Wednesday, December 19, 2018

trees and flowers (1)

An oak is a tree or shrub in the genus Quercus (/ˈkwɜːrkəs/; Latin "oak tree") of the beechfamily, Fagaceae. There are approximately 600 extant species of oaks. The common name "oak" also appears in the names of species in related genera, notably Lithocarpus (stone oaks), as well as in those of unrelated species such as Grevillea robusta (silky oaks) and the Casuarinaceae (she-oaks). The genus Quercus is native to the Northern Hemisphere, and includes deciduous and evergreen species extending from cool temperate to tropicallatitudes in the Americas, Asia, Europe, and North Africa. オークoakchêneEiche)はブナ科 コナラ属Quercus)の植物の総称。落葉樹であるナラ(楢)の総称。櫟屬(又稱麻櫟屬,俗名橡樹櫟樹柞樹
ウバメガシ(姥目樫、Quercus phillyraeoides)は、ブナ科コナラ属の常緑広葉樹。別名、イマメガシ(今芽樫)、ウマメガシ(馬目樫)。備長炭の原料として利用される。和歌山県県の木である。乌冈栎壳斗科栎属的植物。分布于日本以及中国大陆陕西河南及以南地區,生长于海拔300米至1,200米的地区,一般生于山坡、山顶以及山谷密林中。
Sherwood Forest is a royal forest in NottinghamshireEngland, famous by its historic association with the legend of Robin Hood.The area has been wooded since the end of the Ice Age (as attested by pollen sampling cores). When the Domesday Book was compiled in 1086, the forest covered perhaps a quarter of Nottinghamshire in woodland and heath subject to the forest laws.
柏餅かしわもち)是和菓子的一種,流行於日本關東地區,外型像中國茶果,呈圓形半圓形,以洗淨的粳米蓬萊米)乾燥後磨成的上新粉(中間粗度的粉)製成,包入甜料,做好後加上日語稱為「柏」的槲櫟Quercus dentata菝葜葉對摺包在外面即成。餡的種類有紅豆粒餡、豆沙味噌餡等。由於槲櫟葉在新芽生出前,老葉不會掉落,有「子孫繁榮」的象徵。在近畿地方圈(關西)以南的四國地方,因為少有槲櫟生長,就改用菝葜葉代替槲櫟葉。

Laurus nobilis is an aromatic evergreen tree or large shrub with green, glossy leaves, native to the Mediterranean region. It is one of the plants used for bay leafseasoning in cooking. It is known as bay laurelsweet baybay tree (esp. United Kingdom), true laurelGrecian laurel, laurel tree or simply laurelLaurus nobilis figures prominently in classical Greek, Roman, and Biblical culture.
Bay laurel was used to fashion the laurel wreath of ancient Greece, a symbol of highest status. A wreath of bay laurels was given as the prize at the Pythian Gamesbecause the games were in honor of Apollo, and the laurel was one of his symbols. The symbolism carried over to Roman culture, which held the laurel as a symbol of victory. It is also the source of the words baccalaureate and poet laureate, as well as the expressions "assume the laurel" and "resting on one's laurels". Ovid tells the story in the Metamorphoses that laurel tree was first formed when the nymph Daphne was changed into a laurel tree because of Apollo's pursuit of her. Daphne is the Greek name for the tree.

历史上,并称为四大名木,而楠木被冠以其首,足见人们对楠木喜爱程度有多高。在中国建筑中,金丝楠木一直被视为最理想、最珍贵、最高级的建筑用材,在宫殿苑囿、坛庙陵墓中广泛应用。根据《博物要览》楠木有三种:一是香楠,木微紫而带清香,纹理也很美观;二是金丝楠(桢楠紫楠的别名),木纹里有金丝,是楠木中最好的一种,更为难得的是,有的楠木材料结成天然山水人物花纹;三是水楠,木质较软,多用其制作家具。古代封建帝王龙椅宝座都要选用优质楠木制作,同时还是古代修建皇家宫殿、陵寝、园林等的特种材料,该树种自清代起就稀有了。晚明谢在杭《五杂俎》提到:楠木生楚蜀者,深山穷谷不知年岁,百丈之干,半埋沙土,故截以为棺,谓之沙板。佳板解之中有纹理,坚如铁石。试之者,以署月做盒,盛生肉经数宿启之,色不变也。 ——区别于桢楠,桢楠木质纹理并没有“金丝”。

樟樹Cinnamomum camphora is a species of evergreen tree that is commonly known under the names camphor treecamphorwood or camphor laurel.Cinnamomum camphora is native to Chinasouth of the Yangtze RiverTaiwan, southern JapanKorea, and Vietnam, and has been introduced to many other countries.
- hk
  • 至於本港樟樹樹皮有辟味驅蟲之效,歐笑言「沒可能。絕對無可能有效果,周街都樟樹,唔通棵棵都有味?有的話,就全條街都有樟氣」。他解釋,因樟樹受到破壞,導致樟腦油流出才會引發氣味,所以樹本身是不會發出任何味道,「都唔知點解他們會信」。
  • can be found in victoria park

梧桐又名青桐、桐麻,是梧桐科的一种落叶乔木,它和同名为“桐”的油桐(大戟科)、泡桐(泡桐科)、法国梧桐(悬铃木科)没有亲缘关系。Firmiana simplex, commonly known as the Chinese parasol treeChinese parasoltree, or wutong (梧桐), is an ornamental plant of tree size that has recently been assigned to the family Malvaceae and was formerly the Cacao Family (Chocolate Family) Sterculiaceae in the order Malvales, and is native to Asia. It grows up to 16 m (52 ft) tall.Due to its superior sonic properties, the wood is used for the soundboards of several Chinese instruments, including the guqin and guzheng.
According to an article in the journal Nature of 1884, the leaves of Sterculia platanifolia were dried for smoking;[3] the reason for smoking it was not given, but another source simply says that it was used as a substitute for tobacco.梧桐木材木质紧密,陈翥《桐谱》说:“桐之材,采伐不时而不蛀虫,渍湿所加而不腐败,风吹日晒而不折裂,雨溅污泥而不枯藓,干濡相兼而其质不变,楠虽寿而其永不敌,与夫上所贵者旧矣。”其纹理细腻,适合制造乐器,《诗经》提到:“树之榛栗,椅桐梓,爰伐琴瑟。”许多传说中的古琴都是用梧桐木制造的,如東漢的焦尾琴[6]梧桐对于中国文化有重要的作用,傳說中的鳳凰“非梧桐不棲”,白居易长恨歌》有“春风桃李花开日,秋雨梧桐叶落时”之句。温庭筠的词《更漏子》正是以梧桐寄語相思:“梧桐树,三更雨,不道离情正苦。一叶叶,一声声,空阶滴到明。”陆游《寄邓志宏》也有“自惭不是梧桐树,安得朝阳鸣凤来”之句。梧桐其它用途很多,树皮可用于造绳索种子可以食用或榨油。
- 灰持酒也是鹿兒島 特有,釀造時加入梧桐根部的灰來防止腐敗,不僅增 長了保存期限,味道也艷而不俗。

杉chinese fir
- Cunninghamia is a prized timber tree in China, producing soft, highly durable scented wood similar to that of Coast Redwood and Sugi. It is used in particular for manufacture of coffins and in temple building where the scent is valued. Cunninghamia is grown as an ornamental tree in parks and large gardens
-   Metasequoia glyptostroboides, the dawn redwood 水杉又名曙杉.已經發現的化石表明水杉屬在中生代白堊紀及新生代曾廣泛分佈於北半球,水杉屬在中生代白堊紀新生代約有6至7種[3],但在第四紀冰期以後,同屬於水杉屬的其他物種因氣候變冷而全部滅絕。而中國四川湖南湖北邊境地帶因地形走向複雜,受冰川影響小,使水杉得以倖存,成為曠世的奇珍。 水杉生長在河流兩旁、濕潤山坡及溝谷中栽培,野生水杉常與杉木茅栗錐栗楓香漆樹燈枱樹響葉楊利川潤楠等樹種混生。1939年,時為日本都大學講師的三木茂博士(1901-1974)發現了一種和紅杉(Sequoia)相近而又不盡一樣的植物化石,1941年發表的時候命名為MetasequoiaMeta為變化、改變之意,以示和紅杉姊妹關係。水杉十分耐寒,生長迅速,需水量較大,適應力較強,能短暫承受40°C高溫和零下30°C的嚴寒, 水杉的枝葉,可看到對生的結構
- sightings

欧洲红豆杉  Taxus baccata is a conifer native to western, central and southern Europe, northwest Africa, northern Iran and southwest Asia. It is the tree originally known as yew, though with other related trees becoming known, it may now be known as common yew, English yew, or European yew.The word yew is from Proto-Germanic *īwa-, possibly originally a loanword from Gaulish *ivos, compare Breton ivin, Irish ēo, Welsh ywen, French if(see Eihwaz for a discussion). Baccata is Latin for bearing red berries. The word yew as it was originally used seems to refer to the color brown.[6]The yew (μίλος) was known to Theophrastus, who noted its preference for mountain coolness and shade, its evergreen character and its slow growth. Most Romance languages, with the notable exception of French (if), kept a version of the Latin word taxus (Italian tasso, Corsican tassu, Occitan teis, Catalan teix, Gasconic tech, Spanish tejo, Portuguese teixo, Galician teixo and Romanian tisă) from the same root as toxic. In Slavic languages, the same root is preserved: Russian tis (тис), Slovakian tis, Slovenian tisa, Serbian-Croatian-Bosnian-Montenegrin tisa/тиса. Albanian borrowed it as tisIn German it is known as EibeIn Iran, the tree is known as sorkhdār (Persian: سرخدار‎, literally "the red tree"). The common yew was one of the many species first described by Linnaeus. It is one of around 30 conifer species in seven genera in the family Taxaceae, which is placed in the order Pinales.

- in the ancient Celtic world, the yew tree (*eburos) had extraordinary importance; a passage by Caesar narrates that Cativolcus, chief of the Eburones poisoned himself with yew rather than submit to Rome (Gallic Wars 6: 31). Similarly, Florus notes that when the Cantabrians were under siege by the legate Gaius Furnius in 22 BC, most of them took their lives either by the sword, by fire, or by a poison extracted ex arboribus taxeis, that is, from the yew tree (2: 33, 50–51). In a similar way, Orosius notes that when the Astures were besieged at Mons Medullius, they preferred to die by their own swords or by the yew tree poison rather than surrender (6, 21, 1). One explanation for the Irish name Eóġan / Eoghan is that it derives from the yew's importance in ancient Ireland and means 'of the yew'. The area of Ydre in the South Swedish highlands is interpreted to mean "place of yews". Two localities in particular appear to be further associated with yews these are Idhult and Idebo.

- county mayo in ireland means plain of yew trees

Fagaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes beeches and oaks, and comprises eight genera with about 927 species.Several members of the Fagaceae have important economic uses. Many species of oakchestnut, and beech (genera QuercusCastanea, and Fagus, respectively) are commonly used as timber for floors, furniture, cabinets, and wine barrels. Cork for stopping wine bottles and a myriad other uses is made from the bark of cork oak, Quercus suber. Chestnuts are the fruits from species of the genus Castanea. Numerous species from several genera are prominent ornamentals, and wood chips from the genus Fagus are often used in flavoring beers.
黧蒴锥Castanopsis fissa)为壳斗科锥属下的一个种。Die Art kommt in Thailand, China und Myanmar vor. 

  • 漁護署於2011年於此植林區展開了植林優化工作,種植了本土樹種如浙江潤楠、黧蒴錐、腺葉桂櫻、小果鐵冬青等本土樹種。
Caesalpinia is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. Historically, membership within the genus has been highly variable, with different publications including anywhere from 70 to 165 species, depending largely on the inclusion or exclusion of species alternately listed under genera such as Hoffmannseggia. It contains tropical or subtropical woody plants. The generic name honors the botanistphysician, and philosopher Andrea Cesalpino (1519–1603).

巴西紅木Cæsalpinia echinata),又稱巴西蘇木豆目豆科蘇木屬的一種物種,盛產於巴西  Paubrasilia is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. The sole species it contains, P. echinata,[3] is a Brazilian timber tree commonly known as Pernambuco tree or Brazilwood (Portuguese: Pau de PernambucoPau-BrasilTupi Ibirapitanga). This plant has a dense, orange-red heartwood that takes a high shine, and it is the premier wood used for making bows for stringed instruments. The wood also yields a red dye called brazilin, which oxidizes to brazilein. The name pau-brasil was applied to certain species of Caesalpinia in the medieval period, and transferred to C. echinata in the 16th century. More recent taxonomic studies have determined that it merits recognition as a separate genus, and it was thus renamed Paubrasilia echinata in 2016. The name of Brazil is shortened from Terra do Brasil "land of brazilwood". 
- In the bow-making business it is usual to refer to some species other than Paubrasilia echinata as "Brazilwood"; examples include Pink Ipê (Handroanthus impetiginosus), Massaranduba (Manilkara bidentata) and Palo Brasil (Haematoxylum brasiletto). The highly prized Paubrasilia echinata is usually called "Pernambuco wood" in this particular context.
- Starting in the 16th centuries, brazilwood became highly valued in Europe and quite difficult to get. A related wood Sappanwood coming from Asia was traded in powder form and used as a red dye in the manufacture of luxury textiles, such as velvet, in high demand during the Renaissance. When Portuguese navigators discovered present-day Brazil, on April 22, 1500, they immediately saw that brazilwood was extremely abundant along the coast and in its hinterland, along the rivers. In a few years, a hectic and very profitable operation for felling and shipping all the brazilwood logs they could get was established, as a crown-granted Portuguese monopoly. The rich commerce which soon followed stimulated other nations to try to harvest and smuggle brazilwood contraband out of Brazil, and corsairs to attack loaded Portuguese ships in order to steal their cargo. For example, the unsuccessful attempt in 1555 of a French expedition led by Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon, vice-admiral of Brittany and corsair under the King, to establish a colony in present-day Rio de Janeiro (France Antarctique) was motivated in part by the bounty generated by economic exploitation of brazilwood. In addition, this plant is also cited in Flora Brasiliensis by Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius.

birch is a thin-leaved deciduous hardwood tree of the genus Betula (/ˈbɛtjʊlə/), in the family Betulaceae, which also includes aldershazels, and hornbeams. It is closely related to the beech-oak family FagaceaeBaltic birch is among the most sought-after wood in the manufacture of speaker cabinets. Birch has a natural resonance that peaks in the high and low frequencies, which are also the hardest for speakers to reproduce.[citation needed] This resonance compensates for the roll-off of low and high frequencies in the speakers, and evens the tone. Birch is known for having "natural EQ". 
Drums are often made from birch. Prior to the 1970s, it was one of the most popular drum woods. Because of the need for greater volume and midrange clarity, drums were made almost entirely from maple until recently,[clarification needed] when advances in live sound reinforcement and drum microphones have allowed the use of birch in high-volume situations. Birch drums have a natural boost in the high and low frequencies, which allows the drums to sound fuller. Birch wood is sometimes used as a tonewood for semiacoustic and acoustic guitar bodies, and occasionally for solid-body guitar bodies. It is also a common material used in mallets for keyboard percussion
- In Celtic cultures, the birch symbolises growth, renewal, stability, initiation and adaptability because it is highly adaptive and able to sustain harsh conditions with casual indifference. Proof of this adaptability is seen in its easy and eager ability to repopulate areas damaged by forest fires or clearings. Birches are also associated with the Tír na nÓg, the land of the dead and the Sidhe, in Gaelic folklore, and as such frequently appear in Scottish, Irish, and English folksongs and ballads in association with death, or fairies, or returning from the grave. The leaves of the silver birch tree are used in the festival of St George, held in Novosej and other villages in Albania. The birch is New Hampshire's state tree and the national tree of Finland and Russia. The Ornäs birch is the national tree of Sweden. The Czech word for the month of March, Březen, is derived from the Czech word bříza meaning birch, as birch trees flower in March under local conditions. The silver birch tree is of special importance to the Swedish city of Umeå. In 1888, the Umeå city fire spread all over the city and nearly burnt it down to the ground, but some birches, supposedly, halted the spread of the fire. To protect the city against future fires, it was decided to plant silver birch trees all over the city. Umeå later adopted the unofficial name of "City of the Birches (Björkarnas stad)". Also, the ice hockey team of Umeå is called Björklöven, translated to English "The Birch Leaves".
More than 5700 years ago, a girl spat out a wad of chewing gum at what is now an archaeological site in Denmark. Today, researchers report in Nature Communications that they have sequenced a full genome from that gum, the first time they have extracted so much information from anything other than ancient bones or teeth.  Although no human remains have been found at the site of Syltholm, archaeologists found a wad of gum from birch pitch.
- russia
- uk
  • uk town Birkenhead probably means "headland overgrown with birch", from the Old English bircen meaning birch tree
- china

  • 沂蒙山區 shandong

無梗花櫟,又稱岩生櫟Quercus petraea, commonly known as the sessile oakCornish oak, or durmast oak, is a species of oak tree native to most of Europe and into Anatolia and Iran. The sessile oak is an unofficial emblem in Wales and Cornwall
- In April 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron gifted the United States a sessile oak sapling from Belleau Wood as part of his state visit.

冬青櫟 Quercus ilex, the evergreen oak, holly oak or holm oak, is a large evergreen oak native to the Mediterranean region. It takes its name from holm, an ancient name for holly. It is a member of the white oak section of the genus, with acorns that mature in a single summer.
The acorns, like those of the cork oak, are edible (toasted or as a flour) and are an important food for free-range pigs reared for ibérico ham production. Boiled in water, the acorns can also be used as a medicinal treatment for wound disinfections.
-The Japanese word for acorn is "donguri"; it is usually written in hiragana. "Donguri no seikurabe" is a Japanese proverb. It literally means, "comparing the height of acorns" and refers to "there being little to choose from between them; they are all alike". "Donguri-manako" means, "big round yes; google eyes".Here is a popular children's song titled "Donguri Korokoro". If you enjoy this, check out "Sukiyaki."

Acer /ˈsər/ is a genus of trees or shrubs commonly known as maple. There are approximately 128 species, most of which are native to Asia, with a number also appearing in Europe, northern Africa, and North America. Only one species, Acer laurinum, extends to the Southern Hemisphere. The type species of the genus is the sycamore maple, Acer pseudoplatanus, the most common maple species in Europe. A maple leaf is on the coat of arms of Canada, and is on the Canadian flag. The maple is a common symbol of strength and endurance and has been chosen as the national tree of Canada. Maple leaves are traditionally an important part of Canadian Forces military regalia, for example the military rank insignia for generals use maple leaf symbols. There are 10 species naturally growing in the country, with at least one in each province. Although the idea of maple as a national symbol originally hailed from the province of Quebec where the sugar maple is significant, today's arboreal emblem of Canada rather refers to the species as a whole. The design on the flag is an eleven-point stylization modeled after a sugar maple leaf (which normally bears 23 points). In the literary world, the word maple was first published in Geoffery Chaucer's "The Knight's Tale" on line 2,065, spelled as "mapul". The maple is also a symbol of Hiroshima, ubiquitous in the local meibutsu
-Aceraceae were recognized as a family of flowering plants also called the maple family槭樹科原為無患子目下的一個科
  • 我的故鄉在四川洪雅一個偏僻的鄉村,山不算高,有樹有林。河不算深,穿村而過。村裏最常見的是槭樹,田間地頭,隨處可見。
- sightings in china

槐树原产于中国,为了区别原产于北美刺槐(洋槐),也称为国槐家槐,在河北一带农村常称为“笨槐”。Styphnolobium japonicum (L.) Schott, the Japanese pagoda tree (Chinese scholar tree, pagoda tree; syn. Sophora japonica) is a species of tree in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae.
It is considered to have abortifacientantibacterial, anticholesterolemic, antiinflammatoryantispasmodicdiureticemeticemollientfebrifugehypotensivepurgativestyptic, and tonic properties.[dubious ][6][citation needed] Some components in the dried fruit showed antifertility action, haemostatic properties, anticancer, antitumor, antiobesity, antioxidation effects and had roles in the treatment of hypertension and haemorrhoids. The fruit should not be taken during pregnancy. The dried flower buds are considered to have different medicinal properties from the dried ripe fruit. Toxic effects may include nausea, dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, hepatomegaly with abnormal liver function, haematuriaalbuminuria, somnolence, spasms and coma. 
- city tree of shanxi taiyuan

榆樹Elms are deciduous and semi-deciduous trees comprising the flowering plant genus Ulmus in the plant family Ulmaceae. The genus first appeared in the Miocene geological period about 20 million years ago, originating in what is now central Asia. These trees flourished and spread over most of the Northern Hemisphere, inhabiting the temperate and tropical-montane regions of North America and Eurasia, presently ranging southward across the Equator into Indonesia
- One of the earliest of ornamental elms was the ball-headed graft narvan elmUlmus minor 'Umbraculifera', cultivated from time immemorial in Persia as a shade tree and widely planted in cities through much of south-west and central Asia. From the 18th century to the early 20th century, elms, whether species, hybrids or cultivars, were among the most widely planted ornamental trees in both Europe and North America. They were particularly popular as a street tree in avenue plantings in towns and cities, creating high-tunnelled effects.
Elm wood is valued for its interlocking grain, and consequent resistance to splitting, with significant uses in wagon wheel hubs, chair seats and coffins. The bodies of Japanese Taiko drums are often cut from the wood of old elm trees, as the wood's resistance to splitting is highly desired for nailing the skins to them, and a set of three or more is often cut from the same tree. The elm's wood bends well and distorts easily making it quite pliant. The often long, straight, trunks were favoured as a source of timber for keels in ship construction. Elm is also prized by bowyers; of the ancient bows found in Europe, a large portion are elm. During the Middle Ages elm was also used to make longbows if yew was unavailable. The first written references to elm occur in the Linear B lists of military equipment at Knossos in the Mycenaean Period. Several of the chariots are of elm (" πτε-ρε-ϝα ", pte-re-wa), and the lists twice mention wheels of elmwood.[35] Hesiod says that ploughs in Ancient Greece were also made partly of elm. The density of elm wood varies between species, but averages around 560 kg per cubic metre. Elm wood is also resistant to decay when permanently wet, and hollowed trunks were widely used as water pipes during the medieval period in Europe. Elm was also used as piers in the construction of the original London Bridge. 
The mucilaginous inner bark of the Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra has long been used as a demulcent, and is still produced commercially for this purpose in the United States with approval for sale as a nutritional supplement by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
In Germanic and Scandinavian mythology the first woman, Embla, was fashioned from an elm,[63] while in Japanese mythology Kamuy Fuchi, the chief goddess of the Ainu people, "was born from an elm impregnated by the Possessor of the Heavens".
The Cutting of the elm was a diplomatic altercation between the Kings of France and England in 1188, during which an elm tree near Gisors in Normandy was felled.[citation neededIn politics the elm is associated with revolutions. In England after the Glorious Revolution of 1688, the final victory of parliamentarians over monarchists, and the arrival from Holland, with William III and Mary II, of the 'Dutch Elm' hybrid, planting of this cultivar became a fashion among enthusiasts of the new political order.
-many of the elms that gave New Haven ct usa the nickname "Elm City" perished in the mid-20th century due to Dutch elm disease, although many have since been replanted. 

桉樹又名尤加利樹Eucalyptus /ˌjuːkəˈlɪptəs/ L'Héritier 1789 (plural eucalypti, eucalyptuses or eucalypts) is a diverse genus of flowering trees and shrubs (including a distinct group with a multiple-stem mallee growth habit) in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae. Members of the genus dominate the tree flora of Australia, and include Eucalyptus regnans, the tallest known flowering plant on Earth. There are more than 700 species of eucalyptus and most are native to Australia; a very small number are found in adjacent areas of New Guinea and Indonesia. One species, Eucalyptus deglupta, ranges as far north as the Philippines. Of the 15 species found outside Australia, just nine are exclusively non-Australian.
Eucalyptus is one of three similar genera that are commonly referred to as "eucalypts", the others being Corymbia and Angophora. Many species, though by no means all, are known as gum trees because they exude copious kinofrom any break in the bark (e.g., scribbly gum). The generic name is derived from the Greek words ευ (eu) "well" and καλύπτω (kalýpto) "to cover", referring to the operculum on the calyx that initially conceals the flower.
Eucalyptus oil is readily steam distilled from the leaves and can be used for cleaning and as an industrial solvent, as an antiseptic, for deodorising, and in very small quantities in foodsupplements, especially sweetscough dropstoothpaste and decongestants. It has insect repellent properties (Jahn 1991 a, b; 1992), and is an active ingredient in some commercial mosquito repellents (Fradin & Day 2002). Eucalyptus globulus is the principal source of eucalyptus oil worldwide.
和名のユーカリは、属名の英語読み「ユーカリプタス」を短縮したもの。学名の語源は eu-(真に・強く・良く)+ kalyptós(〜で覆った)、つまり「良い蓋」を意味するギリシア語ラテン語化したもの。

Acacia, commonly known as the wattles or acacias, is a large genus of shrubs and trees in the subfamily Mimosoideae of the pea family FabaceaeThe origin of "wattle" may be an Old Teutonic word meaning "to weave".[14] From around 700 A.D. watul was used in Old English to refer to the interwoven branches and sticks which formed fences, walls and roofs. Since about 1810 it refers to the Australian legumes that provide these branches.Aboriginal Australians have traditionally harvested the seeds of some species, to be ground into flour and eaten as a paste or baked into a cake. The seeds contain as much as 25% more protein than common cereals, and they store well for long periods due to the hard seed coats. In addition to utilizing the edible seed and gum, the people employed the timber for implements, weapons, fuel and musical instruments.[6] In ancient Egypt, an ointment made from the ground leaves of the plant was used to treat hemorrhoids.[23] A number of species, most notably A. mangium (hickory wattle), A. mearnsii (black wattle) and A. saligna (coojong), are economically important and are widely planted globally for wood products, tannin, firewood and fodder.[8] A. melanoxylon (blackwood) and A. aneura (mulga) supply some of the most attractive timbers in the genus.[6] Black wattle bark supported the tanningindustries of several countries, and may supply tannins for production of waterproof adhesives. Acacia is repeatedly mentioned in the Book of Exodus, perhaps referring to Acacia raddiana, in regards to the construction of the Tabernacle.金合歡為澳洲的國花,金合歡亦被設計在澳洲國徽的底部。 代表的花語為〝稍縱即逝的快樂〞或〝秘密的愛〞。
- acacia project by french company nexira ( Trading company founded in Marseille by Charles Dondain importing and exporting natural raw materials mainly sourced in Africa, The company became the first one to invest in acacia gum processing with the acquisition of Serqueux plant. )

Acacia s.l. (/əˈkʃə/ or /əˈksiə/), known commonly as mimosaacaciathorntree or wattle 
Acacia seeds are often used for food and a variety of other products. In Burma, Laos, and Thailand, the feathery shoots of Acacia pennata (common name cha-om, ชะอม and su pout ywet in Burmese) are used in soups, curries, omelettes, and stir-friesarious species of acacia yield gum. True gum arabic is the product of Acacia senegal, abundant in dry tropical West Africa from Senegal to northern NigeriaAcacia nilotica (syn. Acacia arabica) is the gum arabic tree of India, but yields a gum inferior to the true gum arabic. Gum arabic is used in a wide variety of food products, including some soft drinks[22] and confections. The ancient Egyptians used acacia gum in paints. Acacia also supposed to have been used for Zulu warriors' iziQu (or isiKu) beads, which passed on through Sir Robert Baden-Powell to the Boy Scout movement's Wood Badge training award. Egyptian mythology has associated the acacia tree with characteristics of the tree of life, such as in the Myth of Osiris and IsisSeveral parts (mainly bark, root, and resin) of Acacia species are used to make incense for rituals. Acacia is used in incense mainly in India, Nepal, and China including in its Tibet region. Smoke from acacia bark is thought to keep demons and ghosts away and to put the gods in a good mood. Roots and resin from acacia are combined with rhododendron, acorus, cytisus, salvia, and some other components of incense. Both people and elephants like an alcoholic beverage made from acacia fruit.[29] According to Easton's Bible Dictionary, the acacia tree may be the “burning bush” (Exodus 3:2) which Moses encountered in the desert.[30] Also, when God gave Moses the instructions for building the Tabernacle, he said to "make an ark" and "a table of acacia wood" (Exodus 25:10 & 23, Revised Standard Version). Also, in the Christian tradition, Christ's crown of thorns is thought to have been woven from acacia.In Indonesia (mainly in Sumatra) and in Malaysia (mainly in Sabah), plantations of A. mangium are being established to supply pulpwood to the paper industry. Acacia wood pulp gives high opacity and below average bulk paper. This is suitable in lightweight offset papers used for Bibles and dictionaries. It is also used in paper tissue where it improves softness.

Acacia confusa is a perennial tree native to South-East Asia. Some common names for it are acacia petit feuillesmall Philippine acaciaFormosa acacia(Taiwan acacia) and Formosan koaIts uses include chemical products, environmental management and food and drink. The bark may be ground into a powder and saturated into water to create a tea, or may be spread onto various foods as a spice and taste enhancer. The wood has a density of about 0.75 g/cm³. In Taiwan, its wood is used to make support beams for underground mines. The wood is also converted to charcoal for family use. The plant is used in traditional medicine and is available from herbal medicine shops (草藥店) in Taiwan, but there has been no clinical study to support its effectiveness. It is also frequently used as a durable flooring material.
- 港府早年為鞏固斜坡,防止水土流失,大量引入和種植外來的台灣相思,但這批台灣相思已陸續步入老年期,或倒塌構成危險。路政署推行斜坡植林優化計劃,移除老化的台灣相思,改以同樣能抓緊泥土、防止水土流失的合適原生和本地化植物替代,增加生物多樣性。

金合欢(Acacia farnesiana (Linn.) Willd.),别名:鸭皂树、刺球花、消息树等. 金合欢原产澳大利亚,分布于中国浙江、台湾、福建、广东、广西、云南、四川等地。金合欢还是一种经济树种,花极香,供提取香精,可提炼芳香油作高级香水等化妆品的原料。果荚、树皮和根内含有单宁,可做黑色染料,茎中流出的树脂含有树胶,可供药用。木材坚硬,可制贵重器具用品。该种多枝、多刺,可植作绿篱;木材坚硬,可为贵重器材;根及荚果含丹宁,可为黑色染料,入药能收敛、清热;花很香,可提香精;茎流出的树脂可供美工用及药用,品质较阿拉伯胶优良。树皮、树胶、木材、枝桠、叶、花、果、种子、根、全树均可利用。树皮可用于提取栲胶、单宁胶、纤维。树胶广泛用于胶水、乳化剂、墨水、印染、糖果、制药等工业。木材可用于做家具、室内装饰材、车船、农具等。心材可提取鞣质,心材切片、煎汁浓缩得儿茶生药。造纸材可生产书写纸、印刷纸。桠枝为可再生能源薪材、炭材,具药用价值,可培菇。叶可作饲料、绿肥、野菜、药用。花可提取精油,且为蜜源植物。果可提取鞣质,可作为饲料、药用。 种子可食用、饲料、油用、胶用。根可制药,具祛痰、消炎、截疟等作用。为紫胶虫寄主树种,土壤改良树种,是荒山造林先锋树种,水土保持、防护林树种
- mentioned in the uzes episode of les carnets de julie

false acacia

- called black locust tree in north korea. Due to its usefulness (excellent construction material, animal feed, honey production base), planting is encouraged across the country
- china daily 24may19 in beijing, black locust tree is an imported species while the native locust is called guohuai 

木樨科又名木犀科真雙子葉植物唇形目一科,木本,一般路旁的樹很多都屬於木樨科植物。木樨科植物亦包括很多經濟產物,如:桂花紫丁香茉莉油橄欖等。木樨科約27屬,400餘種,廣布於兩半球的熱帶和溫帶地區,亞洲地區種類尤多。中國有12屬,178種。臺灣有5屬26種,包括流蘇樹屬、梣屬、素英屬、女貞屬、木犀屬。The Oleaceae are a family of flowering plants in the order Lamiales.[1] It presently comprises 28 genera, one of which is recently extinct.[2] The extant genera includes Cartrema, which was resurrected in 2012.The number of species in the Oleaceae is variously estimated in a wide range around 700. The Oleaceae consist of shrubstrees, and a few lianas. The flowers are often numerous and highly odoriferous.[4] The family has a subcosmopolitan distribution, ranging from the subarctic to the southernmost parts of Africa, Australia, and South America. Notable members of the Oleaceae include oliveashjasmine, and several popular ornamental plants including privetforsythiafringetrees, and lilac.
木樨flower mentioned by miyue

- Osmanthus fragrans (lit. "fragrant osmanthus"; 桂花guìhuā, and 木樨mùxīCantonese Yalegwai fāJapanese木犀mokuseiHindiसिलंगsilang), variously known as sweet osmanthussweet olivetea olive, and fragrant olive, is a species native to Asia from the Himalayas through southern China (GuizhouSichuanYunnan) to Taiwan and southern Japan and southeast Asia as far south as Cambodia and Thailand. It is the "city flower" of the cities of Hangzhou, Suzhou, Guilin in China and is the "town tree" of the town of Yoshitomi, Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan.
- vietnam

  • [magazine nez] osmanthus fragrans lour manufactured from vietnam 南圻; named after portuguese botanist joao de loureiro

- china

  • 三國領導人來到杜甫的茅屋故居。李 克強說,杜甫身居茅屋,心懷百姓和天下 。他寫下着名詩句── 「安得廣廈千萬間 ,大庇天下寒士俱歡顏」 ,體現了詩人的 博大胸襟和崇高的人文情懷。 在大雅堂外庭院,三國領導人共同出 席 「中日韓合作20周年紀念封」 發行儀式 。參觀紀念中日韓合作20周年圖片展後, 三國領導人共同種下一棵桂花樹,為它培 土、澆水。
  • 上海有多處賞桂花景點,桂林公園算是 最佳。它原本是一家私人花園,前主人是舊 上海法租界的捕房督察長黃金榮。一九五七 年才闢為公共花園,因園內遍植桂花樹,所以易名為桂林 公園。此地是上海,物以稀為貴,又因有各式桂花樹 加持:金桂、銀桂、丹桂、四季桂、石山桂……桂林公園 便成了深秋裏亮麗的風景線。
  • 四川成都青羊區具三百年歷史的桂花巷,近日有廿棵桂花樹因道路工程,在一夜之間被砍掉。
  • 桂花長在南方,從合肥到杭州,一路下 江南,把桂花當做市花的城居然有近二十 個。

Ilex /ˈlɛks/, or holly, is a genus of 400 to 600 species of flowering plants in the family Aquifoliaceae, and the only living genus in that family. The species are evergreen ordeciduous trees, shrubs, and climbers from tropics to temperate zones worldwide. Holly can contain caffeic acid, caffeoyl derivatives, caffeoylshikimic acid, chlorogenic acid, feruloylquinic acid, quercetin, quinic acid, kaempferol, tannins, rutin, caffeine, and theobromine. Holly berries can cause vomiting and diarrhea. They are especially dangerous in cases involving accidental consumption by children attracted to the bright red berries.[25] Ingestion of over 20 berries may be fatal to children. Holly leaves, if eaten, might cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and stomach and intestinal problems. Holly plants might be toxic to pets and livestock.Leaves of some holly species are used by some cultures to make daily tea. These species are Yerba mate (I. paraguariensis), Ilex guayusaKuding (Ilex kaushue), Yaupon (I. vomitoria) and others. Leaves of other species, such as gallberry (I. glabra) are bitter and emetic.Holly – more specifically the European holly, Ilex aquifolium – is commonly referenced at Christmas time, and is often referred to by the name Christ's thorn.[31][32] In manyWestern Christian cultures, holly is a traditional Christmas decoration,[33] used especially in wreaths and illustrations, for instance on Christmas cards. Since medieval times the plant has carried a Christian symbolism,[34] as expressed in the well-known Christian Christmas carol "The Holly and the Ivy", in which the holly represents Jesus and the ivy represents the Virgin Mary.[32] Angie Mostellar discusses the Christian use of holly at Christmas, stating that:
Christians have identified a wealth of symbolism in its form. The sharpness of the leaves help to recall the crown of thorns worn by Jesus; the red berries serve as a reminder of the drops of blood that were shed for salvation; and the shape of the leaves, which resemble flames, can serve to reveal God's burning love for His people. Combined with the fact that holly maintains its bright colors during the Christmas season, it naturally came to be associated with the Christian holiday.
In heraldry, holly is used to symbolize truth. The Norwegian municipality of Stord has a yellow twig of holly in its Coat-of-arms. The Druids held that "leaves of holly offered protection against evil spirits" and thus "wore holly in their hair". In the Harry Potter novels, holly is used as the wood in Harry's wandIn some Traditions of Wicca, the Holly King is one of the faces of the Sun God. He is born at Midsummer and rules from Mabon to Ostara. 可提煉冬青油,供消腫、止痛。冬青樹矮小結實,與地面緊密連結,冬青的味道讓人非常熟悉,是酸痛貼布的味道,香氣的滲透力十分強大。

常春藤属 Hedera, commonly called ivy (plural ivies), is a genus of 12–15 species of evergreen climbing or ground-creeping woody plants in the family Araliaceae, native to western, central and southern EuropeMacaronesia, northwestern Africa and across central-southern Asia east to Japanand Taiwan
Ivies are very popular in cultivation within their native range and compatible climates elsewhere, for their evergreen foliage, attracting wildlife, and for adaptable design uses in narrow planting spaces and on tall or wide walls for aesthetic addition, or to hide unsightly walls, fences and tree stumps. Numerous cultivars with variegated foliage and/or unusual leaf shapes have been selected for horticultural use.
The berries are moderately toxic. Ivy foliage contains triterpenoid saponins and falcarinol. Falcarinol is capable of inducing contact dermatitis. It has also been shown to kill breast cancer cells.
The name ivy derives from Old English ifig, cognate with German Efeu, of unknown original meaning.[14] The scientific name Hedera is the classical Latin name for the plant.[8] Old regional common names in Britain, no longer used, include "Bindwood" and "Lovestone", for the way it clings and grows over stones and bricks. US Pacific Coast regional common names for H. canariensis include "California ivy" and "Algerian ivy"; for H. helix, regional common names include the generic "English ivy". The name ivy has also been used as a common name for a number of other unrelated plants, including Boston ivy (Japanese Creeper Parthenocissus tricuspidata, in the family Vitaceae), Cape-ivy or German-ivy (Delairea odorata in the family Asteraceae), poison-ivy (Toxicodendron radicans in the family Anacardiaceae), and Swedish ivy (Whorled Plectranthus Plectranthus verticillatus, in the family Lamiaceae).
Many of Thalia's statues also hold a bugle and a trumpet (both used to support the actors' voices in ancient comedy), or occasionally a shepherd’s staff or a wreath of ivy.

The Arecaceae are a botanical family of perennial climbers, shrubs, acaules and trees commonly known as palm trees (owing to historical usage, the family is alternatively called Palmae). They are flowering plants, a family in the monocot order Arecales. Currently 181 genera with around 2600 species are known, most of them restricted to tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate climates. Most palms are distinguished by their large, compound, evergreen leaves, known as fronds, arranged at the top of an unbranched stem. However, palms exhibit an enormous diversity in physical characteristics and inhabit nearly every type of habitat within their range, from rainforests to deserts.Palms are among the best known and most extensively cultivated plant families. They have been important to humans throughout much of history. Many common products and foods are derived from palms, and palms are also widely used in landscaping, making them one of the most economically important plants. In many historical cultures, palms were symbols for such ideas as victory, peace, and fertility. For inhabitants of cooler climates today, palms symbolize the tropics and vacations.
- The palm kernel is the edible seed of the oil palm fruit. The fruit yields two distinct oils: palm oil derived from the outer parts of the fruit, and palm kernel oil derived from the kernel. The pulp left after oil is rendered from the kernel is formed into "palm kernel cake", used either as high-protein feed for dairy cattle or burned in boilers to generate electricity for palm oil mills and surrounding villages.
- palm tree promenade "foinikoudes" in larnaka, cyprus - the trees were planted in 1920s 
- [kuwaiti ministry of information] "fahal"- the male palm

蕨類植物門約有兩萬個左右的物種,屬於維管束植物Ferns are not of major economic importance, but some are gathered for food or medicine, grown for food, medicine, or as ornamentals, and for remediating contaminated soil. They have been the subject of researchfor their ability to remove some chemical pollutants from the atmosphere. Some fern species are significant weeds.Ferns figure in folklore, for example in legends about mythical flowers or seeds.[23] In Slavic folklore, ferns are believed to bloom once a year, during the Ivan Kupala night. Although alleged to be exceedingly difficult to find, anyone who sees a "fern flower" is thought to be guaranteed to be happy and rich for the rest of their life. Similarly, Finnish tradition holds that one who finds the "seed" of a fern in bloom on Midsummer night will, by possession of it, be guided and be able to travel invisibly to the locations where eternally blazing Will o' the wisps called aarnivalkea mark the spot of hidden treasure. These spots are protected by a spell that prevents anyone but the fern-seed holder from ever knowing their locations.
Ferns figure in folklore, for example in legends about mythical flowers or seeds.[30] In Slavic folklore, ferns are believed to bloom once a year, during the Ivan Kupala night. Although alleged to be exceedingly difficult to find, anyone who sees a fern flower is thought to be guaranteed to be happy and rich for the rest of their life. Similarly, Finnish tradition holds that one who finds the seed of a fern in bloom on Midsummer night will, by possession of it, be guided and be able to travel invisibly to the locations where eternally blazing Will o' the wisps called aarnivalkea mark the spot of hidden treasure. These spots are protected by a spell that prevents anyone but the fern-seed holder from ever knowing their locations. 
- 蕨是眾多植物中最早登上陸地的,更曾與恐龍共存過。時至今日,世界上仍有約一萬二千種蕨類,並擁有自己的科目類群,又分作五個亞門,包括松葉蕨亞門、石松亞門、楔葉蕨亞門、水韭亞門以及真蕨亞門,學術界習慣把真蕨亞門稱為真蕨類,而把其餘四個亞門稱為擬蕨類。蕨類除了具有令環境變得適合其他植物生長的作用外,人們亦會利用蕨類作工具便利生活,例如一些圍村過去會摘取蕨的莖部,一條又一條交織成猶如藤籃般的籃子。至於在港人常飲的涼茶中亦能發現它的身影,廿四味中其中一味「金沙藤」便是蕨類植物海金沙,在中醫角度海金沙具清熱、利尿及祛濕等功效,足見蕨類植物功能之多,價值之高。

蕨屬 Pteridium   Pteridium Bracken (Pteridium) is a genus of large, coarse ferns in the family Dennstaedtiaceae. Ferns (Pteridophyta) are vascular plants that have alternating generations, large plants that produce spores and small plants that produce sex cells (eggs and sperm). Brackens are noted for their large, highly divided leaves. They are found on all continents except Antarctica and in all environments except deserts, though their typical habitat is moorland. The genus probably has the widest distribution of any fern in the world. In the past, the genus was commonly treated as having only one species, Pteridium aquilinum, but the recent trend is to subdivide it into about ten species. Like other ferns, brackens do not have seeds or fruits, but the immature fronds, known as fiddleheads, are sometimes eaten, although some are thought to be carcinogenic (see Poisoning). The word bracken is of Old Norse origin, related to Swedish bräken and Danish bregne, both meaning fern.
- Bracken fiddleheads (the immature, tightly curled emerging fronds) have been eaten by many cultures throughout history, and are still commonly used today as a foodstuff. Bracken fiddleheads are either consumed fresh (and cooked) or preserved by salting, pickling, or sun drying. In Korea,[5] where they are called gosari (고사리), they are a typical ingredient in the mixed rice dish called bibimbap.Both fronds and rhizomes have been used to brew beer,[9] and the rhizome starch has been used as a substitute for arrowroot.[citation needed] Bread can be made out of dried and powdered rhizomes alone or with other flourIndigenous peoples of the Americas[which?] cooked the rhizomes, then peeled and ate them or pounded the starchy fiber into flour.[citation needed] In Japan, where it is known as warabi (), starch from the rhizomes is used to make confections, most significantly warabimochi. Bracken is called wiwnunmí útpas ‘huckleberry’s blanket’ by the Umatilla Indians of the Columbia River in the United States Northwest. The fronds were used to cover a basket full of huckleberries in order to keep them fresh.[citation neededThe Māori of New Zealand used the rhizomes of P. esculentum (aruhe) as a staple food, especially for exploring or hunting groups away from permanent settlements; much of the widespread distribution of this species in present-day New Zealand is in fact a consequence of prehistoric deforestation and subsequent tending of aruhestands on rich soils (which produced the best rhizomes). The rhizomes were air-dried so that they could be stored and became lighter; for consumption, they were briefly heated and then softened with a patu aruhe (rhizome pounder); the starch could then be sucked from the fibers by each diner, or collected if it were to be prepared for a larger feast. Patu aruhe were significant items and several distinct styles were developed.In East Asia, Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fiddleheads) is eaten as a vegetable, called warabi (蕨 / わらび) in Japan, gosari (고사리) in Korea, and juécài (蕨菜) in China and Taiwan. In Korea, a typical banchan (small side dish) is gosari-namul (고사리나물) that consists of prepared bracken fiddleheads that has been sauteed. It is a component of the popular dish bibimbap.
- mentioned in korean film the royal tailor
- 京都名物除了八橋和羊羹,就是蕨餅了。再 細分一點,前兩者包裝精緻花樣不少,適合送 人回禮,只有蕨餅最實在,是吃到自己肚子裏 的慰藉。 顧名思義,蕨餅是用蕨草根加工出的澱粉加水和糖熬 製,冷卻之後成凍食用。聽起來簡單,但這種多年生植物 的採集和製造都極費工夫,因此市面上也逐漸分化出了兩 種類型,一種是用常見的甘薯粉、木薯粉或葛粉混合製成 ,價格親民隨處可見;另外一種則是出自於地道的本蕨粉 ,最後做成的樣子是灰茶色,售價相對高,在京都的茶寮 寶泉、嘯月等名店裏都有銷售。純正的蕨餅腰肢柔軟,剛 端上來時就能隱隱感受到它的靈氣,雖不是晶瑩剔透,但 又帶着獨特的光環,清香順滑入口即化,絕對讓人難以忘 懷。 蕨餅經典的吃法便是搭配炒香的黃豆粉,京都人還偏 愛淋上口感特殊的黑蜂蜜,如此一來便有三個層次,蕨餅 的溫和就像宏大的底色,上面交融着活潑的黃豆粉和倔強 的黑蜜,各有不同卻完全不會衝撞,恰到好處地直奔同一 個主題。

The Pinaceae (pine family) are trees or shrubs, including many of the well-known conifers of commercial importance such as cedarsfirshemlockslarchespines and spruces. The family is included in the order Pinales, formerly known as Coniferales. Pinaceae are supported as monophyletic by their protein-type sieve cell plastids, pattern of proembryogeny, and lack of bioflavonoids. They are the largest extant conifer family in species diversity, with between 220 and 250 species (depending on taxonomic opinion) in 11 genera, and the second-largest (after Cupressaceae) in geographical range, found in most of the Northern Hemisphere, with the majority of the species in temperate climates, but ranging from subarctic to tropical. The family often forms the dominant component of boreal, coastal, and montane forests. One species, Pinus merkusii, grows just south of the equator in Southeast Asia. Major centres of diversity are found in the mountains of southwest ChinaMexico, central Japan, and California.
Hinokitiol (β-thujaplicin) is a natural monoterpenoid found in the wood of trees in the family Cupressaceae. It is a tropolone derivative and one of the thujaplicins. Hinokitiol is widely used in oral care and treatment products for its broad spectrum antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. Additionally, it is approved as a food additive for the preservation of food in Japan. The name of Hinokitiol originates from the fact it was originally isolated in Taiwanese hinoki in 1936.[3] It is actually almost absent in Japanese hinoki while it is contained in high concentration (about 0.04% of heartwood mass) in Juniperus cedrus, Hiba cedar wood (Thujopsis dolabrata) and Western red cedar (Thuja plicata). It can be readily extracted from the cedarwood with solvent and ultrasonication.1936年台北帝国大学(現在の国立台湾大学)教授の野副鉄男によりタイワンヒノキから発見・命名された(日本のヒノキにはわずかに含まれることが後に判明している)。Hinokitiol is widely used in a range of consumer products including: cosmetics, toothpastes, oral sprays, sunscreens & hair-growth.
Firs (Abies) are a genus of 48–56 species of evergreen coniferous trees in the family PinaceaeThey are found through much of North and Central AmericaEuropeAsia, and North Africa, occurring in mountains over most of the range. 

  • Sapin means "fir tree" in French. 
  • In France, the Christmas tree first appeared in Alsace in 1521 and is called “sapin de noël” or “arbre de noël”. The tree, covered in red apples and lights, symbolised the venue of Christ: ‘the light that illuminates the world’. A fir tree is the best choice because they do not lose their leaves during winter, which doubles as a symbol of hope and eternal life. .
  • Wood of most firs is considered unsuitable for general timber use and is often used as pulp or for the manufacture of plywood and rough timber. Because this genus has no insect or decay resistance qualities after logging, it is generally recommended in construction purposes for indoor use only (e.g. indoor drywall on framing). Fir wood left outside cannot be expected to last more than 12 to 18 months, depending on the type of climate it is exposed to.
  • Nordmann fir, noble fir, Fraser fir and balsam fir are popular Christmas trees, generally considered to be the best for this purpose, with aromatic foliage that does not shed many needles on drying out.
  • Abies spectabilis or Talispatra is used in Ayurveda as an antitussive (cough suppressant) drug.
L’Épicéa ou Épicéa commun (Picea abies (L.H. Karst1881) est une espèce d’arbres résineux de la famille des Pinacées et du genre Picea.

  • L’épicéa a des propriétés antiseptiques, balsamiques, expectorantes, sédatives, antiphlogistiques et antibiotiques[réf. nécessaire]. La poix de bourgogne est obtenue par incision du tronc (résine). La distillation de la poix fournit l’essence de térébenthine qui sert à la préparation d’onguent topique.Considéré par les Celtes comme « l'arbre porteur de vie », on utilise traditionnellement l’épicéa commun comme sapin de Noël, bien qu'il perde ses aiguilles rapidement et qu'il soit un peu piquant. Pour ces raisons, il cède peu à peu sa place au sapin Nordmann (Abies nordmanniana).
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) is a species of pine that is native to Eurasia, ranging from Western Europe to Eastern Siberia, south to the Caucasus Mountains and Anatolia, and north to well inside the Arctic Circle in Fennoscandia.n the past (before the 18th century), this species was more often known as "Scots fir" or "Scotch fir".Other names sometimes used include Riga pine and Norway pine, and Mongolian pine for var. mongolica. "Scotch pine" is another variant of the common name, used mostly in North America.The timber from it is also called red deal or yellow deal, the name 'Deal' being adopted from the dimensional format term for a plank.Another name, although less common, is European redwood.

  • It is the national tree of Scotland.
  • russian company uses water extract of the tree trunk (called extpine) to make personal care products
Cedrus libani, the cedar of Lebanon or Lebanon cedar (Arabicأرز لبناني‎), is a species of tree in the pine family Pinaceaenative to the mountains of the Eastern Mediterranean basin. It is a large evergreen conifer that has great religious and historical significance in the cultures of the Middle East, and is referenced many times in the literature of ancient civilisations. It is the national emblem of Lebanon and is widely used as an ornamental tree in parks and gardens.
  • In the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the earliest great works of literature, the Sumerian hero Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu travel to the legendary Cedar Forest to kill its guardian and cut down its trees. While early versions of the story place the forest in Iran, later Babylonian accounts of the story place the Cedar Forest in the Lebanon.
  • The Lebanon cedar is mentioned several times in the Hebrew bible. Hebrew priests were ordered by Moses to use the bark of the Lebanon cedar in the treatment of leprosy.[18] Solomon also procured cedar timber to build the Temple in Jerusalem.[19] The Hebrew prophet Isaiah used the Lebanon cedar as a metaphor for the pride of the world,[20] with the tree explicitly mentioned in Psalm 92:12 as a symbol of the righteous.
- 近日有英國大學研究團隊發現,可以從針葉植物中取得一種化學物質,製作成可再生塑膠,亦有助減少造紙業污染。這種化學物質稱為「蒎烯」(Pinene),原本為松樹帶來獨特的香氣,亦是造紙時遺下廢棄物。研究人員發現,此物質可取代從石油中提煉的合成橡膠,令生產所得的塑膠,為完全可再生的原料所製。雖然目前這種塑膠的生產量寥寥可數,但已有計劃提高生產效率,希望日後可應用在食物包裝、膠袋,以及醫療植入物。
- 英國每年有七百萬棵聖誕松樹被棄置,腐朽過程中更會釋放溫室氣體。當地近日有研究發現,原來松樹在聖誕過後仍有用武之地,松針可被循環再用,轉化成食糖、醋等。

17-Mile Drive is a scenic road through Pebble Beach and Pacific Grove on the Monterey Peninsula in California, much of which hugs the Pacific coastline and passes famous golf coursesmansions and scenic attractions, including the Lone Cypress, Bird Rock and the 5,300-acre Del Monte Forest of Monterey Cypress trees.

Chamaecyparis obtusa (Japanese cypresshinoki cypress or hinokiJapanese檜 or 桧, hinoki) is a species of cypress native to central Japan.The plant is spread in Japan. A similar cypress found on Taiwan is treated by different botanists as either a variety of this species (as Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana) or as a separate species Chamaecyparis taiwanensis; it differs in having smaller cones (6–9 mm diameter) with smaller scales, and leaves with a more acute apex. It is grown for its very high quality timber in Japan, where it is used as a material for building palaces, temples, shrines, traditional noh theatres, baths, table tennis blades and masu. The wood is lemon-scented, light pinkish-brown, with a rich, straight grain, and is highly rot-resistant. For example, Horyuji Temple and Osaka Castle are built from hinoki wood. The hinoki grown in Kiso, used for building Ise Shrine, are called 御神木 go-shin-boku "divine tree".
ヒノキは、日本では建材として最高品質のものとされる。木材の特長として、加工が容易な上に緻密で狂いがなく、日本人好みの強い芳香を長期にわたって発する。正しく使われたヒノキの建築には1,000年を超える寿命を保つものがある。樹木から採取される精油成分に「ヒノキチオール」と命名されているものがある。20世紀後半、日本産のヒノキには「ヒノキチオール」は含まれていないという認識が広まっていたが、これはタイワンヒノキから分離されたのが最初であり、国産のヒノキの含有量が少なかったためである。木曽産のヒノキからも発見されているが、日本ではヒバから得るのが一般的である。ヒノキの名称は、「すぐ火がつく」から「火の木」となったとの説もある(錐もみ法で火を付けるときにヒノキを用いることも多い)。しかし、上代特殊仮名遣によると、ヒノキの「ひ」は甲音であるのに対して、火の「ひ」は乙音なので、上代特殊仮名遣を前提とするならば、この説は妥当ではないとする見かたもある。(ただし上代特殊仮名遣には異論も存在する。詳しくは当該項目を参照。) その他、神宮の用材に用いるところから「霊(ひ)の木」、「日」は太陽を表す最も古い語形で最高のものを表すところから「日の木」とする説があり、「日」「霊」共に甲音なので、いずれかがヒノキの語源と考えられる。
- point of interest
  • 用于人名,秦桧,南宋宰相、奸臣。
  • 據發叔家屬透露,該棺木為金絲柏香木,屬實心木製成,堅硬度高,重量十足。
Ipomoea quamoclit (cypress vinecypressvine morning glorycardinal creepercardinal vinestar glory or hummingbird vine)茑萝松旋花科番薯属的植物,又名茑萝,原产墨西哥,民间俗称五角星花、狮子草等。 《诗经》云:“茑为女萝,施于松柏”,意喻兄弟亲戚相互依附。茑即桑寄生,女萝即菟丝子,二者都是寄生于松柏的植物。茑萝之形态颇似茑与女萝,故得此名。In southern India, it is called mayil manikkam in Tamilமயில் மாணிக்கம். In Malayalam, it is called ākāśamulla. In Assamese it is known as Kunjalata (কুঞ্জলতা)It is called as Ganesh Vel in Marathi language . In Bangladesh, it is called Tarulata, Kamalata, Kunjalata, Getphul.

Thuja (/ˈθjə/ THEW-jə) is a genus of coniferous trees in the Cupressaceae (cypress family). There are five species in the genus, two native to North America and three native to eastern Asia.
The five extant species are:
- The Sichuan thuja, a member of the cypress family, is native to Chengkou. Specimens were first collected by French missionary Paul Guillaume Farges in 1891. A hundred years later, the trees appeared to have died off, as none were spotted in the wild. In 1998, the International Union for Conservation of Nature announced that the thuja tree was extinct. The Chinese government removed it from its list of protected wild plants. The next year, however, after a six-month search, a team looking for wild plants rediscovered the thuja in Chengkou. After verification, the conservation union adjusted the tree's status from extinct to endangered. On the steep ridges of the Daba Mountains, about 3,000 of the plants struggled to survive the harsh natural environment.

Sandalwood 檀木is a class of woods from trees in the genus Santalum. The woods are heavy, yellow, and fine-grained, and unlike many other aromatic woods, they retain their fragrance for decades. Sandalwood oil is extracted from the woods for use. Sandalwood is the second most expensive wood in the world, right after African Blackwood.[1] Both the wood and the oil produce a distinctive fragrance that has been highly valued for centuries. 香木(こうぼく)は、心地よい芳香を持つ木材のこと。沈香白檀が有名である。薄片に削ったものを加熱して芳香を楽しむのに用いられる。香木の芳香のことを「」という。白檀は熱することなく香るため、それ以外にも仏像などの彫刻や扇子や数珠などの材料として用いられる。ただし、香木のにおい成分を含んだオイルに木のかけらを漬け込み、「天然の伽羅」と称して高額をつけ、商品知識のない消費者に対して暴利で販売をしていることがある。一部の業者でこうした偽物を販売しているため、注意を要する。
- Indian Sandalwood is very sacred in the Hindu Ayurveda and is known in Sanskrit as Chandana. The wood is used for worshipping the God Shiva, and it is believed that Goddess Lakshmi lives in the sandalwood tree. The wood of the tree is made into a paste using sandalwood powder and this paste is integral to rituals and ceremonies, to mark religious utensils, to decorate the icons of the deities, and to calm the mind during meditation and prayer. It is also distributed to devotees, who apply it to their foreheads or the necks and chests.[13] Preparation of the paste is a duty fit only for the pure, so is entrusted in temples and during ceremonies only to priests.
Sandalwood use is integral part of daily practices of Jainism. Sandalwood paste mixed with saffron is used to worship tirthankar Jain deities. Sandalwood powder is showered as blessings by Jain monks and nuns (sadhus and sadhvis) to their disciples and followers. Sandalwood garlands are used to dress the body during Jain cremation ceremonies.
Sandalwood is mentioned in various suttas of the Pāli Canon. In some Buddhist traditions, sandalwood is considered to be of the padma (lotus) group and attributed to Amitabha Buddha. Sandalwood scent is believed by some to transform one's desires and maintain a person's alertness while in meditation. It is also one of the more popular scents used when offering incense to the Buddha and the guru.
In sufi tradition, sandalwood paste is applied on the sufi’s grave by the disciples as a mark of devotion. It is practiced particularly among the Indian Subcontinent disciples. In the Tamil culture irrespective of religious identity, sandalwood paste or powder is applied to the graves of sufis as a mark of devotion and respect.
Sandalwood, along with agarwood, is the most commonly used incense material by the Chinese and Japanese in worship and various ceremonies. However, some sects of Taoists, following the Ming Dynasty Taoist Manual, do not use sandalwood (as well as benzoin resinfrankincense, foreign produced) incense and instead either use agarwood, or better still Acronychia pedunculata, in worship.
Zoroastrians offer sandalwood twigs to the afarganyu, the urn in which the fire is kept at the fire temple (called agiyari in Gujarati and dar-e mehr in Persian), to keep the fire burning during religious ceremonies. After the firekeeping priests complete the ceremony, attendees are allowed to come up to the afarganyu and place their own pieces of sandalwood into the fire. Fire has been a sacred symbol in the Zoroastrian religion since ancient times and it is considered very important to keep the fires in the temples constantly burning. Because of its high sensitivity to fire, sandalwood works very well for this. Also, the wood has been accepted by the Yasna and Yashts as an appropriate fuel for the fire. It is offered to all of the three grades of fire in the fire temple, including the Atash Dadgahs. Sandalwood is not offered to the divo, a smaller lamp that is kept in the homes of Zoroastrians. Often, money is offered to the mobad (for religious expenditures) along with the sandalwood. Sandalwood is called sukhad in the Zoroastrian community. The sandalwood in the fire temple is often more expensive to buy than at a Zoroastrian store. It is often a source of income for the fire temple.
- thai govt encouraged people to grow sandalwood flower and offer them at the cremation ceremony of thai king

Rosewood refers to any of a number of richly hued timbers, often brownish with darker veining but found in many different hues.All genuine rosewoods belong to the genus Dalbergia. The preeminent rosewood appreciated in the Western world is the wood of Dalbergia nigra which is now a CITES-listed endangered species on Appendix 1, which means no commercial sales for wood that is cut after 1992. It is best known as Brazilian rosewood, but also as Bahia rosewood. This wood has a strong sweet smell, which persists for many years, explaining the name rosewood. Another classic rosewood comes from Dalbergia latifolia known as (East) Indian rosewood or sonokeling (Indonesia). It is native to India and is also grown in plantations elsewhere in Pakistan (chiniot)Madagascar rosewood (Dalbergia maritima), known as bois de rose, is highly prized for its red color. It is overexploited in the wild, despite a 2010 moratorium on trade and illegal logging, which continue on a large scale. Throughout southeast Asia Dalbergia oliveri is harvested for use in woodworking. It has a very fragrant and dense grain near the core, however the outer sapwood is soft and porous. Dalbergia cultrata[4] that has variegated burgundy to light brown color, a blackwood timber is sold as Burmese Rosewood. Products built with rosewood based engineered woods are sold as Malaysian Rosewood or as Dalbergia oliveri.[citation neededSome rosewood comes from Dalbergia retusa, also known as the Nicaraguan rosewood or as cocobolo, which is controlled by CITES under Appendix 2 which allows some commercial activity. Several species are known as Guatemalan rosewood or Panama rosewood: D. tucerencis, D. tucarensis, and D. cubiquitzensis.[5][6] Honduran rosewood:D. stevensonii, also on CITES Appendix 2, is used for marimba keys, guitar parts, clarinets and other musical and ornamental applications. Not all species in the large genus Dalbergia yield rosewoods; only about a dozen species do. The woods of some other species in the genus Dalbergia are notable—even famous—woods in their own right: African blackwood, cocobolo, kingwood, and tulipwood. The woods of some other species are usable for tool handles at best. ローズウッドは、ツルサイカチ属の植物に冠される総称。これらの木材は一般的に茶や赤茶の色をしている。日本では紫檀(シタン)とも呼ばれている。 L'appellation palissandre regroupe différentes essences de bois, du genre Dalbergia, poussant sous les tropiques, notamment au Brésil, en Inde, en Amérique ou à Madagascar, parmi lesquelles l'espèce la plus recherchée est Dalbergia nigra appelée en France « palissandre de Rio » et au Brésil Jacaranda da Bahia薔薇木,又名紅木、酸支木。英文中的薔薇木,多用來指黃檀屬植物木材,泛指時可以包括紫檀屬植物木材。中文中的紅木,最初是指紅酸枝木,後來則用來泛指明清時以黃花梨紫檀和紅酸枝為代表的深色硬木家具木材。如今國家標準中的紅木包括紫檀屬、黃檀屬、崖豆屬鐵刀木屬以及不屬於豆科植物柿樹屬下八類植物木材。
- hk

  • burmese rosewood in cenral library
Dalbergia odorifera, or fragrant rosewood ( 降香黄檀;  literally: "drooping fragrant dalbergia"), is a species of legume in the Fabaceae family. It is a small or medium-sized tree, 10–15 metres (33–49 ft) tall. It is endemic to China and occurs in FujianHainanZhejiang, and Guangdong. It is used as a wood product and in folk medicine. This valuable wood is known in China as Huali and Huanghuali. Higher quality furniture from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties were made of this wood.

rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower it bears. The name rose comes from French, itself from Latin rosa, which was perhaps borrowed from Oscan, from Greek ρόδον rhódon (Aeolic βρόδον wródon), itself borrowed from Old Persian wrd- (wurdi), related to Avestan varəδaSogdian wardParthian wâr.
- portland, oregon is also called rose city

  • 玫瑰节(and introduction of dragon boat in 1989)
  • 濟南平陰,在《中 國名勝詞典》上稱之 為「玫瑰之鄉」。早 在唐朝就有翠屏山僧 人慈淨種植玫瑰的傳 說,明朝已有玫瑰花釀酒佳話。清代 《續修平陰縣志》上載《竹枝詞》 曰:「隙地生來千萬枝,恰如紅豆寄 相思。玫瑰花放香如海,正是家家酒 熟時」,當時平陰翠屏山周圍、玉帶 河流域已遍植玫瑰,「摘花季節, 京、津、徐、濟客商雲集平陰,爭相 收購,年收平陰玫瑰花三十萬斤,值 白銀五千兩」。平陰玫瑰露酒以氣味 濃醇而聞名於世。
- chico, california is nicknamed "City of Roses"
The Tournament of Roses Parade, commonly known as the Rose Parade, is an annual parade held mostly along Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena, California, on New Year's Day (or on Monday, January 2 if New Year's Day falls on a Sunday). First held on January 1, 1890, the Rose Parade is watched in person by hundreds of thousands of spectators on the parade route,[1] and is broadcast on multiple television networks in the United States. It is seen by millions more on television worldwide in more than 100 international territories and countries.[2] The Rose Bowl college football game was added in 1902 to help fund the cost of staging the parade.[3] Since 2011, the parade has been sponsored by Honda.[4] Accordingly, the company has the parade's first float, which like all floats, follows the parade's theme.Members of Pasadena's Valley Hunt Club first staged the parade in 1890. Since then the parade has been held in Pasadena every New Year's Day, except when January 1 falls on a Sunday. In that case, it is held on the subsequent Monday, January 2. This exception was instituted in 1893, as organizers did not wish to disturb horses hitched outside Sunday church services.[6] (This event was held even during both World War years.)

  • 來自聖馬力諾市的少女西斯科爾(Louise Siskel)當選本屆的玫瑰王后,成為首位主持巡遊的猶太裔及同性戀者;華裔女生馬曉瑞(Sherry Ma)則成為六名玫瑰公主之一。

'Ispahan', also known as 'Rose d'Ispahan' and 'Pompon des Princes', is a clear pink, half-open kind of Damask rose, a type of garden rose introduced from the Middle East to Europe during the crusading 13th century. Its origin is unclear – it was introduced in the UK by the garden designer Norah Lindsay (1873–1948), but was probably developed in the early 19th century – probably in Persia. The cultivar is named 'Ispahan' after the city Isfahan in Iran, renowned for its gardens and roses, where the cultivar was apparently discovered in a garden.

El escaramujo1​ o rosa mosqueta (a veces también llamado en España tapaculo)  Als Hagebutten (auch HägenHiefeHiffenHiftenRosenäpfelHetschhivenHetscherlHivenHetschepetscheMehlbeereWiepeldorn) bezeichnet man die ungiftigen Sammelnussfrüchte verschiedener Rosenarten, besonders der Hunds-Rose (Rosa canina). Le cynorhodon ou cynorrhodon蔷薇果The rose hip, also called rose haw and rose hep, is the accessory fruit of the rose plant. It is typically red to orange, but ranges from dark purple to black in some species. Rose hips are used for herbal teas, jam, jelly, syrup, rose hip soup, beverages, pies, bread, wine, and marmalade. They can also be eaten raw, like a berry, if care is used to avoid the hairs inside the fruit. A few rose species are sometimes grown for the ornamental value of their hips, such as Rosa moyesii, which has prominent large red bottle-shaped fruits. Rose hips are commonly used as a herbal tea, often blended with hibiscus, and an oil is also extracted from the seeds. They can also be used to make jam, jelly, marmalade, and rose hip wine. Rose hip soup, "nyponsoppa", is especially popular in Sweden. Rhodomel, a type of mead, is made with rose hips. Rose hips can be used to make pálinka, the traditional Hungarian fruit brandy popular in Hungary, Romania, and other countries sharing Austro-Hungarian history. Rose hips are also the central ingredient of cockta, the fruity-tasting national soft drink of SloveniaThe fine hairs found inside rose hips are used as itching powder.[1] Dried rose hips are also sold for primitive crafts and home fragrance purposes. The Inupiat mix rose hips with Ribes triste and highbush cranberriesand boil them into a syrup. 

月季Rosa chinensis),又名月月红江苏浙江)、月月花长春花吉林长春)、庚申蔷薇,原產於中國中部的贵州湖北四川等地,現遍布世界各地。Rosa chinensis (月季, pinyin: yuèjì), known commonly as the China rose[2] or Chinese rose,[3] is a member of the genus Rosa native to Southwest China in GuizhouHubei, and Sichuan Provinces. The species is extensively cultivated as an ornamental plant, originally in China, and numerous cultivars have been selected which are known as the China roses. It has also been extensively interbred with Rosa gigantea to produce Rosa × odorata and by further hybridization the tea roses and hybrid tea roses.第二次世界大戦中、英国ドイツ海軍Uボートの海上封鎖によりオレンジの輸入がストップした。ビタミンCの補給のため、英国の学童たちは生垣に生えているローズヒップの採集を命じられたことがある。
Certaines variétés de Rosa chinensis sont appelées rosier du Bengale ou Bengale rose avec le nom latin de Rosa indica, synonyme de Rosa chinensis.Les fleurs et les fruits sont employés dans la médecine traditionnelle chinoise pour le traitement des règles irrégulières ou douloureuses, ainsi que contre le goitre.

taif rose
- cultivated in al shafa village, taif governorate, saudi arabia

Pterocarpus indicus (amboinePashu padaukMalay paduakNew Guinea rosewoodPhilippine mahogany or, ambiguously, "narra" which can refer to several Pterocarpus species) is a species of Pterocarpus native to southeastern Asia, northern Australasia, and the western Pacific Ocean islands, in Cambodia, southernmost ChinaEast TimorIndonesiaMalaysiaPapua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Ryukyu Islands, the Solomon IslandsThailand, and Vietnam.[4] Other names include Narra (Philippines), Sonokembang (Indonesia), Angsana or Sena (Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore), Tnug (Cambodia). Pterocarpus indicus was one of the two species (the other being Eysenhardtia polystacha) used as a source for the 16th to 18th-century traditional diuretic known as lignum nephriticum. Many populations of Pterocarpus indicus are seriously threatened. It is extinct in Vietnam and possibly in Sri Lanka and the Peninsular Malaysia. It is the national tree of the Philippines. 紫檀(latin:Pterocarpus indicus Willd.),乔木,高15-25米,胸径达40厘米;树皮灰色。木材坚硬致密,心材红色,为优良的建筑、乐器及家具用材;树脂和木材药用。元代皇宫中不仅有以紫檀木为构架栋材建造的“紫檀殿”,元代禁宫大内的一些家具器用陈设等也都采用紫檀木制成。元代立国之初,国力强盛,四海来朝,八方入 贡,来自殊方异域的奇珍异宝源源不断地流入元代宫廷以内。元代紫檀的使用,较之元以前唐代宫廷里的“紫檀轴”、唐武后为宠禽鹦鹉打造的紫檀小棺等范围更 广,涵盖面包括紫檀宝座、紫檀画轴以及雕饰紫檀福海龙纹的卤薄仪仗等。

Saffron (pronounced /ˈsæfrən/ or /ˈsæfrɒn/) is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the "saffron crocus".The styles and stigmas, called threads, are collected and dried to be used mainly as a seasoning and colouring agent in food. Saffron, long among the world's most costly spices by weight,[3][4][5] is native to Southwest Asia and was probably first cultivated in or near Greece.[7] As a genetically monomorphic clone. it was slowly propagated throughout much of Eurasia and was later brought to parts of North Africa, North America, and OceaniaSaffron's taste and iodoform or hay-like fragrance result from the chemicals picrocrocin and safranal.[9][10] It also contains a carotenoid pigment, crocin, which imparts a rich golden-yellow hue to dishes and textiles. Its recorded history is attested in a 7th-century BC Assyrian botanical treatise compiled under Ashurbanipal, and it has been traded and used for over four millennia. Iran now accounts for approximately 90% of the world production of saffron.  Il est originaire de Crète6, puis s'est répandu au Moyen-Orient4,7. Il a été cultivé pour la première fois dans les provinces grecques8, par la civilisation minoenne, il y a plus de 35 siècles.
A degree of uncertainty surrounds the origin of the English word "saffron". It might stem from the 12th-century Old French term safran, which comes from the Latin word safranum or from Arabic, az-za'faran, having unknown origin.
- [eckstut] crocus sativus - tendrils are source of spice and pigment saffron; saffron comes from mediterranean; traces were found in 50000 year old iraqi cave drawings 生薬としては番紅花(ばんこうか、蕃紅花とも書く)と呼ばれ、鎮静、鎮痛、通経作用がある(日本薬局方第二部に「サフラン」の名で収録)。中国では西紅花藏紅花の名で生薬として流通している。着色や風味付けなどの通常の用途で、食事から経口で摂取する量では安全とされている[14]。しかし、以下の場合には注意が必要である。
  • 堕胎作用、子宮収縮作用、通経作用に注意が必要である。「授乳中の安全性については充分な情報がないため、避けたほうがよい」、「妊婦には禁忌である」[38]との記述もみられる。
  • 大量摂取は危険と言われており、5g以上摂取すると重篤な副作用が出る。致死量は12-20gである[37]
  • オリーブ属オカヒジキ属ドクムギ属の植物に過敏症がある人はアレルギー症状に注意が必要である[39]

Delonix regia is a species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It is noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of flowers. In many tropical parts of the world it is grown as an ornamental tree and in English it is given the name royal poinciana or flamboyant. It is also one of several trees known as "flame tree". This species was previously placed in the genus Poinciana, named for Phillippe de Longvilliers de Poincy, the 17th century governor of Saint Christophe (Saint Kitts). It is a non nodulating legume凤凰木是非洲马达加斯加共和国的国树,也是厦门市、台湾台南市、四川攀枝花市的市树,广东省汕头市的市花,民国时期广东湛江市的市花,汕头大学、厦门大学的校花。印度鳳凰木被稱為高莫哈樹(Gulmohar)。鳳凰木的豆莢在加勒比海地區被用作敲打樂器,稱為沙沙(shak-shak)或沙球。In the Indian state of Kerala, royal poinciana is called kaalvarippoo which means the flower of Calvary. There is a popular belief among Saint Thomas Christians of Kerala that when Jesus was crucified, there was a small royal poinciana tree nearby his Cross. It is believed that the blood of Jesus Christ was shed over the flowers of the tree and this is how the flowers of royal poinciana got a sharp red color.
- meaning

Cycads /ˈskædz/ are seed plants with a long fossil history that were formerly more abundant and more diverse than they are today. They typically have a stout and woody (ligneoustrunk with a crown of large, hard and stiff, evergreen leaves. They usually have pinnate leaves. The individual plants are either all male or all female (dioecious). Cycads vary in size from having trunks only a few centimeters to several meters tall. They typically grow very slowly and live very long, with some specimens known to be as much as 1,000 years old. Because of their superficial resemblance, they are sometimes mistaken for palms or ferns, but they are not closely related to either group. Cycads are most closely related to the extinct Bennettitales, and are also relatively close relatives to the Ginkgoales. Found in a Zululand forest in 1895, it is the only cycad of its kind, and a male. Without a female it will never reproduce sexually, though offshoots have been used to make clones of it. The sense of its isolation is magnified by the security cameras trained on the plant to thwart thieves.

 Clitoria ternatea, commonly known as Asian pigeonwingsbluebellvineblue peabutterfly peacordofan pea and Darwin pea, is a plant species belonging to the Fabaceae family. The flowers of this vine have the shape of human female genitals, hence the Latin name of the genus "Clitoria", from "clitoris".
- hkej 18oct16 c10 on its wide use in food colouring and medicine 

百合Lilium (members of which are true lilies) is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs, all with large prominent flowers. Lilies are a group of flowering plants which are important in culture and literature in much of the world. Most species are native to the temperate northern hemisphere, though their range extends into the northern subtropics. Many other plants have "lily" in their common name but are not related to true lilies. 

Lycoris radiata, known as red spider lilyred magic lily, or  mànzhū shā huá (曼珠沙華), is a plant in the amaryllis family, Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Amaryllidoideae.[2] Originally from ChinaKorea and Nepal, it was introduced into Japan and from there to the United States and elsewhere. It is considered naturalized in Seychelles and in the Ryukyu Islands.[3]It flowers in the late summer or autumn, often in response to heavy rainfall. The common name hurricane lily refers to this characteristic, as do other common names, such as resurrection lily; these may be used for the genus as a whole. Since these scarlet flowers usually bloom near cemeteries around the autumnal equinox, they are described in Chinese and Japanese translations of the Lotus Sutra as ominous flowers that grow in Diyu (also known as Hell), or Huángquán (黃泉), and guide the dead into the next reincarnation. Some legends have it that when you see someone that you may never meet again, these flowers, also called red spider lilies or corpse flowers, would bloom along the path. Perhaps because of these sorrowful legends, Japanese people often used these flowers in funerals. The popular Japanese name Higanbana (彼岸花 Higan bana) for Lycoris radiata literally means higan (the other or that shore of Sanzu River) flower, decorate and enjoyable, flower of afterlife in gokuraku jyōdo (極楽浄土 gokuraku jyōdo).


玉兰Magnolia denudata),别名白玉兰上海市市花)、望春花玉兰花木蘭花,原产中国中部山野,现世界各地庭园常见栽培。中文中慣稱含笑屬的白蘭学名Michelia x alba)為「玉蘭花」,但實際上兩者為不同種不同屬的植物。玉兰花大、洁白而芳香,是中国著名的早春花木,因为开花时无叶,固有“木花树”之称。最宜列植堂前、点缀中庭。从公元6世纪开始,它被种植于中国佛教寺庙的花园中。在唐朝时它的花朵被看作是纯洁的象征,并且栽种在皇帝宫殿的花园里。民间传统的宅院配植中讲究“玉棠春富贵”,其意为吉祥如意、富有和权势。所谓玉即玉兰、棠即海棠、春即迎春、富为牡丹、贵乃桂花。玉兰盛开之际有“莹洁清丽,恍疑冰雪”之赞。Magnolia denudata, known as the lilytree or Yulan magnolia (玉蘭花pinyinyùlánhuā; literally: "jade orchid/lily"), is native to central and eastern China.[3] It has been cultivated in Chinese Buddhist temple gardens since 600 AD. Its flowers were regarded as a symbol of purity in the Tang Dynasty and it was planted in the grounds of the Emperor's palace. It is the official city flower of Shanghai.
- 清朝皇帝 鍾愛玉蘭,那是榜上有名的。雍正皇帝的妃 子頭飾,有的就以玉蘭花為造型。乾隆帝也 曾下旨在頤和園廣植玉蘭樹。咸豐帝對玉蘭 花更是情有獨鍾,他甚至愛屋及烏,澤及初 入宮門的慈禧太后。慈禧太后乳名叫玉蘭, 而被封為「蘭貴人」。楚國的屈原偏愛玉蘭,既想「朝飲木蘭之 墜露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英」 ,又想「既滋 蘭之九畹兮,又樹蕙之百畝」。據考證,木 蘭也叫辛夷花、紫玉蘭,有別於現在的白玉 蘭、黃玉蘭。中藥材叫辛夷者,是紫玉蘭的 花蕾。白玉蘭、黃玉蘭的花蕾貌似辛夷,卻 不叫辛夷。辛夷在中醫入藥,皆取自紫玉 蘭。辛夷花蕾藥用功能很多,老百姓常用來治 療鼻炎,每每有奇效。辛夷木也是香木,既 可以提取香料,又能製作傢具。楚國人曾用 辛夷香木製成輕便的車子,用以馳驅。
    二色石豆蘭Bulbophyllum bicolor),又名二色捲瓣蘭蘭科石豆蘭屬香港特有的極危附生植物,僅生長於大帽山溪流旁的岩石上。但亦有指二色石豆蘭亦發現於泰國香港島首次發現的時間大約在1880年。大部分分布於郊野公園內. 
    - The "Jackson" magnolia was planted by President Andrew Jackson as a tribute to his recently deceased wife. It has been a backdrop to historic ceremonies and even featured on the $20 note between 1928 and 1988.But experts say the tree is damaged and poses a safety hazard. First Lady Melania Trump has called for a large portion of it to be removed.White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said Mrs Trump had requested that seedlings be maintained so that a new tree could possibly be replanted in the same area.The magnolia originally came from a cutting from Mrs Rachel Jackson's favourite magnolia tree on the couple's Tennessee farm.

    Magnolia liliiflora (variously known by many names, including Mulan magnoliapurple magnoliared magnolialily magnoliatulip magnoliaJane magnoliaand woody-orchid) is a small tree native to southwest China (in Sichuan and Yunnan), but cultivated for centuries elsewhere in China and also Japan. It was first introduced to English-speaking countries from cultivated Japanese origins, and is thus also sometimes called Japanese magnolia, though it is not native to Japan. 
    辛夷中藥材,又名木筆辛夷花木筆花望春花,主要是木蘭科落葉小灌木植物紫玉兰Magnolia liliiflora Desr.)或望春玉兰玉兰武当玉兰花蕾,也可以指其他木兰属植物的花蕾。主產於中国河南陝西四川安徽湖北。生用。風寒,通鼻竅:本品辛溫升散,能上行頭面風寒而通鼻竅,用於感冒風寒所致之鼻塞、頭痛、尤為治鼻淵之頭痛、鼻塞、不聞香臭,或流濁涕等病的要藥,常配蒼耳子白芷防風藁本等同用。一般感冒少用。由於本品溫性不大,亦可用於鼻淵偏熱者,多與蒼耳子薄荷黃芩等同用。
    旱莲(拉丁学名:Magnolia soulangeana. )属于木兰科,木兰属植物,属于玉兰花的变种,是汉中市市花。汉中市勉县武侯祠院内,生长这株落叶乔木旱莲,已有四百余年的历史
    • 相傳這株旱蓮樹是古人為紀念諸葛亮而栽種,有專家曾以放射性碳定年法測定其樹齡,判斷該樹超過400歲,相當於明代萬曆年間,即與祠墓志所記載的脗合。該旱蓮原本下月初才會開花,但相信因近日氣溫上升而提早開花。據指,旱蓮在5月長出花蕾,孕育需時十個多月,經歷夏、秋、冬三季後,才於翌年初春開花,因此「十月懷胎」才開花又令其有「女人花」之稱。

    Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis /ˌkɒnvəˈlriə məˈlɪs/), sometimes written lily-of-the-valley,[2] is a sweetly scented, highly poisonous woodland flowering plant that is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe. Other names include May bellsOur Lady's tears, and Mary's tears. Its French name, muguet, sometimes appears in the names of perfumes imitating the flower's scent.
    -Lily of the valley has been used in weddings and can be very expensive.[31]Lily of the valley was featured in the bridal bouquet at the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. Lily of the valley was also the flower chosen by Princess Grace of Monaco to be featured in her bridal bouquet.[citation needed]At the beginning of the 20th century, it became tradition in France to sell lily of the valley on international labour day, 1 May (also called La Fête du Muguet (Lily of the Valley Day) by labour organisations and private persons without paying sales tax (on that day only) as a symbol of spring. Lily of the valley is worn in Helston (Cornwall, UK) on Flora Day (8 May each year, see Furry Dance) representing the coming of "the May-o" and the summer. There is also a song sung in pubs around Cornwall (and on Flora Day in Cadwith, near Helston) called "Lily of the Valley"; the song, strangely, came from the Jubilee Singers from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee.
    Lily of the valley was the floral emblem of Yugoslavia,[35] and it also became the national flower of Finland in 1967. The Norwegian municipality Lunner has a lily of the valley on its coat-of-arms.[citation neededLily of the valley is the birth flower for the month of May. It represents humility, chastity, sweetness, and purity.[citation neededIts scientific name, majalis or maialis, means "of or belonging to May", and old astrological books place the plant under the dominion of Mercury, since Maia, the daughter of Atlas, was the mother of Mercury or Hermes.[citation neededIn the "language of flowers", the lily of the valley signifies the return of happiness.[30] Legend tells of the affection of a lily of the valley for a nightingale that did not come back to the woods until the flower bloomed in May.

    Cymbidium /sɪmˈbɪdiəm/, or boat orchid, is a genus of 52 evergreen species in the orchid family Orchidaceae. The new Latin genus name is derived from the Latin cymba meaning boat. Its first known use was in 1815. 蕙兰属Cymbidium)是兰科植物,旧称兰属,分布于亚热带热带亚洲(如印度北部、中国日本马来西亚菲律宾婆罗洲)以及澳洲北部,通常生长于气候凉爽的高海拔地区。温带产者多为地生兰,包括春兰蕙兰建兰寒兰墨兰菅草兰春剑线叶春兰8个原生种,在中国古代有数千年栽培鉴赏的历史。世界上最早的两部兰花专著是写成于1233年的《金漳兰谱》和1247年的《兰谱》,专门论述了蕙兰属地生兰种类及栽培经验方法。
    -  香港中華蘭花協會 (and also taiwan) wong lai shun obitruary 

    Bauhinia /bˈhɪniə/ is a genus of more than 500 species of flowering plants in the subfamily Cercidoideae and tribe Bauhinieae,[5] in the large flowering plant family Fabaceae, with a pantropical distribution. The genus was named after the Bauhin brothers, Swiss-French botanists.
    Many species are widely planted in the tropics as orchid trees, particularly in IndiaSri LankaVietnam and southeastern China. Other common names include mountain ebony and kachnar (India and Pakistan).In the United States, the trees grow in Hawaii, coastal CaliforniaTexasLouisiana, and FloridaBauhinia ×blakeana is the floral emblem of Hong Kong—a stylized orchid tree flower appears on the flag of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Airlines uses 'Bauhinia' as its radio callsign in air traffic communication.羊蹄甲屬Bauhinia)是豆目豆科紫荊亞科的一個該屬中的艷紫荊Bauhinia × blakeana)在香港首先發現,由於艷紫荊貌似蘭花,因此別名香港蘭Hong Kong Orchid Tree),由於艷紫荊是混種植物,不能自行繁殖,這亦即是表示,現時香港所有的艷紫荊都是該棵於1880年首次於野外發現 (亦是唯一一次於野外發現) 的艷紫荊的複製品。早在1965年,艷紫荊已經獲被定為香港市花,以及被繪畫於香港市政局旗上的圖案,寓意香港這個遠東海港,有如該棵於1880年唯一一次於野外發現的艷紫荊一樣唯一和珍貴。此特有種在1967年引入台灣,並在1984年成為嘉義市的市花及市樹。台灣國立中正大學國立臺灣科技大學也是使用艷紫荊作為校花

    Zephyranthes candida, with common names that include autumn zephyrlily, white windflower and Peruvian swamp lily, is a species of rain lily native toSouth America including ArgentinaUruguayParaguay, and Brazil. The species is widely cultivated as an ornamental and reportedly naturalized in many places (South Africa, the Indian subcontinentZimbabweSeychelles, central and southern ChinaKoreaNansei-shoto (Ryukyu Islands), BhutanSolomon IslandsQueensland,NauruTongaSociety IslandsMariana Islands, southeastern United States (from Texas to North Carolina), the Lesser Antilles, and Peru). 
    添馬風雨後 風雨蘭添美

    - serves as throne for buddhas and a base for stupas and bodhisatvas carry a lon-stemmed lotus in one hand. A widely known mahayana chant, om mani pade hum literally translates as hail to the jewel of the lotus.  Gold foil lotuses were sometimes buried beneath temple foundations during the rituals connected with purification of buildings as mandalas. 
    - indian lotus - some translated it as 西蕃蓮
    Nymphaea caerulea, known primarily as blue lotus (or blue Egyptian lotus), but also blue water lily (or blue Egyptian water lily), and sacred blue lily (or sacred narcotic lily of the Nile), is a water lily in the genus Nymphaea. Like other species in the genus, the plant contains the psychoactive alkaloid apomorphine. It was known to the Ancient Egyptian civilizations.Its original habitat may have been along the Nile and other parts of East Africa. It spread more widely in ancient times, including to the Indian subcontinent and Thailand.古埃及的壁畫中,可看到仕女手持蓮花赴宴。
    • curious - ban/illegal in Latvia, Poland and Russia (eng version of wikipedia)
    Nelumbo nucifera, also known as Indian lotussacred lotusbean of IndiaEgyptian bean or simply lotus, is one of two extant species of aquatic plant in the family Nelumbonaceae. The Linnaean binomial Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.) is the currently recognized name for this species, which has been classified under the former namesNelumbium speciosum (Willd.) and Nymphaea nelumbo, among others. (These names are obsolete synonyms and should be avoided in current works.) This plant is an aquatic perennial. Under favorable circumstances its seeds may remain viable for many years, with the oldest recorded lotus germination being from that of seeds 1,300 years old recovered from a dry lakebed in northeastern China.Le Lotus sacré ou Lotus d'Orient (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) est une plante aquatique de la famille des NélumbonacéesCe lotus est la fleur sacrée dans les religions orientales (bouddhisme, brahmanisme) dans lesquelles les divinités sont représentées sur un trône en fleur de lotus. Le lotus sacré est la fleur nationale de l'Inde.

    • Nelumbo nucifera is the species of lotus sacred to both Hindus and Buddhists. Hindus revere it with the divinities Vishnu and Lakshmi often portrayed on a pink lotus in iconography. In the representation of Vishnu as Padmanabha (Lotus navel), a lotus issues from his navel with Brahma on it. Goddess Sarasvati is portrayed on a white-colored lotus. Often used as an example of divine beauty, Vishnu is often described as the "Lotus-Eyed One". Its unfolding petals suggest the expansion of the soul. The growth of its pure beauty from the mud of its origin holds a benign spiritual promise. In Hindu iconography, other deities, like Ganga and Ganesha are often depicted with lotus flowers as their seats. The lotus plant is cited extensively within Puranic and Vedic literature.
    • Le lotus serait originaire du sous-continent indien. Il est largement représenté dans l'architecture et l'art indien, notamment les temples jaïne du Rajasthan. (son influence mondiale est patente pour l'architecture actuellement). Il est la fleur nationale de l'Inde et du Viêt Nam ainsi que le symbole du BJP, un parti politique nationaliste indien. Les hindous associent la fleur de lotus (Padma) au mythe de la création, et avec les dieux Vishnu et Brahma, ainsi que les déesses Lakshmi et Sarasvati. Le lotus a toujours été un symbole divin dans la tradition hindouiste. Il est souvent utilisé comme symbole de la beauté divine. Par exemple, Vishnu est souvent décrit comme « celui à l'œil de lotus ». Le déploiement des pétales du lotus suggère l'épanouissement de l'âme. L'émergence de sa pure beauté à partir de ses origines boueuses représente une promesse spirituelle bienveillante. En Hindi, le lotus est appelé Kamal (कमल) et constitue un nom populaire pour les garçons, ainsi que sa version féminine « Kamala ». Dans l'iconographie hindoue, les divinités sont souvent représentées assises sur une fleur de lotus ou avec une fleur de lotus à la main. Selon le Harivamsa, le lotus est la première des manifestations de Vishnu
    - 白睡蓮Nymphaea alba, also known as the European white water lilywhite water rose or white nenuphar, is an aquatic flowering plant of the family Nymphaeaceae. Die Weiße Seerose (Nymphaea alba), im Volksmund oft als Wasserlilie bezeichnet, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Seerosengewächse (Nymphaeaceae). Sie gilt als typische Vertreterin der Schwimmblattpflanzen. Daher wird die Schwimmblattzone im Uferbereich von Seen, die auch eine Stufe der Verlandungsreihe bilden kann, als Seerosenzone bezeichnet. 
    • Nymphen sind anmutige weibliche Naturgeister aus der griechischen und römischen Mythologie. Eine solche Nymphe fiel in eine große, aber unerwiderte Liebe zu Herakles. Diese hoffnungslose Liebe zehrte so an ihr, dass sie letztendlich an gebrochenem Herzen starb. Die Götter hatten Mitleid mit ihr: Sie ließen sie als Seerose wieder auferstehen. Bei den Griechen heißt sie deshalb auch Herakleios. Es gibt auch eine Vielzahl von deutschen Sagen um die Weiße Seerose. In vielen wird behauptet, dass Nixen den in die Tiefe des Wassers ziehen, wer sie zu pflücken versuche. Tatsächlich ist schon mancher ertrunken, der die Blüten zu pflücken versuchte. Dies geschieht allerdings weniger, weil Nixen die Pflanze schützen, sondern weil die seilartigen Stiele, mit denen die Blüten mit dem Wurzelstock verknüpft sind, außerordentlich fest sind und mancher Schwimmer sich aus ihnen nicht mehr befreien konnte.

    ゲンゲ(紫雲英、翹揺 Astragalus sinicus)はマメ科ゲンゲ属分類される越年草である。中国原産。レンゲソウ(蓮華草)、レンゲ、とも呼ぶ。
    - 北京圓明園前年考古挖掘出沉睡百年的古蓮子,經過一年培育後成功「復活」,周日開出第一朵花。古蓮子歷經百年後仍能開花,一方面因它一直埋在溫度低、濕度小、少微生物干擾的泥炭土中,另一方面是因其外面有一層硬殼,防止水分和空氣內滲和外洩。古蓮子有一個「小氣室」,儲存零點二立方毫米空氣,維持生命;加上其所含的水分極少,令種子「長期休眠」,新陳代謝幾乎停止,從而可歷經千年仍能萌芽開花。圓方相關負責人稱,培育古蓮子有助探討動物生命延續的過程。

    • 河南省焦作市武陟縣大虹橋鄉黃河龍澤園內120畝荷花爭相開放,吸引遊客到此遊玩,坐船賞荷。
    - in zhejiang, bangladesh
    - name of places related to lotus
    - 蓮花落原來是一種民間藝術啊!它是一種說唱兼有的曲藝,流行於京、津、河北等地。也作蓮花樂,源於唐、五代時的「散花樂」,最早為僧侶募化時所唱的宣傳佛教教義的警世歌曲。宋代始流行民間,清代後期最興盛。後漸漸式微,北方的「二人轉」流行,酷似蓮花落。民間的傳說為蓮花落是乞丐要錢時所唱的歌曲,宋朝時就有了。《五燈會元》裏記載:一日,聞丐者唱蓮花樂,大悟。蓮花樂即蓮花落。蓮花落在民間多為盲人、乞丐謀求生活的方式。人生無論多麼困窘,卻可以在這落魄淒涼裏說唱逗人歡樂,無怪乎會大悟。沒想到蓮花落隔了那麼山長水遠的時空,卻能與李老十的殘荷不謀而合。像李老十說的那樣,要滲透人生的真相,再從中獲得倔強和快樂。人生的真相是什麼呢?說到底還是痛苦的。蓮是美的、善的、潔淨的,出於淤泥而不染,從苦痛的淤泥裏伸展出美好淨純的蓮花。人生的真相其實就是一池淤泥,而快樂恰似淤泥裏綻放的蓮花。都是短暫的。

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