國際交流與合作,對國際社 會各方正當權益造成損害。 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/24/a14-1024.pdf
- http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/feds-raid-california-maternity-hotels-birth-tourists-n315996 Homeland Security agents swept into The Carlyle, a luxury property in Irvine, California, which housed pregnant women and new moms who allegedly forked over $40,000 to $80,000 to give birth in the United States.
- http://www.scmp.com/property/international/article/1550004/chinese-lead-home-buying-rush-us
- 中美工商領袖座談 李克強:對中外企一視同仁 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/07/23/a18-0723.pdf
- anti-monopoly / competition
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/09/23/a20-0923.pdf華北製藥股份有限公司發佈公告稱,9月21日,公司收到下屬子公司河北維爾康製藥有限公司報告,美國聯邦第二巡迴上訴法院已在當地時間2016年9月20日對中國企業涉美維生素C反壟斷訴訟案做出判決:撤銷地區法院原判決,駁回原告訴訟,發回原審法院並指令原審法院撤銷案件。這起涉美維生素C反壟斷案自2005年起開始審理,當時共有4家生產維生素C的中國藥企被美國公司提
起訴訟,稱中國製造商通過達成固定價格協議等方式共同實施了對美出口維生素C產品的價格共謀行為,違反美國反壟斷法。 - http://www.scmp.com/news/china/economy/article/2108941/china-regulator-said-be-reviewing-antitrust-complaint-against China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce is reviewing an antitrust complaint accusing Apple Inc of abusing its dominant position in smartphone applications, people familiar with the matter said.The regulator is studying the information following a complaint filed on behalf of developers before deciding if a formal investigation is necessary, said the people, who asked not to be named because the matter is not public. The review is preliminary and Chinese antitrust agencies usually review such information before deciding whether an official investigation is needed.
- financial
- 阿里巴巴關連公司螞蟻金服夥拍美國基金公司Vanguard集團,共同成立投資諮詢公司,註冊資本為2000萬元人民幣。根據工商資料顯示,螞蟻金服新增對外投資,成立上海先鋒領航投資顧問,由浙江網商銀行行長黃浩擔任法定代表人,螞蟻金服持股51%,其餘49%股權由先鋒領航投資管理持有。資料顯示,先鋒領航投資管理是美國最大共同基金公司Vanguard集團在上海設立的外商獨資公司,Vanguard集團的管理規模達5萬億美元,與貝萊德、道富環球等佔美國共同基金行業超過80%的資金淨流入。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190611/PDF/b3_screen.pdf
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-13/china-s-icbc-ordered-by-fed-to-boost-money-laundering-safeguards Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., the world’s biggest lender, has been ordered by the Federal Reserve to bolster its protections against money laundering. The Fed found “significant deficiencies” in safeguards at the Chinese bank’s New York branch, the U.S. regulator said in an enforcement order released Tuesday. The company agreed to submit plans to fix its compliance programs within 60 days, the Fed said. No financial penalty was imposed.
- bond
- Usd denominated
- securities
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/financeestate/art/20170615/20056056大家記不記得早前穆廸下調中國的主權債務評級?事實上,穆廸老早將中國的展望評為「負面」,主權債務評級下跌,絕對不可以說是意料之外;而穆廸在下調中國的主權債務評級之後,已經將展望改為「穩定」。言下之意,就是在可見將來,都不會改變中國的主權債務評級。可是對崛起的大國,是容不下外人「說三道四」;那怕穆廸的評級標準,基本上對哪個地方的政府,都是一樣。在「制度信心」和「北京共識」的主旋律之下,中國就是不一樣的。被穆廸降級後,無論是中國財政部抑或香港的財政司,都要出口術說穆廸不識國情。
- 在美國上市的中資企業出現誠信危機,華府有意取消中美互換審計文件諒解備忘錄。國務次卿克拉奇(Keith Krach)周一批評中國欠缺透明度,促使華府為退出協議鋪路,並指「這行動是即時的」,預示美方將對在美上市的中資企業進行更廣泛壓制。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200715/00180_014.html
- payment solution
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-05-08/china-s-alipay-grabs-slice-of-u-s-market-with-first-data-deal Alipay, owned by Jack Ma’s Ant Financial, reached a deal that will let its users shop at 4 million U.S. merchants served by payments processor First Data Corp., the companies said Monday in a joint statement. The rollout will begin with businesses that use First Data’s Clover products. “This will open up Alipay to where it’s truly ubiquitous across the United States and hopefully more countries later,”
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-moneygram-intl-m-a-ant-financial/u-s-blocks-moneygram-sale-to-chinas-ant-financial-on-national-security-concerns-idUSKBN1ER1R7
- 中國民用航空局與美國聯邦航空局分別於上月廿八日及上周二簽署《適航實施程序》,有望為兩國民航的合作奠定基礎,同時為雙方民用航空產品的交流和工業部門的合作創造良好雙邊環境。該協議實現中美兩國民用航空產品的全面對等互認,內容涵蓋適航審定在設計批准、生產監督活動、出口適航批准等方面的合作。orientaldaily 26oct17
- 中美兩國航空工業成為今次經貿合作的主要受惠行業。除了中國購入三百架波音客機,美國聯邦航空局早前亦同意對中國製客機發出「適航認證」,將有助C919等中國製客機銷往美國航空市場。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20171110/00176_003.html
- aircrafts
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-planes-idUSKBN0TR1RL20151209
The United States on Tuesday launched a challenge to Chinese tax exemptions for locally produced aircraft, saying they discriminated against imported planes. The request for consultations with China at the World Trade Organization over a value-added tax of 17 percent on small to medium-sized planes is the first step in a process that could lead to trade sanctions.
The U.S. Trade Representative said the tax was generally imposed on planes under 25 metric tonnes coming from overseas, while locally made planes such as state planemaker Commercial Aircraft Corp of China's (COMAC) [CMAFC.UL] ARJ21 jet were exempt. - http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160107/PDF/a11_screen.pdf 商務部 6日召開例行新聞發布會,談及美國就中國國產飛機 稅收優惠措施提起世貿組織爭端解決機制下的磋商 請求的問題,商務部新聞發言人沈丹陽表示,中方 一貫尊重世貿規則,堅持以符合世貿規則的方式促 進航空製造業發展,中方對美方對此提出磋商請求 表示遺憾。 沈丹陽指出,根據世貿組織爭端解決程序規則, 中方已於2015年12月18日接受美方的磋商請求,並將 根據世貿組織爭端解決程序規則處理本案。
- 中国南方航空公司与美国波音公司2日在广东签署战略合作协议。据悉,此次合作涉及的大部分维修技术是波音公司首次向中国转让。根据这次签订的协议,波音和南航将在维修技术转让、支持项目、管理培训等方面开展战略合作。维修技术转让及支持项目主要包括波音737NG客改货生产线、787支援中心、777/787起落架大修及飞机部件、复合材料修理等内容。此次合作涉及的大部分维修技术是波音公司首次向中国转让,均属于飞机MRO行业的高端项目。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180205/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170806/00180_008.html 美國傳媒周五報道,美國陸軍於周三發出備忘錄,禁止士兵使用中國企業大疆創新(DJI)生產的航拍機,指有關航拍機存在網絡安全漏洞,但未有透露更多詳情。DJI對美軍的決定感到失望及驚訝。
- 中國商務部周二發布消息,指美國Autel Robotics公司,依據《美國1930年關稅法》第337節規定,於上周四向ITC提出申請,指控中國深圳市大疆創新科技有限公司及其關聯公司對美出 口、在美進口或在美銷售的無人機及其組件侵犯其專利權,請求委員會發起337調查,並發布有限排除令和禁止令。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180905/00178_007.html
- 據環球時報報道:《紐約時報》24日報道,中國知名民用無人機企業大疆公司宣布了一系列新舉措,以更好地在美國市場發展,當中包括把大疆在美國加利福尼亞州喜瑞都市(Cerritos)的一個庫房改造為一條生產線,用來組裝大疆無人機產品「禦」Mavic 2行業雙光版(Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual)的最新版本。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190626/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- https://www.ft.com/content/47821c72-da55-11e9-8f9b-77216ebe1f17 A bipartisan group of US senators have launched a bill that would stop the federal government buying drones from China, a move that could cause major problems for large parts of the US government. If passed, the legislation would stop the purchase of drones that are made or assembled in China, while phasing out the use of ones that have already been purchased. The move could have significant implications for parts of the federal government, such as the Department of Interior, which uses hundreds of Chinese-made drones for mapping and land management.
- railway
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-30/interior-department-will-stop-using-non-essential-chinese-drones The federal agency responsible for maintaining America’s vast federal lands, is halting the use of non-essential Chinese-made drones, following pressure from members of Congress.The Department of Interior had previously resisted making this move in recent months. In July, it announced that it had completed a 15-month review of its drone program. That review recommended strategies for making sure data didn’t leak, but allowed for the continued use of DJI drones.
- 北車傳爭加州高鐵項目http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20141022/PDF/b2_screen.pdf
- 美國馬薩諸塞州交通局(MBTA)當地時間10月22日(北京時間10月23日)正式批准,將向中國北車採購284輛地鐵車輛,裝備波士頓紅線和橙線地鐵,涉及金額5.67億美元(約43.94億港元)。這是中國軌道交通裝備企業在美國面向全球的招標中首次勝出登陸美國。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20141024/PDF/a15_screen.pdf, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-10/24/content_18794397.htm, http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1622948/cnr-joint-venture-wins-us5566-million-boston-subway-car, http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/10/24/a18-1024.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150127/PDF/a17_screen.pdf 中国北车26日发布公告称,中国北车所属的北车(美国)公司已经与美国马萨诸塞州海湾交通管理局(MBTA)签订了出口美国波士顿红橙线地铁项目合同,总金额约为人民币41.18亿元。中国北车将在美国建立轨道交通研发製造基地。
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1703826/chinese-firms-us-high-speed-rail-talks State-owned firms were in talks to sell high-speed trains to the United States, senior officials said yesterday, a deal that would be likely to ignite controversy. China's leaders have been promoting the country's fast-rail technologies in meetings with foreign politicians as they seek to move the country's exports up the value chain, and Chinese companies are building high-speed rail networks in Turkey and Venezuela. But a contract for a Chinese-led consortium to build a high-speed rail line in Mexico was scrapped only days after it was signed, and a deal to supply subway trains to Boston also generated controversy. For China to build infrastructure in the United States - where a number of high-speed rail proposals have come to naught - or supply it with rolling stock would be politically sensitive. But Zhi Luxun, a senior official with the Ministry of Commerce's foreign trade department, said: "There are currently discussions with the United States." He was responding to a question about possible Chinese exports of high-speed trains. Officials did not provide further details and said it was a matter for the companies concerned. A number of high-speed rail projects are under consideration in the United States including in Texas and Florida, but only one has entered the early stages of construction - in California, under a Spanish consortium - while others have fallen by the wayside.
- http://www.bbc.com/news/business-34277739 A consortium of Chinese rail firms has teamed up with private US company XpressWest to build a high-speed rail line between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The deal marks the latest initiative in China's keen pursuit of overseas high-speed rail deals. Analysts say the project could open up the underdeveloped US high-speed rail market. There are about a dozen high-speed rail projects in the US, but they have struggled to gain traction. Private rail venture XpressWest will form a joint venture with China Railway International USA. The firm is owned by a consortium made up of subsidiaries from state firms China Railway Group, CRRC, China State Construction Engineering Corporation and China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151118/00178_019.html 中國國家主席習近平早前到美國進行國事訪問,並達成多項投資項目,其中包括中美合作建設美國洛杉磯至拉斯維加斯的「西部快線高速鐵路」項目。惟該項目近日被揭早在廿年前已提出,而負責公司則被指不具備營造高鐵的經驗和實力。有海外媒體指,中美合作洛杉磯至拉斯維加斯高鐵項目,為中國高鐵向西方輸出的標誌性成果之一,中國鐵路國際(美國)有限公司更於今年九月十三日,與美國沙漠快線有限責任公司和帕姆代爾高速鐵路有限責任公司,簽署組建XpressWest(美國西部快線公司)。惟該項目現時還沒有列出具體內容及公開投資額,而美國的沙漠快線有限公司(DesertXpress)本身是一家私人公司,該公司由拉斯維加斯一家中等規模建築工程公司Marnell擁有,根本不具備營造高鐵的經驗和實力。分析指項目或淪為去年撤銷中標結果的墨西哥高鐵翻版,讓北京空歡喜一場。
- https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/long-reads/article/3034335/us-sees-chinese-state-owned-rail-company-crrc four US companies in the freight-wagon business have persuaded the House of Representatives and the Senate to pass legislation that would withhold federal funds for any municipal project using CRRC wagons. Echoing the Trump administration’s charges against Chinese telecoms giants Huawei Technologies and ZTE Corp, CRRC’s antagonists argue that the train maker will use its advantages as a subsidised company to dominate not only the US passenger-carriage industry but also, eventually, the larger freight-wagon business. They say, too, that China will use CRRC coaches for espionage, an economic and military security concern. Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have embraced these arguments, and if you’d like Washington to help you kneecap a Chinese rival, now is a good time. FBI director Christopher Wray told a congressional hearing in July that “there is no country that poses a more severe counter-intelligence threat to this country right now than China”, accusing it of trying “to steal their way up the economic ladder at our expense”. Lobbyist Erik Olson, of the Rail Security Alliance, which represents the four American freight-wagon companies, says it’s perilous to give CRRC any benefit of the doubt. “You can’t mitigate against the threat,” he says. “You have to choose risk avoidance: don’t buy the train in the first place.”
- Http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20160311/00202_017.html 中國中車(01766)公布,美國芝加哥交通管理局透過官方網站宣布,由中國中車股份旗下中車青島四方及中國南車美國組成的聯合體,已中標芝加哥7000系地鐵車輛採購項目。有關項目將購入846輛地鐵列車,採購預算為13.09億美元(約102.10億港元)。
- A Chinese construction company is among those that will work on a $1.81 billion project for new third track on the main line of New York's Long Island Rail Road, the US' busiest regional rail system. The Metropolitan Transit Authority, which oversees the railroad, approved a contract on Dec 13 with 3rd Track Constructors for the 9.8 miles of new track for the rail system east of New York City. CCA Civil Inc, a unit of China Construction America, is one of several companies that have joined 3rd Track Constructors on the project. The others are Dragados USA Inc, John P. Picone Inc and Halmar International LLC. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201712/19/WS5a3883d8a3108bc8c6735a54.html
- 美國四名民主黨參議員日前去信華盛頓都會運輸局(Metro),要求局方不要把價值十億美元(約七十八億港元)地鐵車廂合約批給中國中車股份有限公司,憂慮中國會在車廂安裝間諜程式,監聽乘客對話及遙距控制地鐵。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190122/00180_005.html
- The US Senate’s top Democrat is calling on the federal government to step in and investigate whether a plan for new subway cars in New York City designed by a Chinese state-owned company could pose a threat to national security.Senator Charles Schumer of New York said in a statement to Associated Press on Sunday that he has asked the Commerce Department to conduct a “top-to-bottom review” after CRRC, one of the world’s largest train makers, won a design contest for new subway cars that would include “modern train control technology”.The company has not won a contract in New York City, which has America’s biggest transit system, but it has been awarded contracts in recent years for new subway cars in Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3010867/us-senator-charles-schumer-wants-top-bottom-review-chinese-train-maker
- 比亞迪(01211)昨日將其全球首台18米 長的純電動首部掛接巴交付美國客戶加州 羚羊谷交通運輸局AVTA,AVTA共計向 比亞迪訂購85台純電動大巴,包括13台18 米長的首部掛接巴。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170507/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/motoring/2017-05/19/content_29411614.htmChina's GAC Motor is putting out the "Help Wanted" sign for engineers, marketing and management talent in the United States, and analysts in the auto industry say it may be a prelude to the company's entry into the US auto market.
- 美國聯邦快遞(FedEx)早前沒徵得用戶同意、事先無告知用戶,擅自將寄給中國科技巨企華為的包裹,轉遞到美國一事,國家郵政局局長馬軍勝周日表示,已對FedEx立案調查;另強調任何在中國經營的企業,必須遵守中國法律,要保障中國企業和用戶合法權益,以及郵政通訊和經濟安全。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190603/00178_004.html
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/enterprises/article/3015309/two-chinese-self-driving-start-ups-get-green-light-offer-rides California commuters will soon be able to hail an autonomous ride powered by Chinese technology after local authorities gave the go-ahead for two start-ups from China to begin offering the service. AutoX and Pony.ai received permits from the California Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday, enabling them to operate self-driving ride services to public passengers. It marks the first time US robotaxi permits have been issued to companies of Chinese origin as players from both countries bet on a driverless future for urban transport. The two companies said they kick-started trial services among staff and a small group of preapproved users in both China and the US before the launch. Pony.ai is operating more than 10 self-driving cars in California, according to the company.
- nuclear
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160319/PDF/a7_screen.pdf 中國國家原子能機構與美國能源部共同建設的核安保示範中心提前一年建成,18日在北京市房山區投入運行,將提供核安保教育培訓。這個示範中心是目前中美兩國政府投資建設的核領域最大合作計劃,中方投入3.6億元人民幣(約4.3億港元),美方投入2億元人民幣(約2.4億港元)。 綜合新華社、中新社報道:中美合建的核安保示範中心是亞太地區乃至全球規模最大、設備最全、設施最先進的核安保交流與培訓中心,將有力促進中國與美國、國際原子能機構以及其他國家和國際組織在核安保領域的國際交流合作。核安保示範中心是核安全峰會的重要成果,可為亞太地區各國提供系統、全面的核安保教育培訓。美國副國務卿高特莫勒17日在華盛頓表示,第四屆核安全峰會將於3月31日至4月1日在華盛頓舉行,美方正就峰會事宜與中方保持合作,並對合作感到高興。 據美方介紹,峰會將有逾50個國家領導人和多個國際和地區組織負責人與會,會議旨在強化全球核安全架構,應對核恐怖主義威脅。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171105/PDF/a7_screen.pdf 中国国务院总理李克强十一月三日在中南海紫光阁会见美国泰拉能源公司董事长、微软公司创始人比尔.盖茨。李克强表示,中美双方在新一代核电技术研发领域开展了良好合作,两国企业成立合资公司,双方各持股一半,约定共享知识产权。
- oil
- lng
- China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, China's largest oil refiner, is expected to import 10 million metric tons of crude oil from the United States this year, said the company, also known as Sinopec.http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201802/27/WS5a949689a3106e7dcc13e335.html
- 中國國務院總理李克強7日在中南海紫光閣會見美國埃克森美孚公司董事長兼首席執行官伍德倫。埃克森美孚公司此次同中方商談了100億美元獨資石化項目落戶廣東事宜。伍德倫表示,埃克森美孚公司同中國有着長期合作關係。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180908/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- Chinese petrochemical firm Shandong Yuhuang Chemical is planning to double the capacity of a US$1.9 billion methanol plant currently under construction in St James Parish, Louisiana, despite a full-fledged trade war between the two countries.https://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/3015992/chinese-petrochemical-firm-set-double-capacity-louisiana
- lng
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-11/04/content_27270520.htm Chinese onshore drilling rig maker Honghua Group said it had signed its first offshore deal, to build a giant LNG facility in the Gulf of Mexico for US company Argo LNG Partners LLC, in a contract worth about $1.8 billion.The deal was inked by Honghua's unit Shanghai Honghua Offshore Oil and Gas Equipment Co and Argo, and the first phase of construction is scheduled to take two to three years.
- http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/2071086/china-could-offer-america-trade-deal-it-cannot-refuseTrump wants a great deal for America. China can offer one on natural gas. It can bring hundreds of billions of dollars to the US economy and offer the best and, probably, the most economical solution to China’s pollution catastrophe.
- Cheniere Energy is looking to channel some more energy into China. That energy comes in the form of liquefied natural gas, of which the Houston-based company is a major exporter. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-05/19/content_29410702.htm
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-04/05/content_28793866.htm Spearheaded by Shanghai Bi Ke Clean Energy Technology Co Ltd, a State-owned enterprise focused on methanol production, a plant has been set up in the state of Washington to produce methanol from the shale gas, said Wu Lebin, chairman of Bi Ke's parent-the Chinese Academy of Sciences Holdings Co Ltd.
- China’s proposed tariffs on U.S. petroleum imports, part of a mounting trade war between the two countries, would crimp sales to the shale industry’s largest customer, adding new pressure on U.S. crude prices, energy executives and analysts said in interviews this week. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-shale/u-s-shale-producers-warn-chinese-tariffs-would-hit-energy-exports-idUSKBN1JG0DR
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-06/26/content_29881421.htm a Chinese company hopes to get ahead of the curve by creating a workforce: It will be launching a training program in Wyoming for coal miners to teach them to be wind farmers. Goldwind Americas, the US arm of the Beijing-based Goldwind, is expecting to start a training program this fall in Carbon County, Wyoming.
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2016-06/28/content_15455215.html High duties will drive the two kinds of Chinese products out of the US market and hurt the interests of Chinese exporters, who have voiced their discontent, the MOC said in a statement. "China's steel industry export interests will suffer a serious impact and the Chinese steel industry is strongly opposed to this," the ministry said in a statement posted to its website. "With regard to the United States' mistaken methods that violate WTO rules, China is and will continue to take all measures, including filing suit at the WTO, to strive for fair treatment for enterprises and safeguard their export interests," it said.
- 3月20日,中国钢铁工业协会宣布,中国钢铁行业应对美国337调查全部胜诉。这意味着美方对中国钢铁企业发起337调查引发的诉讼,其三个诉点:商业秘密,反垄断及反规避,在歷经两年之后,以中国钢铁企业全部胜诉画上完美句号。据负责中国钢铁行业反垄断、反规避诉点应诉的美国科文顿.柏灵律师事务所合伙人冉瑞雪介绍,3月19日美国国际贸易委员会(USITC)发布通知,决定终止337调查。委员会裁定,反垄断诉讼的原告需要具有反垄断损害,原告不能证明其遭受了反垄断损害,不具有此诉的诉讼主体资格。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180322/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/09/09/a15-0909.pdf據中新社報道,美國商務 部當地時間 7日發表聲明,初裁認定中國輸 美碳合金鋼定尺板產品存在補貼行為。 應ArcelorMittal USA等 3家鋼鐵企業的申 訴,美國商務部今年 4月 29日決定對原產於 韓國、法國、日本、意大利、巴西、中國等 國的碳合金鋼定尺板發起反傾銷調查,同時 對原產於中國和韓國等國的產品發起反補貼 調查。美國商務部當天在聲明中認定中國相 關產品的補貼幅度為 210.50%,韓國產品沒 有補貼行為。 基於這一裁定,美國商務部將通知美國海 關向中國相關產品生產商和出口商徵收現金 保證金。美國商務部還在進行針對中國產品 的反傾銷調查。
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-02/04/content_28097967.htmThe US Commerce Department on Thursday stepped closer to placing duties on imports of stainless steel sheet and strip from China, issuing a final determination that the products were being subsidized and dumped in the US market at below fair value.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/economy/article/2068103/china-upset-high-us-tariffs-steel-imports
- http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1036034.shtm lChina is questioning the US over its decision to impose anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imports of Chinese stainless steel sheet and strip, said Wang Hejun, head of Trade Remedy and Investigation Bureau of China, in a statement published on website of Ministry of Commerce. Wang blasted the March 3 ruling blaming the sluggish performance of the US steel industry on low productivity, not Chinese imports as cited by the US International Trade Commission (USITC). He added that the demand for Chinese stainless steel sheet and strip rose during the commission’s investigation, and the USITC neglected the abundant proof presented by Chinese companies.
- President dismissed pledge to cut overcapacity and pressed instead for tariffs https://www.ft.com/content/1980fd1c-8c3b-11e7-a352-e46f43c5825d
- 在美國總統特朗普接見中方代表團團長、國務院副總理劉鶴前夕,美國商務部卻裁定中國製鋼輪接受政府補貼,擬開徵58.3%至293.27%的反補貼稅。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190223/00180_001.html
- 美國國際貿易委員會周三裁定,美國的鋼輪製造商受到來自中國的不公平競爭,鎖定向相關產品徵收高額進口關稅,包括中至大型貨車用的鋼輪。前年中國進口鋼輪總值達三億八千八百萬美元(約三十億五千萬港元)。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190426/00178_015.html
- 美國商務部上周五公布,對原產自中國和德國的不銹鋼啤酒桶反補貼反傾銷調查已作出最終裁決,認定前者傾銷幅度最高為77.13%,後者為7.47%;另裁定中國出口商接受政府補貼幅度由16.21%至145.23%。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191023/00178_003.html
- iron
- http://www.ecns.cn/business/2016/10-25/231479.shtml The U.S. Commerce Department on Monday set final dumping and subsidy rates on imported imports of certain iron mechanical transfer drive components from China and Canada, signaling that it may impose punitive duties on the products.
- aluminium
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-11/05/content_27282142.htm US lawmakers are urging Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to review and reject a Chinese company's acquisition of a US aluminum maker as a threat to national security, but the Ohio-based manufacturer denies the charge. In August, Zhongwang USA LLC, a unit of aluminum maker China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd, said it would purchase US-based Aleris Corp in a deal that valued the company at about $2.33 billion. The Ohio-based Aleris supplies fabricated aluminum products to the aerospace, construction and automotive industries.
- US challenges China over cheap loans to aluminium producers https://www.ft.com/content/a2a42bee-d8c9-11e6-944b-e7eb37a6aa8e
- China urged the United States to act "prudently" and make a fair ruling on planned anti-dumping duties on Chinese aluminum foil. That is necessary to avoid any potential negative impact of such duties on bilateral trade ties, said the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday. The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association and 12 major aluminum foil producers are preparing to launch a legal challenge to ensure their rights in free trade, a source from Jiangsu Zhongji Lamination Materials Co Ltd, which is involved in the case, said on conditions of anonymity. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-08/11/content_30449232.htm
- 美国商务部17日公布初裁结果,认定从中国进口的通用铝合金板存在补贴行为。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180419/PDF/a11_screen.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/business/economy/article/1658941/chinese-solar-producers-no-threat-us-trade-panel-told Solar products from the mainland and Taiwan do not compete with US-made goods, foreign producers told the US International Trade Commission, as they seek to avert import duties. The US arm of German solar manufacturer SolarWorld complained that mainland solar producers were able to sidestep duties imposed in 2012 by sourcing cells used in solar panels from Taiwan, and the US Department of Commerce has set preliminary duties on products from both markets.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-12/10/content_19054170.htm The Obama administration is considering an expansion of duties on Chinese solar products thathas triggered complaints from a South Korean parts supplier that says it would be hurt. The plan calls for the United States Commerce Department to impose tariffs on all solar panelsassembled in China, regardless of the source of their component cells. Currently, $1.5 billionworth of panels with cells made in China are subject to a duty, and many companies shiftedproduction of the cells to other nations in response. The proposal highlights the challenge of applying US trade penalties on products in a far-flung,global supply chain.
http://www.scmp.com/business/economy/article/664583/us-confirms-steep-import-duties-solar-products-china The United States confirmed steep import duties on solar products from mainland China and Taiwan in a decision that may inflame trade tensions between the two countries. Anti-dumping duties for mainland Chinese goods were set as high as 165.04 per cent on Tuesday as the US arm of German solar firm SolarWorld seeks to close a loophole that allowed Chinese producers to sidestep duties imposed in 2012. Taiwanese producers face anti-dumping duties up to 27.55 per cent, according to the decision, which SolarWorld said raised average duties for mainland Chinese producers but lowered them for Taiwan. Producers on the mainland face separate anti-subsidy duties.- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2015-01-06/u-s-solar-tariff-review-hints-at-halved-rate-for-chinese-cells.html U.S. tariffs on Chinese solar cells may be halved after a Department of Commerce review, boosting manufacturer and installer margins with little consumer benefit.
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1689248/us-trade-panel-clears-way-duties-china-solar-products hket 23jan15 a17
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2015-07/11/content_21252470.htm The United States Department of Commerce is imposing higher tariffs on Chinese solar products imported to the US marketplace. It had indicated that Chinese companies may be entitled to lower rates, but the decision announced on Wednesday to impose tariffs of 238.95 percent reversed that. The department had conducted a review of whether Chinese solar manufacturing firms had received subsidies from the government between March 2012 and November 2013. Producers now face anti-dumping and anti-subsidy rates of about 31 percent on Chinese products. The review and tariff rates are part of an ongoing trade dispute between the US and China that was initiated by SolarWorld AG, a Germany-owned US-based company that filed a petition accusing Chinese manufacturers of receiving subsidies from the government and dumping them in the US market. SolarWorld had said that firms from the Chinese mainland avoided duties by taking production of certain solar panel parts to Taiwan instead.
- https://www.ft.com/content/fd5b290e-3c45-11e7-821a-6027b8a20f23 US solar power businesses are braced for an imminent decision from the country’s International Trade Commission on whether to start a process that could lead to a sharp contraction in the market and thousands of job losses. The ITC is considering a call from Suniva, a bankrupt Chinese-owned manufacturer of solar cells and panels in the US, for higher tariffs on imported products to stop low-priced foreign competition. The commission is expected to make a decision soon on whether to investigate the company’s complaint. The case could be an early test of President Donald Trump’s trade policies and stance on renewable energy. If the tariffs sought by Suniva are imposed, they would sharply increase the price of panels, also known as modules, and the silicon cells used to make them, and it would be harder for solar power to compete against other energy sources. The Solar Energy Industries Association, the lobby group, has warned that the tariffs would threaten thousands of jobs in occupations such as designing, installing and managing solar power systems, which account for about 85 per cent of the employment in the sector.
- 美國東部時間22日,美國國際貿易委員會就光伏電池及組件全球保障措施調查(「201」調查)作出損害裁決,認定進口產品對美國內產業造成了嚴重損害,下 一步將研究對進口產品採取限制措施。對此,據中新社報道,中國商務部貿易救濟調查局局長王賀軍昨日提出批評,稱這將增加光伏產品全球正常貿易的不確定性。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/09/24/a08-0924.pdf
- China has sent the United States a demand for talks on compensation for steep U.S. tariffs imposed on imported solar panels and washing machines, World Trade Organization filings showed on Tuesday.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-tariffs-china/china-demands-compensation-for-u-s-solar-tariffs-wto-filings-idUSKBN1FQ2KA
- 中國商務部4月8日消息顯示,4月3日,美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)投票決定對特定光伏電池片及其下游產品啟動337調查,資料顯示有7間中企涉案。該調查由美國Hanwha Q CELLS公司和韓國Hanwha Q CELLS & Advanced Materials公司於3月4日依據《美國1930年關稅法》第337節規定向ITC提出,指控對美出口、在美進口和在美銷售的上述產品侵犯其專利權,請求ITC發起337調查,並發布有限排除令和禁止令。涉案中企之一晶科能源有限公司是江西省內以生產太陽能硅片為主的最具規模的高科技光伏企業之一。另一涉案中企隆基綠能科技股份有限公司是在上交所上市的隆基股份,主要從事高效太陽能單晶硅產品研製,前年海外市場營收佔比超過25%。ITC將於立案後45天內確定調查結束期。除美國貿易代表基於政策原因否決的情況外,ITC在337案件中發布的救濟令自發布之日生效並於發布之日後的第60日起具有終局效力。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190409/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- minerals
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-trade-idUSKCN0ZT1LT T
he United States challenged China's export duties on nine key metals and minerals on Wednesday, arguing they violate Beijing's commitments to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and give an unfair advantage to Chinese manufacturers. China said it respected WTO rules and that the duties had been imposed as part of efforts at environmental protection. The U.S. move came with the Obama administration eager to demonstrate that it is taking a tough stance on enforcing international trade agreements, which have come under fire from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and from within Obama's own Democratic party.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2015-12/10/content_22677212.htm DP-Master Manufacturing Co Ltd, China's leading oil and gas drilling pipemanufacturer, has won an appeal against a United States ruling imposing anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imported piping equipment from China. The United States International Trade Commission ruled in 2011 that imports ofsuch items from China were hurting domestic suppliers. As a result of that ruling, the US Department of Commerce issued anti-dumping andcountervailing duty orders on Chinese producers and exporters.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/11/20/a11-1120.pdf據新華社報道,美 國國際貿易委員會18日作出終裁,認 定從中國、加拿大進口的滑輪、飛輪 等鐵質機械傳動部件未對美國相關產 業造成實質性損害或威脅,因此否決 了美國商務部此前要求對上述產品徵 收反傾銷和反補貼(「雙反」)關稅 的決定。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-06/30/content_25917674.htm The value of United States hardwood exported to China rose 4.8 percent year-on-year to $520million between January and April. That was thanks to China's fast-growing real estate and eco-friendly building materials markets, said the heads of US exporters. "Rising wages in China have created an exploding middle class, and new, additional demand forUS hardwood products," said John Chan, regional director for Southeast Asia and China of theAmerican Hardwood Export Council. "All the new homes, hotels, shopping centers, restaurantsand office blocks being built in China need flooring, cabinetry, doors and windows, as well asbuilding materials made using wood products," he said. "The potential is immense." Exports of US hardwood products to China in 2015 were valued at more than $1 billion, and havemore than doubled over the past five years. Mike Snow, executive director of the Washington DC-based AHEC, said because both Chinaand the United States have made public pledges in recent months to curb carbon emissions,there will be opportunities for the US exporters to grow markets and see continued demand in China.
- 美國國際貿易委員會上周五判定,從中國進口的木製廚櫃有損美國國內製造商利益,批准商務部繼續展開反傾銷反補貼調查(雙反調查)。一旦確認有銷售不公等情形,美國政府可於未來五年,對上述中國進口產品徵收懲罰性關稅。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190421/00178_016.html
- tyre
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-2922884/China-says-US-tyre-duty-ruling-multiple-flaws.html hket 23jan15 a17
- 備受 關注的美對華輪胎雙反案,中方最終落敗。美 國國際貿易委員會(ITC)近日就從中國進口 的乘用車及輕卡車輪胎對美國產業是否造成實 質性損害進行投票,最終 6名投票委員會 3比 3 的平局結果被視為肯定性裁決,這意味着相關 中國廠商將被徵收 14.35%至 87.99%的反傾銷 稅和 20.73%至 100.77%的反補貼稅。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/07/17/a19-0717.pdf
- According to a statement released by US Commerce Department on Monday, Chinese tire manufacturers, such as Prinx Chengshan (Shandong) Tire Co Ltd, Double Coin Holdings Ltd and Guizhou Tire Co Ltd, are facing high anti-dumping and anti-subsidy rates. It said the final anti-dumping margins range from 9 percent to 22.57 percent, and anti-subsidy rates are from 38.61 percent to 65.46 percent. The case is still under review by the US International Trade Commission, which makes determinations in proceedings involving imports claimed to injure a US domestic industry. It is scheduled to release the conclusion in March.http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-01/25/content_28049777.htm
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170831/00178_005.html針對美國對華啟動貿易調查,中國持續展開反擊行動,商務部昨日宣布,即日起對美國、歐盟和新加坡的進口橡膠產品鹵化丁基橡膠,進行反傾銷立案調查。是次調查期為去年四月一日至今年三月底;產業損害調查期為一四年一月一日至今年三月底。
- hoverboard
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160110/00178_004.html 第一國際貿易生產的電動滑板車「Trotter」,被指抄襲美國硅谷創業公司Future Motion設計的同款產品「OneWheel」。兩者外觀和功能都非常相似,但「Trotter」的售價卻比「OneWheel」便宜近三分一。Future Motion創辦人指,去年已向第一國際貿易致函,要求對方停售產品,但未收到回應;公司又曾試圖阻止第一國際貿易參展但不果,遂採取法律行動。警方本月七日來到第一國際貿易的展覽攤位,當場沒收參展產品和宣傳資料。第一國際貿易不認為自己有違法,其公司早已開發相關產品。分析指,案件反映中國知識產權問題引起美國企業和政府的高度關注。
- 中美貿易戰繼續延燒,中國石英產品亦遭波及。據美國政府《聯邦公報》的官網顯示,美國商務部於當地時間上周二接獲美企申請,要求對中國進口的石英枱面產品,展開發起反傾銷和反補貼調查。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180423/00178_013.html
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-01/14/content_23081095.htm Industry insiders fear Whirlpool's petition for US anti-dumping duties on made-in-China washing machines of Samsung and LG could have wider implications. China's washing machine manufacturers should mount a pre-emptive defense in the United States to minimize any potentially damaging impact of the ongoing anti-dumping investigation against imports of large residential washers made in China, industry experts said. The US Commerce Department had initiated the investigation earlier this month in response to a petition by the Michigan-based Whirlpool Corp, a home appliance maker.
- 福耀玻璃 us production base completed singtao 20mar18 b3
- food
- 由港资百佳和美国驻广州总领事馆农贸处联合主办的“2017美国食品节”,吸引原产美国的三十多个知名品牌、超过130种食品入华,拓展中国的庞大市场。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171030/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- grain
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-trade-idUSKBN1442PQ The United States on Thursday launched a challenge to China's use of tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) for rice, wheat and corn at the World Trade Organization, charging that Beijing's administration of the program breached its WTO commitments and hurt U.S. farm exports. The USTR said global prices for the three commodities were lower than China's domestic prices, yet the country did not maximize its use of TRQs, which offer lower duties on a certain volume of imported grains every year. The USTR said that limited market access for shipments from the United States, the world's largest grain exporter, and other countries. The TRQs for the three commodities were worth more than $7 billion in 2015, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. China would have imported up to $3.5 billion more of the crops last year if the quotas had been fully used, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said on Thursday.
- rice
- 中美貿易談判聚焦結構性改革及中國對企業補貼之際,世界貿易組織(WTO)周四裁定,美國對中國早前的投訴有效,指中國對小麥和大米農戶的補貼超出WTO的限制範圍;美國貿易代表辦公室形容裁決為「農業的重大勝利」。同日,美方形容中美經貿磋商進展良好,最終協議將包括中國結構性改革。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190302/00180_012.html
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160124/00180_008.html 經過近十年的談判後,美國農業部(USDA)與中國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局上周四達成初步協議,容許美國大米出口中國,估計最快可於今春正式出口,美國大米協會對協議表示歡迎。中國是全球最大的大米生產國及進口國,業界估計中國最終會成美國米最大進口國。根據協議,美國用以出口的大米、麵粉及倉庫儲藏設備,須先受中美兩國的監管機構檢查,並要先獲中國批出大米的入口批文。其實協議早在約一年前已準備就緒,但中國突然要求美方加強控制害蟲,以及將出口大米加上標籤,令大米輸華遇上阻滯。有美國官員認為,大米是大部分中國民眾的主食,看好中國會成美國米最大買家。美國大米協會預料,中國不會於首年便進口大量美國米,但之後數量會逐步增長,最終中國將成美國米最大進口國。
- 据中国商务部和美国农业部7月20日消息,在中美双方谈判十多年后,美国首次获准可对华出口大米。目前,美国对华出口大米的草案已敲定。此公告发布的前一天,19日,由国务院副总理汪洋与美国财政部长姆努钦、商务部长罗斯共同主持的首轮中美全面经济对话在美国华盛顿举行。会后,新华社发文称,中美经济合作百日计划取得重大进展,双方同意为缩小贸易逆差合作。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170722/PDF/a5_screen.pdf
- 高粱
- 商务部新闻发言人称,经中美双方多轮磋商,中国质检总局与美国农业部代表于7月19日签署了《关于美国输华大米植物卫生要求议定书》。这是根据中国进出境动植物检疫法、食品安全法实施的第一步法律步骤。发言人表示,美国大米对华出口还要完成两个步骤。一是美国大米生产加工企业要经美国政府註册,并向中国国家质检总局推荐。经质检总局认可的企业,才能对华出口大米。二是美方需对获得资格的企业生产的输华大米进行熏蒸,熏蒸药物、方法等技术条件需经中方专家评估、确认,以防止有害生物传入。发言人强调,这三个步骤缺一不可。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170727/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- 美國大米業商https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190705/00180_001.html會透露,有中國私人公司上周向美國買入四十噸大米,是歷來首次。
- 中国商务部4日宣布对美国进口高粱启动反倾销与反补贴调查。商务部贸易救济调查局局长王贺军称,商务部掌握的初步证据表明,美国政府对高粱提供了补贴。2013年以来,美国对中国高粱出口大幅增加,价格持续下降,对中国高粱产业造成损害。为此,中方决定根据中国相关法律和世贸组织规则发起此次调查。数据显示,2017年前10个月美国对华出口高粱佔中国国内市场份额近60%。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180205/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- almond
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-05/24/content_29471108.htmThe growing spending power of China's middle class and its increasing interest in healthy food are creating good conditions for exports of Californian almonds, said Richard Waycott, chief executive officer of the Almond Board of California. Waycott told China Daily on Tuesday that the total volume of California's almond exports to China reached 58.97 million kilograms this year to date, an increase of 21 percent year-on-year.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180831/00180_004.html美國大豆出口協會(USSEC)周二至周四在堪薩斯城舉行的全球貿易交流大會,受邀到訪的中國企業代表未有簽下任何合約。
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-china-garlic/u-s-garlic-growers-profit-from-trade-war-as-most-farmers-struggle-idUSKCN1SR0ED Unlike millions of other U.S. farmers, garlic growers are profiting from the trade war with China and have cheered President Donald Trump’s latest economic attack accordingly. Sales of California-grown garlic are now increasing after decades of losing ground to cheaper Chinese imports. Sales are poised to get even better as Chinese garlic faces even higher tariffs, with no end to the trade war in sight. “In a perfect world, we’d love to see the tariffs stay on forever,” said Ken Christopher, executive vice president of family owned Christopher Ranch, the largest of three remaining commercial garlic producers in the United States. While many farmers are suffering through the trade war because they relied heavily on imports to China, U.S. garlic growers benefit because they rely overwhelmingly on domestic sales.
- dairy
- A US dairy trade export group has partnered with a Chinese university to create a food science research centre in the hope of bolstering relations and expanding dairy exports from the United States to China.The US Dairy Export Council said it signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday with Jiangnan University, in the city of Wuxi, near Shanghai, to build the US-China Dairy Innovation Centre at the school.http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2139918/us-dairy-group-partners-china-university-boost-trade
- 美國五百多名聯邦及地方執法人員於周二(3日)起一連兩日,在加州北部大規模掃蕩大麻屋,查封超過一百間民宅及檢獲逾六萬一千棵大麻植物,暫未有人被捕。當局指中國一個黑幫組織匯款至美國買屋後,種植大麻並運往其他州份出售。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180406/00180_025.html
- subsidy on agricultural produce
- The US has accused China of illegally subsidising rice, corn and wheat farmers, adding agriculture to a growing list of Washington's concerns over Chinese overproduction and distortion of global markets. https://www.ft.com/content/8f791bfe-79c6-11e6-97ae-647294649b28
- china daily 31dec19 us ag tech startups moving to china
- chicken
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-trade-idUSKCN0Y11E8 The Obama administration on Tuesday brought a fresh challenge to China's anti-dumping duties on U.S. broiler chicken products at the World Trade Organization in an effort to bring the long-running trade dispute to a close. The U.S. Trade Representative's office said it is making claims that China's anti-dumping and countervailing duties violate WTO rules, partly because China failed to properly calculate U.S. poultry production costs. China also failed to conduct transparent investigations and breached WTO rules in its finding that U.S. poultry exports have injured Chinese producers, USTR said. The complaint seeks consultations with Beijing on the matter. The complaint is the second U.S. WTO objection to China's 2010 imposition of anti-dumping duties of up to 105.4 percent, and anti-subsidy duties of up to 30.3 percent, on U.S. broiler chicken products. In a statement posted on its official website on Wednesday, China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said it regrets the action the U.S. has taken but will resolve the dispute in accordance with WTO processes.
- 中國海關總署昨日指,美國政府前日在官方刊物《聯邦紀事》中確認,中國自產原料禽肉的監管體系,與美國等效,中國可在時隔十五年後向美國出口禽肉產品。有分析指出,倘中國同樣解除對美國禽肉的進口限制,可紓緩被非洲豬瘟推高的肉價。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191110/00178_003.html
- 中新社報道:中國海關 總署和農業農村部14日聯合發布公告,宣布解除此前 對美國禽肉進口的限制,允許符合中國法律法規要求 的美國禽肉進口。 2013年和2014年,美國部分地區曾發生禽流感 疫情。為防止上述疫情傳入,中國禁止從美國輸入禽 類及相關產品。疫情發生後,美方積極採取防控措施 。自2017年3月以來,美國國內未再有新的疫情發生 。2017年8月美方向世界動物衛生組織(OIE)提交 了疫情終結報告。 應美方邀請,2017年7月,中國專家組赴美開展 禽流感疫情防控體系和禽肉監管措施實地評估。2018 年5月,中美雙方就此問題進行磋商。經綜合評估, 中方認為美國內禽流感疫情已得到有效控制,美國禽 肉監管體系能夠滿足中方相關法律法規要求。 海關總署和農業農村部有關負責人表示,中國解 除美國禽肉進口限制後,將進一步拓展中國禽肉進口 來源市場,有效滿足市場需求。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191115/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- 美國農業部食品安全檢驗局(FSIS)早前發布《中華人民共和國可對美國出口的在中國屠宰的禽肉產品》最終規則,允許中國自產原料熟製禽肉對美出口。中國海關總署周二公布,指中國輸美熟製禽肉類產品,由生產至出口都要符合美國的標準、法律法規,並根據美國法規,接受美國官方檢查。
https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191226/00180_004.html- 中美今年初簽署首階段貿易協議後,中國海關總署與農業農村部上月解除對美國禽類和禽類產品進口的限制。美國的出口商及工會前日表示,有關措施本周生效,有企業已向中國售出八百一十六萬五千公斤雞肉產品,預料將有助中方履行增購美國農產品的承諾。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200307/00180_028.html
- pork
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-05/05/content_25071375.htm
The US pork industry is teaming up with Alibaba Group Holding Ltd to pitch more of its products to online shoppers in China. The US Meat Export Federation, a trade association committed to developing international markets for US beef, pork and lamb, has recently worked with the group-buying website Juhuasuan and online retail platform Tmall, both operated by Alibaba, to sell US pork on the Juhuasuan website. - https://www.ft.com/content/f90a6eb6-7599-11e9-bbad-7c18c0ea0201 US farmers, already feeling the impact of man-made problems in the form of political tensions with China, are about to face a natural challenge, with the effects of the African swine fever that is decimating China’s pig herds. The ASF outbreak has led to a cull of more than 1m pigs, according to the UN Food and Agricultural Organization. Since August, when China reported the outbreak, the disease has spread across the country and beyond its borders. Sow and hog inventories have fallen 21 per cent and 18.8 per cent respectively, compared with the same month in 2018, according to Chinese agricultural ministry data cited by US Department of Agriculture officials in Beijing. “The sow inventory decline is the largest in the past 10 years,” said USDA officials. The impact for US farmers is likely to be significant. The sharp decline in pig inventories is set to bring an abrupt halt to the continuous rise in China’s feed imports over the past two decades, especially of soyabeans. Dairy exporters, who sell whey powder to China for piglet feed, might also be hit. On the other hand, the outbreak might offer opportunity to pork producers in the US, Europe and Brazil. “It is a rare combination of events that presents pig producers with higher prices, higher export volumes and lower feed prices,” said the FAO. Leading poultry exporters Brazil, the US and Thailand could also benefit from the ASF outbreak as China turns to alternative protein sources.
- 英媒周四(16日)報道,在美方加徵關稅前夕,中國買家取消三千二百四十七噸的美國豬肉進口訂單,成為逾一年來最大規模的訂單取消。美國商務部長羅斯周五受訪稱,將中國科技巨企華為等列入黑名單的措施,於同日正式生效。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190518/00178_001.html
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-09/23/content_26873446.htm Chinese authorities on Thursday announced the conditional lifting of a 13-year import ban on some US boneless beef and beef on the bone. The removal of the ban applies to cattle that are under 30 months old, according to a joint statement issued on Thursday by the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. The authorities said China would allow imports of beef that comply with China's traceability and quarantine requirements. China has banned imports of most US beef since 2003, partly due to the concerns over the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, also known as "mad cow disease". The lifting of the ban will be subject to the completion of detailed quarantine requirements, which will be announced at a later date, the statement said.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170225/00180_016.html獲美國總統特朗普提名為駐華大使的艾奧瓦州州長布蘭斯塔德,周四表示上任後將力推美國牛肉和基因改造農產品打進中國市場。
- 據報由於美國牛肉價格比國產牛肉、澳洲牛肉都要貴,很難賣出,有超市只好將剩貨分給員工吃。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170827/00178_007.html
- 上海出入境检验检疫部门5日披露,中国首批海运冰鲜美国牛肉已从外高桥口岸顺利入境。这意味着,未来入境的美国牛肉量将大大增加,同时,运输成本也大大降低。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170906/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2157623/trade-war-another-blow-us-beef-exporters-trying-regain China raised tariffs on US beef from 12 per cent to 37 per cent in early July – part of its retaliatory duties on US$34 billion of American goods – dealing another blow to US cattle farmers trying to regain their foothold in the fastest-growing beef market.
- impact of lifting ban on us exports and experts suggested subsidies for rearers hket 17may17 a19
- history of ban http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201706/0621/HZ14621CZGG.pdf
- seafood
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ugly-snails-once-ignored-by-fishermen-now-a-prized-catch/2016/07/07/2d3f3a02-43fe-11e6-a76d-3550dba926ac_story.html
- 中美貿易戰爆發至今,對美國民生的影響逐漸浮現,緬因州的龍蝦業出口量大跌近84%。有該州漁民坦言不希望把八歲女兒帶入行,憂慮家傳的龍蝦養殖生意將在自己這一代沒落告終。另有批發商表示,過往每周向中國出口數萬磅龍蝦,但現時出口量幾乎暴跌為零。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190523/00180_006.html
- 海關總署新聞發言人表示,11月5日 美國《聯邦紀事》公布了中國鮎魚輸美的 最終規則,確認中國鮎魚監管體系與美國 等效。中方對此表示歡迎。 發言人說,中國是全世界僅有的3個 被列為有資格繼續向美國出口鮎魚的國家 之一。此前,中國輸美鮎魚監管體系已順 利通過美國農業部食品安全檢驗局的文件 審核和現場驗證。 http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191107/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-23/u-s-china-trade-friction-shifts-to-livestock-feed-ingredient China imposed anti-dumping duties on U.S. shipments of a type of animal feed following a months-long investigation, threatening to ratchet up tensions over agriculture trade between the two countries. The preliminary decision to impose a 34 percent duty was announced by China’s Ministry of Commerce in a statement on Friday. U.S. shipments of distillers’ dried grains (DDGS), a byproduct of ethanol product, damaged China’s domestic industry, the ministry said.
- 美聯社調查指,有至少十二間中國公司以低價向歐美等地出口毒性極強、威力可被視為化武的禁制藥物卡芬太尼(carfentanil)。美國國務院上周五回應表示關注事件,並稱曾與中方商討此事。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20161009/00180_006.html
- 中美第七輪貿易談判結束後,美國農業部長珀杜周二透露,美方會上曾要求中國降低對美國乙醇的關稅,暫未知中方會否同意。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190228/00180_014.html
- https://www.scmp.com/economy/global-economy/article/3008416/us-china-trade-talks-continue-us-slaps-duties-460-cent Chinese yarn producers are likely to suffer even if US and Chinese negotiators are able to reach a deal in coming weeks to end the trade war between the world’s two largest economies.The US Department of Commerce (DoC) found on Monday that certain polyester textured yarn (PTY) from China and India was being unfairly subsidised. To offset the subsidies, the DoC slapped duties of between 32 and 460 per cent on Chinese producers, while Indian producers will face duties of between 7.1 and 20.5 per cent.The DoC’s decision is preliminary and the duties could be reduced or even eliminated after further investigation.PTY is a kind of synthetic yarn manufactured from polyester.
- https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3015071/mark-it-zero-dude-facing-tariff-hike-family-run-maker-bowling Brad Handelman has been trying to move his family’s business out of China for years, but has only come up with gutterballs. He has looked at Bangladesh, Cambodia, India and Vietnam for new manufacturers, but has had zero strikes in shifting his sourcing for bowling shoes and bags away from China. Now, Strikeforce Bowling, based in Melrose Park, Illinois, is facing an additional 25 per cent tariff on its bowling shoes later this year after being hit with a similar higher duty on bowling bags last month, a casualty of a trade war between the world’s two biggest economies. “We've been looking at it for the last couple of years,” Handelman, Strikeforce’s president, said. “The labour cost has increased … The youth of China, similar to the United States, they don't want to work in factories. Our factories have been telling us they can’t get labour. They can’t get workers after [Lunar] New Year to come back and work for them.”
- elderly / silver hair
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/m/guizhou/2017-04/21/content_29027280.htm For Zhou Xiangyang, AIDS research is full of challenges. After graduating from Chongqing Medical University in 1982, he worked as a doctor in South China in the late 1980s and then went to study in France and the United States. He joined the Wistar Institute, a Philadelphia-based biomedical research center, in 2007 and has served as its director of viral medicine since. Lo Xiaoping from the QL Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, a company in Guizhou, invited Zhou to bring the vaccine research project to Southwest China's Guizhou province. Earlier this year, the Chinese company signed a joint development plan with the Wistar Institute in the US.
- 特朗普日前宣布美國退出《巴黎協定》後,加州州長布朗其後到中國訪問時,與中國簽訂氣候協議和清潔技術協議;布朗周二更獲聯合國任命為年底召開的氣候變遷會議(UNCCC)特別顧問,在氣候議題上擔任更重要角色。orientaldaily 16jun17
- https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/chinas-ban-scrap-imports-boon-us-recycling-plants-63124028 The halt on China's imports of wastepaper and plastic that has disrupted U.S. recycling programs has also spurred investment in American plants that process recyclables.U.S. paper mills are expanding capacity to take advantage of a glut of cheap scrap. Some facilities that previously exported plastic or metal to China have retooled so they can process it themselves. And in a twist, the investors include Chinese companies that are still interested in having access to wastepaper or flattened bottles as raw material for manufacturing.
- real estate
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20170419/00202_034.html 「股神」巴菲特向中國豪客招手,其投資旗艦巴郡旗下地產經紀商巴郡HomeServices同內地最大海外物業網站「居外網」達成推廣協議,希望吸引中國豪客去美國買樓。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-06/13/content_29720157.htm Chinese investment in large mixed-use towers in the United States not only changes the skyline but also helps local architects sharpen their skills. "One thing we learned from the Chinese developers is how they honed their skills and made themselves more efficient," said Pieter Berger, associate partner of MVE & Partners Inc, an Irvine, California-based architectural design and planning firm.
- china daily 29aug18 vipkid team up us educational publisher
- intellectual property
- 昨有美國傳媒報道引述該國專利及商標局言論,指自二○一三年起,來自中國的商標申請增幅逾十一倍。報道更提到中國政府資助該類商標申請活動,每註冊一個都可獲數百美元獎勵。此舉引起美國注意,更質疑相關行使權利與文件合法性。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180508/00178_017.html
- 据世贸组织(WTO)6月14日消息,美国与中国已同意暂停DS542(《中国——关于保护知识产权的若干措施》)争端解决小组的程序,但没有说明中止诉讼的理由,暂停时间至2019年12月31日。2019年6月3日,专家组收到美国的请求,要求将专家组在《中国——关于保护知识产权的若干措施》(DS542)中的工作暂停至2019年12月31日。https://news.sina.cn/gn/2019-06-15/detail-ihvhiqay5856906.d.html
- copyright infringement
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151008/00180_014.html 中國製冒牌貨在美國掀起多宗法律訴訟,紐約一名法官近日下令中國銀行,交出涉嫌售賣名牌贋品的中國偽造集團帳戶資料。中國駐華盛頓大使館及美國司法部已介入事件。美聯社記者於今年五月,揭發多間假貨商利用多間中國的銀行作「資金避風港」,先透過美國網站售賣假貨,再將數百萬美元計不法收入,轉移到中國銀行、中國工商銀行及招商銀行的帳戶。涉案銀行稱,公開這些帳戶資料屬於侵犯中國主權。Gucci及Tiffany&Co.等國際品牌亦入稟,向假貨集團索償。Gucci的訴訟中,地區法官裁定,美國法庭對於在美有四間分行的中銀擁有司法權。但專家指,即使法院判品牌勝訴,亦難以向身處中國的被告索償。
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-new-balance-china-trademark-idUSKCN0ZA0D4 A Chinese appeal court has ruled against U.S. sportswear firm New Balance for trademark infringements and ordered it to pay five million yuan ($756,945) in compensation to a Chinese company, an amount far lower than previously ruled. The court in Guangdong upheld an earlier ruling against the U.S. sports shoe maker's use of a Chinese language trademark, the official Xinhua news agency reported late on Thursday, but reduced the damages from a previously ruled 98 million yuan.
- trademark
- inward FDI- A Chinese judge recently approved a trademark which Trump first applied for in 2006 for the use of “TRUMP” to advertise in China for real-estate-agent services in commercial and residential properties. Ipwatchdog 11dec16
- ip event in china
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2061333/trumps-china-trademarks-risk-constitutional-crisis US president-elect Donald Trump has at least 45 trademark applications pending in China, AFP has learned, each of which could potentially violate the US constitution – underlining possible conflicts of interest in his relations with the Asian giant. Since his election, Trump has angered Beijing by reaching out to Taiwan, appointing China sceptics and threatening punitive tariffs on the country’s exports.
- {for obor and bay area!} http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170515/PDF/a9_screen.pdf“一帶一路”及粵港澳大灣區發展戰略下,具備國際視野的粵港企業家已着手深入搭建國際合作新平台,開闢境外市場增長新動力。中美精英圓桌交流會─對話駱家輝日前在深圳舉行,與會粵港企業家看好華人資產全球化、娛樂影視企業全球佈局、北美高端製造業與中國消費升級深度整合等領域。美國前商務部部長、前駐華大使、美國戴維斯(DWT)律師事務所高級顧問駱家輝、香港銅紫荊獲得者、太平紳士、建樂士企業有限公司董事長孫啟烈等粵港知名企業家當天圍繞境外投資、企業合作等問題,研討中美新的經濟環境下兩國商界與法律界合作新的路徑。對內地企業在紐交所上市,駱家輝提示,赴美上市,涉及到安全方面的設備及產品投資時,中國企業應該與專業的國際律所諮詢溝通以免出現問題,在美國投資前可以先從展示企業國際化的風格與文化入手,這樣有助於企業家在美國或其他國家的投資併購順利開展。
- 美國商務部長羅斯20日感謝中國企業代表團參加「選擇美國」2017年投資峰會,並承諾會公平對待中國企業在美投資。羅斯當天出席美國中國總商會舉行的投資美國招待會時發表演講說,今年有155位中國投資者參加「選擇美國」投資峰會,是峰會創辦以來規模最大的代表團。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/22/a16-0622.pdf
- 美國國會一個委員會周三表示,中國國營傳媒所有駐美人員,都應該被強制以「外國代理人」身份向美國政府登記,並認為他們有可能支援中國的情報搜集和「資訊戰」。orientaldaily 17nov17
- The US government on Tuesday declared several mainland Chinese media outlets, including state news agency Xinhua, to be foreign government functionaries, identifying them as agencies controlled by Beijing.China Global Television Network (CGTN), China Radio International, China Daily and Hai Tian Development USA were also deemed “foreign missions”, which will require their staff to register with the US State Department the same way that embassy and consular employees do, according to a department official.“These five entities all meet the definition of a foreign mission under the Foreign Missions Act, which is to say that they are ‘substantially owned or effectively controlled’ by a foreign government,” the official said. “They are effectively controlled by the government of the People’s Republic of China.”Xinhua, China Radio, the English-language China Daily and CGTN – an English-language broadcaster – are all controlled by China’s central government. Hai Tian is the New York-based distribution agent for People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the ruling Chinese Communist Party. https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3051246/us-imposes-restrictions-5-chinese-state-media
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1565759/chinas-surging-investment-us-heralds-new-multinational-era
- http://money.cnn.com/2014/07/23/real_estate/chinese-home-buyers/index.html
- http://www.scmp.com/business/economy/article/1618300/chinese-capital-exports-may-be-boon-us-infrastructure
- Ralls Corp http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/02/ralls-corp-sues-obama_n_1932786.html, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-29/ralls-sues-to-void-u-s-wind-farm-purchase-obama-blocked.html, http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1637678/ralls-gets-crack-overturning-us-order-blocking-its-wind
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2014-12/03/content_15198236.html The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is hoping to attract Chinese investors to fund half of the cost of a key connection point for the Pennsylvania Turnpike (or road toll) and Interstate 95, a major highway in the eastern United States.
- http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21657799-recovering-las-vegas-colourful-microcosm-america-viva-again
FOR a picture of America’s pre-crisis economy, pay a visit to the south-east corner of Las Vegas. Where the valley begins to rise into the high desert, a Chinese developer has carved the top off a mountain. A wide, empty, road rises into what looks like the remnants of an Inca city. The project, named “Ascaya”, was once America’s biggest excavation site. The idea was to sell the plots to Las Vegas’s elite, whose mansions would enjoy a view over the desert in one direction and the bacchanalia of the Strip ten miles away in the other. Instead, in 2009, Las Vegas’s economy died. For five years the project appeared doomed to become a monument, carved into rock, to an unsustainable housing boom. Now however, construction has restarted—not just on this site, but on several hundred others at the city’s edge. House prices, like employment, visitor numbers and gambling revenues, are creeping up again. Las Vegas’s economy is recovering—fitfully, but in a way that is more sustainable than its previous boom was. The city, unique though it is, is an exaggerated microcosm of America at large. - http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hkedition/2015-09/15/content_21853054.htm Gains far outweigh higher labor costs as mainland firms head west to cut transport expensesand beat trade barriers. After making their mark in Southeast Asia and Africa, enterprises from Dongguan, Guangdongprovince, are now focusing on new frontiers further afield. A group of Dongguan firms have decided to set up a 60,000-square-meter industrial park in theUS state of Arkansas and move a part of their production there. The manufacturing base isexpected to be completed and begin operation by early next year. KingBall Group is among the first companies to have confirmed the westward move. Theenterprise, which specializes in producing toys and stationery, will be the first to experience what"Made in the US" feels like, and is also prepared to take up the challenge of operating in one ofthe world's most strictly regulated and high-cost labor markets with stringent quality guidelines. "This is our first try. There are underlying risks, of course. But if we run it well, a number of firmswill follow," said Lan Junxiong, an executive at KingBall. Indeed, much higher labor costs compared with those in Dongguan will be a major challenge. "Ordinary workers in Arkansas normally earn $2,000 monthly. That is equivalent to more than12,000 yuan," Lan says. That is also more than double the usual monthly wages of 5,000 yuan earned by workers in thesouthern Guangdong city.
- http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/30/us-new-york-militaryacademy-idUSKCN0RU32520150930 The bankrupt New York Military Academy, a 126-year-old preparatory school on the Hudson River that counts billionaire Donald Trump among its graduates, was sold on Wednesday after a bidding war between groups backed by two China-based investors. The winning bid of $15.83 million came from the non-profit group Research Center on Natural Conservation, backed by a principal of China-based SouFun Holdings Ltd. They beat out California-based Global Preparatory Academies, which was funded by other Chinese investors, NYMA's lawyer Lewis Wrobel told Reuters. NYMA, located in Cornwall, New York, owed approximately $11.5 million to $12 million to creditors, principally local real estate firm Cornwall Improvement, Wrobel said. Global Preparatory had signed a contract to purchase the school for about $13.2 million but failed to deliver the down payment, forcing the sale. A pre-sale appraisal valued the three parcels that made up the school at $10.1 million. Bidding moved in $100,000 increments, said Mika Saarela, dean of academics at NYMA. NYMA filed for bankruptcy March 3 but managed to complete the semester and graduate its 15 seniors. Enrollment dropped from a high of more than 500 during the 1960s to less than 100 in the last academic year, according to sources familiar with the situation.
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2015-10/27/content_22297781.htm Yantai Xinchao Industry Co Ltd, a privately held property company, said that it was close to buying oilfields in Texas, the United States, for 8.3 billion yuan ($1.3 billion) through a limited liability partnership. The Shandong-based company's moves come amid expectations that China would loosen controls over crude imports and production by welcoming more private capital into the sector. In a regulatory filing to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Yantai Xinchao said the oilfields in Howard and Borden counties would be bought from Tall City Exploration and Plymouth Petroleum, two Nevada-based companies. Yantai Xinchao said it signed a letter of intent on Friday with Ningbo Dingliang Huitong Equity Investment Center, a limited liability partnership, and its seven shareholders to buy the oilfields through a Ningbo Dingliang subsidiary, Moss Creek Resources Llc. Limited liability partnership is a partnership in which some or all partners (depending on the jurisdiction) have limited liabilities. The deal has been "approved by the US Treasury's Committee on Foreign Investment", the company said.
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-11/06/content_15340902.html Attorneys for Ralls Corp, a US subsidiary of China's major machinery manufacturer Sany Group, has settled its four-year lawsuit against the US government. The company sued the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States and President Barack Obama in 2012 for forbidding its wind farm projects in Oregon on national security grounds. Sany had invested around US$13 million in the projects. "The settlement has shown again that Ralls Corp is protected under the rights of the Constitution of the United States. Ralls will transfer the four wind farm projects in Oregon to a third party that it deems suitable," said Xiang Wenbo, chairman of Sany Group, in a news release on Thursday.
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-11/12/content_22435132.htm Le Vision Pictures, the Los Angeles-based Chinese-owned film studio, has further boosted its presence in Hollywood. The third-largest private film studio in China by total box office has bought the rights from Lionsgate's epic fantasy feature Gods of Egypt for release in China and unveiled an inaugural 10-strong slate from Los Angeles-based offshoot Le Vision Pictures USA.
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-11/23/content_15348392.html Sacramento Kings, a key California-based franchise in the US National Basketball Association's professional league, is courting Chinese investors for its Golden 1 Center mixed development scheme. The project will have a new basketball arena, luxury retail, hospitality and residences. It will open in October 2016. "This is the first time that an area combined with surrounding mixed-use development has been offered as a prime EB-5 investment opportunity," said Ginny Fang, CEO of Golden Gate Global. The EB-5 program, under the US Citizenship and Immigration Service, grants a foreign investor a US visa for making a US$1 million investment that creates at least 10 new and permanent jobs for Americans. The arena project is being jointly built by Sacramento Kings and JMA Ventures, said Todd Chapman, president and CEO of JMA.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20151218/00202_025.html 華為擬再闖美國市場。消息指,華為部署在下個月美國拉斯維加斯的國際消費電子產品展覽上,展示售價約600美元的Mate 8,銳意進攻全球主要的高端手機市場——美國。但有指公司憂慮因電訊網絡設備安全問題,而被美國拒之門外。
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-wanda-cinema-m-a-idUSKCN0UQ08F20160112
China's Wanda Acquires Legendary Entertainment
- http://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/12/grindr-sells-60-stake-chinese-gaming-company Grindr, the dating and social networking app for gay and bisexual men, has hooked up with a Chinese partner for its first ever outside investment. The gaming company Beijing Kunlun Tech paid $98.4m (£68.4m) for a 60% controlling stake in Grindr, valuing the California-based business at $155m. It is expected to use the app’s popularity as a way of boosting income from outside China by directing users towards its games. Joel Simkhai, who founded Grindr with a few thousand dollars of his own money six years ago, assured users in an open letter that it would be “business as usual”. He added, however, that they could expect the company to expand its services.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160129/PDF/b7_screen.pdf山東玉皇化工集團(以下簡稱“玉皇化工”)總裁王勝偉在正舉行的“山東兩會”上透露,玉皇化工在美國投資項目貸款已經獲得中國銀行總行的批覆。他表示,此次中國銀行批覆其4億美元貸款,另有其他銀行的貸款項目即將批覆,該項目所需資金已經基本得以解決。 去年九月,山東民企玉皇化工在美國路易斯安那州投資15億美元的天然氣製甲醇項目奠基,項目佔地約1300英畝,其中3億美元涉及基礎設施和氧氣、氮氣部分由美國當地企業投資,其餘12億美元由玉皇化工投資。整個項目計劃分三期建設,首期項目預計將於2017年底投產,甲醇年產能達到180萬噸,第二期產能爭取翻番。屆時玉皇化工將成為世界大型甲醇生產商之一,未來玉皇美國工廠生產的甲醇,七成以上將通過海運出口到中國。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2016-03/12/content_23835826.htm Internet game developer Beijing Kunlun Tech Co said on Thursday its Hong Kong subsidiary has set up an artificial intelligence venture in the United States. The announcement came as Google Inc's AI supercomputer AlphaGo extended its lead over a South Korean Go master in a widely watched human brain versus machine showdown in Seoul. The new company, Kunlun AI, will be based in Palo Alto, California. The startup will develop advertising, voice-recognition and information-security technologies, Beijing Kunlun said in a statement. Its Hong Kong subsidiary will make a $3 million investment to take a 15 percent stake in Kunlun AI, with the rest going to a number of unidentified investors, the statement added. Hours after the announcement, AlphaGo beat Go champion Lee Se-dol again in the second faceoff of a 5-game competition. Following its regulatory filing, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued the company a notice, seeking further clarifications on the US investment, including details on other investors and impact on its listed firm's financial performance. It is not the first time Kunlun is investing in the AI sector. Earlier it acquired a 20 percent stake in the US robotics startup Woobo Inc for $800,000.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20160312/00202_012.html 大楊創世董事長李桂蓮出身農民,七九年用借番嚟嘅3萬蚊人仔起家,依家已經係五千個僱員嘅高級訂製西裝王國,仲係上海上市公司。咪睇李總唔曉英文,用身體語言同股神一樣溝通得到。股神9年前開始着佢哋啲西裝時講過,話自己活咗78年,終於有人讚佢「好樣」,於是掉晒佢以前啲西裝。股神唔只自己Like,仲拉埋Friend落水,結果巴郡副主席芒格同全球首富蓋茨齊齊着中國貨。不過股神似乎齋Like啲西裝,冇入股間公司。呢間股神御用裁縫最近直頭踩入美洲。佢哋舊年攻入紐約曼哈頓,喺Brooks Brothers'旗艦店同區,開咗間4,000呎嘅首間美國門市;近排又有聲氣話打算用大概2.34億港元入股加拿大網購西裝公司Indochino添。聽講,連美國前總統喬治布殊同內地前領導都係着佢,邊位前領導?好頂級嗰隻,你自己估吓。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-04/07/content_24343515.htm the 148,640-square-meter factory that used to be a dark and deserted space-except for a few raccoons-is now reborn. Robots transport fabricated glass in a flowing rhythm, while men and women, manyof whom were unemployed a year ago, work three fully up-and-operationalproduction lines and installation stations. Fuyao Glass America, the US branch of China's largest automotive glass maker, isworking toward its goal for 2016 of achieving full production capacity at its first USmanufacturing facility in Moraine, Ohio, and further sealing its corporate image as aglobal manufacturer. It's been about 20 months since Fuyao took over the vacant plant abandoned yearsago by General Motors Co. The factory now has 1,300 workers-about 700 full-timeemployees and 600 with part-time jobs that could turn into permanent ones withbenefits after 90 days. The plant will employ a total of 1,800 to 2,000 local workers by early next year, saidJohn Gauthier, president of Fuyao Glass America. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-10/11/content_27021689.htm
- http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1938913/chinese-developer-greenland-hong-kong-strikes-new-york-investment Greenland Hong Kong has struck a deal that would result in a firm controlled by a Kuwaiti royal buying a stake in it, co-investment on a major New York project, and the formation of a US$8 billion real estate fund. Hong Kong-listed Greenland Hong Kong, a unit of Shanghai-listed Greenland Group – mainland China’s largest developer by sales – has inked a framework agreement on “strategic cooperation” with Kuwait Strategic Investors’ Al Waseet International (AWI), controlled by a member of Kuwait’s royal family.
- 三生製藥(01530)公布 ,該公司之全資附屬公司瀋陽三生製藥,與 Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. 附 屬 公 司 TNK Therapeutics成立一間合資公司,合資公司 將由瀋陽三生擁有51%股權及由TNK擁有 49%股權。瀋陽三生將向合資企業投入1000 萬美元,TNK將向合資企業獨家授權抗 CEA的CAR-T技術,授權區域為大中華區。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160608/PDF/b2_screen.pdf
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-11/08/content_27304503.htm It was no coincidence that Tianjin-based investment company Nuoxin Co Ltd decided to make its first overseas energy investment in the US state of Alaska, said Yang Yubin, president of Nuoxin. Nuoxin is now the largest shareholder in NordAq Energy Inc, the owner of Smith Bay on the western North Slope of Alaska, where an oilfield with up to 6 billion barrels of oil was recently discovered.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-12/10/content_27630289.htm China Jushi, a global manufacturer and promoter of fiberglass products, broke ground for a $300 million, 80,000-metric-ton fiberglass production line in Richland County, South Carolina, the United States, on Thursday.
- Real estate
- Tech giant Yahoo Inc has reached a deal to sell a 20-hectare undeveloped site in Santa Clara, California, near the heart of Silicon Valley and 6 kilometers from the company's Sunnyvale headquarters, to Chinese internet company LeEco Holdings Ltd, according to the Silicon Valley Business Journal. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2016-05/03/content_25013146.htm
- companies listed in usa/planned ipo
- Cheetah Mobile Inc (獵豹移動) is a Chinese mobile Internet company headquartered in Beijing,China. It is best known as the developer of the Battery Doctor, Clean Master, Duba Anti-virus, and for purchasing QuickPic Galleryfrom the original developer. It has more than 568 million monthly active users as of November 2015.In 2014, Cheetah Mobile launched an IPO selling 12 million American Depositary Shares at US$14 per share, and thereby raised US$168 million.
- 今年赴美上市中國互金企業http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171127/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
- 內媒引述廣汽集團(02238)董事長曾慶洪近日表示,廣汽赴美國掛牌的計劃可能會有變數,並指廣汽集團正在核算進軍美國的綜合成本。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20180317/00202_014.html
- Uxin Ltd, a Chinese used car e-commerce platform, has filed for a $500 million IPO in the United States, according to the company's regulatory filing. The company plans to list on the Nasdaq stock market under the symbol UXIN. However, no pricing terms were disclosed. Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs (Asia), JP Morgan, China International Capital Corp and China Renaissance are the joint underwriters on the deal.
Founded in 2011 by Dai Kun, Uxin offers both business-to-business and business-to-consumer services.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201805/31/WS5b0f60bba31001b82571d686.html - 內地社交電商拼多多成立只係三年,就成功喺今年七月二十六日喺美國納斯達克上市,快過阿里巴巴和京東,而其250億美元嘅市值,足以令眾多創業者羨慕不已http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20181130/00202_019.html
- https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2187433/xiaomi-backed-online-broker-serves-chinese-stock-traders-aims An online broker serving Chinese investors, Up Fintech Holding, is aiming for to raise US$150 million in an initial public offering on the Nasdaq Global Select Market, according to a preliminary prospectus filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission last night.
- Zoom首天上市大升七成,除了因為由一群科技界精英管理外,亦由於有大投資者在背後撐腰,其中包括香港首富李嘉誠。Zoom於2011年創立,由前思科(Cisco)副總經理、美籍華人袁征牽頭,與一群前思科、視訊會議服務商Webex的團隊創辦。早在2013年9月,李嘉誠旗下的維港投資,在Zoom的B輪融資中便已開始入股。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190420/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- https://www.scmp.com/business/article/3011737/chinas-biggest-chip-maker-smic-withdraw-new-york-stock-exchange-trade-spat China’s biggest maker of semiconductors is to withdraw from the New York Stock Exchange, citing low trading volumes and burdensome costs – a move that ends its 15-year US listing as the trade war with the US spills over into the technology sector. Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) said on Friday evening that it had notified the NYSE of its intention to apply on June 3 to delist its American depositary receipts (ADRs) from the bourse. In a filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange, where its shares are listed, SMIC cited low trading volumes of its ADRs and the high costs of maintaining the listing and complying with reporting requirements and related laws. The voluntary delisting is expected to happen after June 13, and trading of the chip maker’s US securities will shift to the over-the-counter market, the statement said.
- https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3018524/how-savvy-li-ka-shing-profits-loss-making-firms-healthy-ageing Li’s private venture capital unit Horizons Ventures ploughed US$25 million into Nasdaq-listed ChromaDex in April 2017 and is now its largest shareholder, with a 13 per cent stake. That was at the time when ChromaDex, which is listed on Nasdaq, had a US$46 million fundraising drive to transition towards the consumer products market from the low margin ingredients supply business.ChromaDex reported a loss of US$33 million last year, reflecting its fourth straight annual loss, even as Li made a paper gain thanks to a 42 per cent rise in the company’s shares since his investment. A call into Li’s press person about his use of Tru Niagen was not immediately returned.
- china daily 1nov19 lizhi IPO plan
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/start-ups/article/3036462/china-ai-start-megvii-considers-delaying-ipo-us-trade-blacklist China’s Megvii Technology is considering a delay of its initial public offering given uncertainty over whether the company can secure its existing US$4 billion valuation while on the US trade blacklist, according to people familiar with the matter. The artificial intelligence (AI) start-up is discussing with advisers whether to proceed with the planned Hong Kong share sale this month or hold off as they try to get off the Washington’s Entity List, which cuts off access to key American technology, the people said, requesting not to be named because the matter is private.
- rental platform Q&K listed in nasdaq nov19
- 內地人臉識別技術公司曠視科技,將把 集資規模 5億至 10億美元(39億至 78億港元)的香港 IPO 推遲到 2020 年。消息指,曠視正在解答香港監管機構的相關疑問,推遲 IPO主要與該公司被美國列入黑名單有關。另外,聖誕假期將至和 香港局勢動盪也是推遲IPO的部分原因。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/12/04/b07-1204.pdf
- WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc., a leading holographic
augmented reality (AR)application platform in China, started trading on Nasdaq Wednesday.https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/126385#Chinese-AR-platform-WiMi-Hologram-makes-Nasdaq-debut - 美團點評(03690)有份投資的中國新能源汽車企業理想汽車,已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)遞交上市申請,集資最多1億美元(約7.8億港元)。高盛、摩根士丹利、瑞銀及中金為聯席主承銷商。
- Founded in 2015 by entrepreneur and former Alibaba executive He Xiaopeng, the eponymous firm sells to the middle and high-end of the smart electric vehicle market in China and prides itself on building its software in-house, end-to-end. It uses the Nvidia high-performance chip Xavier and its P7 model is capable of Level 3 autonomous driving on highways, which the company plans to implement later this year or early next year after finalising testing. Xpeng, registered in China as Guangzhou Xiaopeng Motors Technology, has backers that include Hillhouse Capital, Sequoia Capital China as well as the sovereign wealth funds of Qatar and Abu Dhabi. The firm completed its US$900 million C and C+ funding rounds on , led by Alibaba Group Holding.https://www.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/3096548/xpeng-jump-starts-new-york-ipo-raising-capital-expand
- KE Holdings, a Chinese online property platform backed by and SoftBank Group, is looking to raise about US$2 billion in a US initial public offering (IPO). Also known as Beike Zhaofang, the company is offering 106 million American depositary shares at US$17 to US$19 each, according to a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday. The company said the shares will represent three of its Class A ordinary shares.https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3096604/tencent-backed-real-estate-platform-beike-aims-raise-us2-billion
- 彭博消息指,在美國上市的教育公司「新東方教育」(美股:EDU)擬赴港第二上市,並計劃集資至少10億美元(約78億港元)。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200811/00202_017.html
- 內地連鎖酒店集團華住酒店(US:HTHT)擬加快來港第二上市。根據內媒報道,華住酒店最快將在本月尋求通過港交所(00388)聆訊,集資最多10億美元(約78億港元)。連同華住酒店在內,計劃於9月份在港作第二上市的中概股還有百勝中國(US:YUMC)及寶尊(US:BZUN),總合計集資約273億港元。此外,市傳內地火鍋食材供應商鍋圈食匯考慮最快明年來港上市,籌資4至5億美元(約31.2億至39億港元)。 華住酒店成立於2005年,2010年在美國納斯達克上市。華住酒店擁有眾多酒店品牌,在內地是僅次於錦江國際酒店集團的第二大連鎖酒店集團。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/231106/2020/0811/485157.html
- http://www.scmp.com/business/economy/article/1638669/us-companies-draw-back-investments-china US companies, which have led Western investment in China over the past 35 years, are scaling back their expectations and business plans in the face of slowing growth, heightened competition and increased regulatory scrutiny from Beijing.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160129/00178_018.html 美國長壽知名動畫《阿森一族》被中國封殺八年後,今年三月將於北京開設全球首家《阿森一族》主題商店,銷售近二百款衣服、配飾、文具等授權商品,其中或有五成商品在該店獨家出售。據悉,《阿森一族》○六年其中一集講述主角Homer Simpson訪問中國的劇情因「不符合規範」遭封殺。
- enstoa (new york company) china daily 28aug18
- 出口轉内銷
- insight set up by tim crown invested in china 20 years ago, selling products back in usa 亞洲週刊23jun13
- http://www.scmp.com/business/article/1861160/new-cargo-carrier-eyes-china-express-market
- http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/pittsburgh-area-company-plead-chinese-electrodes-case-37122154 A company that supplies the steel industry has pleaded guilty to smuggling Chinese-made graphite electrodes into the United States.An attorney for Ameri-Source International Inc. entered the plea on Monday before a federal judge, who immediately fined the company $250,000. The fine is in addition to more than $2.1 million in restitution the company paid the government for importing the electrodes but lying about their size to avoid anti-dumping duties imposed by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The government sued the company in 2013 and settled that case last week when the company paid $3 million, which included the restitution but not the criminal fine imposed Monday. According to the criminal charges, the company imported the electrodes, which are used to power electric arc steel furnaces, but lied about their size in April and June 2011 on shipments from Dalian, China. The federal government charges a duty of nearly 160 percent on electrodes that are less than 16 inches in diameter to stop Chinese companies from dumping cheap smaller electrodes on the market. Ameri-Source International, based in Bethel Park, just south of Pittsburgh, was falsely claiming the electrodes it imported were larger to avoid paying the duty, according to the criminal charges. emigration to USA
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1580826/chinese-investors-us-immigration-programme-hold, hket 28aug14 a17, http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20140829/00178_001.html, http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20140829/PDF/a23_screen.pdf
- Immigrant visa program funds wide range of US projects http://www.china.org.cn/business/2014-12/12/content_34299297.htm
- http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21642226-two-cities-hope-embracing-immigrants-can-reverse-their-decline-rolling-out-welcome Baltimore has been losing people for 60 years. To address this its mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, wants to make it the most immigrant-friendly city in the world. Its libraries provide Spanish-language exercise classes. To help those with no papers, the city is introducing micro-loans which require no credit checks. In 2012 Ms Rawlings-Blake announced that city police would no longer routinely check the immigration status of citizens or enforce any federal immigration law unless explicitly required to. The then governor, Martin O’Malley, a Democrat, made it possible for illegal immigrants to get driving licences. Such welcoming policies are spreading. Rustbelt cities like Cleveland, Dayton and Philadelphia all avidly court immigrants. Rick Snyder, the Republican governor of Michigan, has asked the federal government to offer 50,000 visas to people who agree to live in Detroit. His administration has directed cash towards NGOs that market Motown to immigrants and made it easier for skilled migrants to get professional licences. Like Baltimore, Detroit woos refugees brought to America under federal programmes—and even tries to poach those who may have settled elsewhere.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151002/00180_020.html 美國國務院上月初發公告,詳列可提早申請美國永久居民身份卡(下稱綠卡)的人士類別,但上周五卻突然修正,嚴格限制申請條件。華府簽證政策「急轉彎」,令成千上萬名申請者失望,包括大批中國和印度專業人士,部分人指控華府「搬龍門」,已提出集體訴訟。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151206/00178_016.html中國富豪海外投資熱潮持續,中國家庭今年首次成為在美國置業的最大海外群體。
- 據中國國防部新聞局官方微博昨日消息,根據中美兩軍達成的共識,中國人民解放軍東部戰區陸軍與美軍太平洋陸軍將於11月14日至 24日,在美國夏威夷舉行人道主義救援減災聯合演練。雙方將共派出200餘人參加。此次演練旨在分享兩軍人道主義救援減災經驗,提高兩軍共同開展救援減災的能力。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/201911/1113/HZ19B13CZGG_HKCD.pdf
- scandals involving chinese
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160525/00180_004.html 美媒引述官員消息指,麥考利夫當時收取的政治獻金中,可能有一部分違反法例,當中包括中國商人王文良的十二萬美元(約九十三萬六千港元)捐款。麥考利夫代表律師強調王文良的捐款是合法。王文良的發言人則指,未有調查員接觸他們。麥考利夫與克林頓家族合作多年,曾於○八年希拉妮第一次參選總統期間,擔任她的競選經理,亦是前總統克林頓一九九六年競選連任時的團隊成員。共和黨全國委員會發言人肖特發聲明指,希拉妮本身已因電郵門被FBI調查,今次事件進一步打擊她的誠信。
- 王文良是遼寧省日林實業及丹東港集團董事長,亦是全國人大代表。發言人稱:「West Legend在維珍尼亞州有業務,支持州長麥考利夫創造就業的政綱。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160526/00180_008.html
- https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-05-31/a-mystery-at-ivanka-s-shoe-factory This week, an activist group reported that one of its investigators had been arrested and two others had disappeared while conducting an undercover probe of a Chinese shoe factory. The factory, owned by the Huajian Group, makes as many as 20 million pairs of shoes a year for some of the world's top labels. But in recent months, it's become famous for one of its smaller clients: Ivanka Trump's brand. Much about this incident remains unclear. But I'd bet on one thing: It's highly unlikely that it has much of anything to do with the Trumps. Instead, the officials involved were most likely engaged in a ham-handed effort to prevent labor unrest and protect a major employer at a time when China's traditional factories are badly ailing. First, consider the broader context. Starting in the 1990s, shoes, more than just about any other product, came to symbolize the cost savings that China's factories promised to global manufacturers. By the mid-2000s, more than half the world's shoe production had relocated to China, with Dongguan -- home of the Huajian Group -- becoming the hub. Around 2008, however, Dongguan's shoe industry began a slow decline. Several factors contributed, including the financial crisis, a decline in the working-age population, rising labor costs and -- most seriously -- cheaper manufacturing centers in othercountries. Between 2012 and 2016, China's share of global footwear exports declined from 74 percent to 65 percent. A visit to Dongguan reveals the hardship this has wrought. Factories that once employed thousands are now empty, or filling up with robots and other kinds of automation. Manufacturers in the region have been beset by protests and strikes. The government, always on watch for labor strife, has become even less tolerant of dissent. Some inland areas have been an exception to this trend, primarily because workers there have been willing to tolerate lower wages. That includes Jiangxi Province, where Huajian Group's Ganzhou Huajian International Shoe City set up business. Among other products, it makes Trump-branded shoes. Based on the company's production figures, the factory likely employs thousands of workers. According to China Labor Watch, the group that was investigating the plant, it does so using excessive overtime, salaries below minimum wage and interns.
- chinese language
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/04/06/b08-0406.pdf 在美國得克薩斯州北部城市達拉斯 有一所名為得州國際領袖學校的特許公立學 校,它是全美規模最大的一所將漢語列為必修 課的學校。在該校 7個校區裡,從 5歲的學前班 到 18歲的高中畢業生,5千名學生在日常課程 中學習漢語和中國文化。
- chinese language congress in houston, texas china daily 19jul17
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2164426/america-needs-more-chinese-teachers-donald-trumps-immigration Though H1B visa sponsorship is expensive, the process is a problem for the growing number of American schools offering a Chinese immersion curriculum, where elementary students take at least half their classes in Mandarin and teachers are typically native-level speakers. It also points to a broader problem weighing down the buoyant American interest in Chinese language education: a shortage of Americans who are both highly fluent speakers and properly accredited schoolteachers. This shortage has left the nation’s 1,100 plus schools with Chinese language programmes to draw on a wide range of solutions, from reworking the teacher accreditation procedures to contracting impermanent guest teachers directly from China and sponsoring green cards or skilled foreign worker visas for others. Schools reliant on foreign teachers are now finding themselves warily eyeing the Trump administration’s tightening of immigration and visa policies, as executive orders and memos have urged stricter administrative control of both the H1B visa process, for skilled foreign workers, and J1s for visiting scholars.
- china daily 8may19 us college organises chinese speech contest
- The US government is planning a major new Mandarin-language initiative in an effort to bolster its global reputation at a time of Chinese ascendancy and eroding American soft power.According to internal memos, job placement advertisements and interviews with people close to Washington’s information arms, Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA) are joining forces on a new network called Global Mandarin.Its annual budget would be between US$5 million and US$10 million, potentially rising in the second year, according to a source who requested anonymity given links to the networks, with the focus on softer content aimed at reaching younger Chinese in the US, China and beyond.This follows a recent reorganisation and rebranding of US government information efforts. In 2017, VOA, RFA and other networks were put under the newly created US Agency for Global Media, an independent federal agency whose mission is to “inform, engage and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy”.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3039109/us-launches-new-mandarin-network-washington-and-beijing-battle
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170428/PDF/a24_screen.pdf 據美中商業協會消 息:第二十屆 「哈佛中國論壇」於4 月21日至23日在哈佛大學舉行,近千 名中外嘉賓出席。 「哈佛中國論壇」的前身是《哈 佛中國評論》雜誌,由哈佛大學研究 生張黎剛和李波於1998年創辦,每年 四月在哈佛大學召開。二十年來,已 成為北美地區由學生組織的規模最大 的中國峰會,也是該地區最具影響力 的中國論壇活動。論壇旨為富有建設 性的對話提供平台,深入探討中國面 臨的挑戰,改變與會者對中國的傳統 印象,並鼓勵他們為中國的建設出謀 劃策。
- Sino-US joint venture is planning to attract high quality undergraduates from around the world. The leading Sino-US joint-venture university in China wants to attract more international students and will begin accepting applications this month for its new undergraduate degree program for fall 2018. Close to Shanghai and in the heart of the Yangtze River Delta region, China's major economic hub, Duke Kunshan University is a collaborative venture between Duke University, which is consistently ranked among the top 10 universities in the United States, and Wuhan University in China. http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2017-08/25/content_31087738.htm
- education
- visa
- 數據顯示今年上半年,有超過二千名中國學生聲稱美國簽證審查變得更加嚴格,比去年同期增加超過五百人。申請者有時更會被要求補交資料等,繁瑣的程序導致部分研究人員不得不取消赴美。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181226/00178_008.html
- http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1696532/ivy-league-pitches-chinese-students
- http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1895919/not-all-ivy-league-chinese-student-numbers-us-community-colleges-soar-550 Wealthy Chinese undergraduates aren’t the only ones looking to get a college degree in the US. So are a growing number of Chinese students from lower middle-class families who are enrolling in community colleges. The number of Chinese students in US community colleges has increased from 2,500 in 2007 to more than 16,200, The Los Angeles Times reported, representing an increase of about 550 per cent
- http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/college-charity/ Dipont is accused by ex-employees of helping students cheat on their college applications. The company also has spent widely to get its clients in front of schools such as Vanderbilt, Wellesley and the University of Virginia.
- 美國招生欺詐案牽連甚廣,不少社會名流家長向主腦的升學顧問辛格支付大筆現金,確保他們的子女在入學試取得佳績及賄賂大學職員,涉案金額達二千五百萬美元(約一億九千五百萬港元)。兩個中國家庭被指是最大客戶,賄款遠超所有被起訴的家長。中美媒體此前報道,中國富商趙濤涉嫌向辛格支付六百五十萬美元(逾五千萬港元),令從未參與帆船比賽的女兒趙雨思,前年以「具競爭力的帆船手」身份獲史丹福大學取錄,主修心理學及東亞研究,但今年三月三十日被校方開除。欺詐案曝光後,她與父親暫未被起訴。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190915/00180_003.html
- Yale
- Yale’s program sending undergraduates to study at Peking University for credit will be canceled, the News learned Tuesday. The decision to end the Peking University-Yale University Joint Undergraduate Program in Beijing, disclosed to some faculty members in a Tuesday email from Jane Edwards, dean of international and professional experience, brings an abrupt end to a partnership with Peking University that Yale reaffirmed seven months ago. The joint exchange program, which was launched in fall 2006, offered Yale students the opportunity to spend a semester living and studying at PKU. John Treat, professor of East Asian languages and literatures and a former member of the Yale-PKU faculty advisory committee, confirmed the decision to the News. http://yaledailynews.com/blog/2012/07/25/updated-yale-pku-program-to-be-canceled/
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/supplement/columnist/左丁山/art/20160321/19537700耶魯大學學生趁美國大學春假(Spring Break)來港參加新亞交流營,新亞在雲起軒設宴招待。新亞學生在農曆新年假期往耶魯大學,耶魯學生於三月來新亞,稱為YUNA Exchange,已舉辦了近二十年,近年新亞學生往來紐約的來回機票,全部由新亞校董黃經國博士贊助,黃博士可謂有心人,他是AIA冠軍區的領導人,在保險界享有盛名,平時對培訓青年人,很有興趣。YUNA由雅禮協會(Yale-China Association)為美方推動單位,雅禮在1997至1999年間,主辦了三屆美國大學體驗活動(American College Experience)簡稱為ACE Programme,每年暑假招募本港中學生往耶魯大學上三個星期的英文課程,然後用一個星期在新英倫遊覽參觀大學如哈佛、MIT,Amherst、哥倫比亞及幾間名氣頗盛嘅博雅書院,令本港中學生知道如何申請入讀美國一級大學,肥仔K便曾參加ACE,因此對學習英文寫作開了竅,今天能揸筆搵食,不能不飲水思源。雅禮後來因人力與財力的理由,不再辦ACE Programme,對香港學生是一種損失,此晚左丁山對雅禮協會的「香港教育主任」石蕾女士(Leslie Stone)重提當年舊事,請她重新考慮復辦ACE可行性,她雖不答允,亦無即時拒絕,回美後或會從不同角度再考究、考究。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-03/22/content_24008861.htm Chinese medical students get opportunity for clinical training at Ivy League school The president of the prestigious Yale University in the United States has led a delegation to visit Peking University where he gave a speech to students on Monday. The move was part of a bid to further the close collaboration between the two institutions. Professor Peter Salovey said Yale signed a memorandum of understanding with its famous old Chinese counterpart that will allow medical students from Peking University to participate in clinical training at Yale.
- cornell
- culture
- https://www.ft.com/content/b07c275c-d832-11e8-a854-33d6f82e62f8 Cornell University of the US has suspended two academic exchanges and a research programme with China’s Renmin University because of concerns over academic freedoms, the first case in years of a foreign university halting a partnership with a Chinese counterpart for such reasons. The move came after several students of Renmin, a top ranked Chinese institution, said they were punished by the school for speaking out online about workers’ rights and for supporting workers’ attempts to unionise in the manufacturing hub of Shenzhen this summer, Cornell told the Financial Times.
- Alison M. Friedman is the founder of Ping Pong Productions, a US- and Beijing-registered cultural exchange organization with the mission of cultural diplomacy. While serving as the founding director of PPP from 2010-2017, Ms. Friedman worked closely with Chinese and international governments, non-profit and private organizations, using the performing arts to foster mutual understanding and engagement. Her productions have toured more than 50 countries on five continents, including at Lincoln Center, Sydney Opera House, Sadler’s Wells, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, China’s National Center for the Performing Arts (NCPA), and others. http://pingpongarts.org/about/founder/
- The first China-US Cultural Heritage and Urban Development Forum kicked off on Monday at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, aiming to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the two areas and further promote business opportunities between the two countries. "Our relationship with China is a special one, as it's continued to grow since 1979, when Philadelphia and Tianjin became formal sister cities. This was China's first sister city partnership," Philadelphia Mayor James Kenney said at the opening ceremony. http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201808/22/WS5b7ca80ba310add14f387092.html
- film
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160630/PDF/b14_screen.pdf第十九屆上海國際電影節─國際 電影教育嘉年華日前在滬舉行,開幕 式上,中美共建的 「紐約電影學院上 海教育中心」簽約成立,這是紐約電 影學院繼日本東京、韓國首爾、澳洲 悉尼和布里斯班後,在亞太地區新設 立的教學點,定位為紐約電影學院亞 太地區的中心教學點,今後將承擔其 亞太地區的核心教學任務。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-11/16/content_27389598.htmXinke New Materials Co Ltd, a copper processor based in Anhui province, said it will acquire 80 percent of stake in Midnight Investments LP, the owner of Hollywood production studio Voltage Pictures for 2.39 billion yuan ($350 million), according to its filing to the Shanghai Stock Exchange published on Sunday. The US filmmaker produced movies including the award-winning Hurt Locker and Dallas Buyers' Club.
- http://www.bbc.com/news/business-38686569 US film company Paramount Pictures has secured a $1bn (£810m) cash injection from two Chinese firms. As part of the deal, Shanghai Film Group and Huahua Media will finance about a quarter of all Paramount's films over the next three years. The partnership gives Paramount an entry point into China, the world's second biggest box-office market.
Viacom-owned Paramount said the investment would help fund future projects to help grow the studio. - http://www.chinadailyasia.com/chinafocus/2017-04/24/content_15603859.html Born in China, a Chinese-American wildlife documentary coproduction, has been offering US moviegoers a feast for the eyes and food for thought since opening in US theaters a day before Earth Day, April 22. The film's stunning imagery was captured over three years, largely in Qinghai and Sichuan provinces, and it follows the lives of pandas, golden monkeys and snow leopards, with additional footage of red-crowned cranes and chiru, or Tibetan antelopes. It was coproduced by Disneynature and Shanghai Media Group.
- china daily 18sep19 beijing's universal theme park expected to open doors in 2021
- literature
- 2017美國書展于5月31日至6月2日在紐約舉行,這是美國圖書界最盛大的年度活動。中國國際出版集團作為最大的中國參展方,攜其出版發行的400多部書刊亮相,用10餘種語言全方位向世界介紹中國的政治、經濟和文化。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170602/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- 第二屆“歡樂春節.藝術中國匯”紐約系列活動將於2016年2月5日至10日舉辦。這一系列活動由中國中央美術學院聯合美國美中文化協會共同承辦,是首個集藝術、設計、教育於一體的大型國際藝術交流活動,旨在融合並展示中國傳統文化與當代藝術發展理念。據策展人中央美術學院黃建成教授介紹,本屆主題為“天籟無形,大象有聲”,以“聲音視覺”為主要策劃理念,邀請中國知名音樂家與視覺藝術家跨界合作,實現中國傳統文化的當代藝術轉譯。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151120/PDF/a22_screen.pdf
- People
- http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/exhibitions/Lichtenstein/themes/Landscapes-Chinese
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/lifestyle/2015-07/22/content_15293565.html The NYO-USA is a training program founded in 2013 by Carnegie Hall through its educational arm, the Weill Music Institute. This summer, 114 music students aged 16 to 19 from 37 US states joined two weeks of intensive preparations at State University of New York's Purchase College for a concert at Carnegie Hall on July 11. The next day, they headed to China to start a seven-concert tour in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Xi'an, Shenzhen (July 23), Guangzhou (July 24) and Hong Kong on July 26. The NYO-USA in Beijing also signed a cooperation memorandum with the National Center for the Performing Arts. The institutions will develop educational programs, and the NCPA's orchestra will perform at Carnegie Hall in 2017.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160611/PDF/b7_screen.pdf成立於一九○○年的美國費城交響樂團(Philadelphia Orchestra)(下簡稱樂團),一九七三年獲周恩來總理邀請、美國總統尼克松(Richard Nixon)支持,訪華作為期兩週的演出,開啟了中美關係的破冰之旅。趁今年樂團展開二○一六亞洲巡演之際,樂團發展常務副團長睿恩德(Ryan Fleur)、中國駐地合作項目總裁韓凱歌(Craig Hamilton)和美國資深外交官卜勵德(Nicholas Platt)向記者介紹了樂團于上世紀七十年代擔當中美文化交流橋樑的使命,到現今如何隨中國的發展而調整樂團未來在中國的發展策略。 一九七二年,當時的美國總統尼克松訪華,密議兩國建交,樂團的時任音樂總監尤金.奧曼迪(Eugene Ormandy)立即寫信給總統,希望樂團能夠訪華。在尼克松的支持下,經中美政府洽商,樂團終獲中方邀請,擔任開創中美文化交流的“使者”。 上世紀六十年代擔任外交官,美國駐北京聯絡處首批工作人員之一的卜勵德,曾幫忙協商和安排樂團於一九七三年訪華演出。團員白天參觀長城及頤和園等名勝,晚上演出。他説:“這些年來,樂團已隨?中國的發展和中美外交的頻繁交流,而有了新的使命。”他續説:“記得於七十年代初期,中國經濟發展緩慢,我們籌劃樂團訪華的進程也緩慢。隨行工作人員的裝束要精簡、演出曲目也要審查。”“當年中國老百姓看見我們這些外國人和西方交響樂團,感到十分新奇。” 隨?一九七八年中國改革開放,中國經濟發展漸趨成熟,“中國新生代的小孩,接受中國傳統文化的教育,同時熱愛學習西方樂器,受到西方古典音樂文化教育的薰陶,中國社會已急速發展成中西兼容的獨特文化。我們會隨?這些發展而調整樂團在中國的商業策略,全力在中國發展和建立樂團的國際聲譽。”卜勵德説。 樂團自首次訪華演出後,又於一九九三年、一九九六年、二○○一年、二○○八年,以及二○一○年的上海世博會期間到訪中國演出。為慶祝樂團首次訪華演出四十周年之際,樂團又於二○一三年五月至六月期間,于短短十五天內,于中國多個城市巡演了五十多場。同時,於二○一二、一三、一四、一五年,在華開展了駐地合作方案。“我們與中國有很深的淵源,很重視與中國之間的合作,也很願意來中國發展,這也是我們可以長遠在中國發展的優勢。”睿恩德説。樂團也是首支於人民大會堂演出的美國交響樂團,並參加中美建交三十周年紀念巡演。
- http://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21710242-though-not-yet-western-levels-quality-chinese-ensembles-are-improving
- - http://www.chinadailyasia.com/lifeandart/2017-01/25/content_15563331.htmlA new program is set to offer around 100 young musicians from China the chance to spend two weeks at a university in the United States.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170203/00180_006.html 自美國總統特朗普上台以來收緊入境美國程序。據美國《僑報》報道,由卅七人組成的北京民族樂團,原定本月七日到美國洛杉磯演出,近日卻傳出因簽證被拒而取消。報道引述主辦單位指,美方認為主辦單位「前後說法不一」而拒發簽證。據報,主辦方已退還賣出的門票,並另找表演團體代替演出。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170203/PDF/a24_screen.pdf美国纽约爱乐乐团于1月31日(正月初四)晚在林肯中心举办中国新年音乐会,演奏中国作曲家作品及受中国文化启发而创作的音乐作品,以此欢庆中国鸡年,展现中西艺术精髓,向美国华裔社区致敬。这是纽约爱乐乐团连续第六年举办中国新年庆典。
- 旅美青年钢琴家田佳鑫在卡内基音乐厅举行新春音乐会http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170205/PDF/a4_screen.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/02/14/a28-0214.pdf 日前,美國華盛頓肯尼迪表演藝術中心,西 方管弦交響曲,中國絲竹京劇,傳統與現代, 西方與東方,雄渾與優雅交織在一起。中國指 揮家湯沐海麾下的北京交響樂團在如潮的掌聲 中,獻上了一場豐富多彩的中國新年音樂會。
- detroits musicians china visit and china youth orchestra's debut in US china daily 31jul17
- 驻纽约记者黄晓敏报道:由中国文化部对外文化联络局主办,中国对外文化集团公司承办的“中华文化讲堂”,日前在三藩市、纽约、波士顿三地巡迴举办。10月11日,中央音乐学院硕士生导师、著名古筝演奏家袁莎主讲的“筝与诗─中国音乐文化之旅”,走进了纽约林肯中心。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171014/PDF/a23_screen.pdf
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/culture/2015-12/30/content_22870489.htm before the musical show Rediscover Chinese Music was staged at the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall in December, director Wang Chaoge was proud that every day, eight theater productions directed by her were running at China's most popular travel destinations. On the US tour, she met an American audience member who told her that he used to think it ridiculous that Chinese spent a big sum touring a show that might be nonsense to the Western audience. But this show, he said, was an unexpected experience that touched his heart. The multimedia spectacle Rediscover Chinese Music, as its name suggests, features a repertoire of 10 traditional Chinese classics, which are arranged with a modern twist and performed by the China National Traditional Orchestra. In 2013, the orchestra's president, Xi Qiang, talked with Wang about the possibility of creating a production reviving traditional Chinese music.
- 中美創客論壇昨日在山東青島舉行。教育部副部長郝平在論壇上透露,第七輪中美人文交流高層磋商將於6月在北京舉行,副總理劉延東和美國國務卿克里將主持群體會議,雙方將舉辦中美天文領域大學校長論壇、中美清潔能源國際發展論壇、第三屆中美青年創客大賽等一系列活動,而創新創業創客是中美人文交流高層磋商中一個新的領域。郝平表示,中美人文交流高層磋商機制是中美兩國政府在人文領域開展合作的最高級別對話機制,目前由劉延東和克里擔任機制主席。自2010年啟動以來,中美人文交流高層磋商至今已經分別在北京和華盛頓成功舉辦六輪,去年第六輪中美人文交流機制在華盛頓召開。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/04/10/a09-0410.pdf
- 首輪中美社會和人文對話當地時間9月28日在華盛頓舉行。對話聯合聲明指兩國一致認為,為中美學生、學者和教育機構創造更多合作機會將為兩國發展更緊密的雙邊關係夯實基礎,將通過設立短期計劃等方式鼓勵兩國青少年進行教育、創新創業的合作交流。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/09/30/a07-0930.pdf
- discrimination
- 三藩市導遊唐人街爆粗辱華 華裔市長批損城市形象 旅行社道歉 已 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/10/25/a22-1025.pdf
- 美亞裔控哈佛入學歧視http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20141125/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- 美國三藩市華裔人口達17萬,佔該市總人口兩成,當地街頭近日出現「不再要華人」(No More Chinese)字樣的塗鴉,不少華人居民坦言情況罕見,對此感到意外。警方把事件列為仇恨犯罪,正着手調查,並查看閉路電視影像,希望發現疑犯,暫未有人被捕。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/09/09/a22-0909.pdf
- 繼瑞典服裝零售商H&M廣告早前捲入種族歧視風波之後,美國購物網站亞馬遜以及網站購物平台eBay,日前推出用上第三方賣家圖片的廣告,圖中白人男孩做出瞇眼的動作。此舉通常用作嘲諷華裔人士,廣告曝光之後惹來網民狠批。事後亞馬遜已經移除了有關頁面,惟未有作出解釋或道歉。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180201/00180_022.html
- 美國加州洛杉磯一名華裔男子,上周三(11日)向橙縣高等法院提出訴訟,指控該州至少二十二間英國汽車公司越野路華(Land Rover)代理商設有黑名單,涉嫌歧視華裔或亞裔人士,拒絕將車輛售賣或租借予他們。越野路華母公司暫未回應事件。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180715/00180_012.html
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2015-02/17/content_19609786.htm An imminent exhibition in New York reflects the way Chinese style has been embraced andembellished in Western fashion, Chen Jie reports. Ever since the silk trade between China and the Roman Empire blossomed in the late first andearly second centuries, China has been a rich source of inspiration for the West. This year, TheMetropolitan Museum of Art in New York will present an exhibition called China: Through theLooking Glass, to explore how China has fueled Western fashion's imagination for centuries,resulting in highly creative adaptations of cultural realities and mythologies. Presented at the Museum's Chinese Galleries and the Anna Wintour Costume Center from May7 to Aug 16, the show will feature more than 130 examples of haute couture and ready-to-wearalongside masterpieces of Chinese costumes, paintings, porcelains, and other art, as well asfilm clips.
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20150909/19288443 美國2016年大選的鑼鼓逐漸響亮,近年的美國選舉中,華人選民越來越受重視,鼓勵了不少華裔直接「殺入」政壇大展拳腳。在外地出生、再移居美國的人士,統稱為「第一代移民」。24歲的華裔第一代移民李林笛近月宣佈參選2016年眾議院選舉,若然當選,她將成為美國史上最年輕的女性眾議員,且是繼吳振偉和劉雲平以後第三位成為眾議員的第一代華人移民。研究美國政治的香港大學政治及公共行政學系客席助理教授雷耶斯(Alejandro T. Reyes)相信:「將來必定會有更多美籍華裔加入美國政壇。」
- scenario in san francisco after ed lee's death singtao 14dec17 a 21
- Chinese in USA
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20141029/PDF/b24_screen.pdf 在世界著名的紐約大都會博物館裡,中國園林 「明軒」宛如一軸畫卷,把秀美多姿的中國庭院展現在人們的面前。當年全程參與明軒工程的原蘇州園林設計院院長、一級註冊建築師、高級建築師張慰人在接受本報記者採訪時表示:「明軒本來是博物館為了陳列其珍藏的中國明代黃花梨傢具而建造,我們做了一個非常漂亮的盒子把傢具裝起來,結果,這個盒子與裡面的傢具卻融為一體,明軒竟亦成為博物館的一個重要展品,這就是成功。」http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20141105/PDF/b19_screen.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/04/13/a18-0413.pdf 美國的亞裔人口教育 程度較佳、收入較高,有「模範少數族裔」之稱。然而,正因為亞裔有能力躋身知名大 學及企業管理層,他們同時愈加感受到根深蒂固的種族成見,甚至是無形中排拒亞裔的 「竹天花板」。隨着創業投資公司(VC,簡稱創投)的亞裔投資者增加,愈來愈多亞裔企 業家開設新公司,自己做老闆,嘗試在科技界爭取突破「竹天花板」的限制。
- 被視為中共黨內自由派人士、已故中共前領導人毛澤東的秘書李銳上周六在北京醫院逝世,享年一百零一歲,其身在美國三藩市的女兒李南央,當日在網上發布父親死訊。李銳生於北京,祖籍湖南平江,一九三七年加入中共,曾先後任中共領導人高崗、陳雲的秘書;一九五八年任水電部副部長及毛澤東兼職秘書,一九五九年被定為「彭德懷反黨集團成員」,並被戴上「右傾機會主義分子」的帽子,撤銷一切職務,一九六○年三月被開除黨籍。一九七九年獲平反後,出任中共中央組織部常務副部長、中共十二屆中央委員等職http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190217/00178_008.html
- obit economist 2mar19
- George Washington (Farley) Heard (1837-1875) Travelling out in 1859 to join his uncle’s then successful trading house, Augustine Heard & Co., George was hired on shipboard by fellow-passenger John E. Ward, the American Minister tasked with the ratification of the American-Chinese treaty. As an attaché to the American Legation, George witnessed the June 1859 Battle of the Peiho, and in July 1860 – now promoted as Secretary of Legation – he saw the western Allies’ preparations for the return battle that took place in August 1860. At least one of his letters home was borrowed to be copied by the American Minister and sent to the US President as an official report.https://www.chineseupress.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=3727
- hket 9feb19 瓊記洋行is mentioned
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170108/PDF/a20_screen.pdf 耿麗淑(Talitha A. Gerlach,一八九六至一九九五年),宋慶齡最親密女友。這位美國女士年近百歲時,依然保持着沉靜而嫻雅的魅力,雪白聖潔的銀髮,藍灰色柔和的眼睛,嘴角略含笑意,似乎有一種蒼勁感。愛潑斯坦(Israel Epstein)曾任香港保盟中央委員會成員,與耿麗淑一起共過事。一八九六年三月,耿麗淑出生於美國賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡,父親是基督教衛理公會教堂牧師,家裏經常賓客盈門。從父親與朋友們的談話中,她第一次知道了中國。在她幼小心靈裏,萌發了遨遊遙遠東方的幻想。她長大了,果然一個人漂洋過海來到中國。耿麗淑從巴特勒大學社會經濟系畢業,即到美國基督教女青年會工作。這個來中國的機會,是她好不容易才爭取到的。那是一九二六年,她還不到三十歲。耿麗淑為青年婦女做一些社會服務工作,接觸到社會底層勞動人民。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/culture/2017-03/15/content_28560266.htm Hart joined an Asia volunteer program at Stanford and went to Taiwan to teach English for one year in 1983. He started to study Chinese at that time. A year later, Hart wanted to study Chinese more and took another volunteer assignment in a Beijing university for two years. Then he studied a couple more years in universities in Guangzhou and Beijing again.
- american drug maker dream in beijing china daily 17oct17
- Edward Alsworth Ross (December 12, 1866 – July 22, 1951) was a progressive[1] American sociologist, eugenicist, and major figure of early criminology. He was born in Virden, Illinois. His father was a farmer. He attended Coe College and graduated in 1887. After two years as an instructor at a business school, the Fort Dodge Commercial Institute, he went to Germany for graduate study at the University of Berlin. He returned to the U.S., and in 1891 he received his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in political economy under Richard T. Ely, with minors in philosophy and ethics. Ross was a professor at Indiana University (1891–1892), secretary of the American Economic Association (1892), professor at Cornell University (1892–1893), and professor at Stanford University (1893–1900). In 1913, the State of Wisconsin passed its first sterilization law. Ross, who lived in Wisconsin at the time, was a reserved proponent of sterilization and indicated his support for the measure.[18] He qualified his support by contrasting it with the greater harm of hanging a man.and advocated its initial use "only to extreme cases, where the commitments and the record pile up an overwhelming case." Involuntary sterilization remained legal in Wisconsin until July 1978. Ross visited Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. He endorsed the revolution even as he acknowledged its bloody origins. He was subsequently a leading advocate of US recognition of the Soviet Union. However, he later served on the Dewey Commission, which cleared Leon Trotsky of the charges made against him by the Soviet government during the Moscow Trials. From 1900 to the 1920s, Ross supported the alcohol Prohibition movement as well as contunuing to support eugenics and immigration restriction. By 1930, he had moved away from those views, however. In the 1930s, he was a supporter of the New Deal programs of President Franklin Roosevelt. In 1940, he became chairman of the national committee of the American Civil Liberties Union, serving until 1950.
- published the book "the changing chinese" https://archive.org/details/changingchinese00ross
- friends of china?
- Ken Davies is founder and President of Growing Capacity, Inc., a consultancy promoting investment for development. He was Chief Economist, Asia and Hong Kong Bureau Chief for the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) until 2001, also writing and editing many quarterly country reports, country forecasts and country risk reports on Asian countries. In 2002 became Head of Global Relations in the Investment Division of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, where he wrote and published investment policy reviews of China, India and Russia, working with the governments concerned. After retiring from the OECD in 2010, he spearheaded publication of research at the Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment in New York for a year. He has degrees in Economics, Chinese Studies and Sociology.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160709/PDF/a10_screen.pdf 8日上午來自中美兩國的華人慈善家共聚釣魚台國賓館,探討促進全球華人的公益慈善活動,正在北京訪問的聯合國秘書長潘基文説,公益慈善在驅動社會和經濟轉型中扮演了關鍵角色,令人深受鼓舞。他並歡迎未來湧現越來越多的中國公益慈善家。 今次活動由美國百人會舉辦,以協助聯合國在中國啟動新的“聯合國全球慈善計劃”,響應聯合國提出的2015後發展議程。百人會成立於1990年底,由華人建築設計大師貝聿銘、大提琴演奏家馬友友、物理學家吳健雄等發起成立,現有成員一百五十餘人,均為在各自領域取得卓越成就的美籍華人領袖人物。
- chinatown
- 隨着美國華盛頓的唐人街及周邊地區逐漸發展為高級社區,不少發展商計劃將低收入住宅樓宇改建,在該處居住多年的年長華人移民或被迫遷出家園。近日大批華人居民在華盛頓唐人街社區集會,抗議遷拆計劃,他們用中文和英文舉出標語和喊口號,盡最後努力保障居住權益。哥倫比亞廣播公司旗下WUSA9新聞網報道,上周三晚在華盛頓西北部的博物館廣場前,眾多華裔居民舉行集會,抗議當地的Section8住宅大樓定於上周四午夜由發展商收回改建,此後該地區將被豪華住宅取代。該棟大樓的所有者由Parcel One Phase One等多家公司共同營運,居民將獲得由政府發放的補助。據統計,約有一半唐人街華人都居住在博物館廣場。 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/10/04/a18-1004.pdf
- 我在波士頓居住了很多年,一直不能理解箇中原因,直到自己出了社會、做了生意,認識了一些中國城的老居民們後才知道:原來中國城內,長期都是由許多的『公所』勢力把持──這些老移民,多半是在中共執政大陸之前,就移民來到波士頓的廣東、福建後代。他們世居在此,從第一代算起已經在美國超過百年,但很多人英文跟國語都說不好,只是在自己的世界裡說著粵語,做著一些「壟斷的生意」:例如,很多時候儘管外來客有錢繳店租,想在中國城內開一間小店卻很困難,因為中國城內很多老舊的房子既不翻新、也不租給別人,除非你「有關係」、或者你就是「公所」的人。https://crossing.cw.com.tw/blogTopic.action?id=1097&nid=10582
- event
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151217/PDF/a20_screen.pdf 中國國家主席習近平9月份在美國進行國事訪問時宣佈,中美兩國將在2016年舉辦“中美旅遊年”。中國駐紐約總領館15日宣佈,紐約領區將從12月31日時報廣場新年倒計時活動開始,拉開旅遊年的序幕,精彩活動將貫穿未來一整年。
- Yesterday was the first ever US-China Central China Business Summit in Wuhan, opening new frontier for 29 US companies, 10 economic development organizations and 400 Chinese participants. https://www.facebook.com/TradeGov/photos/a.411632722640.180409.123043532640/10154025345972641/?type=3&theater
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-12/03/content_27557662.htm China-US forum on Thursday held by New York University and the China-US Exchange Foundation at the NYU Law School (fu ying as speaker)
- 由中国国际经济交流中心与美国亚洲协会共同举办的中美高端经贸对话会14日在纽约举行。两国学者就中美经贸百日计划和“一带一路”这两个议题进行了深度探讨。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170616/PDF/a23_screen.pdf
- 当地时间7日下午,“南京周”组委会在纽约联合国总部举行主题为“你好,纽约”的开幕式活动,拉开了“南京周”纽约站活动序幕。“南京周”在纽约开展至13日,将以纽约时装周为平台,走进纽约联合国总部、哥伦比亚大学等全球顶级文化交流场所,结合视觉科技和艺术展览,通过一系列以“国际、人文、时尚”为品牌调性的交流活动,把一个中国城市的风雅与创新带到纽约。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170910/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- photo exhibition
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/culture/art/2017-02/28/content_28372013.htm China in My Eyes exhibition in virginia
- in hk
- 由中美交流基金會、中國國際經濟交流中心主辦的 「中美經貿關係 :現狀與前景」 研討會,昨日於香港舉行。開幕式上,全國政協副主席 、中美交流基金會主席董建華致歡迎辭,中國國際經濟交流中心理事長 曾培炎、日本前首相福田康夫、美國傳統基金會亞洲研究中心主席傅爾 納出席並做主旨發言。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190710/PDF/a5_screen.pdf
China and hong kong
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20150722/00180_019.html 象拔蚌一直為港人打邊爐的必備「佳品」,自中國早前取消對美國西岸貝類產品的進口禁令後,當地約九成的象拔蚌已空運至中國內地、香港,出現供不應求的情況,引起養殖潮。
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