Wednesday, December 19, 2018


foreign ministers meeting
- Southeast Asia’s foreign ministers on Thursday (Aug 2) reiterated the need to integrate further and stay nimble amid technological disruptions. These were laid out in a wide-ranging joint statement that also included a sign of progress for negotiations on a code of conduct in the disputed waters of the South China Sea. The 26-page joint communique was issued at the end of a series of meetings at the Singapore Expo, where officials from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) also met with key partners from the region, such as Japan and China. Read more at

- ASEAN Hotel and Restaurant Association 
- Asean furniture industries council
- Alliance of Health Supplement Associations (AAHSA) represents the health supplement industry in the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Trade Initiative
- ASEAN Economic Community
  • 79.5% of the measures the AEC involves have already been implemented. ASEAN already attracts large amounts of foreign investment, and its leaders have been talking up integration and regionalism since the organisation was founded in 1967. So the AEC represents less a radical change than an attempt to accelerate existing trends. But anyone hoping that ASEAN is about to turn into an Asian version of the European Union will be disappointed. European integration is fundamentally a political project with an inward focus, argues Jayant Menon of the Asian Development Bank, which has led to a mushrooming of institutions. The AEC, in contrast, is an economic project, with almost no institutional heft—just a small secretariat—devoted to “outward-oriented regionalism”. It is designed to make the region an easier and more attractive place for foreign companies to do business and thus to boost trade and investment.
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
  • China Daily "RCEP talks should focus on early harvest"
  • full page article 
  •《區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定》(RCEP)第12輪談判于4月17日至29日在澳洲珀斯舉行,東盟10國、中國、日本、韓國、澳洲、新西蘭、印度和東盟秘書處派代表團與會。 中國商務部新聞發言人沈丹陽5月5日在北京介紹,本輪談判中,各方就貨物、服務、投資、知識產權、經濟技術合作、電子商務、法律條款等領域進行了深入磋商。到目前為止,各方均提交了貨物貿易和服務貿易初始出價及投資負面清單。多數國家提交了貨物貿易和服務貿易初始要價。部分國家針對投資負面清單提交了初始要價。各方繼續開展了雙邊或多邊服務貿易市場準入談判,基於負面清單的投資自由化磋商也在進行。
  • 16 nations involved in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade talks must be more ambitious in opening their markets, New Zealand Trade Minister Todd McClay told 500 delegates gathering in Auckland for the latest round of negotiations Monday. Only through greater liberalization and a focus on reducing non-tariff measures would the full benefits of the agreement be delivered for the 3 billion people in RCEP countries, McClay said in a published speech to welcome the representatives. Negotiations have been underway for more than three years and important progress has been made but there is still a lot to do, said McClay. "I have pressed delegates to use this round of negotiations to agree on a concrete path for better offers, so that tangible progress is made in goods and investment," said McClay. "It is extremely important that RCEP delivers on its full potential and therefore improved market access needs to be agreed." Representatives also needed to better explain to the public the necessity of trade and the benefits it could bring. "As host for this round, New Zealand has sought to strike an appropriate balance between providing for this engagement while also ensuring there remains the time necessary to progress the substantive negotiations," he said. Critics also warned Monday that the RCEP countries needed to be more transparent in their negotiations than the 12 nations involved in the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal that was signed in Auckland in February. University of Auckland Law Professor Jane Kelsey, a leading TPP critic, said in a statement that details of the latest RCEP negotiations had been "shrouded in secrecy" like the TPP talks. Kelsey said she had made an official request for McClay to name all the chapters being negotiated, but his office had withheld the titles of seven out of 29 chapters, annexes and schedules. However, draft texts of the investment and intellectual property chapters had been leaked, showing Japan and the Republic of Korea were seeking to export some of the "worst parts" of the TPP into RCEP, notably provisions relating to medicines and foreign investors' rights and enforcement powers. Opposition lawmakers in the Green Party said the New Zealand government should take controversial and outdated investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions off the table in the RCEP negotiations. McClay told Radio New Zealand Monday that RCEP should include ISDS provisions, which critics claim allow foreign corporations to sue governments in secretive extra-judicial tribunals.
  • negotiations to be held during obor forum
  • But officials involved in the talks say the target to complete the discussion stage by year-end may be hard to meet given disagreements over several issues. India in particular is reluctant to give up on tariffs, they say. “They are concerned that major tariff elimination will cut revenue and their competitive position, especially against China,” said one official who did not want to be identified as the talks were private. Another official also said India’s position posed the biggest challenge in Monday’s ministerial talks.
  • THE Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations have reached a critical juncture, with the RCEP ministers to review the progress of negotiations at the sidelines of the 31st Asean Summit in Manila next week, said Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Koh Poh Koon, in Parliament on Tuesday.
  • Representatives from 16 nations are meeting on the Indonesian island of Bali to try to resolve the last remaining obstacles to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, a free-trade pact that would cover almost half of the world's population. The meeting, which started on Tuesday, is to conclude on Feb 28. Delegates hope to reach agreement on remaining "sticking points" to pave the way to a final agreement on the RCEP. The Japanese Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it hopes to achieve progress on financial services and other less contentious areas while intellectual property and IT transfers remain as unresolved issues. 
  • India’s commerce minister will not attend a ministerial meeting in Beijing this week, hampering China’s push to seal a massive free trade deal amid a protracted trade war with the United States. Because of an extension to the Indian parliamentary session, Piyush Goyal will not be among the ministers meeting in the Chinese capital on Friday and Saturday to discuss the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Instead, India will be represented by Commerce Secretary Anup Wadhawan. The Chinese city of Zhengzhou is hosting trade negotiators from the 10 countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) as well as Australia, Japan, China, India, New Zealand and South Korea.
  • 《區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定》(RCEP)部長級會議3日在北京舉行。中共中央政治局委員、國務院副總理胡春華出席開幕式並發表主旨演講。據悉,會議推動談判取得重要進展,在市場准入方面,超過三分之二的雙邊市場准入談判已經結束;在規則談判方面,新完成金融服務、電信服務、專業服務3項內容,各方已就80%以上的協定文本達成一致,餘下規則談判也接近尾聲。胡春華表示,RCEP談判已進入最後的關鍵階段,中方願與各成員一道,齊心協力推動談判在年內順利結束。
  • 《區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定》(RCEP)第7次部長級會議8日在泰國曼谷舉行。中國商務部副部長兼國際貿易談判副代表王受文與東盟10國、日本、韓國、澳洲、新西蘭、印度經貿部長或代表出席會議。泰國副總理兼商業部長朱林在會後表示,此次會議是11月在曼谷舉行的東盟領導人峰會前最後一次RCEP部長級會議,十分重要。會議一致同意,各方將努力促成定於9月19日至27日在越南峴港舉行的最後一次RCEP高級官員會議上,按照既定目標完成各項技術性談判,談判結果將提交東盟領導人峰會審議。
  • Not for the first time, trade ministers from the 16 Asia-Pacific countries negotiating the world’s biggest trade pact indicated this weekend they were within reach of a deal, but analysts and people with knowledge of negotiations predicted the final leg of talks will be particularly fraught. Insiders told This Week in Asia the main hurdle for finalising the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) will be the negotiation position of India – which has been holding out for concessions the other 15 countries consider untenable.Even as China and India – the proposed trading bloc’s largest economies – on Saturday signalled their readiness to thrash out their differences over the deal, domestic pressure on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government could scuttle his country’s involvement.Key allies of Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have mounted a nationwide protest against the RCEP, claiming the deal is lopsided and will be ruinous to local industries.
  • India keeps making last-minute requests after it agreed to terms for the world’s largest regional trade agreement, potentially preventing Asian leaders from announcing a breakthrough on the 16-nation pact during a summit in Bangkok next week, people familiar with the situation said. 
  • Australia will sign on to a major free-trade deal involving 15 countries from the Asia-Pacific region, albeit one diminished by India’s decision not to join. At the East Asia Summit in Bangkok, 15 of the 16 participants agreed to sign up to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), likely in February next year. Were it to include India’s massive economy, the RCEP would be the largest free-trade agreement in the world, spanning India to New Zealand, including 30% of global GDP and half of the world’s people. It was to include the 10 nations of Asean, plus Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, India and China.
  • 目前,區域全面經濟 夥伴關係協定(RCEP)15個成員已結束全部20個章節的文本 談判,並啟動法律文本審核工作。中國商務部國際司司長張少 剛30日透露,預計明年6月前可以完成RCEP法律審核工作, 中方對11月如期簽署協議充滿信心。談及印度目前未參與 RCEP,他稱中方願意在任何時間任何地點與印度恢復談判, 爭取達成雙方滿意的協議。
  • More than two months after 
      pulled out of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has suggested New Delhi could rethink its decision. “We haven’t closed the door on [the RCEP]. The ball is in the court of the countries concerned and whether they make it worth our while,” he told the Raisina Dialogue, a three-day conference in the Indian capital organised by the government and the Observer Research Foundation think tank.
Chiangmai initiative
The Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI) is a multilateralcurrency swap arrangement among the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People's Republic of China (including Hong Kong), Japan, andSouth Korea. It draws from a foreign exchange reserves pool worth US$120 billion and was launched on 24 March 2010. That pool has been expanded to $240 billion in 2012. The initiative began as a series of bilateral swap arrangements after the ASEAN Plus Threecountries met on 6 May 2000 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, at an annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank. After 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, member countries started this initiative to manage regional short-term liquidity problems and to facilitate the work of other international financial arrangements and organisations like International Monetary Fund.

- Economic ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations members have agreed on removal of barriers on at least 92 percent of product lines over five to 10 years. They have agreed on "key elements" they hope will accelerate talks on a mega trade deal that will cover a third of the world economy.
-  target of unified customs platform is slipping behind schedule China Daily Asia Weekly 30jan to 5feb15 page 11

movement of natural persons
- ASEAN urges mobility of workers

Maritime dispute
- Southeast Asia will push for early conclusion of a maritime pact to defuse tension in the South China Sea, Malaysia said yesterday as the Philippines decried the inaction over reclamation efforts by China in disputed waters.
Foreign ministers from 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations grappled with the issue during a two-day retreat in Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Malaysia's Sabah State in Borneo.
smart cities
Twenty-six cities from the 10 ASEAN countries have been named pilot cities for the ASEAN Smart Cities Network, according to a concept note released by the regional bloc on Friday (Apr 27). The concept note, released as leaders from the 10 countries meet in Singapore this week for the 32nd ASEAN Summit, outlines the proposal to establish the ASEAN Smart Cities Network. An initiative spearheaded by Singapore, the network is envisioned as a collaborative platform where up to three cities per ASEAN country work towards a common goal of smart and sustainable urban development. Cities include Singapore, Johor Bahru, Phuket, Yangon, Phnom Penh and Vientiane. Read more at

digital banking 星展大華數碼服務印泰「開荒」

- move to asean because of us tariff war on china
  • European companies operating in China are extremely worried about getting caught in the US-China trade war crossfire and some are considering relocating to Southeast Asia as punitive tariffs slapped by the world’s two largest economies take a toll on multinational firms, according to the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.
  • 美國變本加厲,不顧世貿規則,一再單方面宣佈對中國商品加徵關稅,對中企經營造成很大困擾,企業也只能在夾縫中求生。申洲國際(2313)昨表示,集團計劃斥資1億美元(約7.8億港元)在柬埔寨興建新生產設施。申洲國際將在柬埔寨興建下游成衣生產設施,包括裁剪、縫製、印花、繡花、包裝、水洗等工序,並租賃土地、興建廠房及員工宿舍、興建基礎設施,以及購置機器及設備等。
  • 港商早着先鞭 東盟設廠危轉機

- China and ASEAN countries will set up a regional anti-corruption legal framework to facilitate the return of corrupt Chinese officials who are still at large in ASEAN countries and confiscate their ill-gotten assets, a senior anti-graft official said.

Regionally, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) provides a framework for balancing regional power dynamics. While ASEAN is no stranger to traditional SSC, a specific sign of the revitalization of the peacebuilding policy is the increased activity of the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (ASEAN-IPR), which was established in 2011. This year, it established the first roster of women peacebuilders in the region and organized a research and learning exchange initiative to increase knowledge of peace processes in the Philippines.

- 「2019中國-東 盟婦女創業創新論壇」日前於中國廣西舉行,東盟國 家婦女事務官員,中國和東盟國家的女性組織負責 人、女企業家和專家學者代表,以及加拿大、新西蘭 等國的女企業家代表共280多人出席論壇活動。廣西 自治區政協委員、香港廣西婦女聯會主席、香港君文 化集團創辦人彭芷君應邀出席,並作為香港代表發表 「文化傳承,創業創新」主題演講。


east asia summit10+8
-  中國國務院總理李克強當地時間11月14日下午在菲律賓國際會議中心出席第12屆東亞峰會(「10+8」),代表中方對區域合作提出六點建議。李克強說,中方支持繼續探討區域安全架構問題,倡議地區國家開展關於完善亞太安全架構的聯合研究。

China japan korea fta

- quarterly report
China-Asean links set to deepen as capital flows increase
- Negotiations to upgrade the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement are expected to be concluded by the end of this year, Vice-Minister of Commerce Gao Yan said on Wednesday. Gao said China is negotiating finer details on services and goods trading, as well as investment and technology collaboration with 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Three rounds of meetings have been held since the various parties involved began formal negotiations in August 2014, said sources. “China will fully tap the business potential, and expand two-way investment, in major sectors involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, including big-ticket projects involving global production, industrial parks and other cross-border projects,” Gao told a news briefing in Beijing.
- 商務部7日召開例行新聞發佈會,新聞發言人沈丹陽表示,第14次中國─東盟經貿部長會議日前在馬來西亞首都吉隆坡舉行,會後中方與東盟聯合發佈聲明稱,力爭在11月前完成中國─東盟自貿區升級進程。同時,中方還提出,到2020年,中國─東盟雙邊貿易額爭取達到1萬億美元、至2020年的8年間中國對東盟新增投資額超過1000億美元。 上月23日,第14次中國─東盟(10+1)經貿部長會議在馬來西亞首都吉隆坡舉行。中國商務部部長高虎城率團出席會議,與東盟各國經貿部門負責人就共同推進21世紀海上絲綢之路建設,進一步深化雙邊經貿合作,如期完成中國─東盟自貿區升級談判等議題深入交換了意見,達成許多重要共識。  沈丹陽介紹,東盟方對中方建議表示歡迎。會後發表的聯合新聞聲明對中國繼續保持為東盟最大的貿易伙伴感到高興,敦促加速中國─東盟自貿區升級談判進程,力爭在2015年11月前完成,關注中方使21世紀海上絲綢之路倡議在經貿領域落實到實處的建議及加強雙方經貿合作的務實措施。- 楊孫西 article on hk's role in China Asean FTA
- China will work with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to upgrade a strategic partnership and build a closer community of a shared future, Vice-Premier Han Zheng said at the opening ceremony of the 15th China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning, capital of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, on Wednesday. Han announced that China will work with ASEAN to upgrade the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement signed in 2004 and accelerate talks for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

- wef asean 15feb19 shum article

- [潘春陽 王羽丰] thailand, malaysa and philippines set up 東南亞聯盟in 1961; alliance in stalemale until end of 1960s due to territorial dispute of philippines and malaysia over sabah.
The ASEAN Declaration[1] or Bangkok Declaration is the founding document of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It was signed in Bangkok on 8 August 1967 by the five ASEAN founding members, IndonesiaMalaysiaPhilippinesSingapore, and Thailand as a display of solidarity against communist expansion in Vietnam and communist insurgencywithin their own borders. 

U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is set to kick off a meeting with Southeast Asian defense ministers today in Hawaii that will address a range of regional security challenges.
The U.S.-ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Informal Meeting, held over the weekend, will be co-hosted by the United States and Laos, this year’s ASEAN chair. It is the second such meeting ever held, with the first occurring in April 2014 when then-U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel invited his ASEAN counterparts to join him in Hawaii for informal consultations.
- 美國海軍由周一起,首次與東盟十國舉行聯合海上軍演,參與各方派出八艘軍艦、四架飛機及過千名士兵。美國表示,聯演將增強東盟的海上安全保障、各國的海軍聯繫、以及對印太地區實現和平開放的信念。

- Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited representatives of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) member-states to attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum and the Eastern Economic Forum in Russia in 2019.
Bilateral economic ties have been consistently developing, the president noted. Last year, Russia-ASEAN trade grew 35%, and the volume of mutual accrued investments exceeds $25 bln, Putin said. The Russian president also praised the implementation of a roadmap of business cooperation, which envisages nearly 60 joint projects.Russia has been ASEAN’s dialogue partner since 1996.

The China-ASEAN Expo will welcome Tanzania as a special partner of the upcoming 15th expo, a Tanzanian diplomat announced on Monday in Beijing. It will be the first time for an African country to participate in the annual gathering hosted by China and 10 countries from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. This year's event will be held from Sep 12 to 15 in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.

- ft article 25jan18 "india woos asean bloc to foil china"

Australia is hosting the ASEAN meeting, despite not being a member of the 10-nation bloc, as it seeks to deepen political and trade ties in the face of China’s rising influence. Trade is a central topic of the meeting, though human rights and Chinese assertiveness are set to dominate talks between Australia and ASEAN countries. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said she would raise human rights concerns with leaders in Myanmar, which has been criticized for its crackdown on Rohingya Muslims, and Cambodia, which has dissolved the main opposition party and jailed government critics.

north korea
- 韓聯社昨報道,北韓外交部長李勇浩將不出席下周五在泰國曼谷舉行的東盟(ASEAN)地區論壇(ARF)外長會議,或意味李勇浩與美國國務卿蓬佩奧高級別無核化會談告吹。消息人士指,李勇浩已通知主辦會議的泰國,這將是北韓外長自二○○三年以來,首次缺席東盟會議,估計北韓將派遣外務省國際機構局的高層官員代替赴會。

south korea
- South Korean President Moon Jae-in ended a three-nation tour of Southeast Asia on Friday, his biggest push yet to increase engagement with the fast-growing region – overtures experts believe are well needed at a time of heightened concern over  US-China competition  in the area. Moon visited ThailandMyanmar and Laos this week, signing a number of high-profile deals that included a military intelligence pact with Bangkok, a US$1 billion aid offer to Naypyidaw and business partnerships with Vientiane, where he became the first South Korean president to make a state visit. His trip indicates the widening scope of  South Korea’s Asian diplomacy. Previously, Seoul focused its regional foreign policy efforts on North Asia and Russia, but under Moon, the nation is looking to elevate ties with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (
Asean) in an attempt to diversify its economic relationships and reduce its reliance on China.

- 東盟華商會
  • 第十五屆東盟華商會昨日在雲南昆明開幕,來自世界42個國家和地區的600餘名華商、僑領齊聚一堂。如何融入「一帶一路」成為大家關注的焦點和共同的話題。國務院僑辦副主任許又聲勉勵世界華商積極探索參與「一帶一路」的新路子和新方法,並架起合作之橋。
  • 第十六屆東盟華商會(以下簡稱「華商會」)昨日在雲南昆明開幕。來自40多個國家和地區的600多位華商參加本屆華商會,5個項目在開幕式進行了集中簽約,協議總金額達26.2億元人民幣。

- bilateral relationship
  • In July 1991, then Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen attended the 24th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which marked the beginning of the dialogue process. In 1996, China became a full dialogue partner of ASEAN.
  • regional ties to enter diamond decade
  • 中國-中南半島國際經濟走廊(南寧-新加坡)合作發展圓桌會在廣西南寧召開,中國和東盟10國官員、學者、沿線城市代表共同探討了走廊沿線基礎設施互聯互通、通關便利化、投資貿易便利化、跨國(境)經貿園區建設,並通過《南寧共識》。張高麗提出六項合作倡議
  • investment statistics including those from HK
- asean china summit

  • 當地時 間 11 月 3 日上午,國務院總理李克強在 泰國曼谷出席第 22 次中國—東盟(10+ 1)領導人會議。東盟輪值主席國泰國總 理巴育以及菲律賓總統杜特爾特、文萊蘇 丹哈桑納爾、印尼總統佐科、馬來西亞總 理馬哈蒂爾、越南總理阮春福、緬甸國務 資政昂山素季、新加坡總理李顯龍、老撾 總理通倫、柬埔寨首相洪森與會。李克強 與巴育共同主持會議。會議宣佈制定《落實中國—東盟面向和平與繁榮 的 戰 略 夥 伴 關 係 聯 合 宣 言 的 行 動 計 劃 (2021-2025)》,發表涉及「一帶一路」、智慧 城市、媒體交流合作的聲明,宣佈 2020 年為中 國—東盟數字經濟合作年。與會領導人觀看了中 國—東盟菁英獎學金項目有關短片。 國務委員兼國務院秘書長蕭捷出席會議。

- visit

  • 中國國務委員兼外長王毅於周二在北京會見到訪的東盟秘書長林玉輝時,不點名批評美日稱,只要域外國家不興風作浪,南海就會保持穩定,「南海行為準則」磋商也將順利推進。

- military

  • China has won the endorsement of Singapore, the chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 2018, for a joint maritime exercise with the regional bloc next year. Chinese Minister of Defense Chang Wanquan proposed what could be the first joint naval drill during his meeting with his ASEAN counterparts on Monday. 
  • navies of China and 10 ASEAN countries began their first joint maritime exercise in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province, on Monday. The exercise will include the application of The Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea, as well as search and rescue operations and communications exercises.

  • 中國與東盟國家加強軍事合作,昨日在廣西桂林舉行聯合反恐演習。來自東盟十個成員國和八個對話夥伴國以及東盟軍事醫學中心,合共八百餘名官兵、十架飛機和六十餘輛裝甲車參與演練。

- fta

  • 經過一年多的線索經營,廣州海關破獲一宗利用偽造原產地零關稅入境走私成品油大案。某國際貿易集團利用「中國-東盟零關稅」優惠政策,從他國(地區)進口柴油和船用燃油,迂迴到菲律賓後,在廣州南沙港等港口以正常手續進口內地。目前,以殷某為首的9名主要疑犯已經落網,並已查證該集團走私燃油達107萬噸,案值近51億元人民幣(約57億港元)。 此案破獲,為內地挽回巨額關稅損失。2015年底,海關緝私部門接到舉報稱,某國際貿易集團旗下東南亞某國子公司的高管殷某等人,與內地貨主勾結大量走私進口「輕循環油」(船舶燃油)。「輕循環油」是原油生產的中間循環物料,主要用於大型機械、礦山、船舶等燃料用油,經過加氫脫硫等可加工成柴油。根據「中國-東盟自貿區」 優惠貿易協定,產於東盟成員國的「輕循環油」進口中國時可享「零關稅」的優惠稅率。抽取的調查數據顯示,承運該公司「輕循環油」的船隻航行軌跡迂迴曲折,在韓國、台灣、馬來西亞等地加載貨物後,再繞經菲律賓蘇比克灣停留,最後開往廣州南沙或內地其他口岸報關進口,申報原產地為菲律賓,享受「零關稅」優惠稅率。
  • 中國─東盟自貿區升級《議定書》是中國─東盟自貿區升級談判成果文件,於2016年7月1日率先對中國和越南生效。此後東盟其他成員陸續完成國內核准程序,升級《議定書》生效範圍不斷擴大。2019年8月22日,所有東盟國家均完成了國內核准程序,10月22日,升級《議定書》對所有協定成員全面生效。

- association
  •中國─東盟建築行業合作高峰論壇暨中國─東盟建築行業合作委員會成立大會昨天下午在南通舉行,會議由中國─東盟商務理事會和南通市政府主辦,緬甸、老撾、柬埔寨、馬來西亞等近60位東盟方建築行業商會及其企業家代表和200多位中方代表出席會議,共商行業和企業合作。新成立的中國─東盟建築行業合作委員會將中方秘書處設在南通。 中國─東盟商務理事會執行理事長、中國首席東盟商務專家許寧寧在致辭中表示,東盟國家目前正在積極改善基礎設施並大力推進互聯互通,建築行業商機紛呈。藉助中國與東盟國家海上絲綢之路建設的帶動,中國建築行業企業走進東盟尋求新發展正當時。
- mayor

  •以「深化人文往來, 加強一帶一路建設」為主題的博鰲亞洲論壇 「中國—東盟省市長對話」昨天舉行,來自 中國的海南省、天津市、廣州市、南寧市、 貴陽市,柬埔寨磅湛省、暹粒省,老撾萬象 市、琅勃拉邦省,菲律賓巴拉望省、宿務 省,馬來西亞檳城州,緬甸仰光市,以及新 加坡和越南廣寧省及加拿大愛德華王子島省 等共16個中國和東盟相關省市的負責人齊 聚一堂,進行了熱烈的討論。
  • mayor forum in nanning hkcd 11sep18 a20

  • 第十六屆中國─東盟博覽會和中國─東盟商務與投資峰會在廣西南寧開幕。韓正於演講中表示,中國和東盟國家建立對話關係28年,近年來雙方戰略互信達到新高度,經貿合作邁上新台階,人文交流呈現新氣象,中國─東盟關係進入全方位發展新階段。韓正指出,東盟是共建「一帶一路」的重點地區,中方願同東盟各國攜手打造更高水平的戰略夥伴關係,建設更為緊密的中國─東盟命運共同體。

- 中國-東盟博覽會

  • 第十五屆中國-東盟博覽會和中國-東盟商務與投資峰會昨日上午在廣西南寧開幕。中共中央政治局常委、國務院副總理韓正出席開幕式並發表主旨演講時表示,中 國歡迎東盟國家搭乘中國經濟發展的快車,願同東盟分享經濟發展成果。加強國際產能合作,打造融合度更深、帶動力更強、受益面更廣的產業鏈、價值鏈、物流 鏈。
  • 第 16 屆中國-東盟博覽會 21 日將在廣西南寧開幕,以 「新願景新商機」 為主題,將舉辦90多場系列經貿活動和33個論壇。中國 —東盟博覽會第一本藍皮書《中國—東盟國際產能合作背景下東盟產業園 區發展報告(2019)》也將在本屆東博會出版發行。

- financial
  • Premier Li Keqiang proposed the establishment of an Asian financial cooperation association at the 18th ASEAN Plus Three Summit in Kuala Lumpur. Yang Zaiping, executive vice-president of the China Banking Association, told the forum on Thursday that the CBA is authorized to lead preparations for the founding of the Asian financial cooperation association, in the hope that Asia will have a bigger say and greater influence in global finance.
  • 第7屆中國-東盟金融合作與發展領袖論壇昨日在廣西南寧召開,中國與泰國、柬埔寨等東盟國家共商跨境金融合作。中國人民銀行副行長范一飛在會上表示,中國人民銀行將與東盟各國央行一道,繼續推進金融市場的對外開放和相關改革,完善QDII和QFII有關機制,放寬額度限制和可投資範圍,加大貨幣互換合作的力度,推動人民幣與東盟各國貨幣之間,包括直接交易在內的多種形式的貨幣交易。隨着中國與東盟合作的深化,近年來國內各大銀行紛紛在廣西試行跨境人民幣業務。在本屆中國-東盟金融合作與發展領袖論壇上,中國農業發展銀行、上海黃金交易所與廣西壯族自治區政府分別簽訂了戰略合作框架協議、戰略合作備忘錄,上海黃金交易所將在廣西建設區域性的黃金轉口貿易和交易平台。此外,中國郵政儲蓄銀行中國(東興、憑祥、靖西)東盟貨幣中心也正式揭牌。
- ecommerce

  • An e-commerce platform was launched on Friday to promote trade between China and the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as the two sides are keen to tap into the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce. The China-ASEAN platform,, is operated by China's retail giant Suning Commerce Group Co. It is designed to help Southeast Asian small and medium-sized enterprises better crack the China market, where a growing number of consumers want foreign products.

- trading centre for agricultural products
- nuclear cooperation
  • China General Nuclear Power Corporation and ASEAN Centre for Energy signed cooperation agreement
- one belt one road
  • :11日,第十三屆東盟華 商會在昆明開幕。本屆東盟華商會以 「一帶一路、合作共贏」 為主題,來自30多個國家和地區的500餘名政要、知名僑領、 華商領袖、著名專家學者相聚昆明,以 「僑」為橋,共謀 「一 帶一路」國家戰略機遇與華商事業發展。 國務院僑辦主任裘援平對多年來中國與東盟的合作給予高 度肯定。她說,在東盟國家集聚着數千萬華僑華人,他們是促 進中國與東盟友好合作的天然力量,也是雲南對外開放和發展 建設的借助力量。東盟華商會已成功舉辦十二屆,成為重要的 區域性經貿盛會,成為中國西部地區擴大對外開放、加快經濟 發展、深化與東盟合作的重要平台
- maritime silk road
  • new maritime silk road to promote ties with asean
  • 海上合作成中國東盟發展新動力,,
  • 東盟自貿區升級版 泛珠爭取先試
- infrastructure / transport cooperation

  • asean china transport ministers meeting 
  • China and ASEAN economies will further promote cooperation in infrastructure construction, as the Belt and Road Initiative continues to advance, said a senior executive of Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Co Group. Tony Chen, general manager of International Cooperation Department of Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Import & Export Co Ltd, said its heavy truck products, which are expected by the end of 2017, will be sold to the Southeast Asian market.
  • 第二屆東盟地區論壇渡運安全研討會26日在廣州舉行。來自澳洲、孟加拉、印尼、柬埔寨、老撾、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國、越南和中國等11個國家以及國際海事組織、國際渡運協會和世界渡運安全協會等3個國際組織的90多名代表齊聚廣州。通過論壇研討會,中國將為亞太地區渡運安全治理提供中國方案,進一步密切與東盟以及亞太地區水上交通安全合作,促進渡運的綠色、安全、可持續發展。
- maritime
  • 中國首次為瀾滄江─湄公河流域五國開展為期22天的海事與搜救人員培訓。其海事與搜救人員培訓結業儀式24日在廣州舉行。來自柬埔寨、老撾、緬甸、泰國、越南等東盟五國的40名學員,完成了海事與搜救培訓的全部課程。培訓期間,東盟五國學員在廣州、佛山、中山和珠江口等地進行實踐活動,對中國的海事管理和水上搜救進行了深入了解。此次培訓由中國海事局主辦,廣東海事局承辦。

- railway

  • Chinese colleges signed strategic agreements with counterparts in Southeast Asian countries to train skilled railway transportation talent for ASEAN member countries. The agreements, signed in Guizhou province on Tuesday, included Chinese universities at various levels - Beijing Jiaotong University and Guiyang Vocational and Technical College, for example - to jointly train international students in two-year college programs and four-year bachelor's programs. As China has added contracts with ASEAN countries to build new railways, the need for technicians skilled in railway construction, operations and maintenance has grown. Under the agreements, faculty members and students will be able to visit each other and exchange their experiences and programs. It is the latest development in relations between Chinese schools and their Association of Southeast Asian Nations counterparts, after a deal on Monday at China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week established a railway transportation training league. By Tuesday, 13 Chinese railway enterprises, including Chinese CRRC Corp and China Railway Group, 36 Chinese universities and colleges specializing in the railway industry and about 20 colleges from Southeast Asia, had joined the league, including Siam University in Thailand and the University of Surabaya in Indonesia.
- tourism

  • china asean tourism event in sichuan
  • hkcd 27sep18 a24 tourism cultural event in guiyang

- mining

  • 記者從2016中國-東盟礦業合作論壇獲悉,本屆論壇將重點推薦10個東盟礦業項目簽約,10個礦業項目將洽談、推介100個礦業項目投資。此舉表明,中國-東盟合作已從此前的農業、旅遊等經貿合作向礦業領域掘進,此舉也將促進中國-東盟礦業經濟的復甦。

- proposed economic corridor 中星走廊,
- legal cooperation
  • Judges stress cooperation at China-ASEAN forum, china asean expand judicial training programs
  • China, ASEAN and other South Asian nations should enhance legal cooperation to ensure regional peace and stability, Chief Justice Zhou Qiang said Thursday. Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People's Court (SPC), made the remarks at the second China-ASEAN Justice Forum.Zhou said regional countries should strengthen judicial cooperation to fight crime more effectively, provide strong legal guarantees for the Belt and Road Initiative, and contribute to the peace and stability in the region.Attendees reached consensus on improving cross-border legal framework, mechanism of solving trade disputes and promoting mutual recognition of civil and commercial judgements.
- proposed clearing facility
  • China should consider setting up an integrated clearing facility with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to further boost its trade and investment within the region, a top official said on Wednesday. Cao Tong, vice-president of The Export-Import Bank of China, said the measure will also help popularize the use of renminbi as a trade currency within the region.
- China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund
  • The China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund, a private equity fund set up by the Chinesegovernment, is looking to increase its investments in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations,especially in influential projects that offer good returns, a top official with the fund said onTuesday. "An influential project is one that is sustainable and creates more tax revenues and jobs. It shouldalso have a positive impact on the local community and be well received by the local residents,"said Li Yao, chief executive of the fund, at the Asian Financial Forum in HongKong.

- internet
  •, 百度、奇虎360公司分別與印尼、泰國夥伴簽署戰略合作協議。中國移動、中國電信、華為公司紛紛表示願加強與東盟國家電信基礎設施合作。 「希望阿里巴巴的信息技術、交易技術、交易平台、電子商務交易體系,幫助東盟國家實現更好的消費發展和經濟增長。」高紅冰說。
  • china asean 讯息港
- satellite

  • 12日 ,2016中國—東盟衛星導航合作論壇在南寧 開幕。本屆論壇就中國東盟—衛星產業合作 的平台、路徑和商業模式進行了探討,並提 出建立中國—東盟衛星導航國際合作聯盟的 倡議,謀劃中國與東盟在北斗導航領域開展 更深層次的合作。
- seafood
  • 據中新社報道,來自東盟國家的216噸海鮮于28日15時30分從廣西防城港“搭乘”79680次貨物列車開赴北京,預計3月3日凌晨到達北京大紅門火車站,通過市場分銷送上百姓餐桌。南寧鐵路局貨運中心介紹,這是廣西北部灣發出的首趟海產品冷鏈特需專列,也是東盟海產品首次通過鐵路專列運往中國內地,為加強中國─東盟商貿合作開闢了一條安全、快捷、實惠的運輸新通道。 中國是世界最大的海鮮食品消費國之一,每年國內海鮮產品消費量平均在3000多萬噸,且呈逐年增長趨勢。據統計,廣西北部灣地區每天約150個集裝箱的海產品通過汽車運往北京、上海、鄭州等城市。 據了解,這趟冷鏈專列由9節車廂組成,其中8節為冷藏集裝箱、1節為發電車。發電車設在專列中部,擔負?為8節冷藏集裝箱供電的功能,確保箱內温度保持在零下18至零下20攝氏度之間。“與以往公路運輸相比,鐵路冷鏈集裝箱專列不僅安全係數高、運量大,而且價格也有很大優惠。”是次海產品運輸貨主廣西東興市向域貿易有限公司總經理廖柏民説。
- 11 月 28 日,第九屆中國(達 州)秦巴地區商品交易會在達州開幕,吸引了來自 13 個國家和地 區、17個省市以及四川南充、廣元、巴中等市的500餘商家參展。東盟冷鏈(秦巴)分撥中心由展示區和倉儲區組 成,展示區主要展示來自越南、老撾、柬埔寨等湄 公河沿線東盟國家的海水產品、水果乾果、肉類等 產品;倉儲區主要儲存冷凍海鮮、冷凍肉類食品。 分撥中心採用海鐵公無縫聯運,降低物流成本、提 升集聚效應,依託復興批發市場至川渝陝結合部 「七市三區」便捷的交通網絡,挖掘秦巴地區和東 盟兩大板塊冷鏈市場潛力,整合供應端,創新市場 端,打造冷鏈供應鏈一體化的交易平台,使東盟產 品迅速銷售輻射到秦巴地區 3500萬人口區域,形成 「買全球、賣秦巴」的國際集散大格局。
- technology
  • 國版控股集團董事局主席、青島市政協委員安波在此間舉行的「政協工作齊魯行」活動中表示,由該集團與馬來西亞青年聯合會、新加坡青年商會等共同在馬來西 亞、香港、澳門、北京四地建立的「中國東盟青年科技創新及IP成果交易中心」預計可於明年上半年建成運營,該中心將成為中國和東盟國家最大的創新創意和知 識產權項目庫及綜合服務平台。

- intellectual property

  • 去年,中國商標申請量達287.6萬件,連續14年位居世界第一。國家工商總局12日對外發布,第2屆中國─東盟工商論壇將於今年9月12日在廣西南寧舉辦,來自中國和東盟國家的高級別政府官員和企業代表,將交流增進與東盟國家在商標知識產權領域的合作,強化商標品牌保護。
  • The 8th Meeting of China-ASEAN Heads of Intellectual Property Offices was held Monday in Suzhou. Wu Zhenglong, governor of Jiangsu, met with the directors Intellectual Property Office of 10 ASEAN countries and addressed the opening ceremony. Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office, also delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. This is the first time the Meeting of China-ASEAN Heads of Intellectual Property Offices was held outside Beijing.
- city cooperation

  • 日前,2019 年中國- 東盟市長論壇在廣西南寧市開幕。本屆 論壇以 「推動中國-東盟城市合作可持續 發展,共創絲路美好未來」為主題,圍 繞中國及東盟國家城市間合作可持續發 展話題展開了深入探討。

- media cooperation
  • delegation to anhui
  •  《中國東盟報道》(英文)雜誌近日在廣西南寧宣布創刊。據悉,該雜誌旨在新形勢下的探索外宣新思路,並努力打造成為國家對外傳播、雙邊交流、文化推廣和政企溝通的優質平台,增進中國與東盟各國的友好關係。 該雜誌創刊發佈會在廣西南寧舉行,國務院新聞辦對外推廣局副局長李智慧、中國外文局副總編輯、中國報道雜誌社社長兼總編輯陳實、廣西壯族自治區政府新聞辦公室主任崔佐鈞、馬來西亞駐南寧總領事館總領事黃奕瑞等80餘人出席。 李智慧希望,《中國東盟報道》聚焦中國與東盟國家各領域的交往合作,生動講好中國故事,成為對外宣介廣西的重要窗口,促中國和東盟共同繁榮做出貢獻。該雜誌主編譚星宇介紹雜誌主要形式,稱將組建“1+N”(以英文版為主,輔以東盟各國本地語種)的多媒體終端(含期刊、網站、移動互聯網客户端等),充分發揚外宣期刊“國家隊”的作用,最終實現對東盟國家的全覆蓋。
  • 中國駐東盟大使黃溪連周三出席在印尼雅加達舉行的「中國—東盟媒體高峰論壇」後表示,以「趨穩向好」、「積極進展」和「外部干擾」等關鍵詞描述當前南海形勢,強調南海和平穩定的最大威脅來自域外。
- young entrepreneurs

  • Visit 連雲港
- education

  • education cooperation week
  • 中國—東盟職教合作 聯盟昨日在貴州貴安新區舉行的 第十屆中國—東盟教育交流周期 間正式成立。據了解,中國—東 盟中心、東南亞教育部長組織職 業技術教育區域中心、教育部職 業技術教育研究所、中國教育國 際交流協會於 2014 年在第七屆 中國東盟教育交流周上共同提出 成立中國—東盟職教合作聯盟的 倡議。

- china-asean education centre in 瑞麗
- culture
  • arts biennial
- event

  • 第14屆中國-東盟博覽會和中國-東盟商務與投資峰會昨日在廣西南寧開幕,今年是東盟成立50周年,是「一帶一路」建設不斷深入的重要一年,本屆盛會以「共建21世紀海上絲綢之路,旅遊助推區域經濟一體化」為主題,突出「帶路」元素,首設「帶路」國家展區。
  • 第二屆中國—東盟企業家論壇
Singapore will set aside 1.5million Singapore dollars (about 1.1 million U.S. dollars) out ofits 10-million-Singapore-dollar ASEAN Cyber Capacity BuildingProgram (ACCP) for the next three years to boost ASEAN's technicalcapacity against cyber risks, the government said Monday.

- scmp 5oct19 Indonesia is ‘only loser’ as US-China trade war provides Asean investment boon

Hong Kong
- The Chief Executive of HKSAR, Carrie Lam hosted a dinner for the Consuls General of ASEAN at the Government House on Monday, 4 June 2018.
  • 香港東盟七月啟自貿談判
  • FHKI's views on ROO
  • 香港紡織商會's submission to TID
  • first meeting,,
  • HK-ASEAN Summit (SCED as speaker)
  • hong kong in push for asean fta
  • 月底商次輪港東盟自貿協議
  • Hong Kong is set to play a more active role in Southeast Asia with the likely conclusion next year of an Asean-Hong Kong free-trade pact, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying told the Asean Leadership Forum in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Leung was in the Malaysian capital on a two-day visit to attend the forum and hold talks on trade and tourism with Asean leaders including Singapore's Lee Hsien Loong, Cambodia's Hun Sen and Thongsing Thammavong from Laos. They are in Kuala Lumpur to attend the Asean summit. Delivering a keynote speech at yesterday's forum, Leung noted that free-trade negotiations between Asean and Hong Kong had been going smoothly since they started last year. "The third round of negotiations concluded last month in Hong Kong. All is progressing smoothly and I look forward to a successful conclusion in the coming year," said Leung.
  • 政務司司長林鄭月娥訪問新加坡,顯示在政改後,特區政府開始重拾政務。訪問目的,是拜託新加坡不要阻撓香港與東盟自由貿易協議的談判。本來,中國與東盟已簽署自貿協議,香港作為中國的屬地加入去,也算是順理成章。只是新加坡反對,要重新談判。這反映新加坡與香港的競爭,卻開了一個十分壞的先例:香港失去了直接參加中國與別國簽署的自貿協議。我不知道特區政府有否游說東盟其他各國來反對新加坡之議。或許在佔中、政改,政府浪費了太多時間與反對派周旋。梁振英政府上台之後便疲於奔命,沒法着手對外經貿游說,特區政府的官員也從來不爭取,保持着殖民地時代由宗主國代勞的傳統、習慣。當新加坡已構築全球網絡的自由貿易關係,香港遠遠落後,或因此可解釋在香港進入中英談判後的過渡期以來,無論是人均國民生產總值或國民生產總值,均被新加坡超越,而且差距愈來愈大的原因。林鄭月娥訪星,代表政府開始正視問題,但新加坡會樂見香港順利地與東盟簽署自由貿易協議嗎?阻撓是必然的,因為一開始便是這樣,香港憑甚麼條件游說新加坡改變初衷呢?或許更佳的方法是特首親自拜訪東盟容易爭取支持的國家,例如老撾、柬埔寨、緬甸,再而是馬來西亞、汶萊、印尼、越南。尋求支持,當然也要帶上與它們交換利益的經貿方案,不能像林鄭月娥那樣空手而去。此外,特區政府更可用日本的策略,逐一與相關國家先簽協議。
  • 行政長官梁振英昨日出席“第二屆東盟發展論壇”時表示,東盟是本港第二大貿易伙伴,預計雙方明年內能達成自由貿易協定,進一步加強聯繫。他強調,香港擁有“一國兩制”的獨特優勢,能在“一帶一路”和東盟發展上,擔當中國內地與東盟之間的超級聯繫人角色。中國駐東盟大使徐步指出,東盟經濟共同體建成,中國和東盟加強互聯互通,深化產能合作,將為香港這座東方明珠帶來新發展機遇。/大公報記者 文軒 實習記者 王健琦  由新華社亞太總分社、亞太日報社主辦的“第二屆東盟發展論壇”昨日於港島香格里拉酒店舉行,主題為“以民間、行業和區域聯通推動互聯互通”。梁振英致辭時表示,本港與東盟關係非常密切,現時東盟是本港第二大貿易伙伴,超越了美國同歐盟的貿易額,而且增長非常迅速。他提及港府早前已經宣佈,將於印尼雅加達設立中國內地以外的第十二個經濟貿易辦事處,以加強與印尼和東盟整體的往來和聯繫;同時,香港與東盟之間正在談判的自由貿易協定,剛在本月初完成新一輪會議,進度良好,預計明年內可以達成協議,預期香港能夠為推動中國內地和東盟之間的合作發揮更大的作用。
  • 高虎城當天在國新辦記者會上透露, 中央政府目前在積極推動香港同東盟的自貿區 談判,並取得了積極的進展。
  • 商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑昨日抵達老撾,準備今日出席第一屆中國香港─東盟經貿部長會議。蘇錦樑表示,中國香港─東盟自由貿易協定談判進展穩健,希望在未來一年完成整個談判。
  •商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑上周前往 老撾萬象出席第一屆中國香港─東盟經貿部 長會議,行政長官梁振英昨日在網誌稱,這 是香港首次參加東盟十國的經貿部長會議, 商討(中國)香港─東盟自由貿易協定,十 國部長均同意盡快完成(中國)香港─東盟 自貿協定的談判,務求在今年即2016年完成 整個談判。他稱,香港與東盟十國已 就自貿協定談判在2014年7月展開,至今已 進行過七輪談判,下一輪談判將於本月底在 吉隆坡舉行。自貿協定談判的主要範疇包括 撤銷或降低關稅,產地來源規則,開放服務 貿易,開放、促進和保護投資,以及知識產 權合作。政府亦爭取在協定中,保護港商在 當地投資。
  • With a free trade agreement (FTA) between Hong Kong and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) due to be concluded this year, business leaders and economists are skeptical about the real impact the accord would have on trade between the two regions. They argued that existing trading links are already direct, open and booming. Given the SAR’s present status as a free trade zone and exports from the 10-nation bloc to Hong Kong being subject to zero tariff, experts have stressed the political and psychological significance of the deal more than the economic benefits. Instead, they called for both regions to boost two-way investment, but admitted that it would take a change in mindset rather than an agreement to achieve it. The eighth round of negotiations on the Hong Kong-ASEAN FTA ended in Kuala Lumpur last week with good progress made, according to Hong Kong’s Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Gregory So Kam-leung, who spoke at the Hong Kong-ASEAN Summit 2016. So said he expected all negotiations on the trade pact to be completed by the end of this year, while projecting more opportunities in the global market and stronger competitiveness for Hong Kong’s business community. “I believe the completion of the FTA negotiations will enable goods, services and investments from Hong Kong to enter the ASEAN market on better terms, and put the SAR in a stronger position in the global supply chain,” he said.However, given Hong Kong’s current status as a free trade zone, economists have cast doubts on how big an impact the FTA would have on trading activities in the region. David Carbon, chief economist and managing director for economic and currency research at DBS Bank, said while the FTA will make trade easier to conduct, it won’t be the determining factor in boosting trade. “Most of the increase in global trade is not due to getting rid of tariffs or FTAs, but simply comes from the growing size of the economy,” he explained. Lee George Lam, president of the Hong Kong-ASEAN Economic Cooperation Foundation, argued that the trade pact will allow better communication in the region while deepening economic ties. Saying the deal would make Hong Kong and the ASEAN community “psychologically and politically closer”, he believed that trust would be enhanced through the agreement, which will lay the foundation for deeper economic cooperation. An ASEAN diplomat, who preferred to remain anonymous, said he expects a limited impact on trade from the ASEAN perspective, but hoped that it will allow more room for maneuver in areas like two-way investment and connectivity, which could be unlikely to achieve through the deal alone. Statistics from ASEAN show that Hong Kong was the eighth-largest source of foreign direct investment in the group last year, valued at $3.6 billion. Hong Kong reported in 2014 that foreign direct investment in Hong Kong from ASEAN – its fifth-largest source – reached $5.6 billion. Albert Oung, founding chairman of the Hong Kong Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, urged Hong Kong to “change its mindset’ to tap into the immense investment opportunities in the ASEAN market.
  • 商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑主持論壇的午餐演講,乘機以中國女排借題發揮,指香港就是排球隊的「自由球員」助攻助守,組織戰術,剛好是super facilitator,香港正要level up(升呢),與東盟攜手共進。希望蘇局長盡快推動香港加入「東盟十加二」吧,這正是蘇局長的當務之急
  •蔡冠深多年在 世界各地推動民間外交,尤 其致力於增進香港與東盟的 關係,與東南亞多國政商界 非常熟悉,很多人都把他稱 為「東盟先生」。蔡冠深同 時擔任多項公職,包括香港 中華總商會永遠名譽會長、 香港越南商會創會會長、香 港韓國商會創會會長、香港 日本經濟委員會主席、中印 軟件協會主席等。 「此次參會,我積極向各國 政商界推介香港。我一直努力 協助推動香港加入東盟自貿 區,通過多年努力,希望今年 能夠完成。我們希望香港能夠 進一步加入東盟『10+3』,以 至『10+6』,以迎接亞洲發展 的黃金時代。
  • 商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑昨日在新加坡與新加坡貿工部部長林勛強會面,討論中國香港─東盟自由貿易協定(自貿協定)談判進展。在會上,蘇錦樑與林勛強就中國香港─東盟自貿協定談判交換意見,並強調自貿協定對促進貨品、服務和投資方面的流通,以及加強香港與東盟經濟聯繫重要性,他藉此機會向林勛強簡介香港最新發展,促進兩地交流。
  • hkej 26 apr17 shum article on progress
  • agreement to be signed in november 17 
  • 香港中華總商會會長蔡冠深博士昨日透露,香港與東盟10國及中國內地落實「東盟10+1+1自貿區」協定,有可能從預期的今年11月,提前到9月簽署。
  • fta negotiations concluded
  •  商务及经济发展局局长邱腾华、东盟轮值主席国菲律宾贸易部长拉蒙.洛佩兹及东盟其他成员国的代表出席了昨日在菲律宾帕赛市举行的协定签署仪式。待香港和东盟成员国完成必要程序后,新协定最早可于2019年1月1日生效。在新协定下,香港投资者日后在东盟成员国经商,将享有多项优惠。其中,东盟将逐步撤销或削减徵收香港原产货物关税,包括珠宝、服装及衣服配件、钟表和玩 具等,例如新加坡将徵收零关税;文莱、马来西亚、菲律宾和泰国将于10年内,撤销约85%关税税目的关税;印尼和越南10年内撤销约75%关税税目的关 税;柬埔寨、老挝和缅甸则15年内撤销约65%关税税目的关税。香港亦会对所有东盟成员国原产货物给予宽免关税。协定亦会优化商务临时入境逗留安排,以及为香港企业提供公平、公正待遇,假如投资被徵收或因战争、武装冲突等事件引致投资损失时,能按商订的标准得到补偿。
  • 貿發局亞洲及新興市場首席經濟師何達權表示,東盟消費市場發展空 間大,貿易和投資前景樂觀,相信隨着他們生活質素提高,可為港企帶 來營商機會。

  • Britcham event with derek lee of pwc as speaker
  • hkej 4dec17 shum article
  • hkpc assistance
  • 愈來愈多港商有意到東盟投資設廠,但苦於人生路不熟而無從入手。為解決問題,香港生產力促進局獲特區政府撥款,將出版一系列東盟投資指南,逐一分析各國勞工成本、環保法例、申請牌照、通關過程及營商文化等事宜,且有專人解答查詢,令港商投資能事半功倍,成為港商的「盲公竹」。首份報告將在未來2-3個月面世。商會普遍表示歡迎,可令港商投資更順利,減少誤判情況。
  • implementation
  • The part relating to the Philippines under the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the Investment Agreement between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will take effect on May 12, the HKSAR government announced on Tuesday.
  •  政府發言人昨表 示,香港與東南亞國家聯盟(東 盟)的《自由貿易協定》及《投資 協定》中涉及印尼的部分將於 7月 4 日生效。
  • opportunities
  • philippines
  • indonesia
  • myanmar
  •  malaysia
  • laos
  • thailand
  •  尚泰集團的背景有點像本港的長實集團,但尚泰集團是以零售業務起家,在1980年成立了尚泰開發集團(Central Pattana, CPN或股票代號BKK:CPN),專門負責開發和管理與零售業務相關大型購物中心及房地產項目。近40年,CPN已發展成為泰國最大、最成熟的零售地產開發商。
  • brunei
  • singapore
  • companies looking for opportunities utilizing the fta
  • bank of china 
  • cheng ka chi, george, manager, kln west commercial centre ( attended hkpc seminars on asean dec18

  • li & fung to help companies to move manufacturing base from china to se asia hkej 18jun19
  •  香港表廠商會名譽會長劉健華表示,近年東盟經濟增長迅速,中產階層不斷擴大,已佔總人口逾25%,並對設計時款及價格適中的產品需求殷切,而港商正好善於生產這些中檔產品,理應大有發展,但苦於欠缺銷售渠道而卻步。因此,他建議,貿發局在東盟開設3、4間設計廊,以助港商把握這個龐大的商機。商會人士認為,自貿易戰後,特區政府及貿發局都大力鼓勵港商拓東盟市場,希望當局可以行多一步,向貿發局撥款,讓它有足夠資源在東盟開設計廊,此舉可成為港商打進東盟的踏腳石,若效果理想,可擴至東盟每個成員國都有設計廊。

- association

  • 香港東盟國際商會第一屆理事會就職典禮日前(8月18日)假旺角道煌府舉行。首屆會長黃天喜陪同主禮嘉賓中聯辦九龍工作部副部長盧寧、立法會議員謝偉俊、油尖旺區議會副主席高寶齡入座,聯同該會多名名譽會長,包括香港斐濟總商會會長呂金房,大中華控股有限公司主席蕭炎坤,斐濟羣島駐香港名譽領事李汝大,香港中國西促會常務副主席黃德倫等近百人共賀慶典,場面熱烈。/大公報記者牛真諦 圖/文 黃天喜接受《大公報》專訪時表示稱,首先感謝出席是次典禮的各位嘉賓蒞臨指導。該會以提供國際經商平台,商業諮詢服務,項目配對跟進,與各國商會聯盟,建立營商夥伴為宗旨與目的。身為該會會長將竭盡全力,達到該會目標與要求。他在談起如何推進該會事務時稱,將?重與內地,東南亞等國家經濟交流,多方面溝通合作,攜手共創經濟輝煌。同時,也將擴大會員規模,加強該會實力。作為東盟商會,日後更將會與工商界各商會積極合作,創造多贏。
  •香港東盟國際經貿商會、中國旗袍會香港總會及法莎莉控股有限公司日前假THE ONE聯合舉辦“2016新春迎丙申猴年聯歡”。香港東盟國際經貿會長黃天喜,中國旗袍會香港總會會長胡凡,法莎莉控股有限公司創辦人譚集徽與前立法會議員馮志堅,聖約翰(馬耳他)爵士團亞太區主席田國培、總監黃德倫等近600人歡聚一樣,恭賀新春。 黃天喜首先向大家致以節日的問候,他指香港東盟國際經貿商會以提供國際經商平台,商業諮詢服務,項目配對跟進,與各國商會聯盟,建立營商夥伴為宗旨與目的。該會?重與內地,東南亞等國家經濟交流,多方面溝通合作,攜手共創經濟輝煌。同時,積极參與教育及公益活動,推動中國、東盟各國及香港的和諧發展。隨?國家發展“一帶一路”、“亞投行”等重要措施和策略之時,該會可以在東盟國家經濟合作領域發揮作用。他強調,日後將擴大會員規模,加強該會實力,與工商界各商會積極合作,創造多贏局面,解決經貿合作問題,達到更高的目標。 當日出席嘉賓還包括立法會九龍東議員謝偉俊、立法會新界西議員田北辰、中西區議員陳財喜、斐濟駐香港名譽領事李汝大等。
- trade ministers meeting

  • Sced to attend the meeting in laos in aug16
  • 特區政府商務及經 濟發展局局長邱騰華昨日在泰國曼谷出席第三屆中國香 港—東盟經貿部長會議時發言指出,香港與東南亞國家 聯盟(東盟)的《自由貿易協定》及《投資協定》為企 業提供更明確及清晰的營商規則,是加強雙方經濟合作 的重要支柱。與會的經貿部長於會上檢視兩份協定的落 實進展,並就未來跟進工作提出意見。會議舉行期間,邱騰華分別與泰國副總理兼商務部 長 Jurin Laksanawisit 和東盟秘書長林玉輝舉行雙邊會 議,就當今瞬息萬變的全球貿易形勢下的區域性貿易 議題交流意見。 邱騰華在與林玉輝會面期間,亦代表香港特區政府 致贈一件藝術作品予東盟秘書處。該藝術作品的原作 將會展示於秘書處的新大樓,以印證東盟與香港的緊 密關係。作品以多層置疊的圖像,展示香港標誌性的 項目,由香港理工大學設計學院師生共同創作。
- cultural ministers meeting

  • Sha participate as part of chinese delegation
- drug trafficking
  •  國家禁毒委員會副主任曾偉雄當地時間4月3日至4日率領中方代表團赴泰國曼谷,出席聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室(UNODC)主辦的「東盟2025─貿易與安全規劃區域高級別會議」。曾偉雄向泰國副總理巴金轉交國務委員、國家禁毒委員會主任、公安部部長趙克志的親筆信。
- 14th asean leadership forum april 2017

  • participated by psci china daily 8may17

李秀恒article,, another article in china daily,
- sced met with industry rep in June 2014,,,,
- 蔡冠深東亞商務論壇講「入盟」,
- 港商盼東盟增納香港
- CMA organise 馬來西亞吉隆坡舉辦香港-東盟區域合作論壇 in June 2014,,,,,CS as speaker
- 港滇合作共拓東盟市場
- intern programme HKET 1aug14 a18,
- SIIA held our seventh annual ASEAN and Asia Forum (AAF) on Friday, 1 August 2014, on the theme of "Power Play: The New Dynamic of Business and Investment”, with john tsang as speaker自 2005年開始,中國—東盟博覽會開始設置「魅力之城」展示推介活動,以城市魅力來凸顯中國旅遊文化特色,香港將成為下一屆東博會「魅力之城」。下一屆東博會將於 2015年 9月18至21日在邕舉辦。
- opprtunities for hong kong
- sced on asean - scmp 10jun19 Edward Yau Tang-wah, secretary for commerce and economic development, said in an exclusive interview that the pact with the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations would be a crucial alternative for Hong Kong companies that rely on traditional markets, such as the United States and European Union.
- travel bubble
  • 商務及經濟發展局局長邱騰華昨指,正研究與疫情受控的國家及地區開放雙邊旅遊通道,除了內地與澳門,也會接觸東南亞國家聯盟成員國,月底將會與泰國政府進行視像會議,或會談及雙邊旅遊。香港旅遊發展局下周一(15日)亦會推出「旅遊.就在香港」計劃,推動本地旅遊和消費。
- aviation

  • cathay dragon introduced two new services to davao city and medan from oct28 and 29 respectively shippers today may jun18 issue
- jewellery

  • tsl

- performing industry

  • 为庆祝香港回归二十年,由香港经济贸易办事处出品,高志森监製导演,反映香港特区政府同东盟国家二十年来各方面共同合作和发展的纪录短片《Hong Kong-ASEAN Synergies》正式上线。短片中提及香港和东盟国家的电影及戏剧文化交流,其中新加坡人接触很多香港文化,当中剧团艺术总监林海燕更构思一个“打麻将”戏,希望他日能与香港舞台剧演员合作圆梦。

- investors from hk

  • 中銀香港在完成出售南商後,正加快收購母行中行東盟資 產的步伐。中銀香港副董事長兼總裁岳毅昨日於股東會後首次 披露,是次收購的東盟資產涉及六個國家,包括泰國、馬來西 亞、印尼、菲律賓、越南及柬埔寨,希望於今年年底前完成收 購工作。他指出, 「一帶一路」 及人民幣國際化對中銀業務發 展十分有利,中銀未來定位將由城市性銀行轉為區域性銀行, 向母行收購六個東盟國家的資產將帶來重大推動力。
  • Last year, Hong Kong's total exports to ASEAN - the SAR's second-largest trading partner after theChinese mainland - rose 4.8 percent to $34.8 billion, while imports totaled $70.8 billion, posting a2.4-percent drop after having grown 10.1 percent in 2014. Kerry Logistics Network - a Hong Kong-listed logistics service provider with exposure across Asiaand also a subsidiary of Kerry Properties, which is controlled by the family of Malaysian propertymagnate Robert Kuok Hock Nien - is one example of how Hong Kong enterprises have tapped intoASEAN's logistics market. The company said earlier this year that construction of the fourth phase of Kerry Siam Seaport inThailand's coastal Laem Chabang region has begun, and the facility will be developed into a keycargo gateway to cope with growing trade within the 10-member Southeast Asian grouping. The new project, due to be completed by 2019, will see the numberof berths doubled from 10 to 20, with its total length extended from1.5 to 2.8 kilometers. The port at Laem Chabang currently handlesmillions of tons of cargo from across the region and beyond forsome of the world's leading brands. Kerry Logistics said it has also won concessions to operate twoinland ports in Myanmar to enable it to venture into terminallogistics operations in the ASEAN region. The ports will serve ascontainer and cargo terminals, as well as hubs for exporters,importers and domestic logistics service providers of cargoes. "Given Kerry Logistics' presence in ASEAN, our goal is to furtherstrengthen the linkage among countries in the region and seekaccelerated growth by developing an integrated platform coveringThailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos," says Kerry LogisticsChairman George Yeo.
  • 在廣西欽州保稅港區 的一間倉儲式企業裡, 不少顧客正在採購紅酒 和咖啡。這家公司,正 是在廣西創業的港商潘 家穰的名下企業,潘家穰曾被特首梁振英在 2014年施政 報告中作為港青北上創業典範提及。在這個保稅區,還有 3家來自香港的企業,他們同樣看中的是東盟和內地的市 場。公開數據顯示,中國與東盟之間的貿易額,以每年 30%高速增長。同時,越來越多的港資考察團,奔赴廣西 各地考察投資環境。廣西北部灣辦公室稱,以欽州保稅港 區為核心區的北部灣自貿區,也已走完相關流程,等待擇 機公佈。
  • 在美國對中國提出關稅清單中,全部產品都「中箭」的利奧紙品,主席梁鎮華昨表示,目前美國業務佔整體營業額4成,雖然貿易戰對相關業務有影響,不過越南首間廠房已投產,料可覆蓋一半美國訂單需求,而已加徵的關稅可能會轉嫁客戶、或由公司分擔部分等,期望今年美國業務佔比持平。利奧紙品昨與8間銀行簽署總值4億港元的4年期綠色融資,當中有部分資金將用作在東南亞建設第二廠房,廠房總佔地8萬平方米,料將於2021年投產,部分則用作加強內地廠房的綠色項目。另外,公司去年已完成總值3.5億港元的綠色融資。
  • 兩對港人夫婦就吼準在東南亞國家做生意成本較低的優勢,分別在柬埔寨及泰國開店,並且在當地舒適地居住,享受工作生活平衡。約八年前,他和太太在曼谷開設了一間Spa店「真舒泰」,由太太負責管理,他則泰港兩邊走,直至受中美貿易戰影響,眼見在內地生產和出口愈來愈難做,索性近一年前關閉香港的生意營運,全力在泰國發展,並在兩個月前開始長居曼谷。除此以外,他亦涉足地產,賣泰國樓以及代辦泰國簽證。
- ipo/listed companies in hk

  • 新 加坡土木及結構工程諮詢服務公司 WMCH Global(08208)將於明天上 市,WMCH Global主要從事在新加坡及越 南提供土木及結構工程諮詢服務以及提 供總體規劃、結構盡職審查及對現有樓 宇進行目視檢查等其他服務。 WMCH Global在新加坡的土木及 結構工程市場經營約14年,於2009年 開始在越南營運。
- hk people in asean
  • Hket 23apr16 a9 cases of andre and kenny

- event
  • Hk asean business partnership symposium 22oct13 by hktdc
  • Asesn Leadership forum
  • The ASEAN Leadership Forum is organized by the Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute, a Malaysia-based think-tank, and co-organizers this year were the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The event was held in conjunction with the 28th ASEAN Summit that takes place in the Lao capital next month. (from photo: eto presenting partner and dinner host)

- chinese of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam,

Territorial dispute
- 中方斥東盟秘書長違背中立
- 中國與東盟國家周一至周三在湖南長沙市,舉行落實《南海各方行為宣言》第十五次高官會和第廿四次聯合工作組會。中國外交部發言人陸慷昨表示,與會各方肯定當前南海形勢總體穩定的良好勢頭。他同時批評,仍有個別域外勢力攪動南海局勢。
Xu Ningning

  • Trade expert Xu Ningning has a good memory. When it comes to numbers of imports and exports between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), he seems to recall everything. From annual growth rates to specific regulations of particular goods, he can call on the information freely to back up his ideas. As the executive president of the China-ASEAN Business Council, over the past two decades Xu has been a top spokesman for China’s business cooperation with ASEAN’s 10 member countries.

News article
- The bloc favours consensus. Its lack of overarching ambition is a strength as well as its weakness
- hkej 20jul17 shum article should asean be awarded nobel prize, asean way
- Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong warned that Southeast Asian nations might be forced to choose between the U.S. and China, as concerns deepen about a Cold War-style conflict between the world’s two biggest economies. “The circumstances may come where Asean will have to choose one or the other,” Lee said on Thursday night at the close of a regional summit hosted by the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations. “I hope it does not happen soon.”

country/region profile

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